2 minute read
From the Desk of the SCCA President, by Roscoe Kyle
Hopefully, we are all still well and looking forward to the end of the dog days of summer in the South. It has been a hot one in most of the state.
By the time this gets to you, Dr. Boyd Parr will hopefully be well on his way to enjoying retirement from his duties as state vet for South Carolina and being with his grandchildren. I hope I can speak for all of the state’s cattlemen and women when I say Dr. Parr will be missed. He has done a great deal for the cattle industry in our state and across the Southeast in his efforts to improve the industry. The S.C. Cattlemen’s Association and I wish Dr. Parr a long and enjoyable retirement.
This past June, the SCDA, along with S.C. Farm Bureau, hosted the boards of the SCCA, S.C. Dairymen, and S.C. Beef Council at a reception at the Governor’s mansion in recognition of Beef and Dairy Month. I personally attended the function and got to see a lot of friends who I have not seen in months! It was well attended and represented by all groups, and the beef was great!
As the sitting president of the SCCA, I am also the NCBA representative. That organization has been hard at work on the frontlines in taking on major concerns of the producers in our industry. Currently, they are deeply involved with the Transparency Bill along with committee meetings on the use of Product of USA labeling. The labeling is something I foresee will help the cattle industry to level the playing field. It will probably contain information for the consumers on where the animal was born, raised, and harvested. I know some people are not members, but please remember that we could not do all that NCBA does for our industry on our own. Please join so we can fight the fights together.
On a sadder note, the upstate lost one of our own in a tragic accident in Oconee County. The gentleman was out bush hogging a field, and some young people were playing with a .22 caliber rifle and struck the man in the back, resulting in his death. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends. It is always sad when we lose a loved one, but knowing that they are in a better place makes it a little more comforting. On the opposite end of that kind of news is the arrival of a new generation of long time cattle producers. I would like to congratulate the LeMaster clan from Chesnee County on the new arrival of Christopher III in the first part of July.
As we all are getting back to inperson meetings, please remember to be careful and just use common sense when we are in a group. I hope everyone who wanted to was able to attend the SCCA Annual Convention held on August 6 at the T. Ed Garrison Livestock Complex. Since this is being written before the fact, I will report on results next time. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.
Remember, “North is only a direction, but SOUTH is a way of life.” Everyone stay healthy.
As always, I remain respectfully yours.