Believer's Voice of Victory – December 2023, Europe Edition

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YOU ARE IN CHRIST! Dear Partners and Friends, e to meditate on this truth: You

Christmastime is the ideal tim

are in Christ.

e in Him. Everything you need you hav

Jesus The LORD, so walk e therefore received Christ hav ye “As , te, wro l Pau stle The apo faith, as ye have been taught in him, and stablished in the up lt bui and ted roo : him in ye . nksgiving ” (Colossians 2:6-7) abounding therein with tha with Him and experience ke a way for us to be reconciled ma to th s ear this to us Jes t God sen could stay trapped in our sin Jesus didn’t come so that we e. s. vid live pro our ld in cou oc He hav y ak onl at wre wh could continue to my ene the t tha so e com n’t and diseases. He did n me, because he hath e Spirit of The LORD is upo “Th ar: cle d, n sio mis His de Jesus ma me to heal the brokenhearte pel to the poor; he hath sent gos the rty ach libe at pre to set to me d, ed blin int ano t to the captives, and recovering of sigh to preach deliverance to the LORD” (Luke 4:18-19). e Th of r yea e abl ept acc ach the them that are bruised, To pre When we are in Christ, we us offered you? FREEDOM. Jes at wh d tan Anointed One, ers und you Do of His plan when Jesus, the pse glim a us e gav t firs d Go d on the cross, experience freedom. illed that plan when Jesus die fulf d Go en, Th y. bab a as th came to this ear overcame death. He did all of l to set the captives free, and hel of ths dep the o int ded descen could be free in Him. ry person who receives Jesus, eve and I, and you t tha so t tha are in Christ. Every this assurance and peace: You h wit son sea s ma rist Ch Celebrate this soul and body. need you have is met, spirit, t now: Confess this over yourself righ

free from sin, free from am in Christ. Therefore, I am I and d, Go e ty igh Alm of ld I am a chi ’s influence. I believe I receiv m lack, free from the enemy fro e fre e, eas dis and s nes sick d! ause I am in Christ. Praise Go THE BLESSING in my life bec season. Let it get deep into n throughout the Christmas sio fes ’s con this g kin ma ue Contin and your coming year. There way you celebrate this season the this nge ng cha ngi it bri Let ue rit. tin spi r con you rist and ste. Let’s take our place in Ch much to do and no time to wa m! edo fre er cov can dis truth to others so that they too Merry Christmas and Happy

Kenneth & Gloria

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New Year,

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