816.356.8790 MON-TUES 8 AM -6 PM WED-FRI 8 AM -5 PM FAX 816.356.0621 INFO@KCNICKEL.COM
Your Classifieds Specialist
Distributed Every Thursday
Vol. 35
No. 21
November 15, 2012
“LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED” A THRIFTY NICKEL WANT ADS PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTED EVERY THURSDAY IN CASS, JACKSON, JOHNSON & LAFAYETTE COUNTIES MISSOURI FORD TRACTOR, model 2000, bale spike, blade and brush hog, also pull type manure spreader, $3,500.00. 816-6973191 COLLECTIBLES, VIDEO Game, Asteroids. Man cave, rec room, or money maker. 816-547-5301
SPACE SAVER, electric wheelchair, $300.00 or best offer. Various collectible dolls and musical instruments. 913-269-4041 SCOOTER MOBILITY chair, $1,200.00 negotiable. 816-8094543 NICE COMPUTER, $89.00. 816-455-1600 ROUND Always use Thrifty HOVER Nickel because I sell mobility chair, $550.00 what it is I advertised. negotiable. 816-454Steve 4977 NOTICE Thrifty Nickel reserves the right to refuse any and/ or to edit any portion of an ad we think questionable or not in good taste. If you find errors or omissions in your ad, you must notify Thrifty Nickel within five days from the date of publication. After five days, Thrifty Nickel and/ or it’s agents cannot be held responsible for any error. Thrifty Nickel will only be held responsible for the portion of the paid advertising that was incorrect and is only liable for correct copy being published in the first available issue only. Absolutely No Cash Refunds Will Be Issued. AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 6 P.M. NATIONAL ADS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY MONDAY NOON
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816- 3 81 355 6 - 8 7 9 0 Private Party Only, Some restrictions Apply, No Cancellations Or Changes
POOL TABLE Slate top. You pick up, $100.00. Needs new felt. 816-254-8774 NEW PROFORM 6.ZE Elliptical, $200.00. Call Linda 816-456-6168 ESTATE SALE, stove, refrigerators, washer, dryers, Mahogany dinette set, plus other. All priced to sell. 816-277-8592
GENERAL ELECTRIC 24 cubic foot side by side refrigerator, ice/ water in door, $250.00. 913-6422286 ROLCO C44 treadmill $210.00, Homelite 26cc Mightylite $90.00, backpack blower $90.00. 816-520-1807 BLUE QUAKER Parrot with large breeders cage. Certified male and miscellaneous. 816-405-3456
22 THERMAL windows, $30.00 small, $50.00 large. Cabinets, front door, shower swan door, ceiling fans, kitchen sink, bear claw tub, dishwasher, air conditioner 12,000 BTU, two small air conditioners 5,000 BTU. 816-923-1136 MUST SACRIFICE: 1911 Grand Piano, Nancy Hari, Model with Bench, lovely condition. 816-252-7433
I N S U L AT E D B U I L D I N G 50X30X12, $5,000.00. Practically new! 816337-8172 R E S TA U R A N T EQUIPMENT for sale. 913-299-4723, 913-220-4723 OVEN, BUILT in, General Electric, like new, 29 inch, black, electric, $135.00. 816313-0974
D-17 ALLIS Chalmers tractor, runs great, three point hitch, wide front end. 913592-3027 SHELLED PECANS $10.00 per pound, will deliver. Call 816-8063420 HALLMARK ORNAMENT Collection, 1970’s and up, Locomotives, rocking horses, Santas, bargains. 816-322-1019
COMMERCIAL OVEN with four foot grill, coin operated pool table, tables, chairs and booths, large windows, copier. 816-3590798
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Psalms 121:3
Radiators, Transmission Exchange Full Service Center
ANTIQUES: All kinds wanted. Top cash paid for any antiques. 913-287-5131, day or night NEW AND used Muzzle loaders and Flintlock rifles. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 FLINTLOCKS, MUZZLE Loaders, rifles, pistols, lowest prices. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473 CIVIL WAR related items for sale, largest inventory in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473 MUZZLE LOADING supplies. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
1300 E. 63rd Street • Kansas City Mo. 64110 Front End Alignment 816-363-5674 Fax-816-363-6807
COMPUTER & BOATS ELECTRONICS OUT BOARD motor repair, and winterize. FLAT COMPUTER MONITORS, Call for information 15 inch $29.00, 17 inch 816-582-7012 $49.00, 19 inch COMPUTER & $79.00, 24 inch, ELECTRONICS $199.00. 816-4551 6 0 0 LOWER THAT cable bill! Get satellite TV to- NICE COMPUTER! day! Free system, in- Excellent computer for stallation and HD/ DVR student or small busiupgrade. Programming ness, $139.00, includes LCD Monitor. starting at $19.99. Call 8 1 6 - 4 5 5 - 1 6 0 0 now! 1-800-935-8195
COMPUTER & ELECTRONICS COMPUTER REPAIRS and upgrades. Is your computer slow? We can fix it for as little as $50.00. 816-4551 6 0 0 DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-935-7165
Starrt ing At $ * Moo st Cars
Call Fo r Deta ai l s
Engine Installation $550 Labor Most Cars VAUGHNS COMPUTER CENTRAL Has moved! Come see our new location! 6261 North Oak Trafficway, across from Perkins and Hardee’s. 816455-1600
COMPUTER & ELECTRONICS $90.00 LAPTOPS, $30.00 TV’s, $8.50 Smart Phones, $4.50 jeans, $1.00 DVD’s. Brand name electronics, apparel, furniture, toys, cosmetics from over 200 leading liquidators. Visit VAUGHNS COMPUTER CENTRAL Has moved! Come see our new location! 6261 North Oak Trafficway, across from Perkins and Hardee’s. 816455-1600
APPLIANCES & FURNITURE OVEN, BUILT in, General Electric, like new, 29 inch, black, electric, $135.00. 816313-0974 MATTRESS FACTORY WAREHOUSE Best prices in Kansas City! Twin mattresses as low as $50.00, full $75.00, queen $90.00, king $120.00, $2,000.00 pillow top, queen sets only $250.00! Over 50 sets to choose from! 14446 West 100th Street, Lenexa. 913541-9993
WASHERS, DRYERS, AND REFRIGERATORS Rebuilt, $98.00 and up, three year guarantee, same day delivery. All credit cards. www.KCAPPLIANCE.c om Open late seven days. 816-763-3352 NEW FURNITURE Now 10% off dealer cost, across the Belt from Walmart South, Jackson’s. 816-2620616, Open noon5p.m. Saturday Only
DELL LAPTOP Computer with wireless, $149.00. 816455-1600 BUNDLE AND save on your cable, internet phone and more. High speed internet starting at less than $20.00/ month. Call now! 1800-291-4159
WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE APPLIANCES Free pickup and haul away. Cash paid if you bring it to us. 816-7633352 DIAMOND SHAPE Etagere with glass shelves. Sofa table. Microwave stand. 816560-5715
DIABETICS! CASH paid for unopened, unexpired test strips. Call SHELLED PECANS 816-695-4817 $10.00 per pound, will LYMPHATIC deliver. Call 816-806DRAINAGE 3420 HEALING TOUCH FARM & RANCH Massage Therapy, TRACTOR PARTS, $50.00 hour. IndeUsed, Rebuilt, New. pendence location Most parts less than only. 816-256-1963 50%. Salvaging Trac- HAVE SOME free tors Daily. Case-IH-JD- time? Participate in a MF-Ford-AC-DL-MM. clinical study. Call Eagle Tractor Parts 1- Qunitiles 913-8948 0 0 - 8 3 3 - 5 8 6 7 5533 w w w. e a g l e t r a c t o r DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID HUNTING & Best prices, free FISHING, pickup. Call 816-226CAMPING & 7576 SPORTING GOODS WE HAVE a study for women. Compensation be up to DEER HUNTERS, may Deer $265.00 mounted $2,850.00. Call 913by a pro with 30 years 894-5533 experience. Low rates, Matching buyers with quality work. 913-367- sellers for 35 years. 2678 kesslertaxi- Thrifty Nickel. 816356-8790
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
GARAGE SALES YARD SALES AUCTIONS ESTATE SALES NOTICES GARAGE SALE, lawn mower, new bed sheets, antique furniture, dresser set and more. Call 913-9528637
MEDICAL & HEALTH STUDY FOR change. Call today, 913-894-5533
NOVEMBER SPECIAL All health care needs with our $169.95 plan, for only $69.95, If $70.00 is on debit/ credit card or checking/ savings account. Call 1-800-647-4172 before November 23th, 2012 TAKE CIALIS/ LEVITRA? Save $500.00! 60x 100mg pills $149.00! Plus 8 Bonus pills. Visa/Mastercard Accepted. Order Now! 1-347-753-8138.
MISCELLANEOUS DIVORCE $99.00 Covers Children, Custody, Property & Debts. Uncontested. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Unlimited Customer Support. Call 24/hrs. Free Information! 1-800-250-8142. QUICKEN LOANS* We’re America’s #1 Online Lender. All Time Low Fixed Mortgage Rates. Call Now For Quote In 2 Minutes: 866-943-4695 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID Best prices, free pickup. Call 816-2267576 FOR SALE, cemetery headstones, granite, fair and affordable, $99.00. 816-833-5111 THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800321-0298. REACH OVER 17 million homes nationwide with one easy buy! Only $1,995.00 per week for a 20 word classified! For more information go to or call 816-356-8790
MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS LOOKING FOR A FRESH START? $350 B A N K R U P T C Y. 913.538.5326. GENESIS BIG SALE! Over 3,000 Home Decor Items for indoor/outdoor.Plus, Beautiful Ladies Dresses, Gowns, Sweaters & Shoes.Hurry! Quantities are limited! or 1251-518-8042 QUALITY BACKYARD buildings. Built by Amish and Mennonite Craftsman. Free delivery and set up. 816461-5119 MIXED SEASONED firewood. Pickup, $50.00. Trunk, $20.00. 913-299-8114
ELVIS 2 Theatre Grand opening! December 1st, 2012. 1001 Southwest 1st Street, Oak Grove, Missouri. 30 minutes East of Kansas City on I-70 Highway to Oak Grove Exit 28. Only one King in Rock and Roll! Live in concert every Saturday night at 5:30 p.m. Tickets in advance only $14.00, ticket at the door $16.00. Ticket Hotline, 816-830-5759 DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-795-9329.
HALLMARK ORNAMENT Collection, 1970’s and up, Locomotives, rocking horses, Santas, bargains. 816-322-1019 NEED SOMEWHERE to store the mower? Economy sheds available. Free delivery. 816-294-4324 CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $26/Box! Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY payment. 1-888-3660956. 22 THERMAL windows, $30.00 small, $50.00 large. Cabinets, front door, shower swan door, ceiling fans, kitchen sink, bear claw tub, dishwasher, air conditioner 12,000 BTU, two small air conditioners 5,000 BTU. 816-923-1136 I N S U L AT E D B U I L D I N G 50X30X12, $5,000.00. Practically new! 816337-8172
R E S TA U R A N T EQUIPMENT for sale. 913-299-4723, 913-220-4723 SEASONED WALNUT firewood, $150.00 Cord. Hedge fence posts six to eight inches round, $15.00 each! You load, you haul. 816-805-4737
JANITORIAL Contracting. Not a franchise. Equipment and $350.00 required. Call 816-421-2525 or visit our web site at THE MAGIC Man, will make all the finished wood in your home, look new again, for the Holidays. Half the price of sanding! In just one day! Even change the color! Call now! 816-363-5669 SHOP NOW for Christmas and SAVE!! Save up to 70% on toys, movies, games, clothing, electronics, more! Visit
MISCELLANEOUS CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and affordable medications. Save up to 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-888-467-7085 ($25.00off your first prescription and free shipping.) OAK TABLE with 24 inch leaf, four Captains Chairs, made in USA, like new, $500.00. 913742-0485 DEER ANTLERS wanted! Call Charlie 816-372-7109 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201
MISCELLANEOUS COMMERCIAL OVEN with four foot grill, coin operated pool table, tables, chairs and booths, large windows, copier. 816-3590798 1 EXCLUSIVE Western Print Can Be Yours For Free. Go To Or Call 1-800-253-1748 MUSICAL CASH REWARD, Old American Guitars. Paying $200-$30,000 for Gibson, Fender, Martin and Others. Call Dave. 1-800-646-7795
MUSICAL MUST SACRIFICE: 1911 Grand Piano, Nancy Hari, Model with Bench, lovely condition. 816-252-7433 LEGAL
SIMPLE DIVORCE $160.00 without children, $190.00 with children plus cost. Uncontested matters, prepared. Superior, 816-923-5385
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
Fair Housing Act: Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). For more information contact your local HUD office. Or visit on the internet.
APARTMENTS FOR RENT HOUSING AUTHORITY Vouchers welcomed! 816-2414455 INDEPENDENCE DUPLEX, half month off. One bedroom, $495.00. Two bedroom, $550.00. Section 8 okay. 913-735-7424 C E N T E R SCHOOLS, vouchers accepted, pets okay, on major bus line. Call for move in specials. Colonial Point 816-444-5552 W I L L O W I N D A PA R T M E N T S : One, two and three bedrooms available, behind Cool Crest on 40 Highway. 816-3586764 SPECIAL ONE and two bedroom apartments. Kings Quarters 816-761-5994 W I L L O W I N D APARTMENTS behind Cool Crest on 40 Highway, completely remodeled. 816-3586764 R A Y T O W N SCHOOLS, best move in specials in town! Call today in fast! Brittany Place. 816358-6882
Our Floor Plans Are The Largest In The Area!
Bring In This Ad & Pay No App Fee!
NEW OWNERS NEW MANAGEMENT! Habla 1 B e d r o o m Se Espanol AMBER Starting At $$399 39 9 AA Rated GLENN 2 B e d r o o m ARaytown APARTMENTS Starting At $499 School District 9805 E 61st #3 Raytown, MO.
FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment, $580.00, with utilities paid, central air, Independence. 816-547-6753 TOWN HOMES, East of Downtown. Two, three, and four bedroom, 1.5 or two bath, off street parking. Nice, $600.00 to $700.00. 816-2219994 NICE BRICK, four plex at 3335 Oxford. $450.00/ $250.00, Two bedroom apartment. No pets. 816-497-0583
FOR RENT STUDIO, ONE, two and three bedrooms. Ask how to get $100.00 off. 816-7655151 BUDD PARK PLACE 103 North Denver: Freshly updated studios and apartments, water and appliances furnished. Laundry facilities, off street parking, secured entrance. Clean and family friendly enviroment. $325.00- $425.00. Ask for Fall Special! 816241-2722 ONE, TWO and four bedrooms available, Center School District, vouchers welcome. Colonial Point 816444-5552
Section 8 Applications Welcome Duplexes Offer Appliances, Carpet, Blinds, Garages & Much More!
2 bdrms, 1 bath, F/R or 3 bdrm, single car garage
9418 E. 18th Terr. $
2 bdrms, f/r or 3rd bdrms, 1 bath, single car garage
1202 Chershire
2 bdrms, 1.5 bath all one level, all electric, garage w/opener
206 A. 7th Street 3 bdrms, 2 bath all one level, all electric, garage w/opener
302 B. NE 7th Street
2 bdrms, F/R or 3 bdrms, 1 Bath, Single Car Garage
104 A. Baker Drive
Professional Maintenance and Management
816-254-0980 All Applicants Subject To Landlords Approval.
FOR RENT NEED A new place? Our apartments are the largest in the area! 816-763-1451 TOWNHOME SPECIAL, look and lease. Call for details. 816921-9663 CHECK OUT The Greens, 95th and Blue Ridge. 816-767-1800
FOR RENT FALL MOVE in special at Jefferson Place Apartments. Call today, move in tomorrow. 816-761-4293 SECTION 8 Welcome! Totally renovated, loads of amenities, great location. Briarwood Garden 816-761-7731
BELTON, MISSOURI, coming soon. Two bedroom, one bathroom, $675.00, complete renovation. Refrigerator and stove included. Section 8 okay. Call Tonya 816-462-8970. propertymgmt1010@g
INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, one bedroom, $395.00, hardwood floors. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) ONE BEDROOM blowout! Best move in special in South Kansas City! Call today! 816-763-1451 ALL UTILITIES paid except electric, only $180.00 moves you in. Arbors of Grandview. 816-7613411
APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT: Studio apartment, Historic Northeast area, $300.00 month. 816376-0376 WE MAKE your apartment search easy! Ask how to get one month free! 816763-6828 ONE- TWO Bedroom units only $20.00 application fee! Grandview Missouri. Stoneybrook South, 816-763-3053 STUDIO APARTMENT, $350.00 month, all electric, water/ trash paid. Section 8. 816-916-7117 FORT OSAGE, Independence School District, one and two bedroom units, available now! 816-2571400 QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD living. One, two bedroom units available now! 816405-3834
FOR RENT FALL MOVE in special at Jefferson Place Apartments. Call today, move in tomorrow. 816-761-4293 HEAT PAID, Independence, one and two bedroom units. Section 8 available. 816-2571400
FOR RENT ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Studio and one bedroom apartments, Downtown. On bus line. Laundry on site! $460.00- $560.00 per month. 816-756-0558 MULTIPLE INDEPENDENCE LOCATIONS One bedroom $450.00. Two bedroom, $550.00, all electric. Zero deposit special restrictions apply. 816260-9663
VAN BRUNT Boulevard, one and two bedroom, hardwood floors, $395.00$450.00 month. Please call 816-333RENT (7368) BLUE RIDGE and Longview Road, now renting large one bedroom units. Mention this ad. 816-763-1451 LOOK AND lease specials Kings Quarters 816-761-5994
GRANDVIEW One bedroom, $375.00. Two bedroom duplex, $450.00. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) COMPLETELY REMODELED, all new, one, two and three bedrooms, great location. Willowind Apartments 816-358-6764 ONE BEDROOM $350.00, two bedroom $450.00. Low deposit. Northeast. 816-9357212 ATTENTION SENIORS! Cleanest Garden apartments around! Two bedroom, hardwood, $435.00 monthly, Van Brunt. 816-868-8542 cellular ASK ABOUT our look and lease special, one and two bedroom apartments. 816-9219663 Getting nowhere advertising on that “List”? Try a classified listing with over 33 years experience.
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
Except Electric!
Se Habla Espanol
1st Month 1st Month Rent FREE! Rent FREE!
816. 761.3411 Grandview, MO.
1 & 2 Bdrms Call & Ask About 1 Month FREE! $200 Look & Lease On Townhomes!
FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment, eat in kitchen, clean, low utilities, $375.00 monthly, water paid, deposit required. 5819 East 12th * Clubhouse * 2 Pools Street, Kansas City. * Individual Monitored Alarms 816-728-7437 * 3 Playgrounds Conveniently Located * Large Living Space ONE AND two bed* Fitness Center room apartments. Ray* Energy Efficient town School District. Appliances Brittany Place. 816* Exquisite 358-6882 Landscaping TWO BEDROOM, * Picnic Areas With deck, $450.00. 55th/ BBQ Grills State Avenue. 913638-3120 cellular 7000 Crabapple Lane • Kansas City, MO 64129 I-435 & Eastwood Trafficway SE HABLA Espanol, one, two and three 816-921-9663 bedroom units available. Great locations in APARTMENTS APARTMENTS Grandview! Briarwood Garden 816-761-7731 FOR RENT FOR RENT Like us on Facebook! $99.00 MOVE IN $180.00 MOVES you in at The Arbors of SPECIAL 95TH AND Blue Central air, private Grandview! Call today Ridge. Call and ask parking, Raytown area. 816-761-3411 how to get one month Call for details 816free. For a limited time 358-0505 NICE TWO bed- TWO BEDROOM, only. 816-765-6491 C O N V E N I E N T LY room, near Independ- one bath apartment, LOCATED off Blue ence Avenue, spa- new paint, carpet, mini Ridge and Longview cious, recent rehab, blinds, ceiling fans, refrigerator, Road in South Kansas includes washer/ dryer, stove, 816-678- front- back decks, City. 816-763-6828 $550.00. $395.00 month. 913www.liveatgatehouse.c 1903 om GREAT LOCATION 217-7272 A PLACE you’ll love in Grandview, Section OFFICE OR retail to call home! Ruskin 8 okay, loads of ameni- space available in InPlace, unbeatable ties. Call for move in dependence, perfect Briarwood for Art Gallery, in great move in specials! 816- special. Garden 816-761-7731 area. 816-254-0980 763-1451 MISB A N K R U P T C Y - $99.00 MOVE IN BELTON, SPECIAL SOURI, two bedroom FORECLOSURE? Let’s talk- we can move Central air, private apartment, $875.00, all you in! 816-405-3834 parking, Raytown area. utilities paid- gas, waI N D E P E N D E N C E Call for details 816- ter, electric, trash, lawncare. Refrigerator, GREAT location, 737-5666 easy access to every- CHECK OUT The stove, microwave inthing! Mention this ad Greens, 95th and Blue cluded. Complete renfor move in special. Ridge. 816-767-1800 ovation, new hard816-257-1400 BELTON, MIS- woods. Section 8 okay. LARGEST ONE SOURI. One bed- 816-462-8970. properbedroom apartments in room, one bathroom Kansas City! Great duplex, $450.00. Re- m TOTAL move in specials! Call frigerator and stove in- $299.00 today! 816-763-1451 cluded. New floors and move in special! SecOLIVE PARK Vil- paint. Section 8 okay. tion 8 welcome. Call lage, great move in Call Tonya 816-462- 816-923-5100 proper- $100.00 OFF rent! specials. Section 8 8970 Section 8 welcome. okay! 816-241-4455 816-765-5151 STONEYBROOK m SOUTH, one- two bedroom, low deposit, $20.00 application fee! 816-763-3053 $299.00 TOTAL move in special! Section 8 welcome. Call 816-923-5100 CALL AND ask how to get one month free. For a limited time only, 95th and Blue Ridge. 816-765-6491 $100.00 SIGN UP BONUS Must see, recently renovated. Two bedroom, one bath, $450.00 to $550.00 month, Kansas City, Kansas area. Call 913-9094317 Ken
FOR RENT BELTON, MISSOURI. One bedroom apartment, $650.00, all utilities paid- gas, water, electric, trash, lawncare. Refrigerator and stove included. Complete renovation, new hardwoods. Section 8 okay. 816-462-8970, m APARTMENT FOR rent. Three bedroom, central air, newly remodeled, second floor. We accept Section 8, $600.00 monthly, 3037 York. Call 816-9237766
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES SECURE GRAVEL lot for rent, perfect for storing cars, Arrowhead Stadium area. 816-718-2909 DUPLEX RENTALS available, Section 8 welcome. Several locations around town. 816-254-0980 OFFICE/ LOT space for small car dealer, $500.00 month plus shared utilities. 816718-2909 26X8 STORAGE unit, by Arrowhead, on secure lot, $75.00 month. 816-718-2909
HOUSES FOR RENT 5725 BALES, three bedroom, central air, $600.00 month. 816206-8506 NEWLY REMODELED home. Four and five bedroom, hardwood floors, kitchen, refrigerator, stove, two full baths, basement, washer/ dryer hookups, fenced backyard, Inner City location, $650.00. Section 8 welcome. 816924-3415
HOUSES FOR RENT WELCOME SECTION 8! Nice three bedroom, hardwood floors, finished basement, appliances, garage and central air. Low deposit, $850.00 monthly. 816-213-6196 TRUMAN ROAD budget pleasing two bedroom house, dining room and living room, full basement, appliances, $325.00 deposit; $550.00 816-254-7200 EEB1T
1401 HARDESTY, three bedroom, full basement, off street parking with two car garage, $525.00, references, deposit. Fred 913-963-8900 TWO, SOUTH Kansas City, Missouri homes for rent. 9810 Marsh, three bedroom, one bath, $750.00/ $500.00 deposit. 8305 East 98th Terrace. Three bedroom, one bath, $800.00/ $500.00 deposit. Section 8 welcome. Call Jarod 816399-4884 or apply online DUPLEX FOR rent, 703 Northeast Columbus, Lee’s Summit, three bedroom, central heat and air, basement, garage, fenced yard, $675.00. 11222 East Winner Road, Independence duplex, three bedroom, 1.5 bath $575.00, two bedroom, $450.00. No pets, good references and deposit required. 1-620-332-9275 SECTION 8, beautiful newly remodeled home, three bedrooms, one bath, large basement, all appliances, off street parking, 5433 Highland, Kansas City, Missouri. 913-5689998
SOUTH KANSAS CITY Bring the pets along; two bedroom house, newer carpeting, living room, garage, fenced yard, pets welcome too! $550.00 913-962-6683 EEB16 HOUSES FOR rent with stove/ refrigerator, central air, new carpet. Ruskin Heights 913530-2713 TWO BEDROOM, one bath, 51st and Wabash, 64130, $600.00. Call Bob, 816-813-1430
NICE THREE bedroom, 1.5 bath, two garage, family room, deck, patio, fenced in yard, 8705 East 96th Terrace, rent $875.00. 816-767-9750 THREE BEDROOM homes: Newly remodeled, many amenities, Rockhurst University area, from $595.00 to $650.00. Call James at 816-510-5861 BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED, two, three, four bedroom homes, no deposit. Section 8 only. 816309-4264
LINWOOD AND Kensington, ranch, two bedroom, 1.5 bath, large den, garage, screened deck, stove, washer/ dryer hookups, $650.00 month, $650.00 deposit. 816861-3566
HOUSES FOR RENT CONTINUED Place your ad 24 hours a day, any day of the week. Visit our website w w w. k c n i c k e l . c o m Thrifty Nickel
PG. 6 •
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
HOUSES FOR RENT Tired of all the old goodies laying around? Recycle them in, Thrifty Nickel! Get the cash needed for new! 816-3568790 RAYTOWN SCHOOLS Super clean, cute, huge garage, three bedroom, two bath, newly remodeled. Fenced with large deck, Raytown Road and 59th Street. Rent $850.00, deposit $650.00. Available December 1st. No smoking/ no pets. 1602-909-6933 TWO AND three bedroom duplexes for rent in Independence, Oak Grove, Buckner, Blue Springs, some with no security deposit. 816254-0980 THREE PLUS bedroom, 5532 Highland, $650.00. Section 8 welcome! 816-5365613
RENT TO OWN 3617 College, Kansas City, Missouri. Nice three bedroom, one bath, basement. Needs minor repairs. You fix, you save! $495.00 down, $495.00 a month. 816-350-7200 66TH/ VIRGINIA, two bedroom, one bath, hardwood floors. Available November 1st, $500.00 month. 816-529-9986
HOUSES FOR RENT GRANDVIEW THREE bedroom, two bath. Large beautifully remodeled townhome, finished basement, garage. Water and yard paid. $895.00 month. No pets/ smoking. Section 8 okay. 816-2154146 FOR RENT: Three bedroom, one bath, newly updated, $800.00 per month plus deposit. Section 8 welcomed. Swope Parkway/ 61st. 816838-8301
TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX Washer/ dryer hookups, central air, Center School District, $500.00 monthly, Section 8 welcome. 816-2159495 cellular MANSION SIZED bring the pets along to this five bedroom, two bath house, hardwood floors, basement, appliances, and only $750.00! 816-254-7200 MEB79
HOUSES FOR RENT LEE’S SUMMIT remodeled and updated throughout; two bedrooms, kitchen appliances, oversized yard area, pets welcome; $500.00 913-962-6683 EEB1V FALL MOVE IN SPECIALS Available for these newly renovated properties. 7924 Brooklyn, 6711 East 107th Street, 7053 Indiana, 3907 Smart, 5229 South Benton, 3741 Belfountaine. Section 8 welcome. 816-612-2518 HOSPITAL HILL all utilities paid; two bedrooms, hardwood floors and carpet, kitchen appliances, pets okay, won’t last at $595.00! 913-962-6683 EEB1W THREE BEDROOM house, newly remodeled, $400.00 deposit, $550.00 rent. 3305 East 60th Street. 816606-0896 RENT OR rent to own: Newly remodeled, four bedroom home, 2924 Mersington. 816-585-5975
THREE BEDROOM house for rent. Section 8 only. 72nd and Virginia. Two bath, one car garage, $250.00 deposit. 816-237-8199 SECTION 8 WELCOME Two, three and four bedroom homes available, great locations, newly remodeled, alarm systems. 913940-7153, 913-2264868 TOWN HOME: Two bedroom, one bath, central air, gas heat, newer appliances including washer/ dryer, lawn care, trash, water provided, $600.00, 9534 Harrison, Kansas City, Missouri. 1-913-6746455
DUPLEX 11124 East 84th Terrace, near Raytown South High School, two bedroom, family room, two bath, garage, $625.00 month. Section 8 accepted. 816-920-7774 CENTER SCHOOLS Three bedroom, two bath, rent/ rent to own. New carpet, dining room, all electric, Thermo windows, kitchen appliances, no gas bill, $700.00 rent, $600.00 deposit. 8310 Wayne. 816841-3496 7305 EAST 86th Street, Raytown, Missouri, three bedroom, one bath, Section 8 okay. 913-998-6090 BEAUTIFUL REHABBED HOMES AND DUPLEXES MOVE IN SPECIAL Section 8 welcome. Two, three, and four bedroom, two bath. JB&T Properties, LLC. 816-361-6607, 816-382-5945 TWO BEDROOM, one bath, South Kansas City, refrigerator, stove, laundry hookup, $700.00/ $600.00 deposit. Section 8 welcome. 816436-3355 GRANDVIEW SCHOOLS, 800 133rd Circle, completely remodeled, four bedroom, two bath, $895.00. Please call 816-333RENT (7368) IT’S CRAZY but $99.00 will pay your first months rent. Independence Station. 816796-0600
P A R A D I G M PROPERTIES, two and three bedroom homes for rent. Section 8 welcome. 816455-4133
SECTION 8, four bedroom, two bath, 5911 Olive. $100.00 move in special, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, safe THREE BEDROOM, neighborhood and 1.5 bath, parking in good neighbors. 816back, fenced, $650.00 200-4500 month. Northeast area. 3236 EAST 28th 816-734-9300 Street, two story, three SECTION 8, newly bedrooms plus, fenced remodeled, three backyard, basement. bedroom, 1.5 bath, Section 8 welcome. QUIET ONE one car garage, 7056 816-405-4040 BEDROOM In a small, secure Bales, $800.00. 816four plex building. Air 914-4282 conditioning, off 55TH STREET street parking, great newly remodeled carpet/ paint. Nice throughout; two bedsized bedroom! Cat room house, basement accepted, no dogs! for storage, safely Ready now, quiet, fenced yard, applisafe, South Grand- ances too; $575.00 rsNEAT FREAKS view area, $400.00 816-254-7200 Three bedroom, two month. Cell 913-963- EEB15 bath, Center Schools, 9963 TOWN HOMES, all electric, $850.00 East of Downtown. month, good rental HOUSES FOR Two, three, and four history a must. Other RENT Three bed- bedroom, 1.5 or two properties available rooms, one or two bath, off street parking. also. Call 913-980bath, fenced yard, Nice, $600.00 to 3559 garage, $600.00 to $700.00. 816-221$725.00 a month, 9994 VALUE FILLED get South Kansas City. more for your money THREE BED816-250-5420 or 816here; three bedroom ROOM, one bath, house, full basement, 761-1530 one car garage, garage, fenced yard, South Kansas City, appliances, and more! NORTHEAST $595.00, Two bed- $500.00 AREA Two bedrooms, one room, one bath apart- 913-962-6683 MEBXO bath, full unfinished ment, $495.00, RayDEPOSIT basement, patio, town. Two bedroom, LOW deck, central air. Rent two bath house, Inde- $250.00 deposit to $550.00. 816-322- pendence, $550.00. keep costs down; three 6030 www.con- Section 8 welcome! bedroom/ two bath house, hardwood 816-812-8175 floors, full basement, appliances too; $550.00 913-962-6683 MEB8B
MOVE IN SPECIAL Beautiful, remodeled home, 58th and Park. Two bedroom, one bath, Rent $575.00, $350.00 deposit, $35.00 application fee. Section 8 considered. Must see to appreciate! 816-3087153, 816-206-6798 2027 OAKLEY $650.00/ $350.00 deposit. 2515 Hardesty $450.00/ $350.00 deposit, fenced, garages, decks, porches, wood burning fire places. 2612 Colorado, $475.00/ $250.00 deposit. 816-497-6163
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
Relocate Your Manufactured Home and Save Money! YOUR HOME HERE
1301 N. Scott Belton, MO 64102
(888) 284-1908
HOUSES FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM, two story house for rent. 3200 East 28th Street, fenced yard. Section 8 okay. 816405-4040 601 BLUE Ridge, two bedroom, $475.00/ $300.00 deposit, lovely location, wooded lot. 816-497-8190 7510 EAST 112th, three bedroom, tile bath, new carpet, tile kitchen, garage, air, newly redecorated, $700.00. 816-9425533
Apply Online At:
HOUSES FOR RENT 818 WHEELING, two bedroom, one bath, full basement. Section 8 welcome. Call Dave: 913-9627003
SECTION 8 ESTATE 5239 PASEO BOULEVARD CONVENIENT AND SECURE DUPLEXES TWO Three large bedbedroom, one bath, rooms, two baths, first floor laundry. carpet, fireplace, for95th/ Holmes, Center mal dining room, School District, water kitchen, stove, refrigpaid, $500.00- erator, central air, fur$595.00. 816-550- nace, full basement, 4362 cellular screened porch, dou106 NORTH ble garage, fenced Hawthorne, Independ- yard, patio. 816-333ence, Missouri, three 2786, 815-531-5504 bedroom, one bath. SECTION 8 welSection 8 okay. 913- come! Four bedroom, 998-6090 two bath, stove, refrigSECTION 8 erator, central air. 39th HOUSE FOR RENT and Van Brunt area, Four bedroom, two $850.00 rent. 816-215bath, garage with 1646 opener, stove, refrigerator, washer/ dryer, central air, alarm, rent $850.00 plus flexible NO DEPOSIT deposit, 6232 College Two bedroom, one Avenue, Kansas City, bath, garage, 8028 Missouri. 816-674- Olive, $595.00. 9136550 271-0573
HOUSES FOR RENT: One, two, three, four, five bedroom, one/ two bath. Section 8 okay. 816-665-2215 cellular WALLET PLEASER lower deposit too; three bedroom, two bath house, hardwood floors, safely fenced yard, kitchen appliances, only $450.00! 816-2547200 MEB11
$ 5 7 5 . 0 0 MONTHLY, nice three bedroom, all one level, stove, refrigerator, quiet neighborhood, near Swope Park, near bus line. 913-219-3388 WELCOME SECTION 8! Nice two bedroom, new carpet, appliances, air, low deposit, $675.00 monthly. 816-213-6196 TWO AND three bedroom duplexes for rent, Section 8 okay. Some with no security deposit. 816-254-0980
TWO BEDROOM, 4029 East 69th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri. Call 816-7837220
SECTION 8 ONLY NICE FOUR BEDROOM Spacious two story house in Northeast area, two full bathrooms. Large porch, basement, garage. Master bedroom on main floor. Washer, dryer, stove, dishwasher, microwave and refrigerator included. Call Tom 913558-4424
LOW UTILITIES Two bedroom, one bath, side by side duplexes. No one above/ below you! Quiet, peaceful living! No dogs but do accept cat, Section 8. All one level, no stairs! Central air, washer/ dryer hookups, off street parking, South Grandview near 152nd Street, ready now! $550.00 month, possible flexible deposit. Cell 913-9639963
SOUTH KANSAS CITY AREA Ranch home with three bedrooms, two baths, one car garage, hardwood floors, fenced yard, central air. Rent $775.00. 816-322- MONTHLY LEASE 6030 www.con- keep it flexible here; two bedrooms, roomy living room, eat in SECTION 8 kitchen plus appliAPPROVED Nice two, three, and ances, newly updated; four bedroom homes, $550.00 apartment and town 816-254-7200 MEB1Q homes available. Call ONE BEDROOM, 816-349-8310 South Kansas City, stove, refrigerator, bus stop, $600.00/ $600.00 Vouchers SECTION 8, (2) deposit. Three bedrooms, cen- okay. 816-436-3355 tral air, private drive, C H A R M I N G 5532 Michigan and THREE bedroom, 1.5 1820 East 55th, bath, appliances, Sec$600.00 rent. 816-923- tion 8 accepted, 7926 Michigan, Kansas City, 9170 Missouri. 816-5823112 EAST 63rd, 8893 two bedroom, 1.5 bath, BLUE RIDGE newly duplex, garage, updated three bedwasher/ dryer hookup, room house, hardwood $650.00. 816-204- floors, full basement, 4302 garage, fenced yard, LARGE FOUR bed- appliances, priced at room 3305 Oxford, two $500.00! car garage, parking, 816-254-7200 EEB10 storage, $900.00/ $500.00 deposit. Two bedroom, $600.00/ $400.00 deposit. 816497-0501
SECTION 8 OKAY Two or three bedroom, one bath. Independence. 816-9144442, 816-550-0706
SECTION 8 7029 Monroe, neat, redecorated, three bedroom, ranch, garage, basement. 816-674-1919 SECTION 8 welcome, two bedroom voucher okay. Near Paseo High School, three bedroom, 1.5 bath, basement, garage and opener, central heat and air, appliances, fenced, $725.00, low deposit. Lease purchase optional. Available immediately. 816-309-0423
THREE BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, full basement with washer/ dryer hookups, central air, attached garage, big fenced yard, Vineyard Woods area near VA Hospital, $700.00 month. Call Dianne 816-5368801
39TH STREET budget pleasing three bedroom house, newer carpeting, washer/ dryer hookups, appliances, pets welcome, and priced at $500.00! 913-9626683 EEB14 SOUTH KANSAS CITY AREA Three bedrooms, one bath, full unfinished basement, fourth bedroom or family room, central air, carport, fenced yard. Rent $750.00. 816322-6030 DO YOU HAVE A THREE BEDROOM SECTION 8 VOUCHER Zero deposit moves you in! Tired of substandard properties? I have several beautiful remodeled three bedroom homes to choose from. Rockhurst and North East areas. Call Kelly. 816-699-9665 SOUTH KANSAS City, Ruskin, Longview and Blue Ridge, three bedroom, one bath, refreshed. Rent $750.00. Section 8 welcome. Call 816-533-5606 324 SOUTH Hawthorne, two bedroom house, 1.5 bath, appliances furnished, $795.00 rent, plus deposit. 1-660-232-3662 2714 WESTPORT Road, two acres, three bedroom, two car garage, wood burning fireplace, decks, country living, $775.00/ $500.00 deposit. 816497-6165
NEW Laundry Facilities on Each Floor
*Restriction Apply
SECTION 8: Extra nice, secure two bedroom duplex, $650.00, 22nd Askew, Kansas City, Missouri, $200.00 move in bonus. 816365-4158
115 NORTH Bellaire, two bedroom, one bath, off street parking, $475.00 month, references, deposit. Fred 913-9638900 2404 EAST 69th Terrace. Three bedroom, 1.5 bath, fenced yard, $750.00 per month. 816-645-3516 HOUSES FOR rent with washer/ dryer. Two, three and four bedrooms available. Blue Hills 913-5302713 TWO, THREE, four, five bedroom rental units $300.00 to $900.00. Pick up free list on front porch at 3365 Blue Ridge Boulevard, 24/7 816497-2584 BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED, two, three, four bedroom homes, no deposit. Section 8 only. 816309-4264
BEAUTIFUL HOMES Section 8 only, no credit check, no deposit. 816-316-6538 7703 EAST 112th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri, three bedroom, one bath. Section 8 okay. 913-9986090 5139 OLIVE Street, three bedroom, 1.5 bath, newly remodeled. Section 8 welcome. 816-365-1489 4107 CHESTNUT, two bedroom duplex, $400.00. Section 8 welcome! 816-5365613 ACCEPTING TWO or three bedroom, Section 8 Kansas Vouchers for Kansas City, Kansas three bedroom home. 816-761-9928
ONE FREE MONTH! HOUSING BARGAINS: Three bedroom, $395.00; 6027 East 12th, 1331 Van Brunt. Two bedrooms, 350.00; 2302 Oakley. Excellent condition. 816-697-3900 SMALL HOUSE for rent: 2046 East Gregory Boulevard, $450.00. 816-3617638
5136 HARVARD, three bedrooms, 1.5 baths, Raytown Schools, large rooms, move in ready, $775.00 month. 816-824-7443 39TH/ VAN Brunt, Rent to own, three bedroom ranch homes, $450.00/ $250.00 deposit. Free list at 3939 Oakley, good family area. 816-497-2585 NEWLY REMODELED home. Four and five bedroom, hardwood floors, kitchen, refrigerator, stove, two full baths, basement, washer/ dryer hookups, fenced backyard, Inner City location, $650.00. Section 8 welcome. 816924-3415 Have a service or business you want to promote? Thrifty Nickel Business and Service Directory is the place to be! Call 816-3568790 for more info
PG. 8 •
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
HOUSES FOR RENT MIDTOWN PROPERTIES available. 31st Street, 6/ 2.5 bath. 33rd and Garfield, 4/ 2 bath. 62nd and Tracy, 3/ 1 bath. 58th and Euclid, 3/ 2 bath. Call today 816-304-4122
NORTH EAST, three bedroom, 1.5 bath house. New paint, carpet, mini blinds, ceiling fan, central air, refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, storage shed, fenced yard, $575.00 month. 913-217-7272 TWO BEDROOM, one bath, hardwood floors, stove, refrigerator in Inner City. Section 8 welcome! Must see 816-721-2390 519 SOUTH Huttig, Independence. One bedroom duplex, $400.00 monthly. Include: Stove, refrigerator, washer/ dryer, lawn and trash service provided. 816-478-6619 MIDTOWN AREA, nice two bedroom home, off street parking, $550.00. Section 8 welcome. 913-9627003
TWO ACRES and it has a barn; two bedroom/ two bath house, newer carpet, full basement, safely fenced yard, pets welcome too! $695.00 913-962-6683 MEB1K
7TH STREET, quiet neighborhood, two bedrooms, carpet, fenced. 816-923-1702 THREE BEDROOM house. Section 8 ready. 2300 Chelsea, all utilities paid. 816289-1820 THREE BEDROOM, one bath ranch with walkout, updated kitchen and bath, garage. 10211 Belmont, 64134. $825.00, $700.00 deposit. 816616-4139 301 FAIR, two bedroom, located 23rd/ Noland Road, like the area, $450.00/ $250.00 deposit. 816-497-2581 UTILITIES PAID warm and inviting floor plan, kitchen appliances, covered porch, fresh and clean with a great price! $425.00 913-962-6683 MEB2U HOME FOR rent, Raytown, three bedroom, one bath, $1,050.00 month, complete renovation. 1,150 square foot, washer, dryer provided. No pets or smokers. Call 816246-5131 FOR RENT Kansas City area, extra nice, Section 8 homes, two, three, four and five bedrooms. 816-2284549, for more information
FIVE BEDROOMS two plus stories of space; five bedroom house, large living room, covered porch, pets okay and low $399.00 deposit! $600.00 816-254-7200 MEB1Z CENTER SCHOOL District, 8422 Olive, three bedroom, one bath, hardwood floors, full basement, $625.00 month, $500.00 deposit. 816-453-8456 HOUSES FOR rent! Call 913-927-0723 SECTION 8, two bedroom, one bath, garage, fenced backyard. 3839 Cleveland. 816-446-2094 TWO, THREE bedroom homes for rent. Section 8 only. All utilities paid!. 816-4571382 TRUMAN/ STERLING, two bedroom, one bath. Section 8 welcome, Independence Schools, $550.00 rent. 816-215-1646 THREE BEDROOM, one bath, with fireplace, near Central High School, $650.00 rent. 816-352-3958 VAN BRUNT Three bedroom, one bath house. Carpeting, mini blinds, ceiling fans, stove refrigerator, dishwasher, air conditioning, full basement, $525.00 month. 913217-7272
DUPLEX, TWO/ three bedroom, one bath, 9th and Chestnut Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8 okay, $550.00$650.00. 816-305-8718 TWO BEDROOM duplexes 1230- 39 Franklin Avenue with family rooms. $450.00/ $250.00 deposit. 816497-2600
BIG! $ 99
Vouchers Welcome New Management, New Life, New You!
1-2 & 4 BEDROOMS Available Now! *
8239 Forest Ave. Kansas City, MO. 64131
COLONIAL POINT APARTMENTS 816816-444-5552 444-5552
“We Bring Buyers & Sellers Together” Thrifty Nickel Want Ads N NO OR RT TH H E I T I D E D I T IO ON N
63,000+ Readers Every Week
SECTION 8 WELCOME Three bedroom, one bath, new paint and carpet, large yard, one car garage, South Kansas City, $700.00 monthly. 816-803-5460 MOVE IN special! $99.00 deposit with approved application! Two and three bedroom properties. Price ranges $600.00 to $950.00, Downtown Kansas City to Ruskin Heights. Please call 816-304-4122 BUDD PARK energy efficient house with two bedrooms, hardwood floors, basement, washer/ dryer plus kitchen appliances, pets okay; $475.00 913-962-6683 EEB1X MIDTOWN BARGAIN bring the pets along; two bedroom house, warm and inviting living room, bring the pets along, only $475.00 816-254-7200 EEB13 BROOKLYN Three bedroom, two bath house, carpeting, mini blinds, ceiling fans, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, central air, full basement, deck, fenced yard, $625.00 month. Section 8 okay. 913-2177272 THREE BEDROOM, Independence. Section 8 welcome. 816-6064384 Make your wallet fatter! Sell your unwanted items in Thrifty Nickel! 816-356-8790,
105’ FRONTAGE on 360 acre Lake Niangua. Big Niangua river access included. 3.39 acres affords many choice building sites. Picturesque natural beauty. Bald eagles, blue herons, deer and wild turkey. Great fishing. Southwest of Camdenton and Lake of the Ozarks. $39,000. Cash. Adjoining 833” Lake frontage and 6.07 acres with majestic lake views from high bluffs also available. By owner 573-873-0900 LAKE OF THE OZARKS End of season special! Lake lots, $3,590.00 each, $75.00 down, $59.00 per month. Also three plus acre tracts starting at $12,900.00. Owner financing, no credit checks, immediate possession. Beautiful trees, lots of turkey, deer and other wildlife. Free lake access, boating and fishing areas. Missouri Conservation dock and boat ramp. Ad ends November 24th. Ivy Bend 1-573372-6493 LOT FOR sale! 4811 Byrams Ford Road, Woodhaven, Lot #2. Contact: G.E. Westmoreland 816-9650844 or Bob Reams 816-229-7011 TAKE OVER 10 ACRES. NO DOWN. $79/Month. Trees. Deer. Southeast Oklahoma. 818-340-1912
5&40 ACRE Parcels Located in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Surrounded by Mountains, Fishing, Hunting & Skiing. Easy Terms. No Qualifying. Owner Financing! 40 acres $24,950.00. 5 acres $16,950.00. 1-800535-7220. LAKE LOT: Lake front, Lake Of The Ozarks, pavilion, septic, water, lights, phone, dock. Gem Realty 1573-372-2743
FOR RENT: Beautiful, two bedroom, two bath home is cute as a button. First month rent $99.00. Independence Station. 816-796-0600
MANUFACTURED HOUSING 24 HIGHWAY and Blue Ridge, Rent to own mobile homes. Two bedroom $350.00/ $250.00 deposit or we have pad space available with Public Hookups, $175.00/ month. Long term stay with us forever! 816497-2588 WE’LL GIVE YOU $2,500.00 Move your home to Independence Station and we’ll give you $2,500.00. Call for more details, Independence Station, 816796-0600 MOBILE HOMES for sale, close to Noland Road and 40 Highway. We finance. 816-358-6713 FOR RENT: Beautiful three bedroom, two bath in beautiful setting, $99.00. Independence Station 816-7960600 LOW DOWN, easy terms. We finance your future, not your past! 816-358-6713 FOR SALE: Beautiful three bedroom, two bath, double wide with fireplace. See pictures at: 816-796-0600
REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY UGLY HOUSES! HomeVestors. We pay cash. Buy as is condition, pay all closing costs and close fast! 913-5831199, 913-980-1866 COMMERCIAL SPACE available in Independence. Great location. Call for specials 816-254-0980 SELL YOUR house today! Offer in 24 hours. Any area, any condition. Call now! 816-249-2700 I BUY houses! I can buy your house quickly. Call today before any Real Estate decision is made! 816-678-2120 BIG HOUSE to share, rent one room, $298.00 month $200.00 deposit. No credit check, Kansas City. Utilities paid. 816679-5546
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR sale, Northeast area, Kansas City, three bedroom. 816-835-2657
MUST SELL Four bedroom, 57th and Olive, three bedroom, 41st and Agnes. 913-449-8562 FOR SALE: Thought your foreclosure or bankruptcy would keep you from qualifying? You haven’t talked to us! Independence Station 816-796-0600
Section 8 K KA AN NS SA AS S E IIO IT ED DI IT TIO ON N 60,000+ Readers Every Week
E EA AS ST T E ED DIIT TIIO ON N 98,000+ Readers Every Week
! e n i l n O & In Print
ca ameri
nclas sified
Visit us a
Houses For Rent
Washer/Dryer Stove/Refrigerator Central Air-New Carpet Blue Hills/Ruskin Heights
2-3-4 Bedrooms 913-530-2713
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
Welcome Home!
Behind Cool Crest On 40 Highway
STARTING AT 1 Bedroom - $475 2 Bedroom - $575 3 Bedroom - $725
Spacious Units IAL S P E CC E ! I R P
Carports - All Electric - Fireplace Central Air - Balconies - Swimming Pool COMPLETELY REMODELED
WILLOWIND APARTMENTS (816) 358-6764 3927 Willow Ave. KCMO 64133
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 710 EAST 77th Street, two bedroom, one bath, $79,950.00. Realty 1.5, Nicole 913687-1117
AVAILABLE NOW!!! 2-4 Bedroom Homes. Lease option to buy. Take over Payments. No Money Down/ No Credit Check. Call 1888-270-0692
TWO BEDROOM, 2305 Mersington, Kansas City, Missouri, $18,000.00. 913-3423448, 913-634-4542 OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE Large 2.5 story house possible four bedroom, Historic Northeast, $5,000.00 down, $600.00 month. 816529-8754 FOR SALE BY OWNER MOVE IN READY Luxury three- four bedroom home, South Kansas City, Missouri. Fireplace, swimming pool, sun room, laundry room, stainless steel appliances included. Also finished basement with two bedrooms, large kitchen, full bath, makes a nice man cave! Lease option to buy (five year minimum) Owner will finance (need 10% down) Monthly payment based on financing option cost. Will be $573.38- $805.23. Call now! 816-304-8394 FOUR BEDROOM, 1.5 bath house for sale, $29,000.00 or rent $950.00 month. Midtown, Kansas City, Missouri, Section 8 approved. 816-812-7883 TWO BEDROOM, 2.5 bath, Lake Front home on three acres, on Lake Of The Ozarks, two car garage, newly remodeled, dock, ready to move in. Gem Realty 1-573-372-2743 STOP RENTING. Lease option to buy. Rent to own. No money Down. No credit Check. CALL NOW 1877-395-1298
ROOM FOR rent, share home, Easton, Kansas exchange for light house work. 1913-773-8221 WINTER: COME to my cozy three bedroom ranch style home, one and two bedrooms for rent, plus deposit, move in now. First come, first serve. Must have references. Close to shopping, bus route number 28. For more information call me, 816-372-2758
OPEN HOUSE: One of three available, NSP Homes, Saturday 1:00 p.m.3:00 p.m. 4021 East 53rd Street (East of Cleveland) Bryant Real Estate. 816523-1990 WHY RENT? When you can buy. Minimum $3,000.00 down, $500.00 per month. 8533 Wayne Avenue, two bedroom, one bath, new roof, off street parking, Center Schools, centrally located, easy Highway access. Call Mike 816914-3411 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 Acres. $0 -Down, $168/month. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-800843-7537. FIVE HOUSES for sale. Kansas City, Midtown/ urban, cash only! Must sell! 816-5902565 Sylvia. (3) two bedroom, $5,500.00 $8,500.00. (2) four bedroom, $12,500.00. LARGE HOUSE for sale. Four bedroom, 52nd and Olive, carpeted, good condition, $18,000.00. 816-5205214 or 816-765-2699
816- 527-8685
Center School - South Kansas City * CENTER SCHOOL *
NO APPLICATION * SOUTH KANSAS CITY * 8004 Brooklyn - 4 Br 1 Ba 2301 E 81 St - 2 Br 1 Ba 8020 Brooklyn - 3 Br 1 Ba 8610 E 110 St - 3 Br 1 Ba 10904 Newton - 3 Br 1 Ba 7125 E 111th - 3 Br 1 Ba 1820 E 75th Terr - 3 Br 1 Ba 7225 Flora - 2 Br 1 Ba 2407 E 67th Terr - 2 Br 1 Ba 6632 Virginia - 2 Br 1 Ba
*Section 8 Only
• Newly Repaired • Low Deposit
ENDS OF ROOMS FOR RENT SHIH TZU puppies ready before Christmas! Four boys, two girls, $250.00. Papered and shot ready. 816718-6988 PUPPIES Shih Tzus, $400.00, all shots, potty trained, 100% pure breed. 816456-8316 ENGLISH MASTIFF puppies, AKC, farm raised, $550.00. 913898-6433 APR REGISTERED Shih Tzu puppies. Eight weeks old. Shots and wormed, male $250.00, female $300.00. 1-785-7332699 BLUE QUAKER Parrot with large breeders cage. Certified male and miscellaneous. 816-405-3456 PUPPIES Bischon Chihuahua mix $100.00, small Chihuahua Yorkie mix $50.00. Kansas City. 816-241-1923
STEEL & STORAGE BUILDING ASK HOW to get a free ramp with the purchase of a new backyard building. 816-4615119 AMISH BACKYARD sheds. Free delivery and set up. 913-7215313 I N S U L AT E D B U I L D I N G 50X30X12, $5,000.00. Practically new! 816337-8172 BACKYARD UTILITY sheds, free delivery! Rent to own payments starting at $64.12. 816-461-5119 STEEL BUILDINGS: 5 only 16x24, 25x30, 45x74, 50x102, 60x120 Must Move Now! Selling for Balance Owed! Free Delivery! 1-800-211-9593 x121.
TRAILERS DIAMOND D four horse slant, combo horse/ stock trailer, seven foot high, 28 foot long, $3,500.00. 816697-3191
OLD CAR batteries. Will pay $10.00 each. Call Marcus, 816805-4462 CARS WANTED! PayMAX Car Buyers pays the MAX! One call gets you a TOP DOLLAR offer on any year, make or model car. 1-888-9-PAYMAX (1-888-972-9629) DIABETIC TEST Strips Wanted. Any Type, Any Brand. Unexpired.Will pay up to $27 a box&shipping. Call T.S.C. 866-3682269
WANT TO BUY DIABETIC TEST Strips wanted! Check us out online! All major brands bought. 1-866-4463009 BUYING DIABETIC TEST STRIPS, up to $13.00, 100 count. Up to $7.00, 50 count, on major brands, unopened, unexpired. 1-800934-3473 extension 4413, local buyer AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up to $500.00. 816-3498634 CASH PAID, up to $27.00 box for unexpired, sealed diabetic test strips! One day payment and prepaid shipping. Se Habla Espanol. Emma 1-8887 7 6 - 7 7 7 1 WANTED GOLD: 10k, 12k, 14k Scrap. 913-341-2440 Top $$$ paid! Gold filled and plated scrap too DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Wanted We Pay More! All Major Brands Bought 1-866-4463009.
WANT TO BUY BUYING CHAINSAWS, concrete saws for parts/ repair, also tools, wrenches, welders, wood stoves, log splitters. 913-6770320 OLD GUITARS wanted: Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker. Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos. 1920’s thru 1980’s. Top cash paid! 1-800-401-0440
ADOPTION PREGNANT? CONSIDERING adoption? Talk with caring adoption expert. You choose from families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Call 24/ 7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 1-866-4136296 Florida Agency number 100021542 PREGNANT? CONSIDERING adoption? Successful educated woman seeks to adopt & needs your help! Loving FULLTIME mom. Expenses paid. Lisa 1-888-9772931
ADOPTION Preserve our community by buying and selling local. To place an ad call today! PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Let us help! Immediate financial assistance available. Housing, relocation, medical, counseling and more. Call Adoption United 24/7 1-888-617-1470. (void where prohibited)
ADOPTION PREGNANT? HAVING financial difficulties? We can help. We provide relocation and financial assistance. Call Adoption Insight/ California Adoption Facilitator. 1-800-3619333. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING Adoption? We’re caring, friendly & help with expenses, relocation, housing. Choose a loving family for your baby. Call Vicki 1-888825-7974. ARE YOU Pregnant? A childless married couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom & devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Michele & Tony. (ask for michelle/adam). 1-800790-5260. ADOPTION CONTINUED PAGE 10
WE FINANCE With Easy Credit Approval & Low Monthly Payments! Raytown School District • Community Pool Close To Everything! BAD CREDIT? NO CREDIT? Noland Road & BANKRUPTCY? FORECLOSURE? 40 Highway LETS TALK! “Country Living In The City”
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AUTO PART TOP CASH FOR CARS. Call Now For A Instant Offer. Top Dollar Paid, Any Car/Truck, Any Condition Running or Not. Free Pick-up/Tow. 1800-452-7729
AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES USED TIRES: Best prices in town, mounted and balanced. 816-231-1200 BLUE VALLEY Transmission: Install, repair, rebuilt, overhaul, save, best prices, starting at $60.00. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE connection for cars and trucks. All makes and models available, 100% guaranteed. 816-924-0477
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
“Money When You Need It”
No Credit Check • Fast, Friendly Confidential AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES
NEW AND used tires, best selection and service. Cheap Tires And Service 816231-1200 FULL SERVICE Auto Repair, fast friendly service, 4412 Truman Road. 816231-1200 TRANSMISSION CONNECTION, foreign and domestic, PARTING OUT: solid guaranty. 8161995 Tahoe, good mo- 924-0477 tor/ transmission. 816215-1515 NEW AND Used NEED TIRES? We tires, mounted and balhave all sizes, new and anced, all sizes starting used, fast friendly serv- at $25.00. 816-231ice. 816-231-1200 1200
NEW AND Used tires, mounted and balanced, all sizes starting at $25.00. 816-2311200 BLUE VALLEY engine shop installed, used, repaired, overhauled. Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 FULL SERVICE Auto Repair, fast friendly service, 4412 Truman Road. 816231-1200 USED TIRES: Best prices in town, mounted and balanced. 816-231-1200
USED TIRES, best selection and prices in town. Cheap Tires And Service 816-231-1200 GUARANTEED NEW/ used tires. All major brand and imports for passenger, light truck, medium truck and farm. Plus we deal! 913-682-3201, 913-441-4500 BLUE VALLEY Auto Heating and Cooling, air conditioners, heaters, heater cores, overheating, head gaskets, water pumps, repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400
7650 No. Oak
5800 Truman Road
Kansas City CARS BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. Call Now 1-866-780-9040. 2007 CHEVY Impala, four door, clean. 913-621-1206
CARS 2003 MITSUBISHI Montero, four door, automatic. 913-621-1206 PRIVATE BIDDING for Tiger Financial. Call 816-931-0984 for bidders application, must have ID, or come by: 3947 Main Street. Vehicles are shown 1:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Thursdays. Marie 2002 NISSAN Altima, very nice. Call 816-358-6500 2006 CHEVY Silverado, three to choose from. 913-621-1206
1991 CADILLAC Allante, two door convertible, 22,000 actual miles, $6,500.00 or best reasonable offer. 816-516-8050 2008 HYUNDAI Accent GLS, handles great, like new. Call 816-358-6500 1996 DODGE Intrepid, 150,126 miles, runs and looks good, $1,495.00 or best offer. 816-778-1696 BLUE VALLEY Auto: Complete repair service, clutches, transmissions, engines, electrical. Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 2002 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo, 18 inch Chrome rims, SS. Bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970 TRANS AM, 1995, 98,000 miles, with Ttops, $5,000.00. Dave, 816-446-2094 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2001 Honda Civic, Maroon. Call 816-8475111. Others available at 1998 MAZDA Protege, runs good, $1,200.00, negotiable. A&C Auto. 816-3371411, 816-924-5600 2001 INFINITY I30, loaded, leather. 913-621-1206
CARS NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2005 Dodge Magnum, Silver. 816-847-5111 Others available at t 2003 CHEVY Cavalier, two door, automatic. 913-621-1206 1999 LEXUS RX. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 GUARANTEED AUTO financing for all of Kansas City. Shawn 816-833-2277 2004 OLDSMOBILE Alero, sharp, clean. 913-621-1206 2007 FORD Ranger, like new. 913-621-1206 2001 LEXUS LS430, won’t last. 913621-1206 1986 MERCURY Lynx, runs good, good on gas, $1,500.00 negotiable. A&C Auto, 816-337-1411, 816924-5600 2004 MERCEDES Benz, black, low miles, $6,000.00. 816-5203798 1992 HONDA Accord EX, asking $1,795.00. Call 913428-7565 AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up to $500.00. 816-3498634 2006 PONTIAC G6, sporty, clean. 913-6211206 2002 CHEVY Cavalier, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 $195.00 DOWN, family ready! 913-6211206 2000 GMC Safari, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2003 PONTIAC Grand Prix, sharp, ready. 913-621-1206 1993 HONDA CBR 600 $1,600.00 cash. 2000 Jaguar S-Type $5,000.00. 1975 Caprice Convertible $6,000.00 cash. 1989 Ford Escort Wagon $1,000.00. 816-8097407
CA$H 4 CARS Any Make Any Model Running Or Not!
Call Now!! We’re Local!!
Call 1-800-533-9871
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
CARS 2003 CHRYSLER Town and Country, family ready. 913-6211206 2007 PONTIAC G5, 87,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 1999 HONDA Accord, 136,000, nice car, $3,900.00. 1999 Toyota Corolla, 92,000 miles, nice car, $3,900.00. Affordable Cars And Trucks USA. 913-375-8146 2006 CHRYSLER Town and Country, family ready. 913-6211206 2004 JEEP Grand Cherokee, sharp, loaded. 913-621-1206 1995 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Ciera, six cylinder, winterized, excellent condition, $2,500.00. 816-5091084, 816-519-1566 1999 CHEVY Cavalier, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2005 FORD Freestyle, roomy, clean. 913-621-1206 1993 NISSAN Altima, runs good, good transportation, $1,400.00. 816-4054040, 816-446-0348 1998 DODGE Neon, less than 103,000 miles, $1,300.00$1,500.00 cash. 816392-6394 INTEGRA LOVERS 1993 Acura, four door, runs great, well maintained. Must see. $1,250.00. 816-6789727 1987 FORD Crown Victoria, four door, with tan cloth interior, 38,000 miles, reliable transportation, $2,500.00 or best offer. 1-972-294-9969 2005 HONDA Civic EX, priced to sell. Call 816-358-6500 2007 PONTIAC G6 GT, sunroof, loaded. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970 1996 SUBURBAN, new motor and transmission. 2005 Scion, great work car. Call Van 816-778-6236
CARS 2004 HYUNDAI Sante Fe, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2005 CHRYSLER Sebring GT Convertible. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2007 FORD Taurus, like new. 913-621-1206 REPO CARS for sale, under $2,000.00. Also, full line of cars with warranties, will finance. Call KC Title Loans, Call 816-4834855 1998 SATURN, runs good, CD player, full power, $1,500.00 negotiable. A&C Auto 816-337-1411, 816924-5600 2007 PONTIAC Grand Prix, sporty, fun to drive. Call 816-3586500 1999 CADILLAC Deville Northstar, great condition, $3,500.00 negotiable. Legend, 816-289-0958 2004 CADILLAC CTS, two to choose from. 913-621-1206 2004 MAZDA 3, hatch, like new, roomy. Call 816-358-6500 1992 HONDA Accord EX, asking $1,795.00. Call 913428-7565 JUST GO to and fill out our 10 question application. 816-8332277 60 DAYS on job, valid Drivers License , your approved. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2003 DODGE Stratus, two door, sharp. 913-621-1206 2000 DODGE Neon, 184,000 miles, looks nice, runs, $800.00. 816-359-8631 DONATE YOUR CAR! You Can Help NFL GREAT - BART STARR Assist At-risk Youth and Families. Tax Deductible and Fast, Free Pick-up. 1-800729-4433.
CLASSICS PRIVATE COLLECTOR wanting, Chevelles, Camaros, Corvettes, any condition. Call me at 816392-9758, 816-5403100 CLASSIC 1981 Chrysler Imperial, extra clean, V8, automatic, $3,000.00 816-9213190
1991 CADILLAC Allante, two door convertible, 22,000 actual miles, $6,500.00 or best reasonable offer. 816-516-8050
CLASSICS MOTORCYCLES 1966 MUSTANG, WANTED JAPANmint condition. 816- ESE motorcycle: 333-4947 Kawasaki 1967- 1980, Z1-900, KZ900, ZIR, MOTORCYCLES KZ1000, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, FOR SALE on De- H1-500, H2-750, S1cember 10th. 2009 250, S2-350, S3-400 Kawasaki kx250f. liber- Suzuki GS400, GT380, CB750 Cash paid. WANTED JAPAN- Free national pickup. ESE MOTORCY- 1-800-772-1142, 1CLES KAWASAKI: Z1- 3 1 0 - 7 2 1 - 0 7 2 6 900, KZ900, KZ1000, usa@classicrunners.c Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, om GT380, GS400, WANTED DIRT CB750, (1969-75) BIKES, Cash-Paid, Nationwide-Pickup, 1-800- Street bikes, and 772-1142, 1-310-721- ATV’s, running or not. I 0 7 2 6 . pay cash and will pick usa@classicrunners.c up. Donnie 816-217om 8542
SUV’S 2003 CHEVY S10 Blazer, four door, 4X4, V-6, $4,700.00. 816824-3201 2000 JEEP Wrangler. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2006 FORD Freestar, perfect for family. Call 816-3586500 2005 KIA Sorento. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2005 CHEVROLET Uplander LT, 89,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2004 KIA Sorento, guaranteed, financing. Call 816-358-6500 2003 TOYOTA Highlander, Limited, financing available, bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, loaded, clean. 913-621-1206 2003 FORD Explorer, loaded, ready. 913-621-1206
SUV’S 2004 JEEP Liberty, ready for snow, 4x4. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2004 CHEVROLET Trailblazer LS. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2003 FORD Escape, super nice. 913-6211206 2002 CHEVROLET Trailblazer, 4x4, LT, bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2003 KIA Sorento, really nice. 913-6211206 2007 CHEVY Trailblazer, loaded, clean. 913-621-1206 2006 KIA Rio LX, low miles, 86,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2004 MERCURY Mountaineer, all wheel drive. Call 816-3586500 2002 NISSAN Pathfinder, four door, sharp. 913-621-1206
SUV’S 1997 CHEVROLET Suburban, clean, $2,650.00 negotiable. 816-921-5225 2004 BUICK Rendezvous CXL. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2002 GMC Envoy XL, white, third row. Others available at 816-847-5111 2003 FORD Expedition, two to choose from. 913-621-1206 2004 FORD Sport Trac, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2006 SUZUKI Forenza, four door. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 WILL FINANCE, your job is your credit, low down. Call Nick 913-788-8970 Keep it local: Thrifty Nickel. Buy, sell, rent, service, trade. 8163 5 6 - 8 7 9 0
TRUCKS 2004 FORD F150, four door, automatic. 913-621-1206 2002 FORD F150, super nice. 913-6211206 2000 CHEVROLET 1500, low miles, 4x4, will finance. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913788-8970 12 MONTH Warranty, financing available for bad credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970 1999 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500, perfect work truck. Call 816358-6500
TRUCKS 2006 VOLVO Triaxle Dump truck, 127,000 miles, $90,000.00. 913-2790400 WILL FINANCE all! Bad credit okay with low down payments. Call Nick 913-7888970 1997 DODGE Ram 1500 Sport, fair condition, $1,350.00. 816382-7566 VANS 1995 GMC van, handicap lift, good operating condition, $2,500.00. 816-4614977
VANS 2003 FORD Windstar, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2002 CHEVY Tahoe, sharp, clean. 913-621-1206 2002 FORD Windstar, super nice. 913621-1206 1984 FORD Aerostar van, all wheel drive, newer tires, $950.00. Call 816-767-9750 1997 CHEVY Astro work van, 169,000 miles, $1,200.00 negotiable, Needs a little work. John 816-8132947
VANS 2003 DODGE Caravan, roomy, clean. 913621-1206 2004 GMC Safari, family ready. 913-6211206 2002 CHEVY Tahoe, sharp, clean. 913-621-1206 2002 FORD Windstar, super nice. 913621-1206
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
VEHICLE REPAIR & SERVICE AUTO, RV and boat storage. Month to month. 816-221-5554 BLUE VALLEY Auto: Electrical repair VEHICLE VEHICLE service. 921 WinchesR EPAIR & R EPAIR & ter, 816-241-3400 S ERVICE ERVICE S FULL SERVICE Auto repair, honest AUTO, RV and boat YOUR CAR got the work at fair prices. shakes? Alignments Cheap Tires And Serv- storage. Month to starting at $49.99, month. 816-221-5554 ice 816-231-1200 4412 Truman Road. 816-231-1200 BLUE VALLEY Auto Repair: Check engine light on? Brakes noisy? Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-2413400 WE DO brakes, full service auto repair, 4412 Truman Road. 816-231-1200 BLUE VALLEY Auto: Brake Special from $60.00. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400
CARS BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. Call Now 1-866-780-9040. 2007 CHEVY Impala, four door, clean. 913-621-1206 2003 MITSUBISHI Montero, four door, automatic. 913-621-1206 2002 NISSAN Altima, very nice. Call 816-358-6500 2006 CHEVY Silverado, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2008 HYUNDAI Accent GLS, handles great, like new. Call 816-358-6500 1996 DODGE Intrepid, 150,126 miles, runs and looks good, $1,495.00 or best offer. 816-778-1696
CARS BLUE VALLEY Auto: Complete repair service, clutches, transmissions, engines, electrical. Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 2002 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo, 18 inch Chrome rims, SS. Bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970 TRANS AM, 1995, 98,000 miles, with Ttops, $5,000.00. Dave, 816-446-2094 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2001 Honda Civic, Maroon. Call 816-8475111. Others available at 1998 MAZDA Protege, runs good, $1,200.00, negotiable. A&C Auto. 816-3371411, 816-924-5600 2001 INFINITY I30, loaded, leather. 913-621-1206 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2005 Dodge Magnum, Silver. 816-847-5111 Others available at t 2003 CHEVY Cavalier, two door, automatic. 913-621-1206 1999 LEXUS RX. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 GUARANTEED AUTO financing for all of Kansas City. Shawn 816-833-2277 2004 OLDSMOBILE Alero, sharp, clean. 913-621-1206 2007 FORD Ranger, like new. 913-621-1206
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
CARS 2001 LEXUS LS430, won’t last. 913621-1206 1986 MERCURY Lynx, runs good, good on gas, $1,500.00 negotiable. A&C Auto, 816-337-1411, 816924-5600 2004 MERCEDES Benz, black, low miles, $6,000.00. 816-5203798 1992 HONDA Accord EX, asking $1,795.00. Call 913428-7565 AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up to $500.00. 816-3498634 2006 PONTIAC G6, sporty, clean. 913-6211206 2002 CHEVY Cavalier, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 $195.00 DOWN, family ready! 913-6211206 2000 GMC Safari, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2003 PONTIAC Grand Prix, sharp, ready. 913-621-1206 1993 HONDA CBR 600 $1,600.00 cash. 2000 Jaguar S-Type $5,000.00. 1975 Caprice Convertible $6,000.00 cash. 1989 Ford Escort Wagon $1,000.00. 816-8097407 2003 CHRYSLER Town and Country, family ready. 913-6211206 2007 PONTIAC G5, 87,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 1999 HONDA Accord, 136,000, nice car, $3,900.00. 1999 Toyota Corolla, 92,000 miles, nice car, $3,900.00. Affordable Cars And Trucks USA. 913-375-8146 2006 CHRYSLER Town and Country, family ready. 913-6211206 2004 JEEP Grand Cherokee, sharp, loaded. 913-621-1206 1995 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Ciera, six cylinder, winterized, excellent condition, $2,500.00. 816-5091084, 816-519-1566 1999 CHEVY Cavalier, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2005 FORD Freestyle, roomy, clean. 913-621-1206 1993 NISSAN Altima, runs good, good transportation, $1,400.00. 816-4054040, 816-446-0348 1998 DODGE Neon, less than 103,000 miles, $1,300.00$1,500.00 cash. 816392-6394 INTEGRA LOVERS 1993 Acura, four door, runs great, well maintained. Must see. $1,250.00. 816-6789727 1987 FORD Crown Victoria, four door, with tan cloth interior, 38,000 miles, reliable transportation, $2,500.00 or best offer. 1-972-294-9969 2005 HONDA Civic EX, priced to sell. Call 816-358-6500 2007 PONTIAC G6 GT, sunroof, loaded. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970 1996 SUBURBAN, new motor and transmission. 2005 Scion, great work car. Call Van 816-778-6236
CARS 2004 HYUNDAI Sante Fe, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2005 CHRYSLER Sebring GT Convertible. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2003 DODGE Stratus, two door, sharp. 913-621-1206 2007 FORD Taurus, like new. 913-621-1206
CARS REPO CARS for sale, under $2,000.00. Also, full line of cars with warranties, will finance. Call KC Title Loans, Call 816-4834855 1998 SATURN, runs good, CD player, full power, $1,500.00 negotiable. A&C Auto 816-337-1411, 816924-5600
CARS 2007 PONTIAC Grand Prix, sporty, fun to drive. Call 816-3586500 1999 CADILLAC Deville Northstar, great condition, $3,500.00 negotiable. Legend, 816-289-0958 2004 CADILLAC CTS, two to choose from. 913-621-1206
CARS 2004 MAZDA 3, hatch, like new, roomy. Call 816-358-6500 1992 HONDA Accord EX, asking $1,795.00. Call 913428-7565 JUST GO to and fill out our 10 question application. 816-8332277
CARS 60 DAYS on job, valid Drivers License , your approved. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2000 DODGE Neon, 184,000 miles, looks nice, runs, $800.00. 816-359-8631
PAYING $250.00 Cash or more for junk cars and vans. 816820-8958 CASH FOR JUNK CARS SALVAGE $250.00$1,000.00 A U T O M O B I L E Any condition, top dolNEEDED: Will pay up lar paid, cash. Call to $500.00. 816-349- 913-909-4773 8634
SALVAGE JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
LOOKING FOR six NOTICE BEFORE YOU NOTICE BEFORE YOU people part time, SEND MONEY THROUGH SEND MONEY THROUGH $500.00 work bonus. THE MAIL FOR WORK AT THE MAIL FOR WORK AT 816-674-0878 HOME BUSINESS HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. SALES HELP Protect yourself from Identity wanted: Full time, look- Theft and Money Scams.
JOB FAIR November 17th, 2012 9:45 a.m. 1734 East 63rd Street, Suite 207, 64110. Company bonus, $500.00. Don’t miss this lifetime chance, ask for Chrissy! 913-5756102
ing for used car salesperson. No experience necessary. Excellent pay and benefits. Great hours and working conditions. Drug Free workplace. Call 816420-3000 extension 109 or email resume to BE IN a Superbowl Commercial. RSVP today. 816-743-1810 FARM WORKER, part time, semi- retired okay. Independence, near Lake City. 816838-3303 STUDY 4922 qualified volunteers could receive up to $4,370.00. Quintiles 913-894-5533
START TODAY FREE, Get PAID DAILY! WORK FROM HOME with our 5 year old Company. www.time2makethismoney.comor 800-4654771 EARN $60,000 Plus Yearly Distributing New Amazing & Dynamic Electronic Gadgets. Website: Wayne Connell 1-843-446-0793. $1200 WEEKLY Guaranteed, Mailing Our Company Loan Applications From Home. No Experience Necessary. FT/PT Genuine Opportunity. FREE Information. (24/7) 1-800-856-0699
Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.
O/O’S $5000 Bonus! Relocate for tons of TX runs! Need tractor, blower & pneumatic trailer. 800-397-2338 $1,380 WEEKLY guaranteed. Stuff envelopes at home. FT/PT. No experience necessary. Deposit required, refundable. 1888-206-2616 EARN $600-$900 Weekly! Start Immediately! Travel USA Representing Supreme Cleaning Products. Commissions/ BonusesHotel Expenses/Transporation Paid by Company. 19+yr, Valid State ID, 1-877-376-5604.
NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.
WORK ON jet engines, Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified, Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-866854- 6156 DRIVERS: HOME Weekly! Intermodal, Dry Van, Flatbed. Exc e l l e n t Benefits/Bonuses. CDL-A 1yr Exp/Refreshers Welcome. Connie or Marnie: 866374-8487 ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800313-6308 for casting times/locations. A101
AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified – housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-888- 686-1704 DRIVERS: CO & Owner-Ops. “Got Freight? We do!” Excellent Pay/Home Weekly. Free Plate program. No upfront costs. Regional or Long haul. CDL-A, 2yrs Exp. 866946-4322 MAKE EXTRA MONEY! Learn how in our free popular homemailer program! Start immediately! Genuine! Bonuses! 1-888-2404546.
TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED- Best pay and home time! Apply online today over 750 companies! One application, hundreds of offers!
DELIVERY DRIVERS: US Foods. CDL-A, Kansas City Area. Day Hours, Evening Home-Time. Excellent Hourly Pay & Full Benefits w/Pd Time Off & Retirement Plans. Apply: Search by Req 12004613 Submit before 11/23/12
EARN UP to $75000! Interviewing for full time/ part time positions now. Training provided. Pharmacy/ Dental/ Vision discount plans. Call now for special bonus! 1-877-3087959 extension 231 Keep it local: Thrifty Nickel. Buy, sell, rent, service, trade. 816356-8790
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams. LIVE LIKE a Pop Star. Now hiring 10 spontaneous individuals. Travel full time. Must be 18+. Transportation and hotel provided. Call Loraine 1-877-777-2091
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ROOMMATE FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. Independence, Missouri, utilities paid, $400.00 month. 816-392-9360 END OF PERSONAL NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.
WITHERS INN: Elderly and disabled , adult residential day care services. Call 816-606-8331
FREE!!! Initial consultation, traffic tickets, DWI/ DUI, Municipal Court, reasonable rates. 816806-6060 B. Jerome Wheeler SOCIAL SECURITY Disability Claim denied? Call/ email Luis Mata 816-931-9901, 406 West 34th Street #623, Kansas City, Missouri B A N K R U P T C YMENTION this ad for $100.00 discount! I-70 and Noland Road. Attorneys Brett Burmeister and Mark Gilmore 816-373-5590
AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE SERVICE CALLS, BEST RATES IN TOWN! Clean and service only $49.95. All makes and models. Commercial/ residential. Call for best price on air conditioners/ furnaces. Major credit cards accepted. Call Fry’s GT Heating and Cooling Service. 816-254-4284. FURNACE MAN/ Air Conditioning Service, clean burners, heat exchanger, calibrate monoxide test, and leak repair, only $39.95. Call Lee, 816361-3766
APPLIANCE REPAIR CHRIS AFFORDABLE Repairs! Washers/ dryers and stoves! 816-363-9089 MACK’S APPLIANCE Repair. Washers, dryers, hot water heaters, air conditioners, stoves, furnaces, plumbing, refrigerator, electrical work and more. Call Mack 816807-2778, 816-6919657 SAVE MONEY with repairs, FURNACE, stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, electrical, plumbing, hot water heaters. Certified Technician. Carl, 816363-6639, 816-5225732 RUIZ APPLIANCE repair, we fix all brands. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers. Honest, reliable. Ruiz 816-853-8858
ASPHALT AL STRUTTON Construction, asphalt and paving: Commercial, residential; patching seal coating, curbs, sidewalk, steps. We do it all. 816-352-6688 cellular
ATTORNEY $99.00 DIVORCE $99.00 Simple, uncontested, plus costs. Other services available. Don Davis 816-531-1330 DIVORCE, BR Law Office, Frank Brown, 819 Walnut, Kansas City, Missouri. Debt relief agency filing bankruptcies. 816-421-2435
CARPET INSTALLATION KENNY’S CARPET Service. Installation, repairs and restretches. PADDING AVAILABLE six pound, 1/2”, 32¢ square foot. 35 years experience. Call Kenny Wilkins, 816-332-9500
DECKS DECKS- N- MORE Kitchens, Islands, Baths, Tile, Trim work, Painting, Lighting and more. Free estimates! (Call me first!) 816896-2926 DECKS & FENCING
BAER CUSTOM deck, fence and patio CEMETERY covers. 20 years expeFOR SALE, ceme- rience. Free estimates, tery headstones, gran- quality work, affordable ite, fair and affordable, prices. 816-606-6506 $99.00. Frisbie MonuDENTAL ments, 816-833-5111
CLEANING/ REAUTO REPAIR & MOVAL New construction cleanup, SERVICE move out, yard waste, BLUE VALLEY basement, garage. Cal Auto: Complete repair Curtis 816-918-1205 or service, clutches, Donna 816-365-9618 transmissions, enCOMPUTER gines, electrical. Save S ALES /SERVICE on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 WINDOWS COMPUTER problems, BASEMENT desktoplaptop, $40.00 per hour, menWALLS, WATER- tion this ad for $20.00 PROOFING, stucco, per hour. Certified techhouses, chimneys, re- nician, used computtaining walls. 45 years ers. 816-220-3212 experience, referCONCRETE ences. Complete home A to Z. Gary 913-262- C O N C R E T E 8860, Mark 816-810- WORK, steps, drives, walks, floors, founda4581 tion repairs, straightBOBCAT ened, braced. Walls reTOP SOIL, gravel paired. Rock, block. delivery, small excava- 816-838-4390 CONCRETE tion and demolition, patios, brush removal, de- Driveways, pendable, reasonable walks, steps, retaining rates, prompt service. walls, stoops, baseKansas City Area only. ment, foundation repair, sump pumps, 816-453-4013 drainage problems, no GRAVEL MAN Gravel delivery, exca- job too small. 816-444vating, hauling, con- 3912 CEcrete tearout, sewer TOLEFREE lines repaired, footings MENT Finishing. Lidug, bobcat, back hoe, censed, bonded, indump truck. 816-761- sured. Specialize: flat work, driveways, base2382 ments, patios, steps. CARPET 40 years experience CLEANING and free estimates. CARPET DEEP 913-334-4526 Steam cleaning: I use powerful truck CONSTRUCTION mounted machine, two RESIDENTIAL AND rooms $50.00, three commercial, new conrooms or more $20.00 struction, demolition, per room, $2.00 per additions, remodeling, stair. 816-674-4147 electrical, plumbing, cellular siding, windows, CARPET/ UPHOL- decks, kitchens and STERY cleaning. baths. Free estimates $15.99 room, two room with construction prominimum. 25 years exfessional. Licensed/ Inperience. Free deodorizing. Sealer/ pet odor. sured. 913-940-8164 816-803-2272 cellular YELSAEB ENTERCARPET/ FURNI- PRISES LLC. ResiTURE cleaning, Two dential, commercial, rooms/ hall $40.00, painting, framing, drypet/ stain removal in- wall, decks, fence. 25 cluded. Truck mounted plus years experience. system. 15 years expe- Free estimates! Lirience. Licensed/ in- censed and Insured! sured. 816-590-5073 816-914-5875
EXTERMINATOR COCKROACHES/ LAS Cucarachas, $64.00. Bedbugs/ chinches, $275.00. Guaranteed. Will come back with no cost till all are gone. 913-2693369
FENCES FENCES AND decks installed. Wood, chain link, and iron. Also repairs of all types of fencing. Call 913-7455216
FIREWOOD SEASONED OAK firewood! Half cord, $100.00, full cord, $175.00. Order now. Call Scott 816-6829564 we deliver SEASONED OAK, $220.00 cord. $125.00 1/2 cord, delivered. 16 inch available. Stacking available. 816-9850409. St. Joseph area slightly higher
DENTURES AND DENTAL SERVICES New, Replacement, Partials and Dentures. Must have both Medicare, Medicaid, also CIP Plus, Zero, co-pay. Now taking appointments. The FLOORING Paseo Dental Center, Dr. W.D. Bailey. 816TOM’S FLOORING, 924-1190, 4301 carpet, vinyl, hardPaseo Boulevard woods and tile installation. Re-stretches, DRYWALL good prices, sales available. Free estiJIM’S DRYWALL: mates! 32 years expe40 years experience, rience! 816-739-9439 new or old work, all types of texture, repair FOUNDATION of water damage, REPAIR basements, framed and finished outside R E N O V A T I O N S painting. 816-304- F O U N D A T I O N 2404, licensed and in- Service. Water probsured lems, house settling, basement walls, poor grade, cracks, mud ELECTRICAL jacking. We can fix it ELECTRICIAN all! 913-238-7060 Repair - replace. Work guaranteed. Senior citFURNACE izens discount. We acREPAIR cept Mastercard, Visa and Discover. & SERVICES 913-856-3888 816-753-3888 A + BBB MEMBER TRUCKLOAD ANY ELECTRICAL SALE work done. Residential and commercial. Free Lennox, Carrier, Trane, estimates. If you need Rheem, furnace/ ac, or electrical work, give heat pump, $999.00, Ron a call, 816-446- $30.00 repair. Duct4413 work, electrical, Senior, MOORE ELEC- Veterans, Disabled disTRIC: “More services counts. Free estimates. with Moore Electric.” Missouri 816-277Senior discounts! Rea- 4366, Kansas 913sonable estimates! Licensed and insured! 742-2934 NSW Call 816-886-8225 or MECHANICAL 816-686-9244 ELECTRICIAN, RE- Heating / cooling repair TIRED, old or new, and installation. Liprompt and courteous censed and insured! service. Licensed, Mis- Senior discounts! “Resouri, Kansas, Inde- pairing other contracpendence. Reasonable tors mistakes, since estimates. 816-361- 2001.” 816-305-0886 1234
FREE INSPECTIONS for pest control, $40.00 monthly service. Free mice and rat bait with service. Call 816-304-1795
SEAMLESS GUTTERS, screening for tops of gutters, fascia and soffit repair. Keep rain out and away from home. 913-400-2483
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
HANDYMAN DENNIS SVAGLIC 30 years, skilled craftsman. Tree trimming, quality siding, windows, painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry. Dedicated to home owners. 816-423-1213 RRR HANDYMAN, Professional work, remodeling, over 35 years experience, kitchens, baths, painting, decks, roofing, sheetrock, plumbing, tile, more. Free estimates. 816-804-6139 HANDYMAN, MIDTOWN Kansas City, Missouri. Exterior and interior painting, plumbing, concrete, landscaping and more. Very reasonable. Free estimates! Neal 816405-1959 AL STRUTTON Handyman. Remodeling; bathrooms, kitchens, electrical, plumbing. Decks, concrete, flat work, asphalt, driveway, much more! Senior discount! 816-352-6688 A1 HANDYMAN: Yard work, hauling, decks, room additions, roofing, hardwoods, tile, siding, trim, electrical, plumbing, painting, linoleum, concrete. 816-527-3728 MIKE T. 816-8097407 No job too big or too small. I fix them all. Electrical, plumbing, roof repair, interior, exterior, make ready apartments also NO HACK JOBS! I will totally remodel your kitchen, bathroom, electrical, plumbing, decks, etcetera. Best rates in town! Call Caz 816-668-7179 CHRISTIAN PROFESSIONAL Handyman Service. Plumbing, carpentry, painting, bathroom/ basement remodeling, fences, decks, discounts. Guaranteed. Free estimates, reasonable. Licensed, insured. Bill 816-769-5022 HAULING MURRAY’S SERVICES: Handyman, hauling, cleanouts, cleanups, plumbing, remodeling of all types, fences, discounts, guaranteed. Licensed. 816-590-8498 GRAY’S HAULING, clean outs and demolition’s, clean garages, basement, or trash, brush, haul appliances, tree trimming and tree removal. Lowest price in town. Senior citizen discount. 816-8135122 cellular 816-9245960
HAULING FREE SCRAP metal hauling for Kansas City. Other hauling also. Residential, business. Cheap rates, fast service. 816-716-6408 CHEAPEST HAULING garage/ basement cleaning, brush/ tree work. No job too small or large. Free estimates, fast service. 913-396-3998, 816965-8494 WILMORE MOVING and Hauling Pickup truck load $98.00. Appliances, free pickup. Basement, clean out garage, grass cutting, yard clean up. 816-6795546
SAVE! BUCKS Hauling, A to Z cleanups, any kind, light demo, handyman services. Senior discounts, free estimates, since 1976. 816-9235889 HUGHES HAULING AND DEMOLITION Clean up garages, basements, trash, junk, brush. Also small demolitions. 816-536-7589 Terence JOHN’S HAULING, Brush, trash, House clean out, basement clean out, all scrap hauling, free estimates. Call 816-536-1029 S&G HAULING clean out buildings, basement, garages, brush, apartment units, and light hauling. Free scrap metal pickup. Yard mowing. Call cellular 816-337-7131 Sal DEPENDABLE HAULING Demolition, bobcat work, brush, appliances, junk, basements, clean up. Top soil. Residential /commercial. Insured. Free estimates. Greater Kansas City area. 816-453-4013
HEATING & COOLING HEATING AND COOLING Installation/ repair/ replacement. Work guaranteed. Senior citizens discount. 913-856-3888 816-753-3888 RESIDENTIAL HEATING and cooling, installation and repair, freon recharging, free estimates. SEC Heating And Cooling. 816457-1382 Don’t forget to pickup this week’s edition of the Thrifty Nickel courtesy of this community minded merchant.
HEATING & COOLING FURNACE AND Air Conditioning, be comfortable this winter. We’ll service or repair your furnace or install a new furnace. Ductwork done also. We do it all reasonably. Credit cards accepted. C.M.S. 816-923-7700 Kansas City. 816-2601689 cellular. KEEP WARM! Furnace repair, air conditioning sales/ service. Hot water tank installation and sales. Plumbing and electrical repair. 913-689-5845/ 816-405-8194 RAYS AIR Heating/ Cooling Service. Residential, $55.00 service call, 20 years experience! Call Ray today! 816-820-9758 HEATING AND Air Conditioning Service, licensed and insured. 816-699-1949 Mike
HOME IMPROVEMENT REMODELING & REPAIR AFFORDABLE REMODELING. Experienced Bath and Kitchen Remodeling, Painting, Sheetrock, Roofing. Call for Free estimate. Milton 816694-5139 cellular
HOME IMPROVEMENT and Remodeling. Kitchens, Decks, Room Additions, Siding, Basements, Bathrooms, Handyman service, Windows. 816-291-2801. All major credit cards accepted HANDYMAN All types of Remodeling! Plumbing, Siding, Windows, Painting. Ron 816-304-6374, 30 years experience SWIFT HOME Improvement. Roofing, siding, windows, foundation repairs, sidewalks, plumbing, flooring and more. Licensed and insured! Call: 816399-8055 or 1-660464-1809 WALKERS HOME REPAIR Prompt, courteous service, for all your home repair needs. No job too small. Licensed and insured. All work guaranteed. Messages answered immediately, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover. 816-4611898
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
MAINTENANCE REMODELING/ REPAIRS today at discount rates! 30 years of experience. Fully equipped for home repair, or complete remodel. Call 816-7864820
PRO FINISH Painting. Interior, exterior painting. Free estimate. Call John 816820-5194 PAINTER: I will paint one room or the whole house. Lowest prices in Kansas City. A Veteran at work! 816-3377013
LAWN MOWER SERVICES DON’S MOWERS: Sales, repair, service. Most Models, push, self propelled, riders. Good used mowers. Pick up and delivery. 816-254-2968, 816824-5394
LAWN SERVICES BOB’S MOWING. Yards and lots, Residential, commercial, complete clean up. Free estimates starting at $20.00. Garden tilling also available. 816289-6613
LAWN SPRINKLER WINERIZATION LAWN SPRINKLER winterization. Gentle Mist Company, John. Tree work, draintile work, hardscape. Call to make appointment. (Eastern Jackson County) 816-224-0066
MOBILE HOME SERVICE NEED MOBILE Home Service? We do it all! Heating and cooling, plumbing, electrical, any building needs. Tired of roof repairs? Call and ask about rubber roofing! We accept major credit cards. 816-254-4284.
PHOTOGRAPHY TEN PHOTOS FREE! DAVID B Midtown, Kansas City. Same day service! Thursday Special! Questions and/ or app o i n t m e n t s . m 816-588-0988
PLUMBING SAVE MONEY: Unclog kitchen and bath drains. Plumbing Repair and Services. Call Carl for fast service. 816-363-6639, 816522-5732 mobile $10.00 OFF With Ad! Call Bob’s Root’r Service. Drain cleaning, video sewer inspection, plumbing repairs, sewer locating, hydrojetting. Credit cards accepted. 816313-0800, 913-2083541 MITCH’S PLUMBING, remodel, drain cleaning, work guaranteed. “We’ll get to the root of your problem”. 816-252-2363, cellular 816-365-6428 OLIVER’S PLUMBING and drains. Free estimates. Call anytime. Emergency service, truck in area daily. 816-356-3714 PLUMBING, NO job too small, clogged drains, leaks, water tanks, busted pipes, I’ll get the job done, a Veteran at work. 816-3377013
PLUMBING DRAINS&THANGS All phases plumbing! Drain problems? No problem. Why? Drains is my thang. Free estimates. Call me first! 816-349-1616 MIDTOWN SEWER Service. You plug-em, I snake-em. $50.00. Home maintenance, furnace, and electrical work, will do furnace work. 816-446-5409 PDQ SERVICE for all your plumbing and drain problems. Give Pete a try before you call the big guys. 816461-7774 C O M P L E T E PLUMBING Services. Licensed. Sewers and waterlines, 24/ 7. Call 816-405-6924 JACK’S PLUMBING Drain opening, repiping, gas and water pressure test, mainline/ cleanout $89.00. Kitchen line $69.00 and basic plumbing. Licensed, insured. Guarantee all work. Call Ike 816-359-9698, 816419-1334 MASTER PLUMBING. Residential repair, licensed master plumber. Work guaranteed. Senior citizen discount. Since 1936. 816-753-3888 913-856-3888 PLUMBER, LICENSED, cheap, done right. Drain cleaning. Big or small jobs. 10 years experience. Free estimates. 816896-4778
PLUMBING RELIABLE PLUMBING 20 years experience. Licensed plumber. Work guaranteed. $10.00 off with this ad. Discount to seniors. Reasonable rates. 913-856-3888, 816-561-2299 SHANE’S DRAINS Plumbing, for all your drain cleaning and plumbing needs. $10.00 off with ad, Senior Citizen discount. 913-788-5144, 913-596-1425 WATER AND SEWER Services! All Around Plumbing, LLC. Quality plumbing at exceptional prices! Call Mike 816-359-2440 JOHN THE Plumber. All phases plumbing. Drain cleaning, Pex lines, new water and sewer lines. Call 816420-7732, 816-3490202
REMODELING KITCHEN/ BATH Remodeling, experienced in plumbing, electrical and carpentry. Work guaranteed. Senior citizen discount. Since 1936. 816-753-3888 913-856-3888 U N L I M I T E D EARTH Construction 913-281-7757 Office, 816-935-2739 24 Hours. We build without limitations: remodeling, room additions, flooring, new construction, electrical, demolition JB REMODELING licensed, insured. Kitchen, bath, tiling, carpet, electrical, plumbing, concrete, decks, air conditioning, furnace, floors, finish basement, more. Free estimates, John 816743-6777
ROOFING ROOFING SERVICES new complete tear off and repairs. 30 years Shingles, warranty. Interior and exterior painting. Albert 816-612-2353 GARCIA’S ROOFING, windows and siding, residential and commercial. Roof and gutter repair. Chimney repair. Free estimates. References. 913-6029032 QUALITY ROOFING, leak repairs and reroofs. Cedar shake and composition shingles. 37 years experience. Reasonable rates. 816-331-7183 WOOD ROOF repair expert! 40 years experience, repair instead of replace, pictures on internet ad. 816-2544008 R O O F I N G : REROOFS, repairs, new, leaks. EPDM and TPO low slope, siding, windows, and gutters. Interior and exterior paint, texture. Free estimates, licensed, insured. Call 816-7785946 MENDEZ ROOFING, $199.00 a leak special! We do it all. From new roofing, to patches, shingles, flat roofs, 24 hours, emergency repair. Free estimates! 913-633-1387 ALVAREZ ROOFING, Siding and Gutters! Lowest prices, licensed and insured, free estimates. References available, Immediate response. 816519-2444 cellular LEAK REPAIRS all types of roofs. Free estimates. Right Roofing. 913-653-4709 or 913220-6755
ROOFING FLAT ROOF specialist, new/ repair, commercial/ residential. 30 years experience. Honest/ dependable. Cash short? Contractor payment plans available. T.J. 816-7774838
SANDBLASTING SANDBLASTING MOBILE UNIT Chair, table, trailer, pools, brick, block and much more. Free estimates. 816-835-2656
SEWING SERVICE FASHIONS UNLIMITED by Julia. For all your Alterations and Sewing need. Also teach sewing, Classes available. Call 816356-4258
SNOW REMOVAL SNOW REMOVAL, commercial/ residential. Be prepared and ready when it arrives. Call now for free estimates. 816-352-6688
STUMP REMOVAL STUMP REMOVAL, insured. Pricing by diameter, estimates over the phone. 816-9850409
TILE KENNY’S CERAMIC Tile. Installation and repairs. All types of tiling done professionally and reasonable. 35 years experience. Call Kenny Wilkins, 816-332-9500 H- ENTERPRISES Repairs, Re-grout, replace, Floors, Fireplace, Re- facing, Back-splash, Islands and Countertops. Free estimates. Call me first. 816-896-2926
TRAINING AMERICAN CDL TRAINING LLC Same Day Training and Test, Automatic Truck furnished, Missouri Permit required, Accept Debit, credit card, St. Joseph, Missouri 1-660-254-2541 TREE TRIMMING & SERVICE LACYS TREE works, trimming, topping, removal, best rates, on time service, 16 years experience, free estimates. 816721-6920 AMAZIN’ TREE Service. Quality tree work. Affordable, free estimates. Insured. Smoking wood. 816836-3820, 816-5175730. No job too small. 24/7 “We are the best!” HYATT LAWN and Tree Care. Trimming, topping and removal. Free estimates. Over 20 years experience. Hire a vet! 816-7268468 VESTER’S TREE Service. Tree pruning, removal, topping and haul away brush. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. Reliable and trustworthy. 816-606-4330 ZACK’S TREE Service, Trimming and removal, brush hauling. Clean up fence lines, Low, low prices. Free estimates, insured. 816665-5869 WE ARE Tree experts, no tree too high or low. We haul/ leaves yard spotless. Free estimates. Bonded/ Insured. 816-728-7997
WATERPROOFING GREAT PRICES SOLID REFERENCES Stop water leaks, basement issues, before freezing temperatures! All Basement/ foundation work, Also most home repairs. 816-482-6892
END OF BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY COMMUNITY SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT MOST HOLY apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (here make your request) and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. Follow with 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary s and & 3 Glory Be’s say for nine consecutive days. Thank you St Jude for prayers answered.
MOVING LOWEST RATESGUARANTEED! Moving and Delivery. We’ll move you any time, day or night. Licensed, insured. Quality Moving 816-7859704, 816-796-9636 Preserve our community by buying and selling local. To place an ad call today! 816-3568790
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THRIFTY NICKEL WANT ADS to place your own Business & Service Ad!
PG. 18 •
WE BUY junk: Cars, trucks, vans. Cash on the spot. 816-612-1196 CASH PAID! FREE TOW $150.00 and up! For junk cars, top dollar, with or without title. 816-679-6257 cellular CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-2867292 CASH PAID for junk SALVAGE cars and trucks. 816I BUY junk cars, 836-0919 or 816-214- CASH 4 your junk with or without titles, 2557 rides! $300.00 and up! $150.00 and up. Call us for all your junk Please give me a call. car needs. 816-286816-332-9526 7292 WANTED JUNK WE BUY junk cars. AUTOMOBILES 816-305-8343 $250.00 AND UP! Must have title! Cash WANTED TOP paid. Free tow, fast PRICES PAID service. 816-809Cash for cars and 9937 trucks, free tow away. 816-807-1478 cellular WANTED JUNK cars or trucks, running YES WE BUY or not. 816-803-0630 VEHICLES Call to sell your junk WE BUY junk: Cars, CASH FOR junk cars. Call Danny 816wrecked or unwanted 799-1312 or Wes trucks, vans. Cash on vehicles at 816-349the spot. 816-612-1196 816-606-5287 1898
CARS/ TRUCKS wanted! Top $$$ paid! Running or not. All years, makes, models. Free towing, we’re local, seven days/ week. Call Toll Free: 1-888416-2330
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198
FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-6121196 WANTED JUNK automobiles $250.00 and up! Must have title! Cash paid. Free tow, CASH FOR junk fast service. 816-809cars. Call Danny 816- 9937 799-1312 or Wes 816- JUNK CARS wanted 606-5287 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime
NEED $$$ TODAY? Sell your unwanted vehicles! We’ll beat any other offer. Call 816-872-TOWS, 816872-8697
NO TITLE No problem, no hassle. Proof of ownership required. Quick pick up, day or night. Heavy equipment, farm equipment, anyPAYING $250.00 where! Don’t wait, Cash or more for junk Get Paid! 816-734cars and vans. 816- 6850 820-8958
816-337-1100 SALVAGE
FAST CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00 and up paid with or with out Title! 816-461-4406, 816254-0283
CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773
D&C SALVAGE Pays top dollar for junk cars. 816-806-8176 CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198
WE BUY junk cars, $300.00 and up, with/ without title. 816-446- PAYING $250.00 7644. I tow cars $25.00 Cash or more for junk and up. Rick cars and vans. 816820-8958 WE BUY JUNK CARS! Top dollar paid. Fast service. Call 816719-5446
I BUY junk cars, WE BUY JUNK BUYING JUNK with or without titles, CARS! Top dollar paid. Fast cars only. Also hauling $150.00 and up. service. Call 816- scrap, Discount towing. Please give me a call. 816-332-9526 719-5446 816-506-2677
CASH FOR Cars 816-291-2145 Call or text picture! We buy cars now! Best money! Must have proof of ownership and ID. Free tow!
CASH FOR junk cars. Call Wes 816606-5287 or 816- 7991312 Danny WANTED JUNK cars! Dead or alive! 816-217-8040
NEED EXTRA CASH? $150.00 and up. Free tow! Top dollar paid for cars, trucks or vans, with or without title. Free tow. 816679-6257 cellular CASH FOR running, not running, wrecked, and unwanted cars and trucks. We pay top dollar, because we fix and resell our Vehicles! Call, Text, Email 8165 6 4 - 2 7 2 6 . $50.00- $500.00 for junk cars, same day pick up. 816-921-5225 WE PAY CASH For junk, wrecked, and unwanted vehicles. Call us, for the best quotes. 816349-1898 CASH FOR cars: All cars/ trucks wanted. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We come to you! Any make/ model. Call for instant offer: 1-800-864-5960 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773 FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-2178040 STEVE’S AUTO SALVAGE $$$ Pick up your unwanted Vehicles. So call 816824-4671 WANTED JUNK cars! Dead or alive! 816-217-8040 I BUY junk cars! 816215-1515 WANTED JUNK Automobiles $$$ $250.00 and up! Must have title! Cash paid. Free tow, fast service. 816-769-3763
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
SPEEDY CASH 4 junk cars. 816-2312163 WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days a week. Cars with payday loans okay. 816-813-5548
FAST CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00 and up paid with or with out Title! 816-461-4406, 816254-0283 YES WE BUY VEHICLES Call to sell your junk wrecked or unwanted vehicles at 816-3491898 WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days a week. Cars with payday loans okay. 816813-5548 FAST CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00 and up paid with or with out Title! 816-461-4406, 816254-0283
$$$ CASH paid for junk cars and trucks $$$. Call 816-3982080 SPEEDY CASH 4 junk cars. 816-2312163 WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days a week. Cars with payday loans okay. 816-813-5548
FAST CASH FOR WANTED JUNK JUNK CARS AUTOMOBILES $250.00 and up paid $$$ $250.00 with or with out Title! AND UP! 816-461-4406, 816- Must have title! Cash 254-0283 paid. Free tow, fast service. 816-769-3763 FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-612WANTED JUNK 1196 AUTOMOBILES WANTED JUNK au$$$ $250.00 tomobiles $250.00 and AND UP! up! Must have title! Must have title! Cash Cash paid. Free tow, paid. Free tow, fast fast service. 816-809service. 816-769- 9937 3763 JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime JUNK CARS NO Pays top dollar for junk TITLES $300.00 cars. 816-806-8176 AND UP Trucks, busses, CASH- 4- Junk and etcetera, no one pays unwanted vehicles, more. Free pickup, any condition, top dolfast cash. 816-778- lar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198 4473
CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-2867292 WE BUY junk cars. 816-305-8343 CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198
WANTED JUNK AUTOMOBILES $250.00 AND UP! Must have title! Cash paid. Free tow, fast service. 816-809-9937 WE BUY JUNK CARS! Top dollar paid. Fast service. Call 816-7195446 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773 WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days a week. Cars with payday loans okay. 816813-5548 WE BUY JUNK CARS! Top dollar paid. Fast service. Call 816-7195446 WE PAY CASH For junk, wrecked, and unwanted vehicles. Call us, for the best quotes. 816-349-1898
CASH FOR junk cars. Call Wes 816606-5287 or 816- 7991312 Danny WANTED JUNK cars! Dead or alive! 816-217-8040 CASH FOR running, not running, wrecked, and unwanted cars and trucks. We pay top dollar, because we fix and resell our Vehicles! Call, Text, Email 8165 6 4 - 2 7 2 6 . $50.00- $500.00 for junk cars, same day pick up. 816-921-5225
NEED A LOAN? Open Affordable Loans. Good or Bad Credit Welcome. Fast Approvals. 1-877-5409865 or apply online
$$$ ACCESS Lawsuit Cash Now!! Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Need $500$500,000++ within 48/hrs? Low rates. Apply Now By Phone! 1800-568-8321. (not valid in CO & NC),
MAKE MONEY at home assembling dollhouse miniatures. Call 1-877-489-2900 or visit to get started. To place an ad call 816-356-8790 today!
TIRED OF Living Paycheck To Paycheck? Earn Serious Money In The Wireless Industry! Turnkey Franchise Opportunity Starting At $299. 8884 2 6 - 3 1 2 7 ;
SIMPLE SYSTEM For Creating Wealth! Feed Your Bank Account Weekly! Start Today! Please Visit: Toll Free #:1877-275-6748
CREDIT FIX! $10 dollar deletions! Guaranteed Results, Pay after the deletions. 1855-433-5383. Thousands have found relief, you can too!
Turn your brrand name clothing, lammps, books, furniture and much more into extrra cash!
FINANCIAL & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams. Do not pay upfront for a loan
SIMPLE SYSTEM For Creating Wealth! Feed Your Bank Account Weekly! Start Today! Please Visit: Toll Free #:1877-275-6748 CREDIT FIX! $10 dollar deletions! GuarJUNK CARS NO TITLES $300.00 anteed Results, Pay after the deletions. 1AND UP Trucks, busses, 8 5 5 - 4 3 3 - 5 3 8 3 . etcetera, no one pays Thousands have found more. Free pickup, fast relief, you can too! cash. 816-778-4473
816- 356-8790 3566 - 8 790 Visit us at
*Private Party Only - 1 Edition. Walk-In & Mail-In. Phone & Commercial Rates Slightly Higher.
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
816.356.8790 MON-TUES 8 AM -6 PM WED-FRI 8 AM -5 PM FAX 816.356.0621 WWW.KCNICKEL.COM
Your Classifieds Specialist
Distributed Every Thursday
Vol. 35
No. 21
November 15, 2012
“LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED” A THRIFTY NICKEL WANT ADS PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTED EVERY THURSDAY IN DOUGLAS, JEFFERSON, JOHNSON, LEAVENWORTH, MIAMI & WYANDOTTE COUNTIES KANSAS FORD TRACTOR, model 2000, bale spike, blade and brush hog, also pull type manure spreader, $3,500.00. 816-6973191 NICE COMPUTER, $89.00. 816-455-1600 Thrifty Nickel did a good job. Didn’t sell it all, but sold a lot! We will use the paper again down the road. Thanks, T.J.
SPACE SAVER, electric wheelchair, $300.00 or best offer. Various collectible dolls and musical instruments. 913-269-4041 POOL TABLE Slate top. You pick up, $100.00. Needs new felt. 816-254-8774 ROLCO C44 treadmill $210.00, Homelite 26cc Mightylite $90.00, backpack blower $90.00. 816-520-1807
NOTICE Thrifty Nickel reserves the right to refuse any and/ or to edit any portion of an ad we think questionable or not in good taste. If you find errors or omissions in your ad, you must notify Thrifty Nickel within five days from the date of publication. After five days, Thrifty Nickel and/ or it’s agents cannot be held responsible for any error. Thrifty Nickel will only be held responsible for the portion of the paid advertising that was incorrect and is only liable for correct copy being published in the first available issue only. Absolutely No Cash Refunds Will Be Issued. AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 6 P.M. NATIONAL ADS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY MONDAY NOON
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WWW.FASTRACKONLINE.NET/PAPERBOY AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS TO SIGN UP! Please Patronize These Local Merchants Over 2000 local merchants carry the paper every week! If you can’t find a copy in your favorite store please ask the manager
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816- 3 81 355 6 - 8 7 9 0 Private Party Only, Some restrictions Apply, No Cancellations Or Changes
HOVER ROUND mobility chair, $550.00 negotiable. 816-4544977 GENERAL ELECTRIC 24 cubic foot side by side refrigerator, ice/ water in door, $250.00. 913-6422286 BLUE QUAKER Parrot with large breeders cage. Certified male and miscellaneous. 816-405-3456
SHELLED PECANS $10.00 per pound, will deliver. Call 816-8063420 COLLECTIBLES, VIDEO Game, Asteroids. Man cave, rec room, or money maker. 816-547-5301 D-17 ALLIS Chalmers tractor, runs great, three point hitch, wide front end. 913592-3027
SCOOTER MOBILITY chair, $1,200.00 negotiable. 816-8094543 SPACE SAVER, electric wheelchair, $300.00 or best offer. Various collectible dolls and musical instruments. 913-269-4041 POOL TABLE Slate top. You pick up, $100.00. Needs new felt. 816-254-8774
DELL LAPTOP Computer with wireless, $149.00. 816455-1600 R E S TA U R A N T EQUIPMENT for sale. 913-299-4723, 913-220-4723 WANTED: SENIOR musicians to play old Country and Pop music. Bonner Springs, Kansas. Gas allowance paid. 913745-8060
MUST SACRIFICE: 1911 Grand Piano, Nancy Hari, Model with Bench, lovely condition. 816-252-7433 THREE YOUNG cats need homes for winter. Call anytime, 913-371-5349 DIAMOND D four horse slant, combo horse/ stock trailer, seven foot high, 28 foot long, $3,500.00. 816697-3191
TRACTOR PARTS, Used, Rebuilt, New. Most parts less than 50%. Salvaging Tractors Daily. Case-IH-JDMF-Ford-AC-DL-MM. Eagle Tractor Parts 1800-833-5867
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Psalms 121:3
CIVIL WAR Memorabilia, muzzle loaders, books, clothing. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 ANTIQUES WANTED! Call 913-334-065
NEW AND used Muzzle loaders and Flintlock rifles. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 FLINTLOCKS, MUZZLE Loaders, rifles, pistols, lowest prices. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473 CIVIL WAR related items for sale, largest inventory in Kansas City. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473
MATTRESS FACTORY WAREHOUSE Best prices in Kansas City! Twin mattresses as low as $50.00, full $75.00, queen $90.00, king $120.00, $2,000.00 pillow top, queen sets only $250.00! Over 50 sets to choose from! 14446 West 100th Street, Lenexa. 913541-9993
ANTIQUES: All kinds wanted. Top cash paid for any antiques. 913-287-5131, day or night MUZZLE LOADING supplies. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473
Keep it local: Thrifty Nickel. Buy, sell, rent, service, trade. 8163 5 6 - 8 7 9 0
WASHERS, DRYERS, AND REFRIGERATORS Rebuilt, $98.00 and up, three year guarantee, same day delivery. All credit cards. www.KCAPPLIANCE.c om Open late seven days. 816-763-3352
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE APPLIANCES Free pickup and haul away. Cash paid if you bring it to us. 816-7633352 Sell those treasures in the Thrifty Nickel. Call 816-356-8790 or visit our website
BOATS OUT BOARD motor repair, and winterize. Call for information 816-582-7012 Thrifty Nickel rocks! Call us! 816-356-8790
COMPUTER & ELECTRONICS LOWER THAT cable bill! Get satellite TV today! Free system, installation and HD/ DVR upgrade. Programming starting at $19.99. Call now! 1-800-935-8195 FLAT COMPUTER MONITORS, 15 inch $29.00, 17 inch $49.00, 19 inch $79.00, 24 inch, $199.00. 816-4551 6 0 0 $90.00 LAPTOPS, $30.00 TV’s, $8.50 Smart Phones, $4.50 jeans, $1.00 DVD’s. Brand name electronics, apparel, furniture, toys, cosmetics from over 200 leading liquidators. Visit NICE COMPUTER! Excellent computer for student or small business, $139.00, includes LCD Monitor. 816-455-1600 COMPUTER REPAIRS and upgrades. Is your computer slow? We can fix it for as little as $50.00. 816-4551 6 0 0 DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-935-7165 VAUGHNS COMPUTER CENTRAL Has moved! Come see our new location! 6261 North Oak Trafficway, across from Perkins and Hardee’s. 816455-1600
FARM & RANCH D-17 ALLIS Chalmers tractor, runs great, three point hitch, wide front end. 913592-3027 TRACTOR PARTS, Used, Rebuilt, New. Most parts less than 50%. Salvaging Tractors Daily. Case-IH-JDMF-Ford-AC-DL-MM. Eagle Tractor Parts 1800-833-5867 w w w. e a g l e t r a c t o r
HUNTING FISHING CAMPING & SPORTING GOODS DEER HUNTERS, Deer $265.00 mounted by a pro with 30 years experience. Low rates, quality work. 913-3672678
INTERNET & TECHNOLOGY DELL LAPTOP Computer with wireless, $149.00. 816455-1600 BUNDLE AND save on your cable, internet phone and more. High speed internet starting at less than $20.00/ month. Call now! 1800-291-4159
SIMPLE DIVORCE $160.00 without children, $190.00 with children plus cost. Uncontested matters, prepared. Superior, 816-923-5385
DIABETICS! CASH paid for unopened, unexpired test strips. Call SHELLED PECANS 816-695-4817 $10.00 per pound, will Place your ad today! deliver. Call 816-806- 8 1 6 - 3 5 6 - 8 7 9 0 . 3420
CALL 913-238-0374 or 785-424-0542 • SCRAP IRON • ESTATE CLEAN UP • FARM EQUIPMENT
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
MISCELLANEOUS LOOKING FOR A FRESH START? $350 B A N K R U P T C Y. 913.538.5326. GENESIS AUTIONS, GARAGE SALES, ESTATE SALES, MOVING SALES, YARD SALE, DATED SALES GARAGE SALE, lawn mower, new bed sheets, antique furniture, dresser set and more. Call 913-9528637
THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas STUDY FOR 77099. Train for a change. Call today, New Career. *Underwater Welder. Com913-894-5533 mercial Diver. DIABETIC TEST *NDT/Weld Inspector. STRIPS WANTED Job Placement AssisCASH PAID tance. Financial Aid Best prices, free available for those pickup. Call 816-226- who qualify. 1-8007576 321-0298.
* Q U I C K E N LOANS* We’re America’s #1 Online MEDICAL & Lender. All Time Low HEALTH Fixed Mortgage Rates. HAVE SOME free Call Now For Quote In time? Participate in a 2 Minutes: 866-943clinical study. Call 4695 Qunitiles 913-894DIVORCE $99.00 5533 Children, WE HAVE a study for Covers women. Compensation Custody, Property & may be up to Debts. Uncontested. $2,850.00. Call 913- Satisfaction Guaranteed! Unlimited Cus894-5533 FDA APPROVED tomer Support. Call Meds, American Phar- 24/hrs. Free InformamacyTramadol, tion! 1-800-250-8142. Fioricet, Tamiflu. No 120 SALES of previous prescription required. Overnight Christmas! Prices startshipping. Secure & pri- ing at 69¢ Call 913vate. www.order-pre- 344-9959 1-866- FOR SALE, ceme930-7455 tery headstones, granite, fair and affordable, $99.00. 816-833-5111 QUALITY BACKNOVEMBER YARD buildings. Built SPECIAL All health care needs by Amish and Mennonwith our $169.95 plan, ite Craftsman. Free defor only $69.95, If livery and set up. 816$70.00 is on debit/ 461-5119 credit card or checking/ REACH OVER 17 savings account. Call million homes nation1-800-647-4172 before wide with one easy November 23th, 2012 buy! Only $1,995.00 per week for a 20 word TAKE CIALIS/ LEV- classified! For more inITRA? Save $500.00! formation go to 60x 100mg pills $149.00! Plus 8 Bonus or call 816-356-8790 pills. Visa/Mastercard w w w. k c n i c k e l . c o m Accepted. Order Now! Thrifty Nickel 816-3561-347-753-8138. 8790
CA$H 4 CARS Any Make Any Model Running Or Not!
Call Now!! We’re Local!!
Call 1-800-533-9871
BIG SALE! Over 3,000 Home Decor Items for indoor/outdoor.Plus, Beautiful Ladies Dresses, Gowns, Sweaters & Shoes.Hurry! Quantities are limited! or 1251-518-8042 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID Best prices, free pickup. Call 816-2267576 ELVIS 2 Theatre Grand opening! December 1st, 2012. 1001 Southwest 1st Street, Oak Grove, Missouri. 30 minutes East of Kansas City on I-70 Highway to Oak Grove Exit 28. Only one King in Rock and Roll! Live in concert every Saturday night at 5:30 p.m. Tickets in advance only $14.00, ticket at the door $16.00. Ticket Hotline, 816-830-5759 MIXED SEASONED firewood. Pickup, $50.00. Trunk, $20.00. 913-299-8114
MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-795-9329. 120 SALES of Christmas! Prices starting at 69¢ Call 913344-9959 NEED SOMEWHERE to store the mower? Economy sheds available. Free delivery. 816-294-4324 CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $26/Box! Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY payment. 1-888-3660956. R E S TA U R A N T EQUIPMENT for sale. 913-299-4723, 913-220-4723 SEASONED WALNUT firewood, $150.00 Cord. Hedge fence posts six to eight inches round, $15.00 each! You load, you haul. 816-805-4737
JANITORIAL Contracting. Not a franchise. Equipment and $350.00 required. Call 816-421-2525 or visit our web site at THE MAGIC Man, will make all the finished wood in your home, look new again, for the Holidays. Half the price of sanding! In just one day! Even change the color! Call now! 816-363-5669
MISCELLANEOUS SHOP NOW for Christmas and SAVE!! Save up to 70% on toys, movies, games, clothing, electronics, more! Visit CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and affordable medications. Save up to 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-888-467-7085 ($25.00off your first prescription and free shipping.) DEER ANTLERS wanted! Call Charlie 816-372-7109 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 1 EXCLUSIVE Western Print Can Be Yours For Free. Go To Or Call 1-800-253-1748 MUSICAL CASH REWARD, Old American Guitars. Paying $200-$30,000 for Gibson, Fender, Martin and Others. Call Dave. 1-800-646-7795 WANTED: SENIOR musicians to play old Country and Pop music. Bonner Springs, Kansas. Gas allowance paid. 913745-8060 MUST SACRIFICE: 1911 Grand Piano, Nancy Hari, Model with Bench, lovely condition. 816-252-7433
PETS ENGLISH MASTIFF puppies, AKC, farm raised, $550.00. 913898-6433
PETS APR REGISTERED Shih Tzu puppies. Eight weeks old. Shots and wormed, male $250.00, female $300.00. 1-785-7332699 THREE YOUNG cats need homes for winter. Call anytime, 913-371-5349 BLUE QUAKER Parrot with large breeders cage. Certified male and miscellaneous. 816-405-3456 PUPPIES Bischon Chihuahua mix $100.00, small Chihuahua Yorkie mix $50.00. Kansas City. 816-241-1923
PETS SHIH TZU puppies ready before Christmas! Four boys, two girls, $250.00. Papered and shot ready. 816718-6988 STEEL/ STORAGE BUILDINGD ASK HOW to get a free ramp with the purchase of a new backyard building. 816-4615119 BACKYARD UTILITY sheds, free delivery! Rent to own payments starting at $64.12. 816-461-5119
STEEL/ STORAGE BUILDINGD AMISH BACKYARD sheds. Free delivery and set up. 913-7215313 I N S U L AT E D B U I L D I N G 50X30X12, $5,000.00. Practically new! 816337-8172 STEEL BUILDINGS: 5 only 16x24, 25x30, 45x74, 50x102, 60x120 Must Move Now! Selling for Balance Owed! Free Delivery! 1-800-211-9593 x121.
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
Fair Housing Act: Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). For more information contact your local HUD office. Or visit on the internet.
FOR RENT BELTON, MISSOURI, coming soon. Two bedroom, one bathroom, $675.00, complete renovation. Refrigerator and stove included. Section 8 okay. Call Tonya 816-462-8970. propertymgmt1010@g VAN BRUNT Boulevard, one and two bedroom, hardwood floors, $395.00$450.00 month. Please call 816-333RENT (7368)
If you had placed an ad last week, your item might have been sold by now. Stop delaying and place your ad today! Thrifty Nickel 816-356-8790.
INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, one bedroom, $395.00, hardwood floors. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) ONE, TWO and four bedrooms available, Center School District, vouchers welcome. Colonial Point 816444-5552 HEAT PAID, Independence, one and two bedroom units. Section 8 available. 816-2571400
APARTMENTS FOR RENT FORT OSAGE, Independence School District, one and two bedroom units, available now! 816-2571400 $100.00 SIGN UP BONUS Must see, recently renovated. Two bedroom, one bath, $450.00 to $550.00 month, Kansas City, Kansas area. Call 913-9094317 Ken MEADOW PARK APARTMENTS Shawnee, Kansas, one and two bedrooms. $525.00 and up. Near shopping and schools, at I-35 and 63rd Street. 913631-8088
C E N T E R SCHOOLS, vouchers accepted, pets okay, on major bus line. Call for move in specials. Colonial Point 816-444-5552 Thrifty Nickel rules!
BELTON, MISSOURI. One bedroom, one bathroom duplex, $450.00. Refrigerator and stove included. New floors and paint. Section 8 okay. Call Tonya 816-4628970
KANSAS CITY, Kansas. Two bedroom apartments, one bath, washer/ dryer included, $450.00 to $550.00 month. 913-952-6682, 913-486-7031 TWO BEDROOM, deck, $450.00. 55th/ State Avenue. 913638-3120 cellular BELTON, MISSOURI, two bedroom apartment, $875.00, all utilities paid- gas, water, electric, trash, lawncare. Refrigerator, stove, microwave included. Complete renovation, new hardwoods. Section 8 okay. 816-462-8970. m
SECURE GRAVEL lot for rent, perfect for storing cars, Arrowhead Stadium area. 816-718-2909 OFFICE/ LOT space for small car dealer, $500.00 month plus shared utilities. 816718-2909 OFFICE OR retail space available in Independence, perfect for Art Gallery, in great area. 816-254-0980 26X8 STORAGE unit, by Arrowhead, on secure lot, $75.00 month. 816-718-2909
MEADOW PARK APARTMENTS Shawnee, Kansas, one and two bedrooms. $525.00 and up. Near shopping and schools, at I-35 and 63rd Street. 913631-8088
GRANDVIEW One bedroom, $375.00. Two bedroom duplex, $450.00. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) INDEPENDENCE GREAT location, easy access to everything! Mention this ad for move in special. 816-257-1400 BELTON, MISSOURI. One bedroom apartment, $650.00, all utilities paid- gas, water, electric, trash, lawncare. Refrigerator and stove included. Complete renovation, new hardwoods. Section 8 okay. 816-462-8970,
HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR rent with stove/ refrigerator, central air, new carpet. Ruskin Heights 913530-2713 GRANDVIEW SCHOOLS, 800 133rd Circle, completely remodeled, four bedroom, two bath, $895.00. Please call 816-333RENT (7368) SECTION 8, beautiful newly remodeled home, three bedrooms, one bath, large basement, all appliances, off street parking, 5433 Highland, Kansas City, Missouri. 913-5689998 TWO AND three bedroom duplexes for rent in Independence, Oak Grove, Buckner, Blue Springs, some with no security deposit. 816254-0980
54 ACRES Grain Valley, three bedroom ranch, two car garage, barn, some fencing, like this house and acreage, $1,200.00/ $550.00 deposit. Can have long term lease. 816-497-3104 MANSION SIZED bring the pets along to this five bedroom, two bath house, hardwood floors, basement, appliances, and only $750.00! 816-254-7200 MEB79 TWO, THREE and four bedroom, $500.00- $800.00. Deposit required. 913299-8114 THREE BEDROOM house, newly remodeled, $400.00 deposit, $550.00 rent. 3305 East 60th Street. 816606-0896 KANSAS CITY KANSAS AREA Three bedrooms, one and a quarter baths, basement, one car garage, hardwood floors. Rent $750.00. 816-322-6030
27TH FREEMAN, Three bedroom, $500.00. No pets. 913963-6699 VALUE FILLED get more for your money here; three bedroom house, full basement, garage, fenced yard, appliances, and more! $500.00 913-962-6683 MEBXO LOW DEPOSIT $250.00 deposit to keep costs down; three bedroom/ two bath house, hardwood floors, full basement, appliances too; $550.00 913-962-6683 MEB8B SHAWNEE BARGAIN fresh and clean feeling with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, finished basement, garage, appliances, only $750.00! 913-962-6683 WEB1R 1608 FERREL, Olathe, four bedroom, two bath, fenced yard, large deck, finished basement, newly remodeled. Would rent to own, $1,150.00. 913764-8485 WALLET PLEASER lower deposit too; three bedroom, two bath house, hardwood floors, safely fenced yard, kitchen appliances, only $450.00! 816-2547200 MEB11 3112 EAST 63rd, two bedroom, 1.5 bath, duplex, garage, washer/ dryer hookup, $650.00. 816-2044302 MONTHLY LEASE keep it flexible here; two bedrooms, roomy living room, eat in kitchen plus appliances, newly updated; $550.00 816-254-7200 MEB1Q Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel. 816356-8790
TWO BEDROOM, one bath, detached garage, appliances included, $625.00 month, deposit $500.00. Kansas City, Kansas. 816-654-0575
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
Think local, buy local, be local. Preserve our community. Place an ad, browse the Business Service directory for some of the areas finest, shop for a vehicle, look for an employee, all this can be accomplished with Thrifty Nickel. Your middle man for 35 years. 816-356-8790 57TH STREET low deposit of $200.00; three bedroom house, newer carpeting, full basement for storage, garage, appliances; only $600.00 913-962-6683 WEB1N C H A R M I N G THREE bedroom, 1.5 bath, appliances, Section 8 accepted, 7926 Michigan, Kansas City, Missouri. 816-5828893 ARMOURDALE AREA reasonably priced two bedroom house, warm and inviting living room, washer/ dryer hookups, and priced to move at $450.00; 913-962-6683 WEB1P SOUTH KANSAS City, Ruskin, Longview and Blue Ridge, three bedroom, one bath, refreshed. Rent $750.00. Section 8 welcome. Call 816-533-5606 18TH STREET expansive and budget friendly four bedroom, two bath house, light filled living room, kitchen appliances, pets okay; $600.00 816-254-7200 WEB1O ACCEPTING TWO or three bedroom, Section 8 Kansas Vouchers for Kansas City, Kansas three bedroom home. 816-761-9928 HOUSES FOR rent with washer/ dryer. Two, three and four bedrooms available. Blue Hills 913-5302713 64TH STREET newly updated with two bedrooms, newer carpeting, full basement, garage, kitchen appliances, pets welcome! $550.00 816-254-7200 WEB1L TWO ACRES and it has a barn; two bedroom/ two bath house, newer carpet, full basement, safely fenced yard, pets welcome too! $695.00 913-962-6683 MEB1K 70 SOUTH 11th Street, two bedroom, fenced, $500.00/ $300.00 deposit. Like the area. 816-4974953
UTILITIES PAID warm and inviting floor plan, kitchen appliances, covered porch, fresh and clean with a great price! $425.00 913-962-6683 MEB2U HOME FOR rent, Raytown, three bedroom, one bath, $1,050.00 month, complete renovation. 1,150 square foot, washer, dryer provided. No pets or smokers. Call 816246-5131 FIVE BEDROOMS two plus stories of space; five bedroom house, large living room, covered porch, pets okay and low $399.00 deposit! $600.00 816-254-7200 MEB1Z HOUSES FOR rent! Call 913-927-0723 NO RENT UNTIL DECEMBER 1ST $599.00 deposit. Three bedroom, two bath homes. Expires November 30, 2012 EHO. Call Sun Homes! 1888-228-6022 FALL SPECIAL $325.00 deposit, $650.00 month, three bedroom, one bath, 32nd and Parallel area. Strong income verification required. 913-5935121
105’ FRONTAGE on 360 acre Lake Niangua. Big Niangua river access included. 3.39 acres affords many choice building sites. Picturesque natural beauty. Bald eagles, blue herons, deer and wild turkey. Great fishing. Southwest of Camdenton and Lake of the Ozarks. $39,000. Cash. Adjoining 833” Lake frontage and 6.07 acres with majestic lake views from high bluffs also available. By owner 573-873-0900 LAKE LOT: Lake front, Lake Of The Ozarks, pavilion, septic, water, lights, phone, dock. Gem Realty 1573-372-2743 5&40 ACRE Parcels Located in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Surrounded by Mountains, Fishing, Hunting & Skiing. Easy Terms. No Qualifying. Owner Financing! 40 acres $24,950.00. 5 acres $16,950.00. 1-800535-7220. LAKE OF THE OZARKS End of season special! Lake lots, $3,590.00 each, $75.00 down, $59.00 per month. Also three plus acre tracts starting at $12,900.00. Owner financing, no credit checks, immediate possession. Beautiful trees, lots of turkey, deer and other wildlife. Free lake access, boating and fishing areas. Missouri Conservation dock and boat ramp. Ad ends November 24th. Ivy Bend 1-573372-6493 LOT FOR sale! 4811 Byrams Ford Road, Woodhaven, Lot #2. Contact: G.E. Westmoreland 816-9650844 or Bob Reams 816-229-7011
DUPLEX, TWO/ three bedroom, one bath, 9th and Chestnut Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8 okay, $550.00$650.00. 816-305-8718 LARGE TWO bedroom duplex, water paid, off street parking, $625.00, 2108 North 67th. 913-962-7003 Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel. 816356-8790
TAKE OVER 10 ACRES. NO DOWN. $79/Month. Trees. Deer. Southeast Oklahoma. 818-340-1912
AVAILABLE NOW!!! TWO BEDROOM, 2305 Mersington, Kansas City, Missouri, $18,000.00. 913-3423448, 913-634-4542 HOUSE FOR sale, Northeast area, Kansas City, three bedroom. 816-835-2657 129 CLARK Street, Bonner Springs, Kansas, two bedrooms, one bath, $30,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information 69 SOUTH 14th Street, Kansas City, Kansas, five bedrooms, two baths, $30,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information 2425 SOUTH 49th Terrace, Kansas City, Kansas, three bedrooms, one bath, $40,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information
2- 4 Bedroom Homes. Lease option to buy. Take over Payments. No Money Down/ No Credit Check. Call 1888-270-0692 HOUSES FOR sale, Kansas City, Kansas. Call 913-927-0723 8346 ELIZABETH Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas, three bedrooms, one bath, $33,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information 3808 MATNEY Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas, three bedrooms, two baths, $122,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 Acres. $0 -Down, $168/month. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-800843-7537.
MANUFACTURED HOUSING MOVE YOUR HOME FOR FREE Relocate your home to Edwardsville Village by November 30th, 2012 and we will pay to move your home. You will also receive $99.00 per month site rent for three years. Normal increases for years two and three. Some restrictions apply. 301 Beach Edwardsville, Kansas 66113. Call today 1-888-583-2165 apply online offer expires: November 30th, 2012 EHO BUY NOW AND SAVE Three bedroom, two bath homes. Starting at $12,995.00. $199.00 site rent for three years. Financing available! EHO Expires November 30, 2012. Call Sun Homes for details! 1-888-260-6924
1708 NORTH 24th Street, Kansas City, Kansas, two bedrooms, one bath, $13,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information FIVE HOUSES for sale. Kansas City, Midtown/ urban, cash only! Must sell! 816-5902565 Sylvia. (3) two bedroom, $5,500.00 $8,500.00. (2) four bedroom, $12,500.00. STOP RENTING. Lease option to buy. Rent to own. No money Down. No credit Check. CALL NOW 1877-395-1298 15004 WEST 150th Street, Olathe, Kansas, three bedrooms, two baths, $149,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information 13117 WEST 95th Street, Lenexa, Kansas, three bedrooms, one bath, $101,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information
FOUR BEDROOM, 1.5 bath house for sale, $29,000.00 or rent $950.00 month. Midtown, Kansas City, Missouri, Section 8 approved. 816-812-7883 TWO BEDROOM, 2.5 bath, Lake Front home on three acres, on Lake Of The Ozarks, two car garage, newly remodeled, dock, ready to move in. Gem Realty 1-573-372-2743 1018 NORTH Parker Terrace, Olathe, Kansas, three bedrooms, two baths, $150,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information
ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM FOR rent, share home, Easton, Kansas exchange for light house work. 1913-773-8221
One & Two Bedroom Apartments $ 539 to 669 One Bedroom $ 659 Two Bedroom $99
CALL TODAY!!! Deposit
913-764-7500 2300 A. East Willow Dr. Olathe, Kansas Accepting ITIN
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MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE SELL YOUR house today! Offer in 24 hours. Any area, any condition. Call now! 816-249-2700 WE BUY UGLY HOUSES! HomeVestors. We pay cash. Buy as is condition, pay all closing costs and close fast! 913-5831199, 913-980-1866
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I BUY houses! I can buy your house quickly. Call today before any Real Estate decision is made! 816-678-2120
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 12312 WEST 107th Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas, two bedrooms, one bath, $56,000.00. Michelle O’Connor Real Estate, Inc. or go to for more information
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816- 356-8790 Private Party Only, Some restrictions Apply, No Cancellations Or Changes
We make it easy! You can come in, fax, call, mail, or go online to place your ads. Call Thrifty Nickel at 816356-8790 or visit for more information
AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up to $500.00. 816-3498634 CASH PAID, up to $27.00 box for unexpired, sealed diabetic test strips! One day payment and prepaid shipping. Se Habla Espanol. Emma 1-8887 7 6 - 7 7 7 1 WANTED GOLD: 10k, 12k, 14k Scrap. 913-341-2440 Top $$$ paid! Gold filled and plated scrap too DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Wanted We Pay More! All Major Brands Bought 1-866-4463009. BUYING CHAINSAWS, concrete saws for parts/ repair, also tools, wrenches, welders, wood stoves, log splitters. 913-6770320
TRAILERS DIAMOND D four horse slant, combo horse/ stock trailer, seven foot high, 28 foot long, $3,500.00. 816697-3191
WANTED TO BUY CARS WANTED! PayMAX Car Buyers pays the MAX! One call gets you a TOP DOLLAR offer on any year, make or model car. 1-888-9-PAYMAX (1-888-972-9629) DIABETIC TEST Strips wanted! Check us out online! All major brands bought. 1-866-4463009
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
JUNK CARS NEEDED No Title Needed CASH PAID • ANYTIME! WANTED TO BUY OLD GUITARS wanted: Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker. Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos. 1920’s thru 1980’s. Top cash paid! 1-800-401-0440 BUYING DIABETIC TEST STRIPS, up to $13.00, 100 count. Up to $7.00, 50 count, on major brands, unopened, unexpired. 1-800934-3473 extension 4413, local buye
CARS 2005 HONDA Civic EX, priced to sell. Call 816-358-6500 1987 FORD Crown Victoria, four door, with tan cloth interior, 38,000 miles, reliable transportation, $2,500.00 or best offer. 1-972-294-9969 1995 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Ciera, six cylinder, winterized, excellent condition, $2,500.00. 816-5091084, 816-519-1566 2007 PONTIAC G6 GT, sunroof, loaded. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970
AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES TOP CASH FOR CARS. Call Now For A Instant Offer. Top Dollar Paid, Any Car/Truck, Any Condition Running or Not. Free Pick-up/Tow. 1800-452-7729 USED TIRES: Best prices in town, mounted and balanced. 816-231-1200 BLUE VALLEY Transmission: Install, repair, rebuilt, overhaul, save, best prices, starting at $60.00. 921 Winchester, 816-2413400
NEED TIRES? We have all sizes, new and used, fast friendly service. 816-231-1200
NEW AND used tires, best selection and service. Cheap Tires And Service 816231-1200 TRANSMISSION CONNECTION, foreign and domestic, solid guaranty. 816924-0477
GUARANTEED NEW/ used tires. All major brand and imports for passenger, light truck, medium truck and farm. Plus we deal! 913-682-3201, 913-441-4500 BLUE VALLEY Auto Heating and Cooling, air conditioners, heaters, heater cores, overheating, head gaskets, water pumps, repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400
FULL SERVICE Auto Repair, fast friendly service, 4412 Truman Road. 816231-1200 NEW AND Used tires, mounted and balanced, all sizes starting at $25.00. 816-2311200 PARTING OUT: 1995 Tahoe, good motor/ transmission. 816215-1515 NEW AND Used tires, mounted and balanced, all sizes starting at $25.00. 816-2311200 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE connection for cars and trucks. All makes and models available, 100% guaranteed. 816-924-0477
CARS BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. Call Now 1-866-780-9040.
1991 CADILLAC Allante, two door convertible, 22,000 actual miles, $6,500.00 or best reasonable offer. 816-516-8050 2007 CHEVY Impala, four door, clean. 913-621-1206 2008 HYUNDAI AcBLUE VALLEY en- cent GLS, handles gine shop installed, great, like new. Call used, repaired, over- 816-358-6500 hauled. Save on rePRIVATE pairs. 921 Winchester, BIDDING 816-241-3400 for Tiger Financial. FULL SERVICE Call 816-931-0984 for Auto Repair, fast bidders application, friendly service, 4412 must have ID, or Truman Road. 816- come by: 3947 Main 231-1200 Street. Vehicles are USED TIRES: Best shown 1:00 p.m.prices in town, 5:00 p.m. Thursdays. mounted and bal- Marie anced. 816-231-1200 1996 DODGE InUSED TIRES, best trepid, 150,126 miles, selection and prices in runs and looks good, town. Cheap Tires And $1,495.00 or best offer. Service 816-231-1200 816-778-1696 NEED TIRES? We Matching buyers with have all sizes, new and sellers for 35 years. used, fast friendly serv- Thrifty Nickel. 816356-8790 ice. 816-231-1200
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
Think local, buy local, be local. Preserve our community. Place an ad, browse the Business Service directory for some of the areas finest, shop for a vehicle, look for an employee, all this can be accomplished with Thrifty Nickel. Your middle man for 35 years. 816-356-8790 BLUE VALLEY Auto: Complete repair service, clutches, transmissions, engines, electrical. Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 2002 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo, 18 inch Chrome rims, SS. Bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2001 Honda Civic, Maroon. Call 816-8475111. Others available at 2001 INFINITY I30, loaded, leather. 913-621-1206 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2005 Dodge Magnum, Silver. 816-847-5111 Others available at 2003 MITSUBISHI Montero, four door, automatic. 913-621-1206 2002 NISSAN Altima, very nice. Call 816-358-6500 2006 CHEVY Silverado, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2003 CHEVY Cavalier, two door, automatic. 913-621-1206 1999 LEXUS RX. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 GUARANTEED AUTO financing for all of Kansas City. Shawn 816-833-2277 2004 OLDSMOBILE Alero, sharp, clean. 913-621-1206 2004 MERCEDES Benz, black, low miles, $6,000.00. 816-5203798
2007 FORD Ranger, like new. 913-621-1206 2001 LEXUS LS430, won’t last. 913621-1206 1992 HONDA Accord EX, asking $1,795.00. Call 913428-7565 AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up to $500.00. 816-3498634 2006 PONTIAC G6, sporty, clean. 913-6211206 2002 CHEVY Cavalier, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 $195.00 DOWN, family ready! 913-6211206 2000 GMC Safari, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2003 PONTIAC Grand Prix, sharp, ready. 913-621-1206 2003 CHRYSLER Town and Country, family ready. 913-6211206 2007 PONTIAC G5, 87,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 1999 HONDA Accord, 136,000, nice car, $3,900.00. 1999 Toyota Corolla, 92,000 miles, nice car, $3,900.00. Affordable Cars And Trucks USA. 913-375-8146 2006 CHRYSLER Town and Country, family ready. 913-6211206 2004 JEEP Grand Cherokee, sharp, loaded. 913-621-1206 1995 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Ciera, six cylinder, winterized, excellent condition, $2,500.00. 816-5091084, 816-519-1566 1999 CHEVY Cavalier, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2005 FORD Freestyle, roomy, clean. 913-621-1206 1993 NISSAN Altima, runs good, good transportation, $1,400.00. 816-4054040, 816-446-0348
1998 DODGE Neon, less than 103,000 miles, $1,300.00$1,500.00 cash. 816392-6394 INTEGRA LOVERS 1993 Acura, four door, runs great, well maintained. Must see. $1,250.00. 816-6789727 Place your ad online at
2005 HONDA Civic EX, priced to sell. Call 816-358-6500 1987 FORD Crown Victoria, four door, with tan cloth interior, 38,000 miles, reliable transportation, $2,500.00 or best offer. 1-972-294-9969 2007 PONTIAC G6 GT, sunroof, loaded. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970
1996 SUBURBAN, new motor and transmission. 2005 Scion, great work car. Call Van 816-778-6236 2004 HYUNDAI Sante Fe, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2005 CHRYSLER Sebring GT Convertible. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153
CARS 2007 FORD Taurus, like new. 913-621-1206 REPO CARS for sale, under $2,000.00. Also, full line of cars with warranties, will finance. Call KC Title Loans, Call 816-4834855 2007 PONTIAC Grand Prix, sporty, fun to drive. Call 816-3586500 1999 CADILLAC Deville Northstar, great condition, $3,500.00 negotiable. Legend, 816-289-0958 2004 CADILLAC CTS, two to choose from. 913-621-1206
CARS 2004 MAZDA 3, hatch, like new, roomy. Call 816-358-6500 1992 HONDA Accord EX, asking $1,795.00. Call 913428-7565 JUST GO to and fill out our 10 question application. 816-8332277 60 DAYS on job, valid Drivers License , your approved. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2003 DODGE Stratus, two door, sharp. 913-621-1206
CARS 2000 DODGE Neon, 184,000 miles, looks nice, runs, $800.00. 816-359-8631 DONATE YOUR CAR! You Can Help NFL GREAT - BART STARR Assist At-risk Youth and Families. Tax Deductible and Fast, Free Pick-up. 1-800729-4433. Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel. 816356-8790 CONTINUED PAGE 9
MUSIC LESSONS for all ages! Find a music teacher! Take lessons offers affordable, safe, guaranteed music lessons with teachers in your area. Our prescreened teachers specialize in singing, guitar, piano, drums, violin and more. Call 1888-706-0263 NEED YOUR High School Diploma?Finish from home fast for $399!Nationally Accredited. EZ Pay.Free Brochure. www.diplomaathome.comCall 1877-661-0678 O/O’S $5000 Bonus! Relocate for tons of TX runs! Need tractor, blower & pneumatic trailer. 800-397-2338 MEDICAL CAREERS begin here. Online training for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 1-800-510-0784 ATTEND COLLEGE online from home. Medical, Business, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Call 1-800-510-0784
ATTEND COLLEGE Online From Home. Medical, Business, Criminal Justice. Job Placement Assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if Qualified. Call Centura 800-4955085 AIRLINES ARE HIRING.Get training at campuses coast to coast. Housing available. Financial aid available to those who qualify. Job placement assistance. Call AIM to apply. 877-384-5827 HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA! 4 Week Program. FREE Brochure & Full Information. CALL NOW! 1866-562-3650 Ext. 55. www.southeasternhs.c om O/O’S $5000 Bonus! Relocate for tons of TX runs! Need tractor, blower & pneumatic trailer. 800-397-2338 FIX JETS. Rapid training for airline career. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Housing Available. AIM 866-430-5985
EDUCATION EARN YOUR DEGREE 100% online. Job Placement Assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if Qualified. Enrolling now. Call Centura 8004 6 3 - 0 6 8 5 LOCAL
LOCAL EMPLOYMENT STUDY 4922 qualified volunteers could receive up to $4,370.00. Quintiles 913-894-5533
NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.
LOOKING FOR six people part time, $500.00 work bonus. 816-674-0878 JOB FAIR November 17th, 2012 9:45 a.m. 1734 East 63rd Street, Suite 207, 64110. Company bonus, $500.00. Don’t miss this lifetime chance, ask for Chrissy! 913-575EARN $60,000 Plus 6102 Yearly Distributing New SALES HELP Amazing & Dynamic Electronic Gadgets. wanted: Full time, look- Website: www.thevibzing for used car sales- Wayne Conperson. No experience nell 1-843-446-0793. necessary. Excellent O/O’S $5000 Bonus! pay and benefits. Great Relocate for tons of TX hours and working con- runs! Need tractor, ditions. Drug Free blower & pneumatic workplace. Call 816- trailer. 800-397-2338 420-3000 extension $1,380 WEEKLY 109 or email resume to guaranteed. Stuff endennis.price@myau- velopes at home. FT/PT. No experience BE IN a Superbowl necessary. Deposit reCommercial. RSVP to- quired, refundable. 1888-206-2616 day. 816-743-1810
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED- Best pay and home time! Apply online today over 750 companies! One application, hundreds of offers! WORK ON jet engines, Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified, Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-866854- 6156 ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800313-6308 for casting times/locations. A101 AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid ifqualified – housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-888- 686-1704 DRIVERS: CO & Owner-Ops. “Got Freight? We do!” Excellent Pay/Home Weekly. Free Plate program. No upfront costs. Regional or Long haul. CDL-A, 2yrs Exp. 866946-4322
MAKE EXTRA MONEY! Learn how in our free popular homemailer program! Start immediately! Genuine! Bonuses! 1-888-2404546. EARN $600-$900 Weekly! Start Immediately! Travel USA Representing Supreme Cleaning Products. Commissions/Bonuses , Hotel Expenses/Transporation Paid by Company. 19+yr, Valid State ID, 1-877-376-5604. EARN UP to $75000! Interviewing for full time/ part time positions now. Training provided. Pharmacy/ Dental/ Vision discount plans. Call now for special bonus! 1-877-3087959 extension 231 $1200 WEEKLY Guaranteed, Mailing Our Company Loan Applications From Home. No Experience Necessary. FT/PT Genuine Opportunity. FREE Information. (24/7) 1-800-856-0699 LIVE LIKE a Pop Star. Now hiring 10 spontaneous individuals. Travel full time. Must be 18+. Transportation and hotel provided. Call Loraine 1877-777-2091
DELIVERY DRIVERS: US Foods. CDL-A, Kansas City Area. Day Hours, Evening Home-Time. Excellent Hourly Pay & Full Benefits w/Pd Time Off & Retirement Plans. Apply: Search by Req 12004613 Submit before 11/23/12 $ $ H E L P WANTED$$ EARN Extra income, assembling CD cases from Home Call our Live Operators NOW! 800-267-3944,ext 115 DRIVERS: COMPANY. Great Pay, Miles, Benefits and Home-Time. Passenger Policy. CDL-A with 1yr OTR Exp. 1-800831-4832 x1406 DRIVERS: MAKE $63,000.00yr or more, $2,500.00 Driver Referral Bonus & $1,200.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! CDL-A OTR Exp. Req. Call Now: 1-888-6351678 Do you use our paper for your advertising needs? You can also visit us on our website, and place your ad 24 hours a day.
HIRING DRIVERS Fleet & Dedicated Runs $$Sign on Bonuses available$$ Great money and benefits. Newer equipment. Hogan. Class A CDL Req. 800-4446 0 4 2 !!! Doing it right since 1918!!!
WORK AT HOME NOW ACCEPTING!! UP to $1,000.00 weekly paid in advance! Mailing brochures or typing ads online for our company. Free supplies, genuine opportunity. Part time/ full time, no experience needed! w w w. H e l p M a i l i n g
INVEST Just $69.95 to earn $2,000.00- $3,000.00 in next 10 days. Listen to 1-760-569-1331 twice; Call Charlie 1800-647-4172 before November 23th, 2012 Show us, how much you “like” us. Visit us on facebook, and check out our featured i t e m s . w w w. k c n i c k e l . c o m Thrifty Nickel
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
NOTICE Thrifty Nickel American Classifieds’s National Marketplace considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, although reporting inaccuracies can occur, consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. Know who you are doing business with. Find out all pertinent information and write it down, then it is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate Chamber of Commerce or the Local State Attorney General’s office before sending payment through the mail, giving out credit card information or checking account information. Never give out your social security number, bank account number, passwords or credit card number over the phone or internet, unless you are very sure of who you are doing business with. It’s illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For information about credit scams, write to the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580. Although persons and Companies advertising in this section are believed to be reputable, neither American Classifieds Want Ads, MidAmerica Publishing, Inc., American Classified Inc. or National Marketplace Advertising, nor any of its employed accept any responsibility whatsoever for their activities. To place an ad nationwide, call 816-356-8790 or visit American Classifieds On Line.
NATIONALS HEALING SALVE. Accelerate healing. Soothe itching & pain. Reduce inflammation. Handmade in small batches from my garden. 1-719-325-6229 DRINK AND Enjoy the Worlds Great Herbal Teas. Experience 5000 year old health secret. 1866-528-4338.
FINANCIAL NOTICE BEFORE YOU SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAIL FOR WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.
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HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA! 4 Week Program. FREE Brochure & Full Information. CALL NOW! 1-866562-3650 Ext. 55. GULLY TRANSPORTATION. CDL-A 1Year Exp. Regional Van Positions. Home Every Weekend! Benefit Package + Bonus! Call Andrew! 800-566-8960
ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800-313-6308 for casting times/locations. A101 Low cost, high results! Get your unwanteds sold fast! Call Thrifty Nickel 816-356-8790 or to place an ad today!
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MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE on December 10th. 2009 Kawasaki kx250f. WANTED JAPANESE motorcycle: Kawasaki 1967- 1980, Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki GS400, GT380, CB750 Cash paid. Free national pickup. 1-800-772-1142, 1310-721-0726 usa@classicrunners.c om WANTED DIRT BIKES, Street bikes, and ATV’s, running or not. I pay cash and will pick up. Donnie 816-2178542 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI: Z1900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, GT380, GS400, CB750, (1969-75) Cash-Paid, Nationwide-Pickup, 1-800CLASSICS 772-1142, 1-310-721PRIVATE COLLEC- 0 7 2 6 . TOR wanting, Chev- usa@classicrunners.c elles, Camaros, om Corvettes, any condiSUV’S tion. Call me at 816392-9758, 816-5402003 CHEVY S10 3100 CLASSIC 1981 Blazer, four door, 4X4, Chrysler Imperial, extra V-6, $4,700.00. 816clean, V8, automatic, 824-3201 $3,000.00 816-921- 2000 JEEP Wran3190 gler. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 FORD 1991 CADILLAC Al- 2006 lante, two door con- Freestar, perfect for vertible, 22,000 actual family. Call 816-358miles, $6,500.00 or 6500 best reasonable offer. 2003 TOYOTA 816-516-8050 Highlander, Limited, fi1966 MUSTANG, nancing available, bad mint condition. 816- credit okay. Call Nick 333-4947 913-788-8970
SUV’S 2005 CHEVROLET Uplander LT, 89,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2004 KIA Sorento, guaranteed, financing. Call 816-358-6500 2005 KIA Sorento. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, loaded, clean. 913-621-1206 2006 SUZUKI Forenza, four door. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2003 FORD Explorer, loaded, ready. 913-621-1206 2004 JEEP Liberty, ready for snow, 4x4. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2004 CHEVROLET Trailblazer LS. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2003 FORD Escape, super nice. 913-6211206 2002 CHEVROLET Trailblazer, 4x4, LT, bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2003 KIA Sorento, really nice. 913-6211206 2007 CHEVY Trailblazer, loaded, clean. 913-621-1206 2006 KIA Rio LX, low miles, 86,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2004 MERCURY Mountaineer, all wheel drive. Call 816-3586500 2002 NISSAN Pathfinder, four door, sharp. 913-621-1206 2004 BUICK Rendezvous CXL. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153
SUV’S 2003 FORD Expedition, two to choose from. 913-621-1206 2004 FORD Sport Trac, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2002 GMC Envoy XL, white, third row. Others available at 816-847-5111 WILL FINANCE, your job is your credit, low down. Call Nick 913-788-8970
TRUCKS 2004 FORD F150, four door, automatic. 913-621-1206 2002 FORD F150, super nice. 913-6211206 2000 CHEVROLET 1500, low miles, 4x4, will finance. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913788-8970 2006 VOLVO Triaxle Dump truck, 127,000 miles, $90,000.00. 913-2790400 12 MONTH Warranty, financing available for bad credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970 1999 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500, perfect work truck. Call 816358-6500 Having trouble getting your business up and booming? Call us! We’ll help you advertise your business or service, in our Directory, at a low cost that you can afford. Call 816-356-8790 or visit our website
TOP SOIL, gravel delivery, small excavation and demolition, brush removal, dependable, reasonable rates, prompt service. Kansas City Area only. 816-453-4013
RESIDENTIAL AND commercial, new construction, demolition, additions, remodeling, electrical, plumbing, siding, windows, decks, kitchens and baths. Free estimates with construction professional. Licensed/ Insured. 913-940-8164 YELSAEB ENTERPRISES LLC. Residential, commercial, painting, framing, drywall, decks, fence. 25 plus years experience. Free estimates! Licensed and Insured! 816-914-5875
FURNACE MAN/ Air Conditioning Service, clean burners, heat exchanger, calibrate monoxide test, and leak repair, only $39.95. Call Lee, 816361-3766 SERVICE CALLS, BEST RATES IN TOWN! Clean and service only $49.95. All makes and models. Commercial/ residential. Call for best price on air conditioners/ furnaces. Major credit cards accepted. Call Fry’s GT Heating and Cooling Service. 816-254-4284.
APPLIANCE REPAIR SAVE MONEY with repairs, FURNACE, stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, electrical, plumbing, hot water heaters. Certified Technician. Carl, 816363-6639, 816-5225732
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ATTORNEY FREE!!! Initial consultation, traffic tickets, DWI/ DUI, Municipal Court, reasonable rates. 816806-6060 B. Jerome Wheeler B A N K R U P T C YMENTION this ad for $100.00 discount! I-70 and Noland Road. Attorneys Brett Burmeister and Mark Gilmore 816-373-5590 DIVORCE, BR Law Office, Frank Brown, 819 Walnut, Kansas City, Missouri. Debt relief agency filing bankruptcies. 816-421-2435 UNCONTESTED DIVORCE $450.00 plus costs. Adoptions $450.00 plus costs. Philip Sedgwick, 913371-1981
AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE BLUE VALLEY Auto: Complete repair service, clutches, transmissions, engines, electrical. Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400
BASEMENT WALLS, WATERPROOFING, stucco, houses, chimneys, retaining walls. 45 years experience, references. Complete home A to Z. Gary 913-2628860, Mark 816-8104581
W O R K M A N FENCING and Construction 660535-6112 Lester engineered buildings, DECKS vinyl fencing, all kinds of fencing. 30 Years DECKS- N- MORE experience! Gary cell Kitchens, Islands, 816-387-3929 Baths, Tile, Trim work, Painting, Lighting and CARPET more. Free estimates! (Call me first!) 816CLEANING 896-2926 CARPET/ UPHOLDECKS & STERY cleaning. FENCING $15.99 room, two room minimum. 25 years exCUSTOM perience. Free deodor- BAER izing. Sealer/ pet odor. deck, fence and patio 816-803-2272 cellular covers. 20 years experience. Free estimates, CARPET DEEP quality work, affordable Steam cleaning: I use prices. 816-606-6506 powerful truck DRYWALL mounted machine, two rooms $50.00, three JIM’S DRYWALL: rooms or more $20.00 40 years experience, per room, $2.00 per new or old work, all stair. 816-674-4147 types of texture, repair of water damage, cellular basements, framed CEMETERY and finished outside 816-304FOR SALE, ceme- painting. 2404, licensed and intery headstones, gran- sured ite, fair and affordable, ELECTRICAL $99.00. Frisbie Monuments, 816-833-5111 ELECTRICIAN Repair - replace. Work CONCRETE guaranteed. Senior citTOLEFREE CE- izens discount. We acMENT Finishing. Li- cept Mastercard, Visa censed, bonded, in- and Discover. 913-856-3888 sured. Specialize: flat 816-753-3888 work, driveways, baseLICENSED ELECments, patios, steps. TRICIAN outlets, 40 years experience lights, new panels, and free estimates. etcetera, cheaper than 913-334-4526 you would think. 913362-2100 ★★★ CROSS BOBCAT EXTERMINATOR AND COCKROACHES/ CONCRETE.COM LAS Cucarachas, Residential, commer- $64.00. Bedbugs/ cial concrete place- chinches, $275.00. ment/ removal. Drives/ Guaranteed. Will come walks/ patios/ walls/ back with no cost till all pads/ footings/ are gone. 913-269etcetera. Licensed, in- 3369 sured, bonded. BBB FENCES 913-342-1199 FENCES AND decks ★★★ installed. Wood, chain C O N C R E T E link, and iron. Also reWORK, steps, drives, pairs of all types of walks, floors, founda- fencing. Call 913-745tion repairs, straight- 5216 FIREWOOD ened, braced. Walls repaired. Rock, block. SEASONED OAK, 816-838-4390 $220.00 cord. $125.00 1/2 cord, delivered. 16 CONCRETE Driveways, patios, inch available. Stackwalks, steps, retaining ing available. 816-985walls, stoops, base- 0409. St. Joseph area slightly higher ment, foundation reSPLIT, MIXED Firepair, sump pumps, wood, $150.00 a truckdrainage problems, no load, delivery available. job too small. 816-444- Call 913-999-1273 cel3912 lular
FOUNDATION REPAIR R E N O VAT I O N S F O U N D AT I O N Service. Water problems, house settling, basement walls, poor grade, cracks, mud jacking. We can fix it all! 913-238-7060
FURNACE REPAIR & SERVICES A+ BBB MEMBER TRUCKLOAD SALE Lennox, Carrier, Trane, Rheem, furnace/ ac, or heat pump, $999.00, $30.00 repair. Ductwork, electrical, Senior, Veterans, Disabled discounts. Free estimates. Missouri 816-2774366, Kansas 913742-2934
GUTTERING SEAMLESS GUTTERS, screening for tops of gutters, fascia and soffit repair. Keep rain out and away from home. 913-400-2483
HANDYMAN DENNIS SVAGLIC 30 years, skilled craftsman. Tree trimming, quality siding, windows, painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry. Dedicated to home owners. 816-423-1213 A1 HANDYMAN: Yard work, hauling, decks, room additions, roofing, hardwoods, tile, siding, trim, electrical, plumbing, painting, linoleum, concrete. 816-527-3728 AL STRUTTON Handyman. Remodeling; bathrooms, kitchens, electrical, plumbing. Decks, concrete, flat work, asphalt, driveway, much more! Senior discount! 816-352-6688 S&G HANDYMAN Service, all jobs around the house, affordable price. Call Silvio, home 913-334-9120, cellular 816-645-7362 CHRISTIAN PROFESSIONAL Handyman Service. Plumbing, carpentry, painting, bathroom/ basement remodeling, fences, decks, discounts. Guaranteed. Free estimates, reasonable. Licensed, insured. Bill 816-769-5022 NO HACK JOBS! I will totally remodel your kitchen, bathroom, electrical, plumbing, decks, etcetera. Best rates in town! Call Caz 816-668-7179
HAULING JOHN’S HAULING, Brush, trash, House clean out, basement clean out, all scrap hauling, free estimates. Call 816-536-1029 MURRAY’S SERVICES: Handyman, hauling, cleanouts, cleanups, plumbing, remodeling of all types, fences, discounts, guaranteed. Licensed. 816-590-8498 DEPENDABLE HAULING Demolition, bobcat work, brush, appliances, junk, basements, clean up. Top soil. Residential /commercial. Insured. Free estimates. Greater Kansas City area. 816-453-4013
HEATING & COOLING HEATING, AIR conditioning, hot water heaters. Keeping Kansas City’s residents comfortable since 1981. Experience can’t be bought! Licensed, insured, E.A.P. certified. Crown Inc., 913271-8537 HEATING AND Air Conditioning Service, licensed and insured. 816-699-1949 Mike KEEP WARM! Furnace repair, air conditioning sales/ service. Hot water tank installation and sales. Plumbing and electrical repair. 913-689-5845/ 816-405-8194 HEATING AND COOLING Installation/ repair/ replacement. Work guaranteed. Senior citizens discount. 913-856-3888 816-753-3888
HOME IMPROVEMENT REMODELING & REPAIR AFFORDABLE REMODELING. Experienced Bath and Kitchen Remodeling, Painting, Sheetrock, Roofing. Call for Free estimate. Milton 816694-5139 cellular SUMMER SALE! D&R Remodeling, basement finishing, tiling, decks, kitchens, baths, doors/ windows, sheetrock repairs, interior painting. David, 913-238-1092. Free estimates
REMODELING/ REPAIRS today at discount rates! 30 years of experience. Fully HAULING equipped for home reCHEAPEST HAUL- pair, or complete reING garage/ base- model. Call 816-7864820 ment cleaning, brush/ tree work. No job too LAWN SERVICES small or large. Free es- LEAF CLEANUP timates, fast service. and snow removal. Call 913-396-3998, 816- Randy’s Lawn Service 965-8494 at 913-424-0269
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
MOBILE HOME SERVICE NEED MOBILE Home Service? We do it all! Heating and cooling, plumbing, electrical, any building needs. Tired of roof repairs? Call and ask about rubber roofing! We accept major credit cards. 8162 5 4 - 4 2 8 4 .
MOVING LOWEST RATESGUARANTEED! Moving and Delivery. We’ll move you any time, day or night. Licensed, insured. Quality Moving 816-7859704, 816-796-9636
MUSIC SERVICES GUITAR REPAIR, bridge repair, string replacement, wood repair. Stands, cases and guitars for sale. Wyandotte County area. 913-206-0813
PAINTING PRO FINISH Painting. Interior, exterior painting. Free estimate. Call John 816-8205194
PLUMBING DRAINS&THANGS All phases plumbing! Drain problems? No problem. Why? Drains is my thang. Free estimates. Call me first! 816-349-1616 MITCH’S PLUMBING, remodel, drain cleaning, work guaranteed. “We’ll get to the root of your problem”. 816-252-2363, cellular 816-365-6428 C O M P L E T E PLUMBING Services. Licensed. Sewers and waterlines, 24/ 7. Call 816-405-6924 MASTER PLUMBING. Residential repair, licensed master plumber. Work guaranteed. Senior citizen discount. Since 1936. 816-753-3888 913-856-3888 $10.00 OFF With Ad! Call Bob’s Root’r Service. Drain cleaning, video sewer inspection, plumbing repairs, sewer locating, hydrojetting. Credit cards accepted. 816-313-0800, 913-208-3541 SHANE’S DRAINS Plumbing, for all your drain cleaning and plumbing needs. $10.00 off with ad, Senior Citizen discount. 913-788-5144, 913-596-1425 RELIABLE PLUMBING 20 years experience. Licensed plumber. Work guaranteed. $10.00 off with this ad. Discount to seniors. Reasonable rates. 913-856-3888, 816-561-2299
REMODELING KITCHEN/ BATH Remodeling, experienced in plumbing, electrical and carpentry. Work guaranteed. Senior citizen discount. Since 1936. 816-753-3888 913-856-3888 U N L I M I T E D EARTH Construction 913-281-7757 Office, 816-935-2739 24 Hours. We build without limitations: remodeling, room additions, flooring, new construction, electrical, demolition JB REMODELING licensed, insured. Kitchen, bath, tiling, carpet, electrical, plumbing, concrete, decks, air conditioning, furnace, floors, finish basement, more. Free estimates, John 816743-6777
ROOFING R O O F I N G : REROOFS, repairs, new, leaks. EPDM and TPO low slope, siding, windows, and gutters. Interior and exterior paint, texture. Free estimates, licensed, insured. Call 816-7785946 WOOD ROOF repair expert! 40 years experience, repair instead of replace, pictures on internet ad. 816-2544008 ALVAREZ ROOFING, Siding and Gutters! Lowest prices, licensed and insured, free estimates. References available, Immediate response. 816519-2444 cellular ROOFING AND SIDING Quality workmanship, competitive prices. 30 years experience. Licensed, insured. Call 913-999-1273 cellular, 913-499-7036 Mylles Home Improvements LEAK REPAIRS all types of roofs. Free estimates. Right Roofing. 913-653-4709 or 913220-6755 GARCIA’S ROOFING, windows and siding, residential and commercial. Roof and gutter repair. Chimney repair. Free estimates. References. 913-6029032
SANDBLASTING SANDBLASTING MOBILE UNIT Chair, table, trailer, pools, brick, block and much more. Free estimates. 816-835-2656
SNOW REMOVAL SNOW REMOVAL, commercial/ residential. Be prepared and ready when it arrives. Call now for free estimates. 816-352-6688
STUMP REMOVAL STUMP REMOVAL, insured. Pricing by diameter, estimates over the phone. 816-9850409
TRAINING AMERICAN CDL TRAINING LLC Same Day Training and Test, Automatic Truck furnished, Missouri Permit required, Accept Debit, credit card, St. Joseph, Missouri 1-660-254-2541
TREE TRIMMING & SERVICE VETERAN TREE Service, removal, trimming, stumping. Free estimates. 913-3342022. We appreciate your business ABERNATHY TREE Service. Trimming, topping, removing, stump removal. Snow plowing. Since 1966. Free estimates. I Built this business myself! 913788-5350 VESTER’S TREE Service. Tree pruning, removal, topping and haul away brush. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. Reliable and trustworthy. 816-606-4330 WE ARE Tree experts, no tree too high or low. We haul/ leaves yard spotless. Free estimates. Bonded/ Insured. 816-728-7997
END OF BUSINESS SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS MOST HOLY apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (here make your request) and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. Follow with 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary s and & 3 Glory Be’s say for nine consecutive days. Thank you St Jude for prayers answered. ANNOUNCEMENTS A-1 DONATE your car! Breast Cancer Research Foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax deductible/ fast, free pick up. 1-800-771-9551
THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790
DONATIONS DONATE A car. Help children fighting diabetes. Fast, free towing. Call 7 days/week. Non- runners okay. Tax deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1-800-5780408 SINGLES MEET SINGLES now! No paid operators, just people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages, connect live. Free trial. Call 1-877-737-9447
END OF SINGLES TRUCKS WILL FINANCE all! Bad credit okay with low down payments. Call Nick 913-7888970 1997 DODGE Ram 1500 Sport, fair condition, $1,350.00. 816382-7566
SALVAGE JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773 CASH PAID! FREE TOW $150.00 and up! For junk cars, top dollar, with or without title. 816-679-6257 cellular WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days a week. Cars with payday loans okay. 816-813-5548
CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-2867292 CARS/ TRUCKS wanted! Top $$$ paid! Running or not. All years, makes, models. VANS Free towing, we’re local, seven days/ week. 1995 GMC van, Call Toll Free: 1-888handicap lift, good op- 416-2330 erating condition, $2,500.00. 816-4614977 2003 FORD Windstar, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2002 CHEVY Tahoe, sharp, clean. NEED $$$ 913-621-1206 TODAY? 2002 FORD Wind- Sell your unwanted star, super nice. 913- vehicles! We’ll beat 621-1206 any other offer. Call 1984 FORD Aerostar 816-872-TOWS, 816van, all wheel drive, 872-8697 newer tires, $950.00. Call 816-767-9750 1997 CHEVY Astro CASH 4 your junk work van, 169,000 rides! $300.00 and up! miles, $1,200.00 nego- Call us for all your junk tiable, Needs a little car needs. 816-286work. John 816-813- 7292 2947 WE BUY junk cars. 2003 DODGE Cara- 816-305-8343 van, roomy, clean. 913- JUNK CARS wanted 621-1206 816-337-1100 No Title 2004 GMC Safari, needed. Cash paid. family ready. 913-621- Anytime 1206 CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, VEHICLE REPAIR any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call & SERVICE 816-808-8198 BLUE VALLEY Auto: Electrical repair service. 921 Winches- CASH FOR junk ter, 816-241-3400 cars. Call Danny 816FULL SERVICE 799-1312 or Wes 816Auto repair, honest 606-5287 work at fair prices. WANTED JUNK auCheap Tires And Serv- tomobiles $250.00 and ice 816-231-1200 up! Must have title! AUTO, RV and boat Cash paid. Free tow, storage. Month to fast service. 816-809month. 816-221-5554 9937 YOUR CAR got the shakes? Alignments starting at $49.99, BUYING JUNK 4412 Truman Road. cars only. Also hauling 816-231-1200 scrap, Discount towing. BLUE VALLEY Auto 816-506-2677 Repair: Check engine JUNK CARS wanted light on? Brakes noisy? 816-337-1100 No Title Save on repairs. 921 needed. Cash paid. Winchester, 816-241- Anytime 3400 WE BUY junk cars, WE DO brakes, full $300.00 and up, with/ service auto repair, without title. 816-4464412 Truman Road. 7644. I tow cars $25.00 816-231-1200 and up. Rick BLUE VALLEY YES WE BUY Auto: Brake Special VEHICLES from $60.00. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 Call to sell your junk A U T O M O B I L E wrecked or unwanted NEEDED: Will pay up vehicles at 816-349to $500.00. 816-349- 1898 8634
SALVAGE D&C SALVAGE Pays top dollar for junk cars. 816-806-8176 STEVE’S AUTO SALVAGE $$$ Pick up your unwanted Vehicles. So call 816824-4671 WE BUY JUNK CARS! Top dollar paid. Fast service. Call 816719-5446
SALVAGE CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 816-808-8198 WE BUY JUNK CARS! Top dollar paid. Fast service. Call 816719-5446
WE BUY all scrap metals, ferrous and non ferrous. Call 913$$$ CASH paid for 208-3333 junk cars and trucks CASH FOR JUNK $$$. Call 816-398CARS $250.002080 $1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773
CASH FOR CARS 816-291-2145 Call or text picture! We buy cars now! Best money! Must have proof of ownership and ID. Free tow! Thrifty Nickel.
SALVAGE WANTED JUNK Automobiles $$$ $250.00 and up! Must have title! Cash paid. Free tow, fast service. 816-769-3763
SALVAGE CASH FOR running, not running, wrecked, and unwanted cars and trucks. We pay top dollar, because we fix and resell our Vehicles! Call, Text, Email 8165 6 4 - 2 7 2 6 .
JUNK CARS wanted FAST CASH FOR 816-337-1100 No Title JUNK CARS needed. Cash paid. $250.00 and up paid Anytime with or with out Title! CASH FOR JUNK 816-461-4406, 816254-0283 CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top CASH FOR junk dollar paid, cash. Call cars. Call Wes 816- 913-909-4773 606-5287 or 816- 7991312 Danny WE PAY CASH For junk, wrecked, NEED EXTRA and unwanted vehiCASH? cles. Call us, for the $150.00 and up. Free WANTED JUNK best quotes. 816- tow! Top dollar paid AUTOMOBILES 349-1898 for cars, trucks or $$$ $250.00 CASH FOR cars: All vans, with or without AND UP! title. Free tow. 816Must have title! Cash cars/ trucks wanted. 679-6257 cellular Running or not! Top paid. Free tow, fast paid. We come service. 816-769- dollar to you! Any make/ FAST CASH FOR 3763 model. Call for instant JUNK CARS offer: 1-800-864-5960 $250.00 and up paid I BUY junk cars! 816215-1515 with or with out Title! 816-461-4406, 816254-0283 JUNK CARS NO TITLES $300.00 If you had placed an ad WANTED JUNK AND UP last week, your item AUTOMOBILES busses, might have been sold $250.00 AND UP! Trucks, now. Stop delaying Must have title! Cash etcetera, no one pays by and place your ad paid. Free tow, fast more. Free pickup, today! Thrifty Nickel service. 816-809- fast cash. 816-778- 816-356-8790. kc4473 9937
NO TITLE No problem, no hassle. Proof of ownership required. Quick pick up, day or night. Heavy equipment, farm equipment, anyCASH FOR Cars where! Don’t wait, 816-291-2145 Call or Get Paid! 816-734text picture! We buy 6850 cars now! Best money! Must have proof of ownership and ID. Free tow! WANTED JUNK cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, 24 hours, seven days CASH FOR junk a week. Cars with cars. Call Danny 816payday loans okay. 799-1312 or Wes 816-606-5287 816-813-5548
816.356.8790 • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
ST. JOSEPH 816.364.6915
12103 E. 43 ST. KCMO FAX: 816.356.0621
2301 FREDERICK ST. JOE FAX: 816.364.5980
8-6 MON-TUES 8-5 WED-FRI TOLL FREE 1-800-541-1455
9-5 MON-FRI TOLL FREE 1-800-737-4100
Distributed Every Thursday
Your Classifieds Specialist
Vol. 35
“LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED” A THRIFTY NICKEL WANT ADS PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTED EVERY THURSDAY IN MISSOURI: ANDREW, BUCHANAN, CLAY, CLINTON, JACKSON & PLATTE COUNTIES IN KANSAS: FORD TRACTOR, model 2000, bale spike, blade and brush hog, also pull type manure spreader, $3,500.00. 816-6973191 The two furniture sets sold with a quickness! I always have great response with advertsing in the Thrifty Nickel! Jerry S.
CIVIL WAR Memorabilia, muzzle loaders, books, clothing. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 COLLECTIBLES, VIDEO Game, Asteroids. Man cave, rec room, or money maker. 816-547-5301 SCOOTER MOBILITY chair, $1,200.00 negotiable. 816-8094543 NOTICE Thrifty Nickel reserves the right to refuse any and/ or to edit any portion of an ad we think questionable or not in good taste. If you find errors or omissions in your ad, you must notify Thrifty Nickel within five days from the date of publication. After five days, Thrifty Nickel and/ or it’s agents cannot be held responsible for any error. Thrifty Nickel will only be held responsible for the portion of the paid advertising that was incorrect and is only liable for correct copy being published in the first available issue only. Absolutely No Cash Refunds Will Be Issued. AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 6 P.M. NATIONAL ADS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY MONDAY NOON
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816- 3 5 6 - 8 7 9 0 816- 3 6 4 - 6 9 1 5 Private Party Only, Some restrictions Apply, No Cancellations Or Changes
NICE COMPUTER, $89.00. 816-455-1600 HOVER ROUND mobility chair, $550.00 negotiable. 816-4544977 ROUND, OAK, Antique table and 4 chairs; Maple table and 4 chairs. 816-238-4346 PELLET STOVE, with chimney, $450.00. 816-294-6042
POOL TABLE Slate top. You pick up, $100.00. Needs new felt. 816-254-8774 MUZZLE LOADING supplies. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473 CEMENT MIXER (cast iron) perfect condition, with electric motor, like to sale cheap, never been used. Call anytime! 816-351-2082
DELL LAPTOP Computer with wireless, $149.00. 816455-1600 GENERAL ELECTRIC 24 cubic foot side by side refrigerator, ice/ water in door, $250.00. 913-6422286 D-17 ALLIS Chalmers tractor, runs great, three point hitch, wide front end. 913592-3027
No. 21 November 15, 2012
ROLCO C44 treadmill $210.00, Homelite 26cc Mightylite $90.00, backpack blower $90.00. 816-520-1807 SHELLED PECANS $10.00 per pound, will deliver. Call 816-8063420 SPACE SAVER, electric wheelchair, $300.00 or best offer. Various collectible dolls and musical instruments. 913-269-4041
BLUE QUAKER Parrot with large breeders cage. Certified male and miscellaneous. 816-405-3456 WELDED WIRE fencing, corn sheller, reel lawn mower, random lumber. 816-2795487 FREE OLD Pallets and pallet lumber, you haul, call 816-2612402
GLASS FRONT Niche (cremaines) C-6 north unit, Mausoleum Chapel, Meierhoffer Memorial Park, $2,500.00. 816-2333404
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Psalms 121:3
Now Doing...
Oil Changes, Brakes, Head Gaskets & Other Light Duty Maintenance! ST. JOE RADIATOR & Air Conditioning
816.356.8790 KC • THURSDAY •NOVEMBER 15 •2012
1202 S. 6th • St. Joseph “Best Place In Town To Take A Leak!” Appointments Recommended!
ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES TOYS We have you covered! Nationwide coverage with just one phone call to the Thrifty Nickel! Call for details. 816-356-8790
ANTIQUES: All kinds wanted. Top cash paid for any antiques. 913-287-5131, day or night NEW AND used Muzzle loaders and Flintlock rifles. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 816-781-9473
Most Major Credit Cards Accepted
OUT BOARD motor repair, and winterize. F L I N T L O C K S , Call for information MUZZLE Loaders, ri- 816-582-7012 fles, pistols, lowest COMPUTER & prices. James Country, ELECTRONICS Liberty, Missouri. 816781-9473 THAT cable CIVIL WAR related LOWER bill! Get satellite TV toitems for sale, largest day! Free system, ininventory in Kansas stallation and HD/ DVR City. James Country, upgrade. Programming Liberty, Missouri. 816- starting at $19.99. Call 781-9473 now! 1-800-935-8195 MUZZLE LOADING FLAT COMPUTER MONITORS, supplies. James Country, Liberty, Missouri. 15 inch $29.00, 17 inch $49.00, 19 inch 816-781-9473 $79.00, 24 inch, Visit us online at $199.00. and 1 6 0 0 place your ad
$90.00 LAPTOPS, $30.00 TV’s, $8.50 Smart Phones, $4.50 jeans, $1.00 DVD’s. Brand name electronics, apparel, furniture, toys, cosmetics from over 200 leading liquidators. Visit Place your ad online at today
NICE COMPUTER! Excellent computer for student or small business, $139.00, includes LCD Monitor. 816-455-1600 COMPUTER REPAIRS and upgrades. Is your computer slow? We can fix it for as little as $50.00. 816-4551 6 0 0
Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel. 816356-8790
DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-935-7165 VAUGHNS COMPUTER CENTRAL Has moved! Come see our new location! 6261 North Oak Trafficway, across from Perkins and Hardee’s. 816455-1600
APPLIANCES & FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE Now 10% off dealer cost, across the Belt from Walmart South, Jackson’s. 816-2620616, Open noon5p.m. Saturday Only.
WASHERS, DRYERS, AND REFRIGERATORS Rebuilt, $98.00 and up, three year guarantee, same day delivery. All credit cards. www.KCAPPLIANCE.c om Open late seven days. 816-763-3352
CONSUMABLE GOODS SHELLED PECANS $10.00 per pound, will deliver. Call 816-8063420
D-17 ALLIS Chalmers tractor, runs great, three point hitch, wide front end. 913592-3027 TRACTOR PARTS, Used, Rebuilt, New. Most parts less than 50%. Salvaging Tractors Daily. Case-IH-JDWANTED DEAD MF-Ford-AC-DL-MM. Eagle Tractor Parts 1OR ALIVE 800-833-5867 APPLIANCES Free pickup and haul w w w. e a g l e t r a c t o r away. Cash paid if you bring it to us. 816-763FREE ITEMS 3352 MATTRESS FREE OLD Pallets FACTORY and pallet lumber, you WAREHOUSE Best prices in Kansas haul, call 816-261City! Twin mattresses 2402 as low as $50.00, full Having trouble getting $75.00, queen your business up and $90.00, king $120.00, booming? Call us! $2,000.00 pillow top, We’ll help you adverqueen sets only tise your business or $250.00! Over 50 service, in our Direcsets to choose from! tory, at a low cost that 14446 West 100th you can afford. Call Street, Lenexa. 913- 816-356-8790, 816541-9993 364-6915 or visit our website
H&W Auto Sales 1859 Hwy. 36 Wathena, KS. 785-989-3491 2000 Ford Expedition...........................................$3,200 2004 Chevy 3500, Ext. Cab, V-8, Auto, 4X4...........$7,500 2005 Mercury Grand Marquis LS...........................$5,700 2006 Ford F-150, Ext. Cab, V-8, Auto, 4X4.............$8,500 2001 Dodge Dakota, 6-Cyl., Auto.........................$2,900 1998 Chevy 1500, V-8, Auto, 4X4, Ext. Cab...........$4,500 2001 GMC, V-8, Auto............................................$2,900 2006 Chevy 1500, Ext. Cab, V-8, Auto, 4X4...........$9,950 2008 Ford F-150, Ext. Cab, V-8, Auto, 4X4...........$11,900 2001 Ford Expedition, 4X4...................................$3,900 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix.......................................$3,200 2001 Oldsmobile Aurora.......................................$2,900 2003 Chevy 2500, HD, Crew Cab, Duramax...........$9,750 2003 Dodge 1500, V-8, Manual, 4X4, Shortbed....$5,500
THURSDAY •NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.364.6915 SJKCNICKEL.COM
ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS AUTO CITY Thomas Farm Quality Meats (7 Miles North of Bethany, Mo)
I-35 Ridgeway Exit
We will be accepting whole deer and cleaned boneless deer trim for venison sausage products. We Accept
Business Hours for Missouri Regular Deer Rifle Season Only! Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M. Sunday 10 A.M.-8P.M. • Closed Thanksgiving
We offer a complete line of vension sausage products. Permit and deposit required. For more information call Thomas Farm Quality meats.
(660) 872-6716
MEDICAL & HEALTH DIABETICS! CASH paid for unopened, unexpired test strips. Call 816-695-4817 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID Best prices, free pickup. Call 816-2267576
AUCTIONS ESTATE SALES GARAGE SALES MOVING SALES YARD SALES DATED SALES Having trouble getting your business up and booming? Call us! We’ll help you advertise your business or service, in our Directory, at a low cost that you can afford. Call 816-356-8790, 816364-6915 or visit our website GARAGE SALE, lawn mower, new bed sheets, antique furniture, dresser set and more. Call 913-9528637
AUCTION HOUSE taking consignments 20% 5323 North 169 Highway (King City Exit off Hwy. 29) 816-2731152 Auction every SUNDAY 2:00 p.m. Check us out at ID# 31291
HUNTING, FISHING & SPORTING GOODS DEER HUNTERS, Deer $265.00 mounted by a pro with 30 years experience. Low rates, quality work. 913-3672678
INTERNET & TECHNOLOGY DELL LAPTOP Computer with wireless, $149.00. 816455-1600 BUNDLE AND save on your cable, internet phone and more. High speed internet starting at less than $20.00/ month. Call now! 1800-291-4159
MEDICAL & HEALTH TAKE CIALIS/ LEVITRA? Save $500.00! 60x 100mg pills $149.00! Plus 8 Bonus pills. Visa/Mastercard Accepted. Order Now! 1-347-753-8138.
HAVE SOME free time? Participate in a clinical study. Call Qunitiles 913-8945533 WE HAVE a study for women. Compensation may be up to $2,850.00. Call 913894-5533
NOVEMBER SPECIAL All health care needs with our $169.95 plan, for only $69.95, If $70.00 is on debit/ credit card or checking/ savings account. Call 1-800-647-4172 before November 23th, 2012 STUDY FOR change. Call today, 913-894-5533
MISCELLANEOUS ELVIS 2 Theatre Grand opening! December 1st, 2012. 1001 Southwest 1st Street, Oak Grove, Missouri. 30 minutes East of Kansas City on I-70 Highway to Oak Grove Exit 28. Only one King in Rock and Roll! Live in concert every Saturday night at 5:30 p.m. Tickets in advance only $14.00, ticket at the door $16.00. Ticket Hotline, 816-830-5759
3016 N. Belt St. Joseph, Mo. 64506
816-279-0063 Cell: 816-351-9804
Mon.-Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 9-Noon 2000 Mitsubishi Galant ES, Excellent Condition.......................................$3,200 2004 Toyota Corolla, 162K, Full Power, 30MPG City, 40MPG, Hwy.......$6,900 2000 Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer Edition, 4X4, Runs Good, Clean..........$3,900 2000 Buick Park Ave., Runs Excellent.........................................................$3,500
MISCELLANEOUS * Q U I C K E N LOANS* We’re America’s #1 Online Lender. All Time Low Fixed Mortgage Rates. Call Now For Quote In 2 Minutes: 866-9434695 DIVORCE $99.00 Covers Children, Custody, Property & Debts. Uncontested. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Unlimited Customer Support. Call 24/hrs. Free Information! 1-800-250-8142.
MISCELLANEOUS BIG SALE! Over 3,000 Home Decor Items for indoor/outdoor.Plus, Beautiful Ladies Dresses, Gowns, Sweaters & Shoes.Hurry! Quantities are limited! or 1251-518-8042 NEED SOMEWHERE to store the mower? Economy sheds available. Free delivery. 816-294-4324 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED CASH PAID FOR SALE, ceme- Best prices, free tery headstones, gran- pickup. Call 816-226ite, fair and affordable, 7576 $99.00. 816-833-5111 ENGINE THE OCEAN Corp. SMALL 10840 Rockley Road, Repairs, snow blowers, Houston, Texas generators, wood split77099. Train for a ters, etc. no charge to New Career. *Under- drive to you in St. water Welder. Com- Joseph, Mo. 816-238mercial Diver. 4630 *NDT/Weld Inspector. MIXED SEASONED Pickup, Job Placement Assis- firewood. tance. Financial Aid $50.00. Trunk, $20.00. available for those 913-299-8114 who qualify. 1-800- QUALITY BACKYARD buildings. Built 321-0298. by Amish and MennonREACH OVER 17 ite Craftsman. Free demillion homes nation- livery and set up. 816wide with one easy 461-5119 buy! Only $1,995.00 22 THERMAL winper week for a 20 word dows, $30.00 small, classified! For more in- $50.00 large. Cabinets, formation go to front door, shower swan door, ceiling fans, or call 816-356-8790 kitchen sink, bear claw WELDED WIRE tub, dishwasher, air fencing, corn sheller, conditioner 12,000 reel lawn mower, ran- BTU, two small air condom lumber. 816-279- ditioners 5,000 BTU. 5487 816-923-1136
Two Storage Auctions! 2 Different Locations. (See Below)
STORAGE AUCTION! Kovac’s Mini Storage LLC 7014 King Hill Ave. St. Joseph, MO. 64504
MONDAY, November 26, 2012, 9 AM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Missouri SelfStorage Act as used in sections 415.400 to 418.430. The undersigned will sell contents of approx. 20 storage units at public auction by competitive bidding on Monday, the 26th Day of November, 2012 at 9 A.M. on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at Kovac’s Mini-Storage LLC., 7014 King Hill Ave., St. Joseph, Mo., County of Buchanan, State of Missouri, the following: Plastic Storage containers, chairs, misc. furniture, toys, misc. bags and boxes and plastic bins, mattress, lamps, fans, bed frames, microwaves, misc. tools, mirror, computer, DVD’s, Lg Screen TV, folding chairs, desk,computer desk, week eater, car jack, cooler, baby bed, tools, stereo, dryer, JD Lawn Tractor, propane tank, table saw, display case, elec. heater, sewing machine, clothes, couch, speakers, Antique furinture, TV’s, window A/C’s and many misc. items.
STORAGE AUCTION! Kovac’s Mini Storage 20830 State Route K St. Joseph, MO. 64505
MONDAY, November 26, 2012, 10:30 AM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Missouri Self-Storage Act as used in sections 415.400 to 418.430. The undersigned will sell contents of approx. 16 storage units at public auction by competitive bidding on Monday, the 26th Day of November, 2012 at 10:30 A.M. on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at Kovac’s Mini-Storage, 20830 State Route K, St. Joseph, Mo., County of Andrew, State of Missouri, the following: Plastic Storage containers, chairs, misc. furniture, toys, misc. bags, boxes and plastic bins, mattress, window ac’s, car tires, fan, lamp, cooler, refrigerator, stool, misc furniture, baby bed, old computer & monitor, stereo, folding table, old trunk, washer, dog carrier, 2-wheeler, shop vac, display case, stove, whiskey barrels, lg propane tank, ladder, lawn mower, mirror and many misc. items. Purchases must be paid for at the time of sale in cash/ check only. All purchased items sold as is, where is, and must be removed at time of sale. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Jimmy Porter, Auctioneer.
MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit required. 1-800-795-9329. CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $26/Box! Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY payment. 1-888-3660956. R E S TA U R A N T EQUIPMENT for sale. 913-299-4723, 913-220-4723
SEASONED WALNUT firewood, $150.00 Cord. Hedge fence posts six to eight inches round, $15.00 each! You load, you haul. 816-805-4737 FIREWOOD $50.00 pick up load, you haul. We have a hydraulic splitter, give us a call we will split your wood. 816-351-1055 or 816294-4801 DRY MIXED hard wood $75.00 for pick up load. 785-850-1466
JANITORIAL Contracting. Not a franchise. Equipment and $350.00 required. Call 816-421-2525 or visit our web site at SHOP NOW for Christmas and SAVE!! Save up to 70% on toys, movies, games, clothing, electronics, more! Visit Visit our website at
CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and affordable medications. Save up to 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-888-467-7085 ($25.00off your first prescription and free shipping.) DEER ANTLERS wanted! Call Charlie 816-372-7109 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 TWO CORDS of cut dried, stacked wood, $100.00. 816-2617799 1 EXCLUSIVE Western Print Can Be Yours For Free. Go To Or Call 1-800-253-1748 Preserve our community by buying and selling local. To place an ad call today! 816-3568790
Fair Housing Act: Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). For more information contact your local HUD office. Or visit on the internet.
FOR RENT HEAT PAID, Independence, one and two bedroom units. Section 8 available. 816-2571400 FORT OSAGE, Independence School District, one and two bedroom units, available now! 816-2571400
Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel.
INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, one bedroom, $395.00, hardwood floors. Please call 816-333-RENT (7368) C E N T E R SCHOOLS, vouchers accepted, pets okay, on major bus line. Call for move in specials. Colonial Point 816-444-5552 ONE, TWO and four bedrooms available, Center School District, vouchers welcome. Colonial Point 816444-5552 BELTON, MISSOURI, coming soon. Two bedroom, one bathroom, $675.00, complete renovation. Refrigerator and stove included. Section 8 okay. Call Tonya 816-462-8970. propertymgmt1010@g
NORTH VILLAGE APARTMENTS NEW OWNER SPECIAL ON ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS NO SECURITY DEPOSIT Spacious one and two bedroom apartments on bus line at Vivion Road and North Highland. Walk to shopping, great interstate access, 24 hour on site laundry, pet friendly. Call today 816-452-4514
FOR RENT BELTON, MISSOURI. One bedroom, one bathroom duplex, $450.00. Refrigerator and stove included. New floors and paint. Section 8 okay. Call Tonya 816-4628970 VAN BRUNT Boulevard, one and two bedroom, hardwood floors, $395.00$450.00 month. Got good used stuff to Please call 816-333sell? We have good RENT (7368) people that would like to buy it! Call us at TWO BEDROOM, 816-356-879, 816- deck, $450.00. 55th/ 36+4-69150.www.kc- State Avenue. 638-3120 cellular
INDEPENDENCE GREAT location, easy access to everything! Mention this ad for move in special. 816-257-1400 BELTON, MISSOURI. One bedroom apartment, $650.00, all utilities paid- gas, water, electric, trash, lawncare. Refrigerator and stove included. Complete renovation, new hardGRANDVIEW One bedroom, woods. Section 8 okay. $375.00. Two bed- 816-462-8970, properroom duplex, $450.00. Please call COMMERCIAL 816-333-RENT PROPERTIES (7368) SECURE GRAVEL lot for rent, perfect for storing cars, Arrowhead Stadium area. 816-718-2909 OFFICE/ LOT space for small car dealer, $500.00 month plus shared utilities. 816718-2909 OFFICE OR retail space available in Independence, perfect for Art Gallery, in great area. 816-254-0980 26X8 STORAGE unit, by Arrowhead, on secure lot, $75.00 month. 816-718-2909 Need some work done around the house? Check out the Business and Service section and find the help you need! Thrifty Nickel , 816-356-8790, 816-364-6915.
BELTON, MISSOURI, two bedroom apartment, $875.00, all utilities paid- gas, water, electric, trash, lawncare. Refrigerator, stove, microwave included. Complete renovation, new hardwoods. Section 8 okay. 816-462-8970.
HOUSES FOR rent with stove/ refrigerator, central air, new carpet. Ruskin Heights 913530-2713
TWO AND three bedroom duplexes for rent in Independence, Oak Grove, Buckner, Blue Springs, some with no security deposit. 816254-0980 VALUE FILLED get more for your money here; three bedroom house, full basement, garage, fenced yard, appliances, and more! $500.00 913-962-6683 MEBXO LOW DEPOSIT $250.00 deposit to keep costs down; three bedroom/ two bath house, hardwood floors, full basement, appliances too; $550.00 913-962-6683 MEB8B WALLET PLEASER lower deposit too; three bedroom, two bath house, hardwood floors, safely fenced yard, kitchen appliances, only $450.00! 816-2547200 MEB11 MONTHLY LEASE keep it flexible here; two bedrooms, roomy living room, eat in kitchen plus appliances, newly updated; $550.00 816-254-7200 MEB1Q
C H A R M I N G THREE bedroom, 1.5 bath, appliances, Section 8 accepted, 7926 Michigan, Kansas City, Missouri. 816-5828893 SOUTH KANSAS City, Ruskin, Longview and Blue Ridge, three bedroom, one bath, refreshed. Rent $750.00. Section 8 welcome. Call 816-533-5606 VIVION AREA character filled house, living room, storage ready basement, kitchen appliances, pets okay, and no application fee! $400.00 913-962-6683 SEB1F 3112 EAST 63rd, two bedroom, 1.5 bath, duplex, garage, washer/ dryer hookup, $650.00. 816-2044302 ACCEPTING TWO or three bedroom, Section 8 Kansas Vouchers for Kansas City, Kansas three bedroom home. 816-761-9928 HOUSES FOR rent with washer/ dryer. Two, three and four bedrooms available. Blue Hills 913-5302713 OFF PARVIN charming with a covered front porch; three bedroom house, full basement, kitchen appliances, pets are welcome; $750.00 816-254-7200 SEB1J TWO ACRES and it has a barn; two bedroom/ two bath house, newer carpet, full basement, safely fenced yard, pets welcome too! $695.00 913-962-6683 MEB1K UTILITIES PAID warm and inviting floor plan, kitchen appliances, covered porch, fresh and clean with a great price! $425.00 913-962-6683 MEB2U Feel like you may have a hoarding problem? Let us help you with that. Advertise with us! Make some cash! Call Thrifty nickel 816-3568 7 9 0
GRANDVIEW SCHOOLS, 800 133rd Circle, completely remodeled, four bedroom, two bath, $895.00. Please call 816-333RENT (7368) SECTION 8, beautiful newly remodeled home, three bedrooms, one bath, large basement, all appliances, off street parking, 5433 Highland, Kansas City, Missouri. 913-5689998 MANSION SIZED bring the pets along to this five bedroom, two bath house, hardwood floors, basement, appliances, and only $750.00! 816-254-7200 MEB79 72ND STREET fresh, clean, and priced to move; three bedrooms, hardwood floors, full basement, eat in kitchen with appliances; $695.00 913-962-6683 SEB1I Visit now!
THURSDAY •NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.356.8790 KC
Outdoor RV, Trailer & Boat Parking in St. Joe, Secured, Gated Location . 30/Mo $ s r . e Trail $25/Mo s k c u Tr o. Cars & $40/M Lg RV -
Storag Units e
NW RV Mini Storage 1701 Harmony Ln. St. Joseph, MO. 64505
816-671-1744 MANUFACTURED HOUSING DISCOUNT ON NEW, four bedroom, 2 bath, display home. Lovejoy Home Sales. 816-364-5935 A N X I O U S SELLER, Nice 3 bedroom 2 bath modular beautiful country settings, on one acre, has bonus nice 16x80 trailer house, 3 bedroom 2 bath, new carpet, new siding for mother- in law, call 816-262-5559, details, offers considered.
From A to Z, place your unwanted item ad for a low and the Internet ad is free! Thrifty Nickel is cash to you! Place your ad today! 816356-8790, 816-3646 9 1 5 .
LAKE LOT: Lake front, Lake Of The Ozarks, pavilion, septic, water, lights, phone, dock. Gem Realty 1573-372-2743 105’ FRONTAGE on 360 acre Lake Niangua. Big Niangua river access included. 3.39 acres affords many choice building sites. Picturesque natural beauty. Bald eagles, blue herons, deer and wild turkey. Great fishing. Southwest of Camdenton and Lake of the Ozarks. $39,000. Cash. Adjoining 833” Lake frontage and 6.07 acres with majestic lake views from high bluffs also available. By owner 573-873-0900 LAKE OF THE OZARKS End of season special! Lake lots, $3,590.00 each, $75.00 down, $59.00 per month. Also three plus acre tracts starting at $12,900.00. Owner financing, no credit checks, immediate possession. Beautiful trees, lots of turkey, deer and other wildlife. Free lake access, boating and fishing areas. Missouri Conservation dock and boat ramp. Ad ends November 24th. Ivy Bend 1-573372-6493 LOT FOR Sale, at Sugar Lake, water front. 816-244-0968, 816-244-0533 TAKE OVER 10 ACRES. NO DOWN. $79/Month. Trees. Deer. Southeast Oklahoma. 818-340-1912 Get that new business up and running. Place an ad in our Business and Service Directory. Call Thrifty Nickel 816356-8790, 816-3646 9 1 5 .
HOME FOR rent, Raytown, three bedroom, one bath, $1,050.00 month, complete renovation. 1,150 square foot, washer, dryer provided. No pets or smokers. Call 816246-5131 FIVE BEDROOMS two plus stories of space; five bedroom house, large living room, covered porch, pets okay and low $399.00 deposit! $600.00 816-254-7200 MEB1Z RIVERSIDE AREA newly updated with two bedrooms, eat in kitchen appliances, larger living room, some bills paid, and only $500.00 816-254-7200 SEB1G
DUPLEX, TWO/ three bedroom, one bath, 9th and Chestnut Kansas City, Missouri. Section 8 okay, $550.00$650.00. 816-305-8718
LAND/ LOTS/ ACREAGE 5&40 ACRE Parcels Located in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Surrounded by Mountains, Fishing, Hunting & Skiing. Easy Terms. No Qualifying. Owner Financing! 40 acres $24,950.00. 5 acres $16,950.00. 1-800535-7220. Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel.
REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS SELL YOUR house today! Offer in 24 hours. Any area, any condition. Call now! 816-249-2700 WE BUY UGLY HOUSES! HomeVestors. We pay cash. Buy as is condition, pay all closing costs and close fast! 913-5831199, 913-980-1866 I BUY houses! I can buy your house quickly. Call today before any Real Estate decision is made! 816-678-2120
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR sale, Northeast area, Kansas City, three bedroom. 816-835-2657 AVAILABLE NOW!!! 2-4 Bedroom Homes. Lease option to buy. Take over Payments. No Money Down/ No Credit Check. Call 1888-270-0692
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Call 1-800-533-9871 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 Acres. $0 -Down, $168/month. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-800843-7537. FIVE HOUSES for sale. Kansas City, Midtown/ urban, cash only! Must sell! 816-5902565 Sylvia. (3) two bedroom, $5,500.00 $8,500.00. (2) four bedroom, $12,500.00. FOUR BEDROOM, 1.5 bath house for sale, $29,000.00 or rent $950.00 month. Midtown, Kansas City, Missouri, Section 8 approved. 816-812-7883 TWO BEDROOM, 2.5 bath, Lake Front home on three acres, on Lake Of The Ozarks, two car garage, newly remodeled, dock, ready to move in. Gem Realty 1-573-372-2743 STOP RENTING. Lease option to buy. Rent to own. No money Down. No credit Check. CALL NOW 1877-395-1298
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ROOM FOR rent, share home, Easton, Kansas exchange for light house work. 1913-773-8221 Think local, buy local, be local. Preserve our community. Place an ad, browse the Business Service directory for some of the areas finest, shop for a vehicle, look for an employee, all this can be accomplished with Thrifty Nickel. Your middle man for 35 years. 816-356-8790, 816-364-6915
MUSICAL CASH REWARD, Old American Guitars. Paying $200-$30,000 for Gibson, Fender, Martin and Others. Call Dave. 1-800-646-7795 MUST SACRIFICE: 1911 Grand Piano, Nancy Hari, Model with Bench, lovely condition. 816-252-7433 PETS ENGLISH MASTIFF puppies, AKC, farm raised, $550.00. 913898-6433 APR REGISTERED Shih Tzu puppies. Eight weeks old. Shots and wormed, male $250.00, female $300.00. 1-785-7332699\ PETS FOR ADOPTION! Contact us for current adoptions. Help Humane Society, 511 Main Street, Belton Missouri, 816-3184 3 5 7 w w w. h e l p p e t s . o r g Adoption fee and application for adoption required. Tuesday- Friday 1:00 -8:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m.6:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00- 5:00 p.m. No kill Animal Shelter has wonderful pets available for adoption. Volunteer opportunities also available. PUPPIES Bischon Chihuahua mix $100.00, small Chihuahua Yorkie mix $50.00. Kansas City. 816-241-1923 SHIH TZU puppies ready before Christmas! Four boys, two girls, $250.00. Papered and shot ready. 816718-6988 Thrifty Nickel! 35 years of helping people, put money in there pockets. Call us today! Visit our website
STEEL & STORAGE BUILDINGS ASK HOW to get a free ramp with the purchase of a new backyard building. 816-4615119 AMISH BACKYARD sheds. Free delivery and set up. 913-7215313 I N S U L AT E D B U I L D I N G 50X30X12, $5,000.00. Practically new! 816337-8172 BACKYARD UTILITY sheds, free delivery! Rent to own payments starting at $64.12. 816-461-5119 STEEL BUILDINGS: 5 only 16x24, 25x30, 45x74, 50x102, 60x120 Must Move Now! Selling for Balance Owed! Free Delivery! 1-800-211-9593 x121.
TRAILERS DIAMOND D four horse slant, combo horse/ stock trailer, seven foot high, 28 foot long, $3,500.00. 816697-3191 Matching buyers and sellers for over 35 years! Thrifty Nickel
WANT TO BUY CARS WANTED! PayMAX Car Buyers pays the MAX! One call gets you a TOP DOLLAR offer on any year, make or model car. 1-888-9-PAYMAX (1-888-972-9629) BUYING DIABETIC TEST STRIPS, up to $13.00, 100 count. Up to $7.00, 50 count, on major brands, unopened, unexpired. 1-800934-3473 extension 4413, local buyer DIABETIC TEST Strips wanted! Check us out online! All major brands bought. 1-866-4463009 AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up to $500.00. 816-3498634 CASH PAID, up to $27.00 box for unexpired, sealed diabetic test strips! One day payment and prepaid shipping. Se Habla Espanol. Emma 1-8887 7 6 - 7 7 7 1 Thrifty Nickel. Your want ad paper!
WANT TO BUY WANTED GOLD: 10k, 12k, 14k Scrap. 913-341-2440 Top $$$ paid! Gold filled and plated scrap too WANTED TO Buy standing Walnut timber, 30 years experience. No yard trees. 660-787-0297 660442-6065 BURRIS LOGGING Inc. Buying standing timber, top prices paid in advance. Oak, Walnut, Maple and other species. Bonded, insured, licensed, over 40 years experience. 1-800-724-4189 mobile 620-340-3552 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Wanted We Pay More! All Major Brands Bought 1-866-4463009. Having trouble getting your business up and booming? Call us! We’ll help you advertise your business or service, in our Directory, at a low cost that you can afford. Call 816-356-8790, or 816364-6915
PG. 6 • NORTH EDITION • K.C. & ST. JOSEPH WANT TO BUY Do it right! Get it done! Deadline for Business and Service Directory is Monday at Noon, classifieds deadline is Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Call Thrifty Nickel , 816-356-8790, or in St. Joseph call 816-3646915
AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES TOP CASH FOR CARS. Call Now For A Instant Offer. Top Dollar Paid, Any Car/Truck, Any Condition Running or Not. Free Pick-up/Tow. 1800-452-7729 TRANSMISSION CONNECTION, foreign and domestic, solid guaranty. 816924-0477
OLD CAR batteries. Will pay $10.00 each. Call Marcus, 816- USED TIRES: Best 805-4462 prices in town, mounted and balBUYING CHAIN- anced. 816-231-1200 SAWS, concrete BLUE VALLEY saws for parts/ repair, Transmission: Install, also tools, wrenches, repair, rebuilt, overhaul, welders, wood stoves, save, best prices, startlog splitters. 913-677- ing at $60.00. 921 Win0320 chester, 816-241-3400 OLD GUITARS AUTOMOTIVE wanted: Gibson, Mar- ENGINE connectin, Fender, Gretsch, tion for cars and Epiphone, Guild, trucks. All makes and Mosrite, Rickenbacker. models available, Prairie State, D’An- 100% guaranteed. gelico, Stromberg, and 816-924-0477 Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos. 1920’s thru Place your ad today! 1980’s. Top cash paid! Call us at 816-3568790, 816-364-6915 1-800-401-0440
“Money When You Need It”
No Credit Check • Fast, Friendly Confidential 5800 Truman Road
816-483-1810 Kansas City
816.356.8790 KC • THURSDAY •NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
7650 No. Oak
No Title Needed CASH PAID • ANYTIME!
816-436-4322 Gladstone AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES
NEED TIRES? We have all sizes, new and used, fast friendly service. 816-231-1200 NEW AND used tires, best selection and service. Cheap Tires And Service 816231-1200 Place your ad online anytime!
FULL SERVICE Auto Repair, fast friendly service, 4412 Truman Road. 816231-1200 NEW AND Used tires, mounted and balanced, all sizes starting at $25.00. 816-2311200 Thrifty Nickel rules!
PARTING OUT: 1995 Tahoe, good motor/ transmission. 816215-1515 NEW AND Used tires, mounted and balanced, all sizes starting at $25.00. 816-2311200 USED TIRES: Best prices in town, mounted and balanced. 816-231-1200
USED TIRES, best selection and prices in town. Cheap Tires And Service 816-231-1200
BLUE VALLEY engine shop installed, used, repaired, overhauled. Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 FULL SERVICE Auto Repair, fast friendly service, 4412 Truman Road. 816231-1200 GUARANTEED NEW/ used tires. All major brand and imports for passenger, light truck, medium truck and farm. Plus we deal! 913-682-3201, 913-441-4500 NEED TIRES? We have all sizes, new and used, fast friendly service. 816-231-1200 BLUE VALLEY Auto Heating and Cooling, air conditioners, heaters, heater cores, overheating, head gaskets, water pumps, repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 4X4 PARTS, 1999 Jeep Cherokee Sport, 1997 Ford F150, 2001 Dodge Ram, 1999 Ford Explorer, 2002 Kia Sportage. 816-2625639
CARS BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. Call Now 1-866-780-9040. PRIVATE BIDDING for Tiger Financial. Call 816-931-0984 for bidders application, must have ID, or come by: 3947 Main Street. Vehicles are shown 1:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Thursdays. Marie
CARS BLUE VALLEY Auto: Complete repair service, clutches, transmissions, engines, electrical. Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400 2002 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo, 18 inch Chrome rims, SS. Bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970
1991 CADILLAC Allante, two door convertible, 22,000 actual miles, $6,500.00 or best reasonable offer. 816-516-8050 2007 CHEVY Impala, four door, clean. 913-621-1206 2008 HYUNDAI Accent GLS, handles great, like new. Call 816-358-6500 1996 DODGE Intrepid, 150,126 miles, runs and looks good, $1,495.00 or best offer. 816-778-1696 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2001 Honda Civic, Maroon. Call 816-8475111. Others available at 2001 INFINITY I30, loaded, leather. 913-621-1206 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2005 Dodge Magnum, Silver. 816-847-5111 Others available at 2003 MITSUBISHI Montero, four door, automatic. 913-621-1206 2002 NISSAN Altima, very nice. Call 816-358-6500 2006 CHEVY Silverado, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2003 CHEVY Cavalier, two door, automatic. 913-621-1206
THURSDAY •NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.364.6915 SJ KCNICKEL.COM
CLASSICS 1966 MUSTANG, mint condition. 816333-4947 PRIVATE COLLECTOR wanting, Chevelles, Camaros, Corvettes, any condition. Call me at 816392-9758, 816-5403100 MOTORCYCLES
CARS Thrifty Nickel! 35 years of helping people, put money in there pockets. Call us today! 8163 5 6 - 8 7 9 0 , 816-364-6915 or visit our website we can help you too. 1999 LEXUS RX. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 GUARANTEED AUTO financing for all of Kansas City. Shawn 816-833-2277 2004 OLDSMOBILE Alero, sharp, clean. 913-621-1206 2007 FORD Ranger, like new. 913-621-1206 2001 LEXUS LS430, won’t last. 913621-1206 2004 MERCEDES Benz, black, low miles, $6,000.00. 816-5203798 1992 HONDA Accord EX, asking $1,795.00. Call 913428-7565 AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up to $500.00. 816-3498634 2006 PONTIAC G6, sporty, clean. 913-6211206 2002 CHEVY Cavalier, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 $195.00 DOWN, family ready! 913-6211206 2000 GMC Safari, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2003 PONTIAC Grand Prix, sharp, ready. 913-621-1206 1996 JEEP Cherokee Country 4x4, 1997 Ford F 150 XLT 4X4, step side. 816-2625639 2003 CHRYSLER Town and Country, family ready. 913-6211206 2007 PONTIAC G5, 87,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2006 CHRYSLER Town and Country, family ready. 913-6211206
CARS 2004 JEEP Grand Cherokee, sharp, loaded. 913-621-1206 1995 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Ciera, six cylinder, winterized, excellent condition, $2,500.00. 816-5091084, 816-519-1566 1999 CHEVY Cavalier, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2005 FORD Freestyle, roomy, clean. 913-621-1206 1993 NISSAN Altima, runs good, good transportation, $1,400.00. 816-4054040, 816-446-0348 1998 DODGE Neon, less than 103,000 miles, $1,300.00$1,500.00 cash. 816392-6394 INTEGRA LOVERS 1993 Acura, four door, runs great, well maintained. Must see. $1,250.00. 816-6789727 1987 FORD Crown Victoria, four door, with tan cloth interior, 38,000 miles, reliable transportation, $2,500.00 or best offer. 1-972-294-9969 2005 HONDA Civic EX, priced to sell. Call 816-358-6500 2007 PONTIAC G6 GT, sunroof, loaded. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970 1996 SUBURBAN, new motor and transmission. 2005 Scion, great work car. Call Van 816-778-6236 2004 HYUNDAI Sante Fe, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2005 CHRYSLER Sebring GT Convertible. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2007 FORD Taurus, like new. 913-621-1206 REPO CARS for sale, under $2,000.00. Also, full line of cars with warranties, will finance. Call KC Title Loans, Call 816-4834855 2007 PONTIAC Grand Prix, sporty, fun to drive. Call 816-3586500
1999 CADILLAC Deville Northstar, great condition, $3,500.00 negotiable. Legend, 816-289-0958 2004 CADILLAC CTS, two to choose from. 913-621-1206 2004 MAZDA 3, hatch, like new, roomy. Call 816-358-6500 1992 HONDA Accord EX, asking $1,795.00. Call 913428-7565 JUST GO to and fill out our 10 question application. 816-8332277
60 DAYS on job, valid Drivers License , your approved. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2003 DODGE Stratus, two door, sharp. 913-621-1206 2000 DODGE Neon, 184,000 miles, looks nice, runs, $800.00. 816-359-8631 DONATE YOUR CAR! You Can Help NFL GREAT - BART STARR Assist At-risk Youth and Families. Tax Deductible and Fast, Free Pick-up. 1-800729-4433.
PRIVATE COLLECTOR wanting, Chevelles, Camaros, Corvettes, any condition. Call me at 816392-9758, 816-5403100
1991 CADILLAC Allante, two door convertible, 22,000 actual miles, $6,500.00 or best reasonable offer. 816-516-8050 CLASSIC 1981 Chrysler Imperial, extra clean, V8, automatic, $3,000.00 816-9213190
FOR SALE on December 10th. 2009 Kawasaki kx250f. WANTED JAPANESE motorcycle: Kawasaki 1967- 1980, Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki GS400, GT380, CB750 Cash paid. Free national pickup. 1-800-772-1142, 1310-721-0726 usa@classicrunners.c om 2005 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster, 6,000 miles, $6,500.00 or best offer. 816-2948818
WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI: Z1900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, GT380, GS400, CB750, (1969-75) Cash-Paid, Nationwide-Pickup, 1-800772-1142, 1-310-7210 7 2 6 . usa@classicrunners.c om
2003 TOYOTA Highlander, Limited, financing available, bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, loaded, clean. 913-621-1206 2003 FORD Explorer, loaded, ready. 913-621-1206 2004 JEEP Liberty, ready for snow, 4x4. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2004 CHEVROLET Trailblazer LS. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2003 FORD Escape, super nice. 913-6211206 2002 CHEVROLET Trailblazer, 4x4, LT, bad credit okay. Call Nick 913-788-8970 2003 KIA Sorento, really nice. 913-6211206 Place your ad today!
SUV’S 2003 CHEVY S10 Blazer, four door, 4X4, V-6, $4,700.00. 816824-3201 2000 JEEP Wrangler. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2006 FORD Freestar, perfect for family. Call 816-3586500 2005 KIA Sorento. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2005 CHEVROLET Uplander LT, 89,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2004 KIA Sorento, guaranteed, financing. Call 816-358-6500
EDUCATION Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel. MUSIC LESSONS for all ages! Find a music teacher! Take lessons offers affordable, safe, guaranteed music lessons with teachers in your area. Our prescreened teachers specialize in singing, guitar, piano, drums, violin and more. Call 1-888-7060263 NEED YOUR High School Diploma?Finish from home fast for $399!Nationally Accredited. EZ Pay.Free Brochure. www.diplomaathome.comCall 1877-661-0678 MEDICAL CAREERS begin here. Online training for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 1-800-510-0784 ATTEND COLLEGE online from home. Medical, Business, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Call 1-800-510-0784
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EDUCATION FIX JETS. Rapid training for airline career. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Housing Available. AIM 866-430-5985 LOCAL HELP WANTED
CNA/ CAREGIVERS Wanted, Great pay and benefits. Best Comfort Home Health 816-734-9212 B R E A K FA S T COOK part-time, St. Joseph, call after 4 p.m. 816-383-3235 LOOKING FOR six people part time, $500.00 work bonus. 816-674-0878 BE IN a Superbowl Commercial. RSVP today. 816-743-1810 STUDY 4922 qualified volunteers could receive up to $4,370.00. Quintiles 913-894-5533
EARN $60,000 Plus Yearly Distributing New Amazing & Dynamic Electronic Gadgets. Website: Wayne Connell 1-843-446-0793. $1,380 WEEKLY guaranteed. Stuff envelopes at home. FT/PT. No experience necessary. Deposit required, refundable. 1888-206-2616 TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED- Best pay and home time! Apply online today over 750 companies! One application, hundreds of offers! WORK ON jet engines, Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified, Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-866854- 6156 DRIVERS: HOME Weekly! Intermodal, Dry Van, Flatbed. Exc e l l e n t Benefits/Bonuses. CDL-A 1yr Exp/Refreshers Welcome. Connie or Marnie: 866374-8487 O/O’S $5000 Bonus! Relocate for tons of TX runs! Need tractor, blower & pneumatic trailer. 800-397-2338
ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800313-6308 for casting times/locations. A101 AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid ifqualified – housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-888- 686-1704 DRIVERS: CO & Owner-Ops. “Got Freight? We do!” Excellent Pay/Home Weekly. Free Plate program. No upfront costs. Regional or Long haul. CDL-A, 2yrs Exp. 866946-4322 MAKE EXTRA MONEY! Learn how in our free popular homemailer program! Start immediately! Genuine! Bonuses! 1-888-2404546. EARN $600-$900 Weekly! Start Immediately! Travel USA Representing Supreme Cleaning Products. Commissions/Bonuses , Hotel Expenses/Transporation Paid by Company. 19+yr, Valid State ID, 1-877-376-5604.
DO YOU Like to shop? Growing grocery delivery service needs on- call shoppers, pay rate $8.00/ order, e mail Scott, m JOB FAIR November 17th, 2012 9:45 a.m. 1734 East 63rd Street, Suite 207, 64110. ComNATIONAL pany bonus, $500.00. E MPLOYMENT Don’t miss this lifetime chance, ask for NOTICE BEFORE YOU Chrissy! 913-575- SEND MONEY THROUGH 6102 THE MAIL FOR WORK AT SALES HELP wanted: Full time, looking for used car salesperson. No experience necessary. Excellent pay and benefits. Great hours and working conditions. Drug Free workplace. Call 816420-3000 extension 109 or email resume to Visit us today!
816.356.8790 KC • THURSDAY •NOVEMBER 15 • 2012
HOME BUSINESS Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams.
DELIVERY DRIVERS: US Foods. CDL-A, Kansas City Area. Day Hours, Evening Home-Time. Excellent Hourly Pay & Full Benefits w/Pd Time Off & Retirement Plans. Apply: Search by Req 12004613 Submit before 11/23/12
EARN UP to $75000! Interviewing for full time/ part time positions now. Training provided. Pharmacy/ Dental/ Vision discount plans. Call now for special bonus! 1-877-3087959 extension 231 Matching buyers with sellers for 35 years. Thrifty Nickel.
THURSDAY •NOVEMBER 15 • 2012 • 816.364.6915 SJ
Is that car you never drive anymore, starting to look like a yard ornament? Call us today, and we will help you make it go away! Visit our website at $1200 WEEKLY Guaranteed, Mailing Our Company Loan Applications From Home. No Experience Necessary. FT/PT Genuine Opportunity. FREE Information. (24/7) 1-800-856-0699 LIVE LIKE a Pop Star. Now hiring 10 spontaneous individuals. Travel full time. Must be 18+. Transportation and hotel provided. Call Loraine 1877-777-2091
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Thrifty NIckel in Kansas City And St. Joseph considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, but we strongly recommend that you know who you are doing business with before you send money through the mail. Do Not Give Your Credit Card #, Social Security #, Bank Number to anyone over the phone or by mail. Make Sure you know who you are doing business with. Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Money Scams. Do not pay upfront for a loan
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SUV’S 2007 CHEVY Trailblazer, loaded, clean. 913-621-1206 2006 KIA Rio LX, low miles, 86,000 miles. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 2004 MERCURY Mountaineer, all wheel drive. Call 816-3586500 2002 NISSAN Pathfinder, four door, sharp. 913-621-1206 2004 BUICK Rendezvous CXL. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 NO CREDIT CHECK OWNER FINANCE 2002 GMC Envoy XL, white, third row. Others available at 816-847-5111 2003 FORD Expedition, two to choose from. 913-621-1206 2004 FORD Sport Trac, four door, sporty. 913-621-1206 2006 SUZUKI Forenza, four door. We finance. Call Robert 913-901-0153 WILL FINANCE, your job is your credit, low down. Call Nick 913-788-8970 TRUCKS 2002 FORD F150, super nice. 913-6211206 2000 CHEVROLET 1500, low miles, 4x4, will finance. Job is your credit. Call Nick 913788-8970 12 MONTH Warranty, financing available for bad credit. Call Nick 913-788-8970
TRUCKS 2004 FORD F150, four door, automatic. 913-621-1206 1999 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500, perfect work truck. Call 816358-6500 2006 VOLVO Triaxle Dump truck, 127,000 miles, $90,000.00. 913-2790400 WILL FINANCE all! Bad credit okay with low down payments. Call Nick 913-7888970 1997 DODGE Ram 1500 Sport, fair condition, $1,350.00. 816382-7566 VANS 1995 GMC van, handicap lift, good operating condition, $2,500.00. 816-4614977 2003 FORD Windstar, three to choose from. 913-621-1206 2002 CHEVY Tahoe, sharp, clean. 913-621-1206 2002 FORD Windstar, super nice. 913621-1206 1984 FORD Aerostar van, all wheel drive, newer tires, $950.00. Call 816-767-9750 Having trouble getting your business up and booming? Call us! We’ll help you advertise your business or service, in our Directory, at a low cost that you can afford. Call 816-356-8790, 816364-6915 or visit our website
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minimum. 25 years experience. Free deodorizing. Sealer/ pet odor. 816-803-2272 cellular CARPET DEEP Steam cleaning: I use powerful truck mounted machine, two rooms $50.00, three rooms or more $20.00 per room, $2.00 per stair. 816674-4147 cellular
RHEEM CONDENSER and Coil, $2,295.00. Furnace package deal, $3,395.00. Northland Heating & Cooling. Roy CEMETERY 816-436-9988. Visa, Master Card accepted FOR SALE, cemetery headstones, granATTORNEY ite, fair and affordable, $99.00. Frisbie MonuAL STRUTTON ments, 816-833-5111 Construction, asphalt and paving: CommerCONCRETE cial, residential; patching seal coating, curbs, CONCRETE WORK, sidewalk, steps. We do steps, drives, walks, it all. 816-352-6688 celfloors, foundation relular straightened, DIVORCE, BR Law pairs, Office, Frank Brown, braced. Walls repaired. 819 Walnut, Kansas Rock, block. 816-838City, Missouri. Debt re- 4390 lief agency filing bankCEruptcies. 816-421-2435 TOLEFREE B A N K R U P T C Y - MENT Finishing. LiMENTION this ad for censed, bonded, in$100.00 discount! I-70 sured. Specialize: flat and Noland Road. At- work, driveways, basetorneys Brett Burmeis- ments, patios, steps. ter and Mark Gilmore 40 years experience 816-373-5590 and free estimates. $99.00 DIVORCE 913-334-4526 $99.00 CONCRETE Simple, uncontested, Driveways, patios, plus costs. Other serv- walks, steps, retaining ices available. Don walls, stoops, baseDavis 816-531-1330 ment, foundation reFREE!!! Initial consultation, traf- pair, sump pumps, fic tickets, DWI/ DUI, drainage problems, no Municipal Court, rea- job too small. 816-444sonable rates. 816- 3912 806-6060 B. Jerome Wheeler CONSTRUCTION
AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE BLUE VALLEY Auto: Complete repair service, clutches, transmissions, engines, electrical. Save on repairs. 921 Winchester, 816-241-3400
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BANQUET HALL NEED A Banquet Hall? Wedding receptions, parties, catering available, auctions, banquets, seating up to 130. The Red Poppy 816294-7311 St. Joseph, Missouri
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TRAINING AMERICAN CDL TRAINING LLC Same Day Training and Test, Automatic Truck furnished, Missouri Permit required, Accept Debit, credit card, St. Joseph, Missouri 1-660-254-2541
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SALVAGE JUNK CARS wanted AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up 816-337-1100 No Title to $500.00. 816-349- needed. Cash paid. Anytime 8634 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773
NEED $$$ TODAY? Sell your unwanted vehicles! We’ll beat any other offer. Call 816-872-TOWS, 816872-8697
MEET SINGLES now! No paid operators, just people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages, JUNK CARS wanted connect live. Free trial. 816-337-1100 No Title Call 1-877-737-9447 needed. Cash paid. Anytime END OF SINGLES JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. VANS Anytime 1997 CHEVY Astro work van, 169,000 miles, $1,200.00 negotiable, Needs a little WANTED JUNK work. John 816-813- AUTOMOBILES $250.00 AND UP! 2947 Must have title! Cash 2003 DODGE Caravan, roomy, clean. 913- paid. Free tow, fast service. 816-809621-1206 9937 2004 GMC Safari, family ready. 913-621JUNK CARS wanted 1206 1995 GMC van, 816-337-1100 No Title handicap lift, good op- needed. Cash paid. erating condition, Anytime $2,500.00. 816-461- WE BUY junk: Cars, trucks, vans. Cash on 4977 2003 FORD Wind- the spot. 816-612-1196 CASH PAID! star, three to choose FREE TOW from. 913-621-1206 2002 CHEVY $150.00 and up! For Tahoe, sharp, clean. junk cars, top dollar, with or without title. 913-621-1206 816-679-6257 cellular 2002 FORD WindWE BUY JUNK star, super nice. 913CARS! 621-1206 Top dollar paid. Fast 1984 FORD Aerostar service. Call 816van, all wheel drive, 719-5446 newer tires, $950.00. Call 816-767-9750 CASH 4 your junk 1997 CHEVY Astro rides! $300.00 and up! work van, 169,000 Call us for all your junk miles, $1,200.00 nego- car needs. 816-286tiable, Needs a little 7292 work. John 816-813- CARS/ TRUCKS 2947 wanted! Top $$$ paid! 2003 DODGE Cara- Running or not. All van, roomy, clean. 913- years, makes, models. 621-1206 Free towing, we’re local, seven days/ week. VEHICLE Call Toll Free: 1-888SERVICE & 416-2330 REPAIR
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FREE HAUL away on old appliances or other scrap metal. Call Mark at 816-294-8000, St. Joseph area.
AUTOMOBILE NEEDED: Will pay up to $500.00. 816-3498634
JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title needed. Cash paid. Anytime
BUYING JUNK cars only. Also hauling scrap, Discount towing. 816-506-2677 WE BUY junk cars, $300.00 and up, with/ without title. 816-4467644. I tow cars $25.00 NO TITLE No proband up. Rick lem, no hassle. Proof of ownership required. Quick pick up, day or night. Heavy equipment, farm equipment, anywhere! Don’t wait, Get Paid! 816-7346850 CASH FOR CARS 816-291-2145 $$$ CASH paid for Call or text picture! junk cars and trucks We buy cars now! $$$. Call 816-398Best money! Must 2080 have proof of ownership and ID. Free WE PAY CASH tow! For junk, wrecked, and unwanted vehicles. Call us, for the D&C SALVAGE best quotes. 816Pays top dollar for junk 349-1898 cars. 816-806-8176 CASH- 4- Junk and SPEEDY CASH 4 unwanted vehicles, junk cars. 816-231any condition, top dol- 2163 lar paid, cash. Call WANTED JUNK 816-808-8198 cars, running or not, will remove, title a plus, top dollar paid, CASH FOR junk 24 hours, seven days cars. Call Wes 816- a week. Cars with 606-5287 or 816- 799- payday loans okay. 1312 Danny 816-813-5548 CASH FOR Cars 816-291-2145 Call or FAST CASH for junk text picture! We buy automobiles cars now! Best money! Must have proof of WANTED JUNK ownership and ID. Free cars, running or not, tow! will remove, title a CASH FOR JUNK plus, top dollar paid, CARS 24 hours, seven days $250.00a week. Cars with $1,000.00 payday loans okay. Any condition, top 816-813-5548 dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773
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FAST CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00 and up paid with or with out Title! 816-461-4406, 816254-0283
CASH FOR JUNK WE BUY junk: Cars, CARS $250.00trucks, vans. Cash on $1,000.00 the spot. 816-612-1196 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call YES WE BUY 913-909-4773 VEHICLES Call to sell your junk wrecked or unwanted vehicles at 816-3491898 CASH FOR junk cars. Call Danny 816799-1312 or Wes 816-606-5287
WANTED JUNK AUTOMOBILES $$$ $250.00 AND UP! Must have title! Cash JUNK CARS wanted 816-337-1100 No Title paid. Free tow, fast 816-769needed. Cash paid. service. 3763 Anytime FAST CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00 and up paid with or with out Title! 816-461-4406, 816254-0283
WANTED JUNK cars! Dead or alive! 816-217-8040 CASH FOR running, not running, wrecked, and unwanted cars and trucks. We pay top dollar, because we fix and resell our Vehicles! Call, Text, Email 8165 6 4 - 2 7 2 6 . WE BUY JUNK CARS! Top dollar paid. Fast service. Call 816719-5446 CASH FOR cars: All cars/ trucks wanted. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We come to you! Any make/ model. Call for instant offer: 1-800-864-5960 FAST CASH for junk automobiles 816-2178040 STEVE’S AUTO SALVAGE $$$ Pick up your unwanted Vehicles. So call 816824-4671 CASH FOR JUNK CARS $250.00$1,000.00 Any condition, top dollar paid, cash. Call 913-909-4773
WE BUY junk: Cars, trucks, vans. Cash on the spot. 816-612-1196 CASH 4 your junk rides! $300.00 and up! Call us for all your junk car needs. 816-2867292 WE BUY junk cars. 816-305-8343 CASH- 4- Junk and unwanted vehicles, any condition, top dollar WANTED JUNK paid, cash. Call 816cars! Dead or alive! 808-8198 816-217-8040 I BUY junk cars! 816CASH FOR junk 215-1515 JUNK cars. Call Danny 816- WANTED $$$ 799-1312 or Wes 816- Automobiles $250.00 and up! Must 606-5287 WANTED JUNK au- have title! Cash paid. tomobiles $250.00 and Free tow, fast service. up! Must have title! 816-769-3763 Cash paid. Free tow, SPEEDY CASH 4 fast service. 816-809- junk cars. 816-2319937 2163
ADOPTION PREGNANT? CONSIDERING adoption? Successful educated woman seeks to adopt & needs your help! Loving FULLTIME mom. Expenses paid. Lisa 1-888-9772931
NOTICE Thrifty Nickel American Classifieds’s National Marketplace considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, although reporting inaccuracies can occur, consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. Know who you are doing business with. Find out all pertinent information and write it down, then it is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate Chamber of Commerce or the Local State Attorney General’s office before sending payment through the mail, giving out credit card information or checking account information. Never give out your social security number, bank account number, passwords or credit card number over the phone or internet, unless you are very sure of who you are doing business with. It’s illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For information about credit scams, write to the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580. Although persons and Companies advertising in this section are believed to be reputable, neither American Classifieds Want Ads, MidAmerica Publishing, Inc., American Classified Inc. or National Marketplace Advertising, nor any of its employed accept any responsibility whatsoever for their activities. To place an ad nationwide, call 816-356-8790 or visit American Classifieds On Line.
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3 Cars Available for Under $2,500 CASH!! * With Approved Credit.
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2011 Chevy HHR Low Smiles & Miles $265/Mo.
2007 Ford Sport Trac 4-Dr., Sunroof, Two-Tone Leather, 6-Disc CD, 4X4, It Has Everything!
2006 Ford Freestyle Leather, 3rd Row Seat w.a.c. S1557PA
2005 Ford Escape 4X4, Only $3,300
1993 Ford F-150 Ext. Cab, 4X4, Captain Chairs
1998 Ford F-150 Ext. Cab, Step Side, Only $5,987
w.a.c. SK1682A
1998 Dodge Advenger Sunroof, Leather
w.a.c. S12998B
w.a.c. S12829C
w.a.c. S51092AA
w.a.c. S1452P
2005 Chevy Silverado One-Owner, Clean
2002 Ford Ranger Only $3,750
1997 Mercury Mountaineer $2,950 Cash
w.a.c. S12881C
2000 Pontiac Grand Am 4-Cyl., Awesome Gas Mileage w.a.c. SF2376A
w.a.c. S13078A
w.a.c. S12895A
Today’s The Day, This Is The Place... Pontiac Grand Am 4-Dr., Spoiler Only $1500 Down
1997 Ford Ranger Ext. Cab
w.a.c. S1553P
w.a.c. S12940A
1996 Dodge Ram
Only $2,350
2002 Hyundai Elantra Auto, Amazing Gas Mileage
2008 Honda Element Only 36K Miles w.a.c. S1515P
2007 Nissan Sentra Gas Saver, Low Miles $198/Mo. w.a.c. S12998A
2007 Ford Mustang GT $2,000 Below Book Value!
2007 Pontiac Torrent Only 50K Miles
w.a.c. S12916A
w.a.c. S12804B
w.a.c. S12646AB
w.a.c. SF2286C
2002 Ford Ranger Edge Pkg., Good on Gas Only $6,863 w.a.c. S12867B
2009 Chevy Cobalt Sport Only 11K Miles
2006 Jeep Commander Only $258/Mo. w.a.c. SF2643A
w.a.c. S51049A
2010 Kia Forte Sporty
2006 Chrysler 300 Extra Clean w.a.c. S12951A
w.a.c. S12758A
0% Is Back!
Ask Chris for Details!!*
When Other Dealers Say NO,
816-279-1935 * 0% Interest Requires 50% Down and 600 or Above Credit Score.
WAC - with approved credit. All Payments are based on 60 Months @ 6.9% with $1,500 Down with approved credit.