by Gloria Copeland
Get Wisdom “Every day we have choices to make: Will we continue to be natural thinkers and operate like the world? Or will we seek God’s ways of doing and being right and operate according to His wisdom?”
If I’ve learned anything about God in all my years of walking with Him, it’s that He is a good God! He always wants the best for us. If something goes wrong in your life, He wants to make it right. If you’re sick, He wants you healed. If you’re in lack, He wants to prosper you. God wants you whole, with nothing missing and nothing broken. He wants you to be so blessed that everywhere you look you see His goodness manifested. He doesn’t intend for you to live like the people in the world do: worrying all the time about how you’re going to meet your own needs. Running like a hamster on a wheel every day, just to get enough money to pay your bills, buy food to eat, clothes to wear, a car to drive and a house to live in. Struggling 3 0 : B VOV
along under whatever evil the devil and this world decide to pile on top of you. No, that low kind of existence isn’t for you. If you’ve received Jesus as your Lord, you’ve been delivered from it. You aren’t of the world anymore. You’re in a different group. You’re a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20, New King James Version). You’ve been born again into the kingdom of God. God’s kingdom works very differently from the way the world does. His wisdom puts worldly wisdom to shame. While people in the world are expending all their energy, trying in the natural to get the things they need and desire, as a child of God you can “seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His