JOBS AVAILABLE. Full B L Ac k A N G u S men and part-time jobs avail- Grass fed fat bulls and Ran NIcE WAShErS, dry Needed: Jani- heifers. Purebred gen able now! thro ers, refrigerators, and torial workers in Waco, tle, 11-18 months old, Janu cook stoves. Rebuilt Temple and surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 tion with 90 day warranty. areas. Starting at $8 per 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 Delivery, service work, #124 hour. Please call our of Feed & Sup Spanish Farm & ranch need non-working ones. www fice at (254) 776-7775 plies (254) 214-5284, (254) apply 2or Dollaronline Saver at www. Sunday, January 26, 2020 E M P L E O S D I S - ShIPPING cONTAIN 799-6228 cLArk Auc PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están ErS $2,000 and up. Wind E M P L E O S D I S TION is currently disponibles los empleos and water tight. See pho- PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Miscellaneous accepting consign AL L CON CR E T E cT disponibles los empleos WOR K. de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. ments for Farm & F R E E E stimates. de tiempo completo y Ranch Equipment medio! Se necesita: tra- net Will deliver. (254) 722 1 cEMETEry Lot at acce D r iveways, P atios, medio! Se necesita: tra- through men Wednesday, bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. F encing, E tc. 350-9192 Waco Memorial, Veter bajadores de limpieza en January 29th, for auc Waco, Temple y las áreas ans Section. $700. (254) Ran Waco, Temple y las áreas tion B L Ac k A N G u S on February 1st. thro 662-3082 circundantes. A partir de circundantes. A partir de #12479. 254-848-2333 Grass fed fat bulls and Janu $8 por hora. Por favor $8 por Vol. hora. Por favor 2 • No. 4 January 22, 2020 tion heifers. Purebred gen llame a nuestra oficina al llame a nuestra Employment oficina al #124 months old, tle, 11-18 (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 776-7775 Auctions o solicite AD en línea en www.janitori$1,200. (254) 899-2558 FEATURED JOBS AVAILABLE. Full www en línea en www.janitori and part-time jobs avail THE WEEK! OF cLArk Auc able now! Needed: Jani- L JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 2 GENTLE MIxED Dollar Saver Sunday, December 15, 2019 TION is currently and part-time jobs avail torial workers in Waco, Want To Buy Breed Cows and accepting consign able now! Bills Paid. Fert NOW HIRING! Needed: Jani EFFICIENCIES Temple and surrounding SHORTY’S Landscaping. GEN BINGO Se necesita ayudante de ments for Farm & Stocker Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26,Calves. 2020 Call Temple Temps workers in Waco, Furnished. OFFICE areas. StartingSalario at $8 perde Bcrea Mowing, weedeating, edg- torial re Ramona 2 WE jardinería. BUSEquipment DRIVERS Buy & SPACE Repair Un- (254) Ranch #4008 VFW Post 749-0909 (254) 315 W. surrounding Ave M Temple and ing, tree service, flower hour. Please call our of acuerdo a la experiencia Stoc through Wednesday, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Courtyard, near VA. tion FOR LEASE 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 areas. Starting at $8 per 749-5637 NEEDED beds, mulching, and more. fice at (254) 776-7775 preferiblemente que tenga (254 Belton 29th, for auc ! !$495. AVAILABLE !! Motorcycles & Scooters. hour. Please call our of- January Spanish Farm & ranch From 254-778-1374. crop 254-760-3031 Recently refurbished 3,500 transporte! ask about additional or apply online at www. 749-5 Motivated, Experienced office, retail, ware tion on February 1st. 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 ROGERS ISD Lic #1-74-6066507-2 fice at (254) 776-7775 We Pick-Up (903) 336- Looking for Lawn Service house & more for lease sq.ft. office and warehouse Eat Free Nearby. soil #12479. 254-848-2333 cLArk AucE M P L E O S D I S - ShIPPING cONTAIN advertising Janitorial &options! Paper WED. AFTERNOONS or apply online at www. 9086 David Barr Properties Competitive salary/ helper. Salary depends on space. Located on corner PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están ErS $2,000 up. Wind PINA JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Doors Open 11am Bprov LA Tree Trimming, Mow- TION isand currently ( 254) 526-2277 Products Sales experience. Need own disponibles los empleos and water tight. See pho benefits. Apply at lot inAppliances downtown Temple. www.davidbarrproper and part-time254-931-6222 jobs avail- Gras Session Starts 12:30pm accepting consign for transportation. ing, Edging, Cleaning, de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. real Estate For Professionals – ! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! FRI.deliver. AFTERNOONS Trucks Off-street parking. able now! Needed: Jani- heife medio! Se necesita: tra- net Will (254) 722ments for Farm & AL L CON CRE TE Land, Investm ent Sale prod Rake Leaves, Doors Open 5pm Lawncare, Come torial workers in Waco, tle, join the Perry OfCall 254-774-5204 bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. Properties, and for Jason Beard WOR K. Ranch Equipment Contact 1 NIcE WAShErS, dry Session Starts 6:30pm Temple and surrounding Business Properties. Waco, Temple y las áreas esse Private Fence, power wash $1,2 cLArk AucSALADO3BR, 2BA, 2500 ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! fice Plus team! We seek F R E E E stimates. QuALITy BuILT homes B L A c k A N G u S Wednesday, Barr Properties CODE 010320 David questions at SUNDAY AFTERNOONS circundantes. A partir ers, refrigerators, andde through areas. Starting at $8 per $23. sq.ft., fenced back yard, TION currently Land, Investment Driveways, Patios, concrete work. Free on Grass fed fat for bulls and and ( 254)is526-2277 your lot. Floor plans to $8 porstoves. hora. Por favor January 29th, a motivated Outside Doors Open 4pmauc cook Rebuilt hour. Please call our of $900 rent, yard paid, $900 accepting www.davidbarrproper heifers. Purebred genst Properties, and F encing, E tc. 350-9192 Fe fit any budget. No money llame a nuestra oficina al Session Starts 5:30pm Co Estimates. 771-2191, tion on February 1st. ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! deposit. 254-947-9205 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! ments for Farm & fice at (254) 776-7775 Sales Pro for the Temple tle, 11-18 months old, with 90 day warranty. Business Properties. down. 100% financing. (254) 776-7775 o solicite LARGE899-2558 718-9765 offic e, retail, ware- $1,200. (254) #12479. 254-848-2333 retail,atwareEquipment oroffice, apply online www. 254 en línea en www.janitori Delivery, service work, Credit repair Killeen area. Ifprogram. you have Ranch David Barr Properties house &•more for lease NON-SMOKING ROOM • Bidding Begins at 9:30AM • • through Wednesday, house & more for lease David Barr Properties (254) 857-4663. apc need non-working ones. ( 254) 526-2277 Hot Food Available proven sales skills and G E N T L E M I x E D ( 254) 526-2277 January 29th, for auc David Properties www.davidbarrproper E M P LBarr EOS D I S - T Want To Buy Maximum huNTING/ INVEST- tion (254) 214-5284, (254) www.davidbarrproper B r e e d C oPay w sOut a n d on February 1st. DRIVER-MONITOR are computerproficient, ! ! AVAILABLE !! PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están acce ( 254) 526-2277 MENT/ RECREATIONStocker Calves. Call Tractors Un- 799-6228 offic e, retail, ware #12479. 254-848-2333 WE Buy & Repair Take Hwy. 6 North, 6.4house miles from the Lake Waco Bridge, on the right. NEEDED & m ore lease Hunt with yourfor dog or (254) 749-0909 (254) we have a competitive disponibles los empleos AL PROPERTY. We have www.davidbarrproper men David Barr P roperties wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 749-5637 guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 some of the best Texas Cen-Tex completo y Ran ( 254) 526-2277 AccepTINg coNsIgNMeNTs uNTIL WedNesdAy, JANuAry 29 Alcoholic Rehab de tiempo Motorcycles compensation & inbenefits & Scooters. REACH LOCAL www.davidbarrproper Miscellaneous cLArk Auc miles northeast of Austin. BATHTUB REFINISHING from the HillCountry (Ed medio! Se necesita: tra- thro We Pick-Up (903) 336- ties.c om Motorcycles Center seeking Full-time nday, December package. Tractors, trucks, trailers, UTVs, skid steers, plows, planters, c L A r k Auc Training area. Quail for in home. Repairs on porce 15, 2019 wards, Menard, Coke, TION is currently 9086 bajadores de limpieza en Janu HEALTHCARE ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! TION is currently sale. lain and fiberglass. Over 30 shredders, rakes, seeders, sprayers, augers, straight balers, Val Verde County, free and Part-time Driver Send your resume: offic e, retail, wareaccepting consign tion Waco, Temple y las áreas 1 cEMETEry Lot at Appliances Buy & Repair Unaccepting consign- years & m ore for lease WE 512-856-2200 in business. Call Dale house ranging exotics), to South blades, cattle feeders, welders, generators, mowers, grapples, JOB SEEKERS! circundantes. A partir de ments for Farm & Monitors. Transport David Barr P roperties wanted/ ments for Farm & 721-3658. Broken ATV’s,cli- Waco Memorial, Veter- #124 Antique Farm Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Equipment: ( 254) 526-2277 $8 industrial tools, fuel tanks, campers and MORE! R a n ch Equipment E q u i p m e n t por hora. Por favor www NIcE WAShErS, dry- Ranch Motorcycles &15Scooters. www.davidbarrproper Tractors, plows, planters, ents in 7 or passenger ans Section. $700. (254) AL L CON CR E T E Oak County, whitetail, through Wednesday, Back Room Full of NEW Tools, Hydraulic Oils & Welding Supplies!and through ties.c om llame a nuestra oficina al ers, refrigerators, We Pick-Up (903) 336 Wednesday, rakes and other items. WOR K . hogs). Large acreage or 662-3082 January 29th, for auc vans and oversee client’s Looking for a full time / cook stoves. Rebuilt (254) 776-7775 o solicite 9086 Auction will take place inside our air conditioned & heated facility. F R E30 E year E stimates. 254-721-4915 $100 REWARD for return January for auc tion on29th, February 1st. small. fixed rate with 90 day warranty. P línea en www.janitori- D r iveways, atios, part activities. back- en time wrecker driver, Items will be sold live via our media of screens. ask about Pass additional Charley, black &work, white tion #12479. 254-848-2333 owner financing. Only 5% Delivery, service on February 1st. F encing, E tc. 350-9192 Employment tuxedo cat. All shotsones. and #12479. need non-working ground check, TDLR license. Experi Down. Call toll free or advertising options!drug 254-848-2333 c neutered. South 47th/Ave (254) 214-5284, (254) JOBS AVAILABLE. Full email for individual prices For more information, visit: driver’s license ence preferred but will screen, Tractors 799-6228 Call 254-295-0709. FormT JOBS AVAILABLE. Full and part-time jobs availand terms. ranchenterpris- M. THEdiploma REAL TEXAS acce HANDYMAN looking for and high school train the right person. 800-876-9720 able now! Needed: Jani- chair and part-time jobs avail- ch Miscellaneous c L Awork!! r k Auc - 4 men Livestock inLAND torial workers Waco, or GED. Good starting Must have clean driving able now! Needed: Jani WANT TO LEASE for TION is currently I also do electrical work Lots/Land/ Ran drye and surrounding 010320 Temple torial in Waco, accepting consign- workers Lot at cattle grazing, will do im- thro and meritCODE increases. record. Apply at 9473 W. pay please call 254-780-8461 Acreage 1 cEMETEry areas. Starting at $8 per ments for Farm & provements, Ag Exemption Waco Memorial, Veter Temple and surrounding Accepting payments of Cash, Debit/Credit, GENTLE MIxED Janu at 2410Harker East Heights Ad- hour. FM 93, Belton or fax re- Apply 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, 26, 2020 R a n ch E q u i p m e n t Event Center Please call our of January ans Section. $700. (254) references available WEST TExAS Trans & Local Check. 5% BP per item for areas. Starting atONSITE $8 per Breed Cows and clark auction company, LLc through Wednesday, ! ! AVAILABLE !! ams, 662-3082 710 Edwards, Heights, TX 76548 Temple. EOE Harkerfice sume to 254-933-8770 at (254) 776-7775 tion BP for Proxibid Bidders. 254-865-3546 Pecos area, near Lake offic e, retail, w are-bidders, 10% January 29th, for auchour. Please call our of #124 Stocker Calves. Call house & m ore for lease the right to withhold items CAC reserves ! ! AVAILABLE !! or apply online at www. 60 - 450 acres. Amistad. FeBrUarY 1-2 Dav id Barr P roperties tion on February 1st. offic e, retail, ware www fice at (254) 776-7775 until checks have cleared. Vehicles/ Employment (254) 749-0909 (254) ( 254) 526-2277 Electricity, water, easy Sat. 9am-5pm • Sun. 10am-4pm house & m ore for lease #12479. 254-848-2333 W Robert W. Clark #12497www.davidbarrproper (254) 848-2333 749-5637 Trailers are subject to TT&L fees. David Barr P roperties or apply online at www. ties.c om access, whitetail, dove, NEED TRUCK DRIVER ( 254) 526-2277 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full For Info 713-724-8881 real Estate For www.davidbarrproper thick cover, views, with end dump and part-time experience. velina, Aubry Sanders Jr. • Promoter ties.c om jobs avail- Sale Livestock canyons. Starting at $650/ Must be dependable and able now! Needed: Jani JOBS AVAILABLE. Full B L Ac k A N G u S AC. 979-575-3939 Lang- goodm ercial references. torial workers in Waco, have ! ! ! Com ! ! ! AL L CON CR E T E and part-time jobs avail and BuILT homes c Temple and surrounding Grass G E Nfed TWOR Lfat E bulls M. I x E D THEQuALITy 254-301-5255 Land, Investm ent K T able now! Needed: Janiareas. Starting at $8 per on your lot. Floor plans to P roperties, and REAL heifers. Purebred genB r e e d C o w s a n d F R E E E stim ates. TEXAS acce Business P roperties. D r iveways, P atios, hour. Please call our of Stocker Calves. Call fit any budget. No money torial workers in Waco, tle, 11-18749-0909 months old, David gun show Barr P roperties F(254) encing, E tc. 350-9192 fice at (254) 776-7775 (254) Experienced driver look- down. 100% financing. men ( 254) 526-2277 Temple and surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Where people still have a choice or apply online at www. 749-5637 www.davidbarrproper Credit repair program. Ran to legally buy, sell & trade firearms. ing for an owner operator ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! areas. Starting at $8 per ties.c om thro offic e, retail, ware (254) 857-4663. Adults $8, Weekend Pass $14 Bring This Ad For RET JOBS AVAILABLE. Full B hour. Please call our ofGroups & of 4m or More L A c k& A N G u S team drive. Let’s talk! house ore for Janu Feed Sup Residential Clean- to ($1.00lease off with Military ID) $1.00 Off Boa NOW HIRING! and part-time jobs avail- EVA’S Get $2.00 OffProperties Grass fed fat bulls and huNTING/ INVEST David Barr SHORTY’S Landscaping. fice at (254) 776-7775 Children Under 12 Free Se necesita ayudante de tion Admission ServiceFrom gentop to Call (765) 623-4185 Admission plies able now! Needed: Jani- ing ( 254) 526-2277 heifers. Purebred All Weekend MENT/ RECREATION All Weekend For info: 713-724-8881 Temple Temps or apply online atin www. #124 www.davidbarrproper bottom. Free Estimates! 200 torial workers Waco, Mowing, weedeating, edg Persons Under 18 Must Be Accompanied By Parent tle, 11-18 months old, jardinería. Salario de AL PROPERTY. We have Temple and surrounding www Reasonable prices. Highly GUNS • AMMO • KNIVES • BUY • SELL • TRADE • LOOK $1,200. (254) 899-2558 315 W. Ave M ! ! AVAILABLE !! ing, attree flower some in Texas OBO cLArk Aucacuerdo aof thelabestexperiencia areas. Starting $8 perservice, recommended. 254-316-1108. offic e, retail, ware E M P L E O S D I S from the Hill Country hour. Please call our of TION is currently house & more for lease Feed & Sup beds, mulching, and more. (Ed- 1/2
Farm/ranch equipment 2heavy Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 auction
Saturday, February 1 , 2020
8896 n. hwy. 6, crawford, tX 76638
(254) 778-4444
• 1,250 square feet of office space and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ production area BINGO • Loading dock VFW Post #4008 • Large garage doors
gun show
Harker HeigHts, tx
Temple Daily Telegram Opportunities
BUS DRIVERS Classifi ed Inside Sales – Full Time NEEDED preferiblemente que Offer Not Valid With Any Other Discount
Offer Not Valid With Any Other Discount
acuerdo a la experiencia tion for your pasture and R ar enech E 662-3082 ans Section. $700. (254) areas. Starting at per d C qouwi ps maenndt Courtyard, near (254) VA. beds, NEEDED heifers. Purebred genmulching, and$8more. medio! Se LEASE necesita: tra- B FOR (254) 214-5284, que tenga January H TION is currently 29th, through Wednesday, through Wednesday, Belton NEEDED 662-3082 for aucbeds, mulching, and more. preferiblemente hour. Please call our ofpreferiblemente que tenga Stocker Calves. Call tle, 11-18 months old, bajadores de limpieza en Tractors 799-6228 Belton accepting consigntion on February 1st. Contact Carlos Morris January 29th, for auc January 29th, for auccrops. N-TEXX stimulates 1 cEMETEry Lot at 254-760-3031 3,500 From Spanish Farm & ranch transporte! fice (254) Employment Spanish Farmfor& Farm ranch (254) 749-0909 (254) $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Motivated, Experienced $495. 254-778-1374. crops. N-TEXX stimulates ! ! ! Com m ercial !!! Waco,atTemple y776-7775 las áreas 254-760-3031 Recently refurbished 3,500 ments & #12479. 254-848-2333 tion on February 1st. transporte! tion on February 1st. ROGERScONTAINISD JOBS Waco VeterMotivated, Experienced LicSpanish #1-74-6066507-2 or apply & online at www. Employment Investm ent 749-5637 ROGERS ISD circundantes. AAuc partir AmericanLand, Dollar Saver: LicPMemorial, #1-74-6066507-2 R a n ch E q u i p m e n t Farm Looking for Lawn Service 254-421-1276 for fertilizer #12479. 254-848-2333 Miscellaneous ouse Eat cLA r kranch - de #12479. 254-848-2333 ans Section. $700. (254) soil, microorganisms that Properties, and AVAILABLE. Full E M L E O S D I S ShIPPING E M P L E O S D I S ShIPPING Looking for Lawn Service Page 2 • January 22, 2020 sq.ft. office and warehouse Free $8 por hora. Por favor soil, microorganisms that Janitorial & Paper WED. Nearby. AFTERNOONS Feed & Supthrough Wednesday, H TION is currently 662-3082 Business Properties. Janitorial Paper (254) 501-7530 WED. AFTERNOONS part-time availCompetitive salary/ JOBS AVAILABLE. Fullon ErS ¡ Ya ErS $2,000 Wind and helper. Salary &jobs PONIBLES. ¡depends Ya están $2,000 and up. Wind JOBSaAVAILABLE. llame nuestra oficinaFull al B LPONIBLES. Ac k A N G u Sestán January orner E1application 29th,and forup. aucCompetitive salary/ McEMETEry PDoors L plies E& O and Sranch D I at S - ShIPPING cONTAINhelper. Salary depends on David sales. Barr Properties accepting consignLivestock Farm Open 11am Lot able now! Needed: Jani- and provide essential nutrients space. Located on corner and part-time jobs availdisponibles los empleos and water tight. See phoPINA Tree Trimming, Mow disponibles los empleos water tight. See pho and part-time jobs avail(254) 776-7775 o solicite ( 254) 526-2277 Doors Open 11am provide essential nutrients Grass fed fat bulls tion on 1st. PINA TreeFebruary Products SalesandSunday, experience. Need own PONIBLES. ¡ YaVeterestán ErS $2,000 up. Wind ments forandFarm & Livestock Waco Memorial, torial workers in Waco, Employment able now! Needed: Janide tiempo completo tos www.steelcontainers. Products Sales Auctions experience. Need own www.davidbarrproper benefits. Apply atMowde tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. 2 Dollar Saver January 26,Trimming, 2020 mple. ShIPPING able now! Needed: Jani en línea en www.janitori12:30pm 254-848-2333 heifers. Purebred gen- tra-y #12479. benefits. Apply at disponibles empleos water tight. See phoR a n ch E q u i p m e n t lot in downtown Temple. cONTAINc L AStarts rlos k Auc Session Starts 12:30pm ansSession Section. $700. (254)- and Temple and surrounding torial workers in Waco, medio! Se necesita: net Will deliver. (254) 722Gfor EWill Nplants Tdeliver. L E through M I x E722Dtheir ties.c om transportation. 254-931-6222 tra- net ing, Edging, Cleaning, medio! Se necesita: (254) torial workers in Waco, tle, 11-18 months old, for plants through their transportation. 254-931-6222 ing, Edging, Cleaning, Professionals – through Wednesday, de tiempo completo www.steelcontainers. ErS $2,000 and up. Windy tos H TION is currently JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 662-3082 areas. Starting at $8 per Temple and surrounding bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. FRI. AFTERNOONS B r e e d C o w s a n d G E NBurleson, T L E MTX. IxED Professionals – bajadores de limpieza en 4270, c L A r k Auc FRI. AFTERNOONS Temple and surrounding Off-street parking. $1,200. (254) 899-2558 January 29th,(254) for aucJOBS AVAILABLE. Full and and water See pho- net accepting consign medio! Setight. necesita: Will Leaves, deliver. 722 part-time jobs hour. Please of- Stocker Spanish Farm & ranch areas. Startingcall $8áreas per Waco, Temple y lasavailáreas Bproductive r e e d Calves. C obiological w s aCall n dproc Rake Lawncare, Waco, Temple yatlasour TION is currently areas. Starting at $8 per H Doors Open 5pm tra B LLivestock ALeaves, c k ALawncare, N G u S fice productive biological proc- tion on February 1st. tos www.steelcontainers. ments for Farm & and part-time jobs availCome join the Perry Of-de Rake bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. able now! Needed: JaniDoors Open 5pm atPlease (254) 776-7775 hour. call our ofcircundantes. A partir B L Ac kCalves. ANG uS (254) 749-0909 (254) Stocker Call Employment Come join the Perry OfCall 254-774-5204 Contact Jason Beard for accepting consigncircundantes. A partir de hour. Please call our ofGrass fed fat bulls and #12479. 254-848-2333 net deliver. R aWill n ch E q uy(254) i6:30pm plas máreas e722nt Contact Jason Beard for able now! JaniFeed & SupWaco, Temple torial workers inPor Waco, EM P L ENeeded: OS D I S - ShIPPING cONTAINor apply online at www. fice at (254) 776-7775 $8 por hora. favor 749-5637 Session Starts (254) 749-0909 (254) Grass fed fat bulls and 2esses. Dollar15-5-5 Saverapplied Sunday, Session Starts 6:30pm Private Fence, for Farm & $8 por hora. Por favor esses. 15-5-5 applied at fice atworkers B L Ac k(254) Apower N776-7775 uwash S heifers. at Janu 4270, Burleson, TX. through Wednesday, Private wash torial inG Waco, plies Temple surrounding PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están ments ErS $2,000 and up. Wind SALADO3BR, 2500 circundantes. A 2BA, partir Full de fice Plus team! Weoficina seek or apply online atWe www. aand E N TFence, L EPurebred Mpower I x EgenD JOBS AVAILABLE. heifers. Purebred genfice Plus team! seek Rand allame n water chStarting Enuestra q u i pat m e nphotper al G tle, or apply online atempleos www. llame a nuestra oficina al 749-5637 questions at SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 11-18 months old, Grass fedand fat surrounding bulls and January 29th, for auc Temple questions at areas. $8 disponibles los tight. See SUNDAY AFTERNOONS (254) 776-7775 o solicite $8 por hora. Por favor B r e e d C o w s a n d and part-time jobs avail JOBS AVAILABLE. Full tle, 11-18 months old, B L A c k A N G u S B L Aon ck Aback N G1st. uyard, S and sq.ft., fenced Wednesday, concrete work. (254) 776-7775 o solicite $23.00 per acre. $1,200. (254)work. 899-2558 Purebred tion February $23.00 per acre. areas. Starting at gen$8 Free per y through and concrete hour. Please call our-of- Stocker deLivestock tiempo completo tos enwww.steelcontainers. línea Calves. CallFree and llame a fed nuestra oficina al heifers. able now! Needed: Jania motivated Outside Doors Open 4pm c L A29th, ren kwww.janitoriAuc part-time jobsOutside availJOBS AVAILABLE. Full Grass $1,200. (254) 899-2558 fatAbulls and B L A cfed k NGu S a motivated Grass fat bulls and Doors Open 4pm January for auc en línea en tle, 11-18 months old, #12479. 254-848-2333 E M P L E O S D I S hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 medio! Se necesita: tranet Will deliver. (254) 722$900 rent, yard 5:30pm $900 (254) 749-0909 (254) torial workers in Waco, (254) 776-7775 opaid, solicite able now! Needed: Jani- heifers. TION is currently H and part-time jobs avail Purebred Grass fed fat bullsgenand heifers. Purebred gention onBurleson, February 1st. Session 2 Contact Carlos Morris Estimates. $1,200. 899-2558 PONIBLES. ¡776-7775 Ya or apply online at www. 749-5637 fice (254) bajadores limpieza 4270, TX. G E N T L EM771-2191, I x E D torial Session Starts 5:30pm Contact Carlos Estimates. Temple and surrounding en línea enStarts www.janitoriE Nat T L(254) E de M I771-2191, x Eestán D en accepting workers in TempleWaco, able now! Needed: Jani- 2tle, Sales Pro for the Templeconsign11-18 months old, heifers. Purebred genDollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 tle, 11-18 months old, G Dollar Saver Morris Sunday, Janu deposit. 254-947-9205 Sales Pro for the Spanish Farm & ranch #12479. 254-848-2333 Want To Buy G E N T L E M I x E D Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 1 disponibles los empleos Waco, Temple y las áreas B r e e d C o w s a n d or apply online at www. areas. Starting at $8 per B r e e d C o w s a n d LARGE Temple and surrounding torial workers in Waco, ments for Farm & $1,200. (254) 899-2558 tle, 11-18 months old, $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Want To Buy LARGE B L A c k A N G u S B r e e d C ow s a n d 254-421-1276 for fertilizer 718-9765 circundantes. A partir de Stocker Calves. Call de tiempo completo y Paid. Ehour. Fertilizer Application, inAuctions NOW HIRING! 254-421-1276 for fertilizer 718-9765 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, Janu Please call our ofJOBS AVAILABLE. G E N T LBINGO E cONTAINM I x ED Stocker Calves. Call areas. Starting $8 have per $1,200. Temple and surrounding L A c k ANGuS RKilleen aGrass n ch E qfat u&Ifi pLandscaping. m e nand tFull SHORTY’S (254) 899-2558 area. you have WE Buy Repair Un- BFarm fed bulls Se necesita ayudante Killeen area. If atatyouour MNON-SMOKING PatL(254) E OTo S 776-7775 D I S - ShIPPING ROOM Calves. Call de $8 Por (254)fed749-0909 (254) hour. NON-SMOKING ROOM Buy medio! Se necesita: tra- through Spanish & ranch ficeWant and part-time jobs avail(254) Please call of- 2 Stocker areas. Starting $8 per B r e$2,000 epor d749-0909 Chora. ow s (254) aFor n dfavor Grass fat bulls and Wednesday, WE Buy & Repair UnTemple Temps wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Feed & Supheifers. Purebred genreal Estate OFFICE SPACE PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están ErS and up. Wind G E N T L E M I x E D Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 Mowing, weedeating, edg- heifers. 749-0909 Trucks llame a Calves. nuestra oficina 749-5637 bajadores de limpieza application and(254) mona disponibles crease growth and produc- jardinería. Salario or apply online www. application and sales. able now! Needed: Jani 749-5637 fice at (254) 776-7775 hour. Please call our of- (254) Available Purebred gence L A rlos kwat BUS DRIVERS Stocker Callenal January 29th, for aucHot Food Available wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles Scooters. proven sales skills plies 11-18 months old, Feed & SupSale B r eHot dFood C sAuc a nUnd- and proven sales skills and Spanish Farm & ranch empleos water tight. #4008 VFW Post (254) 776-7775 o phosolicite Etle, Mon P LFebruary EO S& Dflower I and S - ShIPPING WE Buy &isoRepair Waco, Temple ySee las áreas tion 315 W.cONTAINAve M old, or ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! torial workers in 1st. Waco, apply online at www. 749-5637 fice at (254) 776-7775 tle, 11-18 months TIONCalves. currently H ing, tree service, (254) 749-0909 (254) We Pick-Up (903) 336$1,200. (254) 899-2558 Motorcycles & Scooters. acuerdo a la experiencia plies Stocker Call de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. Maximum Pay OutATV’s, 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, en línea en www.janitoriPONIBLES. ¡Auc YaOutestán ErS $2,000 Wind- Maximum Pay Land, Investment circundantes. AG partir Broken VA. wanted/ tion for your2020 pasture and Temple c(254) L Aand r899-2558 kup.Auc c L Aand r ksurrounding or apply online at www. $1,200. accepting consign JOBS Full 254-848-2333 749-5637 B LWill A cdeliver. k BuILT A N u S de #12479. DRIVER-MONITOR 9086 QuALITy homes DRIVER-MONITOR We Pick-Up (903) 336- preferiblemente (254) 749-0909 (254) E MFOR PAVAILABLE. L ELEASE O D ItraS - net ShIPPING cONTAINare computerproficient, are computerproficient, NEEDED medio! Se necesita: (254) 722 beds, mulching, and more. c LLA r k Auc -tenga disponibles los empleos and water tight. See pho Properties, and $8 por hora. Por favor que Motorcycles &SFarm Scooters. areas. Starting at $8 per TION is currently H H TION is currently ments for & c A r k Auc and part-time jobs avail Belton Grass fed fatand bulls and E M P L E O S D I S - HTION on your lot. Floor plans 749-5637 9086 PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están ErS $2,000 up. Windto G Etiempo N T L EconsignM I our xED bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. c L A ris k currently Auc de completo y tosaccepting www.steelcontainers. Business Properties. llame a nuestra oficina al Appliances We Pick-Up (903) 336hour. Please call of consign374. Hunt crops. N-TEXX stimulates accepting R a n ch E q u i p m e n t 254-760-3031 H TION is currently able now! Needed: JaniMiscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS Recently refurbished 3,500 heifers. Purebred genPONIBLES. ¡ YaDestán Feed & SupWant To Buy EweM have PLEO Scompetitive IS- H transporte! fit any budget. No money NEEDED NEEDED disponibles los empleos and water tight. See phowith your dog or Motivated, Experienced B r e e d C o w s a n d c L A r k Auc we have a competitive accepting consigna David Barr Properties TION is currently medio! Se necesita: tranet Will deliver. (254) 722 Waco, Temple y las áreas (254) 776-7775 o solicite fice at (254) 776-7775 ments for Farm & disponibles 9086 through Wednesday, ROGERS ISDestány ments ments for Farm & torial workers in Waco,y tos Appliances accepting consignLic #1-74-6066507-2 11-18 months los¡ empleos plies PONIBLES. Ya B Lwww.steelcontainers. Ac ken Acurrently N G old, uS down. 100% financing. Auctions de tiempo completo Stocker Calves. Call ( 254) 526-2277 for Farm & H TION iswww.janitoriaccepting consignbajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. cQuail/Chukar Land A r k Auc -40 tle, circundantes. A for partir de Looking for Lawn Service enWE línea or apply online at www. R a n ch E q u i p m e n t sq.ft. office and warehouse guided. hunt January 29th, auc R a n ch E q u i p m e n t soil, microorganisms that Temple surrounding Buy & Repair UnNIcE WAShErS, dry$1,200. (254) 899-2558 ments for Farm & de tiempo completo disponibles los empleos Grass fed fatconsignbulls and Credit repair program. medio! Se is necesita: tra- net Will deliver. (254) 722- compensation Cen-Tex Alcoholic Rehab medio! (254) 749-0909 (254) www.davidbarrproper R a n ch for EAlcoholic q uFarm i p m eRehab n&t Appliances Janitorial &NPaper ments Waco, Temple y&las áreas Cen-Tex WED. AFTERNOONS H TION currently accepting compensation &salary/ benefits benefits $8 por hora. Por favor through tion on February 1st. Wednesday, areas. Starting at $8 per wanted/ Broken ATV’s, through ers, refrigerators, and Competitive Se necesita: tra-y through de tiempo completo Rhelper. a nch ch Salary Eqquuiippdepends meenntt on B L A LcA krWednesday, AREFINISHING GuS (254) 857-4663. heifers. Purebred genmiles northeast of Austin. BATHTUB bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. BATHTUB REFINISHING c k Auc NIcE WAShErS, dry749-5637 Formal dining table, 8 Wednesday, R a n E m circundantes. A partir de accepting consign space. Located on corner ments for Farm & c L A r k Auc llame a nuestra oficina al January 29th, forand auc- bajadores #12479. 254-848-2333 hour. Please call ouráreas of- tle, 29th, aucDoors Open JOBS AVAILABLE. Full January E M PTree L E Oranch Sfor Dfavor IS- H essential nutrients Motorcycles &11am Scooters. cook stoves. PINA Trimming, Mowlimpieza en January Spanish Farm & Sedenecesita: traGrass fed fat bulls through Wednesday, Sup months at776-7775 Waco, Temple yoQuail las TION is currently 29th, for Full-time auc- own provide ers, refrigerators, and Center seeking through Wednesday, $8 por hora. PorRebuilt ments forkitchen Farm &for in Center seeking Full-time Products Sales huNTING/ R aFeed n11-18 ch E& q uA i INVESTpN m nporcet336- H experience. Need package. TION currently package. solicite on February 1st. Training area. intion home. Repairs ongenporce- medio! chairs; glass table, onGeold, NIcE WAShErS, dryfice (254) 776-7775 tion on February PONIBLES. ¡ warranty. Ya1st. están Pick-Up (903) with 90isday and part-time jobs avail BWe Lhome. A cplies kRepairs u S Waco, Temple y las áreas bajadores de limpieza en tion heifers. Purebred benefits. Apply at January 29th, for for aucauclot(254) in downtown Temple. accepting consigncircundantes. A partir de $1,200. (254) 899-2558 on February 1st. January 29th, llame a nuestra oficina al Session Starts 12:30pm R a n ch E q u i p m e n t cook stoves. Rebuilt MENT/ RECREATION c L A r k Auc through Wednesday, accepting consign #12479. 254-848-2333 en línea en www.janitori or apply online at www. ers, refrigerators, and #12479. 254-848-2333 disponibles los empleos 9086 Delivery, service work, able now! Needed: JaniE M P L E O S D I S ShIPPING cONTAINcircundantes. A partir de Grass fed fat bulls and Waco, Temple y las áreas for plants through their tle, 11-18 months old, transportation. 254-931-6222 ing, Edging, Cleaning, tion on February 1st. 4sale. chairs; coffee table, gas lain and fiberglass. Over 30 for FarmDriver $8 por hora. Por favor lain and fiberglass. Over #12479. 254-848-2333 tion onPart-time February 1st. (254) 776-7775 o solicite through Wednesday, and Driver- with 90hora. day Aresume: warranty. AL PROPERTY. We have30 ErS Professionals –& circundantes. H TION isFarm currently and Part-time ments for & y ments Send your January 29th, for Send your resume: FRI. AFTERNOONS de tiempo completo need non-working ones. Off-street parking. cook Rebuilt por Por favor torial workers PONIBLES. ¡in YaWaco, están $2,000 and up. Wind Trucks partir de heifers. Purebred gen $1,200. #12479. 254-848-2333 a n chin (254) E q u899-2558 i p mCall e n tDale $8 llame astoves. nuestra oficina #12479. 254-848-2333 en línea en January 29th, for auc-al years LT r kbest Appliances Delivery, service work, some ofA the in1st. RRake aaccepting n(254) chLeaves, E qwww.janitoriu iconsignpLawncare, m ephon(254) ttra- Ryears dryer. 254-541-2206 tion on February G Ec N11-18 Land E MAuc Iempleos x ETexas D-Dale and 512-856-2200 business. in business. Call medio! Se necesita: 214-5284, llame a nuestra oficina al with 90 day warranty. $8 por hora. Por favor Temple surrounding disponibles los water tight. See tle, months old, productive biological procE(254) M P L E O S D I S 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 through Wednesday, 776-7775 o solicite Open 5pma$8n (Edtion on February 1st. H Want To Buy currently Monitors. Transport cli- ments for Farm en & need non-working from Hill Country Come join the Perry Ofthrough Wednesday, Call 254-774-5204 Monitors. Transport #12479. 254-848-2333 B r eTION ethe dDoors Cisow sat dpery tos Tractors bajadores de limpieza 799-6228 (254) 776-7775 oBeard solicite llame a nuestra oficina areas. Starting de tiempo completo www.steelcontainers. Delivery, service work, $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Antique Farm Equipment: PONIBLES. están Motorcycles 721-3658. Contact Jason for Antique Farm Equipment: January 29th, for auc G E N T L E M I x E D cLA rwww.janitorik ¡ Ya Auc - accepting #12479. 254-848-2333 721-3658. en línea en consign Auctions R a n ch E q u i p m e n t wards, Menard, Coke, (254) 214-5284, (254) January 29th, for auc Stocker Calves. Call NIcE WAShErS, dry Session Starts 6:30pm Waco, Temple y las áreas en línea en www.janitoriWant To Buy (254) 776-7775 o solicite Fertilizer hour. Please call our&traof- net medio! Se necesita: Will deliver. (254) 722need non-working ones. disponibles los empleos esses. 15-5-5 Private Fence, power wash tion 1st. B e eon d February Cteam! o w s We a nseek d H TION currently in- NOW HIRING! WE &is Repair Un- SHORTY’S ments for Farm through Wednesday, Tractors, plows,applied planters, at Auctions Landscaping. Valers, Verde County, free Tractors in 7 orApplication, 15 passenger 799-6228 tion on February 1st. Buy ATV’s, ficer Plus BINGO Se necesita ayudante de ents Tractors, planters, refrigerators, and ents inc orCalves. (254) circundantes. ATX. partir de #12479. en línea enplows, www.janitori fice at749-0909 (254) bajadores de en 4270, Burleson, de tiempo completo Miscellaneous (254) 214-5284, (254)y R(254) WE Buy &29th, Repair L7254-848-2333 A r15 k passenger Auc Stocker Call accepting consignquestions at GaSUNDAY E N Texotics), Lstoves. E Ito x En D AFTERNOONS n ch E q ulimpieza iM p776-7775 m eSouth tedgTemple Temps Broken E wanted/ January for Unauc ranging #12479. 254-848-2333 Mowing, weedeating, cook Rebuilt c L A r k Auc crease growth and producjardinería. Salario de $8 por hora. Por favor WE Buy & Repair Un749-5637 Want To Buy BUS DRIVERS rakes and other items. or apply online Waco, Temple ysat laswww. áreas medio! Se necesita: traTractors H TION is currently wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 799-6228 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full (254) 749-0909 (254) $23.00 per acre. ments for Farm & rakes and other items. and concrete work. Free B r e e d C o w a n d through Wednesday, #4008 VFW Post tion on February 1st. Motorcycles & Scooters. W.A Ave MG ATV’s, Tractors Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live vans client’s Looking full time /H B L Ac k Nfull utime S al/ vans with 90 service, dayA warranty. a motivated Outside tree flower TION isk currently Doors Open 4pm c Land A roversee Auc llame a315 nuestra oficina wanted/ Broken acuerdo aforlaa jobs experiencia and oversee client’s Looking for a Miscellaneous bajadores circundantes. partir de Motorcycles accepting consign & Scooters. and part-time avail JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 749-5637 R a nPick-Up ch de E q limpieza u(903) i p m e336nen t ing, Stocker Calves. Call tion for your pasture and 1 cEMETEry Lot at January 29th, for auc #12479. 254-848-2333 254-721-4915 We $100 REWARD for work, return Oak County, whitetail, Grass fed fat(903) bulls and Delivery, service 254-721-4915 accepting TION currently (254) 776-7775 o solicite Motorcycles & Scooters. NEEDED BINGO mulching, and more. WE Buy & yRepair Un- beds, Waco, Temple las áreas que availtenga H TION is isconsigncurrently $8 por hora. Por favor ments for Farm & preferiblemente able Needed: JaniPick-Up 336and now! part-time jobs through Wednesday, con A rStarts k Auc Session 5:30pm Belton Contact Carlos Morris Estimates. 771-2191, (254) (254) Waco Memorial, Veter tion February 1st. Auctions Miscellaneous c LL749-0909 A r k Auc -- or We 9086 hogs). Large acreage real Estate For heifers. Purebred genneed non-working ones. activities. Pass backpart time wrecker driver, ments for Farm & ous accepting consignen línea en www.janitoriWe Pick-Up (903) 336 c L A r k Auc Sales Pro for the Temple crops. N-TEXX stimulates Trucks wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 254-760-3031 circundantes. A partir de activities. Pass backpart time wrecker driver, llame a nuestra oficina al of Charley, black & white 3,500 R a n ch E q u i p m e n t accepting consigntorial workers in Waco, able now! Needed: January 29th, for auc- H TION is currently currently Motivated, Experienced ans Section. $700. (254) 749-5637 1 cEMETEry LotJaniat ments #12479. white c L A r k Auc TION is small. 30254-848-2333 year fixed rate 9086 Sale ROGERS ISD - transporte! (254) 214-5284, (254) tle, 11-18 months old, LARGE a n ch for E q uFarm i p m e n& Lic 9086 EST- $8 H TION is&currently Motorcycles Scooters. por hora. Por favor WOOD BUILDINGS ! ! AVAILABLE !! for fertilizer through Wednesday, (254) 776-7775 oshots solicite Temple and torial workers in VeterWaco, ments for Farm &tthat 254-421-1276 tion on#1-74-6066507-2 February 1st. Looking for surrounding Lawn Service R Appliances accepting consign662-3082 ouse 718-9765 Waco Memorial, TION is H soil, microorganisms tuxedo cat. All and consign owner financing. Only 5% Tractors c LA r29th, k currently Auc 799-6228 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 through Wednesday, R a n ch E q u i p m e n t TION accepting consignground check, drug TDLR license. Experi Janitorial & Paper 1 WED. cEMETEry Lot336atal accepting AFTERNOONS Killeen area. If you have a nuestra oficina We Pick-Up (903) JOBS AVAILABLE. Full January for auc otand at llame en línea en www.janitori areas. Starting at $8 per Temple and surrounding #12479. 254-848-2333 ground check, drug TDLR license. ExperiR a n ch E q u i p m e n t NON-SMOKING ROOM c L A r k Auc Competitive salary/ office, retail, warehelper. Salary depends on ments for Farm & Appliances accepting consign ans Section. $700. (254) QuALITy BuILT homes ments for Farm & orner c L A r k Auc Down. Call toll free or H TION is currently January 29th, for aucthrough Wednesday, have (254) ments for Farm & PINA Waco Memorial, Veter776-7775 o solicite Doors Open 11am provide essential nutrients 9086 10x16 $2000 neutered. South 47th/Ave Tree Mow andTION part-time jobs avail- 2 ments tion on for February 1st. January eterDollar Saver Sunday, 26, 2020 hour. Please call our areas. Starting atial $8! per through Wednesday, is currently Products Sales h/Ave ch ETrimming, mplans Farm application experience. Need 662-3082 Employment Auctions ! ! ! Com m erc !own ! on house & more forsales. lease H TION isuuAvailable email consign aannyour ch Eindividual qqFloor iicurrently ppm eeprices nntt to H NIcE Hotforlot. Food tion on February 1st. January 29th, for aucTexas en R aSession nSection. chWAShErS, Ewww.janitoriq$700. u12:30pm i p m(254) edryn t RR and benefits. Apply at&t screen, driver’s license ence preferred but will Miscellaneous mple. cT LLA rconsignk Auc - accepting línea en ans proven sales able G E Nnow! ENeeded: MIx EJaniDwill #12479. (254) fice atPlease (254) 776-7775 Starts hour. call our 29th, for aucLand, Investm entof- January accepting screen, driver’s ence preferred but R a n ch E254-848-2333 q uFarm i pskills mlicense e n&and through Wednesday, M. Call 254-295-0709. Formal dining table, 8 for plants through their transportation. 254-931-6222 ing, Edging, Cleaning, Appliances fit any budget. No money ments for NIcE WAShErS, dryaccepting consignand terms. ranchenterpris Want To Buy #12479. 254-848-2333 through Wednesday, ers, refrigerators, and tion on February 1st. y (Ed- through Wednesday, H TION isw currently Professionals – David Barr Properties Formal dining table, 8 Pat roperties, and 12x24 $2700 torial workers in Waco, 662-3082 B r e e d C o s a n d or apply online at www. fice (254) 776-7775 FRI. AFTERNOONS Maximum Pay Out ments for Farm & tion on February 1st. Motorcycles through Wednesday, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full January 29th, for auc--& R a n ch E q u i p m e n t ers, refrigerators, and down. 100% financing. ments for Farm Business P roperties. 800-876-9720 HANDYMAN looking for #12479. 254-848-2333 Coke, JOBS January 29th, for aucJanuary 29th, for auccook stoves. Rebuilt Employment c L A r k Auc DRIVER-MONITOR accepting and highglass school train the right Temple and chairs; glass kitchen table, Stocker are computerproficient, or apply online at person. www. productive biological procLeaves, Lawncare, HANDYMAN forFull Rake 1 on cEMETEry Lot at R AVAILABLE. ( 254) 526-2277 Doors Openlooking 5pm 1st. aand n chthe ECalves. qright usurrounding iconsignpPerry m eCall n tavail#12479. 254-848-2333 January 29th, aucDavid Barr P roperties and high schoolfor diploma train person. part-time jobs chairs; kitchendiploma table, Come join the Oftion February 1st. Wednesday, cook stoves. Rebuilt Credit WE Buy Repair R aWaco non chrepair Eis&q ucurrently iprogram. p m1st. eVeternUnt free and tion on February tion February with 90(512) day warranty. H TION ments for Farm & through Contact Jason Beard for NIcE WAShErS, dryCall 748-4003 areas. Starting at $8 per (254) 749-0909 (254) ( 254) 526-2277 Memorial, part-time jobs avail work!! Livestock nt WE Buy & Repair UnLots/Land/ ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! through Wednesday, Employment tion on February 1st. Session Starts 6:30pm able now! Needed: Jani 4 chairs; coffee table, gas #12479. 254-848-2333 29th, for aucreal Estate For with 90 team! day warranty. 15-5-5 at www.davidbarrproper Fence, power wash (254) wanted/ Broken ATV’s, work!! through Wednesday, South #12479. 254-848-2333 www.davidbarrproper accepting consign JOBS AVAILABLE. Full esses. #12479. 254-848-2333 ! ! ! Commercial !!! Delivery, service Trucks R a n ch E q ucall i pWe m eseek noft January NEEDED hour. Please our ers,now! refrigerators, and Private 4or chairs; coffee table, gas or wanted/ GED. Goodapplied starting Must have driving fice Land, Investm ent 749-5637 Spanish Farm & clean ranch have a competitive ans Section. $700. (254) January able Needed:work, Jani 857-4663. Broken ATV’s, Acreage for #12479. 254-848-2333 torial workers inaucWaco, questions atand ties.c om SUNDAY AFTERNOONS orwe GED. Good starting Must have clean driving WANT LEASE LAND for tion February 1st. Sale Delivery, service work, real Estate For I Plus also do29th, electrical work Motorcycles & Scooters. l, Live January 29th, for Pon roperties, ments for Farm & through Wednesday, and part-time jobs avail Trucks need non-working ones. fice at (254) 776-7775 huNTING/ INVEST dryer. 254-541-2206 cook stoves. Rebuilt Land, Investment WANT TO LEASE LAND for E. Full 662-3082 torial workers in Waco, $23.00 per acre. I also do electrical work and concrete work. Free Motorcycles & Scooters. Farm & ranch tion on February 1st. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Temple and surrounding ntetail, 40 G E N T L E M I x E D dryer. 254-541-2206 Business P roperties. a motivated Outside #12479. 254-848-2333 need non-working ones. Doors Open 4pm Sale We Pick-Up (903) 336 Livestock tion on February 1st. R a n ch E q u i p m e n t January 29th, for auc able now! Needed: Janior apply online at www. (254) 214-5284, (254) MENT/ RECREATIONwith 90 day warranty. Cen-Tex Alcoholic Rehab E M P L E O S D I S ShIPPING cONTAINcattle grazing, willand do im- January merit increases. record. Apply at 9473 W. payContact Properties, avail- We Temple and surrounding please call cand LAr k Auc compensation Pick-Up (903) 336- WEST TExAS Trans #12479. David roperties 254-848-2333 c L A r k254-780-8461 areas. Starting at $8- W. per part-time jobs avail B r eand e dBarr C oPw& s benefits a n d QuALITy BuILT (254) (254) cattle grazing, do im 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, 26, 2020 pay merit increases. record. Apply atAuc 9473 ge or and Session Starts 5:30pm please call 254-780-8461 9086 Carlos Morris #12479. 254-848-2333 771-2191, through Wednesday, tion on214-5284, February 1st. Livestock Tractors ustin. BATHTUB REFINISHING torial workers in homes Waco, AL PROPERTY. We Lake have 799-6228 Delivery, service work, PONIBLES. ¡ Ya Call están ErS $2,000 andwill up. Wind ( 254) 526-2277 Janiareas. Starting at $8 per Estimates. Sales Pro for the Temple H TION is currently D I S ShIPPING cONTAINc L A r k Auc 9086 Livestock Business Properties. Pecos area, near Employment hour. Please call our of TION is currently H able now! Needed: Jani Stocker Calves. on your lot. Floor plans to provements, Ag Exemption Tractors QuALITy BuILT homes 799-6228 d rate hour. January for aucwww.davidbarrproper LARGE 254-848-2333 some of 29th, the Texas accepting disponibles empleos water tight. See pho-re- H need non-working ones. Temple and Center seeking Full-time Waco, Please call of- 718-9765 provements, Agsurrounding G254-421-1276 E N T LatEis M E D Ad- David consignestán $2,000 and up.our Wind Apply 2410 FM 93,budget. Belton orExemption fax TION currently package. forI xEast fertilizer Amistad. 60 best - 450in1st. acres. om East Appliances fice at (254) 776-7775 Barr Properties consign for in#12479. home. Repairs onfax porce(254)Trucks (254) torial workers in Waco, fit any No money real Estate For ties.c on your lot. Floor plans to accepting ly 5% ErS Killeen area. If or you have tion on February Apply at749-0909 2410los Ad-y and FM 93, Belton re- NON-SMOKING ROOM de tiempo completo tos www.steelcontainers. from the Hill Country (Edreferences available (254) areas. Starting at money $8 per ments nding fice atT214-5284, (254) 776-7775 Farm pleos and See accepting consignB r e e d for C ow s a n&d GMiscellaneous Ewater N Ltight. E surrounding M I x(254) EphoD G JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Electricity, water, easy or apply online at www. c L A r k Auc ments for Farm & 749-5637 ( 254) 526-2277 down. 100% financing. Sale fit any budget. No Temple and Motorcycles references available E N T L E M I x E D ee or #12479. 254-848-2333 Miscellaneous c L A r k Auc application and sales. lain and fiberglass. Over 30 medio! Se necesita: tranet Will deliver. (254) 722Tractors wards, Menard, Coke, Hot Food Available 799-6228 8 pery tos or apply online at www. hour. Please call our of R a n ch E q u i p m e n t eto www.steelcontainers. ments for Farm & and Part-time DriverB r e e d C o w s a n d Stocker Calves. ams, Temple. EOECall www.davidbarrproper sume to100% 254-933-8770 access, whitetail, dove, ja- proven Send your resume: R n chtosales E q u i skills p m e nand t H currently Credit repair program. 254-865-3546 down. financing. areas. Starting at $8 per B prices NIcE WAShErS, rand eTION eVerde dpart-time C is ow s jobs a ndrydavail TION H ams, Temple. EOE sume 254-933-8770 bajadores de limpieza Burleson, TX. Livestock Val County, free c LNOW A ris k currently Auc - en 4270, ur traof- RETIRING: Wednesday, a: net Will deliver. (254) 722Maximum Pay Out R a n ch E q u i p m(254) ent 254-865-3546 fice at (254) 776-7775 Stocker Calves. Call able now! Needed: Jani-WE (254) 749-0909 velina, thick cover, views, Paid. Fertilizer Application, in- QuALITy homes years in AVAILABLE. business. Call Dale through Wednesday, accepting consign(254) 857-4663. Credit repair program. through Selling Bass Buy &BuILT Repair UnJOBS Full H hour. Please call our of- Stocker erprisDRIVER-MONITOR B L A c kisHIRING! AyN Gu S ers, refrigerators, and Calves. Call SHORTY’S Landscaping. 1 cEMETEry Lot at are computerproficient, accepting consign BINGO Se necesita ayudante de Waco, Temple las áreas ranging exotics), to South TION currently 7775 1 cEMETEry Lot at January 29th, for auc eza en 4270, Burleson, TX. through Wednesday, (254) 749-0909 (254) or apply online at www. torial workers in Waco, Monitors. Transport cliMiscellaneous 749-5637 c L A r k Auc canyons. Starting at $650/ on your lot. Floor plans to January 29th, for auc (254) 857-4663. ments for Farm & and part-time jobs availwanted/ Broken ATV’s, B L A c k A N G u S 9720 fice at (254) 776-7775 real Estate For Grass fed fat bulls and cook stoves. Rebuilt huNTING/ INVESTTemple Temps Antique Farm Equipment: (254) 749-0909 (254) Waco Memorial, Veterments for Farm & OFFICE SPACE 721-3658. Trucks circundantes. A partir de accepting consignwww. Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Waco Memorial, VeterMowing, weedeating, edg tion on February 1st. áreas January 29th, for auc749-5637 NEEDED Temple and surrounding ona Boat crease growth and jardinería. Salario de G E N T L E M I x E D we have a competitive TION is currently H 979-575-3939 fitable anyon budget. No money tion February 1st. BUS DRIVERS (254) 21u Sft., 749-5637 RAC. aVFW n ch EPost q u i warranty. pwhitetail, m eLangnt now! Jani- R$8 Grass fedRECREATIONfat bulls and Motorcycles &Needed: Scooters. WOOD BUILDINGS Sale heifers. gen atGwww. MENT/ with 90Starting day huNTING/ Bapply L(Hawk/Legend) A c online k AN a n por ch EPurebred uAve i p Por m n& t ans Section. $700. (254) hora. favor #4008 Farm /apply ans Oak County, 315for W.qmonths M eRehab 254-848-2333 rtir tion on February 1st. / de or areas. at $8 perWe Tractors, plows, planters, B rPick-Up eSection. e d100% Cservice, o$700. wfinancing. s in336aWaco, n d ments ents in 7Purebred or 15INVESTpassenger accepting WOOD BUILDINGS ing, tree flower down. #12479. 254-848-2333 torial workers acuerdo a experiencia JOBS AVAILABLE. Full #12479. heifers. Wednesday, (903) 1 cEMETEry at through tle, 11-18 old, B L Ac k254-848-2333 AlaN G uS PROPERTY. Wegenhave MENT/ RECREATIONDelivery, service work, Cen-Tex Grass fedLEASE fat bullsLot and through Wednesday, compensation & benefits 662-3082 llame a Alcoholic nuestra oficina al AL R a n ch E q u i p m e n t 662-3082 VA.Full 200 hogs). Large acreage or tion for your pasture and NEED TRUCK DRIVER #12479. Spanish Farm & ranch hour. Please call our ofFOR c L A r k Auc E.favor Stocker Calves. Call Credit repair program. ments for Farm & B L A c k A N G u S BATHTUB REFINISHING Temple and surrounding horse Yamaha, $5,500 tle, 11-18 months old, QuALITy BuILT homes and part-time jobs avail9086 January 29th, for auc$1,200. (254) 899-2558 Waco Memorial, Veter NEEDED some of the best in Texas beds, mulching, and more. 10x16 $2000 AL PROPERTY. We have heifers. Purebred genGrass fed fat bulls and rakes and other items. need non-working ones. January 29th, for auc NEED TRUCK DRIVER preferiblemente que tenga (254) 776-7775 o solicite through Wednesday, cina al JOBS AVAILABLE. Full small. 30 year fice (254) 776-7775 Belton B L Ac kFebruary Ni fixed ueporceS H isqAucurrently avail(254) 749-0909 Center Full-time (254) 857-4663. R(254) ahome. nTION chat E pG m1st. nrate t vans and oversee Looking for aforfull time / from Grass fed bulls and package. 10x16 $2000gen- crops. areas. Starting at(254) $8 per January $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Repairs on on your lot. fat Floor plans to in with endseeking dump experience. able now! Needed: Jani ans Section. $700. (254) the Hill Country (Ed- heifers. tion on some of the best inclient’s Texas tle, 11-18 months old, tion on February 1st. (254) Purebred en línea en www.janitori374. N-TEXX stimulates 29th, auc254-760-3031 olicite Trans owner financing. Only and part-time jobs availrefurbished 3,500 E M apply P L214-5284, Edump OconsignS experience. I5% S - ShIPPING cONTAINor online atD www. '1 '1 Employment accepting 254-721-4915 transporte! Employment Grass fed fat bulls and Motorcycles Jani- Recently 749-5637 $100 REWARD for money return Purebred genwith end through Wednesday, Motivated, Experienced hour. Please call our! !of- tion OBO. Also 1994 Chevrolet fitheifers. any budget. No ! ! AVAILABLE huNTING/ INVEST lain and fiberglass. Over 30 wards, Menard, Coke, 662-3082 from the Hill Country (Edtorial workers in Waco, $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Tractors #12479. 254-848-2333 #12479. 254-848-2333 799-6228 12x24 $2700 tle, 11-18 months old, and Part-time DriverFeed & SupROGERS ISD Send your resume: Lic #1-74-6066507-2 on February 1st. nitori Must be dependable and Lake able Down. Call toll PONIBLES. ¡for Yafree están $2,000 and up.776-7775 Wind now! Needed: Jani- heifers. ments for Farm & or ErS Waco, Purebred genMotorcycles tle, 11-18 months old, January 29th, aucactivities. Pass backpart time wrecker driver, fice at (254) Looking for Lawn Service down. 100% financing. MENT/ RECREATION12x24 $2700 Val Verde County, free sq.ft. office and warehouse wards, Menard, Coke, office, retail, Temple and surrounding years in business. Call Dale of Charley, black & white soil, microorganisms that G E N T L E M I x E D plies $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Must be dependable and #12479. 254-848-2333 yacres. email forAVAILABLE. prices JOBS AVAILABLE. Full empleos water pho Rdisponibles aJOBS nWED. ch Eindividual q ulos ipm eold, n t Fulland Buy & Repair Un WE torial workers in Waco, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full tle, nding 1/2 Janitorial & Paper AFTERNOONS 11-18 months $1,200. (254) 899-2558 tion on February 1st. Want To Buycli- ranging or apply at www. B LPROPERTY. A c tight. k ASee N G S Monitors. Credit repair program. have goodTransport references. Pickup, V8, autoAL We have exotics), to$8 South Val Antique Farm Equipment: B rCompetitive eVerde e dStarting CCounty, ow ssalary/ a free nper d wanted/ areas. at Call (512) 748-4003 house &ronline more foru helper. depends 721-3658. G ton EEmployment Ncat. T L EAll M I xcorner ED Miscellaneous cpart-time LA k Auc and jobs availand terms. ranchenterpris de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. through Wednesday, Broken ATV’s, WE BuySalary & Repair Un- on Located on 8easy per space. Temple and surrounding tuxedo shots and and part-time jobs avail $1,200. (254) 899-2558 and part-time jobs avail have good references. #12479. 254-848-2333 Grass fat bulls and (254) 857-4663. ground check, drug TDLR license. Experi some offed the best in Texas Doors Open 11am uy Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live provide essential nutrients ranging exotics), toour South PINA Tree Trimming, Mow Call (512) 748-4003 Stocker Calves. Call hour. Please call of Tractors, plows, planters, Livestock ents in 7 or 15 passenger B r e e d C o w s a n d David Barr Properties 254-301-5255 ve, ja H TION is currently Livestock ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! Products Sales able now! Needed: Janic L A r k Auc 800-876-9720 January 29th, for auc Motorcycles & Scooters. medio! Se necesita: tranet Will deliver. (254) 722experience. Need own Feed & SupBroken ATV’s, -ur7775of- lotmatic, areas. Starting at Temple. $8 per able Needed: Janiable now! Needed: Jani- from WE Buy & Repair Un- Oak (254) heifers. Purebred gen $2,500 OBO. Feed & Supthe Hill Country County, whitetail, benefits. Apply atLive wanted/ Texas (Kinney, Duval, E M P( L E consignO Sin Waco, D(EdI S - neutered. South 47th/Ave innow! downtown (254) 749-0909 (254) huNTING/ INVESToffic e, retail, ware fice at 776-7775 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full of Stocker Calves. Call 254-301-5255 Session Starts 12:30pm rakes and other items. views, 254) 526-2277 accepting torial workers H TION is currently tion on February 1st. Pick-Up Motorcycles Motorcycles &(903) Scooters. bajadores de Suplimpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. •Off-street 1,250 square feet off ice space plies Please call oftorial workers in our Waco, 1torial cEMETEry at workers inLot Waco, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, and oversee client’s Looking for asurrounding full time / vans tle, 11-18 months old, for plants through their transportation. 254-931-6222 ing, Edging, Cleaning, house & m ore for 336lease plies ir$650/ Un- hour. wards, Menard, Coke, hogs). Large acreage or We screen, driver’s license ence preferred but will Oak County, whitetail, Feed & PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 749-5637 MENT/ RECREATIONLots/Land/ and part-time jobs avail (254) 749-0909 (254) or apply online at www. Professionals – 254-721-4915 Temple and accepting consignments for Farm & #12479. 254-848-2333 9086 eturn We Pick-Up (903) 336www.davidbarrproper Waco, Temple y las áreas www. G E N T L E M I x E D M. Call 254-295-0709. David Barr P roperties FRI. AFTERNOONS Formal dining table, 8 parking. Temple Motorcycles & Scooters. small. Waco Memorial, fice at (254) 776-7775 Temple and surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 E NLivestock TAcreage L EandMsurrounding I xVeterED ATV’s, Val Verde County, free activities. 254-721-9186 30 yearacreage fixed rate hogs). Large or plies AL PROPERTY. We have ,oters. B LnA cStarting kE N Gempleos u 749-5637 able now! Needed: Jani- G ( 254) 526-2277 Lang- Pass part time wrecker driver, Buy Repair Unareas. at ments adisponibles ch qA u ilos pLawncare, m nStper WE 9086 /apply Btrain r e ePick-Up dthe C&for oright w (903) sFarm a nbackd& circundantes. As5pm partir white productive biological proc Starting ata(254) We 336Rake Leaves, ans $700. or apply online at www. looking ford deper Rthrough areas. Starting per ranging exotics), toe$8 South B rareas. eHANDYMAN eSection. dDoors C ow n$8 Open owner financing. Only 5% small. 30 year fixed rate www.davidbarrproper c L A r k Auc and high school diploma person. de tiempo completo ywanted/ some the in$8 Texas chairs; glass kitchen table, Come join the Perry Ofcof L6,450 A rbest k at Auc - foot Call 254-774-5204 Grass fed fat bulls and torial workers in Waco, c L A r k Auc Broken ATV’s, hour. Please call our ofR a n ch E q u i p m e n t Experienced driver lookWednesday, and square warehouse/ Stocker Calves. Call $8 por hora. Por favor E M P L E O S D I S Contact Jason Beard for ties.c om hour. Please call our of9086 and 662-3082 D336I S - hour. Please call our(Edof- Stocker Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live ! ! ! Com m ercial ! !5% !or H ground check, drug Down. TDLR license. ExperiCall free owner financing. Only Calves. Feed &necesita: Supmedio! Se tra-Motorcycles is currently from the Hill WEST Trans H TION currently ! !TION AVAILABLE !! heifers. Purebred gen Session Starts 6:30pm work!! Temple and surrounding H TION istoll currently Gfice Ec N LTExAS E MAuc I776-7775 xCall ElookD & Scooters. fice at (254) 776-7775 through Wednesday, 29th, for aucc L(254) A risCountry k Auc - Experienced L749-0909 A r k driver - al January (254) 749-0909 (254) esses. 15-5-5 at Private Fence, wash 4 chairs; coffeeapplied table, gas llame aTat nuestra oficina Motorcycles l (254) PONIBLES. ¡ Yafree están Land, Investm ent 2500 Efice están h/Ave Oak County, whitetail, at 776-7775 for individual prices Down. Call toll or accepting plies offic e, retail, warefice Plus team! We seek email bajadores depower limpieza enWe wards, Menard, Coke, consignPecos near or GED. Good starting Must have clean driving M P LStarting E OisSconsign- (254) accepting tle, 11-18 months old, Appliances areas. at D $8I Sper accepting consign Pick-Up (903) 336or apply online at www. January 29th, for aucBor rSUNDAY e e776-7775 darea, CAFTERNOONS ow so(254) aLake nwww. d screen, driver’s license ence preferred but will H TION currently tion on February 1st. 749-5637 ing for an owner operator Properties, and questions at H TION is currently (254) solicite WANT TO LEASE LAND for apply online at disponibles los empleos I also do electrical work pleos & for m ore for lease hogs). Large acreage or terms. ranchenterpris and or apply online www. email for individual Formal dining table, Employment Waco, Temple y las Free áreas yard, 749-5637 Val Verde County, free dryer. 254-541-2206 Amistad. 60 - 450operator acres. ments Farm & 8 $23.00 ments for Farm &of- WE ¡ at Yaarea están $1,200. (254) 899-2558 hour. Please call our ments for Farmprices & y house Business Properties. 9086 per acre. tion on & February 1st. Stocker Calves. Call and concrete work. s y PONIBLES. accepting consignproduction Spanish Farm ranch #12479. 254-848-2333 Buy & Repair Uning for anencall owner accepting consignen línea David Barr eto de tiempo completo HANDYMAN looking for small. 30 rate ato motivated Outside Doors Open 4pm(254) and ranchenterpris circundantes. AAuc partir high school diploma train right person. ranging tom South RETIRING: Selling Bass chairs; glass kitchen cattle grazing, Electricity, water, easy Rments a n ch E qlos uFarm i776-7775 pempleos e n&t wanted/ Farm & ranch David Properties R a n ch E q526-2277 uProperties i pwill m e do ntable, t im- pay and merit record. Apply at 9473 W. s please 254-780-8461 disponibles cthe LSpanish Ayear r k fixed - de and a nterms. chBarr E800-876-9720 q u i increases. p m e n int fice atexotics), (254) #12479. 254-848-2333 (254) 749-0909 for ( 254) Fertilizer Application, NIcE WAShErS, dryBroken ATV’s, NOW HIRING! team drive. Let’s talk! ments for Farm & JOBS AVAILABLE. Full a:$900 tra- SHORTY’S B L A c k A N G u S Landscaping. owner financing. Only 5% medio! Se necesita: 800-876-9720 EM P L Starts E O S5:30pm DFull IjaS - Estimates. work!! JOBS AVAILABLE. Se necesita ayudante de $8 por hora. Por favor ( 254) 526-2277 Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live through Wednesday, RETIRING: Selling Bass access, whitetail, dove, 4 chairs; coffee table, gas EVA’S Residential Clean Session through Wednesday, Contact Carlos Morris 771-2191, H TION is currently through Wednesday, de tiempo completo y JOBS AVAILABLE. Full www.davidbarrproper or apply online at www. E M P L E O S D I S ShIPPING cONTAINB L Ac k A N G u S 749-5637 R a n chweedeating, E q u i p m eedgn t Motorcycles Lots/Land/ ers, refrigerators, and G EN TAVAILABLE L E Mjobs I xfree EavailD!or or GED. Good starting Must clean driving provements, Agom Exemption and Temple Rto aPONIBLES. nteam ch E q&cover, uTemps iScooters. pjobs m eviews, navailt drive. Let’s talk! , drySales Pro for the Temple eza en Mowing, Grass fed fat bulls and www.davidbarrproper Down. Call toll !part-time !have ! al- ErS bajadores de limpieza en ¡ Ya están WANT TO LEASE LAND for and part-time llame aL nuestra oficina crease growth and producOak County, whitetail, jardinería. Salario de I also do electrical work E M P E O S D I S ShIPPING cONTAINJanuary 29th, for aucBoat (Hawk/Legend) 21 ft., velina, thick ties.c BUS DRIVERS Want To Buy Apply at 2410 East AdFM 93, Belton or fax re January 29th, for aucdryer. 254-541-2206 accepting consignJanuary 29th, for auc EVA’S Residential Clean medio! Se necesita: and part-time jobs avail PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están $2,000 and up. Wind through Wednesday, Grass fed fat bulls and Acreage Lots/Land/ LARGE stoves. Rebuilt Waco, Pick-Up (903) 336B r(254) eLivestock eServicedfor776-7775 C Needed: oretail, w s¡ Ya nestán d to ErS able now! Jani ties.c om ing From top Callcook (765) 623-4185 315Wednesday, W.Needed: Ave and ing, áreas through heifers. Purebred srtir8built email individual prices disponibles losMatempleos office, Temple ywill las do áreas tree service, flower oawaresolicite able now! Jani- record. hogs). Large acreage or We PONIBLES. $2,000 up.genWind tion grazing, im- acuerdo amerit laand experiencia 254-421-1276 for fertilizer references available tion on February 1st. pay and increases. Apply 9473 718-9765 please call 254-780-8461 canyons. Starting $650/ Boat (Hawk/Legend) 21 ft., ments for Farm &W. and tion on February 1st. tion on February 1st. •JOBS Loading dock bajadores de limpieza en disponibles losat empleos water tight. phoable now! Needed: JaniJanuary 29th, for top aucAcreage for your pasture and heifers. Purebred with 90 day warranty. Auctions Killeen area. IfSee youold, have cattle Calllease torial workers in Waco, AVAILABLE. Full de beds, tle, 11-18 months B LNON-SMOKING A c k ARepair NinROOM Ggenu S January 29th, for aucand terms. ranchenterprising ServiceFrom to 9086 Call (765) 623-4185 de tiempo completo y Stocker NEEDED en línea en www.janitoricircundantes. A partir de #12479. house &Calves. more for mulching, and more. small. 30 year fixed rate torial workers Waco, disponibles los empleos and water tight. See pho #12479. 254-848-2333 preferiblemente que tenga bottom. Free Estimates! provements, Ag Exemption AC. 979-575-3939 Lang200 horse Yamaha, $5,500 WE Buy & Un R a n ch E q u i p m e n t #12479. 254-848-2333 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! ams, Temple. EOE sume to 254-933-8770 254-848-2333 de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. WEST TExAS Trans tion on February 1st. Waco, Temple y las áreas torial workers in Waco, Delivery, service work, tle, 11-18 months old, 254-865-3546 (254) 749-0909 (254) Temple and surrounding and part-time jobs Apply at(254) 2410899-2558 East Ad- crops. FM 93, Belton or fax re-y transporte! anty. favor 254-760-3031 $1,200. Grass fed fatAvailable bulls1st. and tra- G 800-876-9720 tion on February medio! Se necesita: application and sales. stimulates owner financing. Onlyavail5% Temple and surrounding $8 porN-TEXX hora. Poravailable favor David Barr Properties de tiempo completo tos www.steelcontainers. E N T L E M I x E D Hot Food wanted/ Broken ATV’s, office, retail, warethrough Wednesday, references Motivated, Experienced bottom. Free Estimates! medio! Se necesita: tranet Will deliver. (254) 722Pecos area, near Lake 200 horse Yamaha, $5,500 WEST TExAS Trans '1 '1 '1 #12479. 254-848-2333 proven sales skills and circundantes. A partir de Temple and surrounding need non-working ones. areas. Starting at $8 per $1,200. (254) 899-2558 749-5637 Reasonable Highly able now! work, cina al Down. heifers. Purebred gen bajadores de limpieza c deliver. LforA rLawn k Auc 254-848-2333 CallNeeded: toll freeJanior #12479. medio! necesita: tranet Will (254) 722areas. Starting atOut $8 peren B llame a nuestra oficina al ( 254-933-8770 254) 526-2277 rJOBS eROGERS e dtoPlease CSe oprices. w s ISD aour naucd ofhouse & more for lease AVAILABLE. Full ams, Temple. EOE sume January 29th, for Motorcycles & Scooters. Looking Service OBO. Also 1994 Chevrolet bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. Amistad. 60 450 acres. Lots/Land/ Pecos area, near Lake 254-865-3546 EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. soil, microorganisms that (254) 214-5284, (254) Maximum Pay $8 por hora. Por favor areas. Starting at $8 per hour. call ones. workers in prices Waco, olicite Reasonable tle, 11-18 months old, Janitorial &(903) Paper Waco, Temple y las áreas TION currently H prices. Highly Feed & email for individual bajadores de limpieza en helper. 4270, Burleson, TX. hour. Please call our of- Stocker Barr Properties (254) 776-7775 o solicite recommended. 254-316-1108. DRIVER-MONITOR L749-0909 lasCalláreas '1 '1 www.davidbarrproper Calves. and part-time jobs avail tion on February 1st. Competitive •torial Large garage doors Pick-Up 336 are computerproficient, Auctions Salary depends on Electricity, OFFICE SPACE Waco, Temple ysalary/ las easy Acreage Amistad. 60water, - 450 acres. Tractors 799-6228 OBO. Also 1994 Chevrolet Furnished. Ramona David llame aPlease nuestra oficina al We fice (254) 776-7775 hour. call our of 254) PINA Temple and surrounding WOOD BUILDINGS $1,200. 899-2558 eynitoricircundantes. A partir de (254) consign cat A r kNeeded: -Janiessential nutrients Feed & SupTree Trimming, Mowand terms. ranchenterprisV (AVAILABLE 254) 526-2277 Baccepting L A cplies k ANeed N G u Sown provide Waco, Temple yAuc áreas ! ! Auctions AVAILABLE ! ! fice at (254) (254) 776-7775 ! ! !auto! en línea en www.janitori(254) able now! #12479. 254-848-2333 9086 Products Sales circundantes. A partir de access, whitetail, dove, jaexperience. 1/2 ton Pickup, V8, Electricity, water, easy recommended. 254-316-1108. or apply online at www. Tractors (254) 776-7775 o solicite fice at (254) 776-7775 Courtyard, near VA. B L A c k A N G u S areas. Starting at $8 per benefits. Apply at FOR LEASE WOOD BUILDINGS $8 por hora. atPor favor 749-5637 ments for Farm & www.davidbarrproper H TION is currently 800-876-9720 office, retail, wareplies NEEDED Grass fed fat bulls and circundantes. A partir de or or apply online www. we have a competitive torial workers in Waco, NEED TRUCK DRIVER office, retail, wareAuctions WEST TExAS Trans ing, $8 por hora. Por favor velina, thick cover, views, access, whitetail, dove, ja for plants through their transportation. 254-931-6222 Edging, Cleaning, c L A r k Auc Grass fed fat bulls and 1/2 ton Pickup, V8, autoen línea en www.janitorior apply online at www. Miscellaneous hour. Please call our of From $495. 254-778-1374. c L A r k Auc Professionals – $2000 llame aTRUCK nuestra oficina REmployment acn chAPurebred ipm e -n t NEED DRIVERal accepting Recently refurbished 3,500 house & more for lease Appliances E. Full heifers. gen$8 por hora. PorLake favor for lease Feed & The classifi edprocrepresentative will be10x16 customercsales L10x16 A rk Auc Temple andconsignsurrounding L rEkq u Auc Pecos near house & more $2000 llame aLarea, nuestra oficina al- canyons. Starting atviews, $650/ velina, thick ntavail40 matic, OBO. inside JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Lots/Land/ TION currently H heifers. genwith end dump experience. fice atL A (254) 776-7775 H TION iscover, currently sq.ft. office$2,500 and warehouse David Barr Properties (254) 776-7775 o solicite E M P E60 O-S D I&Sper through Wednesday, Eat Free Nearby. Cen-Tex Alcoholic Rehab ous productive biological Leaves, c riskLawncare, Auc - Come with end dump experience. ments for Farm tle, 11-18Purebred months old, llame a Starting nuestra oficina al H compensation & benefits plies • Convenient off -street customer areas. atsolicite $8 TION is currently H TION is526-2277 currently join the Perry OfAmistad. 450 acres. Rake (254) 776-7775 oG AC. 979-575-3939 canyons. Starting at Lang$650/ JOBS AVAILABLE. Full B David Barr Properties c L A r k Auc Auctions The classifi ed inside sales representative will be customerL A c k A N u S Acreage accepting consignand part-time jobs avail tle, 11-18 months old, Contact Jason Beard for c L A r k Auc ustin. space. Located on corner BATHTUB REFINISHING ( 254) accepting consign or apply online at www. matic, $2,500 OBO. en línea en www.janitoriPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están January 29th, for auc 12x24 $2700 12x24 $2700 TION currently Jani- Private $1,200. (254)consign899-2558 R ahour. nlínea chbe E dependable qwww.janitoriu i pcall m n tand (254) 776-7775 o esolicite 1 cEMETEry Lot at esses. JOBS AVAILABLE. EH M P L Efor Oispower SFarm Dwash I Full S - Must be dependable and Grass our of- accepting Must HOUSEKEEPER/FRONT NIcE WAShErS, dryElectricity, water, easy consign-math, en en AC. 979-575-3939 Lang15-5-5 applied Fence, and part-time jobs TION is currently currently ( 254) 526-2277 fedPlease fat bulls and 254-721-9186 ments & fice lot in downtown Temple. $1,200. (254) 899-2558 www.davidbarrproper able now! Needed: Jani Center seeking Full-time S ments for Farm & at accepting H TION is Plus team! We availseek focused and goal-oriented with excellent grammar, spelling, disponibles los empleos tion onMemorial, February 1st. package. accepting consign Waco, en línea en www.janitori through Wednesday, Waco Veter in home. Repairs on porce part-time jobs availPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están questions at fice at (254) 776-7775 ot at and have good references. Sfor ments for Farm & access, whitetail, dove, jaers, refrigerators, and ments for Farm & Call (512) 748-4003 able now! Needed: Janic L A r k Auc WEST TExAS Trans accepting consignheifers. genOff-street parking. www.davidbarrproper R aconcrete n ch for E qwork. uFarm i p m eFree n&t accepting HOUSEKEEPER/FRONT have good torial workers needed for Motel. Ho- $23.00 c LPurebred Aonline rcompleto kforreferences. Auc - y RDESK Rgrammar, a n ch qspelling, u i pinmWaco, ent consign de tiempo #12479. 254-848-2333 perEacre. and ments nding 254-721-9186 Call (512) 748-4003 ans Section. $700. (254) January 29th, aucE M P L E O S D I S JOBS AVAILABLE. Full parking able now! Needed: Janior apply at www. eterdisponibles los empleos focused and goal-oriented with excellent math, a n ch E q u i p m e n t a motivated Outside G E N T L E M I x E D velina, thick cover, views, cook stoves. Rebuilt 254-301-5255 .com lain and fiberglass. Over 30 R a n ch E q u i p m e n t torial workers in Waco, H TION is currently Call 254-774-5204 Pecos area, near Lake 11-18 months through Wednesday, ments for Farm Farm &avail- tle, and Part-time Driver- H TION is currently through Wednesday, Send your Temple and surrounding EFFICIENCIES Fertilizer Application, in- medio! Se necesita: tra- through NOW HIRING! for & AL L CON CRjobs E TE M xa!nE! dD R atiempo n ch E qcompleto uBills i¡in pYa mWaco, ePaid. n ty ments Want To Buy 8 per Estimates. tion on February 1st. and part-time PONIBLES. están needed for Motel. Ho- years SHORTY’S Landscaping. 254-301-5255 (254) Wednesday, tel!G Experience torial workers de B r!662-3082 eE eN dT L CEo wresume: s IPreferred. canyons. Starting at $650/ 979-575-3939 old, with 90WOR day warranty. Contact Carlos BINGO 771-2191, Se necesita de AVAILABLE SALADO3BR,ayudante 2BA, 2500 typing and computer skills. They will have a professional Wednesday, Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. Temple and surrounding accepting consign January 29th, for aucWant Buy (254) 899-2558 RDESK ch Efor m HANDYMAN SERVICES in business. Call Dale Sales Pro the Templeaccepting consignJanuary 29th, for auc areas. Starting atMorris $8 per through bajadores deTo limpieza en January B r e e, e dretail, C o wfor s aucand through Wednesday, SU R aaable nn ch E qq uuNeeded: iiKpp.m ee nn ttJani- $1,200. ur of-ofTemple #12479. 254-848-2333 offic warenow! disponibles los empleos sq.ft., fenced back yard, 29th, Stocker Calves. Call Temple Temps AC. Langand surrounding medio! Se necesita: tra OFFICE SPACE Delivery, service work, feet off ice space Monitors. Transport cli Electricity, water, easy areas. Starting at $8 per January 29th, for auc ments for Farm & tion on February 1st. Mowing, weedeating, edg telneed Preferred. through Wednesday, Apply 1610 W(254) Nugenthave ments for & house tion on February 1st.ofFurnished. Ramona crease growth and produc- real Estate For jardinería. Salario de &atTrucks m ore for lease F RExperience Earea. E E stim ates. Waco, Temple yFarm lascomputer áreas 254-421-1276 for WE Buy &and Repair Unhour. Please callfertilizer our Stocker Calves. Call January 29th, for typing skills. They will a professional 7775 718-9765 Antique Farm Equipment: through Wednesday, $900 rent, yard paid, $900 BUS DRIVERS 721-3658. torial workers inour Waco, de tiempo y Killeen HANDYMAN SERVICES tion on February 1st. If you have Employment (254) 749-0909 areas. Starting at $8aucper bajadores de completo limpieza en non-working ones. Experienced driver look access, whitetail, dove, jaDavid Barr P roperties hour. Please call ofWE Buy & Repair UnR a n ch E q u i p m e n t tion on February 1st. #4008 VFW Post #12479. 254-848-2333 315 W. Ave M RFeed a n ch & ESale qPlease uAi ppartir mATV’s, e nde t #12479. #12479. 254-848-2333 January 29th, for aucD r iveways, P atios, deposit. 254-947-9205 available. call circundantes. Supwanted/ Broken (254) tion on February 1st. www. hour. 776-7775 ing, tree749-0909 service, (254) flower fice ! ! AVAILABLE !! 29th, for auc•medio! High visibility location inatan214-5284, downtown Temple and surrounding appearance, positive attitude and Yorkshire Terriers: Se necesita: tra- January 254-848-2333 acuerdo athat la comes experiencia tion Ave, Apply 1610 W350-9192 Nugent (Temple. 254) 526-2277 749-5637 Tractors, plows,pleasant planters, personality application sales. ents inat 7(254) or 15and passenger Please call ofnt (254) (254) Waco, Temple y lasour áreas velina, thick cover, views, wanted/ Broken at (254) 776-7775 through Wednesday, 254-848-2333 sales andper Experienced Ffice encing, ELEASE tc.skills Courtyard, near VA. through Wednesday, for your pasture tion on February 1st. $8 por hora. Por ATV’s, favor Motorcycles & Scooters. plies FOR 749-5637 #12479. 254-848-2333 /applyfoot www.davidbarrproper ing foron owner operator or apply online at www. #12479. N tion February areas. Starting at1st. $8 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full office, retail, ware-and bajadores de limpieza en proven driver lookavailable. Please call c L A rom kpleasant Auc - personality uare warehouse/ NEEDED Tractors beds, mulching, and more. 799-6228 fice at (254) 776-7775 circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ Motorcycles & Scooters. or apply online at www. wn January 29th, for auc rakes and other items. preferiblemente que tenga Registered Yorkie Pups. appearance, positive attitude and that comes ties.c QuALITy BuILT homes January 29th, for aucAve, Temple. llame a nuestra oficina al Pick-Up (903) 336- Looking #12479. 254-848-2333 Timo atBelton 239-810-8522 DRIVER-MONITOR hour. Please call our of- We RETIRING: SellingPrevious Bass #12479. 254-848-2333 and part-time jobs avail computerproficient, vans and oversee client’s for full time / Waco, Temple yPor laswww. áreas are E. Full From house & more for lease H TION isa currently AC. 979-575-3939 Langor apply online at c L A r k Auc $8 por hora. favor to team drive. Let’s talk! We Pick-Up (903) 336For tion on February 1st. on your lot. Floor plans to $495. 254-778-1374. tion on February 1st. crops. N-TEXX stimulates through on the phone and in person. sales experience is Trucks (254) 776-7775 o solicite 254-760-3031 9086 254-721-4915 Recently refurbished 3,500 ing9086 Livestock EVA’S Residential $100 REWARD return Temple with access from transporte! Chocolates, Parti, KBClean fice atCentral (254) 776-7775 able now! Janic LAr kcurrently Auc circundantes. Afor partir de Motivated, Experienced c L A r k Auc - accepting consignsavailfor an owner operator Auctions Timo 239-810-8522 David Barr Properties H TION isNeeded: NEEDED llame a at nuestra oficina al Boat (Hawk/Legend) 21 ft., Hunt we aonline Miscellaneous fitlínea any budget. No money real Estate For ROGERS ISD #12479. c L A r254-848-2333 k Auc en en www.janitoriLic #1-74-6066507-2 E#12479. Mhave P L E254-848-2333 Ocompetitive S atD www. IS- H Trucks activities. Pass backpart time wrecker driver, ServiceFrom top to or apply Call (765) 623-4185 Livestock torial workers in Waco, with your dog or H TION is currently $8 por hora. Por favor TION is currently Jani- ing through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is of Charley, black & white ments for Farm & rea Looking for Lawn Service Appliances consignblack, Golddust, & sq.ft. office and&¡warehouse (254) oboys solicite ( 254) Eat Free down. 100% financing. microorganisms that H TION is currently Sale 526-2277 PONIBLES. Ya están Cen-Tex RETIRING: SellinghuntBass40 soil, guided. Quail/Chukar Alcoholic Rehab accepting SONIC c776-7775 LNearby. A r k Estimates! Auc Appliances Temple and surrounding benefits accepting consign bottom. Free 200 horse Yamaha, $5,500 Janitorial & Paper real Estate For- compensation
JaniWaco, nding 8 per ur of7775 www. /apply DISDestán ISestán pleos pleosy eto eto a: tra-y a: traeza en eza en áreas áreas rtir de rtir de favor favor cina al cina al olicite olicite nt: nitoriynitoriys, uy . Full E. availirJaniUnATV’s, Waco, oters. nding 8336per ur ofs7775 www. /apply , dryand For Dbuilt for anty. imomes work, ption 2500to ans ones. lable money 254) yard, ncing. $900 gram. eturn
(254) 778-4444
Temple Daily Telegram Temple Daily Telegram Opportunities Opportunities
Classifi Classified Inside Sales – FullEmployment Time ed Inside Sales – Full Time
Temple Daily Telegram Temple Daily Telegram Opportunities
January 29th, a n ch E q uFarm i for p mauce n&t cook WAShErS, stoves. Rebuilt NIcE dry- R ments for tion on February through Wednesday, with refrigerators, 90 day warranty. ers, and a n ch E q u i p m 1st. ent ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! NIcE WAShErS, dry- R #12479. 29th, 254-848-2333 January for aucDelivery, service work, cook stoves. Rebuilt offic e, retail, wareWednesday, ers, refrigerators, and through on February 1st. house & m ore for lease need ones. tion with 90 day warranty. Temple: (254) 778-4444 January 29th, for auc cook non-working stoves. Rebuilt David Barr P roperties #12479. 254-848-2333 January 22, 2020 • Page 3 (254) 214-5284, (254) Delivery, service work, on February 1st. ( 254) 526-2277 with 90 day warranty. tion Killeen: (254) 501-7530 Tractors 799-6228 need non-working ones. www.davidbarrproper 254-848-2333 Delivery, service work, #12479. ties.c om (254) 214-5284, ones. (254) need non-working 799-6228 Miscellaneous cTractors L A r k Auc (254) 214-5284, (254) TION is currently Tractors 799-6228 c L A r kconsignAuc 1Miscellaneous cEMETEry Lot at accepting ments for Farm & TION is currently Waco Memorial, Veter Miscellaneous R c L A r k Auc a nTION ch E qisuconsignipment anscEMETEry Section. $700.Lot (254) 1 at accepting currently through for Wednesday, ments Farm & 662-3082 Waco Memorial, Lot Veter consign cEMETEry at accepting 21 Dollar Saver Sunday, 26, January 29th, R a n ch E q2020 uFarm i for p mauce n&t ans Section. $700. (254) January ments for Waco Memorial, Veter tion on February through Wednesday, 662-3082 a n ch E q u i p m 1st. ent Employment ans Section. $700. (254) R #12479. 254-848-2333 January 29th, for auc through Wednesday, 662-3082 on February 1st. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 2 tion January Employment Dollar29th, Saverfor aucSunday, January 26, 2020 254-848-2333 and part-time jobs avail- #12479. tion on February 1st. Livestock ableEmployment now! Needed: Jani #12479. 254-848-2333 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full torial workers in Waco, part-time jobs availSe necesita ayudante de and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Livestock Temple andNeeded: surrounding now! Jani- G ENTLE MIxED and part-time jobs avail jardinería. Salario de able d areas. Starting at $8 per torial workers in Waco, B r e e d C ow s a n 2 Dollar Saver Sunday,22January 26, 2020 Livestock Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 Dollar 26, 2020 able now! Saver Needed:Sunday, Jani- January hour. Please call our ofacuerdo a la experiencia Temple and surrounding Stocker Calves. Call G E N T L E M I x E D DollarIndustrial/ Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 torial workers in Waco, 2 s (254) fice atStarting (254) 776-7775 areas. at $8 per B (254) rE eN e dT749-0909 C ow aEnDd Employment ADS ADS ADS Employment General General Temple and surrounding preferiblemente que tenga G L E M I x or apply onlinecall at our www. Trades hour. Please of- 749-5637 Stocker areas. Starting at $8 per B r e e d Calves. C ow s aCall nd transporte! fice atPlease (254) call 776-7775 (254) 749-0909 (254) ! ! AVAILABLE !! hour. our of- Stocker Calves. Call offic e, retail, wareor apply online776-7775 at www. 749-5637 Full house B L Ac km A Nfor G u S Looking for Lawn Service JOBS fice atAVAILABLE. (254) (254) 749-0909 (254) & ore lease and part-time jobs avail David Barr P roperties Grass fed fat bulls and or apply online at www. 749-5637 helper. Salary depends on ( 254) 526-2277 able now! Needed: Jani JOBS AVAILABLE. Full www.davidbarrproper heifers. Purebred B L Ac k A N GgenuS torial workers in Waco, and part-time jobs avail experience. Need own ties.c om tle, 11-18 months old, Grass fed fatAbulls and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full B L Ac k NGu S Temple andNeeded: surrounding able now! Jani- $1,200. (254) heifers. Purebred and part-time jobs avail transportation. 254-931-6222 Grass fed fat 899-2558 bullsgenand areas. Starting at $8 per torial workers in Waco, tle, 11-18Purebred months genold, able now!&Needed: Jani- heifers. Spanish Farm ranch hour. Please call our of Temple and surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Feed & Sup torial workers in Waco, tle, 11-18 months old, Fertilizer Application, in- NOW HIRING! fice atStarting (254) 776-7775 areas. at $8 per aping. Se necesita ayudante de plies Temple andcONTAINsurrounding (254) 899-2558 M P LTemple E O STempsD I S - ShIPPING or apply onlinecall at www. hour. Please our of- $1,200. edg- E crease growth and produc jardinería. Salario de Feed & Sup areas. Starting at $8 per PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están ErS $2,000 and up. Wind 315 W. Ave M fice at (254) 776-7775 flower plies experiencia hour. Please call our of- acuerdo c L A ar Auc Feed &klaSup los empleos and water tight. pho tion for your pasture and or apply at D www. E M P L(254) Eonline O SSee I S - more. disponibles fice at 776-7775 preferiblemente que tenga TION is currently plies de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están crops. N-TEXX stimulates or apply online at www. transporte! accepting c L A r kconsignAuc Motivated, Experienced medio! Se necesita: tra- net Will deliver. (254) 722 disponibles los empleos E M P LEO S D I S - ments & TION is currently Looking Lawn soil, microorganisms that for bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. c L Afor r kFarm AucService de tiempo completo y PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Janitorial & Paper R a nTION ch Salary E qisuconsigni pdepends m e n t on E MCompetitive P L E O S salary/ D I S - accepting helper. currently Waco, Temple y las áreas medio! Se necesita: tra- ments disponibles losN¡ empleos essential Mow nutrients through Wednesday, for Farm & own provide Ya L Ac k deA G uestán ProductsASales experience. Need consign circundantes. partir de BPONIBLES. bajadores limpieza benefits. Apply atSeny accepting de tiempo completo January 29th, R a n ch E q u254-931-6222 i for p mauce n&t disponibles los empleos Grass fed fat bulls and for plants through their transportation. ning, $8 porProfessionals ments for Farm hora. Por –favor medio! Waco, Temple y las áreas Se necesita: tra tion on February Wednesday, de tiempo completo y through Purebred gen-en a n ch E q u i p m 1st. ent circundantes. A partir de R bajadores denecesita: limpieza a nuestra oficina al heifers. productive biological proc care, llame #12479. 254-848-2333 January 29th, for aucmedio! Semonths tra Come join the Perry Of tle, 11-18 old, through Wednesday, yPor $8 porTemple hora. favor las áreas Contact Jason Beard for tion (254) 776-7775 o solicite Waco, on February 1st. bajadores de limpieza en esses. 15-5-5 applied at $1,200. (254) 899-2558 January 29th, for auc wash en llame aTemple nuestra al circundantes. Ay oficina partir de línea www.janitori fice Plusenteam! We seek #12479. 254-848-2333 Waco, las áreas questions at tion on February 1st. (254) 776-7775 o solicite $8 por hora. Por favor $23.00 per acre. Free a motivated Outside circundantes. A partir de #12479. Auctions 254-848-2333 en línea en www.janitorillame a nuestra oficina al GENTLE MIxED $8 por hora. Por favor Contact Carlos Morris 2191, Sales Want solicite Pro forTotheBuy Temple- B(254) r! e! eAVAILABLE d776-7775 C ow sooficina a n!d! al llame a nuestra Auctions c L A r k Auc en línea en www.janitori offic e, retail, JOBS AVAILABLE. Stocker Calves. CallFull 254-421-1276 for fertilizer (254) 776-7775 owaresolicite Killeen area. If you have TION is currently & m orejobs for lease WE Buy & Repair Un- house Auctions and part-time avail en línea en www.janitori(254) 749-0909 (254) David Barr P roperties accepting consignc L A r k Auc application and sales. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, able now! Needed: JaniJOBS AVAILABLE. Full proven sales skills and 749-5637 ( 254) 526-2277 Professional ments for Farm & TION is currently Motorcycles & Scooters. www.davidbarrproper torial workers in Waco, and part-time jobs avail!! c AVAILABLE ! ! L A r k Auc JOBS AVAILABLE. Full accepting DRIVER-MONITOR are computerproficient, R a n ch E q u i p m e n t offic e, retail, w areconsign ties.c om surrounding Jani We Pick-Up (903) 336- Temple and able now! Needed: TION is currently & m ore for lease and part-time jobs avail- house through Wednesday, cLArk Aucments Farm & Dav id Bafor rr P roperties areas. Starting at per workers in $8 Waco, NEEDED 9086 accepting consign we have a competitive torial ( 254) 526-2277 able now! Needed: Jani January 29th, for auc R a n ch E q u i p m e n t TION is currently www.davidbarrproper hour. Please call our of Temple and surrounding for om Farm & torial workers in Waco, ments Antique Farm Equipment: Cen-Tex Alcoholic tion onties.c February through Wednesday, compensation & benefits accepting Appliances consign fice at (254) 776-7775 areas. Starting at $8Rehab ! ! AVAILABLE ! !per R a n ch E q u i p m 1st. ent HING Temple and surrounding #12479. 254-848-2333 January 29th, for auc offic e, retail, ware ments for Farm & Tractors, plows, planters, or apply online at www. hour. Please call our of Wednesday, Center seeking package. porce- areas. Starting atFull-time $8 per through house & m ore for lease tion on February 1st. Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t fice at (254) 776-7775 29th, for auc Barr Pcall roperties NIcE WAShErS, rakes and otherresume: items.dry- David hour. Please our of- January er 30 and Part-time Driver #12479. 254-848-2333 Send your ( 254) 526-2277 through Wednesday, or apply online atSunday, www. tion on February Dollar Saver January 26, 2020 1st. refrigerators, and 2 fice at (254) 776-7775 Dale ers, www.davidbarrproper real Estate For Trucks 254-721-4915 #12479. 254-848-2333 29th, for auc Monitors. Transport cli om cook stoves. Rebuilt January or applyties.c online at www. Antique Farm Equipment: Sale 1st. Medical on with 90 day warranty. tion real Estate For Tractors, plows, planters, ents in 7February or 15 passenger Trucks c L A r k Auc 254-848-2333 QuALITy BuILT homes Delivery, service work, #12479. Sale For rakes and other items. real Estate TION is currently vans and oversee client’s Looking for a full time / Trucks ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! on your lot. Floor plans to need non-working ones. 254-721-4915 Industrial/ offic e, retail, wareSale accepting consign c L A r k Auc fit any budget. No money QuALITy BuILT (254)time 214-5284, & m ore for homes lease activities. Pass backpart wrecker(254) driver,house ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! ments for Farm & TION is currently David Barr P roperties Trades down. 100% financing. on your Floorwareplans to LA r k Auc!-! offic e,lot. retail, Tractors 799-6228 Formal dining table, ! !c AVAILABLE QuALITy BuILT homes ( 254) R aoffic n ch E qisuconsigni p mwareent accepting ground check, drug8 TDLR license. Experi- www.davidbarrproper house & m526-2277 ore formoney lease Credit repair program. fit any budget. No TION currently e, retail, on your lot. Floor plans to house David Barr P roperties through Wednesday, ments for Farm & chairs; glass kitchen table, & m ore for lease ties.c om (254) 857-4663. down. 100% financing. accepting consign ( 254) 526-2277 screen, driver’s license ence preferred but will fit any budget. No money David Barr P roperties Miscellaneous cLArk AucJanuary R a n ch 29th, E q uFarm i for p maucent Formal dining table,8 www.davidbarrproper Credit repair program. ments for ( 254) 526-2277 & huNTING/ INVEST4down. chairs; coffee table, gas ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! 100% financing. ties.c om tion on February through Wednesday, TION is currently and high school diploma train theretail, rightwareperson. chairs; glass kitchen table, www.davidbarrproper (254) 857-4663. offic e, R a n ch E q u i p m 1st. ent MENT/ RECREATIONWANT TO LEASE LAND for Credit repair program. ties.c om #12479. 254-848-2333 January 29th, for aucdryer. 254-541-2206 accepting consign house & m ore for lease 4 chairs; coffee table, gas 1 cEMETEry Lot at through Wednesday, AL PROPERTY. We have huNTING/ INVEST or GED. Good starting Must have clean driving (254) 857-4663. David Barr P roperties tion on 1st. for & cattle grazing, will Veterdo im- ments WANT TOFebruary LEASE LAND for Farm January 29th, for aucdryer. 254-541-2206 Waco Memorial, some of the best in Texas MENT/ RECREATION( 254) 526-2277 #12479. 254-848-2333 huNTING/ cattle grazing, will 1st. do im- n ch EHill q uCountry i pINVESTm e nhave t pay and merit increases. record. Apply atExemption 9473 www.davidbarrproper tion on February ans Section. $700. (254)W. Ra provements, Ag from the (EdAL PROPERTY. We MENT/ RECREATION- ties.c om Motorcycles Wednesday, provements, Ag Exemption 254-848-2333 Spanish wards, 662-3082 some ofatMenard, the bestWe inCoke, Texas Apply 2410 East Ad- #12479. FM 93, Belton oravailable fax re- through Spanish Farm & ranch references AL PROPERTY. have January 29th, for auc references available Val Verde County, free from the Hill Country (Ed some ofFebruary the best in1st. Texas WE Buy & Repair Un Motorcycles ams, Temple. EOE sume to 254-933-8770 tion on 254-865-3546 254-865-3546 ranging exotics), to South wards, Menard, Coke, E M P L E O S D I S ShIPPING cONTAIN Office/ Employment from the254-848-2333 Hill Country (Ed- wanted/ Broken ATV’s, #12479. ErS Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Val Verde County, free Motorcycles PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están $2,000 and up. Wind wards, Menard, Coke, Motorcycles Scooters. WE Buy & &Repair Un Clerical Oak County, whitetail, ranging exotics), to South disponibles los empleos and water tight. See pho WOOD BUILDINGS 336 Verde County, free wanted/ JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Val Pick-Up Broken ATV’s, hogs). Large acreage or We WE Buy & (903) Repair Un Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. IVER and part-time jobs avail- ranging exotics), to South 9086 Motorcycles & Scooters. 10x16 $2000 small. 30 yearDuval, fixed Live rate wanted/ Broken ATV’s, County, whitetail, medio! Se necesita: tra- net Will deliver. (254) 722 Livestock ience. able now! Needed: Jani- Oak Texas (Kinney, We Pick-Up (903) 336- owner financing. Only 5% Motorcycles & Scooters. hogs). Large acreage or bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. 12x24 $2700 Oak County, whitetail, 9086 and torial workers in Waco, Down. Call toll freerate or Pick-Up (903) 336 small. 30 year fixed Waco, Temple y las áreas hogs). Large acreage or We ences. Temple and surrounding GENTLE B L Ac k ANGuS Call (512) 748-4003 MIxED email for individual prices 9086 owner financing. Only 5% circundantes. A partir de small. 30Cyear areas. Starting at $8 per fed fat bulls and B r e e dfinancing. sfixed a n drate and terms. ranchenterprisDown. Callow toll free or $8 por hora. Por favor Grass owner Only 5% Purebred genhour. Please call our of- 800-876-9720 Stocker Calves. Call email for individual prices llame a nuestra oficina al heifers. Down. Call toll free or 11-18 months old, fice at (254) 776-7775 (254) and terms. ranchenterpris 749-0909 (254) (254) 776-7775 o solicite tle, email for individual prices Lots/Land/ look- (254) 899-2558 or apply online at www. 800-876-9720 749-5637 línea en www.janitori- $1,200. en and terms. ranchenterpris- Acreage rator 800-876-9720 Lots/Land/ G ENTLE MIxED RETIRING: Selling Bass JOBS AVAILABLE. Full B WEST L Ac kTExAS A N G uTrans S Acreage Want To Buy talk! Lots/Land/ s and B r e e d C ow
Fertilizer Application, increase growth and production for your pasture and crops. N-TEXX stimulates soil, microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological procBUS15-5-5 DRIVERS esses. applied at NEEDED $23.00 per acre. ROGERS Contact Carlos ISD Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer application and sales.
ehab time verclinger ent’s ackdrug ense oma ting ses. Ad-
Transportation H
WOOD BUILDINGS 10x16 $2000 12x24 $2700 Call (512) 748-4003
Temple Daily Telegram
ustin. for .com Page 4 • January 22, 2020
$100 REWARD for return of Charley, black & white tuxedo cat. All shots and neutered. South 47th/Ave M. Call 254-295-0709.
HANDYMAN looking for work!! I also do electrical work please call 254-780-8461
NEED TRUCK DRIVER with end dump experience. Must be dependable and have good references. 254-301-5255
eet of office space are foot warehouse/ ea
doors ff-street customer
location in downtown ccess from Central th Street
e. Great location. 7745204
compensation & benefits Cen-Tex Alcoholic Rehab Center seeking Full-time and Part-time Driver Monitors. Transport cli ents in 7 or 15 passenger ! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent Properties, and Looking for a full time / vans and oversee client’s Business Properties. David Barr Properties part time ( 254)wrecker 526-2277driver, activities. Pass back www.davidbarrproper EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. ground check, drug TDLR license. ! !OFFICE ! Commercial !!! SPACE Furnished. Ramona Land, Investment Courtyard, VA. screen, FOR LEASE ence preferrednearbut will driver’s license Properties, and From $495. 254-778-1374. Recently refurbished 3,500 Business Properties. train theNearby. right person. and high school diploma sq.ft. office and warehouse Eat Free David Barr Properties space. Located on corner ( 254) 526-2277 in downtown Temple. Must have clean driving orlot GED. Good starting www.davidbarrproper Off-street parking. Call 254-774-5204 record. Apply at 9473 W. pay and merit increases. SALADO- 3BR, 2BA, 2500 sq.ft., fenced back yard, FM 93, Belton or fax re- Apply at 2410 East Ad $900 rent, yard paid, $900 deposit. 254-947-9205 Apartments ADS Apartments Transportation sume to 254-933-8770 ams, Temple. EOE
Experienced driver looking for an owner operator EVA’S Residential Clean- to team drive. Let’s talk! ing Service- From top to Call (765) 623-4185 bottom. Free Estimates! Reasonable prices. Highly recommended. 254-316-1108.
Timo at 239-810-8522
SONIC NOW HIRING All Positions. Day or night shift. Apply in person 814 East Central, Belton.
Profitable Routes
Temple Daily Telegram CALL DOLLAR SAVER Rentals Opportunities COMMERCIAL PROPERTY (254) 778-4444
HOUSEKEEPER/FRONT DESK needed for Motel. HoHANDYMAN SERVICES tel Experience Preferred. Apply at 1610 W Nugent available. Please call Ave, Temple.
Make your ad stand out from the rest! ASK FOR BOLDING Call Classified 778-4444
torial workers in Waco, Motorcycles & 776-7775 Scooters. (254 Employment fice at (254) and part-time jobs availRanch Equipment #12479. 254-848-2333 E M P Land E O surrounding S D I S - ShIPPING cONTAINTemple We Pick-Up (903) 336able now! Needed: Jani- 749-5L or apply online at Wind www. through PONIBLES. están ErS and up. 9086$2,000Wednesday, areas. Starting ¡atYa$8 per JOBS AVAILABLE. Full torial workers in Waco, January 29th, for aucdisponibles and water tight. See phohour. Pleaseloscallempleos our ofAmerican Dollar Saver: Gacc Temple and surrounding Appliances EN and part-time jobs avail-y tos de www.steelcontainers. tion onAVAILABLE. February 1st.Full B ficetiempo at (254)completo 776-7775 JOBS A areas. Starting at $8 per rLe (254) 501-7530 Livestock medio! necesita:Janitra- net Will deliver. (254) 722- Bmen #12479. 254-848-2333 able now!Se Needed: or apply online at www. and part-time jobs availhour. Please call our ofGras Stoc Ran de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. Antique Farm Equipment: bajadores NIcE WAShErS, torial workers in Waco, fice now! (254) 776-7775 Needed: Jani- heife (254 thro Waco, Temple y las áreas able ers, atrefrigerators, and Tractors, plows, planters, Bcook Lapply Ac konline AMIxED Nin GWaco, uS Temple and surrounding or at www. 749-5 Janu1 GENTLE torial workers circundantes. A partir de tle, stoves. Rebuilt real Estate For Grass fed fat bulls and and other items. Trucks rakes tion areas. at $8favor per Breed $8 porStarting hora. Por Cows and with 90and daysurrounding warranty. Temple $1,20 Sale heifers. Purebred gen#124 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full llame aPlease nuestra oficina al Stocker B L Delivery, service work, 254-721-4915 hour. call our ofareas. Starting at $8 per www Calves. Call A tle, 11-18 months old, part-time jobs avail- Gras (254) 776-7775 o solicite and need non-working ones. cLArk Aucfice at (254) 776-7775 hour. Please call our of(254) 749-0909 (254) QuALITy BuILT homes $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Fe now! Needed: Jani- heife en línea en www.janitori- able (254) 214-5284, (254) TION is currently or apply online atplans www. fice atworkers (254) 776-7775 on your lot. Floor to 749-5637 1 NOW HIRING! torial in Waco, tle, SHORTY’S Landscaping. 799-6228 BINGO accepting consignTemple Temps fit any budget. No money weedeating, edg- or online G Eapply N T Land E surrounding M Iatxwww. ED Temple $1,20 B VFW Post #4008 Mowing, 315 Ave for Farm Want Tofinancing. Buy ing, tree service, flower ments B Miscellaneous r e e dStarting CW.ow satM a n&dper down. 100% areas. $8 c beds, mulching, and more. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Ranch Equipment B L Ac k A N G u S Belton Formal dining table, 8 Stocker Calves. Callofhour. Please call our Credit repair program. c 254-760-3031 Fe T Motivated, Experienced WE part-time Buy & Repair Un- Grass E M P L E O S D I S Lic #1-74-6066507-2 through Wednesday, and jobs avail (254)atfed 749-0909 (254) fat bulls and acce (254) 776-7775 T chairs; glassBroken kitchenATV’s, table, fice (254) 857-4663. Janitorial &for Paper WED. AFTERNOONS wanted/ 1 apply cEMETEry Lot at PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están C January 29th, auc749-5637 or online at www. able now! Needed: Jani heifers. Purebred genacce Doors Open 11am Tree coffee Trimming, men 4PINA chairs; table,Mowgas tion Motorcycles &INVESTScooters. huNTING/ Products Waco Memorial, Veter disponibles losSales empleos on February 1st. Starts Bills 12:30pm EFFICIENCIES torial workers in Waco, RSHOR a nc 11-18 months old, Edging, Cleaning, BINGO WANTSession TO AFTERNOONS LEASE LANDPaid. for ing, We Pick-Up (903) 336- tle, anstiempo Section. $700. (254) MENT/ RECREATIONProfessionals – y men 254-541-2206 FRI. OFFICE SPACE w #12479. 254-848-2333 Mowi de completo Furnished. Ramona dryer. c L A r k Auc E M P L E O S D I S thro Leaves, Lawncare, Temple and surrounding 9086 #4008 VFW Post T 662-3082 Doors Openwill 5pmdo im- Rake (254) 899-2558 AL PROPERTY. We have $1,200. ing, Come join the Perry Of- Ran cattleSession grazing, Con Courtyard, near VA. TION is currently FOR LEASE PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están medio! Se necesita: traJanu Starts 6:30pm beds, Private Fence, power wash acce Belton thro areas. Starting at $8 per some of refurbished the best in Texas fice Plus team! We seek 254-76 From $495.AFTERNOONS 254-778-1374. Appliances accepting consignSUNDAY provements, Ag Exemption Recently 3,500 disponibles los empleos tion de limpieza en men Lic #1-74-6066507-2 and concrete work. Employment from the Hilland Country (Edaments motivated Outside Open 4pm hour. Please call ourFree of- bajadores office warehouse Eat Free Nearby. for Farm & y Janu de tiempo completo Doors #124 WED. AFTERNOONS Feed & Sup references available sq.ft. R ajbn Motorcycles Temple yp11am las áreas Mobile Homes/ Session Starts 5:30pm Estimates. 771-2191, Commercial space. Located on Coke, corner Waco, Sales Pro for the Templewards, Menard, Doors Open PINA tion R a n ch E q u i m e n t medio! Se necesita: trafice at (254) 776-7775 www Houses NIcE WAShErS, dryLARGE thro lot in downtown Temple. plies Session Starts 12:30pm JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 2254-865-3546 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 partirhave de #124 718-9765 ing, Killeen area. IfA you Real Estate Val Verde County, free circundantes. through Wednesday, bajadores limpieza en NON-SMOKING ROOM Lots/Land ers, refrigerators, and FRI. AFTERNOONS Off-street parking. or apply online at www. Janu WE Buy &de Repair Un and part-time jobs avail2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020Bills $8 por hora. Por favor Rake Hot Food Available Doors Openyfor 5pm January 29th, Waco, Temple lasaucáreas proven sales skills and www ranging exotics), to South Call 254-774-5204 cook stoves. Rebuilt EFFICIENCIES Paid. L tion able now! Needed: JaniSession Broken ATV’s, Maximum Out 2500 PrivaD SALADO3BR, Pay 2BA, tion on February circundantes. A6:30pm partir Spanish Farm &Starts ranch llame aworkers nuestra oficina al #124 are computerproficient, OFFICE SPACE Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live wanted/ with 90 day warranty. EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. NOW HIRING! Ramona SUNDAY AFTERNOONS cLArk AucSHORTY’S Landscaping. torial in Waco, sq.ft., fenced back yard, Furnished. BINGO WOOD BUILDINGS Motorcycles & Scooters. V and #12479. 254-848-2333 $8 por hora. Por favor ! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! Doors Open 4pm Temple Temps Hunt with your Ramona dog or OFFICE SPACE EOak M PCounty, L Eweedeating, O Snear D IVA. S - we TION have ais competitive (254) 776-7775 o solicite G Delivery, service work, whitetail, Mowing, edg$900 rent, yard paid, $900 Courtyard, Furnished. www FOR LEASE Temple and surrounding currently EB N Session Starts 5:30pm VFW Post #4008 From Land, Investmhunt ent 40 Pick-Up (903) W. Ave M 336-al Estim guided. Quail/Chukar E M Ptree LLarge EO Sacreage D I Sor- We ShIPPING deposit. 254-947-9205 llame a 315 nuestra oficina ing, service, flower Cen need non-working ones. compensation &at benefits hogs). en línea en www.janitoriPONIBLES. ¡¡and Ya están $495. 254-778-1374. LARGE Courtyard, VA. Recently refurbished 3,500 FOR LEASE 10x16 $2000 areas. Starting $8 per B718Properties, r e miles northeast near ofand Austin. BATHTUB REFINISHING beds, mulching, more. accepting consignPONIBLES. Ya están ErS $2,000 and up. Wind 9086 (254) 776-7775 o solicite Belton NON-SMOKING ROOM (254) 214-5284, (254) Cen package. sq.ft. office and warehouse Eat Free Nearby. Training area. Quail for Recently small. 30 year fixed rate in home. Repairs on porceBusiness Properties. From $495. 254-778-1374. hour. Please call our 254-760-3031 disponibles los refurbished 3,500 Motivated, Experienced Hot Food Available disponibles los empleos empleos water tight. See pho en línea en www.janitori ments for & Stoc Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Tractors 799-6228 sale. space. on lain and12x24 fiberglass. Over5% 30 and David Properties sq.ft. office and warehouse and Send yourFarm resume: $2700 Maximum Pay Outcorner (254 fice at Located (254) owner financing. Only Eat FreeBarr Nearby. de completo yy tos Janitorial &776-7775 Paper WED. AFTERNOONS de tiempo tiempo completo www.steelcontainers. 512-856-2200 years in business. Call Dale JOBS AVAILABLE. Full MonCc lot in downtown Temple. ( 254) 526-2277 S Ranch Equipment space. Located on corner or apply online at www. Down. Call toll free or 749-5 Doors PINA Tree Trimming, Mow Hunt with Open your11am dog or 721-3658. medio! Se necesita: tranet Will deliver. (254) 722Off-street parking. www.davidbarrproper Products Sales medio! Se necesita: tra- through Tc and availJOBS Full CallEdging, (512) 748-4003 lot in downtown Temple. guided. Miscellaneous Session Starts 12:30pm cpart-time LAVAILABLE. A254-774-5204 r k jobs Auc ents Quail/Chukar hunt 40 ing, Wednesday, email for individual prices Call Cleaning, T bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX. acce Professionals –avail miles FRI. northeast of Austin. BATH AFTERNOONS and part-time jobs parking. ! ! ! Commercial !!! bajadores de limpieza en January w able now! JaniTION is acurrently vans Looking forNeeded: fullauctime / acce Off-street 3BR, 2BA, 2500 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 29th, for and terms. ranchenterprisRake Leaves, LSU A Waco, Temple yLawncare, las áreas area. for SALADOin ho Doors Open Quail 5pm $100 REWARD for return Training Come join the Perry Of- B Call 254-774-5204 men able now! Needed: Jani Land, Investment sq.ft., fenced back yard, Con accepting consign B L Ac k A N G u S torial workers in Waco, Waco, Temple y las áreas sale. lain acti part time wrecker driver, 1 cEMETEry Lot at Session Starts 6:30pm and part-time jobs avail of Charley, black & white men Gras circundantes. A partir de 800-876-9720 Private Fence, power wash SALADO- 3BR, 2BA, 2500 tion on February 1st. $900 rent, yard paid, $900 ments Properties, and torial workers inWe Waco, fice Plus team! seek ! ! AVAILABLE !& ! years Ran for Farm Grass fed fat bulls and SUNDAY AFTERNOONS cat. All shots and 512-856-2200 Waco Memorial, VeterTemple and surrounding grou TDLR license. Experi able now! Needed: Jani sq.ft., fenced back yard, tuxedo deposit. 254-947-9205 circundantes. APor partir de R#12479. R721-36 a n heife $8 por favor and concrete Free Business Properties. retail, ware Temple and aheifers. Outside 254-848-2333 Doors Open 4pm South 47th/Ave aoffice, n motivated chworkers E q usurrounding i pinm e n twill tle, thro Purebred gen$900 rent, yard paid, $900 neutered. jbN1 Lots/Land/ ans Section. $700. (254) torial Waco, scre ence preferred but thro llame a nuestra oficina al areas. Starting at $8 per $8662-3082 por hora. Por favor David Barr Properties Session Starts 5:30pm house & more for lease Estimates. 771-2191, M. Call 254-295-0709. areas. Starting at $8 per deposit. 254-947-9205 Sales Pro for the Templethrough Wednesday, tle, 11-18 months old, Janu Temple and surrounding HANDYMAN looking for Janu LARGE (254) 776-7775 ooficina solicite and train the right person. Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 $100 REWARD for return hour. Please our of hour. Please call our of- $1,20 718-9765 llame aAcreage nuestra al David 29th, for auc Killeen area. Ifcall you have $1,200. (254) 899-2558 work!! ROOM NON-SMOKING ofen Charley, & white January areas. Starting at $8 per tion línea en black www.janitori (at254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper or Must have clean driving fice (254) 776-7775 I also do electrical work tion on February 1st. Hot Food Available tuxedo cat. All shots and proven sales call skills and (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 778-4444 hour. Please our of #124 www.davidbarrproper Employment Hunt with your dog or WEST TExAS Trans Fe pay record. Apply W. #124 please call 254-780-8461 Quail/Chukar 47th/Ave neutered. South or apply onlineatproficient, at9473 www. Maximum Pay Out Auctions 254-848-2333 or online RETIRING: Selling Bass40 #12479. guided. hunt are computerfice (254) G Eapply N LBelton E M776-7775 Iatxwww. E D re- www en línea en www.janitoriM. Call 254-295-0709. D Pecos area, near Lake App FM 93, or fax www miles northeast ofBuy Austin. HANDYMAN looking for Want To Hunt with your dog or we have a competitive or apply online at www. B r e e d C ow s a n d JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Training area. Quail for sume work!! Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. to 254-933-8770 Boat (Hawk/Legend) ft., guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 Cen Stocker Calves. Call real Estate For ams I also do electrical work compensation &Aucbenefits and part-time jobs 21 availsale. Rentals cLArk Electricity, easy miles northeast of Austin. BATHTUB REFINISHING c WE Buy &water, Repair Un please call 254-780-8461 real Estate For 512-856-2200 Livestock JOBS AVAILABLE. Full (254) 749-0909 (254) Sale able now! Needed: Janipackage. Training area. Quail for EFFICIENCIES in home. Repairs on porceE MTION PLEO S D I S - Cen 200 horse Yamaha, $5,500 access, whitetail, dove, ja-30 SHORTY’S Bills Paid. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, is currently Landscaping. andT BINGO Sale 749-5637 sale. lain and fiberglass. Over NEED TRUCK DRIVER torial workers in Waco, and part-time jobs avail Send your resume: PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están OFFICE SPACE weedeating, edg- acce Motorcycles & #4008 Scooters. Furnished. Ramona velina, cover, views, 512-856-2200 years inthick business. Call Dale Mowing, with end dump experience. accepting consignQuALITy BuILT Temple and surrounding c VFW Post G E Ntree T L E '1 M Iempleos xhomes Eflower D Mon disponibles los service, able now! Needed: Jani OBO. Also 1994 Chevrolet 721-3658. T Must be dependable and ing, men We Pick-Up (903) 336Courtyard, near VA. $100 REWARD forplans return canyons. Starting at $650/ FOR LEASE c on your lot. Floor to areas. Starting at $8 per beds, mulching, and more. B r e e d C ow s a n d ments for Farm & de tiempo QuALITy c L A rBuILT kcompleto Auc - y acce ents have good Beltoninreferences. of Charley, black &homes white RNEED a nT 9086 torial workers Waco, 254-778-1374. $495. AC.ton 979-575-3939 Lang 254-760-3031 fit any budget. No money Recently refurbished 3,500 1/2 hour. Please call our ofMo From 254-301-5255 Stocker Calves. Call tuxedo cat. All shots and medio! Se necesita: traTION is currently Pickup, V8, autoReal Estate vans Looking for a full time / on your lot. Floor plans to Ranch Equipment Lic #1-74-6066507-2 men thro with • 1,250 square feet of off iceNearby. space Temple and surrounding $100 REWARD for return sq.ft. office and warehouse Eat Free down. 100% financing. neutered. South 47th/Ave fice at (254) 776-7775 (254) 749-0909 (254) Appliances WED. AFTERNOONS bajadores de limpieza en acce accepting consignMust acti part wrecker driver, R a nJ Janu fit anytime budget. No money of Charley, black & white space. through Wednesday, M. Call 254-295-0709. Located on corner areas. for Sale Duplexes/ Credit repair program. Doors Open 11am PINA Tree Trimming, MowCommercial have or apply online at www. Starting at $8 per 749-5637 Waco, Temple y las áreas ments for Farm & $2,500 OBO. Experienced driver lookH and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ men tuxedo cat. All shots and lot in downtown Temple. matic, grou TDLR license. Experithro tion 254-30 Session Starts 12:30pm down. 100% financing. January 29th, for auc(254) 857-4663. Real Estate ing, Edging, Cleaning, South 47th/Ave Off-street de Ran R a n chpreferred E q uA i p partir m e n twill • 1,250 square feet ofing off ice space hour. Please calloperator ourdry-of- circundantes. for an owner Townhomes NIcE WAShErS, FRI. AFTERNOONS parking. Janu #124 scre ence but production area neutered. Credit repair program. M. Call 254-295-0709. tion on February 1st. 254-721-9186 huNTING/ INVESTLeaves, Lawncare, $8 por hora. Por Ip through Wednesday, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Rake Doors Open 776-7775 5pm and B L Ac k AN Gperson. ufavor S Com to team drive. Let’s talk! CallResidential 254-774-5204 ers, refrigerators, tion www fice at (254) HANDYMAN looking for Expe and 6,450 square warehouse/ and train the right EVA’S Clean- foot jobs Session Starts 6:30pmavail- Private (254) 857-4663. MENT/ RECREATIONllame afed nuestra oficina al thro January 29th, for aucFence, power wash and part-time SALADO3BR, 2BA, 2500 ing work!! Grass fat bulls and #12479. 254-848-2333 cook stoves. Rebuilt fice ServiceFrom top to Call (765) 623-4185 #124 ing f or Must have clean driving or apply online at www. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS • Loading dock Janu production area sq.ft., fenced back yard, bottom. I also doFree electrical work AL PROPERTY. have (254) 776-7775 oWe solicite tion on February 1st. able now! Needed: Jani- and Estimates! concrete work. Free www heifers. Purebred gen with 90 day warranty. to te a huNTING/ INVESTDoors Open 4pm yard paid, $900 Reasonable EVA’S Residential Cleanpay record. Apply at 9473 W. rent, $900 please call 254-780-8461 tion prices. Highly some of the best inold, Texasto Call en línea en www.janitori#12479. 254-848-2333 torial workers in work, Waco, Estimates. tle, 11-18 months Session Starts 5:30pm 771-2191, Delivery, service ing ServiceFrom top ed 254-947-9205 Sale MENT/ RECREATION recommended. 254-316-1108. In • Loading dock • Large garage doorsdeposit. App FM 93, Belton or fax re- #124 from theClassifi Hill ( LARGE bottom. FreeCountry Estimates! Temple and surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 need non-working ones. 718-9765 M Kille Reasonable prices. Highly NON-SMOKING ROOM c AL PROPERTY. We have real Estate For ams sume to 254-933-8770 wards, Menard, Coke, areas. Starting at $8 per Trucks The classifi ed inside www JOBS AVAILABLE. Full (254) 214-5284, (254) recommended. 254-316-1108. • Large garage doorshour. Hot Food Available prov • Convenient off-street customer Val Verde County, free of the best in Texas Sale Tractors and part-time jobs avail799-6228 H O U Maximum S EPlease KE E PPay Ecall R Out / Four R O ofN T some Feed & Sup BT WE focused andtogoal-oriented are acce ranging exotics), South fice at (254) 776-7775 DESK needed for Motel. Ho from the Hill Country (Edable now! Needed: Jani parking • Convenient off -street customer plies NEED TRUCK DRIVER with your dog or Hunt HO we MUs Experience men Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live wante typing and computer or apply atPreferred. www. cLArk AucHANDYMAN SERVICES tel with end online dump experience. torial in Waco, • 1,250 square feet ofwards, off ice Menard, Coke, Miscellaneous DESK QuALITy BuILT cCounty, Lworkers A rspace k whitetail, Auc - Moto guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 Apply at 1610 W homes Nugent parking R an com Oak Must be dependable and BATHTUB available. Please call tel Temple and surrounding • High visibility location in downtown miles northeast of Austin. TION is currently REFINISHING appearance, positive attit Ave, Temple. HANDYMAN SERVICES P Val Verde County, free TION c LLarge ARepairs ris k currently Auc - or We and 6,450 square warehouse/ have good references. on your lot. Floor plans to foot thro Apply hogs). acreage '1 pack for • Training area. Quail home. on$8 porce WE B areas. Starting atto per Timo 239-810-8522 E1M P L E O '1 S Lot D I at S - in available. call 9086 254-301-5255 Highatvisibility location inbudget. downtown accepting consign Ave, ranging exotics), South TION isPlease currently through on the phone and cEMETEry Temple with access from Central sale. lain andPlease fiberglass. Over 30 Janu small. 30 year fixed rate fit any No money S • 1,250 square feet of off ice space production area hour. call our ofPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están wante Timo at 239-810-8522 Building Throughout Central TX. ments for Farm & 512-856-2200 years in business. Call Dale accepting consign Waco Memorial, Veterments for Farm & tion Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Temple with from Central owner Only 5% EVA’ SONIC Make your ad standaccess out car fice atfinancing. (254) down. 100% financing. disponibles empleos los Avenue and 7th Street R a npreferred. ch E qad utoll i stand p776-7775 mfree e n& t or Moto Experienced driver look- 721-3658. and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ ments for Farm ing Section. $700. (254) #124 Quality Built On Your Lot. Down. Call your out Oak County, whitetail, Equipment •ans Loading dock from theand rest! orMake apply online at www. de tiempo completo y Ranch Avenue 7th Street This is an hourly positio botto Credit repair program. through Wednesday, NOW HIRING R a n ch E q u i p m e n t We P ing for an owner operator 662-3082 www email for individual from theacreage rest!prices ASK FOR hogs). Large production area $100 REWARD Reas Look medio! Se necesita: tra- through Wednesday, N 29th, for letter auc- orand through Wednesday, for return (254) 857-4663. team drive. Let’s doors talk! January send a cover re 9086 ASK FOR and terms. ranchenterpris All Positions. recom • Large garage EVA’S Residential Clean- to BOLDING bajadores de limpieza en part Call For Free small. year fixed rate tion on30 February 1st. of Charley, black white January 29th, for auc Great space. Great location. January 29th, for auc real Estate For BOLDING ing ServiceFrom & top to Call (765) 800-876-9720 ! Employment !Day AVAILABLE !! or623-4185 night shift. • Loading dock Call Classified Waco, Temple yINVESTlas áreas tuxedo cat.Free All shots and huNTING/ #12479. 254-848-2333 owner financing. Only 5% TDL Plan Booklet! D bottom. Estimates! Call Classified Sale tion on February 1st. • Convenient off -street customer neutered. South 47th/Ave office, retail, ware Apply in person Customer Ser circundantes. A partir de 778-4444 2547745204 Reasonable prices. Highly MENT/ Lots/Land/ RECREATION #12479. 254-848-2333 778-4444 Down. Call toll free ed or ence Call 254-295-0709. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full #12479. 254-848-2333 house & more forBelton. lease 814 East Central, 254-316-1108. Classifi In $8 por hora. Por favor • Large garage doors M.recommended. parking HANDYMAN looking for Acreage 814 train “C.J. Cade” QuALITy BuILT homes c AL PROPERTY. We have and part-time jobs avail email for individual prices HAT work!! llame a nuestra oficina al David Barr Properties Mus Livestock on your lot. Floor plans to The classifi ed inside 4 BR • 3 BA • Walk-In Closets able now! Needed: Jani I also do electrical work some of the best in Texas and terms. ranchenterprisav (254) 776-7775 o solicite •Living Convenient off -street customer • High visibility location in downtown acce (E254) 526-2277 WEST TExAS Trans cust any budget. Nogoal-oriented money The circulation reco please call .................. 2100 sq. ft. Auctions Htorial OU S Ken E Ewww.janitoriPEmployment ER R O N T fit workers in/ FWaco, focused and Ti en línea 800-876-9720 from the Hill254-780-8461 Country (EdBuilding Pecos area, near Lake men www.davidbarrproper DESK needed for Motel. Ho- G down. 100% financing. Porch ...................... 78 sq. ft. Temple with access from Central parking FM Temple and surrounding E N T L E M I x E D Yorkshire Terriers: Motorcycles outstanding service to n R athe Amistad. 60 450 acres. tel Experience Preferred. typing and computer wards, Menard, Coke, HANDYMAN SERVICES Credit repair program. Patio ...................... 104 sq. ft. Throughout areas. Starting at $8 perStreet Mas sum BElectricity, r ecandidate eLots/Land/ dL ACrow sAuc a neasy d c kwater, Apply atAVAILABLE. 1610 WPups. Nugent Avenue and 7th thro Central TX. Registered Yorkie will have dem JOBS Full Total .................... 2282 sq. ft. (254) 857-4663. available. Please call Val Verde County, free • High visibility location in downtown Ave, hour.Temple. Please call our of- Stocker appearance, positive attit Calves. Call TION currently Janu Acreage access, whitetail, dove, Buy &isRepair Un-ja- and and part-time jobs avail- WE Chocolates, Timo at 239-810-8522 computer aptitude, fice at (254)Parti, 776-7775 huNTING/ (254) 749-0909 (254) exotics), toKB South accepting consignthrough onINVESTthe phonetion and velina, thick cover, views, Temple with access from Central ranging NEED TRUCK DRIVER able now! Needed: Jani Base Price ....$ 154,900 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Great space. Great location. or black, apply onlineDuval, at www. MENT/ RECREATION749-5637 Golddust, boysWaco, &Live with ments Farm &have#124 skills. They will ap end for dump experience. Texas (Kinney, canyons. Starting at $650/ SONIC torial workers in Make your ad stand out WEST TExAS Trans preferred. AL PROPERTY. We have Motorcycles & Scooters. Avenue and 7th Street Must be dependable and R a n ch E q u i p m e n t www AC. 979-575-3939 Langgirls. 254-931-7143, Temple and surrounding Oak County, whitetail, 2547745204 This isbest anhourly hourly posit from the rest! 254-857-HOME (4663) have good Pecos near Lake some ofarea, the Texas This is an JOBS AVAILABLE. Full We through Wednesday, Pick-Up (903) 336NOW HIRING B L Ac k A Nreferences. Ginu S positio ! ! AVAILABLE areas. Starting at $8 per ASK FOR ! ! Large acreage or 254-301-5255 from the Hill Country (Edresume. Amistad. 60 450 acres. and part-time jobs availJanuary 29th, for auc• 1,250 square feet of office, officeBOLDING spaceware- hogs). retail, Grass fed fat bulls and send a cover letter and re hour. Please call our of- 9086 All Positions. M wards, Menard, Coke, Attention Lot Owners! small. 30 year fixed rate house & more for Daily lease Telegram able now! Needed: Janition on February 1st. Electricity, water, easy Th e Temple is accepting applications for indepen heifers. Purebred gen ficeDay at or (254) night776-7775 shift. Experienced driver lookand 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Call Classified Val Verde County, free David Barr Properties •isNo Money Down! torial workers in Waco, #12479. 254-848-2333 tle, 11-18 months old, The Temple Daily Telegram accepting applications for independent contract owner financing. Only 5% access, whitetail, dove, ja- Ser Circulation WE B apply online at www. transportation, carriers. Applicants or must have reliable valid Apply person ing for an owner operator Customer 254) 526-2277 778-4444 ranging exotics), to South driver Temple andin surrounding ! ! (AVAILABLE !! $1,200. (254) 899-2558 • 100% production areaFinancing! Down. Call toll free or to velina, thick cover, views, www.davidbarrproper carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and 814 East Central, Belton. auto retail, liability insurance in their name. team drive. Let’s talk! wante Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live areas. Starting at $8 per office, wareEVA’S Residential Clean canyons. Starting at $650/ Moto email for individual prices P Oak County, whitetail, ServiceFrom top to Call (765) 623-4185 real Estate For hour. Please call our ofhouse & more for lease ing
BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porce- package. lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Send your resume: years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.
FOR LEASE The 778-4444 classified inside sales representative will be customer(254)
focused and goal-orientedBINGO with excellent math, grammar, spelling,
Rentalsskills. They will have a professional typing and computer appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes COMMERCIAL through on the phone andPROPERTY in person. Previous sales experience is FOR LEASE preferred. This is an hourly position with commissions and benefits. Please BINGO CALL DOLLAR SAVER send a cover letter and resume. Great space. Great location.
Temple Opp
(254) 778-4444 2547745204
Customer Service Representative – Rentals Employment Full Time
BINGO Temple Opp H
H COMMERCIAL PROPERTY The circulation customer service representative provides Routes Profi table table Routes FOR LEASE outstanding service to theProfi Telegram’s subscribers. The successful Now Available Now Available Great location. candidatespace. will haveGreat demonstrated customer service experience, BINGO Employm 2547745204 BINGO computer aptitude, and good written and oral BINGO communication auto liability in their name. attitude. Loading dock Trucks Feed &circulation SupP These PROFITABLE routes take776-7775 just a fewAC. hours each day: skills. They willinsurance have a• positive team-player The deliv 979-575-3939 Langhogs). Large acreage or We terms. ranchenterprisSale David Barr Properties and fice at (254) The circulation cust Employment plies 9086 small. 30 year fixed rate ( 254) 526-2277 or apply online at www. R These PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day: 800-876-9720 managers to assure excel • Large garage doorswww.davidbarrproper c Lfinancing. A r kBi-Weekly - to Profi table outstanding service the WANTED Donkeys, Only 5% Auc QuALITy BuILThorses, homes owner This is an hourly position with benefits. Send cover letter and to subscribers. The posit H TION is currently BINGO c L A r k Auc Call Gross tollwill freehave or dem your lot. Area Incom candidate sheep, orSanyplans other Lots/Land/ E M P Lgoats E OFloor D I Sto- Down. • Convenient off-street customer Bi-Weeklyon
The Trusted Name In Homebuilding!For Over Twenty Five Years!
Base price-subject to change without notice. Base Price closing not included. Financing-wac some conditions apply
bottom. Free Estimates! Reasonable prices. Highly recommended. 254-316-1108.
able Routes This is an hourly position with benefi ts. Send cover letter and rly position with commissions and benefits. Please resume. Available er and resume. eekly H H 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020
Temple and (254) 776-7775 o solicite surrounding G EN Tand L Eother Mitems. I x E D delivery rakes The circulation works with the district G E N Tassistant L E '1 MIxE D $1,200. (254) 899-2558 vans and oversee atclient’s Spanish Farm & '1 '1 hour. Please call our of- areas. Starting $8 per B en r eWant e d254-721-4915 C oTo w s Buy and Feed &ranch Sup Benr elínea e d C owww.janitoriws and hour. Please call our of fice at (254) 776-7775 Stocker Calves. Call excellent, activities. Pass back plies managers to assure on-time delivery of the newspaper Stocker Calves. Call E M P L E O S D I S ShIPPING cONTAINfice at (254) 776-7775 (254) 749-0909 (254)Un- (254) or apply online G E N T L E M Iatx www. ED WE Buy & Repair 749-0909 (254) ground Temple: (254) 778-4444 Want To Buy or apply check, online at drug www. PONIBLES. Ya $2,000 and up. Wind 749-5637 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, B rpapers e e d Con ow¡open s están a n d ErS 749-5637 to subscribers. The position includes delivering cLA r kSee Auc screen, driver’s license Motorcycles & Scooters. disponibles los empleos and water tight. phoKilleen: (254) 501-7530 Stocker Calves. Call Formal dining table, 8 E M P L E O S D I S Fertilizer Application, in WE Buy & Repair Un SeJOBS necesita ayudante de TION is currently We Pick-Up (903) 336AVAILABLE. Full B (254) 749-0909 (254) de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. L Ac k asAand N Gproducu S andchairs; and high school diploma glass kitchen table, PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están c Lduties Ar k asAuc routes, needed, other assigned. Late night, early growth jardinería. Salario de crease wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 9086 accepting consign and part-time jobs avail Grass fedApplication, fat bulls andin- 4 749-5637 Se necesita: tra- net Will deliver. (254) 722 chairs; coffee table, gas medio! aGood la experiencia Fertilizer TION is & currently disponibles los empleos tion for pasture and oracuerdo GED. starting Motorcycles Scooters. Se necesita ayudante de WANT able now! Needed: Janiments for TX. Farm & TO your LEASE LAND for dryer. heifers. Purebred genpreferiblemente que tenga bajadores dereliable limpieza en y4270, Burleson, 254-541-2206 Appliances accepting consign crease growth and producjardinería. Salario de crops. de tiempo completo morning and weekend hours. Candidates must have N-TEXX stimulates We Pick-Up (903) 336transporte! torial workers in Waco, tle, 11-18 months old, cattle grazing, will do imRa n ch E q u i p m e n t pay and merit increases. Waco, Temple y las áreas acuerdo a la experiencia ments for Farm & c L A r k Auc Looking Service soil, tion for your and medio! Se necesita: tra- FARM microorganisms that 9086 TempleforandLawn surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Agpasture Exemption L Ac k Wednesday, A NFord G u S‘96, through preferiblemente que tenga TRUCK, helper. on provements, R a n ch E q u i pclean m e n driving t Apply atSalary 2410 depends East Adcircundantes. partir deen B TION and isAlimpieza currently NIcE WAShErS, dry- driver’s transportation, valid license, record auto bajadores de crops. N-TEXX stimulates areas. per provide essential nutrients transporte! references available Starting experience. Needat $8own Grass fed 29th, fat bulls January for and auc Dt through Wednesday, 350 diesel, standard trans Appliances accepting consign $8 por hora. Por favor ers, refrigerators, and Looking for 254-931-6222 Lawn Service hour. Please call our of Waco, Temple y las áreas ams, Temple. EOE soil, microorganisms that for plants through their transportation. 254-865-3546 Feed & Sup tion on February 1st. heifers. Purebred January 29th, for auc g y/ ments for cover Farm &alde mission, helper. on flat bed, gen$3,500. cook stoves. Rebuilt llame a email nuestra oficina fice atSalary (254)depends 776-7775 liability insurance in their name. Apply in person or circundantes. A partir productive biological procprovide essential nutrients plies Yorkshire Terriers:1st. tion on February #12479. Needat www. tle, months old, with 90 day warranty. dt for experience. Ra ch hora. E q u iopPor m efavor n t Ask or apply online (254) 776-7775 solicite for11-18 Dennis254-848-2333 713-539-2544. NIcE WAShErS, dry- own esses. $8 npor 15-5-5 applied for through transportation. 254-931-6222 WOOD BUILDINGS #12479. 254-848-2333 !Delivery, ! plants AVAILABLE !their ! at $1,200. (254) 899-2558 service work, Registered Yorkie Pups. through Wednesday, g en línea en www.janitoriers, refrigerators, and letter and resume. llame a nuestra oficina al $23.00 per acre. Spanish productive biological procoffice, ware cNOW Lnon-working Aretail, r k Auc need ones. 10x16 $2000 Application, inHIRING! January 29th, for auc-de Fertilizer org d for SHORTY’S Se necesita ayudante E M P L E OLandscaping. S D I S - cook stoves. Chocolates, Parti, Rebuilt KB (254) 776-7775 o solicite & more for lease Contact Carlos Morris TION isTemps currently 2001 Dodge Pickup, new tiesses. 15-5-5 applied at Temple (254) 214-5284, (254) weedeating, edg- house crease growth and producjardinería. Salario tion on February Auctions BUS DRIVERS PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están GENTLE MIxED 12x24 $2700 with 90 day warranty. David Barr Properties 8 Mowing, 315 W. Ave M en línea en www.janitori accepting consignE Mrims, P Lyour Eruns O pasture Sgood, Dlots I Sof254-421-1276 for fertilizer ing, tree service, flower Tractors black, Golddust, boys work, & 799-6228 $23.00 per acre. acuerdo a 254-848-2333 la experiencia res, Want To Buy #12479. tion for disponibles los empleos ( 254) 526-2277 Delivery, service B r e e d C ow s a n dand org beds, NEEDED mulching, and more. ments for Farm & preferiblemente Call (512) 748-4003 PONIBLES. ¡ firm. Ya están que tenga new application and Morris sales. Contact Carlos parts, $1,500stimulates Also girls. 254-931-7143, de tiempo completo y www.davidbarrproper crops. N-TEXX 254-760-3031 need non-working ones. transporte! Stocker Calves. Call R a n ch E q u i p m e n t Motivated, Experienced c L A r k Auc disponibles los empleos ROGERS Miscellaneous cLA r k ISD Auc R JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 1957 for fertilizer medio! Se necesita: tra- 254-421-1276 WE Buy & Repair Schwinn Bicycle, Looking for Lawn Service soil, microorganisms that (254) 214-5284, (254) through Wednesday, (254) 749-0909 (254) Janitorial & Paper TION is currentlyy de tiempo completo TION is currently Competitive salary/ helper. Salary depends on and part-time jobs availbajadores de limpieza en application and sales. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 2-seater. Tractors 254-541-1420 799-6228 January 29th, for auc provide essential nutrients Tree Trimming, Mow Sales 749-5637 accepting consign medio! Se necesita: traexperience. Need own accepting consign Waco, Temple y las áreas tion benefits. Apply at able now! 254-931-6222 Needed: Jani- for ehab 1 Products cEMETEry Lot PINA Motorcycles & Scooters. R on February plantsfor through their transportation. ing, Edging, Cleaning, ments Farm &en bajadores de limpieza ments for Farm & Professionals – circundantes. A partir de Waco Memorial, Veter torial workers in Waco, -time #12479. 254-848-2333 We Pick-Up (903) 336 biological Leaves, c L Aand r ksurrounding Auc - productive R aMiscellaneous n ch E q u i p m e n t Waco, Temple RacLArk n ch E q uyiAucplas máreas eprocnt $8 por hora.Lawncare, Por favor Come join the $700. Perry(254) Of- ans Section. Rake Temple iver Contact Jason Beard for 9086 RETIRING: Selling Bass ehab through Wednesday, TION is currently esses. 15-5-5 at Private Fence, power washal fice circundantes. Aapplied partir de llame a nuestra oficina through Wednesday, 662-3082 Plus team! We seek TION is currently areas. Starting at $8 per Auctions questions at auc Appliances &work. Ranch S cli- Farm Livestock Automobiles Antique Farm Equipment: -time January 29th, for accepting consign (254) 776-7775 o solicite $23.00 acre. concrete Free a $8 porper hora. Por favor 21 January 29th, for auc1 (Hawk/Legend) cEMETEry Lotft.,at motivated Outside Boat Appliances accepting consign Tractors, plows, planters, hour. Please call our ofnger Auctions iver and tion on February 1st. ments for Farm & en línea enother www.janitori llame a nuestra oficina Contact Carlos Morris Estimates. 771-2191, tion on February 1st. Waco Veter- rakes and items. Employment Sales Pro for the Temple- 200 ments for Farm & al horse Memorial, Yamaha, $5,500 ficen ch at (254) ent’s #12479. 254-848-2333 Ra E q u i p776-7775 m e n t INSTANT 254-721-4915 cli- (254) 776-7775 om solicite ans Section. $700. (254) 254-421-1276 for fertilizer #12479. 254-848-2333 Antique Farm Equipment: CASH! Top Dollar Killeen area. If you have Ra n ch E q u i p e n t or apply online at www. ack- 718-9765 '1 '1 WANTED Donkeys, horses, M c L A r k Auc NIcE WAShErS, dry- en Also 1994 Chevrolet through Wednesday, Tractors, plows, planters, Full JOBS AVAILABLE. Full OBO. nger JOBS AVAILABLE. línea en www.janitori 662-3082 application andrunning sales. or for ANY vehicle salesis skills and through Wednesday, drug TION currently rakes and otherjobs items.avail- proven ers, refrigerators, and January 29th, for auc and part-time jobs avail sheep, goats or any other and part-time ent’s 1/2 ton Pickup, V8, auto able DRIVER-MONITOR 254-721-4915 with 29th, or without accepting consignJanuary for auc-title. computerproficient, Livestock cook Rebuilt tion onstoves. February 1st. able now! Needed: not, now! Needed: Jani- are Formal dining table,Jani8 ackreal Estate For dense insidetorial sales representative will be customerfarm animals. 254-865-3546 Employment matic, $2,500 OBO. ments for Farm & NEEDED tion onTrucks February 1st. loma 254-624-1729 Want To Buy we have a competitive chairs; glass kitchen table, torial workers in Waco, workers in Waco, #12479. 254-848-2333 with 90 day warranty. drug Sale 4R chairs; coffee a n ch E q usurrounding m e n gas t 254-721-9186 Cen-Tex Alcoholic Rehab rting WANT #12479. 254-848-2333 Temple and compensation &i ptable, benefits Temple and surrounding G E N T L E M I x E D TO LEASE LAND for Delivery, service work, l-oriented with excellent math, grammar, spelling, BATHTUB REFINISHING dryer. 254-541-2206 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ense cattle through Wednesday, WE Buy Formal dining table, 8 Center areas. Starting at $8 per areas. Starting at do $8 imper package. ases. B r e e dseeking C o w sFull-time and cLA r&kRepair AucUnin home.grazing, Repairswill on porce non-working QuALITy BuILTones. homes and part-time jobsCall avail- need January 29th, for our auc Broken loma chairs; glass kitchen table, provements, Ag Exemption hour. Please call of- and hour. Please call our 30of wanted/ ATV’s, mputer skills. They will have a professional and fiberglass. Over Stocker Calves. Ad- lain Part-time Driver Send your resume: TION is currently Livestock (254) 214-5284, (254) 4 tion chairs; coffee 776-7775 table, gas references available on February 1st. able now! Needed: Janion your lot. Floor plans to rting years in business. Call Dale fice at (254) fice at (254) 776-7775 (254) 749-0909 (254) Motorcycles & Scooters. WANT TO LEASE LAND for dryer. attitude Monitors. Transport cli254-865-3546 254-541-2206 accepting Tractors 799-6228 #12479. 254-848-2333 Antique Farm Equipment: 721-3658. torial workers in Waco, fit any budget. No money We itive and pleasant personality comes or applythat online at www. cattle grazing, willatdowww. imor apply online ases. 749-5637 Pick-Up Tractors, plows, planters, ents in 7 orand 15 passenger ments for (903) Farm336& Ag Exemption Temple surrounding down. 100% financing. G E N T L E M I x E D WOOD BUILDINGS Ad- provements, 9086 rakes and other items. references available Looking RacLArk n ch E q u iAucpment and oversee at client’s for a full time / vans phone and in person. Previous sales experience is Fertilizer areas. Starting $8 per B r e e d C ow s a n d Credit repair program. 254-721-4915 Miscellaneous 10x16 $2000 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full in- part B L A c k Pass A N GbackuS 254-865-3546 real Application, Estate For through Wednesday, time wrecker driver, Trucks hour. Please call our Appliances Stocker Calves. Call (254) 857-4663. de and part-time jobs avail- activities. 12x24 $2700 TION is currently Grass fed fat bulls and of- Sale '1 '1 '1 January 29th, for auc ground check, drug TDLR license. Experi fice at (254) 776-7775 (254) 749-0909 (254) WOOD BUILDINGS able now! Needed: Janicrease growth and producde heifers. Purebred genCall (512) 748-4003 consignINVESTE ! ! 1huNTING/ cEMETEry Lot at accepting tion on February 1st. or apply online at www. screen, driver’s license ence preferred but will c L A r k Auc 749-5637 torial workers in Waco, 10x16 $2000 tle, 11-18 months old, rly position with commissions and benefi ts. Please NIcE WAShErS, dryFormal diningFarm table, QuALITy BuILT homes ments for & 8 encia MENT/ RECREATION areWaco Memorial, Veter #12479. 254-848-2333 r tiononfor your andto train TION is$2700 currently Temple and surrounding high school diploma the right person. and chairs; glass kitchen table, $1,200. (254) 899-2558 12x24 your lot. pasture Floor plans ers, refrigerators, Ra n ch E q u i p m e nand t gas AL PROPERTY. We have enga ans Section. $700. (254) lease 4 chairs; coffee table, No money Must accepting er and resume. areas. Starting at $8 per or GED. Good starting have clean driving fit any budget. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Call (512) 748-4003 B L Ac NLAND GinuTexas Sfor dryer. cook stoves. Rebuilt WANT TOofk LEASE k financing. through Wednesday, some theAbest 254-541-2206 crops. N-TEXX 662-3082 ments for Farm & hour. Please call our of erties down. 100%stimulates Feed & Supcattle grazing, will do imand part-time jobs avail- and merit increases. record. Apply at 9473 W. pay Grass fedHill fat Country bulls and(Ed- January with 9029th, day for warranty. aucfrom the RETIRING: Bass R a n ch E qSelling u i p776-7775 me nt fice at (254) Ag Exemption Credit repair program. plies Motorcycles able now! Needed: Jani- provements, 7rvice soil, at 2410 East Ad93, Belton or atfaxwww. re- Apply heifers. genDelivery, service work, microorganisms that FM wards, Purebred Menard, Coke, tion on February 1st. Dogs through Wednesday, references available or apply online Boat (Hawk/Legend) 21 ft., (254) 857-4663. Employment torial workers for $5,500 tle, months need non-working ones. Temple. EOEin Waco, 254-865-3546 sume to 254-933-8770 roper on huNTING/ January 29th, auc- ams, Val 11-18 Verde County,old, free #12479. 254-848-2333 200 horse Yamaha, Temple WE Buy & Repair Unc L Aand r '1 k surrounding Auc provide essential INVESTnutrients OBO. $1,200. (254) 899-2558 (254) 214-5284, (254) tion on February 1st. '1 ranging exotics), to South own Also 1994 Chevrolet RETIRING: Selling Bass E M P L E O S D I S MENT/ RECREATIONYorkshire Terriers: WOOD BUILDINGS areas. Starting at $8 per JOBS AVAILABLE. Full TION is currently wanted/ – NEED es Full TimeDRIVER 799-6228Broken ATV’s, #12479. 254-848-2333 Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live PONIBLES. ¡V8, Ya 21 están 1/2 ton Pickup, auto TRUCK Boat (Hawk/Legend) ft., accepting AL PROPERTY. We have for plants through their Registered Yorkie Pups. hour. Pleaseconsigncall our of- and 10x16 $2000 part-time jobs avail- Motorcycles & Scooters. with Feed &&Supply Feed Sup endbe experience. disponibles los empleos Oak County, whitetail, tative will customer $2700 matic, $2,500 OBO. some ofdump the best in Texas 200 horse Yamaha, $5,500 Chocolates, Parti, KB & Livestock ments Farm fice at for (254) 776-7775 on customer service representative provides able now!Large Needed: Jani-or We 12x24 Pick-Up (903) 336 Must be dependable and plies Miscellaneous de tiempo completo y R hogs). acreage '1 '1 productive biological proc from the Hill Country (Ed254-721-9186 a n ch E q u i p m e n t black, Golddust, boys & OBO. Also 1994 Chevrolet math, grammar, spelling, or apply online at www. torial workers in Waco, 9086 good references. Call (512) 748-4003 Motorcycles es Full Time ice –tohave medio! Se necesita: tra- small. 30 year fixed rate wards, Menard, Coke, through Wednesday, the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful 254-301-5255 girls. 254-931-7143, 1/2 ton Pickup, V8, will professional and bajadores de limpieza en FARM MIxED TRUCK, Fordauc-‘96, Temple have esses. 15-5-5 applied free at Val a Verde County, c Lfinancing. A r surrounding k Auc - GENTLE owner Only 5% January 29th, for 1 cEMETEry Lot at will be customer matic, $2,500 WE Buy & Repair Un- tative EM P LFebruary E O S 1st. D I S - Waco, Temple y lasOBO. áreas areas. Starting at $8 peror B Boats r e e d Memorial, C ow s aVeternd have demonstrated customer service experience, nt personality that comes ranging exotics), to South tion on TION is currently Down. Call toll free Waco 350 diesel, standard trans Experienced driver look- wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 254-721-9186 circundantes. A partir de math, grammar, spelling, PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están $23.00 per acre. hour. Please call our of ingsales Calves. Texas (Kinney, Duval, #12479. 254-848-2333 accepting consign email for individual prices Stocker ans Section. $700.Call (254) evious experience is Liveoral Motorcycles & Scooters. for an owner operator $8 por hora. Por favor mission, flat bed, $3,500. de, and good written and communication disponibles los empleos fice (254) 776-7775 Oaka County, whitetail, (254) 749-0909 (254) will professional ments forranchenterprisFarm & RETIRING: have and at terms. Selling Bass 662-3082 Pick-Up (903) 336-al CarlosLet’s Morris llame a nuestra oficina team drive. talk!or We '1 '1 de completo y hogs). Large acreage lean- to Contact or apply Ask for tiempo Dennis '1 713-539-2544. 749-5637 Ra n ch online E 800-876-9720 q u i at p mwww. e n t Boat 9086 (Hawk/Legend) 21 ft., have aand positive team-player attitude. nt that comes (254) 776-7775 o solicite pssions topersonality Call (765) 623-4185 medio! Se necesita: tra small. 30 year fixed rate benefi ts.forPlease Auctions through Wednesday, 200Employment fertilizer en línea en www.janitori- ates! 254-421-1276 horse Yamaha, $5,500 owner financing. Only bajadores de limpieza evious sales experience ists.5% WANTED Donkeys, horses, en Lots/Land/ urly with benefi Send cover letter and January 29th, for aucghly position JOBS AVAILABLE. Full OBO. B L Ac k 1994 A NChevrolet GuS Also Down. Call toll free or Waco, Temple y las áreas sheep, goats or anyAuc other 2001 Dodge Pickup, new ti Classifi ed Inside Sales – Full Time Acreage tion on February 1st. application and sales. '1 '1 '1 c L A r k part-time jobs avail- 1/2 254-865-3546 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Grass fat bulls JOBS AVAILABLE. Full circundantes. email for& individual prices tonfed Pickup, V8,and auto A partir de and farm animals. Farm ranch #12479. 254-848-2333 TION is currently res, rims, runs good, lots of able now! Needed: Jani- matic, and part-time jobs ssions and Please andbenefi terms.ts. ranchenterprisand part-time jobsgenavailThe classifi edavailinsideaccepting sales representative be customerpresentative – heifers. Purebred $2,500 OBO. $8 por hora. Por favor will WEST TExAS Trans able now! Needed: Jani- new 800-876-9720 I S - HShIPPING torial workers in Waco, tle, able11-18 now!months Needed:old, Jani U S E K E E PcONTAINE R / F R O N T parts, $1,500 firm. Also llame a nuestra oficina focused and goal-oriented with excellent math, spelling, ments for Farm & al grammar, Pecos area, near Lake 254-721-9186 Yorkshire Terriers: torial workers in Waco, Yorkie needed and for up. Motel. Hoeestán torial workers in Waco, Temple and60surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 ErS $2,000 Wind (254) 776-7775 oBicycle, solicite Lots/Land/ ES DESK R a n ch E q u i p m e n t 1957 Schwinn Registered Pups. Amistad. 450 acres. tel Experience Preferred. typing and computer en skills. They will have aAuctions professional Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 easy per Temple and surrounding pleos and water tight. See pho línea en www.janitoriChocolates, Parti, KB through Wednesday, representative provides Apply at Acreage 1610 W –Nugent Electricity, water, presentative areas. Starting at $8& per attitude 2-seater. 254-541-1420 ll y Ave, black, Golddust, boys areas. Starting at $8 per eto tos www.steelcontainers. appearance, positive and pleasant personality that comes hour. Please call our of-ja- Temple. January 29th, for auc Feed & Sup hour. Please call our ofaccess, whitetail, dove, ubscribers. The successful girls. 254-931-7143, Will deliver. (254) 722tra- net hour. Please call our of cexperience L(254) A r k 776-7775 Auc WEST TExAS Trans at tion onperson. February 1st.Full fice Yorkshire Terriers: JOBS AVAILABLE. through on the phone and in Previous sales is fice at (254) 776-7775 plies ea:22 velina, thick cover, views, za en 4270, Burleson, omer service experience, fice at (254) 776-7775 Pecos area, TX. near Lake orRegistered TION is currently Trucks Trucks #12479. 254-848-2333 Yorkieat Pups. apply online at at www. and part-time jobs avail- or apply www. on delivery assistant works with theonline district SONIC canyons. Starting $650/ or apply online out preferred. áreas '1 Chocolates, Parti, KB Amistad. 60 -N450 acres. at www. accepting consignrepresentative provides and oral communication able now! Needed: JaniB L A c k A G u S tir AC. 979-575-3939 black, Golddust, boys & de Electricity, water, easy of cLArk Auc ments for Farm Lang& This is an hourly position with commissions and benefi ts. Please ure excellent, on-time delivery the newspaper NOW HIRING Grass fed fat bulls and torial workers in Waco, ubscribers. The successful girls. 254-931-7143, ayer ERa MnPchL E EOqSu i p mDeInSt favor attitude. access, whitetail, dove, ja- Front-End real Estate For Temple TION is currentlyFull $ Trucks JOBS AVAILABLE. heifers. Purebred gen and surrounding send a Donkeys, cover letter resume. na Allincludes Positions. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están accepting WANTED horses, and velina, thick cover, views, rEplacEmEnts omer service experience, Sale fi ts.alSend cover letter and The position delivering papers on open through Wednesday, nt: consign starting at Installed tle, 11-18 months old, and part-time jobs availareas. Starting at $8 per sheep, goats or any other licite canyons. Starting at $650/ disponibles los for empleos Day or night shift. Over January 29th, auc- ments forNeeded: Farm Jani& and communication $1,200. (254) 899-2558 farm animals. 254-865-3546 c LPlease ATurn r k Top Auc able now! s,andoral hour. call our- of- de nitori INSTANT CASH! Dollar QuALITy BuILT homes AC. 979-575-3939 Lang d, other duties as assigned. Late night, early tiempo completo y Apply in person Gooseneck ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! Customer Service Representative – tion on February 1st. Ra n chworkers E q u i pin m Waco, ent TION is currently torial at Ball (254) 776-7775 medio! ayer attitude. on your lot. Floor plans to forfice Hitch Se necesita: tra814 East Central, Belton. ANY vehicle running or #12479. 254-848-2333 through office, ware accepting consignWednesday, G Ehours. N T L Eretail, E D must Temple and surrounding Installed Starting at or apply online at www. weekend Candidates have reliable fit any budget. Nohorses, money –M I xand WANTED Donkeys, Yorkshire Terriers: Full Time fi ts. Send bajadores de limpieza en January yAssistant ments Farm title. & Bhouse r ecover e d &Cletter o w s for a nlease d 29th, for aucnot, withTRUCK, orfor without areas. Starting at Pups. $8 per down. 100% financing. $600 more sheep, goats or any other Registered Yorkie FARM Ford ‘96, Waco, Temple y las áreas R a n ch Eservice q u i p m e nrepresentative t driver’s license, clean record and auto farm animals. 254-865-3546 Stocker Calves. Calldriving Chocolates, Parti, KB ofCredit repair program.customer tion onPlease February 1st. hour. call our eralid The circulation provides 350 diesel, standard trans254-624-1729 David Barr Properties UnGrill Guards through Wednesday, real Estate For circundantes. A partir de #12479. Golddust, boys & (254) 749-0909 (254) Trucks (254) 857-4663. ficeblack, at (254) 776-7775 254-848-2333 Installed Starting at mission, flat bed, $3,500. TV’s, outstanding service to the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful girls. 254-931-7143, ce in their name. Apply in person or email cover works with the district January 29th, for auc( 254) –526-2277 Sale $8 por hora. Por favor 749-5637 or apply online at www. huNTING/ INVEST- Ask for Dennis Assistant oters. $713-539-2544. tion on February 1st. service 550 SK Truck Bed llamecaLnuestra candidate will have demonstrated customer experience, delivery of the newspaper www.davidbarrproper MENT/ RECREATIONe.336- Formal A r k oficina Auc -al #12479. 254-848-2333 QuALITy BuILT homes $3,950 dining table, - 8 Short (254) 776-7775 o solicite E M P L E O S D I S cLA r on k open Auc Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes .............. AL PROPERTY. We haveand elivering papers e computer aptitude, good written andti-tooral communication TION is currently 2001 Dodge Pickup, Auctions on your lot. Floor new plans TION iskitchen currently Long Single Boxes ................. $4,150 en línea en www.janitorisomeBed of the best Wheel in Texasw/4 chairs; glass table, accepting consignres, rims, runs good, lots of PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están ssigned. Late night, early skills. They will have a positive team-player attitude. fit any budget. No money $ works with the district s accepting consignDually w/4Hill Boxes ................................................... 4,400 from the Country (Ed ments for Farm & new............................ parts, 100% $1,500 $firm. Also 4 ments chairs; coffee table, &gas 60" disponibles los empleos Motorcycles down. financing. WANTED Donkeys, horses, for Farm Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes 4,450 ates have reliable wards, Menard, Coke, This is an hourly position with benefi ts. Send letter cLArk Aucdelivery of the newspaper Racover n ch E q u i pand m e nFull t 1957CreditSchwinn Bicycle, D for must JOBS AVAILABLE. desheep, tiempo goats completo or any other y repair$4,875 program. dryer. 254-541-2206 R a n ch E q u i p m e n t 84" Cab Axle C&C w/4free Boxes ............................ Val Verde County, FARM TRUCK, Ford ‘96, dry TION is currently an driving record and auto 2-seater. 254-541-1420 Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation through Wednesday, WE Buy & Repair Unfarm animals. 254-865-3546 resume. and part-time jobs availmedio! Se necesita: traelivering papers on open 350 diesel, standard transim- through Wednesday, ranging exotics), to South (254) 857-4663. and wanted/ Broken ATV’s, able January for aucmission, flat bed, bajadores deconsignlimpieza en now!29th, Needed: Jani- accepting in person or email cover Human Resources January 29th, for aucTexas (Kinney, Duval,$3,500. Live ssigned. Late night, early built kEmpnEr EquipmEnt ption huNTING/ INVEST Ask for Dennis 713-539-2544. for Farm & Motorcycles & Scooters. torial tion on February 1st. ments Waco, Temple y las áreas tion on February 1st. workers Oak County, whitetail, independent contract Circulation Delivery Assistant – in Waco, nty. MENT/ RECREATION800-932-2461 • or2403 E. Hwy. We Pick-Up (903)190 336lable ates must Ra n ch E q u iAp m e n t de #12479.and 254-848-2333 10have S.254-848-2333 3rdreliable St. #12479. circundantes. partir hogs). Large acreage Temple surrounding 2001 new tiork, 8.7 Dodge Miles WestPickup, of "Old Location" or .59086 miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart AL PROPERTY. We have id driving license FARM Fordlotsrate ‘96, Wednesday, res, rims,TRUCK, of small. 30runs yeargood, fixed $8 por hora. Por favor an record andand auto Starting at $8 per through Part Time nes. www.kEmpnErEquip .com driver’s some of the best in Texas areas. 350 diesel, standard Temple, Texas 76501 new parts, $1,500 firm.transAlso January 29th, foroficina auc- al ! ! or AVAILABLE owner financing. 5% llame a nuestra 254) hour. Please call our ofmission, flat bed,Only $3,500. INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar 1957 Schwinn Bicycle, from the Hill Country (Edin person email cover! ! circulation assistant works fice with the district Down. Call toll free ordelivery tion February 1st. Ask forThe Dennis 713-539-2544. Motorcycles Tractors (254)on776-7775 o solicite office, retail, ware2-seater. 254-541-1420 at (254) 776-7775 for ANY vehicle running or wards, Menard, Coke, WOOD BUILDINGS email for individual prices
me / ver, eri will son. S ving SW. D3 y/re-
Income (est.)
applicationsRepresentative for independent contract er00ptingService – ble transportation, valid driver’ s license and Full Time 00 . Employment H provides on customer service representative eks. ticea few each day: to thehours Telegram’s subscribers. The successful at have customer service experience, mple DailyBi-Weekly Telegram demonstrated
CirculationHDelivery Assistant –
Part Time
bajadores de limpieza en January 29th, for Waco, Temple y las áreas tion on February 1st. WANTED Donkeys, horses, GENTLE MIxED circundantes. A partir de #12479. Want To Buy Breed Cows and 254-848-2333 sheep, goats or any other $8 por hora. Por favor January 22, 2020 • Page 5 farm animals. 254-865-3546 llame a nuestra oficina al WE Buy & Repair Un- Stocker Calves. Call (254) 776-7775 o solicite wanted/ Broken ATV’s, (254) 749-0909 (254) Auctions 749-5637 en línea en www.janitori- Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336 cLArk Auc9086cLArk AucJOBS AVAILABLE. Full TION is currently TION is currently and part-time jobs availAppliances accepting consignaccepting consignable now! Needed: Janiments for Farm & ments for Farm & torial workers in Waco, Farm & ranch Ranch Equipment Ranch Equipment NIcE WAShErS, dryTemple and surrounding ShIPPING cONTAINthrough Wednesday, ers, refrigerators, and through Wednesday, areas. Starting at $8 per ErS $2,000 and up. Wind January 29th, for aucJanuary 29th, for auc cook stoves. Rebuilt hour. Please call our ofand water tight. See pho tion on February 1st. tosfice www.steelcontainers. at (254) 776-7775 with 90 day warranty. tion on February 1st. net Will deliver. (254)at722Delivery,254-848-2333 service work, #12479. 254-848-2333 or apply online www. #12479. 4270, Burleson, TX. need non-working ones. B L Ac k A N G u S (254)Trucks 214-5284, (254) Trucks Tractors Grass fed fat bulls and real Estate For 799-6228 Tractors Trucks heifers. Purebred gen
The circulation delivery assistant works with the district managers to assure excellent, on-time delivery of the newspaper Hpapers on open Hto subscribers. The position includes delivering Human Resources de, and good written and oral communication routes, as needed, and H other duties as assigned.H Late night, early 10 S. 3rd St. Temple Transportation Opportunities Transportation Gross Income (est.) have a positive team-player attitude. morning weekend hours. Candidates must have reliable tle, Sale Temple, Texasand76501 11-18 months old, $1,200. (254) FARM TRUCK,899-2558 Ford ‘96, urly withSales benefits. –Send letter and Miscellaneous cLArk Aucedposition Inside Full transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto HcoverTime $475.00 BuILT homes 350QuALITy diesel, standard trans- HTION is currently on lot. M Floor G E Nyour TLE I xplans E D to mission, flat accepting consignliability insurance in their name. Apply in person or email cover B fit r e any e d C owbed, s Noa money n$3,500. d 1 cEMETEry Lot at budget. $575.00 Stocker Calves. Call Ask for Dennis 713-539-2544. ments for FarmVeter& Waco Memorial, down. 100% financing. (254) 749-0909 (254) letter and resume. Ranch Equipment Credit repair program. ans Section. $700. (254) H 749-5637 ation Delivery Assistant – 662-3082Wednesday, 2001(254) Dodge Pickup, new ti- through 857-4663. c L Aruns r k good, Auc - of January 29th, for aucres, rims, lots Paid every two weeks. huNTING/ INVEST- t H TION is currently on February 1st. Part Time Employment new parts, $1,500 firm. Also tion MENT/ RECREATIONaccepting consignH #12479. 254-848-2333
Garage Sales Department at with t delivery onculation assistant works the district H Telegram Human Resources -778-4444 ure excellent, on-time delivery of the newspaper ities er – 10 S. 3rd St. at 10Service South Th irdRepresentative St.,delivering Temple The position includes papers on open Telegram duties Time as assigned. Late night, early H Full d, and other ities Employment Temple, Texas 76501 weekend hours. Candidates must have reliable alid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto H Temple Daily Telegram ce in their name. Apply in person or email cover Opportunities e. General Goods H ation Delivery Assistant – PartResources Time Human
10 S. 3rd St. Temple, Texas 76501 H
cLArk AucH TION is currently accepting consign-
ments for Farm & Ranch Equipment through Wednesday, January 29th, for auction on February 1st. #12479. 254-848-2333 ments for Farm &have 1957 Schwinn Bicycle, AL PROPERTY. We Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t JOBS AVAILABLE. Full some254-541-1420 of the best in Texas 2-seater. through Wednesday, and part-time jobs availfrom the29th, Hill Country January for auc-(EdLivestock Motorcycles now! Needed: Janiwards, Menard,1st. Coke, able tion on February #12479. 254-848-2333 torial workers in Waco, Val Verde County, free Buyand & Repair Un- GENTLE MIxED Temple surrounding ranging exotics), to South WE wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live areas. Starting at $8 per Breed Cows and Tractors Motorcycles & Scooters. hour. Please call our of- Stocker Calves. Call Oak County, whitetail, INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar We Pick-Up (903) 336- (254) 749-0909 (254) fice at (254) 776-7775 hogs). Large acreage or c L A r k Auc for ANY vehicle running or 9086 TION currently 30isyear fixed rate or apply online at www. 749-5637 not,small. withfinancing. or consignwithout title. accepting owner ments for FarmOnly & 5% 254-624-1729 Down. Call toll free Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t or JOBS AVAILABLE. Full BLAck ANGuS through email forWednesday, individual prices and part-time jobs avail- Grass fed fat bulls and January 29th,ranchenterprisfor aucand terms. able now! Needed: Jani- heifers. st Purebred gention on February 1st. 800-876-9720 torial workers in Waco, tle, 11-18 months old, #12479. 254-848-2333 '1 '1 Temple and surrounding $1,200. (254) • • Bidding Begins at 9:30AM • •899-2558 Lots/Land/ areas. Starting at $8 per Acreage Livestock hour. Please call our of- Feed & Supfice at (254) 776-7775 6.4 miles from the Lake Waco Bridge, on the right. plies G WEST E NTake T L EHwy. M6I xNorth, ED TExAS Trans or apply online at www. B rPecos e eAccepTINg d C ow s a n d area, nearcoNsIgNMeNTs Lake uNTIL WedNesdAy, JANuAry 29 Stocker Calves. Call Amistad. 60 - trucks, 450 acres.trailers, cLArk Auc(254) 749-0909 (254) Tractors, planters, E M PUTVs, L '1 E O skid S Dsteers, I S - plows, '1 Electricity, water, easybalers, 749-5637 TION straight is currently shredders, rakes, seeders, sprayers, augers, ¡ Ya están acceptinggrapples, access, whitetail, ja- PONIBLES. consignblades, cattledove, feeders, welders, generators, mowers, disponibles los empleos and BL Ac k A N G u S velina, thickindustrial cover, views, ments for Farm & tools, fuel tanks, campers MORE! Grass fed fat bulls and tiempo completo canyons. StartingFull at $650/ BackPurebred Room of NEWdeTools, Hydraulic Oilsy &Ranch WeldingEquipment Supplies! heifers. genmedio! Se necesita: tra- & heated 979-575-3939 Langtle,AC. 11-18 months old, Wednesday, Auction will take place inside our air conditionedthrough facility. en screens. $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Items will bebajadores sold livede vialimpieza our media January 29th, for aucWaco, Temple y las áreas tion on February 1st. Feed & Supcircundantes. A partir de #12479. 254-848-2333 Forplies more information, visit: $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al c L A r k Auc (254) 776-7775 o solicite TION is currently Auctions accepting consignen línea en www.janitoriments for Farm & payments of Cash, Debit/Credit, Ra n ch E q u i p m e n t & Local Check. 5%cLArk BP per item forAucONSITE clark auction company, LLc through Wednesday, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 10% BP for Proxibid Bidders. bidders, TION is currently January 29th, for aucreserves the right to withhold items and part-time jobs CAC availtion on February 1st. accepting until checks have cleared. consignVehicles/ now! Needed: JaniRobert254-848-2333 W. Clark #12497 able (254) 848-2333 #12479. Trailersments are subject for to TT&LFarm fees. & torial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding Ranch Equipment through Wednesday, Auctions
Farm/ranch Hheavy equipment auction Saturday, February 1 , 2020 8896 n. hwy. 6, crawford, tX 76638
Page 6 • January 22, 2020
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530
WOR K . F R E E E stim ates. D r iveways, P atios, !! F encing, E tc. 350-9192 are- Temple: (254) 778-4444 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 1 January 22, 2020 • Page 7 lease Killeen: (254) 501-7530 erties Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 1 7 Sunday, January 26, 2020 1 roper Dollar Saver Sunday, January 19, 2020 1 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 1 Dolla REACH LOCAL The Lawn Dude! Complete Lawn Service and Maintenance HEALTHCARE ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent Building/ Yardwork/ Brick/ Building/ P roperties, and ADS ADS ADS ADS Tree Service Tree Service Handyman JOB SEEKERS! Miscellaneous Remodeling Landscaping Business P roperties. Remodeling Concrete David Barr P roperties ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! ( 254) 526-2277 Land, Investm ent www.davidbarrproper P roperties, and ties.c om Business P roperties. 10% Dollar OFF Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 1 David Barr P roperties 254) 526-2277 Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 1 ask( about additional Leaf Clean-up www.davidbarrproper ties.c om with this coupon! advertising options! ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! 254-634-DUDE (3833) Land, Investm ent P roperties, and !! Business P roperties. L David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 Bu CODE 010320 www.davidbarrproper Dav ties.c om ww Sunday, January 26, 2020 WITH US TODAY WE’RE A CUT ABOVE THE REST ADVERTISE Yardwork/ Call: 501.7500 Windows 010220 Landscaping Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 1 CODE Foundation !! Roofing nt ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Repair es. Land, Investm ent ! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! ties P roperties, and Land, Investm ent Business P roperties. REACH LOCAL P roperties, and per David Barr P roperties Business P roperties. AL L CON CR E T E ( 254) 526-2277 David Barr P roperties WOR K . www.davidbarrproper HEALTHCARE ( 254) 526-2277 ties.c om F R E E E stim ates. www.davidbarrproper D r iveways, P atios, ties.c om JOB SEEKERS! F encing, E tc. 350-9192 e! The Lawn Dude! ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! ce Land, Investm ent Complete Lawn Service and Maintenance ! ! ! Co m m e P roperties, and L a nd , I nv e Business P roperties. P r o p e r tie B usine s s P r David Barr P roperties D a v id B a r r P ( 254) 526-2277 ( 254) 52 ask about additional www.davidbarrproper w w w .d a v idb ties.c om tie s.c advertising options! AL L CON CR E T E 10% OFF Septic Systems WOR K . Leaf Clean-up F R E E E stim ates. D r iveways, P atios, with this coupon! F encing, E tc. 350-9192 CODE 010320 3)
Tree Service Brick/ Concrete ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, ADVERTISE WITHand US TODAY Business P roperties. David Barr P501.7500 roperties Call: ( 254) 526-2277 CODE 010220 www.davidbarrproper ties.c om AL L CON CR E T E WOR K. F R E E E stim ates. D r iveways, P atios,
254-634-DUDE (3833)
Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !
( 254) 526-2277
www.davidbarrproper ties.c om
! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ties.c om
! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ties.c om
CODE 010220
Page 8 • January 22, 2020
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530
Electrical Services ............................79 Food Products................................184 s................................184 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Training area. Quail for Salesperson Wanted........................134 Insulation ..........................................80 sale. Musical Goods................................186 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 s................................186 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 512-856-2200 Flooring ............................................81 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Financial Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 ds ..............................187 Sport Utility ....................................297 Boats, Motors ................................188 Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 Building Materials ..........................190 CALL DOLLAR SAVER $100 REWARD s ................................188 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 for return of Charley, black & white rials ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 tuxedo cat. All shots and
(254) 778-4444
SHORTY’S Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, tree service, flower beds, mulching, and more. 254-760-3031
PINA Tree Trimming, Mowing, Edging, Cleaning, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, 10 ACRES on Hwy 438 NorthPrivate Fence, power wash NS east concrete of Temple, 1.5 miles and work. Free outside of Loop. All in berEstimates. muda grass. 771-2191, Restricted. 718-9765 Owner/agent 325-668-6465 M
/ RN 4) 771-3516 11pm BATHTUB REFINISHING
in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.
Merchandise Cont’d.
es, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 mputers, Software......................192 iness Equipment ......................193 r tions, All Types ........................194 k ques, Collectibles ....................195 chinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196
Pets & Livestock
neutered. South M. Call 254-295-0709.
Rentals NOW HIRING! Temple Temps 315 W. Ave M
Competitive salary/ benefits. Apply at Contact Jason Beard for questions at
• 1,250 square feet of office space and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ production area • Loading dock DRIVER-MONITOR NEEDED • Large garage doors Cen-Tex Alcoholic Rehab Center seeking Full-time • Convenient off-street customer and Part-time Driverparking Monitors. Transport clients in 7 or 15 passenger No Deposit. • High visibility location in downtown Looking for a full time / vans and oversee client’s Ranch House Inn partTemple time wrecker driver, activities. Pass backwith access from Central 773-0114 TDLR license. Experi- ground check, drug Avenue and ence preferred but7th willStreet screen, driver’s license train the right person. Must have clean driving record. Apply at 9473 W. TOWNHOMES AT reFM 93, Belton or fax sumeRIVER to 254-933-8770 FAIR
s ................................................230 NEED TRUCK DRIVER with end dump experience. ltry ............................................231 Must be dependable and estock ........................................232 catch the references. eye of those haveYou can good
and high school diploma or GED. Good starting pay and merit increases. Apply at 2410 East Adams, Temple. EOE
Great space. Great location. 2547745204 BELTON
•3bed/2.5bath/2gar RENT- $2,000 Diana White 713.859.2952 Chappell Hill Reality Group
HANDYMAN looking for work!! I also do electrical work please call 254-780-8461
EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Se necesita ayudante de Furnished. Ramona jardinería. Salario de acuerdo la near experiencia 10 ACRES aon Hwy 438 NorthCourtyard, VA. LEASE tion FOR for your pasture and east of Temple, 1.5 miles preferiblemente que tenga From 254-778-1374. outside $495. of Loop. All in berRecently refurbished 3,500 crops. N-TEXX stimulates transporte! NEED TRUCK DRIVER muda grass. Restricted. sq.ft. office and warehouse Looking for Lawn Service Eat Free Nearby. soil, microorganisms that with end dump experience. Owner/agent 325-668-6465 helper. Salary depends on Must space. onnutrients corner beLocated dependable and provide essential experience. Need own have lot in downtown Temple. good references. for plants through their transportation. 254-931-6222 Off-street parking. 254-301-5255 FURNISHED EFFICIENproductive biological procCall CIES. Flat 254-774-5204 Screen TVs, Full SALADO- 3BR, 2BA, 2500 Kitchen. esses. Free: 15-5-5 applied Cable, Inter-at Experienced driver looksq.ft., fenced back yard, net. Billsper Paid. No Lease/ $23.00 acre. $900 rent, yard paid, $900 ing for an owner operator NoContact Deposit.Carlos Morris deposit. 254-947-9205 Ranch House Inn talk! team drive. Let’s 254-421-1276 for fertilizer EVA’S Residential Clean- to 773-0114 ing Service- From top to Call (765) 623-4185 application and sales.
bottom. Free Estimates! Reasonable prices. Highly Hunt with 254-316-1108. your dog or recommended. guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 miles northeast of Austin. Training area. Quail for sale. 512-856-2200 Antique Farm SERVICES Equipment: HANDYMAN Tractors, plows, You can catch the planters, eye of those available. call rakes and Please other items. prospective buyers by advertising Timo at254-721-4915 239-810-8522
TOWNHOMES AT RIVER FAIR HOUSEKEEPER/FRONT BELTON DESK needed for Motel. Hotel •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Experience Preferred. Apply RENTat 1610 W Nugent $2,000 Ave, Temple. Diana White
CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444
in the Classifieds with a display ad.
Make your ad stand out Call afrom Classified theRepresentative rest! Today for allFOR the details ASK WANT TO LEASE BOLDINGLAND for cattle grazing, will do imCall Classified provements, Ag Exemption references778-4444 available
(254) 778-4444
$100 REWARD for return 713.859.2952 of Charley, black & white Chappell tuxedo cat. Hill All Reality shots and neutered. Group South 47th/Ave M. Call 254-295-0709. Formal dining table, 8 Make your ad kitchen stand out chairs; glass table, 4 chairs; table, gas from coffee the rest! AllASK Positions. dryer. 254-541-2206 FOR DayBOLDING or night shift. Call Classified Apply in person 814 East778-4444 Central, Belton.
Employment Employment
Call (512) 748-4003
• 1,250 square feet of office space and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Experienced driver looko Repairs ..................................290 in theforClassifieds with a operator display ad. anEtc. owner Selling o Parts, ing Insurance, ............291 production area RETIRING: Bass team drive. Let’s talk! leanavy Dutyto Trucks ........................292 Boat (Hawk/Legend) 21 ft., p to Call (765) 623-4185 • Loading dock Call a Classified Representative orcycles For Sale ....................294 ates! 200 horse Yamaha, $5,500 Make your ad stand out ighly creational Vehicles Today....................296 for all the details • Large garage doorsOBO. Also 1994 Chevrolet Classifi ed Inside Sales – Full Time from the rest! 1/2 ton Pickup, V8, autoort Utility ....................................297 Th e Temple Daily Telegram is accepting will for contractOBO. The classifi inside sales representative be customermatic, $2,500 ASK FOR ed •applications Convenient offindependent -street customer cks, VansH &O UPickups..................298 SEKEEPER/FRONT 254-721-9186 focused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grammar, carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and BOLDING needed for Motel. Hoparkingspelling, omobilesDESK For Sale ....................299 tel Experience Preferred. typing and computer They will have a professional Call Classified ES auto liability insuranceskills. in their name. Apply at 1610 W Nugent NOW LEASING • High visibility in downtown all 778-4444 positive attitude and pleasant personality appearance, that comeslocation Ave, Temple. 22 Th ese PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day:access through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is Temple with from Central SONIC out preferred. '1 AvenueBi-Weekly and 7th Street NOW LEASING This is an hourly position with commissions and benefits. Please NOW HIRING 254-301-5255 Automotive prospective buyers by advertising
(254) 778-4444
All Positions. Day or night shift. Apply in person 814 East Central, Belton.
Northmiles n berricted.
FURNISHED EFFICIENCIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Internet. Bills Paid. No Lease/ No Deposit.contract independent Ranch House Inn id driver’s license 773-0114 and
eekly TOWNHOMES AT RIVER Income (est.) FAIR
00 those 00
rtising eks. ay ad.
•3bed/2.5bath/2gar RENT- $2,000 Diana White 713.859.2952 Chappell Hill Reality Group
Make your ad stand out Temple from the rest! ASK FOR BOLDING Call Classified 778-4444
Temple Daily Telegram Profitable Routes Opportunities
Now Available
Arealetter and resume. send a cover
package. Send your resume:
Looking for a full time / part time wrecker driver, TDLR license. Experience preferred but will train the right person. Must have clean driving record. Apply at 9473 W. or fax reFertilizer Application, in- FM 93, Belton BINGO OFFICE SPACE crease growth and produc- sume to 254-933-8770
Motivated, Experienced Janitorial & Paper Products Sales Professionals – Come join the Perry Office Plus team! We seek a motivated Outside Sales Pro for the TempleKilleen area. If you have proven sales skills and are computer- proficient, we have a competitive FURNISHED EFFICIENcompensation & benefits CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full package. Kitchen. InterSendFree: yourCable, resume: net. Bills Paid. No Lease/
Motorcycles in Forhome. Sale ....................294 Repairs on porceRecreationallain Vehicles and ....................296 fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale Sport Utility ....................................297 Trucks, Vans721-3658. & Pickups..................298 Automobiles For Sale ....................299
Great Gross space.Income Great(est.) location.
North Belton $475.00 2547745204 Customer Service Representative – Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 Yorkshire Terriers: Full Time
VFW Post #4008 Belton
Center seeking Full-time and Part-time DriverMonitors. Transport cliAntique Farm Equipment: Tractors, plows, planters, ents in 7 or 15 passenger rakes and other items. vans and oversee client’s 254-721-4915 NOW LEASING activities. Pass background check, drug screen, driver’s license and high school diploma or GED. Good starting WANT TO LEASE LAND for pay and merit increases. cattle grazing, will do imAg Exemption Apply at 2410Landscaping. East Ad- provements, NOW HIRING!available SHORTY’S references Temple Temps ams, Temple. EOE Mowing, weedeating, edg- 254-865-3546
January 22, 2020 • Page 9
ing, tree service, flower
beds, mulching, 254-760-3031
Temple Daily Telegram Opportunities
Classified Inside Sales – Full Time
appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality thata comes for full time / Looking wrecker driver, through on the phone and in person. Previous part salestime experience is TDLR license. Experipreferred. ence preferred but will HANDYMAN looking for This is an hourly position with commissions and ts. Please trainbenefi the right person. work!! Must have clean driving send a electrical cover letter I also do work and resume. record. Apply at 9473 W.
please call 254-780-8461
FM 93, Belton or fax reCustomer Service Representative – sume to 254-933-8770 Time Full NEED TRUCK DRIVER
with end dump experience. The circulation customer service representative provides Must be dependable and good references. outstanding service tohave the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful 254-301-5255 candidate will have demonstrated customer service experience, Experienced driver lookcomputer aptitude, and good written and oral communication for an owner operator skills. They will have ing a positive team-player attitude. to team drive. Let’s talk! EVA’S Residential CleanThis isFrom an hourly benefits. Send cover letter and ing Servicetop to position Call (765)with 623-4185 bottom. Free Estimates! resume. Reasonable prices. Highly '1 '1
Co be C ww Conta
RETIR Boat ( 200 DR ho OBO. 1/2 to Cen-T matic Cente 254-72 and
Monit ents in vans a activi groun scree and h or GE pay a Apply ams, T
Y Reg Ch bla
WAN shee farm
The circulation available. Please call Timo at 239-810-8522 managers to assure
Apply at 1610 W Nugent delivery assistant works with the district appearance, positive attitud Ave, Temple. excellent, on-time delivery ofthrough the newspaper on the phone and Make your ad stand The out positionSONIC to subscribers. includes delivering preferred. papers on open '1 '1 from the rest! This is anearly hourly position routes, as needed, and other duties as assigned. Late night, NOW HIRING ASK FOR a cover letter and resu All Positions. morning and weekend hours. Candidates mustsend have reliable BOLDING Day or night shift. FARM Call Classified valid driver’s transportation, license, clean driving record and auto 350 di Apply in person Customer Serv 778-4444 mission liability insurance in their name. Apply in person or email cover 814 East Central, Belton. Ask for F letter and resume.
Profitable Routes Now Available
2001 Dodge Pickup, new tiNo Paid every two weeks. res,collecting. rims, runs good, lots of new parts, $1,500 firm. Also 1957 Schwinn Bicycle, 2-seater. 254-541-1420
Contact the Circulation Department at
or stop by the office at 10 South Third St., Temple INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar for ANY vehicle running or not, with or without title. 254-624-1729
The classifi Circulation Delivery Assistant – ed inside sa HOUSEKEEPER/FRONT focused and goal-oriented w DESK needed Time for Motel. HoPart tel Experience Preferred. typing and computer sk HANDYMAN SERVICES
The circulation delivery assistant works with the district esenewspaper PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day: managers to assure excellent, on-time delivery ofTh the to subscribers. The position includes delivering papers on open Bi-Weekly routes, as needed, and other duties as assigned. Late night, early Gross Income morning and weekend hours. Candidates must haveArea reliable FARM TRUCK, Ford ‘96, $475.00 transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving recordNorth and autoBelton 350 diesel, standard transmission, flat bed, $3,500. liability insurance in their name. Apply in person or email cover Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 Ask for Dennis 713-539-2544. letter and resume.
Human Resources 10 S. 3rd St. Temple, Texas 76501
Classified Ins
recommended. 254-316-1108.
Human Resources S. 10 3rd St. Temple, Texas 76501 The Temple Circulation Delivery Assistant – Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and Part Time auto liability insurance in their name.
Formal chairs; 4 chai dryer. 2
Temple D Opp
Registered Yorkie Pups.
Chocolates, Parti, KB The circulation No customer service Paid representative provides collecting. every two weeks. black, Golddust, boys & outstanding service to the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful girls. 254-931-7143, Contact the Circulation Department at candidate will have demonstrated customer service experience, computer aptitude, and good written and oral communication 254-778-4444 skills. They will have a positive or stop by theteam-player office at 10attitude. South Third St., Temple WANTED Donkeys, horses, This is an hourly position with benefits. Send cover letter and sheep, goats or any other farm animals. 254-865-3546 resume.
315 W. Ave M
Motivated, Experienced Janitorial & Paper PINA Tree Trimming, MowProducts Sales ing, Edging, Cleaning, Professionals – Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Come join the Perry OfPrivate Fence, power wash fice Plus team! We seek and concrete work. Free a motivated Outside Estimates. 771-2191, Sales Pro for the Temple718-9765 Killeen area. If you have proven sales skills and are computer- proficient, we have a competitive compensation & benefits BATHTUB REFINISHING The classified inside sales representative will be customerin home. Repairs on porce- package. lain and fiberglass. Over 30 focused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grammar, spelling, Send your resume: years in business. Call Dale typing and computer721-3658. skills. They will a professional
Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available Maximum Pay Out
2001 D The circulation custom res, rim outstanding service tonew thepaT 1957 candidate will have demo 2-seater computer aptitude, and g skills. They will have a pos This is an hourly positio INSTAN resume.
for AN not, w
254-624-D Circulation P
The circulation deliver managers to assure excelle to subscribers. The positio routes, as needed, and othe morning and weekend h transportation, valid driver’ liability insurance in their letter and resume.
Hum 1 Temp hr@
Page 10 • January 22, 2020 EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Furnished. Ramona Courtyard, near VA. From $495. 254-778-1374. Eat Free Nearby.
SALADO- 3BR, 2BA, 2500 sq.ft., fenced back yard, $900 rent, yard paid, $900 deposit. 254-947-9205
Recently refurbished 3,500 sq.ft. office and warehouse space. Located on corner lot in downtown Temple. Off-street parking. Call 254-774-5204
BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available Maximum Pay Out
Hunt with your dog or guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 miles northeast of Austin. Training area. Quail for sale. 512-856-2200
CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444
SHORTY’S Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, tree service, flower beds, mulching, and more. 254-760-3031
PINA Tree Trimming, Mowing, Edging, Cleaning, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Private Fence, power wash and concrete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765
BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658. $100 REWARD for return of Charley, black & white tuxedo cat. All shots and neutered. South 47th/Ave M. Call 254-295-0709.
NEED TRUCK DRIVER with end dump experience. Must be dependable and have good references. 254-301-5255
• 1,250 square feet of office space and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ production area • Loading dock • Large garage doors • Convenient off-street customer parking • High visibility location in downtown Temple with access from Central Avenue and 7th Street
Great space. Great location. 2547745204
EVA’S Residential Cleaning Service- From top to bottom. Free Estimates! Reasonable prices. Highly recommended. 254-316-1108.
HANDYMAN SERVICES available. Please call Timo at 239-810-8522 Make your ad stand out from the rest! ASK FOR BOLDING Call Classified 778-4444
Experienced driver looking for an owner operator to team drive. Let’s talk! Call (765) 623-4185
HOUSEKEEPER/FRONT DESK needed for Motel. Hotel Experience Preferred. Apply at 1610 W Nugent Ave, Temple.
SONIC NOW HIRING All Positions. Day or night shift. Apply in person 814 East Central, Belton.
Profitable Routes Now Available
The Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and auto liability insurance in their name. These PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day:
North Belton Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell
Bi-Weekly Gross Income (est.)
$475.00 $575.00
No collecting. Paid every two weeks. Contact the Circulation Department at
Competitive salary/ benefits. Apply at Contact Jason Beard for questions at
DRIVER-MONITOR NEEDED Cen-Tex Alcoholic Rehab Center seeking Full-time and Part-time DriverMonitors. Transport clients in 7 or 15 passenger vans and oversee client’s activities. Pass background check, drug screen, driver’s license and high school diploma or GED. Good starting pay and merit increases. Apply at 2410 East Adams, Temple. EOE
Se necesita ayudante de jardinería. Salario de acuerdo a la experiencia preferiblemente que tenga transporte! Looking for Lawn Service helper. Salary depends on experience. Need own transportation. 254-931-6222
or stop by the office at 10 South Third St., Temple
Fertilizer Application, increase growth and production for your pasture and crops. N-TEXX stimulates soil, microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological processes. 15-5-5 applied at $23.00 per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer application and sales.
Antique Farm Equipment: Tractors, plows, planters, rakes and other items. 254-721-4915
WANT TO LEASE LAND for cattle grazing, will do improvements, Ag Exemption references available 254-865-3546
Temple Daily Telegram Opportunities Classified Inside Sales – Full Time
Motivated, Experienced Janitorial & Paper Products Sales Professionals – Come join the Perry Office Plus team! We seek a motivated Outside Sales Pro for the TempleKilleen area. If you have proven sales skills and are computer- proficient, we have a competitive compensation & benefits package. Send your resume: Looking for a full time / part time wrecker driver, TDLR license. Experience preferred but will train the right person. Must have clean driving record. Apply at 9473 W. FM 93, Belton or fax resume to 254-933-8770
HANDYMAN looking for work!! I also do electrical work please call 254-780-8461
NOW HIRING! Temple Temps 315 W. Ave M
The classified inside sales representative will be customerfocused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grammar, spelling, typing and computer skills. They will have a professional appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is preferred. This is an hourly position with commissions and benefits. Please send a cover letter and resume.
Customer Service Representative – Full Time
The circulation customer service representative provides outstanding service to the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful candidate will have demonstrated customer service experience, computer aptitude, and good written and oral communication skills. They will have a positive team-player attitude. This is an hourly position with benefits. Send cover letter and resume.
Formal dining table, 8 chairs; glass kitchen table, 4 chairs; coffee table, gas dryer. 254-541-2206
WOOD BUILDINGS 10x16 $2000 12x24 $2700 Call (512) 748-4003
RETIRING: Selling Bass Boat (Hawk/Legend) 21 ft., 200 horse Yamaha, $5,500 OBO. Also 1994 Chevrolet 1/2 ton Pickup, V8, automatic, $2,500 OBO. 254-721-9186
Yorkshire Terriers: Registered Yorkie Pups. Chocolates, Parti, KB black, Golddust, boys & girls. 254-931-7143,
WANTED Donkeys, horses, sheep, goats or any other farm animals. 254-865-3546
Circulation Delivery Assistant – Part Time
The circulation delivery assistant works with the district managers to assure excellent, on-time delivery of the newspaper to subscribers. The position includes delivering papers on open routes, as needed, and other duties as assigned. Late night, early morning and weekend hours. Candidates must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto liability insurance in their name. Apply in person or email cover letter and resume.
Human Resources 10 S. 3rd St. Temple, Texas 76501
FARM TRUCK, Ford ‘96, 350 diesel, standard transmission, flat bed, $3,500. Ask for Dennis 713-539-2544. 2001 Dodge Pickup, new tires, rims, runs good, lots of new parts, $1,500 firm. Also 1957 Schwinn Bicycle, 2-seater. 254-541-1420
INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar for ANY vehicle running or not, with or without title. 254-624-1729
January 22, 2020 • Page 11
Page 12 • January 22, 2020