Believer's Voice of Victory – December 2023, Europe Edition

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I don’t remember exactly when it happened, but some time ago, that honor was bestowed upon me. So, I grab a plate and the electric carving knife and away we go! Of course, I must sample the turkey as I go, to make sure it is carved to perfection. It’s a perk that comes with the job.

I Find No Fault In You

Christmas at the Copelands. There is nothing quite like it. Being part of this amazing family, I have the joy of attending our Copeland Christmas Eve gathering every year. Allow me to take you on a personal tour of this glorious evening. Upon arrival, we unload presents, carry them into the house, and place them underneath the Christmas tree. Almost instantly, the aroma of delicious food and desserts lures us straight to the kitchen. “Come on, let’s see what’s cooking.” The kitchen is filled with serious chefs on the move. Be careful where you stand. You might get run over! All the “womenfolk” are scurrying about, stirring pots and preparing the meal. All the “menfolk” stand around waiting—everyone except me. I have my own special assignment. I’m the designated turkey carver.

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We now have the freedom to stand before our loving Father without any sense of fear, guilt or condemnation.

It’s Time To Eat! When the food is finally ready, Brother Copeland calls the family together to pray. We stand in our traditional circle, holding hands; and give thanks to God for all He has done throughout the year. “Amen” is declared. Now, it’s time to eat! Where to eat? We have choices: the kitchen counter, the den or the dining room, and when we’re ready, we can go back for seconds—and thirds! Even though “Ma Dear” (Gloria’s mother, Mary) has been in heaven for a few years, her delicious “Turkey and Cornbread Dressing” is a family favorite. The menfolk are so glad she gave the recipe to the womenfolk. After dinner, we adjourn to the living room where it’s now time to open gifts. Everyone takes their place. Kenneth and Gloria have their honored seats by the fireplace. Several of us are designated as gift distributors, me included. After the gifts are all handed out, one of my favorite things to do is to stand back and watch as the activity unfolds. Everyone is appreciating their gifts, hugging and sharing with one another. It really is a sweet sight to behold. Then comes the part of our evening that I really look forward to. Brother Copeland reaches for his Bible and prepares to minister to the family. That’s why I always bring my Bible and notebook. His topics range from what he is seeing for the new year to what The LORD is doing in our nation. Sometimes, we receive a preview of the assignments The LORD has for KCM. I’m always prepared, and ready for the prophet to declare The WORD. I recall one particular Christmas Eve, it seemed to take an especially long time for the gifts to be unwrapped. The evening was running

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Believer's Voice of Victory – December 2023, Europe Edition by Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe - Issuu