2 minute read


By Sgt. Jaren



After backing the UHaul trailer into the driveway, my wife and I breathed a sigh of relief, we were finally back home in the pacific northwest.

My name is Sgt. Jaren Hanson, and I am the new Public Affairs NCO for the 104th Training Division.

For the last six months, my wife Alexis, and I have been living in Fort George G. Meade Maryland, while I have attended the Defense police officer until December of 2020 when I decided that I wanted to pursue other career opportunities.

When I left the military, I never imagined that I would go back, but after a two-year break in service, I determined that going back in the military was just what I needed to move forward to my goals. I came back to gain more skills, and take advantage of some of the benefits that I didn’t take full advantage of the first time around.

I researched every job (literally) that the military had to offer, and determined that to be trained as a

Information School (DINFOS).

Between a new job, new school, new place to live, and a new baby, we have been quite busy.

My military career started in March 2013 when I arrived at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. I served in the Marine Corps Reserve for six and a half years in combat logistics, and Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO).

In 2019 I was hired as a police officer at an agency in the greater Seattle metro area. I worked as a public affairs mass communication specialist, best matched the goals that I had for my future. The Army was willing to give me the job.

Shortly after joining the Army, I took advantage of tuition assistance and started working on a bachelor’s degree in political science while I waited to be sent to DINFOS.

After a long year of waiting, and a lot of help from the staff at the 104th division HHC, I was finally accepted into a class at DINFOS. My pregnant wife and I packed visiting family along the way so they could meet our new baby. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/KtbxLvhGJNgvDPSHjjTCLFRgbhSvtFpQQq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1

I consider myself a history buff, and being so close to our Nation’s capital for six months was something I took full advantage of. Alexis and I enjoyed art museums, monuments, and historical sites, such as the private residence of George Washington, just to name a few. We also made a trip to Hershey Park, in Hershey Pennsylvania.

The whole experience was amazing. I would encourage anyone reading this to take full advantage of the opportunities presented in the military, and enjoy the benefits of travel and education when they are offered.

In early September our daughter Jael was born. The staff at Kimbrough Medical Center on Fort Meade, and at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Howard County were incredibly helpful and supportive through the whole experience.

I am excited to be working as the Public Affairs NCO for the 104th Division (LT) and look forward to meeting you, if I haven’t met you already.

If you have any questions related to public affairs you can reach me at my email jaren.l.hanson.mil@army.mil

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