KCC RAW Photography Exhibition 2018

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PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION 6th & 9th July - 13th July, 10.00 - 16.00 ! !

LOCATION Kensington & Chelsea College (Chelsea Centre)
 Hortensia Road, London, SW10 0QS ! !

HNC in Photography BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Photography

HNC in Photography

Hannah Haskins! ! While working as a Graphic Designer for two years, I came to realise I have more interest in Photography and Post-Production than design. I enjoy anything that requires editing and re-touching and feel a sense of passion whenever I receive the opportunity to do so.!


I have decided to exhibit two series of work, one focusing on my photography skills using different lighting techniques and the other showing my skill in Photoshop and how I can create realistic compositions using a few subjects. The first series of images, using a low-key lighting technique consists of dark and moody subjects, expressing my identity using the everyday objects that surround me, as well as the represented colour to these objects displayed in the flowers. !


The second series, showing six compositions using my Photoshop skills, is based on common nightmares the average person may have, using normal household objects within a landscape environment. These images express the feeling of the nightmares, even when they are difficult to describe yourself. !


https://hannahannehaskins.wixsite.com/myportfolio! @ HanaAnne@hotmail.co.uk!

Lucy Rappolt! ! Children fascinate me, from their uninhibited choices to their wild freedom of expression,! they are fun to photograph and observe. In this exhibition I have included work that! portrays both children and nature.! My project, 91%, explores the juxtaposition of a historic castle in a beautiful state of decay,! against the ugliness of non-decaying plastic. This work was done in the darkroom and! combined with my images of children, references how younger generations inherit the! improvements we make in the world as much as our mistakes.! After this course, I would like to continue photographing children in an editorial style and! use my years of experience as a photographic producer to become a photographer in my! own right. I am also considering a masters in photography.!


lucyrappolt.com! @ lucyrappoltphoto

Leisan Akhmatova! ! Having spent five years studying law and working as a lawyer I felt the need to! fulfil my self-expression, so I decided to change direction completely and throw! myself into the field of photography. I really enjoyed BTEC Level 3 at! Kensington and Chelsea College, so I enrolled for the Level 4, HNC course.! I would consider myself a commercial photographer and my true passion is! product photography. During the HNC course I noticed that my ideas and! concepts started to prevail over my technical skills. I hope to develop this! further and become more artistically creative.!


https://leisanakh.wixsite.com/photographer! leisan.photography

Romena Fogliati! ! I have loved photography since a very young age and I started taking sports pictures since the age of 15,! when I was the youngest female photographer taking photographs of Brazilian footballers for newspapers.! I have a bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and have worked as a reporter for newspapers and TV channels! in Brazil. While on a career break in order to spend more time with my family, I did a postgraduate course! in Arts and another in Globalisation and Culture. At the same time, I started to work in fine art photography! and participated in a few art exhibitions.! I am interested in human stories and I am keen to develop more documentary projects focusing on women’s rights and human rights.!



Zane Ledaine! ! “Fashion photography is the only branch where you can create unreality and flavour! it.” – Tim Walker.! I have always had a passion and interest in fashion, therefore I decided to complete! the level 3 in fashion promotion and styling, here in KCC. It was then, when I realised that I! had more vibrant images in my head that I could possibly express or communicate,! therefore, I decided to study photography. Photography opened a whole new side of myself! – being able to see the untold, and being able to portray and communicate my ideas to! others.! Technical skills gained in BTEC Level 3 photography, were then pushed even further during! HNC course, with building strong ideas and concepts, and being more experimental and! bold in my current style. Fashion photography in conjunction with art is something I find! passion about and would like to explore further.!


zanee_love ! www.zanelove.com! @ zane.ledaine@gmail.com

Lucasta Mitchell! ! As a portrait photographer I am fascinated by people and aim to create images that evoke an emotion in the viewer while portraying the essence of my subject. ! The images I have chosen to exhibit, inspired by personal experience, are part of an on-going project which is a collaboration between myself and members of the public who have a ‘hidden disability’. This body of work is titled 1 in 20,000. The accompanying text is either a direct quote from the subject or is relevant to their condition, in most cases the text is written in the subjects own handwriting.! My intention is to bring this topic into wider conversation and give people the opportunity to have a voice, express a point of view and give some insight , therefore helping to reduce stigma and increase understanding.!



Skye Newnham ! ! Fashion has always been an interest of mine and being able to put my photography skills alongside that has helped me realise that fashion photography is the industry I would like to progress in. I enjoy fashion because it enables me to see different characters and share the passion of fashion together.!


snphg! snphg2.wixsite.com/photography

BTEC Level 3
 Diploma in Photography

Samantha Bates! Â ! For me, photography is about connection, exploration and expression. I like to capture moments in their natural form. Subsequently, I am instinctively drawn to portraiture works and documentary style photography. !


I have always had an interest in the visual arts but my love for photography truly came alive at the age of 15, when I received my first analog camera. It has been a passionate hobby of mine ever since and I recently made the decision to explore the industry further. Studying at Kensington and Chelsea College has allowed me to discover a new range of genres and photographic techniques.!


I hope to improve the skills I have learnt and gain more experience as I develop who I am as a photographer. I would like to pursue some personal projects in the foreseeable future to broaden discussion on current affairs and on going issues in the world today.! ! sammybee.photo! @ samanthabates.photo@gmail.com

Andra Lăcrămioara Brat! ! For me photography is a way to freeze time; a way to go back in time whenever you want. I have always been a creative person, so getting involved with different types of art, like drawing, painting and sculpting, to express myself was in my nature. Once I became attracted to photography I knew that was something I would do in future as a career, so I took the initiative to improve my skills. My intention as a photographer is to capture what others might find insignificant; to make something extraordinary out of ordinary. I want to keep learning about new kinds of art and expand my set of skills, so it will help me combine and produce my own original pieces of work. In the future I would like to be a fine art photographer and work at my own accords.!



Maryam Ebrahimi! ! Photography is a way to express my feelings through colours, composition and light. I was instantly attracted to documentary photography, storytelling and revealing the interior life of people. It has remained my main point of interest and it is related to my background as a journalist for several years. I have witnessed how the government’s political and economical decisions changed ordinary people’s lives.! I studied photography in Westminster College and Kensington and Chelsea College in London and I started my professional photography project in 2018.! My main body of work is illustrating women’s rights, strengths and life’s challenges because of my experiences in the Middle- East’s culture and law.! In contrast I enjoy taking studio portraits because it gives me an element of control. I am also interested in event-photography in London and hope to pursue this more in the future.!


ebrahimi.maria! @ pix.ebrahimi@gmail.com

Anne-Marie Ellison! ! I have always considered myself creative, but I have never pursued this as a career. For the last ten years whilst living in Italy I often took photographs of our young children as well as recording the beautiful Italian scenery. !


I enjoy telling a story and conveying the emotional connection that I have, but the course has enabled me to explore my ideas further. My final project is about the fusion of dance, music and the synthesis of emotions by photographing the dancer in both positive and contradicting environments. !


In addition I have particularly enjoyed the darkroom and the honesty of black and white film as well as photo etching and cyanotypes. I have been inspired by many photographers including Peter Lippmann, Irving Penn, Imogen Cunningham and I want to develop my skills as a fine art photographer. My studio experience has pushed my imagination especially with still life compositions. I am very interested in advertising and I would like to find an assisting role in the near future.!


annemariellison! @ anne-marie@ellison.f2s.com

Angelina Igarteburu! ! I love photography so much that I have been dedicating a good part of my life to it and I would like someday to be able to live from this art.! I identify myself and express myself through it.!


I am curious about all the things that surround me, I like to observe the world from different perspectives. I am always looking for new scenarios and I love the challenge of giving mundane elements a new approach.!


I have always found much inspiration in Martin Stavars photographs.! Finding new directions, taking risks and skipping rules. Making mistakes are my go-to rules in photography because in the end if you don’t try you cannot succeed.!



Eji Kim! ! For me, photography is a way of recording how you see the world around you. I have found out more about myself by looking at the photographs that I took over time, more so than by looking into a mirror or by hearing other people’s comments about me.!


There might be thousands of people who may have viewed the world as I have, as well as thousands of other people who may have not. I am not taking photographs to create something that is a one of a kind. I have chosen photography as the medium to reveal myself. Some people might like them, others might not. But that is not my concern. I am taking photographs not to be perfect, but to be true to myself.!


ejikim_photography! ejikims.photography

Emily Lowe ! ! I joined the Level 3 Photography course in KCC last September, as I wanted to improve my photographic knowledge. Since I started the course I discovered that taking a photograph is not often a question of just pressing the shutter, as there is often a lot of preparation that goes in to composing the perfect photograph. During the course I have explored different photographic genres and discovered a number of photographers that have inspired me. I have really enjoyed working in the studio and realised that meticulous planning gets great results. I have found film photography very fascinating and loved working in the darkroom. Even though it has been quite challenging, I have been pushing myself to gain all the knowledge I can. I have also surprised myself of what I was able to produce throughout the course. I never thought that photography would be something that I would be able to pursue as a career. I am planning to start as an assistant and work my way up in the industry so that hopefully one day I can become a successful commercial photographer. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at KCC and I will always be grateful for the skills I have been taught.!


emilylowephoto! @ emilylowephoto@gmail.com

Kristopher Pepper! ! I see photography as a way of venting the ups and downs of everyday life. Once you frame a shot you can walk away with something truly unique. So you might miss the bus, get soaking wet from the rain, tread in dog’s mess, lift your camera and vent your energy in a creative way to potentially make something very special.!


Photographically I enjoy portraiture more than any other genre. I enjoy meeting new people and trying to break through the initial walls in an attempt to see them for what they are. I try to reveal this in my photographs as well representing them in an honest and flattering way.!


kris_k_photos ! https://kriskphotos.com/

Isabelle de Roys! ! For as long as I remember, I have used a camera to keep a tangible trace of the places I discovered and the people I met. Travel and photography have always been closely linked in my mind and in my life. ! Travel does not have to be in exotic places, it can be round the corner. This is what photography told me - you have to look in order to see and you have to observe before pressing the shutter. As time goes by, I find it more and more important to record experiences and people, to keep trace of flying times and to witness changes. In doing so, I don’t want to be limited to a specific genre of photography. I love taking portraits as much as landscapes or cityscapes, at night or during the day, in my neighbourhood as well as in another continent.!


isaderoys! @ isaderoys@gmail.com

Beatrice Wright! ! I am hoping to pursue photography as a career. I have travelled a lot and have always been photographing my journeys. Suddenly, last year I decided that I should learn a bit more about this hobby of mine. I’m interested in photographing unusual sights that I see in the world that capture my attention to show people who might not have seen them. A little insight into the way I think and look around in my everyday life. Studying at Kensington and Chelsea College I now know that I purely want to focus on Street Photography. I would like to explore the lengths in which this genre can transport me.!


beawright4830! @ beawriight@gmail.com

Designed by:

! Skye Newnham Eji Kim Samantha Bates

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