In the service of society
Vision and hope in Burma 'U 3KLOOLS $PEOHU 6W 7KRPDVĹ› 0HGLFLQH Ę”ĘœĘšĘ˜
cautious sense of optimism is spreading across Myanmar, better known as Burma. There have been peaceful, open elections in recent months, and Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has travelled abroad to meet with world leaders. Thanks in part to Dr Phillip Ambler, several thousand Burmese are seeing this quiet revolution with their own eyes. For more than two decades, Dr Ambler has travelled to Burma at least twice annually to perform sightrestoring surgery for impoverished %XUPHVH VXƨHULQJ IURP FDWDUDFWV RU glaucoma. A GP for most of his career DQG QRZ VHPL UHWLUHG KLV ĆŠUVW KRXVH job was in St Thomas’ Eye Department and he has remained active in ophthalmology. ,Q Ę”ĘœĘœĘ“ Dr Ambler saw a Christian Medical Fellowship advert seeking physicians to provide medical care for Burmese refugees. He signed up with Consultant Eye Surgeon Frank Green, and the two of them have been D WHDP HYHU VLQFH 7KH\ ĆŠUVW ZRUNHG in a portion of Burma held by prodemocracy forces, but the ruling military junta took control of that WHUULWRU\ LQ Ę”ĘœĘœĘ˜ 6LQFH WKHQ WKH\Ĺ›YH operated in clinics along the BurmeseThai border, usually for two weeks at a time. Small incision cataract surgery – inserting a plastic lens into the eye – is the most common procedure. While Dr Ambler is trained to lead on several types of eye operations, this is not one of them, so he assists Dr Green. They
The people themselves are so inspiring
perform the operation quickly and with minimal equipment, up to Ę–Ę“ WLPHV LQ D GD\ ‘Eye surgery lends itself to this type of work. You can go in for two weeks and accomplish quite a lot,’ he says. The Burmese government has been aware of the clinics for many years but hasn’t hassled Dr Ambler and his colleagues. ‘They probably respect that we’re not a political organisation.’ In fact, he and Dr Green aren’t really part of any organisation. Although they
Contents Page 4
formed a small charity called Karenaid – named in honour of Burma’s Karen ethnic minority – they prefer to link up with on-the-ground organisations such as the International Rescue Committee, Malteser International and MĂŠdicins sans Frontières. Expressions of gratitude come in the form of modest, heartfelt gifts, such as a jar of honey or a woven shirt. ‘The people themselves are so inspiring. They possess a remarkable gentleness and fortitude. We’re lifted up by them.’ AUTUMN 2012 IN TOUCH
PhD law student Katherine Grainger, left, already Great Britain’s most successful female rower, brought home gold at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Having won silver medals at Sydney, Athens and Beijing, Grainger and her rowing partner Anna Watkins captured gold in the women’s double sculls at Eton Dorney. The pair won in dominating fashion before
a thunderous home crowd, pulling away from the competition WdZ Ód_i^_d] d[Whbo j^h[[ seconds ahead of the Australian runners-up. Grainger and Watkins are undefeated in their 23 races together. What about Rio in 2016? Will i^[ i[[a W Ó\j^ Ebocf_Y c[ZWb5 Grainger isn’t saying yet.
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From the Principal
assessments at the same level as other students, DQG IURP WKHLU WKLUG SUH FOLQLFDO \HDU RQZDUG WKH\ follow the same course and must reach the same pass standard in degree examinations. The Extended Medical Degree Programme LV QRZ LQ LWV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160;WK \HDU DQG KDV DOUHDG\ SURGXFHG several hundred highly talented doctors. It has been praised by Universities Minister David Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is committed to welcoming every Willetts and also by former Labour Minister Alan Milburn. student with the ability to succeed Our Dental Institute is now introducing a similar uch has been written in the past scheme: Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Enhanced Support Dentistry year about changes to how the Programme. The course is similar to the standard 8QLWHG .LQJGRP ĆŠQDQFHV ĆŠYH \HDU %DFKHORU RI 'HQWDO 6FLHQFH GHJUHH EXW higher education. Government provides additional help to the student. Entrants funding for teaching in English to this programme will come from widening XQLYHUVLWLHV KDV GHFOLQHG E\ DSSUR[LPDWHO\ Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030; SHU participation schools linked to Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, or schools cent, and beginning this autumn undergraduate with low achievements in students from the UK and other EU countries are *&6( DQG $ OHYHO SD\LQJ WXLWLRQ IHHV RI XS WR eĘ&#x2019; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; At the same time, our Less has been written about how universities are LQFUHDVLQJO\ YLJRURXV ĆŠQDQFLDO helping students from disadvantaged backgrounds. aid programme means that by Because we are committed to equal access, Equal access Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę? DERXW D WKLUG RI RXU KRPH universities such as ours clearly must develop undergraduate students will is a central a suite of programmes that will help talented part of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s UHFHLYH VRPH ĆŠQDQFLDO VXSSRUW young adults who come from families with towards tuition fees or living mission OLPLWHG ĆŠQDQFLDO PHDQV RU ZKR DWWHQGHG XQGHU costs, and some students will performing schools. not pay any tuition fees at all. The principle of equal access to higher education The generosity of alumni and has always been a central part of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mission. friends is an important part of :H ZHUH WKH ĆŠUVW (QJOLVK XQLYHUVLW\ WR SURYLGH WKHVH HƨRUWV 6FKRODUVKLSV DQG a degree through evening study, dating back bursaries established by alumni WR Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x17D; :H ZHOFRPHG ZRPHQ DV VWXGHQWV EHIRUH FDQ PDNH D SURIRXQG GLƨHUHQFH , HQFRXUDJH many of our peers. you to consider how you can invest in the future In recent years, we have launched innovative of our students. initiatives such as our successful Extended Medical Together we can ensure that no student with 'HJUHH 3URJUDPPH ZKLFK RƨHUV VWXGHQWV IURP WKH DELOLW\ WR SURĆŠW IURP RXU DFDGHPLF SURJUDPPHV disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to will be denied entry because of his or her VWXG\ PHGLFLQH RYHU VL[ \HDUV LQVWHDG RI ĆŠYH ĆŠQDQFLDO FLUFXPVWDQFHV Students in the programme must pass all Professor Sir Richard Trainor
IN TOUCH 7bkcd_ X[d[Ă&#x201C;ji WdZ i[hl_Y[i Tel +44 (0)20 7848 3053 ;cW_b WbkceĂš6aYb$WY$ka ;Z_jeh_Wb Tel +44 (0)20 7848 4703 ;cW_b WcWdZW$YWbX[hho6aYb$WY$ka Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London =hekdZ <beeh IjhWdZ 8h_Z][ >eki[ ').#'*( IjhWdZ BedZed M9(H '>> In Touch _i fkXb_i^[Z Xo j^[ 9ebb[][Ă&#x160;i <kdZhW_i_d] Ikffehj[h :[l[befc[dj eøY[$ J^[ ef_d_edi [nfh[ii[Z _d _j Wh[ j^ei[ e\ j^[ mh_j[hi WdZ dej d[Y[iiWh_bo j^ei[ e\ j^[ 9ebb[][$
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Š Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London H[fhe :Wma_di9ebekh Fh_dj MWhd[hi
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)LUVW OHVVRQV LQ ĆŠUVW DLG <eh[i_]^j Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s students help London youths learn how to save lives In a warm, humid secondary school gymnasium in Southwark, three Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s students slowly and precisely explain each step in performing CPR. The two dozen girls gathered in the St Saviourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & St Olaveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s School gym watch intently. A few nervous laughs erupt as they pair up and take turns pumping the manikinsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; clicking chests DQG EUHDWKLQJ LQWR WKHLU ĆŞHVK FRORXUHG lips â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with a Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s student guiding each girl through the procedure. There are many questions and a genuine interest in getting it right. Maybe one of these girls will one day save somebodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. In fact, one student from this very school did exactly that a few years ago, treating someone who had collapsed at a bus stop. 0RUH WKDQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; /RQGRQ FKLOGUHQ NQRZ EDVLF ĆŠUVW DLG WKDQNV WR DQ organisation called Saving Londonersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lives. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a society that brings medical and nursing students from Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and
RWKHU XQLYHUVLWLHV WR KHOS WHDFK ĆŠUVW DLG DW PRUH WKDQ Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; VHFRQGDU\ DQG primary schools across London. Pupils OHDUQ WKH IXQGDPHQWDOV RI ĆŠUVW DLG CPR, recovery position and DR ABC (danger, response, airway, breathing DQG FLUFXODWLRQ 7KLUG \HDU PHGLFDO student Natali Vigneswaran is the organisationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s President. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We are trained personally by the London Ambulance, who are volunteers of St John Ambulance, twice a year at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, to ensure all members have the same level of teaching,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Vigneswaran. Since Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; 6W -RKQ $PEXODQFH /RQGRQ 'LVWULFW KDV DOVR WUDLQHG Ę&#x160; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; WHDFKHUV as lead instructors; the university students provide assistance and often connect with the pupils in a way teachers canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;When we explain it, we explain it in their language,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she says. Androulla Kouppas, Assistant Head at St Saviourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & St Olaveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, says the girls sit up and take notice when
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someone from outside teaches a class. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;They respond well to having other people coming in,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she says, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;rather than it being taught by the same faces they see day in and day out.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; As an DGGHG EHQHĆŠW .RXSSDV VD\V WKH JLUOV get to see poised young adults, often women, who are pursuing careers in medicine and nursing. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;My favourite memory is from my ĆŠUVW WUDLQLQJ VHVVLRQ Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V Vigneswaran. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I remember being really anxious about whether I would be a good enough trainer for the pupils, but I had a really receptive group that listened to every word and perfected &35 b7KH EHVW SDUW RI WKDW VHVVLRQ ZDV when some of students asked if I was coming back next week, and I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe how much of an impact I seemed to have made.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $SSUR[LPDWHO\ Ę?Ę&#x2030; .LQJĹ&#x203A;V VWXGHQWV are now part of Saving Londonersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lives. Vigneswaran says the group ZDQWV WR JURZ WKDW QXPEHU WR Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; AUTUMN 2012 IN TOUCH
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Policy Institute is building a bridge between academics and policymakers in the UK and beyond As Chair of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Policy Institute, Nick Butler, a former economic and business policy adviser to Gordon Brown, explains, one of the Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s major challenges is to cut through the myriad urgent issues to focus on areas where Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s can have most impact DƨHFWLQJ SROLF\ Ĺ&#x161;:H FDQĹ&#x203A;W GR everything,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he says. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;So we prioritise areas where thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good match between unresolved policy issues and Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expertise.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The Policy Institute was set up to provide a swift response to pressing political, economic and social issues, bringing Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unbiased expertise to leading policymakers in the UK and beyond. With the eurozone in crisis, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no surprise that Europe is currently at the top of the agenda. Two current VHPLQDU VHULHV FRYHULQJ ĆŠQDQFH DQG defence and security, are providing unique opportunities for academics,
Jef e\ j^[ W][dZW0 ^[bf_d] [b[Yj[Z b[WZ[hi ikY^ Wi :Wl_Z 9Wc[hed WdZ 7d][bW C[ha[b h[iebl[ j^[ [kheped[ c[ii
So many areas overlap with policymaking
politicians and policymakers to share ideas. New French president Francois Hollande came to the Institute in February while still a candidate. Dominique Moisi, founder of the French Institute of International Relations, and Sir Nigel Sheinwald, former British ambassador to Brussels, are visiting professors. The Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agenda includes three other priority areas. Professor Alison Wolf of the Management Department is looking at the future of universities, while Bill Park of the Defence Studies Department is focusing on how Turkey manages the tensions between Muslim traditions and growing Western LQĆŞXHQFHV 3URIHVVRU 0DWW 8WWOH\ the Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Director, is leading work on the future of defence policy in times of austerity. Another important aspect of the Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work involves raising the
Silence is golden
From theory to practice
SURĆŠOH RI ZKDW %XWOHU FDOOV Ĺ&#x161;.LQJĹ&#x203A;V hidden gemsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. These include groups such as the International Centre for Security Analysis, led by Dr Joanna Kidd, which specialises in open source data gathering. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing great work, including on Iran and nuclear proliferation,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Butler says. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Now we ZDQW WR ĆŠQG ZD\V WR DSSO\ WKHLU knowledge and skills beyond the academic arena.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The Institute is keen to attract support for future projects. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The key criterion is a close match between our academic work and the interests of any external sponsors,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Butler. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Take Europe. So many jobs depend on what happens in the eurozone and there are PDQ\ RUJDQLVDWLRQV WKDW FRXOG EHQHĆŠW from a proper analysis of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening there. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the kind of partnership weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re interested in.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Butler is also looking to build links within Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;A big part of our remit is to reach out and work with people right across the College. Health, law â&#x20AC;&#x201C; there are so many areas that overlap ZLWK SROLF\PDNLQJ 0\ WLPH DW 1R Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; taught me the value of embracing new ideas and knowledge. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exactly what weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x201C; drawing on our collective expertise to shape the agenda and directly tackle some of the biggest issues facing us today.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; To learn more about the Institute, email Butler at or Professor Uttley at muttley.jscsc@
VXJJHVWHG E\ 'U /DZUHQFH 1DSSHU OHFWXUHU LQ WKH )LOP 6WXGLHV 'HSDUWPHQW Most people have seen The Cabinet of Dr Caligari or Battleship Potemkin, usually in an educational setting. Great WKRXJK WKRVH ĆŠOPV DUH WKH\ WHQG WR give the impression that silent cinema is a rather intellectual, avant garde art form. In fact, as the dominant mass entertainment of its day, silent cinema can be as dumb, as thrilling, as funny DQG DV PRYLQJ DV DQ\ PRGHUQ URP FRP or action blockbuster. Thanks to The Artist, there are more RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR VHH WKHVH ĆŠOPV RQ WKH big screen than there used to be, and â&#x20AC;&#x201C; crucially â&#x20AC;&#x201C; accompanied by live music. In London, BFI Southbank and the Cinema Museum have regular screenings, and you can learn about events at other venues by visiting www. If you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get to the cinema, here are some suggestions for your DVD wish list.
J>; ;9B?FI; QBĂ&#x160; ;9B?FI; :K IEB;?B ;D FB;?D; BKD;SÂż C;B?;I" '/&- <Wdi e\ CWhj_d IYehY[i[Ă&#x160;i h[Y[dj Ă&#x201C;bc Hugo m_bb d[[Z de _djheZkYj_ed je =[eh][i C[b_[i WdZ ^_i Wijed_i^_d]" cW]_YWb" [Whbo i^ehj Ă&#x201C;bci$ >[h[" Wd kdhkbo YbWii e\ leo[kh_ij_Y Wijhedeco ijkZ[dji ifo ed j^[ _dj_cWj[ Yed]h[ii e\ j^[ ikd WdZ j^[ ceed$
,Q Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; .LQJĹ&#x203A;V LV JRLQJ WR UROO RXW a new website for alumni, providing you with a fuller picture of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taking place across our campuses and within the alumni community. As part of this overhaul, we are going WR RƨHU In Touch in an electronic version â&#x20AC;&#x201C; an important change for alumni living overseas, as it can sometimes take two or more weeks for the magazine to reach your home. Of course, even if you live in the UK, you might prefer to read the magazine on your iPad (or other tablet), computer or handheld. The electronic version of In Touch ZLOO KDYH VHYHUDO EHQHĆŠWV 6
z It will conserve resources; by printing fewer magazines weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll save vast amounts of paper annually z Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have the magazine in your hands much sooner z It will save the College thousands of pounds, meaning we can redirect that money to other priorities :KDWĹ&#x203A;V WKH ĆŠUVW VWHS LQ PDNLQJ WKLV happen? Please email us at InTouch@ NFO DF XN RU FDOO Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2030; to let us know that you want to receive In Touch electronically. The digital version of In Touch will have all of the articles, news and class notes of the printed magazine, plus added bonuses, such as links to videos.
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Coming soon: a revamped website and digital In Touch
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The particle predicted by Professor Peter +LJJV KDV EHHQ IRXQGb Ĺ&#x2DC; now what does it do? ,Q WKH ĆŠHOG RI SDUWLFOH SK\VLFV discoveries typically lead to more questions. So while physicists cheered in early July when they learned of the QHDU FHUWDLQ GLVFRYHU\ RI WKH +LJJV boson, the inevitable question followed: what next? )RUW\ HLJKW \HDUV DIWHU 3URIHVVRU 3HWHU +LJJV ).& 3K\VLFV 3K' Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? predicted the existence of a property that binds all matter, scientists at the CERN laboratory announced that WKH\ ZHUH Ĺ&#x2DC; OLWHUDOO\ Ĺ&#x2DC; Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019; Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019; SHU FHQW certain they had found the particle in July of this year. The historic announcement in Geneva came in a progress report from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the end of one chapter in particle physics and the start of another,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Dr Malcolm Fairbairn, who works in the Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology Group. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what comes next.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dr Fairbairn said the discovery could well help physicists understand knotty questions such as why there is more PDWWHU WKDQ DQWL PDWWHU Ĺ&#x161;:KHQ ZH study particle interactions involving the Higgs boson at the LHC, we are probing the conditions which existed LQ WKH ĆŠUVW PLFURVHFRQG RI WKH XQLYHUVH The next stage is to study this particle WR ĆŠQG RXW LI LW GRHV SUHFLVHO\ ZKDW ZH predicted it should do, or something else, which of course would be even more interesting.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Professor Higgs predicted that there must be a property â&#x20AC;&#x201C; some have termed it â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;cosmic treacleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ĺ&#x2DC; WKDW ĆŠOOV WKH XQLYHUVH DQG HQGRZV particles with mass, or else all particles would remain massless and race 8
Fhe\[iieh F[j[h >_]]i0 \eh Ă&#x201C;l[ Z[YWZ[i ^_i dWc[ ^Wi X[[d WjjWY^[Z je ed[ e\ j^[ ]h[Wj[ij coij[h_[i _d f^oi_Yi
We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what comes next
through space at the speed of light. The hunt for the Higgs boson â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a boson is a type of subatomic particle â&#x20AC;&#x201C; KDV EHHQ RQH RI WKH JUHDW VFLHQWLĆŠF challenges of the past half century. Scientists announced to the world WKDW WKHLU ĆŠQGLQJ LV D Ĺ&#x161;Ę&#x17D; VLJPD UHVXOWĹ&#x203A; PHDQLQJ WKH\Ĺ&#x203A;UH Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019; Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019; SHU FHQW certain they have found a new particle. &RQĆŠUPDWLRQ RI WKH SDUWLFOHĹ&#x203A;V H[LVWHQFH ĆŠOOV D JDS LQ WKH 6WDQGDUG 0RGHO which describes all of the particles and forces in the universe. 0HPEHUV RI WKH VFLHQWLĆŠF community have heaped praise on Professor Higgs, with some calling for him to receive a knighthood or other recognition. Following the announcement at CERN, Cambridge Professor Stephen Hawking told the BBC that he believes Professor Higgs deserves the Nobel Prize, but also conceded that discovery of the particle FRVW KLP Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; DV KH KDG EHW D IHOORZ physicist that it wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be found. Despite losing this bet, Professor Hawking acknowledged the Higgs ERVRQ GLVFRYHU\ DW WKH VFLHQFH WKHPHG opening of the Paralympic Games. As the centre of the Olympic Stadium morphed into the LHC, he said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The recent discovery of what looks like the Higgs particle is a triumph of human endeavour and international collaboration. It will change our perception of the world.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dr Fairbairn hopes the Higgs boson ZLOO DOVR EH UHPHPEHUHG DV WKH ĆŠUVW of many great Large Hadron Collider discoveries. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;This is just the beginning of the LHC. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still tuning the thing.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
8hW_d YWdY[h lWYY_d[ jh_Wb J^[ kd_l[hi_jo WdZ A_d]Ă&#x160;i 9ebb[][ >eif_jWb Wh[ j^[ Ă&#x201C;hij _d j^[ KA je jh_Wb j^[ :9LWnÂ? j^[hWfo" W jh[Wjc[dj m^_Y^ ki[i fWj_[djiĂ&#x160; XhW_d jkcekhi je Z[l[bef j^[_h emd f[hiedWb_i[Z lWYY_d[$ I_dY[ @kbo" A_d]Ă&#x160;i ^Wi X[[d h[Yhk_j_d] fWj_[dji d[mbo Z_W]dei[Z m_j^ ]b_eXbWijecW ckbbj_\ehc[" j^[ ceij Yecced WdZ ceij W]]h[ii_l[ fh_cWho cWb_]dWdj \ehc e\ XhW_d YWdY[h$ FWj_[dji Z_W]dei[Z m_j^ j^_i jkcekh jof_YWbbo b_l[ b[ii j^Wd '. cedj^i$ ?d KI jh_Wbi" ^em[l[h" j^[ lWYY_d[ Z[bWo[Z j^[ h[Ykhh[dY[ e\ j^[ jkcekh je jme o[Whi" WdZ [nj[dZ[Z j^[ fWj_[djiĂ&#x160; Wl[hW][ ikhl_lWb je j^h[[ o[Whi$ CWff_d] j^[ dWjkh[#dkhjkh[ Z[XWj[ J^[ [nj[dj je m^_Y^ ekh Z[l[befc[dj _i WĂš[Yj[Z Xo dWjkh[ eh dkhjkh[ cWo Z_Ăš[h Z[f[dZ_d] ed m^[h[ m[ b_l[" WYYehZ_d] je ?dij_jkj[ e\ FioY^_Wjho ?eF h[i[WhY^$ IjkZo_d] jm_di Wj W][ '(" h[i[WhY^[hi Wii[ii[Z W hWd][ e\ Ye]d_j_l[ WX_b_j_[i" jhW_ji WdZ [dl_hedc[dji" Z[i_]d_d] W i[h_[i e\ cWfi h[l[Wb_d] j^[ KAĂ&#x160;i ][d[j_Y WdZ [dl_hedc[djWb ^ejifeji$ Ă&#x2030;M[ YWd j[bb j^Wj _d YbWiiheec X[^Wl_ekh fheXb[ci _d j^[ KA" WhekdZ
The start of a new chapter
Michael Luck G 7 Immersed in a science that touches us every day Fhe\[iieh C_Y^W[b BkYa _i >[WZ e\ j^[ :[fWhjc[dj e\ ?d\ehcWj_Yi$ >[ ^Wi X[[d W c[cX[h e\ A_d]Ă&#x160;i ijWĂš i_dY[ (&&-" WdZ \eh j^[ fWij jme o[Whi ^[ ^Wi b[Z j^[ Z[fWhjc[dj" ed[ e\ j^[ 9ebb[][Ă&#x160;i \Wij[ij#]hem_d]$ @kij m^Wj _i _d\ehcWj_Yi5
Informatics is concerned with the study of the representation, storage, processing and communication of LQIRUPDWLRQ ,W KDV PDQ\ GLƨHUHQW aspects, including computer science, DUWLĆŠFLDO LQWHOOLJHQFH URERWLFV DQG bioinformatics. In the Department of Informatics at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re working on fundamental challenges and problems in all of these areas, as well as their application to biological sciences, KHDOWKFDUH VHFXULW\ DQG PDQ\ RWKHUV b M^Wj Wh[ A_d]Ă&#x160;i ijh[d]j^i _d j^_i Ă&#x201C;[bZ5
We believe weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re strong in all of our areas, but weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve just recruited the EHVW DUWLĆŠFLDO LQWHOOLJHQFH SODQQLQJ group in the country, giving us a unique DQG ZRUOG OHDGLQJ FRPELQDWLRQ RI expertise in the area of intelligent systems and robots. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re also developing some of the most advanced algorithms for bioinformatics.
research is limitless. The easy answer is that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s evolving continuously, dramatically and very, very rapidly. >em Wh[ Y^Wd][i _d _d\ehcWj_Yi WĂš[Yj_d] f[efb[Ă&#x160;i ZWo#je#ZWo b_l[i5
In ways that we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even think about: mobile phones, TV, internet, Facebook, apps, electronic payments, etc. But the changes are only seen when things go wrong, like the recent problems with computer failures at NatWest. M^WjĂ&#x160;i j^[ d[nj X_] j^_d] \eh oekh Z[fWhjc[dj5
Well, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re recruiting, and we hope WKDW Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; ZLOO VHH XV UHDFK GRXEOH WKH QXPEHU RI DFDGHPLF VWDƨ ZH KDG LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; ,PSRUWDQWO\ ZHĹ&#x203A;UH DOVR WU\LQJ to address societal challenges, working on interdisciplinary projects with FROOHDJXHV LQ KHDOWK DQG LQ F\EHU security, for example. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s here that ZHĹ&#x203A;OO EH DEOH WR PDNH D ELJ GLƨHUHQFH WKDW WUXO\ ZLOO DƨHFW SHRSOHĹ&#x203A;V OLYHV M^[d dej meha_d]" ^em Ze oek kdm_dZ5
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to forget to unwind, but I try to ensure that I watch my football team, Chelsea, on TV when they are playing. I inherited this allegiance from my father, and this year weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re both delighted that they are European champions. Apart from that, we have >em _i j^_i Ă&#x201C;[bZ [lebl_d]5 7KDWĹ&#x203A;V VXFK D GLĆŤFXOW TXHVWLRQ EHFDXVH a really good atmosphere in the department, and I often hang out computing is everywhere. Even our credit cards have chips these days, and with our PhD students for a few drinks on a Friday evening. the potential for exploitation of our
>ejifeji \eh YbWiiheec X[^Wl_ekh
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Let the sun shine 6HOI PRFNLQJ DQG XQGHUVWDWHG WKLV GLQQHU MDFNHWHG WULR IURP 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; VWLOO ĆŠQG WLPH WR VLQJ DERXW OLIHĹ&#x203A;V IRLEOHV $IWHU Ę?Ę&#x17D; \HDUV KXQGUHGV RI VRQJV DQG thousands of laughs, the three members of Instant Sunshine continue to poke gentle fun at all that is English. Instant Sunshine comprises three doctors who graduated from St 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; LQ WKH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030;V 'HVFULELQJ WKHPVHOYHV DV Ĺ&#x161;GLQQHU MDFNHWHG PHQ of a certain ageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, they are Peter Christie (guitar, trumpet and ukulele), David Barlow (guitar, mouth organ and VSRRQV DQG $ODQ 0DU\RQ 'DYLV (bells, whistles and assorted bird noises). Happily orbiting on the fringes of the show business universe, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve DOZD\V SXW WKHLU PHGLFDO FDUHHUV ĆŠUVW squeezing performances into evenings and weekends. &KULVWLH ZDV WKH ĆŠUVW GUDZQ WR WKH stage, singing at a Mayfair restaurant ZKLOH GRLQJ SRVW GRF ZRUN Ĺ&#x161;7KUHH pounds a night and a free meal,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he recalls. They premiered at St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; RQ 1HZ <HDUĹ&#x203A;V 'D\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? ĆŠOOLQJ LQ IRU an act which had cancelled due to the ĆŞX 7KHLU RSHQLQJ VRQJ Ĺ&#x161;:HĹ&#x203A;UH +HUH WR Bring You Sunshineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, led to their name. 0DU\RQ 'DYLV GHVFULEHV WKHLU PXVLF as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;quintessentially English â&#x20AC;&#x201C; slightly VHOI PRFNLQJ DQG D ELW XQGHUVWDWHG We go down rather well with British H[ SDWV :H UHPLQG WKHP RI KRPH More precisely, we remind them RI KRPH LQ DERXW Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; Ĺ&#x203A; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We never intended this to be anything but a hobby,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Christie. ,QWHQWLRQ RU QRW WKH WULR WRRN Rƨ became a quartet with the addition of double bass player and humourist Miles Kington and found themselves voted â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Hit of the Fringeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; at the (GLQEXUJK )HVWLYDO LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; ,Q WKDW VDPH \HDU WKH\ VWDUWHG D Ę&#x160;Ę? \HDU UXQ DV UHJXODUV RQ 5DGLR Ę?Ĺ&#x203A;V Stop the Week with Robert Robinson. The programme posed a rigorous weekly challenge: to prepare a song relevant to the discussion without being told the topic until a day or two before recording. As songwriter, Christie often had less
Car park to showcase
aesthetically pleasing â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;learning commonsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for members of the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community and the general public. Designed correctly, the Quad will KDQGOH D ODUJH YROXPH RI IRRW WUDĆŤF without feeling crowded, says Oluchi Uduku, Senior Project Manager for the The Quad will soon be College. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;If you think of South Bank on a place to meet and greet a sunny day, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so much happening and yet people can still move around easily,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she says. For most of the past half century, the )ROORZLQJ D FDPSXV ZLGH Quadrangle tucked between the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s consultation, to learn how students Building and Somerset House East DQG VWDƨ ZRXOG OLNH WR XVH WKH 4XDG Wing has sported a coat of macadam WKH &ROOHJH LQ HDUO\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; LQLWLDWHG D and served as a car and bicycle park. design competition through the Royal Not surprisingly, it hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been the Institute of British Architects. The most popular place to mix and mingle. &ROOHJH VHOHFWHG VL[ ĆŠQDOLVWV DQG WKHLU And on stormy days, students and concepts were on display for viewing VWDƨ LQ WKH WZR OHYHOV RI FODVVURRPV through the latter half of August. DQG RĆŤFHV XQGHUQHDWK WKH 4XDG In addition to transforming the have endured steady streams of rainwater leaking through the ceilings. Quad into a handsome space where VWXGHQWV VWDƨ DQG DOXPQL ZLOO ZDQW As In Touch went to press, the WR PHHW DQG VRFLDOLVH WKH eĘ&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; PLOOLRQ College was about to select an DUFKLWHFWXUDO ĆŠUP WR RYHUVHH D FRPSOHWH project will provide an additional Ę&#x152; Ę?Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; VTXDUH PHWUHV RI WHDFKLQJ VSDFH renovation of the Quad, turning and student facilities. the heart of the campus into an
?dijWdj Ikdi^_d[" \hec b[\j0 :Wl_Z 8Whbem YedikbjWdj ][d_jekh_dWho f^oi_Y_Wd" =koĂ&#x160;i WdZ Ij J^ecWiĂ&#x160; 1 F[j[h 9^h_ij_[ h[j_h[Z YedikbjWdj fW[Z_Wjh_Y_Wd 1 WdZ 7bWd CWhoed#:Wl_i fhe\[iieh e\ fkXb_Y ^[Wbj^" A_d]Ă&#x160;i 9ebb[][ BedZed
WKDQ Ę&#x2039;Ę? KRXUV WR FUDIW WKH PXVLF DQG lyrics, all the while still seeing patients. The constant time pressures on writing and rehearsing have given their performances a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;slightly impromptuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; style, Christie says. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;But this is part of our act. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ĺ&#x161;6OLFN Ĺ&#x203A; 0DU\RQ 'DYLV LQWHUMHFWV â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Luckily, most people think we put the mistakes in deliberately,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Christie. Instant Sunshine recorded several albums at Abbey Road and travelled to New York to perform at a small theatre in Greenwich Village, receiving rave reviews. This led to an invitation to appear on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s WRS UDWHG ODWH QLJKW 79 VKRZ Due to their day jobs, they declined, becoming quite possibly the only band ever to turn down an opportunity
to perform on Carsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s show. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s NHS loyalty for you,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; VD\V 0DU\RQ 'DYLV But they did perform for the Royals. Booked to sing at Badminton House, they were surprised to learn at the last minute that Her Majesty The Queen and several members of the royal family were in the small audience. The Duke of Beaufort introduced them as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Immediate Sunshineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. .LQJWRQ OHIW WKH JURXS LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2039; DQG the original three are now supported E\ %DUORZĹ&#x203A;V VRQ 7RP 3*&( Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? on double bass. Instant Sunshine are celebrating WKHLU Ę?Ę&#x17D;WK DQQLYHUVDU\ ZLWK D FRQFHUW RQ )ULGD\ Ę&#x2019; 1RYHPEHU DW WKH Greenwood Theatre, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Campus. To book tickets for their November concert, visit or FDOO Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018;Ę? Ę?Ę?Ę?Ę? Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; AUTUMN 2012 IN TOUCH
Campaign Update
The period immediately before, during and after birth is a critical window for future health. What happens to babies at this time can have a profound impact on the rest of their lives. For example, lack of oxygen around the time of birth â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or birth asphyxia â&#x20AC;&#x201C; accounts for about Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; SHU FHQW RI DOO FHUHEUDO SDOV\ LQ WKH developed world. Heart disease and meningitis in the newborn period can cause brain damage, and autism and ADHD can also develop at this time. 7KH /RQGRQ EDVHG *DUĆŠHOG :HVWRQ Foundation has an impressive track record of supporting research in this crucial area and recently agreed to fund important research at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new Centre for the Developing Brain. The Centre is led by Professor David Edwards, who came to Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; DIWHU WZR GHFDGHV DV KHDG RI WKH Weston Neonatal Research Group at Imperial College. Professor Edwardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ZRUN KDV DOUHDG\ OHG WR WKH ĆŠUVW successful treatment for birth asphyxia, which is now in use throughout the
NHS and around the world. Now that Professor Edwards and KLV Ę?Ę&#x2030; SOXV UHVHDUFK WHDP KDYH MRLQHG Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, they will be able to draw on the Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expertise in neuroscience and paediatrics and build links â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for example, with colleagues in the Institute of Psychiatry â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to expand their work in areas such as autism. New projects are planned, including ORQJ WHUP IROORZ XS RI FKLOGUHQ treated as newborns and extending MRI capabilities to improve the diagnosis and care of autism and ADHD. 7KH *DUĆŠHOG :HVWRQ )RXQGDWLRQ will support one of the Centreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s key priorities â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to engage with parents and children, and help them play an active role in the research. Ĺ&#x161;7KURXJK WKH :HVWRQ )DPLO\ &HQWUHG Research Programme, we can make sure that we are addressing the problems that really matter to families,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Guy Weston, chairman of the *DUĆŠHOG :HVWRQ )RXQGDWLRQ Ĺ&#x161;$QG E\
J^[i[ Wh[ Yh_j_YWb cec[dji \eh W Z[l[bef_d] XhW_d
EXLOGLQJ ORQJ WHUP UHODWLRQVKLSV Professor Edwards and his team can gain a better understanding of how treatments work, so the &HQWUH FDQ GHYHORS PRUH HƨHFWLYH interventions and help more children to lead healthier lives.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
From theory to practice Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is at the forefront of dental education in the UK and beyond. 5DQNHG QXPEHU Ę&#x160; LQ WKH 8. E\ The Guardian LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; .LQJĹ&#x203A;V 'HQWDO Institute trains one in four dentists in the UK and provides professional training for practitioners in nearly Ę?Ę&#x2030; FRXQWULHV ZRUOGZLGH WKURXJK its innovative online learning. The Maurice Wohl General Dental Practice Centre, which opened in Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę? PDNHV D YLWDO FRQWULEXWLRQ WR the success of the Institute with its commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, supporting research that GLUHFWO\ EHQHĆŠWV SDWLHQWV DQG JLYLQJ students the opportunity to train in D UHDO OLIH SUDFWLFH VHWWLQJ 0DXULFH Wohl, a successful property developer turned philanthropist, supported a wide range of causes during his lifetime 12
J>; C7KH?9; ME>B 9>7H?J78B; <EKD:7J?ED 7D: A?D=Ă&#x160;I J^[ h[bWj_edi^_f X[jm[[d j^[ CWkh_Y[ Me^b 9^Wh_jWXb[ <ekdZWj_ed WdZ A_d]Ă&#x160;i _i W bed]ijWdZ_d] ed[$ J^[ CWkh_Y[ Me^b =[d[hWb :[djWb FhWYj_Y[ 9[djh[ ^Wi fbWo[Z W a[o heb[ _d A_d]Ă&#x160;i ikYY[ii i_dY[ _ji ef[d_d] _d '/.-$ Dem j^[ \ekdZWj_ed _i Wbie fhel_Z_d] l[ho i_]d_Ă&#x201C;YWdj ikffehj \eh j^[ d[m CWkh_Y[ Me^b 9b_d_YWb D[kheiY_[dY[ ?dij_jkj[" Zk[ je ef[d Wj :[dcWha >_bb _d (&')$ J^[ <ekdZWj_ed X[b_[l[i ijhed]bo _d _dl[ij_d] _d h[i[WhY^ j^Wj jhWdibWj[i Z_h[Yjbo \eh j^[ X[d[Ă&#x201C;j e\ fWj_[dji" c_hheh_d] j^[ fh_eh_j_[i e\ A_d]Ă&#x160;i >[Wbj^ FWhjd[hi$
but always took a particular interest in dentistry at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Maurice Wohl was always very aware of the excellent work of the Centre and the high regard in which it was held by its patients,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Nairn Wilson, former Dean of the Dental Institute. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Occasionally, patients would inadvertently telephone his business RĆŤFH WR DVN IRU GHQWDO DSSRLQWPHQWV or extol the Centreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s virtues. Maurice Wohl would always listen patiently and with amusement before putting them ULJKW EXW RQO\ DIWHU WKH\ KDG ĆŠQLVKHG RƨHULQJ WKHLU SUDLVH Ĺ&#x203A; Now, the foundationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trustees are building on that legacy by providing further generous support. The Maurice Wohl Chair in Primary Dental Care and Advanced Dental Practice will be named in perpetuity, while students
supported by the new Vivienne Wohl PhD Studentship will help to train general dental practitioners in research skills, as well as pursuing their own research. The Centreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aim is to IRFXV RQ GHYHORSLQJ PRUH SUDFWLFH based clinical research and building a robust evidence base, enhancing both patient experience and outcomes. Strengthening the link between academics and practitioners is an essential part of the Dental Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s YLVLRQ RI D /RQGRQ EDVHG JHQHUDO practice research network that brings together researchers from across the UK and internationally. Working alongside practitioners will also create opportunities for research to take place LQ UHDO OLIH HQYLURQPHQWV ZKHUH the materials and techniques being developed will eventually be used.
Legacies: QRW MXVW IRU the wealthy
Ĺ&#x161;2XU JLIWV DGG XS Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V 6KHLOD 'RDN DQ DOXPQD committed to future generations of students As a young woman Sheila Doak (nĂŠe Charter) hoped to become a doctor. Immediately after the Second World War, however, with thousands RI H[ VHUYLFHPHQ UHWXUQLQJ WR WKHLU universities, few medical schools were accepting women. As an option, Doak came to Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and studied natural sciences. With her degree in hand, she accepted a job at the Chester Beatty Institute for Cancer Research. Her major project was based on the need to understand how the lives of heavily irradiated individuals could be prolonged, brought home by the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. From those early days, research progressed rapidly and now bone marrow and organ transplants are everyday occurrences. She says Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gave her the RSSRUWXQLW\ WR EHJLQ D IXOĆŠOOLQJ FDUHHU that has lasted a lifetime. Today, DW Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x152; VKH LV VWLOO ZRUNLQJ IURP KRPH IRU D FRQWUDFW ODERUDWRU\ LQ WKH ĆŠHOG of cytogenetics, analysing cell cultures for chromosome abnormalities. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I have my microscope and although my mobility is now limited, my eyesight still allows me to make the most of my skills and knowledge.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Doak says her Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s education shaped her interests, skills and professional life, and therefore helped her overcome inevitable bumps on the long road of life. In gratitude to her College, Doak has been supporting Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for many years. Moreover, she has pledged a gift to the College in her will. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;My means are very modest, but Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s has always been important to me and I would like to help in whatever
I^[_bW :eWa0 i^[ Wffh[Y_Wj[i ^em A_d]Ă&#x160;i i^Wf[Z ^[h ia_bbi WdZ fhe\[ii_edWb b_\[
<eh _d\ehcWj_ed WXekj ikffehj_d] j^[ 9ebb[][ m_j^ W b[]WYo" [cW_b b[]WYo#_d\e6aYb$WY$ka
way I can,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she says. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;There are thousands of us alumni, and our gifts add up. So I feel that my bequest to my alma mater is the best way to give future generations of young people the same start in life that I had all these years ago and the same satisfying career that I still have.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; One of the misconceptions surrounding legacies is that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a means for only the wealthy to give â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which simply is not true. Through the generosity and foresight of people like Sheila Doak, the cumulative impact RI OHJDFLHV LV VLJQLĆŠFDQW Legacies can support scholarships, medical and other research, student societies and a nearly endless range of projects that enrich studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; learning, research, cultural and career opportunities. Relatively small amounts of money make a tremendous GLƨHUHQFH ,Q Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; IRU OHVV WKDQ eĘ&#x17D; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; VWDƨ DQG VWXGHQWV DW WKH
MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology were able to explore WKH OHDUQLQJ EHQHĆŠWV RI XVLQJ UHDO KXPDQ EUDLQ PDWHULDO LQ QHXUR anatomy teaching. Finally, legacy gifts to the College DOVR KDYH D ĆŠQDQFLDO EHQHĆŠW WR OHJDWRUV themselves. Under UK inheritance tax UHJXODWLRQV UHYLVHG LQ $SULO Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; WKH WD[ WKUHVKROG LV eĘ&#x152;Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x17D; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; $IWHU WDNLQJ into consideration the value of their home, car, savings, pensions and personal belongings, many people have an estate that exceeds this amount. By leaving a portion of their estate WR D QRQSURĆŠW RUJDQLVDWLRQ VXFK DV Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, UK residents can reduce their inheritance tax burden. Financial planning is a personal matter. However, if you have questions about where to turn for planning help, please contact Legacy Manager Elena .XU\OHYD DW Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę?Ę?Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; RU AUTUMN 2012 IN TOUCH
Campaign Update GARY CALTON
%ULQJLQJ QRYHOLVWV opera and more to Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
ÂŁ1 million and counting 3DVVLQJ D PLOHVWRQH e DW D WLPH
)URP WKH UXJE\ SLWFK WR PHGLFDO UHVHDUFK ODE WKH $QQXDO )XQG PDNHV LQQRYDWLYH academic programmes and student activities possible
Alumni support continues to provide a rich mix of academic programmes and student activities. The Annual Fund, made possible through the generosity of alumni and friends, touches the lives of students on every campus, every year, making innovative academic programmes and popular student activities possible. Over the years, donors to the Annual Fund have brought music to the &ROOHJH LQWURGXFHG FXWWLQJ HGJH teaching techniques, helped students NHHS ĆŠW DQG HVWDEOLVKHG KLJK SURĆŠOH clubs â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in short, some of the most enriching and memorable experiences for students. ,Q -XO\ WKH &ROOHJH DQQRXQFHG Ę&#x2039;Ę? Annual Fund grants, distributing more WKDQ eĘ&#x2039;Ę&#x2039;Ę? Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; WR VWXGHQW RUJDQLVDWLRQV and academic programmes to improve curricular and extracurricular activities, SOXV DQRWKHU eĘ&#x160;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; IRU VFKRODUVKLSV From womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rugby to medical
manikins to a trilogy of Shakespearean parodies, the Annual Fund provided PXFK QHHGHG VXSSRUW WR D ULFK PL[ of projects. Three examples:
J^[ Ceej B_XhWho 7KH $QQXDO )XQG DZDUGHG eĘ? Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; WR establish a Moot Library, comprising reference materials that will help law students prepare for mooting competitions. These competitions â&#x20AC;&#x201C; highly contested and realistically simulated court proceedings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; provide excellent experience for students. The Dickson Poon School of Law has recorded several successes in moot competitions over the years; students staged a brief moot for Her Majesty The Queen during her February visit.
Del[b_iji Wj A_d]Ă&#x160;i $ eĘ? Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; JUDQW ZLOO DOORZ WKH (QJOLVK Department to establish a series of readings that will bring six prominent
55 Wbkcd_ [WY^ ]_l_d] Â&#x2DC;'&& fkhY^Wi[Z Wd _dZeeh hem_d] ik_j[ \eh j^[ 8eWj 9bkX" Wbbem_d] j^[ Yh[m je jhW_d je][j^[h" de cWjj[h m^Wj j^[ m[Wj^[h
65 Wbkcd_ [WY^ ]_l_d] Â&#x2DC;(& [dWXb[Z A_d]Ă&#x160;i 9bWii_Yi ijkZ[dji \hec b[ii WZlWdjW][Z XWYa]hekdZi je Wjj[dZ j^[ Kd_l[hi_jo e\ Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Latin and 7dY_[dj =h[[a ikcc[h iY^eebi
112 Zedehi [WY^ ]_l_d] Â&#x2DC;)& \kdZ[Z j^[ IY^eeb e\ C[Z_Y_d[Ă&#x160;i WZlWdY[Z _dj[hWYj_l[ Yekhi[ je [d^WdY[ j^_hZ#o[Wh ijkZ[djiĂ&#x160; kdZ[hijWdZ_d] e\ ^em je _Z[dj_\o WdZ h[WYj je W hWd][ e\ mental illnesses
32 Wbkcd_ WdZ fWh[dji e\ ijkZ[dji [WY^ ]_l_d] Â&#x2DC;(&& [ijWXb_i^[Z W fhe]hWcc[ je ^[bf dkhi_d] WdZ c[Z_YWb ijkZ[dji Yecckd_YWj[ [Ăš[Yj_l[bo m_j^ Zo_d] fWj_[dji WdZ j^[_h \Wc_b_[i
Ceej_d] ^Wi bed] X[[d fWhj e\ W A_d]Ă&#x160;i b[]Wb [ZkYWj_ed1 j^[ Ceej B_XhWho m_bb ijh[d]j^[d j^Wj jhWZ_j_ed
(QJOLVK ODQJXDJH QRYHOLVWV WR .LQJĹ&#x203A;V helping to further establish the College as a hub for modern writing and performance. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Novelists at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s will act as a creative resource for current students and academics at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, provide a focus for alumni engagement within the life of the College, and will reach out to the wider community,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Professor Andrew Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hagan. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;None of the London colleges has found a way to celebrate the art of writing as we can do here at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s with this initiative, and I EHOLHYH LW ZLOO KDYH D ORQJ WHUP LPSDFW RQ RXU SXEOLF SURĆŠOH WR FUHDWH VXFK D platform.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Students will be involved in designing the programme, liaising with novelists and organising the events.
A_d]Ă&#x160;i Ef[hW $ eĘ? Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; JUDQW WR .LQJĹ&#x203A;V 2SHUD ZLOO allow the student opera company WR VWDJH SURGXFWLRQV LQ WKH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; Ę&#x152; academic year. The grant will help the company lease a venue, purchase costumes and props and develop publicity and programmes, complementing the Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emphasis on bringing a wider range of cultural activities to the campuses. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Opera provides a rare opportunity for young instrumentalists to play in an opera,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; said Imogen Rose Burgess, President of the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Opera Committee. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;There are a number of chamber ensembles as well as the university symphony orchestra for Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s students, but no other means by which a classical orchestra can get experience in being the backbone of an operatic production, a skill they can take into their future careers not only as instrumentalists, but essential to any career where teamwork and coordination are paramount to success.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
M^o ? ]_l[ je A_d]Ă&#x160;i
<eh ceh[ _d\e" l_i_j Wbkcd_$aYb$WY$ka% Y_hYb[i
@WYa JWci 9ecfkj[h IY_[dY[" (&'( A_d]Ă&#x160;i oekd][ij Y_hYb[ c[cX[h" @WYa JWci created a series of successful businesses X[\eh[ WdZ Zkh_d] ^_i j_c[ Wj kd_l[hi_jo$ 7i W ijkZ[dj" ^[ ^[bf[Z Yh[Wj[ j^[ MehbZ questions|Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wdim[hi m[Xi_j[$ >[ _i Ykhh[djbo jWa_d] W Xh[Wa \hec i[b\#[cfbeoc[dj WdZ _i meha_d] \eh EhWYb[ Wi W ie\jmWh[ Z[l[bef[h$ ? ijWhj[Z co Ă&#x201C;hij Xki_d[ii _d j^[ beei[ij i[di[ m^[d ? mWi WXekj ')" WdZ ^Wl[ ZWXXb[Z _d Wbb iehji e\ j^_d]i" \hec m[Xi_j[i je j[b[f^ed[ ioij[ci$ ? ijWhj[Z Xo Yh[Wj_d] W m[Xi_j[ m^[d ? mWi Wj ^_]^ iY^eeb$ J^[ iY^eeb ^WZ _djheZkY[Z W XbeYa_d] ioij[c je Ă&#x201C;bj[h lWh_eki m[Xi_j[i" ie
? Yh[Wj[Z W ]Wc[i m[Xi_j[ j^Wj j^[o YekbZdĂ&#x160;j XbeYa WdZ WZZ[Z W X_j e\ WZl[hj_i_d]$ J^[ jh_Ya mWi ][jj_d] j^[ j[WY^[hi ^eea[Z0 j^[d _j mekbZ d[l[h X[ XbeYa[Z$ ?j meha[Z ikhfh_i_d]bo m[bb WdZ ?Ă&#x160;l[ d[l[h beea[Z XWYa$ Co Xki_d[ii[i fW_Z \eh W ]eeZ fehj_ed e\ co BedZed b_l_d] m^_bij Wj kd_" WdZ Yecfb[j[bo Xo WYY_Z[dj ? [dZ[Z kf meha_d] ed j^[ 7bkcd_ Edb_d[ WdZ YWcfW_]d m[Xi_j[i$Âż ? X[YWc[ W Y_hYb[ c[cX[h _d fWhj X[YWki[ ? mWi _dlebl[Z _d j^[ YWcfW_]d WdZ YekbZ i[[ m^Wj ]e[i ed X[^_dZ j^[ Zeehi" Wi _j m[h[$ A_d]Ă&#x160;i _i kd_gk[bo fbWY[Z je \kdZ h[i[WhY^ j^Wj Xh_Z][i cWdo Z_iY_fb_d[i" iec[j^_d] m^_Y^ ? j^_da i^ekbZ X[ [dYekhW][Z WdZ \kdZ[Z je WY^_[l[ _ji ]eWbi$
Members of the Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s giving circles have invested in the future of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s VWXGHQWV ZLWK PRUH WKDQ eĘ&#x160; PLOOLRQ LQ donations. &LUFOH JLIWV KDYH EHQHĆŠWHG WKRXVDQGV of students, in every school and on each campus. Circle donors have funded scholarships, grants for students H[SHULHQFLQJ ĆŠQDQFLDO KDUGVKLS VWDWH RI WKH DUW WHDFKLQJ HTXLSPHQW WKHDWULFDO SURGXFWLRQV DQG PXFK needed kit for sporting clubs. Such gifts DOORZ VWXGHQWV WR EHQHĆŠW IURP opportunities that do not occur elsewhere, and, in turn, the students learn valuable skills that enable them to EHQHĆŠW ZLGHU VRFLHW\ Given the seismic changes in how the government funds higher education, the circles are now an especially important way for alumni to give back in recognition of their time as a student. Ĺ&#x161;,Q D FOLPDWH RI HYHU LQFUHDVLQJ austerity, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m proud to help keep Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a global centre of excellence and return the enormous contribution the College has played in my life for the generations of students to come,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Robin Taher 3KDUPDFRORJ\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D; Starting with eight individuals in Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? PHPEHUVKLS LQ WKH FLUFOHV KDG JURZQ WR Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x160; E\ WKH FORVH RI WKH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; DFDGHPLF \HDU $OXPQL DQG IULHQGV KDYH JLYHQ eĘ&#x160; Ę&#x160;Ę?Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; WR WKH College through the circles during the past six years. Three of the circles â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the Principalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Medical and Dental Circles â&#x20AC;&#x201C; honour GRQRUV ZKR KDYH PDGH D JLIW RI eĘ&#x160; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; or more in a single year to the College. Twenty per cent of circle members OLYH RYHUVHDV LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; GLƨHUHQW QDWLRQV â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The growth of the circles in south east $VLD UHĆŞHFWV WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO QDWXUH RI the issues Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is tackling. The circles are becoming a truly global community,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Dr Yee Cheau +ZDQJ 'HQWLVWU\ .&60' Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x152; To learn more about the circles, please FRQWDFW Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę?Ę?Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; AUTUMN 2012 IN TOUCH
6 b
HYHQW\ \HDUV DJR .LQJĹ&#x203A;V &ROOHJH London wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in London; PRVW RI WKH &ROOHJH KDG PRYHG to Bristol. Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital was treating patients at its home by London %ULGJH EXW LWV HGXFDWLRQ SURJUDPPHV had been relocated to Tunbridge Wells. 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; GDPDJHG E\ PXOWLSOH ERPEV had sent its students to Surrey. Ĺ&#x161;7KH ZDU FDPH DQG LW FKDQJHG RXU OLYHV FRPSOHWHO\ Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V 'U %LOO -HDQHV D *X\Ĺ&#x203A;V JUDGXDWH RQH RI PRUH WKDQ Ę?Ę&#x2030; DOXPQL ZKR shared memories of life during the Second World War with In Touch in recent months. ([KLELWLQJ D VDQJIURLG QHDUO\ XQLPDJLQDEOH WRGD\ PHPEHUV RI 'U -HDQHVĹ&#x203A;V generation ignored the destruction around them as best they could. Most of them FDUULHG RQ ZLWK WKHLU VWXGLHV HQMR\HG KRSV sport and theatre and lost countless hours RI VOHHS WR ĆŠUH ZDWFK GXW\ 'HVSLWH WKH LQFHQGLDULHV WKH 9Ę&#x160;V DND EX]] ERPEV RU GRRGOHEXJV DQG 9Ę&#x2039;V ZKLFK H[SORGHG EHIRUH DQ\RQH KHDUG WKHP FRPLQJ WKH\ PDLQWDLQHG DQ XQĆŞDJJLQJ FRQĆŠGHQFH The stories here are not intended to paint
D IXOO SLFWXUH RI OLIH GXULQJ WKH ZDU 5DWKHU we asked alumni to share their most potent memories from those years. 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ ZH FRXOG QRW ĆŠW DOO RI WKH stories collected during the past few months on these pages â&#x20AC;&#x201C; there were simply too PDQ\ +RZHYHU \RX FDQ ĆŠQG WKH ZDUWLPH PHPRULHV RI PRUH WKDQ Ę?Ę&#x2030; DOXPQL LQFOXGLQJ longer versions of the recollections on these SDJHV DQG PDQ\ DUFKLYDO SKRWRV RQOLQH DW DOXPQL NFO DF XN ::Ę&#x2039;VWRULHV We invite you to share your wartime PHPRULHV ZKHWKHU \RX ZHUH D FKLOG university student or adult during the war. 6HQG WKHP WR XV DQG ZHĹ&#x203A;OO DGG \RXU recollections to the website. Please email them to or post them to In Touch, .LQJĹ&#x203A;V &ROOHJH /RQGRQ 6WUDQG %ULGJH +RXVH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x160;Ę?Ę&#x2039; 6WUDQG /RQGRQ ǡǣĘ&#x2039;Dz Ę&#x160;ǨǨ 2Q EHKDOI RI WKH .LQJĹ&#x203A;V FRPPXQLW\ we thank all of these alumni for sharing WKHLU PHPRULHV DQG ZH HQFRXUDJH \RX to share yours. James Bressor, Editor Photography by Michael Donald
Douglas Howe Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Dentistry, 1937
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:h F[j[h JhWĂšehZ
After qualifying, Douglas Howe went directly into the Royal Navy. He had several assignments during the war, sailing with a battleship and a submarine depot ship. He received a permanent commission after the war and retired as a surgeon-captain. I was appointed to a battleship in 0D\ Ĺ&#x203A;Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2018; WKH Barham. I joined her in Portsmouth and we went straight out to the Mediterranean. Going into action I teamed up with the medicos. I was in charge of stretcher parties around the ship. :KHQ ZDU EURNH RXW ZH FDPH home from the Mediterranean and ZHQW XS Rƨ ,FHODQG DQG SDWUROOHG IURP ,FHODQG WR WKH WRS RI 6FRWODQG EDFNZDUGV DQG IRUZDUGV LQ FDVH a German raider got out. I was in my cabin at the time when we were hit. The cabin I was LQ ZDV IRXU GHFNV GRZQ TXLWH LQ the bowels of the ship. It was a WHUULĆŠF EDQJ DQG WKH ZKROH VKLS VKRRN VR , NQHZ H[DFWO\ ZKDW KDG happened. I rushed out of my cabin because I wanted to see daylight. A vertical ladder goes up the four GHFNV WKURXJK YDULRXV KDWFKHV with an increasing number of chaps trying to get on it. After a while we were all sitting on each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shoulders going up this ladder. The chap who was in front suddenly yelled out when his head FDPH XS RQ WR WKH TXDUWHUGHFN DQG KH VDZ GD\OLJKW Ĺ&#x161;,Ĺ&#x203A;YH IRUJRWWHQ P\ KDW Ĺ&#x203A; +H ZDV VKRXWLQJ :HOO he ended up still sitting on the shoulders of the chap below him while the chap was walking on WKH GHFN DQG KH QHYHU JRW KLV KDW Unfortunately we lost four men. They were down in the % PDJD]LQH ZKLFK ZH KDG WR ĆŞRRG LPPHGLDWHO\ ,Ĺ&#x203A;P DIUDLG WKDW was it for them. It took four days to get back WR /LYHUSRRO ZKLFK ZDV WKH RQO\ dock that could take us at that time. I was relieved from the Barham then â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d done my two years. I went to the Royal Marine ,QĆŠUPDU\ DW &KDWKDP 7KH ĆŠUVW QLJKW , ZDV WKHUH WKH VLUHQV ZHQW DV LW ZDV WKH EHJLQQLQJ of the Battle of Britain. I came out RI P\ FDELQ SXW P\ WLQ KDW RQ DQG went belting along a corridor to get to underground air raid shelters. I came up against a beam. They had reinforced the ceilings. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know this. I had only joined them in the afternoon. I hit my head DQG LI , KDGQĹ&#x203A;W KDG P\ WLQ KDW RQ I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be here. Little things like that would cheer you up. AUTUMN 2012 ,1 728&+ 17
Shyam Sarwal Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Engineering, 1944 Shyam Sarwal left India on Ę&#x2039; 6HSWHPEHU Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2019; WKH GD\ EHIRUH the UK and France declared war on Germany. As a King's student in Bristol, he founded a youth organisation that participated LQ ĆŠUH ZDWFKLQJ DQG KHOSHG ORFDO UHVLGHQWV DƨHFWHG E\ WKH WUDXPD and destruction of air raids. I booked my passage for England on a merchant ship coming from Australia. It was on the second RI 6HSWHPEHU Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2019; 3ULRU WR WKDW I had made all my preparations. :H ZHUH LQ 5DMDVWKDQ D VWDWH LQ the centre of India. I travelled all the way south to Bombay to catch this ship. -XVW DV ZH ZHUH DERXW WR GHSDUW RQ WKH VKLS P\ IDWKHU JRW a telegram from the maharajah of the kingdom of Bikaner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; where we lived and who had given me a scholarship to come to England WR VWXG\ HQJLQHHULQJ Ĺ&#x2DC; VD\LQJ Ĺ&#x161;:DU GHFODUHG 'RQĹ&#x203A;W VHQG VRQ Ĺ&#x203A; 0\ IDWKHU ZDV LQ D TXDQGDU\ RI ZKDW WR GR QRW OHDVW RI DOO \RX do not go against the wishes of the PDKDUDMDK ZKR ZDV WKH EHQHIDFWRU +H NQHZ WKDW LI , KDG QRW OHIW WKHQ , PLJKW QHYHU JR DV QR RQH NQHZ how long the war would last. He decided to ignore the telegram and the day after I had sailed he sent a message back to the PDKDUDMDK Ĺ&#x161;5HFHLYHG PHVVDJH too late. Son already sailed.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; On the ship right up to Aden we had no problem. Through WKH 6XH] &DQDO ZH KDG QR SUREOHP Then through the Mediterranean we also had little or no problem and made for Gibraltar to join a naval convoy. We had been waiting four days in Gibraltar for the naval escort when our captain got the devastating message VD\LQJ Ĺ&#x161;1R FRQYR\ 7UDYHO alone. Make as fast as you can for Liverpool.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The captainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s face was drawn. He was really in a panic EHFDXVH ZLWK QR FRQYR\ LW ZDV the easiest way for a lone ship to be sunk. $V ZH FDVW Rƨ IURP *LEUDOWDU KH WROG XV Ĺ&#x161;(DW DQG GULQN DV PXFK as you can because if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sunk the food is of no use. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll all go down to the bottom of the sea.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; &DQ \RX LPDJLQH VRPHERG\ WHOOLQJ you that? Orange juice three times a day. Food to our heartsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; content. Ice cream as much as we could eat. 6XĆŤFH LW WR VD\ ZH WRRN DGYDQWDJH RI WKLV RƨHU EXW WKDQNIXOO\ ZH DOVR made it to Liverpool! 6K\DP 6DUZDO GLHG Ę&#x160;Ę? $XJXVW Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 18
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;Zm_d =_ĂšehZ E8; Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Civil Engineering, 1943 @eoY[ =_ĂšehZ Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Geography, 1944 (GZLQ Ĺ&#x161;*LƨĹ&#x203A; *LƨRUG MRLQHG WKH 5R\DO Navy after graduating and served LQ WKH 3DFLĆŠF -R\FH *LƨRUG OLNH KHU KXVEDQG URZHG ZKLOH DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V She later became a lecturer at Southampton University College, and he was a bridge engineer for Hampshire. Joyce: :H ERWK ĆŠUH ZDWFKHG when in Bristol. It was a useful bit of pocket money. I was watching atop the mortuary. We had to go through the bodies under cloths with a torch. We never had any ERPELQJV ZKHQ , ZDV WKHUH EXW *Lƨ ZDV WKHUH ZKHQ RQH UDLG KLW WKH .LQJĹ&#x203A;V OLEUDU\ We had hops on Saturday mornings occasionally at the 9LFWRULD 5RRPV :H KDG YHU\ IHZ IRUPDO GDQFHV 7KH KHLJKW RI OX[XU\ was to go out and have beans on toast or something very simple to eat because we were not given to eating very much. =_Ăš0 There wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t much cash about the place. The whole country was in a tough way. Joyce: I remember that some of the
PHDW VWXƨ ZDV FDOOHG EORWWLQJ SDSHU EHFDXVH LW ZDV SLQN EXW LW ERUH little relationship to meat proper. =_Ăš0 The food was horrible. Joyce: 2Q 9( 'D\ ZH ZHUH LQ 7UDIDOJDU 6TXDUH DQG WKDW ZDV YHU\ H[FLWLQJ (YHU\ERG\ MRLQHG KDQGV and sang and kissed each other. A UHPDUNDEOH DWPRVSKHUH 9( 'D\ ZDV ZKHQ ZH NQHZ WKDW P\ EURWKHU ZKR ZDV D SULVRQHU RI ZDU WDNHQ LQ north Africa â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d been down the mines â&#x20AC;&#x201C; would come home.
+H FDPH EDFN D VNHOHWRQ EXW 9( 'D\ PHDQW PRUH WR P\ VLVWHU and me because we had our brother in the war camp. It was more immediate. We kissed strangers. =_Ăš0 The British arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t famous for kissing strangers. Joyce: *Lƨ ZDV LQ WKH 3DFLĆŠF VWLOO 2Q 9- 'D\ , ZDV KDYLQJ OXQFK with an old school friend when we heard the news. I knew that ZDV WKH HQG RI WKH ZDU DQG *Lƨ would come back.
LQ RQ LW ,WĹ&#x203A;V &KXUFKLOO +HĹ&#x203A;V FRPLQJ aboard. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to take him so he can have lunch with Montgomery.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; In due season we came alongside LQ 3RUWVPRXWK DQG , NHSW RXW RI WKH way. We got him aboard. He had a nap while we were going back WR WKH EHDFKHV EDFN WR &RXUVHXOOHV 7KHUH ZDV :LQQLH VPRNLQJ like hell. The sailors were picking up his cigarette butts as souvenirs. The shipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s motorboat took him ashore to meet Montgomery. :H ORDGHG RXU JXQV ZLWK DQWL aircraft ammunition and paraded
up and down in case any German aircraft appeared. I suppose we did this for DERXW IRXU RU ĆŠYH KRXUV DQG then we were meant to pick &KXUFKLOO XS ZKLFK LV LQ IDFW what we did. We were ready to rush him back to Portsmouth. He was supposed to have D QDS >RQ WKH ZD\ EDFN@ EXW of course he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. He went VWRPSLQJ DURXQG WDONLQJ WR WKH VDLORUV %HIRUH ZH OHIW KH VDLG Ĺ&#x161;, ZDQW WR ĆŠUH RQ WKH *HUPDQV Ĺ&#x203A; 7KH ERPEDUGPHQW OLDLVRQ RĆŤFHU was at his station above the guns DQG DQRWKHU RĆŤFHU ZDV SORWWLQJ WKH SRVLWLRQV ZH ZHUH JRLQJ WR ĆŠUH DW &KXUFKLOO VDLG Ĺ&#x161;*R VRXWK WR ĆŠUH RQ WKH HQHP\ Ĺ&#x203A; :HOO WKHUH ZDVQĹ&#x203A;W DQ\ enemy there. 7KH OLDLVRQ RĆŤFHU SRNHG KLV QRVH RXW RI WKH FRQWURO WRZHU DQG VDLG Ĺ&#x161;&DSWDLQ VLU ZKDW DUH ZH ĆŠULQJ DW"Ĺ&#x203A; $QG WKH FDSWDLQ VDLG Ĺ&#x161;-XVW WKH Germans. Get on with it!â&#x20AC;&#x2122; And WKH %/2 VDLG Ĺ&#x161;5LJKW VLU Ĺ&#x203A; It was only after it had all gone Rƨ WKDW WKH\ UHDOLVHG WKDW LQVWHDG RI ĆŠULQJ KLJK H[SORVLYH DPPXQLWLRQ ZH KDG ĆŠUHG DQWL DLUFUDIW DPPXQLWLRQ ZKLFK LV D WRWDOO\ GLƨHUHQW NHWWOH RI ĆŠVK 6R WKDWĹ&#x203A;V ZKDW KDSSHQHG ZKHQ &KXUFKLOO ĆŠUHG DW WKH HQHP\
Dr Roy Webb Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Medicine, 1943 Dr Roy Webb served as a surgeonlieutenant on HMS .HOYLQ D GHVWUR\HU WKDW WRRN SDUW LQ D-Day, at Sword Beach, and RQH ZHHN ODWHU JDYH 3ULPH Minister Churchill an opportunity WR ĆŠUH RQ WKH HQHP\ Ĺ&#x2DC; ZKR E\ then were many miles inland. The Kelvin KDG VL[ Ę? Ę? LQFK guns and they were jolly good IRU FORVH ZRUN , VXSSRVH IRXU DQG D KDOI PLOHV 6KH FRXOG ĆŠUH accurately at about four miles. We had a bombardment OLDLVRQ RĆŤFHU >%/2@ DERDUG D FDSWDLQ D ODUJH JHQWOHPDQ who was great fun. He would be given a target and it was RXU MRE WR ĆŠUH RXU Ę? Ę?V DW WKH WDUJHW :H VSHQW ' 'D\ XQWLO LW ZDV GDUN ĆŠULQJ DW RXU WDUJHWV :H GLG WKLV IRU VL[ GD\V 6L[ GD\V ODWHU ZH GLGQĹ&#x203A;W KDYH a role until we got a signal to go back to Portsmouth â&#x20AC;&#x201C; fast. :H JHDUHG XS WR RXU PD[LPXP VSHHG Ĺ&#x2DC; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2039; NQRWV 7KH FDSWDLQ VHQW IRU PH DQG KH VDLG Ĺ&#x161;'RF Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not supposed to tell you DQ\WKLQJ EXW WKHUH DUHQĹ&#x203A;W PDQ\ people aboard I can tell who arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t
AUTUMN 2012 ,1 728&+ 19
:edWbZ I B[]][jj Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College School of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry, 1940
:h F[j[h IWX_d[ Chelsea, Geology, 1942 F[]]o IWX_d[ Chelsea, Mathematics, 1943
)ROORZLQJ KLV JUDGXDWLRQ IURP .LQJĹ&#x203A;V and four months at the University of Edinburgh, Donald Leggett (see FRYHU MRLQHG WKH 5R\DO 1DY\ ĆŠUVW serving with Coastal Forces before WUDYHOOLQJ WR WKH 3DFLĆŠF DERDUG +06 6SHDNHU an escort aircraft carrier. )URP KLV VKLS LQ 7RN\R %D\ KH witnessed the Japanese surrendering RQ WKH GHFN RI 866 0LVVRXUL ending the Second World War. My nearest attempt to getting killed ZDV IULHQGO\ ĆŠUH 7KDW ZDV LQ 0D\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; :KHQ QDYDO DLUFUDIW IROG WKHLU ZLQJV WR JR GRZQ LQWR WKH KDQJDU the guns that normally point forward sometimes point straight GRZQ 7KLV GD\ WKH DUPRXUHU IRUJRW WR GH DPPXQLWLRQ RQH SODQH 7KH QH[W PRUQLQJ D ĆŠWWHU ZKR was checking circuits in the thing SUHVVHG WKH EXWWRQ DQG KH ĆŠUHG WKH JXQV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; PLOOLPHWUH DUPRXU SLHUFLQJ LQFHQGLDU\ VKHOOV DQG WKH\ came straight through the steel GHFN VWUDLJKW WKURXJK P\ EXQN and straight through two more steel decks underneath before they came to rest. If I had been in my bunk I wouldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been dead. 0\ VKLS ZDV DQ $PHULFDQ EXLOW ship with a wooden deck. If we had to do the job that we were sent there WR GR ZKLFK ZDV WR FRYHU EHDFK ODQGLQJV RQ -DSDQ ZH VKRXOGQĹ&#x203A;W have lasted an hour. But of course the nuclear bomb saved our lives. It brought the war to a very abrupt end. It was obvious even to me that the big battleships had been UHQGHUHG REVROHWH LQ RQH JLDQW ĆŞDVK Only the carriers and the escort vessels would continue to have a role. We heard that this bomb had GURSSHG DQG WKHQ D FRXSOH RI GD\V later theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d dropped another one. Then there was a silence. We just VWHDPHG XS DQG GRZQ TXLHWO\ IRU TXLWH D IHZ GD\V Ĺ&#x2DC; , GRQĹ&#x203A;W UHPHPEHU KRZ PDQ\ H[DFWO\ 7KH -DSDQHVH were making up their minds whether they had to surrender or not. They decided it would be futile to go on. We all went into Tokyo Bay. It was the most unbelievable sight. I realised that we were seeing something nobody would ever see again. There were scores and scores of warships. We had an enormous 3DFLĆŠF )OHHW E\ WKDW WLPH DQG DOO the American ships as well. There were just warships at anchor as far as you could see. It was intensely emotional.
Peter Sabine attended Chelsea for one year before moving on to Imperial. Peggy Sabine started at Chelsea in Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; MRLQHG WKH VWDƨ LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x152; DQG WDXJKW WKHUH IRU PRUH WKDQ Ę?Ę&#x2030; \HDUV Ĺ&#x161;:HĹ&#x203A;YH EHHQ PDUULHG Ę?Ę? \HDUV ZKLFK LV D ORQJ WLPH Ĺ&#x203A; VKH VD\V +H DGGV Ĺ&#x161;:HĹ&#x203A;UH JHWWLQJ XVHG WR HDFK RWKHU Ĺ&#x203A; Peggy: &KHOVHD KDG D WUHPHQGRXV QXPEHU RI H[ VHUYLFHPHQ DIWHU the war. They were most peculiar EHFDXVH WKH\ ZHUH RXW RI VHUYLFH DQG WKH RĆŤFHUV DOZD\V VDW LQ WKH
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IURQW URZ WKH VHUJHDQWV ZRXOG EH right behind them and the privates and others would be in the back. And they never spoke to each other. 7KH\ ZHUH DOO LQ FLYYLHV EXW WKH\ QHYHU PL[HG The only time I had trouble was ZKHQ GXULQJ WKH ZDU WKH SURIHVVRU VDLG WR PH Ĺ&#x2DC; DQG , ZDV MXVW Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; MXVW VWDUWLQJ Ĺ&#x2DC; Ĺ&#x161;7KH VDLORUVĹ&#x203A; WHDFKHU KDV JRQH VLFN &DQ \RX JR GRZQ DQG teach them fractions?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; I went down DQG WKHUH ZHUH Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; UDWLQJV DQG WKH\ were supposed to learn fractions. But I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t teach them. For one WKLQJ , GLGQĹ&#x203A;W NQRZ KRZ WR WHDFK IUDFWLRQV DQG WKH\ ZHUH MXVW WURXEOH DQG , ZDV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; ,W ZDV KRSHOHVV Peter: I was in the volunteer
stretcher party. It involved being on duty one night a week or two QLJKWV D ZHHN ZKLFK ZDV DW 6W 'XQVWRQĹ&#x203A;V &ROOHJH DW &DWIRUG a mile away. , UHPHPEHU TXLWH FOHDUO\ JRLQJ up to a school which had been bombed. A lot of kids had been killed. By the time we were there LQ WKH HYHQLQJ PRVW RI WKH casualties had already been taken away. But there were still piles of GHEULV LQ WKH VFKRRO VR \RX PRYHG it by hand. One aspect of the war was that \RX JUHZ XS TXLFNO\ 1RZ ZHĹ&#x203A;UH both young teenagers. Peggy is QRZ Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2019; DQG ,Ĺ&#x203A;P Ę&#x2018;Ę? :HĹ&#x203A;UH LQ RXU second childhoods.
It was the most magical night I can remember in my life. 7KH EHDXWLIXO VN\ DQG IHUU\ DIWHU ferry coming across with Italian prisoners. The happiest lot of prisoners you could ever imagine. And they were all singing â&#x20AC;&#x201C; singing arias from Italian opera. I had never been to an opera at that time. 6LQFH ZHĹ&#x203A;YH EHHQ PDUULHG ZHĹ&#x203A;YH EHHQ WR Ę?Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2018; RSHUDV Ced_YW0 2Q 9( 'D\ WKH WKUHH RI XV went out together. Now Brompton 6TXDUH LV HDV\ ZDONLQJ GLVWDQFH from Buckingham Palace. So we walked down to Buckingham Palace and we were in the crowd RXWVLGH WKH SDODFH )RU DOO , NQHZ
I could have rubbed shoulders ZLWK WKH >IXWXUH@ 4XHHQ EHFDXVH itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alleged she went out into the crowd outside Buckingham Palace that night. We cheered until WKH .LQJ DQG 4XHHQ FDPH RXW on the balcony. Then we walked on to Whitehall and stood there DQG FDOOHG IRU :LQVWRQ &KXUFKLOO to come out. He came out on D EDOFRQ\ RI WKH +RPH 2ĆŤFH and he spoke to us. My memory of that was that he had certainly been drinking. But he had earned it. We just joined up with the huge crowd of people that went into the centre of London to celebrate.
9b_ĂšehZ HeX_died 7A9 Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Mathematics, 1941 and 1947 Ced_YW HeX_died Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Mathematics, 1947 &OLƨRUG 5RELQVRQ VWDUWHG DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2019; +H UHFHLYHG D GHJUHH LQ two years, when the College was in Bristol, and returned for one more \HDU DIWHU WKH ZDU ĆŠQLVKLQJ ZLWK an MSc. Monica Robinson arrived DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? DIWHU WKH &ROOHJH V return to London. She remembers going to VE Day celebrations with her two roommates. 9b_ĂšehZ0 Our maths faculty was tucked in a building called the Royal Fort. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where I spent P\ WZR \HDUV OLYLQJ LQ GLJV DQG walking there in the morning. And I was out of touch with everybody else in the university RWKHU WKDQ WKH KDOI GR]HQ RI XV ZKR were doing maths degrees. >7KH VL[ RI XV@ ZHUH FDOOHG up afterward. Because we were mathematicians and potentially VHULRXV SHRSOH ZH ZHUH VHQW WR WKH 5R\DO &RUSV RI 6LJQDOV We enrolled on the same day in September. We were immediately VHW WR WUDLQLQJ DV RĆŤFHU FDGHWV I spent about three months there. They didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what to do with XV 7KH VL[ RI XV XVHG WR GULOO HDFK RWKHU PDUFKLQJ XS DQG GRZQ VTXDUHV 7KHQ RGGO\ HQRXJK ZH ZHUH DOO VHQW WR ,QGLD DQG we embarked on the same boat. I had a most magical night in Port Said. All the troops had GLVHPEDUNHG IURP WKH VKLS H[FHSW the few who were left to look after the ship overnight. It was a EHDXWLIXO PRRQOLW QLJKW QRW D FORXG in the sky. And all night was spent embarking â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but you couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get LQWR WKH GRFNV VR WKH\ DOO FDPH RXW by ferry â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Italian prisoners of war.
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:h 8hWdZed Bki^ Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College School of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine, 1942 :h CWh]Wh[j Bki^ Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College School of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine, 1946 Brandon Lush remembers a pre-war parade that insulted the German ambassador. After qualifying, KH MRLQHG WKH DUP\ DQG ZDV SDUW RI WKH forces that swept across north Africa, invaded Sicily and successfully landed in Italy, where he was nearly NLOOHG E\ D ERPE Ĺ&#x161;, KDG D ORW RI KROHV LQ PH Ĺ&#x203A; KH VLPSO\ VD\V 0DUJDUHW Lush remembers doing her preFOLQLFDO ZRUN LQ %LUPLQJKDP temporary home for KCSMD. Margaret: At one occasion at &UR\GRQ *HQHUDO ZKHUH WKHUH ZDV DQ DLU UDLG LW VWDUWHG TXLWH HDUO\ so I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go back to the digs where ZH ZHUH OLYLQJ XQWLO DERXW Ę&#x2039; LQ WKH PRUQLQJ DIWHU ZH ZHUH ĆŠQLVKHG coping with the air raid casualties. The landlady wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let me in because she mustâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve felt I was no better than I should be turning XS DW Ę&#x2039; LQ WKH PRUQLQJ 6KH MXVW wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe that I could have been in the theatre all night. 9( 'D\ ZDV UHDOO\ H[FLWLQJ , ZHQW XS WR /RQGRQ ZKLFK ZHQW TXLWH PDG 7KH VWUHHWV ZHUH IXOO DQG \RX OLWHUDOO\ FRXOG ZDON LI \RX ZDQWHG WR DFURVV WKH VWDWLRQDU\ SDUNHG FDU URRIV ,Q IDFW , WKLQN RQH RU WZR SHRSOH GLG RQ 2[IRUG Street getting up toward the palace. 8hWdZed0 7KH VWXGHQW ERG\ DV D ZKROH QRW MXVW WKH PHGLFDO IDFXOW\ took a really dim view of Hitler and Mussolini and â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen LQ WKHVH GD\V RI FRXUVH Ĺ&#x2DC; WKH student body got a procession going in the Strand and Fleet Street. 7KH\ KDG D FRXSOH RI FKDSV
Emel Rochat Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, French, 1949 Emel Rochat was living in south :DOHV ZKHQ ZDU EURNH RXW 6KH FDPH WR .LQJĹ&#x203A;V LQ WKH DXWXPQ RI Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; I arrived in September or 2FWREHU DQG ZH DOO OLYHG LQ JURWW\ digs. There were no hostels in those days. What did we have for our supper? A packet of crisps between WZR SHRSOH VRPHWKLQJ OLNH WKDW There was even more rationing DW WKH HQG RI WKH ZDU DQG LW IHOW ZRUVH EHFDXVH \RX H[SHFWHG WKHUH to be no rationing. I remember TXHXLQJ XS IRU SRWDWRHV IRU RXU 22
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:h F[j[h JhWĂšehZ St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Medicine, 1942
one dressed as Hitler and one as 0XVVROLQL VWDQGLQJ XS LQ WKH FDU which led the procession slowly down the Strand. This held the WUDĆŤF EDFN 7KH\ SHULRGLFDOO\ GLG VRUW RI +LWOHU VDOXWHV DQG VKRXWHG nonsense. The rest of us all walked behind them to the end of the Strand and then turned around and came back all the way back WR )OHHW 6WUHHW DQG EDFN DJDLQ making fun of Hitler and Mussolini. $SSDUHQWO\ 5LEEHQWURS WKH *HUPDQ DPEDVVDGRU LQ /RQGRQ took a really dim view of Hitler being mocked and complained to WKH )RUHLJQ 2ĆŤFH 7KH )RUHLJQ 2ĆŤFH FRPSODLQHG WR WKH 3ULQFLSDO landlady when we were in London. <RX ZHUH QRW KXQJU\ EXW WKHUH was rationing into well after the war. What was outstanding was EHLQJ DOLYH EHLQJ LQ /RQGRQ , ZHQW WR WKH ĆŠUVW $UPLVWLFH 'D\ DW WKH &HQRWDSK DW :KLWHKDOO LQ Ĺ&#x203A;Ę?Ę&#x17D; WKH ĆŠUVW RQH DIWHU WKH ZDU It was very moving. We had veterans coming to .LQJĹ&#x203A;V 2K WKH\ ZHUH WHUULEO\ ROG :H ZHUH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018;LVK 7KH PHQ ZHUH Ę&#x2039;Ę? Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x17D; EXW WKH\ ZHUH ROG 7KH\Ĺ&#x203A;G been in war. They had served. 7KH\Ĺ&#x203A;G KDG VXFK H[SHULHQFHV LQ their lives. But they never talked DERXW WKHLU H[SHULHQFHV
6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; WRRN VHYHUDO GLUHFW KLWV in the opening days of the Blitz and 3HWHU 7UDƨRUG UHPHPEHUV WKHP ZHOO Called into the army after the end of the war, he served in the occupational IRUFH DQG URVH WR WKH UDQN RI PDMRU ,Q &DVXDOW\ WKHUH ZDV D OLWWOH spiral staircase behind where the head porter used to sit just inside WKH &DVXDOW\ HQWUDQFH $ FKDS ZLWK D ORQJ IURFN FRDW DQG KH VDW EHKLQG a high desk and he ruled the roost. Behind him there was a little door and a spiral staircase down in to WKH EDVHPHQW DQG D ORR ZKLFK ZDV very convenient for students and VWDƨ LQ &DVXDOW\ I got down there at about half past seven in the evening. We were MXVW KDQJLQJ DURXQG LQ &DVXDOW\ VR ZH FRXOG EH XVHIXO SRVVLEO\ I was down there and I heard something coming down â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a noise OLNH DQ H[SUHVV WUDLQ 7KHUH ZDV a cluster of bombs coming down FORVH WR \RX DQG WKHQ WKH H[SORVLRQ followed. This spiral staircase was just showered in glass. It was enclosed in glass as it was outside WKH EXLOGLQJ EXW LW ZDV SDLQWHG RYHU LQ EODFN SDLQW IRU WKH EODFN RXW I collected my thoughts and FDPH XS DJDLQ DQG &DVXDOW\ ZDV VWLOO WKHUH , VDLG WR VRPHRQH Ĺ&#x161;7KDW ZDV D FORVH RQH ZDVQĹ&#x203A;W LW"Ĺ&#x203A; We agreed it must have been in the road outside. We walked through WKH SDVVDJH IURP &DVXDOW\ LQWR WKH PDLQ FRUULGRU ZKLFK ZDV DERXW D TXDUWHU RI D PLOH ORQJ DQG connected right through all of the blocks. We could see there was D ĆŠUH LQ WKH SDVVDJH D OLWWOH ZD\ XS VR ZH SLFNHG XS D ĆŠUH H[WLQJXLVKHU walked up there and realised that WKH ĆŠUH H[WLQJXLVKHU ZDV completely useless. The whole dispensary had gone
RI .LQJĹ&#x203A;V +H KDG WKH WZR ULQJ leaders on the mat and gave them D WLFNLQJ Rƨ ZKLFK ZH DOO WKRXJKW was a very poor show. , ZDV LQ WKH ĆŠQDO VXFFHVVIXO %DWWOH RI &DVVLQR VXSSRUWLQJ WKH troops there. We went up to a place FDOOHG 9DOPRQWRQH ZKHUH ZH MRLQHG XS ZLWK WKH $PHULFDQV ZKHUH , WKLQN , ZDV SUREDEO\ WKH ĆŠUVW British troop to enter Rome. We were told by our commanding RĆŤFHUV WKDW ZH KDG WR OHW WKH $PHULFDQV JR LQWR 5RPH ĆŠUVW %XW , GLVREH\HG RUGHUV DQG with my batman and corporal I went into Rome and I had my ĆŠUVW SURSHU KDLUFXW IRU WKUHH \HDUV
J^[ H[lZ Ij[f^[d :Wl_i 7A9 Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Theology, 1948 Stephen Davis was a POW for PRVW RI WKH ZDU +H OLYHG IRU ĆŠYH years in Stalag XXA, a complex with XS WR Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; SULVRQHUV LQ 3RODQG KH ZRUNHG LQ WKH VWDODJĹ&#x203A;V KRVSLWDO He studied theology after the war and became a priest in the Church RI (QJODQG LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; A lot of people were brought KRPH RQ ERDWV IURP 'XQNLUN I missed the boat. So the Germans caught me. I was made to march Ę?Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; PLOHV LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; GD\V ZLWK QR IRRG QR ZDWHU QRZKHUH WR VOHHS
Then we packed into a cattle WUXFN WR 7RUXÄ&#x192; LQ 3RODQG DQG the cattle trucks on the outside VDLG Ĺ&#x161;'L[ FKHYHDX[ RX TXDUDQWH KRPPHVĹ&#x203A; 7KDWĹ&#x203A;V Ĺ&#x161;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; KRUVHV RU Ę?Ę&#x2030; PHQĹ&#x203A; :H ZHUH Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030; PHQ 7KHUH ZDV RQO\ D OLWWOH WRS ZLQGRZ and everybody had to defecate and urinate in their boots and then tip it out the window. The place stank to hell. It was hideous. And it was one of the hottest VXPPHUV ZHĹ&#x203A;YH KDG Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; It was absolute hell. )RUWXQDWHO\ , ZDV LQ WKH 5R\DO $UP\ 0HGLFDO &RUSV 6R , GLGQĹ&#x203A;W have to go out and work with everybody else. The prisoners had
WR JR RXW LQ ZRUNLQJ SDUWLHV EXLOGLQJ URDGV IDUPLQJ DQ\WKLQJ Terrible jobs. Being in the Royal $UP\ 0HGLFDO &RUSV , JRW D MRE in this hospital. We had a commandant called Scarface. He had been a prisoner of war in England in the First World War. He was very friendly. The Gestapo came to VHDUFK XV HYHU\ VL[ PRQWKV He would come around before WKDW DQG LI ZH KDG DQ\ FKRFRODWH or cigarettes weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d give them WR KLP DQG KHĹ&#x203A;G VWXƨ WKHP in his pockets and then bring it all back to us afterward. 6WHSKHQ 'DYLV GLHG Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x160; -XO\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039;
Please visit WW2stories to read the complete reminiscences of the 15 alumni featured in the magazine and the wartime memories of the alumni listed below. The website also \[Wjkh[i cWdo WhY^_lWbÂż photographs. David Baker, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Dentistry, 1945 Dr John Barham, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Medicine, 1944 Dr Thomas Calverley, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Electrical Engineering, 1940 Commander Clement Cambrook, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Physics & Mathematics, 1944 :h =[eĂšh[o 9Whh_[jj" St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Medicine, 1947 Alwyn Carruthers AKC, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Mathematics, 1945 Margaret Audrey (Dodds) Chadwick AKC, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, English, 1942 Joan Ellison, KCHSS, Household & Social Sciences, 1948
through into the basement. It just went sshhp, OLNH D ĆŠUHZRUN 7KHUH was a lot of surgical spirit amongst RWKHU WKLQJV ,W ZDV D WHUULĆŠF EOD]H DQG LW FXW WKH PDLQ FRUULGRU Rƨ so we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what was going on beyond that. We discovered that the bomb had FRPH ULJKW WKURXJK &ROOHJH +RXVH UHVLGHQFH TXDUWHUV DQG H[SORGHG LQ WKH ORQJ FRUULGRU ,W KDG H[SORGHG LQ WKH FRUULGRU XQGHUQHDWK alongside where they had built these VR FDOOHG ERPE SURRI WKHDWUHV This bomb had come down and H[SORGHG LPPHGLDWHO\ RXWVLGH WKH theatre. A couple of house surgeons ZHUH NLOOHG DQG VHYHUDO QXUVHV The patients in the theatre survived. But the house surgeons â&#x20AC;&#x201C; one was Sir Bernard Spilwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son. We tried to make ourselves useful. %\ WKLV WLPH DOO WKH SOXPELQJ DQG all the electrics were gone. Heating pipes and water pipes were all pouring water. We went into theatre DQG WKH VLVWHU VDLG Ĺ&#x161;,I \RXĹ&#x203A;UH JRLQJ WR KHOS WDNH VRPH GUHVVLQJV RXW ,I \RX clear those cupboards and take them down to somewhere safe. We canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t VWD\ KHUH ZHĹ&#x203A;OO KDYH WR WDNH WKHP somewhere else.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; She was so cool. )URP WKHQ RQ 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; FHDVHG WR H[LVW DV D KRVSLWDO :H QHYHU VDZ our hospital function as it should in our clinical years.
Dr Jack Fine, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Medicine, 1948 Harold Fletcher, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Mechanical Engineering, 1945 Hedley Grabaskey, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Dentistry, 1944 Reg Grant, A_d]Ă&#x160;i" ;d]_d[[h_d]"Âż'/*+ Dr Leslie Hale, A_d]Ă&#x160;i" Peebe]o"Âż'/*& Dr Bill Jeanes, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Medicine and Dentistry, 1943 James Kirkwood, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Dentistry, 1945 Alec Leggatt, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Civil Engineering, 1948 Denis Mace, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, :[dj_ijho"Âż'/). Dr Betty Mather, KCSMD, Medicine, 1950 Dr Oliver Musgrave, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Chemistry, 1949 The Revd John Ouless, AKC, Theology, 1949 Denis Reid, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Dentistry, 1945 Dr Thomas Richards, KCSMD, Medicine, 1945
Dr Tony Sampson, KCSMD, Dentistry, 1940 Margaret Thresh, Normanby College School of Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy, 1948 Anthony Titford, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Civil Engineering, 1939 Dr Walter Walker AKC, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Theology, 1942 Professor Robert Walton, Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Medicine, 1945 Dr Robert Welch, St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Medicine, 1945 M[ Wbie _dl_j[ oek je l_i_j Lest we forget, W m[Xi_j[ Ă&#x2026; mmm$ a_d]iYebb[Yj_edi$eh]%mWhc[ceh_Wbi Ă&#x2026; Yecc[cehWj_d] ijkZ[dji WdZ ijWĂš m^e beij j^[_h b_l[i _d (&j^ Y[djkho YedĂ&#x201D;_Yji$ 9h[Wj[Z Xo A_d]Ă&#x160;i 7hY^_l[i WdZ j^[ Kd_l[hi_jo e\ j^[ J^_hZ 7][" _j YedjW_di X_e]hWf^_YWb _d\ehcWj_ed WXekj j^ei[ ^edekh[Z ed mWh c[ceh_Wbi WYheii j^[ 9ebb[][ YWcfki[i$
AUTUMN 2012 ,1 728&+ 23
All of us ZLOO EHQHĆŠW from working WRJHWKHU
A NEW ERA OF CLINICAL RESEARCH Whether exploring how the brain functions or pioneering treatments VWUDLJKW RXW RI D VFL ĆŠ PRYLH FROODERUDWLRQ LV HVVHQWLDO
he days of the lone researcher beavering away unsupported in an underground lab are long gone. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s now recognised that the best research results come from collaboration between institutions, plus a critical mass of researchers. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the thinking behind the brand new Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility (CRF), a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to moving experimental medicine from the laboratory bench to the patientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bedside in areas as diverse as preventing heart disease and treating phobias. The CRF is based at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust on the Denmark Hill Campus of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London. Within Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Partners, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the result of co-operation between the College, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital, culminating in a successful bid to the Wellcome Trust and the Department of Health via the
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National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The Maudsley Hospital and the Institute of Psychiatry will lead studies in neurosciences and mental health. The academic drivers include specialists in cardiovascular disease, haematology, haemato-oncology, liver disease and diabetes, along with psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience experts. Consequently, the CRF will serve a wide range of clinical and academic interests. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The ethos of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Partners is that the best patient care will come from clinical care which is integrated with academe,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Alan McGregor, Professor of Medicine at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London, Campus Dean for Denmark Hill and the Director of the Wellcome Trust CRF. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;All of XV ZLOO EHQHĆŠW IURP ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU :H DV DFDGHPLFV can enhance the academic performance of the two NHS 7UXVWV DQG WKHLU VWDƨ 2XU 1+6 SDUWQHUV EULQJ FRQVLGHUDEOH clinical expertise and skill and will ensure that issues such as governance are managed appropriately.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Professor Alan McGregor
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Joan Thomas
Being diagnosed with hepatitis C two summers ago was a big shock to Joan Thomas, 51. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d been experiencing hot sweats, dry skin and a fuzzy brain but thought this was due to the menopause. After diagnosis, Joan was referred to the liver clinic at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital in September 2010. It was then that she mWi eĂš[h[Z j^[ Y^WdY[ to participate in clinical trials of two new drugs. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Of course, I had concerns,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she says. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I was going to be testing out drugs that hadnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t yet been tested fully. Also, I was worried which group Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be put in. I wanted to go for it, so I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to go in a low-dosage group, or the control group that had a placebo! â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;But it was very well organised and I was regularly monitored. For example, when my white blood count dropped, it was picked up straight away.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Being on the trial was hard work and @eWd ikĂš[h[Z Xej^ physical and emotional i_Z[ [Ăš[Yji$ 8kj" i^[ says, it was worth it. The new drugs worked and her viral load has gone from almost nine million to negligible. She is now cured. Joan adds: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;What would have made the experience even better would have been an automatic referral to a specialist community organisation such as the Hepatitis C Trust, m^_Y^ eĂš[hi ceh[ holistic, practical non-medical support. But overall, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so glad to have been given the opportunity of being part of the trial. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to say a big thank you to Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and especially to my wonderful liver nurse, Gin.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; AUTUMN 2012 ,1 728&+ 27
The CRF will consist of three main areas. The Experimental Medicine Facility (EMF) will have an intensive care unit for brain-injured patients. It will be equipped with the very latest neuro-imaging and EEG technology, enabling researchers to study brain function as well as brain structure, and will have a virtual reality suite for investigating patients with behavioural disorders. The Cell Therapy Unit (CTU) will be the largest single purpose-built cell- and gene-based therapy unit in Europe. &HOO DQG JHQH WKHUDSLHV RƨHU FRQVLGHUDEOH WKHUDSHXWLF potential, says Professor McGregor. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;But to date they have under-delivered. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a lot of hype and not a lot of end output â&#x20AC;&#x201C; partly because the biology is very complex but also because you need the capacity to do the studies. The CTU will provide capacity for such therapies, as well as routine but complex clinical treatments such as bone marrow transplantation. But we will also be developing novel stem cell and gene-based therapies. Currently, those programmes have either been in a test tube with human cells or in animal models. We are now getting to the stage where people are utilising gene and stem cell treatments in humans.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; And thirdly, commercially sponsored trials will also ĆŠQG D KRPH LQ WKH &78 Ĺ&#x161;7KHUH LV D PDMRU SUREOHP LQ WKH UK at the moment in attracting and sustaining clinical commercial trial activity,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Professor McGregor. Ĺ&#x161;7KDW LV D UHĆŞHFWLRQ RI ERWK WKH FRVW RI GRLQJ FOLQLFDO WULDOV in the UK but also the capacity. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve created a purpose-built, high-quality facility that meets the expectations and criteria of the pharmaceutical industry.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; However complex the science and technology, the aim of the CRF is simple â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to help develop better treatments for patients. The virtual reality suite, for example, may sound like a Star Trek-style fantasy, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actually a hugely practical tool. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;For example, you could study people who are frightened of animals,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; explains Professor McGregor. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;You could expose them to animals in the suite and see how they react and then you could modify their behaviour and, hopefully, help them.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The College is already a major centre for neurosciences, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hoped that the quality of the research will match the quality of the new building, resulting in even better outcomes for patients. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;In Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital, we have one of the best performing acute stroke units in the country,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Professor McGregor. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We can carry out novel, interventional assessments and treatments in the (0) 7KH YHU\ ĆŠUVW H[SHULPHQWDO PHGLFLQH VWXGLHV LQ WKH facility, when it opens, will actually be in stroke medicine, using the neuro-imaging facilities of the EMF.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The CRF is already partially open and the partners are aiming to have the entire building fully operational by April Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; 6R WKH PHVVDJH LV WKLV LWĹ&#x203A;V DQ H[FLWLQJ DQG IUXLWIXO time to be a clinical researcher in Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Partners. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I want to advertise widely to the very active academic and clinical community to ensure that they realise what a fantastic facility we have, what huge potential there is to work in it and that much of this work will be subsidised by WKH FRQVLGHUDEOH ĆŠQDQFLDO VXSSRUW IURP WKH 1,+5 Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V 3URIHVVRU 0F*UHJRU Ĺ&#x161;:H ZLOO KDYH WKH VWDƨ VWDWH RI WKH art equipment and facilities to allow investigators to carry out studies that they previously only dreamed of being DEOH WR GR ZLWKRXW KDYLQJ WR UDLVH VLJQLĆŠFDQW IXQGLQJ themselves. It is a fantastic opportunity.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
ith half of the funding coming from Hong Kong philanthropist Dickson Poon CBE, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s LV LQYHVWLQJ eĘ?Ę&#x2030; PLOOLRQ LQ its law school, transforming it into a world leader in the study and analysis of legal issues that extend beyond national boundaries. 0U 3RRQĹ&#x203A;V eĘ&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; PLOOLRQ JLIW LV WKH ODUJHVW GRQDWLRQ LQ the Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history, and the largest ever to a British RU (XURSHDQ ODZ IDFXOW\ b7KH &ROOHJH KDV UHQDPHG WKH VFKRRO DV 7KH 'LFNVRQ 3RRQ 6FKRRO RI /DZ LQ UHFRJQLWLRQ RI 0U 3RRQĹ&#x203A;V JHQHURVLW\ b Ĺ&#x161;:H QRZ ĆŠQG RXUVHOYHV LQ WKH KDSS\ SRVLWLRQ DOPRVW uniquely amongst law schools, of being able to look to WKH IXWXUH LQ WKH FRQĆŠGHQFH WKDW ZH DUH EOHVVHG ZLWK WKH resources we need to overcome the challenges that the IXWXUH SUHVHQWV Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V 3URIHVVRU 7LPRWK\ 0DFNOHP +HDG RI 6FKRRO /RQJ UHFRJQLVHG DV RQH RI WKH PRVW SUHVWLJLRXV LQ Europe, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s law school is in the midst of a remarkable \HDU 7KH VFKRRO PRYHG LQWR 6RPHUVHW +RXVH (DVW :LQJ LQ -DQXDU\ DQG +HU 0DMHVW\ 7KH 4XHHQ YLVLWHG WKH 6WUDQG &DPSXV LQ )HEUXDU\ WR RĆŤFLDOO\ RSHQ WKH renovated landmark. 7KH eĘ?Ę&#x2030; PLOOLRQ LQYHVWPHQW ZLOO HVWDEOLVK 7KH 'LFNVRQ 3RRQ 6FKRRO RI /DZ DV D SLRQHHULQJ IRUFH LQ WUDQVQDWLRQDO ODZ D EXUJHRQLQJ ĆŠHOG WKDW LV EHFRPLQJ HYHU PRUH YLWDO due to the globalisation of business and legal practice. Part of the outstanding balance will be raised from alumni and friends of the school in the coming years. Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s will use Mr Poonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gift to drive a worldwide recruitment campaign for eight new distinguished FKDLU SRVLWLRQV DQG D IXUWKHU VHYHQ Ĺ&#x161;ULVLQJ VWDUVĹ&#x203A; 7KHVH GLVWLQJXLVKHG FKDLUV ZLOO GUDZ WKH ĆŠQHVW MXQLRU DFDGHPLFV HQVXULQJ WKH IDFXOW\Ĺ&#x203A;V ORQJ WHUP GHYHORSPHQW 7KH SURFHVV ZLOO VSDQ ĆŠYH \HDUV DQG WKH FKDLU DSSRLQWPHQWV ZLOO VWUHQJWKHQ DOO DUHDV RI WHDFKLQJ Ĺ&#x161;7KH UHDO DWWUDFWLRQ WR VWDƨ is being a member of an academic community of the very KLJKHVW RUGHU Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V 3URIHVVRU 0DFNOHP bĹ&#x161;7KLV ZLOO HVWDEOLVK the school, in the eyes of the world, as an unrivalled centre for legal research.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 7KH JLIW ZLOO DOVR EHQHĆŠW XS WR Ę?Ę&#x17D; VWXGHQWV DQQXDOO\
through a scholarship programme targeting the best and EULJKWHVW Ę&#x160;Ę&#x17D; RI WKHVH VFKRODUVKLSV ZLOO EH UHVHUYHG IRU students resident in Hong Kong or mainland China. 7KH GRQDWLRQ KDV EHHQ ZHOO UHFHLYHG E\ WKH H[LVWLQJ VWXGHQW ERG\ VD\V -LOOLDQ /HH D ODZ XQGHUJUDGXDWH DQG 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH .LQJĹ&#x203A;V /DZ 6WXGHQW &RXQFLO 6KH KDLOV WKH scholarships as both â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;an incentive for students to constantly seek to improve themselvesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;much-needed assistance to students, especially in this current economic climateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. /HH DOVR EHOLHYHV WKH GRQDWLRQ UHĆŞHFWV ERWK WKH FXOWXUDO diversity within the student body and Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s global standing. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;As an Asian myself, I think that this will put .LQJĹ&#x203A;V LQ D GLƨHUHQW OLJKW FRPSDUHG WR RWKHU (XURSHDQ law faculties and will bring in a lot more students from Asia in the future.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 0U 3RRQ LV *URXS ([HFXWLYH &KDLUPDQ RIbWKH Dickson Group of Companies and is well-known for his philanthropic support of education and healthcare. Ĺ&#x161;0\ GRQDWLRQ UHĆŞHFWV D VKDUHG HQWKXVLDVP ZLWK WKH GLVWLQJXLVKHG /DZ )DFXOW\ DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V WR VHW QHZ VWDQGDUGV in legal education and research,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Mr Poon said at the JLIWĹ&#x203A;V DQQRXQFHPHQW LQ +RQJ .RQJ bĹ&#x161;2XU XQLTXH IRFXV on transnational law will groom the future leaders needed to guide an increasingly connected world.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Also speaking at the announcement, the Principal, 3URIHVVRU 6LU 5LFKDUG 7UDLQRU VWDWHG Ĺ&#x161;7KLV eĘ?Ę&#x2030; PLOOLRQ project has only been made possible thanks to the H[WUDRUGLQDU\ YLVLRQ RI 'LFNVRQ 3RRQ 7KH FUHDWLRQ RI 7KH 'LFNVRQ 3RRQ 6FKRRO RI /DZ LV D PLOHVWRQH DFKLHYHPHQW LQ WKH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030; \HDU KLVWRU\ RI .LQJĹ&#x203A;V &ROOHJH /RQGRQ DQG ZLOO RSHQ D QHZ HUD RI DFDGHPLF RSSRUWXQLW\ Ĺ&#x203A; 7KH LQYHVWPHQW ZLOO IXQG VHYHUDO LQLWLDWLYHV LQFOXGLQJ a regular Davos-like transnational law conference, a major legal meeting for all the top contributors to create a global FRQVHQVXV DQ H[HFXWLYH 0%$ VW\OH //0 SURJUDPPH and a distinguished visitor series. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We will have to show ourselves to be worthy of the investment that has been made in us, worthy of the fabulous physical setting in which we now work, worthy of the lofty ambitions that the Dickson Poon project has set IRU XV Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V 3URIHVVRU 0DFNOHP Ĺ&#x161;7KHUH LV QR GRXEW LQ P\ PLQG WKDW WKH 6FKRRO RI /DZ WKDW ZH DOO KROG LQ RXU PLQGĹ&#x203A;V eye is capable of this.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Left, Dickson Poon in Somerset House East Wing
This will put Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s LQ D GLƨHUHQW light
Thanks to a remarkably generous gift, The Dickson Poon School of Law is set to become a pioneering force in transnational law
,1 728&+ $87801
MORE INFORMATION Help make King's the leader in transnational law. Call +44 (0)20 7848 4701 or email
$87801 ,1 728&+ 29
.$5(1 52%,1621
Start the countdown to Alumni Weekend 2013 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: your global passport. Download your global Reggie and take a picture with him wherever you are in the world! For details, please visit JIM WINSLETT
Celebrating London From brewing the perfect cup of oolong to exploring the Bank of England, our amazing city and its traditions headlined this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alumni Weekend
Tea, Dickens and a stunning addition to the Strand Campus highlighted this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alumni Weekend, a three-day FHOHEUDWLRQ RI /RQGRQ 0RUH WKDQ Ę?Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; DOXPQL DQG IULHQGV attended, making it the Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most VXFFHVVIXO ZHHNHQG \HW $OXPQL IURP Ę&#x160;Ę? FRXQWULHV DQG HYHU\ FODVV \HDU IURP Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; ZHUH UHSUHVHQWHG DV ZHOO DV PHPEHUV IURP WKH FODVV RI Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s events were especially popular and included a tour of the Imperial War Museum and an after-hours visit to the Museum of London, where alumni learned about Charles Dickensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relationship with the city that served as his home DQG LQVSLUDWLRQ The much-discussed stunning addition was Somerset House East Wing, now renovated to its RULJLQDO VSOHQGRXU The Georgian landmark houses The Dickson Poon School of
Law, which made the East Wing tours particularly appealing to law alumni, who recalled decades of students toiling LQ OHVV WKDQ VSHFWDFXODU IDFLOLWLHV Ĺ&#x161;,Q Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? ZKHQ , ĆŠUVW EHFDPH a student, the building was, well, GLƨHUHQW YHU\ GLƨHUHQW , ZRQĹ&#x203A;W VD\ it was dilapidated â&#x20AC;&#x201C; thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the wrong ZRUG ,W ZDV FRPSDUDWLYHO\ SULPLWLYH but in a rather nice way,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; said David 'XQORS /DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? Ĺ&#x161;7KH (DVW :LQJ is a tremendous improvement, and I hope it has enhanced the studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; DELOLW\ WR OHDUQ Ĺ&#x203A; His law classmate Rochelle Gelman QRZ 6KDSLUR UHFDOOHG WKH VFKRRO having a twisting staircase leading to the VSDFH ZKHUH WKH\ KDG WXWRULDOV Ĺ&#x161;,W ZDV so narrow you couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pass each other,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; VKH VDLG Ĺ&#x161;, ZLVK , ZHUH D VWXGHQW QRZ Ĺ&#x203A; -RKQ +RGJVRQ /DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2039; DGGHG Ĺ&#x161;(YHQ ZKHQ , ZDV KHUH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2019; Ę?Ę&#x2039; WKH VLWXDWLRQ ZDV ULGLFXORXV :H ORRNHG at Somerset House and thought, Ĺ?:H RXJKW WR KDYH D VOLFH RI WKDW Ĺ&#x17E;Ĺ&#x203A; The Twinings tea-tasting workshop drew a large crowd, with alumni
learning about the history of tea-making and how varieties such as oolong and EODFN WHD GLƨHU IURP RQH DQRWKHU 7KH session included a slurping competition, as attendees learned the correct way to HYDOXDWH WHD ,W KDG WR EH UHVROYHG WKURXJK D VOXUS Rƨ ZLWK 5REHUW 0XOODOO\ )UHQFK Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? ZLQQLQJ Speaking at Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lunch, the Principal, Professor Sir Richard Trainor, thanked everyone for the many ZD\V WKH\ VXSSRUW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V +H highlighted the Annual Fund, which in Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; KDV DZDUGHG PRUH WKDQ eĘ&#x2039;Ę&#x2039;Ę? Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; WR FR FXUULFXODU DQG DFDGHPLF SURMHFWV â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I hope that coming back here today has brought back memories of encouragement and inspiration,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; WKH 3ULQFLSDO WROG DWWHQGHHV Ĺ&#x161;<RX DUH always welcome to visit the campus WKURXJKRXW WKH \HDU Ĺ&#x203A; You can see more photos from this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alumni Weekend at Alumni Online, Hold the date for next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alumni Weekend â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: your global passport â&#x20AC;&#x201C; VFKHGXOHG IRU Ę? Ę&#x2019; -XQH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152;
Catching up with friends
2012 Alumni Awards Alumna of the Year Award, for [nY[fj_edWb ikYY[ii _d ^[h Ă&#x201C;[bZ
Anne Dudley 0XVLF Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2018;
Reggie Award, for contributions to Alumni Weekend and the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alumni community
*HRƨUH\ *RZHU .HUVODNH /DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2018;
Reunion Award, for contributions in bringing together the alumni community
Helen Hudson Award, for exemplary contributions to the College or to the alumni body International alumnus:
Trevor Moniz /DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D;
UK alumnus:
-RKQ &RRN 0DWKHPDWLFV 3K\VLFV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160;
Annual Giving Award, for commitment through philanthropy and promotion of the annual giving programme
3DPHOD -DFREV /DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x152;
Malcolm Forsythe *X\Ĺ&#x203A;V 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160;
IjWĂš 7mWhZ" \eh [d^WdY_d] j^[ 9ebb[][Ă&#x160;i fheĂ&#x201C;b[ j^hek]^ ekjijWdZ_d] Yecc_jc[dj to alumni and supporters
Professor Alan Read Professor of Theatre and Director of the Performance Foundation
Organise a reunion in 2013!
This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alumni Weekend provided the perfect setting for groups of alumni who wished to reunite with their classmates back on the &ROOHJH FDPSXV A wide range of subject groups, DĆŤQLWLHV DQG UHXQLRQ \HDUV FKRVH $OXPQL :HHNHQG IRU WKHLU UHXQLRQ From law to medicine, French to physics, geography to the AKC Group, many alumni celebrated milestone anniversaries of their JUDGXDWLRQ ,Q WKH \HDU RI WKH Queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Diamond Jubilee, the &ODVV RI Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2039; PDUNHG WKHLU RZQ VSHFLDO FHOHEUDWLRQ After enjoying a complimentary drinks reception, reunion alumni attended the Principalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lunch and Alumni Awards, where they were acknowledged by the Principal, 3URIHVVRU 6LU 5LFKDUG 7UDLQRU $OO alumni celebrating a reunion received a commemorative engraved glass to
mark the special occasion and were able to see archive photographs from their student days, a source of UHPLQLVFLQJ IRU PDQ\ $ SKRWRJUDSKHU was also on hand to capture the special day and reunion alumni received a SKRWR RI WKHLU JURXS DIWHU WKH ZHHNHQG Now is the time to start thinking about leading a reunion group for next \HDUĹ&#x203A;V $OXPQL :HHNHQG Ę? Ę&#x2019; -XQH or the Dental Alumni Weekend, Ę&#x160; Ę&#x2039; 0DUFK 7KH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH ZLOO be delighted to help you organise your UHXQLRQ DQG FDQ RƨHU \RX H[FLWLQJ EHQHĆŠWV )LQG RXW PRUH E\ HPDLOLQJ UHXQLRQV#NFO DF XN RU FDOO Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152; 7R YLHZ SKRWRV RI UHXQLRQ FHOHEUDWLRQV at this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alumni Weekend, YLVLW ZZZ DOXPQL NFO DF XN From left, above, gathering at the Museum of London, mingling on the Strand Campus and sharing smiles and tea
Community Events National Theatre Live
Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x160; 1RYHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; $QDWRP\ /HFWXUH 7KHDWUH 6WUDQG &DPSXV Alumni are invited to take advantage of this exclusive discount to attend the National Theatre Live screening of Shakespeareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Timon of Athens, with 6LPRQ 5XVVHOO %HDOH LQ WKH WLWOH UROH 7KH alumni ticket price includes the choice RI ZLQH RU VRIW GULQNbGXULQJ LQWHUPLVVLRQ 7LFNHWV DUH eĘ&#x160;Ę&#x2039; Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; IRU DOXPQL eĘ&#x160;Ę&#x17D; IRU WKH JHQHUDO SXEOLF 7R OHDUQ PRUH SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH DW DOXPRƨ# NFO DF XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152; KCLA Annual Dinner and AGM
Ę&#x2039; 1RYHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; +RXVH RI /RUGV Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London Association ZLOO KROG LWV $*0 DW Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; IROORZHG E\ D UHFHSWLRQ DW Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; DQG WKH $QQXDO 'LQQHU DW Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019; Ę?Ę&#x17D; 6DUDK 1HZWRQ 03 +LVWRU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x160; ZLOO EH WKH GLQQHU VSHDNHU 7LFNHWV DUH eĘ?Ę&#x17D; %RRN HDUO\ WR DYRLG GLVDSSRLQWPHQW )RU PRUH details and to book, please contact the $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH DW DOXPRƨ#NFO DF XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152; Law Alumni Autumn Lecture
Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x17D; 1RYHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; (GPRQG - 6DIUD /HFWXUH 7KHDWUH 6WUDQG &DPSXV 6LU 'DYLG )RVNHWW ZLOO EH WKH VSHDNHU For more information, please contact WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH DW DOXPRƨ#NFO DF XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152; KCSMD Dentistry Class of 1979 Reunion
Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę? 1RYHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 7KH 2OG %HOO DW 0DOPHVEXU\ &RWVZROGV bb The Old Bell Hotel at Malmesbury is reputed to be the oldest purpose-built hotel in England and provides the SHUIHFW YHQXH IRU D PHPRUDEOH UHXQLRQ Rooms are limited and will be available RQ D ĆŠUVW FRPH ĆŠUVW VHUYHG EDVLV 7KH FRVW LV eĘ&#x160;Ę?Ę&#x2019; SHU FRXSOH IRU GLQQHU EHG DQG EUHDNIDVW &RQWDFW /HVOH\ 7ULYHWW DW VDOO\VODS#\DKRR FRP WR FRQĆŠUP DWWHQGDQFH DQG PHQX FKRLFHV Advent Carols at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Ę&#x160;Ę? Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; Ę? 'HFHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 6WUDQG &DPSXV &KDSHO The candlelit Advent Carol service includes readings and a classical music performance by the Chapel Choir, followed by a reception with mince pies DQG PXOOHG ZLQH 7LFNHWV DUH IUHH DQG ZLOO EH DOORFDWHG RQ D ĆŠUVW FRPH 32
J_Ya[ji \eh j^[ 7Zl[dj 9Wheb i[hl_Y[ Wh[ WlW_bWXb[ ed W Ă&#x201C;hij#Yec[" Ă&#x201C;hij#i[hl[Z XWi_i
Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; .&/$ $GGUHVV RQ WKH WRSLF RI â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Terrorism and Human Rights: Law or Politics?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; To learn more, please contact WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH DW DOXPRƨ#NFO DF XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152;
Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Community Carols
Greek Play
Ę&#x160;Ę? Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; 'HFHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; +RVSLWDO &KDSHO Join a traditional carol service in St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Hospital Chapel to bring together the community of Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW JVWWLQIR#WRJHWKHUZHFDQ RUJ XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152;
Ę&#x160;Ę? Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; UHFHSWLRQ DW Ę&#x160;Ę? Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2018; )HEUXDU\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; *UHHQZRRG 7KHDWUH Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x17D; :HVWRQ 6WUHHW /RQGRQ %ULGJH &HOHEUDWLQJ LWV Ę?Ę&#x2030;WK DQQLYHUVDU\ WKH Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Greek Play will be Sophoclesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2HGLSXV DW &RORQXV directed by Ian :RQJ 7R OHDUQ PRUH SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH DW DOXPRƨ#NFO DF XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152;
Denmark Hill Community Carols
Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 'HFHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 6DLQW /XNHĹ&#x203A;V &KDSHO Enjoy a carol service in Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital chapel to bring together the communities of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital DQG 6RXWK /RQGRQ DQG 0DXGVOH\ For more information, contact LQIR#WRJHWKHUZHFDQ RUJ XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152;
The Principalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s South-East Asia Tour
Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x17D; )HEUXDU\ Ę&#x160; 0DUFK Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; 6LQJDSRUH 0DOD\VLD DQG +RQJ .RQJ The Principal, Professor Sir Richard Trainor, will host a series of events in 6LQJDSRUH 0DOD\VLD DQG +RQJ .RQJ For more information, please contact the $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH DW DOXPRƨ#NFO DF XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152;
6RXWKZDUN &DWKHGUDO Ę? )HEUXDU\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; Lord Carlile, right, will give the
Brad: Although we often chose similar classes, we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really speak until RXU \HDU DEURDG Emma: :KLOVW OLYLQJ LQ 3DULV P\ ĆŞDW ZDV EURNHQ LQWR , UHWXUQHG WR ĆŠQG D ODGGHU coming down from my skylight â&#x20AC;&#x201C; QHHGOHVV WR VD\ , ZDV YHU\ VFDUHG %UDG ZDV WKH ĆŠUVW WR YLVLW PH EULQJLQJ D EXQFK RI ĆŞRZHUV DQG VXSSRUWLQJ PH when the police came â&#x20AC;&#x201C; my knight in shining armour! This was the turning point and after returning to London, %UDG DQG , EHFDPH JRRG IULHQGV )URP WKLV IULHQGVKLS EORVVRPHG ORYH Brad: After a while we started to speak more and more on the phone and many a time those calls would run into the HDUO\ KRXUV RI WKH PRUQLQJ 2QH QLJKW we were together watching the movie Home Alone. Emma couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe it ZDV P\ IDYRXULWH ĆŠOP DV LW ZDV DOVR KHUV ,W ZDV WKHQ WKDW ZH KDG RXU ĆŠUVW NLVV DQG FKDWWHG DZD\ XQWLO LW JRW OLJKW RXWVLGH
Ę&#x160; Ę&#x2039; 0DUFK Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; *X\Ĺ&#x203A;V &DPSXV Dental Alumni Weekend brings together professional development and social
Elephants may never forget, but Reggie probably wishes he could forget this unfortunate day more than 80 years ago.
For information on any of the following HYHQWV SOHDVH YLVLW ZZZ WRJHWKHUZHFDQ RUJ XN FDOO Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę?Ę?Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; RU HPDLO VXSSRUW#WRJHWKHUZHFDQ RUJ XN Brighton Marathon
Ę&#x160;Ę? $SULO Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; A beautiful coastline marathon London Marathon
Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x160; $SULO Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; One of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular fundraising events
Ę&#x2018; -XQH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; $ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; NLORPHWUH F\FOH WKURXJK /RQGRQ at night
Team Bremma
2XU ĆŠUVW Ĺ&#x161;SURSHUĹ&#x203A; GDWH ZDV DW 'DQV /H Noir, a restaurant where you eat in WKH SLWFK EODFN , WKRXJKW LW ZDV WKH SHUIHFW ZD\ WR SXW (PPD DW HDVH Emma: ,W ZDV VR UHOD[HG :H ODXJKHG and joked and all the awkwardness of eating in front of someone you IDQF\ GLVDSSHDUHG Brad: The South Bank and Waterloo %ULGJH KROG D ORW RI PHPRULHV IRU XV We used to go for long walks and eat ĆŠVK DQG FKLSV E\ WKH ULYHU Emma: The gardens at the Maughan /LEUDU\ ZHUH DOVR SUHWW\ URPDQWLF :H would have picnics there in breaks from
UHYLVLQJ 'XEDL LV DOVR YHU\ VSHFLDO WR XV DV WKLV LV ZKHUH %UDG SURSRVHG WR PH Brad: I was so nervous, I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t eat GLQQHU (PPD NHSW DVNLQJ PH ZKDW ZDV wrong as I love my food! At the proposal I cried â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a lot! Emma: Brad suddenly got down on one knee, told me how much I meant to him DQG DVNHG PH WR EH KLV ZLIH , KDG WDNHQ DOO RI P\ PDNH XS Rƨ DQG GLGQĹ&#x203A;W ORRN remotely glamorous, but I felt like D PLOOLRQ GROODUV Brad: We call ourselves â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Team Bremmaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, so I guess our hope for the future is to have lots of team members!
5HĆŞHFWLQJ LWV VWDWXV DV D JOREDO university, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recently opened WZR RYHUVHDV RĆŤFHV ,Q 6HSWHPEHU the College opened a base in Delhi DQG MXVW D IHZ ZHHNV ODWHU DQ RĆŤFH LQ $OH[DQGULD 9LUJLQLD 7KHVH RYHUVHDV RĆŤFHV ZLOO DFW DV D FHQWUDO KXE IRU DOO RI the Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activities in their regions, facilitating research collaboration, SDUWQHUVKLSV DQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU VWDƨ DQG VWXGHQWV 7KH\ ZLOO DOVR DOORZ WKH College to step up its overseas alumni DFWLYLW\ .LQJĹ&#x203A;V KDV FORVH WR Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; DOXPQL LQ ,QGLD DQG PRUH WKDQ Ę&#x17D; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; LQ WKH 86 7R ĆŠQG RXW PRUH DERXW WKH &ROOHJHĹ&#x203A;V JOREDO FRQQHFWLRQV SOHDVH VHH WKH .LQJĹ&#x203A;V :RUOGZLGH ZHEVLWH ZZZ NFO DF XN ZRUOGZLGH
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: now in Delhi
The Incredible Adventures of Reggie
Fundraising events in aid of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Partners hospitals
Ę&#x2039;Ę? 0D\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; $ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; NLORPHWUH UXQ SDVW PDQ\ RI Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most famous sights
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opens bases in India and the US
Proving that grey clouds really do have a silver lining, a burglary in one of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most romantic cities sparked love between Emma and Brad Sandford (both French with English, 2006). They were married in September of this year.
BUPA 10,000 Dental Alumni Weekend
KCLA Address
opportunities for alumni and friends RI WKH 'HQWDO ,QVWLWXWH 7KH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; programme will include specialist section meetings and the annual Dental Dinner on Friday, followed by Clinical 'D\ RQ 6DWXUGD\ 0RUH GHWDLOV ZLOO EH posted on Alumni Online in early -DQXDU\ )RU IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH DW DOXPRƨ# NFO DF XN RU Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152;
We met at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Get involved! Tell us your favourite Reggie tale
Reggie has ruled the Strand for many GHFDGHV $V ZLWK DOO UR\DOV KRZHYHU D IHZ EOHPLVKHV KDYH VWDLQHG KLV UHLJQ Dr AJ Sampson (Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College +RVSLWDO 'HQWDO 6FKRRO Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; UHFDOOV WKH /RUG 0D\RUĹ&#x203A;V 6KRZ RI Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; ZKHQ KH ZDV HLJKW \HDUV ROG 5HJJLH ULGLQJ RQ the shoulders of several well-meaning VWXGHQWV QHDUO\ FDXVHG D FDWDVWURSKH That yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s procession included four Indian elephants, and Reggieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sudden DSSHDUDQFH LJQLWHG D VWDPSHGH â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;My mother was a volunteer St John $PEXODQFH ĆŠUVW DLGHU DQG ZDV D member of a contingent from Surrey who were on duty at the Lord Mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 6KRZ Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V 'U 6DPSVRQ Ĺ&#x161;6KH ZDV LQ the Strand as the procession came past headed by the elephants, when students from Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paraded Reggie in front RI WKH SURFHVVLRQ 7KH HOHSKDQWV WRRN fright and stampeded into the crowd lining the route, causing several FDVXDOWLHV WKDW QHHGHG WUHDWPHQW Ĺ&#x203A; News of stampeding elephants on one of Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most famous streets WUDYHOOHG DURXQG WKH ZRUOG 7KH VWRU\ appeared on the front page of newspapers from Miami to Montreal
WR 0HOERXUQH 0RVW DFFRXQWV SURYLGHG the information in a straightforward fashion: a student rag spooked four elephants, causing them to run through WKH VWUHHWV DQG LQMXULQJ Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; VSHFWDWRUV IRUWXQDWHO\ QRQH RI WKHP VHULRXVO\ Some news articles, however, scolded the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s students for an HJUHJLRXV ODFN RI MXGJPHQW 2QH DUWLFOH stated that it was fortunate that no VWXGHQW KDG GUHVVHG LQ D OLRQ FRVWXPH Ĺ&#x161;(OHSKDQWV DUH VORZ WKLQNLQJ FUHDWXUHV
If they can mistake a rag lion for a live lion they might easily have scattered fragments of an undergraduate over the Thames Embankment before UHJUHWIXOO\ UHDOLVLQJ WKHLU HUURU Ĺ&#x203A; 7KDQN \RX WR HYHU\RQH ZKR KDV VHQW XV VWRULHV DERXW 5HJJLH :HĹ&#x203A;UH DOZD\V NHHQ IRU PRUH WDOHV DERXW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V EHORYHG PDVFRW ,I \RX KDYH D 5HJJLH DGYHQWXUH WR VKDUH ZLWK XV SOHDVH HPDLO LW WR DOXPRƨ#NFO DF XN RU PDLO LW WR WKH DGGUHVV IRXQG RQ SDJH Ę?
*(77< ,0$*(6
3$8/ *581'< -2 0,(6=.2:6., 3+272*5$3+(5
Want to get involved? 9edjWYj WbkceĂš6aYb$WY$ka or call +44 (0)20 7848 3053
Dej H[]]_[Ă&#x160;i Ă&#x201C;d[ij ZWo
For more information on alumni groups call +44 (0)20 7848 3053 or see
Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see your country on the list below? Would you like to volunteer as a country contact? For details on getting in touch with a country contact, please visit DOXPRƨ#NFO DF XN UK ALUMNI SUBJECT GROUPS AKC Alumni Group Peter King (Law, 1970) Bar Society Bahar Ala-Eddini (Law, 2007) Chemistry and Physics Rob Edwards (Chemistry, 1970) Dental Alumni Association Warren Birnbaum (KCSMD, Dentistry, 1971) Geography Joint School Society Jo Crocker (Geography, 1956) Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Construction Law Association (KCCLA) Joe Bellhouse (Construction Law, 1996) Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London Engineering Association (KCLEA) Graham Raven (Civil Engineering, 1963) Law Alumni Group Robin Healey (Law, 1968) Theology & Religious Studies Giles Legood (Theology & Religious Studies, 1988)
OTHER UK GROUPS <ehc[h IjWĂš Barrie Morgan (former =[e]hWf^o ijWĂš Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alumni Theatre Society (KATS) Kos Mantzakos (German & Modern Greek, 2001) Queen Elizabeth College Association Dr Sally Henderson (QEC, Biochemistry PhD, 1980) Southampton & Hampshire Tope Omitola (Mathematics, 1994) Student and Alumni Boat Club Rachel Fellows (current student)
If you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see your country listed here, please contact us at WbkceĂš6aYb$WY$ka
THE NUMBER OF ALUMNI IN EACH AREA THAT WE HAVE A COUNTRY CONTACT LISTED 43 01: Angola Alumni in Region: 1 02: Argentina 56 03: Australia NSW 333 04: Australia QLD 108 05: Bahamas 31 06: Bangladesh 76 07: Belgium 644 08: Brazil 243 09: Brunei 109 10: Canada 1014 11: Chile 72 12: China Beijing 256 13: China Shanghai 115 14: Croatia 26 15: Cyprus 636 16: Denmark 159 17: Egypt 105 18: France 1663 19: Germany Berlin 310 20: Germany Bonn 178 21: Germany Munich 208 22: Grand Cayman 14 23: Greece 1824 24: Hong Kong 1470 25: Hungary 54 26: India Delhi 183 27: India Mumbai 108 28: Indonesia 74 29: Iran 115 30: Ireland 815 31: Israel 141 32: Italy Milan 137 33: Italy Rome 136 34: Japan 549 35: Kenya 141 36: Kuwait 64 37: Malaysia 978 38: Mauritius 87 39: Mexico 106 40: Netherlands 339 41: New Zealand 254 42: Nigeria 323 43: Norway 220 44: Pakistan 462 45: Portugal 305 46: Qatar 38 47: Saudi Arabia 224 48: Singapore 1000 49: Slovakia 37 50: South Korea 322 51: Spain 796 52: Switzerland 417 53: Syria 27 54: Taiwan 313 55: Turkey 226 56: UAE 210 57: USA Boston Area 551 58: USA Chicago 59 59: USA New York Tri-State 1160 60: USA Philadelphia 61 61: USA San Francisco 98 62: USA Southern California 183 63: USA Southern Tri-State 247 64: USA Washington DC Area 609 65: Vietnam 22
16 40
10 45
32 33
21 52 14
25 23
55 15
53 31
63 64
47 46 05
34 50
65 56
26 27
48 35 08
09 28
38 04 11
03 41
Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new country contact Jasmine Mann //0 Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę?
Milanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new contact Elodie Denieul Rescaldani //0 Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;
There are so many things to consider ZKHQ FKRRVLQJ DQ +( LQVWLWXWLRQ <RXĹ&#x203A;UH ORRNLQJ IRU VRPHZKHUH ZLWK a good academic record, a varied selection of courses taught by leading H[SHUWV LQ WKHLU ĆŠHOG D JRRG ORFDWLRQ and also â&#x20AC;&#x201C; fun! For me, that was Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College /RQGRQ DQG LW ZDV TXLWH KRQHVWO\ RQH RI WKH PRVW HQMR\DEOH SHULRGV RI P\ OLIH I was lucky enough to take part in the University of London Intercollegiate LLM programme, which meant , HVVHQWLDOO\ VWXGLHG DW IRXU GLƨHUHQW /RQGRQ XQLYHUVLWLHV , VWLOO NHHS LQ touch with many friends from all four institutions, who are now spread DURXQG WKH JOREH
When I had to select between the schools I chose to study at, I was told by British lawyers and law professors that Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ZDV WKH EHVW SODFH WR VWXG\ LQ /RQGRQ Indeed, the location of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at the heart of London was key, as I wanted WR OLYH LQ WKLV YLEUDQW FLW\ 7KH international mix at the Strand Campus was one of the aspects I enjoyed most DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V , DOVR HQMR\HG WKH ZD\ ODZ LV WDXJKW Ĺ&#x2DC; KDYLQJ VWXGLHG ODZ IRU ĆŠYH \HDUV in France, it was really interesting to discover the Anglo-Saxon approach, PXFK PRUH HFRQRP\ RULHQWHG I made lots of friends during my year DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V IURP DOO RYHU (XURSH , KDYH been lucky enough to be invited to the weddings of some of those I met in
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and would be very proud to recommend it to any prospective VWXGHQW 0RUHRYHU PDLQWDLQLQJ P\ contact with Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reminds me of my wonderful experiences, and I am delighted to be the contact for alumni LQ ,VUDHO Tel Aviv is a bustling metropolis, with students, cafes, shops, arts and EXVLQHVVHV IURP WKH ZRUOG RYHU ,W WUXO\ LV D FLW\ WKDW GRHV QRW VOHHS However, there is one particular spot , WKRURXJKO\ HQMR\ Ĺ&#x161;7KH &OLƨĹ&#x203A; %HDFK LQ WKH QRUWK RI 7HO $YLY ,W LV D UHODWLYHO\ VPDOO TXLHW VSRW RI EOXH VNLHV DQG EOXH 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ ZDWHUV 1R EXVHV 1R WUDĆŤF 1R WRXULVWV -XVW EOLVV
*HUPDQ\ DQG %HOJLXP Having moved to Milan recently, I came to wonder how I could meet LQWHUHVWLQJ SHRSOH , FRQWDFWHG WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO WHDP LQ WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH and learned there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contact LQ 0LODQ , WKRXJKW LW ZDV D IDQWDVWLF opportunity to meet people and to give EDFN WR WKH &ROOHJH If any alumni happen to have an hour or two to spend in Milan, I would recommend visiting Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ultima Cena da Leonardo da Vinci at Santa Maria delle Grazie, Sant Ambroggio Church, the top of the Duomo, the parco Sempione, the department store La Rinascente, the Brera Academy Museum and the DUHDĹ&#x203A;V YLEUDQW OLWWOH VWUHHWV
Too good to miss! Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a taste of international alumni events during the past year: z Receptions hosted by the Principal in Amsterdam and Chicago and by Vice-Principals in Delhi, Melbourne, Mumbai and Seoul z Drinks gatherings with visiting DFDGHPLF VWDƨ LQ 1LFRVLD 6DQ Francisco and Sydney z Lectures by distinguished alumni in Boston, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, 1HZ <RUN DQG 6LQJDSRUH z Joint events with other UK alumni, including a sunset cruise down the +XGVRQ 5LYHU LQ 1HZ <RUN DQG
speed-dating in Hong Kong z Alumni-led gatherings in the Netherlands, Italy and Germany z Duel Day celebrations in Belgium, US and Singapore Even more is planned for the coming year â&#x20AC;&#x201C; donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out! Invitations are often sent via email, VR SOHDVH PDNH VXUH WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH DOXPRƨ#NFO DF XN KDV \RXU HPDLO DGGUHVV <RX FDQ DOVR ORRN RXW IRU event details on our social media pages: ZZZ IDFHERRN FRP .&/DOXPQL and Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London RQ /LQNHG,Q
It sounds like an Agatha Christie plot: a bungled break-in, an arsenic-laced teapot, the unexplained death of an innocent man. Nearly 50 years on, Chelsea Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;murder in a teacupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; case remains a mystery. Alumnus Keith Shaw (Chelsea, Chemistry, 1968) shares his memories of those dark days.
, ZDV LQ WKH ĆŠUVW \HDU RI P\ FKHPLVWU\ degree, and living in Lightfoot Hall in &KHOVHD , ZDV DW KRPH IRU &KULVWPDV when it came on the news: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Chelsea hall SRUWHU IRXQG GHDG RI DUVHQLF SRLVRQLQJ Ĺ&#x203A; , FRXOGQĹ&#x203A;W EHOLHYH LW :H GLGQĹ&#x203A;W HYHQ have a phone, so I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t talk to anyone about what had happened XQWLO ZH DOO JRW EDFN DIWHU WKH KROLGD\V By then the preliminary investigations had taken place and D QRWLFH ZDV XS VWDWLQJ WKH EDUH IDFWV 7KHUHĹ&#x203A;G EHHQ D EUHDN LQ RQ 1HZ <HDUĹ&#x203A;V Eve and one of the watchmen had been KLW RQ WKH KHDG :KHQ KH UHWXUQHG IURP hospital, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d had a cup of tea with the caretaker and the porter, William %DUQHWW 6RRQ WKH\ ZHUH DOO GRXEOHG RYHU LQ SDLQ 7KH\ ZHQW WR KRVSLWDO EXW ZHUH VHQW DZD\ ,Q WKH HDUO\ DIWHUQRRQ Barnett collapsed in a corridor and GLHG $ FDELQHW LQ RQH RI WKH ODEV KDG been forced open, and a bottle of DUVHQLF WULR[LGH UHPRYHG Other than that, there was YHU\ OLWWOH LQIRUPDWLRQ 7KH warden had his pet theories, but we students were totally EDĆŹHG ,W VHHPHG OLNH D FRPSOHWHO\ PRWLYHOHVV FULPH Even if the murder was somehow linked to the break-in, why choose arsenic? ,WĹ&#x203A;V VXFK D VORZ DFWLQJ SRLVRQ Of course, it was a shock, WRR 7KH SRUWHUV ZHUH SDUW RI RXU OLYHV 7KH\ ZHUH DOZD\V
7bkcd_ X[d[Ă&#x201C;ji WdZ i[hl_Y[i If you studied at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, or at one of the colleges with which we have merged, you are automatically a member of the Alumni Association and [dj_jb[Z je i[l[hWb ]h[Wj X[d[Ă&#x201C;ji WdZ discounts. Please visit or call +44 (0)20 7848 3053 for more details. Online Facebook Twitter alumni Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alumni is also on LinkedIn
Card has been carefully designed to provide great value while supporting .LQJĹ&#x203A;V 7R DSSO\ SOHDVH FDOO Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x2039;Ę?Ę?Ę&#x2030; TXRWLQJ .LQJĹ&#x203A;V &ROOHJH /RQGRQ FUHGLW FDUG
Online library journals
If[Y_Wb eĂš[hi Z_iYekdji
1HZ IRU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; .LQJĹ&#x203A;V LV SOHDVHG WR announce it has secured free alumni subscription to JSTOR, providing alumni with access to hundreds of RQOLQH DFDGHPLF MRXUQDOV 7R OHDUQ PRUH SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH RQ Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152; RU DOXPRƨ# NFO DF XN
7KH $OXPQL 2ƍFH LV SOHDVHG WR present a range of exclusive discounts DQG RƨHUV IRU RXU DOXPQL 3OHDVH YLVLW $OXPQL 2QOLQH IRU D IXOO OLVWLQJ Discounts include:
0DLOHG WZLFH D \HDU WR DOO DOXPQL If you or somebody you know would like to receive In Touch and currently do QRW SOHDVH FRQWDFW XV DW ,Q7RXFK#NFO DF XN RU RQ Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę?Ę?Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x152; E-newsletter
5HJLVWHU DW DOXPQL NFO DF XN WR receive regular electronic newsletters IURP .LQJĹ&#x203A;V
Remembering a tragic New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day
friendly, stopping for a chat, looking after parcels and luggage, making sure you got upstairs without falling over when you came back IURP D ERR]\ QLJKW 7KH\ ZHUH DOVR WKH ĆŠUVW OLQH RI GHIHQFH IRU the warden when it came to keeping the male and female VWXGHQWV DSDUW 1HHGOHVV WR VD\ WKDW GLGQĹ&#x203A;W DOZD\V ZRUN RXW 7KHUH ZHUH ĆŠQJHUSULQWV on the bottle, so everyone linked to the college had to KDYH WKHLU SULQWV WDNHQ We all had to provide an DOLEL WRR 7KH ORFDO SROLFH LQ Nottingham even went and
interviewed my parents to check that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d really been with them! Scotland <DUG WRRN Ę? Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; VWDWHPHQWV EXW WKHUH were no leads and I think they pretty PXFK JDYH XS Personally, I still donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a clue ZKDW KDSSHQHG :KRHYHU WRRN WKH poison got in without being challenged, DQG NQHZ ZKHUH WR ĆŠQG ZKDW WKH\ ZHUH ORRNLQJ IRU 6R P\ JXHVV LV WKDW LW ZDV someone from within the college â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but ZKR DQG ZK\ LV LPSRVVLEOH WR VD\ Better minds than mine have pondered WKDW TXHVWLRQ DQG GUDZQ D EODQN 'R \RX UHPHPEHU WKH /LJKWIRRW +DOO murder? Send your memories to us at ,Q7RXFK#NFO DF XN
President 3URIHVVRU 7KH /RUG ,DQ 0F&ROO RI 'XOZLFK &%( ).& *X\Ĺ&#x203A;V 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę?
Vice-President 3URIHVVRU 1DLUQ :LOVRQ &%( ).& Past Chairman Steven Rhodes 7KHRORJ\ 5HOLJLRXV 6WXGLHV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2018; Chairman $QGUHZ 3DUULVK &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę?
Secretary9DOHULH %H\QRQ *HRJUDSK\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160;
Treasurer 1LFKRODV *RXOGLQJ 3K\VLFV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2018;
;l[dji EøY[h Alison Taylor +XPDQ (QYLURQPHQWDO 6FLHQFH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2030;
Alumni Online
Another way of staying in touch ZLWK \RXU &ROOHJH IULHQGV ,WĹ&#x203A;V IUHH and you can update your personal GHWDLOV DQG QHWZRUN SURIHVVLRQDOO\ Alumni email
Join Alumni Online to register for \RXU DOXPQL HPDLO DGGUHVV
Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; SHU FHQW 9LVLW ZHEVLWH XVH FRGH ;Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2039;Ę?Ę&#x17D;
Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; SHU FHQW &DOO Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x17D; Ę&#x2039;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x160;Ę?Ę&#x160;Ę? TXRWH .&/Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; Glasses Direct
Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x17D; SHU FHQW 9LVLW ZHEVLWH XVH FRGH *'678'<Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x17D; Grange Hotels
special rates &DOO KRWHO TXRWH ,' Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039;Ę?Ę&#x2030;
Short courses: Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Professional and Executive Development
.LQJĹ&#x203A;V RƨHUV D UDQJH RI VKRUW FRXUVHV XUVHV with many available to alumni at D UHGXFHG IHH )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DWLRQ SOHDVH YLVLW ZZZ NFO DF XN SURVSHFWXV VSHFWXV VKRUWFRXUVHV KRPH RU FDOO Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x160;Ę? =[j Ă&#x201C;j Wj A_d]Ă&#x160;i
Special discounted rates are available ailable for alumni if you would like to join oin KCLSU Kinetic gym in Stamford ord 6WUHHW :DWHUORR &DOO Ę?Ę? Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x2030; Ę?Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę?Ę?Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; IRU PRUH GHWDLOV
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Connections
For more details, please visit
A careers advice directory which lists alumni willing to give their advice to IHOORZ DOXPQL DQG VWXGHQWV
Stay at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Use the libraries
The Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Information Service Centre and libraries are available to Elected members :DKHHG $VODP .KDQ 0 6F 0DQDJHPHQW ,7 /DZ &RPSXWLQJ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030;
$SULOO %DUU\ %LRPHGLFDO 6FLHQFH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160;
5REHUW (GZDUGV &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030;
5RELQ +HDOH\ /DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2018;
'U $QGUHZ 3DSDQLNLWDV 0HGLFDO (WKLFV /DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2039;
Professor Patricia Reynolds *X\Ĺ&#x203A;V 'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę?
-RKQ 5LFNHWWV :DU 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030;
0DU\ =DJRULWRX (Mathematics (GXFDWLRQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę?
InTouch magazine
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London Association KCLA is the alumni association IRU DOO IRUPHU VWXGHQWV VWDƨ DQG IULHQGV of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and the colleges with which LW KDV PHUJHG $OO DOXPQL DUH encouraged to participate in KCLAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work by attending events DQG YRWLQJ LQ LWV HOHFWLRQV .&/$ will hold its next Annual General Meeting and elections on )ULGD\ Ę&#x2039; 1RYHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; Patron $UFKELVKRS 'HVPRQG 7XWX ).& 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; 07K Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę?
DOXPQL 5HDGLQJ LQ WKH OLEUDULHV is free, and you can borrow books DQG PDWHULDOV IRU DQ DQQXDO IHH RI eĘ?Ę&#x2030; Download an application form from RXU ZHEVLWH
Learn a language
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London Credit Card
The Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London Credit redit
ConnectUS: providing mentors on the US East Coast
*(77< ,0$*(6
$QG\ 3DUULVK &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę?
<RX UHDG WKLV LQ HDUO\ DXWXPQ VWLOO thrilled by a memorable Olympics, in which Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s played an important and medal-winning part, inside and RXWVLGH WKH DUHQDV :H DOVR HQMR\HG RXU Ninth Alumni Weekend this past summer, with record numbers attending DQG PRVW HYHQWV VROG RXW ,QFUHDVLQJ alumni involvement in the life of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s KDV EHHQ D GHYHORSLQJ WKHPH RI Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; The range of subject-based alumni groups has continued to grow and the new Chemistry and Physics Group held a well-attended reception in June, ZKHUH ZH DOVR ZHOFRPHG IRXU VWDƨ members from the successfully UH ODXQFKHG &KHPLVWU\ 'HSDUWPHQW I have invited alumnus Professor Peter +LJJV WR EH WKH QHZ JURXSĹ&#x203A;V 3DWURQ We have also launched a branch for alumni of Greek origin, of which WKHUH DUH D VXUSULVLQJ WR PH QXPEHU LQ /RQGRQ 6WLOO RQ D *UHHN WKHPH next year marks the diamond jubilee Ĺ&#x2DC; DQRWKHU RQH Ĺ&#x2DC; RI .LQJĹ&#x203A;V ĆŠUVW HYHU *UHHN SOD\ $OXPQL Ĺ&#x2DC; LQFOXGLQJ KRSHIXOO\ PHPEHUV RI WKH RULJLQDO Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152; cast â&#x20AC;&#x201C; will be performing to celebrate this momentous anniversary, probably ZLWKLQ WKH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; $OXPQL :HHNHQG Sophia Murday is organising this as 3URMHFW 'LRQ\VLD YLVLW ZZZ NFOD FR XN WR OHDUQ PRUH I gratefully acknowledge the substantially increased grant which the College provides annually to VXSSRUW .&/$Ĺ&#x203A;V ZRUN 7KLV DOORZHG XV WR RƨHU ĆŠQDQFLDO KHOS WR D ZLGHQLQJ range of programmes, often geared to subsidising student attendance at events like the Duel Day Dinner, to encourage WKHLU DZDUHQHVV RI .&/$ 2XU ODUJHVW Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; H[SHQGLWXUH ZDV RXU VSRQVRUVKLS RI .&/68Ĺ&#x203A;V LQDXJXUDO PDJQLĆŠFHQWO\ VXFFHVVIXO *UDGXDWLRQ %DOO We now look forward to our Annual Dinner at the House of Lords on Ę&#x2039; 1RYHPEHU DW ZKLFK Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; SHU FHQW RI DWWHQGHHV ZLOO EH FXUUHQW VWXGHQWV
Hall of residence memory: Lightfoot Hall mystery
*(77< ,0$*(6
The KCLA Chairman
For the latest information about all of our alumni groups go to
In June, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s celebrated the ODXQFK RI &RQQHFW86 LWV ĆŠUVW international alumni mentoring programme, with a series of events LQ %RVWRQ 1HZ <RUN DQG :DVKLQJWRQ '& ZKHUH PDQ\ RI WKH Ę&#x2039;Ę? ConnectUS mentoring pairs met IRU WKH ĆŠUVW WLPH The ConnectUS programme is designed to facilitate connections between recent graduates and those
more established in their careers, and to help alumni who might EH ĆŠQGLQJ WKH ĆŠUVW VWHSV LQ WRGD\Ĺ&#x203A;V FRPSHWLWLYH MRE PDUNHW FKDOOHQJLQJ As well as one-on-one meetings, the programme also includes opportunities for all participants to get together, creating an ideal forum for networking and enabling recent graduates to gain a valuable insight into the
ConnectUS links alumni with current students
FDUHHUV RI RWKHU DOXPQL If you are based on the East Coast of the US and would like to be involved in the next round of the US mentoring SURJUDPPH VFKHGXOHG IRU VSULQJ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; SOHDVH VHH DOXPQL DF XN FRQQHFW86 IRU more information and application IRUPV Watch this space for news of mentoring programmes in other parts of the world! AUTUMN 2012 IN TOUCH
Chelsea College
You can view lots of fabulous old class photographs at
Keith Ritchie
F[j[h 9b_Ăš[
Malcolm Gerroll
Malcolm Crundwell
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030; 5HWLUHG LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; DIWHU Ę&#x2039;Ę? \HDUV DV D *3 SULQFLSDO WR HQMR\ OLIH
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę? *3 LQ /LQJĆŠHOG 6XUUH\ VLQFH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2030; 0DUULHG WR DQRWKHU *3 &DUROLQH 7ZR NLGV DW XQLYHUVLW\
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2018; My daughter Ellie has kept the family tradition and is now studying Spanish DQG (QJOLVK DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V
Jonathan Lovett
0HGLFLQH DQG 6XUJHU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x160; 5HWLUHG $SULO Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; DIWHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2039; \HDUV DV D consultant child psychiatrist in the 1+6 ,QWHQGLQJ WR UHWXUQ WR DQ adolescent love â&#x20AC;&#x201C; painting!
Lorna Speid
3KDUPDF\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x152; My company, Speid & Associates, is working in the area of biosimilars and contributing to the development of regulatory systems for developing PDUNHWV
Lisetta Flower-Hill (now Lovett)
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2039; 5HWLUHG 0DUFK Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; EXW FRQWLQXH WR ZRUN LQGHSHQGHQWO\ LQ WKH ĆŠHOG RI PHGLFDO KXPDQLWLHV &R GLUHFWLQJ D masters degree in same at Keele 8QLYHUVLW\ &R DXWKRULQJ D ERRN UHODWLQJ WR PHGLFDO KLVWRU\ WHDFKLQJ Recently contributed a chapter in a OLW FULW ERRN RQ WKH Ĺ&#x161;QHXUR QRYHOĹ&#x203A;
Thomas Madden
Veronica Ambrose (now Ferguson)
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? Co-investigator in the Study of Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Across the Nation, DW WKH &KLFDJR &HQWHU
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x152; Full-time ophthalmologist at Imperial &ROOHJH /RQGRQ 6XUJHRQ RFXOLVW WR +0Ĺ&#x203A;V KRXVHKROG 6WLOO NHHSLQJ EHHV DQG KRUVHV
Anusha Arasu
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x160; Moved from consultant post at Luton and Dunstable Hospital to neonatal consultant post at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College +RVSLWDO Zaki Kanaan
'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? Have just been awarded â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;UK 'HQWLVW RI WKH <HDU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039;Ĺ&#x203A; DW WKH SUHVWLJLRXV 'HQWDO $ZDUGV
Harry Oxer
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? I was at Cambridge, then at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital Medical School from Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? Ę&#x2018; , ZDV KRQRXUHG WKLV \HDU WR EH appointed as a Member of the Order of $XVWUDOLD $0 ,Ĺ&#x203A;P VWLOO ZRUNLQJ consulting and teaching, and still indulging in my hobby of piloting my RZQ VDLOSODQH , KDG P\ Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030;WK ELUWKGD\ this April, to my amazement! Hannah Troop Bowen
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? Enjoying retirement from several SUDFWLFHV LQ &RUQZDOO
E Farley
'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? Would like to get in touch with anyone who studied dentistry DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V IURP Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x17D;Ę?
Ian Dunn
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Retired from general practice in May to DYRLG WKH RQFRPLQJ SHUIHFW VWRUP
John Lloyd-Jones
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? Chairman of the Council of the British +RURORJLFDO ,QVWLWXWH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; 3UHVLGHQW Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; Brian Pound
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x152; Family physician, psychotherapist and K\SQRWKHUDSLVW $VVRFLDWH SURIHVVRU at the University of Victoria School of 1XUVLQJ FRQVXOWDQW LQ LQYHVWLJDWLYH DQG IRUHQVLF K\SQRVLV SDLQ WKHUDSLVW DW WKH %XUQ 8QLW 5R\DO -XELOHH +RVSLWDO Michael Lavelle
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; 5HWLUHG LQ -XQH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; DQG SODQQLQJ WR GR even more music, both classical and MD]] +DYH WDNHQ XS PDNLQJ PXVLFDO LQVWUXPHQWV RI WKH YLROLQ IDPLO\ Susan Gaunt (now Overal)
Puppets and paediatrics Dr Ranj Singh
Get Well Soon, a new television series presented by paediatrician Dr Ranj Singh (Medicine and Pharmacology, Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x152; DLPV WR HQOLJKWHQ &%HHELHVĹ&#x203A; young audience about health and PHGLFDO LVVXHV 7KURXJK WKH XVH RI music, games and puppet characters, it will help children to understand their bodies and see the medical world as an HQYLURQPHQW LQ ZKLFK WKH\ IHHO VDIH â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I have been involved in the media for a few years now,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Dr Ranj, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;mainly in an advisory or â&#x20AC;&#x153;couch GRFWRUĹ&#x17E; UROH ZKHUH , JHW DVNHG IRU D PHGLFDO RSLQLRQ RQ YDULRXV VXEMHFWV I came up with the original concept for Get Well Soon and co-developed LW ZLWK .LQGOH (QWHUWDLQPHQW ,W KDV given me the chance to use my medical experience in a fun and entertaining way and the perfect opportunity to marry my passion for health promotion LQ FKLOGUHQ ZLWK P\ PHGLD ZRUN Ĺ&#x203A; Dr Ranj has worked at both Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital and Evelina &KLOGUHQĹ&#x203A;V +RVSLWDO DW 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The best thing about working with
kids in the healthcare setting is that they have a remarkable ability to deal with DQG RYHUFRPH LOOQHVV 7KH\ EULQJ RXW WKH best in people and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not uncommon for people to go that extra mile for their SDWLHQWV 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ WKHUH LV D YHU\ sad and serious side to it and you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t KHOS EXW JHW HPRWLRQDOO\ LQYROYHG
Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s part of being human and is what PDNHV GRFWRUV HYHQ EHWWHU Ĺ&#x203A; Get Well Soon is all about making learning about health interesting and HQWHUWDLQLQJ Ĺ&#x161;1HYHU XQGHUHVWLPDWH WKH SRZHU RI SOD\ Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V 'U 5DQM Ĺ&#x161;:RUNLQJ with puppets has been the best part â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never had so much fun at work!â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London NHE Ahlers
3K\VLFV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; Glad to hear from Sybil Blackwell, 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x152;
Jeremy Joel
&LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? I have virtually retired, consultancyZLVH , KDYH QRWKLQJ EXW KDSS\ PHPRULHV RI P\ WLPH DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V 6DGO\ very sadly, the Civil Engineering 'HSDUWPHQW LV QRZ FORVHG Rose Heaword
Emel Rochat
)UHQFK Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2019; , KDYH DQ ROG Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? RU Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? SKRWRJUDSK of the French Honours students plus VWDƨ LQFOXGLQJ 3URIHVVRU 'HQLV 6DUUDW 2QH RI WKH VWXGHQWV LQ LW LV 5REHUW *LEVRQ ODWHU D SURIHVVRU Also Bill Wittnall, who has written in In Touch. Muriel Dover (now Curtis)
Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x160; I am very pleased to be in touch with two friends from the Honours Maths class in spite of having to transfer to a BA General â&#x20AC;&#x201C; ZKLFK SURYHG YHU\ DGHTXDWH IRU WHDFKLQJ
+LVWRU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? A background in historical studies FDQ KDYH ZLGH DSSOLFDWLRQV , DP currently engaged on archaeological LOOXVWUDWLRQ PDLQO\ ĆŠQGV +DYLQJ been encouraged by working as a volunteer on-site by the Bath and Camerton Archaeological Society, I successfully completed a week-long module for this subject at Birkbeck College, London VHOI IXQGHG $JDLQ DV D YROXQWHHU I organised an art conservation programme for Frome Museum, including fundraising and engaging superb conservators to rescue three badly damaged Georgian SRUWUDLWV 7KH PDJQLĆŠFHQW WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ MXVWLĆŠHV DOO WKH HƨRUW and anxiety!
Mary Austin
(QJOLVK Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2039; Appeared earlier this year in the ĆŠOP The Iron Lady with Meryl 6WUHHS 6KH ZDV D MR\ EXW DODV PRVW of my contribution ended up on WKH FXWWLQJ URRP ĆŞRRU Ronald Friar
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Never underestimate the power of playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
I recall the History Department, the Rugby Club, the Athletics &OXE *HRƨ (OOLRW EHLQJ DOPRVW WKH ZKROH WHDP DQG ƊQDOO\ +DOOLGD\ +DOO LQPDWHV 0\ WKUHH FKLHI IULHQGV of these days have sadly passed on, but there may be others who UHPHPEHU PH
+LVWRU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152; Could I use the pages of In Touch to pass greetings to the many other RFWRJHQDULDQV ZKR EDFN LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; ĆŠUVW WLJKWURSHG URXQG WKH HGJH RI ZKDW EHFDPH WKH 4XDG (VSHFLDOO\
Wayne Thomas
/DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2019; Awarded an MBE in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Birthday Honours List for services to \RXQJ SHRSOH LQ 5KRQGGD John Cloudsley-Thompson
=RRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; I was a lecturer in zoology under 3URIHVVRU -) 'DQLHOOL Bob (Robert) Russell
6SDQLVK Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; I have been retired from insurance and associated consultancy business VLQFH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D; ODWWHUO\ GHDOLQJ ZLWK PXOWLQDWLRQDO FRUSRUDWH FOLHQWV Am still very much in contact with VHYHUDO RI WKH 6SDQLVK FODVV RI Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; DQG WU\ WR DUUDQJH DQQXDO JHW WRJHWKHUV Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m still loving my rugby and am a board member of my local club, (DVW *ULPVWHDG 5)&
Royal Society fellowship awarded Professor Ian MacLennan
Professor Ian MacLennan (Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; KDV EHHQ DZDUGHG the distinguished Fellowship of the 5R\DO 6RFLHW\ $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commendation, Professor MacLennan â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;has made several landmark contributions to immunology and especially to our XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI DQWLERG\ SURGXFWLRQĹ&#x203A; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I am glad to be associated with the Royal Society,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; says Professor 0DF/HQQDQ Ĺ&#x161;,W SURPRWHV KLJK TXDOLW\ research and the understanding of science both nationally and LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ ,W LV SOHDVLQJ WR receive this recognition from my VFLHQWLĆŠF SHHUV Ĺ&#x203A; Much of Professor MacLennanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s research has focused on how an antibody that protects against infection is produced, and the way cells that produce antibodies that bind to the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own tissues â&#x20AC;&#x201C; autoantibodies â&#x20AC;&#x201C; DUH HOLPLQDWHG â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Almost nothing was known of the cellular, let alone the molecular, basis of antibody production, when , ZDV D VWXGHQW DW *X\Ĺ&#x203A;V 7KHUH ZDV evidence that lymphocytes might be involved, but they way in which they led to antibody production was totally REVFXUH Ĺ&#x203A; KH VD\V Ĺ&#x161;0RVW RI WKH
common diseases that we associate now with autoimmunity â&#x20AC;&#x201C; like UKHXPDWRLG DUWKULWLV DQG W\SH Ę&#x160; GLDEHWHV Ĺ&#x2DC; ZHUH UHFRJQLVHG DV FOLQLFDO HQWLWLHV With increasing understanding of the mechanisms that regulate recognition between self and non-self, there is KRSH WKDW VSHFLĆŠF WUHDWPHQWV RI DXWRLPPXQLW\ ZLOO EH GHYHORSHG Ĺ&#x203A; An emeritus professor at the University of Birmingham MRC Centre for Immune Regulation, Professor MacLennan has no intention RI DQ LGOH UHWLUHPHQW Ĺ&#x161;, VWLOO ĆŠQG UHVHDUFK fascinating and I continue to get my ZRUN SXEOLVKHG :K\ VKRXOG , UHWLUH so long as I have time to walk in the high hills, where I can mull over my thoughts?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; And what has been most inspirational to him over the course of his career? â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The appreciation that there is much more to be found out while respecting, EXW TXHVWLRQLQJ WKDW ZKLFK KDV DOUHDG\ EHHQ GLVFRYHUHG Ĺ&#x203A; Professor MacLennan
Alan Thomas
=[eĂš =[eĂšh[o 8hWccWbb
7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; , FHOHEUDWHG P\ Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030;WK SULHVWLQJ DQQLYHUVDU\ RQ Ę&#x160;Ę? -XQH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; (QMR\LQJ DQ DFWLYH UHWLUHPHQW
*HUPDQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2019; I completed a PhD at the University of 0DQFKHVWHU LQ -XQH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; RQ WKH VXEMHFW of pupilsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; reading strategies in GCSE *HUPDQ
Norman Vaughton
*HRJUDSK\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; Following a career as a geologist in Jamaica, an educationist in England and Papua New Guinea and then as a therapist and property developer, I am now enjoying my UHWLUHPHQW 5HFHQWO\ UHWXUQHG IURP an expedition through the North East Passage from Murmansk to $QDG\U
Roger Paige
7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2019; Recently published 7KH &KRLU *LUOV and Other Stories, my fourth collection RI VKRUW VWRULHV 1RZ ZRUNLQJ RQ D ĆŠIWK William Reed
7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2019; 5HWLUHG )HEUXDU\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 1RZ 372 LQ 1RUZLFK 'LRFHVH
Richard (John) Lewis
7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? Recently published Sampans and 6DƨURQ &DNH based on my grandfatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diaries from his years in Cornwall and China, Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018;Ę?Ę&#x2039; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030;
Stephen Carter
*HRJUDSK\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; I retired as a Norfolk secondary VFKRRO KHDGWHDFKHU LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; DQG having spent three years as a consultant on the Department for Educationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s AUTUMN 2012 IN TOUCH
Class notes Value for Money programme, DP QRZ IXOO\ UHWLUHG , FRQWLQXH my voluntary work as a reader in the Church of England in the Diocese RI *ORXFHVWHU =[eĂšh[o >Wb[i
(QJOLVK Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; Still running the Travelling Theatre, FULFNHW XPSLULQJ DQG VFRULQJ ,Q WRXFK with English Department FRQWHPSRUDULHV IURP Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? Ę?Ę&#x2030; Trevor Stubbs
7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; 6LQFH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2019; , KDYH EHHQ LQYROYHG LQ the regeneration of Bishop Gwynne Theological College in Juba, South 6XGDQ $IWHU WZR \HDUV DV LQWHULP administrator, we appointed a new ORFDO SULQFLSDO , DP QRZ WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO OLQN SHUVRQ , ZRXOG ORYH to hear from anyone interested in Sudan RU 6RXWK 6XGDQ Peter Barnett
7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; $IWHU Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2019; \HDUV DV DQ $QJOLFDQ SULHVW I have retired â&#x20AC;&#x201C; along with my wife Mary â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to our former holiday home LQ *RZHU :DOHV :H OHG WKH 3LOVGRQ &RPPXQLW\ LQ 'RUVHW IRU Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018; \HDUV and founded the Pilsdon at 0DOOLQJ &RPPXQLW\ LQ .HQW 0DU\ VSHQW Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; Ę&#x2039; UHFRYHULQJ IURP OHXNDHPLD Lister Tonge
7KHRORJ\ DQG 5HOLJLRXV 6WXGLHV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? I became Dean of Monmouth 1HZSRUW &DWKHGUDO LQ 0DUFK following a phone call from the %LVKRS 7KHUHĹ&#x203A;V D KXJH DPRXQW WR do to catch up with this energetic diocese and to become of some XVH LQ WKLV FLW\ ZKLFK KDV VXƨHUHG KXJH GHFOLQH Jane Wallbank (Dowie) (now Reynolds)
7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? After several years as a single parent, , PDUULHG 7RQ\ LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x152; , KDYH RQH VRQ Stephen, and two stepsons, Mark DQG 7RP $OO DUH JURZQ XS QRZ I teach religious studies at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls and I enjoy hill-walking, gardening, skiing DQG WUDYHO 5HFHQWO\ , YLVLWHG ,QGLD &KLQD DQG 5RPH DQG VNLHG LQ %XOJDULD I would love to hear from anyone ZKR ZDV DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V IURP Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; Ę? DQG UHPHPEHUV PH 40
And remember you can register at to update your personal details
Himmet Umunc
Alan Mason
(QJOLVK /DQJXDJH DQG /LWHUDWXUH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? Following my retirement from Hacettepe University in Turkey LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; , KDYH EHHQ DĆŤOLDWHG ZLWK Baskent University, which is a young and vibrant centre of learning and UHVHDUFK ,W LV ZLWK GHHS UHVSHFW DQG ZDUP DƨHFWLRQ WKDW , UHPHPEHU P\ WXWRU DQG VXSHUYLVRU 5HJ +LOO DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V
Andrew Skinner
%LRFKHPLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; After graduating, I worked as a science technician at Portsmouth 3RO\WHFKQLF WKHQ .HZ *DUGHQV , PRYHG WR WKH %ULWLVK &RXQFLO LQ WKH PLG Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030;V DQG to Roehampton Institute (now 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2030; ĆŠUVW LQ SODQQLQJ then as academic secretary, now as GHSXW\ XQLYHUVLW\ VHFUHWDU\ :RXOG ORYH to hear from Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contemporaries in ELRFKHPLVWU\ RU )UHQFK
7HZNHVEXU\ 6FKROD &DQWRUXP :RXOG love to meet up with other Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s graduates in the Peterborough area and regain contact with those who also studied English in those bygone years Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2039; David Rogers
Nigel Banks
*HRJUDSK\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x160; /HIW <RUNVKLUH %DQN LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? DIWHU Ę&#x2039;Ę? \HDUV 0RYHG Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; \DUGV XS WKH URDG Will have worked for every bank by the WLPH , ĆŠQLVK
*HRJUDSK\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2039; Now working as a transitional minister assisting struggling churches in the East 0LGODQGV 6XH DOVR KDV D QHZ UROH DVVLVWLQJ WKH H[DPV RĆŤFHU LQ D EXV\ DFDGHP\
Stephen Spencer
(QJOLVK Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę? Have worked for many years in the heritage tourism and visitor DWWUDFWLRQ VHFWRUV &XUUHQWO\ FR ordinating passenger service experience for the new Emirates Air Line cable car linking the Greenwich 3HQLQVXOD DQG 5R\DO 9LFWRULD 'RFNV
Richard Hillier
David Thomas
Michael Markham
0DWKHPDWLFV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x160; Since leaving Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve worked for IBM in the UK, US, France and South $IULFD IRU D WRWDO RI Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; \HDUV , UHFHQWO\ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;retiredâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and am now pursuing more leisurely interests like travel and SKRWRJUDSK\
&LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x152; 0RYHG LQ 6HSWHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; WR WDNH XS the post of technical director of The Heightec Group Ltd, a supplier of products and training for professional ZRUN DW KHLJKW DQG UHVFXH
0DWKHPDWLFV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę? $IWHU ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH &LW\ IRU Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018; \HDUV DV D ĆŠ[HG LQWHUHVW IXQG PDQDJHU I left to work for software company WKLQN)ROLR , KDYH UHFHQWO\ UHFRYHUHG from acute myeloid leukaemia and continue to be happily married to Bev with two children, Ollie DQG /L]]LH
Eugene Lambert Michael Steeden
Mike (Paul) Schenk
3K\VLFV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; Now working part-time for the Ministry of Defence science and technology laboratory, and grappling with the FKDOOHQJHV RI SDUWLDO UHWLUHPHQW *UDQGGDXJKWHU &ROHWWH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018; PRQWKV DQG JUDQGVRQ %HQHGLFW IRXU PRQWKV more than take care of any â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;spareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; time not already committed to chairmanship of the Royal Aeronautical Society PHGDOV DZDUGV FRPPLWWHH
%LRFKHPLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x160; *3 LQ PLG &RUQZDOO VLQFH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D; 0DUULHG WR &DWKHULQH )LYH FKLOGUHQ Would be good to have a reunion for the .&60' FODVV RI Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę?
(OHFWURQLFV DQG &RPSXWHU 6FLHQFH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę? I have left the world of high technology and enrolled in a MA programme at Bath Spa University doing creative ZULWLQJ IRU \RXQJ DGXOWV (YHU\RQH KDV D QRYHO LQ WKHP DSSDUHQWO\ ,Ĺ&#x203A;P WU\LQJ WR ĆŠQG PLQH
Helen Haines (now Wells)
(QJOLVK Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2039; Still teaching! Mother to three: twin daughters and a son, who sings with
Gerda Mamott
*HRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x17D; 5HWLUHG LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? 9HU\ EXV\ WHDFKLQJ
An eternal conversation expressed in many forms Andre Bagoo
$QGUH %DJRR //% Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? LV D Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2019; \HDU ROG 7ULQLGDGLDQ ZKR is comfortable using nearly any form of the written word â&#x20AC;&#x201C; journalism, SRHWU\ ĆŠFWLRQ EORJJLQJ Ĺ&#x2DC; WR H[SUHVV KLPVHOI DQG RFFDVLRQDOO\ WR DĆŹLFW WKH FRPIRUWDEOH â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ezra Pound once said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Literature LV QHZV WKDW VWD\V QHZV Ĺ&#x17E; , WKLQN WKDW encapsulates the relationship between MRXUQDOLVP DQG OLWHUDWXUH Ĺ&#x203A; VD\V %DJRR â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Both aim at bringing news to the people: presenting a snapshot of the VWDWH RI WKH ODQG 7KHLU WRROV DUH GLƨHUHQW WKRXJK QRW QHFHVVDULO\ H[FOXVLYH EXW WKH\ DLP DW LQWHUURJDWLQJ truth and communicating something DERXW LW â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Blogging is, to some extent, DQ DPSOLĆŠFDWLRQ RI WKDW DVSHFW RI journalism that involves commentary,
leisure courses in German and UHWUDLQHG DV D FHUWLĆŠHG WRXULVW guide for Cambridge, which is great fun!
Using poetry to assert his will
DQDO\VLV DQG FULWLTXH Ĺ&#x203A; Bagoo says he started writing poetry in part as a means to rebel against the cultural norm of poetry being for girls DQG QRW ER\V +H VD\V KH XVHV SRHWU\ today to assert his will and to serve as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;a P\VWHULRXV IDFXOW\ ZLWKLQ P\ LQQHU VHOIĹ&#x203A; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Or I just do it now because I like to
feel as though it is part of one long, eternal conversation that I am trying WR KDYH Ĺ&#x203A; %XW LI KH KDV TXLHWHG GRZQ KLV SRHWU\ GRHV QRW UHĆŞHFW WKDW The vivid music of the Caribbean VHD IHDWXUHV KHDYLO\ LQ KLV ĆŠUVW ERRN of poems, Trick Vessels, published LQ 0DUFK E\ 6KHDUVPDQ %RRNV â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;In Trinidad and Tobago, we JURZ XS KDYLQJ NQRZOHGJH RI WKH VHD Perhaps Trinis are obsessed with it,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; KH VD\V Ĺ&#x161;7ULQLGDGLDQ SRHW 9DKQL Capildeo wrote a book of poems entitled 8QGUDLQLQJ 6HD Recently, another Trinidadian poet, Mervyn Taylor, published a book of poems entitled called 1R %DFN 'RRU in which WKH VHD LV D FHQWUDO V\PERO 3HUKDSV poems are just drops in one large HWHUQDO VHD RI ZRUGV Ĺ&#x203A; Bagooâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s blog Tattoo is available DW ZZZ DQGUHEDJRR WXPEOU FRP
Paul Sandor
0DWKHPDWLFV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę? ,W LV QHDUO\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x17D; \HDUV VLQFH , VWXGLHG IRU P\ 06F DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V &XUUHQWO\ working at Legal and General in Surrey in the actuarial department DQG DP D SDUW TXDOLĆŠHG DFWXDU\ , DP PDUULHG DQG OLYH LQ ZHVW /RQGRQ Happy memories of my time DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V Jean Johnson
7KHRORJ\ DQG 5HOLJLRXV 6WXGLHV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2019; Kabale University in Uganda made me an honorary professor in recognition of the teacher training of secondary chemistry teachers which I do (in conjunction with the Royal 6RFLHW\ RI &KHPLVWU\ LQ 8JDQGD I did theology at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and chemistry ORQJ DJR DW 0DQFKHVWHU Sarah Bowyer
1XWULWLRQ DQG 'LHWHWLFV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2030; Studying for a PhD with the Centre for Rural Health, University RI WKH +LJKODQGV DQG ,VODQGV /LYLQJ LQ ,QYHUQHVV
Irfan Latif
Anil Saddi
Alicia Heeneman (now Heeneman Wong)
&KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2039; Happily married to Jocelyn and SURXG IDWKHU WR =DUD DJHG IRXU DQG (PPD DJHG WZR 'HSXW\ +HDG at Bedford School and just got back from Nepal having trekked to (YHUHVW %DVH &DPS
,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0DQDJHPHQW Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? I successfully completed my MSc in ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0DQDJHPHQW LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę?
/DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; Now working as a government ODZ\HU LQ 'HIUD 0DUULHG -XQ :RQJ LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; DQG H[SHFWLQJ RXU ĆŠUVW FKLOG LQ 2FWREHU
Sacha Ackland
3KLORVRSK\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? Living in London with partner and WKUHH \HDU ROG GDXJKWHU )XOO WLPH EDUULVWHU DQG SDUW WLPH GLVWULFW MXGJH Ali Zli (now Ahmed)
:DU 6WXGLHV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D; Now assistant professor at the Nelson 0DQGHOD &HQWHU IRU 3HDFH DQG &RQĆŞLFW Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ 1HZ 'HOKL Charles Banigo
0DQDJHPHQW 6WXGLHV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D; I relish the opportunity to teach as a part-time lecturer in business management and information FRPPXQLFDWLRQV WHFKQRORJ\ , KDYH RYHU Ę&#x160;Ę? \HDUVĹ&#x203A; WHDFKLQJ H[SHULHQFH LQ KLJKHU HGXFDWLRQ Anthony Banks
(QJOLVK Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? Recently directed Lucinda Coxonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new play +HUGLQJ &DWV at the Hampstead Theatre and a national tour of Dennis Kellyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s '1$ Directing a new play by Bryony Lavery called &HVDULR for the World Shakespeare Festival, and the /RQGRQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; )HVWLYDO
/DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? Still working in the City but currently enjoying some time at home with our EHDXWLIXO QHZ GDXJKWHU (PLOLD .DWH Joanne Fisher (now Hobbs)
3KDUPDFRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018; Married with two wonderful boys, 1LFKRODV DQG -RQDWKDQ Sarah Carter
1XUVLQJ 6WXGLHV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019; I have recently had a project paper, 5HGXFLQJ +HDOWKFDUH $VVRFLDWHG ,QIHFWLRQV LQ &ULWLFDO &DUH published online on the Foundation of Nursing 6WXGLHV ZHEVLWH 7KH SURMHFW ZDV supported by the FoNS Developing and Sustaining a Practice-based Strategy for Reducing Healthcare Associated Infections Programme with 1+6b/RQGRQ Charlie (Charles) Gray
*HRJUDSK\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019; My wife Alexis and I are very proud to announce the birth of our beautiful baby daughter, Perdita Daphne Eliza Gray, RQ Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2030; $SULO Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039;
Jonathan McCotter
%LRORJLFDO 6FLHQFHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; After graduating, I went on to study veterinary medicine in Grenada, :HVW ,QGLHV Adrian Pereira
%LRSKDUPDF\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; Now married, with three children â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all JLUOV :RUNLQJ DV D PDVV VSHFWURPHWULVW for GlaxoSmithKline R&D at Ware, +HUWIRUGVKLUH Simon Robbins
:DU 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; I have worked at the Imperial War 0XVHXP VLQFH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2019; DQG KDYH published %ULWLVK *HQHUDOVKLS RQ WKH :HVWHUQ )URQW Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x160;Ę? Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? The First World War Letters of General Lord Horne Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2019; DQG %ULWLVK *HQHUDOVKLS GXULQJ WKH *UHDW :DU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; 0\ QH[W ERRN LV Dirty :DUV $ &HQWXU\ RI &RXQWHULQVXUJHQF\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; Timothy Martin
/DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; Duncan and I welcomed Kitty 0DH 6KUDSQHOO :HVW RQ Ę? $SULO Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039;
,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2039; Retired from the Royal Navy and now XVLQJ P\ OHJDO VRFLDO ZRUN EDFNJURXQG WR JRRG HƨHFW DV &(2 RI 6%$ 7KH Solicitorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Charity, based beside Wandsworth Common in south west /RQGRQ
Scott Allan
Neelam Halari
0HQWDO +HDOWK 1XUVLQJ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; I have recently started as the lead nurse IRU &$0+6 1+6 )RUWK 9DOOH\
1XWULWLRQ DQG 'LHWHWLFV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x152; .QRZOHGJH LV WKH NH\ /HWĹ&#x203A;V UHXQLWH DQG VKDUH &ODVV RI 'LHWHWLFV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x152;
Toby Burns
Rebecca Kershaw (now Dyball)
:DU 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; $ VKRUW VWLQW LQ .HQW SROLFH WR SD\ Rƨ WKH student loan is now looking dangerously like a career! Guarding the frontiers of the UK â&#x20AC;&#x201C; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not exactly the Khyber Pass but LW SD\V IRU QDSSLHV DQG EDE\ PLON IRU WZR
/DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? Married David Dyball at Dartington +DOO LQ 'HFHPEHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160;
Lucy Shrapnell (now Shrapnell-West)
Richard Osborne
&RPPXQLFDWLRQV DQG 5DGLR (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? $IWHU VSHQGLQJ VL[ \HDUV LQ 1HZ <RUN , am now back in London working for %6N\% Christopher Robbins
1XUVLQJ 6WXGLHV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? Fully retired and now live in +HUHIRUGVKLUH (QMR\LQJ WKH FRXQWU\VLGH DQG EHLQJ DZD\ IURP WKH FLW\
Graeme Ware
(OHFWULFDO (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2030; Living in sunny California Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152; \HDUV QRZ DQG VWLOO keeping in touch with a few H[ .LQJĹ&#x203A;V VWXGHQWV
Kirsten Singleton (now Singleton-Watson)
Noreen Shaikh
%LRFKHPLVWU\ DQG 0LFURELRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? Working with a new Birth Defect Research Centre in conjunction with *UHDW 2UPRQG 6WUHHW +RVSLWDO
Simon Coulson
$QFLHQW +LVWRU\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160; 2XU ĆŠUVW VRQ DUULYHG MXVW DIWHU &KULVWPDV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; 0D[ %HQMDPLQ &RXOVRQ
Alexander Jackson
:DU 6WXGLHV DQG +LVWRU\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? I received my PhD in football history from Leeds Metropolitan University in -XO\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; DQG QRZ ZRUN DW WKH 1DWLRQDO )RRWEDOO 0XVHXP AUTUMN 2012 IN TOUCH
Class notes Jane Johnson
3K\VLRWKHUDS\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? Continue to work as a locum physiotherapist and love doing the jobs no one else wants! Fourth book published, 7KHUDSHXWLF 6WUHWFKLQJ Helen Murphy
(QJOLVK Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D; Bought a house, got engaged and run WKH PHGLD GHSDUWPHQW RI D ORFDO VFKRRO Very happy! Matthew Scott
/DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D; I am very excited to be practising in my favourite area of law, namely stamp taxes, after a few years taken in the industry to develop some common sense of the business variety, which I am now putting to very good use in developing a market-leading tax practice! Martin Booth
0DWKHPDWLFV DQG &RPSXWHU 6FLHQFH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? 7KH 5HLFKHQEDFK 3UREOHP a novel about Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes, due to be published by Lion +XGVRQ WKLV DXWXPQ Robert Fellows
:DU 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? Currently serving as a company second LQ FRPPDQG RI D ULĆŞH FR GHSOR\HG RQ RSHUDWLRQV LQ $IJKDQLVWDQ Robert Kippin
0XVLF Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? Studying for an MA in Music at Bangor 8QLYHUVLW\ April Lesser (now Keller)
(QJOLVK Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? *RW PDUULHG WR 1HLO LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? DQG celebrated the birth of our son Cody in Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; DQG GDXJKWHU /DQH\ LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030;
;cW_b ki Wj WbkceĂš6aYb$WY$ka for advice on planning reunions and looking up old friends
From choristers to Capone Andrew Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien
Choirmaster Andrew Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien 0$ 9LVXDO 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x17D; led Hertfordshireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Heath Mount School to triumph as the BBC School &KRLU RI WKH <HDU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 2Ĺ&#x203A;%ULHQ also a professional singer and recitalist, says, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been in lots of big concerts EXW ,Ĺ&#x203A;YH QHYHU EHHQ DV QHUYRXV DV WKLV I really wanted the kids to win because WKH\ KDG ZRUNHG VR KDUG Ĺ&#x203A; Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, a former principal in WKH :HOVK 1DWLRQDO <RXWK 2UFKHVWUD IHOO LQWR PXVLF HGXFDWLRQ Ĺ&#x161;E\ DFFLGHQW I covered a friendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s piano teaching at the school and within a year , ZDV +HDG RI 0XVLF 7KH 0XVLF 'HSDUWPHQW KDV D OLIH RI LWV RZQ At break, lunch or after school, children can be heard practising, rehearsing, composing their next masterpiece or just jamming ZLWK IULHQGV â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Watching the kids grow through PXVLF LV PRVW VDWLVI\LQJ <RX KDYH WR be yourself â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they see through you if \RXĹ&#x203A;UH QRW 7KH\ DUH KRQHVW JHQXLQH
(QJOLVK Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? 0DUULHG LQ 6XUUH\ LQ 2FWREHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160;
/DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; Upon graduation with my LLM, I served as a consultant to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, specliaising in protecting the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, WUDQVJHQGHU DQG LQWHUVH[ UHIXJHHV , WKHQ UHWXUQHG WR P\ ODZ SUDFWLFH LQ $PHULFD Abidemi Ikharia
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; In June, I cycled from London to Brighton for the Bristol Heart Foundation and in March I undertook the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;step challengeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, running up the *KHUNLQ IRU WKH 163&& John Wiblin
8. (& 86 &RS\ULJKW /DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; , EHFDPH D SDUWQHU DW P\ ĆŠUP /RQJPRUHV LQ -DQXDU\ WKLV \HDU
A successful, sometimes noisy, career
Angela Fergus (now Fergus-Stallard)
Natalia Biglou
'HQWDO 0D[LOORIDFLDO 5DGLRORJ\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; *UDGXDWHG LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; 1RZ PRYLQJ IURP %HOJLXP WR WKH 86 7KDQN \RX for all youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve taught me and for who I DP QRZ
0HQWDO +HDOWK 6RFLDO :RUN ZLWK &KLOGUHQ $GXOWV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; Now an independent social worker freelancing in private and public law FDVHV NHHQ WR KHDU IURP RWKHU DOXPQL
/DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; Juliet in 5RPHR DQG -XOLHW at the Oval +RXVH 7KHDWUH
Adam Hughes
John (Ioannis) Vardakis
Christopher Jenkins
(QYLURQPHQWDO 0RQLWRULQJ 0RGHOOLQJ DQG 0DQDJHPHQW Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; , DP F\FOLQJ IURP 1HZ =HDODQG WR Switzerland to raise funds and DZDUHQHVV IRU VNLQ FDQFHU , VWDUWHG P\ MRXUQH\ LQ 1HZ =HDODQG RQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; -DQXDU\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; DQG DV RI PLG 6HSWHPEHU RI WKLV \HDU , KDG UHDFKHG 7XUNH\ )RU more details about my journey, please visit my website at NHHSWKHDVSLGLVWUDĆŞ\LQJ FRP
&RPSXWHU $LGHG 0HFKDQLFDO (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; I am disappointed to see no new developments in the Faculty of (QJLQHHULQJ $V DQ DOXPQXV , ZRXOG very much appreciate a more thoroughly engaging approach to the new developments that are being considered under the umbrella of HQJLQHHULQJ VFLHQFH 0RUH information is needed, as there are many wishing to take an active role in reshaping the image of past GHYHORSPHQWV
$GYDQFHG 3K\VLRWKHUDS\ 6SRUW 3HUIRUPDQFH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2019; +HDG SK\VLRWKHUDSLVW IRU ĆŠYH \HDUV Helped London Welsh RFC to become a premiership team!
'HIHQFH 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; $&6& Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; 'HSOR\LQJ WR +4 ,6$) IRU VL[ PRQWKV WKHQ WR 6+$3( Emma Potter
(QJOLVK DQG )UHQFK /DZ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę? 6WLOO HQMR\LQJ JRYHUQPHQW ZRUN Recently bought a house in Croydon Ĺ&#x2DC; QRZ ZRUNLQJ RQ LWV JHQWULĆŠFDWLRQ
%XVLQHVV 0DQDJHPHQW Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2018; Working as a management consultant at a global IT and business consultancy FRPSDQ\
Laura Gray
Krishan Thakker
Christopher Mahood
performing but I love the human voice DERYH HYHU\WKLQJ >7KH WHQRU@ 3HWHU Pears once said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;a violin is a violin, EXW D YRLFH LV D KXPDQ EHLQJĹ&#x17E; Ĺ&#x203A; $QG PXVLF UXQV LQ WKH IDPLO\ Speaking to the 0HUWK\U ([SUHVV his dad revealed that Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brienâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s greatgrandfather was Al Caponeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favourite singer, adding: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I just hope Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s current fans are more reputable!â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Johan Aps
Dougie (Douglas) Mackay Lisette Le Hur (now Sturt)
and want to learn â&#x20AC;&#x201C; always ready to face D QHZ FKDOOHQJH , ZRXOG ORYH WR VHH them taking solo roles at the Royal Opera House or the English National Opera, or see them singing in Brittenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s War Requiem LQ D YDVW FDWKHGUDO Ĺ&#x203A; Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brienâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passion for music was VSDUNHG E\ KLV FKXUFK EDFNJURXQG â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I used to sit in the congregation in awe RI WKH RUJDQ , ORYH ERWK GLUHFWLQJ DQG
Training Programme in history but will be returning to Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s this September to VWDUW P\ 3K' LQ JHRJUDSK\ VSHFLĆŠFDOO\ oil and its impact on indigenous peoples LQ 3HUX ,Ĺ&#x203A;P YHU\ PXFK ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG to being back at the Strand again!
Julia Coleman
2QFRORJ\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2019; Progressing in my new-ish career in VFLHQFH PHGLFDO ZULWLQJ &DPH EDFN WR give a talk to PhD students and SRVWJUDGV RQ PHGLFDO FRPPXQLFDWLRQV Doing as much acting as I can this year as well!
Barzan Sadiq
+XPDQ 6FLHQFHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; Nothing new in this unforgivable HFRQRP\ Hammad Ahmed
3K\VLRORJ\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; Some of the best times I had as a student ZHUH DW .LQJĹ&#x203A;V 7KRVH PHPRULHV ZLOO QHYHU EH IRUJRWWHQ )ULHQGVKLSV ZLOO QHYHU EH EURNHQ Adrian Gonzalez
:DU 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; Am just completing a Graduate
Agnieszka Szreder (now Szubert)
)RUHQVLF 6FLHQFH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; I have just started my career as a DNA
IRUHQVLF DQDO\VW , KRSH WR VHH \RX DOO DW WKH )RUHQVLF 6FLHQFH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; UHXQLRQ Samuel Tranter
+LVWRU\ RI :DUIDUH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; I have accepted a scholarship to read for my PhD in history at the University of 6W $QGUHZV
Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; Ę?Ę&#x2019; VWDUWHG 6WXGHQW +HDOWK Service University of Melbourne as GLUHFWRU Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030; FKDQJHG P\ RFFXSDWLRQ 0DUULHG WR &DSW 3DPHOD 0 %DLUG 4$5$1& VLQFH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2039; (OHYHQ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ )LUVW 3UHVLGHQW 5RYHU &DU &OXE RI $XVWUDOLD Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; Ę?Ę&#x2030; .\QHWRQ +RVSLWDO %RDUG 0HPEHU Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x152; Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2039; F[j[h JhWĂšehZ
Royal Dental Hospital
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2039; Still soldiering on, despite a minor VWURNH 3UHVLGHQW RI :HOOV %UDQFK 5R\DO %ULWLVK /HJLRQ +RSLQJ WR FHOHEUDWH Ę?Ę&#x2018;WK ZHGGLQJ DQQLYHUVDU\ VKRUWO\
Alan Howe
'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x160; 5HWLUHG DIWHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x160; \HDUV EXW VWLOO GR voluntary work as a Mental Health Act PDQDJHU %HORQJ WR WKH Ĺ&#x161;:DOODFH Collectionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, a group of retired CDS dentists that meet every other month at 7KH *HRUJH IRU OXQFK
Donald Craig
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? A triad of locomotor problems, knee replacement, polymyalgia rheumatica and lumbar spinal stenosis have impaired my mobility but not my PHQWDO DJLOLW\
managementâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s destruction of good PHGLFDO SUDFWLFH 0RUH IURP 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; JUDGXDWHV SOHDVH Michael Frampton
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x17D; Finally retiring from the NHS in July Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039; 6RQ &KDUOLH QRZ KDSSLO\ PDUULHG and daughter Sarah busy working in PDUNHWLQJ Pamela Walker (now West)
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? Husband Jonathan and I are proud grandparents to Oliver Hades West, ERUQ Ę&#x2039;Ę? -XO\ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2030; David Anderson
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2019; Awarded professor of paediatric cardiac VXUJHU\ LQ Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; Susan Edgley
Bryan Markwell
Gilbert Thompson
'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x152; Would welcome contact with or LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW DQ\ IHOORZ VWXGHQWV
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę? Edited 1REHO 3UL]HV WKDW &KDQJHG Medicine, published by Imperial College 3UHVV Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2039;
St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Harold Hetherington
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2039; 6HUYLFH LQ 5$0& Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2039; Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x17D; 8. Kenya, Madagascar, Ethiopia and 0DOD\D Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x17D; Ę?Ę&#x160; 6WXGHQW +HDOWK 6HUYLFH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 0DQFKHVWHU
David Houghton
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; , JUDGXDWHG IURP 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; and, after junior jobs at St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Queen Charlotteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Barts, was appointed consultant obstetrician and J\QDHFRORJLVW DW 0HGZD\ LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x152; $IWHU Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2018; \HDUV DV D FRQVXOWDQW , WRRN HDUO\ retirement as I could no longer stand the
0HGLFLQH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę? Happily married and working as a therapist with individuals and groups in 6WURXG DQG %ULVWRO
UMDS Kathreena Kurian
Reunion round-up KCH Dental 45th
Fourteen dental graduates from Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Hospital, plus partners, FHOHEUDWHG WKHLU Ę?Ę&#x17D;WK DQQLYHUVDU\ RI TXDOLI\LQJ ZLWK DQ HQMR\DEOH 0D\ ZHHNHQG LQ .LQJVEULGJH 'HYRQ Having donned our Reggie badges, NLQGO\ VXSSOLHG E\ WKH $OXPQL 2ĆŤFH we caught up with one another while HQMR\LQJ WKH KRWHOĹ&#x203A;V ĆŠQH GLQLQJ Saturday saw us travelling to Sharpham Vineyard for lunch and wine-tasting, followed by a walk along WKH 5LYHU 'DUW WR 7RWQHV ,Q WKH evening, taxis conveyed us to and from the house of one of the group RYHUORRNLQJ 6DOFRPEH %D\ 6XQGD\ morning we gathered for breakfast and
were able to enjoy the coastal path and JROI FRXUVH :H KDYH DJUHHG WR PHHW LQ two years and to hold another large JDWKHULQJ IRU RXU Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030;WK DQQLYHUVDU\ SRVVLEO\ DEURDG Martin F S Miller
6KRZ RI Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2019; PDQ\ SUHVHQW KDG SHUIRUPHG RU ZRUNHG EHKLQG WKH VFHQHV Conversations continued late into the night and next day many explored local places of interest, such as the lovely 6WDQZD\ +RXVH -LOOLDQ 0DQQ DQG 0LFKDHO :LOORXJKE\
St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Medical 50th
,Q $SULO Ę&#x152;Ę&#x17D; JUDGXDWHV DQG WKHLU SDUWQHUV celebrated at a dinner in the Cotswolds, including Jennifer Ashby and Michael 0D\R 86$ 5LFKDUG +DUWOH\ $XVWUDOLD -DPHV 1ZR]R 1LJHULD DQG ,]DEHOOD ( +RUVIDOO %DKDPDV Hugh Pennington gave the address, and Tim Apthorpe toasted absent IULHQGV 7KH IRUPDOLWLHV FRQFOXGHG ZLWK a recording of St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Christmas
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dentistry 50th
Seventeen Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s graduates arrived at the Burford Bridge Hotel at Box +LOO LQ 0DUFK PRVW EULQJLQJ SDUWQHUV -HQQ\ &ROHPDQ QRZ 6P\WK WUDYHOOHG from Australia for the occasion, with RWKHUV FRPLQJ IURP DOO SDUWV RI (QJODQG The venue proved to be excellent and a warm spring day allowed us to sit in the garden reminiscing during the
DIWHUQRRQ $V SHRSOH DUULYHG LW ZDV amusing to guess at a distance which were in our group, and which were DWWHQGLQJ D SDUW\ LQ WKH KRWHO ,Q VSLWH of all the years, we were able to UHFRJQLVH HDFK RWKHU We met in the bar before moving into a private dining room to enjoy an H[FHOOHQW GLQQHU :H PRYHG EHWZHHQ tables during the meal and enjoyed FDWFKLQJ XS RQ ROG WLPHV 5HFRQYHQLQJ over breakfast before leaving, all agreed WKDW SODQQLQJ DQRWKHU HYHQW LQ Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; \HDUV time would be optimistic, but maybe ZH ZLOO WU\ DJDLQ LQ ĆŠYH \HDUV 0DJJLH :LOOLDPV QRZ -RVFHO\QH
Fb[Wi[ YedjWYj h[kd_edi6aYb$WY$ka \eh ^[bf organising your reunion
.LQJĹ&#x203A;V 0DQDJHPHQW 6WXGLHV Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D; A successful investment manager and visionary entrepreneur, Steven &KLWNDUD GHĆŠHG WKH EXVLQHVV ZRUOGĹ&#x203A;V VWDWXV TXR &KDULVPDWLF FRPSDVVLRQDWH and elegant, he could move seamlessly EHWZHHQ YDVWO\ GLƨHUHQW EXVLQHVV environments, from startup to FRUSRUDWH 0RVW UHFHQWO\ KH VHUYHG DV Managing Director of Focus Ironclad /LPLWHG D =DPELD EDVHG SULYDWH HTXLW\ IXQG LQYHVWLQJ LQ $IULFD After Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Chitkara earned an MBA from Columbia University and an MS in Finance from the London %XVLQHVV 6FKRRO $Q DYLG PDUDWKRQ runner and inspiring mentor, he sat on the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London Friends RI WKH 86 %RDUG KH ZDV DOVR DFWLYH LQ QRQ SURĆŠWV GHGLFDWHG WR DVVLVWLQJ at-risk youth and home foreclosure SUHYHQWLRQ $ERYH DOO KH ZDV D ORYLQJ IDPLO\ PDQ +H LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV wife Jessica and their children $QG\ DQG 2OLYLD Neil Clarke
.LQJĹ&#x203A;V /DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x17D; Neil Clarke took over as chairman RI %ULWLVK &RDO LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x160; WDVNHG with continuing the cost-cutting and commercialisation that had been XQGHU ZD\ VLQFH WKH PLQHUVĹ&#x203A; VWULNH
Chelsea College Valerie Baynes 3KDUPDF\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2122; @[Ăš[ho 9Whied 3KDUPDF\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2122; John Megson 3KDUPDF\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2122; John Brooks 3KDUPDF\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x153; Sir David Jack CBE FKC Pharmaceutical &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x201C; Kazimer Strupinski 3K\VLRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x153; Karen Stringer %LRFKHPLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x203A;Ę&#x201C;
Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Surgeon Captain John Hanson 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2013; Norman Crane 'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2014; Michael Hudson 'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2DC; :h @e^d CeĂšWjj 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x161; Dr Robert Doy 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x203A;
;cW_b ki Wj WbkceĂš6aYb$WY$ka
His turbulent style perhaps explains why he never attained the bishopric or GHDQHU\ WKDW PDQ\ WKRXJKW KH PHULWHG <HW KH ZDV DOZD\V DQ LQVSLUDWLRQDO ĆŠJXUH ZKHUHYHU KH VHUYHG +H ZDV DOVR IULHQG and confessor to a great company of SHRSOH VRPH LQ KLJK RĆŤFH LQ FKXUFK and state, who turned to him when they were in trouble and found a devout SULHVW RI XQXVXDO LQVLJKW
An RAF legend Squadron Leader Norman Crookes MBE
.LQJĹ&#x203A;V +LVWRU\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2018; $Q RXWVWDQGLQJ QLJKW ĆŠJKWHU QDYLJDWRU 6TXDGURQ /HDGHU 1RUPDQ Crookes became an RAF legend OLWHUDOO\ RYHUQLJKW LQ -XO\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? ZKHQ KLV WZR PDQ 0RVTXLWR VKRW GRZQ IRXU HQHP\ ERPEHUV LQ D PHUH Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; PLQXWHV Ĺ&#x2DC; DQ DFKLHYHPHQW XQHTXDOOHG E\ DQ\ $OOLHG ĆŠJKWHU FUHZ LQ WKH QRUWK ZHVW (XURSHDQ WKHDWUH That remarkable night was the highlight of an exceptional SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK 1HZ =HDODQGHU pilot Bill â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Jamieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Jameson, begun LQ %HDXĆŠJKWHUV LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x160; ZKLFK DFFRXQWHG IRU D WRWDO RI Ę&#x160;Ę&#x160; HQHP\ DLUFUDIW When Jameson returned to 1HZ =HDODQG VRRQ DIWHU WKDW KLVWRULF
He also had to manage the organisation WKURXJK WR SULYDWLVDWLRQ WKDW WKH Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę? VDOH ZDV VXFFHVVIXO ZDV GXH in large part to his hard work, wise advice and low-key, measured OHDGHUVKLS RI WKH PDQDJHPHQW WHDP He remained a doughty and largely VXFFHVVIXO ĆŠJKWHU IRU WKH LQWHUHVWV RI %ULWLVK &RDO HPSOR\HHV WKURXJKRXW Previously, Clarke had risen through the ranks of industrial and engineering group Charter Consolidated, ultimately becoming its Chief Executive and Deputy &KDLUPDQ 2WKHU FDUHHU KLJKOLJKWV include serving as Director of Anglo American and Consolidated Gold Fields, and as Chairman of shipping services provider Genchem Holdings and building PHUFKDQW 7UDYLV 3HUNLQV
Dr Anthony Worssam 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x203A; Douglas Burnapp 'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201C; Dr John Hooper 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201C; Dr Patrick Russell 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201D; Dr James Vergano 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201D; Dr Edward Herst 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2022; Dr Derek Wilkins CBE 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2022; Ian Fraser 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2014; Michael Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien 'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2122; Dr Douglas Wood 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2122; Dr Robert Cox 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x161; Soli Lam 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x161; Peter Shaw 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x161; Dr Iain Hanham 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x201C; Dr Philip Lang 'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2022; Dr John Beckerson 'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x161;Ę&#x201C; Frederick Moorhouse Dentistry, Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x161;Ę&#x2014;
July sortie, Crookes teamed up ZLWK 5D\ -HƨV DQG VDZ FRPEDW LQ the American sector during the Battle of the Bulge, winning an American Distinguished Flying &URVV ,Q WKH FRXUVH RI WKH ZDU Crookes also received three RAF DFCs, a remarkable feat, gaining his second Bar for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;unfailing devotion WR GXW\Ĺ&#x203A; Ironically, Crookes was GHFODUHG XQĆŠW IRU SHDFHWLPH VHUYLFH EHFDXVH KH ZDV FRORXU EOLQG He returned to civilian life and became a schoolteacher and headmaster, but maintained his LQWHUHVW LQ ĆŞ\LQJ DQG DLUFUDIW IRU WKH UHVW RI KLV OLIH +H ZDV D NHHQ supporter of the Air Training Corps, for which he was appointed 0%( LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę?
The Very Revd John Lang
Squadron Leader Norman Crookes
.LQJĹ&#x203A;V 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x17D;Ę&#x160; &DQRQ (ULF -DPHV ZDV D ĆŞXHQW DQG FKDULVPDWLF SUHDFKHU D SUROLĆŠF DXWKRU and one of the most familiar voices on %%& 5DGLR Ę?Ĺ&#x203A;V 7KRXJKW IRU WKH 'D\ His was an eclectic life: he grew up in 'DJHQKDP OHIW VFKRRO DW Ę&#x160;Ę&#x17D; EHFDPH D Cambridge college chaplain, vicar in a tough inner-city borough, preacher to the barristers and judges of Grayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Inn DQG D &KDSODLQ WR WKH 4XHHQ Firmly on the left â&#x20AC;&#x201C; he always sported a red hankie in his breast pocket â&#x20AC;&#x201C; he ZDV D JXLGLQJ LQĆŞXHQFH DPRQJ $QJOLFDQ OLEHUDOV +H ZDV D SULPH mover behind the Church of Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FRQWURYHUVLDO Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x17D; UHSRUW Faith in the &LW\ (â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;a Marxist document,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; said 1RUPDQ 7HEELWW LQGLFWLQJ WKH HƨHFWV
RI 7KDWFKHULVP LQ LQQHU FLW\ DUHDV +H served as director of Parish and People and Christian Action, both reformist JURXSV RQO\ WR UHVLJQ IURP ERWK +H ZDV QRW DQ LQVWLWXWLRQDO PDQ +H KDG DQ irreverence for authority that began young: while a student at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, he pinched the Bishop of Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hat and UHTXHVWHG D JLIW WR FKDULW\ IRU LWV UHWXUQ +H FRXOG EH FRQWURYHUVLDO +H publicly outed himself during a robust defence of homosexual priests in a WHOHYLVLRQ SURJUDPPH LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2030; ZKLOH dressed in the scarlet cassock of a royal FKDSODLQ +H FKRVH D Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018; OHFWXUH DW Westminster Abbey, one of the so-called Royal Peculiars, under the monarchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rather than the churchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s patronage, to denounce the hereditary monarchy as a lottery and suggest that it RXJKW WR EHFRPH HOHFWLYH LQVWHDG
Institute of Psychiatry
Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London
Professor Hugh Freeman 3V\FKRORJLFDO 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x203A; Dr David Blend Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x203A;
Radford Dagnall AKC 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2013;Ę&#x153; Edward Eates /DZ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2013;Ę&#x153; Audrey Turner (latterly Tate) AKC *HRJUDSK\ 0DWKHPDWLFV Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x201C; Mr John Williams &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x201C; Rt Revd Bishop Ambrose Weekes FKC 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x201D; James Rolland 0HFKDQLFDO (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2014; Dr Antony Essex-Cater 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2DC; Ronald Ayerst &KHPLFDO (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x203A; Emeritus Professor Michael Barnett &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x203A; Dr Dennis Thompson &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x153; Donald Carpenter AKC )UHQFK Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201C; Revd Edgar Hornsby 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201C; Peter Care *HRJUDSK\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201D;
Revd Canon Eric James FKC AKC
KCSMD :h : M @ HWZYb_Ăš[ 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2013;Ę&#x161; Dr Joyce Grant (latterly Elsom) 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2122; Dr Harold Cantwell 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x203A; Dr James Hobbs 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201D; Dr Bernard Poole 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2014; Dr Christopher Goodwill 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x161; Andrew Eyles 'HQWLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2014; Dr John Bostock 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2122; Dr Christopher Wallace 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x161; Dr Nigel Minett 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x203A;Ę&#x201D;
.LQJĹ&#x203A;V 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2030; The Very Revd John Lang became 'HDQ RI /LFKĆŠHOG LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę&#x2030; DIWHU KHDGLQJ the BBCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Religious Broadcasting Department for the best part of D GHFDGH ,W ZDV QRW DQ HDV\ WUDQVLWLRQ A high-calibre administrator and enabler, at the BBC he had skillfully secured resources which were far beyond reach not long after his GHSDUWXUH DW /LFKĆŠHOG KH IRXQG DQ DGPLQLVWUDWLYH VWDƨ FRQVLVWLQJ RI RQH SDUW WLPH VHFUHWDU\ 8QGDXQWHG DQG LQ WKH IDFH RI VWLƨ resistance to change, he set about RYHUKDXOLQJ /LFKĆŠHOGĹ&#x203A;V DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ appointing a new headmaster to the struggling cathedral school and raising eĘ&#x160; Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x17D; PLOOLRQ EDGO\ QHHGHG IRU UHVWRUDWLRQ ZRUN 0RUH LQLWLDWLYHV followed, including the annual /LFKĆŠHOG )HVWLYDO ZKLFK TXLFNO\ became one of the major arts events LQ WKH 0LGODQGV Langâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s career in Holy Orders began DV FXUDWH DW 6W 0DU\Ĺ&#x203A;V &KXUFK 3RUWVHD Later he became priest-vicar of Southwark Cathedral and chaplain of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, EHIRUH HPEDUNLQJ RQ KLV Ę&#x160;Ę? \HDU religious broadcasting career at the %%& +H ZDV DSSRLQWHG D &KDSODLQ WR WKH 4XHHQ LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? +H LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV ZLIH )UDQFHV DQG WKUHH GDXJKWHUV
John Mumford +LVWRU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201D; Revd John Patrick 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x201D; Maria Barb (latterly Randall) &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2013; George Knapp 6SDQLVK Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2013; Roy Thomas AKC (OHFWULFDO (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2013; Reginald Browning /DZ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2014; John Andrews AKC +LVWRU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2DC; Kenneth Waller AKC &ODVVLFV Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2DC; Leslie Owen +LVWRU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2122; Lord St. John of Fawlsley /DZ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x161; Revd Francis Madge AKC 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x203A; Sister Margaret Murdock *HRJUDSK\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x203A; Malcolm Pine &ODVVLFV Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x203A; Simon Nugent &ODVVLFV Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x153; Revd Alfred Tedman AKC 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x153; The Very Revd Dean John Lang 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x201C;
Judge, benefactor, friend Judge John Toulmin CMG QC FKC
A distinguished judge, former President of the European Bar and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Academy of European Law, John Toulmin was an active member of the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community for more than three decades, with a particular interest in the Institute of Psychiatry ,R3 DQG 7KH 'LFNVRQ 3RRQ 6FKRRO RI /DZ $ UHĆŞHFWLRQ RI KLV commitment to the two was the recent benefaction which he and his wife Carolyn made to the College, establishing a lecture series to explore LVVXHV FRQQHFWLQJ ODZ DQG SV\FKLDWU\ Carolyn, who survives him, received her law degree from Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and both have volunteered countless hours to WKH &ROOHJH Judge Toulmin served as a Trustee of the IoP, becoming Chairman and a PHPEHU RI WKH ,R3Ĺ&#x203A;V $GYLVRU\ %RDUG He was nominated by the IoP as an independent member of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s &ROOHJH &RXQFLO +H ZDV HOHFWHG D Fellow of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College, appointed an Honorary Visiting Professor in The Dickson Poon School of Law and honoured with the Helen Hudson $ZDUG LQ UHFRJQLWLRQ RI KLV VHUYLFH
Jean Phillips (latterly Williams)
.LQJĹ&#x203A;V =RRORJ\ DQG %LRORJ\ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? $V 6HQLRU :RPDQ 6WXGHQW LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x152; Jean Phillips was instrumental in organising the clean-up of Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Strand premises and the return of the VWXGHQW ERG\ DIWHU ZDUWLPH HYDFXDWLRQ $W D FHOHEUDWRU\ GLQQHU LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? WKH Principal said that he had never known
Dr R Orme Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x201C; Maurice Parkes (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x201D; Revd Dr Allan Jenkins AKC 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2013; Revd Russell Thomson AKC 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2013; John Crawford (QJLQHHULQJ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2014; Dr John Brown +LVWRU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2DC; Revd Robert Jones 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2DC; Raymond Whitaker )UHQFK Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2DC; John Hughes /DZ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2122; Dr Adrienne Simpson (latterly Chilton) 0XVLF Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2122; Christopher Esmond AKC %LRSK\VLFV Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x203A; Canon Roger Mason AKC 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x203A; Dr Gareth Roberts &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x203A;Ę&#x2013; Milan Civsa Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x203A;Ę&#x2122; Michael Batchelor AKC +LVWRU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x201C; Paul Dyer AKC Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x201C;
Judge John Toulmin
the Student Union to be so well run Ĺ&#x2DC; TXLWH DQ DFFRODGH LQ VXFK WRXJK WLPHV which its President later attributed in large part to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Jeanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calm and upright VWDQFH DQG PDWXULW\Ĺ&#x203A; $IWHU JUDGXDWLRQ 3KLOOLSV TXDOLĆŠHG DV a teacher and went on to become Principal of Portsmouth Teacher Training College, the youngest head of DQ\ VXFK HVWDEOLVKPHQW LQ WKH 8.
'XULQJ KHU Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019; \HDUV LQ FKDUJH VKH RYHUVDZ D ĆŠYH IROG H[SDQVLRQ IURP DURXQG Ę&#x2039;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; WR QHDUO\ Ę&#x160; Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030;Ę&#x2030; VWXGHQWV When it merged with Portsmouth 3RO\WHFKQLF LQ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę? VKH EHFDPH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH FRPELQHG RUJDQLVDWLRQ ,Q Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę?Ę&#x2039; VKH PDUULHG /HRQDUG :LOOLDPV They had two daughters, also Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s DOXPQL +HDWKHU /DZ Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę? DQG 0DU\ (QJOLVK Ę&#x160;Ę&#x2019;Ę&#x2018;Ę?
H[lZ J^ecWi >[Ăš[h 7A9 7KHRORJ\ 5HOLJLRXV 6WXGLHV Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x201C; Bridget Barlow (latterly Mitchell) Music, Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC; Alison Budden 0LGZLIHU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122; Shane Donovan 3K' Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x161; Dr Nirav Patel 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153; Stephen Hodge *HUPDQ ZLWK )LOP 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2022;Ę&#x201C;Ę&#x201C;Ę&#x2DC; HeX[hj IYekhĂ&#x201C;[bZ
Dr Percy Praill &KHPLVWU\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2014;
Dr David Lawson Medicine, Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2022; Dr Errol Edwards 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2013; Dr David Lyle 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2014; Dr Charles Palmer 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2014; :h =[eĂšh[o J^ecWi 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x203A; Dr Barrie Bayston 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x203A; Dr Christopher Bartley 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2022; Dr James Thomas 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2DC; Professor David Morrell OBE Medicine, Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x161;Ę&#x2022; Dr Valerie Turnbull (latterly Newman) 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x161;Ę&#x2022; Dr John Davis Medicine
St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
College not known
Dr Norman Crofts 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2022;
Iris Whealton (latterly Jones)
Queen Elizabeth College
Letters This summer, a Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s undergraduate named Andrea took a part-time job as a bank cashier in her KRPHWRZQ RI 0DQFKHVWHU 2QH PRUQLQJ D QDWWLO\ GUHVVHG PDQ LQ KLV ODWH Ę?Ę&#x2030;V FDPH WR KHU ZLQGRZ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I hope you can help me,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said as he DSSURDFKHG $QGUHD Ĺ&#x161;,Ĺ&#x203A;P DQ (QJOLVK SURIHVVRU IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 9LUJLQLD ,Ĺ&#x203A;P YLVLWLQJ (QJODQG IRU D month with my wife and our two daughters, but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m DIUDLG , QHHG VRPH KHOS 0\ ZLIH DQG P\ ROGHVW daughter have taken our rental car and gone to /LYHUSRRO IRU WKH GD\ ,W VR KDSSHQV WKDW P\ SKRQH and wallet are in the car, and our other daughter has MXVW WDNHQ LOO , QHHG WR EX\ KHU VRPH PHGLFDWLRQ immediately, but all of my cash, my credit cards and P\ ,' DUH LQ P\ ZDOOHW Ĺ&#x203A; $QGUHD ORRNHG KLP RYHU +LV DFFHQW ZDV FHUWDLQO\ American, and he looked like Hollywoodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
interpretation of an English professor: sporting smartly pressed trousers and a corduroy jacket with WKH UHTXLVLWH HOERZ SDWFKHV He continued, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;If you would be kind enough to FDVK D FKHTXH IRU eĘ&#x17D;Ę&#x2030; , ZRXOG EH PRVW JUDWHIXO Ĺ&#x203A; Ĺ&#x161;$QG \RX GRQĹ&#x203A;W KDYH DQ\ LGHQWLĆŠFDWLRQ"Ĺ&#x203A; VDLG $QGUHD Ĺ&#x161;1R ,Ĺ&#x203A;P DIUDLG QRW ,WĹ&#x203A;V LQ WKH UHQWDO FDU Ĺ&#x203A; KH UHSOLHG Ĺ&#x161;7KLV PDWWHU LV UHDOO\ XUJHQW &RXOG \RX FDVK WKH FKHTXH ULJKW QRZ"Ĺ&#x203A; Andrea asked, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Which of your daughters is sick?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ĺ&#x161;0\ \RXQJHVW Ĺ&#x203A; KH DQVZHUHG Ĺ&#x161;1RZ ZLOO \RX KHOS me or do I need to speak with your manager?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Actually,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Andrea said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to call my PDQDJHU ULJKW QRZ EHFDXVH , WKLQN \RXĹ&#x203A;UH D IUDXG Ĺ&#x203A; ,W WXUQV RXW WKDW VKH ZDV FRUUHFW Ĺ&#x2DC; KH ZDV D IUDXG :KDW WLSSHG KHU Rƨ" MICHAEL KIRKHAM
English professor or fraudster?
Send your solutions to: Logic Puzzle, In Touch, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London, Ground Floor, Strand Bridge House, 138-142 Strand, London, WC2R 1HH or email The three best solutions received before 15 January 2013 will each win a ÂŁ10 book token
Last issueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s puzzleâ&#x20AC;Ś Die Hard
*(77< ,0$*(6
Logic Puzzle
In the previous issue of In Touch, you read about a Die Hard-loving student ZKR DVNHG WKLV TXHVWLRQ Ĺ&#x161;<RX KDYH D four-gallon jug, a nine-gallon jug and an HQGOHVV VXSSO\ RI ZDWHU :KDWĹ&#x203A;V WKH fewest number of steps you need to measure exactly six gallons?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The answer is you can do it in eight steps, counting each discrete action as a single step: Ę&#x160; )LOO WKH QLQH JDOORQ MXJ ZLWK ZDWHU Ę&#x2039; 1H[W SRXU WKH ZDWHU LQ WKH
nine-gallon jug into the four-gallon jug, XQWLO LW LV IXOO 7KLV OHDYHV ĆŠYH JDOORQV LQ WKH QLQH JDOORQ MXJ Ę&#x152; (PSW\ WKH IRXU JDOORQ MXJ Ę? )LOO WKH IRXU JDOORQ MXJ XVLQJ WKH remaining water from the nine-gallon MXJ 2QFH WKH IRXU JDOORQ MXJ LV ĆŠOOHG youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re left with just one gallon of water LQ WKH QLQH JDOORQ MXJ Ę&#x17D; (PSW\ WKH IRXU JDOORQ MXJ DJDLQ Ę? 7UDQVIHU WKH RQH JDOORQ RI ZDWHU from the nine-gallon jug into the
We always love to hear from our readers, so please drop us a line. The best letter wins D eĘ&#x2039;Ę&#x2030; ERRN WRNHQ We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Write to or Letters, In Touch, Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College London, Ground Floor, Strand Bridge House, Ę&#x160;Ę&#x152;Ę&#x2018; Ę&#x160;Ę?Ę&#x2039; 6WUDQG /RQGRQ :&Ę&#x2039;5 Ę&#x160;++
2Q 6DWXUGD\ Ę&#x2013;Ę&#x201C; -DQXDU\ PRIZE LETTER Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2DC; WKH IXQHUDO WRRN place of Sir Winston &KXUFKLOO +LV ERG\ OD\ LQ VWDWH for three days in the Palace of Westminster and a state funeral service was held at St Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s &DWKHGUDO I had been attending the Eucharist on a Thursday lunchtime at St Mary-le-Strand, IDFLQJ .LQJĹ&#x203A;V 7KH SDULVK SULHVW was the Revd Bertram Chambers, a lovely man well past retirement DJH +H UHDOLVHG WKDW WKH IXQHUDO procession from Westminster to
St Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s would pass along the Strand, and the tiny churchyard of St Mary-le-Strand would give a wonderful view of the SURFHHGLQJV +H WKHUHIRUH KDG some tickets produced, simply because the churchyard was so VPDOO +H JDYH VRPH WR PH DQG , JDYH WKHP WR IULHQGV Ĺ&#x2DC; TXLWH IRUJHWWLQJ WR NHHS RQH IRU P\VHOI On the day itself I presented myself to the policeman on the gate at the churchyard and sought DGPLVVLRQ 4XLWH ULJKWO\ KH DVNHG IRU P\ WLFNHW , H[SODLQHG that I was the person who had been giving out the tickets but had forgotten to NHHS RQH IRU P\VHOI , ZDLWHG a few seconds while he stared DW PH (YHQWXDOO\ KH OHW PH LQ , donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know whether he thought I had an honest face â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or whether he thought no one would be so
mathematician, then came on the scene and predicted the genetic nature of the Rhesus factor, resulting in the adoption by haematologists of the Fisher Cc Dd Ee nomenclature which was simpler and more direct than A LOVELY NOTE :LHQHUĹ&#x203A;V 7KLV SURGXFHG VRPH 7KH VSULQJ Ę&#x2022;Ę&#x201C;Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x2022; HGLWLRQ RI In interesting adversarial Touch is the best I have read over a correspondence in The Lancet. QXPEHU RI \HDUV )XOO RI LQWHUHVWLQJ I remember Pat Mollison as articles and professionally D TXLHW NLQG PDQ ZHGGHG WR KLV SXEOLVKHG &RQJUDWXODWLRQV WR WKH subject, and as someone who has HGLWRULDO VWDƨ given me a lifelong interest in 'DZVRQ 3UDWW :DU 6WXGLHV Ę&#x2022;Ę&#x201C;Ę&#x201C;Ę&#x201D; haematology, which included a two-year stint under John MEMORIES OF MOLLISON Dacie at Hammersmith, before I was saddened to see the death I decided to devote myself to of Pat Mollison reported in your FOLQLFDO PHGLFLQH VSULQJ LVVXH , PHW KLP ĆŠUVW LQ 'U 0LFKDHO &RLJOH\ 6W 7KRPDVĹ&#x203A; %HOVHQ LQ $SULO Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x2DC; ZKHQ , ZDV 0HGLFLQH Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x161; ZLWK WKH Ę&#x153;Ę&#x203A; PHGLFDO VWXGHQWV VHQW LQ DV D UHOLHYLQJ SDUW\ +H ZDV LQ A YOO-HOO TO ULU the Royal Army Medical Corps The letter from Margaret Ellis with Alan Prior who turned up QRZ .LQJVWRQ LQ WKH VSULQJ LVVXH later as consultant pathologist of In Touch attracted my attention in Warwick, where I found him RQ WZR FRXQWV Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2013;Ę&#x153; ZDV P\ ĆŠUVW when I moved to Stratford-upon- visit to London, when all the talk $YRQ LQ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2DC;Ę&#x2014; was the bombing of Croydon When Pat Mollison came to $LUSRUW +HU PHQWLRQ RI IXQGLQJ St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; at the end of the war, for a proper University of London , ZDV LQ P\ ĆŠQDO \HDU KDYLQJ 8QLRQ DOVR DZRNH PHPRULHV spent the greater part of the war Circumstances being what they as a student, which I chose to do were at the time, for the fortunate rather than go down the mines as to partake of tertiary education, D %HYLQ QRW %HYDQ %R\ $W RQH the decision on my further point he went to America to meet education was gently guided Dr Wiener who, I believe, with E\ D QR WUDGLWLRQ E QR IDPLO\ Landsteiner of ABO blood group VRXUFH RI ĆŠQDQFLDO VXSSRUW F V\VWHP IDPH KDG LQ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x201C; OLJKWHG imminent call to serve in the RQ WKH 5KHVXV EORRG IDFWRU $UPHG )RUFHV DQG G QRW WKH On his return to St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, OHDVW PHDJHU H[DP UHVXOWV Pat Mollison buttonholed Alex (The regulator, of something, Paton (St Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Medicine, seems to think that examinations Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2014;Ę&#x161; DQG PH SUREDEO\ EHFDXVH KDYH JRW HDVLHU QRZ of our Belsen association, %HLQJ D WZR WKLUGV TXDOLĆŠHG ZDQGHULQJ TXDOLW\ VXUYH\RU produced some anti-Rhesus I worked on the tender serum (which he had brought documents for the construction EDFN IURP WKH 86$ DQG DVNHG RI 8/8 DQG DGMRLQLQJ EXLOGLQJV if we were interested in doing It will be no surprise that, some routine Rhesus typing in 0RWKHUFUDIW WKH DQWH QDWDO FOLQLF VXEVHTXHQWO\ IRU PDQ\ H[ :H ZHUH WKULOOHG DQG ĆŞDWWHUHG WR servicemen, evening students, EH DVNHG WR GR WKH ĆŠUVW 5KHVXV postgraduates and those studying IRU VXEVHTXHQW SURIHVVLRQDO typing this side of the Atlantic, examinations, ULU became and carried out this work for a centre for their social activities VRPH WLPH LQFOXGLQJ WKH VZLPPLQJ SRRO Professor R A Fisher, the -RKQ +RVNLQJ 06F /DZ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x201D; Cambridge geneticist and
stupid as to invent such a story! ,W ZDV D PDJQLĆŠFHQW RFFDVLRQ memories of which are still very PXFK ZLWK PH WRGD\ 7KH 5HYG 3UHEG\ %ULDQ 7XEEV $.& 7KHRORJ\ Ę&#x201D;Ę&#x153;Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2013;
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The singing of Geraint Evans, above, was a special part of Jill Lister’s time at King’s