2 minute read


As the world’s geopolitical landscape shifts, the Army adjusts. And when the Army adjusts, so does the 108th.

Over the past year, Russia’s aggressiveness in Ukraine threatens to escalate and destabilize Europe. China’s hostile posture in the South China Sea, increasingly pointed rhetoric regarding Taiwan, and brazen intelligence-gathering over our mainland signal a powerful nation no longer fearful of other world powers. At the same time, what modifications may be made to our role of generating combat-ready Soldiers whose skill and dedication both deter aggression and, when necessary, win decisively on the battlefield. I am in active communication with both TRADOC and USARC to shape our involvement, so we serve our highest and best purpose. As the picture becomes clearer, I will communicate clearly and frequently. But even as a wide range of plans are discussed, our involvement in two major initiatives they work with nutritionists, fitness instructors, and classroom tutors to work their way into compliance. The program has been a smashing success! And, predictably, Soldiers who join the Army this way have demonstrated high levels of commitment and leadership once they work their way into compliance. This is not surprising because they had to fight to join our ranks. It is likely the FSPC will be expanded beyond Fort Jackson to both Fort Sill and Fort Leonard Wood. When it does, we of troops is again a reality. As game-planning continues at the highest levels, it is no secret that the skill and professionalism of the Soldiers of the 108th could play an important part in this mission. Again, I am actively engaged in shaping whatever involvement we might have, so rest assured that I will do my best to ensure we will be used for our highest and best purpose. our Army is shrinking, missing recruiting goals year after year, and failing to retain some of our top talent. At the highest levels of both Army and American political leadership, change is in the works. This Command – your Command – is an important part of those discussions.


As I type this, it is not clear dominates concept discussion.

First, we may be asked to support the Future Soldier Preparation Course (“FSPC”). This initiative takes recruits who do not meet initial bodyfat, fitness, or academic requirements – young men and women who Recruiters would have turned away last year – and brings to them to Fort Jackson, SC where may be asked to somehow support this game-changing initiative. Could there be anything cooler than being an important part of an incredibly consequential program that addresses the Army’s primary problem? No!

Second, as worldwide aggression increases, the prospect of having to mobilize and deploy large numbers

Peacetime is fleeting. I have said many times, in many different environments, we are going back to war – we just don’t know when, where, or against who. When we do, we will prevail, as we always have. And it is clear to me, and I hope you too, that we will play an indispensable role in that victory.

First in Training!

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