Step-by-step instructions to create a Facebook® Store for Coaches 1. Create a Page. a. Go to b. Create a community page and call it “Coach Name.”
2. Once you're on the page, you'll see tabs like Get Started, Info, Photos, and Discussions. You can click on the plus sign to add more tabs.
a. Click on Photos, for example, and you will see a pencil, which will allow you to delete it if you'd like. b. In the top search box, type “Static FBML.�
c. Select Static FBML from the search results.
d. Click on Add to my Page from the menu on the left.
e. This will bring up the following popup window, where you'll need to select the page where Static FBML needs to be added. In this case, select the newly created “Coach� page by clicking Add to Page, then click Close.
Click on Home at the top right.
g. Then click on Ads and Pages from the left menu.
h. Now click on your new page.
You should see FBML 1 as a tab.
Click Edit Page from left hand menu.
k. Now click on Applications.
Under FMBL, click on Go to Application.
m. This will take you to the Edit FBML page.
n. Change the Box Title from FBML to Online Store.
3. Add the html code. a. Open “products.txt” in a text editor, like Microsoft® Notepad. b. Replace all “referringRepId=” with “referringRepId=xxxx” and replace all instances of "xxxx" with your repId.
c. Copy this entire text, and paste it in the FBML text area, then click Save Changes at the bottom.
Your store is now ready! Test it out by clicking Online Store in the top left corner and clicking your tab. The links should redirect to the ByDesign store. And upon checkout, the signup form should display your Coach username in the bottom left corner.
Some important things to do for better discovery of these pages: Please click on “Like” the page so that this starts appearing in your FB Profile “Pages you liked” section Upload a photo that you want your customers to see Add a brief description about the page Give a website URL. This could be your URL Click on “Suggest to friends” under your photo and select the friends you want to send this to