In Recognition 2010-11

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In Recognition 2010-11

Thank you from the Principal On behalf of faculty, staff and students of King’s College London, thank you for making financial year 2010-11 one of the most remarkable 12-month periods in the history of our College.


lease pause for a few moments to consider these accomplishments of the past year: We launched a £500 million campaign, World questions|King’s answers, a highly ambitious undertaking, with broad goals to advance neuroscience and mental health research and care; to examine and provide solutions to societal issues involving security, international cooperation and governance; and to develop the means to prevent and treat cancer more effectively. We strengthened our level of collaboration with several leading hospitals through King’s Health Partners, which includes South London and Maudsley, King’s College Hospital and Guy’s and St

Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trusts, as well as the College. Researchers and clinicians at our partner institutions now work more closely together than ever before, as we are eliminating traditional barriers between institutions, between divisions within the same institution and between researchers and clinicians. And we continued renovating the East Wing of Somerset House, one of the great Georgian buildings in the heart of London, preparing to open it early next year as our College’s front door to the world. Any of these achievements alone would have made the past year memorable. That we accomplished them all within 12 months was only possible through the generosity of our

alumni and friends who have invested in the future of King’s. Our single greatest achievement, of course, is that we continue to attract and educate bright, motivated students from around the world. In the rapidly changing landscape of higher education, it is more important than ever that we are able to provide bursaries and scholarships to all deserving students. As you consider ways you can support King’s, I ask that you remember the young women and men who want to enrol in our College. I hope you enjoy this issue of In Recognition. Thank you again for your generous support. Professor Sir Richard Trainor Principal & President

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Cover: members of the King’s Players performing in The Rivals, with support from the Annual Fund. Left, motor neurones photographed as part of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research at the Institute of Psychiatry

In Recognition 2010-11 | 1

phil sayer

The impact of World questions|King’s answers is felt across the College’s campuses, around the globe and even in Earth’s orbit. Clockwise from left: developing treatments for Parkinson’s disease; drafting policies that will encourage nations to use space for peaceful purposes; documenting crimes governments commit against their citizenry; carrying out clinical trials to help people suffering from advanced Squamous cell carcinoma; and working with young men and women in the African Leadership Centre

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One year on from its public launch, World questions|King’s answers helps fuel the College’s global vision


Campaign Update

King’s asked, alumni and friends answered

he CEO of one of India’s largest corporations, a family with decades’ history of supporting neuroscience research and a new friend of the College who knew little about King’s until a year ago. These individuals and nearly 4,000 other alumni, friends and institutions were part of World questions|King’s answers during the past year, generously making gifts of all sizes, from a few pounds to a seven-figure donation to help establish one of the College’s new countryspecific institutes. When the College publicly launched the £500 million campaign in November 2010, the Principal & President, Professor Sir Richard Trainor, emphasised the need for bold thinking and equally bold financial commitment, saying universities such as King’s are positioned to address many of the most pressing issues facing humanity. ‘The view from King’s is now a global one. That view is also reflected in our new and ambitious fundraising campaign,’ he stated. The call to support research into issues of global significance resonated with alumni and friends. King’s received more than 3,900 campaign gifts during the 2010-11 financial year, totalling £33 million. The campaign’s three priority areas – Neuroscience & mental health, Leadership & society and Cancer – attracted strong interest from foundations and

The number of giving circle members has reached an all-time high.

Institute. This contribution by the Avantha Group and its Chairman, Gautam Thapar, will endow the directorship post at the Institute and support its mission to become a world-leading centre for global engagement with contemporary India. Mrs Lily Safra FKC, a longtime supporter of King’s, made

Campaign Update

trusts in the UK and across the globe. Supporting the College’s Annual Fund, which provides grants to student organisations and academic initiatives, encouraged many alumni to support the campaign. The number of giving circle members – alumni and friends who contribute £1,000 or more in a financial year – reached an all-time high. Total giving alone, however, doesn’t capture the breadth of gifts. Donations received during the past financial year included these examples of generosity: The Avantha Group, one of India’s leading business conglomerates, pledged £3.5 million to create the Avantha Chair in the College’s India

a €1 million gift to advance Parkinson’s research by funding three fellows for five years. These fellowships will focus on three aspects of Parkinson’s: increasing the understanding of the neurobiology behind the disease; extending work into imaging models of the disease; and evaluating hopeful candidate compounds towards drug discovery. Establishment of the Edmond and Lily Safra Research Fellows will support the brightest young scientists at a critical stage in their careers so that they can become independent researchers. (See page 12 to learn more.) The Moulton Charitable Foundation made a gift of £509,000 to support a clinical

trial that will develop a new therapeutic approach for those suffering from advanced Squamous cell carcinoma, a glandular disorder that can lead to a severe form of cancer; it strikes 600,000 people globally each year. ‘I have always had a great interest in funding clinical trials, especially trials that are innovative and with the potential to provide huge patient benefit,’ says Jon Moulton, a trustee of the foundation. Retired engineer John Graham went searching on the internet for a place to make a gift in memory of his late father, who operated a chemist’s shop in the Springburn district of Glasgow and who suffered from

Gifts of all sizes are essential to the success of World questions | King’s answers.

bipolar disorder. He came across the World questions|King’s answers website as he hunted for an institution committed to neuroscience research. Although unfamiliar with King’s prior to last year, he learned about the campaign and made a £10,000 gift to the College. Gifts at all levels were impressive and critically

Avantha Group endows India Institute chair

Made possible through the generosity of alumni and friends, King’s will open the doors of the renovated Somerset House East Wing in early 2012, inviting the world inside to explore a unique centre for cultural and creative activities. With its meeting, conference and exhibition spaces, the refurbished East Wing will benefit the entire College community. The School of Law will reside in the upper floors of the building. For many alumni, friends and guests to Somerset House, the lower floors of the East Wing will offer the most intriguing reasons to visit this renovated London landmark. They will house the new cultural centre, bringing together artists, actors and academics in a setting that will nurture collaborative endeavours involving King’s and other institutions. ‘We already have exciting relationships with London’s internationally acclaimed centres of artistic and cultural endeavour – Southbank Centre, the British Museum and Shakespeare’s Globe, to name just three. Our new cultural centre will be the opportunity to

King’s will officially launch its India Institute in January and will be in the enviable position of doing so with an endowed directorship, made possible through the generosity of the Avantha Group and its Chairman, Gautam Thapar. Based in India and operating in more than 10 countries with 20,000 employees, the Avantha Group has awarded King’s £3.5 million to create the Avantha Chair, who will be responsible for advancing the India Institute’s goal to become the leading international centre for the study of contemporary India. The Institute and its faculty will aim to combine research and academic scholarship with active engagement with the Indian and international policy community. Apart from its MA and PhD degree programmes, the India Institute will offer lectures, presentations and other events for the entire College community and everyone interested in India. The first holder of the Avantha Chair will be India Institute Director Professor Sunil Khilnani. ‘Avantha invests in leaders and institutions, and strongly believes in contemporary relevance as it continues to support pioneering

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Renovation of the East Wing has revealed architectural details unseen for decades

strengthen these partnerships and establish new ones,’ says the Principal & President, Professor Sir Richard Trainor. The new cultural space is tentatively named the Inigo Centre for Research and Creativity, in honour of the 17th century architect and theatre designer Inigo Jones. It will be the College’s principal hub for a mix of engaging, innovative cultural activities, housing several individuals and organizations: King’s artist-in-residence; the

Performance Foundation, which explores the theory and practice behind performance and examines how performance skills are needed for all professions; and a director of cultural programming who will create collaborations across the campuses and with other institutions. To learn more about the renovation of the East Wing of Somerset House, please visit somersethouse

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Inigo: a new cultural space in a glorious, historic setting

and leading initiatives such as the India Institute’s Avantha Chair,’ says Chairman Thapar. ‘The Institute’s vision dovetails with our belief that a holistic and nuanced understanding of contemporary India is essential to explore and fruitfully engage with India. It is also vitally important for India to develop new tools, strategies and outlook in its dealings with the international community.’ The College’s India Institute will focus on India-related activities across a range of academic, cultural and practical disciplines. Developing an understanding of India in its global context, and advancing the profile of Indian studies within King’s and across the research community in the UK and Europe, the Institute is equally committed to links with Indian organisations in education, the cultural and creative sectors, business and government. The highly diversified Avantha Group has business interests in power transmission and distribution equipment and services, paper and pulp, energy and infrastructure, food processing, chemicals

To learn more about the campaign and how you can be part of it, please visit kingsanswers

India Institute Director Professor Sunil Khilnani

important to the campaign’s success. Gifts of less than £100 accounted for £204,500 received during the past fiscal year. (And for all campaign giving to date, gifts of less than £100 have totalled more than £1 million.) ‘Gifts of all sizes are essential to the success of World questions|King’s answers,’ says Gemma Peters, Executive Director of Fundraising & Supporter Development. ‘It has been gratifying in the past year to see so many members of the King’s community – many of them new members to our community – come forward and help King’s address several of our planet’s most difficult problems.’

and information technology. Its companies include Crompton Greaves, a global leader in the management and application of electrical energy, and Ballarpur Industries, India’s largest paper manufacturer. The Avantha Group has a long history of supporting education, community development and healthcare. ‘I am truly delighted that we have received this magnificent gift of support from Gautam Thapar and the Avantha Group,’ says Professor Khilnani. ‘It’s a testament to his own vision and sense that the worlds of thought and practical action have to be closely engaged in defining India’s future – a future that will itself be defining of global possibilities – and it’s also an endorsement of our own commitment at the India Institute to establish a productive dialogue between objective research and urgent policy issues.’ Two other institutes at King’s, focusing on Brazil and China, are also receiving funds through the campaign.

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Making two plus two equal six


ing’s Health Partners is a case study in the compelling potential of integration – or, as its Executive Director Professor Robert Lechler neatly puts it, ‘the opportunity to make two and two equal six’. One of only five Academic Health Sciences Centres in the whole of the UK, the partnership combines all of King’s biomedical activities into a single powerhouse designed to be even greater than the sum of its illustrious parts. In some ways, the partnership – comprised of the College and the NHS Foundation Trusts for King’s College Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’, and South London and Maudsley – was a partnership ‘waiting to happen’, says Professor Lechler. ‘We have enjoyed two decades of enormous discovery in biomedical research: the whole human genome has been sequenced and much of the proteome has been defined too, for example. Therefore, it becomes all the more imperative that we translate these discoveries into patient benefit at the fastest possible rate.’ This driver has spurred much interest, both nationally and internationally, in the creation of more closely integrated partnerships between universities and hospitals. The result in the UK was a ‘furious

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competition’, run by the Department of Health in 2008, to create a new breed of Academic Health Sciences Centres. ‘There were 17 applicants and we were one of the five fortunate winners,’ says Professor Lechler. This still relatively fresh partnership is the latest page in a rich history, he says. ‘All the hospitals that are part of King’s Health Partners have a very proud tradition. And, unusually compared to other centres, all three hospital trusts are NHS Foundation Trusts, which is an indication of their quality of service and their financial performance.’ There is plenty more that makes the partnership special. ‘The central part played by a mental health trust and its academic partner – South London and Maudsley and the Institute of Psychiatry – is undoubtedly a distinguishing feature. One of our key commitments is to more closely

The Institute of Psychiatry at Denmark Hill

integrate mental and physical healthcare, breaking the traditional mould of separate teams in separate places. ‘Today, the Institute of Psychiatry is without peer in Europe and is second in the world in terms of citations in mental health research. Its exciting work includes defining biomarkers for dementia that will pave the way for earlier intervention, and brain scans that detect autism in children, again allowing better targeting for early intervention and care.’ This pioneering work interconnects with the worldclass child healthcare offered at the Evelina Children’s Hospital, part of Guy’s and St Thomas’, as well as clinical services provided by King’s College Hospital. Clearly, integration is an underlying feature throughout. ‘We have chosen to adopt an inclusive approach meaning “everything is in” – all the biomedical research, clinical care, health education and training – with the aim of inculcating a common culture aspiring to excellence and innovation across the whole of our landscape,’ he says. ‘And it’s a big landscape – more than 25,000 staff and a turnover of £2 billion – so that inclusive approach is distinctive.’ In addition, King’s Health

alfredo falvo

An ambitious partnership in medicine aims to break down barriers and accelerate the development of new treatments

Partners involves components of the College that sit outside the health schools. ‘There is a lot of interest in social sciences in health, and in law ethics and medicine, and there is a strong presence in medical humanities on the Strand Campus. There are even connections between War Studies and our global health activities

in post-conflict countries.’ The partnership’s integration isn’t yet complete; it’s continuing and getting ever closer. ‘Our latest innovation is our structure. We are migrating the large majority of our activities into 21 clinical academic groups, each of which is a business unit of around £100 million turnover per

Robert Lechler: King’s Health Partners is taking an inclusive approach

annum in its own right. For example, the cardiovascular group comprises all the cardiovascular services of Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts and King’s College London.’ A demonstration that King’s Health Partners is on the right track came with the Department of Health’s recent announcement that it will pledge more that £112 million over the next five years to fund two National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centres and a new Biomedical Research Unit for Dementia. ‘This funding will allow us to continue to do much of the translational research that I’ve just been talking about,’ says Professor Lechler. ‘It’s recognition that we are in the premiership.’ These are exciting times – and challenging too. Integrating such an enormous operation is a huge task, but Professor Lechler is undaunted. ‘We have a huge amount of talent here. Bringing all the bits together to really work effectively is enormously exciting. I often describe my job as persuading people to trade autonomy for success. Nobody wants to trade too much autonomy but if the prize is big enough then you do.’ In Recognition 2010-11 | 7

One day in the life of an electives student

24 remarkable hours 03.30

My alarm rings; I need to leave the house by 4.00 to catch the bus.


Morning handover at the public hospital. The senior consultant suffers from insomnia, so we shall all suffer with him.


Seminar with senior doctors.


I have already sutured a scalp wound from a machete fight, chased up an orthopedic surgeon to manipulate a displaced glenoid-humeral fracture and written up all the notes for my remaining patients (who were stable, thankfully).


Conference at the private hospital – on the opposite side of town, of course.


Ward round in oncology, followed by an oncology multidisciplinary team meeting.


Afternoon handover in public hospital: I take on the same patients as in the morning by checking vital signs and examining them. I write up all my observations in their notes.


All hell breaks loose as three ambulances rush in with survivors from a motorcycletruck accident. Then a prisoner is brought in by police after he jumped from the fifth floor of a building while wearing handcuffs. Finally, a jolly man comes in with a bloody hand and four fingers in a grocery bag. He explains that he cheated in a game of cards with his friends, so they cut his fingers off.


Adrenaline is pumping furiously as more and more patients pour in. We treat cases of domestic violence, stabbings and, as midnight strikes, shootings. Cali is the firearms murder capital of the world.


The day is still not over, but I manage to catch a cab home, have some food, take a shower and go back to the hospital.

In one of the world’s most dangerous cities, a King’s student learns new ways to practice medicine

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arriving from all over the surrounding areas for free health care. Knowing that health inequality is a big problem in developing countries, I decided to explore both worlds at the same time to get a fuller picture. What I have learned from this cannot simply be transcribed here; I would need a book to write it all. The experience is best captured by an account of one day I had while on the placement. (See next page.) It was interesting to see medicine being practiced in a different way. For example, in A&E most of the management of gunfire victims was to stabilize

Marta D’auria enjoys a quiet moment during an otherwise frenetic elective experience; exploring other cultures socially is an important part of an elective

Cali, Colombia is the firearms murder capital of the world

and watch, postponing any surgery until it was deemed necessary. This meant that most patients left the hospital with bullets still in them, but alive. Aggressive surgery was frowned upon, while in the West we seem to think that we cannot afford to leave our patients walking around with some extra metal. From what I have seen, the wait-and-see approach was very



arta D’auria, who just completed her medical studies at King’s, participated in an overseas elective during the past year, working at two hospitals in Cali, Colombia. She was able to able to take this elective in part thanks to support from Santander. Here, in her own words, is a glimpse of D’auria’s experience. I spent six weeks of my eight-week medical elective working in two hospitals in Cali, Colombia. Specifically I worked at the Fundacion Vale del Lili, an avant-garde private hospital with state-of-the-art technology, which takes on the most challenging medical cases – presented by people with insurance, of course – from the whole of southern Colombia. At the same time I also worked at the Hospital Universitario del Valle, a public hospital with scarce resources, which was constantly in a state of war-like crisis due to the massive volume of patients

successful. It was good to pick up tricks from doctors in Colombia and amalgamate my knowledge from a western point of view, knowing that there are strengths and faults on both sides. Of course, apart from the gruelling hospital work there were also fiestas and plenty of good fun. But what happened on those wards stands out above all else. It was a growing

experience, and a very challenging one at that. Not only did it open my eyes, but it showed me possible career options for the future. I will definitely try to come back to Cali. It enchanted me. Santander’s financial help was vital for me to experience all this. I want to thank Santander sincerely for their generosity.

And that was my first day.

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Nicholas and Matti Egon: a quarter century of support During a recent lunch with the Principal, artist Nicholas Egon and his wife Matti spoke about the significant role they have played in the promotion and support of Hellenic studies during the past 25 years

Nicholas: In 1949 I was invited to Greece to help draw attention to the plight of Greece during the Civil War. With letters of introduction to Queen Frederika, I travelled to Tatoi, the royal country house. The Queen looked at my sketchbook and asked me to do her portrait. I protested that I had never done a portrait, but during the next few days I drew the whole family. The King sent me to the front where I observed the last two battles of the Civil War. The drawings I made there served as material for my Greek War Memorial paintings, which were exhibited in London, together with the portraits – the critics, who usually despise portraits, singled out my drawing of Princess Sophia, aged 11, now the Queen of Spain. How did you first come to be involved with King’s?

Nicholas: Monty Woodhouse, then visiting professor, invited 10 | In Recognition 2010-11

us to King’s to see the Greek department and library. Dame Averil Cameron, after her inaugural lecture as professor of Late Antique & Byzantine Studies, spoke of her plans to found a Centre for Hellenic Studies. I offered to help by inviting a number of international scholars to be patrons. To my surprise, they elected me Chairman. When did you first start supporting King’s?

Nicholas: At the Centre for Hellenic Studies’ first major event in the Great Hall I announced that I had been allowed to establish an annual lecture in honour of my friend Sir Steven Runciman, which I have sponsored ever since. The lectures were to be on Hellenism of all periods in relation to other cultures. In 1990 the first speaker was Spyros Vrionis, head of the Centre for Hellenic Studies at the Onassis Foundation in New York. The lecture has

The 21st Annual Runciman Lecture will take place on 2 February 2012. For more information on this and on the Centre for Hellenic Studies, please visit www.kcl. depts/chs

continued to feature Hellenists of international renown and is now as popular as ever in its 21st year. I have pledged £300,000 in my will to ensure the lecture and the dinner at the Athenaeum will continue in perpetuity. Matti: I was a founding member and first Chair of the Greek Archaeological Committee UK, created in the autumn of 1986, the 150th anniversary of the Greek Archaeological Society. Since then, we have organised two lectures annually in London, presenting new archaeological material to the British academic community. Of the 45 lectures given, 27 have taken place at King’s. You also support students directly?

Matti: Yes, the Greek Archaeological Committee UK, apart from its lectures, does offer scholarships to students of Hellenic origin wishing to do post-graduate studies in British universities. So far, 32 students have been helped, of whom five studied at King’s.

michael donald

Where does your interest in the Hellenic world stem from?

In Recognition 2010-11 | 11

Taking on Parkinson’s

Two awards for two leaders



hrough the generosity of Mrs Lily Safra FKC, three young researchers will soon launch their careers as Parkinson’s disease researchers. With funding assured for five years, these three Edmond and Lily Safra Research Fellows will gain the experience needed to launch their careers as researchers able to sustain their activities through research grant income. The €1 million gift will strengthen King’s internationally recognised Parkinson’s research by building the College’s long-term capacity in three distinct but inter-related areas of Parkinson’s disease research: The neurobiology of Parkinson’s will leverage

King’s experience in gene identification in motor neuron disease to investigate the genetics of Parkinson’s. Imaging Parkinson’s pathology will extend work into imaging models of Parkinson’s pathology, and will enable researchers to better understand the causes and consequences of cell degeneration. Parkinson’s drug discovery will evaluate several promising compounds which have been found to be neuro-protective as the base for development of new drugs. Parkinson’s is a particularly important campaign priority, as it is a devastating neurological condition for which no one can yet offer hope of a cure.

nnounced during Alumni Weekend, the College’s Annual Giving Award recognises the outstanding philanthropic support of King’s alumni. The Principal was delighted

to present the award to two recipients this year. Dr Shafik Sachedina (Guy’s, Dentistry, 1975) received the award in recognition of his longstanding support of King’s Dental The Principal congratulates Dr Shafik Sachedina during Alumni Weekend; above, Professor Peter Emery

The Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute is scheduled to open in 2013

King’s has just broken ground on the 7,700-squaremetre Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute. The Institute will bring together researchers currently working in disparate locations and advance the understanding of neurobiology.

Institute and School of Medicine. His gifts to King’s includes creation of the Sachedina Family Fund Elective Awards, which help dental and medical students who want to participate in unique electives as part of their studies. The second recipient was Professor Peter Emery, Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at King’s. An alumnus himself, he carried out his master’s and PhD in nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College, completing his studies in 1980. A committed supporter of the College, he has made regular gifts to the Annual Fund during the past two decades.

Our news What giving means to me

Christopher Mitchinson

Anne Kenshole

Why do you support the campaign?

I see a new world order emerging with major economic and political powers outside the North Atlantic periphery, which will require a radical reappraisal of what has seemed the natural order of things for the last few centuries. King’s is an academic leader in studying

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and understanding our changing world. On a personal level, I was very impressed by the quality of the teaching and rigour of my course. What is your happiest King’s memory?

I sat for my final examination on my 60th birthday and to realise that I had managed to stay the course was very satisfying.

What benefits do universities offer society?

Apart from the obvious practical benefits of training professionals and undertaking basic research, the university offers society an intelligent and active memory bank. If you could improve one thing at King’s what would it be?

It may be a grumpy old man thing but the return of near silence in libraries would be bliss!

suki dhanda

Christopher Mitchinson earned a degree in history after a successful career in international financial markets. A supporter of the World questions|King’s answers campaign, he continues doing some consulting work in the financial sector.

Professor Anne Kenshole earned her undergraduate degree from Guy’s and taught medicine for many years at the University of Toronto, where she is now professor emeritus. During the past year she established the Kenshole Family Scholarship Fund to help two students annually.

What inspired you to set up a scholarship fund?

Why do you support the Medical School?

Too many good memories to list but singing in the choir, participating in the annual residents’ play and, on the infrequent

My family’s connection with Guy’s goes back almost a century. My mother and father trained there, and my father was on the staff. My brother and I were christened in the Guy’s Chapel.

No one who wants to become a doctor should be prevented from doing so because of financial limitation. What is your happiest Guy’s memory?

occasions that the sun shone through the polluted air of Southwark, sunbathing in the park. What benefits do universities offer society?

For the students, the opportunity to explore the depths and breadths of knowledge. For those doing research, the opportunity to expand and share knowledge for knowledge’s sake. For teachers, the opportunity to inspire and guide the brightest and best.

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nikolas barkas

What giving means to me

A big thank you to alumni volunteers



ong-time supporters of the Dental Institute, Michael and Avni Lee – who both graduated from Guy’s with degrees in dentistry – in the past year agreed to continue funding a pair of awards that encourage students to achieve excellence in their studies. The Michael & Avni Lee Elective Award assists talented students who wish to undertake an elective to study abroad. This year’s recipient, Raam Parmar, spent two weeks at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine shadowing postdoctoral, third-year students. During this time, he attended lectures, seminars and practical sessions to experience some of the finest dental

teaching America has to offer. The Lees also encourage excellence in dental coursework. The MSO Lee Crown & Bridgework Prize provides a generous award for the best presentation of crown coursework by a third-year student. ‘We are pleased that Michael and Avni Lee have generously given these awards to the Dental Institute,’ says Stephen Challacombe, Vice Dean and Director of External Strategy and Development. ‘We regard it as essential for an international school to help our students experience dentistry in other countries. Awards from our alumni, such as the Lee awards, allow

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Giving to encourage excellence

Electives can bring King’s students to places such as Harvard

them to do this. Dentistry is all about technical skills as well as personal skills and we are delighted to have the Lee prize recognising this.’

rom sharing career advice with students to organising Duel Day celebrations with their classmates, alumni volunteers are an essential part of a vibrant College community. King’s alumni assist in recruiting students to the College, fine-tune students’ employment skills and connect with fellow alumni around the world. Specifically, King’s alumni volunteers during the past year: Provided

Duel Day celebrations wouldn’t be possible without volunteers

career advice and mentoring to more than 1,000 students by speaking at careers events, networking with students, offering internships and joining mentoring programmes Helped more than 20 students develop their business ideas and entrepreneurial spirit through King’s Business Lion’s Den and King’s College London Business Club’s IdeaBox Recruited new students by attending more than 25 recruitment events around the world, from Kazakhstan to Kuala Lumpur Organised special reunion events to celebrate graduation

anniversaries, ranging from 10 years to 50 years, attended by over 500 alumni Met with more than 525 students who are about to join King’s at events around the world to warmly welcome them into the College community Provided a point of contact for alumni in over 60 countries, from Switzerland to Singapore

• • •

Organised 10 Duel Day celebration events in 10 countries for 120 alumni to mark the founding of the College Organised lectures, black-tie dinners, culinary demonstrations, fencing contests, museum visits and informal after-work drinks for their fellow alumni based all around the world.

Our news What giving means to me

What giving means to me

Ilya Kachkovskiy

Tina Challacombe

What funding did you receive?

I’ve received generous support from the King’s Annual Fund and King’s Overseas Research Studentships. How have you used the funding?

To pay tuition fees and cover my living expenses. The money has enabled me to be involved in research fulltime, which would not be possible otherwise. How has it made a difference to

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your life and studies?

I was able to move to London, which is one of the world centres for my research topic. Living here is an invaluable life experience. Why did you choose to study at King’s?

The research group in spectral theory is one of the strongest in the world.

The opportunity to study with some of the foremost thinkers in the field was an opportunity I could not pass up.

Dr Tina Challacombe graduated from Guy’s Hospital with a medical degree in 1969 and was Principal of a large group practice in Greenwich for many years. She is an Honorary Senior Teaching Fellow at the Primary Care Department of the Medical School. She is an active volunteer, involved with the Maxine Hallworth Scholarship Fund and the John Fry at Guy’s Scholarship Fund.

What are your career plans?

Currently I’m planning to pursue an academic career, but first I need to produce a good PhD thesis. If you were given a million pounds to spend on King’s how would you use it?

I would probably establish more scholarships for PhD students to attract talented people.

suki dhanda(2)

Ilya Kachkovskiy is in his second year of studies toward a combined master’s and PhD in pure mathematics.

Why do you support these funds?

I support the

Maxine Hallworth Scholarship Fund because it enables students to engage in the sporting and social roles of the Rugby Club while pursuing their medical or dental degree. Recent recipients of the fund have noted how important rugby is for their academic success as it provides a useful chance to relieve stress in a constructive way. I support the John Fry scholarship because it helps students who

need financial assistance in these difficult times. I’m currently chairing the John Fry at Guy’s Reunion Committee, which organises annual reunions for Guy’s alumni. What is your happiest memory from your time at Guy’s?

My happiest memory has to be meeting my future husband Stephen. How did your time at Guy’s influence your career path?

After qualification I worked in a hospital in Greenwich that was linked to Guy’s. It was here I met the doctors who became my partners in general practice.

In Recognition 2010-11 | 15

Classics students explore Turkey

penthouse apartments, if not better.’ The six-day trip was both exhilarating and exhausting – it featured a 14-hour coach journey on the penultimate day – but ultimately unforgettable for these undergraduates who had read so much about the ancient societies that once flourished in what is now modern Turkey. ‘Going to Troy and Ephesus, which were the highlights of the trip, would not have been possible without the Jeeves Travel Bursary, and so, from everyone on the trip, we would like to thank Mr Jeeves,’ wrote Theodora Redvers Harris. ‘Visiting some of the sites we spent so much time studying was fantastic, and that the King’s College London Classics Society can offer these trips is part of what makes the Classics Department at King’s such an enjoyable and lively place to study.’



hanks in part to a travel bursary established by alumnus Brian Jeeves, 10 members of the King’s College London Classics Society travelled to Turkey in June, visiting sites such as the spectacular Aya Sofya in Istanbul and the battlefields of Troy. The Jeeves Travel Bursary was created to cover a portion of travel expenses for students on trips related to their classical studies. For these students, the bursary allowed them to see and touch ancient landmarks they had read about. ‘At Troy I was able to see Schliemann’s famous trench and to appreciate its size and position as well as the span of occupations there, from a 3,000 BC cave through to Roman levels. The best bit about visiting Troy, however, was the very real sense of its geographical location, its defensibility and the extent of the famous plains,’ wrote student Lucinda Lycett. Her fellow student Christopher Edwards said Ephesus, an important city for both ancient Greece and Rome, stood out as the highlight of the trip. ‘Inside this monumental ancient site, the opportunity to see the process of reconstructing terrace houses was incredible. It was like being in a workshop seeing the archaeologists and restorers working together to recreate some amazing houses, which would be on par today to the standard of luxury

Left, Classics Society students at the remains in Ephesus; above, Istanbul’s Aya Sofya

The Jeeves Travel Bursary supports students who want to explore the remains of ancient societies 16 | In Recognition 2010-11

In Recognition 2010-11 | 17

A fund made possible through philanthropy touches lives across all of King’s campuses


hether learning on an advanced piece of machinery, training on modern fitness equipment or enjoying a play produced by their peers, thousands of students benefit every year from the Annual Fund, which is made possible through the generosity of alumni and friends.

The College announced 26 Annual Fund grants in July, distributing a total of £160,000 to student organisations and academic programmes to improve curricular and extracurricular activities, with an additional £155,000 directed to scholarships. Here is a glimpse of three grant recipients selected this year, chosen from more than 70 applications.

The cast of The Rivals, presented at the Camden Fringe Festival

The King’s Players King’s students have always excelled in the arts as an extracurricular activity and this past year was no exception. The King’s Players, a KCLSU society, brought their talent back home to London after successfully piloting a production of Waiting for Lefty at 2010 Edinburgh Fringe

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science photo library

joe rizzo-naudi

StrandLives The Strandlines Digital Community, established in 2006 by the Centre for LifeWriting Research, is an online archive of stories, articles and pictures that reflect the individual experiences and memories of the Strand’s past and present residents, workers and visitors. A second initiative – StrandLives, a series of six lectures or dialogues begun this autumn – has been designed to draw more attention to some of the luminaries who have lived or worked on the Strand. ‘StrandLives was thought of as a continuation of Strandlines but moving in a more historical direction,’ says English Professor Max Saunders, one of the project’s creators.


Supporting creative pursuits and excellence

Festival. In August they led their own production of Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s The Rivals at the Camden Fringe Festival. With help from the Annual Fund, the King’s Players have been able to share their passion for theatre beyond King’s, with the aim of drawing in the local community to see future performances. The troupe staged a full-scale production and each aspect of it, from acting to stage direction to lighting to wardrobe, was executed by a student member of the society. ‘Knowing that we had backing from the Annual Fund, and so weren’t gambling with our society’s financial future, allowed us to be bolder and more courageous in our decision-making, enabling us to fully realise our initial creative vision,’ says Jon Barton, one of the show’s directors. ‘The show achieved strong ticket sales, good word-of-mouth and unanimously positive reviews; we’re hugely grateful to King’s and all its benefactors and supporters for the role they played in our success.’

The Blitz added a dark chapter to the history of the Strand, above; below, a neonate manikin

With support from the Annual Fund, speakers and topics in the series include Professor Patrick Wright talking about the Iron Curtain, a political metaphor with ties to the Strand area, and Royal Academy of Arts Chief Executive Charles Saumarez Smith reflecting on when the Royal Academy was based in Somerset House. Professor Saunders says StrandLives will teach students how to conduct oral history interviews. He says he hopes alumni will learn more about the project – with information available at www. – and agree to be interviewed about their experiences along one of London’s most famous streets.

HALnewborn More than 800 medical, nursing and midwifery students in the coming year will be able to practise their clinical skills on a life-replicating manikin, as part of an undergraduate inter-professional simulation programme. Specifically, the Gaumard Noelle manikin will simulate childbirth, providing

students with the experience of working together to deliver a baby. The fully functioning neonate manikin – called ‘HAL newborn’ – will be used independently to teach neonatal resuscitation. This remarkable manikin breathes, has a pulse and generates blood pressure and oxygen saturation, meaning it can be used to train students in monitoring pressure and oxygen levels with real equipment. ‘The obstetric and neonatal simulation manikin will enable students to gain invaluable experience that will not only enhance their learning but develop their clinical decisionmaking, confidence and ultimately fitness to practice,’ says Samantha Bassett, Lecturer in Midwifery and Women’s Health. The manikin will also assist in teaching the ‘softer’ side of health care in terms of clinical communication between patients, relatives and health professionals and communication within teams. Acquisition of the manikin was made possible in part due to an Annual Fund grant to the Simulation and Interactive Learning Centre at St Thomas’. In Recognition 2010-11 | 19

julian anderson

Scholarship recipients from yesterday and today say thanks In their own words, a recent graduate and a current student talk about the importance of scholarships

Present Scholar Miklos Halasz is currently studying for his MA in Conflict, Security and Development. Earlier this year he was working multiple part-time jobs and struggling to make ends meet. Fortunately, a scholarship from an anonymous donor provided vital support. This year, alongside studying full-time for my master’s, I have had to juggle several part-time jobs in order to support myself. I had a total of five part-time jobs and suddenly found myself in great financial difficulty when, due to unforeseen circumstances, I lost three of my jobs over the 20 | In Recognition 2010-11

course of just a month. It was an extremely stressful time, particularly as I was unable to meet the last instalment of my halls of residence fees and understandably I found it extremely difficult to focus on my studies. The scholarship I received did far more than pay off my halls of residence obligation; it gave me the peace of mind I needed to concentrate on my studies and prepare for my exams. In this current climate it is important to achieve your true potential in order to be as well-equipped as possible for your future career. It has been an invaluable help to be free from the distraction of financial

Miklos Halasz says financial support provided much-needed peace of mind

worries. My studies are going extremely well and upon leaving King’s I hope to make a career working for an international organisation preventing violent conflicts and encouraging peaceful conflict resolutions. As well as providing much-needed financial aid, this scholarship has been a fantastic motivator, acting as a constant reminder that other people believe in and value my studies; there can be no greater encouragement than that. This support has shown me just how valuable scholarships are and I will work my hardest to make the same positive contribution to young people’s lives in the future. In Recognition 2010-11 | 21

Circle donors approach the million pound mark Their support allows the College to meet its most pressing needs and launch innovative initiatives

Past Scholar In 2008 Luke Styles received a prestigious ACE Scholarship for Young Composers, funded by ACE Cultural Tours. This scholarship allowed him to study for a Master of Music under the guidance of composer George Benjamin, Henry Purcell Professor of Composition at King’s. Since completing his degree Styles has gone on to have a hugely successful career as a composer. The ACE Scholarship allowed me to take the time needed to focus solely on writing music and attending academic classes. I produced a large body of work during 22 | In Recognition 2010-11

A scholarship helped launch Luke Styles’s career

that year due to the financial freedom that this scholarship gave me. I was able to take on more commissions and collaborative projects with theatres and artists. I was offered the opportunity to write for professional ensembles, giving my music a professional UK platform. Working with George Benjamin, an extraordinary composer and teacher, has undoubtedly been one of the high points of my career. Since leaving King’s my career as a composer has gone from strength to strength. I currently teach composition at the Junior Trinity Conservatoire of Music and am Artistic Director of

Ensemble Amorpha, my own London-based chamber music ensemble dedicated to bringing contemporary music from around the world to the UK. I am currently writing a piece for the Sydney Omega Ensemble that will be premiered at the Sydney Opera House in February 2012 and I think this will be quite a buzz, being an Australian. Most recently, I received the fantastic news that I have been appointed Young Composer in Residence at Glyndebourne for the next two to three years. Being supported by prestigious scholarships such as the ACE Scholarship has given me real belief in my music.

mischa haller (2)


n 2006, the Principal & President, Professor Sir Richard Trainor, launched the Principal’s Circle, the first of three pioneering leadership giving clubs established to recognise the outstanding support of alumni and friends who donate £1,000 or more to the greatest needs of the College each year. Five years on, and with the creation of the Dental and Medical Circles in 2007, King’s is pleased to report that this important community of donors has contributed £950,000 to the College, a transformative sum that has enhanced and enriched the student experience. Starting with eight individuals in 2006, membership in the circles had grown to 158 by the close of the 2010-11 financial year, including members from as far afield as Mauritius, Malaysia and California. Their support to the Annual and Discretionary Funds ensures King’s students continue to receive the benefits of a first-class university experience. Circle members are invited to an annual event for donors. This year’s reception featured representatives from a variety of circle-supported projects, who shared how alumni donations have allowed their projects to flourish. Such support has taken the form of purchasing new equipment for KCL Radio and

Gifts from circle members support the Annual Fund, which has provided grants to projects such as KCL Radio

covering the start-up costs of the innovative student-run King’s Law Review, a publication giving space to the best legal writing of students at King’s School of Law and other UK law undergraduates. The breadth and impact of such support is enormous, and students and staff

are grateful that these important leadership giving clubs are championing the cause for philanthropic giving at King’s. As the College looks forward to the next five years, support from circle donors will play an ever greater and more integral role in enhancing King’s reputation as a university of international excellence. The College, on behalf of the Principal, deans and all staff and students who have benefited from the circles, thanks all donors for their generous support. To learn more about the circles, please call +44 (0)20 7848 4701 or email In Recognition 2010-11 | 23

How every gift leads to exciting outcomes at King’s College London

4 donors each giving £300

Are providing financial assistance to students attending the University of London Summer School to improve their Latin and ancient Greek, and they’re also helping the Classics Society increase the print run of its newspaper, Satyrica.

7 donors each giving £100

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Fernando Volken Togni

Chain reaction

45 donors each giving £55 Have enabled the purchase of bicycles and wetsuits for the KCL Triathlon Club, which has improved access to a sport that can be prohibitively expensive for many students.

20 donors each giving £24 per month over a year

These investments raise the profile of Classics at King’s and encourage both prospective and current students to take classes in Latin and Greek.

Have enabled the Dental Institute to purchase two cameras for the Department of Restorative Dentistry to use as part of its chair-side teaching.

Have provided students training in cardiovascular pharmacology with the best dissecting equipment with which to learn to perform heart perfusion and the measurement of cardiac contractile and electrical function.

Together with the planned refurbishment of the pharmacology teaching lab this year, these gifts ensure that students have access to the modern equipment and facilities required to learn and perfect these surgical procedures.

By making this equipment available, more King’s students will enter triathlons, helping to raise the College’s profile in one of the fastest growing and increasingly high-profile sporting activities.

The installation of cameras linked to the operating microscopes allows tutors to observe students carrying out clinical treatments requiring great precision, enabling them to provide better feedback and enhance the teaching experience.

70 donors each giving £30

The camcorder and journal will enhance the KCL Think Tank Society’s ability to provide a forum for constructive political debate within the College community and beyond.

Have allowed KCL Think Tank Society to purchase a camcorder and other equipment to record and disseminate lectures and seminars by academics and politicians; their funding has also supported the costs of publishing the society’s annual journal, The Spectrum, a collection of the best articles written by King’s students on the issues discussed during seminars. In Recognition 2010-11 | 25

In good company

Leadership giving

The College is very grateful to all those who have so generously supported our work during the past financial year. We warmly acknowledge all those listed below as well as those who prefer to remain anonymous

Exceptional support & King’s Campaign Circle We would particularly like to recognise those who have given support at an exceptional level to the College, including those who have joined the King’s Campaign Circle. We extend our deepest appreciation to the following, as well as to those individuals and organisations that have chosen to remain anonymous. Ms Jo Agnew Mrs Elizabeth Allsopp, née Darby The Rt Hon Sir Robin Auld FKC Mr David & Mrs Ellen Bletsoe The late Mr Graham Broadhead Professor George Brownlee Professor Robert Brownlee Dr William Brownlee, Guy’s Dr Christine Challacombe, Guy’s Ms Julia Charlton AKC Mr Christopher Cheng Professor Teresa Cheng FKC Mr Albert Cheung & Ms Athena Lui Dr Kietny Chrun Ms Bridget Clarke Mrs Maryann Cochrane Dr Jack Cohen Mr Ian Creagh Mr Mike Dalgleish Dr Joan Dodd, Royal Dental Mr Bill Dodwell The Marquess of Douro OBE & The Marchioness of Douro OBE Mr Arthur Dove CBE AKC The late Sir Eric Driver Mr Richard Dyton AKC Mr Nicholas & Mrs Matrona Egon Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman KCMG CBE FKC Mr John Graham Mr Stephen Harrow AKC FKC & Professor Jennifer Harrow The late Revd Dudley Heryet AKC Mr Philip Hodges AKC The late Mrs Linda Howle, née Stride Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Miss Marytka Jablkowska for ‘2 Wheel Appeal’ Mr Brian Jeeves The late Mr John Kelly Professor Anne Kenshole Miss Wendy King

Mr Willie Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan Dr Bertrand Leung Mrs Nienling Leung Ms Linda Lim Dr Zudong Liu Mr Terence Lo The late Revd Desmond Lockyer AKC Mr Michael Long Professor Moya Meredith Smith His Honour Judge Christopher Mitchell Mr Trevor Moniz Dr Barrie Morgan FKC The late Revd Elisabeth Neale Miss Mary O’Rourke Mr Brian Owers Mrs Elizabeth & Mr Daniel Peltz Mr Conor Quigley Ms Francesca Quint AKC, née Gomez Dr Frederick Roberts AKC & Dr Pamela Roberts, née Osborn Mr Andrew Robson Mr Peter Roderick The late Mr Ken Rollinson Dr Maurice Rothschild Dr Shafik Sachedina, Guy’s & Mrs Nadia Sachedina Mrs Lily Safra FKC Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy The late Miss Norah Thomas Professor Sir Richard Trainor KBE FKC & Professor Marguerite Dupree Miss Nhuoc Tu AKC, née Lan Mr Patrick Wallace Professor Bob Walton Mr Mark Wheelhouse Mr Anthony Wills Mr Christopher Wiscarson FKC & Mrs Gillian Wiscarson Mrs Esther Wong & family & friends Dr Dawson Woo Professor Sir Robert Worcester KBE FKC & Lady Worcester Mr Dieter Yih FKC The late Mrs Leonora Yonge Action Medical Research Andrew W Mellon Foundation Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Foundation Alicia Koplowitz Foundation ALSA Alzheimer’s Research Trust

Alzheimer’s Society Aplastic Anaemia Trust Arthritis Research UK Association for International Cancer Research Asthma UK The Atlantic Philanthropies Ltd Avantha Group Big Lottery Fund Breakthrough Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Campaign British Heart Foundation British Lung Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Cancer Research UK Carnegie Corporation of New York Catholic Agency For Overseas Development Charles Sykes Epilepsy Research Trust Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust CHDI Foundation, Inc Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association Department of Health Diabetes UK Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund The Dinwoodie (1968) Settlement Economic Community of West African States Embassy of Azerbaijan Epilepsy Research UK European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes Fight for Sight Food Allergy Initiative Foundation For The Carolinas Foundation Open Society Institute The Garfield Weston Foundation GE Healthcare The John & Lucille van Geest Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Ltd Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charitable Foundation Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity Heart Research UK Heathside Charitable Trust Henry Schein Inc. Histiocytosis Research Trust Hughes Syndrome Foundation Jacobs Foundation

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.

26 | In Recognition 2010-11

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund Kidney Research UK King’s College Hospital Charitable Trust King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust King’s Medical Research Trust The Kirby Laing Foundation Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research A G Leventis Foundation Leverhulme Trust The London Law Trust March of Dimes Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation Motor Neurone Disease Association The J P Moulton Charitable Foundation National Association for Colitis & Crohn’s Disease National Institute on Allergy & Infectious Diseases Oak Foundation The P F Charitable Trust Prostate Cancer Charity Psychiatry Research Trust Rosetrees Trust Royal College of Physicians The Dr Mortimer & Theresa Sackler Foundation Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation St Christopher’s Hospice St Thomas’ Lupus Trust Santander Universities Society for Mucopolysacchardide Diseases South London and Maudsley Charitable Funds South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Stavros Niarchos Foundation Still Point Fund Stroke Association Teenage Cancer Trust The J H Templeton Foundation Tommy’s, The Baby Charity Water Research Foundation The Waterloo Foundation Wellcome Trust The Wolfson Foundation WR Family Fund Inc

The College is honoured to recognise the significant commitment shown by members of the Principal’s Circle, the Dental Circle and the Medical Circle, each of whom has generously donated £1,000 or more towards the Annual Fund or the College’s Discretionary Funds. Mr Anthony & Mrs Jennie Ashplant Mr Tom & Mrs Susan Barry Mr Martin Bartlam Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née Taylor Ms Mary Bilton Mr Warren Birnbaum Mr David Blacoe Dr Ann Blizard, née Underwood Mr John Bradley, Guy’s The Lord Brooke of Sutton Manderville FKC & Lady Brooke Mr Graham Brown Colonel Lance & Mrs Janie Burton Dr Mark Bushnell, St Thomas’ Professor John Cann Professor Stephen Challacombe FKC, Guy’s Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC Dr Kietny Chrun, Royal Dental Dr Welland Chu Mrs Susan Clark, née Storer Mr William Cobb Dr Stephen Colloff Miss Zoe Congo Professor David Cooper, Guy’s Professor John Corbett AKC Mr Ian Creagh Dr John & Mrs Josephine Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson Mr John & Mrs Debbie Cuthbert, née Barrett Dr Clive Debenham, Guy’s Mr Bill Dodwell The Marquess of Douro OBE & The Marchioness of Douro OBE Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née Cassal Professor Stephen Dunne Mr Mark Elliott AKC Mrs Merlene Emerson, née Toh Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s Mr Robert Evans The Revd David Eve AKC Dr Omer Fadl, Institute of Psychiatry Mr David Farrell Mr Jean-Claude Felten Mrs Lesley Fernandez-Armesto The Honourable Sir David Foskett FKC & Lady Foskett, née Angela Jacobs Mr Kenneth Friar Mr Carlo Frontini & Mrs Dalva Matsuura Dr Peter Frost, Royal Dental Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC Ms Yvonne Gallagher Mr Nicholas Goulding Professor Anne Greenough FKC Professor John Greenspan FKC & Professor Deborah Greenspan, Royal Dental Dr Colin Hancock Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary Hardy, née Gould Mr Richard Hardy Mr Robin Healey Mr John Henderson AKC Mr Mark Herbert Mr Jonathon Hiscock & Dr Jane Lau, Guy’s Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Dr Robert Howes Mr Geraint Hughes AKC

The Revd Canon David Hutt AKC Dr Yee Cheau Hwang Mr Mohan & Mrs Sudha Kamat Mr Neil Kaplan CBE Professor Shitij Kapur Mrs Joyce Kastner Professor Richard Kay Mr Michael Kershaw Dr Niall Kirkpatrick Mr William Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan Dr Francis & Mrs Peggy Kwong Dr Timothy Lancaster Professor John Langdon FKC Mrs Angela Lascelles, née Greig Dr Michael & Dr Avni Lee, née Patel Miss Harn Szuan Leng Dr Ronald Leung Mr Sue Beng Lim Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC & Mrs Paula Lucas Dr Taher Mahmud AKC Professor Guglielmo Maisto Mr Hashim Mohammed Sir Abdool Hamid Moollan Professor Peter Morgan Mr Stephen Moss CBE Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s Mrs Esther Matusz-Norris AKC, née Matusz Miss Mary O’Rourke Mr John Padovan FKC Mrs Gina Parker, née Howlett Mr Andrew Parrish Mr Alpesh Patel AKC Professor John Pepper, Guy’s Ms Gemma Peters Dr Nigel Porter Mr Craig Pouncey Professor Harold Preiskel, Guy’s Mr Michael Raffan AKC Mr Peter Read Professor Tara Renton, née Cautley, Guy’s Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s Mr Iain Roxborough Professor Jonathan Sandy Mr Philip Scott Mr John Sharp, Guy’s Ms Pepe Shirlaw, Guy’s Mr Geoffrey Smith Mr Babatunde Soyoye Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson Mr Roderick Sykes Mr Robin Taher Mr John Taylor, Guy’s Mr Michael Taylor Mr Hitesh Thakrar, QEC Dr Geoffrey Thomas, St Thomas’ Professor Sir Richard Trainor KBE FKC & Professor Marguerite Dupree Professor Tom Treasure, Guy’s & Professor Janet Treasure, née Burden, St Thomas’ Mr Neeraj Tuli AKC Professor Henry Tyrrell FKC Professor John Uff CBE FKC & Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née Graveson Ms Caroline Usher Dr Elspeth Veale Professor Emma Volodarskaya Emeritus Professor Roger Watson, Guy’s Dr Peter Wilkinson Mr Stephen & Mrs Susan Williams, née Cottam Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC Mr Christopher Wiscarson FKC & Mrs Gillian Wiscarson Mr John & Mrs Jill Woodley, née Hodgkinson Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s Dr Pirooz Zia, Guy’s

Alumni King’s relies on the support and commitment of its alumni to create new opportunities for students and staff. We thank all of our donors, including those who prefer to remain anonymous, and we would particularly like to recognise those who have offered their support for the past three or more consecutive years, whose names are in bold.

1937 Dr Elspeth Veale

1938 Mrs Margaret Kingston, née Ellis

1939 Mr Edward Eates CMG Mr Henley Nicholls AKC

1940 Dr Winifred Bond Dr Thomas Calverley Dr Leslie Hale

1941 Mrs Peggy Bedwell, née Mason Mrs M Humpheryes, née Coast Dr Andrea O’Hara-May Mr Clifford Robinson AKC

1942 Mr Richard Allen The Revd Aleck Banks AKC Dr Charles Clark Dr Brandon & Dr Margaret Lush, née Gee Dr William Smurthwaite, St Thomas’ The Revd Canon Walter Walker AKC

1943 Dr Fred Charatan MD Dr John Coxon, St Thomas’ Mr Richard Hart, Guy’s Mrs Glenys Hurle-Hobbs, née Hembry Mrs Phyllis Nye AKC, née Quenault

1944 Mrs Gertrude Attwood, née Ogden Dr Philip Brightwell, Guy’s Dr Joan Garai, née Gibson Dr Robert Hardwick, St Thomas’ Mrs Phyllis Mongar, née Brown Dr Antony Sampson Mr Shyam Sarwal Mr W Sleep Mrs Evelyn Smith, née Shipley Mr Guy Smith AKC Dr Georgina Somerset, née Turtle Miss Jean Watson Mrs Jean Williams, née Phillips

1945 Mr Michael Burnside Mr Guy Carruthers Mr Harold Fletcher Dr Thomas Richards Dr Derek Seaton, St Thomas’ Professor Bob Walton, Guy’s Dr Gordon Welch, St Thomas’

1946 Dr Winifred Adams, née Hawkes Dr Donald Ainscow, St Thomas’ Dr Charles Attwood, St Thomas’ Mrs Elizabeth Ball, née Illing Mr Stuart Bell, Guy’s Mrs Ruth Gamble, née Whatmoor Mrs Jean Goodfellow, née Stewart

Professor Jeffery Lever, St Thomas’ Mrs Rosemary Marshall, née Hayward, Normanby College Mrs Betty Moon AKC, née Cross Mrs Jean Morris, née Dolby, Royal Dental The Revd Dr William Peal AKC The late Mr Arthur Rooms, Guy’s Mr Jeffrey Rose, Guy’s Mrs Joan Short AKC, née Lesford Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson Dr Michael Strode, St Thomas’ Professor Michael Warren, Guy’s Dr Janet Waugh, née McDowall

1947 Miss Joan Barbanel Mr Roger Bonafont Mrs Menna Britten, née Davies Mrs Irene Burtt AKC, née Towler Dr Michael Coigley, St Thomas’ Mr John Crossley, Guy’s Miss Betty Dass Mrs Hilary Drane, née Grundy Lady Driver, née Patricia Tinkler Professor Peter Dunn Dr Norman Finter, Guy’s Dr Cecil French Dr Malcolm Godfrey CBE FKC Dr Hugh Herbert, Guy’s Mr John Jenrick Mrs Mary Laundon, née Parratt Mr Edward Lee Professor Maurice Lessof FKC, Guy’s Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née Stokes Mrs Elizabeth Oliver, née Ratigan Mrs Joan Orchard AKC, née Miller Dr John Parker, Guy’s Dr Ernest Roberts, St Thomas’ Mrs Monica Robinson, née Hobbs Mr Jack Rodin CBE Miss Edith Seaton Mr John Simpson Mrs Madeleine West, née Colmore Mrs Alison Woodhead, née Reader

1948 Mr Anthony Baker Mrs June Baker AKC, née Ives Dr Sydney Beales Mr Leonard Bean Mr Brian Cane AKC Mrs Dorothy Carter, née Levy Dr Alan Chynoweth President Glafcos Clerides Dr John Cornes AKC Dr Peter Crofts Mr Desmond Crook Squadron Leader Arthur Crookes Dr Joan Dodd, Royal Dental Mrs Joan Ellison, née Anderson Mr David Fowke AKC Mr Roger Franks Mr J Gill, St Thomas’ Dr Donald Keedwell Professor Robert Knecht Mr Martin Maycock Mrs Ailsa Melton, née McLellan Dr John Middleton, St Thomas’ Dr Eric Morrall Dr Eric Pitts Dr Bruce Richards, St Thomas’ Miss Iris Richart Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s Mrs Anthea Sartain, née Lowe Dr Benjamin Silkoff, Guy’s Mrs Jean Smith AKC, née Clayton Dr Eric Stafford, Guy’s Dr Geoffrey Thomas, St Thomas’ Mrs Margaret Thresh, née Sachs, Normanby College Dr Amin Tibi

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

In Recognition 2010-11 | 27

The late Mr Henry Toobe AKC Mrs Ruth Walters, née Rasson, Royal Dental Mrs Mary Whittle, née Hurrell Mr William Withnell

1949 Mr Bryan Batten Dr Edmund Beswick, Guy’s

Mr Edward Broadway OBE, Royal Dental Colonel Rex Cain OBE Dr Lewis Clein, Institute of Psychiatry Mrs Barbara Craggs, née Pollock Dr David Davies Mrs Barbara Dutton, née Hornsby Mrs Penny Francis MBE, née Elsden-Smith Dr Richard Hardwick, St Thomas’ Professor John Hinton Mr Frank Hulford AKC Mrs Margaret Joseph, née Johnstone Dr Martin Lea, St Thomas’ Dr Gerald Leaf Mr Peter Lineham AKC The late Revd Desmond Lockyer AKC Miss Sheila McCormack, Normanby College Dr Colin Menzies, Guy’s The Revd John Ouless AKC Mr Brian Prichard Miss Emel Rochat Dr Dennis Thompson Dr Elizabeth Wilson, née Nicoll

1950 Mr Tim Anderson, St Thomas’ Mr John Attwood The Very Revd Trevor Beeson OBE AKC FKC Mr John Bragg OBE, Chelsea College The late Mr Graham Broadhead Professor Ray Brooks, Chelsea College Dr Barry Brown, Guy’s Dr Robert Bunn Mrs Gillian Burrows AKC, née Oultram Mr Donald Carpenter AKC Mr John Clark AKC Mr P Coleman Mr Ronald Cox Dr Francis de Marneffe Mr Arnold Dewey Dr Sheila Doak, née Charter Dr Melvin Earles, Chelsea College Mrs Marjorie Finney, née Prickett Dr Ivor Gabe Dr Jean Candy Gillbard Mr Alan Gillott AKC Dr Gweneth Gresham, née Leigh Dr Peter Hammett Mr Michael Handscomb Mr James Arthur David Heal The Revd Kenneth Hewitt AKC Dr Frank Huddy, St Thomas’ Mr Raymond Isherwood AKC Dr Alan King Dr Ruth Lister Dr Frances Mather The Revd Father Martin Orme Mrs Margaret Pearson, née Simpson Dr Horace Pile, Guy’s The Revd Canon Desmond Probets Mr Peter Saville, Guy’s Dr Mike Shipley Dr Hugh Smyllie Mrs Audrey Thomas, née Beeson Mrs Doreen Tosswill, née Henry

1951 Dr Kenneth Aberdour, Guy’s Dr John Aldridge OBE, St Thomas’ Dr Morris Baker Dr Kenneth Biss Mr Ronald Bristow Mrs Rosemarie Broadhead, née Lasire

Dr Jeffrey Bulow, Royal Dental Dr John Burston, St Thomas’ Mr Roy Butler AKC Dr Rosemary Cooper, née Van’t Hoff Mr Leslie Cox AKC Mrs Muriel Curtis, née Dover Mr Neil Dallas, St Thomas’ Dr Paget Davies Mr Royd Dawkins, Royal Dental Mrs Jean Day, née Ayre Professor Michael Fisher FKC Mr Geoffrey & Dr Phylis Gardner AKC, née Stevens Dr J Glass, St Thomas’ Mr Peter Hargreaves AKC Mrs Sheila Hewitt, née Jones Mr Donald Howle Professor Aubrey Jenkins Mrs Helen Jenrick, née Young, Royal Dental The Revd John Meacham AKC Dr Lawrence Middleton CMG Dr John Moore, Guy’s Mr John Mumford Professor Anthony North AKC Emeritus Professor Noel Osselton AKC Dr Pamela Pilkington, née Jewell Mr John Powley Dr John Richards AKC Dr Gillian Roberts, née Barnett Dr Brian Robinson Dr John Rycroft, Guy’s Mr William Sale AKC Mr Geoffrey Salmon Dr John Savage, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Schiller, St Thomas’ Mr Ronald & Mrs Muriel Stedman, née Maine Mr Colin Stoneman Mr Geoffrey Taylor The Revd Kenneth Toovey AKC Mrs Lesley Tucker AKC, née Parkinson Mrs Greta Walton, née Wray Mr Geoffrey Weekes AKC Dr Coral Welch Mr David Willis Dr Brian Wright, Guy’s The late Mr Paul Wright AKC

1952 Ms Valerie Anderson AKC, née Howard Mr John Ashworth AKC Professor Eric Barnard The Revd Alec Beniams AKC Dr Raymond Brotherwood, Guy’s Mrs Sheila Butler AKC, née Keen Mr John Clarke AKC Mrs Dorothy Coleman, née Eccles The Revd Donald Cornelius AKC Dr Michael Courtenay, St Thomas’ Mr Leslie Dingle Mr Hugh Duncombe Mrs Margaret Godden, née Muirden Dr David Granger, St Thomas’ Mr Howard Halestrap, Guy’s Mrs Susan Howard, née Pitt-Lewis Mr Tony Jell Mr Christopher Johnson Dr Isabel Johnson, St Thomas’ Dr John MacWilliam, Guy’s Brigadier Donald Thwaites Mrs Rhea Martin OBE, née Mitchell Surgeon Rear-Admiral Frank Mathias, Guy’s Mr Alan Melbourne Mr Alan Morris Dr Richard Mulley Mr David Potter AKC The Revd Prebendary Frank Powell AKC & Mrs Joan Powell Miss Diana Raine Dr Peter Reay-Young, St Thomas’

Mr John Scoones, Guy’s Mrs Margaret Slade, née Bannerman Mr Julian Smith Mr Terence Smith Dr Benjamin Steinberg, Institute of Psychiatry Mr Bryan Stokes Mr Kenneth Sutherland The Revd Edward Thompson AKC Dr John Thynne Dr Oliver Todd Dr John Turner AKC Mrs Anne Vinall, née Crittenden Mr Raymond Wallis Mr Gerald Warr AKC Dr Leonard Williams, St Thomas’ Dr Geoffrey Wilson, St Thomas’

1953 Mr John Cardwell, Guy’s Dr Frank Andrews Mrs Jean Ashmead AKC, née Trippett Dr Anthony Barber Dr Norman Beisly Mrs Evelyn Bradbury Dr Margaret Brown Mr Eric Carter AKC Mr David Clark, Guy’s Dr Peter Clarke Dr John Crocker Mr Michael Dale Mr Richard Dibben Miss Sheila Downs Ms Margaret Etall Mrs Margaret Field, née Johnson The Revd John Godfrey AKC Miss Mary Gold AKC Mrs Kathleen Gratton AKC, née Warner Mrs Bridget Greiner AKC, née Cormack The Revd Brian Hackshall AKC Dr Robert Jones, Guy’s Mr John Maltman Mr Bryan Markwell, Royal Dental Mr David Mitchell The Revd Peter Morris Dr Jack Nickson Mrs Jessie Oddy, née Owen The Revd John Palmer AKC & Mrs Veronica Palmer, née Devon Mr Peter Poole AKC Mr Geoffrey Pye Dr Ian Rae, Guy’s Dr Robert Ridley AKC Mr Ian Rushton Dr Kenneth Scott OBE, Guy’s Mr Geoffrey Smith Mrs Mary Smith, née Rice Dr Rosemary Thynne AKC, née Carey Dr John Welford AKC

1954 Professor Rudolph Abramovitch The Revd Peter Amor AKC Dr Sheelagh Biddell, née Evans, Guy’s Dr Michael Bridger, St Thomas’ Professor John Brindley Mr Reginald Browning The Revd Dick Chown AKC Dr Anthony Christmas, St Thomas’ Dr Brian Collins, Guy’s Dr Donald Craig, St Thomas’ Dr W Dolton Mr Arthur Dove CBE AKC Mr David Edwards Dr Bidi Evans, née Wild, St Thomas’ Dr Arthur & Dr Lise Fowle, née Einerl Mr Jeremy Hall, Guy’s Mrs Norma Hall, née Youdale The late Mr Michael Healey AKC Mr Peter Heywood AKC Dr Kenneth Hillard, Guy’s Miss Margaret Hulmes, QEC

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

28 | In Recognition 2010-11

Mr Jeremy Joel Dr Brian Kesby AKC The Revd Maurice Kirby AKC Mr Eric Lefebure Dr Peter Long, Guy’s Dr Philip Lyon, Guy’s The Revd Anthony Marks AKC Mr Stewart McKim, St Thomas’ Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née Honey-Jones, QEC Sir Hamid Moollan Dr Shirley Murrell Mr John Newby AKC Mr Peter Newton Mr Norman Nicholson Mrs Rosemary Oddy, née Rushworth Dr Bruce Osborne, St Thomas’ Dr Geoffrey Pearson MBE, Guy’s Dr J Michael Pearson Mrs Jean Potter AKC, née Palmer Dr James Rawes, St Thomas’ Dr John Rawstron Dr Thomas Richards, St Thomas’ The Revd Anthony Richins Mr Bryan Rigby Dr Donald Roberts, Guy’s Mr Alexander Robertson-Kellie AKC Dr J Robinson, St Thomas’ Dr H Ruberl Mrs Peta Scott, née Smee, QEC Dr Keith Scott MBE Dr Martin Spiro Mr Eric Stables Mrs Margaret Symonds, née Tribe Mr Deryl Tandy AKC Dr Mary Thomas, née Hern, Guy’s Dr Arthur Thompson Brigadier Donald Thwaites Mr David Tyers AKC Mr Geoffrey Wain Colonel Kenneth Walker OBE, Guy’s Mr Charles Walmsley Mr John Warren, Guy’s Mrs Anne Welford, née Marsden Mrs Audrey Wilcock, née Heap His Honour Judge Christopher Young

1955 Mr John Andrews AKC Mr Geoffrey Baker, Guy’s Mr Peter Bayliss Mr Michael Borrie OBE Dr Jack Botting, Chelsea College Mrs Annette Chant, née Pountain, Guy’s Mr Anthony Clifton-Samuel, Royal Dental Surgeon Rear-Admiral David Coppock CB, Guy’s Mr Alan Couch Mr Peter Cumming, Guy’s The late Mr Ronald Dewar Dr Vera Dolton, née Irving Mrs Shirley Eigenmann, née Richardson The Revd Colin Elliott AKC Mrs Susie Evershed, née Matthews, QEC Mr Kenneth Friar Mrs Ruth Gay, née France Mr Richard Hardy Mrs Berenice Harper, née Haydon Dr Rosemary Hayball, née Ellwood Dr Jerzy Herszberg Mr George Hilbert Mrs Joyce Hodgson AKC, née Perry Mr Peter Holden Professor Walter Holland CBE FKC, St Thomas’ Mrs Anne Holley, née Collins Mr Peter Jenkins AKC Mr Ian Kirby AKC The Revd Canon Robert Lunnon AKC Mrs Maureen Mullally Mr Donald Nappin Mr Brian Owers

Mrs Juliet Pack AKC, née Toop Dr Maurice Rothschild, Guy’s Mr Paul Simpson Mr Donald Slade Mr Ewart Smith Dr Ian Smith Dr Graham Swan, St Thomas’ Mrs E A Thompson, née Mortimer Mr Alan Trinder, Chelsea College The Revd Peter Vincent AKC Mr Peter Wagerman Dr R Whittington Miss Jean Wines AKC Mr Derek Yandell

1956 Mr Gordon Adams OBE AKC Mr Michael Allen Mrs Eileen Andrews, née Ginn Dr Simon Ardeman Mr Dennis Ardouin, Royal Dental Mr David Boughton Mrs JoAnne Brewster, née Shepherd Mr John Brooks Dr Stephen Bryans, St Thomas’ Mr Timothy Carson Ms Bridget Clarke Ms Ann Cloney Mrs Pauline Congreve, née Owen Dr David Connell, St Thomas’ The late Revd John Corke AKC Mrs Josephine Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson Mr John Crone Dr Sheila Cross, née Lewis Mr John D’Arcy Mr Lewis Davies, Chelsea College Mr John Denton Dr Robert Doig, Guy’s Ms Maureen Duffy FKC Mr Tony Finch-Thomas, Chelsea College Mr John Fox Mrs Lynn Free AKC, née Brownhill Professor John Garrett Mr Kenneth Gregory Mr Alan Howarth Mrs Maureen Hunton, née Anderson, QEC Dr John Hurley Dr John Illingworth, Guy’s The Revd Ronald Ingamells AKC & Mrs Janet Ingamells, née Bulgin Dr Graham Jenkins, Guy’s Dr John Kennedy Mrs Mary Lambert, née Lord The Revd William Leah AKC Ms Marilyn Malin The Revd Prebendary Christopher Marshall AKC Mrs Maureen Mawby, née Dobson Mr Robert Medlycott Mr Maurice Meredith Mr Michael Morrisroe, Royal Dental Professor David Parsons Mr John Philpott AKC Dr Philip Rea AKC Mrs Gloria Rees, née Cavalot, Guy’s Mr David Risk Dr Frederick Roberts AKC & Dr Pamela Roberts, née Osborn Dr Ralph Robinson, Guy’s Mr Bernard Rofe AKC Mr Malcolm Rowson Mr John Savage Mr Robin Sherman Mr John Shrimplin Dr Kenneth Somer AKC Mrs Diana Sparkes, née Foss Mr Geoff & Mrs Hilary Stephenson AKC, née Lockwood Mrs Sally Vincent AKC, née Watson Mrs Ruth Walmsley MBE, née Astin, QEC Mr William Watkins

The Revd Thomas Wright AKC

1957 Mrs Brenda Akers, née Lowery Mrs Elizabeth Allsopp, née Darby The Revd David Battersby AKC The Revd Canon John Beckwith AKC Dr Katharine Blake, née Cuthbert, Guy’s Mr Terry Carter AKC Mr Barry Cryer, Guy’s Mrs Jean Dodd AKC, née Kirby Mr Stuart Duncan Mr David Dunlop Mrs Jane Evans, née Heron Dr Kenneth Ferguson, Institute of Psychiatry Dr Robert Gilchrist, St Thomas’ Mr Daniel Godfrey AKC Mrs Jill Goodchild, née Harrison Colonel Ian Governor Mr Ken Gregory Miss Marilyn Harrison, Normanby College Mrs Brenda Hartley, née Willis Mrs Janet Higman, née Drake Mr Brian Ingram AKC Dr Mike Irving, St Thomas’ Mr William & Mrs Winifred Jago, née Sullivan Professor Richard Jarrett, Guy’s Mr Peter Johnson, St Thomas’ Mr David Jones, Guy’s The Revd Canon Ted Kelly AKC & Mrs Ruth Kelly AKC, née Slaymaker Mr James Kent Dr Michael Kessel Dr Brian Latham, Guy’s Dr Basil Lee, St Thomas’ Mr Bill Lovelock Dr Peter Martin Brigadier Bruce McDermott CBE Dr Brian Moore, Guy’s Professor Khursheed Moos OBE, Guy’s The Revd Alan Mowles AKC Mrs Alexina Murphy, née King The Revd Jock Oda-Burns Dr John Patten The Revd David Salt AKC Mrs Rochelle Shapiro, née Gelman Mr Elfrid Silcock, Guy’s Mrs A Smith Dr Colin Smith, Guy’s Mr Amadeo Sole-Leris Dr Percival Sukhbir, Guy’s The Revd Canon David Tann AKC Mr Terrence Watts Dr Thomas West OBE, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Whatmore, Guy’s Mr Richard Williams Dr Patrick Wilson

1958 The Rt Hon Sir Robin Auld FKC Mr Colin Baker The Revd Canon John Barnes AKC Dr Ronald Barnes, Guy’s Dr Malcolm Begley, St Thomas’ The Revd David Biles AKC Mr David Blackman AKC Dr Ann Blizard, née Underwood Mr Tony Boyd Mr John Bradley, Guy’s Dr Jeremy Bradshaw-Smith, St Thomas’ Dr Paul Brass Dr James Briggs, St Thomas’ Mrs Pauline Brown, née Bowyer Mr John Brown Mr Brian Bull AKC Dr Michael Bush, Guy’s Mrs Anne Chiene, née Hopkins Mr John Coleman The Revd John Copping AKC

Mr David Davies Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née Cassal Dr Donald Edbrooke, Guy’s Mr David Endacott, Guy’s Mrs Inga Feaver AKC, née Dunwoody Mr John Freeborn Dr Elizabeth Freeman Dr John Hayes, Guy’s Mrs Ellen Heinson AKC, née Bell Dr Ian Higton AKC Mr Bob Hinton AKC Mrs Harriet Hodes, née Anson, Chelsea College The late Mr David Hoggard Mr Brian Howden Dr Derek Hyatt The Revd Dr Marie Isaacs Mr Robert Jackson, St Thomas’ Dr Ivor James Ms Judith Kent, née Fowler Dr Jeremy Lee-Potter, Guy’s Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC The Revd Michael Loughton AKC The Revd Christopher Lunn AKC Mrs Jenny Macpherson, née Wybourn Dr Ian Magrath Professor Stuart Malin The Revd Canon Peter Marshall AKC Mr Eric Misselke Dr Elizabeth Moore, née Forstner, Guy’s Mrs Vera Morris, née Bage Mr John Muir FKC Mrs Diane Murphy AKC, née Lees Mr Ralph Naylor, Guy’s Captain Michael O’Reilly Mr John Padovan FKC Mrs Shirley Payne Mr John Pearson Mr David Pegg Mr Colin Penna Mr Malcolm Pine Mr John Price The Revd Althon Pring AKC Miss Fay Rance Dr John Restall, St Thomas’ Mr Brian Roberts, Guy’s The Revd George Robson AKC Mrs Patricia Robson, née Hughes Mrs Hilary Silvester, née Walker Dr Colin Smart Dr Brian Smith Professor Roy Stainton Mr John Stevenson Mr Michael Sturman, Royal Dental Dr Maria Stycos, née Nowakowska Mr William Tucker, Guy’s Mrs Margherita Watkins, née Pacitto Mr Christopher Wege, Guy’s Dr John White The Revd Frederick Whitehead AKC The Revd Anthony Wibberley AKC Dr Cyril Williams, Guy’s Mrs Mary Wilson AKC, née Stanbury Mr David Wood The Revd Martyn Wratten AKC

1959 Mrs Barbara Baigent, née Gardner, Chelsea College Mr Michael Baker AKC Mrs Josephine Bankes, née Kingswell, QEC Dr Penelope Barnard Dr James Birtwistle AKC Dr Alan Black, Institute of Psychiatry Mr David Bowen Dr Donald Burgess Dr Alan Burn Mr Antony Carr Dr Robert Catty, St Thomas’ Mrs Gillian Clark, née Child Dr Stephen Colloff Professor John Corbett AKC

Dr William Couldrick Ms Jennifer Davies Mr Colin Dawe AKC Dr Derek Denis-Smith, Guy’s Mr Geoffrey Donald Mrs Chris Fisher, née Walker, QEC The Revd Canon Jane Freebairn-Smith, née Goldfinch Mr George Garrett AKC Mr Michael Glasscock Mrs Jill Goddard, née Knowlden, QEC Mr Henry Green Dr John Griffith Ms Valerie Haggett, née Holland Mr James Hogan Mrs Elizabeth Holgate AKC, née Wright Dr John Holmes-Smith OBE, Guy’s Mr Timothy Hughes AKC Mr Geoff Keeble, Guy’s Professor David Landon, Guy’s Mrs Judith Le Poer Power, née Cooke Mr John Lewis AKC Mrs Clara Locke, née Liu Mr David Lucas AKC Dr Ian MacDonald Dr Ann Mason, née Hill, St Thomas’ The Revd David McKeeman AKC Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray, QEC Mr Derrick Metcalf Mr Michael Morrell The Venerable Len Moss AKC Mr Bill Old Dr Norman Pears Dr John Pegg, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Perry Mrs Jean Pomfret, née Bacon Dr Margaret Price, née Roberts, Guy’s Mr Lyndon Pugh Mr David Roberts Mr Irvin Rosenthal, Guy’s Mr Bernard Roser Dr Noel Roy Mr Brian Sanders Dr Louise Sheppard, née Gallagher, Guy’s Mr Andrew Smetham Mr David Smith Dr Paul Smith, St Thomas’ Dr Carey Smithen Mr Robert Spencer Mr Wayne Thomas Miss Elizabeth Tucker Ms Jenifer Tuckett AKC, née Gamble Mrs Jennifer Turner, née Minto Dr Brian Warren, Guy’s Mr Brian Watkis Emeritus Professor Roger Watson, Guy’s Mr Richard & Mrs Sheila Wilcockson, née Kirwan Mrs Margaret Williams, née Downham, Chelsea College Mr John Wright

1960 Mr Keith Atkinson MBE Mr Ken Bandy AKC Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née Taylor Mrs Janet Bennett, née Frost Mr Bruce Bennett Mr Don Blackman, Royal Dental Mrs Inga Blust Prebendary Mr Kenneth Bowler Dr Peter Bunyan Mrs Jane Clark, née Langley Professor John Cloudsley-Thompson Mrs Marjory Codling, née Darling, QEC Dr Jack Cohen, Royal Dental Dr Alan Cooper, Guy’s Mr Kenneth Coton AKC Mr John Duggan Mr Alan Duncum Mrs Susan Eckersley, née Lloyd Dr Hilary Eggington, née Stirlans,

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.

In Recognition 2010-11 | 29

St Thomas’ Dr Patrick Fanning, Guy’s Dr Malcolm Farr AKC Dr John Feather Mrs Barbara Ferris, née Beaumont Mr David Fifield, Chelsea College Mrs Diana Francis, née Slater The Rt Revd Bishop Richard Garrard AKC Ms Marion Herbert Professor Edward Howard Mr Bernard Jones AKC Dr David Jones Mr Geoffrey Lammas Mrs Karen Landon, née Poole, Guy’s Dr Mitzi Macey-Dare, née Coyle, Royal Dental Professor Ted Maden Mrs Penelope Malpass, née Williams Dr John Massy Mr John Mayne The Revd Malcolm Millard AKC Mr Donald Millington Mr Robert Morgan The Revd Canon Timothy Partridge AKC Mrs Rosalind Paterson AKC, née May Mr Colin Peacock Dr James Reeves Mr Bob Russell Dr Sydney Russell-Wells, St Thomas’ The Revd John Salter AKC Dr Julian Shardlow AKC Professor Bob Simmons FKC Mr Anthony Skottowe Ms Diane Speakman Mr Jeffrey Stedman, Chelsea College Mrs Valerie Taylor AKC, née Chainey Dr Robert Terry, Guy’s Dr Andrew Thomson Mr Derek Wakelin Mrs Lilian West, née Trotter Mr Roger Wheale MBE AKC Mrs Katherine Wendy Wilson, née Lloyd Mr David Wright, Guy’s Mr John Wyatt

1961 Mr Frank Barker Dr David Bennett Miss Joan Bernard FKC The Revd Peter Bowers AKC Dr Elizabeth Brennand, née Tytler Dr John Burton Mrs Patricia Chapple AKC, née Merrifield Mr James Chesterton, St Thomas’ Dr Keith Chittenden Mr Nigel Chudleigh, Guy’s Mrs Hilary Clough Smith AKC, née Smith Dr John Cohen Dr John Cook AKC The Revd John Cook AKC Dr Martin Corner AKC Mr Edward Cowking Dr Ian Crossman, Guy’s Mr Rodney Davis AKC Ms Helen Derry, née Firth Mrs Julia Dickinson, née Knight Dr Robert Durance, Guy’s Mr Alan Edwards AKC Canon Martyn Farrant AKC Mr John Ford Mrs Helen Gibbons, née MacMahon Mr Neville & Mrs Margaret Goldwyn, née Whittingham Dr David Gordon Mr George Green, Guy’s Mr John Haine Dr Nigel Harper, Guy’s The Revd Christopher Harrison AKC The Revd Canon Michael Haynes AKC The Revd Canon Simon Hoare AKC Mr Michael Howell Ms Joan Irwin-Hunt

Mrs Roberta Johnson, née Jones Mrs Mary Johnston AKC, née Lucas Professor Anne Kenshole, Guy’s Mr Anthony Klein Professor Michael Knibb AKC FKC Dr Adam Lawrence, St Thomas’ Dr Christopher Mallinson, Guy’s Miss Barbara Marsh Dr John & Professor Moya Meredith Smith, Royal Dental Dr Robin Molineux, St Thomas’ Dr Heather Morrison, née Kerr, Guy’s Mr David Nash Dr Peter Noble, St Thomas’ Dr John Oliver, Guy’s Ms Christine Parker Ms Sarah Parnell Mrs Janet Parry, née Ormondroyd, QEC Mr Alan Paul AKC & Mrs Jenny Paul, née Landau Mr Sydney Perera

Professor Harry Preiskel, Guy’s Mrs Mary Preston, née Wonnacott Dr Richard Rathbone Dr Gunnar Reiman The Very Revd Dean Ken Robinson AKC Ms Dorothy Roxby AKC, née Blackburn Dr Ian Sadler Dr Jennifer Scott, née Hall, Guy’s The Revd Eric Sellgren AKC Mr John Sharp, Guy’s Mr Warren Shear, Guy’s Mrs Susan Sirc, née Powell Mrs Margaret Spoor, née Cox Mrs Alison Stagg, née Frame, QEC Professor Moira Tait, née Smith Mrs Cynthia Taylor, née Hancock Mr Norman Vaughton AKC Dr William Webb, Guy’s Dr Hilary Weeks, née Fischer-Webb, St Thomas’ Professor Roy Weller, Guy’s Dr Peter Wemyss-Gorman, Guy’s Professor Lewis Wolpert CBE FKC Dr Richard Worden, Guy’s Mr David Wright AKC Mr Michael York

1962 Professor David Barker CBE, Guy’s Dr Christopher Bartley, St Thomas’ Mr Robin Bowen-Williams AKC & the late Mrs Jane Bowen-Williams AKC, née Hands Dr Charles Briscoe, Guy’s The Revd Christopher Brown AKC Dr John Clitherow, Chelsea College Dr David Collington AKC Dr Geoffrey Cook, Guy’s Professor Peter Curtis, Guy’s The Revd Canon Colin Day AKC The Revd Canon Roger Devonshire AKC Mrs Ruth Dolbear, née Stephen The Revd Canon John Eardley AKC Dr Kenneth Evans, Guy’s Mrs Anne Ford, née Timms Mr Michael Gann, Guy’s Mr John Garside Professor David Gibbons OBE, Guy’s Mr Edward Grant, Guy’s The Revd Brenda Harding, née Emery Mr Edward Hart Dr George Haskell AKC Mr John Howley Dr William Humphreys-Davies, St Thomas’ Professor Michael Humphries Mrs Elizabeth Hunt, née Paice Mr David Ingmire AKC Mr John James Mr Stephen Jeffery The Revd Margaret Jenkinson, Normanby College

Mr John Knight Mr Alan Leigh-Browne, Guy’s Dr Katherine Liang Dr John Marek Mrs Valerie Mellor, née Gordon Dr Rosemary Millis, Guy’s Mrs Elizabeth Morgan, née Waldron, QEC Mr Bruce Morgan, Guy’s Dr David Murray-Bruce, St Thomas’ Mrs Elizabeth North, née Graham Mrs Marjorie Odugbemi, née Robson Mr Roger Pearce, Guy’s Dr Michael Quinton The Revd Canon Alan Ramsay AKC Mr Robert Richardson, Guy’s Mr Robin Rippon, Guy’s Dr Richard Robertshaw The Revd Peter Roe AKC Dr Kenneth Rooke, Guy’s Mr David Rowe Dr Rosemary Satchell, née Smith Mr John Shildrick AKC Dr Jean Shorland The Revd Pip Short AKC, née Woodrow Mr Peter Smith Dr Philip Snow, Guy’s Mr Marcus Stroud Dr Anthony Trayling, Guy’s Mr Michael Vadon Dr John Wade Mr Alan Wallace, Guy’s Mr John Webb The Revd Canon Norman Woods AKC Mr Gerald Wood-Wilson Dr Denham Wright, St Thomas’

1963 Mr Robin Ackerley Miss Moyra Archibald Dr John Ashton Mr Richard Bartlett The Revd Graham Bell AKC Ms Mary Bilton The Revd Keith Blackburn Mr Chris Bolger Dr Ronald Brandt, Guy’s Miss Jean Bromley, Royal Dental Dr Peter Camm, Guy’s Ms Dorothy Campbell, née Shakeshaft Mr Kevin Chamberlain CMG Professor Sir Cyril Chantler FKC, Guy’s Mr Craig Clarke AKC Dr Johnson Cohen CBE Mr Malcolm Colman Dr John Cook, Guy’s Professor David Cooper, Guy’s The Revd Howard Curnow Dr David Davies AKC Mr Jack Davies, Royal Dental The Revd Canon Norman Dawson MBE & Dr Ann Dawson MBE, née Barker Mrs Margaret Delmer, née Ward Dr John Dickinson, Guy’s Chief Peter Dunkwu Miss Effie Margaret Edney AKC Mr Philip Ellisdon The Revd Philip Elston Mrs Rosina Elston, née Collison Dr Ian Fenwick Dr Michael Forth AKC Dr Juliet Gardner, née Cridlan, Guy’s Mr Brian Gordon Mr Jeremy Gullan-Whur, Guy’s The Revd Father Alistair Haig Mr Ian Hancock Mr John Hancock Mr David Hawkins Mrs Diana Honeybone AKC, née Yorke Mr Robert Jenkin, Guy’s The Revd Dr Allan Jenkins Mr Christopher Jones Dr Christopher King-Holford, St Thomas’

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

30 | In Recognition 2010-11

Mr Tony Lee Dr Roger Lendon Emeritus Professor Raymond Levy, Institute of Psychiatry Dr David Lewis, St Thomas’ Dr Edward Little Miss Margaret Loveless, QEC Dr Anthony Lucas-Smith AKC Mrs Jill Lumley, née Smith, Normanby College The Rt Revd Dr Bishop Ted Luscombe Dr Keith Marshall Dr Richard May, Guy’s Dr Francis McGinn, Guy’s Professor John McGurk Professor Tony Milner, Guy’s Dr Edward Ostler Mr Jim Page, Guy’s Mr Brian Parkins Mr Peter Platt-Higgins Dr Bryan Robinson, Guy’s Mr Bob Sainsbury, Guy’s Mrs Heather Savini, née Montacute Dr Iain Sidford The Revd Canon Paul Simmonds Mr Noel Simpson Mrs Phyllis Sluce, née McMellan, QEC Mrs Sandra Smetham, née Owen Mr Phillip Snell Mr Michael Spoor Dr James Strachan Dr Neil Summerton Mr Roger Tamplin AKC The Revd Peter Townsend AKC Professor John Uff CBE FKC The Revd Canon Grant Welch Mrs Angela Wenham, née Richmond Dr Joan Whitelaw, St Thomas’ Dr Stephen Whittle The Revd John Willard AKC Dr David Wilson, Guy’s Mr Kevan Womersley, QEC

1964 Mrs Margaret Abel, née Pyne, Guy’s Dr Anthony Bayley, St Thomas’ Dr Paul Brankin OBE Mr Anthony Button AKC Dr John Champness AKC Mr Heiko Cooper, Guy’s The Revd John Cooper Professor Frank Cox Dr Pamela Denham, née Dobson Ms Barbara Dennis Dr Charles Derry Mrs Carole Elton, née Saunby, Chelsea College Mr Andrew Eyles Dr Omer Fadl, Institute of Psychiatry Dr Shirley Foster Dr John Galloway Mrs Lola Garvin, née Lofty Mr Roy Gooderham Professor James Hulbert Dr Christopher Hodgson Mr Peter Howe Mr Roger Jones AKC Mrs Andrea Knight, née Jenkins Mr Brian Lancaster AKC Ms Veronica Lawlor Mr Timothy Marsh The Revd Canon Jeremy Martineau OBE Mr Tom Mason Dr Margaret McRae-Spencer, née Clapp Mrs Jane Mercer, née Wilkinson Mr Tony Paice Dr David Parker, St Thomas’ Dr Michael Randall, Chelsea College Mr William Reid, Guy’s Mrs Pamela Revell, née Schofield Mr David Richardson

Mr John Rose Mrs Gillian Rowe, née Oakley Dr Robin Rowell Dr Andrew Saunders, Guy’s Mr Robert Shepherd, Guy’s Mrs Jackie Skidmore AKC, née White Ms Carol Smith AKC, née Evans Mr David Stannard Mrs Marion Stephens, née Prest, Guy’s Mr Anthony Summers Professor Ian Talbot AKC Mr Romney Tansley Professor Anthony Thiselton FKC Mr Barry Turner Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née Graveson Dr Imre Vadasz, Guy’s Mr John Varnes, Guy’s Mr William Vyse Dr Euan Wallace, St Thomas’ Mr Alan Wasdell The Revd Alan Watson The Revd Peter Westwood Mr Christopher Whybrow Mrs Hazel Womersley, née Alston, QEC

1965 The Revd Canon Peter Adams AKC Mr William Allen OBE & Mrs Jennifer Allen, née Marriott, Royal Dental Dr David Appleyard AKC Dr Henry Armstrong, Guy’s Mr Rodney Bagshaw Mr John Baigent Dr Derek Beale, St Thomas’ Mr Thomas Bean Dr Frank Boulton, St Thomas’ Mr Roger Brown, Guy’s Mr Keith Butler Dr Peter Callen Mr Stuart Capel Mr Graham Chapman Mrs Bernice Chitnis, née Metzner Mr Christopher Clark AKC Mrs Joanna Clark, née Kirkland-Laman The Revd Canon Philip Dearden AKC Mr Harvey Dodgson Mrs Christine Dunmow, née Bennett Miss Janet Dyson AKC Ms Patricia Edwards Mr David Elliott Mr Christopher & Mrs Jill Etherington, née Hopkin Ms Elizabeth Foinette AKC Mr Dennis Gedge Dr Antony Green, Royal Dental Mr Andrew Hamilton Mrs Kathleen Healey The Revd Canon Ernest Hepworth Mr Philip Hodges AKC Mr Marcus Hope OBE Dr Martin Hoyle, Guy’s Mr Michael Kemp AKC Dr Matthew Lewis, Guy’s The Revd David Lowe Mr John McConkey Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones The Revd John Newton Dr Richard Powell The Revd Roger Pullen AKC Mr Robert Ractliffe AKC Dr John Rees, St Thomas’ Mrs Elizabeth Roper, née Cooke Mr Allan Rowlands AKC The Revd Stephen Sandham Professor John Saunders, St Thomas’ Mr Adrian Simmonds Mr Clive Sprawson, Guy’s Dr Roger Stevens Mr Bryon Stinson Dr David Swinson Mr Bruce & Mrs Christine Taylor,

née Meredith Mrs Patricia Thomas, née McCarthy Mr Ted Totman The Venerable Archdeacon Robin Turner CB Mr Ray Whitaker Mrs Judith Wilson AKC, née Robertson Ms Joyce Wynne, née Hill Dr Rosemary Wynne, née Croome

1966 Mr John Bennett Professor John Birch, QEC Dr Michael Boulton-Jones, Guy’s Dr Ian Brown Dr Malcolm Carpenter Mr Hugh Cauthery Dr Brian Chenley Dr David Churchill, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Clark Mr Peter Clarke AKC Mr Richard Coles Dr John Cordingley Mr Dennis Cotgrove Dr Elizabeth Courtauld, née Molland Dr Simon Cox Mrs Joy Crispin-Wilson, née Crispin Mr Christopher Dodd, St Thomas’ Mr David Farrar, St Thomas’ Lady Fersht, née Marilyn Persell Ms Christine Friess Dr Patrick Furniss, St Thomas’ Mrs Margaret Ginger, née Pearson, Guy’s Dr Jonathan Govan, Guy’s The Revd James Hargreave Mr Jim Hattersley Mr Anthony Hawkes, Guy’s Dr Jennifer Hayter Professor David Hendrick, Guy’s Mr Michael Hordern The Revd Canon John Hudson AKC Mr Jim Hutchinson Mr Roger Jones, Guy’s Dr John Kay Dr Anthony Keeley Mr George Kennedy Miss Wendy King Mrs Sandra Kremer, née Simmonds Mrs Judith Lehmann, née Selbourne Dr Peter Lillford Mr David Long Mrs Christin Mather, née Johnson The Revd John McCollough Mr Shaun O’Byrne Mr Andrew Parrish Dr Marcus Pembrey, Guy’s Mrs Lesley Pugh, née Petty Dr Ian Roberts, Guy’s The Revd Dr John Searle OBE, Guy’s Mr Roger Smith Miss Margaret Tatham, QEC Dr Brian Valentine, Guy’s Professor Stephen Wilbur The Revd Canon Michael Woods AKC

1967 Mr Laurence Baker Mrs Elizabeth Batterley, née Barlow Mrs Ann Beath, née Stevens The Revd Canon Michael Blood Mr John Boyes Miss Jose Bradbrook, QEC Mr Peter Bromage The Revd Leonard Burn Mr Michael Calam AKC Mr Colin Challenger Dr Geraldine Collett, née Smith Mr Jack Coronna Mr Graham Dalton Mr Martin Dickinson The Revd Philip Dyson

Dr Christopher Eeuwens Mr Philip Evans Mr Robert Evans Mr Malcolm Field AKC Mr Nicolas Flower, Guy’s The Revd Leonard Fox Mr Roger Gaitley Dr Stefan Garner Mrs Susan George, née Smith Mrs Stella Gilpin, née Barkworth Mr Graham Hardman Mr Toby Harris Mrs Susan Harrison, née Pearce Dr Colin Harvey Mr Angus Henderson AKC The Revd Laurence Hill Dr Anne Hogg Miss Penny Howell Professor Richard Hughes, Guy’s The Rt Revd Bishop Martyn Jarrett Mrs Jenifer Kahawatte, née Braithwaite Mr Neil Kaplan CBE Mr Charles Kolb, St Thomas’ Mr Christopher Lee, Guy’s Dr Ian Lister Cheese, St Thomas’ Dr Martin Miller Mrs M Morgan, QEC Mr Paul Morgan The Revd Canon Leslie Morley Dr John Nathan Mrs Christina Pullen, née Pugh Dr Roger Pulvertaft, St Thomas’ Miss Anne Rickwood Dr John Salmon, Chelsea College The late Ms Anne Smith Mr Timothy Stroud AKC Dr Ria Swann, St Thomas’ Mr Julian Towler, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Trenchard, Guy’s Mr Edward Trew AKC Mr Mike Tunnicliff Mrs Alison Uppard, née Fowke Dr Richard Vincent Mr Andrew Walls, St Thomas’ Mr David West Mr Anthony Wills Mrs Lesley Winsborrow AKC, née Willmore Dr Patrick Xavier

1968 Mrs Stephanie Baker AKC, née Stephenson Mr Graham Berrington Mr David Blackburn Dr Francis Brown, Institute of Psychiatry Mr Terry Butterworth AKC Professor Stephen Challacombe, Guy’s Mr Peter Colliver Mr Christopher Corton, Chelsea College Mrs Jane Davies, née Phillips Dr Sara Day, née Endean, Guy’s Dr Alan Debenham Dr Clive Debenham, Guy’s The Revd Canon Dr Christopher Dent AKC Dr William Dunham, Guy’s Dr Drusilla Elias, née Pearce Mr Nick Goulding Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC Professor Sir Malcolm Green, St Thomas’ Dr Thomas Harrison, Guy’s Dr Patrick Hase AKC The Rt Revd Bishop Ralph Hatendi AKC The Revd Richard Hayes Mr Robin Healey The Rt Revd Christopher Hill Mr John Hodgson Mrs Judith Hodsdon, née Bonsall Dr David Hollanders Ms Jocelyn Hoyle Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC

Dr Richard James AKC Mr Simon Janvrin, Guy’s Dr Stuart Jennings Mrs Gillian Jordan, née Meader Mr Anthony Kremer Mrs Angela Lascelles, née Greig Mrs Janet Le Patourel, née Akers Mr Charles Leggott AKC Dr Ed Lisher, QEC Mr Robert Loomes, Guy’s Dr Marie Lovatt AKC, née Screech Dr Chris Marchese Mr David Marsh AKC The Revd Canon Roger Mason Ms Elizabeth Mavor, née Sucksmith Mr Richard & Dr Linda Mills, née Jefferies, St Thomas’ Mr Robert Morfee Mrs Jennifer Park, née Broomfield Mrs Gina Parker, née Howlett Mr Rod Peek Mrs Anne Phillips, née Thompson Mr Richard Reece, Royal Dental Mrs Heather Rendall, née Bather Mr Patrick Russell, Royal Dental Dr David Seager AKC Mr Sabah Shamash Mrs Beryl Sheldon, née Popplewell Miss Ingrid Slaughter AKC Mr Jonathan Swain, Guy’s Mrs Janet Taylor, née Stokely Mr John Threlfell The Very Revd Patrick Towers Dr John Tripp, Guy’s Mr Martyn Wenger Mr Alan Woodman Mr John Woodward

1969 Dr Marilyn Alister Dr Gregory Ansell, St Thomas’ Mr Ashley Badcock Mr Austin Banner, Guy’s Mrs Susan Beauchamp AKC, née Byrne Dr Peter Beckett AKC Mrs Julia Bell AKC, née Dunford Dr Peter Bellamy, St Thomas’ Dr Robert Bellenger Mr David Blacoe Dr Timothy Bushell, Guy’s Dr Tina Challacombe, née Cocks, Guy’s Dr Ray Charlier Dr John Clothier Mr Richard Corbett, St Thomas’ Her Honour Judge Judith Daley The Revd Canon Brian Davis Dr Iain Dresser, Institute of Psychiatry The Revd Derek Duncanson Mr Michael Dyer Mr Peter Eade Mr Owen Emanuel, Guy’s Mrs Gina Fairfax AKC, née Willcox Dr Elizabeth Fiddaman, née Wilcox Dr Gillian Forrest, née Bevan, St Thomas’ Dr Peter Frost, Royal Dental The Revd Canon Brian Gant The Revd Alexander George Mrs Patricia Gorin, née Bodley, QEC Mr Ian Gosling Professor Barry Gough FKC Mrs Judith Graham, née Hodgson Mr Frederick Hadwick Mr Jim Harding Dr Christopher Healey Mr Robert Hedden AKC Dr Jill Howell, née Qureshi, St Thomas’ Mr Paul & Mrs Janet Hudson, née Kay Mr Robin Hughes, St Thomas’ Dr Timothy James AKC Mrs Elizabeth Lewis, née Eyden Mr Nicholas Lloyd AKC

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.

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Mrs Felicity Lowe AKC, née Hodge The Revd Patrick Lutchmaya OBE Mr David Lyddon Ms Dorothy Marden Mrs Cynthia Martin, née Potter Professor Alan Maryon-Davis, St Thomas’ Ms Bette Melling Mr Douglas Metcalfe Dr Roger Moss, St Thomas’ Mr Nicholas Mottram The Very Revd Dean George Nairn-Briggs AKC, Mr Richard Packer AKC Mr Roger Paige The Revd Peter Paine The Revd Dr Richard Parsons Mr Richard Price OBE Ms Francesca Rae Quint AKC, née Gomez Mr Ian Rawlings, St Thomas’ The Venerable Mr John Rawlings Dr Ian Reay Mr Paul Robinson Dr Stephen Russ AKC Miss Ruth Sara AKC Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy Mr John Sly AKC Miss Brenda Squires Mr J Stephen, St Thomas’ Dr Keith Stewart, Guy’s Mr Philip Stone, QEC Dr David Sturdee, St Thomas’ Mr Malcolm Swift Dr Mel Thompson Mrs Lesley Tzidon, née Lewin The Revd Prebendary David Vanstone Miss Patricia Waite Mr Christopher Walker AKC Dr Michael Ward Dr Peter Weller, St Thomas’ Mr Geoffrey Williams Mr Steve Williams Mr Timothy Williams, St Thomas’ Mrs Hazel Willson AKC, née Bowbeer

1970 Mr Anthony Addison, Guy’s Ms Naomi Angell Dr David Baker, Guy’s The Revd Francis Ballinger Mr Alan Bayford The Revd Michael Caddy Dr Carolyn Charlesworth, St Thomas’ Dr David Child, St Thomas’ Mr John Cope, Guy’s Dr Steve Crooks, St Thomas’ Mr John Cunliffe, Guy’s Dr Demosthenes Dirmikis Ms Heather Dodd, née Vassie Dr Michael Faulkner, Guy’s Dr Paul Fontenoy The Honourable Sir David Foskett FKC The Revd Neville Gallagher Mr Charles Gardner Dr Henry Hambly, St Thomas’ Miss Susan Hargraves Dr Margaret Helliwell, née McClelland Mr Mark Herbert Dr Anthony Hughes, St Thomas’ Dr David Jackson, Guy’s Mr Stephen Kay Mr Anthony Kieran AKC Judge Peter King AKC Mr Michael Leyland Mrs Pamela Mainwaring, née Watson, Guy’s Mr Guy Moody Dr David Murfin Mr Christopher Neville, Guy’s Mrs Victoria Nnatuanya, née Davies, QEC Mr Frank O’Shea Mrs Frances Paterson MBE AKC, née Olver

The Revd Trudy Payne, née Longman Mrs Helen Pearson, née Bailey Mr Christopher & Mrs Jennifer Pegg, née Haas Mr Richard Piercy, QEC Mr Francis Porter Professor K Rainsford The Revd Dr Susan Ramsaran AKC Dr Anna-Maria Rollin, née Tihanyi, Guy’s Mr Stewart Roper, Guy’s Dr Jeffrey Rosenberg, Guy’s Miss Jenny Rumble AKC Dr Ian Saunders Mr Roger Scholes Dr Margaret Semple, née Oats, St Thomas’ Mrs Suzanna Stein, née Miller Mr Mike Taylor Professor Lord Christopher Terrington, Guy’s Ms Jan Thompson, née Hudson Professor Tom Treasure, Guy’s Mrs Susan Vanstone, née Fremlin Mr Brian Waters Dr Alfred White Mr Bruce Wooster, Guy’s Ms Mona Yeow, Chelsea College

1971 Dr Nicos Adamides Mr Jerome Ambrose Ms Alison Ball Dr Bob Baxter Dr David Bellamy MBE, Guy’s Mr Gordon Bernard Mr Warren Birnbaum Mrs Ruth Bolton, née Yarnold Dr Peter Bowers, St Thomas’ Dr Anthea Bransbury, née Buckland, St Thomas’ Mr Ian Brown Dr William Brownlee, Guy’s Dr John Bunning The Revd David Cawley AKC Mr Michael Dan Miss Sandra Davies Dr Sue Dirmikis, née Maciver Mr Bill Draycott, Royal Dental Mr Arthur Edwards Mrs Margaret Ferris AKC, née Robinson Mrs Rachel Field, née Sheppard, QEC Dr Geoffrey Frost AKC Mrs Helen Glover, née Phillips Dr Ray Godwin Mrs Hilary Harland, née Mayne, Guy’s Dr Peter Harrison, Guy’s Mr Ian Hollands, Chelsea College Mr Brian Jeeves Mr Trevor Jones Dr Aderonke Kale, née Oderinde, Institute of Psychiatry Dr Edward Kershaw Mrs Catherine Kim, née Perry Professor Peter Knight AKC Group Captain Ralph Knowles, Guy’s Mrs Susan Leach AKC, née Boore Mrs Pauline Lloyd, née Cooper Mr Kevin Malloy Mr Paul McGlone, Guy’s Dr Vivien Millar, née Leask, Guy’s Mr Colin Morgan, Royal Dental Mr Graham Northcott, Guy’s Dr John Novak, Guy’s Mrs Ann Pelham, née James Professor John Pepper, Guy’s Mr Mike Quinlan Mr Mike Redfern Mrs Rosalind Robins, née Grazin, Guy’s The Revd Alan Rowell AKC The Revd Andrew Sawyer Mr Gordon Simm

Mr Geoffrey Smith Dr Shelia Stoney Dr Kevin Thompson, Guy’s Dr Rosalind Thorburn, née Roland, Guy’s Mrs Jean Tipper, née Hancock Mrs Alison Ward, née Nelson Dr Peter Wilkinson Mrs Rosemary Williams, née Hudleston Mrs Susan Williams, née Cottam

1972 Emeritus Professor Brian Anderton Mr David Archer Dr Philip Arthur, St Thomas’ Mr David Barker, Guy’s The Revd Anthony Bell The Revd Canon Christopher Bishop Mrs Carys Blackburn, née Wood Dr Jim Bochsler AKC Dr Moira Brimacombe, Institute of Psychiatry Mrs Susan Brough, née Macleanan Dr Carol Brownson The Revd Stephen Burdett Mr Dennis Chapple Miss Sylvia Cole, QEC Dr Jill Davies Mr Michael Evans Mr Laurence Faiman The Revd John Fairweather Mr David Fellows AKC Mr Steven Fogel Mr John Gray Dr Fiona Griffith, née Scott, Guy’s Mr James Hewlett, Guy’s Mr Huw Hughes, QEC The Revd John Hunnisett AKC Mr Timothy Iball Dr Rachel Kershaw, née Bray Dr Anna Koffer, née Koffer-Gutmann Dr George Koukoutas, Chelsea College Mrs Jane Le Feuvre, née Jackson, QEC Mr John Leigh AKC Mr Peter Lunn, Guy’s Dr Annabella Marks, née Garnons-Williams, Guy’s Mr Richard Matthews, St Thomas’ Mrs Joyce Mellors, née Leckenby, QEC Mr Andrew Morris Ms Elizabeth Murphy Mrs Margaret Myers The Revd Dr Verj Nersessian Dr John Nicolson Dr Alan O’Day Dr Hugh Parry, Guy’s Ms Zoe Reed, Chelsea College Mr Ian Rickard The Revd Stewart Ridley AKC Dr John Scoble, Guy’s Mr Philip Scott Mr Christopher & Mrs Susan Searle AKC, née Lee Mr David Sheridan The Revd Canon David Springthorpe AKC Mrs Frances Twambley, née Brown Mrs Meriel Vincent, née Reith Mr George Walker Mr Martin Walsh Mr Michael Ward Mr Stephen Whitehead, St Thomas’ Mr Christopher Wiscarson FKC Dr Richard Wright, Guy’s Mr Simon Wright, Guy’s Dr Nicholas Yerbury, Guy’s

1973 The Revd David Adlington AKC Mr Peter Ashman Mr Robert Banner Dr Peter Bartle Dr Denise Batchelor AKC

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

32 | In Recognition 2010-11

Mr Michael Breen, Guy’s Mr John Brough Colonel Lance Burton Miss Carole Chapman AKC Mrs Jennifer Cook, née Leithead, Guy’s Dr Timothy Cox, Guy’s Professor Peter Davies, St Thomas’ Mr John Dick, Guy’s & Dr Gillian Dick, UMDS Mr Trevor Druett, Guy’s Lady Angela Foskett, née Jacobs Mrs Vera Frost Dr David Goodwin Professor Adrian Grant, St Thomas’ Mr John Harding Dr Nicholas Hayes Mrs Helene Herzberg, née Gordon Mr Graham Hill Ms Jean Huckett Mr Peter Hudson OBE Mrs Pam Jacobs, née Miles Mr Geraint Jeffreys The Revd Canon David Jennings AKC Mr Michael Kershaw The Revd Michael Kingston AKC Dr Jennifer Kirkwood, Guy’s Mr Peter Lamb Dr Alison Leiper, née Nussey Dr David Lintin, St Thomas’ Dr John McCauley Mr Malcolm McKay Dr Antony Miller, Institute of Psychiatry Ms Juliet Mitchell Professor John Monson, Guy’s Mr Stephen Moss CBE Mrs Jane Ollerton, née Rigler Dr David Otterburn, St Thomas’ Miss Stephanie Pattenden Mr John Perrott Mr Brian Plumb Mrs Jane Pollard AKC, née Tregoning Mr Anthony Roberts Mr Simon Skinner Mr Kenneth Torlop Dr Richard Walsh, Guy’s Professor David Warburton OBE, St Thomas’ Dr Anthony Wells Dr David Williams Dr Helen Wright, née Dow, Guy’s Mr Geoffrey Yeowart

1974 Dr Richard Aldridge, St Thomas’ Dr Christopher Amodio Dr Robert Armstrong, Guy’s Mr David Baggs AKC Mr Christopher Baker Ms Deborah Bedford AKC The Revd Paul Bilton AKC Dr David Birley, St Thomas’ Dr Ann Blackburn Dr Roderick Bowering, Guy’s Dr Clare Carter, Guy’s Mr Geoff Carter Mrs Briony Cooke, née Lewis Mr Andrew Cracknell, Guy’s The Revd Jonathan Cruickshank AKC Professor Elizabeth Davenport, née Brady, Royal Dental Mr Simon Drinkwater Dr Simon Dudbridge, St Thomas’ Mr James Edwards Mr Robert Elliott, Guy’s The Revd David Eve AKC Mr David Farrell Mr Robert Fawthrop AKC Mrs Gillian Forde AKC, née Harris Mr Trevor George Dr David Gunn Mr Mark Hardy AKC Mrs May Harper, née Holland

Mr Peter Hodgkinson, Guy’s Mrs Yvonne Holmes Packer AKC, née Holmes Dr Jill Krafft, Guy’s Prebendary Tony Kyriakides-Yeldham Mr Edward Lodge Ms Suzanne Long MBE AKC The Revd Rik Mayes AKC Mr Nigel McBride AKC Mr Jeffrey Morris Dr Penelope Newman, née Boundy, St Thomas’ Dr Nicholas O’Riordan Ms Ruth Owen, née Hamliln The Revd Nicholas Paxton Professor Sir Keith Porter, St Thomas’ Dr Victoria Rippere, Institute of Psychiatry Mr Paul Rispoli Dr Mary Robson, née Russell Dr Frances Rochford, née Massey, Guy’s Mr David & Mrs Maria Royle Mr Robert Segall Mr Will Sleath Dr Dennis Smith Mr Robert Steele Mr Ivan Sutton, Royal Dental Mr Terry Toney Miss Linda Vance The Revd Dr Thomas Weil AKC Dr Elizabeth Winterton, née Elsom Dr Anthony Wordley, St Thomas’ Dr Charles Wright, Guy’s

1975 Mr Malcolm Aldridge AKC Mr Nigel Bamping AKC The Revd Desmond Banister AKC Mr Peter Barrett, Royal Dental Professor Major Joan Beaumont, née Magor Mr Anthony Black Dr Edward Bray, Guy’s Mr Graham Brown Miss Pamela Brown AKC Dr Richard Butland, Guy’s Mr Roger Butler Dr Sally Cardew, Guy’s The Revd Professor Alexander Coker AKC Mr Michael Dalton AKC Dr Trudi Darby AKC Mrs Susan Eaton, née Atkinson Mr Kevin Esplin The Revd Brian Fairbank AKC Mr Robert Gamson Dr David Greenleaf AKC Mrs Beverly Hallam, née Riordan Mr James Hamilton Mrs Mary Hardy, née Goold Professor Anne Hemingway, Guy’s Mr John Henderson AKC Mrs Carol Huckvale, née Woollett Dr Lynda Hutchinson, née Burditt, QEC Dr Julian Johnson AKC Mrs Janet Lambert AKC, née Cliff Dr Christopher & Dr Jennifer Langdon, née Goodwin, Guy’s Mr Mark Leitch, QEC Mr David McCulloch Dr Ronald Milner, St Thomas’ Mr Trevor Moniz Mr Stephen Morrall AKC Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s Mr Vasant Patel The Revd David Peel AKC Mr Godfrey Rhimes, Guy’s Mrs Deborah Richards, née Pearce Brigadier Nick Rigby Mrs Michele Robinson, née Emberton Mr David Rutherford

Dr Shafik Sachedina, Guy’s Mr P Simons, Royal Dental Dr Geoff Sparrow, Guy’s Mrs Jane Tebbutt AKC, née Noon Dr Diana Terry Mr Robert Jeffrey Terry Dr Christopher Thorpe Mr Richard Wakeford Mr Peter Weitzel Mrs Ann West AKC

1976 Mr Anthony Ashplant Dr Jonathan Bayly, Guy’s Professor Rudolf Bilous, Guy’s Mr Stephen Bott Mrs Vaughan Buchanan Lady Anne Carr, née Somerset Mr John Carter, Royal Dental Mr William Chappell Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC Dr Stephen Clarke, Guy’s Mrs Sheila Cooper Mrs Ruth Downie AKC, née Hancock Mr Tim Edwards Professor Peter Emery, QEC Dr Jonathan Evans Dr Kathryn Findlay, née Allen, Guy’s Ms Ruth Gardner AKC Dr David Gover, St Thomas’ Dr William Greene, Guy’s Mr Harish Haria, Chelsea College The Revd Alan Hawker AKC Dr Alan Hibberd, Chelsea College Mrs Kate Hoskin, née Barnard Dr Peter Howell, Guy’s Mr Peter Humphreys AKC Dr Peter James, Guy’s Dr Mervyn Jaswon, St Thomas’ Professor Richard Kay, Guy’s Mrs Elizabeth Kennett, née Miller, Chelsea College Dr Christopher Kinchin, Guy’s Dr Stephen Lander, St Thomas’ Major General Stuart Lee CB MBE Mr Philip Lundberg Mr Chris May, Guy’s Mr Peter Milledge Dr John Moore-Gillon, St Thomas’ Mr David Narracott AKC Mr Stephen Parry, Royal Dental Mr Dilipkumar Patel Dr Nigel Pearce, St Thomas’ Dr David Philbrick, St Thomas’ Dr Margaret Philippson, née Wise, Guy’s Dr Chic Pillai Mrs Helen Powell, QEC Mrs Elvira Read, née Wright Miss Mary Richardson Mrs Diane Romano-Woodward, née Romano Professor Jonathan Sandy Mr Geoffrey Sankey AKC Dr Martyn Shawyer Mrs Christina Thomas, née Jackson Dr Philip Timms, Guy’s Dr Heather Volk, Guy’s Mrs Susan Wakeford, née Beacham Mr Barry Westwood, Guy’s

1977 Mrs Theresa Anderson AKC, née Barratt Ms Margaret Bowron Ms Miranda Buckley Dr Geoffrey Carr Dr Penny Cheuk Mr David Daly AKC Miss Jane Davies, née Lord, Normanby College Dr Peter Davis Mr Andrew Derbyshire AKC

Dr Andrew Dicker, St Thomas’ Mrs Tessa Dickinson, née Halford Mr Bill Dodwell Miss Peta Dollar Mrs Jennifer Ellis AKC, née Rowe Mr Peter Evans AKC Dr David Forecast Ms Caro Fraser Edwards Dr Pravin Goutam, Guy’s Mrs Barbara Grandage, née Brett Dr Jonathan Grannell, Chelsea College Dr Joanna Harding Miss Stephanie Hawthorne Dr Mary Heber, Guy’s Dr Neil Hounslow, Guy’s Dr Alasdair Jacks, Guy’s Mrs Virginia Jani, née Plumbe, Chelsea College Mrs Diana Kaars Sijpesteijn, née Markham, Chelsea College Mr Kevin Knott AKC Mr Andrew Latty, Chelsea College Mrs Gillian Lester AKC, née Topping Mr Peter Lewis Dr Alexander Milosevic, Guy’s Dr David Moore AKC Mrs Mary Morton, née Russell Mr Philip Morton Dr Alison Newlyn, née Pitfield-Perry Dr Marc Patterson AKC Mrs Elizabeth Phillips, née Smith, Chelsea College Ms Elizabeth Pocknell AKC, née Chappell Mr John Russell Mrs Linda Savin, née Kennett Mr Ural Selchouk, QEC Mr Mike Shallcross Dr Frances Shaw Mrs Shirley Somerville, née Norton, Chelsea College Mrs Lesley Stocker, née Mclagan Mr John Taylor, Guy’s The Revd Dr Stephen Thompson AKC Dr Michael & Dr Jill Tidman, née Harrison, Guy’s Mr Stephen Tysoe Mr Stephen Walmsley Ms Janet Webster, née Grey, Royal Dental Dr Adrian Williams, St Thomas’ The Revd Robert Williamson Mrs Beverley Wride, née Davis, QEC

1978 Dr Christopher Adams, St Thomas’ Mr Simon Anderson The Revd Andrew Bailey AKC Miss Ailsa Beaton OBE, Chelsea College The Revd Stephen Bould AKC Mr Duncan Bratchell Mrs Nichola Bull, née Lolley, Guy’s Dr Zaid Chalabi Professor LC Chan Professor Robert Coleman Dr Ian Coulson, St Thomas’ Ms Mary Davies Dr Carlos de Sousa, Guy’s Dr Jonathan Denbigh The Revd Tim Edgar AKC Dr Fiona El-Beih, née Henderson, Guy’s Mr Martin England, Chelsea College Mr David & Mrs Pamela Frodsham, née Martin Dr Alan Fryer, St Thomas’ Mrs Dana Genis, née Weinbaum, Chelsea College Mr Paul Gibson Mrs Catherine Griffiths AKC Mrs Mary Hale Mr David Harrison AKC Mr Jon Hiscock & Dr Jane Lau, Guy’s The Rt Revd Nicholas Holtam FKC

Ms K Kelly Dr Takeshi Kimura Miss Gwendolen Lawton, Chelsea College Mr Andrew Limbrick AKC & Mrs Gillian Limbrick, née Whitta Mr Ian Lonsdale AKC Mrs Joy Lord, née Grigg Miss Pauline Mccalla, Chelsea College Mr Timothy Miller, Guy’s Dr Marilyn Moyse Dr Bernard Newmarch, Guy’s Mr Gary O’Farrell AKC, Chelsea College Mr Gary O’Hare, Guy’s Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s Dr Carl Pereira Mrs Christine Richings, née Cummings Dr Alan Sidi, Guy’s Dr M Spencer Mr Graham Stibbs Mrs Grania Sweeting, née Whalley, QEC Mrs Judith Thompson, née Gilbert Dr J Treasure, née Burden, St Thomas’ Mr Peter Winnicki Dr Linde Wotton

1979 Dr Charles Allanby, Guy’s Ms Victoria Allison, née Ogier Mrs Julia Austin, née Browne, Guy’s Ms Rosalind Barbier Dr Joseph Barker, St Thomas’ Dr Richard Barnett, Guy’s Mrs Anne Bennett Mr Trevor Branch, Chelsea College Miss Janice Brennan The Revd Canon Peter Coates AKC Miss Linda Collins, Chelsea College Mr Ian Crate, Guy’s Mrs Jane Dalton, née Pearson Mr Stephen Des Clayes, Guy’s Ms Marie D’Aguanno Ito Dr Christopher Dudman Mr Ian Ebsworth Mrs Laura Edgar AKC Dr Patricia Everitt, née Coleman, QEC Dr David Farmer, Guy’s The Revd Ian Finn AKC Dr John Fishwick, St Thomas’ Dr Margaret Herbert, Guy’s The Revd Michael Hewitt AKC Ms Lorna Hitchin AKC Dr Anthony Jacobs, Royal Dental Dr Caroline Jones, née Donald, QEC Dr Nicholas Joyner, Guy’s Dr Christina MacFarlane, née Horton, Guy’s Mrs Esther Matusz-Norris AKC, née Matusz Dr Kevin O’Neill Mrs Janet Owen Ms Bronia Parry Mr Conor Quigley Ms Jane Roberts, née Gibbins Mr Stephen Roche Mr Iain Roxborough Mrs Carolyn Saunders, née Wilson Dr Adrian Shanks, St Thomas’ Ms Alyson Shaw, Chelsea College Dr Bonita Thomson Dr Martin Vallis, Guy’s Mr John Walsham Mrs Gail Werkmeister, née Dyer Dr Adrian Weston, Guy’s Dr Keith Williams, St Thomas’

1980 Mr Martin Amison Miss Geraldine Andrews AKC Ms Jane Beaton AKC

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.

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Mrs Catherine Brookes, née Smith, QEC Dr Kietny Chrun, Royal Dental Mr Westrow Cooper, Chelsea College Mr Harjinder Degun, Chelsea College Dr Nigel Dickson, Guy’s Miss Paula Dove, Chelsea College Mr Julian Ede, Guy’s Mrs Lesley Fernandez-Armesto Mrs Sarah Francis, née Smith Mr Nick Gale Dr Helen Gillies, née Kinsella, Guy’s Dr Jonathan Glover, St Thomas’ The Revd Canon Simon Godfrey AKC Mr Paul Goslin, Guy’s Mr Ted Greeno Mrs Angela Hillyard Professor Yukio Himiyama Professor Andrew King Mrs Sandra Lawlor, née Taylor Dr Anne Lowes, née Stringer Mr Peter Maplestone AKC Dr Judith Motto, née Broadbent, Guy’s Mr Russell Newton, Chelsea College Miss Mary O’Rourke Mrs Christine Osborne, née Hall, Guy’s Mrs Helen Owen, née Bland Mr Richard Pagan Dr Keith Ritchie, Guy’s Mr Gavin Scott, Royal Dental Mr Julian Skellett Mr Jon Stone Dr Roger Timms AKC Mrs Frances Wallace AKC, née Jones Professor Timothy Watson, Guy’s Dr Jan Welch MBE, St Thomas’

1981 Dr Donald Bargh Dr Khaver Bashir, St Thomas’ Mr Keith Bloor, Chelsea College Dr James Broadway, St Thomas’ The Revd Bob Callaghan Mr Gurtejpal Chana, Chelsea College Ms Julia Charlton AKC Mr Leo Chiu Dr Christos Clerides Dr Harriet Crabtree OBE Mr Chris Delger AKC Mr Arif Essaji Mr Lloyd Evans Mr Graham Frost, Chelsea College Mr Simon Gregson, Guy’s Dr James Heathcote AKC Mrs Fiona Hurley, née Lenton, QEC Dr Karen John, née Davies, Guy’s Dr Martin Kiff, St Thomas’ Mrs Pat Latham, née Gordon Dr Nigel Minett Mr Hashim Mohammed, QEC Ms Claire Murrell Mrs Elizabeth Openshaw, née Bell Mr Patrick Overs Mr Dean Rowell, Chelsea College Mr Clifford Taylor, Chelsea College Dr Michael Taylor, Chelsea College Dr Vijay Vashi, Chelsea College Mr Patrick Wallace Dr Ian Wilderspin, Chelsea College Mr John Woodley Dr Sean Yoshida, Chelsea College

1982 Mr Keith Abraham Mrs Jennie Allen, née Morley Mrs Judith Batchelar, née Troke, Chelsea College Mr Keith Champion Mr Shehzada Cheema Dr Harriet Clough Dr Patrick Craig-McFeely, St Thomas’ Mr Charles Crisp Mrs Nikki Davey, née Barker, Royal Dental

Dr Simon Davies, Guy’s Dr Hugh Deighton, QEC Mr Roland Doven MBE AKC Mrs Merlene Emerson, née Toh Mr Georg Fellmann Mr Paul Fennell, QEC Dr Jean Fox, née Hart Mr G Galletly Dr James Gildersleve, Guy’s Mrs Caroline Grinham, née Perman Mr Matthew Guntrip, Chelsea College Mr Timothy Hammett AKC The late Mr Edward Hatfull Mrs Fiona Hodges Dr John Horne, St Thomas’ Dr Anthony Jenkins, St Thomas’ Dr Francis Kwong Mr Jeremy Lawes AKC Mr Martin Lewis Ms Gill Marcus Ms Barbara McCormack, QEC Mr Brian Noronha, QEC Dr Sakar Nusseibeh Miss Angela O’Connor, née Abbott, Chelsea College Dr Ian Osterloh, Guy’s Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s Mrs Elizabeth & Mr Daniel Peltz Mrs Lydia Pritchard, née Mansfield Dr N Sewell Dr Jeremy Sizer Dr Neil Smith, St Thomas’ Captain Jan Sobczuk, Chelsea College Mrs Anne Southgate AKC, née Sampson Mrs Valentine Steadman, née Foussier Mr Rory Tapner FKC Ms Pamela Temple Mr Alasdair Thomas Mr Christopher Wakely Dr Wendy Walton, née Stephenson, Guy’s Dr Phil Whatmough Mrs Jill Woodley, née Hodgkinson

1983 Dr Richard Balai Dr Steven Brown, St Thomas’ Mr Tim Bryant, Guy’s Mr Andrew Burke Mr Mark Carroll Mr Kevin Chau, Royal Dental Mr Albert Cheung Mrs Jeanette Clifford Dr Ewen Forrest, St Thomas’ Mrs Alison Gibbs, née Heagerty Dr Martin Hadley-Brown, St Thomas’ Dr Robert Hart, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Hill AKC Mr Richard Hurrell, Guy’s Dr Yee Cheau Hwang Mr Julian Innes-Taylor AKC Mr Bruce Irving, Guy’s Mr Michael Keays AKC Ms Mandy Kendall Mr David Ladd Miss Denise Larnder Mr Chee Law Dr Henry Leung Mrs Sue Leung, née Koh, Chelsea College Mr Terence Lo Mr Kieran Maloney AKC Dr Winifred McLaughlin, Royal Dental Dr Ann McNutt, née Yue, St Thomas’ Dr Douglas Miller, Guy’s Mrs Rosemary Moore, née Shipman, Chelsea College Mrs Shahnaz Murphy, née Ali Khan, Chelsea College Dr Ian Nugent, St Thomas’ Dr Christina Peers, née Spiteri, Guy’s Mr Robert Piper Mr Craig Pouncey

Mr Andrew Probert AKC Mrs Jacqui Raggett, née Nielson The Revd Gisela Raines, née Voorintholt Dr James Rankin, Guy’s Professor Tara Renton, née Cautley, Guy’s Mr Jon Richards Mr Bagher Sadrieh, Chelsea College Mr Robert Sweet Mr Peter Tahany Mr Hitesh Thakrar, QEC Dr Wilfred Treasure, Guy’s Mrs Moira Warner, née Connor Mr Philip Weeks, Guy’s Mr Andrew Wigfall AKC Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s

1984 Mr Peter Allen, Royal Dental Mr Dean Bailey Dr David Black Ms Nicola Blaxall AKC, née Adams Mrs Jane Branfield, née Platt Mr Rory Bremner FKC Mr Christopher Briere-Edney AKC Dr Mark Bushnell, St Thomas’ Mr John Callaghan AKC Mrs Joanne Cassabois, née Onions Mr Richard Chatterjee, Chelsea College Mrs Lynn Chitty, née Thurlow Ms Shirley Clark, Chelsea College Mr Gregory Cook AKC Dr Colin Dayan, Guy’s Mrs Domenica de Rosa, née Maxted Mr Ahmet Dellal, Chelsea College Dr Katherine Fallon, née Lister, St Thomas’ Ms Yvonne Gallagher Mr Steven Godsiff Mrs Elizabeth Grindon, née Painter, QEC Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Dr John Holden Mrs Sarah Irving, Chelsea College Mr John Johnston Mr Sunil Kakkad, Guy’s Dr Alistair Lipp Ms Athena Lui Ms Helen Lydon, née Kawai Dr Sheila Macrae, Chelsea College Mrs Shirley Matthews, née Mckinnon Ms Lindsay Maxwell Ms Gwynneth Miles Mr Charles Moor, Chelsea College Miss Ruth Pendlington Mr Frank Reedy, QEC Mrs Karen Roberts, née Williams Miss Sally-Ann Russell Miss Patricia Sandys Dr Judith Shilling, née Williams, Chelsea College Ms Catherine Snell Dr Margaret Spence, née Johnson, Guy’s Miss Claire Staddon Dr Malcolm Stone, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Sullivan AKC Mrs Penny Taylor, née Spencer Dr Philip Taylor, Guy’s Dr Geoffrey Thorley, Institute of Psychiatry Dr Pamela Todd Dr Lisa Ward, née Nelson, St Thomas’ Lady Simone Warner, née Nangle Mr Charles Watson Mr Mark Wheelhouse Dr Sarah Wild Mrs Heather Williams, née Faux, Guy’s Ms Susan Young, Guy’s

1985 Mr Christopher Adams Mrs Vanessa Blackmore, née Casey Mr David Cooke AKC

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

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Dr Fiona Cornish, née Cameron, St Thomas’ Dr Mark Couldrick Dr Martin Dwyer, Guy’s Mr Richard Dyton AKC Mr Andrew Edney, Guy’s Mrs Hilary Elkins, née McNamara Mr Mark Elliott AKC Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s Mrs Angela Foulds, née Khan, Chelsea College Miss Susan Gollop Mr Norman Gray, Chelsea College Dr Catherine Gray, Guy’s Dr Fiona Hayes, Guy’s Mr Bertram Hearn Professor Joe Herzberg, Institute of Psychiatry Miss Marytka Jablkowska Mr Robert Jenkins Dr Adrian Jones AKC Ms Rupal Kapadia, QEC Mr William Kukstas, QEC Miss Katherine Lacy Mrs Antonia Long, née Cox Professor Ian S Markham Dr Michael Martin, Guy’s Miss Keren Morrell AKC Mr Jonathan Newby Mr Simon Phippard AKC Mrs Janet Ross, née Larsson Dr Judith Russell Dr Jennifer Schram, St Thomas’ Ms Pepe Shirlaw, Guy’s Mr Shaun Spiers Dr Brian Stevenson Dr Christopher Thorpe Mr Giles Walker Mr Dave West Miss Jill Wilkinson, née Johnson Dr Andrew Williams, Guy’s Mrs Carolyn Williams, née Peverel-Cooper, Chelsea College Mr Dieter Yih FKC Dr Donya Young, née Potter

1986 Mrs Joanne Adams AKC, née Hutcheon Dr Namdar Baghaei-Yazdi Mr Martin Bartlam Dr Charles Berrisford Dr Aidan Borer AKC Miss Michele Collins, Guy’s Mrs Cathryn Downing, née Higgins, QEC Mr Stephen Eyers Dr Amanda Freeman, St Thomas’ Mr Andrew Hathaway Ms Clair Hector Mr Charlie Hedges Mr Nicholas Herbert-Young Dr Tim Heymann, St Thomas’ Mrs Tamsin Hopkins-Powell, née Hopkins Mr Steven Hunt Mr Nicholas Kershaw Mr Sue Lim Dr Felicity Little Mr Ian Marshall Mr Tom McHugh Mr Philip Meaden, née Meadon Dr Pamela Noon, Guy’s Mr Robin Redgrave Mrs Debra Rimmington, née Yeung Mr Ian Rutherford Mrs Julia Sharpe, née Mansell Mr Matthew Simkins Dr Gregory Singleton Dr Catherine Smith, Guy’s Mrs Susan Smith AKC, née Wainer Mrs Fiona Sweeting AKC, née Yates Dr Patricia Taylor, née O’Kane

Dr Penelope Thexton, Guy’s Mrs Christine Twitchen, Guy’s Miss Joanna Urbanek Dr Arta Vahdaty, Guy’s Ms Gaye van Denderen, née Ongel van Denderen Dr Seema Verma, née Nagpaul, Guy’s Mr Mark Woodhouse AKC

1987 Miss Carolyn Andrew Mr Stephen Baldwin Miss Julia Berry Mr Darren Bradbury Mr George Cyriax Mr Leslie Everitt AKC Dr Crispin Fisher, St Thomas’ The Rt Hon Mark Francois Dr Tony Gardner, Guy’s Dr Tony Gibbon, St Thomas’ Ms Glenis Goodman, Chelsea College Mr Allistair Graham Miss Angela Huxley Mrs Janine Jamieson, née Bragger, Chelsea College Miss Katharine Lewis Ms Jane Lodge Mr Matthew & Mrs Allison McAllister AKC, née McComb Mr Scott Mitchell AKC Miss Helen Morgan Mr Douglas Murgatroyd Mr Andrew Murray Dr Philip Naylor Mr Mark Nicholson AKC Mr Edward Oakley Mrs Pamela Omotosho, née Agbamuche Mr Rob Pickering, Guy’s Dr Piotr Pierzchniak Mrs Clare Pimm, née Chavasse, Guy’s Mr John Stebbing, Guy’s Mr Paul Stokes Mr Gary Summers Mr Mark Taylor AKC Mr Neeraj Tuli AKC Mr Julian Woodward Mr Nick Woollcombe

1988 Dr Christopher Athayde Mr Thomas Blaikie Dr Duncan Brooke, Guy’s Mrs Karen Brown, née Tombs Dr Julie Brown Miss Ruth Butler Dr Chris Christodoulou Mrs Jane Fisher-Hunt AKC, née Fisher Mr Gary Forde Dr Matthew Hackett, Guy’s Dr Alyson Holder, née Fox The Revd David Hubbard Mr Geraint Hughes AKC Dr Richard Jarvis Mr Simon Johnson Mr Wilson Lam The Revd Dr Giles Legood AKC & Dr Melanie Phillips Ms Elizabeth Mackie Mrs Rachel Manning, née Bateman, Guy’s Mrs Margaret Mumford Mr Aaron Pascoe Mrs Elizabeth Podd, née Kerby Dr Ravi Ratnavel, St Thomas’ Mr Iain Rubli AKC Mrs Mariko Sasagawa-Garmory, née Sasagawa Mr Roger Shortt Dr John Skehel Dr Peter Stanley Mr Chris Stokes AKC Mr Robert Thompson Miss Maria Troyano

Mrs Patricia Watt Dr Monica Whittle, Guy’s Dr Helen Wiseman Dr Dawson Woo Mr Thomas Yeo

1989 Dr Peter Atkinson Ms Tola Awogbamiye Mr Keith Bamford Miss Stella Bettoney Ms Jill Bradley, née Pearson Mr Simon Edwards Mrs Maren Gaukroger AKC, née Madland Mr Ivan Hare Mrs Deepti Haria, née Patel, UMDS His Excellency Dr Peter Hayes Dr Raj Kumar, Guy’s Dr Michael & Dr Avni Lee, née Patel, Guy’s Mr Sondy Lo Mr Michael Long Dr Taher Mahmud AKC Dr Iram Malik Dr Penny Mancais, née Boyden, St Thomas’ Mr Steven Marshall Miss Fiona McPherson AKC Mrs Marie-Alix Michel Denain Mrs Rachel Moriarty, née Thompson Mrs Gillian Nevins Dr Madeleine Pipon Mr Alfred Quinn Mr Christopher Roberts, Royal Dental Mrs Asokamala Sawhney Mr Richard Sherwood Ms Alison Smith, née Bridgeman Dr Jonathan Sullivan Miss Nhuoc Tu AKC, née Lan Mrs Shernaz Wadia Mr John Westbury

1990 Mr Colin Baynes Dr Jane Bearinger Mr Steven Bolotin Mrs Anne-Marie Clarke, née Horton Miss Caroline Coates Mr Kofo Coker Mrs Minaxi Dattani, née Jatania, Guy’s Mr Sanjit Eliatamby Mr Robert Ellison Ms Philippa Goodwin Dr Philip Hall Miss Louise Heal Dr Susan Honeywill, St Thomas’ Mr Michael Horan AKC Mr Prasan Jayasinghe Dr Annette Jones Dr David Lawrence Mr Ian Lowe Mr Alasdair MacDonald Mr Andrew Mack Mr Matthew McGuire Mrs Shayala McRae AKC, née de Soysa Dr Richard Miles, Guy’s Dr Alan Millar Miss Umberin Mirza Dr Joseph Moretz Mrs Fay Naylor Mrs Elizabeth Neaves Mrs Jacqueline Osborne, née Greenwood Dr Sanjiv Patel, Guy’s Mr Randy Peiris Dr Reisha Rafeek, Guy’s Mr Michael Raffan AKC Mr M Ricketts Dr Jill Saddler Dr Haralambos Sakonidis Mrs Juliet Salway, née Shipton Miss Pauline Stevenson,

Chelsea College Ms Alison Taylor His Honour Judge Anthony Thorpe Mr Christopher Thorpe Mrs Bohdanka Todosyiv, née Novetsky The Revd Elizabeth Welch Mrs Jennifer Wells, née Beasant Mr Sutton Yeung Mrs Mané Zaffaroni, née Shahbenderian

1991 Mr Nick Abbott Dr Lisa Adams Mr Peter Andrews Miss Elizabeth Axe Dr Michael Barrie, St Thomas’ Ms Sonja Boulter AKC, née Hedgecock Mr Philip Butson Mrs Susan Cable, née Bywater Miss Zoe Congo Miss Katherine Delargy Mrs Ferhiz Dinshaw Miss Adele Dyer Dr D Egerton, St Thomas’ Mrs Margaret Gomes, née Seabra The Revd Dominic Grant AKC Dr Roger Hitching Mr Barry Lall Mr Stephen Lelliott Mrs Aruna Lodhia, née Mandal Mrs Catherine Longworth Mr Raphael Lung The Countess of March & Kinrara, née Janet Astor Mr Kojiro Morikawa Mr Colin Nicholson Mrs Yvette Rathbone, née Erete Mr Christian Rogers Dr Jemimah Rowden, née Gyang Miss Josephine Royle Mr Babatunde Soyoye Miss Charlotte Spedding, UMDS The Revd Dr David Standen Dr Nigel Taylor AKC Mr Ikram Ulhaq Mr Geoffrey Van Orden Ms Jacqueline Walpole, née Ware Mr Steve Wardlaw Mrs Shelagh Zachariades

1992 Dr Ebidapo Bamgboye Mr Paul Banks Dr John Black Ms Juliana Blanch Mr David Bunker Mr Christopher Cheng Mrs Ronali Collings, née Jayasinghe Mrs Karen Conroy Miss Ann Corbett AKC The Revd Amanda Cuthbertson AKC Mrs Alison Datta, née Lloyd Dr Gabriella Dideriksen Mr Neil Doling Miss Maria Francisco Mr James & Mrs Janaki Fryer-Spedding AKC, née Jeyaratnam Dr Keith Gomez, St Thomas’ Ms Catherine Gough AKC, née Taylor Miss Monica Halpin AKC Dr Anthony Hare Ms Katharine Hargreaves, Mr Edward Heeley AKC Mrs Kantele Hickingbotham, née Woodhouse Mr Andrew Hill Ms Helena Holrick Mr Edgar Jorge Mr Stuart Kerner Mr Benedict King Mrs Suzanne Marriott AKC, née Cooper Mr K C Mok

Mr Harjinder Nijjar Dr Kannan Nithi Dr Gerard Panting Mr Alpesh Patel AKC Mr Sailesh Persand Mrs Sarah Pollard, née Clements, UMDS Mr David Powell Major Iain Radford MBE AKC Dr Glynn Robinson, UMDS Mr Peter Roderick Ms Mai-Ling Savage Mrs Maria Schofer Professor Emanuel Senici Mr Russell Thomas Mrs Rosemary Warner AKC

1993 Mr Gavin Allen Ms Sarah Brooks Dr Rhoda Bucknill Mr Gordon Buffard Mr Alexander & Mrs Katherine Cash, née Scanlan, UMDS Dr Margaret Coldiron Mr Glenn Cooper, UMDS Mr Adrian De Souza Mr Justice Namik Ergani Ms Clare Ferros-Moore, née Ferros Dr Michael Freeman Mrs Patricia Griffin, née Devitt Mrs Roswitha Guest Mr Adriaan John Hermsen Dr Simon Hughes Dr Carolyn Hynes Ms Catherine Jones Mr Jeff Lamb Mrs Lesley Lawson Mr Paul Lewis Dr Sveta Mayer Mr Christopher McMahon Mr Ryan Murphy AKC Mrs Deborah Okpala Dr Anup Patel, UMDS Mrs Susannah Pfalzer, née Davidson Mr Adrian Roberts Mrs Christine Robinson AKC, née Beadle Dr Irene Schofield Mr N Selvarajasingam Mr Sanjay Sethi, UMDS Mr Richard Staveley Mrs Ruth Stokes Dr Henry Taylor, Guy’s Mr Martin Taylor Miss Susan Terrett Miss Milena Weidenfeller Mr David Westcott Dr Sara Whitten

1994 Miss Sacha Ackland Mr Nathan Adams Miss Fiona Arnold, UMDS Mr Philip Baggaley Mr Christopher Ball AKC Dr Christopher Baxter Mrs Susan Crawford-Staff, née Crawford Mr Bobby Dixit Mrs Yoshita Gill, née Patel, Chelsea College Mrs Monica Gilsenan, née Harte Mrs Jocelyn Glinert Ms Cosima Grun Mr Sudip Gupta Mr Stephen Hayden Dr Monica Holmes-Siedle The Revd Canon Douglas Holt Dr Elizabeth Leach Mr Elliot Lilley Miss Despo Michael Mrs Zarah Moores, née Damji Mrs Patricia Pank

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.

In Recognition 2010-11 | 35

Mr Vijesh Patel Dr Elisabeth Peregrine, née Gibson, UMDS Mr Muruguppillai Rajendiran Mrs Katja Roesenberger Dr Louise Selby, UMDS Mrs Renata Stewart Miss Ruth Stoddart AKC Ms Jacqueline Sullivan Dr Geoffrey Taylor AKC The Revd Sally Theakston Professor Mary Watkins Mr Stephen Willmer Mr Alan Wright

1995 Professor Biju Abraham Mr David Ankcorn Mrs Judith Barrett Mr Paul Boland Mrs Margaret Braddick AKC Mr Charles Butterfield Mr Douglas Cadman Mr Alexander Caton AKC Dr Stephen Chan, UMDS Mrs Rosemary Clark Ms Nicola Cooney AKC Mr Nick Cowan AKC Ms Marnie Ellison Miss Joanne Field Mrs Shirley Foxell Mr Timothy Fradin Mr Alfonso Frontera Mr Salvador Garcia-Lopez, UMDS Mrs Sarah Glanville, née Blunn Ms Samantha Hammer, née Grieve The Revd Mr Daniel Humphreys AKC Dr Kaushal Kansagra, UMDS Dr William Kearns AKC Mrs Ann King Mr Nick Laing AKC Professor George Lewis Mr Michael Luck AKC Dr Keki Madon, UMDS Mrs Milena Mehak-Zunic Mr Patrick Misson Mr Femi Olufeso Ms Olubisi Olufunwa Professor Jonathan Osborne Mrs Carole Pairpoint Miss Wendy Pixner The late Dr William Revell, UMDS Dr Andrew Rochford Ms Anne Shields, UMDS Mr Andrew Steele Mr Richard Stephens Dr David Trim Dr Stephen Weiss Ms Sandy Wong Mr Burkhard Zimmermann

1996 Mr Simon Armson, UMDS Mr Harbhajan Bhorjee Mr Richard Brownnutt Professor John Cann The Revd Canon Dr Stephen Cherry Dr Philippa Evans, UMDS Mr Peter Farrow Mrs Clarissa Feldman, née Coleman Mr Andrew Flood Mr Charles Fothringham Mr Thumilan Ganesh Mrs Stephanie Higgins, née Pinion Dr Hyung Kim Ms Kristina Korotaj-Dionisio, UMDS Dr Christos Kouimtsidis, UMDS Dr Sarah Lilley, née Rossiter Miss Sandra Markham Captain James McClane Dr Paul Peard Miss Elizabeth Phelan

Mr Carl Richardson Ms April Russello, UMDS Mr Graham Shaw Mr Indy Singh The Revd Clive Smith Mrs Ruth Webster

1997 Miss Claire Ashman Miss Nicola Ballard, Guy’s Mr Danilo Barani Dr Ralph Baylis, Guy’s Mr John Benson Dr Elizabeth Bishop Mr Prince Boampong, UMDS Mr Nigel Bosworth Dr Alison Carr Mrs Kelly Chandler, née Russell The Revd Margaret Collins Mr Hendrik Cyrus, née Feddes Mr Glenn Davies AKC Mrs Jo-Anne Derbyshire, née Archer Dr Aruna Dias, UMDS Dr Ingrid Doherty, UMDS Dr Amanda Ellwood, née Hill Mr Teymour Gaskin Mr Alan Howe Dr Simon Hughes, UMDS Ms Valerie Jones Mr Vincent Kamp Mrs Ivone Lancoma-Malcolm, née Lancoma Dr Zudong Liu Mr John Lowings Mr Khuram Malik Mrs Marcie McLeod-Ferros, UMDS Miss Rosamond Miskin Mrs Jennifer Morris Mr Gwyn Owen Mrs Lauren Patterson, née Stewart Mr Andrew Pinnock Mrs Gillian Sanders Mrs Farzana Shah Miss Harpreet Sondh Mrs Wendy Tebble Professor Emma Volodarskaya Ms Anne Webb, née Fahy

1998 Mr Mohammed Alom Mrs Catherine Armstrong Mr David Blood Mr Nicholas Blundell Mrs Ann Bryant, née Seall Mr John Cable Mr Vito Capobianco AKC Mr Richard Carr AKC Dr Asif Channa Mr Xavier Chitnis Mrs Sandra Cleveland Mr Adam Clifton Mrs Cassandra Coker Mr John Coulter Mrs Pamela Davy Dr Ivan De Lemos Ms Ariane Demeneix Mr Ludwig Draxler Mr David Evison Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC Dr Fred Gan Mrs Marion Gray Mrs Claire Guinness AKC Mrs Mary Hamilton Dr Anthony Hampshire Mrs Wendy Harrison, née Lee-Bolton The Revd Stephen Humphreys Mr Francis Ijeh Dr Rashmi Joshi Mr Cyril Karger Mr Moses Kibuuka Miss Sook-Ling Lee Dr Chung Lee

Miss Marsali Leeming Mr Brandon Lewis Mr Thomas Lewis Mrs Halcyon Mandelstam Dr John Mason Mr Eric Masters Mrs Anna Michaelides AKC Dr Barry Miller, UMDS Mrs Juliet Nanan Miss Julia Nevinson Mr David Peacock AKC Dr Theresa Quarcoo Mrs Christina Rees Mr Arthur Russ Mrs Helen Sampson Mr Alexander Sienkiewicz Dr Chatchawan Silpakit The Revd Adrian Skelton Mrs Susan Sperber, née Morris Mr Robert Stein-Rostaing Ms Janet Stobart Dr Elangovan Subbiah Ms Taheeni Thammannagoda Miss Eleni-Elli Tsalicoglou Mrs Joanne Warren, née Edwards Mrs Jacqueline Wills Ms Rosemary Wills Mrs Moira Wood Professor Maureen Young, St Thomas’

1999 Miss Olga Aburdene Mr Sinnarajah Baskaran Miss Christine Bignold AKC Mr Samuel Bosompem Dr Paul Brazier Mr Bob Challis Miss Joanna Dacosta Mr Andrew Duncan Mrs Pat Enti Dr John Fallon Mrs Patricia Flowers Mr Thomas Goode Mr Philip Gosling Mrs Margaret Hannell Mr Paul Harrison Mrs Emma Jelley, née Alanko Mr Selladurai Kamalanathan Mr Christopher Kelly Dr Chris Kenyon Jones Dr Stephanie King, UMDS Dame Donna Kinnair Dr Zhixiu Lin Mr Rory Mccormick Mrs Janet Murray AKC The Revd Prebendary Ian Robson Mr David Ross Mr Gregg Rowan Mr Sunil Rughooputh Mr Pareet Shah Mrs Maud Timon Mr Sai Tsoi Dr Elizabeth Vadakekara Miss Renuka Verma Ms Maria Vigar Dr Rajavarma Viswesvaraiah Ms Alix Weldon, née Garcia de Lago Mr Bernard Wilson Mr Alfred Young

2000 Miss Helen Arvanitakis Mr David Barnes Dr Rosalind Bates, née Cameron Mrs Marika Chkheidze-Brett, née Chkheidze Mrs Catherine Clough AKC, née Davis Mr Ramadan Debbag Mr Matthew Feeney Miss Vanessa Forster Mr Graham Free Mr Thomas Jelley

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

36 | In Recognition 2010-11

Mrs Catherine Jones, née Forster Dr Xhafer Krasniqi Mr Neil Leslie Dr Jane Martin, née Bullimore Mr James Mchugh The Revd Dr Ian McIntosh Mr Sean Middleton Mrs Maureen Mills, née Pearce Mr James Mitchell Dr Desmond Moorhouse Dr Sin Ong Mr Christopher Piper Miss Nisu Rahman Mrs Amy Ricker, née Gardner Mr Gareth Roberts Dr Nikki Rooney, née Osborne Mr Simon Toms Dr Rosina Ullman Miss Sarah Wheeldon Miss Abby Wilson

2001 Miss Andrea Bennett Mr James Blair Mr Peter Boland Mr Alexander Boxall Miss Lorraine Brunt Mrs Mary Burgess Mrs Sian Burr Miss Catherine Butler AKC Mr Mark Carroll Dr Jessica Crouch Miss Katharine Dicks Mrs Nicola Dolman, née Place Dr Farzad Entikabi Mr James Fettiplace Mr David Fletcher AKC Mr Pupinder Ghatora The Revd Canon Dianna Gwilliams, née Hartley Dr James Harris Miss Katharine Hawnt Dr Ross Hunter AKC Mr Ian Huntington Mr Christopher Kearney Miss Meryl Keeling Ms Candice Lau Ms Estelle Le Guillou Miss Melanie Leivers Miss Harn Szuan Leng Mr Xavier Nicholas Dr Ernest Okon Mr Aloysius Onuegbu Mr Clifford Opoku Dr Sarah Owens Dr Marianna Patrona Miss Catherine Rider Dr David Rose Dr John Ross Mrs Angela Scarisbrick, née Lourenco Miss Beverley Shaw Dr Janet Sidaway, née Cochrane Dr Niroshan Sivathasan Mr Alexandross Suvacioglu Dr Peter Tanner Mr Stuart Whatton Miss Joanna Wong AKC Ms Rabab Yasseen

2002 Miss Nimat Ahmed Mr Alexis Antonatos Mr Gregory Austin Mr Robert Bareham Mrs Sharon Barnett, née Silver Mr Christopher Beckerson Wing Commander Michael Bratby Dr Christopher Chia Tze Wei Miss Asha Chong Miss Eleni Christodoulopoulou Mr Philip Constantine Dr Oliver Crisp

Ms Faiza Darugar Mr Harald Decker Ms Geraldine Dooley Ms Terie Duffy, née Seignior Miss Caroline Dunn AKC Mrs Laura Eastwood AKC, née Jackson Ms Helen Elabanjo Mr Christian Forster Mr Alan Frindle Ms Katharine Haydon Dr Jane Hume Mrs Helen Iloanya, née Mogbo Mr Karim Jaafary Haghighat Miss Anita Jeyaraj Mr Alan Keat Mr Mark Kendrick Dr Catherine Lloyd, née Webb Mrs Victoria Luckham-Jones, née Luckham Ms Sharon Mcilroy Mr Sandeep Minhas Miss Tania Mooring Mr Spencer Moulton Ms Marie Munroe Dr Emilia Onyema Mr Daniel Page Mr George Pergamalis Miss Forouzan Pessian Haghighi Mr Hugh Ponsford Miss Myoung-Joo Rhee Miss Margaret Schofield-Palmer Mr Bhaveet Shah Mr Paul Sharp Mr Nigel Somera Mr John Taylor Mr David Watkin Mr Stephan Weber The Revd Canon Kathryn Windslow Mrs Natasha Woodward, née Higgins

2003 Mr Peter Avis Mrs Lydia Awosode, née Oyekunle Ms Samia Bayou Mr Ian Berle Ms Sara Callen Mr Simon Cheal Dr Isabel Clare Ms Hristina Dantcheva Mrs Patricia Davies, née Taplin Mr Saul Doctor Mr Bernard Francois Mrs Bronwyn Fysh, née Day Miss Sara Gilani Major Tony Holland Miss Shirin Homawala Miss Fay Hope, née Thompson Dr Muhammad Iqbal Mr Jamie Irwin Dr Carys Jones Mr Alimamy Kargbo Mr Paul Kelly AKC Miss Rosemary Lane Ms Fiona Lindo, née Carr Mrs Sarah Mckimm, née Cunningham Dr Clare McVicker Mr Ola Nisja Dr Lazaros Panourgias Ms Kristin Raiswell Mr Niladri Roy Ms Bryony Rust Mr Sandipani Sandilya Mr Thibaud Simphal Mr Michael Straker Mr Richard Wilson

2004 Mr Kekeli Amankwah The Revd Benson Awosika Miss Joanna Bayley Mrs Shirley Birch Ms Jacqueline Davies

Mr George Gerring Dr Micaela-Sylvia Gosslau Miss Margaret Haig AKC Professor Christopher Hodges Ms Ines Hooreman Dr Kedrun Laurie Mr Luke Marsh Professor Jose Martinez-Solano Ms Maeve Mcloughlin Miss Heena Nakum Mrs Angela Rider, née Harrison Mrs Marion Rushbrook, née Wheatley Miss Saima Sarwar Miss Rina Shrestha Ms Clara Sogunro-Koko, née Sogunro Ms Christina Spencer Miss Nicola Vimalanathan Mr Joseph Watson Mr Roger Williams

2005 Mr Joe Aguilar Ms Rouna Ali Mrs Margaret Appleton, née Delaney Mr James Baker Mr Richard Barbieri Mr Mark Bennett Mr Basil Browne Mr Jeffrey Cheung Ms Karen Clarke Dr Jane Darcy Miss Laila Edy Miss Natalie Elias Miss Aimee Flower Miss Virginia Forcella The Revd Jeremy Frost Mr John Griffith-Jones Dr Ellie Heidari Ms Val Hesketh The Revd Canon David Hutt AKC Miss Jennifer Kauntze Mr James Kingston Dr Zelpha Kittler Mr William Laserna Balen Miss Tiffany Lee Mr James Lloyd Ms Sabrina Mahfouz Mr Luke Malpass Mrs Magdalene Mani-Bayoh, née Mani Mr Benjamin Middleton Miss Malinda Onyekwe Ms Christina Read, née Mccann Ms Marguerite Reith, née Mcelnea Mr John Ross Mr Jason Street Mr Robin Taher Mr Shiu Tang Mr Mark Tawil Ms Sara Treewater Mrs Mary Willieson Miss Donia Yarahmadi

2006 Mr Michael Armstrong Miss Jenna Crombie Miss Christine Cunnold Mr Michael Ehioze-Ediae Dr Youssef El-Gingihy Mr Timothy End Dr Michael Ford Mr John Goodall Mr Benjamin Goode Miss Caroline Greves Miss Rachel Harcourt AKC Mr Shan Hassam Mr Edward Hewitt Dr Adrian Jobson Mr David Juckes AKC Miss Jin-Young Jung, née Chung Mr Robert Kippin Miss Clare Lawrence Mr Tomos Lewis

Mr Marcelo Lucon Mr Nick Ma Mrs Kim Mackenzie-Morris Mr Manil Malawana Ms Felicity McMahon Miss Joanna Mikolajczyk Miss Kausar Nisar Mrs Amudat Oladeji, née Aregbesola Mrs Corinna Oppler, née Keppus Mr David Richardson Dr Shahbaz Roshan-Zamir Miss Jessica Sarsfield-Milliken Mr Joseph Saunders Miss Francoise Schroeder Miss Rekha Sharma Mr Alex Shattock Ms Victoria Spencer-Hughes AKC Miss Lorna Springer Dr Lucie Sutherland Dr Premila Thampi Mr Christopher West

2007 Mr Luca Albertin Dr Kate Best, née Nelson Ms Cecilia Canavesio Mr Kyriacos Coucounis Mr Nicholas Coyle Dr Paul Dakin Mrs Gisèle Earle, née Wilson Miss Andrea Edwards Mrs Juliette Evans-Jones Dr Ayodeji Fatiregun Mr Joshua Greenway Mr Robert Hull Miss Hazel Hussey Ms Susan Ivory Miss Jamila Khokhar Mr Donavan Lowtan Mr Christopher Mahood Mr Mark Mcfee Mr Christopher Mitchinson Miss Jasmine Norman Mr Awale Olad Miss Melissa Reekie AKC Mrs Ingrid Simpson AKC Miss Lara Stacey Mr Richard Tan Mr Mark Timpson Dr Sanjay Valand Mr Timothy Verity

2008 Mr Adewale Ajibade Mrs Stella Akintola, née Irrechukwu Mr Faisal Alfadhel Dr Samia Alhabib Dr Esraa Al-Timimi Mrs Fleur Bragaglia, née Gatfield Ms Jill Chance Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Cole-Mackintosh Mr Manu George Mr Ignacio Gomez Urquiza Ms Vivien Goodnews, née Dada Mrs Mayrose Kempadoo Miss Georgina Knott Mr Thomas Lowish Miss Karen Marshall Ms Helen Meixner Dr Jitna Por Mr Nicholas Rogerson Ms Neha Shah Miss Natalie Shannon Ms Melina Theocharidou Major Lars-Henrik Thorngreen Dr Michael Vranic Mr Roberto Wilson

2009 Dr Tom Bjorkroth Dr Kim Clarke

Miss Elizabeth Clarke Mr Chris Corbishley Miss Mary French AKC Mr Philipp Fuchs Dr Marco Grasso Mr Nick Hamilton Mr Rolf Haudenschild Mr Kayvan Hazemi Jebelli Mr David Howe Dr Sohaa Jamil Dr Terence Jones Miss Mala Kannan Mr Patrick Karikari Mr William Norris AKC Mr Andrew North Mrs Margaret Nyiraneza Dr Howard Patten Mr Gerhard Ruspi Mr Kevan Sadegian Dr Kirsten Scott AKC Miss Kim Smith, née Salma Ms Masako Uehara Mr Jonathan Wong

2010 Mr Ahmed Bhuiyan Mr Josiah Cameron Miss Mary Davidge Ms Margaret Donnelly Dr Mark Ellis Dr Shahme Farook Ms Annabelle Glanville-Hearson Mr Andreas Hadjigeorghiou Miss Florine Hiersemenzel Mr Jeremy Hudson Dr Evgeniya Imykshenova Dr Lin Liu Mr Nikolaos Milonopoulos Miss Bina Mistry Miss Kiran Nandra Ms Vandana Nath Mr Vince Orlando Ms Jennifer Page Mr Jan Puts Miss Alya Randell-Khan Ms Monica Reid Dr Nicholas Shepherd Mr Robert Slaughter Mrs Agata Sobczynska-Malefora, née Sobczynska Mr James Studman Miss Favour Torgbui Dr Louise Walters Mr Michael Wood

2011 Miss Rubinder Athwal Mr Kudzayi Gombiro The Revd Carole Irwin Miss Jaynthi Kanesarajah Ms Tapanee Mahaboonpachai Ms Rhea Ramnarine Mr Guy Sagiv Mr Ian Tinsley Mr Peng Wang Mr Sosei Yamaguchi

Year unknown The Revd Canon Roger Brown

Staff & former staff Thank you to all members of the College community, including those who prefer to remain anonymous, who have given their support to make a difference to the working and learning environment at King’s. Professor Joan Abbott Mrs Junia Adams Ms Jo Agnew

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.

In Recognition 2010-11 | 37

Ms Lucy Alder Ms Jude Alldred Emeritus Professor Brian Anderton Dr Vernon Armitage Ms Irene Auerbach Mrs Lydia Awosode, née Oyekunle The Rt Revd Dr John Baker Mr Austin Banner, Guy’s Mrs Emma Barretto Mr Warren Birnbaum Professor Gordon Bisset Dr Jack Botting, Chelsea College Dr Ronald Brandt, Guy’s Ms Cally Brown Mr Chris Brown Mrs Margaret Brown Dr Carol Brownson Ms Megan Bruns Professor Raymond Bryant Ms Annette Bullen Mr Robbie Buscombe Miss Mollie Butcher FKC Mrs Laura Cantopher Mr John Cardwell, Guy’s Ms Michelle Carlin Mr Paul Cawley Professor Stephen Challacombe, Guy’s Professor Sir Cyril Chantler FKC, Guy’s Dr John Clitherow, Chelsea College Professor John Cloudsley-Thompson The late Miss Evelyn Conrad Dr John Cook AKC Mr Dale Cooper Dr John Cordingley Ms Jennifer Cormack Ms Rachael Corver Professor Frank Cox Professor Margaret Cox OBE FKC Mr Ian Creagh Dr Arah Danielian Dr Andre Darbre Dr Trudi Darby AKC Dr Jane Darcy Dr David Davies AKC Ms Alison Denyer Dr Sue Dirmikis, née Maciver Professor Stephen Dunne Dr Melvin Earles, Chelsea College Ms Jae Easter Miss Andrea Edwards Professor Peter Emery, QEC Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s Dr Omer Fadl, Institute of Psychiatry Mr Matt Ferguson Mr Richard Franklin Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman KCMG CBE FKC Dr Peter Frost, Royal Dental Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC Ms Melanie Gardner Ms Jennifer Garner Professor John Garrett Professor Catherine Geissler Professor David Gibbons OBE, Guy’s Ms Jenny Goepel Miss Emma Grant Professor Anne Greenough FKC The Revd Professor Stuart Hall Dr Geoffrey Hall Professor Lord Harries of Pentregarth FKC Mr Stephen Harrow AKC FKC Dr Barbara Hawgood Dr Benjamin Heller Mr Thomas Hipwood Mr James Hoare Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Professor Jeremy Horder Dr Robert Howes Professor Richard Hughes, Guy’s Miss Georgina Hyman Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Mrs Janine Jamieson,

née Bragger, Chelsea College Mrs Helen Jenrick, née Young, Royal Dental Professor David Johnson Dr David Jones Dr Carys Jones Miss Hannah Joyce Ms Rachael Jukes Professor Shitij Kapur Dr Chris Kenyon Jones Professor Michael Knibb AKC FKC Dr George Koukoutas, Chelsea College Professor John Langdon FKC Professor Eeva Leinonen Professor Maurice Lessof FKC, Guy’s Emeritus Professor Raymond Levy, Institute of Psychiatry Miss Katharine Lewis Professor Arthur Lucas AO CBE FKC Dr Christopher Mallinson, Guy’s Dr Keith Marshall Professor Peter Marshall CBE FKC Professor Alan Maryon-Davis, St Thomas’ Professor Mary McCabe Mr Robin McIver Miss Lucy Mellows Miss Kristina Mennell Professor Giorgina Mieli-Vergani Mr Charlie Miller Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née Honey-Jones, QEC Professor Peter Morgan Dr Barrie Morgan FKC Mrs Erin Morgan Mr John Muir FKC Ms Kirsten Munro Mrs Deborah Myers Emeritus Professor Malyn Newitt Professor Linda Newson FKC Miss Helen Nicholson Dr Ernest Okon Professor Jonathan Osborne Miss Kathrin Ostermann Dr Richard Overill Dr David Owen Dr Howard Patten Ms Gemma Peters Ms Jackie Phillips Mr Sean Power Professor Harold Preiskel, Guy’s Professor Tara Renton, née Cautley, Guy’s Ms Louise Richards AKC Emeritus Professor Norma Rinsler FKC Emeritus Professor Jane Roberts Ms Lynn Roberts Professor Roberta Rona Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s Dr Rosemary Satchell, née Smith Mr Warren Shear, Guy’s Ms Pepe Shirlaw, Guy’s Dr Alan Sidi, Guy’s Mrs Marian Simmonds Professor Bob Simmons FKC Dr Malcolm Sims FKC Mrs Rebecca Sleap-Ireland Mrs Kungwa Small Mrs Edwige Spencer Mr Andrew Steele Dr Neil Summerton Mrs Kirsty Tait Mr Cliff Tapp Miss Rachel Thomas Ms Alison Thompson Professor Sir Richard Trainor KBE FKC Professor Henry Tyrrell FKC Professor John Uff CBE FKC Ms Caroline Usher Ms Hannah Wakeford Mr Ronald Waldron Mrs Ruth Walmsley MBE, née Astin, QEC Emeritus Professor Roger Watson, Guy’s

Professor Timothy Watson, Guy’s Dr Jan Welch MBE, St Thomas’ Dr Patrick White Professor Phil Whitfield FKC Miss Abby Wilson Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC Mrs Gillian Wiscarson Dr Helen Wiseman Professor Lewis Wolpert CBE FKC Miss Laura Yaffe Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s Professor Maureen Young, St Thomas’

Friends of the College We are pleased to recognise the generosity and commitment of our friends, including those who wish to remain anonymous, who have kindly offered their support throughout the year. The African Women’s Development Fund Bill Brown’s Charitable Trust, in memory of Michael Brown Clore Duffield Foundation The Constance Green Foundation Dimbleby Cancer Care The DOGA Group Elsevier Ltd Espirito Santo Financial Group The Felicity Wilde Charitable Trust FICCI For Folks Sake Friends of King’s College London (Canada) Friends of King’s College London (USA) Graymatters, the Mehran David Foundation The Inman Charity The Jeremy & John Sacher Charitable Trust John S Cohen Foundation John S Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Hong Kong Foundation Association The Leche Trust MBNA International Bank Limited Putnam Investments Reuben Foundation Smith Richardson Foundation Inc Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation The Steven & Joan Fogel Charitable Trust The Vandervell Foundation The Worshipful Company of Barber Surgeons The Worshipful Company of International Bankers The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers Mr Irfan Ahmad Mr Kenneth Aldous Mr Bob Allies & Ms Jill Franklin Mr Eleftherios Astroulakis Mr Andreas Bagoutdinov Mr Edward Bates Professor Ian Bennington OBE The late Mr John Black Mr David Bletsoe The Lord Brooke of Sutton Manderville FKC & Lady Brooke The late Mrs Nellie Broomfield Professor George Brownlee Professor Robert Brownlee Dr A Carson Ms Evelyn Chan Mr Wing Chung Chan Mr P L Edward Chao Dr Walter Chisholm-Batten Mrs Maryann Cochrane Mr Nicholas Coffill Mr John Compton Mr Stephen Conway

Donors who have supported the College for the past three or more consecutive years are listed in bold.

38 | In Recognition 2010-11

Mr Dennis Cope Ms H Cope Mr John Crawley Mr Mike Dalgleish Mr Richard de Metz Mrs Margaret Dewar Mr Edmund Dilworth Ms Thelma Domingo Mr Milan Dor The Marquess of Douro OBE & The Marchioness of Douro OBE Professor Marguerite Dupree Mrs Sheila Dyne Mrs I Evans Mrs Mary Evans Mr Peter Fanning Mrs Joyce Fodder Professor Michael Foot Mrs Wendy Giuliano Ms Lillian Goh Dr Ronald Goldstein Mr Shane Gordon Mr Terry Gould Mr John Graham Mrs Tessy Cheng Grove Professor Jenny Harrow Dr Gunnar Hawi Rear-Admiral Richard Hill Mrs Elisabeth Hitching Mr Bryan Holland Mr Keith Hsu Mrs Lyn Humphreys Mrs Heather Hunter Professor George Huxley Mrs Yvonne Ip Mrs Diana Ip Wai Ying Mr Kevin Ireland Mr Gareth Jenkins Mrs Isabel Jones Mrs Joyce Kastner Dr Ching Kwok Mrs Peggy Kwong Mrs Elizabeth Labbett Ms Sandra Lam Mr Richard Lascelles Dr Kin Man Lee Mrs Florence Lee Ms Magdalena Lee Miss Pui Yan Patsy Leung Ms Linda Lim Mrs J Logan-Edwards Mr Richard Lowish Dr Arne Lund Ms Val Martin-Revell Mr D Meacham Mr Gordon Middleton FKC Mr Trevor Moffiet Dr S Motto Mr Jon Moulton Mr John Murphy Ms Eva Ng Mrs Kiri-Ann Olney Ms Trish O’Neill Mr Terrence O’Toole Mr Giovanni Patti Mrs Alka Pattni Mrs Pam Pike Mr Tony Prout Mrs Jayne Rear The late Mr Ken Rollinson Mr Edward Rubin Dr Kathe Sackler Mrs Lily Safra FKC Ms Magdalene Shea Ms Teresa Shea Mrs Soni Shivpuri Mr Nikolaos Skaripas Dr Mark Slater Mrs Joy Smedley Sir Harry Solomon Mrs Ann Southon Sir James Spooner FKC & Lady Spooner

Mr Michael Spratt Mrs Alison Stewart Mr Douglas Stewart Mr Andrew Summers CMG Dr Clifford Sun Mrs Joyce Tai Mr Man Fui Peter Tan Mr Teik Teoh Mr Gautam Thapar Mr Peter Thomas Mrs Pamela Toobe Mr Wilfred Tyson Mrs Fanny Van Orden Ms Wendy Walker The late Ms Elspeth Watson Mrs E Wells Mrs Sylvia Whitehead Mrs Doreen Wilkinson Mrs Esther Wong Ms Wendy Wong Dr Richard Woodberry Mr Ching Fai Frank Wu Mr Stephen Yee The Revd Dr Denise Yeldham Ms Rosalind Yung

Family Programme The Family Programme includes parents, guardians and other family members of students who have generously offered their support to the College. We thank all of our Family Programme donors, including those who wish to remain anonymous.

Dr Tahir & Mrs Beena Abbas Mrs Nargis Ahmad Mr Zakariya & Mrs Adebisi Akinpeju Mr Oluwole & Mrs Ajoke Akinyemi Ms Rouna Ali Ms Patricia Allan Mr David & Mrs Irene Amarasekera Mr Vatsal Babubhai & Mrs Anju Vatsal Amin Mr Adrian Amos Mr Guy & Mrs Isabelle Aucomte Mr Kenneth Aylward Dr Bill & Mrs Nickie Bamber Mr David & Mrs Trudy Barr Mr Tom & Susan Barry Mr Colin & Mrs Cynthia Baxter Ms Annetta Bennett Mr John & Mrs Louise Bennett Mr Ziauddin Bhaiyat Ms Joanne Bishop Dr Monika Ehrhart-Bornstein & Professor Stefan Bornstein Mr Michael & Mrs Elizabeth Bowen Ms Carmel Boyd Miss Jane Bramham-Jones Mr Laurence & Mrs Susan Brown Dr David & Mrs Frances Bryan Dr Andy & Mrs Julia Bundock Mr Martin Morrin & Mrs Catherine Burke-Morrin Mr Barrie & Mrs Pamela Byfield Mr Winston & Mrs Laureen Bygrave Dr Andrew & Dr Jane Carr Mr Kevin & Mrs Chandrika Carroll Mr William & Mrs Sophie Cheung Mr Kuldip Singh Chiheru & Mrs Harleen Kaur Diu Mr Chan & Mrs Daksha Chitroda Mr Paul Clowes & Ms Kim Burchill Mr Mark & Mrs Helen Cooper Mr Geoffrey & Mrs Catherine Cunliffe Mr John & Mrs Debbie Cuthbert Mr Roy & Mrs Linda Dadge Revd Dr Ian & Mrs Susan Davies Mr Andrew & Mrs Lesley Davis Mr Pradip & Mrs Anila Dayal

Mr James & Mrs Susan Dean Mrs Jenny Dearden Dr Howard & Mrs Ann Dempsey Professor George & Mrs Jane Dickson Mr Peter & Mrs Alison Dingley Dr Thierry Dorfsman Mr Christophe Dufournier Mr Philip & Mrs Sue Edgar Mr Christopher & Mrs Pauline Eldridge Mr Arif Essaji Mr David & Mrs Susan Evans Ms Cathrine Falck Mr Keith & Mrs Jane Faulkner Mr Derek & Mrs Sue Fisher Mr David & Mrs Pamela Frodsham, née Martin Mr Carlo Frontini & Mrs Dalva Matsuura Dr Abdul Hamid & Mrs Rosemin Gatrad Dr Raton & Mrs Sarsati Ghosh Mr Cosmo Gibson Mr Arvinder & Mrs Inderjit Gill Mr Samuel & Mrs Anne Gillespie Mr Martin & Mrs Amanda Glazebrook Mr Richard & Mrs Yehudit Gordon Dr Anthony & Mrs Francine Grange Mr Teddy & Mrs Poospa Grech Mr Tilak Gulati & Mrs Gulati Vijaymala Mr Umesh & Mrs Shobha Gusai Mr Daniel Hague Mr David & Mrs Patricia Hanesworth Mr Harish Haria, Chelsea College Miss Louise Harker Mrs Kathryn Harper Mr Joseph & Mrs Bernadette Hayes Mrs Lynda Hayes Mr Richard & Mrs Linda Hearn Mr Peter & Mrs Doris Henry Mr Nick & Mrs Kathryn Hill Mr Charles & Mrs Deborah Hinchcliffe Mr Kwong Ming Wu & Ms Alice Ho Dr Laszlo & Mrs Judit Hollos Mr Philip & Mrs Jane Hollowday Mr Thomas & Mrs Patricia Hollywood Mrs Heather Hood Mr Paul & Mrs Lucy Hopkins Mr Alan & Mrs Hilary Horgan Mr Robert & Mrs Shelley Howes Mr Lawrence & Mrs Hayley Hunt Dr Alasdair Jacks, Guy’s Mr Mahesh & Mrs Angela Jain Mr Brendan & Mrs Camilla Jarvis Mr Narinder & Mrs Ranbir Jaswal Dr Upali & Mrs Rumki Jayawardena Mrs Shuna Jeffries Mrs Jayshreeba & Mr Surendrasinh Jethwa Mr Bipin & Mrs Nita Jobanputra Mr Trevor & Dr Isabel Jones Mr Nabeel & Mrs Mary Jwaideh Mr Sunil Kakkad, Guy’s Mr Mohan & Mrs Sudha Kamat Mr Mohan & Mrs Rekha Karia Mr Stephen Kay Mrs Rita Keynejad Mrs Zakia Khan Mr David & Mrs Lynn Knott Mr Prag ji & Mrs Sarla Kukadia Mrs Richarda Lamorena & Mrs Justina Casison Mr Christopher & Mrs Elizabeth Leahy Miss M Leaman Captain Paul & Mrs Vida Lewis Mr Richard & Mrs Eleanor Lewis Mr Andrew & Ms Atsuko Liddiard Mr Frank Lie Mr Peter Lineham & Ms Katy Eyre Mr Claude & Mrs Shalini Lobo Mr Ian & Mrs Karen Loy Mr Stefano Lupi & Mrs Roberta Ferri-Lupi Mr Partick & Mrs Lorna Maguire Mr Robert & Mrs Sharon Main

Professor Guglielmo Maisto Mr Kiran & Mrs Karuna Malde Mr Garrie & Mrs Beverley Mallen Mr Volkert-Jan & Mrs Jessica Mallinckrodt Mr Peter & Mrs Sandra Maple Mr Alan Marshall & Dr Kietny Chrun Mr Jamnadass & Mrs Urmila Mistry His Honour Judge Christopher Mitchell Mr Ruben & Dr Marieta Movsesyan Mr Michael & Mrs Pauline Mulford Revd David & Mrs Louise Mullins Mr James & Mrs Lorraine Murchie Mr Michael & Mrs Christine Nahorniak Mr Paul & Mrs Kathryn Neagle Mr William & Mrs Julie Nelson Dr Dzung & Dr Hoa Binh Nguyen Mr David Norman Mr Clive Nunn Mr Kevin & Mrs Rosemary Offer Mr Matthew & Mrs Ernestina Okyere Mr David & Mrs Oluwadare Mr Michael & Mrs Joyce Osborne Mr Steven & Mrs Glynis Pardy Mrs Mary Parker Mr Lucas & Mrs Elizabeth Parry Mr Dilip & Mrs Deempal Patel Mr Kirankumar & Mrs Sudha Patel Mr Rajendra & Mrs Krishna Patel Mr Brian & Mrs Julie Pateman Mr Manoj & Mrs Alka Pattni Mr Brian & Mrs Kath Pawlett Dr Simon & Mrs Angela Pett Mr Daljit Singh & Mrs Vapinder Kaur Phullar Mr Christopher & Mrs Lynda Pope Mr Roger & Mrs Christine Porter Mr Roger & Mrs Jackie Powell Mr Rashmikant & Mrs Vatsala Rajani Mr Takhat & Mrs Aruna Rana Mr Gary & Mrs Elaine Redhead Dr Cedric & Mrs Bernice Ribeiro Mr Ishrat & Mrs Riffat Rizvi Mr Stephen John & Mrs Faith Joy Robinson Mr Andrew P Robson Mr David & Mrs Linda Rose Mr Jeremy & Mrs Jill Russell Revd Mark & Mrs Anne Russel-Smith Mr Navin & Mrs Rekha Shah Mr Vinod & Mrs Rekha Shah Mr Vijay & Dr Vandana Sharma Mr Peter Gerhard & Mrs Alexandra Simpson Mrs Lucinda Sims Mr Dave & Mrs Barbara Sinclair Mr Nicholas Smith Mr Richard & Mrs Ann Smout Dr Shanti & Mrs Sherrine Soysa Mr Neil & Mrs Janet Spencer Mr David & Mrs Deborah Stephenson Mr Garrick & Mrs Caroline Steventon Mrs Teresa Stork Mr SP & Mrs Krishnavent Suresh Mr David & Mrs Jennifer Swan Mr Harish & Mrs Manjula Tailor Mrs Mizue Takahashi Mr Michael & Mrs Andrea Tebbutt Mrs Lynette Themudo Mr Kumaravelu & Mrs Ratna Kumari Thirunavugarasu Mr Julian & Mrs Alison Thomas Dr Naveed & Mrs Afifa Tippu Mr Antony & Mrs Jacqueline Vallance Mr Onno & Mrs Ingrid Van Der Valk Mr Herman Van Der Weeen & Ms Christine Baeten Mr Arumukham & Mrs Sumithra Varatharasasingam Mr Mark & Mrs Susan Varley Mr Vadivel & Mrs Jayaluchimee Venkatasamy

Mr Jonathan & Mrs Margaret Venning Mr Alan Goldberg & Mrs Teresa Villalobos Diaz Goldberg Mrs Frances Waller Ms Lynda Wight Mr Andrew & Mrs Helen Wigmore Mr George Wiley Mr Barrie & Mrs Roxanne Wilson Mr Paul & Mrs Marian Withrington

Legacy pledgers The College is very grateful to all those individuals who have informed us that they have decided to make an exceptional commitment and have left a gift to the College in their will. We kindly acknowledge their support and thank those who prefer to remain anonymous. The Revd Canon Peter Adams AKC Dr Adesegun A Akin-Olugbade Dr Frank Andrews Dr David Appleyard AKC Mrs Jemima Atkinson Dr Richard Melville Ballerand Mr Derek Barbanell Dr Peter & Mrs Jean Baron Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC Miss Joan Bernard FKC Ms Mary Bilton The Revd Canon Geoffrey Bird Dr Clive Bishop FKC Mr John Bradley, Guy’s Miss Jill Brown Mrs Gillian Burrows AKC, née Oultram Professor Colin Bushnell FKC Ms Maggie Butcher Mr John Callard Professor Sir Graeme Catto FKC Mrs Diana Cawson & the late Professor Roderick Cawson Mrs Audrey Chadwick AKC, née Dodds Professor Sir Cyril Chantler FKC, Guy’s Mrs Catherine Charlish, née Bagley Mrs Sheila Chisman Dr David A Churchill, St Thomas’ & Mrs Sonia Churchill, née Carr Mrs Rosemary Clark Dr Jack B Cohen, Royal Dental Professor David Cooper, Guy’s & Mrs Amy Cooper Dr John Cornes AKC Mrs Joy Crispin-Wilson, née Crispin Dr John & Mrs Josephine Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson Mrs Eileen C Croucher AKC, née Sutcliffe Dr Trudi Darby AKC The Revd Peter Dill Mr Geoffrey Donald Miss Sheila Downs Mr Paul Duffy AKC Mr Nicholas Egon Mr Paul Elliott & Mr Mick Moore Mrs Jane Evans, née Heron Dr Elizabeth A Fagan AKC & Mr David Smith Dr Arthur Ferguson, St Thomas’ Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman KCMG CBE FKC Mr Kenneth Friar Mr Roger Gaitley Mrs Stella Gilpin, née Barkworth Mr Edward Gledhill, Chelsea College Dr Ray Godwin Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC Mrs Dallas Green, née Richardson Mrs Marie-Louise Grosvenor Mr John J Harding Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary Hardy, née Munro

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.

In Recognition 2010-11 | 39

Mrs Francine Heastie, née McGowan Professor Keith Hoggart FKC Dr Joan Horder Mrs Rosemary Houlston AKC, née Goldsmith Dr Michael R Howell Mr Donald Howle Dr Isabel D Johnson, St Thomas’ Mrs Susan Jupp, née Farrant, Royal Dental Professor Robert Knecht Dr Alan Lacey Professor John Langdon FKC Dr Mark Langer Miss Sharon Lawrence Dr Derek Layton, Chelsea College Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC Miss Annette Love AKC Miss Barbara Marsh Ms Val Martin-Revell Mr Stuart J McAdam Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray, QEC Dr Angus McPherson AKC Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones Mr Herbert Mercer, Guy’s Miss Wendy Mitchell Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née Stokes The Very Revd George Nairn-Briggs AKC Mr Donald Nappin Mrs Jennifer M Nelson AKC, née Mansfield Dr Kenneth Nicolson, Guy’s Mr Hugh Owen AKC Dr Pauline Parker The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Phillips AKC Mr David Potter AKC Mr Vairavapillai Rajayogeswaran, Royal Dental Mr Anthony Ramsey AKC Ms Mary Raynes Mr Michael Redfern Miss Kate Redman Miss Anne Rickwood Miss Joan Roberts AKC Mrs Vivien Robertson Mr Andrew P Robson Mr Jeffery Rose, Guy’s Professor Henry Roseveare Mr Robert Russell Mr John Savage Mr Alan Sealy Mr Geoffrey Shepherd FKC Dr Sheila Shinman, née Harris Professor Arnold Sladen The Revd Professor Thomas Slater Professor Brian Sparkes AKC Mr Norman Spink Mr Geoff & Mrs Hilary Stephenson Miss Isobel Stevenson Mr Alister Stewart Mr Sachiho Tanaka Mr Rory Tapner FKC Ms Alison Taylor Mr Michael Taylor Mrs Ann Thompson, née Mortimer Mr Keith & Mrs Patricia Thompson Miss Charlotte Townsend Mr Edward Trew AKC Mrs Frances Twambley, née Brown Ms Caroline Usher Mrs Moira Warner, née Connor Dr Pauline Webb AKC FKC Mrs Ruth Webster His Honour Sir Frank White FKC Dr Vincent Whitmarsh Mr Christopher Williams AKC Dr Cyril G Williams, Guy’s The Revd Dr Ian Williams Miss Eileen Willmott AKC Mr Anthony Wills Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC Ms Liu Yang

Edited by

Legacy & in memoriam gifts

James Bressor, Amanda Calberry, Ben Heller, Shona McIntosh Tel +44 (0)20 7848 3334

The College would like to pay a special tribute to our alumni and friends who sadly passed away recently and most generously left a bequest, or for whom in memoriam gifts were made.

Designed by

The late Mr Graham Broadhead The late Mrs Nellie Broomfield The late Dr Elin Carson The late Mr Vallance Clout AKC The late Dr Mackenzie Cochrane The late Dr Ronald Dewar The late Mr Grahame Dodd, Royal Dental The late Sir Eric Driver The late Dr Peter Dyne The late Mr Horace Fodder The late General Sir John Hackett GCB FKC The late Revd Dudley Heryet AKC The late Mrs Linda Howle, née Stride The late Mr William Humphreys, Guy’s The late Mr John Kelly The late Revd Desmond Lockyer AKC The late Dr Robert Logan-Edwards, Guy’s The late Revd Clive Malpass The late Dr John McLean OBE FKC, Guy’s The late Mrs Joy Meacham The late Revd Elisabeth Neale The late Mr David Odugbemi The late Mr Alan Paice The late Dr William Revell The late Professor Thomas Pitt Ford, Guy’s The late Miss Norah Thomas The late Mr Phillip Wade The late Mrs Leonora Yonge

Printed by Pureprint November 2011

Cover photograph Joe Rizzo-Naudi

In Recognition, HEIST Gold Award winner: Alumni Publication of the Year 2009

Event supporters & sponsors We thank companies which have sponsored and supported College events by offering financial support, donating services or providing gifts. Billericay Dental Supply Co Ltd BFI IMAX Cinema Coltene Whaledent Ltd Delta Force Charity Paintball Henry Schein Inc Merlin Entertainment London Eye OpitLoupe Quality Endodontic Distributors Ltd Septodont Ltd Velopex

We have done our utmost to ensure the information listed here is accurate. If there is anything you would like us to update, please email

This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.

40 | In Recognition 2010-11

Esterson Associates Tel +44 (0)20 7684 6500

‘I’m confident that in my lifetime I will see tremendous advances in the fight against cancer, the challenge to prevent Alzheimer’s and in the quest to build just, tolerant societies. Together we can answer big questions.’ Archbishop Desmond Tutu

On behalf of the students and staff of King’s College London, thank you for your generous support

To learn more about‌ Making a gift today or leaving a gift in your will +44 (0)20 7848 4701 Joining an alumni group or volunteering +44 (0)20 7848 3053 Planning a reunion +44 (0)20 7848 3053

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