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Beefmaster Breeders United News


Letter from the President. We have exciting news to share with the Beefmaster family.

In the summer of 2021, we were invited to consider moving the Beefmaster Breeders United (BBU) headquarters offices to College Station, Tex., on property owned by Texas A&M University (TAMU). With the university being one of our biggest allies and having one of the most prestigious agricultural programs in the United States, the BBU Board of Directors decided in February 2022 that we should make this happen. Clearly, there are many steps that must be taken to turn this opportunity into a reality.

With Board approval, we put the office in Boerne, Tex., up for sale in June 2022. We now have a contract in place for our asking price with a lease back contract also in place through the end of 2022. This gives us ample time to plan for the move. The plan is to lease space in College Station, Tex., for the short term and to build on the TAMU campus in the long term. The University’s vision is an American Breeds Campus, which is tremendously exciting for the Beefmaster breed.

Obviously, there are other components that also come into play when you make such a move. The biggest component of which is the staff. As you all know, we have a great set of individuals who have done an incredible job managing our association.

I am sorry to announce that Collin Osbourn has opted not to move his family to College Station, Texas, for which I cannot blame him. We sincerely thank him for his many years of dedicated service to BBU. At a minimum, we intend to utilize Collin until year end and are hoping he can utilize his knowledge and services through consulting work moving forward.

We hope to minimize disruption with the rest of the staff by either facilitating their move to College Station, Tex., if they so choose, or implementing work from home policies where appropriate. We are truly thankful for their dedicated service to BBU and hope to make this as seamless as possible for all.

More exciting news! I would like to introduce Dr. Joe W. Mask, who will become the new Executive Vice President of BBU. He has a tremendous skill set and should make the new path forward seamless for us. He will be transitioning from his current role as Executive Vice President for the American Brahman Breeders Association over the next two months. He lives in the College Station area and has been involved with Bos indicus influenced cattle for most of his life. He has worked in the world of academia and Texas AgriLife for many years and will bring a lot of valuable insight to our association.

Change is always difficult, but to continue to be relevant as a breed, the Board of Directors felt that we must look to the future of Beefmasters and welcome changes that will ultimately help us grow and prosper. Watch for more exciting news to come! We are Beefmaster Breeders United, and united we will stand. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at 713-829-2606.

Sincerely, Larry Meacham BBU President

About Beefmaster Breeders United. Beefmaster Breeders United, located in Boerne, Tex., is a not-for-profit breed registration organization that provides programs and services for its members. Beefmaster, Beefmaster Advancer, and E6 cattle are selected on the “Six Essentials” of disposition, fertility, weight, conformation, milk production, and hardiness. For more information, visit www.beefmasters.org.

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