2 minute read
from How-To Guide 2023
by kdhnews
Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a novice, choosing plants and flowers for your home requires an expert for your landscaping and gardening projects. Our well-run and well-stocked garden center is filled with a variety of plants, flowers, seeds and gardening supplies. It should be a frequent stop for any gardener, so choosing wisely is the key to success.
But garden centers are more than just plant vendors. A good garden center will be staffed by knowledgeable people, plants, and supplies. It should also have landscaping experts who can advise you on the best type of plants for your garden. They can help you choose by understanding the specifics of what you’d like to achieve and how to help keep your garden healthy year-round. An independent garden center may not beat big box store prices, but their plants will be well taken care of and full of natives that are suitable to the region. You can also get personal attention from the staff if you need help.
About Us
Because you’ll likely want to develop a relationship with a garden center, choosing the right outlet will help you get the most out of your garden.
At Grizzly’s Hidden Falls, we have been in business since 2003 and have a wealth of knowledge and a caring staff that absolutely loves what they do.
Check out our website and social media to get an idea of what we have to offer. Our store and grounds are full of quality plants and products. The staff can provide sound advice and if they don’t know then the owner is ready to step in if more knowledge is needed. Remember, we are not only retailers but also experts in our field!
We offer hands-on training classes at times throughout the year and even host field trips for all ages. We have been trusted by local news over the years to help understand the challenges our weather can present, from the big freeze of 2021 to the effects of our extreme heat and drought.
Your friends and neighbors don’t always know about the independent garden centers, so it’s up to you to help them find us.
We specialize in native plants that thrive in our area as well as organic products that are important to protecting the planet that we call home.
You can stop by and visit just to get to know us and if you’re up to it, take a short walk along the pasture or the creek. Or even have lunch by the pond and watch the wildlife.
Think of a problem you experienced in the past and ask them for a solution. They usually have an answer or they’ll find Ben, the owner, and he’ll have an answer. Being in business for 20 years we have seen and learned a lot. So, chances are good that we’ll be able to help you out.
It takes a lot of work to keep all these plants healthy and you’ll see the staff either watering, cleaning, or treating throughout the day.
Our greenhouse is full of succulents and tropical plants. It’s set up to stay somewhat cool during the summer and to keep things warm during the colder months
When shopping at our garden center, if you don’t understand the types of plants, you’re looking for, then we can help walk you through the process.
What’s stopping you from heading over to a destination, not just a garden center?