4 minute read
N.C. Angus Association Prepares for the 38th Annual Spring Fever Sale, by Sharon Rogers
North Carolina Angus Association
Backed by the world’s largest and most reliable genetic evaluation program. Registered Angus genetics deliver better calving ease, more growth, and superior marbling.
455 GORE FAMILY ANGUS Mark & Lori Gore Tabor City 702-401-8005 455goreangus@gmail.com www.455farms.com
4K FARMS/TARHEEL ANGUS Richard D. Kirkman, DVM Siler City 919-742-5500 rdk.cefa@gmail.com
BACK CREEK Joe & Robin Hampton Mt. Ulla 704-880-2488 (Joe); 704-880-3572 (Robin) robinbackcreek@att.net Facebook: Back Creek Angus
BILTMORE ESTATE Kyle Mayberry - Manager Asheville 828-768-1956 livestock@biltmore.com www.biltmorelivestock.com
FOUR S FARMS Kim & Connie and Jason & Robin Starnes Luther Lyerly - Manager Salisbury 704-640-5875 kim-4sfarms@carolina.rr.com
GENTRY HOMEPLACE ANGUS Howard & Donna Gentry King 336-413-6698 whgentry@windstream.net
GRAGG FARMS Paul, Chris, & David Gragg Boone 828-268-4136 (Paul); 828-268-4137 (Chris) 828-268-4135 (David)
H&H FARMS Buddy & Jennifer Hamrick - Owners Bly Hamrick - Manager Boiling Springs 704-472-1912 jennham@bellsouth.net
HARWARD SISTERS Brooke, Marcie, & Mattie Harward Richfield 704-322-9770 (Brooke) 704-322-5201 (Marcie); 704-322-0831 (Mattie) harwardsisters@gmail.com www.harwardsisters.com
HILL ANGUS FARM Dr. Gary M. Hill Hendersonville 229-848-3695 gmhill@uga.edu
JACK KNOB FARMS Karl, Janet, & Logan Gillespie Franklin 828-371-2220 karl@jackknobfarms.com www.jackknobfarms.com

LANE ANGUS Roger & Bundy Lane Bundy Lane - Manager Gates 252-398-7705 (Bundy); 252-398-7719 (Miranda) 252-357-1279 (Office)
bundylane@hughes.net laneangusbeef@gmail.com www.laneangusbeef.com
PANTHER CREEK FARMS John C. Smith, Jr. Pink Hill 252-526-1929 JohnSmith3982@embarqmail.com
S&J Farms Steven & Julie Lung Nathan Lung - Manager Carthage 910-947-3414 sandjfarms2013@gmail.com
SMITH CREEK ANGUS FARM Marty & Lynne Rooker Norlina 252-213-1553 mrooker@mrookerlaw.com
SPRINGFIELD ANGUS Phil Goodson Alex Askew Louisburg 919-880-9062 (Phil) 910-260-2899 (Alex) philgoodson2@gmail.com www.springfieldangus.com
TRIPLE LLL ANGUS Greg Little Monroe 704-219-1294 greg.little@ATImetals.com
VANDEMARK ANGUS Keaton & Janie Vandemark Spring Hope 252-885-0210 keaton@vandemarkfarms.com
WINDY HILL FARMS, LLC Michael A. Moss Will Moss - Manager Ramseur 336-549-0070 (Mike); 336-460-7451 (Will) michaelmoss@rtmc.net
WINSLOW GENETICS Ben & Kathleen Winslow Halifax 252-578-5487 bensbulls@gmail.com
WOOD ANGUS FARM, LLC Russell Wood Willow Spring 919-275-4397 rwood4400@gmail.com www.woodangus.com
Sharon Rogers
NCAA Executive Secretary
336-583-9630 Email: ncaa.sec@gmail.com Website: www.ncangus.org

Spotlight e on f AngUS
N.C. Angus Association Prepares for the 38th Annual Spring Fever Sale
By SHARON ROGERS, Executive Secretary, NCAA
The N.C. Angus Association, consignors, and sale manager Zach Moffitt are busy planning for the upcoming 38th Annual Spring Fever Sale. The 2022 sale will be held at the Shuffler Farm Sale Facility in Union Grove, N.C., on April 23.
Sale manager Zach Moffitt has been busy traveling all across North Carolina and Virginia to see consignors and view their sale offerings. Moffitt reports, “I have seen some outstanding consignments, and I am looking forward to working with this group of passionate Angus breeders to showcase their cattle in the Spring Fever Sale. Buyers should be excited about the quality of cattle being offered.” Angus enthusiasts from across our state and the country can also view and purchase from this sale by logging into CCI.live for the auction.
The sale committee is excited for the 2022 sale to build on the success of the 2021 event, which drew a record number of attendees and sold cattle into six states. Consignors are offering fall pairs with fancy heifer calves, always a favorite, along with a great selection of spring pairs, bred heifers, open heifers, and embryos. Most of the females in this sale are distinguished by their pedigree, their EPD profile, the calf at their side, or by the calf they are carrying by some of the most prominent industry leading sires. All females in the sale will be A.I. sired, and bred heifers must be A.I. sired, A.I. bred, have a repro tract score, and a pelvic measurement. Plus, all cattle will sell with genomic enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs).
Sale consignors include 3S Farm, 4K Farms/Tarheel Angus, Black Cedar Angus, Carson Family Farm, Chapman Cattle Company, Chase Angus, Crescent Angus Farm, Daltons on the Sycamore, Dancing Pedlar Farm, Fulcher Farms, Gentry Homeplace Angus, Hi-Lo Farms, Hill Angus Farm, Hidden Hills Angus Farm, Panther Creek Farms, Raines Angus Farm, River Bend Ranch, S&J Farms, Scarlett Farms, Shelton Angus Farm, Shuffler Farm, Walkers Branch Angus, and Windy Hill Farms.
Watch for your sale catalog in the mail in early April. The catalog should be on our website at www.ncangus.org in early April as well. If you’re not on our mailing list, please give the office a call at 336-583-9630 or send an email to ncaa. sec@gmail.com, and we will add you to our mailing list. Please contact Zach Moffitt at 336-736-6340 or any member of the Spring Fever Sale Committee with any questions regarding the sale.
Mark your calendar to come be a part of this year’s Spring Fever Sale on April 23 at the Shuffler Farm Sale Facility in Union Grove.