Core Design Portfolio

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kenneth schweiberger core design portfolio

core design I space and place 7 habitation 11

core design II the corner 19 the wall 23 scholars retreat 27 miami 31 the cantilever 37

core design III boathouse 41 highline 49 furniture design 59

core design I

fall 2012

steve cooke

space and place

2 weeks


[intervention] a city is divided from its surroundings by a historic wall _ when passing through a threshold into the city the ground promotes circulation through a public gathering space _ an intervention is used to connect the people of the city with this outside enviroment_ massive move used to penetrate existing wall and create connection_ creates intimate space raised above the exterior of the city


s p a c e a n d h a b i t a t i o n _ r e t r e a t

3 weeks


[residence] is a retreat for a mother aimed at developing the dialouge between her and her daughter_ also serves as public gallery displaying literary works_the site rest on a lake clearing adjacent to woodland and an old town_a historic city wall runs directly through the site_entry through north east into public gallery_wall is organizing piece from which spaces stem_seperation of public(east) and private(west)_ private sitting room connects mother _ child _ balcony


[section] mother room is seperated from exterior through privacy wall_shares overhead space with sitting area_childs room is furthest from public and nestled into mother space_also open to exterior in direction of lake for inspiration_creativity


core design II brandon hicks

spring 2013

form _ structure _ joint _ c o r n e r

2 weeks


[corner] located in south east corner of house_ foundation extend from sloping ground and becomes monolithic wall_lighter material interlocks with wall and wraps around to frame view of lake_ ground supporting structure penetrates through floor and stablizes roof_acts as boundary and diffusses light from the east


wall _ an occupiable connection

2 weeks


[wall] a public, occupiable connection between a heavy structure used to store rare books and a light, tectonic reading room_the armiture reflects the massiveness of the storage structure towards the east_enclosure_shifts into a lighter structure while moving west towards the reading room_tectonics reveled_framed view of woodlands on south side of wall


scholars retreat _ cooperation 2 weeks

[i n t e r i o r p e r s p e c t i v e] e n t r y


[retreat] is a housing unit for visiting University scholars of varying disciplines_a temporary dwelling in which scholars can collaborate with one another_reflection_observation_participation_ located in an alleyway in the business district of tampa_raised above the ground level in order to leave the alleyway open to pedestrian traffic_ entrance is from the the third floor of the adjacent building to the west

[plan_section] entry opens to public space overlooking street view for observation_wall seperates stairway leading to the below_living space_and stairway leading upwards towards_ group cooperation_rooftop reflection


SoBe art center

4 weeks


[ArtCenter] expansion of south florida art center_six art fellowships with work spaces and living quarters_year round stay which ends with transforming facility into an open gallery from art basel

[section] living spaces stacked on work spaces to allow for double height gallery at entry_screen covers walkway on third floor_allows diffused light_provides privacy in living spaces




[connection] with stephanie henschen and laura lozano_ three stages allow cantilever to balance without concrete cube_with concrete cube_with two cubes_material connection of concrete_steel_wood

cantilever 2 weeks


core design III nancy sanders

fall 2013

community _ boathouse

6 weeks


[boathouse] c o m m u n i t y access for rowing_storage_education_training_ administration_the site is located near a bend in the hillsborough river_existing inlet carves into land_boathouse sits adjacent to inlet_framing view of downtown tampa


[plan] extension of riverwalk leads to main entry in south west corner_doubleheight lobby space flows into rowing classrooms_gym_utility rooms create mass in the center of building_exterior circulation around and between buildings_extends to water for loading boats_viewing races


[section] level change in boathouse to allows access to river from within boathouse_structure funtions as boat rack and creates light well through the tectonics of its interaction with the roof_glass facade of classrooms allows ample lighting into training pools_ administration raised above lobby_shared space allows for interaction with public


morgan _ library _ annex

6 weeks


[library] used for the storage and exhibition of rare documents_archive/ exhibit spaces used to reach out to public_ public plaza_extension to highline


[section] highline flows into transparent lobby through double height overhang_ceremonial stair leads to adult reading level_child reading room floating above for seperation but security_bookshelf penetrates through archive levels for exhibit and circulation





interior rendering of archive _ exhibition _ gallery

furniture design _ lounge chair

6 weeks


[lounge] designed for a study_two piece arm and leg interlocking support_seamless wood to wood connection_leather upholstery wraps around chair and folds inbetween front legs_comfort


kenneth schweiberger

school of architecture + community design university of south florida 813.323.0079

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