In Recognition

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In Recognition 2009-10

Thank you from the Principal This issue of In Recognition comes at one of the most exciting times in the College’s history. It was with great pleasure that King’s officially launched its groundbreaking campaign World questions|King’s answers on 3 November with simultaneous events across the globe.


ith tremendous expertise all across our campuses, King’s is set to address many of society’s most pressing issues. Through discussions with many members of the College community, three broad areas of concern emerged as major issues to our alumni and our dedicated supporters – and they are fields of research and academia where King’s excels. We are ideally positioned to be a global leader in preventing and treating cancer, addressing issues of mental health and advancing the creation of stable, prosperous and creative societies around the world. These challenges and others

carefully chosen from all of the College’s nine academic schools will be tackled by bringing together academic talent and developing a culture of collaboration across King’s and the wider community. King’s is already one of the most respected universities in the world; these additional research efforts are set to enhance teaching at King’s and help us attract exceptional staff and students across all disciplines. Our fundraising achievements are already outstanding. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters we have already received £197 million during the ‘silent phase’ of the campaign. Our target of £500 million overall is ambitious

but appropriate given the achievements of the College and the admirable generosity of our invaluable supporters. Given the significance of our campaign priorities, I am confident that we will reach our goal by 2015. I hope that you are proud, as I am, to be included in the list of individuals and organisations who have already made a financial commitment to World questions|King’s answers. I am constantly delighted by the support given by alumni, staff and friends of King’s and I would like to thank you for your help at this extraordinary moment in the history of our College. Professor Rick Trainor Principal

Left: One of the numerous stone carvings on the façade of Somerset House East Wing

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photographs by greg funnell

£500 million campaign launched to focus on global challenges King’s embarks on its most ambitious fundraising effort ever, with a goal to improve lives around the world 2 | In Recognition 2009-10

How can we regenerate a damaged brain? How can personal freedom be balanced with national security? How can our own immune system be harnessed to beat cancer?


Left: BBC broadcaster David Dimbleby questions panellists at the campaign launch in the Great Hall

rgent questions such as these have led King’s College London to launch a five-year, £500 million public fundraising campaign with worldwide impact. At the early November launch of the campaign, named World questions|King’s answers, the Principal, Professor Rick Trainor, said universities are positioned to take on urgent global challenges, provided they have the resources. ‘This campaign unites the whole College in a belief that now is the time for universities like ours. This is a key time for our sector to make the case for what we can achieve – the great contribution we are making to society,’ he told more than 300 guests gathered on the Strand Campus, as well as a worldwide audience watching the event live on the internet. There were also simultaneous celebrations in Hong Kong and New York City on launch day, attended by another 100 alumni. By every measure – its international scope, its fundraising goal and the level of support needed from alumni and friends to achieve success – World questions|King’s answers is an ambitious undertaking. Its principal mission is to support research activities and help develop real-world solutions related to the campaign’s three theme areas: Neuroscience & mental health, Leadership & society and Cancer. It will also provide funds for the renovation of Somerset House East Wing and a breadth of academic departments and student organisations through the Annual Fund. Professor Trainor noted that the College had already raised more than £197

million toward the campaign. The Rt Hon Sir John Major KG CH, British Prime Minister from 1990 to 1997, is chairing the campaign. In videotaped remarks at the launch celebration, Sir John praised the College for stepping up to answer questions of global importance. ‘Our modern world throws up problems of great complexity, and questions that seem sometimes impossible to answer. The easy option is to leave the most challenging issues for others to address, easy but wrong,’ said Sir John in his taped remarks. ‘In their own areas of expertise, King’s is determined to remain at the forefront of research that will not only benefit and enrich our own lives,

but those of our children and our children’s children.’ The launch celebration inspired students and alumni alike, all voicing support for the campaign’s vision. ‘It’s not just a campaign for our generation but also for generations to come,’ said Peter Okello, a Nursing student from Uganda, who watched the London launch. ‘This is an impressive campaign and worthy of King’s international reputation,’ said Kenneth Aldous (Law, 1998), who attended the New York celebration. ‘All alumni across the globe who watched today should be extremely proud of their alma mater.’ Joining Professor Trainor as panellists at the London launch In Recognition 2009-10 | 3

were Sir Robert Worcester, founder of the international polling firm Ipsos MORI and an Honorary Fellow of the College (see sidebar), and three King’s staff members: Professor Shitij Kapur of the Institute of Psychiatry; Dr ’Funmi Olonisakin of the Conflict, Security & Development Group; and Professor Peter

Parker of the Integrated Cancer Centre. Each panellist stressed how the campaign will further strengthen King’s hallmark approach to problem-solving: creating a multidisciplinary, collaborative environment for research that leads to on-theground solutions, whether in the introduction of a new vaccine or preparing young

Campaign goals by priority areas Neuroscience & mental health Leadership & society Cancer Somerset House East Wing and Quad

£200m £99m £143m £33m

Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care


Annual Fund, scholarships, unrestricted


World questions | King’s answers total 4 | In Recognition 2009-10


women and men to be future leaders in developing nations. Dr Olonisakin noted that many researchers at King’s work closely with policymakers and decision-makers at international organisations such as the United Nations and the African Union. ‘That is the bread and butter of the research we do at King’s. We think of society at large and

Left: Students, alumni and staff gather for the launch day celebrations

the nature of the problem that confronts society, whether we are talking about medical science or social science,’ she said. ‘It’s not just about theory. It’s about making that theory relevant to society at large.’ One of King’s most distinguished alumni, Archbishop Desmond Tutu FKC (Theology, BD, 1965; MTh, 1966), also expressed his enthusiasm for World questions|King’s answers in taped comments. ‘I’m confident that in my lifetime I will see tremendous advances in the fight against cancer, the challenge to prevent Alzheimer’s, and in the quest to build just, tolerant societies,’ he said. ‘Together we can answer big questions.’

Poll research An international poll commissioned by King’s indicates that before nations can tackle several global challenges they first must understand and bridge the gap between their divergent opinions. The poll, conducted in September by Ipsos MORI, asked a total of 7,055 adults in eight countries two questions online – to identify ‘the two or three greatest challenges’ that face a) the world, and b) their own country. Responses varied greatly, with more people in developing nations generally concerned about pollution and climate change as global challenges. Residents of western

nations were more likely to cite the economy. Across all eight nations, climate change (46%) and war and terrorism (46%) were identified as the top two global challenges. World questions|King’s answers will touch nearly every topic identified as a leading global issue. For example, the campaign is supporting the College’s China, Brazil and India Institutes, which aim to foster greater international understanding, as well as the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence, which focuses on security and counter-terrorism issues. Some of the poll’s most noteworthy findings: The economy Americans were the only group with more than half (56%) saying

the economy is a top global challenge. Climate change China (67%), Brazil (56%), South Africa (54%) and India (53%) were the countries where most people said climate change is one of the world’s greatest challenges. War and Terrorism Those in the USA (46%), India (40%) and Saudi Arabia (35%) were most likely to cite war and terrorism as one of the two or three greatest challenges facing their own country. Poverty Asked about the most pressing challenges in their own country, poverty topped the list for people in South Africa (70%), Brazil (61%), Saudi Arabia (46%) and India (45%). Over-population More than four in ten people in China (46%), Great Britain (44%) and India (42%) said over-population was the greatest challenge in their country. Ageing China (35%), Australia (31%) and Britain (20%) had the highest percentage of adults who said ageing is one of the greatest challenges facing their own country. Cancer Australians and British were the people most likely to cite cancer as one of the greatest challenges facing their own country (26% and 23% respectively). Mental health More than one-third of Australians (35%) said mental health is one of the greatest challenges facing their country. Technical note: Ipsos MORI interviewed 7,055 adults age 16 to 64 across eight countries: Australia (1,001), Brazil (1,018), China (1,018), Great Britain (1,005), India (1,005), Saudi Arabia (504), South Africa (504) and the USA (1,000). Interviews were conducted online 7-21 September 2010. Quota controls were set upon the interviews achieved and the resultant survey data weighted to the known population profile of this audience (16 – 64 years of age).

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As part of World questions|King’s answers the East Wing returns to its former glory


or more than two centuries Somerset House has stood beside the Thames, its handsome expanse of columns, arches and statuary serving as timeless symbols of strength and stability. While the Palladian facade facing the river has never lost its grandeur, the years have not always been kind to the building’s interior. Time and tight government budgets have altered many architectural details of this Georgian landmark. Much of the structure has been restored in recent years as tenants, such as The Courtauld Institute of Art, have taken up residence. With King’s now moving into the East Wing, another portion of Somerset House will soon be reborn. Renovation of the East Wing is a £27 million project, with £20 million needed from private donors. This facelift will not only benefit the College and its students; it will return the East Wing to its former glory while accommodating modern academic uses. The East Wing has housed a variety of government offices during the past two centuries. To make room for more staff over the years, many original interiors were subdivided into small, incongruous work spaces never envisioned by Sir William Chambers, the architect who 6 | In Recognition 2009-10

designed Somerset House. Other insults – such as boarding up fireplaces and installing suspended ceilings – further diminished the interior’s character. ‘It has taken a quite a lot of bashing over the decades,’ said Il’ìč Testoni, Architect Associate at BDP, the architectural, design and engineering firm retained by King’s. ‘Structurally, the building is absolutely solid.’ While King’s will largely restore the interior to its original proportions and recover many lost design features, the College will not return the East Wing to Sir William’s exact layout. He designed the structure as a series of unconnected townhouses, not a practicable option for King’s; and the College needs certain modern conveniences, such as lifts and conference Left: The East Wing’s graceful staircases are part of the building’s ventilation system

photographs by phil sayer

Restoring a London landmark

spaces. With a number of rooms needing to be refurbished into exciting new spaces for students and academics, the support of alumni and friends has been strong. Alumnus Willie Kwan (Law, 1959) has made a major gift to renovate a lower ground floor space into a modern communal area. To be known as ‘Willie’s Common Room’, it will provide undergraduate law students with an informal place to meet. Similarly, Ms Francesca Quint (Law, 1969) has generously pledged to support the renovation of an office on the third floor to be dedicated in honour of her mother Dr Joan Rae Gomez (née McClelland), who graduated from King’s with a medical degree in 1945. Ms Quint says she chose to support Somerset House ‘first to express gratitude: both to my mother, who encouraged me by her example, help and advice to apply to King’s in the first place, and to the teaching staff and my fellow students in the King’s Law faculty; and secondly because the Somerset House project is architecturally so exciting and seems so right for King’s. I am sure it will enhance the experience of future law students and others who visit the East Wing.’ Construction work will extend well into the summer of 2011, with one of the most important aspects of the job being the renovation of the stone staircases. Concrete bridges added to the staircases during the early 20th century have already been removed, making for light wells that bring daylight into the building through rooftop lanterns. The staircases and light wells are important components of the ventilation system, as air is drawn out of rooms on all six levels and carried up through the lanterns. BDP has developed an innovative plan to push fresh air down through the existing chimney flues to complete the circulation of air.

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Add a third more to your donation


he £200 million Matched Funding Scheme for the higher education sector adds Government money to donations from individuals to universities. For every £3 donated, King’s is able to claim an additional £1 from the Government. Donors who are UK tax payers have their gift and Gift Aid (25% of the value of the original gift) matched

under the scheme. Having run since August 2008, this scheme is ending in July 2011 and many alumni are making the most of their opportunity to make their gift go even further. The scheme equally applies to gifts from outside of the UK and we are delighted that our overseas donors have also been able to seize the opportunity to give back more to King’s.

Please visit kingsanswers for more information on the Matched Funding Scheme

Your gift of:

Plus Gift Aid at 25%:

Plus Matched Funding at 33%:

Means your total gift is worth:





£5 per month

£1.25 per month

£2.08 per month

£100 in a year





New ways to give King’s has revamped its Alumni Online web pages – www.alumni.kcl. – and also launched the World questions|King’s answers website at www. Featuring news about upcoming events, campaign details, donor profiles and inspiring stories from around the College, these web pages also allow our supporters to make online donations. Whether making a one-off gift or setting up regular donations, it couldn’t be easier and the response of our generous alumni and friends has been outstanding.

Our news What giving means to me

ClaireWard Claire Ward has recently completed her PhD in the Department of Mathematics. Claire was selected for the three-year Annual Fund Scholarship, the Development Trust Award.

photographs by suki dhanda

How did the scholarship make a difference to your life and studies?

Having the Development Trust Award has enabled me to concentrate on my studies and benefit from my time at King’s, without having to worry about my finances.

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Why did you choose to study at King’s?

First and foremost it gave me the opportunity to work with Professor David Burns who is not only a leading academic in his field, but also enthusiastic and supportive of his students. King’s is also part of the London Number Theory group, meaning that I could attend seminars and study groups with leading

academics across London. I also relished the opportunity to study in London and make the most of all the capital has to offer. What kind of activities have you been involved in at King’s?

I was involved in the Christian Union, which was very welcoming and friendly. I have also taken advantage of the modern language lessons available and have studied Level 3 French this year. This is a fantastic opportunity and a chance to learn in an area very different from my field of research.

Santander universities increase their support


his year saw the partnership between King’s and Santander grow in strength as Santander generously increased their support and funded four further scholarships for King’s students. This builds on the original partnership agreement between Santander Universities Global Division and King’s which was signed in October 2008, providing four postgraduate scholarships for Latin American or Iberian students to study at King’s as well as a Fellowship and travel bursaries. These scholarships encourage graduates who are potential future leaders in their fields to come to King’s. The scholarships are also designed

to promote international collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and ideas. The four new scholarships include three undergraduate scholarships, bringing the brightest young academic stars from Iberia or Latin America to King’s to begin their academic careers. This valuable partnership enables these students to undertake a range of activities and research partnerships which, it is hoped, will lead to advances in health, culture and social research. Scholar Hugo Castillo joined the Number Theory Research Group in 2009 to carry out his PhD. The funding has relieved him of a huge financial burden and he says of his scholarship:

Banco Santander Chairman Emilio Botín chats with student Hugo Castillo

‘For mathematicians like me having a proper environment is fundamental, and London is one of the best places in the world for studying maths. This scholarship has helped me a great deal, covering my expenses in London, and I would like to thank the people behind the Santander scholarship for their kindness.’

What giving means to me

Gwen MacKeith Gwen MacKeith is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for Out of the Wings, a unique Spanish theatre translation project, which aims to create a fully interactive website for Spanish-language theatre research and practice. She received a travel bursary from Santander Universities. How did the funding benefit your work?

It funded an extremely fruitful trip to Buenos Aires last August. It enabled me to establish connections with the University of Buenos Aires and the University of the República of Montevideo, and meet with

leading academics in the fields of performance, translation and literary and cultural studies. What do you enjoy about working at King’s?

I most enjoy having such wonderful colleagues. Apart from that, the creation of new spaces in the university has greatly supported our work. We recently used the newly developed Anatomy Theatre & Museum space for the Translating Cultural Extremity Workshop Series which were extremely exciting and inspiring events.

If you were given a million pounds to spend on King’s how would you use it?

I’d use it to foster the links I have begun to create in Argentina and Uruguay and set up a Theatre Translation Centre. I’d bring exciting Latin American theatre practitioners to the UK to share their expertise to enrich our process of translating Latin American theatre for performance in the UK.

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New focus on informal carers


ith cancer as one of the three themes of the World questions|King’s answers campaign and ground breaking discoveries such as the development of a leukaemia vaccine being made, there has never been a more exciting time to be involved with cancer research at King’s. However, often overlooked in the fight against cancer are those who care for family members or friends undergoing gruelling chemotherapy treatment. Thanks to an extremely generous grant from the Christine Hewson Memorial Foundation, the Supportive Cancer Care Research team at the Florence Nightingale

School of Nursing and Midwifery have been able to undertake a unique preliminary study, investigating the needs of those supporting someone through cancer treatment. By asking carers to complete a questionnaire and conducting follow-up interviews, the research team gathered information on the carers’ experiences of looking after a loved one with cancer, what information and support they felt they needed and which factors contribute to carers’ confidence and competence in supporting patients. The results showed that many informal

A cancer patient receiving treatment at St Thomas’

carers find the experience incredibly stressful and feel isolated from health professionals as they struggle to support their loved one through chemotherapy. This work has led the team to attain a greater understanding of the needs of caregivers and will be vital to their ongoing research which aims to identify the best ways for healthcare professionals to intervene to make sure informal carers feel able to support their loved ones. With the focus on caregivers, the benefits of this study are undoubtedly two-fold, touching the lives of both the carers and cancer patients.

Our news What giving means to me

Emma Ream Professor Emma Ream leads the Supportive Cancer Care Research Group at King’s. Her team received a generous grant from the Christine Hewson Memorial Foundation which is being used to fund a unique research project investigating the needs of the family and friends of cancer sufferers. How has the funding benefited the Department in the longer term?

Thanks to the funding support, my team has been able to attain a greater understanding of the needs of caregivers which is extremely valuable for our ongoing research. It is

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providing a firm foundation for future work that is already attracting funding from sources in addition to the Christine Hewson Memorial Foundation. What are your plans for the future of the Department/Centre?

My plan for my research group is for us to grow in capacity and ability to deliver high-quality research that makes a very real difference to the lives of people with cancer and those around them.

Why did you choose to join King’s?

King’s is an exciting place to work; it is recognised for its excellence in both teaching and research and attracts great academics and intellects. In so many areas it is at the forefront of research. You rarely see a month pass without King’s being in the press regarding the latest important research finding or innovation.

Annual Giving Award


his year’s Alumni Weekend was the setting for the very first Alumni Awards Ceremony. Presented by the Principal, these awards recognise outstanding alumni contributions to the College and the wider community. The prestigious Annual Giving Award, given in previous years as part of the King’s Awards, recognises the outstanding philanthropic support of one of our supporters and this year was awarded to Robin Taher, a Pharmacology with Management graduate of 2005. Robin makes a monthly gift to the Annual Fund and says he chose to support King’s because “in a climate of ever

increasing austerity I’m proud to help keep King’s a global centre of excellence and return the enormous contribution it has played in my life for the generations of students to come”. As a recent graduate who is making a regular financial commitment to the College, King’s wanted to acknowledge his generosity with this award. A young alumnus himself, he hopes that this will inspire other recent graduates to give back to King’s.

Annual Fund supports MLC The Principal presents Robin Taher with his award

In 2009, the Modern Language Centre (MLC) created a language and communication skills virtual learning environment thanks, in part, to a generous grant awarded by the Annual Fund. One year on, the MLC team is delighted to announce that the first phase of the pilot scheme is complete and students are able to access Italian and Spanish resources. Designed for the needs of students, staff and the research community at King’s, the online materials will provide self-access quality language resources.

What giving means to me

Niladri Roy Niladri Roy (King’s, Computer Systems & Electronics, 2003) supports the Annual Fund. By making a regular gift, Niladri has helped the College invest in teaching initiatives and extra-curricular programmes over many years. How did your time at King’s influence your career path?

At King’s I was exposed to many amazing ideas and concepts. These have greatly contributed to my somewhat idealistic, but unapologetic, belief in the power of technology to improve the world. So I am very proud to now be working in the

technology sector. What would you do differently if you had your time at King’s again?

I would talk to even more people than I did! I’d have explored more societies, got chatting to more people in the Waterfront and engaged anyone looking at an interesting poster on the notice board. I bet I could have met people with even more views and ideas to challenge and dazzle me and to share mine with. Why did you choose to support the Annual Fund?

I am lucky to have had many

opportunities through going to King’s, and I want to help others have the same rich experience I did. I’m very happy with where life has taken me, much of which is directly due to my time at King’s. So this is a small way to give something back. I think all of us who are fortunate enough to have some success have an obligation to give back.

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1956 Jubilee Medical Elective Awards


n celebration of their student days a group of medical alumni who graduated from King’s in 1956 have clubbed together to support today’s medical students. The 1956 Jubilee Elective Awards provided funding for five students’ elective placements in 2009 and, thanks to additional generous donations, ten students’ electives in 2010. Joanna Gibson is one of the students who benefited in 2009. She spent eight weeks working in rural hospitals in Kenya and Tanzania, where she was able to play an important role. ‘We were encouraged to see patients by ourselves, with a clinical officer helping to translate. It was greatly

rewarding to be able to take histories, examine patients, consider investigations and discuss management by ourselves. This responsibility made me think about every aspect of the case logically and consider treatment possibilities, whilst trying to take into account the limited resources of the hospital. We saw very varied cases, from heart failure to TB, Joanna Gibson with a baby she delivered on the maternity ward

HIV-related illnesses, malaria and conditions secondary to it such as severe anaemia and some psychiatric cases. ‘During a Caesarean section, I was asked to receive the baby which was blue. I had to run to maternity (out of the door of the theatre, down stairs, outside and round the corner) and resuscitate the baby before help arrived. Fortunately the baby survived, but this was certainly a very testing time for my obstetric knowledge, self-confidence and ensuring that I can keep myself calm in stressful situations. ‘I had an amazing time in Kenya. It was great to see how a hospital can be run, using such restricted resources, by such dedicated staff members.’

Our news What giving means to me

Joseph Vijay Kumar Joseph Vijay Kumar and his wife Usha Vijaykumar are members of the Family Programme, a community which parents, guardians and other family members of all King’s students are invited to join. They are also supporters of the Annual Fund. Their daughter Anne is in the second year of her medical degree at King’s. Why did your daughter choose to study at King’s?

King’s is renowned for its excellence in the field of medicine, so it was the

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obvious choice of university at which to study for a medical degree. Being in the centre of London, it also has a rich cultural diversity and I hope that Anne will receive a well-rounded education as well as a mix of cultural experiences.

Why did you start giving to King’s?

As parents we feel it is important to lend our support to King’s to benefit our daughter and other students. We enjoy being able to contribute in a small way towards the many programmes that improve campus facilities and the quality of student life. What benefits do universities offer society?

Today’s students are the citizens of the future. A strong education which gives them a strong footing for the future will certainly be a great benefit to society.

Tackling asthma


ore than five million people in the UK have asthma and the number of children with the condition has risen sixfold in 30 years. In response to this problem, King’s Division of Asthma, Allergy & Lung Biology is working on a number of important research projects. Thanks to support from the global bank Santander and the Dr and Mrs Lee Iu Cheung Fund, researchers are exploring the links between asthma and traffic pollution in our cities. By analysing air quality data and the impact of pollution on respiratory health, researchers will be able to recommend effective treatments and steer public policy on emissions

Studies will show whether the Lower Emissions Zone benefits people’s health

in our cities. Part of this research involves experiments within London’s Low Emission Zone, which requires lorries, buses and coaches to meet a standard

of particulate emission. Researchers have been visiting East London schools to provide education about pollution, science and health and to measure the pupils’ lung function. In addition, the Him Lee Scholarship Fund is allowing King’s to attract talented young researchers whose work will benefit patients worldwide. Thanks to funding from Mr Him Lee, a generous supporter of asthma research, Dr Joanna Lukawska is carrying out research into the inflammation of the lining of the lungs, which will direct future treatments, especially for patients who have severe asthma with disabling levels of breathlessness.

What giving means to me

John Taylor John Taylor (Guy’s, Medicine, 1977) supports the GKT Annual Fund, which enhances student life by funding teaching innovations, extra-curricular activities and scholarships within the Medical School and Dental Institute.

opportunities to interact with students across the health schools.

Why did you choose to support King’s?

My happiest memory was the pride of being a student at Guy’s Hospital Medical School. I miss the vitality of the health campus and the interactions with students of other health disciplines

To recognise the outstanding clinical education I received, based in facilities that were in the main constructed through the philanthropy of others over almost 300 years. I give to the GKT Annual Fund as for me this fund focuses on the student experience and gives them

What is your happiest memory from your time at King’s and what do you miss most?

What benefits do universities offer society?

They prepare their graduates for a lifetime of learning. Universities are repositories of knowledge for the benefit of society, and research performed in universities provides benefits in both the present and future.

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Legacy for the fight against cancer


he Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Unit at the Integrated Cancer Centre is dedicated to researching triple negative breast cancer, a particularly aggressive form of the disease. Under the directorship of Professor Andy Tutt, the work being done has the potential to save lives by developing a deeper understanding of this relatively unknown cancer. One of the team’s research projects aims to use stem cell imaging and bioinformatics to pioneer new predictive biomarkers and treatments. An extremely generous legacy gift, made by the late Mrs Corinne Graham (née Carmona), a 1955 alumna, has

provided this project with vital support and has helped fund the appointment of a Research Project Manager. This gift was granted by Mrs Graham’s family, headed by her husband, Professor David Graham, who chose this project to honour his wife’s wishes that the gift be used to fund the field of breast cancer research. Research will contribute to advancements in targeted cancer treatments

The special commitment made by those who have chosen to remember King’s in their will has provided immense benefit across the College. As well as directing their gifts to specific areas, some people choose to leave their gift to be used at the Principal’s discretion, allowing the funds to be placed where the need is greatest. This type of gift can be applied to areas where it will have maximum benefit. King’s is incredibly grateful to all those who choose to express support of the College through a gift in their will. These gifts are invaluable in helping us create more opportunities for students and delivering worldclass research and education programmes at King’s.

Our news What giving means to me

Trudi Darby Having completed both her BA in English and PhD at King’s, Trudi Darby is currently the College’s Head of Administration for Arts & Sciences. A supporter of the Special Collections Conservation Fund, she has also kindly chosen to remember King’s in her will. What inspired you to give to King’s?

I make a monthly gift to the Special Collections as I want to support a library fund in memory of my late father and give to something where a relatively small amount, given regularly, can make a

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difference. I chose to leave a legacy as this allows my assets to be left in a sum that is truly useful. Which fund would you like your legacy to support?

I don’t want to tie it down to one specific fund as I realise it is best to leave my gift to the College’s discretion. I trust the College to take care of my money and put it to best use.

What is your happiest memory from your time as a student?

Being a postgraduate student at work in the British Library. I was very privileged to be in such a wonderful environment, with distinguished scholars. It was the first opportunity I’d had to work in a multinational ambience with people with whom I had common interests.


Hidden treasures A spectacular collection conserved through the generosity of donors

he historical library collection of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, arguably the most important library collection ever acquired by King’s, comprises more than 60,000 volumes of books, pamphlets, reports, typescripts and manuscripts. It is held at King’s thanks to investment by the College combined with philanthropic donations. Cataloguing and conserving this spectacular collection is an ongoing process that is continually unearthing new treasures. Thousands of rare books, state documents, treaties and pamphlets have already been discovered. Of the 13,000 items catalogued so far, around a fifth appear to be unique, with no other copies recorded in any other major library,

either in the UK or overseas. As well as benefiting the staff and students at King’s, the collection is already being used as an international research resource, with readers coming from all over the world to consult the material. Many more unique items are expected to be discovered, and King’s has launched a £650,000 fundraising campaign to make this wealth of material accessible to the public for the first time. A recent fundraising event to celebrate this extraordinary collection, hosted by Sir Jeremy Greenstock and attended by friends and donors, was an overwhelming success and highlighted King’s commitment to internationally significant research and teaching resources. For further information about the Special Collections see www.kcl.

Some of the thousands of rare and unique items discovered so far

In Recognition 2009-10 | 15

Annual Fund The Annual Fund has the power to change students’ lives. Here are three examples from the past year


hether through the provision of world-class educational opportunities or by supporting innovative, extra-curricular activities, grants given from the King’s Annual Fund and the GKT Annual Fund provide students with diverse and academically enhancing experiences. This year, thanks to those who supported the Annual Fund, over £290,000 was awarded to an outstanding collection of projects.

KCL Radio The launch of the College’s first live online radio station takes place this year thanks to a grant awarded to the recently revamped KCL Radio and Podcasting Society. As well as broadcasting live material there will be an on-demand media station which will be available 24/7 and broadcast in the Students’ Union bars. It will be a powerful communication tool which will keep all students up to date with news, events and activities around the College This innovative project will benefit a vast number of students at King’s, including those who will gain valuable training in all aspects of broadcast journalism – a huge stepping stone to those hoping to forge a career in media. Support from the Annual Fund has allowed the Society to build their own radio 16 | In Recognition 2009-10

station on the campus and purchase the state-of-the-art equipment they need. As Station Manager, Fran Allfrey was delighted when the Society received the grant of £19,500. She says, ‘I never thought that we’d be able to afford to build an industry standard radio station. Now we have our own space we are going to focus on giving all King’s students a place to showcase their achievements. It’s great that alumni see it’s important to support student media, allowing students to get the vital experience they need to get into a very competitive industry’.

Right: Station Manager Fran Allfrey records at the brand new radio station

Shakespeare’s London Working in collaboration with the College’s external partners in Globe Education at the Globe Theatre, students and staff at King’s are set to bring Shakespeare’s London to life through an innovative project which will enable students to produce a fully searchable online map of the London in which William Shakespeare lived and worked. This will generate new insights into the plays written in the city and further students’ understanding of the context in which the plays were written. This unique project will give students an opportunity to engage with the city in which they study and its communities, both past and present. The high-profile website produced

as a result of their substantial historical research will allow them to present their work in a compelling way to the wider public and will be an excellent learning tool for anyone around the world with an interest in the playwright.

mischa haller

The English Department received a grant of £3,500 from the King’s Innovation Fund, supported by the Annual Fund, to create this project, which will cover the costs of developing the website as well as providing students with the equipment and research trips essential for their work.

Audio-visual learning tool for medical students As the amount of face-to-face patient contact available to medical students decreases, King’s has had to develop new and inventive approaches to teaching which will ensure

that our students continue to receive outstanding medical training. Thanks to a grant of £1,108 from the Annual Fund, the Division of Asthma, Allergy and Lung Biology are developing an audiovisual/e-learning tool which will facilitate medical students’ learning of the clinical examination of the respiratory system. The grant will fund the filming of a series of video clips of model patients as well as the collection of audio files with breath sounds and added effects. These will effectively illustrate typical respiratory symptoms

For more information please see giving

and allow students to test and develop their recognition of different respiratory sounds. This deeper understanding of respiratory diseases will enhance the research-rich environment the School of Medicine is providing for students and it is hoped will encourage further research into the mechanisms of these diseases. Furthermore, as the audio-visual material will be placed on the King’s Virtual Campus, thousands of current and future medical students at King’s will benefit from the material. In Recognition 2009-10 | 17

Chain reaction How every gift leads to exciting outcomes at King’s College London

Practical opportunity

Medical, Dental &Principal’s Circle members, each donating £1,000

Future leaders

12 donors, each giving £225 to the Annual Fund

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This generosity has supported the creation of a social interaction space for staff and students to enjoy in the School of Arts and Humanities, providing 160 postgraduates with a dedicated space to meet with fellow students, staff and experts to discuss their work and ideas, helping them to flourish academically and become the future leaders in their field.

illustrations by james graham


The gifts have helped the Anatomical Society establish a project to provide unique and specialised practical work experience for up to 25 undergraduate students every summer for three years. As well as benefiting the 75 students who will undertake the practical work, this opportunity will have a long-term benefit for thousands of students who will use the specimen materials generated for many years to come.

King’s around the globe

24 donors making a gift of £18 a month to the Annual Fund

This enabled the KCLSU to organise and hold five events to help international students integrate into the King’s and London communities. Attended by over 350 students from the UK and around the globe, these events allowed students from an array of cultures to get to know one another, maintaining King’s as a cosmopolitan university which attracts the world’s brightest and best.

Communication skills

34 donors making a gift of £30 to the Annual Fund

These gifts will provide training for 30 student volunteers to learn Makaton, a sign language developed for use by autistic children, to aid the volunteers in their one-toone recreational work with children with special needs. By developing these communication skills the volunteers will be better equipped to build a relationship with the children, enriching their own experience as well as having a profound impact on the lives of the children.

Coaching the community

45 donors, each giving £100 to the Annual Fund

The generosity of these donors has provided training for 25 aspiring student coaches, giving them the opportunity to gain a national coaching qualification in seven targeted sports – badminton, hockey, football, netball, rowing, rugby or tennis. In return they will contribute 500 hours of coaching to the King’s community. In Recognition 2009-10 | 19

Five gifts that changed the world As King’s launches a new campaign we look back at the rich history of philanthropy which has shaped King’s and the institutions with which it has merged


rom bringing change to Africa to funding cutting-edge research centres, gifts made throughout the ages have had a lasting impact on King’s, and the whole world. This timeline highlights a few of the most spectacular donations to the College.

1829 William Hunt

In 1829 the wealthy silk merchant William Hunt left Guy’s Hospital a gift of £180,000 in his will. The equivalent of an

incredible £14.7 million today, this remains one of the largest charitable bequests ever made in the UK. Guy’s used the gift to build Hunt’s House, which stood where New Hunt’s House is located today. An expansion to the existing Guy’s Hospital building, the addition dramatically enlarged the hospital’s clinical facilities and wards when it opened in 1852. With the hospital now able to accommodate far more patients, its impact on healthcare in poverty-stricken London was great, and Hunt’s House firmly established Guy’s as a worldrenowned teaching hospital.

Below: A snapshot of Hunt’s House in 1890

1890s William Frederick Danvers Smith FKC

The family behind WH Smith stationers gave more than a century of service to King’s over the course of three generations. William Frederick Danvers Smith, 2nd Viscount Hambleden, grandson of the stationery firm’s founder, was a lifelong supporter of King’s, following in the footsteps of his father, who sat on the King’s Council for many years. In the 1890s William made the first of many large donations to King’s with a gift of £5,000, the equivalent of about £410,000 today. Given during the Long Depression of the Victorian era, this gift put the College on a firm financial footing and enabled King’s to prosper and become the institution we know today.


Dimbleby Cancer Care In 1965, prominent radio and television broadcaster Richard Dimbleby passed away after a long struggle with cancer. One of the first public figures 20 | In Recognition 2009-10


Wolfson Foundation In 1999 the Wolfson Foundation pledged a gift of £6 million to King’s which established the Wolfson Centre for Age Related Diseases, a state-ofthe-art research centre opened by HRH The Princess Royal in 2004. This leading scientific centre houses experts in brain development, stem cells, neurodegenerative diseases and brain repair. Working together, these researchers are able to answer more complex questions about dementia, Parkinson’s and stroke, and their research findings are rapidly translated into therapies. With 25 groups carrying out cutting-edge research, the centre is leading the way in discovering lifechanging treatments for neurodegenerative diseases.

getty images

to talk openly about his own cancer, his death struck a chord with millions. The outpouring of public grief and nationwide eagerness to help allowed Richard’s family to establish Dimbleby Cancer Care in his memory. In 1968, thanks to funding from Dimbleby Cancer Care, The Richard Dimbleby Laboratories were opened at the St Thomas’ campus by Her Majesty the Queen. Relocated to the Guy’s campus in 2007, the laboratory is recognised as one of Britain’s leading cancer research centres. The lab is one of the few in the world which brings together research scientists from a range of disciplines to collaborate on ways to diagnose, treat and ultimately cure those battling cancer.

Above: The late Richard Dimbleby Below: 2009 ALC Fellows with ALC trustee Medhane Tedasse at the Centre’s launch event in Nairobi


Carnegie Corporation of New York In 2009 the Carnegie Corporation of New York gave $1.7 million to King’s to fund Peace and Security Fellowships at the African Leadership Centre (ALC). Based in Nairobi, the ALC aims to strengthen Africa’s long-term social, political and economic development by mentoring and

training the next generation of leaders. The Carnegie grant will enable 21 African scholars to complete master’s degrees in Conflict, Security and Development or International Peace and Security over three years at King’s. Having begun their masters in September 2010, each of the Fellows has the shared vision of bringing transformative change to Africa, and their studies at King’s will empower them with the insights and skills needed to guide Africa’s development.

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ince its foundation the Annual Fund has supported over 255 individual projects and scholarships, benefiting many thousands of students. Here, some of our alumni who received funding during their time at King’s tell us how the donations played a key role during their time at King’s and in their careers.

Elin Kelsey Having already built up a successful career around environmental and sustainability issues, Elin was

Where are they now? For over 15 years alumni, staff and friends have been giving to the Annual Fund. Such generosity over the years continues to have a positive impact on recipients long after graduation

22 | In Recognition 2009-10

able to pursue her interest in environmental education thanks to a three-year PhD studentship funded by the Annual Fund from 1998 to 2001. Whilst completing her PhD, Elin founded her own environmental education and communications consultancy and has since gone on to become a highly successful lecturer and critically acclaimed author. During my doctoral studies at King’s I received generous support for my work through the Annual Fund. Through my previous work, I felt that I had a strong understanding of environmental issues. My time at King’s

was pivotal to my personal and professional development as it enabled me to explore these issues from a British and EU perspective and to work with students from many

other countries. I particularly appreciated the calibre of my thesis advisers – the late Rosalind Driver, who was Professor of Science Education at King’s, Justin Dillon, Professor of Science and Environmental Education at King’s, and Jonathan Osborne, who is now the inaugural holder of the Shriram Family Professorship in Science Education in the School of Education at Stanford University. They gave me total freedom to wander through ideas and challenged me to do my best thinking. King’s was a wonderfully

Below: Greg Funnell covering the Israel/Palestine conflict in Bethlehem, 2008

supportive environment in which I felt valued as an academic contributor. I could not wish for a better PhD experience. The Annual Fund made it possible for me to step away from a career I love so that I could come back to it with richer ideas to contribute. This is a great gift.

Greg Funnell Greg graduated from King’s in 2006 with a BA in History and War Studies. Throughout his time at King’s he worked on the student newspaper, ROAR, which received an Annual Fund

In Recognition 2009-10 | 23

grant in 2005. This grant was vital to the newspaper’s success, and since graduating Greg has used his experience at ROAR to build a successful career as a freelance photographer. Whilst studying at King’s I worked for three years on the student newspaper, starting as a photographer and progressing to become picture editor and finally joint editor in my final year. The Annual Fund helped keep ROAR alive by providing the paper with the funds it needed to run a successful editorial entity. The money provided much-needed computer and software upgrades that allowed us to produce a high-quality monthly paper from our small office based at the Strand campus. Mainly though, it kept the paper going, and in doing so cemented friendships that were forged in the teamwork needed when volunteering around a busy study schedule. Personally, I was able to use the experience gained as a springboard to launch my career in freelance photography, and when the time came to graduate I was able to go straight into freelancing. Four years and one recession later I’m still managing to successfully freelance, having been published in The Sunday Times and The Independent to name a couple and having travelled to more than a dozen countries for work. It’s not been easy, but my time at King’s and working on the paper certainly helped to prepare me in some way for making it in the wider world.

Dr Hannah Theobald Hannah completed her BSc in Nutrition at King’s in 1997 before going on to complete a PhD in Nutrition in 2003, thanks to a three-year 24 | In Recognition 2009-10

Below: Hannah Theobald proudly graduating having gained her PhD

scholarship from the Annual Fund. To date, she has had an extremely successful career as a nutritionist, working both in the UK and around the world, and has appeared on national TV and radio. The Nutritional Sciences Division at King’s is world renowned, so I was confident that I was studying at one of the best places in the world. Without a scholarship from the Annual Fund it’s unlikely that I would have been able to do my PhD and, having completed it, it’s proved to have been a great asset! A PhD gives you many skills that you can apply to work and everyday life. As well as teaching me valuable organisational skills, writing up my research and presenting my findings at conferences has meant that I have honed my communication skills, enabling me to communicate to a wide range of audiences. Most valuable of all was teamwork; you can spend a long time working on your own whilst undertaking a PhD. But equally you spend time working as part of a multifaceted research team, and being able to work well in a team is essential in the workplace. Aside from gaining a scholarship from King’s and completing my PhD, my proudest achievement so far has been working with researchers in Malaysia to better understand the nutritional status of primary schoolchildren. Together we measured the nutritional status of 400 children in Kuala Lumpur and discovered that vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency was a big problem. We held a halfday seminar in Kuala Lumpur earlier this year to report our findings to other researchers and policymakers. This work could be really beneficial to a number of people, as it has prompted more

research into vitamin D in Malaysia.

Dr Victoria Rimell In 1998 Victoria received an Annual Fund scholarship to support her through her PhD in Classics. Finishing in just two years, she went on to become a lecturer at Girton College, Cambridge before becoming Professore a contratto in Latin literature at Sapienza University of Rome. She has published three books and is currently working on a fourth. Having come to London determined to make it as a journalist I worked for a couple of years as a ‘hack’ before winning the Annual Fund scholarship to study for a PhD at King’s. I had had the idea for my PhD brewing for a while, and having had writer’s block beaten out of me by an ex-Fleet Street heavyweight I finished in just

two years. Since then my career has spanned lecturing jobs at Girton and Clare in Cambridge and the University of Rome, where I am now Associate Professor. Having published three books, my next project is a book on the poetics of space in imperial Roman texts. I wouldn’t have been able to do a PhD without the help of the funding I received from King’s, so it goes without saying that the Annual Fund has played a crucial role in launching my academic career. I have very fond memories of King’s – it was and I am sure still is a fantastically diverse and stimulating environment and I greatly value my time there.

In good company The College is very grateful to all those who have so generously supported our work in the last financial year. We warmly acknowledge all those listed below and those who prefer to remain anonymous Exceptional Support We would particularly like to recognise those who have given support at an exceptional level to the College. We extend our deepest appreciation to the following, as well as those individuals and organisations that have chosen to remain anonymous. Mr Edward Atkin & Mrs Celia Atkin, née Bogan Mrs Bertha Bekhor The late Mr William Broomfield Ms Julia Charlton AKC Mr Albert Cheung & Ms Athena Lui Mrs Maryann Cochrane Professor David Cooper, Guy’s The late Mr James Dickson, Guy’s Mr Peter Domanski & Mrs Sarah Domanski Dr Paul Ellis The late Mrs Corinne Graham, née Carmona Dr Linda Greenwall Mr Stephen Harrow AKC FKC & Professor Jennifer Harrow The late Professor Arthur Hatto FKC The late Mr Raphael Honnor Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Mr Brian Jeeves Mr Ghassan Karian The late Revd Canon Jenö Kohner & Mrs Joan Kohner Mr Willie Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan Mr Him Lee

Dr Bertie Leung The late Mrs Joan Lewin MBE, née Hole Mr Peter Lineham AKC & The late Mrs Eileen Lineham Dr Zudong Liu Mr Terence Lo Dr Abe Lue MBE FKC & Dr Adaline Ko The late Mr John Mclean OBE FKC, Guy’s The late Rev Donald Membery AKC The late Miss Mary Millington Mrs Erika Mitsidis, née Echt Dr John Parker, Guy’s Dr Nicola Pietrobon Mr John Richardson Dr Maurice Rothschild, Guy’s Dr Shafik Sachedina, Guy’s & Mrs Nadia Sachedina Mrs Lily Safra FKC Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy Professor Dennis Smith Mr Henry Sweetbaum Dr Keith Thomas & Mrs Tonie Thomas, née Lloyd The late Miss Norah Thomas The late Mrs Diana Trebble, née Jennings, Guy’s Mr Dieter Yih FKC Action Medical Research Arthritis Research UK Association Monegasque contre les Myopathies Association for International Cancer Research Asthma UK

The Atlantic Philanthropies Big Lottery Fund Breast Cancer Campaign British Heart Foundation Cancer Research UK Carnegie Corporation of New York CHDI Foundation, Inc., & High Q Foundation, Inc. Crohn’s & Colitis UK DEBRA International Department of Health Diabetes UK Dimbleby Cancer Care The Dinwoodie Settlement Economic Community of West African States Elimination of Leukaemia Fund Espirito Santo Financial Group Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The John & Lucille van Geest Foundation Genzyme Europe B.V. GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Ltd Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity Humanities in the European Research Area Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund Kidney Research UK Kids Company King’s College Hospital Charity King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust The King’s Medical Research Trust (KMRT)

Alicia Koplowitz Foundation Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research A G Leventis Foundation Leverhulme Trust The London Law Trust Multiple Sclerosis Society Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Myeloma UK Stavros Niarchos Foundation Oak Foundation The Panacea Society Parkinson’s Disease Society The Peltz Trust Pfizer Ltd Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V. Philips Healthcare Psychiatry Research Trust Remedi The Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation Santander Universities Cicely Saunders International The Schroder Foundation The Henry Smith Charity South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust St. Thomas’ Lupus Trust Sir Halley Stewart Trust The Stroke Association Teenage Cancer Trust Tommy’s The Baby Charity VolkswagenStiftung Wellcome Trust The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation The Wolfson Foundation

Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC Dr Welland Chu Ms Bridget Clarke Dr Stephen Colloff Professor David Cooper, Guy’s Dr John Crocker & Mrs Josephine Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson Mrs Debbie Cuthbert Mr Bill Dodwell The Marquess of Douro OBE & The Marchioness of Douro OBE Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née Cassal Professor Stephen Dunne Mr Mark Elliot AKC Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s Dr Omer Fadl, IoP Mr David Farrell Sir David Foskett FKC & Lady Foskett, née Angela Jacobs Mr Kenneth Friar Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC

Ms Yvonne Gallagher Mr Nick Goulding Professor Anne Greenough FKC Professor John Greenspan FKC & Professor Deborah Greenspan, RDH Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary Hardy, née Goold Mr Richard Hardy Mr Robin Healey Mr John Henderson AKC Mr Mark Herbert Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Dr Robert Howes Mr Geraint Hughes AKC Dr Yee Cheau Hwang Mr Neil Kaplan CBE Professor Shitij Kapur Mrs Joyce Kastner Professor Richard Kay Mr Conor Kehoe & Dr Elisabeth Kehoe Mr Michael Kershaw

Mr William Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan Dr Timothy Lancaster Professor John Langdon FKC Dr James Lau Professor Robert Lechler FKC Miss Harn Szuan Leng Dr Ronald Leung Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC & Mrs Paula Lucas Dr Frances Mather Mr Hashim Mohammed, QEC Sir Hamid Moollan Professor Peter Morgan Mr Stephen Moss CBE Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s Dr Peter Noble, St Thomas’ Mr John Padovan FKC Mrs Gina Parker, née Howlett Mr Andrew Parrish Continued overleaf

Leadership giving The College is honoured to recognise the significant commitment shown by members of the Principal’s Circle, the Dental Circle and the Medical Circle, each of whom has generously donated £1,000 or more towards the Annual Fund or the College’s Discretionary Funds. Mr Anthony Ashplant Mr Tom Barry & Mrs Susan Barry Mr Martin Bartlam Ms Mary Bilton Mr Warren Birnbaum Dr Ann Blizard, née Underwood Lady Bonham-Carter AKC, née Diane Madden Mr John Bradley, Guy’s Mr Graham Brown Professor Jack Cann Professor Stephen Challacombe FKC, Guy’s

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold. This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010.

In Recognition 2009-10 | 25

Dr Susmita Patel Professor John Pepper, Guy’s Professor Harold W Preiskel, Guy’s Dr Annette Preuss-Nowotny Mr Michael Raffan AKC Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s Mr Iain Roxborough Mr Jack Ryding AKC Mr John Savage Mr Philip Scott Mr Geoffrey Smith Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson Sir James Spooner FKC & Lady Spooner Mr Roderick Sykes Mr Robin Taher Mr John Taylor, Guy’s Mr Michael Taylor Dr Cyril Thomas, St Thomas’ His Honour Judge John Toulmin CMG FKC & Mrs Carolyn Toulmin AKC, née Gullick Professor Richard Trainor KBE FKC & Professor Marguerite Dupree Professor Tom Treasure, Guy’s & Professor Janet Treasure, née Burden, St Thomas’ Mr Neeraj Tuli AKC Professor Henry Tyrrell FKC Professor John Uff CBE FKC & Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née Graveson Ms Caroline Usher Emeritus Professor Roger Watson, Guy’s Dr Peter Wilkinson Mr Stephen Williams & Mrs Susan Williams, née Cottam Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC Mr Christopher Wiscarson FKC & Mrs Gillian Wiscarson Mr John Woodley & Mrs Jill Woodley, née Hodgkinson Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s plus all anonymous members

Alumni King’s relies on the support and commitment of its alumni to create new opportunities for students and staff. We thank all of our donors, including those who prefer to remain anonymous, and would particularly like to recognise those who have offered their support for the past three or more consecutive years, whose names are in bold.

1932 The late Professor Arthur Hatto FKC

1934 Mr Horace Schwerin

1937 Mr Geoffrey Standing

1938 The late Mr Harold Allaway Mrs Margaret Kingston, née Ellis The late Mrs Joan Lewin MBE, née Hole


Mrs Peggy Bedwell, née Mason The late Dr Oliver Garai Mrs M Humpheryes, née Coast

Dr Barry Brown, Guy’s

Mrs Margaret Morris, née Back

Dr Malcolm Godfrey CBE FKC Dr Hugh Herbert, Guy’s Mr John Jenrick Mrs Mary Laundon, née Parratt


Mr Edward Lee Professor Maurice Lessof FKC, Guy’s

Mrs Anthea Dean, née Todd, QEC

Mr Richard Allen The Revd Aleck Banks AKC

Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née Stokes Mrs Elizabeth Oliver, née Ratigan

Mrs Marjorie Finney, née Prickett The Revd Canon James Free AKC

Dr Charles Clark Dr Norman Crofts, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Trafford, St Thomas’ The Revd Canon Walter Walker AKC

Mrs Joan Orchard AKC, née Miller

Dr Jean Candy Gillbard Dr Peter Hammett Mr Michael Handscomb Mr James Arthur David Heal The Revd Kenneth Hewitt AKC The late Mrs Eileen Lineham, née Thompson Dr Ruth Lister


Dr John Parker, Guy’s Mr John Simpson Mrs Madeleine West, née Colmore Mrs Alison Woodhead, née Reader


Dr John Attenborough Dr Fred Charatan, St Thomas’

Mr Anthony Baker

Dr John Coxon, St Thomas’ Dr Bill Jeanes, Guy’s

Mr Leonard Bean Mr Brian Cane AKC Dr Alan Chynoweth


Dr John Cornes AKC The Revd Stephen Davis AKC

Mrs Margaret Pearson, née Simpson

Mr Roger Franks Mr John Gill, St Thomas’

Mr Herbert Powell, Guy’s

Mr John Gratwick Dr Donald Keedwell

Dr Hugh Smyllie Mrs Audrey Thomas, née Beeson

Professor Robert Knecht

Mrs Pamela Vonberg AKC, née Dennis

Mr Richard Hart, Guy’s

Dr John Barham Dr Joan Garai, née Gibson Dr Robert Hardwick, St Thomas’ Mrs Phyllis Mongar, née Brown Miss Marian Nevell Mrs Kay Pannell, née Simon Mr David Robinson, Guy’s

Dr Antony Sampson Mr W Sleep

Mr Guy Smith AKC Mrs Evelyn Smith, née Shipley

Dr Sydney Beales

Mr Martin Maycock Mr John McGuire The late Mr John McLean OBE FKC, Guy’s Mr Denison Mears

Dr John Middleton, St Thomas’

Dr Georgina Somerset, née Turtle

Dr Eric Morrall Mr Derek Newton


Dr Eric Pitts Miss Iris Richart

Miss Margaret Bowen AKC

Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s

Mr Guy Carruthers

Mrs Anthea Sartain, née Lowe Mrs Jean Smith AKC, née Clayton Dr Eric Stafford, Guy’s

Dr Donald Davidson, St Thomas’ Dr Dewi Davies, Guy’s Dr Stanley Davis, Guy’s

Dr John Summerhayes

Mr Harold Fletcher

Dr Cyril Thomas, St Thomas’

The late Mr Clive Mills AKC Mr Arthur Mole Air Marshal Sir Alec Morris KBE Professor David Nicholson, Guy’s Mr Denis Reid, Guy’s

Mrs Margaret Thresh, née Sachs, Normanby College

Dr Thomas Richards Dr Derek Seaton, St Thomas’ Dr Gordon Welch, St Thomas’

1946 Dr Winifred Adams, née Hawkes

Dr Donald Ainscow, St Thomas’ Dr Charles Attwood, St Thomas’ Mr Stuart Bell, Guy’s

Dr Amin Tibi Dr Pauline Webb AKC FKC Mrs Mary Whittle, née Hurrell

1949 Dr Edmund Beswick, Guy’s Mr Edward Broadway OBE, RDH Dr Michael Brudenell Dr Lewis Clein, IoP The late Mr James Dickens, Guy’s

Mrs Barbara Dutton, née Hornsby

The late Mr James Dickson, Guy’s

Mrs Penny Francis MBE, née Elsden-Smith

Mrs Eileen Edwards, née Smith

Mr Michael Gilbert, Guy’s

Professor Jeffery Lever, St Thomas’ Mrs Betty Moon AKC, née Cross Mrs Jean Morris, née Dolby, RDH The Revd Dr William Peal AKC

Mr Ronald Grassly Dr Ronald Heacock

Mr Arthur Rooms, Guy’s

Professor John Hinton Dr Frederick James AKC Mrs Margaret Joseph, née Johnstone

Mr Jeffrey Rose, Guy’s

Dr Gerald Leaf

Mrs Joan Short AKC, née Lesford Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson Professor Michael Warren, Guy’s Dr Janet Waugh, née McDowall

Mr Peter Lineham AKC Miss Sheila McCormack, Normanby College The Revd John Ouless AKC Dr John Stewart, St Thomas’


Mr Henley Nicholls AKC

Dr Robert Barnard, Guy’s Mr Roger Bonafont

Mr Bernard Whitaker, Guy’s Dr Elizabeth Wilson, née Nicoll

Lady Bonham-Carter AKC, née Diane Madden


Mr Kenneth Coley, Chelsea College Dr Leslie Hale The late Mrs Shirley Hale, née Dumayne Mrs Betty Iles Dr Ernest Jarratt Dr R Sandison AKC

1941 Mr Peter Barke AKC

Mrs Patricia Bradfield, née Singer

Mrs Anne Butters AKC, née Harper Dr Michael Coigley, St Thomas’

Mr John Crossley, Guy’s Miss Betty Dass Lady Driver, née Patricia Tinkler Dr Norman Finter, Guy’s

Dr Cecil French

Dr Dennis Thompson

Mr Tim Anderson, St Thomas’ Mr John Attwood The Very Revd Trevor Beeson OBE AKC FKC Dr Cyril Bradfield

Mr John Bragg OBE, Chelsea College Mr Graham Broadhead Professor Ray Brooks, Chelsea College

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

26 | In Recognition 2009-10

Dr Sheila Doak, née Charter

The late Dr Arthur Adams AKC

Mr Edward Eates CMG


Mr Donald Carpenter AKC Mr John Clark AKC Mr Ronald Cox

Dr Frances Mather Dr John McMullan, St Thomas’ The late Revd Donald Membery AKC The Revd Martin Orme Dr Horace Pile, Guy’s Canon Desmond Probets

1951 Dr Morris Baker Dr Kenneth Biss Mr Peter Bradley

Mr Ronald Bristow Mrs Rosemarie Broadhead, née Lasire Mr Jeffrey Bulow, RDH Dr John Burston, St Thomas’ The late Mr Allan Butler Mr Martin Campbell Dr Rosemary Cooper, née Van’t Hoff

Mr Leslie Cox AKC Dr Paget Davies Mrs Jean Day, née Ayre The late Revd Canon Thomas Evans AKC Professor Michael Fisher FKC Mr Geoffrey Gardner & Dr Phylis Gardner AKC, née Stevens Dr J Glass, St Thomas’ Mr John Gordon

Mr Peter Hargreaves AKC Mrs Rosemary Hewitt, née Jones Mr Donald Howle Professor Aubrey Jenkins Mrs Helen Jenrick, née Young, RDH Mr Charles Mann, St Thomas’ The Revd John Meacham AKC & The late Mrs Joy Meacham

Dr Lawrence Middleton CMG Dr John Moore, Guy’s Dr Peter Morris

Mr John Mumford Professor Anthony North AKC

Mr John Powley Dr John Richards AKC The Revd Maurice George Rogers AKC Dr Patrick Russell, Guy’s

Dr John Rycroft, Guy’s Mr William Sale AKC Dr John Savage, St Thomas’ Mr Ronald Stedman & Mrs Muriel Stedman, née Maine Mr Geoffrey Taylor The late Revd Canon Michael Vonberg AKC

Mrs Greta Walton, née Wray Dr Bernard Warner, St Thomas’

Mr Geoffrey Weekes AKC Mr David Willis Mr Paul Wright AKC

1952 Mr John Ashworth AKC Mr Brian Bennett

Dr John Boulton Dr June Brett, Guy’s

Dr Donald Craig, St Thomas’

Mr Paul Simpson

The Revd Stephen Davies AKC

Mr Donald Slade

Dr Raymond Brotherwood, Guy’s Mrs Sheila Butler AKC, née Keen

Mr Arthur Dove CBE AKC The Revd Gavin Fargus AKC

Mr Ewart Smith

Dr Michael Courtenay, St Thomas’ Mr Leslie Dingle Dr Michael Dulake Mr Hugh Duncombe

Dr Arthur Fowle & Dr Lise Fowle, née Einerl

Dr Ian Smith

Mr Peter Golding Mrs Jill Goodchild, née Harrison Mr Ken Gregory Miss Marilyn Harrison, Normanby College

Dr David Granger, St Thomas’ Mr Howard Halestrap, Guy’s Dr William Hindle, St Thomas’ Mr Christopher Johnson Dr Roy Littlewood

Mr Peter Heywood AKC

Mrs E A Thompson, née Mortimer Mr Alan Trinder, Chelsea College The Revd Peter Vincent AKC Mr Peter Wagerman The Revd Robert Wilson AKC Miss Jean Wines AKC

Dr Anthony Hillard, Guy’s

Mr Derek Yandell

Dr Humphrey Hope, Guy’s Miss Margaret Hulmes, QEC Dr Brian Kesby AKC


Dr John MacWilliam, Guy’s Dr Charles Mansfield

The Revd Maurice Kirby AKC Mrs Pamela Larner, née Ryder

Mr Gordon Adams OBE AKC Mr Michael Allen Mrs Eileen Andrews, née Ginn

Admiral Surgeon Frank Mathias, Guy’s

Mr Eric Lefebure

Dr Simon Ardeman

Mr Michael Knowles Dr Brian Latham, Guy’s Mr Howard Leake, Guy’s

Mr Alan Melbourne

Dr Peter Long, Guy’s Dr Philip Lyon, Guy’s

Mr David Boughton Mrs JoAnne Brewster, née Shepherd

Dr Basil Lee, St Thomas’

Mrs Margaret Minter, née Little

Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner

Mr Alan Morris The late Mr Kynvin Nixon Mr David Potter AKC The Revd Prebendary Frank Powell AKC & Mrs Joan Powell Ms Diana Raine

Mr Stewart McKim, St Thomas’ Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née HoneyJones, QEC Sir Hamid Moollan Mr John Newby AKC

Mr John Brooks Professor I Brown Mr Timothy Carson

Mr Bill Lovelock

Mr Norman Nicholson Mrs Rosemary Oddy, née Rushworth Dr Bruce Osborne, St Thomas’ Mr Geoffrey Pearson MBE, Guy’s Professor J Michael Pearson

Mrs Jean Potter AKC, née Palmer

Mr John Crone

Dr Thomas Richards, St Thomas’

Dr Brian Cuddigan, St Thomas’ Mr John D’Arcy Mr Lewis Davies, Chelsea College Dr Robert Doig, Guy’s Mrs Lynn Free AKC, née Brownhill Professor John Garrett

Mrs Margaret Godden, née Muirden

Mrs Margaret Slade, née Bannerman Dr Benjamin Steinberg, IoP

Mr Kenneth Sutherland The late Mr Ian Sutton The Revd Edward Thompson AKC

Dr Oliver Todd Dr Peter van den Brul, St Thomas’ Mrs Anne Vinall, née Crittenden Mr Raymond Wallis

Dr Leonard Williams, St Thomas’

1953 Dr Frank Andrews Mrs Jean Ashmead AKC, née Trippett Mr Howard Bailey

Mr George Gold

Mrs Norma Hall, née Youdale Mr Michael Healey AKC

The Revd Anthony Richins Mr Bryan Rigby Dr Donald Roberts, Guy’s Dr J Robinson, St Thomas’ Mr H Ruberl Mr Alan Rudrum Mr Clifford Schreiber

Dr Keith Scott MBE Mrs Peta Scott, née Smee, QEC

Professor Khursheed Moos OBE, Guy’s

Mrs Pauline Congreve, née Owen The Revd John Corke AKC

Dr Lotte Newman CBE The Revd Jock Oda-Burns, né Burns Mr Keith Rodaway AKC The Revd David Salt AKC Dr Gillian Sandeman, née Wright

Mr Christopher Cory Mr John Cox, Chelsea College

Mrs Jo Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson

Mr Gordon Goldman, RDH Mr Kenneth Gregory Mr Ronald Gutteridge

Dr Martin Spiro

Dr Margaret Brown Mr Eric Carter AKC

Mr Eric Stables

Dr John Hurley

Dr John Illingworth, Guy’s

Dr John Crocker

Mr Deryl Tandy AKC Colonel Kenneth Walker OBE, Guy’s Mrs Anne Welford, née Marsden

Mr Richard Dibben

The Revd Barry Whittaker AKC

Mr Victor Jordan Dr John Kennedy

Miss Sheila Downs Ms Margaret Etall Mrs Margaret Field, née Johnson The Revd John Godfrey AKC Miss Mary Gold AKC

Mrs Audrey Wilcock, née Heap

The late Revd Canon Jenö Kohner AKC

1955 Mr John Andrews AKC

Mrs Mary Lambert, née Lord The Revd William Leah AKC Mr Anthony Lowe, Guy’s

Dr Geoffrey Anthony, St Thomas’ Mr Geoffrey Baker, Guy’s The Very Revd Dean Grahame Baker Eur Ing Robert Barr

The Revd Prebendary Christopher Marshall AKC Mr Robert Medlycott Mr Leslie Owen

Dr Graham Jenkins, Guy’s

Mr Peter Bayliss

Mr John Philpott AKC

Mr David Mitchell The Revd Peter Morris

Mr Peter Briggs, Guy’s

Dr Philip Rea AKC Mrs Gloria Rees, née Cavalot, Guy’s

Dr Alan Myles, St Thomas’

Dr John Davies, Guy’s

Dr Jack Nickson

The Revd Colin Elliott AKC

Mrs Jessie Oddy, née Owen

Mrs Susie Evershed, née Matthews, QEC

Dr Robin Orr, Guy’s

The late Mrs Corinne Graham, née Carmona Mr Richard Hardy Dr Rosemary Hayball, née Ellwood

Mr Anthony Clifton-Samuel, RDH

Dr Robert Ridley AKC Mr Ian Rushton

Emeritus Professor Tony Hickling

The Revd Herbert Reid AKC Mr David Risk Dr Frederick Roberts AKC & Dr Pamela Roberts, née Osborn Dr Ralph Robinson, Guy’s Mr Bernard Rofe AKC Mr Malcolm Rowson Mr John Savage

Mr George Hilbert

Mr John Shrimplin

Dr Sydney Scott, Guy’s

Mr Tony Hitchcock, Guy’s

Dr Kenneth Somer AKC

Mr Geoffrey Smith

Professor Walter Holland CBE FKC, St Thomas’ & Mrs Fiona Holland Ms Anne Holley, née Collins

Mrs Diana Sparkes, née Foss

Mr Peter Poole AKC Mr Geoffrey Pye Dr Mike Quinton, Chelsea College

The late Mrs Diana Trebble, née Jennings, Guy’s

Dr John Welford AKC Dr John Wood, Guy’s

1954 Professor Rudolph Abramovitch Dr Sheelagh Biddell, née Evans, Guy’s Dr Michael Bridger, St Thomas’

Professor John Brindley Mr Reginald Browning Mr Jim Cameron AKC

The Revd Dick Chown AKC

Mrs Joan Kohner, née Kendrick

Mrs Sally Vincent AKC, née Watson Mr William Watkins

The Revd Canon Robert Lunnon AKC


Emeritus Professor David Miller, St Thomas’ Mrs Maureen Mullally

The Revd David Battersby AKC

Mr Donald Nappin Mr Brian Owers Mrs Juliet Pack AKC, née Toop Dr Eleanor Quinton, Chelsea College Dr Maurice Rothschild, Guy’s Dr David Sills, Guy’s

Mr Peter Johnson, St Thomas’ Mrs Rosalind Kemp, née Challacombe Dr Michael Kessel

Ms Ann Cloney

Mr Balfour Halevy Mrs Maureen Hunton, née Anderson, QEC

Dr Robert Jones, Guy’s Mr Bryan Markwell, RDH

Mr William Jago & Mrs Winifred Jago, née Sullivan

Ms Bridget Clarke

Mrs Patricia Speedy, née Rees-Jenkins

Mrs Kathleen Gratton AKC, née Warner The Revd Brian Hackshall AKC

Dr Mike Irving, St Thomas’

Dr Peter Martin Dr Bruce McDermott Dr Brian Moore, Guy’s

Dr Norman Beisly Mrs Evelyn Bradbury

Dr Douglas Cornish

Mrs Brenda Hartley, née Willis Mr Bernard Hollingsworth AKC The Revd Gordon Ikin AKC

Mrs Jennifer Baxter AKC, née Wedd Dr Katharine Blake, née Cuthbert, Guy’s Mr Terry Carter AKC

Mr Barry Cryer, Guy’s The late Mrs Patricia D’Arcy, née Wood Dr Kenneth Ferguson, IoP

Dr Robert Gilchrist, St Thomas’ Dr Patrick Gillam, St Thomas’

Mrs Rochelle Shapiro, née Gelman Mr Elfrid Silcock, Guy’s Mr Richard Slee, Guy’s

The Revd Canon David Tann AKC Mr William Thomas, RDH Mr Maelor Thomas

Mr Terence Watts Dr Gillian Weller, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Whatmore, Guy’s Mr Richard Williams Dr Patrick Wilson

1958 Mr Colin Baker The Revd Canon John Barnes AKC Dr Malcolm Begley, St Thomas’ The Revd David Biles AKC Dr Ann Blizard, née Underwood Mr John Bradley, Guy’s Dr James Briggs, St Thomas’ Mrs Pauline Brown, née Bowyer Mrs Anne Chiene, née Hopkins Mr John Coleman The Revd Derrick Cooling AKC

The Revd John Copping AKC Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née Cassal Dr Donald Edbrooke, Guy’s Dr Elizabeth Freeman, née Cowlishaw Dr James Garraway AKC

The late Mr William Gibson, Guy’s & Mrs A Gibbs The late Mrs Margaret Gossage, née Davidson

Mrs Harriet Hodes, née Anson, Chelsea College

Mrs Ellen Heinson AKC, née Bell

Dr Ian Higton AKC Professor Basil Hiley

Mr Bob Hinton AKC

Dr Ivor James Dr Jeremy Lee-Potter, Guy’s Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC The Revd Christopher Lunn AKC Mrs Jenny Macpherson, née Wybourn

Professor Stuart Malin The Revd Canon Peter Marshall AKC Mr Eric Misselke Dr Elizabeth Moore, née Forstner, Guy’s Mrs Vera Morris, née Bage

Mr John Muir FKC Mrs Diane Murphy AKC, née Lees Captain Michael O’Reilly & Mrs Jean O’Reilly AKC, née Brenton

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010.

In Recognition 2009-10 | 27

Mr John Padovan FKC Mr John Pearson Mr David Pegg Mr Colin Penna Mr Malcolm Pine Mr John Price Ms Fay Rance Dr John Restall, St Thomas’

née Lloyd

Mr Brian Roberts, Guy’s Mrs Patricia Robson, née Hughes The late Revd George Robson AKC Mr David Russell

Dr John Winter, Guy’s Mr John Wright

Mrs Hilary Silvester, née Walker

Mr John Talbot Mrs Diana Wakeford, née Levete

Mr Keith Atkinson MBE Mr Ken Bandy AKC Professor Martin Barratt CBE, St Thomas’ Dr Brian Batten, Guy’s Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née Taylor Mr Bruce Bennett Mr Don Blackman, RDH

Mrs Margherita Watkins, née Pacitto

The Revd Prebendary Kenneth Bowler

Ms Christine Parker

Mr Christopher Wege, Guy’s

Dr Peter Bunyan

Ms Sarah Parnell

Dr John White The Revd Anthony Wibberley AKC

Mrs Jane Clark, née Langley Professor John Cloudsley-Thompson Mr Alan Duncum

Mr Alan Paul AKC & Mrs Jenny Paul, née Landau Professor Harold Preiskel, Guy’s Dr Ian Sadler The Revd Eric Sellgren AKC

Mr John Simmons Dr Colin Smart

Dr Brian Smith Professor Roy Stainton Mrs Anne Stevenson

Mrs Mary Wilson AKC, née Stanbury The Revd Martyn Wratten AKC Professor Ismail Zayid, Guy’s

1959 Dr Charles Backhouse, St Thomas’

Mrs Josephine Bankes, née Kingswell, QEC Dr James Birtwistle AKC Dr Don Birtwistle Dr Alan Black, IoP Mr David Bowen

Ms Jenifer Tuckett AKC, née Gamble Mrs Jennifer Turner, née Minto

Dr Brian Warren, Guy’s Mr Brian Watkis Emeritus Professor Roger Watson, Guy’s

Mr Richard Wilcockson & Mrs Sheila Wilcockson, née Kirwan


Dr Hilary Eggington, St Thomas’ Dr John Feather Mr David Fifield, Chelsea College Mr Brian Foster

Mrs Diana Francis, née Slater Mr Bernard Jones AKC Ms Helen Kerfoot, née Mackenzie

Mr Geoffrey Lammas Dr Mitzi Macey-Dare, née Coyle, RDH Professor Ted Maden

Dr Alan Burn

Mrs Penelope Malpass, née Williams Dr John Massy

Mr Antony Carr Dr Stephen Colloff The Revd Margaret Cooling, née Young

The Revd Malcolm Millard AKC Mr Donald Millington The Revd Ian Monks

Professor John Corbett AKC Ms Jennifer Davies Mr Colin Dawe AKC

Dr John Murray, Guy’s Mrs Rosalind Paterson AKC, née May

Dr Derek Denis-Smith, Guy’s

Dr Derek Pollard The Revd James Rhodes-Wrigley

Mr Geoffrey Donald

Mr Bob Russell

Mrs Chris Fisher, née Walker, QEC

Mr Jack Ryding AKC Mr John Sadler

The Revd Canon Jane Freebairn-Smith, née Goldfinch Mr George Garrett AKC Dr Peter Gould AKC Mr Henry Green Ms Valerie Haggett

The Revd John Salter AKC Dr Julian Shardlow AKC Mr Peter Smirles & Mrs D Smirles

Mrs Thelma Speake, née Dutton

Ms Helen Gibbons, née MacMahon Mr Neville Goldwyn & Mrs Margaret Goldwyn, née Whittingham Dr David Gordon Mr George Green, Guy’s

The Revd Christopher Harrison AKC The Revd Canon Simon Hoare AKC The late Mr Raphael Honnor Mr Michael Howell Mrs Mary Johnston AKC, née Lucas

Professor Michael Knibb FKC AKC Dr Adam Lawrence, St Thomas’ Dr John Meredith Smith & Professor Mrs Moya Meredith Smith, RDH

Dr John Oliver, Guy’s Dr George Orvin, IoP

Mr Warren Shear, Guy’s Mrs Susan Sirc, née Powell Mr George Roscoe Smedley Mr David Smith

Mrs Alison Stagg, née Frame, QEC Mr Norman Vaughton AKC Mr William Webb, Guy’s Dr Michael Webb OBE

Professor Roy Weller, Guy’s Dr John Weston, St Thomas’


Dr John Pegg, St Thomas’ Mr David Roberts Mr Bernard Roser Dr Noel Roy Mr Brian Sanders Mr Andrew Smetham

The Revd John Cook AKC Dr John Cook AKC

Dr Ian Crossman, Guy’s Mr Rodney Davis AKC Professor Bernard Dickens

Dr Kenneth Crawford, Guy’s

The Revd Howard Curnow Mr Jack Davies, RDH Dr David Davies AKC Mrs Margaret Delmer, née Ward Professor Jonathan Dimmock, Chelsea College Miss Effie Margaret Edney AKC

Mrs Rosina Elston, née Collison The Revd Philip Elston Dr Michael Forth AKC

Professor John Greenspan FKC, RDH Mr Jeremy Gullan-Whur, Guy’s Mr Ian Hancock

Dr John Clitherow, Chelsea College Dr David Collington AKC

Mrs Diana Honeybone AKC, née Yorke Mr Robert Jenkin, Guy’s

Dr Geoffrey Cook, Guy’s Mr David Cropper The Revd Canon Roger Devonshire AKC Mrs Ruth Dolbear, née Stephen Dr Kenneth Evans, Guy’s

Dr Christopher King-Holford, St Thomas’

Professor Michael Humphries Mr David Ingmire AKC Mr John James The Revd Margaret Jenkinson, Normanby College

Mr Richard Notley, Guy’s Miss Margaret Parker AKC Dr David Payler, Guy’s

Professor David Cooper, Guy’s

Mr Robin Bowen-Williams AKC Dr Kim Cheetham, St Thomas’

Dr Nicholas Beattie Mr Barry Berkovitz, RDH Mr John Booth The Revd Peter Bowers AKC Dr John Burton Mrs Patricia Chapple AKC, née Merrifield Mr James Chesterton, St Thomas’ Dr Keith Chittenden

Mr Kevin Chamberlain CMG Dr John Cook, Guy’s

Dr Christopher Boothby, Guy’s

1961 Miss Joan Bernard FKC

The Revd Graham Bell AKC Ms Mary Bilton Mrs Jane Bowen-Williams AKC, née Hands Dr Ronald Brandt, Guy’s

Dr Juliet Gardner, née Cridlan, Guy’s Mr Brian Gordon

Mrs Clara Locke, née Liu Dr Ann Mason, née Hill, St Thomas’ Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray, QEC Mr Michael Morrell The Venerable Len Moss AKC

The Revd Canon Terry Beaumont Dr David Beeney

Professor David Barker CBE, Guy’s

Mr John Lewis AKC Dr Gill MacKenzie, née Ford, St Thomas’

The Revd Leonard Skinner AKC Mr John Strickland Mr Marcus Stroud The late Miss Norah Thomas Dr Anthony Trayling, Guy’s


Dr Peter Noble, St Thomas’

Mr Michael Gann, Guy’s

Mr Willie Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan Mrs Judith Le Poer Power, née Cooke

The Revd Pip Short AKC, née Woodrow

Mr David Nash Mrs Veronica Needham, née Marsden

Mrs Valerie Taylor AKC, née Chainey Dr Robert Terry, Guy’s Mrs Lilian West, née Trotter Mrs Katherine Wendy Wilson, née Lloyd Mr John Wyatt

Mr Geoff Keeble, Guy’s

Dr Rosemary Satchell, née Smith Dr Jean Shorland

Dr Heather Morrison, née Kerr, Guy’s

Mrs Wendy Evans, née Knight

Mr James Hogan Mrs Elizabeth Holgate AKC, née Wright Dr John Holmes-Smith OBE, Guy’s Mrs Jill Jackson, née Hampton, Guy’s

Dr Kenneth Rooke, Guy’s Mr David Rowe

Mr Michael Vadon Mr Alan Wallace, Guy’s Mr John Webb Dr Denham Wright, St Thomas’

Ms Diane Speakman Mr Jeffrey Stedman, Chelsea College Dr Neville Sutton, RDH

Dr Simon Harcourt-Webster, St Thomas’

& Mrs E Robertshaw

Mrs Anne Ford, née Timms Dr Ian Foster Mr Michael Grassly

The Revd Brenda Harding, née Emery Dr George Haskell AKC Mrs Julia Haviland, née Phelps, Normanby College

Dr Philip Lang, Guy’s

Dr Ian Magrath Professor Harry Matthews

Mrs Valerie Mellor, née Gordon Dr Rosemary Millis, Guy’s Mr William Milner AKC

Mrs Elizabeth Morgan, née Waldron, QEC

Mr Tony Lee Dr Roger Lendon Dr David Lewis, St Thomas’ Dr Edward Little Mrs Jill Lumley, née Smith, Normanby College The Rt Revd Bishop Ted Luscombe

Dr Francis McGinn, Guy’s Dr Jane Miller, née MacDougall Professor Tony Milner, Guy’s Mrs Zoe Pearce AKC, née Dunne Mr Ali Razi

Dr Bryan Robinson, Guy’s Mr Bob Sainsbury, Guy’s Mrs Heather Savini, née Montacute Dr Iain Sidford The Revd Canon Paul Simmonds Mrs Phyllis Sluce, née McMellan, QEC Mrs Sandra Smetham, née Owen Dr James Strachan Dr Roger Street, St Thomas’ Dr J Tuke, St Thomas’

Professor John Uff CBE FKC Mr Peter Ward Dr David Wilson, Guy’s Mr Kevan Womersley, QEC

Mr Bruce Morgan, Guy’s Mrs Elizabeth North, née Graham Mrs Wendy Pitty

1964 Mrs Margaret Abel, née Pyne, Guy’s

Dr Anthony Bayley, St Thomas’

Dr Paul Smith, St Thomas’ Mr David Smith Dr Carey Smithen

Mrs Julia Dickinson, née Knight Dr Robert Durance, Guy’s

Dr Michael Quinton

Mr Alan Edwards AKC

Mr Robert Richardson, Guy’s

Professor Philip Taylor

Mr John Richardson

Mr Wayne Thomas

The Revd Canon Martyn Farrant AKC Mr John Ford

Dr András Bokor, Chelsea College Dr Paul Brankin OBE Mr Anthony Button AKC Dr John Champness AKC

Mr Robin Rippon, Guy’s

The Revd John Cooper

Dr Keith Thomas & Mrs Tonie Thomas,

Professor Stanley Gelbier, RDH

Dr Richard Robertshaw

Mr Heiko Cooper, Guy’s

The Revd Canon Alan Ramsay AKC

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

28 | In Recognition 2009-10

Mrs Linda Corner, née Parker Ms Barbara Dennis Mrs Carole Elton, née Saunby, Chelsea College Ms Elizabeth Evans, née O’Flynn The Revd Robin Excell

Dr Roger Stevens

Mr Byron Stinson Mr Bruce Taylor & Mrs Christine Taylor, née Meredith The Revd Adrian Vivian Dr David Welch AKC

Mr Roy Gooderham Professor Deborah Greenspan, RDH Dr Christopher Hodgson Mr Peter Howe

The Very Revd Patrick Towers

Ms Christine Jackson, née Durrant Dr Richard Jacoby, Guy’s

Dr John Tripp, Guy’s Mr Alan Woodman Mr John Woodward

Professor John Saunders, St Thomas’

Dr Omer Fadl, IoP Dr John Galloway Mrs Lola Garvin, née Lofty

Dr Anne Hogg

Professor Richard Hall, Chelsea College

Mr Andrew Eyles Dr Shirley Foster

Mr Angus Henderson AKC

Mrs Gillian Sugden AKC, née Sleep Mr Jonathan Swain, Guy’s Mrs Janet Taylor, née Stokely

The Revd Roger Pullen AKC Mr Robert Ractliffe AKC Mr Allan Rowlands AKC The Revd Stephen Sandham

Mr Ray Whitaker Mrs Judith Wilson AKC, née Robertson Ms Joyce Wynne, née Hill

Mr Roger Jones AKC


Ms Veronica Lawlor Mr Timothy Marsh Dr Margaret McRae-Spencer, née Clapp Mrs Jane Mercer, née Wilkinson

Dr Ghassan Amily, Guy’s Mr John Bennett

Dr John Birch, QEC

Mrs Susan Harrison, née Pearce

The Rt Revd Bishop Martyn Jarrett Mr Neil Kaplan CBE Mr Charles Kolb, St Thomas’ Dr Ian Lister Cheese, St Thomas’


Dr Martin Miller

Dr Gregory Ansell, St Thomas’

Mr Paul Morgan The Revd Canon Leslie Morley Dr John Nathan Mrs Christina Pullen, née Pugh

Mr Austin Banner, Guy’s Dr Peter Beckett AKC

Dr Roger Pulvertaft, St Thomas’ Miss Anne Rickwood Ms Anne Smith

Dr Robert Bellenger

Mr Tony Paice

Dr Peter Bly Dr Michael Boulton-Jones, Guy’s Dr Ian Brown

Dr Andrew Stanford AKC Dr Martin Stevens, St Thomas’ Dr Ria Swann, St Thomas’ Dr Ann Tate, née Evans, Guy’s

Dr David Parker, St Thomas’

Dr Malcolm Carpenter

Mr Julian Towler, St Thomas’

Mr William Reid, Guy’s

Mr Hugh Cauthery

Mr Edward Trew AKC

Mr David Richardson

Dr Brian Chenley

Mr John Rose Mrs Gillian Rowe, née Oakley Dr Andrew Saunders, Guy’s

Mr David Churchill, St Thomas’ & Mrs Sonia Churchill, née Carr

Mr Mike Tunnicliff Mrs Alison Uppard, née Fowke Dr Richard Vincent Dr Patrick Xavier

Mr Robert Shepherd, Guy’s

Mr Richard Coles

Ms Carol Smith AKC, née Evans

Dr John Cordingley


Mr Nicholas Southern Mrs Valerie Stemp AKC, née Williams, Chelsea College

Mr Dennis Cotgrove

Professor Ian Talbot AKC Mr Romney Tansley Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née Graveson

Mrs Joy Crispin-Wilson, née Crispin

Mr Edward Atkin & Mrs Celia Atkin, née Bogan Mrs Stephanie Baker AKC, née Stephenson

Mr Michael Oliver

Mr Peter Clarke AKC

Dr Simon Cox Mrs Elizabeth Cox AKC, née Bendle Dr Michael D’Souza, Guy’s Mr Julian Dussek, Guy’s Dr David Evans, Guy’s

Dr David Beckitt Mr Graham Berrington

Mr John Varnes, Guy’s Mr William Vyse The Revd Alan Watson The Revd Peter Westwood Mrs Hazel Womersley, née Alston, QEC

Mr David Farrar, St Thomas’ Lady Fersht, née Marilyn Persell

Mrs Carole Bully, née Swindells Mr Roy Burrows Professor Colin Bushnell FKC Mr Terry Butterworth AKC


Dr Anthony Keeley Mrs Sandra Kremer, née Simmonds

Dr Alan Debenham Dr Clive Debenham, Guy’s

Mrs Judith Lehmann, née Selbourne

Mrs Violet Draper, née Allman Dr William Dunham, Guy’s Dr Peter Dunscombe

Dr Imre Vadasz, Guy’s

The Revd Canon Peter Adams AKC Mr Rodney Bagshaw Dr Derek Beale, St Thomas’ Dr John Beattie, Guy’s Dr Paul Betts AKC Dr David Bond

Mr Roger Brown, Guy’s Mr Trevor Burton

Mr Keith Butler Dr Peter Callen Mrs Bernice Chitnis, née Metzner Mr Christopher Clark AKC Dr Martin Corner AKC Mr Sandy Darling FKC

Dr Harry Dawson, St Thomas’ The Revd Canon Philip Dearden AKC Mr Harvey Dodgson Mrs Christine Dunmow, née Bennett

Mr Christopher Etherington & Mrs Jill Etherington, née Hopkin Ms Elizabeth Foinette AKC Mr Dennis Gedge Dr Antony Green, RDH Dr Laurence Hallewell Mr Andrew Hamilton Mrs Kathleen Healey Mr Philip Hodges AKC

Mr Jim Hattersley Mr Jim Hutchinson Mr Roger Jones, Guy’s The Revd Peter Jupp

Dr Peter Lillford Mr Peter Little OBE AKC Dr Alexander MacDonald, St Thomas’ Ms Christine Mather, née Johnson Dr Simon McCall, Guy’s Mrs Hazel McCann, née Curtis Mrs Erika Mitsidis, née Echt

Mr Shaun O’Byrne Mr Andy Parrish Professor John Patrick, St Thomas’

Dr Ian Roberts, Guy’s

Mr David Blackburn

Mr Peter Colliver Mr Christopher Corton, Chelsea College

Dr Drusilla Elias, née Pearce Mr Nick Goulding Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC Mr Brian Hall Dr Barbara Hanson The Rt Revd Christopher Hill Mr John Hodgson

Mrs Judith Hodsdon, née Bonsall Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC

Mrs Marilyn Alister

Dr Peter Bellamy, St Thomas’ Dr Sue Bellamy, née Estcourt Mr Leslie Bennett

Mr David Blacoe Dr Timothy Bushell, Guy’s Ms Susannah Cameron-Crichton, née Crichton

Dr Ray Charlier Dr John Clothier Mr Richard Corbett, St Thomas’ Mr Stuart Cripps, Guy’s

Her Honour Judge Judith Daley The Revd Derek Duncanson Mr Michael Dyer Mr Peter Eade Mrs Gina Fairfax AKC, née Willcox Dr Elizabeth Fiddaman, née Wilcox Dr Gillian Forrest, née Bevan, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Frost, RDH Mr David Goddard Mrs Patricia Gorin, née Bodley, QEC Professor Barry Gough FKC Mr Frederick Hadwick

Dr Christopher Healey Mr Robert Hedden AKC

Dr Jill Howell, née Qureshi, St Thomas’ Mr Robert Howell Mr Paul Hudson & Mrs Janet Hudson, née Kay

Mr Robin Hughes, St Thomas’ Mr David Jacobs, Guy’s Dr Roger Jago, St Thomas’ Mr Peter Johnson

The Revd Christopher Kevill-Davies Dr Jeremy Lade, St Thomas’ Mrs Lynda Leventhall, née Brookes, Chelsea College

Mrs Felicity Lowe AKC, née Hodge Mrs Cynthia Martin, née Potter Ms Betty Melling Dr John Moloney, St Thomas’ The Revd Robin Myerscough

The Very Revd Dean George NairnBriggs AKC Mr Richard Packer AKC

Mr Michael Rowley The Revd Dr John Searle OBE, Guy’s Mr Patrick Shipton Mr Roger Smith Mr Hugh Sturzaker, Guy’s

Mr Simon Janvrin, Guy’s Mrs Gillian Jordan, née Meader

Mr Henry Killender Mr Anthony Kremer Mr Charles Leggott AKC

The Revd Dr Richard Parsons

The late Mr David Sugden AKC

Dr Robert Linton, St Thomas’ Ed Lisher, QEC Dr Harmandar Malik, RDH

Dr Ian Reay

Dr Chris Marchese Mr David Marsh AKC

Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy Mr John Sly AKC Dr Keith Stewart, Guy’s Mr Philip Stone, QEC Mr Malcolm Swift The Revd Prebendary David Vanstone

Dr Brian Valentine, Guy’s

Professor Stephen Wilbur The Revd Canon Michael Woods AKC


Mr Richard Price OBE The Venerable Mr John Rawlings Mr Paul Robinson Dr Stephen Russ AKC

Mr Laurence Baker

Dr Paul Miller, Guy’s Mr Robert Morfee Mrs Catherine Pallet, née Brennan

Mrs Elizabeth Batterley, née Barlow Canon Michael Blood

Mrs Jennifer Park, née Broomfield Mrs Gina Parker, née Howlett

Mr John Boyes Miss Jose Bradbrook, QEC Mr Peter Bromage The Revd Leonard Burn

Mr Rod Peek

Mrs Heather Rendall, née Bather

Mr Timothy Williams, St Thomas’


Dr Geraldine Collett, née Smith Dr Christopher Eeuwens

Mr Steve Williams Professor Dennis Wood

Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones

Mr Philip Evans

Mr Patrick Russell, RDH Dr David Seager AKC Mr Sabah Shamash

Dr Howard Mowbray, Guy’s

Mr Nicolas Flower, Guy’s

Mrs Beryl Sheldon, née Popplewell


The Revd John Newton

The Revd Leonard Fox Mr David Halestrap, Guy’s

Miss Ingrid Slaughter AKC Mr Anthony Smith AKC

Mr Anthony Addison, Guy’s Ms Naomi Angell

The Rt Revd Bishop Edward Holland

Dr Martin Hoyle, Guy’s Mr Clive Invest, RDH Mr Michael Kemp AKC Mr Paul Liddiard, Guy’s

The Revd David Lowe

Dr Richard Powell

Mr William Bagnall

Mrs Anne Phillips, née Thompson Mr Richard Reece, RDH

Miss Patricia Waite

Mr Christopher Walker AKC The late Mr Michael Watson, Guy’s The Revd Alan Wheale

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010.

In Recognition 2009-10 | 29

Dr David Baker, Guy’s Mr Alan Bayford Dr Michael Boll, Guy’s Dr Carolyn Charlesworth, St Thomas’ The Revd Martin Clarke AKC

Mrs Mim Collins, née Wilmot Dr Steve Crooks, St Thomas’ Mr John Cunliffe, Guy’s Dr Demosthenes Dirmikis Ms Heather Dodd, née Vassie Mr Jonathan Farrar

Dr Michael Faulkner, Guy’s

Professor Peter Knight AKC


Group Captain Ralph Knowles, Guy’s

The Revd David Adlington AKC Dr Neil Arnott, St Thomas’ Mr Peter Ashman Dr Richard Bailey, St Thomas’

Mrs Susan Leach AKC, née Boore Mrs Jennifer Lockwood, née Brache Mr Charles Maier Mr Kevin Malloy

Mr Paul McGlone, Guy’s Dr Vivien Leask-Millar, née Leask, Guy’s Mr Colin Morgan, RDH Professor Peter Morgan, Royal London Hospital Mr Graham Northcott, Guy’s

Mr Robert Banner Dr Kay Barnard, née Burns

Dr Peter Bartle Mr John Brough Dr Michael Callender Miss Carole Chapman AKC Ms Susan Clark, née Storer Mrs Margaret Clark, née Hirst, Guy’s Mrs Jennifer Cook, née Leithead, Guy’s Dr Timothy Cox, Guy’s

Dr Jill Krafft, Guy’s Mr Edward Lodge Mr Stuart McAdam

Mr Nigel McBride AKC Mr Jeffrey McCartney AKC Mr Jeffrey Morris

Dr Penelope Newman, née Boundy, St Thomas’ Dr Nicholas O’Riordan The Revd Nicholas Paxton Mrs Catherine Powell AKC, née Newbould Dr Janice Richards, née Karim Dr Mary Robson, née Russell

Dr Henry Hambly, St Thomas’

Miss Ann Pelham, née James Mr John Pepper, Guy’s Mr Adrian Pilgrim

Mr Timothy Haywood, Guy’s

Mr Philip Purkis

Dr Margaret Helliwell, née McClelland Mr Mark Herbert

Mr Mike Redfern The Revd Alan Rowell AKC

Dr David Jackson, Guy’s Dr Peter Keane

The Revd Andrew Sawyer

Dr David Goodwin

Mr Gordon Simm

Dr Richard Green, Guy’s

Mr Anthony Kieran AKC Judge Peter King AKC

Mr Alistair Sinclair AKC Mr Geoffrey Smith Dr Sheila Stoney

Mrs Jean Tipper, née Hancock

Mr John Harding Mrs Helene Herzberg, née Gordon Mr Peter Hudson OBE Mrs Pamela Jacobs, née Miles

Mr Johnny Wakeham, Guy’s

Mr Geraint Jeffreys

Dr Anthony Wordley, St Thomas’

Mrs Alison Ward, née Nelson Mr Christopher Wilde, Guy’s Dr Peter Wilkinson Mrs Rosemary Williams, née Hudleston

The Rt Revd Canon David Jennings AKC

Dr Charles Wright, Guy’s

Mr Michael Kershaw Mr Peter Krovina


Mrs Susan Williams, née Cottam Professor Nicholas Wyatt

Mr Malcolm McKay Dr Antony Miller, IoP

Mr Christopher Pegg & Mrs Jennifer Pegg Mr Richard Piercy, QEC


Ms Juliet Mitchell Professor John Monson, Guy’s Mr Stephen Moss CBE

Mr Francis Porter

Dr Paul Fontenoy The Revd Neville Gallagher

Mrs Pamela Mainwaring, née Watson, Guy’s Dr Michael McAdam

Mr Guy Moody Mrs Victoria Nnatuanya, née Davies, QEC

Mr Frank O’Shea Mrs Anu Parikh, née Chandra Das Mr Barry Parker, Guy’s Dr Christopher Patterson Mrs Helen Pearson, née Bailey

Mrs Vera Frost

Dr David Lintin, St Thomas’

The Revd Patrick Sales

Mr Robert Segall Dr Dennis Smith Mr Robert Steele Mr Patrick Talbot AKC Mr Lorne Tick

The Revd Dr Thomas Weil AKC Dr Elizabeth Winterton, née Elsom Mr Philip Woodburn

Mr Malcolm Aldridge AKC Mr Peter Barrett, RDH

Dr Edward Bray, Guy’s Mr Graham Brown Dr Sally Cardew, Guy’s

Mrs Jane Ollerton, née Rigler

The Revd Professor Alexander Coker AKC Dr Liz Coxson, née Dakin

Mr Harry Olsberg

Dr Trudi Darby AKC

Dr Surendra Paul

Mr Peter Day

Mr Lee Reynolds

Mr David Archer Dr Philip Arthur, St Thomas’ Mr Ian Bamford, Guy’s

Mr Brian Plumb

Dr Anna-Maria Rollin, née Tihanyi, Guy’s

The Revd Anthony Bell

Dr Jeffrey Rosenberg, Guy’s

Mrs Carys Blackburn, née Wood Mrs Susan Brough, née Macleanan Professor Carol Brownson

Dr Purshottam Prashad Dr Mary Riggs

The Revd Dr Susan Ramsaran AKC

Emeritus Professor Brian Anderton, Chelsea College

Professor Peter Davies, St Thomas’ Mr Trevor Druett, Guy’s

Dr Frances Rochford, née Massey, Guy’s Mr David Royle & Mrs Maria Royle

The Revd Andrew Clements

Miss Monica Symes, Guy’s

Mrs Susan Eaton, née Atkinson Mr Kevin Esplin Professor Anne Hemingway, Guy’s The Revd Brian Fairbank AKC Mrs Beverly Hallam, née Riordan Mrs Mary Hardy, née Goold

Miss Sylvia Cole, QEC Dr Jill Davies

Ms Angela Thomae, née House

Mr Noel Hatton, Guy’s

Mr Kenneth Torlop

Mr Gerald Dewe Matthews, Guy’s Mr Paul Ethrington, RDH

The Revd Robin Vickery AKC

Mr Laurence Faiman The Revd John Fairweather Mr John Gray Dr Fiona Griffith, née Scott, Guy’s Mr Martin Hargreaves

Ms Patricia Wilks, née Hackforth

Mr John Henderson AKC Mrs Carol Huckvale, née Woollett Dr Lynda Hutchinson, née Burditt, QEC Dr Julian Johnson AKC Dr Christopher Langdon & Dr Jennifer Langdon, née Goodwin, Guy’s

Mr James Hewlett, Guy’s

Dr Richard Aldridge, St Thomas’

Rear Admiral Richard Hill Mr Huw Hughes, QEC

Mrs Elizabeth Alley Dr Robert Armstrong, Guy’s

Dr Ronald Milner, St Thomas’

The Revd John Hunnisett AKC

Mr David Baggs AKC Mr Christopher Baker

The Revd Canon Stuart Nairn AKC Mrs Loveday Newton, née Hiscock

Mr Keith Kerr Dr George Koukoutas, Chelsea College Mrs Jane Le Feuvre, née Jackson, QEC Mr Stephen Leacock

The Revd Paul Bilton AKC

The Revd David Peel AKC

Dr Caroline Boorer, née Jackson Dr Roderick Bowering, Guy’s

Mrs Deborah Richards, née Pearce

Mr John Leigh AKC Mrs Joyce Mellors, née Leckenby, QEC Mr Andrew Morris Dr John Nicolson

Mr Geoff Carter

The Revd David Cawley AKC

Mr Stein Nilsen, Guy’s Dr Hugh Parry, Guy’s

Professor Elizabeth Davenport, née Brady, RDH

Dr Ben Cohen, RDH

Dr John Scoble, Guy’s

Mr David Downes-Powell

Mr Michael Dan

Mr Philip Scott

Dr Sue Dirmikis, née Maciver Mr Bill Draycott, RDH Mr Jim Edwards Mrs Margaret Ferris AKC, née Robinson Dr Geoffrey Frost AKC

Mr Christopher Searle & Mrs Susan Searle AKC, née Lee

Mr Simon Drinkwater Mr James Edwards Mr David Eve AKC Mr David Farrell Mr Robert Fawthrop AKC

Miss Jenny Rumble AKC Dr Ian Saunders Mr Roger Scholes Dr Margaret Semple, née Oats, St Thomas’ Mrs Suzanna Stein, née Miller Mr Michael J Taylor Professor Tom Treasure, Guy’s

Mrs Susan Vanstone, née Fremlin Mr Alan Walder, RDH Dr Angela Walker, Guy’s

Mr Brian Waters Dr Alfred White Mr Peter Wyatt Ms Mona Yeow, Chelsea College

1971 Mr Jerome Ambrose Ms Alison Ball Dr Bob Baxter The Revd Dr Stephen Bazlinton, Guy’s Dr David Bellamy MBE, Guy’s Mr Gordon Bernard

Mr Warren Birnbaum Mrs Ruth Bolton, née Yarnold Dr John Bunning

Dr Robert Galbraith

Mrs Helen Glover, née Phillips Dr Ray Godwin Mrs Ruth Guyer, née Daufman Dr Peter Harrison, Guy’s Mr Ian Hollands, Chelsea College Mr Brian Jeeves The Revd Christopher Kemp

Mr Timothy Iball

The Revd Canon David Springthorpe AKC Dr Rodney Swallow

Mrs Frances Twambley, née Brown Mrs Meriel Vincent, née Reith Mr Michael Ward Mr Stephen Whitehead, St Thomas’ Mr Chris Wiscarson FKC Mr Simon Wright, Guy’s Dr Richard Wright, Guy’s Dr Nicholas Yerbury, Guy’s

Mr Anthony Roberts Mr Simon Skinner

Dr Anthony Wells Dr David Williams Dr Helen Wright, née Dow, Guy’s


The Revd George Butler AKC Mrs Briony Cooke, née Lewis Mr Andrew Cracknell, Guy’s Mr Michael Crosse

Mrs Gillian Forde AKC, née Harris Mr Trevor George Mr Adrian Goddard AKC Mr Michael Green

Mr Mark Leitch, QEC Mr David McCulloch Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s

Brigadier Nick Rigby Mrs Michele Robinson, née Emberton, Guy’s Dr Shafik Sachedina, Guy’s & Mrs Nadia Sachedina Mr Paul Simons, RDH Dr Geoff Sparrow, Guy’s

Mrs Jane Tebbutt AKC, née Noon Dr Diana Terry Mr Robert Jeffrey Terry The Revd Derek Thomas Dr James Upward, Guy’s

Mr Richard Wakeford Mr Peter Weitzel

1976 Mr Anthony Ashplant Dr Jonathan Bayly, Guy’s

Dr David Gunn Mr Mark Hardy AKC Mr Peter Hodgkinson, Guy’s

Professor Rudolf Bilous, Guy’s

Mrs Yvonne Holmes Packer AKC, née Holmes

Mr John Carter, RDH

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

30 | In Recognition 2009-10

Mr Martin Leang AKC

Mr Stephen Bott Mrs Sharon Byford AKC, née Haynes Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC

Dr Stephen Clarke, Guy’s Dr Stephen Colley Dr Ingrid Dodd, Guy’s

Mrs Rosamand Watts, née Troughton, Guy’s Ms Janet Webster, née Grey, RDH

Mrs Ruth Downie AKC, née Hancock

The Revd Robert Williamson

Mr Paul Duffy AKC

Mrs Beverley Wride, née Davis, QEC Mr John Wright, Chelsea College

Professor Peter Emery, QEC Dr Jonathan Evans

Miss Alyson Shaw, Chelsea College Dr Martin Vallis, Guy’s Dr Mark Vella, Guy’s Mr John Walsham Dr Adrian Weston, Guy’s Dr Keith Williams, St Thomas’ Ms Brigit Wilmers, Guy’s

Dr Kathryn Findlay, née Allen, Guy’s Mrs Valerie Glencross, née Goulding

1978 Dr Christopher Adams, St Thomas’


Dr David Gover, St Thomas’

The Revd Stephen Bould AKC Mrs Nichola Bull, née Lolley, Guy’s Dr Ian Coulson, St Thomas’

Mr Gary Alexander

Dr Jonathan Denbigh Mr David Frodsham & Mrs Pamela Frodsham, née Martin Mrs C Gay, née Hunt Mrs Dana Genis, née Weinbaum, Chelsea College

Mr William Cobb

Dr William Greene, Guy’s

Mr Christopher Guellard Mr Harish Haria, Chelsea College The Revd Alan Hawker AKC Dr Richard Hawkins, St Thomas’

Mrs Kate Hoskin, née Barnard Mr Peter Howell, Guy’s Dr Peter James, Guy’s Dr Christopher Kinchin, Guy’s

Dr Stephen Lander, St Thomas’ Major-General Stuart Lee MBE

Dr Michael Lilley Mrs Cheralyn Lumley, née Crook, Guy’s

Mr David Harrison AKC Mr Patrick Hinchy, Chelsea College

Mr Jon Hiscock Dr Jane Lau, Guy’s

Dr David Philbrick, St Thomas’ Dr Chic Pillai

Miss Gwendolen Lawton, Chelsea College Mr Andrew Limbrick AKC & Mrs Gillian Limbrick, née Whitta Mr Ian Lonsdale AKC Dr Zulfikarali Nag ji, née Alibhai, Chelsea College Dr Bernard Newmarch, Guy’s Mr Gary O’Farrell AKC, Chelsea College Mr Gary O’Hare, Guy’s

Mrs Helen Powell, QEC

Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s

Miss Mary Richardson Mrs Ruth Simmons, née Leigh

Mr Philip Lundberg Mr Chris May, Guy’s

Mr Peter Milledge Dr Charles Mozley, Guy’s Mr David Narracott AKC Dr Jeremy Paterson, Guy’s

Mrs Catherine Brookes, née Smith, QEC Mr Simon Caudwell Dr Martin Crawley, Guy’s Mr Harjinder Degun, Chelsea College Dr Nigel Dickson, Guy’s Miss Paula Dove, Chelsea College Dr John Easton, Chelsea College Mr Julian Ede, Guy’s

Mr Nick Gale Dr Helen Gillies, née Kinsella, Guy’s The Revd Simon Godfrey AKC Mr Ted Greeno Mr Terence King Mrs Sandra Lawlor, née Taylor

Dr John Lowes & Dr Anne Lowes, née Stringer Mr Peter Maplestone AKC Dr Judith Motto, Guy’s

Dr Jean Fox, née Hart Dr David Fraser

Dr Jane Frost, née MacDougall, St Thomas’ Dr James Gildersleve, Guy’s Mrs Caroline Grinham, née Perman Mr Matthew Guntrip, Chelsea College

Mr Timothy Hammett AKC Mrs Suzetta Hartropp, née French

Mr Edward Hatfull Dr Anthony Jenkins, St Thomas’ Dr Raymond Lau, QEC Mr Jeremy Lawes AKC Dr Ronald Leung

Ms Gill Marcus Ms Sarah Oldrin, née Emes

Dr Ian Osterloh, Guy’s Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s Mr Daniel Peltz

Mrs Lydia Pritchard, née Mansfield Dr Jeremy Sizer Mrs Valentine Steadman, née Foussier Mr Christopher Wakely

Dr Wendy Walton, née Stephenson, Guy’s Mrs Jill Woodley, née Hodgkinson

1983 Mrs Roxana Anastasiou, née Pagonis

Dr David Anderson

Dr Vibert Noble

Dr A Assaf, QEC

Ms Bridget Prideaux Dr Julian Roberts, St Thomas’

Dr Richard Balai

Mrs E Roberts-Harry Mr Timothy Roe

Mr Mark Carroll

Mr Gavin Scott, RDH

Mrs Susan Wakeford, née Beacham Dr Andrew West, Guy’s Mr Barry Westwood, Guy’s

Miss Vijayalaxmi Popat, Chelsea College Mrs Christine Richings, née Cummings Mrs Carole Shephard, née Hufton Mrs Karen Shrimpton, née Yates-Smith, Normanby College Ms Amelia Smithers Dr M Spencer

Mr Kevin Chau, RDH Mr Albert Cheung Mrs Jeanette Clifford

The Rt Revd Geralyn Wolf

Mr Graham Stibbs


Mrs Judith Thompson, née Gilbert Dr J Treasure, née Burden, St Thomas’ Dr William Whitby, Guy’s

Dr Oenone Warr AKC, née Brown, St Thomas’

Miss Carol Stiles AKC Mrs Christina Thomas, née Jackson

Mrs Theresa Anderson AKC, née Barratt Dr Mark Bradgate, St Thomas’ Mr John Bryant

Ms Miranda Buckley

Mr Peter Winnicki Dr Martyn Wood

Dr Linde Wotton

Dr Claudia Shand

Mr Julian Skellett Mr Jonathan Stoneman Mr Timothy Sullivan

1981 Dr Graham Ackerley Dr Khaver Bashir, St Thomas’ The Revd Bob Callaghan Ms Julia Charlton AKC

Dr Geoffrey Carr Mr Matthias Chukwuma Mr David Daly AKC


Dr Peter Davis

Mr Philip Anson, Chelsea College Ms Rosalind Barbier

Mr David Fine

Dr Richard Barnett, Guy’s

Mrs Athanasia Hilas, née Marangos Mrs Jane Humphreys, née Ziolek

Dr Andrew Dicker, St Thomas’

Mrs Tessa Dickinson, née Halford Mr Bill Dodwell Mr Anthony Edkins

Mrs Jennifer Ellis AKC, née Rowe Ms Caro Fraser Edwards Dr Pravin Goutam, Guy’s Dr Jonathan Grannell, Chelsea College Dr Joanna Harding Dr Mary Heber, Guy’s Mrs Theresa Hodges, née Whitson

Dr Neil Hounslow, Guy’s Mrs Diana Kaars Sijpesteijn, née Markham, Chelsea College Mr Badar Khan, Chelsea College Mr Kevin Knott AKC Dr James Lau

Dr Alexander Milosevic, Guy’s Dr David Moore AKC Dr Alison Newlyn, née Pitfield-Perry Dr Susmita Patel Dr Mark Patterson AKC Mrs Elizabeth Phillips, née Smith, Chelsea College Mr John Russell Mr Ural Selchouk, QEC Mrs Lesley Stocker, née Mclagan

Mr John Taylor, Guy’s Dr Michael Tidman & Dr Jill Tidman, née Harrison, Guy’s

Mr Stephen Walmsley

Dr Charles Allanby, Guy’s Ms Victoria Allison, née Ogier

Mr Vincent Barrett, Guy’s Mr Alan Bramwell, Guy’s The Revd Canon Peter Coates AKC Mr Anthony Collins, Chelsea College Mr Ian Crate, Guy’s

Mr Stephen Des Clayes, Guy’s

Dr Harriet Crabtree OBE Mr Arif Essaji Mr Lloyd Evans Dr James Heathcote AKC

Ms Anna Bourne, née Delaney Mrs Lynne Caudwell, née Chapman

Dr Philip Davis

Dr Ewen Forrest, St Thomas’ Dr Martin Hadley-Brown, née Brown, St Thomas’ Dr Robert Hart, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Hill AKC Mr Richard Hurrell, Guy’s Dr Fatimeh Husain Dr Yee Cheau Hwang Mr Bruce Irving, Guy’s Mr Michael Keays AKC

Mr David Ladd Dr Timothy Lancaster, Guy’s Miss Denise Larnder

Mr Chee Law Mr Terence Lo

Dr Karen John, Guy’s

Mr Kieran Maloney AKC Dr Winifred McLaughlin, RDH

Mr Paul Lydon, Chelsea College

Dr Ann McNutt, St Thomas’

Ms Claire Murrell

Mrs Rosemary Moore, née Shipman, Chelsea College

Mrs Elizabeth Openshaw, née Bell Mrs Jackie O’Toole-Quinn

Dr Ian Nugent, St Thomas’ Dr Christina Peers, née Spiteri, Guy’s

Dr Christopher Dudman Mr Ian Ebsworth

Mr Patrick Overs Dr Paul Revell, Guy’s Mr Dean Rowell, Chelsea College

Dr Gordon Elliott Dr Patricia Everitt, née Coleman, QEC

Mr Roger Starr Dr Hua Hui Tay

Dr David Farmer, Guy’s The Revd Ian Finn AKC

Mr Clifford Taylor, Chelsea College

Dr John Fishwick, St Thomas’

Mr John Woodley

Mrs Moira Warner, née Connor Mr Philip Weeks, Guy’s Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s

Mr Bruce Grant Dr Margaret Herbert, Guy’s The Revd Michael Hewitt AKC



Mrs Judith Batchelar, née Troke, Chelsea College Mr Justin Carnegie-Jones Mr Keith Champion

Mr Peter Allen, RDH

Mrs Jane Doulton, née Pearson

Dr Nicholas Joyner, Guy’s Ms Christine Layfield, RDH Dr Tina MacFarlane, née Horton, Guy’s Captain John Maxton Mr Paul Mellings Dr Cheryl Messer, née Marshall, St Thomas’

Mrs Janet Owen Ms Jane Roberts, née Gibbins Mr Stephen Roche Mrs Carolyn Saunders, née Wilson Dr Adrian Shanks, St Thomas’

Dr Michael Taylor, Chelsea College

Dr Andrew Charters, Guy’s Mr Shehzada Cheema Mrs Bernadette Clow, née Healey Mrs Kha Cornwell, née Wee, Guy’s

Dr Patrick Craig-McFeely, St Thomas’ Mr Charles Crisp Dr Simon Davies, Guy’s

Mr Robert Piper Mr Andrew Probert AKC Mr M Sadrieh, Chelsea College Dr Wilfred Treasure, Guy’s

Mr Dean Bailey

Mrs Catherine Best, née Nelson Dr David Black Ms Nicola Blaxall AKC, née Adams Mrs Jane Branfield, née Platt Mr Christopher Briere-Edney AKC

Mr John Callaghan AKC Mr Richard Chatterjee, Chelsea College Mrs Lynn Chitty, née Thurlow

Mr Robert Dickie, QEC

Mr Gregory Cook AKC Dr Colin Dayan, Guy’s

Mr Paul Fennell, QEC

Mrs Domenica de Rosa, née Maxted

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010.

In Recognition 2009-10 | 31

Dr Katherine Fallon, née Lister, St Thomas’

Professor Andrew Eder Mr David Ellis AKC

Dr Matthew Hackett, Guy’s Dr Alyson Holder, née Fox

Ms Yvonne Gallagher Dr Henry Gibson

Mr Stephen Eyers Dr Amanda Freeman, St Thomas’

Mr Geraint Hughes AKC

Dr Margaret Sills Miss Pauline Skinner Mrs Helen Staneyland, née White

Mr Steven Godsiff

Dr Richard Jarvis Mr Simon Johnson

Miss Pauline Stevenson, Chelsea College Ms Liz Thomas

Mrs Elizabeth Grindon, née Painter, QEC Mr Timothy Harker, Guy’s

Mr Charlie Hedges Mr Nicholas Herbert-Young Ms Gillian Hodge

Dr Mahmud Kajbaf

Professor Keith Hoggart FKC

Mr Steven Hunt

Dr Bertie Leung

Mrs Bohdanka Todosyiv, née Novetsky Mr Michael Van Brugen The Revd Elizabeth Welch

Dr John Holden Miss Sally Horovitz

Professor Thomas Hutchinson

Ms Elizabeth Mackie

Mr Nicholas Kershaw

Mrs Rachel Manning, née Bateman, Guy’s

Mr John Johnston

Mr Roger Kingsnorth Dr Felicity Little, Guy’s Mr Ian Marshall Mr Philip Meaden

Mrs Margaret Mumford Ms Frances Ridley, née Sharp Mr Anthony Rose, Guy’s

Dr Pamela Noon, Guy’s

Mrs Mariko Sasagawa-Garmory, née Sasagawa

Mr Sunil Kakkad, Guy’s The Revd Christopher Keating AKC Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy AKC, née Hill

Dr Alistair Lipp & Dr Anna Lipp, née Harris Ms Athena Lui

Ms Helen Lydon, née Kawai Mrs Shirley Matthews, née Mckinnon

Ms Gwynneth Miles The Revd John Miller Dr Keiron O’Connor, IoP

Mr Robin Redgrave Mr Ian Remfry Mr Simon Richardson, Guy’s

Mr Howard Ridley Mrs Julia Sharpe, née Mansell

Mr Wilson Lam

Mr Ian Rosen

Mr Roger Shortt Mrs Catherine Simmons, née Hall, Guy’s Dr John Skehel

Dr Peter Stanley

Mrs Jennifer Wells, née Beasant Mr David Wright

1991 Mr Nick Abbott Dr Lisa Adams Mr Peter Andrews Miss Elizabeth Axe Mr Tariq Azeem

Mr Udo Bauer Mrs Susan Cable, née Bywater The late Miss Mary Hamilton Mr Barry Lall

Mr David Shriver AKC

Mr Chris Stokes AKC

Mr Robert Thompson

Miss Ruth Pendlington

Dr Gregory Singleton Dr Catherine Smith, Guy’s

Miss Sally-Ann Russell

Mr David Stoneham

Mrs Patricia Watt

Miss Patricia Sandys Dr Judith Shilling, née Williams, Chelsea College Dr Margaret Spence, née Johnson, Guy’s

Mrs Fiona Sweeting AKC, née Yates

Mr Thomas Yeo Mr Kyriacos Zarvanos

Mr Raphael Lung Mr Tom Matier Mr Kenneth Muhr Mr Colin Nicholson Dr Carmel Ramage, née Gleeson, Guy’s


Miss Josephine Royle Miss Charlotte Spedding, UMDS

Ms Tola Awogbamiye

The Revd Dr David Standen

Miss Stella Bettoney

Dr Nigel Taylor AKC

Mrs Kathy Cunnold, née Malek

Dr Anna Ungaro

Mr Simon Edwards Ms Penelope Gould, AKC Mr Ivan Hare His Excellency Dr Peter Hayes

Ms Jacqueline Ware Mr Steve Wardlaw Mrs Rachael Wright AKC, née Frampton

Dr Andrew Stone AKC

Mr Michael Sullivan AKC Dr Philip Taylor, Guy’s Mrs Penny Taylor, née Spencer Mr Guy Thomas Dr Pamela Todd Dr Lisa Ward, née Nelson, St Thomas’ An anonymous donor on behalf of KCSMD Dental Graduates of 1984


Ms Joanne Tallentire, née Smith Dr Penelope Thexton, Guy’s Miss Joanna Urbanek Ms Gaye van Denderen, née Ongel van Denderen Mr Sanjev WarnaKulaSuriya

Mr Mark Woodhouse AKC Mr Peter Worrall OBE AKC & Mrs Claire Worrall AKC, née Levenberg

1987 Mr Stephen Baldwin Mr Michael Bishop Mr Darren Bradbury

Dr Emmeline Brew-Graves, St Thomas’

Mr Christopher Adams

Mr Leslie Everitt AKC

Dr Adesegun Akin-Olugbade Miss Noelle Bradshaw, Chelsea College

Dr Crispin Fisher, St Thomas’ Mr Mark Francois Dr Tony Gibbon, St Thomas’

Mr David Cooke AKC Dr Fiona Cornish, née Cameron, St Thomas’ Dr Mark Couldrick Mr Mark Elliott AKC Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s Mrs Angela Foulds, née Khan, Chelsea College Miss Susan Gollop

Dr Catherine Gray, Guy’s Mr Norman Gray, Chelsea College

Dr Fiona Hayes, Guy’s Professor Joe Herzberg, IoP Dr Adrian Jones AKC Mr William Kukstas, QEC Miss Katherine Lacy

Mr Allistair Graham Mr Russell Homans AKC

Mrs Sarah Hunt, née Johnson, Guy’s

Dr Philip Naylor Mr Mark Nicholson AKC Mr Edward Oakley

Mrs Anne-Marie Clarke, née Horton

Dr Anthony Hare Mr Edward Heeley AKC

Mrs Minaxi Dattani, née Jatania, Guy’s

Mr Jonathan Heuser

Mr Sanjit Eliatamby

Mr Andrew Hill

Mr Rob Pickering, Guy’s

Dr Joel Erickson Ms Samantha Forrest Ms Philippa Goodwin

Ms Helena Holrick

Dr Philip Hall Miss Louise Heal

Ms Dora Opoku OBE

Mr Mark Taylor AKC Mrs Susan Wilthew

Mr Julian Woodward

The Revd Rosemary Wickremasinghe AKC


Miss Jill Wilkinson, née Johnson Mrs Carolyn Williams, née PeverelCooper, Chelsea College

Mr Andrew Bailey Mrs Carol Baxter, née Henley, Normanby College Mr Thomas Blaikie

Dr Duncan Brooke, Guy’s

1990 Mrs Cathy Arnold, née Fatkin

The Revd Keith Beardmore

Dr Susan Honeywill, St Thomas’

Dr Keith Gomez, St Thomas’ Miss Jane Gorham Mrs Catherine Gough AKC, née Taylor Mrs Louise Hale AKC, née Dunn Mr Tom Halverson & Dr Elaine Holoboff

Mr Edgar Jorge Mr Benedict King Dr Gerard Panting Mr David Powell

Mr Michael Horan AKC Mr Bertrand Huet Mr Prasan Jayasinghe Mr Jonathan Kohn AKC Dr David Lawrence Mr Andrew Mack

Dr Catherine Powell Mrs Derien Pugh, née Anderson, Guy’s

Mr Matthew McGuire

Dr Alan Millar

Mr Russell Thomas Mrs Rosemary Warner AKC

Mrs Fay Naylor

Dr Richard Whittington, IoP

Mrs Elizabeth Neaves Mrs Jacqueline Osborne, née Greenwood Mr Phil Palmer

Mrs Joanne Adams AKC, née Hutcheon

Dr Penelope Carson, née Hollingbury Dr Stephen Case-Green

Mrs Monica Aylwin, née Idnani

Dr Chris Christodoulou

Mr Lynton Banks, Guy’s Dr Charles Berrisford Mr Ian Carter Miss Michele Collins, Guy’s Mrs Cathryn Downing, née Higgins, QEC

Mr Welland Chu Mr Eric Dinsey, Chelsea College

Dr Sanjiv Patel, Guy’s

Mrs Jane Fisher-Hunt AKC, née Fisher

Mr Michael Raffan AKC

Dr Claire Fuller, St Thomas’ Mrs Sara Gil Mast, née Whitfield

Dr Jill Saddler

Mr Randy Peiris

Mr Ranbir Sagoo

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

32 | In Recognition 2009-10

Ms Juliana Blanch Mrs Natasha Butt, née Mian Mrs Ronali Collings, née Jayasinghe Mrs Karen Conroy Ms Catharine Darnton Mr Neil Doling Mr John Fisher

Miss Frederique Bensahel-Zimra, née Zimra

Mr John Stebbing, Guy’s Mr Paul Stokes


Mr Rod Sykes Mrs Shernaz Wadia

Dr John Black

Mr Graham Moore Mr Douglas Murgatroyd

Dr Judith Russell

Mr Dieter Yih FKC

Ms Alison Smith, née Bridgeman Dr Jonathan Sullivan

Mr Joachim Baumgaertner Mr Andrew Berkeley

Miss Marie Anthony-Atrib

Mrs Diane Reay, née Varley Mr Robert Simmons, Guy’s

Mr Giles Walker Mr David West

Mr Ian Pratt


Mr Matthew McAllister & Mrs Allison McAllister AKC, née McComb Mr Scott Mitchell AKC

Dr Ruth Reakes, Guy’s Dr Patricia Reynolds, née Alcock

Dr Annette Volger, St Thomas’

Dr Penny Mancais, St Thomas’ Mr Steven Marshall Miss Fiona McPherson AKC Mr Philip Mead Mrs Gillian Nevins

Mrs Shelagh Zachariades Dr Pirooz Zia, Guy’s

Mr John Westbury

Dr Piotr Pierzchniak

Dr Christopher Thorpe

Dr Mark Langer Mr Michael Long

Miss Katharine Lewis, née Gower Ms Jane Lodge Mrs Louise Lunness-Barnes, Guy’s

Dr Michael Martin, Guy’s

Mrs Catherine Savage, née Duke, Guy’s

Mr Paddy Tomkins

Major Iain Radford MBE AKC Dr Glynn Robinson, UMDS Ms Mai-Ling Savage Dr Manickam Thiagarajan

1993 Mr Gavin Allen Mrs Rhiannon Bill AKC, née Jones Dr Peter Bratt Mr Gordon Buffard Miss N Butt Miss Marianne Clayton AKC Miss Fiona Daly

Mr Adrian De Souza Ms Clare Ferros-Moore, née Ferros Mr Brendan Greene Mrs Patricia Griffin, née Devitt Mrs Roswitha Guest Mr Adriaan John Hermsen Mrs Margaret Highton The Honourable Dr John Hillen

Ms Catherine Jones Mr Paul Lewis

Mr Jan Pattie

Mrs Monica Kantaria, née Punwani

Miss Wendy Pixner Dr Andrew Rochford Mr Andrew Steele

Mr Cyril Karger

Mr Christopher Piper Miss Nisu Rahman

Miss Sharon Lawrence

Dr Nikki Rooney, née Osborne

Mr Thomas Lewis Mr Eric Masters

Mr Simon Toms

Colonel Peter Merriman MBE

Mr Marc Walding

Ms Anna Michaelides AKC Dr Barry Miller, UMDS Dr Theresa Quarcoo

Dr Christopher Walters

Mr Burkhard Zimmermann

1996 Mr Simon Armson, UMDS Mr Harbhajan Bhorjee

Mr Alex Liddle Mr Christopher McMahon The Revd Dr Stephen Motyer Dr Anup Patel, UMDS

Mr Richard Brownnutt The Revd John Burgan Professor Jack Cann Mr Jonathan Clark Mr John Clearwater

Mr Adrian Roberts

Dr Philippa Evans, UMDS

Mr Hywel Robinson Miss Amira Saied

Mr Timothy Field AKC

Mr Richard Staveley Mr Martin Taylor

Mr Charles Fothringham Mr James Hayden

Miss Susan Terrett

Mrs Stephanie Higgins, née Pinion

Mr Kapil Wadhwani

Miss Joanna Keen Ms Kristina Korotaj-Dionisio, UMDS Dr Juling Ong, UMDS

Mr David Westcott Dr Sara Whitten

Mr Andrew Flood

Mr Andrew Ramsay Mr David Roberts Mr Arthur Russ Mr Jonathan Sander Miss Suvinder Seikham, née Grewal The Revd Christopher Skingley

Dr Rosina Ullman

Miss Abby Wilson Mrs Sarah Woolcombe, née Smith

2001 Mr James Blair Miss Lorraine Brunt Mrs Mary Burgess

Mrs Sian Burr

Mr Robert Stein-Rostaing Dr Elangovan Subbiah

Mr Patrick Crocco

Mrs Beverley Taylor Mrs Joanne Warren, née Edwards Mr Stephen Wollaston Mrs Moira Wood Professor Maureen Young, St Thomas’

Mr Daniel Forsythe

Miss Katharine Dicks The Revd Canon Dianna Gwilliams, née Hartley Miss Katharine Hawnt

Dr Ross Hunter AKC Mr Ian Huntington

Mr Mariano Palao


Mr Athanasios Papanaklis Dr Paul Peard

Miss Olga Aburdene

Ms Evangelia Kitsou

Mr Paul Brazier

Miss Melanie Leivers

Mr Nathan Adams Mr Christopher Ball AKC Dr Christopher Baxter Ms Deborah Bebbington

Miss Elizabeth Phelan

Mrs Sarah Carter

Mr Carl Richardson

Mr Bob Challis Mrs Deborah Chisnell

Miss Harn Szuan Leng Mr Darren Mahone

Dr Maria Callias, IoP

Mr Frederick Tobun Ms Liu Yang

1994 Miss Sacha Ackland

Mrs Susan Crawford-Staff, née Crawford Dr Audrey Curnock Miss Sharon French

Mr Sudip Gupta Mrs Viola Henry Dr Monica Holmes-Siedle Mr Ghassan Karian

Dr Elizabeth Leach

Mr Indy Singh The Revd Clive Smith


Mr Robert Feaviour Mrs Patricia Flowers

Dr Ralph Baylis Mr Paul Beaves

Mr Thomas Goode Mr Philip Gosling

Mr John Benson Dr Elizabeth Bishop

Mrs Margaret Hannell Mr Paul Harrison Mr Selladurai Kamalanathan

Dr Alison Carr

Dr Elisabeth Peregrine, née Gibson, UMDS

Mrs Jo-Anne Derbyshire

Mrs Susan Perez Dr Xavier Sevilla, UMDS Mrs Renata Stewart

Dr Amanda Ellwood, née Hill Miss Sarah Fosdike

Dr Geoffrey Taylor AKC

The Revd Sally Theakston Professor Mary Watkins Mr Stephen Willmer Mr Alan Wright

1995 Mr David Ankcorn Miss Belinda Atkins Dr Gurrinder Atwal

Mrs Judith Barrett Mr Brian Biddlecombe

Ms Sarah Blunn Mr Paul Boland Mr Charles Butterfield Mr Douglas Cadman Mr Alexander Caton AKC

Dr John Fallon

Miss Claire Ashman Miss Nicola Ballard, Guy’s

Mrs Zarah Moores, née Damji Mr Vijesh Patel

Miss Ruth Stoddart AKC

Mr Marc Claret de Fleurieu Ms Rosalind Clark Miss Dina El-Mamoun Mrs Pat Enti

The Revd Margaret Collins Dr Aruna Dias, UMDS

Mr Alan Howe Dr Simon Hughes, UMDS Ms Valerie Jones Mr Vincent Kamp

Mrs Ivone Lancoma-Malcolm, née Lancoma Dr Zudong Liu Mr John Lowings Mr Khuram Malik Miss Aoife Moloney

Mrs Jennifer Morris Mrs Lauren Patterson, née Stewart Mr Andrew Pinnock Ms Mausumi Pitigala, née Roy, Guy’s Dr Sabeel Saleem

Mrs Gillian Sanders Mrs Farzana Shah Mrs Karen Williams, née Malley

Dr Chris Kenyon Jones Dr Stephanie King, UMDS Mr Kushal Kothari Dr Vickie Mcdonald Dr Paul Nigel Munton Mrs Janet Murray AKC Ms Edith Navasargian

Mr Timothy Raiswell Miss Sara Rees The Revd Canon Julian Reindorp

The Revd Prebendary Ian Robson Mr David Ross Mr Gregg Rowan Mr Pareet Shah Miss Esther Sharma Mrs Uttamjot Singh Miss Renuka Verma Dr Rajavarma Viswesvaraiah

Mr Bernard Wilson

2000 Dr Rosalind Bates, née Cameron Mr Josh Brown Mrs Marika Chkheidze-Brett, née Chkheidze Ms Laura Clayton Mr Martin Danaher

Mr Christopher Kearney

Mr Aloysius Onuegbu Miss Catherine Rider Mrs Sadie Robinson, née Poulton, Guy’s

Dr John Ross Dr Janet Sidaway, née Cochrane Dr Ann Skingley, née Bergen

Dr Peter Tanner Ms Marisa Victor

2002 Mr Gregory Austin

Mrs Sharon Barnett, née Silver Mr Andrew Bower Wing Commander Michael Bratby Dr Christopher Chia Tze Wei Mr William Cooling

Ms Geraldine Dooley Ms Terie Duffy, née Seignior Miss Caroline Dunn AKC Ms Susanna Forson Mr Munish Gadhri Dr Ms Vassiliki Galanopoulou Ms Genevieve Giroux Dr Joanne Hackett Ms Christine Hannan Ms Frances Hudson

Dr Jane Hume Mr Kash Husain Mrs Helen Iloanya, née Mogbo

Mr Karim Jaafary Haghighat Dr Kirit Johal

Miss Tania Mooring Dr Jessica Norris, née Voorhees Mr Andrew Norris Mr Daniel Page Miss Vasiliki Panayiotou AKC

Mr Hugh Ponsford Dr Benjamin Rippin

Mrs Rosemary Clark


Dr Amanda Elsome

Mrs Shirley Foxell Mr Alfonso Frontera

Mr David Blood Mr Patrick Brennan Mrs Ann Bryant, née Seall

Dr Ivy Glavee Mr Andrew Griffith

Mr Vito Capobianco AKC Mr Richard Carr AKC

Miss Natasha Flavell Mr John Foley

Mr Nigel Somera

The Revd Dr Jeremy Ive Dr William Kearns AKC

Dr Asif Channa Mr Xavier Chitnis

Mr Graham Free

Mr John Taylor Mr George Tsirakakis

Mrs Ann King Mr Gregory Lascelles

Mr John Coulter

Professor George Lewis

Mr David Evison Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC

Mr Stuart Maggs Dr Jodhbir Mehta, UMDS

Mr Patrick Misson Ms Julia Nwachuku

Ms Olubisi Olufunwa Professor Jonathan Osborne

Mrs Pamela Davy

Dr Fred Gan Mrs Claire Guinness AKC The Revd Stephen Humphreys

Mr Francis Ijeh Dr Rashmi Joshi

Mr Matthew Feeney

Mr Richard Hilton Mrs Erica Jordan Dr Xhafer Krasniqi Miss Su Kyaw Mr Neil Leslie Dr Jane Martin, née Bullimore The Revd Dr Ian McIntosh

Mrs Maureen Mills, née Pearce Mr Nadir Mothojakan Mrs Mercy Oriaku

Ms Francine Ryba Mr Joaquin Salas Alcalde Mr Bhaveet Shah Ms Suzanne Sullivan, née Mckenna

Mr Jeffery Turner Mr David Watkin

2003 Mr Peter Avis Mrs Lydia Awosode, née Oyekunle Mrs Olabisi Bamigbade Ms Caroline Burgess, née Magee The late Dr Elin Carson

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010.

In Recognition 2009-10 | 33

Mr Simon Cheal Mrs Patricia Davies, née Taplin Miss Linda Davies Mr Bernard Francois Mrs Bronwyn Fysh, née Day

Major Tony Holland Dr Muhammad Iqbal Miss Carys Jones Miss Margaret Kallon

Mr Paul Kelly AKC Miss Rosemary Lane Ms Fiona Lindo, née Carr

Mrs Sarah Mckimm, née Cunningham Ms Kristin Raiswell, née Brady Mr Niladri Roy

Mr Richard Wilson

2004 The Revd Benson Awosika

Mrs Shirley Birch Ms Sonjii de L’Eprevier Mr George Gerring Dr Micaela-Sylvia Gosslau Miss Margaret Haig AKC Ms Cheryl Harris Dr Joan Horder Miss Jane Johnson Miss Antoinette Josiah Mr Geoffrey Ling Miss Kate Redman Mrs Angela Rider, née Harrison Mrs Marion Rushbrook, née Wheatley Miss Toni Shew Miss Rina Shrestha

Mr Joseph Watson Miss Leona Whyte

2005 Miss Saranjit Attariwala Mr James Baker Mr Gordon Bannerman

Mr Mark Bennett Mr Adarsh Bhatt

Mr Basil Browne Dr Jane Darcy Ms Ashley Davis

Miss Aimee Flower

Mr Neil Tarling

Professor John Cloudsley-Thompson

Mr Sean Power

Mrs Kate Towler AKC, née Ridoutt Mr Christopher West

Miss Evelyn Conrad

Professor Harold Preiskel


Dr John Cook AKC Mr Dale Cooper

Dr John Cordingley

Emeritus Professor Norma Rinsler FKC Mr David Robinson Professor Jack Rowe FKC Dr Rosemary Satchell, née Smith Mr Warren Shear Dr Margaret Sills

Mr Ranil Cooray Mr Nicholas Coyle

Ms Jen Cormack

Dr Paul Dakin

Mr Tom Coulson Professor Margaret Cox OBE

Miss Juliette Evans Dr Ayodeji Fatiregun

Ms Rachael Corver

Dr Ann Skingley, née Bergen

Ms Susan Ivory Mr Donavan Lowtan Mr Vincent Mayot Miss Sarah McLachlan Mrs Rebecca Peters Mr Duncan Pillans

Dr Jane Darcy Mr Alexander Darling FKC Dr David Davies AKC Dr Felicity de Zulueta Miss Alice Diggory

Mrs Jennifer Statham

Miss Melissa Reekie AKC

Professor Stephen Dunne Miss Andrea Edwards Dr Paul Ellis

Professor Henry Tyrrell FKC

Professor Peter Emery

Ms Hannah Wakeford

Dr Michael Escudier Dr Omer Fadl Mr Matt Ferguson Ms Sarah Frankland Dr Peter Frost

Mr Ronald Waldron

Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC

Professor Phil Whitfield FKC Professor George Wilkinson

Miss Hazel Hussey

Mr Imran Sadikot Miss Esha Shah AKC Dr Dieke Stegink Mr Mark Timpson Mr Timothy Verity

2008 Mr Faisal Alfadhel Mr Richard Dumbrille Ms Gian Gargaro Miss Josephine Golley Ms Vivien Goodnews, née Dada Mr Kamal Khalil Miss Georgina Knott Mr Ari Laskin Miss Karen Marshall Mr Brendan Moroso Dr Jitna Por Mr Adil Sami Miss Caroline Schreiber Mr Akram Shalabi Mr Andrew Yale

2009 Professor Dario Casalini Mr Tom Durrant Ms Nnenna Eke Miss Mary French AKC Mr Austin Newbold

Dr Susan Dirmikis, née Maciver

Professor David Ganz

Ms Jennifer Garner Professor John Garrett Professor Stanley Gelbier

Miss Emma Grant Professor Anne Greenough FKC Dr Geoffrey Hall Mr Stephen Harrow AKC FKC

Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Dr Elaine Holoboff Dr Robert Howes

Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Mrs Helen Jenrick, née Young Professor David Johnson

Ms Rachael Jukes Dr Christine Kenyon Jones Professor Michael Knibb AKC FKC Dr George Koukoutas

Professor John Langdon FKC Professor Robert Lechler FKC Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner Professor Maurice Lessof FKC Miss Katharine Lewis Dr Giovanna Lombardi



Mr Warren Birnbaum Dr Ronald Brandt

Professor Linda Newson FKC

Ms Cally Brown Mr Chris Brown

Ms Anne Norton

Dr Nicholas Shepherd

Staff & former staff Thank you to all members of the College community, including those who prefer to remain anonymous, who have given their support to make a difference to the working and learning environment at King’s.

Ms Jude Alldred Emeritus Professor Brian Anderton

Dr Vernon Armitage Mrs Lydia Awosode, née Oyekunle Mr Austin Banner Ms Deborah Benson Mr Barry Berkovitz

Dr Carol Brownson

Dr Youssef El-Gingihy

Ms Megan Bruns

Ms Gwendoline Garber Mr Joshua Geltzer

Ms Annette Bullen Mr Robbie Buscombe

Miss Caroline Greves

Professor Colin Bushnell FKC Dr Maria Callias Mrs Laura Cantopher Ms Michelle Carlin

Mr Yasin Keshvargar

Mr Nick Ma Mr Gary Morris Mr Mark Parker Dr Sarala Premila

Dr Lucie Sutherland

Professor Sir Graeme Catto FKC Mr Paul Cawley & Ms Jae Easter Dr John Clitherow

Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC Dr Abe Lue MBE CMG FKC

Professor Peter Marshall CBE FKC Ms Elaine Martyn Professor Mary McCabe

Miss Lucy Mellows Professor Moya Meredith Smith Professor Giorgina Mieli-Vergani Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née Honey-Jones Miss Caroline Moos Professor Peter Morgan Ms Erin Morgan

Mr John Muir FKC Miss Kirsten Munro Professor Dame Jinty Nelson FKC Miss Helen Nicholson Mr Vivek Obheegadoo Dr George Orvin

Professor Jonathan Osborne Miss Kathrin Ostermann Dr Richard Overill Ms Claire Owen Dr David Owen Mrs Rhoda Owen Professor David Papineau Ms Clare Pearce

Ms Gemma Peters Ms Jackie Phillips

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

34 | In Recognition 2009-10

Mrs Kungwa Small Mr Andrew Steele Dr Kirsteen Tait Miss Rachel Thomas Ms Alison Thompson Professor Rick Trainor KBE FKC Professor John Uff CBE FKC Ms Caroline Usher

Emeritus Professor Roger Watson Mrs Rosamond Watts, née Troughton Miss Amy Webb & Mr Chris Smith

Dr Patrick White

Miss Abby Wilson Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC Mr Peter Yerbury Professor Maureen Young The Annual Fund Student Caller Team 2009-10

Friends of the College We are pleased to recognise the generosity and commitment of our friends, including those who wish to remain anonymous, who have kindly offered their support throughout the year.

Professor Shitij Kapur

The Revd Jeremy Frost Ms Ellie Heidari Mr Salman Jaffer Miss Jennifer Kauntze Mrs Kim Mackenzie-Morris Ms Sabrina Mahfouz Mr Benjamin Moss AKC Mr Doyin Ogunbiyi Mrs Shotunde Olaleye Ms Marguerite Reith, née Mcelnea Miss Moira Robson Miss Anindita Sarkar Mr Kingsley Simmons Mr Jason Street Miss Reena Sudra Mr Robin Taher Mr Shiu Tang Ms Sara Treewater

Mr Malcolm Brown Ms Olena Bykova Miss Jenna Crombie Mr Michael Ehioze-Ediae

Dr Malcolm Sims FKC

Dr Arah Danielian Dr Trudi Darby AKC

The African Women’s Development Fund Age UK Allergy Research Foundation Alperton International Ltd. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association Artemis Trust AstraZeneca plc The Atkin Foundation Avon Foundation James Black Foundation Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Breakthrough Breast Cancer British Association of Head & Neck Oncologists British Geriatrics Society British Medical Association British Pharmacology Society British Skin Foundation British Society for Haematology Builder Depot Ltd Cancer Partners UK Cancer & Polio Research Fund Cancer Vaccines Institute The Cavendish Chambers Limited Clore Duffield Foundation John S Cohen Foundation Dermatrust Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst European Molecular Biology Organisation The FH Muirhead Charitable Trust FM Global Foundation Fondation Brocher Foundation for Allergy Information & Research Foundation for Science & Technology

Friends of King’s College London (Canada)

Friends of King’s College London (USA) Friends of Guy’s Hospital Douglas Glanfield Memorial Trust The Gatsby Charitable Foundation GlaxoSmithKline plc Graymatters, the Mehran David Foundation Guy’s 69 Club Christine Hewson Memorial Foundation Hewlett Packard Company Hong Kong Foundation Association Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust The Inman Charity Intuitive Surgical Inc. Karian & Box KCSMD Dental Graduates of 1984 King’s College London Association

King’s College London Hong Kong Foundation

Professor Clare Bradley Mrs Goffin Dr Linda Greenwall Mr Stephen Gregory & Mrs Carol Gregory Dr Ana Guimaraes Mr Ivor Hall & Mrs Pamela Hall

Mr Harish Haria & Mrs Ananta Haria Professor Jennifer Harrow Mr K Hinks & Mrs J Hinks

Mr Philip Hollowday & Mrs Jane Hollowday Mrs Lyn Humphreys

Mr John Ling Mr Claude Lobo & Mrs Shalini Lobo

Mrs J Logan-Edwards

Mr Tom & Mrs Susan Barry

Sir Roderic Lyne KBE CMG Mr Deep Mann Ms L Mason Mr Michael Max & Mrs Wendy Max Mr James McCubbin

Mr Colin & Mrs Cynthia Baxter Mr Henry Beakbane & Ms Helen Moseley Mr Ziauddin Bhaiyat Mrs Penelope Black Mr David & Mrs Claire Black Mrs Eukris Blackwood Ms Debbie Bondi-Jackson Mr Harry Silvester & Ms Frances Borrowman Mrs Joan Botten Mr Michael & Mrs Elizabeth Bowen Mr Laurence & Mrs Susan Brown Dr David & Mrs Frances Bryan Mr David & Mrs Carol Bryans Dr Andy & Mrs Julia Bundock Mr Stephen & Mrs Hilary Burrows Mr Ian & Mrs Hilary Bush Mr Khawar & Mrs Shama Butt Mr Winston & Mrs Laureen Bygrave Mr Kevin & Mrs Chandrika Carroll Mrs Judith Cawood Mr David Campbell & Ms Carolyn Challen Dr Robert & Mrs Dawn Chapple Mr Keith & Mrs Dora Chen-Prosser Mr Kuldip Singh Chihery & Ms Harleen Kaur Diu Mrs Angela Ciriello Dr Peter & Mrs Gillian Cobau Mr Haydn Cook Dr Geoff & Mrs Nazaret Cooper Mr Geoffrey & Mrs Catherine Cunliffe Mrs Debbie Cuthbert Mr Roy & Mrs Linda Dadge The Revd Dr Ian & Mrs Susan Davies Mr John & Mrs Carol Davies Professor John & Mrs Elaine Davis Mr John & Mrs Isabel De’Ath Dr Howard & Mrs Ann Dempsey Mr Priyesh & Mrs Sonal Desai Mr Mukund & Mrs Ajayna Dhirubhai Professor George & Mrs Jane Dickson Mr Peter & Mrs Alison Dingley Mr Peter & Mrs Sarah Domanski Mrs Martine Downes Mr Paul & Mrs Rose Downey Mr Garry & Mrs Pat Dyke Mr Tunde & Ms Modupe Esan

Mrs Rebecca Hunt-Davis Mrs Heather Hunter

Professor George Huxley Mr William Jackson Dr Stephen Jones Ms Krystyna Kaczmarczyk

Mrs Joyce Kastner

The Jeremy and John Sacher Charitable Trust

Mr Gordon Middleton FKC

Mr Michael Aaronson Dr Peter Andresen Miss Laura Ballard Dr Peter Baron The late Mrs Beryl Barrett Mrs Bertha Bekhor Mr Christopher Bennett Dr John Besford The late Mr William Broomfield Dr A Carson Mrs A Cavaciuti Miss Claire Chubb Mrs Maryann Cochrane

Ms H Cope Mr Richard de Metz Dr Konstantina Dedi Mr Andrew Denny Mrs J Dickens Ms Patricia Duus Mrs Jacqueline Evans

Mrs Joyce Fodder Professor Michael Foot Mrs A Gibson

Mrs Wendy Giuliano Mr Jonathan Glibride &

The Family Programme includes parents, guardians and other family members of students who have generously offered their support to the College. We thank all our Family Programme donors including those who wish to remain anonymous. Dr Tahir & Mrs Beena Abbas Mr Johnathan & Mrs Clare Ackland Mrs Nargis Ahmad Mr Zakariya & Mrs Adebisi Akinpeju Ms Patricia Allan Mr Nigel & Mrs Sarah Allison Mr David & Mrs Irene Amarasekera Mr Vatsal Babubhai & Mrs Anju Vatsal Amin Mrs Angelay & Mr Paul Anderson Ms Alexandra Athanassouli Mr Roger & Mrs Janet Auburn Mr Guy & Mrs Isabelle Aucomte Mr Kenneth Aylward Mr Yousuf & Miss Tahira Baig Dr Bill & Mrs Nickie Bamber Dr Paul & Dr Philippa Barnard Mr Jeffrey & Mrs Loretta Barnett

MacMillan Cancer Relief Marie Curie Cancer Care McNicholas Construction Services Ltd Medical Society of London Motor Neurone Disease Association Nutricia Research Foundation Foundation Open Society Institute (Zug) The Oral and Dental Research Trust The Organix Foundation The Ouseley Trust Premier League & Comic Relief Private Education Endowment Foundation Inc. The Radcliffe Trust Richard de Metz Educational & Travelling Foundation Smith Richardson Foundation Rothschild Foundation (Europe) Rosetrees Trust Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

St Clare’s Foundation The Peter Scott Trust Servier Solvay North America Still Point Fund Charles Sykes Epilepsy Research Trust Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation Tides Foundation The Vandervell Foundation The Waterloo Foundation Whitney Bradley & Brown Inc. The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust The Worshipful Company of International Bankers The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers

The Family Programme

Mr Keith Kerr Dr Anthony Kravitz Mrs Elizabeth Labbett

Professor John Langdon FKC Mr Him Lee Mr Mark Lemon & Mrs Hilarie Lemon Mrs Joyce Leuillette

Mr Christopher McHale & Mrs Winifred McHalet Mrs R Mehta Mrs Brenda Mellows Mr David Miller The late Miss Mary Millington Dr Ana Montes Mr Robert Morris

Dr S Motto Mr John Murphy Mr Clive Narrainen Ms Patricia Nicolson Dr Nicola Pietrobon Mrs Kashmira Popatia

Mr Christopher Pope & Mrs Lynda Pope Dr Annette Preuss-Nowotny F W Read Mr Anthony Richards Mrs E Robertshaw & Dr Richard Robertshaw Dr Mehran Sanei Dr Susanne Schioeler Dame Margaret Seward

Dr Mark Slater Professor Dennis Smith Mrs Ann Southon Dr Shanti Soysa & Mrs Sherrine Soysa

Sir James Spooner FKC & Lady Spooner Dr Erik Svendsrud

Mr Henry Sweetbaum Mr Steve Taylor

His Honour Judge Toulmin CMG FKC Mr Michelangelo Vitello & Mrs Enza Vitello

Mr Darren Walker & Mrs Deborah Walker Mr Colin Welborn & Mrs J Welborn Mrs E Wells Mrs Doreen Wilkinson

Mr Bryan Wiliams & Mrs Vera Williams Dr Margaret Wilson Ms Roz Woodham

Mr Arif Essaji Mr Gordon & Mrs Mary Evans Mr David & Mrs Susan Evans Mr Keith & Mrs Jane Faulkner Mr Nazarius & Mrs Jennifer Fernandes

Mr Michael & Mrs Toni Field Mr Patrier & Mrs Gwen Finylas Mr Derek & Mrs Sue Fisher Dr Roger & Mrs Judith Forshaw Mr Carlo Frontini & Ms Dalva Matsuura Mrs Elaine Frost Mr Kirit & Mrs Nutan Gajjar Mr Nadir Gali & Ms Feefi Elyas Mr John & Mrs Janette Gamble Mr Narendra & Mrs Minaxi Ganatra Mr Jayant & Mrs Naina Gangani Mr Peter & Mrs Angela Gay Mr Anthony & Mrs Hazel Geddes Mr Cosmo Gibson Mr Martin & Mrs Amanda Glazebrook Mr Richard & Mrs Yehudit Gordon Dr Anthony & Mrs Francine Grange Mr Teddy & Mrs Poospa Grech Mr David & Mrs Sally Green Mr Simon & Mrs Libby Greenland Mr Anthony & Mrs Susan Gregor Macgregor Mr Anthony & Mrs Patricia Grewal Mr John & Mrs Nicola Griffith Mr Barry & Mrs Jean Grindley Mrs Debbie Grosvenor Mr Philip & Mrs Catherine Gunn Mr Umesh & Mrs Shobha Gusai Dr Rex & Mrs Nicola Haigh Mr David & Mrs Patricia Hanesworth Miss Louise Harker Mr Jean-Marc & Mrs Sandra Hartley Mr Brian & Mrs Gail Hawksworth Mr Joseph & Mrs Bernadette Hayes Mrs Lynda Hayes

Mr Richard & Mrs Linda Hearn Mr Peter & Mrs Doris Henry Mr David & Mrs Deborah Hey Mrs Sonay Hilmi Mr Charles & Mrs Deborah Hinchcliffe Mr Paul & Mrs Karen Hogan Mr Thomas & Mrs Patricia Hollywood Mr Neil & Mrs Helen Honebon Mrs Heather Hood Mr Paul & Mrs Lucy Hopkins Mr Alan & Mrs Hilary Horgan Mr Nick & Mrs Sandra Huband Mr Lawrence & Mrs Hayley Hunt Mr John & Mrs Jill Irving Dr Alasdair & Dr Susanna Jacks Mr Mahesh & Mrs Angela Jain Mr Brendan & Mrs Camilla Jarvis Mr Narinder & Mrs Ranbir Jaswal Dr Upali & Mrs Rumki Jayawardena Mr Sudhir & Mrs Bharti Jaycee Mr Michael Lewis & Ms Valerie Ann Jenkins Mrs Levonda Jennings Mr Trevor & Dr Isabel Jones Mr Stuart Jones Mr Sunil Kakkad Dr Mohamed & Dr Hajera Karim Mr Peter Karlsen Mr Conor & Dr Elisabeth Kehoe Mrs Rita Keynejad Mr David & Mrs Lynn Knott Mr Permpoon & Mrs Jutatip Krairiksh Mr Prag ji & Mrs Sarla Kukadia Mr Ashok & Mrs Amita Kushal Mr Stewart & Mrs Carolyn Lacey Mrs Christine Lally

Dr Stephen & Mrs Beverley Lawrence Mr Christopher & Mrs Elizabeth Leahy Mr Richard & Mrs Eleanor Lewis Mr David & Mrs Anne Lewis Mr Peter & Mrs Judy Lewis Mr Andrew & Ms Atsuko Liddiard Mr Ian & Mrs Charlotte Lightbody Mr John & Mrs Fiona LivingstoneLearmonth Mr Ramasamy & Mrs Kamala Loganathan Mrs Fung Ping Lui Mr Stefano Lupi & Mrs Roberta Ferri-Lupi

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010.

In Recognition 2009-10 | 35

Mr Robert & Mrs Sharon Main Mr Kiran & Mrs Karuna Malde Dr Jehanzeb Malik Mr Hugo & Mrs Miranda Marsh Mr Nigel & Mrs Karen Martin Mrs Penelope Mathams Mrs Barbara McBrien Mr Nigel Mckeand & Ms Rose Travers Mr Neil & Mrs Patricia McNair Mr Niall & Mrs Valerie McTurk Dr Rodney Meaburn Ms Coleen Meeks Mr Jehangir & Mrs Kashmira Mehta Mr Sukhjinder & Mrs Surinder Minhas Mr Jamnadass & Mrs Urmila Mistry His Honour Judge Christopher & Mrs Elisabeth Mitchell Mr Ruben & Dr Marieta Movsesyan Mr Michael & Mrs Pauline Mulford Mr Hugh & Mrs Melissa Mundy Mr Rod Navarrete Mr Huw & Mrs Maggie Neal Mr William & Mrs Julie Nelson Mrs Alie Nelson-Veenstra Dr Dzung & Dr Hoabinh Nguyen Mrs Elisabeth Nixon Mr Marcus & Mrs Susan North Mr Paul & Mrs Rena Nunes Mr Clive & Mrs Maggie Nunn Mrs Vivien Nutton Mrs Sara Oakes Mr Kevin & Mrs Rosemary Offer Mr Michael & Mrs Joyce Osborne Mr Tony & Mrs Lynne Owens Mr Hugh & Mrs Susan Pallot Mr Harish Panchal Mrs Mary Parker Mr Lucas & Mrs Elizabeth Parry Mrs Janet Partridge Mr Clito & Mrs Maria Paschali Mr Bipin & Mrs Dina Patel Mr Dilip & Mrs Deempal Patel Mr Rajendra & Mrs Krishna Patel Dr Dipak & Mrs Smita Patel Mr Dinesh & Mrs Nayna Patel Mr Kirankumar & Mrs Sudha Patel Mr Brian & Mrs Julie Pateman Mr Brian & Mrs Kath Pawlett Dr Roger & Mrs Elizabeth Paxton Mr Stephen & Mrs Pam Pike Mr Roger & Mrs Christine Porter Mr Roger & Mrs Jackie Powell Mrs Kathleen Purkis Mr Abdul & Mrs Musrat Qayyum Mr Chee Peng & Mrs Grok Lian Quek Mrs Jacqui Radcliffe Mr Suppiah Ragukaran Mr Takhat & Mrs Aruna Rana Mrs Betty Reece-Jones Dr Cedric & Dr Bernice Ribeiro Mr Andrew Robson Mrs Linda Roofeh Mrs Judith Roscoe Mr Edward & Ms Joanna Ross Captain Gordon & Mrs Lynda Rowley Mr Jeremy & Mrs Jill Russell Mrs Carol & Mr Bernie Russell Mr Asmat & Mrs Tahera Sameja Mr Ravinder Singh & Ms Satinder Sandhu Mr Robert & Mrs Carol Seggie Mr Navin & Mrs Rekha Shah Mr Sharad & Mrs Bhavni Shah Mr Steven & Mrs Helen Sharp Mr Frederick & Mrs Jan Shaylor Mrs Padma Silva Mr Peter Gerhard & Ms Alexandra Simpson Mr Dave & Mrs Barbara Sinclair Mr Kashmir Singh & Ms Satpal Kaur Sirha Mr Richard & Mrs Ann Smout Mrs Sherrine Soysa

Mr Sathan & Mrs Sathyavathany Sri Mr David & Mrs Deborah Stephenson Mr Garrick & Mrs Caroline Steventon Mr Kevin & Mrs Sue Stovell Mr David & Mrs Jennifer Swan Mr Michael & Mrs Andrea Tebbutt Mr Robert & Mrs Nazik Thaddeus Mr Amit & Mrs Monica Thakrar Mrs Lynette Themudo Mr Kumaravelu & Mrs Ratna Kumari Thirunavugarasu Mr Julian & Mrs Alison Thomas Mr Mel & Mrs Elizabeth Thomas Dr Naveed & Mrs Afifa Tippu Mr Paul & Mrs Maureen Todd Dr Philip & Mrs Catherine Toplis Mr Alan & Mrs Corinne Tucker Mr Antony & Mrs Jacqueline Vallance Mr Onno & Mrs Ingrid Van Der Valk Mr Mark & Mrs Susan Varley Mr Vadivel & Mrs Jayaluchimee Venkatasamy Mr Jonathan & Mrs Margaret Venning Dr Nassri Vian & Dr Samir Zebari Mr Joseph Vijay Kumar & Mrs Usha Vijaykumar Mr Alan Goldberg & Mrs Teresa Villalobos Diaz Goldberg Mr Morley & Mrs Sharon Von Sternberg Mr Peter & Mrs Judy Walker Mrs Frances Waller Mr Peter & Mrs Miriam Watson Dr Darshana & Dr Lathika Weerasena Mr Ian & Mrs Geraldine Wellwood Mrs Clare Whittle Mr Geoff Wild Mr Leonardo Williams Mr Chris & Mrs Clare Williams Dr Hywel & Dr Cerilan Williams Mr John & Mrs Harjanti Williams Mr Barrie & Mrs Roxanne Wilson Mr Earl & Mrs Hilda Wilson Mr Stefan & Mrs Alison Winnik Mr Nurez & Mrs Rahana Zaman

Pledged Legacies The College is very grateful to all those individuals who have informed us that they have decided to make an exceptional commitment and have left a gift to the College in their will. We kindly acknowledge their support and thank those who prefer to remain anonymous. The Revd Canon Peter Adams AKC Dr Adesegun Akin-Olugbade Mrs Jemima Atkinson, née Bartlett Dr Richard Melville Ballerand Mr Derek Barbanell Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née Taylor Miss Joan Bernard FKC Ms Mary Bilton The Revd Canon Geoffrey N Bird Dr Clive Bishop FKC Mr John Bradley, Guy’s Mr Mark Brennan AKC Professor Colin Bushnell FKC Ms Maggie Butcher Mr John Callard Professor Sir Graeme Catto FKC Mrs Audrey Chadwick AKC, née Dodds Mrs Catherine Charlish, née Bagley Mrs Sheila Chisman Mr David Churchill, St Thomas’ & Mrs Sonia Churchill, née Carr Professor David Cooper, Guy’s & Mrs Amy Cooper Dr John Cornes AKC Mrs Josephine Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson

Mrs Eileen Croucher AKC, née Sutcliffe Dr Trudi Darby AKC Mr Geoffrey Donald Miss Sheila Downs Mr Paul Elliott & Mr Mick Moore Mrs Jane Evans, née Heron Dr Elizabeth Fagan AKC & Mr David Smith Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman KCMG CBE FKC Mr Roger Gaitley Mr Edward Gledhill, Chelsea College Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC Mrs Dallas Green, née Richardson Mrs Marie-Louise Grosvenor Mr Mark Hardy AKC Mrs Francine Heastie, née McGowan Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Dr Joan Horder Mrs L R Houlston AKC, née Goldsmith Dr Michael Howell Mr Donald Howle Dr Isabel Johnson, St Thomas’ Professor Robert Knecht Dr Alan Lacey Mr Soli Lam, Guy’s Professor John Langdon FKC Dr Mark Langer Miss Sharon Lawrence Dr Derek Layton, Chelsea College Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner Mr Mark Leitch, QEC Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC The Revd Desmond Lockyer AKC Miss Barbara Marsh Mr Stuart McAdam Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray, QEC Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones Mr Herbert Mercer, Guy’s Miss Wendy Mitchell Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née Stokes The Very Revd George Nairn-Briggs AKC Mrs Jennifer Nelson AKC, née Mansfield Dr Kenneth Nicolson, Guy’s Mr Hugh Owen AKC Dr Pauline Parker The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Phillips AKC Mr David Potter AKC Mr Anthony Ramsey AKC Ms Mary Raynes Mr Michael Redfern Miss Kate Redman Miss Anne Rickwood Mrs Vivien Robertson Professor Henry Roseveare Mr Robert Russell Mr John Savage Mr Alan Sealy Mr Geoffrey Shepherd FKC Professor Arnold Sladen The Revd Thomas Slater Mr Norman Spink Mr Geoff Stephenson & Mrs Hilary Stephenson Miss Isobel Stevenson Mr Alister Stewart Mr Sachiho Tanaka Ms Alison Taylor Mr Michael Taylor Mrs Ann Thompson, née Mortimer Mr Keith & Mrs Patricia Thompson Miss Charlotte Townsend Mrs Frances Twambley, née Brown Ms Caroline Usher Mrs Moira Warner, née Connor Dr Pauline Webb AKC FKC Mrs Ruth Webster His Honour Sir Frank White FKC Dr Vincent Whitmarsh MBBS Mr Christopher Williams AKC

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold. This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010.

36 | In Recognition 2009-10

Dr Cyril G Williams, Guy’s The Revd Dr Ian Williams Miss Eileen Willmott AKC Mr Anthony Wills Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC Ms Liu Yang

Legacy and in memoriam gifts The College would like to pay a special tribute to our alumni and friends who sadly passed away recently and most generously left a bequest, or for whom in memoriam gifts were made. The late Mr Maurice Bekhor The late Mrs Helena Brackley Safir, née McRobert The late Mr Peter Broomfield The late Mr William Broomfield The late Dr Elin Carson and Miss Ann Carson The late Mr Marc Cavaciuti The late Dr Mackenzie Cochrane The late Mr James Dickens The late Mr James Dickson The late Mr Horace Fodder The late Mr William Gibson The late Mrs Corinne Graham, née Carmona The late Professor Arthur Hatto FKC The late Mr Raphael Honnor The late Mrs Linda Howle, née Stride The late Dr Helen Hudson FKC The late Mr William Humphreys The late Revd Canon Jenö Kohner AKC The late Mrs Beverley Lade The late Mrs Joan Lewin MBE, née Hole The late Mrs Eileen Lineham, née Thompson The late Dr Robert Logan-Edwards The late Revd Clive Malpass The late Dr John McLean OBE FKC The late Mrs Joy Meacham The late Revd Donald Membery AKC The late Miss Mary Millington The late Professor Thomas Pitt Ford The late Miss Norah Thomas The late Mr Geoffrey Tomlinson The late Mrs Diana Trebble, née Jennings The late Miss Hannah Turner

Event supporters & sponsors We thank those companies and individuals who have sponsored and supported College events by offering financial support, donating services or providing gifts. 3M Health Care Ltd Billericay Dental Supply Co Ltd Claudius Ash Coltene Whaledent Ltd J & S Davies Deloitte Dentsply Ltd The Medical Protection Society Limited NSK United Kingdom Ltd Quality Endodontic Distributors Ltd Septodont Ltd Stirling House Financial Services Limited

We have done our utmost to ensure the information listed here is accurate. If there is anything you would like us to update please email

Edited by Kirsten Munro Stewardship Coordinator Tel +44 (0)20 7848 4721

Designed by Esterson Associates Tel +44 (0)20 7684 6500

Printed by Pureprint November 2010

Cover photograph KCL Radio Station Manager Fran Allfrey, taken by Mischa Haller

In Recognition, HEIST Gold Award winner: Alumni Publication of the Year 2009

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