1956-1957 King's College London Calendar

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2 2 OCT 1! 56





KING’S COLLEGE LONDON Ipafroit of Ikino’s Collcoc

HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN C banccllor of tbc x n n irersitp of XonOon H.M. QUEEN ELIZA B ETH T H E QUEEN M OTHER

tH sttor of tbc Ubcolootcal D e p a rtm e n t HIS GRACE TH E ARCHBISHOP OK CANTERBURY

C hairm an of IRino’s College SVicoacy TH E HON. S IR ARTH U R HOWARD, K .B.E., C.V.O.

C hairm an of tbc Council HIS GRACE TH E ARCHBISHOP OF YORK

2Deputg Chairman of tbc Council TH E RT. REV. TH E LORD BISHOP OF LONDON

p r in c ip a l of lkino’3 College P E T E R SCOTT NOBLE, M.A., LL.D.

D ean of Ikino’s Colleoc TH E R E V ER EN D SYDNEY HALL EVANS, M.A., B.D.

S e c re ta ry of Ikino’s Collcoc IVAN P E T E R SHAW, M.A.

X ib rarian of Ikino’s Collcoc ROBERT HUTTON, M.A.

1Rcoiv3 tra r of Ikm o’s Collcoc JO H N TH EO D O RE COMBRIDGE, M.A.

t u t o r s to M o m c n StnO cnts U N IV E R S IT Y


K IN 'o ’ s C O LLEGE




Ill nM tor

CO N T E N T S King’s College London—


Calendar of Dates 5-17 Delegacy and Professorial Board 18 Council, Theological Committee, and Theological Professorial Board 20 Adm inistrative and Library Staffs 22 Academic Staff by Faculties 24 Research U nits and R esearch Fellows. . 31 Representatives on Coverning Bodies 32 General Inform ation 33, 42 H istory of the College 34 L ibrary Rules 49 General College Rules 52 Union Society and K.C.L.A. 56 Scholarships and Prizes— Conditions of Award 59

University of London King’s College F aculty of Arts D epartm ent of Education Faculty of Laws Faculty of N atural Science Faculty of Medical Science F aculty of Engineering Chemical Engineering

97 118 121

139 165 179 204

King’s College Theological Department Associateship of K ing’s College E ntrance Qualifications . . Fees Courses of Study Women Theological Students

211 212 , 220

.. .. ..

214 218 219



Appendices referring to King’s College as a whole Academic Staff Tutorial Students Student Librarians, D em onstrators and Assistants Union Society Officers, 1956 -57' Names of Students, 1955-56 University Successes, 1955 College Prizewinners, 1955, and Scholars, 1956 j Fellows, Associates and Corporation Benefactions

Annual Reports for 1954 55. i

) App. A i

App. B App. C App. D App. E

S in g 's College Honbon tuas founbeb in 1829, bp l\opal Charter, anb toaS re-incorporateb bp Set o( Parliament in 1882. 3Tl)e follotmng ttf an extract from tfje Hopal Cljarter, ag amenbeb tip tfje (College 3ltt of Parliament 1882 (Sec. 5 ):—

Purposes of the College.

5. The College shall continue as a body politic and corporate for the purpose of giving instruction in the various branches of L iterature and Science, and the doctrines and duties of C hristianity as the same are inculcated by the Church of England shall be tau g h t in the College under the superintendence of a Principal and a H ead Master, Professors and Tutors and such other Masters and Instructors as shall from tim e to time be appointed in the m anner hereafter mentioned.

Qlfje follotomg draper is offereb bailp throughout 2Term in the (College Chapel:— Almighty God, the F ountain of wisdom and the Giver of every perfect gift; w ithout whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy; Send down, we beseech Thee, Thy blessing upon this College, and prosper the designs of its founders. Enable us, by T hy grace, faithfully to discharge the duties of our several stations, remembering the solemn account which we m ust one day give before the judgm ent-seat of Christ. More p ar­ ticularly we pray, th a t the seeds of Learning, Virtue, and Religion, here sown, may bring forth fruit abundantly to T hy glory and the benefit of our fellow creatures. These and all other blessings, for them and for us, we hum bly ask, in the name and through the mediation of Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord.—Amen.

t h e CollCiK G race God be praised for all His mercies. God preserve the Church, the Queen, and K ing’s College, and g rant His grace for evermore.—Amen.




1956 SEPTEM BER S un. M on. T ue. W ed. Thu. F ri. Sat.

... ... ... ... ... ... 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

OCTOBER 30 ... ... ... ... ... ...

... 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27


28 ... 29 ... 30 ... 31 ... .......... .......... ..........

... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 1 8 2 9 3 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24


25 ... 26 ... 27 ... 28 ... 29 ... 30 ... ..........

... ... ... ... ... ... 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 ... ... ... ... ...


S un. M on. T u e. W ed . Thu. F ri. S at.

JA N U A R Y .. . 6 13 20 27 ... . . . 7 14 21 28 ... 1 8 15 22 29 ... 2 9 16 23 30 ... 3 10 17 24 31 ... 4 11 18 25 ... ... 5 12 19 26 ..........

Sun. M on. T ue. W ed . Thu. F ri. S a t.

MAY ... 5 12 19 ... 6 13 20 ... 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25

Sun. M on. T u e. W ed . T hu. F ri. S at.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

FEBRUARY 3 10 17 24 ... 4 1 1 18 25 ... 5 12 19 26 ... 6 13 20 27 ... ... 7 14 21 28 ... 1 8 15 22 ... ... 2 9 16 23 ..........

... ... .. .

M ARCH .. . .. . .. . ... ... 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

JU N E 26 27 28 29 30 31

... ... ... ... ... ...


SEPTEM BER 8 15 22 29 ... 9 16 23 30 ... 10 17 24 .......... 11 18 25 .......... 12 19 26 .......... 13 20 27 .......... 14 21 28 ......

... ... ... ... 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23


24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 .. . .. . ... ... ... ...

... 1 2 3 4 5 6

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 ... ... ...

A UGUST ... 4 11 18 25 ... 5 12 19 26 ... 6 13 20 27 ... 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31

JU L Y 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 ... ... ... ... ... ...

OCTOBER ... 6 13 20 27 ... ... 7 14 21 28 ... 1 8 15 22 29 ... 2 9 16 23 30 ... 3 10 17 24 31 ... 4 11 18 25 .......... 5 12 19 26 ..........

... ... 1 2 3 4 5 ... 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

NOVEM BER ... ... .. . ... ... 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

... ... ... .. . ...

8 9 10 11 12 13 14


M ichaelm as T e rm :

Wed. O ct. 3 to Wed. D ec. 12. 1956

L en t Term :

W ed. Jan. 9 to W ed. M a r. 20, 1957

E aster Term :

Wed. A pr. 24 to W ed. J u ly 3, 1957

Ash W ednesday, M a r. 6 ; E aster D a y, A pr. 21 ; W h itsu n day, June 9 S E S S IO N M ichaelm as T erm : L en t T erm : E aster T erm :

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 ... 29 ... 30 ... .......... .......... .......... ..........

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

DECEM BER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


14 15 16 17 18 19 20


W ed. O ct. 2 to Wed. D ec. 11, 1957 Wed. Jan. 8 to W ed. M a r. 19, 1958 W ed. A pr. 23 to W ed. J u ly 2, 1958

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 ... 30 ... 31 ... .......... .......... .......... ..........

S E P T E M B E R 1956 1












































! 23


14th S u n d a y a f t e r T r in it y .


15th S u n d a y a f t e r T r in it y .

16th S u n d a y a f t e r T r in it y .

St . M a tt h e w .

17th S u n d a y















M ic h a e l m a s



18th S u n d a y


r in it y






T rinity.


O C T OB ER 1956



A ca d e m ic Council, 4.30 (if required).



F in a n c e C o m m itte e o f K.C. D e le g a c y , 2.30.



U n iv e r s ity Term and College Term begin.









19th S u n d a y



Collegiate Council, 4.



K.C. D e le g a c y , 2.30.











2 0 th S u n d a y



A ca d e m ic Council, 4.30.





K.C. Professorial Board and J o in t Professorial B oard, 2.



St . L u k e .





















22nd S u n d a y



A cad em ic Council, 4.30.



F in an ce C om m ittee o f K.C. D e le g a cy , 2.30.



21st S u n d ay



T r in ity .

T r inity .


T r in ity .


T r in ity .

Sen a te , 4.30.


S t . S im on


St . J u d e .

N O V E M B E R 1956

1 1Th

( A ll S a in t s D a y . 1 K.C. Theological Professorial Board, 2.30.

2 1F 3 4

s I s

23rd S u n d a y



Collegiate Council, 4.



K.C. D ele g a cy , 2.30.











24th S u n d a y



A cadem ic Council, 4.30.













25th S u n d a y a f t e r T r i n i t y .



A cadem ic Council, 4.30.













S unday



Academic Council, 4.30.



Finance Committee of K.C. Delegacy, 2.30.





K.C. T heological C om m ittee and C ouncil, 2.30



St . A n d r e w .

a ft e r


T r in ity .

T r in it y

Library Committee, 3.

K.C. Professorial Board and J o in t Professorial B oard, 2. [S en ate, 4.30.

Celebration of U niversity Foundation Day.



A dvent.

D E C E M B E R 1956

1 S 2 s

1st S u n d a y


A dvent.



C ollegiate Council, 4.



K.C. D e le g a c y , 2.30.







C om m em oration D ebate, 5 ; B a ll, 9.45.

8 1S 9




11 12


C om m em oration O ration, 5.


U n iv e r s ity Term and College Term end.





15 16

S s





19 20 21 22



2nd S u n d a y

A dvent.


j C om m em oration Service, 10 ; Concert, 6. 1 A ca d e m ic Council, 4.30.

3rd S u n d a y

A dvent.


Sen ate, 4.30.



S t . T ho m as .


College closed for five days.


4 th S u n d a y



A dvent.

24 1 M 25


C h r is t m a s D



St. St eph en .



S t . J oh n



T he I n n o c e n t s ’ D a y

29 30

s s

Su n d a y



th e



E van gelist .

C h r is t m a s .


S enate, 4.30.

J A N U A R Y 1957









1 5








F inance C om m ittee o f K.C. D ele g a cy , 2.30.



U n iv e r s ity Term and College Term begin.









1st S u n d a y a f t e r E p i p h a n y .



C ollegiate Council, 4.



K.C. D ele g a cy , 2.30.


K.C. Professorial Board, 2.

i 16

T he E p i p h a n y .









2nd S u n d a y



A cadem ic Council, 4.30.





















a ft e r

E p iph a n y .

(T he C o n v e r s io n of S t . P a u l . \U n iv e r s ity P r e sen tation C erem ony for H igher D egrees. 3rd S u n d a y

a ft e r

E piph a ny .

S enate, 4.30.


FE B R U A R Y 1957 1






4 th Su n d a y a f t e r E p ip h a n y .



Academic Council, 4.30.



Finance Committee of K.C. Delegacy, 2.30.











5th Sunday a fter E piph a n y .



Collegiate Council, 4.



K.C. Delegacy, 2.30.



Library Committee, 3.









S e p t u a g e s im



Academic Council, 4.30.





















K.C. Theological Professorial Board, 2.30.

Sex a g e sim a




St . M

a t t h ia s .

(K .C. Professorial Board and Jo in t Professorial Board, 2. \ Senate, 4.30. K.C. Theological Committee and Council, 2.30.



MARCH 1957 j St . D a v i d .







Q u i n q u a g e s im a S u n d a y .



A cadem ic Council, 4.30.



F inance C o m m itte e o f K.C. D ele g a cy , 2.30.



A sh W e d n e s d a y .









1st S u n d a y



Collegiate Council, 4.



K.C. D ele g a cy , 2.30.











2nd S u n d a y



University Presentation Day—I.



Academic Council, 4.30.



U n iv e r sity Term and College Term end.























[U n iversity P r e sen ta tio n C erem on y for H igher Degrees.

3rd S u n d a y




L ent.

Le n t .

S t . P a t r ic k .

Len t.

S en ate, 4.30.


4th S u n d a y




Senate, 4.30.

A P R I L 1957





































College closed for five days.



G ood F r i d a y .





E aster D a y .



E a s t e r Mo n d a y .



5th S u n d a y



P alm S u n d a y .

St . George.

fK.C. Professorial B oard, 2.









28 29

s M

A cadem ic Council, 4.30.



F in a n c e C om m ittee o f K.C. D e le g a cy , 2.30.

1 U n iv e r s ity Term and College Term begin. St . M a r k .

1st S u n d a y


E aster.


MAY 1957


W 1 S t . P h ilip









2nd S u n d a y



Collegiate Council, 4.



K.C. D elegacy, 2.30.



U n iv e r s ity P resen tation D a y — II.



St. J am es.


E aster.








3rd S u n d a y



A cadem ic Council, 4.30.



























5th S u n d a y



Academic Council, 4.30.





K.C. Professorial Board and Jo in t Professorial Board.



A s c e n sio n



a ft e r

E aster.

K.C. T h eological Professorial B oard, 2.30.

4th S u n d a y

a ft e r

E aster.

Sen ate, 4.30.

College Conversazione.




E aster.



R o g at io n S u n d a y .










U n iv e r s it y degree e x a m in a tio n s begin. Collegiate Council, 4.



F in a n c e C o m m ittee o f K.C. D elegacy, 2.30.

5 6






College closed.



W h itsu n da y .



W h it M o n d a y .

11 11

T1 nU | S t . B a r n a b a s .

























1st S u n d a y



St. J o h n B a p tis t.











St. P eter.



2nd S u n d a y


A sc en sio n .


K.C. D e le g a cy , 2.30. \ K .C . T h eological S o c ie t y ’s A n nual Meeting. Library C o m m itte e , 3.

T r inity S u n d a y .

S en a te , 4.30.



T r in ity . A cadem ic Council, 4.30.

T r in ity .


J U L Y 1957


1 2 3


Collegiate Council, 4.


Finance C om m ittee o f K.C. D elegacy, 2.30.


U niversity Term and College Term end.









3rd S u n d a y



Academ ic Council, 4.30.



















Sen ate, 4.30.



K.C. Theological C om m ittee and Council, 2.30.



























4th S u n d a y

5th S u n d a y

S t . J ames


a ft e r


th e

6th S u n d a y

T r inity .

T r inity .

T rinity.

A postle.

a ft e r

T r inity .


A U GU S T 1957


T ii







7th Sunday after T rin ity .



B ank







































S t. B a r t h o l o m e w .



10th Su n d a y a fter T r in it y .













H olida y .

8th Sunday


T rin ity .

9th Sunday after T rin ity .



U N IV E R SIT Y OF LO N D ON K IN G ’S COLLEGE THE DELEGACY o f L o n d o n (ex officio). K .B .E ., C . V . O . (Chairm an). S i r N o e l A s h b r i d g e , B . S c ., M .I.C.E., M .I.E .E ., F .l.R .E . § P r o f e s s o r T h o m a s A r c h i b a l d B e n n e t -C l a r k , M.A., Ph.D., F . R . S . J C y r i l W i l s o n B l a c k , J . P . , M.P., F.A .I., F . R . L . C . S . * § P r o f e s s o r G e o f f r e y B u l l o u o i i , M.A.



V i c e -C h a n c e l l o r





of the

U n iv e r s it y

S ir A r t h u r H o w a r d ,

IM rs. B a rrs D

a v ies ,

O .B .E .

L ady G alw ay. ♦S ir

A ngus

G il l a n ,

K .B .E., C.M.G., iM.A. (Vice-Chairm an and

Treasurer). W



a m il t o n ,


, Ph.D., D .S c . , F.R .S. M.A. S i r C h a r l e s J e f f r i e s , K.C.M.G., O.B.E. § P r o f e s s o r W i l l i a m S t u a r t M a g u i n n e s s , M.A. * S i r C o s m o P a r k i n s o n , G.C.M.G., K.C.B., O.B.E. L t .-C o l . S i r A l b e r t S t e r n , K .B .E ., C.M.G. B e r n a r d H a l l e y S t e w a r t , M . A . , M . D . , B.Ch. *§Professor D onald H

§G erald A ugustus J







tM R S. P a t r ic k S t ir l in g . P eter B artlett Collyer W


♦ G e n e r a l S ir C o l v i l l e W e m y s s , K.C.B., *§P r o f e s s o r C h a r l e s H a r o l d W il l ia m s ,

K .B .E ., D.S.O., M .C. M.A.

Three vacancies. t N om inated by tbe London County Council. { N om inated by the Surrey C ounty Council. § N om inated by tbe Professorial Board.

THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD OF KING’S COLLEGE A ppointed under Statute 22 (2) (The dates are those of first appointm ent to the Board under this Statute)

1952. * P e t e r S c o t t N o b l e , M.A., L L . D . , P r i n c i p a l (Chairman). 1923. R o b e r t J o h n S t e w a r t M c D o n v a l l , M . D . , D.Sc., F.R.C.P.(Edin.), P h y sio lo g y .

1934. C h a r l e s H a r o l d W i l l i a m s , M.A., H i s t o r y . 1936. T h o m a s N i c o l , M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.E., F.R .S.E.,

Anatomy. J o h n G r e e n l e e s S e m p l e , M.A., Ph.D ., M .R.I.A., Mathematics. 1 937. F r e d e r i c k N o r m a n , O.B.E., M . A . , F . S . A . , G e r m a n .

1944. T h o m a s A r c h i b a l d F.R .S., Botany.

B e n n e t -C l a r k ,

M.A., Ph.D ., M.I.Biol.,

* Members of the Finance Committee of the Delegacy.



1945. D o n a l d H o l r o y d e H e y , P h . D . , D.Sc., F.R .I.C ., F .R .S., Chem istry. J a m e s G r e i g , M.Sc.(Eng.), P h.D ., M .I.E.E ., F .R .S .E ., Electrical Engineering. 194G. W i l l i a m S t u a r t M a g u i n n e s s , M.A., L atin. A l l a n D a w s o n R o s s , B.Sc., Ph.D ., M.I.C.E., F .R .S.E ., Civil Engineering. J o h n T u r t o n R a n d a l l , D.Sc., F .ln st.P ., F .R .S .E ., F.R.S., Physics. R o m i l l y J a m e s H e a l d J e n k i n s , M.A., F.S.A., Modern Greek. 1947. G e o f f r e y B u l l o u g i i , M.A., Fkiglish. Sid n e y W

il l ia m

Charles R


B o x e r , H o n .D .L itt. e t P h il., P o rtu g u e se.



G r a v e so n , S .J.D ., P h .D ., L L .D ., L aw s.




o o l d r id g e ,

C .B .E ., D .S c ., G e o g r a p h y .

1949. G e r a l d S a n d f o r d G r a i i a m , M . A . , A . M . , Ph.D ., Im perial H istory. A r t h u r V a l e n t i n e J u d g e s , B.A., D.Sc.(Econ.), Education. J a m e s F r e d e r i c D a n i e l l i , Ph.D ., D.Sc., M.I.Biol., A.R.I.C., Zoology. J a m e s H a w a r d T a y l o r , B.Sc., A.M., Ph.D ., Geology. 1950. F r a n c i s W o r m a l d , L itt.D ., M.A., F.B.A ., Palaeography. 1951. J o h n N i e m e y e r F i n d l a y , M.A., P h.D ., F . B . A . , Philosophy. 1952. J o h n M a r t i n C o c k i n g , M.A., French. Fr a n c is R

1953. R


Cr a n e , L L .B ., E n g lish L aw .

M.A., Greek. M.A., Spanish. 1954. H e r m a n n B o n d i , M.A., M athem atics. C y r i l 1 ) o m b , M.A., P h.D ., Theoretical Physics. 1955. D e r r i c k W i l l i a m G r a h a m S t y l e , B.Sc., P h . D . , Chemistry. L e s l i e J a m e s K a s t n e r , M.A., M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineering. G e r a l d D a c r e N o k e s , LL.D ., Laws. W i l l i a m C h a r l e s P r i c e , Ph.D ., Sc.D., F .ln st.P ., Physics. eg in a l d




in n in g t o n -I n g r a m ,

A l e x a n d e r A u g u st in e P


Appointed under Statute 2 2 (4) fo r one year fro m M arch ls< S ir N

ig e l

G r e s l e y B a l l , B a r t . , M .A ., S c .D ., S cience.

B.Sc., P h.D ., Medicine. C h a p m a n , M.Sc., Ph.D ., Science. G e r a l d A u g u s t u s J o h n H o d g e t t , M.A., Arts. W i l l i a m M a x w e l l L a n d e r s , B.A., P h.D ., Arts. A l b e r t K e n n e t h R o l a n d K i r a l f y , LL.M., P h.D ., L a w s . J o h n K e v i n T y r i e L l e w e l l y n N a s h , M.A., M .A.I., A.M.I.C.E., Engineering.

G eorge B r o w n lee, F r e d e r ic k W

il l ia m

D orothy B r it t a in ,

Appointed under Statute 2 3 a M.A., T utor to Women Students. Appointed under Statute 2 3 b

R obert H


M.A., L i b r a r i a n .


THE T H E O L O G IC A L D E P A R T M E N T OF K IN G ’S COLLEGE THE COUNCIL Official Governors T h e R ig h t H H


G race

on. the

T h e R ig h t R T h e R ig h t R

ev. the

T he R

ev. the


ev. the


ig h t

L ord Chancellor.

L ord Ar c h b ish o p


L o r d B is h o p L o rd B is h o p


L ondon. So u th w a r k .

L o r d B is h o p


St . A lbans.

V ery R

ev. the

D ean


St . P

T he V ery R

ev. the

D ean




Y ork.

of of

a u l ’s .

e s t m in s t e r .

Life-Governors H .R .H . T h e D u k e ♦The V ery R





d in b u r g h ,




K.G., P.O., K.'L’., G .B .E ., F.R .S. M a t t h e w s , K.C.V.O., M . A . , D . D . ,

D.Lit. S i r E r n e s t B a r k e r , M . A . , D.Litt., LL.D. A rnold D anvers P o w er . S i r W i l l i a m R e g i n a l d H a l l i d a y , M.A., B .Litt., LL.D. T h e R ig h t R e v . t h e L o rd B is h o p o f B ath and W e l l s . S ir R



ew is


edgw ood,

B a rt., C .B .,


One lay vacancy.

The Treasurer ♦Sid n e y J



Members Elected by the Court T he R


Canon E


F r e d e r ic k Ca r p e n t e r ,

B.A., B.D., Ph.D.,

A.K.C. F r e d e r i c k F o x C a r t w r i g h t , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ♦ S i r T h o m a s P e r c i v a l C r e e d , K .B .E., M .C ., Q . C . , M . A . P rofessor D onald H




P h . D . , D .S c .

D.S.O., T.D. M.A., M.Th., Ph.D. T h e R e v . P r o f e s s o r C l a u d e J e n k i n s , M.A., D .D., F.S.A. T h e R e v . C a n o n M a r c u s K n i g h t , B.A., B.D., A.K.C. ♦ P e t e r S c o t t N o b l e , M.A., LL.D. L t .-C o l . E


The R


E r ic G eo r g e J

The R

ig h t

T he H





ev. the

Mr . J

I I il l e r s d o n ,


L ord B is h o p

u s t ic e

V a ise y ,

P rofessor C harles H arold W P r o f e s s o r I ’r a n c i s W Co l. S ydn ey J




Sa lisb u r y .

D.C.L. illia m s ,

M .A .

L itt.D ., M.A., F.B.A. D.S.O., M .C ., T.D., M.A.



P r o f e s s o r C h a r l e s L e s l ie V V re n n , M .A .

Three vacancies.

• Membera o1 the Finance Committee.



The Dean of K ing’s College *T hb R


S ydney H




M.A., B.I).

M embers Elected by the Staff of the Theological Department T




F rank E









Cro y d o n , E

e n n is

r ic



in e h a m



M em bers Elected by the A ssociates of King’s College The R H



B.A., M . T h . , P h . D . , F.K.C. F a u l t l e s s , B.Sc.(Eng.), A.K.C., A.M.I.Mech.E.

C l if f o r d T hom as C h a pm a n ,

F r e d e r ic k

THE THEOLOGICAL COMMITTEE T h e R ig h t R e v . T h e R ig h t R e v . T he R


The R T he R


T he R




L ord B is h o p L ord B ish o p

the the






Southw ark. B ath and W


M.A. E v a n s , M . A . , B.D. n ig h t ,

E r ic N

e n n is


Croydo n,

Sy d n e y H all . Canon M arcus K P


B .A ., B .D .,

in e h a m




A rnold D anvers P o w er . T h e R e v . P r o f . R a n d o l p h V in c e n t G r e e n w o o d T a s k e r , T









Mr . J




u s t ic e


ow nroe,

M.A., B . D .


V a i s e y , D .C .L .

THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD M.A., B . D . , D ean (Chairman). T h e R e v . F r a n k E d g a r C r o y d o n , M.A., Ecclesiastical History. T h e R e v . D e n n i s E r i c N i n e h a m , M.A., Biblical and Historical Theology. T h e R e v . U l r i c h E r n s t S i m o n , M . T h ., Hebrew and Exegesis of the Old Testam ent. T n E R e v . R a n d o l p h V i n c e n t G r e e n w o o d T a s k e r . M.A., B.D., Exegesis of the New Testam ent.

T he R


Sydney H




* Members of the Finance Committee.

K IN G ’S CO LLEG E LO N D O N A D M IN IS T R A T IV E STAFF Principal of King’s College : P


S cott N


M.A., LL.D.

Dean of King’s College : T




Sydney H

Secretary Registrar

: J

: I van P






M .A ., B .I).



T h e o d o r e Co m b r id q e ,


Tutors to Women Students : U niversity of London K in g 's College— D o r o t h y B r i t t a i n , M.A. Theological D epartm ent — M a r g a r e t L o i s E d w a r d s , B.A., B.D. Assistant Secretary — W i l l i a m B e r t i e E d w a r d E u d e n , B . A . , A.L.A. Accountant — R o n a l d A l f r e d C h a p p e l l . Head Clerk — S y d n e y W i l l i a m T i d n a m . A ssistant to the Registrar — W i l l i a m A r c h i b a l d C a m p b e l l . A ssistant Accountant — M a l c o l m G e o r g e R a l p h W y e t h . Clerk of College W orks — F r a n k M a u r i c e L e i g h t o n . Refectory : M anageress — H a z e l M a t t h e w s B r o u g h t o n . A ssistant Manageress — E l i z a b e t h A n n C o a l e s . Private Secretary to the P rincipal — ♦ M o l l i e B e r t h a B u t c h e r , B.A . Private Secretary to the Dean — ♦ W i n i f r e d K a t h l e e n M e d w a y . Clerks A rthur H e n r y St e p t o e . M y l e s M cD e r m o t t T e m p a n y . P e t e r K ev in C o n n o r . D av id E r ic B u t l e r . F r e d e r ic k W a lter P e r r y m a n . H enry Charles T heobald. R onald T r efo r R o b er ts. M ic h a e l A n t h o n y M o o n e y . M ic h a e l G iu l ia n o .

* Principal Women Clerks.

E llen Mary A ld er . R hoda E llen B a rrett. ♦A l ic e M a r y H o u g h to n B ig g . ♦ K a t h l e e n E l iz a b e t h Cl a r k e . ♦ E u g e n e Co fm a n . P amela R osem ary D in e s . J e a n Ca t h e r i n e D u g g i n . J e s s ie R o sin a H e a d l a n d . ♦ N ancy E d y th P in d e r . E sme H annah P u r fu r st. ♦Lil ia n Ma rg a ret T a y l o r . ♦ F r a n c e s M a r y T i n n e r , B.A. W in if r e d A l l is o n W is e m a n .

B a rba ra A ik in -Sn e a t h . H elen R achel P erro tt. Ch r is t in e J e a n B is h o p . S h e e l a g ii P ig g o t t . M ary B a ird B u r n s . D ia n a E l iz a b e t h S e l b y . A p h r a M a r y M o r e t o n G o l d , B .A . I r e n e E l iz a b e t h S im p s o n . U rsula M ary G u m m ett. M a r g a r e t S l a d e , B .A . N e l l ie D o r is H o w a r t h . D i l y s M y f a n w y G vvyn T h o m a s . E l iz a b e t h F ay H y l a n d . R u t h M a r io n W e it z m a n . A n n e Ch r is t in e H y n e s . Ca r o lin e J illia n W h it e . R o sem ary F ra n c e s J e x Ja ck so n , M a rth a C a th e rin e W illis M \ M .A .


K I N G ’S C O LLE G E L O N D O N L IB R A R Y STAFF Librarian : R





Sub-L ibrarian — A r t h u r P e r c y H o w s e , B.A., F . L . A . A ssistant Librarians H


A r t h u r H a r v e y , B.A., A.L.A. H e d w ig P o lla k , T h o m a s A n t h o n y J e f f e r s o n , B.A., F.L.A. P a t r i c i a M a r y G i b b , B.A., A.L.A. P h i l i p N i c h o l a s F u r b a n k , M.A.

Ph.D .

A ssistants F' r a n k P


G u n t h e r L is s a u e r E l iz a b e t h P ic k e r in g P a t r ic ia A. G r im w o o d

J u n io r A ssistants Sh e e n a S cott M a u r e e n J u n e N ic o l a s

Clerk to the Librarian.


Ann R




osem ary


O ’B r i e n , B . A .

U N IV E R S IT Y OF LO N D O N K I N G ’S CO LLE G E A ssistant Principal : Charles H



il l ia m s ,


Deans, Vice-Deans and Sub-D eans of Faculties : F aculty o f A rts — G e o f f r e y B u l l o u g i i , M.A. ( Vice-Dean )— R o m i l l y J a m e s H e a l d J e n k i n s , M.A. (Sub-D ean and A dviser of Studies) — D a v i d M o r r i c e L o w , M . A . F aculty o f Law s — R o n a l d H a r r y G r a v e s o n , S.J.D ., Ph.D ., LL.D. ( Vice-D ean )— F r a n c i s R o g e r C r a n e , LL.B. ( Sub-D ean )— C y r i l E d w a r d P a l m e r D a v i e s , M.A., B . C . L . Faculty of N atural Science — J a m e s H a w a r d T a y l o r , B.Sc., A.M., Ph.D . (Vice-D ean)— S i d n e y W i l l i a m W o o l d r i d g e , C . B . E . , D.Sc. ( Sub-D ean and A dviser o f Studies) — B e n j a m i n A l f r e d E d w a r d s , M .Sc.

Faculty of M edical Science — R o b e r t J


St e w a r t M cD

ow all,

M .D .,

D.Sc., F.R .C .P.(Edin.). ( Vice-Dean) — T h o m a s N i c o l , M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.E.. F .R .S.E. (Sub-D ean) — W i l l i a m R o b s o n , D.Sc., Ph.D. (Adviser o f S tu d ies )— E r n e s t A r t h u r B e l l , B . S c ., M . A . , Ph.D . F aculty of Engineering — J a m e s G r e i g , M . S c . ( E n g . ) , Ph.D ., M . I . E . E . , F.R .S.E. (Vice-D ean)— A l l a n D a w s o n R o s s , B.Sc., P h . D . , M .I.C.E., F .R .S.E . (Sub-D ean) — G e o f f r e y H i n e P l a t t , M . S c . T e c h . , A . M . I . E . E . C hief Technicians in the Laboratories A lb e rt B e n fie ld (Physics); A l f r e d B l a k e , A . I . S . T . (C ivil E ngineering); W i l l i a m B r i g g s , F . I . S . T . (A natom y); A l b e r t C o e , A . I . S . T . (Physics); A l f r e d G r e e n , F . I . S . T . (Zoology); S y d n e y H o g w o o d , A . I . S . T . (A n a to m y ) ; H e n r y L e e , A . I . S . T . (Chemistry); S i d n e y P a m p h i l o n (Chemistry); C e c i l S e m m e n s , F . I . S . T . (Botany); G e o r g e S t o n a r d , A . I . S . T . (Physiology).



ACAD EM IC STAFF FACULTY OF ARTS Classics \V. S. M a g u i n n e s s , M .A . Dublin, Professor of Latin Language and Literature. R. P. W i n n i n g t o n - I n g r a m , M.A. Camb., Professor of Greek Language and Literature. R. J . H. J e n k i n s , M.A. Camb., F.S.A., Koraes Professor, Hon. Lecturer in Classical Archaeology. H. H. S c u l l a r d , M.A. Camb., Ph.D. London, F.B.A., Reader in Ancient History. S. A. H a n d f o r d , M.A. Oxford, Reader in Classics. I). M. Low, M.A. Oxford "1 r , A. J. G o s s a o e , M.A. Oxford, Ph.D. London f ljeclurersJ. B. H a i n s w o r t h , B.A. Oxford \ A . , , T G. A. L o n g m a n , M.A. Oxford J Assistant Lecturers.

Education See u n d e r F a c u l t i e s




N atural Sc ie n c e .

English Language and Literature G. B u i .l o u g h , M.A. Mane., Professor of Enghsh Language and Literature. G. N. G a r m o n s w a y , M.A. Camb., Professor of English Language. J. W. C r o w , M.A. Oxford, Lecturer. J. A. S h e a r d , B.A., Ph.D. London, Lecturer in Philology. W. A. A r m s t r o n g , M .A . Sheff., Ph.D. Y a le \T P. M. Y a r k e r , M.A. London {Lecturers. II. P. C. M u t t e r , M.A. Oxford J. A. B u r r o w , B.A. Oxford J. 0 . R e e d , B.A. Oxford !-Assistant Lecturers. L u c i a G l a n v i l l e , B.A. Oxford I. G r e g o r , B.A., Ph.D., Durham !

French J. M. C o c k i n g , M.A. London, Professor. W. M a r y H a c k e t t , M.A. Oxford a n d M a n e ., D.Phil. Oxford, Reader in Romance Philology. R. A. J o n e s , M.C., M.A. London, Senior Lecturer. W. M. L a n d e r s , B.A., Ph.D. London, Lecturer. J. G. W e i g h t m a n , B.A. Durham, L.-&S-L. Poitiers, Ph.D. London, Lecturer. W . N. I n c e , M.A. Camb., Doct. de l’Univ. de Paris'! J e a n D. B a r r o n , B.A. London >Assistant Lecturers. A. R . P u g h , B .A . Camb. J M. J. F a b r e . N a t h a l i e G o u t b r o d , L.-6s-L. ParisJ* f,sls

Geography and Geology S ee u n d e r F a c u l t i e s




N atural Sc ie n c e .

German F. N o r m a n , O.B.E., M.A. London, F.S.A., Professor. M a r y E. C. M. G i l b e r t , Dr.Phil. Berlin, Reader. H. H. K. T h o m a , Dr.Phil. Munich, Lecturer. J. C. M i d d l e t o n , M .A ., D.Phil. Oxford! J. B. B e d n a l l , M.A. Camb. >Assistant Lecturers. J. W. ISm e e d , M.A., Ph.D., Wales J K. 0 . B r o g s i t t e r , Dr.Phil. Bonn, Lektor.


Mediaeval and Modern History C. H. W i l l i a m s , M.A. Camb., Professor. G . S. G r a h a m , M.A. Queen’s (Canada), A.M. Harv., Ph.D. Camb., Rhodes Professor of Imperial History. H. H. S c u l l a r d , M.A. Camb., Ph.D. London, F.B.A., Reader in Ancient History. C. H . D. H o w a r d , M.A. Oxford, Reader. G. A. J . H o d g e t t , M.A. London, Lecturer. M. E. H o w a r d , M.C., M.A. Oxford, Lecturer in War Studies. C. D u g g a n , B.A. London, P h . D . Camb., Lecturer B. S. M a n n i n g , B.A. Oxford G. V . B e n n e t t , M.A., Ph.D. Camb. -A s s is t a n t L e c tu re rs. J. E. F l i n t , M.A. Camb. J. F. B o s h e r , B .A . B r . Col.

Mathematics See Prospectus for F a c u l t y


N atural S c ie n c e .

Modern Greek R. J . H. J e n k i n s , M.A. Camb., F.S.A., Koraes Professor of Modern Greek and Byzantine History, Language and Literature.

Palaeography F.

W orm ald,

Litt.D., M.A. Camb., F.B.A., Professor.

Philosophy N. F i n d l a y , Ph.D. Graz, M.A. Oxford and S. Africa, F.B.A., Professor. G. N. A. V e s e y , M.A. Camb., Lecturer. D . L. S. P o l e , B.A. Oxford, B.A., Ph.D. London, Assistant Lecturer.


Portuguese C. R. B o x e r , Hon. D.Litt. et Phil. Utrecht and Lisbon, Camoens Professor. To be appointed. Lecturer.

Spanish A. A. P a r k e r , M.A. Camb., Cervantes Professor. R. M. N a d a l , Licentiate in Law, Madrid Mrs. R. H a m i l t o n , B.A. London, L.-^s-L. Lille > Lecturers. J. W. S a g e , M.A. London J J. S. C u m m i n s , B.A. London, Assistant Lecturer. A. M. S a l a z a r , L.-es-L. Seville, Assistant.

Theology The Dean of King’s College, and members of the Theological Department.

FACULTY OF LAWS H. G r a v e s o n , LL.D. Sheff., S.J.D. Harv., Ph.D., LL.D. London, Professor of Law. F. R. C r a n e , LL.B. London, Professor of English Law. G. D. N o k e s , LL.D. London, Professor of Law. A. K . R. K i r a l f y , LL.M., Ph.D. London, Reader in Law. C. E. P. D a v i e s , M.A., B.C.L. Oxford, Senior Lecturer. J . W . W e l l w o o d , M.A. Dublin T. E. J a m e s , M.A., B.C.L. Oxford | Lecturers. A. J. B l a n d , M.A., B.C.L. Oxford i C. A. M o r r i s o n , M.A. Aberd., B.A. Oxford I D. M e n d e s d a C o s t a , LL.B. London'l O l g a L. D a l y , LL.B. London 'A ssistant Lecturers. Two vacancies J I t.



FACULTIES OF ARTS AND NATURAL SCIENCE Education A. V. J u d o e s , B.A., D.Sc.(Econ.) London, Professor of the History of Education. A. C. F. B e a l e s , M.A. London, Reader. Mrs. A. M. B l a c k w e l l , B.Sc., M.A. London, Senior Lecturer. P. P. B r o w n , B.A. Oxford E. J. K i n o , M.A. Mane., Ph.D. London, F.L.S. Mrs. D. A. W a k e f o r d , B.A. London, L.R.A.M. Lecturers. Mrs. F . M. M u r r a y , B . S c . L o n d o n E. L a u r a P a r i s h , M.A. London L. F. W a l l i s , B.Sc. London, Supervisor.

Geography (Joint School of Geography : King’s College and the London School of Economics.) S. W . W o o l d r i d g e , C.B.E., D.Sc. London, Professor. J. C. P u g h , M.A. Camb., P h . D . London, Reader. A l i c e M. C o l e m a n , M .A. London') T. H. E l k i n s , B.A. London ^Lecturers. E. M. Y a t e s , M.Sc. London J. H. B i r d , B .A ., Ph.D. London, Assistant Lecturer. The above, together with Professor L. D u d l e y S t a m p , Professor R. 0. and the Readers and Lecturers in Geography at the London School of Economics, constitute a joint School of Geography providing full courses for degrees in this subject. B uchanan,

Geology J. H. T a y l o r , A.M. Harvard, B.Sc., Ph.D. London, Professor. W. S. P i t c h e r , B.Sc., Ph.D. London, D.I.C., Header. J. E . P r e n t i c e , B.Sc., P h . D . London \T , R. W. D. E l w e l l , M.Sc., Ph.D. London, A.R.C.S. / ^ ecturersC. G. A d a m s , B.Sc. Belfast, Ph.D. N o tt.i . . , , T . J. M. H a n c o c k , B.A. Camb. I Aaslatant Lecturers.

Mathematics G. S e m p l e , M.A. Belfast, Ph.D. Camb., M.R.I.A. \ D F H. B o n d i , M.A. Camb. / P r o le s s o r s . D. M. A. L e g g e t t , M.A., Ph.D. Camb. D . B. S c o t t , M.A. Camb., D.Sc. London Readers. T. V. D a v i e s , M.Sc. Wales A. F r o h u c h , B.Sc., Ph.D. Bristol B. A. E d w a r d s , M.Sc. Wales, Senior Lecturer. C. W. K i l m i s t e r , M.Sc., Ph.D. London ^ F . A. E. P i r a n i , B.Sc. W. Ont., M.A. Tor., > Lecturers. D.Sc. Carnegie Inst, of Tech., Pitts. J R. L. P e r r y , B.Sc., P h . D . London \ , G. H o r r o c k s , B.A. Camb. [Assistant Lecturers. J.


FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE Botany and Plant Biology T. A. B e n n e t -C l a r k , M.A., Ph.D. Camb., M.A. Dublin, M.I. Biol., F.R.S., Professor. Sir N i o e l B a l l , Bart., M.A., Sc.D. Dublin, Reader. G . M e t c a l f e , M .A ., P h . D . C a m b . J. C a r p e n t e r , B.A. Camb. IT , J . F . S u t c l i f f e , B.Sc., Ph.D. Leeds j ^ ecturersI). D . D a v i e s , B.Sc., Ph.D. London j D . B o u l t e r , M.A., D.Phil. Oxford . . , , K a t h l e e n V . S y m o n d s , B . S c . London }Assi3tant

T Lecturers.

Chemistry D. H . H e y , M.Sc. Wales, Ph.D. London, D.Sc. Mane., F.R.I.C., F.R.S., Daniell Professor. D. W. C . S t y l e , B.Sc., Ph.D. London, Professor. H . B. H e n b e s t , B.Sc., Ph.D. London, D.T.C., Reader in Organic Chemistry. A. J. B. R o b e r t s o n , M.A., Ph.D. Camb., Reader in Physical Chemistry. V . G o l d , B . S c ., Ph.D. London, Reader in Physical Organic Chemistry. C. S. S a l m o n , M.C., M.Sc. Bristol, Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry. L. G. F. D o l l e y , T . D . , B.Sc., P h . D . London, A.R.I.C., Senior Lecturer. J . H o n e y m a n , M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D. St. And.' G. H . W i l l i a m s , B.Se., Ph.D. London L ectu rers. T. R. B e a t t i e , B.Sc., Ph.D. London One vacancy D P. N. S a t c h e l l , B.Sc., Ph.D. London}Assi8tant Lecturers. H . B l o c k , 13.be. L o n d o n )

Physics J. T. R a n d a l l , D.Sc. Mane., F.Inst.P., F.R.S.E., F.R.S., Wheatstone Professor. C. D o m b , M.A., Ph.D. Camb., M.A. Oxford, Professor of Theoretical Physics. W. C. P r i c e , B.Sc. Wales, Ph.D. (J.H.U.), Ph.D., Sc.l). Camb., F.Inst.P., Professor of Physics. F. C. C h a m p i o n , M.A., Ph.D. Camb., F.Inst.P., Reader in Experimental Physics. F. W. C n A P M A N , M.Sc., Ph.D. London ^ A. R. S t o k e s , M.A., Ph.D. Camb. M a r j o r i e B. M ’E w e n , B.Sc. London, Ph.D. St. And. L e c tu r e r s . I). M. M a c K a y , B.Sc. St. And., Ph.D. London C. D . C u r l i n g , M .A . C a m b . L. R. B. E l t o n , M.A. Camb., B.Sc., Ph.D. London E. J. B u r g e , B.Sc., Ph.D. B r is t o l, B.A. Oxford K. D. O u t t e r i d g e , M.A. Oxford, Senior Demonstrator. P . J. K e n n e d y , B .A . D u b l i n ) M. J. M. B e r n a l , B.Sc., Ph.D. London, D.I.C. Assistant Lecturers. R. PI B u r g e , B.Sc. London G F. E l l i o t t B.A. Oxford | Demonstrators. S. C h o m e t , M.Sc. London j M a r g a r e t I. N o r t h , B.Sc. Edin., Ph.D. London, Administrative Assistant.

Zoology and Animal Biology J. F. D a n i e l l i , P h . D . Camb., D.Sc. London, M.I.Biol., A .R . I . C . , Professor. B . D a w e s , D . S c. London, A.R.C.S., D.I.C. iTjporWa S i d n i e M. M a n t o n , M .A ., S c .D . Camb., F.R.S. J D . R . A r t h u r , M .S c . W a le s , P h . D . London J. L. C l o u d s l e y - T h o m p s o n , M.A., Ph.D. Camb., F.L.S. >Lecturers. L. G. E. B e l l , B.Sc., Ph.D. London, A.R.I.C. J F r e d a Bow y e r B.Sc Ph D London j A s s i s t a n t L e c t u r e r s . C. B. Cox, B.A. Oxford, Ph.D. Camb. J


FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Anatomy T. N icol , M.D. Glasgow, D.Sc. Glasgow and London, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.E., F.R .S.E., Professor. Sir C e c i l W a k e l e y , B art., K .B .E ., D.Sc. London, Hon. LL.D. Glasgow, F.R.C.S., F.R .S.E., Lecturer in Applied Anatom y. I . L. M a c k i n n o n , M . B . , Ch.B. (Now Z.), Senior Lecturer. A. H. M u e n t e r , Ph.D . M unster R. S . S n e l l , M.B., B.S., Ph.D. London R. F . F i s h e r , B.Sc. (Eng.), M.B., B.S. London, A.K.C. L ec tu rers. I). L. J . B i l b e y , M . B . , B . S . London K. M. B r y a n t , M.B., B .S . London, A.K.C. W. S. L u n d , M.B., B.S. London J . A. K e n n e d y , M.B., B.S., D.M.R. London, Lecturer in Railiological Anatomy.

Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology R. J . S . M c D o w a l l , M . D . , D . S c . , F.R.C.P. Edin.. M.R.C.P., Professor. W . R o b s o n , Ph.D. Edin., D.Sc. London, Reader in Biochemistry. G. B r o w n l e e , Ph.D. Ixnulon, D.Sc. Glasgow, Reader in P harm a足 cology. W . F. W i d d a s , M.B., B.S. D urham , B.Sc., Ph.D . London, Senior Lecturer. A. F. M u n r o , B.Sc., Ph.D. Aberdeen E. A. B e l l , B.Sc. D urham . M.A., Ph.D. Dublin A. D a r b r e , B.Sc., P h . D . Birra., A.R.I.C. R. L. S p e i r s , B.Sc., Ph.D . D urham J . J . J o n e s , B.Sc., M.B., B.S. London c Lecturers. R. S t . J . B u x t o n , M B . , B . S . London, D.C.H. K. H. F. B l a u , B . S c . London G. P a t e r s o n , B.Sc. Glas., M.So. London G. D. H. L e a c h , B .Pharm ., M.Sc. London

Dental Studies T. VV. W i d d o w s o n , F.D.S. R.C.S., Eng. E. V. B. W i d d o w s o n , L.D.S. R.C.S., Eng., together with members of the above staffs of the departm ents of A natom y and Physiology.

First M.B. Courses The staffs of the B otany, Chemistry, Physics and Zoology departm ents.


FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Civil Engineering A. D. Ross, B.Sc., Ph.D. Edinburgh, M.I.C.E., F.R.S.E., Professor of Civil Engineering. J. K. T. L. N a s h , M.A., M.A.I. Dublin, A.M.I.C.E., Reader in Civil Engineer足 ing. J. M. Z a r e k , Dip.Ing. Warsaw, B.Sc. St. Andrews, Ph.D. London, A.M.I.Mech.E., Senior Lecturer. J. M. P l o w m a n , B.Sc.(Eng.), D.I.C., Ph.D. London, A.M.I.C.E.I., Lecturer. M. J. K e n n , B.Sc.(Eng.) London, M.A.Sc. Toronto, M.E.I.C., Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics. W. McL. J e n k i n s , B.Sc. Glasgow, Lecturer. R. K . D i x o n , B.Sc.(Eng.) London, Lecturer.

Mechanical Engineering L. J. K a s t n e r , M.A. Camb., M.Sc. Manchester, M.I.Mech.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering. H. E. R o s e , D.Sc.(Eng.) London, Ph.D. Manchester, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.C.E., Reader in Mechanical Engineering. T. J. W i l l i a m s , Ph.D., B.Sc. London, M.Sc. Birmingham, Reader in Mechanical Engineering. L. S i n g l e h u r s t - W a r d , B.Sc. London, Lecturer in Metallurgy. W. B. G o s n e y , B.Sc.(Eng.) London, Lecturer. E. J. P o w e l l , B.Sc.(Eng.) London, Lecturer.

Electrical Engineering J. G r e i o , M.Sc.(Eng.) London, Ph.D. Birmingham, M.I.E.E., F.R.S.E., William Siemens Professor. A. H. M. A r n o l d , Ph.D., D.Eng. Liverpool, A.M.I.E.E., Reader in Electrical Engineering. H. M. C l a r k e , T.D., M.Sc. London, M.I.E.E., Senior Lecturer. W . F r a s e r , B.Sc.(Eng.) London, A.M.I.E.E., Lecturer. G. H. P l a t t , M.Sc.Tech. Manchester, A.M.I.E.E., Lecturer. E. M. S. D e e l e y , B.Sc., Ph.D. London, Lecturer. N. S. J a p o l s k y , D.Eng., M.I.E.E., Special Lecturer in Electro-magnetism.

Chemical Engineering S. B. W a t k i n s , M.Sc. Wales, F.R.I.C., M.I.Chem.E., Director of Studies.

Special Lecturer in the Structure and Organisation of Industry B. S. Y a m e y , B.Com. Cape Town.


FACULTY OF THEOLOGY Dean—Tho Rev. S. H. E v a n s , M.A., B.D. Durham. J . H. C h u r c h i l l , M.A. C a m b .

C h ap lain — T h e R ev.

Biblical and Historical Theology Tho Rev. D. E.

N in eh a m ,

M.A. Oxford, Professor.

Hebrew and the Exegesis of the Old Testam ent The Samuel Davidson Professor, Prof. W. D. M oHardy, M.A., D.Phil. Oxford. The Rev. U. E. S i m o n , M.Th. London, Lecturer.

Exegesis of the New Testam ent T h e Rev. R. V. G. T a s k e r , M.A., B.D. Camb., Professor. Tho Rev. H. C. G r e e n , M.A. Oxford, Lecturer.

Ecclesiastical History The Rev. F. E. C r o y d o n , M.A. Oxford, Lecturer.

Patristic T exts Rev. R. V. G. T a s k e r , M.A., B.D. Camb., Professor. The Rev. M. V. M a n d e v i l l e , M .A . Camb., Lecturer. The

Pastoral and System atic Theology The Rev. S. H. E v a n s , M.A., B.D. Durham.

Liturgical Theology The Rev. F. E. C r o y d o n , M.A. Oxford, Lecturer.

Philosophy of Religion (Including tho Comparative Study of Religions.) The University Professor H. D. L e w i s , M.A. Wales, B.Litt. Oxford.

Tutor to Intermediate B.D. Students The Rev. M. V. M a n d e v i l l e , M .A . Camb.

Music Mr. E. H.

W arrell,

A.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Lecturer.

Speech Training Miss A u d r e y M. B u l l a r d , L.R.A.M., Lecturer.

Tutor to Women Students of Theology Miss M. L. E d w a r d s , B.A., B.D. London.

Fourth Year College, Warminster The Rev. E. J. T o w n r o e , M.A. Oxford, Wardon. T h e R e v . E . R . C. T h o m p s o n , A .K .C ., C h a p la in .

The Rev. S. R. Curr, M.A. Camb., Tutor.


RESEARCH U NITS and RESEARCH FELLOWS attached to K ing’s College Attached

D epartment

to t h e


Chem istry'

I.C .I Research Fellow: R. A. H. A b r a m o v i t c h , B.Sc., Ph.D. London. A ttached

to t h e

D epartment


M ath em a tics

I.C .I. Research Fellow :

D. R. B l a n d , M.A. London. A ttached

to t h e

D epartment


P h y sic s

Medical Research Council Biophysics Research U n it: J. T. R a n d a l l , D.Sc., F.R . S ., Honorary Director. M. H. F. W i l k i n s , M.A. Camb., Ph.D. Birm., Deputy Director. H o n o r B. F e ll , D.Sc. Edin., F.R.S., Senior Biological Adviser. E. J e a n H a n s o n , B .S c ., Ph.D. London. R. H. S m i t h , B .S c ., Ph.D. London. A n g e l a V. W. B r o w n , Ph.D. Frankfurt. G. L. B r o w n , B.Sc., Ph.D. London. H. G. D avies, B.S c. Wales, Ph.D. London. P. M. B. W a l k e r , B.A. Camb., Ph.D. London. C. W. H o o p e r , B.Sc. London. S y lv ia F it t o n J a c k s o n . S h e i l a T h o m p s o n , B.A. C a m b .

Nuffield Research Fellow : S. M c G a v i n , B.Sc., Ph.D. St. Andrews. British Em pire Cancer Campaign : F. B o o t h , M.A. Camb. H. R . W i l s o n , B.Sc., Ph.D. Wales. W. E. S e e d s , B.A., M.Sc. Dublin, B. M. R i c h a r d s , B.Sc. Wales. Ph.D. London. A ttached

to t h e

D epartment


Z oology

Nuffield Research Fellows : M u r i e l J. O r d , M.Sc. Dal., Ph.D. London. A. E. B a r n a r d , B.Sc. London. N. M. C o o m b s , B.Sc., Ph.D. London.

British Empire Cancer Campaign : L o u i e H a m i l t o n , B.Sc. Oxford. P e n e l o p e J. H e n n e s s y , B.Sc. London.

Agricultural Research Council: E liza bet h

G. W i l s o n , B.Sc. London

M a r ia n

S. M a y , B.Sc. London.


R E PR ESEN T A T IV ES ON G O V E R N IN G B O D IE S OF E N D OW ED SCHOO LS AND C H A R IT IE S School or Charity. City Parochial Foundation


H enry T hornton Secondary School

Governor appointed.

D ate of last appoin tm en t.

/M r . S. T. Shovelton, O .B .E .,\ 1 m .a ........................................./

Feb. la th , 1953.f

Mr. P. P. Brown, B.A...........

Dec. 18th, 1946.*

King’s College School, W imbledon, S.W.19................................................

(•The Principal of K ing’s'* College......................................J Nov. 27th, 1952.f S Prof. D. H . Hey, P h .D .,\ I D .Sc........................................./ Ju ly 9th, 1953.t

Mary Ward Settlem ent ....................

/•M rs. D. A. W akeford, B .A .,\ x L.R.A .M ................................ /

Ju n e 17th, 1948.{

St. Olave’s and St. Saviour’s ) /P re b e n d a ry F . A. F. P o u Id en ,\ Feb. 25th, 195 4.f G ram m ar Schools F o u n d a tio n .../ \ A.K.O......................................../ U nited W estminster Schools W estminster G reycoat H ospital ...

fM r. G. A. Thesiger, M .B .E .,\ 1 K.C., M.A. / Oct. 21st, 1953.* Miss M. L. Edw ards, B.A., B.D.

Feb. 25th, 1954.f

♦ A ppointm ent made by the Senate of the U niversity of London on the nom ination of the Delegacy. t A ppointm ent m ade by the Council of King’s College London. J A ppointm ent made by th e Delegacy of U niversity of London K ing’s College.



A SKETCH OF THE H IS T O R Y OF K IN G ’S COLLEGE F o u n d a t io n


I n it ia l D

evelopm ent

K ing’s College was founded by Royal Charter dated 14th August, 1829, as a College “ for the general education of youth in which the various branches of L iterature an d Science are intended to be tau g h t, and also the doctrines and duties of C hristianity as the same are inculcated by the U nited Church of E ngland and Irelan d .” Its foundation was due to a widespread realization th a t, even though the benefits of secular education should be available to all, irrespective of their religious beliefs, no course of learning could rightly be regarded as complete which om itted religious instruction. The official title of tho Corporation as established under the C harter was “ The Governors and Proprietors of K ing’s College, London.” The governm ent of the College was vested in a Council consisting of nine Official Governors, eight Life Governors, a Treasurer, and tw entyfour other members of the Corporation. At the same time, the College received its present site in the S tran d under a g ran t in perpetuity from the Crown, which reserved to itself tho right of re-entry if a t any tim e tho College failed to fulfil the purpose of its foundation. The first move had been a Public Meeting, held a t th e Freem asons’ Tavern in G reat Queen Street on Ju n o 21st, 1828, w ith the Duke of W ellington (then Prim e Minister) in the chair. The initial stages of the scheme were m arred by d istru st of the Duke’s attitu d e to Catholic E m ancipation, which resulted in the w ithdraw al of much of the promised support. However, these difficulties were overcome, and tho work of the College began on October 8th, 1831, with a service in the College Chapel and a Sermon by the Bishop of London (Bishop Blomfield) on “ The Combination of Religious Instruction with Intellectual C ulture.” The first Principal was Dr. W illiam O tter, afterw ards Bishop of Chichester. A t the date of its opening tho College consisted of a Senior D epartm ent and a Ju n io r D epartm ent (later known as K ing’s College School). The Senior D epartm ent included medical subjects in its curriculum , and before long was divided into the Departm ent of General Literature and Science and the Medical S chool. To meet the need for a hospital connected w ith the College, to which its students could have right of access for their clinical training, the Council in 1839 established K in g ’s College H ospital on a site in Portugal Street. In 1838, owing largely to the development in Engineering caused by the growth of tho railw ay system , an “ E n g in eerin g D e p a r tm e n t” was founded. A fterwards it was enlarged in its scope, and became the “ D epartm ent of Applied Sciences ” and subsequently the Faculty of E ngineering.

Teaching in the A rts of Construction began in 1840, and from this there developed in 1880 a Division of A rchitecture and Building Construction, and highly successful Evening Classes were carried on




with tho assistance of the Carpenters’ Company. This Division was, by arrangem ent w ith the U niversity, transferred to U niversity College in 1913. The E n gin eerin g S ociety —a stu d en t society which, in addition to other more obvious activities, meets weekly in term tim e to hear papers by its members on engineering subjects, arranges visits to works, and so on—was founded in 1847 and is th e th ird oldest engineering society of any kind in the country, being preceded only by the Institu tio n s of Civil and of Mechanical Engineering. The prim ary object of the foundation of the College had not necessi­ ta ted tho inclusion of a D ep artm en t of T h e o lo g y , b u t one w as inst ituted in 1846 for the preparation of graduates and other candidates for Holy Orders. E



x p a n s io n

In 1850 the Council of K ing’s College purchased the Hospital B uildings it had established in 1839, and in the following year, acting under powers given by the K ing’s College H ospital A ct 1851, tra n s ­ ferred them to th e Corporation of the H ospital established by th a t Act. A new H ospital was erected on tho site in 1860. The Council, however, retained the right to appoint Medical Officers of the Hospital and thus m aintained control of the Medical School. This arrangem ent continued u n til 1909. The next developm ent of tho College was the form ation of the E v en in g Classes in 1856. This was the first effort made in London to provide classes of a U niversity type for tho benefit of those whose days were occupied in earning their living. They were a t once found to supply a need, and rapidly increased in num bers and in efficiency, becoming one of the largest departm ents of the College. E ventually the Polytechnics, founded to provide sim ilar education a t much lower fees, rendered them unnecessary. Tho form ation of Evening Classes of a U niversity character was followed by another departure, less in accordance with the original purposes of the College : classes were formed to prepare for the exam inations for the Home Civil Service. These classes were su b ­ sequently organized in the Strand School. Oriental L an g u a ges and Literature had been tau g h t since the opening of the College. Professor F. V. Seddon was appointed in 1833, and was succeeded by Professor Duncan Forbes. Chinese and Arabic were tau g h t from 1847 and 1854 respectively; b u t in 1861 a definite Oriental Section was formed to m eet the w ants of candidates for the Indian Civil Service. For some years it was successful, but eventually the conditions of th e E xam ination for the Indian Civil Service as they then existed led to the private tu to r’s obtaining the monopoly of the training. In the year 1880 a School of Practical Art was opened, and a Professorship of Practical Fine A rt was founded and partly endowed




by a gran t from the City and Guilds In stitu te for Technical Education. This departm ent, like th e evening classes, came to an end owing to the competition of the Polytechnics. In the same year, by tho aid of an endowment from the same body, a M etallurgical School and Laboratory was opened. T



d u c a tio n




In 1881—the year in which the College celebrated its jubilee— the Council first approved the establishm ent of a D epartm en t for the Higher E du cation of W o m e n , to be situ ated in K ensington. On 19th May, 1882, the K in g ’s College London Act 1882 was passed, annulling the C harter and the original Constitution under which the Corporation had continued to consist of the original donors and their successors. The College rem ained incorporated under the name and title of K ing’s College London. The Act extended the objects of the College so as to include the education of women, and conferred on it powers of carrying on its work in other premises within fifteen miles of the College. Acting under the powers of this Act, the Council purchased a house in K ensington Square, an d transferred to it the lectures an d classes for women which had been conducted by Professors and Lecturers of the College, a t first in the Vestry H all, Kensington, and afterw ards in a house in O bservatory Gardens, Campden H ill, K ensington. I t was opened in 1885 as the Ladies’ D epartm en t; in 1892 it became the W omen’s D ep artm en t; it provided courses in A rts, Science and Theology. In 1908 it was incorporated in the U niversity of London under the title of University of London K in g ’s College for W o m e n and courses in Home Science and Economics were added to the curriculum . A sketch of the H istory of K ing’s College for Women will be found in the K ing’s College Calendars for 1939-40 and earlier years. K i n o ’s C o l l e g e S c h o o l

In 1897 K in g ’s College S chool, which had been in the S tran d build­ ing since its inception as the Ju n io r D epartm ent in 1831, was removed to new buildings a t W imbledon, b u t rem ained under the governm ent of the Council u n til 1911. The rooms in the College which had been occupied by the School were then used by the Council for the work of the Civil Service Day Classes, which had hitherto been conducted in a building in W aterloo Road. I t was in 1900 th a t these classes were reorganised under the name of the Strand School. T h e U n iv e r s it y


L ondon

The University of London had been in existence since Novem ­ ber 28th, 1836, when it was founded as an exam ining body for pupils from U niversity College (incorporated by Royal Charter earlier on the same day, b u t founded in 1826) and K ing’s College and such other “ Bodies for Education ” as m ight from tim e to time be nam ed by the Crown. During the years 1880 to 1900 K ing’s College took p art in



tho m ovem ent for the creation of a Teaching U niversity in London, and jointly w ith U niversity College presented a petition for the Charter of a Gresham U niversity. The resu lt of this movem ent was the re­ con stitu tio n of the U niversity in 1900, which had a t once an appreciable effect on the num ber of the students, the character of the teaching, and the life of the whole College, and necessarily also led to further changes. A b o l it io n



e l ig io u s



On J u ly 21st, 1903, the K in g ’s College London A ct 1903 was passed, am ending th e K ing’s College London Act 1882. The chief feature of this A ct was the abolition—except in the case of Professors and Lecturers in the F acu lty of Theology—of the declaration of m embership of th e Church of E ngland which up to th a t date had been required in respect of m em bership of the Council and of all offices under the Council except the Professorships of O riental and Modern Languages. I n c o r po r a t io n




n iv e r sit y

U niversity College had proposed to the U niversity Commissioners the incorporation of th a t College into the University. This proposal was now m ade to tho Senate of the U niversity an d , after considerable negotiations, conditions of incorporation were agreed upon and embodied in an Act of Parliam ent, which received the Royal Assent in 1905, and the transfer took effect on J a n u a ry 1st, 1907. The situation thus created dem anded th e serious atten tio n of the Council of K ing’s College. E qually w ith U niversity College the Council desired to strengthen the U niversity, and to secure “ u n ity of aim and interest in all th a t relates to advanced education and the promotion of original research.” They folt also th a t if U niversity College were incorporated and enjoyed a different statu s from th a t of K ing’s College, which would rem ain only a School of th e U niversity, it would place the teachers of the College in an inferior position. Moreover, the growth and develop­ m ent of the College required a careful consideration of the best m ethod of organizing its work, especially in view of the large increase in the dem ands upon the Council and on th e Officers of the College resulting from the rapid developm ent of the University. For all these reasons th e U niversity was approached, and after protracted negotiations a scheme of incorporation was arranged which was embodied in the K in g ’s College London (Transfer) A ct 1 9 0 8 , which received tho Royal Assent on A ugust 1st, 1908. Commissioners appointed under the A ct prepared S tatu tes which were sealed on June 26th, 1909. By the Act of 1908 the Constitution of the Corporation and the Council was am ended. The Council retained all its powers in relation to the F aculty of Theology, b u t a Theological Committee was instituted to advise the Council and to superintend, under its direction, the work carried on in the Theological D epartm ent of the College, which was henceforth to be a School of the U niversity in the F aculty of Theology.




Professorial Boards of U niversity of London K ing’s College and of the Theological D epartm ent were established to advise th e Delegacy and the Theological Comm ittee respectively on academic m atters and general m anagem ent. The appointm ent of Principal was transferred from the Council to tho Crown, and tho Council was empowered to appoint a H ead of tho Theological D epartm ent to bo called “ tho Doan of K ing’s College.” The Act also m ade provision for (1) the incorpora­ tion of the W omen’s D epartm ent in tho U niversity as a separate College under the title of “ U niversity of London K ing’s College for W o m en ” ; (2) tho transfer of the Medical School to the Corporation of K ing’s College H ospital, which thereupon became charged with tho d u ty of m aintaining and developing th e school as a school of advanced medical studies in connection with the H ospital, and (3) the constitution of a corporation entitled “ K ing’s College School, W imbledon,” to take over the duties of the Corporation of the College in relation to K ing’s College School. Tho Act fu rth er directed th© Corporation of the College an d tho Council to use their best endeavours to provide accommodation for th e S tran d School an d the Civil Service D epartm ent elsewhere th an in the College buildings. D

e c e n t r a l iz a t io n

The Act came into force, as regards the H ospital and Medical Sch ool, on 1st Septem ber, 1909; a3 regards tho Collego and the W o m e n ’s D epartm ent on 1st Jan u ary , 1910; and as regards K in g ’s College S ch ool, on 1st Jan u ary , 1911. The Council ceased to m aintain the Civil Service D epartm en t in 1912, when it was transferred elsewhere to proprietary m anagem ent under the nam e of St. G eorge’s College. The London County Council took over tho m anagem ent of the Strand School in A ugust 1913 and erected now buildings for its accommo­ dation a t Elm P ark, Brixton. U nder its now constitution, University of London K in g ’s College for W o m e n was a t first governed by tho Delegacy of K ing’s College, b ut in 1913 a special Delegacy of K ing’s College for Women was instituted by tho Senate. The A rts and Science D epartm ents were transferred in 1915 from Kensington to the College buildings in the S trand, an d again came under the direction of th e Delegacy of King’s College. The H o m e Science D epartm en t was transferred to now buildings on Campden Hill, Kensington, in 1915, under tho title of “ K ing’s College for Women Household and Social Science D ep art­ m ent.” In 1928, in accordance w ith S tatu tes prepared by the U ni­ versity of London Commissioners, acting under the U niversity of London Act 1926 (see below), it was constituted as a separate College under tho title of K in g ’s College of H ousehold and Social S cience. In 1953 it received a C harter of Incorporation as Q ueen E lizabeth College. R


During the 80 years in which it was responsible for the governm ent of the whole College, the Council had often acted as a pioneer, and was




distinguished for th e readiness w ith which it adopted new developments. The Engineering School is tho oldest of U niversity character in the U nited Kingdom. K ing’s College was tho first institution in London to develop evening teaching of an advanced type. The W heatstone L aboratory of Physics is older th a n any other teaching laboratory of the kind in E ngland or G erm any. The laboratories of Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology and the W illiam Siemens L aboratory of Electrical Engineering were among th e first in these subjects to be started in London. The course for Home Science and Economics in the W omen’s D epartm ent in K ensington was th e first of its kind in this country. During these years K ing’s College had m any distinguished men among its professors. Among its Theological Professors have been Richard Chenevix Trench, afterw ards Archbishop of D u b lin ; Charles John E llicott, Bishop of G loucester; Edw ard H ayes Plum ptre, and Frederick Denison Maurice. In the F acu lty of A rts the names of Jo h n Sherren Brewer, Charles H enry Pearson, Samuel Rawson G ardiner, Jo h n Wesley H ales, Sir Jo h n K nox Laughton, an d Sir Israel Gollancz m ay be m entioned; in Science, Jam es Clerk Maxwell, Charles W heatstone, Jo h n Frederick D aniell, W illiam Allen Miller, Sir Charles Lyell, and Edw ard F o rb es; in Engineering, John H opkinson; in the F aculty of Medicine, Sir William Fergusson, R ichard Partridge, Sir William Bowman, Lionel Beale, Jo h n Wood, Sir W illiam Priestley, Dr. Ferrier, and Lord Lister. The wide scope of its work an d the num ber of its students, regular and occasional, resulted in m any distinguished men being associated w ith th e College while still students. This vigour in developm ent shown by K ing’s College is all the more rem arkable when it is remembered th a t from the beginning it has been alm ost entirely w ithout endowment. S tarted originally by men of great distinction, it had a sum of a t least £150,000 spent on its buildings, but, owing to verjr u n fortunate circumstances, no endowment was provided, and the College began w ith a heavy debt, a considerable num ber of the first prom oters having seceded, under the leadership of Lord Winchilsea, w ithout paying their promised subscriptions, because of their d istru st of the policy of the Duke of Wellington in supporting Catholic E m ancipation. Since then it has received certain legacies and endowments, including £10,000 from Thom as Godfrey Sambrooke, Esq., for the purpose of founding Scholarships and Exhibitions; £3,455 from tho friends of Sir R obert Inglis as an endowment for Scholarships in Modern H istory and English L iteratu re; £6,000 from Lady Siemens for th e W illiam Siemens L aboratory of Electrical Engineering; £10,000 from the Trustees of the late R ichard Berridge for the Advancem ent of Sanitary Science; £6,000 from the late Charles Edwin Layton, A.K.C., to found a Scholarship for Scientific Research ; and £10,000 from th e late Professor W. D. H alliburton to endow a Professorship in Physiology. Large sums have been raised from tim e to tim e for tho im provem ent of the buildings and equipm ent, and for the repaym ent of the accum ulated debts. These sums include donations




am ounting to over £47,000 from the late Viscount H anibleden, Treasurer of the Council. The fund raised for Incorporation with the U niversity am ounted to £33,730. This enabled the College to be incorporated into the U niversity w ithout liabilities, b u t was not sufficient to free the school from debt. The College has never yet been able to build up an adequate endowment. R



evelopm ents

After the Act of 1908 the next stage in the developm ent of relations with the U niversity was the passing of the University of London A ct in 1926 and the m aking of S tatu tes under this Act. In the schedule to these S tatu tes which sets forth the names of the Incorporated Colleges and of the Schools of the U niversity existing a t the date of the S tatu tes, the incorporated section of the College is described as “ U niversity of London K ing’s College (including U niversity of London K ing’s College for W omen),” thus form ally recognizing the merging of U niversity of London K ing’s College for Women in the College as a whole. Otherwise no changes were m ade in the constitution of U niversity of London K ing’s College as an Incorporated College of tbe U niversity and of the Theological D epartm ent of K ing’s College as a School of the U niversity, though im portant changes were made in the U niversity itself and some changes were made in the S tatu tes of the two K ing’s College governing bodies, chiefly in relation to representation on the Senate. The Centenary celebrations in 1929 of th e granting of the Royal Charter were th e occasion of the publication of “ The Centenary H istory of K ing’s College London,” w ritten for the occasion by Professor F. J . C. Hearnshaw in his inim itable style. This brought the full story of the life of the College down to the year 1928, and it remains only to notice some of the m ajor changes in the teaching work of the College since th a t date. One anom aly surviving from the days before 1928 was the prelim inary class of instruction for the M atriculation exam ination of London U niversity. This was finally discontinued in 1935. The College courses for the Diploma for Journalism , which had begun in 1919, flourished u n til they were unavoidably discontinued with the outbreak of war in 1939. Through fear of aerial bom bardm ent m any London colleges were evacuated to the provinces, and five Faculties of K ing’s College enjoyed from 1939 onwards the hospitality of Bristol and its University. They did not escape air raids, and 7,000 books brought from the College library were destroyed by fire, b u t in the sm aller city the daily journeys to and from work were always easier. The Faculty of Medical Science went for one year to the U niversity of Glasgow and then to the nearer University of Birmingham, returning to the London buildings in 1942. In 1941 the F aculty of Laws joined the corresponding Faculties of University College and the London School of Economics a t the U niversity




of Cambridge, so th a t th eir usual intercollegiate arrangem ents for teaching could be resumed. The rem aining Faculties returned to London from Bristol in 1943, b u t tho intercollegiate Laws system had to bo carricd on in Cambridge u n til 1945. In London, in October 1940, a bomb destroyed the women’s cloakrooms under the quadrangle ; two later ones dam aged th e M echanical Engineering laboratories and p u t the E ast Refectory out of action for five y e a rs ; in December 1944 a rocket shattered all tho windows in th e south front of the buildings. A full R eport on the evacuation of the College in the war years was issued in December 1945 and is bound up w ith the College Calendar for 1946-47. A Roll of H onour, printed in the Annual R eport for 194 5 ^6 , is bound up w ith th e Calendar for 1947-48. The names of members of the College w ho fell in th e wars of 1914-18 an d 1939-45 are commemorated a t th e entrances to th e College Chapel. When th e bomb dam age was being repaired th e Mechanical Engineering laboratories were considerably im proved, and, w ith the co-operation of th e authorities a t Somerset House, the vaults under the quadrangle were replaced by two floors of laboratories and private rooms for the departm ents of Physics and Civil and Electrical Engineering, formally opened by Lord Cherwell in 1952. Courses in Psychology were carried on during the war, w ith the help of the K ing’s College staff, a t Birkbeck College, and were eventually transferred there p erm a n en tly ; so also were all evening classes in the F aculty of A rts, Except those for th e Honours Degree in Spanish. Evening Classes in N atu ral Science had already been transferred to B irk­ beck College before 1939. The present constitution of tho College, though somewhat complicated, may be stated in a few words. I t is divided into two sections under separate g o v ern m en t: one (containing the Faculties of A rts, Laws, Science, Medicine an d Engineering) is an Incorporated College and School of the U niversity of London under the control of a Delegacy, appointed by and acting w ith the au th o rity of the U niversity; the other section (the Theological D epartm ent) is a School of the U ni­ versity b u t is governed by the Council of the College assisted by the Theological Committee. The Council retains no authority over the secular side. N otw ithstanding this separation in government, the two sections still constitute one College The Principal appointed by the Crown is Principal of the whole College; the Dean elected by the Council is Dean of the whole College. The Secretary and his adm inistrative staff, and the Librarian and his staff, are common to both sides, and are appointed by the Delegacy and the Theological Committee jointly. There is full provision in the S tatutes for joint meetings of the Theological Committee and the Delegacy and of the two Professorial Boards for the consideration and decision of m atters in which they have common interests. The Chapel, the H all, and the Refectory are held for the use of the whole College, and there is one students’ Union Society.


GENERAL IN FO RM A T ION RELATING TO K IN G ’S COLLEGE AS A W HOLE The building adjoins Somerset House and includes property in the S trand, Surrey S treet and Temple Approach. It is easily reached by any of the numerous bus services passing it along the S trand or along the Victoria E m bankm ent, and from Temple station or from Aldwych station of the Underground Railways. The building includes the Chapel, the Great Hall, the large Lecture Theatre, lecture rooms for all College classes, museums, libraries, laboratories for practical work in all subjects, anatom ical rooms, and workshops. King’s College, by the King’s College London Transfer Act, 1908, is incorporated in the U niversity of London in all Faculties except Theology. The Theological D epartm ent is a “ School ” of the University in the F aculty of Theology. The College is under the general supervision of the Principal, each Faculty being under the special superintendence of one of the Professors, annually appointed as its Dean. The Theological D epartm ent is under the supervision of the Dean of K ing’s College. Students of the College are either Regular or Occasional. R e g u la r Students are those adm itted to the regular and full courses of study prescribed in their respective Faculties. Occasional Students are those who, while not attending a complete course, are desirous of studying any particular subject or subjects. They are required to subm it themselves to the same discipline as regular students whilst in the precincts of the College. A t present Occasional Students are adm itted only in very exceptional circumstances. The a tten tio n of all inten din g ap plican ts is directed to tho follow in g paragraphs dealing with entry to the University and the College.

Regular Students are not, as a rule, adm itted to the College unless they have registered exem ption from the M atriculation exam ination of the U niversity of London or are otherwise eligible to m atriculate. The M atriculation exam ination is no longer held. Intending applicants for admission to the College are advised to consult the Regulations relating to M atriculation issued by the University. Copies should be available in schools, but if not a copy m ay be obtained from the Secretary to the U niversity E ntrance R equirem ents D epartm ent, U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1. A stu d en t may not m atriculate unless and until he registers as an In tern al o r as an E xternal Student of the U niversity of London. A holder of a School Certificate or a General Certificate of Education who wishes to enter on a degree course a t the College should apply to the Secretary to the above Council for Form M, which m ust be completed and returned to him. I f the applicant’s qualifications are satisfactory, he will receive a statem ent informing him th a t he will be m atriculated on registration as an Internal (or External) student. I f he is offered a place a t K ing’s College, and is already qualified to m atriculate, he m ust send this statem ent to the College a t the same time as his College



registration fee and his letter accepting the offer of a place. His M atriculation fee of £3 3s. will be charged a t the same time as his tuition fee for the first session or term , and his M atriculation will be completed a t the same tim e as he is registered as an In tern al (or External) S tudent of the U niversity. This registration is effected by the stu d en t’s completing a “ R egistra­ tion Schedule ” on th e occasion of his being enrolled by the Dean or Sub-Dean of his F aculty a t the beginning of his first session in college. The registration schedule includes a claim (where needed) for exemption from an Interm ediate E xam ination through an exam ination for a H igher School Certificate or a General Certificate o f E ducation. For some Faculties such exem ption is a t present a condition of acceptance, and on this applicants are advised to consult th e sections of the Faculty prospectuses dealing with conditions of entry. The work a t K ing’s College in connection with tho University of London consists of the following :— (1) U

n iv e r s it y


L ondon K

i n g ’s

Co lleg e.

i. F aculty of A rts. —This includes (a) Language and L itera­ ture : Classics, English, French, German, Modern Greek, P ortu­ guese, S panish; (b ) H istory: Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Central E uropeanf, Im perial and Colonial; (c) Palaeography; (d) Geo­ g rap h y ; (e) M athem atics; (/) Philosophy; (g) Education. ii. F aculty of Law s. —Many of the lectures and postgraduate seminars in Law (but n o t tu to rial classes or other teaching) are arranged on an intercollegiate basis w ith U niversity College, the London School of Economics and th e School of O riental and African Studies. iii. Faculty of N atural Science.—This includes M athematics, B otany, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Physics, Zoology. iv. Faculty of M edical Science. —This includes A natom y, Bio­ chem istry, Em bryology, Histology, Pharmacology, Physiology. v. Faculty of Engineering. —This includes Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. (2) K

i n g ’s

College T

h e o l o g ic a l

D epartm ent.

Complete courses are given, in day classes only, in preparation for all theological degrees in the U niversity of London with the exception of the D.D. degree. In the Theological D epartm ent complete courses are also given for tho Diploma of Associate of K ing’s College London, which is officially recognized as exem pting from the General Ordination Exam ination. Students preparing for ordination in the Church of England are required to take these courses. The Council also provides classes in theology which are open to all students of K ing’s College. As the College and U niversity Sessions begin together and the courses are planned on a sessional basis, it is im portant th a t all Regular Students should enter the College in the autum n. B U R SA R IE S, GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS The R egistrar deals w ith reports on the work and attendance of g ran t or scholarship holders, and application should be made to him in any case of difficulty in connection w ith such m atters. t There is no facility for th is course except by special arrangem ent.




COLLEGE O FFICE The hours of opening of the College Office are from 9.30 to 4 daily, except on Saturdays when the hours are 9.30 to 12.30. DAILY SERV ICE AND LECTURES IN THEOLOGY Under the term s of the K ing’s College London (Transfer) Act, 1908, and the S tatutes made thereunder, the Council of K ing’s College is required to provide a t least one daily service in the College Chapel a t which any students of University of London King’s College shall be a t liberty to atten d if they so desire, and the tim e-table m ust be so arranged as to leave the time of the Chapel service free from lectures. B ut no stu d en t is under any compulsion to attend such service, and no student may be subject to any disability on account of his religious belief. There is a daily service a t 9.30 a.m ., and a weekly Communion on W ednesdays a t 8.15 a.m. (10 a.m. term ). On the first day of term a t 10 a.m. there is a sermon. A Commemoration Service is also held Week.

celebration of Holy on the last day of special service with in Commemoration

Under the term s of the King’s College London (Transfer) Act, 1908, the Council is required to provide a weekly Lecture in Theology. The time-tables are so arranged as to allow any stu d en t who wishes it to attend these Lectures, but no one may be compelled to do so. The lectures will be given on Monday mornings a t 10 a.m. They are designed for students desiring the Associateship of K ing’s College, and are provided for all regular students of the College w ithout extra fee. The same students can also be adm itted (by special permission) to attend w ithout extra fee a single course of lectures among those regularly given in the Faculty of Theology. ASSOCIATESHIP



G eneral

All students of University of London K ing’s College may obtain the Diploma of the Associateship of King’s College under the following regulations :— 1. They must have attended classes in the College for a t least three years as Regular Students. 2. They m ust have obtained a degree in the University of London. 3. They m ust have regularly attended the two term s’ course of instruction in Theology in each of the three years’ course of study, and have passed such examinations or other tests as may from tim e to tim e be required. All those who have fulfilled the above conditions will receive a certificate attesting th a t they have completed the course, and may apply to the Council to receive the Diploma of the Aseociateship. The fee for the Diploma is £1 1la. 6</. T h e o l o g ic a l

The Regulations are given in the Prospectus of the Theological D epartm ent.


P r iv il e g e s



A s so c ia t e s

Associates ot K ing’s College have the following privileges, pro­ vided they keep their names on the “ Register of G raduates and Diploma S tudents,” the fee for which is £1 10s. :— (1) Participation in the election of two members of the Council of King’s College. (2) A ttendance a t the lectures given in the Faculty of Theology, a t a reduction of 20 per cent, in the fee for the whole course for the Associateship, or a t the B.D. course a t a fee of 10 guineas a term . (3) Admission to College lectures and classes, exclusive of labora­ tories, a t a reduction of 20 per cent, in the fees. (4) The use of the Library free of charge during the period of study. (5) Receipt of a copy of the Annual R eport of the College. R ESID EN CE I— K

i n g ’s

College H


Vincent Square, W estm inster, S.W. 1. T h is hostel is fo r m en members of the Theological Faculty only. In the four-year course which is now a C.A.C.T.M. regulation (ap­ proved by the Council of K ing’s College) for all K ing’s College ordinands, the third year m ust bo spent in residence a t the Hostel and the fourth year a t the college a t W arm inster which was opened in Ju ly 1948. Although tho Hostel is thus in tho main a final year place of residence there is a certain num ber of rooms available for junior members of the Faculty, and a longer period than one year of residence is stronglj recommended whenever possible. Provision is made for full board oi Saturdays and Sundays, and for breakfast, ten and dinner on other days. The inclusive charge is £145 a session, payable in three term inal instal m ents of £49, £48, £48. For conditions of entry, regulations, etc., ap ­ plication should be made to the Dean, K ing’s College, Strand, W .C.2. I I — K i n g ’s C o l l e g e H a l l Warden : Charles Duggan, B .A ., Ph.D . K ing’s College Hall stands in grounds of some four acres a t the highest point of D enm ark Hill, and is readied from the College in about twentylive m inutes by bus or train. There are places for 102 residents (men only), some of which are reserved for students a t K ing’s College Hospital. The public rooms include three pleasantly furnished common-rooms, two billiard-rooms, and a well-stocked library. The gardens contain two hard tennis-courts, and residents in th e F aculty of Medicine are allowed to use the squash rackets courts a t K ing’s College Hospital. Accommodation is in single study-bedrooms or in shared rooms, for which the fees for a session of three term s are £120 and £105 respectively. This includes breakfast and dinner throughout the term and lunch and tea a t week-ends. R esidents’ rooms are heated by gas-tires with in­ dividual meters, and there is central heating in all public rooms. Application for admission should be made to the Sub-W arden, K ing’s College H all, Champion Hill, S.E.5, as early as possible in the year in which the candidate wishes to enter the Hall. Applications made after April 30th are unlikely to be successful. I l l — H a llid a y H all Warden : T . H . E lkin s, B .A . Built in 1934 as an hotel, and acquired by the College after the war, this hall of residence for men was opened in October, 1950. At present 133 students from all Faculties a t K ing’s can be accommodated.




Tho building faces the South Side of Clapham Common, and has a garden with one hard tennis-court a t the back. Access to College is by bus or underground, the journey taking about 30 m inutes. The Hall is also on the direct route between the College and the Athletic Ground a t Mitcham. Three types of room are available :— 1. Single study-bodrooms with a private bathroom and a small entrance lobby. There are 73 rooms of this type.—Fee £135. 2. Large study-bedroom s suitable for sharing by two students, with private bathroom and lobby. There are 20 rooms of this type.— Fee £125 each man. 3. Single study-bedroom s of m oderate size, fitted with H. & C. wash-basin. There are 20 rooms of this type.—Fee £120. The fees quoted are for a session of three term s. They are payable in advance at the College Office, by term inal instalm ents. The meals provided are breakfast and dinner (7.0 p.tn.) on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, and full board a t week-ends. All rooms have central heating : electric fires, each with its own m eter, provide supplem entary heating if desired. The public rooms comprise two common rooms, a library, a billiards room, a ballroom (normally used for badm inton and tabletennis), and a dining hall. Two electric lifts serve the upper floors. During term tim e, one guest room is available. Applications should bo made to the W arden, H alliday H all, South Side, Clapham Common. S.W. 4, as soon as possible after the applicant has been accepted (whether definitely, conditionally or provisionally) by his F aculty for admission to the College. IV — Canterbury



This U niversity hall of residence for 220 women students, situated in Cartwright Gardens, WT.C. 1. reserves 50 places for K ing’s College students. Fees are from £110 5s. to £120 for a session of about 30 weeks; these include breakfast and dinner Monday to Friday and full board on S aturday and Sunday. Applications should be made to the W arden, after acceptance for admission to the College. V— College H


College Hall, situated in Bloomsbury, provides residence for 220 women students of the University. F ees: Single study-bedroom , with partial board, 132 guineas a session. Share of double study-bedroom , with partial board, 132 or 117 guineas a session according to size. Full board a t week-ends. Further inform ation and forms of application may be obtained from the Principal, College Hall, Malet Street, W.C. 1. V I— C o n n a u g h t H a ll An intercollegiate residence for men students. Study-bedroom s (56 single, 12 double), centrally heated, are provided for hO residents. The dining, writing, games and common rooms are com fortably furnished. The rent of the study-bedrooms, including breakfast and dinner, ranges from £100 to £130 a session (30 weeks). Forms of application for adm is­ sion can be obtained from The W arden, Connaught Hall, Torrington Square, London, W.C. 1. V II — N u t e o r d H o u s e Nutford House, a U niversity hall of residence, has accommodation for 171 women students, mainly in single study-bedroom s. The fees



for a session of approxim ately 30 weeks a re : Single room, £110 5s. ; share of double room, £94 10s. All meals, except lunch Monday to Friday. Application should be made to the Warden, N utford House, Brown S treet (off George Street), W .l, during the spring term for admission the following October. V III— L o d g i n g s Any student whose home is not in London, and who cannot make arrangem ents to live with friends or in a Hall of Residence, is invited to apply to the U niversity of London Lodgings Bureau, c/o U niversity of London Union, Malet Street, London, VV.C.l (MUSeum 2818). Tho Bureau acts in a purely advisory capacity. All addresses on tho Register, which covers most London districts, are visited and carefully classified. Every effort is made to meet the requirem ents of each individual stu d en t b u t, owing to the present shortage of rooms in London, it is not possible to guarantee th a t the exact type of accommo­ dation desired can be provided. Unfurnished rooms are generally outside the province o f th e Bureau. The Lodgings Officer prefers to see students during term tim e, b u t from J u ly to October they should apply by post, giving details of the type of accom m odation required, when every effort will be made to provide an address a t which there is a suitable vacancy. Interview hours are between 10.30 a.in. and noon and from 2.30 to 4 p.m ., S aturday afternoons excepted. I t is necessary to make an appointm ent well in advance. IX — A d d r e s s e s All students are required to inform the College Office of their addresses a t tho beginning of the session. In their own interests students are required to notify the College Office a t once of any change. Letters for students in College are sent to the Union Society premises in the Chesham, and students should call there for them. STU DENTS’ LOCKERS Lockers for the use of students are placed in the corridors, in the lobby leading to the Anatomical D epartm ent, and in some of the class rooms. A student of the Engineering Faculty may also have the use of a drawer in the Drawing Office. e y s are issued under the following conditions :— 1. Each Regular Student is entitled to n locker for the period of his academic course, provided this does not exceed five years. A deposit of five shillings is charged, which will be returned to the student upon his leaving College provided he empties the locker and returnsthe key. If the key be not returned before the student leaves College.. the deposit will be forfeited. 2. Each student will be required to pay for any wilful damage to his locker or drawer. No tradesm an may be brought in to repair such damage. 3. A duplicate key of each locker is kept in the College Office. 4 . In no circumstances may duplicate keys be made by or on behalf of students.

L ocker K



1N F O R M A T I O N

5. Any student loaing his key will be required to pay 3a. 6d. for u new lock; a broken key should be brought to the College Office, when it will be replaced a t cost price. 6. No other lockers or drawers may be used other th an those provided by the College. 7. These lockers are provided for the convenience of students, but the College cannot be responsible for the loss of property not placed in the charge of the recognized porters. MUSEUMS K in g G e o r g e


T h ir d

Queen Victoria presented to King’s College in 1841 the valuable oollection of mechanical models and philosophical instrum ents formed by King George the Third. P art of the collection is con­ tained in the Museum which bears his name, but the greater portion has been transferred on loan to the Science Museum a t South Kensington. The Museum also contains the valuable collection of the late Sir Charles W heatstoue, and from time to time extensive additions have been made by the College, and by the donations of private individuals. A natomy

The Anatomical Museum contains a valuable collection presented to the College by the widow of the late Professor Hughes, and also collections presented by the late Sir David Ferrier, and additions made by the College a t various times. T H E U N IV ER SITY LIB R A R Y Any member of the U niversity, staff or student, may apply to use the University Library (entrance in the Senate House, W .C.l, either from Malet Street or from Russell Square). Form s of application m ay be obtained from the Librarian of the College or a t the U niversity Library. An Internal S tudent may obtain a ticket on the presentation a t the U niversity Library of a completed application form together with a current College Admission Card or Union Society membership card. The Library has over 650,000 books on all subjects, m ost of which may be borrowed for home reading. Over 3,000 current periodicals are taken and the many special collections include the Goldsmiths’ Library of early economic literature, the Durning-Lavvrence L ibrary of Elizabethan literature, a Music Library, a set of British P arliam entary papers and extensive collections of palaeographical works and of bibliographies in all subjects. The reading rooms are open on week-days during term and the E aster vacation from 9.30 a.m . to 9 p.m. (Saturdays 6 p.m.). In the Christmas and summer vacations the Library is closed a t 6 p.m. every evening. Books m ay be borrowed from 10 a.m . to 6.30 p.m. on week-days during term and the E aster vacation and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and during the Christmas and summer vacations. Microfilms, photostats and other photographic copies may be obtained from the Library Photographic D epartm ent. A list of charges is avail­ able on application. There are five microfilm readers in the Library.



COLLEGE L IB R A R IE S The Libraries of the College contain 186,000 volumes, 45,000 of which are in the General Library. In addition to the General Library, the College has the following departm ental libraries:— 1. A natom y and Physiology. 2. Botany. 3. Chemical Engineering. 4. Chemistry. 5. Classics. 6. Education. 7. Engineering (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical). 8. English (the S keat and Furnivall). 9. French. 10. Geography. 11. Geology. 12. German. 13. H istory. 14. Im perial H istory. 15. Laws. 16. M athem atics. 17. M ilitary Studies. 18. Palaeography. 19. P h arm a­ cology. 20. Physics. 21. Portuguese. 22. Spanish. 23. Zoology. Details of special collections, such as the Marsden Library, will be found on page 41 of the Calendar for 1939-40. The Library will be open during term time from 9.30 a.m. to 6.45 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays and from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. In vacations it will be open from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays, and from 10 a.m . to 12 noon on S aturdays, except during parts of August and other periods when it is closed for cleaning. COLLEGE LIB R A R Y RULES Borrow ers.

1. Books m ay be borrowed by (a) Members of th e Council or of the Delegacy during th eir period of office; (b) Fellows of the College; (c) Members of the Teaching and Tutorial S taff; (d ) Regular Students of the College; (e) those Occasional Students who have received the permission of the Dean of their F aculty and have paid the Library admission fee (£1 Is. per Session, 10s. 6d. per Term). 2. Students of other Colleges, in Faculties other than the F aculty of Laws, attending classes in the College may borrow books on (1) obtaining a recom m endation signed by the H ead of the D epartm ent in K ing’s College in which they are studying, and (2) paying a deposit of ten shillings. 3. Students of other Colleges in the U niversity F acultj' of Laws are not allowed to borrow books from the College Library. R



B o r r o w in g .

4. A separate voucher for each work borrowed m ust be filled in, legibly and in ink, and deposited with the A ssistant in charge, but, in the case of D epartm ental Libraries in which a borrowers’ register only is provided, a book m ust not in any circumstances be taken out of the Library until the borrower has entered it and signed for it in the register. 5. A reader wishing to consult a book already issued to a borrower should make application to the A ssistant in charge of the General Library.




6. Books m ust not be borrowed for the use of any person other than the borrower.

7. A borrower shall be responsible for the replacement of any book lost or injured while in his possession, or for the paym ent of such a fine as may be determ ined by the Principal. I f the book be one of a set or series the borrower may be called upon to replace the whole set or series. 8.

The current or latest numbers of periodicals, dictionaries, encyclo足 paedias, gramm ars or books marked as reserved m ust not be removed from the Library, and students referring to these books and periodicals m ust replace them after use. Rare or valuable books are issued only a t the discretion of the Librarian. T

ea c h in g

St a f f.

9. Members of the Teaching Staff are entitled to have in their possession not more than twelve volumes a t one time, and shall not retain any volume for a period exceeding three m onths from the d ate of issue. The Librarian shall be entitled to recall any book required by another reader after it has been in the possession of a member of the Teaching Staff for a fortnight. 10.

Members of the Teaching Staff are entitled to renew their vouchers for books not w anted by other readers, b u t all Library books in their possession m ust be produced for checking before the end of each E aster term . Stu d en ts.


Regular Students are entitled to have in their possession not more than three volumes a t one time, and shall not retain any volume for a period exceeding fourteen days from the day of issue. 12.

Books returned by Regular Students shall not be issued to the same student within a period of seven days from the d ate of return except on the recom mendation of the H ead of a D epartm ent. V ac a tio n s.

13. Students m ust return all books borrowed from the Library a t least six days before the end of term , regardless of the d ate of issue. The issue of books for the vacation will begin five days before the end of term , and they m ust be returned not later th an the seventh day of the following term .




Only those students are allowed to borrow books for use during the vacations who produce an authorisation signed by either a Dean of a Faculty, the H ead of a D epartm ent or the T utor to Women Students. In the case of the Theological D epartm ent, forms m ust be signed by the Dean or by a Professor. P rinted forms of authorisation m ay be had from the A ssistant Librarian, to whom the completed forms should be delivered. O c ca sio n a l R



The following m ay use the Library for reading and reference : (a) All persons entitled to borrow from the Library. (b) Intercollegiate Laws S tudents in the U niversity F aculty of Laws. (c) All former students of U niversity of London K ing’s College, or of the Theological D epartm ent of K ing’s College, who have been for not less than three years students of the College, who either are G raduates or Associates or have gained the College Certificate or Diploma in Engineering or the Diploma of the Conjoint Exam ining Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, and who have retained their names on the College books shall be allowed to use the Library during their period of study. (d ) S tudents of Universities and U niversity Colleges outside London who are tem porarily resident in London, Members of Learned Societies and other fit persons, whose names have been approved by the Library Committee, may be adm itted to use the Library for reading and reference only, for such periods as the Principal may determine. General R



Silence m ust be observed in the Library. 17.

Smoking in the Library is strictly forbidden. 18.

Chairs a t readers’ tables m ust not be reserved. 19.

The Library m ust not be encumbered with the clothes or personal property of the readers. 20.

Advertisements, notices or posters shall be exhibited in or on Library premises only a t the discretion of the Librarian.




GENERAL COLLEGE RULES 1. Students are required to make themselves familiar with the following Rules and Regulations laid down for their guidance; aim students shall not be entitled to any of the privileges or benefits of students unless they duly conform to and observe such Rulep and Regulations. F



A d m is s io n



a t the beginning of the term or session. Refund or remission of fees can be made only in special circumstances. 3. A half-term ’s notice in writing m ust be given to the Secretary of the removal of a student from the College. This notice must be given before the close of the first half of the term in which the student is to leave; otherwise an additional half-term ’s fees m ust be paid. 4. Applicants for admission to the College will not be accepted (except in the case of some students from overseas) w ithout being interviewed by the Dean of the F aculty which they desire to enter, or his representative, and (in the case of women applicants) by the T utor to Women Students. I f adm itted as students they will receive a signed form which m ust be presented a t the College Office. On paym ent of the fees due a card of admission to the classes will be issued. The admission card m ust be taken for signature within the first two weeks of each term to each member of the teaching staff whose class is attended, and no student will be allowed to continue in attendance after this period unless his card has been presented. The admission card m ust be care­ fully retained by the student and returned not later than the last Monday in each session to the College Office. 5. No student can be adm itted to the College w ithout a testim onial of good character. 6. Except by the special permission of the Principal, no men students are adm itted to the College under seventeen years of age, and no women students under eighteen years of age. 7. Applicants, after being accepted for courses for U niversity of London degrees, diplomas or certificates, are responsible for complying with the regulations of the U niversity regarding eligibility for m atricula­ tion, registration as internal students of the U niversity, attendance a t recognized courses, com pletion of entry forms and paym ent of fees for exam inations, and other m atters. In any difficulty advice may be sought in the R egistrar’s office, b u t the College will not accept responsi­ bility in any case of failure to comply w ith the U niversity’s regulations. 8. A student whose progress or conduct has been unsatisfactory may be refused readmission to the College a t the commencement of any term . 9. At the beginning of each session students m ust register w ith the D ean of their F aculty or his representative. Women students m ust also be interviewed by the T u to r to Women Students once during each session. 2. A l l



p ay a b le





A ttendance



L ectures




x a m in a t io n s

10. All students m ust be regular and punctual in attendance at Lectures, Classes and Exam inations. A register is kept to which reference is made for the purpose of recording attendances necessary to qualify for admission to U niversity and other exam inations and for paym ent of scholarship aw ards and sim ilar grants. No student can olaim to be registered as attending unless he be present a t the time the roll is taken. 11. U navoidable absence from a single lecture or class should be explained to the lecturer concerned a t tho next lecture or class of the oourso. The lecturer will, if satisfied, m ark the absence as “ excused ” in the Register. Reason for absence from two or more lectures or olasses m ust be explained to the Dean or Sub-Doan of the Faculty, or the Adviser of Studies, who will, if satisfied by such explanation, report to tho R egistration departm ent th a t such absence is excused. In the case of absence from College on account of illness (a) for a period of a week or more, or (b) for any period involving absence from a College or a U niversity exam ination, a medical certificate m ust be supplied to the Dean or Sub-Dean or the Adviser of Studies. In any case of prolonged or infectious illness, a fu rther medical certificate will norm ally be required on the stu d en t’s retu rn , certifying th a t he is fit to resume his studies o r th a t he is free from infection. Conduct



x a m in a t io n s

12. An exam ination tim e-table will be published for each Faculty, and the room in which each exam ination will be held will be indicated thereon. 13. A t U niversity exam inations held a t the College (as distinct from College exam inations) each candidate’s desk will be labelled with a card bearing either his nam e or his U niversity exam ination num ber, and he will be required to use th a t desk unless special permission is given to change it. 14. No candidate (unless with permission) will be adm itted to the exam ination room after half an hour has elapsed from the time announced for the exam ination to begin. No candidate will be allowed to leave the exam ination room until one hour has elapsed from the tim e of the beginning of the exam ination. 15. The invigilator in charge m ay take possession, during the exam ination, of any books or papers (including blotting-paper) brought into the exam ination room by any candidate, and any case or bag capable of containing such books. He may alternatively instruct candidates to leave such articles, and any others not needed for tho exam ination, in such places as he shall direct, b u t shall have no responsi­ bility in respect of any loss or damage. 16. The question papers may be placed on the candidates’ desks, or handed to them as they enter the exam ination room, or placed in trays



for the candidates to collect as they enter, as the member of tho staff in charge of the exam ination m ay decide. Candidates are responsible for seeing th a t they have the right question papers, and should im m ediately report any mistake in distribution to the invigilator in charge. 17. W hen leaving the exam ination room candidates shall either leave all their w ritten work on thoir desks o r place it in tray s provided, as the invigilator in charge shall direct. Candidates are responsible for the proper return of their w ritten work. D

is c ip l in e

18. Strict order is required in all classes held in the College, and all members of the Teaching Staff of the College are invested with the authority necessary for the maintenance of order in their classes. 19. Each Professor, Lecturer, or other Officer of the College will consider it his du ty to report any serious breach of discipline com mitted by a student. 20. The Principal is responsible for the m aintenance of discipline among the students of the College other than those of the Faculty of Theology. In m aintaining discipline among women students he will always act in consultation with the T utor to Women Students. M aintenance of discipline among Theological students is vested in the Dean of King’s College, but he will act in concert with the Principal if questions arise which affect the discipline of other students or of the College as a whole. 21. If in the opinion of the Principal, or as regards Theological students the Dean, (i) any student shall persistently violate any rules or regula­ tions, or (ii) the conduct of any stu d en t either within or w ithout the precincts of the College shall be derogatory to his station in society or to the welfare or character of the College, the Principal, or as regards Theological students the Dean, shall have the power to fine or suspend the student for a period not extending beyond the current term . 22. Should the Principal consider th e conduct of any stu d en t other than a Theological student to be such as to requite more serious notice, he will convene a C ourt of Discipline consisting of the Principal, the Deans of all tho Faculties, and, if the conduct of any woman stu d en t is in question, tho T u to r to Women Students. This C ourt shall have power to pass a sentence either of tem porary exclusion or of perm anent expulsion from the College. The student concerned shall be given an opportunity of attending the meeting o f the C ourt and offering an explanation. 23. Should the Dean consider the conduct of any Theological student to be such as to require more serious notice, he will— (i) If he regards the conduct of such stu d en t as specially derogatory to his position in the Theological D epartm ent, convene a C ourt of Discipline consisting of the Dean, th e Principal, the Chaplain, and three professors or principal teachers of the D ep art­ m ent; or—




(ii) If he regards the conduct of the stu d en t as generally pre足 judicial to the character or welfare of the College, request the Principal to convene the C ourt of Discipline referred to in Rule 22 . Either Court shall have power to pass a sentence either of tem porary exclusion or o f perm anent expulsion from the College. The student concerned shall be given an opportunity of attending the meeting of tho Court and offering an explanation. 24. In all cases in which a sentence of expulsion has been passed upon a student, a right of appeal shall lie to tlie Council as regards Theological students and to the Delegacy as regards all other students. 25. The procedure defined in Hules 20 to 24 shall be w ithout prejudice to any action th a t may be taken under the Regulations made by the Senate for the Board of Discipline of the University. 26. Smoking is prohibited within the college buildings except in those places and a t those times for which permission has been given by the Principal, or, as regards the rooms belonging to the Theological Faculty, by tho Dean. 27. Except on Saturdays the College is normally open on week-days in term from 9 a.m . to 7.45 p.m., and in vacations from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturdays the hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., both in term and vacation. Except with the special permission of the Principal, or foi the purpose of an interview with a member of the Academic Staff, undergraduates are not allowed to enter or remain in the College buildings when the College is closed. Postgraduate research students in the Faculties of N atural Science, Medical Science and Engineering may make application to the Secre足 tary through the Head of the D epartm ent concerned for authorization to enter or remain in the College buildings a t such times and for such periods as are considered necessary for the prosecution of their research. P ostgraduate students so authorized will be furnished with an appropriate perm it which m ust bo shown to the porter a t the Gate upon entering and/or leaving the College a t times when the College is closed. 28. Letters addressed to initials or fictitious names a t the College are a t once returned to tho Post Office. 29. Tho College accepts no responsibility for the loss of property not placed in the charge of the recognized Porters. 30. No papers or merchandise may be sold within the College precincts w ithout the authority of the Principal. 31. All locker keys and keys giving access to Common Rooms and other rooms in the College, which have been issued to students, remain the property of the College, and m ust in all cases be returned by students when leaving the College. In no circumstances may dupli足 cate keys be made by students or by tradesm en on behalf of students.




UNION SOCIETY Patron : The Principal The elected officers are the President, tho Vice-President, the Secretary, the Chesham Secretary, the Sports Secretary and tho A ssistant Secretary. The Treasurer and the A ssistant Treasurer, who are also Union officers, are always members of the academic staff. The Senior Woman Student, who is also a Union officer, is elected annually by the W omen’s Common Room. The names of the officers for the current session are given in Appendix B a t the end of the Calendar. The objects of the Union Society, as set out in its constitution, are :—To promote ’social intercourse among its members through­ out the College, the success of students’ clubs and societies, and the interests of students generally, and to provide means of recreation. Every present regular student of the College is a m em ber and is entitled to membership of all College Clubs and Societies, the use of the Chesham and the Athletic Ground and Pavilion, and the right to vote a t all General Meetings and Elections. Membership of the Society is also open to members of the academic staff. Permission from the Principal is necessary before forming any Society, and the Rules m ust be subm itted to him for approval. The control of the several students’ clubs and societies is vested in the Union Society, to which all the Athletic Clubs and many of the Societies are affiliated. The affairs of the Society are conducted through an Executive Committee on which sit the Officers of the Union and representatives of every branch of student activity. It meets monthly during term , and is assisted in th e conduct of the Society’s business by twelve sub-committees, whose powers and duties are delined by constitution, and whose proceedings are subject to ratification by the Executive Committee. Two grades of Clubs and Societies exist for the benefit of the members : “ approved ” and “ affiliated,” the finances of the latter being entirely adm inistered and directed by the Union Society, while those of th e former are not in any particular the responsibility of the Union Society. The affiliated clubs are :—The Association Football, Athletic, Badm inton, Boats, Boxing, Chess, Cricket, Cross Country, Fencing, Hockey, Judo, Lacrosse, Netball, Kifie, Rugby Football, Sailing, Squash Racquets, Swimming, Tennis and Table Tennis Clubs, the Cercle Fran$ais, the German Society, the Literary Society, the Musical Society, the D ram atic Society, the Ballroom Dancing Club. The several athletic clubs are governed by captains and officers elected by their members. The finances of all affiliated societies are under the control of the Executive Committee of the Union Society, which, with the assistance of its Finance Sub-Committee, determines the am ount of the grant to be made to each club from its funds. Throughout term time debates and functions of a social nature are arranged with a view to promoting the corporate life of the College. “ Commemoration Week ” is normally held each year a t the close of the Michaelmas Term, when various social functions take place, in ­ cluding performances by the Musical and Dram atic Societies, a Ball and an Intercollegiate debate. A Commemoration Service is held in the College Chapel and an Oration is delivered in the G reat Hall.




In 1949 the College gave the Union Society the first four floors of the Chesharn H otel in Surrey Street. These were furnished and equipped as the Union Society premises, and provide a Refectory and Bar, mixed lounges, common rooms and offices. The venture proved an immediate success and the Chesham is firmly established as the home of the Union. P

u b l ic a t io n s

'I he official handbook, Betting out the ndes and constitution of the Society, together with inform ation regarding all Clubs and Societies, is issued to members a t the beginning of each session. Lucifer — K ing's College Review , the literary magazine, is published once a term , and R in g 's News, which is of a social character, appears fortnightly. Contributions for both periodicals are invited from members. A th l e t ic G r o u n d

The A thletic Ground a t Mitcham was purchased by the W ar Memorial Committee as p art of the College Memorial of the 1914-18 war, and was brought into use a t the beginning of 1921. Three large arm y huts were used as tem porary pavilion accommoda­ tion until 1931, when the present perm anent pavilion was erected and the Pavilion Fund instituted to repay the debt incurred in the building. A certain sum, a t present £350, is set aside annually by the Union Society for this F und, and it is hoped to complete repaym ent by 1964.

KING’S COLLEGE LONDON ASSOCIATION P resid en t: Prof. L. D u d l e y S t a m p , C.B.E., D.Sc., D .Lit., F.K.C. Chairman : J . T. C o m b r i d g e , M.A., F.K.C. Hon. Treasurer : B. A. S m i t h , D . S . M . , L L . D . , F.K.C. Hon. Secretary : F. J . W h i t e , LL.M. E n g in e e r in g B ranch

(the K ing’s College London Engineers’ Associa­

tion) :— P re s id e n t: P. R. B r i e r l e y , B . S c . (Eng.), F.K.C. Hon. S ecretary: S. J . B u c k l e y , B. S c . (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M .I.E.E. L a w s B r a n c h :— P re sid en t : E


Cla rk e, E sq.

Jo in t Hon. Secretaries: R. E. G i l l , LL.B., and C. E. P. D a v i e s , M.A., B.C.L. Membership is open to all past students who have been members of the College for a t least three term s, and to all present students in the last year of an approved course, and to past and present members of the Academic Staff. The functions arranged by the Association include the Annual General Meeting, followed by dinner, in the Michaelmas term , and a dance in the College in the Lent term . Members receive notices of these events, of the Conversazione and the Commemoration week activities and of public lectures arranged in college. Many informal activities are also arranged, including visits to places of cultural or industrial interest, week-end excursions, th eatre parties and dances.



By agreem ent with the Union Society, all members of the Association are members of tho Chesham House Club. Members receive circular letters containing college news of general interest and also a Register of membership. They are asked to notify the Hon. Secretary of changes o f address and occupation so th a t details may be included in the annual supplem ents to the Register. The Engineering and Laws branches arrange additional activities and publish the K in g 's Engineer and K in g 's Counsel respectively. The annual subscription is nominal, 5s. for third year students and first year graduates, and Is. for others, plus any branch subscription. Those wishing to join should com municate with the Hon. Secretary, King’s College London Association, S tran d , London, W.C. 2.

REGISTER OF GRADUATES All former students of University of London King’s College, or of the Theological D epartm ent of King’s College, who have been for not less than three years regular students of the College, and who are either G raduates or Associates or have gained the College Certificate or Diploma in Engineering or the Diploma of the Conjoint Exam ining Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, are allowed to retain their names on the College books on paym ent of a registration fee of £1 10s., and are accorded the following privileges :— (i) Admission to College lectures and classes, exclusive of laboratories, a t a reduction of 20 per cent, in the fees. (ii) The use of the Library free of charge during the period of study. (iii) The receipt of a copy of the College Annual Report. T h is concession w ill not be available after Ju n e 30th, 1957.

UNIVERSITY APPOINTM ENTS BOARD The U niversity A ppointm ents Board is the agency set up by the Senate of th e U niversity to provide advice and assistance to students, graduates and academic diploma holders of the U niversity about careers (other th an those in medicine or theology) and assistance tow ards em ploym ent. The officers of the Board are able to advise students and graduates on all m atters relating to em ployment in the Civil Service, the Oversea Civil Service and other adm inistrative services, commercial, technical and industrial employments, teaching and other professional careers. Students, both men and women, are recommended to apply to the Board early in tho year in which they intend to take their Final Exam inations, but the officers of the Board will be willing to give advice to students a t any tim e during their U niversity course. Interview s can be arranged by appointm ent, both during term and in vacations. The fee for registration with the Board is 2 s. fid. for each six-m onthly period. R egistration forms may be obtained on application to the Secretary, U niversity of London A ppointm ents Board, Senate House, W.C. 1. (Telephone: MUSeuin 6682-3 or MUSeum 8000.) The Board also publishes a handbook of inform ation Careers fo r Graduates obtainable from any bookseller price 5s., or from the Board 5s. 4 d. post free.


SCHOLARSHIPS, EXHIBITIONS AND PRIZES GENERAL RULES 1. Where the rules governing th e aw ard of any Studentship, Scholar­ ship or Exhibition require attendance a t the College, th a t attendance m ust usually be continuous; otherwise the Studentship, Scholarship or Exhibition is likely to be forfeited unless the holder has obtained leave of absence. 2. A Studentship, Scholarship, Exhibition, Prize or Medal will not be aw arded if the Exam iners report th a t there is no candidate sufficiently well qualified. 3. The winner of any Studentship, Scholarship, Exhibition, Prize or Medal is not eligible to compete again for the same Studentship, Scholarship, Exhibition, Prize or Medal unless it is otherwise stated in the conditions of aw ard. 4. The paym ent of th e emoluments of Studentships, Scholarships and Exhibitions will be m ade in equal term inal instalm ents on the production to the Secretary a t th e end of each term of a certificate of good conduct, of satisfactory progress, and of satisfactory attendance (where required), signed by the Dean of the Faculty. 5. A fee of half a guinea is charged if a certificate is required by a Scholar or Prizewinner as to the Scholarship or Prize he has gained. 6. In the regulations for Prizes the term “ regular s tu d e n t” implies “ regular undergraduate s tu d e n t” unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. G EN ERA L NOTES Subject to certain conditions, th e M inistry of Education a t present aw ards a S tate Scholarship to the w inner of any of the following scholar­ ships or studentships which are of a value of £40 a year or more. The effect is to bring the final value of the scholarship up to th a t of a State Scholarship w ith the possibility of extension of the S tate Scholarship for postgraduate work after the College aw ard has term inated. The procedure a t present followed is th a t the College sends to the M inistry each sum m er the names and addresses of the winners of the appropriate scholarships and the M inistry communicates with them in due course. No initial application to the M inistry by the winner of a scholarship is necessary. Candidates for entrance scholarships are strongly urged to apply to the College, a t the same tim e as they enter for the exam ination, for admission as fee paying students, and to satisfy themselves th a t they fulfil the ordinary conditions of admission to the F aculty they wish to enter. A scholarship will not be aw arded to any candidate who does not satisfy the appropriate F aculty conditions of admission.


SCHOLARSHIPS ANI) EXHIBITIONS A ttention is drawn to the General Rules and Notes on the previous page.


WORSLEY SCHOLARSHIP Founded in 1834, by Major-General Sir H enry Worsley, K.C.B., for the education of Missionaries proceeding to (British) India. These Scholarships are adm inistered by the Council of K ing’s College. Candidates m ust be members of the Church of England. 1. The Scholarships are of the value of £40 a year for three years, and are open to both men and women. 2. The Scholar also receives free education in the Theological D epartm ent of K ing’s College or in U niversity of London K ing’s College (and, if a medical student, in K ing’s College Hospital also), and is adm itted w ithout fee to all Theological lectures in the College. 3. A Scholar m ust on election obtain security, to be provided by two guarantors, each to the extent of £150, for the purpose of ensuring th a t he will proceed as a Missionary to India when his education is completed. 4. A Scholar, if a stu d en t in the Theological D epartm ent, m ust pursue the regular Course for the B.D. or the A .K .C .; if a stu d en t in the Medical Faculty, a Course for obtaining a qualification recognised by the General Medical C ouncil; if a stu d en t in any other Faculty, a Course for a degree in the U niversity of London. 5. The Scholar, if not a stu d en t of the Theological D epartm ent, m ust atten d for three years the general lectures in Theology provided for all students in the College, and pass the annual exam inations. He may, however, atten d instead other lectures given in the Theological Faculty, with the consent of the Dean. 6. The emoluments and all privileges of this scholarship may be forfeited if in the opinion of the Council the conduct of the Scholar or his work in Theology or in any other subject is unsatisfactory. Applications, accompanied by testimonials, should be addressed to the Dean of K ing’s College, who will recommend the Scholar for election by the Council on the advice of the Jo in t Professorial Board.




WINCHESTER SCHOLARSHIP Founded in 1952 by the Diocesan O rdination C andidates’ Committee of the Diocese of W inchester to assist men resident in th a t Diocese who intend to take H oly Orders in th e Church of England. The conditions of aw ard are as follows :— 1. The Scholarship will be of the value of £40 a year for four years. 2. One Scholarship will be offered every fourth year to candidates intending to take Holy Orders in the Church of England. 3. The Scholarship will be tenable in the Theological D epartm ent of K ing’s College London. 4. Tho Scholarship will be aw arded on th e results of the exam ination conducted by the London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board. 5. The subjects for exam ination will be a General English Paper and three of the following:—D ivinity f , English Language and L iterature, H istory, L atin, Greek, French, G erm an, Pure M athem atics, Applied M athem atics, Physics, Chem istry, Botany, Zoology, Biology. (Candidates offering B otany or Zoology m ay not offer Biology also.) 6. Candidates m ust apply to the Secretary of the London InterCollegiate Scholarships Board, The U niversity of London, Senate House, W .C.l, for an entry form for the exam ination, and return it to him before November 30th. They should a t the same tim e send a letter of applica­ tion to the Bishop of W inchester (Wolvesey, W inchester), and one to the Dean of K ing’s College London, saying th a t they are entering for the Scholarship. 7. The holder of the Scholarship will be required to enter the Faculty of Theology a t K ing’s College as an internal student of the University of London, and to follow the combined course for the A.K.C. Diploma and the B.D. H onours degree of the U niversity of London. He will be expected to enter in th e October following the exam ination unless by permission of the Dean of the College the award is held over to enable him to complete his m ilitary service before entering College. 8. P aym ent of the emoluments of the Scholarship will be made in three equal term inal instalm ents subject to the satisfactory attendance, conduct and progress of the holder.

BATH AND WELLS SCHOLARSHIP Founded in 1953 by the Diocese of B ath and Wells to assist men resident in th a t Diocese who intend to take Holy Orders in the Church of England. The conditions of award are the same as for the W inchester Scholarship except th a t the letter of application to the Bishop, referred to in section 6, should be addressed to the Bishop of B ath and Wells, the Palace, Wells, Somerset. t F or Divinity, two 3-hour papers will be set, one each on a Gospel (Clarendon Bible), and on Science, History and Faith, Alan Richardson (O.U.P.). In 1957 th e Gospel will be St. Luke, and in 1958 St. M ark.




SAM BROOKE EXHIBITIONS IN THEOLOGY Exhibitions not exceeding £20 in value arising from the Legacy bequeathed to the College by Thomas Godfrey Sambrooke, are given, a t the discretion of the Dean, to students of the second year in the F aculty of Theology who are in need of assistance.

BURSARIES A num ber of Bursaries are given through the S.P.C.K. under the Will of the late Mr. H. C. R i c h a r d s , to enable students to spend their final year in residence a t the Theological hostel. In 1043, under the Will of the late Reverend D. G. M a c r a e , Vicar of St. Olave’s, W oodberry Down, London, N. 4, the Council received the sum of £1,800 for providing three Bursaries, to bo called M a c r a e B u r s a r i e s , for the assistance of students of slender means intending to tako Holy Orders in the Church of England.

CLEAVE COCKERILL POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP Founded in 1937 under the Will of Alice Mary Cockerill in memory of her brother Thom as Cleave Cockerill. The following regulations were made by the Council on Ju n e 8, 1939, and revised on Ju ly 13, 1948. 1. Candidates m ust be in Holy Orders in the Church of England, or in some Church in communion w ith the Church of England. Preference will be given to former stu d en ts of K ing’s College. 2. The Scholarship is of the value of £200 a year together with free residence a t the Theological H o stel; in addition all fees will be rem itted. 3. The Scholar will be required to reside a t the Theological Hostel, to read for a Higher Degree of the U niversity of London, and to give some assistance in tutorial work in the Theological D epartm ent of King’s College and a t the Chapel Services in the Theological Hostel. 4. The Scholar m ay not undertake any outside work w ithout the consent of the Council. 5. The usual appointm ent of a Scholar will be for two years, but the Council will require a report on his progress a t the end of the first year of tenure and may, if they consider it necessary, decline to confirm the aw ard for the second year.




SAMBROOKE SCHOLARSHIP IN ARTS 1. A Scholarship of £40 a year for three years will he offered annually to candidates entering th e F aculty of Arts. 2. The Scholarship is open to men and women. 3. The subjects of the exam ination are the General English paper, and either (i) L atin and Greek or (ii) two of the following subjects —English Language and L iterature, H istory, Geography, French, German, Spanish, L atin, P ure M athem atics, Applied M athematics. 4. The successful candidate will be required to enter the F aculty of A rts a t K ing’s College as an Internal Student of the University of London in October next following the exam ination, with the under­ standing th a t he will proceed to an Honours degree in A rts in the U niversity of London. 5. The Scholarship will be payable in nine equal term inal instal­ ments a t the close of each term following the election, provided the Scholar continues in attendance as a regular student in the day classes, and produces to the Secretary, a t the end of each term , a certificate of good conduct and of satisfactory progress signed by the Dean of the Faculty. 6. The exam ination is conducted by the London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board and will be held in February. E n try forms should be obtained from th e Secretary of the Board, Mr. R. B. P. Wallace, M.A., LL .B ., U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1, and re­ turned to him before November 30th.

HENRY NEVILLE GLADSTONE SCHOLARSHIP The Scholarship was established in 1929 in connection with the Centenary Scholarships and Bursaries Fund, and bears the nam e of H enry Neville Gladstone, afterw ards Baron Gladstone of H awarden, in honour of the chief donor to the Fund. The conditions of award are the same as those for the Sambrooke Scholarship in Arts.

KING’S COLLEGE ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP IN CLASSICS This Scholarship was founded by the Delegacy in 1949. The regulations are the same as those for the Sambrooke Scholarship in Arts, except th a t the alternatives (ii) in § 3 are not available and the successful candidate m ust proceed to an Honours degree in Classics or Greek or Latin.


S C H O L A R S H I P S -----A R T S

MERCHANT TAYLORS’ COMPANY’S SCHOLARSHIP SKINNERS’ COMPANY’S SCHOLARSHIP FLORENCE HUGHES SCHOLARSHIP One entrance Scholarship of £40 a year for three years, for women only, tenable in the Faculties of A rts or N atural Science, is offered by the Worshipful Company of M erchant Taylors, and one by the W orshipful Company o f S k in n ers; a th ird is available from tho Florence Hughes bequest. All three are subject to the conditions and term s laid down by the College, and to such other regulations as tho Companies may from time to tim e prescribe. The present conditions of aw ard are the same as those for the Sambrooke Scholarships in A rts or Science. One Scholarship is offered each year in the above order, the Florence Hughes Scholarship being offered in 1956. The Florence Hughes Scholarship was endowed by the late Miss Florence Hughes in her will, to provide a scholarship for women, with preference for those studying w ith a view to entering upon a pro­ fessional career.

INGLIS STUDENTSHIP Founded in 1857 by George Monckton, of Somerford Hall, Penkridge, and others, in memory of th e R ight H onourable Sir R obert H arry Inglis, Baronet. The regulations were revised in 1911, and again in 1923. 1. Two Studentships are offered annually, one in English, one in H istory, and are open to regular stu d en ts of th e U niversity of London King’s College who shall have com pleted a t least six College term s. 2. The value of the S tudentship will be £85, together w ith free tuition for one session, b u t the em olum ent will be increased up to a maximum of £100 whenever the tinances of tho Fund perm it. 3. The Studentships will be aw arded on th e results of th e B.A. Honours E xam ination of th e U niversity of London in English and History, on the recom mendations of the Heads of the D epartm ents of English and H istory. 4. The S tu d en t will be required to pursue a full-time course of study a t K ing’s College for th e M.A. degree or Ph.D. degree in English or H istory respectively, and to give some assistance in teaching in the D epartm ent of English or of H istory. 5. The S tudent will enter upon his Studentship in the Session following th a t in which he has completed his B.A. Course in accordance with U niversity regulations. 6. P aym ent for th e Studentship will be made in three equal in stal­ ments a t th e end of each term on receipt of a satisfactory certificate of attendance and progress from th e Head of the D epartm ent in which the S tudent is studying.



CROMPTON SCHOLARSHIP Founded in 1934 under the Will of Ada Richardson Crompton, in memory of her father, Jam es Roger Crompton, and of her brother, Percy Richardson Crompton. The object of these Scholarships is to enable women students of French Language and L iteratu re to atten d a course of study a t a U niversity in France or Belgium. 1. One Scholarship will be offered annually to women students who are, or have been, regular stu d en ts of U niversity of London K ing’s College, and have com pleted tb e course for th e Honours Degree in French of the U niversity of London, or have been registered as research students in the D epartm ent of French of U niversity of London K ing’s College for not less th a n one academic year. 2. E ach Scholarship is of th e value of £150, and is normally tenable for one year, b u t m ay be renewed for a fu rth er period of one year at the discretion of the Delegacy. 3. The Scholarships will bo awarded upon tho result of a special E xam ination in French Language and L iterature, to be held a t the end of the E aster Term in each year. 4. The Scholars are required to reside and regularly atten d lectures in an approved U niversity tow n in France or Belgium. 5. The em oluments of th e Scholarships will be paid in instalm ents at such tim es as m ay be decided in each case, each instalm ent (with the exception of the first, which will be paid in advance) being payable only on receipt by th e College of evidence th a t tho holders of the Scholarships are satisfactorily pursuing their studies. 6. Candidates for the Scholarships m ust send in their names to the H ead of the D epartm ent of French not later than April 30th.


ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS 1. Two Scholarships, each of the value of £40 a year for day students and £20 a year for evening students, are offered y e a rly ; each is tenable for three years. 2. The subjects for exam ination are the General English paper and two of the following :— Latin, Greek, English Language and L iterature, French, German, H istory, Geography, P ure M athem atics, Chem istry, Physics. 3. The successful candidate will be required to enter the Faculty of Laws a t K ing’s College as an Internal student of the U niversity of London in October n ex t following th e E xam ination, w ith the undei standing th a t he will proceed to an Honours degree in Laws in the U niversity of London. k .o .c .




4. This Entrance Scholarship is open also to graduates of tho College in Faculties other th an the Faculty of Laws. 5. The exam ination is conducted by the London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board and will be held in February. E n try forms should be obtained from the Secretary of the Board, Mr. R. B. P. Wallace, M.A., LL.B., U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1, and re­ turned to him before N ovem ber 30th.

INTERMEDIATE SCHOLARSHIP A Scholarship of £40 a year will be aw arded annually to students registered a t K ing’s College in the F aculty of Laws upon the results of the Special Interm ediate E xam ination in Laws held a t the end of each Session and upon consideration of the work done during the Session. The Scholarship will be tenable for two years subject to satisfactory reports upon the stu d en t’s progress. The Scholar­ ship will not be aw arded if there is no candidate of sufficient m erit. V—IN T H E FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

SAMBROOKE SCHOLARSHIP IN SCIENCE 1. A Scholarship of £40 a year for three years will be offered annually to candidates entering the F aculty of N atu ral Science. 2. The Scholarship is open to men and women. 3. The subjects of the exam ination are the General English paper, and any two of the following :— Pure M athematics, Applied M athe­ matics, Geography, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Biology. (Candidates offering Botany or Zoology may not offer Biology also.) 4. The successful candidate will be required to enter th e F aculty of N atural Science a t K ing’s College as an Internal S tudent of the U niversity of London in October next following the exam ination, with the understanding th a t he will proceed to an Honours degree of the U niversity of London. 5. The Scholarship will be payable in nine equal instalm ents a t the close of each term following the election, provided the Scholar con­ tinues in attendance as a regular student in the day classes, and produces to the Secretary, a t the end of each term , a certificate of good conduct and of satisfactory progress signed by the Dean of the Faculty. 6. The exam ination is conducted by the London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board and will be held in February. E n try forms should be obtained from the Secretary of the Board, Mr. R. B. P. Wallace, M.A., LL.B., U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1, and re­ turned to him before November 30th.




See page 64.

LAYTON SCIENCE RESEARCH STUDENTSHIP Founded under th e will of Charles Edw ard Layton, a former Associate and Member of the Council, who left a sum of money to be devoted to a Studentship or S tudentships in order to assist such students as may, in the opinion of th e Principal, after consultation with th e P ro ­ fessorial Staff, give th e best promise of ap titu d e and genius for original scientific work. 1. A S tudentship of th e value of £325 per annum plus fees will be offered, payable in equal instalm ents a t the end of each term . 2. Any stu d en t of th e College is eligible for a Studentship who has attended for a t least six term s a regular course for a first degree or for a corresponding academic qualification of th e College. 3. The Principal shall request th e Head of each D epartm ent in the Faculties of N atural Science, Medical Science, and Engineering, to report on any stu d en t in his D epartm ent whom he may desire to recommend for th e Studentship. The Head of the D epartm ent shall furnish and report on th e career and qualifications of th e candidate recommended, and the kind of research proposed. 4. After receiving these reports, the Principal shall recommend to the Delegacy a candidate for appointm ent, or shall state th a t in his opinion there is no candidate of sufficient merit. 5. The usual appointm ent of a S tudent will be for two years, but the Delegacy shall require a report on his progress from the Professor of his D epartm ent a t th e end of each year and may, if they consider it necessary, decline to renew the Studentship. They may a t the end o f the two years renew th e Studentship, from year to year, if a strong recom m endation to th a t effect is made by th e Principal, provided th a t in no case it be held for more th an four years. 6. Every Layton S tu d en t will be required to carry on research work under the advice and direction of the H ead of his D epartm ent, either in the College Laboratories or elsewhere. He m ust not, w ithout the consent of the Delegacy, undertake any other work, b u t he may be called upon to do such teaching in the College as is not incom­ patible w ith his research work. 7. The Delegacy may, out of any surplus income of the Fund, make grants tow ards th e expenses for travelling and research,



DANIELL SCHOLARSHIP This Scholarship was founded in 186-4 in honour of Jo h n Frederick Daniell, F.R .S., Professor of Chem istry in K ing’s College from 1831 to 1845. Its object is to encourage the prosecution of original research in Chemistry. This Scholarship is of th e value of £40, is tenable for one year in the College and is open to every regular stu d en t of th e College. It will be aw arded a t the end of each Session on the recom m endation of the Daniell Professor of Chemistry. The Scholar m ust undertake to work for a higher degree.

IIAROLI) ROW STUDENTSHIP Founded in 1919 by Mrs. Row in memory of her son, R. W. Harold Row, B.Sc., formerly a stu d en t of th e College, and for 12 years a member of th e staff of th e Zoological D epartm ent. Its object is to encourage the prosecution of original research in Zoology. 1. The Studentship is of the value of £55 a year, and will be offered every other year. In addition, all fees, except the usual R egistration Fee, will be rem itted. 2. The Studentship will be awarded upon the recom m endation of the Professor of Zoology. Preference will be given to a stu d en t who has graduated w ith Honours from the College. 3. The Studentship is normally tenable for two years, but may be renewed in exceptional circumstances for a th ird year. 4. The S tudent m ust work in th e D epartm ent of Zoology of K ing’s College under the direction of the Professor, or In such other Zoological Laboratory as th e Professor may direct. 5. The S tudent m ust not, w ithout the consent of the Delegacy upon the recom mendation of the Professor of Zoology, undertake any other work. In no case will permission be granted to the S tudent to hold any app o in t­ m ent or appointm ents th a t will occupy more th a n ten hours a week. 6. The subject of research m ust be approved by th e Professor of Zoology of K ing’s College. 7. In any publication of results obtained during the tenure of the Studentship it shall be stated th a t the author is, or was, a Harold Row Research S tudent of K ing’s College.



BERRIDGE STUDENTSHIPS The Studentships were founded in 1925, on the occasion of the closing of the Bacteriology and Public H ealth D epartm ent, and to commemorate the fact th a t this D epartm ent, founded in 1898 by Professor E. M. Crookshank, was the first Academic D epartm ent of Public H ealth in this country. The funds are p artly provided from tho Berridge E state and Trust Endow m ent and p artly from the Devignes Legacy, the balance being met from general College funds. 1. One Studentship is offered annually for Research in Physiology as applied to Public H ealth. 2. The value of each Studentship is £100 a year. 3. A ppointm ents to the Studentship will be made by the Delegacy on the recom m endation of the Principal, after receiving reports from the Professors of A natom y and Physiology. 4. Applications m ust reach the Secretary of the College not later than Ju n e 30th and m ust be accom panied by a statem en t giving the plan of work candidates intend to pursue and showing details of the am ount of tim e they are prepared to devote to the work. They must also give the names of persons who can testify to their previous training and capability for research. 5. The Students will carry o u t th eir researches under the direction of the Professor of Physiology and will be expected to commence their work a t the beginning of th e Michaelmas Term after their appointm ent. 6. The S tudents will usually be appointed for two years, b u t the Delegacy will require reports on their progress from the Professor of Physiology a t the end of each year and may, if they consider it necessary, decline to renew the Studentship. 7. P aym ent of the em oluments of the Studentship will be made in three equal instalm ents a t the end of each term , on receipt of a satisfactory certificate of attendance and progress from the Professor of Physiology. 8. In any publication of results obtained during the tenure of the Studentship, it shall be stated th a t the author is, or was, a Berridge S tudent of K ing’s College.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY SCHOLARSHIPS The Delegacy offer two Scholarships, each of £54 for four term s, to enable students who have passed the Second Medical Exam ination to read for the B.Sc. (Special) degree in A natom y or Physiology. Recom mendations for the aw ard will be based on the work for the Second Medical Exam ination in K ing’s College.






S c h o l a r s h ip s

The Rev. Samuel Wilson W arneford, LL.D., in November 1851, presented to th e College the sum of Five Thousand Pounds for the foundation of Medical Scholarships. The Regulations may bo revised from tim e to tim e, “ provided th a t under no circum stances shall any alteration be made by which th e regulations as to the exam ination and proficiency of th e candidates in D ivinity or as to the character of the holder of any scholarship shall be made less stringent than heretofore laid down.” The Scholarships are adm inistered by the Council and the regulations at present in force are th e following :— 1. The Scholarships are of the value of £200, payable in five yearly instalm ents of £40, and one is offered for competition each year. 2. The Scholarships are offered for com petition to candidates (men or women) preparing to enter th e F aculty of Medical Science in the following October. 3. The subjects for exam ination are Divinity, the Gonoral English paper, and three of the following :—English, H istory, L atin, Greek, French, German, Pure M athem atics, Applied M athematics, Chem istry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Biology. (Candidates offering B otany or Zoology may not offer Biology also.) An equal num ber of marks is allotted to each subject. 4. The holders of these Scholarships m ust pursue their pre-clinical studies a t King’s College and their clinical studies a t King’s College Hospital. 5. The holders of these Scholarships are required to atte n d the weekly Lecture in D ivinity given for all non-Theological Students a t an hour reserved for this purpose, and to pass such exam inations or other tests in the subjects of the Lectures as the Lecturers may from tim e to tim e require. (The fulfilment of these conditions will also qualify th e candidate for the Associateship of the College if he graduates in th e University.) 6. Before the paym ent of the emoluments of a Scholarship the Principal and the Dean must receive on behalf of the Scholar a certificate (i) of good conduct and satisfactory progress, (ii) of regular attendance at the Divinity and Medical Lectures and Exam inations.



7. The Scholarships m ay not be held with the Sambrooke Medical Scholarship. The special D ivinity subjects for 1957 a re :— (Clarendon Bible.) Science, H istory and Faith. Alan Richardson (O.U.P.).

S t L u k e ’s Gospel.

The Exam ination is conducted by the London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board and will be held in February. E n try forms should be obtained from the Secretary of the Board, Mr. R. B. P. Wallace, M.A., LL.B., U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1, and returned to him before N ovem ber 30th. F ir s t Y e a r Sc h o l a r s h ip s

1. The Scholarships are of the value of £200, payable in five yearly instalm ents of £40, and one will be offered for competition each year. 2. The Scholarship is offered for com petition to candidates (men or women) who entered the College in the previous October upon a course of study for the F irst E xam ination for the M.B., B.S. Degrees of the U niversity of London. 3. There will be a W ritten E xam ination in D ivinity and in the su b ­ jects of the F irst M.B., B.S. Exam ination of the U niversity of London. 4. Tho E xam ination in D ivinity will be held in May of each year, and entries m ust be received by the Secretary of K ing’s College not later th an the end o f the previous Michaelmas term . 6. No Practical Exam ination will be held, b u t laboratory notebooks will be inspected and m arks awarded accordingly. 6. One-fifth of the whole num ber of m arks obtainable in the E xam in­ ation will be allotted to D ivinity. The D ivinity subjects will be the same as those for the W arneford Medical Entrance Scholarships. 7. The holders of these Scholarships m ust undertake to pursue their clinical studies a t K ing’s College Hospital. 8. The holders of these Scholarships are required to atten d the weekly lecture in D ivinity for non-Theological Students, and to pass such exam inations or other tests in the subject of the lectures as the Lecturers may from time to tim e require. 9. Before the paym ent of the emoluments of a Scholarship the Principal and the Dean m ust receive on behalf of the holder a certificate (i) of good conduct and satisfactory progress, (ii) of regular attendance a t the D ivinity and Medical Lectures and Exam inations. 10. The Scholarships may not be held with the Sambrooke Medical Scholarship.



SAMBROOKE SCHOLARSHIP IN MEDICINE 1. A Scholarship of £40 a year for three years will be offered annually to candidates entering th e F aculty of Medical Science. 2. The Scholarship is open to men and women. 3. The subjects of the exam ination are the General English paper, and three of the following :—English, H istory, Latin, Greek, French, German, Pure M athematics, Applied M athematics, Physics, Chem istry, Botany, Zoology, Biology. (Candidates offering B otany or Zoology may not offer Biology also.) 4. The successful candidate will be required to enter the Faculty of Medical Science a t K ing’s College as an Internal S tudent of the U niversity of London in October next following the exam ination, with the understanding th a t he will proceed to King’s College Hospital for his Clinical studies and in due course proceed to the degrees of M.B., B.S. in the U niversity of London. 5. The paym ents will be made in nine term inal instalm ents, provided the Scholar continues in attendance as a regular stu d en t in the day classes, and produces to tho Secretary a t the end of each terra a certificate of good conduct and of satisfactory progress signed by the Dean of the Faculty. 6. I f the holder of the Scholarship has completed his College course before the expiry of nine term s after the date of entry to the College, the paym ent of the remaining term inal instalm ents of the Scholarship will be made on the production to the Secretary, a t the end of each term , of a certificate of good conduct and of satisfactory progress, signed by the Dean of K ing’s College H ospital Medical School. 7. The Exam ination is conducted by the London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board and will be held in February. E n try forms should be obtained from th e Secretary of the Board, Mr. 11. B. P. Wallace, M.A., LL.B., U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1, and returned to him before November 30th.

RABBETH MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS Founded in 1885 by Jo h n Edw ard R abbeth, of M iddleton Lodge, Putney, in memory of Samuel R abbeth, M.B. Lond., a distinguished former student of th e School and Medical Faculty, who sacrificed his life in an attem p t to save a child who was dying from diphtheria. 1. Two Scholarships, one of £30 and one of £15, each for one year, will be offered annually. 2. The Scholarships will be awarded to the students who in their first year acquit themselves best in the Class Exam inations in the Course for the F irst Exam ination for Medical Degrees in the University of London. 3. The paym ents will be made in three equal instalm ents provided the Scholar continues in attendance as a regular stu d en t in the Faculty of Medical Science, and produces to the Secretary a t the end of each term a certificate of good conduct and satisfactory progress signed by the Dean of the Faculty.




SAMBROOKE SCHOLARSHIP IN ENGINEERING 1. A Scholarship of £40 a year for three years will be offered annually to candidates entering th e F aculty of Engineering. 2. Subjects of E xam ination :— (a) the General English pap er; (b) Pure and Applied M athem atics; (c) one subject chosen from Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, French, German, Spanish, Latin. 3. The successful candidate will be required to enter th e F aculty of Engineering a t K ing’s College as an Internal S tudent of the U niversity of London in October next following th e Exam ination, w ith the under­ standing th a t he will proceed to an Honours degree in Engineering in the U niversity of London. 4. The paym ents will be made in nine term inal instalm ents, pro­ vided th e Scholar continues in atten d an ce as a regular stu d en t in th e d ay classes, and produces to the Secretary, a t th e end of each term , a certificate of good conduct and of satisfactory progress, signed by the Dean of the F aculty. 6. The exam ination is conducted by the London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board and will be held in February. E n try forms should be obtained from the Secretary of the Board, Mr. R. B. P. Wallace, M.A., LL.B., U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1, and returned to him before N ovem ber 30th.

F OU ND E RS’ COMPANY'S SCHOLARSHIP A Scholarship of £40 a year for three years is offered by the Worshipful Company of Founders, subject to the conditions and term s laid down by the College, and to such other regulations as the Company m ay from time to tim e prescribe. The conditions of aw ard are the same as those for the Sambrooke Scholarship in Engineering.

SALOMONS SCHOLARSHIP This Scholarship, which is a t present of the value of £50, was founded in 1890 by Sir D avid Salomons, B art., and is aw arded by the Council of tho In stitu tio n of Electrical Engineers to a stu d en t of one of the following London In s titu tio n s : U niversity College, K ing’s College, City and Guilds Central Technical College, and th e Finsbury Technical College, who shall be recommended by his College as having distinguished himself in th e study of Electrical Engineering, and who purposes continuing his studies in th a t subject.



DAVID HUGHES SCHOLARSHIP This Scholarship, which is of th e value of £50, is given annually out of the legacy bequeathed to the In stitu tio n of Electrical Engineers by the late Professor David Hughes, F.R .S., and is aw arded on the same term s as th e Salomons Scholarship.

LEVERHULME STUDENTSHIP IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Founded in 1936 by the Trustees under the Will of the First Viscount Leverhulme in order to enable students who have already received a general training in the principles of chemical engineering to conduct original research or to pursue an advanced course of study in th a t subject a t K ing’s College. 1. A Studentship of the value of £500 a year is offered, payable in equal instalm ents a t the end of each term . 2. Students of the College are eligible who have successfully pursued a three term s course of study as prescribed for candidates for the Diploma in Chemical Engineering. Candidates from other Colleges, Universities or approved institutions will be required to present evidence of equivalent qualifications, including those prescribed as the condition of entry to th e course for the D iplom a in Chemical Engineering a t K ing’s College. 3. A ppointm ent will be made by th e Delegacy upon the recom ­ m endation of the Chemical Engineering Committee, but no ap p o in t­ ment will be made w ithout the concurrence of the Trustees. 4. Studentships will be aw arded in th e first instance for one year, but may be renewed by the Delegacy for a second year subject to the concurrence of the Trustees. 5. The Student will be required to pursue a prescribed course of study or research and m ust not, w ithout the consent of the Delegacy, undertake any other work. 6. The S tudent will be required a t the end of each term to present an account of his work, of which a copy, together with a report upon the work and progress of the Student, shall be forwarded for the inform ation of the Trustees.

SHELL STUDENTSHIPS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 1. These Studentships were established by g ran t from The Shell Group of Oil Companies in 1953. 2. Studentships, each normally of the value of £375 a year plus fees, will be offered annually. 3. The Studentships will be tenable in the D epartm ent of Chemical Engineering of University of London King’s College.



4. The holder of a Studentship may pursue the one-year course for the Diploma in Chemical Engineering of K ing’s College or may work in th a t D epartm ent for a higher degree. 5. The holder of a Studentship m ay, while holding it, be a candidate for an aw ard which will enable him to continue for a second year. G. The Studentships will be aw arded, after advertisem ent b u t w ith­ out exam ination, by th e Principal, acting on the recom mendations of the Chemical Engineering Committee of K ing’s College. 7. Applications giving full details of the applicant’s education and any N ational Service or industrial experience shall reach the R egistrar in May, not la ter th a n a date to be announced each year. 8. The em oluments of the Studentships will be paid in equal term inal instalm ents.

V III—TU TO RIA L STU D EN TSH IPS Each year the College offers Tutorial Studentships in various d ep art­ m ents. They are renewable annually up to a maxim um of four years’ tenure, so th a t the departm ents in which they fall vacant vary from year to year. The vacancies are advertised generally in May. The em olum ents are £375 a year, together with tuition fees and certain exam ination en try fees. The holders are required to work for a higher degree (not necessarily of the U niversity of London, though the Studentships m ust be held in the College) and to give a lim ited am ount of tutorial or dem onstration assistance in th eir departm ents. L ibrary Tutorial Studentships in French or Laws are similarly offered from tim e to tim e. Their em olum ents are £220 a year, together with tuition fees and certain exam ination en try fees, and the holder is required to be present in the relevant departm ental library during its hours of opening in term time.



n iv e r sit y


L o n d o n K i n o ’s C o l l e g e

The Centenary Scholarships and Bursaries Fund was established in 1929 out of moneys subscribed to the C entenary Appeal Fund and ear­ m arked for Scholarships and Bursaries. 1. The first charge upon th e income of the Fund is th a t of the E ntrance Scholarship associated with the nam e of H enry Neville Gladstone. 2. Any surplus income in the Fund m ay be allotted Committee of Deans fo r:—

by the

(a) Bursaries f o r :— (i) Holders of E ntrance Scholarships, and (ii) Promising stu d en ts who have com pleted th eir first y e a r ; bursaries only to be granted when th e circum stances of the applicant m ake such a grant necessary, and to be subject to revision annually. (b) Loans for needy stu d en ts on the following co n d itio n s:—

(i) T h at th e applicant shall have completed his first year in College. (ii) T h at he shall be considered to be of sufficient promise. (iii) T h at the loan shall be repaid w ithin two years of the time when th e student has completed his course, and th a t no interest shall be charged in respect of repaym ents made within th a t period. The Committee of Deans may, however, if they think fit, extend the tim e for repaym ent to a m axim um period of five years in all, on the condition th a t if such an extension is granted, interest a t th e rate of 5 per cent, per annum on am ounts outstanding after tho end of the second year shall be charged. 3. Any surplus rem aining in th e Fund a t th e end of any academic year after meeting the costs under 1 and 2 shall be applied in the first instance to meeting any deficit which m ay arise on the Sambrooke Scholarship Fund owing to th e increase in the value of the Sambrooke Scholarship in A rts from £30 to £40 per annum , and th e rem ainder shall be invested and added to the capital of th e Centenary Scholar­ ships and Bursaries Fund.




i n g ’s

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The Centenary Scholarships and Bursaries Fund was established in 1929 out of moneys subscribed to th e Centenary Appeal Fund and ear­ marked for Scholarships and Bursaries in th e Theological D epartm ent. 1. The income of th e Centenary Scholarships and Bursaries Fund shall be allotted annually by the Dean f o r :— (a) Bursaries for promising regular day students who have satis­

factorily completed th e F irst Y ear Course, such Bursaries to be granted only when th e circum stances of th e applicant make such a g rant necessary and to be subject to revision annually. (b) Loans for needy students on the following co n d itio n s:—

(i) T h at the applicant shall be in his final year in College. (ii) T h at he shall be considered to be of sufficient promise. (iii) T h at the loan shall be repaid w ithin two years of th e time when the stu d en t has com pleted his course, and th a t no interest shall be charged in respect of repaym ents made w ithin th a t period. The Finance Committee of th e Council may, however, if they th in k fit, extend the tim e for repaym ents to a m axim um period of five years in all, on the condition th a t if such an extension is granted interest a t the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on am ounts o u t­ standing after th e end of th e second year shall be charged. 2. Any surplus rem aining in th e fund a t the end of any academic year shall, unless otherwise determ ined by the Finance Committee of th e Council, be invested and added to the capital of the Centenary Scholarships and Bursaries Fund.


PRIZES A ttention is drawn to the general rules on page 59.


JELF MEDALS AND JELF PRIZE The Endow m ent was established in 1868 by his friends and col­ leagues to commemorate the services rendered to the College by the Rev. Richard Jelf, D.D., who retired in th a t year from the office of Principal which he had held since 1844. 1. Medals are aw arded, one in each of the Faculties of Arts, Laws, N atural Science, Medical Science and Engineering, to the students who shall in the view of the Principal have most distinguished them ­ selves during their undergraduate course in the College, provided th at, in the case of the Faculty of Medical Science, the stu d en t shall have been in attendance for a t least eight term s, and in the case of all other Faculties for a t least nine term s. In making the awards regard will be had not only to the stu d en ts’ academic proficiency b u t also to their prominence in the social and athletic activities of the College. 2. In the Faculty of Theology a Jelf Prize is awarded to the student who, having been a t least three years in the College, shall, in the opinion of the Dean of K ing’s College, have most distinguished himself in the Faculty. The Prize consists of books to the value of £3. I I —IN T H E FACULTY OF THEOLOGY A— P

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R egular Students




BARRY PRIZES The Barry Prizes in D ivinity were founded by the friends and former pupils of the R ight Rev. Alfred Barry, D.D., formerly Principal of K ing’s College. Prizes are now offered in the Faculties of Theology, A rts, Laws, N atural Science, Medical Science, and Engineering. These Prizes are adm inistered by the Council, and the regulations a t present in force are the following :— 1. Each Prize consists of books to the value of 32s. 6d. 2. The Prize in th e F aculty of Theology is open to all regular students, and is given to the stu d en t who passes with most distinction in the Exam ination in the Prayer-book a t the close of the Easter term. 3. In the Faculties of A rts, Laws, N atural Science, Medical Science and Engineering five prizes will be offered annually to the regular students who have attended satisfactorily the general Theological Lectures open to all students of the College, and who in the opinion of the Dean of K ing’s College have obtained the best results in the



exam ination on those lectures. The award will be made w ithout regard to the stu d en t’s sex or year in College. 4. No stu d en t may receive th is Prize a second time, except in the case of a stu d en t who has obtained it before joining th e D epartm ent of Theology. Such a stu d en t may afterw ards obtain it in th a t D epartm ent.

TRENCH GREEK TESTAMENT PRIZE The friends and former pupils of th e Most Reverend Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, formerly Professor of Exegesis of the New T estam ent a t K ing’s College, presented to the College the sum of £156, for th e purpose of founding a Prize to bear his name. 1. The Prize consists of Books to the value of £6. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students of all Faculties and is aw arded for a knowledge of the New Testam ent. 3. Two papers will be set containing passages for tran slatio n from Greek into English and English into Greek, and questions on textual criticism , gram m ar, exegesis, introduction to the books of th e New Testam ent, and the form ation of the Canon. 4. The E xam ination will be held in th e opening week of th e E aster Term and nam es m ust be sent to th e Secretary of the College by the close of the L ent Term . 5. No student may receive th e Prize a second time.

McCAUL HEBREW ANI) OLD TESTAMENT PRIZES The friends and former pupils of th e Reverend Alexander McCaul, D.D., presented to th e College th e sum of £250 for th e purpose of founding Prizes which should bear his name. 1. The Prizes consist of Books of th e value of £6 and £4 respec­ tively. 2. The Senior Prize is open to all graduates and Associates of the College who have studied in the College for not less than two sessions and are not of more than three years’ standing since taking their degree or Associateship in the College. 3. The Junior Prize is open to regular students of all Faculties of the College who have completed two years as regular students. 4. No student may obtain either of these prizes a second time, but a Ju n io r Prizem an m ay compete for the Senior Prize subsequently if otherwise qualified. 5. The E xam ination for th e Senior Prize will be held a t th e end of the L ent term . There will be two papers :— (i) Translation from th e canonical books of the Old T estam ent; Gram m ar and C om position; (ii) Theology and Criticism of th e canonical books of th e Old Testam ent.



6. The Exam ination for the Ju n io r Prize will be held in the Lent term . There will be two papers :— (i) One on tho sections (ic) and (iic) of the syllabus in Hebrew for the final B.D. exam inations of tho U niversity of London. (ii) The second paper will contain an unseen passage of Hebrew for translation into English, and an unseen passage for translation from English into Hebrew. 7. Members of Faculties other th a n th a t of Theology who enter for these Prizes m ust send th eir names to the Secretary of the College not later th an December 31st.

CALDECOTT PHILOSOPHY PRIZE A F und was raised in 1918 by the friends, colleagues, and pupils of the Rev. Prebendary Alfred Caldecott, D.D., on his retirem ent from the office of Dean, to com memorate his great services to K ing’s College during the previous 26 years, and on his request was devoted to the foundation of a Prize in Philosophy. 1. The Prize, which is of the value of £25, is offered once in every three years. I t is for an English Essay on some subject falling within the scope of th e Philosophy or of th e Psychology of Religion. The College ma}r assign a subject for the Essay or it may invite qualified G raduates or Associates to subm it subjects upon which they may desire to work. 2. The Prize is open to all G raduates and Associates of th e College who have studied in th e College for not less th a n two Sessions, and are not of more th a n six years’ standing since taking their Degree or Associateship in the College. 3. The Adjudicators on each occasion shall be three, and shall be appointed by the Council from Professors or Lecturers in Philosophy of Religion or in th e D epartm ents of Philosophy and Psychology, together with another person not a member of th e College Staff at the tim e of his appointm ent. 4. The Adjudicators may recommend th a t th e successful Essay be printed as th e Caldecott Prize Essay, b u t th e printing shall not be obligatory on th e writer. 5. The Prize shall include a t least one book fully bound and stam ped w ith th e College Arms, and th e Prizem an may, if he so desire, have books to th e full value of the Prize so bound and stam ped. 6. If th e Prize be not gained so often as once in every three years any interest on th e Fund shall not accum ulate, but shall be added to the capital sum for th e increase of th e value of the Prize. 7. The next offer will be made in the Lent term , 1957. Essays m ust be sent to the Secretary of the College not later than the second W ednesday of the preceding December.




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aculty of


heology only

BICKNELL PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1935 from funds subscribed by his colleagues and pupils in memory of the Rev. Edw ard Jo h n Bicknell, D.D., Professor of the Exegesis of the New Testam ent from 1928 to 1934. 1. The Prize, which consists of books to the value of £4 4s., is offered once in two years. 2. The Prize is open to all graduates and Associates of the College who have studied in the Theological D epartm ent of the College for not less th an two sessions and are not of more th an three years’ standing since taking their degree or Associateship in the College. 3. No candidate may enter for the Prize more than once. 4. The Prize will be aw arded on the result of (a) an exam ination on the theory and practice of the Textual Criticism of the Greek Testam ent, and (b ) a viva voce exam ination to ascertain the candidate’s ability to read and explain the A pparatus Criticus of Tischendorf, von Soden, Souter and Legg. 5. The Prize will be n ex t offered in 1957.

KNOWLING SERMON PRIZE A Fund was raised in 1907 by his friends and former pupils in honour of the Reverend Richard Jo h n Knowling, D.D., Canon of D urham , Professor of Exegesis of the New Testam ent a t K ing’s College from 1894 to 1905, and a t his request p a rt of the fund, am ounting to £35 15s., was devoted to the foundation of a prize in the Theological D epartm ent. 1. The Prize, which is of th e value of £3 4s., is open to regular students of th e Theological F aculty in th eir final year. 2. The Prize is aw arded for the best w ritten sermon preached in Chapel.

WORDSWORTH LATIN PRIZE 1. The Council gives a Prize to the Faculty of Theology each year in memory of Bishop W ordsworth, by whom for some years the Prizes were presented. 2. The Prize, which is of the value of £3 3s., will be aw arded annually on an exam ination early in the E aster term . 3. The exam ination will consist of one three-hour paper containing passages for translation from L atin into English and one passage for translation from English into Latin. 4. No winner of the Prize may enter for it on a subsequent occasion. 5. Students who wish to be considered as candidates for the Prize m ust send their names to the Dean before the end of the L ent term .



PLUMPTRE PRIZE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE The friends and former pupils of th e Very Rev. Edward Hayes Plum ptre, D.D., Dean of Wells, formerly Professor of Pastoral Theology a t K ing’s College, presented to the College the sum of £128 95. 5d., for the purpose of founding a Prize to bear his name. 1. The Prize, which is of the value of £5, is open to regular students of the Theological Faculty in their second and third year course for the final A.K.C. exam ination. 2. No student may obtain this Prize a second time. 3. The Prize will be aw arded for the best Essay subm itted by the candidates. 4. Essays m ust be sent to the Secretary of tho College r*>t later than a date to be announced on the F aculty notice-board. S u b je c t


S essio n


Samuel Richardson and the beginnings of the English novel. S u b jec t


S essio n


Recusant Poets in the reign of Elizabeth I.

WHIGHELOW READING PRIZES These Prizes were founded in 1917 under the will of the Rev. Jam es Shearer Whichelow, F.K .C., Vicar of St. Jam es’, Muswell Hill, who bequeathed £100 to found Prizes for Proficiency in Public Reading for students in the Theological D epartm ent of the College. 1. The Prizes consist of stan d ard works in Theology. Two Prizes will be allotted if sufficient m erit is shown, and may be either a F irst and Second Prize or two Prizes of equal value. 2. The Prizes are open to all students in th e final year of the course for the Associateship in Theology. 3. Every Candidate m ust produce a Certificate from th e Lecturer in Elocution (i) of satisfactory attendance a t th e Elocution Classes or of exem ption by him from such atten d an ce; (ii) of competence in reading. A list of approved candidates will be drawn up by the Lecturer in th e Lent term of each session, and the Exam ination will be held in the E aster term . 4. The Exam ination will be taken in (i) a book of the Bible, and (ii) a selection of the printed Sermons of a great Preacher. These books will be selected from year to year, and announced some time before the com petition takes place. The E xam ination will be con­ ducted by members of the Theological Professorial Board.



BISHOP COLLINS MEMORIAL PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1920 by th e Theological Society from funds subscribed by the colleagues and old students of William Edw ard Collins, D.D., Bishop of G ibraltar, Professor of Ecclesiastical H istory in K ing’s College from 1893 to 1903. 1. The Prize, which is of the value of £2 10s., is open to regular students of the Theological F aculty in their second and third year course for the final A.K.C. exam ination. 2. No student m ay obtain the Prize a second time. 3. The Prize will be aw arded for the best Essay subm itted by the candidates on a prescribed subject in Ecclesiastical History. 4. Essays m ust be sent to the Secretary of the College not later than a d ate to be announced on th e F aculty notice-board. S u b jec t


S t.

S essio n



S u b j e c t f o r S e s s i o n 1957-58 The Church in R om an Africa to a . d . 313.

RELTON PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1930 by Professor H erbert Maurice Relton, D.D., in memory of his father, th e Rev. Frederick R elton, D.D., F.K.C. 1. The Prize consists of books to the value of £4. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students of the Theological F aculty. 3. The Prize will be aw arded annually for an essay on a subject w ithin the scope of Dogmatic Theology. The subject will be posted on the College Screens in the Michaelmas term . The essays m ust be sent to the Secretary of th e College not later than the first day of the E aster term . 1956-57 The significance of Apollinaris for the developm ent of orthodox Christology. S u b jec t


S essio n

1957-58 An estim ate of the significance of Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo in the developm ent of Christian thought ab o u t the work of Christ. S u b jec t


S essio n

S u b j e c t f o r S e s s i o n 1958-59 The teaching of St. Augustine on the Holy Spirit.



ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1931 in memory of the R ight Rev. Archibald Robertson, D.D., Principal of the College from 1897 to 1903, and afterw ards Bishop of Exeter, who bequeathed £100 to the Council for the benefit of the Theological Faculty. 1. The Prize consists of books to the value of £4. 2. The Prize will be aw arded annually to the student who shall, in the opinion of the Dean of K ing’s College, have most distinguished himself in the second year of the A.K.C. Course, or the first year of the B.D. Course, or the first year of the tw o-year course for graduates and men in Holy Orders.

ELOCUTION PRIZE This Prize was founded by the Council in 1933. 1. The Prize of the value of £1 10s. is aw arded annually on the result of a com petition. 2. The Prize is open to students in the second year of the A.K.C. course. 3. Every Candidate m ust produce a Certificate from the Lecturer in Elocution (i) of satisfactory attendance a t the Elocution Classes or of exem ption by him from such atten d an ce; (ii) of competence in reading. A list of approved candidates will be drawn up by the Lecturer in the Lent term of each session, and the Exam ination will be held in the E aster term.

SHELFORD PRIZE Founded by the will of Mrs. Alice Mary Shelford, who died on April 12th, 1950, and left £400 to provide prizes or otherwise for the assistance and encouragement of theological students of K ing’s College London, as a memorial to her late husband, the Reverend Leonard Edm und Shelford. 1. The Prize or Prizes will consist of books to the value of about £12. 2. The Prizes will be aw arded to the Final Year student or students who, in the opinion of the H ead of the D epartm ent of the Philosophy of Religion, shall have shown the best performance in this subject through­ o ut their course in College.




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all R Co lleg e




CARTER PRIZE FOR ENGLISH VERSE This Prize was founded in 1879 under the will of George Redsull Carter. 1. The Prize consists of a gold medal of the value of £10 or a silver gilt medal w ith books to a to tal value of £10. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students of tho College who have completed one term and not exceeded nine term s. 3. The Prize will be awarded annually for an exercise in English Original Verse upon a prescribed subject. The exercise m ust not fall short of 150, nor exceed 200, lines and m ust be typew ritten and distinguished by some m otto. The candidate should send his exercise to the Secretary before May 31st, a t th e same tim e sending his name and m otto under sealed cover in an envelope bearing the m otto. 1957 A narrative or dram atic poem based on a newspaper paragraph (which should be enclosed). S u b jec t


S u b je c t



A poem entitled either “ P o rtrait of a Poet ” or “ Brief Encounter.”

WILLIAM STEIJBING PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1927 under the will of William Stebbing, F.K.C. 1. The Prize consists of books to the value of £7 10s. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students of the College who have completed two term s as day students or four term s as evening students, and have not exceeded nine term s. 3. The Prize will be aw arded annually for an exercise in English Verse or Prose upon a prescribed subject. The exercise m ust be typew ritten and distinguished by some m otto. The candidate should send his exercise to the Secretary before May 31st, a t the same tim e sending his nam e and m otto under sealed cover in an envelope bearing the motto. S u b jec t

A translation into English verse or prose from any classical, mediaeval or modern foreign language of the eharacter-sketch of a type or the p o rtrait of an individual. (Length, in verse 40-100 lines; in prose 500-1200 words.)



STEPHEN PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1840 by Sir George Stephen. 1. The Prize consists of books to the value of £5 5s. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students of the College who have completed one term and not exceeded nine term s. 3. The Prize will be aw arded annually for an English Essay upon a prescribed subject. The exercise m ust be typew ritten and distinguished by some m otto. The candidate should send his exercise to the Secretary before May 31st, a t the same tim e sending his name and m otto under sealed cover in an envelope bearing the m otto. 1957 “ The Age of ‘ A utom ation ’ ” or “ The T heatre in London to-day.” S u b jec ts


S u b j e c t f o r 1958 “ H istory is the story of forgotten m en.”

DREW GOLD MEDAL AND PRIZE FOR MATHEMATICS This Prize was founded in 1872 by William H enry Drew, M.A., Professor of M athem atics, 1869 to 1882, in memory of his eldest son, Robert M iddlemist Drew, M athem atical Scholar Elect of St. Jo h n ’s College, Oxford, who died on Commemoration Day a t K ing’s College, 1870, before he had completed the 17th year of his age. 1. The Prize consists of a gold medal of the value of £10, or of a silver gilt medal and books of the joint value of £10. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students who have attended at I east two years a t the College. 3. The Prize will be aw arded annually to the stu d en t who, in the opinion of the Principal and the H ead of the D epartm ent of M athema­ tics, shall have most distinguished himself in the subject of Mathematics.

GLADSTONE MEMORIAL PRIZE The Committee of the Gladstone Memorial Fund established Glad­ stone Memorial Prizes to be given in books a t the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London, the Scottish Universities, and the University Colleges of G reat B ritain, for special proficiency in H istory and Political Science and Economics. 1. The Prize allotted to K ing’s College consists of books to the value of £10, but up to £5 may be taken in cash. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students of the College and will be awarded annually for an Essay on a subject connected with either history or political science or economics and with some aspect of British policy, imperial, foreign or domestic, in relation to finance or other m atters, from the beginning of the 19th century onwards to the present time. 3. Candidates’ essays should reach the Secretaiy before May 31at.


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A rts


BREWER PRIZE FOR ENGLISH LITERATURE AND HISTORY This Prize waa founded in 1878 by the friends and colleagues of the Rev. Jo h n Sherren Brewer, M.A., Professor of English L iterature and Modern H istory from 1865 to 1878. U nder the original conditions the Prize was to be aw arded for English L iterature and Modern H istory in alternate years, b u t in 1930 th e Delegacy added from general College funds sufficient capital to make it possible to award one prize in each subject in each year. 1. E ach Prize consists of books to the value of £5. 2. The Prizes are open to all regular students of the F aculty of Arts. 3. The Prizes will be aw arded annually, one on th e result of the y ear’s work in English L iterature, and the other on the result of the year’s work in Modern H istory.

WARR MEMORIAL PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1903 by Mrs. W arr, in memory of her husband George Charles W inter W arr, M.A., Professor of Classical L iterature in K ing’s College from 1879 to 1901. 1. The Prize consists of books to th e value of about £3. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students who have been in a t ­ tendance during the session a t th e classes in L atin, Greek and Ancient H istory. 3. The Prize will be aw arded annually to th e stu d en t who, in the opinion of the Principal and the H ead of the D epartm ent of Classics, shall have m ost distinguished himself in the subjects of L atin, Greek and A ncient H istory.

RONALD BURROWS MEMORIAL PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1921 from funds contributed by the colleagues and friends of Ronald Montagu Burrows, M.A., D .Litt., Ph.D., Principal of King’s College from 1913 to 1920. 1. The Prize is of the value of £30, and is aw arded annually to a g raduate of a British U niversity or of the U niversity of Athens. P re­ ference will be given to a student who has graduated in Honours from K ing’s College or K ing’s College Theological D epartm ent. 2. The Prize is aw arded, in the case of students who have graduated from tho College, after consideration of the results of the U niversity of London Honours Exam inations, and, in the case of other G raduates, after consideration of the results of their Honours Degree exam ination, supplem ented if necessary by reports of their teachers and by a w ritten or oral test.


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3. The Prizem an will be required to pursue an approved course of advanced study, to the satisfaction of the Principal, in Ancient, Mediaeval or Modern Greek Language, Literature or History or in Greek Archaeology. 4. The date and m anner of paym ent shall be a t the discretion of the College Authorities. 5. A stu d en t may be aw arded the Prize in two or more consecutive years. 6. If in any year the Prize is not awarded, the interest thus accum u­ lated shall be available a t the discretion of the Principal either for an increase in the am ount of a Prize subsequently awarded or for the award of two prizes in a subsequent year. 7. Applications, which m ust state the qualifications of the candidate and the character and scope of the proposed course of advanced study, should be sent to the Principal not later than Ju n e 30th.

EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY PRIZE The Early English T ext Society gives annually a Prize of Books for the best work in Early English subjects in th e D epartm ent of English.

HUBERT HALL PRIZE FOR PALAEOGRAPHY This Prize wan founded in 1927 from funds contributed by the pupils and friends of H ubert Hall, L itt.D ., F.S.A., to celebrate his 70th birth ­ day. Dr. H ubert H all was Reader in Palaeography from 1920 to 1926. 1. The Prize consists of books to the value of £5. 2. The Prize is open to all students who have w ithin three years of the date of the exam ination in each year attended for not less th an three term s regular courses of instruction in Palaeography or Diplomatic in connection with one of the Schools of the University. 3. The Prize will be aw arded annually after exam ination. The exam ination will be w ritten and practical. The paper, or papers, will include questions requiring a knowledge of the history and theory of Palaeography w ith the elements of Diplomatic. 4. The regulations governing the award of the Prize may be modified from tim e to tim e by the Governing Body for the tim e being of U ni­ versity of London King’s College, with the concurrence of the Council of the Royal Historical Society. 5. Entries should reach the Secretary exam ination will be held in October.

by October





ELIZABETH LEVETT MEMORIAL PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1939 from funds contributed by the col­ leagues and friends of E lizabeth L evett, who was T u to r to Women Students and L ecturer in H istory a t K ing’s College from 1923 to 1928 and afterw ards Professor of H istory a t Westfield College. 1. Tho Prize is of the value of ab o u t £20 and is aw arded biennially. 2. The Prize is open to all women regular students of the College who have com pleted tho course for an honours degree in H istory in the U niversity of London or have been registered as research students in th e D epartm ent of H istory a t K ing’s College for n o t less th an one aca­ demic year. 3. The Prize will be aw arded for an essay on any subject in Mediaeval H istory, preference being given to work in Mediaeval Economic H is­ tory. The essay should em body the results of original research and should not exceed ten thousand words in length. 4. The Prize will be offered in J u ly 1957, and thereafter in in altern ate years. Candidates should subm it th e subjects of essays to the Principal for approval before October 31st in the preceding th a t in which they intend to com pete and should send essays to the Secretary before May 31st.

Ju ly their year their

5. I f in any year in which th e Prize is offered no aw ard is made the interest th u s accum ulated m ay, a t th e discretion of the Principal, be added to the capital of tho fund or mav be applied to any of the fol­ lowing p u rp o ses:— (a) to increase the value of the Prize or to provide a second Prize

to a deserving candidate in a subsequent y e a r; (b) to provide assistance for the publication of any work on Medi­

aeval H istory subm itted by a form er holder of the P rize; (c) to encourage research in Mediaeval H istory a t K ing’s College by any other means consistent w ith the conditions laid down in Clause 2. If assistance is given for the publication of any original work, such published work shall contain an acknowledgment th a t the work has been assisted from the Elizabeth L evett Fund of K ing’s College London.


THOMAS WALL PRIZES These Prizes were founded in 1930 by th e Thom as Wall T rust. 1. Each Prize consists of books or in strum ents to the value of £2. 2. One Prize is open to men students and th e other to women students in th e D epartm en t of E d u cation.



3. The Prizes will be aw arded annually on the result of a special test in reading and recitation. In making th e aw ard the m anner in which candidates have used th eir voices during their teaching practice will also be taken into account.

JOHN WILLIAM ADAMSON PRIZE The Prize, in memory of Jo h n W illiam Adamson, Professor of Education from 1903 to 1924, was founded by members of his family. 1. The Prize consists either of books or of a g rant to meet the expenses of research in education to the value of about £10. 2. The Prize will be awarded annually to the student who, in the opinion of the Principal and the Head of the D epartm ent of Education, shall have most distinguished himself in the practice and theory of teaching. V—IN T H E FACULTY OF LAWS

HAROLD POTTER PRIZE The Prize was in stitu ted in 1951 u nder the term s of the will of P ro­ fessor H arold P o tter, H ead of the D epartm ent of Laws from 1930 and Dean of the Faculty from 1938. 1. The Prize consists of books to a value to be determ ined annually. 2. The Prize will be aw arded annually to the student who, in the opinion of the Principal and the Dean of the F aculty of Laws, shall have attain ed most distinction in the course and exam ination for English Land Law, w hether taken a t P a rt 1 or P a rt II of the LL.B. exam ination. V I—IN T H E FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE A— P r i z e s


N a tu r a l S c ie n c e of








Co l l e g e

DREW GOLD MEDAL AND PRIZE FOR MATHEMATICS See under Prizes in the F aculty of Arts.

CARTER GOLD MEDAL AND PRIZE FOR BOTANY This Prize was founded in 1879 under the will of George ltedsull Carter. 1. The Prize consists of a gold medal and books to the joint value of about £15. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students in all Faculties of the College who have attended for a t least two years a t the College. 3. The Prize will be aw arded annually to the student who, in the opinion of the Principal and the Professor of Botany, shall have most distinguished himself in w ritten and practical work in B otany during the year.




r iz e s

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F a c u l t ie s




A rts, N a tu ra l S c ie n c e






n g in e e r in g

T E N N A N T MEDALS AND PRIZES These Prizes were founded in 1881 under the will of Jam es T ennant, Professor of Mineralogy from 1853 to 1869. 1. Each Prize consists of books or instrum ents to the value of £7 10s., together w ith a medal. 2. One Prize is open to all regular students in the Faculties of Arts and N atural Science attending the first year course; a second Prize is open to all regular students in the Faculties of A rts and N atural Science attending the more advanced courses; and a third Prize is open to all regular students in the F aculty of Engineering. 3. The Prizes will be aw arded annually on the result of the year’s work in the respective courses in th e D epartm ent of Geology. C — P r iz e s


N a tu ra l S c ie n c e s pe c if ie d





su b jk o t s

JOHN MILLAR THOMSON MEDAL FOR CHEMISTRY This Medal was founded in 1930 by Professor S. Smiles, F.R .S., and Professor A. J . Allmand, F.R .S., to com memorate the services rendered to the College and to chemical education by Professor Jo h n Millar Thomson, LL.D ., F.R .S., who first became a member of the staff of the D epartm ent of Chemistry in 1871, and who retired in 1914 after having served for tw enty-seven years as Daniell Professor and H ead of the D epartm ent of Chemistry. 1. The Medal is open to all regular students who have studied for a t least three years in the D epartm ent of Chemistry. 2. The Medal will be aw arded annually to the stu d en t who, in the opinion of the Principal and th e Professors of Chemistry, shall have most distinguished himself in th e final year of the Special Honours Course in the D epartm ent of Chemistry.

SAMUEL SMILES PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY This prize was founded in 1938 from funds contributed by his former colleagues and former pupils as a testim onial to Professor Samuel Smiles, O.B.E., D.Sc., F.I.C., F.R .S., upon his retirem ent from the Daniell Chair of Chem istry which he had held since 1920. 1. The Prize consists of books to the value of £6. 2. The Prize will be aw arded a t the end of each session to the student in the second year of the B.Sc. (Special) Chemistry course who, in the opinion of the Daniell Professor of Chemistry, is adjudged to be the most meritorious.



ALAN FLOWER MEMORIAL PRIZE The Prize was founded in 1945 in memory of Alan Frederick Flower, a student in the F aculty of N atural Science from 1938 to 1940, who was killed on active service on 30th November 1942 while serving as a Sergeant-Observer in the Royal Air Force. The donor of this endow­ ment was a former stu d en t of the College. 1. The Prize consists of books or instrum ents to the value of ab o u t £3. 2. The Prize will be aw arded a t the end of each session to the stu d en t who shall have most distinguished himself in the Final Year of the course for the General Degree of B.Sc., provided th a t the candidate has studied Pure M athem atics or Physics as p art of his course.

PHYSICS ESSAY PRIZE This prize was founded in 1945 by the gift of £50 by an anonym ous donor. 1. The Prize consists of books to the value of £10. 2. The Prize is open to all regular undergraduate students in the D epartm ent of Physics. 3. The Prize is aw arded annually to the stu d en t who in the opinion of the Professors of Physics subm its the best essay on some subject within the range of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, the subject to be selected annually by the Professor. 4. Candidates m ust send their essays to the Secretary not later than May 3 1st. 5. The subject for 1957 may be any one of the following :— (a) The upper atmosphere. (b) Modern conceptions of the liquid state. (c) The physics of R adar. (d) The solid state. V II—IN T H E FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE

LEATHES PRIZES The Leathes Prizes were founded by Philip Hammersley Leathes, of Union Row, Peckham , Surrey, in 1834, to be aw arded to two Medical S tudents “ for th eir proficiency during th e past Academic year in Religious Knowledge and likewise for their general Good Conduct.” The Prizes are adm inistered by th e Council. 1. The Prizes consist of books to the value of £5 and £4 respectively ; the first prize includes a Bible and the second a P rayer Book. 2. The Prizes are open to regular students of King’s College Hospital Medical School and of the Faculty of Medical Science of U niversity of London K ing’s College. 3. The Prizes will be awarded to students in their last pre-olinical year, upon the results of the A.K.C. Exam ination in D ivinity for nonTheological Students.

P R I Z E S ---- M E D I C A L



WARNEFORI) PRIZES These Prizes were founded by th e Rev. Samuel Wilson Warneford, LL.D., for the encouragem ent of th e study of Theology among th e regular medical stu d en ts of K ing’s College. There are two Prizes : th e first of th e value of £25, consisting of silver medal and books, or instrum ents, and th e second of th e value of £15, consisting of a bronze medal and books, or instrum ents. The C andidate m ust have passed in a t least two subjects in the Medical curriculum in th e previous Midsummer Exam inations a t K ing’s College or K ing’s College H ospital, as th e case may be. No one will be eligible to com pete for th e Prize who does not qualify in Medical subjects. The C andidate m ust produce certificates (i) of good conduct (ii) of regular attendance a t D ivinity Lectures, and of having passed the annual E xam ination in D ivinity during his course a t th e College. The Candidate m ust subm it, not later th an October 31st, an Essay of 6,000 to 8,000 words on some Theological subject comprised within the term s of the T rust, which will be prescribed one year in advance. The subject for 1957 m ay be any one of the follow ing:— (a) Soul and body. (b) Vitalism and religion. (c) The problem of suffering. Intending candidates are advised to ask for an interview with the Dean of K ing’s College London before beginning an essay, in order th a t they m ay receive some direction.

ALFRED HUGHES MEMORIAL PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1902 by his friends and colleagues in memory of Alfred William Hughes, Professor of Anatom y from 1897 to 1900. 1. The Prize consists of instrum ents or books of a value of about £5. 2. The Prize will be aw arded annually to the regular stu d en t who during tho second year of study in A natom y shall have m ost dis­ tinguished himself in th a t subject a t the Class Exam inations.

HARE PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1917 by George W. H are, in memory of his son, Stanley G rant H are, a former stu d en t of the Medical Science Faculty, who fell a t tho head of his Platoon in the charge against the Turks a t Gaza, April 1917. 1. The Prize consists of books or instrum ents to the value of £2 10a. 2. The Prize will be awarded annually, on the joint recommendation of the Professors of B otany and Zoology, to the best first-year student of Biology in the F aculty of Medical Science.


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INCHLEY PRIZE IN PHARMACOLOGY This Prize was founded in 1925 by Dr. Orlando Inchley, Head of the D epartm ent of Pharmacology. 1. The Prize consists of books or instrum ents to the value of £5. 2. The Prize is open to all regular medical students who, w ithin two years of passing the F irst E xam ination for Medical Degrees, or the Pre-Medical E xam ination of the Conjoint Board, have completed the College course in Pharmacology. 3. The Prize will be aw arded annually upon the results of the Class E xam ination in Pharmacology.

DR. JOHN W. PICKERING PRIZES IN BIOCHEMISTRY One Prize was founded in 1936 by Dr. Jo h n William Pickering, Fellow of the College and H onorary Lecturer in Haematology; its value was increased by a legacy received in 1949 under his will. 1. Two prizes will be offered annually : a first prize and a second prize, consisting of books or instrum ents to the value of £10 and £5 respectively. 2. The prizes will be aw arded annually to the regular students who during the second year of study in Biochemistry have most distinguished themselves in th a t subject a t the Class Exam inations.

BARBARA WIGLEY MEMORIAL PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1939 by the Rev. T. Wigley and Mrs. Wigley in memory of their daughter, Barbara, a stu d en t in the Faculty of Medical Science, who died on 27th Jan u ary 1939, a t the age of 20, before completing her course for the 2nd M.B. Exam ination. 1. The Prize consists of books or instrum ents to the value of about £7, provided th a t a book bearing the book-plate of the Barbara Wigley Memorial Prize shall in every case form p art of the Prize. 2. The Prize will be aw arded annually to the woman stu d en t in the Faculty of Medical Science who shall have most distinguished herself in the 2nd M.B. Exam ination of th a t year.

BARCLAY-SMITH PRIZE IN ANATOMY This Prize was founded under the W ill of Edw ard Barclay-Sm ith, Professor of A natom y from 1915 to 1927, who died Ju ly 5th, 1945. 1. The Prize consists of books or instrum ents to the value of £3 10s. 2. The Prize will be aw arded annually by the H ead of the D epart­ ment of A natom y a t his absolute discretion to the stu d en t in the Faculty of Medical Science who has in the course of the year shown most con­ vincing evidence of special distinction in Practical Anatom y or in carrying out one particular dissection.




SIEMENS PRIZES These Prizes were founded in 1883 by Sir Charles W illiam Siemens, D.C.L., F .ll.S . 1. Each Prize consists of books or instrum ents to the value of £5. 2. The Prizes are open to all regular students of the F aculty of E n ­ gineering who have been placed in the F irst or Second Class in the E xam ination in Engineering M etallurgy. 3. The Prizes will be aw arded annually, upon the results of the second p art of the E xam ination for the Degree or Diploma in Engineering, to the two candidates who shall have m ost distinguished themselves in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering respectively.

WALTER SMITH PRIZES These Prizes were founded in 1919 by members of the Governing Bodies and the Staff of King’s College as a testim onial to W alter Sm ith, F.K .C., upon his retirem ent from th e office of Secretary of the College, which he had held since 1895. 1. The Prizes consist of books or instrum ents, the first to the value of £5, and the second to th e value of £2 5s. 2. The Prizes are open to regidar students in the Engineering Faculty. 3. The F irst Prize will be aw arded upon the results of the second p art of the E xam ination for the Degree or Diploma in Engineering to the regular stu d en t who shall have most distinguished himself in Civil Engineering. The Second Prize will be aw arded to the regular student who shall have m ost distinguished himself in th e subjects of the first p a rt of the E xam ination for the Degree or Diploma in Engineering.

JAMESON PRIZE This Prize was founded in 1935 by Alexander Hope Jam eson, M.Sc., M .Inst.C.E., M .Inst.W ater E ., F.K .C ., Professor of Civil Engineering in the College from 1912 to 1935. 1. The Prize consists of books and/or instrum ents of value £1 10s. 2. The Prize is aw arded on the results of P a rt I of the B.Sc. (Eng.) exam ination.

GREENE PRIZE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING This Prize has been presented annually since 1935 by Frank Arnold Greene, M.I.Mech.E., M .I.E.E., M .I.Chem.E., F.K.C. 1. The Prize consists of books or instrum ents to the value of £5 5s. 2. The Prize is open to all regular students who have completed the course in Chemical Engineering and have obtained the College Certificate in Chemical Engineering. 3. The Prize is aw arded annually to the student who, in the opinion of the Chemical Engineering Committee of the College, has most distinguished himself in his course of study during the year.



ENGINEERING SOCIETY CENTENARY PRIZES These Prizes were founded as the result of an appeal to commemorate tho Centenary of the K ing’s College Engineering Society in 1947. The fund was established by contributions from members of the Old Students’ Association, Engineering Branch (now the K ing’s College London Engineers’ Association), w ith generous donations from Sir H arry Railing and Mr. P. R. Brierley. 1. The Prizes consist of books or instrum ents to a value to be d eter­ mined annually. 2. One or more Prizes m ay be aw arded each year to the student or students who shall have shown most distinction a t the P a rt III exam ination after three sessions as regular students of the Faculty of Engineering.


FACULTY OF ARTS Dean Professor Gr. B u l l o u g h , M.A.

Vice-Dean Professor R . J . H . J e n k in s , M .A., F .S.A .

S u b -D e a n a n d A d v ise r o f S tu d ie s

I). M. Low, M.A.

K .C .C .




FACULTY OF ARTS CO U R SES OF STUDY The Faculty provides system atic courses of study in A rts, suitable for students preparing for the Internal Degrees and Diplomas of the University of London. A t the present time, as regards the first or B.A. degree of the U niver­ sity, only Regular students are adm itted, th a t is, students who take a full-time course with the object of graduating and pay the Composition Fee of the Faculty. Owing to pressure of numbers, the admission of occasional students is suspended. The a tt e n t i o n of s t u d e n t s is called to the General College Rules, for wh ich see Table of Contents.


ir e c t io n s


A ppl ic a t io n

Application forms and copies of the prospectus should be obtained from the R egistrar of the College. Applications from Women should reach the T utor to Women Students not later than 31st December before the proposed date of entry. Applications from M en should reach the Sub-Dean of the F aculty of Arts not later th an 31st Jan u ary before the proposed date of entry. Final decisions of acceptance or rejection are not made until after the closing date of en try in each case. An applicant who is offered a place a t another London college before March 31st and who has a preference for K ing’s College should not w ith­ draw his application from K ing’s w ithout first consulting the Registrar, mentioning the F aculty for which he has applied. It is desirable th a t applicants should fill in their forms in their own handwriting. Co n d it io n s




1. In order to be qualified for admission to any college of this U ni­ versity an applicant m ust satisfy the U niversity’s minimum require­ ments. The procedure to be followed is the same for all Faculties and is outlined above, under General Inform ation, on page 42. 2. For direct entry to any course for the B.A. General or B.A. Honours degree the satisfaction of the minimum entry requirem ents m ust be achieved by means of subjects selected from the approved list of





subjects draw n up by the U niversity; moreover, two languages other th an English, a t least one of which m ust be a classical language, m ust be included a t O rdinary or Advanced Level. 3. A t K ing’s College prior consideration will, in general, be given to those applicants who, while satisfying the U niversity’s minimum entrance and direct entry requirem ents, pass in a t least three subjects a t A dvanced Level. The special requirem ents in term s of individual subjects for entry to particular departm ents are set o u t below.

N o r m a l R e q u ir e m e n t s f o r E n t r y to P a r t ic u l a r D e g r e e Co urses

Requirem ents fo r a Classical Language at “ A ” or “ 0 ” Level

(i) For E n try to Honours Courses The D epartm ents of English, H istory, French, German and Spanish will norm ally require “ A ” passes in three subjects, of which one a t least m ust be a classical language. F or H istory and the Modern L an­ guages Latin will be preferred. The D epartm ents of Philosophy, Geography and M athem atics will be satisfied w ith an “ 0 ” level pass in a classical language. These D epartm ents will norm ally require three “ A ” passes in all. For Honours in Classics the D epartm ent of Classics will normally require “ A ” passes in both L atin and Greek, with one other “ A ” pass. F or H onours in L atin the D epartm ent will require an “ A ” pass in L atin and will be satisfied with an “ O ” pass in G reek; it wall, however, norm ally require two other “ A ” passes in addition to “ A ’* Latin. (ii) For E n try to the B .A . General Course The F aculty will be satisfied w ith an “ O ” level pass in a classical language except where L atin is to be one of th e subjects of th e degree course. In th a t case an “ A ” pass in L atin will be required. Requirem ents fo r Other Subjects at “ A ” or “ 0


(i) For E n try to Honours Courses D epartm ents will in general require “ A ” passes both in the main honours subject and also in the subsidiary, if there is one, when such subjects are included in the list of approved subjects scheduled for the satisfaction of the Minimum E ntrance Requirem ents of the University. Exceptions to these requirem ents may be made w’here Portuguese is to be the main subject, or where either Spanish or Portuguese is to be the subsidiary subject. In certain cases beginners in Spanish and Portuguese are accepted for subsidiary courses in those languages. Similarly students desiring to take either Geology or Economics as a




subsidiary to Geography will n o t be required to have studied such a subject previously. Although, as noted above, the D epartm ents of Philosophy, Geo­ graphy and M athem atics will be satisfied with “ O ” passes in a classical language, they will normally require three “ A ” passes in all. The attention of applicants for H onours M athem atics is draw n to the special requirem ents of the U niversity for direct entry into th a t course. (ii) For E ntry to the B .A . General Course Where the three subjects selected by an applicant for this course are on the approved list and can be taken a t a G.C.E. exam ination the F aculty will require norm ally “ A ” level passes in each subject (e.g. French, H istory and English). Where some of the subjects selected are not on the approved list (e.g. Philosophy), and where Spanish or Portuguese is selected and has n o t been previously studied, or studied only to “ 0 ” level, th e F acu lty will normally expect applicants to have passed in three “ A ” subjects, selected from those included in the approved list. F in a l


Co u r se s

S tudents in their first year will be encouraged to atten d lectures in a t least one subject other th a n those which form an integral p art of their degree course. (a) The B.A. G e n e r a l C o u r s e . Three years is the normal duration of this course, b u t if by special permission a student is allowed to enter for the final exam ination after only two years as a registered internal student and passes, then he or she will be required by the U niversity to spend a third year of approved study in the College before graduating.

For the B.A. G e n e r a l D e g r e e E x a m i n a t i o n three subjects have to be taken which may be selected from the following :— Greek. Portuguese. H istory of Philosophy. Latin. Spanish. Logic. English. Ethics. M athematics. French. Geography. Theology. German H istory. W ar Studies. Old Norse. Three papers are set in each subject and the pass list is published in three divisions. Honours are not awarded. (b) The B.A. H o n o u r s D e g r e e may be taken in any one of the follow­ ing branches, b u t, except in the cases of Classics, English, H istory, M athe­ matics and Philosophy, the candidate will be required to take a su b ­ sidiary subject also. In most subjects the post-interm ediate honours course extends over three years, but if it should happen th a t a stu d en t passed a final honours exam ination after only two years as a registered internal student, he or she would be required to spend a th ird year of approved study.

Classics. Latin w ith subsidiary Greek. Greek with subsidiary Latin. M athematics (Pure and Applied).

English. French. Geography. German.

History. Philosophy. Portuguese. Spanish.




A pplicants for French or German H onours are required to take a short te st set by these departm ents. F or applicants still a t school the paper will be sent to their respective schools in the first half of th e year a t dates to be arranged—if possible, during th e L ent term . O ther arrangem ents will be made for applicants who have left school. Copies of previous te st papers are n o t available.

I I —FO R H IG H E R D EG R E E S In addition to In tern al G raduates of the U niversity of London, E xternal G raduates and G raduates of other Universities are adm itted to courses leading to th e degrees of M.A. and Ph.D . The degree of D .Lit. is aw arded not on a thesis b u t on the m erits of original p u b ­ lished work, not done under direction, and no course is prescribed. F or all details concerning the various H igher Degrees, the U niversity Regulations should be consulted. Applicants should write in the first place for an application form which will be subm itted to the H ead of the D epartm ent in which their studies lie. On entering upon a course of postgraduate study, it is necessary to be form ally enrolled by the H ead of the D epartm ent.

I H —FO R T H E POSTGRADUATE C ER TIFIC A TE IN EDUCATION A courso in professional training, extending over one session (three term s), is open to all men and women graduates of recognised u n i­ versities who are accepted by the H ead of the Education D epartm ent. Applications for admission to the course will be considered only in the la st year of the degree course, and should be subm itted to the D ep art­ m ent of E ducation between Novem ber 1st and December 15th preceding th e au tu m n in which the applicant wishes to enter the D epartm ent. Details of tho Ministry of Education grants tenable in the D epartm ent are given below in the section Department of Education.

IV —FO R T H E ACADEMIC DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION AND M.A. IN EDUCATION The duration of the course for this Academic Diploma is one year of full-tim e study or two years of part-tim e study. F or th e M.A. course tho corresponding periods are two years and three years respectively. F u rther particulars are given a t the end of this Faculty section.




FEES A ll fees are payable in advance. Sessional fees m ay be paid in equal term inal instalm ents on paym ent o f an additional £1 la. in the first term. A — R e g is t r a t io n


A Registration Fee of £2 2s. m ust be paid by each full-time stu d en t upon acceptance by the Dean of the F aculty. This fee is not returnable, and in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. In addition a further charge of £1 Is. is made to each Overseas S tu d en t upon acceptance; this is deducted from the general Tuition Fees upon entry but in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. A Registration Fee of 5s. is charged to Occasional S tudents on their first entry to the College in any session.

B — F e e s fo r R eg u l a r U n d e r g r a d u a t e Co u r se s

T u itio n Fees :—

1. B.A. General or Honours in all cases except those mentioned in 2 :—£37 16s. per annum . (£50 fro m A ugust 1957.) 2. B.A. General or H onours with Science Subjects :—£40 19s. per annum . (£55 fro m A ugust 1957, with laboratory fee o f £5 where appropriate.) 3. Evening Classes in H onours S p an ish ;—£4 per term or £10 per session, together with the registration fee of 5s. (From A ugust 1957 : £15 a session.) A special Registration Fee of £2 is charged, in lieu of the correspond­ ing portion of the sessional tu itio n fee, to all Honours students spending a session, or p art of a session, a t a foreign University in connection with their degree courses. The Tuition Fees are reduced by 20 per cent, in the case of boys who enter the College direct from K ing’s College School, or from Strand School, provided they produce a certificate stating th a t they have attend ed a t least five term s in the School. Subject to the approval of the Dean of the F aculty and of the Lecturer concerned, a regular stu d en t in the F aculty of A rts may atten d any class in his own F aculty or any one class in any other F aculty w ithout extra tuitio n fee. E xam ination Fees, payable to the U niversity :—

B.A. Honours, £13 13s., of which £2 2s. is payable when entering for a subsidiary subject. B.A. General, £12 12s.


FEES C— F e e s f o r P o s t g r a d u a t e C o u r s e s

Annual fees for : P ostgraduate Cer­ tificate in E d u ­ cation

Registered G raduates. All other students. P art-tim e. Full-tim e. Part-tim e. Full-time. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. -

33 12 (1957-58) 50 0 -


0 0


42 (1957-58) 50 —

0 0

Acad. D iplom a in 8 8 0 E ducation * 16 16 0 11 0 6 22 1 M.A. in E duca­ tion f 11 4 0 16 16 0 14 14 0 22 1 M.A. in all other subjects J 8 8 0 16 16 0 14 14 0 22 1 (No new Registered Graduates w ill be registered after 1956, and fro m A ugust 1957 the fees fo r all others under sections 2, 3 and 4 above ivill be £25 fo r full-tim e students, £12 1Os. fo r part-tim e A cademic Diplom a students and £17 fo r part-tim e M .A . students.) 5. Candidates for higher degrees who are required to take qualifying Honours papers a t the B.A. exam ination will be charged a tuition fee of £25 4s. for the first year of their course. (£35 in 1957-58.) 6. Ph.D . (a) For Registered G raduates of the College :—£16 16s. per annum . (b) For all other stu d en ts :—£22 Is. per annum . (From A ugust 1957 : £17 per annum part-tim e or £25 per annum fu ll ­ time, fo r all.) The normal course extends over two years, but for stu d en ts required by the U niversity to devote a longer period to the course the annual fee will be so adjusted th a t th e to tal am ount payable is £33 12s. under (a), or £44 2s. under (b). When th e prescribed period is exceeded, a R egistration Fee of £3 3s. per annum is payable. (£5 in 1957-58.) D — F e e s fo r o t h e r C o u r s e s a n d S p e c ia l Cl a s s e s

1. Research Work (other th an Degree W o rk ):—A registration fee of £1 11s. 6d. per annum is charged (£2 2s. in 1957-58), together with such other fee as m ay be fixed in each case in view of the am ount of work involved. 2. Separate Classes. Occasional Students pay fees on the following scale unless other­ wise stated in the Syllabus of th e Class :— £2 2s. a term for one hour a week, or £5 5s. a session for one hour a week. 3. In stitu te of H istorical Research. £4 14s. 6^. a session, or £2 2s. a term for each of the first and second term s and £1 Is. for th e th ird term , for classes or seminars of one hour’s duration held weekly, and half these fees for classes held fortnightly, (Subject to alteration in 1957). • One year full-time or two years part-time. f Two years full-time or three years part-time. I In special cases the course may be extended without payment of a further tuition fee, but ill such cases a registration fee of £5 a year will be charged.





CLASSES IN THE FACULTY 1. The times and rooms of all classes (except tutorials) will be given a tim etable in the Main E ntrance Hall. 2. The following signs are used to indicate the nature of the courses :— Y.—Introductory. Z . —Final B.A. General or Subsidiary. A.— Final B.A. Honours or Postgraduate. S.— O ther courses. The suffix t denotes a tu to rial class. 3. The num ber of hours shown after each course is the num ber given to th a t course weekly. on

4. Students taking Science subjects as p art of their Arts course should consult the prospectus of the Faculty of N atural Science.

CLASSICS Head of the D ep a rtm e n t: Professor W i l l i a m S t u a r t M a q u i n n e s s , M.A. Students in this departm ent may enter for Honours in Classics or Honours in Latin with Subsidiary Greek or Honours in Greek with Subsidiary Latin. Suitable classes in Greek or L atin m ay be attended by students wishing to read a first-year subject w ithout exam ination. Classes in elem entary Greek for students of the college who are beginners in this subject will be arranged if necessary.

Greek I — B.A. G e n e r a l Z , —(1st year). Greek texts. (2 hrs.) Z 2— (1st year). Composition, Language, Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) Z 3— -(1st year). Greek H istory or Philosophy or Social and Political Institutions. (1 hr.) Z 4—(2nd year and Subsidiary). Set Books. (2 hrs.) Z 5— (2nd year and 1st year Subsidiary). Composition, Language, Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) Z tf— (3rd year and Subsidiary). Set Books. (2 hrs.) Z 7— (3rd year and 2nd year Subsidiary). Composition, Language, Unseen Translation. (1 hr.)

A ,—

(1st year). a 2— (1st year). A 3—(1st year). Aj—(1st year). a 5—(1st year). a 8—(1st year).

I I —B.A. H o n o u r s Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) Composition. (1 hr.) G ram m ar and Language. (1 hr.) Prose and Verse Texts. (2 hrs.) Outlines of Greek H istory. (1 hr.) Metre and Prosody. (1 hr.)



A , — (2nd

year). Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) A 8— (2nd year). Composition and Language. (1 hr.) A „ — (2nd year). Syntax of Greek and Latin. (1 hr.) A 10— (2nd and 3rd years). Readings in Greek L iterature. (3 hrs.) A u — (2nd and 3rd years). Special Subjects (Verse Composition, C om parative Philology, H istory of Greek D ram a, H istory of Greek Philosophy, Greek H istorical Subject, Greek Sculpture, P o ttery and Vase Painting). (Times to be arranged.) A 12 — (3rd year). Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) Aig—(3rd year). Composition and Language. (2 hrs.) A , —T utorial W ork. (Times to be arranged.) A i4—Greek Language and Set Books for English Honours students. (The Classical Background to English L iterature). (Times to be arranged.) Ill— P o stg r a d u a te an d R esea rch A 15—Courses for M.A. and Ph.D . as required.

Latin I —B.A. G e n e r a l Z t—(1st year). L atin texts. (2 hrs.) Z 2— (1st year). Composition, Language, Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) Z 3—(1st year). R om an H istory. (1 hr.) Zj— (2nd year). Set Books. (3 hrs.) Z 5— (1st year Subsidiary). Set Books. (2 hrs.) Z 6— (2nd year and 1st year Subsidiary). Composition, Language, Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) Z 7— (3rd year). Set Books. (3 hrs.) Z 8— (2nd year Subsidiary). Set Books. (2 hrs.) Z 9— (3rd year and 2nd year Subsidiary). Composition, Language, Unseen T ranslation. (1 hr.) I I —B.A. H o n o u r s A x— (1st year). Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) A2—(1st year). Composition and Language. (1 hr.) A3— (1st year). Prose and Verse Texts. (3 hrs.) A4— (1st year). Outlines of R om an H istory. (1 hr.) A5— (1st year). Metre and Prosody. (1 hr.) A 6— (2nd year). Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) a 7— (2nd year). Composition and Language. (1 hr.) A 8— (2nd year). Syntax of Greek and Latin. (1 hr.) A9— (2nd and 3rd years). Readings in L atin L iterature. (2 hrs.) A 10— (2nd and 3rd years). Special Subjects (Verse Composition, Comparative Philology, Rom an Satire, Rom an Historical Subject). (Times to be arranged.) A n — (3rd year). Unseen Translation. (1 hr.) A ,2—(3rd year). Composition and Language. (2 hrs.) A.—Tutorial W ork. (Times to be arranged.)





A l3—Latin Language and Sot Books for English Honours Students. (The Classical Background to English L iterature.) (Times to bo arranged.) I l l —P o s t g r a d u a t e a n d R e s e a r c h A u —Courses for M.A. and Ph.D. as required.

Intercollegiate Lectures The intercollegiate lectures in Classics will be held in the Michaelmas and Lent term s a t 10 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. on W ednesdays. The place will be announced in the D epartm ent.

EDUCATION Head of the D epartm ent : Professor A r t h u r V a l e n t i n e J u d g e s , B.A., D.Sc.(Econ.) Aj—Principles of Education. Aa—The English Educational System. a 3—Educational Psychology. A*— H istory of Education. A5—Com parative Education. A„—F urth er Educational Psychology. a 7—Speech Training. A8—H ealth Education. A#—Teaching Methods and Visual Aids A10—School Practice.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Head of the D ep a rtm e n t: Professor G e o f f r e y B u l l o u g h , M.A. I —B.A. G e n e r a l Z j— (1st year). P ractical Criticism. (1 hr.) Z2—(1st year). English L iterary Forms. (1 hr.) Z3— (1st year). In tro d u ctio n to Medieval L iterature and Language. (1 hr.) Z4—(2nd year and Subsidiary). Old English. (2 hrs.) Z6—(3rd year and Subsidiary). Old and Middle English. (1 hr.) Z6—(2nd and 3rd years and Subsidiary). L iterature. Special A uthors : Johnson, Gray, Burns. (2 hrs.) Z,—(All Students). Tutorial class. (1 hr.) I I — B.A. H o n o u r s A t—(1st year). Old English. (2 hrs.) A a—(1st year). Outlines of English Language. (1 hr.) a 3—(1st year). The E ighteenth Century. (2 hrs.) a 4—(1st year). Introduction to Medieval L iterature and early D ram a. (1 hr.) A 5—(1st year). English L iterary Forms. (1 hr.) Atf—(1st year). American Literature. (1 hr.)



A 7—(1st

year). Practical Criticism. (1 hr.) A s — (2nd year). H istory of the English Language. (1 hr.) A n—(2nd year). Old English. (2 hrs.) A 10— (2nd year). Middle English prescribed texts. (2 hrs.) A u — (2nd and 3rd years). Middle English : Sir Gawayne. (1 hr.) A 12— (2nd and 3rd years). M ilton; the R estoration Period. (1 hr.) A 13—(2nd and 3rd years). English L iterature, 1500-1640. (2 hrs.) A i4 — (3rd year). Shakespeare Texts, and Bibliography. (1 hr.) Ai 5 — (3rd year). Philology and H istory of the English Language. (1 hr.) Special Subjects — A ig—(2nd

and 3rd years). H istory of L iterary Criticism. (1 hr. each.) and 3rd years). English L iterature since 1880 : Novel and D ram a. (1 hr.) A l8 — (2nd and 3rd years). American L iterature. (2 hrs.) A , 9— (2nd and 3rd years). Old Norse. (2 hrs.) a 20—(2nd and 3rd years)—The Classical Background to English Literature. (2 hrs.) A 21— (2nd and 3rd years). Anglo-Saxon Archaeology. (1 hr.) A 22— (2nd and 3rd years). Palaeography and Bibliography. (1 hr.) A 23— (2nd and 3rd years). Old English, Gothic and other Germanic languages. (1 hr.) A 17— (2nd

There will be an optional class in Old Norse for students not offering it as a Special Subject. All Honours students will do tutorial work in pairs or small groups. I l l — I n t e r c o l l e g ia t e L e c t u r e s

A ttendance a t the intercollegiate lectures on W ednesday mornings in the Senate House is expected of all Honours students. F u rth er details will be announced in the D epartm ent a t the beginning of the session.

I V — P o st g r a d u a t e W ork

All P ostgraduate and Research Students should communicate with the H ead of the D epartm ent a t the beginning of the session. Facilities for research will be provided in both Mediaeval and Modern Language and L iterature, in Old Norse and in Com parative Philology. A course in Palaeography or Bibliography and a seminar will be held for full-time students.





FRENCH Head of the D ep a rtm e n t: Professor J o h n M a r t i n C o c k i n g , I —B.A.

M .A .

G e n e r a l a n d S u b s id ia r y

Z L—(All years). Composition and Translation. Classes subdivided according to years and numbers. (1 hr.) z 2—(1st year). Modern French Syntax. (1 hr.) Z 3—(1st year). H istory of French L iterature. (1 hr.) Z i —(2nd & 3rd years). L iterature and Set Books. A two-year course in each of the following :— (а) 17th and 18th Centuries. (1 hr.) (б) 19th and 20th Centuries. (1 hr.) Z 5— (All years). Seminars. (1 hr.) z ,—(All years). Conversation Classes. (I hr.)

I I —B.A. H o n o u r s A t—H istory of the French Language—a three-year course : 1st year, 2 h rs .; 2nd year, 1 h r . ; 3rd year, 1 hr. Aj—Prescribed Mediaeval T exts—a tw o-year course of I hr. a week. A 3— (2nd & 3rd years). H istory of the Language of the 16th Century and Prescribed Texts. (I hr.) A t —(2nd & 3rd years). History of French Literature of the Middle Ages. (1 hr.) A 6—(1st year). L iteratu re: 16th and 17th Centuries. (1 hr.) A „ —(1st year). L iteratu re: 19th Century—first half. (1 hr.) A 7—(2nd & 3rd years). L iteratu re: 18th Century. (1 hr.) A8—(2nd year). L iteratu re: 19th C entury—second half. (1 hr.) A #—(2nd year). Literature : Special Period. (2 hrs.) A l0—(3rd year). L ite ra tu re : Special Period. (1 hr.) A,—Tutorial Classes. (1 hr.) A u — (1st year). Composition. (1 hr.) A u —(2nd year). Composition. (1 hr.) A ls— (3rd year). Composition. (1 hr.) A u — (1st year). Phonetics. (1 hr.) a 15— (1st & 3rd years). Translation. (1 hr.) a 16— (1st year). Modern French Syntax. (1 hr.) A, —Conversation. (1 hr.) Note : As an integral p art of the course, each Honours student is expected to spend the last term of the first session a t a French U niver­ sity, and the following summer vacation in France if possible.

I l l — P o stg r a d u a te a n d R esearch French Language and Literature. W By appointm ent with the a 18—Romance Philology. / \ supervisor.

a 17—



GERMAN H ead of the D e p a rtm e n t: Profeasor

F r e d e r ic k

N orman,

O.B.E., M.A., F.S.A.

I — B.A. G e n e r a l a n d S u b s i d i a r y Z j—Germ an Proae Composition. (1 hr.) Z2—Outlines of L iterary H istory (1740-1914). (1 hr). Z 3—Prescribed Texts. (1 hr.) Z 4—Conversation Groups. (1 hr.) Z 5—Translation and stylistic study. (1 hr.) Z 0—M iddle H igh G erm an. (1 hr.) Z 7—Essay Class.

Classes are sub - divided -according to numbers and years.

I I — B.A. H o n o u r s A j—H istory of the German language—a three-year course : 1st year, 1 h r . ; 2nd year, 1 h r . ; 3rd year, 1 hr. a 2—Old High Germ an—a tw o-year course : 2nd year, 1 h r . ; 3rd year, 1 hr. A s—Middle High German— a three-year course : 1st year, 1 h r . ; 2nd year, 1 h r . ; 3rd year, 1 hr. A 4—Prescribed Modern Texts. (2 hrs.) A 5—E arly New High G erm an L iterature. (1 hr.) A 6—Essay Class. (Students are taken individually.) A 7—Prose Composition. (1 hr.) (Groups according to numbers.) a 8—Translation and stylistic study. (1 hr.) (Groups according to numbers.) A #—Conversation Groups. (1 hr. per group.) A 10 — Optional Subjects. (Intercollegiate; by arrangem ent.) Note : As an integral p a rt of the course, each student is expected to

spend one semester (usually the last term of the first session and the earlier p a rt of the sum m er vacation) a t a German University, and where possible to stay abroad u n til the autum n term . I l l —P o s t g r a d u a t e a n d R e s e a r c h Research students should consult the Professor a t the beginning of the Michaelmas term . A postgraduate sem inar on mediaeval literature is held Tuesdays, 4-6, under the direction of Professor N orm an and Dr. H. Thoma. A postgraduate sem inar on modern literature will also be arranged by the Reader, Dr. Mary Gilbert. IV — S p e c i a l C l a s s e s S j , s 2—German Translation for Science stu d e n ts: a num ber of elem entary and more advanced classes will be arranged. S 3, s 4— Beginners’ classes for students of other departm ents. ( 1 hr. per group.)




HISTORY Head of the D e p a rtm e n t: Professor C h a r l e s H a r o l d W i l l i a m s , M.A.

Ancient History I — I n t e r m e d ia t e A rts

Y x— Greek

H istory. (I hr.) Y , — Roman H istory. (1 hr.) I I —B.A. G e n e r a l Z j—H istory of Greece and H istory of Rome.

(2 hrs.)

I l l —B.A. H o n o u r s ( H i s t o r y , B r a n c h I) At—General Ancient H istory. A two-year course of 2 hrs. weekly. Aj—Special S u b je c t: Greek History, 500-435 B.C. (2 hrs.) A s — Special S ubject: H istory of Rome, 133-70 B.C. (2 hrs.) a 4— The Political and Constitutional H istory of England. See below, Medieval and Modern H istory, A t to Av A 6— European History. See below, Medieval and Modern His­ tory, a 4, a 5. a , — History of Political Ideas. See below, Medieval and Modern History, a 14. a 7— Languages : see below, Medieval and Modern History, A lg. IV— P o s t g r a d u a t e a n d R e s e a r c h C o u r s e s (See under Medieval and Modern H istory, Sec. VI.)

Medieval and Modern History I — I ntroductory Courses

Yj—Outlines of European H istory : Medieval. Y,— Outlines of European H istory : Modern. I I — B.A. G e n e r a l a n d S u b s i d i a r y Zj—H istory of Greece (Session 1957-58) and H istory of Rome (Session 1956-57). (1 hr.) z a—H istory of England, 55 B.C.-1189 a . d . (1 hr.) Zs—H istory of England, 1500-17(50. (1 hr.) z 4—English Constitutional H istory. (1 hr.) z 5—Medieval European History, 400-1200. (1 hr.) z„—Modern European History, 1500-1750. (1 hr.) Z7—English Economic History from 1600. (1 hr.) z g—British Colonial History to 1783. (1 hr.) z,—Essay classes. (Times to be arranged.) N.B.—Students taking H istory for the B.A. General degree or as a Subsidiary subject should consult the D epartm ental T utor before choos­ ing their classes.



I I I —B.A. H o n o u r s ( H i s t o r y , B r a n c h II) (i) English H istory : A i—Political

H istory of England, 55 B.C.-1189

A 2— Political H istory of England, 1500-1760. A.,—Modern B ritish Government. (I hr.)

a .d


(1 hr.)

(1 hr.)

(ii) European H istory : S ,—Medieval, 1200-1500. (1 hr.) S 2— Modern, from 1750. (1 hr.) S 3— “ Special Aspects of H istory.” (1 hr.) A 4— Medieval. (1 hr.) A 6— Modern. (1 hr.) A e— W ar in European H istory. (1 hr.) (iii) Optional Subjects : A 7— Ecclesiastical Institu tio n s of the Middle Ages. (1 hr.) A g— English Economic H istory to 1600. (1 hr.) A 9— Constitutional H istory to 1603. (1 hr.) A 10—British Colonial H istory to 1783. (1 hr.) A u —Diplom atic R elations of the G reat Powers since 1815. (1 hr.) (iv) Special Subjects : A 12 En gland in the reign of H enry II. (1 hr.) A 13— Social and Economic H istory of Tudor England. (1 hr.) A 14— Church and S tate in England in the reign of Charles II. (1 hr.) A l5— Growth of the British Commonwealth, 1880-1932. (1 hr.) 1956 57 : The D om inions; 1957-58: The Tropical Colonies. A 16— The Anglo-French E ntente, 1898-1912. (1 hr.) (v) Other Courses : A l7—H istory of Political Ideas : Ancient and Medieval. (1 hr.) A 18— Problem s of Tw entieth Century W arfare. (1 hr.) A l9— F irst Y ear Introductory Class. (1 hr.) A ,— Final H onours Class. A , —Essay classes. (1 hr.) A.,0— Languages : classes are held in Latin, German, Italian and Spanish as required. IV — H i s t o r i c a l G e o g r a p h y A 16—Historical Geography. (2 hrs., if required.) V— P o stgraduate and R esearch Co urses

Courses in Pala;ography and Diplomatic, and in the Study of Archives, and other postgraduate and research seminars are held a t K ing’s College and the In stitu te of Historical Research. For advice on such courses the H ead of the D epartm ent should be consulted. Note.—The courses marked S are University Intercollegiate coursos and will be given at the Senate House. Particulars are available in the Department.





J ohn

Head of the D epartm ent : M.A., Ph.D., M .R.I.A.

G reenlees Sem ple,

I —B.A. G e n e r a l Z j—(1st year). z 2—(2nd year). Z3—(2nd year).

M athem atics. (4 hrs.) Pure M athematics. (3 hrs.) Applied M athematics. (3 hrs.)

II — B.A. H o n o u r s F irst Session A

!—Analysis. Calculus and Algebra. Geometry. a 3— Vector Algebra and Analysis. Two Dimensional Dynamics of a Particle and Rigid Body. A (— Problem Classes. Second Session A 3— Differential Equations. Analysis. Algebra. Geometry. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. a 4—Three Dimensional Dynamics of a Particle and Rigid Body. Analytical Dynamics. Electricity and Magnetism. Hydrodynam ics. Vibrations and W ave Motion. Elem entary Statistics. A,— Problem Classes.

T hird Session A,—

Problem Classes. A }—Advanced Subjects. Courses chosen from the following sub­ jects :— Functions of a Real Variable. Functions of a Complex Variable. Elliptic Functions. Algebraic Geometry. Differential Geometry. M athem atical Statistics. Group Theory. Tensor Calculus. Com­ binational Topology. Hydrodynamics. R elativity. Electrom agnetic Theory. Elasticity. Stellar Structure. Courses of lectures on other Advanced Subjects will be given as occasion demands. a 6—Intercollegiate Lectures as arranged by the Board of Studies in Mathematics.



MODERN GREEK K oraes Professor of Modern Greek and B yzantine H istory, Language and L iterature : R o m i l l y J a m e s H e a l d J e n k i n s , M.A., F.S.A. Courses for p ostgrad u ate stu d en ts will be arranged as required. Special K oraes lectures are announced in the Public Lectures lists.


F r a n c is W o r m a l d ,

L itt.D ., M.A.,

F .B .A .

Courses will be arranged, where possible, as required.



Head of the D e p a rtm e n t: o h n N i e m e y e r F i n d l a y , M.A., Ph.D .

I — B.A. G e n e r a l a n d S u b s i d i a r y (The first three courses will be open to a strictly limited num ber of additional students no t taking them for degree purposes.) Z —Logic (Junior Course). (2 hrs.) Z2—Ethics (Junior Course). (2 hrs.) Z3—Elem ents of Philosophy. (1 hr.) Z4—Thom as Reid. (1 hr.) I I — B.A. H o n o u r s —M etaphysics. Thurs. 10-11.30. A 2—Advanced Ethics. (2 hrs.) Aj—Advanced Logic. (2 hrs.) a 4—Berkeley and H um e. Wed. 10-11 a t the Senate House. A b—Bacon and Locke. Wed. 11-12 a t the Senate House. a 6—Political Theory. (2 hrs.) A 7—Ancient Philosophy. Mon. 2-3 a t Bedford College. A g—Positivism : 1920-1950. Thurs. 2-4. A 9—Bradley and British Idealism. Wed. 12.15-1.15 a t the Senate House. A10—K a n t’s Aesthetics. (1 hr.) O ther courses in the H istory of Philosophy, Politics and Psychology will be given in the departm ent or arranged in other colleges in the U niversity. I l l — P ostgraduate and R esearch W ork

Students who desire to undertake postgraduate work should consult the Professor. A postgraduate seminar will be held on Tuesdays a t 5.15.

I ll




PORTUGUESE Head of the D e p artm en t: Hon. D .L itt. e t Phil. (U trecht & Lisbon), Camoens Professor. Special lectures are arranged and are announced in the Public Lectures lists. Classes will be arranged as required. Evening classes are not held. Ch a r l e s R




Head of the D ep a rtm e n t: A u g u s t i n e P a r k e r , M.A., Cervantes Professor. I — I n tro d u c to r y Co u rse

Classes will be arranged if required. I I — B .A . G e n e r a l a n d

S u b s id ia r y

Zx—Composition and Translation Classes. (1 hr.) z 2—(1st year). H istory of Spanish L iterature in the Centuries. (1 hr.) Z 3—(1st year). H istory of Spanish Literature in the Centuries. (1 hr.) Z 4—(2nd year). L iterature : Prescribed Texts of the Centuries. (1 hr.) Z 5— (2nd year). L iterature : Prescribed Texts of the Centuries. (1 hr.) Z<— Conversation Classes. (1 hr.)

16th and 17th 19th and 20th 16th and 17th 19th and 20th

I l l — B.A. H o n o u r s A t—(1st year). Historical Background to Spanish Culture. (1 hr.) a 2—(1st year). Principles of Linguistics; General Phonetics; Vulgar Latin. (1 hr.) A3—(2nd year). H istory of the Spanish Language. (1 hr.) A4—(3rd year). H istory of the Spanish Language. (1 hr.) a 5—(1st year). Prescribed Medieval Texts. (2 hrs.) a 6— (2nd year). Prescribed Medieval Texts. (2 hrs.) A,—(3rd year). Medieval Literature. (1 hr.) a 8—L iterature : 1500-1700—a three-year course of 1 hr. a week. A9—L iterature : 1700 to present day—a three-year course of I hr. a week. At—Seminars in Spanish. (1 hr. a week for each year.) A t—(2nd year). Seminar : Prescribed Texts. A,—(3rd year). Seminar : Prescribed Texts. A10—Composition Classes. (1 hr. a week for each year.) Au — (2nd & 3rd years). Translation Class. (1 hr.) A,—Tutorial Classes. (1 hr.) An opportunity will be given to students not taking Spanish as a subject in their course to atten d a first-year class. A class in Spanish is also available for H istory students. As an integral p a rt of the course, each day student is expected to spend one term (normally the last term of the first session) a t a Spanish LTniversity, and the following summer vacation in Spain if possible.



THEOLOGY Head of the D ep a rtm e n t: The Dean of K ing’s College. »

I— C o u r s e s




D ipl o m a


n o n -t h e o l o g i c a l


Under the term s of the K ing’s College London (Transfer) Act, 1908, the Council is required to provide a weekly lecture in Theology. The tim e-tables are so arranged as to allow any student who wishes it to atten d these lectures, b u t no one m ay be compelled to do so. To meet this requirem ent, the lectures are delivered on Mondays a t 10 a.m. The lectures are designed for students desiring the Associateship of K ing’s College, and are provided w ithout ex tra fee. For the regulations governing the aw ard of the Associateship to non-theological students, see p. 44.

II— C o u r se s




(G e n e r a l ) E x a m in a t io n

Courses are provided in the following four subjects, of which each candidate m ust offer three :— z x—Greek T e s ta m e n t: G ram m ar of the Greek Testam ent and u n ­ prepared translation; prepared books from the New T estam ent; translation, exegesis and introduction. Z 2—

Church H istory


Early Church history to

a .d



Z 3—Philosophy of Religion : the purpose and scope of the Phil­ osophy of R eligion; the relation of religion to morality, a rt and science; Theistic and anti-theistic theories, and modes of Theistic proof; the relation to God, to the world and to m a n ; the problem of evil; im m ortality; reason and revelation. Z 4—Biblical

and Historical Theology : one of the following subjects prescribed in the U niversity regulations for alternate y e a rs :— The Person of C h ris t: an exam ination of the Biblical d ata for a doctrine of the Person of C h ris t; an historical survey of ancient Christologies up to a . d . 451 ; modern theories. The W ork of C h rist: an exam ination of the Biblical d ata for a doc­ trine of the W ork of C h rist; an historical survey of the chief (his­ torical) soteriological th eo ries; modern theories of A tonem ent and Redem ption.




JOINT SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHY Geography is tau g h t, under an intercollegiate arrangem ent, in the Jo in t School of Geography a t K ing’s College and the London School of Economics. The statf of the J o in t School includes Prof. R. 0 . B u c h a n a n , B.Sc.(Econ.), M.A., Ph.D ., Professor of Geography a t the London School of Economics. Prof. L. D. S t a m p , C.B.E., D .L it., D.Sc., Professor of Social Geography a t the London School of Economics. Prof. S. W . W o o l d r i d g e , C .B.E., D.Sc., Professor of Geography and Head of the D epartm ent a t K ing’s College.

I — B.A.



G eneral

Is/ Session :— Z j—Physical Basis of Geography. Z 2—Surveying and Map Projections. Z s—Elem ents of Cartography and Map In terp retatio n . 2nd Session :— Z 4—Regional

Geography : N orth America. Z &—Regional Geography : Asia. (Z 4 and Z 5 are alternative options.) Z g—Regional Geography : Europe. Z 7— Regional Geography : British Isles. Z,—Tutorial work a t times to be arranged.

I I —B.A.

H onours and


S p e c ia l

Is* Year :— — a 3 as z x— z 3 above. a 4—Comparative Regional Geography—I. 2/td Y e a r :— A 5—Biogeography. A s —Advanced

Regional Geography (Western and Central Europe). Advanced Regional Geography (British Isles). A g—Comparative Regional Geography—II. a #—Map Interp retatio n . a




Introductory courses in the following optional subjects :— A 10— M athem atical

G eography and Surveying. A j t — Geomorphology. a 12—M eteorology and Climatology. A 13—H istorical Geography. A u —Political Geography. a 16—Economic Geography.

3rd Year :—

16—A dvanced Regional Geography : Europe, including France. Regional Geography : N orth America or Monsoon Asia or Africa. A , 8— In terpretatio n of Aerial Photographs. (Optional.) A , —Seminar.


a 17—Advanced

Those taking Geography under the new regulations m ust also take as ancillary subjects Geology and one of tho follow ing: Anthropology, Biology, Botany, Economics, H istory, M athem atics, Physics, Statistics. Intercollegiate courses in special optional subjects :—

A j#—M athem atical Geography and Surveying. A 20— Geomorphology. a 21— Meteorology and Climatology. A 22— H istorical Geography. A 23—P olitical Geography. a 24—Economic Geography. F

ie l d



All students aro required to give satisfactory evidence of having re­ ceived adequate instruction in the field, and field classes, a t which attendance is compulsory, will be arranged during the session.



DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION One-Year Training Course The course in professional training, which extends over one session (three terms), is open to all men and women graduates of recognised Universities who are accepted by the H ead of the D epartm ent. No admission to the course can be granted w ithout a previous personal interview. The work prepares for the exam ination for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education of the U niversity of London and is intended primarily for those who wish to teach in Secondary Schools. The ex ­ am ination is norm ally held a t the end of Ju n e or early in Ju ly each year. All students m ust atten d courses on the Principles of Education, the English Educational System, Educational Psychology, H ealth E duca­ tion and Teaching Method, and one of the following :— H istory of Education, Comparative Education, F u rth er Educational Psychology. Classes in Speech Training and in the m ethods of teaching special sub­ jects are also provided. O pportunities are afforded for visits of in ­ spection to special types of Schools and facilities for study in other institutions of the University. A minimum of 60 days is spent teaching and observing in Secondary Schools, and students are expected to carry out prelim inary practice for three weeks in P rim ary Schools before the session begins. *The fee for the course is 40 guineas, but is reduced to 32 guineas for those students who are registered graduates of the College. These fees may be paid in equal term inal instalm ents on paym ent of an additional guinea in the first term . A registration fee of two guineas is further payable by all students who are not already members of the College. Students who have not m atriculated in the U niversity of London are required to pay a registration fee of £3 3s. to the U niversity before they can be registered as Intern al students. The en try fee for the exam ina­ tion for the Postgraduate Certificate in E ducation is £6 6s. The D epartm ent is able each year to aw ard a num ber of Ministry of Education grants for men or women, tenable for the one year of professional training, the holders of which are known by the M inistry of E ducation as Recognised Students. These students m ay be exem pt from the paym ent of tuition fees and m ay receive in addition a m ain­ tenance g ran t which is approxim ately equivalent in value to a S tate Scholarship, subject of course to deduction of a “ stu d en t’s contribu­ tion,” calculated upon the net family income after making certain allowances. Additional maintenance grants may be aw arded by the M inistry of Education to Recognised Students who are not under twenty-five years of age when ad m itted to the course. In such cases the am ount would be determ ined by the Minister according to the circumstances of each case. • From A ugust 1957 there will be a single fee of £50 for all students (or £17 a term ).





A student who has held a S tate Scholarship during a degree course should apply to the M inistry for its extension for the postgraduate year of training. Applications for entry to th e course can be made by graduates, or by students in tho last year of their degree course, on a special form which m ust be sent in n o t later th a n December 15th before tho autum n in which tho course is to be begun. Selected candidates will be in ter­ viewed during the session which precedes the beginning of the course.

The Advanced Study of Education Courses in preparation for the Academic Diplom a and the M.A. and Ph.D . degrees in Education. The courses for the M.A. degree begin in October of each session and include courses for the Academic Diploma in Education. I t is required of M.A. candidates th a t they present themselves for th e exam ination for this Diplom a in order to qualify for acceptance for th e degree itself. The courses are carried on in conjunction with th e In stitu te of E duca­ tion. S tudents are required to atten d an approved course of study. F or the Academic D iplom a this extends over n o t less than one academic year for full-tim e students and n o t less th an two academic years for part-tim e students. All students m ust atten d courses in two of the following su b je c ts :—The Philosophy of Education, Comparative Education, H istory of E ducation, Educational Psychology, Educational Sociology, Educational Organisation and A dm inistration, Theory and Practice of Teaching. Unless exem pted under the regulations, students m ust also atten d a course on the General Theory of Education. For tho M.A. an approved course of study is again necessary, the required duration being two academic years full-time, or three part-tim e. Intending students should first consult the regulations of the U niver­ sity and then seek an interview with the H ead of the D epartm ent. In the case of M.A. applications, these interviews are most conveniently arranged tow ard tho end of September, b u t the course for the Ph.D. can be begun in any term of the session. Those who desire to pursue their studies in Education on the Psycho­ logical side are advised to apply for registration in the first instance to the U niversity of London In stitu te of Education, Malet Street, W .C.l. F ees

Registered G raduates ... . , r ,, All other graduates of King s College Annual fees f o r : Part-tim e. Full-tim e. Part-tim e. Full-tim e. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Academic Diploma 8 8 0 16160 110 6 22 1 0 M.A. . . . 11 4 0 16 16 0 14 14 0 (From A ugust 1957 there w ill be a single fee o f £25 per annum fo r all fu ll ­ tim e students, £12 10s. fo r part-tim e Academic Diploma students and £17 fo r part-tim e M .A . students.)

22 10









Professor R . H . G r a v e s o n , LL.D., Ph.D ., S.J.D .


Professor F . R. C r a n e . LL.B.

Sub-D ean C.

E. P. D a v i e s , M.A., B.C.]..



FACULTY OF LAWS Students are prepared for the exam inations of the U niversity of London in the F aculty of Laws, or may be perm itted to atten d any of the general lectures in Law, or those on special subjects connected with the study of Law, which are given from tim e to tim e in the College. Students taking the courses for the U niversity exam inations m ust enrol as Internal students of the U niversity, and the inform ation which follows applies generally to courses for the Internal Degree. The lectures are available to E x tern al students of the U niversity only by special permission of the Dean, and this will be given only in the most exceptional circumstances. LAW SCHOOL U N D ER SOLICITORS ACT 1932 The U niversity of London is an approved Law School for the purposes of the Solicitors Act 1932. The courses given cover most of the syllabus for the Law Society’s exam inations. F u rth er inform ation is given below under the heading E xem ptions — Articled Clerks. PRO CED U RE FOR EN TRY Applications for admission as D ay students m ust be received by 31st March next before the proposed date of entry. Applications received after those dates can be considered only in special circum ­ stances. Evening students, however, may apply after those dates. There is no entrance exam ination to the College, but students entering for th e U niversity law degree exam inations m ust have satisfied the m inim um entrance requirem ents of the U niversity of London. The procedure to be followed is the same for all Faculties and is outlined above, under General Inform ation, on p. 42. Intending students who think they are eligible to m atriculate should apply for their statem ent of qualification, as there directed, at the earliest possible date in order to avoid mistake. Students who intend to read for the Law degree are advised to take H istory, Latin and English among their subjects a t the exam ination for the General Certificate o f Education. I t is im portant th a t candidates for the exam inations of the U niver­ sity of London should make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the Regulations of the U niversity regarding registration, attendance a t recognised courses, fdling in schedules, paym ent of exam ination fees, and other m atters. Copies of the Regulations may be obtained from the Academic R egistrar, U niversity of London, Senate House, London, W.C. 1.





LECTU RES AND TU TO R IA L CLASSES The teaching of Law in the U niversity is based upon an intercollegiate arrangem ent a t K ing’s College, U niversity College, the London School of Economics and the School of Oriental and African Studies. U nder this intercollegiate scheme day and evening lecture courses for the Interm ediate and Final exam inations for the LL.B. degree have been arranged, and for these composition fees are charged. The lectures are delivered a t all four colleges, and students taking the evening course m ust be prepared to atten d on four evenings a week during term time. In addition to lecture courses, tu to rial classes are held in the College for both day and evening students, and students are attached for tutorial supervision to a member of the Staff to whom they m ust report from tim e to tim e during the session. Em phasis is laid upon this tutorial instruction, in which small groups of students are taken together. I t forms a substantial p a rt of the law teaching, and is im portant, not only for the purpose of instruction, b u t also for m aintaining personal contact between students and the members of the teaching staff and for supervision by tho la tter. Evening as well as day students are required to atten d tu to rial classes in addition to lecture courses. I f exceptional circum stances occur which make regular attendance a t these classes impossible, tho Sub-Dean of the F aculty m ust be notified. R egularity in attendance a t tu to rial classes is a factor which will be given consider­ able weight when deciding whether a stu d en t who has failed to satisfy the exam iners a t a degree exam ination may be readm itted as an internal student and allowed to repeat the course for the exam ination a t which he has failed. Students should not atten d B ar lectures or other courses of lectures, nor prepare for B ar or other exam inations, during their course a t the College, w ithout consulting the Dean of the Faculty. Permission to be absent from classes or college exam inations, for the purpose of sitting for other exam inations, m ust be obtained beforehand.

College E x a m in a t io n s

College exam inations are held, attendance a t which is compulsory for day students. I t is desirable th a t evening students also should atten d these exam inations, and failure to do so w ithout reasonable excuse will be taken into consideration as in the case of absence from tutorial classes. A c a d e m ic D r e s s

I t is the practice for full-tim e undergraduates of this Faculty to wear gowns when attending lectures and classes, and on other formal occasions. U ndergraduates joining the F aculty will be expected to conform with this practice,





LL.B. COURSE The full course for the LL. B. degree extends over three years. The Interm ediate Exam ination is taken a t the end of the first year, and the two parts of the Final E xam ination a t the ends of the second and third years respectively. Particulars of these exam inations will be found below under the heading Courses o f S tudy. Evening students may be allowed to spread their Interm ediate course over two years instead of one, and their Final course over three years instead of two, for the same com position fee of 75 guineas to cover the full course, provided th a t no course is repeated.

LL.M. The full course for the LL.M. degree extends over two years. An applicant for admission to the College as an internal stu d en t for the LL.M. degree m u s t:— (1) be an internal graduate in Laws of the U niversity of London ; or (2) be an external graduate in Laws o f the U niversity of London ; or (3) have passed an equivalent degree exam ination in Common Law in another university and have been registered under the University Regulations for Postgraduate Students proceeding to a Higher Degree. Applications for admission, and for registration by the University, should be subm itted to the College, if possible in tho session before th a t in which the applicant wishes to commence his course of study. A candidate may obtain the LL.M. degree either (a) by passing a t one and the same Exam ination in any four of the

fourteen subjects enum erated below under the heading “ Courses of S tudy : I I —For Higher Degrees ” ; or (b) in special cases, by passing a t one and the same Exam ination in any two of these fourteen subjects and in addition sub­ m itting a dissertation not earlier than the expiration of two calendar years from the tim e of his taking the LL.B. degree.

P h .D. A candidate for registration for the Ph.D. degree in Laws m ust have previously obtained the LL.B. degree with first class honours, or the LL.M. degree, of the U niversity of London, or an equivalent degree of another University. LL.D. A candidate for the LL.D. degree m ust have previously obtained the LL.M. or the Ph.D. degree in the F aculty of Laws as an Internal





Student. N evertheless a candidate who has obtained the LL.B. degree as an Internal S tu d en t may, in exceptional circumstances, be exem pted from this requirem ent on the ground of published work. Candidates m ust subm it published papers or books constituting an original contribution to the advancem ent of legal knowledge.


E x a m in a tio n s

The following exem ptions from subjects in P a rt I of the B ar E xam ina­ tion may be granted under Regulation 23 of the Consolidated Regula­ tions of the Inns of Court to persons who have satisfied the examiners in subjects of the London LL.B. Exam ination :— (a) from Rom an Law , on passing in th a t subject a t the Interm ediate LL.B. E x am in atio n ; (b) from Constitutional Law and Legal H istory, on passing in the papers on Constitutional Law and the English Legal System a t the Interm ediate LL.B. E x am in atio n ; (c) from Contract and Tort, if the candidate has obtained Second Class Honours a t the LL.B. E x am in atio n ; or has attain ed a standard corresponding to Second Class Honours in respect of the two papers on the General Principles of English Law a t the Final LL.B. E xam ina­ tion before 1947; or has a t exam inations held during 1947 or subse­ quently attain ed a stan d ard corresponding to Second Class Honours in respect of the paper on T o rt a t P a rt I of the F inal LL.B. Exam ination and in respect of the paper on C ontract a t the Interm ediate LL.B. E x am in atio n s; (d) from Real Property, if the candidate has obtained Second Class Honours a t the LL.B. Exam ination including this subject; or has attained a stan d ard corresponding to Second Class Honours in respect of the paper on this subject a t the Final LL.B. E xam ination;

(e) from C rim inal Law , if the candidate has obtained Second Class H onours a t the LL.B. Exam ination including this subject; or has attained a standard corresponding to Second Class Honours in respect of the paper on this subject a t the Final LL.B. Exam ination held in 1947 or subsequently; or has before 1947 attained a standard corre­ sponding to Second Class Honours in respect of the paper on this subject a t the Interm ediate LL.B. Exam ination. Applications for exem ption under this Regulation m ust be made on a form which can be obtained from the Secretary to the Council of Legal Education, 7, Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, London, W.C. 2.



A r t ic l e d




The U niversity of London is a Law School approved by the Law Society under the Solicitors Act, 1932, and attendance a t an approved course of lectures a t the three Colleges of the University complies with the requirem ents of the Law Society as to attendance a t a course of Legal Education approved by th a t Society. Articled Clerks who take a course for the degree of LL.B. will also satisfy the requirem ents of attendance a t a Law School. The LL.B. degree exem pts Articled Clerks from the Interm ediate Exam ination of the Law Society, except the Accounts and Bookkeeping portion. Course before Articles :—Any stu den t who has passed the M atricula­ tion E xam ination of the U niversity of London or an exam ination ex­ em pting therefrom (in either case ivith Latin) and has subsequently to the satisfaction of the U niversity attended the full curriculum for the Interm ediate LL.B. (London) and has passed th a t exam ination is required to be articled for f o u r years.


Students who pay Composition fees become intercollegiate Laws Students, and, as such, are entitled to the use of the libraries a t King’s College, University College, and the London School of Economics (if attending lectures there), and to the other facilities offered by these Colleges to intercollegiate students. The Laws Library a t K ing’s College is open during term from 10 a.m. to 6.15 p.m. on Mondays to F ridays; it is closed on Saturdays and during the Long Vacation. The days and hours of opening during the Christm as and E aster vacations are announced tow ards the ends of the Michaelmas and Lent term s. Books may not be borrowed from the Laws Library of K ing’s College except during vacations. Registered students of the U niversity are entitled to admission to the U niversity Library on the recom m endation in writing of a teacher of the U niversity. Books may be borrowed from the U niversity Library. H a r o l d P o t t e r M em o r ia l L ib r a r y

This library, consisting mainly of law reports, was formed by sub­ scription in 1953 to commemorate Professor Harold P otter, Dean of the F aculty of Laws from 1930 to 1951. I t is open for P a rt I I LL.B. and postgraduate students during norm al College hours except when re ­ served, by permission of the Dean, for other F aculty purposes. No book m ay be removed from this library.




12 7

S o cial F a c il it ie s

Students attending any of the Laws lectures are eligible for mem­ bership of the K ing’s College F aculty of Laws Society. S tudents who pay a composition fee are autom atically members of tho Union Society of K ing’s College, and are thereby entitled to membership of a large num ber of College Societies. F u rth er particulars are given under the heading General Inform ation and also in the Union Society H andbook. S tudents who become stu d en ts of the U niversity are eligible for membership of the U niversity of London Union Society and Athletic Union. K in g 's C o lle g e F ac u l ty


L a w s S o c iet y

This Society organises th e non-academic activities of the students of the F aculty and is th e representative of the F aculty in all m atters connected with the Union Society of the College. I t is of the utm ost im portance th a t all students should become members th a t they may play a full p a rt in the life of the College. Meetings and social functions are held during the year a t times convenient to Day and Evening Students. The subscription is 2s. 6 d. per annum for Day Students and 2s. for Evening S tudents, and should be paid to the Hon. Treasurer.

K i n g ’s C o l l e g e L o n d o n A s s o c i a t i o n ( L a w s B r a n c h )

The Old S tudents Association of K ing’s College has a special branch for students who have been members of the F acu lty of Laws. The purpose of this branch is to m aintain contact with those interested in law after leaving the College. Members receive copies of K in g 's Counsel. F u rth er particulars can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Laws Branch, K.C.L.A., K ing’s College.

K i n g ’s C o u n s e l

Since 1938 the F aculty Society has produced its own law journal, a t first annually but now more frequently. The editorial committee, consisting of undergraduates, invites contributions of articles on topics of legal interest.





C O U RSES OF STUDY I—FOR T H E LL.B. D EG R EE OF T H E U N IV ERSITY OF LONDON LL.B. C o u r s e The Interm ediate Course is a one-year course and prepares students for the Interm ediate E xam ination in th e following subjects : In t e r m e d ia t e

(1) (2) (3) (4)

H istory and Outlines of Roman Private Law. Constitutional Law. The English Legal System. Elem ents of the Law of Contract.

LL.B. C o u r s e s A candidate for admission to P a rt I of the LL.B. Exam ination must have passed the Interm ediate Exam ination in Laws a t least one academic year previously, except th a t a candidate who has been referred in one subject a t the Interm ediate Exam ination in Laws may take his referred subject concurrently with P a rt I of tho Final Exam ination. A candidate for admission to P a rt II m ust have m atriculated a t least three academic years previously, and have passed P a rt I or have obtained permission to enter for it a t the same time as for P a rt II. Such permission will be granted only in exceptional circumstances. There is no exem ption from either part. A candidate who obtains permission to take both P arts on the same occasion, and who passes in P a rt I b u t fails in P a rt II, will be credited with having passed P a rt I, b u t if he fails or is referred in P a rt I no report will be made on his work in P a rt II. All candidates m ust offer and pass in the four subjects of P a rt I of the Exam ination and in four subjects of P art I I ; there will be one threehour paper in each subject, and in cases of doubt the examiners may in addition examine any candidate orally. F in a l

(1) (2) (3) (4)

P art I Criminal Law or Indian Criminal Law. Law of Tort. Law of Trusts. o n e of the five subjects (6) to (11) below.

P art II (5) Jurisprudence and Legal Theory. Any t h r e e of the following which have not been taken a t P art I :— (6) English Land Law. (7) Principles of the Law of Evidence. (8) English A dm inistrative Law. (9) M uhammadan Law. (10) Hindu Law. (11) Roman Law. (12) H istory of English Law.


(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)



Public International Law. Conflict of Laws. Conveyancing. Succession, T estate and Intestate. Mercantile Law. Industrial Law. Law of Domestic Relations.

A candidate a t P a rt I who fails, b u t not seriously, in one subject, and does reasonably well in his other subjects, may be referred—i.e., he may be perm itted on the recom mendation of the examiners to present himself on one occasion only in th a t subject, with P a rt II, a t one of the next two Final Exam inations. If he fails in his referred subject he will be required to offer the whole of P a rt I again, and if he takes P a rt II a t the same time as he fails in his referred subject he will have no report made on his work in P a rt II. S tudents wishing for a copy of the regulations and syllabuses should write to the Academic R egistrar, U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1. E ntry Form s and Certificates m ust be obtained from the College Office and returned to the Academic Registrar, duly filled up and com pleted, n o t later th a n the lirst day of March preceding the E xam in ation .

I I —FO R H IG H E R D EG REES For the Regulations and Curriculum for the LL.M., Ph.D . and LL.D. degrees students should consult the U niversity Regulations in the Faculty of Laws for Internal Students, which may be obtained on application to the Academic R egistrar as above. An ex tract from the existing Regulations for the LL.M. degree, for candidates commencing th e course in and after the autum n of 1952, is given below. Reference should be made to the Sub-Dean for any am endm ent of these Regulations th a t may take place during the session. LL.M.

By E

x a m in a t io n

w ith o u t

D isse r ta tio n

Candidates will be examined in any four of the following fourteen sub­ jects. In each subject the exam ination consists of one three-hour paper. (1) Jurisprudence and Legal Theory. (2) Company Law and the General Principles of the Law of U nin­ corporated Associations. (3) Constitutional Laws of Canada, Australia, and either India or Pakistan. (4) in te r n a tio n a l Economic Law. (5) *Law of International Institutions. * Candidates m ay offer only one of these two subjects. I f the candidate has taken one of them a t the LL.B. exam ination, only the other of them can be offered a t the LL.M. exam ination.





(6) Legal History. (7) Mercantile Law. (8) Com parative Law of Contract in Rom an and English Law. (9) fConflict of Laws. t A candidate will only be allowed to take this subject as one of the subjects for his LL.M. exam ination if he did not take the subject at the LL.B. exam ination. (10) M uhamm adan Law. (11) H indu Law. (12) Land Law either (a) Law of Landlord and T enant or (b) Planning Law. (13) A dm inistrative Law and Local Governm ent Law. (14) Criminology. (15) Air Law. The Exam iners may, in addition, if they see fit, examine any candi­ date orally. LL.M. B y E x a m i n a t i o n w i t h D i s s e r t a t i o n ( i n s p e c i a l c a s e s ) (1) Candidates m ust subm it a dissertation which m ust be a record of original work or other contribution to knowledge in some branch of Law. (2) The w ritten portion of the exam ination consists of two papers in any two of the fourteen subjects enum erated above. The Notes to subjects (4), (5) and (9) will apply also in this case. A candidate may be allowed to take the two papers after the expiration of one calendar year from the time of his taking the LL.B. degree or after pursuing one year’s course of study for the LL.M. exam ination. No candidate will be allowed to subm it his dissertation until he has satisfied the Exam iners in the w ritten portion of the exam ination. The Exam iners may, in addition, examine the candidate orally on any p a rt of his work, or they may set a three-hour paper on the wider aspects of the Dissertation. i l l —FOR T H E ACADEMIC POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA The U niversity grants an Academic Postgraduate Diploma in Law to graduates o f London and other approved universities who have attended a course of study in the U niversity of London extending over not less than one year and have passed the prescribed exam ination. Before admission to the course applicants m ust subm it for approval by the U niversity evidence o f their qualifications, which should include a prelim inary training in law and an adequate knowledge of English. The regidations for this Diploma are a t present under review, and intending applicants should make further enquiries from the Faculty of Laws.



FEES A ll F ees are payable in advance A — R e g ist r a t io n F e e s

A Registration Fee of £2 2s. m ust be paid to the College by each Regular D ay or Evening stu d en t upon acceptance by the Dean of the Faculty. This fee is non-returnable, and in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. In .addition, a further charge of £1 Is. is made to each Overseas S tudent upon acceptance, which is deducted from the general Tuition Fees upon entry, b u t in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. A Registration Fee of 5s. is charged to Occasional Students on their first entry to the College in any session. No fee is charged by the U niversity for the registration of m atriculated students as In tern al Students if application for registra­ tion is made w ithin three m onths from the first attendance a t the course in respect of which registration is desired. A fee of 10s. 6d. is payable in respect of each application received a t a later date and acceded to. The College undertakes the registration of students, and application should be made a t the Office for the necessary forms except when they are issued on the day of enrolment. B — F e e s f o r t h e LL.B. Course. Sessional T u itio n Fees. 1057-58 1956-57 £50 34 gns. In ter. (Day) ... £30 (Evening) 25 gns. £50 LL.B. (Day) ... 34 gns. £30 (Evening) 25 gns.


E xa m in a tio n Fees.

\ I P a rt I, 4 gns.

I 1 P a rt 11,3 gns.

The paym ent of the D ay Fee entitles a stu d en t to atten d all the courses prescribed for th e subjects he has selected for his Exam inations and such additional courses, w hether in th e Faculty of Laws or in any other Faculty, as he may be advised by the Dean to atten d , of which, however, not more th an one additional course may be a t a College other th a n th a t a t which he is registered. This concession does not cover a second attendance a t one of the prescribed courses ; where a course is repeated the appropriate fee is charged. The fee also covers attendance a t the Tutorial Classes provided by the College in respect of various subjects forming p art of his course. I t also includes fees for Library, Union Society, Athletic Ground and most games subscriptions. A Locker is provided rent-free, but a deposit of 5s. is charged for the locker key. The tuition fees are reduced by 20 per cent, in the case of boys who enter the College direct from K ing’s College School, or from Strand School, provided they produce a certificate stating th a t they have attended a t least five term s in the School.


FACULTY C— F e e s




P o st g r a d u a t e Co u r se s

(from Oct. 1957) *

The sessional fees quoted in this section C w ill be increased by one guinea per session i f they are paid in term inal instalments, the guinea being paid with the first instalment.

Academic Postgraduate Diploma in Law.—£40 a year. LL.M.—The fee for the LL.M. course is £25 a session. The entry fee for the exam ination is £15 15s. The paym ent of these fees entitles a stu d en t to the advice and guidance of an Adviser of Studies and attendance a t such lecturecourses and seminars as are approved by his Adviser in each of the subjects which he is offering for th e degree. A student who, having passed tho LL.B. exam ination after only two years as an internal student, spends the third year on p art of the course leading to the LL.M. degree as “ an approved third-year course for the LL .B .,” will be charged a fee of £35 for th a t session. Ph.D .—£25 a year. The normal course extends over two years, but for students required by the U niversity to devote a longer period to the course the annual fee will be so adjusted th a t the total am ount payable is £51. When the prescribed period is exceeded, a registration fee of £3 3s. per annum is payable. The entry fee for the exam ination is £21. LL.D .—A Registration Fee of £2 2s. is charged, together with such additional fee as circumstances m ay require. The entry fee for the exam ination is 21 guineas. Postgraduate Degrees generally. Members of the Staff would be glad to advise graduates of the College in their work, b u t if postgraduate students wish to obtain further assistance or to atten d any lectures, a fee in proportion to the am ount of work required will be charged. Such students may also use the Library w ithout further fee. D — F ees


S eparate Courses

Fees for separate courses are charged on the following scale, unless otherwise stated in tho Syllabus of the course, and are payable to each college a t which a course is ta k e n :— Per Session. Per Term. Evening. Day. Evening. Day. A Course of 1 hour a week ... £5 £8 £2 £3 N.B.— Cards of ad m ission m u st be produced to the Lecturer at the end of the first lecture.

* The fees for 1956-57 will be those shown in the Calendar for 1955-56.


IN T E R C O L L E G IA T E LECTURES (The evening lectures are shown in italic type. They are alternative to the day lectures and are for evening students only, except where otherwise arranged. A ll classes are subject to alteration and the time-tables on the Faculty notice board should be consulted in term time.)

(M—Michaelmas (1st) term ; L—Lent (2nd) term ; S—Summer (3rd) term.) IN TER M ED IA T E COURSE

Roman Law King’s College 99


University College 99




Monday Friday Monday Tuesday Friday

11— 12 10— 11 10— 11 6— 7.30 10—11

M.L.S. 1 Lecturer to M.L. j be arranged M.L. Prof. Powell M.L.S. M.L.S. 99


Constitutional Law Monday Friday University College Tuesday Thursday Thursday London School of Tuesday Economics Thursday Friday

King’s College 99










12—1 12—1 11.30—12.30 11.30—12.30 11—12 2—3

M.L.S. M.L. M.L. M. L.S. M.L.S.

Mr. de Smith






6— 7.30

Mr. Davies 99

Mr. Holland 99 99

The English Legal System King’s College University College

Monday Tuesday Thursday Monday Friday

6— 7.30 12—1 12—1 2—3 2—3

M.L.S. Mr. YVellwood M.L.S. I)r. Kiralfy M.L.(2) M.L.S. Dr. Ivamy M.L.S. 99


Contract London School of Tuesday 10—11 M.L.S. Economics „ „ Thursday 10—11 M. Thursday 6— 7.30 M.L.S.

Prof. Sir David Hughes Parry

For lectures on “ Introduction to the Study of Law ” and “ Current Legal Problems ” see under Special Lectures below.






P art

Criminal Law London School of Tuesday 6— 7.30 M.L.S. Economics Friday 10—11.30 University College 10— 11.30 99

Mr. Hall Williams


Lecturer to arranged


Indian Criminal Law School of Oriental and African Studies

Days and times to be arranged


Mr. Gledhill

M.L.S. ,,

Prof. Nokes Prof. Lloyd


Prof. Keeton

Tort King’s College University College

6— 7.30

Monday Monday Wednesday

3—4 11—12

Trusts University College Monday „ „ Wednesday „ „ Thursday „ ,, Thursday

2—3 12— 1

6.15— 7.30 6— 7.15


M.L. S.


Mr. Scamell

English Land Law King’s College

Monday 11—12 M.L.S. Prof. Crane Thursday 11—12 „ Friday 6— 7.30 Dr. Kiralfy University College Wednesday 10—11 M.L. Mr. Scamell (A course on Elementary Land Law.) London School of Tuesday 12—1 M. Prof. Sir David Economics Hughes Parry (A course on Elementary Land Law.) For Evidence, Administrative Law, Muhammadan Law and Hindu Law see Part II below. For lectures on “ Current Legal Problems ” see under Special Lectures below. P



Jurisprudence and Legal Theory King’s College

Tuesday Thursday University College Monday Tuesday Thursday

11—12 11—12 12—1 2—3 6— 7.30


Prof. Graveson

M.L.S. „ „


Lloyd „ „ and Mr. P ayne

English Land Law (see Part I above)

Evidence King’s College

Thursday Friday Friday

10— 11

12— 1

6— 7.30


Prof. Nokes 99

Mr. Morrison



Administrative Law London School Monday 11—12 M. of Economics (Optional lecture on Public Enterprise.) London School Monday 3—4.20 M.L.S. of Economics Wednesday6— 7.30 M.L.S.

Prof. Robson Mr. Griffith 9»

Muhammadan Law School of Oriental and African Studies

Days and times to be arranged


Prof. Anderson


Mr. Gledhill Dr. Derrett


Prof. Powell

Hindu Law School of Oriental and African Studies

Days and times to be arranged

University College

Day and times to be arranged

Roman Law

History of English Law London School of Monday10.30—11.30 M.L.S. Economics

Prof. Plucknett

Public International Law University College

Tuesday 3.30—4.30 (Current Problems—Op­ tional lecture) Wednesday 12.15—1.15 (A. General Principles) Wednesday 12.15- -1.15 (C. International Economic Law) Thursday 12.15—1.15 (A. General Principles) Thursday 12.15-1.15 (C. International Eco­ nomic Law) Thursday 8.15—9.45 (A. General Principles) Thursday 8.15—9.45 (C. International Eco­ nomic Law) London School of Wednesday 12.15—1.15 (A. General Principles) Economics Wednesday 12.15—1.15 (B. Law of Interna­ tional Institutions) Thursday 12.15—1.15 (A. General Principles) Thursday 12.15—1.15 (B. Law of Interna­ tional Institutions) Thursday 8.15— 9.30 (A. General Principles ) Thursday 8.15— 9.30 (B. Law of Interna­ tional Institutions)

M.L.S. M. S. M. S.

Dr. Schwarzenberger and Mr. Green Dr. Schwarzenberger „ and Mr. Green Dr. Schwarzenberger ,, and Mr. Green


Mr. Green


Dr. Schwarzenberger and Mr. Green Dr. YTalentine

S. L.

L. S.



Conflict of Laws King’s Collogo „


12— 1


6— 7.30


Prof. Graveson and Mr. Bland Mr.Mendes da Costa Dr. Mann

London School of Wednesday 7.30—8.30 L. Economics A course of lectures by Prof. Kahn Freund during the Lent term will be arranged at the London School of Economics.

Conveyancing King’s College „ „


London School of Economics



6— 7.30 11.30— 1

M.L.S. Prof. „ Mr.James


Succession Friday

10—11.30 M.L.S.

Miss Stone

6— 7.30

Mercantile Law London School of Monday Economics Friday

M.L.S. Prof. Gower

6— 7


Industrial Law London School Economics

of Wednesday

5— 6

M.L.S. Prof. Kahn Freund





aw of Domestic Relations Tuesday 10—11 M. Mr. Davies

King’s College


6— 7.30

10—11 10—11

Friday Tuesday Economics Tuesday

6— 7.30


F riday

M.L.* M. L.S.

Mr. James Mr. Davies Miss Stone

t t

99 99


Introduction to the Study of Law University College




Various lecturers

Current Legal Problems University College




Various lecturers

Special Aspects of the Common Law University College




Mr. Richard O’Sullivan, Q.C.

(Tort, M .; Criminal Law, L.)

Restitution London School of Economics




Mr. Goff

• 1st two weeks only in Lent term , t Denotes first Bve weeks of Lent term. J Denotes remainder of Lent term and Summer term.





LECTURES IN THEOLOGY FOR NON-TIIEOLOGICAL STUDENTS Under the term s of the K ing’s College London (Transfer) Act, 1908, the Council is required to provide a weekly lecture in Theology. The tim e tables are so arranged as to allow any stu d en t who wishes it to attend these lectures, b u t no one may be compelled to do so. To meet this requirem ent, the lectures are delivered on Mondays a t 10 a.m. The lectures are designed for students desiring the Associate­ ship of K ing’s College, and are provided w ithout extra fee. For the regulations governing the aw ard of the Associateship to non-theological students, see p. 44.

POSTGRADUATE COURSES ACADEMIC POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LAW Students will be supplied with full details of courses and times of lectures at the beginning of the session.

LL.M. COURSES A bbr ev ia t io n s

K.C. King’s College. L.S.E. London School of Economics. U.C. University College. I.A.L.S. Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 25 Russell Square, London, W.C. 1. S.O.A.S. School of Oriental and African Studies. (M)—Michaelmas term ; (L)—Lent term ; (S)—Summer term. (The days and times given for LL.M. seminars are subject to variation by arrangement.) Day




Prof. Powell Lecturer to be arranged Lord Chorley 5—6 „ (M) Mr. Hall Williams >. (L) 5—6 Mr. James ,, (L, S) 5—6 Prof. Crane and 6—7 Prof. FitzGerald 6.15— Legal History (alter­ Prof. Plucknett nate weeks) 7.15 Dr. Cheng 6—7.30 Air Law





Comparative Roman and English Law of Contract Mercantile Law Criminology Criminology Planning Law

College U.C. K.C. L.S.E. L.S.E. K.C. I.A.L.S. L.S.E. U.C.






5—6 6—7



10.15— 11.15 2.30—4






6.15— 7.15


Thursday *» 9•




Friday (M) „ (L , S)



Conflict of Laws (al­ Prof. Graveson, K.C. ternate weeks) Prof. Kahn Freund I.A.L.S. Jurisprudence (alter­ Prof. Graveson and K.C. nate weeks) Dr. Kiralfy Prof. Lloyd I.A.L.S. Sociology of Inter­ Dr. Schwarzen- I.A.L.S. national Law (Mich, berger and Lent terms) Methods and Sources Mr. Parkinson I.A.L.S. of International Law (Mich, and Lent terms) Comparative Con­ Mr. de Smith I.A.L.S. stitutional Law (Canada and Aus­ tralia) Air Law Mr. Neill and l)r. I.A.L.S. Mann Landlord and Tenant Prof. Sir David I.A.L.S. Hughes Parry and Mr. Lloyd

2.30— International Econo­ Dr. Schwarzen4.30 mic Law berger and Mr. Green 5—6 Administrative Law Mr. Griffith 5—6 International Law Dr. Schwarzenberger 6—7 Company Law (Mich, Prof. Lloyd term only) 6—7 Company Law (all Prof. Gower session) 6.15— International Law Dr. Schwarzen7.30 (optional for Dip­ berger loma students, LL.M. students with Dis­ sertation, and Ph.D. students only)

Criminology Mr. Hall Williams Mercantile Law Lord Chorley Law of International Dr. Mann and a Institutions lecturer to be arranged Days and times to Law of International Mr. Johnson and be arranged Institutions Dr. Mann Comparative Consti­ Prof. Gledhill »» tutional Law (India and Pakistan) Hindu Law Prof. Gledhill and Dr. Derrett Muhammadan Law Prof. Anderson tt

5—6 5—6 6—7


I.A.L.S. L.S.E. I.A.L.S. LA.L.S. L.S.E. LA.L.S.

L.S.E. L.S.E. L.S.E.












Professor J . H. T a y l o r , A.M., B.Sc., Ph.D .


Professor S. W . W

o o l d r id g e ,

C .B .E ., D.Sc.

Sub-D ean and A dviser o f Studies

B. A. E d w a r d s , M.Sc.



FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE C O U R S E S OF STUDY The F aculty provides system atic courses of study in Science, suitable for students preparing for the Internal Degrees of the University of London. Students are adm itted as either Regular or Occasional students. Regular students are those taking full-time courses and paying the Composition Fee of their Faculty. Occasional students are those paying only the fees for the separate classes attended ; they are normally expected to atten d a t least four hours a week. Applicants can only be ad m itted who are qualified to commence their B.Sc. degree course. They m ay read for either the B.Sc. (General) or the B.Sc. (Special) degree. All courses are planned on a three-year basis and under the revised regulations of the U niversity. Successful candidates a t the B.Sc. (Special) exam ination are aw arded first class honours, second class honours (upper or lower division) or third class honours. The B.Sc. (General) pass list is classified into first class honours, second class honours (upper and lower divisions) and pass. A candidate for admission will be required to show evidence of ability to profit by the course. F or further inform ation about particular Special Degree courses, reference should be made to the later pages dealing with the different departm ents in the F aculty. A pplicants are asked to note carefully the ancillary subjects required for Special Degree courses and to state their choice on their application forms. The a tte n tio n of s tu d en ts is called to the G eneral College R u le s , for w h ich see Table of Contents. A p p l ic a t io n s f o r A d m is s io n

Applications from Women Students should reach the T utor to Women Students not later th an the 31st Decem ber next before the proposed date of entry.

Applications from M m Students should reach the Sub-dean of the Faculty of Science after 1st D ecem b er and not later than the 31st J a n u ary next before the proposed date of entry.

Applicants are asked to state all the subjects to be included in their course, and to give the full title of exam inations taken before entry, w ith dates, subjects and levels. I t is especially im portant to state the nam e of the Exam ining Board whose exam inations were taken for the General Certificate of Education.





An applicant who is offered a place a t another London college before March 31st and who has a preference for K ing’s College should not w ithdraw his application from K ing’s w ithout first consulting tho R egistrar, mentioning the F aculty for which he has applied. Men applicants who are provisionally accepted will be sent instructions for applying for deferm ent of national service, where necessary. Although deferm ent m ay be extended to enable a stu d en t to obtain a higher degree or additional qualification after the completion of a first degree, it w ill not norm ally be extended fo r more than three years fo r postgraduate work and m ay not be extended so as to place the student out­ side the field of call-up. Students who are medically fit will normally be called u p on completion of their course, and in accepting deferm ent they m ust also accept their eventual liability fo r national service.

C o n d it io n s o f E n t r y

In order to be qualified for admission to any college of this U niversity an applicant m ust satisfy the U niversity’s minimum entrance require­ ments. The procedure to be followed is the same for all Faculties and is outlined above, under General Inform ation, on page 42. F or direct entry to courses for the B.Sc. (General) or B.Sc. (Special) degrees the satisfaction of the minimum entry requirem ents m ust be achieved by passing in appropriate subjects, which are listed in the U niversity’s pam phlet Regulations relating to U niversity Entrance Requirem ents, obtainable from the Secretary to the U niversity E ntrance Requirem ents D epartm ent, Senate House, London, W.C. 1. The special requirem ents a t K ing’s College for admission to particular degree courses are set o u t below. They include the direct entry requirem ents of the U niversity.

* N o r m a l R e q u ir e m e n t s f o r E n t r y t o S c ie n c e D e g r e e C o u r s e s a t K i n g ’s C o l l e g e

1. A ll B .Sc. degree courses A previous knowledge of M athem atics up to O rdinary Level in the General Certificate of Education will be required in all courses. Appli­ cants for admission will also be required to provide evidence of an adequate knowledge of English and a foreign language. 2. B .Sc. (General) degree courses Before entry on the course for the General Degree (Revised Regula­ tions) candidates m ust satisfy minimum U niversity Entrance require* In cases where altern ativ e qualifications for entry, given in th e U niversity Regulations, are not quoted in this section, it should be assumed th a t they will n o t generally apply at K ing’s College.





sc ien ce

raents and will generally be expected to have passed in three science subjects a t Advanced Level chosen from the following list Pure Mathematics. Physics. Botany. Applied Mathematics. Chemistry. Zoology. M athematics (Pure and Applied). Geology. Biology. Geography. T he subjects passed a t Advanced Level m ust include a t least one of the following:— Biology, B otany, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Zoology. M athem atics (P ure and Applied) may n o t be included with either P ure M athem atics or Applied M athematics. Biology m ay not be included w ith B otany or /oology.

Candidates can be considered if they have passed in two science subjects a t Advanced Level and one a t Ordinary Level, but cannot be accepted a t K ing’s College unless their choice of General Degree subjects conforms with the following requirem ents:— Applicants wishing to take in the General Degree course (a) M athematics in P a rt I —m ust have taken either Pure Mathematics

or M athematics (Pure and Applied) a t Advanced Level; M athem atics in P a r t I I — m ust have either M athem atics (Pure and Applied), or both Pure M athem atics and Applied M athem atics, a t Advanced Level. (b) Physics—m ust have Physics a t Advanced L ev el; (c) Chem istry—m ust have Chemistry a t Advanced L evel; (d) B otany—m ust have either Botany or Biology a t Advanced L evel; (e) Geography—m ust have Geography a t Advanced Level. 3. B .Sc. (Special) degree courses

For entry to the following Special Degree courses under the revised regulations, candidates will be required to have passed, a t Advanced Level in a General Certificate exam ination, or a t main standard (unless otherwise indicated) in a Higher School Certificate, in the subjects indicated below :— (a) M athematics. Pure M athem atics, Applied M athem atics and another Science subject, preferably Physics. An entrance exam ination m ay be held, a t the discretion of th e H ead of the M athematics D epart­ m ent. (b) Physics, (i) Physics, Pure M athem atics, Applied M athem atics, together with Chem istry a t either Advanced or O rdinary level, or (ii) Physics, Chem istry, Pure M athem atics, together with Applied M athe­ m atics a t either Advanced or O rdinary level, or (iii) Physics, Chemistry, M athem atics (Pure and Applied). (c) Chemistry. Chemistry, Physics, and either M athematics (Pure and Applied) or P ure M athem atics f. For applicants for the B.Sc. (special) course in Chem istry there will be a special w ritten te st in February. This test will be held in conjunction with U niversity College London, and applicants will be informed of details in due course. t C andidates who have passed only in Pure M athem atics will be required to produce evidence of a satisfactory knowledge of Applied M athem atics (more particularly Dynamics).




Candidates w ith a strong preference for cither college should make this clear on their application forms. (d ) Geology. Any three Science subjects included in the list of subjects for the B.Sc. (General) degree. (e) Geography. Any three Science subjects included in the list of subjects for the B.Sc. (General) degree. (/) Botany. B otany or Biology, Chemistry, and one of M athematics or Physics or Zoology. (Zoology may not be taken with Biology.) Candidates are also required to take an entrance test as indicated below. (g) Zoology. Three Science subjects chosen from the list of subjects for the B.Sc. (General) degree (above). Candidates are advised to offer Physics, Chem istry and either Zoology or Biology. Candidates are also required to take an entrance te st as indicated below. Entrance Test fo r Botany and Zoology

Selected candidates will be required to atten d for a personal interview and for a test, both of which will be held a t King’s College in 1957 on Saturday, 9th or 16th March. All candidates selected will be officially notified by the Sub-Dean or the T u to r to Women S tudents of the time a t which they should attend.

S u b je c t s T a k e n


V a r io u s D e g r e e C o u r s e s

(a) General Degree Course. The course is divided into two sections, and the exam ination is taken in two parts. Part I is taken after a one-year course in three subjects and Part I I after a fu rth er two-year course in two subjects. (1) In the first year of the course a candidate m ust take three of the following subjects :— M athem atics. Physics. §Chemistry.

*Biology. Geology.

Botany. *Zoology. t Psychology.

Biology may not be taken with either B otany or Zoology. A P a rt I Exam ination in the three subjects selected m ust be passed a t the end of tho first year. (Reference in one subject will not be allowed.) (2) In the second and th ird years of the course, candidates m ust take two subjects, chosen from the groups set out below. A t least one subject m ust be taken from Group A, except th a t a candidate may take : § A t K ing’s College, admissions for Chemistry will be restricted to those who intend to continue Chemistry in P a rt I I of th e course. * K ing’s College does no t a t present provide P a rt I General Degree Courses in these subjects, t A course in Psychology for P a rt I may be taken a t Birkbeck College on an intercollegiate basis.





sc ien c e

(i) Psychology together with Pure M athematics and Statistics; or (ii) Astronomy with either Pure and Applied M athematics or Pure M athematics and S tatistics; or (iii) with the approval of the U niversity after consideration of indivi­ dual applications. Pure and Applied M athematics or Pure M athematics and Statistics with Geography. Hum an Biology m ay not be taken with Physiology. Group

Botany. Chemistry.


Geology. Physics.

G roup

^Zoology. JH um an Biology. ^Physiology.


Pure and Applied Mathematics. Geography. | Psychology.

JAstronom y. JP u re M athem atics and Statistics.

The choice of subjects a t K ing’s College will also be affected by the following requirem ents :— Any subject offered in P a rt I I m ust also have been taken in P art 1, except in the case of Geography. Candidates taking P a rt II Physics m ust have taken P art I M athe­ matics. Candidates taking P a rt II Chemistry m ust have taken P a rt I Physics. The P a rt I I Exam ination, in the two subjects studied in the second and third years, will be taken a t the end of the th ird year. Candidates must pass in both subjects on the same occasion and, in subjects where a practical exam ination is held, m ust satisfy the examiners in both the practical exam ination and in the w ritten papers. The following combinations of subjects can be taken a t K ing’s College :— P a rt I in Geology. M athematics. Physics. Mathematics. Mathematics. Physics. Physics. Chemistry. Mathematics. Physics. B otany. Mathematics. Botany. Mathematics. Physics. Mathematics. M athematics. Physics.

followed by Physics. Chemistry. Chemistry. Geology. Geology. Geology. Geology. Geology. Geology.

P art II in

Mathematics. Mathematics. Physics. Chemistry. Geology. Geology. Mathematics. Mathematics. Physics.

Physics. Chemistry. Chemistry. Geology. Geography. Geography. Geography. Geography. Geography.

King's College does not at present provide General Degree courses in these subjects.




(b) Special Degree Courses One main subject m ust be selected from the following M athem atics. Botany. Geography. Physics. Zoology. ‘ Anatomy. Chem istry. Geology. ‘ Physiology. The College does not provide Special Degree courses in Astronomy or Statistics. Reference should be made to of the F aculty of Medical Science for inform ation as to under which Physiology and A natom y can be taken jects.* The ancillary subjects which are to be taken with m ain subjects are as follows :— No ancillary subject is required with main

Anthropology, the prospectus tho conditions as main sub­ the respective

M a t h e m a t ic s .

W ith main P h y s i c s ancillary M athem atics is compulsory, and no other ancillary subject m ay be taken. W ith main C h e m i s t r y three ancillary subjects are required, namely, M athem atics, Physics and either Biology or Geology or Physi­ ology.* W ith main B o t a n y two ancillary subjects m ust be chosen from Chem istry, Geology, Physics, Physiology*, Statistics, Zoology. N orm ally Chem istry m ust be taken as the tw o-year ancillary subject. W ith m ain G e o l o g y two ancillary subjects m ust be taken, selected from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, B otany, Zoology, M athem atics, A nthropology, Geography, o f which a t least one m ust come from the first five, and Biology m ust n o t be offered w ith B otany or Zoology. One of these subjects will be studied for the first year and th e other for th e first two years. W ith main G e o g r a p h y two ancillary subjects are required, Geology and one of th e following : A nthropology, Biology, Economics, H istory, M athem atics, Physics, Statistics. One subjects will be studied for th e first year and the other for the years.

namely, Botany, of these first two

U nder the Revised Regulations for Special Zoology (i) C andidates commencing the course in October 1956 will take a P a rt I E xam ination a t the end of the first year, in Zoology and two other subjects selected from :— Botany. Chemistry.

Geology. Physics.

Mathematics. J Psychology.

* Students in th e F aculty of N atural Science cannot a t present be accepted for courses in A natom y or Physiology. No change in th e one-year or tw o-year ancillary subjects selected on adm ission to the course may be made unless the approval of th e Head of th e D epartm ent and of th e SubD ean of th e Faculty has been obtained. j K ing’s College does n o t provide courses in Psychology. A rrangem ents may be made to ta k e this course a t Birkbeck College.





This exam ination will be identical with P art I of the B.Sc. (General) exam ination under Revised Regulations. At the end of the second year an ancillary exam ination is taken in one subject, which may be one of those offered a t P art I or another subject not already taken, chosen from the above list, or Geography. (Other alternatives allowed by the U niversity are not available a t K ing’s College.) (ii) Candidates entering upon the course in and after October 1957 will take two ancillary subjects chosen from Anthropology*, Botany, Chem istry, Geography, Geology, M athem atics, Physics, Psychology*, Statistics*, of which one will be studied for the first year and the other for the first two years. There will be no P a rt I Exam ination.

H IG H ER DEG REES In addition to Internal G raduates of the U niversity of London, External Graduates and G raduates of other Universities are adm itted to courses leading to the degrees of M.Sc. and Ph.D. The degree of D.Sc. is awarded not on a thesis but on the merits of original published work, not done under direction, and no course is prescribed. Facilities are offered in the various laboratories of the College to persons wishing to undertake research of this character. For full details concerning the various Higher Degrees the U niversity Regulations should be consulted. T H E POSTGRADUATE C ER T IFIC A TE IN EDUCATION A course of professional training, extending over one session (three terms), is open to all men and women graduates of recognised uni­ versities who are accepted by the H ead of the E ducation D epartm ent. Applications for admission to the course will be considered only in the last year of the degree course, and should be subm itted to the D ep art­ m ent of E ducation betw een November 1st and December 15th preceding the autum n in which the applicant wishes to enter the D epartm ent. Details of the M inistry of Education grants tenable in the D epartm ent are given in a separate leaflet. * King's College does not provide courses in these subjects, b u t arrangem ents m ay be m ade for them to be taken a t ano th er college on an intercollegiate basis.


FEES A ll fees are payable in advance Sessional fees m ay be p a id in equal term inal instalm ents on paym ent o f an additional £1 Is. in the first term. A— R

e g istr a tio n

F ees

A Registration Fee of £2 2s. m ust be paid by each full-time student upon acceptance by th e Dean of the F aculty. This fee is not returnable, and in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. In addition a further charge of £1 Is. is made to each Overseas S tudent upon accep tan ce; this is deducted from the general Tuition Fees upon entry, but in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. A Registration Fee of 5s. is charged to Occasional Students on their first en try to the College in any session.

B— F





U n d e r g r a d u a t e Co u r ses

* T u itio n Fees :—

1. B.Sc. General or Special (except in M athem atics):—£52 10s. per annum . 2. B.Sc. Special in M athem atics:—£37 16s. per annum . The Tuition Fees are reduced by 20 per cent, in the case of boys who enter the College direct from K ing’s College School, or from Strand School, provided they produce a certificate statin g th a t they have atten d ed a t least five term s in the School. Subject to the approval of the Dean of th e F aculty and of the lecturer concerned, a regular stu d en t in this F aculty of the College m ay take any one class in any other F aculty w ithout extra tu itio n fee. Laboratory Fees :—

For the use of ordinary materials, as distinct from apparatus, students using laboratories pay an inclusive fee of £3 3s. a year (£5 in 1957-58) for each year of a B.Sc. (Special) or a B.Sc. (General) course. A pparatus D ep o sits :—

(a) S tudents taking the B.Sc. (Special) course in Chemistry are provided with sets of apparatus, for which they pay a deposit of £3 3s. in the first year of the course and £4 4s. in subsequent years. These sums are returnable a t the end of the course less a hiring fee of 10s. 6d. for each year and any charge for loss or breakages. (b) All students taking Chem istry, other th an those pursuing a B.Sc. (Special) course in Chem istry, pay a deposit of £2 2s. for locker * F rom A ugust 1957: £55 a year for B.Sc. Special in Geography or M athem atics and £65 for all others.





and apparatus supplied. This sum is returnable a t the end of the course less any charge for replacements. (c) All students taking B otany as one subject in a degree course pay a deposit of £2 2s. This sum is returnable at the end of the course less any charge for replacements. (d ) All students commencing the second year in Geology, unless as an ancillary or subsidiary subject, pay a deposit of £3 returnable, less any charge for replacements, a t the end of the course. E xam ination Fees, payable to the U n iv e rsity :—

B.Sc. (G eneral): P a rt I, £6 t i s . ; P a rt II, £ 7 7s. B.Sc. (Special): £13 13s.; (Ancillary Subjects £2 2s. each). When the exam ination in the main subject is in two P arts, the fee for each P a rt is half the difference between the £13 13s. and the total fees for Ancillary Subjects. In Chemistry £1 la. of each P art fee is payable on entry for a practical exam ination. Language tests, 10s. 6d. for each entry, irrespective of the num ber of languages offered a t each entry.

C— F e e s f o r

P o stg ra d u a te Co u rses

1. P ostgraduate Certificate in Education £42 per annum . This fee is reduced to £33 12s. in the case of students who are Registered G raduates of the College. (In 1957-58, £50 a year for all.) Registered G raduates. All other students. Part-tim e. Full-time. Part-tim e. Full-time. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. A nnual fee . .8 8 0 16 16 0 14 14 0 22 1 0 (From A ugust 1957 fo r all students : £35 per annum (full-tim e) or £23 per annum (part-time) except in Geography or M athematics in which £25 and £17 w ill be the corresponding fees.) 2. M.Sc.

3. Ph.D. (а) For Registered G raduates of the College :—£16 16a. per annum . (б) For all other s tu d e n ts:—£22 Is. per annum . (From A ugust 1957—-for all students : £35 per annum (full-tim e) or £23 per annum (part-time).)

4. D.So. Registration fee of £1 11s. 6d. per annum (£2 2s. in 1957-58), together w ith Library and D epartm ental fees according to the circumstances of the case. A pparatus D eposit :—

Postgraduate and Research students in Chemistry are required to pay a deposit of £5 on the com mencement of their work. This sum is returnable at the end of the course less charges for loss or breakages of apparatus.

FEES D — F ees




149 and

Spe c ia l Classes

1. Chemical Engineering. The course for the College Diploma in Chemical Engineering may be taken by students as a third-year course qualifying for the B.Sc. Degree. The fees are given in a separate leaflet on Chemical Engineering. 2. Fees for R esearch.—The fees payable by persons of academic standing (i.e., a person who holds, or has held, an academic post) engaged in pure research other th a n for a Higher Degree, are 4 guineas a term or 10 guineas a session. F or students of ordinary postgraduate standing engaged in pure research work, other th an for a H igher Degree, the fees are th e same as for the Ph.D . Course, nam ely £22 Is. per annum . (£35 in 1957-58.) For persons engaged in research for commercial purposes a fee will be fixed in each case on its m erits. 3. L aboratory Fees.—The fees for students working independently of the Practical Classes are as follows :— 2 days a week, £6 6s. per term , or £15 15s. per annum, 5 days a week, £12 12s. per term , or £30 per annum, together with a fee of 15s. per term , or £1 17s. 6d. per annum , for material and apparatus. For graduates of tho College and other internal graduates who do not take the full course for which the above composition fees are prescribed, a special fee will be in each case arranged in accordance with the nature of the individual course pursued. 4. Separate Classes. The fees payable for each separate subject and class, unless otherwise stated, are on the basis of £2 2s. a term or £5 5s. a year, for one hour a week in the case of lectures, and £4 4s. a term , or £10 10s. a year, for three hours a week in the case of practical work.

E — R e g is t e r e d

G raduates

K ing’s College graduates who wish to continue their studies in any subject, though not actually pursuing a postgraduate course under the conditions set out above, may, by the paym ent of a registration fee of £1 10s., keep their names on the College books and enjoy the privileges of registered students as enum erated in the General Inform ation section. This Register will be closed a t the end of195G. A ll


CLASSES IN THE FACULTY 1. The times and rooms of all classes will be given on a tim e-table on the Faculty notice board. 2. The following signs are used to indicate the nature of the courses :— Z —Final

B.Sc. (General) or Subsidiary or Ancillary. A —Final B.Sc. (Special) or Postgraduate. S —O ther courses. The suffix t denotes a tutorial class.

3. The num ber of hours shown after each course is the num ber given to th a t course weekly.



Head of the D ep artm en t: M.A., Ph.D ., M .R.I.A.

G reenlees Sem ple,

I— B.Sc. ( G e n e r a l ), S u b s i d i a r y and A n c i l l a r y Z t— M a t h e m a t i c s —

1st year.

Z a— M a t h e m a t i c s — 2 n d y e a r .



(6 h r s . )

Z3— M a t h e m a t i c s — 3rd year. (6 hrs.) Z 4— M a t h e m a t i c s : a special one-year course, consisting of three lectures and one tutorial class weekly, for students taking M athematics ancillary to Physics and to Chemistry. Z 5— M a t h e m a t i c s : a special course of one lecture a week for secondyear students reading for B.Sc. (Special) Chemistry. I I —B.Sc. ( S p e c i a l ) First Session.

Aj—Analysis. Calculus and Algebra. Geometry. A a— Vector Algebra and Analysis. Two Dimensional Dynamics of a Particle and Rigid Body. A ,— Problem Classes. Secotul Session. a 3— Differential Equations. Analysis. Algebra. Geometry. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. a 4— Three Dimensional Dynamics of a Particle and Rigid Body. Analytical Dynamics. Electricity and Magnetism. Hydrodynamics. Vibrations and Wave Motion. Elem entary Statistics. A ,— Problem Classes.

Third Session.

Problem Classes. Subjects. Courses chosen from the following sub­ jects :— Functions of a Real Variable. Functions of a Complex Variable. Elliptic Functions. Algebraic Geometry. Differential Geometry. A,—

A 5— Advanced



M athem atical Statistics. Group Theory. Tensor Calculus. Com­ binatorial Topology. H ydrodynam ics. R elativity. Electrom agnetic Theory. Elasticity. Stellar S tructure. Courses of lectures on other Advanced Subjects will be given as occasion dem ands. A6— Intercollegiate Lectures as arranged by the Board of Studies in M athematics.

PHYSICS W heatstone Professor and H ead of the D ep a rtm e n t: J o h n T u r t o n R a n d a l l , D.Sc., F .R .S .E ., F.R.S. Professor of Theoretical Physics : C y r i l Domb, M.A., Ph.D. I — B.Sc. ( G e n e r a l ) The course for the B.Sc. (General) degree extends over three years, tho P a rt I exam ination being taken a t the end of the first year and the P a rt I I exam ination a t the end of the third year. Part I . F irst Session. A basic course in Physics in all its branches. Z , —L e c t u r e s . 3 hrs. Z , —P r a c t i c a l . 3 hrs. P art I I . Second Session. Z 3— L e c t u r e s . z 4— L e c t u r e s . Z 5— L e c t u r e s .

Z g— P r a c t i c a l .

General Physics and Acoustics. 1 hr. H eat and Therm odynamics. 1 hr. E lectricity and Magnetism. 1 hr. () h r s .

T h ird Session. Z 7— L e c t u r e s . Z 8— L e c t u r e s .

Z g— L e c t u r e s .

Zio— P r a c t i c a l .




First Session. Z 5— L e c t u r e s .

Second Session. Z 7— L e c t u r e s .

Optics and Light. 1 hr. Electricity and Electron Physics. 1 hr. Atomic and N uclear Physics. 1 hr. 6 hrs.


II—O n e - y e a r A n c i l l a r y as for B.Sc. (General) P a rt I above.

II— T w o -y e a r A n c il la r y Properties of M atter, H eat, Electricity and Magnetism. 3 hrs. Z 6— P r a c t i c a l . 3 hrs. Light, Electricity and Magnetism, Atomic Physice. 3 hrs. Z 8— P r a c t i c a l . 3 hrs. I l l —B.Sc. ( S p e c i a l )

F irst Session.

Ax— L e c t u r e s . A 2— L e c t u r e s . A 3— L e c t u r e s . A 4— L e c t u r e s .

Properties of M atter. 1 hr. H eat. 1 hr. Light. 1 hr. Electricity and Magnetism. 2 hrs.





Second Session. A 5— L e c t u r e s . a

8— L e c t u r e s .

anics. a

Atomic Physics. 2 hrs. Therm odynam ics and Elem entary S tatistical Mech­

2 hrs.

7— L e c t u r e s .

A ,— L e c tu re s. A g— L e c t u r e s .

Optics and Advanced Electrom agnetic Theory. 2 hrs. Properties of M atter. I hr. Electricity and Magnetism. 2 hrs.

Third Session. A l0— L e c t u r e s . A u — L ec tu re s.


N uclear Physics. 2 hrs. Wave Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics anil Spectro­

2 hrs.

A 12— L e c t u r e s . A 13— L e c t u r e s .

Modern Theory of Electricity. 2 hrs. N ature and Properties of large molecules.

2 hrs.

The course for the B.Sc. (Special) degree in Physics extends over three years. The final exam ination in Physics is taken in two p a rts; an exam ination in ancillary M athematics, and a w ritten test in two languages (French, German or Russian) m ust also be taken. Students are also expected to atten d some of th e second year courses in ancillary M athem atics, although there is no exam ination on these courses.

The Wheatstone Physics Laboratory The W heatstone Laboratory in the College and the Hailey Stew art Laboratory a t H am pstead are open to students for practical study and research. Instruction is given in the L aboratory in the accurate measurement of physical quantities of all kinds and in the experim ental verification and illustration of the principles of Physics.

Research The Research Laboratories are open to properly qualified persons for purposes of research under the general direction of the Head of the D epartm ent. Research work for higher degrees may be undertaken. At the present time, five main types of research problem are open for study :— (а) Biophysics research concerned with the properties and structure of single cells and their components, investigated by such methods as ultra-violet microscopy, electron microscopy, infra-red and ultra-violet microspectrography and X -ray diffraction. (б) Investigations into the stru ctu re o f m atter using nuclear radia­ tions and high speed particles. The design and use of solid conduction counters. (c) Radio investigation of the atmosphere. (d) Theoretical research is in progress in Statistical Mechanics, in Nuclear Physics and in Solid S tate Physics, including applications of a spectroscopic, chemical and biological character. (e) Electronic computing devices.




Head of the D epartm ent H o l r o y d e H e y , Ph.D ., D.Sc., F.R .I.C ., F.R .S. Daniell Professor.

B .S c. (Special) Chem istry This course extends over three years and requires three ancillary subjects, nam ely, Physics, M athem atics, and Geology or Biology. U niversity exam inations are taken in M athem atics and the optional an ­ cillary subject a t the end of the first session, and in Physics and P a rt I of the Chem istry course a t the end of the second session. The results of these exam inations are taken into account in awarding honours in the final exam ination. P a rt I I of the Chemistry exam ination is taken a t the end of the th ird session. In addition, candidates m ust satisfy the exam iners a t practical exam inations in inorganic and organic chemistry and pass a w ritten te st in German. B .Sc. (General) Chemistry

Courses for this degree are available only for students who wish to take Chemistry as a three-year subject. In th e first session students will a tte n d Lecture Classes Z , and Z 2, in the second session Lecture Classes Z 7 and Z 8, and in the th ird session Lecture Classes Z 13 and Z 14. In addition, students will work in the laboratory for six hours a week in the first session, and for nine hours a week in th e second and th ird sessions. E xam inations will be hold a t th e end of the first session (P art I) and a t the end of the th ird session (P art II). A ncillary Chemistry

Students taking Chemistry ancillary to B.Sc. (Special) B otany and Zoology atten d in the first session Lecture Classes z 4 and Z 5, and in the second session Z 10 and Z n , working five hours a week in the laboratory during each session. Students taking Chem istry ancillary to B.Sc. (Special) Geology atte n d in the first session lecture classes Z 4 and A 1; and in the second session Z 10 and A 6, working five hours a week in the laboratory during each session. Advanced Courses and Research Work Facilities are afforded in the D epartm ent for carrying out research work in Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, either independently or under the direction of members of the staff. Such work m ay be undertaken for the degree of M.Sc. (with thesis) and Ph.D . Colloquia are held a t intervals throughout the session. S y n o ps is



I — B.Sc. ( S p e c i a l ) Second Session.

First Session. A4— I n o r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . 1 hr. A 2— O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . 2 hrs. A 3— P h y s i c a l C h e m i s t r y . 1 hr. A 4— P r a c t i c a l C l a s s . 6 hrs.

A 5— I n o r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . A 6— O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y .


A , —P h y s i c a l C h e m i s t r y .


A g— P r a c t i c a l C l a s s .

hr. hrs. hrs.


1 2 hrs.





T h ird Session. A#— O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . 3 hrs. A 10— G e n e r a l a n d Au — P r a c tic a l C lass. 15 hrs. C h e m i s t r y . 5 hrs. II—


P h y sical

(G e n e r a l )

First Session. — P h y sic a l an d In o rg a n ic C h e m istry . Z 3— P r a c t i c a l C l a s s .

2 h rs .

1 hr.

Z., — O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y .

6 hrs.

Second Session. Z ?— P h y s i c a l a n d I n o r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y .

Z 8— O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . Z 9— P r a c t i c a l Cl a ss .

2 h rs .

2 h rs.

9 hrs.

T h ird Session. Z 13— P h y s i c a l a n d I n o r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . Z 14— O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . 1 h r. Z 15— P r a c t i c a l C l a s s . !) h r s .

3 h rs .

I l l — A n c illa r y Co u r s e s

(а) Chemistry ancillary to B.Sc. (Special) Botany and Zoology. First Session.

Second Session.

Z4— G e n e r a l C h e m i s t r y . 1 hr. Z 5— O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . 1 hr. Z 8— P r a c t i c a l C l a s s . 5 hrs.

Z l0— G e n e r a l C h e m i s t r y .



Z u — O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y . I hr. Z la — P r a c t i c a l C l a s s . 5 hrs.

(б) Chemistry ancillary to B.Sc. (Special) Geology. F irst Session.

Second Session.

Z4— G e n e r a l C h e m i s t r y . A ,— In o rg a n ic C h e m istry .

Z 6— P r a c t i c a l C l a s s .


hr. 1 hr.

5 h rs.

Z l0— G e n e r a l C h e m i s t r y . A5

In o rg a n ic C h e m istry .

Z l2— P r a c t i c a l C l a s s .

hr. hr. 5 hrs. 1



B evan

Director of Studies : W a t k i n s , M.Sc., F.R .I.C ., M.I.Chem.E.

This course, which falls within th e purview of the Faculty of Engineering, is designed so th a t it may be taken in the year following the Final B.Sc. Exam ination by students who have devoted their under­ graduate course prim arily either to Chemistry or to Engineering. The course leads to the College Diploma in Chemical Engineering. P a r­ ticulars are given elsewhere in the Calendar, and in a separate leaflet.



BOTANY Head of th e D e p a rtm e n t: Professor

T h o m a s A r c h i b a l d B e n n e t -C l a r k ,

M.A., Ph.D .,

M.I.Biol., F.R.S. B .Sc. (Special) Botany

S tudents should consult the H ead of the D epartm ent. The course to be followed lasts three years, and requires two ancillary subjects to be taken from the group : Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Physiology, Statistics, Zoology ; on account of difficulties of tim etable and accom­ modation Physiology cannot be taken in this college w ith B o ta n y ; Geology or S tatistics m ay only be offered in very exceptional circum ­ stances. A t the present tim e, a tw o-year course in Chem istry and a one-year course in Zoology are given to cover these requirem ents, and a sim ilar course in Physics is available for suitably qualified students. Candidates will be exam ined in one of the ancillary subjects a t the end of the first year, and in th eir second ancillary subject and also in P a rt I B.Sc. (Special) B otany a t the end of th eir second year. All candidates will norm ally be expected to offer Chem istry as a two-year ancillary subject. A t the end of the third year, candidates take P a rt I I of B.Sc. (Special) Botany. A considerable measure of specialisation occurs in courses and exam inations for P a rt II. Lecture and laboratory courses will be given covering the fields of plan t physiology and biochemistry, anatom y, cytology and genetics, ecology, general mycology and microbiology, including some p lan t pathology. This p a rt of the course is conducted in the research and advanced teaching laboratories a t 68 H alf Moon Lane, S.E. 24. In addition, a series of intercollegiate courses is organised by the Board of Studies in Botany. B .Sc. (General) Botany

Students should consult the H ead of the D epartm ent. A course is available for P a rt II B.Sc. (General) Botany, but, since there is no suitable course for P a rt I B.Sc. (General) Botany, those wishing to present B otany in P a rt I I of the B.Sc. (General) exam ination should norm ally show an adequate performance in B otany a t Advanced Level in a G.C.E. exam ination. S y n o p s is o f Co u r s e s • I — B o t a n y A n c il l a r y to Z o o l o g y , G e o l o g y , e t c . and



(G e n e r a l ) a n d S u b s i d i a r y (O l d R e g u l a t io n s )

Z x— L e c t u r e s . A t least 3 hours throughout one session. The subjects treated are as follows :—morphology and phylogeny of all the plant groups, plan t physiology and biochem istry, cytology,



g e n e tic s ,

c la s s if ic a tio n




e c o lo g y


p la n ts ,


th e ir

p ra c tic a l

a p p lic a tio n s . Z a— P r a c t i c a l C l a s s .

I I —B.Sc.

6 h o u r s t h r o u g h o u t o n e s e s s io n .

(G e n e r a l ) P a r t



S u b sid ia r y

z 3—L e c t u r e s . A t least 3 hours throughout two sessions. The courses cover the various aspects of B otany indicated in I above. Z t— P r a c tic a l C la ss . 6 hours throughout two sessions. I I I —B.Sc. A ,, w o rk ,

A a— Two-year courses : 6 hrs.

( S p e c i a l ), L e c tu re s,

P art I a t least 3 hrs.

L ab o rato ry

The courses cover the various aspects of Botany indicated in I above. IV—B.Sc.

( S p e c i a l ),

P art II

A a —One-year course : L e c t u r e s will be given on plant physiology and biochemistry, cytology, genetics, ecology, mycology and bacterio­ logy. L a b o r a t o r y w o r k covering the above subjects and general plant anatom y and morphology will occupy a t least 12 hours. A j— F ie ld C la s s in E c o lo g y .

This class meets normally on Saturdays during the Summer term for a course of practical work on British Vegetation. It is followed when possible by a fu rth er course lasting one week in Ju ly , during which some area in England or Wales is studied ecologically. A ttendance a t this Ju ly course is com pulsory for all B.Sc. (Special) students in their first and second years.

BOTANY and ZOOLOGY B iolo g y A n c il l a r y to C h e m is t r y or G eo lo g y Z 3, Z 4— L e c t u r e s a n d P r a c t i c a l C l a s s . 5 hours, throughout one session. Class for students requiring Biology ancillary to B.Sc. (Special) Chemistry, conducted by the D epartm ents of Botany and Zoology jointly.

15 7


ZOOLOGY Professor

Head of the D ep a rtm e n t: Ph.D ., D.Sc., M.I.Biol., A.R.I.C.

.J a m e s F r e d e r i c D a n i e l l i ,

I — A n c illa r y Co u r se s

Courses are provided which are ancillary to main courses in Botany or Geology. One-year A ncillary Zoology : Z 1—As A , and A , below. I I —B.Sc.

( S p e c i a l )*

Part 1 : A general introduction to Zoology occupying one session. A x— L e c tu r e s . 3 hrs. A 2— P r a c tic a l C la ss. 6 hrs.

Part 11 : A tw o-year course, en try to which is obtained by achieving a satisfactory standard in the exam ination a t the end of the P a rt I course. Concurrently with the first year is an ancillary course which may be in M athem atics, Physics, Chemistry or Botany. Second Session. A 3— L e c tu r e s . U p to 5 hrs. a week. A,— S e m in a r . One a week. A 4— P r a c tic a l C la ss. 12 hrs. a week.

Students specialise in Physiology, Parasitology, Entom ology, Em bryology, Ecology or Genetics. P articu lar emphasis is placed on Cell Physiology and on Parasitology. a 5— L e c tu r e s . Up to 6 hrs. a week. A (— S e m in a r . One a week. A 6— P r a c tic a l C la ss. 18 hrs. a week. T h ird Session.

I l l —F ie l d

W ork

Members of the staff conduct classes, lasting for about a week, in the E aster or Summer vacation. These deal both with marine and with terrestrial (including fresh-water) fauna. All students are expected to avail themselves of the instruction given. Occasional week-end expeditions are also arranged in term time. IV — P o s t g r a d u a t e

W ork

Students are accepted to undertake research, leading to the degrees of M.Sc. and P h.D ., in various fields including Parasitology, Entomology, Em bryology, Behaviour, Functional Morphology, Physiology, Cytology, Cytochem istry, Cell Physiology and Cancer. * Note.—In and after October 1957jthe new alternative regulations will be introduced in whicb there will be no Part I examination but two ancillary subjects will be taken (see p. 146).





GEOLOGY Head of the D ep artm en t: Professor

J ames H aw ard T aylor,

A.M., Ph.D., M.I.M.M., F.G.S.

Students taking the B.Sc. (Special) Degree in Geology are required to take two ancillary subjects. These m ay bo chosen from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, Geography. At least one m ust come from the first five and Biology must not be offered with Botany or Zoology. The exam ination in one ancillary subject m ust be taken a t the end of the first year, and th a t in the other a t the end of the second year. The final exam ination in Geology is taken in two parts— P art I a t the end of the second year, and P a rt II a t the end of the third year.

F ir s t Y e a r A rts a n d S c ie n c e Co u r s e

B.Sc. (General— Revised Regulations), B .Sc. (Special) and A ncillary to B .Sc. (Special) and B .A . (Honours) Geography.

z j —Physical Geology.

(I hr.)

The larger surface features of the E arth . Processes of weathering, denudation and deposition. The cycle of erosion. Vulcanicity and earth movements. Structural geology. N atuie, origin and occurrence of sedim entary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Elem entary economic geology. Z 2—Mineralogy

and Petrology.



Elements of Crystallography : the common crystal forms and combinations. Principles of crystallographic notation and stereographic projection. Elem entary Mineralogy : the physical properties (including atom ic structure), chemical composition, and modes of occurrence of the commoner minerals. Principles of the determ ination of rockforming minerals by microscopic exam ination. z 3—Historical Geology.

(1 hr.)

The principles of the interpretation of rock-successions— the geological systems as developed in G reat Britain, their lithology, fauna and distribution. Z4—Practical


(3 hrs.)

The interpretation of simple geological maps. The study of crystals and crystal models. Exam ination and identification of common minerals and rocks in hand specimens and sections under the m icro­ scope. The study of common invertebrate fossils.



A ncillary to B .Sc. (Special ) Chemistry. Z lt Z 2, Z 3,

as above.

Z 4—P ractical Geology. (3 hrs.) As above, em phasis on chemical and economic aspects.


Y ear A rts and




S c ie n c e C o u r s e

B .Sc. (General— Old R egulations), B .Sc. (Special) and A ncillary to B .S c. (Special) and B .A . (Honours) Geography. Z 5, A x— Petrology. (1 hr.) The com position, textures and spatial relations of igneous, sedi­ m entary and m etam orphic ro ck s; their classification and petrogenesia Igneous cycles in the British Isles. Z 6, A 2—

Palaeontology. (1 hr.) C haracters o f the principal groups of fossils (animal and plant) and their distribution in past geological periods. Z 7, a 3—H istorical Geology. (1 hr.) S tratigraphy o f tho British Isles, and of certain im portant extraBritish areas. Tho geological succession of floras and faunas. Z g,

4—P ractical

Geology. (6 hrs., S pecial; 3 hrs., General or Ancillary.) In terpretation of geological maps. Exam ination of common minerals and rocks in hand specimens and under the microscope. Optical exam ination of m inerals in relation to directional characters. The study and description of fossils of the more im portant invertebrate p h y la ; faunal analysis and interpretation. a

T h ir d

Y ea r Co u rse

B .Sc. (Special). A 6—H istorical

Geology. S tructural Geology. a 7—Economic Geology. a 8—Geomorphology (Intercollegiate Lecture). a b—Geophysics (Intercollegiate Lecture). Students who select Section B (Mineralogy and Petrology) will take in addition : A 10—Mineralogy and Petrology. S tudents who select Section C (Palaeontology) will take in addition : A u —Palaeontology (V ertebrate and Invertebrate). A 12— Palaeobotany (Intercollegiate Lecture). A 1S— Micropalaeontology (Intercollegiate Lecture). All students taking the B.Sc. (Special) Degree will be expected to work in the laboratory daily. A 6—





F ie l d


Cl a sse s

Classes for Field-work in Geology are held during the session, and form an essential p art of the course. Excursions lasting about a week are norm ally held in the E aster and Summer vacations. Students taking the B.Sc. (Special) degree course are expected to spend a m ini­ mum of two weeks a year a t field classes, and in addition to carry out geological mapping of a small area under supervision. S c ie n t if ic

O r g a n is a t io n s

Advanced students may wish to become Members of the Geologists’ Association or Ju n io r Associates of the Geological Society o f London. Both these societies exist for the encouragem ent of research and the publication of new scientific knowledge. The Geologists’ Association in addition organises field excursions. Inform ation ab o u t conditions of membership may be obtained from any member of the staff. T ennant

P r iz e s in

G eology

The T ennant Prizes, one open to students attending the First Year course, and one open to students attending the more advanced courses, may be aw arded for proficiency a t the annual exam ination upon the year’s work.

JOINT SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHY Geography is taught, under an intercollegiate arrangem ent, in the Jo in t School of Geography a t K ing’s College and the London School of Economics. The staff of the J o in t School includes Prof. It. O. B u c h a n a n , B.Sc.(Econ.), M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Geography a t the London School of Economics. Prof. L. 1). S t a m p , C.B.E., D .Lit., D.Sc., Professor of Social Geography a t the London School of Economics. Prof. S. VV. W o o l d r i d g e , C .B .E., D.Sc., Professor of Geography and Head of the D epartm ent a t K ing’s College. I —B.A. a n d B.Sc. G e n e r a l lsJ Session :— Zj—Physical Basis of Geography. Za—Surveying and Map Projections. z3—Elem ents of C artography and Map Interpretation. •

2nd Session :—

z4—Regional Geography : N orth America. Z5—Regional Geography : Asia. (Zj and Z5 are alternative options.) Z6—Regional Geography : Europe. Z7—Regional Geography : British Isles. Z,—T utorial work a t times to be arranged.


I I —B.A.


H o n o u r s a n d B .S c . S p e c i a l

1st Y e a r :— A ,— A3 as Z ,— Z3 above. a

4—Com parative

Regional Geography—I.

2nd Y e a r :— A 5— Biogeography.

Regional Geography (W estern and Central Europe). A 7—Advanced Regional Geography (British Isles). A.g'—Com parative Regional G eography—II. A a—Map Interpretation . a

6—A dvanced

Introductory courses in the follow ing optional subjects :— A 10—M athem atical

Geography and Surveying. A u —Geomorphology. A 12—Meteorology and Climatology. A 13— H istorical Geography. A u —Political Geography. A 1B—Economic Geography. 3rd Year :— a 16—Advanced Regional Geography : Europe, including France. a 17—A dvanced Regional Geography : N orth America or Monsoon Asia or Africa. a 18—In terp retatio n of Aerial Photographs. (Optional.) A, —Seminar. Those taking Geography under the new regulations m ust also take as ancillary subjects Geology and one of the following : Anthropology, Biology, Botany, Economics, H istory, M athem atics, Physics, Statistics. Intercollegiate courses in special optional subjects :— A 19—M athem atical

Geography and Surveying. A 20—Geomorphology. a 21—Meteorology and Climatology. a 22—H istorical Geography. A23—Political Geography. a 24—Economic Geography. F ie l d

W ork

All students are required to give satisfactory evidence of having received adequate instruction in the field, and field classes, a t which attendance is compulsory, will be arranged during the session.





GERMAN FOR SCIENCE STUDENTS H ead of the D epartm ent : Professor F r e d e r i c k N o r m a n , O.B.E., M.A., F.S.A. 8 ,, S j—A course for students who wish to acquire as rapidly as possible such a knowledge of German as will enable them to read scientific works in th a t language A num ber of elem entary and more advanced classes will be arranged.

DEPARTMENT OE EDUCATION Head of the D epartm ent : Professor A r t h u r V a l e n t i n e J u d g e s , B.A., D.Sc. (Econ.). A college course for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education of the U niversity of London is available to those who have obtained a first degree in the Faculty of N atural Science. Particulars of this and other courses in the D epartm ent are given in a separate leaflet.

THEOLOGY Head of the D ep artm en t: The Dean of King’s College. Under the term s of the K ing’s College London (Transfer) Act, 1908, the Council is required to provide weekly a lecture in Theology. The time-tables are so arranged as to allow any student who wishes it to attend these lectures, but no one may be compelled to do so. To meet this requirem ent, the lectures are delivered on Mondays a t 10 a.m . The lectures are designed for students desiring the Associateship of King’s College, and are provided w ithout extra fee. For the regulations governing the award of the Associateship to nontheological students, see p. 44.

ANATOM Y| Head of the D ep artm en t: Professor

M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.E., F.R .tt.K

T h o m a s N ic o l ,

B.Sc. Special (Anatomy). of Medical Science.

For particulars see Prospectus of Faculty

t S tudents in the Faculty of N atural Science cannot a t present be accepted for c o u r t s in th is subject.



PHYSIOLOGY f Head of the D ep artm en t: Professor R o b e r t J o h n S t e w a r t M c D o w a l l , M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P. (Edin.). A.—B.Sc. Spccial (Physiology). Students should consult the Professor with regard to the course. A.—Research, etc. The Laboratory is available to all who wish to carry out original investigations, and instruction will be given to those who require it. D etails may be obtained from the Professor.


R o bso n ,

D.Sc., Ph.D ., Reader.

Suitably qualified In tern al and E xternal G raduates of the U niversity of London, as well as G raduates of other Universities, m ay be adm itted to courses leading to the degrees of M.Sc. and Ph.D . in Biochemistry. Such students m ust already possess a good Honours Degree in Chemistry together with a biological subject up to subsidiary standard, b u t candi­ dates possessing a good General Degree may, under certain conditions, commence a course leading to either degree. Enquiries should be sent to the R eader in Biochemistry.


B row nlee,

D.Sc., Ph.D ., Reader.

Suitably qualified Intern al and E xternal G raduates of the U niversity of London, as well as G raduates of other Universities, m ay be adm itted to courses leading to the degrees of M.Sc. and Ph.D . in Pharmacology. C andidates w ith the following qualifications may be adm itted directly to the course :— B.Sc. (Special) Degree w ith H onours in Physiology. B.Sc. (Special) Degree w ith Honours in Chemistry, w ith Physiology as a subsidiary subject or as an ancillary subject studied over a twoyear course. B.Sc. (General) Degree with H onours, with Physiology and Chemistry. B .Pharm . Degree with H onours (revised Regulations). G raduates of this or other Universities who do not possess these qualifications m ay be adm itted under certain conditions. Enquiries should be sent to the R eader in Pharmacology. t Students in the F aculty of N atural Science cannot a t present be accepted for courses in th is subject.


jfacult\> of HDcMcal Science


Professor R. J . S . M c D o w a l l , M . D . , D . S c . , F .R .C .P. Edin.

V ice-Dean


T h o m a s N ic o l ,

M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., F.R .C .S.E., F.R.S.E.

Sub-D ean


R obso n ,

D.Sc., Ph.D .

A dviser o f Studies

E. A.

B e l l , B . S c .,


M.A., Ph.D.


jfaculty of fIDeMcal Scicncc T h e registrable qualifications in Medicine and Surgery in London are those given by the U niversity of London (M.B., B.S.). the Conjoint Board of the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians (M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.), and the Society of Apothecaries (L.M.S.S.A.).

Each course is divisible into a pre-clinical and a clinical period, and King’s College provides education in the pre-clinical stage for tho U ni­ versity of London M.B., B.S. degree. On com pleting th eir pre-clinical training students proceed to one of the following H ospitals : King’s College H ospital, Denmark H ill, S.E. 5, St. George’s H ospital, Hyde Park Corner, S.W. 1, or W estm inster H ospital, Horseferry Rd., Millbank, S.W. 1. No student is allowed to begin pre-clinical studies at the

college who has not also been provisionally accepted by one of these hospitals for clinical training. Men applying for entry to King’s College should make application to th e Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Medical Science a t th e college, not later th an October 31st preceding the October in which admission is desired. They should also apply a t the same tim e to one or more of the above Hospitals. Prospectuses of these H ospitals may be obtained free and post free on application to the Secretary of the Medical School of each Hospital. The maximum num ber of women to be adm itted in any one year is eight for K ing’s College Hospital Medical School, six for St. George’s and six for W estm inster. Selected women applicants for admission to the M.B., B.S. Degree course of the University of London a t K ing’s CoUege and a t one of these Hospitals will be interviewed by a com mittee consisting of representatives of the College and the Hospitals. Applica­ tions from women students should reach the Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Medical Science, K ing’s College, S trand, W.C. 2, by October 31st preceding the session in which admission is desired. Women wishing to proceed to W estm inster H ospital or St. George’s Hospital for clinical studies should make simultaneous application to the Medical Schools there. The pre-clinical years are spent in preparing for the first and second degree exam inations. The first exam ination, in which the subjects are chem istry, physics, and general biology, is taken a t the end of three term s (i.e., one session). The second, in anatom y, physiology and pharmacology is taken a t the end of a further five term s of study. Normally, 1st M.B. students who do not pass th eir exam ination a t the first attem p t will be required to withdraw from the College. Such students may apply for re-admission to the College if they are successful a t the following exam ination. 2nd M.B. students are allowed two attem pts a t the 2nd M.B. exam ination; if not successful a t the second attem p t they are required to withdraw from the College.



The subjects in the F irst M.B. course are tau g h t in the F aculty of N atural Science. Moreover, any regular stu d en t of th e college may take any one class (not being a laboratory class) in any other Faculty, w ithout ex tra fee, subject to th e approval of th e Dean of the Faculty concerned. One o f the advantages o f th e courses a t K ing’s College is the fact th a t students there are associated with students of five other Faculties in the life of the college during th eir pre-clinical course.

SCH OLARSHIPS AND PR IZ E S Entrance Scholarships .— One VVarneford Entrance Scholarship of £40

a year for five years, and one Sambrooke Scholarship in Medical Science of £40 a year for three years, are offered annually. These generally qualify for supplem entation by the M inistry of Education. The W orsley Scholarship, for men or women who undertake to proceed to India as Missionaries on the com pletion of their course, is also available. Students taking the F irst M.B. course m ay enter for the W am eford (first year) Scholarship (£200) during th eir first term . The Alfred Hughes Memorial Prize in Anatom y, the Inchley Prize in Pharm acology, the Dr. Jo h n W. Pickering Prizes in Biochemistry, the B arbara Wigley Memorial Prize and the Barclay-Smith Prize in Anatomy are aw arded a t the end of the Second M.B. course. The College also offers two Scholarships, each of £40 for one year (which m ay be supplem ented by the M inistry of Education), to enable students who have passed the Second Medical Exam ination to read for the B.Sc. (Special) degree in A natom y or Physiology. The L ayton (£220) and the Berridge (£100) Research Studentships, the Daniell Scholarship in Chem istry (£40), th e W arneford Prizes (£25 and £15), Leathes Prize, B arry Prize and others are also open to students of this Faculty. The m ajority of the Scholarships and Prizes are open to Regular S tudents only. Je lf Medals are awarded annually, one in each Faculty, to the students who have m ost distinguished themselves during their undergraduate course, regard being paid to their prominence in the social and athletic activities of the College as well as to their academic proficiency. Several scholarships tenable a t the Associate H ospitals are open to students in or entering the college F aculty of Medical Science; for particulars application should be made to the Secretaries of the Medical Schools of these Hospitals.






REG ISTRA TIO N AND ADMISSION OF MEDICAL STU DENTS R e q u ir e m e n t s o f t h e G e n e r a l M e d ic a l C o u n c il .

Registration with the General Medical Council has to be effected by each studen t when he has qualified a t the end of his clinical course. The num bers of students commencing the medical curriculum proper (i.e. A natom y and Physiology) are forwarded to the General Medical Council a t the beginning of each session. The General Medical Council requires every stu d en t to have passed the following exam inations before admission to the medical curriculum p ro p er:— (1) A recognised prelim inary exam ination in general education. (2) An additional exam ination or exam inations conducted or recognised by one of the medical licensing bodies. Notes, (a )—The minimum stan d ard of general education required of an applicant in (1) should be “ th a t attested by the possession of a certificate bearing evidence th a t he has passed a M atriculation or E ntrance Exam ination of a U niversity of G reat B ritain or Ireland, or of Eire, or of other exam ination recognised by such a U niversity, or by a Medical Corporation, as equivalent thereto.” (b)—(2) will norm ally bo complied with by passing the F irst M.B. exam ination or the Conjoint Pre-medical exam ination, or by gaining exem ption therefrom as outlined below. R e q u ir e m e n t s o f t h e U n iv e r s it y



Every applicant for registration as an Internal or as an External student for the M.B., B.S. degrees of the U niversity of London m ust satisfy the minimum U niversity entrance requirements in one of the ways provided by the regulations. The procedure to be followed is the same for all Faculties and is outlined above, under General Inform ation, on page 42. Those students who desire to sit for a particular exam ination (e.g., 1st M.B.) as External candidates are required to effect their own registration with the E xternal Registrar, U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1. Applicants may be adm itted direct to the 2nd M.B. course if, in addition to satisfying th e U niversity’s minimum entrance requirem ents, they possess a General Certificate of E ducation which includes passes in Chemistry, Physics and Zoology, all a t Advanced Level, and in B otany a t Advanced or O rdinary Level. Students entering college are responsible for being conversant with the relevant regulations of the U niversity of London.





E x a m in a t io n

fo r

M e d ic a l

D eg rees.

Held in Ju ly and December. Inorganio Chem istry, Physics (including Mechanics), General Biology (Botany and Zoology). Note. — Only those students who have previously been “ referred ” in one subject will be allowed to enter for the December Exam ination. Certain exceptions are made in the case of ex-service students.


E x a m in a t io n


M e d ic a l

D eg rees.

Held in March and July. A natom y, including Em bryology, Neurological Anatom y, Micro­ scopical A natom y, and A natom y of the Living Subject. Physiology, including Histology, Pharm acology, Organic Chem istry, and Bio­ chem istry. B.Sc.

(S p e c ia l ) in

A n a t o m y o r P h y s io l o g y .

S tudents in the Medical F aculty who wish to take one of these courses should apply to the Dean of th e Faculty.

FOR T H E D EG R EE IN DENTAL SU R G ERY (B.D.S.) OF T H E U N IV ER SITY OF LONDON (after passing or being exempted fro m the First E xam ination fo r M edical Degrees). S econd

E x a m in a t io n

fo r

D ental D eg rees.

Held in Ju ly and December. P a rt I. General A natom y and Physiology, Special Anatom y and Histology and Practical Pharmacology (at K ing’s College). P a rt II. Prosthetic D entistry (at K ing’s College H ospital or the Royal D ental Hospital). For the courses of stu d y for the Third and F ourth B.D.S. Exam inations, see the Prospectuses of K ing’s College Hospital Dental School and of the Royal D ental H ospital.






FOR T H E LICENCE IN DENTAL SURGERY OF T H E ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS 1. Candidates desiring to obtain the Licence in D ental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England are required to comply with the following regulations. 2. The following exam inations have to be passed under the con­ ditions set out in regulations to be obtained from the Secretary to the Conjoint Board, Exam ination H all, 8-11, Queen Square, London, W.C. 1. (i) A Prelim inary E xam ination in general education recognised by the Exam ining Board of the Royal Colleges. (ii) A Pre-Medical E xam ination including Chem istry, Physics, and Biology conducted by, or recognised by, the Board. (iii) The F irst Exam ination, consisting o f:— P a rt I. A natom y and Physiology. P a rt II. Special A natom y and Physiology. (iv) The Second Exam ination in D ental Prosthetics and the Properties of D ental M aterials. (v) The Final Exam ination in Surgery, Medicine, Pathology and Bacteriology, D ental Surgery, Pathology, and Prosthetics. 3. Enquiries concerning the Prelim inary E xam ination in general education should be addressed to the Body conducting the particular exam ination. All enquiries concerning the Pre-Medical E xam ination, the curriculum and qualifying exam inations of the Royal Colleges should be addressed to the Secretary to the Conjoint Board as above. 4. R egistration as a stu d en t by the General Medical Council does not, ipso facto, exem pt a candidate from the conditions of these regulations.

5. Candidates are required to have passed a recognised Prelim inary Exam ination in general education and the Pre-Medical Exam ination before beginning the professional subjects of the dental curriculum. 6. Candidates are required to complete the dental curriculum ex­ tending over not less th a n four calendar years of study a t recognised dental and medical schools and hospitals, and to pass the professional exam inations in accordance with the regulations after passing the PreM edical E xam ination. 7. The exam inations of the Royal College are conducted three times a year. The dates on which the exam inations are held are published annually in the calendar of the Exam ining Boax-d in England, which m ay be obtained, free of charge, from the D irector of Exam inations. In K ing’s College, instruction in the subjects of the Preclinical D ental curriculum is given oidy in A natom y and Physiology. The




courses of study for P ractical D ental Mechanics and for tho Final Exam ination are taken a t K ing’s College Hospital Dental School. Intending D ental S tudents should in the first place apply to K ing’s College H ospital D ental School.

FO R T H E EXA M IN A TION S OF T H E C O NJO INT EXAM INING BOARD Candidates following the M.B., B.S. courses a t King’s College may also enter for the Diplom a of tho Conjoint Exam ining Board in England of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. Full particulars may be obtained from : Tho Secretary to the Conjoint Board, Exam ination H all, 8-11, Queen Square, London, W.C. 1. F irst Exam ination, held q u arte rly :— A natom y; Physiology;


The course extends over five term s and is sim ilar to th a t for the degrees of the University.



The D ea n of the F a cu lty reserves to h im self the right, in cases w here he is n ot satisfied w ith the a tte n d a n c e s or work of any stu d en t in lectu r es, practical classes or cla ss e x a m in a tio n s , to refuse to a u th orise the s ig n in g of the s tu d e n t’s e x a m in a tio n s c h e d u le . A stu d en t w h o se progress has been unsatisfactory m ay be refused re -a d m issio n to the College at the c o m m e n c e m e n t of an y term.





FEES A ll Fees are payable in advance A — R e g is t r a t io n

F ees

A Registration Fee of £2 2s. m ust be paid by each Regular Student upon acceptance by the Dean of the Faculty. This fee is not returnable, and in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. In addition a further charge of £1 la. is made to each Overseas S tudent upon acceptance; this fee is deducted from the general Tuition Fees upon entry, but in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. A Registration Fee of 5s. is payable by Occasional Students on the occasion of their first entry to th e College in any Session. B — F e e s fo b

R eoular Stu d en ts

1.*Medical Courses (University or Conjoint Board) :— (i) F irst M.B. (including Biology), £50 8s. per annum . (ii) Second M.B. or F irst Conjoint Course, £57 15a. for the first y ear; £21 a term for the second year. 2.fCourse for B.Sc. (Special) Degree in Physiology (when available), £3U 15a. per annum , plus a Materials fee of £3 3a. 3.

D ental Courses (University or Royal College of Surgeons) :— Inform ation as to fees should be obtained from the Dental School to which the stu d en t is applying.

4. For the Fees for the Final Medical Studies, see the Prospectuses of the Hospital Medical Schools previously mentioned, and for the Hospital Dental Courses, see the Prospectuses of K ing’s College Hospital Dental School and the Royal D ental H ospital. The Tuition Fees are reduced 20 per cent, in the case of boys who enter the College direct from K ing’s College School or S trand School, provided they have atten d ed a t least five term s in the School. Subject to the approval of the Dean of the F aculty, a R egular S tudent in this F aculty of the College may take any one Class (not being a L aboratory Class) in any other Faculty, w ithout ex tra tuition fee. Deposits

Students are required to pay a deposit of £3 3a. for the locker and apparatus supplied in the Chemical Laboratories. At the end of the course the deposit is returnable, less any charges for replacements. * From August 1957: £65 p.a. for 1st M.B. and for 2nd M.B. (1st y r.) ; £22 a term for 2nd M.B. (2nd yr.). t From A ugust 1957 : £65 p .a .; m aterials fee £5.



E xam ination Fees

1. Payable to the U niversity o f London :— 1st M.B., £0 6s., or £2 2s. for each subject. 2nd M.B., £15 15s. (Re-examination in Pharmacology only, £5 5 s.; in Anatom y and Physiology, £10 10s.) 2nd B.D.S., (Anatomy and Physiology), £7 7s. 2. Payable to the E xam ining Board in England :— F irst Professional Exam ination (Anatomy and Physiology), £8 8s. Re-exam ination, per subject, £4 4s. 1st L.D.S., P a rt I (Anatomy and Physiology), £3 3s. P a rt I I (Special Anatom y and Physiology), £3 3s.

C— R e v is io n

F ees

The Revision Fees for students who have completed a t the College the full course for the second exam ination of the University, or for the F irst E xam ination of the Conjoint Board, are £7 7s. per term for Physiology, £7 7s. for Anatom y, and £3 3s. for Pharmacology, or £15 15s. per term when all three subjects are taken in the same term . (From A ugust 1957 : £10 a term fo r A natom y, £10 fo r Physiology, £5 for Pharmacology, or £22 i f all three are taken.)

D — F e e s fo r o th er C ou rses and S epa ra te Cla sses

Registered G raduates. All other students. 1. M.Sc. Part-tim e. Full-tim e. P art-tim e. Full-tim e. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Annual fee . .8 8 0 16 10 0 14 14 0 22 1 0 ( From A ugust 1957 : £35 p.a. (full-tim e) or £25 (part-tim e ) fo r all students.) 2. Ph.D . (1956-57). (a) F or Registered G raduates of the College :—£16 16s. per annum . (b) F or all other students :—£22 Is. per annum . Ph.D . (from A ugust 1957)—for all students : £35 per annum (full­ time) or £28 per annum (part-time). 3. Research (other than Degree work). A R egistration Fee of £2 2s. a year is charged, and such other fee as may in each case be found necessary. 4. Separate Classes. The fees payable for each separate subject and class, unless other­ wise stated, are on the basis of £2 2s. a term , or £5 5s. a year, for one hour a week in the case of lectures, and £4 4s. a term , or £10 10s. a year, for three hours a week in the case of practical work.





CLASSES 1. The times and rooms of all classes will be given on a time-table on the Faculty notice-board. 2. The following signs are used to indicate the nature of the courses : P —F irst Exam ination for Medical Degrees. Y—Second Exam ination for Medical Degrees. A—Final B.Sc. (Special) or Postgraduate,


Other courses.

3. The number of hours shown after any course is the number given to th a t course weekly.

BOTANY Head of the D ep artm en t: Professor

T h o m a s A r c h i b a l d B e n n e t -C l a r k ,

M.A., Ph.D .,

M.I.Biol., F.R.S. This Course comprises lectures and practical work in Botany required for the 1st M.B. E xam ination of the U niversity of London. P t —Lectures.

(2 hrs.)

The Lectures tre a t of the general principles of plant morphology, histology, physiology, cytology, heredity, and evolution. P j—Practical Work.

(3 hrs.)

In the practical class students will examine the structure of the tissues and organs of the various types prescribed for the First Medical Exam ination, the work being arranged in connection with the lectures.

CHEMISTRY Head of the D ep artm en t: D






, P h .D .,

D.Sc., F.R .I.C ., F .R .S .,

D aniell P r o f e s s o r . Students intending to sit for the 1st M.B. Exam ination will attend a lecture course on General Chemistry ( P , —3 hrs.), and will work in the Chemical Laboratories for six hours a week during the Michaelmas term and three hours a week during the subsequent term s (P»). For Second M.B. students a special course In Organic Chemistry is provided in the D epartm ent of Physiology.




Head of the D epartm ent: T u r t o n R a n d a l l , D.Sc., F.R .S., W heatstone Professor.

P j—Lectures in Physics in preparation for the 1st M.B. Exam ination of the U niversity of London. (3 hrs.) P 2—Practical Physics. (3 h rs.; 3 hrs. weekly ex tra in Lent term .) Concurrently with th e Lectures, the Lecturers and D em onstrators conduct the L aboratory W ork on the lines of the Syllabus of the First M.B. Exam ination of London University.

ZOOLOGY Professor J a m e s

Head of th e D e p a rtm e n t: F r e d e r i c D a n i e l l i , P h . D . , D.Sc., M.I.Biol., A.R.I.C.

For students taking the 1st M.B. Exam ination of tho University of London. P ,— Lectures. (2 hrs.) General Structure, Physiology, and Life H istory of Amoeba, P ara­ mecium , M onocyatis, H ydra, T aenia, Lum bricus, Blatla, Scyllium , Rana, and L epus (skull of Canis). The Cell and Cell-division. The Elem ents of V ertebrate Histology. The Elem ents of V ertebrate Em bryology, w ith special reference to A m p h io xu s, R ana, Qallus, and Lepus. Biological Theory : Organic Evolution— V ariation— Heredity —N atural Selection, &c. P 2— Practical Work. (Michaelmas term , 3 hrs.; Lent term , 3 hrs.; Easter term , 6 hrs.) Exam ination, by dissection or otherwise, of the types enum erated above—Elements of Cytology and Animal Histology—Development of the Chick or Frog.





ANATOMY Head of the D e p a rtm e n t: Professor T h o m a s N i c o l , M.D., D.Sc., F.It.C.S., F.K.C.S.E., F .R .S.E . The following courses of instruction are given :— Y , —Ju n io r Course. (Michaelmas term .) This is an introductory course to be takon by all students in their first year of A natom y, dealing with the principles of Anatom y in relation to the Skeletal, Muscular, Vascular and other systems of the body. Ya—Neurological

Anatomy. (Lent and Easter terms.) A course devoted to the A natom y of th e Central Nervous System and the Organs of special sense. Ys —H um an


y 4— Arthrology.

Y s —Histology.

(Easter, Michaelmas and Lent terms.)

(Lent term .) Lectures and practical classes.

(E aster term .)

Y 6—Practical Anatom y. The Dissecting Room is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, except Saturday, when it is closed a t midday. The Practical Course is conducted under the supervision of the Professor, assisted by the Lecturers and Demonstrators. Students are required to undergo periodical exam inations on the p art they are dissecting. Y 7—D em onstrations

on Regional A natom y and Tutorial Classes in Osteology are also conducted in each term of the course, but students are required to atten d only the dem onstrations and tu to rial classes dealing with the parts they are dissecting. Students in their 5th term are advised to atten d , if possible, all the dem onstrations. E xam inations .—Class Exam inations are held a t intervals. B.Sc. ( S p e c i a l )




A natomy


M orphology

Special courses of instruction will be provided for approved medical students who may wish to take this degree. One y ear’s further study is required after completing the 2nd M.B. exam ination and before commencing hospital work. Particulars of the work to be covered and other im portant inform ation regarding registration, etc., are given in the University “ Red Book ” . Anatomy


D e n t a l St u d e n t s

This course consists of a series of lectures and dem onstrations designed to m eet the requirem ents of the F irst Exam ination for the Licence in D ental Surgerv of the Royal College of Surgeons. Classes, 6 hrs. weekly, throughout the year. (Courses in Special D ental Anatom y and Histology are given in the Michaelmas and Lent terms.)



PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACOLOGY Head of the D epartm ent: Professor It. J . S. M o D o w a ll, M .D ., D .S c., F .lt.C .P . Edin. The following courses of instruction are g iv e n :— Y , — General course of Lectures in Physiology, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacology.

1st Year.— (Michaelmas, L ent and E aster terms). 2nd Year.— (Michaelmas and Lent terms). The 1st Year course is designed to suit those beginning the subject and deals with it system atically. In the 2nd Y ear course the more difficult p arts of the subject are dealt w ith and more tim e is spent on those aspects of th e subject which are more closely allied to Medicine and Surgery. The lectures are supplem ented by tu to rial classes and by lecture dem onstrations. Y 2—Practical

Physiology, Organic Chem istry and Biochemistry. Each stu d en t m ust provide himself with a set of minor accessory instrum ents, b u t the microscopes and m aterials, including slides, are supplied in the laboratory. Yt —Tutorial


(Michaelmas, I vent and E aster term s.)

Y 3— P h a r m a c o l o g y .

A course of Instruction in Pharm acology is given, consisting of Lectures, Tutorial Class, D em onstrations, and Practical Experim ental Pharmacology. S —Physiology for D ental Students. A separate course is held for D ental Students (whole Session). A—Research, etc. The laboratory is available to any who wish to carry out original investigations, and instruction will be given to those who require it. D etails may be obtained from the Professor or from the Readers in Biochemistry and Pharmacology. B.Sc. ( S p e c i a l )



h y sio l o g y

Special facilities are given to selected medical students who wish to take this degree, which they may do on completion of their 2nd M.B. exam ination and before they commence their hospital work. This course, in which several of the other Schools of the U niversity take p art, is recommended to those who are likely later to seek appoint­ m ents in the m any allied branches of medical science. F o r this degree the practical subjects comprise Experim ental Physiology and a choice





of two others drawn from Biochemistry, Histology, H um an Physiology or Pharmacology. Students taking this course should make themselves acquainted with the syllabus and regulations which may be found in the University Red Book. The following points should be noted :— Students taking the B.Sc. (Special) course m ust become Registered Internal Students in the Faculty of N atural Science im m ediately on commencing the course. To be an Internal Student of K ing’s College for the B.Sc. (Special) Exam ination, the candidate m ust have taken 2nd M.B. as an Internal Student. H

ig h e r

D egrees

Facilities are offered to suitable graduates to proceed to the degrees of M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Pharm acology and Physiology.

THEOLOGY Head of the D e p artm en t: The Dean of K ing’s College. Under the term s of the K ing’s College London (Transfer) Act, 1908, the Council is required to provide a weekly lecture in Theology. The tim e-tables are so arranged as to allow any stu d en t who wishes it to atten d those lectures, b u t no one may be compelled to do so. To meet this requirem ent the lectures are delivered on Mondays a t 10 a.m. The lectures are designed for students desiring the Associateship of K ing’s College, and are provided w ithout ex tra fee. For the regulations governing the aw ard of the Associateship to nontheological students, see p. 44.




Professor J . G r e i o , M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D ., M .I.E.E., F .R .S.E .


Professor A. D. R oss, B.Sc., Ph.D ., M .I.C.E., F .R .S.E .


G. H. P l a t t , M.Sc.Tech., A.M.T.E.E,



FACULTY OF ENGINEERING CO U R SE S OF STUDY T h i s Faculty provides a system atic course o f study of University character for those intending to devote themselves to Engineering. The scientific principles which underlie all branches of Engineering, together with the methods of applying those principles, are tau g h t in carefully graduated courses, extending normally over three years, arranged so as to give preparation for those wishing to take the degree of B.Sc. in Engineering of the U niversity of London, and the Diploma or Certificate of the College.

The last date for acc ep tin g a p p lication s for a d m issio n is Jan uary 3 1st of the year in w h ich a d m issio n is desired. T he a tte n tio n of stu d e n ts is called to the G eneral College Rules, for w h ich see Table of Contents.

S tudents are expected to spend a t least one half of each of their two sum m er vacations in engineering works. The College will assist them as far as possible in obtaining such experience, which will be found most valuable in their College work. S tudents are reminded th a t their College course represents only a p art of their education as engineers, and th a t a substantial p art of their training m ust of necessity be obtained in actual e n g i n e e r in g work. E nq u iries regard in g fac ilities for research sh ould be addressed to th e Head of the D ep a r tm en t co n ce rn ed .


I—COURSES FOR T H E B.Sc. (EN G IN EER IN G ) D EG R EE OF T H E U N IV ER SITY OF LONDON C o n d it io n s o f E n t r y

Before entering the F acu lty to study for the Degree in Engineering, it is necessary to have qualified to m atriculate in the U niversity of London, and to have satisfied the requirem ents set out in Section 2 of the U niversity Regulations below. The College will, in addition, expect to receive evidence of a good general education. The procedure to be followed with regard to m atriculation and registration as an internal stu d en t is the same for all Faculties and is outlined above, under General Inform ation, on page 42.

F i n a l B .S c. ( E n g i n e e r i n g )— U n i v e r s i t y R e g u l a t i o n s

1. The exam ination for the degree of B.Sc. (Engineering), both Pass and Honours, shall consist of three p arts, namely, P a rt I, P a rt I I and P a rt III. The fees for these exam inations are : 5 guineas for P a rt I ; 4 guineas each for P arts I I & 1TI; for re-entry in one subject of P arts I or II (see 6 and 11 below) 2 g uin eas; for re-entry for course work, 1 guinea. For exam ination in a supplem entary subject the fee is 2 guineas. The entry form when completed m ust be forwarded, together v\ ith the fee, to the Academic R egistrar of the U niversity, not later than 20th February, after which d ate no entries can be received. The tim e-table of the exam ination will be furnished by the University to each candidate, showing both the tim e and place of the exam ination in each subject. The exam iners shall be a t liberty to test any candidate by means of oral questions. 2. Before admission to the course a student m ust not only satisfy the U niversity’s minimum entrance requirem ents in accordance with the Regulations b u t also the U niversity’s additional requirem ents for entry to the course of study for the degree of B.Sc. (Engineering). To comply w ith these additional requirem ents an applicant m ust have passed in the following subjects a t a General Certificate of Education E xam ination * :— (i) M athem atics (Pure and Applied) Adyanced Leyel (ii) Physics I (iii) Chemistry a t O rdinary or Advanced Level. * These requirem ents are based on passes in subjects a t the London G.O.E. E x am in atio n s; statem ents of th e equivalence of subjects in o th er exam inations are set o u t in appendices in th e leaflet “ Regulations relating to U niversity E ntrance R eq u irem ents” obtainable from The Secretary to the U niversity E ntrance R equirem ents D epartm ent, U niversity of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London, W .C.l.





or alternatively

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Pure M athematics \ Applied M athematics ra t Advanced Level. Physics > Chem istry a t Ordinary or Advanced Level.

A candidate who has passed in three of the subjects Pure M athematics, Applied M athematics, Physics and Chemistry as above may be allowed to complete the qualification required for entry on the course by passing in the fourth subject a t the Prelim inary E xam ination in Science or a t Advanced Level a t an approved Exam ination for the General Certificate of Education during the course for the P a rt I Exam ination. If the three subjects in which he has passed are Pure M athem atics, Applied M athematics and Physics, he may complete the qualification for adm is­ sion by passing in th e subject of Chemistry a t O rdinary Level a t an approved exam ination for the General Certificate of Education. He shall then be eligible to present him self for the P art I Exam ination provided he has satisfied the conditions as to attendance and has completed his qualification for admission before en try to tho P art 1 exam ination. A candidate shall be eligible to present him self for the P art 1 E xam ina­ tion after having satisfactorily atten d ed approved courses therefor extending over one academic year. 3. If a candidate has been allowed, under the Regulations for Advanced S tudents proceeding to a Bachelor’s degree, to complete the Prelim inary exam ination in certain specified subjects during, or a t the end of, the P a rt I course, he shall none the less be eligible to present him self for the P a rt I exam ination, provided th a t he has satisfied the foregoing conditions as to attendance, although the exam ination would take place in the same academic year as th a t in which the candidate completes the Prelim inary exam ination. 4. If a student, who is perm itted to present him self for the completion of the qualification required for entry on the course in the same academic year as he presents himself for the P a rt I exam ination, fails to com­ plete the Prelim inary exam ination he will not be notified of the result of his candidature a t the P a rt I exam ination. 5. The subjects of the P art I exam ination shall be as follows:— (a) Strength and E lasticity of Materials. (b) Fluid Mechanics.

(c) Theory of H eat Engines. (d) Surveying. (e) Electrical Technology.

(One paper of three hours in each of subjects (a) to (e).)



(/) Theory of Machines and Engineering Drawing. (g ) M athematics.


(Two papers of three and four hours respectively.) (Two papers of three hours each.)

Candidates will be required to satisfy the Exam iners in all seven subjects. In each subject excepting M athem atics the exam ination shall include the exam ination of course work. The standard of the question papers and of the course work for this exam ination shall be such as is generally recognised as suitable for candidates who have completed one academic year after passing the Prelim inary exam ination. 6. I t shall be within the discretion of the Board of Exam iners to refer a candidate in not more than one subject. 7. A candidate who has been referred in a subject under Section 6 shall be allowed to present himself for the exam ination in th a t subject a t a subsequent P a rt I exam ination. A candidate who takes his referred subject a t the same tim e as P a rt II of the exam ination and fails in the referred subject b u t otherwise satisfies the exam iners in P a rt I I will be credited with P a rt I I and allowed to complete P a rt I by passing in the referred subject alone a t some future exam ination for P a rt I. 8. Candidates who have satisfied the examiners in the P a rt I exam ina­ tion, or have been referred in one subject under Section 6, shall be eligible to present themselves for the P a rt I I exam ination after having satisfactorily attended approved courses extending over not less than one academic year subsequent to the P a rt I exam ination in each of the subjects offered for the P a rt I I exam ination. 9. The subjects of the P a rt I I exam ination shall be as follows :— (a) Theory and Design of Machines. (b) F luid Mechanics.

(One paper of three hours.) do. (c) Theory of H eat Engines. (Two papers of three hours each.) (d) Theory and Design of Structures. do. (e) Surveying and Public Works. do. (/) Soil Mechanics and Reinforced Concrete Structures, do. (gr) Electrical Technology. do. (h) Electrical Theory. do. (i) Engineering Geology. (One paper of three hours.) (j ) Engineering Metallurgy. do. (k ) M athematics. (Two papers of three hours each.)

In each subject, excepting M athematics, the exam ination shall include the exam ination of course work.





10. Candidates will be required to satisfy the Exam iners in all sub­ jects, grouped as below. Subjects :— Group .4 (C ivil )—

Fluid Mechanics. Theory and Design of Structures. Surveying and Public Works. Soil Mechanics and Reinforced Concrete Structures. M athematics. Engineering Geology. Engineering Metallurgy. Group B (Mechanical) —

Theory and Design of Machines. Fluid Mechanics. Theory and Design of Structures. Theory of H eat Engines. Electrical Technology. Mathematics. Engineering Metallurgy. Group C (Electrical)—

Theory and Design of Machines. Fluid Mechanics. Theory of H eat Engines. Electrical Technology. Electrical Theory. Mathematics. Engineering Metallurgy. 11. A candidate a t the P a rt II exam ination may be referred in any one subject a t the discretion of the examiners. Such a candidate will be perm itted to proceed to the course for the P a rt I I I and to present himself for re-exam ination in the subject in which he has been referred a t the next P a rt I I exam ination. The marks aw arded on re-exam ina­ tion shall not exceed a fixed minimum required to satisfy the examiners. Candidates absent through illness from p a rt of P a rt I I may apply for permission to enter for the whole of P arts II and I I I together in a subsequent year. A candidate who takes his referred subject of P a rt I I a t the same time as P a rt III of the exam ination and fails in the referred subject, but otherwise satisfies the examiners in P a rt II I , will be credited with P art I I I and allowed to complete P a rt I I by passing in the referred subject alone a t some future exam ination. Simultaneous reference in P art I and P art II will not be perm itted in any circumstances. 12. A candidate who has satisfied the examiners in P a rt I I of the exam ination or has been referred, or has been perm itted to enter for the whole of the P a rt I I and P a rt I I I exam inations together, under



Section 11 shall be eligible to present himself for P a rt III of the exam in­ ation after having satisfactorily atten d ed approved courses extending over not less than one academic year subsequent to the P a rt II exam in­ ation, in each of the subjects offered for the P a rt I I I exam ination. 13. The subjects of the P a rt I I I exam ination shall be as follows: — (a) Theory of S tructures. (b) Geology and Soil Mechanics.

(c) (d ) (e) (/) (g) (h )

Therm odynam ics. (Two papers of three Theory and Design of Machines. hours each in each of S trength and E lasticity of M aterials. the subjects (a) to Electrical M achinery. (h).) Electrical Power. Electrical M easurements and Telecom­ m unications. (i ) An individual problem.

Candidates will be required to pass exam inations in three subjects (grouped as below), and to pass in the individual problem. Course work will be required in all three subjects. Subjects : Group A (Civil) —

Theory of Structures. Strength and Elasticity of Materials. Geology and Soil Mechanics. An individual problem. Group B (Mechanical) —

Therm odynam ics. Theory and Design of Machines. Strength and Elasticity of Materials. An individual problem. Group C (Electrical) —

Electrical Machinery. Electrical Power. Electrical Measurements and Telecommunications. An individual problem. In addition, Groups B and C will include a course in Geology. P ro­ vision may be made, in appropriate cases, for the study of other subjects. 14. The degree will be aw arded on the combined results obtained in P a rts I, I I and III. The examiners shall fix the minimum combined aggregate of marks required for the award of F irst Class and Second Class Honours. A candidate who fails to obtain the minimum aggregate of m arks for H onours may be recommended for the aw ard of a Pass Degree.





15. Reference in P a rt I I I will not be perm itted, but if a candidate fails he will be perm itted to present himself for the whole of P art III in any subsequent year. 16. Before the conferm ent of the degree upon candidates who have passed the exam inations of the U niversity the authorities of K ing’s College shall certify th a t each candidate has satisfied all the require­ m ents of the College and of the U niversity. 17. A diploma for the degree of B.Sc.(Eng.), under the Seal of the University, shall be delivered to each candidate who has passed, after the report of the examiners shall have been approved by the Senate. 18. The K ing’s College London Diploma in Engineering will be aw arded to candidates who succeed in obtaining an Honours degree, and the K ing’s College London Certificate in Engineering will be aw arded to candidates who obtain a Pass degree, provided, however, th a t the candidates have complied w ith any requirem ents (other than passing exam inations) laid down by the authorities of the College. No further classification of the Diploma or Certificate will be made, but in accordance with the established practice of the College the parchm ents will record the standard attained in each subject offered for the exam ination. 19. Students desiring to apply for any exem ption in respect of courses of study or of exam ination m ust apply to the U niversity through the authorities of K ing’s College. 20. Candidates who have passed the B.Sc.(Eng.) exam ination may enter for exam ination in one or more supplem entary subjects. N otes

1. A candidate who has completed his course of study as an internal student and who has been absent through illness from p art of the final exam ination for a first degree may apply to the U niversity for the aw ard of an .-Egrotat Degree, in accordance w ith the U niversity Regulations on the /E grotat Degree, a copy of which may be seen on application to the College Office. 2. A student who fails to satisfy the F aculty as to sufficient progress in his work for P arts I and II of the B.Sc. exam ination will not, except for special reasons, be allowed to repeat the course.

II —COURSES FOR T H E COLLEGE DIPLOMA AND C ER TIFIC A TE IN EN G IN EER IN G The courses for the College Diploma and Certificate are identical with those for the B.Sc. (Engineering) degree— see Regulation no. 18 above.




I I I —POSTGRADUATE COURSES G raduates of the U niversity of London, and graduates of other Universities, m ay be ad m itted to courses in the F aculty of Engineering leading to the degrees of M.Sc.(Eng.) and Ph.D . For details concerning admission to and duration of courses, and regulations for higher degrees, the U niversity Regulations should be consulted. IV —CHEMICAL E N G IN E E R IN G COURSE A course in Chemical Engineering, which covers one session, may be followed by students who have taken a first degree in Engineering or Chemistry. The course leads to the College Diploma in Chemical Engineering. Particulars are given on pages 204-209, which are issued separately as a pam phlet. V—SPECIA L


Special le c tu re s are arranged and are given during the session by specialists in subjects connected with Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering. These lectures, unless otherwise stated, are free to students of the Engineering F aculty of the College, and are also open to other persons w ithout fee. VI—ADDITIONAL LECTURES Lectures in applicable m athem atics directly related to the engineering studies of the final year are provided for Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students. There arc, in addition, lecture courses on the Structure and O rganisa­ tion of Industry, and in Works Organisation. All these courses are given during the Michaelmas and Lent terms.





FEES A ll fees are payable in advance Sessioyial fees m ay be paid in equal term inal instalm ents on paym ent of an additional £1 Is. in the first term. A — R e g ist r a t io n

F ees

A Registration Fee of £2 2s. m ust be paid by each regular student upon acceptance by the Dean of th e F aculty. This fee is not returnable, and in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. In addition a further charge of £1 Is. is made to each Overseas student upon acceptance. This fee is deducted from the general Tuition Fees upon entry, but in the event of non-entry it is forfeited. B — F e e s fo r th e

R egular

U ndergraduate

Cou rse

T u itio n F e e s :— £63 per annum . (£65 fro m A ugust 1957.) M aterials Fee.— For the use of ordinary m aterials and apparatus students pay an inclusive fee of £3 3s. per annum . (£5 in 1957-58.) The Tuition Fees are reduced 20 per cent, in the case of boys who enter the College direct from K ing’s College School, or from Strand School, provided they produce a certificate statin g th a t they have attended a t least five term s in the School. Subject to the approval of the Dean of the Faculty and of the L ecturer concerned, a regular stu d en t in this F aculty may take any one class in any other F aculty w ithout extra tuition fee. E xam ination Fees , payable to the U n iv e rsity :—

I’a rt I, £5 5s. Referred Subject a t P a rt I, £2 2s. P art IT, £4 4s. Referred Subject a t P art II, £2 2s. P art III, £4 4s. R e-entry for Course Work, £1 Is. R e g is t e r o f G r a d u a t e s

All K ing’s College G raduates who wish to continue their studies in any subject m ay, by the paym ent of a R egistration Fee of £1 10s., keep their names on th e College books and enjoy the privileges set out above under General Inform ation. This Register will be closed a t the end of 1956. C— F ees

fo k

C h e m ic a l

E n g in e e k in g

Cou rse

T u itio n F ees :—

30 guineas per annum , or 24 guineas per annum for students whose names are on the Register of G raduates of the College. From August 1957 the tuition fee will be £40 a year for all students.



A pparatus D e p o sit :—

S tudents are required to pay a deposit of £5 on the commencement of their course. This sum will he returned a t th e end of the course of st udy, less charges for loss or breakages of apparatus. E xam in ation E n try Fees :—

4 guineas (or 1 guinea for each referred subject) payable to the College and due with the exam ination entry form on April 30th. D — F e e s f o r H ig h e r D e g r e e C o u r s e s

Registered G raduates All other students P art-tim e Full-tim e P art-tim e Full-tim e £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Annual fee . . 8 8 0 16 16 0 14 14 0 2210 Fee for two years, if paid in advance . 1 4 1 4 0 22 1 0 22 1 0 29 8 0 2.* Ph.D . in Engineering— (a) For Registered Honours G raduates of the College: £16 16s. per annum . (b) For all other students : £22 Is. per annum . The normal course extends over two years, b u t for students required by the U niversity to devote a longer period to th e course the annual fee will be so adjusted th a t tho total am ount payable is £33 12s. under (a), or £44 2s. under (6). 1.* M .Sc.(Eng.)

3. D.Sc.(Eng.)—R egistration fee of £1 11s. 6d. a year (£2 2s. in 19/57— 58), together with L ibrary and D epartm ental fees, according to the circum stances of the case. E — F ees

fo r


Co u rses


S p e c ia l C l a s s e s

1. Research. The fees payable by a person of academic standing (i.e., “ a person who holds, or has held, an academic p o s t” ) engaged in pure research other th a n for a H igher Degree, are 4 guineas a term or 10 guineas a session. F or students of ordinary postgraduate standing engaged in pure research work, other th a n for a H igher Degree, the fees are th e same as for the Ph.D . course, nam ely, £22 Is. per annum . (£35 in 1957-58.) For persons engaged in research for commercial purposes a fee will be fixed in each case on its merits. 2. Occasional stu d en ts pay fees on the following scale unless o th er­ wise stated in the Syllabus of th e C lass:— R egistration Fee.—A registration fee of 5s. on first en try to College in any session. Tuition Fees. Lectures.—£2 2s. a term for one hour a week, or £5 5s. a session for one hour a week. Practical Classes.—£4 4s. a term , or £10 10s. a session for three hours per week. * From A ugust 1957: £35 a y ear for all full-tim e stu d en ts, or £25 a y ear for all part-tim e stu dents.







E l a st ic it y o f M a t e r ia l s

One lecture and one tutorial class per week. Laboratory .—F irst and second term s, one afternoon per week. Simple and compound stresses -strain -elastic constants -principal stresses for a plane system —theory of bending—distribution of shear stress across a beam section—deflection of beams— built-in beams torsion—combined bending and torsion resilience -suddenly applied loads—application of resilience to problems in bending and torsion^ plate springs and helical springs— thin shells under internal pressure— rotating rings—eccentric loading of tie bars and short columns strength and stability of long columns— theories of failure for complex stress systems. Mechanical properties of m aterials—stress-strain curvesfatigue—hardness tests—im pact tests. F

lu id

M ec h a n ics

One lecture and one tutorial class per week. Laboratory .—One afternoon in each alternate week. Properties of fluids : Fluids a t rest— intensity of pressure—pressure variation with altitude —forces on submerged surfaces- pressure measurement—equilibrium of submerged bodies. Fluids in m otion—viscosity—viscous flow—Reynolds Number ideal and real fluids flow patterns turbulent flow pressure-gradient and fluid acceleration—general energy equation and its applicationsenergy losses—impulse with change of mom entum and its applications— resistance to flow in pipes—flow with a free surface—m easurem ent of fluid velocity and rate of flow. T h e o r y o f M a c h in e s a n d

E n g in e e r in g

D r a w in g

One lecture per week. Drawing and tutorial class.—One afternoon a week. Mechanisms—vector diagrams for velocity and acceleration—in stan t­ aneous centre of rotation. Toothed gearing—spur, spiral and screw gears. Wheel trains—simple, compound and epicyclic trains—cams. Friction—screw threads, th ru st bearings, clutches, brakes. T rans­ mission of power by belts and ropes. Reciprocating engine—velocity and acceleration of piston and connecting rod—inertia effects—piston



effort—turning m om ent diagram —flywheels. Balancing of revolving masses. Principles of solid geom etry—isometric projection—the construction of machine parts. T h e o r y o f H e a t E n g in e s

One lecture and one tutorial class per week. The first principles of therm odynam ics—Carnot’s principle—entropy —the properties of steam —steam tables—the expansion of steam , and use of charts—R ankine cycle—the steam engine—compound expansion —use of superheated steam —fuels and com bustion—principles of opera­ tion of steam and internal com bustion engines, air-compressors, re­ frigerators. Laboratory .—Michaelmas term , one afternoon a fortnight.

L ent

term , one afternoon a week. E aster term 4 hours per week. The testing of indicators, pressure gauges and other apparatus used in engine trials—experim ents involving the use of indicator diagram s— simple engine trials—calorimetry. A course of lectures on the testing of power plant will be given in laboratory time. S u r v e y in g

M ichaelm as and Lent term s .—One lecture and one tutorial class per

week. Chain surveying—construction of surveying telescopes—theory of internally-focussing telescopes—construction and adjustm ent of level­ ling instrum ents—levelling—simple volumes—contours—construction and adjustm ent of the theodolite—traversing—compass traverses— plotting and adjustm ent of traverses—curve ranging—base line m easure­ m ent—tacheom etric surveying—sounding—marine surveying—three point problem —plane tabling—underground surveying. Easter term .— One lecture and one day per week for practical work. A week of field work is arranged in the E aster vacation, attendance a t which is compulsory.

PA R T II T heory


H e a t E n g in e s

One lecture a week. Flow of gases and vapours in nozzles. Effects of friction and super­ saturation—heat drop and velocity calculations—steam turbines in­ cluding blading efficiency—reheat factor—internal efficiency—design lim itations. Theory of refrigeration—ideal cycles of comparison— air cycle machines—vapour compression machines—absorption m ach­ ines—h eat pumps. S tudy of the compression process. Elem entary gas turbine theory—detailed study of the constant pressure cycle—





improvements in therm al efficiency—influence of pressure ratio and exhaust heat regeneration. Elem entary treatm ent of effects of variable specific heat and dissociation in intem al-com bustion engines. Laboratory .— One half-day per week. Tests of steam engines, internal combusion engines, boilers, air com­ pressor, refrigerator. The calorim etry of solid, liquid, anil gaseous fuels. T heory T




e s ig n



le c tu r e s p e r w e e k t h r o u g h o u t t h e session.

Drawing Office : one half-day per week throughout the session. S.F. and B.M. diagrams ^ Force diagram s—resolution a t joints and m ethod of sections—tension coefficients—space frames bending with axial loading. Deflection of framed structures—VVilliot Mohr diagram and strain energy methods. Influence lines, for beams and framed structures. Built-in and continuous beams three-m om ent theorem and moment distribution m ethod. Applications of strain energy to redundant structures—portal fram es—two hinged and fixed arches. Three hinged arches. Pin-jointed red u n d an t structures. Maxwell’s Reciprocal theorem —model analysis. Columns. Design of riveted and welded structural connections— plate girder column—column base—grillage foundation—roof truss. T




esio n


Ma c h in e s

One lecture per week. Tutorial classes in alternate weeks. Drawing : one afternoon in alternate weeks. Balancing of engines, prim ary and secondary effects inertia forces in mechanisms—theory of Governors—vibrations : free, forced, and dam ped—whirling of shafts, torsional oscillations—gyroatatic action stresses in thick cylinders—rotating discs. F

lu id

M ec h a n ics

One lecture per week. One tu torial class in each alternate week. Laboratory : one afternoon in each alternate week. Fluids in motion : Dynamical sim ilarity and its applications—Reynolds, Froude, Mach, Weber and Euler num bers—dimensional analysis—solid boundary resistance to fluid flow—lam inar and turbulent boundary layers— surface and form resistances of solid bodies in a fluid flow—flow with a free surface—tranquil, critical and rapid flows—standing waves— analysis of free surface—resistance to flow in conduits—flow distribution in pipe networks—pressure-surge in pipelines—pressure-surge regula­ tion—impulse and reaction turbines—pum ps—cavitation—fluid tran s­ mission of power—lubrication.

SYLLABUSES OF COURSES S o il M e c h a n ic s a n d R e in f o r c e d


Co n crete Stru ctu res

(a) Soil Mechanics

One lecture per week. S tructure of soils, densities, index properties, particle size analysis, classification; seepage, flow nets, capillary pressures, neutral and effec­ tive stresses, piping, filters; com pressibility of soils, consolidation, timesettlem ent predictions; soil com paction and stabilisation; site in­ vestigations, sampling. L aboratory or Drawing Office : one afternoon per week. Specific G ra v ity ; density determ in atio n s; sieve analysis; liquid and plastic lim its; pipette analysis; perm eability m easurem ents; experi­ m ental flow n e ts ; flow net by sk etch in g ; consolidation te s t; settlem ent an aly sis; com paction test. (b ) Reinforced Concrete Structures One lecture per week. Drawing Office of laboratory : one afternoon per week. Reinforced concrete beam s—single, double and shear reinforcement— design of slabs, T-beams, columns, footings, and strip foundations— properties of concrete, creep, shrinkage, deterioration, finishes— methods of compaction and curing, vibration, steam curing—design of concrete mixes—stability of concrete, reinforced concrete and masonry retaining walls—w eather resistance of buildings, dam p proofing, insulation. S u r v e y in g


P u b l ic W o r k s

(a) Surveying

One lecture per week throughout the session. E aster term : Com putation and plotting, one whole day per week. Contours, cross-sections, volum es; compound and transition curves; field astronom y : latitude azim uth, and tim e by m eridian, elongation and extra-m eridian observations; determ ination of longitude; con­ vergence of m eridians; trian g u latio n ; precise levelling; trigonom etri­ cal and barom etrical levelling; adjustm ent of angles; photographic surveying; resection; ad ju stm en t of erro rs; location of schemes and structures. Practical W ork : Calculation of quantities—fieldwork, calculations, and plotting for a m inor triangulation—astronomical observations of star and sun. A week of field work is arranged in the E aster vacation, attendance a t which is compulsory. (b) Public Works

One lecture per week throughout th e session. Fabrication and erection of steel structures. Welding. Building m aterials and building operations. Roads—layout planning—traffic





studies. Railw ays—layout, design and maintenance of perm anent way. Foundations—piling—tunnelling—design and construction of dams earthworks. Rainfall—run-off—storage— Hooding—drainage— irriga­ tion. W ater supply and w ater treatm ent. Sewerage—sewage tre a t­ ment. Docks, harbours and airports. E n g in e e r in g

G eology

One lecture per week throughout the session : two hours practical work per week during Michaelmas and L ent terms. The course provides a general introduction to geology in all aspects relevant to engineering, including tho following:—Tho larger surface features o f the E arth . Processes of weathering, denudation and deposition. The cycle of erosion. Vulcanicity and earth movements. S tructural geology. Outlines of British stratigraphy. N ature, origin and occurrence of sedim entary, igneous and m etam orphic rocks. Con­ structional m aterials—roadstones, building stones, brick clays, roofing slate, concrete aggregate, lime and cement. Geology o f w ater supply. Practical work includes the study of geological maps and the recog­ nition of common rocks and minerals in hand specimens and under the microscope. Field Class A Class for field-work in Geology is held during the session and is regarded as an integral p a rt of the course. E n g in e e r in g

M etallurgy

A Lecture Course in Engineering Metallurgy, combined with L abora­ tory Work, is held throughout the session. Lectures. The constitution and m icrostructure of the iron-carbon alloys and the principal non-ferrous alloys. Detailed study of selected alloys, including plain carbon steels, alloy steels, brasses, bronzes, aluminium alloys, bearing metals. The influence of mechanical and heat treatm en t on th e structure and properties of these m aterials. The investigation of defects and failures. Specifications. Laboratory. Metallographic study of the alloys dealt with in the lectures, including preparation of the necessary specimens. H eat treatm ent. PA R T I I I T heory of Structures

One lecture per week during Michaelmas and Lent terms. Design and Com putation Class : One half-day per week in the above terms. Strain energy m ethods applied to redundant structures. Analysis of continuous frames by moment distribution—slope deflection—column analogy. Secondary stresses. An introduction to relaxation methods. Elements of plastic theory. The Vierendeel girder. The suspension



bridge. A selection will be made from th e foregoing topics as time perm its. Elem ents of prestressed concrete. Membrane theory of shells. Nonprism atic members of reinforced concrete. Plastic theory for reinforced concrete. G e o lo g y

a n d Son, (a) Geology

M e c h a n ic s

One lecture and two hours practical work during the Michaelmas and L ent term s. The course deals with the application of geology to specific engineer足 ing problems. Reservoir and dam sites, tunnels, open excavations and cuttings, bridge and building foundations, landslips, river control, shore erosion, geological aspects o f site investigation. The geology of petroleum and o f economic m ineral deposits is also covered. The practical p a rt of the course includes map work relating to such operations as tunnelling, reservoir construction, opencast mining, etc., together w ith tho study of rocks and minerals of economic im portance in hand specimens and under th e microscope. Field Class A Class for field-work in Geology is held during the session, and is regarded as an integral p a rt of the course. (b) Soil M echanics One lecture per week during Michaelmas and Lent term s. Shearing resistance of sands and clays; stability of slopes, earth dam s, retaining walls, anchored bulkheads, footings, raft foundations, p iles; pavem ent design for roads and runways. L aboratory or Design C lass: One afternoon per week during Michaelmas and Lent term s. Shear box, triaxial cell and unconfined compression te sts; slope analyses; com putation of active and passive pressures; model footing te s ts ; California Bearing R atio test. H e a t E n g in e s

Lectures : One per week during Michaelmas and Lent terms. H eat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation; analogue and graphical methods in complicated cases. Forced and natural con足 vection, h eat transfer between fluids and pipes, wires, tube nests, plane surfaces, roofs, etc. Radiation from solid bodies, gases, flames. More advanced internal-com bustion engine theory including detailed study of various sources of loss. Combustion phenomena. Propulsion by reaction. Elem entary treatm en t of rocket propulsion. The ram jet m otor. Gas flow studies. More detailed study of the turbo-jet engine. More advanced engineering therm odynamics. T heory


D e s ig n o f M a c h in e s

Lectures : One per week during Michaelmas and Lent term s. Design Classes : One afternoon per week.





A more advanced treatm ent of the subjects in Theory and Design of Machines, P a rt II. Design of gearing. Covers. Jo in ts for high fluid pressure. Pressure vessels. Elem entary theory of film lubrication. Mechanical vibrations. Elem entary treatm en t of non-linear vibrations. Graphical methods. Graphical solution of differential equations. Cleaning up a design preparatory to m anufacture. Strength


Ma t e r ia l s

Lectures : One per week during Michaelmas and Lent term s. Three-dimensional stress and strain analysis. Mohr’s circle for threedimensional stress. Bending of beams of large initial curvature. Proof rings. Circular arc cantilevers. Theory of bending of plates. Experim ental stress analysis. Elements of plastic stress-strain relationship. Laboratory : One afternoon in alternate weeks. Tension tests to fracture. Tension and bending tests of timber. Calibration of proof ring. The circular arc cantilever. Electrical resistance strain gauge experiments. Photo-elasticity dem onstrations. Deflection of truss. I n d iv id u a l P ro b lem

Students will, in addition, devote a substantial p art of their time to an individual experim ental, analytical or design problem, on which they will be required to present a bound report a t the end of the year. T H E CIV IL AND MECHANICAL EN G IN E E R IN G LABORATORIES The Laboratories are open from 10 to 5 daily, except Saturdays. The equipm ent includes the following apparatus :— H eat Engines and A pplied Thermodynamics Ruston steam boiler; Marshall compound steam engine; De Laval steam tu rb in e; surface condenser and air pum p; Crossley gas engine; Robey heavy oil engine; C.L.M. high-speed oil engine; Douglas single-cylinder petrol en g in e; hydraulic and other dynam om eters; two-stage air compressor; am monia refrigerator; Ewing’s balancing machine; calorimeters for solid, liquid and gaseous fuel; apparatus for determ ining properties of steam ; optical and other indicators; Farnboro electrical in d icato r; cathode ray in d icato rs; viscometers and flash-point a p p a ra tu s; Paxm an dem onstration engine. Strength o f M aterials and Structures 112-ton Avery horizontal testing machine, 30-ton Avery self-indi­ cating universal testing machine, 20-ton Avery vertical testing machine, for tension, compression and bending; 200-ton compression tester; Denison testing machine for wire and beams (6,000 lbs.);



Buckton torsion machine (6,000 inch lbs.), and torsionm eter; Vickers pyram id hardness testing m achine; im pact testing m achine; H uggenberger, Cambridge, Hounsfield, Lindley, Ewing and Lamb extensom eters; autographic recorder; static and dynam ic electric resistance strain gauge a p p ara tu s; photo-elastic ap p aratu s; 22 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in. braced girder and rolling loads for deflection experim ents; fatigue testing m achines; deform eter gauges, microscopes and Brunsviga calculator. F lu id M echanics 3-stage W orthington-Sim pson centrifugal pum p; single stage W orthington-Sim pson centrifugal pum p with transm ission dynam o­ m eter ; 5 H .P . Gilkes Francis tu rb in e ; Pelton w heel; measuring notches, suction and calibrating sum ps; stream -line flow ap p aratu s; hydraulic tanks for gauging the flow of w ater through orifices and over n o tches; pipe flow apparatus, V enturi m eter, P ito t tube, &c., critical velocity a p p a ra tu s ; jet-reaction a p p a ra tu s ; V enturi flumes for channel flow; Chattock tilting m anom eter; air flow : motor, fan and pipe-line. Concrete Laboratory

Constant tem perature curing cham ber; Sherwen vibrating table; Westool vibrating table w ith variable frequency ap p aratu s; com­ pression testing m achine of 200 tons capacity; tilting drum m ixer; oscillograph; electronic integrator and internal accelerom eters; steam curing p la n t; beam testing rig ; com pacting factor ap p aratu s; re ­ frigerator ; prestressing eq u ip m en t; perm eability apparatus. Surveying E quipm ent

Tavistock, m icrom eter and vernier tra n sit theodolites; precise, dum py, quickset and other levels; m arine and box se x ta n ts ; plane tables, tacheom etric a lid ad e; base-line apparatus, &c. Soil M echanics

Unconfined compression and triaxial m achines; shear boxes; vane te ste r; P roctor com paction equipm ent; liquid lim it and mechanical analysis a p p a ra tu s ; consolidation a p p a ra tu s; seepage tanks, California Bearing R atio te st equipm ent, perm eam eters, etc. Theory o f M achines

A pparatus for d em on stratin g :—whirling of sh a fts; transverse vibra­ tion of beam s; pendulum dam ping; turbine balancing; forced oscillations; forced oscillations with viscous d am p in g ; gyroscopic action. A pparatus for investigation of non-linear vibrations. Cambridge chronograph; Cambridge accelerom eter; Cambridge vibrograph for linear and torsional oscillations; vibrom eter; Stroboflash unit, etc.





ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PA R T I E l e c t r ic a l T e c h n o l o g y

Two lectures per week. L aboratory : one half-day a week. Electric and magnetic fields. The elem entary laws of electro足 magnetism ; the magnetic circuit. The d.c. generator and motor, properties and characteristics of simple types. A rm ature reaction. A lternating cu rre n ts; analysis of voltage and current distributions in simple a.c. circuits. Power. Polyphase circuits. E lem entary treatm en t of single-phase and polyphase alternators. The transform er. Elem ents of electronics. Rectification o f alternating c u rre n ts; simple circuit arrangem ents. Measuring in stru m en ts; the m easurem ent of current, voltage and power in d.c. and a.c. circuits. Moving coil, moving iron and dynam o足 m eter instrum ents. PART II E l e c t r ic a l T e c h n o l o g y

Two lectures per week. L aboratory : one half-day a week. The generation of electrical power. Transmission and distribution systems. Switchgear, protective systems, earthing. Concept of the rotating field. The three-phase induction m otor and the synchronous motor, simple treatm en t of principles and characteristics. The economics of power supply, tariffs, power factor correction. S tarting and speed control of motors. Electric traction. Instrum ents and m easurem ents; the m easurem ent of conductance and insulation resistance, rectifier in stru m en ts; induction and therm al instrum ents; instrum ent transform ers, oscillographs. The metering of electrical energy. Elem entary principles of electronics, including gaseous conduction. E l e c t r ic a l T h e o r y

Two lectures per week. L aboratory : one half-day a week. Electric and magnetic field distributions in simple cases. The calculation of self and m utual inductance and capacitance. The calculation of electrom agnetic forces. The theory of capacitance coefficients; effect of earth, images. Skin effect in conductors, simple cases.





Elem entary network th eo rem s; coupled circuits, unbalanced threephase circu its; simple transients. Non-sinusoidal currents, harmonics. The theory of the uniform line with characteristic impedance term in a­ tion. E lem entary theory of circuits using electronic valves. The properties of conducting, insulating and magnetic m aterials. The fundam ental principles of energy conversion in electrical machines. E .m .f.’s of rotation and p u lsatio n ; arm ature reaction. The factors governing the main dimensions of electrical machines and transform ers. Electric and magnetic loading. Wave form, flux distribution. The m .m .f.’s of field and arm ature windings. The predeterm ination of field d istrib u tio n s; introduction to relaxa­ tion methods. PART


E l e c t r ic a l P o w e r

Two lectures per week. Transmission line and cable calculations, including mechanical and therm al considerations. Travelling waves on transm ission lines. Parallel operation of generators. Interconnection and stability of power systems. Symmetrical com ponents; the calculation of fault currents. Switchgear. Protective systems. Transient phenom ena; th e application of operational m ethods to the calculation of simple cases. High voltage phenom ena and the special features of equipm ent for high voltage operation. Rectifiers and inverters on power systems. Electric traction, fu rth er considerations. E l e c t r ic a l M a c h in e r y

Two lectures per week. Detailed consideration of the principles of operation and character­ istics o f :— D irect current generators and m otors including crossfield machines. Transformers, single-phase and three-phase. Synchronous generators and motors. Induction motors, three-phase and single-phase. A lternating current com m utator motors. Inductor alternators. Mercury arc rectifiers. Transductors. The principles of design applied to typical d.c. machines, a.c. machines, transform ers, switchgear or other electrical apparatus.





E l e c t r ic a l M e a s u r e m e n t s

One lecture per week. U nits, dimensions and Standards. The torque equations of measuring instrum ents. The galvanom eter equation and its applications. A lternating current bridges and potentiom eters. Instrum ent transform ers. Oscillography. The harmonic analysis of repeated wave forms, pulses. Measurements a t high voltage. Measurements a t high frequency. The principles of autom atic control systems. T e l e c o m m u n ic a t io n s

One lecture per week. Network theorems. The theory of the uniform line, general case. Phase and group velocity. The theory of wave filters, simple sym m etrical T, n , and lattice structures. Circuit losses and gains, the decibel, attenuators. The thermionic valve in the non-linear regime, rectification, amplifica­ tion, and frequency changing. Basic considerations in regard to communication systems, frequency bandw idth and speed of signalling. Amplitude, frequency and pulse m odulation; carrier suppression. Fundam ental considerations regarding signal to noise ratio. Introduction to field theory, radiation. L a b o r a t o r y a n d T ut o r ia l W ork

The laboratory work associated w ith the above four lecture courses occupies two half-days a week throughout the Michaelmas and Lent term s. One half-day a week is devoted to tutorial work. Students will, in addition, devote about half their tim e to an in ­ dividual experim ental, analytical or design problem, on which they will be required to present a report or thesis. T h e W il l ia m

S ie m e n s


The “ William Siemens ” Laboratory is open throughout the week to advanced students for purposes of research under the general direction of th e Professor. The main laboratory equipm ent constitutes a comprehensive range of electrical machinery, apparatus and measuring equipm ent illu strat­ ing the principles of the generation, transm ission and utilisation of electrical power, the applications of electricity in telecom munication, and the principal m ethods of measurem ent employed in electrical engineering practice.





The power equipm ent comprises examples of the main types of a.c. and d.c. machines together with transform ers, rectifier equip­ m ent, protective gear, and m etering equipm ent. Measuring apparatus covers the normal range of a.c. and d.c. measurem ents, the oscillo­ graphic recording of transient phenom ena and photom etric m easure­ ments. E quipm ent for the study of telecom munications and electronics covers the circuit principles of these subjects and measurements a t audio and radio frequencies and also provides an introduction to high vacuum technique. Tho research equipm ent of the departm ent includes an electronic analogue com putor.

MATHEMATICS (Pure and Applied) PA R T I Revision of dynam ics; vector and scalar quantities, angular motion, easy cases of impulsive forces, rotation of rigid bodies about a fixed point, relation of torque and angular acceleration, mom ent of mom entum , angular kinetic energy, first and second mom ents of area and moments of inertia, radius of gyration, units—c.g.s. and ft. lb. sec. systems and conversions between these. Differentiation and integration of algebraic, trigonom etric, exponen­ tial, logarithm ic and hyperbolic functions. Maxima and minima of a single variable. Technique of integration, including change of variable, use of identi­ ties and partial fractions. Integration by parts. Definite integrals, including applications to arcs, areas, volumes, first and second moments. Form ation and solution of simple first order differential equations. Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series and other simple m ethods of expansion. A pproxim ate graphical and numerical solution of equations. Simple geometrical properties of the circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Complex num bers and de Moivre’s theorem. Radius of curvature. Introduction to the catenary. PA R T I I P artial differentiation. Maxima and minima of functions of several independent variables. Multiple integrals. Change of independent variables. Vector algebra and analysis.





Line, surface, and volume integrals. Differential equations, including first and second order equations integrable by q u adratures; linear differential equations with constant coefficients, equations reducible to these, and simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficients. Orthogonal system s of curves, particularly coaxal circles and confocal conics. Pole and polar. Use of inversion. Simple partial differential equations. The Poisson and Laplaco Equations. Spherical Trigonometry. Fourier Series and numerical harmonic analysis. Use of determ inants. Three dimensional co-ordinate geometry of straight lines, planes and simple surfaces, with their tangent planes and normals.

PA R T I I I Two courses of advanced lectures are given on selected topics in M athem atics and Statistics. One of these courses is intended for thirdyear students in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, and the other for third-year students in Electrical Engineering.

THEOLOGY Head of the D epartm ent : The Dean of K ing’s College. Under tho term s of the King’s College London (Transfer) Act, 1908, the Council is required to provide a weekly lecture in Theology. The time-tables are so arranged as to allow any student who wishes it to attend these lectures, but no one may be compelled to do so. To meet this requirem ent, the lectures are delivered on Mondays a t 10 a.m. The lectures are designed for students desiring the Associateship of King’s College, and are provided w ithout extra fee. For the regulations governing the award of the Associateship to nontheological students, see p. 44.





h e


r u c t u r e

a n d


r g a n is a t io n



d u st r y

A course of ten lectures for P a rt I I I students, a t times to be arranged.


The economic and the technical approach. O rganisation under free enterprise. D eterm inants of the scope, nature and m agnitude of business operations. Influences making for integration and disintegration in industry. C apital investm ent, depreciation and obsolescence. Financial organisation. Tho function of risk-bearing. The sources and channels of supply of capital. Money and security m arkets. The joint-stock com pany form of organisation. M arket m achinery. Organised produce and wholesale exchanges. Selling policies. T rade m arks, copyrights and patents. Special forms of organisation. Trade associations, trusts, cartels. A lternative forms of organisation. Public utilities, production and m arketing schemes, planning.

The above course is open to senior students in the F aculty of Engineering w ithout fee.

CHEM IC AL E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M I T T E E The P r i n c i p a l of K ing’s College (Chairm an). The P r e s i d e n t o f the In stitu tio n o f Chemical Engineers. H. W. C r e m e r , C.B.E., M.Sc.. F.R .I.C ., M.I.Chem.E. VV. H. G a r r e t t , M .B.E., Ph.D . F. A. G r e e n e , M.I.Mech.E., M .I.E.E., M.I.Chem.E. K eith F r a s e r , M.A., A.M.I.C.E., M.I.Chem.E. J . M. L e o n a r d , M .I.Chem.E. J . A. O r i e l , C.B.E., M.C., M.A., F.R .I.C ., M.I.Chem.E. J . Davidson P r a t t , C.B.E., M.A., B.Sc., F.R .I.C ., M.I.Chem.E. Stanley R o b s o n , M .I.Chem.E. Professor J . G r e i q , M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D ., M .I.E.E. Professor D. H . H e y , D.Sc., P h.D ., F.R .I.C . Professor A. D. R oss, B.Sc., Ph.D ., M .I.C.E., F .R .S.E . The D i r e c t o r o f S t u d i e s in Chemical Engineering. D ire c to r

S. B.


a t k in s


o f

S tu d ie s

M.Sc., F.R .I.C ., M.I.Chem.E.



CH E M I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G C O U R S E T h e course for tho D iplom a covers one session, and m ay be taken after the final B.Sc. exam ination by students who have devoted their undergraduate course prim arily either to Chemistry or to Engineering. Its exact nature is varied in accordance with the previous training of the student. The object is to train the stu d en t in the scientific principles of chemical processes on the industrial scale, and to introduce him to the general m ethods and apparatus employed in industry.

The course is provided by close co-operation between the D epartm ent of Chemistry and the F acu lty of Engineering, whose staffs deal with those aspects of the work which are more particularly of a purely chemical or engineering nature respectively. Thus graduates in Chemistry receive the necessary training in such subjects as Engineering Drawing, the testing of m aterials of construction, production and transmission of mechanical and electrical energy, and the determ ination of the efficiencies of boiler installations and of the more general types of mechanical and electrical plant, whilst Engineering graduates devote an equivalent am ount of tim e to further instruction in suitable branches of Chem istry. The p a rt of the course common to both classes of students deals w ith Chemical Engineering operations and processes. Fundam ental operations common to a num ber of chemi足 cal industries are studied and investigated experim entally from the point of view of plant construction, energy requirem ents, and efficiency of operation. Exam ples are given in the design of typical units of plant and instruction is provided in the preparation of quantitative flow-sheets both for m aterials and energy, in the calculation of costs, and in the general principles underlying the location and layout of works. In addition to the practical work carried out in the Laboratories, students are required to take a course in workshop practice. In appropriate cases students may spend a fu rth er period in carrying out research work for th e U niversity of London degrees of M.Sc., M.Sc.(Eng.) or Ph.D . in Chemical Engineering. In order th a t close touch shall be m aintained w ith industry, arrangem ents are made for lectures to be delivered during the course by representatives of chemical m anufacturers, plant m anufacturers, industrial research departm ents, and sim ilar organisations. Visits to selected works form an im portant feature of the course during term time, and arrangem ents are made for students to spend p art of the vacation periods in works in order to gain industrial experience.



The Diploma in Chemical Engineering is aw arded by the Delegacy of King’s College on the recom m endation of the Chemical Engineering Committee nom inated by the Professorial Board. Exam inations for the Diploma are held once a year in the m onth of June. The Regula­ tions under which the Certificate is granted are as follows :— 1. I t is a condition of entry to the course for the Diploma th a t a candidate shall be a graduate who has obtained (a) a science degree w ith Chemistry as principal subject, or (b) an engineer­ ing degree or diploma and has reached the Interm ediate standard in Chemistry of the London University, or (c) such qualification as shall be deemed by the Committee equivalent to the above. 2. A candidate for the Diploma m ust have pursued his studies in Chemical Engineering as a Regular Student in the Faculty of Science or Engineering for not less than three term s. 3. A candidate m ust satisfy the Chemical Engineering Committee as to his conduct, attendance, and progress in the courses for each of the subjects which he is required to atten d . 4. Unless exem pted as below, a candidate m ust pass exam inations in the following subjects :— (a) M aterials of Construction and Basic Principles of Structural Design. (b) M echanics o f Fluids. (c) Theory o f M achines. (d) Heat Engines. (e) Electrical Technology. (/) General Theoretical Chemistry (Inorganic and Physical). (g) Principles o f Organic Chemistry. (h) Chemical Engineering operations and processes (including the general principles of factory organisation and manage­ ment in chemical works).

5. In addition, a candidate m ust work a Home Paper dealing with a project for the design and layout of a chemical plant. 6. Students who have previously studied any of the above subjects may apply to the Chemical Engineering Committee for exem ption from the course and exam ination therein. IN STITU TIO N OF CHEMICAL EN G IN EER S The Diploma course in Chemical Engineering a t K ing’s College is recognised by the In stitu tio n o f Chemical Engineers, and, with certain reservations relating to experience etc., the Diploma carries exem ption from the Associate Membership exam ination of the Institution. Students are advised to apply for admission to Student Membership of the Institution of Chemical Engineers on commencing the course.



A .— FO R C HEM ISTRY STU D EN TS M a te r ia ls of C o n s tr u c tio n a n d B a s ic P r in c ip le s o i S t r u c t u r a l D e s ig n .

N ature and properties of the more im portant m aterials employed in the construction of p la n t; metals, alloys, tim ber, stoneware, brick, concrete, refractories—Resistance to corrosion and to stresses in service due to loading and tem perature—Stresses and deflections set up in structural members and machine parts. C ivil Engineering Laboratory. —Commercial testing of m aterials; the testing of cem ent and concrete— Experim ental verification of the principles dealt with in the lectures. M e c h a n ic s of F lu id s .

H ydrostatics and H ydraulics—Flow of liquids and gases—Viscosity —Stream -line and tu rb u len t flow— M easurement of flow—Pum ps and their characteristics—Selection of suitable types of pum p for special duties. Civil Engineering laboratory. —Verification of the principles govern­ ing flow in pipes—Coefficients of discharge of orifices, nozzles and weirs—Testing of hydraulic pum ps and motors. T h e o ry of M a c h in e s .

Mechanisms—V ector Diagram s for Velocity and Acceleration— Instantaneous Centre of R otation. Toothed Gearing. Wheel Trains —Simple, Compound and Epicycle Trains—Cams. F riction—T hrust Bearings, Clutches, Brakes. Transmission of Power by Belts and Ropes. Reciprocating Engine—Velocity and Acceleration of Piston and Connecting Rod— In ertia Effects—Piston Effort— Turning Moment D iagram — Flywheels. Balancing of Revolving Masses. H e a t E n g in e s .

Principles of therm odynam ics from the engineering standpoint— Properties of gases, steam and other vapours—Fuels and combustion —Boilers—Steam engines—Condensers—Internal combustion engines —Refrigerators—Air compressors. M echanical Engineering Laboratory .—Testing of measuring apparatus used in engine and boiler trials—Efficiency tests of steam engines, internal com bustion engines, boilers, air compressor, and refrigerator —Calorimetry of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels. E le c tr ic a l T e c h n o lo g y .

The course is so arranged th a t the theoretical consideration of the subjects dealt with is im m ediately followed by the experim ental tre a t­ m ent of the same subjects in the Electrical Engineering Laboratory. Practical methods of measuring resistances, currents, and potential differences—Direct and alternating current measuring instrum ents and their calibration—The magnetic circuit and the fundam ental principles involved in the construction and operation of direct and alternating


S Y l . L A H U S O F ( LAS S E S

current dynam o m achinery— Basic principles involved in the working of an alternating current transform er—Properties and control of different types of machines with special reference to their applicability for particular purposes—Three-phase alternating current and the measurement of power in three-phase system s—Principles involved in the transm ission of electrical energy and in electrical installation. E n g in e e r in g D ra w in g .

Principles o f Solid Geom etry Isom etric Projection Introduction to Drawing Office Practice. Design of simple details of p lan t; valves, cocks, and pipe fittings—Details of transm ission m achinery—R iveted joints and tan k s—Pressure vessels—Typical details and arrangem ents of chemical works plant. B . — FOR E N G IN E E R IN G STUD ENTS

Engineering students will be required to atten d only those parts of the foregoing courses which relate more particularly to the purely chemical engineering aspects of the subjects treated therein. Such students will devote an equivalent am ount of tim e to further in­ struction in suitable branches of chem istry, and will atten d the following courses : G e n e ra l T h e o r e tic a l C h e m is tr y iI n o r g a n ic a n d P h y s ic a l).

Vapour pressure and distillation; nature of vapour pressure curves for mixtures of liquids; composition of vapour phase; constant boiling m ixtures; fractional distillation—Law of mass action and velocity of reaction; principles of mass action and the factors affecting chemical equilibrium ; velocity of reaction and catalysis—Chemical therm o­ dynam ics; application of general therm odynam ical principles to chemical reactions; equilibrium from the standpoint of therm o­ dynam ics; heat of reaction; effect of tem perature on chemical equi­ libria—Fuels and com bustion—Industrial gases— Electrochem istry; passivity and corrosion—Colloids and viscosity; nature, classification, and preparation of colloidal solutions; relative sta b ility ; coagulation; electrical properties of colloidal system s; viscosity, plasticity, and gelatinisation; emulsions—W ater purification. P r in c ip le s oi O rg a n ic C h e m is tr y .

General principles of organic chem istry—Preparation and properties of the simpler aliphatic compounds— Oils, fats, and soaps—Cellulose and its derivatives—Coal-tar products—Chemistry of benzene and its homologues—Chief classes of dyestuffs, interm ediates and other products of technical im portance. Chemical Laboratory.—-Physico-chemical measurements and in stru ­ m ents—Fractionation of hydrocarbon m ixtures—Exam ination of petrols; clarity, specific gravity, distillation tests—Lubricating oils; viscosity; flash point—C oal; analysis, calorific value—Analysis of gaseous m ixtures—W ater softening and analysis—Preparation of




chemical m aterials illustrating the application of processes selected from the follow ing: crystallisation, sulphonation, nitration, reduc­ tion, diazotisation, acetylation, saponification, etc. C.--- FOR ALT, STUDENTS M e t a l l u r g y (including Metallurgical Laboratory). Chief mechanical properties of metals and alloys—General metallurgy of the im portant industrial metals, w ith special reference to iron and steel—D etailed study of selected alloys, including plain carbon steels, alloy steels, brasses, bronzes, aluminium alloys, and bearing metals. F u e l T e c h n o lo g y .

A course of tw enty lectures, em bracing a study of the classification, preparation, properties and applications of gaseous, solid and liquid fuels. C h e m ic a l E n g in e e r in g O p e ra tio n s a n d P ro c e s s e s .

The principles governing the design, layout, and operation of com­ mon types of chemical plan t are considered. Exam ples in the design of typical units of plant are given, involving application of the principles dealt with in the other p arts of the course, and including tho preparation of quan titativ e flow sheets of m aterials, energy, and time. Conveyance and storage of m aterials—Size reduction—Mechanical and electrical separation processes—F iltratio n —Leaching—Vaporis­ ation processes—Evaporation, drying, and distillation—Crystallisation —V apour and gas absorption processes—C atalytic processes—High pressure reactions—N itration, sulphonation, reduction, etc.; prepar­ ation of acid m ix tu res; spent acid treatm ent. Chemical Engineering Laboratory .—The laboratories are equipped with plant for evaporation, fractional distillation, drying, sedim entation, filtration and centrifuging, size-reduction and analysis, heat transmission and m easurem ent, hydrogenation, etc., including accessories for w ater treatm en t and for the production of steam , compressed air, and vacuum . Full provision is m ade for the necessary services a t all parts of the laboratories for use in connection w ith investigation work of various kinds, including tho testing of equipm ent supplied by plant m anu­ facturers. Special care has been taken to ensure th a t all plant installed for general teaching purposes is well adapted to the qu an titativ e study of the particular operation involved, and much of the large-scale apparatus has been specially designed w ith this purpose in view. G e n e ra l P rin c ip le s W o rk s.

of O r g a n is a tio n


M a n a g e m e n t in C h e m ic a l

General economic and legal factors—Cost of production due to plant materials, labour, and superintendence—Cost and flow sheets—Plant m aintenance and depreciation—H ealth and safety regulations.



FACULTY OF THEOLOGY Dean The Reverend S y d n e y H a l l E v a n s , M.A., B.D. The Dean of K ing’s College.


FACULTY OF T H E O L O G Y The Faculty of Theology is a school in D ivinity of the University of London, and provides instruction in all branches of Theology to students who are intending to offer themselves as candidates for Holy Orders in the Church of England, and to others. The following courses may be taken :— (a) The course for the B.D. degree (Pass or Honours) of the U niversity of London. (b ) The course for the diploma of Associate of King’s College (A.K.C.); this includes m any of the subjects for the B.D., together with the study of the history, doctrine, liturgy and pastoral work of the Church of England. (c) A combined course for the A.K.C. diploma and the B.D. degree. A student for the B.D., provided th a t he has taken the subjects peculiar to the Associateship and has given satisfaction to the Professors, may, a t the end of his course, be recommended for the Associateship. The A.K.C. diploma exem pts the holder from the General Ordination Associateship Exam ination, provided in general th a t he has resided for of King’s a t least three term s in the Hostel and for the appropriate College. period in th e F o u rth Year College a t W arm inster. Associates have the privilege of free admission to all lectures forming the ordinary course for Regular Students in this Faculty, with tho exception of those specially forming p art of the course for the B.D. D egree; they m ay also use the Libraries and Museums under the regulations which apply to students, and they are entitled to wear the special hood of the Faculty authorised by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Students whose course of study has been approved by the Theo­ logical Professorial Board as satisfying the regulations for the Associateship, who have passed the necessary exam inations during their course, and whose conduct and character have, in the opinion of the Board, been satisfactory, receive a t the end of their course a Testam ur in Divinity which testifies to their fitness for admission to Holy Orders, and are recommended to the Council for election as Associates of King’s College London. A fee of £1 11s. 6d. is charged for the diploma of Associateship. No one is entitled to describe himself as A.K.C. or to wear the hood, even though he may have passed the exam inations, until he has received his diploma from the Council. There are more th an a thousand Theological Associates now on the roll. The Theological Society endeavours to bind together the Asso­ ciates of the Faculty by means of various meetings, including an annual Reunion in College on W hit Tuesday, and by the publication annually of the A .K .C . Gazette.




Intending students of all categories, w hether they have been in the Arm ed Forces or in civilian life, are now required, C.A.C.T.M. in addition to being accepted by the Professorial Board, to gain accep ta n ce of their candidature for H oly Orders and be reco m m en d e d for training by selectors appointed by the Bishops th rou gh the Central Advisory Council of T raining for the Ministry, At the sa m e tim e as application is m ade to K in g ’s College, students should therefore m a k e their cases k n o w n to the Secretary of C.A.C.T.M ., Church H o u se , D e a n ’s Yard, W estm in ste r, S.W . 1.

In December 1947 the Central Advisory Council of Training for the M inistry recommended to the Bishops th a t a K ing’s DCourse ^ ° ^ c8e ordinalid should not be regarded as having com­ pleted his training unless he has gone through the entire course prescribed by K ing’s College. Tins recom m endation was unanim ously adopted by the Diocesan Bishops in Jan u ary 1948. A t its meeting in March 1948 the Council of King’s College adopted the following regulations, governing attendance a t W arm inster, to interpret the recom m endation of the Bishops as advised by the C.A.C.T.M.— (1) T h at men over 40 be excused attendance a t W arm inster for more than the Long Vacation term , and in special cases be granted complete exem ption. (2) T hat men of ages from 30 to 40 inclusive be required to attend for two term s only. (3) T hat men under 30 be required to atten d for the full four terms. The above regulations define the lengths of the courses prescribed by King’s College for the various categories of ordinand in the Theological D epartm ent, and the College Testam ur will, by the Council’s decision, not be aw arded until the prescribed attendance a t W arm inster has been completed. Courses of study and research are arranged for candidates reading More f°r the degrees of M.Th. and Ph.D. in Theology. The Advanced Professors also conduct seminars for advanced work in StLidy. t jie various branches of Theology. Students should write to the Academic Registrar, U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1, for the regulations for internal students, mentioning the degree for which they wish to work. Women students are prepared for the B.D. degree, the University of London Diploma in Theology, and the U niversity CerStudents t-ificate in Religious Knowledge. Particulars are given below and in a separate leaflet.




Persons who desire to study any branch or branches of Theology, or to receive partial assistance in preparation for the B.D. ^Students'' ^ e£rec’ may be adm itted, subject to the approval of the Dean, as Occasional students to suoh lectures as they desire to attend. No student can be adm itted to the B.D. course who is not qualified Entrance m atriculate. The procedure to be followed is the same Qualifica- for all Faculties, and is outlined above, under General tions. Inform ation, on page 42. Intending students entering for the A.K.C. course only will be required either (1) to have qualified for m atriculation a t a university, or (2) to have obtained a General Certificate of Education satisfying the following requirem ents : (a) passes a t the Ordinary Level in a t least five su b jects; (b) passes in a t least four subjects of which a t least one is a t the Advanced Level; (The subjects in which passes are obtained must include English Language and a t least one subject from am ong the following : English Literature, Geography, H istory, Religious Knowledge, Classical Greek, Latin, Hebrew or a modern language.) From October 1958 applicants for the A.K.C. course will normally be required to have obtained a General Certificate of E ducation with passes in a t least five subjects, of which a t least one is a t Advanced le v el: one of these subjects m ust be English language. The attention of all intending students is directed to the Note below under Courses o f S tu d y. Students m ust begin their course with the Michaelmas term , except by special permission from the Dean. All students, regular o r occasional, m ust register a t the College at th e beginning of each session. A ttendance a t the lectures prescribed for the various courses is com­ pulsory. All full-time students are allowed under certain conditions to atten d lectures in other Faculties in the College w ithout ex tra charge. Students who are preparing for Holy Orders are reminded th a t the Bishops require testimonials from three beneficed clergymen, in addition to the U niversity degree or the College Associateship and Testam ur. It is desirable therefore th a t students should keep themselves within the personal knowledge of three beneticed clergymen during the whole of the three years previous to their application for acceptance as candidates for ordination. S tudents over the age of th irty are rem inded th a t they are regarded by the Church A uthorities as being in a special category, and the acceptance of their candidature by a Bishop is required (as well as a recom m endation for training from a C.A.C.T.M. Board) before they can be adm itted to the Faculty.

Note—The last date for accepting applications for admission is April 30th of the year in which admission is desired.




R E G U L A T IO N S ON ADM ISSION 1. Students who wish to join the F aculty are requested to com­ m unicate with the Dean. 2. No stu d en t can be adm itted under the age of 18, save by special permission of the Theological Professorial Board. 3. Every candidate for admission to the course for the A.K.C. Diploma and Testam ur m ust send to the Dean a w ritten application on a form to be obtained from the D ean’s secretary. This should be accompanied by (1) th e names of two or more persons, to whom he is well known, as referees; (2) a photograph of himself, preferably of passport size; (3) a confidential letter to the Dean stating as clearly and fully as possible the candidate’s reasons for seeking ordination. The candidate m ust also undertake th a t a full and confidential report as to his fitness to enter upon a course of training for Holy Orders is received by the D ean from the vicar of his parish, or the vicar of the church which he habitually attends. 4. P rior to admission each student m ust sign a declaration th a t he will conform to the rules and regulations of the College. 5. Candidates for tho Associateship m ust on en try sign a declaration of membership of the Church of England. 6. All students on admission to the Faculty are required to furnish satisfactory evidence of good health. 7. Each stu d en t on entering the College will be allotted to a member of tho Staff as his Tutor. 8. All students are expected to atte n d tho opening service of term a t 10 a.m. and to m ake a t least three attendances a week a t Chapel during the term . 9. S tudents are required to atten d lectures and official duties in the gown prescribed by the College. 10. A t the end of each term each student n o t residing in one of the College hostels is required to produce a testim onial from his vicar regarding his church attendances and general conduct.

Note—Occasional Students are not subject to the above rules but are obliged to conform to the rules of the College as stated in the General Information section of the Calendar.




COLLEGE IN STITU TIO N S T H E CHAPEL Services are held as follows:—Morning P rayer daily during term a t 9.30 a.m ., Holy Communion every Wednesday a t 8 .l.r> a.m ., and on the last day of term a t 10 a.m . There is a special service with sermon on the first day of term a t 10 a.m. Occasional services, such as Litanies, other m idday offices and devotional addresses, are arranged by the students. T H E HOSTEL At least one year’s residence in the Hostel (the third year of the course) is required of every theological candidate for the A.K.C., and a longer period is strongly recommended whenever possible. For particulars see next page. T H E UNION SOCIETY Details are given under U nion Society in the General Information section. Full particulars are contained in the official handbook, obtainable from the Hon. Secretary of the Union Society. T H E THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY This Society is open to past and present students, the latter being Meetings for debates, addresses and the reading of papers are arranged, and an Annual Reunion of past and present students is held on W hit Tuesday. Present students are organised as members of the Society in a Students’ Branch. ipso facto members.

HOODS U nder tho special sanction, dated March 26, 1802, of the late Arch­ bishop Sumner, permission to wear a distinctive hood was given to Associates of this Faculty in Holy Orders. U nder the further sanction of the Archbishop of Canterbury, dated March 7, 1885, this hood m ust be conformable to the general pattern approved for Theological Colleges by the Upper House of Convocation of the Province of Canterbury on February 15, 1882. The hood as approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1909 is of “ the Cambridge shape,” of black poplin, and is lined both inside and outside with one inch of mauve silk. The silk hood formerly in use may still be worn by any who purchased it before February 15, 1882, but may not be worn by any others. The College Cap and Gown, which are worn by all Regular Students, and the College Hood, may be purchased from Messrs. W. N ortham , 1 S tar Y ard, Carey Street, Strand, or from Messrs. Ede, Son and Ravenscroft, 93 and 94, Chancery Lane. These firms are prohibited from supplying any hood except in accordance with the R egulations; and students have no right to wear any hood which is not in accordance with these Regulations. The hood for the B.D. Degree is described in the University o f London Calendar and may be obtained from Messrs. N ortham or Messrs. Ede.




K I N G ’S C O L L E G E H O S T E L V xncknt S q u a r e , W e s t m i n s t e r , S .W . 1.

Warden : The R everend S. H . E


M.A., B.D.

The Theological D epartm ent of K ing’s College was established in 1846, b u t provision for the training of students by means of a full corporate life was first made in 1902. In th a t year the Vice-Principal, the Reverend George E rnest Newsom, was instrum ental in founding a hostel for theological students in Mecklenburgh Square, where during ten years the foundations of this im portant p a rt of the work of a theological college were well laid. In 1913 the students were transferred to the present hall of residence in Vincent Square, which was built a t a cost of £28,000 and formally opened in 1914. In 1929 this fine building was completed by the addition of a west wing, in which a chapel and a library were included. The discipline and devotional training of the students resident in the Hostel is similar to th a t in theological colleges, the general order of the day being as follows :— 7.15 a.m ................ 8.15 a.m ................ 9.30 a.m ................ 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. 4.30 p.m ............... 6.30 p.m ............... 7 p.m ......... ........... 10 p.m ...................

Prim e, Holy Communion, Meditation. Breakfast. M attins in College. Lectures, Meetings, etc., in College. Tea. Evensong. Dinner. Compline (at 9.15 p.m. on Wednesdays, with devotional address).

The position of the Hostel affords easy contact with the College; it enables residents to keep in touch with the m any religious and social enterprises which centre in L o n d o n ; and it makes it possible for them to share in the Sunday services a t St. P aul’s and the Abbey and other London churches and to hear some of the best preachers of the day. The students are to a large ex ten t a self-governing com m unity, holding periodical meetings in their Common Room and electing their own officers. In the four-year course which is now a C.A.C.T.M. regulation (ap­ proved by the Council of K ing’s College) for all K ing’s College ordinands, the third year m ust be spent in residence a t the Hostel and the fourth year a t the college a t W arm inster. Although the H ostel is thus in the main a th ird year place of residence there is a certain num ber of rooms available for junior members of the Faculty, and a longer period th an one year of residence is strongly recommended whenever possible.




FEES A Registration Fee of £1 Is. m ust be paid to the College by each full-time stu d en t upon acceptance by the Dean. This fee is not returnable, and in the event o f non-entry it is forfeited. Students are required to pay other fees in advance a t the beginning of each session or term , unless special arrangem ents have been made. I.

Tuition fees for Regular Students:—


All courses except those enum erated below :— Composition fee ... .................................................... 50 or in three term inal instalm ents of £17, £17 and £16. Final year of the B.D. Course, Special term inal fee for Associates of K ing’s College ... 10 Master of Theology :— For Internal B.D. G raduates or A ssociates:— Composition fee for one year Composition fee for two years For External G rad u ates:— Composition fee for one year Composition fee for two years Ph.D. in Theology, Composition fee for one year ... Composition fee for two years ... D.D. Registration fee for graduates of the College (per annum ) For graduates of other Colleges ... (per term )

s. d.

0 0

10 0

10 10 12 12

0 0

15 21 15 21 1 2

0 0 0 0 0 0

15 0 15 0 1 2

N .B.—S tudents who have obtained the Associateship of the College will be allowed a reduction of 20 per cent, in the fees, unless the fee is a reduced fee in respect of an In tern al G raduate or Associate. S tudents of the Theological Faculty who have taken the Theological Associateship will be allowed a sim ilar reduction of 20 per cent, in the fees of other Faculties of the College. The tuitio n fees are reduced by 20 per cent, in the case of boys who enter the College direct from King’s College School, or from S trand School, provided they produce a certificate stating th a t they have attended a t least five term s in the School.


Tuition fees for Occasional Students :—

Except where otherwise stated, Occasional Students pay fees a t the rate of £1 10s. per term for each course of one hour per week. A reduction of £1 10s. is made when five or more courses in one term are taken. Occasional Students can use the Library on paym ent of 10s. 6d. per term .

III. Hostel Fees:— £145 a session, payable in three term inal instalm ents of £49, £48 and £48 each. On entering the Hostel residents are required to deposit £5 to meet charges for laundry,Com m on Room subscriptions,etc. At the beginning of each term th e balance from the previous term m ust be restored to £5. Over and above H ostel and tuition fees, a t present prices students should reckon on needing an additional £100 to £110 if books, clothes, laundry, subscriptions, travelling and lesser expenses are included.





Fees for Fourth Year Course:—

The inclusive fee for the fourth year course in the college a t W ar­ m inster is £200, payable in instalm ents of £50 a term . A deposit of £3 is charged.

C O U R SES OF STUDY COMBINED COURSE FOR B.D. AND A.K.C. The subjects of exam ination in the course for the University Degree are given in tho R egulations for In tern al S tudents in the F aculty of Theology, obtainable as below. Students reading for the combined course (B.D. and A.K.C.) are examined as follows :— End of F irst Year— U niversity Interm ediate B.D. Exam ination. E nd of Second Year—College E xam ination in Old T estam ent, New T estam ent Introduction, Greek Testam ent, Philosophy, Biblical and H istorical Theology, Liturgical Theology, Early Church H istory, English Church H istory. End of Third Year—U niversity B.D. Final Exam ination. The A.K.C. essay on some general theological subject.

T hird year B .D .-A .K .C . students are expected to atten d lectures on English Church H istory and Liturgical Theology. Lectures are given throughout th e A.K.C. course and a t W arm inster on Pastoral Theology. O pportunity is given for the study of L atin.

COURSES FO R U N IV ER SITY OF LONDON D EG R E E S For the syllabuses of courses for the B.D. and M.Th. degrees and for the regulations for these degrees and those of Ph.D . and D.D., students should obtain the appropriate Regulations from the Academic R egistrar, U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1.

Note—It is essential that students entering to read for the B.D. degree should have covered at least the first twelve chapters of Nunn’s “ Elements of New Testament Greek ” (C. U. P.) before beginning the Intermediate B.D. course. It is hoped that students entering on the A.K.C. course will be similarly prepared.




COURSE FOR T H E A.K.C. ONLY Students who wish to read for the A.K.C. m ust have qualified as indicated on page 214. They will be exam ined as follows End of First Year— Old Testam ent, New T estam ent Introduction, New T estam ent Greek, Early Church History, Ethics. End of Second Year— Old Testam ent, New Testam ent Introduction, Greek Testam ent, Theology, Liturgical Theology, Philosophy, Early Church H istory, English Church History. End of Third Year— Old Testam ent, New Testam ent Introduction, Greek Testam ent, Theology, Liturgical Theology, Philosophy, English Church History. An essay on a general Theological Subject. All students reading for the A.K.C. m ust atten d classes in Speech Training and Music as prescribed by the Theological Professorial Board unless excused by the Dean. Students may in special cases with the consent of the Theological Professorial Board vary the above courses. The final exam ination class-list will be arranged in two divisions, Honours (two classes) and Pass. Students who are prevented by illness from taking any of their exam inations are required to send a doctor’s certificate to the Dean, and to write to the Professor or Lecturer who sets the paper.

Note The attention of A.K.C. candidates is drawn to the Note at the foot of the previous page.







B.A., B.D.

Women are prepared :— (1) In a one-year course for the U niversity of London Certificate in Religious Knowledge. (2) F or the U niversity of London Diplom a in Theology. (3) For the B.D. degree of the U niversity of London.

FEES I. Regular S tudents :— 1. One-year Course ... • . . .. >Com position fee : £40 a session. 2. Course for U niversity Diploma J 3. Course for B.D.—Composition fee ... ... £50a session, or in three term inal instalm ents of £17, £17 and £16. Women taking any of the above courses are entitled to the privileges of regular students of the College in respect of Common Room, Library, Athletic Clubs, etc. II. Occasional S tudents :— Occasional S tudents pay fees a t the rate of £1 10«. per term for each course of one hour per week. £

Use of Library ... or ... ... Seminar of one hour or ... ...

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

(per term ) (per annum ) (per term) (per annum )



10 6 1 1 0 1 10 0 3 0 0

RULES 1. No student can be ad m itted under the age of eighteen, save by special permission of the Dean. 2. Regular S tudents w ear gowns when attending lectures and official duties. 3. All students m ust register with the T utor a t the beginning of each session.

The T utor to Women Theological Students will give advice with respect to courses of study, and may be seen in College on th e first day of term , and a t other times by appointm ent. All enquiries from intending Women S tudents in Theology should bo addressed to her. Enquiries about lodgings should be sent to the U niversity of London Lodgings Bureau, c/o U niversity of London Union, Malet Street, W.C. 1 (MUSeum 2818).





COURSES AND SYLLABUSES 1. O n e - Y e a r C o u r s e This course (October to June) includes lectures in Old Testam ent, New Testam ent, Church H istory, Elem entary Greek, Christian Doctrine and Pastoral Theology, thus providing preparation for the London Certificate in Religious Knowledge. 2. S y ll a b u s

o f th e

U n iv e rs ity

D ip lo m a


T h e o lo g y

I. Old Testam ent, (a) H istory of Israel. (b) Religion of Israel. II. New Testam ent. 1. General Introduction. 2 . ( a ) Translation from a specified book or books of the New Testam ent, with Introduction and Exegesis. (6) Easy unprepared passages from the Gospels. III. Biblical Theology. IV. Philosophical Introduction to Theology. V, Church H istory to a . d . 451. VI. One of the following (i) Hebrew. (ii) Introduction to the Vulgate. (iii) Comparative Study of Religions. (iv) English Church History. (v) Christian Ethics. (vi) H istory and Development of Christian Worship. The Regulations for this exam ination (which may be taken in two parts) can be obtained from the Academic Registrar, U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1. 3.

S yllabus of th e

U n iv e r s it y


C e r t if ic a t e


R e l ig io u s


A. Compulsory Subjects : 1. Old T estam ent : General knowledge. 2 . Old T e sta m e n t: Selected subject. 3. New T estam ent : General knowledge. 4. New T e sta m e n t: Selected subject. B. Optional Subjects : two of the following m ust be taken : 1. Introduction to the Old Testam ent. 2 . Introduction to the New Testam ent. 3. Greek Testam ent. 4. A period of Church History. 5. H istory of Religions. 6. H istory of Christian Doctrine.




7. Christian W orship : either E arly Christian W orship, with special reference to the L itu rg ies; or The H istory and Contents of the Book of Common Prayer. The Regulations for this exam ination can be obtained from the D irector of the D epartm ent of Extra-M ural Studies, U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1. 4. C o u r s e s



n iv e r sit y


L ondon D


For the regulations and syllabuses for these degrees application should be made to the Academic R egistrar, U niversity of London, Senate House, W.C. 1.

W OM EN’S THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY This Society is open to past and present students, and holds an annual reunion.











T itle

Noble, P eter Scott, M.A., L L .D ...................... E vans, Rev. Sydney H a ll, M.A., B .D ...........

Principal Dean

Adams, Charles Geoffrey, B.Sc., P h .D ......... Armstrong, W illiam A rthur, M.A., Ph.D . Arnold, Alun H ugh Madoc, P h .D ., D .Eng., A.M.I.E .E ......................................................... A rthur, Donald R am say, M.Sc., Ph.D .......... Ball, Sir Nigel Gresley, B a rt., M.A., Sc.D. B arron, Jean D orothea, B .A ........................... Beales, A rthu r Charles Frederick, M.A. ... B eattie, Ia n R obert, B.Sc., P h .D ................... Bednall, Jo h n B enjam in, M.A........................ Bell, E rnest A rthur, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D . ... Bell, L eonard G erald Eugene, B.Sc., Ph.D . Bennet-Clark, Thom as Archibald, M.A., P h.D ., M .I.Biol., F .R .S ............................... B ennett, G areth Vaughan, M.A., P h .D .... Bernal, Michael Ju lian Maurice, B.Sc., A.R.O.S., D.I.C., P h .D ................................. Bilbey, Douglas Leopold Jam es, M.B., B.S. Bird, Jam es H arold, B.A., P h .D ................... Blackwell, Mrs. Annie M argaret, B.Sc., M.A. Bland, A nthony John, M.A., B.C.L............... Blau, K arl H erm ann F riedrich, B.Sc........... Block, H erm ann, B.Sc...................................... Bondi, H erm ann, M.A...................................... Bosher, Jo h n Francis, B.A.............................. Boulter, Donald, M.A., D .P hil........................ Bowyer, F reda, B.Sc., P h .D ...........................

Subject or D epartm ent

1952 1945

Asst. L ectu rer L ecturer

Geology English

1954 1948

1 i

R eader Lecturer R eader Asst. L ecturer R eader L ecturer Asst. L ecturer L ecturer L ecturer

Elec. Eng. Zoology B otany French Education Chemistry German Physiology Zoology

1955 1948 1944 1956 1932 1955 1955 1953 1955



1944 1954

Professor Asst. L ecturer

Asst. L ecturer L ecturer Asst. L ecturer Senior L ecturer Lecturer L ecturer Asst. L ecturer Professor Asst. L ecturer Asst. L ecturer Asst. L ecturer Camoens j Boxer, Charles R alph, Hon. D .Litt. et Phil. Professor T u to r to B rittain, D orothy, M.A.................................... Women S tudents j Brogsitter, K arl O tto, D r.P h il........................ L ektor j Brown, Philip Penton, B .A ............................. Lecturer 1 Brownlee, George, P h .D ., D.Sc...................... R eader B ryant, K enneth Marrable, M.B., B.S., A. K.C. L ecturer ! Bullard, A udrey Mary, L .R.A .M ....................


; Bullough, Geoffrey, M.A...................................


D ate of j first J appoint-1 m ent to j the Staff

H istory Theoretical Physics A natom y Geography E ducation Laws Physiology Chem istry M athem atics H isto ry B otany Zoology Portuguese — German Education Pharm acology A natom y Theology— Speech Training | English

1954 1954 1954 1935 1951 1955 1956 1954 1956 1955 1956 1947 1927 1955 1935 1950 1955 1930 1946

j *




Subject or D epartm ent

Date of first appoint­ m ent to the Staff

N ame


B urge, E dw ard Jam es, B.Sc., Ph.D ., B .A .... Burge, R onald E dg ar, B.Sc............................. Burrow , Jo h n A nthony, B.A........................... B uxton, Roger St. Jo h n , M.B., B.S., D.O.H. lia Campbell, Wil m A rc h ib a ld ........................

Physics Physics English Physiology

Carpenter, Jo h n , B .A ........................................

L ecturer Asst. Lecturer Asst. Lecturer Lecturer A ssistant to the R egistrar Lecturer

B otany


Champion, F ran k Clive, M.A., P h .D ., F .I.P .


C hapm an, Frederick W illiam, M.Sc., P h.D .


............................ C happell, R onald Alfred Ohomet, Sew eryn, M.Sc.................................... Churchill, R ev. Jo h n H oward, M.A............... Clarke, H ugh Major, T.D ., M.Sc., M .I.E .E . Cloudsley-Thompson, John Leonard, M.A., P h.D ., F.L .S .................................................... Cocking, Jo h n M artin, M.A............................. Coleman, Alice Mary, M.A...............................

A ccountant D em onstrator Chaplain Senior Lecturer

Experim ental Physics Physics — Physics — Elec. Eng.

1931 1947 1956 1953 1920

Zoology French Geography

1950 1939 1948 1926

1955 1954 1955 1955 1922


Cox, C hristopher B arry, B.A., P h .D ............. Crane, Francis Roger, L L .B ............................ Crow, Jo h n W illiam, M.A................................ Croydon, Rev. F ra n k E dgar, M.A................ Cummins, Jam es Sylvester, B .A .................... Curling, Claude Douglas, M.A........................

Lecturer Professor L ecturer Registrar H on. Lecturer Asst. L ecturer Professor Lecturer Lecturer A sst. L ecturer Lecturer

C utt, Rev. Samuel R o b ert, M.A.....................

T u to r

Daly, Olga Lindholm , L L .B ........................... Danielli, Jam es Frederic, P h .D ., D.Sc., M .I.Biol., A .R.I.C .......................................... D arbre, Andr6, B.Sc., Ph.D ., A .R.I.C........... Davies, Cyril E dw ard Palm er, M.A., B.C.L. Davies, D avid Denzil, B .Sc., P h .D ............... Davies, Thom as V ivian, M.Sc......................... Dawes, Benjam in, D .Sc., A.R.C.S., D.I.C. Deeley, E dw ard M ountford Still, B.Sc., Ph.D. D ixon, R ich ard Kennedy, B .S c .(E n g .)....... Dolley, Leslie George Francis, T .D ., B.Sc., P h.D ., A .R .I.C ................................................

Asst. L ecturer

M athematics Zoology English Law English Eccles. H istory Spanish Physics F o u rth year Theol. College Laws

Professor Lecturer Senior Lecturer Lecturer Reader Reader Lecturer Lecturer

Zoology Physiology Laws B otany M athematics Zoology Elec. Eng. Civil Eng.

1949 1952 1946 1956 1945 1930 1956 1956

Senior L ecturer


Domb, Cyril, M.A., P h .D .................................


Duggan, Charles, B.A., P h .D .......................... E dw ards, B enjam in Alfred, M.Sc..................

Lecturer Senior L ecturer T u to r to Women Students L ecturer D em onstrator

Chemistry Theoretical Physics H istory M athem atics Theology


Geography Physics Theoretical Physics

1953 1954




Combridge, Jo h n Theodore, M.A...................

E dw ards, M argaret Lois, B.A., B .D ............. Elkins, Thom as H enry, B.A............................ E lliott, Gerald F rank, B.A.............................. E lton, Lewis R ichard Benjam in, M .A.,B.Sc., P h.D ..................................................................


1956 1934 1945 1936 1955 1960 1956 1956


1954 1952 1927






Elwell, R oyston W illiam Dunlop, A.R.C.S., M.Sc., P h .D ......................................................


E uden, William Bertie Edw ard, B.A., AX.A.

Asst. Secretary Fabrc, Michel Ja c q u es ................................. A ssistant Findlay, John N iemeyer, M.A., Ph.D ., F.B.A. Professor Fisher, Ronald F rank, B.Sc.(Eng.), A.K.O., M.B., B.S.......................................................... L ecturer F lint, Jo h n E dgar, M.A.................................... Asst. L ecturer L ecturer Fraser, William, B.Sc.(Eng.), A .M .I.E .E .... FrOhlich, Albrecht, B.Sc., Ph.D ...................... R eader Asst. L ibrarian F urbank, Philip Nicholas, M.A...................... Professor Qarmonsway, George N orm an, M.A............. Gibb, Mrs. P atricia Mary, B.A., A.L.A......... Asst. L ibrarian Gilbert, Mary Enole Cecile M argarete, R eader D r.Phll.............................................................. Asst. L ecturer G lanville, Lucia, B.A........................................ Gold, Victor, B.Sc., P h .D ................................

R eader

Gosney, W illiam Bell, B.Sc.(Eng.) ............ Gossage, A lbert Jo h n , M.A., P h .D ................ G outbrod, N athalie, L.-&J-L........................... G raham , Gerald Sandford, M.A., A.M., P h.D .................................................................. Graveson, R onald H arry , S .J.D ., P h.D ., L L.D .................................................................. Green, R ot. H um phrey C hristian, M.A......... Gregor, Ian, B.A., P h .D .................................. Greig, Jam es, M.Sc.(Eng.), P h .D ., M .I.E .E ., F .R .S .E .

L ecturer L ecturer A ssistant R hodes Professor

H ack ett, W inifred M ary, M.A., D .Phil.

R eader


Professor L ecturer Asst. L ecturer W illiam Sie­ mens Professor

H ainsw orth, Jo h n B ryan, B.A....................... H am ilton, Mrs. R ita, B .A., L.-fcs-L............... H ancock, Jo h n Michael, B.A.......................... Handford, Stanley Alexander, M.A.............. H arvey, H enry A rthur, B.A., A.L.A............. H enbest, H arold Bernard, B.Sc., Ph.D ., D.I.O.................................................................. Hey, Donald H olroyde, P h .D ., D.Sc., F.R .I.O ., F .R .S ............................................... H odgett, Gerald A ugustus John, M.A.......... H oneym an, Jo h n , M.A., B.Sc., P h .D ........... H orrocks, Geoffrey, B.A .................................. H oward, Christopher H enry D urham , M.A.

Asst. L ecturer L ecturer Asst. L ecturer R eader Asst. L ibrarian

H oward, Michael E liot, M.C., M.A................

L ecturer

Howse, A rth u r Percy, B.A., F .L .A ............... H utton, R obert, M.A........................................ Ince, WTalter Newcombe, M.A., Doct. de l ’U niv.................................................................

R eader Daniell Professor Leoturer L ecturer Asst. L ecturer R eader

Subject or D epartm ent

Geology Library French Philosophy

D ate of first appoint-i m ent to the Staff 1949 1933 1902 1906 1901

Anatomy H istory Elec. Eng. M athematics L ibrary English L ibrary

1903 1904 1916 1901 1903 1930

German English PhysicalOrganic Chemistry

1903 1906

Mech. Eng. Classics French Im perial H istory

1900 1948 1906

English Law

1938 1900 1906

N.T. Greek English Electrical Engineering R omance Philology Classics Spanish Geology Classics L ibrary




1940 1950 1960 1943 1950 1923 1931

Organic Chem.

1906 1945 1947 1915 1956 1938

Sub-Librarian L ibrarian

Chemistry H istory Chemistry M athem atics H istory H istory (W ar Studies) Librury L ibrary

Asst. L ecturer



1947 1937 1931



Jam es, T hom as E gbert, M.A., B.O.L............




Subject or D epartm ent

Laws E lectrical Japolsky, Nicholas S., D .Eng., M .I.E .E . ... Special Lecturer Engineering Jefferson, T hom as A nthony, B.A., F.L .A . Asst. Librarian Library Jenkins, Bom illy Jam es H eald, M.A., F.S.A . Koraes Modern Greek Professor Jenkins, W illiam M cLaren, B.Sc.................... L ecturer Civil Eng. Jones, Jam es Jerem y, B.Sc., M.B., B.S. ... L ecturer Physiology Jo n es, B o b ert A rthur, M.O., M.A.................. Senior Lecturer French Judges, A rth u r Valentine, B .A., D.Sc.(Econ.) Professor Education K astner, Leslie Jam es, M.A., M.Sc., M .I.M ech.E....................................................... Professor Mech. Eng. K enn, M aurice Jo h n , B.Sc.(Eng.), M.A.Sc., M .E.I.C ............................................................. L ecturer Civil Eng. K ennedy, Jo h n A lexander, M.B., B.S., Radiological D .M .B., D .M .R.D ........................................... Lecturer A natom y K ennedy, P e te r John, B.A............................... Asst. L ecturer Physics K ilm ister, Olive W illiam, M.Sc., P h .D .......... L ecturer M athematics King, E dm und Jam es, M.A., P h .D ., F.L.S. L ecturer E ducation K iralfy, A lbert K enneth B oland, LL.M ., P h .D ................................................................... R eader Law Landers, William Maxwell, B.A., P h .D . ... Lecturer French Leach, George D avid H aro ld , B .P h arm ., M.Sc. Lecturer Pharm acology L eggett, Douglas Malcolm Aufrere, M.A., Applied Ph.D . ................................................................ Reader M athematics L eighton, F ra n k M aurice ............................. Clerk of W orks — Longm an, Gerald Alan, M.A........................... A sst. L ecturer Classics Low, D avid Morrice, M.A................................ Lecturer Classics L und, W illiam Spencer, M.B., B.S................ Lecturer A natom y McDowall, B o b ert Jo h n Stew art, M.D., D.Sc., F.B .C .P.(E din.), M .B.O.P............... Professor Physiology M’Ewen, Marjorie Bruce, B.Sc., P h .D .......... Lecturer Physics MacKay, Donald MacOrimmon, B.Sc., Ph.D ................................................................... L ecturer Physics M ackinnon, Iain Lum sden, M.B., Ch.B. ... Senior L ecturer Anatomy Maguinness, WEliam S tu art, M.A.................. Professor L atin T u to r and Mandeville, Rev. Maurice Valentine, M.A. Theology Lecturer Manning, B rian S tu art, B.A............................ Asst. L ecturer H istory M anton, Sidnie M ilana, M.A., Sc.D., F.R .S. R eader Zoology Mendes da Costa, Derek, L L .B ...................... Asst. L ecturer Laws Metcalfe, George, M.A., P h .D ......................... Lecturer B otany German Middleton, Jo h n C hristopher, M.A., D .P hil. Asst. L ecturer Laws Morrison, Charles A lbert, M.A., B.A............. Lecturer Lecturer M uenter, A lbert H einrich, P h .D .................... Anatom y Munro, A lexander Fraser, B.Sc., P h.D . ... Lecturer Physiology M urray, Mrs. F reda May, B.Sc....................... Lecturer Education Asst. Lecturer English M utter, Reginald P atrick Charles, M.A. ... L ecturer Spanish N adal, R afael M artinez, Licentiate-in-Law Civil N ash, Jo h n K evin Tyrie Llewellyn, M.A., Engineering 1 M .A .I., A.M .I.O.E.......................................... R eader Lecturer

D ate of first appoint­ m ent to the Staff 1947 1951 1948 1946 1955 1954 1919 1948 1955 1955 1948 1952 1950 1953 1936 1938 1956 1950 1919 1955 1945 1955 1923 1946 1946 1940 1946 1947 1953 1943 1955 1946 1955 1954 1937 1948 1930 1954 1935 1946





Nicol, Thom as, M.D., D.Sc., F.R .C.S., F.R.C.S.E., F .R .S .E ......................................


Nineham, Rev. Dennis E ric, M.A..................


Nokes, Gerald Dacre, L L .D ............................. N orm an, Frederick, O .B .E ., M.A., F.S.A .... N orth (nie P ra tt), M argaret Isabel, B.Sc., Ph.D .................................................................. O utteridge, K enneth Dudley, M.A................ Parish, E velyn L aura, M.A..............................

Professor Professor

Parker, A lexander Augustine, M.A................ Paterson, G avin, B .Sc.(Pharm .), M.Sc. ... Perry, R oy Leslie, B.Sc., P h .D ...................... P irani, Felix Arnold E dw ard, B.Sc., M.A., D.Sc................................................................... Pitcher, Wallace Spencer, B.Sc., Ph.D ., D.I.C.................................................................. P la tt, Geoffrey H ine, M.Sc.Tech., A .M .I.E .E ........................................................ Plowman, Jo h n Marks, B.Sc.(Eng.), D.I.O., Ph.D ., A.M .I.O.E.I........................... Pole, D avid Lawrence Sm arya, B.A., Ph.D . Poliak, Hedwig, P h .D ....................................... Powell, E dw ard Jo h n , B.Sc.(Eng.) ............ Prentice, Jo h n Edw ard, B.Sc., P h.D ............ Price, William Charles, P h .D ., Sc.D., F .I.P . Pugh, A nthony R oy, B .A ................................ Pugh, Jo h n Charles, M.A., P h .D .................... R andall, Joh n T urton, D.Sc., F .I.P ., F .R .S .E ., F .R .S.............................................. Reed, John Oliver, B.A.................................... Robertson, Andrew Jo h n Blackford, M.A., Ph.D .................................................................. Robson, William, P h .D ., D.Sc........................ Rose, H orace E dgar, D.Sc.(Eng-), Ph.D ., M .I.M ech.E., M .I.C.E................................... Ross, Allan Dawson, B.Sc., Ph.D ., M.I.O.E., F .R .S .E .......................................... Rourke, Jo h n W arren, B.Sc.(Eng. Met.) ... Sage, Ja c k W illiam, M.A................................. Salazar, Abd6n M artin, L.-fcs-L...................... Salmon, Cyril Sebastian, M.C., M.Sc............ Satchell, Derek P eter N orm an, B.Sc., Ph.D . Scott, David Bernard, M.A., D.Sc................. Scullard, H oward H ayes, M.A., Ph.D ., F.B.A ................................................................ Semple, Jo h n Greenlees, M.A., Ph.D ., M .R .I.A ............................................................ Shaw, Ivan P eter, M.A.....................................

Admin. Asst. Senior Demr. L ecturer Cervantes Professor Lecturer Asst. L ecturer

Subject or D epartm ent

A natom y Biblical and H ist. Theol. Law German Physics Physics Education

D ate c first appoin m ent t the Staff 1939 1954 1947 1930 1954 1954 1947



Pharm acology M athematics

1955 1954

L ecturer

M athem atics


R eader

Geology Electrical Engineering




Civil Engineering Philosophy Library Mech. Eng. Geology Physics French Geography

1951 1955 1943 1956 1918 1948 1956 1956

Physics English

1946 1955 1950 1927

Professor M etallurgist (Biomechanics) Lecturer Assistant Senior Lecturer Asst. Lecturer Reader

Chemistry Biochemistry Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineer足 ing Spanish Spanish Chemistry Chemistry M athematics

1955 1956 1950 1920 1955 1947


Ancient H istory



M athematics History

1936 1937 1952

L ecturer Asst. Lecturer Asst. L ibrarian L ecturer L ecturer Professor Asst. Lecturer Reader W heatstone Professor Asst. Lecturer Reader Reader Reader


1939 1935




N ame


Sheard, Jo h n A lbert, B .A ., P h .D ...................


Simon, Rev. XJlrlch E rn st, M .Th....................


Binglehurst-W ard, L uther, B.Sc..................... Smeed, J o h n W illiam , M.A., P h .D ................ Snell, R ichard Saxon, M.B., B.S., Ph.D . ... Speirs, R onald L am ont, B.Sc., P h .D ............. Stokes, A lexander Rawson, M.A., Ph.D . ... Style, D errick William G raham , B.Sc., Ph.D . Sutcliffe, Jam es Frederick, B.Sc., Ph.D . ... Symonds, K athleen V era, B.Sc...................... Tasker, Rev. R andolph V incent Greenwood, M.A., B .D ......................................................... Taylor, Jam es H aw ard, B.Sc., A.M., P h .D ................................................................... Thom a, H erb ert H ans K arl, D r.P h il............

Lecturer Asst. L ecturer L ecturer L ectu rer L ecturer P rofessor L ecturer Asst. L ectu rer Professor Professor Lecturer

Thom pson, Rev. E dw ard R onald Charles, A.K.O................................................................. T idnam , Sydney W illiam .................................

Chaplain H ead Clerk

Townroe, R ev. E dw ard Jo h n , M.A.

W arden


Vesey, Godfrey N orm an Agm ondisham , M.A. W akeford, Mrs. D orothy Adeline, B.A., L.R.A .M ............................................................ W akeley, Sir Cecil P em brey Grey, B art., K .B .E ., D .Sc., L L.D ., F.R.O.S., F .R .S .E . W allis, Leonard Francis, B.Sc. .................... W arrell, E rn est Herbert,A.R.C.O.,A.R.C.M . W atkins, Sidney Bevan, M.Sc., F .R .I.O ., M .I.Ohem .E..................................................... W eightm an, Jo h n George, B .A ., L.-6s-L., P h .D .................................................................. Wellwood, Jam es Wesley, M.A...................... W iddas, W ilfred F araday, M.B., B.S., B.Sc., P h .D .................................................................. Widdowson, Eric V ictor B ryan, L.D.S. R.O.S.(Eng.) .................................................. Widdowson, Thom as W illiam, F.D.S. R.O.S.(Eng.) .............................................. Williams, Charles H arold, M.A....................... Williams, G areth Howel, B.Sc., P h .D .......... W illiams, Thom as Jo h n , B.Sc., P h.D ., M.Sc. W innington-Ingram , Reginald Pepys, M.A. Wooldridge, Sidney W illiam, C.B.E., D.Sc. Wormald, Francis, L itt.D ., M.A., F.B.A. T ark er, P atrick Maurice, M.A........................ Zarek, Joseph Marian, D ip.Ing., B.Sc., Ph.D ., A .M .I.M ech.E...................................

L ecturer

Subject or D epartm ent

English (Philology) Hebrew and O.T. Exegesis Metallurgy Germ an A natom y Physiology Physics Chemistry B otany B otany Exegesis of the New T estam ent Geology German F o u rth y ear Theol. College — F o u rth year Theol. College Philosophy

D ate of first appoint­ m ent to the Staff 1946 1945 1924 1956 1949 1954 1947 1928 1949 1955 1926 1949 1947 1956 1919 1948 1952 1946

Supervisor L ectu rer D irector of Studies

E ducation Applied A natom y E ducation Music Chemical Engineering

Lecturer L ecturer

French Laws

1950 1946

Senior L ecturer

Physiology Dental Anatomy Dental A natom y H istory Chemistry Mechanical Engineering Greek Geography Palaeography English Geography Civil Engineering


L ecturer L ecturer

D em onstrator Lecturer Professor Lecturer Reader Professor Professor Professor L ecturer Lecturer Senior L ecturer

1924 1948 1953 1947

1937 1924 1934 1947 1956 1953 1922 1949 1950 1954 1949


List of former Professors still living who, having held Chairs in King’s College London for ten years or more, have received the title of P r o f e s s o r E m e r i t u s . Name


Reed, A rth u r W illiam, M.A., D .L it................. Gates, Reginald Ruggles, M.A., P h .D ., D.Sc., L L.D ., F .R .S ., F .L .S ., F .R .A .I.................... Richardson, Sir Owen Willans, M.A., D.Sc., L L.D ., F .R .S ..................................................... Thomson, Jam es A lexander K err, M.A.......... Lobban, Charles H enry, D.Sc., M .I.C.E ......... Mackinnon, Doris Livingston, D.Sc., LL.D . H allett, H arold F oster, M.A., D .L itt............. Jam es, Rev. Edw in Oliver, D .L itt., D. D., F.S.A ................................................................... Davies, Sydney Jo h n , D .Se.(Eng.), Ph.D ., W h.E x., M .I.M ech.E.......................................

F irst appointed in College

D ate of ( title




B otany



Physics Classics Civil Engineering Zoology French Philosophy Philosophy of Religion Mech. Engineering

1914 1923 1920 1919 1926 1931

1944 1945 1946 1949 1950 1951






PRINCIPALS 1831.* 1836.’ 1839.s 1844.* 1868.5 1883.* 1897.’

William O tter, D.D. H ugh Jam es Rose, B.D. Jo h n Lonsdale, D.D. R ichard William Jelf, D.D. Alfred B arry, D .D ., D.C.L. H enry Wace, D.D. Archibald R obertson, D .D., LL.D .

1903.* A rthur Cayley Headlam , C.H., D.D. 1913.* Ronald Montagu Burrows, D .Llt., H on. Ph.D . 1920.>• Ernest Barker, M.A., D .L ltt., LL.D. 1928. Sir William Reginald H alliday, M.A., B .L itt., LL.D. 1952.“ P etek Scott N oble , M.A., LL.D.

DEANS 1903.® A rth u r Cayley H eadlam , D.D. 1913.** Alfred Caldecott, D .D ., D .L lt. 1918.1S W alter Robert M atthews, M.A., D.D.

1932.u Richard H anson, M.A., B.D. 1945.ls Eric Symes A bbott, M.A. 1956. SYDNEY HALL EVANS, M.A., B.D.

1 Afterwards Bishop of Chichester. s Prebendary of Chichester, and Domestio Chaplain to the Archbishop of C anterbury. 1 Afterwards Bishop of Lichfield. * Canon of Christ Church,Oxford, Sub-Almoner to the Queen, Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. ‘ Afterwards Bishop of Sydney, M etropolitan of New South Wales and P rim ate of A ustralia, Fellow of T rinity College, Cambridge, Canon of Windsor. * Prebendary of St. P aul’s, Preacher of Unco In’s Inn, Rector of St. Michael’s, Cornhill, Chaplain in O rdinary to the Queen, and Chaplain to th e Archbishop of C anterbury, Dean of C anterbury. * Principal of Bishop H atfield’s H all, D urham , and Fellow of T rinity College, Oxford, Bishop of E xeter, and Hon. Fellow of T rinity College, Oxford, Vice-Chancellor, U niversity of London, 1902-03. * Form erly Fellow of All Souls', Oxford, afterw ards Regius Professor of D ivinity, Oxford, and later Bishop of Gloucester. * Form erly Professor of Greek, U niversity College, Cardiff, and Victoria U niversity of Manchester. 10 Form erly Fellow and Lecturer of St. Jo h n 's College and Fellow and T utor of New College, O xford; afterw ards Professor of Political Science and Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, and H onorary Fellow of Merton College, Oxford; on retiring was elected E m eritus Professor and appointed an H onorary Fellow of Peterhouse. Knighted in January, 1944. “ Form erly Regius Professor of H um anity, U niversity of Aberdeen. ** L a te Fellow and Dean of St. Jo h n 's College, Cambridge. u A fterwards Dean of E xeter, and Dean of St. P au l’s. 11 Prebendary of St. Paul's. 14 Canon of Lincoln Cathedral and Chaplain to H.M. the King. W arden of Keble College, Oxford, from Ja n . 1956.



K I N G ’S C O L L E G E




H ilda D iana Oakeley, M.A., D.Lit.

VICE-PR IN C IPA LS 1893. R ichard Jo h n Knowling, M.A. 1897.1 George E rn est Newsom, M.A. 1903. William G rylls A dams, M.A., D.Sc., F .R .8.

ASSISTANT 1919. H enry Gibson A tkins, M,A., D .Lit. 1921. S tu a rt A rth u r Frank W hite, M.A. 1923. H enry Gibson A tkins, M.A., D .Lit.




Jo h n Millar Thom son, LL.D ., F.R .8., P.I.O., F.O.S.


A rth u r Jo h n Allm and, M.C., D.Sc., F.I.O ., F.R .S. Charles H arold W illiams , M.A.




1920.* The H on. E leanor Mary Plum er. 1928. Agnes S to d d art P aul, M.A., B.D. 1923. Ada E lizabeth L evett, M.A.1932. DOROTHT BRITTAIN, M.A.





1919. Evelyn W aters Hippisley, S.Th. 1945. A gatha Mary B ath u rst N orm an, S.Th. 1938. Mary D onald Grosvenor, B.D.1954. MARGARETLo is E dwards , B.A., B.D.

C H A PLA IN S 1831. 1834. 1846. 1884. 1903. 1919. 1924.

1932. Eric Symes A bbott, M.A. H enry Moseley, M.A., F.R .S. 1936. R obert L inton Shields, M.A., D.Mus., Jo h n Allen, M.A. A.R.O.M. E dw ard H ayes P lum ptre, M.A. 1945. Sydney H all Evans, M.A., B.D. R ichard Jo h n K nowling, M.A. 1948. F ran k Coventry, B.A., Ph.D . Stanley Charles E dm und Legg, M.A. R ichard H anson, M.A., B.D . 1953. J ohn H oward C hurchill , M.A. C lem ent Francis Rogers, M.A. For “ Censors and Chaplains " see former Calendars.


H arold Wilfred L ast, M.A.



FOURTH-YEAR 1948. 1956.


E rnest H erbert A.R.C.O., A.R.C.M.



Wardens Sydney H all E vans, M.A., B.D. 1948. E dward J ohn to w n ro e , M.A.1956.


W arrell ,

Chaplains Edw ard Jo h n Townroe, M.A. E dward R onald Charles T homp­ son , A.K.C. Tutor Samuel R obert Cutt , M.A.

1 A fterwards M aster of Selwyn College, Cambridge. 2 A fterw ards Principal of St. A nne’s Society, Oxford.






SECRETARIES 1828. 1829. 1845. 1894. 1903. 1905. 1909. 1919. 1951.

H enry Nelson Coleridge. 1919.1 Sydney Taverner Shovelton, M.A. H enry W illiam Sm ith. 1948.’ (Jan .) Sir Thom as Percival Creed, Jo h n William Cunningham . K .B .E ., M.C., K.O., M.A. 1952. I van p e t e r Shaw , m .a . W alter Sm ith. Assistants to the Secretary Gerald J . T. Buckle, B.A. 1920. H enry Gerard H allett, M.A. K enneth J a y Spalding, M.A. 1937. Jo h n Theodore Combridge, M.A. 1947. Arnolfo John Caraffl, B.Sc. Jo h n Francis Hales, M.A. Jessica S tu a rt Moore. Assistant Secretaries 1952. WILLIAM BERTIE EDWARD EUDEN, Arnolfo Jo h n Caraffi, B.Sc. B.A., A.L.A.

LIBRARIANS 1835. 1839. 1843. 1858. 1849. 1890. 1897.

R ichard William Higgs, D.O.L. 1890. V ictor G ustave P la rr, B.A. 1897. F rancis William W alton, M.A. Jo h n Sherren Brew er, M.A. 1931. R obebt H utton , m .a . Charles Grenfell Nicolay. Jo h n Lamb. Assistant Librarians and (from 1955) Sub-Librarians 1919. Jo h n F rancis H ales, M.A. Jo h n Lam b. 1936. A rth u r Michael Cary Field, B.A. Frederick Jam es Jones. 1937. Arthur P ercy H ow se , B.A., F.L.A. Jam es B ertrand Payne. Assistants and (from 1956) A ssistant Librarians 1943. HEDWIO POLLAK, Ph.D . 1945. Deirdre W hite, B.A. 1947. Louis Jo h n G orton, M.A. 1948. T homas Anthony J efferson , B.a ., F.L.A. 1949. Sheila Daniels, M.A. 1951. PATRICIA Mary Oibb (nee B utler), B.A., A.L.A. 1952. Ia n R oy Willison, M.A., A.L.A. 1954. P h il ip N icholas fu r b a n k , M.A.

Enid A ustin Dickie, B.A. Agnes Elise Walker, F.L.A. M argaret Amy Wood. Mary Lilian F rancis, B.A. H enry A rthur H arvey , b .a ., A.L.A. W illiam B ertie Edw ard E uden, B.A., A.L.A. 1940. W inifred Ayres. 1942. E lizabeth R u th Carter. 1942. H ilda Mary Swift, B.A.

1930. 1932. 1932. 1933. 1936. 1936.

ACCOUNTANTS 1896. 1919.

George Jam es Highsted. H erb ert Sidney H arley.


R onald A llred Chappell.


R onald Alfr ed Chappell .

Assistant Accountant 1956. Malcolm George R alph W y eth .

REGISTRARS 1914-19. Sydney T averner Shovelton, M.A. 1947. J ohn T heodore Combridge , M.A. 1921-35. Jessica S tu a rt Moore. A ssistant to the Registrar 1935. W illiam Archibald Campbell .

1 Form erly Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. C.B.E., 1948. s Hon. Fellow of Pem broke College, Oxford. Afterwards Principal of Queen Mary College.





F A C U L T Y OF T H E O L O G Y D O G M A TIC 1903.

A rth u r Cayley H eadlam , D .D.


Professors 1924. H erb ert Maurice R elton, D.D.

Lecturers 1907. Arnold R obert W hately, M.A. 1924. R ichard H anson, M.A., B.D. 1909. W alter R obert M atthew s, M.A., B.D. 1933. Lewis Jo h n Collins, M.A. 1919.1 Charles Gore, D .D ., L L .D ., D.O.L. 1945. W alter William Seymour March, H erbert Maurice R elton, D.D. M.A., B.D.

BIB LIC A L 1948.




Professor R o b ert V ictor Sellers, M.A., D.D. 1954. D knnis E ric N ineham , M.A.







Professors 1927.

1846.' 1863.* 1900.* 1918.6

A lexander Israel McOaul, D .D. W illiam O scar Em il O esterley, M.A., Stanley L eathes, D.D. D .D ., L itt.D . A lexander N aim e, M.A. 1935.* Sydney Lawrence Brown, M.A., D.D. George H erb ert Box, M.A., D.D. Assistant Professor 1912. H erb ert Fuller B right Compston, M.A. Lecturers 1863. A lexander Israel McOaul, M.A. 1911. George H erbert Box, M.A. 1899. A lexander N aim e, M.A. 1921. Frederick Jam es Hollis, D.D. 1903. H erb ert Fuller B righ t Oompston, 1945. U lrioh E rnst Simon , M.Th. M.A. B o n . Lecturers 1930.7 Samuel H enry H ooke, M.A., B.D. 1948.7 W illiam D uff McH ardy , M.A., 1946.7 Alfred Guillaume, D.D. D.Phil.

ASSYRIO LO G Y H on. Lecturer in Accadian Assyriology 1924.* Sidney Sm ith, M.A.



Hon. Lecturer in Sum erian Assyriology 1924. Cyril Jo h n Gadd, M.A., F.B.A.



Professors 1846.* R ichard Chenevix T rench, D.D. 1921.“ H enry Leighton Goudge, D.D. 1858 u Charles Jo h n E llicott, D.D. 1923.“ Frank Russell B arry, D.S.O., M.A. 1863.11 Edw ard H ayes Plum ptre, D.D 1928. Edw ard Jo h n Bicknell, D.D. 1881.1* George H erb ert Ourteis, M.A. 1936. R andolph V incent G reenwood 1894." R ichard Jo h n K nowling, D .D . T a sk er , M.A., B.D. 1905.14 H enry Ju lian W hite, M.A., D.D. Assistant Professor Stanley Charles E dm und Legg, M.A. 1 L ate Bishop of Oxford. ' Styled “ Professor of D ivinity ” from 1846 to 1853. ' Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, P rebendary of St. P au l’s. 4 Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, Exam ining Chaplain to th e Bishop of St. Albans, afterw ards Regius Professor of D ivinity, Cambridge. 4 Canon of St. Albans. A fterw ards Samuel Davidson Professor of Old T estam ent Studies in th e U niversity of London. 4 Canon of Chelmsford and afterw ards of W orcester. 7 Samuel Davidson Professor of Old T estam ent Studies in th e U niversity of London. • Professor of N ear E astern Archaeology in th e U niversity of London, 1938. 4 A rchbishop of D ublin. 10 Fellow of St. Jo h n ’s College, Cambridge, Bishop of Gloucester. 11 Fellow of Brasenose College, O xford, Dean of Wells. 11 Canon of Lichfield. 14 Professor of D ivinity and Canon of D urham . 14 A fterwards Dean of C hrist Church, Oxford. 14 A fterwards Canon of C hrist C hurch and Regius Professor of D ivinity, Oxford. “ Form erly Fellow of Oriel College, O xford. A fterw ards Oanon of W estm inster.

236 1876.1 1878. 1879. 1881.' 1884. 1895. 1897. 1903. 1909.’





Lecturers 1915.* Fred Shipley Marsh, M.A. H enry William W atkins, M.A. 1931. Frederic Philip Cheetham, M.A. Charles Jam es Ball, M.A. 1925. R alph K. 0 . lloughtoo, M.A. Charles Coleridge M ackarness, M.A. 1926. Randolph Vincent Greenwood George William Daniell, M.A. Tasker, M.A. Richard Jo h n Knowling, M.A. 1928. M aitland Theophllus Dodds, M.A. H arold Sm ith, M.A. 1939.*1 Eric George Ja y , M.A., B.D. George E rnest Newsom, M.A. 1945. H arold Wilfred L ast, M.A. Stanley Charles E dm und Legg, M.A. Samuel K lrshbaum K night, B.D.

Lecturers in Patristic Texts 1946.11 Eric George Ja y , M.A., M.Th. 1948. MAURICE VALENTINE MANOEY1LLE, M.A. 1950.

Lecturers in New Testament Greek A lbert John Trillo, M.Th. 1955. HUMPHREY CHRISTIAN G r e en , M.A.

ECCLESIASTICAL 1846.* 1853.* 1863.* 1875. 1884.’


Professors Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A. 1893.* A lexander McCaul, M.A. 1904.* Jam es Cralgie R obertson, M.A.1908.10 Jam es H enry Wace, M.A. Jo h n Mee Fuller, M.A. 1918.*

1879. Charles Hole, B.A. 1910. E rnest A rth u r Edghill, M.A. 1911.* Claude Jenkins, D .D., F.S.A.

William Edw ard Collins, D.D. Edw ard W illiam W atson, M.A. Pounder W hitney, B.D., D.C.L. Claude Jen k iu s, M.A., D .D., F.S.A.

Lecturers 1935. Sydney Lawrence Brown, M.A., D.D. 1936. F rank E doar Croydon , m .a .



Professors 1854. Edw ard H ayes P ium ptre, M.A. 1900." H enry Charles Beeching, M.A. 1863.“ Samuel C heetham , D.D. 1903." George E rn est Newsom, M.A. Clement Francis Rogers, M.a . 1883." H enry Barclay Swete, D.D. 1919. 1890.1* H enry Cary S huttlew orth, M.A. 1932. Oscar H ardm an, M.A., D.D. Lecturers 1881. Charles Coleridge M ackarness, M.A. 1932. W illiam Bull Dams, M.A. 1883.u H enry Cary S huttlew orth, M.A. 1945. E ric Symes A bbott, M.A. 1907. Clement Francis Rogers, M.A. 1956. S ydney H all E vans, M .a ., B.D. 1914.* Fred Shipley Marsh, M.A. A ssistant Lecturer 1932. Lewis J o h n Oollins, M.A. 1904." 1905. 1906.” 1907. 1908. 1909."

Special Lecturers Samuel Mumford T aylor, M.A. 1910.11 The R t. Rev. L. G. Mylne, D.D. Jam es Theodore Inskip, M.A. 1911. H enry Venn S tu a rt, M.A. Frank E dw ard B rightm an, M.A. 1912.*° Jo h n W akeford, B.D. Clement Francis Rogers, M.A. 1913. The R t. Rev. The Lord Bishop of H erb ert Jones, M.A. Willesden, D.D. George Body, D.D. 1914. The Rev. Canon P eter Green, M.A.

I Archdeacon and Canon of D urham. * Archdeacon of Kingston-on-Thames. * Afterwards Bishop of Jarrow . * A fterw ards Fellow and T u to r of Selwyn College, Cambridge, and L ad y M argaret’s Professor of D ivinity, Cambridge. * “ Professor of D ivinity “ from 1846 to 1853. • Canon of C anterbury. ’ Fellow of S t. Jo h n ’s College, Cambridge. * Bishop of G ibraltar. * A fterwards Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical H istory, Oxford. *• Sometime Principal of Bishop’s College, Lennoxville, and Canon of Quebec C athedrul ; afterw ards Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical H istory, Cambridge. II Fellow of C hrist’s College, Cambridge, and Archdeacon of Rochester. *' Regius Professor of D ivinity, Cambridge. 11 Minor Canon of St. P aul's C athedral, " Dean of Norwich. ** A lterwards Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge. " Archdeacon of Southw ark. 11 Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, Prebendary of Lincoln. 14 Canon of D urham . " L ate Bishop of Bombay. "• Chancellor of Lincoln. 11 A fterwards Dean of Nassau.








Professors * 1918. W alter R obert M atthews, M.A., D.D. Head of D epartm ent, 1932-45 : Richard H anson, M.A., B.D. Edwin Oliver Javnes, D .L itt., D .D ., 1955. H yw el D avid L ew is , M.A., B .L itt. F.S.A.

LIT U R G IC A L Professor 1945. Edward Craddock Ratcliff, M.A.


ECCLESIASTICAL Professor 1936.

1919.1 Percy Dearmer, M.A., D.D.

C O M PA R A TIVE 1919.


ART Charles Bernard Mortlock, M.A.



Lecturer Frederick H arold Sm ith, D.D.

C LASSIC S 1863. 1899. 1901.

Lecturers A lexander Israel McCaul, M.A. 1919. R ichard Hanson, M.A., B.D. A lexander N aim e, M.A. 1946.* Eric George Ja y , M.A., B.D. H erb ert Fuller B right Oom pston, 1948. Maurice Valentine Mandeville , M.A. M.A. Assistant Lecturer 1934. Rev. E ric George Ja y , M.A., B.D.



SPEECH 1930.



I.ecturers A udrey MARY B ullard , L.R.A.M. 1949. 1946.

M AURICE 1933.


Hon. Lecturer Edwyn R obert Bevan, D .Litt., LL.D.

Prudence Mifanwy Hill.

Assistant Marjorie Steele.


The V ery Rev. W. R. Inge, M.A., D.D., LL.D ., L itt.D ., O.V.O. 1934. The Rev. J . S cott L idgett, M.A., D.D. 1935. The R ight Rev. A. 0. H eadlam , C.H., D.D. 1936. T he Most R ev. and R ight H on. W illiam Temple, L L.D ., D .L itt., D.D. 1937. Canon K. E. K irk, M.A., D.D. 1938. Canon Claude Jenkins, M.A., D.D., F.S.A. 1939. Canon N. P . Williams, M.A., D.D. 1940.3 The Very Rev. W. R. M atthews, K.O.V.O., M.A., D.D. 1947. The R ight Rev. the Lord Bishop of London.

1948. Canon A. M. Ramsey, M.A. 1949. The Very Rev. W. R. M atthews, K.C.V.O., M.A., D.D. 1950. S ir W alter Moberly, K.C.B., D.S.O., M.A., D .L itt. 1951. The Rev. J . V. Langm ead Casserley, M.A. 1952. Professor H . A. Hodges, M.A., D .Phil. 1953. Canon S. L. Greenslade, M.A. 1954. Canon E. F . C arpenter, B.A., B.D., Ph.D ., F.K.C. 1955. The Rev. Prof. G. W . H . Lampe, M.A., D.D. 1956. Iv a n P eter Shaw, M.A.

For Assyrian and Babylonian Archaeology and D ivinity and fo r Tutors to the Preliminary year (1925—45) see former Calendars. a This Chair was taken over by the U niversity in 1948. 1 Canon of W estminster. 2 Afterwards Dean of Nassau. 8 On account of the war, th e lectures were n o t delivered between 1939 and 1947.








Professors 1901.

1831. 1835.* 1863.' 1870.' 1879.4

Joseph Anstlce, M.A. R obert William Browne, M.A. Jam es Gylby Lonsdale, M.A. Joseph B ickersteth Mayor, M.A. George Charles W inter W arr, M.A.


Professors o f Qreek Language and Literature Leonard R obert Palm er, B.A., 1953. R eginald P epys D.Phil., Ph.D . INGRAM, M.A.


W illiam Charles Flam stead W alters, M.A. Jam es Alexander Kerr Thom son, M.A.

W inninoton -

Professor o f Latin Language and Literature 1946. W illiam Stuart Maguinness , M.A. 1921.

Clara Millicent K night, D.Lit.


Readers 1946. S tanley Alex an der M.A. Senior Lecturer Edw ard Basil H all, M.A.

H andford ,

Lecturers 1835.* Richard W illiam Higgs, D.O.L. 1904.11 Jo h n K night Fotheringham , M.A., 1839. Jo h n Sherren Brewer, M.A. L ltt.D . 1855.* Orlando H aydon H ym an, M.A. 1905. R obert Shelton B ate, M.A. 1857.’ Richard H orton Sm ith, M.A., K.O. 1909. B ernard E dgar Rogers T urner, M.A. 1859.' Charles H enry Olive Daniel, M.A. 1914. Clara Millicent K night, D.Lit. 1863. Jam es Joh n Heywood, M.A. 1923. Edw ard Basil H all, M.A. • Charles Spread Townshend, M.A. 1927. Stanley Alexander H andford, M.A. 1868.'• Jo h n Rickards Mozley, M.A. 1943. Francis Jo h n Klnohin Sm ith, M.A. 1871.11 John Edwin Nixon, M.A. 1945. D avid Morrice L ow , M.A. 1874. George Charles W inter W arr, M.A. 15 Edw ard A rth u r Thompson, M.A., 1879.“ Wilfred A ustin Gill, M.A. B .Litt. 1885.u William Lonsdale H etherington, M.A. 1951. A lbert J ohn Gossaoe, M.A., Ph.D. 1953. Francis Richard Dale, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., M.A. Assistant Lecturers 1860. Jam es Jo h n Heywood, M.A.1951. Alexander Dalzell, B.A. 1920. Edw ard Basil Hall, M.A. 1955. JOHN BRYAN H aINSWORTII, B.A. 1923. Stanley A lexander H andford, B.A. GERALD ALAN LONGMAN, M.A. 1948. A lbert Jo h n Gossage, M.A. Gordon Willis Williams, M.A.



Readers 1913.14 John K night Fotheringham , D .Lit. 1925.18 Eric H erb ert W arm ington, M.A. 1921.17 Max Ludwig W olfram L aistner, 1935. HOWARD H aYES SCULLARD, M.A., M.A. P h .D ., F.B.A. For A rt and Assyriology see former Calendars. I Archdeacon of B ath and Canon of Wells, Fellow and T u to r of St. Jo h n ’s College, Oxford, Prebendary of St. P au l’s, and Chaplain to H er M ajesty’s Forces. * Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. * H onorary Fellow of St. J o h n ’s College, Cambridge. ‘ Fellow of T rinity College, Cambridge. 7 Fellow of St. Jo h n ’s College, Cambridge. 5 Fellow of S t. J o h n ’s College, Oxford. • Provost of W orcester College, Oxford. * Fellow of W adham College, Oxford. * Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. *• Le Bas Prizem an 1863, Chancellor's Medallist 1862, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. II Fellow of K ing's College, Cambridge. *» Fellow of T rinity College, Cambridge. 11 Fellow of M agdalen College, Cambridge. 14 Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. 15 Afterwards Professor in th e U niversity of N ottingham . 14 Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxtord. 17 A fterw ards Professor of H istory, Cornell U niversity, U.S.A. 14 Afterwards Professor of Classics a t Birkbeck College.





M A TH E M A TIC S Professors 1830.1 1869. 1882.2 1903. 1912.

Thom as G rainger H all, M.A. W illiam H enry D rew, M.A. William H enry H oar H udson, M.A. S tu a rt A rth u r F ran k W hite, M.A. John William Nicholson, M.A., M.Sc, D.Sc., F .R .S .


Jam es Jo h n Heywood, M.A.

1922. George B arker Jeffery, M.A., D.Sc. 1924.1 A rth u r E rn est Jolliffe, M.A. 1932.6 George Temple, P h.D ., D.Sc., F.R.S. 1936. J ohn G r een lees S em ple , m .a ., P h .D ., M .R.I.A. 1954. H ermann B on di , M.A.

Assistant Professors 1903.

Jo h n Borthw ick Dale, M.A.

Readers 1936." George Cunliffe McVittie, O .B.E., M.A., Ph.D ., F .R .S .E . 1946.’ E van Tom Davies, Ph.D ., D.Sc, 1947. R ichard R ado, D r.Phil., Ph.D .

1950. 1953. 1954. 1955.

D ouglas Malcolm Au frere L eggett , m .a ., Ph.D . D avid B ernard Scott, m . a ., D.Sc. T homas V ivian D avies , M.S c. A lbrecht F rOhlich , B.S c., Ph.D .

Senior Lecturers 1919.

Reginald W alter Kenrick Edwards, M.A.

1936.8 Jam es Henderson, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D. 1946. B enjam in Alfred E dwards , M.Sc.

Lecturers 1833. Jo h n Allen, M.A. 1840. Thom as Astley Cock, M.A. 1846. Thom as Minchin Goodeve, M.A. 1856.“ H enry William W atson, M.A. 1857.10 Charles Elsee, M.A. 1863. Jam es Jo h n Heywood, M.A. 1866. W alter Howse, M.A. 1879. R ichard E van D ay, M.A. 1879. Jam es R obert Sterndale Bennett,M .A. 1888. Morgan Jenkins, M.A. 1889.11 R alph Allen Sampson, B.A. 1890. R alph Holmes, M.A. 1891. A lexander Edw ard Monro, B.A. 1893. Marlborough Jam es B erry, B.A. 1902. Jo h n Borthw ick D ale, M.A. Reginald W alter Kenrick Edwards, M.A. 1902. Jam es G uest, B.A. 1904.12 Sydney Taverner Shovelton, M.A.


Joseph Q uinton, M.O., B.Sc. Jo h n Ferguson T into, M.A., D.Sc. 1927.8 Jam es Henderson, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D . 1929.13 J ohn T heodore Combridoe , M.A. 1931. Benjam in Alfred Edwards, M.Sc. 1935.7 Evan Tom Davies, Ph.D ., D.Sc. 1937.14 Vincenzo Oonsolato Antonino F erraro, B.Sc., Ph.D . 1946. Jo h n T odd, B.Sc. 1947. Frederick E rnest R elton, D.Sc., M.A. David B ernard Scott, M.A., D.Sc. Thom as Vivian Davies, M.Sc. 1949. A nthony Francis R uston, M.A., Ph.D . 1953. G abriel Andrew Dirac, M.A., Ph.D . Clive W illiam K ilm ister , M.Sc., Ph.D . 1955. F e lix .Arnold ed w a kd P iran i , B.Sc., M.A., D.Sc.

1 Fellow and T utor of Magdalen College, Cambridge, and P rebendary of St. P a u l’s. 2 Fellow and L ecturer of St. Jo h n ’s College, Cambridge. 3 A fterwards D irector of th e U niversity of London In s titu te of E ducation. 4 L ate Fellow and T uto r of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. H on. Fellow of Corpus . C hristi College and of Jesu s College, O xford. 6 Afterwards Sedleian Professor of N atural Philosophy, Oxford, and C.B.E. • Afterwards Professor a t Queen Mary College, London, and later in th e U niversity of Illinois. 7 Afterwards Professor a t the U niversity of Southam pton. 8 Afterwards Academic R egistrar of th e U niversity of London. 9 Fellow of T rinity College, Cambridge. 10 Fellow of St. Jo h n ’s College, Cambridge. 11 A stronom er R oyal of Scotland. ia Fellow of Merton College, O x fo rd ; C .B .E .; H on. L ecturer since 1947. 13 H on. L ecturer since 1937. 14 Afterwards Professor a t U niversity College, Exeter, and later a t Queen Mary College.






Assistant Lecturers 1926. Jo h n Theodore Combridge, M.A. W alter Howse, M.A. George H erbert W ard, B.A. 1927. B enjam in Alfred E dw ards, M.Sc. Morgan Jenkins, M.A. 1928. M artin Jo h n Pollard, B.A., B.Sc. Jo h n B orthw ick Dale, M.A. 1930. Evan Tom D avies, M.Sc., Ph.D . Reginald W alter K enrick Edwards, 1932.» Edw ard M aitland W right, B.A., M.A. D .Phil. 1933. Vincenzo Consolato Antonino Ferraro, 1905.* Charles Frank Russell, B.A. 1907. H arold A rth u r P enrhyn de SadowB.Sc., Ph.D . P itta rd , M.A., Ph.D . 1936.* Ronald Collingburn K night, M.Sc., 1908. Sydney H ay Spark, M.A. Ph.D. 1910.* Samuel Lees, B.A. 1937. Jo h n Todd, B.Sc. (1937-39 and 19451920. Catherine Wilson McKenzie Sheriff, 46). M.A., B.Sc. 1938.» Samuel Lilley, M.Sc., Ph.D. 1922. John H azlett Mackie, B.A. 1944. William Richard Morgans, D.Sc. 1924. Jam es Hendereon, M.A., B.Sc., P h.D . 1946. Thomas Vivian Davies, M.Sc. 1924. Charles Gordon Fleming Jam es, B.A., 1946. Thom as Jam es Wood, M.A. M.Sc. 1948. Gabriel Andrew Dirac, M.A. 1924. Frederick B ath, B.Sc. 1950. Clive W illiam K ilm ister, M.Sc., Ph.D . Horace Russell Davis, B.Sc., M.Sc. 1952. Sidney Rex Tim s, M.Sc., Ph.D . A rthur C hristopher H eath, B.A. 1954. R oy L e s l ie P erry , B.Sc., Ph.D . 1956. Geoffrey H orrocks , B.A. 1859. 1886. 1887. 1895.

Assistants 1932. H enry Edw ard Weaver, B.Sc. 1936. A lbert Morley H oughton, B.Sc. 1937.* Eric George Phillips, M.A., D.Phil.





Geoffrey Thom as Kneebone, B.Sc. Thom as Jam es Willmore, B.Sc.



Professors 1835.’ T hom as D ale, M.A. 1840. Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A.

1853. George Webbe D asent, D.C.L. 1865. Jo hn Sherren Brewer, M.A. Lecturers

1848. 1852.

John Juliu s S tutzer, M.A. John Sherren Brewer, M.A.


1854.’ Jo h n Jam es S tew art Perowne, M.A. 1855. Jo h n Sherren Brewer, M.A.




Professors 1854. Jo h n Jam es Stew art Perowne, M.A. 1855. Jo h n Sherren Brewer, M.A. 1877.’ Jo h n Wesley Hales, M.A. 1903.111 Sir Israel Gollancz, D .Lit., F.B.A.

1927.11 A rthur William Reed, M.A., D.Lit. 1939.l* Charles Leslie W renn, M.A. 1947. Geo ffrey B ullough , M.A 1956. George N orman G armonsway, M.A.

1 Fellow of Pembroke College, Cam bridge; afterw ards Head Master of M erchant T ay lo rs’ School, Crosby, and subsequently of King Edward V I School, Southam pton. 1 Fellow of St. Jo h n ’s College, Cambridge. s Afterwards Professor in the U niversity of Aberdeen. * Appointed Hon. Lecturer, 1938. 5 Afterwards Fellow of St. J o h n ’s College, Cambridge. * Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. 1 Dean of Rochester. " Bishop of Worcester. * Fellow and Assist. T u to r of C hrist's College, Cambridge, H on. Fellow of C hrist’s College, Cambridge, Em eritus Professor, K.O.L. 10 Late Secretary of the B ritish Academy. 11 Appointed Head of the D epartm ent, 1930. Afterwards Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon a t Oxford.




Readers 1930. 1919. A rthur William Reed, M.A., D .L itt. 1916. 1929.* George Bagshawe H arrison, M.A., Ph.D .


H arold V ictor R outh, M.A., D .Lit. George N orm an Garmonsway, M.A.

Senior Lecturers 1912.

1855. 1859. 1865. 1885. 1888. 1891.® 1894. 1896. 1904. 1905. 1908. 1912. 1914. 1914. 1914.8 1916. 1917. 1919.

1921. 1924. 1930. 1930. 1936. 1937. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1946.

Adolph Charles G uthkelch, M.A.


Lecturers 1919. Charles H enry Pearson, M.A. 1920. H enry Morley, A.K.C. 4 Jam es Jo h n Heywood, M.A. Jo h n T w entym an, M.A. 1927. Reginald Geare, B.A. H enry F rank H eath, B.A., Ph.D. Charles D aulm an W ebb, D .Lit., 1928.8 1930. M.A., B.Sc. 1934. A rthur Paul, M.A. Adolph Charles G uthkelch, M.A. 1935. 1943.* R obert Shelton B ate, M.A. Percy Goronwy Thom as, M.A. 1944. Owen Thom as Williams, M.A. M argaret Lucy Lee. E leanor Mary Plum er. R onald Brunlees McKerrow, L itt.D ., 1946. 1947. F.B.A. Barnard E ustace C uthbert Davis, 1948. M.A. 1955. K athleen H orner. Herschel Maurice Margoliouth, M.A.

Emily Guendolen Ingram , M.A.

A rth u r William Reed, M.A. Em ily Guendolen Ingram , M.A. Jo h n Ram say Allardyce Nicoll, M.A. Mabel Day, M.A., D .Lit. George Bagshawe H arrison, M.A., Ph.D . Jacob Isaacs, M.A. George Norm an Garmonsway, M.A. Frances May Mack, B.A., Ph.D. Wilfred Philips B arrett, M.A., Ph.D . Leslie F ran k Casson, M.A., B .L itt., Ph.D . Roger Thom as Baldwin Fulford, B.A. (1944-46 and 1947-48). Francis Jo h n K inchin-Sm ith, M.A. JOHN WILI.IAM CROW, M.A. J ohn Albert Sheard , B.A., Ph.D . Wtilllam Arthur Armstrong , M.A., Ph.D . P atrick Maurice y a r k e r , M.A.

Assistant Lecturers Frederick William Baxter, B.A. 1948. E ric H enry Robinson, M.A. George H arrison Russell, M.A. George Bagshawe H arrison, M.A. 1949. G ordon F raser Sleigh, M.A. Jacob Isaacs, B.A. E lizabeth Jones, M.A. Wilfred Philips B arrett, M.A., Ph.D . Frances May Mack, B.A. 1950. W alter N ash, M.A. 1951. P atrick Maurice Y arker, B.A. Gectffrey V ictor Sm ithers, M.A. 1952. M ark A rth u r Monson R oberts, M.A. Roger Thom as Baldwin Fulford, B.A. Molly Maureen Mahood, M.A. E rnestine Mary Miles T aylor, M.A. William Wallace Robson, B.A. Cecily Clark, M.A., B .L itt. 1954. REGINALD Jo h n William Grow, B.A. PATRICK CHARLES MUTTER, M.A. E ric George Ewens, B.A. E lizabeth Suddaby, M.A. 1955. J ohn A nthony B urrow , B.A. J ohn Oliver R eed , B.A. Digby Lowry Turner, M.A. 1956. LUCIA GLANVILLE, B.A. I an Gregor , b .A., Ph.D.

1937.7 Joseph Terence Burke, M.A.

Assistants 1938.8 Terence John Bew Spencer, B.A.

1 A fterw ards Professor of English a t Queen’s U niversity, K ingston, O ntario, and late r a t A nn A rbor, Michigan. 2 A ssistant Secretary, Board of Education. 3 H on. Lecturer in Bibliography, 1932-1938. 1 Afterwards Professor of English in th e Universities of London and Durham and of H istory of the D ram a a t Yale. 6 Afterwards Sir Moses Montefiore Professor of English Language and L iterature in the Hebrew U niversity of Jerusalem , and subsequently Professor of English a t Queen Mary College, London. 6 Afterwards Professor in th e U niversity of Cape Town. 7 Afterwards Professor in the U niversity of Melbourne. 8 A fterw ards Professor in th e Queen’s U niversity, Belfast.






Professors 1912.

Fossey Jo h n Cobb H earnshaw, M.A., 1855.1 Charles H enry Pearson, M.A. LL.D . 1876. Samuel Rawson G ardiner, M.A. 1934. Charles H arold W illiams , m .a . 1885.* Sir Jo h n Knox L aughton, M.A., D .L it., L itt.D . Rhodes Professors o f Im perial History 1949. G erald S andford G raham , M.A., 1919. A rthur Percival Newton, M.A., D .L it., B.Sc. A.M., Ph.D . 1938.* V incent Todd Harlow, A.M., D. L itt. Readers 1945.* H enry Alfred Cronne, M.A. 1914.* H ilda Jo hnstone, M.A. 1954. Ch r istoph er H enry D urham 1927.* Ada E lizabeth L ev ett, M.A. (Eco­ nomic History). H oward , m .a . Lecturers 1931. H enry Alfred Cronne, M.A. 1865. Charles Spread Townshend, M.A. 1934. Raym ond K libansky, Ph.D. 1868. Jo h n Rickards Mozley, M.A. 1935. Pelham H orton Box, B.A., Ph.D . 1871. Samuel Rawson G ardiner, M.A. 1939. R obert Clifford L atham , M.A. 1883. Sidney Low, M.A. 1944. Lilian Mary Cronne, M.A., Ph.D . 1907. Edw ard A rth u r Lewis, D.Sc. 1946. Iv a n P eter Shaw, M.A. 1909. A braham W einer, M.A. Christopher H enry D urham Howard, 1919. H ilary Jenkinson, M.A., F.S.A. M.A. 1920. E rnest Frederick Churchill, D .Lit. 1947. Gerald Augustus J ohn H odgett , 1922.7 E rnest Fraser Jacob, M.A. M.A. 1923. Ada E lizabeth L cvett, M.A. I960.1" Michael E liot H oward , M.C., M.A. 1924.* N orman Sykes, M.A., D .Phil. 1955. Charles D uggan , B.A., Ph.D . 1931.* Cecil H erbert D river, M.A. Assistant Lecturers E rnest Frederick Churchill, D.Lit. 1938. C hristopher H enry D urham H oward. H elena Mary Chew, M.A. B.A. 1947. Michael Eliot H ow ard, M.O., M.A. Beatrice Ada M arguerite O’Donnell, Paul Reginald Wood, M.A. B.A. 1927. Cecil H erbert D river, M.A. 1950. Joseph N orm an Ball, M.A., Ph.D . 1952. Charles Duggan, B.A. 1929. Frances Mary Page, B.A. 1953. B rian Stuart m anning , B.A. 1932. A rthur Charles Frederick Beales,M.A. 1954. G areth Vauoiian B en n ett , M.A., 1934. Lilian Mary Cronne, M.A., Ph.D . 1935. R obert Clifford L atham , B A . P h.D . J ohn E dgar F lin t , m .a . 1937. Ivan P eter Shaw, B.A. 1956. J ohn F rancis b o sh e r , b .A. Lecturer in Im perial and Colonial History Lecturer in American and Colonial History 1914. A rth u r Percival Newton, M.A., 1913. Sidney Low, M.A. D .L it., B.Sc. Assistant 1936.11 Priscilla Boys Sm ith, M.A.

1917. 1920. 1926.

PALAEOGRAPHY Professor F rancis w ormald , L itt.D ., M.A., F.B .A . Readers H ubert H all, L itt.D ., F.S.A. 1925. Claude Jenkins, M.A., D.D., F.S.A. Reader in Diplomatic 1926.13 Charles H ilary Jenkinson, C.B.E., M.A., F.S.A. 1950.


I Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. * Hon. Fellow of Calus College, Cambridge. s Afterwards Beit Professor of the H istory of the British Empire, Oxford. ‘ A fterw ards Professor of H istory, Royal Holloway College. 4 Afterwards Professor of H istory, Westfield College. * Afterwards Professor in th e U niversity of Birm ingham . 7 A fterw ards Fellow of All Souls", Oxford. * Afterwards Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical H istory, Cambridge. * A fterwards Professor of Political Science, Yale U niversity, U.S.A. 10 Lecturer in M ilitary Studies, 1953; L ecturer in W ar Studies, 1955. II A ppointed Hon. Lecturer, 1939. “ Afterwards Sir H ilary Jenkinson.






Lecturers W illiam Charles Flam stead W alters, 1926. R o b ert Seym our Conway, M.A., M.A. L itt.D ., F.B.A. 1935. 1 H enry Alfred Oronne, M.A.

GEOGRAPHY 1863. 1876.

1956. 1864. 1922. 1927. 1932.

1930. 1936. 1941.

Professors 1947. SIDNEY W illiam C .B.E., D.Sc. Reader J ohn Charles P ugh , M.A., Ph.D .

William H ughes, F.R .G .S. H arry Govier Seeley, F.R .S.

Lecturers Charles Grenfell Nicolay. 1939. Professor William T hom as Gordon, 1945.a M.A., D.Sc., F .R .S .E ., F.G.S. Sidney William Wooldridge, D.Sc. 1951. H erb ert John Wood, B.Sc. (Econ.), 1953. Ph.D . 1954.



1877. H enry William W atkins, M.A. 1880.* Alfred Williams Momerie, D.Sc. 1891.5 Alfred C aldecott, D .D ., D .Lit.



John Francis K irkaldy, D.Sc., F.G.S. William George Victor Balchin, M.A., Ph.D ., F.R.M et.S. Alice Mary Coleman , M.A. T homas H enry E lkins , B.A. E dward Marshall Y ates , M.Sc.

Assistant Lecturers H erbert John Wood, B.Sc. (Econ.). 1944. Irene Gladys Y ouldon, B.A. Jo h n Francis K irkaldy, M.Sc., 1948. Alice Mary Coleman, B.A. F.G .S. 1954. J ames H arold b ir d , B.A., Ph.D . Denis Jo h n Sm etham , B.Sc.

1927.8 D avid Leslie L inton, B.Sc. 1929. Jo h n Francis K irkaldy, M.Sc.

1906.6 1908. 1914. 1915.


Demonstrators 1933. George Douglas B eaum ont B.A.




Professors 1918. H erb ert Wildon Carr, D .L itt. 1931. H arold F o ster H allett, M.A., D .L itt. 1951. J ohn N iem eyer F indlay , M.A., Ph.D ., F.B.A.

Reader H ilda D iana Oakeley, M.A., D.Lit,

Lecturers K enneth J a y Spalding, M.A. 1931 W alter R obert M atthew s, M.A., B.D. 1932. H erb ert Wildon Carr, D .L itt. 1953. H ilda D iana Oakeley, M.A.

Hilda D iana Oakeley, M.A., D .Lit. (H on. Lecturer). Richard H anson, M.A., B.D. G odfrey N orman A qmondisham Vesey , M.A.

Assistant Lecturers Godfrey N orm an Agmondisham Yesey, 1955. D avid L awrence S marya P ole , M.A.' B.A., Ph.D .

LOGIC Lecturers 1905.6 K enneth Ja y Spalding, M.A.1914. W alter R obert M atthew s, M.A., B.D. 1910. Clifford Sully, B.A.1920. Mary E velyn Clarke, M.A. 1913. L. Susan Stebbing, M.A. 1 A fterw ards Professor in th e U niversity of Birm ingham . 2 A fterw ards Professor a t th e U niversity College of Swansea. 3 A fterw ards Professor in th e U niversity of Sheffield. * Fellow of St. Jo h n ’s College, Cambridge. 6 Fellow and Dean of St. J o h n ’s College, Cambridge. • Afterwards Research Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford.



FRENCH 1831. 1834.

1856. 1885.




Louis Theodore V entouillac. Isidore Brasseur. Alphonse M arlette, M.A. Louis M artin M oriarty, B.-te-L.




Professors 1889.

V ictor Ju lian T aylor Spiers, M.A. B.-es-L. 1926-50. Dcnla S aurat, D.-6s-L. 1952. J ohn M artin Cocking , m .A.

Professor of Romance Philology 1906. Am6d6e Victor Salm on, B.-es-L. Reader 1920.* Mary W illiams, M.A., Doct. de I'U nlv. de Paris. Readers in Romance Philology 1955. W in ifr e d Mary H ackett , m .A., 1921.* Frederick 8ydney Shears, M.A., D .Phil. Doct. de l’Univ. de Paris. 1926. Louise Willes Stone, M.A. 1905.

Lecturer in Romance Philology AmM fa V ictor Salmon, B.-fes-L.


Lecturers 1928. Alphonse M ariette, B.A. 1931. L6once Stievenard. 1936.3 Auguste P aul Pelluet. 1937.* Mary W illiams, M.A., D oct. de 1’U nlv. de P aris. 1946. 1917. Charles D aulm an Webb, M.A., D .Lit., B.Sc. 1931. Frederick Sydney Shears, B .A , 1949. B.-fes-L. 1922. R andolph W illiam H ughes, M.A., D .Lit. 1950. 1927. Georges Lafourcade, L.-£s-L.

1854. 1856. 1904. 1913.

Senior Lecturer R obert Arthur J ones , M.C., M.A.

R obert A rth u r Jones, M.O., M.A. Jean Vigne. Lewis Charles H arm er, B .A., L.-fcs-L. Jo h n Stephenson Spink, M.A., Doct. de l’U niv. de Paris. W illiam Maxw ell L anders , b .a ., P h.D . Jo h n M artin Cocking, M.A. Francois Jules Louis F aure, Ag. de 1’U niversity J ohn G eoroe w eiqutm an , b .a .. L.-6S-L., Ph.D .

Assistant Lecturers 1938. W illiam Maxwell Landers, B.A. 1919. Alice de W alm ont. 1939. Jo h n M artin Cocking, M.A. 1919. R obert A rth u r Jones, M.C., B.A. 1950. H elen Suggett, B.A., B .L itt. 1920. V ictor L euilette, B.-es-L., A.K.C. 1953. W alter N ewcombe I nce , M.A., 1923. R obert A rth u r Jones, M.O., B.A. Doct. de l ’Univ. 1927. M argaret Marion McLeod McKechW illiam N orm an Jeeves, M.A. nie, M.A., L.-£s-L. 1956. J ean D orothea B arron , b . a . 1936. May Lilian Muflang, L.-fes-L., Doct. Anthony R oy P ugh , b . a . de l’Univ. de Paris. Assistants 1941. 1921. Celina Le Cun. 1922. Mdlle. M. Coppin. 1946. 1923. Alice de W alm ont. V ictor Leuilette, B.-^s-L., A.K.C. 1951. 1927. D orothy B rittain , M.A. 1952. 1929. Jean D elavenay. 1953. 1929. Simone Vig n e , L.-fes-L. 1954. 1980. Helene Gallas. 1933. Zena G oddard, M.A. 1955. 1933. M arthe Severn Storr, Doct. de l’Univ. de Paris. 1956. 1934. H enry Jam es Bristow, B.A. Afterwards A fterw ards A fterwards Afterwards

Marguerite Llllane Fearn, L.-fes-L., B.A. Francois Ju les Louis F aure, Ag. de 1’University. Joseph Dobrinsky, L.-fes-L. Alain Crespelle, L.-&S-L. Michel Oriano, L.-fcs-L. H u b e rt H en ri R oger Teyssandier, L.-6s-L. C laudette Leers. Michel J acques F abre . N athalie Goutbrod , L.-fes-L.

Professor of French, U niversity of Wales. Carnegie Professor of French, U niversity of A berdeen. D rapers’ Professor in th e U niversity of Cambridge. Professor a t Southam pton and a t Bedford College.







1831. 1863.

Professors Adolphus Bernays, Ph.D . 1900. Charles Adolphus Buchheim , Ph.D . 1937.

1920. 1927.

Ju liu s S teppat, B.A., Ph.D . William Rose, M.A., Ph.D .

Readers 1930. 1953.

LITERATURE H enry Gibson A tkins, M.A., D .Lit. F rederick N orman, O .B .E ., M.A., F.S.A. Frederick N orm an, M.A. Mary E nole cecile Margarete G ilber t , D r.Phil.

Ltclurers Theodor Wehe. 1946. Douglas Frederick Schumacher Scott, M.A., D r.Phil. E m m a Sophia Buchheim. Adolf George H altenhoff. 1947. R obert Pick, Ph.D . William Rose, M.A. 1948. H erbert H ans K arl T homa, H annah Stephanie M arguerita S tu art, D r.Phil. B.A., Ph.D . 1949.* Charles Philip Magill, M.A., Ph.D . 1937.* William F aulkner M ainland, M.A. Assistant Lecturers Stephanie M arguerita 1950. N orah M ary Fleet, M.A., D.Phil. 1930. H annah S tu a rt, B.A., P h.D . D orothy K night, M.A. 1953. G ilbert W a tt M cKay, M.A. 1934.3 A rthur T hom as H a tto , M.A. 1955. (A p ril) J o h n C h ris to p h e r M id d le ­ 1943. G ertrude London, D oct. de l’Univ. R obert Pick, Ph.D . ton , M.A., D.Phil. J o h n b e n ja m in b e d n a l l , m .a . 1946. H anna Connell, B.A. 1956. J o h n W illia m Smeed, m . a ., Ph.D . 1947. Jo h n E velyn B ury Gray, B.A. Assistants 1944.4 W erner Johannes Milch, Ph.D . 1922. George T ugendhat, D.Laws. 1947. K aethe Smith, D r.Phil. 1928. W olfgang T heilkuhl, Ph.D . H erb ert H ans K arl Thoma, Dr.Phil. 1933. H ans Galinsky, Ph.D . 1949. R ainer G ruenter, D r.Phil. 1938. Geoffrey H erbert E vans, B.A. 1952. E rn st V iktor Ferdinand U rbanek. L auncelot T avenor N ash, Ph.D . 1955. K arl Otto bro g sitter , D r.Phil. 1942. G ertrude London, Doct. de l’Univ.

1870. 1909. 1912. 1920. 1936.




MODERN 1889. 1919. 1926. 1915. 1917.



Lecturer Edw yn Bevan, M.A., LL.D.


Professors Michael O onstantinides. 1896. Anastasius Nicholas Dendrino. Koraes Professors Arnold Joseph Toynbee, M.A.1946.6 ROMILLY JAMES HEALD JENKINS, Frederick H enry Marshall, M.A. M.A., F.S.A. Lecturers Mary G ardiner. 1918. Lysim aque Oeconomos, Doct. de Chr. K essari. l’Univ. de Paris. 1927. K acos Kyriukides.





Camoens Professors 1919. George Young, M.V.O.1947.6 CHARLES R alph Boxer , H on. D .L itt. 1923-36. E dgar P restage, M.A., D .L itt. et Phil. 1 2 3 * 6 “

Afterwards Professor in th e U niversity of Sheffield. A fterwards Professor a t th e U niversity College of W ales, A berystwyth. Afterwards Professor a t Queen Mary College. Afterwards Professor of German Language and L iterature in the U niversity of Marburg. Also H on. L ecturer in Classical Archaeology. Professor of H istory of th e F ar E ast, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1951-53.

246 1914. 1917. 1918. 1922. 1932. 1936.



Lecturers 1938. d’Almeida Azevedo, LL.B. 1947. Eugenio S. Lane. Reginald Oustance. 1952. W illiam B entley. H enrique de Barros Gomes. 1956. Sidney George West, O.B.E., M.A. 1923.


A ntonio Augusto Rodrigues, M.A. R uben Alfredo Andresen I. e kilo, M.A. Francisco Julio das Neves, Lie. in L etters. To be appointed.



Professors 1851. Joaquim o Antonio Ourtoys. 1852. Ju a n Calderon. 1891. R icardo Ramirez.

1831. P. de Mendibll. 1832. L M. X . de Alcala, LL.B. 1842. Angel de Villalobos. 1847. R obert L o tt, B.A.



Hon. Lecturer Sir E. Denison Ross, C.I.E., Ph.D ., M.B.A.S., F.A.S.B.




Cervantes Professors 1945.1 E dw ard M eryon Wilson, M.A., Ph.D . Jam es Fitzm aurice-K elly, L itt.D ., 1953. A lexander Augustine P arker , F.B.A. M.A. Antonio P astor, B .L itt., D .Phil. 1920. 1920.

Cervantes Header Antonio Rodriguez P asto r, B .L itt., D .P hil. Senior Lecturer Ju lia n M artinez V illasante, LL.D.

Lecturers 1944. 1913. Ju lian Martinez Villasante, LL.B. 1916. Jos6 Pla. 1949. 1920. Jo h n R obert Carey, B.A. 1950. 1921. J a n e t H u n ter Perry, M.A. 1956. 1944. Enrique Moreno, M.A., P h .D ., O.M.R.A.S.

R a fael Martinez N adal , L.-in-L. R ita H amilton , B.A., L.-fes-L. B oyston Oscar Jones, M.A. J ack W illiam Sage , M.A.

Lecturer in Spanish Law 1920. Ju a n de Oallejon. 1936. 1945. 1955. 1935. 1944.

A ssistant Lecturers Alexander K eith Jam eson, M.A., Ph.D . R ita H am ilton, B.A., L.-6s-L. J ames Sylvester Cummins , B.A.

Rafael M artinez N adal, L.-in-L. R ita H am ilton, B.A., L.-fes-L.


Assistants 1948. 1950.


Luis Portillo, Dr. of Law. Abd On Martin Salazar, L.-6a-L.


Hon. Lecturer R obert A rthur H um phreys, M.A., Ph.D.

For Economic Science and Statistics, Moral Philosophy, Political Economy, Public Heading and Speaking, Landscape Drawing and Perspective, Fine Art, Theory of the Fine Arts, Fencing, for the Division of Architecture (transferred to University College in 1913), for Oriental Languages (transferred in 1917 to The School of Oriental Studies), for Slavonic Studies (transferred to the University in 1932), Italian and Journalism (discontinued in 1939) and Psychology (transferred to Birkbeck College in 1943) see the Calendars for 1939-40 and earlier years.

1 Afterwards Professor of Spanish in the University of Cambridge.









Normal Master Jo h n W illiam Adamson, B.A.






Lecturer Jo h n W illiam Adamson, B.A., D .Lit.

ED UCATIO N Professors o f E ducation: 1903. John William Adamson, B.A. 1924.1 Jo h n D over W ilson, M.A., L itt.D ., F.B .A . 1937-46. Francis A lexander Cavenagh, M.A. 1932.

Professor of History of Education: 1949. A r t h u r VALENTINE JUDGES, B.A., D.Sc.(Econ.).

Readers in Comparative Education Geoffrey W inthrop Young, M.A. 1949. Nicholas H ans, Ph.D ., 1954.

D .L itt.

Reader A r thur Charles F red er ic k B ea les , M.A. Assistant Master o f Method 1906.* A lbert A rth u r Cock, B.A. Tutor A rth u r E dw ard T w entym an, B.A.


Hon. Lecturer H erb ert W ard, C .B.E., M.A.

1925. 1931.

Senior lecturers 1949. A n n ie Margaret B lackwell , B.Sc., Percy B ernard Showan, M.A. M.A. Alan F rancis T itley, B.Sc., D .Phil.


Lecturers 1936. 1920. Percy B ernard Showan, M.A. 1926. Jo h n Campbell H ill, M.Sc. 1930. B etsy Sykes, M.A. 1945. H ector Ja m e s Anderson, M.A. 1946. 1931.* M arjorie A da Chaplyn, M.A. Clarissa Courtenay Bell, M.A. 1934. Thom as K enneth Phillips B arrett, 1952. M.A. 1953. 1935. A rth u r Charles Frederick Beales, M.A. 1949. F reda May M urray, B.Sc.

Annie M argaret Blackwell, B.Sc., M.A. P h ilip P enton B row n , B.a . Nicholas H ans, P h .D ., D .Lit. D orothy A d eline W akeford , B.A., L.R.A.M. F reda May Murray , B.Sc. E velyn L aura P arish , m .a . E dmund J ames K ing , M.A., Ph.D ., F.L.S.

Lecturers and Supervisors 1949. E velyn L au ra Parish, M.A.

Assistant Lecturers 1929. H enry Tw ym an Sm ith, M.A. B etsy Sykes, M.A. 1930.® M arjorie Ada Chaplyn, M.A. B ranston Charles Leslie Jam es, M.A. 1931.* E m ily May W illiam s, M.A. Roger Abbot Raven, M.A. Elsie Theodora Bazeley, M.A. Assistants 1923. R obert Jo h n B artlett, M.Sc. 1927. May Y ardley, B.A.

1925. 1927. 1928. 1929.

Supervisors F reda May M urray, B.Sc. 1937. E thel Bearman, M.A. E rnest H am ilton Stevens, B.A., Ph.D . 1947. E velyn L aura Parish, M.A. 1936. Guy K endal], M.A. 1948. Phyllis Helena Mary H ayles, B.A. 1937. Percy George Wilson, M.Sc. L eonard F rancis W allis , B.S c. 1930.


Instructors in Physical Training Jam es W allworth Parkinson. 1938. K atherine Elsie W hincop.

1 A fterw ards Regius Professor of English L iteratu re, U niversity of Edinburgh. 1 A fterw ards Professor of E ducation and Psychology, U niversity College of Southam pton, and la te r Principal of St. J o h n ’s College, York. * A fterwards Head Mistress, E dinburgh Ladies’ College. 4 Afterwards Principal of Whitelands College.






F A C U L T Y OF L A W S ENGLISH 1831. 1833. 1836. 1838. 1851.' 1852.



Jo h n Jam es P ark, LL.D. John William Spurrier. Richard Preston. Edw ard Bullock. George K ettllby Rickards, K.O.B Jam es Stephen, LL.D.


Professors 1865. Jo h n O utler, M.A,, K.O. 1938-61. H arold P o tte r, LL.D ., Ph.D. 1917. R o n a l d H arry g r a v e s o n , s .j . d ., P h .D ., LL.D. 1962. F rancis R ooer Crane , LL.B. 1965. G erald D acre N okes , LL.D.

Headers 1920. W alter Hussey Griffith, M.A.1918. Gerald Dacre Nokes, LL.D. 1930. H arold P o tter, Ph.D ., LL.B. 1951. Al b e r t K enneth Koland K iraljtt, 1937.* Owen H ood Phillips, M.A., B.O.L., LL.M ., Ph.D. LL.B.


1879. 1892.

1898. 1903. 1906. 1911. 1911.* 1916.4 1923. 1931. 1933.* 1934.

1932.* 1936. 1936.* 1936. 1937.

Gerald Dacre Nokes, LL.D.

Senior lecturers 1951. CYRIL EDWARD M.A., B.O.L.

P a lm e r


Lecturers Edm und Fuller Griffin. 1946. Cyril Edw ard P alm er Davies, M.A., Edw ard Arundel Geare, B.A. B.C.L. George T ho rn to n H esketh, M.A., Jo h n R obert M cllralth, M.A., LL.B. LL.M. H erbert Jam es H ay Maokay, J ames W esley w ellw ood , m .a . M.A., LL.B. 1947. A lbert K enneth Roland K lralfy, 0 . M ontague Neale. W illiam N em bhard Ilib b e rt, L L.D . LL.M., Ph.D . T homas Egbert J ames , M .a., B.O.L. Ohories Vivian B arrington, LL.B. 1948. Edward Knowles Kitson, B.A., William Fieldeu Oralcs, M.A. W alter Hussey Griffith, U.A. LL.B. Jo h n G untler Fleming, M.A. A rthur Pag®, B.A., K.C. Valentlue W. Ball, O .B .E ., M.A. ID 19. A rth u r Charles H orace Barlow, M.A., William Lawranoe Leonard Bell, B.A. Ph.D . 1961. Anthony J ohn B land , M.A., B.O.L. Sir Charles Edw in Odgers, M.A., B.O.L. 1956. C harles A lbert Morrison , M.A., it. A. Vero M ockett, M .B.E., M.A. H ugh S tanton Chatfield, M.A., M.L. Assistant Lecturers Owen Hood Phillips, M.A., B.O.L. 1938. Ronald H arry Graveson, LL.M., Jo h n A rchibald O outts, M.A., LL.B. 8 .J.D . Francis Roger Orane, LL.B. 1945. Edward Knowles Kitson, B.A., LL.B. R ichard T hom as Edwin Latham , 1946.’ Jo h n O untler Fleming, M.A. B.A. 1948. Sylvia Mary Booth Toison, LL.B. A lbert K enneth Roland Kiralfy, 1949. Joseph Jackson, B.A., LL.B. LL.M. P atricia Oobby, LL.B. 1 • • • • •

Michel Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. Afterwards Professor a t Birmingham University. Afterwards Sir A rthur Page. Afterwards Sir Valentine W. Ball. Afterwards Sir Vere Mockett. Afterwurds Professor in the Uuiversity of N ottingham .

7 Afterwards Robert Garran Professor of

Lawat Canberra University College.


Desmond Thom as Campbell Pollock, LL.B. A nthony John Bland, M.A., B.C.L. R oger H arry K ilbourne F risby, M.A., LL.B. A lan M artin P richard, L L.B . Philip H enry P e ttit, M.A.






N orm an A nthony Francis St. JohnStevas, M.A., B.O.L. 1954. John L atim er B arton, B.A., B.C.L. Charles A lbert Morrison, M.A., B.A. 1955. D erek Mendes da C o sta, LL.B. 1956. Olga L tndholm D aly , LL.B .

Tutors 1929. 1931.

R . W. Goff, L L .B . H arry F ran k G rave Morris, B.A. Owen Hood Phillips, B.A., B.C.L.

1935. 1940.

May O larke, L L .B . F rederick George Hoyle, LL.B.

Assistants 1935.

P atrick H eron T horold Rogers, B.A., B.O.L.




Frederick Elwyn Jones, M.A.


1931. R o b ert W a lte r Jones. Leone Levi, LL.D . Sir Jo h n R ahere P ag et (B art.), 1935. Charles Thom as le Quesne, K.O. 1937.1 R obert Samuel Theodore Chorley B.A., L L .B ., K.C. M.A. 1920. H artley W ithers. 1939. R obert W alter Jones. 1921. F. E. Steele. 1947. R o b ert W alter Jones. 1922. H eber L. H a rt, K.O., LL.D. 1924. B ernard Campion, K.C. 1950. Maurice Megrah, M.Com. 1927. A lfred F ran k Topham , K.C. 1952. Lord Chorley.

1855. 1887.

For Indian Jurisprudence, Commercial Law and Law o f Nations see former Calendars. 1 A fterwards Lord Chorley.






F A C U L T Y OF N A T U R A L SCIENCE M A TH E M A TIC S See under Faculty o f ArlJ



Professors 1831.1 H enry Moseley, M.A., F.R .S . I860.* Jam es Clerk Maxwell, M.A. 1844.’ M atthew O 'B rien, M.A. 1865.* William Grylls Adams, M.A., D.Sc>, 1854. Thom as Minchin Goodeve, M.A. F.R.S. Lecturers 1861. George R obarts Smalley, B.A. 1863. William Grylls A dams, M.A., F.R .S. Demonstrators 1868.* Richard A bbay, B.A. 1891. H arold Sydney Jones, B.A. 1869. Jam es Thomson B ottom ley, M.A. 1895. S tu a rt A rth u r Frank W hite, M.A. 1870.* H erbert Tomlinson, B.A., F.R .S. 1903. Jerem iah Joseph Ezekiel D uraek, 1884. E dw ard Felix H erroun, F.I.C. B.A.

PHYSICS Professors Charles W heatstone, F.R .S. 1914.* William Grylls Adams, M.A.,D.Sc., F.R .S. 1924.** 1905.’ H arold A lbert Wilson, M.A.,D.Sc., F.R .8. 1936.“ 1909.* Charles Glover B arkla, M.A.,D.Sc., F.R .S. 1946.

1834. 1900.

Sir Owen Willans Richardson, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D ., F.R .S. E dw ard Victor A ppleton, M.A., D.Sc., L L.D ., F.R .S. Charles D rum m ond Ellis, B.A., P h .D ., F .R .S . J ohn T urton R andall , D.Sc., F .In st.P ., F .R .S .E .,F .R .S . Professors o f Theoretical Physics 1947.1* Charles Alfred Coulson, M.A., Ph.D ., 1952.** H ugh Christopher Longuet-H iggins, D.Sc., F .R .S .E ., F .R .S. M.A., D .Phil. 1954. Cyril dom b , M.A., Ph.D . Professor of Physics 1955. W illiam Charles P rice , P h .D ., Sc.D., F .In st.P . Assistant Professor 1903. E dw ard Felix H erroun, F.I.C.

Readers 1920.1* William Wilson, D.Sc., Ph.D . 1944. 1922, >* William Edw ard Curtis, D.Sc., 1946. A.R.C.S. 1927.1' H enry Thom as F lint, D.Sc., Ph.D . 1949.

Alan Nunn May, B.A., Ph.D. F rank Clive Champion , M.A., Ph.D ., F .In st.P . W illiam Charles Price, P h .D ., Sc.D., F .In st.P .

1 Canon of Bristol. * Fellow and T u to r of Oalus College, Cambridge. * Afterwards Cavendish Professor, Cambridge. * Fellow of St. Jo h n ’s College. Cambridge. * Late Fellow of W adham College, Oxford. • First Principal of Chelsea Polytechnic. ' Late Fellow of T rinity College, Cambridg« • A fterw ards Professor of N atu ral Philosophy in th e U niversity of E dinburgh. Nobel Prizeman. • Fellow of T rin ity College, Cambridge. Awarded Hughes Medal of th e Royal Society, 1920; later Yarrow Kesearch Professor of the R oyal Society and attach ed to th e College as D irector of Research. Nobel Prizeman. '• A fterwards Jackson Professor of N atural Philosophy, U niversity of Cambridge, and subsequently Secretary of th e D epartm ent of Scientific and Industrial Research. Now Sir Edward Appleton, G.B.E., Principal of Edinburgh University. Nobel Prizem an. 11 Afterwards Scientific Adviser to the Army Council (1943-46) and subsequently Sir Charles Ellis and a member of the N ational Coal Board. ** A fterw ards Professor of Physics, Bedford College. ** A fterw ards Professor of Physics, A rm strong College, N ew castle-on-Tyne. 11 Afterwards Rouse Ball Professor of M athem atics in th e U niversity of Oxford. 15 A fterwards Jo h n H um phrey Plum m er Professor of Theoretical Chem istry, Cambridge.






Senior Lecturer 1931.1 B ernard L iste r W orsnop, B .S c., P h.D . Lecturers H arold A lbert Wilson, M.A., D.Sc. 1944. Samuel Charles Laws, B.A., B.Sc. 1945. 1946. 1906.2 H erb ert Stanley Allen, M.A., D.Sc. 1907. William Wilson, D.Sc. 1919. B ernard L ister W o rB n op, B.Sc., Ph.D . Jo h n E dm und Bowen, M.A. 1947. 1920. H enry T hom as F lin t, D .Sc., Ph.D . 1948. 1925.3 William E w art W illiams, D.Sc. 1927. R aynor Carey Johnson, M.A., Ph.D ., D.Sc. 1950. 1934. Fran k Clive C ham pion, M.A., Ph.D . 1952. 1935. Charles W illiam O atley, M.A., M.Sc. 1939. Alan N unn May, B.A., Ph.D . F r e d e r i c k W i l l i a m C h a p m a n , M.Sc., 1954. Ph.D . 1956. 1942. David Owen, B.A., D.Sc. 1904.


Stanley G ordon Tomlin, B.Sc., Ph.D. Gordon Williams, M.Sc., A .I.P., Ph.D . Marjorie B ruce M’E w en , B.S c., Ph.D . Leo Pincherle, Ph.D . A lex an der R awson Sto kes , M.a ., Ph.D . Frederick B ooth, M.A. D onald MacCrimmon MacK ay , B.Sc., Ph.D . Claude D ouglas Curling , M.a . L ew is R ichard b e n ja m in E lton , M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D . Jo h n H erb ert Coupland, M.A., Ph.D . E dward J ames b u r g e , B.Sc., Ph.D ., B.A.

Senior Demonstrator Edw ard Jam es Burge, B.Sc., P h .D . 1956. KENNETH D u d l e y OUTTKRIDGE, M.A. Assistant Lecturers

1946. E rnest Philip H arrison, Ph.D . H erbert Stanley Allen, M.A., B.Sc. 1947. 1906. Jam es Nicol, B .A., B.Sc. W illiam Wilson, Ph.D . 1950. 1908.* H arry Moore, B.Sc., A.R.C.S. 1920. W illiam E w art W illiams, B.Sc. 1951. 1923. Jo h n Hugh Jones, B.Sc., Ph.D . 1925.6 Joseph William Fisher, B.Sc., Ph.D . 1932. C harles W illiam O atley, M.A., M.Sc. 1952. 1933." Frederick W illiam George W hite, M.Sc., Ph.D . 1954. 1936. Alan N unn May, B.A., Ph.D . 1937. Frederick William Chapman, M.Sc., Ph.D . 1942. Gordon Williams, M.Sc., A .I.P. 1944. Leo Pincherle, Ph.D . Demonstrators 1894. E dw ard Felix H erroun, F.I.C. 1930. 1906. George H erbert M artyn, B.Sc., A.R.O.S. 1931. 1919. Jo h n H . Jones, B.Sc. 1920. Frederick Reginald F irth , F.I.C . 1931.' Sydney H erb ert Crease. V ictor Charles Bennie, M.A., B.Sc. 1932. 1922. George Coombs, B.Sc. 1933. 1923. Joseph W illiam F isher, B.Sc. 1934. 1925. K arl George Em eleus, B.A. 1926. William H arold Joseph Childs, B.Sc., M.D. V ictor Charles Bennie, M.A., B.Sc. 1936. 1927. Charles William O atley, B.A. 1930. E rn est C arr Childs, B.Sc.


V ictor Iv o r L ittle, B.Sc. Donald MacCrimmon MacKay, B.Sc. Nigel G raham T ro tt, B.Sc., P h.D . W illiam E tienne Seeds, M.Sc. Lewis R ichard Benjam in E lton, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D . Thom as Stew ert Robinson, B.Sc., A .M .I.E.E. Derek L indsay Pursey, B.Sc., Ph.D . R aym ond George Gosling, B.Sc. Jo h n H erb ert Coupland, M.A. P eter J ohn K en ned y , b .a . Michael J ulian Maurice B ernal , B.Sc., A.R.C.S., D.I.C., Ph.D . R onald E dgar B urge , B.Sc.

H arold Owen Wilson R ichardson, B.Sc. Frederick W illiam C hapm an, M.Sc., Ph.D . F rederick W illiam George W hite, M.Sc. Jo h n B errim an Sm ith, B.Sc. Alan Middleton, B.Sc. N orm an S tanley Alexander, M.Sc. T hom as B ertram R ym er, M.A. Ph.D . Bruce Sydney Sm ith, B.Sc. A rthur Cambridge M errington, B.Sc., Ph.D . A rth u r Mervyn Crooker, M.A., Ph.D .

1 A fterw ards H ead of th e D ep artm en t of M athem atics and Physics, R egent S tre et P olytechnic. A ppointed Special L ectu rer in Radiology a t K ing’s College, 1933. a A fterw ards Professor of N atu ral Philosophy, U niversity of St. A ndrews. 3 Leverhulm e Research Fellow, 1936-37. * Afterwards Professor of Glass Technology, U niversity of Sheffield. 6 A ppointed Hon. L ecturer in M athem atical Physics, i932. * A fterw ards Professor of Physics, U niversity of C hristchurch, New Zealand. 7 A flerw ards Professor of Physics in Q ueen’s U niversity, B elfast.

252 1936. 1938.

1939. 1940. 1941. 1943. 1944.



K enneth Jo h n Proud, M.Sc. (1936-39 and 1947-62). George Lonsdale H utchinson, Ph.D . Francis E dgar Jones, B.Sc. Alexander B arber, B.Sc. Joseph A haroni, Ph.D . Stanley G ordon Tom lin, B.Sc. Leo Pincherle, Ph.D . Gordon Williams, M.Sc., A .I.P. D onald Rogers, B.Sc., Ph.D . Charles William Wilson, M.Sc., Ph.D. H erbert Cairns Bolton, B.Sc. Michael Neikon, B.Sc. R obert Bruce Morrison, B.Sc.

1944. 1945.


1947. 1952. 1954. 1956.

STAFF Nigel G raham T ro tt, B.Sc. Gerhard Gerd Klein, B.Sc. E rnest Matsukawa, B.Sc. Stanley T hom as Bayley, B.Sc. Maurice Hugh Frederick W ilkins, M.A., Ph.D . Neville Symonds. Jo h n Hirsch. Maria Helene G ertrude Friedlaender, B.Sc. P e te r John Kennedy, B.A. G erald F rank E lliott , B.A. K enneth Dudley O utteridge, M.A. SEWERYN CHOMET, M.Sc.

A dm i ni.itnili ce A ssistant 1954.

MARGARET I sabel NORTH (nte P ra tt), B.Sc., Ph.D .

C H EM ISTR Y D aniell Professors 1905. John Millar Thomson, LL.D ., F.R .S ., F.I.O ., F.O.S. 1914.' H erbert Jackson, F.I.O ., F.O.S. 1918.' A rthur W illiam Crossley, O.M.G., Ph.D ., D.Sc., F.I.O ., F.R .S.


Samuel Smiles, O .B.E., D.Sc., F.I.O., F.R .S. 1938. A rth u r Jo h n AUmand, M.C., D.Sc., F .R .I.C ., F.R .S. 1950 DONALD HOLROYDE H ey , Ph.D ., D.Sc., F .R .I.O ., F .R .S .

Professors 1831. John Frederick Daniell, D.O.L., F.R .S. 1845. William Allen Miller, M.D., F.R .S. 1870. Charles Loudon Bloxarn, F.C.S. 1887. Jo h n Millar Thomson, LL.D., F.R .S ., F.I.C ., F.O.S. 1905. H erb ert Jackson, F.I.O ., F.O.S. 1914. A rthur W illiam Crossley, Ph.D ., D.Sc., F.I.C ., F.R .S. 1919. A rthur John Allm and, M.O., D.Sc., F.I.O ., F.R .S.

1938.' George Macdonald B ennett, M.A., P h .D ., Sc.D., F .R .I.C . 1945. Donald Holroyde Hey, Ph.D ., D.Sc., F.R .I.O . 1950. Sir Erio K eightley Rideal, M .B.E., D.Sc., P h .D ., M.A., F.R.S. 1955. D errick W illiam G raham S ty le , B.Sc., Ph.D .

Assistant Professors 1902.

H erbert Jackson, F.I.C., F.O.S.

1909. P atrick H enry K irkaldy, F.I.O.. F.O.S. Readers


D errick William G raham Style, B.Sc., P h.D . 1948.* Stanley Hugh H arper, D.Sc., Ph.D ., A.R.O.S. 1956. H arold B ernard h e n b e s t , B.Sc., Ph.D ., D.I.O.


Senior Lecturers 1908. 1924.

Patrick H enry K irkaldy,F.I.O .,F.O .S. H erbert William Cremer, M.Sc., F.I.C ., M.I.Chem.E.

1933. OYRIL SEBASTIAN SALMON,M.O.,M.Sc. 1946. LESLIE G eorge FRANCIS Dolley , T .D ., B.Sc., Ph.D ., A.R.I.O.

1 A fterw ards Sir H erb ert Jackson, K .B .E ., F.R .S., and late r D irector of R esearch, B ritish Scientific In stru m en ts Research Association. * A fterwards D irector of th e B ritish Ootton In d u s try R esearch A ssociation. * Afterwards G overnment Chemist. F.R .S., 1947. C.B., 1948. * A fterw ards Professor a t the U niversity College of N o rth ern Rhodesia and Nyasaland.





Lecturers H erb ert Jackson, F.I.C ., F.C.S. P atrick H enry K irkaldy, F J.C ., F.C.8. 1908. H enry Llewelyn Sm ith, B.Sc., F.I.O. 1912. Stanley W inter Collins, B.Sc., F.I.O. Leonard E ric H inkel, B.Sc., F.I.O . 1918. H . D. E lkington, B.Sc., F.I.C . 1919. Samuel Glasstone, B.Sc. D. A. Clibbens, D.Sc. 1920.1 A rth u r Fairbourne, M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C. H erbert William Cremer, M.Sc., F.I.O ., A.M.I.Chem.E. Cyril Sebastian Salm on, M.C., M.Sc. 1928. L u th er Singlehurst-W ard, B.Sc. 1931. E rn est Wilson McClelland, D.Sc., Ph.D ., A.I.O.

1900. 1905.

Leslie George Francis Dolley, B.Sc., Ph.D ., A.I.C. 1937. Derrick W illiam G raham Style, B.Sc., Ph.D . 1943.* Gwyn Williams, Ph.D ., D.Sc. 1946. Jo h n Charles D rury B rand, M.Sc. 1947. Stanley H ugh H arper, D.Sc., Ph.D ., A.R.O.S. Victor Gold, B.Sc., Ph.D . J ohn H oneyman , M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D . 1950. G aketh H ow el W illiam s , B.S c., Ph.D . 1951. Andrew Jo h n B lackford Robertson, M.A., Ph.D . 1952. Jo h n T asm an Davies, M.Sc., Ph.D . 1955. I an R obert B eattie , B.Sc., Ph.D . 1935.

Assistant Lecturers 1919. Stephen R athbone Holden Edge,M.A. 1920.3 H u b ert T hom as Stanley B ritto n , B.Sc., A.I.O. 1921. R obert W illiam M urray Thom son, B.Sc. 1923. Leslie George F rancis Dolley, B.Sc., P h .D ., A.I.O. 1925. Leonard Thom as Miller G ray, B.Sc., P h.D . E rn e st Wilson McClelland, B.Sc., Ph.D ., A.I.O. 1928. Sidney Jo h n Gregg, B.Sc., Ph.D . 1931. K enneth Charles R oberts, M.Sc., Ph.D . 1933. D errick William G raham Style,B.Sc., Ph.D .

1935. 1939. 1943. 1944. 1946.

1947. 1950. 1955.


Jam es Charles E dw ard Simpson, B .Sc., P h .D . Gwyn Williams, B.Sc., Ph.D . Jo h n Charles D rury B rand, M.Sc. Leonard A lbert W iseman, B.Sc. V ictor Gold, B.Sc., Ph.D . Jo h n H oneym an, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., A .R.I.O. P eter Jo h n D yne, B.Sc. G areth Howel Williams, B.Sc., Ph.D . Andrew Jo h n Blackford R obertson, M.A., Ph.D . D erek B ryce-Sm ith, B.Sc., Ph.D . Der ek p e t e r N orman S atchell , B.Sc. H ermann block , B.S c.

Demonstrators 1840. 1845. 1851. 1854. 1856. 1866. 1868. 1869. 1870.* 1879. 1887. 1894. 1900. 1905. 1908. 1912. 1913. 1914.

William Allen Miller. Jo h n Eddowes Bowman. T hom as Frederick H ardw ich. Charles Loudon Bloxam. E dw ard Ash H adow, F.O.S. Edm und Alleyne Cook, Ph.D . Jam es Thomson B ottom ley, M.A. Clem ent Higgins, B.A. W alter Noel H artley, F.O.S., F.R.S. Jo h n M illar Thom son, F .R .S .E ., F.O.S. George Stillingfleet Johnson, F.O.S. H erb ert Jackson, F.I.O ., F.O.S. P atrick H enry K irkaldy, F.I.O., F.O.S. Dudley N orthall-L aurie,F.I.O ., F.O.S. Stanley W inter Collins, B.Sc., F.I.O. Leonard E ric H inkel, B.Sc., F.I.O. H arold W arren Gill, B.Sc. Thom as W right, B.Sc. H erbert William Oremer, B.Sc.

1914. 1915. 1917. 1918.




1923. 1924.

H enry George T rench Boorman. H erb ert Savage. A rth u r H ow ard Ja y , B.Sc. Mary Esslem ont, M.A., B.Sc. E. W. A. Charlwood. D. A. Clibbens. Ronald G. Browning, B.Sc. Arnold W eston, B.Sc. H arold Toms, B.Sc. Morice Briscoe. E . E. Ayling. Jo h n Mildred Deane G au n tlett, B.Sc. Hugh G raham , M.Sc., A.I.O. Alan Newton Campbell, B.Sc., A.I.O. 0 . P. Money, B.Sc. Jo h n H enry Foulger, B.Sc. R obert William M urray Thomson, B.Sc. Leonard Thom as Miller G ray, B.Sc. E rn est Wilson McClelland, D.Sc., Ph.D ., A.I.C.

1 A ppointed Hon. Lecturer, 1931. 2 Afterwards Professor a t th e Royal Holloway College. 3 A fterw ards Professor a t th e U niversity College of th e South-AVest, E xeter. * A fterw ards Sir W. N. H artley , Professor, R oyal College of Science, Dublin.




1924. George Alfred Edw ards, B.A. 1925. H erbert Charles Prew, B.So. 1926. Sidney Jo h n Gregg, B.So. William R obert H ardy H urtley, B.Sc., Ph.D . 1928. K enneth Charles Roberts,M .Sc.,Ph.D . D errick W illiam G raham Style, B.Sc., Ph.D . 1931. A rth u r Levi, Ph.D . MouteBore B arak, M.Sc., D .Phil.

1871. 1879. 1887. 1894.

1934. 1935. 1937.1 1939.

1944. 1945. 1948.

STAFF Frederick Clifford Tom pkins, B.Sc. Alexander G raham Foster, B.A., B.So. Alwyn Gwyune Evans, M.Sc., Ph.D. H erbert Alwyn Cochrane McKay, BA.. Leonard A lbert W iseman, B.Sc. V ictor Gold, B.Sc., Ph.D . Jo h n H oneym an, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D. Victor A rth u r Crawford, M.Sc., I’h.D.

Assistant Demonstrators 1894. William Horace Sodeau, B.Sc., F.LG. John Millar Thom son, F.O.S. 1902. Dudley N orthall-L aurie, F.I.O., George Stillingfleet Johnson, F.O.S. F.O.S. H erbert Jackson, F.O.S. 1903. Stanley W inter Collins, B.Sc., F.LO. P atrick H enry K irkaldy, F.I.C., 1905. Leonard Eric H inkel, B.Sc., F.I.O. F.O.S.

GEOLOGY 1831.* 1834. 1840.* 1853. 1869.

Professors Charles Lyell, F.R .S. 1921. William Thom as Gordon, M .A.,D.Sc., Jo h n Phillips, F.R .S. F.R .S.E. David Thom as A nsted, M.A., F.R.S. 1949. JAMES HAWARD T ay LOR, B.Sc., Jam es T ennant. A.M., Ph.D . P eter M artin D uncan, M.D., F.R .S.

1920. 1928. 1955.

Readers William Thom as Gordon, M.A., D.Sc., F .R .S .E . Alfred Kingsley Wells, D.Sc. WALLACE SPENCER PITCHER, B.Sc., Ph.D ., D.I.C.

Lecturers 1872. T hom as W iltshire, M.A. 1939. 1908.* Thom as F ranklin Sibly, D.Sc. 1914. William Thom as Gordon, M.A., 1948. D.Sc., F .R .S .E . 1922. Alfred Kingsley Wells, D.Sc. 1952. 1927. Sidney William Wooldridge, D.Sc.

Jo h n Francis K irkaldy, M.Sc., F.G.S. J ohn E dward P re ntice , B.So., P h.D . R oyston W illiam D unlop E lw ell , A.R.O.S., M.Sc., Ph.D .

Lecturer in Petrology 1915.* A rth u r H ubert Cox, M.Sc., Ph.D .

1919. 1925. 1936. 1949.

1905. 1910. 1920. 1922. 1927.

Assistant Lecturers and Demonstrators Alfred Kingsley Wells, B.Sc. 1951. H arold W illiam Ball, B.Sc., Ph.D . Sidney W illiam W ooldridge, B.Sc. 1954. CHARLES G EO FFR E Y ADAMS, B.Sc., John Francis K irkaldy, M.Sc. Ph.D . R oyston W illiam Dunlop Elwell,1955. JOHN MICHAEL HANCOCK, B.A. B.Sc. Assistant 1944. Denis Jo h n Sm etham , B.Sc. Demonstrators A rthur Morley Davies, D.Sc., F.G.S. 1929. Jo h n Francis K irkaldy, M.Sc. A rthur H u b ert Oox, M.Sc., Ph.D . 1933. George Douglas B eaum ont Gray, Lawrence Dudley Stam p, M.Sc. B.A. Sidney W illiam Wooldridge, B.Sc.1945. Denis Jo h n Sm etham , B.Sc. David Leslie Linton, B.Sc.

1 A fterwards Professor a t th e U niversity College of South Wales and M onm outhshire, Cardiff. 1 A fterw ards Sir Charles Lyell, B a rt. * L ate Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. * A fterw ards Principal of U niversity College of Swansea, Principal Officer of the U niversity of London, and la te r Vice-Chancellor of th e U niversity of R eading.





BOTANY 1831. 1835. 1842. 1855. 1859. 1887.

G ilbert Thom as B urnott, F.L.S. D avid Don, F.L.S. E dw ard Forbes, F.R .S., F.L.S. A rth u r H enfrey, F.R.S., M.R.C.S. R obert Bentley, F.L.S. Jam es William Groves, F.O.S.

Professors 1893. 1921.


W illiam B eacroft B ottom ley, M.A., P h .D ., F.L.S. Reginald Ruggles Gates, M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D ., LL.D ., F .R .S ., F.L.S., F .R .A .I. T homas Archibald B en net -Clark , M.A., Ph.D ., M .I.Biol., F.R .S.

Readers 1919. Reginald Ruggles Gates, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D . 1955. Sir NIGEL GRESLEY BALL, B art., M.A., Sc.D.

1896. 1919. 1920.1 1921. 1922. 1927. 1933.* 1936-8

1917.1 1931. 1931.a 1933.3 1936. 1937. 1943. 1945.

Lecturers 1939. Charles Geoffrey Dobbs, B.Sc., Ferguson Escombe, B.Sc. P h .D ., A.R.C.S. E rn est Ju s tu s Schw artz, M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S. 1944. Sir Nigel Gresley Ball, B art., M.A., Florence Annie Mockeridge, D.Sc. Sc.D. E dith Philip Sm ith, B.A., F.L.S. 1946. Georoe Metcalfe , m .a ., Ph.D . R obert C hapm an, M.Sc., F.L.S. 1948. J ohn Ca r pen ter , B.A. E ustace Cecil B arton-W right, M.Sc. 1952. J ames F rederick Sutcliffe , B.Sc., Ph.D . David G uthrie OatcheBide, D.Sc., F.L .S . 1956. David d e n z il D avies , B.S c., Ph.D . Norah Lillian P enston, B.A., D .Phil., F.L .S. Assistant Lecturers 1946. E lizabeth Mabel Compton T urner, Florence Annie Mockeridge, D.Sc. B.A., Ph.D . M argaret Jo a n L a tte r, B.Sc., Ph.D ., 1948. Geoffrey H ow ard Banbury, B.Sc. F.L .S. 1949. Christopher E dw ard Douglas Sm ith, D avid G uthrie O atcheside, M.Sc. B.Sc. N orah Lillian Penston, B.A., D .P hil., Jam es Frederick Sutcliffe, B.Sc., F .L .S . Ph.D . Charles Geoffrey Dobbs, B.Sc., Ph.D ., A.R.C.S. 1952. Yalerie Olwen Sankey (nte Nicholls), Jo h n K enneth Spearing, B.Sc., Ph.D . B.Sc., Ph.D . M argaret Jo an Salm on, B.Sc., Ph.D . 1955. D onald B ou lter , M.A., D .Phil. J o h n C arpenter, B.A. K athleen Vera Symonds , B.Sc.


1897. 1920. 1922. 1923. 1924.

1929. 1933.

Assistant M argaret Jo a n Salmon, B.Sc., Ph.D .

Demonstrators E rn est Ju stu s Schw artz, M.A., D.Sc. 1934. E laine Mary Rees, B.Sc. 1936. N orm an Carl P reston, B.Sc. 1938. B arbara Russell Russell-W ells, Ph.D . W alter R obert Ivim ey Cook, B.Sc., P h .D ., F.L.S. 1939. M argaret Jo an L a tte r, B.Sc., Ph.D ., 1943. F.L.S. N orah L illian P enston , B.A., P h.D . 1945. Charles Geoffrey Dobbs, B.Sc., P h.D ., A.R.O.S. 1948.

Jo h n K enneth Spearing, B.Sc., P h.D . Charles E dm und Ford, B.Sc. Alan Fisk, B.Sc. Joyce DGsirfe Leila Pease, B.Sc. Thom as Gaskell T utin, M.A. Philip Charles Richard Webb, M.Sc. H elen Louisa H arding, B.Sc. D aphne Lake Payne, B.Sc. L am bert George Wigan, B.Sc., B.A. B etty Dali Metcalfe, B.A.

Assistant Demonstrator 1909. E thel R. S p ratt, D.Sc. 1 A fterw ards Professor a t U niversity College, Swansea. 2 A fterwards Professor of Genetics in th e U niversity of Adelaide, and later Professor of Microbiology in the U niversity of Birm ingham . 3 A fterw ards Principal of Bedford College for Women.






ZOOLOGY Professors 1836. Thom as Bell, F.R .S. 1927. Doris Livingston Mackinnon, D.Sc., 1905. A rthur D endy, D .Sc., F.L.S., F.R .S. LL.D. 1925.1 Ju lian Sorell H uxley, M.A.1949. JAMES FREDERIC D ani EUJ, Ph.D ., D.So., M.L Biol., A.R.I.O.

1921. 1946. 1949.

Readers Doris Livingston M ackinnon, D.Sc. B enjam in D awes , D.So., A.R.O.S., D.I.O. Sid n ie Milana Manton , M.A., So.D., F.R .S.

Lecturers H erbert W illoughby Lyle, M.D., 1948. F.R .C.S., F.Z.S. 1907. George Edw ard Nicholls, B.Sc. 1911. R ichard W illiams H arold Row, B.Sc. 1919. Doris Livingston M ackinnon, D.Sc. 1951. M argaret T ribe, D.Sc. 1927.' Francis W illiam Rogers Bram bell, B.A., Ph.D ., D.Sc. 1935. Benjam in Dawes, D.Sc., A.R.C.S., 1955. D.I.O. 1901.

1930. 1934. 1939. 1943. 1946.

1906. 1916. 1918. 1921. 1923. 1925. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1931.

Donald R amsay Arthur , M.Sc ., Ph.D. Sidnie Milana M anton, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. M argaret E lizabeth Brown, M.A., Ph.D . JOUN LEONARD OLOUDSLBY-THOMPSON, M.A., Ph.D ., F.L.S. L eonard Gerald E ugene b e l l , B.Sc., Ph.D .

A ssistant Lecturers B enjam in Dawes, D.So., A.R.O.S., 1948. M arjorie Bax ter (nie Allanson), B.Sc., D J.O . P h.D . M arjorie Allanson, B.So., P h.D . 1950. Jo h n Leonard Oloudsley-Thompson, M.A., Ph.D . GeofErey Greensm ith Vickers, M.Sc. Leslie Rose Dixey, B.Sc. 1956. F reda B ow y er , B.Sc., Ph.D . Christopher B arry Co x , B.A., Sidnie Milana M anton, M.A., Sc.D., F.R .S. P h.D .

Demonstrators William Woodland, B.Sc. 1931. E linor Mary Brown, B.Sc. J . E rik H am ilton, M.Sc. 1932. E lizabeth Mary Gaffney, B.So. M argaret T ribe, M.Sc. 1934. Leslie Rose Dixey, B.Sc. Leslie Muriel Frederick, B.Sc. Alan Fisk, B.Sc. H um phrey Godwin BUlinghurst,F.L.S. 1937. Maurice Debenham Froud, B.Sc. Marjorie Erskine Shaw, B.Sc. 1943. Alan Fisk, M.Sc. Muriel Jo an Froud, M.Sc. Maria A driana Tazelaar, M.Sc. 1944. D aphne Lake Payne, B.Sc. Maud Jessie N orris, B.Sc. 1947. M argaret Rider, B.Sc. Marjorie Allanson, B.Sc., Ph.D . F rank W yeth, M.C., Sc.D., D.Sc. (Hon. Dem.).

Assistant Demonstrators 1920. H um phrey 1907. R ichard W illiams H arold Row, B.Sc. F.L.S. 1914. J . E rik H am ilton, M.Sc.



For Practical Chemistry, Comparative Anatomy, Mineralogy, Geology and Mineralogy, Geology and Geography with Mineralogy, Biology, Natural History, Psychology and Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology see former Calendars, I Hon. L ecturer, 1927-32. Afterwards Secretary of the Zoological Society and F.R .S., and subsequently Secretary to U.N.E.S.C.O. II A fterwards Professor in th e U niversity of Wales.






F A C U L T Y OF M E D I C A L SCIENCE For Botany and Zoology, see under Faculty o f Natural Science

ANATOMY 1830. 1830. 1873. 1897. 1900. 1905.

Professors 1909. H erb ert Mayo, F.R .S. 1916.1 R ichard P artridge, F.R .S. John Ournow, M.D., F.R .O .P. 1927.* Alfred William H ughes, M.B., O.M., F.R.O.S. 1936. A rth u r Robinson, M.D., C.M., M.R.O.S. 1938. P eter Thom pson, M.D.

D avid W aterston, M.A., M.D. Edw ard B arclay-Sm ith, M.A., M.D., B.Oh. (Oamb.). D uncan MacCailum Blair, M.B., Ch.B. T h o m a s N i c o l , M.D., D.Sc., F.R.O.S., F.R.O.S.E., F .R .S .E . Edward Philip Stibbe, F.R.O.S.

Headers 1925. Reginald Jo h n G ladstone, M.D., D .P .H ., F.R.O.S. 1930. Francis D avies, M.R.O.S., L.R.O .P., M.D., D.Sc. 1935. E dw ard P hilip Stibbe, F.R.O.S. Senior Lecturer 1949.

I a i n L u m s d e n M a c k i n n o n , m . b . , Ch.B.

Lecturers A lexander M acPhail, O.M., M.B. Reginald Jo h n G ladstone, M.D., D .P .H ., F.R.O.S. W illiam w id do w son , 1924. T homas F.D .S. R.O.S., Eng. 1928. V iolet Alice Penrose Ooghill, M.B., Oh.B. 1928. Cecil Pem brey Grey W akeley, D.Sc., F.R.O.S., F .R .S.E . 1930. R eginald J o h n G ladstone, M.D., D .P .H ., F.R.O.S. 1942. Iain Lum sden Mackinnon, M.B., Ch.B. 1943. A l b e r t H e in r ic h M u e n te r , Ph.D . 1944. H a rry Rawlings, M.Sc., M.R.C.S., L.R.O .P., A.R.I.O. 1946. F ran k Reuben H urford, M.B., Oh.B., F.R.O.S., L.R.O .P. 1946. P eter Moor Vicary, M.B., B.S. W illiam Townsley, M.B., Ch.B., B.A.O. 1947. Thom as Andrew Quilliam, M.B., B.S., D.L.O.

1911. 1912.

1947. 1899. 1905. 1913.

1948. William David Corfield, M.B., B.S. 1949. D avid E dm und Savage, M.B., B.S., F.R.O.S. R ichard A nthony Payne, M.B., B.S. R ichard Saxon Sn ell , m .b ., B.S., P h.D . 1950. H ari R a tan Ker, M.B., B.S. Jo h n Cecil Nicholson W akeley, M.B., B.S. 1952. Stanley H erb ert Burges, M.B., B.S. 1953. R onald F rank F ish er , B.Sc. (Eng.), A.K.O., M.B., B.S. 1953 . Jean-C laude Gazet, M.B., B.S. R aym ond Maurice K irk, M.B., B.S. 1954. B ernard Langdon W hitaker, M.B., B.S. 1955. D ouglas L eopold J ames B ilbey , M.B., B.S. P eter Knipe, M.B., B.S. 1956. K enneth Marrable B ryant , m .b ., B.S., A.K.C. W illiam Spencer L u n d , m . b ., B.S.

Assistant Lecturer W illiam D avid Corfield, M.B., B.S.

Lecturers in Applied Anatomy A rth ur Wellesley Oadman, F.R.O.S. 1925. Alwyne Compton, F.R.C.S. G e o rg e J o h n J e n k i n s , M .B., F.R.O.S., 1939. Sir O e c i l P e m b r e y G r e y W a k e l e y , O.M. B art., K .B .E ., D.Sc., L L.D ., S id n e y A r t h u r Boyd, M.B., M.S., F.R.C.S., F .R .S .E . F .R .O .S .

Lecturer in Radiological Anatomy 1948.

J o h n A l e x a n d e r K e n n e d y , M.B., B.S., D.M.R., D.M.R.D.

1 Secretary of th e A natom ical Society of G reat B ritain and Ireland. * A fterw ards Regius Professor of A natom y, U niversity of Glasgow. K .C .C .






Deinonatratora 1831. R ichard Partridge. 1836. H enry L atter. 1838.1 Francis Thom as McDougall. Jo h n Simon, F.R.S. 1839. William Bowman, F.R .S. 1848. William B rinton, M.D. H enry Lee, F.R.O.S. 1861. H enry H yde Salter, M.B. John Wood, F.R.O.S. 1870. Jo h n Ournow, M.D. Jo h n Beswick Perrin. 1883. Alexander Symons K enny, M R.C.S. 1891. A rthur Wellesley Cadman, F.R.O.S. 1900.’ George Jo h n Jenkins, M.B., F.R.O.S., O.M. 1905.* Jo h n E rnest Sullivan Frazer, F.R.O.S. 1910. Stanley R itson, B.Sc. 1911.* Norman Claude Lake, M.B., B.S., B.Sc. 1912.4 Sidney A rthur Boyd, M.B., M.S., F.R.O.S. 1912. Allan M. P urves, M.B., Ob.M. (Sydney). 1914. A lbert Edw ard Mortimer-W oolf, M.B., F.R.O.S. 1916.4 Alwyne Compton, F.R.O.S. 1920. Violet Alice Penrose Coghiil, M.B., Ch.B.


Ernest R obert Townley Clarkson, M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. 1924.T Cecil Pembrey Grey Wakeley, F.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. 1929. Edw ard MoLeUan, M.R.O.S. Eldon T ucker, B.A., 1929. William 1..K.C.1*. 1930. John Holmes Moynihan, M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. 1931. Daniel Joseph H urreil, B.A., M.Sc., M.B., U.Ch. 1932. Philip Jacobs, M.B., Ch.B. 1936. Alexander Muir M urray, M.B., Oh.B. 1937. John Aitken, M.B., Oh.B. Charles Workman Maclay, B.So., M.B., Oh.B. Albert H einrich Muenter, Ph.D. ElUC V ictoh B hyan W iddowson , L.D.S. R.O.S., Eng. 1938. Osier Briggs Dickinson, M.D. 1939. Jo h n B entley, M.B., B.S. 1939. Audrey Ursula Sm ith, B.So. 1940. Iain Lumsden Macklnnon, M .B .,0h.B . 1941. F rank Reuben H urford, M.B., Oh.B., F.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. 1943. William Townsiey, M.B., B.Oh., B.A.O., M.D.

Aaaiatant Dernonatratora 1907. 1909. 1912.

D uncan Fitz William, M.D., Ch.M., F.R.O.S. Iv o r B ach, M.A., F.R.C.S. Cornelius Hickey, F.R.O.P., F.R.O.S. Frederick Glover Neason Stephens, M.B., Oh.M. (Sydn. \ >.


W alter Stephen Fenwick, M.B., F.R.O.S. A rthur Rowley Moodle, M.A., M.B., Oh.M. A. E. Mortimer- Woolf, M*B., F.R.O.S.

Honorary Demonstrators 1932. 1934. 1936. 1936.

1937. 1938.


1 * * *

Alexander Cameron MacLeod, M.B., F.R.C.S. R obert Allan Fitzsimons, M.B., B.S., F.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. A rthur Wallis Kendall, M.B., B.S., F.R.O.S. Edw ard McLellan, M.B., B.S., F.R.O.S. Clement Price Thom as, F.R.O.S. George H enderson MacNab, F.R.O.S. R obert King H ow at, M.B., O.M., F.R.O.S. H arland Rees, B.A., B.M., B.Oh. Evan Horrell Denham, M.B., Ch.B. W alter Lazarus Phillips, M.B., Oh.B., M.R.O.P.

1939. 1940.


Jo h n Edward Rowlands, L.R.O.P., M.R.O.S. Jo h n W indsor Frost. Philip Shemllt, M.B., B.8., M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. Stanley George Clayton, F.R.O.S., M.R.O.O.G. A nthony Jo h n Partridge, M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. H enry Mower, M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. Enid Helen Rockstro, M.B., B.S., F.R.O.S. R obert Forrest, M.B., Ob.B. Frederick Alan Sm ith, M.B., Ch.B. Alexander Gordon Mitchell W att, M.B., Ch.B.

Bishop of Borneo, afterw ards Archdeacon of th e Isle of W ight, and Oanon of W inchester. Aural Surgeon, K.O.H. * Professor of A natom y, St. M ary’s 1I.M.S. Surgeon, O.X. H ospital. 1 Surgeon, H am pstead G eneral H ospital. Surgeon, G erm an Hosp. ' Senior Surgeon, K.O.H.

FACULTY 1942. 1943. 1944.




Aubrey R udyard K agan, M.R.O.S., L.R.C.P. Stanley A rth u r Bond, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.O.G. H ugh G raham Stack, M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. Jean Wilson, M.B., B.S. Paul W ingate, M.A., M.R.O.S., L.R.C .P. Andrew Isaac Joffe,M.R.O.S.,L.R.O.P. Charles Clark, M.B., B.Ch. Mark Footerm an, M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. K enneth Charles McKeown, M.B., B.Oh., B.A.O., F.R.O.S. M ortim er B urdm an, L.R.O.P. Jefim Elkies, M.B., B.S. G ilbert K ennaw ay Morobe Khomo, M.B., B.Oh.




Bruce Victor Jones, M.B., B.S. Duncan H ugh Mackenzie, M.B., Oh.B. Leslie Turgill, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. H ym an R obert Pomson, M.B., B.S. N orm an Lloyd Crabtree, M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P., D.L.O. Stephen Ormerod, M.A., B.M., B.Ch. Ibrahim Daoud H elm y, M.B., B.Ch., Ph.D . Leonard A rth u r Key, F.R.C.S. (Edin.). Eric Leonard Neil Shoeten Sack, B.M., B.Ch., D.O.M.S. George Eisinger, M.B., B.S. Graham Cleverly P ritchard, M.B., B.Ch., D.O.M.S.








Professors 1830. 1835. 1836. 1857. 1862. 1874.

B issett H awkins, M.D. Jo h n A yrton Paris, M.D. Jo h n Forbes Royle, M.D., F.R .S. George Johnson, M.D. Alfred B aring G arrod, M.D., F.R .S. E van B uchanan B axter, M.D., F.R .O .P.

1885. N estor Isidore Charles T irard, M.D. 1900. Francis W hittak er Tunniclifle, M.D., M .R.C.P. 1906.' W alter E rnest D ixon, M.A., M.D., B.Sc., F.R .S.

Independent Lecturer in Pharmacology 1920.

O rlando Inchley, M.A., M.D.

PHYSIOLOGY In 1937 the title was changed to “ Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology " Professors 1836. 1848. 1853. 1869.

H erbert Mayo, M.D., F.R .S. R obert B entley Todd, M.D., F.R .S. William Bowm an, F.R .S. Lionel Sm ith Beale, M.B., F.R .S. William R utherford, M.D., F .R .S .E .

1875. 1890. 1923.

Gerald Francis Teo, M.D., F.R.S. William Dobinson H alliburton, M.D., LL.D ., F.R .S. ROBERT JOHN STEWART McDOWALL, M.D., D.Sc., F.R .O .P. (E din.), M.R.O.P.

Reader 1915. F ran k Spiller Locke, M.A., M.D. Reader in Histology 1918.

Oorrado da Fano, M.D., L.D. (Pavia). Readers in Biochemistry

1915. O tto Rosenheim, P h .D ., F.O.S. 1932. WILLIAM ROBSON, P h .D ., D.Sc. 1 A fterw ards R eader in Pharm acology in th e U niversity of Cambridge,




Reader in Pharmacology 1950.

Qeoroe Brownlee, Ph.D ., D.Sc. Senior Lecturers

1933. Jam es A rth u r H ew itt, D.Sc., Ph.D.", A.R.I.O., F.R .S.E. 1948.1 Joseph Alan Cruden K nox, M.D., Oh.B. 1955. WILFRED FARADAY WlDDAS, M.B., B.S., B.Sc., Ph.D . Lecturer in Chemical Physiology 1904.

O tto Rosenheim , P h .D ., F.O.S. Lecturers

1904. 1910.

1913. 1914.' 1920. 1927. 1929.' 1930. 1936. 1939.


H erb ert W illoughby Lyle, M.D., F.R.O.S. Alfred W alter Sikes, D.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.S. F rank Spiller Locke, M.A., M.D. Charles Frederick M yers-W ard, M.R.C.S., M.R.O.P. D avid H enriques de Souza, M.D. Jam es A rth u r H ew itt, D.Sc., Ph.D., A.I.O. W illiam Robson, D.Sc., Ph.D . Samson W right, M.D., B.S., M.R.O.P., M.R.O.S. Jam es H enry Thompson, B.Sc. H ugh A lexander Dunlop, M.Sc., M.D., F.R .O .P. E arl Francis McCarthy, M.Sc., M.B., B.Ch. D erm ot Brownrigg Taylor, B.A., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. Denys Jo h n Neal Sm ith, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P. Joseph Alan Cruden K nox, M.D.,

Oh.B. 1945. 1946.

Ju a n P ete Quilliam, M.Sc., M.B., B.S. Frederick Samuel Gorrill, B.Sc., M.D., M.R.O.P.

1946. 1948. 1949. 1952.


F rank Gordon Strong, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Stephen H ajdu, M.D. Jo h n Em m erson H all, M.B., Ch.B. A l e x a n d e r F r a s e r m u n r o , B.Sc., Ph.D . Jo h n Lionel Vickery Summerhayes, M.B., B.S., M.R.O.P., M.R.O.S. ANDRfi Darbre , B.Sc., P h .D ., A.R.I.C. E r n e s t A r t h u r B e l l , B .S c ., M.A., Ph.D . Dennis Mendel, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P. Michael Jo h n Allwood, A.K.O., M.B., B.S.

1954. R o n a l d L a m o n t S p e i r s , B .S c ., P h.D . 1955. J a m e s J e r e m y J o n e s , B .S c ., M .B ., B.S. R o g e r St . J o h n B u x t o n , B .S ., D.O.H. K a r l H e r m a n n F r ie d r i c h

M .B ., blau,

B.Sc . Jo h n A nthony G um brell, M.B., B.S. 1956 (Jan.). G a v i n P a t e r s o n , B.Sc., M.Sc. (A pr.) G e o r g e D a v i d H a r o l d l e a c h , B .P harm ., M.Sc.

Assistant Lecturers Clyde Alva Dowding, M.A., M.B., Oh.B., M.R.O.S., L.R.O .P. 1936.* O tto G ustave Edholm , B.Sc., M.B., B.S., M.R.O.S., L.R.O .P. 1946. Donald H enry N orthcote, B.Sc., A .R .I.C . 1936.


K enneth Bryson Roberts, M.B., B.S., M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. 1950. Jo an Overend Eggleston, M.B., B.S. 1951. Luigi Maria Rosa, M.D.

Honorary Lecturers 1923.5 V ictor Ewings Negus, M.B., Ch.M., F.R.O.S. John W illiam Pickering, D.Sc. 1936. N orm an Swift Plum m er, M.D., M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. 1938. Charles W illiam Bellerby, M.A. 1 Afterwards Professor a t Queen Elizabeth College. * Physician of W estm inster H ospital. 3 Afterwards Professor of Physiology in Middlesex H ospital. * Afterwards Professor of Physiology, Royal V eterinary College. 4 A fterw ards Sir V ictor Negus.






Demonstrators 1871.1 D avid F erricr, M.A., M.D., F.R .S. 1872. U rban P ritch ard , M.D. 1879. Jam es William Groves. A rth u r R o bert W yattSedgefleld, M.B. 1883. W alter T yrrell Brooks. 1884. Jam es William B arrett, M.B. E dw ard Felix H erroun. 1885. E dgar March O rookshank, M.B. 1887.’ Charles Jam es M artin, B.Sc. 1891. P eyton Todd Bowman Beale,F.R.C.S. 1891. T hom as Q rigor Brodie, M.D. 1894. Percy Cooper Colls. 1896.3 H erb ert W illoughby Lyle, M.D., M.R.O.S. 1904.* A rth u r E dm unds, B.Sc., M.B., M.S. 1906. R ichard H enry Cyril G om pertz, B.Sc. 1907. Alfred W alter Sikes, D.Sc., M.D., F.R.O.S. 1910. V ictor William D raper, B.Sc. 1914.8 D avid H enrlques de Souza, M.D., D .Sc., F.R.O.S. 1918. H . W arner Collins, B.Sc., M.R.O.S., L.R.O .P. Ludlow M. Moody, M.B., B.S. 1919." Cecil P . G. W akeley, F.R.O.S., F .R .S.E . 1923. Frederick D avid Stevenson Drane, B.Sc. . 1924. H arry Gordon Reeves, M.Sc. 1925.’ A lbert Hemingway, M.Sc., M.B.,Oh.B. 1926. H ugh B enjam in Allen Badcliile D ensham, B.Sc. Marion Alice B attle, B.So. Ronald K ington Christy, B.Sc.

1927. 1928. 1929. 1930.

1932." 1933. 1934. 1935.

1936. 1937. 1938.

1940. 1941. 1941. 1942. 1944. 1944. 1946. 1948.

H ugh A lexander Dunlop, M.B., M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. Agnea Shore, B .S c. W illiam J o h n Boyd, B.Sc., A.I.O. John Wakefield de W itt T hornton, M.A., B.M., B.Oh., M.R.O.8., L.R.O .P. O tto G ustave Edholm , B.Sc., M.B., B.S. R ichard E rn est W atereton, B.Sc., M.B., Oh.B. Frederick Samuel Gorrill, B.Sc., L.R.O .P., M.R.O.S. H ugh Alexander Dunlop, M.R.O.S., L.R.O .P., M.D. (H on. Dem.). N orm an E dgar W illiam s, B.Sc. Irene Florence Agnes Thomson, B.Sc. Douglas G raham H arvey, B.Sc. E ric Jo h n Miller, B.Sc., Ph.D ., A.K.O. Leslie Gordon Kiloh, B.Sc. Jo h n Oharnley, B.Sc., M.B., Oh.B., F.R.O.S. Caroline M argaret Souter, B.Sc. Jacqueline Stew art Falconer, B.Sc. Yvonne Mary W ay, B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D . Anne Simcoe Oole, B.Sc. Jo h n Godfrey H eathcote, B.Sc., A.R.I.O. Muriel Elizabeth Sidaway, B.A. F ran k G ordon Strong, M.B., B.S., M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. Jo h n Alfred Cunningham Howie, M.R.O.S., L.R.C.P.

Assistant Demonstrators 1902.

A rth u r E dm unds, B.Sc., M.B., B.S.


D orothy Steabben, B.Sc.

For Public Health tee former Calendars For former tla ff of the Faculty o f Medicine and o f K in g ’s College Hospital see Calendars before 1910-11. 1 L ater Sir D avid, C hairm an G overning Body, L ister In st. 3 A fterw ards Sir Charles, Director of the Lister Inst. * O phthalm ic Surgeon, K.O.H. * Surgeon, K.O.H. 1 Physician of W estm inster H ospital. * Senior Surgeon. K .C.H. 7 A fterwards Professor of Physiology, U niversity of Leeds. * Afterwards Professor of Physiology, Royal V eterinary College.









SCIENCES For Mathematics see Faculty o f Arts.

For Chemistry, Physics and Geology see Faculty of Science

ENGINEERING 1902. 1912.

Professors David Sing Capper, M.A., M .Inst.C .E ., M .I.M.E. H arry Morton W aynforth, A .M .Inst.O.E., M .I.M.E.

Assistant Professors H arry Morton W aynforth, 1902. M atthew C urry, M.Inst.O.K. A .M .Inst.C .E., M.I.M.E. Lecturers 1912. Oliver Sturdy S ln n att, D.So.1912. R alph W olfenden, M.Sc. 1918. Olave B. M altby, B.Sc. 1902.



Demonstrators V ictor Mesham Jam es, A.M .Inst.O.E. 1903. R ichard U nderdown S h a ib y , B.A., 1905. B.Sc. William Mason, M.Sc., A.M .Inst.O.E., 1907. A.M .Inst.M .E. Oliver Rowland Walkey.




188C. 1912.

H enry Robinson, M .lnst.O .E. A lexander Hope Jam eson, M.Sc., M .I.O.E., M .Inst.W aterE .


Reader Charles H enry L obban, M .I.C.E.


Senior Lecturer Charles H enry L obban, M.I.O.E.


1923. 1934.

1896. 1896. 1921.

1890. 1921.


1920. D.Sc.,

Lecturers 1920. Charles H . Lobban, B.Sc., M.I.O.E. 1926.1 Cedric Masey W hite, B.Sc., Ph.D .


Cades Alfred Sm ith, B.So., A .M .Inst.M .E., A .M .Inst.E .E. R alph Wolfenden, M.Sc. Oliver S turdy S ln n att, M.Sc. H erb ert George T aylor, M.Sc.

Assistant Lecturers Alfred John Clark, B.Sc., A.M.I.O.E. Jo h n Cadogan W olley-Dod, B.Sc. Cedric Masey W hite, B.Sc. Leroy A rth u r Beaufoy, M.Sc. Demonstrators K eith Robinson, A.M .Inst.O.E. Leigh Robinson, A.M .Inst.O.E. Franklin Clark. Cedric Masey W hite, B.Sc.

1924. 1931.

Professors D avid Sing Capper,M .A..M .lnst.O.E., M.I.M.E. G ilbert Cook, D.Sc., M .I.M ech.E., M.I.O.E. Reader Sydney Jo h n Davies, D.Sc. (E ng.), W h.Ex., M.I.Mech.E. Lecturers L. F. Charles A nthony Geneve, B.Sc., A.M .I.M ech.E., M .I.Struct.E. (A ppointed Senior L ecturer, 1923.) H arold Gordon Campbell, B.Sc. E dm und Gillen, M.Sc., P h .D ., A .M .I.M ech.E.

Assistant Lecturers 1919. Jo h n Rodger. 1920. H arold Gordon Campbell, B.Sc. 1921. AllanGeorgeRosevere,Eng.Oom.,R.N. 1923. Hugh Major Clarke, B.Sc. 1927. Edm und Giffen, M.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Demonstrators 1891. H enry Frederic William Burstall, B.A. 1896. H arry Morton W aynforth, A .M .Inst.C.E. Assistant Demonstrator 1900. V ictor Mesham Jam es, A .M .Inst.M .E.

In 1935 the Departments o f Civil and Mechanical Engineering were combined. 1 Afterwards Professor a t Im perial College, London,








Professors 1921.* G ilbert Cook, D.Sc., M .Inst.C .E ., M .I.M ech.E., Professor of Mechanical E ngineering and Hoad of D epartm en t. 1935. Charles H enry Lobban, D.Sc., M .I.C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of D epartm ent. 1937.“ Sydney John Davies, D.Sc. (E ng.), P h .D ., W h.Ex., M .I.M ech.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering. H ead of D epartm ent from 1946. 1946. A llan D awson R oss , B.S c., Ph.D ., M .I.C.E., F.R .S.E ., Professor of Civil Engineering. H ead of D ep a rtm en t from 1955. 1955. L eslie J ambs K astner , M.A., M .I.M ech.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering. H ead of D ept, of M echanical Engineering from 1956. Readers 1937.* Edm und Giffen, M.Sc., Ph.D ., M.I.Mech.E., R eader in Mechanical Engineering. 1946. Leroy A rthur Beaufoy, M.Sc., Ph.D ., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., R eader in Civil Engineering. 1948. H orace E dgar R ose , D.S c. (Eng.), Ph.D ., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.O.E., R eader in Mechani­ cal Engineering. 1949.* Arnold W illiam H endry, B.Sc. (Eng.), P h .D ., A.M.I.C.E. 1951. J ohn K ev in T y r ie L lew ellyn N ash , m . a ., M .A .I., A .M .I.C.E., R eader in Civil Engineering. 1956. T h o m a s J o h n W i l l i a m s , B.S c., P h .D ., M.Sc., R eader in Mechanical Engineering. Lecturers Leroy A rthur Beaufoy, M.Sc., Ph.D ., A.M.I.O.E., M.I.Mech.E. Allan Dawson R oss, B.Sc., A .M .Inst.C.E. Brian Cooper, M.A. Jam es Leonard Thom son, B.Sc., M.A., A.M.I.Mech.E. Alfred Thom as Jo h n Kersey, A.R.O.S., W h.Ex., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. H orace E dgar Rose, M.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D ., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. A lbert H enry Willis, B.Sc. (Eng.), W h.Sch., A.M.I.Mech.E. F ran k G ullett W atts, M.Sc. (Eng.), A.M .I.M ech.E., A.M .I.E.E. John K evin Tyrie Llewellyn N ash, M.A., M .A .I., A.M .I.C.E. 1949. R oy W illiam Steed, B.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D ., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. 1950. J oseph Marian Z arek , Dip. In g ., B.Sc., Ph.D ., A.M.I.Mech.E. 1951. J ohn Marks P lowman , B.Sc. (Eng.), D .I.C., Ph.D ., A .M .I.C .E.I. 1954. R onald Francis McMahon, M.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D . 1955. MAURICE JOHN KENN, B.Sc. (Eng.), M.A.Sc., M.E.I.C. W illiam McL aren J en k in s , B.Sc. 1956 (Jan.). WILLIAM B e l l G o sn ey , B.Sc. (Eng.). (A pr.). R ic h a r d K e n n e d y D ix o n , B.Sc. (Eng.). (Sep.). E d w a r d J o h n P o w e ll, B.Sc. (Eng.). 1935. 1935. 1937. 1938. 1940. 1944. 1946.4

1928. 1938. 1939. 1944.

1943. 1943.

Lecturer in Metallurgy L uther Singlehurst -W ard , B.S c. Assistant Lecturers H enry Charles Taylor, B.Sc. (Eng.). 1945. H arry Bolton Seed, B.Sc. H orace E dgar Rose, B.Sc. (Eng.). 1947. R oy W illiam Steed, B.Sc. (Eng.). A lbert H enry Willis, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Demonstrators H arry Bolton Seed, B.Sc. 1944. Basil Edw ard B aldrey, B.Sc. Mohammed Ibrahim Faw zi, B.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D .


1 Afterwards Regius Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, U niversity of Glasgow, and F.R .S. a Afterwards Professor a t Queen Mary College, London. 8 A fterwards first Professor of Engineering a t Gordon College, K hartoum . 4 A fterw ards Nuffield Research Professor of Mechanical Engineering a t th e New South Wales U niversity of Technology. 6 A fterw ards Dean of th e R oyal M ilitary College of Science, Shrivenham. * Since 1947, the D epartm ent of Civil, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering. Separated in O ctober 1956 into three separate departm ents : Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering—see p. 29.








Professor 1890.

Jo h n H opkinson, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. William Siemens Professors

1898. E rn est W ilson, M .I.E .E ., Wh.Soh. 1930. Jo h n K eats O atterson-Sm ith, M .Eng., M .I.E.E.


JAM ES Q r e i o ,

M.Sc . (E ng.), Ph.D.

M .I.E.E .

Assistant Professor 1897.

E rnest Wilson, M .I.E .E ., Wh.Sch. Reader


ALUN HUCW MADOC ARNOLD, P h.D ., D.Eng., A .M .I.E .E . Senior Lecturers 1925.1 Frederick Steell R obertson, M .I.E .E . 1937. H uqh M a j o r C l a r k e , T.D ., M.Sc., M .I.E .E . Lecturers

1912.1 Frederick Steell Robertson, M .I.E .E . R obert Ellis Shawcross, A .M .Inst.O.E. 1924. H u g h M ajorC larke, M.Sc., A .M .I.E.E. 1937. B ernard Crossley Lee, B.Sc., P h .D ., A.M .I.E.E.


W illia m

F ra se r,

B.S c.


A.M .I.E.E. 1947. G e o f f r e y H lN E P l a t t , M.Sc.Tech., A.M .I.E.E. 1956. EDWARD MOUNTFORD STILL DEELEY, B.Sc., Ph.D .

Special Lecturer in Electromagnetism 1952.

N icholas S. J apolsky , D .Eng., M .I.E.E. Demonstrators

1891. E rnest Wilson, Wh.Sch. 1900. Frederick Steell R obertson, M .I.E.E . 1903. R obert Ellis Shawcross, A.M .Inst.O.E.

1920. H ugh Major Clarke, B.So. 1944. H arry Loukes, B.Sc. (Eng.).

Assistant Demonstrator 1906. H ugh W hitmore Franks Instructor 1944.

Geoffrey Gerard, A .M .I.E.E., F.R .S.E.



Senior Lecturers and Directors o f Studies 1924. H erbert W illiam Cremer, M.Sc., 1947. S i d n e y B e v a n W a t k i n s , F.R .I.O ., M.I.Ohem.E. F.R .I.O ., M.I.Ohem.E.



1935. George Leopold Schwartz, B.A., B.Sc. (Econ.) (1935-39 4 1943-44). 1944. E rnest F red erick C alvert, B.Oom.


M .S c.,


BASIL S. Y amey , B.Com.

For Manufacturing Art and Machinery, Land Surveying, Geometrical Drawing, Geometrical Engineering and Architectural Drawing, Freehand and Geometrical Drawing, Metallurgy, Photography, Museum o f George I I I and Workshops see former Calendars. 1 Also tem porary lecturer 1943-46.


T U T O R IA L S T U D E N T S These Studentships are open to g ra d u a te s ; they are renewable annually up to a maxim um of four years’ tenure, and the emoluments are £375 a year, together with tuition fees and certain exam ination entry fees. The holders are required to work for a higher degree (not neces­ sarily of tho U niversity of London, though the Studentships m ust be held in the College) and to give a lim ited am ount of tu to rial or dem onstration assistance in their departm ents. Holders o f other postgraduate Studentships or Scholarships are eligible for T utorial Studentships, b u t the emoluments will only supplem ent the aw ards they already hold so as to reach, b u t not exceed, a to tal of £375 per annum . 1946.

Geoffrey H ow ard B anbury, B.Sc................... Jo h n W ade B ray, B.Sc. (Eng.) ............ A rthur Sullivan Gladwin, B.Sc. ............ A lexander Jo h n H anna, B.A.......................... William Noel Howe, B.A................................. G erhard Gerd Klein, B.Sc............................... Ronald A lasdair Cunningham McAllister, B.S R obert Bruce Morrison, B.Sc......................... Derek Laurence Mould, B.Sc.......................... R ichard E ric Parker, A .R.I.C., B.Sc. Nancy Orofton Savill, B.A. .................... William E tienne Seeds, M.Sc......................... Nigel G raham T ro tt, B.Sc............................... Lille E thel Wagge, B.Sc.................................. 1947. A lbert Jo h n Gossage, B.A............................... A ntony N echvatal, B .Sc................................. Clifford Robinson, B.Sc.................................... Paul B ernard Salmon, B .A ............................. William John Strang, B.Sc............................. William E dw ard Y uill, M.A........................... David Buchanan, B.Sc. ( E n g .) .................... H ow ard Griffiths Davies, B.Sc...................... 1948. R ichard Creese, M.B., B.S., L.R.O .P., M.R.O. Gordon R am sey Baldock, B.Sc....................... Stanley T hom as Bayley, B.Sc., P h.D . (Research Raym ond George Gosling, B.Sc.................... E rnest Jo h n H am ley, B.A............................... Phyllis Mary Jam es, B.Sc.............................. Ia n Daniel Spenser, B.Sc................................. Geoffrey George Sm ith, B.Sc......................... Jo an Josephine S tarck, B.A.......................... W inifred Mary Lovell W ood, B.Sc.............. 1949. Sonja Beruh, B.Sc............................................ D orothy Priscilla Clarke, B.A........................ Philip Donovan, B.A ....................................... Aubrey W illiam Ingleton, B.Sc. .......... Geoffrey George Selman, B.Sc....................... P eter Swift, M.Sc.............................................. 1950. L eonard William Bean, B.Sc......................... Jo an E velyn M ary Bellord, M.A................... P eter Brown, B.A............................................. Jo h n H erbert Coupland, M.A........................

........................... Botany. . ... Civil Engineering. . Electrical Engineering. ............................ H istory. ......................... German. ................. M athem atics. .................. Physiology. ........................... PhyBics. ........................... Physics. ................... Chemistry. .......... Laws L ibrary. .......................... Physics. ........................... Physics. ........................... Zoology. ........................... Classics. ................... Chemistry. .................. M athematics. ........................... German. ...................M athematics. ............................German. Mechanical Engineering. ........................... Physics. ................... Physiology. .................. M athematics. ssistant since 1949) ... Physics. ........................... Physics. ...................Biochemistry. ........................... Zoology. ...................Biochem istry. .. E lectrical Engineering. .......... French Library. ........................... B otany. ............................ B otany. ............Im perial H istory .................... German. .................... M athematics. .............................Physics. .............................Physics. .............................Physics. Im perial H istory. .............................German. .............................Physics.



1950. John Campbell Gray, B.Sc. ( E n g . ) ...........................................................Civil Engineering. (cont.) Vivian Joseph H am m ond, B.Sc................................................................................ Physics. R obert Je a n K necht, B.A............................................................................................ H istory, Godfrey Newby Lance, B.Sc................................................................................ M athematics. Mildred M asheder (Mrs.), M.A................................................................. French L ibrary. K enneth Jam es N o rth co tt, B.A................................................................................... G erm an. Don B andasiri P a ttia ra tc h i, B.Sc................................ ....................................... Geology. 1951. K enneth A lbert H enry G rav ett, B.So............................................................. M athematics. David Philip H utchinson, B.Sc. (Eng.) ............................. Mechanical Engineering. Michael Mann, LL.B .............................................................................................Laws Library. William Douglas Matthews, B.Sc............................................................................... Physics. D avid Rowland Morris, B.Sc............................................................... Chemical Engineering. Gavin P aterson, B.Sc........................................................................................... Pharm acology. M argaret Isabel P ra tt, B.Sc....................................................................................... Physics. Edw ard Campbell Ruddock, B.A., B.A.I.................................................. Civil Engineering. ..................................... E lectrical Engineering. David Jam es Truslove, B.Sc. (E ng.) Derek George T urpin, B.Sc., M.A.................................................. Organic Chemistry. 1952. K enneth Gerald B arr, B.Sc......................................................................................... Physics. G erald D avid Bergm an, B.Sc.................................................................................... Physics. A rthur Clive Bishop, B.Sc.............................................................................................. Geology. Alan R ichard Chuter, B.A....................................................................... French Library. Meriel E laine Dasley, B.A ..............................................................................................German. Michael A lan F o rd , B.Sc............................................................................................. Physics. Michael Geoffrey R ixon H a rt, B.Sc....................................................................... B otany. Denis W illiam H arvey, B.Sc. (Eng.) .........................................E lectrical Engineering. Jerzy H erszberg, M.Sc...........................................................................................M athem atics. Alan King, B.Sc..................................................................................................... Mathematics. P eter A rthur Mayes, B.Sc..................................................................................... Biochemistry. 1953. K arl H erm ann Friedrich Blau, B.Sc...............................................................Biochemistry. Jo h n A rth u r Clegg, B.Sc.............................................................................................. Zoology. B rian Dale, B.Sc............................................................................................................ Physics. K enneth Malcolm H orn, L L.B ........................................................................ Laws Library. George D avid H aro ld Leach, B .Pharm ............................................................Pharm acology. P atrick Joseph L eahy, M.A............................................................................................ German. Raym ond Charles Vincent M acario, B.Sc................................................................ Physics. Michael H ow ard Rogers, B.Sc..............................................................................M athem atics. E rn st V iktor Ferdinand U rbanek, D .Phil..................................................................Germ an. John Iv an George Cadogan, B.Sc..................................................................... Chemistry. N orm an W audby L ister, B.Sc. (Eng.) ................................................. Civil Engineering. D orothy Mary Overin, B.A...................................................... ............ French L ibrary. .................................................................. Civil Engineering. 1954. Ja c k Beam an, B.Sc. (E ng.) Christian P ieter Burger, B.Sc. (Eng.) ............................. Mechanical Engineering. P eter J ames E merson , B.S c..................................................................................... Physics. P eter J ohn G r e y , B.Sc. (Eng.) ..................................................Chemical Engineering. D avid K ir b y , B.Sc.................................................................................................M athem atics. E m ilita T h y ra M artin, B.A ....................................................................... French L ibrary. B arrie S aunders H art R oyce , B.S c......................................................... . ... Physics. J ames D errick W atson , B.S c. (Eng.) ........................................ Electrical Engineering. A llan Jam es Risely W hite, B.Sc........................................................................ Geology. 1955. J ohn B r ind ley , B.S c ............................................................................................. M athematics. Olga Lindholm D aly, LL.B . ... ' ............................................................... Laws L ibrary. H enry Manifold Mould , B.S c................................................................................ Physics. Jo h n Alfred T yrrell, B.Sc., A.K.C....................................................................... M athematics. 1956. J anina W anda F e l ix , B .A .................................................................... French Library. W illiam J ohn F rench , B.Sc.......................................................................... Geology. Shirley E lizabeth H aw kins , B.Sc....................................................................... Zoology. K e ith W illiam P atchett , L L.B ................................................................... Laws L ibrary. DEREK h e n r y PAUL, B.S c............................................................................... Physiology. D onald W illiam strauqhan , B.S c...................................................... Pharm acology. Anthony P aul W ilkinson , B.S c................................................................... ... B otany. P eter D avid W illiams, B.Sc. (E ng.) ................................................. Civil Engineering.


STUDENT DEMONSTRATORS S tu d en t D em onstrators m ay be appointed by the Delegacy on the nom ination of the Professors to give assistance in practical work in the Scientific D epartm ents of the College under the following conditions : 1. C andidates m ust be students who have completed w ith dis足 tinction the final year course of stu d y in th e subject in which it is proposed th a t they should assist. 2. A S tudent D em onstrator will pay th e fees prescribed for the course he is pursuing, b u t m ay receive from th e Delegacy an honora足 rium in recognition of the services rendered by him to the College. I960. Holm es, P eter E dw ard Bruce (Lent te rm )...................................................... Physiology. Kenney, Ja c k Ginesi (Lent term)....................................................................... Physiology. Saunders, Jo h n Alan (Easter term) ............................................................... Chemistry. Brown, M argaret E lizab eth ....................................................................................... B otany. Brown, Mrs. F. C. W.................................................................................................... Physics. Davies, H ow ard G r if f it h s ......................................................................................... Physics. Chemistry. H arrison, Jo h n Rufford (Michaelmas and Lent te r m s ) ............................. Hillson, P eter Jo h n (Michaelmas and Lent te rm s)..................................... Chemistry. Mayes, P eter A r t h u r .................................................................................................. Zoology. Nichols, R oyston ( Michaelmas and Lent terms) ............................................... B otany. P ra tt, M argaret Isabel ......................................................................................... Physics. Chemistry. W ard, Jo h n Cameron ( Michaelmas term)...................................................... Y ates, H elen .......................................................................................................... Physics. 1951. M atthew s, W illiam Douglas (Lent and Easter terms) ...................................... Physics. B ean, L eonard W illiam ......................................................................................... Physics. Bell (n ie Ord), Muriel Je a n ................................................................................ Zoology. Benny, Alan H ugh Bergen ................................................................................. Physics. Cadogan, Jo h n Iv an George ........................................................................ Chemistry. Dale, B r i a n ................................................................................................................... Physics. Dorey, Michael J o h n .................................................................................................. B otany. Fabian, Derek Jo h n ......................................................................................... Chemistry. Fowler, Eileen W inifred ......................................................................................... B otany. Green, A lbert Lawrence ................................................................................ Chemistry. H aydon, Denis A rth u r ................................................................................ Chemistry. H olland, R o n a ld ................................................................................................. Chemistry. Jenkins, Gordon I v o r ......................................................................................... Chemistry. Jolley, A rth u r Leonard .................................................................... ................... Physics. Kefford, Noel Price ................................................................................................. B otany. L aity , Joseph Leslie H arvey ............................................................... Pharm acology. M artin, Dr. A. V. W .................................................................................................... Zoology. Metcalfe, Mrs. B. D ...................................................................................................... B otany. M iddleton, Lawrence Jo h n ................................................................................. B otany. N orth, A nthony Charles Thom as ........................................................................ Physics. Ross, G ordon ........................................................................................ Pharm acology. 1952. B aldrey, John A rth u r ............................................................................... Chemistry. B ennett, Michael Camm ............................................................................... Chemistry. Birm ingham , A nthony Terence ............................................................. Pharmacology. H argreaves, Thomas ....................................................................... Pharmacology. H ebborn, P eter ................................................................................................ Zoology. Higgs, P e te r W are ................................................................................................. Physics. H urst, H enry M artin ......................................................................................... B otany. Madiah, M aneyapanda Beliappa .............................................................. Zoology. Nickerson, Bruce ................................................................................................. Zoology. R ichards, B rian Mansel ........................................................................................ Zoology. Sleep, K enneth Claude ............................................................................... Chemistry. Towers, Jan e E lizabeth Olive ................................................................................ Zoology. Wilkinson, George R andall ................................................................................ Physics. Wilson, H erb ert R ees................................................................................................. Physics.

268 1953.



Anderson, Donald Thom as ............................. B aker, Morris M c D o n a ld ..................................... B oulton, Jo h n ...................................................... Burge, R onald E d g a r ............................................. B urnstock, Geoffrey .............................................. Dale, John E gerton .............................................. Dodd, Joyce Marie .............................................. Evans, Doreen E liz a b e th ..................................... Fisher, Michael E l l i s .............................................. H urd, R onald G raham ............................. ... Pengilly, B rian William ..................................... P enikett, Eric Jo h n H e a th ..................................... Prichard, Brian N orm an Christopher ............ Reeve, Jo h n E d w a r d .............................................. Ridley, R o b ert George............................................. Seeds, W illiam E tienne ..................................... .................... Stirling, Charles Jam es M atthew Taylor, Kenneth William ..................................... Tum ham , M argaret Jean ..................................... 1954. Beard, D avid W a l t e r .............................................. Benjam in, Lawrence .............................................. B ethell, Donald ...................................................... Block, H e r m a n n ...................................................... Bowyer, F reda ...................................................... Burrow, Colin D e n n is .......... . ............................. Cocking, A nthony W illia m ..................................... Congdon, Jo h n Francis ..................................... Crawley, Jo h n Cornelius W illiam .................... F ry, Lionel ............................................................... Gosling, Raym ond G e o rg e ..................................... H am bling, Jam es K eith ..................................... H arris, A lan Margetson ..................................... H ooper, Clive W illiam ..................................... Isaacs, Louis D avid .............................................. Langridge, R o b ert .............................................. Mackenzie, K enneth .............................................. Moulden, H ow ard Neilson ............................. Perrym an, Ju d ith C h a b o t ..................................... Preece, Jo h n Marks .............................................. Satchell, Derek P e te r N o r m a n ............................. Standen, Gillian ...................................................... Taylor, F ran k H e n r y .............................................. W eston, Noel D avid .............................................. Wheeler, A lan W illiam ..................................... W right, Stanley B ernard ..................................... 1955. Blackie, M errick S tu a rt ..................................... B radbury, Edw in M orton ..................................... Connan, Daniel ...................................................... Cowburn, Geoffrey ............................................. Dyke, Inga Ju n e ........................................................ Evans, Michael Edwin Glyn ............................ H am ilton, L o u i e ...................................................... Hennessy, Penelope Jean ..................................... H o p p ett, Is la M aureen............................................. Jones, Jo h n G raham T alfourd ............................ M cIntyre, Neil ...................................................... Maddy, A lun H arris ............................................. M altby, Mary P a tric ia ............................................. Metcalf, Yvonne Marie ..................................... Moynehan, Terence Michael ............................ Muller, R alph Louis Ju n iu s..................................... Palluel, Auguste Louis Lucien ............................ R aftery, E dw ard B e r n a r d .....................................

..................................... Zoology. ............................. Chemistry. ............................. Chemistry. Physics. ..................................... ..................................... Zoology. ..................................... B otany. ..................................... Zoology. ..................................... Zoology. ..................................... Physics. ..................................... B otany. .................... ... Chemistry. .................... Pharm acology. .................... Pharm acology. ................. . ... M athem atics. ..................................... Physics. ..................................... Physics. ............................. Chemistry. ..................................... Physics. ..................................... B otany. .............................M athematics. ............................. Chemistry. ............................. Chemistry. ............................. Chemistry. ..................................... Zoology. ..................................... Zoology. ..................................... Zoology. .................... Pharm acology. ..................................... Physics. .................... Pharm acology. ..................................... Physics. ............................. Chemistry. .................... Pharm acology. ............ .................... Physics. ..................................... Physics. ..................................... Physics. ............................. Chemistry. ............................. Chemistry. ..................................... Zoology. .................... Pharm acology. ............................. Chemistry. .................... Pharm acology. ............................. Chemistry. ............................. Chemistry. ..................................... B otany. ..................................... Physics. ............................ Chemistry. ..................................... Physics. ............................ Pharm acology. ............................ Pharm acology. ..................................... Botany. .................................... Zoology. ..................................... Zoology. ..................................... Zoology. ..................................... Physics. ............................ M athematics. ............................ Pharm acology. ..................................... Zoology. ..................................... Botany. ............................ Pharm acology. ............................ Chemistry. ..................................... Zoology. ............................ Chemistry. ............................ Pharm acology.




,. Zoology. . Zoology. ,. Zoology. Chemistry. Chemistry. Physics. Physics. Physics. B otany Physics. B otany. .Pharm acology. . ... Physics.

1905. R ichards, B rian Mansel (cont.) R oberts, M arian S ib y l... R ye, R alph Owen............ Shaw, Charles Jam es G ranville Stening, Theodore Charles Steptoe, B rian Jo h n ... Todd, Sylvia Jo a n W ain, George W illiam ... W ilkins, Malcolm B a rre tt W ilkinson, George R andall W illiam s, M argaret Ann W ilson, A lan B rian W ood, Colin Francis M cD erm ott

For names oj those elected before 1901 see Calendar for 1900-01. For names of those elected between 1902 and 1939, see Calendar for 1939-40. For names of those elected between 1940 and 1949, see Calendar fo r 1954-55.

STUDENT ASSISTANTS The following, having passed th eir exam inations b u t not having completed the three years’ course of study necessary to qualify for a degree, were appointed S tudent Assistants in the years in d icated :— 1937. 1947.

Zoology Mendham, N orm an Victor. Gascoigne, Thom as.


Civil and Mechanical Engineering Carroll, John W alter. Sara, Hedley John.

1942. 1947.

Physics B olton, H erbert Cairns. Bradley, Jo h n E rnest Stobart. Brown, Geoffrey Lawrence. O hynowetb, Alan Gerald.


Deeley, Edw ard M ountford Still. K yte, Derek John.

Anatomy Daniel, P eter Marwell, B.A. (Camb. C alcott, R onald Douglas. Miller, John Roy Mackay. Rochford, Jo an Mary. Trickey, Edw ard Lorden. (Easter Calcott, R onald Douglas. Term) H atherley, Lawrence Ivan. 1942. Briggs, Edw ard Jam es S. N (Easter Makey, A rth u r Robertson. Term) Philip, P eter Forbes.

1938. 1941. (Lent Term)


STUDENT LIBRARIANS A S tudent L ibrarian is elected annually for a period of one year. The em oluments of the office are 12 guineas a term , and the duties consist of attendance a t th e Library for not more than 20 hours a week during term to issue books and to exercise a general control of students using the Library. The S tudent Librarian will be under the general direction of the Librarian and will be expected to read for a higher degree. Applications should be sent to the Librarian. 1939. 1940.

1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945.





No appointment. Sheard. Jo h n Albert, B.A. (2nd halfsession). Loewensberg, B etty Helen. Stone, Audrey Winifred. Baker, Phyllida Mary Kathleen. Loveridge, Millicent May. Budden, B arbara Maude. Left, Barbara. Gale, John. Woodgate, A udrey Joan. Beaver, Louisa E. Jones, Elaine H eaton. Lingwood, B arbara. Beaver, Louisa E. Denney, A nthony H . Tolmie, D orothy L. Simpson, M argaret May. T erry, Ja c k E rnest. Walpole, John Michael. Gowing, Joyce Mary. Norton, Alan Jam es. Woodfield, Philip John. Brooker, A udrey Irene. ( l i t halfPoulter, Olga Elizabeth. J session.) Edmonds, W illiam H utchins.








K ent, Christopher H ardy \


Wise| Faster.) T rudgett, Richard Neal. ' Edm onds, W illiam H utchins. Sharf, Andrew. '[(Easter Dewhirst, F ran k S im p so n ./Term.) E dm onds, W illiam H utchins. D ucker, A udrey Mary. Savill, N ancy Crofton. Rees-Jenkins, P atricia A. Poulton, A rth u r Leslie (to Easter.) Savill, Nancy Crofton (to Christmas.) Morrish, P eter Seymour. R udrum , A lan William. T urner, Mary Isabelle. Webb, Laurence (2nd half-session). A bbott, Frances Valerie. Brook, Charles John. F orrest, R onald W illiam Jam es. M artin, Valerie Anne. A bbott, Frances Valerie. Brook, Charles John. N orton, A lan Jam es. A bbott, Frances Valerie. Denison, D avid Maurice. Shipm an, Maureen Jo an .

For previous appointments see Calendar for 1939-40.


APPENDIX B Ufoe {Union Socictv? 1956-57 Patron: The Principal of K ing’s College. Hon. T reasurer: The Secretary of K ing’s College.

President: R i c h a r d T . L . W

a t k in s


Senior W omen S tudent: H e l e n L . S a n d e r s (Arts). Vice-President: .J o h n F . F o r b e s (Theology). H on. Secretary: C o l i n H . B l o y (Arts). H on. A sst. Secretary: E

l iz a b e t h

A. D a r b y (Arts).

H on. Chesham Secretary: R o n a l d M. I o n (Science). H on. Sports Secretary: H u g h G. T e b a y (Science).

Note —The officers are elected for the period commencing w ith the E aster term prior to the publication of the Calendar.




Faculty of Theology R E G IST E R E D IN T ER N A L STUDENTS OF T H E U N IV E R SITY OP LONDON A rm stead, Geoffrey Malcolm. A very, W illiam Dawes. B arker, R oy Thom as. B atem an, G erald Francis. B irch, T hom as R eginald. B radbury, A lan H a rry . Brenchley, R oyston P eter. Brook, Charles Jo hn . Burns, Jo h n M acDonald. Burrow s, Sam uel Reginald. Campbell, Ia n D avid. C arter, Terence Jo h n . C hristm as, Alan Frederick. C laringbull, Denis Leslie. Collins, T revor. Cooke, Jo h n Stephen. Copping, Jo h n F ran k W alter V ictor. Dawe, Colin Frederick. De P u ry , Andrew R obert. E llis, D avid Jam es. E ustice, P eter Lafevre. F ryer, K enneth WTesley. G ilbert, P a trick Nigel Geoffrey. Godden, D avid John. H aw kins, R oger D avid William.

H ill, Derek B ertram . H ow ard, D onald. H udson, B rainerd P eter de W irtz Goodwin. Jackson, Jo h n E dw ard. Jeffery, R o b ert M artin Colquhoun. Jones, A nthony Spacie. K ohner, Eugene George. Loughton, Michael. McKeeman, D avid C hristopher. Newell, Jo h n H erb e rt Dudley. P erry , Geoffrey. P o tts, Jam es. Pring, A lthon K errigan. R idout, C hristopher John. Robson, George. R oyle, P e te r Sydney George. S alt, D avid T hom as W hitehorn. Sm ith, Alfred John. T ann, D avid Jo h n . Tinniswood, W illiam R obert. W alker, Jo h n H ugh. W hitehead, F rederick K eith. W ratten, M artyn Stephen. W ynes, Michael Jo h n . Young, G ordon Mawson.

R E G IST E R E D E X T E R N A L STUDENTS OF T H E U N IV E R SITY OF LONDON Catchpole, K eith W illiam. Epps, Gerald R alph. Finch, Thom as. Mann, R obert Francis.

Pearcy, Vernon Charles. T urner, B rian. Tyler, Samuel John.

O TH E R REG U LA R STUDENTS Alcock, Edw in Jam es. Allen, Jo h n Clement. Angwin, R ichard Paul. A rcher, N orm an Vivian. Bailey, Terence Alfred D urston. Barnes, Jo h n Barwick. B arter, Jo h n H erbert. B attersby, D avid George Sellers. Beaver, Christopher M artin. Beckwith, Jo h n Douglas. B entley, F ran k W illiam H enry. Biles, David. Blake, Derek Mertling. Bourne, Michael. B radbury, George G raham . Brown, Alec Charles. B unker, Jo h n H erb e rt George. Burslem, Christopher D avid Jerem y G rant. B utterw orth, Roderick. Chapman, R oger John,

C onstantine, Leonard. Cooling, D errick W illiam. Cotgrove, Dennis. D avid, Michael A nthony Louis. D enford, K eith Wilkie. Dew hurst, George. Diggle, Michael John. Downing, E dw ard. Doyle, Clifford G raham . Drew, G erald A rthur. E dgar, D erek George. E dgell, H ugh A nthony R ichard. E lgar, Frederick S tanton. Forbes, Jo h n Franey. F orster, Charles Clifford. Fuller, G raham Drowley. G arlick, P eter. Goodridge, P eter David. Greenfield, Ia n David. Gribble, B ernard Stanley.



Griffiths, Thom as. H arrin g to n , W illiam H arry . H arriso n , B oy. Hewison, A lan S tu art. H ex tall, T revor Joseph. H ilto n , Olive. H in to n , Michael E rnest. H olm an, Geoffrey G ladstone. H o u lt, R oy A nthony. H ow ard, N orm an. H u b b ard , K eith Leroy. H u n t, P eter Jo h n . H u rt, N orm an K eith. H utchinson, Paul E dw ard. Ik in , G ordon M itchell. Ingam ells, R onald Sidney. In k p en , R ichard Jo h n . In m an , G ordon H arold. Jean es, Dennis. Johansen, P eter A ntony. Jo rd a n , R onald H enry. K elly, E dw ard W illiam Moncrieff. L etcher, D avid Jo h n . L ew itt, R aym ond. Lloyd, B ernard Jam es. L unn, C hristopher Jam es E dw ard. McCrory, P eter. McDougal, Jo h n A nthony Standen. Madge, Francis Sidney. M alton, W illiam P eter A ntony. Marlow, W alter Geoffrey. M arshall, C hristopher Jo h n Bickford. M arshall, Michael David. M arshall, P e te r A rth u r. Miller, Jo h n Frederick. Noise, R obin Allan. N orton, A lan Jam es. FO U R T H Y EA R A ird, D onald Allan Ross. Alderson, C hristopher Derek. A ldred, D onald Bottom ley. A rm itage, B ryan. A rvanitis, A thanasius. B achell, K enneth George. Bacon, Geoffrey W illiam A nthony. Bale, E dw ard W illiam Carre. Besley, Lionel W illiam. B utler, H erbert. Chesters, P e te r D urrant. C lark, George Stephen. Cook, K enneth H erbert. Corke, Jo h n H a rry . Davies, F ran k . D eBrisay, R o b ert Michael. Downing, E dw ard. E llio tt, Colin D avid. E vans, D avid R ichard. E vans, Stanley. E vans, Thom as. Fagg, A lan Gordon. F argus, G avin Jam es Frederick.


N otm an, E ric. Ogden, H arry . P ettingell, H u b ert. Phillips, R obin Michael. P oil, R onald. P orteous, E ric John. P y a tt, Noel W atson. R itson, A rth u r W illiam D avid. R obinson, Jo h n . R obson, Jo h n Phillips. R othw ell, H aro ld . Sadler, Jo h n H arvey. Scuffham, F ra n k Leslie. Sm ith, D avid Jam es. Sm ith, R ich ard H arw ood. Southgate, Geoffrey Trevor. Stally, A rth u r Jam es. Stephenson, A llan P attiso n . Stroud, R o b e rt Owen. Stubley, P ete r Derek. Symons, Jam es E dw ard. T arg ett, Clifford. T ib b o tt, Joseph E dw ards. T ilston, Jo h n Sefton. Treadw ell, A lbert Frederick. W all, Colin E dw ard. W alters, A lan F ran k . W estern, K enneth Charles. W ild, R oger Longson. W ilkin, Sydney Jo h n . W illiams, John. W illiamson, T hom as George. W ilson, Jo h n Clifford. W oodhouse, K eith Ian . W right, P e te r R aym ond. Zachau, E ric.

.SB AT W ARM INSTER Gill, A rth u r Francis. G ray, D onald Clifford. Green, Leslie Jam es. G urr, R alph Sydney. Heffer, W illiam Jo h n Gambrell. H ill, Michael. H ooper, P ete r Guy. H ouchin, Leslie Frederick. H ow ard, R onald R oland R u p ert Cave. H ow land, Stanley R alph. Johnson, Jeffrey Edwin. Long, Michael D avid B arnby. Lunnon, R o b ert Reginald. Lynch-W atson, G raham Leslie. McCalla, R o b ert Ia n . M ackintosh, Thom as. M anhire, Ashley Lewin. M atthew s, Jo h n David. Morgan, B ernard Spencer T revor. Paice, Alan. P ound, F rederick Charles. Reid, H e rb e rt Alan. Rofe, B ernard Jo h n .




Seal, Philip T revor. S erjeant, Jo h n Frederick. Servante, K enneth E dw ard. Simpson, A nthony Cyril. Sm ith, Christopher Vincent H endy. Sm ith, P eter Michael.


T ib b o tt, Joseph Edw ards. W aterhouse, A lbert Edward. W halley, Michael Thom as. Wilcox, Jo h n Bower. Wilson, R obert Brian.

OCCASIONAL STUDENTS BochmUhl, Klaus Erich. Pililis, Qeorg.

S erjeant, Frederick Jum es.

POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Davies, D avid Vernon, B.A., B.D. (Wales), M.A. (Oxford). Jones, Cyril H ew itt, B.A. (Leeds), B.D. (M anchester).

McDonald, H ugh Dermot, B.A., B.D. Olsen, Viggo N orskov, B.A. (Michigan), B.D. (W ashington). Robinson, Joseph, B.D.

Faculty of Theology—Women R E G IST E R E D IN T ER N A L STUDENTS OF T H E U N IV E R SITY OF LONDON H ills, M argaret Rose. Hughes, P atric ia Lewis. Iorns, Olive. Isaacs, Mario Elizabeth. Leaper, Marion Christine. Mellor, Enid Beatrice. Miller, U rsula Mary. Scott, Josephine Anne. Skinner, E dna Mary. Stokes, Jacqueline M argaret Ingham . T anner, Jill. Usher, B arb ara. W alters, M arjorie Joyce. W arren, Sybil Irene. West, B renda Olive. Willis, B renda Audrey.

Arm strong, Claudia. Bailey, Alma M ary. Bailey, A nnette Rose. Benson, M argaret Ann. Brookfield, Jacqueline Mary. Caswell, Eileen R uth. Chilton, E velyn D orothy. Cloney, M argaret Ann. Coney, M argaret June. Coney, Mary M argaret. Daniels, Beryl. Deby, Gillian. E aton, G illian. Forrester, D orothy R uth. Griffiths, M argaret Cecilia. H ayhoe, H eather M argaret. H enderson, J a n e t Mason.

E X T E R N A L STU D EN T Clark, E lizabeth Em ily Florence. O TH E R REG U LA R STUDENTS Flem ing, Joan. Hunsley, P atric ia Maude. H u rst, Sylvia Mary. Ludlow, M argaret Elizabeth Christie.

Moss, B renda Mary E thel, l’am ab y , Jo an . R ichardson, B etty Jean . Vlvash, Eileen.

OCCASIONAL STUDENTS Blundell, Jo an Gladys. B utler, M argaret Mary. Fenwick, Anne.

Finney, Melva. H all, E dna M arjery. H um phries, Marion B etty. POSTGRADUATE STUDENT

MoKelligott, Carroll, B.A. (George W ashington).


F acu lty of A rts R E G IS T E R E D IN T E R N A L STUD ENTS OF T H E U N IV E R S IT Y OF LONDON Day A b b o tt, F rances Valerie. A dam s, G ordon Dudley. Adam s, H ilary. Anslow, Jo h n H erb ert. A rcher, H elen C hristian. A shford, Isobel Cleone. A shley, P e te r R obert. A yers, R o b ert Jo h n . B acarisse, Salvador. Rage, V era Davison. B agnall, E ric Leslie. Bagwell, R oy W illiam. B aker, Colin Malcolm. B aker, Joseph C hristopher. B aker, R ichard Faulkner. Ballinger, E lizabeth Ann. B am berger, E ric Michael. B anks, P a tric ia R u th . B arker, A nthony H arry . B arnes, B rian. B atten, Beverley Jo h n . B ax ter, M argaret Ju lia. B ay ntun, Jo h n A lbert. Beale, L eila M arguerite. Beames, Shirley Anne. B eaum ont, Penelope Rachel. Beckley, R ichard Jam es. Beeby, Pauline. B en nett, H ilary Muriel. Biggs, Gillian. Bigwood, Thelm a E lizabeth. B ird, N orm an. Black, A rth u r R ay. B latch, Yvonne. Bloy, Colin H enry. B oatw right, M argaret Leslie. Boden, Stanley John. Boileau, R osem ary Ja n e t. B osw orth, K eith M atthews. B ottom ore, Joyce M argaret. Boulderstone, Pam ela Rose. B ouvet, L indsay Mary Muriel Lavinia. Bower, R oyston E dw ard. Bowyer, Pauline. Boyd, A nthony W illiam A lexander. B radbury, Jam es. Bradley, Jo h n Douglas. B ray, Colin Jo h n . B raybrooke, Susan Rossi. Brenchley, P atricia Anne. B renton, H ilda Jean. Brewer, Jo h n E dw ard. B rittain , M argaret Claire. Broomfield, Ju n e Em ily. Brown, P atricia Alice. Browne, Shirley E sther. Bulgin, J a n e t Mary.

B ull, B rian R aym ond. Bundey, A nthony Bruce. Burridge, Felicity Ann. Burroughs, P eter Clayton. B urton, Mavis D orothy. Burwell, Geoffrey P ax . B utler, P e ter Edwin. Byrne, M argaret Lilian. Campbell, Ia n Duncan. Campion, E lspeth R oberta. Cannon, Alan George. Caplin, Joyce. C arpenter, R ita Eileen. Oassal, D orothy U rsula. Castell, J a n e t U rsula. Challacombe, R osalind Ann. C harlton, Ju d ith M argaret. Clarke, B ridget M ary. Olipsham, D inah Rowley. Cole, Leo R aym ond. Colin, V era Catherine Louisa. Collins, B rian Alfred. Cook, Marie Angela T h irtee. Cooper, B arb ara Jean. Cooper, D orothy B arb ara. Cousins, Marion A strid. C outts, Jo h n Michael. Cozens, Maureen Joyce. Crawford, W illiam Thom as. Creswell, M arjorie Claire. Cromwell, Valerie. Crone, Jo h n Leslie. Cross, Geoffrey N orm an. Crowdy, Brian Alfred. Cummings, R obert. Dally, Shirley Evelyn. Danson, Stanley. D arby, E lizabeth Ann. Davidson, M argaret. Davies, Anne Rosem ary. Davies, D avid John. Davies, M argaret Myfanwy. Davies, W illiam Jam es K eith. Davis, B arry Charles. Dawe, M argaret Irene. D ay, Dennis Raym ond A rthur. D enny, B rian John. D enton, Mary E lizabeth. Dixon, Jen n ifer M argaret. Dobson, E d ith Maureen. D oucette, L eonard Eugene. Doyle, B ernard H enry. Drake, J a n e t Rose. Du Feu, P aul B ernard. Duffy, Maureen P atricia. D ugan, Eileen M ary. D unkerton, A nn Rosem ary.



D utton, Brian. Dye, Michael. Ended, Anno Avrll. Eaton, D avid Thom as. Edgorton, I'aullno Rosemary. Edm unds, Carol P atricia. E dw ards, M arian. E lliott, H arry Evorard. Emory, Sheila M argaret. E ndacott, Susan Dawn. Eyles, Jo h n Royston. Fardo, Enid Uronwcn. Farrow , Edw ard William. Feldm an, Valerio Ann. Felzm ann, Jarm lla F runtiska Albortu Julie. Fenby, Jano Alison. Finn, Shirloy P a tric ia Juno. Fisher, Edw ard R obert. Fisher, Valerio. Flach, Philip Joseph. Flotchor, H ilury Anno. Floyd, Maureen Cynthia. Foistor, Ilila ry E sther. F ollett, L inda Mary. Foss, D iana. F oster, Panoocla Ellen. Fowler, Ju d ith Anno. Freem an, Erlo Jam es. Friedm ann, Marla Elisabeth. F rost, Malcolm George. G alpin, Marjorio Jean . G arland, M urgaret. G arrott, R achel. Gatoly, Jano Anno. G aunt, M argaret. G ebsattol, Jerom o Frederick. Geer, William llo n ry Francis. Goorgo, Mavis E thel. Gibbons, Carole. Ginn, Eileen Florence. Goodrldge, Jo h n Charles. Gozzard, Muris D aphne. G rayling, Jo h n Jam es. Gregory, Konnoth Andrew. Gregory, K enneth William. Qrlffln, P atricia Ann. Griffiths, M arjorie Sholagh. Griffiths, Roger Wynne. Griffiths, Roy. Q rum ett, A nthony Denzll. G uttm ann, Kurl Heinrich. H aldane, Jo an A itken. Hull, Christine Sheila. H all, D iana Vivienne. Hulliduy, Ann P atricia. H alsey, Freda. Humpson, Ju d ith Forster. H arding, Marcus N orman. H arley, Michael John. H arper, J a n e t Marjorio. Harploy, Ju liet Alice Amy. H urpur, Susan Mary.



H arrison, Ellsuboth Jill. H arrison, M argaret Mary. H urrow sm ith, Patricia. H u rt, Stanley Goorgo. Hawkins, Joun M argaret. H ayes, Jam es. Houword, Rosemary Anne. Hemiuings, E lizabeth Douglas. Henderson, Jo h n Arnold. H epburn, Alice. Heron, Jano Rosulynd. Higgins, Jilllan J a n e t Oonagh. H ill, R ichard W alter. Hitching, Naomi R uth. H obbs, Nancy Joyce, llo d b y , Paulolno Manning. HotTmun, David Edwin. Hoggard, D avid A nthony. Holmes, Matthew Parsons. H oneym an, Catherine M argaret. H opkins, Anno M urtyn. H opkins, Douglus V ictor. Howell, Dorothy Marlon. Howell, Kathleen. H oyte, R ichard. Hudson, A udrey Florence. Hudson, Jo h n H arrison Nell. Hudson, Michael H enry. H um phrey, P eter Thom as. Hussey, P hiladelphia Joy. lies, J u d ith Mary. Ingumells, L ynn Elizabeth. Ingrum , Jack . loan-Jonos, Karen. Irving, Ann. Ives, K eith Douglas. Ivlson, Derek Fruncis. Jackson, Alan. Jackson, M urgaret Helen. Jucobs, Roderick Arnold. Jugo, Wllllum Jellrey. Jam es, D avid Lionel. Jeffery, Coliu A rth u r K eith Jam es. Jeffery, J a n e t O wenneth. Jeffreys, Mary Angela. Jenkins, Cellu A vril Rees. Jenkins, Jo h n Henley Fisher. Jennings, David Michael. Jessup, Frances Winifred. Johnson, Burburu Mury. Johnson, Edm und. Johnson, Joan Valeria, Johnson, Ju d ith Noruh. Johnson, M urgaret Jennifer. Johnston, Averil H eather. Jones, Stephanie Angela. Jones, Wins tan Morris. Ju liu s, Gwendolyn Sheilu. Kendall, E lizabeth N onna. Khamuru, Edw ard Jaco b Isaac, Kiersnowski, Michael Wladisluw. King, Alexlna Mury.

FACULTY K ing, Michael P eter. K night, C ynthia H elen. K nobil, R ia. L adden, K athleen R am say. L ane, Y alerie Dawn. Law, B arb ara Ann. L aw ton, Angela M ary. L eah, W illiam A lbert. Lee, E va. L eggott, Ann M argaret. L evete, D iana Frances. L itteck , R en ate Eleonore. Lockwood, H ilary Jean . Loffill, H a rry Jam es A nthony. Longley, Anne Lucy. L ord, M ary W inifred. L yne, Ju lian R oger Maxwell. L yons, R obin Jo h n . M cDonald, A nn Stella. M clnnes, E dw ard O’H ara. Mack, Joyce E dith. McVeigh, Carole Ann. M alin, M arilyn Ann. M allier, P au l Louis. M allinson, Priscilla R u th . M altby, Leonora Ju liet. M argetts, N orm an Jon. M arkham , B arry. M arleyn, R obin P e te r H ugh. M arsden, Gillian M ary. M arsh, B arry F razer. M arsh, Jo a n . Marshfield, A lan Edw in Charles. M artin, Osmond K enneth B arry. M artin, Sylvia. M artin, V alerie Anne. Mason, Jam es Stew art. M ather, P a tric ia Anne. M aynard, E dw ard Alan. M ayne, E lizabeth V ivian. Mende, M aria. Mercer, T im othy Jo h n . M ichael, Ia n D avid Lewis. Middlemiss, R oger Malcolm. M illmore, Teresa. M itchell, T revor E dw ard. M itchell, W endy Gillian. Morea, P e te r Ootteriel. Moreton, R ichard Alfred. M orris, Derek Charles. Moss, P a tric ia Ann. Mowles, A lan Jo h n . M urdock, M argaret M ary. M urphy, Brigid M ary. M urphy, Jo h n H ilton. M urray, Alison M argaret. M urray, Gillian. Neale, B arb ara M ary. N eale, M ary Jane. N ew all, M argaret Sylvia. N ickels, Jillian Marie. N ourse, C atherine M ary.



Nowakowska, M aria K rystyna. N unn, P eter. Ogden, Je a n Mildred. Old, W illiam Jam es. Owen, Leslie. P a citto , M argharita Angela M aria. P addon, H ilary E lizabeth. P ark in , Michael. P avlow itch, Stevan. P eet, Sheila H azel. Penfold, Ju n e A ndelys. P enna, Roger. P erry , Roger. Phillips, H ea th e r Marion. P ick ett, A nn Craven. Pine, Malcolm R ichard. P o tts, R o b ert Russell. P ra tt, E lizabeth Jennifer Anne. Priestley, Jo h n E dgar. P ro cter, Zela M argaret. Protheroe, Jo h n Charles. Protheroe, Leonard L u th er. Pum frey, Carol. R aczynska, V iridianne E lizabeth. R anee, F ay . R apson, Ja n e M ary. Reagle, Alina. R easbeck, Colin A rthur. Reese, P ierre H ow ard Llewellyn. R eid, G avin H u n ter. Rhodes, H ild a M argaret. R ichards, D ouglas. R ichardson, D allas M ary. R ichardson, Susan W hite M urray. R igby, D orothy. R iley, Michael Jam es. R oberts, Frances. Robins, K enneth Jo h n . R osam , B arb ara Ann. Roussel, Anne Caroline. Rowell, R u th Mary M itford. Rowlands, P au la Francesca. Rowson, Malcolm K eith. Russell, M argaret Delia. Sagall, Sabby. Salaun, Claire H fl6ne Marie. Salkield, Jennifer M ary. Sanders, B rian F rancis H enry. Sanders, H elen Lucy. Sargent, Alfred Charles. Sargent, J a n e t M arian. Saunders, P atricia M argaretta. Saville, D erek Jo h n Greenwood. Sawbridge, Maureen. Sawyer, Jill. Schafer, M ary. Scharer, Gillian D aphne Elizabeth, Schiff, H ilda. Scott, Jo h n Jam es W alter. Seagar, Jea n n e tte Violet. Seeds, Jo h n B rian. Sharp, J ill Caroline.



Shaw, J a n e t Ellen. Shaw, Moira Ann. Shaw, P eter. Shelton, Monica Nan. Sherlock, Fiona Louise. Shields, V alentine. Shillcock, Donald Jo h n . Shipm an, Maureen Jo an . Shipside, E velyn Ann. Shirra, D avid C hristopher. Shotter, D avid Frederick. Showell, M argaret. Sibley, B rian Clifford. Sidnell, Michael John. Simpson, Madeline Ju n e. Singleton, E rica M argaret. Singleton, M artha G loria. Sinnott, P atricia Grace. Sissons, Jo h n N orm an. Slaym aker, R u th M argaret. Sm etham , Andrew Jam es. Sm ith, A lan W itherow. Sm ith, Ann. Sm ith, B rian Douglas. Sm ith, Doreen E lizabeth. Soanes, Malcolm David. Sol6-Leris, Amadeo. Speirs, Jan et. Spencer, R obert B ernard. Stainton, R oy Sydney. Stam ford, P ete r John. Stanley, J ill Catherine V ictoria. S tannard, D avid John. S tarr, Suzanne Ja n e t. Steele, Colin Philip. Steer, B arry E lliott. S tennett, N ancy M argaret. Stephens, Terence. Stevens, Beatrice E velyn Sylvia. Stew ard, G raham John. Stopford, P atricia Rose. Story, R obin Lewis. Sullivan, W inifred E thelreda. Swain, Jam es D avid. Swift, Pauline Elizabeth. Sydenham , Anne Bridget. Sykes, Ju d ith Gwendoline H annah. T albot, Jo h n Charles. Talbot, L ydia Maureen. T anton, Anne. T aylor, A rth u r Douglas. T aylor, Cicely Audrey. T errett, Jos6 Paulina. Teuton, A lan Cecil.




Thom as, Geoffrey B rynm or. T hom as, M adella. Thom as, Maureen Jillian . Thom as, W illiam Michael. T hom is, M alcolm Ian . Thom pson, Shirley Mitchell. Thom son, Bruce A lexander. T hornton, N orm an Reginald. T itm us, B a rb ara Eileen. T ollington, Jefferson F ran k Lionel. Tom kins, Michael Alan. T oner, P hilippa P a tric ia M argaret Elizabeth E leanor. T oop, Ju lie t Anne. T oplis, Daphne. T regunna, Sheila. T reloar, Carolyn Elizabeth. T rem blett, Yvonne Frances. T uby, A nnabel R uth. T urner, D avid A nthony. W aghorn, Marion Constance. W alker, Colin E dw ard H oulihan. W alker, H ilary A ntoinette. W ard, D ’Arcy. W ard, Jeffrey H enry. W aring, E velyn M argaret H am ilton. W asserm an, Beatrice. W aterhouse, R ichard E rn est Fitzw alter. W atkins, R ichard T hom as L eander. W atson, B renda G ertrude. W atts, Gillian Mary. W ebster, Jo h n Frederick. W edd, Jennifer Marian. W estm oreland, M argaret. W hetm an, Susan M ary. W hittaker, Sheila Helen. W igginton, John. W ild, H ilary. W ilkinson, D avid A lexander. W illiams, Jo h n Glyn. W illiams, Joseph John. W illiams, Marion. W ills, Alan George. Wood, P eter Alfred W adham . W ood, P eter John. W ood, R u th M arguerite. W oollatt, Maureen. W right, Beryl Maude. W right, Carol Anstee. W right, Gillian Ann. W right, T hom as Reginald. Y ates, M arrian Ellen. Young, B etty. Young, R ichard Sidney.

Evening Cosgrove, Josephine P atricia. H ow ard, Roy Charles. H uss, Francis S tu art. Lom ax, Douglas George Thom as.

Mansell, Dennis Sydney. Stock, D orothy Ann. T ch am y , H elen Mary Campbell. V arrall, Doreen W inifred.




R E G IS T E R E D E X T E R N A L STU D EN TS OF T H E U N IV E R SITY OF LONDON Day Beck, Enid Joyce. Jo s t, B eatrice.

Spyropoulos, M aria. Evening Cox, N orm an E rnest.

O T H E R R EG U LA R STUDENTS Day B ethge, G erhard. Bohm er, W ilfried. D eppe, W olfgang Guido A nton Josef. E issengarthen, M aria Eleonore. K aiifer, Susanne Mary Sybille.

M ayer, H elga Ingrid. O da, M atsuko. P raschl, H elga Aloisia H ildegard. R uhe, A ugusta M aria M artha Grace. S chm itt, R oland K arl.

Evening T rim m , Sylvia Eleanor.

OCCASIONAL STUDENTS B ate, R osem ary Muriel. Cheyne, George Jam es Gordon.

L im a, H eber Salvador. MUller, R otrand.

PO STGRADUATE AND R ESEA RC H STU D EN TS Full-tim e Lefebure, E ric A lexander, B.A. M cN utt, D orothy Jo a n , B.A. (M ount Allison). Manning, Jo h n R oger D avys, B.A. Milroy, Jam es R obert Dunlop, B.A. P aret, P eter, B.A. (California). P atc h e tt, M agali, B.A. R ae, N orm an Frederick, B.A. (Oxford). R oberts, Clifford, B.A. Sachinis, Apostolos, B.A. (Athens), M.A. Savage, Donald Cockfield, B.A. (McGill). Schofield, Audrey, B.A. Shaw, D avid H enry, B.A. Sm ith, Sheila Ann, B.A. Sm yth, Gillian M ary, B.A. Sofroniou, Sofronios Agathocle, B.A. Sparkes, B rian Allison, B.A. Stables, E ric, B.A. T aylor, Constance E lizabeth, B.A. T urner, E d g ar Neville, B.A. (Stellenbosch). Vail, Bruce Sturgis, B.A. Villarroel, Fidelis, S.T.L. (Dominican Order). W alker, Ia n H am ilton, B.A. W aller, K enneth Charles, B.A. W atkinson, Mary H untington, B.Sc. (Soc.). W ells, Clare M argaret, B.A. W ollaston, E ric P eter Maurice, B.A. Young, Mervin Crawford, B.A. (Michigan).

A dam s, D abney, M.A. (V anderbilt). A jayi, Jaco b Festus A de, B.A. B ain, M orton Jo h n , B.A. (M ount Allison). B asannavar, R angappa M allappa, M.A. (B om bay). B raithw aite, R ichard H ope Ellis, B.A. Broeker, Galen, M.A. (Oregon). Chappie, Jo h n Francis, B.A. (Oxford). Colem an, Alice M ary, M.A. Cook, Jocelyn Louisa, M.A. (New Zealand). E dw ards, E lizabeth R osem ary, M.A. F arrell, Jo h n K evin A nthony, M.A. (W estern O ntario). F erm an, Jam es A lan, B.A. (Cambridge). H addon, E lizabeth T urnbull, B.A. H arv ey , P eter M artin, B.A. H em phill, Jo h n Mickle, M.A. (Princetow n). H ughes, N ancy Lee, M.A. (Southern Cali足 fornia). H untley, Jo h n Faringdom , M.A. (Connecti足 cut). H u rt, N orm an K eith, B.A. Jackson, George, B.A. Jo hnstone, H addon Croft, B.A. Jo nes, Jo h n A ckerm an, B.A. Jones, Mildred E m ery, M.A. (Arizona). Jy o ti, Dev D a tta , M.A. (Punjab). K han, R usi F ram roz, M.A. (Bombay). K ohn, E lizabeth, B.A.






Part-time K erby, R aym ond H enry, B.A. A bdel-H am id, Mohammed Sam ir, M.A. K erry, Jo h n E dw ard, B.A. (Bristol). A nderton, E lizabeth Anne, B.A. (Cam­ Lam b, Phyllis Joyce, B.Sc. (M anchester). L eahy, P atrick , M.A. (N .U .I.). bridge). Lewin, Jo an , M.A. A tkinson, Jo h n B rian, B.A. (Leeds). Lewin, R oy A lbert, M.A. B alh atch ett, D avid Jo h n , M.A., B .L itt. Lilley, Irene May, M.A. (Cambridge). (Oxford). McElroy, W alter Morgan, B.A. (California). B arnes, Stanley E dw ard, M.A. Main, K enneth A rth u r, B.A. B atts, Michael Stanley, B.A. Mason, Michael A rth u r, M.A. Beniston, Nicole-Thertee, L.-te-L. (Dijon). Moore, Byron, B.A. B ennett, W alter, B.A. Morgan, Theodore D avid, B.A. B rock, B ichard E gbert, M.A. Moss, L eonard Stanley, B.A. B rogsitter, K arl O tto, D .Phil. (Bonn). M ow att, D avid G uthrie, B.A. Burden, George H arlan d , B.A. Osselton, Noel E dw ard, B.A. B ycroft, Jean , B.A. Ostberg, K u rt, B.A. Cash, M argaret E leanor, B.A. Perkins, George D avid, B.A. Cashin, T hom as P a trick , B.A. (Dublin). Petch, R o b ert B u rto n K eay, M.A. Clout, Vallance D uncan, B.A. P o tter, D avid, B.A. Colgate, H ugh A rth u r, B.A. P ujals F ontrodona, E steban, Dr. en L . Dasley, Meriel E laine, B.A. (Madrid). D avey, Marion Grace, B.A. Q uinlan, Simon, B.A. Dawson, Nigel F raser, B.A. R olls, Ia n F ra n k , B.Sc. de B ruyn, D im phna A ntonia, B.A. Sageman, P hyllis, M.A. Felsenstein, Denis R aym ond, B.A. Salm on, P au l B ernard, M.A. F lint, Elw yn H enry, B.A. (Queensland). Sanderson, P e te r Crawshaw, B.A. (Oxford). F lin t, John E dgar, B.A. (Cambridge). Sm ith, Sheila M ary, B.A. F oltinek, H erb ert, Ph.D . (Vienna). Spenser, Lois M argaret Grace, B.A. (Oxford). Forrester, Andrew Dunsire, M.A., L.-fes-L., Still, E dw in H orace, B.A. D.de l’Univ. (Lyons). T adm an, B a rb ara Ja n e t, B.A. French, Leonora M ary, B.A. T hom as, D avid H u b e rt, M.A. (W ales). Gillespie, George T urland, B.A. Tucker, P a tric k Jo h n Blake, B.A., D.de Gordon, M arjorie Ja n e t, M.A. L ’Univ. (Paris). G uenther, Isolde, B.A. T urner, Olga, M.A., P h.D . Henshaw, Alfred, B.A. Veevers, E rica Elsine, B.A. (Sydney). H ocking, M argaret, B.A. V ergette, Catherine H elen, B.A. (Cape Hodge, Charles Jo h n , B.Sc. (Econ.). Town). Holmes, Graeme M olyneaux, B.A. W atson, R o b ert F rancis E dw ard, B.A. Howse, A rth u r P ercy, B.A. Is o tta , Jo h n T revor Coldrey, B.A. Weeks, Jan ice F a rra r, B.A. (Columbia). Jeeves, W illiam N orm an, M.A. (Cambridge). W hitehead, A ubrey W illiam, B.A. Johnson, P eter A lan, B.A. W illiamson, Baym ond Hope, M.A. (Sheffield). Johnson, W illiam Francis H enry, B.A. Zobel, Andrew, B.A. Jones, E dgar, B.A. POSTGRADUATE C ER T IFIC A TE IN EDUCATION Andrews, Jo h n , B.A. Bailey, P eter A lfred, B.Sc. Baker, Jo h n W illiam, B.Sc. B rand, D avid, B.Sc. Brown, Michael Colin, B.Sc. Clarkson, Malcolm W illiam, B.A. (Birm ing­ ham). Cooper, G ordon Malcolm, B.A. (Manchester). Cousens, Shirley E d ith A nn, B.A. D art, Jean , B.A. E dw ards, B rian H enry, B.Sc. Ellis, Jo h n G raham , B.Sc. Evans, Gillian E lisabeth, B.A. (N ottingham ). Fanning, Vincent, B.A. (Manchester). Feest. F ran k H orace. B.Sc.

F ord, Douglas Rowland, B.Sc. Free, Maureen Celia, B.A. Gedge, P eter Stanley, B.A. (Oxford). G ilbert, E leanor M argaret, B.A. (Birming­ ham). Gledhill, Ann, B.Sc. Gould, Valerie K athleen, B.A. Green, Dennis R oy, B.Sc. H artley, Pauline Mary, B.Sc. (N ottingham ). H aw ton, E dw ard George, B.Sc. H eath , M argaret Jan e, B.A. (Cambridge). Helme, S arah, B.Sc. H ill, E lizabeth Christine, B.Sc. H ills, Brenda, B.A. (Manchester). H olgate, Philip, B.Sc.



H opkins, Jo h n T revor, B.Sc. H unsley, M argaret E lizabeth D iana, B.D. H u ntley, G illian E lizabeth Maude, B.A. H utchinson, Sheila M argaret, B.A. (N otting­ ham ). Ing ram , Jo h n A rthur, B.A. (Cambridge). J a c k , K enneth Malcolm, B.Sc. (Bristol). Jen kin, Yvonne M argaret, B.A. (N otting­ ham ). Jo h n s, Sonia M ary, B.A. Jones, Jo h n D avid, B.A. K irby, Ia n Jo h n , B.A. Lorim er, J a n e t Grace, B.A. Loxley, Olwen Jo y , B.A. (Cambridge). MacGregor, Je a n Helen, B.A. Macleod, Doreen F lo ra, B.Sc. M clnnes, Jam es O’H a ra , B.A. M artin, P eter H ow ard, B.Sc. M erritt, Ia n H enry, B.Sc. Millin, Christopher Geoffrey, B.Sc. (Man­ chester). M orrish, Denys Cyril, B.A. M unkm an, A nn, B.Sc. M urphy, P e ter W illiam, B.A. (Sheffield). N orm an, P eter R odney, B.Sc. Olby, R o b e rt Cecil, B.Sc. Oliver, R onald W illiam A lfred, B.Sc. (Bristol).



Pope, Jo an Valerie, B.A. (Birm ingham ). Price, U rsula Hedwig M aria, B.A. B aynes, Celia M ary, B.A. B euthe, D aphne M argaret Elizabeth, B.Sc. R itson, Jocelyn, B.A. Rolfe, Doreen M ildred, B.Sc. R onald, Jo a n M argaret, B.A. (Cambridge). Rooke, N an ette, B.A. (M anchester). Bowlands, Gwenith, B.A. (M anchester). Salmon, Jennifer M arion E d ith , B.A. (Cam­ bridge). Sargent, Malcolm B ernard, B.A. Scott, Jo h n R obert, B.Sc. Sellick, C atharine R osem ary, B.A. (Bristol). Sexton, Jo h n H enry, B.Sc. Shea, A lan, B.Sc. (D urham ). Simpson, P au l Joseph, B.A. Sm ith, E dw ard D uncan, B.A. Thom as, R aym ond, B.Sc. V arney, B oderick H enry, B.A. W alford, R ex Ashley, B.Sc. (Econ.). W atson, K athleen, B.A. W elsh, A lexander, B.Sc. W h y att, V ictor Jo h n , B.Sc. W ilkinson, M arjorie, B.A. W illcocks, Jo h n , B.A. W illiams, E m ily Rachel, B.A. (Cambridge). Wood, Anne Marie, B.A.


Faculty of Law s R E G IST E R E D IN T E R N A L STUDENTS OP T IIE U N IV E R SITY OP LONDON Day Aboh, Eugene Okafor. Adeniji, Taw a Adenike. Adumua-Bossman, W illiam N uertey. Agyepong, Kwadwo Agyei. Ajibola, Olubunm i Adelowo. Akpovi, Joseph Oweremoh. Akuoko, Daniel Johnson. A shplant, D avid Charles. Aspley, E dw ard George. A tsu, M artin Y ao-B ah Atsu. Auld, R obin E rnest. A ustin, A llan Ian . Baker, Michael A nthony Croft. B ancroft, Mary W inifred. Bergm an, R ichard Leo. B ird, Michael Jam es. Birkbeck, Panline Mary. B luston, Derek. B oothroyd, June. B rooker, P eter Jam es. B runi, Romolo. Burns, W illiam Roy. B utler, T hom as P atrick . Cameron, G ordon Andrew. Carrick, Joseph. Carson, T im othy Joseph. Cave-Brown-Cave, Jill. Chadwick, Penelope Purcell. Chalmers, K enneth Malcolm. Chan, Maisie Shin-U. Charles, M argaret Agnes. Collins, Jennifer. Cooper, Jo h n Douglas. Courts, H ugh Iv ri. Coward, Gerald A nthony Fenwick. Crichton, Jam es Charles Gerald. Curry, Ia n Wilson. Deaner, Ju lian Michael. Delamore, P atricia Florence Jean. De Sausmarez, Michael George. De Silva, M anouri Kokila. Dibsdall, Michael E rnest A rthur. Dossett, R ichard Brian. Downing, John. Duncan, S tu a rt Mitchell. Dunlop, D avid William. E astburn, D avid Linford. Echetabu, E m m anuel Obidi. E vans, G raham Lewis. Ewing, Charles Alexander. Fernando, Biyagam age Jayasena. Fisher, Clive R ichard. Foster, Dennis Jo h n A lbert. Frazer, Colin Peter. F yte, Susan M argrit. Gbemudu, A lbert N duaguba Ezennwa. Gedge, John.

Gelman, Rochelle D avinia. Gilmour, Charles H yam David. Godfrey, D an Frederick. Gogo, Ashrifie. Golding, P eter Leslie. Green, Jennifer. Grosset, W illiam Hyslop. Gwyn, Alison. Hal6vy, B alfour Jon ath an . H am m ond, R obin E w a rt (/rom Easter, 1956). H arding, Geoffrey W right. H ard m an, R onald Keith. H a rt, Anelay Colton W right. H a rt, R aym ond Maurice. H inton, R obert. Hodgson, D avid Voase. H odgson, Joyce Clarice H ilda. H oldroyd, Jam es Malcolm. Hollingsw orth, Bernard. H oulton, Alice Em ily Nelson. Ikeazor, T im othy Chimezie. Jenkinson, D avid N orm an. Jilan i, Ghulam. Jones, Jo h n Metcalfe. Kelly, R oderick John. K ent, P eter John. K irby, Jean E lizabeth. Kom, Enoch Davidson. Kwan, W illiam Cheuk Yin. Lacy, K eith Eric. Lees, D avid John. Lees, Diane E lisabeth. Lehrfreund, R u th Miriam. Lewis, Christopher Peter. Lloyd, Jo h n Grey. McDonald, Ia n Ferens. Mansfield, Freda Rosem ary. Maxwell, K eith H alford. Mellows, A nthony Roger. Moore, N icholas Philip. Morris, Alfred John. Muharrem, U ral Djemil. Nicolle, A nthony William. Nyam w eya, Jam es. Ogwo, D avid Mba. Oldman, N aom i E lizabeth. O’Shaughnessy, V ictor John. O verton, Alan. Owen, Pauline Ann. P adovan, Jo h n Mario Faskally. P arry , P eter Jam es. Patey, M argaret Joyce. Pegg, W illiam D avid Vickery. Penna, Colin Eric. Peters, Jo h n F ran k William. Pickering, B ryan T hornton. Preger, Geoffrey.





Price, W illiam Kvan Prytherch. Redvers-M utton, Michael George. Reuben, Michael. R ichardson, Brian. R ichardson, Colin Gordon. Riches, A nthony Reginald. R oberts, Jo h n D avid A nthony. Rowlands, K eith Alun. St. Claire-Sm ith, Shirley A strid. Shaftesley, H elen Adela. S n art, Colin George. Sogbetun, Solomon Osobukunola. Sowemimo, Samuel A derinola Sobo. Sprigge, D avid Alan. S taddon, Susan Pauline E lisabeth. Stevenson, John.

Stowell, Geoffrey M ottram . Sturgess, R aym ond. S utton, Dennis Joseph. Thom pson, David H ayhow. T reanor, Michael. T urner, Jo h n Kenelm. U rq u h art, Lawrence M acalister. Venn, Ja n e t. W alker, Christine Hazel. W atkiss, Jo h n B arrie (from Easter, 1956). W atling, D avid B rian. W heatley, Alan A rth u r M artin. W hycherley, Vivien Madeleine. W illiams, Barrie. W illiams, Carol Rhian. W u Po Shing.

A kehurst, Denis Burn. Alexander, Maximiliane. A nterkyi, Jo n as Sylvestre Andrew. A therton, Geoffrey E rnest. A tkinson, Greville Francis Bromley. B all, B eginald Samuel. B arn ett, Iv o r David. Bunker, G erald Bew. C artw right, H ilary Ann. Clegg, Jean M argaret. Cox, Sidney Edw ard. Davies, K eith. Donnelly, W illiam Ernest. Farm borough, Muriel Louise. F rancis, John. Garside, Gerald William. G oulty, George A rthur. H am m ond, R obin E w a rt (till Easter, 1956). H arris, B rian Thom as. H enry, Je a n Muriel. Hewson, George Derek. H utchinson, Thom as. Ib rahim , Yussuff H ugh Sydney R andolph. Jo rd an , V ictor Charles. Keighley, T revor. K ennedy, R obert William. K irkpatrick, Marjorie K athleen Grace. Levinson, Clive John. Lovelock, W illiam John. Ludlow, R ichard M artin Phillips. Mensa-Bonsu, F ran k K wabena. Milchem, P eter H arold Ray. Mill, Michael Vivian. Moore, A ntony Nigel.

Musoke, Saulo. N icholls, Ivo. O’H anlon, Francis. Okam, Nelson Belonwu Nweke. P attinson, W illiam Derek. P epra, A lexander Paul. Phillips, N orm an Charles. Phillips, N orm an R obert. Reed, Jo h n Deiniol. Rengger, H ugh Desmond. Rowe, R ich ard Brian. Shum, Cheuk Yum. Simkins, Michael. Singh, Preetam . Steafel, Dennis Malcolm. Stedm an, Derek Douglas. Stephens, George Edw ard. Stickler, Michael John. S tratfo rd , Lloyd S tu art. S turm er, E dw ard Denham. Taylor, Gillian Athene E lizabeth. T aylor, V ictor William. Vitale, Geoffrey Lewis Edwards. W ainw right, Derek Vivian. W ard, R oger W alton. W atkiss, Jo h n B arrie (till Easter, 1956). W att, T hom as Edw ard. W est, Reginald Philip. W heeldon, Michael John. W hite, G illian Mary. W ilkinson, Eric. W ilson, R onald. Wood, E ric W illiam.

O TH E R R EG U LA R STUDENTS Fielding, L orna E lizabeth. K ilby, K atherine Anne, A.B. (SweetB riar).

Langley, Michael John. P aterson, Adolphus W illiam.

OCCASIONAL STUDENTS E dw ards, W ilfred Thom as. L am odi, F rank. M bazira, Em m anuel Seismus,

Pepper, Leslie George, B.Sc. (Econ.). Sm ith, W alter,






POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Full-time A kbar, Ali, LL.B. (Teheran), LL.M. L ittle, R obert E dw ard, LL.B. Al-Quaisi, F akh ri, L. en D roit (Baghdad). Munim, Fazle K aderi Md.Abdul, M.A., B.L. A ugustithis, George, B. L. (Edinburgh). (Dacca). Biggs, Jo h n Michael, LL.B. N ylander, A rth u r Vernal Jones, L L .B . (D urham ). C haudhary, Roop L ai, LL.B. (Delhi). O’Connor, Joseph. Choudhary, A k h tar Iq b al, B.A. (P unjab), Orenstein, Avshalom , LL.M. (Jerusalem ). LL.B. (K arachi). P atch e tt, K eith W illiam, LL.B. Daly, Olga L indholm , LL.B. Payne, Julien D avid, LL.B. Dorliker, V asant M ahadeo R ao, M.A., LL.B. P icarda, Guy Reginald Pierre, L. en D roit (N agpur). (Grenoble), B.A. (Oxford). Drouzas, D em etrius, G rad.Law (Athens). Singh, D avid A rthur. E llert, R obert B ernard, B .A., B.C.L. Sm idt, Margrethe, G rad. Law (Copenhagen). (W illiam and Mary). Stew art, L orna H olden, LL.B . El T urabi, H assan A bdulla, LL.B. S traton, M arjorie Amy, B.A., LL.B. Em erson, P aul Daniel, LL.B. Tefit, Raphael, LL.B. Gold, George A nthony, LL.B. G oldblum , H enry D avid, LL.B. T hean, Lip Ping, LL.B. (B ristol). Toogood, Jo h n , L L.B . G reenburgh, R aym ond Baron, LL.M. W aller, G erald A braham , LL. B. H ickling, Mark A nthony, LL.B. H unnings, Thom as Neville March, LL.B. W auscha, Ingeborg M athilde, D .Jur. (Vienna). Kafafi, Salah Abdel Salam , Lie. in Law Yousufzai, Mohammed Safl K han, M.A., (Cairo). LL.B. (K arachi). K alogridis, P eter George, B.S. (Davidson), J.D . (N. Carolina). Part-time Adebiyi, Samuel D urojaiye, LL.B. P rich ard , Alan M artin, LL.B. Bland, Anthony Jo h n , M. A., B.O.L. (Oxford). St. John-Stevas, N orm an A nthony Francis, Jam es, Thom as E gbert, M.A., B.O.L. B.A. (Cambridge), B.O.L. (Oxford). (Oxford). Sevig, V edat, Dr. of Law (Istan b u l). Mendes da Costa, Derek, LL.B.


F acu lty of N a tu ra l S cien ce R E G IS T E R E D IN T E R N A L STUD ENTS OF T H E U N IV E R S IT Y OF LONDON A bbot, Angela Mary. A ddy, Jo h n K eith. A lexander, K eith. A llaby, Jam es V ictor. Allsopp, E dw ard R ichard. Anderson, B ernard George. Ansdell, Jo h n N orm an. Antcliff, A nthony Charles. A nthony, D avid Colin Marendaz. Asher, B rian Leslie. Baigent, E d ith A nna. Bailey, E d ith M argaret. Barlow, D onald Frederick. Bartholom ew , Frederick Jam es. B arton, Max E drich. B atchelor, R ichard E dgar. B ates, A drian Michael Buckland. Beadle, M argaret K atharine. B eckett, Anne. B eighton, Stanley. Bell, Ellen P atricia. Beresford, Dennis. Berg, E dw ard. Berridge, Neil George. B est, B rian Charles. B ird, Jo h n B olton. Bischitz, P eter George. Black, J a n e t N aom i. B lackm an, D avid John. B lythe, H a rry J a r ra tt. Boniface, A nthony D avid. Boughton, D avid Charles. Bowen, J u lia Ley. Bower, M argaret Mary. Bown, Angela E lizabeth. B oxall, R obin John. Boyce, Douglas George. B ralsford, R aym ond. Breeze, Muriel Joy. Brookes, B rian Sydney. Brown, D avid N orm an. Brown, Ia n D avid. Brown, J a n e t R u th S tuart. Brown, John. Brown, M ontague Alfred John. Brown, P atricia M ary. Brow nhill, L ynn Frances. B ryant, Christopher. B ucknall, R o b ert A nthony. B urdin, Jo h n W ordsworth. B urrow s, John. B utler, A nthony R obert. Cam bray, F ran k W illiam. Campey, Ia n Geoffrey. Capps, Clive. Carr-Brion, K enneth Garfield.

C arrington, Thom as Geoffrey. C arter, Jo h n Edwin. Case, Denis H enry V aughan. Chapm an, R obert. Chappie, Michael John. Chettoe, Jo h n Aubrey Laugham . Chidlow, M aurice Colin. Chissell, Jam es F rancis. Churchill, W illiam Michael. Clark, Michael. Clark, R ichard Stanley. Clarke, Charles E dw ard Peter. Clarke, John. Clarke, Michael. Cleasby, D avid H olt. Coates, A ntony George. Coates, R o b ert Brownlee. Coller, R ichard John. Collins, W illiam Terence. Coope, Jo h n Alan. Cope, Jo h n . Cox, G raham Frederick. Cox, Jo h n Malcolm. Cramer, D avid Campbell. Creech, T revor Thom as. Crickmer, Jo h n R ichard. Cripps, R o b ert F rank. Crom ar, Ia n Jam es. Crossley, Neville Stanton. Crutchlow, Sonia Boyce. Culyer, Jo h n Michael. Curtis, R obin Geoffrey. Daley, P am ela T albot. D arby, A rth u r Carl. D ’A rcy, Jo h n A nthony. Davies, John. Davies, P atric ia E lizabeth Mary. Davis, Iain Horwood. Dawson, P eter H enry. D ean, P au l Jerem y. D ivall, Michael R obert. Dobson, M argaret Vera. Drage, A lan John. Druce, Catherine Gordon. Duell, Michael John. Dulin, A lan Leonard. Dunmore, R ichard. Dunwoody, In g a Jennifer. D um all, Jo h n Godfrey. Dyer, Brian. E ade, Jo h n Francis. E astham , J u d ith Eileen. E llis, Reginald John. E m ery, D orothy Ann. Evans, W illiam Frederick. Exelby, V ivian H ugh.



Fairbrother, B rian John. Finch, Jam es. Finn, Jo h n David. Follwell, Juliet. Ford, Jo h n . Foster, W illiam Rees. Fotheringham e, A listair Kobin. Foulkes, Elizabeth. F rearson, Josephine. Frewin, P eter Davidson. F ryer, Jo h n D avid Russell. Fuller, Edwin Russell. Fuller, W atson. G ardiner, R u th Muriel. Gardner, David Michael. G arraw ay, Jam es L ynton. G arrett, Jo h n Raym ond. Gee, M argaret Anne. G erber, Gerald Joseph. Giles, R obin A rthur. Glading, Daniel A rthur. Gluck, A nthony Wrilliam Anatole. Godfrey, R onald F rank. Goodchild, Michael. Gordon, Julian. G oult, Raym ond John. G raham , Jan e t. G ray, Cyril George. Green, Stephen David. Grimshaw, P eter Noel. Groom, P eter H erm an. Gunstone, Richard’Frank. G utteridge, R onald Jam es. H addon, Ia n W illiam MacLean. Halsey, Terence Edward. H arding, E rnest John. H arding, P eter E dw ard Thom as. H argate, Elaine Margaret. H arris, P eter Victor. H arvey, J ill Baymonde. H arvey, Jo h n Charles. Hawking, Gordon John. H aw kins, R onald David. H awkins, Shirley Elizabeth. H aw orth, Christine. H ayes, E lisabeth Mary Barlow. H ayes, John Miller. Haynes, Jo h n K enneth. Heeds, William. Hewison, R obin H enry. Hewson-Browne, Rodney Charles. Heyes, P eter N orris. Higgins, Eileen Anne. H ilder, Derek W illiam. H iley, Basil Jam es, Hines, William Jo h n W alter. Holmes, Enid Gillian. H o lt, Colin. H ooper, Jo h n William. H orler, D avid Frederick. H orton, George Mount joy. H ow ard, Edw ard John,



S C IE N C E ,


H ow arth, Alan. Howden, Brian. Howells, M argaret Edna. H udson, Vivien Annie. H ull, R obert H erbert. H u n t, B renda M argaret. Iggulden, L eonard Charles, lies, R onald B ernard. Inglis, S tu a rt A rthur. Inw ard, P eter William. Ion, R onald Malcolm. Jam es, Peter. Jenkins, Jo h n Halem. John, Sarah M argaret. Jones, F ran k Christopher. Jones, Jo h n Byron. Jope, John A nthony. Joseph, R obin Lyal. K ates, Brian Trevor. Kear, Jan et. Keen, A rth u r Malvern. Kelly, Terence V ictor George. K endall, Jo h n Oxley Claude. K ent, Jam es Michael. Key, Geoffrey R aym ond. King, Dennis. King, M argaret. K napp, T revor Frederick W illiam Beresford. K night, D avid Charles. K night, G ordon H enry. L aird, Michael John. L am bert, B obert Wilson. L am pitt, G ordon Arnold. L andsbert, Brian. Lavender, Jo h n Raym ond. Lawson, D avid Glynne. L axton, R onald R obert. Lay, R obert Gerald. Lee, M argaret Mary. Leeves, Ann. Leigh, George Jeffery. Lewis, R ex Hughes. Light, G areth Alan. Limbrey, Susan Penelope. Lowe, Jo h n David. McCulloch, B rian Stanley. McDonald, Eric. Mackie, R obert Wallace. McLeod, R obert Im rie. McQuillan, Geoffrey Peter. Male, Jo h n Clement. Malin, S tu a rt R obert Charles. Mann, Carola Mary Shackleton. Mansell, D avid John. Mardell, R ichard Jam es. Marfleet, Jo h n R ichard. Masterson, Jo h n S tu art. M athias, Philip A nthony. M atthews, Jerem y H arvey. Meek, B rian Lawrence. Mercer, B arbara. Meredith, Maurice Douglas.



Midgley, Jenifer. M illard, A nthony Jo h n . M itchell, D avid H enry. Mitchell, Malcolm Frederick. Mooney, A nthony A lbert Jam es. Morden, A nthony A rchibald. Morey, E rica Rose. Morgan, A listair R alph. Morgan, Jo h n R ichard. M orris, B arbara H ilda. N atusch, D avid A lan. N aylor, A lan Ilifle. Oakes, John. Olding, Dennis. O’N eill, P eter Laurence. O’Reilly, Michael Francis. O rm an, Stanley. Owens, J a c k Moore. P alm er, L eonard W illiam. Palm er, R ex Alfred. Palm er, R obert Lawrence. Panchen, K enneth E dw ard. P aradine, M argaret Anne. P arker, G raham H ow ard. P ark er, Noreen Elizabeth. P arkhouse, R obert Michael Evans. P arkinson, Alan. P atterson, D avid Malcolm. Pearce, A lan W illiam. Pearce, R oger G arrod. Pearson, A lan Jo h n . Peniston-B ird, M artin Lewis. Perkins, Colin Blackm ore. Perkins, Michael John. P erry, B rian Jo h n . P erry, Jo h n R eginald. Phillips, John. Phillips, Michael. P h ilp o tt, Jo h n P eter. P ica, G illian Valerie. P ierpoint, Roger. Plim m er, D onald Alfred John. Poole, Michael W illiam. P oulter, Bruce. Preston, Pam ela Strickland. Price, Neil Beynon. Price, R onald. P riddy, Ia n Michael. P rio r, Jo h n Roger. P ritch ard , A nthony John. P ro ctor, Jo h n H ow ard. Pullen, D avid John. Puree, R obin Francis. Pym , Gillian. Ram sden, R obert Julian. R ea, Philip Charles. Redfern, Frederick. R ed itt, D avid Allan. R ichards, M artin. R ichm ond, Jo h n Alexis. Rigg, Jo h n Christopher. Riley, Thom as.


Risk, David D uncan Leslie. Rochester, Colin H erbert. R oss, D avid W alter. Royle, David. Rubin, Lawrence. R ushton, Geoffrey John. Saunders, D avid Stanley. Savage, Jo h n Leslie. Savage, M argaret E lizabeth Annesley. Schaffer, A rth u r Geoffrey. Schartau, Derek A rthur. Schofield, Michael H enry Osborne. Scott, H enry George. Scott, S tu a rt Alan. Scowen, B rian A rthur. Seabright, Colin Jam es. Selby, Edw ard Grenville. Sellen, D avid Bruce. Sellwood, Jam es Baden. Senior, W illiam A rthur. Sheppard, David Fleetwood. Sherm an, Dennis. Sherm an, R obin Lewis. Sherm an, W arren Vincent. Sherm an, W illiam Francis. Shine, Jam es K enneth W illiam. Shingleton, Derek Alan. Shrimplin, Jo h n Steven. Silvester, N orm an Rix. Simmons, Jo h n A rthur. Simpson, Geoffrey Blake. Simpson, Jo h n Glenn. Slade, Brenda. Slater, Joseph William. Slimming, David. S m art, Colin. Sm ith, A rth u r Joseph. Sm ith, B rian John. Sm ith, Constance Imogen. Sm ith, D avid Ingle. Sm ith, Douglas William. Smol, Gabriel. South, D iana Mary. Southcott, June. Sparrow, Edwin Julian . Spickernell, G raham Jam es. Spinks, A nthony Michael. Stanbury, Mary. Stenning, Jennifer Anne. Stephenson, George Geoffrey. Stevenson, Isobel Constance. Stower, Anne Gwendoline. Straughan, Donald W illiam. Sutcliffe, G ordon E verhard. S utton, Evelyn. T aylor, B rian A nthony. Tebay, H ugh Gordon. T hoday, Alan F rank. Thom as, E dw ard Jam es Roydon. Thom as, Jo h n Michael. Thom as, R obin Neil. Thompson, Nigel.



T h o m p s o n , R a y m o n d A lla n .

T hornton, M argaret Shirley. Thorogood, Edw ard A nthony. Thorogood, Michael John. T hurm an, D avid A rthur. Townshend, B ernard Jo h n . T rethew ay, P eter Douglas. T ro tt, Daphne Anne. Tuckley, E dw ard Stanley George. T urner, D avid Charles. T urner, Ju d ith . Yandenbossche, M argaret Elizabeth. Van D er Burg, Michael George Ju lian . Veal, Terence W illiam Erwin. Vingoe, Derek W illiam. Voller, A lister. Vosper, A lan John. Yuillermoz, Maxime Louis. W aldock, T hom as Dennis. W alker, Jo h n T revor. W all, J o h n George. W alters, W illiam P eter Royston. W ard, B rian A rcher. W ard, Ia in M cIntyre Leveson. W atkins, William Jo h n . W atts, Terence Leslie. W eaver, Jo h n D uncan. W eber, A nnette Id a. W errett, Michael Gerald. Weston, B arb ara Ann.


W hiting, D onald A rthur. W ibberley, A nthony N orm an. Wickena, R oger Stew art. W ilkinson, A nthony P aul. W illiams, Jo h n Clive. W illiams, J o h n Leonard. W illiams, Jo h n P a tric k George. W illiams, Michael A rnold. W illiams, Michael Maurice Rudolph. W illiams, R ichard. W illiams, Valerie Noel. W illiamson, G ordon R idpath. W ilson, E d ith Maureen Jeffrey. W ilson, Ia n Jam es. W ilson, Jo h n P atrick . W im hurst, Jo n a th a n . W inn, G erald Charles. Winslow, Jeffrey L eonard Brian. W ood, A nthony R ichard. W ood, D avid. W oodhurst, A lan Francis. W oolnough, G ordon Russell. W right, B renda Clarice. W right, L eonard Alfred. W right, T ony M ervyn. W ybourn, Jennifer R osem ary. Y app, Christopher Charles. Young, P eter G rafton Craig. Young, P eter W illiam. Young, Stanley William.

OCCASIONAL STUDENT T aylor, Jo h n Jam es A nthony. POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS AND R ESEA RC H W O RK ERS Full-time A dams, D avid Michael, B.Sc. Cocking, A nthony W illiam, B.Sc. Anderson, D onald Thom as, B.Sc. Crawley, Jo h n Cornelius W illiam, B.Sc. B assett, D avid William. Crocker, A lbert Jo h n , B.Sc. Benjam in, Lawrence, B.Sc. Dale, J o h n E gerton, B.Sc. B erry, Thelm a Gladys, B.Sc. Davies, D avid Ia n , B.Sc. B ethell, D onald, B.Sc. Davison, R onald Meric, M.Sc. (Auckland). Blackie, M errick S tu art, B.Sc. Deeley, E dw ard M ountford Still, B.Sc., B lair, Jam es McDonald, B.Sc. Ph.D . Block, H erm ann, B.Sc. Denby, E rnest F ran k , B.Sc. (Adelaide). Booth, Frederick, M.A. (Cambridge). D yer, Alan, B.Sc. (Sheffield). B radbury, Edw in M orton, B.Sc. Em erson, P eter Jam es, B.Sc. Brindley, Jo h n , B.Sc. Ennor, K enneth Stafford, B.Sc. B rinkhurst, R alph Owen, B.Sc. E vans, Doreen E lizabeth, B.Sc. Broyden, Charles George, B.Sc. E vans, Michael Edwin Glyn, B.Sc. Burge, R onald E d g ar, B.Sc. F adl, Ahmed A bdalla Aboul, B.Sc. (Cairo). Burley, D avid Michael, B.Sc. Fisher, Michael E llis, B.Sc. B urnstock, Geoffrey, B.Sc. Ford, Michael A lan, B.Sc. Burrow, Colin Dennis, B.Sc. Gosling, R aym ond George, Ph.D . Chang, Shih, B.Sc. (Peking). G uthrie, R oy D avid, B.Sc. H am bling, Jam es K eith, B.Sc. (Manchester). Chaplin, A rth u r Frederick, B.Sc. Chaudhury, Jam unesw ar, M.Sc. (Calcutta). H am ilton, Louie, B.A. (Oxford). H aydon, Denis A rthur, B.Sc., Ph.D . Chayen, Joseph, B.Sc., Ph.D . Clarke, P eter, B.Sc. Hennessy, Penelope Jean , B.Sc. Clegg, Jo h n A rthur, B.Sc. Hirschfeld, Nomi, B.Sc. (New Zealand).



H older, George, B.Sc. H o p p ett, Isla Maureen, B.Sc. H ughes, F lo ra B arbara, M.Sc. H u rd , D avid L eonard, B.Sc. H u rd , Joyce Marie, B.Sc. n u r d , R onald G raham , B.Sc. H usain, A th u r, M.Sc. (Punjab). H utchinson, Jennifer Ann, B.Sc. Isaacs, Louis D avid, B.Sc. Jo h n ston, K eith M itchell, B.Sc. Joji6, K osara, Dr. Tech. (Belgrade). Jones, Jo h n G raham T alfourd, B.Sc. Kelly, Francis Carmichael, M.Sc. Langridge, R obert, B.Sc. L azarson, Theodore, B.Sc. (D urham ). L ong, R ichard A rth u r Jo h n , B.Sc. M acario, R aym ond Charles V incent, B.Sc. Macdonald, R obert, B.Sc. McGavin, Stew art, Ph.D . (St. Andrews). Mackenzie, K enneth, B.Sc. Maddy, A lun H arris, B.Sc. M altby, Mary P atricia, B.Sc. M arder, Leslie, B.Sc. (Southam pton). M artin, Roger Willoughby. Mauger, F rancis E rnley, B.Sc. M erton-Bingham , Basil E rnest, M.Sc. Mould, H enry Manifold, B.Sc. Moulden, H ow ard Neilson, B.Sc. Moynehan, Terence Michael, B.Sc. Muller, R alph Louis Junius, B.Sc. P ackham , B rian A rthur, M.Sc. P alluel, A uguste Louis Lucien, M.Sc. P aterson, G avin, M.Sc. P errym an, Ju d ith C habot, B.Sc. R ahm an, Riaz-U r, M.Sc. (Punjab). R alph, Jo h n E rnest. Reeve, Jo h n E dm und, M.Sc. R ichards, Brian Mansel, B.Sc. (Wales). Ridley, R obert George, B.Sc. R oberts, M arian Sibyl, B.Sc. R oyce, B arrie Saunders H a rt, B.Sc.

Beadle, Sydney M artin, B.Sc. Brown, Joyce Constance, B.Sc. Divers, Jo h n Frederick R ichard, B.Sc. Dyke, In g a Ju n e, B.Sc. E llio tt, G erald F ran k , B.A. (Oxford). H ill, Sheila D orothy, B.A. (Oxford). H ocking, Leslie Morison, M.Sc. H ooper, Olive Williams, B.Sc. Kennedy, P eter Jo h n , B.A. (Dublin).

K .C .C .



Saunders, Frederick Charles, B.Sc. (Wales). Scott, K eith Taylor, B.Sc. Seeds, W illiam Etienne, M.Sc. (Dublin), Ph.D . Shaw, Charles Jam es G ranville, B.Sc. Skelhorn, Raym ond R ichard, B.Sc. Sm ith, R aym ond Jo h n Dunsford, B.Sc. Stein, Wilfred Donald, B.Sc. (W itw atersrand). Stening, Theodore Charles, B.Sc. Steptoe, B rian Jo h n , B.Sc. Stone, Jo h n A lfred, B.Sc. T aylor, F ran k H enry, B.Sc. T aylor, K enneth W illiam, B.Sc. Te P unga, M artin Theodore, B.Sc., P h.D . (New Zealand). Thompson, Sheila, B.A. (Cambridge). T hurrell, Reginald George, B.Sc. Todd, Sylvia Jo a n , B.Sc. Tupper, B rian Owen Joseph, B.Sc. T yrrell, Jo h n Alfred, B.Sc. W ain, George W illiam, B.Sc. Walmsley, D onald, M.Sc. Weston, Noel D avid, B.Sc. Wheeler, A lan W illiam, B.Sc. W hite, Allan Jam es Risely, B.Sc. (Adelaide). W hitehead, R oy, B.Sc. (Manchester). W ilkins, Malcolm B arrett, B.Sc. W ilkinson, George R andall, B.Sc. W illiams, B rian Jo h n , B.Sc. W illiams, M argaret Ann, B.Sc. Wilson, Alan B rian, B.Sc. W ilson, E lizabeth Grace, B.Sc. W ilson, H erb ert Rees, B.Sc., Ph.D . (Wales). W olpert, Lewis, B.Sc. (Eng.) (W itw atersrand). Wood, Colin F rancis M cDerm ott, B.Sc. W right, Stanley B ernard, B.Sc. Z afarullah, Muhammed, M.Sc. (Punjab). Zucker, Israel Jo h n , M.Sc.

Part-time Macnab, Jo h n W illiam, B.Sc. (New Zea足 land). O utteridge, K enneth Dudley, M.A. (Oxford). Proud, K enneth John, M.Sc. (South Africa). R uston, Gillian Constance Amy, B.Sc. Springthorpe, E ric George, B.Sc. W atson, Maurice R ichard, B.Sc. Wood, R onald, A .R.I.C.



Faculty of M edical S cien ce R E G IST E R E D IN T ER N A L STUDENTS OF T H E U N IV E RSITY OF LONDON A’Brook, Michael Ferrahs. A detona, Adepoju. Adler, F ran k Peter. Ahmed, H usney Arn. A ichroth, Paul Michael. Anderson, Malcolm Francis. Appleby, E lisabeth Marion. Askew, Michael Gerald. A tkins, N ancy Elizabeth. A ylott, R oger Franklin. Balcon, R aphael. Bam ber, JilLA vril. Bandoh, Joseph K enneth. Barnes, A rth u r David. B arnes, Michael John. B arn ett, E ric Jack . Beilin, Lawrence Joseph. B ennett, Christopher A rth u r Charles. B erry, Hedley Edw ard. Bienenstock, John. B lackburn, Penelope Anne. Blandford, Gerald. Bolton, Sonia Grace. Booth, H um phrey Clarke. Bosley, P atrick Gerald H enry Jam es. Bowra, G ordon Trevor. Bradbury, Isobel Jan e N uala. Brennand, Jo h n Kinder. B rightm ore, Terence Gerald Jam es. Brooks, P eter Lewis. Brown, Jo h n S tu art. Bullock, A ntony Ernest. Burrows-Peakin, R alph. B utcher, Janice. Callis, Evelyn Marie Josephine. Oalveley, Christine Mary. Cash, Thom as Ivan. Challacombe, D avid Nicholas. Champion, Glen. Chesters, E dw ard W illiam. Chittenden, K eith Frederick. Clark, K enneth George Alfred. Oleary, Jo h n Gerard. Cockerton, Alan. Coe, Ann Rosem ary. Cohen, Alan. Cohen, Jo h n Simon H enry. Colbridge, Thom as Jacques. Colley, Ja n e t Mary. Coombe, David H orst. Cooper, D orothy Jane. C orbett, Jo h n Anthony. Cork, Terence Bryan. Cotton, A nthony Miles. Cotton, Mary Christine Elizabeth. Couldrick, W illiam Gerald R ichard.

Oove-Smith, Penelope Ann. Covington, D avid R alph. Cox, Felicity C harlotte Ann. O uthbert, Maurice Frederick. Davies, A llan Jo h n . D avies, Ann. Davies, G illian Mary. Davies, Sylvia W alker. De Lange, Simon. Dem an, E lizabeth Jo an n a. Denison, D avid Maurice. Dewey, Peter. Dowson, Derek. Draisey, Michael H arold. Duberry, Jam es W illiam. Duff, Ia in Stew art. D uncan, B ryan R obert. Dunwoody, Michael W illiam Orr. Edm unds, D avid Price. Elphick, R obin H ow ard. Engler, E ric Francis. Essien, E p h raim Udofia. Evans, Charles Edward. E v erett, C hristopher Bruce. F a rra j, Sam ir Elias. Faulkner, R onald Ennis. F ayyad, Mahmud A bdulla. F enton, John. Fernando, Joseph Trevene Lakshm an Cheru­ bim. Flowers, Colin Seymour. Foster, R obert W alter. Frohnsdorlf, Kenneth George Edward. Gambell, J a n e t Kathleen. Georgelin, Donald Henry. Gerwat, John. Ghazi, H abib Ahmad. Gilflllan, T hom as G raham . Girolam i, P eter Louis. Goldfine, Lewis John. Gould, A drian Jam es. Gould, Terence R onald. Grainger, Bruce. Greenwood, Ju d ith . Griffiths, Ja n e M argaret Blair. G urnett, A lan Jam es. H ale, Jo h n Edward. H arley, Noel Francis. H arrison, E lizabeth Arm. H ay, David A rthur. H ayes, L ydia Margaret. H ayter, Ia n B ritten. H aywood, Ann Elsie. H endry, Morrison Rive. H erbert, Jo h n Philip. H ill, Ann Jacquelin.

FA CU LTY OF M E D IC A L S C IE N C E , H ill, D avid Jesse. H ird , Pauline B renda. H olbrook, L eonard Alfred. H olroyd, Jo h n B rian M artin. H opkins, E dw ard A drian. H oughton, B rian Leslie. H ow ard, E dw ard R ichard. H ow lett, K enneth A rthur. H udson, V ictor N yarko. H ughes, G raham V ictor. H ughes, Gwilym. H ughes, M oran Sidney. H um blestone, B rian Geoffrey. H u n ter, Jo h n Airlie. H u n ter, W illiam John. H utchinson, Geoffrey Edw ard. H y a tt, Derek Wellesley. H yer, F ran k E phraim . Indech, Michael. Jew itt, D avid E dw ard. Johnson, Michael. Jones, D avid B arry Darley. Jones, D avid Colin. Jones, P hilip A lbert. Jones, Thom as Michael Bramwell. K arseras, Alec George. Keeble, T hom as R ichard Michael. K ielty, P eter Francis. King, D avid. K nox, Frederick William. Kyei-M ensah, Kwam ena. Lacey, P a trick John. L ancer, K enneth Leslie. L ane, Michael Thom as. Lane, R ichard Spencer. Law, D avid Malcolm. L ayton, Jacqueline Jane. Lee, D avid A nthony. Lee, H a rry Andre. Letley, Eric. L ett, R ichard Geoffrey Charles. Lewin, K laus Jo n ath an Boiko. McGibbon, A lasdair Fram . Maher, Colin Philip Edw ard. Markwick, K eith Charles. M artin, D avid Jo h n ( K .C .L . and St. George's Hospital). M artin, D avid Jo h n (K .C .L. and Westminster Hospital). M artin, Jeffrey Lewis. M artin, Michael H enry Jennings. M artin, R ichard Collins. M artin-Turner, P atricia Anne. Mason, Colin Andrew Seymour. Massy, Jo h n Royds. Merry, Colin Clive. Michaels, B arry Stanley. Miles, E dw ard H erb ert Stew art. Miller, D avid Shaw. Milner, R obert David George. Milroy, Barrie. Mitchell, Michael Piers Boon,


Modle, W illiam John. Monkman, John. Monks, D avid Clayson. Moore, Michael R o b ert Reginald. Morris, Malcolm David Roy. Morris, R o b ert W alter. M ott, Terence Jo h n . Moynihan, W endy Mary. Mudge, P eter B ryan. M urray, Andrew Ia n Stew art. N ash, Clifford Jam es. N aylor, J u d ith Christine. N uki, Georg. Olsen, E c k h ard t Gerd Johannes. Owen, T refor John. Palm er, R obin George. Panchen, P am ela Jewel. Paterson, Jam es Willock. P a tte n , Jo h n Philip. P aul, R onald. Pegg, Philip John. Peters, Godfrey M artin. P iatkus, A lan Derek. Pickering, E dw ard Neville. Plews, A nthony. Pocock, Derek Alan. Price, L eonard A nthony. P roctor, E dw ard. P ry o r, Jo h n Pem bro. Pullen, B rian W alter. P urbrick, K eith Jam es. Q uantock, Derek Clifford. R adford, B ryan Jam es. R am say, Colin Andrew. Ranscombe, Brian John. R athbone, R ichard George. R au, Donald. R ead, H azel Lucy Alice. Reece, Aneurin Roy. Reed, Andrew John. Rees, Jo h n K enneth. Reeves, Jam es H argrave K irk. Reim an, G unnar. Relton, P eter George Sparks. R estall, D erm ot Sean. Reynolds, Mark T horstain. R oberts, David Rees. Robinson, Waring. Robson, P eter. Rogers, A lan David. Rosser, Gerald Jam es. Roy, W illiam Noel Thompson. Russell, Ia n R onald. ’Safo-Adu, R ichard Kwame. Salisbury, Andrew John. Sharpstone, Paul. Shephard, G raham N orton. Shores, Jo h n Gresham. Sign}', Charles Michael. Skinner, Jane. Slater, Alan Edw ard. Sm ith, D avid H arry .



Sm ith, David Hodgson. Boor, Sajjan Singh. Soutter, P eter George. Spicer, Alan Jo h n . Spicer, P aal Edwin. Staunton, Neilma Jan e. Steel, Dennis. Stevens, Jo h n Michael. Stevenson, David R ichard. Stew art, Mary. Stock*, A lan E rnest. S trath , Donald John. Batclifle, N orm an H oward. Swain, R obert George. Swan, Christopher Michael. T aylor, Douglas Jam es Muir. T aylor, Gordon. T aylor, Norman H enry L ancaster. T aylor, Philip Bingham Osbrey. Thom as, Jo h n Vaughan. Thom as, Malcolm Jam es. T hom as, W illiam Kenneth. T hornton, A da Anne. Till, Angela Rosemary. Townsend, Donald C laxton. T rayner, R obert Ross. Tweedie, D avid G ilbert. Tyler, J a n e t B arbara. T ytler, E lizabeth Jan et.


Uren, R oland Charles. Uriel I, William. Vettivelu, Gnaneswaran. Walker, Colin Dieppe. Walker, Ju d ith Gay. Ware, Colin d e m e n t. W atkinson, Jacqueline Ann. W earn, Jo h n L eonard. Webb, Michael Alfred Healey. Webber, Lawrence M artin. Westaway, Jo h n R ichard Leo. W hite, W illiam Frederick. W hiteson, A drian l* o n . Whitfield, Ann. W hitney, Brian Philip. Wicks, Malcolm MacKenzie. Williams, A rth u r Llewelyn John. W illiams, B rian Thom as. W illiams, J o h n T udor. Williams, Jo lie t Marie. Williams, Margaret. Williams, Wendy Elizabeth. Wilson, Alan George. Wilson, J o h n Cox. Wilson, Michael Bernard H owitt. W inter, D avid Paul. W interton, Michael Charles. W'oolich, Jo h n Gevenson. Young, Frank Maurice.

R E G IST E R E D IN T ER N A L DENTAL STUDENTS A braham s, B arry. Allen, Geoffrey H ugh. Annis, Jo h n R ichard. Bailey, Gerald Charles Edward. Blizard, Ann Rosemary. Bogush, N orm an Irving. Cawley, Ja c k Clifford. C harlton, R onald David John. Cheek, R ichard Alexander. Crystal), Alan. Daniels, David H igbam . Davies, Colin Wynne. Davies, H elen Craig. Davies, P eter John. Deitsch, Bernice. Dibiase, D avid Domenics. Ferguson, D avid Bulmer. Foster, Brian Aubrey. Francis, E lizabeth Mary. Fraser, Derek Stanley. Gilhooly, D avid Alan. Glmson, Edw ard Donald. Glasscock, Michael N orm an H enry. Goodman, P eter Ernest WUllam. Hennessy, Jo h n Alfred Wilcox. H orne, Jo h n David. H urditch, P atricia Mary. Isaacs, Ivan.

Jackson, Basil B arnett. Jennings, Beryl Anne. Lafosse, Laurance. Lea, Marion Elizabeth. L upin, A lexander H arvey. Midda, Marshall. Moss, K eith Jam es. Mullany, Jam es Vincent. Myers, Alan K enneth George. N ym an, H arold. Obowu, Charles Uche Onyeocha. Peace, Leonard W alter. Pickard, R onald Leslie William. Powell, Olive George. Q uint, Jo h n H arvey. Rabin, A nthony John. Robinson, Gerald Antony. Schneider, Lawrence Charles. Shinn, Derek John. Smirles, P eter K ent. Styles, G raham Leslie. Swieton, Czeslawa. Venn, D iana M arjorie Elizabeth. Wang, Mayling Chi Taun. Wilberforce, P eter William Charles. Wilks, Christopher George W hitington. W illmott, W illiam Francis.





O T H E R R EG U LA R STUDENTS Addleson, Ian Maurice. Allen, Jo h n . B olam , David. Cohen, Ja c k B ernard. C ubitt, M artin. Durwood, Mary C atherine Macleod. D yson, Malcolm Julian. Griffiths, W illiam David. H aines, Geoffrey Charles. H ynd, Shirley E lisabeth. Jones, Ieuan E dw ard. McOutcheon, Malcolm Ia n Lang. Manfield, Gordon.

Mercer, H arold. Mousell, Noel Saville. Nel, Johannes Tobias. R anasinghe, Charles Lionel. Sm ith, R oy Andrew. Sturridge, Christopher Laidlaw. Teuchm ann, K arol Tadeusz. Tom pkins, R o b ert Nigel. T uckett, George A nthony. W illiams, Cyril D onald W illiam George. W illiams, Naom i Elsie. W7inkw orth, R obin Jo h n .

PO STGRADUATE AND R ESEA RC H STUDENTS Bilbey, Douglas Leopold Jam es, M.B., B.S. B uxton, R oger St. Jo h n , M.B., B.S. Gumbrell, John A nthony, M.B., B.S.

Jones, Jam es Jerem y, B.Sc., M.B., B.S. Leach, George D avid H arold, M.Sc.


Faculty of E n g in eerin g R E G IST E R E D IN T ER N A L STUDENTS OF T H E U N IV E R SITY OF LONDON Abecassis, Jorge. Adams, R obert Charles. Ady, B rian K enneth. A labaster, Jam es Campbell. Allen, Michael M artin. Allen, Philip W ordsworth. Ambrose, K eith Gordon. Andrews, Stanley E rnest R obert. A rthur, Jam es Derek. Ashby, Jo h n R obert P atrick . B ayanw ala, Mohan Lai. Bending, B rian Thom as. Benezra, Denis John. Bensted, Christopher Jo h n Philip. Berhane-Selassie, Assefa. Birch, P eter Charles H enry. B ird, Simon. Biss, E dgar Leslie. Bland, B ichard John. Bleasby, R oger Charles. Bolton, Jo h n Maurice Eric. Bowden, Jo h n Ernest. Bowler, David Allan. B radbury, K enneth John. B radford, D avid Fenton. Brecknell, Geoffrey "William Jackson. Bromley, Jo h n David. Brooke, Gordon. Brown, D avid R obert Matthew. Brownlie, Jo h n David. Bryce, Jo h n D unbar. Burke, A nthony Charles. C alvert, Jo h n R ichard. C harbit, A lbert. Chopra, K anw ar Sain. Clarke, Alan John. Clarke, A nthony John. Clarke, R oy Thom as. Coleman, Jo h n Dale. Cooper-Reade, Michael A nthony Berridge. C ruddas, Edw ard Alan. Cuddeford, R obin Clive. Cuerel, Trevor. Cuming, Christopher Allen. Cunningham, R ichard Ross. Davies, D avid William. D avis, Colin Peter. Dennis, D avid Leslie F rank. Denton, John. Devereux, Jeffrey Reginald. Dixon, Cecil Jack. Dougill, Jo h n Wilson. Em m ons, Joseph F rank. England, George Leslie. England, Michael E rnest Gerald. Englefield, Jo h n H enry. F arrell, Daniel Richard. F errari, Paolo.

Field, Frederick Laurence Fentim an. F irth , Jo h n Selwyn. Fox, Malcolm John. Franks, Roderick. Freem an, E rnest Michael. Garlick, Reginald R onald. G a rra tt, Derek H erbert. Gasser, Jam es Fowler. Golding, P eter John. Gonsalves, B ernard Francis. Gould, P eter. Griffiths, Jo h n D avid Canter. Griffiths, Jo h n H arvey. H am m ett, Maurice Jam es. H anks, L eonard Edw ard. H arris, Colin Raym ond. H arris, George Frederic. H arrison, F rank. H awken, R o b ert E rnest. H eighington, D avid Leslie. H ickson, M artyn Galloway. Hinde, Jo h n R obertson. H oare, G ordon H enry Charles. H osking, A nthony George. H un t, R oy Geoffrey. Ja a p , A lan David. Jackson, Jo h n David. Jam es, Jo h n Max. Johns, Maurice Stephen A blitt. Jolliffe, A nthony Neville. Juleff, John. Kelsey, Michael Edw ard. Kendon, Jam es Todm an. Kennedy, Jo h n Roger. K ennett, Douglas Bryan. Kiln, John. K night, Michael John. Knowles, Michael Jo h n Douglas. Lavender, Michael. Lawson, Roy. Leeming, Jo h n R obert. Lloyd, D avid Owen. Lloyd, Jo h n W adham . Lord, B ernard George. Low enthall, A lexander Gustave. Macario, Dudley John. McCarroll, Ia n Donald Forsyth. McClure, Alan Jo h n Campbell. Major, Jo h n R yland. Manns, A nthony John. Marks, Jo h n Frederick. Mason, A lan W alter. Mathews, Jo h n W illiam Mends. M aynard, Derek Jam es George. M edlycott, R obert A drian. Michael, B arry Danby. Misselke, Eric Francis H ans. Mitchelmore, John B arry.



N ewton, K eith. Osborn, E a rl Philip Alexander. P arkins, V ivian Jo h n . P au l, Clarence Lewis Alfred. Pearson, R odney. Peplow, Jam es E rn est John. Pike, Terence Donald. Pocock, K enneth Alan. P o ulter, W illiam E dw ard. Pow er, Andrew H ardy. Pow is, P eter Royle. Price, Jo h n Griffith Staples. Price, K enneth Dudley. Prosser, George E dw ard Derek. Qureshi, U m ar. R ainbird, D onald Bruce. R andell, R ichard Michael. R ispoli, B rian Andrew. R odaw ay, K eith G ilbert. R ow landson, G erard A nthony Gillan. Rowley, G ordon Francis. R ussell, D avid Michael. Russell, Michael Derek. Samson, Colin Alfred. Sandover, Jack . Schaerer, R onald Adolph. Schemel, R aym ond Etienne. Senior, Jo h n R obert. Sharp, K eith D rum m ond. Sharpe, Jo h n T hom as Lawrence. Shearer, Douglas M urray. Sim monds, Michael Jerem y Charles. Sledge, D avid John. Sm ith, R onald Cyril. Sm ith, S tew art E dw ard Sydney.



Snell, P e te r R obert. Sparrow, P atrick. Speed, Alan M artin. Spence, P eter B eaum ont. Spriggs, Iv o r Charles Bellhouse Stedm an, K enneth Jam as. Steer, P e te r John. S teuart, K eith A lexander. Stevenson, George Michael Jam es. Stone, David Edw ard William. Sully, D avid Alan. Surm an, Colin Roger. T aylor, Clement John. T aylor, Stoden R ollin Gordon. Thom as, D avid Gordon. T hom as, Malcolm Lyn. Thom pson, B rian Edward. Thompson, N orm an Allan. T urner, G ary Michael. Turner, Laurence Lewis. W alsham, Edw ard Alec. W ard, R aym ond Jam es Sydney. Wells, Terence Christopher. W hite, Jo h n Bernard. W hite, W illiam Alfred Davies. W ilkinson, A lexander Forbes Reid. W ilkinson, A nthony E rn est Frederick. W illiams, Donald. W illiams, P e te r David. W ilson, Colin. W ilson, P eter Michael. W inter, Geoffrey Frederick. W ong Ming Yap. W oodman, Jo h n Brereton. W yatt, Jo h n H aig Campbell.

PO STGRADUATE STUDENTS AND RESEA RCH W O RK ERS Full-time Abdel Salam , H assan P addy, B.Sc. (Cairo). Langm aid, R oger Neil, B.A. (Cambridge). Alms, E dw ard Noel, B.Sc. L im bada, Ism ael A hm ad, B .E. (K arachi). B arrass, E rn est Anderson, B.Sc. Mackechnie, W illiam R onald, B.Sc. (Eng.) B eam an, Jack , B.Sc. (Eng.). (Cape Town). D hondy, Sarosh Savak, B.Sc, (Bombay), M cKenna, Alfred, B.Sc. (Eng.). B .E. (Civil) (Bombay). M ukherji, K esab Chandra, B.Eng. (Calcutta). E lliot, Malcolm N orm an, B.Sc. Nicholas, G raham H enry, B.Sc. P artridge, B ernard A ustin, B.Sc. (Eng.). E tk in, Y eshayahu, B.Sc. E vans, D avid E dw ard, M.Sc. (Eng.). Pinheiro, Silvano R afael, B .E. (Poona). R itter, B rian George. F a rra r, Neil Shand, B.Sc. (Eng.). Salter, Michael Jo h n , B.Sc. F orrest, Thom as. George, R oger Geoffrey, B.Sc. (Eng.). S athirakul, K am haeng, B.Sc. (Eng.). W atson, Jam es D errick, B.Sc. (Eng.). Gills, B rian Gerald. W ood, A rth u r Jo h n , B.Sc. (Eng.) (London), Grey, P eter Jo h n , B.Sc. (Eng.). H utchinson, Jo h n N orm an, B.Sc. (Wales). M.A.Sc. (Toronto). Jackson, E ric A usten, B.Sc.

Part-time Earles, Stanley W illiam E dw ard, (Eng.). G erard, Fitzgerald Adolphus, M.A. Gosney, W illiam Bell, B.Sc. (Eng.). Ju d g e, V ernon E dw ard, B.Sc. (Eng.).


L ister, N orm an W audby, B.Sc. (Eng.). Priede, Teodors, Mech.Eng. (L atvia). R ourke, Jo h n W arren, B.Sc. (Eng.). Skeat, W illiam Oswald, B.Sc. (Eng.).




SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXAMINATION SUCCESSES obtained by students of King’s College during the calendar year 1955 and Entrance Scholarships awarded in 1956






Faculty of Arts Ph.D. Colvin, Jam es A thol ... Im perial H istory, de Kiewiet, Marie Jeanne Im perial H istory. Ganz, P eter Felix ................ German. Haflenden, Philip Spencer ... Im perial H istory. H enry, R alph ... Modern French H istory. Maison, M argaret Mary English L iterature.

Sherrard, Philip Owen Arnould Modern Greek L iterature. U rbanek, F erdinand ... Medieval German L iterature. Young, Douglas M acM urray... Im perial H istory.

M.A. Akow, Lennox Gerard B u rtt, G erald E r n e s t ................ B uxton, Thom as Dudley “Clark, H ilda Mary ................ Collison, M arjorie Mary Day, Douglas A lb e r t ................ Dobson, E dm und B rew ster ... H arris, A udrey Louise “Lewin, J o a n ............................. Lewin, R oy A lbert ................ M atthew, Helen Mary d ’Olier

Classics. H istory. Education. Education. Education. French. Education. English. E ducation. Education. Spanish.

Mellor, Jeflery Duncan Mescal, J o h n ............................. Overin, D orothy Mary Pooley, R alph Joseph B eckett Rutherford, K athlyn Mildred R u th erfo rd ............... Sachinis, Apostolos ................

E ducation. Education. French. Education. German. Modern Greek.

“Simpson, Mary Frances Gabrielle Jacqueline Wilson, Veronica Mary Sylvia

English. English.

“ Awarded a M ark of D istinction.

UN IV E RS IT Y POSTG R A DUAT E ST U D ENTS H I PS Jackson, George, B.A. ... K ohn, Elizabeth, B.A. ... Lefebure, E rich A rthur, B.A. Sm ith, Sheila Ann, B.A. ...

Classics. German. Classics. English.

Stables, E ric, B.A....................... W alker, Ia n H am ilton, B .A ..,. W atkinson, Mary H untingdon, B.Sc. ( S o c .).............................

French. B'rench. E ducation.

STO PFO RD BROOKE EN G LISH L IT E R A T U R E SCH OLA RSH IP E dw ards, E lizabeth Rosem ary, M.A.

A R TH U R PLATT ST U D E N T SH IP IN CLASSICS W aller, K enneth Charles.

U N IV ER SITY STU D EN TSH IPS H arvey, P eter M artin Johnstone, H addon C roft

... ...

French. Classics.

K ellett, Jo a n Alice ................ Sparkes, B rian Allison ...

French. Classics.






EXAM INATION FO R T H E POSTGRADUATE CERTIFIC A TE IN EDUCATION Anderson, K enneth Thom as. A ppleton, Mildred. A rm itt, B etty. A rm strong, Joyce, A tkins, D iana. Barlow , Douglas Rex. B erry, Alice R uth. B ird, Ju n e Mary. B rinkler, P atricia D ora Beresford. Brown, E dw ard Nicholas. Browne, Michael. C harnock, K enneth. Chute, H ilary Sheila. C lark, N ora Jean. fC Iarke, Angela Ann. Cooper, M artin Cecil. Corney, A nthony Stew art. C oultass, George T hom as Olive. D arroch, T revor Jam es. Dickens, Eileen A da. Dixon, R o b ert T urnbull. Dorling, Michael John. Dowling, M argery Lilian. E dw ards, D avid John. Fletcher, J u d ith Mary. F ly, M ary D orothy. Fow ler, Jo h n E dw ard. F riend, H e rth a Joh an n a. H adw in, Jo h n F rancis. H all, M ary McLean. “ H arding, Angela Mary. H arris, M ary Pam ela. H arrison, Lionel John. H enwood, N orm an Melvin. H odgkinson, Jill F aubert. H older, P atricia Anne.

H u y to n , A nn Denise. K endrick, Jo a n M argaret. fL ace, D orothy P atricia. L aird , Jo h n Charles. L auritzen, R u th B jom . fL evell, Jo h n R obert. Lewis, John. Line, Lesley H ilda. Long, B rian F rank. Mitchell, Je an K athleen. P acker, D avid P eter Joseph. P aulin, Moyra G ertrude. P erkyns, B ichard Jo h n H ardy. P ollard, R oger Frederick. Rees, R ichard John. B oss, Jean. R uss, Colin A lbert H arry . St. George, F ran k H erbert. Seagrove, B ryan E rnest. Simpson, K eith B lair. Sinnett, M argaret. Sm ith, A udrey Clare. Soffe, Dudley Alan Terence. Sothcott, R ichard G raham . Stoner, Marion. Stribling, Charles B arry. T hurston, Frances Jean. Tilley, M argaret. Veale, Michael R aym ont. W almsley, Charles John. Websdale, B rian A lbert. W igram, Susan Alice A nn. W ood, R ita. Y arnold, H erb ert Davies. Yeo, P hilippa Mary. Youdale, N orm a.

* Excelled in th e W ritten E xam ination, f Excelled in th e P ractical E xam ination.

B.A. HONOURS EXAM INATION F irst Class H arvey, P eter M artin Johnstone, H addon C roft K ellett, Jo a n Alice ...

... ... ...

French. Classics. French.

Sparkes, B rian Allison W aller, K enneth Charles

Classics. Classics.

Second Class ( Upper D ivision) Ager, Dennis E r n e s t ................ B arker, Gerald Bartholom ew , Anne Joyce ... Borrie, Michael A nthony Childe, C atharine May Colthup, Pam ela Joyce Free, Maureen C e l i a ................ Gooch, Stanley Alfred Groom, A nthony Jo h n Wigton

French. Geography. Spanish. H istory. Geography. French. H istory. German. H istory.

Hockings, Shirley Mary Burgoyne ............................. H untley, Gillian Elizabeth Maude ............................ H u rt, N orm an K e ith ................ Kane, Mollie E lizabeth Kelly, S u m r a ............................ Kenney, Jo h n P a tric k Joseph ................ K irby, Ia n Jo h n

French. H istory. H istory. H istory. H istory. Geography. English.



M achan, D aphne ................ M acKinnon, M argaret Ishobel Manning, Jo h n R oger Davys M artin, B etty ................ Moore, Sidney ................ M ortim er, Elizabeth Ann P axton, Jam es Gordon Perry, Joyce B re n d a ................ Pond, Jean H ilda P atricia ... R oberts, Clifford ................

German. English. Herman. L atin. French. L atin. Classics. Geography. Geography. French.



Schofield, Audrey ................ Sm ith, E dw ard Duncan Snowball, Maureen P atricia ... T horn, A nn ........................... . Varney, R oderick H enry W atson, K athleen Wilcox, E lizabeth D iana Perrior ............................. Willcocks, Jo h n ................ Wines, Je a n Muriel ................

English. H istory. H istory. English. Classics. French. H istory. English. English.

Second Class (Lower D ivision) Alner, Brian Jam es G ordon ... Andrews, Jo h n ................ A tkinson, B renda Ann A tkinson, Sylvia Anne B all, E rnest E ric ................ B allard, Jean M a r y ................ B arker, N orm an A rth u r Black, A nthony R aym ond ... Bradley, Mary D agm ar B ray, Agues T e r e s a ................ Campbell, Freda Christine ... Clarke, G illian Doreen C lutterbuck, M ary Ju n e Collins, Ann Pauline Cottis, Cecilia M argaret Cresswell, E dna Helen Czerniawski, Adam Jozef Daker, Ann Christine D art, Jean ............................. De F reitas, Joseph Francis Theodore ........................... . Dewey, Jo h n Frederick Dummer, B rian ................ E dw ards, D iana Mary F errar, Theresa Gabriel Fitzw illiam s, Jennifer Alice ... •Flannery, Michael B ernard... “F orrest, Jo h n ................ France, B uth M arianne H arvey, P atricia Mary H aydon, Berenice H onorine Heighes, Michael ................ Hodgson, Clare Shirley

Geography. H istory. French. H istory. Spanish. German. H istory. French. German. Geography. H istory. English. French. H istory. Latin. English. English. English. Geography. H istory. German. H istory. English. Classics. English. Classics. Spanish. French. English. French. English. English.

Jeffs, Jo h n W illiam ... Jo h n s, Sonia Mary ................ Jones, Jo h n A ckerman Jones, Jo h n D avid ................ K ellett, A nnis M a r y ................ Kendrick, Flora Hazel L ath am , Jo h n ................ Leeke, F a ith Elizabeth Loveless, H azel J o y ................ Luff m an, G raham Mclnnes, Jam es O’H a ra Miller, Je a n Mary ................ M orrish, Denys C y ril................ Naz, Marie Suzanne Christiane Oliver, Ja n e Pauline P o tter, F ran k Edw ard P o tter, Sheila ................ Raynes, Celia M a r y ................ B ichardson, Shirley Anne Schm idt, H a n n e lo r e ................ Slade, D onald A l a n ................ Sore, Sylvia Jo a n ................ Sundaram , V isalakshi K alyana T aylor, D iana D orothy Thom as, Maurice E dgar Topliss, A udrey Tweedale, Clyde L angford ... Tyler, B arrie J o h n ................ T ytler, R ich ard Morton W albyoff, Muriel ................ W allwork, D orothy Lawrence Wilkinson, M a r jo r ie ................ W ilson, K atherine Margaret

English. H istory. English. French. French. English. Classics. English. French. Spanish. H istory. French. Spanish. French. English. French. English. French. French. French. H istory. Spanish. Philosophy. English. Spanish. H istory. English. Latin. French. H istory. English. French. English.

• E x tern al Candidates.

T h ird Class B ennett, M argaret Lindsay ... Couch, A lan ................ F riar, K enneth ................ George, Mary A ngela... H ardm an, H onor P atricia ... Levi, Gillian Mary ................ Mills, Cynthia ... ................ R ichards, Anne Vincent Thom as ............................

English. Spanish. English. L atin. German. Oerman. Spanish. L atin.

R ichards, P atricia D aphne ... •R ivington, R obert T hurston Sargent, Malcolm B ernard ... Simpson, P aul Joseph Sims, Colin .................................. Walling, K eith Francis W hitton, P eter J o h n ................ Zam bardi, G iovanni Luigi A u g u s ti n o .............................

* E xternal Candidate.

English. English. German. Classics. German. German. French. English.




B.A. G EN ER A L EXAM INATION Second D ivision Amey, Jo h n W illiam. C arm ona, Corinne. H indley, Mary M argaret. K n ig ht, C ynthia Helen. M aidm ent, Lois Jill Rosem ary. N o rth , D onald Jam es.

P ra tt, E lizabeth Jennifer Anne. R aczynska, V iridianne Elizabeth. Reese, Pierre H ow ard Llewelyn. Stephens, Terence. Toop, Ju lie t Anne. W ynn, B arb ara Elizabeth.

Third D ivision Dobson, E d ith Maureen. H ughes, Denis Roger. P enna, Roger.

*Rom ero, Teresita. W ilson, J a n e t Rose. * E xternal Candidate.



Faculty of L aw s LL.M. Graham -Douglas, Nabo Bekinbo.

H orn, K enneth Malcolm.

U N IV E R SIT Y POSTGRADUATE S T U D E N T SH IP Biggs, Jo h n Michael, LL.B.

U N IV ER SITY ST U D E N T SH IP IN LAWS H iekling, Mark A nthony.


LL.B. EX A M IN A TION First Class Honours H ickling, Mark A nthony.

Payne, Julien David.

Second C la s s -U p p e r D ivision B urton, Jacqueline F ay . Fox, Michael M artin. H ilbert, George Frederick.

Mendes da Costa, Derek. P atc h e tt, W illiam Keith. Stew art, L o m a Holden.

Second Class— Lower D ivision B arden, N anette Louise. B lagden, Jam es. Bowcock, B rian N orm an. Chadwick, B oger H unter. C hatterjee, P adm a. Clarke, Jo h n Neil. Cullingford, David. Curnow, E lizabeth A nn M arguerite. F itt, E ric Donald. G ilbert, P eter Jo h n Valentine. Godfrey, Brian W illiam. Gulley, John. H ardy, R ichard. L earm onth, Josephine Jane.

McKay, G raham . M artin, Ann. Neale, Jennifer Frances. O’Connor, Joseph. O’Connor, K enneth A nthony. O kunribido, Samuel Olugbemisola Bemilekun. Oppenheimer, M artin Michael. Owers, B rian Charles. P arker, G erald John. Prosser, E lvet John. Quinn, Malcolm. T urner, Colin Francis. Wolkenberg, Tom Gregor.

Pass B inaisa, Godfrey Lukongwa. B roadhead, Je a n B ram ald. Cox-King, Frederick H arold, de L acy, A nthony Philip. Dewar, B onald Drake. Doyle, R ichard A nthony Michael. Ginwala, Frene. Gordon, Jeffrey. Gregory, Doris Eleanor.

Holmes, Michael. H u tto n , R am on Armstrong. Ingram , Raym ond. P etts, E dw ard William. P onter, Christopher Robin. Singh, David A rthur. Swann, Michael. Tice, P a trick W akeford.




PART I Adum ua-Bossm an, William N uertey. A therton, Geoffrey E rnest. A tkinson, Grevil Francis Bromley. B irkbeck, Pauline Mary. B luston, Derek. B oothroyd, June. Carson, T im othy Joseph. Chalm ers, K enneth Malcolm. Chan, Shin-U. Downing, John. Farm borough, Muriel Louise. Fisher, Clive R ichard. Garside, Gerald William. Golding, P eter Leslie. H al6vy, B alfour Jo n ath an . H am ilton, Gordon Lindsay. H arding, Geoffrey W right. H ardm an, R onald K eith. H arris, B rian Thom as. H enry, Je a n Muriel. H oldroyd, Jam es Malcolm. Jo rd an , V ictor Charles. Kom, Enoch Davidson. L acy, K eith Eric. Levinson, Clive John. Lewis, Christopher Peter. I n t e r m e d ia t e A beyratne, A dela Pearlene. Aspley, E dw ard George (Sept.). Baker, Michael A nthony Croft. B ird, Michael Jam es. Browne, K eith (Sept.). B urns, W illiam Roy. B utler, T hom as P atrick. Carrick, Joseph. Carson, T im othy Joseph. C artw right, H ilary Ann. Cave-Browne-Cave, Jill. Clegg, Jean M argaret. Coward, Gerald A nthony Fenwick. Crichton, Jam es Charles Gerald. Davies, K eith. De Silva, M anouri K okila (Sept.). D ibsdall, Michael E rnest A rthur. D ossctt, R ichard Brian. D uncan, S tu a rt Mitchell. Dunlop, D avid W illiam. E chetabu, E m m anuel Obidi. E vans, G raham Lewis (Sept.). Foster, Dennis Jo h n A lbert. Francis, Jo h n (Sept.). Gedge, John. Gelman, Rochelle D avinia. Gilmour, Charles H yam David. Godfrey, D an Frederick. Green, Jennifer. Gwyn, Alison (Sept.). H am m ond, R obin E w art. H a rt, Raym ond Maurice. Hollingsw orth, B ernard (Sept.).

Nicolle, A nthony W’illiam. Ogwo, David Mba. Owen, Pauline Ann. P atey, M argaret Joyce. Phillips, Norman Charles. Phillips, N orm an R obert. Po Shing Wroo. Preger, Geoffrey. Richardson, Colin Gordon. Riches, A nthony Reginald. Rosser, John Stephen Michell. Shaftesley, Helen Adela. Simkins, Michael. S nart, Colin George. Sowemimo, Samuel Aderinola Sobo. Sprigge, David Alan. Steafel, Dennis Malcolm. Stowell, Geoffrey M ottram . S tratford, Lloyd S tu art. Sutton, Dennis Joseph. Thompson, David H ayhow. T reanor, Michael. W atling, David Brian. W ilkinson, Eric. W illiams, Carol Rhian.

E x a m in a t io n H utchinson, Thom as. Jilan i, Ghulam. Kelly, Roderick Jo h n (Sept.). Kennedy, R obert W illiam (Sept.). K irby, Jean Elizabeth. Lehrfreund, R u th Miriam (Sept.). Levinson, Clive John. Lovelock, W illiam Jo h n (Sept.). Mansfield, F reda Rosemary (Sept.). Maxwell, Keith H alford. Mellows, A nthony Roger. Mepham, R obin Alan (Sept.). Moore, A ntony Nigel (Sept.). M oriarty, Thom as Michael. Morris, Alfred John. Muharrem, U ral Djemil (Sept.). P arry , P eter Jam es. Penna, Colin E ric (Sept.). Peters, Jo h n F ran k William. Reuben, Michael. Rideout, Cecil F ran k Austin. St. Claire-Smith, Shirley A strid. Shum, Cheuk Yum (Sept.). Singh, Preetam . Stickler, Michael John. Sturm er, Edw ard Denham. Taylor, V ictor W illiam. Turner, Jo h n Kenelm. U rq u h art, Lawrence McAlister. W ard, R oger W alton. W aters, Jo h n W illiam. W hite, Gillian Mary. W hycherley, Vivien Madeleine.


F aculty of N atu ral S cien ce Ph.D . A hm ad, Y usuf ............................. Baker, M orris McDonald B aldrey, Jo h n A rth u r ................ Bergman, Gerald David Chirgwin, B rian H arvey Davies, Gwyn Lewis ................ Dewing, Jo h n ............................. Douglas, Jo h n G i l b e r t ................ Elwell, B oyston W illiam Dunlop Fabian, Derek Jo h n ................ Flengas, Spyridion N icolas G ibson, R oland Olof ................ Gillespie, Thom as ................ G rav ett, K enneth A lbert H enry H arper, A lbert M ontagu................ H aydon, Denis A rth u r ... H ebborn, P e t e r ............................. H erszberg, J e r z y ............................ Jolley, A rth u r L e o n a r d ................ ................ Kazi, Mumtaz Ali K irby, D avid ............................. Kwok, Doris Lai-Chue ... Mason, Jo h n H arold (E xternal) N aguib, Ahmed Ibrahim Nickerson, Bruce ................ N o rth, A nthony Charles Thom as Pengilly, B rian W illia m ................ P ra tt, M argaret I s a b e l ................ R iaz, Mohamed Aly ................ R oberts, Michael de V illam ar ... Satchell, Derek P eter N orm an Sleep, K enneth C l a u d e ................ T urpin, Derek George ................

O rganic Chemistry. Physical Chemistry. Physical Chemistry. ................Physics. Q uantum Theory. O rganic Chemistry. Physical Chemistry. Organic Chemistry. Geology. Physical Chemistry. Physical Chemistry. M athem atics. Physical Chemistry. M athem atics. Physical Chemistry. Physical Chemistry. ................Zoology. M athematics. ................Physics. Organic Chemistry. M athematics. M athematics. ................Physics. ................B otany. ................Zoology. Biophysics. Organic Chemistry. ................Physics. Organic Chemistry. Theoretical Chemistry. Physical Chemistry. Organic Chemistry. Organic Chemistry.

M.Sc. Adams, Francis Neil Bird, Eric Charles Frederick B ooth, Geoffrey Campion Goody, A lan Jo h n K night, Colin Sutherland Manley, Edwin Charles ... ................ Moore, Joyce “P riv ett, D acre Wilson ...

... Physics. Geography. Chemistry. M athematics. Chemistry. ... Geology. ... Botany. Geography.

* Awarded a Mark of Distinction




M athematics.

W ILLIAM LINCOLN SH E LLE Y STU D E N T SH IP T upper, Brian Owen Joseph, B.Sc....................................






U N IV E R SIT Y POSTGRADUATE STU D EN TSH IPS Block, H erm ann, B.Sc......................................................... Chemistry. H u rd , D avid L eonard, B.Sc. ... ............................. ... Physics. Langridge, R obert, B.Sc. ........... ................................ Physics. M auger, F rancis B rnley, B.Sc. ... ............................. M athem atics.

N E IL ARNOTT STU D E N T SH IP IN CHEM ISTRY Blackie, Merrick S tu art.

U N IV ER SITY STU D EN TSH IPS E vans, B ernard W illiam Steptoe, B rian Jo h n ...

... ...

................ ... ...

...................Geology. ................... Physics.

S IR H E N R Y M IER S P R IZ E IN M INERALOGY Phillips, Laurence Stephen (moiety).

B.Sc. (SPECIAL) EXAM INATION F irst Class Honours Bailey, A lan Gordon B otany. Chemistry. Blackie, M errick S tu a rt Physics. B radbury, Edwin Morton Burley, D avid Michael M athematics. Coe, L orna M argaret ... B otany. Davies, D avid Ia n Chemistry. Edw ards, B rian H enry M athematics. Geology. Evans, B ernard W illiam E vans, Michael Edwin Glyn ... Zoology. Zoology. Glasspool, Rosem ary ... Physiology H arris, Alan Margeston Chemistry. Jan es, N orm an F ran k Physics. Jeffreys, Dewi Aled ...

M cIntyre, Neil ................ Physiology. Geology. Phillips, Laurence Stephen ... Zoology. Bye, B alph Owen ................ Shaw, Charles Jam es Granville Chemistry. Geology. Skelhorn, Baym ond R ichard M athematics. Smith, Sidney George Physics. Steptoe, B rian Jo h n ... Mathematics. Welsh, Alexander Botany. W ilkins, Malcolm B arrett Botany. W illiams, M argaret Ann Physics. W indsor, Trevor Charles Wood, Colin Francis McDe m o t t ................ Physics.

Second Class Honours Botany. (u) A’Brook, Jo h n Physics. (1) Adams, B arbara M ary ... (u) Andrews, R onald Edward S t u a r t ............................. Chemistry. (1) Bell, Jill Christine M athematics. (1) Bevan, F rancis van Massey Chemistry. Zoology. B roughton, U rsula A nn ... Physics. (u) Brown, Michael Colin Physics. (u) Broyden, Charles George (1) B utler, Theophilus Law ­ rence ... ... ... Geography. Zoology. Coe, Malcolm Jam es Geography. (1) Collinson, A lan Stanley .. (u) Connan, Daniel ................ Physiology. Botany. (1) C utts, Megan .............. (u) Dubbey, Jo h n Michael ... M athem atics. (u) D unning, A nthony Jo h n W o r t h ............................. Chemistry. Chemistry. (u) E lliot, Malcolm N orm an... Botany. (u) E vans, Ja n e H ilary (u) U pper Division.

F ry, Lionel ................ Physiology. Geography F ry , Pauline Jo an Physics. F ry , P eter Frederick Gaskell, Philip Hedley ... Chemistry. Grace, W illiam A rthur George ............................ G eography. Chemistry. (u) G uthrie, R oy D avid (1) H all, Mary Gillian Steven­ son ............................ Geography. Botany. (u) H anford, John Geology. (u) H icks, P eter F ran k (u) Hodgson, Jo h n Michael ... Geography. (u) H older, George Alan Chemistry. (1) Holloway, Reginald K eith Geography. (u) H unter, Yernon F ra n k ... Geology. (1) Jenkins, P eter Douglas ... M athematics. Chemistry. (u) Johnston, K eith Mitchell Mathematics. (1) K irby, Michael John (1) Lush, R ex ................ M athematics. Mathematics. (u) Meek, John Conway

(u) (1) (1) (1) (1)

(1) Lower Division.

306 (1) (u) (u) (1) (u) (1) (u) (u)



Physics. Physiology. Physics. Physics. Geology. B otany. Physics. Physiology. Zoology.

M erritt, Ian H enry Metcalf, Yvonne Marie Mould, H enry Manifold N appin, D onald ... Neale, Reginald N ewton.. N orm an, P eter Rodney .. N orm an, R oy Alan R aftery, E dw ard B ernard Remington, Mary


(1) Scott, Jo h n R obert ... M athematics. Simkiss, Kenneth ... Zoology. ................ Chemistry. (u) Slade, P eter (u) Stone, Jo h n Alfred ... Chemistry. (1) T odd, Sylvia Jo a n ... Physics. (1) Turner, Colin William ... Geography. (1) Wain, George William ... Physics, (u) Williams, P eter V aughan Mathematics, (1) Wood, Valerie ................ Physics. (u) Y andell, Derek Frederick Physics. (1) Dower Division.

(u) U pper Division.

Third Class Honours B utt, G raham William Clark, R obert Brian ... Dove, P eter H enry ... Holden, P eter Jo h n ... Nicholas, G raham H enry

Reader, B ernard A rthur Sm ith, E w art B ennett Thom as, R aym ond ... W alder, T erry John ...

Geography. Physics. M athem atics. Physics. Chemistry.

Chemistry. ... Mathematics. ... Mathematics. ... M athematics.

Pass (Old Regulations) Lodge, T revor William


Nodes, Jam es Thom as

P art I — B otany T hurm an, D avid A rthur. W alker, Jo h n Trevor. Williamson, A nthony Paul. Wilson, E dith Maureen Jeffrey.

Breeze, Muriel Jo y . Ellis, Reginald John. Parker, Noreen Elizabeth. T hornton, M argaret Shirley. Part

-C h

e m is t r y

H ull, R obert H erbert. L am bert, R obert Wilson. Leigh, George Jeffrey. Mardell, R ichard Jam es. Peniston-B ird, M artin Lewis. R ea, P hilip Charles. R iley, Thom as. Sellwood, Jam es Baden. Sherm an, Dennis. Shingleton, Derek Alan. Sm ith, Douglas W illiam. Vosper, A lan John.

Ansdell, Jo h n N orm an. B ird, Jo h n Bolton. Capps, Clive. Carr-Brion, K enneth Garfield. Clark, Michael. Cox, G raham Frederick. Creech, T revor Thom as. Divall, Michael R obert. Duell, Michael John. Foster, W illiam Rees. Green, Stephen David. G utteridge, R onald Jam es. Holmes, E nid Gillian. P art Bartholomew, Frederick Jam es. B arton, Max Edrich. Coope, Jo h n Alan.


I— G e o l o g y Cox, Jo h n Malcolm. Marfleet, Jo h n R ichard.

P a r t I — P h y s ic s Asher, B rian Leslie. Brown, Ia n David. Dean, P aul Jerem y. E ade, Jo h n Francis. Finch, Jam es. Heeds, William. H orton, George Mountjoy. H ow arth, Alan. Ledger, G raham John.

Phillips, Michael. Scott, S tu a rt Alan. Sherm an, W illiam Francis. Silvester, N orm an R ix. Thompson, Nigel. W all, Jo h n George. W ard, Iain M cIntyre Leveson. Williams, Jo h n Leonard.




B.Sc. (GENERAL) EXAMINATION F irst Class Honours B assett, D avid W illiam .

R isk, D avid D uncan Leslie.

Second Class Honours P roctor, Jo h n H oward. R itte r, B rian George. Seabright, Colin Jam es. Skelton, Dennis Michael.

B u rt, Colin Jo h n . C hilcott, Michael Vivian. D’A rcy, Jo h n A nthony. Orme, Iv y Gwendolyn.

Pass A shw orth, P eter Frederick. Barnes, R oger K eith. B rand, David. Coller, R ichard Jo h n . Cooper, W illiam A rnold. D ulin, A lan L eonard. Feest, F ran k H orace. Gills, B rian G erald. G race, P eter B rian. G rout, H aro ld W illiam Lansley. Illsley, R ichard John. McGill, E dm und A lan. M artin, P eter H ow ard. M artin, R oger W illoughby.

P art I Bates, A drian Michael B uckland. Case, Denis H enry Vaughan. Daley, Pam ela T albot. F uller, Edw in Russell. G ardner, D avid Michael. Gluck, A nthony W illiam Anatole. G room, P eter H erm an. H arding, P eter E dw ard Thom as. H aw orth, Christine. H ewison, R obin H enry. H ill, P eter D unstan. H owells, M argaret E dna. Io n , R onald Malcolm. K ates, B rian Trevor. Keen, A rth u r Malvern. K endall, Jo h n Oxley Claude. K ent, Jam es Michael. King, M argaret. L andsbert, B rian. Mackie, R obert W allace.

P erry, Jo h n Reginald. Pierpoint, Roger. P riddy, Ian Michael. Pym , Jill. R alph, Jo h n E rnest. R edm an, P eter Stew art. Stevenson, Isobel Constance. S utton, R o b ert Sydney. T aylor, B rian A nthony. W illiam s, W illiam A ntony. Winslow, Jeffrey Leonard Brian. W ood, A nthony R ichard. W oolnough, G ordon Russell. Y app, C hristopher Charles.

(Revised Regulations) Mercer, B arbara. Millard, A nthony John. O rman, Stanley. P arker, G raham H oward. Parkhouse, R o b ert Michael Evans. Plim m er, D onald Alfred John. Price, Neil Beynon. Slade, Brenda. Slater, Joseph William. Southcott, June. Thoday, A lan F rank. Veal, Terence W illiam Erwin. W aldock, Thom as Dennis. W eber, A nnette Id a. W errett, Michael Gerald. WTeston, B arbara Ann. W illiamson, Gordon R idpath. W im hurst, Jo n ath an . Young, Stanley William.


Faculty of Medical Science Ph.D. Snell, R ichard Saxon



A natom y.

SPECIA L SECOND EXAM INATION FOR MEDICAL D EG REES Abell, Shirley A nn Pam ela. Baker, B rian Rowden. Barlow, K eith Alfred. Biachitz, P eter George. Burgess, Donald John. B utler, Christine M argaret. Cam, Jo h n Francis. Clarke, Charles E dw ard Peter. Coates, Marion. Common, David Lang. C orbett, A lan Lewis. Cowap, David. Cox, Alan. Craske, Stephen. Critchley, Ja n e M arushka. Davies, A drian K eith. De Heer, N icholas Andrew. Douek, Ellis Elliot. D oughty, Bernard John. Dove, Geoffrey A rth u r W illiam. Edwards, H enry John. Ellam , D avid Jam es. Em m anuel, Elie R obert. Evans, Philip A nthony. Ford, Cyril John. Gamm, Frederick Geoffrey Shelton. G arrett, Jo h n R aym ond. G arson, Jo h n Malcolm Ross. Goldberg, Philip. Gunstone, R ichard F rank. H alaby, H anna F arah. H arries, Jo h n Thom as. H arrow er, John. H edges, Elizabeth Mavis. H igton, Desmond Ia n Ralph. H unt, Jo h n Stanley M artin.

March, 1955 Jo h n , GwyUa Idloes. Johnson, B rian F rank. Jones, H uw Bevan. Leftley, Peter. M artin, Laurence John. M atthews, Dudley Dayre. M errington, Jo h n Cedric. Morris, David Thom as. Munro, Donald F orrest. Neequaye, C hristian Robinson. N ichini, Franco M aria. Okubadejo, Olumade A detola. P ark in , N orm an Derek. Peters, N orm an. Phillips, B rian Morgan. Price, Jo h n David. Rhodes, Cecil David P atterson. Ross, D avid W alter. S hort, N orton Lynn. Simon, Je a n Ann. Simpson, K enneth Malcolm. S m ith, Donald Stew art. Sosan, Kolawole Olubunmi. Straughan, Donald William. Sykes, Michael H ugh. T ay, Teong Hwee. T aylor, Deryck Jo h n Edward. Thom as, Jeffery Llewellyn Edw ard Watson. Tonge, R o b ert Ernest. W alton, Pam ela. W hitfield, P a trick John. W innicott, H arry David. W inter, J u lia Mary. Wise, P eter John. W ood, David Nugent. W right, Jo h n Edw ard Charles.

SPECIA L SECOND EXAM INATION FOR MEDICAL DEGREES June I July, 1955 Bevan-Thomas, W illiam Hugh. B ray, Ia n L uther Clifford. Clarke, R ichard Kempe. Cowie, David Michael Andrew. Darby, P eter George. Davey, Alan Thomas. D avis, John Blair.

Dean, W arwick R andall. Freem an, Frances Elizabeth. Garfinkiel, H enry. Glasser, Mervin. H ayes, Bernard. H ighm an, Vivian Neville. H udson, Doreen M argaret.

E X A M IN A T IO N udson, Maurice Cedric, imes, H erb ert T hom as Ivor, imes, B aym ond W illiam, eithley, Jam es E ric, ister, Charles Owen. cC raith, K ennedy H enry, acdonald, Ia n Somerled. onks, A nthony K eith, aeburn, H enry B rian.




R odker, Morvin. Sibthorpe, Jo h n Oliver. Sidell, Michael David. Staunton, T hom as H enry Francis. T hatcher, Veronica. Thom pson, Michael Jam es A tkinson. T raherne, Jo h n Bernard. Venables, Christopher W ilfred. W illiamson, N orm an.


ro ad h u rst, B ernard John, ixon, K evin Ivor. 1-Attar, El-A m ir El-Zaher. Haskell, R ichard, oare, Diane Cecilia, jesser, K enneth Roy. [cKee, Jam es F rancis Mary, [alcolm, D avid Jo h n , ewbold, A rth u r Jo h n H ow arth.

Newlyn, Charles Philip. O laniyan, Alfred M atthew Oladapo. O renstein, Alan. Ovington, H a rry Malvin Joseph Yoell P arry , A nn Nola. P hilp, Jo h n K nighton. Sellwood, Alan Michael Thom as. Sham ash, F arouk David. D ecem ber, 1955

.braham s, B arry, lien, Geoffrey H ugh, lailey, Gerald Charles E dw ard. Ilizard, Ann Rosem ary, logush, N orm an Irving. )aniels, D avid H igham . )i Biase, D avid Domenico.

Gimson, E tlw ard Donald. Hennessy, Jo h n Alfred Wilcox. Jennings, Beryl Anne. Lafosse, L aurance. L upin, A lexander H arvey. Moss, K eith Jam es. W illm ott, W illiam Francis.


T aylor, Douglas Jam es Muir. W are, Colin Clement.

iienenstock, Jo h n , lassy , Jo h n Royds.

Ca n d id a t e s pa r tia lly e x e m pt w h o co m pleted th e F ir st M e d ic a l E x a m in a t io n Jerry, H edley E dw ard. Solton, Sonia Grace. 3owra, G ordon T revor. Iheek, R ichard A lexander, jockerton, Alan. Uolbridge, T hom as Jacques. Cotton, Mary Christine Elizabeth. Drystall, Alan. Edmunds, D avid Price. Evans, Charles E dw ard. Faulkner, R onald Ennis, tam bell, J a n e t K athleen. 3eorgelin, D onald H enry. Hughes, G raham V ictor. K arseras, Alec George. Maher, Colin P hilip E dw ard. Mason, Colin Andrew Seymour. Mitchell, Michael Piers Boon. Morris, Malcolm David Roy.

Olsen, E ck h a rd t Gerd Johannes. Peace, L eonard W alter. Pegg, P hilip John. Powell, Clive George. Reece, A neurin Roy. Rees, Jo h n K enneth. Reeves, Jam es H arg rav e K irk. Rogers, Alan David. Shephard, G raham N orton. Spicer, P au l Edwin. Swan, Christopher Michael. T aylor, P hilip B ingham Osbrey. T hornton, A da Anne. W alker, Ju d ith Gay. W hite, W illiam Frederick. W icks, Malcolm MacKenzie. W illiams, Ju lie t Marie. W illiams, W endy E lizabeth. W ilson, Alan George.





G EN ERA L F IR S T EX A M INATION FOR MEDICAL DEGRE1 December, 1955 K ielty, P eter Francis.

Foster, B rian Aubrey.

Ca n d id a t e s pa r tia lly e x e m pt w h o c o m pleted th e F irst M e d ic a l A rthur, Frederick M urray. Jones, Thom as Michael Bramwell.

E xa m in a t io n W ilberforce, P eter W illiam Charles.

Faculty of Engineering Ph.D. H utchinson, D avid Philip. Morris, D avid Row land.

Saadaw i, M ahmoud H assaan. Truslove, D avid Jam es.

M.Sc. H andcock, Michael George.

Peacock, R oy Stew art.

B .Sc. ( E n g i n e e r i n g ) E X A M IN A T IO N

F irst Class Honours H am m ett, P aul Alan. Marks, Michael Frederick. P artridge, B ernard A ustin.

Sathirakul, K amhaeng. Stocker, Jo h n Alfred.

Second Class Honours Blunt, G raham David. Clemow, V aughan Spencer. F arrar, Neil Shand. Holmes, A lan Thom as. H ubble, K enneth.

Osborne, Iv an William. P ry o r, Alan. Quirk, M artin R ichard. Snudden, R obert W illiam.

Pass Bromidge, Jo h n T reverton. B utton, K enneth Victor. Campbell, Jacques Marcel. Eley, Michael Knowles. Evans, D avid Geoffrey R hys. H arris, Lionel A rthur. H arvey, Ia n Sherriff. H ipkin, R ichard Charles.

Kohn, W alter Sam. Mellor, R onald William. Melluish, Jo h n R obert. Robinson, William. Salter, Michael John. Sims, P eter G ardner. Thom as, Philip Allen.





A dam s, R obert Charles. Allen, Michael M artin. Andrews, Stanley E rnest R obert. Bowden, Jo h n E rnest. Bowler, D avid Allan. B radbury, K enneth John. B radford, D avid Fenton. Bromley, Jo h n David. Brooke, Gordon. Bryce, Jo h n D unbar. C harbit, Albert. Cooper-Reade, Michael A nthony Berridge. Cruddas, E dw ard Alan. Davis, Colin P eter. D enton, John. Devereux, Jeffrey Reginald. Dougill, Jo h n Wilson. F arrell, Daniel R ichard. Field, F rederick L aurence Fentim an. F ranks, R oderick. Gonsalves, B ernard Francis. H arris, Colin R aym ond. H a rris, George Frederic.

Heighington, D avid Leslie. H inde, Jo h n R obertson. H oare, G ordon H enry Charles. Hosking, A nthony George. Jo h n , M aurice Stephen A blitt. K iln, John. L ord, B ernard George. L ow enthal, A lexander Gustave. Macario, Dudley John. McClure, Alan Jo h n Campbell. M edlycott, B o b ert A drian. Russell, Michael Derek. Sandover, Jack . Sharp, K eith D rumm ond. Simmonds, Michael Jerem y Charles. Snell, P eter R obert. Spence, P eter B eaum ont. Steer, P eter John. S teu art, K eith Alexander. Thom as, D avid Gordon. W ilkinson, A lexander Forbes Reid. W illiams, P eter David.


Abecassis, Jorge. Ady, B rian K enneth. A rthur, Jam es Derek. Ashby, Jo h n R o b ert P atrick. B ird, Simon. Brecknell, Geoffrey William Jackson. Brown, D avid R o b ert Matthew. Brownlie, Jo h n David. Calvert, Jo h n R ichard. Clarke, Alan John. Cuerel, Trevor. Dixon, Cecil Jack . England, George Leslie. F irth , Jo h n Selwyn. Griffiths, Jo h n H arvey. H am m ett, M aurice Jam es. H ickson, M artyn Galloway. Jackson, Jo h n D avid. Kelsey, Michael E dw ard. K endon, Jam es Todm an. Kennedy, Jo h n Roger. Lawson, R oy. Leeming, Jo h n R obert. Lloyd, Jo h n W adham .

M ajor, Jo h n R yland. Osborn, E arl P hilip A lexander. P arkins, Vivian John. Peplow, Jam es E rn est John. P oulter, W illiam Edw ard. Power, Andrew H ardy. Powis, P eter Royle. Prosser, George Edw ard Derek, llain b trd , Donald Bruce. Rispoli, B rian Andrew. Rodaway, K eith Gilbert. Senior, Jo h n R obert. Sharpe, Jo h n Thom as Lawrence. Shearer, Douglas M urray. Sledge, D avid John. Sparrow, P atrick. Stedm an, K enneth Jam es. Sully, D avid Alan. Surm an, Colin Roger. T ravers, Peter. W alsham , Edw ard Alec. W ilson, Colin. W inter, Geoffrey Frederick.



F aculty of T h e o lo g y M.Th.

E dw ards, E van Morris.

McLellan, N athaniel Jo h n sto n .

B .D . E X A M IN A T IO N

Pass Cooper, Alfred W illiam Howden. Glover, Doreen Joyce. H unsley, M argaret E lizabeth D iana. Johnson, Jeffrey Edwin. Lunnon, R obert R eginald. Simpson, A nthony Cyril.

Snapes, Jennifer Lilian. Souper, P a tric k Charles. Treble, H arry . t Varghese, P u th en Vedu. W eatherhead, W illiam H arold John.

t E x tern al C andidate.

SPECIAL IN TER M ED IA TE EXAM INATION B arker, Roy Thomas. B atem an, Gerald Francis. B irch, Thom as Reginald. Brookfield, Jacqueline Mary. Campbell, Ia n David. C arter, Terence John. Caswell, Eileen R uth. Olaringbull, Denis Leslie. Coney, M argaret June. De P ury, Andrew R obert.

H ill, Derek Bertram . H ills, M argaret Rose. H udson, B rainerd P eter De W irtz Goodwin. Jack so n , Jo h n Edw ard. P erry, Geoffrey. R idout, Christopher John. Royle, P eter Sydney George. S cott, Josephine Anne. U sher, B arbara. W alters, M arjorie Joyce.

C a n d id a t e s p a r t ia l l y S p e c ia l

ex em pt

I n t e r m e d ia t e

A fanya, H u b ert A lafuro Ibibam a. E aton, Gillian. Leaper, Marion Christine.

w ho

com pleted


E x a m in a t io n

W'alker, Jo h n H ugh. Willis, B renda Audrey.

EXAM INATION FOR T H E ACADEMIC DIPLOMA IN THEOLOGY The following students passed in one part o f the E xam ination : Cleverdon, Penelope Anne.

Moss, B renda Mary E thel.

EXAM INATION FOR T H E C ER TIFIC A TE OF PRO FICIENCY IN RELIG IO U S K NO W LEDG E Cossens, Beryl June. Polm ear, M argaret H eather. Richens, M argaret D orothy. R iley, Jean M argaret.

R itchie, Anne Siordet. West, B renda Olive. W oolstenholmes, F reda K ate.

The following student passed in one part of the E xam ination: Stacey, Aileen Patricia.





Askew, Michael Gerald Davies, B rian Russell Howard, H enry David.

June, 1965 1 ,2 Y akil, Sarosh Dhunjishaw


September, 1955 1 Maclean, A lastair Cree 1, 2 Sowray, Jo h n H erbert 1

December, 1955 Sowray, John H erb ert 1 â– = A natomy.


2 = Physiology.




H eydon, Jennifer R ael. R abin, N orm an. V ictors, W illiam Vincent.

Bolam, David. Haines, Geoffrey Charles.

Ju ly, 1955 W allinger, B arbara. Willson, Guy H erbert.

November, 1955 Munfield, Gordon. Williams, Naomi lilsie.





Faculty of Arts RECOMMENDED FOR T H E ASSOCIATESHIP Allgood, Frederick George, B.A. Andrews, Jo h n , B.A. •Chiide, C atharine May, B.A. °D aker, A nn Christine, B.A. •Goodeve, M argaret, B.A. •G room , A nthony Jo hn W igton, B.A. Heighes, Michael, B.A. H untley, Gillian E lizabeth Maude, B.A. H u rt, N orm an K eith, B.A. Johnstone, H addon Croft, B.A. Jones, Jo h n Ackerman, B.A. K irby, Ian John, B.A.

•Leeke, F a ith Elizabeth, B.A. Loveless, H azel Jo y , B.A. Palm er, Jean M ary, B.A. •P o tte r, Sheila, B.A. Sargent, Malcolm Bernard, B.A. Savidge, K enneth W illiam, B.A. Sore, Sylvia Jo a n , B.A. Sparkes, B rian Allison, B.A. W nlbyoff, Muriel, B.A. •W aller, K enneth Charles, B.A. Wilson, J a n e t Bose, B.A. •W ilson, K atherine M argaret, B.A.

• W ith Credit.

STU D EN TSH IPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Inglia (English) ......................................... Schofield, Audrey, B.A. Inglis (History) ... ............................. Borrie, Michael A nthony, B.A. Crompton ......................................................T aylor, Constance E lizabeth, B.A. (Benewed).

PRIZES J e lf Medal John William Adamson Barry (D ivinity) Men ... Barry (D ivinity) Women

. . .

Brewer (Modern History) (equal) Brewer (English History) (equal) Ronald Burrows Memorial Carter (English Verse) Early English Text Society Gladstone Memorial (H istory)... Hubert H all (Palaeography) ... Elizabeth Levett Memorial (History) . William Stebbing (English Verse) Stephen (English Essay) Thomas Wall (M en) ................ Thomas Wall (Women) Warr Memorial (Classics)

. . . . . . . ... ... ...

P erry, Joyce Brenda. H arding, Augela Mary, B.A. Soanes, Malcolm David. T anton, Anne. /G a u n t, M argaret. I W alker, Colin Edw ard Houlihan. Rhodes, H ilda Margaret. Sm ith, Ann. No aw ard. No aw ard. K irby, Ia n John. No entry. No aw ard. No award. No aw ard. No aw ard. E dw ards, D avid John. Jones, Anne H allam . W aller, K enneth Charles.

ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS, 195(5 Classics Entrance ......................................... Eatough, Geoffrey. Henry Neville Gladstone ............................ Outlaw, Michael Edward. Sambrooke ......................................................Jeffery, A listair Brian. Florence Hughes ......................................... E astham , Gillian Pauline.


F acu lty of L aw s RECOMMENDED FOR THE ASSOCIATESHIP ’a tc h e tt, K eith W illiam, LL.B .

Saunders, Colin R obert, LL.B.

PRIZES Telf Medal Barry (D ivinity) Harold Potter ...

... ... ...

B urton, Jacqueline Fay. No aw ard. Nicolle, A nthony William.


Intermediate, 1955

Mellows, A nthony Roger. Edm unds, H ugh David. B aker, R o b ert Michael G raham .


Entrance, 195R

Faculty of Natural Science RECOMMENDED FO R T H E ASSOCIATESHIP Booth, Geoffrey Campion, B.Sc. Burley, D avid Michael, B.Sc. B utler, Theophilus Lawrence, B.Sc. Cox, Leslie R ichard, B.Sc. C utts, Megan, B.Sc. Davies, D avid Ian , B.Sc. Dubbey, Jo h n Michael, B.Sc. E vans, Joseph, B.Sc. Fisher, P eter Stevens, B.Sc. F ry, Pauline Jo an , B.Sc.

Golding, Michael E rnest, B.Sc. H epper, B asil T rude, B.Sc. Jenkins, P eter Douglas, B.Sc. M erritt, Ia n H enry, B.Sc. N orm an, P eter Rodney, B.Sc. •Sandiford, Jean , B.Sc. Towns, A dah Jo a n , B.Sc. Tribe, M argaret, B.Sc. W alder, T erry Jo h n , B.Sc. Teo, Philippa Mary, B.Sc. “ W ith Credit.

STU D EN TSH IPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS ......................................... No aw ard. Daniell Research Layton Research ......................................... Steptoe, Brian Jo h n , B.Sc. Harold Row (Zoology) ......................................... N ext aw ard 1956/57.





PRIZES J e lf Medal ........................................ . Barry (D ivinity) M e n ............................. Barry ( Divinity) Women Carter Gold Medal (Botany) ................ Drew Gold Medal ( Mathematics) Alan Floicer Memorial ................ Proxime Accessit ................ Physics E s s a y ......................................... Samuel Smiles (Chemistry) (equal)


Tennant (Geology) First Tear................ Tennant (Geology) More Advanced ... John M illar Thomson Medal (Chemistry)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Ooe, Malcolm Jam es. No aw ard. Mann, Carola Mary Shackleton. W illiams, M argaret Ann. Burley, David Michael. Risk, D avid D uncan Leslie. B assett, D avid W illiam. No aw ard. ("Clark, Michael. (Leigh, George Jeffrey. ... T urner, David Charles. ... Evans, B ernard W'illiam. ... Blackie, M errick Stuart.


...................................................... j L ord’ Brian Ile8‘ (Thom pson, A lan H astings. Sambrooke (Honorary) .............................Gould, P eter.

Faculty of Medical Science RECOMMENDED FOR T H E ASSOCIATESHIP Jeffree, Gladys Irene, M.B., B.S. Taylor, R alph Ernest, M.B., B.S.

W right, Peter, M.B., B.S.



Physiology (A p ril, 1956)

No aw ard. Anderson, Malcolm Francis. Letley, Eric. B olton, Sonia Grace. Massy, Jo h n Royds. B olton, Sonia Grace.



F irst R a b b e th .............. . Second Rabbeth Wameford (F irst Tear)

PRIZES J e lf Medal ................ Barry (D ivinity) ................ Barclay-Smith (Anatomy) Hare (B iology)............................ Hughes (Anatomy) Inchley (Pharmacology) L e a th e s................ ................ Pickering (Biochemistry) First Pickering (Biochemistry) Second Wameford Prize ................ Barbara Wigley Memorial

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

G arrett, Jo h n Raym ond. Fergusson, David Bulmer. No aw ard. Wilson, A lan George. G arrett, Jo h n Raym ond. Sephton, Jean. No aw ard. G arrett, Jo h n R aym ond. Peters, Norman. No aw ard. W alton, Pam ela.

ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS, 1956 Sambrooke Wameford

... ...

... ...

............................. W aller, Sheila Lilian, B.Sc, .............................Colley, Christine Mary.


F aculty of E n g in eerin g RECOM M ENDED FO R T H E ASSOCIATESHIP H ealey, Michael G rayson, B.Sc. (Eng.).

Salter, Michael Jo h n , B.Sc. (Eng.).

LEV ER H U LM E STUD ENTS H IP —CH EMICAL E N G IN EE R IN G McKenna, Alfred, B.Sc. (E n g .)(/ro m January, 1956).

SH E L L STU D EN TSH IPS IN CHEMICAL E N G IN EE R IN G (for entrance in 1955) F orrest, Thom as, A.R.T.O. (Glasgow).

N icholas, G raham H enry, B.Sc.

DIPLOMA IN CHEMICAL E N G IN EE R IN G B arr, R o b ert G ilchrist, B.Sc. (Glasgow). Buckley, R onald P eter, B.Sc. Cameron, Donald Jam es, B.Sc. Cox, Leslie R ichard, B.Sc.

Johnson, Christopher W inser, B.Sc. P etrie, Derek David, B.Sc. Rigby, B ryan, B.Sc.

DIPLOM A IN E N G IN EE R IN G Osborne, Iv a n W illiam. P artrid g e, B ernard Austin. P ry o r, Alan. Quirk, M artin R ichard. S athirakul, K am haeng. Snudden, R obert W illiam. Stockei, Jo h n Alfred.

B lunt, G raham David. Clemow, V aughan Spencer. F a rra r, Neil Shand. H am m ett, Paul Alan. Holm es, A lan Thom as. H ubble, K enneth. Marks, Michael Frederick.

CER TIFIC A TE IN EN G IN EE R IN G H ipkin, R ichard Charles. Mellor, R onald W illiam. Melluish, Jo h n R obert. Robinson, W illiam. Salter, Michael John. Sims, P eter G ardner. T hom as, Philip Allen.

Bromidge, Jo h n T revorton. B u tton, K enneth V ictor. Campbell, Jacques Marcel. Eley, Michael Knowles. E vans, D avid Geoffrey R hys. H a rris, Lionel A rthur. H arvey, Ia n Sherriff.

PR IZES J elf Medal ................ Barry (D ivinity) Greene (Chemical Engineering) Jameson Siemens (Electrical) ................ Siemens (Mechanical) ................ Walter Sm ith ( Civil Engineering) Walter Sm ith (General Engineering) Tennant (Geology) ................ Engineering Society Centenary Prize

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Stocker, Jo h n Alfred. W illiams, P e te r David. Rigby, Bryan. E ngland, George Leslie. H arris, George Frederic. No aw ard. M edlycott, R o b ert A drian. Sparrow', P atrick . Clemow, V aughan Spencer. rH am m ett, P au l Alan. \S to c k e r, Jo hn Alfred.

ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS, 1956 Sambrooke Founders'

... ... ... ... ... No aw ard. ......................................................No aw ard.


Theological Department R E C O M M E N D E D FO R T H E A S S O C IA T E S H IP

Second Class Honours Alderson, C hristopher Derek. Johnson, Geoffrey Edwin. Lunnon, R obert R eginald.

Lynch-W atson, G raham Leslie. Simpson, A nthony Cyril. Souper, P atrick Charles.

Pass Aird, Donald Allan Ross. Aldred, Donald Bottomley. A rm itage, Bryan. Bale, Edw ard William Carre. Cook, K enneth H erbert. Corke, Jo h n H arry . de Brisay, R obert Michael Delacour. E lliott, Colin David. Evans, D avid R ichard. Gray, Donald Clifford. G urr, R alp h Sydney. Heffer, W illiam Jo h n Gambrell. H ill, Michael. H ow land, Stanley R alph.

Long, Michael D avid Barnby. McCalla, R obert Ian. Manhire, Ashley Lewin. M atthews, Jo h n David. Morgan, B ernard Spencer Trevor. Reid, H erb ert Alan. Rofe, B ernard John. Seal, Philip Trevor. S ervants, Kenneth Edw ard. Sm ith, Christopher Vincent H endy. W halley, Michael Thomas. W ilcox, Jo h n Bower. W’ilson, R obert Brian.

SCHOLARSHIPS Cleave Cockerill Postgraduate............................

No aw ard.

PRIZES J e lf ......................................... Barry ......................................... Bicknell ( Textual Criticism) ... Caldecott (P hilosophy)............... Collins (Ecclesiastical History) Elocution ............................. Knowling (Sermon) AlcCaul (Hebrew) Senior AlcCaul (Hebrew) Junior PI umpire (English) ................ Relton (Dogmatic Theology) ... Archibald Robertson ................ Trench (Greek Testament) Whichelow (Reading) First Whichelow (Reading) Second ... Wordsworth (Latin) ................

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Bale, Edw ard W illiam Carr6. Lynch-W atson, G raham Leslie. No entry. No entry. No aw ard. K ohner, Eugene George. W ard, A lbert George. No entry. No aw ard. de Brisay, B obert Michael Delacour. No entry. B arter, Jo h n H erbert. No entry. Bale, E dw ard William Carr6. Lynch-W atson, G raham Leslie. Brook, Charles John.





The rank of “ H onorary Fellow ” of K ing’s College London, was first established F ebruary 19, 1847. This name was later changed to “ Fellow,” and the “ K ing’s College London Act 1882,” incorporates all Fellows of the College as members of the Corporation. U nder the K ing’s College London (Transfer) Act 1908 and the S tatutes fram ed thereunder I. The Council (in respect of distinction in Theology) may elect persons as Fellows of the College. F or the purpose of electing Fellows in respect of distinction in Theology the Council shall retain all th eir powers of electing Fellows existing im m ediately before the appointed day, b u t save as aforesaid all such powers shall, as from the appointed day, be extinguished. II. The Senate (after considering any report received from the Delegacy of K ing’s College) m ay appoint as Fellows of the College persons who have been Principal or for not less than five years a professor, an assistant professor, or a reader or lecturer or Secretary of the College or have served the College in a conspicuous m anner, and also such num ber of former students of the College who have become em inent a t the Universities or in public life as the Senate m ay think fit, and the Senate m ay by regulation from tim e to tim e fix the num ber to be elected annually and also the to tal num ber of such Fellows; b u t the appointm ent by the Senate of any person as a Fellow of the College shall not of itself entitle him to be a m em ber of the Corporation of the College. The Council may appoint to be members of the Corpora­ tion of the College any Fellows of the College appointed by the Senate.

REGULATION The Delegacy of K ing’s College shall in February, 1911, and, until further order, in the F ebruary of every subsequent year, report on the qualifications to the title of Fellow of persons satisfying the conditions of the S tatutes. The num ber of Fellows elected in any one year shall not exceed four.

320 L I S T O F F E L L O W S O F K I N G ’S C O L L E G E

elected sin ce 1890 For Fellows elected 1847—1889 see Calendar of 1930 Dale of Election. 1946 A bbott, The Rev. Canon Eric Symes, M.A. 1896 ‘ Adams, Prof. William Grylls, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. 1908 ‘ Adamson, Prof. John William, D .L it., B.A. 1902 ‘ Ainger, Alfred, M.A., LL.D. 1938 Alexander, Lt.-Col. R obert Donald T haln, D.S.O., O.B.K., T.D. 1924 ‘ Allen, Archibald Jo h n , M.A. 1932 ‘ Allm and, Professor A rthur Jo h n , M.O., D.So., F.R.S. 1891 ‘ Anderson, W illiam, D.O.L., O.B., F.R.8. 1948 Appleton, Sir Edward Victor, G.B.E., M.A., Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S. 1901 ‘ Arnold, S ir Edwin, K .O .I.E., C.S.l. 1936 Ashbridge, Sir Noel, B.Sc. (E ng.), M.I.C.E., M .I.E.E ., F .I.R .E . 1913 ‘ Atkina, Prof. H enry Gibson, M.A., D.Lit. 1926 ‘ A tkinson, l.lewelyn B irchall, A.K.C., M .I.E.E. 1937 ‘ Aveling, Prof. Francis A rthur Powell, M.O., D .Lit., D.So., Ph.D. 1913 ‘ Avory, The H on. Mr. Justice H orace Edw ard, P.O., K.O. 1915 ‘ Ball, The Rev. Charles Jam es, L ltt.D . 1925 ‘ Barclay Sm ith, Prof. E dw ard, M.A., M.D., B.Ch. 1921 B arker, Sir E rnest, M.A., D .L ltt., LL.D. 1919 ‘ Barnes, The R t. Rev. E rnest William, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. 1908 ‘ Barrow, Alfred Boyce, M.B., F.R.O.S. 1929 B arry, The R t. Rev. F ran k Russell, D.S.O., M.A., D.D., Lord Bishop of Southwell. 1893 ‘ B arry, S ir John Wolfe, K.O.B., F.R.S. 1927 ‘ B artlett, The Rev. Charles Blakesley. 1947 Batson, Prof. Reginald George, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.O.E., M.Eng., A.K.C. 1909 Beale, Peyton Todd Bowman, F.R.O.S. 1909 ‘ Beevor, S ir Hugh R., B art., M.D., F.R.O.P. 1890 ‘ Bell, Col Mark Seyer, R .E ., C.B. 1897 ‘ Bell, Francis Jeffrey, M.A. 1891 ‘ Bell, George William. 1928 ‘ Bell, William Blair, B.S., M.D. 1896 ‘ Berkeley, Major-Genl. Jam es Cavan, 0 .1 .E. 1929 ‘ Bevan, Edwyn, M.A., D .Lltt., LL.D. 1897 ‘ Beverley, Michael, M.D.Edin., M.R.O.S., L S.A., A.K.O., 1866. 1933 ‘ Bicknell, The Rev. Professor E dw ard Jo h n , M.A., D.D. 1936 Bird, Oyrll K enneth, O.B.E., B.So., A .M .Inst.O.E. 1921 ‘ Blair, Sir R obert, L L D . 1929 ‘ Blanesburgh, The R t. Hon. Baron, G.B.E., M.A.,LL.D. 1899 ‘ Bodington, The Rev. Charles, A.K.C. 1938 ‘ Bolton, Edward Richards, F.I.C ., M.I.C’hem.E., F.O.S. 1892 ‘ Bond, Thomas, M.B., B.Sc., F.R.O.S.E. 1923 ‘ Botham ley, H enry H., B.A., A.K.O. 1908 ‘ B ottom ley, Prof. William Beacroft, M.A. 1897 ‘ Bourne, The Rev. Charles William, M.A. 1921 ‘ Box, The Rev. Prof. Canon George H erbert, M.A., D.D. 1895 ‘ Boyd, Andrew Kennedy H utchinson. B.A., D .D., L L D . 1942 Bradfield, The R t. Rev. H arold W illiam, B.D., Lord Bishop of B ath and Wells. 1908 ‘ Braglnton, William, M.A. 1956 Brierley, P hilip Reginald, B.Sc. (Eng.). 1925 Briscoe, Sir Jo h n C harlton, B art., M.D., F.R.O.P. 1944 B rittain , D orothy, M.A. 1923 ‘ B roadbent, B eujam in, O.B.E., M.A., J.P . 1906 ‘ Brodie, Thomas Grigor, M.D., F.R.S, 1942 ‘ Brown, The Rev. Canon Sydney Lawrence, D.D. 1928 Brown, The Rev. Oanon William Jam es, B .D., A.K.O. 1909 ‘ B urghard, Frederick F .,0 .B ., M.D., M.S., F.R.O.S. •


L IS T Dale o f Election. 1914 1939 1897 1894 1906 1907 1939 1908 1952 1914 1953 1953 1948 1869 1919 1896 1911 1917 1893 1930 1894 1955 1919 1929 1936 1949 1954 1909 1954 1896 1942 1895 1923 1908 1895 1929 1950 1949 1951 1913 1947 1928 1931 1929 1918 1931 1929 1900 1903 1905 1902 1948 1891 1931 1932 1922 1891 1955 1950




“Burrows, Ronald Montagu, D .L itt. (Oxford), H on. P h.D . (A thens). B utler, Sir Frederick George A ugustus, K.C.M.O., O.B. “Byrne, Hon. S ir Edm und W iddrington, K t., A.K.C. (H on. Mr. Ju stice Byrne). “ liyw ater, Prof. Ingram , M.A. “C aldecott, The Rev. Prof. A,, D .Lit. (Lond.), D.D. Camb. “Capper, Prof. D avid Sing, M.A., M.I.O.E., M.I.M.E. *Cargill, Lionel Vernon, F.R.O.S., L.R.O .P., L.S.A. “Oarless, Prof. A lbert, O.B.E., M.B., M.S., F.R.O.S. Carpenter, The Rev. Canon E dw ard Frederick, B.A., B.D., Ph.D ., A.K.O. “Oarr, H erbert Wildon, D .L itt. Casserley, The Rev. Ju lia n V ictor Langm ead, M.A., D .Lit., A.K.O. Cham berlain, The Rev. Francis Noel, O.B.E., A.K.C. Chapm an, The Rev. Clifford Thom as, B.A., A.K.C., M.Th., Ph.D . “Ohase, The R t. Rev. Frederick H enry, D .D., Bishop of Ely. “Oheatle, Surg.-Gen. Sir George L., K.O.B., O.V.O., F.R.O.S. “Oheyne, Prof. S ir William W atson, B art., O.B., M.B., O.M., F.B.S. “Church, S ir A rthur H erbert, K.O.V.O., M.A., D.Sc., F.R .S. “O laughton, Sir G ilbert H enry, Bart. “Clowes, Sir William L aird. “Cock, The Rev. Professor A lbert A rthur, M.A. “Oockburn, S ir Jo h n Alexander, M.D., K.O.M.G. Oombridge, Jo h n Theodore, M.A., M.Sc. “Oompston, The Rev. H erb ert Fuller B right, M.A. “Oonnaught, H .R .H . th e Duke of, K.G., K .T., K .P. “Cook, Prof. G ilbert, D.Sc., M .I.M ech.E., M .Inst.O.E. Coulshaw, The V enerable L eonard, M.O., A .K.C. Craske, The R t. Rev. Frederick William Thom as, B.A., A.K.O., Bishop of G ibraltar. “Orawfurd, Sir R aym ond, M.A., M.D., F.R.O.P. Oremer, H erb ert William, O.B.E., M.Sc., F.R .I.C ., M.I.Ohem.E. “Cross, Francis R ichardson, M.B., F.R.O.S., A.K.O. Oroydon, The Rev. Frederick E dgar, M.A. “Cunningham , John William. “ Dale, Prof. Jo h n B orthw ick, M.A. “ D alton, Prof. N orm an, M.D. ‘'D aniell, The Ven. Archdeacon George W illiam, M.A. “Davidson of L am beth, The R t. Hon. & Most Reverend Lord, P.O., G.O.V.O., D.D., D.O.L., LL.D. Davies, Mrs. Barrs, O .B.E. Davies, H erbert E dm und, K.O., LL.D ., B.C.L. Davies, Prof. Sydney John, D.Sc., Ph.D ., M.I.Mech.E. “Davis, Ven. Charles H enderson, A.K.O. Deacon, George Edw ard R aven, D.Sc., F.R .S., F.R .G .S., F.R.A.S. “Dearm er, The Rev. Professor Oanon Percy, D.D. “Deller, Sir Edwin, LL.D . “de Merry del Val, H is Excellency th e M arquis; G.O.V.O., H on.LL.D . (O antab.). “D endy, Prof. A rthur, D.Sc., F.L.S., F.R.S. Dewar, The R ev. Oanon Lindsay, M.A., B.D. “ Dewrance, Sir John, G.B.E., M .Inst.O.E., M.I.Mech.E. “ Dicey, Prof. A lbert Venn, M.A., B.O.L., LL.D ., K.O. “ Douglas, S ir R o b ert K ennaway. “ Douglas, William T regarthen, M.I.O.E. “D uncan, Andrew, Lieut.-Col., M.D., B.S. (Lond.), F.R.O.S., M.R.O.P., late I.M.S. “Dunlop, H ugh A lexander, M.Sc., M.D., M.R.O.S., F.R.O.P. “ Edgew orth, Prof. Francis Ysidor, M.A. “ Edm unds, A rthur, O.B., M.S., F.R.O.S. “ Edw ardes Jones, George Morgan, M.A., K.O. “ Edw ards, Reginald W alter K enrick, M.A. “ E theridge, R obert, F.R.S. E vans, The R ev. Sydney H all, M.A., B.D. “Everidge, John, O .B.E., F.R.O.S. “ Deceased.

K .C .C .





Date of Election. 1904 ‘ Faithfull, Lilian Mary, G.B.E., M.A. 1921 • Farm er, The Bev. George, A.K.O. 1875 “ Fawcus, John George, M.A. 1895 “ Ferrier, Prof. S ir David, M.D., M.A., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.R.O.P., F. 11.0.3. 1891 “Festing, John Wogan, D.D. 1891 * Fletcher, Prof. Banister, F.R .I.B .A . 1956 F lint, Prof. H enry Thom as, D.Sc. 1946 Galway, Lady. 1929 ‘ G arbett, The Most Rev. Cyril Forster, M.A., D.D., Lord Archbishop of York. 1903 “G arstin, S ir W illiam E dm und, G.O.M.G. 1934 G ates, Professor Reginald Ruggles, M.A., Ph.D ., D.Sc., L L.D ., F .R .S ., F.L. F .R .A .I., F.R.M.S. 1919 #Geard, The Rev. Edm und. 1895 “Geare, Reginald, B.A. 1890 “Gell, P hilip L yttleton, M.A. 1929 “Gladstone, Baron of H uwarden. •G loucester, Bishop of. See Ileadlam , A. 0. 1903 “Goldsmid, S ir Frederick Jo h n , K.O.S.I., O.B. 1917 “Gollancz, Prof. S ir Israel, L itt.D ., F.B.A. 1906 Gooch, George Peabody, C .II., C.B.E., D .L itt., M.A., F.H.A., A.K.C. 1929 ‘ Gordon, Prof. William Thomas, M A ., D.Sc., F.R .S.E ., F.G.S. 1922 *Gore, The R t. Rev. Bishop Charles, D .D ., LL.D ., D.C.L. 1904 •G rantham , H on. Sir William, K t. (H on. Mr. Justice G rantham ). 1933 G reene, F ra n k A rnold, M .I.M .E., M .I.E .E ., M .I.S tru ct.E . 1890 ’ Groves, Jam es William. 1947 Guillaume, The Rev. Prof. Alfred, D.D. 1952 •G ulbenkian, Calouste Sarkis, A.K.C. 1929 Gwynne Vaughan, Dame Helen, G.B.E., LL.D ., D.Sc., F.L.S. 1902 “ Hales, Prof. John Wesley, M.A. 1954 H all, Vernon Frederick, L .R.C .P., M.R.C.S., F.F.A .R.C.S. 1899 “H alliburton, Prof. William Dobinson, F.R .S., M.D., LL. D., B.Sc. 1928 H alliday, Sir William Reginald, M.A., LL.D . 1929 ‘ Hambleden, The Dowager Viscountess. •H am bleden, The Viscount. See Sm ith, the Uon. W. F. D. 1924 “H anucick, Sir M urray, K.C.S.I. 1922 'H a n d s , The Hev. Alfred Watson, A.K.O. 1925 H anson, The Rev. P rebendary R ich ard , M.A., B.D. 1897 H arcourt, R obert Frederick, M.A. 1938 H ardm an, The Rev. Prebendary Oscar, M.A., D.D. 1956 H arley, H erb ert Sidney. 1925 “ H arrison, W illiam English, K.C. 1929 “ Harrowing, Sir John, J.P . 1898 “H artley, S ir W alter Noel, F.R.S., F.C.S., F.R .S.E. 1935 H arton, The Very Rev. Frederick Percy, B.D., Dean of Wells. 1938 H atch, T he Rev. n e n ry George, B.A., B.D., A.K.C., Ph.D. 1938 Hawes, The Rev. Canon A rthur Jam es Godball, B.D., A.K.C.,Ph.D. 1893 “Hayes, Prof. T. 0 ., M.A., M.D. 1905 “H eadlam , The R t. Rev. A rthur Cayley, C.H., D.D., Lord Bishop of Gloucester. 1926 “ ilearnshaw , Prof. Fossey Jo h n Cobb, M.A., L L.D ., L itt.D . 1944 H enderson, Jam es, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D . 1909 “H enniker-H eaton, J ., M.P. 1905 •H erroun, Edward Felix, F.I.O. 1944 H etherington, Sir Jam es H ector W right, K .B.E., M.A., LL.D. 1921 “H ew lett, Prof. Richard T anner, M.D., F.R.C.P. 1933 “H ib b e rt, William N em bhard, LL.D. 1896 ‘ Hicks, The Rev. Edward, D.D. 1923 ‘ Highfield, Jo h n Somerville, M.T.E E ., M .lnst.O .E. 1912 “H oare, The Rev. Canon Richard W hitehead. 1946 H obson, H arold, B.Sc. (E ng.), M.I.C.E., M .I.E.E . 1903 “Hole, The Rev. Charles, B.A. **


LIST Date of Election. 1933 1931 1947 1902 1898 1906 1944 1925 1927 1929 1907 1950 1924 1948 1904 1921 1895 1935 1944 1897 1938 1890 1899 1926 1937 1919 1934 1936 1946 1924 1899 1907 1898 1916 1890 1953 1892 1949 1929 1946 1899 1944 1907 1891 1900 1918 1922 1939 1898 1905 1945 1897 1927 1929 1939 1926 1955 1899 1929 1918



H olland, Sir E ardlcy L ancelot, M.D., B.S., F.R .O .S., F .R .O .P ., LL.D. Hollis, The Rev. F rederick Jam es, D.D. H ow ard, The H on. Sir A rth u r Jared Palm er, K .B .E ., C.V.O. Hughes, Mrs. Mary. ‘ Hughes, 8 ir W alter Oharleton, O .I.E., M.Inst.O.E. “H untington, Prof. Alfred K irby, A.R.S.M., F.I.O., M.I.M.M. H u tto n , R obert, M.A. “H yde, The Rev. Prebendary H enry B arry, M.A., A.K.O. “H yde, Sir Clarendon, A.K.O. ‘ Inge, The Very Rev. W illiam Ralph, K.O.V.O., D.D., F.B .A . “Jackson, Prof. S ir H erbert, K .B .E ., F.R.S. Jam es, The Rev. Professor Edw in Oliver, D .L itt., D.D., F.S.A . *Jam eson, Professor A lexander Hope, M.Sc., M .Inst.C.E. Ja y , The Rev. Eric George, M.A., M.Th. ‘ Jelf, Colonel R ichard H enry, O.M.G. Jenkins, The Rev. Professor Claude, M.A., D.D., F.S.A. Johnson, George Stillinglleet. ‘ Jolliffe, Professor A rth u r E rn est, M.A. Jones, R obert A rthur, M.C., M.A. * K enny, A lexandra Symonds, M.R.O.S., A.K.O. *K ent, H .R .H . th e Duke of, K .G., K .T. “ K err, Prof. R obert, F.R .I.B .A . ‘ K im ber, Jam es, M .Inst.O.E. “ K lngston-Fow ler, Sir Jam es, K.O.M.G., K.O.V.O., M.D., D.Sc., F.R .C .P. Kinnell, The Very Rev. Gordon Jack , B .D., A.K.C. “ K irkaldy, Prof. P atrick H enry, F.I.O. K irkland, The R ev. Canon T hom as Jam es, J .P ., B.Sc., F.O.S., F.I.O . “K night, The R ev. Charles, A.K.O. K night, The Rev. Canon Marcus, B.A., B.D. 'K n ig h t, The R ight Rev. Samuel K irshbaum , M.A., D.D., Bishop of Jarrow . “ Knowling, The Rev. Canon R ichard Jo h n , D.D. “L aughton, Prof. S ir John K nox, K t., Hon. D .L itt., Hon. L itt.D . “Leathes, The Bev. Stanley, D.D. ‘ Legg, Tho Rev. Stanley Charles E dm und, M.A. “Le Quesne, Lt.-Col. Ferdinand Simeon, V.O., R.A.M.C. L ester, John. “ Lister, Lord, P.O., O.M., F.R.S. Livingstone, Jam es Livingstone, M.D., F.R .C .P. “Lloyd, H arry. L obban, Prof. Charles H enry, D.Sc., M .I.O.E., F.R .S.E. Lord, W alter Frew en, M.A. L oveday, Thom as, M.A., LL.D. “ Low, S ir Sidney, M.A. *Lowther, The R ight Hon. Jam es William, G.O.B., A.K.O. (V iscount Ullswater). “Lyall, S ir Charles Jam es, K.O.S.I., O .I.E., M.A. “ Lydall, Francis. ‘ Lyle, H erb ert W illoughby, M.D., B.S., F.R.O.S., A.K.C. M acadam , Ivison Stevenson, O.B.E., M.V.O., A .M .I.M ech.E. “McOaul, The Rev. Alexander Israel, M.A. ‘ Macdonald, Professor Greville, M.D., M.R.O.S. McDowall, Prof. R obert Jo h n Stew art, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.O.P. (Edin.). ‘ M cH ardy, Prof. Malcolm Macdonald, F.R.O.S. *Mackay, H erb ert Jam es H ay, M.A., LL.B. ‘ McKenna, The R t. H on. Reginald, P.O., M.P. M ackinnon, Professor Doris Livingston, D.Sc., LL.D. ‘ Marsh, The Rev. Professor Frederick Shipley, M.A. Marsh, Sidney John. ‘ M artin, Prof. Sir Charles Jam es, O.M.G., D.Sc., M.B., F.R .S. “Masaryk, Thom as G., Ph.D ., President of Czecho-Slovakia. M atthews, Very Rev. W alter Robert, K.O.V.O., M.A., D.D., D .L it., Dean of St. P a u l’s. » Deceased.





Date oj Election. 1915 “May, Surg. Vice-Admiral S ir A rth u r William, K.O.B., K .H .P . 1935 ‘ Mead, F rederick. 1916 Mellish, The R ev. E dw ard Noel, V.O. 1901 “M icklethwaite, Jo h n Thomas. 1895 ‘ Miller, Mrs. Agnes D. 1949 ‘ Moore, B ertram Percy, B.A. 1956 Moore, R oy, M.A., A.K.O. 1927 ‘ Moore, Mrs. S tu art. 1890 ‘ M oriarty, Louis M artin, B.A. 1929 ‘ Mowat, Brig.-General Magnus, O.B.E., F .R .S . (E din.), M.ltw.t. O.E., M .I.M ech.E. 1909 “N airne, The Bev. Canon A lexander, M.A., D.D. 1894 “Naville, E douard H enri, D .L itt., D .Phil. 1945 Negus, Sir V ictor Ewings, M.B., M.S., F.B.O.S. 1908 ‘ Newberry, Prof. Percy Edward, O.B.E., M.A. 1931 ‘ Newman, Sir George, K.O.B., G .B .E ., H on. D.Sc. (Oxon), M.D., P.R .O .P., D .P .H . 1912 “Newsom, The Rev. George E rnest, M.A. 1928 ‘ Newton, Professor A rth u r Percival, M.A., D .L lt., B.Sc. 1952 Nicol, Professor Thom as, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., F.R .C.S.E., F .R .S .E . 1911 “N isbet, Colonel R obert P arry, O.I.E. 1952 Noble, P eter Scott, M.A., LL.D . 1929 “N orm an, The Rev. Denham Rowe, A.K.O. 1954 N orm an, Prof. Frederick, O.B.E., M.A. 1919 “N orman, Surg. Vice-Admiral S ir William H enry, K.O.B., H .S.K . 1932 “Norris, The Very Rev. W illiam Foxley, O.V.O., M.A., D.D., Dean of W estm inster. 1913 “N orthcote, The Rev. the Hon. Jo h n Stafford, A.K.O. 1929 “Oesterley, The Rev. Prof. W illiam Oscar Em il, M.A., D.D., L itt.D . 1939 Owst, Professor G erald R obert, M.A., P h .D ., L itt.D . 1911 “Paget, S ir Jo h n Rahere, B art., K.C. 1931 ‘ Pares, Sir B ernard, K .B .E ., M.A. 1932 ‘ Parkins, Jam es, A.K.O. 1952 Parkinson, Sir Cosmo, G.C.M.G., K.O.B., O.B.E. 1920 “Parry-E vans, The Bev. Joseph D avid Samuel, O.M.G. 1929 “Parsons, The Hon. Sir Charles, O.M., K.O.B., LL.D ., D.Sc., F .B .S. 1920 ‘ Parsons, The Hon. Bichard Clere, M.A. 1946 Pastor, Prof. A ntonio, B .L itt., D .Phil. 1937 ‘ Paul, Agnes S toddart, M.A., B.D. 1924 Pear, Professor Tom H atherley, M.A., B.Sc. 1897 “Pennefather, The Bev. Somerset E dw ard, D.D. 1916 “ Perks, S ir B obert W illiam, B art., M .Inst.O.E. 1900 “Perrin, W illiam Willcox, D.D., Bishop of Willesden. 1900 'P h illip s, Prof. S ir John, M.A., M.D., F.B.O.P. 1936 ‘ Pickering, Jo h n W illiam, D.Sc. 1900 “Pirbright, Lord. See de Worms. 1907 ‘ Pollard, Alfred William, O.B., M.A., D .L itt., F.B.A. 1947 “P o tter, Prof. H arold, LL.D ., Ph.D . 1930 “Pound, Sir Lulham , B art., J.P . 1933 Pow er, A rnold D anvers. 1906 “Preston, Sidney, O.B.E., O .I.E., M.Inst.O.E. 1945 Prideaux, W alter T reverbian, LL.D. 1944 Priestley, Sir Raym ond Edw ard, M.O., M.A., D.Sc. 1893 “P ritch ard , Prof. U rban, M.D., F.R.O.S. 1945 Purdie, Prof. E dna, M.A., D .Lit. 1935 Reed, P rof. A rth u r W illiam, MA.., D .L itt. 1907 “ R elton, The Rev. Frederick, A.K.O. 1922 R elton, The Rev. Prof. H erb ert Maurice, D .D., A.K.O. 1925 R ichardson, Prof. Sir Owen Willans, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. 1918 “ R obertson, C aptain Lindesay John. 1899 “ Robertson, The R t. Rev. AjxAibald, D.D., LL.D ., Bishop of Exetar. 1915 “ Robertson, S ir Frederick A lexander, LL.D. 1913 “ Robinson, Prof. A rthur, M.D., O.M., F.R.O.S. * Deceased.





Date of Election. 1955 Robson, W illiam, P h .D ., D.Sc. 1920 ’ Rogers, Tho Rev. Prof. Clement. Francis, M.A. 1901 “R othschild, Leopold de, D.L. 1892 “Saintsbury, George Edw ard B atem an, M.A., F.B.A. 1954 Salmon, Cyril Sebastian, M.O., M.Sc. 1922 “S alter, Tho H on. Mr. Ju stice A rth u r Olavell. 1895 "Saunders, Thom as Bailey, M.A, 1948 S aurat, Prof. Denis, D.-fes-L. 1932 ’ Savile, Sir Leopold H alliday, K.O.B., M .I.C.E., A .I.N .A . 1953 Savin, Lewis H erbert, M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S. 1905 “Seeley, Prof. H arry Govier, F.R.S. 1954 Sellers, The Rev. Professor R o b ert V ictor, M.A., D.D. 1953 Semple, Jo h n Greenlees, M.A., Ph.D ., M.R.I.A. 1899 “Serocold, Charles Pearce. 1950 Shapley.The R ight Rev. R onald N orm an, M.C., A.K.O., Bishop of th e W indward Isles. 1951 Sheldon, Joseph H arold, C.B.E., M.D., F.R .C .P. 1929 Shovelton, Sydney Taverner, O.B.E., M.A. 1909 “S huttlew orth, George E dw ard, M.D. 1899 “S huttlew orth, The Rev. H enry Cary, M.A. 1928 “Sibly, Sir Thom as Franklin, K .B .E ., D.Sc., LL.D. 1903 “Siemens, Alexander, M .lnst.O.E. 1909 *Silk, Jo h n Frederick W illiam, M.D. 1909 “Sim pson, Prof. Sir William Jo h n R itchie, O.M.G., M.D. 1903 “Skeat, W alter William, L itt.D ., LL.D ., D.O.L., Ph.D . 1915 ’ Sloggett, Lieut.-General Sir A rth u r Thomas, K.C.B., K.O.V.O., O.M.G. 1930 ’ Smilee, Prof. Samuel, O .B.E., F .R .S ., D.Sc. 1951 Sm ith, Basil A rthur, D.S.M., L L.D ., F.C.A. 1929 ’ Sm ith, The Rev. Prof. Frederick H arold, D.D., A.K.O. 1906 “Sm ith, W alter. 1907 “Sm ith, The Hon. W illiam Frederick D anvers (Viscount H am bleden). 1929 “Snell, Sir John, G .B.E., M .lnst.O .E., M .I.E.E. 1916 “Soulaby, Sir William Jam eson, K t., O.B., O .I.E., K.O.V.O., A.K.O. Southwell, Bishop of. See B arry, F. R. 1920 “Spiers, Prof. V ictor, M.A., B.-es-L. 1950 Stam p, Prof. Laurence Dudley, C.B.E., D.Sc., F.G.S., A.K.C. 1898 “Stebbing, The Rev. Thom as Roscoo Rede, M.A., F.R .S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 1951 Stern, Lt.-Col. Sir A lbert, K .B .E ., O.M.G., M.A. 1920 “S tem , Col. S ir Edw ard D avid, B art., B.A., D.L. 1936 “Stew art, Sir H ailey, J .P . 1948 Stew art, Bernard H ailey, M.A., M.D., B.Oh. 1934 ’ Still, Professor Sir George Frederic, K.O.V.O., M.A M.D., F.R .O .P ., LL.D 1909 “Stone, Edw ard H erbert, F.S.A. 1934 ’ Storr, The Rev. Oanon Vernon F aithfull, M.A., Sub-dean of W estminster. 1890 “Swete, The Rev. Prof. H enry B arclay, D.D. 1937 Szlum per, M ajor General G ilbert Savil, O.B.E., T .D . 1937 Tasker, The Rev. Prof. R andolph V incent Greenwood, M.A., B.D. 1949 Temple, Professor George, O.B.E., P h .D ., D.Sc., F.R .S. 1923 “Thom as, William H enry Griffith, A.K.O., M.A., D.D. 1914 “Thom pson, Prof. P eter, M.D. 1938 Thomson, Prof. Jam es Alexander K err, M.A. 1896 “Thomson, Prof. Jo h n Millar, LL.D ., F.R .S., F.I.C., F.O.S. 1927 ’ Thom son, Sir St. Clair, M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.O.P. 1898 “T hornton, S ir Jam es H oward, K.O.B., M.B., M.A., M.R.C.S. 1912 “Thorpe, Sir Jocelyn Field, O.B.E., D.Sc., Ph.D ., F.R .S., F.C.S. 1904 “T hurston, E dg ar, O .I.E ., B.S., L .R .O .P. 1951 Tindall, The R ev. Canon Frederick Cryer, B .D., A.K.C. 1895 “Tomlinson, H erbert, B.A., F.R .S. 1929 ’ Troup, Sir Edw ard, K.O.B., K.O.V.O., LL.D. 1908 ’ Twitchell, The R t. Rev. Thomas Clayton, D.D., A.K.C., Bishop of Polynesia. 1935 ’ T w itchett, The Venerable Cyril Frederick, M.A. * D eceased,


F E L L O W S -- T IIE


Date of Election. 1935 “Ullswater, The Viscount. See Lowther, The R t. Hon. 1902 “U pcott, S ir Frederick R obert, K.O.V.O., C.S.I., M em.Inst.C.E. 1927 “Veazey, The Rev. Canon H arry George, A.K.O. 1894 *W»ce, Mrs. Cornelia G ertrude. 1929 'W akefield, T he V iscount, O .B.E., LL.D . 1934 W akeley, Sir Cecil Pem brey Grey, B art., K .B .E ., D.Sc., F.R.O.S., F .R .S .E . 1916 “ W alters, Prof. W illiam Charles Flam stead, M.A. 1956 W and, Tho R t. Rev. and R t. Hon. Jo h n William Charles, P.C., K.C.V.O., M.A., D.D. 1939 ‘ W ard, The R ev. Canon P ercy George, B.D., A.K.O., M .L itt. 1908 ‘ W aring, Francis Jo h n , O.M.O., F.R .G .S., M .Inst.0.E . 1924 “ W atson, The Rev. Canon Edw ard William, M.A., D.D. 1909 *Webb, Charles D aulm an, M.A., D .L it., B.Sc. 1944 Wedgwood, Sir R alph Lewis, B art., O.B., C.M.G. 1955 W emyss, General S ir Colville, K.O.B., K .B .E ., D.S.O., M.C. 1953 W est, Sydney George, O.B.E., M.A. 1936 ‘ W heatley, The Rev. Canon Sydney W illiams, M.A. 1893 ° Whichelow, The Rev. Jam es Shearer, A.K.O. 1917 W'hite, Colonel Archie Cecil Thom as, V.C., M.O., B.A. 1913 “ W hite, The Very Rev. H enry Ju lian , M.A., D .D., Dean of C hrist Ohurch. 1912 “ W hite, Prof. S tu a rt A rth u r F rank, M.A. 1909 “ Whitfield, Professor A rthur, M.D., F.R .C .P., M.R.C.S. 1914 “ W hitney, T he Rev. Prof. Jam es Pounder, D.D., D.C.L. 1950 Williams, Prof. Charles H arold, M.A. 1909 “ Wilson, Prof. E rnest, M .Inst.O .E., M .I.E.E . 1926 Wilson, Prof. W illiam, D.Sc., F.R .S. 1929 “ W innington-Ingram , The R t. H on. & R t. Rev. A rthur Foley, K.C.V.O., M.A., D.D., LL.D. 1956 W ooldridge, Prof. Sidney William, C.B.E., D.Sc. 1912 “ W ordingham, Charles H enry, O.B.E., M .Inst.C .E., M .I.M .E., M .Inst.E .E ., A .Inst.N .A . 1937 Worsley, Col. Sydney Jo h n , D.S.O., M.O., T .D ., M.A. 1890 “ Yeo, Prof. Gerald Francis, M.D., F.R .S. 1938 Zafrulla K han, The H on. Sir M uhammad C haudhury, K.O.S.I., B.A., LL.D. * Deceased.

F E L L O W S O F K I N G ’S C O L L E G E 1913 1911 1914 1912 1913 1911 1914 1913 1912 1912 1911 1914


“ Buchheim, Em m a Sophia. “Faithfull, Lilian M ary, O.B.E., M.A. “ L aughton, Sir Jo h n K nox, D .L itt., L itt.D . Lee, M argaret Lucy. Lulham , Rosalie Blanche Jerm ain , B.Sc. “McKillop, M argaret, M.A. Millar, M argaret. “Moore, S tu art (Evelyn Underhill). Morley, E d ith Julia, A.K.O., O.B.E. “Oakeley, H ilda Diana, M.A., D .Lit. “Spurgeon, Caroline Frances Eleanor, D octeur de 1’ University de Paris. “ W harrie, Mrs. • Deceased.

T H E A S S O C I A T E S H I P O F K I N G ’S C O L L E G E

By the S tatu tes and Regulations framed under th e K ing’s College London (Transfer) Act, 1908, The Council may elect as Associates of th e College— (1) S tudents of th e Theological D epartm ent of K ing’s College London, or of th e F aculty of Theology as th e same existed




in the College before th e appointed day, who have attended such courses of instruction and passed such exam inations as may from tim e to tim e be prescribed by th e Council; (2) Students of U niversity of London K ing’s College, or of U niversity of London K ing’s College for Women, who have obtained a degree of th e U niversity and have also attended such courses of instruction in Theology, and passed such exam inations in Theology, as m ay be required by any by-laws, rules, orders or regulations, made by th e Council and in force on th e appointed day or as m ay from tim e to tim e be prescribed by th e C ouncil; and (3) Students of any F aculty (other th a n th e F aculty of Theology) as th e sam e existed in th e College before th e appointed day, or of tho W omen’s D epartm ent as th e same existed in the College before th e appointed day, who have atten d ed such courses of instruction and passed such exam inations as may be required by any by-laws, rules, orders, or regulations made by the Council and in force on th e appointed day, or as may from tim e to tim e be prescribed by th e Council; and shall for th a t purpose retain all th eir powers of electing associates existing im m ediately before th e appointed day, b u t save as aforesaid all such powers shall, as from th e appointed day, be extinguished. R

e g u l a t io n s

1. They m ust have atten d ed classes in th e College for a t least three years as Regular Students. 2. They m ust have obtained a degree in th e U niversity of London. 3. They m ust have regularly attended th e two term s’ course of instruction in Theology in each year of th e three years’ course of study. They m ust have passed such exam inations or other tests as tho Lecturers m ay from tim e to tim e require. All those who have fulfilled th e above conditions will receive a certificate attestin g th a t they have completed the course, and on presenting it to th e Council will receive th e diploma of th e Associate­ ship. The fee for the diploma is £1 11s. 6d. P

r iv il e g e s


A s s o c ia t e s

Associates of K ing’s College have the following privileges, provided they keep their nam es on the “ Register of G raduates and Diploma S tudents,” the fee for which is £1 10s.:— (1) P articipation in the election of two members of th e Council of K ing’s College. (2) A ttendance a t the lectures given in the F acu lty of Theology a t a reduction of 20 per cent, in the fee for the whole course for the A ssociateship; or a t the B.D. Course a t a fee of 10 guineas a term . (3) Admission to College lectures and classes exclusive of laboratories, a t a reduction of 20 per cent, in the fees. (4) Admission to the Library free of charge during the period of study. (5) Receipt of a copy of the Annual R eport of the College.



A S S O C IA T E S O F K IN G ’S C O L L E G E LO N DO N electe d sin ce 1937 (For the names o f those elected before 1866, see the Calendars for 1865-6 and 1896-7.) (For those elected between 1866 arid 1880 inclusive, see Calendar of 1889-1900.) ( For those elected between 1880and 1904 inclusive, see Calendar o] 1911-12.) (For those elected between 1905and 1906 inclusive, see Caleiuiar of 1915—16.) (For those elected between 1906and 1914 inclusive, see Calendar o f 1919-20.) (For those elected between 1915and 1924 inclusive, see Calendar o f 1925-26.) ( For those elected between 1925and 1929 inclusive, see Calendar of 1931-32.) (For those elected between 1930and 1937 inclusive, see Calendar of 1938-39.) Elected 1954 1938 1951 1938 1947 1949 1947 1954 1939 1939 1949 1945 1954 1955 1955 1955 1954 1940 1940 1954 1951 1952 1955 1941 1950 1946 1953 1938 1941 1955 1944 1946 1951 1938 1949 1949 1955 1940 1951 1954 1947 1952 1939 1943 1942 1954 1938 1938

Name A bbott, Olive E lizabeth, B.Sc .......................................... Aberdein, Jo h n E ric, B.Sc................................................... A berdour, K enneth R obert, M.B., B.S............................ A ckroyd, R onald, B.Sc......................................................... A cutt, B etty M arion, B.A ................................................. A cutt, Ronald Jam es, B .A ................................ ........... Adams, A rthur, B.Sc ......................................................... Adam s, D avid Michael, B.Sc.............................................. Adams, R onald Foye G ly n n ............................................. A damson, Frederick ...................................................... ............................. Adcock, N orm an Edw ard W illiam A insw orth, D avid Lawrence ..................................... A ird, Donald A llan Ross ............................................. Alderson, C hristopher D e re k ........................................... A ldred, D onald Bottom ley ........................................... A ldred, F red Simpson, B.Sc.............................................. . Aldridge, Jo an E sther, B.A ............................................... Allam, William Sidney .................................................... Allbright, G raham Scott, B.Sc........................................... Allen, P eter H enry Gay, B.Sc............................................ Allen, Stanley Leonard Sidney, B .D ................................. Allgood, Frederick George, B.A ....................................... Allison, H erbert Morris, B.A ............................................ Allwood, Michael Jo h n , M.B., B.S .................................. Alsford, Jo an E d ith , B.Sc ................................................. Amor, P e te r David Card ........................................... Andrew, J o h n ....................................................................... Andrews, E ric Charles ...................................................... Andrews, Jo h n , B.A.............................................................. Andrews, P eter Edw ard, B.Sc............................................ Angus, Jo h n Darroll, B.A ................................................. Anker, George W il li a m ................................................... Appleton, H arold, B.Sc. ........................................... Arbery, R ichard Neil ...................................................... Arbuckle, Jam es H u g h .................................................... A rm itage, B ryan .............................................................. Armstrong, H enry, MA........................................................ A rndt, Frederic George Llewellyn..................................... Ashby, Godfrey William E rnest Candler, B .D .............. Ashley, E rnest George, B.A .............................................. Ashworth, Jo h n Anderson, B.Sc........................................ A stbury, E lizabeth Rhona Catherine, B.A. ... >... Atkins, H enry B arnard, B.A.............................................. Atkins, John H a m ilto n ...................................................... A tkins, R oger Francis ................................................... A tkins, Stanley H am ilton ........................................... At trill, N orm au Edm und Charles, B.A ...........................

.................... .................... .................... ....................

Faculty Science. Science. Medicine. Science.

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A rts. Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology.


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E n g in e e rin g



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Arts. Medicine. Theology. Theology. Theology. A rts. Science.

Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Arts. Science. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts.




Eltclcd, Name 1953 A ustin, Mary, B.Sc.............................. 1948 A uty, Jo h n H ugh, B.Sc. ............ 1938 Ayre, H enry George ..................... 1939 Bacchus, Edwin E rnest, B.A. 1954 Bacon, Geoffrey W illiam A nthony 1950 Badcock, Allan W illiam, B.Sc. 1944 Bailey, P eter Hickson, B.Sc.............. 1949 Bailey, V ictor Joseph, B.A............... 1947 Baillie, Jo h n Lancelot .................... Baird, A rth u r Maldwyn, B.A. (See Beer, Ar 1952 B aird, Jam es Boyd, B.Sc................... 1941 B aird, K athleen M argaret, B.A. ... 1942 Baker, Frederick George ........... 1954 B aker, G raham e B rinkw orth............ 1950 Baker, John Francis H arvard, B.A. 1952 B aker, Philip George, B.Sc................ 1952 Baldock, N orm an, B .D ....................... 1953 B aldrey, Jo h n A rthu r, B.Sc. 1955 Bale, E dw ard W illiam C a rr6 ........... 1950 B allard, Jam es, B.A........................... 1950 B angert, A nthony B ryan ........... 1942 B anks, Aleck George, B .D ................ 1950 Banting, B aym ond Jam es, B.A. ... 1947 B arber, F rank, B .A ............................. 1951 B arnes, D onald E dw ard, B.D. 1949 B arron, Charles Leslie .................... 1941 B artels, Agnes R obertson D onald, B. 1951 B artle, Reginald Stephen, B .D . ... 1941 B a rtle tt, B rian, B.A............................ 1938 B arton, P eter Dennys .................... 1942 B arton, William Charles, B.Sc. 1951 B ateson, Geoffrey Frederick, B.D. 1950 B axter, David, B.A ............................. 1946 Beal, R onald A lbert, B.A.................. 1954 Beale, A nthony Jo h n , L L .B ............. 1954 B eard, D avid W alter, B.Sc................ 1938 Beaton, V ictor H enry .................... 1947 Beaver, Louisa E lizabeth, B.A. ... ..................................... 1950 Beck, Allan 1950 Beech, Samuel R obert, B.Sc. 1936 Beer, A rthur Maldwyn, B.A. 1950 Beeson, T revor R a n d a ll.................... 1947 Belcourt, Louis Jenkins, LL.B. 1944 Belderson, Eileen Marie, B.A. 1947 Bell, George, B.Sc................................ 1952 Beniams, Alec Charles .................... 1954 B enjam in, Lawrence, B .S c................ 1953 B ennett, Arnold E rn est ............ 1948 B ennett, E lizabeth, M.B., B.S. 1942 B ennett, E rnest H arrison Offord ... 1946 B ennett, Gillian Calvert, B.Sc. 1953 Benny, A lan H ugh Berger, B.Sc. ... 1949 Benstead, Jo h n Allen, B .A ............... 1940 B ent Marshall, W illia m .................... 1940 Berrey, Arnold Jam es, B.A............... 1951 B erry, Nellie Florence P atricia, B.A 1943 Berrym an, K athleen Mary, B.A. ... 1950 Bess, Cyril H enry George ............ 1948 Best, Laurie Lazarus, B.Sc................ 1938 Billington, Claude W ilfrid ............ 1940 Bircham, Bonald George ............ 1938 B irchett, Ronald John, B.D.


Faculty Science. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Science. Science. A rts. Theology. Arts. Science. Arts. Theology. Theology. A rts. Science. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. Arts. Laws. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Science. Arts. Theology. Laws. A rts.

Science. Theology. Science. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Science. Science. A rts. Theology. A rts.

Arts. Arts. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology.

330 Elected 1938 1948 1936 1950 1946 1939 1952 1941 1951 1954 1951 1955 1941 1943 1942 1952 1942 1945 1950 1952 1940 1948 1941 1938 1949 1951 1938 1945 1950 1942 1947 1947 1952 1939 1951 1954 1947 1951 1946 1947 1954 1948 1950 1942 1954 1954 1946 1939 1940 1941 1941 1950 1955 1950 1949 1939 1941 1954 1949 1944 1952 1954

N A M E S OK A S S O C I A T E S Name Birchmore, Basil, B.A......................... Bird, Geoffrey Neville .................... Biaby, H arry , B .Sc.............................. .................... Biss, Sidney E verard Black, A rth u r Charles, B.Sc.............. Blore, R obert William .................... B oardm an, W illiam .................... Bolsin, Cyril Edw ard .................... Bond, Charles Derek .................... Bonham , Alan Jo h n , B.Sc................. Boorer, Audrey Jo an , B.Sc................ B ooth, Geoffrey Campion, B.Sc. ... Borrill, Jo h n , B .D ................................ Boshier, Jo h n H enry, B.Sc................ Boston, n e n r y ..................................... B otting, Michael Hugh, B.Sc. Bowden, Cecil Jo h n , B.Sc.................. Bowen, M argaret M ary, B.A............. Bowers, Jo h n Edward ..................... Bowles, R onald Leonard, B.D. Bowyer, Leonard J o h n ..................... B ox, David N orm an, B .D ................ Box, Reginald G ilbert, B .D ............... Boyles, H arry Cecil .................... Brassinne, N orma, B.A. ............ Bridgw ater, Laurence, B.A............... Briggs, Alfred Ambrose, B.A. Briggs, Edm und Jam es Seeds Nixon, Briggs, William H enry, B.A. Brigham, H arry B ulm er.................... B right, H ilda Mabel, B.A.................. Bromhead, Mollie Stew art, B.A. ... Bromidge, R obert H arold, B.D. ... Bromwich, Jo h n ... .................... Brooman, Edw ard George ............ Brown, Colin B ertram , B.Sc. Brown, Jo h n A lexander H unter, M.B Brown, Jo h n D e n is............................. Brown, Muriel Gladys, B.Sc.............. Browne, Ileane, B.A............................ Browne, Michael, B.Sc........................ Browne, Zoe Margaret, B.A .............. B ryant, K enneth Marrable, M.B., B.S Buckley, Michael R ichard, B.D. ... Bucknall, A nn Gordon, B.Sc. Buffee, Leslie J o h n ............................. Bullinger, Jo a n , B.A ........................... Bullough, W alter H erb ert ............ Bungay, Edward H u g h .................... B unting, E rnest S tu art, B.Sc. B unyan, W alter Frederick ............ Burke, Joseph, B.Sc............................ Burley, David Michael, B.Sc. Burn, Lois Almond, B.A................... B urn ett, Jo h n C apenhurst ............ B urnham , Cecil C h a m p n e y s............ B urnham , Richard Stanley K ent, B.S B urnstock, Geoffrey, B.Sc............... B urr, Brian Gilbert ................... Burridge, Cecil Vivian, B.Sc. Burrow, Clive Jam es G odart, B.Sc Burrow, Colin Dennis, B.Sc...........

Faculty Arts. Theology. Science. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Engineering. Science. Science. Theology. Science. Theology. Science. Science. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. A rts. Arts. A r ts .


Medicine. A rts. Theology. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Engineering. Medicine. Theology. Science. Arts. Science. Arts. Medicine. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Science. Science. Arts. Theology. Theology. Engineering. Science. Theology. Science. Science. Science.


N A M E S O F A S S O C IA T E S Elected 1942 1949 1951 1948 1938 1954 1962 1955 194G 1954 1954 1939 1950 1947 1948 1949 1952 1954 1953 1954 1954 1943 1951 1949 1954 1940 1949 1938 1948 1940 1954 1953 1954 1949 1938 1950 1938 1955 1953 1948 1941 1939 1954 1948 1939 1954 1950 1952 1944 1938 1947 1939 1939 1946 1952 1947 1952 1940 1954 1939 1953 1939

Nam e B urton, F ran k George ........................................................... . . . . .. B u rtt, Gerald E rnest, B.A .......................................... B u rtt (nte Fowler), Irene Marion, B.A.................... B utcher, Edward Percy, B.A..................................... ............... B utler, Cecil Jam es ........................................................... ............... B utler, R obert C lif f o r d ........................................................... B utler, Roy H enry, B.Sc .......................................................... ............... B utler, Theophilus Laurence, B.Sc........................... B utlin, Doris Hazel, B.Sc ......................................................... Caley, Jo h n W alter, B.A ............................................. Cameron, Donald Jam es, B.Sc................................... Camp, Jo an Mercer, B.A............................................. ............... Campbell, Jacques Marcel S tu a rt, B.Sc.(Eng.) ... ............... Campling, Beryl Gwendolen, B.A ...................................... Cane, B rian Sydney, B .Sc ........................................................ ............... Cannan, Edw ard A le x is ............................................................ ............... ................................................ ............... Capey, R ichard Cyril Neil Capstick, Jo h n Nowell ........................................................... Carey, Alan Lawrence .............................................. Carey, Charles Jo h n , B .D ............................................ Carey, R osem ary A nnette, B.A ........................................... ............... Carlile, E dw ard Wilson, B .D ................................................. C arpenter, Donald Jam es, B.A ............................................ ............... C arter, P aul B r i a n ....................................................................... ............... C arter, Rollo B rian, B.Sc ......................................................... Castledine, Jo h n ....................................................................... ............... Cave, Cyril H ayw ard .............................................. Cawthorn, Colin Jennison, B .A ............................................ Cecil, Philip H enry, B .D ........................................................... Chadwick, Francis A rnold E d w in ..................................... Chamberlain, J a n e t M ary, B.Sc .......................................... Chambers, Douglas B obert, M.B., B.S .......................... Chandler, Tony John. B.Sc ..................................................... Oharm an, Frederick E rn est ..................................... Charnley, Thom as, B.Sc ........................................................... Chester, A rthur N orm an ........................................................... Childe, C atharine May, B.A ................................................... Chisnall, Thom as Donald, B.Sc ........................................... C hitty, E rn est H edley ........................................................... Chiu Ban I t , L L .B ....................................................................... Ohivers, Geoffrey B arry Lambly, B.So .......................... Chown, W illiam R ichard B a rtle tt ..................................... Christian, R onald George ................................................ Christie, Leonard Douglas ................................................ Chubb, Leslie George, B.Sc .................................................... Clark, Derrick, B.Sc ..................................................................... Clark, H enry ................................................................................. Clark, K athleen Mary, B.A .................................................... Clark, Reginald H a r l a n ............................................. Clark, Reginald Isaac ........................................................... Clarke, Charles ...................................................................... Clarke, Colin George ........................................................... Clarke, Jo h n Douglas, B.Sc. ..................................... Clayton, Jean M argaret, B .A ................................................ Clayton, N orm an Jam es ................................................ Clegg, Jesse Elias Bruce ................................................ Clifton, P atricia Ju n e, B.A .................................................... Clough, H a r r y ................................................................................. Clout, Vallance Duncan, B.A ................................................ Coates, R aym ond Frederick W illiam ..........................




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Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Medicine. Science. ... Theology. . . . Science. . . . Theology. . . . A rts. . . . Science. . . . Theology. . . . Laws. ... Science. . . . Theology. . . . Theology. . . . Theology. . . . Science. . . . Engineering. . . . Theology. . . . Arts. . . . Theology. . . . Theology. . . . Theology. . . . Theology.

... .. . ... ... ... ...


Faculty Theology. A rts. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Science. Science. Arts. Science. Arts. Engineering. Arts. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. A rts. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology.

... ...

Science. A rts. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Arts. Theology.





Elected Name 1942 Ooath, R ichard Kenneth .............................. 1938 Cobby, Alfred Vicary, B A ................................. 1938 Cogman, Frederick W alter, B .D ...................... 1954 Coleman, Rowena Joyce, B A ........................... 1944 Coles, D orothy Mary, B.A.................................. 1948 Colgate, H ugh A rthur, B .A ................................ 1949 Colinese, Philip E rnest, B.Sc............................. 1952 Collins, Cecil Maurice, B.Sc................................ 1949 Collins, William A rthur D onovan ............ 1939 Compton, Alfred Jo h n Alwyne, LL.B. 1951 Connell, M argaret Elizabeth Agnes, B.Sc. ... 1940 Connor, Dennis George Austin, B .D ................ 1950 Cook, A nthony C h a rle s..................................... 1951 Cook, Derek Edw ard ..................................... 1955 Cook, K enneth H e r b e r t..................................... 1949 Cook, P eter B ertram , M.B., B.S....................... 1942 Cook, R obert J o h n .............................................. 1954 Coombs, R ichard Jo h n , B .D .............................. 1952 Cooper, Cecil O liv e .............................................. 1941 Cooper, Neville Thom as, B.Sc........................... 1949 Cooper, Sydney B ernard Nikon .................... 1949 Corbin, R obert Charles H enry .................... 1939 Corden, Geoffrey W alter, B.A........................... 1947 Corfmat, Percy Thom as W alter .................... 1955 Corke, Jo h n H a r r y ............................................. 1952 Cornelius, Donald E ric, B .D .............................. 1949 Comes, Jo h n Selwyn, B.So................................. 1939 Cornish, Stanley J a m e s ..................................... 1951 Cotgrove, Alan E d w a r d ..................................... 1940 Court, Ja c k A r th u r .............................................. 1941 Oowdry, Roy W alter Frederick .................... 1940 Cowling, Clifford, B.Sc......................................... 1939 Cox, Cyril Edwin, M .T h..................................... 1948 C rabtree, Doris, B .A ............................................ 1942 Craig, Elm a M argaret, B.A................................ .................... 1947 Oranmer-Gordon, Jo an , B.A. 1942 Crawford, M argaret C hristine, B.A ................. .................... 1948 Crews, Delphine Mary, B.A. 1949 Cridland, Basil H um phrey, B.Sc...................... 1947 Cripps, H arold E rnest ..................................... .................... 1942 Crocker, D orothy Alice, B.A. 1939 Cromwell, Roger H orace..................................... ............................ 1942 Orossley, H ugh Vaughan 1941 Crouch, Eric A rth u r Crouch, B.Sc................... 1954 Crump, Jo h n ...................................................... .............................................. 1939 Oryer, Percival 1941 Cumings, C hristopher Felix, M.B., B.S. 1945 Cumner, M argaret Winifred, B.A..................... 1947 Cunliffe, Gordon H urst, B.Sc............................. 1939 Currie, Lucy M argaret, B.A............................... 1951 Curtis, W ilfrid Frank ..................................... 1940 Cutting, Alfred Howard, M.B., B.S.................. 1951 Dack, Paul Marven, B.D .................................... 1941 Dacre, Roy Aubrey, B .D .................................... ............................. 1949 Daffurn, Lionel William 1939 Dagnall, R adford H enry, B .D .......................... 1955 Daker, A nn Christine, B.A................................. .................... 1940 Dakin, John Edward Clifford ..................................... 1945 Dams, Jo h n Lockton 1944 Danielli, Christine Grace, B.A........................... ............ 1950 Daniels, K enneth Percival Thom as 1946 Daniels, Pam ela Louise, B.Sc............................


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fa c u lty Theology. Arts. Theology. Arts. Arts. Arts. Science. Science. Theology. Laws. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Theology. Theology. Engineering. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. A rts. Arts. Arts. Arts. Arts. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Medicine. Arts. Engineering. A rts. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. A rts. Theology. Theology. A rts. Theology. Science.

NAMES Elected 1949 1940 1954 1948 1947 1949 1955 1953 1954 1941 1943 1954 1949 1949 1939 1938 1941 1942 1954 1949 1947 1951 1955 1949 1948 1952 1947 1948 1942 1947 1943 1940 1940 1946 1938 1946 1938 1940 1940 1942 1945 1946 1944 1954 1952 1955 1942 1940 1952 1952 1938 1948 1949 1954 1954 1950 1949 1950 1952 1938 1941 1950



Name Daniels, Russell Wilfred, B .A ............................................. D arby, W alter Frederick, B .D ........................................... D arby, William Jo h n , B.Sc................................................. D artnall, Winifred Mary Jo an , B.A.................................. Dass, B etty Marie E dith, B.Sc........................................... Davies, Aldred Dewi W ynne, B.Sc................................... D avies, D avid Ia n , B.Sc...................................................... Davies, Dennis W illiam ...................................................... Davies, H erb ert Stanley, M.B., B.S.................................. Davies, Jam es Trevor E iddig ..................................... Davies, P eter Laverock, B.Sc............................................. Davies, Stephen W a lte r ...................................................... Davis, Leslie Russell, M.B., B .S............. ; ..................... Davis, Stephen Charles ............................................. D avison, R ichard George Charles, L L .B .......................... Daw, M aurice E rnest, B.A.................................................. Dawe, Roy W illiam, B.A..................................................... Dawe, Roy W illiam, B.A..................................................... Dawson, Clarice Nellie, B.Sc.............................................. Day, Jam es Alfred ....................................................... ............................................. Day, Philip Oliver, B.A. D ean, Doreen Mary, B.A ..................................................... de B risay, R o b ert Michael D elacour ............................. Deighton, R ichard, B.Sc...................................................... Denney, A nthony Howe ............................................. Dennis, Pam ela, B.A............................................................. Dibb, R obert H enry. B.Sc.................................................. D ibden, E dgar H enry K enneth, B.Sc............................... Dickinson, W ilfrid E dgar, B .D .......................................... Dickson, A lexander Jo h n , B.A........................................... Dickson, R u th , B.A............................................................... Dix, Thomas H ooton Michael ..................................... Dixon, Edw ard Ashby, B .D ............................................... D ixon, Edwin H argreaves, B.A......................................... Dobson, E dm und Brew ster, B.A....................................... Doe, W illiam F ran k ...................................................... Doney, Marcus W illiam, B.A............................................. Doran, Sidney W illia m ...................................................... Dorling, Lawrence R obert .............................................. Douglas, Ian Henderson, B.Sc............................................ Douglas, Jo y Marjorie, M.B., B.S.................... ............ Douglas, R oy Ian , B.Sc....................................................... D oust, Jo h n William L ovett, B.Sc., M.B., B.S. Dove, A rth u r Allan, B.Sc.................................................... Dowman, Jo h n Frederick .............................................. D ubbey, Jo h n Michael, B.Sc.............................................. Dudley, N orm an, B.Sc......................................................... Dunbar, George Alban Charles ..................................... Duncan, P eter H arold Furlong ..................................... Dunlop, A rthur Jo h n ...................................................... D urham , B ernard Jo h n , B.A.............................................. Dyer, Dennis A nthony, B .Sc.............................................. Dyson, Ronald Geoffrey, B.A ............................................. Eales, Stanley W illiam Edw ard, B.Sc.............................. E arw aker, Je a n V aughan, B.A.......................................... E ddy, M arjorie, B.A............................................................ Edw ards, A lbert George, B.Sc............................................ E dwards, A nthony Paul John, B.Sc................................. Edwards, B ertie A rth u r John, B.Sc.................................. E dwards, Dudley Jam es Milne ..................................... E dw ards, Em rys Lloyd, B.Sc.............................................

............ ............ .......... . ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Faculty A rts. Theology. Science. Arts. Science. Science. Science. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Science. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Laws. Arts. Arts. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. A rts. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. Science. Science. Theology. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Arts. A rts. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Medicine. Science. Medicine. Science. Theology. Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Science. A rts. Engineering Arts. Arts. Science. Science. Science. Theology. Science. Engineering

334 Elected 1939 1954 1952 1947 1945 1942 1952 1955 1941 1940 1949 1946 1954 1955 1947 1942 1955 1939 1946 1942 1953 1954 1947 1942 1941 1939 1954 1938 1954 1949 1952 1947 1953 1949 1952 1942 1954 1949 1939 1951 1951 1948 1941 1941 1939 1951 1938 1942 1948 1942 1939 1949 1950 1954 1948 1950 1950 1940 1940 1948 1948 1949



Sam e Eke, B obert Foord StansSeld, B .D ........................................... E kpunobi, C hristian Chukwunweike, L L .B ............................ ..................................... Eldrid, Jo h n Gisborne C harter is Kldridge, Francis H enry ...................................................... Elkington, M argaret, B.Sc........................................................... EUacott, Marjorie Gwendolen, B.A............................................ Ellens, Gordon Frederick, B .D ................................................... E lliott, Colin David .............................................................. E lliott, Frederick, B.Sc. .................................. ................... Elmslie, Stew art Kayser B ayutin ..................................... Elstone, Jo h n Kenrick .............................................................. Endreweit, Eleanor M argaret, B.Sc........................................... E nnor, K enneth Stafford, B.Sc................................................... Evans, David B ichard ............................................................... Evans, Denys Roberts, B .D ........................................................ Evans, Jo h n O liv er.............................................................. ... E vans, Joseph, B.Sc..................................................... ............ Evans, Lilias Mary, B.Sc.............................................................. Evans, Muriel Ja n e t, B.A............................................................ E vans, Muriel Pam ela, B.A........................................................ Evans, Stanley Munro ............................................................... Evans, Thomas N orm an, B .A., B .D ......................................... Evershed, P eter Bernard, B.Sc................................................... Eyre, A idan Jo h n Bichm ond...................................................... Eyres, Leslie ............................................................................... Fair, Donald B obert Bussell, B.Sc............................................ Fargus, G avin Jam es Frederick ............................................. Faw cett, Jam es B alph Llewelyn Rees ............................. Feakes, Bruce Alan, B.Sc............................................................ Fenn, Sheila Mary, B.Sc............................................................... Ferdinand, Iv an Bandolph, M.B., B.S..................................... Fernando, Neville W alter ...................................................... Finney, P ra n k N orman, B.Sc...................................................... Fish, G arth Newton, B.Sc........................................................... Fish, P eter W ilfrid, B.Sc.............................................................. Fisher, Frankis Alan, B.Sc........................................................... Fisher, P e te r Stevens, B.Sc......................................................... Fisher, Ronald F rank, B.Sc. .............................................. Fleetwood, Jo h n A rnold, B .D .................................................... F lin t, Michael Jam es, B.A........................................................... Flisher, Frederick William, B.Sc................................................ Folland, Ronald G eorge.............................................................. Ford, R obert Brough, B.Sc......................................................... Ford, V ictor Charles B obert, B.A............................................. Forder, W alter ............................. ..................................... Foster, William ....................................................................... Fothergill, A rthur B rian.............................................................. Fowke, David Victor, B.Sc.......................................................... Fox, R obert H e n ry ....................................................................... Franklin, Doris Marjorie, B.A..................................................... Franklin, Geoffrey Eric ...................................................... Free, Jam es Michael, B .D ........................................................... Freem an, Douglas Charles, B.D ................................................. Friedlaender, Maria Helene G ertrude, B.Sc............................ Frost, Alan Sydney, B .D ................................... .................... Furlonger, Maurice F ran k ...................................................... Furneaux, Thomas H arold ...................................................... Gale, Edwin Donald ............................................................... Gamlen, P eter Eugene Blagdon ............................................. Gandar-Dower, Diana Moira, B.A.............................................. Gardner, Charles G raham ......................................................

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Faculty Theology. Laws. Theology. Theology. Science. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Soience. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Science. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Science. Science. Medical. Theology. Science. Science. Science. Engineering. Science. Engineering. Theology. Arts. Science. Theology. Soience. Arts. Theology.

... Theology. ... Theology. ... Science. ... Theology. ... Arts. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Science. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Arts. ... Theology.

N A M E S OK A S S O C IA T E S Elected 1939 1948 1945 1954 1948 1940 1956 1948 1950 1949 1939 1956 1954 1954 1955 1949 1942 1955 1946 1952 1947 1954 1951 1951 1954 1947 1952 1947 1940 1955 1950 1948 1948 1954 1954 1948 1948 1952 1948 1938 1938 1953 1955 1945 1939 1941 1950 1954 1955 1938 1939 1953 1947 1942 1948 1942 1938 1942 1952 1944 1945 1954

Name G ardner, Clifton Gordon, B .D . G arnett, Joseph William ............ Gasson, Edw ard Jam es, B.So. Gibbons, R obert ............................. Gibson, Alan Gordon .................... Gibson, A lbert E d w a r d .................... Giddins, A lan Grey, M.B., B.S. Gill, William John Corsan, B.A. ... G illott, Alan A rthur, B.Sc................ Gilmore, E lizabeth P atricia Maud, B.A Glanfield, Douglas Frederick H all... Godfrey, B rian W illiam, LL.B. Godfrey, John Frederick, LL.B. ... Gold, A phra Mary Moreton, B.A. ... Golding, Michael E rnest, B.Sc. Golding, P atricia Fay, B.Sc............... Goodchild, Jam es B ria n .................... Goodeve, M argaret, B.A.................... Goodwin, Pam ela Jessie Louise, B.A. Gordon, M argaret Jean , B.A. Gough, Philip William, B.A............. Gould, D avid Linnhe, B.A............... Gould, F ran k .................................... G rain, K eith Charles ................... G rant, E dw ard H ector, B.Sc. G rant, Reginald Charles Digby, B.Sc. G rant, Rodney A rth u r .................... Graves, Muriel E dith, B.A................ Gray, Cyril S a m u e l............................ G ray, D onald Clifford .................... G ray, Jean Elizabeth, B.A............... G ray, N orm a, B.A.............................. Green, H arold W illiam, B.Sc. Green, Jo h n ..................................... Green, Leslie Jam es, B .D .................. Green, P eter Shaw, B.So................... Greene, Jo h n Howe, B .D .................. Griffiths, Geoffrey E rnest ........... Griffiths, John Frederick, B.Sc. ... Griffiths, John W hitm ore ........... Griffiths, R upert, B.Sc....................... G rindell, D uncan Holmes, B.Sc. ... Groom, A nthony Jo h n W igton, B.A. G rundy, Marjorie Mercer, B.A. G undry, Dudley William, M.Th. ... G undry, E rnest A rthur Clement ... Gunner, Reginald A rthur H enry, B.A G urnett, Sybil Ann, B.A.................... G urr, R alph Sydney .................... G uttridge, H enry Noel .................. H ackforth, H enry Llewellyn, B.Sc. H ackshall, Brian Leonard, B.D. ... Hails, George A rthur, B.A................. H alfpenny, Donald H enry, B .S c .... H all, Frances M argaret, B.Sc. H allw orth, H erbert Jam es, B.A. ... H alsey, H enry D avid, B.A................ H am ilton, R obert Jo hn , B.Sc. H am pton, P eter George, B.A. H ands, Roderick K irton, B.A. H andsaker, Philip, B.A. ............ H ardaker, L e o n a rd ............................

335 Faculty Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Medicine. Arts. Science. Arte. Theology. Laws. Laws. A rts. Science. Science. Theology. A rts. Arts. Arte. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Engineering. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. A rts. Arts. Science. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Engineering. Engineering. A rts. Arts. Theology. Theology. A rts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. Science. Science. Arts. A rts. Science. A rts. Arts. Arts. Theology.

336 Elected 1945 1945 1939 1945 1952 1951 1948 1947 1945 1939 1948 1938 1950 1954 1952 1954 1940 1944 1953 1940 1929 1949 1952 1955 1946 1949 1938 1955 1955 1942 1938 1953 1955 1947 1935 1942 1941 1946 1939 1950 1954 1954 1949 1938 1954 1947 1951 1955 1950 1942 1952 1954 1953 1949 1943 1939 1949 1947 1939 1945 1954 1952




Name H arding, Helen Louisa, B.Sc.............................................. H arding, K athleen Mary, M.B., B.S................................. H arding, K athleen Maureen, LL.B. (A e g ro ta t)............ H arding, Roy Pollard, B.Sc................................................ H are, Ian R obert, B.A. ..................................... ... Hargreaves, P eter, B.Sc....................................................... H arley, B etty Irene, B.Sc.................................................... H arper, Constance Anne, B.A............................................ H arper, Irene Mary, B.Sc.................................................... H arris, Alan H enry, B.A..................................................... H arris, Phyllis Mary, B.A.................. ............................. H arrison, H enry Ferguson, B.Sc....................................... H arrison, Jo h n Rufford, B.Sc............................................. H arte, Frederick George........................... . .................... H artley, H erb ert ............................................................... H arvey, Clifford Maurice, B.A.......................................... H arvey, Jo h n R a y ............................................................... H athaw ay, Aubrey Desmond, B.A.................................... H awkins, Denis Alan, B.Sc................................................. H aw tin, Charles, B.Sc........................................................... H ay ter, F ran k W alter, B.Sc. ..................................... H ead, R onald Edwin, B .D ........................ .................... H ealey, George T erry, B.Sc. ..................................... .................... H ealey, Michael G rayson, B.Sc.(Eng.) H eard, Jo h n A rth u r Edw ard, B.So................................... Heasm an, Frank Richard .............................................. H eaven, Sidney Charles, B.A............................................. Heffer, W illiam Jo h n Gambrell ..................................... Heighes, Michael, B.A. ............................................. H encken, Allred D a v i d ...................................................... H enderson, Jo h n William ............................................. H endey, Clifford, B .D ........................................................... H epper, Basil Frude, B.Sc.................................................. Hepplewhite, Eric Anthony, B.Sc..................................... H errington, H enry George .............................................. H eryet, Dudley .............................................................. H ester, Cyril George ...................................................... H eum ann, R u th Elizabeth, B.A........................................ H ew itt, Eric John, B.Sc....................................................... H ew itt, K enneth Victor, B.Sc........................................... .............................................................. Heywood, P eter H ibbert, Roy T revor ...................................................... Hickey, Francis J o s e p h ...................................................... Hill, B etty Lilian, B.A......................................................... H ill, D avid ....................................................................... Hill, Joyce Isabel, B.A. ............................................. Hill, Laurence Ham on, B.A................................................ H ill, Michael ....................................................................... Hill, Thom as H enry, B.A................................................... H illier, R u th Christine, B.A.............................................. H illman, David Alan, B.A................................................... H ilton, John, B.Sc................................................................ H ind, Stanley M a u r ic e ...................................................... H indm arch, H arry ...................................................... Hipperson, Phyllis Cecilia, B.A.......................................... Hobbs, F rank Edw ard, B.Sc.............................................. Hobbs, K enneth B r i a n ...................................................... Hockley, Alan Allred ...................................................... Hodges, E ric H enry ...................................................... Hodges, Jean , B.A................................................................. Hodgson, B arbara, B.A....................................................... Holbrook, Colin John, B.Sc. .....................................

Faculty ............ ............ ............ ............

Medicine. Laws. Science. Arts.

............ ............ ............ ... ... ............ ............ ............ ............ ... ... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......... . ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Science. Arts. Science. Arts. Arts. Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Arts. Science. Science. Science. Theology. Science. Engineering. Engineering. Theology. A rts. Theology. A rts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Engineering. Theology. Theology. Theology.

............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. ArtB. Theology. Arts. Arts. Theology. Arts. A rts. Arts. Science. Theology Theology. Arts. Medicine. Theology. Theology. Theology Arts. Science.


N A M E S O F A S S O C IA T E S Elected, 1944 1951 1943 195(1 1951 1939 1954 1954 1947 1941 3952 1950 1950 1941 1951 1940 1952 1943 1944 1939 1944 1945 1942 1953 1950 1947 1941 1945 1943 1954 1955 1955 1948 1938 1951 1948 1954 1938 1938 1954 1948 1954 1950 1961 1941 1950 1949 1954 1941 1953 1955 1954 1947 1955 1952 1942 1952 1943 1955 1949 1955 1940

Name H olden, Ian George, B.Sc.................................................... H older, A rth u r William, B .D ............................................. H olgate, Doris E nid, B.A..................................................... H olland, Jam es E r n e s t ...................................................... H olley, Geoffrey R aym ond .............................................. Holmes, Dorothy Joan, B.A. ..................................... Holmes, R onald Leigh, B.A................................................ H o p p ett, Isla Maureen, B.Sc.............................................. H ornby, Jo h n Hulm e ...................................................... H orne, K enneth Ellison, B.A............................................. H om er, A udrey B arbara, B.Sc........................................... H ornsby, E dgar ............................................................... H oulston, Ellen Mary, B.Sc................................................ H oulton, Jo h n Philip, B.A.................................................. H ouse, Michael Charles O lutterbuck ............................. Houseago, A lbert Genison .............................................. H ow ard, Jo h n Charles, B.Sc. ..................................... H ow arth, Benjam in W rig ley............................................. Howells, Jo h n Gwilym, M.B., B.S..................................... H ucker, Albany George, B.Sc............................................. Huggill, Cyril H ow ard ...................................................... H uggins, Jo an Bosem ary, B.A........................................... H ughes, Tim othy Griffith B ichard ............................. H ughes, W illiam David, B.A.............................................. H ulford, P ran k Seymour, B.A........................................... H ull, Anne W inifred, B.Sc.................................................. H um phreys, A nthony, B.Sc................................................ H um phries, E thel B etty Florence, B.A........................... H um phries, Reginald N orton ..................................... H unnings, T hom as Neville March, L L .B ........................ H untley, G illian E lizabeth Maude, B.A .......................... H u rt, N orm an K eith, B.A................................................... H utchinson, D avid Philip, B.Sc......................................... H yde, W inifred, B.A............................................................. H yder, Grace Ansell, B.Sc................................................... Inchcom b, B ertram , B .A ..................................................... Inder, P atrick Jo h n , B .D .................................................... In d er, B obert William J a c k .............................................. Ironm onger, Edw ard E rnest, B.So.................................... Isherwood, R aym ond Charles, B.Sc.................................. Jack , H enry G raham , B .D .................................................. Jackson, E ric A usten, B.Sc................................................. Jacob, F ran k Ramkissoon, L L .B ...................................... Jacobs, Id a M argaret, B.A.................................................. Jam es, E ric A rthur, B .D ..................................................... Jam es, Frederick E rnest, M.B., B.S................................. Jam es, R achel K enyon, B.Sc............................................. Jefferyes, R onald Charles ............................................. Jefford, P eter E rn est ...................................................... Jeffree, Gladys Irene, M.B., B.S........................................ Jeffree, R obin......................................................................... Jeffreys, Roy A rthur, B.Sc.................................................. Jenkins, P eter Douglas, B.Sc............................................. Jennings, Derek Berkeley, B.A.......................................... Jew kes, D avid, B.A............................................................... Johnson, Dennis Frederick P a u l ..................................... Johnson, Eileen Grace, B.Sc. ..................................... Johnson, Jeffrey Edwin, B .D ............................................. Johnson, William Francis H enry, B.A............................. Johnstone, H addon Croft, B.A.......................................... Jolly, Leslie Alfred W alter ..............................................

Faculty .................... Science. .................... Theology. .................... Arte. .................... Theology. .................... Theology. .................... Arts. .................... Arts. .................... Science. .................... Theology. .................... A rts. .................... Science. .................... Theology. .................... Science. .................... Arts. .................... Theology. .................... Theology. .................... Science. .................... Theology. .................... Medical. .................... Science. .................... Theology. .................... Arts. .................... Theology. .................... A rts. .................... A rts. .................... Science. .................... Science. .................... Arts. .................... Theology. .................... Laws. .................... A rts. .................... A rts. .................... Engineering. .................... Arts. .................... Science. .................... A rts. .................... Theology. .................... Theology. .................... Science. .................... Science. .................... Theology. .................... Science. .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................

Laws. A rts. Theology. Medicine. Science. Theology. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Science. Science. Arts. Arts. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. A rts. Theology.


1948 1946 1953 1939 1955 1954 1954 1954 1950 1943 1948 1923 1953 1941 1938 1956 1954 1947 1949 1948 1947 1940 1955 1950 1952 1950 1954 1949 1949 1954 1949 1942 1942 1942 1942 1952 1948 1946 1947 1947 1941 1955 1947 1913 1952 1951 1940 1946 1951 1939 1943 1939 1939 1956 1941


N am e Jones, Cyril Gordon .................... Jones, E nid D orothy Mallin, B.A. Jones, H edley Blackford, B.Sc. ... Jones, Iv y Mary, B.Sc........................ Jones, Jo h n A ckerman, B.A. Jones, Jo h n G raham T alfourd, B.Sc. Jones, R aym ond Blake, B.D. Jones, R aym ond Vernon H ow ard... Jones, Richard W inston, B.Sc. ... Joslin, K enneth, LL.B ........................ Ju lian , Ronald, B.So........................... Ju p p , Florence H ilda, B.A................. Keen, Sheila, B.A................................. Kelsick, Cecil A rth u r, L L .B .............. K endall, N orm an, B.Sc...................... K endrick, F lora H azel, B.A.............. K ennedy, Jo an , B.A............................ Kidson, Clarence, B.A. ............ King, Gerald William Myall King, Michael Christopher, B .D . ... King, Pam ela, B.A.............................. Kirby, D orothy, B J l........................... K irby, Ia n Jo h n , B.A......................... K irkby, A udrey Muriel, B.Sc. K irkland, R obert Knowles, B.A. K night, B arbara Violet, B.A............ Knowles Brown, Jo h n Henry Lacey, Clifford George........................ Laing, Jam es ...................................... L am bert, Derek Myers, B.Sc. Lang, Jo h n H arley .............................. Lankester, Joseph Posford ............ Larkan, Grace Mildred, B.Sc. Larm an, Edward Cyril, B.Sc. Laughlin, G reta Eileen Alice, B.Sc. Laundon, Edward W alter, B.Sc. ... Law, Jo h n Edward K enneth, B .D . Lawson, Rosemary H astings, B.A. Lea, William George, B.Sc................. Lee, David Jo h n A ustin, B.Sc. Lee, George W illiam, B.A.................. Leeke, F aith Elizabeth, B.A. Leese, Frederick H enry Brooko ... Leigh, Philip Percival .................... Lendrum , Anne Rosemary, B.A............... L ennox, W illiam Murdoch, B.Sc.............. le Page, H erb ert Jo h n ............................. Lesford, Jo an M argaret, B.Sc.................... L ester, Derek Noel Reed, B.A.................. Levinge, E velyn H ugh ............................. Lewis, A rthur Picton Rossiter, B.Sc., M.R Lewis, Aubrey David, B.So........................ Lewis, Francis Chad ............................. Lewis, Jo h n , B.Sc......................................... Lewis, K athleen Helen, B.A...................... Lewis, R obert H arvey, B.Sc. Lewis, Thomas R ichard G arnet, B.Sc. Liddle, Ellen E lizabeth, B.Sc. Lineham , P eter A rthur, B.A............. Lineham , Stella Lilian, B.A.............. Lingard, K eith P a t r i c k .................... L ittle, A n d rew .....................................

L .lt ,C.P.,

.M .

NAMES Elected 1952 1938 1940 1942 1947 1952 1949 1943 1941 1948 1955 1941 1955 1940 1951 1941 1951 1938 1942 1943 1948 1955 1953 1947 1955 1941 1955 1947 1954 1954 1950 1947 1947 1956 1947 1939 1954 1953 1946 1942 1950 1954 1955 1949 1945 1941 1953 1954 1944 1940 1948 1951 1938 1948 1949 1942 1947 1948 1955 1948 1950 1949


Name L ittle, M argaret, B.A.......................... L ittle, B ichard Massey, B.Sc. Llewellyn, D avid John P atrick Llewelyn, Jo h n D ilw y n .................... Lockwood, H erbert H ope, B.A. ... Lockyear, Frederick H a r o l d ............ Lockyer, Desmond Edw ard Weston Lockyer, Maurice David ............ Long, Allan E l v e y ............................. Long, Mavis Elise Mary, B.A. Long, Michael D avid Barnley Love, W illiam A rthur Loftus, B.Sc. Loveless, H azel Jo y , B.A................... Lowe, Albert, B.A................................ Lowe, Grace Eleanor, B.A................. Lowe, Jessie Munro, B.Sc.................. Lucas, Edwin Francis, B.A............... L uddington, Tom Glenford ............ Ludlow, C hristopher G eo rg e............ Lunning, William H enry, B.Sc. ... Lunnon, Joyce B arbara, B.Sc. Lunnon, R o b ert Reginald, B.D. ... Lurkings, E dw ard H enry ............ L uttrell, Claude Alexander, B.A. ... Lynch-W atson, G raham Leslie McAvan, Gordon W illiam ............ .................... McCalla, R o b ert Ia n McCallum, M arjory Jean , B.A. McCubbin, D avid ............................ M acdonald, R obert, B.Sc................... M cFerron, D erm ot H ugh, M.B., B.S. McKeough, D avid, B.Sc..................... McLeod, Donald, B.Sc........................ Machan, D aphne, B.A........................ Madden, Diane A nastasia, B.A. ... M addox, Leonard Cecil Crusha Maddy, Alun H arris, B.Sc................. Magson, Geoffrey Russell, B.Sc. ... Malan, David H enry, B.A................. Malcolm, K athleen M ary, B.A. M allett, P e t e r ..................................... Mancus, Mavis Jan e, B.A.................. M anhire, Ashley L e w i n .................... Manicom, P eter John, B.A ............... Manktelow, Cecily Jasm ine Mary, B.A Mansfield, M argaret B runt, B.Sc. Marks, A nthony A lf r e d .................... M artin, Gordon Albion John M artin, Jo h n F ran k , B.Sc.................. M artin, K enneth R o g e r .................... M artin, N orm an Roy, B.Sc............... M artin, P eter John, B.A.................... M artindale, Eileen Em ily M ary, B.A Martinson, P eter Stephen Douglas, B Mason, Cecil F r e d e r ic k .................... Mason, Stanley A rthur, M.B., B.S. Massey, Frederick Michael ............ Massey, Luebert William Cornelius, M atthews, Jo h n David .................... Matthews, Norm an Owen, B.Sc. ... M atthias, Edwin ........................... Maw, Douglas, B.A............................

339 Faculty Arts. Science. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. A rts. Theology. Science. A rts. Arts. Arts. Science. A rts. Theology. Theology. Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Science. Medicine. Science. Engineering. A rts. Arts. Theology. Science. Engineering. Arts. Arts. Theology. Arts. Theology. A rts. Arts. Science. Theology. Theology. Engineering. Theology. Science. A rts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Science. Theology. A rts.

340 Elected 1948 1951 1939 1956 1952 1940 1950 1941 1955 1938 1954 1954 1938 1947 1947 1948 1939 1948 1949 1941 1939 1946 1940 1954 1952 1952 1950 1938 1951 1949 1940 1943 1942 1955 1947 1954 1954 1949 1949 1949 1948 1943 1953 1952 1938 1943 1953 1954 1939 1951 1939 1954 1951 1954 1948 1946 1954 1949 1952 1941 1951 1952

N A M E S O F A S S O C IA T E S Nam e May, N orm an Gowen ...................................................... Meacham, John David ...................................................... Mead-Briggs, Charles D a v i d ............................................. Meek, Jo h n Conway, B.So................................................... Melliss, Laurence Jo h n .............................................. Mellor, Jeffrey D uncan, B.A............................................... Membery, Donald Percy, B.Sc........................................... M erchant, Mary Agnes, B.Sc. (nie Fellows) ............ M erritt, Ia n H enry, B.Sc..................................................... Michaux, E rnest ............................................................... Mildred, Geoffrey F ran k , B.A............................................. Miller, D avid R e g in a l d ...................................................... Miller, E ric John, B.Sc......................................................... Miller, Florence Olive, B.A.................................................. Miller, Jo an Elsie, B.A. ........................... . ............ Miller, Maureen Eva, B.A................................. .................. Miller, R ichard S y d n e y ...................................................... Millett, Francis H enry W alter ..................................... Millett, William H ugh.......................................................... Mills, B etty Lilian, B.Sc...................................................... Mills, Clifford Jam es H o ld e n ............................................. Mills, Clive H enry George, B.Sc........................................ Mills, Donald, B .D ................................................................ Mills, E dw ard F rancis, B.Sc............................................... Milner, R alph Richardson, B.A.......................................... Milton, Claudius Jam es B arton, B .D ................................ Mitchell, Gordon Frederick, B.A....................................... Mitchell, Laurence Messenger, B.A................................... M ittins, William H enry, B.A............................................. Moffat, Donald Andrew Douglas, B.A............................. Mold, Philip Geoffrey, B .D .................................................. Moncur, H enry A lexander .............................................. Monks, Jo h n Stanley ...................................................... Morgan, B ernard Spencer T re v o r..................................... Morgan, Ja c k Ingram , B.Sc................................................ Morgan, Sydney Donald, M.B., B.S................................. Morrish, P eter Seymour, B.A............................................ Morrison, R obert Bruce, B.Sc............................................ Mortlock, H erbert N orman, B.Sc...................................... Morton, Alan McNeill ...................................................... Mosedale, H ugh A l f r e d ...................................................... Moss, Francis Duncan ...................................................... Moss, R u th Em ily, B.Sc...................................................... M unt, Cyril ....................................................................... Munt, E ric Frederick, B.Sc................................................. M unt, Neil ....................................................................... Murphy, Jocelyn, B.A........................................................... Murray, W illiam A rth u r ............................................. Murrell, W alter S y d n e y ...................................................... Neal, D orothy, B.A............................................................... N eal, Gordon Edw ard, B.Sc............................................... Neale, G raham, B.Sc............................................................ Neale, Jo h n R o b ert Geoffrey ..................................... Neilson, Ian Douglas, B .Sc................................................. Nevell, Marian Alice, B.A.................................................... Newby, Jo h n Ross, B.Sc..................................................... Newham, Raym ond G e o r g e .............................................. N ew itt, F rank W alter, B.Sc. ..................................... Newport, Joyce Evelyn, B.A. (nie Bard) .................... Newton, Brian, B.Sc............................................................. Newton, R obert George, M.B., B.S....................................

............ ............ ............ .......... . ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

fa c u lty Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Arts. Science. Science. Science. Theology. A rts. Theology. Science. A rts. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Engineering. Theology. Science. Arts. Theology. A rts. Arts. A rts. A rts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Medicine. Arts. Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Science. Theology. A rts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Science. Science. Theology. Science. Arts. Science. Theology. Science. Arts. Science. Medical.



Elected N am e 1941 Nlcholls, Henley F ran k E rn est, B .A ......................................................... 1941 N im alasuriya, N anda, B.Sc......................................................................... 1954 Nonhebel, Derek Charles, B.Sc................................................................... 1955 N orm an, P eter llodney, B.Sc...................................................................... 1956 N o rth , A nthony Charles Thom as, B.Sc., P h .D ...................................... 1941 .N o rth , George Lewis ............................................................................. 1954 N orthcote, Donald H ugh, B.A................................................................... 1938 N ott, Michael Jo h n , B .D ............................................................................. 1939 N unn, E rnest John George, B.Sc............................................................... 1949 Oades, Valerie Joan, B.A.............................................................................. 1954 Oakes, Leslie J o h n ........................................................................................ 1951 Odunsi, Zacchaeus Adedeji,B.Sc................................................................. 1939 Ogden, Cyril Newton ............................................................................... 1946 Ogden, G ertrude Mary, B.A. ............................................................... 1947 Olver, Leslie Ernest, B.Sc.............................................................................. 1941 Oram, K enneth Cyril, B.A............................................................................. 1941 Oram, K enneth Cyril, B.A........................................................................... 1939 Orme, Jo h n Theodore W arrington ....................................................... 1950 Orme, M artin, B .D ........................................................................................... 1943 Osborne, A rthur Frederick ....................................................................... 1950 Osborne, M a lc o lm ................................................... a .............................. 1948 Osborne, Jo h n Francis, B.Sc........................................................................ 1951 Osborne, Pauline Valerie, B.A...................................................................... 1939 Osmond, Alec Edw ard .............................................................................. 1952 Osselton, Noel Edw ard, B.A. ............................................................. 1938 Ost, Audley Desmond .............................................................................. 1949 Ouless, Jo h n Michael ................................................................................. 1952 O ultram , Gillian Ellen, B.A.......................................................................... 1949 Owens, E rn est Edwin Legard, B.A........................................................... 1940 Packer, John William, B.A., M .Th............................................................ 1942 Packer, Thomas Leonard Graham ..................................................... 1947 Padwick, E rnest Maxwell, B.Sc................................................................. 1954 Page, Jam es Frederick, B.A........................................................................ 1953 Paice, Alan ............................................................................................... 1954 Pain, Phillip Charles, B.A............................................................................ 1950 Paine, Douglas Leonard ...................................................................... 1955 Palm er, Je a n Mary, B.A.............................................................................. 1952 Palm er, Jo h n B ichard H enry ................... ..................................... 1941 P ark , J a n e t P alm a, B.A. (nte Benson) ............................................. 1939 P arker, H ugh W hite .............................................................................. 1940 Parker, ltichard H ugh K night ............................................................. 1954 P arker, Roy Percival, B.Sc........................................................................ 1952 Parkinson, Jean Lesley, B.Sc..................................................................... 1941 Parkinson, K eith E dgar H ollyer, M.Th................................................... 1951 P atrick , Jo h n P eter ............................................................................... 1948 P aul, Geoffrey John, M.A. (Cantab.), M .Th........................................... 1951 Payne, K enneth Ashe, B.Sc......................................................................... 1951 P ayne, W arwick M a rtin .............................................................................. 1954 Peacock, Christopher John, B.Sc................................................................ 1951 Peal, W illiam, B.Sc....................................................................................... 1948 Pearce, Alfred Edward .............................................................................. 1954 Pearce, Charles Melville, B.A..................................................................... 1947 Pearce, Douglas Albert, B .D ...................................................................... 1940 Pearce, H erbert Malcolm ...................................................................... 1952 Pearse, R onald Thomas Hennessy ..................................................... 1947 Pearson, Catherine Marjorie, B.A.............................................................. 1949 Pearson, Jo h n W alter ............................................................................... 1940 Peck, William Gerard ............................................................................... 1942 Pellant, W alter Reginald Guy .............................................................. 1941 Pem berton, Wilfred A ustin, B .D ............................................................... 1954 Pendleton, D avid Julian, B .D ..................................................................... 1939 Penfold, Leonard William ......................................................................

341 Faculty A rts. Engineering. Science. Science. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Science. A rts. Theology. Engineering. Theology. Arts. Science. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Arts. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Arts. A rts. Arts. Theology. Science. Arts. Theology. Arts. Theology. A rts. Theology. A rts. Theology. Theology. Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Science. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology.

342 Elected 1954 1938 1948 1954 1951 1950 1948 1947 1946 1950 1949 1948 1947 1943 1949 1938 1950 1949 1941 1949 1947 1944 1949 1948 1954 1952 1955 1941 1947 1954 1950 1952 1939 1949 1945 1951 1952 1938 1938 1948 1939 1938 1950 1952 1954 1943 1950 1951 1939 1941 1940 1941 1952 1948 1945 1956 1938 1953 1951 1941 1952 1940



Name Penny, Phyllis Jo an , B.A........................... P erry, A rthur Sidney ............................. Perry, Victor H arry ............................ Perrym an, J u d ith Chabot, B.Sc............... P eterken, P eter Donald, B .D ..................... Peters, D avid Alexander, B.A.................. P e tt, Douglas Ellory, B.A., B .D .............. Peverlev, W illiam Robinson ............ Pickard, R am say Charles ..................... Pickering, William S tu a rt .................... Pike, H orace Douglas ............................. Pike, K enneth Charles, BA........................ Pilkington, H enry Edgar, B.A................. Pinder, Charles ...................................... Piper, L aura Catherine, B A ...................... Pitcher, R onald Charles Frederick Playford, Pam ela, B.A................................. Pocock, H erbert Charles .................... Pollard, Clifford Francis .................... Pooley, Mary, B.A.............• ..................... Porcher, Frederick Jam es, B.Sc................ P orter, Dennis Percy, B.Sc....................... P orter, Geoffrey E rn est .................... Pothen, Jo h n ............................................. P o tter, David, B.A. ............................. P o tte r, Sheila, B.A....................................... P otter, W illiam Edw ard, B.Sc.................. P otts, E ric, B.Sc........................................... Poulton, A rth u r Leslie, B.A...................... Poulton, Jo h n Frederick, B.A.................. Powell, F r a n k .............................................. Powell, Thom as Edw ard, B.Sc.................. Powrie, P eter Jam es, B.A.......................... P rentis, Jam es M artin, B.Sc. ............ Presswell, Jo h n Lawrence Rowley Price, Jo h n Harding, M.B., B.S................ Price, John Lowry Augustine ............ Price, Roy E rnest ..................................... Prince, Dennis Alan Ford .................... Pringle, Mary, B.Sc...................................... P ritt, George G ilbert ............................. P robets, D e sm o n d ..................................... Proctor, D orothy Mary, B.Sc.................... Proctor, H ugh, B.Sc.................................... Pruden, M argaret E lizabeth, B A . Pruen, H ugh B arrington .................... P ryke, E dw ard Jo h n , B .D ......................... Prytherch, H arry Vaughan .................... Pugh, E rnest William ............................. P uplett, Vincent Charles .................... Purcell, Stanley T hom as............................. Pyle, Thelm a Mary, B.A. .................... Pyne, H um phrey W alker, B.Sc................ Q uenault, Phyllis Mary, B.A..................... Quinn, Malcolm, L L .B ................................ R abbetts, Reginald Douglas Cyprian ... R ainforth, Jo h n H enry Philip, B.Sc. ... R am saran, Jo h n Ansuman, B.A.............. R andall, William Alfred, B .D .................. R ay, E ric W alter, B.Sc............................... Read, H ilda Muriel, B A .............................

... ............ ............ ...



... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Arts. ... Arts. ... Theology. ... A rts. ... Theology.








............ ............ ...

... ... ... ... ...

Faculty ... A rts. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Science. ... Theology. ... A rts. ... Theology. ... Theology.

............ ............

....... ............

............ ... ............ ............ ............

............ ...


... Theology. ... Theology. ... Arts. ... Engineering. ... Science. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Arts. ... A rts. ... Science. ... Science. ... A rts. ... Arts. ... Theology. ... Science. ... A rts. ... Engineering. ... Theology. ... Medical. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Medicine. ... Theology. ... Science. ... Engineering. ... Arts. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... Theology. ... A rts. ... Science. ... Arts. ... ... ... ... ... ...

Theology. Science. Arts. Theology. Science. Arts.


N A M E S O F A S S O C IA T E S Elected 1939 1941 1942 1938 1955 1941 1950 1938 1953 1942 1943 1947 1947 1952 1948 1947 1954 1945 1942 1949 1950 1938 1943 1954 1954 1951 1946 1947 1951 1954 1940 1942 1949 1955 1951 1938 1952 1948 1940 1939 1940 1947 1948 1948 1940 1949 1939 1939 1947 1949 1952 1945 1942 1951 1954 1955 1948 1955 1938 1955 1955 1951

Name Reading, Laurence John, B .D ............................................ R eed, Douglas V ictor ...................................................... Reed, Gordon E van Joseph, B.Sc.................................... Reed, John Newton, B.Sc.................................................... Reid, H erb ert A la n ............................................................... Reseigh, H erb ert ............................................................... R estall, Gerald D alton, B .D ............................................... Revell, Stanley ............................................................... R ex, K eith Leslie H erb ert .............................................. Reynolds, Je a n W inifred, B.A.......................................... Reynolds, Victor H arry B u r g e s s ..................................... Rhodes, Eileen R u th Brierley, B.Sc................................. R ichards, Jo h n A rthur, B.A. ..................................... Richards, Jo h n Morgan, B.Sc............................................. R ichards, V ictor Jo h n Richard- ..................................... Rider, George Charles, B.Sc................................................ Ridley, R obert George, B.Sc.............................................. Rigg, Catherine Mary Nicholson, B.Sc............................. Riley, E dgar, B.Sc................................................................ Ring, Gerald W illiam M y a ll.............................................. R ippengal, Jo h n Michael, B.D ........................................... Rivere, Frederick Alan, B.Sc.............................................. R oberts, Jo an , B.Sc............................................................... R oberts, M ervyn T aft, B.Sc............................................... R obertson-K ellie, A lexander Thom as More, B.A. Robins, Ian Donald, B .D .....................................................

............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Faculty Theology. Theology. Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Science. Arts. Science. Theology. Science. Science. Science. Science. Theology. Theology. Science. Science. Engineering. Arts.



Robinson, P e te r Dennis, B.Sc............................................ Robinson, William Sm ithson ..................................... RodgerB, E velyn F red a, B.Sc............................................. Roe, Joseph Thorley ...................................................... Rofe, B ernard Jo h n .............................................................. Rogers, Maurice George W a ld e n ..................................... Rogers, William Frederick .............................................. Rolleston, H onor Helen, B.A.............................................. Rollinson, Jo h n K nighton ............................................. Rooney, Leslie Francis, B .D ............................................... R oper, A lexander Jo h n H enry, B.Sc................................ Rowan, R obert William, M.B., B.S................................... Rowe, Alan E arl, B.A........................................................... Rowe, Cecil Leonard ...................................................... Rowe, Raym ond Douglas, B.Sc......................................... Rowland, M argaret Eleanor, B.Sc..................................... R um ens, John H enry ...................................................... Ruse, Muriel Mary, B.A....................................................... Russell, A rth u r Frederick, M.B., B.S............................... Russell, N orm an Gabell, B.A.............................................. Russell, Ronald A lbert, B.D. ..................................... R ye, P e te r H arry ............................................................... Sadler, Joyce Mary, B.A..................................................... Saggs, H enry William Frederick, M .Th...........................

............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Science. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology.

............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Engineering. Medicine. Arts. Theology. Science. Science. Theology. A rts. Medicine. Arts. Theology. Theology.



Salisbury, Andrew Jo h n , B.Sc............................................ Salter, Michael Jo h n , B.Sc.(Eng.) ............................ Salvage, V ictor Charles, B.Sc.............................................. Sandiford, Jean, B.Sc........................................................... Sandison, R onald A rthur, B.Sc., M.B., B.S.................... Sargent, Malcolm B ernard, B.A......................................... Saunders, Colin R obert, L L.B ............................................

............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Science. Engineering. Science. Science. Medicine.

............ ............

Laws. Theology.

Robinson, H ugh Stanley




1955 1930 1948 1954 1947 1942 1955 1948 1940 1945 1941 1946 1953 1955 1947 1934 1938 1954 1954 1954 1940 1952 1947 1940 1933 1950 1922 1938 1955 1938 1951 1942 1942 1942 1948 1948 1953 1951 1955 1952 1939 1940 1947 1952 1953 1952 1949 1940 1938 1941 1940 1952 1938 1949 1955 1947 1939 1942 1955 1949 1940


Name Saunders, R u th Elizabeth, B.A................ Savidge, K enneth W illiam, B.A............... Saywell, B uby Josephine T albot, B.A. Scamell, E rnest H arold, LL.B .................. Schneider, E rw in, B.A................................. Scott, Mary McCulloch, B.Sc..................... Seager, Andrew Ford, B.Sc........................ Seal, P hilip T r e y o r ..................................... Sear, K eith, B .D .......................................... Searles, H enry Jam es, B.So....................... Seed, H arry Bolton, B.Sc........................... Selby, M argaret Joyce, B.A...................... Sergeant, Jo h n Stew art, B.Sc................... Serjeant, Frederick Jam es.......................... S ervants, K enneth E dw ard .................... Sewell, Jo h n Frederick, B.Sc..................... Shackley, Jam es H allw ell, B.Sc................ Shalders, E ric George, B.So....................... Shaw, D avid H enry, B.A........................... Shaw, Jo h n R am sden ............................. Shearn, Leslie E dw ard, B.A..................... Shepherd, Geoffrey Thom as, B.A............. Shepherd, R onald Francis .................... Sheppard, Mavis, B.A................................. Shipm an, Eric A rth u r ............................. Sholl, E rnest Redfem ............................. Siggers, H enry Frederick, B.A................. Silverwood, W illiam Jam es .................... Simon, U lrich E rn st, M.Th........................ Simpson, A nthony Cyril, B .D ................... Simpson, H arry Eckersall, B .D ................ Simpson, P eter G raham , B.Sc................... Skeat, W illiam Oswald, B.Sc..................... Skillern, B obert Jam es ............................. Sleigh, A rth u r Ffennell Crofton, B.Sc. Small, Edwin Jam es, B.A........................... Smedley, Ja c k , B.A...................................... Sm ith, Alec Jo h n ..................................... Sm ith, Alfred Stanley Jam es, B.Sc. ... Sm ith, C hristopher V incent H endy Sm ith, David Jo h n Russell, B.Sc............. Sm ith, D avid Lloyd ............................. Sm ith, Edwin Malcolm Ramsey, B.So. Sm ith, Gladys D orothy Eileen, B.A. ... Sm ith, Jerem y H ugh Benjam in, B.Sc. Sm ith, Jo h n A rthur, B.A........................... Sm ith, N orm an George, B .D ..................... Sm ith, Baym ond Charles .................... Sm ith, Beginald H enry, B.So.................... Sm ith, Beginald Leslie, B.A..................... Sm ith, Bodney Jo h n B oughton ............ Sm ith, Sidney Frank ............................. Sm ith, William W alter .................... Sm ith, W inifred M argaret, B.A............... Snashall, Gerald H erbert, B.Sc................. Sore, Sylvia Jo a n , B.A................................ Southey, R onald Sidney W illiam, B.A. Southgate, N orm an Frederick ............ Southwell, Boy ..................................... Sparkes, B rian Allison, B.A...................... Sparks, H erb ert Francis .................... Sparling , H arold William, B .D .................

NAMES Elected 1938 1948 1941 1949 1944 1953 1950 1940 1942 1942 1941 1954 1941 1954 1953 1951 1946 1938 1953 1939 1947 1952 1940 1938 1938 1947 1946 1939 1943 1943 1949 1947 1939 1951 1945 1954 1949 1956 1948 1945 1947 1954 1949 1950 1948 1948 1947 1954 1938 1947 1938 1955 1951 1951 1952 1946 1950 1948 1938 1947 1942 1951



Nam e Sparrow, H ilda E m ily, B.A. ............................. Speed, Alfred B le n k a r n ............................................. Spencer, C hristopher Jo h n Edw ard .................... Spencer, Denis Jo h n .............................................. Spill, M ary, B.Sc............................................................ Springott, Geoffrey W illiam Jam es.......................... Spurrell, G ilbert William D urnford .................... Squire, George Victor Vincent, B.Sc......................... Stam p, Barry H artnell, B.A. ............................ Standley, R obert H enry P aul, B .D ......................... S tarck, Jo an Josephine, B.A..................................... Stening, Theodore Charles, B.Sc................................ Stephens, P aul Dudley ............................................. Stevens, Pam ela Mary, B.Sc. ............................ Stevens, Phyllis A nnette, M.B., B.S........................ Still, Edwin H orace, B.A............................................ ..................................... Stirk, Jim Larsen, B.Sc. Stock, F rancis E dgar, M.B., B.S............................... Stokes, B ryan Jo h n , B.Sc........................................... ............................................. Stokes, John H ardy Stokes, M argaret Pam ela, B.Sc......................... ... Street, N orm an Allan, B.Sc. ............................. Stringer, H enry R ichard.............................................. Stringer, K enneth Victor, B.Sc.................................. Strong, Ja c k Sargent ............................................. Sturdy, Philip H ugh Francis ............................. Suggett, N orm an, B.Sc................................................ Sutcliffe, D orothy, B.A................................................ Sutcliffe, Eileen Constance, B.A................................ Swales, Evelyn M ary, B.A.......................................... Swannell, Jo h n N orm an, B.A..................................... Swinburne, n e n ry , B.Sc.............................................. Syer, George Vivian ............................................. Symons, P e te r H enry .............................................. Tacey, B arbara M ary, B.A......................................... Tackley, Dennis K eith, B.A....................................... T alent, Ja c k ............................................................... T allis, Jo h n H ow ard, B.Sc.......................................... Tanner, M argaret Florence, B.Sc............................... T anton, Mary E lizabeth, B.A.................................... Tappin, Jo an Eileen, B.Sc.......................................... T arran t, Jo h n Charles, B.Sc....................................... Tassell, Dudley A r n o ld .............................................. T avener, Geoffrey Clifford, B.Sc............................... Taylor, Derek George, B.Sc........................................ T aylor, Edw ard ...................................................... T aylor, Evelyn May, B.A........................................... T aylor, F ran k H enry, B.Sc........................................ Taylor, H arry Charles, B.Sc. ............................. Taylor, Jean Sheila, B.A.............................................. T aylor,L eslie R obert W illiam, B.A......................... T aylor, R alp h E rnest, M.B., B.S.............................. T erry, Ja c k E rnest, B.Sc............................................. Tetlow, Alan Jo h n , B.A............................................... Theobald, George Charles Lestourgeon ............ Thistle, Jo h n Gaston Cornell ............................. Thody, Dennis W illiam Jam es ............................. Thom as, David Geoffrey............................................. Thom as, E lizabeth Annie, B.Sc................................. Thomas, H arold H e a t h ............................................. T hom as, H erb ert J o h n ............................................... Thom pson, Edw ard R onald Charles ....................

.................... .................... ... ... ... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................

Faculty Arte. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Science. Arts. Theology. Arts. Science. Theology. Science. Medicine. Arts. Science. Medicine. Science. Theology. Science. Engineering. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Science. Arta. Arts. Arts. A rts. Engineering. Theology. Theology. Arts. Arts. Theology. Science. Science. Arts. Science. Science. Theology. Engineering. Science. Theology. Arts. Science. Engineering. A rts. Arts. Medicine. Science. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology.

N A M E S O F A S S O C IA T E S 1946 1952 1954 1948 1953 1954 1947 1939 1948 1949 1954 1949 1953 1939 1938 1948 1951 1951 1955 1941 1945 1941 1948 1938 1954 1954 1941 1951 1941 1949 1953 1952 1947 1952 1947 1940 1954 1942 1953 1950 1954 1954 1953 1941 1939 1954 1938 1952 1950 1940 1955 1946 1939 1942 1947 1938 1950 1949 1955 1954 1954 1948

N am e T hornton, M artin S tu art Farrin ............................................................... Thorp, Eileen M argaret, B.A........................................................................ T hurston, Frances Jean , B.Sc...................................................................... Thurston, Ju n e Phyllis, B.Sc....................................................................... Tibbs, Jo h n Andrew ............................................................. . ... ... Tilley, M argaret, B.A..................................................................................... Tim berlake, Alfred Jam es Thomas, B.Sc. ..................................... Tim bers, K enneth H ubert ........................................................................ Tindsley, Jo h n Thomas, B.A........................................................................ Tinsley, J o h n ................................................................................................. Tisdall, Alan Jo h n , B.A................................................................................ Todd, Audrey, B.Sc........................................................................................ Todd, W illiam Colquhoun Duncan ...................................................... Toley, A lbert Jam es, B.A............................................................................. Tollyfield, Jo h n Kelsey, B.Sc....................................................................... Toobe, H enry George Benno, B.A.............................................................. Toovey, K enneth F rank, B.D ...................................................................... Tovey, B o n a ld ................................................................................................. Towns, A dah Joan, B.Sc............................................................................... Townsend, George Boris, B.Sc..................................................................... Toye, Donald K enneth Morley, M.B., B.S. ..................................... Travis, G ertrude Jeanie, B.A....................................................................... Traviss, Dennis, B.Sc..................................................................................... Trillo, A lbert John, M .Th............................................................................. T ripp ett, Je a n Marion, B.A.......................................................................... Tucker, Jo h n Alan B e n n e t t ....................................................................... Tuckwell, Mary Elizabeth, B.Sc.................................................................. Tuley, Jam es H arold, B.Sc........................................................................... T urner, A udrey Gould, B.Sc......................................................................... Turner, E rnest E d w a r d ................................................................................ T urner, Jo h n Wilson Rodway, B.Sc............................................................. T urner, Mary Isabelle, B.A. .................................................................... T urner, Patricia Alexandra, B.A................................................................. T urner, B u th B arbara, B.A.......................................................................... Tuxford, Audrey D orothy, B.A................................................................... Tye, Leslie Bernard ................................................................................ Tyrrell, Michael John, B.Sc......................................................................... Underhill, Reginald William .............................................................. U pton, Michael G awthorne ....................................................................... Utley, Edw ard Jacob ................................................................................ Vail, Bruce Sturgis, B.A............................................................................... Veale, Michael B aym ont, B.Sc.................................................................... Venus, John Charles ............................................................................ . Verney-Boys, Jo an L aurette, B.A.............................................................. Vernon, Charles H a r o ld ............................................................................... Vincent, Sidney P ercy................................................................................... Vincent-Clarke, Alan Charles W illiam, Ph.D ........................................... Vonberg, Michael, B.A................................................................................... W ainwright, Joseph Allan ....................................................................... Waite, Thomas Lawrence A rthur, B.Sc..................................................... W albyofl, Muriel, B.A.................................................................................... W alker, Dennis Ford, B.Sc.......................................................................... W alker, E ric H enry........................................................................................ W alker, W alter S ta n le y ............................................................................... Walkey, Gilbert Benjamin Rowland, M.B., B.S..................................... Wall, B ernard A n th o n y ............................................................................... Wall, H oward, B.Sc....................................................................................... Waller, Gordon H am ilton ....................................................................... W aller, K enneth Charles, B.A..................................................................... W almsly, Donald, B.Sc.................................................................................. W ard, H arold W illiam, M.B., B.S............................................. ............ W ard, N orm an Edwin ...............................................................................

Faculty Theology. Arts. Science. Science. Theology. Arts. Engineering. Theology. Arts. Theology. Arts. Science. Theology. Arts. Science. Arts. Theology. Theology. Science. Science. Medical. Arts. Science. Theology. A rts. Theology. Science. Engineering. Science. Theology. Science. Arts. Arts. Arts. Arts. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. A rts. Science. Theology. Arts. Theology. Theology. Engineering. Arts. Theology. Science. A rts. Engineering. Theology. Theology. Medicine. Theology. Science. Theology. A rts. Science. Medicine. Theology.


N A M E S O F A S S O C IA T E S Elected 1043 1961 1964 1954 1949 1954 1954 1941 1947 1939 1941 1938 1945 1954 1947 1949 1940 1952 1952 1941 1943 1941 1941 1941 1947 1954 1914 1946 1950 1939 1950 1941 1953 1942 1938 1945 1955 1947 1953 1945 1950 1939 1948 1954 1940 1952 1954 1946 1938 1954 1948 1954 1952 1946 1940 1949 1941 1955 1952 1942 1950 1951

N am e W are, H eath er N ora, B.Sc.......................................... W arm oll, B rian P eter, B.Sc........................................ W arner, K athleen B eatrice, B.Sc.............................. W arren, E rn est Bruce, B .D ........................................ W arren, H enry John, B.A.......................................... W aterston, Josephine M argaret, B.A....................... W atkins, D erek Charles Jo h n , B.Sc......................... W atkins, G race Adelaide, B.A................................... W atkins, M argaret H ilda, B.A................................... W atkins, M arjorie Doris, B.Sc................................... W atson, John Percival, B.A. ............................. W atts, A rthur Stanley, B.Sc., M.D........................... W atts, Eileen Annie, B.A............................................ W atts, F ra n k W alter .............................................. W eathrall, Ia n Charles .............................................. W ebb, A l b e r t ............................................................... W ebb, Douglas, B .D ..................................................... W ebb, Maurice Clifford, B.A...................................... W ebb, Pauline Mary, B.A........................................... W ebb, R onald John .............................................. W ebber, Brio ............................................................... W ebber, H arry Gill .............................................. W ebster, H ilda Grace, B.A......................................... Weekes, Ambrose W alter Marcus .................... W eitzei, Derek Oliver, B.Sc........................................ W elford, Jo h n , B.Sc...................................................... Weller, Iv y F reda Celia, B.A...................................... Wells, George R obert L'Am illiere .................... Wells, M argaret Amy, B.Sc........................................ Wells, P eter F ran k , B.A.............................................. Wells, R onald Charles .............................................. W elti, A rthur H ugh, B.A ................................... Wensley, Jo h n E tte ry .............................................. Wesson, R ichard R oper............................................... W estern, William George, B.Sc................................. W halley, Michael T hom as ..................................... W heeler, D avid H arry , B.Sc ............................... W hitby, M ary, B.Sc .......................................... W hite, B eatrice Jo an , B.A ................................. Wrhite, Clem ent ............................................ W hite, Jo an W inifred, B.A. .............................. W hite, Jo h n Gordon ............................................. W hite, P eter Cressweii S altm arsh, B.A................... W hite, Ronald A lbert John, B.Sc............................. W hite, R onald William, B.A...................................... W hite, Sheila M argaret, B.A...................................... W hitehead, Mavis Joyce, B.A ............................. W hitfield, R obert B a s s .................................... W hittaker, B arry Percival, B .D ................................ W hitten, E ric H arold T im othy, B.Sc .................. W hittingham , Jo h n Keble, B.Sc ......................... W hittle, Alan, B .D ........................................................ Wick, T revor Farnham , B.Sc..................................... Wicks, H enry George .............................................. W ieland, N orm an Charles ..................................... W ijesinghe, Mallory E van, B.Sc............................... W ilcox, Jo h n Bower .................................... Wilkinson, Jo h n Granville H eath ................ W ilkinson, R aym ond S tew art ....................... Wilkinson, W ilfred Badger, B.D. ................

.................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... .................... ....................

Faculty Science. Science. Science. Theology. A rts. A rts. Engineering. A rts. Arts. Science. A rts. Medicine. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. A rts. Theology. Science. Science. Arta. Theology. Science. Arts. Theologv. A rts. Theology. Theology. Science.

Theology. Science. .................... Science. ................ A rts. .................... Theology. .................... Arts. .................... Theology. .................... A rts. .................... Science. .................... A rts. .................... A rts. ................ Arts. ................ Theology. ................ Theology. .................... Science. ................ Science. .................... Theology. .................... Engineering. .................... Theology. .................... Theology. ................ Engineering. ................ Theology. ................ Theology. ................ Theology. ................ Theology. , ............ Science.


348 Elected 1942 1953 1944 1939 1949 1952 1930 1954 1955 1955 1947 1942 1955 1938 1949 1952 1941 1954 1941 1939 1946 1941 1953 1954 1940 1954 1938 1954 1952 1940 1951 1954 1949 1943 1948 1945 1942 1938 1939 1952 1955 1950 1938 1940 1943 1942 1954 1942 1954 1951 1938 1954



N am e ................. . Williams, H arold E d g a r.................... .................... W illiams, H ugh ............................. Williams, M argaret Jeannie Pauline, I .................... Williams, N esta, B.Sc......................... W illiams, Stanley A rthur, LL.B. ... ••• . . . ... Willis, P atricia Doreen, B.A. ... ... Wills, Helena Marguerite Olivia, B.A. ••• ... ... Wilmer, Derek W alter, B.A.............. Wilson, J a n e t Rose, B.A.................... Wilson, K atherine M argaret, B.A. Wilson, Mary Perken, B A ................. Wilson, Olive Rowena, B.A.............. Wilson, R obert B rian .................... W iltshire, Mary, B.Sc.......................... ... ... ... W incott, Stanley C y ru s.................... Windsor, M argaret Ethel, B.Sc. ... Winlo, R o n a ld ..................................... W inter, Dennis G raham St. Leger, B.Sc......................... .................... Wisdom, Jo an M argaret, B.Sc. .................... Wiseman, Donald John, B A . W ithers, R onald F ran k Jam es, B.Sc. Wolf, P eter O tto , B.Sc....................... .................... Womersley, W alter Jo h n ............ B., B.S. ... Wood, E dna Doreen Chinnery Smith, Wood, Eric Stanley .................... Wood, E velyn M ary, B A .................. Wood, Philip R ickard, B.Sc. W ood, R ita, B.A.................................. Wood, R obert Anthony Jam es ..................... Woodcock, Leonard, B .D ................. W ooddin, Eric Jo h n .................... Woods, George, B.A............................ W oodward, H orace Jam es ............ .................... W right, Aubrey K enneth W illiam, B ............ ... W right, Dennis Victor .................... .................... W right, D orothy Lucie M clan, B.Sc W right, Frederick J o h n .................... ... ... W right, H erbert H ector ............ .................... W right, Joseph Jam es, B .D . W right, Paul WTilliam, B.A................ ... ... ... W right, Peter, M.B., B.S................... W right, P eter Douglas, B.A. .................... W right, Q uintin Montgomery Yeend, W alter Archibald John Yeo, Cora May, B A ........................... Yorke, Jo h n S tu art .................... Youdale, N orma, B.A......................... .................... Youldon, Irene Gladys, B.A. Young, D avid Iv o r Bailey, B.Sc. ... Young, H enry Jam es, B.A................ ... ............ Young, W illiam H am ilton, B .S c .... Youngs, Edw ard George, B.Sc. ..........................

............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ... ... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .................

Faculty Theology. Theology. Arts. Science. Laws. Arts. Arts. Arts. Arts. Arts. Arts. Arts. Theology. Science. Theology. Science. Theology. Science. Science. Arts. Science. Engineering Theology. Medicine. Theology. Arts. Science. Arts. Theology. Theology. A rts. Arts. Theology. Theology. Theology. Science. Theology. Theology. Theology. Arts. Medicine. Arts. Theology. Theology. Arts. Theology. Arts. Arts. Engineering. Arts. Science. Science.




R E G I S T E R O F A S S O C I A T E S O F K I N G ’S C O L L E G E L O N D O N E N T IT L E D TO V O TE FOR ELECTION OF TW O M E M B E R S OF T H E COUNCIL ( K i n g ’s C o l l e g e T r a n s f e r A c t , 1908, S e c . 20 (4) a n d R e g u l a t i o n s o f t h e C o u n c il m ad e th e r e u n d e r .)

Adams, David M., B.Sc., 47, Hevers Avenue, Horley, Surrey. Adkins, Miss Elinor B., B.A., see Ivanoff. Ainsworth, Mrs. Mary I. (nee Turner), B.A., 139 Friern B arnet Lane, N.20. Aldrick, Miss K athleen J ., B.Sc., 17 P erry H ill, Catford, S.E.6. Aldridge, Alec L., B.A., 82 Bridle Road, Pinner, Middlesex. Allgood, Frederick G., B.A., 10 King Street, M aidenhead, Berks. Amor, Rev. Peter I). C., The Vicarage, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. Angus, Rev. Francis J . G., B.D., 26 F riar’s Road, Coventry. Appleton, H arold, B.Sc., 18 M arton Moor, N unthorpe, Middlesbrough, Yorks. Armstrong, H enry, M.A., M.Sc. (Leeds), M.Ed. (Dunelm), Education D epartm ent, The U niversity, Reading. Arnold, Mrs. Marian J . (nee Fisher), M.A., Ph.D ., 42 Higham Station Avenue, South Chingford, Essex. Atkins, H enry B arnard, B.A., 106 Tressillian Road, Brockley, S.E.4. Atkinson, Edwin J ., M.Sc., 15 Fields Road, Newport, Mon. A ttrill, N orm an E. C., B.A., Safa-el-Bahr, K ing’s Road, Bembridge, Isle of W ight. Ayre, Rev. H enry G., K entisbury R ectory, B arnstaple, Devon. Bacchus, Edw in E rnest, B.A., 23 E land Road, S.W. 11. Bailey, Rev. Eric A. Baird, A rthur Maldwyn, B.A., County Education Office, 22 N orthgate Street, W arwick. Baird, Jam es B., B.Sc., 71 Newbury Gardens, Stoneleigh, Epsom, Surrey. Ball, Miss E d n a F., B.Sc., HighclilTe, Friends Road, Purley, Surrey. Bartels, Miss Agnes Robertson Donald, B.Sc., 36 Earlsthorpe Road, Sydenham , S.E.26. B arton, William C., B.Sc., 171 London Road, Ewell, Surrey. B artram , Cecil W., M.Sc., 87 Salisbury Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Bate, Miss M argaret R., B.A., M.B., Ch.B. (Edin.), The Croft, Restwell Avenue, Cranleigh, Surrey. Beard, D avid W ., B.Sc., 159 Clements Road, E ast Ham , E.6. B eattie, Mrs. Jessie (nee Curtis), B.A. Beaufoy, Leroy A., M.Sc., Ph.D ., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.R.S.T., 23 Folkington Corner, Woodside P ark, N.12. Beech, Samuel R obert, B.Sc., Holly Bank, Kerridge, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Behm ber, Alfred F ., B.Sc., 73 Overdale Road, Ealing, W.5.




Belcourt, Louis .J., LL.B ., c/o Lloyds Bank L td., Hi St. Jam es’s Street, S.W.l.

Belderson, Miss Eileen-Marie, B.A., see Duell. Bell, Rev. William M., B.D., Colehill, Upper Karingdon, Alton, Hants. B ennett, Miss Alice R ., B.A. B ennett, Miss Lorna C., M.A., Englefield, Leeson Road, Bonchurch, V entnor, Isle of W ight. Bennett, Norbury A., B.Sc. (Eng.), 43 Ravensbourne Park Crescent, Catford, S.E.G. Benny, Alan H. B., B.Sc., 165 W anviok Avenue, Derby. Bernstein, Enoch, B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D . Berry, Rev. Jam es D., B.Sc., St. Paul’s Vicarage, N ortham pton. Bewers, Rev. Leslie S., Bridgetown, W estern Australia. Biggs, A lbert J ., B.Sc., Ph.D ., 204 Kingston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. Bird, Rev. Archibald B., Edw ardstone Vicarage, Boxford, Essex. Bird, Cyril K., C .B.E., B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M .I.C.E., F.K .C ., 241 Pavilion Road, S .W .l. Bird, Rev. Geoffrey Neville, Edge Rectory, Stroud, Glos. Bird, Rev. H enry E., 1 Spencer R oad, Southsea. Bisby, Harry, B.Sc., Barcroft House, High Street, Drayton, Abingdon, Berks. Borrill, Rev. Jo h n , B.D., 03, Montrose Avenue, W hitton, Middx. Boshier, Jo h n Henry, B.Sc., Wesley College, Ibadan, W estern Nigeria,

W. Africa. Boston, Rev. Henry, 11 N ightingale Place, Woolwich, S.E.18. Bowden, Cecil John, B.Sc. Bowen, Capt. Leslie A. G., M.C., B.A. Bowker, H enry C., B.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D ., c/o C alcutta Electric Supply Corporation L td., Victoria House, C alcutta, India. Bowthorpe, Miss Stella, B.So., 280 Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood, S.E.10. Box, Rev. H ubert S., B.D., Scaynes Hill Vicarage, Haywards Heath, Sussex. Box, Miss M argaret H ., B.Sc., 40 W entworth Drive, H artford, Kent. Boyden, Mrs. Em ily (nee Pem berton), B.A., Ardmore, The Avenue, D urham . Bray, Miss Ella, B.A. Brierley, Philip It., B.Sc. (Eng.), F.K .C ., High Ruse, 45 The Drive, llarefield Place, Uxbridge, Middlesex. Brooks, Rev. Edw ard E., Suffolk House, 18 Page Road, Clacton, Essex. Brooksmith, Rev. Leslie C., 5 Church Road, Bournem outh. Brotherton, Manfred, B.Sc., Ph.D.. c/o Foyer, W hite, B arrett & Black, 26 Essex Street, Strand, W.C.2. Brown, Howard J . W., M.Sc., Ph.D., 70 Purley Park Road, Purley, Surrey.





Bruce-W alker, R ev. Donald, B.A., B.D., Newdigate Rectory, near Dorking, Surrey. Bull, Miss W inifred M., M.A., see Hopper. Burley, David M., B.Sc., “ E ast Lea,” Beverley Road, W illerby, Hull. B urnett, Rev. John Capenhurst, The Vicarage, W roughton, near Swin­ don, Wilts. Burnham , R ichard Stanley K ent, B.Sc. (Eng.), Meadowside, C harter­ house R oad, Godalming, Surrey. Burrow, Colin D., B.Sc., 36 Princes Avenue, G unnersbury Park, London, W.3. B u rtt, Gerald E rnest, B.A., 17 Ashwater R oad, Lee, S.E.12. B utler, Rev. Cecil J ., Box 109, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Cameron, Donald J ., B.Sc., 5 U drey P ark R d., Teddington, Middlesex. Camp, Miss Jo an M., B.A., 31, Redcliffe Close, Old Brom pton Road, S.W .5. Carpenter, Rev. Canon Edw ard E., M.A., B.D., Ph.D ., E.K.C., 2 Little Cloister, S .W .l. Carter, Rev. Cyril W., Ash Vicarage, C anterbury, K ent. Casserley, Rev. J . V., Langm ead, M.A., D .L itt., F .K .C ., 6 Chelsea Square, New York 11, New York, U.S.A. Cawte, Lawrence H ., M.A., Oaklands, 10 Laburnum Avenue, Gains­ borough, Lincs. Chandler, Tony J ., B.Sc., 137 Letchw orth Road, Leicester. Chapm an, Rev. Clifford T., B.A., M.Th., Ph.D ., F.K.C., The Rectory, Abinger, Surrey. Checlcsfield, Frederic V., B.A., 34 Green Curve, Banstead, Surrey. Cliessher, Mrs. Jo an L. (nee Verney-Boys), M.A., The Chalet, 10 Park Side, Westcliff-on-Sea. C hettoe, Cyril S., B.Sc. (Eng.). Child, Reginald, B.Sc., Ph.D ., Tea Research In stitu te of E ast Africa, P.O. Box 91, Kericho, K enya Colony. Clark, Rev. Canon E. D udley, St. Gabriel’s Vicarage, H eaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne, N orthum berland. Clark, R ev. Reginald H arlan, D aram om be Mission, Enkeldoor, S. Rhodesia. Clarke, Rev. Charles, Holy Cross Guest House, H ayw ards H eath, Sussex. Clarke, Rev. Frederick, The Parsonage, Moor Ends, Doncaster. Coggon, Mrs. N. C. (nbe H olland), B.Sc., 8 B arton Road, Swindon, Wilts. Cohen, Victor S., B.A., County H igh School, Leyton, E.10. Coles, Rev. W illiam F. J . G., M.A. (Oxon.), B.D., Childrey Rectory, W antage, Berks. Colgate, Hugh A., B.A., 48 E ndlebury Road, N orth Chingford, E.4. Colley, Rev. George, B.A., B.D., The Vicarage, G reat Bentley, Col­ chester, Essex. Cook, A nthony C., Officers’ Mess, R .A .F., Linton-on-Ouse, Yorks. Cook, William A., B.Sc. (Eng.), 11 M arjorams Avenue, Loughton, Essex.





Cooper, Sydney B. X., B.D., 18 Grosvenor Hoad, Ilford, Essex. Corrigan, H arold S. W., M.A., 55 Talgarth Mansions, Talgarth Hoad, W.14. Cowdry, Rev. Roy VV. F., Bishopseourt, Clarem ont, Cape Province, S. Africa. Cowie, Rev. Reginald G., 1 Abbey P ark, Grimsby, Lincs. Craig, Miss Elm a M argaret, B.A. Cramp, Leslie, J ., B.A., 11 VVestbury Road, Croydon. Crotch, W alter J . B., M.A., 6 Balmoral Mansions, E ast Twickenham, Middlesex. Cursetjee, Manochjee J . M., B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M .I.E.E., The Paddocks, Hook N orton, near B anbury, Oxon. Curtis, Miss Jessie, B.A., see Beattie. Curtis, Samuel J ., B.A., Brackenlea, Becton Lane, Barton-on-Sea, Hants. Daines, Rev. Jo h n W ., M.Th., 103 U ttoxeter R oad, Derby. Dakin, Rev. Jo h n E. C., The Vicarage, Colston Bassett, N otts. Dams, ltev. Jo h n L., F.R.C.O., St. E dm und’s Rectory, 10 Alphington Road, Exeter. D artnall, Miss W inifred Mary Joan, B.A., see VVhitehouse. D avenport, W illiam C. A., B.A., 53 W aldeck Road, Norwich, Norfolk. Davies, David I., B.Sc., 9 Ridgeway Avenue, Newport, Mon. Davies, H erbert S., M.D., 72 Old Road East, Gravesend, Kent. Davis, H . Russell, M.Sc., 9 Crescent W ay, Brockley, 8.E.4. Davis, Rev. Stephen C., c/o The Vicarage, Slough, Bucks. Daw, Maurice E., M.A., 8 F ourth Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Dawe, The Rev. Roy W., B.A., 8 M inster Precincts, Peterborough. Dawson, Miss Clarice N., B.Sc., 14, Gledrow P ark, Leeds 7. de Blogue, The Ven. Oswald W. C., Holmfield, Stubbington, H ants. de Brisay, Rev. R. M. D., Flat, St. Stephen’s Vicarage, W.13. Dibden, E dgar H. K ., B.Sc., 7 Causewayside, Fen Causeway, Cam­ bridge. Dickinson, Rev. F ran k R ., 8 Channel View, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. Dickinson, Rev. W ilfrid E., B.D., The Vicarage, G reat Wakering, Essex. Dickson, Alexander J ., B.A., 10 Clarence Road, Chiswick, W.4. Dinsmore, Eric R ., M.A., B.Sc., Principal, The County Technical College, Weybridge, Surrey. Dollar, Archibald T. J ., B.Sc., Ph.D. (Cantab.), 12 H eathurst Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. Doney, Marcus W., B.A., Ridley House, Cramlington, N orthum berland. Doran, Rev. Sidney W., U ppington Vicarage, N r. Faringdon, Berks. Douglas, Miss Jo y Marjorie, M.B., B.S., Uphill, P ark View Road, Berkham sted, H erts. Dresser, Charles, A.M.I.Mech.E., Overley, Gunters Lane, Bexhill, Sussex.




D rinkw ater, Rev. F ran k , B.Sc., C.M.S. Training College, Awka, Nigeria. D ’Silva, Professor John L., Ph.D ., D.Sc., 50 R itherdon Boad, S.W.17. Duell, Mrs. A. N. (nee Belderson), Fairlight, Bells Hill, Lim avady, Co. D erry, N. Ireland. Duncan, Rev. P eter H. F., 2 Earls Crescent, W ealdstone, Middlesex. Eadie, Rev. R. Bruce. Edm onds, Rev. E rnest G. G., School House, L ittleton, Shepperton. Mx. Edw ards, Gwendolen A., B.A., Northwood, 8 M ount H arry Road, Sevenoaks, K ent. Eldridge, Rev. Francis H. B., Holy T rinity Vicarage, N ortham pton. E lkerton, Rev. Canon H enry, B.D., 10 O akcroft R oad, Lewisham, S.E.13. Ellis, Mrs. Irene (wee Storer), B.A., 117 St. A ugustine’s Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Essex. Elstone, R ev. Jo h n Kenrick, All Saints’ Vicarage, York Road, Leeds 9. Ennor, K enneth S., B.Sc., (>8, Avoca R d., Tooting Bee, S.W.12. E scott, Miss Irene M., B.A. E vans, Miss Muriel Pam ela, B.A., 19 Earl Road, Northfleet, K ent. E vans, The Rev. Stanley M., 11 W ards Hill Road, Minster, Sheerness, K ent. Ewing, Colin J . C., M.Sc., I I Corrennie Gardens, E dinburgh 10. E yden, R ev. Eric W ., B.A., B .D ., S t. Saviour’s Vicarage, Raynes P ark , S.W.20. Fairlie, Miss Mary A. V., B.Sc., The Grange, Grange Lane, W7est Dulwich, S.E.21. Falconer, Angus D ., B.A., 217 W alton Road, E ast Molesey, Surrey. Faultless, H arold F ., B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E., 11 B ath u rst Walk, Iver, Bucks. F aux, Gwendolen W., B.A. F erdinand, Ivan R ., M.B., B.S., 57 A llfarthing Lane, S.W.18. Fish, P eter W ., B.Sc., 6 Linden Road, Bexhill, Sussex. Fisher, F rankis A., B.Sc. (Eng.), Cotswold Chine, Stinclicombe, Dursley, Glos. Fisher, Miss M arian Joicey, M.A., P h.D ., see Arnold. Fletcher, Miss Noreen M., M.A., 8 Shelley Avenue, Manor Park, E.12. F lin t, H enry A., B.Sc. (Eng.), 2 Littlecroft, Castlewood Drive, S.E.9. Folland, Rev. Ronald G., 27 Creighton Avenue, St. Albans, H erts. Ford, R obert Brough, B.Sc., 38 Onslow R oad, Richmond, Surrey. F ord, Victor Charles R obert, M.A., The Queen’s University, Belfast, and 124 Oxford Street, Barrow-in-Furness. Forrester, Miss Jennie Florence, B.A., High Elms, Chestfield, nr. W hitstable, K ent. Fothergill, A rthur B., 35 N evern Square, S.W.5. F ranklin, Rev. Archibald W ., B.I)., St. M ary’s, Haw ksw orth Wood, Vicarage, 74 Vesper Cragside W alk, Leeds 5.

K .C.C.





Franklin, Reginald G., B.Sc., F.R .I.C ., Greenbanks, M arton Moor, N unthorpe, Middlesbrough. Friedlaender, Maria H. G., B.Sc., Ph.D ., 43 Queonsborough Terrace, W.2. Frost, Miss Evelyn, B.A., B.D., Ph.D ., S.Th., The Priory of O ur Lady, Burford, Oxon. Fuidge, Miss N orah M., M.A., Hathersage, 71 E astbury Road, Northwood, Middx. Furneaux, Rev. Thomas H arold, All Saints’ Vicarage, Chigwell Row, Essex. Gallop, Rev. W alter J ., 5 Townsend Drive, St. Albans, Herts. Gardiner, Edm und A ..O .B .E ., B.Sc. (Eng.), Seale Rectory, nr. Farnham , Surrey. Gater, Rev. William G. H ., Codnor Vicarage, Derby. Gibson, Rev. Alan H., M .B.E., B.D., c/o Glyn Mills & Co., K irkland House, S.W .l. Gill, William J . C., B.A., 34 Dale Park Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey. G illott, Alan A., B.Sc., 116 Pierrepont Road, West Bridgford, Notts. Gilmore, Miss E lizabeth P. M., B.A., 24 Beverley Road, Worcester P ark, Surrey. Ginsberg, Rabbi Morris, M.A., Ph.D ., 11 Morley R oad, E ast Twicken­ ham, Middlesex. Godfrey, John F., LL.B., 26 Broadfields Avenue, Edgware, Middlesex. Goldsmith, Mrs. Margaret E. (nee Pruden), B.A., 16 Clyde Park, Redland, Bristol 6. Gordon, Miss Marjorie J ., B.Sc., M.A., Tudor House, 8 Littleton Crescent, Harrow. Gould, David L., B.A., 25 Anne Way, Ilford, Essex. Gowen, A rthur N. D., B.A. Green, Rev. H arry G., M.A., Christchurch Vicarage, W arm inster. Green, H arold W., B.Sc., 145 Melrose Avenue, W imbledon Park, S.W. 19. Grey, R obert E., B.A., 19 Victoria Terrace, Coundon, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham . Griffiths, R upert, B.Sc. (Eng.), 180 Wood Lane, Islevvorth, Middlesex. Grindell, Duncan H., B.Sc., “ O aklands” , 7 Grosvenor R d., Northwood, Middlesex. Grove, Miss Beryl E., B.Sc., 70 Sandridge Road, St. Albans, H erts. Gundry, Rev. Dudley W., B .l)., M.Th., The W arden’s House, Reichel Hall, Bangor, N. WTales. Gunner, Reginald A. H ., B.A., 12 Holyoake Crescent, Horsell, Woking, Surrey. Gwynne-Vaughan, Professor Dame Helen {nee Fraser), G .B.E., F.K.C., LL.D., D.Sc., F.L.S., 93 Bedford Court Mansions, W.C. 1. H adden, Rev. H enry R., Chipstable Rectory, Taunton, Somerset. Hadlow, F rank L., B.A., Sheridan, Bell Lane, Sittingbourne, K ent. Hadlow, Leonard H., B.A., Sheridan, Bell Lane, Sittingbourne, K ent. Hall, Rev. R. Jeffery, The Vicarage, Tadcaster, Yorks.




H alliday, Norman, B.A., 32 Spencer Court, Spencer Road, W est Wimbledon, S.W.20. Hancock, Eric L., B.A., 21 Hall Place, Spalding, Lincs. Mandsaker, Philip, B.A., 257 Crescent Drive, IVtts Wood, Kent. H ardcastle, Rev. F rank R ., B.A., B.D., St. Michael’s Vicarage, W atford, H erts. Harding, Miss K athleen M., LL.B., E ast Bridge House, 10 Addiscombe R oad, Croydon, Surrey. H arding, Roy P., B.Sc., I 14 Beechwood Avenue, St. Albans, Herts. Hare, Ian R ., B.A., 16 Marsworth Avenue, Pinner, Middlesex. Hargreaves, Miss E dith, B.A. H arris, Leslie R., B.A. H arrison, J . Rufford, B.Sc., P h.D ., 8615 H ennipin Avenue, Niagara Falls, New York, U.S.A. H arrison, Laurence, B.A., The G ram m ar School, Hemel Hempstead, H erts. H arrison, Thom as H ., B.Sc., Ph.D . H art, H enry G. V., B.A.. Oak Cottage, Broadstone, Dorset. Harwood, Ronald E ., B.Sc., Comb Pine, W arren Hill, Woodcote Green, Surrey. H atch, Rev. H enry G., B.A., B.D., P h.D ., F.K.C., The Rectory, Bickleigh, Tiverton, Devon. Hawes, The Rev. Canon A rthur .1. G., B.D., Ph.D ., F.K.C., All Saints’ Vicarage, Fulham , S.W.6. Healey, Gordon T., B.Sc., 23 Grove Hill, Caversham, Reading, Berks. Heaven, Sidney Charles, M.A., 17a Earls Court Gardens, S.W.5. Henry, Mrs. Jo an .1. (nee Starck), M.A., Ph.D ., 57 Darnley Road, Gravesend, K ent. Hepple, Alford J ., B.Sc. H ew itt, Eric John, B.Sc., Ph.D ., Langdales, Ridgeway, Long Ashton, Bristol. Heydon, Rev. Francis G. W. W., The Vicarage, O rsett Terrace, W.2. Hill, Prof. K enneth R „ B.Sc., M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Dept, of P a th ­ ology, U niversity College of the West Indies, Mona, St. Andrew, Jam aica, B.W .I. Hillier, Miss R u th C., B.A., see Logan. Hills, Arnold C., B.A., Sinclairs, Hammerslev Lane, Tylers Green, High Wycombe, Bucks. H ilton, Jo h n , B.Sc., 39, Roch Street, Rochdale, Lancs. Hipperson, Miss Phyllis C., B.A., 126 London Road, Mitcham, Surrey. Hitchins, A rthur C., M.A., 42 Southdown Road, E ast Cosham, H ants. Holden, Ian George, B.Sc., Braeside, Ridgemead Road, Knglefield Green, Egham , Surrey. H olland, A rthur H ., B.A., 33 Uxbridge Road, Hillingdon Hill, U x­ bridge, Middx. Holland, Miss Nancy C., B.Sc., see Coggon.



Hollis, Rev. Frederick J ., D.D., F.K.C., Mervyn Lodge, Stodden’s Road, Bum ham -on-Sea, Somerset. Holmes. .Miss Dorothy Joan, B.A., Brockenhurst, Mead W ay, Ruislip, Middx. Holmes, Miss Eveline, B.A., Endlevale, Parkstone, Dorset. Holmes, Miss Mildred, B.Sc., Endlevale, Parkstone, Dorset. Holmes, Major O. W right, Ph.D ., B.D., B.A., Mickleham, Overdale, Ashtead, Surrey. Hooker, Rev. Jo h n R. N., B.D., Tuxford Vicarage, New ark, N otts. Hopper, Mrs. W inifred M. (nee Bull), M.A., 15 Compton Avenue, Gidea Park, Essex. Hornby, Rev. Jo h n H ., The Vicarage, St. Stephen’s Road, E.3. H om er, Miss Audrey B., B.Sc., 84 E ast Dulwich Grove, S.E.22. Houghton, Albert M., M.Sc., Lynn Street, Swaifham, Norfolk. Howard, Roy C., B.A., II Lovelace Road, Surbiton, Surrey. Howie, Miss Marian A., B.A., 214 Salmon Street, Kingsbury, N.W.9. Hughes, Jo h n B. W., M.A. Hughes, Rev. Tim othy G. R ., Glan-y-Mor, West Mersea, Essex. Hunnings, '1'. Neville M., LL.B., F lat 91, High Street, W altham Cross, H erts. H untley, Gillian E. M., B.A., Mill House, H oneystreet, nr. Pevvsey, W ilts. H u rt, Norman K., B.A., 40 W estern Road, Mickleover, Derby. H urtley, William R. H ., B.Sc., Ph.D ., 565 Bradford Road, Huddersfield. Inches, Miss Eileen M., B.A. Innes, Malcolm R. H ., B.A., 31 K ent Road, Portsm outh, H ants. Ivanoff, Mrs. Elinor B. (nee Adkins), B.A. Jackson, Eric A., B.Sc., 540 Green Lane, Goodmayes, Essex. Jenkins, Mi's.Gladys G. (nee Puddifoot), M.A.,98 H averstock Hill, N.W.3. Johnson, W. F. H., B.A., 10 Manor Way, N. Harrow, Middlesex. Johnstone, H addon C., B.A., 18 H onister Drive, Sunderland, Co. Durham . Jordan, E. A. Josling, Rev. Gerald T., B retby Vicarage, Burton-on-Trent. Keet, Rev. C uthbert C., M.A., B.D., Ph.D ., 44 New Square, Cam­ bridge. Kelsick, Cecil A rthur, LL.B., P.O. Box 166, Plymouth, Monserrat, B.W .I. Kimble, Prof. George H., M.A., Ph.D. (Montreal), McGill U niversity, Montreal. King, William H ., B.Sc., 33 Salisbury Avenue, Cheam, Surrey. Kingsland, F rank H ., B.Sc. Kingsmill, W alter T., B.Sc. K irby, Miss K athleen S. N ., M.Sc., 1 Rochfort Place, Bathwick, B ath. Knight, Miss Muriel Phyllis, B.A. K nott, Miss Beatrice A., B.Sc. Lam bert, Derek M., B.Sc. (Eng.), 32 Fairfield Avenue, Ruislip, Middlesex.




Land, F ran k W., M.Sc., Ph.D ., D epartm ent of Education, The U niversity, Brownlow Hill, Liverpool 3. Larm an, Edw ard Cyril, M.Sc., 13 Field Close, Abridge, Essex. Lavers, The Ven. Jam es W. C., E sther Skrine House, Ashburton, Devon. Lawson, Miss Rosem ary H astings, B.A., 4 High View, Pinner, Middx. Lee, George W illiam, B.A., 5 D udley Avenue, Fulwell, Sunderland. Leeman, Francis W., B.A. Leese, Rev. Frederick H . B., St. M artin’s Vicarage, 97 Stretton Road, Croydon. Lempriere, Rev. Edw ard C., St. M artin’s Rectory, Jersey, C.I. Lendrum , Miss Anne R., B.A., F la t 3, 56 W est E nd Lane, N.W .6. Lower, Miss Phyllis E. M., B.A., 8 N orrys Close, E ast B arnet, H erts. Lewis, A rthur P. R ., B.Sc., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., 30 Woodbines Avenue, K ingston-upon-Tham es. Lewis, Thom as R. G., B.Sc., 23 Balfour Street, K ettering, N orthants. Lister, Rev. E dm und, Bickleigh Vicarage, Roborough, Plym outh. Lloyd, Miss Annie M., M.A., see Rossiter. Lockyer, Rev. Maurice D avid, 288 Gloucester R oad, Bristol 7. Logan, Mrs. R uth C. (nee Hillier), B.A., The Manse, 136 Wood End Road, E rdington, Birmingham 24. Long, Miss Mavis E. M., B.A., 55 Eden Way, Eden Park, Beckenham, K ent. Loughborough-, Rev. George W ., St. Luke’s R ectory, Old Street, E .l. Lowe, Maurice F., B.Sc., Ph.D ., 11 Norton Road, Wembley, Middx. Lummis, Rev. Geoffrey, Woodborough R ectory, Marlborough, Wilts. McCalla, Rev. R obert I., 8 a Cavendish P ark, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire. McCubbin, Rev. D avid, 20 South Street, Greenock, Renfrewshire. MacDonald, K enneth R., B.A., 315 Court R oad, Orpington, K ent. M acdonald, R obert, B.Sc., “ Greenways,” 22 H am ilton Drive, Harold Wood, Essex. Mclver, R onald K ., B.A., 85 Dora Road, W imbledon Park, S.W. 19. McLachlan, Miss H annah, B.A. McMillan, E ric A., B.Sc., 202 Tudor D rive, K ingston, Surrey. Maddy, Alun 11., 20 Hill Street, A beram an, Aberdare, Glam. Manning, John, B.Sc., Ph.D ., A stra, D arlington Road, H artb u rn , Stock­ ton-on-Tees. Maple, H enry L., M.A., The Library, U niversity of N atal, P.O. Box 375, Pieterm aritzburg, N atal, South Africa. Marshall, Rev. Canon H enry S., M.A. (Bristol), Homes of St. Barnabas, Dormans, Lingfield, Surrey. M artin, John F ., B.Sc. (Eng.), 34 Sixth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middx. M artin, Miss M argaret M. A., B.A., 31 Union Street, Aldershot, H ants. Mascull, George J ., B.Sc., H.M. P ate n t Office, 25 Southam pton Build ings, London, W.C.2.





M atthews, Rev. Clarence S., B.A., B.D., St. Oswald’s Vicarage, 40 R acton Road, Fulham , S.YV.6. M atthews, Rev. H enry J. C., B.I)., St. Michael’s Vicarage, Tividale, Tipton, Staffs. Matthews, The Very Rev. W alter R ., K.C.V.O., M.A., D.D., D .Lit., F.K.C., Dean of St. P au l’s, The Deanery, E.C.4. Mellor, Jeffrey Duncan, B.A., 71 B irdhurst Rise, S. Croydon, Surrey. Michaux, Rev. Ernest, 372 W andsworth Road, S.W.8. Millns, Rev. A rthur, St. P eter’s Vicarage, Upton Cross, E.7. Mills, Rev. Clifford Jam es Holden, S tanton Rectory, Bury St. Edm unds, Suffolk. Mold, Rev. Philip Geoffrey, B.D., Fleckney Vicarage, Leicester. Moncur, Rev. H enry Alexander, The Vicarage, Bardon Hill, Nr. Leicester. Moon, A rthur R., M.A., 170 K ing’s Road, Westcliff-on-Sea. Moore, Burrows, P h.D ., D.Sc., A.M .I.Chem.E., C hestnut Cottage, Lym psham , nr. W eston-super-M are. Moore, Mrs. E d ith M. (nee K ellett), B.A., St. Stephen’s Vicarage, Village R oad, Bush Hill P ark, Middlesex. Moore, Rev. George C., St. Stephen’s Vicarage, Village Hoad, Bush Hill P ark, Middx. Moore, Miss Marjorie G., M.A., 59 Bladindon Drive, Bexley, K ent. Moore, Mrs. Norah E. (nee Pickering), B.A., 99 W hitw orth Road, South Norwood, S.E.25. Moore, Roy, M.A., F.K.C., The Head M aster’s House, Mill Hill School, N.W.7. Morrice, Miss Marjorie, B.A., 10 Albert Mansions, Crouch Hill, N.8. Mortlock, H erbert N., B.Sc., 62 Tresaderns Road, R edruth, Cornwall. Moss, Rev. Francis D ., P rio r’s Close, A bbot’s Road, Tewkesbury, Glos. M unt, Eric F., B.Sc., 26 Martindale, E ast Sheen, S.W.14. Newbold, Alfred A., B.Sc., Abbots Lodge, Abbotsvvood, Evesham . Newton, Brian, B.Sc., 135 Birkbeck Road, Enfield, Middlesex. Nicholls, Mrs. L. M. (nee Evans), B.Sc., W andella, 22 Boughton Lane, Maidstone, K ent. Nicholls, Rev. R obert W., B.A., St. P atrick ’s Vicarage, 30 Cambridge Road, Hove 2, Sussex. Nichols, Jo h n F ., M.A., Ph.D ., 15 M inster Road, Godalming, Surrey. N orth, Rev. George L., H utton Residential School, H utton, nr. B rent­ wood, Essex. N orth, R obert Joseph, M.A., 16 The U niversity College, Keele, N. Staffs. O’Dell, Albert E., B.Sc. (Eng.), 10 K nights Park, Kingston-on-Tham es, Surrey. O’Dell, George F., C .B.E., B.Sc. (Eng.), 10 K nights Park, Kingston-onThames, Surrey. Oram, Rev. K enneth Cyril, B.A., Prieska, C.P., S. Africa. Osborne, Rev. A rthur F., B.D., 38 The Close, Salisbury, Wilts.





Osmond, Rev. Alec E ., The Vicarage, W oodbury, E xeter, S. Devon. Osselton, Noel E ., 15.A., Q uarry Moore House, Ripon, Yorks. Ough, Rev. Conrad J ., Tho Clerk’s Lodging, Corby, N orthants. Packer, Rev. John William, B.A., M.Th., The Canon Slade Gram m ar School, Bolton, Lancs. Page, Jam es F ., B.A., 27 Finborough Road, Stow m arket, Suffolk. Palm er, Rev. Frank R . C., St. M artin’s Vicarage, Rarmvorth Road, N.9. Palm er, Rev. George H ., The Vicarage, Benson, Oxford. P an n ett, Dorothy, M.A., 8 W estgate Road, D artford, K ent. Parkinson, Rev. K eith E dgar Hollyer, M.Th., 2 St. A nthony’s Road, Bournem outh. Pascoe, Rev. Canon William J . T., The Vicarage, Broadwindsor, Beam inster, Dorset. Pearse, Rev. R. 'I'. H ., 46 Erlesmere Gardens, W.13. Peile, Miss B ertha M., B.A., 46 Alwyne Road, Wimbledon, S.W.19. Pem berton, Miss Em ily, B.A., see Boyden. Pem berton, Rev. Wilfred A ustin, B .A .,B .D ., Ph.D. (N ottingham ), The Rectory, Breaston, Derby. Perry, Rev. A rthur S., B. 1)., M.Th., 4 Westwood Hill, Sydenham , S.E.26. Peters, Percy E., B.Sc., 16 M urray Avenue, Bromley, K ent. P hilpott, William E ., M.A., Pollard, Rev. H arry P., B urystead, W ilsham stead, Bedfordshire. P o tter, D avid, B.A., The Rectory, R oughton, Norwich. Poulden, Rev. Preb. F rank A. F., 8b, Amen Court, London, E.C.4. Poynder, Mrs. Mary H. W. (nke Wermig), B.A. Prentis, Jam es M artin, M.Sc. (Eng.), Marisehal College, Aberdeen. Price, A rthur C., B.Sc. (Eng.), The Gables, lleathfield Road, Bushey, H erts. Price, William B., B.Sc., P h.D ., 246 Prescot Road, St. Helens, Lancs. Pruden, Miss M argaret E lizabeth, B.A., see Goldsmith. Puddifoot, Miss Gladys G., M.A., see Jenkins. PulUnger, R ev. B ertram W., M.A., B.D., 224 H ighland Avenue, H igh­ land P ark 3, Michigan, U.S.A. R abbetts, Rev. Reginald D. C., W oodlands Vicarage, Ashford Hill, New bury, Berks. R am saran, Jo h n A., M.A., c/o English D ept., U niversity College, Ibadan, Nigeria. Ray, Eric W., B.Sc., 50 Osborne R oad, London, N.13. Read, Cyril W. W., B.Sc., Ph.D ., Honeyacre, Pine Grove, Chichester, Sussex. Reed, Miss Marie K ., B.A., 45 Goodmayes Avenue, Goodmayes, Essex. Reynolds, Miss Jean W inifred, B.A., see Smithson. R ichards, Jo h n M., B.Sc., Clyd Annedd, Pendre Avenue, P restatyn, Flints. Richardson, John T., B.A., 10 Brougham Road, Broadway, London Fields, E.8. Rider, Rev. Hugh W.





R idyard, Herbert N ., B.Se., Silverwood, Bucknall’s Drive, Bricket Wood, W atford, H erts. Rising, T. Craske, M.A., County G ram m ar School for Boys, Penzance. Robinson, Denis M., B.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D ., President, High Voltage Engineering Corporation, 7 U niversity R oad, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Roper, Alexander J . H., B.Sc. (Eng.), Lower Mill, Ashbury, Swindon, Wilts. Rossiter, Mrs. Annie M. (nee Lloyd), M.A., 10 Moor Place, Gosporth, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 3. Rowe, Rev. Cecil L., Greenways, Isfield, Uckfield, Sussex. Rowe, Raym ond !)., B.Sc., 3 B radfordbury Square, Eastwood, S outh­ end-on-Sea. Rowsell, Miss Eveline H., B.Sc., 44 N ugent Road, South Norwood, S.E.25. Royle, Rev. George H. W., The R ectory, Pulborough, Sussex. Russell, Alfred W., B.Sc. R utland, George 11., M.B.E., M .lnst.N .A . R yott, Rev. R obert G., St. E aith’s, 10 Bicton Street, E xm outh, Devon. Sage man, Miss Phyllis, M.A. Saker, Job, B.A.. Woolacombe, 39 St. P ete r’s Road, S. Croydon, Surrey. Salter, Michael J ., B.Sc. (Eng.), 57 St. Luke’s Road, Maidstone, Kent. Samuel, Laurence E ., B.A., 17 Cliveden Road, Higham s Park, E.4. Sandiford, Miss Jean , B.Sc., 23 Worsley R d., Farnw orth, Nr. Bolton, Lancs. Saywell, R uby J. T., B.A., R edland Training College, Felixstowe, The Prom enade, Clifton, Bristol 8. Scamell, E rnest H ., LL.M., Denewood, Cudham Lane, Green Street Green, Farnborough, K ent. Searfe, Rev. H. G rant, 42 H ughenden R oad, High Wycombe, Bucks. Schooling, Rev. Charles M., L.Th., 141 L yndhurst Road, W orthing, Sussex. Scott, Rev. Frederick G. J ., All Saints’ Church, Royal Parado, St. Helier, C.I. Scovell, Rev. G. S. Spencer, 33 Bedford Square, W.C. 1. Scrogie, H enry J ., B.A. Seager, Andrew F ., B.Sc., Ph.D ., F.G.S., Chynhalls, Cabrera Avenue, Trum ps Green, Virginia W ater, Surrey. Seeley, Miss Marion, B.A., 4ti Jellicoe Avenue, Gravesend, K ent. Sewell, Rev. Sydney, 41 Landlord Road, Putney, S.W. 15. Shaw, D. H., B.A., 28 Brantwood Road, Luton, Beds. Sheehan, H arold J ., M.C., B.A., B.D., R utlish School, Kingston Road, Merton, S.W.19. Shepherd, Geoffrey Thomas, B.A., 14 Greenstead Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. Simon, Joh n H.





Simons, Lewis, D.Sc., 1 Grove Avenue, Muswell H ill, N.10. Skeat, William Oswald,B.Sc. (Eng.), M.T.Mech.E., 32 Russell Road, W. 14. Skrimshire, Miss Lylie D., B.A. Small, Edwin J ., B.A., Rowney Corner Cottage, W imbish, Saffron W alden, Essex. Sm ith, Rev. Preb. Albert, O.B.E., 27 Old Oak Road, Acton, W.3. Sm ith, Rev. D avid L., St. Andrew’s Vicarage, W olverham pton, Staffs. Sm ith, Miss Evelyn R., B.Sc., 56 Stoneleigh Crescent, Ewell, Surrey. Sm ith, Mrs. Gladys H. (nee Luscombe), B.A., 19 Dene Road, New Southgate, N .l 1. Sm ith, Jerem y H. B., M.Sc., 34- Silverthorn Gardens, Chingford, E.4. Sm ith, Rev. Raym ond C., 14 B axter Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex. Sm ith, Ronald L., B.Sc. Sm ith, Rev. W alter A., B.Sc. (Econ.), Whitfield Rectory, Brackley, N orthants. Sm ith, Rev. W alter S., The Vicarage, Billericay, Essex. Smithson, Mrs. Jean W. (nee Reynolds), B.A., 152 Lennard Road, Beckenham, K ent. Snashall, Gerald H ., B.Sc., Arun Cottage, Iv y Mill Lane, Godstone, Surrey. Snoad, A lbert W., B.Sc., 33 Hoylake Crescent, Ickenham , Middlesex. Southgate, Rev. N orm an Frederick, H opton R ectory, Diss, Norfolk. Sparkes, Brian A., 15.A., 83 R etford Road, Sheffield 13. Sprague, Miss R u th S., B.A. S p ratt, Miss Amy V., M.Sc., Beryldene, 156 Gleneagle Road, Streatham, S.W .l 6. S p ratt, Miss E thel R., D.Sc., Bcryldcne, 156 Gleneagle Road, Strcatham, S .W .l6. Standen, H ugh W., A.M.I.C.E., W estways, Granville Road, Sevenoaks, K ent. S tandley, Rev. R obert H enry, B.D., The Vicarage, Morton-by-Gainsborough, Lincs. Starck, Miss Jo an Josephine, M.A., Ph.D ., see Henry. Steer, Rev. H erbert P., B.A., The Vicarage, 12 Eastfield Road, Westbury-on-Trym , Bristol. S t o n i n g , Theodore C., B.Sc., 17 Tatnell Road, Honor Oak Park, London, S.E. 23. Stevens, Donald A., B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M .Inst.C.E., A .M .I.Struct.E., B urnt Oak, Vale R oad, Bickley, K ent. Still, Edw in H ., B.A., 1!) W arren Road, Ilford, Essex. Stokes, Bryan J ., M.Sc., 137 Fairlands Avenue, Thornton H eath, Surrey. Stone, Charles R ., B.Sc., 84 Holmwood Road, Ilford, Essex. Storer, Miss Irene B., B.A., see Ellis. Sumner, Rev. Jo h n A., Old Home, B arns Green, Sussex. Taylor, Prof. J . H ., B.Sc., Ph.D ., F.G.S., 18 lvingsdowne Road, Surbiton, Surrey.





Taylor, Frank H., B.Sc., 21 Bain Avenuo, Caraberley, Surrey. Taylor, Leslie R. W., B.A., 2 Brondesbury Road, N.W .6. Thomas, George O., B.A., L.Th., c/o Swan Hotel, Biggleswade, Beds. Thomas, Rev. Harold 1L, B.A. (Com.) (Mane.), St. M artin’s, Maple Bridge, Cheshire. Thomas, Rev. H erbert Jo h n , The M ount, M ount R oad, Southdown, Bath. Thomas, Sydney Bruce, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M .Inat.C.E., 122 Woodfield W ay, New Southgate, N .ll. T horburn, Rev. Philip B., The Chaplain’s House, Jesus H ospital, Bray, Berks. T hurston, Miss Frances J ., B.Sc., 1 P renton Lane, Birkenhead, Cheshire. T hurston, Miss Ju n e Phyllis, B.Sc., 2 Blinco Grove, Cambridge. Tinsley, Rev. Jo h n , 21 P arkstead R oad, S.W .15. Toley, Albert J ., B.A., 175 Argyle Road, Ealing, W.5. Tolley, Miss Ivy H., M.A. Tomalin, Eric F. J ., B.Sc., Ph.D ., Bromshot Wood, Cove Road, Fleet, H ants. Tozer, Bernard Thomas, B.Sc., Ph.D., Porton Camp, near Salisbury, Wrilts. Trillo, Rev. Albert J ., M.Th., The Principal’s House, Bishops’ College, Cheshunt, Herts. Tuckwell, Mary E., B.Sc., 126 Rosebery Street, Swindon, Wilts. Turnell, Miss Nellie W., M.Sc.. 28 Elm stead Avenue, Preston Road, Wembley, Middlesex. Turner, Miss Mary I., see Ainsworth. Tyler, Rev. F rank C., Hillingdon Vicarage, Uxbridge, Middlesex. Vail, Bruce S., B.A., 100 Kimberley Road, W. Croydon, Surrey. Veale, Miss Elizabeth Mary, B.A., 12 Meadow Close, R aynes Park, S.W.20. Verney-Boys, Miss Jo an L., M.A., see Chessher. Vincent-Clarke, Alan C. W., B.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D ., 36 Manor Way, Chesham, Bucks. WTaite, Thomas Lawrence A rthur, B.Sc., 13 W oodland Drive, N uthall, N ottingham . Waller, K enneth C., B.A., 39 W hitmore Gardens, Kensal Rise, N.W.10. Walmsley, Donald, M.Sc., 6 Stocks Gardens, M ytholmroyd, Halifax, Yorks. Walmsley, Donald M., M.A., Ph.D ., 60 Bassett Road, W.10. W astell, Ronald E. P., M.A., Ph.D ., 1 Pole Hill Road, Chingford, E.4. W atson, Jo h n Percival, B.A., School House, Burton-in-Lonsdale, By C arnforth, Lancs. W atson, Rev. Lewis C., 4 Palace Gate, W.8. W ay, A rthur G., M.A., 127 Cassiobury P ark Avenue, W atford, Herts. W eathrall, Rev. Ian C., 7 Court Lane, Delhi 8, India. Webb, Maurice C., B.A., Manor Court, Church Road, Hayes, Middlesex. Webb-Bowen, Rev. Canon Harold F., The Vicarage, Barkway, Royston, H erts.





W ehner, Rev. George R., The Vicarage, Randwick, Stroud, Glos. Wehner, Mrs. K athleen A. M. (nee Leake), B.A., B.Sc., The Vicarage, Randw ick, Stroud, Glos. W enham , Edw ard J ., B.Sc. Wesson, Rev. R ichard R ., St. Andrew’s, Luton, Beds. W est, Sidney G., O.B.E., M.A., F.K .C ., 31 B irdhurst Rise, South Croydon, Surrey. W estgate, Reginald P. R ., B.Sc., Ph.D ., Henwick Grove, Worcester. W eston, Gordon, B.Sc. (Eng.), 79 M armora Road, E ast Dulwich, S.E.22. Wheeler, E rnest A., O.B.E., M.Sc., Training D ept., Goldsmith’s College, New Cross, S.E.14. Wheeler, G ilbert W ., The Coppice, Ninham s Wood, Farnborough, K ent. W heeler, K enneth H ., B.A., The Royal Gram m ar School, Worcester. W hite, E rnest Edw in, M.A., 2 5 a Holland P ark Gardens, W.14. W hite, Miss Jo an Winifred, M.A., 1 Braeside, Beckenham, Kent. W hitehead, Miss Mavis J ., B.A., 8 Homefield Road, Wimbledon, S.W .19. Whiteliouse, Mrs. W inifred M. J . (nee D artnall), B.A., 36 L y p iatt Street, Tivoli, Cheltenham. W hitfield, George J . N ., M.A., H am pton Gram m ar School, Middlesex. W hitley, Rev. Edw ard I., B.A. (Leeds), H epw orth Vicarage, Nr. Huddersfield, Yorks. W hitten, Erie H. '1'., B.Sc., P h.D ., Ashdown, W estern Road, Billericay, Essex. W hittingham , Jo h n K ., B.Sc., 1 Beeehwood Avenue, Chorley Wood, H erts. W ickwar, W illiam H ., M.A. Wilcox, John B., 12 Beech Avenue, N ortham pton. W illiams, Stanley A., LL.M ., 41 Spareleaze Hill, Loughton, Essex. Wilson, Rev. B ertram A. C. D., B.A., St. P au l’s Vicarage, Summercourt R oad, Southend-on-Sea, Essex. Wilson, Rev. Leonard A., 8 Eastwood Drive, R ainham , Essex. Wimble, Miss Adeline M„ B.A., 76 Clancarty Road, Parsons Green, S.W.6. W incott, Rev. H enry E ., Haggerston Vicarage, 28 Nichols Square, E.2. W iseman, D onald J ., O.B.E., B.A., 45 Lansdowne Road, N.3 W ithey, Percy R., B.Sc., 49, W imbledon P ark Road, S.W .18. W right, Rev. A ubrey K. W., B .D ., All Saints Vicarage, 107 Bridle Road, Shirley, Croydon, Surrey. W right, Rev. Dennis V., St. Mary’s Vicarage, 19 Oakwood Hill, Loughton, Essex. W right, Rev. Frederick John, Headless Cross Rectory, Redditch, Worcs. W right, William E ., M.Sc., A .R.I.C., 17 P ark Road, Southport, Lancs.





Yeo, Miss Cora May, B.A., 1 St. M artin’s Terrace, Chapeltown Road, Leeds 7. Young, William H am ilton, B.Sc., A.R.I.C., A.M .LChem.E., e/o S herritt Gordon Mines, L td., Chemical Metallurgical Division, F o rt Sas­ katchew an, Canada. Youngs, Edw ard G., 8 Clarkes Road, Dovercourt, Essex.


T H E C O R P O R A T I O N O F K I N G ’S C O L L E G E L O N D O N R e c o n s t i t u t e d u n d e r t h e K i n g ’s C o l l e g e L o n d o n ( T r a n s f e r ) A c t , 1 9 0 8 , S e c t i o n 18.

( A )—T H E O FFIC IA L AND L IF E GOVERNORS O ffic ia l G o v e rn o rs

The R ight Hon. the Lord Chancellor. His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. The R ight Rev. the Lord Bishop of London. The R ight Rev. th e Lord Bishop of Southwark. The R ight Rev. th e Lord Bishop of St. Albans. The Very Rev. th e Dean of St. Paul’s. The Very Rev. the Dean of W estminster.

L if e

G overnors

H .R .H . the Duke of E dinburgh, K.G., P.C., K .T., G .B.E., F.R.S. M atthews, The Very Rev. W alter Robert, K.C.V.O., M.A., D .D., D .Lit., Dean of St. P au l’s, The Deanery, St. P au l’s, E.C.4. (Fellow, 1918.) Barker, Sir E rnest, M.A., D .L itt., LL.D ., 17 Cranmer Road, Cam­ bridge. (Fellow, 1921.) Power, Arnold D anvers, 40 E aton Square, S .W .l. (Fellow, 1933.) Halliday, Sir William Reginald, M.A., LL.D., Glenthorne, Countisbury, Lynton, N. Devon. (Fellow, 1928.) The R ight Rev. the Lord Bishop of B ath and Wells, The Palace, Wells. (Fellow, 1943.) Wedgwood, Sir R alph Lewis, B art., C.B., C.M.G., Leith Hill Place, D orking, Surrey. (Fellow, 1944.) One lay vacancy.




K I N O ’S C O L L E G E


Carpenters, The Worshipful Company of. Clay, R ichard & Co., L td., Devereux Chambers, Devereux Court, W.C.2. Clothworkers, The Worshipful Company of. Coutts & Co., Messrs., 440 S trand, W.C.2. Goldsmiths, The Worshipful Company of. Hoare & Co., Messrs., 37 Eleet Street, E.C.4. Salters, The Worshipful Company of.


TnE “ A p p o in te d

D a y ,” J a n u a r y

1st , 1910.

Beale, Peyton Todd Bow man, F.R.C.S. (1909), Lymore End, Lymington, H ants. Gooch, George Peabody, C.H., C.B.E., M.A., D .Litt., F.B.A. (1906), Upway Corner, Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks. H arcourt, Robert Frederick, M.A. (1897). Hughes, Mrs. Mary (1902). Johnson, George Stiilingfleet (1895). Lord, W alter Frewen, M.A. (1899).



K I N G ’S C O L L E G E



1s t , 1 9 1 0 .

A bbott, The Rev. Canon Eric Symes, M.A. (1946), Keble College, Oxford. B arry, The R ight Rev. F rank Russell, D.S.O., M.A., D .D . (1929), Bishop of Southwell, Bishop’s Manor, Southwell, N otts. Bradfield, The R ight Rev. Harold William, B.D. (1942), Bishop of B ath and Wells, The Palace, Wells. Brown, The Very Rev. Wrilliam Jam es, B.D., A.K.C. (1928), Dean of Booking, The Deanery, Hadleigh, Suffolk. C arpenter, The Rev. Canon Edw ard Frederick, B.A., B.D., Ph.D., A.K.C. (1952), 2 L ittle Cloisters, W estm inster, S.W .l. Casserley, The Rev. Julian Victor Langmead, M.A., D .Lit., A.K.C. (1953), The General Theological Seminary, New York, U.S.A. Chamberlain, The Ven. F rank Noel, C.B.E., A.K.C. (1953), c/o the A dm iralty, S.W .l. Chapm an, The Rev. Clifford Thomas, B.A., A.K.C., M.Th., Ph.D. (1948), The Rectory, Abinger, Surrey. Coulshaw, The Rev. Leonard, C.B., M.C., A.K.C. (1949), The Vicarage, Frensham , Surrey. Craske, The R t. Rev. Frederick William Thomas, B.A., A.K.C. (1954), c/o G ibraltar Diocesan Office, G reat P eter Street, S.W .l. Croydon, The Rev. Frederick Edgar, M.A. (1942), St. M atthew's Vicarage, 7 N orth Common Road, Ealing, W.5. Dewar, The R ev. Canon Lindsay, M.A., B.D. (1931), The Rectory, Much H adham , H erts. Evans, The Rev. Sydney Hall, M.A., B.D. (1955), King's College London, Strand, W.C.2. Guillaume, The Rev. Professor Alfred, D.D. (1947), Ridges Farm , Clifton H am pden, Abingdon, Berks. H anson, The Rev. Prebendary Richard, M.A., B.D. (1925), 49 Eglinton Road, Chingford, E.4. H ardm an, The Rev. Prebendary Oscar, M.A., D.D. (1938), Christchurch Vicarage, 49 Lancaster Gate, W.2. H arton, The Very Rev. Frederick Percy, B.D. (1935), The Deanery, Wells, Somerset.






H atch, The Rev. H enry George, B.A., R.D., A.K.C., Ph.D . (1938), The Rectory, E ast Bickleigh, nr. Tiverton, Devon. Hawes, The Rev. Canon A rthur Jam es God ball, B.D., A.K.C., Ph.D. (1938), All Saints’ Vicarage, Fulham , S.W.6. Hollis, The Rev. Frederick Jam es, D.D. (1931), Mervyn Lodge, Stodden’s R oad, Burnham -on-Sea, Somerset. Jam es, The Rev. Professor Edwin Oliver, D .L itt., D .D., F.S.A. (1950), Hidsfield House, Cumnor Hill, Oxford. Jay, The Rev. Eric George, M.A., M.Th., Ph.D (1948), L am beth Palace, S .E .L Jenkins, The Rev. Professor Claude, M.A., L).l)., F.S.A. (1921), Christ Church, Oxford. Kinnell, The Very Rev. Gordon Jack , B.D. (1937), VVestmill Rectory, near Buntingford, Herts. K night, The Rev. Canon Marcus, B.A., B.l). (1946), 1 Amen Court, E.C.4. Marsh, Sidney Jo h n (1955), Ardens, N utley, Sussex. M atthews, The Very Rev. W alter R obert, K.C.V.O., M.A., D.D., D .L it. (1918), D ean of St. P au l’s, The Deanery, St. P aul’s, E.C.4. Mellish, The Rev. Edw ard Noel, V.C. (1916), The Vicarage, Boltonsborough, Glastonbury, Somerset. Owst, Professor Gerald R obert, M.A., Ph.D ., Litt.D . (1939), Cudworth Cottage, G reat W ilbraham , Cambridge. Relton, The Rev. H erbert Maurice, 1). 1)., A.K.C. (1922), The Vicarage, Sibton, Saxm undham , Suffolk. Sellers, The Rev. Canon R obert Victor, M.A., D.D. (1954), The N orth Liberty, Wells, Som. Shapley, The R ight Rev. Ronald N orm an, M.C., A.K.C. (1950), Bishop’s House, St. Vincent, B .W .I. Shovelton, Sydney Taverner, C.B.E., .M.A. (1929), 6 Meadway Court, N .W .l 1. Tasker, The Rev. Professor Randolph Vincent Greenwood, M.A., B.D. (1937), 52 Chiltorn Drive, Surbiton, Surrey. Tindall, The Rev. Canon Frederick Cryer, B .l)., A.K.C. (1951), The Theological College, Salisbury, W ilts. W and, The R t. Rev. and R t. Hon. John Charles William, B.C., K.C.V.O., M.A., D.D. (1956), 3 Amen Court, St. P au l’s, E.C.4.



K l N a ’8 CO LLEG E




C o r p o r a t io n




Ashbridge, Sir Noel, B.Sc., M .I.C.E., M .I.E.E., F .l.R .E . (1946), Tyneham , High View R oad, Sidcup, K ent. B arker, Sir E rnest, M.A., D .L itt., LL.D . (1921), 17 Cranmer Road, Cambridge. Briscoe, Sir John Charlton, B art., M.D., F.R.C.P. (1927), The Hall, Lakenheath, nr. Brandon, Suffolk. B utler, Sir Frederick George Augustus, K.C.M.G., C.B. (1946), 50 Pelham Court, S.W .3. Davies, Professor Sydney Jo h n , D.Sc. (Eng.), M.I.Mech.E. (1951), H eadquarters, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham , near Swindon, Wilts. Gywnne-Vaughan, Dame Helen, G .B.E., LL.D., D.Sc., F.L.S. (1929), 93 Bedford C ourt Mansions, W .C .l. H alliday, Sir W illiam Reginald, M.A., LL.D. (1928), Glenthorne, C ountisbury, Lynton, N. Devon. Henderson, Jam es, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D . (1949), U niversity of London, Senate House, W .C.l. H ow ard, The Hon. Sir A rthur, K .B .E ., C.V.O. (1947), 6 Chesterfield Street, W .l. K irkland, The Bev. Canon Thom as Jam es, J .P ., B.Sc., F.C.S., A.R.I.C. (1937), St. Ovin’s, R ustington, Littleham pton, Sussex. M acadam, Sir Ivison Stevenson, C.V.O., C.B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. (1948), 16 U pper Belgrave Street, Belgrave Square, S.W .l. Parkinson, Sir Cosmo, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., O.B.E. (1952), 39 Barkston Gardens, S.W.5. Prideaux, W alter Treverbian, LL.D. (1946), Hamsell Lake, Eridge, Sussex. Reed, Professor A rthur William, M.A., D .Lit. (1935), The Grange, Backwell, Somerset.



Wakeley, Surgeon Rear Admiral Sir Cecil Pem brey Grey, Bart., K .B.E., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., F.R .S.E. (1934), 73 Portland Street, VV.l. Wedgwood, Sir Ralph Lewis, B art., C.B., C.M.G. (1946), Leith Hill Place, Dorking, Surrey. Wemyss, Gen. Sir Colville, K.C.B., K .B .E., D.S.O., M.C. (1955), 42 P ortm an Square, W .l. W hite, Archie Cecil Thomas, V.C., M.C., B.A. (1917), 9 St. George’s Court, Gloucester Road, S.W .7. Williams, Professor Charles Harold, M.A. (1950), King’s College London, Strand, W.C.2. Worsley, Col. Sydney Jo h n , D.S.O., M.C., M.A. (1937), 21 Paultons Square, Chelsea, S.W .3.

( F )—DONORS s in c e


“ A p p o i n t e d D a y ,” J


1s t ,


Briscoe, Sir Jo h n Charlton, B art., M.D., F .R .C .P. (1927), The Hall, Lakenheath, nr. Brandon, Suffolk. Bristow, E rnest, C.M.G., M.A. (1934), 16 York Avenue, E ast Sheen, S.W. 14. Higgins, Mrs. Napier (1914). Jenkins, The Rev. Professor Claude, M.A., D.D., F.S.A. (1919), Christ Church, Oxford. Matthews, The Very Rev. W alter Robert, K.C.V.O., M.A., D.D., D.Lit. (1918), Dean of St. P aul’s, The Deanery, St. P aul’s, E.C.4. Page, H. G. (1914). Power, Arnold Danvers (1933), 40 E aton Square, S .W .l. Richards, Mrs. H. W. P. (1913).



(G)— M e m b e r s S ta tu te of

th e

of 4e

th e

C o u n c il


a p p o in te d

C o rp o ra tio n

e le c te d



th e

under C ourt

E m erg en cy

E m erg en cy as

M em bers

S ta tu te


Anderson, The R ight Rev. William Louis, D.S.C., M.A., D.D., Bishop’s House, Tho Close, Salisbury. Cartw right, Frederick Fox, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Old Parsonage, O tford, Sevenoaks. Creed, Sir Thom as Percival, K .B .E ., M.C., Q.C., M.A., Queen Mary College, Mile E nd Road, E .l. Hey, Professor Donald Holroyde, Ph.D ., D.Sc., F.R .I.C ., F.R .S., K ing’s College London, S trand, W.C.2. Hillersdon. Lt.-Col. Edw ard H arcourt, D.S.O., T.D., 20 R egent’s Court, P ark Road, N .W .l. Noble, P eter Scott, M.A., LL.D ., K ing’s College London, S trand, W.C.2. Vaisey, The Hon. Mr. Justice, D.C.L., 72 Ladbroke Road, W .ll. W orm ald, Professor Francis, L itt.D ., M.A., F.B.A., K ing’s College London, Strand, W.C.2. Wrenn, Professor Charles Leslie, M.A., Pembroke College, Oxford.




For benefactions fro m 1924 to 1938, see the Calendar fo r 1939—40 For benefactions prior to 1924, see earlier Calendars

1939. T h e R e v . T. W i g l e y , M . A . , a n d M r s . W i g l e y . The sum of 2161. 3s. as an endow m ent fund for a prize in the F aculty of Medical Science in memory of th eir daughter, Mary Barbara, a student in th a t F aculty, who died 27th Jan u ary 1939. A bust of the late Viscount Milner, a student of the College from 1869 to 1872. The bust is a cast of the bronze by Sicard. A l d e r m a n E. J . D. F i e l d , Mayor of Mitcham. A Challenge Cup for cross-country running.

V is c o u n t e s s M i l n e r .

1940. A n o n y m o u s . books.


gift of 250£. to the Library for the binding of

gift of th e Walpole Society’s publications, in memory of her husband, the late A rthur Acland Allen.

Mrs. Allen.


1941. P r o f . 11. G. A t k i n s , L o r d B l a n e s b u r q h , D r . A . J . P . C r i c k , M r . N. C r o o m -J o h n s o n , M r. D . J . D u n c a n s o n , M i s s E . M. L it t l e t o n , M r s . S ig ism u n d G o e t z e , L a d y G ollancz, P


F. J . C. H


S ir


e a r n s iia w ,


M is s

A. S . P a u l , P r o f . A. W. R

T h o m p s o n , G e o r g e ’ s S o n s , L t d . ( B r i s t o l ),

and T h e S t a i r S o c i e t y . Valuable gifts of books for the Library, to replace those lost by enemy action a t Bristol.






n g l ish



S o c ie t y

Gifts am ounting to 70 1, to be used, a t the discre­ tion of the Principal, for any charitable purposes connected with the College.

A nonymous.

S p a n i s h G o v e r n m e n t . 185 volumes presented to the Library as a m ark of sym pathy with the College on the loss of books a t Bristol by enemy action.

T he

H alsbury’s “ Laws of England ” and some further volumes of statutes.

L ord


l a n e sb u r g ii.

1942. Miss 1). G. M a t t h e w . A large num ber of books from the library of her father, the late Frederic David M atthew, to replace losses a t Bristol. Miss S c h w a r t z , as executrix of the late Dr. E. J . Schwartz. A case of botanical slides prepared and collected by him while a lecturer a t the College. E m e r it u s P r o fesso r

and Physics.

S. A. F. W h i t e .

Books on Mathematics



1942. M r s . A. S t r o u d R e a d . Books from the library of her husband, t h e l a t e F. S t r o u d R e a d . 1943. M r . W i l l i a m H e n r y B r o w n , M.C., B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.C.K. B equest of his scientific books, a microscope and other scientific instrum ents. P r o f e s s o r F. H. M a r s h a l l . 100 books for the Modern Greek Library. T


A m e r ic a n Ma t h e m a t ic a l S o c ie t y .

A m ic ro -film r e a d in g

m a ch in e .

J. A l l e n . 100/. for the Bursary Fund to be distributed a t the discretion of the Principal. T h e R e v . E. W i l s o n C a r l i l e , A.K.C. 50/. to the Theological B ursary F und in recognition of th e grant to him of a like am ount when an undergraduate. T h e R e v . D. G. B. M a c r a e , A.K.C. A bequest of 1,800/. for three bursaries, to be called Macrae Bursaries, for students in the Theological F aculty, together w ith his library, of which Dugdale’s M anasticon A nglicanum is for the Library and the rest for students in the Theological Faculty. Mr s . A r c h ib a l d

1944. R e y r o l l e a n d C o m p a n y . P r o t e c t i o n g e a r f o r u s e in t h e l a b o r ­ atories of the Electrical Engineering D epartm ent. M r. T. L l o y d H u m b e r s t o n e (in memory of his father, Mr. F. VV. H um berstone, A.K.C.). A print of the W ater Gate before the Em bankm ent was built. D r . N e l s o n H a r n e s s . Electrical apparatus. M iss R y m e r - J o n e s . Slides for the D epartm ent of Zoology. T h e B i s h o p o f G u i l d f o r d . Certain papers relating to Frederick Denison Maurice. T h e R e v . V. H. B e a t o n , B.D., A.K.C. 15/. per annum for seven years for the Theological Bursary Fund. T h e R e v . R . F. G o d w i n , A.K.C. T w o guineas for the Theo­ logical B ursary Fund. 1945. M r . C . H. C a f f y n , President of the Photomicrographic Society. A collection of photom icrographs of rock-forming minerals and rocks, for the D epartm ent of Geology. T h e A n g l o -S a x o n P e t r o l e u m C o m p a n y L t d . A scholarship in Geology to a value not exceeding 200/., in alternate years, beginning October 1945. M r. J . F. H a l e s and M r. G. T. H a i .e s . A portrait, by Sydney P. Hall, M.V.O., of their father, the late Professor Jo h n Wesley Hales, M.A., Professor of English Language and L iterature in the College from 1877 to 1903. M r. E. A. D a v e y . An Aaron clock-type maximum demand and integrating w att-hour meter.



1945. T h e E x e c u t o r s o f t h e l a t e M i s s J . S. M i l l e r , a stu d en t in the F aculty of A rts from 1924 to 1925. 300 volumes of English, French, German and Spanish literature from her library. A n o n y m o u s . A gift of 5 0 1, to found for ten years an annual prize of books to the value of 51. for an Essay on a selected subject in Atomic and N uclear Physics. A n o n y m o u s . The sum of 100/. from a recent student in the F aculty of N atural Science, for the establishm ent of a Prize in memory of Alan Frederick Flower, a student in th a t F aculty from 1938 to 1940 who was killed on active service on 30th November, 1942. T h e C o m m it t e e


Cultural R

e l a tio n s



S pa n is h

valuable addition to the Library of 96 rare and costly Spanish books, richly bound. M r s . F u t e r s . The sum of 3 0 0 /. to be used, a t the discretion of the Council, for assisting W arneford scholars during the period of their clinical studies, especially after the emoluments of the scholarship have ceased. 1946. M r s . R e g i n a K a n t o r o w i c z and her two sons. The late Dr. Ludwig K antorow icz’s library, to be known as the Kantorowicz Collection. The late P r o f e s s o r E. B a r c l a y S m i t h . Various books, drawings and instrum ents, and a sum of 150/. to provide an annual Prize to be aw arded by the H ead of the D epartm ent of Anatom y. C a p t a i n A. W. F u l l e r . A b ust of Bishop O tter, the first Principal of the College (1831-36). M r s . F l o r e n c e S t i b b e . 25/. a year for seven years in the first instance to establish the Philip Stibbe F und to enable the Principal to make grants, a t his discretion, to medical students of K ing’s College needing financial aid during the completion of their medical studies a t a hospital medical school. T h e A d m i r a l t y . Complete sets of the Geographical H and­ books produced a t Oxford and Cambridge by the Geographical H andbooks section of the Naval Intelligence Division. M in is t r y



o r e ig n

A f fa ir s .


T h e A d m ir a l t y P h o t o g r a ph ic a n d I n st r u m e n t a l R e se a r c h L a b o r a t o r y . Three calculating machines for the use of the

M athem atics D epartm ent. a n e E m i l y W i l l s M e m o r i a l C o m m i t t e e . A sum of over 400/. subscribed by the friends of the late Miss J . E. Wills, in memory of her, for the Theological D epartm ent of the College for grants to women students needing financial aid. M r. D a v i d S h e p h e r d . 100/. for the Anonymous Bursaries Fund in recognition of help which he had received from this and another fund when he was a student in the Faculty of Engineering.

T he J



1946. M r. J . H. I*. P a f f o b d , Goldsmiths’ Librarian to tho University of London. An autographed letter w ritten by tho poet R obert Southey on 31st Ju ly , 182S, to the Rev. Dr. D ’Oyley com menting on suggested sites for King’s College. P r o f e s s o r E d o a r P r e s t a g e . Some books and his notes of the lectures he delivered in the College when Camoens Professor of Portuguese (1923-36). 1947. T h e E x e c u t o r s o f t h e l a t e L o r d B l a n e s b u r g h . A bout 800 volumes of R eports and other Law Books from his Law Library. T h e M in ist r y


F o r e ig n A f f a ir s

of the

F rench R

e p u b l ic .

The first two instalm ents of a gift by the French Government to U niversity Libraries. Miss V i l l a s a n t e . Some valuable and rare books from the Library of her father, the late Dr. J . M. Villasante, sometime Lecturer in Spanish in the College. M r s . S. C a v e n a g h . A bout 1,000 volumes dealing w ith various aspects of education and the history of education from the Library of her late husband, Professor F. A. Cavenagh, P ro ­ fessor of Education, 1937-46. D a v e y , 1’ a x m a n a n d C o m p a n y L td . A sectioned 12-cylinder Vee-type P ax man oil engine for the D epartm ent of Electrical Engineering. T h e l a t e P r o f e s s o r J . W . A d a m s o n . A gift of books from his Library. M r . G. F’. S h o t t e r . A num ber of items of apparatus developed by him for the purpose of investigating the principles of opera­ tion of the induction type of electricity meter. A n o n y m o u s . A gift of over 300/. for re-furnishing the vestries in the College and a t the Theological Hostel. A n o n y m o u s . Gifts am ounting to over 700/. for im provem ents in the College chapel. P r o f e s s o r II. M. R e l t o n . The gift of his Library in College. M r s . C. W i l l i a m s . A gift of books to the library of the women theological students. M r s . H. S. G o v e r . Books, including the 1863 Leipzig issue of the Codex Sinaiticus. M r . A. V l a s t o . A gift of some 800 books and pam phlets from the collection of his father, Mr. P. Vlasto, for tho Burrows Library of Mediaeval and Modern Greek. The gift includes a valuable set of lexicons, dialectical glossaries and linguistic studies of all kinds. M r. F. W. M c C o m b i e . The loan of a Megator pump, for experi­ mental purposes.



1947. T i i e A n g l o - S p a n i s h S o c i e t y . The b o o k s a n d d o c u m e n t s forming the Library of the Society, together with the funds of the Society a t th e tim e of its voluntary liquidation, am ounting to 1400/. of 3?2% W ar Loan and 100/. of 3% Savings Bonds. The funds will provide Anglo-Spanish Society G rants to assist students preparing for an Honours Degree or a Higher Degree in Spanish to travel in Spain. Du. W. H. L o m a n , Worsley Scholar, 1895-1900. 125/. to the Council, to be used as occasion requires to help any Worsley Scholar in need. The gift will form “ The Loman Charitable F und.� 1948. T h e S a l f o r d E l e c t r i c a l I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y . An A.C. bridge for tho m easurem ent of the effective inductance and resistance of coils a t frequencies up to 250 kc/s. S i r E u g e n M i l l i n g t o n - D r a k e . A gift of ten volumes for the Library. Miss M a r g a r e t M o o r e . 45/. to the Theological Bursary Fund. M iss A. M. B u l l a r d . A gift of books which h ad formed p art of the L ibrary of her father, Canon J . V. B u l l a r d . A n o n y m o u s . 1000/. under seven-year deed of covenant for the im provem ent of the College Chapel and tho Chapel a t the Theological Hostel. T h e F a m i l y o f t h e l a t e P r o f e s s o r J . W. A d a m s o n , first Professor of E ducation in the College. 500/. to establish a prize in memory of Professor Adamson. M r. E. v a n M i l l i n g e n . A gift of the unpublished papers of the late Mr. A. van Millingen, his father. D r . F. C . C h a m p i o n . 15/. tow ards the cost of the film on Atomic Physics. M r . J. It. C a r e y , for m any years a Lecturer in Spanish. A drawing of himself, by Gregorio Prieto, for hanging in the D epartm ent of Spanish. T h e l a t e M r. A. E. D a l e . A sum of about 200/. T h e R o c k e f e l l e r F o u n d a t i o n . A grant for the D epartm ent of Physics. T h e M e d i c a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l . Machine tools, of an estim ated value of 430/., in connection w ith research work in biophysics. A nonym ous. A g ran t of 300/. for the institution of a Biophysics Research Fund, for purchasing special apparatus or for making grants to individuals engaged upon biophysical research. 1949. I m p e r i a l C h e m i c a l I n d u s t r i e s L t d . The sum of 2000/. in two annual instalm ents tow ards the cost of constructing a highvoltage electron microscope.

378 1949.

BENEFACTIONS H a r r y R a i l i n g . A contribution of 200/. tow ards the Engineering Society Centenary Prize Fund. D r . P h i l i p A r g e n t i . Three folio volumes for the Burrows Library, o f which only three other copies are in E n g lan d ; the work is unobtainable elsewhere. M r s . H a m i l t o n K e n d a l l . The robos o f Doctor of Laws which belonged to her late husband, Dr. H . Forshaw Hawkins. S i r H e n r y L y n c h , B art., of Rio de Janeiro, a collection of contem porary papers relating to the E ast India Company founded by the Iberian Crown in August 1628. T h e l a t e P r o f e s s o r C l e m e n t F. R o g e r s . A legacy of 2000/. to be used a t the discretion of the Council. T h e R e v e r e n d P r o f e s s o r A. A. C o c k . A donation of 150/. to the Chapel Im provem ent Fund. A n o n y m o u s . A donation of 100/. to the Chapel Im provem ent Fund. T h e R o c k e f e l l e r F o u n d a t i o n . A g ran t of approxim ately 5000$ to cover the cost of two research binocular microscopes and two dissecting microscopes for the Professor of Zoology. M r . A. T. D o v e r , former Head of the Electrical Engineering D epartm ent a t B attersea Polytechnic. The copy o f Clerk Maxwell’s “ E lectricity and Magnetism ’* which had previously belonged to Jo h n Hopkinson. S ir

1950. T h e l a t e M i s s F l o r e n c e H u g h e s . A l e g a c y of 1000/. to pro­ vide a scholarship for women students, with preference for those studying with a view to entering upon a professional career. M r . C h a r l e s W. S a b i n e . A life-size white marble bust of the late Sir Charles W heatstone. T h e l a t e M r s . G e r t r u d e S. A. M o r i a r t y . A legacy of 500/., in memory of her late husband, Louis M artin M oriarty, Professor of French Language and L iterature a t this college 1885-89, to provide books for Theological students of slender means, on their leaving th e college. T h e I n s t it u t io n


g ra p h o f P rofessor N a tu r a l P h ilo so p h y

E l e c t r ic a l E

n g in e e r s .

A la rg e p h o t o ­

W. G r y l l s A d a m s , F .R .S ., P r o f e s s o r o f 1865-1905 a n d P r o f e s s o r o f E x p e r i m e n t a l

1900-5; P r e s i d e n t o f t h e I n s t i t u t i o n o f E l e c t r i c a l 1884. T h e H o n . S t e v e n R u n c im a n . A copy of “ Regesta pontilicum R om anorum ” (Leipzig, 1885-8, 2 vols.) for the Burrows L ib­ rary of Modern Greek. T h e l a t e D r . H il d a D ia n a O a k e l e y . 130 volumes, of which about one-third are works on Philosophy. P h ilo so p h y

E n g in e e rs in



1951. T h e R e v e r e n d A. D. C o l e r i d g e . by Frederick Denison Maurice. T he


P rofessor W

il l ia m

A collection of letters w ritten

1). H

a l l ib u r t o n .

T h e Hum o f

1 0 , 0 0 0 /., f r e e o f d u t y , f o r t h e e n d o w m e n t o f a C h a i r o r t o w a r d s th e salaries o f a

P ro fesso r o r P ro fesso rs in

th e

su b ject


P h y s io lo g y o r in t h e scien ces re la te d th e r e to , p r o v id e d t h a t t h e n a m e “ H a ll ib u r to n ” b e a lw a y s a t t a c h e d to a n d id e n tifie d w ith on e o r m o re o f su ch P ro fesso rsh ip s. l a t e P r o f e s s o r G il b e r t Co o k . One eighth share of the residue of his estate, payable on the death of his widow, (i) to endow a yearly prize of about 20/. for distinction in m athe­ m atics in the B.Sc. (Engineering) course and (ii) for the general benefit of the Engineering D epartm ent. T h e l a t e P r o f e s s o r H a r o l d P o t t e r . T h e sum of 150/., free of d u ty , to found a p r i z e in t h e F aculty of Laws. E m e r i t u s P r o f e s s o r A. W. R e e d . The contem porary copy of K neller’s p o rtra it of Alexander Pope a t present hanging in the Skeat and Furnivall Library. T h e l a t e M r s . A l i c e M a r y S h e l f o r d . The sum of 4 0 0 /. to provide prizes or otherwise for the assistance and encourage­ m ent of theological students of the College, as a memorial to her late husband, the Reverend Leonard E dm und Shelford.


1952. M r . P. R. B r i e r l e y . 6 0 /. a y e a r f o r s e v e n y e a r s t o t h e E n g i n ­ eering Society Centenary Prize Fund, and a like sum to establish a fund (to be called th e H alliday Fund) for the adornm ent of the Union Society premises in the Chesham. D r . F. F. C a r t w r i g h t , sometime W arden of K ing’s College Hall. A Georgian cruet for the high table. A n o n y m o u s . Two light pendants of wrought iron, decorated in blue and gold, for the dining hall a t the Theological Hostel. T i i e R e v e r e n d P r o f e s s o r A. A. C o c k . About 100 books from his library, m ainly on English, H istory, Philosophy and Theology. A n o n y m o u s . A fu rth er 100/. for the Biophysics Research Fund (see 1948). M i s s L u c y M e y e r . A set of Spanish linguaphone books and records for lending to students not in a position to buy them . T h e l a t e D r. W. H. L o m a n (s e e 1947). A l e g a c y o f 100/. to a u g m e n t t h e f u n d fo r lo a n s t o s t u d e n t s in fin a n c ia l d ifficu lties.

1953. E v a n s F^l e c t r o s e l e n i u m L t d . Equipm ent for the D epartm ent of Mechanical Engineering, for research on the size character­ istics of powders. I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m b u s t i o n L t d ., of Derby. O ther equipm ent for a similar purpose.



1953. J . and T. M. G r e e v e s L t d . of Belfast (through M a t h e r a n d P l a t t L td . of M anchester, who also presented a motor generator set). A machine of historical interest representing one of tho great contributions which th e late Professor Jo h n llopkinson made to the development of electrical engineering. T

S i r H a l l e y S t e w a r t T r u s t e e s . A g ran t of 6,000/. for the purchase of 30 Chesterford Gardens, N.W.3, for general college purposes.


T he N u ffie l d

F o u n d a t io n .

A further grant of 1400/. for tho

D epartm ent of Physics. B.A., A.K.C. Such of her books as m ight bo selected by the Librarian. The College has received about 1000 volumes from this Bequest.

T h e L a t e M is s V io l e t t a M a r y K i n o ,

o f O il C o m p a n i e s . T he sum of 1,100/. annually for th e provision of Studentships and apparatus in Chemical Engineering (raised in 1955 to 1,500/.).

The S hell G roup

200/. tow ards Dr. Zarek’s researches into the use of plastic m aterials in surgery.

I m p e r ia l Ch e m ic a l I n d u s t r ie s L t d .

1954. M e s s r s D o u g l a s ( K i n g s w o o d ) L t d ., engine with T.V.O. equipm ent.


B r is t o l .

A 030-c.c.

o c k e f e l l e r F o u n d a t io n . $30,000 for tho purchase of an electron microscope and §8,000 in aid of research (also in the D epartm ent of Physics) in electro-physiology.

T he R

o f O il C o m p a n i e s . A qu an tity of surplus laboratory glassware valued a t over 1,000/.

T he Shell G roup

& Co. L t d . A set of tho All England L a w Reports for the H arold P o tte r Memorial Library, to mark the firm’s long association w ith the late Professor P otter.

M essrs R u tterw o rth

200/. for King’s College Hostel through the N ational Council of Social Service Benevolent Fund.

A nonym ous.

100/. for fourth-year students a t W arm inster needing assistance.

T he T rustees




Mr s . J

u l ie t

G arton.

T h e B. A. H o l l a n d E n g i n e e r i n g C o . L t d . pressor, type K 8, valued at about 150/.

A H olland Com­

350/. a year, for two years initially, for a research studentship in Powder Science a t the College (raised to 400/. in 1955).

B r it is h

I n s u l a t e d C a l l e n d e r ’s C a b l e s L t d .

The replacem ent of two runs of tho quadrangle balustrade, so th a t the war-damaged section m ight be replaced entirely by new stonework.

S ir F r e d e r ic k M i n t e r .

100/. for 3 years, and some technical equipm ent, for research in Powder Science,

T h e S t u r t e v a n t E n g i n e e r i n g Co .



11)54. P r o f . R. H. G r a v e s o n . Engravings of nine former English judges, to form the basis of a collection to be hung in the Harold P otter Memorial Library. The R o c k e f e l le r F o u n d a tio n .

$30,000 for the period 1954-

57, in continuation of a similar g ran t for 1950-54, to assist research in Biophysics in the D epartm ent of Physics. The N

u ffie l d


o u n d a t io n .

A further g ran t of 5,005Z. for the

D epartm ent of Zoology. 1955. T h e R o y a l H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y .

A c o lle c tio n o f b o o k s , chiefly

on m ilitary history and the Napoleonic W ars, formed by the late Col. E. M. Lloyd (1840-1922). $35,000 for the period 195558, for research in the D epartm ent of Physics on the structure of nucleic acid.

T h e R o c k e f e lle r F o u n d a tio n .

T he T rustees




M rs. J

u lie t

C arton

(see 1954).

A further 100/. S. C. M. I s b i s t e r . Theological D epartm ent.

The P




S ir E

r ic


id e a l .

A legacy of 40/. to the

A g ift o f e q u ip m e n t for th e C h e m istry

la b o r a to r ie s , o n h is r e ti r e m e n t . The N

u ffie l d

F o u n d a t io n .

A further g ran t of 9 ,1 18/. for the

D epartm ent of Physics. T he

A g r ic u l t u r a l


Co u n c il .



gift of valuable

apparatus to the D epartm ent of Botany. u f f ie l d F o u n d a t io n . A g ran t of 20,000/. for five years for research in Biomechanics, the engineering p art to be carried out in the College. I m p e r i a l C h e m i c a l I n d u s t r i e s L t d . 300/. for equipm ent for Professor L . J . K astner’s research. T h e L a t e M r . L . V. C a r g i l l , F.K.C. 100/. for the D epartm ent of Physiology. T h e B r i t i s h E m p i r e C a n c e r C a m p a i g n . A g ran t of 5,482/. for continuation of research work in the D epartm ent of Physics.

T he N


T h e E l i L i l l y Co. L t d . o f I n d i a n a p o l i s .


sum of $2,250

for equipm ent for research in Biophysics. The N u f f ie ld

F o u n d a tio n .

A n additional grant o f 990/. to

cover salary increases. e s ea r c h Co u n c il . 628/. in final continua­ tion of the g rant earlier made to the D epartm ent of Zoology.

T h e A g r ic u l t u r a l R

T he L


Mrs. E

d it h

M ary H


Civil Engineering in the College.


legacy of 265/. for



1956. T h e A g r i c u l t u r a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l . 1,157/. in continua­ tion of existing grants to the D epartm ent of Botany. gift of 2,000/. tow ards the reduction of the accum ulated deficit of 2,033/. on the King’s College Hostel account.

Anonym ous.


r u s t e e s of t h e la te Mr s . J u l ie t G a r t o n . A further ICO/, for fourth-year students a t W arm inster needing assist­ ance.

T he T

T h e B r i t i s h E m p i r e C a n c e r C a m p a i g n . A g rant of 2,320/. for continuation of research work in the D epartm ent of Zoology.

P r in t e d in G r e a t B r it a in b i R ic h a r d C l a y a n d C o m p a n y , L t d ., B un g a y , Su ffo l k .




p re s e n te d to

£ b e C ourt anfc tbe S e n a t e of tbe ^University of Xonfcon




The Delegacy has the honour to record th a t His Royal Highness the D uke of E dinburgh graciously signified his willingness to become a R oyal Life Governor of K ing’s College London, thus continuing a tradition of Royal Life Governorships, which have been held in the past by the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of Connaught and the Duke of K ent. §2


The Delegacy learned with great regret of the death, on Ju ly 11th, 1955, of its Treasurer, Mr. B. P. Moore, and records with gratitude his m any and great services to the College. Mr. Moore, an ex-Civil Servant who had held for m any years a post of great distinction and responsi­ bility in the Inland Revenue D epartm ent, joined the Delegacy in March 1939, and in the following May was appointed a m ember of the Finance Committee. In 1948 he was appointed to the new office of D eputy T reasurer; and in M arch 1950, on the retirem ent of Sir Frederick B utler, he was appointed Treasurer. During the sixteen years from 1939 he showed him self to be devoted to the welfare and best interests of the College, and from 1948 his wide experience and knowledge of finance, gained in the Civil Service, were ungrudgingly p u t a t the service of the Finance Committee and were of the utm ost value to the College. Assiduous in his attendance a t meetings, where his keen w it, genial disposition and rich classical scholarship made him a delightful col­ league, he was scrupulously exact in his scrutiny of College expenditure, b lit invariably wise and understanding of every endeavour to improve th e position of all sections of the College staff and ever ready to do his u tm ost to establish its finances on a sound basis. By his unexpected d eath the College has lost a sure and constant friend whom it will not be easy to replace. The Delegacy received with regret the resignation of Sir Frederick a 2



Butler, a m ember of the Delegacy since 1933 and a Fellow of the College since 1939. In the la tte r year he was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Delegacy and also Treasurer, and these offices he continued 1 0 hold until 1944, when he resigned the Vice-Chairmanship. He remained as Treasurer, however, until 1950, when he was succeeded in th a t office by Mr. B. P. Moore. In 1951 Sir Frederick was re-elected as Vice-Chair man, and again in 1952, but in 1953 he was compelled to resign because of ill-health. The Delegacy recalls with the greatest pleasure and with profound gratitude the invaluable services rendered to it and to King’s College by Sir Frederick, both as Vice-Chairman and as Treasurer. In the former office, when called to occupy the Chair, he carried out his duties with unfailing courtesy and most charm ing u rbanity, and, as Treasurer, he supervised the financial affairs of the College with con­ spicuous wisdom and outstanding success; his lucid exposition of financial m atters at the Delegacy meetings called forth the adm iration of the members. In parting with Sir Frederick, the Delegacy and the College know th a t they are parting from one who has been their true friend and wise counsellor for over tw enty years. The Delegacy also received with regret the resignation of Mr. Thomas Greenwood, representative of the Surrey County Council on the Delegacy since 1945. The following appointm ents to the Delegacy were made by the Senate in the course of the session : Alderman Cyril W. Black, J .P ., M.P., nom inated by the Surrey County Council; Professor W. S. Maguinness, M.A., and Mr. G. A. J. H odgett, M.A., nom inated by the Professorial Board in place of Professor S. J . Davies, D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., and Mrs. A. M. Blackwell, B.Sc., M.A. The Hon. Sir A rthur Howard, K .B .E., C.V.O., was re-elected Chair­ m an; Sir Angus Cillan, K .B .E., C.M.G., was re-elected Vice-Chairman and D eputy Treasurer.



Retirements The following members of staff retired a t the end of the session : Professor S. J . Davies, Professor Sir Eric Rideal, Miss L. W. Stone, Dr. A. K. Wells and Miss B. M. Hall. The following entries of apprecia­ tion were recorded in the Minutes of the Delegacy ;— Professor S . J . Davies .—“ Dr. S. J . Davies was appointed Reader in

Mechanical Engineering in this College in 1926, having been previously Senior Lecturer in Engineering a t the then Armstrong College, New­ castle. In 1930 he was aw arded the D octorate of Philosophy and in 1936 the D octorate of Science (Engineering). In this year Professor Gilbert Cook left the College to become Regius Professor in the U ni­ versity of Glasgow, and the U niversity Board of Advisors in London agreed to offer the Chair of Mechanical Engineering, tenable a t K ing’s



College, to Dr. Davies w ithout recourse to advertisem ent. When Professor Lobban retired in 1946, Professor Davies succeeded him as H ead of the D epartm ent of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. “ Professor DavieB has been w hat Sir William Halliday used to call a great College man and he has taken a leading p a rt in the life of the College. For a num ber of years he was H onorary Secretary of the Men’s Senior Common Room, and in 1951 his great services were recognised by his appointm ent as Fellow of K ing’s College. He has also been a great U niversity man and has served both on the Senate and the Court, and from 1951 to 1953 he held the very im portant and central position of Chairman of the Academic Council. He was due to retire from his professorship in 1956, b u t to his colleagues’ great delight he was appointed in 1954 to the Deanship of the Royal Military College of Science a t Shrivenham . D uring 1954—55 he held this post on a parttim e basis along with his professorship and he now leaves the College to devote him self exclusively to the duties of his new post. I t is a m a tter of great satisfaction to know th a t Professor Davies’s great knowledge of engineering and his wide experience of universities both a t home and overseas, particularly in the field of Applied Science and Technology, will still be available to the N ation and th a t fresh oppor­ tunities will still be open to him a t the Royal M ilitary College. In parting from him the Delegacy gladly puts on record its appreciation of the very great service he has rendered to King’s College for nearly th irty years and offers him its w arm est thanks and cordial good wishes for his happiness and success in his new appointm ent.” Professor S ir E ric Rideal .— “ On the retirem ent of Professor Allmand

in J u ly 1950 Professor E. K. Rideal was invited to the second Chair of Chem istry tenable a t K ing’s College. Previously he had been a L ecturer in the Chemistry D epartm ent a t Cambridge, where in 1930 he was appointed Professor of Colloid Science. In 1946 he became Fullerian Professor in Chemistry and Director of the Davy Faraday Research L aboratory a t the Royal Institu tio n , from which he resigned in 1949. In the B irthday Honours List of 1951 he received the honour of knighthood. “ Professor Rideal has been only a few years in K ing’s College, b u t during th a t tim e he has very greatly enhanced the reputation of the College in th e field of Physical Chemistry both by his own researches and also by the inspiration and encouragem ent he has so freely given to younger chemists who have been attracted to work here by his great distinction and prestige. The Delegacy is m ost grateful to Sir Eric for all he has done for the College and the Chemistry D epartm ent and is glad to know th a t he wall be able to continue his researches in the Physical Chemistry D epartm ent of Im perial College, where Professor B arrer, one of his m any distinguished pupils, is now professor, and expresses the confident hope th a t he will have m any happy and fruitful years before him .”



M iss L . W. Stone .— “ Miss Louise W. Stone, who had received her early training a t U niversity College and was later Senior Lecturer and Head of the French D epartm ent a t Birkbeck College, was appointed R eader in Romance Philology a t K ing’s College in 1926. She accom­ panied the College to Bristol a t the outbreak of w ar in 1939 and, although serving as an officer in the A.T.S. from 1940 until 11)42, she continued her college teaching by visiting Bristol fortnightly. On the retirem ent of Professor S aurat in 1950 Miss Stone was appointed H ead of the French D epartm ent, b u t resigned this office in 1952. In 1954 she was aw arded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship to enable her to continue her work on the preparation of an Anglo-Norman Dictionary on behalf of the Anglo-Norman T ext Society. In order to have the necessary leisure to carry out this task, Miss Stone asked and received from the Delegacy a y ear’s leave of absence for the session 1954-55. “ Miss Stone has been a teacher and scholar of great distinction, and the Delegacy gladly puts on record its deep appreciation of and gratitude for her invaluable services over a period of nearly th irty years and wishes th a t she will enjoy m any years of happy retirem ent and fruitful stu d y .” Dr. A . K . Wells. —“ Dr. A. K. Wells is an old stu d en t of King’s College who was a student dem onstrator, 1914-15, and obtained his B.Sc. degree with F irst Class Honours in Geology in 1915. He was on N ational Service from 1915 u n til 1919, when he was appointed A ssistant Lecturer and D em onstrator in th e D epartm ent of Geology. In 1919 he obtained his M.Sc. degree with distinction, and his D octorate of Science in 1924. Dr. Wells was appointed Lecturer in Geology in 1922 and R eader in 1928, an office he has held for tw enty-seven years. In Ju n e 1952 he was aw arded the Lyell Medal of the Geological Society for his stu d y of the Igneous Rocks of Merioneth and Jersey and for his contributions to the teaching of Petrology and S tratigraphy. “ Very few members of its academic staff have served K ing’s College for so long an d w ith such selfless devotion and distinction as Dr. Wells has done for thirty-six years, and m any generations of old students most gratefully hold him in the highest regard and would gladly testify to his kindly interest in their welfare and his unfailing encouragement and inspiration. The Delegacy gladly puts on record its deep apprecia­ tion of his distinguished service over so m any years and wishes for him m any years of happy and fruitful work in his retirem ent.” M iss B . M . H all .—“ Miss Beatrice M. Hall, a graduate in Arts of Bedford College, came to K ing’s College in 1924 as p art-tim e Private Secretary to the Principal (then Dr. E rnest Barker). This appointm ent was for the mornings only. During the n ex t three years she acted also as Secretary to Professor Dover Wilson and generally for the D epart­ m ent of Education, of which he was Head. “ The resignation of Dr. B arker in 1927 coincided with a request from Professor Dover Wilson for the full-time services of Miss Hall, and from



Ja n u a ry 1928 to Ju n e 1929 she served in th a t capacity. She continued, however, to work in the room occupied by th e Principal’s Secretary and was frequently called upon to assist Sir William H alliday in his work, particularly in connection w ith th e celebration of the Centenary of the College. “ W hen Miss Vera Staff, B.A., the Principal’s P rivate Secretary, resigned in 1929, Miss H all was invited to succeed her on Ju ly 1st in th a t year and she has occupied th a t position continuously ever since. I t is impossible to speak in term s of too high praise of the way in which Miss H all has carried o u t the varied and exacting duties of her im p o rtan t post. H er knowledge of the whole life of the College, her m astery of detail, her punctuality, her courtesy and helpfulness to all, her u n ­ swerving loyalty and trustw orthiness have won for her an unique place in the esteem and affection of the whole College. H er brother, too, who became a stu d en t in 1910, continued on the Classics staff until his death in 1945, and a nephew graduated B.D. in 1935. “ In parting w ith Miss H all the College says good-bye to one who has served it throughout her working life with rare fidelity and devotion, and gladly pu ts on record its deep appreciation and gratitude for her long and m ost m eritorious service and wishes for her m any happy years of well-earned retirem ent.” Resignations F aculty of A rts. —Mr. F. R . Dale, L ecturer in Classics; Miss C. Clark an d Miss E. M. M. Taylor. A ssistant Lecturers in English. F aculty o f Jm w s .— Mt . J . L. B arton and Mr. P. H. P e ttit, A ssistant

Lecturers. Faculty of N atural Science. —Dr. S. H. H arper, R eader in Organic Chem istry; Dr. J . T. Davies, L ecturer in Chem istry; Dr. M argaret E. Brown, Lecturer in Zoology; Dr. Valerie O. Sankey, A ssistant Lecturer in Botany. F aculty o f M edical Science. —Mr. J . C. Gazet and Mr. R. M. K irk, Ju n io r Lecturers in A natom y; Mr. D. Mendel, Ju n io r Lecturer in Physiology. Faculty of Engineering. —Dr. R. W. Steed, Lecturer in Civil Engineer­ ing ; Dr. R. F. McMahon, Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics in the D epart­ m ent of Civil Engineering; Mr. F. G. W atts, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, resignation to take effect on December 31st, 1955. H alliday H all. —Dr. A. C. H. Barlow, W arden. N ew A ppointm ents F aculty of A rts. —Dr. W. Mary H ackett, Reader in Romance Philo­ logy ; Mr. J . B. H ainsw orth and Mr. G. A. Longman, A ssistant Lecturers in Classics; Mr. J . A. Burrow and Mr. J . 0 . R eed, A ssistant Lecturers

V lll


in English; Mr. J . B. Bednall and Mr. J . C. Middleton, Assistant Lecturers in G erm an; Mr. D. L. S. Pole, A ssistant L ecturer in l ’hilosophy; Mr. J . S. Cummins, A ssistant L ecturer in Spanish; Mr. K. 0 . Brogsitter, Lektor in tho D epartm ent of German. Dr. C. Duggan was prom oted to be L ecturer in History. Mr. P. M. Y arker was prom oted to be Lecturer in English. F aculty of Law s. —Mr. G. H. Jones and Mr. D. Mendes da Costa, Assistant Lecturers. The title of Professor of Law in the U niversity of London was con­ ferred upon D r. G. D. Nokes. Faculties o f A rts and Science.-—Dr. W. S. Pitcher, R eader in Geology; Mr. J . M. Hancock, Assistant Lecturer in G eology; Dr. F. A. E. Pirani, L ecturer in M athematics. F aculty of N atural Science. —Dr. D. W. G. Stylo, Professor of Physical

Chem istry; Dr. I. R. B eattie, Locturer in Chem istry; Dr. 1). BryceSm ith and Mr. D. P. N. Satchell, A ssistant Lecturers in Chem istry; Dr. L. G. E. Bell, Lecturer in Zoology; Dr. 1). Boulter and Miss K. V. Symonds, A ssistant Lecturers in B o tan y ; Dr. E. J . Burge, Senior D em onstrator in Physics. The title of Professor of Physics in th e U niversity of London was conferred upon Dr. W. C. Price. The title of R eader in B otany in the U niversity of London was conferred upon Sir Nigel Ball. F aculty o f M edical Science.—D r. VV. F. YViddas, Senior Lecturer in Physiology; Mr. R. St. Jo h n B uxton and Mr. J . J . Jones, Junior Lecturers in Physiology; Mr. J . A. Gumbrell, Ju n io r Lecturer in Physiology (for one year only); Mr. K. H. F. Blau, Ju n io r Lecturer in Biochem istry; Mr. D. L. J . Bilbey and Mr. P. Knipe, Ju n io r Lecturers in Anatom y. Dr. R. L. Speirs was prom oted to be L ecturer in Physiology. Mr. B. L. W hitaker was prom oted to be Ju n io r Lecturer in Anatomy. F aculty o f Engineering .— Professor L. J . K astner, Professor of

Mechanical Engineering; Dr. A. H. M. Arnold, R eader in Electrical Engineering; Mr. W. McL. Jenkins, Lecturer in Civil Engineering; Mr. M. J . K enn, L ecturer in Fluid Mechanics in the D epartm ent of Civil Engineering. H alliday H all. —Mr. T. H. Elkins, W arden. §4





of the


The deaths of the following have to be recorded :— Mr. E. T. Bush, on the A dm inistrative Staff of the College from 1920, and H ead Clerk since 1952. Mr. Jo h n Everidge, O .B.E., F.R.C.S., a stu d en t in the F aculty of Medical Science at the College from 1902 to 1908, and on the staff' of



K ing’s College H ospital since 1919. He was elected a Fellow of King’s College in ]9f>0. Mr. Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian, a former stu d en t in the F aculty of Engineering, who was elected a Fellow of K ing’s College in 1952. M ajor J . R. H olland, W arden of “ The Platanes ” (K ing’s College Hall) from Septem ber 1945 to May 1948. Dr. R andolph W illiam H ughes, D .Lit., Lecturer in the D epartm ent of French a t K ing’s College from 1922 to 1935. The Rev. Stanley Charles E dm und Logg, M.A., Chaplain and Lecturer in the F aculty of Theology from 1903 to 1918. He was elected a Fellow of the College in 1916. Mr. Charles Thom as le Quesne, Q.C., G ilbart Lecturer in Banking for th e sessions 1935-36 an d 1936-37. Sir Charles Jam es M artin, C.M.G., F .R .S., who was D em onstrator in th e D epartm ent of Physiology from 1887 to 1891, and who later became D irector of the Lister In stitu te of Preventive Medicine. He was elected a Fellow of K ing’s College in 1899. Miss Agnes S to d d art Paul, M.A., B .I)., a stu d en t in the Theological D epartm ent from 1924 to 1927, who served as T utor to Wromen Students in the College from A ugust 1928 to December 1931, and parttim e L ecturer in the D epartm ent of Classics from 1932 to 1939. .Miss P aul was elected a Fellow of the College in 1937 and a m em ber of the Corporation of K ing’s College London in 1944. M adame Alice de W alm ont, who was A ssistant in the D epartm ent of French a t K ing’s College from 1919 to 1938. Professor Gwyn W illiams, D.Sc., A ssistant Lecturer in Chemistry a t K ing’s College from 1939 to 1943, and Lecturer from 1943 to 1946, when he resigned to become Professor of Chem istry a t the Royal Holloway College. Mrs. M arjory Je a n Davis (nee McCallum), a stu d en t of the College from 11)43 to 1946, when she took the B.A. Honours degree in Geography. Dr. George E dm und F earn, who took the Second M.B. course a t K ing’s College during the sessions 1937-39. Miss M argaret V. Holmes, a junior assistant in the Library of the College. Dr. D avid Winn Hoodless, O .B.E., a student in the D epartm ent of M athem atics a t K ing’s College from 1906 to 1910, and, later. Principal of the Central Medical School in Fiji. Mr. Ian R. H u n ter, who in J u ly 1955 completed the first year of his course in the F aculty of Engineering. Mr. John Charles McMath, a former stu d en t in the D epartm ent of Geology, who a t the tim e of his death held the post of Chief Geologist of the Bureau Minier de la France d ’Outre-Mer in Madagascar. Mr. R obert Valentine M acRory, M .B.E., M .I.E .E ., a former student in the F aculty of Engineering, who for fifty-six years (1898-1954) was City Electrical Engineer of L ondonderry, N orthern Ireland.



Professor William Pugh, of Cape Town U niversity, a student in the D epartm ent of Chem istry a t K ing’s College from 1918 to 1921. §5

fe llo w s

The following were appointed Fellows of the College :— General Sir Colville Wemyss, K.C.B., K .B .E ., D.S.O., M.C., a member of the Delegacy since 1949. Mr. Philip Reginald Brierley, B.Sc. (Kng.), who graduated with Honours in 1927 after three years in College. Mr. Brierley has been a strong and active supporter of the Engineering Branch of the Old Students’ Association (now the K ing’s College London Engineers’ Association), he was the founder of the H alliday Fund for the adorn­ ment of the Union Society premises in the Chesham, and a substantial contributor to the Engineering Society Centenary Prize Fund. Mr. John Theodore Combridge, M.A. (Camb.), M.Sc. (Lond.), a post­ graduate stud en t of the College from 1922 to 1924, a m em ber of the staff of the M athematics D epartm ent from 192ti (H onorary Lecturer since 1937), A ssistant to the Secretary from 1937 to 1947, and Registrar since 1947. Mr. Combridge has been Chairman of the Old Students’ Association (now th e King’s College London Association) since October 1947, and Chairman of the Teaching Committee of the M athem atical Association since Jan u ary 1950. Dr. William Robson, Ph.D . (Edin.), D.Sc. (Lond.), who entered King’s College in February 1919 after three years of war service in the Royal Flying Corps. He graduated with H onours in Chemistry in 1920, and during the n ex t seven years was an A ssistant in the U niversity of Edinburgh, bu t spent the session 1924-25 as a Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation a t the H ospital of the R ock-Institute in New York, in 1927 he was appointed Lecturer in Chemistry in th e D epartm ent of Physiology a t King’s College. The title of R eader in Biochemistry in the U niversity of London was conferred upon him in Jan u ary 1932. In 1943 he was appointed Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Medical Science; in this capacity he has been responsible for close co-operation with the Hospital Medical Schools in the admission of students to the Medical Faculty. § 6 d is t in c t io n s a n d a p p o in t m e n t s g a in e d


pa st



I. Fellows .—The H onorary Degree of D octor of Laws (LL.D.) was conferred upon the Principal of K ing’s College by the U niversity of Aberdeen. l)r. J . 11. Sheldon, M.D., F.R .C .P., a stu d en t in the F aculty of Medical Science from 1913 to 1918, and a Fellow of the College since 1951, was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the New Year Honours.



Mr. Ivison S. M acadam, C.B.E., M.V.O., a stu d en t in the F aculty of Engineering from 1919 to 1922, and a Fellow of the College since 1939, received tho honour of a K nighthood in the Queen’s B irthday Honours. Professor G. Temple, F .R .S ., Professor of Applied M athematics a t K ing’s College from 1932 to 1953, a Fellow of the College since 1949, and now Sedleian Professor of N atu ral Philosophy in the U niversity of O xford, was appointed a Com m ander of the Order of the British Em pire in the New Y ear Honours. 11. Past and Present S ta ff. —Dr. D. G. Catcheside, F .R .S ., Professor of Genetics in the U niversity of Adelaide, a former stu d en t of K ing’s College and a m em ber of th e staff in the D epartm ent of B otany from 1931 to 1937, was appointed to the Chair of Microbiology in th e U niver­ sity of Birm ingham from Ja n u a ry 1st, 1956. Dr. J . G. Flem ing, a m em ber of staff in the F aculty of Laws a t K ing’s College from 1946 to 1948, was appointed to the R obert G arran Chair of Law a t the U niversity College, Canberra. Mr. C. J . G add, M.A., F.B .A ., H onorary L ecturer in Assyriology a t K ing’s College from 1924 to 1939, and afterw ards K eeper of Egyptian and Assyrian A ntiquities a t th e British Museum, was appointed a Comm ander of the Order of the British Em pire in the New Year H onours. Mr. Gadd has been appointed to th e Chair of Ancient Semitic Languages and Civilisations, tenable a t the School of Oriental and African Studies, from October 1st, 1955. Professor J . L. Thomson, of the Royal M ilitary College of Science a t Slirivcnham , a lecturer in the F aculty of Engineering a t K ing’s College from 1938 to 1945, was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Em pire in the Queen’s B irthday Honours. Professor G. Bullougli was appointed Chairman of the Governing Body of Chelsea Polytechnic. Professor J . F. Daniolli was aw arded by the Senate of the U niversity of G hent the degree of D octor honoris causa in Sciences. He was elected H onorary Secretary of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, and was re-elected Secretary of the International Society for Cell Biology. Professor S. J . Davies was appointed Dean of the Royal Military College of Science a t Shrivenham . Professor J . N. F indlay was elected President of the Aristotelean Society, for the session 1955-56. Professor G. S. Graham was appointed a member of the advisory com m ittee on research into the history of Newfoundland, under the auspices of the Memorial U niversity, St. Jo h n ’s, Newfoundland. Professor R. H. Graveson was elected D eputy Chairman of Convoca­ tion of the U niversity of London, C hairm an of the U nited Kingdom N ational Committee of Com parative Law, and London Representative of the Society of Public Teachers of Law. He was appointed Jointa 3


E ditor of tho International and Comparative Law Quarterly. He received the degree of LL.D. (Sheffield). Professor D. H. Hey was elected a Fellow of the lioyal Society. He was appointed a member of the Governing Body of Chelsea Poly­ technic, and Secretary of Section B for tho 1955 meeting of the British Association, a t Bristol. Professor A. V. Judges was acting Chairman of the Governing Body of W hitelands College, and Chairman of the Publications and Public Lectures Committee of the In stitu te of Education. He was elected Chairman for the period 1955-58 of the Standing Conference on Studies in E d u ca tio n ; he served on the Advisory Committee on Publications of the M aster of the Rolls, and on an advisory com m ittee of the British Records Association; and he was reappointed by the M inister of E ducation to the Central Advisory Council for Education (England). Professor Sir Eric Rideal was appointed by the Society of Chemical In d u stry as their Medallist for 1955. An Honorary Degree as a Doctor of Science was conferred upon him by the U niversity of Birm ing­ ham. Professor A. D. Ross was appointed by the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers to serve on the Rockefeller Awards Committee of the Institution. Professor J . G. Semple was appointed a member of the Science and Engineering Panel of the British Council. Professor J . H. Taylor was elected to the Council of the In stitu tio n of Mining and M etallurgy; he also served as Chairman of the Board of Studies in Geology. Mr. J . L. B arton was appointed L ecturer in Laws a t Oriel and Queen’s Colleges, Oxford. Mr. A. C. F. Beales was re-appointed Executive E d ito r of the British Journal of Educational Studies. Dr. G. V. B ennett was aw arded the M.A. degree of the U niversity of C am bridge; ho was aw arded also the Thirwall Prize for 1955 of th a t U niversity (for an essay involving original historical research). Mr. A. J. Bland was appointed Visiting A ssistant Professor of Law a t Tulane U niversity, New Orleans, for the Michaelmas Term, 1955. Dr. F. C. Champion was elected Chairman of the Board of Exam iners in Physics (Internal and E xternal) for P a rt 1 of the B.Sc. General Degree under revised regulations. Miss C. Clark was appointed A ssistant Lecturer in the departm ent of English Language a t Edinburgh University. Dr. J . L. Cloudsley-Thompson was elected to the Publication and Library Committee of the Royal Entomological Society, and was asked to represent the Biological Council on the Advisory Committee on L aboratory Technicians’ Work of the City and Guilds of London Institute. Dr. J . T. Davies was appointed Lecturer in Physical Chemistry



in th e dep artm en t of Chemical Engineering a t the U niversity of Cambridge. Mr. T. V. Davies was elected to the Council of the Royal Meteoro­ logical Society. Mr. C. D uggan was aw arded the degree of Ph.D . by the U niversity of Cambridge. D r. L. R. B. E lton was appointed a Research Associate a t the M assachusetts In stitu te of Technology for the session 1955-50, and aw arded a F ulb rig h t Travel G rant. Dr. A. J . Gossage was elected H onorary Secretary of the Virgil Society. D r. S. H . H arper was appointed to the Chair of Chemistry a t the U niversity College of Rhodesia and N yasaland. Mr. W. N. Ince was aw arded the D octorat d ’University (de Paris) with “ m ention tres honorable, a l'unanim ite.” Mr. E. J . K ing was aw arded the degree of Ph.D . by the U niversity of London. D r. W. M. Landers was elected H onorary Secretary of the Annual Conference of U niversity Teachers of French. Dr. D. M. M acKay w as aw arded the 1955 In stitu tio n Prem ium of the In stitu tio n of Electrical Engineers for a paper on “ High-speed electronic analogue com puting techniques.” Mr. D. Mendel was aw arded the M.D. degree of th e U niversity of London. He was appointed to tho post of Senior Lecturer in Physiology a t the U niversity College, Ib ad an , Nigeria. Dr. A. F. Munro was aw arded the M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. 1*. H. P e ttit was appointed Lecturer in Law' a t the U niversity of Sheffield. Mr. N. A. F. St. John-Stevas was elected a m em ber of the Committee of A uthors and Publishers concerned w ith reform of the law relating to obscene publications. Dr. H . H . Scullard was elected a Fellow of the British A cadem y; he was also elected to the Council of the R om an Society. Mr. R . S. Snell was aw arded the degree of Ph.D . of the U niversity of London. Dr. R. W. Steed was appointed H ead of the D epartm ent of Civil an d M echanical Engineering a t the R egent S treet Polytechnic, London. Miss E. M. M. Taylor was appointed to the Chair of Renaissance and Modern English L iterature in the U niversity of the Saar. Mr. F. G. W atts was appointed a Senior Lecturer a t K ing’s College, U niversity of D urham , w ith effect from Ja n u a ry 1st, 1956. Mr. J . G. W eightm an was aw arded th e P h.D . degree of the U niversity of London. He was H onorary E d ito r of The Twentieth Century from Ja n u a ry to Ju ty , 1955. Dr. M. H . F. Wilkins has been appointed D eputy Director of the Medical Research Council Biophysics Research U nit.

x iv


III. Past and Present Students .—(The dep artm en t to which the student belonged is indicated in brackets.) Dr. H. B. Cardwell (English) after a year as Lecturer in English a t the Municipal Training College, H ull, was appointed to a similar post a t the Borough B oad Training College. Mr. W. J . B. Crotch (Arts) was appointed A dm inistrator of British Civilians w ith th e U nited States Air Force in this country. Mr. 11. H. Davies (Science) was appointed H eadm aster of a new L.C.C. Comprehensive High School which is being built a t Eltham Green and is due to open in Septem ber 1956. Mr. V. C. B. F ord (Geography and E ducation) was appointed Lecturer in Geography a t the Queen’s U niversity, Belfast. Mr. E. V. G atenby, who entered the College in 1917, took his B.A. in 1920 and his M.A. in 1925, was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Em pire in the Queen’s B irthday Honours. Mr. R . D. D. Gibson (French) was appointed L ecturer and H ead of the D epartm ent of French a t Queen’s College, Dundee. Miss Jo y H. G rant (English) was appointed for one year as Lecturer in English a t Endsleigh Training College, Hull. Dr. D. G. H arvey (Science and Biochemistry), Lecturer a t the Royal V eterinary College from 1939 to 1949, was appointed R eader in Chemical Pathology a t the Royal V eterinary College, London U niversity. Mr. J . Herszberg, tu to rial stu d en t in the M athem atics departm ent since 1952, was appointed A ssistant Lecturer in M athem atics a t the U niversity College of the South-W est, Exeter. Mr. J . D. H urrell (English) was appointed to an A ssistantship for one year in the S tate U niversity of Iowa, U.S.A. Dr. D. W. K ent-Jones (Chemistry) was elected President of the Royal In stitu te of Chemistry for 1955-57. Mr. Jam es Lam b (Chemistry and Biochemistry) was appointed Director of the W est Africa Cocoa Research Institu te. Mr. Michael Okorodudu (Botany) was appointed first Commissioner in London for W est Nigeria. D r. 11. W. P arto n (Chemistry) was appointed Professor of Chemistry a t the U niversity of Otago, New Zealand. Dr. R. H. Peters (Chemistry) was appointed Professor of Textilo Chemistry and Director of the Laboratories in the F aculty of Techno­ logy a t the M anchester College of Technology. Mr. N orm an G. M. Prichard (Psychology) was elected Chairman of the London County Council. Miss Sheila M. Somers (Classics) was appointed D eputy K eeper and Lecturer a t the W alker A rt Gallery in Liverpool. Dr. T. J . B. Spencer (English) was appointed Professor of English a t the Queen’s U niversity, Belfast. Mr. P. M. W. Thody (French) was appointed A ssistant L ecturer in the Queen’s U niversity, Belfast.



Mr. J . H. Topps (Chemistry) was appointed Senior Lecturer a t the Essex In stitu te of Agriculture. Dr. E. Iv o r W hite (Science) was appointed K eeper of the D epartm ent of Geology of the B ritish Museum (N atural H istory), having been D eputy K eeper since 1038. Miss Veronica M. S. Wilson was appointed to an A ssistantship in the S tate U niversity a t Seattle, U.S.A. Miss Penelope J . Byers (History) was aw arded a Fellowship by the B ritish Memorial F und of th e S tate of Victoria, the value of the Fellowship being £1,000 (Australian), tenable in Victoria, A ustralia, for one year from F ebruary, 1955. Mr. V. S. Clemow (Engineering) wTas aw arded a Medal and Premium b y the In stitu tio n of Civil Engineers. Mr. R. B. Cowan (Laws) was aw arded the B ernard van Leer and the A talanta F oundation Scholarships, tenable for one year a t a university in th e U nited S tates of America. Mr. J . Dewing was aw arded a postdoctorate Research Fellowship by th e N ational Research Council of Canada, tenable in the Division of Applied Chem istry a t the U niversity of O ttaw a. Mr. D. J . F abian was appointed Research Associate in the D epart­ m ent of Chem istry, U niversity of British Columbia, Canada. Mr. P. S. Haffcndcn (History) was aw arded a Commonwealth Fund Fellowship of 5,000 dollars, together w ith free travel in the U nited States. Miss Lynn Ingam m els (Spanish) was aw arded a scholarship for a special course a t the U niversity of Salam anca by the Spanish Council for C ultural Relations. Mr. T. .1. P. J o y (Engineering) was aw arded an In stitu tio n Prize by th e In stitu tio n of M echanical Engineers for a paper of which he was the jo in t author. Mr. J . E. Reeve (M athematics) was aw arded <a Fellowship a t the U niversity of Reading, from October 1955. Mr. B. A. Sparkes (Classics) was aw arded the School Studentship by the B ritish School of Archaeology a t Athens. Mr. C. J . M. Stirling (Chemistry) was aw arded a Research Fellowship by the Civil Service Commission. Miss Beatrice W asserm an (German) was aw arded an A ustrian G overnm ent scholarship to the U niversity of Vienna for th e session 1955-56. A U niversity P ostgraduate Travelling Studentship was aw arded to Mr. D avid K irby (M athematics) to enable him to stu d y a t the U niversity of Rome. U niversity Open P ostgraduate Studentships were aw arded as follows : Mr. George Jackson (Classics); Mr. E. A. Lefebure (Classics); Mr. .1. R. D. Milroy (English—renew al); Mr. D. H. Shaw (English—



renewal); Miss Sheila A. Sm ith (English); Mr. Erie Stables (French); Mr. I. H. W alker (French); Miss Clare M. Wells (French renewal); Miss Elizabeth K ohn (Germ an); Mr. J . M. Biggs (Laws); Mrs. Mary H. W atkinson (Education); Mr. F. E. Manger (M athem atics); Mr. 15. O. J. T apper (M athematics—W illiam Lincoln Shelley S tudentship); Mrs. Thelm a G. Berry (Chemistry—renew al); Mr. H erm ann Block (Chem istry); M r. D. L. H urd (Physics); Mr. Robert Langridge (Physics); Mr. M. E. Fisher (Physics—renewal). U niversity P ostgraduate Studentships (on tho results of tho Final Exam inations) were aw arded as follows : Mr. H. C. Johnstono (Classics); Mr. B. A. Sparkes (Classics); Mr. K. C. W aller (Classics—A rthur Platt S tudentship); Mr. P. M. H arvey (French); Miss Jo an A. Kellett (French); Mr. M. A. Hickling (Laws); Mr. B. W. Evans (Geology); Mr. M. S. Blackie (Chemistry—Neil A rnott S tu d en tsh ip ); Mr. B. J. Steptoe (Physics). Tho Stopford Brooke English L iterature Scholarship was aw arded to Mrs. Elizabeth R. Edw ards. The Crompton Scholarship in French was aw arded to Miss Constance E. Taylor for a second year. The Inglis Studentship in English was aw arded to Miss Audrey Schofield. Tho Inglis Studentship in H istory was aw arded to Mr. M. A. Borrio. The Layton Science Research Studentship was aw arded to Mr. B. J. Steptoe. Tho Scholarships in Physiology were aw arded to Mr. J . R. G arrett and Mr. D. W. Ross (both of the Medical Faculty).



The num ber of full-time undergraduate students in the College in the various faculties during the session was as follows : ia tho Faculty of A rts, 460 [437]; in tho F aculty of N atural Science, 408 [420]; in the F aculty of Medical Science, 355 [331] (of whom 338 [314] were taking a course for a degree and 17 [17] the exam inations of the Con­ joint B oard); in the F aculty of Engineering 160 [139]; in tho Faculty of Laws, 137 [131]; and in the F aculty of Theology, 259 [255] (of whom 80 [85] were taking a course for a degree and the rem ainder a course for a diploma). In the six faculties there were thus 1779 [1713] full­ tim e undergraduate day students. In addition there were 84 [88] part-tim e students taking a course for a first degree, 9 [8] in the F aculty of Arts and 75 [80] in the F aculty of Laws. There were also 318 [332] students (of whom 202 [211] were full-time and 116 [121] part-tim e) taking a course for a higher degree or diploma in ono or other of the faculties, and 24 [30] undertaking * The numbers in square brackets are those of the previous year.


x v ii

independent research; 76 [76] were taking a full-time course for the U niversity P ostgraduate Certificate in E ducation. There were also 24 [25] occasional students. § 8 S T U D IE S

The following results were obtained a t the Final Exam inations :— Tn the F aculty of A rts 5 students (compared with 8 last year)—2 in French and 3 in Classics—were placed in th e F irst Class. In the F acu lty of Laws 2 students (compared with 1 last year) were placed in the F irst Class. In the F acu lty of N atu ral Science 26 students (compared with 23 last year)—4 in M athem atics, 4 in Chemistry, 5 in Physics, 3 in Geology, 4 in B otany, 1 in Physiology, 3 in Zoology and 2 in the General E xam ina­ tion—were placed in the F irst Class. In the F acu lty of Engineering 5 students (compared w ith 3 last year; were placed in the F irst Class. The to tal num ber of students in all Faculties, except th a t of Theology, who were aw arded a F irst Class in H onours, was 38 (compared w ith 35 last year). W hen Dr. Style was appointed to the second chair of Chemistry in succession to Sir Eric Rideal, and Dr. H arper to the chair of Chemistry in the new university college of R hodesia and N yasaland, the two readerships in the Chem istry d epartm ent became vacant. The oppor­ tu n ity was seized to have both these readerships, which had been held by title, established, and it is hoped th a t it will be possible to fill them suitably in the coming session. Dr. Wells of the departm ent of Geology was also a titu la r reader and th a t post was also established and Dr. W. S. P itcher was appointed. The departure of Professor S. J . Davies to the Deanship of the Royal M ilitary College of Science left not only the chair of Mechanical Engineering b u t also the H eadship of the D ep art­ m ent vacant. The chair was filled by the appointm ent of Professor L. J . K astner, who comes to K ing’s from a similar post in Swansea, and Professor Ross of the Chair of Civil Engineering was appointed as Head of the D epartm ent of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. A new readership in Electrical Engineering which had been asked for the last quinquennium has also been established, and the College was very fortunate in attractin g Dr. A. H. M. Arnold from the electronics section of the N ational Physical Laboratory. Several departm ents in the A rts F acu lty have been hard pressed for some years, and it has a t last been possible to give them some relief. The departm ent of Classics was most anxious to extend still further the very successful tutorial work which it began some years ago; the departm ent of Philosophy, though it has few students, has to cover a wider range of subjects in its lecture courses th an two teachers can deal w ith adequately; and Spanish has been heavily burdened with evening



as well as day teaching. I t has been happily possible to add one assistant lecturer to the establishm ent of each of these departm ents. The new B.Sc. General degree was enthusiastically taken up by the F aculty of Science, and a num ber of new appointm ents had to be made to carry out the new undertaking. The departm ents of M athematics and Chem istry each received a new lecturer, while Geology, Botany and Zoology each received an assistant lecturer, and a senior dem onstrator was given to Physics. The d epartm ent of Physiology has been seriously understaffed, and to rem edy this a new senior lecturer in Physiology and a junior lecturer in Biochemistry have been appointed. The Faculty of Laws has felt itself to be a t a disadvantage compared with its sister Faculties in other colleges in the provision of scholarships, and so a second E ntrance Scholarship has been established, and the Interm ediate Scholarship has been increased in value so as to be supplem entable by the M inistry of Education. Reference was made in the last Annual R eport to the possibility of initiating research work which m ight profitably be carried out in collaboration by the F aculty of Engineering a t K ing’s College and by the In stitu te of O rthopedics. A com m ittee containing representa­ tives of both these institutions under the Chairmanship of Sir Francis Fraser, Director of the Postgraduate Medical Federation, was set up, and a generous g ran t over a period of five years was received by it from the Nuffield Foundation. An extensive programme of research has been drawn up, steps are being taken to find the staff th a t will be required to assist in th e work, and it is strongly hoped th a t valuable results will soon be forthcom ing from this venture. §9


Though th e to tal expenditure upon the L ibrary from Ordinary Funds was a little less this year th an last year, the to tal intake of books was less by ju st over eleven hundred volumes. This was partly due to the fact th a t last year the L ibrary bought, or had presented to it, a num ber of long sets such as the House of Lords Journals, and the King Bequest from an old stu d en t itself totalled over a thousand volumes. Expenditure on books was less by about one thousand pounds, b u t on the other hand about eight hundred pounds more had to be spent on the periodicals, binding and miscellaneous accounts. Accessions during th e year comprised 5,451 books, pam phlets and periodicals, of which 4,727 were purchased and 724 were received as gifts. The num ber of periodicals on the subscription list continues to rise. Thirty-one were recently added, and the to tal num ber of perio­ dicals now subscribed to by the Library is 652. Over two hundred “ W orks in Progress ” are also subscribed to. The Library also con­ tinues to take its full share in the Inter-L ibrary Loan Service, both giving and receiving generously. I t continues to keep a sharp look-out for suitable incunabula to add to the small collection it began some years



ago, b u t the collection increases slowly as purchases are made with great caution. The su b ject of M ilitary Studies was recently allocated by the Senate to K ing’s College, and steps arc being taken to provide it as quickly as possible with a suitable library. This collection is already n o t far short of 1,700 volumes. The m ajor problem for the Library has long been and still is the problem of accom m odation. Tem porary alleviation of difficulties of shelving can be achieved by transferring large num bers of the less used books to rooms scattered throughout the various College buildings and d epartm ents, b u t it is m ost uneconomical and unsatisfactory and can be accepted only because nothing else is a t present possible. A new library was urgently required even before the war, when the num bers of students and departm ents were sm aller th a n th ey are today. The urgency has been increased by each succeeding year, and a solution cannot be much longer delayed.

§ 10


G rants from the Court of the U niversity am ounted to £412,500 com pared w ith £393,000 in the previous year. In addition a supple­ m entary salaries g ran t of £28,800 was received to m eet the new scales approved. Fee income was £78,700 com pared with £74,100, an increase of £4,600 over 1953-54. The to tal income from D onations for the year was £19,800, which showed an increase of £6,800 over last y ear’s receipts. These donations have been given chiefly by Bodies interested in the prom otion of research and, as in the past, have been mainly expended on m aterials and the salaries of the research workers employed. D epartm ental Expenses increased to £357,300 from last year’s figure of £320,900. W ithin this figure the g ran t for the Library was raised from £17,200 to £20,200 and the cost of Salaries, Wages and Super­ annuation, including the cost of Tutorial Students, am ounted to £302,600, the rem ainder being expenditure on D epartm ental and L aboratory m aintenance. M aintenance of Premises cost £93,000 compared with £81,700 last year, the main increase under this heading being due to the higher costs for the repairs, im provem ents and general m aintenance of the buildings. H ates, taxes and insurance have shown no increase this year, b u t the wages of porters and atten d an ts a t £14,400 is £1,300 more than last year. There has similarly been an increase of £1,000 in the cost of heat, light, w ater and power. The to tal expenditure for the year was £534,300 and the to tal income was £556,200, showing a surplus of £22,000 on the y ear’s working. Both H alliday Hall and K ing’s College Hall, the two College Hostels, were full throughout the session. A t both Hostels the summer lettings were unusually good and have made possible a t H alliday H all a small surplus on the year’s working, whilst a t K ing’s College Hall the deficit is a 4



£370, considerably less th an the figure would have been b u t for the good vacation lettings. During the year 1954-55, additional Capital G rants totalling £38,000 were made available to the College by the U niversity G rants Committee through the Court of the U niversity. Of this sum £30,000 was for the purchase of the Freehold of 165 S trand in connection with the develop­ m ent plans of the College. The rem ainder was to meet tho cost of a new boundary fence a t one of the College Hostels, and for tho further developm ent of one of the S trand properties. § 11


Acheson Colloids, L td ., made a grant of £50 for the furtherance of work on Powder Science. The A gricultural Research Council renewed for one year their grant in aid of researches to bo carried out in the D epartm ent of Zoology, the grant not to exceed £463. The Agricultural Research Council made a g rant in aid of researches to be carried out in the D epartm ent of Botany under the direction of Professor T. A. Bennet-Clark, the g rant not to exceed £445. The A sthm a Research Council renewed for a further year, a t the rate of £600 per annum , th e g ran t made tow ards research being carried out in tho D epartm ent of Physiology under the direction of Professor R. J . S. McDowall. The British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association renewed for a further year their g rant of £350 in aid of researches to be carried out in the D epartm ent of Electrical Engineering under the direc­ tion of Professor Jam es Greig. The British Em pire Cancer Campaign continued very generously to support the research work of the D epartm ent of Physics, and grants to the ex ten t of some £5,650 were announced for the year 1955. Professor R. H. Graveson presented to the College certain engravings of nine former English Judges, to form the basis of a collection to be hung in the H arold P otter Memorial Library. The M inistry of Supply renewed for one year their g rant covering research work under the title “ The evaluation of the forces of adhesion,” the g rant not to exceed £610. Sir Frederick Minter, of F. G. Min ter, L td ., offered to replace with new stone, a t his own expense, two short runs of the Quadrangle stone balustrade, so th a t the war damage repairs m ight consist entirely of new stonework. The Nuffield Foundation offered to meet for two years (1955-56 and 1956-57) the salaries of three workers to be employed in the D epartm ent of Zoology, am ounting for the period to £5,005. The Nuffield Foundation made a further g rant of £9,118 in aid of researches being carried out in the D epartm ent of Physics under the direction of Professor J . T. Randall.



Professor Sir Eric R ideal, on his retirem ent, m ade a gift of equipm ent to the Chem istry laboratories of the College. Tho Rockefeller Foundation m ade a fu rth er g ran t of 30,000 dollars to assist tho research in biophysics a t K ing’s College for the period from O ctober 1954 to Septem ber 1957. The Rockefeller F oundation m ade available 35,000 dollars to the U niversity of London, for a period of three years from F ebruary 1st, 1955, for research on the structure of nucleic acid under the general supervision of Professor J . 1’. R andall and th e im m ediate direction of Dr. M. H . F. W ilkins in the D ep artm en t of Physics a t K ing’s College. The R oyal H istorical Society presented to th e College a valuable collection of books, chiefly on m ilitary history and the Napoleonic wars, form ed by the late Colonel E. M. Lloyd and bequeathed to the Royal H istorical Society. The Shell Group of Oil Companies increased their g ran t of £1,100 per annum , for the aw ard of studentships in Chemical Engineering, to the sum of £1,500 per annum for tho same purpose, w ith effect from the beginning of the session 1954-55. S tandard Telephones and Cables, L td ., presented to the College, for use in the D epartm ent of Electrical Engineering, a milling machine which had become red u n d an t in the Company’s Research Laboratories a t Enfield. The S tu rte v an t Engineering Company offered to provide £100 for three years, together w ith a certain am ount of technical equipm ent, for th e prosecution of research in Pow der Science under the direction of D r. H . E . Rose. The U nited K ingdom Atomic E nergy A uthority offered to finance a program m e of work on th e causes of interfacial turbulence to be carried o u t in the D epartm ent of Chem istry under the direction of Professor Sir Eric Rideal. The U nited K ingdom Atomic E nergy A uthority offered to make a g ran t to the College, for the period from October 1st, 1954, to Septem ber 30th, 1956, to enable research on Magnetic Memory Sealing U nits to be carried o u t in th e D epartm ent of Electrical Engineering under the direction of Professor Jam es Greig, the g ran t n o t to exceed £980. The Wellcome T ru st made a g ran t of £500 for one year from Sep­ tem ber 1st, 1954, to enable D r. D. W. Wylie to carry out researches in pharm acology a t K ing’s College under the direction of Dr. George Brownlee. § 1 2 COLLEGE SO C IET IE S AND A CTIV ITIES

The U nion Society again had a very successful year in alm ost every field. This was due in great p a rt to the leadership of the officers of the Union and the support given to them by the members of the Society. One interesting constitutional change, which was passed w ithout opposition, was th a t the Senior W om an S tudent became an officer of the



Union. The past policy of the Union in staying out of the N ationa Union of S tudents was continued, and, after an interesting debate, was reinforced by the decision of a General Meeting. During the session a reception was given by the President for the trustees, patrons and friends of the Union. The close link between the Lion Club an d the College was m aintained, and the members of tho Executive Committee paid an enjoyable visit to the Club. The Cabarot, held in the Michaelmas Term , raised nearly £20, and the P resident’s Appeal alm ost £70, for the Club. This result was the best so far achieved. An outstanding contribution was made to St. D unstan’s when over £300 was collected in one night by parties of carol singers who toured the W est E nd. Commemoration Week, as usual, was a great success. The Address a t the Commemoration Service was delivered by the R ight Reverend J . L. WTilson, C.M.G., D .D ., Bishop of Birmingham. The Oration was given by Sir K eith M urray, Chairm an of tho University G rants Com­ m ittee, on “ The Universities and the S tudent of To-day.” A new feature of the Week was the introduction of a Film Premiere, which was much enjoyed, as were tho other traditional events : tho D ebate, the Concert, the Supper and Dance in College, and the Ball a t Claridge’s. The D ram a Society gave a magnificent production of G. B. Shaw’s Ccesar and Cleopatra. The Principal’s Cup was aw arded to the Faculty of Laws. An interesting an d successful series of lectures was organised by tho International Society. Speakers included tho R ight Hon. Clement Davies, K rishna Menon and the Bishop of Johannesburg. D ep art­ m ental societies again brought favourable publicity to the College through the language plays th a t were produced. Tho F aculty of Science introduced a publication of its own, known as Siphon. The year saw an intensive Inter-faculty League D ebating Com­ petition, which was of benefit to the stan d ard of debating in College. Several students brought honour to the College by speaking in U niversity and other debates. The College unfortunately lost the Intercollegiate Cup by two points. Perhaps the greatest successes were won in the field of sport. K ing’s College had th e pleasure of winning both the Commemoration Games and the F oundation Games; the W om en’s Hockey Club were u n ­ defeated ; and the R ugby Club had a victorious visit to France. Sports Day, hitherto much criticised, has been widened in scope and re-nam ed “ M itcham D ay,” and, as such, was very much enjoyed by a large num ber of people.




N um ber o f Students

B.A. General and Subsidiary :— L atin . . . Greek . . . Post-B.A . General B.A. H onours P ostgraduate


. .

. Total

. .

.3 7 .1 2 1

. .

. .



. .


.3 3 3




.8 6

F irst Degrees

B.A. H onours Classics :— 1st Class . . . . 2nd Class (Upper Division) 2nd Class (Lower Division) 3rd Class . . . . B.A. Honours L atin :— 2nd Class (Upper Division) 2nd Class (Lower Division) 3rd Class . . . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

3 2 3 1 2 2 2

Higher Degrees M .A .

L. G. Akow : “ The technique of exposition in Greek tragedy.” Departmental Notes

The collection of slides used for archaeological teaching has continued to increase. Professor W. S. Maguinness lectured on “ The tragic spirit of the JSneid ” to tho Virgil Society, and to th e Liverpool branch of the Classical Association : he also lectured on Bicliard Bentley to the Queen Mary College Classical Society. Professor R . P. W innington-Ingram gave th e following lectures : “ The Electra of Sophocles—prolegomena to an interpretation ” to the Cambridge Philological Society, “ Ancient Greek Music ” to the London branch of the Classical Association, “ Greek D ram a and Greek Society ” to the R eading branch of the Classical Association, “ Phaedra in the * F o r D istinctions and A ppointm ents gained by Staff and Students, see pp. x -x v i.

xx iv


H ippohjtus ” to U niversity College Classical Society, anil “ The Persae of JEschylus ” to lloyal Holloway College Classical Society. Dr. H. H. Scullard lectured on “ Scipio jEmilianuB ” to the Oxford Classical Association, and held a colloquium a t th e In stitu te of Classical Studies on “ R om an Politics.” The stu d en ts’ Classical Society had a very active year, of which tho chief event was a successful production of the M edea of Euripides in the College. The hall was fully booked for throe performances, and an appreciative critique appeared in The T im es.


N um ber of Students B.A. General and Subsidiary . B.A. H onours :— 1st Y ear . . . 2nd Y ear . . . 3rd Year . . .

P ostgraduate


. Total

. .



.4 6

. . .

. . .

.3 0 .3 0 .2 8



.3 3




F irst Degrees

B.A. Honours :— 2nd Class (Upper Division) . . . 2nd Class (Lower Division) . . 3rd Class . . . . . .

6 .1 7 4

Higher Degrees Miss Audrey L. H a rris: “ English tragedy in tho early Rom antic period, 1790-1830.” M .A .

M .A . (with D istinction). Miss Mary E. G. J . Simpson : “ An edition of G uthm undarsaga dyra, based on MS. B.M. Add. 11, with introduction and notes.”

Miss Veronica M. S. W ilson: “ Aspects of Dickens’s use of conversation in the novels.” M .A .

Mrs. M argaret M. Maison : “ The novel o f spiritual biography in the Victorian age.” P h.D .

Departmental Notes

During the second and th ird term s of the session Mr. G. N. Garmonsway was away in the U nited States having been aw arded a Eulbright G rant and being invited as exchange teacher to the U niversity of California, Los Angeles, where he gave courses of lectures and conducted



a postgraduate sem inar. Ho delivered a U niversity lecture on “ Tho Icelandic Sagas” , and gave a lantern lecture to the AmericanScandinavian F oundation a t Los Angeles on “ The S utton Hoo Ship B urial.” W ith a research g ran t from the Trustees of the H untington L ibrary he spent .June-Septem ber working in th a t splendid library. I n his place the departm en t had Professor William M atthews, of U.C.L.A. A lready well known to m any in the U niversity as a graduate of Birkbeck College and an au th o rity on the London D ialect and on B ritish an d American Diaries, Professor M atthews was a popular colleague and an efficient teacher. In the L ent Term he delivered a Special U niversity Lecture on “ Chaucer’s S elf-Portrait.” The d epartm ent is grateful to the following teachers for their help during Mr. G arm onsw ay’s absence : Professor F. W orm ald, who lectured during the L en t Term on “ illum inated English m anuscripts ” ; Mr. P eter Foote (U niversity College), who lectured on Icelandic poetry; and Miss V. Evison (Birkbeck College), who lectured during the Summer Term on Anglo-Saxon Archajology. Professor G. Bullough lectured a t the Spanish In stitu te on “ Sir R ichard Fanshaw e and Spain.” He also delivered three lectures on Milton a t th e Sum m er School on “ A rt, L iterature and Music in England, 1660-1780” organised by the D epartm ent of E xtra-M ural Studies of th e U niversity of London, an d four lectures on “ The modern novel ” a t the U niversity’s forty-first Sum m er V acation Course in English for Foreign S tudents. He gave the annual W arton Lecture of the British Academ y on “ Changing views of the Mind in English poetry.” in the Michaelmas Term Dr. W . A. A rm strong gave eight in ter­ collegiate lectures on “ The influence of actors, audiences and stage­ craft upon d ram a.” In N ovem ber he led a group of British lecturers a t a course for G erm an teachers of English literature held near Bonn. Mr. P. M. Y arker was a tu to r a t the sum m er school on “ A rt, L itera­ ture an d Music in England, 1660-1780.”


N um ber of Students

B.A. General an d B.A. H onours :— 1st Y ear 2nd Y ear 3rd Y ear P ostgraduate

Subsidiary .



.8 5

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

.3 0 .2 6 .2 5






.1 3






I n addition, 8 students were spending the year in France as Assistants.



F t rut D ffjri i'M

II.A. Mom Milt : I mI < Iiimm . . . . 2 n d ( !Imm (U|»|Hir D iv Ul o n ) 2 n d ('I iinm ( L o w e r D ivi si on) Ilrd ( 'Iiimm . . . .

. . .

. . ,


2 0

. . 1 0 .


IIi(/h t r P t g r n i M . I. I>. A. I >ity : '* T l m e v o l u t i o n o f t ho eoim' p t o f dawdi'iMm in Kriumo, HlHd 17HO."




D orothy


O vorin:


I till i n n

inllimrmi' M


mI x t o o n t h •••'lit u r y I ' Y a n i r i n 1 111im( i it I <mI I *y I h<' ‘ I ’rliit*’ in | »h 1 o f . I n n |ii< i

Y vo r."

I h /ia rln i! nlitl Atotffi

In Ili«' MIdhiu’linaH T o r m , l>y k i n d pi'rmiwtion ol tin' Diii i t o r o f llu* I iimI ilnl I'Yiinyftlit i lr L ou dn M, MonMii'ur M an <•I U i r a n l g a v e a nr non ol t h r oo I n ' l iiitm o n " U u i l h i u m o Ap o ll i n a ir o nl, ' I'l'Mpnl n o u v i ’aii ' ilium la pornii' I r a n ^a inn n i n d i ' r n i ' . " In I hi' Mann' I n i n I *rofr im ir <li'i ir^i'ti St r al u t , l l n u l ol ihi' I ) n p a r l n m n l ol I'hoiii'litM in Mm l !m v n ilty ol HI ni i li onr jj , li'i'l u r n l l o thi' il i'parl n i i ' i i t o n " I .i ' m pi i n n puli m l i ' n d a n n n d o I i v o l u t i o n plion<Mit|iit' iln Intiu a n f r an v i da ." I'rofi'Miior ( 'ockiuK y a v n a p u hl l o lonltiro al Min 11riiv<imiIy ol I t n a d i n g o n " A m i n ' ' M a l r a u x " during Mm Mieliai'IniaM 'IVrm. In tl m Lont T n r n i hn (Hintrihliti'il t w o locturoM o n " T w i ' i i l i n t h - i i ' i i l u r y Kri'imh i l r a n i a " l o t lm norUm o n " T w c m t l o t h i'Ontury i l r u i n a in Kriumo, t h e U. S. A. a n d H n l a i n ” o r g a n U n i l>y tlm Dopai t n in nl ol N x l r a Mur al Stmlii'M o f llin 11n i v t ' i n i t y . In t h e Kantor T o r m hi' l oo tu rvd l o t h o Kronoh Noi'ioty ol Q iiki ' u Ma ry Collogn o n " T l m T l m n m ol A r t in I'r ouHt .” I>i


l . a i i d i ' n i w iim I ' l n l n l iim a n o n p r of i ' ii Monal m i ' i n l i i i o l t i n '

I'roli'MHorial Itoiird. In May 11155 Mr. .1. (J, Wi' l^ hl m a n mihm i mhI ii Ily proMnntod a Mh'mim mi " Tin' IImory a n d p r a i ' t h o ol I raiiHlutiou f r o m I'Vi'noh i n t o I'Iii^IihIi. m i l l 111:10 " for Ihn L o n d o n I’h . D . Mr . Mi'lnn wliii'h



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Toh'im o

x x v ii



N um ber o f Students

B.A. General and Subsidiary . . . .3 6 B.A. Honours . . . . . .4 7 P ostgraduate . . . . . .2 0 E lem entary :— A r t s ................................................................ 12 Science . . . . . .125 Intercollegiate Honours Intercollegiate Postgraduate Total

. .

. .

. .

.5 5 .1 0





F irst Degrees B.A. Honours :— 2nd Class (Upper Division) 2nd Class (Lower Division) 3rd Class . . . .

. . .

. .

. . .

3 3 5

Higher Degrees P h.D . P. F. Ganz : “ The influence of English on the German vocabulary : 1640-1815.” Ph.D . F. U rbanek : “ A study of the chronology of Early Middle H igh German epic poetry between 1150 and 1180.” M .A . Miss K . M. R utherford : “ Ludwig Tieck’s contribution to the knowledge of the M innesang and the effect of these studies on his lyric poetry.” Departmental Notes

The K ing’s College German Society gave two performances of Barbara Blomberg by Carl Zuckmayer a t the In stitu te of Education

theatre on March 1st and 2nd. The mediaeval colloquium m et throughout the session. A part from contributions by scholars from other London colleges, the following scholars from outside read papers : Professor F. P. Pickering (Reading) and Mr. Hugh Sacker (Cambridge). The colloquium was regularly attended by members of other London colleges and members of many English universities. D uring the Summer Term Mr. Fred Hennings, under the joint auspices of K ing’s College and the A ustrian Legation, delivered a lecture in the College on the A ustrian Theatre. I t was attended by m any people from outside the University. Professor F. Norm an lectured a t Sheffield U niversity, Trinity College,




Dublin, and to the postgraduate colloquium of tho German D epartm ent a t Cambridge. He also lectured for the Foreign Office a t Wilton I’ark. Dr. H. H. K. Thom a lectured to the University of D urham on “ Some observations on mediaeval bookhand.” F our students, who had completed their second-year Honours course, intercalated a year, and spent the time as teachers in German secondary schools. As the staffing problems of the departm ent could not be finally settled last year, tem porary arrangem ents were made, and the College has to thank Dr. Use Graham , Dr. W. D. liobson-Scott and Dr. Marianne W ynn for the valuable help they gave during the session.


N um ber of Students

B.A. General and B.A. Honours 1st Y ear 2nd Y ear 3rd Y ear

Subsidiary . . . .

. . .



. . .

. . .

. . .

27 23 23

P ostgraduate . . . (8 of whom were reading Im perial History)




. 130

Total F irst Degrees B.A. Honours :— 2nd Class (Upper Division) 2nd Class (Lower Division)

. .

. .

.1 0 .1 2

Higher Degrees

G. E. B u r t t : “ The activities of household officials in the fifteenth century, as illustrated by the H atteclyff fam ily.” Ph.D . J . A. Colvin : “ Laurier and the Im perial problem .” P h.D . G. J . de C. Mead : “ The In ten d an ts of France in tho eighteenth century.” M .A .

Departmental Notes

In the departm ent of M ilitary Studies arrangem ents have now been completed for the teaching of W ar Studies as a subject for General and Subsidiary students in collaboration with the F aculty of Laws and the London School of Economics. Teaching for the first exam ination (which will be held in 1957) will begin in session 1955-56. .



Mr. M. E . H ow ard arranged a course of six lectures on “ W ar and Society ” (which were given by visiting specialists) in the College during th e L ent Term. Much progress has been made in the organisation of th e M ilitary Studies L ibrary, which has already reached a to tal of some twelve hundred volumes. I t is now fully adequate for undergraduate work in m ost branches of the subject and will be k ep t up to date as a Preference L ibrary for current defence problems. The m ain British, American, G erm an and French m ilitary periodicals are taken. Mr. C. H . I). H ow ard read a paper on “ Joseph Chamberlain and the Liberal P a rty ” a t the Anglo-American Conference of H istorians, in London, in 1954.


The num ber of postgraduate research students in the departm ent during the session was 3. Higher Degrees P h.D . P. O. A. Sherrard : “ F our Modern Greek poets.” M .A . A. Sachinis : “ The Greek Novel, 1821-1921.”


N um ber o f Students

B.A. General B.A. H onours P ostgraduate

. . .

. . .

. . .

T otal

. . .


. . .


F irst Degree B.A. H onours :— 2nd Class (Lower Division)

.1 2 . .

4 4



.2 0





N um ber of Students

B.A. General B.A. Subsidiary B.A. H onours Occasional .

. . . .

. . . .


. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

3 0 2 1 .




Departmental Notes Professor C. R. Boxer gave a lecture on colonial Brazil a t the Uni­ versity of St. Andrews on March 3rd, 1956, and gave two public lectures on the history of the F a r E ast, 1500-1800, a t tho Senate House (February 21st and 28th, 1955), and a lecture on colonial Latin America a t the Friends International Centre on February 15th, 1955, Mr. das Neves gave two talks on the Portuguese programm e of tho B.B.C. on “ Some English influences in Almeida G arrett,” on December 6th and 8th, 1954.


N um ber of Students K in g 's College

B.A. General . Subsidiary B.A. Honours, day . B.A. H onours, evening Elem entary H istory Students Postgraduate . Totals

8 12 33 9 23



Other Colleges 1 8


F irst Degrees

B.A. H onours :—• 2nd Class (Upper Division) 2nd Class (Lower Division) 3rd Class . . . .

, .

1 5 2

Higher Degree Helen M. d ’O. M atthew : “ The Ilustre Fregona of Canizares and other dram atisations of the Cervantes Novela in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.” M .A .

Departmental Notes The K ing’s College Spanish Society, under the direction of Mr. R. M. N adal, produced two plays by Gil Vicente, A u to de la Sibila Casandra and D on Duardos, a t th e theatre of the In stitu te of Education, The D epartm ent received a welcome visit from the Spanish w riter Camilo Jos6 Cela, who spoke to the students about his novels. Professor A. A. P arker read papers on “ The new approach to Spanish seventeenth-century poetry ” to the Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, and on Angel G anivet to the In stitu te of Spain and the Leeds U niversity Spanish Society. He also contributed a lecture on



“ Spain in her history ” to a series of lectures on the H istory and C ulture of Spain organized by the U niversity of Cardiff. Mrs. R. H am ilton read a paper to th e In stitu te of Spain on “ T rans­ lating the Poema de m lo Cid into Modern English.” Mr. R . M. N adal gave two lectures on contem porary Spanish poetry to tho Franco-Spanish Society of Poitiers, and read a paper to the Cam bridge U niversity Spanish Society on “ Garcia L o rc a : recurring m otifs.” FACULTY OF LAWS N um ber of Students

D ay S tudents :— 1st Y ear (Interm ediate) 2nd Y ear (Final, P a rt I) 3rd Y ear (Final, P a rt II)

. . •

. . .

50 53 34

. .

. . .

16 20 11

Evening Students :— 1st Y ear (Interm ediate) 2nd Y ear (Final, P a r t I) 3rd Y ear (Final, P a rt II)

E state D u ty Office S tudents :— 1st Y ear (Interm ediate) 2nd Y ear (Final, P a rt I) 3rd Y ear (Final, P a rt 11)

. . •

P ostgraduate Students :— . LL.M. . Ph.D . Academic Postgraduate Diploma . . Occasional Suspense • T otal

F irst Degrees L L .B .:— . . 1st Class H onours Division) 2nd Class Honours (Upper 2nd Class H onours (Lower Division) Pass . . . . •

LL.B. (iE grotat)

. Higher Degrees

L L .M .

H. W. F ulton : by exam ination.

L L .M .

G. Godfrey : by exam ination.

9 7 8 99


7 1 16 2

. 256

. .

2 (j 27 18 1



L L .M .

It. B. Greenburgh : “ Tho Law of Diplomatic Asylum.”

L L .M .

T. E. Sm ith : by exam ination.

F. R. Wills : “ Tho delictual nature of omissions in Roman and English Law .” L L .M .

Departmental Notes

The session 1954-55 was notable for two main reasons. F irst, Professor Jerom e H all of tho U niversity of Indiana joined the Faculty as visiting F ulbright professor for the year. He gave a regular course in Jurisprudence, and a series of lectures in Criminal Law. He was a m ost refreshing and stim ulating visitor to the College. The second outstanding event was the achievem ent of tho Faculty in winning tho Principal’s Cup, a success which gave groat pleasure and encouragem ent to the whole departm ent. In the Final Honours LL.B. results two of the three F irst Class degrees were aw arded to students of tho Faculty. Four of the first five places in order of m erit were taken by K ing’s students. Professor R. H. Graveson represented the In stitu te of Advanced Legal Studies a t conferences on Comparative Law a t Munich and Paris. Mr. C. E. P. Davies delivered a course of lectures a t the M etropolitan Police C.I.D. Training School, Hendon. Mr. N. A. F. St. John-Stevas broadcast on “ Obscenity and the Law ” on March 8th, 1955, on tho Third Programme. A t tho invitation of the F aculty Society the R ight Hon. Lord Jo w itt gave a lecture on Law Reform, and afterw ards was entertained to dinner.


N um ber of Students

Postgraduate Certificate in E ducation . .7 6 Academic Diploma in Education . . . H igher Degree Courses :— M.A.................................................................18 P h .D ................................................................ 1 Total






Results of Postgraduate Certificate in Education

Soventy-tliroe students passed the exam ination for the Postgraduate Certificate in Ju ly 1955. Three students obtained distinction in the practical p a rt of the exam ination, and one in the theoretical p art.


x x x iii

Results o f Academ ic D iplom a E xam ination

Two students passed the exam ination for the Academic Diploma. Higher Degrees T. D. B uxton : “ The developm ent of the theory and practice of further education in E ngland since the Act of 1870.” M .A .

M .A . Mrs. H ilda M. C lark : “ The effect of a candidate’s being above or below the m edian age upon his chances of selection for a G ram ­ m ar School in the 11-|- selection.” M .A .

Miss Marjorie M. Collison : “ Technical education in Essex.”

M .A . E. B. D obson: “ An investigation into the type of geo­ graphical knowledge retained by adults from their school days and the reasons for th a t reten tio n .” M .A . Mrs. Jo an Lewin : “ The study and teaching of H istory in Tudor and S tu a rt E ngland.” M .A . R. A. Lewin : “ The study of H istory in English education from the 17th century to the death of Thomas A rnold.” M .A . J . D. Mellor : “ The policy of the School Board for London in regard to full-time education in and above standard V.” M .A . E ire.”

J . M escal: “ Religion in a national system of education—

M .A . R. J . B. Pooley : “ The history of St. Clement Danes H olborn E state G ram m ar School (1552-1952).”

Departmental Notes A part from their normal inter-departm ental lecturing engagements a t the Central College of the In stitu te of Education, members of the D epartm ent took p a rt in various ways in the com m ittee work and exam inations of the In stitu te and its constituent bodies. Lectures were delivered a t St. K ath arin e’s, Philippa Faw cett, D artford and St. M ary’s Colleges. The Standing Conference on Studies in Education held its annual conference in Ja n u a ry 1955 a t K ing’s College, and received its address of welcome from the Principal. Professor A. V. Judges gave one lecture in the series “ Aspects of Social Policy ” organised by th e D epartm ent of Extra-M ural Studies in the U niversity in the L ent Term. Mr. A. C. F. Beales took p a rt in an international conference (“ Pedagogica ” ) a t Louvain in April 1955. Mrs. A. M. Blackwell completed her fourteenth year as Chairman of the Board of Exam iners for the Teachers’ Diploma an d the P ost­ graduate Certificate in Education, and retired from this office in Septem ber 1955.

x x x iv


Dr. E. J . King, who obtained the Ph.D . degree of this U niversity in March 1955 on the presentation of a thesis on “ The relationship between a d u lt education and social attitu d es in English industrial society,” conducted a p arty of London, Oxford and Reading students in March 1955 to a conference of the Centre International d ’E tudes Pedagogiques a t Sevres, and spent two m onths during the sum m er lecturing a t W ayne U niversity (Detroit) and a t other American university centres. The studen t body had an unusually successful year with social activities and athletics. The E ducation Society gave three p er­ formances of “ Queen Elizabeth Slept Here ” in the G reat Hall of tho College in March 1955.


N um ber of Students

B.A. General . . B.Sc. General . . Ancillary Geography . B.A. H o n o u rs:— R egistered a t K.C.L. Registered a t L.S.E. B.Sc. Special Research .

. .

. .

. . .

T otal


. .

. .

. . . . .

. .

. .


. . . . .

.3 2 .1 7


.3 1

. .

2 2 9




.9 7

The departm ent also shared in the teaching of students reading for the B.Sc. (Econ.) degree w ith Special Geography a t the London School of Economics. F irst Degrees *B.A. Honours :— 1st Class . . . . . 2nd Class (Upper Division) . . 2nd Class (Lower Division) . . 3rd Class . . . . .


2 6 4 1

. . .

B.Sc. S p ecial:— 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) 3rd Class H onours . . . .

. .

1 5 1

Higher Degrees M .Sc. D. W. P r iv e tt: “ Energy transfer between the atmosphere and the South A tlantic Ocean.” * These figures include G stu d en ts registered a t L .S .E .



M .S c . E. C. F . B ird : “ Contributions to the Geomorphology of the Central W eald.” D epartm ental Notes

The d ep artm en t carried o u t its usual full teaching programm e which involves some thirty-five lecture courses and tu to rial work in each year of th e course. An active program m e of field work was also com pleted. The first-year field course was held a t W arm inster, and the departm ent continued to be grateful an d appreciative of the facilities available a t St. Boniface College. The second-year Honours students spent a week in the field a t E xeter, while the U niversity College of N orth Staffordshire a t Keele provided th e base for a large general field class of A rts, Science and Economics students in their th ird year. The d ep artm ent, even w ith th e assistance of L.S.E., finds itself a t full stretch in staffing these classes during th e E aster vacation. Miss Coleman also conducted two parties to Switzerland during the Long Vacation. The departm ent is seeking to increase th e scope and depth of its teaching in basic soil science, since there is a considerable dem and both a t home and abroad for soil surveyors. This will involve both modifica­ tion of courses and tho building up of appropriate equipm ent. A sta rt has been m ade, b u t it is hoped to proceed more actively during the next quinquennium . D EPA R TM EN T OF GEOLOGY

N um ber of Students

B.Sc. General . . . B.Sc. A ncillary (to B otany, Geography) . . . B.A. Subsidiary (to Geography) R egistered a t K.C.L. . R egistered a t L.S.E. .

. . . Chem istry and . . . :— . . . . . .

B.Sc. Special . B.Sc. Engineering . Research . .

. . .

. . . Total

. . . .

. . .

48 12 5 18 54 6

. . .



. 163

F irst Degrees

B.Sc. Special :— 1st Class Honours 2nd Class H onours (Upper Division)



Higher Degrees

E. C. Manley : “ A study of th e Cenomanian Ecliinoids of D evonshire.” M .S c. a




Departmental Notes Progress was made during the year with the developm ent of statistical techniques in palaeontological research and of work in micropalaeontology. The annual field m apping class was held a t Chudleigh in Devonshire, and other field classes in County Down, N orthern Ireland and a t Girvan in Ayrshire. Among the distinguished visitors who lectured to the Lyeli Club in the course of the year were Dr. F. Coles Phillips, of the U niversity of Bristol, and Professor B,. M. Shackleton, of the U niversity of Liverpool. Professor J . H. Taylor delivered a lecture on “ Mineral concentration in sedim ents ” a t the Third Inter-U niversities Geological Congress held a t D urham in Jan u ary . Dr. J . E. Prentice continued to serve as Secretary to the Board of Studies in Geology. D EPA R TM EN T OF MATHEMATICS

N um ber of Students Pure M athematics.

A pplied Mathematics.

B.A. Subsidiary B.A. Honours :— 1st Y ear . 2nd Y ear. 3rd Year B.Sc. G en eral:— 1st Y ear . 2nd Y ear.

35 51


B.Sc. Ancillary 1st Y ear . 2nd Y ear.

54 5

B.Sc. S p ecial:— 1st Y ear . 2nd Y ear. 3rd Year

23 20 19

B.Sc. (Eng.) :— 1st Y ear . 2nd Y ear. 3rd Year

59 23 37

Postgraduate Senior research workers

18 1


F irst Degrees B.Sc. Special :— 1st Class Honours . 2nd Class Honours (Upper 2nd Class H onours (Lower 3rd Class H onours .

. . Division) Division) . .


. . . .

. . . .

4 3 5 4

H igher Degrees M .S c .

A. J . Goody : “ G ravity waves of finite am plitude.”

R. O. Gibson : “ Associated forms of some systems of curves in three dim ensional space.” P h.D .

P h.D . K . A, H . G r a v e tt: “ The structure-theory of valuations and its applications.” P h.D . D. K irby : “ The application of formal power series to the stu d y of singularities.” P h.D . Miss D. K wok : “ Projective properties of m ultiple corre­ spondences between planes.” D epartm ental Notes

Professor J . G. Semplc gave th e following special Lecturcs : on “ Foundations and extensions of Schubert’s triangle geom etry ” to the Symposium on Algebraic G eom etry a t the In ternational M athem atical Congress a t A m sterdam in Septem ber 1954; on “ Porisms ” to the senior m athem atical students of St. D unstan’s School, K e n t; on “ New m ethods in algebraic geom etry ” to th e M athem atical Seminar of Liverpool U niversity; an d on “ M ultiple correspondences” to the U niversity of London Geometry Seminar. He also gave, in the Lent Term , an intercollegiate course of lectures for students of London U niversity on “ The developm ent of geometrical ideas.” Professor H . Bondi delivered his Inaugural Lecture in November 1954 on “ Science as an education.” H e gave special lectures on “ Philosophical questions in cosmology ” to the Cambridge U niversity Philosophy of Science C lu b ; on “ The accretion of interstellar m atter by stars ” to the London U niversity Applied M athem atics sem inar; on “ The dam ping of the ea rth ’s free n u tatio n ” to th e Royal A strono­ mical Society; on “ Cosmology ” and “ Time ” to the Dons’ Advisory G roup Conference a t Sheffield; on “ Cosmology ” to the M athem atics d ep artm en t of K ing’s College, Newcastle, to the M inistry of E ducation Short Course for Teachers, to the Electrical Research Association and to the Jodrell Bank E xperim ental Station (U niversity of M anchester); and on “ The structure of the stars ” to the Liverpool U niversity M athe­ m atics departm ent. He also took p a rt in the R oyal Society Symposium on “ M agneto-H ydrodynam ics ” and in various discussions a t the Royal Astronom ical Society.

x x x v iii


Mr. T. V. Davies gave special lectures on “ L aboratory experim ents and large-scale ocean movements ” a t a Symposium on Oceanography a t Burlington H ouse; on “ S tability of heated rotating liquids ” a t a J o in t Seminar of the R oyal Meteorological Society and Royal A strono­ mical Society an d also to the Applied M athem atics Seminar, U niversity of London; and on “ F inite am plitude gravity waves ” a t U niversity College of the South W est, Exeter. Dr. A. Frohlich gave a lecture on “ Some unsolved problems on quadratic fields ” a t U niversity College, Leicester. Dr. C. W. K ilm ister was granted Recognition by the U niversity as a Teacher of M athem atics a t K ing’s College, and was assigned to tho U niversity Faculties of A rts and Science. He gave three lectures on “ R elativity ” in th e Electrical Engineering D epartm ent of K ing’s College. He also gave a lecture on “ Triadic relations ” to the U niver­ sity of London Algebra Sem inar; on “ Why has space three dim en­ sions? ” to the In v arian t Society in O xford; and on “ Logic and the foundations of M athem atics ” in the In stitu te of E ducation’s course on “ Modern trends in M athem atics.” Dr. D. M. A. Leggett addressed the Leeds M athem atical Seminar on “ The deflection of a plate supported on flexible edge beam s,” and the H ull M athem atical Seminar on “ The buckling of cylindrical shells under axial compression.” He also gave a talk to the H ull M athe­ m atical Society on “ The application o f statistics to psychical research.” Dr. D. B. Scott gave a lecture to the M athem atics Seminar a t tho U niversity College of the South W est, E xeter, on “ Infinitely near points.” He also gave two lectures to th e U niversity of London Geometry Seminar, and one to the Seminar on the Foundations of Algebraic Geometry. The D epartm ent was to be joined in October 1955 by Mr. D. R. Bland, I.C .I. Fellow, who worked previously in the D epartm ent of Mechanical Engineering a t Im perial College. Two new Tutorial Students were appointed : Mr. J . A. Tyrrell and Mr. J . Brindley. They were to work for the Ph.D . and M.Sc. degrees respectively, under Professor Semple and Mr. Davies. Dr. A. Ergun, British Council research stu d en t from Turkey, spent tho session in the D epartm ent, working w ith Mr. Davies.


N um ber of Students

F irst Y ear Medical B.Sc. G en eral:— 1st Y ear . 2nd Y ear .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

.5 2 . .

10 6


B.Sc. Subsidiary . . B.Sc. Ancillary . . B.Sc. Special, P a rt I :— 1st Y ear . . 2nd Y ear . . B.Sc. Special, P a rt I I Research . . . Research (part-time) .


. .

. .

. .

. .


. .

. .


. .





. .

. —.2 5

. .

.1 1 9

. . .

. 9



F irst Degrees B.Sc. S p ecial:— 1st Class Honours . . . . 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division)

8 2

. .

4 3 2

Higher Degrees M .S c .

Mrs. J . Moore : “ Studies on a giant spore forming bacillus.”

C. E. D. Smith : tom ato soil sickness.” P h.D .

“ Some aspects of soil microbiology :

Departmental Notes

There were no m arked changes in the D epartm ent other th an routine m inor additions to laboratories and equipm ent. The D epartm ent con­ tinued to receive generous support from the A gricultural Research Council. Professor T. A. Bennet-Clark gave p a rt of the series of intercollegiate lectures arranged by tho Board of Studies in Botany. He was also asked to give tho Amos Memorial Lecture a t th e E ast Mailing Research Station.


N um ber of Students

F irst Y ear Medical . B.Sc. General and Subsidiary 1st Y ear . . 2nd and 3rd Y ear

. :— . .

B.Sc. Ancillary :— 1st Y ear . 2nd Y ear .

. .

. .


. .


.2 4 .

.1 1 .1 9

. .

.2 3 .1 8

. . .



B.Sc. S p ecial:— 1st Y ear 2nd Year 3rd Year

. . .

. . .

P ostgraduate (full-tim e):— Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Total

. . .

. . .

. . .

.2 8 .2 7 .1 8

. .

. .

. .

.2 4 .2 5





F irst Degrees B.Sc. Special :— 1st Class H onours . 2nd Class Honours (Upper 2nd Class H onours (Lower 3rd Class Honours .

. . . Division) Division) . . .

. .

4 7 2 2

Higher Degrees M .S c. B. J . Stokes : “ Preparation and ring scission of halogenotetrahydrofurans and halogenotetrahydropyrans.” P h.D .

S. Y. Ahm ad : “ Some reactions of pyridine and quinoline.”

P h.D . M. McD. B a k e r: m onoxide.”

“ A dsorption and catalysis of carbon

P h.D . J . A. Baldrey : “ The therm ochem istry of some substances containing alkoxyl groups.” P h.D .

M. C. B e n n e tt: “ N itella.”

P h.D .

J . I. G. Cadogan : “ Studies on homolytic arom atic su b stitu ­

tion.” Ph.D .

G. L. Davies : “ The decomposition of some azo-compounds.”

P h.D . D. J . F abian : “ Catalytic fragm entation of hydrocarbons by mass spectrom etry.” Ph.D . S. Flengas : “ Studies in polarograpbic and electrometric titratio n s.” P h.D .

T. Gillespie : “ Studies in adhesion.”

Ph.D .

A. M. H arper : “ The nitrosation of acylarylam ines.”

P h.D .

D. A. H aydon : “ The surface behaviour of bacterium coli.”

P h.D .

G. I. Jenkins : “ Catalytic hydrogenation of ethylene.”

P h.D . M. A. K a z i : “ A synthetic study of pyrethrin and pyrethrin analogues.”



F. C. Newman : “ A stu d y of the synthesis of pyrothrins with p articular reference to n atu rally occurring p y reth rin -I.” P h .l).

P h.D .

D. G. T urpin : “ Extensions of the Pschorr R eaction.” D epartm ental Notes

The research laboratories were filled to capacity, and a record num ber of publications is reported for th e session. Organic Chem istry. Much new ground has been explored in the study of homolytic arom atic substitution, and particular atten tio n has been directed to the reactions of phenyl radicals with arom atic hydrocarbons having side-chains, and to substitution reactions with substituted aryl radicals. A new phenylating agent has been found in phenyl iodosobenzoate and diphenylm ercury (D. H. H ey, G. H . Williams). S path and H ro m atk a’s synthesis of apom orphine dim ethyl ether has been confirmed, and th e natu re of th e by-product formed a t the Bischler-N apieralski stage has been established. F u rth er progress has been m ade tow ards the synthesis of steroid amines (D. H. Hey). K inetic work on the nitrosation of acylarylam ines has been completed (G. H . Williams). F u rth er successful work has been accomplished on the synthesis of th e com ponents of the pyrethrins and of synthetic analogues. The ring scission of halogenotetrahydrofurans and -pyrans and certain aspects of geom etrical isomerism have also received atten tio n (S. H. H arper). W ork in the carbohydrate field has been extended by investigations of further reactions of sugar n itrates (J. Honeyman). The study of the mechanism of arom atic m etallation has been con­ tinued and a num ber of photochem ical reactions in solution have been investigated (D. Bryce-Sm ith). Physical Chem istry. Electrom etric work in fused electrolytes has confirmed N ernst’s equation for these m edia and the solubility products, heats of free energies and entropies of solutions of silver salts in fused potassium sodium n itrate determ ined. The adhesion of drops and particles to one another has been exam ined and equations for stability derived. W ork has continued on monolayers on water, equations of state for system s involving electrolytes developed and extensions to the oil-w ater interface m ade. Investigations have been made on catalysis 0 1 1 metallic m irrors and on crystal faces of m etallic crystals. A careful exam ination of condensation co-efficients of substances on their own substrates leads to the conclusion th a t the true value is unity. Work on the carbon cell has shown th a t up to 40% of some coals are consum­ able by chemical means and th a t the electron transfer reactions a t the reduction electrode involve measurable energies of activation (E. K. Rideal). Evidence has been obtained th a t certain free radicals can form rem arkably stable an d unreactive complexes w ith unsaturated mole­



cules and molecules containing lone pairs of electrons. Tho emission spectra of new free radicals have been studied (I). VV. (1. Style). K inetic investigations of the mechanism of catalysis by strong acids in particular of arom atic substitution reactions (hydrogen isotope exchange, sulphonation and alkylation) have been continued. New applications of infra-red spectrom etry and certain aspects of hydrogen isotope effects in reaction kinetics have also been investigated (V. Gold). Progress has been made in the study of the interaction of molecules w ith surfaces using a molecular beam technique. Mass spectroscopic determ ination of the lives of adsorbed molecules on a spinning rotor have been made. C atalytic reactions on metals have been studied with special reference to energy transfer processes and the im portance of adsorbed free radicals, and a new criterion for dissociative chemical adsorption has been discovered. Properties of tho hydroperoxide radical have been investigated by a direct mass spectrom etrie method. New m ethods of solving glass-working problems arising in these researches have been developed. A general theory of the origin of molecular mass spectra has been proposed (A. J . B. Robertson). The mechanical behaviour of liquid-liquid interfaces during masstransfer and certain aspects of the physical chem istry of haemolysis have been investigated (J. T. Davies). D uring the session Professor Sir Eric R ideal gave lectures a t Columbia, Yale, H arvard, O ttaw a and Montreal. Professor D. H. H ey gave lectures a t th e Universities of Aberdeen and N ottingham , a t U niversity College, London, a t B attersea Poly­ technic and a t the South-east Essex Technical College. Dr. S. H. H arper lectured a t Royal Holloway College, and contributed a paper to th e 14th International Congress of Organic Chemistry a t Zurich. Dr. J . T. Davies lectured a t U niversity College, London, and con­ trib u ted a paper to the W orld Congress on Surface Active Agents a t Paris. Dr. D. Bryce-Smith read a paper a t the symposium on Organometallic Compounds held a t th e U niversity of Manchester. Dr. J . H oneym an, who was on leave of absence to McGill U niversity, Montreal, gave lectures a t McGill U niversity, the Pulp and Paper Research In stitu te of Canada, the Mellon In stitu te, P ittsburgh, Ohio S tate U niversity, Columbus, Queen’s U niversity, K ingston, Ontario, and a t the U.S. D epartm ent of A griculture, Albany, California. He also contributed papers to meetings of the American Chemical Society in New York and Cincinnati. Dr. A. J . B. Robertson was appointed a Recognised Teacher in the U niversity of London, and work he carried out with Dr. D. J . Fabian w^s presented by Dr. Fabian a t a Conference on Mass Spectrom etry held in San Francisco. M. A. Riaz represented E gypt in Fencing a t the W orld Summer S tudent Games a t Budapest in A ugust 1954, and a t the M editerranean Games a t Barcelona in Ju ly 1955.




N um ber o f Students

F irst Y ear Mcdical B.Sc. General . B.Sc. Ancillary . B.Sc. Special . P ostgraduate .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

83 54 65 28

i’otal F irst Degrees B.Sc. Special, P a rt II :— 1st Class Honours . 2nd Class H onours (Upper 2nd Class H onours (Lower 3rd Class H onours .

. . . Division) Division) . . .

. .

5 5 7 2

Higher Degrees P h.D . G. D. Bergm an : “ The application of the principles of electronic storage to the solution of equations in physics.”

P. W . Higgs : “ Some problem s in th e theory of molecular vibrations.” P h.D .

P h.D . A. L. Jolley : “ On tho developm ent and application of the m agnetic tape recording technique to the study of atm ospherics.”

Miss M argaret I. P r a t t : “ The scattering of light by large molecules.” Ph.D .

M .S c. F . Adams : “ A stu d y of the long echo train type of atm o­ spheric disturbance from its effect on narrow band circuits.”

1. J . Zucker : “ Q uantum mechanical partition functions and their applications to gases.” M .S c.

Departmental Notes

D etails of further grants are reported in § 11, Benefactions and Grants The D epartm ent is m ost grateful for this evidence of the continued confidence of the British Em pire Cancer Campaign, the Nuffield Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and others in its re ­ search activities.

fo r Research.

D evelopm ents in Research. Much progress has been made by a group working under the direction of Dr. M. H . F. W ilkins (D eputy Director of the Medical Research Council Biophysics Research U nit) on the mole­ cular structure of deoxyribose nucleic acid, the substance which tran s­ m its hereditary characteristics from one generation to another. The arrangem ent of the molecules has been determ ined in living cells where

x liv


the nucleic acid molecules are biologically active. A nother im portant aspect of this work is being carried o u t by Dr. G. L. Brown, who has succeeded in separating chemically the various nucleic acids which occur in a cell and are associated with different biological functions. High resolution studies have been carried o u t in the infra-red on the hydrides and deuterides of the fourth group elem ents and on the emission spectra of flames and discharges. The large spectrom eter equipped with an X .P.L. grating has enabled this to be done with a resolution which has only been equalled a t one or two other laboratories in the world. Double-beam equipm ent for microscopic and macroscopic studies in the infra-red has been constructed which is of a new type and will greatly facilitate research in this field. In the ultra-violet photographic work on the spectra of polyatomic molecules has continued, and new equipm ent for direct photo-ionisation work is in the course of construction. In the nuclear radiations and solid state group, a num ber of im portant lines of work are u nder investigation. D uring the last year Dr. Champion and his colleagues have proposed from their experim ental results a theory in term s of the detailed structure of im perfect crystals which they hope will succeed in explaining m any of the physical properties of diamonds. The construction of a high-speed differential analyser incorporating electrostatic storage units has been completed. Work has begun on the accurate determ ination of intermolecular forces for the inert gases. R ecent experim ental work a t M .I.T. in the U nited States has provided experim ental d ata on the therm odynam ic properties of solidified inert gases over a wide range of pressures and has hence provided an opportunity of more accurate estim ation of inter molecular forces. A programm e of research into high energy nuclear physics has been started in conjunction w ith U niversity College which will, it is hoped, make use of th e analogue com puter in this D epartm ent, as well as of the digital com puter now being built a t U niversity College. Conferences and Lectures. Professor R andall spent a week in Sweden a t the invitation of the British Council during May. He visited several laboratories and lectured in the K arolinska In stitu te a t Stockholm and the U niversity of G othenburg. He also gave a paper a t the Ciba F oundation conference on “ Bone structure and m etabolism ” in London, in J u ly 1955. Dr. M. H. F. W ilkins and Dr. G. L. Brown of the M.R.C. Biophysics Research U nit contributed to a special conference on desoxyribose nucleic acid in J u ly 1955. This conference was sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. P. M. B. W alker of the M.R.C. Biophysics Research U nit pre­ sented a paper a t a conference on Ascites Tum ours called by the New York Academy of Science in May 1955. He also visited m any labora-

x lv


tories and atten d ed the Brookhaven conference on “ M utations ” in J u n e 1956. Dr. H . (}. Davies of th e M.R.C. Biophysics Research U n it spent some weeks in Professor D unham ’s laboratory in the U niversity of Rochester, N .Y ., and gave advice and instruction on the use of interference micro­ scopes there, a t the M assachusetts In stitu te of Technology and a t the Long Island U niversity. Members of the laboratory engaged on biophysical research have contributed to the following conferences : th e International Union of Pure and Applied Chem istry a t Zurich, Ju ly 1955; the Third In te r­ n ational Congress of Biochem istry a t Brussels, A ugust 1955; the International Colloquium on Lipids a t G hent, Ju ly 1955; the Society for E xperim ental Biology C entenary Symposium a t Cambridge, Ju ly 1955; the Society for E xperim ental Biology Symposium on Cytoplasmic Particles a t Oxford, Septem ber 1955. Dr. F . C. Champion presented a paper on some electrical properties of diam onds a t a D iam ond conference a t Oxford. The Spectroscopy group presented three papers a t the Spectroscopic Symposium of the In stitu te of Petroleum held in London in November 1954, and two papers a t the E uropean Molecular Spectroscopy Con­ ference held a t Oxford in J u ly 1955. Review articles have been w ritten on the application of spectroscopy to pharm aceutical analysis and to the oil industry. Dr. M acKay gave a course of nine special postgraduate lectures on Inform ation Theory, and took p a rt in a course of special lectures on the same subject a t the M anchester College of Technology. He also took p a rt in a Symposium on “ B rain and behaviour ” a t the annual con­ ference of the British Psychological Society in D urham , read a paper on “ Inform ation theory and the understanding of brain processes ” in a symposium of the Elcctroenceplialographic Society, and gave a series of four talks on “ Scientific investigation and explanation ” in the B.B.C. schools program m e. A t the end of the session the D epartm ent made a presentation to Mr. W. J . Burrows, whose official appointm ent comes to an end after forty-tw o 3 ^ears m ost valuable service. Mr. Burrows has served under five successive W heatstone Professors, Professor C. G. Barkla, Sir Owen R ichardson, Sir E dw ard A ppleton, Sir Charles Ellis and the present holder, Professor J . T. R andall. Mr. Burrows’ value to succeeding generations of staff and research students would be hard to over­ estim ate. DEPARTMENT OE ZOOLOGY

N um ber o f Students

F irst Y ear Medical B.Sc. General Ancillary Zoology .



x lv i


Ancillary Biology . B.Sc. Special . P ostgraduate .

. .

. .


. .




. . .





.2 5 .IS 14 .134

F irst Degrees

B.Sc. S p ecial:— 1st Class Honours 2nd Class H onours Pass . . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

3 4 3

Higher Degrees Ph.D .

B. Nickerson : “ Pigm entation of desert locust hoppers.” Departmental Notes

During the past year two post-doctoral research workers have been present in the D epartm ent. In addition to m aintenance grants, etc., held by research students, the D epartm ent has benefited from grants m ade by the A gricultural Research Council, the Nuffield Foundation and the British Em pire Cancer Campaign. During the past five years one of the research groups in the D epart­ m ent has been studying the relative im portance of the cell nucleus and cytoplasm in cellular inheritance. The basic technique used has been the artificial transfer of nuclei from one cell to another by microm anipulation. We have now obtained a substantial body of evidence showing th a t the nucleus determ ines the nature of the macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides) present in a cell, and the cytoplasm determ ines the way in which these macromolecules aro b uilt into the characteristic structures and functional units of the cell. This discovery is of considerable theoretical im portance, and it is expected also th a t this inform ation will be valuable in the study of cancer and of the developm ent of resistance to drugs.


N imber of Students M.B., B.S. . L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S B.D.S. L.D.S. Occasional D.L.O. Total

224 39 13 5 19 300


x lv ii

Results of E xam inations Candidates

M.B., B.S. (2nd) L.R.C.P. B.D.S. L.D.S.



111 4 37 13

96 2 32 12

D epartm ental Notes

New dissections on regional anatom y and on embryology have been added to the Museum, and rem ounting of the older specimens has continued. Professor T. Nicol lectured on Applied A natom y, as previously, a t St. George’s H ospital and th e R oyal N ational T hroat H ospital. J)r. I. L. M ackinnon delivered a short course of lectures in A natom y to the P hysiotherapy students a t K ing’s College H ospital.


N um ber of Students

M.B., B.S. . L .R .C .P., M.R.C.S B.D.S. L.D.S. Occasional D.L.O. B.Sc. Physiology M.Sc. . P h.D . .

39 13 5 19 4 8

T otal





R esults of E xam inations

F or Medical and D ental, sec under D epartm ent of A natom y. B.Sc. S p ecial:— 1st Class Honours . . . . 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division)


1 3

H igher Degrees M .S c.

G. D. H. Leach : b y exam ination.

M .S c.

B. N. C. Prichard : by exam ination.

A. F. E l-Z a y a t: “ Some reactions of isolated cardiac muscle preparation.” P h.D .



Departmental Notes

Mr. D. Mendel was aw arded the degree of M.D. for a thesis on “ Sodium exchanges in cardiac muscle.” Inadequate accom m odation both for classes and for teaching staff continues to be a serious problem in the D epartm ent. The H alliburton Lecture in Physiology was given by Professor Igino Spadolini, of the U niversity of Florence. The lecture was given in Italian and translated sentence by sentence by Dr. M. S. K. Palm er, a p ast student of the College. The lecture theatre was crowded to capacity, and after the lecture a D inner was held in the College, attended by members of the Board of Studies in Physiology. Professor R . J . S. McDowall was selected by tho British Cardiac Society to give a paper a t the International Congress of Cardiology in W ashington. D uring his stay in the U nited States he lectured in the Universities of Johns Hopkins, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Yale, H ar­ vard, Rochester (N.Y.) Michigan and also a t the N ational H eart In stitu te of America, the Bunts Research In stitu te in Cleveland and tho Rockefeller In stitu te for Medical Research, Newr York. During the Christmas vacation he also lectured in the U niversity of Lausanne, Switzerland. He acted as Exam iner in Physiology for the 2nd M.B. a t Ibadan, Nigeria, and for the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. Research work in the departm ent has been directed especially to the study of the effects of oxygen lack which have been shown to have a progressively deleterious effect on tissues such as the heart and on circulation. Evidence has been obtained which indicates th a t the anoxia causes them to take up sodium —a fact which has vei*y con­ siderable practical value. W ork has also continued on the study of tho reactions of the vasom otor centre, failure of which is such a charac­ teristic of fatal shock. This has been done by a m ethod introduced by Professor McDowall some years ago. In the Biochemistry laboratory an investigation of the chemistry of certain amino-acids is being made with a view to obtaining a clearer understanding of their metabolic roles. W ork on the isolation and identification of organic bases which occur in biological fluids is also in hand. The work in the Pharmacological L aboratory continues to develop along two main lines. One is a study of the mode of action of drugs, using traditional m ethods of recording tissue responses upon smoked paper, b u t im proved by modern techniques such as autom atic assay. Exam ples are the studies on the mode of action of polypeptides which act a t skeletal m yoneural junctions (Dr. G. Brownlee), of cholinergic drugs and sym pathom im etic amines on smooth muscle (Mr. Leach and Mr. Wilson), and of drugs acting on the coronary vessels (Dr. Wylie and Mr. Prichard). The other field, developed by Dr. J . P. Quilliam and used by Mr. Paterson, makes a novel approach by recording the electrical responses of cells simultaneously with responses recorded mechanically in response to drugs.



In addition, progress lias been m ade, and reported elsewhere, with th e problem s of the hypersensitivity phenomenon in tuberculosis (Dr. G. Brownlee). D uring the session th e following specialised lectures took place : th e Ciba Foundation invited Dr. Brownlee to contribute to a colloquium on “ The tubercle bacillus and its host ” ; the Pharm aceutical Society invited Dr. Brownlee to give an evening public lecture on the chemo­ th erapy of tuberculosis; th e In stitu te of Biology invited Dr. Brownlee to contribute to a discussion on th e training of biologists. The Surrey and S.W. London Optical Society invited Dr. Quilliam to give the annual lecture on “ Drugs which act on skeletal muscle.” Members of the d ep artm en t also dem onstrated experiments. On May 4th, 1955, Dr. Phillipe D ecourt, from Paris, gave a special lecture on “ Chlorpromazine ” to invited pharmacologists and anaesthetists.

FACULTY OF E N G IN E E R IN G N um ber of Students

B.Sc. (Eng.) :— P a rt 1 . . . . . . 58 P a r t 1 1 ......................................................60 P a rt I I I ......................................................30 P ostgraduate :— M.Sc. ( E n g . ) ...........................................15 P h .D .................................................................. 5 Chemical Engineering . . . . Total





.1 7 6

Results o f E xam inat ions

P a rt I, B.Sc. (Eng.) Proceed to P a rt I I Referred in one subject

41 14

P a rt I I , B.Sc. (Eng.) Proceed to P a rt I I I Referred in one subject

45 7

P a rt I I I , B.Sc. (Eng.) 1st Class Honours 2nd Class Honours Pass Degree

9 15

Diploma in Engineering Certificate in Engineering Diploma in Chemical Engineering

14 15 7



Higher Degrees M .Sc. (Eng.). M. G. H andcock : “ H eat transfer in the therm al treatm en t of concrete products.”

M. H. S aad aw i: “ Investigations into hydraulic phenomena occurring in packed towers during counter-current gas liquid flow.” P h.D .

P h.D .

D. J . Truslove : “ A stu d y of crystal triode oscillators.”

Former Students o f the F aculty who have been awarded Degrees E xternally M .S c. (Eng.).

K . F. A ntia : “ Fundam entals of reinforced concrete.”

R. S. Peacock : “ Economic problem s of distribution system s for electrical energy.” M .S c. (Eng.).

P h.D . J . M. P rentis : “ The distribution of concrete stress in pre­ stressed and reinforced concrete beams subjected to pure flexure.” Departmental Notes

Tho reconstructed and re-equipped laboratory for Engineering M etallurgy has contributed greatly to the progress of th a t branch of the F aculty’s work during the past session. The Nuffield F oundation has generously agreed to finance the Bio­ mechanical Research U n it for a period of five years. This money will be available to foster both the engineering and metallurgical work a t K ing’s College an d the biological work a t the In stitu te of Orthopaedics. The long-established practice whereby engineering students spend a substantial p a rt of each sum m er vacation obtaining practical experience has, in recent years, extended its scope under th e I.A .E .S.T .E . Scheme. This Association, The Intern atio n al Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, arranges for num bers of British students of science an d technology to pursue their vacation work in eth er W estern European countries. The College has been in m em ber­ ship of the association since 1949, and this year seventeen engineering and three science students have gone abroad under the scheme. A t the end of the session a special course of two weeks’ duration was provided for final-year students ab o u t to graduate and for practising engineers on the subject of Concrete Technology. Two courses, each of one week, were given by Dr. H. E. Rose on “ The m easurem ent of particle size in fine powders.” Dr. Rose also presented a paper to a Conference on Pow dered M aterials held by the Verein D eutscher Ingenieure a t Augsburg in April. A series of public lectures entitled “ Electrical power transm ission by high voltage direct current ” was given in the Electrical Engineering D epartm ent early in the session. Professor S. J . Davies gave his presidential address to the Ju n io r Institution of Engineers in London, and a t the provincial centres in Birm ingham , M anchester, and Sheffield.



D uring the E aster Term Professor J . Greig travelled as a member of a U niversity Delegation to the Gold Coast and Nigeria, where he visited tho U niversity Colleges and th e Colleges of Technology. Reference is m ade in §§ 3 an d 6 of this report to the resignation of Professor S. J . Davies from th e Chair of Mechanical Engineering to take up the post of D ean of th e R oyal M ilitary College of Science a t Shrivenham , b u t it is appropriate to acknowledge here the d eb t which the F aculty owes him for its advancem ent and developm ent during a period of no less th a n tw enty-nine years.

C—PUBLIC LECTURES M ic h a e l m a s T e r m ,

1954.—Public Lectures delivered during this

term were as follows :— F aculty of Theology : Three Special U niversity Lectures on “ Role, function and vocation ” were given by Professor D orothy Em m et, Sir Samuel H all Professor of Philosophy in th e U niversity of Manchester. F aculty o f A rts : “ English Philhellenism before B yron,” by Dr. T. J . B. Spencer; “ Greece in the B alkans,” by Professor G. H. N. S eton-W atson; “ D u Pere Acosta a. V oltaire: L ’U nite du Genre H um ain ” (2), by Professor Marcel Bataillon, of the College de France, P aris; “ Portuguese architecture in Asia, 1500-1800,” by Dr. Carlos de Azevedo. F aculty o f Law s : “ The m ovem ent from nationality to domicile in the French conflict of laws,” by Maitre Je a n Barbey. In addition, a Special U niversity Lecture on “ R ecent American tendencies in jurisprudence ” was given by Professor Jerom e Hall, of the U niversity of Indiana. D epartment o f M athem atics : An Inaugural Lecture in the Chair of M athem atics was given by Professor H erm ann Bondi on “ Science as an education.” D epartm ent o f P h y s ic s : Three Special U niversity Lectures on “ Irreversible processes ” were given by Professor I. Prigogine, of the U niversity of Brussels. Faculty o f Engineering : “ Form in engineering design,” by Mr. J .

Beresford E v a n s ; a course of five lectures on “ Electrical power tran s­ mission by high-voltage direct current,” by various lecturers. L





1955.—Public Lectures delivered during this term were

as follows :— Faculty of Theology : The Frederick Denison Maurice Lectures (3) were given by Professor G. W. H . Lam pe on “ A tonem ent and Justifica­ tion.”



F aculty o f A rts : “ The structure of Virgil’s Georgies,” by Sir Jam es M ountford; “ The Wife of B ath and all her sect,” by Professor William 11. M atthews, of the U niversity of California; “ The ‘ Trabalhos de J e s u s ’ of Frei Thome de Jesus (1529-1582),” by Mr. Denis Brass; “ Sarm iento de Gamboa : a man of adverse destiny,” by Mr. T. W. I. Bullock; “ W ar and Society,” a course of six lectures in M ilitary Studies, by various lecturers. Department of Education : “ Looking forward in E ducation,” a course of seven lectures by various lecturers. Faculty o f Law s : “ General aspects of Criminal Law ,” a course of seven lectures by Professor Jerom e H all, of the U niversity of Indiana. In addition, a Special U niversity Lecture on “ Foundations of the authority of In ternational Law and the problem of enforcem ent ” was given by Sir Gerald Fitzm aurice, C.M.G. Department of M a th em a tics: Three Special U niversity Lectures in M athem atics were given by Professor W illiam Prager, of Brown U niversity, U.S.A. Department of P h y s ic s : An Inaugural Lecture in the Chair of Theoretical Physics was given by Professor Cyril Domb on “ Statistical physics and its problem s.” E


T erm ,

1955.—Public Lectures delivered during this term

were as follows :— F aculty o f A rts : Three Special U niversity Lectures on “ The philo­ sophy of Schelling ” were given by Professor Wolfgang K retschm er, of the U niversity of Tubingen. F aculty of Science : Three Special U niversity Lectures on “ Induced

transform ations of bacteria ” wrere given by Dr. H arriett EphrussiTaylor, of the U niversity of Paris. Department of Physiology : The H alliburton Lecture, on “ The effects o f the acetylcholine-cholinesterase system on the h eart,” was given by Professor lgino Spadolini, of the U niversity of Florence.

A R TH U R HOW ARD, Chairman. Gth December, 1955




U niversity Studentships (Classics 2, F rench 2) A rth u r P la tt Studentship in Classics .................... Stopford Brooke Scholarship in English L iterature U niversity P ostgraduate Studentships (Classics 2, English, E ducation, French 2, German) ............ B.A. General ............................................................... B.A. H onours ............................................................... P ostgradu ate Certificate in E ducation .................... Academic Diplom a in E ducation ............................. M.A....................................................................................... Ph.D . (A rts) ............................................................... U niversity Studentship in Laws ............................ U niversity P ostgraduate Studentship in Laws Interm ediate L L .B ........................................................... LL.B . P a s s ....................................................................... LL.B . H onours ............................................................... LL.M .................................................................................... U niversity Studentships (Geology, P h y s ic s ) ............ Neil A rn o tt Studentship in Chemistry .................... U niversity P ostgraduate Studentships (Chemistry, Physics 2, M athem atics) ..................................... AVilliam Lincoln Shelley Studentship in M athem atics U niversity P ostgraduate Travelling Studentship (M athem atics).............................................................. B.Sc. General Pass ...................................................... B.Sc. General H onours ............................................. B.Sc. Special P ass ...................................................... B.Sc. Special H onours ............................................. M.Sc..................................................................................... Ph.D . (Science) .............................................................. B.Sc. Engineering Pass .............................................. B.Sc. Engineering H onours ..................................... M.Sc. Engineering ...................................................... Ph.D . Engineering ...................................................... 1st E xam ination for Medical Degrees .................... 2nd E xam ination for Medical Degrees .................... 2nd E xam ination for D ental Surgery .................... Ph.D . (Medicine) ...................................................... Degrees and Diplomas

T otal



3 1 —

1 — 1

4 1 1

4 6 52 35 — 11 5 1 1 3!) 13 28 5 2 1

3 11 68 36 1 9 1 — — 10 3 7 — — —'

7 17 120 71 1 20 6 1 1 49 16 35 5 2 1

4 1

__ —

4 1

1 26 !) 2 74 8 23 15 14 1 3 34 93 20 3


1 28 10 2 88 8 25 15 14 1 3 43 104 32 3

2 \

14 — 2 — — — — 9 11 6





(i) F aculty op a r ts :— R egistered In tern al ... Registered E x te rn a l... O ther R egular ............ P ostgraduate .......... . P ostgraduate Certifi­ cate in E d ucation... O ccasio n al....................

(ii) F aculty op L aws :— Registered In tern al ... O ther R egular ............ P ostgraduate ............ O ccasio n al....................

iii) F aculty op S cience Registered In tern a l ... Postgraduate ............

iv) F aculty op m edical Science :— Registered, In tern al ... Registered E x te rn a l... O ther R egular ............ L .D .S............................... Postgraduate ............

(v) F aculty op E n g ineer ­ ing :— Registered In tern al ... Postgraduate ........... O ccasional....................






187 2 2 28

267 2



— _ — 21

4 1 — —

37 —

39 1








109 — 18 —

28 — — —

— — 10


1 —

63 « — 7

— 1







334 120

74 13

— 11


—. —

__ —





280 4 — 14 2

53 — 1 3

— — —

— — — —



160 24 — 184

Grand T otal


P art-tim e

— —

Women 4

_ 1 —




— — — —

— — — 357

7 1 8

— —

— — 192 2028

In addition about 1800 persons atten d ed th e G ilbart L ectures on B anking Law.




D ale, F. R. N ote on Virgil Georgies IV, lines 228-230.

(Classical Review.)

Gossage, A. J . “ Two im plications of the Trojan le g e n d ” , p a rt 1. (Greece and Rome.) “ The d ate of IG V, 2, 516 ( = S1G 3, 800).” (A n n u a l of the B ritish School at Athens.) H andford, S. A. Pocket L atin-E nglish D ictionary.


Low, D. M. N orm an Douglas, a selection from his works w ith an introduction. (Cliatto and W indus—w ith Seeker and W arburg.) A century o f writers, 1855-1955: a Century Volume chosen by D. M. Low and others. (Chatto and W indus.) Reviews in various periodicals. Maguinness, W. S. “ Tho Tragic Spirit of the JEneid ” , Presidential Address, 1955, published by th e Virgil Society. Reviews in various learned periodicals. Scullard, H. H. “ A ncient H istory to a . d . 500.” (A nnual B ulletin of Historical Literature, Vol. xxxix.) Articles (e.g. on Scipio) in the Encyclopcedia B ritannica, 1955 (re­ printing). Reviews in various learned periodicals. W innington-Ingram , R. P. “ A religious function of Greek tragedy.” (Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. lxxiv.) Article on “ Greek Music (ancient) ” , and minor articles, in Grove’s D ictionary o f M u sic and M usicians, 5th edition. “ Fragm ents of unknow n Greek tragic tex ts w ith musical notation ” (Symbolce Osloenses, xxxi.)—with S. Eitrem and L. Amundsen.



A rm strong, XV. A. The Year's W ork in E nglish Studies, 1952, C hapter V I, “ The Renaissance (O.U.P. 1954.) “ The Technique of Practical Criticism .” (M itteilungsblatt des Allgem einen Deutschen Neuphilologensverbandes, December 1954.) “ American L iterature in the B ritish U niversity.” (U niversities' Quarterly, A ugust 1955.) Review of Teague, S henkin, and Saw ney, by J . 0 . Bartley. (Theatre Notebook, April 1955.) Review of II Teatro di John M arston, di Giuliano Pelligrini. (English Studies, August 1955.) Bullough, G. “ The early poems of Sir R ichard Fanshaw e.” (Anglo-Am ericana, von H ibler Festschrift, Vienna, 1954.) “ A nalytic Criticism in L iterary S tu d y .” (English Language Teaching, Sum m er 1955.) The Year's W ork in English Studies, 1953, C hapter X III (part), “ The nineteenth century an d after ” . C ontribution to The F ifth A n n u a l Report on the Fulbright Program, 1949-54. Reviews in The Birm ingham Post, etc. Clark, Cecily “ The Anglo-Norman Chronicle,” Appendix to The Peterborough Chronicle (Bodleian M S . L a u d M isc. 636), ed. D orothy W hitelock. (Copenhagen, 1954, pp. 39-^3.) “ Notes on MS. Laud Misc. 636.” (M edium JEvum xxiii, 1954, pp. 71-5.) “ The Green K n ight shoeless : a reconsideration.” (Review of English Studies vi, 1955, pp. 174-7.) The Peterborough Chronicle 1070-1154. (Oxford English Mono­ graphs—a t press.) Crow, J . VV. “ E diting and Em ending.” (E ssays and S tudies by members o f the E nglish Association, New Series, Vol. V III, 1955.) Reviews in The T im es Literary Supplem ent, The Listener and T im e and Tide. Garmonsway, G. N. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (second edition), (Everym an’s Library, J . M. Dent.) “ Anna Gurney, learned Saxonist.” (Essays and Studies by members o f the English Association, New Series, vol. V III, 1955.) Reviews in Modern Language Review.


M atthews, W. R. B ritish Autobiographies.


(Univ. of California Press, C.U.P.)

Y arker, P. M. The Year's W ork in E nglish Studies, 1953, Chapter X III (part), “ The nineteenth century and after “ Voltaire among the Positivists : a study of W. H . Mallock’s The N ew P aul and V irginia.” (E ssays and Studies by members o f the English Association, New Series, Vol. V III, 1955.)


Cocking, J . M. Review in French Studies. Stone, Louise W. “ E ta t present du dictionnaire Anglo-normand.” (Revue de linguistique romane, juillet-d^cem bre 1954, tom e X V III, pp. 255-6.) W eightm an, J . G. Translation of Introduction and Commentaries by R obert Guillain in J a p a n , by W erner Bischop. (Sylvan Press, 1954.) Reviews in The T im es Literary Supplem ent and The N ew Statesman and N ation.


Ganz, P. F. “ Seventeenth-century English loan words in Germ an.” (Journal o f E nglish and Germanic Philology.) “ Some English loan words in Germ an.” (M odem Language Review.) G ilbert, Mary E. E ditor of H ofm annsthal — Selected Essays. (Blackwell’s German Texts, Oxford, 1955.) “ Zur Bildlichkeit in Kellers Romeo und J u lia a u f dem Dorfe." ( W irkendes Wort, p. 354, 4 Jah rg an g / 6 H eft, Septem ber 1954.) G raham , Ilse A. “ The broken pitcher. Hero of K leist’s Comedy.” (M odem Language Quarterly.) “ Reflection as function of form in Schiller’s tragic poetry.” (Proceedings of the E nglish Goethe Society.) N orm an, F. Jo in t E ditor of London Mediceval Studies and M ethuen’s Old English Library. On Editorial Board of A nglia. Reviews.




Rom, P. E dito r of The Individual Psychology N ew s Letter. “ The Style Problem .” (The Individual Psychology N ew s Letter 44/45, pp. 4-5.) “ J . M. B arrie’s Peter P a n ." (The Individual Psychology N ew s Letter 46/47, p. 5.) Note on Friedrich Schiller. (The Individual Psychology N ew s Letter 49/50, pp. 7-8.) DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY

G raham , G. S. “ The end of an Im perial epoch.” (II istorisches Jahrbuch, ed. Johannes Sporl, Munchen, 1955, pp. 557-63.) “ French Canadian view points.” (review article in The. T im es Literary Supplem ent, May 13th 1955.) H ow ard, C. H . D. Reviews in E nglish Historical Review and Internationales Jahrbuch f u r Gesch ichtsunterricht. H oward, M. E. Reviews in H istory and The Journal of International A ffairs. DEPARTMENT OF MODERN GREEK

Jenkins, R. J . H. “ The classical background of the Scriptores post Theophanem .” (Dumbarton Oaks Papers No. 8 , 1954.) “ The d ate of the Slav revolt in Peloponnese under Rom anus I .” (Studies in Honor of Albert M a th ia s F riend, J r ., Princeton, 1955.) Reviews of Melanges II. Gregoire, Vol. I l l , D um barton Oaks Papers no. 7, and The Chronographia of M ichael Psellus, tr. Sewter. (Journal o f H ellenic S tu d ies, Vol. 75, 1955.) DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY

F indlay, J . N. “ The Logic of Bewusstseinslagen.” (Philosophical Quarterly, Jan u ary 1955.) Review of W ittgenstein’s Philosophische Untersuchungen. (Philo­ sophy, April 1955.) DEPARTMENT OF PORTUGUESE

Boxer, C. R . Andre Furtado de Mendonqa, 1558-1611. (Lisbon, 1955, 200 pp.) “ Some notes on Portuguese historiography, 1930-1950.” (History, Vol. X X X IX , 1954, pp. 1-13.) “ Captain Joao Ribeiro and his H istory of Ceylon, 1622-1693.” (Journal o f the Royal A sia tic Society, April 1955, pp. 1-12.)




H am ilton, Mrs. R ita “ A note on Ju a n R uiz.”

(M odern Language Review, 1955.)

Jones, R. O. “ Garcilaso, poeta del hum anism o.” (Clavileno , 1954.) “ The poetic un ity of the Soledades of Gongora.” (Bulletin of H ispanic Studies, 1954.) Parker, A. A. Reviews in B ulletin of H ispanic Studies.


Barlow, A. C. H. Review of H arding’s H istory of Rom an Law in M alta. (The Solicitor.) Review of W estrup’s “ The Ancient Roman Tradition ” , Intro­ duction to early Rom an Law , Vol. V, Book 2. (The Solicitor.) Bland, A. J . “ M ortmain and the Term of Y ears.” (Law Quarterly Review, Vol. 71, p. 79.) Review of Schm itthoff’s The E nglish Conflict of Laws. (Law Quarterly Review, Vol. 71, p. 282.) Crane, F. R. “ Consent Powers and Jo in t Powers.” (The Conveyancer, Vol. 18, p. 565.) Review of Snell’s E quity, 24th edition. (The Conveyancer.) Review of Cheshire’s M odern Real Property, 7th edition. (The Conveyancer.) Case N otes on “ Real Property and Conveyancing ” , and “ Trusts (The Conveyancer.) Davies, C. E. P. Review of Tolstoy’s L aw and Practice of Divorce and M atrim onial Causes. (M odern Law Review, Vol. 18, p. 196, March 1955.) Graveson, R. H. “ Reform of the Law of Domicile.” (Law Quarterly Review, Vol. 70, pp. 492-513, October 1954.) “ Judicial In terp retatio n of Divorce Jurisdiction in the Conflict of Laws.” (M odern Law Review, Vol. 17, pp. 501-514, November 1954.) “ The Non-Recognition of Foreign Divorce Decrees.” (Law Quarterly Review, Vol. 71, pp. 191-196, April 1955.)




Graveson, R. H. “ Adoption in English P rivate International Law. (43 Revue Critique de D roit International Drive, pp. 550-552, 1954.) Review of M aury’s L 'E victio n de la L o i normalement competente. (International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 3, pp. 703 -4.) Evidence subm itted to the Royal Commission on M arriage and Divorce, A ppendix, pp. 1 - 8 . A tti del Convegno intem azionale per la Riform a dell’A rbitrato, Milan 1955, pp. 120-122, 239-241, 258-261. Jam es, T. E. “ The P ersistent Offender.” (C rim inal L aw Review, December 1954.) Review of G uttm acher and W eihofen’s Psychiatry and the Law , New Y ork 1952. (C rim inal Laiv Review, October 1954.) Review of A brahansen’s Who are the G uilty ?, London, 1954. (Crim inal Law Review, Decem ber 1954.) Review of The Roots of Crime, edited by Sir Norwood E ast, London, 1954. (C rim inal L aw Review, April 1955.) K iralfy, A. K. R. The English Legal System . (Sweet & Maxwell, Septem ber 1954.) Review of A ppeals in Soviet C rim inal Procedure. (Soviet Studies, October 1954.) Review of Crossley Vaines’ Personal Property. (Journal o f the Society o f Public Teachers of Law , 1954.) Nokes, G. D. “ American Uniform Rules of Evidence.” (International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 4th series, Vol. 4, P a rt I, p. 48, Ja n u a ry 1955.) Review of Shaw’s Evidence in C rim inal Cases. (Journal o f the Society o f Public Teachers of Law , new series, Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 256, Jan u ary 1955.) St. John-Stevas, N. A. F. “ Obscenity an d the Law .”

(C rim inal Law Review, N ovem ber

1 9 5 4 , p p . 8 1 7 - 8 3 3 .)

“ Obscenity and Law Reform .”

(The Spectator, No. 6606, February

1 9 5 5 .)

“ In te n t and the Law .” (New Statesm an, October 9th 1954.) “ The Obscene Publications Bill 1955.” (The A uthor, Spring 1955, Vol. LXV, No. 3.) “ A New Test of Criminal Responsibility in Cases of In san ity .” (M odem Law Review, Vol. 18, No. 4, Ju ly 1955.) Review of K iralfy’s The English Legal System . (The L aw T im es, 1955.) Review of H arris’s C rim inal Law. (The Law T im es, 1955.)



S t. John-Stevas, N. A. F . Review of Del Vecchio’s Philosophy o f Law . (M odern Law Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 82-4, Ja n u a ry 1955.) Review of Lord J o w itt’s Som e were Spies. (M odern Law Review, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 309-310, May 1955.) D raft of Obscene Publications B ill, 1955, for the Society of Authors. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Beales, A. C. F. “ The historical developm ent of activ ity m ethods.” ( Pedagogica, M adrid.) “ E ducation under Mary T udor.” (The M onth, Ju n e 1955.) “ Some sources for th e history of Spanish education ” I and II. (B ritish Journal o f Educational Studies, N ovem ber 1954 and May 1955.) “ The future of th e V oluntary Schools ” in Looking forw ard in E ducation (ed. Judges), 1955. “ The De la Salle C entenary.” (Blackfriars, April 1955.) Reviews in Tablet, B lackfriars, B ritish Journal of Educational Studies. Judges, A. V. “ R ecent trends in English education.” (The International Review of E ducation, I, iii, 1955.) E dited, w ith In tro d u ctio n , Looking forw ard in Education. (Faber, 1955) and contributed chapter on “ The social cost of an educa­ tional program m e ” . Reviews in H istory, E ducation, B ritish Journal of Educational Studies. King, E. J . “ The prospect for A dult E ducation ” in Looking forw ard in E duca­ tion (ed. Judges), 1955. “ Stocktaking in Com parative E ducation.” (The International Review of Education, I, iii, 1955.) “ Professional an d Personal E ducation in France. ’ (A dult E ducation, 1955.) DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY

Coleman, Miss Alice M. “ Landscape and Planning in relation to the cem ent industry of Tham eside.” (Tow n P lanning Review, Vol. 25, 1954.) “ Field work in schools.” (Geography, Vol. 39, 1954.) (with Beaver, S . H .)

“ Dale i Sunnfjord. A study in changing Geographical values.” (Geographical Journal, Vol. 121, 1955.)




Yates, E. M. “ The vegetation of Blackdovvn Sussex.” (Geography, V'ol. 40, 1955.) “ R ogate iron furnace and forge.” (Sussex Notes and Queries 14, 1955.) “ A contribution to the historical Geography of north west Staffordshire.” (Geographical Studies 2, 1955.) “ The settlem ent of n o rth west Sussex.” (Sociological Review 2, 1955.) “ Mediaeval assessments in north west Sussex.” (Publication No. 20 In st. B rit. Geog., 1955.) W ooldridge, S. W. (with L inton, I). L .) Structure, Surface and Drainage in South East England. (Philip, London, 1954.) “ The status of Geography and the role of field work ” , Presidential Address to the Geographical Association. (Geography Vol. 40, 1954.) Review “ The Soils of B ritain.” (Geog. Journ. 121, 1955, p. 210.) Review “ The S tudy of Geomorphology.” (Geog. Journ. 121, 1955, p. 89.)


Taylor, J . H. “ The L ead-Zinc-V anadium deposits a t Broken H ill, N orthern Rhodesia.” (Colonial Geology and M ineral Resources, Vol. 4, 1954, pp. 335-365.) Wells, A. K. and Bishop, A. C. “ An Appinitic facies in certain granites in Jersey, Channel Islands.” (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. CXI, 1955, pp. 143-166.)


Bondi, H. (and Gold, T.) “ The field of a uniform ly accelerated charge, w ith special reference to the problem of gravitational acceleration.” (Proc. Roy. Soc. A 229, pp. 416-424, 1955.) Davies, T. V. Review of B. J . S tarkey’s Laplace Transform s fo r Electrical E n ­ gineers. (Science Progress, April, 1955.) Review of F rankl and K arpovitch’s Gas D ynam ics of T h in Bodies. (M ath. Gazette.) Review of “ W ave Motion and V ibration Theory ” , Proceedings of the F ifth Symposium in Applied M athem atics of the American M athem atical Society. (M ath. Gazette.)



Davies, T. V. Review of O. G. S u tto n ’s M athem atics in Action. (Quart. Journ. of the Roy. Met. Hoc., October, 1954.) Review of K otschine, Kibe] and Rose’s Theoretisclie H ydrodynam ik. (Quart. Journ. of the Roy. M et. Soc. In the press.) Frohlich, A. “ A rem ark on the class num ber of Abelian fields.” (Journal Jjondon M ath. Soc., 29, pp. 498, 1954.) “ On absolute class group of Abelian fields.” (Journal London M ath. Soc., 30, pp. 72-80, 1955.) K ilm ister, C. W. “ The application of certain linear quaternion functions of quatern­ ions to tensor analysis.” (Proc. R oyal Irish Acad. (A), 57, pp. 37-52, 1955.) (with B astin, E . IF.) “ E ddington’s theory in term s of the concept of order.” (Proc. Camb. P hil. Soc., 50, pp. 439^448, 1954.) (with Stephenson, 0 .) “ Field equations in general relativity.” (II N uovo Cimento, 12, pp. 361-362, 1955.) Reviews in M athem atical Gazette and Journal of the Physical Society. Leggett, D. M. A. “ The buckling of thin cylindrical shells under axial compression.” (Publications de l’ln s titu t M ath^m atique, V II, pp. 47-60, Bel­ grade, 1954.) Reviews in Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society and A pplied M echanics Reviews. Scott, D. B. “ Correspondences w ith unequal valencies.” (Research note in Proc. Camb. P hil. Soc., 50, pp. 639-640, 1954.) Contributions to M athematical Reviews and M athematical Gazette. Semple, J . G. “ The triangle as a geom etric variable.” 8 8 , 1954.) Reviews in M athem atical Reviews.

(M athematika, 1, pp. 80-


Ball, N. G. and Dyke, I. J . “ An endogenous 24-hour rhythm in the growth rate of the Avena coleoptile.” (J. E x p . Hot., Vol. 5, No. 15, p. 421, 1955.) B anbury, G. H. “ Physiological studies in th e Mucorales. Vol. 6 , No. 17, p. 235, 1955.)

III. ( J . E xp . Bot.,




Bennet-Clark, T. A. “ W ater and plan t grow th.” (Annual R eport East Mailing Re­ search S tation, 1954, p. 47.) Kefford, N. P. “ Growth substances separated from plant ex tracts by chrom ato­ graphy. I .” (J. E x p . B ut., Vol. 6 , No. 15, p. 129, 1955.) “ Growth substances separated from plant ex tracts by chrom ato­ graphy. I I .” (J . E x p . Bot., Vol. 6 , No. 17, p. 245, 1955.) Sutcliffe, J . F. “ The absorption of potassium ions by plasmolysed cells.” (J. E xp . B ot., Vol. 5, No. 14, p. 215, 1954.) “ Exchangeability of potassium and bromide ions in cells of red beetroot tissue.” (J. E xp . Bot., Vol. 6 , No. 15, p. 313, 1955.)


A bram ovitch, R. A. “ The p attern of picrate form ation in th e pyridylquinoline series.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1954, 3839.) A bram ovitch, It. A., Hey, D. H ., and Mulley, R. D. “ Internuclear cyclisation. P a rt X I. The synthesis of ind-Niuethyl-a-carbolines.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1954, 42(53.) A hm ad, S. Y. and Hey, D. H. “ Acylarylnitrosam ines. P a rt V II. Reactions of 3-aminom ethoxypyridines and 3-amino-1-methylpyridones. The pre­ paration of 2-m ethoxy-3-phenyl, 4-m ethoxy-3-phenyl, and 2-m ethoxy-5-phenylpyridine.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1954, 4516.) Baker, M. McD. and Rideal, E. K. (Sir) “ Chemisorption on m etals.” (Nature, 1954, 174, 1185.) Benjam in, L. and Gold, V. “ A table of therm odynam ic funct ions of ionic hy d ratio n .” Farad. Soc., 1954, 50, 797.)


B ennett, M. C. and Rideal, E . K. (Sir) “ N itella.” (Froc. Hoy. Soc., 1954, B142, 483.) de Boer, Th. J . “ Therm al rearrangem ent of sylphonylm ethylnitrosam ides.” (Hec. trav. chim ., 1954, 73, 676.) de Boer, Th. J . and Hey, D. H. “ Therm al decomposition of higher sylphonylalkylnitrosam ides.” (Hec. trav. chim ., 1954, 73, 6 8 6 .)



Bryce-Sm ith, D. “ Organometallic compounds of the alkali metals. P a rt V. The non-radical decomposition of n-butyl-lithium .” (J. Chem. Soc., 1955, 1712.) Bryce-Sm ith, J)., Gold, V., and Satchell, I). P. N. “ The hydrogen isotope effect in the m etallation of benzene.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1954, 2743.) Cadogan, J . I. G., Gold, V., and Satchell, D. P. N. “ The reactivity of p-m ethylbenzyl radicals. A novel application of the kinetic isotope effect.” (./. Chem. Soc., 1955, 561.) Cadogan, J . I. G. and Hey, D. H. “ Free radical addition reactions of olefinic system s.” Reviews, 1954, 8, 308.)


Cadogan, J . I. G., H ey, D. H . and W illiams, G. H. “ Hom olytic arom atic substitution. P a rt V II. P artial rate fac­ tors for the phenylation of <er<butylbenzene and p-di-<er<-butylbenzene.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1954, 3352.) “ Hom olytic arom atic substitution. P a rt IX . Competitive ex­ perim ents on the arylation of chlorobenzene and nitrobenzene w ith p-chlorophenyl radicals.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1955, 1425.) Cheesman, D. F. and Davies, J . T. “ Physicochemical an d biological aspects of proteins a t interfaces.” (Advances in Protein Chem istry, 1954, 9, 439.) Crombie, L., H arper, S. H. and Newman, F. C. “ Synthesis of the naturally derived geometrical isomer of pyrethrolone and a p y reth rin -I.” (Chemistry and Industry, 1954, 1109.) Crombie, L., H arper, S. H . and Sleep, K . C. “ Synthesis of the naturally derived geometrical isomer of chrysanthem um dicarboxylic acid.” (Chemistry and Industry, 1954, 1538.) Davies, J . T. “ Catalysis and reactions a t liquid interfaces.” (Advances in Catalysis, 1954, 6, 1.) “ The age of tho universe.” (Brit. J . Philos. Sci., 1954, 5, 191.) Davies, J . T. and Llopis, J . “ Surface studies on a new polyam inoacid.” 1955, A 227, 537.)

(Proc. Roy. Soc.,

Davies, J . T. and Rideal, E. K . (Sir) “ Interfacial potentials.” (Canad. J . Chem., 1955, 33, 947.)




Davies, J . T. and Taylor, F. H. “ Olfactory thresholds : a test of a new theory.” (The Perfumery and Essential Oil Record, 1955.) “ A model system for the olfactory m em brane.” (Nature, 1954, 174, 6 9 3 .)' F abian, D. J . and R obertson, A. J . B. Contributions in A p p lied M ass Spectrometry. leum, London, 1954.)

(In stitu te of Petro­

Flengas, S. N. “ Polarographic and potentiom etric titratio n of the cadmium cyanide complexes.” (Trans. Farad. Soc., 1955, 51, 62.) Gold, V. “ Approxim ate calculations of the acidity function J 0.” (Chemistry and In d u stry, 1955, 172.) “ The form ulation of the acidity function J 0.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1955, 1263.) Gold, V. and H ilton, J. “ The hydrolysis of acetic anhydride. P a rt IV. Catalysis by hydrochloric acid an d the hydrolysis of acetyl chloride.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1955, 838.) “ The hydrolysis of acetic anhydride. P a rt V. Catalysis by strong acids.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1955, 843.) Gold, V. and H ilton, J . (jointly w ith Bell, It. P. and R and, M. H.) “ Developments of the Therm al Maximum Method for reaction velocities in solution.” (Farad. Soc. D iscussions, 1954, 17, 151.) Gold, V., Hilton, J. and Jefferson, E. G. “ A comparison of the solvolytic hydrolysis reactions of acetic anhydride and benzoyl chloride.” (J. Chem. Soc., 1954, 2756.) Gold, V. and Satehell, D. P. N. “ The principles of hydrogen isotope exchange reactions in solu­ tion.” (Quarterly Review, 1955, 9, 51.) Green, A. L. “ Some applications of valence-bond theory to arom atic su b stitu ­ tion.” (J.'C hem . Soc., 1954, 3538.) Green, A. L. and Hey, D. H. “ Intram olecular acylation. P a rt V. P reparation and ring closure of some m ethoxy- 1 -naphthylacetic, -propionic, -butyric and -a-ethylglutaric acids.” (J . Chem. Soc., 1954, 4306.) H arper, S. H. “ The chrysanthem um carboxylic acids. P a rt V II. Catalytic hydrogenation of the chrysanthem ic acids.” (Journal o f the Science of Food and Agriculture, 1954, 5, 529.)



H arper, S. H. and Reed, H . VV. B. “ Experim ents on the synthesis of the pyrethrins. addition of ethyl diazoacetate to sorbic esters.” 1055, 779.)

P a rt IX . The (J. Chem. Soc.,

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I. Sol protection and diffusion.”

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R obertson, A. J . B. “ Mass spectrom etric investigations of the H 0 2 radical.” (A pplied Mas.? Spectrometry. In stitu te of Petroleum , London, 1954.) DEPARTMENT OE PHYSICS

B iophysics Chayen, J . “ Non-nuclear localization of D.N.A. in root meristem cells.” (Excerpta M edica, 1954, 8, 415.)

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Davies, II. G., Chaycn, J ., W ilkins, M. II. F. and La Cour, L. F. “ The use of the interference microscope to determ ine dry mass in living cells and as a quan titativ e cytochemical m ethod.” (Quart. J . M icro. S c i., 1954, 95, 271.) Davies, H. G., Deeley, E. M., Richards, B. M. and W alker, P. M. B. “ Cytochemical studies of changes in composition of cells in tissue culture during th e cell cycle.” (Excerpta M edica, 1954, 8, 419.) D avies, H . G. and Engstrom , A. “ Interferom etric and X -ray absorption studies of bone tissue.” (E xp. Cell Research, 1954, 7, 243.) Davies, H . G. and Engfeldt, B. “ D istribution of dry mass in m alignant epithelial tum ours.” (Lab. Investigation, 1954, 3, 227.) Davies, H . G., Lindstrom , B. and Engstrom , A. “ A comparison between th e X -ray absorption and optical in ter­ ference m ethods for the mass determ ination of biological struc­ tu res.” (Nature, 1953, 172, 1041.) Deeley, E. M., R ichards, B. M., W alker, P. M. B., and Davies, H . G. “ M easurements of fetdgen stain during the cell cycle w ith a new photoelectric scanning device,” (E xp. Cell Research, 1954, 6, 569.) Fcughelm an, M., Langridge, R ., Seeds, W. E ., Stokes, A. R ., Wilson, H . R ., Hooper, C. W ., W ilkins, M. H. F ., Barclay, R. K . and H am ilton, L. D. “ Molecular structure of deoxyribose nucleic acid and nucleoprotein.” (Nature, 1955, 175, 834.)




Franklin, R. E. and Gosling, R. G. “ The stru ctu re of sodium thym onucleate fib re s: tho three dim ensional Patterson function.” (Acta Cryst., 1955, 8, 151.) H anson, E. J . and H uxley, H. E. “ The stru ctu ral basis of contraction in striated muscle.” (Excerpta M edica, 1954, 8 , Supplem ent p. 5.) “ S tructural changes in muscle during contraction.” (N ature, 1954, 173, 971.) Hooper, C. W ., Seeds, YV. E. and Stokes, A. R. “ Photographic preparation of masks of large molecules for the Lipson diffractom eter.” (N ature, 1955, 175, 679.) Jackson, S. F itto n and Sm ith, R. H. “ Some observations on intracellular particles associated with fibrogenesis.” (Excerpta M edica, 1954, 8, 429.) N orth, A. C. T., Cowan, P. M. and R andall, J . T. “ Structural units in collagen fibrils.” (Nature, 1954, 174, 1142.) R andall, J . T. “ Observations on the collagen system .” (Nature, 1954, 174, 853.) “ Observations on the collagen system ” —Sixth Proctor Memorial Lecture. (J. Soc. Leather Trades' Chemists, 1954, 38, 362.) R ichards, B. M. “ Deoxyribose nucleic acid values in tum our cells with reference to the stem-cell theory of tum our grow ths.” (N ature, 1955, 175, 259.) Seeds, W. E. “ Molecular model building in relation to the structure of the sodium salt of deoxypentose nucleic acid.” (Acta Cryst., 1954, 7, 656.) Stokes, A. R. “ Tho production of fibre diagram s w ith the optical diffraction spectrom eter.” (Acta Cryst., 1955, 8, 27.) W ilkins, M. H. F. “ S tructure of deoxypentose nucleic acids and nucleoproteins.” (Acta Cryst., 1954, 7, 656.) Spectroscopy

Ford, M. A., Wilkinson, G. R. and Price, W. C. “ The pressed disk technique in spectroscopy.” (Institute of Petroleum Spectroscopy S ym p o siu m , N ovem ber 1954, B utterw orth 1955.) H am m ond, V. J . and Price, W. C. “ Oscillator strengths of the vacuum ultraviolet absorption bands of ethylene and benzene.” (Trans. Farad. Soc., 1955, 51, 605.)




Price, W. C. “ infra-red spectroscopy and its application to pharm aceutical analysis.” (J. Pharm acy and Pharmacology, 1955, 7, 153.) “ Spectroscopy in the oil in d u stry .” (I. Petroleum, 1955, 18, 161 : II . ibid., 1955, 18, 258.) Robinson, T. S. and Price, W. C. “ The interpretatio n and use of infra-red reflection spectra.” (Institute of Petroleum Spectroscopy Sym posium , N ovem ber 1954, B utterw orth 1955.) W ilkinson, G. 11., F ord, M. A. and Price, W. C. “ The emission spectra of molecules and radicals in the infra-red.” (ibid.) N uclear R adiations and Solid State Physics

Benny, A. H. and Champion, F. C. “ Some effects of neutron irradiation on diam ond.” (Nature, 1954, 173, 1087.) Electronics and Inform ation Theory

Bergm an, G. D. and M acKay, D. M. “ A high-speed waveform-sampling circuit.” ing, April 1955, 160.)

(Electronic Engineer­

Fisher, M. E. “ The m atrix approach to filters and transm ission lines.” May 1955, 198 and Ju n e 1955, 258.)


M acKay, 13. M. “ The epistomological problem for au to m ata.” (Autom ata Studies, Princeton U niversity Press, 1955.) “ Supralogical behaviour in au to m ata.” (Proc. 14th International Congress o f Psychology, N orth H olland Publ. Co., 1955.) “ H igh speed electronic analogue com puting techniques.” (J. In st. Electr. Eng. In the press.) Theoretical Physics

B arron, T. H. K. and Domb, C. “ Cubic and hexagonal close packed lattices.” 1955, 227, 447.)

(Proc. Roy. Soc. A,

D om b, C. “ Properties of solid argon.” (Nature, 1955, 175, 661.) “ S tatistical Physics and its problem s.” (Science Progress, 1955, 43, no. 171.)



Domb, C. Review of T er H aar’s Statistical M echanics. (Proc. Phys. Sue., 1955, 08, 356.) Review of M. S. B a rtle tt’s Stochastic Processes. (Science Progress. In tbe press.) E lton, L. R . B. “ On the infinity in the second bo m approxim ation for the Coulomb held.” (Proc. Camb. P hil. Soc., 1955, 51, 333.) “ Effect of finite nucleus on the radiative correction.” (Proc. Phys. Soc. A, 1955, 6 “<S, 549.) “ The size of nuclei.” (Science N ew s, 1955, 30, 44.) Reviews in Endeavour. E lton, L. It. B. and Brown, G. E. “ Elastic scattering of high energy electrons by m ercury.” M ag. 1955, 40, 164.)



Arthur, D. R. “ Ixodes kohlsi, a new species from A ustralia.” (J. P arasit., 41, 18-23.) “ The ticks (Ixodoidea) of C hiroptera.” (J. Parasit. In the press.) “ Ixodes hoogstraali, a new species of tick from Yemen.” (Para­ sitology, 45, 128-30.) “ New species of ticks (Ixodes) associated w ith small m am m als.” (ibid., 131-141.) “ The morphology of the B ritish P ro striata with particular refer­ ence to Ixodes hexagonus. P a rt IY. The spiracle and H aller’s organ.” (Parasitology. In the press.) “ Ixodes redikorzevi redikorzevi 01. in E gypt and a discussion of its system atic status and distribution.” (E gyptian Journal of Public Health. In the press.) “ Observations on collections of ticks from D enm ark.” (Saertryk af. E n t. M edd, 27, 76-83.) “ The larva of Ixodes rothschildi, w ith notes on the adults and on its biology.” (A nn. M ag. N a t. H ist. In the press.) “ Records of ticks of B ritish b u d s with notes on their ecology. P a rt II. (with Thompson, G. B.). (A n n . M ag. N a t. H ist., Ser. 12, S, 57-60.) “ Records of ticks of British birds with notes on their ecology. P a rt H I. (with Thompson, G. B.). (A n n . M ag. N a t. H ist. In the press.) “ H aller’s organ in 1. kerguelenensis and a reconsideration of the phylogeny of the Ixodoidea.” (Ent. moil. M ag. In the press.)




Cloudsley-Thompson, J . L. “ Arid zone research.” (J. In st. Biol., 1, 48.) “ N otes on A rachnida, 20-22.” (E n t. mon. M ay., 90, 235-7.) “ The Lucanian cows.” (School Sci. Rev., 36, 66-70.) “ The black fly, S im u liu m venustum , biting m an.” (Entomologist, 88, 18-19.) “ Observations on th e ecology of Arachnids in D enm ark.” (Ent. m on. M ag., 91, 31-32.) “ A rthropods and terrestrial life.” (Sci. New s, 36, 95-108.) “ The biology of woodlice.” (Discovery, 16, 248-51.) “ The design of entomological aktograph ap p aratu s.” (Ento­ mologist, 88, 153-161.) M anton, S. M. “ The evolution of arthropodan locomotory mechanisms, P a rt 4. The structure, habits and evolution of the Diplopoda.” (J. L in n . Soc. Zool., 42, 299-368.)


M acKinnon, I. L. “ Variations in leucocyte counts during the hum an m enstrual cycle ” . (J. A n a t., Vol. 87, p. 463, 1953.) “ Observations on th e pulse rate during the hum an m enstrual cycle ” , (J. Obstet. Gynaec. B rit. E m p ., Vol. 61, p. 109, 1954.) “ A m ethod of estim ating skull capacity from radiological dia­ m eters ” . (J. A n a t., Vol. 8 8 , p. 575, 1954.) “ P alm ar sweating in pregnancy ” . (J. Obstet. ct Gynaec., Vol. 62, p. 298, 1955.) Nicol, T. and Snell, R. S. “ The experim ental production of lipoid in the uterus of the guinea-pig ” . (J. Obstet. ds Gynaec., Vol. L X II, p. 464, 1955.) “ Cortisone in relation to infection and tum our grow th (Nature, Vol. 174, p. 554, 1954.) “ Effect of deoxycorticosterone on the reticulo-endothelial system ” . (Nature, Vol. 175, p. 995, 1955.) Snell, R. S. and Nicol, T. “ The effect of ovariectom y on the distribution of lipoid in the genital tra c t of the m ature virgin guinea-pig ” . (J. Obstet. <£■ Gynaec., Vol. L X II, p. 12, 1955.)


Bell, E. A. and F ear on, W. R. “ Canavanine : detection and occurrence in colutea arborescens.” (Biocliem. J ., 1955, 59, 2, 221-224.)




Brownlee, G. “ Tuberculous hypersensitivity and desensitization.” (Ciba Foundation Colloquia on the Tubercle Bacillus and its Host, Churchill, 1954.) “ Training of biologists.” (Journ. In st. Biol., 1954, 1, 06.) “ The attack on the tubercle bacillus.” (Pharm. J ., March 25, 1955.) Hercus, V. M., McDowall, It. J . S. and Mendel, D. “ Sodium exchanges in cardiac muscle.” ((J. Physiol., 1955, 120, 177.) Leach, G. D. H. “ Using the guinea pig vas deferens for autonom ic drugs.” (Brit. Pharmacol. Soc., Jan u ary 1954.) “ Central actions of phenothiazine drugs.” (ibid., Ju ly 1954.) McDowall, It. J . S. Handbook of Physiology, 42nd ed., pp. 767. (John M urray. In the press.) “ Sodium chloride and cardiac muscle.” (Proc. Internal. Congress of Cardiology, W ashington 1954.) M ontague, K. “ The mechanism of adrenaline action on skeletal muscle.” Physiol., 1955, 128, 617.)


Nicholls, J . G. and Quilliam, J . P. “ Frog neuro-muscular transm ission and paraldehyde.” (Brit. Pharmacol. Soc., Jan u ary 1955.) “ The use of the isolated frog extensor longus digiti I V muscle in the study of the mechanisms of action of drugs upon skeletal muscle.” (ibid., Ju ly 1954.) Paterson, G. “ Action of neurom uscular blocking agents on the isolated foetal nerve-muscle preparation.” (ibid., Jan u ary 1954.) “ Potentials in norm al, denervated and foetal mammalian skeletal muscle after drugs.” (ibid., Ju ly 1954.) Prichard, B. N. C. “ Acetylcholine blocking action of eserine.” (ibid., Jan u ary 1954.) “ An isolated heart preparation for the study of drug actions on the coronary circulation.” (ibid., Ju ly 1954.) Quilliam, J . P. “ The action of hypnotic drugs on frog skeletal muscle.” J . Pharmacol., 1955, 10, 133.) “ The action of thiopentone sodium on skeletal muscle.” 1955, 10, 141.)

(B rit. (ibid.,


lx x v


Davies, S. J . “ Engineering in the tw entieth century.” (Presidential Address to the Ju n io r Institu tio n of Engineers, Journal J .I.E ., Jan u ary 1955.) (with F lin t, M . A ., a form er student of the College)

“ N otes on the performance of some two-stroke oil engines ” (read to the Diesel Engine Users Association, N ovem ber 1954.) “ The A ndritz Oil Engines.” (Engineering, 31 Dec. 1954.) Greig, J . Foreword to M agnetic M aterials in the Electrical Industry, by P. R. Bardell, B.Sc., M .I.E .E ., F .In st.P . (Macdonald & Co.) H arvey, 1). VV. “ D ynam ic behaviour of the self-excited series transductor with rectified o u tp u t current.” (Engineering, 24 Septem ber 1954, p. 399.) L inhart, J . G. “ The radiation Green’s functions.” (Journal o f the F ranklin Institu te, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Vol. 258, no. 2, A ugust 1954.) Plow m an, J . M. “ Bond in vibrated concrete.” 1954.)

(Civil Engineering, December

Rose, H . E. “ Specific surface of fine pow ders; determ ination by th e tinting strength m ethod.” (P aint M anufacture, Vol. 24, p. 377, 1954.) “ On the anom alous tin tin g strengths of carbon blacks.” (P aint M anufacture, Vol. 25, p. 213, 1955.) “ The blackness te st as a means of rating air cleaning equipm ent.” (Journal of In stitu te of Heat and Vent. Engineers, Vol. 23, p. 153, 1955.) “ On the determ ination of the size and shape characteristics of m agnetically anisotropic particles.” (Chemical Products, Vol. 18, p. 349, 1955.) “ Einige Fragen der Kennzeichnung von Teilchengrossen durch optische V erfahren.” (Zeit. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 1955.) Ross, A. D. “ Some tests of electro-cured concrete.” (The Engineer, Vol. 198, No. 5153, October 29, 1954.) “ Beams prestressed by deformed bars.” (Civil Engineering, Vol. 50, No. 588, Ju n e 1955.) Zarek, J . M. “ Metering pulsating flow.”

(Engineering, 7 Jan u ary 1955.)

lxxv i




Armstrong, Dr. W. A.

Beales, Mr. A. C. F.

Blackwell, Mrs. A. M.

Boxer, Prof. C. R.

Brain, Lady Brass, Mr. D. Bullough, Prof. G.

Burgoyne, Mr. P. A. Burwell, Mr. G.

Cunliffe : Stephen Crane & the American background of “ Maggie ” . 1955. Robbins : D ram atic characterisation in printed com m entaries on Terence, 1473-1600. 1951. S im o n in i: Italian scholarship in Renais­ sance England. 1952. Beales : Some sources for Spanish educa­ tional history, pts. 1-2. 1954-55. D ’Ors : De la guerra y de la paz. 1954. F irst International Congress for Teaching Educational Sciences in Universities : Proceedings & reports. G hent, 1954. Massero : La escultura en movimiento de Angel F erran t. 1954. Perez Em bid : Nosotros, los cristianos. 1955. Blackwell : Lists of researches in educa­ tion & educational psychology. Supple­ m ent 1. 1954. Boxer : An introduction to Joao Ribeiro’s “ Historical Tragedy of the island of Ceylon ” (1685). 1954. Boxer : Some notes on Portuguese his­ toriography 1930-1950. 1954. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, auctore S. Lee, 1831. Jah rb u ch der Grillparzer-Gesellschaft. 25 vols. 1890-1915. Kingsley & M a le t: The tu to r’s story. 1916. Overton : American Nights en tertain ­ m ent. 1923. Zandvoort : Collected papers. 1954. Burgoyne : Cursive handw riting. l'J55. Saran : Das U bersetzen aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen. 2. Autl. v. B. Nagel. Halle, 1953.


Cloudsley-Thom pson, J . L. * Davies, Mr. C. E . P. Davies, Mr. T. V.

F reeth, Mr. F. A. Garside, Mr. K.

G raham , Prof. G. S. Graveson, Prof. R. H.

H all, Prof. J .

Heawood, Miss R. A. H ow ard, Mr. M. E.

H u tto n , Mr. R. Jenkins, Prof. R. J . H.



lxx vii

Thom pson, ed. : Biology of deserts. 19.54. R oyal Commission on Divorce. 1st R e足 port. 1853. Princeton In stitu te for Advanced S tudy : P ublications of members, 1930-54. 1955. F re e th : A. J . Allm and, 1885-1951. 1954. Garside : The basic principles of the new L ibrary classification a t U niversity College, London. 1954. Gallagher & Robinson : The imperialism of free trade. 1953. Graveson : Judicial interpretation of divorce jurisdiction in the conflict of laws. 1954. Graveson : Reform of the law of domicile. 1954. H all : General principles of crim inal law. 1947. H a ll: Living law of dem ocratic society. 1949. H a ll: Readings in jurisprudence. 1938. H a ll: Theft, law & society. 2 n d ed . 1952. W alker : The Honorable A rtillery Com足 pany, 1537-1926. 1926. Baddeley : Russian conquest of the Caucasus. 1908. Fuller : Decisive battles of the W7estern world. 2 vols. 1954-55. L id d e ll-H a rt: Strategy : the indirect approach. 1954. Moore : A century of K ate Greenaway. 1946. H arvard U niversity : D um barton Oaks Papers, no. 8 , 1954. Isidore : Homilies a t the festivals of St. D em etrius; ed. B. Laourda. 1954. L a v a g n in i: Trittico Neogreco; trad . S. Vassilios. 1954. Petropoulos : L a comparaison dans la chanson populaire grecque. 1954. Sw eet-Escott : Greece, a political & economic survey, 1939-53. 1954. W eitzm ann, ed. : L ate classical & mediaeval studies in honour of A. M. Friend. 1955.

lxxviii Judges, Prof. A. V.

Kiralfy, Dr. A. K. K.



H ands, ed. : Aims, organisation & m ethods in British & Germ an educa­ tion. 1953. Law Reform Committee : Third R eport.

1954. Laguna, Madame Maria de Leitao, Senhor R. A.

Lloyd, the late Col. E. M.

Low, Mr. D. M.

McMath, Mr. J . C. Maguinness, Prof. W. S.

Noble, Dr. P. S.

Norm an, Prof. F. •

Palm er, Mr. R. G. Parker, Prof. A. A. Parry, Mr. C. W.

Pierce, Mr. H.

R andall, Prof. J . T. Robertson, Mr. A. J . B. Rose, Dr. H. E.

Laguna, trans. Hispania : Spanish poems rendered into English verse. 1954. Pedro V, King of Portugal : Cartas ao Principe A lberto : trad, e estudo de R. A. Leitao. 1954. T h ie rs : Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire. 20 vols. 1857-62. And 218 other vols. of M ilitary History. C u n a rd : G rand M a n : memories of N orm an Douglas. 1954. K etton-Crem er : Thom as Gray. 1955. Lacroix : Mineralogie de Madagascar. 3 vols. 1922-23. H om er : The Iliad, trans. S. O. Andrew & M. J . Oakley. 1955. Jerm y n : The Ostrakon. 1952. Maguinness : The tragic spirit of the iEneid. 1955. T hom son: Geographica Vergiliana. 1954. U niversity of A thens : School of Philo­ sophy : Epistem onike epeteris, 195354. Keable : Darkness or li g h t: studies in the history of the U niversities’ mission to Central Africa. 2 nd ed. 1914. N icolls: Register of Keble College, Oxford. 1927. P a lm e r: Seneca’s “ De remediis fortuitorum ” & the Elizabethans. 1953. Grossmann : El autor y el publico hispano-americano. 1952. P la u tu s : Three comedies, trans. into English verse by C. W. Parry. Pem ­ broke, 1954. Coke : F irst p art of the In stitu tes of the Laws of E n g lan d ; rev. C. Butler. 18th ed. 2 vols. 1823. Curie, Mme. Marie : GEuvres, ed. by I. Joliot-Curie. Warsaw, 1954. Robertson : Mass spectrom etry. 1954. Jo u rn al of th e In stitu tio n of W ater Engineers, vol. 7 -




S herrard, Mr. P.

Sherrard : The poetry of T. S. Eliot & G. Seferes. 1951. Shovelton, Mr. S. T. London M athem atical Society. Jo u rn al, vol. 30Proceedings, 3rd ser., vol. 5 M athem atical G azette, vol. 39Taylor, Miss E. M. M. Churchill : The celebrity. 1898. Ruggles : G. M. Hopkins. 1947. U rbanek, Dr. E. V. F. U rbanek : D er sprachliche u. literarische S tandort Bertholds von Holle. 1952. W atteville, Col. H. de Mennevee : L’espionnage international en tem ps de paix. 2 vols. 1929. And 50 other vols. on m ilitary studies. W eightm an, Mr. J . G. Orr : French th e th ird classic. 1933. Wells, Dr. A. K. P a ttia r a tc h i: Prim ary banding in Gabbroic complexes. 1951. Wemyss, General Sir Col­ H orsetzky von H o m th al : Short history ville, K .C.B., K .B .E ., of the chief campaigns in Europe since 1792; trans. K. B. Ferguson. 1909. D.S.O., M.C. The G uardian, ed. A. Chalmers. 2 vols. W hite, Col. A. C. T., V.C. 180(i. G a lt: Life of Lord Byron. 1830. And W ithey, Mr. D. A. three other vols. Davis : Hong-Kong in its geographical W ooldridge, Prof. S. W. setting. 1949. Wooldridge & Linton : Structure, surface & drainage in S.E. England. 1955. Worsley, Col. S. J ., D.S.O., Dewar : The great m unition feat, 19141918. 1921. M.C. Freytag-Loringhoven : Deductions from the W orld W ar. 1918.


A rts Council. A stronom er Royal.

A ustralia : Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation.

A nnual reports, vol. 9 Cape O bservatory Annals, vol. 18Greenwich : Astronomical Results, 1940. 1955. A ustralian Jo u rn al of Agricultural R e­ search, vol. 6 A ustralian Jo u rn al of Applied Science, vol. 6 A ustralian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 8 A ustralian Jo u rn al of B otany, vol. 3 A ustralian Jo u rn al of Chemistrv, vol. 8 -

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A u stralia: Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation.

Bedford College: Librarian. Birkbeck College.

Brazil : Bibliotheca Nacional. Brazil : M inistry of Foreign Relations.


Australian Journal of Marine and Fresh足 w ater Research, vol. 6 A ustralian Journal of Physics, vol. 8 Australian Jo u rn al of Zoology, vol. 3 Oceanographical Station Lists, no. 21W olfe : The hills beyond. 1941. Wolfe : The web and the rock. 1939. M orris: The spirit of justice. 1954. W arm ington : A history of Birkbeck College during the 2nd W orld W ar, 1939-45. 1954. Documentos historicos, vol. 101-

C o rtesao : A lexandre de Gusmao e o T ratado de M adrid, P a rt 4, Tomo I, 1953. Silva Paranhos : Cartas ao amigo au sen te; ed. J . H. Rodrigues. 1953. Proceedings, vol. 39British Academy. British Museum : N atural List of Accessions to Library. Nos. 1-5. 1955. H istory. Reports, vol. 22Brom pton Hospital. Carnegie T rust for the U ni足 A nnual report, vol. 53versities of Scotland. Cement & Concrete Associa足 Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 6 tion. Commonwealth Bureau of Jacks & Milne : A nnotated bibliography of rice soils & fei-tilizers. 1954. Soil Science. Copper Developm ent As足 Technical Survey, 1954sociation. D epartm ent of Scientific & Geological survey of G reat Britain. Bulletin, No. 6 . Industrial Research. Sum m ary of Progress. 1953. Discovery Reports, vol. 28Discovery Investigations. American Scholar, vol. 24. Ford Foundation. Confluence, vol. 4. Hudson Review, vol. 7. P artisan Review, vol. 22. Sewanee Review, vol. 63. Virginia Q uarterly Review, vol. 31. W estern Review, vol. 19. Yale Review, vol. 44. General Electric Review, vol. 58General Electric Company. Jo urnal, vol. 22Indian Farm ing, N .S., vol. 5 Indian Government. Indian Journal of A gricultural Science, vol. 25-


In dian G overnm ent.


In d ian Jo u rn al of V eterinary Science, vol. 25En- Transactions, vol. 67-

In stitu te of Marine gineers. In stitu te of Metals. In stitu te of W elding. In stitu tio n of Civil Engineers. In stitu tio n of Electrical Engineers.

Jo urnal, vol. 83British W elding Journal, vol. 1Proceedings, vol. 4 -

Jo u rn al, N.S., vol. 1Proceedings, vol. 102S tu d en ts’ Q uarterly Jo urnal, vol. 25In stitu tio n of Engineers & Transactions, vol. 97Shipbuilders in Scotland. In stitu tio n of Mechanical Chartered Mechanical Engineer, vol. 2 Engineers. International Federation of U nited N ations S e c re ta ria t: System atic Women. compilation of international instru­ m ents relating to th e legal state of aliens. P ts. 11-14, 16-20. 1954. Israeli Em bassy. Catalogue of scientific papers by Israeli scientists, 1949-54. 1954. K ing’s College, London : K ing’s Engineer, no. 32Engineering Society. K ing’s College, London : Lucifer : K ing’s College Review, vol. 54Union Society. K ing’s College, Newcastle : Mitchell : British signed bindings in the L ibrarian. L ibrary of K ing’s College, Newcastle. 1954. Lisbon : In s titu te para A lta Nemesio : Portugal, a terra e o homem. Cultura. 1948. London School of Econo- M yrdal : Realities & illusions in regard to mics. inter-governm ental organisations. 1955. Mond Nickel Corporation. Nickel Bulletin, vol. 28N ational Physical Labora- A utom atic digital com putation, 1954. tory. N orth Tham es Gas Board. E verard : The history of the Gas Light & Coke Co., 1812-1949. 1949. Oporto : Cam ara Municipal. Im agens do Nossa Senhora : algunas esculturas do s6 c. 14-18 existentes no Porto. 1954. P into Ferreira, ed. A. cam panha de Sancho de Avila em persegui?ao do Prior do Crato. 1954. Portuguese Government. Camoes : L usiadas; trad , de R. Bismut. Paris, 1954. And five other volumes of Portuguese literature.



R ay Society. Reinforced Concrete Association. Research Defence Society. Royal Astronomical Society.

School of Slavonic & E ast European Studies. Science Museum. Scottish Marine Biological Association. Society of Antiquaries. South Africa, Union of. Spanish Institu te.

Sweet & Maxwell L td .

Tin Research In stitu te. Tokyo : Central Meteorological O bservatory. Toulouse U niversity: Faculte des Lettres. Unesco.


Curio : Bibliographical history of the Ray Society. 1954. Reinforced Concrete Review, vol. 3 Conquest, vol. 43Geophysical Supplem ent, vol. 7 Memoirs, vol. 67M onthly Notices, vol. 114— Occasional Notes, vol. 3 Slavonic & East European Review, vol. 33R ing George 111 Collection of Scientific In stru m en ts: Photographs. [1955] Annual Report, 1953/54. Bulletins of Marine Ecology, vol. 4 A ntiquaries’ Jo u rn al, vol. 3.5Ordinances. 1954. H ernandez, ed. : El esp 6 culo de los Legos. 1951. Serrano : Los conversos : 1). Pablo de S anta Maria y D. Alfonso de Cartagena. 1942. Varela Jacom e : Uistoria de la Literature, Gallega. 1951. Annual survey of South African law, 1953. C urrent Law, 1955. Ringrose : Where to look for your law. 11th ed. 1954. Tin and its uses. 1955. Geophysical Magazine, vol. 26Oceanographical Magazine, vol. 6 Annales, Litteratures, vol. 3 Annales, Pallas, vol. 2 Experim ents in fundam ental education in French African territories. 1955. Jo u rn al of Research, vol. 54-

U nited States of America : N ational Bureau of S tan ­ dards. University College, L o n d o n : House : In tim ate papers. 2 vols. Librarian. 1926. Thurneysen : Old Irish reader. 1949. U niversity College, Swan- Balchin : Research in geography. 1955. sea. K in sle y : English studies in the u n i­ versity. 1954. Oldroyd : M athematics and the physical world. 1954.


University o f Glasgow.

U niversity of H ull, L ib ra­ rian. U niversity of L eeds: B rotherton Librarian. U niversity of London : G oldsm iths’ Librarian.

U niversity of L o n d o n : In stitu te of A dvanced Legal Studies. U niversity of London : In stitu te of Classical Studies. U niversity of London : In stitu te of Education. U niversity of London : In stitu te of Historical Research. U niversity of London: School of Librarianship. U niversity of London: School of Oriental & African Studies. U niversity of London : Unified Field Theory S tudy Group. U niversity of Southam pton.


Campbell : The structure of S tair’s In stitu tio n s. 1954. In stitu te of E ducation : Studies in education, vol. 2, no. 3. 1955. The Novello-Cowden Clarke collection. 1955. Coimbra U n iv ersity : Catalogo de Manuscritos, codices 556-705. 2 vols. 1935. M aspero: O rganisation m ilitaire de l’Egypte byzantine. 1912. Sefarad, Vol. 14. Sterling : Catalogue of the printed books & literary m anuscripts collected by Sir Louis Sterling. 1954. Gierke : Das deutsche Genossenschaftsrecht. 1868. And 10 other legal works. Bulletin, no. 1, 1954.

Studies in Education, no. 7,


Angell : The great illusion. 1910. And 71 other vols. of M ilitary H istory. Arnold : Libraries : some problems in com m unication. 1954. A nderson : The relevance of oriental & African legal studies. 1954.

Stephenson, ed. : Proceedings of the Unified Field Theory Seminars held in th e U niversity of London, 1954—55. Monkhouse : The concept & content of m odem geography. 1955. U ppsala : Botanical In s titu ­ Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses, vol. x iiition. W ib b erley : Some aspects of problem W ye College. rural areas. 1954.

P r in t e d in G r e a t B r it a in b t R ic h a r d C l a y a n d C o m p a n y , L t d ., B u n g a y , Su f f o l k .






1954— 5 5

p re s e n te d to

ftbe Court of the College



OF L O N D O N )

ANNUAL R E P O R T OF T H E COUNCIL FO R T H E SESSION 1954-55 presented to the COURT of the COLLEGE C o u n c il a n d C o r p o r a t io n

The Council has held three meetings, on each occasion with the Theological Comm ittee. The Theological Committee has m et once, separately, to discuss the R eport on the Theological D epartm ent in London and a t W arm inster subm itted to the Central Advisory Council of Training for the M inistry by the Inspectors, and to make recom m endations to the Council. The Reverend C. T. Chapm an, Ph.D ., was elected to membership of the Council as representative of the Theological Associates, to take the place vacant by the death of Canon P. G. W ard. General Sir Colville Wemyss was elected to membership of the Corporation. R o y a l L if e G o v e r n o r

His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh has honoured the College by accepting nom ination (by the Visitor of the College, the Archbishop of C anterbury) as a Life Governor of K ing’s College. This has given profound satisfaction throughout the College, which looks forward to a private visit from his Royal Highness during the Michaelmas term . In becoming a Life Governor, the Duke of Edinburgh follows in the steps of His Royal Highness the Duke of K ent, the Duke of Connaught and the Duke of Cambridge, all of whom were associated w ith the College by holding the Life Governorship. R e t ir e m e n t o f t h e Ch a n c e l l o r o f t h e U n iv e r s it y

The Council noted with regret the retirem ent of the Earl of Athlone from the Chancellorship of th e U niversity which he has held with such distinction for so m any years and in which Office he has given o u t­ standing service to the U niversity, and offered to him, through the Dean of K ing’s College, its gratitude for th a t service which all who have seen it have so greatly adm ired.



H er M a je st y Q u e e n


E l iz a b e t h t h e Q u e e n


The Council begs leave to join with the whole University in acclaiming the Queen Mother as the new Chancellor o f the University. T h e B is h o p o f L o n d o n

W ith the greatest regret the Council took leave of tho Bishop of London, whose resignation takes effect before tho A utum n mooting of th e Council. The Council expressed its thanks to tho Rishop in tho following m in u te :— “ On his resignation of the See of London, the Council of King’s College takes leave of its D eputy-Chairm an, tho Lord Bishop of London, with great regret, and desires to place on record its sense of indebtedness to him for his assiduous attendance a t the meetings of the Council, his lively interest in the fortunes of tho Theological D epartm ent and of tho College as a whole, and his efficient discharge of the business of the Council. In bidding him farewell, tho Council adds its respectful good wishes to the Bishop for a happy and still active and fruitful retirem ent.” The Council a t its meeting in Ju ly elected the Bishop by acclam ation as a Fellow of K ing’s College. Inasm uch as the Bishop of London has throughout th e history of the College deputised for the Archbishop of York, who is Chairman of the Council by statu te, the College is bound to think of him as “ Chairman ” o f the Council, even though he is in fact D eputy-Chairm an, and because the Bishop of London is thus very closely associated with us, tho Council aw aits w ith keen interest the announcem ent of the name of its new Chairman. D e a t h s o f F o rm er M em b e r s of t h e Co lleg e

The deaths occurred during the year of Sir Charles Martin, F.R .S., one of the few surviving members of the Corporation who were elected Fellows before Bishop H eadlam ’s “ appointed d ay ,” Jan u ary 1st, 1910 ; o f the Reverend S. C. E. Legg, Chaplain of the College from 1903 to 1919, lecturer in th e Exegesis of the New Testam ent, and a Fellow of King’s College from 1916 ; of Miss Agnes S. Paul, M.A., B .l)., whom the Theological D epartm ent “ gave ” to the “ other side ” of the College as T u to r to Women S tudents in 1928, a work in which she was o u t­ standingly successful and profoundly resp ected ; and of Canon P. G. W ard, Vicar of W estmill, sometime Chairman of the Theological Society, and representative of the Theological Associates on the Council. F e l l o w s h ip

In addition to the Bishop of London, Mr. S. J. Marsh, Treasurer of the Council, and the W arden of W arm inster, the Reverend S. H. Evans, were elected into the Fellowship of K ing’s College.




F or the second tim e a Fellows’ D inner was held in the G reat Hall o f the College in Ju n e, in an atm osphere of dignity and friendliness which augurs well for the future of this function among the annual celebrations in the College. Dr.

P. S.

N oble

The Council was happy to congratulate the Principal of K ing’s College on his election by the U niversity of Aberdeen to the honorary D octorate of Laws. W e s t m il l

To take the place of Canon P. G. W ard, who will be greatly missed, the Council presented to the Bishop of St. Albans for institution to the Benefice of W estmill the Very Reverend Gordon Jack Kinnell, Provost of the Episcopal C athedral a t Aberdeen.


The academic year of 1954—55 ended with the much regretted dep ar­ tu re from the College of Professor E. O. Jam es, who retired after ten years of devoted service to the College and to the U niversity. The m inute of the Council, expressing its g ratitu d e, is as follows :— “ The Council of K ing’s College bids farewell to Professor E. O. Jam es w ith a lively sense of g ratitu d e to one of its m ost dis­ tinguished teachers, who has len t lustre to th e College by his eminence as a scholar in th e fields of Anthropology and the Com­ parative S tudy of Religions. P articularly the Council would desire to express to Professor Jam es its indebtedness to him for his generosity to th e College in giving his services to th e A.K.C. students for a num ber of years w ithout asking for any rem unera­ tion. He carries with him into his retirem ent the gratitude of the College and the affectionate adm iration of his colleagues and of m any generations of stu d en ts.” To succeed Professor E. O. Jam es, the U niversity appointed to the Chair of the H istory and Philosophy of Religion Professor H. D. Lewis, of Bangor. As the year ended, the Council lost the services also of the Reverend A. J . Trillo who has been appointed Principal of Bishops’ College, Cheshunt. Mr. Trillo will be much missed am ongst us, b u t the Council is happy th a t one of its lecturers, who is also a former stu d en t of the College, should have been chosen for the Principalship of this im portant Theological College. To succeed Mr. Trillo, the Council appointed for one year in the first place th e Reverend H um phrey C. Green. Professor D. E. Nineham made a considerable stir by the power of his




teaching during the first year of his tenure of his Chair, and was elected P roctor in Convocation to represent the Clergy of the University. Valuable help was given to the F aculty during the Michaelmas term 1954 by the Reverend Jo h n V. Taylor, former Principal of Mukono College, U ganda. The Council was happy to learn th a t the Bishop of B ath and Wells had appointed Dr. R. V. Sellers to a residentiary Canonry in the C athe­ dral Church a t Wells, whither he is accompanied by the good wishes of the College. F

acu lty

In the session 1954-55 there were 200 stu d en t members of the Theological Faculty, of whom 35 were women. Six older ordinands were with us, undertaking a special course for older men begun with one year in London and concluded a t W arm inster. Members of the F aculty “ swept the board ” a t the Union Society elec­ tions a t the end of the Lent term . A group of men and women students of the F aculty presented H enri Gheon’s “ The W ay of the Cross ” in several performances in the College Chapel during the Lent term . Miss Bullard was the producer, and particularly favourable notices of the performance appeared in the Church Press. Mr. WTarrell and his singers, together w ith student-readers, assisted the Dean in a series of Lenten broadcasts from the College Chapel. The custom ary Commemoration Service was held in the College Chapel, the preacher being the Bishop of Birmingham. The Maurice lectures were given by Professor G. W. E. Lampe, on F riday mornings, atten d ed by the whole F aculty of Theology. Professor C. F. D. Moule acted for the third and, to our regret, for the last tim e as the E xternal Exam iner for the A.K.C. exam ination on behalf of C.A.C.T.M. He has performed a great service to the College by the diligence, discernm ent and sym pathy with which he discharged his difficult task. A Goldsmiths’ Company’s Vacation Travel g ran t was aw arded to David Ellis. For past members the annual W hit Tuesday Reunion was made difficult to atte n d by the railway strike which occurred a t th a t time. The preacher a t the Sung E ucharist, the Bishop of Dorchester, was unable to come and there were m any em pty places a t lunch. Professor E. O. Jam es delighted the company by his lantern lecture, and the members who were able to atten d the Reunion were well rewarded. A N orthern A.K.C. Reunion was held in D urham during the m onth of May. C.A.C.T.M.

I n s p e c t io n

The Dean of Carlisle, Sir Wilfred G arrett and the Reverend Peter Curgenven inspected the Theological D epartm ent and W arm inster




during two separate weeks of the Michaelmas term . Their report showed th a t the Inspectors were sensible of the great task undertaken by the College in the training of ordinands and of the uniqueness of K ing’s College as an institution for this p u rp o se; they expressed their doubts of the wisdom of giving students too m any lectu res; they desiderated a more spaced-out lecture tim e-table and a stronger tutorial system , more private reading by students and larger purchases of books ; th eir appreciation of the Hostel regime was cordial, of the Hostel domestic arrangem ents enthusiastic ; W arm inster impressed them , b u t they would like a th ird m em ber of the resident teaching Staff. The Inspectors’ R eport was an encouragem ent and a challenge. In their particular recom m endations th ey are preaching to the converted, who nevertheless do not find it easy to carry o u t the suggestions with which theoretically they fully agree. The Inspectors’ R eport was part and parcel of a strong m ovem ent of self-scrutiny which proceeded in the discussions a t Professorial Board and F aculty Meetings throughout the year, concerning the effectiveness of the teaching given in a large F aculty, to a great variety of students, of more and less intelligence, in two separate though sometimes combined courses (B.D. and A.K.C.) by a teaching Staff which is still too small in num bers for the dem ands which are made upon it. C l e a v e -C o c k e r i l l S t u d e n t s h i f

The Reverend W. S. F. Pickering has now held this studentship for two years, and the monies are exhausted. He will complete his Ph.D . thesis w ith the help of a Leverhulme Scholarship. Mr. Pickering has been a valuable resident a t the H ostel and a stim ulating and energetic T utor. K i n g ’s C o l l e g e H o s t e l

The Council continues to be grateful to those who gave us our excel­ le n t H ostel in Vincent Square 40 years ago. For ordinands, residence together and com m unity life is an essential p a rt of their training. W arm inster has not made the H ostel less necessary. We only wish th a t all our ordinands could be in residence. This would require another H ostel of comparable size to Vincent Square’s adm irable building. Presum ably this would also entail further deficits, for we are not yet able to make the H ostel pay its way. Meanwhile we are thankful for w hat we have, and for the 20 places a t H alliday Hall and the 9 places a t King’s College H all which we have for our theological students by the kindness of the Delegacy. There were no changes a t the Hostel during the year under review, an d much was owed to the M atron, Miss Rope, an d her excellent and faithful domestic staff, upon the four senior members of whom the sm ooth running of the H ostel depends to a rem arkable degree. The Finance Committee of the Council is con­ stan tly exam ining the situation a t the H ostel in the endeavour to




eliminate the deficit and to show, if possible, a credit balance. But the value of the Hostel to tho Theological D epartm ent cannot be measured in term s of credit balance or of financial deficit. W a r m in s t e r

The work of the Fourth-Y ear College a t W arm inster continued, under the W ardenship of the Reverend S. H. Evans, assisted by the Reverend E. J . Townroe, to make its indispensable contribution to the training for Holy Orders which K ing’s College provides. There were 51 students in residence a t the beginning of the W arm inster year. For two term s a member of the Bush Brotherhood in A ustralia who is in England for special studies a t Oxford, “ B rother Tim othy,” resided a t W arm inster and acted as an ex tra Tutor. Much was owed to him in the short period of his service to the College, and his presence proved how great would be the advantage of a third m em ber of the teaching staff a t W arminster. I t is to be hoped th a t such an addition, recom mended by both groups o f C.A.C.T.M. Inspectors since W arm inster became our fourth-year College in 1948, will soon be made a perm anent appointm ent. K ing’s College has now been the ten an t of St. Boniface College, W ar­ minster, for seven years. Three years rem ain of our present lease. When the fourth-year College was first inaugurated prudence seemed clearly to dictate th a t we could only look ahead for 5 years, and again a similar consideration governed the second period of 5 years for which the Governors of St. Boniface College gave us the lease. Moreover, the Governors themselves could not easily look farther ahead than 5 years on either of the occasions when the lease was granted. Now it seems clear th a t both the Governors of St. Boniface College and the Council of K ing’s College London are approaching the tim e of a more radical decision concerning their future relationship in the College a t W arm inster. On the one hand, there seems to be no doubt a t all th a t the Church values the Fourth-Y ear College, wishes it to continue, and would even insist on its continuance if WTarm inster could no longer be its home. Equally there seems no doubt th a t by this time the Council of K ing’s College is convinced by the success of its own experim ent, which has indeed ceased to be an experim ent and has become as unique a contribution to the training for the M inistry of the English Church, among the Theological Colleges, as th e Theological D epartm ent in London is unique in the U niversity realm. On the other hand, there is the pre-W ar tradition of the Missionary College of St. Boniface, and the “ pietas ” of m any generations of St. Boniface men, for which we a t K ing’s College have the greatest respect. More urgently, there is the question, which goes beyond the relationship of our two Governing Bodies, of how and where “ missionary candidates ” should be trained in England, where the Overseas Bishops should look for their clergy recruits, and w hat is the meaning of “ missionary training ” for all ordinands in such days as these.




While therefore we can make no secret of our desire to rem ain a t W arm inster, which is always coupled with our gratitude to the W ar­ m inster Governors for th eir help and sym pathy in the past seven years, we are tho first to recognise th a t our continuance there compels the Church both to think again ab o u t its missionary candidates and to arrive a t a decision. I t is upon th a t decision th a t the future of W ar­ m inster depends. Meanwhile our happy relations with the Governors o f St. Boniface College continue, w ith special gratitude felt by us tow ards the Vicar of W arm inster, Canon Colson. C.A.C.T.M. and the Overseas Council are exam ining the m atter in the interests of the whole Church, and we aw ait developments.

U n iv e r s it y D e g r e e s , e t c .

In the B.D. exam ination, 5 men and 3 women from among the present students, and 2 form er men students, secured a Pass Degree. In the L am beth Diploma exam ination, 4 women were aw arded a 2nd Class and I a 3rd Class. T h e A s s o c i A T E S iii r

In the F aculty of Theology, the A.K.C. Diploma was aw arded to 33 students, 6 being placed in the 2nd class (4 of these as a result of the B.D. exam ination). In other Faculties, the aw ards were as follow s:— Arts

. .

Men Women


15 2

Engineering Men Laws Men Medicine W omen Men Science Women .


3 1

. .

25 10

A w a r d o f P r iz e s

Prizes were aw arded in the F aculty as follow s:— B arry Prize 2nd Y ear Elocution Prize J e lf Prize . . • Knowling Sermon Prize .

. • .

. .


P lum ptre Prize R obertson Prize Whichelow Prize

• • •

• • •

. . .

. . .

. . .

. •


G. L. Lynch-W atson E. J . K ohner E. W. C. Bale A. G. Y\ ard ( \ \ arminster) R. M. D. de Brisay J . H. B arter E. W. C. Bale



N on- T

L e c tu r e s to


h e o lo g ic a l S tu d e n ts

These Lectures were delivered by the Dean. There was a record num ber of entries, 361, o f whom 92 gained a Credit, 232 passed, and 37 failed. Analysed by Faculties, the awards were as follow s:— Arts

Men Women

. .

Engineering Laws Men Women Medicine Men Women Science Men Women .

Credit Pass 40 13 53 57 2 17 18 4 —

6 6

3 6


25 3 39 27

B arry Prizes were aw arded as follow s:— Faculty of Arts




F aculty of Engineering F aculty of Medicine . F aculty of Science. .

. . . .

. .

Miss A. T anton M. D. Soames P. 1). Williams D. B. Ferguson Miss C. M. S. Mann

B e n e f a c t io n s

The Council acknowledges with great gratitude an anonymous gift of £300 tow ards the lessening of the Hostel deficit, a bequest of £40 from the Reverend S. C. M. Isbister, and a further donation (for bursaries a t W arm inster) of £100 from the Trustees of the late Mrs. Ju lie t Garton. F

in a n c e

1. General Account. The income from fees am ounted to £10,070, an increase of £418 on the previous year, reflecting the increase in the num ber of entrants. The grant from the Church Commissioners was £9,000, representing their grant a t the new rate for a full year. W ith the yield from Endow­ m ent Funds a t £411, and small miscellaneous items added, the total income was £18,632, compared w ith £16,573 in 1953-54. E xpenditure was £17,271, compared w ith £16,144 in the previous year. The year’s working thus showed a surplus of £1,361, compared with a surplus of £429 in 1953-54. 2. Corporation General Fund Account. Income was received from the usual sources, and after meeting expenses, the account showed a surplus of £280 which will be transferred to the Special Reserve Fund.




3. K in g 's College. Hostel. The H ostel was full throughout the session. Vacation lettings, on which the H ostel depends to a very considerable ex ten t for its financial stability, brought in £1,128, compared with £1,349 last year. The total income am ounted to £10,470, including a m ost generous anonymous donation of £300. As in the previous year, expenditure on R epairs and Decorations was kept to a m inim um , and some reduction of the accum ulated debit balance under this heading was achieved. The to tal expenditure was £10,730, com pared w ith £10,054 in 1953-54, showing an excess of expenditure over income am ounting to £254. A t Ju ly 31st, 1954, the to tal deficit on K ing’s College Hostel stood a t £2,127 : with the above adjustm ents, the figure on Ju ly 3 1st, 1955, was £2,033. 4. K in g 's College at S t. Boniface College, W arminster. As reported last year, the accum ulated deficit was liquidated during 1953-54, and on J u ly 31st, 1954, a surplus of £1,636 was brought forward. D uring the present year the to tal income am ounted to £10,560, com­ pared with £10,675 in 1953-54, when both vacation lettings were more numerous and more students rem ained throughout the whole session. E xpenditure for the present year was £9,871, showing a surplus of £689 on the year’s working to be added to the present accum ulated surplus, m aking a to tal of £2,325 to be carried forward.

G eneral

No further progress was made, during the year under review, tow ards the establishm ent of more U niversity Chairs (th at is, Professorships financially supported by the University) in the F aculty of Theology. The good-will which exists in the U niversity itself, the anxiety of the Council to provide an efficient Theological F aculty within the College and the concern of the U niversity Board of Studies in Theology for the discharge of their responsibilities (which belong to the U niversity not less th an to the Theological Schools) are still baulked by the delicate situation, historically conditioned, within the U niversity itself, by the complex constitution of K ing’s College, and by the alm ost insuperable geographical obstacles to any close co-operation between the Theo­ logical Schools on more th a n one day in the teaching week. On the other hand, there is a strong desire not to leave m atters as they are, and a conviction th a t though we see no way ahead tow ards the making of a better-staffed and more closely co-ordinated F aculty of Theology in which the U niversity itself partners the Theological Schools, a way must and will be found eventually. Meanwhile the Council will continue to give hospitality w ithin the College to Professor M cHardy and to



Professor Lewis, both U niversity Professors and neither of them Anglicans, while all the Theological Schools will use their services and any other help which the University can provide. The board of Studies in Theology has subm itted to the University a special report, in readiness for the coming Quinquennium. In the m eantim e, the com paratively small num ber of B.D. students (roughly one-third of the men in the Faculty) m ust be offset t>y an A.K.C. Diploma, the standard of which shall he rigorously on the l©v«T of a Pass Degree. A.K.C. men may bo non-graduates, b u t with tln ir four-year course they ought to be non-graduates of a special type, from whom tho Church can look for a clergy of high quality. The entry for tho A.K.C. course is now so numerous th a t the College might serve the Church b etter by raising tho A.K.C. entrance-standard and thus making clearer the distinction between the Diploma and the (Jeneral O rdination Exam ination as taken by other non-graduates. This only underlines w hat has been hinted a t earlier in this Report, th a t tho present time is one of special concern for tho teaching itself in the Theological Faculty. The Council has heard from the Principal of King’s (College, during tho past year, of his efforts to re-house tho College Library, and in so doing to tackle once more, and comprehensively, tho problem of enlarging the site of the College. In this m ajor question, affecting the work and welfare of the College a t every point of its corporate life, the Council desires to play its full and proper part and to lend to the Principal such help and counsel as it can. The academic year which has boon reviewed in this R eport ended with tho announcem ent of the election of Canon E. S. A bbott as W arden of Koblo College, Oxford, the appointm ent to take effect from Jan u ary 1st, 1050. The Council, at its meeting in Ju ly a t which the resignation of Canon A bbott was received, proceeded to appoint a Sub-Committee charged with the d u ty of discovering, and recommending to tho Council, a new Dean of King’s College.

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