American Dollar Saver January 15th

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Bell CounTy expo CenTer

Friday, Jan. 25th 4pm-8pm

Saturday, Jan. 26 Sunday, Jan. 27 Vol. 210am-8pm • No. 3 January 15,10am-5pm 2020

adults - $7 active duty & retired military id - $5 youth 13-18 - $5 kids 12 & Under - free

Bell CounTy expo CenTer

Friday, Jan. 24th 3pm-8pm

Saturday, Jan. 25 9am-7pm

(w/paid adult admission)

Sunday, Jan. 26 10am-5pm

free ParkinG!

Chance to win a

$250.00 visa gift Card with a paid admission each day

• Fishing Seminars on Saturday and Sunday • Annual High School TuffMan Championship Weigh-In: Saturday @ 2:00pm and Sunday @ 1:00pm under the Expo Center Dome • TuffMan Bass Tournament Championship Weigh-In: Saturday @ 3:30pm and Sunday @ 2:30pm

“Kid Zone” Fun For The Kids! (fee may apply) • Gar Quest Archery for Kids! • Kids Catfishing Whopper-Size Channel Catfish loCaTed oFF InTerSTaTe 35 In BelTon. Take exIT 292 norTh or SouTh and look For The BIg SIlver dome on loop 121

• Personal Watercraft • Bass Boats • Bay Boats • Fishing Tackle • Kayaks

• Fishing Deck Boats • Pontoon Boats • Fishing Boats • Outboards • Inflatable Water Toys

• Texas Parks & Wildlife: Operation Game Thief Wall of shame display share a lunker display • UniTed sTaTes army COrPs Of enGineers: Water safety display • UniTed sTaTes COasT GUard aUxiliary • BOB POHlman - Under Texas skies: Beginner & novice fly fishing Techniques • CHris Payne - Payne OUTdOOrs: Beginner & novice kayaking • eliTe anGlers: frank Talley Gary klein alton Jones, sr.

geNtLe MIxed tion on February 1st. Investments Repairs, AllBroken Types ............................85  porEtc. hora. Por favor 979-575-3939 LangSuburban-Out of Town ......................2 Business Property ............................20 Real Estate Loans, ....148 ¡oYa Computers,  Paving, $8 Asphalt, able now! Needed: Jani wanted/ ATV’s,   Grass fed........................54 fat bulls and AC.      pONIBLes. están Software......................192  254-848-2333  (254) 776-7775 solicite   cook stoves. Rebuilt ments for Farm & #12479.   employment #12479. 254-848-2333  llame a nuestra oficina  torial workers in Waco, Farm & Ranch B r e e d......................193 C ow s and  Motorcycles &u................................86 Scooters.  Roofing, Siding or apply online at www. heifers. Purebred gen-al Farms, Ranches ................................3 Mini Storage ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment   2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020  Miscellaneous Services....................55  disponibles los empleos R a n ch E q i p m e n t en línea en www.janitori with 90 day warranty.        (254) 776-7775 o solicite Temple and surrounding    Livestock  We Pick-Up (903) 336Stocker Calves. Call   ....................................4  tle, 11-18 months old,   through Wednesday,  Sandblasting ....................................87 Delivery, service work, Farm & Ranch Lake Property Auctions, All Types ........................194 JOBs AVAILABLe. Full  de tiempo completo y   Fencing ............................................56   Farm & Ranch     en línea en www.janitoriareas. Starting at per   (254)    9086  $1,200. (254) 899-2558   749-0909 (254)January 29th, for$8aucAnnouncements  American Dollar Saver: Boats  and part-time jobs availneed non-working ones. C L A R K AUC Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 medio! Se necesita: tra  Business Property ..............................5 Antiques, Collectibles ....................195  hour. Please call our of  sporting       House Moving ..................................57  Equipment,Miscellaneous ............170 Page 2O •s January 15, 2020   bajadores tion on February 1st.   Want Buy able now! Needed: Jani- fice 749-5637 e M pLots, L eAcreage d I s -  (254) 214-5284, (254)     is currently BOA Lost & Found....................................31 C L(254) A254-848-2333 R......................................89 K 776-7775 AUC atWork   goods deto limpieza en Misc.   Dozer (254) 501-7530 ....................................6 Machinery, &tION Heavy..............196 shIppINg CONtAIN Buy    #12479.   workers in Waco, orH B  OAt sDairy, h OW ! Products Bell ....................171 Securitytorial Services..............................58   Farm geNtLe MIxed Want to     799-6228       apply online at www. tION is currently  accepting consign- Coun   pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están Entertainment & Recreation ............32 Waco, Temple y las áreas   eRs $2,000 up. Wind   Mobile Homes & Accessories ............7  Temple and and surrounding County Expo Center, Fri-..........................172  ! ! BUy AVAILABLE ! Un! Pets &     We & Repair  Livestock   B OAt s h OW ! Bell Feed & Pasturing Office, Records Storage ..................59 accepting consign   Education Breed Cows and   ments for & day,   L  AC K AFarm NgUs A partir and water tight. See offic e, retail, ware-de B Personals ........................................37 areas. Starting at $8phoper ments We BUy & Repair UnJanuary 24, 3pm disponibles losWanted empleos   Real Estate ..........................8    County Expo Fri- circundantes. wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  2 Dollar Calves. Saver Sunday, December 15, 2019 for & day,    Miscellaneous   Farm Full JOBs AVAILABLe. FieldCenter, Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230    house &hora. m ore Por for lease  Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t 8pm,    tos www.steelcontainers. spanish Lots/Land/ trucks  hour. Please call our ofGrass fed fat bulls and Schools & Instructions....................120  sporting  $8 por favor  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 8pm, Saturday January Stocker Call   Carpools or Transportation ..............38 January 24, 3pm- Motorcycles     R a npart-time ch E q ujobs i p m eavailn t day,   &P roperties Scooters. 25, 9a David Barr &spanish Home Maint.722- and de tiempo completo      Building   fice at (254) 776-7775  through Wednesday, net Will deliver. (254) Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 goods  Lots/Land/ trucks     Motorcycles & Scooters. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,  Acreage heifers. Purebred gen Rentalsy (254) llame a nuestra oficina al   Music, Drama ................................123 8pm, Saturday January ( 254) 526-2277 2 BOAt Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020  through Wednesday,   shOW! Bell able now! Needed: Jani  749-0909 (254)  We Pick-Up (903) 336Janua    or apply online at www.  Air Conditioning & Heating ..............74  4270, Burleson, TX.  We Pick-Up (903) 336January 26, 10am-5pm. January 29th, for aucmedio! Se necesita: traAcreage    www.davidbarrproper e M p L e O s d I s    25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Livestock ........................................232 tle, 11-18 months old,   Business Services (254) 776-7775 o solicite   January 29th, for aucspanish Lots/Land/ trucks  torial in Merchandise ties.c County Expo Center, Fri- 9086  Furnished........................9 Cworkers Lspanish As RhKOW AUC - w  Apartments   B OAt !Waco, Bell Lots/Land/   om Employment  749-5637 w w. e nRtK r a l AUC Te x a s- - 9086 trucks M p LtexAs e O s  d I s - Temple January 26, 10am-5pm. tion on (254) February 1st. w w w Storage Buildings pONIBLes. Ya están       tion onExpo February 1st.  and $1,200. 899-2558   Lots/Land/ trucks CAcreage LC A en..................179 línea en www.janitori- Automotive bajadores de limpieza en ..................10 day, January ¡ 24, 3pm- West   g e Acreage NAVAILABLe. t............................75 Le M ITrans x eFull d County   tION issurrounding currently   Center, Fri- Babysitters, Childcare......................44   Apartments Unfurnished BoatS Furniture, New & Used  JOBs w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans e M p L e O s d I s   #12479. 254-848-2333    areas. Starting at $8 per #12479. 254-848-2333  Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 Pecos area, near Lake disponibles los empleos    Appliances  Acreage 8pm, Saturday January  Waco,Duplexes L AU CI s - -  CleaningWest Services ............................76 tION is currently  e MC p LAeROKconsigns24, d3pmB rAppliances epart-time e dtexAs Cow s Trans a n d day,  January     accepting and jobs availC L A R K AU CRepairs Temple y las áreas Sewing, Ironing ................................45   Furnished..........................11 pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están Miscellaneous Items ......................180 Auto ..................................290     disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake  hour. Please call our of      tION isMedical currently H 60Needed: - near 450 acres. completo y Amistad. pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están texAs Trans H d I s -   25,tiempo 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles     8pm, Saturday January Help Wanted ....................131 M  Stocker Calves. Call accepting consign   tION is currently able now! JaniConcrete Work ................................77  ments for Farm & West  C L A RANgUs K AUC - de Feed sup Pecos area, Lake disponibles los empleos        fice at (254) 776-7775  Banking Services..............................46  BLACK  de completo 60 los -consign450 acres. Duplexes Unfurnished......................12 accepting  Goodsnear & Appliances Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc.&............291     A partir de  disponibles empleos Pecos area, Real estate For  hunting &Lake January 10am-5pm. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,  están circundantes. West texAs Trans   easy medio! Se26, necesita: tra-y Electricity,  ! !tiempo AVAILABLE !dry! y Amistad. (254) 749-0909 (254) ments for Farm & ......................181    accepting consign  torial workers in..........78 Waco, NICe WAsheRs, Help Wanted General ....................132 Amistad. 60water, - Svc. 450 acres. de tiempo completo  tION isCommunications, currently     Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t  spanish Lots/Land/ trucks plies  NICe WAsheRs, dry    or apply online at www.     Gen. Contractor & Misc. ments for Farm &    de tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 450 acres.   medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy spanish Lots/Land/ trucks We BUy & Repair Unoffic e, retail, wareFishing January 26, A 10am-5pm. TV, Radio, CB......47     B L A C K N g U s w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s  Houses Furnished ............................13  sale  Merchandise Wanted ....................183 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 pleos area, near Lake  749-5637  ments for Farm &  bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, jaGrass fed fat bulls and Temple and surrounding   We B R a n ch E q u i p m e n t ers, refrigerators, and Electricity, water, easy medio! Se necesita: tra $8Pecos por hora. Por favor B L AC K A N g U s     accepting consign   Help Wanted Professional..............133 Acreage  through Wednesday, RGrass awn ch qnecesita: iapldove, m tjarefrigerators,  medio! Electricity, water,ATV’s, easy Rers,  house &Starting m orelimpieza for lease    Broken w w. CSe eE nfat tur bulls Teeand xnatras - wanted/ AL  L CONBusiness CR E TE  whitetail, bajadores de en access,  fed Electrical Services ............................79 a n ch Equipm eand nt     Acreage  areas. at $8 per  eto y  Amistad. 60Unfurnished - 450 acres. access, whitetail, dove, jabajadores de limpieza en velina, Bookkeeping ....................48  cook stoves. Rebuilt    Houses ........................14  Waco, Temple y las áreas thick cover, views,    through Wednesday, want Food Products................................184 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294    Grass fed fat bulls and   through Wednesday, David Barr Properties ments for Farm &  e M p L e O s d I s    access, whitetail, dove, jabajadores de limpieza en heifers. Purebred genJanuary 29th, for auc  JOBs AVAILABLe. Full B OAt s h OW ! Bell llame a nuestra oficina al cook stoves. Rebuilt  Salesperson Wanted........................134  Motorcycles & Scooters.  WOR K . heifers. Purebred genthrough Wednesday,  C LLA R thick cover, views, Waco, Temple ycall áreas  velina, thick cover, views, Waco, Temple áreas hour. Please our of- velina,  las    Ctrucks A RK K AUC AUC  a: tra-  Electricity, easy  with 90 day warranty.   eJanuary MPick-Up pspanish LExpo e Ocover, s¡for d IFris - West     hUNtINg/ INVest Insulation ..........................................80  tractors  ( 254) 526-2277  29th, auccircundantes. Ay las partir de Starting at $650/ January 29th, Cemeteries     We velina, thick Waco, Temple yfor lasaucáreas Rooms Forwater, Rent ..............................15  Lots/Land/ heifers. Purebred gen-- Moto   Musical Goods................................186 Vehicles ....................296 RF aR n11-18 ch E qstimates. u i p mold, e n&t Monuments................49    1 CeMeteRy Lot at canyons. pONIBLes. Yaviews, están texAs Trans CLARK AUCCounty Center, and part-time jobs avail   (903) 336tion on February 1st. with 90 day warranty.  January 29th, forRecreational auctle, 11-18 months old,   canyons. atwork, $650/ circundantes. A partir de EE E  fice at Starting (254) Jobs Wanted ..................................135 tION is Starting at&$650/ circundantes. A776-7775 partir de canyons. months    Delivery, service  (254) 776-7775 o Lots solicite www.davidbarrproper  za en access, whitetail, dove, ja- tle,      tION is currently currently tion on February 1st. hunting  MeNt/ RECREATIONpONIBLes. ¡ empleos Ya están West texAs Trans  P canyons. Starting at 3pm$650/ circundantes. A partir de 9086  tion on February 1st.    $8 por hora. Por favor 979-575-3939 Lang  We  day, January 24, able now! Needed: JaniFlooringAC. ............................................81 through Wednesday, Waco Memorial, Vetertle, 11-18 months old,  Health Care & Related Services ......50  Acreage Pecos area, near Lake disponibles los  Mobile Homes, & Acreage........16 tion on February 1st.     Sporting Goods ..............................187 Sport Utility ....................................297    tION is currently AC. 979-575-3939 Lang$8 por hora. Por favor $1,200. (254) 899-2558 or apply online at www. #12479. 254-848-2333  Delivery, service work,  ties.c om D r iveways, P atios,     accepting consignAC. 979-575-3939 Lang$8 por hora. Porones. favor need non-working   #12479. 254-848-2333  Fishing  áreas en velina, thickwww.janitoricover, views, $1,200. AC. 979-575-3939 $8 por hora. PorWaco, favor 8pm,    accepting consign  (254) 899-2558 AL PROPERTY. We have  #12479. Saturday January workers in   disponibles empleos area, Lake   línea  llame aaSection. nuestra oficina al 9086  C LWork A R ..................82 K AUC - torial ans (254) #12479. 254-848-2333 29th, for auc Financial $1,200. (254) 899-2558 llame nuestra$700. oficina al    ede M p L e254-848-2333 Olos s Motors dLangI................................188 s y- Amistad. tiempo completo 60 - near 450 acres.      Equipment Services ........................51 Landscaping-Yard  SportenStarting Leases, Lake Property............17  accepting consign need non-working ones.  Boats, Trucks, VansJanuary & Pickups..................298 FJanuary encing, E tc. 350-9192 2Pecos Dollar Saver Sunday, 19, 2020 (254) (254)al  ments for Farm llame a 214-5284, nuestra oficina CLARK AUC-&& llame a nuestra oficina al 25,  tir de canyons. at $650/        9am-7pm and Sunday, Temple and CONtAINsurrounding  ments for Farm       some of the best in Texas H tION is currently 662-3082 shIppINg (254) 776-7775 o solicite tion on February 1st.  de tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 450 acres.    Electricity, water, easy medio! Se necesita: tra  Janitorial company now  pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans    NOW HIRING! JOBs AVAILABLe. Full B OAt s h OW ! Bell  Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 214-5284,Automobiles (254) R Farm & Ranch  ments for Farm Property Offices................................18 Painting(254) &799-6228 Wallpapering ..................83 a nnSale ch EEis qquucurrently iippm eenn&tt  776-7775 o solicite eRs Exterminators ..................................52   Building Materials ..........................190 For ....................299   tION Farm & Ranch favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang- #12479. 254-848-2333 26, 10am-5pm. areas. Starting at $8 per January      en línea en www.janitori    hiring days and evenings. accepting consign$2,000 and up. Wind Ra ch m Farm & Ranch Temple Temps  from the Hill Country (Ed   shIppINg CONtAINen línea en www.janitoriPART TIME  Farm & Ranch access, whitetail, dove, jabajadores de limpieza en  medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy and part-time jobs availCounty Expo Center, Frien línea en www.janitori   disponibles los area, near Lake accepting   Boats    799-6228     through Wednesday, w w. C315 en r a lempleos Te x a s - Pecos hour. Please call ourphoof- w enments línea en www.janitori Apply online at  Ranch Equipment ina al  Wind  W.t Ave Boats   consign Boats Housekeeper Needed water tight. See  for FarmJani& and   Feed & sup-      through Wednesday,  employment  wards, Menard, Coke, able now! Needed: day, January 24, 3pm-   $2,000 and  Boats velina, thick views, Waco, Temple yM las áreas  NOW LEASING  bajadores decompleto limpieza en access, whitetail, ja- eRs Miscellaneous  de tiempo y Amistad. 60 cover, - 450dove, acres.  fice at (254) 776-7775 C LAR K AU Cn- t     spanish Lots/Land/ trucks 254-316-3945 Real estate For   January 29th, for    olicite  tos www.steelcontainers.   through Wednesday, R a n ch E q u i p m e  ments for Farm &     C L A R K AU C   B OAt s h OW ! Bell 8pm, Saturday January torial workers in Waco, Want to Buy   January 29th, for auc C L A R K AUC and water tight. See phoMiscellaneous Val Verde County, free canyons. Starting at $650/ circundantes. A partir de  Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS plies Farm & Ranch  tION is currently H  or apply online at www. Employment OFFICE CLERK NEEDED    OAt s hwater, OW ! views, Bell tion Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover,  Se necesita: tra- B Electricity, easy  C LExpo A Rto K AUC - medio!  Want Buy Acreage  on February 1st.   nitori-  net Will deliver. (254) 722  Automotive Parts Delivery through Wednesday, BOAt shOW! Bell spanish Lots/Land/ trucks  Miscellaneous  tION is currently H County Center, FriWant to Buy   Livestock 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Temple and surrounding sale JOBs AVAILABLe. Full  Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t January 29th, for auc   BOAt shOW! Bell accepting consigntION is currently tion on February 1st. B OAt s h OW ! Bell Want to Buy AC. 979-575-3939 $8 por hora. favor tos www.steelcontainers.  ranging exotics), to South Boats   Expo Center, FriMust have computer   Driver Needed. Good driving      e M pBurleson, L 26, e OisCenter, s24, d FriI s - bajadores  tION currently    de limpieza en access, dove, ja4270, TX.3pm#12479. 254-848-2333 circundantes. APor partir de County canyons. Starting at Lang$650/   y accepting consignWe BUy & Repair Un-  day, January January 29th, for$8auc January 10am-5pm. areas. Starting at per County   Expo and part-time jobsin availCAcreage Lwhitetail, A R KDuval, AUC - net  ments for Farm & through Wednesday, tion ondeliver. February   Expo Center, Fri record a must. Apply per- County Expo Center, Fri January 24, 3pmWe BUy & Repair Un- County accepting llame aTemple nuestra oficina al day, #12479. 254-848-2333   Will (254)1st. 722   Texas (Kinney, Live e M p LC ee O destán   skills. Apply inPor person      wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 8pm, Saturday ments for Farm &  accepting spanish Lots/Land/ trucks pONIBLes. West texAs Trans C L A R K AUC -    w w w. n tsrconsigna¡January lYa Te xIass-- Waco, hour. Please call our of- day, tion on February 1st.   y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, e M p L e O s d I s $8 por hora. favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang  able now! Needed: JaniBOAt shOW! Bell son: The Parts Depot, 5301 R a n ch E q u i p m e n t  January 24, 3pmWe BUy & Repair Un g e N t L e M I x e d  tION is currently    day, January 24, 3pm  8pm, Saturday January wanted/ Broken ATV’s,   I January 29th, for aucg e N t L e M I x e d   C L A R K AUC ! ! AVAILABLE 24, 3pmWe BUy & Repair Un#12479. 254-848-2333  shOW! Bell Motorcycles  pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están  (254) 776-7775 o January solicite uy  ments for Farm & 25, 4270, Burleson, TX. ! !  9am-7pm and Sunday, R aenJanuary Eo qthru unear eLake t canyons. January 13 Oak County, whitetail,  CLARK AUC  hUNtINg/ fice at (254) 776-7775 ments for Farm & day, Loop 205, workers Temple.& Scooters.  tION isINVestcurrently BOAt #12479. 254-848-2333 Acreage disponibles los Pecos   through Wednesday,   torial inATV’s, Waco, pONIBLes. Yamaestán West texAs Trans circundantes. A¡ispJanuary partir Starting at $650/ In B r ech C w nndde  Farm &and Ranch  County Expo Center, Fri- tion  llame adarea, nuestra oficina al 25,    9am-7pm Sunday, Motorcycles &w Scooters. Broken 8pm, Saturday January 8pm, Saturday January   accepting consign B r ee d26, Clos o sempleos a n d 8pm,   disponibles empleos  tION is currently   Saturday wanted/ Broken ATV’s, on February 1st. County Expo Center, Fri- wanted/   We Pick-Up (903) 336January 10am-5pm. office, retail, warethrough Wednesday,  en línea en www.janitori  Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t  17, between 3pm-4pm at    or apply online at www. hogs). Large acreage or JOB bu  MeNt/  January 29th, for auc R a n ch E q u i p m e n t accepting consigne M p L e O s d I s REACH  de tiempo completo y $8 Amistad. 60 - 450 acres.    Stocker Calves. Call Temple and &surrounding  your disponibles los Pecos area, near Lake 26, 10am-5pm. We Pick-Up 336tION is currently 25, 9am-7pm Sunday,  Dollar Saver Sunday, December 15,  por776-7775 hora. Por favor January AC. 979-575-3939 NOW HIRING RECREATIONday, January 24,inLang3pm Hiring Responsible Wait 2 Livestock Stocker  Scooters. 9am-7pm and Sunday, CCLeA Rtcompleto KLOCAL AUC de tiempo     (254) oempleos solicite g eN& tBoats L e consignMfor ISAVER xlease ed ments for Farm & #12479.  9086 w w w. nCalves. r2019 a(903) l Te xCall a s --y 25,  January 29th, for auc accepting Hunt withFebruary dog or 25, r Un- ments January 24, 3pm 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles &and Scooters. te     254-848-2333  more     ELDERLY your  through Wednesday, Mikeska Distributing CALL DOLLAR tion on 1st. TOWNHOMES AT Motorcycles      small. 30 year fixed  (254) (254) for Farm & day, through Wednesday, pONIBLes. ¡atApply Ya$8 están West texAs Trans w w. C e60 nCARE t -rRanch a l Te xexperiarate s - house 9086 areas. Starting per EFFICIENCIES Paid. Staff, will train. Bills in   Electricity, water, easy medio! Se necesita: tra- llame Auctions Farm &  January 26, 10am-5pm. de tiempo completo Amistad. 450 acres.  GORILLA LUBE (254) 749-0909 (254)  medio! Se necesita: tra  8pm, Saturday January a749-0909 nuestra oficina aly w tion on February 1st. guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40- January  tION is currently We Pick-Up (903) 33626, 10am-5pm.   an Experienced Finish  B r e e d C ow s a n d home. 20 plus years Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t   accepting consign en línea en www.janitoriments for Farm & ATV’s, 8pm, Saturday January C L A R K AUC January 26, 10am-5pm. We Pick-Up (903) 336  #12479. 254-848-2333  AL PROPERTY. We have         David Barr Properties person 7349 Honeysuckle Company, 1000 West Ad    e M p L e O s d I s January 29th, for aucAppliances 749-5637 HEALTHCARE  R a n ch E q u i p m e n t   hour. Please our of-  January   owner financing. Only 5% BOAt   disponibles loscallempleos Pecos w w w.sporting Carea, e n t r near a lofTeAustin. xLake as- w (254) bajadores de en access, dove,  bajadores   749-5637 ence with references. medio! water, easy Furnished. Ramona shOW! Bell #12479. 254-848-2333 Boats miles northeast Want to Buy  RIVER FAIR   hiring for experienced g e N e M I xxaucea d 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Appliances  776-7775 oTe solicite accepting consignDrive, Temple, 254-338-0529 wMotorcycles w. CteL29th, nde t rlimpieza alimpieza lfor Te sen - w(254)  Stocker through Wednesday,   Ris a n ch ECalves. q778-4444 u i p m eCall nt oters. some 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, tION is currently w w. Cwhitetail, eSe n tnecesita: r a lcalls. x atrasja- Electricity, Blade Operator.     pONIBLes. ¡ Quail Ya acres. están    ams. No phone  ( 254) 526-2277 tion ongoods February 1st. 254-421-1197 ments for 10am-5pm. Farm & 9086     fice at (254) 776-7775  through tion 1st. of theWednesday, best in Texas   Temple yylas  Training area. for Waco, Down. Call toll free or County Farm & Ranch de tiempo completo y 9086 Amistad. 60los - 450     Waco, Temple velina, thick cover, views,  whitetail, dove, jabajadores de limpieza en access, Expo Center, Fri Motorcycles B re eon d February Cow slasáreas aáreas n& d      Courtyard, near VA.  January 26, 10am-5pm.  ments for Farm  en línea en www.janitori (254) 749-0909 (254) Lube Technician & January 29th, for auc 336-  January 26, C L A R K AUC disponibles empleos through Wednesday, accepting consign    CLARK AUCJOB SEEKERS!  MUST be experienced NICe WAsheRs, dry     B L ABUy C K ARepair gU s velina, BELTON SERVER needed  www.davidbarrproper or apply online atimmediwww.  circundantes. AA partir de sale. #12479. 254-848-2333 January 29th, for auc  #12479. 254-848-2333    medio! Se necesita: tra- de Electricity, water, easy Appliances email for individual prices Stocker Calves. Call  Boats circundantes. partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ tractors thick cover, views, Waco, Temple yNlas áreas  Appliances day, January 24, 3pmWe &to UnRanch Equipment Outdoor Sports We BUy & Repair Un  from the Hill Country (Edspanish Lots/Land/ trucks NICe WAsheRs, dry BOAt shOW! Bell B L A C K A N g U s   tiempo completo y w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s Want Buy   1 CeMeteRy Lot at Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t ately to work Friday & SatFrom $495. 254-778-1374. w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s   749-5637  tion on February 1st. January 29th, for auc  ments for Farm & tION is currently ers, refrigerators, and      Grass fed fat bulls and experienced  512-856-2200 $8 por hora. Por favor  BOAt shOW! Bell tION currently     January   BUy &isRepair Un-  tion on February 1st.   and knowledgeable with B L 979-575-3939 AC KBroken AANpartir gATV’s, U sde We (254) 749-0909 (254)   Employment  •3bed/2.5bath/2gar  Broken ATV’s, bajadores de en medio! access, whitetail, dove, ja- wanted/  Motorcycles and canyons. Starting atm$650/ circundantes. $8 por hora. Por favor LangMotorcycles Saturday wanted/ ers, andal AC.  Grass fed bulls and urday night, 5pmlimpieza until. Ap    Sefat necesita: tra  Waco Memorial, VeterAcreage     cook stoves. Rebuilt  County Expo Center, Fri-    through Wednesday,   tion on February 1st. heifers. Purebred genthrough Wednesday,  CLARK  #12479. 254-848-2333 R a nterms. chTopcon Eranchenterprisq uconsigni pAUCe n t 8pm,  llame arefrigerators, nuestra oficina  accepting consignwards, Menard, Coke, EatinFree Nearby. County Expo Center, Fri wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  Grass fed fat&bulls and Cashier/Assistant.  749-5637   #12479. 254-848-2333  accepting ply person Ratibor Coun & Scooters. Full JOBs AVAILABLe.  heifers. Purebred gencook stoves. Rebuilt the system.  s     Waco, Temple yFM lasddryáreas velina, thick views,  bajadores decover, limpieza en Motorcycles AC. 979-575-3939 Lang- BOAt $8 por hora. Por favor   25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles Scooters. llame a nuestra oficina al    shOW! Bell 800-876-9720  RENT- $2,000 C L A R K AUC ans Section. $700. (254) with 90 day warranty.  Want to Buy  e M p L e O s I s     tle, 11-18 months old,   Facility Technician (254) 776-7775 o solicite   NICe WAsheRs, dryNICe WAsheRs,  January 29th, for auc #12479. 254-848-2333 through Wednesday, Motorcycles & Scooters.    We BUy & Repair Unday, January 24, 3pm254.501.7500 try Grill, 11226 2086, tION is currently day, January 24, 3pm heifers. Purebred gen  ments for10am-5pm. Farm & C90 L Aday Ris(903) Kcurrently AUC - We   We Pick-Up 336 tractors   R tle, 11-18 months old, and part-time availwith warranty. January 29th, for auc- Temple    254-771-2811, County, ments for Farm &at County Waco, Temple yNlas áreas   Motorcycles  Delivery, service work, BUy & Repair Un  1 CeMeteRy Lot  We BUy & Repair Un llame a nuestra oficina al   H tION 662-3082 circundantes. Ajobs partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ January 26, We Pick-Up (903) 336 Pay starts out at $25 an (254) 776-7775 o solicite B L AC K A N g U s  B L AC K A g U s   $1,200. (254) 899-2558  Expo Center, FripONIBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans  en línea en www.janitori Diana White  10 Verde ACRES on Hwyfree438   We Pick-Up (903) 336    ers, refrigerators, and tle, 11-18 months old,   ers, refrigerators, and QUALIty BUILt homes tion on February 1st. January 29th, for auc8pm, Saturday January     9086  accepting consignwanted/ Broken ATV’s, 9086 8pm, Saturday $1,200. (254) 899-2558  tION isA currently Delivery, work, Ra n ch En qt rustore. ilpJanuary mxeanst -    able now! Needed: Jani-  B Llínea A C Kservice N ATV’s, g U s wanted/ Farm & Ranch circundantes. A partir de wanted/   need non-working ones. dry-    spanish Lots/Land/ trucks accepting consign       Broken ATV’s, Ranch Equipment see the  (254) 776-7775 o solicite Waco Memorial, Veterw w w. C e a Te 9086 Broken $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang Northeast of Temple, 1.5 tion on February 1st. Grass fed fat bulls and en en www.janitoriask about additional    Grass fed fat bulls and ranging exotics), to South $1,200. (254) 899-2558 We BUy & Repair Unday, January 24, 3pmPecos area, near Lake disponibles los empleos hour. We offer PTO,         H 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020  25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, cook stoves. Rebuilt   High School diploma/GED required. 713.859.2952  tion on February 1st.  cook stoves. Rebuilt need non-working #12479. 254-848-2333    your lot. Floor plans   NEED TRUCK DRIVER on Grass fed fat consignbullsones. and   in (254) Waco, Farm & Ranch accepting $8 por hora. Por favor ments for Farm &to (254) workers through Motorcycles Scooters. 25, 9am-7pm and AUC Sunday, EVA’S Residential Clean Boats  Acreage ments for Farm & Motorcycles BUy & Repair Un- torial  and         miles outside ofNLoop.  B L AC K A g U sAll We  SONIC  &&supScooters.  en línea en www.janitori employment CSaturday L AWednesday, RK ans Section. $700. (254) Feed &  llame a214-5284, nuestra oficina aly  Motorcycles &From Scooters. heifers. Purebred genthrough Wednesday,  shIppINg    heifers. Purebred genAmistad. 60CONtAIN-10am-5pm. 450 acres. de tiempo completo (254) 214-5284, (254)  January 26, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 8pm, January R   with end dump experience. with 90 day warranty.    advertising options! vacation, good wages #12479. 254-848-2333 heifers. Purebred gen#12479. 254-848-2333  Real estate For with 90 day warranty.  799-6228   llame a nuestra oficina al  ing Servicetop to fit any budget. No money Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Temple and surrounding  Chappell Hill Reality  Boats Appliances ments for Farm & e M p L e O s d I s Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t  R a n ch E q u i p m e n t January 29th, for auc in bermuda grass. Re   We Pick-Up (903) 336January 26, 10am-5pm. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, shIppINg CONtAIN    JO Grass fed fat bulls and  plies    We Pick-Up (903) 336 C LA Risand K currently AUC $2,000 Wind   CLbeLCON A dependable R& K AUC - West tION 662-3082 tle, 11-18 months old,  (254) 776-7775 o work, solicite Pick-Up (903) 799-6228 Must  experience in sale athle� fi336eld built  January 29th, for Trans aucw wOFFICE w. CTwo eservice nand tSPACE ryears aup. xeasy a s - We tle, 11-18 months old, Electricity, water, medio! Se necesita: tra- eRs tle, old,    bottom. Free Delivery, work, (254) 776-7775 ol Te solicite  Motorcycles 25, 9am-7pm  AL CR E TWind E and Starting at $8 per  NOW HIRING  Delivery, service   and benefits. pONIBLes. ¡Scooters. Ya están texAs stricted. Owner/agent down.    through Wednesday,    eRs $2,000 up. Ra n11-18 ch Emonths q u899-2558 i cpEstimates! m e n t 9086  BOAt shOW! Bell Farm & Ranch Group    JOBs AVAILABLe. Full 9086 Want to Buy through Wednesday, tion on 1st.  & Scooters. areas.  and water tight. See phoCounty, whitetail,  heifers. Purebred gen- Motorcycles tION 9086 wMotorcycles w. C26, eFebruary n ist10am-5pm. rconsignacurrently l Sunday, Tex asCon L100% A R K financing. AUC - wH   have good and references.    $1,200. (254) tION islos currently accepting  en línea ende www.janitori spanish Lots/Land/ trucks anty. Oak $1,200. (254) 899-2558    Reasonable prices. Highly  en línea en www.janitori $1,200. (254) 899-2558   NOW HIRING fast paced   bajadores limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, jaMiscellaneous tion February 1st.  need non-working ones.  325-668-6465  WOR K . hour. Please call our ofJanitorial company now We Pick-Up (903) 336January maintenance, groundskeeping and/ or disponibles empleos Pecos area, near Lake   WAN  and water tight. See pho NOW HIRING!   January 29th, for auc BOAt shOW! Bell need non-working ones.   Want to Buy FOR LEASE Credit repair program.  FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA,  tos www.steelcontainers. and part-time jobs availAll Positions. through Wednesday, Accepting applications at Expo Fri- Boats   Pick-Up 336-  accepting consign254-301-5255   #12479. 254-848-2333 January 29th, for auc tle, 11-18 months old, tION is-Center, currently    NICe  CELWAsheRs, AE Rstimates. K AU dryC - y County  recommended. 254-316-1108. Miscellaneous     hUNtINg/ INVesthiring days and(903) evenings.  accepting consignments for Farm & work, hogs). Temple Temps  Large acreage or We   PART TIME Acreage  y776-7775 Waco, Temple las áreas net velina, thick cover, views, fice at214-5284,  (254) 214-5284, (254) tos de tiempo completo Amistad. 60 450 Fwww.steelcontainers. R E employment       25H  tion on February 1st. #12479. 254-848-2333 customer carport, close to Temple  Will deliver. (254) 722w w. CExpo efor nservice/cashier aFarm l Te x aUns - and 9086 County Fri   We BUy &t rCenter, Repair able now! Needed: Jani(254)     hunting & Day or(254) night shift. B K AconsignN gacres. U Appliances (254) 857-4663. ments & Apply online at  January 29th, for landscaping.  We BUy &CONtAINRepair Un-  day, January 24, 3pm  Mari  !L ! AC AVAILABLE !& !s w Recently refurbished 3,500 315RECREATIONW. Ave M aucREACH LOCAL  H tION is currently  $1,200. 899-2558 Lone Star Grading Housekeeper Neededand  MeNt/ accepting tion on February 1st.  ers, refrigerators, Bor OAt sonline h OW !(254) Bell  Land for (254) sale by owner 13 9086   Feed & supC LLestate A R Ksin AUC - - shIppINg ones. ments for Farm & Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t   net Will deliver. (254) 722 shIppINg CONtAIN  medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy   apply at www.    e M p e O d I s Lake Park. $750 month.  D r iveways, P atios,  #12479. 254-848-2333 4270, Burleson, TX.  799-6228 circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/   torial workers Waco,  Real For offic e, retail, ware254-316-3945 day, January 24, 3pmWe BUy & Repair Un  30 year fixed rate  wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  small.    Fishing     R a n ch E q u i p m e n t at Kolache Kitchen, 35 799-6228 Apply in to person B OAt s h OW !ATV’s, Bell 4270, Grass fed fat bulls and  accepting AUC  BOAt shOW! Auctions tion on February 1st. sq.ft. office and warehouse eRs AL PROPERTY. We have wanted/ Broken Saturday January County Expo Center, Fri Want Buy  Motorcycles miles East of Temple. 26.26    ments for Farm &ja-  cook Rebuilt plies $2,000 and up. Wind Ja #12479. 254-848-2333 Materials  Burleson,    RESParts ULTSDelivery ...  Call Bill for info. eRs tION is be currently  estoves.   bajadores access, whitetail, dove,  Ra nCLARK ch Edetc. qconsignulimpieza i TX. p350-9192 mATV’s, e n&en t 8pm, through Wednesday,  house & m ore for lease   Appliances   HEALTHCARE $2,000 and up. Wind Fments encing, E   Employment  OFFICE CLERK NEEDED  JOBs AVAILABLe. Full  sale Temple $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939 LangpONIBLes. están West texAs Trans 254)  CODE 010320    Must 21 years of age have   County Expo Frithrough Wednesday, 8pm, Saturday January wanted/ Broken Th Temple Daily Telegram applications for indepen &Must Scooters. for     Automotive    day, January 24, 3pm814 East Central, Belton. Acres with CONtAINwater some ofand the best invalid Texas  heifers. Purebred gen shIppINg  g e N tand L e surrounding M¡on IYa x e d and space. Located corner   County Expo Center, Fri-  hours plus. have  #12479. 254-848-2333  Motorcycles &Center, Scooters. 25, and Sunday, tION isFarm  owner financing. Only meter, 5% David Barr Pucall roperties R a9am-7pm npart-time ch E cover, qis i paccepting mviews, eavailn t Motorcycles a with 90 day warranty. 254-721-7193, Lake Belton and water tight. See pho        Waco, Temple yicurrently las áreas velina, thick   accepting consign Please through Wednesday, January 29th, for aucMust have computer  Driver Needed. Good driving 8pm, NICe WAsheRs, dryareas. Starting at $8 per  water tight. See phoMotorcycles   day, January 24, 3pm and jobs Full BOAt shOW! Bell JOBs AVAILABLe. January 29th, for aucllame a nuestra oficina al g e N t L e M I x e d R a n ch E q u p m e n t Saturday January large tank, whitetail, dove,    Pecos area, near Lake disponibles los empleos from the Hill Country (Ed  25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles &consignScooters.  We Pick-Up (903) 336BMiscellaneous r eine ddowntown C o w s license. a n d tos   (11-18 254) 526-2277  What you get when you advertise  tle, months old, JOB SEEKERS! eRs $2,000 and up. Wind record lot Temple. driver’s Realty. We BUy & Repair Un-  day, January 24,  We Pick-Up 33626, 10am-5pm.  a must. Apply in percarriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid    through Wednesday,  Miscellaneous reliable transportation and drive accepting  Delivery, service work, www.steelcontainers. circundantes. A partir de January canyons. Starting at $650/ We BUy & Repair Un C LApply A R K(903) AU C -  hUNtINg/ INVest B L AC K A N g U s  BIG CHEW-CHEWS  skills. in person  ments for Farm &  hour. Please call our of8pm, Saturday January   January 29th, for aucDown. Call toll free or sporting tion on February 1st.  B r e e d C o w s a n d etc. Hillside with trees and www.davidbarrproper 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, tion on February 1st. through Wednesday,  County Expo Center, Friand part-time jobs avail(254) 947-0149 for more tos www.steelcontainers.    wards, Menard, Coke, Stocker Calves. Call ers, refrigerators, and able now! Needed: Jani (254) 776-7775 o solicite      January 26, 10am-5pm. We Pick-Up (903) 336The Partspages Depot, in the Classified of the5301 Amistad. 60is - Landscaping. 450 acres. deFarm tiempo completo y 25,  SHORTY’S  Off-street parking. $1,200. (254) and water tight. See pho- son:    NICe WAsheRs, dryAries Building Systems INVESTORS NEEDED     BURGERS &10am-5pm. SHAKES  8pm, Saturday January wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  H tION currently CLARK AUC9086 w w. Cfed e29th, nfat t rom a899-2558 l TeLangxand a s - 9086  $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939 January for aucMeNt/ RECREATIONneed non-working ones.  Will deliver. (254) 722ties.c ments for Farm & w January 13County, thru January 9am-7pm and Sunday, &  cash handling  wanted/ fice (254) 776-7775 great view! $1k down & Loop 205, Stocker Calves. Call January 26, goods      Temple. SAVER. January 29th, for aucRa natJanuary ch E qnecesita: uRanch ipm eBell ntrat net Grass #12479. 254-848-2333 (254) 749-0909 (254) auto liability insurance inworkers their name. Val Verde free day, 24, 3pmable now! Jani- net tion on February 1st.  Will deliver. (254) 722 BUy UnInvest fast       torial en  línea enNeeded: www.janitoriDOLLAR Mowing, weedeating, edg-  info  BOAt shOW! Btion L AC KFebruary Abulls NingWaco, U s We Now Hiring All& Scooters. Positions. cook stoves. Rebuilt w w w. CineBroken n&t Repair rgrowing aexperience l TeATV’s, xCBD as9086  us email  for prices   Call 254-774-5204 tos www.steelcontainers.        Electricity, water, easy medio! Se accepting consignllame a214-5284, nuestra oficina AL PROPERTY. We have ers, refrigerators, andal 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles Modular Building January 26, 10am-5pm. on 1st. BOAt shOW! Bell (254) (254) 17, between 3pm-4pm at  $1,247 perindividual month. 4270, Burleson, TX.  t   w w w. C e n r a l Te x a s (254) 749-0909 (254) 254.501.7500 or apply online at www. JOB business, above normal intion on February 1st. 749-5637 Boats    UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants for this posi� on & off ers ranging exotics), to South Ranch Equipment torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday January tION is currently Motorcycles & Scooters. Apply in person between through Wednesday, Apply in person   #12479. 254-848-2333 ing, tree service, flower    heifers. Purebred gen    Get Results! Call Today!Wait  4270, Burleson, TX.  Hiring Responsible  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Temple and surrounding County Expo Center, FriAppliances        shIppINg CONtAIN Grass fed fat bulls and  ments for Farm &        with 90 day warranty. net Will deliver. (254) 722some of the best in Texas  (254) 776-7775 o solicite terest and quick payback. w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s  For Rent: 4006 Trailwood  713-875-2310 / 254-721-1377 ELDERLY CARE in your access, whitetail, dove, jabajadores de limpieza en 749-5637 Mikeska Distributing CALL DOLLAR SAVER January 26, 10am-5pm. We Pick-Up (903) 336cook stoves. Rebuilt B OAt s h OW ! Bell #12479. 254-848-2333 compe� �29th, ve salaries, excellent benefi ts, including Day One 2pm-5pm, 8150 Center, W. Adams, terms. ranchenterpris- Staff, #12479. 254-848-2333 799-6228  Expo Fri Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live NOW HIRING for the   Th ese PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day: will train. Apply in County Appliances Temple and surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, beds, mulching, and more.  Bell and  Farm & Ranch  through Wednesday, January for auc   ask about additional  We Pick-Up (903) 336 254-563-1777   CALL DOLLAR SAVER Tuesday-Saturday at         C L A R K AUC tle, 11-18 months old, home. 20 plus years work, experi-   R a n ch E q u i p m e n t areas. Starting at $8 per day, January 24, 3pm Motorcycles from the Hill Country (EdMotorcycles & Scooters. accepting consigneRs $2,000 and up. Wind        en línea en www.janitoriDr, Temple, 5BR, fenced g e N t L e M I x e d Temple; or ask for Guy 4270, Burleson, TX. heifers. Purebred gen  medical & dental insurance, re� rement plan with match & person 7349 Honeysuckle  Company, 1000 West AdDelivery, service  Expo a      Oak County, w w w. C eshOW! n cover, tCenter, rwhitetail, a l Teviews, xBell aFris -  9086 velina, thick Waco, áreas tractors with 90 day warranty. 254-760-3031 (254) 778-44444 day, January 3pm Full JOBs AVAILABLe. (254) 778-4444 areas. Starting atBuy $8 per 8pm, January 26, 10am-5pm.  BOAt ence with references. g e NtION tTemple Lon ebenefi Mycurrently Ilas x e1st. d County Motorcycles Boats   to24, er, Fri-   following positions: 1 Want CeMeteRy Lot at      800-876-9720 advertising options! tion on February 254-780-4300   through Wednesday, January 29th, for auc  Drive, Temple, 254-338-0529 wards, Menard, Coke,  back yard, Ch&A, 2 living 9086 (254) 778-4444 is tui� ts for employees & their dependents. Saturday January  hour. Please call our ofand water tight. See pho23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp $1,200. (254) 899-2558   sporting B r e e d C ow s a n d We Pick-Up (903) 336 ams. No phone calls.      day, January 24, 3pmtractors tle, 11-18 months old, hogs). Large acreage or  254-421-1197  need non-working ones. ments for Farm & 8pm, NICe WAsheRs,  part-time jobs 1 CeMeteRy at Delivery,  hour. Please call our of- and w w w. e254-848-2333 t rsubmit asl partir Teaavailxonline adde s - applica� service work, canyons. Starting atLot $650/ circundantes. A   Saturday January Waco Memorial, Veter  Bi-Weekly    County Expo Center, Fri3pm-   Miscellaneous B r9am-7pm eVerde e dCPlease CnCounty, ow nfree    January 29th, for auc areas. 254-598-8179. g e N t L e M I x e d SERVER   Val on found atfixed #12479. C A& R KRepair AUC - 9086  •Engineer Manager NICe WAsheRs, drytion on 1st.   accepting consign25, Sunday, BUy UnAppliances tos www.steelcontainers. fice atL (254) 776-7775 Stocker Calves. Call small. 30 year rate  Saturday January goods needed immedi B LWant AC KFebruary A NBuy gones. U s We PINA Tree Trimming, Mow Auctions       $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Waco Memorial, Veter  able now! Needed: Jani  ans Section. $700. (254) CSports Lexotics), A R Kand AU C - 8pm, B OAt s& h OW ! Bell  ers, refrigerators, and fice atDOLLAR (254) 776-7775 to    QUALIty  (254) 214-5284, (254) Outdoor  We BUy Repair Un 9am-7pm Sunday, tion on February 1st.  need non-working nuary We BUy &and Repair Un- January day, January 24, 3pm AC. 979-575-3939 Lang$8 por hora. Por favor  ranging to South B L AC K A N g U s CALL SAVER Stocker Calves. Call B r e e d BUILt C o w shomes a n d ately H tION is currently Ranch Equipment   to work Friday & Sat- 25,     Area Gross Incom  ers, refrigerators, and owner financing. Only 5%  26, 10am-5pm. •Purchase Manager 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,  ments for Farm & net Will deliver. (254) 722#12479. 254-848-2333 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles or apply online at www. (254) 749-0909 (254)   Grass bulls  CONtAINans Section. (254) BOAt C Lfed AshOW! Rfat KEmployment AUand C - shIppINg    662-3082 H tION is currently workers inons Waco,     County Expo Center, Fri   ing, Edging, Cleaning,  or apply online at ATV’s, www. torial  Applica� may also8pm, be completed at$700. night, 5pm until. Ap- January  cook stoves. Rebuilt #12479. 254-848-2333       Texas (Kinney, Duval, Liveal  WAN wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Bell 799-6228 unday, 26, 10am-5pm. accepting consignwanted/ Broken Saturday January Grass fed fat bulls and (254) 214-5284, (254) Calves.  (254) 749-0909 (254) llame a nuestra oficina    onStocker your lot. Floor plansCall to urday Down. Call toll free or      Livestock January 26, 10am-5pm. cook stoves. Rebuilt    w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s (254) 778-4444 662-3082 tION is currently H   4270, Burleson, TX. Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t accepting consignply in person Ratibor Counthrough Wednesday,      Motorcycles & Scooters. 749-5637 BOAt shOW! Bell   UMHB Human Resources, 900 College Street, Belton, Texas. Temple and surrounding cattl We BUy &KCenter, Repair Unday, January 24, 3pmheifers.  Employment   C L•Electrician APurebred RNorth AUgenC - shIppINg eRs $2,000 up. Wind   CONtAIN Oak County, whitetail, Rentals   NICe WAsheRs, dry  Rake Leaves, Lawncare, with 90 day warranty.  ments forand Farm & Motorcycles &$475.00 Scooters. Facility Technician 5pm.  County Expo Fri Belton w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s    heifers. Purebred genMotorcycles & Scooters. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, (254) 749-0909 (254)  try Grill, 11226 FM 2086, email for individual prices    799-6228  CODE 010320 749-5637  w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s (254) 776-7775 o solicite     accepting consign ments for Farm &  with 90 day warranty.  We BUy & Repair Un- wanted/ Starting at $8Uper employment through Broken ATV’s, 8pm, Saturday January We Pick-Up 336 H tION is currently County Expo Center, Fri- prov  any budget. No money Temple      B L AC KWednesday, A Ng sor and x a s - fit 749-5637  tle, 11-18 months old, hogs). Large acreage  •Plumber    and water tight. See phoJanuary 29th, for auc- eRs $2,000 and Wind JOBs AVAILABLe.  R a n ch Eemonths q(903) uM i up. pIm e nFull t We ers, refer  e M prefrigerators, L e O s(903)dand I s - areas.  Delivery, service work, Farm & Ranch   Pick-Up (903) 336day, January 24, 3pmterms. ranchenterpris  Private Fence, power wash  tle, 11-18 old, g e N t L x e d We Pick-Up 336January 26, 10am-5pm.  ments for Farm & R a n ch E q u i p m e n t      employment Delivery, service work,  en línea en www.janitori   hour. Please call our ofaccepting consignMotorcycles & Scooters. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,    Miscellaneous  g e N30 t Lrequired. efat M I xauce d wanted/ Broken ATV’s, January 29th, for 9086 small. year fixed rate day, January 24, 3pm- 254-8 Grass fed bulls and $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Auctions  $575.00   tractors through Wednesday,          pONIBLes. ¡ Rebuilt Ya están and part-time jobs avail  800-876-9720 cook stoves.  •Carpenter water tight. See phodown. 100% financing.  High School diploma/GED tos www.steelcontainers. need non-working ones. 9086  through Wednesday,  R a nPick-Up ch EBartlett/Granger/Jarrell q u(903) i pJanuary mones. e336n&t and  8pm, Saturday Boats 1 CeMeteRy Lot at $1,200. (254) 899-2558  B r e e d C ow s a n d  JOBs AVAILABLe. Full 9086 w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s tion on February 1st.  and concrete work. Free   ments for Farm  fice at (254) 776-7775 We January 26, 10am-5pm.  need non-working   SONIC owner financing. Only 5% B r e e d C o w s a n d  tractors  Motorcycles & Scooters. tion on February 1st. Miscellaneous  hunting & 8pm, Saturday January  heifers. Purebred gen   January 29th, for auc    disponibles los empleos   1 CeMeteRy Lot at January 29th, for aucthrough Wednesday,    able now! Needed: Janiwith 90 day jobs warranty.  and part-time avail- or (254) 214-5284, (254) JOBs AVAILABLe. Full  tos www.steelcontainers.    QUALIty BUILt homes 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,  net Will deliver. (254) 722 •Buyer Waco Memorial, Veter  Stocker Calves. Call   R a n ch E q u i p m e n t  apply online at www. 9086 w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s  Credit repair program. tractors  Down. Call toll free or   (254) 214-5284, (254) Estimates. 771-2191, Stocker Calves. Call Temple Daily   25, CLARK AUCFishing #12479.  Two years experience in February athle� cTelegram field  We Pick-Up 336tion on February 1st. #12479. 254-848-2333 ot at  CONtAIN  9am-7pm and Sunday, Profi table Routes BOAt shOW! BellNo tion on 1st. tle, 11-18 months old, on  January 29th, for auc  C AR R K(903) AU C-to - shIppINg de tiempo completo y  able now! Needed: Jani Appliances and part-time jobs availNOW254-848-2333 HIRING  Waco Memorial, Veter your Floor plans  torial workers in  Delivery, service work, shIppINg CONtAIN799-6228 collecting. Paid every two weeks. January 26, 10am-5pm.   through Wednesday,  net Will deliver. (254) 722ans Section. $700. (254) C LLlot. A K AUC   (254) 749-0909 (254) 4270, Burleson, TX.Waco, email for749-0909 individual prices BOAt shOW! Bell •Welder  Want to Buy (254) (254)   799-6228   #12479. 254-848-2333  #12479. 254-848-2333 718-9765  tion on February 1st.   Veter- (254) H tION isisNo currently tION currently 9086 857-4663. eRs $2,000 and up. Wind torial workers in Waco, medio! Se necesita: trashOW! Bell  able now! Needed: Jani- BOAt AL L CON CR E T E Appliances January 26, 10am-5pm. JOB $1,200. (254) 899-2558 maintenance, groundskeeping and/ or-   fit any budget. money  County Expo Center, Fri Motorcycles   ans Section. $700. (254) C L A R K AUC January 29th, for auc All Positions. Temple and surrounding  eRs $2,000 and up. Wind   need non-working ones. w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s and terms. ranchenterpris662-3082 tION is currently 749-5637  4270, Burleson, TX.  749-5637  OAt s h OW Bell and AVAILABLe. Full B  Fert County Expo Center, Fri-    #12479. 254-848-2333 •Painter  accepting consign Temple anddesurrounding   torial workers in!Waco, Contact the Circulation Department C L A R K AUC (254) WOR K . Te x aat bajadores limpieza en JOBs  Motorcycles  down. 100% financing. water tight. See1st. phoaccepting consignw w w. C e n t r a l s County Expo Center, Fri     tion on February  Opportunities   Day or night shift.  day, January 24, 3pm landscaping. Now Available 800-876-9720 662-3082 tION is currently  and water tight. See phoareas. Starting at $8 per  (254) 214-5284, (254) geNtLe MIxed accepting consign  County Expo Center, Friand part-time jobs avail crea NICe WAsheRs, dry   Miscellaneous areas. Starting $8áreas per shIppINg ments for Farm & tos Temple and surrounding day, January 24, 3pm3pmWe BUy &CONtAINRepair Un- Credit     F R E E E stim ates.  repair program. Waco, Temple yatlas tION is currently •Forklift Driver Miscellaneous #12479. 254-848-2333  www.steelcontainers.   Apply in person NICe WAsheRs, dry- tos January 24, ments for We BUy & Un    geNtLe MIxed     B Lnow! AC KNeeded: AN Ng g Us s  accepting consign8pm, Saturday January hour. Please our ofhomes QUALIty BUILt 799-6228 254-778-4444 Janiday, 24, 3pmments for Farm &&    Bapplications rwww.steelcontainers. eA etractors d sfor aUns d We   hour. Please our ofR aTh nJanuary ch E quRepair iFarm pm en t day, sporting areas. Starting at $8 per ers, refrigerators,   employment D rBUy iveways, P atios, &contract Repair Un- tion (254) 857-4663.  B L A C K A U  B L C K C ow Acall N g circundantes. A partir de able 8pm, Saturday January wanted/ Broken ATV’s, accepting consign-  Mustcall be 21 and years of age and have valid  e Temple Daily Telegram is accepting independent  1 CeMeteRy Lot at 814 East Central, Belton. fice   ers, refrigerators, and eRs $2,000 and up. Wind •Material Handler net Will deliver. (254) 722$100 REWARD for return   wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  8pm, Saturday January on your lot. Floor plans to Ranch Equipment   net Will deliver. (254) 722Grass fed fat bulls and torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday January B r e e d C ow s a n d  at (254) 776-7775 crop ments for Farm &   fice at (254) 776-7775 goods through Wednesday, hour. Please call our ofR a n ch E q u i p m e n t   sporting 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,   F encing, E tc. 350-9192 employment wanted/ Broken ATV’s, cook stoves. Rebuilt Stocker Calves. Call   BOAt shOW! Bell  Grass fed fat bulls and  Grass fed fat bulls and or stop by the offi ce at 10 South Th ird St., Temple $8 por hora. Por favor hunting &  Classifi ed Inside Sales – Full Time ments for Farm & BOAt shOW! Bell   of Charley, black & white   cook stoves. Rebuilt  25, 9am-7pm andreliable Sunday, Motorcycles  Waco Memorial, Veter- transportation, and See driver’s nt 4270, Burleson, TX.  fit any budget.    carriers. Applicants must have license and apply online atlicense. www. Temple •Siding Installer and surrounding 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles &Center, Scooters. soil fice at (254) 776-7775 January 29th, for auc9am-7pm and Sunday, goods 4270, Burleson, TX.   heifers. Purebred gen• BURGERS 1,250 square feet or ofllame off ice space BIG CHEW-CHEWS through Wednesday,  Ra nwater chAVAILABLe. Etight. qAll u&iNo pScooters. mmoney egennphot 25, Stocker Calves. Call driver’s through Wednesday, apply online at valid www. Motorcycles & Scooters.     Full heifers. Purebred January 26, 10am-5pm. heifers. Purebred gen BATHTUB REFINISHING with day warranty.  County Expo Fri- 25, a90nuestra oficina al BJOBs Miscellaneous   (254) 749-0909 (254) tuxedo cat. shots and Fishing R a n ch E q u i p m e n t with 90Expo day10am-5pm. warranty.   County Center, Fri- or   down. 100% financing. ans Section. $700. (254) C L A R K AUC  & SHAKES  OAt s h OW ! Bell January 26, We Pick-Up (903) 336tos www.steelcontainers.   or apply online at www. areas. Starting at $8 per January 26, 10am-5pm. tion on February 1st. prov The classifi ed inside sales representative will be customer  We Pick-Up (903) 336    ateads - January 26, 10am-5pm. tle, 11-18 months old, Pick-Up (903) 336auto liability insurance in January 29th, for  through Wednesday, in home. Repairs on aucporceJanuary 29th,24, for auc- B  (254) 749-0909  tle, 11-18 months(254) old, We tle, 11-18 months old, neutered. South 47th/Ave and part-time jobs avail(254) 776-7775 o solicite AVAILABLe. Full  Delivery, service work, Hiring All Positions. JOBs day, January 3pmwDelivery, weApply w. Ctheir nperson tOW rname. a24, l Te work,    g N t Leeinservice e M ITex x   749-5637   day, January 3pm County Expo Center, FriCredit repair program.   OAt s h ! Bell g e N t L e M I x e d e. Full through Wednesday, Now 662-3082 tION is currently  and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ #12479. 254-848-2333 hour. Please call our ofw w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s  for Full JOBs AVAILABLe.  net Will deliver. (254) 722w w w. C n t r a l x a s 9086 UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants for this posi� on & off ers   lain and fiberglass. Over 30 9086 Apply in person between 9086    M. Call 254-295-0709. $1,200. (254) 899-2558  tion on February 1st. focused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grammar, spelling, w wr w. CdExpo eMueller nCtow rCenter, a lsJanuary Te xa anFris - JOBs $1,200. (254) 899-2558 January 29th, for One auc  Road en línea en www.janitori749-5637   tion February 1st. able now! Needed: Janipart-time jobs availneed non-working ones.  BOAt Bell day,   need non-working January 24, 3pm8pm, Saturday January  (254) 857-4663. shOW! Bell prod January 29th, for auc- 2pm-5pm,  B e1919 eSaturday  8pm, and part-time jobs ones. availfice at (254) 776-7775 compe� �shOW! ve salaries, excellent benefi ts, including Day 8150 W. Adams, and avail-   B r e eAVAILABLe. d each C ow sday: a nFull d BOAt accepting consignJOBs AVAILABLe. Full County Thinon ese PROFITABLE routes take just ad few hours years business. Call Dale  4270, Burleson, TX.     #12479. 254-848-2333   tion on February 1st.   8pm, Saturday January (254) 214-5284, (254)  torial workers in Waco,  or ask forarea Guy able   day, January 24, 3pm typing andCenter, computer skills. They will have a  professional production now! Janimedical &Needed: dental insurance, rement plan with match & #12479. 254-848-2333 Troy, Texas 76579 County Expo Fri-re� (254) 214-5284, (254)  25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,   able now! Needed: Jani tion on February 1st. Temple; and part-time jobs availCounty Expo Center, FriStocker Calves. Call or apply online at www. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, esse and part-time jobs avail721-3658. Appliances Jani-  Stocker Calves. Call ments for Farm & shIppINg CONtAIN    employment  254-780-4300    tractors shIppINg CONtAIN25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Livestock tui� on benefi ts for employees & their dependents.   FURNISHED EFFICIEN  799-6228 8pm, Saturday January   Feed & sup#12479. 254-848-2333   Temple and surrounding torial workers in Waco,   1 CeMeteRy Lot at  day, January 24, 3pmable now!26, Needed: Jani- January 799-6228  January 10am-5pm.  #12479. 254-848-2333 $23. able now! Needed: Janiday, January 24, 3pmg e N t L e M I x e d or email: aharris@ 26, 10am-5pm. (254) 749-0909 (254) appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes Waco,   Bi-Weekly tractors Real estate For (254) 749-0909 (254)  R a n ch E q u i p m e n t eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Motorcycles     Please submit online applica� on found at  January 26, 10am-5pm.   1Waco CeMeteRy Lot at   9am-7pm and Sunday,   eRs Wind    and surrounding  workers Waco, areas. atup. $8  CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full CALL Co Temple and surrounding 8pm, Saturday January     wsales w w. C eArea n t r ainl Te x a s - 25,  • Loading  torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday  w w w. CMemorial, e n t10am-5pm. r a l TeVeterx aFull s - and B rw. e$2,000 eStarting Ct and ow sPrevious nssd-- torial sale 749-5637 M p L eplies dxaIaper nding water tight. See pho DOLLARdock SAVER Temple 749-5637 through Wednesday, w w Cdperson. e nO rs a l Te   January   JOBs AVAILABLe. through on the and in experience Gross Income (est.)   26,  areas. Starting at $8phone peralso Waco Memorial, Veter and water tight. See phoand   Miscellaneous g eN t L e surrounding M I xis e d January NICe WAsheRs, dry   hour. Please our of- Temple Applica� ons may be completed atcall sporting    25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, areas. Starting at $8 per  pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están  tos www.steelcontainers.  Temple and surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, 254 8 per Kitchen. Free: Cable, Inter-  Stocker Calves. Call ans Section. $700. (254) CLARK AUC  January 29th, for auc   Miscellaneous w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s  hour. Please our of and part-time jobs avail Full time positions, (254) 778-4444 We BUy & Repair Unareas. Starting at $8 per B L AC K A N g U s UMHB Human call Resources, 900 College Street, Belton, Texas.     B r e e d C o w s a n d  preferred. tos www.steelcontainers. ans Section. $700. (254) CLARK AUC ap  at ers, and- hour. Crefrigerators, L(254) A Rlos K776-7775 AUC goods   disponibles empleos hUNtINg/ INVestnet Will deliver. (254) 722 North Belton  January 26, call 10am-5pm.  hour. Please our of- fice   ur of- net. Bills sporting areas. Starting at $81st. per January 26, 10am-5pm.  Paid. No Lease/  (254) 749-0909 (254) sporting   fice at (254) 776-7775  tion on February • Large garage doors  662-3082 tION is$475.00 currently  Please our of able now! Needed: JaniBINGO tractors tractors B662-3082 OAt s h OW !Lot Bell hunting &  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Stocker Call great benefits, backlog    Grass fedCalves. fatcall bulls and  net Will deliver. (254) 7221 CeMeteRy at 1 CeMeteRy Lot at tION is currently     H tION is currently or apply online at www.   de tiempo completo y 4270, Burleson, TX. RECREATIONThis is an hourly position with commissions and benefi ts. Please  cook stoves. Rebuilt orMeNt/ apply online at www. w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s    7775 No Deposit.  fice at (254) 776-7775  goods goods hour. Please call our ofw w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s   749-5637   fice at749-0909 (254) 776-7775  254-848-2333 BOAt shOW! Bell medio! Fishing  County Expo Center, Fri- #12479.  accepting consigntorial workers in& Waco, (254) (254) hunting Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00   Performs landscaping, hor� culture Motorcycles & Scooters.  #4008 VFW Post  ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! of work. 4270, Burleson, TX. Waco Memorial, Veteraccepting consignheifers. Purebred gen Se necesita: tra  Waco Memorial, Veter AL PROPERTY. We have BOAt shOW! Bell accepting   with 90 day warranty. or apply online at www. www.      send a cover letter and resume. or apply online at www.  at (254) 776-7775  day, January 24, 3pm- fice  Temple County Expo Center, Fri- bajadores Fishing 749-5637 g eC N Lfor e KM Ixe d and surrounding • Convenient off-street customer Ranch House Inn ments Farm &   office, retail, ware     de limpieza en ments forOW Farm & County Pick-Up (903) 336employment ans Section. $700. (254) LtA R AUC -  some of the bestTelegram in Texas C L ARK AUC - or ans  Section. $700. (254) Expomonths Center, Fri- We tle, 11-18 old, Temple,RT ments for Farm AVAILABLe. Full  B OAt ! work, Bell   /apply BOAt shOW! Bell house & more  Belton JOBs AVAILABLe. Full grounds ac� vi� Temple Daily  employment Delivery,  8pm, Saturday BOAt shOW! Bell apply at www.  -es. Bevery r e e d online C o& w sweeks. a n&d keeping  day, January 24, avail3pmfor lease JOBs areas. Starting atJanuary $8 per g ts Lh eqCenter, xáreas  tractors     Waco, Temple  Ranch Equipment R aenN ch Eservice uyM ilas pIm eeFrindt day, No collecting. Paid two 773-0114   Read the Classified section to find from the Hill Country (EdH O U S E K E E P E R / F R O N T 662-3082 tION is currently and part-time jobs Lot County Expo 1 CeMeteRy at  January 24, 3pmtION is currently 662-3082 9086 Livestock   $1,200. (254) 899-2558 JOBs AVAILABLe. Full B OAt s h OW ! Bell Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t   County Expo Center, Friparking 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, and part-time jobs avail  Stocker Calves. Call Lic #1-74-6066507-2  David Barr Properties County Expo Center, need non-working ones.   e.Full Customer Service Representative –  8pm, Saturday January hour. Please call our ofB L A C K A N g U s    sporting  B r e e d C ow s a n d circundantes. A partir de JOBs AVAILABLe. Full    through Wednesday,  DESK needed for Motel. FriHo- accepting able now!Memorial, Needed: VeterJani- day, January 24, 3pm- 8pm, wards, Menard, Coke, HS diploma or GED required. through Wednesday, consign Saturday January Waco and part-time jobs avail-  County Expo Center,   accepting consignJOBs AVAILABLe. Full   January 26, the 10am-5pm. WED. AFTERNOONS  January 24, 3pmContact Circulation Department at (  254) 526-2277 through Wednesday, (254) 749-0909 (254) able now! Needed: Jani  JOBs Full day, January 24, 3pmH avail- day, Opportunities Grass feditem fatyou’re bulls and     25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, (254) 214-5284, (254) $8 por hora. Por favor fice atAVAILABLe. (254) 776-7775 tel Experience Preferred.   that just right looking for.  goods torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday January  Stocker Calves. Call- 25,  January 29th, for aucand part-time jobs avail Val Verde County, free e M p L e O s d I s   day, January 24, 3pmable now! Needed: Jani ments for Farm &   9am-7pm and Sunday, January 29th, for aucDoors Open 11am ans Section. $700. (254) C L A R K AUC www.davidbarrproper ments for Farm &  w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s      employment 749-5637 Saturday January   and part-time jobs avail-    shIppINg CONtAINFull Time torial in Waco, employment January 29th, ¡for auc heifers. Purebred gen- 8pm,  Apply at online 1610jobs W Nugent • High visibility location inand downtown  g  eN tLe MIxed  Jani- 8pm, llame aworkers nuestra oficina Temple surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and12:30pm Sunday, 8pm, Saturday January and part-time avail   or apply at www. January 26, 10am-5pm. tion on February January  254-778-4444 799-6228 ranging exotics), to South   (254) 749-0909 (254) Saturday January torial workers in Waco, able now! Needed: JanipONIBLes. Ya están Session Starts   R a n ch E q u i p m e n t 26, 10am-5pm.    662-3082 tION is currently Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t tion on February 1st. 9am-7pm andITSunday,  areas. FIND Ave, Temple.   Temple and surrounding tle, 11-18 months old, Starting at $8 xper January 26, 10am-5pm. able now! Needed: JanieRs $2,000 andis up. Wind (254) 776-7775 oSunday, solicite tion on February Call today, someone looking for 25,  Waco, 25,  B r e e d C ow s a n d 25, 9am-7pm and  #12479. 254-848-2333      9am-7pm and Temple and shOW! Bell able now! Needed: w w w. CCentral e ncirculation t rDuval, a l Te a s -customer Texas (Kinney, Live JO The service representative provides FRI. AFTERNOONS 749-5637 workers in Waco, byAVAILABLe. the offiSunday, ce JaniatFull10BOAt South Th ird St.,1st. Temple disponibles los empleos   Classifi ed torial Inside Sales Full through Wednesday,  w w. C e ntight. t surrounding r 899-2558 a at l Te x aphosor- stop Temple with access from JOBs accepting through Wednesday, hour. Please call our of-– w wlínea w. CTime e nwww.janitorit10am-5pm. r aconsignl5pm Te$8 x aper s- w 26, 10am-5pm. tractors UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants for this posi�on.Call $1,200. (254)   #12479. 254-848-2333  areas. Starting at en en JOBs AVAILABLe. Full    January 26, 10am-5pm. areas. Starting $8 per nding January torial workers in Waco, and water See 1 CeMeteRy Lot at County #12479. 254-848-2333 Stocker Calves.   Doors Open Oak County, whitetail, January 26, Expo Center, Fri   torial workers in Waco,       Read the Classified section to find   Temple and surrounding JOBs AVAILABLe. Full de tiempo completo y  outstanding service to the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful January 29th, for auc fice at (254) 776-7775 and part-time jobs availMiscellaneous  ments for Farm &  w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s January 29th, for auc The classified inside sales representative will be customer what you have to sell! Find it fast? Make your ad stand out  w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s hour. Please call our of hour. Please call our ofand part-time jobs availSession Starts 6:30pm employment Waco Memorial, 8 per w   hogs). Large acreage or w w w. (254) 749-0909 (254) to  tos  www.steelcontainers. Temple and surrounding day, January 24, 3pmC e n t r a l Te x a s - fice    Avenueandand 7th Street Temple and surrounding   that just right item you’re looking for. Thursday, January 16 from a.m. 1  or onlinewill at $8 www.  and part-time jobs avail   medio! Se tra areas. Starting at per tion February 1st. tractors      $8(254) able Needed: at  (254) 776-7775  candidate have demonstrated customer experience, Ra natAuctions ch Espelling, q u776-7775 i p mFor e n t service AFTERNOONS SUNDAY tion on February 1st.  & sup online on 10 found at fice (254) ansnow! Section. Con LPlease A Rnecesita: Ksubmit AUC - applica� from the$700. rest! focused goal-oriented with math, grammar, 1apply CeMeteRy Lot at Livestock able now! Needed: Janiur     small. 30 excellent year fixed rate  749-5637 Saturday January hunting  Real estate netFeed Will deliver. (254) 722-  areas. Starting at $8 per 8pm,   of- Call   today, someone is looking for  areas. Starting at per able now! Needed: Jani  bajadores de limpieza en hour. Please call our of#12479. 254-848-2333   or apply online at&Waco, www. R Dollar Saver Classified Doors Open 4pm         torial workers in Waco, plies   through Wednesday, 662-3082 H tION is currently #12479. 254-848-2333   BOAt shOW! Bell  or apply online at www.    JOBs AVAILABLe. Full owner financing. Only 5% Waco Memorial, VeterASK FOR torial workers in 7775 computer aptitude, and good written and oral communication  typing and computer skills. They will a professional Livestock at25, Performance sale  9am-7pm and Sunday, Foodservice   Fishing      hunting &it fast? e M p L(254) eO s776-7775 d I s -have 4270, Burleson, TX. what you have to sell! Find hour. Please call our of  Session Starts 5:30pm torial workers in our Waco,   DC b sporting  hour. Please call of Waco, Temple y las sporting fice at  Temple and surrounding  accepting consign   January 29th,     g ehunting NC tLLExpo e M Ifor x eaucdFriDown. Call toll free or  & Applica� onsáreas may also be completed at  www. County Center, and part-time jobs availans Section. $700. (254) A R K AUC Temple and surrounding BOLDING     Great space. Great location.   January 26, 10am-5pm. pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están      appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes skills. They will have a positive team-player attitude. LARGE  Fishing  C L A R K AUC   Dollar Saver Classified Temple and surrounding  L AC K A NTexas, gUs e MC pL LA eR OKs AUC d I s- - fice  fice attStarting (254) 776-7775 at (254) 776-7775 circundantes. partirHuman de B goods oremail apply at www. ments for AUMHB Farm & goods  a $8e d per   B re etION d C oiswINVests24, a 3pmnd  employment foronline individual prices Lucius McCelvey, Temple, 76 tion on February 1st. hUNtINg/ Fishing  /apply Resources,  able now! Needed: Jani-position los empleos 662-3082 currently areas. Starting at $8 per areas.  g e NCall LClassified e4141 Mat Ix day, January Starting  NON-SMOKING ROOM     JOBs AVAILABLe. FullSend BOAt shOW! Bell   w w w.chChora. e En lpTe anst -  geNtLe H tION isbenefi currently  pONIBLes. ¡MIxed Ya están through on the phonedisponibles and in person. sales experience ists. areas. at $8 per This is an Previous hourly with cover letter and  R apor n qt ruaiPor m xe Grass fed fat bulls and   Stocker Calves. Call  $8 favor or online at www. or apply online www. hour. Please call of-  H tION isCenter, currently sporting   and terms. ranchenterpris MeNt/ RECREATION  de tiempo completo y and #12479. 254-848-2333 B rapply e e d 778-4444 Cow sat our and HotSaturday Food Available  778-4444Bell  900 College Street, Belton, Texas. torial workers in Waco, accepting consign hour. Please call our of   sporting part-time jobs availCounty Expo Fria  8pm, January  disponibles los empleos accepting consignshOW! e. Full BOAt(254) 2547745204     B r e e d C ow s a n d (254) 749-0909 (254) through Wednesday, hour. call our of- BOAt preferred.  Purebred genJOBs AVAILABLe. Full DO  REACH LOCAL llame a goods nuestra al heifers. accepting consign  fice atPlease (254) 776-7775 800-876-9720 medio! Se necesita: traAL PROPERTY. We have shOW! Bell  Stocker Calves. Call resume. Maximum Pay Out BOAt shOW! Bell  oficina     Full BOAt shOW! Bell JOBs AVAILABLe.  Class A CDL Drivers de tiempo completo y    Temple and surrounding fice at (254) 776-7775    ments for Farm & day, goods January 24, 3pmable now! Needed: Janiavail- County Expo Center, Fri-   749-5637 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, employment January 29th, for auc Stocker Calves. Call  fice at (254) 776-7775 and part-time jobs avail     bajadores de limpieza en ments for Farm & tle, 11-18 months old,  (254) 749-0909 (254) some of the best in Texas  This is an hourly position with commissions and benefi ts. Please (254) 776-7775 o solicite or apply online at www. hunting &1st.  County Center, FriCounty Expo Center, Fri-  medio! Se necesita: tra- JOBs QUALIty BUILt  and part-time availExpo Fri    R a nthe ch E Country qCenter, u in ipm e(Edn t 8pm, AVAILABLe. Full areas. Starting at homes $8 per County  Ra or online atmwww.  Saturday January torial workers Waco, Jani- day, January 24, 3pmFull JOBs AVAILABLe. tion onExpo February   HEALTHCARE 21 years of ageBOAt ● High School Diploma/GED or  equivalent ● Valid Cla able now! Needed: JaniTemple yjobs las áreas   January 26, 10am-5pm.  749-5637 or apply online at www. R aapply n ch Edeq ulimpieza e n en t   (254) 749-0909 (254) from Hill    (254) 899-2558   shOW! Bell $1,200. en línea en www.janitori   bajadores Fishing send a cover letter andWaco, resume. on your lot. Floor plans to day, day, January 24, 3pm   Circulation Delivery Assistant –andyi plas    day, January 24, 3pmthrough able now! Needed: JaniJanuary 24, 3pm  hour. Please our of#12479. 254-848-2333 BOAt shOW! Bell Waco, 8pm, Saturday January B L A Cand KeWednesday, A N g U sa s - 25, and part-time jobs avail 9am-7pm Sunday, Temple surrounding sporting circundantes. Acall partir de    torial workers in Waco,  and part-time jobs availJOBs AVAILABLe. Full through Wednesday,     wards, Menard, Coke,  w w w. C n t r a l Te x Temple, Texas ● 3 Years Clean MVR ● Ability to lift 90 lbs ● 6 Months CDL Driving E ! ! AVAILABLE ! !  Waco, Temple áreas 749-5637  County Expo Center, fit any budget. No money       January 29th, for auc8pm, Saturday January JOBs AVAILABLe. Full Grass fed fat bulls and D   JOB SEEKERS! $8 por hora. Por favor torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday January 8pm, Saturday January  nding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, fice at (254) jobs 776-7775 26, 10am-5pm. at per January County Expo Center, FriJanuary 29th, for$8aucTemple and surrounding goods JaniJanuary 29th, auc  offic e,Starting retail, wareVal Verde County, free and part-time avail- areas. B L now! A C K Needed: A NgU s ● BOAt able now! Needed: Janicircundantes. Afor partir de able Full JOBs AVAILABLe.   Part Time day, January 24, 3pm down. 100% financing. Must Pass Physical, Drug Screen, and Background JOBs AVAILABLe. Full shOW! Bell 3  m  Customer Service Representative –  heifers. Purebred gen    tion on February 1st.  Feed & supllame a nuestra oficina al  and part-time jobs avail   25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, house & m ore for lease areas. Starting at Waco, $8 per 25, Temple surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, 8 per January 26, 10am-5pm.     w w.onChora. eFebruary n t r aPor l Te x1st. a s - torial hour. Please callto our of- w tion  or applyand online at www. day, January 24, 3pmtion onexotics), February 1st. Grass fed fat bulls and 9am-7pm and Sunday, ranging South $8 por favor workers in


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& Acreage........16   Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods lasSunday, áreas thick cover, views, January tion on February 1st.      llame aTemple nuestra oficina al velina,  offic e, retail, ware-..............................187 2Waco, Dollar SaveryPor January 19, 2020    29th, for auc   •Purchase Manager   $8 por hora. favor 979-575-3939   Financial    ing, Edging, Cleaning,  Equipment Services ........................51   Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 house & m ore Motors for lease  Trucks, Vans  #12479. 254-848-2333  circundantes. A opartir de AC. canyons. Starting at Lang$650/  & Pickups..................298 Boats, ................................188 (254) 776-7775 solicite Property............17    tion on February 1st.         llame a nuestra oficina al David Barr P roperties Farm & Ranch •Electrician      Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Notes,     $8 por hora. Por favor..................................52 AC.  979-575-3939 Langen línea en www.janitoriStocks, Bonds ....................146 Exterminators   Real Estate Rentals Cont  ..........................18 Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Materials ..........................190 ( 254)Building 526-2277   #12479. 254-848-2333   (254) 776-7775 o solicite     Boats   •Plumber    www.davidbarrproper      llame a nuestra oficina al  Private Fence, power wash   Farm & Ranch   Houses For Sale ................................1 Wanted To Rent.............   Temple: (254) 778-4444    en línea en www.janitori  ties.c om       •Carpenter  C L A R K AUC - and  LEASING (254) 776-7775 o solicite   January 15, 2020 •Business PageProperty 3 ......... Boats concrete work. Bell Free NOW    Suburban-Out of Town ......................2    BOAt shOW!    Want to Buy501-7530 Farm &isRanch        Killeen: (254)    771-2191, currently ! ! tION AVAILABLE !! •Buyer en línea en www.janitori          Estimates. Farms, Ranches ................................3 Mini Storage ................. 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Bell   BuyUn- house •Welder  Lake Property ....................................4  718-9765 tION is Farm currently   & m ore for lease day,   WeWant BUy &to Repair January 24, 3pm    JOB       ments     &- County Announcem   C LBarr Afor R KPconsignAUC   Expo Center, Fri   roperties •Painter Business Property ..............................5        accepting   wanted/ Broken ATV’s, David 8pm, Saturday January   BOAt shOW! Bell Want to Buy       R a n q u i p m e n t (ch 254)E526-2277    tION is currently We BUy & Repair Unday, January 24, 3pm  Lost & Found.................        Lots, Acreage ....................................6     •Forklift Driver   ments for Farm &  Motorcycles & Scooters. www.davidbarrproper 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,  County Expo Center, Fri       January   through Wednesday,     wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Saturday accepting   Entertainment & Recrea      Mobile Homes & Accessories ............7  om R a nREWARD chties.c E q uconsignifor p mauce n t 8pm, •Material Handler We Pick-Up 336January 26, 10am-5pm. return      January 24,Sunday, 3pm-or  We BUy & &(903) Repair Un- $100 NOW HIRING        January 29th, for    Hunt with  your dog  Motorcycles Scooters. 25, 9am-7pm and  for Farm & day,    Personals .....................  TOWNHOMES AT ofments Charley, black & white Real Estate LUBE Wanted ..........................8 through Wednesday, EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid.  9086 w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s      •Siding Installer GORILLA     wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 8pm, Saturday January  eet of off ice space    guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40  tion on an Experienced Finish R ch E All m 1st.      BATHTUB REFINISHING  We Pick-Up &(903) 336- tuxedo 26, 10am-5pm.  R aa nn ch E qq uu ii for ppshots m ee nnand tt January   Carpools or Transportati cat.February     January 29th, auc   Motorcycles Scooters. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,       Furnished. Ramona miles northeast of Austin. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles & Scooters.  Apply in person at  RIVER FAIR in home. on xporceis  hiring for experienced Rentals #12479. 254-848-2333 through Wednesday,   South 47th/Ave 2neutered. Dollar Saver Sunday, January  9086 w w w. C19, eRepairs n2020 t10am-5pm. r a l Te as Blade Operator. through Wednesday,          are foot warehouse/    tion on February 1st.  We Appliances Pick-Up (903) 336January 26,   Training area. Quail for lain and fiberglass. Over 30    M. Call 254-295-0709. We Pick-Up (903) 336January 26, 10am-5pm. Business Se   1919 Mueller Road January 29th, near for aucauc-VA. Courtyard,  Apartments Furnished........................9  Lube Technician &   January 29th, for        MUST be experienced   BELTON #12479. 254-848-2333  sale.  in Callx  9086 wyears wMotorcycles w. C Te x aaDale    Appliances w w. C eebusiness. nn rr aa ll Te ss - tion on February 1st. w  Babysitters, Childcare...  ea 9086 Apartments Unfurnished ..................10 Troy, Texas 76579    From $495. 254-778-1374. on February 1st.      721-3658. experienced  512-856-2200   NICe WAsheRs, dry- tion   and knowledgeable with   Motorcycles  •3bed/2.5bath/2gar      #12479. 254-848-2333  Sewing, Ironing .............  Duplexes Furnished..........................11   We BUy & Repair Un-    or email: aharris@  B LA C K254-848-2333 A N g U s  #12479.      Eat Free Nearby.   ers,Appliances refrigerators, Appliances   Cashier/Assistant.  system. the Topcon   RENT- $2,000 and  NICe WAsheRs, dry- Grass  Banking Services...........  Duplexes Unfurnished......................12  Broken ATV’s,           fed fat bulls and wanted/    !Motorcycles ! BUy AVAILABLE !Un!       cook stoves. Rebuilt  Motorcycles We & Repair  B L A C K A N g U s 254-771-2811,     Pay starts out at $25 an offic e, retail, warerefrigerators, and    Communications, TV, Ra   & Scooters.   Houses Furnished ............................13      Diana White y 438 ers, heifers. Purebred gen- Motorcycles         Full time positions, with 90 day warranty. NICe WAsheRs, dry  wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  house & m ore for lease   Grass fed fat bulls and   NICe WAsheRs, dry- B        stoves. Rebuilt   , 1.5 cook Business Bookkeeping . see  the store. ........................14 We Pick-Up (903) 336 BUy & Repair Un  Houses Unfurnished    hour. We offer PTO, tle,L 11-18 old, L A CBINGO K months AN Ng g U s We  doors David Barr PScooters. roperties 713.859.2952   Delivery, service work, NEED TRUCK DRIVER ers, refrigerators, and We BUy & Repair Un    great benefits, backlog   B AC K A U s Motorcycles & EVA’S Residential Clean heifers. Purebred gen         refrigerators, and        with 90 day warranty. p. All ers, ( 254) 526-2277 Cemeteries & Monumen 9086 Broken ATV’s,  Rooms For Rent ..............................15 $1,200. (254) Grass fed fat 899-2558 bulls and wanted/  with end dump experience.  vacation, good wages   need non-working ones. stoves. Rebuilt      wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ing ServiceFrom top to  Chappell Hill Reality Performs landscaping, hor� culture   We Pick-Up (903) 336 Grass fed fat bulls and   #4008 VFW Post www.davidbarrproper of work. tle, 11-18 months old,   Re- cook        stoves. Rebuilt  Delivery, service work, Health Care & Related S Scooters. 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Wind    ccess from Central   dove, BOAt  UMHB seeks Chris�an applicants for this posi�on.     What you get when you advertise and   lot in downtown Temple.    254-316-3945 4270, Burleson, TX. Realty. water tight. See phoDoors Open 5pm  reliable transportation and      Acreage        net Will deliver. (254) 722Expo Center, FriPlumbing ..........................................84 s and County (254) 947-0149 for more Miscellaneous  Houses For Sale ................................1 Wanted To Rent................................19 Tree Service ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191  and water tight. See pho  ! ! AVAILABLE ! !     Employment  OFFICE CLERK NEEDED what have to sell! Find it fast? 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Good driving  g e N tdeliver. Lretail, e M Ix e d ............................20 C Le,A254-774-5204 R K AUC  www.steelcontainers. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS     DOLLAR SAVER. 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Apply in per  skills.  pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans   house & Saver m is ore for lease ing,     Apply in person  Dollar Classified Doors Open 4pm 8pm, Saturday January BOAt shOW! Bell  Apply in person    B r e e d C o w s a n d tree service, flower tION currently  net Will deliver. (254) 722disponibles los empleos evenings. Get Results! Call Today!        son: The PartsFOR Depot, 5301 ASK Janitorial company now   TOWNHOMES AT Peco David Barr Pnear roperties      Temple Temps 4270, TX. NOW HIRING!   day, January 24, 3pm EFFI David Barr P roperties  For Rent: 377  g eSession NBurleson, tarea, LStarts e 4006 M I Trailwood xCall e....................................21 d accepting   TIME BOAt shOW! Bell  disponibles los empleos Pecos Lake  January 13 thru January 5:30pm Roofing, Siding ................................86   Farms, Ranches ................................3 Mini Storage New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193  Loop 205, Temple. and more.    beds, mulching,  NOW HIRING forons themay also  25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, County Expo Center, Fri- January Miscellaneous Services....................55    dePART tiempo completo y Amis  Stocker Calves. consign(Burleson, 254) 526-2277   4270, TX.       CALL DOLLAR SAVER Tuesday-Saturday at Applica� be completed at     hiring days and evenings. ( 254) 526-2277  2 Dollar Saver Sunday, 19, 2020 BOLDING   Temple Temps Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced  8pm, Saturday January Furn PART TIME   LARGE   17, between 3pm-4pm at B r e e d C o w s a n d RIVER FAIR   JOB Expo Center, Fri-y Amistad. de  tiempo completo 60 - 450 acres.  medio! Se necesita: tra- Elec   254-760-3031  ( 2 5 4 ) 7 7 8 -4 4 4 4 4  ne atCounty  www.davidbarrproper     January 26, 10am-5pm. day, January 24, 3pm  www.davidbarrproper  following positions:   (254) 749-0909 (254) Hiring Responsible Wait  g e N t L e M I x e d ments for Farm &    315 W. Ave M Sandblasting ....................................87      Lake Property ....................................4 Auctions, AllELDERLY Types ........................194 Apply online at Fencing ............................................56 Resources,  back yard, Ch&A, 2 Call living UMHB Human (254) Housekeeper NON-SMOKING ROOM Apply in  315 W.778-4444 Ave MFarm & Ranch   Call Classified 23108 S.E. HKDistributing Dodgen Lp CARE Needed in your Mikeska  CA Housekeeper Needed 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,  Cou   Stocker Calves. ties.c om   Staff, will train. medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy  day, January 24, 3pm  ties.c om   g e N t L e M I x e d   acces bajadores de limpieza en   BELTON    w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s      8pm, Saturday January  home. 20 plus years experi749-5637 B r e e d C o w s a n d R a n ch E q u i p m e n t  areas. 254-598-8179. Announcements Hot Food Available   900 College Street, Belton, Texas. •Engineer Manager REACH person 7349 Honeysuckle  Company, 1000LOCAL West Ad- Collectibles       778-4444 254-316-3945      January 26, Pools, Spas ....................88 From PINA Tree Trimming, Mow- Swimming    (254) 749-0909 (254) Business Property ..............................5 Antiques, ....................195   ence with references.    bajadores de 10am-5pm. limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, ja- through  8pm, Saturday January  velin Waco, Temple y las áreas     B r e e d C o w s a n d  Drive, Temple, 254-338-0529  House Moving ..................................57  25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Maximum Pay Out 254-316-3945  •3bed/2.5bath/2gar  Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 Stocker Calves. Call Wednesday,  No phone calls.     254-421-1197            •Purchase Manager  w w9am-7pm w.Temple C 26, e n t10am-5pm. r ay llas Te x a s - velina,   Eat F 749-5637  OFFICE CLERK NEEDED ams.   Lost & Found....................................31  A partir de canyo Waco, áreas thick cover, views,       ing, Edging, Cleaning, 25, and    Stocker Calves. Call Automotive Dozer Work ......................................89 HEALTHCARE January  Lots, Acreage ....................................6 Machinery,circundantes. Misc. &RENTHeavy..............196 PartsforDelivery  $2,000 (254) 749-0909 (254) January 29th, auc Sunday,  SERVER needed immedi          tractors     Security Services..............................58   Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 Outdoor Sports     1wCeMeteRy Lot at $8 por hora. Por favor AC.     •Electrician  circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at(254) $650/ ately to Leaves, work Friday & Sat   January 26, 10am-5pm.   (254) 749-0909  Must have computer w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s  Rake Lawncare,  Driver Needed. Good driving ! ! AVAILABLE ! !     749-5637 Diana White tion on February 1st. Entertainment & Recreation ............32 10 ACRES on Hwy 438        Employm      urday night, 5pm until. 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(254) accepting C L 662-3082 tION currently C LA AER RqisK K AUC Staff, will train. Apply in •Painter  miles East of Temple. 26.26  Employment Depot, 5301 maintenance, groundskeeping and/ or acc  advertising options!                  R E S U L T S . . . Call  ments for Farm & All Positions.   Storage Buildings ............................75     home. 20 plus years experiBOAt shOW! 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No  phone calls. Items ......................180 etc. Hillside with trees and Motorcycles   Sewing, Ironing   through Wednesday, 254-421-1197     •Material Handler $100 REWARD 24, for return    in ..................................290 the Classified pages of the Duplexes Furnished..........................11 We BUy & Repair Unday, January 3pm Auto Repairs Miscellaneous   JOBs AVAILABLe. Full    & Scooters.         Must be 21 years of age and have valid   tion on February 1st. R a n ch E q u i p m e n t ments for Farm &   Th e Temple Daily Telegram is accepting ap    hiring days evenings. thro forandFarm & great view! $1k down & 814 East Central, Belton. able now! Needed:ATV’s, Jani- ments  and Help Wanted TempleMedical Temps ....................131     company now   employment PART TIME  DOLLAR SAVER. NOW HIRING! of  Charley, blackJanuary &Concrete white Work     ................................77  January 29th, for auc     wanted/ Broken 8pm, Saturday    We Pick-Up (903) 336and part-time jobs avail  •Siding Installer      SERVER needed immedi$1,247 per month.    Banking Services..............................46 • 1,250 square feet of off ice space    Jan #12479. 254-848-2333 through Wednesday, Duplexes Unfurnished......................12 R a n ch E q u i p m e n t  Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances ......................181 Apply online atm 1st. driver’s license. R a n ch E q u i p e n t  torial workers in Waco,    JOBs AVAILABLe. Full BATHTUB REFINISHING Mari  315 W. Ave M carriers. Applicants must have reliable trans Get Results! Call Today!  tuxedo cat. All shots and Housekeeper Needed   and  evenings. BIG CHEW-CHEWS          tion on February   For 713-875-2310 / 254-721-1377 TempleHelp Temps Wanted Motorcycles & Scooters. 25,  &Svc.   able now! Needed: Jani- January  PART TIME    ately9am-7pm to work and FridaySunday, & Sat-Contractor   tion CODE 010320 9086 Apply in General person ....................132 at   Gen. &  Misc. ..........78 29th, for auc- TV, through Wednesday,  BURGERS SHAKES  in home. Repairs on porce-       through Wednesday,  Temple and surrounding and part-time jobs avail    Dr,  sible Wait  neutered. 47th/Ave Communications, Radio, CB......47 JOBs AVAILABLe. Full foot    254-316-3945    Houses Furnished auto liability insurance in(........................292   Heavy Duty Trucks Merchandise Wanted ....................183   online at #12479. 254-848-2333  2their 54) 778-4name. 4444 We Pick-Up (903) 33626,South 10am-5pm. Hiring All Positions. and 6,450 square warehouse/     Needed  Ave M  torial workers in............................13 Waco,  urday 5pm until. Ap- Now #12 Housekeeper   lain and fiberglass. Over31530 W.Help   Wanted Professional..............133 back  tion on February 1st. January 29th, for for aucauc- January Appliances  M. Callnight, 254-295-0709.      areas. Starting at $8 per able now! Needed: JaniJanuary 29th, UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants for this posi�on & offers  1919 Mueller Road    Apply in............................79 person between ELDERLY CARE in yo     and part-time jobs avail    Electrical Services  OFFICE CLERK NEEDED    9086 w.person C e n t Ratibor r a l Te xCouna s - 2pm-5pm,  Temple and surrounding Business Bookkeeping ....................48  plyw in  ww  years in business. Dale  Houses Unfurnished ........................14  Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 compe� �ve salaries, excellent benefi ts, including Day One 8150 W. Call Adams,      254-316-3945 in Parts Delivery These PROFITABLE routes take just a fewareas ho    #12479. 254-848-2333 tion on February February 1st. w        hour. Please call our of- Automotive torial workers in Waco,  tion on 1st. sporting       able now! Needed: Janiproduction area Salesperson Wanted........................134 Troy, Texas 76579  nday, Apply January 19, 2020  Temple; or ask for Guy  medical & dental insurance, re� rement plan with match & try Grill, 11226 FM 2086, areas. Starting at $8 per     721-3658.            Must have computer   Insulation ..........................................80 home. 20 plus years expe Driver Needed. Good driving    #12479. 254-848-2333     Cemeteries & Monuments................49 254-780-4300   NICe WAsheRs, dryfice atworkers (254) 776-7775  Temple and surrounding CIENRooms For Rent ..............................15  goods Appliances #12479. 254-848-2333   Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 tui� on benefits for employees & their dependents.   OFFICE CLERK NEEDED  torial in Waco,    or email: aharris@  Honeysuckle hour. Please call of- record sporting      Jobs Wanted ..................................135  Apply in per- Temple Parts Delivery BL       Please submit online applica� on found at  a must.     ers, refrigerators, and     or apply online at our  areas. Starting at $8 per   Motorcycles  skills. Apply person  Employment  s, Full Temple and surrounding ............................................81  Health Care &5301 Related Services ......50 Flooring  Mobile Homes, Lots &www. Acreage........16  Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 • Loading dock   ence with referenc   fice at (254) 776-7775  CALL DOLLAR SAVERhave Gra goods          Must computer   d. Good driving Area  son: The Parts Depot, cook stoves.NEEDED Rebuilt           BOAt shOW! Bell  hour. Please call our ofsporting  INVESTORS  High School diploma/GED required. Applica� ons may also be completed at  -338-0529 areas. Starting at $8 per      NICe WAsheRs, dry   heif or apply online at Property............17 www. County    January 13Financial thru January           Equipment Services ........................51  (254) 778-4444  with 90 daygrowing warranty. Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82     Loop 205, Temple. Sport Leases, Lake UMHB Human Resources, 900 College Street, Belton, Texas. Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Full time positions,  SONIC t.Inter-Apply in per   Expo Center, Frifice at (254) 776-7775 We BUy & Repair Un Wanted goods Invest in fast CBD B L A C K A N g U s  254-421-1197   JOBs AVAILABLe. Full  North Belton skills. Apply in person  hour. Please call our of   sporting ers, refrigerators, and  tle,      BOAt shOW! Bell wanted/         ease/ Depot, Delivery, service work,    !•apply !Large AVAILABLE ! !doors garage        BINGO 17, between 3pm-4pm at day, January 24, 3pm or online at www. Broken ATV’s, arts 5301  Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 great benefits, backlog business, above normal inExterminators ..................................52  Grass fed fat bulls and          Property Offices................................18  Painting & Wallpapering ..................83      Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190    and part-time jobs avail  $1,2 fice at (254) 776-7775  INVESTO cook stoves. Rebuilt   goods   offic AVAILABLe. e, retail, ware      County Expo Center, Fri- Motorcycles Two years experience inJanuary athle�c field need non-working ones.    Hiring Responsible Wait   Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell   JOBs Full BOAt     January 13 thru  NOW HIRING  8pm, Saturday January shOW! Bell & Scooters.   terest and quick payback.   heifers. 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Apply in  and part-time jobs avail  David Barr P roperties        25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, County Expo Center, Fri- We Pick-Up (903) 336-      shIp   n  254-563-1777  • Convenient off -street customer tle, 11-18 months       torial in Waco, JOBs AVAILABLe. Full 20 plus & years experi-keeping   maintenance, groundskeeping    Delivery, service work, shOW! 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(254) 899-2558      riday & Sat(254) 778-4444  www.davidbarrproper  Temple and surrounding ence with references. and part-time jobs availRead the Classified section to find  ponsible Wait      need non-working ones. H O U S E K E E P E R / F R O N T   County Expo254-338-0529 Center, Fri-  9am-7pm and Sunday,        Drive, Temple, AVAILABLe. Full 25,   parking   JOBs terest and andw  torial workers in $8 Waco,  Licor#1-74-6066507-2     ties.c om Day night shift. ELDERLY CARE in your  w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s  8pm, Saturday January  Mikeska Distributing  landscaping.   Contact the Circulation  ams. No phone calls. 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020           DESK needed for Motel. Ho254-421-1197  areas. Starting at per able now! Needed: JaniHS diploma or GED required.    (254) 214-5284, (254)  Apply insurrounding  January 24, 3pm-    January 26, CONtAIN10am-5pm.   until.       and part-time jobs avail- day, WED. AFTERNOONS  tos Temple and   mrain. Ap254  •Miscellaneous 1,250 square feet of ow    9am-7pm andJanuary Sunday, LOCAL shIppINg      home. 20REACH plus years experi-   tel Experience  Preferred.    that just right item you’re looking for. 1000     hour. Please call of- 25, torial workers in our Waco,   Apply inOpen person   799-6228 254-778-44  8pm, Saturday    w w w. C 26, edowntown n tand r a lup. TeimmedixWind a s -   9 Honeysuckle Company, West AdDoors 11am SERVER needed    net W   able now! Needed:  areas. Starting at $8Janiper           Apply at 1610 W Nugent • High visibility location in January 10am-5pm. eRs $2,000      (254) 778-4444   B OAt s h OW ! Bell  ence with references. fice at (254) 776-7775 Temple and surrounding       and 6,450 square foot    Must be 21 years of age and have valid – Full Session Starts 12:30pm   9am-7pm Sunday,  or stop by the office 10 4270 Sou  Th eTime Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications foratindepen  atibor Coun Classifi Inside Sales ately to Cwork Friday HEALTHCARE hunting &x&pho   East Central, Belton. Call  , 254-338-0529        torial workers in Waco,  hour. Please of- 25,  Ave, Temple.    w w w. e n tand r a lSee Te aSats - 814 and water tight. today, someone is looking forphone   County Expo Center, Fri 254-421-1197 ams. Noed calls.  orMiscellaneous apply onlinecall at our www. areas. Starting at $8 per  FRI. AFTERNOONS       January 26, 10am-5pm.    urday night, 5pm until. Ap-    Fishing     Temple with access from Central   WAN fice at (254) 776-7775  production area Temple and surrounding Thedriver’s classifi ed inside sales representative willUMHB be customer seeks Chris�an applicants for this posi�on.    tos www.steelcontainers.  day, January 24, 3pm   hunting & ge  JOB SEEKERS! Doors Open 5pm  license. FM 2086,   R hour. Please call our of    carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver   to find areas. FURNISHED EFFICIEN    w w. Cdeliver. e n t rRatibor a(254) l Te xCounasply in  person   BIG CHEW-CHEWS ! ! 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Needed: Jani- day, 24, day, January 24, 3pm     ( 254) 526-2277 Large garage    Session Starts 5:30pm g eJanuary N t L e Center, M I x3pmeFrid Apply BladePaid. Operator.  w. C e n t r a l Te xdoors a s - 254-8  749    or apply online at www.         and part-time jobs availCounty Expo     ask about additional  through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is  Applica� ons may also be completed at   Training area. Quail for n Ratibor Coun Fishing   www.davidbarrproper BOLDING High School diploma/GED required.           compe� � ve salaries, excellent benefi ts, including Day One 2pm-5pm, 8150 W. Adams,  LARGE No Deposit. torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday January Full BOAt shOW! Bell JOBs AVAILABLe. 8pm, Saturday January Courtyard, near VA.    B r e e d C o w s a n d   Th ese PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day:   Lube Technician &             ties.c om    MUST be experienced able now! Jani- day, January 24,Sunday, 3pm Janitorial company now  BELTON     NOW HIRING! off-street  advertising options! UMHB Human  Resources, preferred.      1226 FM 2086,   NON-SMOKING  Call Classified  Temple; or ask ROOM for Guy sale. • Convenient  Temple andNeeded: surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and and part-time jobs availCounty Expo Center, Fri25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Ranch House Inn medical & dental insurance, re� rement plan with    Stocker Calves.      2 hiring days and match evenings.   Temple Temps      Call From    & and   $495. 254-778-1374.   torial workers in $8 Waco, 8pm, Saturday January    1 CeMeteRy    experienced 512-856-2200   Hot Food Available AVAILABLe. Full BOAt shOW! Bell    Apply online at 4 JOBs 900 College Street,  Belton, Texas. This is an cts hourly position with commissions benefi ts. Please   254-780-4300 315 W. Ave M Lot at  and knowledgeable with        areas. Starting at per January 26, 10am-5pm. 778-4444 able now! Needed: Janiday, January 24, 3pmJanuary 26, 10am-5pm. 773-0114       tui� on benefi for employees & their dependents.  (254) 749-0909 (254) •3bed/2.5bath/2gar        Two years experience in athle� fi eld       parking     Waco Memorial, Veter   Temple and surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,    Maximum Pay Out      and part-time jobs availCounty Expo Center, Fri    Eat Free Nearby.    Bi-Weekly  send aPlease cover letter and resume. a    hour. 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Starting at $8 per January 26, 10am-5pm. a Automotive Parts Delivery          able now! Needed: Janiday, January 24, 3pm    Truck Drivers   High School diploma/GED required.     fice at  (254) 776-7775 25, Temple and surrounding 9am-7pm and Sunday,  maintenance, and/ or Service      have computer  Driver Needed. Good driving   • High visibility location      662-3082   All CALL DOLLAR SAVER groundskeeping 254-771-2811,         hour. Please call our of-  w w w.Diana C ePositions. nLVN t10am-5pm. r a lJanuary Te x/ a sRN -   10torial        Pay starts out IT at $25 an Must  Area Gross Incom      Customer – workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday record a must. Representative Apply in per   White ACRES on Hwy 438 Fert   FIND or apply online at www. areas. Starting at $8 per January 26,  skills. Apply in person   CODE 010320            acc       Applica� ons may also be completed at tractors   son:     The Parts Depot, 5301    fice atPlease (254) 776-7775   Livestock  1 CeMeteRy Lot1.5ofat 25,    Temple with accesscrea fro   Day night see13the store. Temple and surrounding 9am-7pm Sunday, landscaping.  January thru January Northeast of Temple,         hour. call our w w w. Cor e n tand r a l shift. Te x a s -  Loop 205, Temple.    hour. 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The     maintenance, e Mp e  Olos s d I s -     and benefits. stricted. Owner/agent Jan fice atL(254) 776-7775 B r e e d Group C oiswcurrently s Belton. a n dgroundskeeping  have to sell! Find it fast?  and part-time jobs  Drive, Temple, 254-338-0529  crop    have   ositions.     disponibles empleos    ams. No phone calls.availgood references. what you  254-42 g e N t L Calves. e consignM I xCall ed Thursday, January 16 fro      Great space. Reasonable prices. Highly service   accepting     candidate will have demonstrated customer experience, NOW HIRING fast paced pONIBLes. ¡ at Yad están tion Dollar Saver Classified 325-668-6465  Stocker  or apply online www. able now! Needed: Jani-Grea          FOR LEASE JOB SEEKERS!  driver’s license. FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA,  JOB SEEKERS!   Accepting applications at de tiempo completo y e M p L e O s I s SERVER needed immedi carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’ s license and  254-301-5255     B r e e d C o w s a n d soil,    Livestock   recommended. 254-316-1108. Outdoor Sports BIG CHEW-CHEWS ments for Farm & #12 nightdisponibles shift.   los empleos   landscaping. computer aptitude, and good written and oral communication torial workers in Waco, Foo employment ately to work Friday & Sat-    (254) 749-0909 (254) g e N t L e M I x e d     at Performance        customer service/cashier carport, close to Temple    medio! Se necesita: trapONIBLes. ¡ Ya están (254) 778-4444       2547745   night, 5pm until. 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Starting at $8 per sq.ft. office and warehouse  try Grill, 11226benefi FM ts. 2086,Send      254.501.7500 miles EastTemple of necesita: Temple. 26.26 medio! Se traJOBs AVAILABLe. Full     Stocker Calves. Call  g e N t L e M I x e d    This is an hourly position with cover letter and Materials    Call Bill for info.        for Waco, y las áreas de tiempo completo y   pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están  Office/Clerical  Temple  749-5637   UMHB Chris� an applicants for thisLocated posi�on &onoffcorner ers hour. 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(254) Temple, 5BR, ons fenced be 21010320 years of age and have valid  en línea en www.janitori fice at (254) 776-7775 Th e Temple Daily Tele goods managers to assure excellent, on-timeBelton. delivery of the Must newspaper 814 East Central,    CODE   25, 9          254-760-3031 254 tle, 11-18 months old, Applica� may also be completed at ( 2 5 4 ) 7 7 8 -4 4 4 4 4    torial workers in Waco, (254) 776-7775 o solicite   advertising options! The classifi2 ed inside sales representative will be customer   & supGrass fed fat bulls and    following positions: $8 por hora. Por favor        SHAKES  back yard, Ch&A, living compe� �Feed ve salaries, excellent benefi ts, including Day One 50 W. Adams,  (254) 778-4444  orReal apply online at For www.   estate  23108 S.E. Dodgen Lp Janu driver’s license.  to subscribers. The position delivering papers on open  carriers. Applicants m    (254) 778-4444 Night Warehouse     BIG includes CHEW-CHEWS Temple andHK surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558     en línea en www.janitori UMHB Human Resources, 900 College Street, Belton, Texas.  plies heifers. Purebred gen   llame a nuestra oficina al CODE 010320  ap     areas. 254-598-8179.      BURGERS & SHAKES  BOAt shOW! Bell   •Engineer Manager ask for Guy w w w sale medical &   Feed sup- re�rement  dental&insurance, plan match &routes,     as needed, andgrammar, other duties as assigned. Late night, early focused andwith goal-oriented with excellent math, spelling,  areas. Starting at $8 per  



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No collecting. Paid every two weeks. The Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications 254.501.7500 for independent Must be 21 years of Opportunities age and have valid Th e Temple Daily Telegram accept carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, validisdriver’s lice 254-778-4444 Bi-Weekly auto –liability insurance in their name. driver’s license. Classified Inside Sales Full Time carriers. ApplicantsGross must have reliabl Area Income (est.) These PROFITABLE routes take just ainsurance few hours each day: REACH LOCAL auto liability in their name. North Belton autoand/or liability insurance PINA Tree Trimming, Mow   6 – 12$475.00 Months Warehouse Distribution E  l Positions.   Real estate For   tle, 11-18 months old,   (254) 776-7775 o solicite         Boat    County Expo Center, Fri plies       hour. Please call our ofJOBs AVAILABLe. Full morning and weekend hours. Candidates must have reliable   •Purchase Manager tui� on benefi ts for employees & their dependents. Scheduled, Assigned Times and Required Overtim    sale Feed & sup  $1,200. (254) 899-2558     ing, Edging, Cleaning, en línea en www.janitori    C L A R K AUC typing and computer skills. They will have a professional Th ese PROFITABLE r       hUNtINg/ INVestday, January 24, 3pm UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants for this posi� on & off ers Real estate  HEALTHCARE fice (254)to776-7775  on between   and part-time jobsFor avail-   Bi-Weekly transportation, license, clean driving record and auto    Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 Repeatedly throughout shiftat ● Able Lift and Stack    plies  valid driver’s    Please submit online applica� on found at       •Electrician   Employment   H tION is currently   MeNt/ RECREATION 8pm, Saturday January  or apply online at www. sale Rentals  Rake Leaves, Lawncare,   NOW LEASING able now! Needed: Jani     C L A R K AUC  liability insurance in their name. Apply in person or email cover  hUNtINg/ INVestto 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shift ● Able to  appearance, positive and pleasant that comes These       accepting consign�& veand salaries, excellent benefiattitude ts, including Daypersonality One W. AL Adams,  Feed supPROPERTY. We havecompe� 25, 9am-7pm Sunday,    LLAR SAVER   •Plumber  torial workers in Waco, PROFITABLE routes take a JOB SEEKERS!   H tION currently Real estate For Gross Income (es MeNt/ RECREATIONPrivate Fence, power wash  ● Pass Pre-Employment Drug Testjust ● Pay $17   letter and resume. Area     CALL DOLLAR SAVER Area  ments for Farm C L A RisTemple K10am-5pm. AUC Daily Telegram some of the best in Texas January hUNtINg/ INVestplies 26,    JOBs AVAILABLe. Full B OA   Applica� ons may&- also be completed at  Temple and surrounding

erson al, Belton.


Now Hiring All Positions. Apply in person between 2pm-5pm, 8150 W. Adams, Temple; or ask for Guy 254-780-4300

UMHB seeks Chris�an applicants for this posi�on & offers compe��ve salaries, excellent benefits, including Day One medical & dental insurance, re�rement plan with CODE match010320 & tui�on benefits for employees & their dependents. Please submit online applica�on found at Applica�ons may also be completed at

Page 4 • January 15, 2020

 BoatS      hour. Please  or  apply onlinecallat our www. ! ! AVAILABLE ! !of  offic e, retail, ware     for lease BOA   2 at &19, (254) house m2020 ore776-7775  Dollar Saver American Sunday, fice January h     David Barr P roperties     Dollar Saver:  JOBs Full Coun or apply online at www. ( AVAILABLe. 254) 526-2277        and  www.davidbarrproper day, Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020 1 (254) 501-7530 part-time jobs avail   ties.c om       able now! Needed: Jani- 8pm,           25, 9a Full BOA JOBs AVAILABLe. torial workers in Waco,           Janu   and part-time jobs avail- Coun Temple and surrounding      2  Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020 ww  areas. Starting at $8Janiper w  able! ! now! Needed: day, AVAILABLE ! !          hour. Please call our of- BoatS office, retail,   torial workers inwareWaco, 8pm,          fice at (254) 776-7775   house &and more for lease 25,        Temple surrounding 9ah     orDavid apply online at www.  Barr Properties            areas. Starting at $8 per Janu    ( 254) 526-2277          ! !  AVAILABLE ! ! hour.  Please call our ofwww www.davidbarrproper    Full BOA JOBs AVAILABLe.     office, retail, ware        fice at (254) 776-7775 BoatS  and part-time jobs availCoun      house & more for lease         able now! Needed: Jani- day,  Barr Properties or apply online at www.   David         ( 254) 526-2277    torial workers in Waco, 8pm,      www.davidbarrproper         Temple and surrounding 25, 9a   2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020     eareas. M p L e O s at $8 d I per s - Janu 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020  Starting      Mobile Homes/ Commercial         w Houses ADS ADS hour. 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CLARK AVAILABLE !!        tle,   (254) 776-7775 o solicite AUC           B L circundantes. A partir de      office, retail, wareTemple y las áreas velina        pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans Waco,    $1,2    en línea en www.janitori  tION is currently    Gras   $8 por hora. 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A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/                  Land, Investm ent tion on February 1st. acc    RECREATION   P roperties,      and   Lang- MeNt/  $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939       Business P roperties. 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Bell      Want to Buy         tion tION is currently    ranging exotics), to South                     Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live NICe WAsheRs,    Expo Center, Fri- #124     #124  Texas (Kinney, Duval,dryLive      accepting consign- County  B L           ers, refrigerators, and     ww  Oak County, whitetail,  ww We BUy & Repair Un- ments January 24, 3pm-  Oak County, whitetail,            for Farm & day,     cook stoves.acreage Rebuiltor Gras         hogs). Large      wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 8pm, Saturday January  heife            with 90 day warranty.       Ranch Equipment         small. 30 year yearandfixed fixed rate tle,        small. 30 rate         Motorcycles & Scooters. through 25, 9am-7pm Sunday,    Delivery, serviceOnly work,         Wednesday,  owner financing. 5%          $1,2         owner financing. Only 5%     need non-working ones.     We Pick-Up (903) 336-  26, 10am-5pm.       Down. Call toll free     January 29th, for auc- January           (254) 214-5284, (254)or    Down. 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We  BLACK ANgUs    on your lot. plans   ers, refrigerators, and           down. 100% financing.      day, January 24,ATV’s, 3pm- thro tion      ge     office, retail, ware    wanted/ Broken   Grass fed fat bulls and      fit any budget. No money       Credit repair program.  cook stoves. Rebuilt   8pm, Saturday January Janu   #124  Bre  house & more for lease             Scooters.    heifers. Purebred gen- Motorcycles   (254) 857-4663.     25, 9am-7pm Sunday, tion  down. 100%&and financing.       Barr Properties ww   Sto  with 90 day warranty. David                    We Pick-Up (903) 336 January 26, 10am-5pm.     ( 254) 526-2277  tle, 11-18 months old,  (25      Credit repair program.       Delivery, service work, #124             w w w. 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NICe WAsheRs, dryAppliances  January 29th, for aucand part-time jobs avail- 8pm,  accepting consign We BUy & Repair UnGen. & Misc. Svc. ..........78 torial workers in Waco, Saturday Btion L AC KCB......47 A NJanuary gU s Contractor Communications, TV, Radio, Motorcycles Houses Furnished ............................13 ers, refrigerators, and ver’s license and on February 1st. soil, microorganisms that able now! Needed: Jani ments for Farm & Temple, Texas wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Temple and surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, employment Grass fed fat bulls and Electrical Services ............................79  Business Bookkeeping ....................48 cook stoves. Rebuilt Houses Unfurnisheddry........................14 #12479. 254-848-2333 NICe WAsheRs,

#12479. 254-848-2333 County Expo Fri- ......................181 Auto Parts, Insurance, Duplexes Unfurnished......................12 ............291 GoodsCenter, & Appliances  references available #12479.Etc. 254-848-2333 Help Wanted General ....................132  Appliances 979-450-8089    day, January 24, 3pmgeNtLe MIxed 254-865-3546 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Merchandise Wanted ....................183    Help Wanted Professional..............133    8pm, Saturday January B r e e d C ow sMotorcycles a n d For Sale ....................294  Food Products................................184  torial workers in Waco,    DACHSHUND PUPPIES Salesperson Wanted........................134 Ranch areas. Starting January 10am-5pm. NICe WAsheRs, dry We BUy26, & Repair UnMotorcycles & Scooters.  Bwith L AVAILABLE AC KEquipment A Natg$8 U! sper heifers. Purebred gen25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Temple: (254) 778-4444    ! ! ! Stocker Calves. Call Insulation ..........................................80 ers, refrigerators, and   90 day warranty.  Cemeteries & Monuments................49 Rooms For Rent ..............................15 Recreational Vehicles Goods................................186  hour.  Temple and surrounding L AC....................296 K• Page ANgU5 s  January 2020  3 males, 1 ..................................135 female, black January Musical ATV’s, Please call our of- wanted/ wtle, w w. CBroken e nmonths t r a l Te x a s - We  ers, refrigerators, and15,B Jobs Wanted Grass fed fat bulls and  Pick-Up (903) 336office, retail, warethrough Wednesday, 26, 10am-5pm. 11-18 old,  (254) 749-0909 (254) cook stoves. Rebuilt  JOBs AVAILABLe. Full   Delivery, service work, Killeen: (254) Flooring ............................................81 and Health Care & Related Services ......50  Mobile Homes, Lots501-7530 & Acreage........16 Grass fed fat bulls and areas. Starting at lease $8 per Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187    Motorcycles & Scooters. tan. For info call  house & more for fice at (254) 776-7775 heifers. Purebred gencook stoves. Rebuilt   9086 w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s   with 90 day warranty. $1,200. (254) 899-2558 749-5637  January 29th, for our auc and part-time jobs availneed non-working Financial    Purebred gen Equipment Services ........................51  hour. Please call of- We Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82  David Barr Properties Pick-Up (903) 336sporting Sport Leases, Property............17 Trucks, Vans heifers. & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 tle, 11-18 months old, 254-773-7157 spanish Lots/Land/ trucks with 90 day warranty. or apply online at ones. www.    Delivery, serviceLake work,   tion on February 1st.    Livestock Fertilizer Application, in(254) 214-5284, (254) ( 254) 526-2277 Acreage able now! Needed: Janitle, 11-18 months old,  9086  fice at (254) 776-7775 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 goods Exterminators ..................................52      Delivery, service work, Property Offices................................18 Painting & Wallpapering ..................83  Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190  need non-working ones. www.davidbarrproper shIppINg   CONtAIN- e  MpLeOs d I s -   C L A R K AU C -at 799-6228 #12479. 254-848-2333    1 CeMeteRy Lot growth andatproductorial workers in Waco,  or apply online www.  needtractors non-working ones. $1,200. (254) 899-2558  (254) 214-5284, (254) crease pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans    e M p L e O s d I s  eRs $2,000 and up. Wind tION is currently    CONtAIN  area, near Lake accepting los empleos Pecos Waco Memorial, Veter- (254) 214-5284, (254) geNtLe MIxed   799-6228 BOAt shOW! Bell disponibles  Temple and surrounding shIppINg consigntion for your pasture and and   pONIBLes. ¡up. Ya Wind están  water tight. See pho  y Amistad. eRs $2,000 and 60 - 450 acres. ments de  tiempo completo       for $700. Farm (254) & CLARK AUC- shIppINg CONtAINans Section. B r e e d C ow s a n d  799-6228  County Expo Center, FriMiscellaneous   areas. Starting at $8 per disponibles los empleos  water, easy R a n ch E q u i p m e n t medio! Se necesita: tra- Electricity, Full JOBs AVAILABLe.   crops. N-TEXX stimulates tos www.steelcontainers. and water tight. See pho  Lots/Land/ trucks       tION is currently eRs $2,000 and up. Wind 662-3082 Stocker Calves. Call Lots/Land/ trucks access, whitetail, dove, jabajadores de limpieza en Miscellaneous  day, January 24, 3pm Lots/Land/ trucks de tiempo completo y net through Wednesday,       and part-time jobs availwww.steelcontainers. (254) hour. Please call our of- tos Will deliver. 722- Waco, Acreage thickDonkeys, cover, horses, views, January 29th, for aucTemple y las áreas velina,   soil, microorganisms that  WANTED  Acreage  (254) 749-0909 (254) accepting consign- and water tight. See phoBOAt shOW! Bell    8pm, Saturday TX. January circundantes. Miscellaneous Acreage  medio! Se necesita: tra- 4270,   net Will deliver. (254) 722able now! Needed: JaniStarting at $650/ tion on February 1st. A partir de canyons. d Burleson, at (254) 776-7775   dIIIsss--- fice BOAt shOW! Bell 4270, sheep, goats or any other   749-5637 ments for Farm & tos www.steelcontainers. C L A R K AUC   provide essential nutrients  C L A R K AUC employment  County Expo Center, FriAC. 979-575-3939 Lang$8 por hora. Por favor 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, bajadores Burleson, TX. #12479. 254-848-2333 C Lworkers A Rde K limpieza AUC - en  torial in Waco, están West texAs Trans net Will deliver. (254) 722 están West texAs Trans   County Expo Fri- day, or apply onlineCenter, at Trans www.   farm animals. 254-865-3546  llame a nuestra oficina al tION is currently   Ranch Equipment  stán West texAs tION is currently BOAtNOW shOW! HIRING Bell 4270, Burleson, TX. January  spanish Lots/Land/ trucks Waco, Temple y24, las 3pmáreas January 26, 10am-5pm. for plants their geNtLe MIxed (254) tION isthrough currently Hunt with youro solicite dog or  pleos Pecos area, near Lake Temple and surrounding 776-7775  pleos Pecos area, near Lake day, January 24, 3pmTOWNHOMES AT  g e N t L e M I x e d  accepting consignEFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. through Wednesday,  BOAt shOW! Bell spanish Lots/Land/ trucks leosy  Pecos area, near Lake 8pm, accepting consign& Ranch  GORILLA LUBE JOBs AVAILABLe. Full County Expo Center, B AC gaUnasds - enguided. circundantes. AsatJanuary partir de  Quail/Chukar hunt 40 Farm Saturday Amistad. 60 450 acres. eto Acreage an Experienced FinishFrilínea en www.janitoritAr aNlsTex consign  BwrLew. e dCKeCn ow  '1 '1 productive areas. $8 Amistad. 60---450 450 acres. accepting eto  8pm, Saturday January B r e e dStarting Cbiological ow aprocnFrid w Boats  ments for Farm &per   Amistad. 60 acres. to yy  January 29th, for aucments for Farm  Furnished. Ramona miles Acreage northeast of Austin.  January 24, 3pm- isgeNtLe and part-time jobs avail- day, County Expo Center,  fed fat bulls and RIVER FAIR hiring for experienced MIxed a: Electricity, water, easy $8 por hora. Por favor eGrass M p L e O s d I s ments for Farm &&tof- 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, : tra  Full JOBs AVAILABLe. Stocker Calves. Call Blade Operator. e M p L e O s d I s  25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, a: traElectricity, water, easy Ra n ch E q u i p m e n Stocker Calves. Call hour. Please call our CLARK AUCC L A R K AU C  esses. 15-5-5 applied Training area. Quail for  Bable : traElectricity, water, easy Ran nJanuary ch Eqquu10am-5pm. ippoficina m3pmennttatal pONIBLes. tion on February 1st. B rLube  8pm, Saturday January now! Jani OAt s hNeeded: OW ! Bell  heifers. Purebred genCourtyard, near VA. Want to Buy e e d C ow s &a n d llame a nuestra ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans Ra ch E i m e  day, 24,  access, whitetail, dove, jaza en pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans Technician  January 26,  January 26, 10am-5pm.  (254) 749-0909 (254) za en access, whitetail, dove, jatION is currently through Wednesday, (254) 749-0909 (254) MUST be experienced and part-time jobs availBELTON sale. fice at776-7775 (254) 776-7775  tION isconsigncurrently County a en access, whitetail, dove, ja- through  Expo Center, Fri- 25, through Wednesday,  #12479. 254-848-2333 area, near Lake los hunting &  9am-7pm and Sunday, Stocker  torialJanuary workers in 3pmWaco, accepting tle, 11-18 months old, Pecos $23.00 per acre.  Calves. Call (254) ol Tex solicite  velina, thick cover, views, áreas accepting consignFrom $495. 254-778-1374.  disponibles los empleos empleos Pecos area, nearacres. Lake w w w. C e Needed: ncover, t r a l Te xJania s - 8pm, w w w. C29th, eWednesday, n t r afor a s - disponibles áreas velina, thick cover, views, Saturday January WANT EXTRA INCOME experienced  749-5637 512-856-2200 749-5637 day, 24, We BUy & Repair UnJanuary auc and knowledgeable with or apply online at www. Amistad. 60 450 de tiempo completo y reas velina, thick views, able now!  accepting consignJanuary 29th, for aucments for Farm &  •3bed/2.5bath/2gar  ments for Farm & 8pm, tir 26, 10am-5pm. (254) 749-0909 (254) and discounts? Call Ana wanted/  Fishing  Temple and surrounding January 29th, forMorris auc$1,200. (254) 899-2558 canyons. Starting at $650/ ir de en línea en www.janitori  Saturday January January Broken tir de canyons. canyons. Startingat $650/  Contact Carlos de tiempo completo Amistad. 60water, - 450ATV’s, acres. Eat  Free Nearby.  easy R Se necesita: tra-y Electricity, Rments n ch ch E qu u iiFarm pm me en n& tion on February 1st. Cashier/Assistant. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,  Marie at Avon 281-384-3480 ir de Starting $650/  tion onRENTFebruary 1st. medio! aa n E q p tt 25, for  torial workers inatWaco,  9am-7pm andat Sunday, Motorcycles & Scooters. $2,000 w.Topcon C e n t rsystem. a l Te x a s - 749-5637 tion on February 1st. areas. Starting $8 per w wthe AC. 979-575-3939 Langfavor   through Wednesday,  access, whitetail, dove, jabajadores de limpieza en favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang  medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy #12479. 254-848-2333   tractors through Wednesday,  avor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang#12479. 254-848-2333 254-421-1276 for fertilizer January 26, 10am-5pm. We Pick-Up (903)views, 336- January 254-771-2811, January 26, 10am-5pm. 1 CeMeteRy Lot at tractors Ranch Equipment  ina al Pay starts out at $25 an Sporting 29th, for auc#12479. 254-848-2333 velina, thick cover, Waco, Temple y las áreas na al Temple and surrounding hour. Please shOW! Bell JOBs AVAILABLe. Diana WhiteLot Full 10 ACRES on Hwy 438 sporting  1 CeMeteRy at BOAt ina   Feed & sup29th, for auc   e n t r acall l Teour x a sof9086 bajadores de&Alimpieza en canyons. access, whitetail, ja- January  na al Feed Supply ADS  Appliances Farm & Tractors tion on February 1st. w w w. CTrucks Waco Memorial, Veter21of Ranch years ofper age ● High School Diploma/GED or equivalent ● Valid Class A CDL Real For Automobiles Starting atdove, $650/ circundantes. partir de  see the store. olicite through Wednesday, wapplication w.part-time CDogs eestate n t rand ajobs l Tex a s - County Northeast Temple, 1.5 w sales. licite tion on February 1st. hour. We offer PTO, fice at (254) 776-7775  goods and availExpo Center, Friolicite  Waco Memorial, Veter spanish Lots/Land/ trucks areas. Starting at $8 713.859.2952 plies  tractors Goods   #12479. 254-848-2333 icite  EVA’S Residential Clean- NEED TRUCK DRIVER Waco, lasfavor áreas AC. velina, thick cover, Langviews, #12479. Appliances 979-575-3939 por Temple hora. yPor Farm & Ranch ans Section. $700. (254)All C L Asale R K AUC - $8 CeMeteRy Lot at  miles outside of Loop. Farm & Ranch Ranch  254-848-2333 January 29th, for top aucnitori Farm &   or apply at www. 1vacation, nitoriwith end online dump experience. able now! Needed: Janiday, January 24, 3pmgood wages Acreage  Motorcycles ansINVESTORS Section. $700. (254) CLARK llame a nuestra oficina al ing ServiceFrom to NEEDED  Chappell Hill Reality  hour. Please call our of ● 3 Years Clean MVR ● Ability to lift 90 lbs ● 6 Months CDL Driving Experience itori-  Boats in bermuda grass. Re-  662-3082 tION is currently  circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ Waco Memorial, VeterBoats  OFFICE SPACE Must be dependable and BOAtandshOW! Invest in fast growing CBD    tion on Free February 1st. Boats (254) 776-7775 oJanuary solicite    Bell Estimates! eFarm M pWAsheRs, L e&ORanch s dLangI s - bottom. NICe dry torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday    662-3082 tION is currently benefits. stricted. Owner/agent    accepting consignGroup CLARK AUC business, above normal infice at 776-7775 CLARK AUCCLARK ans Section. $700. (254) $8 por hora. Por favor  AC. 979-575-3939 & Repair UnhUNtINg/ INVestB L A C K254-848-2333 ANgU s We C LL(254) A RRK AUC --● Must haveBUy good references.   en línea en www.janitori ers, refrigerators, and C A K AUC Reasonable prices. Highly #12479. HIRING fastAUCpaced County Expo Center, Fri  Pass Physical, Drug Screen, and Background  pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans  terest and quick payback. 325-668-6465  uy C L A R K AUC your Boats  Temple and surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, CALL DOLLAR SAVER BOAt shOW! Bell wanted/ Broken ATV’s, accepting consignFull JOBs AVAILABLe. FOR LEASE y ments for Farm & FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA,   Grass fed fat bulls and Accepting applications at NOWtION BOAt shOW! Bell tION is currently tION is currently uy  254-301-5255     employment is currently 662-3082 cook stoves. Rebuilt MeNt/ RECREATIONllame a nuestra oficina al tION is currently  or apply online at www. recommended. 254-316-1108. 254-563-1777 shOW! Bell tION is currently currently BOAt xperiy   '1 '1  Motorcycles & Scooters. day, January 24, 3pm County Expo Center, Fridisponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake heifers. Purebred gen  tION is ences. customer service/cashier  carport, close to Temple C90 L Aday R Kwarranty. AU C Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t with areas. Starting at $8 per January 26, 10am-5pm. and part-time jobs avail  ments for Farm & (254) 778-4444  County Expo Center, Fri  accepting consignRecently refurbished 3,500 accepting consignaccepting consignLone Star Grading & accepting consignAL PROPERTY. We have employment 776-7775 o solicite Delivery, Land for saleconsignby owner 13County OAt s60 h OW ! acres. Bell We Pick-Up (903) 336- 8pm, Saturday January Expo Center, Fri- (254)  accepting consignWant to$750Buy  11-18 months old,    Lake  tIONservice currently work, yBtle, rr Unday, January 24, 3pmaccepting  de tiempo completo Amistad. -899-2558 450    through Wednesday,  at Kolache Farm &isand Ranch able now! '1 Needed: AVAILABLe. Full day, January 24,in3pm3pmUn- JOBs hour. Please call our of-  wRanch w w. CPark. een n www.janitorit r aFarm l Texmonth. ainfo. ments Farm & '1 '1 Equipment   sq.ft. office warehouse ments for Farm Jani& Expo Center, Fri- 9086 ments for &s - accepting miles  Eastfor Temple. 26.26day, ments forKitchen, Farm 35& $1,200. (254)  some of the best Texas January 24, UnMaterials  ments forof Farm Farm & & en línea need non-working ones. County consignCall Bill for     ments for 25, employment 9am-7pm and Sunday, Ra Electricity, water, easy torial medio! Se necesita: tra 8pm, Saturday January TV’s, January 29th, for auc day, January 24, 3pmWe BUy & Repair Unand part-time jobs avail8pm, Saturday January TV’s, Acres with water meter, Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t Full BOAt shOW! Bell JOBs AVAILABLe. workers in Waco, Boats  space. Located on corner fice at (254) 776-7775 hours plus. Must  (254) 214-5284, (254)   Ranch Equipment through Wednesday, Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t n ch E q u i p mhave ent ments for Farm &  from the Hill Country (Ed254-721-7193, Lake Belton 8pm, Saturday January TV’s, JOBs AVAILABLe. Full Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t    Please call shIppINg CONtAINoters.   Ra nnow! chtank,EWednesday, qwhitetail, u i p m eJanindove, t 25,  Saturday January ATV’s, tion on February 1st.  9am-7pm and Sunday, ters. and 26, 10am-5pm. bajadores access, whitetail, dove, ja- Temple large  799-6228 Lots/Land/ trucks  able Needed: WANT TO Broken LEASE LAND for R   25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, oters. What you get when you advertise a ninchdowntown Ede q ulimpieza i p mTemple. e n ten8pm, surrounding January lot through Realty.grazing,   or apply online at www. throughand Wednesday, through Wednesday,  part-time jobstrees availCounty Expo Center, Fri- wanted/ through Wednesday, January 29th, for auc-imwards, Menard, Coke, 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, ters. reliable transportation and  through Wednesday, eRs $2,000 and up. Wind   JOBs AVAILABLe. Full and part-time jobs availCLARK AUC25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles & Scooters. cattle will do  through Wednesday,  etc. Hillside with and #12479. 254-848-2333 (254) 947-0149 for more  Automotive Diagnostics,  January 26, 10am-5pm. 336 w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s through Wednesday, Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, Livestock  torial workers in Waco, Acreage  January 26,County, 10am-5pm. 336-  in the Classified pages of thefree We  SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. and water26, tight. See phoStarting at per and part-time jobs avail- cash Aries Building Systems January 29th, for aucREACH LOCAL provements, Ag Exemption BOAt shOW! Bell areas.  Want to Buy  January 29th, for$8aucJanuary 29th, for auc 10am-5pm. January 29th,experience for aucJanuary 26, 10am-5pm. 336 January 29th, for aucJanuary Pick-Up (903) 336-  Val Verde tion on February 1st.  able now! Needed: Janiday, January 24, 3pmhandling great view! $1k down & able now! Needed: JaniMiscellaneous  tION is currently  January 29th, for aucJanuary 29th, for w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s  references EVT ASE Med I s - Temple and surrounding tos circundantes. A partir dew canyons. atx$650/ DOLLAR Mowing, weedeating,  info wranging w w. ennRttrKraSAVER. al lTe Te xaass-- - 9086    CallFebruary 254-774-5204 tion on February 1st. wwww.steelcontainers. w.&CExpo eStarting n t rCertified a l Te aedgs - hour.  Please call our CSaturday A AUC   County Center, Friw w w. CLC eexotics), xdSouth tion on February 1st.of- tion on 254-848-2333 Februaryavailable 1st.  tion on February 1st. on February Modular Building   to $1,247 per month. tion on 1st. net 254-865-3546  #12479. able now! Needed: Jani- tionApply deliver. (254) Lang722torial in Waco, tion on February 1st. workers in 8pm, January in person1st. accepting consigne M pworkers LResults! e Ois sCall I s -  ing,Will tree flower HEALTHCARE están torial West texAs Trans areas. Starting at Waco, $8 per  Get Today! chanic. Cars,service, trucks even fice   $8 por hora. Por AC. 979-575-3939 B#12479. OAt s h OW ! Bell   #12479. 254-848-2333 tION currently For Rent: 4006 Trailwood at (254) 776-7775  713-875-2310 / 254-721-1377 254-848-2333  #12479. 254-848-2333 s #12479. 254-848-2333 #12479. 254-848-2333 254-848-2333 4270, Burleson, TX. We BUy & Repair Unday, January 24, 3pm  geNtLe MIxed Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Appliances   NOW HIRING for the s torial workers inSAVER Waco, #12479.   hunting & beds, trucks, mulching, andpackage more. #12479. 254-848-2333  6 – 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Experience ● Must Be Able to Work the Temple and surrounding County Expo Center, Frihour. Please call our ofments for Farm & Pecos area, near Lake pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están sporting CALL DOLLAR spleos  Tuesday-Saturday Temple and surrounding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, tow police llame a nuestra oficina al   x e d accepting Motorcycles  apply online at www. TempleFishing Motorcycles  www.cacwaco.comat JOB SEEKERS! Oak County, 254-760-3031  wanted/ (226, 54) 710am-5pm. 7consign8-4whitetail, 4at4empleos 44$8 per  Motorcycles January 24, 3pm- 8pm, Ch&A,  BDr, r e eTemple, dCBroken ow5BR, s 2ATV’s, afenced nliving d day,  and778-4444 surrounding 23108  g e NSaturday t L e M IJanuary  following positions: fice atStarting (254) 776-7775 eto Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. goods  y areas. areas. Starting Motorcycles  Ranch Equipment disponibles los  back yard, (254)  lighting, fire truck PMCS. (254) 776-7775 o solicite S.E. HK Dodgen Lp at $8 per January ments for Farm &    8pm, Saturday January NICe WAsheRs,  B r e e d C o w s a n d   hogs). Large acreage or  Scheduled, Times and Required Overtime ● Able Stand, Walk, Reach and  Motorcycles &toScooters. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, areas. Starting at $8 per Stocker Calves. Call dryFarm &shop Ranch  apply online atAssigned www.  BUy & Repair Una: tra- or Electricity, water, easy areas.sporting 254-598-8179. dryB L9am-7pm A CK A NLift g U s We •Engineer Manager hour. Please call ofthrough de and Sunday,  Full service now open en línea enWednesday, www.janitoriers, refrigerators, and Stocker Calves. Call Fertilizer Application, in- 25,  Ra ntiempo ch Enyear uRepair i lpfixed mour eUnnrate t -y  dryPINA TreeBroken Trimming, MowB LL AC K A N g U s  We BUy &&qt completo Repair   hour. Please call our ofw w w. C e r a Tex a s We BUy Unsmall. 30 B AC K A N g U s wanted/ ATV’s,   and  hour. Please call our ofGrass fed fat bulls and  Full BOAt shOW! Bell JOBs AVAILABLe. BOAt shOW! Bell We Pick-Up (903) 336January 26, 10am-5pm. Auctions sporting Boats (254) 749-0909 (254) access, whitetail, dove, jaza en  January 26, 10am-5pm. We BUy & Repair Unand BGrass (254) 749-0909 (254) LRepeatedly ACfed K fat A bulls Nthroughout g Uand s wanted/ cook growth stoves. crease andRebuilt produc  fice at●financing. (254) •Purchase Manager January 29th, forup auc- toing, medio! Se necesita: tra-Stack goods  the public. 254-220-2442 through Wednesday, and spanish Lots/Land/ trucks Broken ATV’s, shiftYorkshire Able to776-7775 Lift and between 10  toheifers. 35w.Lots/Land/ pounds and Edging, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, w C Purebred e n '1 tra l Tegenx a s - Motorcycles Grass fed fat bullsviews, and owner Only 5% fice atAVAILABLe. (254) 776-7775 built  County Expo Center, FriTerriers: fice at Expo (254)Center, 776-7775  withProduct 90 day '1 warranty. spanish jobs avail- County Frigoods  velina, thick cover, áreas wanted/ Broken 9086 w749-5637 wPick-Up w. Ctrucks e n&t(903) r Scooters. aCleaning, l Tex a s - and part-time '1 built 749-5637 Grass fed fat bulls and tion for your pasture and w Full      General Motorcycles & Scooters. CLARK AUCJanuary 29th, for aucuilt  JOBs or apply online atATV’s, www. We 336tion on February 1st. Acreage bajadores de limpieza en tle, 11-18 months old, •Electrician  heifers. Purebred genepting applications for independent contract Motorcycles & Scooters. Delivery, service work, heifers. Purebred genask about additional Rake Leaves, Lawncare, nty. Registered Yorkie Pups. Down. Call toll free or day, January 24, 3pmAcreage or apply online at www.  BOAt shOW! Bell canyons. Starting at $650/ tir de  Motorcycles & Scooters. crops. N-TEXX stimulates able now! Needed: Janiday, January 24, 3pmanty. Want to Buy or apply online at www.   heifers. Purebred gen    and part-time jobs    9086 We Pick-Up (903) 336to 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shift ● Able to Work in Multi-Temperature Environments $1,200. (254) 899-2558  CLARK AUCtion on February 1st. nty. tION is currently e M p L e O s d I s  Merchandise BOAt shOW! Bell tractors need non-working ones. #12479. 254-848-2333 Waco, Temple y las áreas tle, 11-18 months old, We Pick-Up (903) 336ork, •Plumber e M p L e O s d I s tle, 11-18 months old, C L A R K AUC 1 CeMeteRy Lot at Appliances Chocolates, Parti, KB 8pm, Saturday January ble transportation, valid license and email for individual prices  soil, microorganisms that   advertising options! favor AC. 979-575-3939 LangWe Pick-Up (903)  Private wash work, Expo Center, Fri- 8pm,    torial workers in Waco, Saturday January BOAt shOW! Bell able now! Needed: Jani-driver’s tle, 11-18(254) months old, C LFence, A R Kpower AUC - County  Yorkshire Terriers: (254) 214-5284, #12479. 254-848-2333  ork, pONIBLes. ¡ YaVeterestán West texAs Trans tION currently  accepting consign9086 Waco Memorial, $1,200. 899-2558 B L AC K isA N g(254) U s (Cooler/Freezer) Expo Center, Fri9086 circundantes. ATest partir de County nes. pONIBLes. ¡$17.85 Ya están West texAs Trans $1,200. (254) 899-2558 tION is surrounding currently black, Golddust, boys &●Full  provide essential nutrients 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, shIppINg  Motorcycles •Carpenter JOBs AVAILABLe. and terms. ranchenterpris  ina torial tION is currently e. workers in Pre-Employment Waco, 9086 We BUy &CONtAINRepair Un- Pecos day, January 24, 3pm- 25, ● Pass Drug Pay $17.35 (Dry) / $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Temple and 9am-7pm and Sunday,     799-6228 and concrete work. Free  ans Section. $700. (254) C L A R K AU C  Full County Expo Center, FriJOBs AVAILABLe. nes. disponibles los empleos area, near Lake  accepting consign ments for Farm & Pecos area, Lake accepting disponibles los empleos  $2,000 andnear up. Wind Grass fed fat bulls and for plants through their eRs January 24, 3pmgirls.hora. 254-931-7143,  accepting consignRegistered Yorkie 26, 10am-5pm. $8 por PorPups. favor day, 254) eTemple M p Land e OCONtAINs d I s - January    consignolicite 800-876-9720 254) and part-time jobs avail662-3082 tION is- 450 currently surrounding day, January 24, 3pm•Buyer wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 8pm, Saturday January areas. Starting at $8 per January 26, 10am-5pm.     NICe WAsheRs, dry54) and part-time jobs availde tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 acres. Estimates. 771-2191, shIppINg and water tight. See phoments for Farm &  Ranch Equipment 60 - 450 acres. accepting de tiempo completo Farm &CONtAINRanch  productive biological proc-y Amistad.   shIppINg CONtAINgeNtLe MIxed t a few hours each for additional Farm & wChocolates, w. e nNeeded: t rParti, a l Te xKB a s al - 8pm, consign heifers. Purebred gen   Saturday January llame aCnuestra oficina ments for Farmeasy & ments ask about Miscellaneous nitorishIppINg areas. Starting $8 per wable We BUy &water, Repair UnpONIBLes. ¡atday: Ya están now! JaniBemployment L ACSeK necesita: A g easy Utras Electricity,  Motorcycles &N Scooters. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, hour. Please call our of- wable w w. C e nNeeded: t r a l Te xJania s - 8pm, Saturday January tos www.steelcontainers.   refrigerators,   •Welder QUALIty BUILt homes medio!  now!   eRs $2,000 and up. Wind ers, and Electricity, water, medio! Se necesita: traesses. 15-5-5 applied at    Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t  FARM TRUCK, Ford ‘96, ments for Farm & Boats through Wednesday, 718-9765  eRs $2,000 and up. Wind     Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t R a n ch E q u i p m e n t Breed Cows and tle,9am-7pm 11-18 months old,en net and Sunday, eRs $2,000 and up. Wind hour. Please call our of- torial (254) 776-7775 solicite  Will deliver. (254) 722wanted/ Broken We Pick-Up (903) 336January 26, 10am-5pm. workers inoboys Waco,  options! Grass fed bulls and and water tight. See phoRJanuary a ndiesel, ch E29th, q u i pdove, mATV’s, eaucnjat disponibles los empleos ficeadvertising at (254) 776-7775  bajadores defatlimpieza en whitetail,  on your lot. Floor plans   $23.00 per acre. access, whitetail, dove, ja- access, bajadores de limpieza torial workers in Waco, 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,  B OAt sWednesday, h OW ! Bell •Painter CODE 010320 through cook stoves. Rebuilt 350 standard transand water tight. See phofor     black, Golddust, &to 25,   through Wednesday,  through Wednesday,  DOBERMAN PUPPIES 4270, Burleson, TX. Full Motorcycles C L(254) Atight. R Bi-Weekly K776-7775 AUC - Temple fice at water See pho$1,200. (254) 899-2558 us through Wednesday, January 26, 10am-5pm.  and  en línea en www.janitoriStocker Calves. Call JOBs AVAILABLe. us & Scooters. Contact Carlos Morris tos www.steelcontainers. hunting & 9086 w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s County Expo Center, Fri- Waco, velina, thick cover, views, Waco, Temple y las áreas  Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, and surrounding or apply online at www. heifers. Purebred genfit any budget. No money   Temple and surrounding January 26, 10am-5pm. BOAt shOW! Bell  de tiempo completo y uy us January 29th, for auctos www.steelcontainers. mission, flat bed, $3,500. with 90 day warranty. tion on February 1st. January 29th, for auc•Forklift Driver  January 29th, for aucIncome (est.) January 29th, for auc  tION isGross currently and jobs or apply online at www.  tos www.steelcontainers. Livestock For Sale OneCenter, Cron DogFrigirls. 254-931-7143, 3pm 254-421-1276 fertilizer wday, w w.January C eFebruary n t rfor a24, a sde - circundantes. g epart-time N t LStarting emonths M Iat xavaileold, d Fishing canyons. $650/ circundantes. Al Tex partir A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ (254) 749-0909 (254) We Pick-Up (903) 336 net Will deliver. (254) down. 100% financing. areas. Starting at $8 per tle, 11-18 County Expo    areas. Starting at $8 per w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s tion on February 1st.  net Will deliver. (254) 722tion on February 1st.  tion on 1st. able Needed: Janition •Material on February 1st. #12479. Ask for Dennis254-848-2333 713-539-2544. medio! Se necesita: tra-  Delivery, service work, accepting consign Handler 8pm, Saturday January  $100 for return net Will deliver. (254) 722Bell Appliances B rpor enow! eREWARD dhora. C o wPor s afavor n d AC. Forrepair Fee (Fawn) application andPor sales. Bell AC. 979-575-3939 Lang$8 por hora. favor $8  $475.00 #12479. 254-848-2333 979-575-3939 Lang- #12479.  4270, Burleson, TX.  torial workers in Waco, 9086 Feed & suprr,Bell Unday, January 24, 3pmCredit program. #12479. 254-848-2333 hour. Please call our of- 749-5637 hour. Please call our of-  $1,200. (254) 899-2558    4270, Burleson, TX. & #12479. 254-848-2333  254-848-2333 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, e M p L e O s d I s of Charley, black & white Stocker Calves. Call ments for Farm need non-working ones. 4270, Burleson, TX. Fri Real estate For 979-450-8089 bajadores de limpieza en Motorcycles •Siding Installer llame a nuestra oficina al llame JOBs AVAILABLe. Full BOAt shOW! Bell January Fri-  Temple and surrounding  a 749-0909 nuestra oficina al   geNtLe MIxed TV’s, 8pm, Saturday January ,r,FriBATHTUB REFINISHING  26, 10am-5pm.  (254) 857-4663. plies (254) (254) fice at (254) 776-7775 tuxedo cat. All shots and     fice at (254) 776-7775 EEO Statement  3pm$575.00 pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t g e N t L e M I x e d areas.776-7775 Starting at $8 per hunting & Hunting (254) (254) &solicite 776-7775 sale Expo Center, Fri- w(254) and avail3pm Waco, Temple yjobs geepart-time tLe M Mlas edd County Apply in person at o solicite w hunting w. C214-5284, e n t r a lo& Te x a s - (254) in home. Repairs on porceNICe WAsheRs, dry 749-5637 oters. 25, 9am-7pm and pm-  neutered. South 47th/Ave B r e e d C ow s a n d g NN IIxxáreas e CODE 010320 Farm & Ranch shIppINg CONtAINhour. Please call our of-     sporting  or apply online atSunday, www.  nuary through  disponibles empleos Farm & '1 Ranch uary Boats en línea en www.janitori Fishing DACHSHUND PUPPIES BBPerformance rreenow! eetddL eWednesday, C ow spartir nnde dd day, BUy '1 &los Repair Un- or apply online at www. January 24, 3pmable Needed: 799-6228 nuary Fishing B Land AC K ANg U s30 We  lain fiberglass. Over Cow ow s aaaJanien línea en www.janitoriFishing M.ers, Call 254-295-0709. B L AC K A N g U s Food Group and/or its subsidiaries (individually or collectively, the “Company”) provides equal  refrigerators, and fice at (254) 776-7775 circundantes. A 336January 26, 10am-5pm. uary 1919 Mueller Road goods Boats Stocker Calves. Call B r e e d C s n d eRs $2,000 and up.www. Wind  January 29th, for aucPaid every two weeks. Boats nday, de tiempo completo 3hUNtINg/ males, 1 female, black Stocker Calves. Call  8pm, Saturday January torial workers in Waco, years in fed business. Call Dale wanted/ Broken ATV’s,y nday, CLARK AUCtractors or cook apply online atRebuilt Grass fat bulls and Stocker Calves. Call INVest  w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s 1 CeMeteRy Lot at nday, stoves. Stocker Calves. Call Grass fed fat bulls and (254) 749-0909 (254) Troy, Texas 76579 por hora. Por(254) favor C L Atight. Rorigin, K See AUC - B employment opportunity totan. all applicants andcallemployees, regardless ofVeterrace, color, sex,photion on749-0909 February 1st. and national water  5pm. 721-3658. and Forand info OAt sshOW! hK OWAUC ! genBell  medio! Se necesita: tra- JOBs AVAILABLe. Full BOAt shOW! Bell 25, 9am-7pm Sunday, Temple and surrounding (254) 5pm. $8 & Scooters. CLA R - Motorcycles (254) 749-0909 (254) tION istocurrently heifers. Purebred Waco Memorial, Department at (EEO) BOAt shOW! Bell JOBs AVAILABLe. BOAt Bell MeNt/ RECREATION Want Buy FURNISHED EFFICIEN5pm.  with 90 day warranty. Miscellaneous (254) 749-0909 (254) For Sale One Cron DogFull rculation Want to Buy is currently 749-5637 Expo Center, Fri- BOAt  heifers. Purebred gen#12479. 254-848-2333 shOW! Bell  orPick-Up email: aharris@ 254-773-7157 INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar Want Buy xxaass-- llame aStarting nuestra oficina al sexual JOBs AVAILABLe.  tos www.steelcontainers. January 26, 10am-5pm. areas. at $8 per 749-5637 s bajadores de limpieza en and part-time jobs avail- County Expo Center, Frians Section. $700. (254) CtION L A Rto K AU CFull - County We (903) 336tION is currently marital status, pregnancy, orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran 749-5637 County Expo Center, Fritle, 11-18 months old, accepting consignand part-time jobs availCounty Expo Center, Frix a s AL PROPERTY. We have    day, January 24, 3pm  749-5637 Delivery, service  accepting 4-778-4444 CIES.Please Flat Screen TVs, Full wtle, and part-time jobs work, avail- for  County Expo Center, Fri- able now! Needed: Jani- day, 662-3082 tION is consigncurrently ANY vehicle running or w w. C eFee nmonths t (Fawn) r a l Te xold, a s - We hour. call our of For Motorcycles 11-18 net Will deliver. (254) 722st January 24, 3pmWaco, Temple y las áreas (254) 776-7775 o solicite day, January 24, 3pmBUy & Repair Unaccepting consign8pm, Saturday January 9086 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 able now! Needed: Jani ments for Farm & able now! Needed: Janiday, January 24, 3pmments for Farm &  some of the best in Texas  status, and any other characteristic protected by applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. need non-working ones. accepting consignBOAt shOW! Bell  at 10 South Th ird St., Temple We BUy & Repair Unday, January 24, 3pmKitchen. Free: Cable, Interfice attractors (254) 776-7775 25, 9am-7pm Sunday, not, with or and without title.  B L AC K A NingWaco, U s 8pm, Saturday January 8pm, Saturday January wanted/ Broken ATV’s, torial workers  A partir de torial workers in Waco, ments for Farm & circundantes. 4270, Burleson, TX. Full time positions, $1,200. (254) 899-2558  dryen línea en www.janitoritractors 979-450-8089 R a n ch E q u i p m e n t ments for Farm & ot at Ranch Equipment torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Saturday January employment  Livestock  from the Hill Country (Ed(254) 214-5284, (254) January 26, 10am-5pm. ot at tractors County Expo Center, FriBroken ATV’s, Saturday January apply at Temple and & Repair Un-   Billsonline Nogwww. Lease/ 9am-7pm and Sunday, Motorcycles & Scooters. wanted/ Bnet. L AC K Paid. AN U s We BUy tand at or 254-624-1729 Grass fed bulls and  andfatsurrounding 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, Ra chC m e an st - 8pm, $8great por hora. favor Temple Starting e n t 25, Rthrough a n ch EWednesday, qsurrounding uipm BINGO shIppINg CONtAINbenefits, backlog Livestock wn w. eEnqt ru ai p l Te x eter• and • Por Bidding Begins at$8gen9:30AM • •10am-5pm. through Wednesday,  areas. at $8 per w  Temple and surrounding 9am-7pm and Sunday,  eter799-6228 wards, Menard, Coke, 25, & Scooters. 25, 9am-7pm Sunday,al areas. day, January 24, 3pm Broken ATV’s, January 26, 10am-5pm. We Pick-Up (903) 336- Motorcycles geNtLe MIxed  Grass fed fatK bulls and- wanted/ eterthrough Wednesday, through Wednesday, heifers. Purebred Starting at per January 26, JOBs AVAILABLe. No Deposit. llame a nuestra oficina Yorkshire Terriers: Full hour. January 29th, for aucbuilt eRs $2,000 and up. Wind '1 '1 '1 Please call our ofPerforms landscaping, hor� culture 254) C L A R AUC #4008 VFW Post of work. 254) e CLLA RKK AUC  Pick-Up (903) 33626, 10am-5pm. hour. January 29th, forJanuary aucareas. Starting at $8 free per January 26, 10am-5pm.  ValWANTED Verde County, January 29th, for w w. C 29th, e n t r a l Teaucx a s - January776-7775 9086 Registered Yorkie Pups. & Scooters.  8pm, Saturday and part-time jobs avail- We Purebred gen254) C RO AUC M p eA scurrently dInn I s-- - Motorcycles B r eateond(254) C ow s auca n d wJanuary fice 776-7775 tion February 1st. tle, 11-18 months old,of- w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s Please call our nty. heifers. o solicite Donkeys, horses, Ranch House andhunting water tight.for See & pho- w(254) DACHSHUND PUPPIES  tION is Chocolates, KBJani- 9086 tion on February 1st. tION  g e Nt Le M Ito x e dof- w w w. C e n t r a l Te xasable now!  tion onC 1st. hour. Please call our wblack, w. eFebruary nNeeded: t rParti, a l boys Tex   Pick-Up (903) 336apply online at www. ranging exotics), South Belton tle, 11-18 months old, We tION isisconsigncurrently Miscellaneous ¡currently Ya están grounds keeping ac�vi�es. 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, tion on February 1st. #12479. 254-848-2333 Fishing Golddust, &a s - or Stocker Calves. Call fice at (254) 776-7775 $1,200. (254) &899-2558 ork, pONIBLes. sheep, goats or any other accepting Appliances en línea en www.janitoritos www.steelcontainers. #12479. 254-848-2333 773-0114 torial workers in Waco, Read the Classified section to find B r e e d C ow s a n d accepting consignH O U S E K E E P E R / F R O N T girls. 254-931-7143,   males, 1 female, Take Hwy. 6 North, 6.4 or miles from the Lake Waco Bridge, on the right.  #12479. 254-848-2333 fice at(Kinney, (254) 776-7775  $1,200. (254) 899-2558 empleos accepting consign Texas Duval, Live 254-848-2333 Lic749-0909 #1-74-6066507-2(254) #12479. January 26, 10am-5pm. nes. disponibles farm animals. 254-865-3546 Motorcycles (254) apply online at www. ments forlos Farm & 3 9086 Appliances

essential nutrients s  provide for plants through their


productive biological procs esses. 15-5-5 applied at l independent contract $23.00 per acre. 16 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. sporting and Thursday, January ,lid driver’s license goods Contact Carlos Morris H n at254-421-1276 Performance Foodservice DC H for fertilizer : 4141 Lucius McCelvey, application and sales. Temple, Texas, 76504 deekly





me (est.)

s Income (est.)

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Class A CDL Drivers

Transportation H





& H H hunting Fishing H t  eeks. $10,000  RESULDriver TS... Sign-On BonusH

rat ployment n yTemple able Routes ee oAvailable r




Night Warehouse Selectors H H

 


Rentals  HMotorcycles '1 Livestock '1 '1  H H254.501.7500 H H  COMMERCIAL PROPERTY JOB Qualified Candidates can apply at search by Temple FOR H and apply priorLEASE to the job fair



Farm/ranch heavy equipment Seeking SEASONAL auction

• 1,250 square feet of office space and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ DOBERMAN PUPPIES production area H H H • Loading dock GARDENERS Saturday, February 1 , 2020 • Large garage doors & sup-off-street customer m. toH 1 p.m. Convenient H Real estate For •Feed 8896 n. hwy. 6, crawford, tX 76638 plies sale parking and surrounding JOBs AVAILABLe. Full Bnet ments for Farm Will deliver. (254) 722- DESK needed for Motel. Hoet DCdements HS diploma or GED required. OAt s h OW ! Bell Stocker Calves. Call Temple ments forcompleto Farm &&&y or nt  nt   tiempo for WED. AFTERNOONS  BOAt shOW! Bell County apply online atinfo www. Trucks Trucks County, whitetail, areas. $8 dryper 254) w wLivestock w.Starting C e n t r aatl Tex a s - and AccepTINg coNsIgNMeNTs uNTIL WedNesdAy,Livestock JANuAry 29 tan. For Motorcycles part-time jobs availExpo Fri749-5637 Experience Preferred. that justJanuary right item& Center, you’re looking for. telReal Ra ch qqCONtAINuuFarm iippm NICe WAsheRs, 4270, Burleson, TX. (254) 749-0909 (254) Feed & supRannnch chSeEEEqnecesita: meeenntranttt andOak  callhour. DOBERMAN PUPPIES '1 '1 Doors Open 11am shIppINg medio!   Ra u i p m Please call our of CLARK AUCsporting We BUy Repair Unestate For  County Expo Center, Friday, 24, 3pmable now! Needed: JanihUNtINg/ INVestB L AWAsheRs, C K A N gdryUs Apply at 1610 W Nugent e M p L plies • High visibility in downtown hogs). Large acreagelocation or fice ers, through Wednesday, 749-5637  .. Full NICe through Wednesday, Auctions e O sskiddsteers, I s - plows, planters, For Sale One Cron Dogand torial Session 12:30pm Tractors, trucks, UTVs, Full bajadores atrefrigerators, (254) 776-7775 goods eRs $2,000 and Wind Saturday workers in de limpieza en254-773-7157 xas, 76504  through Wednesday, wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  FIND ITup.aucGrass fedStarts fat bulls and 8pm, Ave,BUy Temple. Full  sale day, January 24,Waco, 3pm& Repair Un-trailers, tION is scurrently MIxed CallgeNtLe today, isJanuary looking For Fee (Fawn) geNtLe MIxed stoves. B L9am-7pm AC Ksomeone A N g U sfor We MeNt/ RECREATIONsmall. 30e year fixed rate  January 29th, for aucavailAuctions FRI. AFTERNOONS orcook apply online atRebuilt www. Temple e M p L O d I s ers, refrigerators, and 25, and Sunday, and surrounding January 29th, for aucpONIBLes. ¡Chris� Yasprayers, están Front-End availshredders, rakes, balers, seeders, augers, straight tractors and water tight. See phoWaco, Temple y las áreas  Motorcycles & Scooters. 979-450-8089 Temple with access from Central $ January 29th, for heifers. Purebred genUMHB seeks an applicants posi� avail 1 CeMeteRy Lot at  8pm, Saturday January  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, with 90 day warranty. B r e e d C ow s a n d geNtLe MIxed Grass fed fat bulls and B r e efor d this C ow s on.a n d January 26, 10am-5pm. areas. Starting at $8 per B OAt s h OW ! Bell Doors Open 5pm tion on February 1st. Janius owner financing. Only 5% accepting consign AL PROPERTY. We have cook stoves. Rebuilt tion on February 1st. Read the Classified section to find Temple, Texas pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos B L AC K A N g U s JaniWe Pick-Up (903) 336tos www.steelcontainers. circundantes. A partir de  rEplacEmEnts starting at 1000 Installed blades, cattle feeders, welders, generators, mowers, grapples, tle,9am-7pm 11-18 months old, on February 1st.  CLARK AUC- Stocker Calves. Call what you it Jani- tion Make your & adScooters. stand out w w. Chave e ntoCalves. tsell! r a Find l Tegenxfast? a s - Motorcycles hour. Please call our of- wheifers. hUNtINg/ INVestDelivery, service work, County Expo Center, Fri 25, and Sunday, #12479. 254-848-2333 DACHSHUND PUPPIES Session Starts 6:30pm Waco Memorial, Veter Purebred Stocker Call JOBs AVAILABLe. Full B r e e d C ow s a n d  Down. Call toll free or Waco, with 90 day warranty. #12479. 254-848-2333  Avenue and 7th Street Turn Over ments for Farm & that just right item you’re looking for. Grass fed fat bulls and Waco, de tiempo completo y 9086  los empleos some the best(254) in Texas $8 por hora. Por favor WANT EXTRA INCOME 3 need net Willofdeliver. 722- disponibles $1,200. (254) 899-2558 fice at (254) 776-7775 males, 1 female, black day,  254-848-2333 industrial tanks, campers and MORE! January 24, 3pm- CLARK AUCaco, non-working ones. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS HfueltION issubmit currently Pick-Up (903) Please online applica� on found at and part-time jobs availfromRECREATIONthe rest! 336-tools, MeNt/  January 26, 10am-5pm.  tle, 11-18 months (254) old, We Bell #12479. CLARK AUCans Section. $700. (254)  (254) 749-0909

mple, Texas

R, Texas





HBINGO Great space. Great location. employment

B FAIR and discounts? CallgenAnay nding email forPurebred individual prices heifers. Call today, someone is looking nding from llame aBurleson, nuestra oficina 4270, TX. de tiempo completo Ranch Equipment the Hill Country (Ed-alfor  Marie at Avon 281-384-3480 Fri- (254) 8●8r,ding per tle, terms. 11-18 months old, Valid Class CDL per solicite what 776-7775 youA have to sell!oFind it fast? medio! and ranchenterpris Se necesita: tra8ur per through Wednesday,  Coke, 3pmofsporting glínea eN tMenard, Le M Ix e d $1,200. (254) 899-2558en en en www.janitoriur of- wards,  sporting Dollar Saver Classified 800-876-9720  rDriving ofbajadores de limpieza sporting  Experience nuary 7775 January 29th, for aucgoods B r e e d C ow s a n d Val Verde County, free   7775 goods 7775 goods y lashomes áreas QUALIty BUILt nday,   Stocker Calves. CalltoWaco, (254) 778-4444  www. tion onTemple February 1st. ranging exotics), to For South www. 16 from 10 a.m. 1Feed p.m. & supground WANTED Donkeys, horses, ww.  Real estate  5pm. circundantes. A partir de on your lot. Floor plans to (254) 749-0909 (254)  apply BOAt shOW! Bell apply BOAt shOW! Bell INVESTORS NEEDED  plies #12479. 254-848-2333 Texas (Kinney, Duval,CBD Live apply BOAt shOW! Bell   sale ce DC s - Foodservice 749-5637 sheep, goats any other $8 porbudget. hora.or No Pormoney favor Invest inExpo fast growing fit any County Center, Fri .x. aFull County Expo Center, Fri  Full  County Expo Center, '1 '1 Oak County, whitetail, business, above normal inFull day, January 24, 3pmaL100% nuestra oficina down. financing.  day, January 24, 3pm- llame avail vey, Temple, Texas, 76504 farm terest and quick24, payback. avail- day,  Canimals. A R K254-865-3546 AUC - al January 3pmhUNtINg/ INVestER avail8pm, Saturday January hogs). Large acreage or tractors (254) 776-7775 o solicite 254-563-1777 8pm, Saturday January  Credit repair program.  Janiot at 8pm, JanitION is currently Saturday January MeNt/  Jani25, 9am-7pm and Sunday,   Automotive Diagnostics, small. 30 RECREATIONyearand fixed 25, and Sunday, en línea en www.janitoriWaco, Auctions (254) 857-4663. A CDL Drivers ! !9am-7pm !9am-7pm Commercial ! have !rate ! Waco, accepting consign25, Sunday, AL PROPERTY. We eter aco,  Feed & Supply January 26, 10am-5pm. EVT & ASE Certified MeJanuary 26, 10am-5pm. Land, Investment nding  owner financing. Only 5%  ments 254) January C Lequivalent A Rbest K AUC - nding some of the in Texas 26, 10am-5pm. loma/GED or Class Afor CDLFarm &  w w w. CC eenntis rraacurrently lland Te x● aaValid ss-- chanic. Cars, trucks Properties, 88ding per ww w w. ttoll Te xaDriving Ra n ch E q u i p m e neven t tION per from the Hill Country (Edw w. C e n t r a l Te x s Down. Call free or ft 90 lbs ● 6 Months CDL Experience Be Able to Work the  8ust per  Business Properties.  tow trucks, policeAUCpackage   ur ofReal estate Forfor CLARK WANT TO LEASE LAND through Wednesday, accepting consignur ofwards, Menard, Coke,  ,r Drug Screen, and Background David Barr Properties ofemail for individual prices  lighting, fire truck PMCS.  grazing, will do   7775 sale January 29th, for auc-imand, Reach andFarm Lift tION isAg currently hunting & ments & cattle Val Verde County, 7775Walk,  (hunting 254) for 526-2277 nt  & free 7775 provements, Exemption Full shop now1st. open and terms.  hunting & '1  ver Sign-On service www. tion on February  ranging exotics), to www.davidbarrproper Ra n ch Eranchenterprisq u i pBonus mSouth e n t references www. available  Fishing  accepting consignFishing ww. to the public. 254-220-2442 en 10 to 35 pounds and up Fishing    apply 254-865-3546 800-876-9720 #12479. 254-848-2333 (Kinney, Duval, Live hUNtINg/ INVestthrough Wednesday,  .apply Full Texas apply ments for Farm &    ehouse Selectors Oak County, whitetail, January 29th, forhomes aucFull BOAt shOW! Bell ..availMeNt/ RECREATIONTemperature Environments Full BOAt shOW! Bell QUALIty BUILt  Full BOAt shOW! Bell Ranch Equipment  hogs).  acreageFrior availCountyLarge Expo Center,

1 p.m. Conus rs 76504 H


Gooseneck Stocker and tan. Calves. For infoCall call or Delivery, service work, apply online at www. Saturday January Doors Open 4pm able now! Needed: Jani- 8pm, (254) 214-5284, (254) Livestock 254-773-7157 tION is currently Ball899-2558 Hitch (254)  ww w. C eStarts nis t r currently a5:30pm l Te x a s - $1,200. 749-5637  tION 662-3082 need non-working ones. 9am-7pm and Sunday, shIppINg CONtAIN(254) 749-0909 Session torial workers in (254) Waco, 25, Installed Starting at 799-6228 accepting consign- January eeRs M p$2,000 L e O and sconsignd Is 26, 10am-5pm. up. Wind (254) 214-5284, (254)  accepting Temple and surrounding LARGE 749-5637 g e N t L e M Ixed $ 600 pONIBLes. están CONtAINw w. C e ntight. t r a¡ lYa Te x phoa s - shIppINg  mentsStarting for Farm & w areas. at $8 per and water See NON-SMOKING ROOM 799-6228 B r e e d Cows and ments forlos Farm &at eRs disponibles empleos Miscellaneous 1 CeMeteRy Lot $2,000 and up. Wind  hour. Please call our ofGrill Guards Stocker Calves. Call Hot Food Available y tos www.steelcontainers. Ranch Equipment de tiempo completo Ranch Equipment WANTED horses, Installed at fice at (254) (254) 749-0909 (254) Waco Memorial, water tight. Starting See phoMaximum Pay OutVeterBthrough Lsheep, AC KDonkeys, A 776-7775 Ng U s medio! hunting &  net Will deliver. (254) 722Se necesita: tra- and goats or any other Wednesday, Miscellaneous BOAt shOW! Bell 749-5637 or apply online at www. through Wednesday, $550  JOBs AVAILABLe. Full bajadores farm animals. 254-865-3546 de limpieza en tos Fishing www.steelcontainers. CLARK AUCans Section. $700. (254) 4270, Burleson, TX. Grass fed fat bulls and  January 29th, for aucCounty Expo Center, Fri- Waco, Temple y las áreas January 29th, forWheel auc- w/4 '1 '1 '1 net Will deliver. 722 and part-time jobs avail$ is (254) currently 662-3082 Short Bed Boxes 3,950 heifers. Purebred  BL AtION C .............. K A N gUs circundantes. AM partir JOBs AVAILABLe. Full B OAt h OW !I xBell BOAt shOW! Bell day, January 24,gen3pmg e Non ts LFebruary eSingle ede d 4270, tion now! on February 1st. $4,150 tion 1st. Burleson, TX.  Long Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ................. able Needed: Janiaccepting consignGrass fed fat bulls and $8 por hora. Por favor County Expo Center, Friand part-time jobs availtle, 11-18 monthsJanuary old, County  8pm, Saturday Expo Center, FriB r e e d C o w s a n d $ #12479. 254-848-2333 Purebred gen-& llame a nuestra oficina al heifers. Dually w/4254-848-2333 Boxes ................................................... 4,400 #12479. January 24, 3pmable now! Needed: Jani- day, ments for torial workers inSunday, Waco, 25, 9am-7pm and Stocker Calves. Call tle, day, January 24, 3pm$1,200. (254) 899-2558  g e 11-18 NtLe M$Farm I xold, ed months (254) 776-7775 oJanuary solicite 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ 4,450 Saturday torial workers in Waco, 8pm, Ranch Equipment  January 26, 10am-5pm. Temple and surrounding (254) 749-0909 (254) $1,200. (254) 899-2558 $ en línea en www.janitori8pm, Saturday January B r e e d C ow s and   84"9am-7pm Cab Axleand C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ 4,875 Sunday, Temple and surrounding 25, Carry Prices. Add $500 Standard Installation w w w.Starting C e n t r aatat l Te aper s - January through Wednesday, 749-5637  areas. Starting $8xper JOBs AVAILABLe. Full For 25, 9am-7pm and Sunday, 26,Out10am-5pm. areas. $8 Stocker Calves. Call  Feed 29th, & January for(254) aucw w. Cestate e n t 10am-5pm. r a jobs l TeFor x availa s -  hour. Real January 26, and part-time hour. Please Pleasecall callour ourofof- w (254) 749-0909  plies fice at (254) 776-7775 sale tionE. onHwy. February 1st. tractors  w w w. C e n t r a l Te x a s able now! Needed: Jani 749-5637 fice at (254) 776-7775 1 CeMeteRy Lot at 800-932-2461 • 2403 190 or  apply online at www. 8.7 Livestock Miles West of "Old or .5 miles East Lampasas #12479. 254-848-2333 '1 '1  C LofA R K Wal-Mart AU C torial workers inLocation" Waco, Waco hUNtINg/ INVest or applyMemorial, online at Veterwww.  tION currently RECREATIONwww.kEmpnErEquip  ansp Section. C L and A RK AUC CLARK AUCTemple surrounding e M L e O s$700. d(254) I s - MeNt/ tractors BOAt shOW! Bell Automotive Diagnostics, 1 ePROPERTY. CeMeteRy Lot at  accepting consign AL We have g NtION tStarting L e isMcurrently Ix e d 662-3082 pONIBLes. ¡ Ya están areas. at $8 per EVT & ASE isCertified Me- some tION currently ments for Farm &  of the best in Texas County Expo Center, FriBWaco r e e dMemorial, C o wconsigns Veterand  Full  JOBs AVAILABLe. chanic. Cars, los trucks even disponibles empleos accepting

tractors (254) 778-4444 SK Truck Bed H






Feed & supplies


Dollar Saver Classified


sporting EquipmEnt kEmpnEr goods


from the Hill Country (Ed-


R a n ch


749-0909 (254) medio! necesita: tra- &(254) Room of NEW Tools,SeHydraulic Oils Welding Supplies! 9086 accepting ALBack PROPERTY. We have ASK FORFull 749-5637 bajadores de limpieza en for airFarm & also be&completed will take placements inside Applica� our conditioned heated facility. ons may at someAuction ofBOLDING the best in Texas Waco, y our las áreas Items(Edwill be soldTemple live viaUMHB media Ranch Equipment Humanscreens. Resources, from the Country CallHill Classified B L AC K A NgUs circundantes. A partir de through Wednesday, wards, 778-4444 Menard, Coke, $8 900 College Street,Grass Belton,fed Texas. fat bulls and por hora. Por favor January 29th, forvisit: auc- heifers. Purebred genValFor Verdemore County, information, free llame a nuestra oficina tion on February tle, 11-18 months old, ranging exotics), to South (254) 776-7775 o solicite #12479. 254-848-2333 Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live en línea en www.janitori- $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Oak County, whitetail,


hogs). Large acreage or Feed & supestate For small. 30 year fixed rate Real Accepting payments of Cash, Debit/Credit, Auctions plies  & Local Check. 5% BP per item for ONSITE ownerclark financing. Only 5% auction company, sale LLc bidders, 10% BP for Proxibid Bidders.  Down. Call toll free or CAC reserves the right to withhold items CLARK AUC CLARK AUCINVestemail for individual prices hUNtINg/ until checks have cleared. Vehicles/ tION is currently  tION is currently MeNt/ RECREATIONRobert W. Clark #12497 (254) 848-2333 and terms. ranchenterpris- accepting consign-Trailers are subject to TT&L fees.  PROPERTY. We have accepting 800-876-9720 AL forbest Farm & ments for Farm & REACH LOCAL ments of the in Texas QUALIty BUILt homes some Ranch Equipment





We want Moto We P 9086

Page 6 • January 15, 2020

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

                       Dollar Saver Sunday, December 15, 2019 1            Temple: (254) 778-4444               Killeen: (254) 501-7530                     Dollar   Dollar Saver Saver Sunday, Sunday, January January 19, 19, 2020 2020 11                                                                    AL L CON CR E T E Dollar Saver Sunday,  January 19, 2020 1         WOR K .        F R E E E stim ates.          D r iveways, P atios,              F encing, E tc. 350-9192                                                      Dollar January 19,    Dollar Saver Saver Sunday, Sunday, January 19, 2020 2020 1 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020 11Sunday, January 19, 2020 1    Dollar Saver                 The Lawn Dude! 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 Landscaping Concrete   Remodeling Remodeling Concrete          Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020 1                                      10% OFF     ask about additional            Leaf Clean-up  advertising options! 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The Lawn Dude!          and Maintenance D r iveways, P atios, Complete Lawn Service           F encing, E tc. 350-9192            The  Lawn Dude! ADVERTISE WITH US TODAY       Complete Lawn Service and Maintenance      Call: 501.7500             CODE 010220                     e!      10% OFF        nance         AL L CON CR E T E    Leaf Clean-up        WOR K .          with this coupon!     10% OFF   F R E E E stim ates.                  D r iveways,  Leaf Clean-up       P atios,      254-634-DUDE (3833)  F encing, E tc. 350-9192          with this coupon!      ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !        Land, Investm ent         P roperties, and 254-634-DUDE (3833)       Tree Service Lawn   Business P roperties.  The Lawn Dude! Dude!    The        David Barr P roperties Complete Lawn Service and Maintenance Complete Lawn Service and Maintenance        ( 254) 526-2277     ! www.davidbarrproper           Business/  ties.c om Roofing              33)   Commercial            ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !        Land, Investm ent             ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !    ADVERTISE WITH US TODAY  P roperties, and        Land, Investm ent e!    Business P roperties.       10% OFF    10% OFF   P roperties, and Call: 501.7500 David Barr P roperties     ance           ( 254) Business P526-2277 roperties.     Leaf Clean-up CODE 010220     Leaf Clean-up     REACH LOCAL www.davidbarrproper   David Barr P roperties             ties.c om   ( 254) 526-2277      with this coupon! with this coupon!          www.davidbarrproper       HEALTHCARE          ties.c om              254-634-DUDE (3833)  254-634-DUDE (3833)         JOB SEEKERS!           !!!     !!! 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Business roperties.       Repair     nce CODE 010220  David Barr P roperties  David Barr P roperties ance nce    Lawn Service and Maintenance   Complete     ((254)  254) 526-2277 526-2277  !  ask about additional   www.davidbarrproper    www.davidbarrproper      ties.c om     advertising options!            33)               ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !             Land, Investm ent             ADVERTISE USUSTODAY P roperties, and ADVERTISEWITH WITH TODAY          Business P roperties.                 10% OFF  David Barr P roperties  Call: 501.7500 Call: 501.7500        CODE 010320          ( 254) 526-2277   CODE 010220  Leaf Clean-up CODE 010220  www.davidbarrproper        ties.c om    with this coupon!               3)   3) 3)  254-634-DUDE (3833)         !!!!!!!!! Com       Comm merc ercial ial !!!!!!!!! Com m erc ial  ADVERTISE WITH US TODAY ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land,     Land, Investm Investment ent  Land, Investm ent   Land, Investm ent    P roperties, and    P roperties, and P roperties, and    P roperties, and Call: 501.7500   The Lawn Dude! Business   Business P Properties. roperties. Business P roperties.   Business P roperties.   David Barr P roperties Complete Lawn Service and Maintenance CODE 010220 David Barr P Properties roperties David Barr     David Barr P roperties   ((254) 254) 526-2277   254) 526-2277 ( 526-2277  ( 254) 526-2277  www.davidbarrproper   www.davidbarrproper www.davidbarrproper   www.davidbarrproper  ties.c     om ties.c om ties.c om  

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January 15, 2020 • Page 7

                      

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www.davidbarrproper ties.c om

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Dollar Saver

Sunday, January 19, 2020







   CODE 010220

Page 8 • January 15, 2020

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

(254) 771-3516 RATES 778-4444FAX DEADLINES DEADLINESPHONE (254) PHONE FAX Area Advertising (254) 771-3516 RESULTS... (254) 771-3516 (254) 778-4444 (254) 778-4444

ent................................19 Tree Service ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Flowers, GardenFood Supplies ..191 Help Wanted Professional..............133 Help Wanted General ....................132 Services OFFICE SPACEElectrical Must dependable and Business Bookkeeping ....................48 Help Wanted Professional..............133 Gen. Contractor &............................79 Misc. Svc. Electrical Services ............................79 Houses Unfurnished ........................14 bottom. Free Estimates! Products................................184 Motorcycles Sale ....................294 ..........78Investments be From $495. 254-778-1374. From $495. 254-778-1374. Eat Free Nearby. BusinessBookkeeping Bookkeeping ....................48 Communications, TV, Radio, .....................14 Houses Furnished ............................13 experienced experienced and benefits. ent Heavy Trucks ........................292 Merchandise WantedFor ....................183 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 512-856-2200 512-856-2200 Cashier/Assistant. Electrical Services ............................79 Group and with and knowledgeable with Duty For Salesperson Wanted........................134 Business ....................48 theknowledgeable Topcon system. ...................14 Repairs, AllCB......47 Types ............................85 Motorcycles Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 •3bed/2.5bath/2gar •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Help Wanted Professional..............133 operty ............................20 Estate Loans, ....148 Computers, Software......................192 Salesperson Wanted........................134 Paving, Asphalt, Etc.Nearby. ........................54 good references. RENT$2,000 Reasonable prices. Highly have Insulation ..........................................80 Electrical Services Real ............................79 Salesperson Wanted........................134 Cemeteries & Monuments................49 NOW HIRING fast paced Business Bookkeeping ....................48 Rooms Rent ..............................15 Insulation ..........................................80 Musical Goods................................186 Recreational Eat Free Eat Free Nearby. HousesFor Unfurnished ........................14 Motorcycles Vehicles For Sale....................296 ....................294 Food Products................................184 Cemeteries & Monuments................49 .....................15 Cashier/Assistant. Cashier/Assistant. Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Insulation ..........................................80 Accepting applications at Vehicles 254-771-2811, thestarts Topcon system. the Topcon system. Cemeteries & Monuments................49 Salesperson Wanted........................134 254-301-5255 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 ...................15 Roofing, Siding ................................86 Recreational ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 RENT$2,000 RENT$2,000 ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193 Pay out at $25 an Jobs Wanted ..................................135 recommended. 254-316-1108. Miscellaneous Services....................55 Diana White 438 Insulation ..........................................80 Cemeteries Monuments................49 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 ............................................81 RoomsHomes, For Rent ..............................15 Health && Related Services ......50 Flooring Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods Goods................................186 Mobile Lots &&&Acreage........16 Flooring ............................................81 Sporting ..............................187 Sport Utility ....................................297 customer service/cashier carport, close to Care Temple Health Care Related Services ......50 254-771-2811, 254-771-2811, Acreage........16 Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 Flooring ............................................81 Pay starts out at $25 an Pay starts out at $25 an Health Care Related Services ......50 Recently refurbished 3,500 creage........16 see the store. Lone Star Grading & Sandblasting ....................................87 Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Diana White Diana White 438 on Hwy 438 Auctions, All Types ........................194 1.5 13 10 ACRES hour. We offer PTO, Flooring ............................................81 Fencing ............................................56 Health & Related Services ......50 Farm & Ranch Mobile Homes, LotsProperty............17 & Acreage........16 Financial Sport Utility Sporting Goods ..............................187 713.859.2952 Park. Equipment $750 Care month. NEED TRUCK DRIVER Financial Services ........................51 Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 Sport Leases, Lake Boats, Motors ................................188 Trucks, Vans....................................297 & Pickups..................298 Equipment Services ........................51 Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 EVA’S Residential CleanseeWe theoffer store. see the store. operty............17 nouncements at Kolache Kitchen, 35 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 1.5 Northeast ofEquipment Temple, 1.5 Lake Financial All hour. We offer PTO, hour. PTO, sq.ft. office and warehouse Services ........................51 Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 6.26 perty............17 Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Financial 713.859.2952 713.859.2952 Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 NEED TRUCK DRIVER NEED TRUCK DRIVER Materials Equipment Services ........................51 Landscaping-Yard WorkFrom ..................82 Sport Leases, LakeHouse Property............17 Call ..................................57 Bill Exterminators for info...................................52 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, ................................188 with endStocks, dumpBonds experience. EVA’S Residential CleanResidential CleanMoving vacation,Building goodMotors wages Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 ing Servicetop to EVA’S All miles outside of Reality Loop. All..................................52 Chappell Hill Notes, ....................146 Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Property Offices................................18 Painting &Notes, Wallpapering ..................83 Exterminators Materials ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Re.....................18 Painting &Wallpapering Wallpapering ..................83 Automobiles For Sale....................299 ....................299 Building Materials ter, with end dump experience. with dump experience. d....................................31 Located on corner hours plus. Must have Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 vacation, good wages vacation, good wages ..................................52 ...................18 Painting &space. ..................83 ing ServiceFrom top to ing ServiceFrom top to..........................190 Dozer Work ......................................89 Notes, Bonds ....................146 Automobiles For Sale Building Materials ..........................190 Exterminators ..................................52 Hill Reality Chappell Hill Reality OFFICE SPACE Machinery, Misc. &end Heavy..............196 Must beStocks, dependable and 254-721-7193, Lake Belton PropertyExterminators Offices................................18 Paintingbottom. & Wallpapering ..................83 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 Rein Chappell bermuda grass. ReFree Estimates! Please call Security Services..............................58 Dairy, Farm Products bottom. ....................171 benefits. OFFICE SPACE OFFICE SPACE Must begood dependable and Must and be dependable and ve,& Recreation Group bottom. Free Estimates! Free Estimates! What you get when you advertise lot in downtown Temple. ntent ............32 have references. and benefits. and benefits. Realty. gent stricted. Owner/agent reliable transportation and Group Rentals Group Reasonable prices. Highly NOW HIRING fast paced NOW LEASING NOW LEASING have good references. have good references. Pets & Livestock Feed & Pasturing ..........................172 and tate Continued Business Services Cont’d Building & Home Maint. Cont’d Financial Cont’d. Merchandise Cont’d. NOW LEASING Office, Records Storage ..................59 Reasonable prices. Highly Reasonable prices. Highly (254) 947-0149 for more NOW LEASING FOR LEASE FOR Education NOW HIRING fast paced Accepting 325-668-6465 in the Classified pages of the 254-301-5255 Landscaping. Off-street FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Aries Building Systems 254-301-5255 .....................................37 FOR LEASE: LEASE: 1BR, 1BR, 2BA, 2BA, FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, SHORTY’S recommended. 254-316-1108. Fertilizerrecommended. parking. Accepting applications applications at at Accepting applications at NOW HIRING fast paced 254-301-5255 Field recommended. 254-316-1108. 254-316-1108. 3,500 cash handling experience & customer service/cashier carport, Pets ................................................230 Seeds, Plumbingrefurbished ..........................................84 customer service/cashier customer service/cashier carport, close close to to Temple Temple carport, to Temple .........................1 Tree Service ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Garden Supplies ..191 DOLLAR Wanted SAVER. To Rent................................19 Mowing, weedeating, edg- ....................174 info Schools Instructions....................120 Recently refurbished Lone Grading && Flowers, Call&close 254-774-5204 13 Recently refurbished 3,500 Recently 3,500 Transportation Lone Star Star Grading Lone Star Grading & Modular Building 13 Land for..............38 sale by owner Building 13 Lake & Home Maint. Park. $750 month. Lake Park. $750 month. Lake Park. $750 month. Apply inKitchen, person 35 Poultry ............................................231 Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 ing, tree All service, flower at GetEast Results! Call Today!Property tals Continued Business Services Cont’d Building &and Home Maint. Cont’d Financial Cont’d. Merchandise Cont’d. at Kolache Kolache Kitchen, 35 at Kolache Kitchen, 35 Repairs, Types ............................85 sq.ft. office warehouse n6.26 ......................2 ............................20 Real Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Computers, Software......................192 Music, Drama ................................123 sq.ft. office and office and warehouse Paving, Asphalt, Etc. 6.26 miles of Business Temple. 26.26 Materials For Rent: 4006for Trailwood state Rentals Continued Business Services Cont’d Building & Home Maint. Cont’d Financial Cont’d. Merchandise Cont’d. Materials Call Bill info. Call Bill ........................54 forwarehouse info. sq.ft. NOW HIRING for the Air Conditioning & Heating ..............74 beds, mulching, and more. Livestock ........................................232 ter, Acres with Mini waterStorage meter, CALL DOLLAR SAVER Tuesday-Saturday at Located onMerchandise corner space. Located ness Services hours plus. Must have hours plus. Must have Plumbing ..........................................84 Roofing, Siding ................................86 Rent................................19 Tree Service ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Garden Supplies ..191 ........................3 ....................................21 New/Used AutoFlowers, Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193 Dr, Temple, Lake 5BR, fenced 254-721-7193, Lakeon corner Belton space. 254-721-7193, Belton Miscellaneous Services....................55 Please call Please call Plumbing ..........................................84 ..........................1 Wanted To Rent................................19 Tree Service ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 Employment 254-760-3031 ( 2 5 4 ) 7 7 8 -4 4 4 4 4 ove, tank, whitetail, dove, Buildings Storage ............................75 ve, large What you you get when when you advertise advertise What you get when you advertise following positions: in downtown Temple. What get you Realty. lot in downtown Temple. lotHunt back yard, Ch&A, 2 living Realty. (254) 778-4444 reliable transportation and reliable transportation and Repairs, All Types ............................85 Automotive Childcare......................44 NOW HIRING 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp Sandblasting ....................................87 roperty ............................20 Real Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Computers, Software......................192 Auctions, All Types ........................194 Paving, Asphalt, Etc. ........................54 Furniture, New & Used ..................179 with your dog or and etc. Hillside with trees and (254) 947-0149 for more (254) 947-0149 for more Fencing ............................................56 Farm & Ranch Repairs, All Types ............................85 n........................4 ......................2 Business Property ............................20 Real Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Computers, Software......................192 NOW HIRING and TOWNHOMES AT (254)NOW 947-0149 for more Etc. ........................54 in the the Classified Classified pages pages of of the theCleaningareas. inServices the Classified pages of the Paving, Asphalt, Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 NOW HIRING SHORTY’S Landscaping. SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. parking. EFFICIENCIES Bills Aries Building Systems Aries Building Systems HIRING Hunt with your dog Paid. in ............................76 254-598-8179. GORILLA LUBE SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. Hunt with your dog or40 ......................180 Announcements •Engineer Manager Aries Building Systems guided. Quail/Chukar hunt Hunt with your dog oror Off-street TOWNHOMES AT anGORILLA Experienced Finish cash handling cash handling experience experience great view! down & EFFICIENCIES Roofing, Siding ................................86 TOWNHOMES AT ................................45 eng ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193 EFFICIENCIES BillsPaid. Paid. Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 TOWNHOMES AT PINA Tree Trimming, MowAuto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items .........................5 Antiques,Equipment Collectibles ....................195 cash handling experience Miscellaneous Services....................55 EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. LUBE && DOLLAR$1k SAVER. DOLLAR SAVER. Mowing, weedeating, edgweedeating, edginfo infoLUBE Bills Roofing, Siding ................................86 GORILLA LUBE guided. Quail/Chukar hunt House guided. Moving ..................................57 Call 254-774-5204 254-774-5204 .........................3 Mini Storage ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business ......................193 anModular Experienced Finish Furnished. Ramona Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 milesCallQuail/Chukar northeast of hunt Austin. Help Wanted Medical ....................131 guided. 40 Mowing, Services....................55 DOLLAR SAVER. anGORILLA Experienced Finish weedeating, edginfo RIVER FAIRMiscellaneous Quail/Chukar hunt 4040 Mowing, is hiring for experienced Modular Building Building an Experienced Finish $1,247 per month.Lost Call 254-774-5204 Concrete Work ................................77 BladeinOperator. Apply person Apply in person & Found....................................31 Modular Building •Purchase Manager ing, tree service, flower ing, tree service, flower Sandblasting ....................................87 vices..............................46 Get Results! Call Today! Get Results! Call Today! Auctions, All Types ........................194 Furnished. Ramona miles northeast of Austin. Dozer Work ......................................89 Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances ......................181 Training area. Quail for RIVER FAIR ........................6 Machinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196 is hiring for experienced Furnished. Ramona Fencing ............................................56 miles northeast of Austin. ing, Edging, Cleaning, Furnished. Ramona Farm & Ranch Apply inexperienced person northeast of Austin. Sandblasting ....................................87 RIVER tree service, flower Courtyard, near VA. ing, For Rent: 4006FAIR Trailwood For Rent: 4006 Trailwood is hiring experienced RIVER FAIR 713-875-2310 254-721-1377 .........................4 Auctions, Types ........................194 Blade Operator. hiring for Get Results!/ Call Today! Lube for Technician & Securitymiles Services..............................58 Help Wanted General ....................132 Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 Fencing ............................................56 Blade Farm &Duty Ranch NOW HIRING for the NOW HIRING for the All is Blade Operator. MUST beOperator. experienced and more. mulching, and more. BELTON nouncements sale. mulching, Gen. Contractor & Misc. Svc. ..........78 For Rent: 4006 Trailwood Training area. Quail for beds, CALL DOLLAR SAVER CALL DOLLAR SAVER Tuesday-Saturday at Tuesday-Saturday at & Recreation Training area. Quailmore. for beds, Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 ions, TV,............7 Radio, area. Quail for Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 NOW HIRING for the Courtyard, VA. Training Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced Heavy Trucks ........................292 Merchandise Wanted ....................183 •Electrician mulching, and ssories Lube Technician From $495. 254-778-1374. Courtyard, near VA. beds, Courtyard, VA. House Moving ..................................57 Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 512-856-2200 CALL DOLLAR SAVER ..........................5 Antiques,Pets Collectibles ....................195 Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 Tuesday-Saturday atwith 254-760-3031 254-760-3031 Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Lubeexperienced Technician & Lube Technician && MUST beexperienced experienced (22BELTON 5CB......47 4)) 7777Entertainment 8-4-444444444 Announcements (25BELTON 4............32 ) 7Ch&A, 78near -4 4near 4442 fenced & Livestock Help Wanted Professional..............133 sale. and knowledgeable Feed & Pasturing ..........................172 Office, Records Storage ..................59 Dr, Temple, 5BR, following positions: following positions: MUST be MUST be experienced House Moving ..................................57 BELTON •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Education sale. Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 sale. back yard, living back yard, Ch&A, 2 living (254) 778-4444 (254) 778-4444 nd....................................31 Electrical Services ............................79 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp 254-760-3031 ( 5 4 8 okkeeping ....................48 Dozer Work ......................................89 Personals ........................................37 Machinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196 From $495. 254-778-1374. Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Eat Free Nearby. Lost & Found....................................31 following positions: experienced Work Products 512-856-2200 Cashier/Assistant. ........................8 Products From $495. 254-778-1374. •Plumber From $495. 254-778-1374. Private Dozer ......................................89 Security Services..............................58 back yard, Ch&A, 2 living .........................6 Machinery, Misc. &the Heavy..............196 Farm ....................171 experienced (254) 778-4444 and knowledgeable with Topcon system. experienced 512-856-2200 Salesperson Wanted........................134 areas. 254-598-8179. areas. 254-598-8179. 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp Fence, power wash RENT$2,000 •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Field Seeds, Fertilizer....................171 ....................174 Pets ................................................230 Manager •Engineer Manager and knowledgeable with and knowledgeable with Security512-856-2200 Services..............................58 Farm •3bed/2.5bath/2gar •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Schools &Dairy, Instructions....................120 entMonuments................49 & Recreation ............32 PINA Tree Trimming, Mow- PINA•Engineer TreeDairy, Trimming, MowInsulation ..........................................80 &essories Carpools orOffice, Transportation ..............38 Eat Free Nearby. Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 254-771-2811, Entertainment & Recreation ............32 areas. 254-598-8179. Cashier/Assistant. Eat Free Nearby. Pets & Livestock •Engineer Manager Pay starts out at $25 an Building & Home Maint. Eat Free Nearby. ............7 Feed & Pasturing ..........................172 Cashier/Assistant. •Carpenter the Topcon system. Records Storage ..................59 Diana White 10 ACRES on Hwy 438 Cashier/Assistant. Jobs Wanted ..................................135 Education PINA Tree Trimming, MowRENT-$2,000 $2,000 Flooring ............................................81 •Purchase Pets & the Livestock the Topcon Manager system. Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 Topcon system. concrete work. Free Feed &Manager Pasturing ..........................172 Storage ..................59 and RENTlsRelated Education .......................................37 ing, Edging, Cleaning, ing,•Purchase Edging, Cleaning, RENT- $2,000 Office, Records Music, Drama ................................123 &.........................8 Services ......50 see the store. Northeast ofPersonals Temple,........................................37 1.5 Sport................................................230 Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 hour. We offer PTO, 254-771-2811, 713.859.2952 Air Conditioning NEED TRUCK DRIVER 254-771-2811, Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets •Purchase Manager ..............74 Estimates. Pay starts outatat$25 $25 an ........................................232 254-771-2811, EVA’S Residential Clean- ....................174 •Buyer Diana White 438 •Electrician •Electrician Pay starts out an Schools& &Heating Instructions....................120 Livestock ing, Edging, Cleaning, outside of Hwy Loop. 438 All ................................................230 Field Seeds, Fertilizer Pay starts out at $25 an Diana White Business Services Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, 771-2191, r38 Transportation ..............38 Financial Diana White 10miles ACRES on Merchandise Schools & Instructions....................120 d........................9 ervices ........................51 with end dump Pets experience. Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 vacation, good wages Building & Home Maint. Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Carpools or Transportation ..............38 ing ServiceFrom top to Chappell Hill Reality see the store. Employment 1.5 in bermuda grass. Resee the store. Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 Building & Home Maint. hour. We offer PTO, 1.5 Storage Buildings ............................75 •Electrician see the store. 713.859.2952 •Plumber •Plumber hour. We offer PTO, OFFICE SPACE Northeast of Temple, 1.5 Must be dependable and Music, Drama ................................123 NEED TRUCK DRIVER •Welder Poultry ............................................231 Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 713.859.2952 hour. We offer PTO, bottom.Fence, Freepower Estimates! Rake Lawncare, NEED TRUCK DRIVER EVA’S Residential Clean-..........................190 Private Fence, power wash Private wash als Babysitters, and benefits. Music,Leaves, Drama ................................123 stricted. Owner/agent Notes, Stocks, BondsMaint. ....................146 Continued Business Services Cont’d Building & Home Cont’d Financial Cont’d. Merchandise Cont’d. 718-9765 EVA’S Residential CleansAll ..................................52 NEED TRUCK DRIVER Automotive ed ..................10 Furniture, New & Used ..................179 Group Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials AirChildcare......................44 Conditioning &713.859.2952 Heating ..............74 EVA’S Residential CleanAll have good references. miles outsideHill of Reality Loop. All with end•Carpenter dump experience. Livestock ........................................232 Reasonable prices. Highly vacation, goodwages wages Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 Air Conditioning &LEASE: Heating ..............74 NOW HIRING fast paced iness Services with end dump experience. ing ServiceFrom top 325-668-6465 Chappell •Carpenter vacation, good Cleaning Services ............................76 Merchandise •Plumber ing ServiceFrom top toto Livestock ........................................232 Rewith end dump experience. Chappell Hill Reality FOR LEASE FOR 1BR, 2BA,Cont’d. vacation, good wages Business Services Accepting applications at and concrete work. Free and concrete work. Free •Painter usiness Services Cont’d Building & Home Maint. Cont’d Financial Merchandise Cont’d. Re254-301-5255 ing ServiceFrom top to Private Fence, power wash Merchandise Chappell Hill Reality Sewing, Ironing ................................45 d........................9 Employment .......................11 recommended. 254-316-1108. OFFICE SPACE Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items ......................180 Must be dependable and in bermuda grass. RePlumbing ..........................................84 Storage Buildings ............................75 OFFICE SPACE Must be •Buyer dependable bottom. FreeMedical Estimates! ent................................19 Tree Service ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees,andFlowers, Garden Supplies ..191 and Employment customer service/cashier carport, close to Temple bottom. Free Estimates! and benefits. gent OFFICE SPACE Must be •Buyer dependable Help Wanted ....................131 StorageNOW Buildings ............................75 LEASING Group and benefits. Automotive Recently refurbished bottom. Free Driver Estimates! Lone Grading & WorkWanted ................................77 Furniture, New &3,500 Used ..................179 •Carpenter Land forGroup sale by owner 13 Plumbing ..........................................84 have good Estimates. 771-2191, Estimates. 771-2191, andStar benefits. stricted. Owner/agent Automotive Babysitters, Childcare......................44 have good references. Reasonable prices. Highly e,ntChildcare......................44 Service ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 Group1BR, Concrete •Forklift hed ..................10 Banking Services..............................46 Lake Park. $750Drivers month. and concrete work. Free Furniture, New & Used ..................179 d......................12 NOW HIRING fastpaced paced Auto at Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods &references. Appliances ......................181 Help Truck ............130 Reasonable prices. Highly have good references. HIRING fast at Kolache 35 Cleaning Services ............................76 FOR LEASE sq.ft. office and warehouse FOR LEASE: 2BA, Repairs, All Types ............................85 Reasonable prices. Highly Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 miles East of Temple. 26.26Asphalt, Accepting applications at NOW perty ............................20 Real Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Computers, Software......................192 NOW HIRINGKitchen, fast paced LEASE Help Wanted General ....................132 254-301-5255 Paving, Etc. ........................54 FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, •Welder •Welder Materials Cleaning Services ............................76 Accepting applications 325-668-6465 ning ................................45 CallFOR Bill for..........78 info. recommended. 254-301-5255 recommended. 254-316-1108. Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items ......................180 FOR LEASE Gen. Contractor & Misc. Svc. FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, 718-9765 718-9765 254-316-1108. Accepting applications at •Buyer Sewing, Ironing ................................45 Repairs, All Types ............................85 254-301-5255 Real Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Computers, JOB JOB ........................11 Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous ......................180 Communications, TV, Radio, CB......47 ving, Asphalt, ........................54 AcresEtc.with water Concrete meter, carport, customer service/cashier carport, close Temple $100 .......................13 space. Located on....................131 corner Software......................192 HelpREWARD Wanted Medical ....................131 recommended. 254-316-1108. •Material HandlerItems hours plus. Must have Estimates. 771-2191, Heavy Trucks ........................292 Merchandise Wanted ....................183 for return service/cashier close toto Temple 254-721-7193, Lake Belton Work ................................77 Recently refurbished 3,500 Help Wanted Medical LoneStar Star Grading & Dutycustomer Please call Recently refurbished 3,500 customer service/cashier 13 Help Wanted Professional..............133 carport, close to Temple Roofing, Siding ................................86 •Painter •Painter Lone Grading & ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193 rvices..............................46 Concrete Work ................................77 large tank, whitetail, dove, 13 Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances ......................181 Miscellaneous Services....................55 What you get when you advertise Lake Park. $750 month. Recently refurbished 3,500 lot in downtown Temple. Lone Star Grading3535 & Electrical Services ............................79 Realty. Banking Services..............................46 Roofing, Siding$750 ................................86 Park. month. of Charley, black & ....................132 white New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193 •Welder d......................12 Land for saleBusiness by owner 13 Lake reliable transportation and Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances ......................181 Bookkeeping ....................48 at Kolache Kitchen, cellaneous Help Wanted General .......................14 Motorcycles For Sale947-0149 ....................294 Food Products................................184 at Kolache Kitchen, sq.ft. office and warehouse 718-9765 6.26 •Siding Installer Lake Park. $750 month. etc. Services....................55 Hillside with trees and (254) for more sq.ft. office and warehouse 26 Gen. Contractor &Bill Misc. pages Svc. Help Wanted General ....................132 Materials in the Classified of the Call for ..........78 info.Contractor •Forklift Driver •Forklift Driver at Kolache Kitchen, 35 Materials SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. Salesperson Wanted........................134 ations, TV, Radio, CB......47 Aries Building Systems Bill for info. BATHTUB REFINISHING Gen. &cat. Misc. Svc. sq.ft. office and warehouse Sandblasting ....................................87 Heavy Duty ........................292 Merchandise Wanted ....................183 miles East ofCemeteries Temple. 26.26 Auctions, AllTrucks Types ........................194 tuxedo All shots and cash handling experience Communications, TV, Radio, CB......47 Sandblasting ....................................87 Materials great view! $1k down & Call Auctions, All Types ........................194 ........................13 ter, Fencing ............................................56 Insulation ..........................................80 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Merchandise Wanted Call Bill for info. Farm & Ranch space. Located on..........78 corner hours plus. Musthave have •Painter er, & Monuments................49 Help Wanted Professional..............133 ncing ............................................56 space. Located on corner ......................15 Farm & Ranch DOLLAR SAVER. Mowing, weedeating, edg- ....................183 hours plus. Must info Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 254-721-7193, Lake Belton Call 254-774-5204 254-721-7193, Lake Belton Help Wanted Professional..............133 Apply in person at Please call Electrical Services ............................79 Acres with water meter, in home. Repairs on porceModular Building •Material Handler •Material Handler $1,247 per month. Please call space. Located on corner ouncements $100 REWARD for return $100 REWARD for return hours plus.inMust have neutered. South 47th/Ave Jobs Wanted ..................................135 ookkeeping ....................48 ove, Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Electrical Services ............................79 254-721-7193, Lake Belton Apply person ve, ing, tree service, flower Whatyou youget getwhen when youadvertise advertise lot in downtown Temple. Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 Get Results! Call Today! Business Bookkeeping ....................48 Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 What you Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 Realty. Please call Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 ........................14 lot in downtown Temple. Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Realty. reliable transportation and Flooring ............................................81 Salesperson Wanted........................134 Health Care & Related Services ......50 For Rent: 4006 &Trailwood / 254-721-1377 reliable transportation and Moving ..................................57 •Forklift Driver Acreage........16 large713-875-2310 tank, whitetail, dove,Moving House ..................................57 Sport ....................................297 Sporting Goodsmore. ..............................187 NOW HIRING of Charley, black white of Charley, black &Over white Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 lain and fiberglass. 30 Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 What you getsquare when advertise NOW HIRING for theUtility Salesperson Wanted........................134 and M. Call 254-295-0709. lot in downtown Temple. (254) 947-0149 for more beds, mulching, and Realty. with youryou dog or of nd Insulation •Siding Installer •Siding Installer (254) 947-0149 for more Mueller Road suse & Monuments................49 transportation at and in Classified pages thePaid. CALL DOLLAR Tuesday-Saturday • the1,250 square feet ofHunt • ..........................................80 off 1,250 ice feet off ice space SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 inEFFICIENCIES the Classified pages ofof the T Aries Building Systems Insulation ..........................................80 Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced Landscaping. Off-street parking. ....................................31 Aries Building Systems BATHTUB REFINISHING BATHTUB REFINISHING Cemeteries & Monuments................49 Dozer Work ......................................89 Bills Machinery, &1919 Heavy..............196 etc. Hillside with trees and .......................15 tuxedo cat. All shots and SHORTY’S tuxedo All shots and Misc. (254) 947-0149 forSAVER more reliable Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 Financial Dozer Work ......................................89 LUBE 254-760-3031 cash handling experience (254space ) 7pages 78-444of44hunt Jobs Wanted ..................................135 Machinery, Misc. &GORILLA Heavy..............196 years incat. business. CallProducts Dale Equipment Services cash handling experience in ........................51 the Classified theLandscaping-Yard Work ..................82 guided. Quail/Chukar 40 $100 && Services..............................58 roperty............17 curity following positions: an Experienced Finish Landscaping. Off-street parking. Trucks, & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 •Material Handler REWARD for Aries Building Systems Jobs Wanted ..................................135 back yard, Ch&A, 2return living Mowing, DOLLAR SAVER. Mowing, weedeating, edginfo (254) 778-4444 Security Services..............................58 Dairy, Farm ....................171 23108 S.E. HKexperience Dodgen Lp DOLLAR SAVER. weedeating, edgApply in Building person at Apply in person at Vans info Call 254-774-5204 Flooring ............................................81 in home. Repairs on47th/Ave porceinSHORTY’S home. Repairs on porcee & Related Services ......50 Call 254-774-5204 cash handling neutered. South 47th/Ave neutered. South great view! $1k down & Troy, Texas 76579 Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Modular Building Flooring ............................................81 Modular Health Care & Related Services ......50 Furnished. Ramona miles northeast of Austin. 721-3658. & Acreage........16 Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 DOLLAR SAVER. Mowing, weedeating, edginfo nt & Recreation ............32 areas. 254-598-8179. is hiring for experienced Apply in person and 6,450 square foot and warehouse/ 6,450 square foot warehouse/ of Charley, black & white •Engineer Manager Call 254-774-5204 ing, tree service, flower Pets & Livestock Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Apply in person Exterminators ..................................52 Get Results! Call Today! ing, tree service, flower Blade Operator. .......................18 Feed & Pasturing ..........................172 Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 lain and fiberglass. Over 30 lain and fiberglass. Over 30 ce, Records Storage ..................59 Get Results! Call Today! Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 PINA Tree Trimming, MowModular Building M. Call 254-295-0709. M. Call 254-295-0709. Education •Siding Installer $1,247 per month. ENFinancial Mueller Road 1919 Mueller Road For Rent: 4006 Trailwood Pets &CALL Livestock • 1,250 square feet of off ice space Services ........................51 For Rent: 4006 Trailwood Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 Training area. Quail for tuxedo cat. Feed &and Pasturing ..........................172 Apply in person Records Storage ..................59 Trucks, Vans &CALL Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Financial ing, service, flower NOW HIRING for the BATHTUB REFINISHING Education Get Results! Call Today! or1919 email: aharris@ beds, mulching, mulching, and more. NOW HIRING for the Services ........................51 Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 Courtyard, near Office, VA. All shots and beds, roperty............17 Trucks, Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 •Purchase Manager years in business. Callmore. Dale years intree business. Call Dale Lube Technician & Vans &Tuesday-Saturday DOLLAR SAVER Tuesday-Saturdayatat For Rent: 4006 Trailwood DOLLAR SAVER 713-875-2310 /Equipment ....................................37 ing, Edging, Cleaning, MUST be Dr, Temple, 5BR, area fenced Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced sale. HIRING for the beds, mulching, and production production Schools & Instructions....................120 Troy, Texas 76579 Troy, Texas 76579 Apply inexperienced person atmore. 254-760-3031 Full (52Home -44Maint. 4area Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 in home.Stocks, Repairs on porceors ..................................52 (2$495. 456,450 )4)77254-778-1374. 87Exterminators -484254-721-1377 44square Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 CALL DOLLAR SAVERLp South 47th/Ave Tuesday-Saturday at 721-3658. 721-3658. Automobiles For NOW Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 following positions: NOW LEASING Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 Notes, Bonds ....................146 following positions: ..................................52 •Electrician Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced 254-760-3031 From ........................18 Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 back yard, Ch&A, 2 living living neutered. Building & Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 (254) 778-4444 experienced back yard, Ch&A, 2 512-856-2200 (254) 778-4444 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Schools & Instructions....................120 and foot warehouse/ ENFURNISHED EFFICIEN23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp 254-760-3031 and knowledgeable with ( 2 5 4 ) 7 7 8 -4 4 4 4 4 Farm Transportation ..............38 and fiberglass.Poultry Over ............................................231 30 following positions: Wanted, Music, Drama ................................123 or email: aharris@ or email: aharris@ M. Call yard, 254-295-0709. back Ch&A, 2 Equipment living lain..............175 1919 Mueller Road Building &254-598-8179. Home Maint. NOW (254) 778-4444 areas. er- CIES. 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp 254-598-8179. •Plumber •Engineer Manager •Engineer Manager Eat Free Nearby. Private Fence, power wash Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 Conditioning & Heating ..............74 PINATree Tree Trimming, MowCashier/Assistant. PINA Trimming, Full time positions, Full Flat Screen TVs, Full areas. LEASING years in business. CallMowDale........................................232 the Topcon system. Livestock Music,254-598-8179. Drama ................................123 • Loading dock • Loading dock areas. NOW LEASING •Engineer Manager Merchandise •Carpenter PINA Tree Trimming, Mowproduction area Troy, Texas 76579 •Purchase Manager •Purchase Manager and concrete work. Free Employment se/ Air Conditioning & Heating ..............74 721-3658. 254-771-2811, ing, Edging, Cleaning, rage Buildings ............................75 BINGO ing, Edging, Cleaning, er- Kitchen. Free: Cable, Interm w Livestock ........................................232 Pay starts out at $25 an great benefits, backlog ness Services Merchandise Automotive ENFull time positions, Full time positions, •Purchase Manager •Buyer Furniture, New & Used Rake ..................179 Estimates. 771-2191, ing, Edging, Cleaning, •Electrician •Electrician or email: aharris@ Employment Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 see •Welder the store. landscaping, hor�culture Leaves, Lawncare, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Storage ............................75 aning Services se/ net. Bills............................76 Paid. No Lease/ Large garage doorsBuildings • Large garage doors hour. We offer PTO, Performs BINGO Clean BINGO VFW Post #4008 of work. NEED TRUCK DRIVER great benefits, backlog greatAbenefits, backlog •Electrician Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items ......................180 Full Automotive Childcare......................44 EVA’S Residential 718-9765 Furniture, New & Used Rake ..................179 JOB m m •Plumber Leaves, Lawncare, •• Loading dock •Plumber Help Wanted Medical ....................131 Private Fence, power wash Private Fence, power wash Deposit. with end dump experience. Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 ncreteNo Work ................................77 vacation, good wages •Painter ing ServiceFrom top to Cleaning Services ............................76 Performs landscaping, hor� Performs landscaping, hor�culture #4008 #4008 VFW Post VFW Post of work. of work. •Plumber Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances ......................181 Employment OFF er-................................45 NOW HIRING Belton ng •Carpenter keeping ac� vi�culture es. Private Fence, power wash •Carpenter A ..................................290 m P & grounds D OFFICE SPACE Must be Miscellaneous dependable and ......................180 Auto Repairs Items Help Wanted General ....................132 Hunt with your dog or and concrete work. Free bottom. Free Estimates! • Convenient off -street • Convenient customer off -street customer and concrete work. Free Full time positions, Ranch House Inn •Forklift Driver and benefits. TOWNHOMES AT n.als Contractor & Misc. Svc. ..........78 Read the Classified section to findDuty Cont’d. Help Wanted Mus N •Carpenter G H O U S........................292 E K E•Buyer E P E R / F R OMerchandise N T D an Experienced EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Reasonable Continued Business Services Cont’d Building &Medical Home ....................131 Maint. Financial Cont’d. GORILLA LUBE have good references. Heavy Trucks Merchandise Wanted ....................183 Concrete Work ................................77 Belton Belton grounds keeping ac� vi� & es. grounds keeping ac� vi� es. guided. hunt prices. Highly40Cont’d Finish •Buyer se/ NOW HIRING fast paced LicQuail/Chukar #1-74-6066507-2 and concrete work. Free • Large garage doors mEtc.HIRING A& NOW HIRING ices..............................46 Help Wanted Professional..............133 Estimates. 771-2191, •Material Handler $100 REWARD for return BINGO Estimates. 771-2191, Auto Parts, Insurance, ............291 Goods & Appliances ......................181 sk 773-0114 FOR LEASE Read the Classified section to find Read the Classified section to find FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, NOW Hunt with your dog or Accepting H O U S needed Ebenefits, K E applications E PforE Rbacklog / F R O HoNat T H O U TS E KPE E P EHS F R O N T or GED required. great DESK Motel. ctrical Services ............................79 H w AT Furnished. Ramona recommended. 254-316-1108. DR / diploma miles northeast of ....................132 Austin. 254-301-5255 parking parking Help Wanted General RIVER FAIR Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 EFFICIENCIES BillsTemple Paid. isGED hiring for experienced Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Lic #1-74-6066507-2 TOWNHOMES AT Plumbing ..........................................84 •Buyer WED. AFTERNOONS of Charley, blackMotorcycles & white For ent................................19 Tree Service ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 GORILLA LUBE •Welder Blade Operator. EFF C ENC ES B s Pa d •Welder customer service/cashier Gen. Contractor & Misc. Svc. ..........78 carport, close to Janu guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 Estimates. 771-2191, •Siding Installer DESK needed for Motel. HoDESK needed for Motel. Hoan Experienced Finish GORILLA LUBE Salesperson Wanted........................134 HS diploma or required. HS diploma or GED required. L T m • 1,250 square feet of off ice space 718-9765 tel Experience Preferred. 718-9765 that just right item you’re looking for. Q AFTERNOONS C #4008 ons, TV, Radio, CB......47 Recently refurbished 3,500 an Experienced Finish Lone Star Grading & JOB Training area. Quail for Performs landscaping, hor� culture BATHTUB REFINISHING JOB Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Merchandise Wanted ....................183 tuxedo cat. All shots and VFW Post WED. WED. AFTERNOONS of work. ulation ..........................................80 Courtyard, near VA. Doors Open 11am Recreational Vehicles Musical Goods................................186 Lake Park. $750 milesnWanted northeast ofRamona Austin. m Lubefor Technician & 17 tel Experience Experience Preferred. that justDoors rightReal item you’re looking for. Investments that right item you’reWPreferred. looking for. HtelisSoftware......................192 •Welder Help Wanted Professional..............133 JOB for Repairs, All Types ............................85 •Painter Apply inexperienced person at Fu shed operty ............................20 Estate Loans, ....148 Computers, •Painter A MUST experienced athiring Kolache Kitchen, 35 in just home. Repairs onNugent porceApply at....................296 1610 Paving, Asphalt, Etc. ........................54 BELTON R VER FARamona Rmonth. 718-9765 Blade Operator. neutered. South 47th/Ave isJOB hiring experienced sale. Jobs ..................................135 sq.ft. office and warehouse ••Furnished. Convenient off -street customer Doors Open 11am Open 11am R be W Electrical Services ............................79 Blade Operator. Materials Call Bill for info. okkeeping ....................48 and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Session Starts 12:30pm Training area. Quail for Apply at 1610 W Nugent Apply at 1610 W Nugent High visibility location • High in downtown visibility location in downtown M ke Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 oring ............................................81 lainTemple. and fiberglass. Over 30 From $495. Q Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 M. Session Call 254-295-0709. Courtyard, Lake near Belton VA. space. w A Road 1919 Mueller & grounds ac� vi�es. & Ave, 512-856-2200 •Painter Lube Technician & with keeping SessionBelton Starts 12:30pm Starts 12:30pm •Forklift Driver Cou ya d 254-778-1374. nea VA TSalesperson Located on corner •Forklift Driver hours plus. Must have Call today, someone is looking for Wanted........................134 Roofing, Siding ................................86 and knowledgeable ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193 MUST be experienced Lubeexperienced Technician 254-721-7193, •3bed/2.5bath/2gar sale. Services....................55 Ave, Temple. Ave, Temple. Miscellaneous years in business. Call Dale FRI. AFTERNOONS H MUST be experienced Com Please call BELTON Read the Classified section to find Call today, someone is looking for Call today, someone is looking for m H O U S E K E E P E R / F R O N T Financial Insulation ..........................................80 FRI. AFTERNOONS FRI. AFTERNOONS &tise Monuments................49 dscaping-Yard Work ..................82 production area Eat Free Nearby. Troy, Texas 76579 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 parking From $495. 254-778-1374. UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants for this posi� on. lot in downtown Temple. D T m Cashier/Assistant. Realty. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 experienced 721-3658. •Forklift Driver 512-856-2200 Temple with access from Temple Central with access from Central F om $495 254 778 1374 •Material Handler •Material Handler $100 REWARD for return $100 REWARD for return reliable transportation and UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants UMHB for this seeks posi� Chris� applicants for this posi�on. the Topcon system. ams and knowledgeable with experienced Doors Open 5pm Sandblasting ....................................87 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 Auctions, Types ........................194 RENT$2,000 DESK needed for for Motel. Ho- Alland rind FURNISHED EFFICIENHS diploma or GED required. knowledgeable with Doors Open 5pm Merchandise DoorsCont’d. Open 5pm (254) 947-0149 more Fencing ............................................56 d Building & Home Maint. Financial Cont’d. 3bed 2......50 5ba h 2ga Farm & Ranch find Read the Classified section to find Cont’d Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 or email: aharris@ SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. WED. AFTERNOONS Aries Building Systems nting & Wallpapering ..................83 of Charley, black & white of Charley, black & white Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 Flooring ............................................81 Eat Free Nearby. what you have to sell! Find it fast? & Related Services Make your ad stand out Cashier/Assistant. 254-771-2811, ERVER mm what you have to sell! Find it fast? what you have to sell! Find it fast? Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Make your ad stand out Make your ad stand out Session Starts •Material Handler Fice ee space Nea bydock nouncements $100just REWARD for return •Siding Installer •Siding Installer cash handling experience Experience Preferred. Sessionweedeating, Starts 6:30pm 6:30pm Session Starts 6:30pm that right Equipment, item you’re looking for. tel the square feet of off Cashier/Assistant. •1,250 1,250 square feet ofEa ice space Topcon system. Pay starts out at $25 an CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full Diana White 438 •that Swimming Spas ....................88 the Topcon BATHTUB REFINISHING BATHTUB REFINISHING Antiques, Collectibles Mowing, edginfo •off Loading Avenue and 7th Street Avenue and 7th Street for. for. just right item you’re looking for. tuxedo cat. All shots and tuxedo cat.Pools, All 11am shots and w ....................195 F system. & RENT $2 000 Call 254-774-5204 Doors Open Plumbing ..........................................84 53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 House Moving ..................................57 Modular Building Miscellaneous ............170 of Charley, black & white AFTERNOONS SUNDAY SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Financial Please submit online applica� on found at Apply at 1610 W Nugent • High visibility location in downtown Please submit online applica� on found at fromWe the rest!PTO, from rest! 254-771-2811, see the store. Apply ininthe person atatanVans Pay ervices ........................51 Apply person •Siding Landscaping-Yard Worksquare ..................82 m A Apply inInstaller person onon porcehome. Repairs RepairsMotors porceing, tree service, flower inin home. Kitchen. Free: Cable, Inter& Pickups..................298 Boats, ................................188 254-771-2811, Pay starts out at Trucks, $25 • 1,250 feetInvestments of off ice space neutered. South 47th/Ave neutered. South 47th/Ave hour. offer NOW LEASING d....................................31 for1.5 For Call today, someone issquare looking for foot Session Starts 12:30pm out at $25C an 713.859.2952 BATHTUB REFINISHING for Full time positions, NEED TRUCK DRIVER Dozer Work ......................................89 Rent: 4006 Trailwood tuxedo cat. All shots Dollar Saver Classified D ana Wh e Security Machinery, Misc. &starts Heavy..............196 Doors Open 4pm All Types ............................85 and 6,450 warehouse/ R and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Dollar Saver Classified EVA’S Residential CleanRealgarage Estate Loans, ....148 Computers, Software......................192 Doors Open 4pm Temple. NOW HIRING for the and fiberglass. Over All Repairs, lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Ave, mulching, and more. lain ASK FOR FOR Services..............................58 Call today, someone is5:30pm looking for30and Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 M.beds, Call 254-295-0709. M. Call 254-295-0709. seeASK the store. ASK FOR Bills No Lease/ 1919 Mueller Road CALL DOLLAR SAVER 1919 Mueller Road Tuesday-Saturday • Large doors Apply inoffer person atat FRI. AFTERNOONS G FM in home. Repairs on porce- Forgreat see the store. Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 hour. We offer PTO, ......................193 BINGO with end dump experience. ? ..................................52 what have toPaid. sell! Find it Painting fast? s?54 Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced & Wallpapering Session Starts 5:30pm Starts vacation, good wages neutered. South 47th/Ave ..................83 benefits, backlog Automobiles Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 hour. We PTO, ing Session ServiceFrom top to NEED nt & Recreation ............32 NEED TRUCK DRIVER Chappell Hill Reality Session Starts 5:30pm Temple with access from Central 713 859 2952 years in business. Call Dale 254-760-3031 years in business. Call Dale ReEVA’S Residential CleanRoofing, Siding ................................86 TRUCK DRIVER New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants for this posi� on.may also be completed at and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Applica� ons may also be completed Applica� at ons T m 55 following positions: EVA’S Residential Clean-..........................172 BOLDING BOLDING No Deposit. Pets & Livestock lain and fiberglass. Over 30 OFFICE SPACE Must be dependable and back yard,Saver Ch&A, 2area living Records Storage ..................59 Doors Open 5pm A LARGE LARGE Applica� ons may also be completed at (254) 778-4444 M. Call 254-295-0709. production area Feed & Pasturing Troy, Texas 76579 production Office, 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp Troy, Texas 76579 Dollar Classified BOLDING Performs landscaping, hor�culture bottom. Free Estimates! with end dump experience. 1919 Mueller Road Education vacation, good wages #4008 VFW Post ind of work. 721-3658. 721-3658. LARGE ing ServiceFromAuctions, top toAll andClassified benefits. end dump experience. gent ty vacation, good wages Group ing ServiceFrom top to with Chappe H Rea y .....................................37 UMHB Human Resources, UMHB Human Resources, Sandblasting ....................................87 what you have to sell! Find it fast? Make ad stand Types ........................194 years inyour business. Callout Dale 254-598-8179. H gh Schoo d p oma/GED requ red R areas. NON-SMOKING ROOM NON-SMOKING ROOM have good references. NCall Classified Call EN• Convenient off -street customer Session Starts 6:30pm •Engineer Manager Ranch House Inn 56 OFFICE SPACE Must be dependable and Farm & Ranch Reasonable prices. Highly NOW HIRING fast paced UMHB Human Resources, PINA Tree Trimming, MowOFF CE SPACE bottom. Free Estimates! Must be dependable and or email: aharris@ or email: aharris@ SON C Avenue and 7th Street NON-SMOKING ROOM Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 Call Classified production area for. Troy, Texas 76579 and benefits. bottom. Free Estimates! Belton FOR LEASE & grounds keeping ac� vi�es. FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Accepting applications at and benefits. 721-3658. Hot Food Available Hot Food Available Schools & Instructions....................120 254-301-5255 (254) 778-4444 900 College Street, Belton, Texas. 900 College Street, Belton, Texas. G oup SUNDAY AFTERNOONS have good references. Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 recommended. 254-316-1108. 778-4444 Antiques, ....................195 on found at exper ence n ath e�c Transportation ..............38 773-0114 from the rest! Read thegood Classified section to find NOW ull Full Reasonable prices. Highly Collectibles have references. H O U HIRING S Please E778-4444 K E900 E submit P College E Rpaced / F online RO N T applica� •Purchase Manager Miscellaneous fast EFFICIEN57 •FURNISHED Loading Reasonable prices. & Home Maint. •FOR Loading dock Hot Food Available Equipment, ............170 Edging, Cleaning, customer service/cashier NOW HIRING fast Street, Belton, Texas. Two years fie d close toBR Temple LicWanted, #1-74-6066507-2 Maximum Pay Out 3,500 254-301-5255 Maximum Pay Out Highly FOR LEASE:dock 1BR, Building 2BA, carport, Accepting applications or email: 778-4444 Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultryat............................................231 NOW H aharris@ R NG FOR LEASE FORparking LEA ELEASE BA ing, Recently refurbished Dollar Saver Classified Doors Open 4pm Accepting applications DESK needed for Motel.&atHoLone Star Grading HSpaced diploma or GED required. recommended. 254-316-1108. 254-301-5255 rfor13 Dozer Music, Drama ................................123 Work ......................................89 recommended. 254-316-1108. Machinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196 erASK FOR WED. AFTERNOONS terMaximum Pay Out •Electrician Lake Park. $750 month. customer service/cashier carport, close to Temple CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full 58 Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 Rake Leaves, Lawncare, tel Experience Preferred. customer NOW HIRING service/cashier ma ntenance groundskeep ng and/ or T 3,500 m Full time positions, that just right item you’re looking for. at Kolache Kitchen, 35 Full time positions, • Loading dock ? Air Conditioning & Heating ..............74 Recently refurbished Session Starts 5:30pm sq.ft. office and warehouse Lone Star Grading & A Pos ons 26.26 Hunt with your dog or R n u b h d Doors Open 11am Lone Star Grading & Livestock ........................................232 Materials Call for m info. ness Services Park. $750 doors month. Apply atApplica� 1610 ons W may Nugent Merchandise • High visibility location downtown also at behours completed at id. e/ se/ guided. BOLDING L PBill •Kitchen. Large garage •Plumber GORILLA LUBE •Lake Large garage doors at Kolache Kitchen, 35 & Experienced Livestock BINGO Free: Cable, Inter oin BINGO LARGE 40 Buildings Day o n gh sh Feed & Pasturing ..........................172 eter, sq.ft. office and warehouse Session Starts 12:30pm Private Fence, power 59 Finish Kolache Kitchen, 35 andscap great benefits, backlog space. Located on wash corner Employment plus. Mustnghave great benefits, backlog q and wa houPetsan Materials 254-721-7193, Lake Belton Ave, Temple. Full time positions, Call Quail/Chukar BillEducation forhunt info. Storage ............................75 Materials Call today, someone is looking for Automotive Please call C B FRI. AFTERNOONS UMHB Human Resources, northeast of Austin. ove, miles Appplus. y Performs n pe son NON-SMOKING ROOM •Carpenter Childcare......................44 Call Classified is..................179 hiring for experienced space. Located on Fertilizer corner hours Must have What you getPaid. when you advertise Furniture, New & Used Temple with access from Central mna lot in downtown Temple. landscaping, hor� culture net. Bills No Lease/ Field Seeds, ....................174 Pets ................................................230 pa Lo a d on o n Performs landscaping, hor� culture UMHB seeks Chris� an applicants for this posi�on. and concrete work. Free Blade Operator. #4008 VFW Post 254-721-7193, Lake Belton Realty. hours plus. Must have of work. • Large garage doors #4008 VFW Post of work. reliable transportation and L B BINGO Please call Schools & Instructions....................120 Doors Open 5pm Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 great benefits, backlog Please call Must be 21 years o age and have va d area. Quail for Th Read the Classified section to find and Training (254) 947-0149 for more 814 Eas Cen a Be on Cleaning Services ............................76 Hot Food Available • Convenient off -street customer 900 College Street, Belton, Texas. lot in downtown Temple. A. .ertise • Convenient off -street customer in the Classified pages of the Realty. •Buyer what you947-0149 have to sell!for Find it fast? W Deposit.w Maketransportation your ad standand out reliable transportation and SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. Lube Technician & o ..............175 n Belton down own771-2191, T mp ............................................231 778-4444 Aries Building Systems Session Starts 6:30pmItems ......................180 ing&................................45 R Avenue Wanted,and Farm7th Equipment Poultry Estimates. No MUST beMiscellaneous experienced Auto Repairsreliable ..................................290 sale. Street cash handling experience that justDrama right item you’re looking for. (254) more Music, ................................123 & grounds keeping ac� vi� es. Performs landscaping, hor� culture Belton & grounds keeping ac� vi� es. #4008 VFW Post Maximum Pay Out (254) 947-0149 for more of work. dr ver s cense Help Wanted Medical ....................131 c SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS DOLLAR SAVER. Mowing, weedeating, edginfo Aries Building Systems C Please submit online applica�on found at from the rest! NOW HIRING B G CHEW CHEW SHORTY’S Landscaping. O customer k ng Livestock ........................................232 Callpa 254-774-5204 74. Concrete Work ................................77 Read the Classified section to find Building Systems 74 •Welder HHOAries UUSModular Eexperienced K E E P E R / F R O N T Read the Classified section to find 512-856-2200 O S E K E E P E R / F R O N T cash handling experience Building Hunt with your dog or Call today, someone is looking for • Convenient off -street 718-9765 and knowledgeable with vices..............................46 cash handling experience Ranch House Inn parking & Dollarinfo Saver Classified Auto HoParts, Insurance, Etc. Goods & Appliances ......................181 parking Doors Open 4pm flower Lic JOB BURGER &............291 HAKE T775 EFFICIENCIES Merchandise Apply in person Mowing, weedeating, edg- Mowing, Lic #1-74-6066507-2 ing, Modular tree service, Call 254-774-5204 Get DOLLAR Results! Call Today! AVER weedeating, edg- DESK info Bills Paid. ASK FOR Ca#1-74-6066507-2 needed for a HS diploma or GED required. Building Help Wanted General ....................132 GORILLA LUBE DESK needed for Motel. Motel. Ho- N w Apply Employment Belton & grounds keeping ac� vi� es. HS diploma or GED required. For Rent: 4006 Trailwood Modular Building H Aperson P what you have to sell! Find itGen. fast? Contractor •Painter guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 Session Starts 5:30pm Cashier/Assistant. an Experienced Finish in & Misc. Svc. ..........78 WED. AFTERNOONS ing, tree service, flower NOW HIRING for the WED. AFTERNOONS !ions, TV, the Topcon system. beds, mulching, and more. Apply in person ing, tree service, flower 773-0114 Read the Classified section to findDutyATrucks Radio, G Rent: RCB......47 C TTrailwood Dr, may nalsoobehcompleted H OCALL U S ........................292 E KDOLLAR E E P E R /SAVER F RwO N T Experience Preferred. Automotive UMHB eeApplica� Ch � ons n pp po �on & at offe BOLDING that just item you’re looking for.for. tel....................183 Tuesday-Saturday at Heavy Merchandise Wanted tel Experience Preferred. Furniture, New & Usedbeds, ..................179 For 4006 that justright rightHIRING item you’re looking LARGE Temple, 5BR, fenced F parking R T Austin. w Dollar Saver Classified NOW for the Furnished. Ramona Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Doors Open 11am miles northeast of mulching, and more. beds, Help Wanted Professional..............133 Doors Open 11am Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 NOW HIRING for the is hiring for experienced •Forklift Driver 254-760-3031 ( 2 5 4 ) 7 7 8 -4 4 4 4 4 mulching, and more. 254-771-2811, ompe�� e e e e en benefi n ud n D One m m W A m CALL DOLLAR SAVER 76 Tuesday-Saturday at Apply at 1610 W Nugent • High visibility location in downtown DESK needed for Motel. HoTh UMHB following positions: Blade diploma orResources, GED required. CALL DOLLAR SAVER Pay startsFood outProducts................................184 at $25 an Apply at Operator. 1610 W Nugent T m Tuesday-Saturday at Human •Dr,High location downtown NON-SMOKING ROOM Temple, fenced Call Classified Electrical Services back yard, Ch&A, 2 living D Tin m............................79 BR (254) 778-4444 okkeeping ....................48 23108 HKHS Dodgen Session Auto Repairs254-760-3031 ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items WED. AFTERNOONS 254-760-3031 G Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 SessionStarts Starts12:30pm 12:30pm med S.E. & den n u n eLp e� emen p n w h m area. Quail for ......................180 25visibility 4 Medical 7778-4444 7near 85BR, 4444....................131 following Ave, Temple. tel Experience Preferred. Hot Foodpositions: Available Help that just rightbethe item you’re looking for. 23108 following positions: (254) 900 College Street, Belton, Texas. h & Ave, Temple. Courtyard, •Material Handler back Wanted yard, Ch&A, 2 VA. living Training $100 REWARD Call today, someone is looking for (254) 778-4444 see store. Salesperson Wanted........................134 S.E. HK Lp 23108 uS.E. 778-4444 Call today, someone is looking for C &Afor return NEED areas. 254-598-8179. Lube & 254Technician 778Dodgen 4444 77 hour. We offer PTO, •Engineer Manager Dodgen Lp FRI. AFTERNOONS �onHK benefi o emp o ee & he dependen Doors Open 11am FRI. AFTERNOONS MUST experienced TRUCK DRIVER Insulation ..........................................80 PINA Tree Trimming, Mowsale. Maximum Pay Out Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances ......................181 Temple with Central & Monuments................49 EVA’S Residential at ....................296 1610Chris� W Nugent •from High visibility location in downtown Temple withaccess access Central UMHB seeks ananapplicants on. areas. 254-598-8179. offrom Charley, black & Cleanwhite RecreationalApply Vehicles Musical Goods................................186 UMHB seeks Chris� applicantsfor forPthis thisposi� on. •Engineer Manager ea e posi� ubm on ne app a�on ound a Help Wanted General ....................132 •Engineer Manager Doors Open 5pm •Siding Installer Session Starts 12:30pm PINA Tree Trimming, Mow- PINA Doors Open 5pm eet off ice space From $495. 254-778-1374. Jobs Wanted ..................................135 end dump experience. Tree Mow- Make nd 78 of vacation, wages •Purchase Manager find experienced BATHTUB REFINISHING 512-856-2200 ing ServiceFromshots topWanted to with Ave, Temple. tuxedo cat. All and www umhb edu a ee ing, Edging, Cleaning, Call today, someone is Sport looking for ....................................297 Heavyand Dutywhat Trucks ........................292 Merchandise ....................183 you have toinTrimming, sell! Find it itfast? and knowledgeable with your ad stand out CALL DOLLAR SAVER what you haveAFTERNOONS togood sell! Find fast? Session Starts Flooring ............................................81 Make your adManager stand out &for.Related Services ......50 FRI. Session Starts6:30pm 6:30pm •Purchase Manager Utility Sporting Goods ..............................187 OFFICE SPACE Must be dependable Help Wanted Professional..............133 •Purchase Apply person at Avenue and 7th Street in home. Repairs on porceor. ing, Edging, Cleaning, bottom. Free Estimates! App �on m o be omp for e edthis posi�on. Temple with access from Central Avenue and 7th Street neutered. South 47th/Ave ing, Edging, Cleaning, and benefits. UMHB seeks Chris� applicants 79 •Electrician Eat Free Nearby. AFTERNOONS SUNDAY Please Cashier/Assistant. from the rest! AFTERNOONS SUNDAY Doors Open Lawncare, 5pm are foot warehouse/ Motorcycles Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Rake Leaves, Please submit onlineapplica� applica� onfound found at e an good references. 254 778submit 4444 online from rest! Financial Topcon system. UMHBon Hum n Reat ou 900 Co e e ee Be on Te lain fiberglass. Over 30 For Read the Classified section Landscaping-Yard to find Reasonable prices. Highly have •Electrician Services ........................51 M. Call 254-295-0709. Work ..................82 fast paced orfor Salesperson Wanted........................134 •Electrician Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors 1919 Mueller Road................................188 Rakeand Leaves, Lawncare, Dollar Saver Classified Doors Open whattheyouHIRING have tothe sell! FindTrucks, it fast? Vans &Make your stand out FOR LEASE BA, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Dollar Saver Classified Accepting applications at NOW Doors Open4pm 4pm Session Starts 6:30pm 254-301-5255 80 •Plumber ASK FOR years in business. Call Dale recommended. 254-316-1108. Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 ASK FOR Avenue and 7th Street Private Fence, power wash that just right item you’re looking for. 254-771-2811, •Plumber Session Starts 5:30pm customer service/cashier ple Pay starts out at $25 an t?s ..................................52 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 •Plumber Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Session Starts 5:30pm ea Troy, Texas 76579 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 721-3658. Private Fence, power wash Private Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials Pleaseatsubmit online applica�on found at from the rest! Recently refurbished 3,500 Fence, power wash Lone Star Grading & ..........................190 Applica� ons BOLDING Applica� onsmay mayalso alsobebecompleted completed at •Carpenter 81 BOLDING LARGE Sporting Goods ..............................187 Call today, someone is looking for th. and concrete work. LARGE Sport Utility ....................................297 Dollar Saver Classified Doors Open 4pm Free athour. •Carpenter seeASK the FOR store. Kolache Kitchen, •Carpenter or email: aharris@ officeLEASING and warehouse and concrete work. Free NEED We offer PTO,35 UMHB Human Resources, and concrete work. Free Materials NON-SMOKING ROOM Call Classified UMHB Human Resources, G82 NOW fo. sq.ft. TRUCK DRIVER NON-SMOKING ROOM Call Classified •Buyer what you have toFinancial sell! Find it fast? Session Starts 5:30pm EVA’S Residential CleanTrucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Estimates. 771-2191, hours plus. NOW LEASING •Buyer Located on corner Mustwages have •Buyer Applica�ons may also be completed at Hot ton space. Dollar 900 BOLDING Estimates. 771-2191, HotFood FoodAvailable Available endPlease dump experience. Estimates. 771-2191, 900College CollegeStreet, Street,Belton, Belton,Texas. Texas. 778-4444 call LARGE vacation, good SaverBonds Classified 778-4444 ing ServiceFrom top to with ....................146 Building Materials ..........................190 •Welder 83 lotNotes, Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Maximum in Stocks, downtown Temple. 718-9765 •Welder MaximumPay PayOut Out transportation and UMHB Human Resources, JOB •Welder Full positions, NON-SMOKING ROOM OFFICE SPACE Call Classified Must betime dependable and reliable 718-9765 718-9765 bottom. Free Estimates! (254) 947-0149 for more JOB JOB and benefits. SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street parking. •Painter Aries Building Systems doors Food Available (254) 778-4444 900 College Street, Belton, Texas. BINGO edg- Reasonable •Painter good references. experience NOW HIRING •Painter greatHotbenefits, backlog cash handling 778-4444 NOW LEASING prices. Highly have fast paced Mowing, weedeating, info Call 254-774-5204 Maximum Pay Out LEASE FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, ing, FOR •Forklift Driver landscaping, Modular Building Accepting applications at 254-301-5255 •Forklift Driver Performs hor� culture Apply in person •Forklift Driver tree Post service, flower recommended. 254-316-1108. #4008 VFW of work. ood customer service/cashier carport, close to Temple beds, -street customer NOW HIRING for Classifi ed Inside Sales – Full Time •Material Handler REWARD for the return CALL and Recently refurbished 3,500 Lone Star Grading •Material Handler DOLLAR SAVER $100 mulching, REWARD for more. return $100 Tuesday-Saturday at& •Material Handler REWARD ced Lake Park. $750 month. 254-760-3031 Belton & grounds keeping ac� vi� es. of Charley, black & white at Kolache Kitchen, following positions: of Charley, black & white •Siding Installer Read the Classified section to find C & w The c ass fied35ns de sa es ep esen a ve w be cus ome sq.ft. office and warehouse HBATHTUB O U S•Siding E K E778-4444 EP E R / F R O N T 23108•Siding ng Call • 1,250 square feet of off ice space (254) Installer S.E. HK Dodgen Lp Installer Materials feet of off ice space REFINISHING Bill for info. NOW HIRING • 1,250 square feet of off ice space tuxedo cat. All shots and #1-74-6066507-2 GT EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. PINA REFINISHING DESK BATHTUB REFINISHING tuxedoLic cat. All shots and Hunt with your dog or BATHTUB AManager needed for Motel. HoHS diploma orhours GED required. •Engineer ocused and goa Located corner Applyininperson person plus. Must haveo en ed w h exce en ma h g amma spe ng in home. home. Repairs on at porceTree Trimming, Mow-40 in WED. AFTERNOONS neutered. South 47th/Ave Apply in person 254-721-7193, Lake square Belton space. home. Repairs on porceApply atat GORILLA LUBE NOW LEASING in Repairs on porceneutered. Southon hunt 47th/Ave A Please call guided. Quail/Chukar tel Experience Preferred. an Experienced Finish that just right item you’re looking for. and 6,450 foot warehouse/ uare foot warehouse/ lain and fiberglass. Over 30 and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Doors Open Cleaning, 11am Manager ise M.•Purchase 254-295-0709. yp ng compu have a p o ess ona and fiberglass. Over 30 Apply lot inEdging, downtown lain 1919 andat fiberglass. Over 30 1919Mueller MuellerRoad Road M. Call 254-295-0709. NOW HIRING M CCall Mueller 1610 WRoad Nugent ocation in downtown transportation and e sk s They w Furnished. Ramona ing, 1919 miles northeast of Temple. Austin. lain or Realty. is hiring forand experienced yearsTemple. business. Session Starts 12:30pm 947-0149 for more reliable Blade Operator. years in business. Call Dale Ave, inin busine CCall DDale (254) GORILLA •Electrician appea ance pos ve a ude and p easan pe sona y ha comes Landscaping. Off-street parking. Aries Building Systems Callantoday, someone is looking 40 Courtyard, Training area. Lawncare, Quail for SHORTY’S production area Troy,Texas Texas 76579 76579 Experienced Finishfor years Rake Leaves, rea Troy, TexasLUBE 76579 production Troy, FRI. AFTERNOONS 721-3658. near VA. cash handling experience 721-3658. Lube Technician & ccess from Central UMHB Chris�an applicants for thison posi� MUST beseeks experienced ENtin. weedeating, edg- is hiring info sale. Call h ough heon. phone and n pe son P ev ous sa es expe ence s for experienced •Plumber EN 254-774-5204 Doors Open 5pm wash Mowing, Blade Operator. oremail: email: aharris@ Fence, power Modular Building or email: aharris@ or aharris@ From $495. 254-778-1374. Private in person what you have toservice, sell! Find it flower fast? Make your ad stand&out ing, tree 512-856-2200 Session Starts 6:30pm Full p Apply e experienced e ed and knowledgeable with Lube Technician •Carpenter FuStreet hfor For•• Loading Rent: 4006 dock Trailwood and MUST be experienced Loading concrete work. Free beds, com NOW HIRING for the AFTERNOONS SUNDAY mulching, and more. Please submit online applica� at aty pos on w h comm ss ons and benefi s P ease from the rest! Eat Free Nearby. CALL DOLLAR SAVER Tuesday-Saturday Cashier/Assistant. Thons found s an hou ntern e Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced Estimates. the system. and knowledgeable Dollar•Buyer Saver Classified with Doors Open771-2191, 4pm FullTopcon timepositions, positions, Fullexperienced time positions, Full time 254-760-3031 ASKpositions: FOR following yard, Ch&A, 2 living send a cove e e Lp and esume (254) 778-4444 Session Starts 5:30pm ase/ 254-771-2811, Cashier/Assistant. •Welder 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen ase back doors • Large garage doors • Large BINGO the Topcon system. BINGO Pay starts out at $25 an BINGO 718-9765 great benefits, backlog great benefits, backlog great benefits, backlog Applica� ons may also be completed at JOB BOLDING LARGE areas. 254-598-8179. •Engineer Manager 254-771-2811, •Painter see the store. PINA Tree Trimming, MowPay starts out at $25 an Performs landscaping, hor� culture Performs landscaping, hor� culture Performs landscaping, hor� culture #4008 VFW Post UMHB Human Resources, of work. hour. We offer PTO, #4008 VFW Pos Post #4008 ofofwork. work. NON-SMOKING ROOM CallTRUCK Classified Customer Service Representative – DRIVER EVA’S•Forklift Residential Clean- NEED customer off-street Convenient see778-4444 the Manager store. •• Convenient customer Driver Hot Food Available 900 College Street, Belton,ac� Texas. hour. We offer PTO, Edging, Cleaning, Gyff-street with•Purchase end dump experience. TRUCK DRIVER ing, vacation, good wages Belton & grounds keeping vi� es. Be on & grounds keeping ac� vi� es. ing ServiceFrom top to EVA’S Residential Clean- NEEDMaximum Belton & grounds keeping ac� vi� es. Payexperience. Out Full Time Read the Classified section to find •Material Handler $100 REWARD for return R C H O U S E K E E P E R / F R O N T H O U S E K E E P E R / F R O N T Read the Classified section to find with end dump OFFICE SPACE •Electrician Must be dependable and HOUSEKEEPER/FRONT vacation, good wages ing parking Service- From top to parking bottom. Free Estimates! Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Lic #1-74-6066507-2 LLic #1-74-6066507-2 and benefits. ofbottom. Charley, black Estimates! & white Must be DESK needed Ho- DESK for HoHSMotel. diploma GED required. dependable and Reasonable ororGED DESK needed needed for Motel. Ho- orNOW have good for Motel. references. HSdiploma GEDrequired. required. •Siding Installer Free The c HS cu adiploma on cus ome se v ce ep esen a ve p ov des WED. AFTERNOONS prices. Highly and benefits. WED AFTERNOON HIRING fast paced •Plumber WED. AFTERNOONS REFINISHING NOW tuxedo cat. LEASING All shotsHighly and BATHTUB tel Experience Preferred. tel Preferred. that just right item you’re looking for. have FOR goodLEASE references. Private m Fence, power wash FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, tel Experience Experience Preferred. Accepting applications at that just right item you’re looking for. Reasonable prices. 254-301-5255 NOW HIRING fast paced Doors Open 11am D O m recommended. 254-316-1108. ou s and ng se v ce o he Te eg am s subsc be s The success u Apply in person at in254-301-5255 home.inRepairs on porceDoorsapplications Open 11am neutered. South Accepting at Apply at•Carpenter 1610 W Nugent Apply location inclose downtown atat 1610 WW Nugent • High visibility Apply 1610 Nugent customer service/cashier • High visibility location downtown carport, to 47th/Ave Temple recommended. 254-316-1108. Session Starts 12:30pm m Recently refurbished lain and fiberglass. Over3,500 30 and concrete work. Free Lone Star Grading & Session Starts customer service/cashier Call 254-295-0709. cand da e w have demons a ed cus ome se v ce expe ence Temple. 1919 Mueller Road CallLone today, someone is12:30pm looking CCall Temple. m is looking for Ave, 500 M. Ave, Temple. Star Grading & for Ave, Lake Park. $750 month. years in today, •Buyer someone FRI. AFTERNOONS FR business. Call Dale atcompu Kolache Kitchen, 35applicants FRI. AFTERNOON AFTERNOONS access Temple with access from Central sq.ft. office and warehouse UMHB seeks Chris�an applicants for this posi� on.ude UMHB seeks Chris� an forforthis at Kolache Kitchen, 35 Temple eseeks ap and good w enon. and o a commun ca on Materials use Callfrom Estimates. 771-2191, Troy,DDoors Texas UMHB Chris� an applicants thisposi� posi� on. BillCentral for info. 721-3658. Doors Open 5pm OOpen76579 m Materials 5pm find space. Located on corner what you have to sell! Find it fast? Make your ad stand out w F hours plus. Must have Make you ad s and ou Session Starts 6:30pm m ner 254-721-7193, Lake Belton hours plus. Must have •Welder sk s They w have a pos ve eam p aye a ude what you have to sell! Find it fast? Make Please your adcall stand out or email: aharris@ Session Starts 6:30pm th Street Avenue and 7th Street 718-9765 Please call Avenue and 7th Street gtise for. Realty. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOON UNDAY lot SUNDAY in downtown Temple. Please submit online applica� on found at Please submit online applica� on found at from the rest! om he es ple. and SUNDAY AFTERNOONS reliable transportation and Thtransportation s s an houonline y pos on w h benefi Please submit applica� on found at s Send cove e e and from the rest! •Painter (254) 947-0149 for more reliable Dollar Saver Classified (254) 947-0149 for DDollar CClassified Doors OpenSystems 4pm D OOpen mmore g for SHORTY’S Landscaping. Off-street SHORTY’S Landscaping. parking. ASK ASK SaverFOR Aries Building Doors 4pm Arieshandling Building Systems esume cash experience ASKFOR FOR cash handling experience Session Starts 5:30pm m Full time positions, Mowing, weedeating, edginfo •Forklift Driver st? Session Starts 5:30pm Mowing, weedeating, edginfo Applica� ons may also be completed at Applica� ons may also be completed at Call 254-774-5204 BOLDING BOLD NG Modular Building LARGE LARGE Modular ons may also be completed at BOLDING Apply in Building person BINGO ing, tree service, flower great benefits, ApplyApplica� in person LARGE tree service, flower UMHB NON MOK NGbacklog ROOM NON-SMOKING ROOM Ca C assUMHB ed Human Resources, •Material Handler Call Classified REWARD return ing, Circulation Delivery Assistant – For Rent: 4006 and Trailwood HIRINGfor for the beds, mulching, more. $100NOW UMHBHuman HumanResources, Resources, NON-SMOKING ROOM Call Classified NOW HIRING for the CALL DOLLAR SAVER Tuesday-Saturday at beds, more. Performs landscaping, hor� culture #4008 Post of Hmulching, F work. A and Hot Food Available CALL DOLLAR SAVER 900 College Belton, Texas. Tuesday-Saturday atStreet, 900 College Street, Belton, Texas. Charley, black & white 778 4444 778-4444 254-760-3031 Dr,VFW Temple, 5BR, fenced of following Hot Food Available positions: •Siding Installer 900 College Street, Part Belton, Texas. 254-760-3031 (254) 778-4444 778-4444 M m m P O Maximum Pay Out 23108 S.E. HKpositions: Dodgen Lp keeping(254) Time following REFINISHING back yard, Ch&A, 2 living tuxedo cat. All shots and BATHTUB 778-4444 Belton & grounds ac� vi� es. Maximum Pay Out 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Lp Manager Read•Engineer the Classified section47th/Ave to find HinO Uhome. Apply in person at S E K ERepairs E P E R /on F RporceONT PINA Tree Trimming, Mow- neutered. South areas. Lic 254-598-8179. The c cu a on de ve y ass s an wo ks w h he d s c •Engineer Manager #1-74-6066507-2 PINA Tree Trimming, MowDESK needed for Motel. HoHS diploma or GED required. •Purchase Manager lain and fiberglass. Over 30 M. Call 254-295-0709.

New Ads Thursday Week Ahead e 3 Lines (15 words) $1.50 email ay Ad Rate $6 Inch Ask For Classified New Ads Week Ahead Ads Thursday Week Ahead es)3$1.50 Lines (15 words) $1.50ThursdayNew January 15, 2020 • Page 9 email email hlay Ad Rate $6 Inch Ask For Classified Ask For Classified

Belton Dollar Saver • 778-4444 n Dollar Saver • 778-4444 le/Belton RESULTS...





DEADLINES NewRentals Ads Thursday WeekPHONE Ahead ) $1.50 (254) 778-4444 FAX (254) 771-3516Employment (254) 771-3516 email Ads Thursday Week Ahead (254) 778-4444Ask For Classified email Employment Ask For Classified RentalsPROPERTY Rentals COMMERCIAL

Area Advertising on Rentals Employment JOB


Seeking Seeking Seeking SEASONAL FAX SEASONAL Seeking Employment (254) 771-3516GARDENERSSEASONAL SEASONAL GARDENERS email Employment GARDENERS Employment FIND IT GARDENERSEmployment JOB

lar Saver • 778-4444 FIND IT BINGO PHONE





Great space. Great BINGO location. Great space. Great location. NOW LEASING 2547745204 2547745204 2547745204 BINGO Rentals R E S U L T S . . . Great space. Great location. REFIND SULTIT S BINGO BINGO

2547745204 BINGO IAL PROPERTY Great space. Great location. R LEASE

Rentals Rentals



(254) 778-4444


2547745204 7745204 eet of office space 2547745204 are foot warehouse/ ing,WED. Edging, Cleaning, AFTERNOONS

BINGO (254) 778-4444





Employment Seeking SEASONAL JOB GARDENERS 254 778 4444 (254) 778-4444

1919 Mueller Road


IAL PROPERTY BINGO R e.LEASE Great location. Great space. Great GreatFIND location. Great space. location. IT


(254) 778-4444

Facility Technician

Seeking Employment SEASONAL Employment Temple Daily Telegram GARDENERS (254) 778-4444



BINGO 7745204


BINGO (254) (254)778-4444 778-4444

Seeking SEASONAL Outdoor Sports Seeking Seeking GARDENERS Seeking




Ye. Great location.




Great Greatspace. space.Great Greatlocation. location. Great space. Great location. 2547745204 PROPERTY 2547745204 CIALCOMMERCIAL PROPERTY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY G R LEASE FOR LEASE 2547745204

FIND ITIT FIND778-4444 (254)





BINGO (254) 778-4444 778-4444 (254)


and 6,450FOR squareLEASE foot warehouse/ production area • Loading dock Rentals New Ads Thursday Week Ahead s) $1.50 (254) 778-4444 • Large garage doors RentalsCOMMERCIAL Ask For Classified RentalsPROPERTY -street customer ES • Convenient offRentals PHONE FAX BINGO BINGO FOR LEASE (254) 771-3516 parking eek Ahead (254)PROPERTY 778-4444 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COMMERCIAL email COMMERCIAL PROPERTY • High visibilityAsk location downtown For in Classified FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FINDwith IT access from Central Temple FOR LEASE Avenue and 7th Street





Page 10 • January 15, 2020 Janitorial company now hiring days and evenings. Apply online at Automotive Parts Delivery Driver Needed. Good driving record a must. Apply in person: The Parts Depot, 5301 Loop 205, Temple.

SERVER needed immediately to work Friday & Saturday night, 5pm until. Apply in person Ratibor Country Grill, 11226 FM 2086, Temple

SONIC NOW HIRING All Positions. Day or night shift. Apply in person 814 East Central, Belton. BIG CHEW-CHEWS BURGERS & SHAKES Now Hiring All Positions. Apply in person between 2pm-5pm, 8150 W. Adams, Temple; or ask for Guy 254-780-4300

CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444



Hiring Responsible Wait Staff, will train. Apply in person 7349 Honeysuckle Drive, Temple, 254-338-0529


Outdoor Sports Facility Technician

NOW HIRING! Temple Temps 315 W. Ave M

OFFICE CLERK NEEDED Must have computer skills. Apply in person January 13 thru January 17, between 3pm-4pm at Mikeska Distributing Company, 1000 West Adams. No phone calls.

Temple Daily Telegram Opportunities Classified Inside Sales – Full Time

The classified inside sales representative will be customerfocused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grammar, spelling, typing and computer skills. They will have a professional appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is preferred. This is an hourly position with commissions and benefits. Please send a cover letter and resume.

Customer Service Representative – Full Time

The circulation customer service representative provides outstanding service to the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful candidate will have demonstrated customer service experience, computer aptitude, and good written and oral communication skills. They will have a positive team-player attitude. This is an hourly position with benefits. Send cover letter and resume.

Circulation Delivery Assistant – Part Time

The circulation delivery assistant works with the district managers to assure excellent, on-time delivery of the newspaper to subscribers. The position includes delivering papers on open routes, as needed, and other duties as assigned. Late night, early morning and weekend hours. Candidates must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto liability insurance in their name. Apply in person or email cover letter and resume.

Human Resources 10 S. 3rd St. Temple, Texas 76501

CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444

INVESTORS NEEDED Invest in fast growing CBD business, above normal interest and quick payback. 254-563-1777

WANT TO LEASE LAND for cattle grazing, will do improvements, Ag Exemption references available 254-865-3546

Profitable Routes Now Available

Two years experience in athle�c field maintenance, groundskeeping and/ or landscaping.

UMHB seeks Chris�an applicants for this posi�on & offers compe��ve salaries, excellent benefits, including Day One medical & dental insurance, re�rement plan with match & tui�on benefits for employees & their dependents. Please submit online applica�on found at Applica�ons may also be completed at UMHB Human Resources, 900 College Street, Belton, Texas.

ELDERLY CARE in your home. 20 plus years experience with references. 254-421-1197


High School diploma/GED required.

Must be 21 years of age and have valid driver’s license.

WANT EXTRA INCOME and discounts? Call Ana Marie at Avon 281-384-3480

PART TIME Housekeeper Needed 254-316-3945

The Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and auto liability insurance in their name. These PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day:


North Belton Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell

Bi-Weekly Gross Income (est.)

$475.00 $575.00

Fertilizer Application, increase growth and production for your pasture and crops. N-TEXX stimulates soil, microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological processes. 15-5-5 applied at $23.00 per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer application and sales.

No collecting. Paid every two weeks. Contact the Circulation Department at


or stop by the office at 10 South Third St., Temple Yorkshire Terriers: Registered Yorkie Pups. Chocolates, Parti, KB black, Golddust, boys & girls. 254-931-7143,


- Temple, Texas


Thursday, January 16 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Performance Foodservice DC 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Temple, Texas, 76504

For Sale One Cron Dog For Fee (Fawn) 979-450-8089 DACHSHUND PUPPIES 3 males, 1 female, black and tan. For info call 254-773-7157

WANTED Donkeys, horses, sheep, goats or any other farm animals. 254-865-3546


Class A CDL Drivers

21 years of age ● High School Diploma/GED or equivalent ● Valid Class A CDL ● 3 Years Clean MVR ● Ability to lift 90 lbs ● 6 Months CDL Driving Experience ● Must Pass Physical, Drug Screen, and Background

$10,000 Driver Sign-On Bonus



Night Warehouse Selectors

Automotive Diagnostics, EVT & ASE Certified Mechanic. Cars, trucks even tow trucks, police package lighting, fire truck PMCS. Full service shop now open to the public. 254-220-2442

Qualified Candidates can apply at search by Temple and apply prior to the job fair

FARM TRUCK, Ford ‘96, 350 diesel, standard transmission, flat bed, $3,500. Ask for Dennis 713-539-2544.

6 – 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Experience ● Must Be Able to Work the Scheduled, Assigned Times and Required Overtime ● Able to Stand, Walk, Reach and Lift Repeatedly throughout shift ● Able to Lift and Stack Product between 10 to 35 pounds and up to 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shift ● Able to Work in Multi-Temperature Environments ● Pass Pre-Employment Drug Test ● Pay $17.35 (Dry) / $17.85 (Cooler/Freezer)

EEO Statement Performance Food Group and/or its subsidiaries (individually or collectively, the “Company”) provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all applicants and employees, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, and any other characteristic protected by applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.

INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar for ANY vehicle running or not, with or without title. 254-624-1729

January 15, 2020 • Page 11

Page 12 • January 15, 2020

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