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dress code for 2023-2024 school year
from Back to School 2023
by kdhnews
By Madeline Oden Killeen daily Herald
The Copperas Cove Independent School District’s Student code of Conduct Handbook outlines the district’s dress code for all levels in great detail.
The handbook states the CCISD teaches grooming and hygiene, prevents disruption, minimize safety hazards and maintains a positive learning climate
The district encourages students, with the supervision of their parents, to maintain high standards of dress, grooming, and personal appearance as would be appropriate in a publicschool educational environment.
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The handbook warns that certain elective courses or extracurricular activities may require more stringent dress or appearance standards than for the general student body.
CCISD leaves the choice of hair length with the students and their parents and whether or not beards and mustaches are to be worn.
However, spiked hair longer than 2 inches is prohibited for all levels.
Anything that advertises or depicts any other prohibited substance or contains derogatory remarks concerning any identifiable race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age, gender, or disability are strictly prohibited. Anything that is lewd, vulgar