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To See the Church United!
Though times and seasons have changed, and a new generation of technology, culture and leadership has come to Canada, the Word of the Lord for our nation endures – “He shall have dominion from sea to sea!” For almost three decades, Brother Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons have been declaring and prophesying a Great Awakening for Canada. We believe as the Church continues to work together in the spirit of unity, we will see this come to pass.
During the Southwest Believers’ Convention of August 1996, Brother Copeland released a word for Canada “There are some drastic overwhelming changes that are about to take place [in Canada] that are absolutely going to shock the nations of the world. And there’s no use you standing there trying to figure out what it is, because it ain’t never happened before! And it’s exceeding abundantly beyond what you or I can ask or think. Our God is on the move and the changes are coming! So just rejoice. Just rejoice and bless His Name.” Indeed, we believe the changes are coming!

Pastor George released a prophecy at EMIC in November 2006 proclaiming, “The Word of the Lord for the nation of Canada, the Great Awakening, beginning from the West to the East and back again, it has already begun. It has already started… The Great Awakening in Canada is a great hunger. It is a great hunger for the things of the Spirit. It is a great hunger for the Word of God… For the land has been sick. It’s been ill but it’s rising up… There is a divine hunger that is spreading across the nation. There is a divine passion that is rising up in the Body of Christ.”
Three years later, in 2009, Brother Copeland confirmed that prophesy at the West Coast Believers’ Convention in Long Beach, CA when he decreed, “this Great Awakening was hanging heavy over Canada to be realized and to be released throughout... the nation of Canada, and then in turn throughout the rest of the world.” He went on to declare “The prayer that’s gone forth, the prayer that is going forth: that’s where the power release is… And thus, saith the Lord thy God, in this hour, these churches that are teaching and training people to pray are the churches where the explosion and the Shekinah glory of God will be manifest first… The Awakening will come out of those congregations. There is a hunger in this nation for holiness, real true Bible purity before God…”
And again in 2020, Brother Copeland declared, “Our brothers and sisters in Canada are coming to a place… they’ve never known before, that nation is being turned around to the place it was originally supposed to be…and it will put God first as a nation… So many things that the forces of darkness and the unclean spirits that were pressing and pushing thought could never be overcome but this is the hour of overcoming.” Amen!
Drastic change, Awakening and turnaround are but a few of the prophetic declarations released over our land. These are but a taste of all that God has done, is doing, and is getting ready to do! Let’s stand in unity with one another and act on Philippians 2:2 (AMPC) where Paul writes, Fill up and complete my joy by living in harmony and being of the same mind and one in purpose, having the same love, being in full accord and of one harmonious mind and intention.

We are called to:
1. Live in harmony.
2. Be one in mind and purpose.
3. Love one another.
We can do this through prayer. Take your place Church. Pray for the Body of Christ to prosper, be in unity, and for our church leaders to be protected and divinely instructed. Seek the Lord on scripture verses to declare and pray over leaders in your community and our nation. Here are some scriptures to start you off: Isaiah 11:2-3, 54:17, 61:1; 2 Timothy 1:13-14; Ephesians 4:29, 6:19; Colossians 1:9-10. Praying not only brings the Lord joy, but helps us produce lasting fruit for the kingdom of God. The world will know we are His disciples by the way we love one another (John 13:35) and by the way we work together.
‘X’ Marks Your Spot!

Recently, I ran across an interesting story of Charles Steinmetz, a German-American mathematician and electrical engineer from Schenectady, N.Y., and how he once “saved the day” at Henry Ford’s River Rouge plant in Dearborn, Mich.
Though several versions of this tale exist, they all recount that one day the giant generator at Ford’s plant broke down, bringing everything to a screeching halt. When the plant’s engineers couldn’t fix the problem, Ford called in Steinmetz—a well-known engineering genius who was recognized as “The Wizard of Schenectady.”
According to an article in the August 2011 issue of Smithsonian Magazine, when Steinmetz arrived at the plant, he rejected all assistance, asking only for a notebook, a pencil and a cot. For two straight days and nights, Steinmetz listened to the generator and made notes. On the second day, Steinmetz asked for a ladder, a measuring tape and a piece of chalk. Then he climbed the ladder, took some measurements, and put a chalk mark on one side of the generator. He descended and told Ford’s engineers to remove a plate at the spot where he had made the mark, and then replace 16 windings from the field coil.
They did, and the generator functioned perfectly.
A few days later, Ford received a bill from Steinmetz for $10,000. Ford reportedly returned the bill, along with a note that read: “Charlie, isn’t this bill just a little high for a few hours of tinkering around on those motors?” Steinmetz sent the business mogul a response that read: “Making chalk mark on generator, $1. Knowing where to make mark, $9,999. Total due $10,000.”
Ford paid the bill.
Just as Steinmetz knew the inner workings of the generator, God knows every nook and cranny of our hearts and every circumstance of our lives. While others are trying to figure you out, diagnose your situation, and offer advice on how to make you better, God knows just where to go to fix your problems. His Word will go right to the “X” that marks the spot and penetrate it with a transforming power that man could never imagine. And the price has already been paid!
Speaking of “spots,” there’s one waiting for you at this year’s Southwest Believers’ Convention, here in Fort Worth, Texas. All you need to do is show up. If you haven’t already, make plans now to be with us July 31-Aug. 5 at the Fort Worth Convention Center, and step into the ministry of the prophet!


Ronald C. Jordan Managing Editor Managing Editor