In Recognition: 2012 - 2013

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Thank you When I tell people that my job is ‘Head of Widening Participation’, they usually respond by asking, ‘What’s that?’ Put simply, widening participation is about improving the progression and success of students currently underrepresented at our university and beyond, and many alumni are helping make this possible. Left, a moment during the student-run King’s Opera production of Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny; see page 16 to learn how you made it possible

You can learn more about King’s widening participation programmes at or follow us on Twitter: @kclwp

I believe diversity enriches our classrooms, varies perspectives and furthers the learning experience at King’s. Widening participation is one of eight strategic priorities for the College in the coming years. My department has expanded significantly in the past year and our work continues to grow. We know this is more vital than ever, considering the changing landscape of higher education and the challenges faced by students from less-advantaged backgrounds. This year our flagship programme, K+, supported more than 500 sixth-formers from across London with a variety of academic and social events. Our K-Link scheme has paired numerous London schools with academic departments at the College. New partnerships have blossomed, including one with the Brilliant Club, who now work with over 50 of our PhD students in schools across London. And through a partnership with IntoUniversity, we work with 300 primary school children in Brixton and Kennington. Our commitment to the Realising Opportunities programme continues in collaboration with 14 other

Anne-Marie Canning, wearing the red lanyard, with students

research-intensive universities and encourages students to look at universities beyond their locale. Last year ended on a high as we hosted our inaugural residential Sutton Trust Summer School for over 100 students. And we’ve set up and awarded PGCE and Teach First bursaries to encourage young people to pursue careers in education. Of course, widening participation activity happens across the collegiate community and includes the longstanding Outreach to Medicine and Maths Factor schemes and other subjectspecific activities. The College continues to innovate by providing programme-based approaches to widening participation, including

the Extended Medical Degree Programme, which you can read about on page 10. The next year holds many exciting prospects for widening participation at King’s, including development of our dedicated Learning Centre and extending our work to include mature learners. Many alumni are already assisting us – and we thank you all for your help. We’d love to hear from even more King’s alumni who would like to speak with the young people we work with, and financial support through the College’s campaign is greatly appreciated. In the past year we worked with more than 11,000 students, but we could do so much more with your support. Anne-Marie Canning In Recognition 2012-13 | 1

Improving lives today and into the next century The impact of giving to King’s reaches from the College’s libraries today to the wellbeing of cancer patients decades in the future


hy would a medical student want to become involved in the College’s student-run TV station? To be part of a growing, energetic organisation, to be sure, plus the chance to unwind for a few hours each week by doing something different. For final-year medical student Mohsan Malik, being part of KingsTV is also providing him with skills he expects to use in his career – helping educate patients and medical trainees through the use of video. Donors know their gifts can improve the lives of students, staff and researchers, providing them with equipment, books and scholarships. However, gifts to King’s can extend beyond the obvious, and in the case of Malik they may translate into better health for his future patients. This article touches on three disparate examples of how gifts to the College are making a difference in the lives of students today – and the lives of people not yet even born.

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Learn how you can help students by calling +44 (0)20 7848 3053 or emailing

Keeping the libraries’ shelves full: one way gifts to the College make a difference



ne of King’s most popular appeals is Buy-a-Book, which helps keep the stacks at the College’s multiple libraries filled with many of the most in-demand titles. In the age of e-books and wireless communication, hard-copy books remain in strong demand, says John Hall, Director of Library Services & Employability. ‘Additional funding from alumni makes a real difference to our ability to purchase extra copies of books as soon as we become aware that students need them,’ says Hall. ‘We know from the comments that we receive in our libraries how much current students

appreciate this. Library staff put bookplates in all the books we buy from this fund: it’s a very personal way to make a difference to today’s students.’ The Buy-a-Book appeal provided the College’s libraries with more than £15,000 for purchasing books last year. Understanding cancer cells


unded in part with gifts made through World questions|King’s answers, researchers at the College have uncovered a protein that allows cancer cells to spread in a person’s body, a significant breakthrough that sheds light on how tumours form. Cancer deaths are usually due to metastasis, which develops most commonly in the lungs, bones or liver, yet there are few treatments designed to prevent this from happening. Researchers at the College identified a protein inside cancer cells that helps cells attach to blood vessel walls, allowing them to spread to other parts of the body through the blood. ‘This could lead to the design


of new treatments in the future to reduce metastasis,’ says team leader Professor Anne Ridley. The team’s work complements many other research projects that are exploring ways to prevent cancer from growing; however, its focus on the disease’s interaction with blood vessels is unique. A better broadcaster


ingsTV is one of the College’s newer student organisations, and a recent grant – made possible through the generosity of alumni – provided the group with much-needed equipment. This in turn has allowed KingsTV to produce more programmes, which led to it being honoured this year by the National Student Television Association as the best new broadcaster. KingsTV produces its own programming (available at KingsCollegeLondonTV) and also supports other student societies that need video material. Many projects

are simple, says Malik, but some programmes can involve more than 30 students. Prior to receiving the College grant, KingsTV had one camera, and students were sometimes using mobile phones for filming. The grant allowed the student organisation to purchase an editing computer, four cameras, lights, tripods and editing software. With Roar and KCL Radio already in place, King’s students are gaining experience in a range of media opportunities, which can open doors to possible careers. ‘There are people at KingsTV who aspire to become TV presenters, editors, to work at the BBC. This is a great way for them to build experience,’ says Malik. ‘For me, it’s a mental break. It’s a chance to be creative, a chance to do something different.’ He says he plans to use the skills he gained through KingsTV to educate patients: when explaining disease processes or treatment options, television is a powerful way to cut through jargon and explain medical issues

Mohsan Malik on the impact of the grant KingsTV received: ‘We now have a student television station that can truly claim to have made an impact on the national stage and within the student media community’

to patients. His current plan is to create a video-based teaching resource for medical students and trainees. ‘Better training provides better care,’ says Malik. ‘Currently, trainees face many challenges – legal working time restrictions, financial and organisational constraints. This makes training difficult, especially to surgical trainees. Simulation training offers a possible solution, however, such facilities are available only in a few centres in the UK. ‘I’m currently piloting a home-based microsurgery training programme. For this to be successful, I will be making a video-based curriculum for surgeons anywhere to use as guidance for training using household items. This will provide a unique way for trainees to practice at home, developing the skills needed of the surgeons of tomorrow, and being virtually taught by surgeons from centres of excellence such as Guy’s and St Thomas’. The possible impact of this is big!’ In Recognition 2012-13 | 3

building it into the base case of our will.’ For Collins, currently Group Financial Controller at Buried Hill Energy, the process of making a legacy gift was very much a family affair, with their children involved in all their decisions. Their gifts, says Collins, are a way of demonstrating to their children that organisations such as universities don’t exist in a vacuum. ‘We wanted them to see that if there are causes and organisations you believe in, it is up to you to help them where you can. The values we want in society come from us, as members of that society. We work and support charities and other not-for-profit organisations now, so why shouldn’t we continue doing so through our will?’ What does he hope his gift will achieve? ‘Mostly just to help out where we can,’ says Collins. His donation is deliberately general, and will be used by the Department of Philosophy in whatever way it sees best. However, in the wider context, he’s hopeful that gifts such as his

Jeff Collins, right, sees universities as ‘an important component of the fabric of our world’. See page 6 to read how His Honour Sir Frank White FKC remembered the College in his will

will help support universities against a rapidly changing backdrop. Staying relevant and being funded are, he says, two of the biggest challenges facing universities today – but a world without them is difficult to picture. ‘Universities are such an important component of the fabric of our world now,’ he says. ‘They provide opportunities for all members of society to challenge themselves by asking questions and being guided on which ones to ask. They ensure that theoretical possibilities, regardless of their perceived importance at the time, are explored. They offer an opportunity for young adults to inform themselves, to debate and challenge their assumptions about the world and to become older and wiser in the process. ‘For me, university was about confirming the passions I held, about growing up, making and losing friends – and eventually leaving with a degree and a direction. I don’t know where I’d be now without those experiences.’

Giving and changing lives

‘The values we want in society come from us’ Gratitude and wanting to invest in a better world prompted Jeff Collins to remember King’s in his will 4 | In Recognition 2012-13



eff Collins has made combining dissimilar fields his career. His working life spans the worlds of business, geography, chartered accountancy and environmental consulting, to name but a few. Yet even with his varied experience, he found that the master’s in philosophy he took at King’s in 2005 had, he says, a ‘profound impact’ on the way he thought about work. In fact, its impact was such that he has now decided to leave a gift to the Department of Philosophy in his will. ‘To be honest, it was an easy decision for my wife and me because of the impact that King’s had on me personally and on my career,’ he says. ‘Ultimately, we decided that giving to charity was something that was important for us. We regularly give now and we thought that while contributing to the lives of friends and family was important, so too were the institutions that can make those lives more enjoyable. Once we had decided that this was the case, we began to question why we weren’t

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Giving and changing lives

Dreams transformed into reality How leaving a gift in your will can have a lasting impact


hen His Honour Sir Frank White FKC wanted to give something back to King’s – where he studied law, graduating in 1950 – he chose to remember the College in his will. A highly respected senior circuit judge and author of Bench Notes, Britain’s first training manual for judges, he died in January 2013 aged 85. ‘In a small way, we wanted to show gratitude for the education we received at King’s,’ says his widow, Lady White, who graduated from King’s in 1950 with an English degree. ‘We would have loved to have done even more but we have four children and eight grandchildren to think of.’ There’s a growing awareness that remembering the College in your will has a huge impact, no matter how big or small the gift, says the Principal, Professor Sir Richard Trainor. ‘The majority of our friends and alumni who choose to do this reflect modest means and estates,’ he notes. ‘However, our strength is in a collective effort. Every gift in a will matters, no matter what the amount. Just imagine how these gifts can contribute to our future students’ lives for years to come.’ Sir Frank was one of seven alumni who each left between £1,000 and £5,000 to King’s 6 | In Recognition 2012-13

His Honour Sir Frank White FKC directed his gift be used to meet the College’s greatest need

last year, to be used towards the College’s greatest need. That money is now being used to support an additional 15 students who face financial hardship – allowing them to fulfill their potential. To these students, the impact of these generous gifts is life-changing. Smaller gifts can also pay for vital equipment, books and study resources wherever they are needed. And this kind of giving is a growing trend. In the past few years, more than 200 alumni have pledged to leave the College gifts in their wills. It’s a reflection of the extraordinary generosity of King’s alumni, an increasing awareness of the vital role that universities play in society and, perhaps, something wider – a desire to ensure that future generations have even better educational opportunities than the donors enjoyed. ‘At King’s, I see dreams transformed into reality with

breathtaking frequency,’ says Professor Trainor. ‘It leaves me in no doubt that the brilliant students we encourage and support today with the help of gifts made in wills may tomorrow be working as researchers and academics. ‘They will in turn find solutions to problems which are intractable today. Helped, perhaps, by one of these gifts, other students can follow the same course in the future. And the impact of this investment will be felt far beyond the College as students and researchers continue their careers across the UK and the world.’ Lady White agrees. ‘I’d like my husband’s gift to encourage other people to do the same or better,’ she says. ‘We have been so impressed by the work that King’s is doing today. You can’t turn on the telly without seeing a King’s expert. King’s has grown so much more important since we were here as students – it’s at the forefront of education. If you are considering leaving a gift, come to an event at King’s, which will show you the exciting new things that the College is doing. See if you wouldn’t like to participate even in a tiny way in the future of King’s.’ To learn more about remembering King’s in your will, please contact +44 (0)20 7848 4700 or

ALC: creating a generation of leaders


ore than two dozen women have graduated from the innovative Peace and Security Fellowship programme at King’s African Leadership Centre (ALC) and now these women are working across their home continent, many in leadership positions within business, government, education and the non-profit sector. With financial support from several organisations – and more than half of its funding from the Open Society Institute – the programme prepares young African women to address complex conflict, security and development issues that

they may face in their careers. Dr Eka Ikpe, who manages the nascent programme, says several fellows are already having an impact, bringing much-needed leadership skills to organisations across Africa. One alumna of the programme, Shuvai Busuman, is now working at the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation in South Africa. She says the analytical and media skills she gained through the ALC have given her a stronger voice in her advocacy to prevent violence. ‘The greatest added value of the programme is the opportunity it provides fellows to articulate and shape

Dr Eka Ikpe

their own knowledge and experience for sharing and application beyond their own context,’ says Busuman. ‘The greatest skills, knowledge and insights needed in my country and region are the ability to articulate and communicate the issues of peace, security and development that are close to fellows and above all to take leadership in various ways in addressing these.’ Busuman says that her cohort in the programme featured eight women from eight different nations. Their peer mentoring sessions provided ‘lessons I could never have heard in conventional learning spaces’.

Giving and changing lives

What giving means to me

Tim Chambers Lt Col Tim Chambers (Medicine, 1969) is a donor and a member of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, which has supported the Extended Medical Degree Programme. Why do you give to King’s?

To return thanks to an institution that gave me the foundation for a humbling but satisfying career. I was taught by many gifted clinician teachers – but never spoon-fed. What is your happiest memory from the School of Medicine?

Delivering babies, treating children, learning the art of ‘don’t just do something, stand there’ from a wise GP

in Arundel, Sussex during my undergraduate attachment. Who were some of your teachers?

I was taught paediatrics by the now-deceased Sir Wilfred Sheldon, Professor Sir Eric Stroud and Dr MaryJane Wilmers. Each had a different approach but they held in common a view that the child and its family were at the centre of their practice. None would accept second best, not from their students and least of all in themselves. All were

astute general physicians of childhood and gave me the inspiration to specialise in the field. What do you do now?

I have retired as a physician and nephrologist at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and a reserve forces medical officer. I spend my time as a family court magistrate, school governor, charity trustee and on many other interests. A medical education and career teaches one to be adaptable and to think on one’s feet. I was Master Apothecary in 2011-2 and was pleased that the society supported King’s medical educational projects during my year.

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‘Happy to help deserving students’


ong Kong-based hedge fund manager David Rogers (Physics with Astrophysics, 1990) says his physics degree from King’s provided him with the mathematical and analytical thought processes essential to succeed in the world of investment management. To thank the College and to help today’s students, Rogers has established a scholarship

fund to support third- and fourth-year physics students. The fund – named in honour of his father, Gordon Rogers – provides £3,000 to each of the five fourth-year students with the best scores in their thirdyear exams, and it also provides £3,000 to the five third-year students who scored best in their secondyear exams. ‘Higher education funding is so different in the

David Rogers, left, is helping physics students graduate without major debt

UK today compared to when I was at King’s,’ says Rogers, co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Northwest Investment Management, Ltd. ‘Physics is a rewarding but demanding course of study. I’m happy to help deserving physics students who might otherwise need to take on part-time jobs or extensive debt. It feels great to know I’m making a difference in the lives of several young people.’ To learn how you can help students by establishing a scholarship or bursary, please email or call +44 (0)20 7848 3053.

Giving and changing lives

What giving means to me

John Langdon Professor John Langdon retired in 2004 after 21 years teaching at the Dental Institute, specialising in head and neck cancer surgery.

a little bit in the doldrums. We certainly weren’t proactive or expansive. Now we’re doing well within the Russell Group and recruitment is up.

Why do you give to King’s?


Largely because I spent the happiest years of my life working at King’s. I’m a great admirer of what Rick Trainor in particular has done. And fundamentally, if we don’t invest in younger generations, we’re doomed. What impresses you about the Principal?

When he took over 10 years ago, we were

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Why did you enjoy King’s?

It was a combination of so many things. I was an active surgeon with a career in head and neck cancer, which was fulfilling. I was also very involved in management, which I enjoyed immensely. King’s is in your will?

I have no immediate relatives, so apart from

a few legacies to godchildren and things like that, the whole lot will come to King’s. Was it easy to include the College in your will?

It’s sensible when you’re writing your will to do it with an attorney rather than by yourself. But it’s no trouble at all, and it’s far better that it go to King’s than to the government. And you’re a member of a charity that gives to King’s?

I’m a trustee of the Inman Charity. Under my guidance, we have an ongoing research fellowship at King’s. It supports young postgraduates who are setting out to do their PhDs.

German foundation supports War Studies


or a second consecutive year, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) has awarded a 12-month research fellowship grant to the European Centre for Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS) in King’s Department of War Studies. The Berlin-based foundation supports research activities that explore issues surrounding European unification, development cooperation and transatlantic relationships. Its first grant to King’s went to Shiraz Maher, who submitted a study entitled ‘The Arab Spring and its impact on supply and production in global markets’.

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is helping King’s students explore the nexus between energy and security

Maher also assisted in arranging a workshop series that explored security issues such as Europe’s vulnerability to energy crises and the threat of terror attacks on energy infrastructure. KAS and EUCERS have awarded the 2013-4 Energy Security Fellowship to JanJustus Andreas. His research, begun in September, is focusing

on the global geopolitical and economic implications of the United States’ push for energy independence. Andreas will also help organise a series of energy talks in 2014. ‘Questions of energy security are increasingly an issue of peace and prosperity in the world,’ says Professor Dr Friedbert Pflüger, Director of EUCERS. ‘KAS and EUCERS therefore support a young fellow each year with an innovative research proposal on energy security, a unique opportunity to conduct research at one of the UK’s most prestigious universities in one of the most vibrant areas of today’s international relations.’

Giving and changing lives

What giving means to me

Tom Crisp

How are you using the funds?

I received £1,000, which is a very generous amount. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who made this scholarship possible. It’s going to help me this year in a variety of ways, including gym costs, transport and textbooks. Gym membership is necessary in

this league, as a lot of the opposing players are bigger than us. Travel costs to and from training and matches are very expensive, therefore the scholarship will also help me ease the financial burden of these costs. On the educational side of things, the scholarship will pay for textbooks and online resources.

free for sports, but activities do overlap. You often find yourself running from campus to catch the bus to get to training. But I would never consider giving up rugby. One, it keeps me in shape. And two, I have a competitive spirit, so I really enjoy playing. Most of my friends play rugby and without it I wouldn’t have them as friends.

Is it hard to fit rugby into your schedule?

Several of my parents’ friends said King’s was an outstanding place to study. If you have the opportunity to study at one of the top 20 medical schools in the world, that’s fantastic.

It’s quite hard sometimes. Wednesday afternoons are supposed to be

Why did you choose to study at King’s?

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Tom Crisp is a second-year medical student who has received the GKT Maxine Hallworth Rugby Scholarship, made possible by Dr Terence Gibson (Guy’s, Medicine, 1966) and named in memory of his daughter Maxine, who was a keen rugby supporter. Many Guy’s alumni have contributed to the scholarship.


Rowing to success Donations contribute to a successful year on the water for the women’s squad 10 | In Recognition 2012-13


owering across the finishing line at Putney in the Head of the River Race last March, King’s first VIII women’s rowing squad felt confident they had performed well. The race is one of the sport’s top annual events. But with over 300 teams setting off at intervals to tackle the unpredictable 4¼mile tidal course on the Thames that day, the women had to wait several nervous hours before finding out they had won the Novice Academic category and set a new record with their time of 20 minutes and 11 seconds. ‘We were delighted to break the category record by 20 seconds,’ says 2012-13 cox and captain Sarah-Beth Amos. ‘Overall, we were placed 59th out of 320 crews from all over the country, including rowers who had competed in the Olympics – the best result ever for a King’s crew.’ For Amos and her teammates, this was a highlight of a successful year, together with qualifying for the Henley Women’s Regatta for only the second time in the club’s history. ‘We have really taken our performance to another level,’ she says. The crew’s gruelling training schedule of 10 to 12 sessions a week, both on the water at Chiswick and in the gym, is a reflection of their commitment. For the last year both the men’s and women’s squads have been training on eight new rowing

machines, nicknamed ergs, funded by a College grant. ‘It’s been great to have the new ergs on the Guy’s Campus so that we can fit our sessions around studying and train together as a crew,’ says Amos. She believes the generous support of King’s alumni, staff and friends has contributed to the club’s success. ‘So many universities are pumping money into rowing to attract elite athletes these days, whereas we rely on donations and work with people whatever their sporting experience,’ she says. ‘In fact, this year our winning crew were all novices who hadn’t rowed before joining our club.’ Eleanor Gillian, a first VIII crew member, joined as a postgraduate student and was also a newcomer to the sport. ‘The intense training had always put me off,’ she says. ‘But I thought it would be a good way to meet people when I came to King’s, as you do so much training with your crew mates. Being in the boat at the Head of the River Race was a great feeling.’ Biochemistry student Amos is now club secretary and completing the final year of her degree. ‘I have really enjoyed rowing at King’s. It’s a sport that brings together people from different backgrounds,’ she says. ‘I’m confident that there is a lot of potential in the club as we hand it over to the next generation of rowers.’ More time training on their new ergs, left, helped propel the first VIII women’s rowing team to success

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‘Education up on its tiptoes’ Gifts to the College help make incredible things possible


his year, thanks to donations from alumni and friends, six top-flight novelists spoke at King’s as part of a series of talks entitled The Joy of Influence. Demonstrating the energetic and multidisciplinary approach King’s brings to the study of literary arts, all six authors talked about another art form close to their hearts: Kazuo Ishiguro spoke about cinema, Alan Warner

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discussed pop music and Sarah Hall talked about painting. Each event included ample time for questions from the enthusiastic audience, which brought a new level of thinking from the writers themselves. John Lancaster, author of Capital, was interviewed by Sam Leith, and drew comparisons between modern video games and traditional storytelling. Award-winning poet Lavinia Greenlaw

Students Audrey Chan and Rebecca Wearmouth, far left and right, discuss writing with Kazuo Ishiguro and Professor Andrew O’Hagan

encouraged students to discuss their views on television. ‘This is education up on its tiptoes, reaching to see something new,’ said Professor of Creative Writing Andrew O’Hagan, an award-winning novelist and essayist in his own right, who curated the series. On opening night, Ishiguro, author of The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go, discussed film and the way memory functions in films


versus the way it works in a novel. Ishiguro, who rarely speaks in public, mingled and chatted with students at the reception afterwards. Audrey Chan (MA English) spoke to him and said the entire night was able to ‘bring the classroom to life’. Students were also given exclusive access to the writers for a two-hour session outside the evening events. By hosting a series such

as this, King’s puts itself in the spotlight of cultural London. ‘These events are worth their weight in gold,’ said Professor O’Hagan. ‘They encourage word of mouth. Friends or siblings are saying to one another, “You’ve got to study English at King’s, look at the events they put on.”’ Rebecca Wearmouth (MA 1850-Present English) spoke of the value events like this have to students. ‘This is

an experience you never get. It makes a big difference; it makes studying more a part of your life. Education is about more than degrees, it’s about taking an interest and pursuing it further.’ The Joy of Influence series was made possible through gifts from alumni and friends. ‘Without donors,’ said Professor O’Hagan, ‘this event simply wouldn’t have happened.’ In Recognition 2012-13 | 13


he Extended Medical Degree Programme has provided me with an opportunity that no one else was willing to give me: the opportunity to achieve my potential,’ says Morteza Mirabdulhagh, a fourth-year medical student. Mirabdulhagh was 14 when he first began thinking about becoming a doctor. ‘I started to see members of my family diagnosed with different medical conditions, and I started to appreciate what a difference a good doctor can make,’ he says. ‘From then on I got motivated to pursue a career as a doctor. I realised that, wow, my actions and attitude can directly make a difference in a person’s life. It was suddenly all that I wanted to do.’ For the next three years, Mirabdulhagh sought out helpful teachers, took online tutorials and even visited several hospitals ‘to find a doctor who would take me on for work experience’ – all with a goal of making himself a strong candidate for medical school. He knew the odds were stacked against him: not only had no member of his extended family ever trained for a career in healthcare, none had ever attended university. Several of Mirabdulhagh’s peers discouraged him from setting his career goals so high. ‘If it hadn’t been for the Extended Medical Degree Programme, they would

have been right,’ he says. ‘I don’t blame them. There had been only one or two successful medical applicants ever from my school.’ Mirabdulhagh has more than overcome the odds against him, according to his tutor, Professor Metin Avkiran. ‘Morteza is a delightful individual who is absolutely dedicated to studying medicine and he will, I am sure, become an outstanding doctor,’ says Professor Avkiran. ‘Indeed, observing Morteza’s development, both personally and academically, over the past three years has been one of the true highlights of my role as a personal tutor. Given his school background, it is highly unlikely that Morteza would have got the opportunity to fulfil his genuine potential without the offer of a place on the EMDP, and this to my mind re-emphasises the individual and social impact of the programme.’ The EMDP is a widening participation course for students who have attended eligible nonselective state schools in London and Kent. These students have an extra year to complete the first two phases of the five-year medical degree, with extra teaching and academic support during the early years. From the third phase onwards, EMDP students complete the degree at the same pace as their peers on the standard programme. Throughout, they must pass all assessments at the same level as other students.

Morteza Mirabdulhagh, right: ‘I’m thankful to the EMDP for giving me this opportunity. Without it, I could never have pursued this dream’

Learn how you can help students by calling +44 (0)20 7848 3053 or emailing

Through the generosity of donors, principally the Worshipful Company of Barbers, King’s offers Outreach for Medicine, an annual programme of events to encourage students from non-selective state schools to consider pursuing careers in medicine. The Outreach for Medicine team makes regular visits to eligible schools and offers campus-based activities for secondary school pupils, including lectures, mentoring events and an intensive medical-taster course for sixth form students, all staffed by current EMDP students who are employed as ambassadors. Unfortunately for Mirabdulhagh, he wasn’t aware of the Outreach for Medicine programme during his time at secondary school, but he learned about the EMDP through the King’s prospectus. He only realised that he was eligible to apply for entry through the EMDP one day before sending off his UCAS application. ‘When I applied to the medical schools, I felt confident, and thought that with all I had done I would be just as strong as the next candidate. However, it wasn’t long before the rejection emails started to arrive,’ he says. Three universities turned him down. ‘At this point I felt shattered. After three years of hard work and chasing what I could, not even one of these medical schools was willing even to interview me.’ Then came an invitation

Helping students pursue their dreams Through your generosity, an innovative programme makes a medical degree possible for hundreds of aspiring doctors 14 | In Recognition 2012-13


for an interview at King’s, and he was accepted into the EMDP. While EMDP students progress more slowly in their first two years at King’s, Mirabdulhagh says he has never seen any discrimination against students in the programme. ‘With a majority of us coming from schools that typically don’t send as many students to uni, we need the extra time to adapt because we haven’t done this kind of intense studying before.’ He adds that there is a real camaraderie amongst the EMDP students, and he serves as President of the EMDP Society, which provides additional support and social events for new EMDP students. ‘The reason I give back is because the EMDP feels like my family. Every year we have the support of the people in the years above us,’ he says, adding that each first-year EMDP student is assigned a ‘parent’ from the second year and a ‘grandparent’ from the third year. ‘I’m working hard and achieving some of the highest grades across my cohort, including MBBS, and I’m looking forward to my career as a doctor,’ says Mirabdulhagh. ‘I hope that I have proven that there is a lot of potential locked up out there. There’s a need for programmes like the EMDP to unlock it. I am so grateful for the opportunity the EMDP has given me, and I will give what I can back to the course, and I will continue to support it long after I have graduated.’

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Chain reaction From supporting opera productions to making terms overseas possible, gifts of all sizes can change the lives of our students

200 donors giving £35 each

600 donors giving £10 each


alumni each leaving between £1,000 to £5,000


circle donors giving £1,000 each


donors giving £140 each

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7 alumni included King’s in their wills, each leaving between £1,000 to £5,000 towards the College’s greatest needs. Their generosity is supporting 15 students facing financial hardship.

200 donors giving £35 each enabled the student-run King’s Opera to produce, for the first time ever, two shows in one year, one of them being the challenging Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht.

50 donors giving £140 each are supporting dental students taking part in elective experiences across the globe – with destinations ranging from Peru to Finland during the past year. These eye-opening electives provide students with learning experiences they’ll never forget.

600 donors giving £10 each funded The Joy of Influence series – see page 12 – which brought six leading novelists to the College to meet with King’s students.

10 circle donors giving £1,000 each are providing scholarships for academic excellence to two students, allowing them to reach their full potential and have a well-rounded university experience without worrying about finances.

In Recognition 2012-13 | 17

Exploring a country of huge contrasts Able to study in Brazil with support from Santander, a student learns how a term living abroad opens doors and opens minds

Marianne Foskett is studying French and Portuguese & Brazilian Studies at King’s. She attended São Paulo University for the 2013 spring term through a programme funded by Santander. Here she shares some observations from her time in Brazil

18 | In Recognition 2012-13


hat images does the word ‘Brazil’ conjure for the uninitiated? Before I left for São Paulo, my research had taken me only so far: breathtaking landscapes, cachaça-fuelled parties, football mania, carnival, insidious corruption within the political elite and drug-fuelled violence in the favelas were amongst the images I had. ‘Why choose São Paulo?’ To many Brazilians, the idea that a European whose first language is English should brave this hectic, ugly, baffling and, not infrequently, dangerous metropolis is incomprehensible. And, yes, there is an irony in this since many young Brazilians crave the opportunity to study in the US or Europe. For them, English is the key to career progression and opportunity. ‘You speak English… you rich!’ one elderly man pointed out to me as I got on a bus. I wanted to see for myself and draw my own conclusions about a country that increasingly is regarded as a nation to watch in the future. São Paulo (19 million inhabitants) gives a very onesided impression of Brazil, which is vast and diverse. Each of Brazil’s 27 states is almost a separate country, boasting a character different from its neighbours. The generous support of a Santander Study Abroad Award enabled me to travel extensively within Brazil: bus travel is good and inexpensive. Even internal flights can be cheap. An intimate knowledge of Brazil opens doors to career options, whether in Brazil itself or dealing with Brazil from the outside. A near-native

fluency in Portuguese and an understanding of the working culture help smooth the path to that. More generally, the process of tackling, adapting to and (in my case) growing to appreciate a culture very different from the one I know should result in the more open-minded outlook required to develop working relationships with others. I will undoubtedly carry fond memories of my time in Brazil. The adventures (even taking the local bus ranks as one) and the friends I have made (from all over the world) have been hugely important parts of the experience and, without me noticing it, will have changed me. My perceptions of Brazil are not much more clearly defined than when I arrived some months ago. It is a country of huge contrasts where everyone has a different take on things. You can criticise it, feel exasperated by it, marvel at its absurdities, sympathise with it and fall in love with it all at once. I have been here during a significant political awakening. I will follow with interest how this larger-thanlife nation develops. Finally, I would like to thank Santander and King’s for providing me with this fantastic opportunity.

Brazil offers educational experiences in the old and new: São Paulo, top, and Salvador

In good company The College is very grateful to all those who so generously supported our work in the past financial year. We warmly acknowledge all those listed below and those who prefer to remain anonymous

Exceptional Support & King’s Campaign Circle We would particularly like to recognise those who have given support at an exceptional level to the College. We extend our deepest appreciation to the following, as well as those individuals and organisations that have chosen to remain anonymous. Dr Stephen Amiel Mr Ineeyan Ariyaratnam Mrs Celia Atkin, née Bogan, & Mr Edward Atkin CBE Dr Timi Austen-Peters The late Miss Edith Baer Mr Martin Begg The late Miss Joan Bernard FKC Mr Geoffrey Bond OBE Ms Kim Brizzolara The late Mrs Elizabeth Brown Dr Nick Bunnin Dr Christine Challacombe, née Cocks, Guy’s Dr Rodney Challinor Professor LC Chan Dr Ray Charlier The late Mrs Catherine Charlish, née Bagley Ms Julia Charlton AKC Professor William Chen and Dr John Chen The late Dr Brian Chenley Ms Bridget Clarke Dr Jack Cohen, Royal Dental Mr Stephen Conway Professor David Cooper, Guy’s Mr Dennis Cope Ms Suzie Corfe Ms Jennifer Cormack Mr Ian Creagh FKC Mr Mike Dalgleish Dr Trudi Darby AKC Mr Bill Dodwell The Marquess of Douro OBE & The Marchioness of Douro OBE Mr Arthur Dove CBE AKC Mr Richard Dyton AKC Mr Nicholas Egon FKC & Mrs Matti Egon Mr B Elliston Dr Omer Fadl Mr David Farrell Lord Stanley Fink FKC and Lady Barbara Fink Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman KCMG CBE FKC Mr Richard Gapper Professor Michael Gleeson, Guy’s Emeritus Professor Irving Gottesman FKC Mrs Barbara Grimes

Ms Jacqueline Guddoy Mr Geoff Hale Lord Philip Harris FKC & Dame Lady Pauline Harris Mr Stephen Harrow AKC FKC The Revd Mr Kenneth Hewitt AKC The Honourable Dr John Hillen Mr Geraint Hughes AKC Mrs V Hunt Mr Changqung Ji Sir Henry Keswick & The Hon Lady Tessa Keswick FKC Judge Peter King AKC Mr George Koukis Mr William Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan Mr James Langmead The Lau Family Dr Zudong Liu Ms Jane Lobo Mr R Maycock Ms Jane Merrick Mr Vladimir Merson Mrs Erica Mitsidis, née Echt Mr S Mobbs The late Professor Sir Kenneth Murray Mr SF Ng & Mrs Gloria Ng Dr Sakar Nusseibeh Mr Tito Pedrini Mr Daniel Peltz & Mrs Elizabeth Peltz Mr Dickson Poon CBE Mr Peter de Putron & Mrs Hayley de Putron Ms Francesca Rae Quint AKC, née Gomez Professor Anne Ridley Mr John Robertshaw Mr David Rogers Mrs Lily Safra FKC Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy Mr Martin Scott The late Mrs Evelyn Smith, née Shipley Professor Moya Meredith Smith, Royal Dental Mr Paul Smith The late Miss Valerie Smith Sir Harry Solomon Mr Manmohan Suri Mr Mike Taylor Professor Sir Richard Trainor KBE FKC & Professor Marguerite Dupree Mr Bosco Tso The Most Revd Archbishop Desmond Tutu FKC Professor Bob Walton, Guy’s Ms Alix Wender The late His Honour Sir Frank White FKC Dr Peter Wilkinson

Mr Paul Williams Mr Christopher Wiscarson FKC & Mrs Gilly Wiscarson Mr Dawson Woo Mrs Jill Woodhouse Mr Mark Woodhouse AKC The late Mr Paul Wright AKC The Yeoh Family Mr Dieter Yih FKC The late Mrs Leonora Yonge Action Medical Research Action on Addiction Alzheimer’s Brain Bank UK Alzheimer’s Disease International Alzheimer’s Research UK Arcadia Fund Arthritis Research UK Association for International Cancer Research Australian Civil-Military Centre Autism Speaks Avantha Group BASF SE Big Lottery Fund Breakthrough Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Campaign British Heart Foundation British Skin Foundation Cancer Research UK Carnegie Corporation of New York CHDI Foundation, Inc Circulation Foundation Dhammakaya International Society of the UK Diabetes UK Dimbleby Cancer Care Dorset Foundation Dunhill Medical Trust ECTRIMS European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes The Eranda Foundation The Florence Nightingale Foundation Fondation Leducq Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation The John & Lucille van Geest Foundation Global Business Services Ltd Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity GW Pharmaceuticals Ltd The Health Foundation Heathside Charitable Trust Janssen Pharmaceuticals NV Johnson & Johnson

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund King’s Medical Research Trust The Kirby Laing Foundation Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Leverhulme Trust The John D & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Maudsley Charity Medical Research Foundation MedImmune Ltd Ministry of Culture, Government of India Motor Neurone Disease Association NARSAD National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research National Heart Foundation of Australia National Institutes of Health National Peanut Board Nestec Ltd Stavros Niarchos Foundation Novo Nordisk Foundation Nuffield Foundation Oak Foundation Office of the High Commissioner for India Open Society Foundations Orthopaedic Research UK PC Woo & Co The P F Charitable Trust Psychiatry Research Trust Rosetrees Trust The Dr. Mortimer & Theresa Sackler Foundation Santander Universities Cicely Saunders International The Schilizzi Foundation Shell UK Limited The Peter Sowerby Charitable Foundation Sport Aiding Medical Research for Kids St Thomas’ Lupus Trust Stichting ALS Nederland Stroke Association Teenage Cancer Trust Tommy’s The Baby Charity Tropical Health and Education Trust Unilever UK Central Resources Ltd Urology Foundation The Waterloo Foundation Wellcome Trust The Garfield Weston Foundation Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation The Wolfson Foundation

Ms Mary Bilton Mr Warren Birnbaum Mr Frank Bisby Mr David Blackburn & Mrs Carys Blackburn Mr David Blacoe Dr Ann Blizard, née Underwood Mr Steven Bolotin & Mrs Andra Bolotin Mr Adam Boulton FKC Mr John Boyce Mr John Bradley, Guy’s Dr Paul Brankin OBE Mr Graham Brown

Colonel Lance Burton & Mrs Janie Burton Professor Jack Cann Professor Stephen Challacombe FKC, Guy’s Professor Li Chong Chan & Dr Penny Cheuk Dr Tou Chang, Guy’s, & Ms Jacqueline Loh Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC Mrs Susan Clark, née Storer Dr Stephen Colloff Professor David Cooper, Guy’s Mr Paul Cooper & Mrs Rachel Cooper Mr John Coulter Dr Elizabeth Courtauld, née Molland

Mr Ian Creagh FKC Dr John Crocker & Mrs Josephine Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson Mrs Margarita Crocker Mr John Cuthbert & Mrs Debbie Cuthbert, née Barrett Dr Clive Debenham, Guy’s Dr Martin Delahaye, Guy’s Dr Nicholas Deliyanakis AKC Mr Bill Dodwell Mr Geoffrey Donald The Marquess of Douro OBE & The Marchioness of Douro OBE

Leadership giving The College is honoured to recognise the significant commitment shown by members of the Principal’s Circle, the Dental Circle and the Medical Circle, each of whom has generously donated £1,000 or more towards the College’s discretionary funds. Dr Neil Arnott, St Thomas’ Mr Anthony Ashplant Mr Tom Barry & Mrs Susan Barry Mr Martin Bartlam Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née Taylor Mr Robert Bieber MBE & Mrs Heather Bieber

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

In Recognition 2012-13 | 19

Mr Roland Doven MBE AKC Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née Cassal Professor Stephen Dunne Mr Mark Elliott AKC Dr Mark Ellis Mrs Merlene Emerson, née Toh Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s Mr Robert Evans Dr Omer Fadl, Institute of Psychiatry Mr David Farrell Mr Iain Fenn AKC Mrs Lesley Fernandez-Armesto The Honourable Sir David Foskett FKC & Lady Angela Foskett, née Jacobs Dr Peter Frost, Royal Dental Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC Ms Yvonne Gallagher Professor Stanley Gelbier & Dr Marilyn Gelbier, née Joseph, Royal Dental Professor Anne Greenough FKC Professor John Greenspan FKC & Professor Deborah Greenspan, Royal Dental Mr Richard Guyver, Guy’s Mr Andrew Haines AKC & Mrs Caroline Haines Professor Sir Andrew Haines FKC Dr Anthony Halperin, Royal Dental Dr Colin Hancock Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary Hardy, née Goold Mr Richard Hardy Dr Thomas Harris, Guy’s Dr Peter Harrison, Guy’s Mr John Henderson AKC Mr Mark Herbert Dr Desmond Higton AKC Mr Jonathan Hiscock & Dr Jane Lau, Guy’s Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Mr Malcolm Horton, Guy’s Dr Robert Howes Professor Mac Hulbert Dr Yee Cheau Hwang Dr Mervyn Jaswon, St Thomas’ Dr Michael Jones & Dr Helen Jones, née Gray, Guy’s Mrs Gillian Jordan, née Meader, & Dr Mark Rake, Guy’s Mr Neil Kaplan CBE Professor Shitij Kapur Dr Richard Kay, Guy’s Dr David Keith, Guy’s Mr Michael Kemp AKC Dr Niall Kirkpatrick, Guy’s Dr Raj Kumar, Guy’s Mr William Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan Dr Francis Kwong & Mrs Peggy Kwong Dr Jennifer Langdon FKC, née Goodwin, Guy’s Professor John Langdon FKC Dr James Lau Dr Tony Leake, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Lee & Dr Avni Lee, née Patel, Guy’s Miss Harn Szuan Leng Dr John Liu Mr Marc Loy Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC & Mrs Paula Lucas Mr Kah Loon Mah AKC Professor Guglielmo Maisto Dr Kenneth Mao, Guy’s Professor Isaac Marks, Institute of Psychiatry, & Ms Shula Marks Mr David Martinelli Mrs Eszter Matusz-Norris AKC, née Matusz, & Mr Edmund Dilworth Dr John Meredith Smith & Professor Moya Meredith Smith, Royal Dental Ms Maida Milone Mr Gary Morris Mr Stephen Moss CBE Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s Mr Mark Northwood, Guy’s Miss Mary O’Rourke Dr Ian Osterloh, Guy’s Mr Andrew Parrish Mr Constantin Pavleas Professor John Pepper, Guy’s Ms Frederique Pierre-Pierre Dr Peter Pierzchniak Mr Craig Pouncey Professor Harold Preiskel, Guy’s Mr Michael Raffan AKC Dr Arfan Rashid Professor Dianne Rekow Professor Tara Renton, née Cautley, Guy’s Richardson Brothers Foundation

Mrs Amy Ricker, née Gardner The late Mr Colin Rodger Mr John Roper Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s Mr Iain Roxborough Professor Jonathan Sandy Mr John Savage Mr Philip Scott Mrs Susan Searle AKC, née Lee, & Mr Christopher J Searle Dr Louis Shih, St Thomas’ Ms Pepe Shirlaw Dr Janet Sidaway, née Cochrane Mr Geoffrey Smith Mr Peter Smolen Mr Claudius Sokenu Mr Babatunde Soyoye Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson Mr Byron Stinson & Mrs Siew Stinson Mr Malcolm Swift Mr Roderick Sykes Mr Robin Taher Dr Hai-meng Tan & Mrs SelenaTan Mr Venantius Tan Sir David Tang KBE & Lady Tang Mr John Taylor, Guy’s Mr Hitesh Thakrar, QEC Professor Van Thompson Mr Alan Tottle Professor Sir Richard Trainor KBE FKC & Professor Marguerite Dupree Professor Tom Treasure, Guy’s, & Dr Janet Treasure OBE, née Burden, St Thomas’ Professor Henry Tyrrell FKC Professor John Uff CBE FKC & Mrs Diana Uff, née Graveson Ms Caroline Usher Ms Anne Waltham Mr Peter Weitzel Miss Karen Wheeler Mr Phillip Widjaja Mr Stephen Williams & Mrs Susan Williams, née Cottam Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC Mr Christopher Wiscarson FKC & Mrs Gillian Wiscarson Mr John Woodley & Mrs Jill Woodley, née Hodgkinson Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s Dr Susan Young, Guy’s Dr Pirooz Zia, Guy’s

Alumni King’s relies on the support and commitment of its alumni to create new opportunities for students and staff. We thank all of our donors, including those who prefer to remain anonymous, and would particularly like to recognise those who have offered their support for the past three or more consecutive years, whose names are in bold. 1935 Mr Frank Bisby 1937 Dr W Murray-Brown, St Thomas’ 1939 The late Mrs Catherine Charlish, née Bagley The late Mr Henley Nicholls AKC 1940 Dr Leslie Hale & the late Mrs Shirley Hale, née Dumayne 1941 The late Miss Edith Baer Mrs Peggy Bedwell, née Mason The late Dr Oliver Garai Mrs M Humpheryes, née Coast Mrs Margaret Morris, née Back Mr Clifford Robinson AKC 1942 The Revd Aleck Banks AKC 1943 Dr Fred Charatan, St Thomas’ Dr John Coxon, St Thomas’ Mr Richard Hart, Guy’s Mrs Glenys Hurle-Hobbs, née Hembry Mrs Phyllis Nye AKC, née Quenault

1944 Dr John Barham Commander Clement Cambrook Dr Joan Garai, née Gibson The late Mr Hedley Grabaskey, Guy’s Dr Robert Hardwick, St Thomas’ Miss Marian Nevell Mrs Kay Pannell, née Simon Dr Antony Sampson The late Mrs Evelyn Smith, née Shipley Mr Guy Smith AKC Dr Georgina Somerset, née Turtle Dr David Trounce, Guy’s 1945 Mr Michael Burnside Mr Guy Carruthers Dr Dewi Davies, Guy’s Mr Harold Fletcher Dr Robert MacDonald Vrd, Guy’s Dr Thomas Richards Mrs W Mary Richards, née Clements Dr Derek Seaton, St Thomas’ Professor Bob Walton, Guy’s The late Dr Gordon Welch, St Thomas’ 1946 Dr Winifred Adams, née Hawkes Dr Donald Ainscow, St Thomas’ Mr Stuart Bell, Guy’s The late Sir Antony Driver Mrs Jean Goodfellow, née Stewart Mr Jeffrey Rose, Guy’s Mrs Joan Short AKC, née Lesford Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson Dr Michael Warren, Guy’s Dr Janet Waugh, née McDowall 1947 Mrs Irene Burtt AKC, née Towler Dr Michael Coigley, St Thomas’ Miss Betty Dass Lady Paddy Driver, née Tinkler Dr Keith Fergusson, St Thomas’ Dr Cecil French Dr Malcolm Godfrey CBE FKC Mr John Jenrick Mrs Mary Laundon, née Parratt Professor Maurice Lessof FKC, Guy’s Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née Stokes Mr Alan Norman, St Thomas’ Mrs Elizabeth Oliver, née Ratigan Mrs Joan Orchard AKC, née Miller Miss Mary Pooley AKC Dr Ernest Roberts, St Thomas’ Mrs Monica Robinson, née Hobbs Mr John Simpson Mrs Madeleine West, née Colmore Mrs Alison Woodhead, née Reader 1948 Dr Sydney Beales Mr Leonard Bean Mr Brian Cane AKC Dr Alan Chynoweth Dr Kenneth Citron, Guy’s Mr Desmond Crook Mr J Gill Vrd, St Thomas’ Dr Donald Keedwell Mr Martin Maycock Dr Wilfrid Medd, St Thomas’ Dr Eric Morrall Dr Eric Pitts Dr Bruce Richards, St Thomas’ Miss Iris Richart Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s Mr TF Roylance Mrs Anthea Sartain, née Lowe Dr Benjamin Silkoff, Guy’s Mrs Jean Smith AKC, née Clayton Dr Michael Swallow Dr Amin Tibi Dr William Walsh, Guy’s Dr Donald Winstock, Royal Dental 1949 Dr Leonard Barron, St Thomas’ Dr Edmund Beswick, Guy’s Mr Jason Brice, Guy’s Mr Edward Broadway OBE, Royal Dental Mrs Barbara Dutton, née Hornsby Mrs Penny Francis MBE Mr Ronald Grassly Professor John Hinton Mr Frank Hulford AKC

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

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Dr Michael Jackson, Guy’s Dr Martin Lea, St Thomas’ Dr Gerald Leaf Mr Peter Lineham AKC Dr Jack Loeb, Guy’s Miss Sheila McCormack, Normanby College Dr Edward McGuire, Guy’s Dr Gerald Moore, Guy’s The Revd John Ouless AKC Miss Emel Rochat The late Dr Dennis Thompson Mr Colin Walker, St Thomas’ Dr Elizabeth Wilson, née Nicoll 1950 Mr Tim Anderson, St Thomas’ Mr John Attwood Mr John Bragg OBE, Chelsea College Professor Ray Brooks, Chelsea College The late Mr John Clark AKC Mr Ronald Cox Miss Hazel Davey Dr Sheila Doak, née Charter Dr Melvin Earles, Chelsea College Mrs Marjorie Finney, née Prickett Dr Ivor Gabe Dr Jean Candy Gillbard Dr John Gower The late Professor Geoffrey Austin Gresham & Dr Gweneth Gresham, née Leigh Mr Michael Handscomb The late Mr James Arthur David Heal The Revd Kenneth Hewitt AKC Mr Raymond Isherwood AKC Mr Gerald Keen The late Mrs Eileen Lineham, née Thompson Mrs Margaret Pearson, née Simpson Dr Horace Pile, Guy’s Mr Desmond Pollock Canon Desmond Probets Mr Peter Saville, Guy’s The late Miss Valerie Smith Dr Hugh Smyllie Mrs Audrey Thomas, née Beeson Lady Anne White MBE, The late His Honour Sir Frank White FKC Mr Dennis Whittington, Guy’s 1951 Dr Morris Baker Dr Clive Bishop FKC Dr Kenneth Biss Mr Ronald Bristow Dr Jeffrey Bulow, Royal Dental Dr John Burston, St Thomas’ Dr Rosemary Cooper, née Van’t Hoff Mr Leslie Cox AKC Mr Eric Dale & Mrs Nora Dale, née Smith Dr Paget Davies Mrs Jean Day, née Ayre Dr William Dorrell, St Thomas’ Professor Michael Fisher FKC Mr Michael Flint AKC The late Mr Douglas Fox Mr Geoffrey Gardner Mr John Gordon Mr Henry Grenville Mrs Rosemary Hewitt, née Jones The late Mrs Dorothy Jenkin AKC, née Proctor Professor Aubrey Jenkins Mrs Helen Jenrick, née Young, Royal Dental Mr Denis Keefe Dr Deryk Lawrence, St Thomas’ Dr Lawrence Middleton CMG Dr John Moore, Guy’s The Revd David Nash AKC Dr Antony Nechvatal Professor Anthony North AKC Dr John Peters Mr John Powley Dr John Richards AKC Dr Brian Robinson Dr John Rycroft, Guy’s Mr William Sale AKC Mr Geoffrey Salmon Dr John Savage, St Thomas’ Mr John Snell Mr Ronald Stedman & Mrs Muriel Stedman, née Maine Mr Colin Stoneman Mr Geoffrey Taylor Mrs Greta Walton, née Wray Mr Geoffrey Weekes AKC Mr David Willis The late Mr Paul Wright AKC

1952 The late Ms Valerie Anderson AKC, née Howard Mr John Ashworth AKC Ms Mary Austin AKC Dr Lionel Balfour-Lynn, Guy’s Dr David Bayton, St Thomas’ Dr Raymond Brotherwood, Guy’s Mr Christopher Bull, Guy’s Mrs Sheila Butler AKC, née Keen Mr Wal Capstick Mr Brian Cooper Dr Michael Courtenay, St Thomas’ Dr John Dewing & Mrs Barbara Dewing, née Redgwick, QEC Mr Leslie Dingle Mr Hugh Duncombe Mrs Margaret Godden, née Muirden Mr Raymond Gregory Mrs Susan Howard, née Pitt-Lewis Mr Harry Irvine, Guy’s Dr Donald Laird, St Thomas’ Dr Tony Leake, St Thomas’ Dr Charles Mansfield Surgeon Rear-Admiral Frank Mathias, Guy’s Mr Alan Morris Dr Richard Mulley Dr Joy Pentney, Guy’s Mr David Potter AKC The Revd Prebendary Frank Powell AKC & Mrs Joan Powell Miss Diana Raine Dr Peter Reay-Young, St Thomas’ Mr Thomas Riddles Mr Clifford Rose Mr Erwin Schneider AKC Mrs Margaret Slade, née Bannerman Mrs Joyce Snell Mr Bryan Stokes Mr Kenneth Sutherland The Revd Edward Thompson AKC Dr John Turner AKC The late Mrs Anne Vinall, née Crittenden Mr Raymond Wallis The late Mr Maurice Webb AKC & Mrs Pamela Webb, née Potts Dr Leonard Williams, St Thomas’ Dr John Wragg CBE Mrs Anne Wren, née Maltman 1953 Dr Frank Andrews Mrs Jean Ashmead AKC, née Trippett Dr Regina Botting, née Mrozowska, Chelsea College Mrs Joyce Bridgeman, née Gunson Dr Margaret Brown Dr Leonard Brunt, Guy’s Dr Colin Campbell, St Thomas’ Mr Eric Carter AKC Mr Deryck Chant, Guy’s Mr David Clark, Guy’s Dr Alan Clark-Jones Dr John Crocker Mr Michael Dale Mr Richard Dibben Miss Sheila Downs Miss Margaret Etall Mrs Margaret Field, née Johnson Mrs Patricia Garnham, née Hellins, QEC The Revd John Godfrey AKC Miss Mary Gold AKC Mrs Bridget Greiner AKC, née Cormack Mr Dennis Higgins Dr Geoffrey Jolliffe, Chelsea College Dr Robert Jones, Guy’s Dr R Lawson, St Thomas’ Mr David Mitchell The Revd Peter Morris Dr Michael Mynott, St Thomas’ Dr Jack Nickson Mrs Jessie Oddy, née Owen Dr Robin Orr, Guy’s Mr Peter Poole AKC Mr Hugh Proctor AKC Mr Geoffrey Pye Dr Mike Quinton, Chelsea College Dr Robert Ridley AKC Mr Ian Rushton Dr Kenneth Scott OBE, Guy’s Mr Geoffrey Smith Dr John Welford AKC Mr Peter Wright 1954 Mr George Beresford, Guy’s Dr Michael Bridger, St Thomas’

Professor John Brindley The Revd William Richard Chown AKC Dr Anthony Christmas, St Thomas’ Dr Brian Collins, Guy’s Mrs Patricia Cox, née Symes, QEC The late Dr Donald Craig, St Thomas’ Dr W Dolton Mr Arthur Dove CBE AKC Dr Arthur Fowle & Dr Lise Fowle, née Einerl Professor Lionel Fry Mr Peter Goddard, Guy’s Mr Jeremy Hall, Guy’s Mrs Norma Hall, née Youdale Mr Peter Heywood AKC Dr Kenneth Hillard, Guy’s Professor Walter Holland CBE FKC, St Thomas’ Miss Margaret Hulmes, QEC Mr Stuart Jack, Guy’s Mr Jeremy Joel Mr Eric Lefebure Dr Peter Long, Guy’s Mr Tommy Lougher, Guy’s The Revd Anthony Marks AKC Mr Stewart McKim, St Thomas’ Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née Honey-Jones, QEC Mr John Newby AKC Mr Norman Nicholson Mrs Rosemary Oddy, née Rushworth Dr Geoffrey Pearson MBE, Guy’s Mr Derek Porter, St Thomas’ Mrs Jean Potter AKC, née Palmer Dr James Rawes, St Thomas’ The Revd Anthony Richins Mr Bryan Rigby Mr Alexander Robertson-Kellie AKC Dr J Robinson, St Thomas’ The late Mr Colin Rodger Dr H Ruberl Dr Andrew Russell MBE, St Thomas’ Air Vice-Marshal Derek Saunders CBE Dr Keith Scott MBE Dr Omar Shaheen, Guy’s Mr Eric Stables Mrs Margaret Symonds, née Tribe Dr Mary Thomas, Guy’s Colonel Kenneth Walker OBE, Guy’s Mrs Anne Welford, née Marsden Mrs Audrey Wilcock, née Heap Mr John Williams 1955 The Very Revd Dean Grahame Baker Mr Geoffrey Baker, Guy’s The late Dr Francis Batson, Guy’s Mr Peter Bayliss Mr Michael Borrie OBE The late Dr Jack Botting, Chelsea College Mr Peter Briggs, Guy’s Mrs Annette Chant, née Pountain, Guy’s The late Mr John Neil Clarke Mr Anthony Clifton-Samuel, Royal Dental Surgeon Rear-Admiral David Coppock, Guy’s Mr Alan Couch Mr Peter Cumming, Guy’s Professor David Davies AKC FKC Dr Vera Dolton, née Irving Dr Audrey Eccles, née Schofield The Revd Colin Elliott AKC Mrs Susie Evershed, née Matthews, QEC Dr Elisabeth Fox, née Rashid Dr Colin Geary, St Thomas’ Dr Nigel Gripper, Guy’s Mr Paul Hammett Mr Richard Hardy Mrs Berenice Harper, née Haydon Mr Peter Harvey Dr Rosemary Hayball, née Ellwood Mr Tony Hitchcock, Guy’s Mr Peter Holden Mrs Ann Holley, née Collins Mr Kenneth Hubble Mr Peter Jenkins AKC The late Dr John Leeds, St Thomas’ The Revd Canon Robert Lunnon AKC Dr Brian McCombe Emeritus Professor David Miller, St Thomas’ Mrs Maureen Mullally-Clarke Mr Donald Nappin Mrs Juliet Pack AKC, née Toop Professor Keith Patchett Dr Veronica Pearson, née Mercer, St Thomas’ The Revd John Serjeant Mr Paul Simpson Mr Donald Slade Dr Ian Smith Dr Graham Swan, St Thomas’

Mrs E A Thompson, née Mortimer Mr Alan Trinder, Chelsea College The Revd Peter Vincent AKC Dr John Vinnicombe, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Wagerman Miss Jean Wines AKC Mr Derek Yandell 1956 Mr Gordon Adams OBE AKC Mr Michael Allen Dr Simon Ardeman Mr Dennis Ardouin, Royal Dental Miss Margaret Benson Mr David Boughton Mrs JoAnne Brewster, née Shepherd Dr Stephen Bryans, St Thomas’ Mr John Burdin Ms Bridget Clarke Ms Ann Cloney Mrs Pauline Congreve, née Owen Dr David Connell, St Thomas’ Mrs Jo Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson Mr John Crone Mr John D’Arcy Dr Hazel Davies, née Byrne, Guy’s Mr Lewis Davies, Chelsea College Mrs Lynn Free AKC, née Brownhill Professor John Garrett Mr Gordon Goldman, Royal Dental Mr Ronald Gutteridge Mrs Maureen Hunton, née Anderson, QEC Dr John Hurley Dr John Illingworth, Guy’s Dr Graham Jenkins, Guy’s Mr Victor Jordan Dr John Kennedy Mrs Mary Lambert, née Lord The Revd William Leah AKC Ms Marilyn Malin The Revd Prebendary Christopher Marshall AKC Mr Robert Medlycott Mr John Philpott AKC Mrs Jean Plumb, née Hudson Mr David Rees, Guy’s The Revd Herbert Reid AKC Dr Frederick Roberts AKC & Dr Pamela Roberts, née Osborn Dr Ralph Robinson, Guy’s Mr Bernard Rofe AKC Mr Malcolm Rowson Miss Anne Savage, Chelsea College Mr John Savage Mr John Shrimplin Dr Kenneth Somer AKC Mrs Diana Sparkes, née Foss Mr Geoff Stephenson & Mrs Hilary Stephenson AKC, née Lockwood Dr Gwyn Thomas, Guy’s Mrs Sally Vincent AKC, née Watson Mr Trevor Waller, Chelsea College Mr William Watkins Dr Anthony Watson, St Thomas’ Mrs Monica White, née Shelton Dr Derek Wilson, Guy’s Dr Monica Woodhouse, née Langhan, Guy’s The Revd Thomas Wright AKC 1957 Mrs Brenda Akers, née Lowery The Revd Mr David Battersby AKC Mr Thomas Butler Mr Terry Carter AKC Mr Richard Cooper, Guy’s Mr Barry Cryer, Guy’s The late Mrs Patricia D’Arcy, née Wood Dr Peter Drury, Guy’s Mr Stuart Duncan Mr David Dunlop Mrs Gwynneth Flower Dr Robert Gilchrist, St Thomas’ Mr Dan Godfrey AKC Mr Peter Golding Mrs Jill Goodchild, née Harrison Mr James Gornall, Guy’s Colonel Ian Governor Mr Ken Gregory Miss Marilyn Harrison, Normanby College Mrs Brenda Hartley, née Willis Ms Rose Heaword Mr Colin Heseltine Dr Mike Irving, St Thomas’ Mr William Jago Mrs Winifred Jago, née Sullivan Professor Richard Jarrett, Guy’s

Mr Peter Johnson, St Thomas’ Mrs Rosalind Kemp, née Challacombe Mr James Kent Dr Michael Kessel Dr Nigel Knight, Guy’s Dr Basil Lee, St Thomas’ Mrs Jill Lister Mr Bill Lovelock Dr Peter Martin Dr Brian Moore, Guy’s Professor Khursheed Moos OBE, Guy’s Dr John Patten Mrs Margaret Phillips, née Newall Dr Dennis Potter Mr Keith Rodaway AKC Dr Robert Salmon, Guy’s The Revd David Salt AKC Mrs Rochelle Shapiro, née Gelman Mr Elfrid Silcock, Guy’s Dr Colin Smith, Guy’s The Revd Canon David Tann AKC Mr William Thomas, Royal Dental Mr Terence Watts Dr Thomas West OBE, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Whatmore, Guy’s Dr Anne Wigley Mr Richard Williams Dr Patrick Wilson Dr Frederick Worlock, St Thomas’ 1958 Mr Robert Ayers Mr Colin Baker The Revd Canon John Barnes AKC Dr Ronald Barnes, Guy’s Dr Malcolm Begley, St Thomas’ The Revd David Biles AKC Mr Peter Birch AKC Mrs Frances Black, née Roberts Mr Tony Boyd Mr John Bradley, Guy’s Dr James Briggs, St Thomas’ Mr John Brown Mr Brian Bull AKC Mrs Anne Chiene, née Hopkins Mr John Coleman The Revd John Copping AKC Dr Elizabeth Cowlishaw, née Freeman Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née Cassal Dr Donald Edbrooke, Guy’s Mr John Freeborn The late Mrs Margaret Gossage, née Davidson Mr James Gray, Guy’s Dr Geoffrey Hayes, Guy’s Dr Ian Higton AKC Mr Bob Hinton AKC Mrs Harriet Hodes, née Anson, Chelsea College Mr Michael Hudson Mrs Brenda Jadhav AKC, née Wright Ms Frances Jessup Dr Desmond Kelly, St Thomas’ Ms Judith Kent, née Fowler Dr Jeremy Lee-Potter, Guy’s Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC Mrs Jenny Macpherson, née Wybourn Dr Ian Magrath Professor Stuart Malin The Revd Canon Peter Marshall AKC Mr Eric Misselke Dr Elizabeth Moore, née Forstner, Guy’s Mr John Muir FKC Mrs Diane Murphy AKC, née Lees Mr Ralph Naylor, Guy’s Captain Michael O’Reilly Mr Harry Ovington Mr John Padovan FKC Mr John Pearson Mr David Pegg The late Mr Malcolm Pine & Mrs Carol Pine Mr John Price Mr Kenneth Price AKC Miss Fay Rance Dr John Restall, St Thomas’ Mr Brian Roberts, Guy’s Mrs Patricia Robson, née Hughes The late Revd Mr George Robson AKC Mr David Russell Mr David Sheppard AKC Mrs Hilary Silvester, née Walker Dr Brian Smith Professor Roy Stainton Mr John Stevenson Mr Michael Sturman, Royal Dental Dr Maria Stycos, née Nowakowska Mr William Tucker, Guy’s Mrs Janet Turner AKC, née Sargent

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013.

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Mr Michael Underwood, Royal Dental, & Dr Ann Blizard Dr Alister Voller Mr Christopher Wege, Guy’s Dr John White Dr Don Whiting The Revd Anthony Wibberley AKC Mrs Mary Wilson AKC, née Stanbury Dr David Woolf, Royal Dental The Revd Martyn Wratten AKC 1959 Mrs Josephine Bankes, née Kingswell, QEC Dr Don Birtwistle Dr Alan Black Mr David Bowen Dr Donald Burgess Dr Alan Burn Mr Antony Carr Dr Stephen Colloff Dr William Couldrick Ms Jennifer Davies Mr Colin Dawe AKC Dr Derek Denis-Smith, Guy’s Mrs Diane Dixon, née Hoare Dr Neville Dobie, Guy’s Mr Geoffrey Donald Dr John Farmer, Guy’s Dr Thomas Foley, St Thomas’ The Revd Canon Jane Freebairn-Smith, née Goldfinch Mr George Garrett AKC Dr Allan Gibb, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Glasscock Mr Henry Green Dr John Griffith Ms Valerie Haggett Dr Simon Harcourt-Webster, St Thomas’ Mr Bill Hargraves, Guy’s Mr James Hogan Mrs Elizabeth Holgate AKC, née Wright Dr John Holmes-Smith OBE, Guy’s Mrs Jill Jackson, née Hampton, Guy’s Mr Neil Jaggers Mr Geoff Keeble, Guy’s Dr John Kelly, Guy’s Dr Barry Kempton, Guy’s Mr William Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan Mrs Judith Le Poer Power, née Cooke Mrs Clara Locke, née Liu Dr Ian MacDonald Mr John Mackinder, Guy’s Dr Ann Mason, née Hill, St Thomas’ Dr Andrew McClean, St Thomas’ The Revd Thomas McCoulough AKC Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray, QEC Professor Brian Meldrum, Guy’s Dr Hedley Missen, Guy’s Mr Michael Morrell Mr Bill Old Dr Richard Orr, St Thomas’ The Revd Robert Paget AKC Dr David Payler, Guy’s Dr John Pegg, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Perry Mrs Jean Pomfret, née Bacon Mr David Roberts Mr Irvin Rosenthal, Guy’s Mr Bernard Roser Dr Noel Roy Mr Andrew Smetham Dr Paul Smith, St Thomas’ Dr Carey Smithen Dr Neill Spencer Professor Philip Taylor Dr Keith Thomas & Mrs Tonie Thomas, née Lloyd Mr Wayne Thomas MBE Miss Elizabeth Tucker Ms Jenifer Tuckett AKC, née Gamble Mrs Jennifer Turner, née Minto Professor Athasit Vejjajiva, Guy’s Mr Harry Wale Dr Brian Warren, Guy’s Mr Brian Watkis Emeritus Professor Roger Watson, Guy’s Mr Richard Wilcockson & Mrs Sheila Wilcockson, née Kirwan Dr John Winter, Guy’s Mr John Wright 1960 Dr Jim Andrews Mr Keith Atkinson MBE Mr Ken Bandy AKC Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née Taylor

Mrs Janet Bennett, née Frost Mr Bruce Bennett Mr Don Blackman, Royal Dental Dr Jeremy Brewer, Guy’s Dr Peter Bunyan Dr Stewart Bussell, Guy’s, & Mrs Betty Bussell Mr Michael Cavendish, Guy’s Mrs Jane Clark, née Langley Emeritus Professor John Cloudsley-Thompson Dr Michael Coe, Guy’s Dr Jack Cohen, Royal Dental Dr Thomas Colbridge Dr Alan Cooper, Guy’s Mr Kenneth Coton AKC Mr Seán Duggan Dr Hilary Eggington, née Stirlans, St Thomas’ Dr Patrick Fanning, Guy’s Dr John Feather Mr David Fifield, Chelsea College Mr Brian Foster Mrs Diana Francis, née Slater The Rt Revd Bishop Richard Garrard AKC Ms Marion Herbert Professor Edward Howard The late Mr William Humphreys, Guy’s, & Mrs Lyn Humphreys Dr John Hunter Sir Barry Jackson & Lady Sheila Jackson Mr David Jenkins Mr Bernard Jones AKC Mr Geoffrey Lammas The Revd John Lovejoy AKC Dr Mitzi Macey-Dare, née Coyle, Royal Dental Professor Ted Maden Mrs Penelope Malpass, née Williams Dr John Massy The Revd Malcolm Miles AKC The Revd Malcolm Millard AKC Mr Donald Millington The Revd Ian Monks Mrs Rosalind Paterson AKC, née May Mr Colin Peacock The Revd Mair Roberts Mrs Rosemary Russell, née Ward Mr Bob Russell Dr Sydney Russell-Wells, St Thomas’ Mr Stanley Smith Ms Diane Speakman Mr Jeffrey Stedman, Chelsea College Mr Ian Tatman Mrs Valerie Taylor AKC, née Chainey Dr Robert Terry, Guy’s Dr David Thallon, St Thomas’ Dr Andrew Thomson Ms Barbara Thrift Mrs Lilian West, née Trotter Mr Roger Wheale MBE AKC Mrs Valerie White, née Barron Mrs Katherine Wilson, née Lloyd Mr David Wright, Guy’s Mr John Wyatt 1961 Mrs Janet Andrews, née Clayton Dr Joyce Antcliff, née Robinson Mr Frank Barker The late Miss Joan Bernard FKC Mr Richard Betts, Guy’s Mrs Linda Birkett, née Stafford The Revd Peter Bowers AKC Dr John Burton Dr Keith Chittenden Mr Nigel Chudleigh, Guy’s The Revd Geoffrey Clarkson AKC Mrs Hilary Clough Smith AKC, née Smith The Revd John Cook AKC Dr Martin Corner AKC Mr Edward Cowking Dr Ian Crossman, Guy’s Mr Rodney Davis AKC Ms Helen Derry, née Firth Professor Bernard Dickens Mrs Julia Dickinson, née Knight Councillor Anthony Dunning Mr Alan Edwards AKC Canon Martyn Farrant AKC Mr John Ford Professor Stanley Gelbier, Royal Dental Mrs Helen Gibbons, née MacMahon Mr Neville Goldwyn & Mrs Margaret Goldwyn, née Whittingham Dr David Gordon Mr John Haine Dr Nigel Harper, Guy’s The Revd Christopher Harrison AKC

Ms Mary Harrison, née Whitehead The Revd Canon Simon Hoare AKC Mr Edmund Holt, Guy’s Mrs Joan Irwin-Hunt Professor Michael Knibb AKC FKC Miss Barbara Marsh Dr John Meredith Smith Dr Norman Mills Dr Anthony Morris Dr Heather Morrison, née Kerr, Guy’s Dr Geoffrey Morriss Mr David Nash Mrs Veronica Needham, née Marsden Dr Peter Noble, St Thomas’ Dr John Oliver, Guy’s Ms Christine Parker Dr Thomas Passmore Mr Alan Paul AKC Mrs Jenny Paul, née Landau Mr Malcolm Pike, Royal Dental Professor Harry Preiskel, Guy’s Mr Robert Preston, Guy’s Dr Gunnar Reiman Mr Harvey Rose Ms Dorothy Roxby AKC Mrs Penny Ryan OBE, née Davies Dr Ian Sadler The Revd Eric Sellgren AKC Mr John Sharp, Guy’s Mr Warren Shear, Guy’s Mrs Susan Sirc, née Powell Mrs Margaret Spoor, née Cox Mrs Alison Stagg, née Frame, QEC Mr Brian Turner Mr Norman Vaughton AKC Dr Michael Webb OBE Dr William Webb, Guy’s Professor Roy Weller, Guy’s Mr David Wright AKC 1962 Canon Mr Brian Bailey Professor David Barker CBE, Guy’s Dr Christopher Boothby, Guy’s Mr Robin Bowen-Williams AKC The Revd Peter Boyden AKC The Revd Christopher Brown AKC The Revd Canon Derek Carpenter AKC Dr Rodney Challinor Mrs Norma Chapman, née Armstrong, Chelsea College Dr Kim Cheetham, St Thomas’ Dr John Clitherow, Chelsea College Dr Roger Cole Dr David Collington AKC Dr Geoffrey Cook, Guy’s Mr David Cropper Dr Michael Crowe, Guy’s Dr Marek Cwynarski The Revd Canon Roger Devonshire AKC Mrs Trudy Dickson, Royal Dental Mrs Ruth Dolbear, née Stephen The Revd Canon John Eardley AKC Sir Terence English FKC, Guy’s Mrs Wendy Evans, née Knight Dr Kenneth Evans, Guy’s Dr Malcolm Fergusson, St Thomas’ Mrs Anne Ford, née Timms Professor David Gibbons OBE, Guy’s Dr David Gibbons Mr George Gillespie Dr John Gladstone, Royal Dental Mr Michael Grassly The Revd Brenda Harding, née Emery Mr John Hardman Dr George Haskell AKC Mr John Howley Dr William Humphreys-Davies, St Thomas’ Professor Michael Humphries Dr Michael Jacoby, Guy’s Mr John James Mr Stephen Jeffery Mr Wieslaw Kurek Mr Alan Leigh-Browne, Guy’s Dr Derek Lockstone Mr Michael Lyons The Rt Hon Lord John MacGregor of Pulham Market OBE FKC Professor Jillian Mann MBE, St Thomas’ Mrs Valerie Mellor, née Gordon Dr Rosemary Millis, Guy’s Mr Bruce Morgan, Guy’s Mrs Elizabeth Morgan, née Waldron, QEC Mrs Elizabeth North, née Graham Mrs Marjorie Odugbemi, née Robson Mr Jerzy Ostrovsky, Guy’s

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

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Mrs Rosemary Rabin, née Morrish Mr Robin Rippon, Guy’s Mr Iain Robinson, Guy’s Dr Kenneth Rooke, Guy’s Mr David Rowe Dr Rosemary Satchell Mr Hans Seiwert Dr Jean Shorland Mr Peter Shorrock The Revd Pip Short AKC, née Woodrow The Revd Leonard Skinner AKC Dr Philip Snow, Guy’s Dr Harry Spall Mr Marcus Stroud Dr Morag Stuart, née Miller Mr Peter Tanner, QEC Mr Keith Taylor Dr Anthony Trayling, Guy’s Mr Michael Vadon Dr John Wade Mr Alan Wallace, Guy’s Dr Ronald Wawman Mr John Webb The Revd Canon Norman Woods AKC Mr Gerald Wood-Wilson Dr Denham Wright, St Thomas’ 1963 Dr John Ashton The Revd Graham Bell AKC Ms Mary Bilton Dr E Binsted, St Thomas’ The late Mrs Jane Bowen-Williams AKC, née Hands The Revd David Bracey Dr Ronald Brandt, Guy’s Dr Barry Bray, Guy’s Miss Jean Bromley, Royal Dental Mrs Carole Cole, née Strutt, Normanby College Mr Noel Cooney Professor David Cooper, Guy’s The Revd Howard Curnow Dr Frederick Davidson, Guy’s Dr Serena Davidson, St Thomas’ Dr David Davies AKC Mr Jack Davies, Royal Dental Dr John Dickinson, Guy’s Mr Philip Ellisdon The Revd Philip Elston Dr Ian Fenwick Dr Michael Forth AKC Mr Frederick Friend AKC Mr Brian Gordon Professor John Greenspan FKC, Royal Dental Mr Jeremy Gullan-Whur, Guy’s Dr Anthony Halperin, Royal Dental Professor John Malcolm Harrington CBE Mrs Diana Honeybone AKC, née Yorke Mrs Pamela Jenkins, Royal Dental Mr Robert Jenkin, Guy’s Mr Tony Lee Dr Roger Lendon Emeritus Professor Raymond Levy Dr Edward Little Miss Margaret Loveless, QEC Dr Anthony Lucas-Smith AKC Mrs Jill Lumley, née Smith, Normanby College The Rt Revd Dr Bishop Ted Luscombe Dr Keith Marshall Dr Richard May, Guy’s Dr Francis McGinn, Guy’s Professor John McGurk Dr Jane Miller, née MacDougall Professor Tony Milner, Guy’s Dr Edward Ostler The Revd Dr John Preston Ms Sandra Pugh, née Hollick Dr Mark Rake, Guy’s Dr Tony Richards, Guy’s Mr David Richards, Guy’s Dr Bryan Robinson, Guy’s Mr Bob Sainsbury, Guy’s Mrs Heather Savini, née Montacute Dr Julian Shardlow AKC Dr Iain Sidford The Revd Canon Paul Simmonds Mr Noel Simpson Mrs Sandra Smetham, née Owen Mr Michael Spoor Dr John Steadman, Guy’s Dr William Stockley Dr James Strachan Dr Geoffrey Taylor Mr Alan Tottle The Revd Peter Townsend AKC

Professor John Uff CBE FKC Dr Peter Ustianowski, Guy’s Dr John Verity, St Thomas’ Mr Peter Ward Dr Joan Whitelaw, St Thomas’ Dr David Wilson, Guy’s The late Mr Kevan Womersley, QEC 1964 Dr Anthony Bayley, St Thomas’ Dr Paul Brankin OBE Mr Anthony Button AKC The Revd Christopher Channer Mr Heiko Cooper, Guy’s The Revd John Cooper Ms Barbara Dennis Dr Charles Derry Mrs Carole Elton, née Saunby, Chelsea College The Revd Robin Excell Dr Omer Fadl Professor Timothy Flowers Dr Shirley Foster Dr John Galloway Mr Roy Gooderham Professor Deb Greenspan, Royal Dental Dr Thomas Harris, Guy’s Dr Christopher Hodgson Dr Graham Hollister Dr Stuart Hopps Mr Peter Howe Mrs Gillian Howell, née Reeks Professor Mac Hulbert Mr Roger Jones AKC Dr Michael Jones, Guy’s Dr Janet Jones Dr Carol Kirkpatrick, née Gladstone, Guy’s Ms Veronica Lawlor Mr Graham Lillicrap, Guy’s Mr Timothy Marsh Mr Tom Mason Dr Margaret McRae-Spencer, née Clapp Mrs Jane Mercer, née Wilkinson His Honour Christopher Mitchell Mrs Dianne Nathan, née Bantock Mr Michael Oliver Mr Tony Paice Dr David Parker, St Thomas’ Mr Leon Perdoni Mr David Poole Dr David Pratt, St Thomas’ Mr Anthony Record Mr William Reid, Guy’s Mr David Richardson Mr John Rose Dr Joe Ross Mrs Gillian Rowe, née Oakley Dr Andrew Saunders, Guy’s Mr Robert Shepherd, Guy’s Ms Carol Smith AKC, née Evans Mrs Marion Stephens, née Prest, Guy’s Professor Ian Talbot AKC Mr Romney Tansley Mr Anthony Taylor Professor Anthony Thiselton FKC Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née Graveson Dr Imre Vadasz, Guy’s Mr William Vyse Dr Euan Wallace, St Thomas’ Mr Alan Wasdell The Revd Alan Watson The Revd Peter Westwood Mr Christopher Whybrow Mrs Hazel Womersley MBE, née Alston, QEC 1965 The Revd Canon Peter Adams AKC Dr Henry Armstrong, Guy’s Dr Derek Beale, St Thomas’ Mr Christopher Bedford The Revd Dr John Belham AKC Dr Paul Betts AKC Dr Frank Boulton, St Thomas’ Mr Keith Butler Dr Peter Callen Mr Graham Chapman Mr Christopher Clark AKC Mr Robert Clough Mr Sandy Darling FKC Mr Harvey Dodgson Miss Janet Dyson AKC Mrs Judith Edwards, née Secret Mr Christopher Etherington Mrs Jill Etherington, née Hopkin Ms Elizabeth Foinette AKC The Revd Richard Ford Mr Dennis Gedge

Dr Antony Green, Royal Dental Mr Christopher Hairs Dr Laurence Hallewell Mr Andrew Hamilton The Revd Maurice Harrison Mrs Kathleen Healey The Revd Canon Ernest Hepworth The Revd Dr Barrie Hinksman Mr Philip Hodges AKC Dr Martin Hoyle, Guy’s Dr Ian Hubbard Dr Helen Jones, née Gray, Guy’s Mr Michael Kemp AKC Mr Stephen Lennane, Guy’s Dr Matthew Lewis, Guy’s The Revd David Lowe Ms Margarida de Sousa Neale, née Hurley The Revd John Newton Dr Llewellen Parry, Guy’s Miss Alison Paul, QEC Mr Timothy Peet MBE, Guy’s Dr Richard Powell Mr Bob Ractliffe AKC Professor Geraint Roberts CBE, St Thomas’ Mr Allan Rowlands AKC Mrs Geraldine Sabben-Clare, née Borton The Revd Stephen Sandham Professor John Saunders, St Thomas’ Mr Clive Sprawson, Guy’s Dr Philip Stevens Dr Roger Stevens Mr Byron Stinson Dr David Swinson Mr Bruce Taylor Mrs Christine Taylor, née Meredith The Most Revd Archbishop Desmond Tutu FKC Dr Cesar Wahby Dr Neil Weir Mr Rod Whitticase Mrs Judith Wilson AKC, Ms Joyce Wynne, née Hill 1966 Mr Ian Beeby, St Thomas’ Mr John Bennett Professor John Birch, QEC Mrs Sheila Booth, née Stewart Mrs Leonie Breeds, née Grayeff Dr Ian Brown The late Dr Malcolm Carpenter The late Dr Brian Chenley Mr Michael Clark Mr Peter Clarke AKC Dr John Cordingley Dr Elizabeth Courtauld, née Molland Dr Simon Cox Mrs Joy Crispin-Wilson, née Crispin Mr Roger Davis Mr Peter Diggens AKC Dr Michael D’Souza, Guy’s Emeritus Consultant Julian Dussek, Guy’s Mr David Farrar, St Thomas’ Lady Marilyn Fersht, née Persell Mrs Margaret Ginger, née Pearson, Guy’s Dr Jonathan Govan, Guy’s Dr Jo Hague, St Thomas’ The Revd James Hargreave Mr Jim Hattersley Mr Michael Hordern Mr Jim Hutchinson Mr Roger Jones, Guy’s Mr Tony Kay Dr Anthony Keeley Dr David Keith, Guy’s Mr George Kennedy Mrs Sandra Kremer, née Simmonds Mrs Judith Lehmann, née Selbourne Dr Peter Lillford Mr Peter Little OBE AKC Mr Douglas MacMillan, St Thomas’ Mrs Hazel McCann, née Curtis The Revd John McCollough Dr Martin Miller Mrs Erica Mitsidis, née Echt Mr Shaun O’Byrne Mr David Pearson Dr Ian Roberts, Guy’s The Revd Dr John Searle OBE, Guy’s Mr John Shorrock Mr Patrick Sinnott Mr Roger Smith Professor Mel Stein Miss Margaret Tatham, QEC Dr Graham Taylor, Guy’s Mr David Telling, Guy’s

Mr Derek West AKC Mr David Wickert AKC Professor Stephen Wilbur The Revd Canon Michael Woods AKC 1967 Dr Penelope Aeberhard, née Rankin Mr Laurence Baker Mr John Barton Dr Philip Bathard-Smith, Royal Dental, & Mrs Anne Bathard-Smith, Royal Dental Mrs Elizabeth Batterley, née Barlow Rev Canon Michael Blood Mr John Boyes Miss Jose Bradbrook, QEC Mr Peter Bromage The Revd Leonard Burn Mr Michael Calam AKC Mr Colin Challenger Mrs Hilary Cheeseman, née Jones Mrs Bernice Chitnis, née Metzner Mr Roger Church, Guy’s Dr Geraldine Collett, née Smith Dr Judith Dale, née Barr, St Thomas’ Ms Elizabeth Danbury Dr Christopher Eeuwens Mr Philip Evans Dr Thomas Evans, St Thomas’ Mr Malcolm Field AKC Dr David Foulds, Guy’s The Revd Leonard Fox Mr Roger Gaitley Dr Stefan Garner Ms Althea Haig Mr Graham Hardman Mrs Susan Harrison, née Pearce Mr Angus Henderson AKC The Revd Laurence Hill Dr Anne Hogg Professor Richard Hughes, Guy’s The Rt Revd Bishop Martyn Jarrett Mrs Jenifer Kahawatte, née Braithwaite Mr Neil Kaplan CBE The Revd Canon Jeffrey King Mr Chris Lee, Guy’s Dr Ian Lister Cheese, St Thomas’ The Venerable Archdeacon Peter Lock AKC Mrs Chloe Milburn, née Phylactou, Chelsea College Mr Paul Morgan The Revd Canon Leslie Morley Dr Warwick Onyeama, Guy’s Mrs Jennifer Pearson, née Donaldson Dr Roger Pulvertaft, St Thomas’ Miss Anne Rickwood Dr Martin Robards, St Thomas’ Professor Peter Roberts OBE Dr James Ross Dr John Salmon, Chelsea College Dr Ria Swann, St Thomas’ Mrs Krystyna Szumelukowa, née Robinson Mr Michael Taylor, Guy’s Mr Julian Towler, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Trenchard, Guy’s Mr Edward Trew AKC Mr Mike Tunnicliff Mrs Alison Uppard, née Fowke Dr Richard Vincent Dr Andrew Walls, St Thomas’ Dr Anthony Webb AKC Mr David West Mr Anthony Wills Mr Martin Willson Dr Patrick Xavier 1968 Mrs Stephanie Baker AKC, née Stephenson Mrs Elaine Barcz, née Meyrick Mr Graham Berrington Mr David Blackburn Dr Francis Brown Dr David Bryce, St Thomas’ Mr Roy Burrows Mr Terry Butterworth AKC Professor Stephen Challacombe FKC, Guy’s Dr Henry Chandler Dr Michael Cheesbrough, Guy’s Mr Peter Colliver Mr Anthony Cornell, Guy’s Mr Christopher Corton, Chelsea College Dr Alan Debenham Dr Clive Debenham, Guy’s Mr Timothy Denney Mr Terry Dowsing, Guy’s Dr William Dunham, Guy’s Dr Albert Fiadjoe

Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC Mr Brian Hall Dr Brian Harding, Chelsea College Dr Thomas Harrison, Guy’s The Revd Richard Hayes The Rt Revd The Lord Bishop of Guildford Mr John Hodgson Mrs Judith Hodsdon, née Bonsall Mrs Sandra Hopkins, née Harmer Ms Jocelyn Hoyle Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Mr Simon Janvrin, Guy’s Mr Ian Jenkins Mrs Gillian Jordan, née Meader Dr Henry Killender Mr Anthony Kremer Mr Charles Leggott AKC Mr Laurence Libin Dr Robert Linton, St Thomas’ Dr Ed Lisher, QEC Mr Robert Loomes, Guy’s Dr Chris Marchese Mr David Marsh AKC Mr Edward Marston Ms Elizabeth Mavor, née Sucksmith Mr Richard Mills, St Thomas’, & Dr Linda Mills, née Jefferies, St Thomas’ Mr John Neville, Royal Dental Mrs Jennifer Park, née Broomfield Dr John Payne, Guy’s Mr Rod Peek Mr Peter Pheils, St Thomas’ The late Mrs Anne Phillips, née Thompson Mrs Heather Rendall, née Bather Mrs Susan Richards, née Ollerearnshaw Mr Clive Ross Mr Patrick Russell, Royal Dental Dr David Seager AKC Mr Sabah Shamash Mrs Beryl Sheldon, née Popplewell Mr Derek Shilling AKC Miss Ingrid Slaughter AKC Mr Anthony Smith AKC Mr Jan Szczuka Mr John Threlfell The Very Revd Patrick Towers Dr John Tripp, Guy’s Mr Martyn Wenger Mrs Ann West, née Woodhead, QEC Emeritus Professor Graham Whitehouse Mr Richard Wilson, Guy’s Mr Alan Woodman Mr John Woodward 1969 Dr Gregory Ansell, St Thomas’ Dr Marilyn Ballisat, née Alister Mr Austin Banner, Guy’s Dr Dennis Barter Mrs Susan Beauchamp AKC, née Byrne Mrs Julia Bell AKC, née Dunford Dr Peter Bellamy, St Thomas’ Dr Robert Bellenger Mr Leslie Bennett Mr David Blacoe Dr Tina Challacombe, née Cocks, Guy’s Dr Ray Charlier Dr John Clothier Mr Barry Coidan The Revd Barry Coker Mr Richard Corbett, St Thomas’ Her Honour Judith Daley Mr Robert Davey, Guy’s Dr Iain Dresser The Revd Derek Duncanson Mr Michael Dyer Mr Peter Eade Mr Owen Emanuel, Guy’s Mr Islwyn Evans Mrs Gina Fairfax AKC, née Willcox Dr Liz Fiddaman, née Wilcox Mr Albert Fortune Dr Peter Frost, Royal Dental The Revd Canon Brian Gant Mr Hugh Gibbon Mrs Vanessa Gordon Mrs Patricia Gorin, née Bodley, QEC Dr Colin Hancock Dr Peter Harborow, St Thomas’ The Revd John Harper Dr Christopher Healey Dr Jill Howell-Qureshi, née Qureshi, St Thomas’ Mr Paul Hudson & Mrs Janet Hudson, née Kay Mr Robin Hughes, St Thomas’ Mrs Susan Irvine AKC

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013.

In Recognition 2012-13 | 23

Professor Robin Jacoby, Guy’s Dr Roger Jago, St Thomas’ Dr Timothy James AKC The Revd Christopher Kevill-Davies Mr Andreas Kirkis, QEC Dr Jeremy Lade, St Thomas’ Mrs Elizabeth Lewis, née Eyden Mr Nicholas Lloyd AKC Mrs Felicity Lowe AKC, née Hodge Mrs Cynthia Martin, née Potter Dr Alan Matheson, Guy’s Ms Bette Melling Dr Roger Moss, St Thomas’ Mr Nicholas Mottram The Very Revd Dean George Nairn-Briggs AKC Mr Thomas Neilson Mr Richard Packer AKC Mr Roger Paige The Revd Dr Richard Parsons Mr Richard Price OBE Dr John Proud, Guy’s Ms Francesca Rae Quint AKC, née Gomez Mr Ian Rawlings, St Thomas’ The Venerable Mr John Rawlings Dr Ian Reay Dr Antoinette Roe Dr Stephen Russ AKC Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy The Revd Prebendary Richard Shaw Mr John Sly AKC Ms Brenda Squires Mr J Stephen, St Thomas’ Dr Keith Stewart, Guy’s Mr Philip Stone, QEC The Very Revd Dean Gerald Stranraer-Mull AKC Mr Malcolm Swift Dr Mel Thompson The Revd Prebendary David Vanstone Ms Margaret Vere, née Rosso Miss Patricia Waite Mr Christopher Walker AKC Dr Michael Ward The Revd Alan Wheale Mr Geoffrey Williams Mr Steve Williams Mr Timothy Williams, St Thomas’ Mrs Hazel Willson AKC, née Bowbeer 1970 Mr Anthony Addison, Guy’s The Revd Francis Ballinger Dr John Barcroft Dr Peter Barrett CBE & Dr Ros Barrett, née Briggs Mr Alan Bayford Mr David Briggs, Guy’s Dr Robin Carmichael, Guy’s, & Dr Deborah Carmichael, née Stephenson, Guy’s Mr Stephen Carter Dr Carolyn Charlesworth, St Thomas’ Mrs Mim Collins, née Wilmot Mr John Cope, Guy’s Dr Steve Crooks, St Thomas’ Mr John Cunliffe, Guy’s Dr Sandra Davies, née Garai Dr Demosthenes Dirmikis Ms Heather Dodd, née Vassie Mr Robert Doran Mr Mike Earnshaw Dr Michael Faulkner, Guy’s Dr Paul Fontenoy The Honourable Sir David Foskett FKC The Revd Neville Gallagher Mr Adrian Gillham, Guy’s The Revd Mr Royston Grosvenor Dr Rodney Gunn Professor Sir Andy Haines FKC Dr Henry Hambly, St Thomas’ His Honour Judge Jonathan Haworth AKC Dr Margaret Helliwell, née McClelland Mr Mark Herbert Dr Anthony Hughes, St Thomas’ Dr Andrew Hynd, Royal Dental Mr Anthony Kieran AKC Judge Peter King AKC Mr Kenneth Lane Mr Michael Leyland Dr Barry Linaker AKC Mrs Pamela Mainwaring, née Watson, Guy’s Dr Michael Martin Mr Guy Moody Dr David Murfin Mr Christopher Neville, Guy’s Mrs Victoria Nnatuanya, née Davies, QEC Dr Brendan O’Connell

Mr Frank O’Shea Dr Nicholas Parry-Jones, St Thomas’ The Revd Trudy Payne, née Longman Mrs Helen Pearson, née Bailey Mr Christopher Pegg & Mrs Jennifer Pegg, née Haas Mr Richard Piercy, QEC Dr John Pook, Guy’s Mr Francis Porter The Revd Dr Susan Ramsaran AKC Dr Anna-Maria Rollin, née Tihanyi, Guy’s Mr Stewart Roper, Guy’s Miss Jenny Rumble AKC Dr Ian Saunders Mr Roger Scholes Mr Ian Scott, Guy’s Dr Margaret Semple, née Oats, St Thomas’ Mrs Suzanna Stein, née Miller Mr Mike Taylor Lord Professor Christopher Terrington, Guy’s Mr Tommy Thompson Professor Tom Treasure, Guy’s Mrs Susan Vanstone, née Fremlin Mr Keith Vincent Dr Alfred White Ms Mona Yeow, Chelsea College 1971 Dr Nicos Adamides Mr Jerome Ambrose Ms Alison Ball Dr Bob Baxter The Revd Dr Stephen Bazlinton, Guy’s Mr Gordon Bernard Mr Warren Birnbaum Dr Anthea Bransbury, St Thomas’ Mr Ian Brown Dr Susan Brown, Guy’s Dr John Bunning Ms Fiona Caithness, QEC The Revd David Cawley AKC Mr Achilleas Constantinou Miss Sandra Davies Dr Sue Dirmikis, née Maciver Mr Bill Draycott, Royal Dental Mr Jim Edwards Mrs Margaret Ferris AKC, née Robinson Dr Geoffrey Frost AKC Professor Michael Gleeson, Guy’s Mrs Helen Glover, née Phillips Mrs Sheila Grimwood, née Rees Mrs Ruth Guyer, née Daufman Dr David Hanraty AKC The Revd Bruce Harrison Dr Peter Harrison, Guy’s Mr Richard Hill Mr Ian Hollands, Chelsea College Dr Colin Jefferson Mr Trevor Jones The Revd Christopher Kemp Mrs Catherine Kim, née Perry Dr Howard Klass, Guy’s Professor Peter Knight AKC Mrs Susan Leach AKC, née Boore Mr Ian Learner, Guy’s Dr Brian Levy, Guy’s Dr Philip Lewis, St Thomas’ Mrs Pauline Lloyd, née Cooper Mrs Jennifer Lockwood, née Brache Mr Kevin Malloy Dr Philip Marriott, Guy’s Mr Paul McGlone, Guy’s Mr Colin Morgan, Royal Dental Mrs Ann Pelham, née James Professor John Pepper, Guy’s Mr Adrian Piper Mr Mike Quinlan Mr Mike Redfern The Revd Alan Rowell AKC The Revd Andrew Sawyer Mr Gordon Simm Mr Geoffrey Smith Dr Shelia Stoney Dr Kevin Thompson, Guy’s Dr Rosalind Thorburn, née Roland, Guy’s Mrs Alison Ward, née Nelson Dr Peter Wilkinson Mrs Susan Williams, née Cottam Professor Nicholas Wyatt 1972 Ms Cheryl Acaster AKC, née Woodward Mr Charles Allison Emeritus Professor Brian Anderton The late Mr David Archer Mr David Barker, Guy’s

Mrs Cindy Barnett OBE, née Gilbert The Revd Anthony Bell AKC The Revd Canon Christopher Bishop Mrs Carys Blackburn, née Wood Mrs Susan Brough, née Macleanan Dr Carol Brownson Mr Anthony Brummell Dr Ian Calvert, St Thomas’ Mr Dennis Chapple Mr Andrew Christodoulou Miss Sylvia Cole, QEC Mr Robert Craig AKC Dr Jill Davies Mr Laurence Faiman The Revd John Fairweather Mr James Ferris Dr Jacqueline Filshie Dr Fiona Griffith, née Scott, Guy’s Mr Stephen Hadfield Mr Martin Hargreaves Mr Ted Harland, Guy’s Mr David Hemans Mr Huw Hughes, QEC The Revd John Hunnisett AKC Mr Timothy Iball Dr Andrew Kirk, St Thomas’ Dr Anna Koffer Dr Dr George Koukoutas, Chelsea College Ms Susan Lancaster Mrs Jane Le Feuvre, née Jackson, QEC Mr John Leigh AKC Dr Annabella Marks, née Garnons-Williams, Guy’s Mrs Julie McKillop, née Julia Wall, Chelsea College Mrs Joyce Mellors, née Leckenby, QEC Mr Andrew Morris The Revd Dr Verj Nersessian Dr Alan O’Day Dr Hugh Parry, Guy’s Mr Roy Patel, Royal Dental Dr Georgina Redding, Guy’s Mr Ian Rickard The Revd Stewart Ridley AKC Dr John Scoble, Guy’s Mr Christopher Searle Mrs Sue Searle AKC, née Lee Mr Simon Smith The Revd Canon David Springthorpe AKC Dr Rodney Swallow Mrs Janice Thomson, née Dodd Mrs Meriel Vincent, née Reith Mr Martin Walsh Mr Michael Ward Mr Chris Wiscarson FKC & Mrs Gilly Wiscarson Mrs Lilija Zobens 1973 Dr Neil Arnott, St Thomas’ Mr Peter Ashman Mr Robert Banner Dr Peter Bartle Dr Denise Batchelor AKC Mr John Brough Colonel Lance Burton Mr John Churchill Mrs Susan Clark, née Storer Mrs Jennifer Cook, née Leithead, Guy’s Dr Penelope Cook Dr Timothy Cox, Guy’s Mr Trevor Druett, Guy’s Lady Angela Foskett, née Jacobs Mrs Vera Frost Dr David Goodwin Professor Adrian Grant, St Thomas’ Dr Richard Green, Guy’s The Revd Canon David Grimwood AKC Mrs SA Hadfield Mr John Harding Mrs Brigitte Haworth, née Muller Mr Peter Hudson OBE Mr Geraint Jeffreys The Revd Canon David Jennings AKC Mr Graham Jones The Revd Michael Kingston AKC Dr Jennifer Kirkwood, Guy’s Mr Richard Levy Dr David Lintin, St Thomas’ Judge Richard Matthews Mr Malcolm McKay Ms Juliet Mitchell Professor John Monson, Guy’s Mr Stephen Moss CBE Dr John Ogle, Guy’s Mrs Jane Ollerton, née Rigler Mr Harry Olsberg

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

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Dr David Otterburn, St Thomas’ Ms Nona Shepphard Mr Adrian Sims Mr Simon Skinner Miss Monica Symes, Guy’s Ms Angela Thomae, née House Mr Kenneth Torlop Mrs Lynne Watts, née Jeppeson Dr William Yetton, Guy’s 1974 Dr Richard Aldridge, St Thomas’ Mrs Elizabeth Alley Dr Christopher Amodio Mr David Baggs AKC Mr Christopher Baker Ms Deborah Bedford AKC The Revd Paul Bilton AKC Dr Roderick Bowering, Guy’s Dr Gordon Campbell, St Thomas’ Dr Clare Carter, Guy’s Mr Geoff Carter Mrs Briony Cooke, née Lewis Mr Andrew Cracknell, Guy’s The Revd Jonathan Cruickshank AKC Professor Elizabeth Davenport, née Brady, Royal Dental Mr Anthony Dias Mr Simon Drinkwater Dr Simon Dudbridge, St Thomas’ Mr James Edwards Mr Steve Evans The Revd David Eve AKC Mr David Farrell Mr Robert Fawthrop AKC Mrs Gillian Forde AKC, née Harris Mr Trevor George Mrs Ann Gleeson, née Rothman, Guy’s Mr Adrian Goddard AKC Dr David Gunn Mr Mark Hardy AKC Mr Peter Hodgkinson, Guy’s Mrs Yvonne Holmes Packer AKC Dr Jill Krafft, Guy’s Dr Chris Lockyear Mr Edward Lodge The Revd Rik Mayes AKC Mr Nigel McBride AKC Mr Jeffrey McCartney AKC Mr Timothy McDonnell, Guy’s Mr Jeffrey Morris Mr Michael Morris, Guy’s Dr Jill Nightingale, née Harris, Guy’s Mr Jerome O’Brien Dr Nicholas O’Riordan The Revd Nicholas Paxton Mr David Pilbeam Professor Sir Keith Porter, St Thomas’ Dr Paul Rispoli Dr Mary Robson, née Russell Dr Frances Rochford, née Massey, Guy’s Mr David Royle Mr John Schwab, Royal Dental Dr Peter Sebel & Dr Marian Sebel, née Thomas Mr Robert Segall Dr Dennis Smith Mr Robert Steele Mr Ivan Sutton, Royal Dental Mrs Angela Thomas, née Metherell, Guy’s Mr Lorne Tick Professor Himmet Umunc Miss Linda Vance The Revd Dr Thomas Weil AKC Dr Elizabeth Winterton, née Elsom Dr Anthony Wordley, St Thomas’ Dr Charles Wright, Guy’s 1975 Mr Malcolm Aldridge AKC Father Desmond Banister AKC Mr Peter Barrett, Royal Dental Dr Edward Bray, Guy’s Mr Graham Brown Ms Pamela Brown AKC Ms Celia Carter, née Culshaw Ms Jane Corbin Ms Sarah Crofts Dr Trudi Darby AKC Dr Paul Davies, Guy’s Mr Jonathan Dawson Mr Peter Day Mrs Susan Eaton, née Atkinson Mr Kevin Esplin The Revd Brian Fairbank AKC Dr David Greenleaf AKC

Mrs Beverly Hallam, née Riordan Mrs Mary Hardy, née Goold Professor Anne Hemingway, née Evans, Guy’s Mr John Henderson AKC Mrs Carol Huckvale, née Woollett Dr Lynda Hutchinson, QEC Dr Roy Isworth Dr Julian Johnson AKC Dr Christopher Langdon, Guy’s Dr Jennifer Langdon, Guy’s Mrs Margaret Leates, née Rayner Mr Mark Leitch, QEC Mrs Belinda Lund, née Springett, Guy’s Dr Kenneth Mao, Guy’s Mr Anthony Markham, Guy’s Dr Charles Martin-Bates, St Thomas’ Mr David McCulloch Mr David McIntyre Mr Stephen Morrall AKC Dr Geoffrey Moulding, Guy’s Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s Mr Robert Parker The Revd David Peel AKC Mr Stephen Perry Mr Godfrey Rhimes, Guy’s Mrs Deborah Richards, née Pearce Brigadier Nick Rigby Mrs Michele Robinson, née Emberton, Guy’s Dr Geoff Sparrow, Guy’s Mr Richard Steel, Guy’s Sir David Tang KBE & Mrs Lucy Tang Mrs Jane Tebbutt AKC, née Noon Mr Robert Terry Dr Christopher Thorpe Mr Richard Wakeford Dr John Wardle, St Thomas’ Mr Peter Weitzel 1976 Dr Ali Akademir, Chelsea College Dr Kathryn Allen, née Allen, Guy’s Mr Anthony Ashplant Dr Stuart Baldwin, St Thomas’ Mrs Elaine Barker, née Milner Dr Jonathan Bayly, Guy’s Professor Rudolf Bilous, Guy’s Mr Stephen Bott Dr Anthony Buckland, St Thomas’ Mr John Carter, Royal Dental Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC Dr Stephen Clarke, Guy’s Dr Stephen Colley Mrs Sheila Cooper Mr Tim Edwards Professor Peter Emery, QEC Dr Jonathan Evans Dr William Greene, Guy’s Mr Chris Guellard The Revd Alan Hawker AKC Mrs Kate Hoskin, née Barnard Mr Ken Hui, Royal Dental Mr Peter Humphreys AKC Dr Mervyn Jaswon, St Thomas’ Dr Richard Kay, Guy’s Dr Christopher Kinchin, Guy’s Dr Stephen Lander, St Thomas’ Major-General General Stuart Lee MBE Dr Michael Lilley Mr Philip Lundberg Mr Chris May, Guy’s Mr Peter Milledge Mr David Narracott AKC Ms Christine Neil, Chelsea College Mr Andrew Orr Mr Dilipkumar Patel Dr Nigel Pearce, St Thomas’ Dr Margaret Philippson, née Wise, Guy’s Dr Chic Pillai Miss Mary Richardson Mrs Diane Romano-Woodward, née Romano Professor Jonathan Sandy Dr Martyn Shawyer Mr Keith Stuart Dr Philip Timms, Guy’s Mrs Susan Wakeford, née Beacham Mr Geoffrey Watters Dr Andrew West, Guy’s Mr Barry Westwood, Guy’s Mrs Sylvia Worthen AKC, née Redditt 1977 Miss Brigitte Ahtuam Mrs Theresa Anderson AKC, née Barratt Mr Samuel Appiah-Ampofo The Revd Michael Beck AKC Dr Christopher Bird, Royal Dental

Dr Mark Bradgate, St Thomas’ Ms Miranda Buckley Dr Andy Bundock, Guy’s Mr Nigel Carden Dr Penny Cheuk Dr James Cox, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Davis Mrs Sarah Dawson, née Ellerman Mr Andrew Derbyshire AKC Mrs Tessa Dickinson, née Halford Mr Bill Dodwell Mr Anthony Edkins Mrs Jennifer Ellis AKC, née Rowe Mr Peter Evans AKC Mr Graham Farrington Dr David Forecast Ms Caro Fraser Edwards Mr Michael Gilbert, QEC Dr Pravin Goutam, Guy’s Mrs Barbara Grandage, née Brett Dr David Greaves, Guy’s Dr Joanna Harding Mr William Harley, Guy’s Dr Julian Hart, Chelsea College Miss Stephanie Hawthorne Dr Mary Heber, Guy’s Dr Annette Horsfield, née Oldham Dr Neil Hounslow, Guy’s Dr Gillian How, née Bunce Dr Alasdair Jacks, Guy’s Mrs Diana Kaars Sijpesteijn, née Markham, Chelsea College Mr Andrew Latty, Chelsea College Dr James Lau Mr Peter Lewis Dr Webster Madira Mr Nicholas Malden, Royal Dental Dr Alexander Milosevic, Guy’s Dr David Moore AKC Dr Alison Newlyn, née Pitfield-Perry Dr David Palling Dr Marc Patterson AKC Mr Leslie Pringle Mr Mark Rolo Mr John Russell Dr Frances Shaw Mr John Taylor, Guy’s Dr Louise Teare The Revd Dr Stephen Thompson AKC Dr Michael Tidman, Guy’s, & Dr Jill Tidman, née Harrison, Guy’s Mr Stephen Tysoe Mr Richard Walker Mr Stephen Walmsley Ms Janet Webster, née Grey, Royal Dental Dr Adrian Williams, St Thomas’ The Revd Robert Williamson Mrs Beverley Wride, née Davis, QEC 1978 Mr Alan Aris The Revd Andrew Bailey AKC Father Stephen Bould AKC Mr John Bowen, Guy’s Mr Duncan Bratchell Mrs Nichola Bull, née Lolley, Guy’s Dr Zaid Chalabi Professor LC Chan Mr Iain Chapman, Chelsea College Mr Raymond Chung, QEC Mr Jonathon Cooper, Guy’s Ms Mary Davies Mr Nicholas de Mattos AKC Dr Carlos de Sousa, Guy’s Dr Martin Delahaye, Guy’s Dr Jonathan Denbigh The Revd Tim Edgar AKC Dr Fiona El-Beih, née Henderson, Guy’s Mr David Frodsham & Mrs Pamela Frodsham, née Martin Dr Alan Fryer, St Thomas’ Mrs Dana Genis, née Weinbaum, Chelsea College Mr Michael Gibbons AKC Mr Paul Gibson Mr David Harrison AKC Mr Jon Hiscock Dr Michael Houghton, Guy’s Dr Jane Lau, Guy’s Mr Ian Lonsdale AKC Mr Gerard Melling Mr Timothy Miller, Guy’s Dr Marilyn Moyse Dr Zulfikarali Nag ji, née Alibhai, Chelsea College Dr Bernard Newmarch, Guy’s

Mr Gary O’Hare, Guy’s Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s Mr Bhupendrakumar Patel, Chelsea College Mrs Christine Richings, née Cummings Mr Ashok Sinhal Dr Michael Spencer Mr Jeremy Stevens, Chelsea College Dr Gregory Tamlyn, Guy’s Ms Judith Thompson, née Gilbert Dr Janet Treasure OBE, St Thomas’ Miss Sally Vickers Dr William Whitby, Guy’s Mr Peter Winnicki Dr Linde Wotton 1979 Dr Charles Allanby, Guy’s Ms Victoria Allison, née Ogier Ms PA Amiji Ms Rosalind Barbier Dr Richard Barnett, Guy’s Mrs Susan Bedford, née Hall Mr Alan Bramwell, Guy’s Dr Robert Buist, Guy’s The Revd Canon Peter Coates AKC Mr Kenneth Coffey Mr Ian Crate, Guy’s Dr Avril Danczak Mr Stephen Des Clayes, Guy’s Dr Christopher Dudman Mrs Laura Edgar AKC Mr Hywel Evans, Guy’s Dr David Farmer, Guy’s The Revd Ian Finn AKC Dr John Fishwick, St Thomas’ Mr David Fletcher Mr Robin Forrest, Guy’s Miss Ann Grain Dr Margaret Herbert, Guy’s The Revd Michael Hewitt AKC Dr Michael Hill Ms Lorna Hitchin AKC Professor Francis Hughes, Guy’s Dr Nicholas Joyner, Guy’s Dr Francisco Kerdel, St Thomas’ Mrs Esther Matusz-Norris AKC, née Matusz Dr Fiona McLean, née Pizzoni, Guy’s Mrs Janet Owen Mrs Jane Pearson Ms Jane Roberts, née Gibbins Mr Stephen Roche Mr Iain Roxborough Mrs Carolyn Saunders, née Wilson Dr Adrian Shanks, St Thomas’ Ms Alyson Shaw, Chelsea College Mrs Anna Stagg Dr Martin Vallis, Guy’s Dr Mark Vella, Guy’s Mr Peter Verver AKC & Mrs Isabelle Verver, née Kelly Mr Terry Walsh Mr John Walsham Ms Anne Waltham Dr Adrian Weston, Guy’s Ms Judy Wheble, née Campbell, Royal Dental Dr Keith Williams, St Thomas’ Dr Kay Worrell, née Lubek, Guy’s 1980 Mr Gary Alexander Ms Jan Allcorn Miss Geraldine Andrews AKC Ms Jane Beaton AKC Mrs Jane Beresford, née Beasant Mrs Catherine Brookes, née Smith, QEC Dr Andrew Cairns, St Thomas’ Mr Westrow Cooper, Chelsea College Mrs Christine Cox Dr Martin Crawley, Guy’s Dr Robert Davis, Guy’s Dr Nigel Dickson, Guy’s Mrs Lesley Fernandez-Armesto Mr Andrew Fox AKC Mrs Sarah Francis, née Smith Mr Nick Gale Dr Helen Gillies, née Kinsella, Guy’s Dr Rosalind Given-Wilson, née Collinson, St Thomas’ Mr Paul Goslin, Guy’s Mr Ted Greeno Professor Yukio Himiyama Mr Ian James Mr Terence King Mrs Sandra Lawlor, née Taylor Mr Peter Maplestone AKC

Miss Donna Marshall AKC Mr Alan Mason Dr Judith Motto, née Broadbent, Guy’s Dr Vibert Noble Professor Stephen Oppenheimer, Guy’s Miss Mary O’Rourke Mr Michael Richardson AKC Mrs EA Roberts-Harry Mr Gavin Scott, Royal Dental Mr Martin Scott Dr Claudia Shand Mr John Silk Mr Julian Skellett Mr Jon Stone Mr Jonathan Stoneman Dr Roger Timms AKC Mr Richard Vaughan, Chelsea College The Revd Canon Mr Neville Vine AKC Dr Eugene Wheelwright 1981 Dr Khaver Bashir, St Thomas’ Dr James Broadway, St Thomas’ The Revd Bob Callaghan Ms Julia Charlton AKC Dr Alan Crowther Mr Arif Essaji Mrs Elzbieta Fishwick, née Pierzchniak, Chelsea College Dr William Fishwick, Guy’s Mr Graham Frost, Chelsea College Mr Constantine Gavrilidis, Chelsea College Professor Malcolm Gillies Dr Roland Gliddon, St Thomas’ Dr Neil Hallos Dr James Heathcote AKC Dr Karen John, née Davies, Guy’s Dr Derek Kinchington Professor Akiko Kusunoki Mrs Pat Latham, née Gordon Ms Claire Murrell Mr Christopher Nixon Mrs Elizabeth Openshaw, née Bell Mrs Grazyna Oszczygiel Mr Patrick Overs Dr Gareth Parry, Guy’s Dr Caroline Perry Mr Nicholas Redfearn Dr Amala Soumyanath AKC, née Raman, Chelsea College Mr Clifford Taylor, Chelsea College Dr Michael Taylor, Chelsea College Dr Vijay Vashi, Chelsea College Dr Gregory Webber, Chelsea College Mr John Woodley 1982 Mrs Judith Batchelar, née Troke, Chelsea College Dr Alastair Benbow, St Thomas’ Dr Julia Bland, née Beck, Guy’s Mrs Sarah Breen AKC, née Rodwell Mr Ian Brough AKC Mrs Regina Bullough, née Manley Mrs Cecily Carter, née Hitchcox Mr Keith Champion Professor Michael Chapman AKC Dr Andrew Charters, Guy’s Dr Harriet Clough Lady Colville of Culross, née Norton Dr Patrick Craig-McFeely, St Thomas’ Mr Charles Crisp Dr Simon Davies, Guy’s Dr Hugh Deighton, QEC Mr Roland Doven MBE AKC Mrs Gill Duggan, née Sage Mrs Merlene Toh Emerson Mr Paul Fennell, QEC The Revd Richard Fisher AKC Dr Jean Fox, née Hart Mr Guy Galletly Mrs Caroline Grinham, née Perman Mr Timothy Hammett AKC Mrs Elizabeth Hopkins, née Szlesinger Dr John Horne, St Thomas’ Dr Anthony Jenkins, St Thomas’ Mr Nigel Kirkpatrick, Guy’s Dr Francis Kwong & Mrs Peggy Kwong Ms Barbara McCormack, QEC Mr Andrew Medforth Dr Sakar Nusseibeh Ms Sarah Oldrin, née Emes Mrs Christine Oliver, née Hewitt Dr Ian Osterloh, Guy’s Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s Mr Daniel Peltz & Mrs Elizabeth Peltz

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013.

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Mrs Lydia Pritchard, née Mansfield Mr John Roper Dr Gary Ruiz AKC Dr Nigel Sewell Dr Leonora Simon-Bleasdille, QEC Dr Jeremy Sizer Miss Dennie Soong Miss Amy Stanning AKC Mrs Lois Stanning, née Duell Mrs Valentine Steadman, née Foussier The Revd Dr Terence Tastard Ms Pamela Temple Mrs Caroline Wallis, née Davies Dr Wendy Walton, née Stephenson, Guy’s Dr Phil Whatmough Mr Phillip Widjaja Dr Harri Williams, Guy’s Mrs Jill Woodley, née Hodgkinson 1983 Mrs Roxana Anastasiou, née Pagonis Dr David Anderson Dr Richard Balai Ms Gillian Barker Mrs Shirley Barrow, Chelsea College Dr Steven Brown, St Thomas’ Mr Kevin Chau, Royal Dental Mrs Jeanette Clifford Dr Philip Davis Dr Ewen Forrest, St Thomas’ Dr Martin Hadley-Brown, St Thomas’ Dr Robert Hart, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Hill AKC Dr Tessa Homfray, née Pemberton, St Thomas’ Dr Martin Hussain Dr Yee Cheau Hwang & Mr Teik Teoh Mr Bruce Irving, Guy’s Mr David Ladd Dr Timothy Lancaster, Guy’s Miss Denise Larnder Dr John Liu Dr Jenny Lockyer Mr Timothy Low AKC Mr Marc Loy Mr Kieran Maloney AKC Dr Winifred McLaughlin, Royal Dental Dr Ann McNutt, née Yue, St Thomas’ Dr Douglas Miller, Guy’s Mrs Rosemary Moore, née Shipman, Chelsea College Mrs Margaret Mykura, née Oakey Dr Ian Nugent, St Thomas’ Dr Christina Peers, née Spiteri, Guy’s Mr Robert Piper Mr Craig Pouncey Mr Andrew Probert AKC Mr Bagher Sadrieh, Chelsea College Dr Sarah Steed, St Thomas’ Mr Robert Sweet Mr Hitesh Thakrar, QEC Mr John Vinuesa Mrs Moira Warner, née Connor Mr Philip Weeks, Guy’s Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s 1984 Mr Peter Allen, Royal Dental Mr Dean Bailey Dr David Black Ms Nicola Blaxall AKC, née Adams Mr Howard Body Mr John Boyce Mr Christopher Briere-Edney AKC Mr John Callaghan AKC Mrs Joanne Cassabois, née Onions Mrs Lynn Chitty, née Thurlow Mr Stuart Clark Mr Gregory Cook AKC Dr Colin Dayan, Guy’s Mr John Dixon AKC Dr Katherine Fallon, née Lister, St Thomas’ Ms Yvonne Gallagher Mr Steven Godsiff Mrs Elizabeth Grindon, née Painter, QEC Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Dr John Holden Mrs Alison Huckle, née Bird Mr John Johnston Mr Sunil Kakkad, Guy’s The Revd Christopher Keating AKC Mr Stephen Keeble Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy AKC Dr Niall Kirkpatrick, Guy’s Dr Alistair Lipp Ms Helen Lydon, née Kawai

Dr Sheila Macrae, Chelsea College Ms Gwynneth Miles Mr Richard Osborn AKC Miss Ruth Pendlington Mr Clive Rowe, Royal Dental Miss Sally-Ann Russell Miss Patricia Sandys Dr Judith Shilling, née Williams, Chelsea College Ms Catherine Snell Mr Ali Sooltan, Chelsea College Dr Margaret Spence, née Johnson, Guy’s Dr Jane Stebbing, Guy’s Dr Philip Stephenson, St Thomas’ Dr Andrew Stone AKC Dr Malcolm Stone, St Thomas’ Ms Susan Tay, née Khoo Mrs Penny Taylor, née Spencer Dr Philip Taylor, Guy’s Dr Pamela Todd Dr Peter Twomey, Guy’s Mr Donald Walmsley, QEC Dr Lisa Ward, née Nelson, St Thomas’ Mr Christopher Wilson AKC Dr Sue Young, Guy’s 1985 Mr Christopher Adams Mrs Samantha Budd, née Simon Ms Esther Cavett, née Cavett-Dunsby Dr Tou Chang, Guy’s Mr David Cooke AKC Dr Fiona Cornish, née Cameron, St Thomas’ Dr Mark Couldrick Dr Martin Dwyer, Guy’s Mr Richard Dyton AKC Mrs Hilary Elkins, née McNamara Mr Mark Elliott AKC Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s The Rt Revd Dr John Fenwick Mrs Angela Foulds, née Khan, Chelsea College Dr Catherine Gleeson, Guy’s Miss Susan Gollop Dr Catherine Gray, Guy’s Mr Andrew Haines AKC Dr Fiona Hayes, Guy’s Mr Bertram Hearn Professor Joe Herzberg Miss Marytka Jablkowska Mr Robert Jenkins Dr Adrian Jones AKC Dr Warren Kent AKC Mrs Alicja Krivicky, née Szydlowska Mr William Kukstas, QEC Mrs Lesley Markham, née Dunn Professor Ian Markham FKC Dr Michael Martin, Guy’s Mr Keith Miller AKC & Mrs Fiona Miller AKC, née Daniels Dr Barry Moyse Mrs Janet Ross, née Larsson Dr Judith Russell Lady Barbara Shersby, Chelsea College Mrs Micheline Sykes, née Gautier Dr Christopher Thorpe Mr Giles Walker Mr Dave West Mr Gregory West, Chelsea College Miss Jill Wilkinson, née Johnson Mrs Carolyn Williams, née Peverel-Cooper, Chelsea College Mr Dieter Yih FKC Dr Donya Young, née Potter 1986 Mrs Joanne Adams AKC, née Hutcheon Miss Trudy Barker AKC Mr Martin Bartlam Dr Charles Berrisford Mr John Bier Mr Roy Cheer AKC Mr Richard Claas Mr Ian Cooter, Guy’s Dr Nicholas Deliyanakis AKC Mrs Cathryn Downing, née Higgins, QEC Mr Stephen Eyers Mr Andrew Hathaway Mr Nicholas Herbert-Young Ms Gillian Hodge Mr Steven Hunt Mr Nicholas Kershaw Dr John Latimer, Guy’s Dr Felicity Little, Guy’s Dr Suzanne Louis Mrs Sarbjit Nahl, née Sidhu Dr Pamela Noon, Guy’s

Ms Frederique Pierre-Pierre Mr Jonathan Preece, Guy’s Mr Mark Rennison Mr Howard Ridley Dr Julian Robinson, Guy’s Mr Stephen Shaffery AKC Mrs Julia Sharpe, née Mansell Mr Matthew Simkins Dr Gregory Singleton Dr Catherine Smith, Guy’s Mrs Susan Smith AKC, née Wainer Mrs Fiona Sweeting AKC, née Yates Dr Penelope Thexton, Guy’s Dr Diana Unwin Miss Joanna Urbanek Mrs Karen Wall, née Moore Miss Karen Wheeler Mr Lincoln Williams Mr Mark Woodhouse AKC 1987 Mr Stephen Baldwin Miss Julia Berry Mr Michael Bishop Mr Darren Bradbury Mr John Broad Miss Ute Chatterjee Dr Livingstream Chiang Mr George Cyriax Mr Leslie Everitt AKC Mr Kevin Fine Dr Crispin Fisher, St Thomas’ The Rt Hon Mr Mark Francois Dr Tony Gibbon, St Thomas’ Ms Glenis Goodman, Chelsea College Mr Allistair Graham Mr Graham Keeble Mr Silas Krendel OBE Ms Jane Lodge Mrs Louise Lunness-Barnes, Guy’s Mr Michael Markham AKC Mr Matthew McAllister & Mrs Allison McAllister AKC, née McComb Mr Scott Mitchell AKC Mr Graham Moore Mr Andrew Murray Dr Philip Naylor Mr Mark Nicholson AKC Mr Edward Oakley Mrs Pamela Omotosho Mr Rob Pickering, Guy’s Dr Peter Pierzchniak Mrs Clare Pimm, née Chavasse, Guy’s Mrs Olutoyin Saraki, née Ojora Mr Robert Simmons, Guy’s Mr John Stebbing, Guy’s Mr Paul Stokes Mrs Selena Tan, née Ho Mrs Gaynor Taylor, née Morgan Mr Mark Taylor AKC Mr Bosco Tso Mr Paul White AKC Mrs Clare Whitehead, née Dobson Mrs Susan Wilthew Dr Stephen Winder, St Thomas’ Mr Julian Woodward Mr Nick Woollcombe Dato’ Mark Yeoh 1988 Mr Andrew Ashdown AKC Dr Christopher Athayde Dr Duncan Brooke, Guy’s Mrs Karen Brown, née Tombs Dr Penelope Carson, née Hollingbury Mr Shaun Dunlop Mrs Alexandra Fafalios, née Konialidis Mr Iain Fenn AKC Mrs Jane Fisher-Hunt AKC, née Fisher Mr Gary Forde Mr John Gander Dr Sara Gil-Mast, née Whitfield Dr Alyson Holder, née Fox Mr Geraint Hughes AKC Dr Richard Jarvis Mr Simon Johnson Mr Justin Joseph Mrs Karin Keeble, née Holtschabek Mr Richard Kerr, Guy’s Ms Sarah Lalljee Mr Wilson Lam Mr Michael Liddicoat AKC Ms Elizabeth Mackie Mr Kah Loon Mah AKC Mrs Margaret Mumford Mr Mark Northwood, Guy’s

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

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Mr Aaron Pascoe Mrs Elizabeth Podd, née Kerby Mrs Zina Rassam, née Marrow Ms Frances Ridley, née Sharp Mrs Mariko Sasagawa-Garmory, née Sasagawa Mr Roger Shortt Mrs Catherine Simmons, Guy’s Dr John Skehel Dr Peter Stanley Mr David Stevens MBE Mr Chris Stokes AKC Mr Robert Thompson Miss Maria Troyano Mrs Patricia Watt Dr Dawson Woo Mr Thomas Yeo 1989 Dr Peter Atkinson Ms Tola Awogbamiye Mr Keith Bamford Miss Stella Bettoney Dr Claus Boxenbaum Ms Jill Bradley, née Pearson Reverend Ian Chandler AKC Mr Frederick Dowdeswell Mr Simon Edwards The Revd Malcolm Foy Dr John Gearson Mr Ivan Hare Miss Joanna Johnston AKC Dr Raj Kumar, Guy’s Ms Karen Mackay Dr Iram Malik Mr Steven Marshall Miss Fiona McPherson AKC Mr Philip Mead Mrs Marie-Alix Michel Denain Ms Janet Munro-Nelson Mrs Gillian Nevins Dr Madeleine Pipon Mr Alfred Quinn Dr Kamireddy Reddy, Guy’s Mrs Sameera Saleem, née Akram Professor Zexiang Shen Ms Alison Smith, née Bridgeman Dr Jonathan Sullivan Mr Rod Sykes Mrs Shernaz Wadia Mrs Lucie Watt, née Bouchon Mr John Westbury 1990 Mr Riaz Ahmad The Revd Keith Beardmore Mr Steven Bolotin Mrs Anne-Marie Clarke, née Horton Mr Kofo Coker Mrs Minaxi Dattani, née Jatania, Guy’s Mr Jose De Nobrega Mr Sanjit Eliatamby Dr Taiwo Fashola Ms Samantha Forrest Dr Vanessa Gearson AKC, née Beard Ms Philippa Goodwin Mr Tim Hailes Dr Philip Hall Ms Louise Heal Mr James Heaphy Dr Susan Honeywill, St Thomas’ Mr David Hopkins Mr Michael Horan AKC Dr David James Mr Prasan Jayasinghe Dr Annette Jones Dr Kenneth Lam Dr David Lawrence Mr Andrew Mack Dr Shabbir Merchant, Guy’s Dr Richard Miles, Guy’s Dr Alan Millar Mrs Elizabeth Neaves-Thomas Ms Jacqueline Osborne, née Greenwood Mrs Janita Patel, Guy’s Dr Sanjiv Patel, Guy’s Mr Alexander Polsky Dr Gillian Robinson AKC Mr David Rogers Dr Jill Saddler Professor Haralambos Sakonidis Dr Kanwaljit Sandhu, Guy’s Mr Stuart Sumner Mrs Bohdanka Todosyiv, née Novetsky The Revd Ms Elizabeth Welch Mrs Jennifer Wells, née Beasant

1991 Mr Nick Abbott Dr Lisa Adams Mr Omar Al Hathaf Mr Peter Andrews Mr Udo Bauer Mr Tom Cook Miss Katherine Delargy Miss Adele Dyer Miss Greta Godfrey The Revd Dominic Grant AKC Mrs Joanne Heaphy, née Breeds Mr Jamey Howdeshell Mr Mark Howell AKC Mr Roger Jones Mr Aasim Khawaja AKC Mrs Christel Klitscher Mr Barry Lall Mr Stephen Lelliott Mr Raphael Lung Mr David Martinelli The Revd Lady Margaret McKay Lieutenant-Colonel Ian Mercer, Guy’s Mr Juan Ramlill Mrs Yvette Rathbone, née Erete Mrs Jacquetta Rodgers AKC, née Dring Dr Jemimah Rowden, née Gyang Miss Josephine Royle Mrs Joanna Scortino Nowlan Ms Adeline Seah Mrs Katharine Sims, née Pascoe Mr Baba Soyoye Miss Charlotte Spedding, UMDS The Revd Dr David Standen Dr Andrea Stevens, Guy’s Dr Hai-meng Tan Dr Nigel Taylor AKC Mr Ikram Ulhaq Ms Jacqueline Walpole, née Ware Mr Steve Wardlaw Mrs Shelagh Zachariades Dr Pirooz Zia, Guy’s 1992 Mr Paul Banks Dr Kathy Banner AKC Mr Andrew Berkeley Dr John Black Mr David Bunker Mr Patrick Childs The Revd Amanda Cuthbertson AKC Mr Neil Doling Dr Keith Gomez, St Thomas’ Mrs Joanne Goodey, née Taylor Mr Charles Hallward AKC Dr Anthony Hare Mr Jon Hargreaves Mr Edward Heeley AKC Mrs Kantele Hickingbotham, née Woodhouse Mr Andrew Hill Mr Edgar Jorge Mr Glen Karunanayake, UMDS Mr Benedict King The Revd Father Paul Kish AKC Mr William Lang, Royal Dental Mr K C Mok Mr Simon Nelson Dr Gareth Owen Mr Aji Oyekanmi Dr Gerard Panting Dr Ali Parvizi Mr Constantin Pavleas Mrs Sarah Pollard, née Clements, UMDS Mrs Derien Pugh, née Anderson, Guy’s Major Iain Radford MBE AKC Dr Glynn Robinson, UMDS Mr Andrew Safo-Poku Ms Selina Sagayam Ms Mai-Ling Savage Professor Emanuel Senici Ms Catherine Taylor AKC, née Gough Mr Russell Thomas Mrs Rosemary Warner AKC 1993 Ms Ola Akagbosu, née Uche Dr Ritzvanah Alavi Dr Shajee Ali Mr Gavin Allen Mr Phil Bonser AKC Dr Rhoda Bucknill Ms Clare Burns, née Ferros-Moore Miss NS Butt Mr Adrian De Souza Dr John Feltwell Miss Maggie Galliano

Mr Brendan Greene Mrs Patricia Griffin, née Devitt Mrs Roswitha Guest Mrs Margaret Highton The Honourable Dr John Hillen Dr Simon Hughes Mr John Jeffrey MBE Miss Catherine Jones Mr Timothy Leates Mr Andrew Lebentz Mr Paul Lewis Miss Stella Loizou Dr Sveta Mayer Mrs Patrica McIntosh Mrs Dianne Mendoza Mr George Mills Dr Anup Patel, UMDS Mr Mohammad Ramzan Mr Adrian Roberts Dr Dennis Sansom Mr Richard Staveley Mrs Sarah Steer AKC Mrs Elizabeth Stokes Mr Ven Tan Miss Susan Terrett Miss Sylvia Watson Mr David Westcott Dr Melissa Whitten Miss Katherine Wong 1994 Miss Sacha Ackland Mr Nathan Adams Mr Philip Baggaley Mr Chris Ball AKC Mrs Susan Crawford-Staff, née Crawford Mr Navraj Ghaleigh Mrs Patricia Glenn Mrs Jocelyn Glinert Mr Sudip Gupta Mrs Viola Henry Dr Monica Holmes-Siedle Mr James Howells Ms Nadia Hutchinson Dr Akiko Kaji Mr Ziggy Khouri Mrs Anita Kourtis, née Colwell Dr Jeannette Lahai-Taylor AKC Professor Elizabeth Leach Ms Emma Li Mr Elliot Lilley Mrs Saman Majeed Mr Sajjad Mehal AKC Mrs Patricia Pank Dr Elisabeth Peregrine, née Gibson, UMDS Mrs Susan Perez Mr Devinder Sharma Mr Jerome Steele Mrs Renata Stewart Dr Geoffrey Taylor AKC The Revd Sally Theakston Professor Mary Watkins Mr Stephen Willmer Mr Jeremy Wills 1995 Mr David Ankcorn Mrs Judith Barrett Mrs Margaret Braddick AKC Mrs Yuko Brenker, née Yoshitomi Mr Charles Butterfield Mr Douglas Cadman Mr Alexander Caton AKC Mrs Rosemary Clark Ms Sarah Cooke OBE Dr Joanna Farrugia AKC Miss Joanne Field Mrs Shirley Foxell Mr Alfonso Frontera Mr Salvador Garcia-Lopez, UMDS Dr Ivy Glavee Dr Henry Ihezue The Revd Dr Jeremy Ive Dr William Kearns AKC Mrs Ann King Professor Jaro Kotalik Mr Nick Laing AKC Professor George Lewis Mr Michael Luck AKC Mr Peter Lyle AKC Ms Provence Maydew Mrs Milena Mehak-Zunic Mr Patrick Misson Ms Olubisi Olufunwa Professor Jonathan Osborne

Mrs Carole Pairpoint Miss Wendy Pixner The late Dr William Revell, UMDS Dr Andrew Rochford Mrs Gillian Selman AKC, née Postans Ms Anne Shields, UMDS Mr Claudius Sokenu Mr Andrew Steele Mr Richard Stephens Dr David Trim Dr Stephen Weiss Ms Sandy Wong Mr Burkhard Zimmermann 1996 Mr Simon Armson, UMDS Mr Harbhajan Bhorjee Mr Richard Brownnutt Professor Jack Cann Miss Daphne Cottier Mr Laurent Ezekiel Mr Peter Farrow Mr Timothy Field AKC Ms Kristina Korotaj-Dionisio, UMDS Dr Christos Kouimtsidis, UMDS Mr Franz Li Dr Sarah Lilley, née Rossiter Dr Arvind Maheru Captain James McClane Dr Norman Moodie Miss Rachel Nkere-Uwem Mr Thanos Papanaklis Mr Sham Ramnani Mr Carl Richardson Mrs Shanthi Sidhou, née Thiyagarajah, Guy’s Mr Indy Singh The Revd Clive Smith Miss Vivienne Spence Mrs Rebecca Steinebach, née Toms Mr Sanjeev Varma Miss Elizabeth Wallace Mr Richard Walters 1997 Miss Claire Ashman Dr Richard Baird, UMDS Miss Nicola Ballard, Guy’s Mr Danilo Barani Mr John Benson Dr Elizabeth Bishop Mr Prince Boampong, UMDS Dr Alison Carr Ms Sandra Chua The Revd Margaret Collins Mr Samy Darwish, Guy’s Mr Glenn Davies AKC Dr Aruna Dias, UMDS Dr Ingrid Doherty, UMDS Dr Irene Elia, UMDS Miss Myrna Guiang Mr Alan Howe Dr Simon Hughes, UMDS Ms Valerie Jones Mr Abdul Khan Mrs Ivone Lancoma-Malcolm, née Lancoma Dr Zudong Liu Mrs Estella Lovett Mrs Marcie McLeod-Ferros, UMDS Miss Rosamond Miskin Mrs Jennifer Morris Miss Geraldine Ng Mr Gwyn Owen Mrs Lauren Patterson, née Stewart Mr Andrew Pinnock Ms Gobindi Ram Mr Joel Ramsden Mrs Gillian Sanders Mrs Farzana Shah Mrs Champa Singh Mr Darryl Smith Miss Harpreet Sondh Mr Alex Taylor Miss Julie Thompson Ms Rachel Whitfield Ms Susan Whittaker Mr Richard Wood Wilson Dr Xian-Ming Zeng 1998 Ms Hind Abbou Mrs Jaya Alifandi Mr Mohammed Alom Mr Richard Balmer Miss Laure Berthelot

Mrs Tamarin Bibow, née Shore Mr David Blood Mrs Ann Bryant, née Seall Mr Vito Capobianco AKC Mr Richard Carr AKC Mr Matthew Cheadle Mr Xavier Chitnis Mr John Coulter Mrs Pamela Davy Mr David Evison Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC Ms Angela Gittons Mrs Claire Guinness AKC Professor Lucy Henry Miss Emma Holden The Revd Stephen Humphreys Mr Francis Ijeh Dr Rashmi Joshi Mr Cyril Karger Miss Marsali Leeming Mr Thomas Lewis Mr Yi-Cheng Liu Miss Chee Foong Loh Miss Shahana Mahmood Ms Efena Majomi Miss Alison Mansfield Dr John Mason Mr Eric Masters Miss Amanda McKinna, née Williams Mrs Anna Michaelides AKC Dr Barry Miller, UMDS Mrs Juliet Nanan Miss Julia Nevinson Mr Yogesh Patel Mrs Christina Rees Mrs Stephanie Rough Mr Arthur Russ Mr Harisimran Sandhu Dr Louis Shih, St Thomas’ Mr Alexander Sienkiewicz Miss Islamiyyat Soetan Mr Robert Stein-Rostaing Ms Janet Stobart Dr David Thorpe Mrs Joanne Warren, née Edwards Mr George Weitz Miss Tarusha Wijeyesinghe Mrs Jacqueline Wills Ms Rosemary Wills Mrs Moira Wood 1999 Miss Olga Aburdene Miss Christine Bignold AKC Mr George Cager Mrs Anne Catt Mr Bob Challis Mr Edwin Chan Dr Zareena Chaudhry Ms Mary Davidson Mrs Angela Deans Mrs Mary Dearth Dr John Fallon Dr Oluseto Fasan Mrs Patricia Flowers Mrs Diana Fyfe Mr Philip Gosling Mrs Margaret Hannell Mr Paul Harrison Dr Selladurai Kamalanathan Dr Atiya Kenworthy, née Rao Dr Chris Kenyon Jones Dr Stephanie King, UMDS Dame Donna Kinnair Dr Zhixiu Lin Dr Abraham Mensah Mr Francis Milligan Dr Paul Nigel Munton Mrs Janet Murray AKC Ms Edith Navasargian Miss Rupali Patni Miss Syeda Rahman Aziz, née Rahman Mrs Frederica Riby-Williams The Revd Prebendary Ian Robson Mr Gregg Rowan Mrs Abigael San Miss Christine Segarajasinghe Mr Pareet Shah Mr Peter Smolen Mr Sanjay Tailor Miss Nicola Thompson AKC Ms Maria Vigar Dr Rajavarma Viswesvaraiah Ms Jane Weston Mrs Hale Wheeler, née Ahmet Mr Bernard Wilson

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013.

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2000 Mr Erol Aydin Dr Rosalind Bates Miss Katie Bosdet Dr Ulrich Brand Mrs Marika Chkheidze-Brett, née Chkheidze Mrs Catherine Clough AKC Miss Michelle Cotton Dr Edward Davies Dr Meeta Durve Mr Toby Edwards-Lunn Miss Julie Fagan Mr Matthew Feeney Miss Vanessa Forster Mr Graham Free Mr Richard Guyver, Guy’s Mrs Nicola Hancock, née Wood Miss Asma Iqbal Miss Uchenna Izundu AKC Mr David Jacob Mrs Erica Jordan Mr Yousuf Khan Dr Xhafer Krasniqi Mr Neil Leslie Miss Camille Malone Dr Jane Martin, née Bullimore The Revd Dr Ian McIntosh Mr Ian Mullarkey The Revd Phillip Nixon Miss Anthea Pascall Mr Christopher Piper Mr Anurag Pradhan Miss Nisu Rahman Dr Arfan Rashid Mrs Amy Ricker, née Gardner Dr Nikki Rooney, née Osborne Miss Elizabeth Scott, UMDS Mr Neel Shah Mr Richard Stoddart Mr Alastair Stone AKC Miss Archna Suchak AKC Mr Simon Toms Miss Jessica Tse Dr Rosina Ullman Dr Joanna Vriens Mr Yu Wang Miss Abby Wilson Mr Kelvin Woodward Mrs Sarah Woolcombe, née Smith 2001 Miss Andrea Bennett Mr James Blair Miss Lorraine Brunt Miss Catherine Butler AKC Dr Jack Chow Miss Valerie Christian Dr Jessica Crouch Miss Katharine Dicks Mr James Fettiplace Ms Caroline Fisher Miss Nicola Gabriel Mr Pupinder Ghatora Mrs Joyce Gillam The Revd Canon Dianna Gwilliams, née Hartley Mrs Sarah Hanna Miss Katharine Hawnt Ms Susan Higham Mr Ian Huntington Ms Caroline Kerr Miss Yee Man Lee Miss Melanie Leivers Miss Harn Szuan Leng Dr Mary Lloyd Mr Terence Mcginnie Mr Pravin Mepani Mrs Alison Miles, née Parry Dr Alan Myers Miss Smita Nath Mr Mark Newman Mr Olalekan Onafeko Mr Aloysius Onuegbu Miss Candy Pun Dr David Rose Dr John Ross Miss Beverley Shaw Mr Alex Siddell Dr Susan Stewart, née Ault Mrs Meryl Walter Mrs Pasqualina Zeolla 2002 Miss Dionysia Ayeni Mrs Sharon Barnett, née Silver Miss Nicola Beck Mrs Megan Brady

Wing Commander Michael Bratby Miss Emma Colquhoun Miss Geraldine Dooley Dr Caroline Dunn AKC Ms Helen Elabanjo Mr Christian Forster Dr Anne Gill, née Maclean Mrs Alice Greywoode Dr Joanne Hackett Mr Karim Jaafary Haghighat Mr Patrick Hooper Dr Jane Hume Dr Suksun Hutangkabodee Miss Laura James Dr Adrian Jobson Mr Alan Keat Mr Mark Kendrick Mr Paul Loftus Mrs Victoria Luckham-Jones, née Luckham Mr Budiman Mohamed Ms Marie Munroe Dr Jenny O’Reilly Mr Daniel Page Mr Hugh Ponsford Miss Myoung-Joo Rhee Ms Marina Robb Mr Babar Saify Mr Nigel Somera Mr John Taylor Miss Raji Varadarajah Mr David Watkin Mr Stephan Weber Dr Nigel Westwood 2003 Miss Aisha Ahmad Miss Ochuwa Akhigbe Mr Peter Avis Mrs Lydia Awosode, née Oyekunle Ms Samia Bayou Mr Ian Berle Mr Michael Bird The late Dr Elin Carson Mr Simon Cheal Dr Isabel Clare Mr Amar Dave Mrs Patricia Davies, née Taplin Mrs Charlotte de la Pena, née Monyard Mr Saul Doctor Miss Claire Fitzgerald Mr William Fooks Mrs Bronwyn Fysh, née Day Miss Daphne Harvey Miss Fay Hope, née Thompson Dr Muhammad Iqbal Dr Carys Jones Mr Alimamy Kargbo Mr Paul Kelly AKC Mr Sachin Khona Mrs Sarah Mckimm, née Cunningham Miss Sabrina Nanji Professor Tara Renton, née Cautley, Guy’s Mr Timothy Riley Dr Ian Rodrigues Mr Niladri Roy Ms Bryony Rust Dr Sandipani Sandilya Mr Gwilym Stone Mr Michael Straker Miss Katherine Wills Mr Richard Wilson 2004 Mr Kekeli Amankwah Dr Archana Ambily Mr Ineeyan Ariyaratnam Miss Joanna Bayley Mrs Shirley Birch Mr Tobias Cooper AKC Mr Ronald Crocker Ms Sonjii de L’Eprevier Miss Clare Dowding Mr Richard Egere Mr George Gerring Dr Micaela-Sylvia Gosslau Miss Margaret Haig AKC Mr Simon Humphries Mrs Talia Luna De Morris, née Luna Guido Mrs Julia Mason Miss Christina Mavros Miss Dipika Mistry Professor Bong-Kyo Moon Miss Terri Morris Dr Robert Muir Mr Olu Omoyele

Mrs Catherine Ralph Mrs Angela Rider, née Harrison Mrs Marion Rushbrook, née Wheatley Mrs Fazeelat Saleem Bashir Miss Rina Shrestha Miss Rachel Singleton Mrs Gillian Stent Miss Asha Sudra Mr Joseph Watson Mr Alistair Wong Miss Nicole Wright 2005 Mr Joe Aguilar Miss Tina Alvand Mr Howard Anthony Mrs Margaret Appleton, née Delaney Mrs Elizabeth Auclair Dr Seema Azim Miss Nessa Azizi Mr James Baker Mr Richard Barbieri Miss Cynthia Barrientos Mr Mark Bennett Mr Yoel Brightman Mr Basil Browne The Revd Rufus Burton AKC Dr Nicolas Bury Ms Chloe Carter AKC, née Reeves Mr Vikas Chowdhary Miss Alison Clarke Ms Karen Clarke Mr Martin Coomber Dr Sundeep Dhanoa Miss Francesca Doran Miss Laila Edy Miss Aimee Flower Miss Clara Garcia Rodriguez Ms Lillian Gilmour Dr Bill Goldman Miss Keturah Gordon Mr John Griffith-Jones Dr Ellie Heidari Miss Kate Holderness Mrs Catherine Howson, née Meade Miss Shazada Iqbal Miss Sarah Jung Miss Jennifer Kauntze Dr Zelpha Kittler Mr James Lloyd Miss Eleanor Macleod Mr Rajen Makwana Miss Eloise Mayall Ms Clare McIntyre Mr Benjamin Middleton Dr Uche Nosegbe Miss Ulka O’Brien Miss Elizabeth Owen Mr Dipesh Patel Dr Shiven Patel Mr Richard Pinder AKC Mr David Pugh Ms Christina Read, née Mccann Ms Marguerite Reith, née Mcelnea Miss Khatra Safi Mrs Zahra Shepherd, née Shaeri Mr Kingsley Simmons Mr Arunabh Singh Mrs Rachel Steer, née Fletcher Mr Robin Taher Ms Sara Treewater Dr Ricky Valadas Marques Dr Stephen Wheatcroft Mr Lawrence Williams Mr John Wright Miss Wenni Xie 2006 Mr Tariq Atchia Mr David Beckingham AKC Mr Mohammed Beyad Miss Jenna Buck Miss Janet Clarke Mr Thomas Clifton Miss Nosheen Dar Mr Joseph Dore Mr Michael Ehioze-Ediae Dr Youssef El-Gingihy Miss Ophelia English Mr Alastair Fairbrother Mr Edmund Finnis Dr Helen Fisher Ms Kay Floyd Mr William Goodliffe Miss Caroline Greves Mr Nicholas Harlow AKC

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

28 | In Recognition 2012-13

Mrs Laura Heath, née Twichett Miss Gemma Hersh Mr David Juckes AKC Dr Suruchi Khetarpal, née Arora Mr Robert Kippin Miss Bryony Leventhall Mr Tomos Lewis Mr Nick Ma Mrs Kim Mackenzie-Morris Mrs Juliana Martins, née Olowo-Ofayoku Mr Oliver Mason Ms Esther Mead Miss Amanda Miller Mrs Emma Moran, née Collins Mr Gary Morris Mrs Nikky Oladeji, née Aregbesola Mrs Corinna Oppler, née Keppus Miss Deborah Parker Ms Karen Pollock Mr Ashish Razdan Mr David Richardson Miss Anisha Sharma Mrs Zahida Sheikh Mr Richard Sherwell Mrs Emma Simmonds, née Winter Miss Noopur Talwar Dr Haytham Tayeb Mrs Anna Trott, née Robinson Mrs Helen Webb, née Martin Mr Christopher West Mr George Wong 2007 Dr Misbah Ali Miss Nicola Atkins Miss Natalie Balaratnam Dr Kate Best, née Nelson Ms Rachel Bingham Mrs Esther Blessitt Ms Bridget Boakye-Yeboah Miss Meera Bowry Mrs Jane Brown, née Cushion Miss Pauline Button Miss Emily Calderwood Mr Steven Chapman Miss Joanna Christou Mr Michael Clasby Mr Andrew Cook Mr Ranil Cooray Mr Christopher Cowie Mr Nicholas Coyle Dr Paul Dakin Mr Baljeet Dhillon Mrs Gisèle Earle, née Wilson Mrs Juliette Evans-Jones, née Evans Dr Ayodeji Fatiregun Mrs Ann Fenton-Jones, née Sansom Miss Melissa Forster AKC Miss Yeny Giraldo Miss Michelle Goodrum AKC Mr Edward Griffiths Dr David Hanson Captain James Hollas AKC Miss Sahar Irshad Mrs Gemma James, née Lee Miss Ambreen Khan Miss Tamara Khayatt Mr David Lane Mr Vandi Lansana Mr Nathan Lawrence Miss Irene Lee Dr Sarah Levy Miss Katherine Lewis Mr Donavan Lowtan Mr Ali Sameer Mallick Mr Vincent Mayot Mrs Elizabeth McManus Dr Louise McMenemy Miss Jayanie Meinerikandathevan Dr Annegret Mester Mrs Temilola Olaiya, née Agbeja Mrs Kiri-Ann Olney, née Richardson Mr Richard Olney Miss Sundus Pasha Miss Waasafa Raja Mr Qudsi Rasheed Miss Rena Sanghvi Mrs Belinda Sargen Mr Colin Scott Mrs Ingrid Simpson AKC Mr Keith Strutt Dr Linda Tackie Mr Mark Timpson Mrs Chivon Verger, née Winsloe Mr Timothy Verity

2008 Mr Faisal Alfadhel Mr Zaeem Ansari Mr Khaled Aumjaud Dr Richard Baxter Dr Elisa Beasley Miss Cindy Chang Dr Albert Cheuk Mrs Margaret Cunningham Miss Dora David Miss Rebecca Davies Mrs Sally Davis Miss Filiz Demir Dr Jitin Dhawan Mr Philip Dixon Mr David Drysdale Mrs Hayley Fenn Mr Manu George Mr David Gilmore Ms Vivien Goodnews, née Dada Miss Juwairiyah Haqqani Mr Joseph Harris Mrs Charlotte Hill AKC, née Mann Miss Cheryl Horton Mr Charles Howarth Lieutenant-Colonel Ian Hunter Mrs Fiona Jeynes Mr Ameet Jogia Miss Harriet Jones Miss Jennifer Kalitsi, née Avornyotse Mrs Azmina Kassamali Mrs Mayrose Kempadoo Mr Jiwon Kim Miss Georgina Knott Miss Jacqueline Koo Mr Asad Ladha Mr Ari Laskin Mr Benjamin Lewis Mr Thomas Lowish Dr Lavan Manmatharajah Miss Nastassia Martin Miss Sarah Mayne Miss Clare Mcilwaine Miss Sivathatishana Meinerikandathevan Mr Christopher Mills Miss Rowena Moore Miss Mariko Mott Mr Alexander Moyanah Mrs Zaynab Neetoo-Isseljee Ms Oluseyi Odubanjo, née Olusanya Miss Hara Olymbiou Miss Arpita Pal Miss Oy Yee Pang The Revd Ron Partridge Mr Leatesh Patel Mr Rajiv Patel Mr Vikesh Patel Mr Ravinder Paul Dr Samantha Perkins Dr Jitna Por AKC, née Lim Mrs Catherine Reece Mr Nicholas Rogerson Dr Matthew Rosenfeld Mr Bo Ruan Mr Parwez Samnakay Mr Remi Sellers Miss Neha Shah Miss Natalie Shannon Miss Hannah Simpson Mr Ben Small Mr Deji Sodipe Ms Catherine Sterry Mr John Stevenson Ms Natalia Vartapetova Miss Harriet Ward Miss Lauren White Miss Clare Williams Mr Roberto Wilson Mr Ben Woodiwiss Ms Halimatou Yacouba, née Pero Miss Tahmina Yahiya Miss Efe Yeboah Mr Nurlan Zhakeyev 2009 Mr Shaikh Ahmed Dr Mohammad Ahsan Khan Miss Ayesha Als-Murchie Dr Charlene Amey Miss Catherine Bernard Ms Camilla Boynton-Pugh, née Boynton Mr Alberto Campagnolo Dr Dario Casalini Mr Charandeep Singh Chhokar Mrs Christine Colverson

Mr Michael Cottrell Mr Patrick Daigbe Mr Henry Dickson Miss Lucy Donovan Miss Rachel Fellows Mr William Gatward The Revd Dr Paul Goodliff Dr Charles Gordon Miss Claire Hallam Dr Vincent Helyar Miss Joanna Horton Dr Ashrafi Jabin Ms Dahab Jihar Ms Naomi Johnson Mr Thomas Johnson Dr Terence Jones Mr Sergii Khomenko Mr Timothy Leeson Mr Manoj Marath Dr Felipe Meneguzzi Mr Dimitrios Mistriotis Miss Eunice Osei-Barnieh Mr Oliver Perry AKC Mr Ajay Prakash Miss Hyunshim Ryu Mr Patrick Schulz Mr Sachin Shah Miss Emerald Shek Dr Janet Sidaway, née Cochrane Mr Jaskirat Singh Mrs Aude Taittinger Mr Jeffrey Taylor Dr Nicholas Taylor Miss Monika Teplicancova Mrs Christine Van Der Vat Dr Austin Vaz, née Vas Dr Zheng Yang Wang Miss Vivien Whelpton 2010 Miss Sarah Adams Dr Ramy Al-Rufaie Miss Kiranjit Atwal Miss Josephine Balfour Miss Eleanor Bass Ms Jadranka Berry, née Krivoglav Mr Robert Bieber MBE Mr Anthony Brignull Mrs Sarah Budgett Mr Francis Carbonaro Mr Alan Castree Miss Amanda Charles Miss Candice Cheung Mr Daniel Chok Tourle Mr Mohammad Choudri Mr Samuel Coates Dr Steve Cobb The Revd Margaret Cooling, née Young Miss Victoria Daly Dr Mark Ellis Dr Shahme Farook Mrs Patricia Fitzgerald Mr Crispin Fordham Mr Patrick Gallimore Miss Neera Goel Mr Martin Goldring Ms Janet Grant Miss Natacha Guyot Mr Mujahid Hasan Councillor Calum Higgins Mr Jeremy Hudson Mr Murat Ibrahim Dr Evgeniya Imykshenova Mrs Ayesha Jeary, née Patel Dr Aran Kapila Miss Roshni Karia Mr Sherwyn Katarki Ms Kah-ul Kim Miss Deepika Kuganathan Ms Danielle Landau Mr Greg Lilley Dr Timothy Lim Mr Patrick McNair Miss Magda Moczulska Mr Francisco Javier Mondragon Mr Robert Morfee Mr Peter Morley-Souter Ms Valerie Morris Miss Jalia Mugambwa Miss Kiran Nandra Miss Ambareen Naqvi Miss Sabah Nasar Dr Vandana Nath Miss Corissa Nunn Mr Vince Orlando

Ms Jennifer Page Mr Devesh Patel Miss Sandra Robertson Miss Amy Rooney Mr Paul Rutherford Mr Ibrahim Salha Miss Carly Scott Mr David Shaw Mr Grant Sheehan Mr Shing Ngai Sin Mr Nirojan Sivapathasundararajah Mr Robert Slaughter Mr Freddie Smith Mrs Agata Sobczynska-Malefora, née Sobczynska Mr William Sprigge Miss Josephine Steel Mrs Mary Tanay Mr Miles Thompson Miss Favour Torgbui Miss Tasnim Umarjee Dr Kabir Varghese Miss Rebecca Varley-Winter Dr Louise Walters 2011 The Revd Mahan Aloysius Mr Jing An Mr Stephen Andrew Miss Ruth Angus Mr Daniel Arthur Dr Gbenga Asigo Miss Rubinder Athwal Mr Stephen Attard Montalto Dr Robert Barnes FKC Mr Jocelyn Bassett Miss Jeed Basyuoni Miss Henna Bhatti Dr Timothy Brow Miss Catherine Cadman Miss Susannah Carnaby Mrs Harinder Chakrabarty Miss Feng Chen Mr Timothy Choi Ms Flavia Curcuruto Mr Andrew Darby Miss Pamela De La Fosse Miss Katherine Degel Ms Anam Dhanji Mr Siddharth Doshi Mr Sarosh Driver Mr Amir Emadian Mr Matthew Excell Mr Martin Fillmore Mr Jeremy Goose Mr Dean Gottliffe Miss Paula Greaves Ms Rosemary Greaves Mr Peter Guest Mr Daniel Hall Mrs Fatima Hansraj Major Mark Hardie Mr Adam Hayes Mr Daniel Hayter Mr Stephen Hicks Mr Simranjit Johal Miss Jaynthi Kanesarajah Mr Ibrahim Karakus Miss Amanda Lewis Miss Xuan Li Mr Conor Love Mr Henry Lowe Mr John Lowings Miss Margaret Lumley Mr George Marshall Mr Sagar Masani Mr David Mazzuca Dr Jane McLarty Mrs Jasmine Miller, née Frame Miss Vanessa Moir Ms Maya Murata, née Tung Miss Cassandra Neal Miss Helen Ng Miss Linh Nguyen Miss Yasmin Omotosho Miss Priya Patel Mrs Jo Patrick Mr Christopher Pyman Miss Batika Rana Mrs Montserrat Robinson Miss Olivia Robson Miss Shivane Sethi Miss Samira Sharifi Pour Moghaddam Mr Robert Sherman Dr Oscar Sum Mr Dimitrios Vasilakis

Miss Natasha Vouckelatou Mr James Wainscott Miss Sabina-Zaman Waris Mrs Taneshia Waysome-Hamilton, née Waysome Ms Alix Wender Mr Nirmal Wilwaraarachi 2012 Miss Sara Ailane Mr Omar Alkhawaja Miss Claire Amias Mr Paride Antinucci Miss Laura Applegate Mr Dexter Awoyemi Miss Laura Barnes Dr Jonathan Bernstein Mr Kai Bora Kartel Miss Judith Brown Miss Candy Chan Ms Alexandra Culliford Mr Bram Dewil Mr Sergen Djemal Miss Christina Evangelou Dr Cathy Fernandes Mr William Foks Miss Antonia Frangakis Mr Michael Freeman Mr Yusuf Gadiwalla Mrs Val Goss Mr Thomas Grimley Mr Akhil Gupta Miss Carly Harwood Miss Anna Hlavsova Miss Heshow Hoshyar Mr Peter Hunt Mrs Halina Hurynovich, née Solyshko Mr David Ireland Mr Steven Jefferson Mr Irfan Jiwa The Revd Dr Trevor Jones Mr Mantas Juozaitis Miss Garima Kalra Miss Kiranjit Kaur Miss Aradhna Kaushal Mr Sami Kazim Mr Paul Kosmetatos Mr Benjamin Lephilibert Mr Zubair Malik Mr John McGlone Miss Minna Miettinen Miss Jordan Miller-O’Gorman Miss Ashitha Nagesh Miss Taran Nandra Mr Bill Nelson Mr Abiola Obisesan Mrs Nicoleta Onica Miss Glynis Onwordi Ms Esther Oyeleye Miss Salome Papashvili Mr James Passmore Miss Arpita Patel Miss Rachael Patterson Miss Sarah Priestley Ms June Rhee Mr Diogo Ribeiro Miss Isabel Robinson Mr Hugh Rock Mr Max Rossi Miss Devina Sagar Mr David Setchell Miss Erin Sherman Miss Lei Shi Mr Karthikeyan Sritharan Miss Abigail Stacey Miss Aniyyah Syed Mr Mark Tan Miss Kloe Tricot O’Farrell Miss Jaimini Vadgama Miss Laura Vann Mr Jassen Venkatasawmy Mr Apoorva Verma Mr Michael von Block Mr Marc Webb Mr Stefan Weiler Miss Abby Williams Miss Hana Williamson Mr David Woollcombe-Gosson Dr Jonathan Worton Mr An-Heng Yang 2013 Dr William Hudson The late Dr Karol Kapeller Dr Chung Lee

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013.

In Recognition 2012-13 | 29

Year unknown Mr Rajagopal Arulnathan Canon Christopher Atkinson Ms H Cope Mrs Carol Davies, née Williams, Normanby College Dr Peter Fisk, QEC Mr Richard Gapper Dr Phylis Gardner AKC, née Stevens Professor Simon Howell FKC Mr Jeff Lamb Dr Jon Lawson, UMDS Ms Lucy Matthews Mrs Elizabeth Metcalfe AKC Dr Malcolm Morris Dr John Neehall Dr Eleanor Quinton, Chelsea College Mrs Maria Royle Professor John Salter Mr Paul Simons, Royal Dental Mrs Julie Smith & Mr Alan Smith Mr John Warburton Mrs Eleanor Wearn Mr L R Wernick Professor Maureen Young, St Thomas’

Staff & former staff Thank you to all members of the College community, including those who prefer to remain anonymous, who have given their support to make a difference to the working and learning environment at King’s. Ms Lucy Alder Ms Jude Alldred Emeritus Professor Brian Anderton Dr Vernon Armitage Mrs Lydia Awosode, née Oyekunle The Rt Revd Dr John Baker Mr Austin Banner, Guy’s Dr Robert Barnes FKC Ms Marta Bel Sanchez Mrs Alison Benjamin Mr Warren Birnbaum The late Dr Jack Botting, Chelsea College Dr Ronald Brandt, Guy’s Mr John Broad Ms Cally Brown Mr Chris Brown Dr Carol Brownson Ms Megan Bruns Ms Annette Bullen Dr Stewart Bussell, Guy’s, & Mrs Betty Bussell Miss Mollie Butcher FKC Miss Jo Carr Professor Stephen Challacombe FKC, Guy’s Dr Thomas Cilliers Mr Richard Claas Dr John Clitherow, Chelsea College Emeritus Professor John Cloudsley-Thompson The Revd Dr Richard Coggins FKC Mr Dale Cooper Dr John Cordingley Ms Jennifer Cormack Ms Rachael Corver Professor Margaret Cox OBE FKC Mrs Patricia Cox, née Symes, QEC Mr Ian Creagh FKC Dr Trudi Darby AKC Mr Sandy Darling FKC Ms Emma Davey Dr David Davies AKC Professor David Davies AKC FKC Dr Sue Dirmikis, née Maciver Ms Emily Drayson Professor Stephen Dunne Dr Melvin Earles, Chelsea College Miss Steph Eldridge The Revd Miss Mary Elliott Professor Peter Emery, QEC Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s Dr Omer Fadl Mr Matt Ferguson Professor Sir Lawry Freedman KCMG CBE FKC Mr Ian Frith Dr Peter Frost, Royal Dental Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC Professor John Garrett Dr Vanessa Gearson AKC, née Beard Professor Stanley Gelbier, Royal Dental Professor David Gibbons OBE, Guy’s Professor Michael Gleeson, Guy’s The late Mr Hedley Grabaskey, Guy’s

Miss Emma Grant Professor Anne Greenough FKC Dr Geoffrey Hall Mr Stephen Harrow AKC FKC Dr Ben Heller & Mrs Pamela Heller Professor Lucy Henry Professor John Hermon-Taylor Mr Thomas Hipwood Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Professor Simon Howell FKC Dr Robert Howes Professor Richard Hughes, Guy’s Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Mrs Helen Jenrick, née Young, Royal Dental Dr Geoffrey Jolliffe, Chelsea College Dr Carys Jones Miss Hannah Joyce Ms Rachael Jukes Professor Shitij Kapur Mr Chris Keating Dr Chris Kenyon Jones Professor Michael Knibb AKC FKC Dr George Koukoutas, Chelsea College Miss Gemma Lancaster Mr William Lang, Royal Dental Professor John Langdon FKC Dr Jon Lawson, UMDS Professor Eeva Leinonen Professor Maurice Lessof FKC, Guy’s Emeritus Professor Raymond Levy Dr James Loughridge Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC & Mrs Paula Lucas Ms Michele Malster Professor Isaac Marks Dr Keith Marshall Professor Peter Marshall CBE FKC Mr Robbie Maverick Professor MM McCabe Mrs Claudine McCreadie Mrs Helen McGahon Miss Kate McGranaghan Professor Brian Meldrum, Guy’s Professor Moya Meredith Smith, Royal Dental Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née Honey-Jones, QEC Professor Paul Mitchell Ms Erin Morgan Dr Lawrence Mudford, Guy’s Mr John Muir FKC Miss Kirsten Munro Mrs Deborah Myers Professor Dame Jinty Nelson FKC Professor Jonathan Osborne Miss Kathrin Ostermann Dr Richard Overill Dr David Owen Professor Keith Patchett Mr Oliver Perry AKC Ms Gemma Peters Mr Desmond Pollock Mr Sean Power Professor Harry Preiskel, Guy’s Miss Michelle Quittenton Professor Tara Renton, née Cautley, Guy’s Mrs Winnifred Richards, née Clements Professor Anne Ridley Professor Roberto Rona Mr Donald Ross Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s Professor John Salter Miss Katie Sambrook Dr Rosemary Satchell Ms Erin Segilia Chase Dr Omar Shaheen, Guy’s Mr Warren Shear, Guy’s Ms Pepe Shirlaw Mrs Marian Simmonds Dr Malcolm Sims FKC Mrs Kungwa Small Professor Moya Meredith Smith, Royal Dental Dr Amala Soumyanath AKC, née Raman, Chelsea College Dr M Sprackling Mr Andrew Steele Mrs Jenny Summerfield Mrs Kirsty Tait Miss Rachel Thomas & Mr Pablo Calderon Martinez Professor Sir Richard Trainor KBE FKC & Professor Marguerite Dupree Dr Janet Treasure OBE, St Thomas’ Professor Henry Tyrrell FKC Professor John Uff CBE FKC Ms Caroline Usher

Miss Laura Varden Ms Hannah Wakeford Mr Ronald Waldron Emeritus Professor Roger Watson, Guy’s Dr Patrick White Miss Abby Wilson Dr Donald Winstock, Royal Dental Miss Laura Yaffe Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s Professor Maureen Young, St Thomas’ Dr Xian-Ming Zeng

Friends of the College We are pleased to recognise the generosity and commitment of our friends, including those who wish to remain anonymous, who have kindly offered their support throughout the year. Mrs R Aggarwal Mr Bob Allies & Ms Jill Franklin Mrs Trudy Amiel-Fry Mrs Sue Anderson Mr Paul Ashley Mr Kenneth Attwood Mr David Axworthy Mrs Jean Bedford Mr Andrew Black Mrs Maureen Branley Mr Andrew Bristow Mr Peter Buckman Dr Andrew Carr Mr M Carre Dr A Carson Mr Derek Cave Dr A Chandra Mrs Soumi Cheah Mr Christopher Cheipperton Ms Maribel Chiappe Mr Roy Chipperfield Mrs J Clements Mr David Codling Professor Peter Coss Mr Bruno & Mrs Bettina Cova Mr John Crawley Professor Byron Criddle Mrs Gill Davidson Mrs Lynn De La Perrelle Mr Richard de Metz Mr Dan & Mrs Helen Delap Mr Edmund Dilworth Mr Brian Donkersley Mrs Shelia Edwards Mr David Elkin Mr Peter Emerson Ms Hilary English Miss Katherine Evans Dr Michael Fenlon Mr Andrew Giles Miss Irene Gosset Mr Anthony Graham Mr Dayle Haleen Mr Stanley Harries Professor Jenny Harrow Mr Brian Hickey Rear-Admiral Richard Hill Mr Gabriel Hinds Mr Gaynor Hobson Mr Bryan Holland Mr Stan Horton Mr Hongyi Huang Mrs Heather Hunter Professor George Huxley Professor Assen Jablensky Mr Grahame Jelbart Mrs Susan Jenkins Mr Hugo Johnsen Mrs B Johnsen JW Johnsen Mrs Elizabeth Labbett Mr Barry Le Pelley Ms Magdalena Lee Mrs Joyce Leuillette Ms Kate Lloyd-Williams Ms Monica Lo Mrs J Logan-Edwards Mr He Long Dr Michael Lorz Mr Richard Lowish Mr Brian Mabire Mrs Edith Mackey Mrs Elizabeth Mantilas Mrs D Martel Ms Val Martin-Revell Mr Tom Matier

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

30 | In Recognition 2012-13

Mrs Joy Matthews Mr Naran Mepani Mr Lionel Merchant Ms Valerie Michelet Mr Gordon Middleton FKC Mr N Mikhaeel Mr Lee Monier-Williams Mrs Margory Monkman Ms Jacqueline Morris Dr S Motto Mr Patrick Muraca Mr John Murphy Dr Theresa Naas Miss Farha Nazir Ahmad Mohamad Ms Kate Nobelius Miss Ikwuka Okonkwo Ms Trish O’Neill Mr Josh Petzoldt Ms Pamela Prevost Dr Michael Rinsler Mrs Patricia Rodewald Miss Paola Romero Mrs Pat Rowe Mrs Nooran Salpadoru Mr Jack Sebastian Mr Kenneth Sharp Dr Mark Slater Mr Matthew Smith Ms T Sothinathan Mr Michael Spratt Mr Robin Stringer Dr Adnan Takriti Mr Nigel Taylor Dr J Taylor-Papadimitriou Mrs Julia Trow Dr Michael Vranic Mr Gary Wartew The late Ms Elspeth Watson Mrs E Wells Mr Matthew Westmore Mr Giles Wheeler Mr Eric Wishart Dr Richard Woodberry Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Alpha Omega London Charitable Trust The Aristotelian Society Aston Students’ Guild The Atkin Foundation Baillie Gifford & Co Batten Disease Family Association Belvedere Trust Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd The Book People British Society for Haematology British Telecommunications PLC The Byron Society Cambridge University Press Journals Camoes Institute Carefusion UK 306 Ltd Catkin Pussywillow Charitable Trust The Classical Association The Clothworkers’ Foundation Denise Cohen Charitable Trust John S Cohen Foundation The Colt Foundation Confederation of British Industry Content Guru Ltd Cyprus High Commission Cyril Erskine Marshall Davison Charitable Trust E Sargeant & Son eBay Inc enVisage Esmee Fairbairn Foundation Espirito Santo Financial Group FICCI Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Florida Academic Dermatology Centers For Folks Sake The Frognal Trust Galliard Homes Ltd Gapper Charitable Trust Douglas Glanfield Memorial Trust GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Goldman Sachs Gives The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Gwalch Glas Trust Edward Harvist Trust Heathside Charitable Trust The Hellenic Foundation Henry Lester Trust Limited Henry Schein Inc Hereditary Disease Foundation Christine Hewson Memorial Foundation The High Commissioner for the Republic Of Cyprus

Homely Housing Lets Ltd The Inman Charity Interfarma International Byron Society IPC Media Ltd iPierian Inc The Japan Foundation The Betty Lawes Foundation A G Leventis Foundation Lloyds TSB Foundation for England & Wales London Dermatopathology Teaching Ltd The London Law Trust Macfarlanes Mayer Brown JSM MBNA International Bank Limited The Moss Family Charitable Trust The John R Murray Charitable Trust National Philanthropic Trust Notagenius Limited The Oak Trust Oundle School The Peltz Trust The Pennycress Trust The Photodermatology Charitable Trust Prostate Cancer UK RBS Community Cashback Awards Redwood Technologies Limited Richardson Brothers Foundation Royal College of Art The Jeremy and John Sacher Charitable Trust The Schilizzi Foundation Schon Family Charitable Foundation The Schroder Foundation David & Jennifer Sieff Charitable Trust Sino British Fellowship Trust The Henry Smith Charity Smith Richardson Foundation Inc Society for Endocrinology Society for the Promotion of Greek & Roman Studies Society For The Promotion Of Hellenic Studies Solvay North America Statoil (UK) Ltd Sir Halley Stewart Trust Still Point Fund Sutton Valence School Charles Sykes Epilepsy Research Trust John Templeton Foundation The Thompson Educational Trust The Trust for Education University of Surrey The Vandervell Foundation The Veneziana Fund Vodafone Foundation The Charles Wallace India Trust The Felicity Wilde Charitable Trust The Michael & Anna Wix Charitable Trust The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust The Worshipful Company of Barber Surgeons The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers

The Family Programme The Family Programme includes parents, guardians and other family members of students and former students who have generously offered their support to the College. We thank all our Family Programme donors including those who wish to remain anonymous. Mrs Melanie Acton Mr Richard Adams Dr Dominique Ahkye Major Mahmood Ahmad Mr Syed Ahmed Mrs Abimbola Akinmade Mrs Bothayna Alame Mrs Aniye Papatya Algan Mr Friend Ali Mr Aliraza Alimohamed Mrs Gail Allen Mr Guy Allen Mrs Janine Allwinton Mrs Sana Alsaygh Mrs Alison Alsford Miss Whitney Annette Mr Jose Antonio Avila Barea Mrs Helen Arnaud Mr Selvaratnam Arunan Mr A Paul Ashley Mrs Samina Asif Mrs Susan Avery Mr Mike Axiotis

Mr Vatsal Amin Mr George Balgey Mr David Barber Mr David Barnes Mrs Deanne Barrow Mrs Shirley Barrow, Chelsea College Mr Tom Barry & Mrs Susan Barry Mrs Helen Bass Dr Amira Bassaly Mr Thierry Baudon Mr Brian Beech Mrs Tracey Bell Mr Michael Belmonte Ms Annetta Bennett Mrs Johneen Bennett Mrs Joanna Bernstein Ms Kristen Bjaastad Mr Christopher Blunden Mrs Ory Bolooki Ms Teresa Book Mr Michael Bowen Mr Chris Bradley Mr Simon Brockbank Mr Christopher Brookes Mrs Sheila Brooks Mr Laurence Brown Dr David Bryce, St Thomas’ Dr Andy Bundock, Guy’s Dr Paul Buss Mr Barrie Byfield Mr Robert Campbell Dr Jane Carr Mr Kevin Carroll Mr John Chamberlain Mrs Nicole Chambers Mrs Alison Chapman Mrs Angela Chatfield Mr Mohammad Aslam Chaudhry Mr Keith Chen-Prosser Mr Desmond Chong Mrs Kate Clark Mr Mel Clark Mr Harvey Cohen Mr David Collins Mr Ed Cook Mr Tony Cook Mr Mark Cooper Mr Paul Cooper & Mrs Rachel Cooper Miss Liz Copus Mrs Andrea Corley Bruno Cova Mrs Kathleen Crofton-Green Mr Laurence Cross Mrs Elaine Crozier Mr Geoffrey Cunliffe Mrs Stella Currie Mrs Debbie Cuthbert Mr Stefano D’Andrea Mr Rafiq Daroge The Revd Canon Dr Ian Davies Ms Antoinette Davis Mrs Jane Davis Professor John Davis & Mrs Elaine Davis Mrs Annitta Debrah Mr Patrick Dewilde Mrs Anar Dhalla Mr Iqbal Din Mrs Rubina Din Professor John Dinwoodie Mrs Victoria Dixon Mr Hasan Dogan Ms Claire Donlon Mr Andrew Downey Mrs Diane Downs Mrs Cathy Doyle Mrs Arvind Dua Mr John Dunbar Mr Albert Dungate Mrs Pamela Dyson Mr Richard Eastwood Mr Philip Edgar Mrs Pauline Eldridge Mrs Louise Ellis Mrs Belgin Emir Mr Arif Essaji Mr David Evans Mrs Sara Evans Mrs Karen Excell Mr Paolo Faldini Mr Michael Faraday & Mrs Dawn Faraday Mr Keith Faulkner Mr David Feeney Mrs Camilla Fenning Mrs Adele Fifer Mr Peter Finch Mrs Joanna Fone

Mrs Kim Free Mr David Frodsham & Mrs Pamela Frodsham, née Martin Mrs Anne Frost Mrs Ann Galpin Ms Sheila Garvie-Adams Dr Abdul Hamid Gatrad Dr Raton Ghosh Mr Cosmo Gibson Mrs Anne Gillespie Dr Visvalingam Ginanananthan Mr Daniel Giusti Mrs Sarah Goldstone Mr John Gorman Dr Anthony Grange Ms Judith Gray Mr Brian Green Mr Simon Greenbury Mr David Greening Mr Dennis Gross Mrs Pauline Grove Ms Anne Guest Mr Tilak Gulati Mrs Christine Gunstone Mr Umesh Gusai Mr John Hackett Mr Tim Hailes Mrs Hazel Hall Mr Nigel Hall-Wright Mrs Kathryn Halsey Mr David Hanesworth Mr Bharat Haria Mrs Linda Harper Mrs Patricia Harris Mr Richard Harris Mr Andrew Hart Mr Richard Hawkins Mr George Healy Mrs Andrea Heaney Mr Richard Hearn Mr Balwant Heer Mr Peter Henry & Mrs Doris Henry Mr Richard Higson Mr Nick Hill Mr Charles Hinchcliffe Mrs Amanda Hines Mrs Ann Hirst Mr Mich Hocking Mr Peter Holburd Mrs Kit Holland Dr Ron Hollands Mr Philip Hollowday The late Mr Thomas Hollywood Mrs Young Hong Mrs Heather Hood Mrs Amanda Hornsby Mrs Veronique Houdrouge Mr Mario Howard-Walker Mrs Bridget Hradsky Mr Nick Huband Mr Lawrence Hunt Mrs Anna Hurst Mr Hussain Hussain Mrs Alison Hutchins Mrs Carola Hyne Mr Mohammed Ishtiaq Dr Alasdair Jacks, Guy’s Mr Mahesh Jain Mr Brendan Jarvis & Mrs Camilla Jarvis Mrs Sarah Jarvis Mr Bogahange Jayawardena Dr Upali Jayawardena Mr Nathaniel Johnson & Mrs Marie Johnson Mrs Sarah Johnson Ms Kathie Johnston Mrs Marian Jones Mr Phil Jones Mr Robert Jones Mr Charles Jordan Mr Philip Joyce Mr Riyaz Kaderbhai Mr Sunil Kakkad, Guy’s Mr Mohan Kamat Mr Naresh Kana The late Dr Karol Kapeller Mr Kevin Keenan Professor Sean Kehoe & Mrs Noelle Kehoe Mr George Kelso Mr Michael Kergozou R Kerr Mrs Rita Keynejad Dr Naseer Khan Mrs Sabina Khan Mrs Lina Khatoun Mrs Radha Khosla Mr Axel Kirby

Mrs Joanna Kirk Mrs Frances Knight Mr David Knott Mr Pradip Kotecha Mr Anthony Krishna Mr John Kusznir Mrs Chryso Kyriacou Mr Stewart Lacey Mr Hamid Lahooti Mr Damian Landi Mrs Mary Lane Mr Jerry Larauce Mrs Louise Denis Le Seve Mr Christopher Leahy Mr Victor Leitch Captain Paul Lewis Mr Charles Lewis Mr Wing Kang Li Mrs Nicolette Lief Mrs Dawn Lindsay Ms Caterina Lodi Mrs Karen Loftus Mrs Claire Long Ms Susie Lotherington Mrs Saw Hoon Lui Mr Giles Lury Mr Mark Lyons Ms Shaheen Mahmood Professor Guglielmo Maisto Mr Sameer Majeed Mr Aslam Manji Mr Satkar Singh Mann Dr Sabah Maroof Miss Justine Marriott Mrs Theresa Marshall Dr Ann Martin Mr Stephen Matthams Mrs Siobhan Matthewson Mr Thomas McGilloway Mr Niall McTurk Mrs Christine Meats Ms Coleen Meeks Mr Iraj Mehrabi Mrs Dawn Mell Mrs Helen Melville Mrs Samantha Mendy Mrs Chloe Milburn, née Phylactou, Chelsea College Mrs Errol Mills Ms Maida Milone Mr Lateef Mirza Mr Jamnadass Mistry His Honour Christopher Mitchell Mrs Jill Mitchell Mr Steven Mitchell Mr Daniele Mitolo Mrs Penny Moffitt Ms Arman Mohajeri Ms Neena Mohindra Mrs Patricia Monaghan Mr Christopher Moore Mr Ruben Movsesyan The Revd David Mullins Mrs Agata Murray Ms Lorraine Muth Mr Colin Mutton Mrs Asothie Naidoo Mr Eric Naud Mr Bill Nelson Dr Suresh Nesaratnam Mrs Barbara Newall Mrs Pam Newman Dr Dzung Nguyen & Dr Hoa Binh Nguyen Mrs Bilgees Ojeleye Mr Matthew Okyere Mr David Oluwadare Mrs Tracey Orr Mr Frank Pacey Mr Prakash Panchal Mrs Wendy Pantony Mr John Parker Mr Lucas Parry Mr Anant Patel Mr Kirankumar Patel Mrs Kishori Patel Mr Mayor Patel Mrs Usha Patel Mr Yalesh Patel Mrs Susan Pearce Mrs Sarah Pegg Mr David Perchard Dr Simon Pett Mr John Philips Mr Nick Phillips Mrs Yvonne Pidgeon Mrs Sobhana Pillai

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013.

In Recognition 2012-13 | 31

Mrs Jackie Pool Mr Maldwyn Pope Mrs Amanda Potter Mr Roger Powell Mr Colin Powles Mr Jim Price Mr Stephen Prichard Mrs Geetha Rajagobalan Mr Rundheer Ramful Mrs Caroline Randell Mrs C Ranson Dr Khalid Rashed Mr Fateh Raslan Mrs Fabienne Riom Mrs Jennifer Robeson Mrs Ruth Rouach Mr Jeremy Russell Miss Fiona Russell Mr Anil Sadhwani Mrs Jill Salisbury Mrs Liana Salp Mrs Meral Sanli Mr Gordon Sayer Mr Paddy Schofield Mr Dominic Scrivens Mr Geoffrey Searle Dr Ravi Sekhar Mrs Anna Selsby Mr Daryl Seyforth Mrs Pritee Shah Mr Ramesh Shah Mrs Gupta-Kaistha Shama Mrs Rita Shantilal Mr Rajeev Sharma Mr M Sharriff Mrs Kungwa Small Mrs Julie Smith & Mr Alan Smith Mr Marc Smith Mr Richard Smout Mrs Sandra Stack Mrs O Steel Mrs Maria Stengard-Green Mr Gary Steventon Mr Louis Stewart Mrs Susan Strickson Mrs Hilary Sullivan Mr Peter Sullivan Mr Harish Tailor Mrs Helena Tait Mr John Talbot Mrs Alison Taylor-Smith Mr Michael Tebbutt Mr Karim Tejani Mrs Rita Temple Mrs Lynette Themudo Mr Kumaravelu Thirunavugarasu Mr Julian Thomas Mrs Nathalie Thomas Mrs Alison Thomas Mrs Jenny Thomson F To Mrs Grace Trainor Mrs Julia Trow Mr Harry Trump Mrs Jackie Tucker Mr Thomas Turner Mr Chris Turton Mr Abdussamad Undre Mr Karim Vaji Ms Haizhu Valentine Mr Antony Vallance Mr Onno Van Der Valk Mr Herman Van Der Weeen Mr Mark Varley Ms Smita Ved Mr Vadivel Venkatasamy Mrs Susan Vernon Mrs Enza Vitello Mr Friedrich von Stumm & Ms Greta von Stumm Mr James Vyvyan-Robinson Mr Peter Wall Mr John Warburton Mrs Caroline Warren Ms Julie Watson-Jones Dr Darshana Weerasena Mr Mark Westaby Mrs Susan Wicks Mrs Eileen Wigham Mr George Wiley Mr Paul Willey H Williams Mr Leonardo Williams Mr Stephen Williams Mrs Kathryn Willis

Mr Robert Willmington Mr Tyrone Wilson Mrs Phyllis Wong Mrs Jane Wood Mr Nicholas Wood Mr Edward Woollard Mrs Ruth Worgan Mrs Tracey Wright Mrs Julia Wright Ms Pei Chang Wu Mrs Priscilla Yawson S Yeap Mr Andrew Yearwood Mrs Maria Yolanda Bolanos Mrs Geum Hee Yoon Mr Christopher Young Dr Mamdouh Youssef Mr Muhammad Zahid Mrs Shazia Zia Mr Noreddine Zorgui

Pledged Legacies The College is very grateful to all those individuals who have informed us that they have decided to make an exceptional commitment and have left a gift to the College in their will. We kindly acknowledge their support and thank those who prefer to remain anonymous. The Revd Canon Peter Adams AKC Dr Adesegun Akin-Olugbade Dr Christopher Amodio Dr Frank Andrews Dr David Appleyard AKC Mrs Jemima Atkinson, née Bartlett Mr William Bagnall Mrs June Baker AKC, née Ives Mr Derek Barbanell Mrs Rosalind Barker, née Knight Dr Peter Baron & Mrs Jean Baron Dr David Beckitt Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née Taylor Ms Mary Bilton Dr Clive Bishop FKC Mr John Bradley, Guy’s Miss Penelope Briggs Mrs Gillian Burrows AKC, née Oultram Professor Colin Bushnell FKC Ms Margaret Butcher Professor Sir Graeme Catto FKC Mrs Diana Cawson, née Hall, & the late Professor Roderick Cawson Mrs Audrey Chadwick AKC, née Dodds Professor Sir Cyril Chantler FKC, Guy’s Mrs Sheila Chisman Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC Dr David Churchill, St Thomas’, & Mrs Sonia Churchill, née Carr Mrs Rosemary Clark Dr Jack Cohen, Royal Dental Mr Jeffery Collins Mr Malcolm Colman Professor David Cooper, Guy’s Revd Mr John Copping AKC Professor Esmonde Corbet Mrs Joy Crispin-Wilson Dr Geoffrey Critchlow Dr John Crocker & Mrs Josephine Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson Mrs Eileen Croucher AKC, née Sutcliffe Dr Trudi Darby AKC Mr Robert Davine Dr Joan Dodd, Royal Dental Mr Geoffrey Donald Miss Sheila Downs Mr Paul Duffy AKC Ms Maureen Duffy FKC Miss Janet Dyson AKC Mr Nicholas Egon Miss Olive Elkins Mrs Jane Evans, née Heron Mr Michael Evans Dr Elizabeth Fagan AKC, Chelsea College Mr Michael Falcon, Guy’s Dr Arthur Ferguson, St Thomas’ Dr Elizabeth Fiddaman, KCSMD Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman KCMG CBE FKC Mr Roger Gaitley Mrs Brenda Gay AKC, née Townshend Mrs Shirley Gilpin Mrs Stella Gilpin

Mr Edward Gledhill, Chelsea College Dr Raymond Godwin Miss Josephine Golley Mr Anthony Hitchcock, Guy’s Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC Mrs Dallas Green, née Richardson Dr David Gregory, St Thomas’ Mrs Marie-Louise Grosvenor Mr John Harding Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary Hardy, née Goold Mr Richard Hillier Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Dr Joan Horder Mrs Rosemary Houlston AKC, née Goldsmith Mr Donald Howle Mr Jeremy Hudson Ms Anne Jappie Dr Isabel Johnson, St Thomas’ Mrs Susan Jupp, née Farrant, Royal Dental Professor Robert Knecht Dr Alan Lacey Professor John Langdon FKC Dr Mark Langer Miss Sharon Lawrence Dr Derek Layton, Chelsea College Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner Mr Martin Lewis Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC Ms Suzanne Long AKC Dr Margot Loudon AKC Miss Annette Love AKC Miss Barbara Marsh Ms Val Martin-Revell Mr Stuart McAdam Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray, QEC Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones Mr Herbert Mercer, Guy’s Miss Rosamond Miskin Miss Wendy Mitchell Mr Charles Moor, Chelsea College Dr Joseph Moretz Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née Stokes The Very Revd Dean George Nairn-Briggs AKC Mr Donald Nappin Mrs Jennifer Nelson AKC, née Mansfield Dr Alison Newlyn, KCSMD Mr Richard Nicholson, Guy’s Dr Kenneth Nicolson, Guy’s Dr Pauline Parker Mr Michael Pearce Dr John Peters The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Phillips AKC Mr David Potter AKC Miss Diana Raine Mr Vairavapillai Rajayogeswaran, Royal Dental Mr Anthony Ramsey AKC Ms Mary Raynes Mr Michael Redfern Miss Kate Redman Miss Patricia Rickwood Miss Joan Roberts AKC Mrs Vivien Robertson Mr Andrew Robson Mr Jeffery Rose, Guy’s Professor Henry Roseveare Mr Shiel Ross Mr Robert Russell Mr John Savage Mr Alan Sealy Mr Geoffrey Shepherd FKC Dr Sheila Shinman, née Harris The Rev Canon Paul Simmonds Dr Michael Singer Mr Donald Slade Professor Arnold Sladen The Revd Professor Thomas Slater Mr David Smith Mr Norman Spink Mr Geoff Stephenson & Mrs Hilary Stephenson Miss Isobel Stevenson Mr Alister Stewart Mr Ian Stone Mr Sachiho Tanaka Mr Rory Tapner FKC Ms Alison Taylor Mr Michael Taylor Mrs Ann Thompson, née Mortimer Mr Keith Thompson & Mrs Patricia Thompson Miss Charlotte Townsend Mr Michael Townsend Professor Tom Treasure, Guy’s Mrs Frances Twambley, née Brown Mr Edward Trew AKC

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold. This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013.

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Dr Anna Ungaro Ms Caroline Usher Miss Linda Vance Mrs Moira Warner, née Connor Professor Dafydd Walters Dr Pauline Webb AKC FKC Mrs Ruth Webster Mrs Lilian West Dr Vincent Whitmarsh Mr Christopher Williams AKC Dr Cyril Williams, Guy’s The Revd Dr Ian Williams AKC Mrs Eileen Willmott AKC Mr Anthony Wills Ms Liu Yang His Honour Mr Christopher Young

Legacy and in memoriam gifts The College would like to pay a special tribute to our alumni and friends who sadly passed away recently and most generously left a bequest, or for whom in memoriam gifts were made. The late Mr David Archer The late Miss Edith Baer The late Mrs Mabel Bampton The late Miss Joan Bernard FKC The late Mrs Christine Birkett The late Mr Thomas Branley The late Mrs Phyllis Bright The late Mrs Elizabeth Brown The late Dr Malcolm Carpenter The late Mrs Catherine Charlish The late Dr Brian Chenley The late Mr John Chiappe The late Dr Stephen Clements The late Ms Constance Darby The late Mr Kevin Dixon The late Mr Terry Grimes The late Mr Kenneth Keith The late Mr Walton Mackey The late Dr Ian Maine The late Mr Barry Matthews The late Mr John McClane The late Mr Anthony Philip Doe The late Mrs Evelyn Smith The late Miss Valerie Smith The late Dr Keith Tonge The late Mrs Diana Trebble The late Ms Elspeth Watson The late His Honour Sir Frank White FKC The late Dr Antony Wing The late Mr Paul Wright AKC The late Mrs Leonora Yonge

Event supporters & sponsors We thank those companies and individuals who have sponsored and supported College events by offering financial support, donating services or providing gifts. Billericay – The Dental People Coltene Whaledent GC UK Ltd Henry Schein Inc Quality Endodontic Distributors Ltd Septodont Ltd We have done our utmost to provide accurate information. If there is anything you would like us to update, please email Edited by James Bressor Shona McIntosh Tel +44 (0)20 7848 3334 Designed by Esterson Associates Printed by Pureprint, February 2014 Cover photograph Tom Campbell In Recognition, HEIST Gold Award winner: Alumni Publication of the Year 2009

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