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Real faith has real joy and real peace in the midst of contradictions, symptoms and lack.
has worked! No one will be able to get you to say, “What if?” because you don’t believe in what-ifs. You don’t have to understand it. You don’t have to have all the answers. You just trust.
Frustration Is Not Faith
Some years ago, I was believing for a specific thing when it occurred to me that I’d been believing for a year and a half, and it seemed like I was further from it than I was when I started. I thought, What’s the deal? I was perplexed. I didn’t understand. And the Spirit of God said something I wasn’t expecting. He said, Keith, frustration is not faith.
Have you ever been frustrated? When you’re frustrated, you begin to waver and doubt. Before you know it, you’re in fear. Whether it’s mild dread or full-blown panic, it’s the same spirit, only different degrees. There’s a spirit of fear, but there’s also a spirit of faith. And there are different degrees of faith. There’s a little persuaded, partially persuaded, getting-there persuaded and sleeping-better persuaded. And then there’s father-of-faith Abraham, change-the-world, fully, fully persuaded. Fully persuaded is completely at rest. It’s fully persuaded just like you are about gravity or breathing oxygen out of the atmosphere. What are you struggling about? Are you struggling over God’s Word being true? Are you struggling over His faithfulness? The good fight of faith is the fight, or the struggle, to enter into and stay in rest.
Faith is a decision. Make the decision today to trust, being fully persuaded that what He has promised He is faithful to perform. Then enter the rest and stay there until you get the answer you’ve been waiting for!
by Gloria Copeland
Six Secrets To