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Update from Capitol Hill

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Emergency Planning

Let’s Try First for Civility

Every other with greater respect in order ratings; partisan commentary does. four years, to close the chasm that divides What I have enjoyed most candidates for our political system. The current about serving as CFSI Executive the highest toxic environment should not Director since 1995 is working office in the exist. There was a time not long with members of Congress from land deliver ago when it did not exist. both sides of the political aisle lofty speeches During the Reagan to advance issues benefiting Bill Webb about what they Administration, President Reagan our nation’s fire and emergency want to do for and Speaker of the House Thomas services. For the most part, this country. In “Tip” O’Neill were political individual members of Congress addition to laying out ambitious adversaries. Neither would want are no different than you and domestic and foreign agendas, to give an inch during legislative me. Throughout the years, I have they often promise to bring battles. Political adversaries had the good fortune of working unity to our political system by indeed, but they also respected with many of them — from reaching across the political aisle each other and would often progressives to conservatives. and working together to solve our get together for a drink at the I have shared the podium with nation’s problems. The operative end of an evening and to swap them at fire service events and word in these campaign pledges a few jokes. The same was said conversed with many party is unity. But as we all know, such of members of Congress who leaders backstage at the annual pledges suffer from the realities of embraced different political National Fire and Emergency a toxic political climate. philosophies yet treated each Services Dinner, and I have always


As we have seen over the past other with respect and civility. enjoyed the experience. 20 to 30 years, unity within each I have always felt that the What will it take to restore of the political parties is becoming advent of cable news and its 24- civility in Washington, DC or more and more scarce, never mind hour news coverage triggered have we reached the point of no between our two political parties. the beginning of the demise return? Who knows? What I do Whatever happened to some in political civility. The late know is that members of the fire modicum of civility in our political Hal Bruno, former Chair of the and emergency services need to system? The lack of civility has National Fallen Firefighters continue to set the example of created a toxic and harmful Foundation and ABC News how to treat others. The public environment in Washington, DC. Political Director once told me continues to place their trust

President John Kennedy once that cable news anchors are not in firefighters and emergency said, “Civility is not a weakness.” so much journalists as they are services personnel, and for good True, and this country needs political pundits putting their reason. For their unselfishness, more strong, civil-minded political own spin on a story. There are no devotion to duty, love of country leaders to set an example for the more Walter Cronkite’s. Objective and treatment towards others. rest of the nation by treating each reporting does not generate good Do not allow the partisan rancor to dissuade you from advocating Congress — as well as your state legislators — for issues that benefit the fire and emergency services. Stay engaged. If you don’t, who will? And in doing so, continue to be models of civility so that others may emulate your actions. Hopefully we have not reached the point of no return and civility will be restored in Washington, DC thanks in part to your example.

Bill Webb has served as Executive Director of the Congressional Fire Services Institute since 1995. CFSI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy institute designed to enhance congressional awareness about the concerns and needs of the fire and emergency services. As Executive Director, he works closely with members of Congress and fire service leaders to sustain support on Capitol Hill for programs and legislation that benefit our nation’s fire and emergency services. Before joining CFSI, Webb worked for the Firefighter Combat Challenge as the project manager for the competition. He currently serves as Vice Chairman of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and is an honorary member of the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department, the Delaware Volunteer Firefighters’ Association and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 36.

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