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TIPS TO PLAN A wor ry-free summer s

Every season I like to make bucket lists, and summer is no exception. A few fun things I like to include each year are to make s’mores, catch fireflies, have a lemonade stand, visit the splash pad, go fishing and visit Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead. I’ve found if we have a visual list of things to check off, we’re more likely to do that activity. It’s also nice when we have a free day and can’t decide what to do. We just pick something off the list and go! Don’t forget to include some rainy day activities.

Pack Your Car

In the summer, parents can be pulled in a million different directions. The consequence is logging many miles and many hours in their cars. You might be dropping one kid off at camp and taking the others to swim lessons all on the same morning. The best tip I’ve found is to load up my car with all the summer items we might possibly need. I have a large tote packed with sunscreen, bug spray, beach towels, aloe, sunglasses, swim goggles, an umbrella, jackets and of course, snacks. I do this throughout the year when we are in our busiest seasons. It’s nice to have everything we need in one place, so we don’t have to pack a separate bag every time we leave the house.

Stock Healthy Snacks

Being home all day makes it tempting for kids to snack more than normal. To prevent this, keep routine meal times and don’t leave the kitchen a free for all. We like to have bins of healthy snacks they can eat throughout the day, so they stay away from the junk food and sweets. Fresh cut fruit, trail mix, yogurt and cut celery and carrots with peanut butter are all good options to stock up on.


Because summertime schedules may change daily, getting kids to activities during the season sometimes is more stressful. Try to lighten your load by carpooling with other families. Take turns driving the kids to day camps and practices. My husband is a teacher, so he’s able to do the majority of the carpooling in the summer, and then in our busiest season, the other families pick up the slack for us.

Get Outside

Take advantage of the season and get outside to enjoy the weather and take in the fresh air every day. There are so many advantages to soaking in the sun: It improves your sleep quality, lifts your mood, lowers blood pressure, and promotes good mental health. I’ve noticed when the kids are having a rough day, just taking them outside improves all our moods. Take a family walk, make a trip to the park, eat dinner on the patio, read a book under a tree or have a picnic on a blanket for lunch.

Join the Fun!

Sometimes all the planning and preparing can leave parents exhausted and left to watch the fun from the outside looking in. Parents deserve to have fun too! This summer, make sure you are completely present and jump in and join the fun with your kids. Nothing will wash away the stress and worry like an impromptu water balloon fight or a good jump in some puddles with your kids. Your inner child will thank you, and the best part is you will be making the best summer memories with your kids.

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