Winter 2020 Product & Safety Guide

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Winter 2020

Product & Safety Guide

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Product & Safety Guide

Within these pages you will find an array of solutions for the challenges you face on the fireground. Take a few minutes to peruse the offerings from top of the line fire industry providers.

Winter 2020

A good HEART and TRAINING are not the only things firefighters need to get their job done. This is where Carolina Fire Rescue EMS Journal’s eBook Buyers Guide comes in.

Apparatus Maintenance

Renewable Diesel a Game Changer for Emergency Vehicles By Anthony (Tony) Bulygo One of the major items for making air cleaner is the reduction of particulate matter and (Nitrous Oxide (NOx). Most particulate matter comes from compression ignition (diesel) engines — what we run in the modern fire service today. Original #2 diesel fuels were high in Sulphur content which created copious amounts of block rolling coal soot out of the diesel truck exhaust pipes. Changing the fuel content to ultra-low Sulphur diesel (ULSD) fuels in the early 2000s helped, but still had too much particulate matter being produced and emitted to the air we all breathe. In 2007, diesel particulate filters (DPF) were added to the exhaust systems which captured 99 percent of the soot which had to be burned off in the DPF (Regeneration/Regen) and sometimes very frequently because emergency vehicles idled for extensive periods on emergency calls. The plugging of the DPF with soot and the burning off of the soot sometimes took an hour or more and sometimes was required daily.The exhaust stream was cleaned up extensively, but then created too much NOx.The cure, induce Urea into the exhaust stream. It worked. Uncle Ernie still wants to know what chemist came up with the idea that if you induce pig urine into the exhaust stream that it would reduce NOx. All of these measures were required for the diesel engines running petroleum #2 diesel fuel.The instances of required regeneration of the DPF has taken a toll on emergency vehicles and their ability to respond and arrive on a call. A damaged or extensively packed DPF that cannot be recovered through regen or manual means can cost up to $20,000 to replace. More government money spent to utilize the current ex-

haust after-treatment systems. But, wait, the fuel market started what is known as “BioFuel” which mixes man made diesel into the diesel fuel at percentages as high as 20 percent. It worked pretty well in mild climates but failed in colder climates and required special storage. Next to arrive on scene is what I think will be a game changer for the emergency vehicle market, government fleets and far beyond.The new diesel fuel is a fully non-petroleum diesel equivalent and is a fully “drop-in” fuel, which means that it can be dropped into the storage tanks and fully mix with the current #2 diesel fuel.The product is called “Renewable Diesel” (RD). Storage life is much extended which is a major

with RD upon the return of the apparatus to your agency. Renewable Diesel is taking over the government diesel fleets and is doing so rapidly, albeit mostly on the East and West coasts.The product currently is coming in from Malaysia at the tune of a million barrels a month to supply the West coast and at the same rate from Norway/Sweden/Denmark/Holland for the East coast. If this single product can supply the government and civilian diesel fleets, much of the diesel exhaust issues will be null. A byproduct of the RD is that it will greatly impact petroleum fuel producers. On the West Coast and Gulf States, major oil companies are modifying or creating new refineries to manufacture RD. They are seeing the handwriting on the wall, so to speak. Your firefighters and EVTs (Fire Mechanics) are happy for the results of RD. Longer time frames between regens and much less work for the fire mechanics.The big question for all involved at the end user is “Sustainability.” We shall see. Best wishes, stay safe. Uncle Ernie

The Renewable Diesel is taking over the government diesel fleets and is doing so rapidly, albeit mostly on the East and West coasts. plus for fuel storage in emergency generator sites. Because there are no petroleum-based chemicals in the fuel, there are no negative compounds coming out of the tailpipe — like Benzene, etc. The product is crystal clear and has no odor — again no negative compounds.The term “drop-in” fuel means that it is the same as petroleum diesel but has no petroleum in the fuel. Engine manufacturers have now authorized the replacement RD fuel to replace #2 ULSD So, the question is asked:“If I utilize RD exclusively in my fleet and I send out one or more fire apparatus or other diesel-powered emergency vehicles to mutual aid calls and they require refueling, do I require the refueling be done with only RD? Answer: No, RD and petroleum diesel are compatible and readily mix. Simply return to refueling

More Information • files/2018-08/Renewable_Diesel_ Joint_Statement_7-31-13.pdf • • medium=cpc&utm_ source=google&utm_ content=na_text_na&utm_ term=%2Brenewable%20 %2Bfuel&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5J_mBRDVARIsAGqGLZDu6YEdDswnA_GZ8JhhJgvEGblcw_qEq1MJ9UCUpjKWJcI1dZ083CsaAmeQEALw_wcB

Firefighter Fitness

Staying Accountable Have you heard people refer to BMI? Do you know what it is and how it is important to your health. BMI stands for Body By Karen Mass Index. The Leatherman number is calculated using your height and weight. You can go to this site to calculate your BMI. educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc. htm Normal BMI is less than 25. Overweight is 25-30. Obese is greater than 30. The United States has the highest percent of obesity in the world. Sixty-four percent of Americans are overweight and 36 percent are obese. This is even a greater problem in firefighters and emergency response personnel. Obesity is a combination of poor diet and inactivity. Today we will focus on diet.

Healthy Dietary Guidelines •K eep a written food and physical activity journal. Download an App for easy accountability. An example of a free App is MyFitnessPal to set your caloric and nutritional goals. • Weigh yourself once per week at the same time of day, with the same amount of clothing and on the same scale. • Eat breakfast every day and do not skip meals. Skipping meals can lead to extreme hunger, overeating and poor food choices. Eat two to three healthy snacks per day between meals. • Plan your meals and eat around the same time every day. Pick an eating area at home and/ or work. Turn off the TV and/ or computer during meals and snacks. • Eat slowly. Take 30 minutes for a meal. It takes 20 minutes before you to feel full. So, wait 20 minutes after your first serving be-

fore taking a second serving. •E at protein foods first to help you feel full sooner. For weight loss, women more than 75 grams of protein and men more than 100 grams. • Read food labels to help control portions of food. Eat more fiber including fresh fruits/vegetables, beans and whole grains. The typical American eats 10 to 15 grams of protein per day. The goal should be 20-25 grams. • Don’t keep problem foods around the house and/or at work. A problem food is a food that you are likely to eat too much of or too often if readily available. • Drink at least eight cups (64 ounces) of liquids per day. Focus on calorie-free, caffeine-free beverages. If weight loss is your goal you should eat fewer calories than you burn. Do not go on very low-calorie diets. You will lose weight but you will also lose lean weight. In addition, it is not sustainable and the majority of people gain it back. Always eat at least 1200 kcals/day (women) or 1400 kcals/day (men). Increasing physical activity while limiting your calories will increase

your rate of weight loss.

Food Preparation 1. U se low fat cooking methods such as baking, grilling, boiling, poaching, broiling, roasting, steaming or microwaving without additional fat. 2. Avoid or limit frying. 3. P lace meat on a rack so the fat will drain off during cooking. 4. R emove skin from poultry before cooking. 5. Trim all visible fat from food (i.e. poultry and meat) before cooking. 6. U se non-stick cookware or cooking sprays. 7. U se egg whites or egg substitute in place of whole eggs. 8. Season food with spices, butter flavoring (such as Butter Buds), lemon or low-fat dressings. 9. L imit high-fat sauces or gravies such as sour cream, regular salad dressings, full-fat gravy and cream or cheese sauces — such as Hollandaise or Alfredo sauce. 10. U se a sugar substitute in place of sugar. Replace sugar in recipes with a sugar substitute that can be used in baking or cooking.

Restaurant Eating/Take-Out 1. L imit appetizers, bread with butter and chips. 2. S elect a salad with light dressing on the side or broth-based soup as your first course. 3. C hoose foods prepared using low fat cooking methods. 4. P lace a portion of your meal in a take-home container before you start eating. 5. R equest sauces and dressing on the side. Instead of pouring on the dish, try dipping. You will eat less. 5. S hare an entree with a friend. 7. U se MyFitnessPal or other App to help make healthier choices at the table. Check quickly before ordering.

How to Read Food Labels By learning how to read a label you will make better choices at the point of purchase. Serving size: The nutrition facts are for one serving Servings per container: Pay attention to how many servingsyou are eating. The % Daily Value is based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Discuss appropriate calorie levels with your dietitian. Limit calories, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium.

Choose foods that are high in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. • 5 percent or less is low • 20 percent or more is high Compare food labels for the lowest calories, fat, and sugar: •L imit TOTAL FAT to three grams or less per serving •L imit SUGAR to five grams or less per serving • I n milk and yogurt products, limit SUGAR to 12 grams or less per serving •C hoose starches with DIETARY FIBER three grams or more per serving Hopefully you learned something after reading this article. Now it is time to hold yourself accountable and make small changes that will become a lifestyle the more you practice it. Let’s change the statistic of obesity that plagues our firefighters and emergency response personnel. That begins with each individual empowering themselves to make changes and save their own lives. If you want to determine how you can improve your fitness and implement a program at your department contact

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Firefighter Fitness

Arson Dogs — An Underutilized Tool in the Fire Investigator’s Tool Box As in any job that we perform on the fireground, it is essential to use all tools we have at our disposal. We need to use these tools properly and in a profuse manner. I have been a fire investigator for over 15 years and have spent countless hours “digging out” fire scenes. In August of 2015 I became certified as part of an Accelerant Detection Canine Team. The use of an Accelerant Detection Canine — arson dog — is a viable tool that is not utilized by most investigators. The time I have spent on fire scenes digging out has been drastically reduced. What used to take four hours is now taking sometimes less than one hour. State Farm Insurance Company has provided arson dogs to fire and police departments throughout North America for the past 24 years. State Farm even provides scholarships for teams in states where they do not sell insurance. The agencies must provide a handler for the canine but there is no cost to the agencies for the canine. The only requirement is providing the canine to other agencies when requested. The host agency picks up all costs which includes vet bills, food, overtime and travel that is associated with the canine. The reason State Farm provides these canines is to combat arson. Arson fires cost insurance companies millions of dollars each year and countless numbers of lives. Each year more and more devastating fires are happening throughout our country. State Farm came up with a theory years ago that if we provide resources to combat arson, we may see a reduction in lives and property lost to fire. So, the State Farm Arson Dog Program was launched. The Canine Accelerant Detection teams are formed in Maine. State Farm provides the canine, and local agencies have to apply to State Farm to receive one of the canines. Twice a year there is a 200 hour class that any new handler and canine team must attend and successfully complete. On the first Sunday in April and August

the handler is matched up with a canine that best matches his or her demeanor with that of the dogs. This intensive 200 hour training program is taught by Maine Specialty Dogs, certified by the Maine State Police and under the guidelines through the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. Once completed, the new teams are released to go back and serve their

communities. Maine Specialty Dogs is lead by Paul Gallagher and his staff. The staff consists of retired canine handlers with varying backgrounds. They include police patrol dogs, bomb dogs, narcotics dogs, arson dogs and as of late, bed bug dogs. Paul and his staff are top notch. NFPA has even approached Maine Specialty Dogs

in reference to writing a chapter in NFPA 921 on Accelerant Detection Dogs. Annually each of these teams must recertify to maintain their certification. This certification has, and will stand up in a court of law. Currently there are 91 teams. In South Carolina the teams are, John Perry and K9 Abby with the Burton Fire District, James Cyganiewicz and K9 Summer in Horry County, Jason Nurmi and K9 Jag with Parker District in Greenville County and our newest team, Ricky Flowers and K9 Cato in Dillion county. North Carolina teams are Danny Hill and K9 Darby in New Bern, Bryan Phillips and K9 Friday in Carthage and Dean Castaldo in Clyde. Accelerant detection canines are trained to sniff out minute traces of accelerants — gasoline, lighter fluid, etc. — that may have been used to start a fire. Each dog works and lives with their handler who is a law enforcement officer or firefighter trained to investigate fire scenes. These dogs are food reward dogs. This means if these dogs are not working or training with scent discrimination — training aids — they are not eating. The handler is responsible for maintaining their training log, which includes the type of training, number of repetitions and amount of food intake per day. Abby consumes anywhere from one to four cups of food during our scent discrimination training with 15 to 45 repetitions smelling the gas odor. High praise is given to the canine each and every time it alerts to an odor. When a request is made for the team, the host department covers Workman’s Compensation and all travel expenses associated with the call. Once on scene, the handler meets with the Incident Commander and a decision is made as to what the team is requested to do. At this time, the handler performs a safety

walk though. This is mandatory so that no injuries occur to either the canine or the handler. The handler will then give the canine the command “Break,” which means a water and bathroom break. This is done outside of the scene. At this time, the team proceeds to the scene and starts to work with the command “Seek.” It is up to the handler to then read the dog as to what he or she is alerted to. The spot is then marked. A second trip through is made with the team. If the canine alerts to the same spot, samples from that spot are taken after the canine has been secured. The samples are then collected by the han-

dler. Once all samples are collected, they are taken to an area remote from the collection site to be confirmed. The samples are then rechecked by the canine to see if it is hit on again. Samples are then sent off for forensic testing. A “Chain of Custody” is maintained through storage and transportation to forensics. The longest time between a fire occurring and Abby and I working the scene with positive alerts is two days. We had to wait that long due to an approaching hurricane. She had one alert in the area of origin and one in a hallway. When the results came back from the forensic lab, they were positive for gasoline. My Deputy Chief Tom Webb, put it to me the best,“always trust your dog.” He was right.

There have been only three occasions of us not working a scene during an incident. Once was because of the storm and the other two have been because of unstable buildings. We have worked fires in large fields, multi-story buildings, mobile homes and even vehicle fires with a few of those fires resulting in fatalities. So far this year Abby is 90 percent confirmed by lab with positive samples that were gasoline. During our classes instructors have said,“Dogs are funny when around dead bodies.” We worked a scene one time where Abby’s alerts were located in close proximity of a body. She worked the scene and had seven alerts, but when it was time to check the samples she let me know that she was not getting out of the truck to check these samples. I even picked her up and sat her on the ground in an attempt to get her working. By the time I reached for the door, she was back in the truck spinning around and shaking her head no. Abby has saved the Burton Fire District numerous hours in overtime by cutting down the number of hours our investigators are spending on fire scenes.This year Abby is responsible for at least one suspect being detained prior to us leaving the scene. Next time you are working a fire scene, and need help with cause and origin, please give your local team the opportunity to help you out. John Perry is a 20-year veteran of Burton Fire District with 15 years of investigation and starting his third year as a K9 handler. Abby is an eight-year-old full-blooded black lab. She has serviced the district for seven years and has worked more than 200 fires. Abby likes to work with her handler as they do community demonstrations that include schools, churches and civic organizations. Most of all Abby likes to work fire scenes.


Let’s Talk HazMat Opportunities Oftentimes firefighters hear about the chance to join the HazMat team and are immediately transported to their unpleasant Derek Mickler experiences with high school chemistry. And while it’s true, understanding chemistry is a fundamental foundation in a HazMat technician’s playbook, standing in a lab coat surrounded by beakers and Bunsen burners is not a requirement of the job. Anytime firefighters are exposed to both chemical and biological hazards, the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) classifies that call as a HazMat call. In essence, every call a truck or engine runs may be classified as a HazMat call. Whether it’s gasoline on the road from an auto accident, a natural gas leak caused by an overzealous landscaper or an overturned highpressure rail car, firefighters and the

public they serve are surrounded daily by hazardous materials. The knowledge and education that comes with Hazardous Materials Technician training can and would benefit every firefighter on every scene. Rail car collides with a stalled car, spilling its contents across city roads? That’s a HazMat call. Improper storage of a chemistry experiment at a local community college? That’s a HazMat call. DOT trailer hauling 9,000 gallons of gas jack-knifes on the interstate? You got it. HazMat call. Hazardous materials incidents happen every day,

in every city. Now that I’ve got your attention, what and where are the training opportunities available to current HazMat technicians? The Department of Homeland Security and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) have created specialized training programs to give technicians on every fire department the tools they need to properly handle a variety of hazardous materials incidents. Funding of $101 million in 2018 alone was allocated to the group of schools now known as the National

The Department of Homeland Security and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) have created specialized training programs to give technicians on every fire department the tools they need to properly handle a variety of hazardous materials incidents.

Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC). This group of schools spanning from Nevada to Alabama, have trained and certified nearly three million first responders in over 1135 subject matters since its inception in 1998. In North Carolina alone, over 30,000 first responders trained throughout the country between 2009-2018. Let’s take a tour of this comprehensive and extensive training program.

miles. This location was originally established for testing nuclear weapons from 1951 to 1992 with a total of 1,021 detonations on site. The advanced training includes response to Radiological/Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction Response and preventive Radiological/Nuclear Detection. These courses utilize live radioactive sources to allow for realistic WMD training evolutions.

Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (A Division of

Security and Emergency Response Training Center

the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology) Socorro, New Mexico

Pueblo, Colorado

Specialty training for this location consists of explosives research and testing. This program allows the student to deal directly with curriculum on terrorist bombings, suicide bombings, homemade explosives, school bombings, and overall HazMat response. The location itself is on a 40 square mile field laboratory containing more than 30 test sites that have the ability to utilize over 20,000 pounds of explosives.

National Research Center for Biomedical Research and Training Academy (A Division of Louisiana State University)

Baton Rouge, Lousiana LSU NCBRT/ACE offers training specific to biosafety, pathogen surveillance and infectious disease response. Specialty training at this facility includes Biological Awareness, Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Attacks and Tactical Operations for CBRNE Response. During 2019, the facility was awarded a $22 million security grant that will allow more than 20,000 responders to attend critical training opportunities. The facility also has 25 specific courses that receive Department of Homeland Security certification.

Nevada National Security Site Las Vegas, Nevada Several days of classroom instruction wrap with tactical training in Mercury, Nevada at the Nevada National Security Site (NNRR), which covers 1,375 square

One of the most popular stops with advanced HazMat training is held onsite at the Security and Emergency Response Training Center which is located 25 miles east of Pueblo, Colorado on a 52 square mile site. The instructors at this location have a total over 334 years of experience with specialties in multiple modes of hazardous materials transportation. The various training options include Crude Oil Emergencies, Highway Response Specialist/Advanced, Intermodal Specialist, Tank Car Specialist/ Advanced and Tactical HazMat Operation. The realistic training props range from a full rail car derailment to highway tank failures.

National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (A Division of Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service) College Station, Texas This DHS-FEMA funded location offers education in areas of both Incident Management and response to direct HazMat Incidents to enhance the capabilities of emergency responders and local officials to prepare for, respond to, and recover from catastrophic events resulting from natural events, manmade accidents or terrorist attacks. The main four divisions include Emergency Services Training Institute, Infrastructure Training and Safety Institute, Knowledge Engineering and Institute for Law Enforcement and Protective Services Excellence. The programs include management of Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) events among other direct HazMat training courses.

Center for Domestic Preparedness Anniston, Alabama This specific level training is based around chemical ordinance, biological and radiological areas. The realistic training at this facility is the only one in the nation that offers training in the safe handling of toxic chemical agents and biological materials like sarin, VX, anthrax and ricin. With over 17 separate disciplines onsite, there is an opportunity for a vast absorption of HazMat advanced knowledge. The advanced programs offered by the Dept of Homeland Security and FEMA are designed to give the student complete realistic hands-on application that truly makes the specialty of Hazardous Materials come to life. In addition to the federally funded consortium programs, there are many local training opportunities for association members. These opportunities include Transcaer training, Taming the Tiger with Anhydrous Ammonia (statewide), multiple HazMat operation level tactics on site at the Nutrien Plant in Aurora, North Carolina, and various instructional classes held at our regular North Carolina Association of HazMat Responder meetings. The face of the first responder is constantly changing along with the many hazards in the field. By taking proactive steps with your education, you will possess the specialized tools needed to be more effective in your response and be prepared to manage and mitigate advanced hazardous situations. Check out for additional information about local training opportunities and/or visit one of our quarterly North Carolina Association of HazMat Responders during the year. Derek Mickler is a Captain/HazMat Advanced Specialist with the Wilmington Fire Department and North Carolina Regional Response Team 2. He has served as the Secretary, Eastern Director, VicePresident, President, and past President of the North Carolina Association of Hazardous Materials Responders. He is an active member with the NC HazMat Technical Advisory Committee and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Fire and Emergency Services and is a 20-year veteran in the fire service.

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First Responder Safety

After Startling Jump in Struck-by Deaths, Reflecting May Not be Enough It should have been a banner year for firefighter safety in America in 2017. In June, the National Fire Protection Association released its annual Chadwick Keller report on firefighter fatalities in the United States. The NFPA reported a total of 60 on-duty firefighter deaths, which is the fewest fatalities in a year since 1977. However, encouraging as that milestone may be, another startling statistic jumps out from the report. Of those 60 firefighters who lost their lives, 10 died in the line of duty when they were struck by a vehicle at the scene of a response. The average number of struck-by firefighter deaths over the last 30 years is four. Such a significant increase reminds us that industry stan-

dards and regulations must do more to ensure drivers can see emergency responders and have enough time to react. The particular danger to responders outside their vehicles becomes even clearer when you consider the steady decline in fatalities from vehicle vs. vehicle crashes, which was once routinely among the leading causes of traumatic firefighter deaths. Yet, according to NFPA data, 2017 marked the fourth time in the last seven years that fewer than 10 firefighters died in vehicle vs. vehicle crashes. If total firefighter fatalities are decreasing, including those in vehicle collisions, what do we make of the spike in incidents where emergency responders are struck and killed at roadside scenes? One response is to dismiss last year’s total as a fluke that will correct itself over time. Howev-

er, first responders know better than anyone else that it’s never a good idea to take a passive approach to safety. As such, there should absolutely be a conversation about improving responders’ visibility on any scene they encounter. That starts with building on the current mandates regarding reflective gear; it’s time to consider adding lightweight illumination devices — wearable multicolored safety lighting — to those uniform standards. It has now been nearly a decade since the Federal Highway Administration beefed up visibility requirements. The 2009 version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices requires anyone working on a federal aid roadway to wear an ANSI 107-compliant vest. In connection, the 2009 edition of NFPA 1901 requires ANSI 207-compliant highvisibility vests on all new fire appara-

If total firefighter fatalities are decreasing, including those in vehicle collisions, what do we make of the spike in incidents where emergency responders are struck and killed at roadside scenes?

tus while MUTCD 2009 allows emergency responders to wear them in lieu of ANSI 107-compliant apparel. There’s no doubt it helps to have the current requirements of high-visibility vests, fluorescent striping, and retroreflective material on apparel or on fire apparatus, but as many roadside responders will admit, they often times don’t work as intended. Last year’s tragedies are a sobering reminder there is room for improvement when it comes to ensuring emergency responders are visible to oncoming traffic and fellow officers. Illumination is the standard for emergency vehicles as no one thinks twice about whether they should be equipped with increasingly improved lights and sirens. The limitations of reflective vests and striping cause us to consider how much we could enhance the uniform by applying personal wearable or mountable lighting devices, just as we do with emergency vehicles.

Mountable Lighting The reflective materials currently mandated are only designed to be seen from 1,280 feet away. A vehicle traveling at 65 miles-per-hour can cover that distance in just 13 seconds. Furthermore, the effectiveness of high-visibility safety vests or other reflective materials depends

on several conditions: The wearable reflective items only reach peak visibility at just the right angle and brightness. Even then, the driver must immediately see the worker and react quickly enough. Meanwhile, the technology now exists to provide firefighters and EMS workers with wearable, affordable, and mountable lighting devices that drivers can see from as far as three miles away. To add to the urgency in a quest to maximize visibility standards for roadside responders are changes in other variables since 2009. State legislatures are increasing speed limits all over the country. Earlier this year, Nebraska became the seventh state to allow speed limits of 80 m.p.h. Coincidentally, it was in 2009 that a study published in the American Journal of Public Health estimated speed limit increases contributed to more than 12,000 deaths and 36,000 injuries between 1995 and 2005. Adjusting for these new speed limits, a vehicle traveling at 80 miles-per-hour would cover those 1,280 feet in less than 11 seconds. That doesn’t even consider the slower reaction time of the ever-present threats of intoxicated or distracted drivers. It’s simply unacceptable that we would consider letting personnel visibility shortcomings to continue in this day and age. The remedies are available on the market today. We should not allow our firefighters and EMS workers, already contending with faster-moving traffic and drivers more susceptible to distractions, to work under dated industry standards and regulations that fail to give these emergency responders the best possible chance to be seen. It is time to consider how personal wearable and mountable illumination safety devices could help ensure 2017 is the last year so many firefighters lose their lives in a way that’s entirely avoidable. Chadwick Keller currently serves as both the CEO and COO of Guardian Angel Devices. He is passionate about the idea that wearable lighting technology can make any individual safer regardless of their endeavor and works hand-in-hand with Guardian Angel’s design team to create the most versatile lighting devices available on the market today. Keller is married with three children and resides in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

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