Believer's Voice of Victory – March 2022, Europe Edition

Page 22

by Gloria Copeland

Living In

Divine Health

There’s been much debate lately about what people should do to stay healthy despite the pandemic. Even medical experts, it seems, don’t all agree. Some extol the safety and effectiveness of one kind of medicine. Others warn against that treatment and endorse another. Who’s right? Not being a medical or pharmaceutical expert myself, I wouldn’t presume to say. But I will say that, while I appreciate the natural wisdom medical doctors bring to the table and believe we should avail ourselves of it as the Holy Spirit leads, there’s really only one Doctor who can truly promise us divine health. Dr. Jesus! He’s the Great Physician and the medicine He prescribes is unsurpassed. It can heal anything.



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The medicine of God’s Word is quite literally a cure-all. (Prov. 4:20-22, AMPC)


Whether you’re dealing with a cold or terminal cancer; whether you just need a part of your body repaired or you need an entirely new part; Jesus’ medicine can get the job done. What’s more, it has no harmful side effects, only beneficial ones. You can take as much of it as you want, and it will just keep making you healthier. What is this wonderful medicine? The Word of God! Although man-made medicines can be helpful, no man-made medicine anywhere can do what God’s Word will do. His medicine knows no limits. Quite literally a cure-all, His words “are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:22, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).


You can come to God for healing with confidence, knowing that in His goodness He will give it to you.

Jesus’ ministry proved that God always considers sickness to be bad and healing to be good.

(Ps. 145:8-9)

(Acts 10:38)


Jesus healed all who came to Him and never turned anyone away. (Matt. 12:15)


You receive healing the same way you received the new birth, by believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth. (Rom. 10:10)

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