KDgospelMedia Magazine
July - September 2009
am I my brother’s keeper? Micah Stampley knowing when to release the treasure Visit
July 2009
The C.H.A.I.N. Fund invites you to a Breakfast and a Movie. Featuring Tyler Perry’s “I Can Do Bad All By Myself” For more information
The C.H.A..I.N Fund is a nonprofit organization, assisting the needs of the cancer patient, not just the rearch. Donate now and help us to help them by a $1-Dollar.
Date: November 7, 2009 Time: 8:30a.m
July 2009
KDgospelMedia Magazine is proud to support “The C.H.A.I.N Fund,” but it doesn’t stop there, you can help the cancer patients that depend on The C.H.A.I.N Fund, buy donating $1.00. Let us remember that our neighbors are not just next door. Let them know you care!
True to it’s brand and has been designed in a way that appeals to everyone; from the corporate elite to the young adult just looking for information and advice on how to get ahead of the game. Our readers are from all around the world, they are wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, teens and singles. Simply put, they are you...the Consumers! KDgospelMedia
Welcome Celebrity Beauty Expert “JK” & NYC’s Women’s Fashion Writer “ANA”
KDgospelMedia is happy to announce it’s two newest family members. Fashion expert “Ana” & Beauty expert “JK.” You can expect to see fashion-updates and makeover advice in each issue of “KDglMM” but, that’s not all both ladies are excited about being able to hear from you the readers at where they have graciously made one of their home’s. “So” sit back, get comfortable and let Ana and JK keep you up-to-date!
Celebrity Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist, Wig Maker and Barber NYC’s one-step ahead of her competition, buyer & fashion writer. “Fashions Fade…Style is Forever”
Each issue of KDgospelMedia Magazine brings to its readers the best of what the world has to offer Christian readers. We are happy to say that our readers are married, single, mothers, fathers, and teens. Simply put we are glad that our readers are … you the consumer! Just stop by or web site at to view excerpts of what you can expect in our next issue.
July 2009
Contents Features 20
Departments 06
Words From Editor
Book Review
Just Between Us
Pastor Jay Green
Men Mentoring Men 16
Dave Watkins
Ty Walker
Pastor Selara Mann, Jr.
James Moss
Micah Stampley
Terrell Hunt
J. Vernon Duncan
Vernard Johnson
Your Body is a Temple
What’s in your space?
Take the plunge
Chattanooga, TN
Men’s Hair Care
July 2009
July 2009
Words from the Editor
When We Stand Together As One
No matter what part of the universe you were on June
25, 2009, by noon-time the world stopped. There would be a sort of uneasiness and unrest for 2-weeks following then, again on July 06, 2009, the world would stop again. As I sit reflecting on how I personally feel regarding Michael’s tragic, to soon death, a rushed reality would come-over-me, that I never made it to Michael’s, house “the Staples Center,” to say goodbye; nor did I get to fulfill a childhood promise to myself “that I would meet” him someday face to face. My heart will always hold a special love, for the man of many faces, emotions, characters, and one really big….big heart “Michael Jackson.” “I believe in God so much and I believe that this isn’t it there is a life after this one,” said Smokey Robinson, and I echo. Talking to “the man in my personal mirror,” I asked myself, “what have I learned from Michael’s life?” The answer would come surprisingly easy; his ability to carry on in the mist of trials impressive, his ability to be steadfast in the mission to love, to take care of those in need, and the visual he gave on how warrior’s are to respond in battle.” Christians should know something about this Apostle Paul did, he spoke freely about it in 2 Corinthians 4:8&9, when describing the treatment he and fellow disciples received from the people they were sent to minister to. Whether you approved of Michael or not, whatever your reasoning, one thing that-you-yourself should reflect on is whether at one time or another has God not approved of you! I’m reminded of a day about two-years ago when I had gone to a local Dunkin Donuts to buy some coffee before going to a meeting. When I entered the restaurant I immediately noticed two men sitting at a table. I remember the uneasy feeling I had because the men were obviously drunk but, I needed my coffee so I got in line anyway. As I stood in line waiting my turn I was doing my best not to look their way but, they were talking loud. Suddenly one of the men got up and walked over to me. “In my hastiness, my first
July 2009
thought was that he was going to ask me for money.” “In a split-second, I rehearsed in my mind how I was going to explain that I would buy him a sandwich if he were hungry but, I would not be able to give him any cash however, in another split second the Lord held my tongue.” Uneasy, still I put my ministers cap on I’d decided that God wanted me to encourage the man so when he said hello. Ready to do my bid I responded, “wonderful and you?” By the time the words flowed from my mouth the man began to ask me if I knew how special I was to God! In shock I said yes; again he asked me did I really know how special I was to God. Finally, I resolved myself to just listing as the man went on to prophesy into my life. I could have shrugged it off as the man speaking out of his drunkenness but, what I couldn’t ignore was the facts that were included in the prophecy. The man never asked for a sandwich or, any money he just imparted into my life and moved on. “Why is this important?” Well wasn’t it God himself who said I will use the foolish things to confound the wise? While many people are perplexed at the world’s eagerness to appreciate the good Michael has done these same people are eager to embrace his so called sins, “sound familiar?” Sealed with the understanding that as wise-men we still only know what God wants us to know perhaps it would be better to concentrate on how we can stand together in hope! Talk to the man in your own mirror, ask him how well “yes well,” do you pray for, nurture, and take the time to appreciate the men that God has placed in your life. When the one you say you love struggles to do what’s right; knowing they may feel that there is no-one available to wrap their arms around them to pull them out of the confused state that they are in. Do you go to God for direction on how to help or do you throw up an announcement letting God know he needs to handle it himself?
This tragic loss of a man who used his ability to bring joy, hope, love, and peace into the lives of those, whom might otherwise never have gotten it, comes at a time when KDgospelMedia Magazine has designated its July issue to the men in our lives. In July’s issue you will be encouraged by what Pastor Selara R. Mann, Jr. of Christ Fellowship Prayer Tabernacle is doing to ensure that the men he encounters have unlimited access to the nurturing power of God to help them endure until the end. Worship leader Micah Stamply gives sound Godly advice to the young seeking to become Christian entertainers, while worship leader Terrell Hunt pours out his heart as he spells out why it’s important to be “anxious for nothing.” Elder David Watkins of St. Johns Full Gospel Deliverance ministries in Bloomfield, CT will answer for us “How important it is for men to support each other.” Let’s not fool ourselves regarding the emotional baggage Michael carried as a child into the world of entertainment, recognize instead that the excess baggage was picked up as his success grew. Not a called preacher yet, Michael Jackson managed to sow the seeds of his career into doing what most preachers only preach, and did it unto God with no questions asked. Imagine if he would have gotten the love and peace he gave, back in return. Hip Hope singer “Usher,” performed the song “Gone to Soon,” which was written by Michael memory of an 18year old man named “Ryan White,” who died of aids. Life is full of lessons ready to be learned though, some people have a problem with anything or one they consider less than perfect, I am so glad that God doesn’t have that same attitude; in fact God’s mercy encourages me to appreciate my imperfections so that I will joy, in his perfection. At age 50, “Gone to Soon,” maybe, it’s unfortunate that most will learn more about Michael’s life through his death than they would have if he’d lived!
KDgospelMedia Magazine President & Editor in Chief Deanne R. Williams Creative Media & Production Karl M. Williams Marketing Manager Ty Walker Advertising
Contributors Dave Watkins Ty Walker Pastor Jay Green Micah Stampley Pastor Selara Stampley
Subscriptions KDgospelMedia Magazine is published four times a year. All non-advertising and non-subscription inquiries should be submitted via email to Contents of this publication may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher.
“I dare to ask do you care enough for the living!” ~ KDgMM
Our Mission: Living Life, Loving Life, while Successfully Managing Life is everyone’s dream and “KDgMMag,” understand that dream and delivers idea’s, answers and encouragement for you to turn those dreams whether short or long-term into manageable goals. After all where there is no vision the people perish Proverbs 29:18
July 2009
Alter of Choice
Once a week and after a stress-filled-day on the job, after ensuring the safety of home, and meeting their demands at church. A small group of men, saved men serving in different Ministries felt that they could benefit from getting together once a week to fellowship and to give moral support to each other when needed. Some call it male-bonding, some call it the need to blow-off-steam but, whatever definition suites you please understand that having a need to develop lasting relationships outside of your church does not imply that your spiritual needs aren’t being met. Psalm 133: 1 (reads), Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Dwelling together simply means spending time getting to know, and understand one another in an effort to live in peace. “But if the only connection that one has with his brother happens in places where there is no real time for them to get to know each other then, how are they expected to live in unity outside of those settings?” So where would these meetings take place? Over the phone, or maybe in the church parking lot! One thing that the group felt strongly about was if they were going to take the much needed time to get together than, it would be important to make sure that everyone’s needs were met. By taking the one thing each individual had in common and loved to do but couldn’t seem to find the time for, the ultimate choice was simple. A vote was taken and it would be unanimous the winning location would be the South Bowling Alley located in South, CT. That’s right the Bowling Alley! “You see the goal is to get as many strikes as you can, of course while relaxing and enjoying the moment say’s “Deacon Troy.” “At the end of the day each man is able to say what is on his mind, knowing that his brothers are there for moral support admits “Minister Chris.” Even though a Bowling Alley is not the normal or traditional place one would expect to hold any type of fellowship we would advise all of our brothers everywhere to consider doing something similar. Gather a few men and make a decision to get to know one another on a more personal level. You might find that once you have built a bond based on a more personal level of trust that working together [in unity], inside the ministry could be a lot more rewarding. Does that mean that you should dismiss the traditional alter call, or men’s breakfast’s…no it doesn’t. But at the end of the day your “Alter of Choice” doesn’t have to question your salvation but it should however, exhibit your ability to love, nurture, and bond with your fellow brothers in Christ.
July 2009
BOOK REVIEW Giving God His Glory by Linda Beed Writing for the Lord is an often used phrase. It is one that draws attention and assists in the marketing of many books. Albeit a familiar mantra, correlating content of Christian and Inspirational book genre with the often touted proclamation is becoming a challenge. Refreshingly, such is not the case with the Give God the Glory series. The Give God the Glory series is an evolving book series which focuses on placing God first in all that we do. All encompasses family, personal relationships, the workplace, or church community and even our periods of relaxation. From page one of each volume the reader will understand that the compilation of this valuable series is one that speaks from and to the heart. The consistent message presented as an invitation and encouragement to others, is that of the necessity and value of a relationship with God. The works are neither contrived nor diluted for the sake of universal appeal. What these books are, are truth presented in its purest form. The premise of its existence is based upon Minister Johnson’s obedience to the vision of “writing quality articles, books and devotionals that glorify God and enhance the lives of our readership.” By following through with what has been placed in his spirit, within an eight-year span, author, businessman, minister Kevin Wayne Johnson has completed five of nine
volumes of the series plus a workbook. Currently available from the Give God the Glory series are: Give God the Glory! Study Guide – Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life – 2001 The first from the series is an invitation for the non-Christian and Christian to seek and/or enhance their relationship with Christ. Give God the Glory! Called to Be Light in the Workplace – 2003 Book two in the series moves to the workplace. It places focus on how Christians can be a light among those outside of their church community. Give God the Glory! Let Your Light So Shine – 2004 Let Your Light So Shine reminds us of the honor and the responsibility of our walk with Christ. This volume sheds light on the characteristics of Christ as well as the power of light versus darkness. Give God the Glory! The Godly Family Life – 2005 Before there was a church, there was family. Inside the fourth offering in this series Author Johnson clearly relays the biblical roles of each person within the family unit. Give God the Glory! Your Role in Your Family -- 2006 This devotional is the perfect companion for The Godly Family Life since it provides more insight on the role of each family member. Give God the Glory! Study Guide – Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life – 2008 This valuable workbook stresses the central theme of the first book
in the series. As a study aid, the text assists instructors and students in their quest for a broader knowledge of God’s word and developing a closer walk with Him. After any length of conversation with Johnson one would be hardpressed to deny that he speaks and writes from personal experience and true conviction. When asked what he would like readers to take away from one or all books, his response is without hesitation, “To have a connection with God that is laser-focused.” He explains those words with a photography analogy. “Anyone can point the camera at a target and shoot. But without focus the pictures are fuzzy.”
Minister Johnson is an accomplished private and government professional. He has traveled extensively, ministering and promoting works from Writing for the Lord Ministries. He resides in Clarksville, MD with his wife and three sons. You can find more information regarding the ministry at: http://www.writingforthelord. org/main.html July 2009
Knowing when to Release the Treasure Micah Stampley Even a vessel full of power wont know its God given strength if not properly encouraged to shine in the place it’s at. Humble but sure, grateful, and giving Micah Stampley uses his God given voice not only to praise and word God but also to transform into a messenger of courage, and hope. KDgospelMedia Magazine caught up with Micah Stampley after he led worship service at Bethany Baptist church in Lindenwold, NJ where the Pastor there is Bishop David G. Evans. This is what he had to say to our young readers. Most of the time young-people serving in ministry as singers, musicians, or artist, believe that they should become recording artists. It is important that young people not only know but understand that they can be more effective by being in the center of Gods will rather than being out there freelancing, and being out of Gods will. Being on the praise, and worship-team at your church is ok. stay there! Someone has to be the worship leader. Someone has to be the music,or choir director. spend lot’s of time seeking god concerning the things you want to know about your purpose. Stop praying for opportunity but pray instead that when opportunity comes you are in Gods will and ready for it.
There Is A Bridge You Just Have To Know How To Cross It If you are looking for a career in the industries make sure that you review the paper work. young people need to learn get assistance when trying to cross that bridge because there is so much happening and so many things have changed in the industry, even when it comes to the internet.
July 2009
Your Body is a Temple Cardiovascular Exercise, Safety Precautions Cardiovascular exercise is known to be the centerpiece of physical fitness for over 15 years, weight management, and cardio respiratory (heart and lung) health. The terms cardiovascular exercise, cardio respiratory fitness and aerobic exercise are all synonymous. This kind of exercise requires large muscle movement over a sustained period of time, elevating your heart rate to at least 50% of maximum level. Examples include the Stanley G. Workout, walking, jogging, biking, Zumba. swimming, and any other repetitious activity that can be performed over an extended period of time. Cardiovascular exercise provides many important benefits that cannot be achieved by any other exercise or activity. Cardiovascular exercise is also very convenient; you can do it in the outdoors or inside your house while watching television. However, when enjoying this great form of physical activity, be precautious so that your program is not only effective, but safe as well.
What’s the Best time to Exercise? The best time to exercise is early morning, that way you jump start your metabolism and burn calories right throughout the day. However. Every individual is unique, and as such, each person’s body chemistry and inner clock is different. What works best for you, may not work for the next person. In fact, what works best for you today may change in the next couple years. For more information please call Stanley G. at The Stanley G. Workout @ (860) 242-7826 Web:
Is your hair talking to you about its change in seasons? Tell us your worst hair story in 300 words or less and you could win this Peace & Blessings T-Shirt by Designer Lauri Michelle, of Deeply Rooted Apparel “HIS Word. Your Style.” For Official Rules go to
Each issue of KDgospelMedia Magazine brings to its readers the best of what the world has to offer Christian readers. We are happy to say that our readers are married, single, mothers, fathers, and teens. Simply put we are glad that our readers are … you the consumer! Just stop by or web site at to view excerpts of what you can expect in our next issue. SUBSCRIPTION: $4.50 / Single Issue $14.50 / Year Subscribe or to place an Ad go to
July 2009
What’s In Your Space? An author of a weekly business newsletter frequently concludes it by saying, “I’m proud to be in ‘your space!’ Thanks for being in mine!” As I read that line last week, I started thinking about the things I allow in my space, in my life, on a daily basis. It gets hard sometimes to silence all the negative forces that constantly bombard my mind. However, I know that I have to be selective about who and what I willingly allow in my space. Here are some rules that can help both of us do that. Pay attention to what you say to yourself. We can sometimes be our own worst enemy when it comes to saying negative things about ourselves. Proverbs 18:21 says, that the power of life and death are in the tongue. Make a conscious decision to speak life when you’re faced with negative circumstances and situations. Protect your mind. The news shouts gloom and doom, magazines tell you what’s wrong with you and your life and movies are often too sexually explicit and/or violent. Exposing yourself to these outside forces on a daily basis can wreak havoc with your peace and joy. They can have you feeling bad and depressed before you realize what hit you. What we allow in our minds determines our attitude towards life and ultimately God. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” It has never been more important for us to think on the true, noble and pure as it is now. (Philippians 4:8) Replace the negative with the positive. It is not enough to stop saying, thinking and doing negative things. The next step is to replace the negative with something positive. We can find a good illustration of this point in Matthew 12:43-45: “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.”
July 2009
Set your own rules of engagement. The military uses the term Rules of Engagement to refer to when, where and how to respond to an enemy. Even though you probably do not have any enemies in the military sense, it would be wise to establish your own rules of engagement. It is up to you to decide which people you will allow in your life and how they treat you. As the old saying goes, “Everyone does not deserve a front row seat in your life.” It is important that as you love your neighbor you use wisdom when it comes to those who do not mean you well. (Matthew 22:39; Proverbs 2:12, 4:6)
This is a great time to take inventory of what you are allowing in your space. Using the rules above, evaluate what negative things or people need to go. Then prayerfully ask the Lord for wisdom, direction and guidance as you set about removing them from your space.
By Joyce M. Averils
July 2009
Let the Fun Begin
Chattanooga, Tennessee the name even sounds like fun. Whether you live in Chattanooga TN, or you’re just passing through it might be worth your while to stop and take in a piece of the scenery. With hundreds of attractions available you are guaranteed to find something that will appeal to the adult’s as well as satisfy the child of every age. Horse and carriage rides, boat rides, train rides, water parks, aquariums, plenty of eclectic shops and eateries, all for your pleasure or you can just take in a 3D movie at the IMAX Theater. Not only is there something for everyone but you’ll find the prices to be unbelievably affordable so you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank. Visitors can expect to be treated like neighbors rather than tourist. Chattanooga residents are not only friendly but also patient; making acquaintances won’t be hard at all.
July 2009
Shopping Every Saturday and Sunday small and large business owners get together on the River Front located at One Broad Street to promote their businesses. Offering visitors the opportunity to not only shop for one of a kind items but in most cases the opportunity to also meet the creators themselves. Local musicians take liberties to introduce their talents and visitors are encouraged to interact.
Exploring the Waters Admire and explore Tennessee’s Grand Canyon by way of the River George Explorer. On this Exploration visitors will come face-to-face with steelyeyed sharks, swim with stingrays, and sea turtles. This trip also includes a stroll through the tropical
forest where visitors will be able to follow a simple raindrop as it completes its journey from a mountain-top through a stream, a lake, and finally to its home in the river.
Take a Train Ride into History Visitors can charter a train at Tennessee’s Valley Railroad. The largest, historic railroad the South has. The Tennessee Valley Rail Road uses authentic steam and diesel passenger trains. Visitors will feel as if they have taken a step back in time while also, being a part of helping the city to continue its preservation. During the months of MarchOctober the Tennessee Valley Rail Road has trains that run daily with trips lasting anywhere from 55minites to all day leisure trips.
Missionary Ridge Local, trains run daily March-October, weekends November-December Chickamauga Turn, run Saturdays June-September Hiwassee River Rail Adventure, run April-November For more information go to www.TVRAIL.COM Tennessee Aquarium Information
July 2009
MEN MENTORING MEN am I my brother’s keeper?
Name: David Watkins Age: 46yrs old Place of Residency: Bloomfield, CT. Occupation: Social Worker Church Home: St. John’s Full Gospel Deliverance Church, Bloomfield, CT. HOW IMPORTANT IS IT FOR MEN TO SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER Proverbs 27:17 says “Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Often, anything harder than iron used to sharpen the edge of an iron blade will wear away and erode the perfection of the edge. Also, anything softer than iron will not have the fortitude to bring the blade to it’s full potential for sharpness. Likewise, it takes a man to sharpen the countenance of another man. It is important for men to support one another. Through life’s journey we learn that there is often no better teacher than experience itself. There are aspects of life and living throughout a man’s experience that can only be truly processed and understood completely by another man. There are principals of manhood that can be taught to others but can only be completely perceived by other males. As men share experiences with one another, we are able to tap into a realm of understanding, compassion, and empathy only afforded to those of like kind. We are best suited to encourage, communicate, and to display tough love in a way that can best be received by other men. Many men are known to mask “tender emotions” for fear of appearing to be “soft” or weak in the sight of their female counter parts or children. Bishop T.D. Jakes coins the phase “He-Motions” and I believe speaks of the fact that real men aren’t afraid to cry and to experience the full range of emotions that God himself built into mankind .Often men can find solace in the presence of other men and can find an outlet for the expression of their true emotions in the fellowship of other brothers. As men support one another, it is possible to create a comfort zone and a place for spiritual and emotional growth that cannot be constructed adequately in the presence of our wives, mothers, sisters, female companions, or children. If men want to be the best that they can be we must put God first in all that we do and we must learn to take time to fellowship, share our gifts, talents, and knowledge from experience with one another in order to maximize our manhood. Iron does truly sharpen Iron.
July 2009
Proverbs 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. (NIV). Today is the day that I pledge to never allow anger to entice me into committing foolish acts ever again. “Oh,” but wait a minute doesn’t Ephesians 4:26 say that it’s okay to be angry as long as I don’t sin? Let’s be real we all have had good, legit reasons behind why we get angry. Everyday someone whether it’s a spouse, child, or that wonder boss, gives cause to why we could possibly become angry at any given moment. As believers we, very well know that in the bible God has given us full permission to acknowledge the anger we feel…but, what we do is we overlook the part that instructs us to make sure that the anger we feel doesn’t lead to sin (Ephesians 4:26). Not too sure when anger has become sinful, well let me give you an example. One day I received an email and before I could finish reading it I could feel my temper rising. The person who sent it was without a doubt…rude! This email had five paragraphs of embedded rude, subliminal notations which I would include however, some of you would get hung-up on the email rather than the point that God wants to make. These words were without a doubt intended to make a point as well as to hurt me. So in my anger I began to respond to the email paragraph by paragraph with the intent that there wouldn’t be any subliminal message imbedded and every- word- on- my- mind would be clear as well as direct. “Well,” while I was in the middle of responding to the email, the Holy Spirit spoke to me clearly and directly! “Don’t you dare send that email.” “Period.” That’s all the spirit said. Now because the flesh is weak I responded back by saying…“why not?” I had a point to make and I needed to get this anger out of me and off my chest. The spirit of God spoke again saying, “forgiveness Renee forgiveness!” “Don’t allow your anger to make a fool out of you!” Alright backup how can anger make a fool out of you when you’re the one who’s been offended? Apparently it’s simple, you can do some foolish things in the heat of anger and if you are not careful to control yourself innocent bystanders can become casualties of your actions. Though you may feel justified in your response remember Proverbs 29:11 tells us that only a fool gives full vent, total control to his anger. Messages that are relayed in anger whether written or spoken can be dangerous not only to your spiritual well being but also to the well being of the individual who receives your backlash. Written or spoken words can never return to their origin they linger in the atmosphere and in the mind and heart of the receiver; if anger is returned with anger or in this case anger with ignorance than the responder becomes just as wrong as the person who has angered him. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called sons of God (Matthew 5:9 NIV). What do you think would have been the outcome if I’d responded to the email negative for negative? Would it have ended there? Probably not. Lashing out in anger could open the door to negative spiraling effects of tit-for-tat, confusion, un-comfortableness between yourself and the individual who you will undoubtedly encounter again. Yes people get on our nerves… try our patience…and make use want to throw up our hands! While dually noted people and things mustn’t be the control to our emotions. Try stepping back when you feel anger rising and began to think about the benefit of your response, if the benefit is not a benefit at all but rather harmful it’s not going to be worth your responding. Anything done in the body should be done as a benefit to our own well being; our relationship with God, as well as our families… remember it is a wise man who keeps himself under control. So now what did I do in response to the email? Well, I called my husband on the phone because God just wasn’t making sense at all to me right then. What was my husband’s response? Would you believe his response to me was you had better not send that email? I was surprised but, I guess I really should have known what his response would be. However, I’ll admit his response left me a little disappointed. In the end I did respond because I felt the person needed to know I was offended by their attack but I did it in love and consideration of the other person’s feelings. My phone rang ten minutes after I responded, the caller on the other end happened to be the individual who sent the email calling to apologize for offending me. “Imagine that.” Let us think on this fact “anger against anger,” does not stop a war it infuses it. And let us make the pledge to stop Anger in its tracks!
July 2009
“Saved, successful and how the two can be accomplished” Tai: Since the age of 16, I always admired the idea of being successful, especially in the very things that I loved doing the most. I found myself embarking in show biz in my teenage years; and by the age of 18 I committed my life to Christ. Thereafter, I found myself building and maintaining a new era of personal growth. By the age of 19 I enrolled into a 4 year Liberal Arts Christian University, acquired my B.S. Degree in Advertising, and simultaneously developed an entrepreneurial drive in many different business arenas. While still in show biz, I later went on to begin my MBA in International Business, as well as obtain my real estate brokerage license with a strong emphasis in real estate sales and investments strategies. While on this journey of success, one thing I had to realize most was that I needed a lot of prayer, faith, and trust in God. One of the many bible passages that started me on my way is Phi 4:13; “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (KJV).” However, let me just say, don’t be fooled by my religious talk, because this has not always been my pioneer. At a very young age before coming to know Christ, I had already developed tough skin sort of like a Bison. I went through some very frightful and daunting experiences as a child that no one could ever imagine; but what I was sure of, was that I knew how to fight my way through. The fighter that I was back then as a child allowed me to develop resilience and build shields; but the fighter I am today is slightly different. Instead of being physically complex to win my battles, my new kind of strength called “prayer power” allowed me to win even greater battles. My shields now have become the full Amor of God; which is “The belt of truth, breast plate of righteousness, feet of preparation of the gospel, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the sprit, which is the word of God; Eph 6:13-17(KJV).” This led me to another bible passage that I live by “Nay in all these things, we are more than conquerors to him that loved us; Rom 8:37(KJV). I believe prayer supersedes any kind of power that any man can even think he has. Thriving for success requires stamina, courage, humbleness, education, hope, faith, and much more; but most important of all, is prayer. Through prayer, a person’s possibilities can become his or her realities. Earlier on I referenced “journey of success.” A person’s journey is as long or as short as an individual wants it to be. For me, my journey is ever present and never ending. In the interim, I get my power to gain wealth through Gods love and Will for my life. It is He who gives me the desire, strength to obtain, and hold a level of greatness. This greatness isn’t for my own sake; but it is for my family, children, friends, mentees, and leaders. Another bible passage I like says “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven; Mat 5:16 (KJV). My desire is to live for God and create a legacy that will open doors for many in whom will trust and believe in Him first, as well as develop a ongoing personal relationship with His son, who’s our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
“Opportunity Leads to Growth and Growth Leads to Longevity.” Tai Walker”
July 2009
Name: Tai Walker Age: 26 Occupation: Professional Coach & Consultant Church: Christian Cultural Center, Pastor A.R. Benard City/State:New York, New York
MEN MENTORING MEN am I my brother’s keeper? Mentoring men in the ways of God? “It is right up there with the absolutely most critical priorities of our ministry. The scripture tells us that man is molded in the very image of God and over subsequent millennia, man has drifted to the degree, that we no longer in large part mirror this premise. So we exact several ministry initiatives directed towards assisting men in their return to wholeness with the creator on every life level. Whether young or old, married or single, and irrespective of background or culture. Ministerial mentoring takes place from both a spiritual, “word based” curriculum, as well as mentoring one’s natural day to day walk. The results have been substantial, individual to indiPastor Selara Mann, Jr. vidual.” “The Apostle Paul wrote extensively concerning our bodies being the dwelling place of God’s spirit. In my opinion, far too many people place great significance on “Four wall” structures of faith where they attend, as if that is where the Lord really resides. I personally strive to conduct myself in such a manner where as the Lord would be pleased to make his place of dwelling, myself. That calls for a regimen of scriptural, historical, and philosophical study, as well as, prayer, that far exceeds the attention given to carnal whims. It also includes not just a responsibility, but a volitional desire to conduct myself with the highest level of “Christ like” demeanor. This requirement is relevant for both my private interaction with my wife and children, as well as my interaction with the congregation and the public at large. People should be able to see the Christ when they see us.” “We encourage our men to participate in all 13 phases of ministry that we currently exact. However, the center of our Men’s Ministry, is based around a forum we call the Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Forum. This forum encourages older men to mentor younger men in the areas of ministry, education, relationships, finances, and etc, through the vehicle of good food, and honest challenging conversation.” Pastor Selara R. Mann, Jr. serves as the Pastor and Chairman of the Executive Steering Committee of Christ Fellowship Prayer Tabernacle and is the founder of Exacting Truth Ministries, which began in 2006, and A.M.M.P. (A. Mann’s Music Productions). He is also the Editor in Chief of The Exacted Truth, the newsletter for Christ Fellowship Prayer Tabernacle Ministry.
July 2009
not by sight!
I truly thank God for my wife and daughter. They supported me from the beginning when I told them that God called me to serve in the Praise House. Finally, I thank God for everyone who assists the Praise House in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pastor jAY Green
July 2009
kDgMM: Steppin out on faith must have had its challenges. Share what some of those challenges were for you? How did they shape your will? Pastor Green: The biggest challenge was trusting God totally. For example, it was like God lead me into the desert like the children of Israel and in this desert I could do nothing but trust God totally for my survival. This desert experience brought me even closer to God allowing me to have a real intimate relationship with the Master. Now there were many times that I ask God, “Why me?” But God answered me with a question, “Why not you”? So I had to totally trust God but also I realize that God had faith in me to trust me with this large task. KDgMM: What was the inspiration behind The Praise House? Pastor Green: Well, I always have to give God the Glory and the credit for the Praise House. One day, I just sincerely asked God, “What is it that you want me do ?” God’s answers was I want you to start a gospel station over the internet, and I said the internet? Again, God said “The internet”, then I started questioning God about how do I start this station. Then, God said I will lead you and guide you. So, I always say that God is the CEO and I am the General Manager overseeing His vision. KDgMM: How hard was it to innitiate such a huge undertaking?
Pastor Green:. Believe it or not, it really was not hard. The only reason why this undertaking was not hard is because this was God’s will for my life. I truly believe what God has ordained He will maintain. So if you just trust God’s will over your will it will make any undertaking smooth and easy. KDgMM: Where there times when you thought you might be just a little crazy? Pastor Green: Of course. Let me be real, there were times my family and I thought I was going crazy. But it was the word of God and His promise that keep me from really going crazy. I thought about Noah, how God told him to build the ark because He was going to destroy mankind with rain. But it had never rained before and the people thought that Noah was crazy for building this huge ark and preaching that it was going to rain. Now the bible does not state this, but I can just image how many times Noah and his family thought he was crazy and the only thing that keep Noah from going crazy is the word of God and His promise to Noah. KDgMM: It has been a few years, and your level of supporters have grown…how does it make you feel, knowing that there were those who thought you wouldn’t make it? Pastor Green: I use this as a motivational tool that keeps me in the will of God. Once, I heard someone say, make your haters your motivators. But I thank God on a daily basis for those who are against me because it allows them to see the Glory of God. That’s what this is all about giving God the Glory, I am just glad He is able to use me as an earthly vessel to bring Him glory. KDgMM: Where do you see The Praise House in relation to your Church Ministry in the next 5-years? Pastor Green: God has actually shown me that the Praise House is going be a ministry that help strengthen and encourage our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. The Praise House will be a place that people from all walks of life can come and receive help in wellness, finances, and their spiritual relationship with God. We want the Praise House to be a place that people can receive the true love of God and not the conditional love of the world. The Praise House will represent the true Body of Christ. KDgMM: When I go to Praise I don’t just here the latest gospel music I can also hear a sermon, or poetry. This is not what one would expect from most online radio stations….why did you choose to include these things on your station? Pastor Green: Well, our mission statement is to Glorify God, reach out to lost souls, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ over the world. By having various different
ministries that glorify God, we then can reach out to the lost souls and draw them into the Body of Christ. Then, we can equip those Brothers or Sisters for ministry that will allow us to spread the gospel all over the world. Also, we are all different, meaning that I may get deliverance from a sermon but someone else might receive deliverance from poetry. So we want to take every opportunity to minister the word of God to everyone. KDgMM: What advice would you give to someone who feels that God has called them to step out on faith by walking out of their box. Pastor Green: The advice that I give is to just trust God totally. Remember that God said in His word that His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts our thoughts. Also, realize that God had faith in you to call you, so God trusted you with doing His work. See this as a true privilege and honor because God could have chosen anybody but He chose you. ~Pastor J Green
July 2009
New and fresh blended with a hint of classic ! J Moss On How His Love for God And His Love For Art Helps Him To Keep Things In Perspective.
July 2009
“Keeping Things In Perspective” I came up in the area of Luther Vandross, Anita Baker, Stevie, Donnie, and The Winans. You can play one of their songs right now and feel just as good as a song created today, that’s because their music is timeless. I would like to be a part of a timeless collection of great writers and producers. The type of litany that allows your songs to provide for your family long after your gone leaving a legacy, something that the radio stations will continue to play and people will continue to cover long after you’re gone. “My lyrical content stands in line with who God has called me to be” Today’s music is challenging for those who are really devoted to the art of music in addition to how organic music truly is. During the past ten-years music has become unpretentious and structured but, there will come a time when it’ll be challenging to stay in that realm of simplicity. Particularly when there is so much bubbling up inside of you and you would like it to come out. There is no doubt that you have to be competitive in order to compete with what’s on the radio. The PAJAM team strives to create a sense of balance by connecting love for the art of music together with classic musicianship in our songs. PAJAM Productions has just completed its third CD entitled Just James; people have become familiar with our sound and have grown to love and expect that sound. It’s like the Big Mac or the Whopper... no need to change it! I want to stay in that classic lane so that people can continue to identify me. “Concentrating on Gods Goodness” My lyrical content stands in line with who God has called me to be; “Afraid,” was written during the 911-period. That whole event was really something for me, I have to be honest after that experience I became afraid of flying and doing certain things. The enemy started to get really busy in my head causing me have this great fear. But God began to deal with me “letting me know that he has not given me the spirit of fear,” in so many words, then he gave me the lyrics to “Afraid”. The idea behind the song is that I’m not going to let people make me afraid, I’m not going to let bigotry make me afraid, I’m not going to let terrorist acts cause me to be afraid to live my life, block me from receiving the fullness of what God has for me. I can’t really be about my father’s business walking around being afraid. J Moss’ third CD JUST JAMES is in stores now.
July 2009
Prepare yourself through fasting and praying for the next level of your ministry
Terell Hunt
ust recently celebrating his 30th birthday Tyrell already has the wisdom, and not to mention the full career that one would expect of a middle aged person. Vocally talented but his gifts don’t stop there a man after Gods own heart Tyrell is committed to lending a hand to as many youth as he can. “I believe in building up our young people and preparing them for what’s ahead in life.” Taking to heart the mentoring and love that he got from his mother and his Pastor, Tyrell recognizes the importance of having
July 2009
someone to turn to when life hands you nothing but questions. “The youth have become a part of my heart and I think that it is wise for those who have gotten older to train the youth and build them up.” Equally as passionate about his call to worship Terell has recently become a full-time musician. “About two weeks after I said to God if you want me to take on this ministry full time you will have to make a way for me, I was laid off from my job.” So I said ok God your will be done. God understands that we have obligations but when committing to work for him, it has to be a contractual thing.
I’ve also learned that you can’t take everyone with you when you make that change because they might not be a part of the contract. It takes a strong person to survive in this industry you will have to rely soley on the voice of God. You have to know ahead of time how you will handle a situation and you have to be personable to be in this ministry. Looking back I admit that I’ve wanted to be like certain individuals in the industry, and live their lifestyle but one day God spoke to me and said I created you the way I wanted you to be. Most people don’t even know that I have three ministries I ‘m responsible for. There’s a mentoring program called “Generation Alive,” which is a nonprofit youth and development, life skills organization in performing arts. Here youth can expect to receive help in academic tutoring, mentoring, there’s also a full fitness center on grounds to help with their physical fitness. Then there is Joshua’s House which is designed to assist in the area of spiritual-counseling and mentoring to look after the psychological fitness of our youth. Arc Bearer’s International is a ministry dedicated to training worship leaders and ministers. It consists of a group of individuals who love to worship and whose ministry is the call of a worship leader. Arc Bearers mission is to focus on promoting and emphasizing the lifestyle of Christ through worship. ~KDgMM
Kingdom Wealth The Power to Get it
Apostle J. vernon Duncan
“Rise, shine, expect something awesome” “As long as a man tithes, and seeds there is no need for him to wonder. Among the many benefits to be reaped through faithfulness is that the abundance of the seed is at his disposal.” On Thursday, August 06, 2009, during a empowerment seminar held by the New England Prophetic Conference, in Bloomfield, Connecticut; Apostle J. Vernon Duncan stood before a earlymorning, wide eyed, eager crowd of people. But I’m not sure that they expected what they got. From the moment Apostle Duncan began to teach his curriculum which would come from his newly released title “Kingdom Wealth: The Power to Get It,” immediately the audience became completely silent….good thing because they would not have wanted to miss a word he had to say. Apostle Duncan approached the subject of “Kingdom Wealth,” in a caring, yet empowering manner as he explained the importance of making your finances work for you instead of you
working for finances. The intent of the man’s heart is key to his blessings; the world system has already put a demand on the monies it has created but, God’s people have got to consult God, and pray over they’re finances with the intent of committing their money to God’s intent. Kingdom Wealth: the Power To Get It, is written in the how too manual style. A well developed, easy read with scripture in place to back up its findings. Clear your minds before venturing into this “choice read” and expect to be taught something new. Pay close attention to the principles listed as they will teach you how to get, and maintain your spiritual, and physical wealth. You will learn how to prepare for your future, the future of your children and your children’s, children. Kingdom Wealth is not a get rich quick manual, rather it is a manual designed to help you command your life, as well as lifestyle most importantly this manual teaches you to command your faith. Through the death
of Jesus believers have become heirs; it has been written in the will of the Father that you have all that you need but, you must not forget that God is paying close attention to how you treat your inheritance!
Note: The New England Prophetic Conference is held by ST. Johns Full Gospel Deliverance Church. To purchase your copy of “Kingdom Wealth: The Power To Get IT” written by, Apostle J.Vernon Dunkin go to or email July 2009
DR. Vernard Johnson The first Africian American to receive a doctored degree from Texas, South Western Baptist Seminary in music. Saxophonist Dr. Vernard Johnson wasted no time puting his his degree or skills to use. Eighteen recordings and a impressive list of performed venuses Dr. Johnson has never lost sight of the vision God set before him. “I’ve had the opportunity to minister to American Presidents like Regan, Bush, Clinton, along with Kings, and Queens for that I am grateful but my most rewarding time is spent ministering inside of prison doors.” Waging war on the enemy Dr. Johnson uses his saxophone as his weapon of choice, to rebuild those bridges demolished by denominations [religion]. Dr. Johnson’s music has a way of releasing the caged hearts of its listeners. Through the sounding of the saxophone the anointing begins to fall and numerous souls turning to God is the result. “It is because of the anointing that destroys yokes that people get saved while I play not by my doing alone.” After a two-year sabbatical from traveling and performing Saxophonist Dr. Vernard Johnson, has returned. During my sabbatical, I sought the Lord and was instructed to go on a thousand-day fast and during those thousand-days I was to give God a thousand thank-you’s each day. Not asking for a thing just thanking. You see God proves his faithfulness in that before you can lift your hands God has already done something for you. Before you can ask he has already fulfilled the request. So just Thannk Him!
July 2009
T. Osborne
July 2009
Hair Care For Men
One may think that men’s grooming is simple. As a hairstylist I can say that it is equally complex as a womans. Being a female who cuts guys hair I get lectured on how everyone doesn’t know how to cut and do I know what I’m doing and so on and so forth. Needless to say they are very particular, not all but most. Bald, low cut and faded are just a few to name. To keep a fresh look he may go to the barber shop 1-2 times a week especially if he has facial hair and wants to keep a consistant crisp look. A bald head requires more attention than a regular cut it needs to be maintained every 1-3 days. For a close shave a few routes can be taken. In between visits, a razor, trimmer or a close shaver with a foil head or three rotating heads can be used. Which ever is chosen a moisturizer should be used after. A skin antiseptic like seabreeze or witch hazel should be used directly after any hair cut to prevent break outs which I call “rice crispies”,
July 2009
there is nothing attractive about that. This is also caused by dirty clippers. To insure your barber is disinfecting and sanitizing his tools request that they do it infront of you. Dry scalp and skin can occur after a cut and shave. Apply cocoa butter or another moisturizer to the face and head and cover with a warm towel to open the pores and again with a cold towel to close them and seal in the moisture or if you can get a hairwash at the barbershop, do so. Apply a grease or pomade to the hair and scalp, on a bald head for the final touch I like to massage Vaseline oil gel with cocoa butter on the scalp for a beautiful shine. For the men who have braids, twists, or dreadlocks follow the instructions of your stylist. They may want you to come in once every week or two to three weeks for redoing or touch ups. ~ Asia
It’s a HOT Summer, so Guys - - take the “PLUNGE”, in “Gradiaint Colors” and always…show a little “Class” I bet you never thought you’d hear this, but a trend in Men’s Fashion in Summer ‘09 is Plunging Necklines. Yes, you heard it right, plunging necklines. Keep in mind there is no need to take this trend directly from the runway and make it your own. But don’t dismiss this trend, just tone it down and it easily becomes a wearable trend for all lifestyles. Instead of a “Plunging Neckline”, try a v-neck. When the Sun is shining BRIGHT, so must you - - Gradiant Colors are the “it” purchase! Bright colors are always important in the hot months of the summer, but this summer they are especially important. Fashion trends throughout history show that during a downturn in the economy, color in wardrobe is more important than ever. So, go ahead, spice up your wardrobe and your frame of mind, with a great orange, yellow, blue or green piece of clothing. Bond, James Bond - - Add a little Bond to your wardrobe with a “Dinner Jacket” A “Dinner Jacket” in Summer 2009 is not what it once was. Dinner Jackets are now worn not only for formal occassions, but with jeans for a cool, chic, sophisticated, yet casual look. A great staple to add to the wardrobe. So men, as you are planning your weekend getaways, summer vacations or just an afternoon around town, remember to incorporate a summer trend – it’s sure to bring a smile to your face and others. Who doesn’t smile when they look and feel great?
Fashions Fade, Style is Forever…..Ana Coe Pictured: Salvatore Ferragamo
July 2009
July 2009
Dr. Linda Beed is founder of On Assignment Reviews ( She has provided pre and post book reviews for clients of PR notable Pam Perry, as well as independent and traditionally published authors. Purposely Said her literary column appears monthly in Shades of Romance Magazine. She is also author of the debut Christian fiction novel Business Unusual. Dr. Beed can be contacted at: She can be contacted at:
ISBN-10: 0978589009 ISBN-13: 978-0978589004
Author Dr. Linda Beed July 2009
July 2009