9 minute read
The Carolina Cattle Connection q SEPTEMBER 2021
2021 South Carolina Sale Barn Cattle Receipts ..................................................................... page 76 A Message from the CEO — Death and Taxes, by Colin Woodall ....................................... page 65 AgriSafe Launches New Website to Support Safety for Farmers and Ranchers ........... page 63
Amazing Grazing — Adaptive Grazing During the Calving Season,
by Johnny Rogers …............................................................................................................ page 18 American Angus Association News ....................................................................................... page 48 American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges News ........................................... page 37 American Hereford Association News .................................................................................. page 32 Animal Agriculture Alliance News ......................................................................................... page 54 Animal Health & Nutrition Company Rebrands as Axiota Animal Health ..................... page 20
Ashley’s Beef Corner — Beef Remains Hot Across Our State,
by Ashley W. Herring ............................................................................................................. page 16 Beef Checkoff News ................................................................................................................... page 76 Beef Cuts and Recommended Cooking Methods ................................................................ page 74 Beefmaster Breeders United News ....................................................................................... page 52 BioZyme Incorporated News .................................................................................................. page 60 Boehringer Ingelheim News .................................................................................................... page 64 Carolina Cooking — Country Style Bourbon BBQ Short Ribs .......................................... page 43 Carolina Video and Load Lot Monthly Summary ................................................................ page 29
Cattlemen’s Beef Board Update — Your Beef Checkoff Investment - There It Is,
by Greg Hanes.......................................................................................................................... page 56 Changes Ahead for Bartlett’s Statesville Mill ....................................................................... page 50 Director’s Report — A Busy End to Summer, by Travis W. Mitchell ................................ page 3
E.B.’s View from the Cow Pasture — Mrs. Housewife Helps Food Cattle,
by E.B. Harris ........................................................................................................................... page 20 ESA Implementation Creates Ongoing Battleground for Ranchers ................................ page 38 Federation of State Beef Councils Update ............................................................................ page 75 From the Desk of the SCCA President, by Roscoe Kyle .......................................................... page 3 Lacefield Receives the Livestock Publications Council’s Headliner Award ................... page 26 Laurens County Youth Livestock Show ................................................................................. page 30
Letter to the Editor — Ranchers for COVID-19 Vaccination,
by John R. Dykers, Jr. M.D. ..................................................................................................... page 72 Merck Animal Health News ...................................................................................................... page 27 N.C. Weekly Livestock Report ............................................................................................... page 68 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association News ...................................................................... page 66
— Beef Processing Capacity Now Key Concern in Washington, by Jerry Bohn .... page 70
National Farm Safety and Health Week September 19-25
— Farm Safety Yields Real Results ..................................................................................... page 51 New NCCA Members for 2021 ................................................................................................. page 43 North American Limousin Foundation News ...................................................................... page 30 North Carolina Cattle Receipts, Trends, and Prices ............................................................ page 70 On the Edge of Common Sense — The Right Tool for the Job, by Baxter Black ................ page 22 Premier Select Sires News ........................................................................................................ page 39 S.C. Beef Council News, by Roy Copelan ................................................................................. page 54 S.C. Charolais News, by Georgeanne Webb ……….......................................................…….. page 23 SAVE THE DATE — N.C. Beef Cattle Field Day and Trade Show ....................................... page 65 South Carolina Cattle Receipts, Trends, and Prices ............................................................ page 64 The Simmental Trail, by Jennie Rucker ………...............................................................……….. page 25 Tune in to Tennessee Recap ..................................................................................................... page 68 You Decide!, by Dr. Mike Walden ............................................................................................. page 28 Zoetis News ................................................................................................................................. page 44
President KARL GILLESPIE 860 Corbin Road • Franklin, NC 28734
Vice Presidents BURON LANIER 2877 Piney Woods Road • Burgaw, NC 28425 SCOTT WEST 489 Panacea Springs Road • Littleton, NC 27850
RYAN CLARK 5250 NC 772 Hwy, • Madison, NC 27025 Immediate Past President JEREMY LEE 5153 Battle Run Drive • Catawba, NC 28609
NCBA Policy Division Director - FRED SMITH, JR. NCBA Federation Division Director RALPH BLALOCK, JR. Beef Board Director - ROBERT CRABB Secretary/Treasurer - EVERETT JOHNSON Directors At Large MATT POORE • NEIL BOWMAN • TODD SEE
Executive Director BRYAN K. BLINSON 2228 N. Main Street • Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 N.C. Cattlemen’s Beef Council Director of Consumer Information ASHLEY W. HERRING
Administrative Assistant - KIM BURDGE
S.C. Cattlemen’s Association
Executive Director - TRAVIS MITCHELL P.O. Box 207 • Saluda, SC 29138 Phone: 803-609-2828 Email: twmitch@clemson.edu
Website: www.sccattlemen.wildapricot.org
Executive Committee President - Roscoe Kyle 1st Vice President - Timmy Benton 2nd Vice President - Joe Oswald IV Secretary - Carol Hendrix Treasurer - Eric Seymour Past President - Thomas Legare William Brigman, Latta • Joe Oswald, IV, Allendale Roscoe Kyle, Inman • Terry Kirkland, Batesburg Eddie Evans, Easley • Cecil Eaddy, Manning Thomas Legare, Johns Island • Richard Sox, Lexington Carol Hendrix, Westminister • Clay Alexander, Starr Timmy Benton, Walterboro • Michael Bailey, Lancaster Bonnie Cann, Abbeville • Thomas Jones, Marion Lee Haddon, Gaffney • Jack Ferguson, York Drake Yon, Ridge Spring • Gene Crim, St. Matthews
S.C. Beef Council
Executive Director - ROY COPELAN P.O. Box 11280 • Columbia, SC 29211 Phone: 803-917-1119 Email: scbeef@scda.sc.gov Website: www.sccattle.org
The Carolina Cattle Connection
Vol. 35, No. 9 SEPTEMBER 2021
Sales & Publication Office
2228 N. Main Street Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
Phone: 919-552-9111 Fax: 919-552-9216 Email: mail@nccattle.com Website: www.nccattle.com
The Carolina Cattle Connection
is printed on 30 lb recycled newsprint by BN Printing in Benson, N.C.
Editor & Advertising Director CASEY L. HINNANT
Assistant Editor & Proofreader KIM BURDGE
N.C. Circulation KIM BURDGE
S.C. Circulation To Be Announced
Material in The Carolina Cattle Connection is not to be reproduced in total or in part without the written permission of the Editor. All submissions become property of The Carolina Cattle Connection, but we make every effort to return items such as photographs and artwork as requested.
The Carolina Cattle Connection, the official publication of the N.C. Cattlemen’s Association and the S.C. Cattlemen’s Association is published monthly by the N.C. Cattlemen’s Association.
A complementary subscription is included with membership to each state’s association. Nonmember subscriptions are $30 per year.
All address changes for NCCA members to: The Carolina Cattle Connection 2228 N. Main Street • Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
All address changes for SCCA members to: The Carolina Cattle Connection P.O. Box 207 • Saluda, SC 29138
Breeders of the Carolinas Sale Report … page 13 Narrow Bone Creek Farm — Gary Suber, by Scott Sherrill … page 14 Predictability, Pounds, and Profit — STAR 5 Females Offer Commercial Producers Countless Advantages, by Mickey Burch … page 6 Rockin’ B Farm — The Bowman Family, by Scott Sherrill … page 15 Rocking L Farm — Dennis and Amanda Lee, by Scott Sherrill … page 5 Santa Gertrudis Breeders International Hall of Fame Inductee — Bill Cameron … page 4 T&S Farm — Tommy Shealy and Chris Swygert, by Scott Sherrill … page 12 The Right Fit for Any Environment, by Macey Mueller … page 10
Director’s report
By TRAVIS W. MITCHELL, Executive Director, SCCA
A Busy End to Summer
August was a very busy month for the S.C. Cattlemen’s Association. Our Annual Meeting and Trade Show was held on August 6 at the T. Ed Garrison Livestock Complex in Clemson. Members in attendance received numerous educational presentations as well as the opportunity to visit with over 30 vendors at our industry trade show. This year we were pleased to have the S.C. Angus Association join us for this special event. Our meeting concluded with our annual awards banquet. At the banquet, we awarded our Awards of Excellence and recognized our S.C. Cattlemen’s Foundation scholarship winners. Details and photos of these award recipients will be published in the next issue of The Carolina Cattle Connection. We would like to say a big “thank you” to our associate members who made this meeting possible. The support that our Prime, Choice, and Select members give to our association is especially appreciated. We would also like to thank Clemson University for allowing us to host our Annual Meeting and Trade Show at the T. Ed Garrison Livestock Complex.
The S.C. Junior Beef Round-Up was also held at the T. Ed Garrison Arena the same weekend as our Annual Meeting and Trade Show. It was exciting to have this event take place right next door, where members could walk over to support the youth exhibiting their beef cattle.
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association held its Annual Convention August 10-12 in Nashville, Tennessee. For those of you who are not members of NCBA, I strongly encourage you to join. They work tirelessly to protect the interests of the beef cattle industry in the United States. NCBA is our “boots on the ground” in Washington, D.C., and we appreciate all the great work they do for our industry.

Well, it appears most of us have made it through the summer without too many problems. The dog days of summer are almost over, and the month where the tropics really pick up speed is upon us. The majority of the young people have returned to school, along with our summer help. With all that, we are now facing the Delta variant of COVID-19, which, according to the Biden Administration, is more dangerous than the original. With all that is being said, lately, it reminds me of what my mother used to say, “Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.” I am sure the vast majority of us have found out just how smart our parents are (or were) as things in the world evolve. Since last I wrote, the SCCA
From the Desk of the SCCA President
has been working behind the scene with our state legislators, U.S. Representatives, U.S. Senators, and NCBA on several bills that could affect our industry. I try to keep in touch with the Regional NCBA Rep and my U.S. Representative on matters that concern us. As a reminder, if you are not an NCBA member, please consider joining as there is strength in numbers. The proof is in the pudding, as the big packers are finding out as they face questions from our congressional leaders regarding transparency in marketing. I had the opportunity to sit down with one of our U.S. Congressmen last month to discuss several matters that are important for the cattle industry in our state.
In the first part of August, the SCCA held its annual meeting at one of the new buildings being built at the T. Ed Garrison Livestock Arena Complex. We were also there along with the S.C. Junior Beef Round-Up, which I understand had a good turnout of around 100 youths from several states. Also, the S.C. Angus Association joined us for our scholarships and awards banquet and their annual meeting.
For those who are not aware, Dixon Shealy had a fall that resulted in him injuring his right ankle. Hopefully, it will not require surgery and just several weeks of rest. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you, Dixon.
On injury topics, Dr. John Irwin required a few nights in Greenville Memorial Hospital the last part of July but is currently doing well under the watchful eye of his loving wife Elaine and his children. I was unable to attend the NCBA Convention in Nashville, Tenn., but Past President Thomas Legare filled in for me. I am already making plans for the next Convention in February 2022 to be in Houston, Texas.
If all holds up and we don’t get put on lockdown, I understand that the fall cow/calf conference will be in October at T. Ed Garrison this year. Please plan on attending if possible, as this is an event co-sponsored by the SCCA. Please look at the October edition for a list of all our sponsors and vendors who attended our annual meeting this past August. If possible, drop by, thank them, and do a little business with them.
As always, I remain respectfully yours.
P.S. I saw a window decal on the back of a pickup the other day that I think all will enjoy. “Sure you can trust the government. Just ask any Indian.” Stay safe and healthy.