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Ask the Experts
Anna Nicek, MD
ADVENTHEALTH Find answers to more than 150 behavior, health or school struggles at the only parenting-coaching-adviceresources-education resource hub wherever you live in the greater KC area at AdventHealth ParentCare. 913.632.4206, SHAW.Parent.Care@adventhealth.com
John P. Roth, DDS
STARTING POINT PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY AND ORTHODONICS Starting Point Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics specializes in giving kids the care and special consideration they need for successful dental care. 913.553.2492, StartingPointDental.com
What’s the best way to help treat my 8-year-old daughter’s seasonal allergies?
First, clean the inside of your child’s nose and get rid of residual pollen by rinsing the nose with salt water; you can buy saline over-the-counter. Steroid nose sprays like Flonase or Nasonex are the single best treatment for nose symptoms. Spray one to two sprays in each nostril daily. Antihistamines like Zyrtec and Claritin help stop itching, sneezing and runny nose, but can sometimes cause sleepiness. They can be given regularly or as needed (ideally 2-5 hours before an exposure for Zyrtec, while Claritin peaks 8 hours after taking it). Prevent symptoms by starting medicine a week or two before the time of year that is most bothersome. Anna Nicek, MD
Pediatrician & Internist AdventHealth Medical Group Primary Care at Shawnee Mission
Help! My child has bad breath. What can I do?
This is a fairly common concern. In fact, a study published in Pediatric Dentistry showed that 23 percent of young children have halitosis (bad breath). The most common things that cause bad breath are tongue coating, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and tooth decay. Bad breath is simply the result of bacteria in the mouth breaking down sugars. Cavities are caused by these same bacteria. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste can protect y our children from cavities and will alleviate their bad breath. Make sure your kids brush their teeth and their tongues thoroughly. A good habit to get into is to brush for two minutes twice a day. John P. Roth
Starting Point Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
ASK THE EXPERTS...If you have a question, send it our way and we’ll ask one of our experts to answer. Email editor@kcparent.com and put “Ask the Experts” in the subject line. As always, please consult your health care provider with any medical questions or concerns.
Maur Hill-Mount Academy
We are College Prep, We are Boarding and We are Catholic
Robert “Robbie” Shriwise Class of 2005, Jetmore, KS
3Robbie and Joe’s Reasons a KC Parent Should Consider MHMA:
1. Opens the world to your child. 2. Not limited to one thing, play 3 sports and more! 3. Structure is a good thing.
Joseph “Joe” Zigtema Class of 2005, Kansas City, KS
“Ilearned more Korean from my roommates than the Spanish I took for three years.” Robbie laughs as he reminisces of his boarding days at Maur Hill - Mount Academy (MHMA). Robbie and Joe have deep roots at MHMA, both legacy students and long time summer campers. The two alumni were presented the opportunity by their parents to be boarders, and both agree it was the best decision of their lives at 14 years old.
“MHMA opened the world to us” Joe continues. “I’m from Kansas City, just an hour away and I was attending a high school with dormmates from Thailand, Mexico, South Korea, India, Saudi Arabia all in one hallway. We had everything we needed; friends from Atchison and the dorms, amazing teachers, college prep courses, Catholic education, an abundance of extracurricular activities, and we could go to my house on the weekend so my mom could do our laundry,” Joe chuckles.
Robbie continues, “MHMA provided opportunities I would not have had access to if I stayed at home. Between the two of us we covered everything. We played sports every season, joined the Scholar’s Bowl team, led boarder council and I played a key role in the school theater production.” “That’s the advantage of MHMA,” Joe adds. “I could’ve attended a big Catholic high school in KC, but then I wouldn’t have been able to play four different sports during my four years.”
“As you can see, the friendships from a boarding school last a lifetime” Joe continues. “I was in Robbie’s wedding (picture below), and our fantasy football team has been going strong since our high school days. We both are extremely active as alumni. I’m on the alumni association board, Robbie sits on the endowment board, and we always have a team in the annual Bob Goalby Golf Tournament.”