KCLSU Autumn Elections Positions 2017

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Shape our Union

KCLSU Autumn Elections Positions


Introduction KCLSU is a democratic charity led by students, for students. Our elected student leaders work to ensure a wide cross-section of views are represented in decision making within the Union and at King’s and help to unite the various student communities around common causes. From Student Trustees to NUS Delegates, all of our leaders work within their respective roles, groups and as a collective to instil change for the good of the student body and the National Union of Students. Help shape our Union by standing in one of the many positions outlined in this booklet, encourage someone else to run, or be sure to vote so that all our voices count! For more, visit kclsu.org/elections

KCLSU Autumn Elections 2017

Autumn Elections Calendar Nominations open

Monday 25 September 10am

Nominations close

Wednesday 4 October 10am

Student Trustee briefings

Wednesday 4 October 6pm, Meeting Room 3, East Wing, Guy’s campus OR Thursday 5 October 12pm, Room S3.31 Strand Building

It’s compulsory to attend a briefing in order to stand for the position of Student Trustee. If you can’t attend either briefing, please email elections@kclsu.org as soon as possible.

Disabled Students' Officer briefing

Monday 2 October 12pm, Activity Room 2, West Wing, Guy’s Campus

Briefing for Union Development Committees, Liberation Association Committees and NUS Delegates

Thursday 5 October 5pm, Room KO.20 King’s Building

Candidates announced and campaigning begins

Friday 6 October 4pm

Voting opens

Monday 9 October 10am

Voting closes

Thursday 12 October 5pm

Training for new leaders

Monday 16 October – Friday 3 November

Student Trustees Sit on KCLSU’s Trustee Board and help us shape our Union. You’ll make financial and legal decisions for a multi-million pound charity and gain invaluable skills in negotiating, risk assessment and budgeting.

KCLSU Autumn Elections 2017

What you’ll do: Make sure our Union sticks to a clear vision, mission and values Make legal and financial decisions Ensure we adhere to our charity laws Be an ambassador for King’s and our union of students There are 4 Student Trustee positions available. For eligibility and nominations procedure, manifesto guidance and campaign rules, go to kclsu.org/elections.



Union Development Commitee Reps Join one of three committees overseeing sport, ethics or activities at the Union. Help shape the way we develop, interact with each other and project ourselves to the world.

KCLSU Autumn Elections 2017

What you’ll do: Review ideas from the student body and make sure the ones agreed by the Union are implemented. Be part of a 6-member Sports Committee, 8-member Ethics Committee or the 9-member Activities Committee Make decisions around funding, ratification of groups, as well as projects to enhance the Union’s ethical policy There are 25 (8 Sports, 8 Ethics, 9 Activities) Union Development Committee positions available. For eligibility and nominations procedure, manifesto guidance and campaign rules, go to kclsu.org/elections.



Association Reps Build communities, challenge discrimination and ensure that decisions made in our university are done with inclusion and diversity in mind.

KCLSU Autumn Elections 2017

What you’ll do: Represent one of the following Associations (with which you self identify) on the Welfare Development Committee: Disabled Students; International Students; LGBT+ Students; Mature Students; People of Colour; Widening Participation; or Women Promote liberation at King’s, celebrate our diversity, and work with peers and student leaders to build an inclusive union of students. Sit on the panel for your Association’s history month There are 22 Association Rep positions available. For eligibility and nominations procedure, manifesto guidance and campaign rules, go to kclsu.org/elections. kclsu.org/elections


NUS Delegates Represent KCLSU at National Union of Students (NUS) conferences and help us shape the national conversation.

KCLSU Autumn Elections 2017

What you’ll do: Consult with peers and create motions to submit to NUS conferences Debate and vote on motions based on consultation with peers Report back to the student body on decisions made at conferences Report on the work of Liberation Associations There are 20 NUS Delegate positions available. For eligibility and nominations procedure, manifesto guidance and campaign rules, go to kclsu.org/elections.



Academic Reps Consult and empower peers to act collectively to improve the student experience at the faculty level. Work collaboratively with reps across the university to bring about change.

KCLSU Autumn Elections 2017

What you’ll do: Engage peers to find out what issues affect them and propose changes to the faculty Build partnerships between students, KCLSU, King’s and external bodies with a view to improving the student experience Attend college committee meetings or send a nominee Feedback college decisions to faculty peers There are 300 Academic Rep positions available. For eligibility and nominations procedure, manifesto guidance and campaign rules, go to kclsu.org/elections.



Hall Leaders Connect peers in residence and help improve the campus living experience through collaborative action.

KCLSU Autumn Elections 2017

What you’ll do: Engage peers who live in halls of residence to find out what issues affect them and propose changes to improve their living experience Develop and lead campaigns in consultation with peers Attend college committee meetings or send a nominee Feedback college decisions to your community of residents There are 10 Hall Leader positions available. For eligibility and nominations procedure, manifesto guidance and campaign rules, go to kclsu.org/elections.



kclsu.org/elections @kclsu /kclsu

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