Kansas City Thrifty Nickel

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ST. JOSEPH 816.364.6915

12103 E. 43 ST. KCMO FAX: 816.356.0621

2301 FREDERICK ST. JOE FAX: 816.364.5980

8-6 MON-TUES 8-5 WED-FRI TOLL FREE 1-800-541-1455

9-5 MON-FRI TOLL FREE 1-800-737-4100



Vol. 35

Distributed Every Thursday

Your Classifieds Specialist

“LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED” A THRIFTY NICKEL WANT ADS PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTED EVERY THURSDAY IN MISSOURI: ANDREW, BUCHANAN, CLAY, CLINTON, JACKSON & PLATTE COUNTIES IN KANSAS: CIVIL WAR Memorabilia, muzzle loaders, books, clothing. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 BICYCLE USED, Gary Fisher, $150.00. 816-349-7059 I sold my mobile home and am still getting tons of calls! The Thrifty Nickel worked too well! Thank you! Phillip T.

TV STAND with 2 tinted glass doors, 2 shelves for cable box and VCR, 7 years old, silver very nice, paid $450.00, asking price $75.00. 27 Stonecrest, 816-233-2895 MACH TECH 1000 toolbox $1,200; Matco top box $300.00. 816262-1912 NICE COMPUTER, $99.00. 816-455-1600

FOR SALE Carrots, beets, turnips, turnip greens, mustard greens. 816-279-4384 GRAVELY ZT, 42 inch, zero turn mower, 2010 Model, very good condition, $1,600.00 negotiable. Tim 816853-9018 COMBO VENDING Machine, snacks, candy, soda. Excellent condition. 913-4881770

CAR WASH equipment, manual, five bay units, used, with 750,000 BTU boiler. Cell 816-289-9270 or 913-677-0322 DOUBLE DEPTH lawn crypts. Prophets section, Mt. Moriah Cemetary, 105th and Holmes, Kansas City, Missouri. Now selling for $3,995.00. Asking $2,000.00. 816-3318863

CAMPER SHELL, Fiberglass, 2003 GMC short bed, $350.00. Also Equalizer hitch. 913-262-6927 NEED GOOD car around $1,000.00 for Elderly person. Must look and run good! 913-839-7271 HALLMARK GIFT wrapping paper, assortment, 60 rolls, $2.00 each, two yards per roll. 816-966-9281

NOTICE Thrifty Nickel reserves the right to refuse any and/ or to edit any portion of an ad we think questionable or not in good taste. If you find errors or omissions in your ad, you must notify Thrifty Nickel within five days from the date of publication. After five days, Thrifty Nickel and/ or it’s agents cannot be held responsible for any error. Thrifty Nickel will only be held responsible for the portion of the paid advertising that was incorrect and is only liable for correct copy being published in the first available issue only. Absolutely No Cash Refunds Will Be Issued. AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 6 P.M. NATIONAL ADS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY MONDAY NOON

TWO BURIAL lots, White Chapel Cemetery, two concrete vaults. For sale, $1,000.00 discount! For more information 816-453-5408 QUEEN ANNE 60 inch, Cherry oval table, four side chairs, two captains chairs, matching sideboard. Excellent condition, $350.00! 816-353-4907


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SIMPSON 3000 Powerwasher, 11 horsepower, USA made! $500.00 negotiable. 816-695-6918 VOSE BABY Grand piano, with bench, good condition. 913383-2353 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, Sire Sch III, $500.00, AKC, shots, wormed. 816606-6506

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BABY BED, white, Simplicity and mattress, like new. 913579-4450 PELLET STOVE, American Harvest, includes vase, pipes and 100 pounds of pellets, $750.00. 913-2992309

Good and upright is Yahweh, therefore he will instruct sinners in the way. Psalm 25:8



CIVIL WAR related items for sale, largest inventory in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473 T R A I N S WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer, Marklin, HO, Coke Machines, Coin Operated Games. All sizes. Cash paid, private collector. Prices over the phone. Please call before you sell. Cell number 630-319-2331

MUZZLE LOADING supplies. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 FLINTLOCKS, MUZZLE Loaders, rifles, pistols, Air Soft guns, lowest prices. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473

QUEEN ANNE 60 inch, Cherry oval table, four side chairs, two captains chairs, matching sideboard. Excellent condition, $350.00! 816-353-4907 FOR SALE: Antique bedroom set, over 100 years old, excellent condition, huge bed, triple dresser, Armoire, two night stands, gold color, $750.00 for all. Stand up Philco stereo and radio, excellent condition, $75.00 or best offer. 100 45 RPM records, $1.00 a piece, buy one or all. 16 porcelain collectible plates, different views of eagles, racks included, $10.00 a piece. Patio set, four chairs, needs pillows, table, umbrella included, $60.00. Large propane BBQ grill, $50.00. Round 37 inch Marble table, $20.00. Call Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. 816-4546942 LARGEST SELECTION of Air Soft guns in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 NEW AND used Muzzle loaders and Flintlock rifles. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473

ANTIQUES: All kinds wanted. Top cash paid for any antiques. 913-287-5131, day or night A N T I Q U E S WANTED: : Top dollar paid! Call 816-2169816

APPAREL BRAND NEW, strapless, ivory, wedding dress, size 10, $500.00 or best offer. 816-8631167

APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE DINING SET, table with six chairs and hutch. Includes pad for the table top. 816-9294388 MATTRESS FACTORY WAREHOUSE Best prices in Kansas City! Twin mattresses as low as $50.00, full $75.00, queen $90.00, king $120.00, $2,000.00 pillow top, queen sets only $250.00! Over 50 sets to choose from! 14446 West 100th Street, Lenexa. 913541-9993 WASHER/ DRYERS as low as $16.00 a week. Easyhome lease to own. 816-232-1511 E A S Y H O M E LEASE to own, no credit checks, no down payment, delivered today! 816-232-1511



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BOATS FARM & RANCH OUT BOARD motor PARKER GRAVITY METRO MAT- repair. Call for informa- wagon approximately TRESS Discount. tion 816-582-7012 holds 100 bushels, Brand new, brand $375.00. 1951 Farmall COMPUTER & with cultivator, St. name mattress sets. Queen pillowtop sets, ELECTRONICS Joseph area. 816-253start at $150.00. 913COMPUTER RE- 9688 948-0218 FINANCIAL & BABY BED, white, PAIRS and upgrades. Simplicity and mat- Is your computer slow? BUSINESS tress, like new. 913- We can fix it for as little OPPORTUNITIES 579-4450 as $50.00. 816-4556 0 0 NOTICE BEFORE YOU NEW HOME furnish- 1 SEND MONEY THROUGH ings, lease to own. Ask www.vaughns.com THE MAIL how to get 50% first COMPUTERS AS payment. 816-232- low as $12.00 a week. Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its 1511 Easyhome lease to sources reliable and verifies as HI DEFINITION tel- own. 816-232-1511 much data as possible, but we evisions as low as $12.00 a week! Easy- NICE COMPUTER! strongly recommend that you home lease to own. Excellent computer for know who you are doing busistudent or small busi- ness with before you send 816-232-1511 money through the mail. Do Not TV SALE while sup- ness, $169.00. 816- Give Your Credit Card #, Social plies last. Pony Ex- 4 5 5 - 1 6 0 0 Security #, Bank Number to press Coin & Jewelry www.vaughns.com anyone over the phone or by Pawn, 618 South Belt TWO OLDER model mail. Make Sure you know who Highway, St. Joseph, televisions, 24 inch for you are doing business with. 816-232-2993 $50.00, 27 inch for Protect yourself from Identity AUCTIONS $60.00. Buy both for Theft and Money Scams. not pay upfront for a $100.00 even. 816- Do loan NEW FLOORING 679-3630 MATERIAL AUCTION! Submit sealed FLAT COMPUTER WE FIX CREDIT! Denied Home Loan? Just MONITORS, bids by Tues., Aug 21, at 12:00 PM EDT. 15 inch $39.00, 17 inch Need Good Credit? We Over $1MM+ in $59.00, 19 inch Can Help! Money Back BRAND NEW floor- $79.00. 816-455-1600 Guarantee! FREE ing material manufac- www.vaughns.com CONSULTATION 1tured by Mannington 866-913-8617 REMills! All materials COMPUTER were inventory of for- PAIR, fast affordable $$$ ACCESS Lawmer Mannington Mills service. On location or suit Cash Now!! Injury Dragging? distributor, and will be at Vaughn’s. 816-455- Lawsuit sold as two lots; can Need $500be sold separate or in 1600 $500,000++ within combination. For DIRECT TO HOME 48/hrs? Low rates. Apmore information, a Satellite TV COMPLETE list of in- $19.99/month Free In- ply Now By Phone! 1800-568-8321. (not ventory in the aucstallation/HD-DVR upvalid in CO & NC), tion, images, and bidding instructions, grade. New customers. www.lawcapital.com please visit No Activation Fee! LAWSUIT CASH w w w. K e y A u c t i o n - Credit/Debit required. Auto Accident? All eers.com or call (855) 1-800-935-7165 Cases Qualify. Get 353-1100. before your ELECTRONICS CASH case settles! Fast ApLow Fees. POLICE SCANNER proval. 709-1100 and CB Radios, sales (866) and service available www.glofin.com on both. New and used $4,800 PER WEEK scanners and radios (Pot’l). We close your available. KM Commu- sales FOR YOU! 100% system! nication, 2703 South automated Leonard Road, St. Call 24 hours! 1-678Joseph, Missouri. 816- 408-1373. 279-7668 HOW I make $1,000 day. Global opportuFARM & RANCH anity. 100% commisTRACTOR PARTS, sions. 1-908-752-5036; Used, Rebuilt, New. www.enearn.com Most parts less than MAKE UP to a 90 50%. Salvaging Trac- percent return on your tors Daily. Case-IH-JD- Investments! ClientMF-Ford-AC-DL-MM. owned company offerEagle Tractor Parts 1- ing above- average re8 0 0 - 8 3 3 - 5 8 6 7 turn rates. Investment w w w. e a g l e t r a c t o r - guaranteed. www.loyalfinancial.com parts.com

1989 14 ft. Aluminum Outboard with 1989 25 O.H.P. Yamaha Motor & Trailer-$2,000 or trade for 4X4 4-Wheeler. 1988 Mercury Cougar, Runs Good...........................................$2,195 2003 PT Cruiser, Runs Good, Cold Air, New Tires....................$5,695 2003 Dodge Ram 1500, V-8, Runs Good, Cold Air................$5,295 2001 Chrysler 300, 80K Miles, Runs Good, Cold Air...............$5,000 1999 Ford F-150, Runs Good, Cold Air......................................$2,995 2003 Kia Optima, Auto, Runs Good...........................................$2,995 2002 Dodge Dakota, 4-Dr., 2WD, Runs Good, Cold Air.........$5,800 1994 Ford Ranger, Ext. Cab, Runs Good...................................$3,195 1996 Dodge Dakota, 4X4, Ext. Cab, Runs Good.....................$4,195 We Buy Good Running Cars & Trucks with Clean Titles

★ Down Payments Starting at $1,500 ★ ACE MOTORS 1123 N. 3rd • St. Joseph, MO. 64501

816-364-0804 Mon.-Fri. 9am - 3pm • Sat. 9am - 12pm

FINANCIAL & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751 EARN MORE $$$ with your Investments! Unique funds provide higher returns. Investment guaranteed. Get Started Now! 1-877200-1411 www.loyalfinancial.com CREDIT CARD Debt? Legally have it removed! Minimum $7,000.00 in debt to qualify. Utilize Consumer Protection Attorneys. Call now! 1-888237-0388



NEED A backyard building? Rent to own with no credit check! Delivering to all of Kansas. 913-441-0071 BUILT BY Amish and Mennonite Craftsman, Backyard Buildi n g s . www.shedskc.com We deliver. 913-721-5313

BLUE CHAMPION II handicap scooter, used 5 months, $400.00, Red handicap scooter good condition, $200.00 or best offer. 662-722-1127 CANADA DRUG Center. Safe and affordable medications. Save up to 90 percent on your medication needs. Call 1-877-7430508. $25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping CA$H PAID! Up to $27.00/ box for unexpired, sealed Diabetic Test Strips! One day payments and prepaid shipping. Se Habla Espanol. Emma 1-8887 7 6 7771.www.Cash4Diab eticSupplies.com NURSING, PRACTICAL Nursing, get your Certification fast at Concorde! Get the information. 1-888470-7017 AFFORDABLE DENTAL PLANS! Starting at $9.95 per month. Save 15% to 50%. This is not insurance. Call Toll Free 1866-213-5387.


STUDY FOR change. Call today, 913-894-5533 DIABETICS! CASH paid for unopened, unexpired test strips. Call 816-695-4817 UP TO $700.00 ComHUNTING, pensation for vaccine FISHING, Call 913-825CAMPING, & study. 4000 SPORTING DIABETIC TEST GOODS STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID OLDER 18 foot Best prices, free Prowler Camper. pickup. Call 816-226Would make great con- 7576 cession or office trailer. Air conditioning and appliances work, DENTAL INSUR$1,650.00. 816-718- ANCE starting at just $15/Month! CALL 2909 NOW for a free quote! 30% OFF fishing 800-416-0402 or poles. Pony Express www.DentalKings.com Coin & Jewelry Pawn, TAKE CIALIS/ LEV618 South Belt HighSave $500.00! way, St. Joseph, 816- ITRA? 60x 100mg pills 232-2993 $149.00! Plus 8 Bonus pills. Visa/Mastercard INTERNET & Order Now! TECHNOLOGY Accepted. 1-347-753-8138. DISH NETWORK UP TO $700.00 Cominstalled just $19.99 pensation for vaccine per month. Call 1-877- study. Call 913-825439-4643 4000 DELL LAPTOP, ex- FREE DISCOUNT cellent condition, with Prescription Card. wireless, $149.00. 816- Save 10% to 85% on 455-1600 your prescriptions. DISH NETWORK Call1-800-408-4336 installed just $19.99 and start saving now! per month. Call 1-877- VIAGRA 100MG, 439-4643 Cialis 20mg.40 pill+ 4 BUNDLE AND Save FREE, only $99.00. #1 on your Cable, Inter- Male Enhancement, net, Phone, and more. discreet shipping. Save High Speed Internet $500.00 1-877-595starting at less than 1022 $20.00/ month. Call HAVE SOME free now. 1-800-291-4159 time? Participate in a clinical study. Call Qunitiles 913-8945533 WE HAVE a study for women. Compensation may be up to $2,850.00. Call 913894-5533


MISCELLANEOUS CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS - up to $26/Box!Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY payment. 1-888-3660956. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com PUG- APSO- shifon: Toy pups, cash only. 1-660-253-4474 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Win Or Pay Us Nothing. Disability Group, Inc. BBB Accredited. Call FREE Book & Consultation. 888-559-2887 DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! CALL TODAY & SAVE! 1-888-3135366 Place your ad today! Thrifty Nickel, 816-3568790


THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.364.6915 SJ


Seasonal Special Short Time Only

Now Taking Tires Through October 5th $2 Car & Light Truck isppoosaall $5 On-Wheel Dis FFeeee $10 Semi-Truck Tires Hours: 8:00a.m. -4:00p.m. 20811 State Route K St. Joseph, MO.


DATED SALES HUGE SALE Highway to Heaven Church, corner of Sherman and West Valley, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. St. Joseph, area ASSET PUBLIC Auto Auction, every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 210 and 291 Highway. Dealers, buyers and sellers welcome. 816-536-0882 FLEA MARKET, come see us at SPARKS August 30September 2. Tons of deals! Pony Express Coin & Jewelry Pawn, 618 South Belt Highway, St. Joseph, 816232-2993 MECHANIC TOOLS RETIRED Large Snap- On top and bottom tool box. Spap- On, Mac and miscellaneous tools. Aluminum, three dog box for pickup. Sell: Friday 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. 601 Northeast 83rd Street 816-436-1402

END OF DATED SALES MISCELLANEOUS WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 KANSAS AND Missouri Conceal and Carry Classes. 913271-7642 TRAIN FOR Medical Office Administration. Call anytime, daytime or evenings for information. 1-888-4707017

MISCELLANEOUS WE GET car titles, nationwide! 816-7590963 www.klmservices.webs.com WE BUY UGLY HOUSES! HomeVestors. We pay cash. Buy as is condition, pay all closing costs and close fast! 913-5831199, 913-980-1866 DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-795-9329. FOR SALE, cemetery headstones, granite, fair and affordable, $99.00. 816-833-5111 UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 THE RIDE THAT SAVES BABIES. March of Dimes Bikers for Babies, a motorcycle ride to benefit the mission of the March of Dimes. Sunday, September 16, 2012 at Kansas Speedway. Donate or ride to improve the health of babies. Proceeds support research, community services, education and advocacy to save babies’ lives. bikersforbabieskc.org http://www.bikersforbabieskc.org REACH OVER 20 million homes nationwide with one easy buy! Only $2,395.00 per week for a 25 word classified! For more information go to www.naninetwork.com or call 1-816-356-8790

Automotive, Inc. 1225 N. 4th • St. Joseph, MO.

816-233-4094 Serving St. Joseph Since 1985

MISCELLANEOUS 285 FEET, GrassGater Zip line, professional quality, USA made, $8.50, .095-24 Millimeter. 816-9669281 CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and affordable medications. Save upto 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-888-467-7085 ($25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping.)

JANITORIAL Contracting. Not a franchise. Equipment and $350.00 required. Call 816-421-2525 or visit our web site at www.townandcountrybuildingservices.com DIVORCE WITH or without children $99.00. Includes marital property settlement, child custody, name change. Call 888.366.2024 R E S P I R AT O R Y THERAPIST jobs are in high demand! Get the training quick! Concorde College. 1888-470-7017 RENT TO own Amish built sheds! Quality material, quality construction. 816-4615119 DEER ANTLERS wanted! Call Charlie 816-372-7109 GAS ENGINES Repairs, boats, Jet ski, generators, and lawn equipment, mobile service, no charge to drive to you in St. Joseph, Mo. 816-2384630 A I R P L A N E S CESSMA, 172 RG 4X, fast, commuter, $55,000; STITS 2X LSA, $12,500.00. 816632-4867 10% OFF all chain saws. Pony Express Coin & Jewelry Pawn, 618 South Belt Highway, St. Joseph, 816232-2993 PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751

• Coolant Flushes • Tune Ups • Transmission Service • Alignments • New & Used Tires • Oil Changes • Belts & Hoses


MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BUYING old/ unwanted chainsaws for parts/ repair, all brands. 913-6770320 400 FOOT, Craftsman, trimmer line, USA made, .080 diameter, $13.00. 816-966-9281 OFF SHORE Life Jacket, over 90 pounds, $15.00 negotiable. 816-966-9281 4X8 HOMEMADE trailer with lights. Whirlpool washer, gas dryer. Monday thru Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 816-5078423 ASK ABOUT monthly specials and save on Conceal and Carry Classes now. 913-271-7642 DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! CALL TODAY & SAVE! 1-888-3146373 AFFORDABLE STEEL Discounted Garages from $2,265, Barns $5,670, RVports $1,885. FREE DELIVERY / SETUP NATIONWIDE. Financing! FREE Quotes: 800935-1939, SteelMan1939@live.com, AffordableSteelBuildings.biz COMPETITION? WE’LL BEAT IT OR EAT IT! AWNING FOR: RV, car hauler, horse trailer or your home. Also repairs. 816-898-8982, 816-650-5104 FOR SALE, two cemetery lots in One Veteran Field of Honor in beautiful Swan Lake. Privately owned, can transfer, Grain Valley. $5,000.00 for both or best offer. Call Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 816-4546942



1-888-888-1292 Check Out Our Large Inventory At

MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 BASIC CABLE and internet deals! $29.99 per month Free HBO for 3 months Call Today 800-357-1334 SILVER, GOLD coins, on display, Main Street Mall Antiques 816-224-6400, and Bates City Antiques 816-690-8505. Call Jim 816-921-6232


PETS FOR ADOPTION! Contact us for current adoptions. Help Humane Society, 511 Main Street, Belton Missouri, 816-3184 3 5 7 w w w. h e l p p e t s . o r g Adoption fee and application for adoption required. Tuesday- Friday 1:00 -8:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m.6:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00- 5:00 p.m. No kill Animal Shelter has MUSICAL wonderful pets available for adoption. VolOLD GUITARS unteer opportunities wanted! Fender, Gibalso available. son, Martin, Gretsch, Prairie State, Eu- POOLS & SPAS phonon, Larson, D’AnSpa, gelico, Stromberg, HOT/ TUB/ Rickenbacker, and Deluxe 2012 Model Mosrite. Gibson Man- Neck jets, Therapy dolins/ Banjos. 1930’s seat, never used, warthru 1970’s Top cash ranty, can deliver. paid! 1-800-401-0440 Worth, $5,950.00, sell $1,950.00. 1-800-960WITH SCHOOL 7727 starting many musical STEEL & instruments in stock. STORAGE Come check them out! Pony Express Coin & BUILDINGS Jewelry Pawn, 618 South Belt Highway, NEED A backyard St. Joseph, 816-232- building? Rent to own with no credit check! 2993 Delivering to all of CASH REWARD, Kansas. 913-441-0071 Old American Guitars. B A C K Y A R D Paying $200-$30,000 SHEDS, low monthly for Gibson, Fender, payments, free delivMartin and Others. Call ery. Mention this ad for Dave. 1-800-646-7795 a free ramp! 816-461SANSUI QRX 5500 5119 receiver, works, also BUILT BY Amish Garrard turntable with and Mennonite Craftsnew diamond needle, man, Backyard BuildSony COP- C615 five i n g s . disc player, Visions www.shedskc.com We dual deck VHS copier. deliver. 913-721-5313 662-722-1127 24 FOOT portable storage box, nice roll PETS up door, $1,475.00 BLUE PIT pups, cash. 816-718-2909 eleven weeks, ADBA, TRAILERS papers and shots. 816756-4161 16 FOOT stock APR REGISTERED trailer, 2000, H and S Shih Tzu puppies. Gooseneck, tandem Eight weeks old. Shots axle, good condition, and wormed, male $3,850.00. 816-244$250.00, female 1176 or 816-369-2902 $300.00. 1-785-7332699 PRESA CANARIO puppies, purebred with papers and shots, $450.00. Also mom $250.00 with papers. 913-999-1558

Your Source For Muzzleloading Accessories & Supplies Rifles - Supplies & Accessories Percussion/Caplock - Flintlock - Inline CLOTHING





AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES FIFTH WHEEL hitch, undercarriage hitch, tonneau cover short wheel base, fiberglass cover long wheel base, hitch and parts, tool box. 816-665-3552 COMMERCIAL VAN roof racks and shelving, $95.00. 913626-9308

**Limit Of 5 Oil Changes Every 12 Months. Redeemable Only At AutoStart USA. See Store For Details.

Join Us At The 150th Anniversary Reenactment of The Battle of Lone Jack Mo. August 17th, 18th & 19th

Military / Civilian / Mountainman Civil War / Cowboy Action Footwear / Patterns



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TRANSMISSION CONNECTION, foreign and domestic, GET CASH for your solid guaranty. 816Junk, Damaged, or 924-0477 Salvaged Car! FREE car removal +TOP 1988 CHEVY SpecDOLLAR for your un- trum rebuilt. Fits other used & unwanted vehi- GM models, $250.00. cles. Call Now!! 800- 816-804-5177 ENGINE 2004 236-9025 CARS WANTED! Ford 5.4 Triton, V-8, PayMAX Car Buyers six month warranty, pays the MAX! One $975.00. 816-924call gets you a TOP 0477 DOLLAR offer on any used year, make or model NEW AND car. 1-888-9-PAYMAX tires, best selection and service. Cheap (1-888-972-9629) Tires And Service 816BURRIS LOGGING 231-1200 Inc. Buying standing 2003 timber, top prices paid ENGINE in advance. Oak, Wal- Chevrolet, 2.2 Intech, solid performance, nut, Maple and other species. Bonded, in- $750.00. 816-924sured, licensed, over 0477 40 years experience. 1-800-724-4189 mobile USED TIRES, best selection and prices in 620-340-3552 town. Cheap Tires And END OF Service 816-231-1200 WANT TO BUY E N G I N E S , N O R T H S TA R , Cadillacs, 1993ATV’S 2010, six months HUNTING SEASON warranty. ASE InstalApproaching, Honda lation available. 8164X4, excellent condi- 924-0477 tion, like new, low miles, low hours, racks G U A R A N T E E D front and back, call NEW/ used tires. All 816-279-7245, leave major brand and immessage. ports for passenger, truck, medium AUTO PARTS & light and farm. Plus we ACCESSORIES truck deal! 913-682-3201, TOP CASH FOR 913-441-4500 CARS. Call Now For A E N G I N E Instant Offer. Top Dol- CHEVROLET 383 lar Paid, Any Stroker, Edelbrock, Car/Truck, Any Condi- Chromed, Carb doution Running or Not. ble- pumper. ComFree Pick-up/Tow. 1- plete $850.00! 816924-0477 800-452-7729


AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE connection for cars and trucks. All makes and models available, 100% guaranteed. 816-924-0477

MIRRORS AND headlamps. 9620 East 350 Highway. 816-3567227

PARTING OUT: 2000 T-Top Camaro, wrecked, 3.8 motor, RUST REPAIR black leather, great parts: Rocker Panels, parts! 816-924-0477 cab corners, Quarter Panels. 9620 East 350 CONTINUED ON Highway. 816-356PAGE 5 7227



816.364.6915 SJ • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

Fair Housing Act: Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). For more information contact your local HUD office. Or visit HUD.gov on the internet.



FOR RENT Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel. 816356-8790, 816-3646 9 1 5 www.kcnickel.com FURNISHED STUDIO apartments, by the week or month. All utilities paid. Downtown Kansas City, Missouri. 816-399-8023 VAN BRUNT Boulevard, one and two bedroom, hardwood floors, $395.00$450.00 month. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) WELCOME SECTION 8 with monthly specials available. Call Today 913-233-2800 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, $350.00 month, Studio apartments, hardwood floors. Please call 816333-RENT (7368) MOVE IN Special with reduced deposit on: One, two and three bedrooms. 913-2332800

FOR RENT INDEPENDENT SENIOR Living Apartments, rental assistance for qualified applicants. Call 816-452-2773


SMALL OFFICE with shared parking and utilities, plus one bay garage, no lift, $650.00 plus utilities. Two year lease. Close NORTH VILLAGE to Arrowhead Stadium. 816-718-2909 APARTMENTS ARTIST SPACE NEW OWNER available, IndependSPECIAL ON ONE BEDROOM ence/ Englewood Arts District area. 816-254APARTMENTS 0980 NO SECURITY CALL 816-254DEPOSIT Spacious one and 0980 today for affordtwo bedroom apart- able space for your ments on bus line at business Vivion Road and HOUSES FOR North Highland. Walk RENT to shopping, great interstate access, 24 WELCOME HOME hour on site laundry, three bedroom, 2.5 pet friendly. Call bath, townhouse, in today 816-452-4514 Grandview. Water, trash and sewer paid. INDEPENDENT Laundry hookups. SecSENIOR Living Apartments, rental assis- tion 8 only. Low detance for qualified ap- posit. Call Tamika at. 1plicants. Call 562-301-6512 816-452-2773 Place your ad online at www.kcnickel.com www.kcnickel.com



C E N T E R SCHOOLS, $995.00 month, four bedroom, 1.5 bath, basement, garage and large bonus room. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) RAYTOWN DUPLEX! Nice three bedroom, two bath, appliances, $800.00 month, $650.00 deposit, Section 8 welcome! Close to schools and shopping. Call 816-668-4073 HOUSE FOR rent. Three bedroom, one bath. On the Paseo about 66th. Park and bus nearby. Move in special. Clean, recently remodeled. $650.00 month. 1-801-9100177. THREE BEDROOM, one bath, family room, garage, fenced yard, central air, appliances furnished. 3937 South Pleasant, $925.00 rent. 1-660-232-3662

CASTLE SIZED huge feeling four bedroom house, dining and living room, basement, washer/ dryer plus kitchen appliances, pets welcome! $650.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 MD1SR LIBERTY BARGAIN light filled with three bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms, newer carpet, garage, appliances dishwasher, pets okay; $750.00 rskc.com 816-254-7200 SD1RV SOUTH KANSAS CITY AREA Ranch home with three bedrooms, two baths, one car garage, hardwood floors, fenced yard, central air. Rent $775.00. 816-3226030 www.concapco.com SMITHVILLE AREA no application fee; eat in kitchen with appliances, cozy living room, newer carpet, cold air, pets okay; $400.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 SD1RW EASY MOVE no credit or background check need here; two bedrooms, eat in kitchen with appliances, living room, pets okay! $495.00 rskc.com 913-962-6683 MD1SM TWO BEDROOM, one bath, one garage, screen porch house. Kansas City, Missouri, Ruskin, Grandview. Section 8 welcome, contact 816-810-2512 sanbanita@yahoo.com MONEY SAVER keep it affordable with three bedrooms, cozy living room, full basement, bring the pets, and no application fee! $375.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1ST UTILITIES PAID pay it at once here! Open feeling floor plan, washer dryer hookups, large living room, priced to move at only $425.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SJ




CREDIT ISSUES bring them here! Charming and open feeling, kitchen appliances, dining room, pets okay too! Only $400.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 MD1RZ REMODELED FOUR bedroom, two bath, 4538 Chestnut, Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8, rent, or rent to own! Central air, carpet, off street parking, new paint. $850.00 rent. 913-461-6657 REMODELED THREE Bedroom, one bath, 7547 Brooklyn, Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8, rent, or rent to own! Central air, hardwoods, large yard, new paint. $750.00 rent. 913-4616657 TWO BATHROOMS great pricing for this three bedroom/ two bath house; newer carpet, full basement, eat in kitchen, pets welcome; $500.00 rskc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SO HOUSE FOR rent, Section 8 welcome. Three plus bedroom, central air, refrigerator, stove furnished, all electric. 816-920-5668, 816-739-9869 HIGH STREET, Liberty, Missouri. Three bedroom, one bath, central air. Section 8 welcome, $900.00 per month negotiable, plus deposit. 816-506-8928

TWO BEDROOM duplex. $500.00 plus $500.00 deposit. 2925 Freeman, Kansas City, Kansas. 913-342-3890 HIGH STREET, Liberty, Missouri. Three bedroom, one bath, central air. Section 8 welcome, $900.00 per month negotiable, plus deposit. 816-506-8928 ACCEPTING ONE bedroom Section 8 vouchers for two bedroom Kansas City, Missouri homes. 816-7619928 TWO AND three bedrooms at 203 North Mersington, $600.00 rent, $99.00 move in special with approved application. Please call 816-729-7513 OFF PARVIN no application fee; two bedroom house, newer carpet, safely fenced yard, pets okay, lease purchase available! $595.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 SD1RX WALLET PLEASER newly updated, larger living room, kitchen appliances, central air, no application fee! $350.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SF RUSKIN, THREE bedroom, one bath, garage, stove, refrigerator. 816-830-5092 DUPLEXES FOR rent. See our website http://www.lordinc.com or call 816-254-0980 HOUSES FOR rent with washer/ dryer. Two, three and four bedrooms available. Blue Hills 913-5302713 QUALITY HOMES for rent, Section 8 or Market! Call today for a listing! Michelle 816269-6373, Zetta 816977-6818 or Robina 816-810-7172 Many available and ready now AUGUST SPECIAL $99.00 deposit with approved application! Two and three bedroom properties. Price ranges $600.00 to $950.00, Downtown Kansas City to Ruskin Heights. Please call 816-729-7513

2622A BROOKLYN Avenue, Kansas City. Two bedroom duplex, $400.00. References checked. 816-2159254 SECTION 8 welcome, Crescent Avenue near Independence Avenue, three bedroom, one bath, recent rehab, $750.00. 816-651-8478 HOUSES FOR rent with stove/ refrigerator, central air, new carpet. Ruskin Heights 913530-2713 SECTION 8, three bedrooms available in South Kansas City, and Raytown. 816761-9928 FLEXIBLE DEPOSIT affordable three bedroom house, full basement, hardwood floors, safely fenced yard, pets okay, no application fee! $395.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SH RIVERSIDE AREA warm and inviting with two bedrooms, living room, eat in kitchen with appliances, ice cold air, only $500.00! rs-kc.com 913-9626683 SD1RY VALUE PACKED expansive feeling three bedroom/ two bath house, dining and living room, basement, fenced yard, appliances, pets okay! $500.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SP

LAND/ LOTS/ ACREAGE 40 ACRES $155/MONTH $499 down. Immediate financing. No qualifications. No penalties. NW Nevada near Reno. Call Earl 1-949632-7066. www.cheapruralproperty.com 20 ACRES $99.00/ month. $0.00 down, Owner financing, No credit checks! Money back guarantee, near El Paso, Texas. Free Brochure. 1-800-7558953 www.SunsetRanches.com

THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790 KC




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TAKE OVER 10 Acres. NO DOWN. $79/Month. Trees. Deer. Southeast Oklahoma. 818-340-1912, www.grland.com LAKE OF THE OZARKS Lake Lots, $3,950.00 each, $75.00 down, $59.00 per month. Also, three plus acres tracts starting at $10,900.00. Owner financing, no credit checks and easy terms. Beautiful trees, free lake access, boating, fishing and swimming areas. Missouri Conservation dock and boat ramp. Ad ends September 3rd. Ivy Bend 1-573-372-6493. www.ivybendlandoffice.com M O N T A N A , WYOMING, Alaska, New Mexico, 35 acres starting at $176/month. Owner financing O.A.C Great building sites, Brokers welcome. 1800-682-8088 www.rmtland.com LAKE OF Ozarks, 4.26 acre ranch with sunset view from leveled building site. Includes 10’x24’ quality deep-water dock, 1/2 mile away @ 26 mm across from Tan-Tar-A. Sunrise Beach location. Near pavement off of Lake Road F-12. Great access yet private. Wild turkey, blue herons, dogwoods and red buds. Was $49,900. Must sacrifice $29,900 cash. By owner 573-873-0900 COLORADO 5 MOUNTAIN ACRES, must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. $300 down. $150/month. 1-720570-0592 or 1-719659-7247 593’ BIG NIANGUA RIVER FRONTAGE with 17.17 acre ranch, 1 mile downriver is 360 acre Lake Niangua and Tunnel Dam. Small mouth Bass, brown and rainbow trout on the River. Below Tunnell Dam white Bass, Walleye and Spoonbill spawn. Deer and wild turkey abundant. Majestic southern view over Big Niangua Valley from leveled building site. West of Ha Ha Tonka State Park at Lake of the Ozarks Southwest of Camdenton. $99,000 cash. Nearby 6.07 acre ranch has 833’ Lake Niangua $79,000 cash. Must Sell By Owner; 573-873-0900 If you had placed an ad last week, your item might have been sold by now. Stop delaying and place your ad today! Thrifty Nickel . kcnickel.com

2 BEDROOM Mobile home, clean, acre lot, large porch, gas heat, no housing, no inside pets, no partying, $475.00 rent, $475.00 deposit, South Park area, St. Joseph, Missouri. 816-688-7851 AT LIBERTY Village Mobile Home Park, we have homes for sale or rent. We also offer a Rent To Buy program: Rent from us for six months, on time rent; We will sell you a newer home with financing and fifteen percent down. Call Sean 816-536-9687

REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS OLDER COUPLE wanting rental home, rural, no acreage needed. West of I-29 North of Platte City, $650.00 monthly preferred. 1-785-418-9177 WE BUY UGLY HOUSES! HomeVestors. We pay cash. Buy as is condition, pay all closing costs and close fast! 913-5831199, 913-980-1866 I BUY Houses! I can buy your house quickly. Call today before any Real Estate decision is made. 816-678-2120 SELL YOUR house today! Offer in 24 hours. Any area, any condition Call Now! 816-249-2700 WANTED! HOMES in any condition or situation! Owe too much? Need cash fast? No problem. Call 913-7355598

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 Acres. $0 -Down, $168/month. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-800843-7537. BENEFIT OF SMALL town living, next to St. Joseph, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, vinyl siding, roof and windows 3 years old, one car detached garage, separate dining, good storage. 662722-1127 STOP RENTING. Lease option to buy. Rent to own. No money Down. No credit Check. CALL NOW 1877-395-1298 COMPLETELY REMODELED home for sale! Three bedroom, one bath, two car garage. 5417 Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Missouri, $70,000.00. 913-208-9881

SEARCH 1000’S of homes for sale at KCRealtyService.com Serving home buyers and sellers in all of Johnson County, Kansas, Kansas City, Missouri and surrounding areas. 913-7353613 www.KCRealtyService.com AVAILABLE NOW!!! 2-4 Bedroom Homes. Lease option to buy. Take over Payments. No Money Down/ No Credit Check. Call 1888-270-0692

CARS 2000 CHRYSLER Cirrus, nice air, clean, $2,000.00. 18 and 20 inch rims $450.00, two motor scooters $400.00 both. 816337-5832 2007 FORD Taurus SEL, guaranteed financing. Call 816-3586500

ARE YOU tired of false promises of getting financed into a car just to get rejected? We will finance anyone who walks through our doors. I guarantee it or I will give you END OF REAL $5,000.00! Maybe not ESTATE a brand new car, but AUTO PARTS & a quality used auto that will get you back ACCESSORIES and forth to work! Call DASH CAPS and us at 816-483-0800 pickup door panels. for all the details 9620 East 350 Highway. 816-356-7227 2004 GRAND Prix, 1988 CHEVY Spec- 148,000 miles, runs trum rebuilt. Fits other and drives, needs a litGM models, $250.00. tle work, Mechanics dream! Asking 816-804-5177 NEW AND used $3,300.00. 913-375tires, best selection 8146 SUBARU and service. Cheap 2003 Tires And Service 816- Forester X, all wheel 231-1200 drive, ready for winter. USED TIRES, best 816-420-8806 selection and prices in 2005 CHEVROLET town. Cheap Tires And Trailblazer, sitting on Service 816-231-1200 22 rims, clean. Call G U A R A N T E E D 816-444-3335 NEW/ used tires. All 1998 FORD Crown major brand and im- Victoria, nice and ports for passenger, clean, four door, owner light truck, medium says finance it! Paytruck and farm. Plus we ments from $40.00. deal! 913-682-3201, Call 816-483-0802 for 913-441-4500 information TOP CASH FOR 1994 TOPAZ for CARS. Call Now For A $850.00. 816-333Instant Offer. Top Dol- 4947 lar Paid, Any Car/Truck, Any Condi- CARS, TRUCKS, $3,000.00tion Running or Not. vans, Free Pick-up/Tow. 1- $12,000.00, heartlandmotorskc.com or call 800-452-7729 us 816-353-8900 RUST REPAIR parts: Rocker Panels, 1995 HONDA Civic, cab corners, Quarter four cylinder, five Panels. 9620 East 350 speed, new timing belt, Highway. 816-356- $2,950.00. 816-3538900 7227 FIFTH WHEEL 2002 CHEVROLET hitch, undercarriage Monte Carlo, low miles, hitch, tonneau cover 12 month warranty. Fishort wheel base, fiber- nancing available. 816glass cover long wheel 420-8806 base, hitch and parts, 2002 CHEVY Monte tool box. 816-665-3552 Carlo SS, low miles, C O M M E R C I A L leather, loaded. 816VAN roof racks and 420-8806 shelving, $95.00. 913- 1956 FORD Fairlane 626-9308 Sedan, 2 door post, Matching buyers with 312, V8, automatic. sellers for 35 years. Good shape, clear MisThrifty Nickel. 816- souri title, $4500.00. 356-8790 816-617-1127

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CARS 2004 CHEVROLET Cavalier, four door, gas saver, low miles. Payments as low as $85.00 weekly. We’ll finance your job is your credit! 816-420-8806 PRIVATE BIDDING for Tiger Financial. Call 816-931-0984 for bidders application, must have ID, or come by: 3947 Main Street. Vehicles are shown 1:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Thursdays. Marie 2000 CADILLAC Sedan Deville, luxury all the way, very nice car, moon roof, all the options, we will finance anyone, your job is your credit! Call us now at 1-877-483-9666 2007 CHEVROLET H H R 35 miles per gallon, nice ride, $6,750.00. 816-3247172 or 816-387-1016 GAS SAVER! 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier, four door, four cylinder, 116,000 miles, $3,950.00. 816-3538900 2002 CHEVY Impala, front wheel drive, nice! 913-788-8970

1996 CADILLAC, Calico Green, super clean, runs great. Beat $4,500.00! 816-2949896 1999 LEXUS RX300 Crossover SUV, this think is loaded, Golden Color, very well taken care of, I will finance anyone. Call me at 1-877-4839666 for more information 2006 CHEVY HHR, retro styling, fun to drive, 913-788-8970 12 MONTH Warranty, in house financing available! Job is your credit. 816-4208806 1994 TOYOTA Tercel, runs, ugly, $225.00. 913-6269308 1994 LINCOLN Continental, new transmission, good motor, new shocks and springs, wrecked on right side and front, $2,000.00. 816-2332622 or 816-390-6819 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LS, 3.5 MOTOR, GREAT GAS MILEAGE, $11,500.00. 816-324-7172 OR 816387-1016 2007 CHEVROLET Malibu, four door, automatic, must see, low down payments and low monthly payments. 816-420-8806 BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. Call Now 1-866-780-9040; www.RXHP.com

CARS REPO CARS for sale, under $2,000.00. Also, full line of cars with warranties, will finance. Call KC Title Loans, Call 816-4834855 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2004 Impala, great shape, $500.00 down drives away. 816-8475111 Others available at Instantcreditautosales.net 1999 VOLKSWAGEN Passat, really a nice little car, automatic, sunroof, owner will finance with $600.00 down. Call 816-483-0800 2005 FORD Focus, 2x4, front wheel drive, automatic, gas saver. 816-420-8806 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, GTP, sporty. 913-788-8970 1993 MERCURY Convertible, stick shift, runs and looks great, two Mazda motors, two tops, hard and soft, $2,700.00. 816-6066506 MUST SELL. 1997 Towncar Signature Series, clean. 1995 Towncar, clean. Missouri. 913-231-0800 2005 HONDA Civic EX, great on gas. Call Darin 816-358-6500 CLASSIC CARS 1973 CADILLAC Coupe, hardtop, low miles, one owner, very good condition, interior like new, $8,500.00. 816-225-0373 1928 BUICK two door sedan for sale. Call 913-299-8801

MOTORCYCLES HARLEY, HONDA, Yamaha, Ducati, several in stock, time to buy. 816-420-8806 2006 HARLEY 20,250 miles, looks new, black, Street Glide, $14,500.00. 816-225-8493 1984 HONDA V45 Magna, 700cc, excellent condition, runs great, $1,800.00. 816836-3085 1997 HARLEY Davidson, Road King, financing available, bad credit okay. 816420-8806 2004 SUZUKI Marauder 1600cc, will finance. Bad credit okay!, Low down payments. 816-420-8806 WANTED JAPANESE Motorcycle Kawasaki 1967-1980 Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki GS400, GT380, CB750 Cash paid. Free National pickup. 1-800-772-1142, 1310-721-0726 usa@classicrunners.c om KZ900 1976, loud and fast, excellent condition, overhauled motor, $3,750.00 816-3041292 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI: Z1900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, GT380, GS400, CB750, (1969-75) Cash-Paid, Nationwide-Pickup, 1-800772-1142, 1-310-7210 7 2 6 . usa@classicrunners.c om CONTINUED PAGE 6


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PG. 6 • NORTH EDITION • K.C. & ST. JOESEPH RV’S 1999 TRADEWIND Diesel pusher 300 horsepower Caterpillar engine with turbo, only 61,000 miles, excellent condition, must see, only $44,500.00. 816589-4679 SUV’S 2001 FORD Excursion Limited, looks and drives like new. Call 913-428-7565 2004 CHEVY Blazer LS, Sport, 4x4. 913788-8970 1999 NISSAN Pathfinder SUV, 4x4, needs some work, but only $500.00, it is well worth it. It does run. Call 1-877-483-9666 2001 FORD Excursion Limited, looks and drives like new. Call 913-428-7565 1996 CHEVROLET Blazer, runs and goes, green, needs a little work, 4x4, automatic, only $800.00, full price. 816-483-0800 2001 CHEVY Tahoe, 4x4, V-8, towing package. 913-7888970

SUV’S 2007 FORD Escape XLT, 4x4, extra clean, must see. Will finance, buy here, pay here. 816-420-8806 1997 JEEP Grand Cherokee, V-6, power, moon roof, $3,750.00. 816-353-8900 2002 CHEVROLET Silverado LT 1500, extra nice. 913-232-7487 2006 EXPLORER V-6, 4x4, tow package, like new, $8,500.00. 816-353-8900 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2002 Explorer Sport, black, SUV, low down payment. 816-8475111 Others available at Instantcreditautosales.net 1999 JEEP Wrangler, fun to drive! Won’t last. 816-420-8806 2004 CHEVROLET Trailblazer, like new. Call Darin Call 816358-6500 2007 FORD Escape XLT, V-6, automatic. 816-420-8806


TRUCKS 2005 DODGE Ram 1500, extended cab, SLT, extra clean. Buy here, pay here, job is your credit. 816-4208806 2000 CHEVY Silverado, long bed, low miles, 4x4. 913-7888970 1996 FORD Ranger, Bright Red, step side, automatic, all options, will finance anyone, payments from $45.00 weekly. 1-877-4839666 2002 DODGE Ram 1500, four wheel drive, perfect truck. Call 816358-6500 2005 FORD F150, four door, super clean, everything you can imagine on this truck, owner will finance regardless of credit. We have a whole city block of cars to choose from, down payments from $395.00. Your job is your credit. 816-4830800 for information 2002 DODGE Ram 1500, four wheel drive, perfect truck. Call 816358-6500

TRUCKS 2006 VOLVO Triaxle Dump truck, 127,000 miles, $90,000.00. 913-2790400 WILL FINANCE all, bad credit okay, with low down payments. 816-420-8806

816.356.8790 KC • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012


FREE OIL changes for the life of your loan! Check out our inventory at myautostartusa.com AUTO REPAIR tune up, electrical diagnostics, clutches, CV axles, wholesale VANS prices, save on re1997 CHEVROLET pairs. 816-781-1100 Astro, mini van, great for family, runs and WE DO brakes, full goes, it does need service auto repair, some work, only 4412 Truman Road. $550.00. Call us at 816-231-1200 QUALITY AUTO 816-483-9666 repair service, wholeNO CREDIT sale prices, save. CHECK OWNER 816-781-1100 FINANCE 2005 Town And Coun- YOUR CAR got the try, great for family. shakes? Alignments 816-847-5111 Others starting at $49.99, available at Instant- 4412 Truman Road. creditautosales.net 816-231-1200 2003 DODGE Cara- W H O L E S A L E van, V6, automatic, AUTO transmission loaded, new tires, nice, repair prices, save on clean, runs, drives repair. 816-781-1100 great, $2,950.00. 816364-3876 FULL SERVICE Matching buyers with Auto repair, honest sellers for 35 years. work at fair prices. Thrifty Nickel. www.kc- Cheap Tires And Service 816-231-1200 nickel.com

CARS FREE OIL changes when you buy a car from from Autostart USA! Mention this ad for more information 1888-888-1292 NEED A new car? We can help, best cars, great people, and free oil changes! Autostart USA 1-888-888-1292 Place your ad today! www.kcnicke.com

SALVAGE SELL YOUR car for CA$H right now! We pay top dollar for your junk and salvaged cars. For and instant quote Call now! 1-800419-3454

SALVAGE WANTED JUNK cars! Dead or alive! 816-217-8040 WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days a week. Cars with payday loans okay. 816-813-5548

CASH FOR junk JUNK CARS cars, no title needed. WANTED 1-785-424-0542 or 816-337-1100 913-238-0374 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime INSTANT CASH for junk automobiles top $$$ paid, free pick up seven days. 816836-2442 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773

WANTED JUNK AUTOMOBILES $$$ $250.00 AND UP! Must have title! Cash paid. Free tow, fast service. 816-7693763 GET CASH for your Junk, Damaged, or Salvaged car! Free car removal, plus top dollar for your unused and unwanted vehicles. Call Now! 1-800-3410939

CASH FOR CARS 816-291-2145 Call/ text. We buy cars now! Best money! Must have proof of ownership and ID. Free tow! cashforcarskcmo.com

JUNK CARS WANTED 816-337-1100 No title needed. Cash paid. Anytime FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-6121196 CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-2867292

CASH FOR junk cars. Call Danny 816799-1312 or Wes 816-606-5287 WE BUY junk cars, $300.00 and up, with/ without title. 816-4467644. I tow cars $25.00 and up. Rick

CASH PAID! Today for your junk car! Seven days a week, must have title. Call for honest quote. 816-809-9937

WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days Keep it local: Thrifty a week. Cars with Nickel. Buy, sell, rent, payday loans okay. service, trade. 816- 816-813-5548 356-8790

THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.364.6915 SJ






300 & UP



816-286-7292 816-309-5988 SALVAGE SALVAGE CASH- 4- Junk and WANTED JUNK unwanted vehicles, cars! Dead or alive! any condition, top dol- 816-217-8040 lar paid, cash. Call FAST CASH FOR 816-808-8198 JUNK CARS $200.00 and up paid WE PAY CASH For junk, wrecked, with or with out Title! and unwanted vehi- 816-461-4406, 816cles. Call us. 816- 756-8003 349-1898 SPEEDY CASH 4 WE BUY junk: Cars, junk cars. 816-231- trucks, vans. Cash on 2163 the spot. 816-612-1196 $$$ CASH paid for junk cars and trucks $$$. Call 816-3982080 NEED EXTRA CASH? $150.00 and up. Free tow! Top dollar paid for cars, trucks or vans, with or without title. Free tow. 816478-1240, 816-6796257 cellular

NEED $$$ TODAY? Sell your unwanted vehicles! We’ll beat any other offer. Call 816-872-TOWS, 816872-8697 $200.00- $400.00 Cash for junk automoSPEEDY CASH 4 biles! Same day servjunk cars. 816-231- ice! No tow charges! 816-836-2442 2163 WANTED JUNK CARS LETS HELP EACH OTHER $$$ for junk cars and trucks! 816-315-7429 CA$H 4 Junk cars, we come to you. Call 1-800-533-9871 CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198

BUYING JUNK cars only. Also hauling scrap, Discount towing. 816-506-2677 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773

WE BUY junk cars. 816-305-8343 Keep it local: Thrifty Nickel. Buy, sell, rent, service, trade. 816WANTED JUNK 356-8790 www.kcAUTOMOBILES nickel.com $250.00 AND UP! Must have title! Cash NEED FAST cash paid. Free tow, fast for that junk car? service. 816-769- $200.00 and up paid. 0960 816-461-4406, 816756-8003 GET HIGH dollar for unwanted automobiles! CASH FOR cars: All Free tow! Instant serv- cars/ trucks wanted. Running or not! Top ice! 816-836-2442 WE BUY Junk Cars! dollar paid. We come If you have a car you to you! Any Make/ want to get rid of give Model. Call for instant us a call 816-839- offer. 1-800-864-5960 2693. We will be glad I BUY junk cars and to take it off your hands trucks! Pay top $$$. 816-509-0544

SALVAGE SALVAGE WE BUY junk: Cars, CASH 4 your junk trucks, vans. Cash on rides! $300.00 and up! the spot. 816-612-1196 Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-309NEED CASH? 5988 Paying top dollar for non running cars, CASH FOR JUNK CARS trucks and vans in St. $250.00Joseph area. 816$1,000.00 238-3767, 816-205Any condition, top 0175 dollar paid, cash. Call FREE HAUL away 913-909-4773 on old appliances or CASH PAID! FREE other scrap metal. Call TOW Mark at 816-294-8000, $150.00 and up! For 816-279-2561 St. junk cars, top dollar, Joseph area. with or without title. FAST CASH for junk 816-478-1240, 816automobiles 816-217- 679-6257 cellular www.kcnickel.com 8040

SALVAGE CARS/ TRUCKS wanted! Top $$$ paid! Running or not, all years, makes, models, free towing! We’re Local! Seven days/ week. Call toll free: 1-888416-2330 YES WE BUY VEHICLES Call to sell your junk wrecked or unwanted vehicles at 816-3491898 INSTANT CASH for junk automobiles top $$$ paid, free pick up seven days. 816-8362442






WE BUY junk: Cars, trucks, vans. Cash on the spot. 816-612-1196 FREE HAUL away on old appliances or other scrap metal. Call Mark at 816-294-8000, 816-279-2561 St. Joseph area. FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-2178040 CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-3095988 CASH PAID! FREE TOW $150.00 and up! For junk cars, top dollar, with or without title. 816-478-1240, 816679-6257 cellular INSTANT CASH for junk automobiles top $$$ paid, free pick up seven days. 816-8362442 1999 TRADEWIND Diesel pusher 300 horsepower Caterpillar engine with turbo, only 61,000 miles, excellent condition, must see, only $44,500.00. 816589-4679

2001 FORD Excursion Limited, looks and drives like new. Call 913-428-7565 2004 CHEVY Blazer LS, Sport, 4x4. 913788-8970 1999 NISSAN Pathfinder SUV, 4x4, needs some work, but only $500.00, it is well worth it. It does run. Call 1-877-483-9666 2001 FORD Excursion Limited, looks and drives like new. Call 913-428-7565 1996 CHEVROLET Blazer, runs and goes, green, needs a little work, 4x4, automatic, only $800.00, full price. 816-483-0800 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2002 Explorer Sport, black, SUV, low down payment. 816-8475111 Others available at Instantcreditautosales.net 2001 CHEVY Tahoe, 4x4, V-8, towing package. 913-7888970

2007 FORD Escape XLT, 4x4, extra clean, must see. Will finance, buy here, pay here. 816-420-8806 1997 JEEP Grand Cherokee, V-6, power, moon roof, $3,750.00. 816-353-8900 2002 CHEVROLET Silverado LT 1500, extra nice. 913-232-7487 2006 EXPLORER V-6, 4x4, tow package, like new, $8,500.00. 816-353-8900 1999 JEEP Wrangler, fun to drive! Won’t last. 816-420-8806 2004 CHEVROLET Trailblazer, like new. Call Darin Call 816358-6500 2007 FORD Escape XLT, V-6, automatic. 816-420-8806 Preserve our community by buying and selling local. To place an ad call today! www.kc816-356nickel.com 8790




EDUCATION ATTEND COLLEGE Online from home. Medical, Business, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Call 1-800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com AVIATION CAREER. Train for a career with the airlines at campuses coast to coast. Housing available. Call AIM to apply 877-384-5827 http://www.fixjets.com AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified, housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-888-686-1704 EARN YOUR DEGREE 100% online. Job Placement Assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if Qualified. Enrolling now. Call Centura 8004 6 3 - 0 6 8 5 http://www.CenturaOnline.com HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA! 4 Week Program. FREE Brochure & Full Information. CALL NOW! 1866-562-3650 Ext. 55. www.southeasternhs.c om

EDUCATION ATTEND COLLEGE Online From Home. Medical, Business, Criminal Justice. Job Placement Assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if Qualified. Call Centura 800-4955085 http://www.CenturaOnline.com HANDS ON CAREER. Rapid training for Aviation Maintenance career. Financial Aid if qualified. Job Placement Assistance. Housing Available. AIM 866-430-5985 http://www.fixjets.com CAREERS IN the Medical field, Financial aid available to those who qualify. Call for more information. 1888-470-7017 STUDY TO be a Medical Assistant, Financial Aid available to those who qualify! 1888-470-7017 MEDICAL CAREERS begin here! Online training for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 1-800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com If you had placed your ad for this weeks paper, you may have found your perfect employee this week. www.kcnickel.com


EDUCATION WORK ON Jet Engines. Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified, job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-866854-6156 LOCAL HELP WANTED AVON CHANGING lives. Just $10.00. Free business tools. 816220-2866 STUDY 4922 qualified volunteers could receive up to $4,370.00. Quintiles 913-894-5533 LOOKING FOR six people part time by August 24th, $400.00 work bonus. 816-6740878 PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751 FULL TIME general maintenance position available. Experience and valid Drivers License required, Manchester Village Mobile Home Park, 3210 Crystal Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. 816-921-2600 NEED RN with five years experience, part time, $35.00 hour. ACS 816-333-2020

816.356.8790 KC • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.

NOW HIRING: Companies Desperately Need Employees to Assemble Products at Home. No Selling, Any Hours. $500 Weekly Potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 Dept. NT5906 DRIVERS: MAKE $63,000.00yr or more, New $2,500.00 Driver Referral Bonus & $1,200.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! CDL-A OTR Exp. Req. Call Now: 1-888-6351678 ACTORS/ MOVIE Extras needed immediately! $150.00$300.00/ day depending on job. No experience, all looks needed. 1-800-561-1762 Extension A-104





CDL-A FRAC Sand Drivers Needed! Tons of TX work! Clean MVR Call Quicksand Today 1-800-239-7405 ALOHA!PVI IS looking for go getters to travel with fun, young company. Be ready to pack your bags and travel today! Please call 1-855-592-1222

$2500 SIGN on Bonus. Solo & Teams wanted. E-Z & Pre Passes provided. Assigned equipment. No slip seating. Hogan. Call Ben today. 866275-8839 or 800-4446 0 4 2 . w w w. h o g a n 1 . c o m http://hogan1.com Place your ad today!

DRIVERS - Heavy Haul O/O’s $2500 sign-on bonus! Up to 78% of freight bill plus FSC! CDL- A. 2 yrs exp hauling oversize freight req. 1-800-835-9471 HOMELESS TO $1000 A DAY in 90 days. Everyone qualifies. See the proof. www.epnepn.com

$1,380 WEEKLY guaranteed. Stuff envelopes at home. FT/PT. No experience necessary. Deposit required, refundable. 1888-206-2616 Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel. 816356-8790, 816-3646 9 1 5 www.kcnickel.com

THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.364.6915 SJ



MYSTERY SHOPPERS needed! Earn up to $150.00 per day. Undercover Shoppers needed to Judge Retail and Dining Establishments, experience not required. Call now 1888-380-3513 DRIVERS: CO & OWNER-OP’s Excellent Pay/ Home Weekly Free Plate program. No Upfront Costs. PrePass Plus Tolls Paid Regional or Long Haul. CDL-A, 2yrs exp. 866-946-4322 GET PAID AND TRAVEL TODAY! $500 Sign-on Bonus! Adventurous Fun Environment. Commision Sales. Seeking Motivated Guys/Gals. Jan 888-361-1526

SEEKING INDIVIDUAL/ couple to manage a small farm/ cattle ranch enterprise in Central Texas. Must have extensive experience in all phases of farm/ ranch work. For details/ specifics contact Bernard 301-9065188, 93-545-1213; Brutas 402-359-1254, 903-388-0717. TRAVEL USA! Start Immediately Representing Supreme Cleaning Products. Earn $600-$900 Weekly Commissions/Bonuses, Hotel Expenses/Transporation Paid by Company. 19+, Valid State ID, 1877-376-5604.




DRIVERS: HOME weekends. Assigned newer Trucks /w APU’s. Excellent Benefits/Bonuses. CDL-A. 1 yr. Exp., Refreshers welcome. Connie or Marnie (866) 374-8487 TRIPLE CROWN needs Owner Operators. Business has expanded and we need you. Local Mo,KS and CO loads. Home daily! Start and end in KC,MO. Great Rates and Fuel surcharge. Last weeks averages were 1.32 plus fuel surcharge of $.41cpm. Lease purchase and sign on bonus. Call today 800-756-7433 ext 1 talk to Jim. www.triplecrownsvc.co m to apply on line. h t t p : / / w w w. t r i p l e crownsvc.com D&T CONNECTION, Inc. Calling all males and females 18 years and older who need a JOB! D&T Connection is looking for you! Free to travel to all major cities! No experience necessary. Company will train you. Opportunity to earn $300 plus per week. Commission and bonuses. To Apply please call Ms. Baker, 1-800-591-4599. Return Transportation Guaranteed! $ $ H E L P WANTED$$ EARN Extra income, assembling CD cases from Home Call our Live Operators NOW! 800-267-3944,ext 115 www.easywork-greatpay.com

ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800313-6308 for casting times/locations. A101 D R I V E R S : CHANGE Gears! It’s YOUR Future! Home Daily! Signing Bonus. Great Miles, Money, Hometime. CDL-A, 1yr exp. MTS: 800-7480192 x208/x214 PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751 GULLY TRANSPORTATION. CDL A - 1 Year Exp. Regional Van Positions. Home EVERY WEEKEND. Benefit Package + Bonus! Call Andrew! 800-566-8960 MAKE $47-$197 Per Hour! 3 positions available locally. Hiring immediately. Will train. Apply today! 1-4695 8 7 - 9 4 7 6 ; www.YourHired411.com TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED- Best pay and home time! Apply online today over 750 companies! One application, hundreds of offers! www.hammerlanejobs.com Think local, buy local, be local. Preserve our community. Place an ad, browse the Business Service directory for some of the areas finest, shop for a vehicle, look for an employee, all this can be accomplished with Thrifty Nickel. Your middle man for 35 years. www.kcnickel.com

TRUCKS 2005 DODGE Ram 1500, extended cab, SLT, extra clean. Buy here, pay here, job is your credit. 816-4208806 2000 CHEVY Silverado, long bed, low miles, 4x4. 913-7888970 1996 FORD Ranger, Bright Red, step side, automatic, all options, will finance anyone, payments from $45.00 weekly. 1-877-4839666 2002 DODGE Ram 1500, four wheel drive, perfect truck. Call 816358-6500 2005 FORD F150, four door, super clean, everything you can imagine on this truck, owner will finance regardless of credit. We have a whole city block of cars to choose from, down payments from $395.00. Your job is your credit. 816-4830800 for information 2002 DODGE Ram 1500, four wheel drive, perfect truck. Call 816358-6500 2006 VOLVO Triaxle Dump truck, 127,000 miles, $90,000.00. 913-2790400 WILL FINANCE all, bad credit okay, with low down payments. 816-420-8806 2000 CHEVY Silverado, long bed, low miles, 4x4. 913-7888970 1996 FORD Ranger, Bright Red, step side, automatic, all options, will finance anyone, payments from $45.00 weekly. 1-877-4839666


VANS 1997 CHEVROLET Astro, mini van, great for family, runs and goes, it does need some work, only $550.00. Call us at 816-483-9666 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2005 Town And Country, great for family. 816-847-5111 Others available at Instantcreditautosales.net 2003 DODGE Caravan, V6, automatic, loaded, new tires, nice, clean, runs, drives great, $2,950.00. 816364-3876 VEHICLE REPAIR & SALVAGE FREE OIL changes for the life of your loan! Check out our inventory at myautostartusa.com WE DO brakes, full service auto repair, 4412 Truman Road. 816-231-1200 YOUR CAR got the shakes? Alignments starting at $49.99, 4412 Truman Road. 816-231-1200 FULL SERVICE Auto repair, honest work at fair prices. Cheap Tires And Service 816-231-1200 FREE OIL changes when you buy a car from from Autostart USA! Mention this ad for more information 1888-888-1292 NEED A new car? We can help, best cars, great people, and free oil changes! Autostart USA 1-888-888-1292 Thrifty Nickel. www.kcnickel.com


OLD CAR batteries. Will pay $10.00 each. Call Marcus, 816805-4462 BUYING DIABETIC TEST STRIPS, up to $13.00, 100 count. Up to $7.00, 50 count, on major brands, unopened, unexpired. 1-800934-3473 extension 4413, local buyer

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Antique bedroom set, over 100 years old, excellent condition, huge bed, triple dresser, Armoire, two night stands, gold color, $750.00 for all. Stand up Philco stereo and radio, excellent condition, $75.00 or best offer. 100 45 RPM records, $1.00 a piece, buy one or all. 16 porcelain collectible plates, different views of eagles, racks included, $10.00 a piece. Patio set, four chairs, needs pillows, table, umbrella included, $60.00. Large propane BBQ grill, $50.00. Round 37 inch Marble table, $20.00. Call Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. 816-4546942 WASHER/ DRYERS as low as $16.00 a week. Easyhome lease to own. 816-232-1511 LARGEST SELECTION of Air Soft guns in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473


MISCELLANEOUS NEW AND used Muzzle loaders and Flintlock rifles. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 MUZZLE LOADING supplies. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 FLINTLOCKS, MUZZLE Loaders, rifles, pistols, Air Soft guns, lowest prices. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473 DINING SET, table with six chairs and hutch. Includes pad for the table top. 816-9294388 CIVIL WAR related items for sale, largest inventory in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473 QUEEN ANNE 60 inch, Cherry oval table, four side chairs, two captains chairs, matching sideboard. Excellent condition, $350.00! 816-353-4907 METRO MATTRESS Discount. Brand new, brand name mattress sets. Queen pillowtop sets, start at $150.00. 913948-0218 E A S Y H O M E LEASE to own, no credit checks, no down payment, delivered today! 816-232-1511 BABY BED, white, Simplicity and mattress, like new. 913579-4450 NEW HOME furnishings, lease to own. Ask how to get 50% first payment. 816-2321511


AIR CONDITIONERS THEFT PROTECTION Prevent theft of air conditioning unit. Also do handrails, security bars, fence, gates. Free estimates. Call 816-606-5968 AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE SERVICE CALLS, BEST RATES IN TOWN! Clean and service only $49.95. All makes and models. Commercial/ residential. Call for best price on air conditioners/ furnaces. Major credit cards accepted. Call Fry’s GT Heating and Cooling Service. 816-254-4284. www.frysgt.com USED/ NEW air conditioners, with warrantee, starting at $500.00 installed. All brands. Commercial, residential. Free estimates. Cash or money order only. 816-728-7161 SAVE MONEY: Air Conditioning repair and installation. Fast Service. Call Carl, 816-3636639, 816-522-5732 mobile. FURNACE MAN/ Air Conditioning Service, clean burners, heat exchanger, calibrate monoxide test, and leak repair, only $39.95. Call Lee, 816361-3766 RUSH HEATING And Cooling, $50.00 service call, freon $20.00 per pound. All Air conditioning repairs and replacement available if needed. 20 years experience. 816353-8600 call now R22 FREON FOR SELL 30 pound canisters, ES R-22A. No change out, drop in and mix! Get it while it lasts! $135.00 each! Air Conditioning repairs available! 816522-5732 LEPAGE HEATING & Cooling: Residential Service and repair, $35.00 trip charge, repair estimates/ flat rate. 816-589-2641 KEEP COOL! Air conditioning service and installation. Hot water tank service and installation. Plumbing and electrical repair. 913-689-5845 or 816405-8194 RHEEM CONDENSER and Coil, $2,295.00. Furnace package deal, $3,395.00. Northland Heating & Cooling. Roy 816-436-9988. Visa, Master Card accepted

ASPHALT ABC ASPHALT residential and commercial. Driveways, parking lots, hot crack filling, chip and seal, overlays. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 816-453-0508 BEAUTIFUL ASPHALT driveways, quality work at a fair price, 35 years experience, work guaranteed, senior citizen discount. 913-621-3990, 913-486-6175 mobile AL STRUTTON Construction, asphalt and paving: Commercial, residential; patching seal coating, curbs, sidewalk, steps. We do it all. 816-352-6688 cellular ATTORNEY FREE!!! Initial consultation, traffic tickets, DWI/ DUI, Municipal Court, reasonable rates. 816806-6060 B. Jerome Wheeler DIVORCE, BR Law Office, Frank Brown, 819 Walnut, Kansas City, Missouri. Debt relief agency filing bankruptcies. 816-421-2435 BANKRUPTCY, Worker’s Compensation, Traffic including DUI, DWS, Personal Injury.



CONCRETE ALL CONCRETE Inc. Specializing in driveways, patios, steps, walks, stamped. Commercial/ residential for all your concrete needs. Senior discounts. 816-589-6828

LICENSED EXPERIENCED Barbers and Beauticians needed! Reasonable booth rent, start immediately! Regular cash flow. Contact 816-304- CONSTRUCTION 6906 RESIDENTIAL AND commercial, new conBOBCAT struction, demolition, TOP SOIL, gravel additions, remodeling, delivery, small excava- electrical, plumbing, tion and demolition, siding, windows, brush removal, de- decks, kitchens and pendable, reasonable baths. Free estimates rates, prompt service. with construction proKansas City Area only. fessional. Licensed/ Insured. 913-940-8164 816-453-4013

CARPET CLEANING CARPET DEEP Steam cleaning: I use powerful truck mounted machine, two rooms $50.00, three rooms or more $20.00 per room, $2.00 per stair. 816-674-4147 cellular CARPET/ UPHOLSTERY cleaning. $15.99 room, two room minimum. 25 years experience. Free deodorizing. Sealer/ pet odor. 816-803-2272 cellular


FOR SALE, cemetery headstones, granite, fair and affordable, $99.00. Frisbie MonuTRAFFIC/ DWI ments, 816-833-5111 bankruptcy, general COMPUTER SALES practice. Mention ad & SERVICE for special discount. Jennifer Benedict INFINITY COMLaw Office 816-252- PUTER Solutions. 9400 We solve all your computer needs at a fracAttorney tion of the cost of other Rocky Cannon, places. Computer 6111 Blue Ridge sales, computer repair, Boulevard, computer classes, and Raytown we specialize in computer clean up. We will 816-353-0009 A F F O R D A B L E beat or match any LAWYER: Traffic, ones prices. 816-561Criminal and Bank- 1239 ruptcy. 816-479-5297 CONCRETE B A N K R U P T C YCONCRETE MENTION this ad for patios, $100.00 discount! I-70 Driveways, and Noland Road. At- walks, steps, retaining walls, stoops, basetorneys Brett Burmeisment, foundation reter and Mark Gilmore pair, sump pumps, 8 1 6 - 3 7 3 - 5 5 9 0 drainage problems, no www.DebtHelpKC.com job too small. 816-444$99.00 DIVORCE 3912 $99.00 C O N C R E T E Simple, uncontested, WORK, steps, drives, plus costs. Other serv- walks, floors, foundaices available. Don tion repairs, straightDavis 816-531-1330 ened, braced. Walls reRock, block. BANQUET HALL paired. 816-838-4390 CENEED A Banquet TOLEFREE Hall? Wedding recep- MENT Finishing. Licensed, bonded, intions, parties, catering available, auc- sured. Specialize: flat tions, banquets, work, driveways, baseseating up to 130. ments, patios, steps. The Red Poppy 816- 40 years experience 294-7311 St. Joseph, and free estimates. Missouri 913-334-4526

DECKS DECKS- N- MORE Kitchens, Islands, Baths, Tile, Trim work, Painting, Lighting and more. Free estimates! (Call me first!) 816896-2926

DRYWALL MAG ENTERPRISES SINCE 1960 Textures removed or changed, drywall hanging or finishing, drywall and plaster repair, knock down texture, wall skimming, interior painting. Free estimates. Licensed and insured. All work guaranteed. Mark Graham, owner. 816-537-8787

ELECTRICAL SOUTH PARK Electric, electrical services and repair. Commercial/ residential. Tenant finish service, upgrades, remodeling, new construction. Licensed/ insured. Light fixtures and electrical material. 1701 Commercial Street. 816364-3610 St. Joseph area ELECTRICIAN Repair - replace. Work guaranteed. Senior citizens discount. We accept Mastercard, Visa and Discover. 913-856-3888 816-753-3888 ENTERTAINMENT PREMIER PARTY bus! Three, four and five hour specials! Our party bus has full service restroom amenities. Visit us at www.premierkcpartybus.com 913-230-7262

EXCAVATION PONDS, CLEARING terraces. Free estimates. Bryson Excavating 816-801-9944 PLACE YOUR ad in the Business Service Directory for as low as $25.00 for four weeks

816.364.6915 SJ • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

EXTERMINATOR COCKROACHES/ LAS Cucarachas, $64.00. Bedbugs/ chinches, $275.00. Guaranteed. Will come back with no cost till all are gone. 913-2693369

HAULING CHEAPEST HAULING garage/ basement cleaning, brush/ tree work. No job too small or large. Free estimates, fast service. 913-396-3998, 816965-8494 MURRAY’S SERVICES: Handyman, FINANCIAL hauling, cleanouts, cleanups, plumbing, reFINANCIAL modeling of all types, PROBLEMS fences, discounts, Solve them with af- guaranteed. Licensed. fordable, personal or 816-590-8498 business loans. Excellent terms. Fast approvals. Pre qualify with no obligations. Call: Union Funding Solutions LTD, today at 1-800-517-6680

FLOORING SANDING/ REFINISHING, hardwood floors. Give your floors that new look again for a reasonable price. Dependable and reliable. 913-575-4491

T&K HAULING, contracting & dump trucking. Bobcat, excavation & demolition work, haul dirt, rock, and sand. St. Joseph, Missouri. Licensed and insured. 816262-8371


DEPENDABLE HAULING Demolition, bobcat work, brush, appliances, junk, basements, clean up. Top soil. Residential /commercial. Insured. Free estimates. Greater Kansas City area. 816-453-4013

R E N O VAT I O N S F O U N D AT I O N Service. Water problems, house settling, basement walls, poor grade, cracks, mud jacking. We can fix it all! 913-238-7060

GUTTERING SEAMLESS GUTTERS, screening for tops of gutters, fascia and soffit repair. Keep rain out and away from home. 913-400-2483

HANDYMAN CHRISTIAN PROFESSIONAL Handyman Service. Plumbing, carpentry, painting, bathroom/ basement remodeling, fences, decks, discounts. Guaranteed. Free estimates, reasonable. Licensed, insured. Bill 816-769-5022 R E L I A B L E RICHARD, St. Joseph, only. Small job/ senior specialist, 30 years experience, affordable, licensed. 816-244-6427 NO HACK JOBS! I will totally remodel your kitchen, bathroom, electrical, plumbing, decks, etcetera. Best rates in town! Call Caz 816-668-7179 DENNIS SVAGLIC 30 years, skilled craftsman. Tree trimming, quality siding, windows, painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry. Dedicated to home owners. 816-423-1213

HEATING & COOLING HEATING AND COOLING Installation/ repair/ replacement. Work guaranteed. Senior citizens discount. 913-856-3888 816-753-3888

HOME IMPROVEMENT REMODELING & REPAIR AFFORDABLE REMODELING. Experienced Bath and Kitchen Remodeling, Painting, Sheetrock, Roofing. Call for Free estimate. Milton 816694-5139 cellular

HOME MAINTENANCE REMODELING/ HOME Repairs. 30 years of experience. Fully equipped for home repair, or complete remodeling call Rick. Cell: 816-7864820


HAULING HAULING, CLEAN attics, garages, yards, moving, etcetera. Reasonable rates. Call James at 816-2055548 or Jerry at 816387-8884

HEALTH INSURANCE paying too much? 3801 Oakland, Street, Joseph, Missouri, 64506 816-2331293

INSURANCE AFFORDABLE HEALTH Insurance! Zero deductible! Benefits includes: Hospitals, Medical, Outpatient Services, 24 hour accident protection. Call for free quote 816-7217793

SPECIALIST IN life, annuities, major medical, Medicare supplements, long term care and cancer. Also Health Savings Plan. For your insurance needs, call Harold Akers, LUTCF, Independent Insurance Producer, for Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. Phone 816-233-6247 or cell 816-262-5310

LAWN CARE QUALITY LAWN Care! Why pay more? Hauling, mowing, tilling, tree trimming, yard clean up, basement clean up. 816-4058194 or 913-689-5845

LAWNMOWERS OVERSTOCK MUST sell: Riders $295.00, Push $69.50, Self Propelled $129.95, “Z” turn $495.00 up. We trade. Guaranteed. Raytown Lawnmower 816-356-4460

LEGAL SERIVCES THE PERFECT Solution! Legal Consultation, Redemption Services. Stop Mortgage foreclosures, foreclosure clean ups. 816446-7877


PAINTING PRO FINISH Painting/ Remodel, interior, exterior painting. Sheetrock, texture, wallpaper, Vinyl, flooring, wood rot. Call John, for free estimate 816-820-5194 YOU’LL BE happy you called Dennis the Painter. Licensed, insured, 34 years experience, seniors/ investors appreciate my work, prices, honesty. 816-523-3554, 8166 8 2 - 7 6 6 4 facebook.com/pages/D e n n i s - T h e painter/221880541257 692 L&L SMITH Brothers Painting. Lowest prices. Free Estimates. Save 25% schedule now for spring! Exterior, starting at $999.00 including paint. 816506-8545 cellular PLUMBING SHANE’S DRAINS Plumbing, for all your drain cleaning and plumbing needs. $10.00 off with ad, Senior Citizen discount. 913-788-5144, 913-596-1425 MASTER PLUMBING. Residential repair, licensed master plumber. Work guaranteed. Senior citizen discount. Since 1936. 816-753-3888 913-856-3888 MITCH’S PLUMBING, remodel, drain cleaning, work guaranteed. “We’ll get to the root of your problem”. 816-252-2363, cellular 816-365-6428 C O M P L E T E PLUMBING Services. Licensed. Sewers and waterlines, 24/ 7. Call 816-405-6924 RELIABLE PLUMBING 20 years experience. Licensed plumber. Work guaranteed. $10.00 off with this ad. Discount to seniors. Reasonable rates. 913-856-3888, 816-561-2299

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THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790 KC

REMODELING U N L I M I T E D EARTH Construction 913-281-7757 Office, 816-935-2739 24 Hours. We build without limitations: remodeling, room additions, flooring, new construction, electrical, demolition ROOFING R O O F I N G : REROOFS, repairs, new, leaks. EPDM and TPO low slope, siding, windows, and gutters. Interior and exterior paint, texture. Free estimates, licensed, insured. Call 816-7785946 ALVAREZ ROOFING, Siding and Gutters! Lowest prices, licensed and insured, free estimates. References available, Immediate response. 816519-2444 cellular LEAK REPAIRS all types of roofs. Free estimates. Right Roofing. 913-653-4709 or 913220-6755

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DOT’S FUN Time Tours. Kansas City, Missouri. Special promotion! Meskwaki Casino Tama, Iowa. $99.00 and $129.00. Call today! 816-2251866, 866-669-5554

TRAINING AMERICAN CDL TRAINING LLC Same Day Training and Test, Automatic Truck furnished, Missouri Permit required, Accept Debit, credit card, St. Joseph, Missouri 1-660-254-2541 americancdl.com

TREE TRIMMING & SERVICE BIG TREE Country. Do tree removal, trimming, clean outs. Fast service! Call now! Call 816-674-4384 or 816277-4383 Big Tree Country. TREE TRIMMING complete removal, shrubbery trimmed/removed. No job to large or small. 40 years experience. Free estimates, insured. 816752-2105 cell, 816-676-1965 home


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NOTICE Thrifty Nickel American Classifieds’s National Marketplace considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, although reporting inaccuracies can occur, consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. Know who you are doing business with. Find out all pertinent information and write it down, then it is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate Chamber of Commerce or the Local State Attorney General’s office before sending payment through the mail, giving out credit card information or checking account information. Never give out your social security number, bank account number, passwords or credit card number over the phone or internet, unless you are very sure of who you are doing business with. It’s illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For information about credit scams, write to the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580. Although persons and Companies advertising in this section are believed to be reputable, neither American Classifieds Want Ads, MidAmerica Publishing, Inc., American Classified Inc. or National Marketplace Advertising, nor any of its employed accept any responsibility whatsoever for their activities. To place an ad nationwide, call 816-356-8790 or visit American Classifieds On Line. http://www.americanclassifieds.com Worlds Great Herbal TIONS. $13.00EMPLOYMENT Teas. Experience 5000 $32.50+/hr. Federal 2012 POSTAL POSI- year old health secret. 1- hire/full benefits. No Ex866-528-4338. perience. Call Today 1TIONS. $13.00$32.50+/hr. Federal 2012 POSTAL POSI- 800-593-2664 Ext.114 hire/full benefits. No ExMake your wallet fatter! $99.00 perience. Call Today 1- DIVORCE Covers Children, Cus- Sell your unwanted 800-593-2664 Ext.114 tody, Property & Debts. items in Thrifty Nickel! Uncontested. Satisfac- 8 1 6 - 3 5 6 - 8 7 9 0 , NATIONALS tion Guaranteed! Unlim- http://www.kcnickel.com ited Customer Support. HIGH SCHOOL PRO- Call 24/hrs. Free InforFICIENCY DIPLOMA! 4 mation! 1-800-250Week Program. FREE 8142. Brochure & Full Information. CALL NOW! 1-866562-3650 Ext. 55. www.southeasternhs.com PERSONAL LOANS up to $2,500! 98% approval rate! Must have checking or savings account to qualify. Cash within 24hrs. Call 1-800607-2890. ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800-313-6308 for casting times/locations. A101 DRINK AND Enjoy the

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Your Classifieds Specialist

Distributed Every Thursday

Vol. 35

No. 8

August 16, 2012

“LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED” A THRIFTY NICKEL WANT ADS PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTED EVERY THURSDAY IN CASS, JACKSON, JOHNSON & LAFAYETTE COUNTIES MISSOURI ANTIQUE DINING set $75.00, other cheap items. 816-8618634 TWO BURIAL lots, White Chapel Cemetery, two concrete vaults. For sale, $1,000.00 discount! For more information 816-453-5408

SIX PART Sectional, matching recliner. Dining room solid Oak china cabinet, table with four chairs, two leaves. Diamond shape Etagere with glass shelves. 816560-5715 NICE COMPUTER, $99.00. 816-455-1600 Thrifty Nickel has GRAVELY ZT, 42 helped my business inch, zero turn mower, grow in the last two 2010 Model, very good years. I never miss a condition, $1,600.00 week. negotiable. Tim 816Tim T 853-9018 NOTICE Thrifty Nickel reserves the right to refuse any and/ or to edit any portion of an ad we think questionable or not in good taste. If you find errors or omissions in your ad, you must notify Thrifty Nickel within five days from the date of publication. After five days, Thrifty Nickel and/ or it’s agents cannot be held responsible for any error. Thrifty Nickel will only be held responsible for the portion of the paid advertising that was incorrect and is only liable for correct copy being published in the first available issue only. Absolutely No Cash Refunds Will Be Issued. AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 6 P.M. NATIONAL ADS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY MONDAY NOON

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816- 3 5 6 - 8 7 9 0 816- 3 6 4 - 6 9 1 5 Private Party Only, Some restrictions Apply, No Cancellations Or Changes

MEDIUM SIZE dog house, $35.00. 816358-7034 CAR WASH equipment, manual, five bay units, used, with 750,000 BTU boiler. Cell 816-289-9270 or 913-677-0322 SIMPSON 3000 Powerwasher, 11 horsepower, USA made! $500.00 negotiable. 816-695-6918

BARBECUE ON wheels, great for Chiefs fan, $275.00 negotiable. 816-809-9379 COMBO VENDING Machine, snacks, candy, soda. Excellent condition. 913-4881770 HALLMARK GIFT wrapping paper, assortment, 60 rolls, $2.00 each, two yards per roll. 816-966-9281

DOUBLE DEPTH lawn crypts. Prophets section, Mt. Moriah Cemetary, 105th and Holmes, Kansas City, Missouri. Now selling for $3,995.00. Asking $2,000.00. 816-3318863 PELLET STOVE, American Harvest, includes vase, pipes and 100 pounds of pellets, $750.00. 913-2992309

CAMPER SHELL, Fiberglass, 2003 GMC short bed, $350.00. Also Equalizer hitch. 913-262-6927 BICYCLE USED, Gary Fisher, $150.00. 816-349-7059 NEED GOOD car around $1,000.00 for Elderly person. Must look and run good! 913-839-7271

SNAP-ON MIG welder, tank and helmet. Paid $2,200.00 asking $500.00. 816252-8093 or 816-3378172 HOME SECURITY System, Free, take over contract/ payments, Pinnacle! 816331-9290, 816-3927092 VOSE BABY Grand piano, with bench, good condition. 913383-2353

MINIATURE PINSCHER, male, three years, housebroke, family pet, $50.00. 816-241-1923 PARROT, GREEN and gold with cage, 10 years old, $990.00. 816-286-7494

Good and upright is Yahweh, therefore he will instruct sinners in the way. Psalm 25:8



816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

DATED SALES GARAGE SALES YARD SALES AUCTIONS ESTATE SALES MOVING SALE: Big television, loveseat, dressers, antiques, patio furniture. 816-9666440 MECHANIC TOOLS RETIRED Large Snap- On top and bottom tool box. Spap- On, Mac and miscellaneous tools. Aluminum, three dog box for pickup. Sell: Friday 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. 601 Northeast 83rd Street 816-436-1402 GARAGE SALE: 105th Terrace and Holmes, August 17th and 18th, 8:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Chairs, night stand, lamps, couch, bed coverlet queen, mirrors, lots miscellaneous



LAKE CITY U-Store, 910 North 7 Highway, Independence, Missouri, 64056. The following units will be sold or disposed of on or after August 23rd, 2012 at a private auction: A64, B114, C110, D3, D4, E29, G7, J18, J20, M27, P40, Q11, Q15, Q20, T23, T26, Y20, Z10, Z11


ASSET PUBLIC Auto Auction, every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 210 and 291 Highway. Dealers, buyers and sellers welcome. 816-536-0882 Preserve our community by buying and selling local. To place an ad call today! www.kcnickel.com 816-3568790

T R A I N S WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer, Marklin, HO, Coke Machines, Coin Operated Games. All sizes. Cash paid, private collector. Prices over the phone. Please call before you sell. Cell number 630-319-2331



CIVIL WAR related items for sale, largest inventory in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473

QUEEN ANNE 60 inch, Cherry oval table, four side chairs, two captains chairs, matching sideboard. Excellent condition, $350.00! 816-353-4907 FOR SALE: Antique bedroom set, over 100 years old, excellent condition, huge bed, triple dresser, Armoire, two night stands, gold color, $750.00 for all. Stand up Philco stereo and radio, excellent condition, $75.00 or best offer. 100 45 RPM records, $1.00 a piece, buy one or all. 16 porcelain collectible plates, different views of eagles, racks included, $10.00 a piece. Patio set, four chairs, needs pillows, table, umbrella included, $60.00. Large propane BBQ grill, $50.00. Round 37 inch Marble table, $20.00. Call Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. 816-4546942 CIVIL WAR Memorabilia, muzzle loaders, books, clothing. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 LARGEST SELECTION of Air Soft guns in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 NEW AND used Muzzle loaders and Flintlock rifles. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 MUZZLE LOADING supplies. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473



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ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES TOYS FLINTLOCKS, MUZZLE Loaders, rifles, pistols, Air Soft guns, lowest prices. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473

ANTIQUES: All kinds wanted. Top cash paid for any antiques. 913-287-5131, day or night A N T I Q U E S WANTED: : Top dollar paid! Call 816-2169816 ANTIQUE DINING set $75.00, other cheap items. 816-8618634

APPAREL BRAND NEW, strapless, ivory, wedding dress, size 10, $500.00 or best offer. 816-8631167

APPLIANCES & FURNITURE REFRIGERATOR, BLACK, 23 cubic feet, freezer on bottom, extra nice, clean, $225.00. 816-3130974 DINING SET, table with six chairs and hutch. Includes pad for the table top. 816-9294388 WASHER/ DRYERS as low as $16.00 a week. Easyhome lease to own. 816-836-1300

APPLIANCES & FURNITURE AIR Lennox, 3.5 ton, $225.00. 125,000 BTU furnace $225.00. Entertainment center $25.00. Electric range $50.00. Twin bed $20.00, Storm windows. 816-737-1970 METRO MATTRESS Discount. Brand new, brand name mattress sets. Queen pillowtop sets, start at $150.00. 913948-0218 BABY BED, white, Simplicity and mattress, like new. 913579-4450 SIX PART Sectional, matching recliner. Dining room solid Oak china cabinet, table with four chairs, two leaves. Diamond shape Etagere with glass shelves. 816560-5715 MATTRESS FACTORY WAREHOUSE Best prices in Kansas City! Twin mattresses as low as $50.00, full $75.00, queen $90.00, king $120.00, $2,000.00 pillow top, queen sets only $250.00! Over 50 sets to choose from! 14446 West 100th Street, Lenexa. 913541-9993 NEW HOME furnishings, lease to own. Ask how to get 50% first payment. 816-8361300


THURSDAY • • 2012 • 816.356.8790


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www.peculiarmeat.com R E F R I G E R AT O R 26 cubic feet, side by side, water and ice, black with Stainless Steel front, looks like new, clean, $295.00. 816-313-0974 REFRIGERATOR, 20 cubic feet, white, top freezer, works great, clean, $135.00. 816-313-0974 HI DEFINITION televisions as low as $12.00 a week! Easyhome lease to own. 816-836-1300


FINANCIAL & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams. Do not pay upfront for a loan

OUT BOARD motor $4,800 PER WEEK repair. Call for informa- (Pot’l). We close your tion 816-582-7012 sales FOR YOU! 100% COMPUTER & automated system! 24 hours! 1-678ELECTRONICS Call 408-1373. COMPUTER RE- HOW I make $1,000 PAIRS and upgrades. a day. Global opportuIs your computer slow? nity. 100% commisWe can fix it for as little as $50.00. 816-455- sions. 1-908-752-5036; 1 6 0 0 www.enearn.com MERCHANT SERVwww.vaughns.com NICE COMPUTER! ICES! Accept Major Excellent computer for Credit Cards/PCI Comstudent or small busi- pliant. BEST RATES in ness, $169.00. 816- the industry! CASH 4 5 5 - 1 6 0 0 ADVANCES for Working Capital! agent.adwww.vaughns.com vancedmerchantfundCOMPUTERS AS ing.net/16503 low as $12.00 a week. Easyhome lease to WE FIX CREDIT! Denied Home Loan? Just own. 816-836-1300 Need Good Credit? We TWO OLDER model Can Help! Money Back televisions, 24 inch for Guarantee! FREE $50.00, 27 inch for CONSULTATION 1$60.00. Buy both for 866-913-8617 $100.00 even. 816679-3630 NICE COMPUTER, $99.00. 816-455-1600 FLAT COMPUTER MONITORS, 15 inch $39.00, 17 inch $59.00, 19 inch $79.00. 816-455-1600 www.vaughns.com COMPUTER REPAIR, fast affordable service. On location or at Vaughn’s. 816-4551600 DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-935-7165

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MEDICAL & HEALTH STUDY FOR change. Call today, 913-894-5533 DIABETICS! CASH paid for unopened, unexpired test strips. Call 816-695-4817 UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 DENTAL INSURANCE starting at just $15/Month! CALL NOW for a free quote! 800-416-0402 or www.DentalKings.com TAKE CIALIS/ LEVITRA? Save $500.00! 60x 100mg pills $149.00! Plus 8 Bonus pills. Visa/Mastercard Accepted. Order Now! 1-347-753-8138. UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 HAVE SOME free time? Participate in a clinical study. Call Qunitiles 913-8945533



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816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

Fair Housing Act: Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). For more information contact your local HUD office. Or visit HUD.gov on the internet.

APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartments for Rent VAN BRUNT Boulevard, one and two bedroom, hardwood floors, $395.00$450.00 month. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) TOWNHOME SPECIAL, look and lease $300.00. Call for details. 816-921-9663 $299.00 TOTAL move in special! Section 8 welcome. Call 816-923-5100 $299.00 TOTAL move in special! Section 8 welcome. Call 816-923-5100 5900 EAST 136TH STREET Grandview, three bedroom, one bath, completely remodeled, like new, great location, $595.00 month. Call for move in special. Section 8 approved. 816-5367380 LARGE RAYTOWN two bedroom $540.00, central heat and air, appliances, washer/ dryer hook up, parking, $300.00 deposit. 816767-9750 LOOK AND Lease! Ruskin Place Apartments. 816-763-1451


Welcome Home!

Behind Cool Crest On 40 Highway

Fee With Ad

STARTING AT 1 Bedroom - $475 2 Bedroom - $575 3 Bedroom - $725




FOR RENT CLOSE TO Martin City. One, two, three bedrooms available. Newly renovated, great move in specials. 816942-0381 MULTIPLE INDEPENDENCE locations, Rent as low as $325.00 for one bedroom and $425 for two bedroom, restrictions apply 816-260-9663 ONE AND two bedroom apartments, 63rd and I-435. Housing Vouchers welcomed. Park Highlands 816356-2660

FOR RENT WELCOME SECTION 8 with monthly specials available. Call Today 913-233-2800 EL DORADO Apartments in Raytown. Call for details 816-3562339

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FOR RENT CHECK OUT The Greens, 95th and Blue Ridge. 816-767-1800 WE MAKE your apartment search easy! Ask how to get one month free! 816763-6828

FOR RENT BELTON’S LAKEWOOD Terrace, a nice place to call home. Mention this ad for move in specials. 816331-1855 STONEYBROOK SOUTH, one- two bedroom, low deposit, $20.00 application fee! 816-763-3053 CHECK OUT The Greens, 95th and Blue Ridge. 816-767-1800 ONE AND two bedrooms, No Section 8, quiet street, from $385.00. 816-7657344

TOWN HOMES, East of Downtown. Two, three, and four bedroom, 1.5 or two bath, off street parking. Nice, $600.00 to $700.00. 816-2219994 FURNISHED STUDIO apartments, by the week or month. All utilities paid. Downtown Kansas City, Missouri. 816-399-8023 ASK HOW to get one month free! Section 8 okay, Grandview. Sterling Point 816-7655331

REDUCED NOW $350.00 month, one bill, Studios only, total rehab! New marble and hardwood floors, ceramic tile bathroom, new cabinets, stove and refrigerator included. Se Hablamos Espanol. 2400 Benton. 816SECTION 8 Wel- 241-0230 W I L L O W I N D come! Totally reno- I N D E P E N D E N C E APARTMENTS bevated, loads of ameni- AVENUE, $350.00 hind Cool Crest on 40 ties, great location. month, Studio apart- Highway, completely Briarwood Garden ments, hardwood remodeled. 816-358816-761-7731 floors. Please call 816- 6764 $99.00 MOVE IN 333-RENT (7368) $99.00 MOVE IN SPECIAL QUIET NEIGHBORSPECIAL Central air, private HOOD living. One, Central air, private parking, Raytown area. two bedroom units parking, Raytown area. Call for details 816- available now! 816- Call for details 816405-3834 358-0505 737-5666 LARGE ONE BEDROOM $425.00 $200.00 deposit. Armour Boulevard off Paseo. Laundry, off street parking and security. On bus line. Section 8 okay! 816694-9796

Spacious Units

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B RITTANY P LACE BRITTANY PLACE 8620 8 620 E. UTOPIA DR • RAYTOWN, MO 816. 358. 6882 816.358.6882



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BUDD PARK PLACE 103 North Denver: Fully updated apartments, appliances and water furnished, laundry room, private and spacious parking, secured entrance. $325.00 and up. 816241-2722 ONE BEDROOM apartment, 4022 Chestnut, $300.00, utilities paid. 816-9239170

WILLOWIND APARTMENTS (816) 358-6764 3927 Willow Ave. KCMO 64133 www.rentkcapartments.com



FOR RENT B A N K R U P T C YFORECLOSURE? Let’s talk- we can move you in! 816-405-3834 SUMMER MOVE in special at Jefferson Place Apartments. Call today, move in tomorrow. 816-761-4293 NOW RENTING, brand new units, one, two, three bedrooms available. Between Grandview and Martin City. 816-942-0381

FOR RENT LARGE ONE bedroom, $425.00 monthly, plus deposit. Nice, clean, 1009 Central Avenue. 913-3423448 or 913-634-4542 ASK HOW to get two months free! Brentwood Park in Grandview. 816-942-0381 F U R N I S H E D A PA R T M E N T, $500.00 per month, part utilities paid, cable. References, working. Drug free! 816-4830820

INDEPENDENCE Nice, two bedroom apartment. Noland and 35th Street area. Section 8 accepted! Washer/ dryer hook ups! Off street parking! 816-699-5221

$400.00 GETS YOU Spacious one bedroom, full bath apartment that is clean, safe, quiet, central air/ heat, off street parking, small four plex building in quiet South GrandMENTION THIS ad view area, electric and get $250.00 off kitchen appliances, no your first months rent. dogs, ready now! Cellular 913-963-9963 816-765-6491

w A s k H oe t To G t h 1 Mon


Best Value In Grandview!

Easy Access To Highways Trails Crossing 1-435 & 1-470

• Newly Renovated • Laundry Facilities

Brentwood Park Apartments 816- 942-0381 3621 Blue Ridge Ext • Grandview, Mo.



THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790


C o m e S e e Trehn c e ! Diffe Call



Today...Move-in Tomorrow!



Se Habla Espanol


JEFFERSON 816. 761.4293 PLACE APARTMENTS Longview & Blue Ridge On Major Bus Line




FOR RENT ONE- TWO Bedroom units only $20.00 application fee! Grandview Missouri. Stoneybrook South, 816-763-3053 95TH AND Blue Ridge, $250.00 off first month rent. 816-7656491 HOUSING VOUCHERS welcome! Free rent on two bedrooms. Park Highlands 816356-2660 R A Y T O W N SCHOOL District, pay no application fee. Amber Glenn Apartments 816-353-6444 GREAT LOCATION in Grandview, Section 8 okay, loads of amenities. Call for move in special. Briarwood Garden 816-761-7731 BELTON ONE, two and three bedroom units. Close to everything yet quiet and comfortable. 816-3311855

FOR RENT ONE AND two bedroom apartments. Ruskin Place Apartments 816-763-1451 RAYTOWN 8620 Countryshire, (76th and Blue Ridge) Large quiet one bedroom apartment, hot water paid. Call Steve 1-785-506-3345 C O N V E N I E N T LY LOCATED off Blue Ridge and Longview Road in South Kansas City. 816-763-6828 www.liveatgatehouse.c om INDEPENDENCE DUPLEX, half month off. One bedroom, washer/ dryer hookup. Section 8 okay, $495.00. 913-7357424 SE HABLA Espanol, one, two and three bedroom units available. Great locations in Grandview! Briarwood Garden 816-761-7731 SECTION 8 Welcome, AAA Raytown School district. Just off 79th and Blue Ridge. 1-866-239-6260 OLIVE PARK Village, great move in specials. Section 8 okay! 816-241-4455 SUMMER MOVE in special at Jefferson Place Apartments. Call today, move in tomorrow. 816-761-4293 4933 FOREST, two bedroom, second floor, utilities, parking, non smoker, no pets, $750.00. 816-3617073 LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartments available. Some utilities included. Pet friendly. Off street parking, keyed entry. Call for appointment. 816446-2751

FOR RENT $100.00 OFF rent! Section 8 welcome. 816-765-5151 $180.00 MOVES you in at The Arbors of Grandview! Call today 816-761-3411 SE HABLA Espanol, one bedroom, Raytown Schools. Amber Glenn Apartments 816-3536444 ALL UTILITIES paid except electric, only $180.00 moves you in. Arbors of Grandview. 816-7613411 A GREAT place to call home! Park Meadows, 79th and James A Reed Road. 1-866239-6260 SPECIAL ONE and two bedroom apartments. Kings Quarters 816-761-5994 MIDTOWN, ONE bedroom apartment. Section 8 welcome. $395.00$400.00. 913-735-7424 R A Y T O W N SCHOOLS, best move in specials in town! Call today in fast! Brittany Place. 816358-6882 ONE BEDROOM and two bedroom, pay no application fee. Raytown Schools. Amber Glenn Apartments 816-353-6444 SECTION 8 Okay, Sterling Point in Grandview, great location. Sterling Point 816-7655331 COMPLETELY REMODELED, all new, one, two and three bedrooms, great location. Willowind Apartments 816-358-6764 MOVE IN Special with reduced deposit on: One, two and three bedrooms. 913-2332800

32ND CHESTNUT duplex, Kansas City. Three bedrooms, $475.00. Section 8 or cash. 816-332-1125 JUSTIN PLACE Apartments and Town homes, East Kansas City’s gem. Two and three bedroom apartments/ town homes immediate occupancy available. Washer/ dryer included. Section 8 welcome. 2607 East 29th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. 816923-0510 Equal housing opportunity W I L L O W I N D A PA R T M E N T S : One, two and three bedrooms available, behind Cool Crest on 40 Highway. 816-3586764

nth First MRoEE !* Rent F All Utilities Paid EXCEPT ELECTRIC!


816. 761.3411


Call And Ask How To Get For A Limited 99 DEPOSIT! Time Only! COURTYARD APARTMENTS 9320 Old Santa Fe Rd.



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105TH AND Oakland, three bedroom, one bath ranch house arborsofgrandview@freemanwebb.com with stove, refrigerator, new paint, basement APARTMENTS APARTMENTS and one car garage. $795.00 month, FOR RENT FOR RENT $600.00 deposit. Move TWO BEDROOM, STUDIO, ONE, two in special applies. HSR water and gas paid, up- and three bedrooms. Team 816-540-6000 stairs duplex, $500.00, Ask how to get East of Downtown. $100.00 off. 816-7655151 816-221-9994 SECTION 8 RAYTOWN $300.00 OFF, first AAA ONLY month, $200.00 off School District, El DoFour bedroom, two second month, rado Apartments. Call bath, one car garage, today 816-356-2339 $100.00 of third month. rehabbed, AU- newly Raytown School Dis- HOUSING 7205 Park Avenue. trict. Brittany Place. THORITY Vouchers 816-812-2475 welcomed! 816-241816-358-6882 www.liveato- THREE BEDROOM, A P A R T M E N T , 4455 two full baths, full baseEAST of Downtown. livepark.com wall to wall carLarge two bedroom, COMMERCIAL ment, peting. Stove, refrigerone bath, off street P ROPERTIES ator, washer/ dryer parking, new, $500.00. GREAT OFFICE hookups, fenced yard, 816-221-9994 space available, Inde- $575.00, $400.00 deI N D E P E N D E N C E pendence/ Englewood posit. 2430 Cypress, TOWERS has great area. 816-254-0980 Kansas City, Missouri. move in specials all OFFICE 816-590-9369 month long. Call for de- SMALL with shared parking tail. 816-257-1400 and utilities, plus one LOOK AND lease bay garage, no lift, specials Kings Quar- $650.00 plus utilities. ters 816-761-5994 Two year lease. Close I N D E P E N D E N C E to Arrowhead Stadium. SCHOOLS, one- two 816-718-2909 SPACE bedroom apartments ARTIST with great location. Call available, Independfor details. 816-257- ence/ Englewood Arts District area. 816-2541400 0980 QUIET GRAND816-254VIEW Location, one, CALL two, three bedrooms, 0980 today for affordable space for your available. Section 8 business okay. Sterling Point 816-765-5331 HOUSES FOR RENT ASK ABOUT our $100.00 look and lease MIDTOWN AREA special, one and two get more for your bedroom apartments. money; three bedroom 816-921-9663 house, light filled living $100.00 SIGN UP room, pets okay, and more for only $450.00 BONUS Must see, recently ren- rs-kc.com 816-254ovated. Two bedroom, 7200 ED1SL one bath, $450.00 to HOUSE FOR rent: $550.00 month, 51st/ Walrond, two Kansas City, Kansas bedroom, one bath. area. Call 913-909- Section 8 only. Available October 1st. 8164317 Ken 237-8199

Grandview, MO.

O nly Only



Bring In Ad For FREE Deposit Application Limited Fee! ON ALL Time Only UNITS

Se Habla Espanol


Section 8 Welcome

1 Bedroom Sta rting At


2 Bedrooms Starting At


3 B edr o o m U ni ts Starting At


6006 E. 126th St. Suite 1000 Grandview, MO. 6403 0

816.761.77 7 31 Restrictions Apply






741 DITMAN, one bedroom, house for rent. Full basement, formal dining, shed, $395.00 month, $395.00 deposit. 816833-4667 66TH TERRACE and Paseo- three bedroom, one bath, 1.5story house with stove, refrigerator, new paint, beautiful hardwood floors, basement, and one car garage. $695.00/ month, $695.00 deposit. Move-In Special Applies! HSR Team 816540-6000 WELCOME HOME three bedroom, 2.5 bath, townhouse, in Grandview. Water, trash and sewer paid. Laundry hookups. Section 8 only. Low deposit. Call Tamika at. 1562-301-6512

THREE BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, fenced yard, basement, stove/ refrigerator, air conditioning. Will accept two bedroom Section 8, Raytown Schools. 816215-1646 COTTAGE One bedroom, kitchen, living room combined. Trash, water, lawn included, $350.00 rent, $300.00 deposit. 816358-2634 OLIVE, THREE bedroom, 1.5 bath two story house with stove, refrigerator, and full basement, gorgeous house. $695.00/ month, $500.00 deposit. Move-In Special Applies! HSR Team 816-540-6000


PG. 6 •





TWO, THREE and four bedroom homes for rent. Section 8 and cash. 816-582-0612 RENT TO own, three bedroom, 3412 and 3433 Bellefontaine. 816-921-5225 TWO BEDROOM, 5512 South Benton. Section 8 okay! Call 816-215-7096

What We Offer:


4307 TOWERS Road. Small three bedroom, carpet, $495.00. 913-9803889 HISTORIC NORTHEAST spacious feeling with two bedrooms plus a finished basement, eat in kitchen with appliances, pets okay; $525.00 rskc.com 816-254-7200 ED1SQ

816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

BEST SECTION 8 HOUSES 1816 East 67th Street, three bedroom, two bath, large rooms. 6306 East 102nd Terrace, four bedroom, 1.5 bath, newly remodeled. Great locations, central air, security system. 913-940-7153



NEWLY REMODELED four plex. Two bedroom, new carpet, paint, washer/ dryer hookup. New bath and kitchen, all ceramic. Free alarm system, $500.00 to $550.00 monthly. $500.00 deposit. 44th and Virginia. 816-803-5460

EASY MOVE no credit or background check need here; two bedrooms, eat in kitchen with appliances, living room, pets okay! $495.00 rskc.com 913-962-6683 MD1SM 5231 EUCLID, three bedroom home, new carpet, paint, air conditioning, basement, $600.00. Section 8 okay. H&C 816-8387141

HOUSING BARGAINS: Three bedroom; 4114 East 11th $395.00, 1331 Van Brunt $395.00. Two bedroom; 2302 Oakley $350.00, 4509 East 18th $370.00. Excellent condition. 816697-3900 R A Y T O W N SCHOOLS, three bedroom, one bath. Will accept Section 8 voucher. Call 1-703725-7789 OWN A home $500.00 month, South Kansas City, Raytown, Grandview. 816-8686541

• Spacious 1 Bedroom Apts • Extra Storage • Grocery Delivery • Free Transportation • Small Pets Welcome • Nature Trails • Minutes From World’s Of Fun • Weekly Bingo/Game Nights • Water/Trash Paid


HOUSE FOR rent. Three bedroom, one bath. On the Paseo about 66th. Park and bus nearby. Move in special. Clean, recently remodeled. $650.00 month. 1-801-9100177. SOUTH KANSAS CITY Renovated townhouse on Longview Road, end unit with three large bedroom, 1.5 bath, one car garage, $750.00, Section 8 welcome. 913-4852486


6246 TRUMAN Road, two units, three bedroom, basement, off street parking, only $650.00, references, deposit. Fred 913-9638900 FOUR BEDROOMS, two bath, formal living/ dining rooms. Call 816804-7857

63,000+ Readers Every Week



Thrifty Nickel Want Ads



C E N T E R SCHOOLS, $995.00 month, four bedroom, 1.5 bath, basement, garage and large bonus room. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) SECTION 8 OKAY Three bedroom, one PREMIER bath. Grandview. LEASING 816-914-4442, 816One and two bed- 550-0706 room, apartments in DUIndependence. Move RAYTOWN Nice three in Bonus! Section 8 PLEX! okay. 816-841-9500 bedroom, two bath, appliances, $800.00 DO YOU HAVE A month, $650.00 deTHREE BEDROOM posit, Section 8 welSECTION 8 come! Close to schools and shopping. Call VOUCHER Tired of substandard 816-668-4073 properties? I have several beautiful remodeled three bedroom HOUSES FOR homes to choose from. RENT: Raytown, South Kansas City, Rockhurst One, two, three, four, five bedroom, one/ and UMKC areas. Call two bath. Section 8 Kelly. 816-699-9665 okay. 816-665-2215 cellular

“We Bring Buyers & Sellers Together”

Rental Assistance For Qualified Applicants

HOUSES FOR RENT HICKMAN CASTLE low deposit opportunity; four bedroom house, garage, fenced yard, washer/ dryer plus kitchen appliances, pets okay! $700.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 ED1SS

1 BEDROOM $399 2 BEDROOM $460 Only $99 Deposit With 1 Year Lease

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Please visit us on our website at

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519 SOUTH Huttig, Independence. One bedroom duplex, $550.00 GETS stove, refrigerator, YOU washer/ dryer availside by side duplex, able. One bedroom, two bedroom, full bath, one bath, $450.00 ceramic tile, low utility monthly. 816-478-6619 bills with energy effiBEDcient, central air/ heat, THREE washer/ dryer ROOM, two bath hookups, off street house, $695.00. Two parking. We furnish bedroom, one bath trash and lawn serv- apartment, $495.00. ices! Section 8 ap- One bedroom, one apartment, proved, no dogs! Safe, bath clean, quiet area in $350.00. All in Raytown. 816-812-8175 South Grandview, ready now! Cellular 4107 CHESTNUT, 913-963-9963 two bedroom duplex, A F F O R D A B L E , $400.00. Two bedroom NICE two, and three apartment, 2117 Benbedroom houses, ton, $500.00. Three Kansas City, Kansas. plus bedroom house, 913-999-8443, 913- 55th and Highland, 475-1851, 913-484- $650.00. Section 8 8183 welcome! 816-536CASTLE SIZED 5613 huge feeling four bed- SECTION 8 ONLY room house, dining Two bedroom house and living room, base- with central air, garage, ment, washer/ dryer and fenced backyard, plus kitchen appli- stove and refrigerator ances, pets welcome! included. Call 816-446$650.00 rs-kc.com 2094 913-962-6683 MD1SR

7501 EAST 117th C H A R M I N G Place, four bedroom, THREE bedroom two bath, garage, home, Bellefontaine central air, refrigera- and Gregory, eat in tor, stove included, kitchen, living room, washer/ dryer dining room, first floor hookups, fenced laundry hookups. 1back yard, four bed- 773-720-1926 room voucher, Section 8 only. 816-728- SMALL HOUSE Independence, vacant 8195 soon, full walk out basement. Call 81639TH STREET bad 358-4372 credit okay here! Two bedroom house, full basement, living room, PARK, safely fenced yard, ap- 28TH Kansas City. Six bedpliances; $500.00 rs- room, two bath, very kc.com 913-962-6683 spacious. $800.00 a ED1SN month, Section 8 or cash. 816-332-1125 TOWN HOMES, East of Downtown. Two, three, and four bedroom, 1.5 or two bath, off street parking. Nice, $600.00 to $700.00. 816-2219994

HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT Grandview, 4299 Dr Greaves, clean three bedroom ranch, attached garage, $595.00. Section 8 accepted. McLaury Realtors 816-589-6030 or 816-763-8800

400 NORTH Topping, two bedroom, full basement, off street parking, only $450.00 month, references, deposit. Fred 913-9638900 SECTION 8, SHELTER PLUS CARE PROGRAMS WELCOMED Two bedroom, plus bonus room, 1.5 bath, two car garage, basement, inside laundry, nice quiet area. $650.00 rent, $500.00 security deposit. 109 South Willow Avenue, Sugar Creek. 816-226-8982 ALL BRAND new! Three bedroom, two bath, split level, South Kansas City home. Two decks, two car garage, central air, washer/ dryer hookups, new paint, flooring and windows, granite counter tops, tiled shower, unfinished basement for storage. Quiet neighborhood on culdesac in Stratford Estates, $850.00 monthly. 913-486-5366 SOUTH KANSAS CITY AREA Three bedrooms, one bath, full unfinished basement, fourth bedroom or family room, central air, carport, fenced yard. Rent $750.00. 816322-6030 www.concapco.com


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Houses For Rent

Washer/Dryer Stove/Refrigerator Central Air-New Carpet Blue Hills/Ruskin Heights

2-3-4 Bedrooms 913-530-2713


THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790


HOUSES FOR RENT REMODELED THREE Bedroom, one bath, 7547 Brooklyn, Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8, rent, or rent to own! Central air, hardwoods, large yard, new paint. $750.00 rent. 913-4616657 NORTHEAST AREA Two bedrooms, one bath, full unfinished basement, patio, deck, central air. Rent $550.00. 816-3226030 www.concapco.com



SECTION 8 Homes, 69TH AND three, four bedrooms, WALROND South Kansas City. AREA Dan, Nevaeh Homes Three bedroom, one 816-853-3828 bath, one car garage, BEAUTIFUL fenced, central air, REHABBED Section 8 welcome. HOMES AND Rent $700.00. 816DUPLEXES 322-6030 www.conMOVE IN capco.com SPECIAL Section 8 welcome. TWO BEDROOM, Two, three, and four one bath, one garage, bedroom, two bath. screen porch house. JB&T Properties, Kansas City, Missouri, LLC. 816-361-6607, Ruskin, Grandview. Section 8 welcome, 816-382-5945 contact 816-810-2512 sanbanita@yahoo.com 55TH STREET fresh and clean feeling two bedroom house, full basement, safely fenced yard, kitchen 23RD AND Van appliances; $400.00 rs- Brunt, two plus bedkc.com 816-254-7200 rooms, appliances, carpet, basement. ED1SI Section 8 okay, $550.00. 913-9803889 AUGUST MONEY SAVER SPECIAL keep it affordable with Spacious duplexes in three bedrooms, cozy Sugar Creek. Section living room, full base8 welcome. 816-358- ment, bring the pets, 5111 and no application fee! $375.00 rs-kc.com 5914 KENSING- 816-254-7200 MD1ST TON, small two bedroom house, no pets. THREE BEDROOM, $450.00 per month, large family room, two $450.00 deposit. No car garage, $850.00, Section 8. 913-432- East of Downtown. 816-221-9994 0016


t tee s t H o tt S p e c ia l O f T h e Ye a r ! A Place You’ll Love To Call HOME!



HOUSE FOUR rent, 2727 Bales, Kansas City, Missouri. Two bedroom, one bath, hardwood floors, electric stove, refrigerator, central air, off street parking, fenced yard. 816-804-6954

INDEPENDENCE HALF PRICE FIRST MONTH Three bedroom, garage, basement, refrigerator, 10718 East 13th Street, $650.00 (West of Truman Road and Sterling) 816-471-2098

DUPLEXES TWO bedroom, one bath, first floor laundry. 95th/ Holmes, Center School District, water paid, $500.00$595.00. 816-5504362 cellular TWO BEDROOM, two car garage, new carpet, new paint, alarm, large yard, $650.00 month. 81st Street. Section 8 welcome. 816-803-5460

NEWLY RENO1401 DENVER, two VATED bedroom, basement, porch, appliance, Section 8 homes. 7924 Brooklyn, 5715 Michi$550.00 rent, $550.00 deposit. 816-585-9571 gan, 3510 College and 5903 Jackson. Call 816-612-2518 HOUSES FOR PAID RENT IN RUSKIN UTILITIES pay it at once here! HEIGHTS Three bedroom plus Open feeling floor plan, bonus room, one washer dryer hookups, bath, $780.00 per large living room, month. Four bed- priced to move at only rs-kc.com room, two bath, $425.00 $850.00 month, 816-254-7200 MD1SJ washer/ dryer in- SECTION 8 Welcluded and garage. come! Two bedroom, Central air, heat, fully 67th Terrace and carpeted, no pets, Prospect. Stove, refrigSection 8 welcome. erator, air conditioning, $650.00 month. 816913-568-7092 215-1646


Section 8 Applications Welcome Duplexes Offer Appliances, Carpet, Blinds, Garages & Much More!

INDEPENDENCE 2 bdrms, 1 bath, F/R or 3 bdrm, single car garage




1818 S. Crescent 2 bdrms, w/family room or 3rd bdrm, 1 bath, large eat in kitchen, single car garage 3803 Appleton




2 bdrms, 1.5 bath, all one level, all electric single car garage

At Ruskin Place, you’ll find the characteristics of a friendly neighborhood without the responsibility of home ownership.

Starting At








685 695

318 Lois Lane





2 bdrms, 1 bath, F/R or 3 bdrm, single car garage

102 A Baker Drive All one level, all electric, 2 bdrms, 1.5 bath, single car garage



807 B. Council

Starting At



SUGAR CREEK 1 bdrms, 1 bath, single car garage. 2918 N. River Blvd $450 COMMERCIAL SPACE AVAILABLE IN INDEPENDENCE

Professional Maintenance and Management www.lordinc.com

816-254-0980 All Applicants Subject To Landlords Approval.



CREDIT ISSUES bring them here! Charming and open feeling, kitchen appliances, dining room, pets okay too! Only $400.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 MD1RZ

TWO BEDROOM duplex for rent, stove, refrigerator, washer/ dryer available, new carpet, $450.00 month. 1847 Ewing Kansas City, Missouri. 816478-6619

$300.00 OFF first months rent! Three bedroom house, one garage, newly remodeled, new refrigerator, stove, quiet neighborhood, no dogs, cats, $725.00 month, 5410 East 53rd Street. 816-517-8166

BEAUTIFUL HOMES Section 8 only, no credit check, no deC E N T E R posit. 816-316-6538 SCHOOLS, 8136 Flora, three bedroom, TWO BEDROOM one bath, $625.00 duplex. $500.00 plus monthly. 816-824-0264 $500.00 deposit. 2925 R E M O D E L E D Freeman, Kansas City, FOUR bedroom, two Kansas. 913-342-3890 bath, 4538 Chestnut, Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8, rent, or rent 43RD/ TRACY duto own! Central air, car- plex, three bedroom, pet, off street parking, plus bonus room, new paint. $850.00 $525.00. Section 8 or rent. 913-461-6657 cash. 816-332-1125

TWO BATHROOMS great pricing for this three bedroom/ two bath house; newer carpet, full basement, eat in kitchen, pets welcome; $500.00 rskc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SO

S P A C I O U S TOWNHOME, four bedroom, 2.5 bath, finished basement, attached garage, washer/ dryer hookups, deck, walk in closet. 6604 East 128th Street, Grandview, Missouri, $875.00 rent. 913706-8483 BELTON BARGAIN no application fee! Four bedrooms and two bathrooms, eat in kitchen with appliances, pets okay, no application fee too! $750.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 ED021 TWO BEDROOM, $450.00 month. 18th and Bryan, Blue Summit, Missouri. 816-2540583



426 WALLACE, three bedroom, basement, off street parking, only $500.00, references, deposit. Fred 913-963-8900 TWO BEDROOM, one bath duplex, in Center Schools, 9522 Harrison, Metro access, newly remodeled kitchen and bath, central air, washer/ dryer, $595.00 month. 816349-5352 HOUSE FOR rent, Section 8 welcome. Three plus bedroom, central air, refrigerator, stove furnished, all electric. 816-920-5668, 816-739-9869 THREE BEDROOM, one bath, family room, garage, fenced yard, central air, appliances furnished. 3937 South Pleasant, $925.00 rent. 1-660-232-3662 ALL ELECTRIC one bedroom, 5727 Bales. Two bedroom, 4029 East 69th Terrace. 5918 Agnes, three bedroom. Kansas City, Missouri. Call 816-7837220 NICE THREE bedroom house with front and backyard fenced in and Garage at 57th and 71 Highway in Kansas City, Missouri. We accept Section 8. Call or text 913-7063935 99TH AND Belmont, three bedroom, central air, appliances, $750.00. 816-8221480


PG. 8 •



Mention This Ad & Get $100 Off! A SK HOW TO GET UP TO $ 200 OFF I ST MONTH!

816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

$0 APPLICATION FEE Beat The Heat Special!

Ask How To Get SECTION 8 One Month FREE! WELCOME

1 & 2 Bedrooms Available



AAA Rated Raytown School District







ACCEPTING ONE bedroom Section 8 vouchers for two bedroom Kansas City, Missouri homes. 816-7619928

TWO BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, appliances, fenced yard, $495.00 plus deposit, close to Truman Road. 816419-8955 77TH TERRACE and Paseo, three bedroom, one bath, two story house with stove, refrigerator, newer carpet, fireplace, newer kitchen cabinets, basement and one car garage, $775.00 month, $600.00 deposit. Move in special applies. HSR Team 816-540-6000

4429 CLEVELAND. Clean, quiet, two bedroom home with basement. Section 8 okay, $525.00 monthly. H&C 816-838-7141 HOUSES FOR rent, South Kansas City,three and four bedroom, fenced yard, one and two bath units. $600.00 to $775.00 per month. 816-250-5420 or 816-761-1530

8611 ROBERTS, three bedroom, one bath, stove refrigerator, garage, $750.00 month, $300.00 deposit. 816-455-4133 TWO AND three bedrooms at 203 North Mersington, $600.00 rent, $99.00 move in special with approved application. Please call 816-729-7513

NO DEPOSIT Four bedroom, 6914 East 114th Street, $695.00. 913-2710573 WALLET PLEASER newly updated, larger living room, kitchen appliances, central air, no application fee! $350.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SF RUSKIN, THREE bedroom, one bath, garage, stove, refrigerator. 816-830-5092 TWO BEDROOM house, $650.00 month, first and last month, $300.00 deposit, stove, refrigerator, washer/ dryer, 750 square feet, central air. 9th/ Blue Ridge, (West two blocks). 816-461-3350

Only $$99 Deposit

Quiet Location! Close To Everything!

*Income restrictions apply

2 & 3 Bedroom • w/2 Bath Available Washer & Dryer In Every Unit



Section 8 Welcome 816www.wilhoitproperties.com/rentals/missouri/lakewoodterrrace


HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR rent with washer/ dryer. Two, three and four bedrooms available. Blue Hills 913-5302713 DUPLEXES FOR rent. See our website http://www.lordinc.com or call 816-254-0980

$691.00 MONTH BUYS Rent to own. All remodeled, Garage, basement, fenced yard, safe area. Independence schools. 913963-2233 HALF OFF first months rent! Four bedroom, one bath, historic home near 42nd and Prospect, $750.00 month. $500.00 deposit. Section 8 welcome. Call 816-2102286 FOR RENT Kansas City area, extra nice, Section 8 homes, two, three, four and five bedrooms. 816-2284549, for more information


Se Habla 1-2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Espanol 3 & 4 Bedroom Townhouses

HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT HOUSES FOR 7229 Wayne, nice two RENT bedroom, ranch, dining, den, basement, attached garage, $600.00. McLaury Re- $50.00 DEPOSIT altors 816-589-6030 or 1642 Fremont, three bedroom, 1.5 bath, 816-763-8800 $525.00 rent. 1342 FOR RENT: Three East 84th Terrace, or four bedrooms, three bedroom, one one bath plus two half bath, $750.00 rent. 433 baths. Location: 78th East 29th Street, two Street and Hickman bedroom, one bath, Mills Road. Central $425.00 rent. Backair, off street parking, ground check. Call $695.00, deposit Gary 913-963-3803 $695.00. 816-255- QUALITY HOMES for rent, Section 8 or 6510 Market! Call today for THREE BEDROOM, a listing! Michelle 816one bath ranch, energy 269-6373, Zetta 816efficient, 36th Wayne, 977-6818 or Robina all appliances included. 816-810-7172 Many $875.00 per month. available and ready now 816-665-9622 BEDRAYTOWN, COM- THREE PLETELY remod- ROOMS, one bath, central air, front porch, eled, two bedroom area, fourplex, all appli- Northeast 816-734ances including $595.00. 9300 washer and dryer, trash pick up. No pets. $600.00 per month. Section 8 RENTAL okay. 1-913-609- FREE 9272, 1-913-660- List! Call 816-313TURN or go to 6855 www.turnkeyproperties.org 113TH AND Marsh, four bedroom, two bath, split level house AUGUST SPECIAL with stove, refrigerator, $99.00 deposit with apapplication! new paint, and large proved family room, $795.00 Two and three bedmonth, $600.00 de- room properties. Price posit. Move-In Special ranges $600.00 to Applies! HSR Team $950.00, Downtown Kansas City to Ruskin 816-540-6000 Heights. Please call 816-729-7513 HOMES FOR rent in Independence, Oak GRANDVIEW Grove. Call for move in TOWNHOUSE specials. 816-254SECTION 8 71st/ Main, four bed- 0980 TWO BEDROOM room, three bath, two carports, security duplex in Grandview, alarm, washer/ dryer. family room, large kitchen, deck, one car 913-529-9297 garage, $550.00 plus 85TH STREET keep deposit. 816-520-5214 it affordable; Three or 816-765-2699 bedroom house, base- 2622A BROOKLYN ment, appliances in- Avenue, Kansas City. clude dishwasher, Two bedroom duplex, bring the pets, rent to $400.00. References 816-215own $450.00 rs-kc.com checked. 816-254-7200 ED1SK 9254

13900 Grandboro Lane • Grandview, MO



THREE BEDROOM, one bath, eat in kitchen, one car garage, new carpet. No Section 8. Ruskin area, $575.00 monthly. 816763-2600

SECTION 8 welcome, Crescent Avenue near Independence Avenue, three bedroom, one bath, recent rehab, $750.00. 816-651-8478

44TH/ TRACY, two bedroom house all electric, $525.00. Section 8 or cash. 816332-1125

2 TWO bedroom, one bath homes. Remodeled, central air, all appliances, off street RENTAL HOMES parking, available imAVAILABLE NOW mediately, $625.00. Three and four bed- 816-813-1430 room houses, $675.00 and up with SECTION 8, two $300.00 deposits, bedroom duplex, South Kansas City basement, garage, and Raytown, HAKC central air, ceiling Landlord Of The Year. fans, stove, refrigeraSection 8 accepted. tor, new carpet, 816-935-9884 exten- $500.00 deposit, sion 1 4747 Euclid, paid utilSECTION 8 wel- ities, no pets. Duplex come. 6708 Sterling, unit for sale. 816-229Kansas City, Missouri, 4694 leave number.

three bedroom. 1711 South Crescent, Independence, two bedroom. 204 North Crescent, Independence, two bedroom. 5803 Brooklyn, Kansas City, Missouri, three bedroom. 4029 Chestnut, Kansas City, Missouri, four bedroom. 6804 East 114th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri, three bedroom. 5754 College, Kansas City, Missouri, three bedroom. 3425 East 58th, Kansas City, Missouri, three bedroom. 913998-6090 extension 2 FOUR BEDROOM, 2.5 bath, three car garage, fenced, $900.00, East of Downtown. 816-2219994

Our Floor Plans Are The Largest In The Area!

Bring In This Ad & Pay No App Fee!

NEW OWNERS NEW MANAGEMENT! Habla 1 B e d r o o m Se Espanol AMBER Starting At $$399 39 9 Rated GLENN 2 B e d r o o m AAA Raytown APARTMENTS Starting At $499 School District 9805 E 61st #3 Raytown, MO.

SOUTH KANSAS CITY AREA Three bedroom, 1.5 bath, remodeled kitchen, new appliances, hardwoods, finished basement, two fireplaces, deck, fenced yard, two car garage, rent $975.00. 913-660-6855 or 913609-9272



HOUSES FOR rent with stove/ refrigerator, central air, new carpet. Ruskin Heights 913530-2713

SECTION 8 ONLY THREE TO FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE No deposit, free application, 3606 Park, Kansas City, Missouri. Utilities included, new paint, clean and spacious, fenced back yard, all appliances provided. Air conditioning, ceiling fans, washer/ dryer. Call now 816392-0249 87TH STREET three bedroom, two bath, split- level house with stove, refrigerator, new paint, beautiful hardwood floors, basement, large family room, and one car garage. $895.00 month, $895.00 deposit. Move-In Special Applies! HSR Team 816-540-6000 C H A R M I N G THREE bedroom ranch home, 50th and Eastern Avenue, Raytown schools, $725.00. 1-773-7201926 SECTION 8, three bedrooms available in South Kansas City, and Raytown. 816761-9928

THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790




REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $61,999.00 FOUR bedroom home for sale. Raytown Schools, nice area. 816-517-7978




o* F F



816-767-1800 On Major Bus Line 95th & Blue Ridge

* Restrictions Apply



FLEXIBLE DEPOSIT affordable three bedroom house, full basement, hardwood floors, safely fenced yard, pets okay, no application fee! $395.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SH SECTION 8, 6142 Paseo, two bedroom, duplex, central air, carpet, second floor. 816651-8930

VALUE PACKED expansive feeling three bedroom/ two bath house, dining and living room, basement, fenced yard, appliances, pets okay! $500.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SP

FOR RENT: Four bedroom, two bath, two half baths. Location: 78th Street and Hickman Mills Road. Central air, off street parking, rent $725.00, deposit $725.00. 816-2556510 75TH STREET newly updated and budget friendly two bedroom house, ice cold air, appliances, pets okay, and no application fee! $350.00 rs-kc.com 816-2547200 ED1SG SECTION 8 ONLY Three bedroom, 1.5 Bath, newly remodeled, off street parking, big yard. Call 816-4462094

NEAT FREAKS Four bedroom, two bath. All Electric house at 9516 Harrison, Center Schools. Good Rental history a must, $950.00 per month. 913-980-3559 Check out Thrifty Nickel! Our Business and Service Directory can get your job done. Grab a paper today! http://www.kcnickel.com

FOR RENT Three bedroom, one bath, $575.00, deposit $575.00 central air. Location: Topping and 12th Street. 816255-6510 SPACIOUS FIVE bedroom home, Midtown area. Only $650.00 monthly! No Section 8. 816-2896994

LAND / LOTS ACREAGE 20 ACRES $99.00/ month. $0.00 down, Owner financing, No credit checks! Money back guarantee, near El Paso, Texas. Free Brochure. 1-800-7558953 www.SunsetRanches.com LAKE OF THE OZARKS Lake Lots, $3,950.00 each, $75.00 down, $59.00 per month. Also, three plus acres tracts starting at $10,900.00. Owner financing, no credit checks and easy terms. Beautiful trees, free lake access, boating, fishing and swimming areas. Missouri Conservation dock and boat ramp. Ad ends September 3rd. Ivy Bend 1-573-372-6493. www.ivybendlandoffice.com 40 ACRES $155/MONTH $499 down. Immediate financing. No qualifications. No penalties. NW Nevada near Reno. Call Earl 1-949632-7066. www.cheapruralproperty.com



TAKE OVER 10 Acres. NO DOWN. $79/Month. Trees. Deer. Southeast Oklahoma. 818-340-1912, www.grland.com LAKE OF Ozarks, 4.26 acre ranch with sunset view from leveled building site. Includes 10’x24’ quality deep-water dock, 1/2 mile away @ 26 mm across from Tan-Tar-A. Sunrise Beach location. Near pavement off of Lake Road F-12. Great access yet private. Wild turkey, blue herons, dogwoods and red buds. Was $49,900. Must sacrifice $29,900 cash. By owner 573-873-0900 COLORADO 5 MOUNTAIN ACRES, must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. $300 down. $150/month. 1-720570-0592 or 1-719659-7247 593’ BIG NIANGUA RIVER FRONTAGE with 17.17 acre ranch, 1 mile downriver is 360 acre Lake Niangua and Tunnel Dam. Small mouth Bass, brown and rainbow trout on the River. Below Tunnell Dam white Bass, Walleye and Spoonbill spawn. Deer and wild turkey abundant. Majestic southern view over Big Niangua Valley from leveled building site. West of Ha Ha Tonka State Park at Lake of the Ozarks Southwest of Camdenton. $99,000 cash. Nearby 6.07 acre ranch has 833’ Lake Niangua $79,000 cash. Must Sell By Owner; 573-873-0900

LOW DOWN, easy terms. We finance your future, not your past! 816-358-6713 WE’LL GIVE YOU $2,500.00 Move your home to Independence Station and we’ll give you $2,500.00. Call for more details, Independence Station, 816796-0600 FOR RENT: $1.00 a day rent. That’s crazy but true. Independence Station 816-796-0600 MOBILE HOME 14x65. Two bedroom, double sink in bathroom, entertainment center with 27 inch television, vaulted living room, large kitchen, large front porch, shed with concrete floor, double carport, corner lot, free trash and water, $150.00 lot rent, $5,995.00. 816-2557529 after 3:00 p.m. FOR RENT: Beautiful three bedroom, two bath in beautiful setting, first months rent $31.00. Independence Station 816-796-0600 MOBILE HOMES for sale, close to Noland Road and 40 Highway. We finance. 816-358-6713 FOR RENT: two bedroom in quiet country setting, $550.00 a month. Independence Station. 816-796-0600

I BUY Houses! I can buy your house quickly. Call today before any Real Estate decision is made. 816-678-2120 SELL YOUR house today! Offer in 24 hours. Any area, any condition Call Now! 816-249-2700

KANSAS CITY AND SURROUNDING AREAS Many single family homes available for Rent, Lease Purchase or Sale. Owner R EAL E STATE Financing available. HOMES FOR FOR SALE Call or visit our webSALE $500.00 MONTHLY site for more informano credit check, needs tion. 816-322-6030 work, two bedroom www.concapco.com house, one bath, full basement. 913-579REAL 9257 ESTATE Great deals are always F OR SALE found in Thrifty Nickel CONTINUED OPEN HOUSE: http://www.kcnickel.com 9600 Sycamore, Kansas City, Missouri. Saturday, August 18th from: 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Bryant Real Estate. 816-523-1900

WE BUY UGLY HOUSES! HomeVestors. We pay cash. Buy as is condition, pay all closing costs and close fast! 913-583- HOME FOR SALE 1199, 913-980-1866 8431 Arlington, Raytown Schools. Easy access to I-470. Four WANTED! HOMES bedrooms, 2.5 baths, in any condition or sitcountry kitchen, formal uation! Owe too much? living room, family Need cash fast? No room/ fireplace, large problem. Call 913-735- deck off kitchen, fin5598 ished basement, cenWANTED: ART tral air, fenced backSupplies store, Engle- yard. Asking wood Arts District, In- $75,000.00 negotiable. dependence. 816-254- Call Patty at 816-8610980 1011 for appointment

Need A Challenge? Are you self driven? Come join our team for challenging rewards!

MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE CASH HOMEBUYER We buy houses, any condition, any location. We’re the real deal! Call 816-8756226 CORNER RETAIL space available, Independence/ Englewood area. 816-254-0980


Thrifty Nickel Contact: John Lambros john.lambros@fastkc.com or call 816.356.6131

PG. 10 • EAST EDITION • KANSAS CITY METRO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE KANSAS CITY AND SURROUNDING AREAS Many single family homes available for Rent, Lease Purchase or Sale. Owner Financing available. Call or visit our website for more information. 816-322-6030 www.concapco.com AVAILABLE NOW!!! 2-4 Bedroom Homes. Lease option to buy. Take over Payments. No Money Down/ No Credit Check. Call 1888-270-0692

TEN HOUSES FOR SALE Good investment properties, $12,500.00 to $15,000.00. Must Sell! Will sell one or all! 816921-9322 HUD AND foreclosed houses. Mattie 816520-5214, Lester, Dickey Real Estate 816-765-2699




STOP RENTING. Lease option to buy. Rent to own. No money Down. No credit Check. CALL NOW 1877-395-1298 SEARCH 1000’S of homes for sale at KCRealtyService.com Serving home buyers and sellers in all of Johnson County, Kansas, Kansas City, Missouri and surrounding areas. 913-7353613 www.KCRealtyService.com 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 Acres. $0 -Down, $168/month. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-800843-7537. COMPLETELY REMODELED home for sale! Three bedroom, one bath, two car garage. 5417 Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Missouri, $70,000.00. 913-208-9881

FOR SALE: 4320 and 4324 Kensington. 4942 Olive. 9600 Sycamore. Call Bryant Real Estate. 816-523-1990 for more information



1999 As Low As



ROOMMATE R O O M M A T E NEEDED Retiree needs roommate to share home. This will include all amenities such as cable television and utilities paid, shared bath, $350.00 monthly. For more information call 816-4055730

816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

Credit Card FREE $5000 PrePaid

CALL 877-439-4643 ROOMS FOR RENT

ROOMS FOR rent, completely furnished with all utilities, locked gate, security cameras, cable television furROOMS FOR nished, shared bath, RENT $120.00 per week plus security deposit, 2622 SINGLE East 9th Street. 816SLEEPING Rooms. Utilities paid, 916-1349 $240.00 month. Leeds area. Stadium Drive/ END OF ROOMS Manchester. 816-365FOR RENT 8996 Thank you for keeping BEAUTIFUL HOME us going strong for 35 has one room left to rent. Not much time, years. We appreciate move in today, no de- each and everyone of posit. Call for details. you! Thrifty Nickel . 816-356-8790 816-372-2758

Digicom Satellite Serving The KC Metro Area

MISCELLANEOUS MEDIUM SIZE dog house, $35.00. 816358-7034 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 CAR WASH equipment, manual, five bay units, used, with 750,000 BTU boiler. Cell 816-289-9270 or 913-677-0322 KANSAS AND Missouri Conceal and Carry Classes. 913271-7642

MISCELLANEOUS WE GET car titles, nationwide! 816-7590963 www.klmservices.webs.com CRAFTSMAN 10 horsepower chipper/ shredder with Honda engine. Rockwell, six inch joiner. Craftsman, 12 inch wood lather with new tools. Torro snow blower, four antique dining chairs, one antique dining table with three leaves, two aluminum ladders, two small butane tanks, one Styler treadmill, four dining chairs on casters. 816-833-8961

MISCELLANEOUS TWO BURIAL lots, White Chapel Cemetery, two concrete vaults. For sale, $1,000.00 discount! For more information 816-453-5408 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID Best prices, free pickup. Call 816-2267576 GARAGE DOORS: Get ready for Winter, 8x7, 9x7, 16x7, $100.00 each. 913742-0485 DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-795-9329. REACH OVER 20 million homes nationwide with one easy buy! Only $2,395.00 per week for a 25 word classified! For more information go to www.naninetwork.com or call 1-816-356-8790 TRAIN FOR Medical Office Administration. Call anytime, daytime or evenings for information. 1-888-4707017 CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and affordable medications. Save upto 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-888-467-7085 ($25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping.) E A S Y H O M E LEASE to own, no credit checks, no down payment, delivered today! 816-836-1300 SIMPSON 3000 Powerwasher, 11 horsepower, USA made! $500.00 negotiable. 816-695-6918 COMBO VENDING Machine, snacks, candy, soda. Excellent condition. 913-4881770 CAMPER SHELL, Fiberglass, 2003 GMC short bed, $350.00. Also Equalizer hitch. 913-262-6927

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, cemetery headstones, granite, fair and affordable, $99.00. 816-833-5111 285 FEET, GrassGater Zip line, professional quality, USA made, $8.50, .095-24 Millimeter. 816-9669281 R E S P I R AT O R Y THERAPIST jobs are in high demand! Get the training quick! Concorde College. 1888-470-7017

JANITORIAL Contracting. Not a franchise. Equipment and $350.00 required. Call 816-421-2525 or visit our web site at www.townandcountrybuildingservices.com HALLMARK GIFT wrapping paper, assortment, 60 rolls, $2.00 each, two yards per roll. 816-966-9281 RENT TO own Amish built sheds! Quality material, quality construction. 816-4615119 DEER ANTLERS wanted! Call Charlie 816-372-7109 DOUBLE DEPTH lawn crypts. Prophets section, Mt. Moriah Cemetary, 105th and Holmes, Kansas City, Missouri. Now selling for $3,995.00. Asking $2,000.00. 816-3318863 A I R P L A N E S CESSMA, 172 RG 4X, fast, commuter, $55,000; STITS 2X LSA, $12,500.00. 816632-4867 PELLET STOVE, American Harvest, includes vase, pipes and 100 pounds of pellets, $750.00. 913-2992309 PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751 400 FOOT, Craftsman, trimmer line, USA made, .080 diameter, $13.00. 816-966-9281

THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790




HOT/ TUB/ Spa, Deluxe 2012 Model Neck jets, Therapy seat, never used, warranty, can deliver. Worth, $5,950.00, sell $1,950.00. 1-800-9607727



300 & UP




816-286-7292 816-309-5988 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING: INTERIOR/ exterior. Summer special $25.00 a room, labor only! 816315-7055 BARBECUE ON wheels, great for Chiefs fan, $275.00 negotiable. 816-809-9379 OFF SHORE Life Jacket, over 90 pounds, $15.00 negotiable. 816-966-9281 BICYCLE USED, Gary Fisher, $150.00. 816-349-7059 WANTED BUYING old/ unwanted chainsaws for parts/ repair, all brands. 913-6770320 4X8 HOMEMADE trailer with lights. Whirlpool washer, gas dryer. Monday thru Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 816-5078423 ASK ABOUT monthly specials and save on Conceal and Carry Classes now. 913-271-7642 NEED GOOD car around $1,000.00 for Elderly person. Must look and run good! 913-839-7271 DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! CALL TODAY & SAVE! 1-888-3146373 SNAP-ON MIG welder, tank and helmet. Paid $2,200.00 asking $500.00. 816252-8093 or 816-3378172 AFFORDABLE STEEL Discounted Garages from $2,265, Barns $5,670, RVports $1,885. FREE DELIVERY / SETUP NATIONWIDE. Financing! FREE Quotes: 800935-1939, SteelMan1939@live.com, AffordableSteelBuildings.biz COMPETITION? WE’LL BEAT IT OR EAT IT! AWNING FOR: RV, car hauler, horse trailer or your home. Also repairs. 816-898-8982, 816-650-5104

FOR SALE, two cemetery lots in One Veteran Field of Honor in beautiful Swan Lake. Privately owned, can transfer, Grain Valley. $5,000.00 for both or best offer. Call Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 816-4546942 UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 BASIC CABLE and internet deals! $29.99 per month Free HBO for 3 months Call Today 800-357-1334 CCW CLASS INSTRUCTION IN YOUR OWN HOME Private range, more information doubletap@comcast.net or 816-695-4320 SILVER, GOLD coins, on display, Main Street Mall Antiques 816-224-6400, and Bates City Antiques 816-690-8505. Call Jim 816-921-6232 HOME SECURITY System, Free, take over contract/ payments, Pinnacle! 816331-9290, 816-3927092

MUSICAL OLD GUITARS wanted! Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, Prairie State, Euphonon, Larson, D’Angelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos. 1930’s thru 1970’s Top cash paid! 1-800-401-0440 VOSE BABY Grand piano, with bench, good condition. 913383-2353 CASH REWARD, Old American Guitars. Paying $200-$30,000 for Gibson, Fender, Martin and Others. Call Dave. 1-800-646-7795

PETS GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, Sire Sch III, $500.00, AKC, shots, wormed. 816606-6506


PETS PUG- APSO- shifon: Toy pups, cash only. 1-660-253-4474 BLUE PIT pups, eleven weeks, ADBA, papers and shots. 816756-4161 MINIATURE PINSCHER, male, three years, housebroke, family pet, $50.00. 816-241-1923 RAGDOLL, HIMALAYAN, Persian, Maincoon, kittens $300.00. Serious inquires only! 816-3329030 PARROT, GREEN and gold with cage, 10 years old, $990.00. 816-286-7494

PETS APR REGISTERED Shih Tzu puppies. Eight weeks old. Shots and wormed, male $250.00, female $300.00. 1-785-7332699 PRESA CANARIO puppies, purebred with papers and shots, $450.00. Also mom $250.00 with papers. 913-999-1558 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, Sire Sch III, $500.00, AKC, shots, wormed. 816606-6506

PETS PETS FOR ADOPTION! Contact us for current adoptions. Help Humane Society, 511 Main Street, Belton Missouri, 816-3184 3 5 7 w w w. h e l p p e t s . o r g Adoption fee and application for adoption required. Tuesday- Friday 1:00 -8:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m.6:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00- 5:00 p.m. No kill Animal Shelter has wonderful pets available for adoption. Volunteer opportunities also available.

NEED A backyard building? Rent to own with no credit check! Delivering to all of Kansas. 913-441-0071 B A C K Y A R D SHEDS, low monthly payments, free delivery. Mention this ad for a free ramp! 816-4615119 BUILT BY Amish and Mennonite Craftsman, Backyard Buildi n g s . www.shedskc.com We deliver. 913-721-5313 24 FOOT portable storage box, nice roll up door, $1,475.00 cash. 816-718-2909

TRAILERS 16 FOOT stock trailer, 2000, H and S Gooseneck, tandem axle, good condition, $3,850.00. 816-2441176 or 816-369-2902 WANT TO BUY BUYING DIABETIC TEST STRIPS, up to $13.00, 100 count. Up to $7.00, 50 count, on major brands, unopened, unexpired. 1-800934-3473 extension 4413, local buyer CARS WANTED! PayMAX Car Buyers pays the MAX! One call gets you a TOP DOLLAR offer on any year, make or model car. 1-888-9-PAYMAX (1-888-972-9629)


WANT TO BUY DIABETIC TEST Strips Wanted. Any Type, Any Brand. Unexpired.Will pay up to $27 a box&shipping. Call T.S.C. 866-3682269 OLD GUITARS wanted! Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, Prairie State, Euphonon, Larson, D’Angelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos. 1930’s thru 1970’s Top cash paid! 1-800-401-0440


Having trouble getting your business up and booming? Call us! We’ll help you advertise your business or service, in our Directory, at a low cost that OLD CAR batteries. you can afford. Call Will pay $10.00 each. 816-356-8790 or visit Call Marcus, 816our website www.kc805-4462 nickel.com

PG. 12 • EAST EDITION • KANSAS CITY METRO ATV’S AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES WANTED OLD Amphibious, Six and Eight RUST REPAIR Wheelers. 913-208- parts: Rocker Panels, 1143 cab corners, Quarter 9620 East 350 AUTO PARTS Panels. Highway. 816-356TOP CASH FOR 7227 CARS. Call Now For A FIFTH WHEEL Instant Offer. Top Dol- hitch, undercarriage lar Paid, Any hitch, tonneau cover Car/Truck, Any Condi- short wheel base, fibertion Running or Not. glass cover long wheel Free Pick-up/Tow. 1- base, hitch and parts, 800-452-7729 tool box. 816-665-3552


816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012







COMMERCIAL VAN roof racks and shelving, $95.00. 913626-9308 1988 CHEVY Spectrum rebuilt. Fits other GM models, $250.00. 816-804-5177 NEW AND used tires, best selection and service. Cheap Tires And Service 816231-1200

USED TIRES, best selection and prices in town. Cheap Tires And Service 816-231-1200 GUARANTEED NEW/ used tires. All major brand and imports for passenger, light truck, medium truck and farm. Plus we deal! 913-682-3201, 913-441-4500

MIRRORS AND headlamps. 9620 East 350 Highway. 816-3567227

PARTING OUT: 2000 T-Top Camaro, wrecked, 3.8 motor, black leather, great parts! 816-924-0477

AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE connection for cars and trucks. All makes and models available, 100% guaranteed. 816-924-0477

ENGINE 2004 Ford 5.4 Triton, V-8, six month warranty, $975.00. 816-9240477

E N G I N E S , N O R T H S TA R , Cadillacs, 19932010, six months warranty. ASE Installation available. 816924-0477

E N G I N E CHEVROLET 383 Stroker, Edelbrock, Chromed, Carb double- pumper. Complete $850.00! 816924-0477


TRANSMISSION ENGINE 2003 C O N N E C T I O N , Chevrolet, 2.2 Intech, foreign and domestic, solid performance, solid guaranty. 816$750.00. 816-924- 924-0477 0477 DASH CAPS and pickup door panels. 9620 East 350 Highway. 816-356-7227

99 Warranty

as as low l ow as as


nt h o M 18 00 Mile ,0 8 1 ON O N ALL VEHICLES SOLD! So You Can Drive With Confidence! YEAR / MAKE / MODEL


00 Ford Focus............................. 03 Ford Crown Victoria............... 03 Dodge Neon............................ 05 Chevy Classic ........................ 04 Pontiac Gran Prix................... 03 Ford Windstar........................ 06 Ford Taurus............................ 06 Ford Taurus............................ 01 Ford Expedition...................... 02 Ford Explorer......................... 04 Chrysler PT Cruiser................ 04 Ford Taurus............................ 04 Pontiac Montana.................... 05 Ford Taurus............................ 08 Chrysler PT Cruiser................ 06 Dodge Stratus........................ 07 Chevy Aveo............................. 05 Chevy Cavalier.......................

$99 $99 $99 $99 $99 $99 $99 $99 $99 $99 $99 $99 $719 $719 $719 $719 $719 $719

$55 $60 $65 $65 $65 $70 $70 $70 $75 $75 $75 $75 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80



05 Chrysler PT Cruiser................ $719 07 Ford Taurus............................ $749 07 Chrysler PT Cruiser................ $749 05 Chrysler Town & Country....... $749 07 Chrysler PT Cruiser................ $749 07 Mercury Monterey................. $749 08 Ford Crown Victoria............... $749 05 Chrysler PT Cruiser................ $749 05 Pontiac Grand Am.................. $839 05 Ford Taurus............................ $839 05 Dodge Durango...................... $839 06 Ford Fusion............................ $839 04 Ford Explorer......................... $1000 09 Pontiac Vibe........................... $1000 05 Gmc Envoy ............................. $1000 04 Ford Explorer......................... $1500 03 Dodge Ram Pickup................. $1500 08 Chevy Impala......................... $1500

$80 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $105 $105 $105


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AUCTIONS NEW FLOORING MATERIAL AUCTION! Submit sealed bids by Tues., Aug 21, at 12:00 PM EDT. Over $1MM+ in BRAND NEW flooring material manufactured by Mannington Mills! All materials were inventory of former Mannington Mills distributor, and will be sold as two lots; can be sold separate or in combination. For more information, a COMPLETE list of inventory in the auction, images, and bidding instructions, please visit w w w. K e y A u c t i o n eers.com or call (855) 353-1100.

CARS ARE YOU tired of false promises of getting financed into a car just to get rejected? We will finance anyone who walks through our doors. I guarantee it or I will give you $5,000.00! Maybe not a brand new car, but a quality used auto that will get you back and forth to work! Call us at 816-483-0800 for all the details 2000 CHRYSLER Cirrus, nice air, clean, $2,000.00. 18 and 20 inch rims $450.00, two motor scooters $400.00 both. 816337-5832 2007 FORD Taurus SEL, guaranteed financing. Call 816-3586500 PRIVATE BIDDING for Tiger Financial. Call 816-931-0984 for bidders application, must have ID, or come by: 3947 Main Street. Vehicles are shown 1:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Thursdays. Marie 2004 GRAND Prix, 148,000 miles, runs and drives, needs a little work, Mechanics dream! Asking $3,300.00. 913-3758146 2003 SUBARU Forester X, all wheel drive, ready for winter. 816-420-8806 2005 CHEVROLET Trailblazer, sitting on 22 rims, clean. Call 816-444-3335 1998 FORD Crown Victoria, nice and clean, four door, owner says finance it! Payments from $40.00. Call 816-483-0802 for information 1994 TOPAZ for $850.00. 816-3334947 CARS, TRUCKS, vans, $3,000.00$12,000.00, heartlandmotorskc.com or call us 816-353-8900

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1995 HONDA Civic, four cylinder, five speed, new timing belt, $2,950.00. 816-3538900 2001 FORD Taurus, runs good, asking $1,500.00. 816-4472165 2002 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo, low miles, 12 month warranty. Financing available. 816420-8806 2002 CHEVY Monte Carlo SS, low miles, leather, loaded. 816420-8806 2002 CROWN Victoria, low mileage, runs great, eight cylinder, $3,000.00 or best offer. 816-392-8453 before 5:00 p.m. 816-2550406 after 5:00 p.m. 1956 FORD Fairlane Sedan, 2 door post, 312, V8, automatic. Good shape, clear Missouri title, $4500.00. 816-617-1127 2004 CHEVROLET Cavalier, four door, gas saver, low miles. Payments as low as $85.00 weekly. We’ll finance your job is your credit! 816-420-8806 2000 CADILLAC Sedan Deville, luxury all the way, very nice car, moon roof, all the options, we will finance anyone, your job is your credit! Call us now at 1-877-483-9666 GAS SAVER! 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier, four door, four cylinder, 116,000 miles, $3,950.00. 816-3538900 2002 CHEVY Impala, front wheel drive, nice! 913-788-8970 1996 CADILLAC, Calico Green, super clean, runs great. Beat $4,500.00! 816-2949896 1999 LEXUS RX300 Crossover SUV, this think is loaded, Golden Color, very well taken care of, I will finance anyone. Call me at 1-877-4839666 for more information 2006 CHEVY HHR, retro styling, fun to drive, 913-788-8970 12 MONTH Warranty, in house financing available! Job is your credit. 816-4208806 1994 TOYOTA Tercel, runs, ugly, $225.00. 913-6269308 1994 LINCOLN Continental, new transmission, good motor, new shocks and springs, wrecked on right side and front, $2,000.00. 816-2332622 or 816-390-6819

2007 CHEVROLET Malibu, four door, automatic, must see, low down payments and low monthly payments. 816-420-8806 1973 IMPALA, four door, runs sweet, needs paint, $1,500.00. 816-9215225 REPO CARS for sale, under $2,000.00. Also, full line of cars with warranties, will finance. Call KC Title Loans, Call 816-4834855 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2004 Impala, great shape, $500.00 down drives away. 816-8475111 Others available at Instantcreditautosales.net 1999 VOLKSWAGEN Passat, really a nice little car, automatic, sunroof, owner will finance with $600.00 down. Call 816-483-0800 2005 FORD Focus, 2x4, front wheel drive, automatic, gas saver. 816-420-8806 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, GTP, sporty. 913-788-8970 1993 MERCURY Convertible, stick shift, runs and looks great, two Mazda motors, two tops, hard and soft, $2,700.00. 816-6066506 1991 BUICK Century, runs good, driven every week, 82,785 miles, $1,500.00. 816743-9635 MUST SELL. 1997 Towncar Signature Series, clean. 1995 Towncar, clean. Missouri. 913-231-0800 BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. Call Now 1-866-780-9040; www.RXHP.com

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2002 CHEVROLET Silverado LT 1500, extra nice. 913-232-7487 2006 EXPLORER V-6, 4x4, tow package, like new, $8,500.00. 816-353-8900 1999 JEEP Wrangler, fun to drive! Won’t last. 816-420-8806 2004 CHEVROLET Trailblazer, like new. Call Darin Call 816358-6500 2007 FORD Escape XLT, V-6, automatic. 816-420-8806

1996 FORD Ranger, Bright Red, step side, automatic, all options, will finance anyone, payments from $45.00 weekly. 1-877-4839666 2005 FORD F150, four door, super clean, everything you can imagine on this truck, owner will finance regardless of credit. We have a whole city block of cars to choose from, down payments from $395.00. Your job is your credit. 816-4830800 for information 2002 DODGE Ram 1500, four wheel drive, perfect truck. Call 816358-6500 2006 VOLVO Triaxle Dump truck, 127,000 miles, $90,000.00. 913-2790400

WILL FINANCE all, bad credit okay, with low down payments. 816-420-8806

CARS MOTORCYCLE 2005 HONDA Civic WANTED JAPANEX, great on gas. Call ESE MOTORCYDarin 816-358-6500 CLES KAWASAKI: Z1KZ900, KZ1000, CLASSIC CARS 900, Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, GS400, 1973 CADILLAC GT380, (1969-75) Coupe, hardtop, low CB750, Cash-Paid, Nationmiles, one owner, very good condition, interior wide-Pickup, 1-800like new, $8,500.00. 772-1142, 1-310-721TRUCKS 0 7 2 6 . 816-225-0373 1928 BUICK two usa@classicrunners.c 2005 DODGE Ram 1500, extended cab, door sedan for sale. om SLT, extra clean. Buy Call 913-299-8801 RV’S here, pay here, job is MOTORCYCLE 1999 TRADEWIND your credit. 816-420Diesel pusher 300 8806 HARLEY, HONDA, horsepower Caterpillar 2000 CHEVY SilverYamaha, Ducati, sev- engine with turbo, only ado, long bed, low eral in stock, time to 61,000 miles, excellent miles, 4x4. 913-788buy. 816-420-8806 condition, must see, 8970 TRUCK SALE 2006 HARLEY only $44,500.00. 8161995 Ford Ranger, five 20,250 miles, looks 589-4679 speed, 123,000 miles, new, black, Street SUV’S $2,200.00. 1998 Chevy Glide, $14,500.00. S10, five speed, 2001 FORD Excur816-225-8493 sion Limited, looks and 210,000 miles, with shell, 1984 HONDA V45 drives like new. Call camper $1,600.00, offers acMagna, 700cc, excel- 913-428-7565 cepted. Call Mr. Bass lent condition, runs 2004 CHEVY Blazer 913-375-8146 great, $1,800.00. 816- LS, Sport, 4x4. 9132002 DODGE Ram 836-3085 788-8970 1500, four wheel drive, 1997 HARLEY 1999 NISSAN perfect truck. Call 816Davidson, Road King, Pathfinder SUV, 4x4, 358-6500 financing available, needs some work, but bad credit okay. 816- only $500.00, it is well worth it. It does run. 420-8806 Call 1-877-483-9666 WANTED DIRT 2001 FORD ExcurBIKES, sion Limited, looks and Street bikes, and drives like new. Call ATV’s, running or not. I 913-428-7565 pay cash and will pick up. Donnie 816-217- 1996 CHEVROLET Blazer, runs and goes, 8542 green, needs a little 2004 SUZUKI Ma- work, 4x4, automatic, rauder 1600cc, will fi- only $800.00, full price. nance. Bad credit 816-483-0800 okay!, Low down payNO CREDIT ments. 816-420-8806 CHECK OWNER WANTED JAPANFINANCE ESE Motorcycle 2002 Explorer Sport, Kawasaki 1967-1980 black, SUV, low down Z1-900, KZ900, payment. 816-847KZ1000, ZIR, 5111 Others available KZ1000MKII, W1-650, at InstantcreditautosH1-500, H2-750, S1- ales.net 250, S2-350, S3-400 2001 CHEVY Suzuki GS400, GT380, Tahoe, 4x4, V-8, towing CB750 Cash paid. package. 913-788Free National pickup. 8970 1-800-772-1142, 1- 2007 FORD Escape 3 1 0 - 7 2 1 - 0 7 2 6 XLT, 4x4, extra clean, usa@classicrunners.c must see. Will finance, om buy here, pay here. KZ900 1976, loud 816-420-8806 and fast, excellent con- 1997 JEEP Grand dition, overhauled mo- Cherokee, V-6, power, tor, $3,750.00 816-304- moon roof, $3,750.00. 1292 816-353-8900



VEHICLE REPAIR & SERVICES AUTO REPAIR tune up, electrical diagnostics, clutches, CV axles, wholesale prices, save on repairs. 816-781-1100 FREE OIL changes for the life of your loan! Check out our inventory at myautostartusa.com QUALITY AUTO repair service, wholesale prices, save. 816-781-1100 YOUR CAR got the shakes? Alignments starting at $49.99, 4412 Truman Road. 816-231-1200 FULL SERVICE Auto repair, honest work at fair prices. Cheap Tires And Service 816-231-1200 WHOLESALE AUTO transmission repair prices, save on repair. 816-781-1100

NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2005 Town And Country, great for family. 816-847-5111 Others available at Instantcreditautosales.net 1997 CHEVROLET Astro, mini van, great for family, runs and goes, it does need some work, only $550.00. Call us at FREE OIL changes 816-483-9666 when you buy a car from from Autostart VEHICLE USA! Mention this ad REPAIR for more information 1& SERVICES 888-888-1292 WE DO brakes, full Keep it local: Thrifty service auto repair, Nickel. Buy, sell, rent, 4412 Truman Road. service, trade. 816356-8790 816-231-1200

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EDUCATION WORK ON Jet Engines. Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified, job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-866854-6156 LOCAL HELP WANTED KENNEL HELP wanted: Full time, part time. Call 8:00 a.m.Noon. 816-333-5050 AVON CHANGING lives. Just $10.00. Free business tools. 816220-2866 STUDY 4922 qualified volunteers could receive up to $4,370.00. Quintiles 913-894-5533 LOOKING FOR six people part time by August 24th, $400.00 work bonus. 816-6740878 PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751 LICENSED EXPERIENCED Barbers and Beauticians needed! Reasonable booth rent, start immediately! Regular cash flow. Contact 816-3046906



FULL TIME general maintenance position available. Experience and valid Drivers License required, Manchester Village Mobile Home Park, 3210 Crystal Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. 816-921-2600 AVON INDEPENDENT Sales Representative Flexible hours, financial growth. Call 816-277-2257 NEED RN with five years experience, part time, $35.00 hour. ACS 816-333-2020 SEVEN MARKETING people needed, will train! Come Saturday morning 10:00 a.m. at 1734 East 63rd Street, Kansas City, Missouri Suite 207. Willie Gilbert Trainer. Ask for Chrissy, 913575-6102 Think local, buy local, be local. Preserve our community. Place an ad, browse the Business Service directory for some of the areas finest, shop for a vehicle, look for an employee, all this can be accomplished with Thrifty Nickel. Your middle man for 35 years. 816-356-8790

NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.

NOW HIRING: Companies Desperately Need Employees to Assemble Products at Home. No Selling, Any Hours. $500 Weekly Potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 Dept. NT5906 DRIVERS: MAKE $63,000.00yr or more, New $2,500.00 Driver Referral Bonus & $1,200.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! CDL-A OTR Exp. Req. Call Now: 1-888-6351678 $1,380 WEEKLY guaranteed. Stuff envelopes at home. FT/PT. No experience necessary. Deposit required, refundable. 1888-206-2616

816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT ACTORS/ MOVIE Extras needed immediately! $150.00$300.00/ day depending on job. No experience, all looks needed. 1-800-561-1762 Extension A-104 MYSTERY SHOPPERS needed! Earn up to $150.00 per day. Undercover Shoppers needed to Judge Retail and Dining Establishments, experience not required. Call now 1888-380-3513 DRIVERS: CO & OWNER-OP’s Excellent Pay/ Home Weekly Free Plate program. No Upfront Costs. PrePass Plus Tolls Paid Regional or Long Haul. CDL-A, 2yrs exp. 866-946-4322 GET PAID AND TRAVEL TODAY! $500 Sign-on Bonus! Adventurous Fun Environment. Commision Sales. Seeking Motivated Guys/Gals. Jan 888-361-1526 PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751



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GULLY TRANSPORTATION. CDL A - 1 Year Exp. Regional Van Positions. Home EVERY WEEKEND. Benefit Package + Bonus! Call Andrew! 800-566-8960 Keep it local: Thrifty Nickel. Buy, sell, rent, service, trade. 816356-8790

THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790





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NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.

$2500 SIGN on Bonus. Solo & Teams wanted. E-Z & Pre Passes provided. Assigned equipment. No slip seating. Hogan. Call Ben today. 866275-8839 or 800-4446 0 4 2 . w w w. h o g a n 1 . c o m http://hogan1.com DRIVERS - Heavy Haul O/O’s $2500 sign-on bonus! Up to 78% of freight bill plus FSC! CDL- A. 2 yrs exp hauling oversize freight req. 1-800-835-9471 ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800313-6308 for casting times/locations. A101

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DONATIONS A-1 DONATE your car! Breast Cancer Research Foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax deductible/ fast free pick up. 1-800-771-9551 www.cardonationsforbreastcancer.org DONATE YOUR car to Children’s Cancer Fund of America and help end Childhood Cancer. Tax deductible. Next day towing, receive vacation voucher. Seven days 1-800469-8593 SINGLES WOULD LIKE to meet a nice looking lady, 18 to 35, small and tall or short and small, light skinned or dark. I am self employed. 816-679-5546 MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-877-810-1088 MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-877-737-9447 Do you use our paper for your advertising needs? You can also visit us on our website, and place your ad 24 hours a day, any day of the week. www.kcnickel.com


AIR CONDITIONERS THEFT PROTECTION Prevent theft of air conditioning unit. Also do handrails, security bars, fence, gates. Free estimates. Call 816-606-5968

AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE R22 FREON FOR SELL 30 pound canisters, ES R-22A. No change out, drop in and mix! Get it while it lasts! $135.00 each! Air Conditioning repairs available! 816522-5732 LEPAGE HEATING & Cooling: Residential Service and repair, $35.00 trip charge, repair estimates/ flat rate. 816-589-2641 RESIDENTIAL HEATING and cooling, installation and repair, freon recharging, free estimates. SEC Heating And Cooling. 816582-0612 KEEP COOL! Air conditioning service and installation. Hot water tank service and installation. Plumbing and electrical repair. 913-689-5845 or 816405-8194 FURNACE AND Air Conditioning, be comfortable this winter. We’ll service or repair your furnace or install a new furnace. Ductwork done also. We do it all reasonably. Credit cards accepted. C.M.S. 816-923-7700 Kansas City. 816-2601689 cellular. comfortsvcs@sbcglobal.ne t SERVICE CALLS, BEST RATES IN TOWN! Clean and service only $49.95. All makes and models. Commercial/ residential. Call for best price on air conditioners/ furnaces. Major credit cards accepted. Call Fry’s GT Heating and Cooling Service. 816-254-4284. www.frysgt.com SAVE MONEY: Air Conditioning repair and installation. Fast Service. Call Carl, 816-3636639, 816-522-5732 mobile. RAYS AIR Conditioning Service. Residential, $55.00 service call, 20 years experience! Call Ray today! 816820-9758 RUSH HEATING And Cooling, $50.00 service call, freon $20.00 per pound. All Air conditioning repairs and replacement available if needed. 20 years experience. 816353-8600 call now

AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE USED/ NEW air conditioners, with warrantee, starting at $500.00 installed. All brands. Commercial, residential. Free estimates. Cash or money order only. 816-728-7161 FURNACE MAN/ Air Conditioning Service, clean burners, heat exchanger, calibrate monoxide test, and leak repair, only $39.95. Call Lee, 816361-3766

APPLIANCE REPAIR MACK’S APPLIANCE Repair. Washers, dryers, hot water heaters, air conditioners, stoves, furnaces, plumbing, refrigerator, electrical work and more. Call Mack 816807-2778, 816-6919657 ALL APPLIANCE repair. Most service calls $45.00. Central air repair, water heater, labor and material, $250.00, furnace repair. Dale 816-3497795 SAVE MONEY with repairs, AIR CONDITIONER, stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, electrical, plumbing, hot water heaters. Certified Technician. Carl, 816-3636639, 816-522-5732 CHRIS AFFORDABLE Repairs! Washers/ dryers and stoves! 816-363-9089

ASPHALT AL STRUTTON Construction, asphalt and paving: Commercial, residential; patching seal coating, curbs, sidewalk, steps. We do it all. 816-352-6688 cellular ABC ASPHALT residential and commercial. Driveways, parking lots, hot crack filling, chip and seal, overlays. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 816-453-0508 BEAUTIFUL ASPHALT driveways, quality work at a fair price, 35 years experience, work guaranteed, senior citizen discount. 913-621-3990, 913-486-6175 mobile

ATTORNEY AFFORDABLE LAWYER: Traffic, Criminal and Bankruptcy. 816-479-5297 $99.00 DIVORCE $99.00 Simple, uncontested, plus costs. Other services available. Don Davis 816-531-1330


ATTORNEY BANKRUPTCY, Worker’s Compensation, Traffic including DUI, DWS, Personal Injury. Attorney Rocky Cannon, 6111 Blue Ridge Boulevard, Raytown 816-353-0009 DIVORCE, BR Law Office, Frank Brown, 819 Walnut, Kansas City, Missouri. Debt relief agency filing bankruptcies. 816-421-2435 FREE!!! Initial consultation, traffic tickets, DWI/ DUI, Municipal Court, reasonable rates. 816806-6060 B. Jerome Wheeler TRAFFIC/ DWI bankruptcy, general practice. Mention ad for special discount. Jennifer Benedict Law Office 816-2529400 B A N K R U P T C YMENTION this ad for $100.00 discount! I-70 and Noland Road. Attorneys Brett Burmeister and Mark Gilmore 816-373-5590 www.DebtHelpKC.com

AUCTION SERVICES BUY THE car you want cheap! At dealers cost! $300.00 above auction price. Broker 816-446-0348 fair_deal_auto@yahoo.com

AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE WHY PAY shop rates? Certified Automotive Service Technician, Diagnostic Specialist. Foreign and domestic, reasonable rates, your place or mine. 816-682-3734

AUTOMOTIVE CHEAP CARS and trucks under $2,000.00. Call 816446-0348 or email fair_deal_auto@yahoo.com

BARBER/ BEAUTY SERVICES LICENSED EXPERIENCED Barbers and Beauticians needed! Reasonable booth rent, start immediately! Regular cash flow. Contact 816-3046906

BASEMENT WALLS, WATERPROOFING, stucco, houses, chimneys, retaining walls. 45 years experience, references. Complete home A to Z. Gary 913-2628860, Mark 816-8104581

BOBCAT TOP SOIL, gravel delivery, small excavation and demolition, brush removal, dependable, reasonable rates, prompt service. Kansas City Area only. 816-453-4013 GRAVEL MAN Gravel delivery, excavating, hauling, concrete tearout, sewer lines repaired, footings dug, bobcat, back hoe, dump truck. 816-7612382 CARPET CLEANING CARPET/ UPHOLSTERY cleaning. $15.99 room, two room minimum. 25 years experience. Free deodorizing. Sealer/ pet odor. 816-803-2272 cellular CARPET/ FURNITURE cleaning, Two rooms/ hall $40.00, pet/ stain removal included. Truck mounted system. 15 years experience. Licensed/ insured. 816-590-5073 CARPET DEEP Steam cleaning: I use powerful truck mounted machine, two rooms $50.00, three rooms or more $20.00 per room, $2.00 per stair. 816-674-4147 cellular

CLEANING SERVICES BJ’S CLEANING Service: We do final cleans for apartments/ construction/ rehabs. We also clean offices/ Sanitize/ basements any size. 816-2146326 KENYA’S KLEANING homes, apartments, town homes or offices. Also offer Make Ready cleaning for construction/ rehab. Call Kenya at 816-8789756 WE CLEAN Basements, garages, yards, rental properties. No job too big or small. We do it all! Bonded/ Insured. 816-728-7997


INFINITY COMPUTER Solutions. We solve all your computer needs at a fraction of the cost of other places. Computer sales, computer repair, computer classes, and we specialize in computer clean up. We will beat or match any ones prices. 816-5611239 WINDOWS COMPUTER problems, desktoplaptop, CARPET $40.00 per hour, menINSTALLATION tion this ad for $20.00 per hour. Certified techKENNY’S CARPET nician, used computService. Installation, ers. 816-220-3212 repairs and reCONCRETE stretches. PADDING TOLEFREE CEAVAILABLE six pound, 1/2”, 32¢ MENT Finishing. Licensed, bonded, insquare foot. 35 years experience. Call Kenny sured. Specialize: flat work, driveways, baseWilkins, 816-332-9500 ments, patios, steps. 40 years experience CEMETERY and free estimates. FOR SALE, ceme- 913-334-4526 tery headstones, gran- C O N C R E T E ite, fair and affordable, WORK, steps, drives, $99.00. Frisbie Monu- walks, floors, foundaments, 816-833-5111 tion repairs, straightened, braced. Walls reCHILD CARE paired. Rock, block. CHILD CARE my 816-838-4390 home, Monday- Friday, CONCRETE 66th College Avenue, ALL Kansas City, Missouri. Inc. Specializing in patios, 816-256-4727. Not hir- driveways, ing. State welcome steps, walks, stamped. 24/7 CHILDCARE Commercial/ residenjust off 350 Highway in tial for all your concrete Raytown. Infants needs. Senior dis$75.00, Toddlers counts. 816-589-6828 $100.00. Meals and CONCRETE WORK snacks provided. 816- Drives, steps, patios, 353-4832, References walks. Licensed and CHILD CARE: Pro- Insured. 40 years exviding a clean, safe, perience. George Higlearning environment. ginbotham. 913-262Affordable, licensed 4265 and reliable, Kansas CONCRETE City, Missouri. 913- Driveways, patios, 593-9344 walks, steps, retaining CHILD CARE, days, walls, stoops, baseState openings. ment, foundation reKindergarten prep. pair, sump pumps, Meals. Ages one- four. drainage problems, no I-70 and 23rd Street. job too small. 816-4443912 816-231-5916

816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND commercial, new construction, demolition, additions, remodeling, electrical, plumbing, siding, windows, decks, kitchens and baths. Free estimates with construction professional. Licensed/ Insured. 913-940-8164 DECKS DECKS- N- MORE Kitchens, Islands, Baths, Tile, Trim work, Painting, Lighting and more. Free estimates! (Call me first!) 816896-2926


ENTERTAINMENT PREMIER PARTY bus! Three, four and five hour specials! Our party bus has full service restroom amenities. Visit us at www.premierkcpartybus.com 913-230-7262 EXCAVATION PONDS, CLEARING terraces. Free estimates. Bryson Excavating 816-801-9944

EXTERMINATOR COCKROACHES/ LAS Cucarachas, $64.00. Bedbugs/ chinches, $275.00. Guaranteed. Will come back with no cost till all are gone. 913-2693369

FENCES FENCES AND decks installed. Wood, chain link, and iron. Also repairs of all types of BAER CUSTOM fencing. Call 913-745deck, fence and patio 5216 covers. 20 years expeFINANCIAL rience. Free estimates, quality work, affordable FINANCIAL prices. 816-606-6506 PROBLEMS Solve them with afDENTAL fordable, personal or business loans. Excellent terms. Fast approvals. Pre qualify NEW/ REPLACE- with no obligations. MENT, Partials and Call: Union Funding Dentures. Must have Solutions LTD, today both Medicare, Medi- at 1-800-517-6680 caid, also CIP Plus, FLOORING Zero, co-pay. Now taking appointments. SANDING/ REFINThe Paseo Dental ISHING, hardwood Center, Dr. W.D. Bai- floors. Give your floors ley. 816-924-1190, that new look again for 4301 Paseo Boule- a reasonable price. Dependable and reliable. vard 913-575-4491 DRYWALL FOUNDATION REPAIR MAG ENTERPRISES RISIN’ SHINE! It’s SINCE 1960 fixin’ time! Textures removed or foundation Early bird the best changed, drywall deals! Callgets now for free hanging or finishing, estimate, and wardrywall and plaster ranted work at fair repair, knock down prices! Most home retexture, wall skim- pairs also available. ming, interior paint- 816-482-6892 ing. Free estimates. R E N O V A T I O N S Licensed and in- F O U N D A T I O N sured. All work guar- Service. Water probanteed. Mark Gra- lems, house settling, ham, owner. basement walls, poor grade, cracks, mud 816-537-8787 jacking. We can fix it all! 913-238-7060 ELECTRICAL GUTTERING ELECTRICIAN SEAMLESS GUTRepair - replace. Work TERS, screening for guaranteed. Senior cit- tops of gutters, fascia izens discount. We ac- and soffit repair. Keep cept Mastercard, Visa rain out and away from home. 913-400-2483 and Discover. 913-856-3888 HANDYMAN 816-753-3888 ELECTRICIAN, REDENNIS SVAGLIC TIRED, old or new, 30 years, skilled craftsprompt and courteous man. Tree trimming, service. Licensed, Mis- quality siding, winsouri, Kansas, Inde- dows, painting, plumbpendence. Reasonable ing, electrical, carpenestimates. 816-361- try. Dedicated to home 1234 owners. 816-423-1213

HANDYMAN HOME REPAIR and handyman service, carpentry, sheet rock, framing, painting, demolition’s, plumbing, masonry, vinyl tile, ceramic. Free estimates, service so excellent you call us again and again. Call Gordon 816-352-6464 CHRISTIAN PROFESSIONAL Handyman Service. Plumbing, carpentry, painting, bathroom/ basement remodeling, fences, decks, discounts. Guaranteed. Free estimates, reasonable. Licensed, insured. Bill 816-769-5022 NO HACK JOBS! I will totally remodel your kitchen, bathroom, electrical, plumbing, decks, etcetera. Best rates in town! Call Caz 816-668-7179 CRAIG’S HOME Painting and repairs. Interior/ exterior. Also appliance repairs. No job too small. References, free estimates. 816-606-8857 leave message HANDYMAN SERVICE, HVAC, carpentry, painting, plumbing, electrical, kitchens, baths, siding and windows. Licensed. 816214-7365 cellular HANDYMAN, MIDTOWN Kansas City, Missouri. Exterior and interior painting, plumbing, concrete, landscaping and more. Very reasonable. Free estimates! Neal 816405-1959 LIGHT TREE trim and small take downs, hedges, carpentry, decks, recreation rooms, garage cleaning, yard work. Ruff and Dave’s. 816-5063187 HAULING FREE SCRAP metal hauling for Kansas City. Other hauling also. Residential, business. Cheap rates, fast service. 816-716-6408 WILMORE MOVING and Hauling Pickup truck load $98.00. Appliances, free pickup. Basement, clean out garage, grass cutting, yard clean up. 816-6795546 HUGHES HAULING AND DEMOLITION Clean up garages, basements, trash, junk, brush. Also small demolitions. 816-536-7589 Terence S&G HAULING clean out buildings, basement, garages, brush, apartment units, and light hauling. Free scrap metal pickup. Yard mowing. Call cellular 816-337-7131 Sal


THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790

HAULING DEPENDABLE HAULING Demolition, bobcat work, brush, appliances, junk, basements, clean up. Top soil. Residential /commercial. Insured. Free estimates. Greater Kansas City area. 816-453-4013 MURRAY’S SERVICES: Handyman, hauling, cleanouts, cleanups, plumbing, remodeling of all types, fences, discounts, guaranteed. Licensed. 816-590-8498 CHEAPEST HAULING garage/ basement cleaning, brush/ tree work. No job too small or large. Free estimates, fast service. 913-396-3998, 816965-8494 JOHN’S HAULING, Brush, trash, House clean out, basement clean out, all scrap hauling, free estimates. Call 816-536-1029 GRAY’S HAULING, clean outs and demolition’s, clean garages, basement, or trash, brush, haul appliances, tree trimming and tree removal. Lowest price in town. Senior citizen discount. 816-8135122 cellular 816-9245960

HOME IMPROVEMENT REMODELING & REPAIR HANDYMAN All types of Remodeling! Plumbing, Siding, Windows, Painting. Ron 816-304-6374, 30 years experience SWIFT HOME Improvement. Roofing, siding, windows, foundation repairs, sidewalks, plumbing, flooring and more. Licensed and insured! Call: 816399-8055 or 1-660464-1809

HOME MAINTENANCE REMODELING/ HOME Repairs. 30 years of experience. Fully equipped for home repair, or complete remodeling call Rick. Cell: 816-7864820

INSURANCE AFFORDABLE HEALTH Insurance! Zero deductible! Benefits includes: Hospitals, Medical, Outpatient Services, 24 hour accident protection. Call for free quote 816-7217793


QUALITY LAWN Care! Why pay more? Hauling, mowing, tillHEATING & ing, tree trimming, yard COOLING clean up, basement up. 816-405MY FAVORITE clean 8194 or 913-689-5845 Heating and Air Conditioning Guy! If you’re LAWN MOWER not careful, he just SERVICES might become your favorite too! Jeremy 816- DON’S MOWERS: 379-2026 Sales, repair, service. Most Models, push, HEATING AND self propelled, riders. COOLING Good used mowers. Installation/ repair/ re- Pick up and delivery. placement. Work guar- 816-254-2968, 816anteed. Senior citizens 824-5394 discount. COOL WATER 913-856-3888 Lawnmower Repair will repair: Weed eaters, 816-753-3888 Blowers, Manual lawnHOME mowers, and various appliances for a HEALTH CARE small small fee! 816-4822104 PERSONAL CARE LAWN you can trust: Cooking, cleaning, grocery SERVICES shopping, run errands, personal GRASS CUTTING grooming, bathing, starting $19.00 up. companionship, doc- Trimming, mulching, cleanup yard, hauling tors appointments, bushes, clean baseadminister medi- ment. Free appliance cines. 816-724-9581 pickup. East, South, Grandview. 816-6795546 HOME



OVERSTOCK MUST sell: Riders $295.00, Push $69.50, WALKERS HOME Self Propelled $129.95, “Z” turn $495.00 up. REPAIR Prompt, courteous We trade. Guaranteed. service, for all your Raytown Lawnmower home repair needs. No 816-356-4460 job too small. Licensed LEGAL and insured. All work SERVICES guaranteed. Messages answered immediately, THE PERFECT SoVisa, Mastercard, lution! Legal ConsultaAmerican Express, tion, Redemption ServStop Mortgage Discover. 816-461- ices. foreclosures, foreclo1898 sure clean ups. 816AFFORDABLE RE- 446-7877 MODELING. ExperiMASONRY enced Bath and Kitchen Remodeling, MASONRY WORK Painting, Sheetrock, Brick, Block, Stone, Roofing. Call for Free Concrete, Chimneys, estimate. Milton 816- Walls. New and Old work repairs. Licensed 694-5139 cellular and Insured, 28 years experience. 816-2570385

MOBILE HOME SERVICE HOME IMPROVEMENT and Remodeling. Kitchens, Decks, Room Additions, Siding, Basements, Bathrooms, Handyman service, Windows. 816-291-2801. All major credit cards accepted

NEED MOBILE Home Service? We do it all! Heating and cooling, plumbing, electrical, any building needs. Tired of roof repairs? Call and ask about rubber roofing! We accept major credit cards. 816-254-4284. www.frysgt.com

MOVING LOWEST RATESGUARANTEED! Moving and Delivery. We’ll move you any time, day or night. Licensed, insured. Quality Moving 816785-9704, 816-7969636


T.O.T.L. RENOVATIONS PAINTING Carpentry, plumbing, electrical and make readies! Dependable fair pricing, efficient, professional. Licensed and insured. Accepting Visa/ Master Card. Anthony 816-226-9913 YOU’LL BE happy you called Dennis the Painter. Licensed, insured, 34 years experience, seniors/ investors appreciate my work, prices, honesty. 816-523-3554, 8166 8 2 - 7 6 6 4 facebook.com/pages/D e n n i s - T h e painter/221880541257 692 PRO FINISH Painting/ Remodel, interior, exterior painting. Sheetrock, texture, wallpaper, Vinyl, flooring, wood rot. Call John, for free estimate 816-820-5194 PACIFIC TEZZISLAR Painters. Family owned and operated since 1963. Residential, commercial, professional, affordable. Services in Florida, California, Missouri. Free estimates. Interior, exterior. Thank you. 1-323-698-5028 L&L SMITH Brothers Painting. Lowest prices. Free Estimates. Save 25% schedule now for spring! Exterior, starting at $999.00 including paint. 816506-8545 cellular

PLUMBING RELIABLE PLUMBING 20 years experience. Licensed plumber. Work guaranteed. $10.00 off with this ad. Discount to seniors. Reasonable rates. 913-856-3888, 816-561-2299 JOHN THE Plumber. All phases plumbing. Drain cleaning, Pex lines, new water and sewer lines. Call 816420-7732, 816-3490202 SHANE’S DRAINS Plumbing, for all your drain cleaning and plumbing needs. $10.00 off with ad, Senior Citizen discount. 913-788-5144, 913-596-1425 $10.00 OFF With Ad! Call Bob’s Root’r Service. Drain cleaning, video sewer inspection, plumbing repairs, sewer locating, hydrojetting. Credit cards accepted. 816313-0800, 913-2083541 www.bobsrooter.com MITCH’S PLUMBING, remodel, drain cleaning, work guaranteed. “We’ll get to the root of your problem”. 816-252-2363, cellular 816-365-6428 PDQ SERVICE for all your plumbing and drain problems. Give Pete a try before you call the big guys. 816461-7774

PLUMBING OLIVER’S PLUMBING and drains. Free estimates. Call anytime. Emergency service, truck in area daily. 816-356-3714 MIDTOWN SEWER Service. You plug-em, I snake-em. $50.00. Home maintenance, furnace, and electrical work, will do furnace work. 816-446-5409 MASTER PLUMBING. Residential repair, licensed master plumber. Work guaranteed. Senior citizen discount. Since 1936. 816-753-3888 913-856-3888 C O M P L E T E PLUMBING Services. Licensed. Sewers and waterlines, 24/ 7. Call 816-405-6924




STUMP REMOVAL, insured. Pricing by di- BETHEL 29 of Indeameter, estimates over pendence, Bethel the phone. 816-985- meetings the second 0409 and fourth Tuesday of TILE the month. 7:00 p.m. KENNY’S CE- meeting time at IndeRAMIC Tile. Installa- pendence Masonic tion and repairs. All Temple types of tiling done professionally and reason- AA MAY have saved able. 35 years experi- your life! Learn how. kcence. Call Kenny 816-471-7229 Wilkins, 816-332-9500 aa.org EAST MASONIC TOURS Lodge #630 meets at 7:30, first and third Tuesdays. Dinner on first Tuesday at 6:30. Member and visiting members welcome

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NOTICE Thrifty Nickel American Classifieds’s National Marketplace considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, although reporting inaccuracies can occur, consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. Know who you are doing business with. Find out all pertinent information and write it down, then it is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate Chamber of Commerce or the Local State Attorney General’s office before sending payment through the mail, giving out credit card information or checking account information. Never give out your social security number, bank account number, passwords or credit card number over the phone or internet, unless you are very sure of who you are doing business with. It’s illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For information about credit scams, write to the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580. Although persons and Companies advertising in this section are believed to be reputable, neither American Classifieds Want Ads, MidAmerica Publishing, Inc., American Classified Inc. or National Marketplace Advertising, nor any of its employed accept any responsibility whatsoever for their activities. To place an ad nationwide, call 816-356-8790 or visit American Classifieds On Line. http://www.americanclassifieds.com DRINK AND Enjoy the 2012 POSTAL POSIEMPLOYMENT Worlds Great Herbal TIONS. $13.00Federal 2012 POSTAL POSI- Teas. Experience 5000 $32.50+/hr. TIONS. $13.00- year old health secret. 1- hire/full benefits. No Ex866-528-4338. perience. Call Today 1$32.50+/hr. Federal 800-593-2664 Ext.114 hire/full benefits. No ExDIVORCE $99.00 perience. Call Today 1Make your wallet fatter! Covers Children, Cus800-593-2664 Ext.114 tody, Property & Debts. Sell your unwanted Uncontested. Satisfac- items in Thrifty Nickel! NATIONALS tion Guaranteed! Unlim- 8 1 6 - 3 5 6 - 8 7 9 0 , ited Customer Support. http://www.kcnickel.com HIGH SCHOOL PRO- Call 24/hrs. Free InforFICIENCY DIPLOMA! 4 mation! 1-800-250Week Program. FREE 8142. Brochure & Full Information. CALL NOW! 1-866562-3650 Ext. 55. www.southeasternhs.com PERSONAL LOANS up to $2,500! 98% approval rate! Must have checking or savings account to qualify. Cash within 24hrs. Call 1-800607-2890. ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800-313-6308 for casting times/locations. A101

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SALVAGE INSTANT CASH for junk automobiles top $$$ paid, free pick up seven days. 816-8362442 YES WE BUY VEHICLES Call to sell your junk wrecked or unwanted vehicles at 816-3491898

WANTED JUNK WANTED JUNK AUTOMOBILES cars! Dead or alive! $$$ $250.00 816-217-8040 AND UP! Must have title! Cash WANTED JUNK paid. Free tow, fast cars, running or not, service. 816-769- will remove, title a 3763 plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days $50.00- $500.00 a week. Cars with for junk cars, same day payday loans okay. pick up. 816-921-5225 816-813-5548

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SALVAGE WE PAY CASH For junk, wrecked, and unwanted vehicles. Call us. 816349-1898 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773 WANTED JUNK CARS LETS HELP EACH OTHER $$$ for junk cars and trucks! 816-315-7429 SELL YOUR car for CA$H right now! We pay top dollar for your junk and salvaged cars. For and instant quote Call now! 1-800419-3454 WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days a week. Cars with payday loans okay. 816-813-5548 CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773


SALVAGE GET CASH for your Junk, Damaged, or Salvaged car! Free car removal, plus top dollar for your unused and unwanted vehicles. Call Now! 1-800-3410939

WANTED JUNK AUTOMOBILES $250.00 AND UP! Must have title! Cash paid. Free tow, fast service. 816-7690960 CASH FOR junk cars, no title needed. 1-785-424-0542 or 913-238-0374 NEED FAST cash for that junk car? $200.00 and up paid. 816-461-4406, 816756-8003 PAY TOP dollar for cars running/ not, up $600.00. 913-5638100 FAST CASH FOR JUNK CARS $200.00 and up paid with or with out Title! 816-461-4406, 816756-8003 FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-6121196 CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-2867292 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773

Got something you Got something you really really want to sell? want to sell? Put it in front Put itofinthousands front of the faces of readers everyday in the of the faces of thousands of readers Call today to place your ad! everday in the THRIFTY NICKEL! Call Today To Place Your Ad!

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WE BUY junk cars, $300.00 and up, with/ without title. 816-4467644. I tow cars $25.00 and up. Rick CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198 SPEEDY CASH 4 junk cars. 816-2312163 $$$ CASH paid for junk cars and trucks $$$. Call 816-3982080 SPEEDY CASH 4 junk cars. 816-2312163 CA$H 4 Junk cars, we come to you. Call 1-800-533-9871

SALVAGE WE BUY Junk Cars! If you have a car you want to get rid of give us a call 816-8392693. We will be glad to take it off your hands


JUNK CARS WANTED 816-337-1100 BUYING JUNK No Title needed. cars only. Also hauling Cash paid. Anytime scrap, Discount towing. 816-506-2677 INSTANT CASH for WANTED JUNK junk automobiles top cars! Dead or alive! $$$ paid, free pick up seven days. 816-836816-217-8040 WE BUY junk: Cars, 2442 trucks, vans. Cash on the spot. 816-612-1196 $200.00- $400.00 Cash for junk automobiles! Same day service! No tow charges! WANTED JUNK 816-836-2442 cars and trucks, with WANTED JUNK or without title. 816cars or trucks, small 359-0916 operation, fast service. 816-803-0630 INSTANT CASH for CASH PAID for junk junk automobiles top cars and trucks. 816- $$$ paid, free pick up 836-0919 or 816-214- seven days. 816-8362557 2442 WE BUY junk cars. 816-305-8343 CASH FOR cars: All cars/ trucks wanted. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We come NEED EXTRA to you! Any Make/ CASH? Model. Call for instant $150.00 and up. Free offer. 1-800-864-5960 tow! Top dollar paid CASH LOW? Car for cars, trucks or got to go? Call We Pay vans, with or without and Haul! Ray 816- title. Free tow. 816517-6022 478-1240, 816-679I BUY junk cars and 6257 cellular trucks! Pay top $$$. CASH FOR JUNK 816-509-0544 CARS $250.00WE BUY junk: Cars, $1,000.00 trucks, vans. Cash on Any condition, top dolthe spot. 816-612-1196 lar paid, cash. Call FAST CASH for junk 913-909-4773 automobiles 816-217- SELL YOUR car for 8040 CA$H right now! We CASH 4 your junk pay top dollar for your rides! $300.00 and up! junk and salvaged Call us for all your junk cars. For and instant car needs. 816-309- quote Call now! 1-800419-3454 5988 CASH PAID! FREE TOW $150.00 and up! For junk cars, top dollar, with or without title. 816-478-1240, 816- JUNK CARS: No 679-6257 cellular one pays more. 816CARS/ TRUCKS 778-4473 wanted! Top $$$ paid! SPEEDY CASH 4 Running or not, all junk cars. 816-231years, makes, models, 2163 free towing! We’re Local! Seven days/ week. GET CASH for your Call toll free: 1-888- Junk, Damaged, or Salvaged car! Free car 416-2330 removal, plus top dollar GET HIGH dollar for for your unused and unwanted automobiles! unwanted vehicles. Free tow! Instant serv- Call Now! 1-800-341ice! 816-836-2442 0939



CASH FOR junk cars. Call Danny 816799-1312 or Wes 816-606-5287

NEED $$$ TODAY? Sell your unwanted vehicles! We’ll beat WANTED JUNK cars! Dead or alive! any other offer. Call 816-872-TOWS, 816816-217-8040 872-8697 WANTED JUNK cars! Dead or alive! 816-217-8040 WE BUY junk: Cars, trucks, vans. Cash on the spot. 816-612-1196 JUNK CARS WANTED 816-337-1100 No title needed. Cash paid. Anytime CASH FOR junk cars, no title needed. 1-785-424-0542 or 913-238-0374 PAY TOP dollar for cars running/ not, up $600.00. 913-5638100

I BUY junk cars, with or without titles, $150.00 and up. Please give me a call. 816-332-9526 FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-6121196 CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-2867292 WE BUY junk cars, $300.00 and up, with/ without title. 816-4467644. I tow cars $25.00 and up. Rick

CASH PAID! Today for your junk car! Seven days a week, must have title. Call for honest quote. 816-809-9937 $200.00- $400.00 Cash for junk automobiles! Same day service! No tow charges! 816-836-2442 WANTED JUNK cars or trucks, small operation, fast service. 816-803-0630 CASH PAID for junk cars and trucks. 816836-0919 or 816-2142557 WE BUY junk cars. 816-305-8343 I BUY junk cars and trucks! Pay top $$$. 816-509-0544 WE BUY junk: Cars, trucks, vans. Cash on the spot. 816-612-1196 FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-2178040 CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-3095988

WANTED JUNK cars and trucks, with or without title. 816359-0916 CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198 SPEEDY CASH 4 junk cars. 816-2312163 $$$ CASH paid for junk cars and trucks $$$. Call 816-3982080 CA$H 4 Junk cars, we come to you. Call 1-800-533-9871 CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198 WE BUY Junk Cars! If you have a car you want to get rid of give us a call 816-8392693. We will be glad to take it off your hands

I BUY junk cars, with or without titles, $150.00 and up. Please give me a call. 816-332-9526 CASH LOW? Car got to go? Call We Pay and Haul! Ray 816517-6022 CASH PAID! FREE TOW $150.00 and up! For junk cars, top dollar, with or without title. 816-478-1240, 816679-6257 cellular CASH FOR cars: All cars/ trucks wanted. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We come to you! Any Make/ Model. Call for instant offer. 1-800-864-5960

THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790



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Distributed Every Thursday

Your Classifieds Specialist

Vol. 35

No. 8

August 16, 2012

“LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED” A THRIFTY NICKEL WANT ADS PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTED EVERY THURSDAY IN DOUGLAS, JEFFERSON, JOHNSON, LEAVENWORTH, MIAMI & WYANDOTTE COUNTIES KANSAS Thrifty Nickel has helped my business grow in the last two years. I never miss a week. Tim T NICE COMPUTER, $99.00. 816-455-1600 GRAVELY ZT, 42 inch, zero turn mower, 2010 Model, very good condition, $1,600.00 negotiable. Tim 816853-9018 CAR WASH equipment, manual, five bay units, used, with 750,000 BTU boiler. Cell 816-289-9270 or 913-677-0322

CRAFTSMAN 10 horsepower chipper/ shredder with Honda engine. Rockwell, six inch joiner. Craftsman, 12 inch wood lather with new tools. Torro snow blower, four antique dining chairs, one antique dining table with three leaves, two aluminum ladders, two small butane tanks, one Styler treadmill, four dining chairs on casters. 816-833-8961 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, Sire Sch III, $500.00, AKC, shots, wormed. 816606-6506

NOTICE Thrifty Nickel reserves the right to refuse any and/ or to edit any portion of an ad we think questionable or not in good taste. If you find errors or omissions in your ad, you must notify Thrifty Nickel within five days from the date of publication. After five days, Thrifty Nickel and/ or it’s agents cannot be held responsible for any error. Thrifty Nickel will only be held responsible for the portion of the paid advertising that was incorrect and is only liable for correct copy being published in the first available issue only. Absolutely No Cash Refunds Will Be Issued. AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 6 P.M. NATIONAL ADS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY MONDAY NOON

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TWO BURIAL lots, White Chapel Cemetery, two concrete vaults. For sale, $1,000.00 discount! For more information 816-453-5408 DOUBLE DEPTH lawn crypts. Prophets section, Mt. Moriah Cemetary, 105th and Holmes, Kansas City, Missouri. Now selling for $3,995.00. Asking $2,000.00. 816-3318863

PELLET STOVE, American Harvest, includes vase, pipes and 100 pounds of pellets, $750.00. 913-2992309 CAMPER SHELL, Fiberglass, 2003 GMC short bed, $350.00. Also Equalizer hitch. 913-262-6927 HALLMARK GIFT wrapping paper, assortment, 60 rolls, $2.00 each, two yards per roll. 816-966-9281

NEED GOOD car around $1,000.00 for Elderly person. Must look and run good! 913-839-7271 SNAP-ON MIG welder, tank and helmet. Paid $2,200.00 asking $500.00. 816252-8093 or 816-3378172 VOSE BABY Grand piano, with bench, good condition. 913383-2353

NINE MONTH old, male, small Chihuahua, all shots, dark color, $175.00. Overland Park. 1-469-4323582 RAGDOLL, HIMALAYAN, Persian, Maincoon, kittens $300.00. Serious inquires only! 816-3329030 BICYCLE USED, Gary Fisher, $150.00. 816-349-7059

SIMPSON 3000 Powerwasher, 11 horsepower, USA made! $500.00 negotiable. 816-695-6918 PUG- APSO- shifon: Toy pups, cash only. 1-660-253-4474 METRO MATTRESS Discount. Brand new, brand name mattress sets. Queen pillowtop sets, start at $150.00. 913948-0218

BABY BED, white, Simplicity and mattress, like new. 913579-4450 COMBO VENDING Machine, snacks, candy, soda. Excellent condition. 913-4881770

Good and upright is Yahweh, therefore he will instruct sinners in the way. Psalm 25:8



MULTI FAMILY garage sale. Furniture and miscellaneous. 505 South Willow, ASSET PUBLIC Olathe. August 18th, Auto Auction, every 7:30- 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. NEW FLOORING 210 and 291 High- MATERIAL AUCway. Dealers, buyers TION! Submit sealed and sellers welcome. bids by Tues., Aug 816-536-0882 21, at 12:00 PM EDT. MECHANIC Over $1MM+ in TOOLS RETIRED BRAND NEW floorLarge Snap- On top ing material manufacand bottom tool box. tured by Mannington Spap- On, Mac and Mills! All materials miscellaneous tools. were inventory of forAluminum, three dog mer Mannington Mills box for pickup. Sell: distributor, and will be Friday 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 sold as two lots; can p.m. Saturday 1:00 be sold separate or in For p.m.- 6:00 p.m. Sunday combination. 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. more information, a COMPLETE list of in601 Northeast 83rd ventory in the aucStreet 816-436-1402 tion, images, and bidYARD SALE, refrig- ding instructions, erator, range, washer, please visit dryer, antique table, w w w. K e y A u c t i o n cash only. 54th to eers.com or call (855) Lamar. Turn West to 353-1100. 5336 Strang Drive. August 16th, 17th and END OF 18th. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 DATED SALE p.m.


ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES TOYS CIVIL WAR related items for sale, largest inventory in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473 FOR SALE: Antique bedroom set, over 100 years old, excellent condition, huge bed, triple dresser, Armoire, two night stands, gold color, $750.00 for all. Stand up Philco stereo and radio, excellent condition, $75.00 or best offer. 100 45 RPM records, $1.00 a piece, buy one or all. 16 porcelain collectible plates, different views of eagles, racks included, $10.00 a piece. Patio set, four chairs, needs pillows, table, umbrella included, $60.00. Large propane BBQ grill, $50.00. Round 37 inch Marble table, $20.00. Call Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. 816-4546942

816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012




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QUEEN ANNE 60 inch, Cherry oval table, four side chairs, two captains chairs, matching sideboard. Excellent condition, $350.00! 816-353-4907 T R A I N S WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer, Marklin, HO, Coke Machines, Coin Operated Games. All sizes. Cash paid, private collector. Prices over the phone. Please call before you sell. Cell number 630-319-2331

CIVIL WAR Memorabilia, muzzle loaders, books, clothing. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 LARGEST SELECTION of Air Soft guns in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473

MUZZLE LOADING supplies. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 FLINTLOCKS, MUZZLE Loaders, rifles, pistols, Air Soft guns, lowest prices. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473

816-286-7292 816-309-5988

ANTIQUES WANTED! Call 913-334-0656 NEW AND used Muzzle loaders and Flintlock rifles. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473

ANTIQUES: All kinds wanted. Top cash paid for any antiques. 913-287-5131, day or night

ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES TOYS A N T I Q U E S WANTED: : Top dollar paid! Call 816-2169816

APPAREL BRAND NEW, strapless, ivory, wedding dress, size 10, $500.00 or best offer. 816-8631167 HIS HANDS Clothing Closet. A new thrift store. Name brand clothing for a lot less. 727 Main Street, Eudora, Kansas. 1-785690-7220

APPLIANCES & FURNITURE DINING SET, table with six chairs and hutch. Includes pad for the table top. 816-9294388 MATTRESS FACTORY WAREHOUSE Best prices in Kansas City! Twin mattresses as low as $50.00, full $75.00, queen $90.00, king $120.00, $2,000.00 pillow top, queen sets only $250.00! Over 50 sets to choose from! 14446 West 100th Street, Lenexa. 913541-9993 METRO MATTRESS Discount. Brand new, brand name mattress sets. Queen pillowtop sets, start at $150.00. 913948-0218 BABY BED, white, Simplicity and mattress, like new. 913579-4450 WASHER/ DRYERS as low as $16.00 a week. Easyhome lease to own. 913-299-2600 NEW HOME furnishings, lease to own. Ask how to get 50% first payment. 913-2992600

COMPUTER & ELECTRONICS COMPUTER REPAIRS and upgrades. Is your computer slow? We can fix it for as little as $50.00. 816-4551 6 0 0 www.vaughns.com NICE COMPUTER! Excellent computer for student or small business, $169.00. 8164 5 5 - 1 6 0 0 www.vaughns.com NICE COMPUTER, $99.00. 816-455-1600 FLAT COMPUTER MONITORS, 15 inch $39.00, 17 inch $59.00, 19 inch $79.00. 816-455-1600 www.vaughns.com COMPUTER REPAIR, fast affordable service. On location or at Vaughn’s. 816-4551600 COMPUTERS AS low as $12.00 a week. Easyhome lease to own. 913-764-9800 HI DEFINITION televisions as low as $12.00 a week! Easyhome lease to own. 913-764-9800 DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-935-7165

FARM & RANCH TRACTOR PARTS, Used, Rebuilt, New. Most parts less than 50%. Salvaging Tractors Daily. Case-IH-JDMF-Ford-AC-DL-MM. Eagle Tractor Parts 1800-833-5867 w w w. e a g l e t r a c t o r parts.com


WE FIX CREDIT! Denied Home Loan? Just Need Good Credit? We Can Help! Money Back Guarantee! FREE CONSULTATION 1866-913-8617 $4,800 PER WEEK BOATS (Pot’l). We close your sales FOR YOU! 100% OUT BOARD motor automated system! repair. Call for informa- Call 24 hours! 1-678tion 816-582-7012 408-1373.


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FINANCIAL & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams. Do not pay upfront for a loan

HOW I make $1,000 a day. Global opportunity. 100% commissions. 1-908-752-5036; www.enearn.com $$$ ACCESS Lawsuit Cash Now!! Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Need $500$500,000++ within 48/hrs? Low rates. Apply Now By Phone! 1800-568-8321. (not valid in CO & NC), www.lawcapital.com MAKE UP to a 90 percent return on your Investments! Clientowned company offering above- average return rates. Investment guaranteed. www.loyalfinancial.com PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751 EARN MORE $$$ with your Investments! Unique funds provide higher returns. Investment guaranteed. Get Started Now! 1-877200-1411 www.loyalfinancial.com CREDIT CARD Debt? Legally have it removed! Minimum $7,000.00 in debt to qualify. Utilize Consumer Protection Attorneys. Call now! 1-888237-0388

HUNTING FISHING CAMPING & SPORTING GOODS OLDER 18 foot Prowler Camper. Would make great concession or office trailer. Air conditioning and appliances work, $1,650.00. 816-7182909

INTERNET & TECHNOLOGY DISH NETWORK installed just $19.99 per month. Call 1-877439-4643 DELL LAPTOP, excellent condition, with wireless, $149.00. 816455-1600

INTERNET & TECHNOLOGY DISH NETWORK installed just $19.99 per month. Call 1-877439-4643 BUNDLE AND Save on your Cable, Internet, Phone, and more. High Speed Internet starting at less than $20.00/ month. Call now. 1-800-291-4159

LAWN AND GARDEN NEED A backyard building? Rent to own with no credit check! Delivering to all of Kansas. 913-441-0071 GRAVELY ZT, 42 inch, zero turn mower, 2010 Model, very good condition, $1,600.00 negotiable. Tim 816853-9018 BUILT BY Amish and Mennonite Craftsman, Backyard Buildi n g s . www.shedskc.com We deliver. 913-721-5313

MEDICAL & HEALTH STUDY FOR change. Call today, 913-894-5533 DIABETICS! CASH paid for unopened, unexpired test strips. Call 816-695-4817 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID Best prices, free pickup. Call 816-2267576 UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 DENTAL INSURANCE starting at just $15/Month! CALL NOW for a free quote! 800-416-0402 or www.DentalKings.com WE HAVE a study for women. Compensation may be up to $2,850.00. Call 913894-5533

MEDICAL & HEALTH FREE DISCOUNT Prescription Card. Save 10% to 85% on your prescriptions. Call1-800-408-4336 and start saving now! TAKE CIALIS/ LEVITRA? Save $500.00! 60x 100mg pills $149.00! Plus 8 Bonus pills. Visa/Mastercard Accepted. Order Now! 1-347-753-8138. UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 HAVE SOME free time? Participate in a clinical study. Call Qunitiles 913-8945533 FDA APPROVED Meds, American PharmacyTramadol, Fioricet, Tamiflu. No previous prescription required. Overnight shipping. Secure & private. www.order-prescriptions.com 1-866930-7455 CANADA DRUG Center. Safe and affordable medications. Save up to 90 percent on your medication needs. Call 1-877-7430508. $25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping CA$H PAID! Up to $27.00/ box for unexpired, sealed Diabetic Test Strips! One day payments and prepaid shipping. Se Habla Espanol. Emma 1-888776-7771 www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com NURSING, PRACTICAL Nursing, get your Certification fast at Concorde! Get the information. 1-888470-7017 AFFORDABLE DENTAL PLANS! Starting at $9.95 per month. Save 15% to 50%. This is not insurance. Call Toll Free 1866-213-5387.

MISCELLANEOUS KANSAS AND Missouri Conceal and Carry Classes. 913271-7642 CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS - up to $26/Box!Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY payment. 1-888-3660956. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com

MISCELLANEOUS SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Win Or Pay Us Nothing. Disability Group, Inc. BBB Accredited. Call FREE Book & Consultation. 888-559-2887 DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! CALL TODAY & SAVE! 1-888-3135366 UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 THE RIDE THAT SAVES BABIES. March of Dimes Bikers for Babies, a motorcycle ride to benefit the mission of the March of Dimes. Sunday, September 16, 2012 at Kansas Speedway. Donate or ride to improve the health of babies. Proceeds support research, community services, education and advocacy to save babies’ lives. bikersforbabieskc.org http://www.bikersforbabieskc.org WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 CAR WASH equipment, manual, five bay units, used, with 750,000 BTU boiler. Cell 816-289-9270 or 913-677-0322 WE GET car titles, nationwide! 816-7590963 www.klmservices.webs.com CRAFTSMAN 10 horsepower chipper/ shredder with Honda engine. Rockwell, six inch joiner. Craftsman, 12 inch wood lather with new tools. Torro snow blower, four antique dining chairs, one antique dining table with three leaves, two aluminum ladders, two small butane tanks, one Styler treadmill, four dining chairs on casters. 816-833-8961 TWO BURIAL lots, White Chapel Cemetery, two concrete vaults. For sale, $1,000.00 discount! For more information 816-453-5408

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-795-9329. THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800321-0298 REACH OVER 20 million homes nationwide with one easy buy! Only $2,395.00 per week for a 25 word classified! For more information go to www.naninetwork.com or call 1-816-356-8790 PINNACLE CAREER Institute, Financial Aid available to those who qualify. 1866-410-6751 TRAIN FOR Medical Office Administration. Call anytime, daytime or evenings for information. 1-888-4707017


MISCELLANEOUS CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and affordable medications. Save upto 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-888-467-7085 ($25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping.) SIMPSON 3000 Powerwasher, 11 horsepower, USA made! $500.00 negotiable. 816-695-6918 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID Best prices, free pickup. Call 816-2267576 COMBO VENDING Machine, snacks, candy, soda. Excellent condition. 913-4881770

JANITORIAL Contracting. Not a franchise. Equipment and $350.00 required. Call 816-421-2525 or visit our web site at www.townandcountrybuildingservices.com FOR SALE, cemetery headstones, granite, fair and affordable, $99.00. 816-833-5111 285 FEET, GrassGater Zip line, professional quality, USA made, $8.50, .095-24 Millimeter. 816-9669281 R E S P I R AT O R Y THERAPIST jobs are in high demand! Get the training quick! Concorde College. 1888-470-7017 HALLMARK GIFT wrapping paper, assortment, 60 rolls, $2.00 each, two yards per roll. 816-966-9281

MISCELLANEOUS RENT TO own Amish built sheds! Quality material, quality construction. 816-4615119 DEER ANTLERS wanted! Call Charlie 816-372-7109 E A S Y H O M E LEASE to own, no credit checks, no down payment, delivered today! 913-299-2600 DOUBLE DEPTH lawn crypts. Prophets section, Mt. Moriah Cemetary, 105th and Holmes, Kansas City, Missouri. Now selling for $3,995.00. Asking $2,000.00. 816-3318863 A I R P L A N E S CESSMA, 172 RG 4X, fast, commuter, $55,000; STITS 2X LSA, $12,500.00. 816632-4867 PELLET STOVE, American Harvest, includes vase, pipes and 100 pounds of pellets, $750.00. 913-2992309 CAMPER SHELL, Fiberglass, 2003 GMC short bed, $350.00. Also Equalizer hitch. 913-262-6927 400 FOOT, Craftsman, trimmer line, USA made, .080 diameter, $13.00. 816-966-9281 PAINTING: INTERIOR/ exterior. Summer special $25.00 a room, labor only! 816315-7055 OFF SHORE Life Jacket, over 90 pounds, $15.00 negotiable. 816-966-9281 BICYCLE USED, Gary Fisher, $150.00. 816-349-7059


MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BUYING old/ unwanted chainsaws for parts/ repair, all brands. 913-6770320 ASK ABOUT monthly specials and save on Conceal and Carry Classes now. 913-271-7642 NEED GOOD car around $1,000.00 for Elderly person. Must look and run good! 913-839-7271 DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! CALL TODAY & SAVE! 1-888-3146373 SNAP-ON MIG welder, tank and helmet. Paid $2,200.00 asking $500.00. 816252-8093 or 816-3378172 AFFORDABLE STEEL Discounted Garages from $2,265, Barns $5,670, RVports $1,885. FREE DELIVERY / SETUP NATIONWIDE. Financing! FREE Quotes: 800935-1939, SteelMan1939@live.com, AffordableSteelBuildings.biz COMPETITION? WE’LL BEAT IT OR EAT IT! UP TO $700.00 Compensation for vaccine study. Call 913-8254000 AWNING FOR: RV, car hauler, horse trailer or your home. Also repairs. 816-898-8982, 816-650-5104 MISCELLANEOUS CONTINUED PAGE 6



816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

Fair Housing Act: Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). For more information contact your local HUD office. Or visit HUD.gov on the internet.



FOR RENT VAN BRUNT Boulevard, one and two bedroom, hardwood floors, $395.00$450.00 month. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) BASEHOR APARTMENT, two bedroom, one bath, $565.00 per month plus deposit. Ronson R.E. 913-3620752

FOR RENT FURNISHED STUDIO apartments, by the week or month. All utilities paid. Downtown Kansas City, Missouri. 816-399-8023 F U R N I S H E D A PA R T M E N T, $500.00 per month, part utilities paid, cable. References, working. Drug free! 816-4830820 JUSTIN PLACE Apartments and Town homes, East Kansas City’s gem. Two and three bedroom apartments/ town homes immediate occupancy available. Washer/ dryer included. Section 8 welcome. 2607 East 29th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. 816923-0510 Equal housing opportunity GARDNER APARTMENT, two bedroom, one bath, eat in kitchen, washer and dryer hookups, $515.00 per month plus deposit. Ronson R.E. 913-362-0752 MOVE IN Special with reduced deposit on: One, two and three bedrooms. 913-2332800

MEADOW PARK APARTMENTS Shawnee, Kansas, one and two bedrooms. $485.00 and up. Near shopping and schools, at I-35 and 63rd Street. 913631-8088 WELCOME SECTION 8 with monthly specials available. Call Today 913-233-2800 $99.00 DEPOSIT, No application fee. Section 8 vouchers welcome. Call 913596-2019 KANSAS CITY, Kansas. Two bedroom apartments, one bath, washer/ dryer included, $450.00 to $550.00 month. 913-952-6682, 913-486-7031

OFF Summer Specials 1/2First Here’s What We Have To Offer:

APARTMENTS FOR RENT INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, $350.00 month, Studio apartments, hardwood floors. Please call 816333-RENT (7368)

ONE MONTH FREE RENT, FREE SATELLITE TELEVISION/ HBO ALL UTILITIES PAID! Studios $575.00, one bedroom, $625.00. Newly remodeled, like new units, in a quiet, secure building. On site management. River By The Woods, 2804 Sewell Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas, 66104. 913-621-4700 $100.00 SIGN UP BONUS Must see, recently renovated. Two bedroom, one bath, $450.00 to $550.00 month, Kansas City, Kansas area. Call 913-9094317 Ken

COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES ARTIST SPACE available, Independence/ Englewood Arts District area. 816-2540980 CALL 816-2540980 today for affordable space for your business

COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES SMALL OFFICE with shared parking and utilities, plus one bay garage, no lift, $650.00 plus utilities. Two year lease. Close to Arrowhead Stadium. 816-718-2909

HOUSES FOR RENT SHAWNEE MISSION affordable place with a large living room, kitchen appliances, newer carpet, and only $450.00! rskc.com 913-962-6683 WD1R1 PARKWOOD AREA, Kansas City, Kansas. Three bedroom, central air, fenced, $525.00, $500.00 deposit, $35.00 application fee. Must have minimum one year employment, good credit and references a must! No Drugs. 913-6207069 95TH STREET newly updated with two bedrooms, plush carpet, eat in kitchen with appliances, living room, and no application fee! $600.00 rskc.com 913-962-6683 WD1R5 30TH/ PARALLEL, two plus bedroom, 1.5 bath, partially finished basement, fenced, garage. Section 8 okay, pets extra, $595.00. Ronson R.E. 913-362-0752 C E N T E R SCHOOLS, $995.00 month, four bedroom, 1.5 bath, basement, garage and large bonus room. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368)

HOUSES FOR RENT WELCOME HOME three bedroom, 2.5 bath, townhouse, in Grandview. Water, trash and sewer paid. Laundry hookups. Section 8 only. Low deposit. Call Tamika at. 1562-301-6512 RAYTOWN DUPLEX! Nice three bedroom, two bath, appliances, $800.00 month, $650.00 deposit, Section 8 welcome! Close to schools and shopping. Call 816-668-4073 KANSAS CITY KANSAS AREA Three bedrooms, one and a quarter baths, basement, one car garage, hardwood floors, fireplace. Rent $750.00. 816-3226030 www.concapco.com HOUSE FOR rent. Three bedroom, one bath. On the Paseo about 66th. Park and bus nearby. Move in special. Clean, recently remodeled. $650.00 month. 1-801-9100177. 38TH AND STATE Pet friendly three bedroom house, hardwood floors, full basement, eat-in kitchen, central air, pets welcome! $550.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 WD1R4 CASTLE SIZED huge feeling four bedroom house, dining and living room, basement, washer/ dryer plus kitchen appliances, pets welcome! $650.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 MD1SR


• Large Square Footage (Nearly 800 on 1 Bedroom & Nearly 1,000 0n 2 Bedroom) • Laundry Facility In Every Building UNDER NEW • All Electric Buildings Available MANAGEMENT • Low Flat Rate For Water/Trash NEW LOWER • Dishwashers & Fireplaces (Some Units) • Easy Access To 1-635, 1-70 & 1-35 RENT RATES!! • KCK Public Schools (Wyandotte HS) $465 - 1 BR • Only 5 miles W. Of Downtown Kansas City $565 - 2 BR • We Have On-Site Security NO APPLICATION FEE ONLY $300 DEPOSIT

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AFFORDABLE, NICE two, and three bedroom houses, Kansas City, Kansas. 913-999-8443, 913475-1851, 913-4848183 69TH/ LAMAR two bedroom, one bath, one car garage, fenced yard, $845.00 per month plus deposit. Ronson R.E. 913-3620752

EASY MOVE no credit or background check need here; two bedrooms, eat in kitchen with appliances, living room, pets okay! $495.00 rskc.com 913-962-6683 MD1SM 1506 WOOD Avenue. Three bedroom, two bath, two story, new paint, new carpet, washer/ dryer hookup, $595.00 month, $595.00 deposit. 913499-9052 or 913-2067113 TWO BEDROOM, one bath, one garage, screen porch house. Kansas City, Missouri, Ruskin, Grandview. Section 8 welcome, contact 816-810-2512 sanbanita@yahoo.com MONEY SAVER keep it affordable with three bedrooms, cozy living room, full basement, bring the pets, and no application fee! $375.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1ST KANSAS CITY, Kansas, two bedroom, one bath town home, washer/ dryer included, partially finished basement, $700.00 month. 913-952-6682, 913486-7031 DUPLEX, NEAR KCKJC two bedroom, Kansas City, Kansas, garage, air, large kitchen. 816-289-3482 UTILITIES PAID pay it at once here! Open feeling floor plan, washer dryer hookups, large living room, priced to move at only $425.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SJ 48TH/ SWITZER three bedroom, 2.5 bath, two car garage, $1,195.00 per month plus deposit. Ronson R.E. 913-362-0752 CREDIT ISSUES bring them here! Charming and open feeling, kitchen appliances, dining room, pets okay too! Only $400.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 MD1RZ

REMODELED FOUR bedroom, two bath, 4538 Chestnut, Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8, rent, or rent to own! Central air, carpet, off street parking, new paint. $850.00 rent. 913-461-6657 REMODELED THREE Bedroom, one bath, 7547 Brooklyn, Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8, rent, or rent to own! Central air, hardwoods, large yard, new paint. $750.00 rent. 913-4616657 TWO BATHROOMS great pricing for this three bedroom/ two bath house; newer carpet, full basement, eat in kitchen, pets welcome; $500.00 rskc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SO 61ST AND Metcalf, three bedroom, 2.5 bath duplex, basement, garage, $945.00 plus deposit. Ronson R.E. 913-362-0752 38TH/ METROPOLITAN, two bedroom, two full bath, fenced yard, $725.00 per month plus deposit. Ronson R.E. 913-3620752 HOUSES FOR rent with washer/ dryer. Two, three and four bedrooms available. Blue Hills 913-5302713 43RD/ MISSION Road, two bedroom, one bath duplex, eat in kitchen, air conditioning, washer/ dryer hookups, no pets, $495.00 plus deposit. Ronson R.E. 913-3620752 HOUSE FOR rent, Section 8 welcome. Three plus bedroom, central air, refrigerator, stove furnished, all electric. 816-920-5668, 816-739-9869 THREE BEDROOM, one bath, family room, garage, fenced yard, central air, appliances furnished. 3937 South Pleasant, $925.00 rent. 1-660-232-3662

SECTION 8 ONLY THREE TO FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE No deposit, free application, 3606 Park, Kansas City, Missouri. Utilities included, new paint, clean and spacious, fenced back yard, all appliances provided. Air conditioning, ceiling fans, washer/ dryer. Call now 816392-0249 KANSAS CITY KANSAS Bargain Lower deposit and a great price; Three bedroom house, basement, garage, fenced yard, bring the pets along! $500.00 rskc.com 913-962-6683 WD1R2 $99.00 DEPOSIT, No application fee. Section 8 vouchers welcome. Call 913596-2019

THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790





ATV’S WANTED OLD Am$ 5 5 0 . 0 0 phibious, Six and Eight MONTHLY, no credit Wheelers. 913-208check, needs work, 1143 three bedroom house, one bath, full base- AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES ment. 913-579-9257


One & Two Bedroom Apartments $ 539 to 669 One Bedroom $ 659 Two Bedroom $99



CALL TODAY!!! Deposit

913-764-7500 2300 A. East Willow Dr. Olathe, Kansas Accepting ITIN


Se Habla Espanol



TWO BEDROOM duplex. $500.00 plus $500.00 deposit. 2925 Freeman, Kansas City, Kansas. 913-342-3890 ACCEPTING ONE bedroom Section 8 vouchers for two bedroom Kansas City, Missouri homes. 816-7619928 TWO AND three bedrooms at 203 North Mersington, $600.00 rent, $99.00 move in special with approved application. Please call 816-729-7513 TWO BEDROOM, 2638 North Early Street, Wyandotte County, $550.00. 913299-2122 WALLET PLEASER newly updated, larger living room, kitchen appliances, central air, no application fee! $350.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SF RUSKIN, THREE bedroom, one bath, garage, stove, refrigerator. 816-830-5092 DUPLEXES FOR rent. See our website http://www.lordinc.com or call 816-254-0980 QUALITY HOMES for rent, Section 8 or Market! Call today for a listing! Michelle 816269-6373, Zetta 816977-6818 or Robina 816-810-7172 Many available and ready now

AUGUST SPECIAL $99.00 deposit with approved application! Two and three bedroom properties. Price ranges $600.00 to $950.00, Downtown Kansas City to Ruskin Heights. Please call 816-729-7513 GARDNER TOWNHOME, two bedroom, 1.5 bath, $565.00 plus deposit, pets extra. Ronson R.E. 913-3620752 NEAR 635 newly updated two bedroom house, full basement, living room, garage with opener, fenced yard, pets okay too! $550.00 rs-kc.com 913-962-6683 WD1R3 2622A BROOKLYN Avenue, Kansas City. Two bedroom duplex, $400.00. References checked. 816-2159254 FLEXIBLE DEPOSIT affordable three bedroom house, full basement, hardwood floors, safely fenced yard, pets okay, no application fee! $395.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SH VALUE PACKED expansive feeling three bedroom/ two bath house, dining and living room, basement, fenced yard, appliances, pets okay! $500.00 rs-kc.com 816-254-7200 MD1SP

HOUSES FOR rent with stove/ refrigerator, central air, new carpet. Ruskin Heights 913530-2713 SECTION 8, three bedrooms available in South Kansas City, and Raytown. 816761-9928

LAND/LOTS ACREAGE 20 ACRES $99.00/ month. $0.00 down, Owner financing, No credit checks! Money back guarantee, near El Paso, Texas. Free Brochure. 1-800-7558953 www.SunsetRanches.com LAKE OF THE OZARKS Lake Lots, $3,950.00 each, $75.00 down, $59.00 per month. Also, three plus acres tracts starting at $10,900.00. Owner financing, no credit checks and easy terms. Beautiful trees, free lake access, boating, fishing and swimming areas. Missouri Conservation dock and boat ramp. Ad ends September 3rd. Ivy Bend 1-573-372-6493. www.ivybendlandoffice.com COLORADO 5 MOUNTAIN ACRES, must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. $300 down. $150/month. 1-720570-0592 or 1-719659-7247 40 ACRES $155/MONTH $499 down. Immediate financing. No qualifications. No penalties. NW Nevada near Reno. Call Earl 1-949632-7066. www.cheapruralproperty.com M O N T A N A , WYOMING, Alaska, New Mexico, 35 acres starting at $176/month. Owner financing O.A.C Great building sites, Brokers welcome. 1800-682-8088 www.rmtland.com




LAKE OF Ozarks, 4.26 acre ranch with sunset view from leveled building site. Includes 10’x24’ quality deep-water dock, 1/2 mile away @ 26 mm across from Tan-Tar-A. Sunrise Beach location. Near pavement off of Lake Road F-12. Great access yet private. Wild turkey, blue herons, dogwoods and red buds. Was $49,900. Must sacrifice $29,900 cash. By owner 573-873-0900 593’ BIG NIANGUA RIVER FRONTAGE with 17.17 acre ranch, 1 mile downriver is 360 acre Lake Niangua and Tunnel Dam. Small mouth Bass, brown and rainbow trout on the River. Below Tunnell Dam white Bass, Walleye and Spoonbill spawn. Deer and wild turkey abundant. Majestic southern view over Big Niangua Valley from leveled building site. West of Ha Ha Tonka State Park at Lake of the Ozarks Southwest of Camdenton. $99,000 cash. Nearby 6.07 acre ranch has 833’ Lake Niangua $79,000 cash. Must Sell By Owner; 573-873-0900 TAKE OVER 10 Acres. NO DOWN. $79/Month. Trees. Deer. Southeast Oklahoma. 818-340-1912, www.grland.com

906 SOUTH Pine Street, Pratt, Kansas, three bedrooms, 1.5 bath, $44,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information 7624 ROSWELL Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas, two bedrooms, one bath, $28,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information 1006 SOUTH 14th Street, Louisburg, Kansas, three bedrooms, two baths, $121,500.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information 2736 PONDEROSA Drive, Lawrence, Kansas, three bedrooms, one bath, $88,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information 610 SOUTH Oak Street, Gardner, Kansas, three bedrooms, two baths, $70,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information 10415 WEST 56th Street, Shawnee, Kansas, three bedrooms, one bath, $30,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information STOP RENTING. Lease option to buy. Rent to own. No money Down. No credit Check. CALL NOW 1877-395-1298 2813 WARD Avenue, Parsons, Kansas, two bedrooms, one and a half baths, $17,600.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information

SEARCH 1000’S of homes for sale at KCRealtyService.com Serving home buyers and sellers in all of Johnson County, Kansas, Kansas City, Missouri and surrounding areas. 913-7353613 www.KCRealtyService.com 5026 CLEVELAND Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas one bedroom, one bath, $8,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information AVAILABLE NOW!!! 2-4 Bedroom Homes. Lease option to buy. Take over Payments. No Money Down/ No Credit Check. Call 1888-270-0692 2826 SOUTH 37th Street, Kansas City, Kansas, three bedrooms, one bath, $22,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information 14539 SOUTH Constance Street, Olathe, Kansas, four bedrooms, two and a half baths, $163,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to www.hudhomestore.com for more information

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 Acres. $0 -Down, $168/month. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-800843-7537. 710 WEST Miami Street, Paola, Kansas, two bedrooms, one bath, $18,000, Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc., go to www.hudhomestore.com for more info

COMPLETELY REMODELED home for sale! Three bedroom, one bath, two car garage. 5417 Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Missouri, $70,000.00. 913-208-9881

ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM FOR rent, $350.00 monthly includes utilities. Call 913-575-6102, 913287-6437

TOP CASH FOR CARS. Call Now For A Instant Offer. Top Dollar Paid, Any Car/Truck, Any Condition Running or Not. Free Pick-up/Tow. 1800-452-7729 E N G I N E S , N O R T H S TA R , Cadillacs, 19932010, six months warranty. ASE Installation available. 816924-0477

TRANSMISSION CONNECTION, foreign and domestic, I BUY Houses! I can solid guaranty. 816buy your house quickly. 924-0477 Call today before any 2004 Real Estate decision is ENGINE made. 816-678-2120 Ford 5.4 Triton, V-8, six month warranty, WE BUY UGLY $975.00. 816-924HOUSES! 0477 HomeVestors. We pay cash. Buy as is ENGINE 2003 condition, pay all Chevrolet, 2.2 Intech, closing costs and solid performance, close fast! 913-583- $750.00. 816-9241199, 913-980-1866 0477 SELL YOUR house A U T O M O T I V E today! Offer in 24 ENGINE connechours. Any area, any tion for cars and condition Call Now! trucks. All makes and 816-249-2700 models available, 100% guaranteed. CASH 816-924-0477 HOMEBUYER We buy houses, any OUT: condition, any loca- PARTING tion. We’re the real 2000 T-Top Camaro, deal! Call 816-875- wrecked, 3.8 motor, black leather, great 6226 parts! 816-924-0477 WANTED! HOMES in any condition or sit- E N G I N E uation! Owe too much? CHEVROLET 383 Need cash fast? No Stroker, Edelbrock, problem. Call 913-735- Chromed, Carb dou5598 ble- pumper. Complete $850.00! 816END OF 924-0477 REAL ESTATE w w w. k c n i c k e l . c o m CONTINUED ON 816-356-8790 PAGE 6


PG. 6 •KANSAS EDITION • KANSAS CITY METRO AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES RUST REPAIR parts: Rocker Panels, cab corners, Quarter Panels. 9620 East 350 Highway. 816-3567227 FIFTH WHEEL hitch, undercarriage hitch, tonneau cover short wheel base, fiberglass cover long wheel base, hitch and parts, tool box. 816-665-3552 COMMERCIAL VAN roof racks and shelving, $95.00. 913626-9308 NEW AND used tires, best selection and service. Cheap Tires And Service 816231-1200 USED TIRES, best selection and prices in town. Cheap Tires And Service 816-231-1200 Thrifty Nickel! 35 years of helping people, put money in there pockets. Call us today! 816356-8790 or visit our website www.kcnickel.com we can help you too.


816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES GUARANTEED NEW/ used tires. All major brand and imports for passenger, light truck, medium truck and farm. Plus we deal! 913-682-3201, 913-441-4500 MIRRORS AND headlamps. 9620 East 350 Highway. 816-3567227 DASH CAPS and CARS pickup door panels. 9620 East 350 High- 2005 CHEVROLET way. 816-356-7227 Trailblazer, sitting on 22 rims, clean. Call CARS 816-444-3335 2000 CHRYSLER ARE YOU tired of Cirrus, nice air, clean, false promises of get$2,000.00. 18 and 20 ting financed into a inch rims $450.00, two car just to get remotor scooters jected? We will fi$400.00 both. 816- nance anyone who 337-5832 walks through our 1995 HONDA Civic, doors. I guarantee it four cylinder, five or I will give you speed, new timing belt, $5,000.00! Maybe not $2,950.00. 816-353- a brand new car, but a quality used auto 8900 2007 FORD Taurus that will get you back SEL, guaranteed fi- and forth to work! Call nancing. Call 816-358- us at 816-483-0800 for all the details 6500

CARS 2003 SUBARU Forester X, all wheel drive, ready for winter. 816-420-8806 1995 HONDA Civic, four cylinder, five speed, new timing belt, $2,950.00. 816-3538900 PRIVATE BIDDING for Tiger Financial. Call 816-931-0984 for bidders application, must have ID, or come by: 3947 Main Street. Vehicles are shown 1:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Thursdays. Marie

CARS 2004 GRAND Prix, 148,000 miles, runs and drives, needs a little work, Mechanics dream! Asking $3,300.00. 913-3758146 1998 FORD Crown Victoria, nice and clean, four door, owner says finance it! Payments from $40.00. Call 816-483-0802 for information 2002 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo, low miles, 12 month warranty. Financing available. 816420-8806

CARS 1994 TOPAZ for $850.00. 816-3334947 CARS, TRUCKS, vans, $3,000.00$12,000.00, heartlandmotorskc.com or call us 816-353-8900 2002 CHEVY Monte Carlo SS, low miles, leather, loaded. 816420-8806

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, two cemetery lots in One Veteran Field of Honor in beautiful Swan Lake. Privately owned, can transfer, Grain Valley. $5,000.00 for both or best offer. Call Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 816-4546942 BASIC CABLE and internet deals! $29.99 per month Free HBO for 3 months Call Today 800-357-1334 SILVER, GOLD coins, on display, Main Street Mall Antiques 816-224-6400, and Bates City Antiques 816-690-8505. Call Jim 816-921-6232 MUSICAL OLD GUITARS wanted! Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, Prairie State, Euphonon, Larson, D’Angelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos. 1930’s thru 1970’s Top cash paid! 1-800-401-0440 VOSE BABY Grand piano, with bench, good condition. 913383-2353 CASH REWARD, Old American Guitars. Paying $200-$30,000 for Gibson, Fender, Martin and Others. Call Dave. 1-800-646-7795

PETS BLUE PIT pups, eleven weeks, ADBA, papers and shots. 816756-4161 RAGDOLL, HIMALAYAN, Persian, Maincoon, kittens $300.00. Serious inquires only! 816-3329030 PRESA CANARIO puppies, purebred with papers and shots, $450.00. Also mom $250.00 with papers. 913-999-1558 PETS FOR ADOPTION! Contact us for current adoptions. Help Humane Society, 511 Main Street, Belton Missouri, 816-3184 3 5 7 w w w. h e l p p e t s . o r g Adoption fee and application for adoption required. Tuesday- Friday 1:00 -8:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m.6:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00- 5:00 p.m. No kill Animal Shelter has wonderful pets available for adoption. Volunteer opportunities also available. POOLS & SPAS HOT/ TUB/ Spa, Deluxe 2012 Model Neck jets, Therapy seat, never used, warranty, can deliver. Worth, $5,950.00, sell $1,950.00. 1-800-9607727



PUG- APSO- shifon: Toy pups, cash only. 1-660-253-4474 NINE MONTH old, male, small Chihuahua, all shots, dark color, $175.00. Overland Park. 1-469-4323582 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, Sire Sch III, $500.00, AKC, shots, wormed. 816606-6506 APR REGISTERED Shih Tzu puppies. Eight weeks old. Shots and wormed, male $250.00, female $300.00. 1-785-7332699

NEED A backyard building? Rent to own with no credit check! Delivering to all of Kansas. 913-441-0071 B A C K Y A R D SHEDS, low monthly payments, free delivery. Mention this ad for a free ramp! 816-4615119 BUILT BY Amish and Mennonite Craftsman, Backyard Buildi n g s . www.shedskc.com We deliver. 913-721-5313 24 FOOT portable storage box, nice roll up door, $1,475.00 cash. 816-718-2909

CA$H 4 CARS Any Make Any Model Running Or Not!

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Call 1-800-533-9871


THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790



MOTORCYCLES WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI: Z1900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, GT380, GS400, CB750, (1969-75) Cash-Paid, Nationwide-Pickup, 1-800772-1142, 1-310-7210 7 2 6 . usa@classicrunners.com RV’S

TRAILERS 16 FOOT stock trailer, 2000, H and S Gooseneck, tandem axle, good condition, $3,850.00. 816-2441176 or 816-369-2902 WANTED BUY


GET CASH for your Junk, Damaged, or Salvaged Car! FREE car removal +TOP DOLLAR for your unused & unwanted vehicles. Call Now!! 800236-9025 CARS WANTED! PayMAX Car Buyers pays the MAX! One call gets you a TOP DOLLAR offer on any year, make or model car. 1-888-9-PAYMAX (1-888-972-9629) Want to Buy BUYING DIABETIC TEST STRIPS, up to $13.00, 100 count. Up to $7.00, 50 count, on major brands, unopened, unexpired. 1-800934-3473 extension 4413, local buyer

END OF MISCELLANEOUS CARS 1956 FORD Fairlane Sedan, 2 door post, 312, V8, automatic. Good shape, clear Missouri title, $4500.00. 816-617-1127 2004 CHEVROLET Cavalier, four door, gas saver, low miles. Payments as low as $85.00 weekly. We’ll finance your job is your credit! 816-420-8806 2000 CADILLAC Sedan Deville, luxury all the way, very nice car, moon roof, all the options, we will finance anyone, your job is your credit! Call us now at 1-877-483-9666 GAS SAVER! 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier, four door, four cylinder, 116,000 miles, $3,950.00. 816-3538900 1996 CADILLAC, Calico Green, super clean, runs great. Beat $4,500.00! 816-2949896 1999 LEXUS RX300 Crossover SUV, this think is loaded, Golden Color, very well taken care of, I will finance anyone. Call me at 1-877-4839666 for more information Is that car you never drive anymore, starting to look like a yard ornament? Call us today, and we will help you make it go away! Call 816-356-8790 or visit our website at www.kcnickel.com

CARS 2006 CHEVY HHR, retro styling, fun to drive, 913-788-8970 12 MONTH Warranty, in house financing available! Job is your credit. 816-4208806 1994 TOYOTA Tercel, runs, ugly, $225.00. 913-6269308 1994 LINCOLN Continental, new transmission, good motor, new shocks and springs, wrecked on right side and front, $2,000.00. 816-2332622 or 816-390-6819 2007 CHEVROLET Malibu, four door, automatic, must see, low down payments and low monthly payments. 816-420-8806 REPO CARS for sale, under $2,000.00. Also, full line of cars with warranties, will finance. Call KC Title Loans, Call 816-4834855 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2004 Impala, great shape, $500.00 down drives away. 816-8475111 Others available at Instantcreditautosales.net 1999 VOLKSWAGEN Passat, really a nice little car, automatic, sunroof, owner will finance with $600.00 down. Call 816-483-0800 2005 FORD Focus, 2x4, front wheel drive, automatic, gas saver. 816-420-8806 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, GTP, sporty. 913-788-8970 1993 MERCURY Convertible, stick shift, runs and looks great, two Mazda motors, two tops, hard and soft, $2,700.00. 816-6066506 2002 CHEVY Impala, front wheel drive, nice! 913-788-8970 MUST SELL. 1997 Towncar Signature Series, clean. 1995 Towncar, clean. Missouri. 913-231-0800




BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. Call Now 1-866-780-9040; www.RXHP.com 2005 HONDA Civic EX, great on gas. Call Darin 816-358-6500

HARLEY, HONDA, Yamaha, Ducati, several in stock, time to buy. 816-420-8806

1997 HARLEY Davidson, Road King, financing available, bad credit okay. 816420-8806

CLASSIC CARS 1973 CADILLAC Coupe, hardtop, low miles, one owner, very good condition, interior like new, $8,500.00. 816-225-0373 1928 BUICK two door sedan for sale. Call 913-299-8801 MOTORCYCLES 2006 HARLEY 20,250 miles, looks new, black, Street Glide, $14,500.00. 816-225-8493 1984 HONDA V45 Magna, 700cc, excellent condition, runs great, $1,800.00. 816836-3085 WANTED DIRT BIKES, Street bikes, and ATV’s, running or not. I pay cash and will pick up. Donnie 816-2178542 2004 SUZUKI Marauder 1600cc, will finance. Bad credit okay!, Low down payments. 816-420-8806 WANTED JAPANESE Motorcycle Kawasaki 1967-1980 Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki GS400, GT380, CB750 Cash paid. Free National pickup. 1-800-772-1142, 1310-721-0726 usa@classicrunners.c om KZ900 1976, loud and fast, excellent condition, overhauled motor, $3,750.00 816-3041292 Do you use our paper for your advertising needs? You can also visit us on our website, and place your ad 24 hours a day, any day of the week. www.kcnickel.com

1999 TRADEWIND Diesel pusher 300 horsepower Caterpillar engine with turbo, only 61,000 miles, excellent condition, must see, only $44,500.00. 816589-4679

SUV’S 2001 FORD Excursion Limited, looks and drives like new. Call 913-428-7565 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2002 Explorer Sport, black, SUV, low down payment. 816-8475111 Others available at Instantcreditautosales.net 1999 NISSAN Pathfinder SUV, 4x4, needs some work, but only $500.00, it is well worth it. It does run. Call 1-877-483-9666


SUV’S 2004 CHEVY Blazer LS, Sport, 4x4. 913788-8970 2001 FORD Excursion Limited, looks and drives like new. Call 913-428-7565 1996 CHEVROLET Blazer, runs and goes, green, needs a little work, 4x4, automatic, only $800.00, full price. 816-483-0800 Keep it local: Thrifty Nickel. Buy, sell, rent, service, trade. 816356-8790 CONTINUED PAGE 9



AIR CONDITIONERS THEFT PROTECTION Prevent theft of air conditioning unit. Also do handrails, security bars, fence, gates. Free estimates. Call 816-606-5968

ASPHALT ABC ASPHALT residential and commercial. Driveways, parking lots, hot crack filling, chip and seal, overlays. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 816-453-0508 AIR CONDITIONING BEAUTIFUL ASPHALT driveways, SALES & quality work at a fair SERVICE price, 35 years experiR22 FREON FOR ence, work guaranSELL teed, senior citizen dis30 pound canisters, ES count. 913-621-3990, R-22A. No change out, 913-486-6175 mobile drop in and mix! Get it while it lasts! $135.00 ATTORNEY each! Air Conditioning BANKRUPTCY, repairs available! 816Worker’s Compensa522-5732 LEPAGE HEATING tion, Traffic including & Cooling: Residential DUI, DWS, Personal Service and repair, Injury. $35.00 trip charge, reAttorney pair estimates/ flat rate. Rocky Cannon, 816-589-2641 6111 Blue Ridge USED/ NEW air conBoulevard, ditioners, with warranRaytown tee, starting at $500.00 816-353-0009 installed. All brands. DWI Commercial, residen- TRAFFIC/ tial. Free estimates. bankruptcy, general practice. Mention ad Cash or money order for special discount. only. 816-728-7161 Jennifer Benedict KEEP COOL! Air conditioning service Law Office 816-2529400 and installation. Hot water tank service and FREE!!! installation. Plumbing Initial consultation, trafand electrical repair. fic tickets, DWI/ DUI, 913-689-5845 or 816- Municipal Court, rea405-8194 sonable rates. 816SERVICE CALLS, 806-6060 B. Jerome BEST RATES IN Wheeler TOWN! Clean and service only DIVORCE, BR Law $49.95. All makes and Office, Frank Brown, models. Commercial/ 819 Walnut, Kansas residential. Call for best City, Missouri. Debt reprice on air condition- lief agency filing bankers/ furnaces. Major ruptcies. 816-421-2435 credit cards accepted. Call Fry’s GT Heating B A N K R U P T C Y and Cooling Service. MENTION this ad for 8 1 6 - 2 5 4 - 4 2 8 4 . $100.00 discount! I-70 and Noland Road. Atwww.frysgt.com SAVE MONEY: Air torneys Brett BurmeisConditioning repair and ter and Mark Gilmore installation. Fast Serv- 8 1 6 - 3 7 3 - 5 5 9 0 ice. Call Carl, 816-363- www.DebtHelpKC.com 6639, 816-522-5732 U N C O N T E S T E D mobile. DIVORCE $450.00 FURNACE MAN/ Air plus costs. Adoptions Conditioning Service, $450.00 plus costs. clean burners, heat Philip Sedgwick, 913exchanger, calibrate 371-1981 monoxide test, and leak repair, only AUTO REPAIR $39.95. Call Lee, 816& SERVICE 361-3766 WHY PAY shop APPLIANCE rates? Certified AutoREPAIR motive Service TechniSAVE MONEY with cian, Diagnostic Sperepairs, AIR CONDI- cialist. Foreign and TIONER, stoves, re- domestic, reasonable frigerators, washers, rates, your place or dryers, electrical, mine. 816-682-3734 plumbing, hot water heaters. Certified TechBARBER/ nician. Carl, 816-363BEAUTY 6639, 816-522-5732 SERVICES ASPHALT LICENSED EXPEAL STRUTTON RIENCED Barbers Construction, asphalt and Beauticians and paving: Commer- needed! Reasonable cial, residential; patching seal coating, curbs, booth rent, start immesidewalk, steps. We do diately! Regular cash it all. 816-352-6688 cel- flow. Contact 816-3046906 lular


BASEMENT WALLS, WATERPROOFING, stucco, houses, chimneys, retaining walls. 45 years experience, references. Complete home A to Z. Gary 913-2628860, Mark 816-8104581 BOBCAT TOP SOIL, gravel delivery, small excavation and demolition, brush removal, dependable, reasonable rates, prompt service. Kansas City Area only. 816-453-4013


W O R K M A N FENCING and construction 1-660-5356112 Lester engineered buildings, vinyl fencing, all kinds of fencing. 30 Years experience! Gary cell 816-387-3929

CARPET CLEANING CARPET DEEP Steam cleaning: I use powerful truck mounted machine, two rooms $50.00, three rooms or more $20.00 per room, $2.00 per stair. 816-674-4147 cellular CARPET/ UPHOLSTERY cleaning. $15.99 room, two room minimum. 25 years experience. Free deodorizing. Sealer/ pet odor. 816-803-2272 cellular

CEMETERY FOR SALE, cemetery headstones, granite, fair and affordable, $99.00. Frisbie Monuments, 816-833-5111

COMPUTER SALES & SERVICE INFINITY COMPUTER Solutions. We solve all your computer needs at a fraction of the cost of other places. Computer sales, computer repair, computer classes, and we specialize in computer clean up. We will beat or match any ones prices. 816-5611239

CONCRETE CONCRETE WORK Drives, steps, patios, walks. Licensed and Insured. 40 years experience. George Higginbotham. 913-2624265 CONCRETE Driveways, patios, walks, steps, retaining walls, stoops, basement, foundation repair, sump pumps, drainage problems, no job too small. 816-4443912 TOLEFREE CEMENT Finishing. Licensed, bonded, insured. Specialize: flat work, driveways, basements, patios, steps. 40 years experience and free estimates. 913-334-4526 ★★★ CROSS BOBCAT AND CONCRETE.COM Residential, commercial concrete placement/ removal. Drives/ walks/ patios/ walls/ pads/ footings/ etcetera. Licensed, insured, bonded. BBB 913-342-1199 ★★★ CONSTRUCTION

ENTERTAINMENT PREMIER PARTY bus! Three, four and five hour specials! Our party bus has full service restroom amenities. Visit us at www.premierkcpartybus.com 913-230-7262 EXCAVATION PONDS, CLEARING terraces. Free estimates. Bryson Excavating 816-801-9944

EXTERMINATOR COCKROACHES/ LAS Cucarachas, $64.00. Bedbugs/ chinches, $275.00. Guaranteed. Will come back with no cost till all are gone. 913-2693369

FENCES FENCES AND decks installed. Wood, chain link, and iron. Also repairs of all types of fencing. Call 913-7455216

FINANCIAL FINANCIAL PROBLEMS Solve them with affordable, personal or business loans. Excellent terms. Fast approvals. Pre qualify with no obligations. Call: Union Funding Solutions LTD, today at 1-800-517-6680

RESIDENTIAL AND commercial, new construction, demolition, additions, remodeling, electrical, plumbing, siding, windows, decks, kitchens and baths. Free estimates FLOORING with construction professional. Licensed/ InSANDING/ REFINsured. 913-940-8164 ISHING, hardwood DECKS floors. Give your floors DECKS- N- MORE that new look again for Kitchens, Islands, a reasonable price. DeBaths, Tile, Trim work, pendable and reliable. Painting, Lighting and 913-575-4491 more. Free estimates! FOUNDATION (Call me first!) 816REPAIR 896-2926 R E N O VAT I O N S DRYWALL F O U N D AT I O N Service. Water probMAG lems, house settling, ENTERPRISES basement walls, poor SINCE 1960 grade, cracks, mud Textures removed or jacking. We can fix it changed, drywall hanging or finishing, all! 913-238-7060 drywall and plaster GUTTERING repair, knock down texture, wall skim- SEAMLESS GUTming, interior paint- TERS, screening for ing. Free estimates. tops of gutters, fascia Licensed and in- and soffit repair. Keep sured. All work guar- rain out and away from anteed. Mark Gra- home. 913-400-2483 ham, owner. 816-537-8787 HANDYMAN



C O N C R E T E WORK, steps, drives, walks, floors, foundation repairs, straightened, braced. Walls repaired. Rock, block. 816-838-4390 ALL CONCRETE Inc. Specializing in driveways, patios, steps, walks, stamped. Commercial/ residential for all your concrete needs. Senior discounts. 816-589-6828

ELECTRICIAN Repair - replace. Work guaranteed. Senior citizens discount. We accept Mastercard, Visa and Discover. 913-856-3888 816-753-3888 LICENSED ELECTRICIAN outlets, lights, new panels, etcetera, cheaper than you would think. 913362-2100

CHRISTIAN PROFESSIONAL Handyman Service. Plumbing, carpentry, painting, bathroom/ basement remodeling, fences, decks, discounts. Guaranteed. Free estimates, reasonable. Licensed, insured. Bill 816-769-5022 S&G HANDYMAN Service, all jobs around the house, affordable price. Call Silvio, home 913-334-9120, cellular 816-645-7362

816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012

HANDYMAN NO HACK JOBS! I will totally remodel your kitchen, bathroom, electrical, plumbing, decks, etcetera. Best rates in town! Call Caz 816-668-7179 DENNIS SVAGLIC 30 years, skilled craftsman. Tree trimming, quality siding, windows, painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry. Dedicated to home owners. 816-423-1213

INSURANCE AFFORDABLE HEALTH Insurance! Zero deductible! Benefits includes: Hospitals, Medical, Outpatient Services, 24 hour accident protection. Call for free quote 816-7217793 LAWN CARE

QUALITY LAWN Care! Why pay more? Hauling, mowing, tilling, tree trimming, yard HAULING clean up, basement CHEAPEST HAUL- clean up. 816-405ING garage/ base- 8194 or 913-689-5845 ment cleaning, brush/ tree work. No job too LAWN SERVICES small or large. Free es- YARD/ GARDEN timates, fast service. and lawn Maintenance 913-396-3998, 816- for Summer to fall! Call 965-8494 Randy’s Lawn Service JOHN’S HAULING, at 913-424-0269 for Brush, trash, House lawn tips visit my faceclean out, basement book page randysclean out, all scrap hauling, free estimates. lawnservice Call 816-536-1029 LAWNMOWERS MURRAY’S SERVICES: Handyman, O V E R S T O C K hauling, cleanouts, MUST sell: Riders cleanups, plumbing, re- $295.00, Push $69.50, modeling of all types, Self Propelled $129.95, fences, discounts, “Z” turn $495.00 up. guaranteed. Licensed. We trade. Guaranteed. 816-590-8498 Raytown Lawnmower D E P E N D A B L E 816-356-4460 HAULING Demolition, bobcat work, LEGAL SERVICES brush, appliances, THE PERFECT Sojunk, basements, clean lution! Legal Consultaup. Top soil. Residential /commercial. In- tion, Redemption Servsured. Free estimates. ices. Stop Mortgage Greater Kansas City foreclosures, foreclosure clean ups. 816area. 816-453-4013 446-7877 HEATING & MOBILE HOME COOLING SERVICE HEATING AND COOLING MOBILE Installation/ repair/ re- NEED placement. Work guar- Home Service? We do anteed. Senior citizens it all! Heating and cooling, plumbing, electridiscount. cal, any building 913-856-3888 needs. Tired of roof re816-753-3888 pairs? Call and ask HOME about rubber roofing! accept major credit IMPROVEMENT We cards. 816-254-4284. REMODELING www.frysgt.com & REPAIR MOVING SUMMER SALE! D&R Remodeling, LOWEST RATESbasement finishing, GUARANTEED! tiling, decks, kitchens, Moving and Delivery. baths, doors/ windows, We’ll move you any sheetrock repairs, inte- time, day or night. Lirior painting. David, censed, insured. 913-238-1092. Free Quality Moving 816estimates 785-9704, 816-796AFFORDABLE RE- 9636 MODELING. Experienced Bath and PAINTING Kitchen Remodeling, Painting, Sheetrock, Roofing. Call for Free estimate. Milton 816694-5139 cellular T.O.T.L. RENOVATIONS HOME PAINTING Carpentry, plumbing, MAINTENANCE electrical and make R E M O D E L I N G / readies! Dependable HOME Repairs. 30 fair pricing, efficient, years of experience. professional. LiFully equipped for censed and insured. home repair, or com- Accepting Visa/ Masplete remodeling call Rick. Cell: 816-786- ter Card. Anthony 816-226-9913 4820

PAINTING PRO FINISH Painting/ Remodel, interior, exterior painting. Sheetrock, texture, wallpaper, Vinyl, flooring, wood rot. Call John, for free estimate 816-820-5194 YOU’LL BE happy you called Dennis the Painter. Licensed, insured, 34 years experience, seniors/ investors appreciate my work, prices, honesty. 816-523-3554, 8166 8 2 - 7 6 6 4 facebook.com/pages/D e n n i s - T h e painter/221880541257 692 L&L SMITH Brothers Painting. Lowest prices. Free Estimates. Save 25% schedule now for spring! Exterior, starting at $999.00 including paint. 816-5068545 cellular PLUMBING MASTER PLUMBING. Residential repair, licensed master plumber. Work guaranteed. Senior citizen discount. Since 1936. 816-753-3888 913-856-3888 C O M P L E T E PLUMBING Services. Licensed. Sewers and waterlines, 24/ 7. Call 816-405-6924 RELIABLE PLUMBING 20 years experience. Licensed plumber. Work guaranteed. $10.00 off with this ad. Discount to seniors. Reasonable rates. 913-856-3888, 816-561-2299 $10.00 OFF With Ad! Call Bob’s Root’r Service. Drain cleaning, video sewer inspection, plumbing repairs, sewer locating, hydrojetting. Credit cards accepted. 816-313-0800, 913-208-3541 www.bobsrooter.com SHANE’S DRAINS Plumbing, for all your drain cleaning and plumbing needs. $10.00 off with ad, Senior Citizen discount. 913-788-5144, 913-596-1425 MITCH’S PLUMBING, remodel, drain cleaning, work guaranteed. “We’ll get to the root of your problem”. 816-252-2363, cellular 816-365-6428

REMODELING KITCHEN/ BATH Remodeling, experienced in plumbing, electrical and carpentry. Work guaranteed. Senior citizen discount. Since 1936. 816-753-3888 913-856-3888


THURSDAY • AUGUST 16 • 2012 • 816.356.8790

REMODELING JB REMODELING licensed, insured. Kitchen, bath, tiling, carpet, electrical, plumbing, concrete, decks, air conditioning, furnace, floors, finish basement, more. Free estimates, John 816743-6777 U N L I M I T E D EARTH Construction 913-281-7757 Office, 816-935-2739 24 Hours. We build without limitations: remodeling, room additions, flooring, new construction, electrical, demolition

ROOFING GARCIA’S ROOFING, windows and siding, residential and commercial. Roof and gutter repair. Chimney repair. Free estimates. References. 913-6029032 LEAK REPAIRS all types of roofs. Free estimates. Right Roofing. 913-653-4709 or 913220-6755 R O O F I N G : REROOFS, repairs, new, leaks. EPDM and TPO low slope, siding, windows, and gutters. Interior and exterior paint, texture. Free estimates, licensed, insured. Call 816-7785946 ALVAREZ ROOFING, Siding and Gutters! Lowest prices, licensed and insured, free estimates. References available, Immediate response. 816519-2444 cellular


TREE TRIMMING & SERVICE VETERAN TREE Service, removal, trimming, stumping. Free estimates. 913-3342022. We appreciate your business BIG TREE Country. Do tree removal, trimming, clean outs. Fast service! Call now! Call 816-674-4384 or 816277-4383 Big Tree Country.

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NOTICE Thrifty Nickel American Classifieds’s National Marketplace considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, although reporting inaccuracies can occur, consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. Know who you are doing business with. Find out all pertinent information and write it down, then it is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate Chamber of Commerce or the Local State Attorney General’s office before sending payment through the mail, giving out credit card information or checking account information. Never give out your social security number, bank account number, passwords or credit card number over the phone or internet, unless you are very sure of who you are doing business with. It’s illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For information about credit scams, write to the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580. Although persons and Companies advertising in this section are believed to be reputable, neither American Classifieds Want Ads, MidAmerica Publishing, Inc., American Classified Inc. or National Marketplace Advertising, nor any of its employed accept any responsibility whatsoever for their activities. To place an ad nationwide, call 816-356-8790 or visit American Classifieds On Line. http://www.americanclassifieds.com



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NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.

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