1 minute read

Ukraine Relief Update

A Letter From Martin Hawkins, KCM Europe Director

Dear Partners and Friends,


It is a pleasure to write to you with thanks and gratitude on behalf of the Ministry.

Your generous sowing into the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe Relief Fund means that we have been able to sow £16,000 to support those involved in the Ukrainian refugee crisis.

We have been able to work with Partner Churches and ministries in Romania and Bulgaria to give aid to refugees fleeing the Ukraine, and to those that have been displaced within their own nation.

These churches and ministries have supplied shelter, food, hygiene products, clothing, and equipment. Some of the funding was also used for the fuel and transport costs of delivering aid to local churches where pastors are helping people locally displaced by the conflict.

Please thank God with us that we have been able to show the love of God in a tangible and practical way.

Thank you again Partners and Friends, this is Your Voice, Your Victory, Your Ministry.We Love you, God Loves you and Jesus Is Lord!

Martin Hawkins

Executive Director

For more information, visit: kcm.org.uk/partners-helping-partners

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