by Melanie Hemry
The True Secret to
Success THE STENCH EMANATING FROM THE DUMPSTER CREPT LIKE A FOG INTO EVERY PORE OF LARRY AND PAM WINTERS’ BODIES. THE SUN OVER RALEIGH, N.C., HAD BAKED IT THERE. IT FILLED THEIR NOSTRILS, COATED THEIR HAIR AND EMBEDDED ITSELF IN THEIR CLOTHES. Taking a deep breath and holding it, Larry hoisted himself over the side and into the dumpster. He tossed out aluminum cans to Pam, who dropped them into the bag she carried. Each week, in addition to their other jobs, they scoured the city for cans. Dumpsters behind bars, they’d learned, were rich with them. On weekends, they picked them up at golf tournaments and other events. Larry and Pam had met at the car wash where they both worked. Pam had been the cashier. Larry took the cars through the wash. Once they’d married, even their combined income hadn’t been enough to keep up with their bills. The rent on their 900-square-foot house was only $225 per month. Yet they were three months behind in making the payments. They had plenty of debt, but no money. No heat. The water had been turned
off…again. They didn’t own a car. Pam wiped the sweat from her brow. They’d heard about a business opportunity and started a direct selling business. It wasn’t doing too well. A lot of work for little to no return. However, during a convention, everyone had been asked to attend a meeting where they would share the real secret of success. Anxious to hear it, Larry and Pam had attended. The secret to success, they’d learned, was living for Jesus. They each answered an altar call and gave their lives to Him. Larry had wept all afternoon. The next day, he arrived at work still crying. “What’s wrong with you?” his boss asked. “I got born again yesterday,” he said. His boss muttered something like, “You’re nuts!” before walking away. That had been four years ago. Now,