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experience have provided.
Picking up the reins will be Beth Boyle as Director of Development and Tom Porell as Operations Manager. Boyle said that in addition to the obvious benefits of helping the community, “not a lot of people have exposure to people in the military, so we’re happy to have you guys come out here and bring attention to all that you do for us.” Porell echoed this sentiment, stating, “What you all do is incredible, and the fact that you do this for us is truly amazing.” Porell stated that efforts of this magnitude “help us feed about 400-500 people through this kitchen every day.”
Boyle explained that the agency provides more than just meals, helping nearly 1,000 people on a daily basis through all of their different programs. “People think that we’re just a ‘soup kitchen,’ but we also have affordable housing, we’re feeding kids through our
Café program, and we’re teaching English as a Second Language to immigrants and refugees. There’s a lot of good work going on.”
Battalion Command Sgt. Maj. Carleen Ybarra highlighted the link between “serving our country and serving our community,” further stating that “service is innate to who we are as Soldiers. I was proud to be a part of this today.” Spc. Kevin Rivadeneira who participated in the march agreed with Ybarra’s assertion, stating that “whatever good you do for your community, also benefits your country.”