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Agency in Human Protest 30 Years Since Alexanderplatz: Brexit and the Regression of Liberal Democracy
from Issue 21: Protest
by KCLdialogue
social media protests. Yet these Democracy, confronting economic relatively new social media forms are disparity and allowing freedom of an inadvertent phenomenon of the movement are key to the protesters’ 21st century and rather than pointing ideology. The methods of out the countless problems they Alexanderplatz have also been bring with them, it is necessary to replicated on the streets of London. articulate solutions as to how they These protests, thirty years apart, can be used sustainably in the both in support of liberal struggle for human progress. democracy, emphasise how this central Western concept is not as 30 Years stable as is historically assumed. The ideology behind the People’s Since Vote protest very much mirrors that of the protestors at Alexanderplatz Alexander thirty years ago. Those who lived east of the Wall, in the German Democratic Republic, were denied platz: Brexit democracy. According to Marianne Birthler, a lecturer who grew up in East Germany, the ruling party and the claimed the right to control people opinions, behaviour and decisions. ’s Regression of The protest began on the 4th October 1989. Opposition groups Brexit Secretary, said, the letter "asks Liberal met in an apartment and agreed upon a ‘Unified Declaration,’ in which them to honour our shared democratic values; it asks them not they called for free elections with to turn away from us now and deny Democracy secret ballots monitored by the United Nations. Similarly, those who us the chance for a final say.” are calling for a People’s Vote do so Moreover, protesters at the
By Mitra Karanjkar with democracy at heart. Although Alexanderplatz demonstration many Brexiteers would suggest such demanded freedom of movement 2019 marks the thirty-year anniversary of the Alexanderplatz demonstration which led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. For 28 years, the Berlin Wall physically and ideologically separated West Berlin from East Berlin and East Germany. The Potsdam Agreement in 1945 gave East Germany to the Soviet Union, in which they set up a Communist government. Those protesting in the Alexanderplatz demonstration called for democracy, economic reform and freedom of movement. Today, a strong parallel can be identified with the People’s Vote protests against Brexit. Here, protesters are calling for a second referendum on British membership of the European Union (EU), as they believe politicians misled voters in the 2016 referendum; the promise of sunlit uplands made by ideologues in step with Nigel Farage could not be further removed from the dreary swamp currently paralysing Westminster. activists are going against democracy and the will of the people, those asking for a second referendum suggest the public were misled by politicians and the media as to what leaving the EU would entail. Protesters have honoured the values of democracy; the People’s Vote organisers requested signatories for a letter sent to Boris Johnson, EU leaders, MPs, and MEPs, asking them to allow "the chance to check whether we want to proceed with Brexit.” As Keir Starmer, Shadow into West Germany. When the wall was constructed in August 1961, it tore apart friends and relatives. Contact was immediately severed. The human aspect of demonstration has been evident in Britain too; there are widespread concerns that families will be separated if freedom of movement between Britain and the EU is eventually terminated. Although Boris Johnson has guaranteed the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK, The3million group, which lobbies for the rights of EU nationals in the UK, says it isn’t clear how those who leave the UK temporarily will be affected, potentially leaving many EU nationals vulnerable to landlord and employer discrimination. Overall, the Berlin Wall hindered democratic liberalism in a similar way to which Brexit has and will continue to do so well into the next decade. “The promise of sunlit uplands made by ideologues in step up with Nigel Farage could not be further removed from the dreary swamp currently paralysing Westminster.”
a House of Commons which for too clearer example illustrating the Both the protestors at the long has been marred by inertia. regression of liberal democracy under Alexanderplatz Demonstration and The global victory of Western the pressures of emerging populism. those protesting for a People’s Vote liberalism in 1989, as Germany edged Whereas East Germans were are also united by their use of solely towards reunification and the Soviet protesting for national reunification in peaceful protest. This is significant for 1989, Brexit proceedings seem to be the Alexanderplatz demonstration, as it establishing disunity within the was scale – some estimates suggest population it was alleged “taking back one million participants – rather than force, which led to their victory. This is something People’s Vote protesters “The ideals of liberalism and democracy is more control” would benefit. To conclude, the Alexanderplatz Demonstration and the People’s Vote seek to emulate. The protesters have made significant gains in support for a than capable of prevailing protests, thirty years apart, show the sustained threats liberal democracy second referendum within Westminster. As of November 2019, two of the three main parties support a over isolationism and populism.” must defend against. However the Alexanderplatz Protest, which remained peaceful, suggests that mass second referendum. Although the support for the ideals of liberalism and Conservative Party are opposed to a democracy is more than capable of people’s vote, Labour and the Liberal prevailing over isolationism and Democrats have promised to hold a Union teetered on the brink of populism. It is still a tangible possibility second referendum if either gains a collapse, was delivered by peaceful that the People’s Vote campaign will majority in the December General protest. In 2019, Britain stands as a secure the second referendum it Election. For the Labour Party, this is microcosm of international response to demands, potentially providing a highly significant. Although the party is a seismic shift in global attitudes which solution to the conundrum facing divided on Brexit, the leadership were now seem to be leaning in favour of Britain’s liberal democracy. Drawing unwilling to budge and openly support populism, whatever the cost. Perhaps such historic parallels is important. a second referendum until very the most concerning parallel to be Thirty years after Alexanderplatz, we recently. Whether this is due to drawn between these three decades is must refocus efforts to stem the rise of ‘Corbynite Euroscepticism’ or strategic the approach taken to national unity, a populism and turn to the liberal concerns of political blowback, given feature which hardline supporters of democratic values which were the Conservative emphasis on Brexit seem to disregard. Thirty years celebrated and emboldened on 4th respecting the outcome of the first after Alexanderplatz, the failure of pro- October 1989. referendum, remains to be seen. Remain protest to secure a second Regardless, this shift shows how referendum will likely push Nicola peaceful protests, in the ilk of Sturgeon to redouble efforts to secure Alexanderplatz, have been successful legitimate Scottish independence, in in influencing the political dynamics in line with Scotland’s decision to remain an EU member in 2016. There is no