Believer's Voice of Victory – March 2024, Europe Edition

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Believer’s Voice of Victory What started out to be a summer job for me in 1976 turned out to be an amazing, lifelong journey of faith. From childhood, I had always wanted to follow in the footsteps of my dad. He was a graphic designer in New York. That’s what I wanted to do. So, I attended art school in Boston after I graduated high school. My life completely changed, however, when I made Jesus my LORD and Savior while in college. As a result, The LORD had an even better plan for my future. In 1975, I was accepted to Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Okla. On the very first day, I received a clear word from The LORD regarding my calling. He said, Change your major. You are called to pastor. The plan was set. From that moment on my life would never be the same. At ORU, I met a young Texas beauty named Terri Lin Copeland. We became friends, and later started dating. By the end of that year we were engaged to be married. During that time, she introduced me to the Word of Faith.

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I went to Fort Worth during that winter break to meet her family. Her dad, Kenneth Copeland, and I sat down for that “future son-in-law” discussion. “What do you want to be?” he asked. “I want to be a man of God,” I said. THAT was the right answer! “Write the He told me he would send me his Bible course. I thought it would vision and be a book or study guide of some make it plain sort. Little did I know what I was on tablets, in for. The campus post office called that he may me shortly after I returned to ORU. run who “Come get your boxes,” they reads it.” said. “Boxes?” Habakkuk 2:2, Kenneth Copeland had sent me (New King James Version) his entire Basic Believer’s Course on cassette tape. I listened to those tapes every day as the messages were transforming my life. I had never heard anything like that before. As a thank-you to Brother Copeland, I drew a sketch of his ministry logo and sent it to him. He responded by telling Terri, “Bring him home for the summer and let him start my in-house art department.” I did that—and never returned to ORU. KCM Glory Stories I have been totally immersed at Kenneth Copeland Ministries now for the last 47 years. Today, I am both senior pastor at Eagle Mountain International Church and Chief Executive Officer of KCM. I have studied this ministry from the inside out. Its outreaches are astounding. We are preaching the uncompromised Word of Faith from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle! Over the years, I have had a front row seat to the “glory stories” of KCM. Recently, The LORD stirred me to talk directly to our Partners about the ministry’s vision. We have been able to accomplish so much through their support, and there is so much more planned for the future. From my vantage point, this is KCM’s finest hour. More is being done than ever before.

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