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Message from the Head of School

This past year, was again, like no other we have ever seen. It was not like 2020-2021, with so many closures and learning from home, but it was still a year we will never forget. Our cohorts were still in place (although we moved from 4 cohorts to 3 cohorts in Grades 1-8), masks were mandatory for most of the year, and first term was very strict about distancing and activities. It was a year of hoping that the pandemic would soon end, and we could all go back to “normal”. By the end of second term, I think we all breathed a sigh of relief when we heard singing and instruments being played again, in-person assemblies returned as did inter-school athletics, and we were able to end the year with inperson Closing Ceremonies for the first time since June 2019. I want to thank our faculty, staff, students, and families for your continued adaptability, commitment to learning no matter what the circumstances, and your patience. It has not been an easy two years, but as always, our KCS community always followed our three school rules by showing respect, manners and trying our best. In 2021-22, the Board of Governors worked with the KCS community in consultation with many constituent groups, to develop our new KCS brand and tagline, Expand possible. We wanted our brand to reflect our mission: “To be the defining force in developing lifelong learners by stewarding a learning environment that inspires us to reach our ultimate potential”, to remain focused on the Four Doors of Learning, and reflect the whole school, which soon will be JK-12. The new tagline, logo, colours, and style are a modern representation of our innovative approach to teaching and learning.

It certainly is interesting that 33 years ago, Kingsway College School was started in a similar manner. Back then there were 50 students, Grade 1 and two split classes for 2/3 and 4/5. New grades were added until it was a full 1-8. Now we have started this year with Grade 9, will add Grade 10 in the fall of 2022 and then Grade 11 and 12 in the next two years. Our new branding has incorporated the Four Doors of Learning, reflected that KCS offers an

exceptional education embodying the three school rules: Respect, Manners, and Try Your Best, and added what we always have known to be true of KCS; that expand possible is who we are.

We also began construction of the new Senior School facility this year. Phase One will open in the fall and our Grade 9 and 10 classes will be in their new home. This year, our inaugural Grade 9 class was provided as a Bridge Year at Centauri Arts in Bloor West Village. I want to thank our Senior School faculty for making this a reality. COVID-19 really did create significant changes in our timelines, but again, the KCS community met the challenge and provided our Grade 9 students with the experiential place-based learning that we know is the future of education. Thank you to our donors, parents, students and families for your trust, your investment and all your efforts. This has been and continues to be a journey that we have wanted to take for over a generation.

As I was reflecting on the past year and the tagline Expand possible, I started to really think about all the amazing things that we have accomplished in the past decade. Our students have benefited so much from the generosity of this community. I stepped back to look at those projects and again, thank those who made them possible. A friend of mine wrote this to me in a card last summer:

“The gift we give ourselves as a society is our children’s quality of education. Our responsibility is to invest in this gift to the best of our ability so that the future that awaits, a future filled with unpredictability and uncertainty, is met by courageous and creative young minds ready to make a difference.”

As with so many projects that make KCS the great school it is today, the efforts of those who came before benefit those that follow. Along with the annual reports, we are also thanking a decade of donors and highlighting the projects accomplished in that time. I do hope that you will take some time and read our 2021-22 Annual Report and Donor Tribute.


Head of School

I want to thank our faculty, staff, students, and families for your continued adaptability, commitment to learning no matter what the circumstances, and your patience.

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