American Dollar Saver Feb. 12th

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T Gal vaccination administration upcoming      ASSOCIATE MUSICIAN  Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up     tos www.steelcontainers. de tiempo completo y protocols, tissue sampling, JoBS aVaiLaBLe. Full  501 person atLIC#12798. 2700 E. FM 93,   se   (903) 336-9086     TX   who plays *organ or and postmortem inspection laway  (903) 336-9086  es Temple, TX.  net Will deliver. (254) 722medio! 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Burleson, TX.Febru- ranging de limpieza en 4270,   (254) Call 254-718-5120 (254) 214-5284,  eighthstreetbaptist  now! Needed: Jani- bajadores er areas. 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We Pick-Up       hour. Please callboys our& of- 799-6228  centraltexasauctionser  P. O. Box 1   Sale      Oak County, whitetail, auctions  cook stoves. Rebuilt girls. 254-931-7143,   WE’RE A CUT ABOVE THE REST    Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up fice    254-421-1276 for fertilizer  Schwertner, Texas 76573 de Feb.   Spanish Farm & SALON Ranch  A partir  21 4pm-6pm, Stor- hogs).  Temple and surrounding circundantes.        for information, at (254) 776-7775   Call:   (903) 336-9086 Large and acreage         UBORA application sales.or    with day501.7500 warranty.        (903) 336-9086  $8 por 90 hora. 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Please call our of  cycles, ATV’s & Vintage or visit centraltexwanted/ Broken Motortorial workers in Waco,            • Minnows more upcoming actions. T     some of the best in Texas Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up  1 cemeteRy Lot at   down. 100% financing.      Pond $8 por hora. Por favor  Oak County, whitetail,  fice at (254) 776-7775 Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up  cycles, ATV’s & Vintage Temple and surrounding  ce Foodservice DC       (903)   •  ALBINO CATFISH FiReaRmS, ammuni- Credit  336-9086 Gallaway TX LIC#12798.     Waco Memorial, Veter-al for repair program. from the Hill Country (Ed- or       llame a nuestra hogs). Large acreage or areas. (903) 336-9086 apply online at www.       information, buyer’s Bikes. We oficina Pick-Up  Starting at $8 per Dirt   Profi Routes      tion & Military table Memo- (254)  vey,  Temple, Texas, 76504   857-4663.   501-676-3768 ans Section. $700. (254)    wards, Menard, Coke, small. 30 year fixed rate  (254) 776-7775 o solicite     premium, terms March & condi-7, 336-9086   hour. 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Call 254-718We Buy & Repair Un    Waco Memorial, Veter         Call for details 254-913-8989       OFFICE SPACE  en línea ....................296 en www.janitorionse       ATV Bu    nice WaSheRS, dry- caR Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical  Vehicles s................................186   for cetechn c an Training Quail for 2020. 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We   FOUND: Avery Dirt 2 nice Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020Pick-Up       JoBS aVa LaBLe Fu Bikes. We Pick-Up 799-6228  Off-street parking.     tion & Military Memo254 857 4663 neighborhood, rent $1100, caR auction, Febru- for Spanish Farm & Ranch ANGIE’S CLEANING Serv       centraltexasauctionser                 om he H Coun y Ed Dirt Bikes. 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T Gallot in downtown Temple. Temple, mid-January. 5    Dozer Work ......................................89      in home. 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Over 30  House Moving ..................................57 Central Texas    & m ore for Auction lease 254-231-2334 es comRebuilt  Miscellaneous ............170       employment         motorcycles  • 1,250 square feet of off ice space   Lawncare, Private Fence,  c cundan A pa Female college student,   Mowing, Edging, CleanCommuni c ati o ns, TV, Radi o , CB......47   ment/ RECREATION Announcements (903) 336-9086 cook stoves. Houses Furni s hed ............................13  hogs). Large acreage or   Merchandi s e Wanted ....................183 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292        /$600,   fi any budge No money Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Killeen 254-213-7623  “A”. Please identify other  Temple 254-773-7111 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020 Session Starts 12:30pm David Barr P roperties other We      Spas   house p     ba          years in business. Call Dale    Buy & Repair Un-  LostRanch &thisFound....................................31 ado es de mpMachinery, eza en Misc. Swimming Pools, ....................88 years in business. Call Dale We Feb. 21Work 4pm-6pm, Stor- AL   Business ..............................5 Antiques, ....................195 662 3082  a Texas Auc onCollectibles      Services.! Call 254-718Buy & Repair Un-      Dozer ......................................89  &wash more for lease Christian environment,  ..........................6 & Heavy..............196 production area   Hel Wanted Professi nal ..............133  House We Buy & Repair Un- wanted/ ( 254) 526-2277 PROPERTY. 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Call toll free or  Mobile Homes & Accessories ............7       Cemeteri e s & Monuments................49 FRI. AFTERNOONS          Personals ........................................37 mates. Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up          Rooms For Rent ..............................15    254 857 4663 for information, buyer’s Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up  Musiacs&al&Po Goods................................186 Recreati Vehi calesAuc ....................296 254 776 o so cPets   vces  com tions,   wards, Menard, Coke, Toll  Free 800-523-7284  están $2,000 andinVeStup. Wind   AFTERNOONS SUNDAY Texas Auction Services.!  & Livestock    cyc es ATV V  navo age asauc onse   ..........................8   ..................................135 Seeds,  Fertilizer  Bath eRS  (903) 336-9086 Feed Pasturing ..........................172 wan ed B7775 oken Mo ooenalcyc   Office, Records Storage ..................59  $8 po ho hunting/       Education  www.davidbarrproper washer & dryer. Take care        Doors Open 5pm   Jobs Wanted  ab on Ma 7 Field ....................174 Pets ................................................230     (903) 336-9086           Spanish Farm & Ranch   (254) 214-5284, (254)  Find a new, es ATV s & V n ch age        SHORTY’S Landscaping. for crete work. Free Esti  email for individual prices  SHORTY’S Landscaping. pa He p u App y Waco  Personals ........................................37 premium, terms & condi(903) 336-9086   Val Verde County, free Doors Open 4pm pleos water tight. 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Galsome ofdeliver. the best inparties. Texas  Sale     Doors Open 4pmDLandscapi 800-876-9720  771-2191, 718-9765  ing, or drugs. No cas a p anes he me s  Wanted, ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 903 336 9086  Equi p ment Servi c es ........................51     n g-Yard Work ..................82    254 754 2601 Air Conditioning &  Sport Leases, Lake Property............17 mulching, and more. for information, ments, ons Pho os and mo e   mulching, and more. Boats, Motors ................................188 Trucks, Vans & Pi c kups..................298 Rentals u oc  BINGO  Music, Drama ................................123  NON-SMOKING ROOM                   za en 4270, Burleson, TX.  • Large garage doors Oak County, whitetail,          from the Hill Only Country 903 336 9086  nea en www Livestock an o ........................................232 Session Starts    Business TX LIC#12798.     pet! Merchandise  en  •Services Convenient off&-street customer  AMERICA ROOFING      AMERICA ROOFING for your paid. $600 (Edper laway eRS $2,000 and Wind  poniBLeS. ¡5:30pm Ya están    appliances ed........................9  254-760-3031  paint, Utilities Air&Conditioning & Heating ..............74 254-760-3031 drink miscellaneous     and Mo  e ammo  Hot Food Available    QuaLity BuiLt Want toons Buy  buyer’s premium, terms upcom ng ac T Ga     áreas   hogs). 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Located Fu l........................................232 JoBS aVa LaBLe       08      Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146  ldinapp y  Merchandise  Storage Buildings ............................75  Extermi n ators ..................................52     se v ce com WeSt texaS T phoans Apartments Furnished........................9 Property Offi c es................................18 rties. and water tight. See disponibles los empleos  REMODELING Pai n ti n g & Wal l p aperi n g ..................83 Small auctions caR auction, Febru REMODELING Bui g a l s ..........................190 Automobi e s For Saleaboxes ....................299      Maximum Pay Out             NON-SMOKING ROOM ir de  ment/ RECREATIONEmployment  Val Verde County, free small. 30 year fixed rate on your lot. Floor plans to Automotive & conditions. 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(254) 722medio! Se necesita: tra na al   Cleaning Services ............................76  Down. Call toll free or Lic #1-74-6066507-2  NOW LEASING      parking Temple 254-773-7111     esort.  Temple 254-773-7111       the Classified section to find    e spa e  ge a obs o s ava and  me house & more or ease Read     and  down. 100% financing.  Gallaway TX LIC#12798.      ......................180  with 90Military day warranty. & Memo- from     Help Wanted Medical ....................131 Sewing, Ironing ................................45  • High visibility location in downtown               Duplexes Furnished..........................11 Waco Memorial, Veter  Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items  a y 22 10 am p ev ew     tion          the Hill Country (Ed age liens, repossessed ve wan ed B oken Mo o 5120 o v s cen a Oak County, whitetail,    Concrete Work ................................77    WED. 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Contractor & Misc. Svc. ..........78  w h 90 day wa an y  Val Verde County, free  wo ke    Sunday Killeen 254-213-7623  small. 30 Starts year fixed rate     Killeen 254-213-7623  (254) 857-4663. 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AFTERNOONS   What you get  when you advertise    Houses Furnished ............................13        Help Wanted Professional..............133  De ve y se v ce wo k a eas S a ng a $8 pe   Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Merchandise Wanted ....................183            Toll Free 800-523-7284  ! ! 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Ca 254 718 5120 o v s  Dollar Saver Classified      Insulation ..........................................80 nished and large yard.     hou P ease ca ou o  Bus ness P roper es   Barr  your Call &com  1BR / 1BTH Apartment, $550, Hunt with dog or down.   from      Cemeteries & Monuments................49  799     the rest!          Rooms For800-876-9720 Rent ..............................15   ATV’s Vintage Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 appliances (254) 776-7775 o solicite   om he H  Coun y Ed upcom miscellaneous Jobs Wanted ..................................135 OLAF DRIVE    BOLDING      yWes Ranch      buyer’s premium, terms fur-   100% financing.   cycles, (607 254) 526-2277 Get Results! 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Great location.  2020. 9:00 am Knives, die  away TX L C#12798 Find a new,   for $35.00; medium lawns  v ces com o o ma on   Call 254-541-4563 miles northeast of Austin.        BOLDING 500.00 an o a se v ce app y       employment for your pet! (254) 778-4444  LARGE   Down. Call toll free or (254) 857-4663. o app y on ne a www              es c om k-Up for information, buyer’s Call for Work details..................82 254-913-8989 (903) Pecos (2area, 5Work 4area. ) 7Financial 78..................82 -4near 44helmets, 44Lake OFFICE SPACE 336-9086 upcoming actions. 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Floor plans    1 cemeteRy Lot atto more   Equipment Services ........................51   Call      miscellaneous   778-4444  Motors Trucks,   buye Va Ves WaSheRS de Coun y edms ee  Landscaping-Yard   Property............17    Financial Boats, Motors ................................188 & Pickups..................298      Troy.        Equipment Services ........................51  (903) 336-9086 Landscaping-Yard  for $45.00. In Temple     cast airplanes, Classified    Training Quail for  Sport Leases, Lake Property............17 p em um  NON-SMOKING ROOM  n ce y Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, ................................188   email for individual prices M  premium, terms & condi    ext    Gallaway TX LIC#12798. fitWaco any budget. No money  (254) 778-4444  an a se v ce Amistad. 60 - 450 acres.    o   com  app  y e     caR on FebBo&u   oD  auct  Call  Memorial, Veter (254)77to 8..................83 -444 4Buy 4   778-4444 LEASE  Materials   ..........................190    !101. !  AVAILABLE !! m png L eons o SPho S h Belton 1-1157     More! Lots/Land/ ang exo cs Sou                Hot Food Available 2547745204 and terms. ranchenterpris   only.     Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 sale.   ammo boxes and Exterminators ..................................52 tions. 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VERY NICE 3BR,  down. 100% financing. uilt  that just right item you’re looking for.        662 3082          cycles, ATV’s & Vintage  Daily Herald 254 754 2601 Feb. 21 4pm-6pm, Stor   need  AC. 979-575-3939 Lang   ment/ RECREATION    Bikes.    nice for ASK   FOR   Electricity, water, easy Temp     lot in downtown Temple.  non k ng ones        cycles, ATV’s & Vintage  Credit repair program.      nty.       garage, fencedWe yard,  information, buyer’s Dirt Pick-Up e and su ound ng ba   owne financ ng On yUn 5%   ado esdewo mp eza en Texas          Auc on Se v ces age liens, repossessed veDirt Bikes. 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Quail/Chukar hunt 40 ab e now Needed Jan  I WILL MOW small lawns     909 West Ave M, Temple guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40  832-662-0913.         tom, make ready, referoutside of estate Loop. All inFor ber-  FOR Spanish Farm &medium Ranch            3bd 2bthASK duplex $1050/ mo.     cyc actions. T Gal- AC. SaverFOR Classified 979-575-3939 Lang3bdDollar 2bthASK duplex $1050/ mo. 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No money  access, whitetail, dove, ja-  fice (254) 776-7775  Credit repair program. canyons. Starting at $650/ down. 100% financing.  velina, thick cover, views, Employment General or apply online at www.  (254) 857-4663. AC. 979-575-3939 Credit repair program.  canyons. Starting at Lang$650/ (254) 857-4663.   AC. 979-575-3939 Lang Lots/Land/   e m  pLeoS DiS       acreage employment    Lots/Land/ poniBLeS. ¡ Ya están         acreage disponibles los empleos   employment    WeSt texaS Transy  SeRVice technician   de tiempo completo      Pecos area, near Trans Lake  Needed. Ice Machine Re WeSt texaS  medio! Se necesita: tra-  SeRVice technician     Amistad. 60 -limpieza 450 acres. pair Helpful. Apply Waco Pecos area, near Lake  bajadores deMachine en  Needed. Ice Re   Electricity, water, easy  Carbonics LaSalle.   Amistad. 60431 -Apply 450 acres. Waco, Temple y las áreas pair Helpful. Waco     access, whitetail, dove, ja(254) 754-2601 Electricity, water, easy circundantes. A partir de Carbonics 431 LaSalle.    access,     velina, thick cover, views, whitetail, dove, ja$8 por hora. Por favor (254) 754-2601 aVaiLaBLe. Full    JoBS      canyons. Starting atviews, $650/ velina, cover, llame athick nuestra oficina al ! !part-time AVAILABLE ! !Full  and jobs avail JoBS aVaiLaBLe.    AC. 979-575-3939 Langoffice, retail, ware canyons. Starting at $650/  (254) 776-7775 o solicite able now! Needed: Jani  and part-time jobs avail-    house &en more for Langlease 979-575-3939  en línea www.janitoritorial workers in Waco,    AC. able now! Needed: Jani-  David Barr Properties      Temple and surrounding ( 254) 526-2277  torial workers in Waco,  employment   www.davidbarrproper areas. Starting at $8 per  Full JoBS aVaiLaBLe. Temple and surrounding   employment    Please call of-    and part-time jobs  hour. SeRVice technician areas. Starting at our $8availper     fice at (254) 776-7775   able Needed: Needed. Ice Machine! Please call ourJaniof-   SeRVice technician  or online at Waco, www.  torial in  pair Helpful. Apply Waco ficeapply atworkers (254) 776-7775 Needed. Ice Machine Re-     Temple and surrounding  Carbonics 431 LaSalle. or apply online at www. pair Helpful. Apply Waco     areas. Starting $8 (254) e m p754-2601 L e o431 S atLaSalle. D i per SCarbonics    hour. Please call our ofponiBLeS. ¡ Ya están (254) 754-2601 Full JoBS aVaiLaBLe. e m p L e o S D i S     fice ataVaiLaBLe. (254)losjobs 776-7775 and part-time availponiBLeS. ¡ empleos Ya están Full  JoBS  disponibles   t or apply online at www. de tiempo completo y able now! Needed: Janidisponibles los empleos  and part-time jobs availMetal building manufac  medio! Se necesita: traturer  is accepting applitorial workers in Waco, de tiempo completo y able now! Needed: Jani- cations for loader and  bajadores de limpieza en manufacturing. JoBS aVaiLaBLe. Full Temple and surrounding medio! Se necesita: tra- light torial workers in Waco,   Metal building experiWaco, Temple yjobs Telegram and part-time availpreferred. Pay deareas. Starting atlas$8áreas per bajadores limpieza en ence  Temple anddesurrounding   pending on experience. circundantes. A partir de able now! Needed: Jani hour. Please of- Apply Waco, Templecall yatlasour Starting $8áreas per in person M-F at   tiesareas. Steel & Supply,  $8 por hora. Por favor torial inpartir Waco, fice atworkers (254) call circundantes. A776-7775 de Elite hour. Please our of8216  N. I-35, Temple,  llame a nuestra oficina al 254-773-4300   Temple and surrounding or apply online at www. $8 por hora. Por favor at (254) 776-7775  s – fice Full Time  776-7775 oat solicite  (254) areas. Starting at $8 peral  llame abe nuestra oficina apply online www.  ative or will customerIMMEDIATE OPENING:   Janitorial company now  líneaPlease en www.janitorihour. our (254) math,en grammar,   hiring days and evenings. e m p776-7775 L e ospelling, Scallo solicite D i Sof-Apply online at    ill have a professional fice at (254) 776-7775  enmlínea  poniBLeS. ¡ YaDestán e p L en ethat owww.janitoriScomes iS nt personality  or applyaVaiLaBLe. online Full JoBS   disponibles los¡ at empleos Ya www. están viousponiBLeS. sales experience is  Maintenance Position   and part-time jobs avail Central Counties Services de tiempo completo y Full JoBS aVaiLaBLe. disponibles los empleos  (CCS) is seeking qualified    able now! Janifor a full time sions medio! andtiempo benefi ts. Please SeNeeded: necesita: tra-y applicants and part-time jobs availde completo   maintenance worker to     torial workers in Waco, perform construction, resbajadores limpiezaJanien toration, able now! Needed: medio! Sede necesita: tra  renovation, and   Temple and surrounding work. The asWaco, Temple y in lasWaco, áreas torial workers bajadores de en maintenance  signed shift is normally  Assistant –limpieza  Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 areas. Starting atlas $8áreas per !! !! circundantes. A partir de Temple and surrounding Waco, Temple y  PM, but may vary. CCS   ee  offers an excellent benefits hour. Please call our ofe- $8 por hora. areas. Starting atpartir $8favor per APor de  package. A detailed posi   workscircundantes. with the district ease  tion  description is availaease fice at (254) 776-7775 llame a nuestra oficina al hour. Please call our ofpor hora. Por favor ble on the Center’s website.   elivery of the newspaper ties $8 ties Must have and maintain a  or apply online www. (254) 776-7775 oat solicite fice at (254) driver’s license with elivering papers on 776-7775 open llame a nuestra oficina al valid       acceptable driving rec per ssigned. Late night, early ord. CCS is an Equal Open línea en www.janitorior apply online atsolicite www. an (254) 776-7775 o  per   portunity Employer.   ates must have reliable Full  All applicants can apply JoBS aVaiLaBLe.  en línea en www.janitori  on-line at   an driving record and auto www.centralcounties and part-time jobs avail    JoBS Full  JoBS aVaiLaBLe. in person oraVaiLaBLe. email cover Full  Call 254-298-7129 for able now! Needed: Jani   and part-time jobs and part-time jobs availavailmore information. Full  JoBS aVaiLaBLe. torial workers in Waco,    able now! Needed: Janiable now! Needed: Janiand part-time jobs avail-   Temple and  surrounding  torial workers torialnow! workers in Waco, Waco,  able Needed: Jani-   in    areas. Starting at $8 per  Temple and surrounding Temple and surrounding es torial workers in Waco,    hour. Please call of-  areas. Starting at $8 areas. Starting at our $8 per per Temple and surrounding   ASSOCIATE MUSICIAN  at (254) 776-7775 501 fice hour. Please ofhour.  Please call call ourper of-  areas. Starting at our $8 who plays *organ or  m  or onlinecall at our www. Send resume to: fice at (254) 776-7775 ficeapply atPlease (254) 776-7775  hour. of- piano.   eighthstreetbaptist  or apply online at or apply online776-7775 at www. www.   fice at (254)    or apply online at www.       JoBS aVaiLaBLe. Full    





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General ADS 


                                            ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! office, retail, ware    house & more for lease     David Barr Properties    ( 254) 526-2277     www.davidbarrproper                

  Cattle Health Specialist                       

Schwertner Farms, Inc. d/b/a Capitol Land & Livestock seeks Cattle Health Specialist for Schwertner, TX location (Williamson County). Employee will be responsible for researching, developing and managing practices employed for health, nutrition, and development of cattle herd. Specific duties include: 1. Review and study effects of health maintenance processes, environmental conditions and feed on cattle health. 2. Advise on and manage use of improved products and techniques to enhance animal production. 3. Develop and manage improved practices with respect to housing and disease control. Will supervise the work of up to 20 employees. Will be engaged in weekly travel to company’s ranches. All ranches are within 45 miles of each other. Travel will be limited to Williamson County, Bell County and Milam County. No overnight travel required. Requirements: Bachelor’s or foreign equivalent in veterinary medicine, animal science or closely related field and 4 years of experience working as Cattle Health Specialist or in a position involving similar duties and technical capabilities. Experience must include: (i) Research and management of optimum cattle herd feed practices, including selection of optimum feed quantity, content and combinations; and (ii) Development and management of disease control programs which include processes for medicine inventory management, proper vaccination administration protocols, tissue sampling, and postmortem inspection of animals. To apply, send resume to: c/o Jimmy Schwertner Schwertner Farms P. O. Box 1 Schwertner, Texas 76573

                                                 RESULTS... 


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AVAILABLE ! !         office, retail, ware-           house & more for lease        David Barr Properties               ( 254) 526-2277         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David Barr Properties        (  254) 526-2277         www.davidbarrproper                     2  Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020              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                                                                                                   2  Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020                                                          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Repairs also. Can    EXPERIENCED FINISH          deliver. 254-628-1512  55 year old woman  BLADE OPERATOR   looking      for private caregiving posi      MUST be experienced &    Refrigerator, 18 cu.ft., 4   tion. Experienced with     years old, $200.00. Maytag  knowledgeable with the Alzheimer’s, Dementia &      dryer $50.00. 254-780-9137  COPD. Willing to do house    Topcon system. Pay    keeping & cooking as well!   starts  out at $25 an hour. 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                          February 12, 2020 • Page 3                            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                                                                                                                                                          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                                                       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Fi Daily Herald lo 

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Broken Motor-   2  Dollar Saver Sunday, bajadores February Employment  (903) 336-9086 3bd 2bth16, new2020 homeMotorfor en wanted/ TX. de limpieza 4270, Burleson,   StorageContinued Buildings ............................75 wanted/ Broken      Diana White  (903) 336-9086 Real Estate Business Services Cont’d Bui l d i n g & Home Mai n t. Cont’ d Financial Cont  cycles, ATV’sLost& Vintage    Auto Childcare......................44 Rentals  & Found................ Apartments Unfurnished ..................10 Babysitters, Furniture, New & Used ..................179 lease. Call for details Waco, Temple y las áreas    cycles, ATV’s & Vintage Lots, Acreage ....................................6     Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130   auctions Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up    Cleaning Services ............................76 713.859.2952 39+/- ACRES FOR SALE   254-913-8989 circundantes. A partir de ......................180 Real estate For Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up Pl u mbi n g ..........................................84 Sewing, Ironing ................................45  Houses For Sal e ................................1 Wanted To Rent................................19 Tree Servi c e ....................................53 Loans..................................  Duplexes Furnished..........................11   Auto Repairs ...... Miscellaneous Items Dollar Saver:  Entertai nment & Recrea 336-9086     Residential development Help  2020 Mobi leSale HomesPor &American Accessori s ............7  $8 por hora. favor e(903) Wanted Medical ....................131  (903) 336-9086  Page 4 • February 12, Chappell Hill Reality   Concrete Work ................................77 FiReaRmS, ammuni  Banking Services..............................46   Repai ras, AlGoods l W/D Types&connections. ............................85 property in South Temple (254)  Duplexes Unfurnished......................12 Suburban-Out of Town ......................2 Business Property ............................20 Real501-7530 EstateAuto Loans, Parts,Investm Insura Appliancesal ......................181 llame nuestra oficina Paving, Asphal , Etc. ........................54   Personal s .................... 2Br, 1Ba.   Help tWanted General ....................132 tion & Military MemoGroup Real Estate Wanted ..........................8 Real estate For & off FM 93, Belton   Gen. Contractor & Misc. Svc. ..........78 (254) 776-7775 o solicite         hunting/ inVeStCommunications, TV, Radio, CB......47   Fenced. Detached garage.  Houses Furnished ............................13  Roofi n g, Si d i n g ................................86 Heavy Duty Truck Merchandise Wanted ....................183  Farms, Ranches ................................3 Mini Storage ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans........ rabilia Auction, March 7,   Servi ces....................55 Sale schools, 254-718-9281 Miscellaneous  en línea en www.janitoriHelp Wanted Professional..............133  Carpool s or die Transportat       ment/ RECREATION920 North 12th, Temple. 2020.    9:00 am Knives, Business Bookkeeping ....................48 Electrical Services ............................79    Houses Unfurnished ........................14  Motorcycles For Food Products................................184  Sandbl a sti n g ....................................87  Lake Property ....................................4  EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid.   S  $675/$400. 254-913-8808   Fencing ............................................56 AL PROPERTY. We have cast  Rentals   Farm & Ranc airplanes, helmets, Sal e sperson Wanted........................134 hunting/ inVeSt Insulation ..........................................80 Announcements   ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !  Cemeteries & Monuments................49   Rooms For Rent ..............................15 some of the best in Texas Recreational Veh Musical Goods................................186 ammo boxes and More! Furnished. Ramona Want to Buy  Swi m mi n g Pool s , Spas ....................88 ment/ RECREATIONBusiness Property ..............................5 Furnished........................9 Land, Investm ent  Se.  Wanted ..................................135 Business House MoviJobs n g ..................................57 Equi p ment, Mi s cel l a neous  Auction   Apartments  P roperties, and from the Hill Country (EdCentral Texas  AL PROPERTY. We have   Flooring ............................................81  Health Care & Related Services ......50    Mobile Homes, Lots & Acreage........16 Courtyard, near VA. We Sport Utility ......... Sporting Goods ..............................187   Business P roperties. Dozer WorkMenard, Lots, Acreage ....................................6 Lost & Found....................................31    Buy &best Repair Un- Services.! 254-718  wards,  some of the......................................89 inCoke, Texas    Security Servi ces..............................58 DaiCall rBabysi y, centraltexFarm Products ......... David Barr P roperties    tters, ChiVans ldofcare.. Financial Apartments Unfurni s hed ..................10    Equipment Services ........................51 From $495. 254-778-1374.  Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 Sport Leases, Lake Property............17 (on254) 526-2277 Trucks, & Pi Boats, Motors ................................188 wanted/ Broken Motor5120 or visit Entertai n ment & Recreati ............32  • 1,250 square feet o    Val Verde County, free  from the Hill Country (Ed Mobile Homes & Accessories ............7    www.davidbarrproper      FeedSewi & Pasturi   Storage ..................59   cycles, &Materials wards, Menard, Coke,  ranging exotics), South..........................190  Eat Free Nearby. ties.c..................83 om Office, Records S Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 g,buyer’s Ironingn............... g ............ ..................................52  Dupl eATV’s xesEducation Furni stoVintage hed..........................11 Property Offices................................18  & Wallpapering  Automobiles For Building   PersonalsPainting ........................................37       Real EstateExterminators Wanted ..........................8  NEED A PLACE to free live? for  Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up information, and 6,450nsquare foot Val Verde County,

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Temple-Belton Dollar Saver • 7

Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live   Fiterms eld Seeds, Fertilizer ........        School s &exotics), Instructi otons....................120 Female collegewhitetail, student, (903) 336-9086 & condiranging South premium,  Oak County,           ..  Christian environment, tions. Photos and more Wanted, Farm Equi p ment Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live       hogs). Large acreage or Musi c , Drama ................................123   appliances    fully furnished 1BR, rate Bath upcoming actions. T Gal-     County,   Air Condit904io ning & Heati ng ..............74 Ticonderoga, Temple, Oak  small. 30 year whitetail, fixed         and sitting room with TV. laway TX LIC#12798.    Spanish Farm & Ranch Apartments Furnished........................9 hogs). Large acreage or       TX. Large patio, priv. owner   financing. Only 5%      nice WaSheRS, drywww.davidbarrproper  Storage Buifence; ldings ............................75 Access toyearkitchen use, caR    30 rate auction, Febru-    W/D connections, small.  om tters, Childcare......................44  Down. Call tollfixed free or   Apartments Unfurnished ..................10ties.cBabysi  Furni t ure, New & Used ....... e m p L e o S D i S - Shipping contain ers, refrigerators, and  washer & dryer. Take care   owner financing. 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Homes/Lots email for individual prices Goods  age liens, repossessed ve Concrete Work ................................77      de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. for Call Dupl 254-541-4563 miles northeast of Austin.   house & more for lease 800-876-9720 Banki ng Services..............................46  Delivery, service exes Unfurnished......................12 Call for details 254-913-8989 OFFICE SPACE & Appl iances ........... ing, or deliver. drugs. No work, parties. and ranchenterpris   andGoods More! Central  LANDMARK Apartments, David Barr Properties for  Se necesita: tra- net Will (254)ones. 722- hicles  Training area. Quail for medio! Hel pterms. Wanted General ....................132   need non-working  Utilities paid. Only $600 per Gen. Contractor & Mi s c. Svc. ..........78   QuaLity BuiLt homes 800-876-9720  ( 254) 526-2277 Texas Auction Services.!  1BR $525/$400. New paint,    Belto Communi c ati o ns, TV, Radi o , CB......47 bajadores de limpieza en 4270, Burleson, TX.  sale.    Houses Furnished ............................13  Merchandisore Wanted ......... FOR LEASE      www.davidbarrproper (254) 214-5284,  month. Located in Call  on your lot.BuiLt Floor to  512-856-2200 Hel p Wanted Professiplans o(254) nal..............133   254-718-5120 visit 254-91 carpet, appliances. Small QuaLity  Waco, Temple y las áreas    homes    El e ctri c al Servi c es ............................79   Recently refurbished 3,500 auctions 799-6228    Busi n ess Bookkeepi n g ....................48 Morgan’s Point Resort.    Houses Unfurnished ........................14   Food Products....................    fit any budget. Noplans money partir de  pets with a Adeposit. 700 on    circundantes.  your lot. Wanted........................134 Floor to centraltexasauctionser     Sal e sperson  sq.ft. office and Por warehouse   Contact Jean 254-624-1733.    por hora. favor Make your ad standInsul outation$8   for information, down. 100% financing. Waco Road, Belton   fit any budget. No money ..........................................80       Cemeteries & Monuments................49  ammuni-  Rooms For Rent ..............................15  Musical Goods....................   space. corneral FiReaRmS,  Spanish Fa from the rest! llame a Located nuestra on oficina  miscellaneous    premium, terms  TOWNHOMES AT VERY 254-289-8983 NICE 3BR, 2BA,  Credit repair program. Jobs Wanted ..................................135   down. financing.   tion &100% Military Memo- buyer’s     Garage Sales/    ASK FOR     lot in downtown Temple. (254) 776-7775 o solicite Fl o ori n g ............................................81 Heal t h Care & Rel a ted Servi c es ......50  garage, fenced yard, nice & conditions. Photos and Mobi l e Homes, Lots & Acreage........16 Sporti n g Goods ..................  Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663.  rabilia Auction, March 7,          Estate  BOLDING James Avery more RIVER FAIR eANGIE’S m pupcoming L eCLEANING o SSales D Servi ST- Ship en línea en www.janitori- FOUND:  Off-street parking. Rooms/ neighborhood, rent $1100, FURNISHED   actions.   2020. 9:00 am Knives, die  (254) 857-4663. 1 cemeteRy Lot at& poniBLeS. EFFICIEN   Call Classified Charm Bracelet at Scott Equi p ment Servi c es ........................51 Landscapi n g-Yard Work ..................82  ¡ Ya están eRS SportBELTON Leases, Lake Property............17   Boats, Motors ..................... deposit $1,000. 254-421-0187, Call 254-774-5204 ice, residential top to bot Lots/Land/  Gallaway TX LIC#12798. cast airplanes, helmets,   Waco Memorial, VeterRoomates   778-4444    White Hospital parking lot,   disponibles los empleos and w Lots/Land/ BATH  832-662-0913. CIES. 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Free: Cable,  Central charms, 1 nice charmAuction an 254-231-2334 662-3082    lain  Se necesita: tra- net W    We Buy & Repair Un- Services.! Call 254-7186154 WHEATON LOOP  all  kitchen appliances fur- medio!  RENT- $2,000   WeSt texaS Trans   “A”. Please identify other  years  1BR / 1BTH Apartment, $550,   bajadores de en 4270  Internet. Bills Paid. No wanted/ We Buy & limpieza Repair Un  WeSt texaS Trans 3bd 2bth new home for  Broken Motor- 5120 or visit centraltex  nishedBuy and large yard.  charms and text this infor Pecos area, near Lake We & Repair Un  Diana White 721-36  909 WestTemple AveBroken M, Temple Waco, y lasMotoráreas 3b      Dollar Saver Sunday, February   lease. Call for details  cycles, ATV’s16,&2020 Vintage1 Pecos area, near Lake wanted/    $950.00 month plus Motor$500.00 mation to 254-258-3682.  Lease/ No Deposit. Pl u mbi n g ..........................................84 wanted/ Broken Houses For Sale ................................1 Wanted To Rent................................19 Tree Servi c e ....................................53 Loans..................................   Amistad. 60 450 acres.    circundantes. A partir de   713.859.2952 Call 254-541-4563  254-913-8989   ATV’s & Vintage Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up for information, buyer’s    Ca Amistad. 60water, - 450 acres.  dep. 163 ATV’s Hillside Dr., Troy. cycles,    cycles, & Vintage       Electricity, easy $8 por hora. Por favor  Ranch House Inn    Investm     (903) 336-9086 premium, terms & condi Bikes. We Pick-Up Chappell Hill Reality  2  Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16,........................54 2020 Electricity, water, easy Dirt Repai r s, Al l Types ............................85  FiRe   Suburban-Out of Town ......................2 Business Property ............................20 Real Estate Loans, Call Sherry (254)771-1157 Pavi n g, Asphal t , Etc.  Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up    llame a nuestra oficina al  access, whitetail, dove, ja- (903)  tions. Photos anddove, more      SHORTY’S 336-9086Landscaping. tion   2Br, 1Ba. W/D connections.  access, whitetail, ja773-0114   ext 101.   appliances  (903) 336-9086 776-7775 o Auto solicite       upcoming actions. T Gal- (254) velina, thick cover, views,    Mowing, weedeating, edging, Roofi n g, Si d i n g ................................86 Farms, Group Ranches ................................3 Mi n i Storage ....................................21 New/Used Loans........ Fenced. Detached garage.  rabili  velina, thick cover, views,  Mi s cel l a neous Servi c es....................55            en línea en www.janitori  1BR / 1BTH Apartment, $550, Hunt with your dog or   laway TX LIC#12798.    tree service, flower beds,   canyons. Starting at $650/ 607 OLAF DRIVE   920 North 12th, Temple.     Real estate canyons. Starting atFor $650/ Commercial       2020  West  Ave M, Temple guided. Quail/Chukar hunt nice WaSheRS, dry-40 caR  EFFICIENCIES Paid. 909 Sandbl a sti n g ....................................87  mulching, and more.  Lake PropertyBills ....................................4 Houses   3bd 2bth duplex $1050/ mo. BINGO $675/$400. 254-913-8808   auction, Febru     AC. 979-575-3939 Lang  cast Fenci n g ............................................56  Sale AC. 979-575-3939 Lang  AM   Properties ers, refrigerators, and ary miles northeast 254-760-3031     of Austin. Call  for details 254-913-8989 22, 10Post am, preview OFFICE SPACE   Furnished. 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Quail for Feb.  TOWNHOMES AT Busi n ess Property ..............................5  VER      21 4pm-6pm, Stor  House Movi n g ..................................57  Cent Equipment, Miscellaneous .   hunting/ inVeStCourtyard, near VA.   with 90 day warranty. ! ! AVAILABLE !!   PINA Tree Trimming, FOR LEASE   sale. gara*F  ageemployment liens, repossessed ve- We Belton   Lost & Found....................................31   Serv  Buy & Repair Un    Dozer Work ......................................89  ment/ RECREATION Lots,$495. Acreage ....................................6 office, retail, Delivery, servicewarework, hicles  512-856-2200 RIVER FAIR From 254-778-1374.   and More! Central  • 1,250 square feet of off ice space     neigh Mowing, Edging, CleanSecuri t y Servi c es..............................58 10 ACRES on Hwy 438 NorthDai r y, Farm Products ......... ! ! AVAILABLE ! !    5120 wanted/ Broken MotorRecently refurbished 3,500   Lic #1-74-6066507-2  house & more for lease Te  AL PROPERTY. We have need non-working ones.       Texas Auction Services.! 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Restricted. e m p L e o S D i S Ship     Christian environment, ASK FOR wards, Menard, Coke,      production area lot in downtown Temple.  Fi e l d Seeds, Ferti l i z er ........ for information,      townhouse style (stairs), power wash and con- eRS garage, fenced yard, nice  FRI. AFTERNOONS School s &premium, Instructi oLaSalle. ns....................120 (AVAILABLE 254) 526-2277 Carbonics 431 Tol  ¡ Ya están   Owner/agent 325-668-6465  terms   Carpool Transportati on ..............38rent $1100, www.davidbarrproper  Carbonics 4315pm LaSalle.  fully RIVER furnished 1BR,s orBath miscellaneous  BOLDING ! !   poniBLeS.  ! !   FOUND: James Avery tions buyer’s FAIR Val Verde County, free  appliances  Off-street parking. 904 ACRES Ticonderoga,  RENT$2,000  neighborhood, Doors Open   ANGI 10 on Hwy 438Temple, North- and sitting upco crete work. 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Se necesita: tra-5 caR TXOpen LIC#12798.  Temple, mid-January. ask Apartments about Call for    and part-time jobs availWaco Veter- Gallaway Doors 4pmSALE FurniRestricted. shed........................9  Oak County, whitetail,  771-2191, 718-9765and 713.859.2952 ences •3bed/2.5bath/2gar 39+/ACRES FOR offic e, retail, waremuda grass.pets.  ers, refrigerators,   and part-time jobs avail-     of  the rooms that you oc- house   David Barr Properties  ary 2 4270 bajadores de limpieza en    • Large doors   showing 254-760-0170 charms, 1 charm is an & mgarage ore for lease    ans Section. $700. (254) Session Starts 5:30pm    Storage Bui l d i n gs ............................75  able now! Needed: Janihogs). Large acreage or  254-23 Owner/agent 325-668-6465 cook stoves. Rebuilt  motorcycles Residential development   cupy. No smoking, drink David P roperties able now! Needed: Jani6154 Barr WHEATON LOOP  RENT$2,000     Feb. Waco, Temple y Reality las áreas Chappell Hill Babysi tters, Childcare......................44  “A”. Please identify other 254) m526-2277 Apartments Unfurni s hed ..................10 662-3082 LARGE Furni t ure, New & Used .......   torial workers in Waco,   ! ! ! ( Com erc ial ! ! ! ( 254) 526-2277 small. 30 year fixed rate   with 90 day warranty.    ing, or drugs. 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New paint,  hicle e xes Furni s hed..........................11  &P roperties. Repair Un- wanted/ Mi s cel l a neous Items .......... $8 por hora. Porwork, favor Temple and surrounding Hot Food    mation to 254-258-3682.  Business          Fenc  Broken Motorareas. Starting at $8 per  month. Located Down. Call toll free or FiRe need non-working ones. 713.859.2952  39+/- ACRES FOR SALE Hel p Wanted Medi calOutour ....................131 Dav id Barr P roperties 254-913-8989 Concretewanted/ carpet, appliances. Small  schools, 254-718-9281     Broken Motor- cycles,  Maximum Pay a nuestra oficina al Texa Work  areas. Starting $8 per   (................................77 254) 526-2277 parking ATV’s &atVintage   hour. Please call of- llame 920 Point Resort.    (254) 214-5284, (254) tion email for individual prices  Banki n g Servi c es..............................46    Residential development     exesaUnfurni shed......................12 pets Dupl with deposit. 700 Morgan’s Goods & Appl i a nces ...........  www.davidbarrproper cycles, ATV’s & Vintage Call   Chappell Hill Reality 776-7775 Bills o solicite  hour. Please call our of- (254)  2 EFFICIENCIES Paid. cent Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up    ties.c om   Hel pterms. 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(254) de tiempo completo y    ment/ RECREATION  Credit repair program. disponibles los empleos  NEE  Belton   DOLLAR SAVER. m     cycles, ATV’s & Vintage asau      Dollar Saver Classified nished $495. and 254-778-1374. large yard.   From 662-3082 PROPERTY. We have   medio! Se necesita: tra-y   (254) 857-4663.    de tiempo completo Fem Mow   LandscapiAL    Get Results! 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NEED townhouse style (stairs),  Lots/Land/ We Buy & Repair Un  WE’RE A CUT ABOVE THE REST  from the Hill Country (Ed   A PLACE to Pai live? Townhomes Waco, Temple áreas  Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146   nators ..................................52 want    Property Offices................................18 nting & Wal lpaperi ng ..................83  fully Bui lding11am Materi als .............. bajadores limpieza en wanted/   Doors Open (acreage 25 4)de778Call: -44Ay44las 4501.7500  tions Call SherryExtermi (254)771-1157     Broken MotorTiconderoga, Temple, Appliances Menard, Coke, circundantes.   Lawn college student, wards, partir de 904  appliances cycle   2ext 101. BR/1.5 BA, $665/$600, Female CODE 012920    Session Starts 12:30pm    and Waco, Temple y las áreas  upco    Val Verde County, free  cycles, ATV’s & Vintage  TX. Large patio, priv.    Christian environment,  $8 por hora. Por favor  Dirt   townhouse style (stairs),   pow FRI. AFTERNOONS      Acce lawa circundantes. A partir de Dirt   ranging exotics), to South WeSt Bikes. We Pick-Up     texaS Trans    fence; W/D connections, fully furnished 1BR, Bath     llame a nuestra oficina al    (903) 904 Ticonderoga, Temple, Doors Open 5pm dry nice WaSheRS,    (Kinney, Duval,  wash  crete 336-9086 $8  por hora. near Por favor  area, Lake (903) sitting room with TV. Texas   Live Pecos ask about pets.6:30pm Callandfor caR      776-7775 o solicite  TX. Large patio, priv. and Session Starts   ers, refrigerators, Oak County, whitetail, (254)    of  llame a nuestra oficina al   ary Amistad. 60 450 acres. Access to kitchen use,  mate   showing 254-760-0170  fence; W/D connections, en línea en www.janitorit2 Real estate For  AFTERNOONS SUNDAY   stoves. Rebuilt Feb. Large acreage or Electricity,     cupy & dryer. Take care hogs). water, easy cook (254) 776-7775 o solicite         ask about pets. Call for washer  Sale  Doors Openwarranty. 4pm  small. 30 year fixed rate  with  7l 90 day    of the rooms that you oc-  age  ing, dove, ja- LANDMARK en líneawhitetail, en www.janitori Only 5% access, showing 254-760-0170  Apartments,   Session Starts 5:30pm    owner financing.  service work, hicle   Full Delivery, JoBS aVaiLaBLe.       cupy. No smoking, drink Utili velina, thick cover, views,   hunting/ inVeStLARGE 1BR $525/$400. New paint,    or and  Down. Call toll free     need non-working ones. part-time jobs avail-   No parties. email  or drugs.        Starting at$650/ mon  LANDMARK Apartments,  1BR / 1BTH Apartment, $550, ing, Hunt withindividual your dog or canyons.   RECREATIONNON-SMOKING ROOM  for prices  carpet, appliances. Small Texa  607 OLAFOnly DRIVE  JoBS aVaiLaBLe. Full ment/ (254) 214-5284, (254)    able now! Needed:LangJanipaid. $600 per    Call 2         1BRWest$525/$400. New paint, Utilities AC. 979-575-3939  AL PROPERTY. We have Morg 909 Ave M, Temple guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40    Hot Food Available  and terms. ranchenterpris  pets with a deposit. 700 cent 3bd 2bth duplex $1050/ mo. in  799-6228  and part-time avail- some   torial workers jobs in Waco,  Located       carpet, appliances. Small month.  of the best in Texas   Maximum Pay Out 800-876-9720 Call 254-541-4563 miles northeast of Austin. Cont      Call for details Waco Road, Belton  OFFICE SPACEJani- from  able now! Point254-913-8989 Resort.  Temple andNeeded: surrounding       pets with a deposit. 700 Morgan’s     the Hill Country (Ed- vices  Training area. Quail for   homes QuaLity BuiLt   254-289-8983 Jean 254-624-1733. employment miscellaneous areas. Starting at per wards, workers in $8 Waco,    Waco Road, Belton Contact     Menard, Coke, buye        sale.  torial  

Carpools or Transportation ..............38

! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277

Business Services


39+/- ACRES FOR SALE Residential development property in South Temple & off FM 93, Belton schools, 254-718-9281

LVN / RN 3pm 11pm

Line Ad Rate 3 Lines (15 words) $1.50 Display Ad Rate $6 Inch Real Estate



Call: 501.7500

FURNISHED EFFICIENCIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Internet. Bills Paid. No Lease/ No Deposit. Ranch House Inn 773-0114

Rentals Continued

 2  BR/1.5 BA, Maint. $665/$600,  NOW LEASING  Building & Home    townhouse style (stairs),    


Duplexes Unfurnished......................12 Banking Services.......... production area Houses Furnished ............................13 Communications, TV, R Merchandise ness Bookkeeping • LoadingBusidock HousesEmployment Unfurnished ........................14 Cemeteries & Monumen Rooms For Rent ..............................15 • Large garage doors Mobile Homes, Lots & Acreage........16 Health Care & Related S Equipment ces .... • Convenient offServi -street Sport Leases, Lake Property............17    Property Offices................................18 parkingExterminators .............. 

 

New Ads Thursday Week Ahead


(254)• High 778-4444 visibility location

BINGO 

with access fro FinancialAsk ForTemple Classified 

Avenue and 7th Stree  CALL DOLLAR S A VER Business Services Cont’d NOW BuildinLEASING g & Home Maint. Cont’d Financial Cont


Great space. Grea 2547745

(254) 7 8-4444 






10 ACRES on Hwy 438 Northeast of Temple, 1.5 miles outside of Loop. All in bermuda grass. Restricted. Owner/agent 325-668-6465


Area Advert

LVN / RN 3pm 11pm

3pm 11pm

CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444

Building & Home Maint.

Business Services

Farm & Ranc




COMMERCIAL PROPERTY RESULTS... FOR LEASE • 1,250 square feet of office space Financial  BINGO Great space. Great location. and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ 

2547745204 NOW LEASING production area




• Loading dock • Large garage doors   off-street customer • Convenient parking



(254) 778-4444


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weekend per month. Central Texas Auction  254-718-8764 Must be neat in appear- laway TX LIC#12798. Call 254-718We Buy & Repair Un- Services.!  nice WaSheRS, dryance, reliable and enercaR auction, FebruCORPORATE TRAVEL 5120 or visit centraltexwanted/ Broken Motorgetic. Apply in person ers, refrigerators, and ary AGENT 22, 10 am, preview ONLY, Johnnie’s Clean-  cycles, ATV’s &Rebuilt Vintage Excellent customer servcook stoves.  21 4pm-6pm, Storers, 116 South Main, Feb. for buyer’s Dirt We Pick-Up ice, information, computer, and com  withBikes. 90 day warranty. Downtown, Temple. age liens, repossessed vemunication skills reterms & condi(903) 336-9086   Delivery, service work, premium, More! quired.and Sabre GDSCentral reserExperienced Refrigeration hicles tions. Photos and more  need non-working ones. vationAuction knowledge preTechnician needed. Ice Texas Services.! actions. T Gal ferred but not required. machine repair helpful. (254) 214-5284, (254) upcoming 254-718-5120 or visit Apply: Waco Carbonic, Call  laway TX LIC#12798. Send resumes to 799-6228 431 LaSalle Ave, Waco, nice WaSheRS, dryTX. 254-754-2601. caR auction, Febru-

 Temple: (254) 778-4444

  Killeen: (254) 501-7530  appliances      for information,  ers, refrigerators, and ary 22, 10 am, preview  miscellaneous NOW HIRING buyer’s premium, terms cook stoves. Rebuilt  Feb. 21 4pm-6pm, EXPERIENCED FINISH  conditions. PhotosStorand  with 90 day warranty. &  55 year old woman looking

BLADE OPERATOR 1 cemeteRy at& Delivery, service Lot work, MUST be  experienced knowledgeable with the Waco Memorial, Veter need non-working ones. COUNTER PERSON Topcon system. Pay ans Section. $700.(254) (254) (254) 214-5284, needed at Belton locastarts out at $25 an hour.  662-3082 799-6228 tion, afternoons and one We offer PTO, vacation,  month.  good wages per & benefits. weekend We Buyapplications & Repair Un Accepting at Must be neat in appearLone Star Grading &  wanted/ Broken Motorance,  reliable andVintage enerMaterials cycles, ATV’s & Please call getic. Apply in Pick-Up person 1 cemeteRy Lot at  Dirt Bikes. We (254) 947-0149 for info.

      WOOD BUILDINGS  10x16 $2000  12x24 $2700   Call (512) 748-4003       Reconditioned Used Appli  ances. Washers, dryers, refrigerators,  stoves, freezers. Repairs also. Can  deliver. 254-628-1512  Refrigerator, 18 cu.ft., 4

We Buy & Repair Un wanted/ Broken Motor  cycles, ATV’s & Vintage  Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up  (903) 336-9086  


appliances      nice WaSheRS, dry 

ers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt  with 90 day warranty. age liens, repossessed ve more upcoming actions. T   for private caregiving posiDelivery, service work, tion. Experienced with hicles and Central   Gallaway TXMore! LIC#12798. Alzheimer’s, Dementia & years old, $200.00. Maytag need non-working ones. Texas Auction Services.! dryer $50.00. 254-780-9137 UBORA SALON COPD. Willing to do house    keeping & cooking as well! motorcycles (254) 214-5284, (254) Call 254-718-5120 or visit  Please callRental LoraineAvail Jones  @   Station or 254-541-0588. Thanks for your centraltexasauctionser799-6228   Private Room Avail interest.



rtner,  We Buyfor & information, Repair Farm & Ranch GUNSSpanish & AMMO-REPAIR  254-718-8764 mson reign LJZ  SURPLUS 603-C East  wanted/ Broken Motor buyer’s premium, terms Spanish Farm & Ranch   lnary be Central, Belton 939-1110 empLeoS D i S - Shipping containience  cycles, ATV’sPhotos & Vintage & conditions. and  arch  and poniBLeS. ¡ YaDestán eRS $2,000 and up. Wind CORPORATE TRAVEL  -mane m p L e o S i S Shipping contain Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up workmore upcoming actions. T   and water tight. phodisponibles los empleos  ase  Speup. Wind poniBLeS. ¡ Ya están eRS $2,000 and See AGENT  loyed (903) 336-9086 TX LIC#12798. disponibles nesin1 www.steelcontainers. cemeteRy Lotphoat tos de WOOD tiempo completo y and Waco336-9086 Memorial, VeterONLY, Johnnie’s Clean- Gallaway  water tight. See los empleos BUILDINGS and (903)  Freightliner Columbia Excellent customer servand  net Will deliver. (254) 722medio! Se$795.00 necesita: PERSON Hood 120, OBO. trawww.steelcontainers. de tiempo completo y tos herd.  Waco Memorial, Veterans Section. $700. (254) Ex- MAINTENANCE  ers, 116 Main, ice, 10x16 $2000 needed for South Property/MHP computer, and com254-541-4203 4270, Burleson, TX. bajadores de limpieza en (i) er  : 1.  Farm & Ranch medio!12x24 deliver. (254)(254) 722Se necesita: tra- net Belton, Temple. minimum 2  662-3082 ansWill Section. $700. ment in Downtown, Waco, Temple y las áreas ffects years experience. Call munication skills re- bajadores Burleson, TX. de$2700 limpieza en 4270,auctions herd    circundantes. A partir de 662-3082 nance uding 254-939-1599 We Buy & Repair UnCall (512) 748-4003 Waco, Temple y las áreas quired. Sabre GDS reser- $8  feed We BuyImplement & Refrigeration Repair Co. Un-  auctions  Experienced por hora. APor favor ental Fertilizer Broken Application, incircundantes. partir de FiReaRmS, wanted/ MotorammuniDcomicatS - Blackland Shipping contain vation growth knowledge pre-  hunting/ inVeStllame oficina al wanted/ Broken Motor Technician needed. Ice cycles,  crease and producevel$8 pora nuestra hora. Por favor has an immediate openWe Buy & ammuniRepair Untion & Military MemoATV’s & Vintage FiReaRmS, están eRS $2,000 and&in up. Wind  ment and ing   (254) 776-7775 o solicite tion for your pasture and ment/ RECREATIONferred but not required. machine repair helpful. cycles, ATV’s Vintage  llame a nuestra oficina al for person parts  rabilia Auction, 7, proDirt Bikes. Westimulates Pick-Up  tion & Military Memoroved wanted/ BrokenMarch Motor en línea en www.janitoripleos andPROPERTY. water tight. See pho-  crops. N-TEXX  Apply: Waco Carbonic, proc- department. (254) 776-7775 o solicite Must have AL We have     Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up Send resumes to 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die s to rabilia Auction, March 7, (903) 336-9086 soil, microorganisms that cycles, ATV’s & Vintage eto y tos www.steelcontainers. valid driver’s license with  en línea en www.janitori431 LaSalle Ave, Waco,     some of the best in Texas cast airplanes, helmets,   Reconditioned Used Appliroper (903) 336-9086 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die provide essential nutrients no restrictions. Apply722in   ation TX. 254-754-2601.  a: tranet Will deliver. (254) Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up ammo boxes and More! Want to Buy  manfrom the Hill Country (Ed  cast airplanes, helmets, ances. Washers, dryers, pling, person at 2700 E. FM 93, for plants through their   Central Texas Auction ctices  4270, Burleson, za en Temple,  ction     ammo boxes and More! (903) 336-9086 Want Buy   productive biological procwards, Menard,TX.Coke,  TX. &to stoves, and  Call 254-718We Buy Repair Un- Services.! NOW HIRING free esses. 15-5-5 applied at refrigerators, Yorkshire Terriers:  Central Texas Auction  áreas    o: Val Verde County,    uperRegistered Yorkie Pups. 5120 or visit centraltexwanted/ Broken Motorfreezers. Repairs also. Can  Call 254-718We Buy & Repair Un- Services.! per acre. EXPERIENCED    tir Chocolates, Parti, KB  exotics), FINISH to South $23.00 o de 20 ranging   cycles, ATV’s &boys Vintage    5120 or visit centraltexwanted/ Broken MotorContact black, Golddust, & 254-628-1512  inVeStyear oldCarlos womanMorris looking deliver.  BLADE OPERATOR favor en- hunting/  for information, buyer’s Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up girls. 254-931-7143, Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live 55 254-421-1276 for fertilizer  cycles, ATV’s & Vintage 3 FiReaRmS, ammuni   for private caregiving posi-  el toal ment/ RECREATION ina premium, terms & condi(903) 336-9086  MUST be experienced & UBORA SALON  All Oak application and sales. County, whitetail, buyer’s Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up Refrigerator, 18 cu.ft., 4 for information, tion. Experienced with  tion & Military Memo   tions. Photos and more  AL PROPERTY. We have olicite  years old, $200.00.  Maytag premium, terms & condi(903) 336-9086 knowledgeable with the hunting/ inVeStLicensed Alzheimer’s, Dementia LargeAssistant acreage or miles hogs). Make your ad stand out &  appliances rabilia Auction, March 7, upcoming actions. Gal  $50.00. 254-780-9137  of the best in Texas tions. Photos and Tmore   COPD. Willing do house- dryer nitorifrom theto rest!  Needed will some Topcon system. Pay small. 30 year fixed rate ment/ RECREATION ertise appliances laway TX LIC#12798. 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die keeping &ASK  FOR as well! upcoming actions. T Galcooking  mson from the Hill Country (Edfor large beauty salon.   financing. Only 5%  nice WaSheRS, drystarts out at $25 an hour. AL PROPERTY. We have and owner BOLDING  Please call Loraine Jones @ cast airplanes, caR auction, Februlaway TX LIC#12798.  Three days perhelmets, week.  wards, Menard, Coke,  ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! your ers, ! refrigerators, Call Classified Call toll free or  254-541-0588. Thanks for nice WaSheRS, and dry- ary We offer PTO, vacation, 22, over- Down.  some of10 theam, bestpreview inFebruTexas Income negotiable.  ammo boxes and More!  caR auction, 778-4444    Val Verde County, free office, retail, warecook stoves. Rebuilt  interest.  ers, refrigerators, and Feb. 21 4pm-6pm, Storemail for individual prices 254-718-8764  ary 22, 10 am, preview good wages & benefits.  Cattle90 Health Specialist Central Texas Auction from the Hill Country (EdCOUNTER PERSON  with day warranty.    house & more for lease ranging exotics), to South cook Rebuilt age liens, repossessed ve GUNS stoves. & AMMO-REPAIR Metal building manufac- Schwertner  and terms.applications ranchenterprisFarms, Inc. needed Feb. 21 at 4pm-6pm, Stor Un-   Belton loca Accepting at Services.! Call 254-718rreign Delivery, service work, wards, Menard, Coke,   with 90 day warranty. David Barr Properties hicles andrepossessed More! Central Capitol Land Live- age Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live LJZ SURPLUS 603-C& East turer is accepting appli- d/b/a  liens, ve 800-876-9720    need non-working ones. afternoons and one inary stock seeks Cattle Health tion, 5120 or visit centraltexotor- Oak Lone Star Grading & Delivery, service work,  cations for loader and Texas Auction Services.! Central, Belton 939-1110 Val Verde County, free  ( 254) 526-2277 County, whitetail, hicles and More! Central    for Schwertner, (254) 214-5284, (254) weekend ience QuaLity per month.  light manufacturing. Specialist '1 need non-working ones. BuiLt homes Call 254-718-5120 or visit ntage  Materials    Texas Auction Services.! www.davidbarrproper TX799-6228 location (Williamson  ranging South and hogs). Large acreage or Metal   building experi-  be exotics), neat in to appear (254) 214-5284, (254)  centraltexasauctionserCounty). Employee will be Must on lot.year Floor plans to  for your information, buyer’s k-Up Call 254-718-5120 or visit   Please call worksmall. 30 fixed rate N ence preferred. Pay de- responsible Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live for research- ance, reliable and ener799-6228 for information, UBORA SALON  centraltexasauctionser   any budget. No money premium, terms & condiSpe- fit pending on experience. oca ing, developing and man- getic. (254) 947-0149 for info. miscellaneous owner financing. Only 5%  Apply inwhitetail, person buyer’s premium, terms Oak County, Station Rental Avail or for information, practices employed  none in- down. Apply in person M-F at aging 100% financing.  tions. Photos and more   & conditions. Photos and Johnnie’s CleanCall tollAvail free or Elite  Private Room health, nutrition, Freightliner Columbia and ONLY, buyer’s premium, terms and Down.  hogs). Large acreage or Steel & Supply, formiscellaneous nth. Credit program. upcoming actions. T Gal- 8216 MAINTENANCE PERSON cattle herd. more upcoming actions. T    254-718-8764 ers, 116 South Main, Hood 120, of $795.00 OBO. 1 cemeteRy Lot at   & conditions. Photos and forrepair individual prices Ex- email N. I-35, Temple, development earsmall. 30 year fixed rate Specific duties include: 1. Gallaway  needed for Property/MHP  TX LIC#12798. (254) 857-4663. laway TX LIC#12798. 254-541-4203 Waco Memorial, Veter Downtown, Temple. (i) and terms. ranchenterpris- 254-773-4300 more upcoming actions. T 1 cemeteRy Lot at  ner Review and study effects    TRAVEL 2 inCORPORATE Belton, minimum   owner financing. Only 5% ment ans Section. $700. (254) dryTX LIC#12798. of Waco health maintenance  for independent son Memorial, Veter- Gallaway motorcycles caR auction, Febru800-876-9720 years experience. Call AGENT  Daily Telegram is accepting applications  ative  contract   Experienced Refrigeration '1 '1  processes, environmental  herd    662-3082 Down. Call toll free or and eanans Section. $700.on(254)  WOOD BUILDINGS will22, be10 customerIMMEDIATE OPENING: 254-939-1599 Excellent customer servary am,reliable preview conditions and feed cat- Technician motorcycles needed. Ice uding  QuaLity BuiLt homes cants must have transportation, valid driver’s license and    ain, Janitorial company now  662-3082 10x16 $2000  We Buy & Repair Un built tle health. 2. Advise on and machine ice, computer, and comemail for individual prices repair helpful. math, grammar, spelling, feed  Feb. 21 4pm-6pm, StorWe Buy & Repair Unhiring days and evenings. use of improved Apply: Application, in- manage on your lot.Implement Floor plansCo. to Fertilizer 12x24 $2700   wanted/ Broken Motornsurance in their name. munication skills reWaco Carbonic, Blackland We Buy & Repair Unnty.    com-have Apply online at  and terms. ranchenterpriswanted/ Broken Motorproducts and techniques to age liens, repossessed veill a professional We Buy & Repair Un- 431 Call (512) 748-4003 WeSt texaS Trans crease cycles, ATV’s & Vintage   LaSalle Ave, Waco, Sabre GDS reserfit any budget. No money  growth and produc- enhance Broken Motorevel- quired. animal& Vintage produc- wanted/ ation ork, has anand immediate opencycles, ATV’s   wanted/ Broken MotorTABLE routes take just a few hours each day: 800-876-9720 hicles More! Central  Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up 254-754-2601. vation knowledge prent personality that comes tion. 3. Develop and man- TX. Pecos area, near Lake   ment Ice cycles, ATV’s & Vintage  down. 100% financing.  tion for your pasture and Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up nes. cycles, ATV’s & practices Vintage (903) ing forbut person in parts age improved 336-9086 ferred not pful. Texas Auction Services.!  pro-   Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up   Amistad. 60o-required. acres. vious is i S - Shipping   (903) 336-9086 Credit program. QuaLity BuiLt homes Maintenance Position  respect toWe housing and Bi-Weekly Dirt Bikes. Pick-Up crops. N-TEXX stimulates with NOW HIRING onic, 254) esales mSend pexperience Lrepair eresumes S450 D containto proc- department. Must have 336-9086 Call 254-718-5120 or visit Reconditioned disease control. Will super- (903)  Central Counties Services   Electricity, water, easy aco,  (254) 857-4663.   (903) 336-9086 onEXPERIENCED your lot. FloorFINISH plans to Used nven- Real estate For soil, microorganisms that Gross Income (est.)   vise the work of up to 20 (CCS) is seeking qualified poniBLeS. ¡ Ya están eRS $2,000 and up. Wind valid driver’s license with centraltexasauctionser access, whitetail, dove, ja- ances. Washers, dryers, roper    OPERATOR Will be For enapplicants for a nutrients full time employees. Sale fit BLADE any budget. No money sions and benefi ts.los Please   Real estate provide essential no restrictions. Apply in  disponibles empleos and water tight. See information, in weekly travel to MUST refrigerators, stoves, Belton $475.00 maintenance worker to gaged ation velina,  thickforcover, views, be experienced &    Sale  down. 100% financing. company’s ranches. All  perform construction, res for plants through their freezers. Repairs also. Can pling, canyons.  buyer’s premium, terms person at 2700 E. FM 93, hunting/ inVeStSH de tiempo completo y tos www.steelcontainers. knowledgeable with the  Starting at $650/ are within 45 miles toration, renovation, and ranches t/Granger/Jarrell $575.00  deliver. 254-628-1512 ction   Credit repair program.  55 year old woman looking R productive biological  ment/ RECREATIONeach other. Travel will Topcon & conditions. Photos and work.(254) Theprocas- of system. Pay  hunting/ inVeStTemple, TX.  AC. 979-575-3939 Langmedio! Secaregiving necesita: tra- maintenance net Will shift deliver. 722private posi limited toTerriers: Williamson  signed normally4 be & for AL PROPERTY. We have starts (254) 857-4663. 18isapplied cu.ft.,  Yorkshire WeSt texaS Trans  out at $25 an hour. ment/ RECREATIONesses. tion. Experienced withT Refrigerator, more upcoming actions.  otdo: at  Bell County and No collecting. Paid every two weeks. Monday –15-5-5 Friday 8TX. AM – at 5 County, 4270, Burleson, bajadores de limpieza en old, $200.00. Maytag the  Alzheimer’s, Dementia & years some of the best in Texas  Registered Yorkie Pups.  AL  PROPERTY. We overhave We offer PTO, vacation, Pecos area, Lake dryer County. No PM, butpermay CCS Milam rPay COPD. Gallaway TX LIC#12798. $50.00. 254-780-9137 $23.00 acre.vary. at  Willing tonear houseeter fromChocolates, the Hill best Country (Ed- good Parti, in KBTexas Contact the Circulation Department night travel required. Waco, Temple y dolas áreas offers an excellent benefits  some of the keeping & 60 cooking as acres. well!  wages & benefits.  Amistad. - 450 our. ContactACarlos Morris 254) black, Golddust, boysCoke, & (Ed-   package. detailed posi- Requirements: wards, Menard, Please call Loraine Jones @   from the Hill Country works with the district applications at circundantes. A254-778-4444 partir de tion  or foreign 254-541-0588. Thanks for easy your description is availa- Bachelor’s Electricity, water, girls.Menard, 254-931-7143,  Val Verde County, free Accepting  3ion,  254-421-1276 for fertilizer  wards, Coke,  interest. equivalent in veterinary  ble on the Center’s website. Lone Star Grading & elivery thewhitetail, newspaper s.or stop SeRVice technician by the offi ce at 10 South Th ird St., Temple $8ofUBORA por hora. Por favor ranging exotics), to South access, dove, ja    science Val Verdeanimal County, free  Must have andand maintain a medicine, GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR SALON application sales. Materials FiReaRmS, ammunis at  We Buy & Repair Un Texas (Kinney, Live closely relatedDuval, field and Needed. Iceon Machine Revalid driver’s license with or LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East elivering papers open WeSt texaS velina, cover, views, ranging exotics), to South llame athick nuestra oficina al  call Trans  r& Un-  Please Central, Belton 939-1110 yearsCounty, of experience workan acceptable driving rec- 4Oak whitetail, wanted/ Broken MotorLicensed Assistant tion & Military Memo  Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Pecos pair Helpful. Apply Waco Make your ad out  canyons. Starting atsolicite $650/ area, near Lake signed. Late night, early ing as Cattle Health Spe  ord. is an stand Equal Op-  otor- (254) 776-7775 o starting at CCS Installed  (254) 947-0149 for info.  hogs). Large acreage or  cycles, ATV’s & LaSalle. Vintage Oak County, whitetail, cialist or in a position inportunity Employer. rabilia from Auction, March 7,  the rest! Carbonics 431 Needed AC. 979-575-3939 Lang-  - 450 acres.   Amistad. 60   Turn Over ntage ates must have reliable ertise  small. 30 year fixed rate en línea en www.janitorivolving similar duties and All applicants can apply  hogs). Large acreage or Dirt Bikes. We Pick-Up  ASK PERSON fo. (254) 754-2601 2020. 9:00 amFOR Knives, die technical capabilities. Exforrecord large beauty salon. Gooseneck on-line at owner financing. Only rate 5% MAINTENANCE k-Up Electricity, easy n driving and auto  small. 30 yearinclude: fixed  needed for water, Property/MHP (903) 336-9086  Freightliner perience must (i) BOLDING www.centralcounties  BallColumbia Hitch Down. 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Services.! Call 254-718-  for information, buyer’s premium, terms & conditions. Photos and more  upcoming actions. T Gal laway TX LIC#12798.  caR auction, Febru ary 22, 10 am, preview    Feb. 21 4pm-6pm, Stor   age liens, repossessed ve    hicles and More! Central    Texas Auction Services.!   Call 254-718-5120 or visit  centraltexasauctionser for information,   Farm & Ranch   buyer’s premium, terms   & conditions. Photos and Shipping contain more upcoming actions. T    eRS $2,000 up. Wind Gallaway TX and LIC#12798.

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Photos and more     piano. Send resume to: $ Sale Coke, esses. acreage 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ 4,450  Needed. Ice Machine ReYorkshire Terriers: able now! Needed: Jani15-5-5 applied at ( 254) 526-2277 To apply, send resume to: Lots/Land/      eighthstreetbaptist Registered Yorkie Pups. actions. T Gal-  - upcoming e mappliances p L eAxle o SC&C i SBoxes $4,875  c/o Jimmy Schwertner  $23.00 per acre. 84" Cab w/4 ............................ freewww.davidbarrproper torial workers in D Waco, acreage Helpful. Apply Waco Chocolates, Parti, KB    Schwertner Farms Trans pair   Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation WeSt texaS  poniBLeS. ¡ Ya están Contact Carlos Morris black, Golddust, boys & laway TX LIC#12798.  South    Temple and surrounding P. O. Box 1  431inVeStLaSalle. girls. 254-931-7143, hunting/     Pecos area, near Lake Carbonics for fertilizer  , Live 254-421-1276 WeSt texaS Trans disponibles los empleos Schwertner, Texas 76573  nice WaSheRS,  areas. Starting $8dryper    caR auction, FebruAmistad. 60 - near 450 acres. N  application andatsales. 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Page 6 • February 12, 2020

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

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Sunday, February 16, 2020


February 12, 2020 • Page 7 Dollar Saver

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Dollar Saver Sunday, January 26, 2020 

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Dollar Saver

! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277

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Dollar Saver




    

2  Dollar Saver 16, 2020  Sunday, February       Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020 1                                             Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020 1                                       ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !             Land, Investm ent               P roperties, and         Building/ Business P roperties.  Building/ Yardwork/ Concrete      David Barr P roperties  ADS ADS  Brick/Concrete Handyman Tree Services Gutters     Remodeling Landscaping ( 254) 526-2277     Remodeling     Services  www.davidbarrproper            ties.c om                ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !                   Land, Inv estm ent       and       P roperties,            ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Business P roperties.               Dav id Barr P roperties   Land, Investm ent           ( 254) 526-2277 P roperties, and                  www.davidbarrproper   Business P roperties.            ties.c om         David Barr P roperties       Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020 1      ( 254) 526-2277            ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !    www.davidbarrproper Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020 1        Land, Inv estm ent   ties.c om       Buidling/ P roperties, and          Business P roperties.           Dav id Barr P roperties        Remodeling    ( 254) 526-2277                 www.davidbarrproper           ties.c om       ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !               Land, Inv estm ent              P roperties, and            Business P roperties.            Dav id Barr P roperties                   ( 254) 526-2277      ! ! ! 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                                CODE      012920      ay, February 16, 2020      ADVERTISE WITH US TODAY                          ! ! AVAILABLE ! !   Call: 501.7500   Dollar Saver Sunday, February 16, 2020 1           offic e, retail, ware   house     ! ! ! 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Com m erc ial ! ! ! ties.c om     ( 254) 526-2277 ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !             Land, Investm ent       Land, Inv estm ent   w w w .d a v idb aroperties, r rpr op    P and er                P roperties, and  ties.c om  Business P roperties.     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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Photography/             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   Call: 501.7500                                  CODE 012920                    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(254) 771-3516 le/Belton w Ads Thursday Week Ahead (254) 778-4444 email• 778-4444 mple-Belton Dollar Saver BINGO Ask For Classified COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Advertising DEADLINES PHONE FAX RATES Area FOR LEASE (254) 771-3516 BINGO (254) 778-4444

sulation ..........................................80 1BR 1BRWest // 1BTH 1BTH Apartment, Apartment, $550, Hunt Hunt with with your your dog dog or 607 OLAF DRIVE email ROOFING & 909 Ave M, Temple $550, guided. Quail/Chukar hunt or 40 &WILL Livestock 607 607 OLAF OLAF DRIVE DRIVE Recreational Vehicles ....................296 PetsI AMERICA Musical Goods................................186 Feed & #4008 Pasturing ..........................172 3bd 2bth duplex $1050/ mo. Office, Records Storage ..................59 MOW small lawns guided. Quail/Chukar 40 Education mona ty 909 909 West Ave Ave M, M, Temple Templehunt guided. guided. Quail/Chukar Quail/Chukar hunt 40 40 254-760-3031 3bd 2bth duplex $1050/ mo. JobsWest Wanted ..................................135 Call 254-541-4563 miles northeast of hunt Austin. VFW Post ........................................37 3bd 3bd 2bth 2bth duplex duplex254-913-8989 $1050/ $1050/ mo. mo. Ask For Classified Call for details OFFICE SPACE for $35.00; REMODELING medium lawns miles northeast of Austin. ooring Call Call 254-541-4563 254-541-4563 miles miles northeast northeast of of Austin. Austin. Call for details 254-913-8989 OFFICE SPACE Sport Utility Sporting Goods ..............................187 Training area.Seeds, Quail for ....................................297 Call Call for for details details 254-913-8989 254-913-8989 Field Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 VA. ............................................81 OFFICE SPACE $45.00. ESTIMATES* In Temple & PINA Tree Landscaping. Trimming, for *FREE 2Br, 1Ba...............38 W/D connections. Training area. Quail for Schools & Instructions....................120 Training Training Belton area. area. Quail Quail for for SHORTY’S r1374. Transportation sale. FOR LEASE Financial Building & Home Maint. Belton only. Call Bo sale. andscaping-Yard Work ..................82 LEASE Trucks, VansMowing, & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 sale. sale. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 •Building 1,250 feet Cont’d ofMusic, offFOR ice space weedeating, edging, FOR LEASE Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 Mowing, Edging, Clean512-856-2200 Fenced.Services Detached garage. Temple 254-773-7111 Drama ................................123 Business Cont’d &square Home Maint. Financial Cont’d. Merchandise Cont’d. 512-856-2200 Recently refurbished 3,500 254-913-7758. 512-856-2200 512-856-2200 Recently Building refurbished 3,500 Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 WED. AFTERNOONS Air Conditioning & Heating ..............74 tree service, flower beds, Recently refurbished 3,500 ing, Rake Leaves, ainting & Wallpapering ..................83 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Materials ..........................190 920 North 12th, Temple. sq.ft.Garden officeSupplies and warehouse Livestock Waco 254-757-1625 NEED A PLACE to live? Plumbing and 6,450 square foot siness Services ..........................................84 yourOpen ad stand out Tree Service ....................................53 Trees, Flowers, ..191 ........................................232 Merchandise sq.ft. warehouse/ officeLoans..............................................147 and warehouse MakeDoors 11am sq.ft. and Make your ad stand out Paid. Make Make your your ad ad stand stand out out Located on Fence, corner mulching, and warehouse more. Killeen 254-213-7623 Employment Lawncare, Private Female college student, from the rest! BINGO $675/$400.Etc. 254-913-8808 TOWNHOMES AT space. Storage Buildings ............................75 /$600, Asphalt, VERY NICE 3BR, 2BA, Investments Located on Loans, corner Session Starts 12:30pm Repairs, All Types ............................85 from the rest! Real Estate ....148 Computers, Software......................192 Paving, ........................54 space. Located on corner AT from from the the rest! rest! AMERICA ROOFING & VERY NICE 3BR, 2BA, NOW LEASING ASK FOR Christian environment, lot in downtown s,Business Childcare......................44 production area TOWNHOMES AT lot VERY VERY NICE NICE 3BR, 3BR, 2BA, 2BA, Furniture, NewMerchandise & Usedlot ..................179 Services Cont’d Bui lRIVER dinBOLDING gSiding & Home Cont’d. garage, fenced Financial yard, nice Cont’d. airs), power wash andTemple. con- Automotive 254-760-3031 FRI.ASK AFTERNOONS ASK FOR Maint. Cont’ downtown Temple. ASK FOR FOR Business Equipment Toll Free 800-523-7284 garage, fenced 1BR, yard, Cleaning nice Services in downtown mona BOLDING Helpdin Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 Roofing, ................................86 James Avery ANGIE’S CLEANING ServFAIR fully furnished Bath New/Used Auto Loans....................149 ......................193 garage, garage, fenced fenced yard, yard, nice nice Off-street parking. Temple. FOUND: ............................76 Miscellaneous Services....................55 neighborhood, rent $1100, 10 ACRES on Hwy 438 Northmple, #4008 VFW Post Doors Open 5pm FOUND: James Avery Off-street parking. BOLDING BOLDING neighborhood, rent438 $1100, FOUND: James Jamesat Scott Avery Avery& ANGIE’S oning ................................45 RIVER FAIR crete Call work. Free EstiCall Classified Items ......................180 ANGIE’S CLEANING ServREMODELING Charm Bracelet Off-street parking. Miscellaneous Auto RepairsFOUND: ..................................290 and sitting withNorthTV. Pl neighborhood, neighborhood, rent rent $1100, $1100, Charm ANGIE’S CLEANING CLEANING Serv10 10ceACRES ACRES on onroom Hwy Hwy 438 Northdeposit $1,000. 254-421-0187, 254-774-5204 ice, residential top toServboteast of $1,000. Temple, 1.5 miles Call Classified priv. Sandblasting ....................................87 u mbi n g ..........................................84 Auctions, All Types ........................194 Bracelet at Scott & Session Starts 6:30pm Tree Servi ....................................53 Loans..............................................147 Trees, Fl o wers, Garden Suppl i e s ..191 Call Call Classified Classified Help Wanted Medical ....................131 BELTON • Loading dock 778-4444 Fencing ............................................56 deposit 254-421-0187, Charm Charm Bracelet Bracelet at at Scott Scott && ice, Farm & Ranch Call$1,000. 254-774-5204 ice, residential top to bot- White Hospital parking lot, VA.3 Lines deposit deposit $1,000. 254-421-0187, 254-421-0187, Access to kitchen use,$1.50 Work ................................77 CallTree 254-774-5204 ice, residential top top to to referbotboteast east of ofof(15 Temple, Temple, 1.5inConcrete miles miles 832-662-0913. Thursday Week Ahead eHouse tom, residential make ready, mates. outside Loop.words) All1.5 ber778-4444New Ads PINA Trimming, tions, White Hospital parking lot, AFTERNOONS SUNDAY BELTON 778-4444 778-4444 ervices..............................46 BATHTUB REFINISHING 832-662-0913. White White Hospital Hospital parking parking lot, lot, Goods & Appliances ......................181 Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 tom, make ready, referSwimming Pools, Spas ....................88 Temple, mid-January. 5 Belton Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 *FREE ESTIMATES* 832-662-0913. 832-662-0913. tom, tom, make make ready, ready, referreferwasher &grass. dryer. Takein outside outside..................................57 of of Loop. Loop. All All in care berber- Repai ences, free estimates. •3bed/2.5bath/2gar muda Restricted. Moving Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 Temple, mid-January. 5 for r s, Al l Types ............................85 Help Wanted General ....................132 Real Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Computers, Software......................192 Doors Open 4pm in home. Repairs porce771-2191, Pavi ........................54 Temple, Temple, mid-January. 55 ences, ences, free 718-9765 r ng, Asphal charms, 1mid-January. charmon is an Gen.oc-Contractor &Work Misc.garage Svc. ..........78 1374. ences, free estimates. estimates. •3bed/2.5bath/2gar muda muda grass. grass. Restricted. of thet, Etc. rooms thatRestricted. you 254-231-2334 free email Owner/agent 325-668-6465 Dozer ......................................89 ations, TV, Radio, CB......47 Machinery, & Heavy..............196 1Merchandise charm isWanted an Misc. • Large Mowing, Edging,estimates. CleanLOOP and fiberglass. 30 254-231-2334 ....................183 Heavy Duty lain Trucks ........................292 RENT$2,000 doors 6154 WHEATON Session Starts 5:30pm charms, charms, 11 254-773-7111 charm charm isis other an an 254-231-2334 “A”. Please identifyOver Security Services..............................58 Dairy, Farm Products charms, ....................171 Lic #1-74-6066507-2 lay Ad Rate $6 254-231-2334 Temple Owner/agent Owner/agent 325-668-6465 325-668-6465 6154with WHEATON LOOP Hunt your Inch dogdrinkor cupy. No smoking, Help Wanted Professional..............133 6154 6154 WHEATON WHEATON LOOP LOOP “A”. Please identify other RENT$2,000 3bd 2bth new home for Roofi n g, Si d i n g ................................86 Ask For Classified years in business. Call Dale New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Busi n ess Equi p ment ......................193 LARGE “A”. “A”. Please Please identify identify other other charms and text this inforMiOffice, scellaRecords neous Servi ces....................55 Electrical ............................79 White Rentals 2bth new..................59 home for MOW smallMotorcycles lawns 721-3658. guided. Quail/Chukar 40 ServicesDiana Bookkeeping ....................48 PetsIing,WILL & Livestock ing, 3bd or drugs. No hunt parties. 3bd 3bd 2bth 2bthCall new newfor home for for ..........................172 charms textProducts................................184 this inforFeed &home Pasturing ForWaco Saletoand ....................294 WED.andFood AFTERNOONS Storage lease. details o. ments, Rentals Education Rakemedium Leaves, charms and text text this this inforinforNON-SMOKING ROOM mation 254-258-3682. Diana White off Rentals lease. Call for details Salesperson • OFFICE Convenient -street customer for $35.00; lawns charms 254-757-1625 NEED AACRES PLACE to$600 live? miles northeast of Austin. Utilities paid. Only per Sandbl 713.859.2952 lease. lease.254-913-8989 Call CallWanted........................134 for for details details mationHot to 254-258-3682. 39+/FOR SALE 89& Monuments................49 a sti n g ....................................87 SPACE mation mation to to 254-258-3682. 254-258-3682. Aucti o ns, Al l Types ........................194 Food Available Insulation ..........................................80 Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 Doors Open 11am spaint, 254-913-8989 Fenci n g ............................................56 Farm & Ranch Musical Goods................................186 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 713.859.2952 for $45.00. In Temple & Schools & Instructions....................120 39+/39+/ACRES ACRES FOR FOR SALE SALE Training area. Quail for month. Located in 254-913-8989 254-913-8989 Residential development Small Lawncare,only.Private Fence, Chappell Hill Reality Female college student, Maximum Pay Out Building & Home Maint. JobsServices Wanted ..................................135 state Rentals Business Cont’d Building & Home Maint. Cont’d Financial Cont’d. Residential Residential development development parking Call Bo Cont’d. Killeen 254-213-7623Merchandise ty sale. property in ......50 South Temple Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 Morgan’s Point Resort. Session Starts 12:30pm LEASE Chappell Hill Reality Swi mFOR miDrama ngGroup Pool s, Spas ....................88 Music, ................................123 SHORTY’S Landscaping. FlooringContinued ............................................81 Anti ques, ColBelton lectibles ....................195 e/$600, &700 Related Services 2Br, 1Ba. W/D connections. Sporting Goods ..............................187 SportconUtility ....................................297 Christian environment, property property in inW/D South South Temple Temple House Movi n g ..................................57 254-913-7758. SHORTY’S Landscaping. &2Br, off FM 93, Belton 512-856-2200 Contact Jean 254-624-1733. Equi p ment, Mi s cel l a neous ............170 1Ba. connections. Air Conditioning & Heating ..............74 SHORTY’S SHORTY’S Landscaping. Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, Belton 2Br, 2Br, 1Ba. 1Ba. W/D W/D connections. connections. airs), power wash and Livestock ........................................232 Fenced. Detached garage. FRI. AFTERNOONS Group Plumbing ..........................................84 Recently refurbished 3,500Service ....................................53 ..........................1 Wanted To Rent................................19 Tree Loans..............................................147 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 Merchandise & & off off FM FM 93, 93, Belton Belton Mowing, weedeating, edging, schools, 254-718-9281 Financial Toll Free 800-523-7284 Fenced. Detached garage. Mowing, Mowing, weedeating, weedeating, edging, Services ........................51 Read theservice, Classifiedflower section tobeds, findVans & Pickups..................298 Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 tree service, floweredging, beds, Dozer Work ......................................89 fully furnished 1BR,Temple. Bath sq.ft. Fenced. Fenced. Detached Detached garage. garage. Employment 920 North 12th, Temple. Machi n ery, Mi s c. & Heavy..............196 Boats, Motors ................................188 Trucks, • High visibility location in downtown Storage Buildings ............................75 schools, schools, 254-718-9281 254-718-9281 office and warehouse mple, tree Doors Open 5pm 920 North 12th, Securi t y Servi c es..............................58 Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 Make your ad stand out EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. tree tree service, service, flower flower beds, beds, Automotive All Types ............................85 mulching, and more. 920 920 North North 12th, 12th, New Temple. Temple. wn ......................2 Business Property ............................20 Real Estate Loans, Investments Computers, Software......................192 ....148 BINGO $675/$400. 254-913-8808 Furniture, & UsedRepairs, ..................179 Paving, Asphalt, Etc. ........................54 crete work. FreeAutomobiles EstiPaid. and sitting room with TV. mulching, and more. Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 BINGO $675/$400. 254-913-8808 space. Located on corner that just right item you’re looking for. ors ..................................52 EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. from the rest! mulching, mulching, and and more. more. Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 Cleaning Services ............................76 254-760-3031 Building Materials ..........................190 For Sale ....................299 BINGO $675/$400. $675/$400. 254-913-8808 254-913-8808 priv. 2BA, AMERICA ROOFING & Equipment ......................193 SessionSiding Starts................................86 6:30pm Furnished. Ramona Temple with access from Central Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous ......................180 Roofing, Pets254-760-3031 & Livestock #4008 VFW Post ..........................3 Storageuse, ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business 254-760-3031 mona Feed & PasturingItems ..........................172 ASK FOR Miscellaneous Services....................55 Offi ce, Records Storage ..................59 lot in Wanted downtown Temple. Access to Mini kitchen Education Furnished. Ramona Help Medical ....................131 nice #4008 VFW Post mates. Concrete Work ................................77 Call today, someone is looking for VFW Post #4008 254-760-3031 tions, REMODELING Courtyard, near VA. FOUND: Goods SUNDAY AFTERNOONS What you getCLEANING when you advertise PINA ........................194 Tree Trimming, James Avery Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 & Appliances ......................181 Off-street parking. VA. washer &BOLDING Belton 1100, Sandblasting ....................................87 NOW LEASING ANGIE’S Serv..........................4 Auctions, Types Make your ad stand out AllPINA Avenue and 7th Street dryer. Take care Courtyard, near VA. PINA Tree Trimming, Help Wanted General ....................132 Fencing ............................................56 Farm & Ranch Trimming, Call Classified Belton Fi e l d Seeds, Ferti l i z er ....................174 Pets ................................................230 *FREEBelton ESTIMATES* $495. 254-778-1374. Charm Bracelet at Scott & ice, TROY-Very with From Gen. & Misc.nice Svc. 3/2 ..........78 forContractor in•the Classified pages ofHeavy thefeet 1,250 square DoorsPools, Open whatoff youice haveEdging, tospace sell! Find itCleanfast? Mowing,Tree Edging, Clean0187, Call 771-2191, 718-9765 residential top4pm to botSchool s &254-774-5204 Instructi ons....................120 Dutyof Trucks ........................292 Wanted ....................183 Lic #1-74-6066507-2 1374. from the rest! • 1,250 square feet of officeMerchandise space 778-4444 Announcements From $495. 254-778-1374. Mowing, Swimming Spas ....................88


(254) 778-4444

Belton Dollar Saver • 778-4444

• 1,250 square feet of office space BINGO and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ FIND IT production area COMMERCIAL PROPERTY PROPERTY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COMMERCIAL RESULTFOR S... LEASE • Loading dock FOR LEASE FOR LEASE DEADLINES PHONE FAX Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 ERElectrical of the rooms that you oc..........................5 • 1,250 square feet of officeEquipment, space Miscellaneous Help Wanted Professional..............133 Mowing, Edging, Leaves, CleanTemple 254-773-7111 Building &NoHome Maint. Eat Free Nearby. House ..................................57 • Large garage doorsMoving DOLLAR SAVER. ............170 Services ............................79 ing, Rake Session Starts 5:30pm Wanted, Farm(254) EquipmentDozer ..............175 Poul try ............................................231 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Dollar Saver (254) Classified and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Eat Free Nearby. ing, Rake Leaves, 771-3516 Lost &New Found....................................31 Thursday Week Ahead s) $1.50 Musi c, Drama ................................123 cupy. smoking, drink-Ads Salesperson Wanted........................134 ing, Rake Leaves, Work ......................................89 ..........................6 Machinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196 Waco 254-757-1625 and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ 778-4444 Get Results! Call Today! BINGO Great space. Great location. Lawncare, Private Fence, and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ nsulation ..........................................80 Security Services..............................58 LARGE Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 Vehicles ....................296 Airessories Conditioning ..............74 Lawncare, Private Fence, Lawncare, Private Entertainment ............32 ing, or& Heating drugs. No parties.& Recreation LiRecreational varea estock ........................................232 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 Musical Goods................................186 Killeen 254-213-7623 production ............7 power wash andFence, conments, Merchandise email NON-SMOKING ROOM Pets & Livestock Flooring ............................................81 production area Feed & Pasturing ..........................172 (254) 778-4444 Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Office, Records Storage ..................59 production area power wash and con(254)Education 778-44444 hLandscaping-Yard Employment • Convenient off -street customer power wash and conToll Free 800-523-7284 BINGO Utilities paid. Only $600Rentals per Hunt 2547745204 Personals ........................................37 Storage ldings607............................75 crete work. Free Esti$550, Bui with your dog or Ask For Classified paint, .........................8 Financial OLAF DRIVE Hot Food Available Work ..................82 guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats,ture, Motors crete work. Free Fertilizer Esti- ....................174 Automotive Field Seeds, Petslawns ................................................230 • Loading dock crete Furni New................................188 & Used Schools ..................179 I WILL MOW small & Instructions....................120 month. Located in Hel Free EstiBINGO 3bd 2bth duplex $1050/ or mo.Transportation • Loading dock Carpools ..............38 Small p Wanted Truck Dri v ers ............130 • Loading dock Maximum Pay Out Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Building & Home Maint. mates. BINGO for $35.00; medium lawns & Wallpapering ..................83 ClPainting e ani n g Servi c es ............................76 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 northeast of Austin. mates. BINGO Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 Call for details OFFICE SPACE parking Point254-913-8989 Resort. miles 771-2191, 718-9765 als700 Morgan’s Music, Dramagarage ................................123 Autodoors RepairCont’d. s ..................................290 Mi&scelHome la..............74 neousMaint. ItemsCont’d ......................180 for $45.00. In Temple & Training area. QuailAir Conditioning for 771-2191, 718-9765Merchandise • Large 771-2191, 718-9765 & Heating ntals Continued Business Services Cont’d Building Financial Cont’d. Help Wanted Medical ....................131 NOW LEASING • Large garage doors Livestock ........................................232 Contact Jean 254-624-1733. Belton only. Call Bo sale. Concrete Work ................................77 Business Services • Large garage doors Goods FOR LEASE Merchandise d........................9 Belton COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Auto Parts, Insurance, & Appli3,500 ances ......................181 Employment 512-856-2200 Storage Buildings Plumbing............................75 ..........................................84 Rent................................19 Tree Service Loans..............................................147 Trees, Garden ..191 Automotive Supplies Hel p....................................53 Wantedvisibility Generaloff ....................132 Recently refurbished Read customer the ClEtc. assifie............291 d sectiNew on to &finFlowers, d 254-913-7758. • Convenient off-street customer Babysitters, Childcare......................44 hed ..................10 Furniture, Used ..................179 Gen. Contractor & Mi s c. Svc. ..........78 • High location in downtown • Convenient -street customer BINGO • Convenient off -street Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Merchandise Wanted ....................183 sq.ft. office and warehouse Cleaning Services ............................76 Repairs, All Types ............................85 Property ............................20 Real Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Computers, Software......................192 AMERICA ROOFING & Paving, Asphalt, Etc. ........................54 FIND ITIT Sewing, Ironing ................................45 ........................11 parking Helparking p Wanted Professional..............133 Miscellaneous ......................180 Auto Repairs ..................................290 FOR LEASE R E S U L T S . . space. Located on corner Help #4008 VFW Post that justSale riFIND ght....................294 item you’IT re lBusiness ookingItems for. Equipment FIND Wanted Medical ....................131 ElAT ectri calVERY ServicesNICE ............................79 REMODELING parking Roofing, Siding ................................86 3BR, Miscellaneous 2BA, Concrete Work ................................77 ged......................12 ....................................21 New/Used Auto Loans....................149 ......................193 Motorcycles For Food Products................................184 Services....................55 Temple with access from Central Banking Services..............................46 Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances ......................181 Auto Parts, Insurance, lot in downtown Temple. PINA Tree General Trimming, fenced yard, nice Salesperson Wanted........................134 Read the Classified section to find Belton *FREE ESTIMATES* Help Wanted ....................132 • High visibility location insClassified downtown Sandblasting ....................................87 Auctions, All....................183 Types ........................194 Gen. Contractor & Misc. Svc. ..........78 Mowing, FOUND: James Farm Avery nsul ationgarage, ..........................................80 Read thelin section tonWanted find Off-street parking. Fencing ............................................56 neighborhood, rent feet $1100, of & Ranch Cal l today, someone i s l o oki g for Communications, TV, Radio, CB......47 ANGIE’S CLEANING ServRead the........................292 Classified section to find • High visibility location in downtown • 1,250 square off ice space ........................13 Recreati o nal Vehi c e ....................296 Musi c al Goods................................186 Heavy Duty Trucks Merchandise Edging, CleanOFFICE SPACE • High visibility location downtown What you get when you advertise R E S U L T S . . . Temple 254-773-7111 nnouncements Charm Bracelet at Scott & ice, residential top to bot- Make your ad stand out that just right item you’re looking for. Help Wanted Professional..............133 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 deposit $1,000. 254-421-0187, Call 254-774-5204 Swimming Pools, Spas ....................88 Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 FURNISHEDBusiness EFFICIENRClassified ERake SEquipment, UWanted........................134 Lpageswith Tparking SofLeaves, ..the.Miscellaneous Temple with access Central Avenue and 7th Street Electrical Services thatfrom just rightFood item you’re looking for. BATHTUB RESULREFINISHING TSMotorcycles ... ForthatCalljustSale ing, House MovingTemple ..................................57 ....................48 right item you’re looking for. White Hospital ............170 FOR LEASE Products................................184 Fl........................14 ooring ............................................81 with access from............................79 Central Waco 832-662-0913. TROY-Very nice 3/2 Bookkeeping with foot tom, make referandFlat 6,450 square warehouse/ Sport Utilot,5lity ....................................297 ng Goods ..............................187 inSalesperson theTemple FURNISHED EFFICIENaccess Central today,....................294 someone is looking for whatfrom you have254-757-1625 to selready, l! Find it fast? nd....................................31 CIES. Screen TVs, Temple, mid-January. Dozer WorkSporti ......................................89

/$600, airs), mple, priv. tions, for

ions. rage. mple. ments,

paint, Small 700 Belton mo.




all kitchen appliances furnished and large yard.

NEED PLACE live? $950.00 Amonth plus to $500.00 Female college Dr.,student, dep. 163 Hillside Troy. Christian environment, Call furnished Sherry (254)771-1157 fully 1BR, Bath ext 101. and sitting room with TV. Access to kitchen use, washer & dryer. Take care of the rooms that you occupy. No smoking, drinking, or drugs. No parties. Utilities paid. Only $600 per month. Located in Morgan’s Point Resort. Hunt with your dog or Contact Jean 254-624-1733.

2 BR/1.5 BA, $665/$600, 22 BR/1.5 BR/1.5 style BA, BA, $665/$600, $665/$600, townhouse (stairs), townhouse townhouse style style (stairs), (stairs), 904 Ticonderoga, Temple, 904 904 Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, Temple, TX. Large patio, Temple, priv. TX. TX. Large Large patio, priv. priv. fence; W/D patio, connections, fence; fence;aboutW/D W/Dpets.connections, connections, ask Call for ask ask about about pets. pets. Call Call for for showing 254-760-0170 showing showing 254-760-0170 254-760-0170 LANDMARK Apartments, LANDMARK LANDMARK Apartments, Apartments, 1BR $525/$400. New paint, 1BR 1BR $525/$400. New New paint, paint, carpet, appliances. Small Make$525/$400. your ad stand out pets a deposit. 700 carpet, carpet,with appliances. appliances. Small from the rest! Small Waco Road, Belton pets pets with with a a deposit. deposit. 700 700 ASK FOR guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 254-289-8983 Waco Waco Road, Road, Belton Belton BOLDING miles northeast of Austin. 254-289-8983 254-289-8983 Call Classified

White Hospital parking lot, tom, Lic #1-74-6066507-2 make ready, referNEED A mid-January. PLACE to live? Temple, 5 ences,WED. free AFTERNOONS estimates. NEED NEED AA1 college PLACE PLACE tostudent, live? Female charms, charm to is live? an 254-231-2334 Doors Open 11am Female Female college student, student, Christian environment, Session Starts 12:30pm “A”. Pleasecollege identify other Christian Christian environment, fully furnished 1BR, Bath FRI. AFTERNOONS charms and textenvironment, this inforfully fully sitting furnished furnished 1BR, Bath and room1BR, with Bath TV. Doors Open 5pm mation to 254-258-3682. and and sitting sitting room with with use, TV. TV. Access to room kitchen Access Access &to todryer. kitchen kitchen use, use, washer Take care washer washer && dryer. dryer. Take care of the rooms thatTake you care ocof of the the No rooms rooms that that you youdrinkococcupy. smoking, cupy. cupy. orNo Nodrugs. smoking, smoking, drinkdrinking, No parties. ing, ing, or or paid. drugs. drugs.Only No No $600 parties. parties. Utilities per Utilities Utilities paid. paid.Located Only Only $600 $600 per per month. in Morgan’s Point month. month. Located Located Resort. in in Contact Morgan’s Morgan’sJean 254-624-1733. Point Point Resort. Resort. Contact Contact Jean Jean 254-624-1733. 254-624-1733.

Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm SHORTY’S Landscaping. Session Starts 5:30pm Mowing, weedeating, edging, LARGE tree service, flower beds, NON-SMOKING ROOM mulching, and more. Hot Food Available 254-760-3031 Maximum Pay Out

BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.


Lic LicASK #1-74-6066507-2 #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS FOR WED. WED. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am BOLDING Doors DoorsStarts Open Open 11am 11am Session 12:30pm CallAFTERNOONS Classified Session Session Starts Starts 12:30pm 12:30pm FRI. FRI. FRI. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS Doors Open 778-44445pm Doors DoorsStarts Open Open 5pm 5pm Session 6:30pm Session Session Starts Starts 6:30pm 6:30pm AFTERNOONS SUNDAY AFTERNOONS SUNDAY SUNDAY DoorsAFTERNOONS Open 4pm Doors DoorsStarts Open Open 4pm 4pm Session 5:30pm Session SessionLARGE Starts Starts 5:30pm 5:30pm LARGE LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM NON-SMOKING NON-SMOKING ROOM ROOM Hot Food Available Hot Hot Food Food Available Available Maximum Pay Out Maximum Maximum Pay Pay Out Out


Avenue and 7th Street AvenueFinancial and 7th Street Boats, Motors ................................188 andscaping-Yard Work ..................82 & PicDolkups..................298 production area Avenue andTrucks, 7thVans Street lar Saver Classified Pets & Livestock Education Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Rentals Painting &•Wal l p aperi n g ..................83 Automobi l e s For Salelocation. ....................299 Bui l d i n g Materi a l s ..........................190 GreatFinancial space. Great Loading dock

BINGO (254) 778-4444

Great location. Great space. GreatBINGO location. Building &LEASING Homespace. Maint. GreatBINGO NOW 2547745204 (254) 778-4444 ((225544)) 777788-42547745204 44444444 • Large garage doors 2547745204 siness Services Merchandise Employment NOW LEASING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY

((2254)54) 778-778-44444444 BINGO 2547745204

(254) 778-44444 (254) 778-44444

Automotive • Convenient offRentals -street customer BINGO parking FOR LEASE Concrete Work ................................77 VFW Goods PostLandscaping. REMODELING ervices..............................46 SHORTY’S tions. &#4008 Appliances ......................181 Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Hunt with your dog or VA. Help Wanted Generaldog....................132 Mowing, weedeating, 1BR / 1BTH Apartment, $550, Hunt with your or Read arage. Tree Trimming, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY the Classified section toedging, find IPINA 607 OLAF DRIVE Gen. Contractor & Misc. Svc. ..........78 Belton *FREE ESTIMATES* • High visibility location in downtown ations, TV, Radio, CB......47 tree service, flower beds, WILL MOW small lawns guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 mple. Merchandise Wanted ....................183 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 909 West Ave M, Temple guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 1374. 3bd 2bth duplex $1050/ mo. mo. •Call 1,250 square feet ofmiles offR ice space Help Wanted Professional..............133 Mowing, Edging, Cleanmulching, and lookingmore. BINGO E S U L T S . . . Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Call 254-541-4563 northeast of Austin. that just right item you’re for. Temple 254-773-7111 for $35.00; medium lawns miles northeast of Austin. Electrical Services ............................79 AMERICA ROOFING & for details 254-913-8989 OFFICE Bookkeeping ....................48 989 OFFICE SPACE Training FoodSPACE Products................................184 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Temple with access from Central FOR area. Quail for 254-760-3031 WED. AFTERNOONS ing, $45.00. RakeIn Temple Leaves, #4008 VFW Post Salesperson Wanted........................134 for & Training forLEASE REMODELING Waco 254-757-1625 NEED A area. PLACEQuail to Insulation live? and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Call today, someone is looking for sale. ..........................................80 Doors Open 11am LEASE What you getBelton when you advertise PINAFOR s & Monuments................49 Musical Goods................................186 Recreational ....................296 Tree Trimming, Belton only. Call Lawncare, Private Fence, Female college Make your ad stand outBo Vehicles *FREE ESTIMATES* and student, 7th Street FOR LEASE Jobs Wantedpages ..................................135 /$600, sale. Killeen 254-213-7623 Session 12:30pm in512-856-2200 the Classified of the • Avenue 1,250 square feet of off ice space Recently refurbished 3,500 Mowing, Edging, what you haveAFTERNOONS toStarts sell! Find itCleanfast? Christian environment, 254-913-7758. production area Flooring ............................................81 512-856-2200 Lic #1-74-6066507-2 ewith & Related Services ......50 Temple 254-773-7111 from the rest! Sporting Goods ..............................187 Sport Utility ....................................297 airs), power wash and conFRI. furRecently refurbished 3,500 Toll Free 800-523-7284 sq.ft. office and warehouse



Doors Open 4pm




I WILL MOW small lawns for $35.00; medium lawns for $45.00. In Temple & Belton only. Call Bo 254-913-7758.


ANGIE’S CLEANING LARGE mid-January. 5 771-2191, 718-9765Serv- Temple, charms, 1 charm is an BATHTUB REFINISHING “A”. Please identify other in home.andRepairs on porcecharms text this information to 254-258-3682. lain and fiberglass. Over 30 years business.section Callto Dale Read thein Classified find 721-3658.


tom, make ready, references, free estimates. 254-231-2334

(254) 778-4444

BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.

I WILL MOW small lawns for $35.00; medium lawns SHORTY’S Landscaping.

that just right item you’re looking for. Mowing, for $45.00. In Temple weedeating, edging,& Beltonservice, only. flower Call beds, Bo tree Call today, someone is looking for 254-913-7758. mulching, and more. BINGO Make your ad stand out Make your ad stand out whatVFW youfrom havePost tothe sell! rest! Find it fast? 254-760-3031 #4008 sq.ft. office and warehouse from the rest! DOLLAR SAVER. Mowing, weedeating, ASK FOR DOLLAR Dollar SaverSAVER. Classifiededging, space. Located on corner PINA Tree Trimming, ASK FOR Dollar Saver Classified Belton Get Results! Call Today! BOLDING flower lot in downtown Getservice, Results! Call Today!beds, • 1,250 squareTemple. feet oftree off ice space Mowing,BOLDING Edging, CleanLic #1-74-6066507-2 Call Classified FOUND: James Avery mulching, and more. (254) 778-4444 (2BINGO Off-street parking. 54) 778-44444 ANGIE’S CLEANING ServWED. 778-4444 AFTERNOONS Classified Leaves, ROOFING & ing, CallRake Charmwarehouse/ and square foot 254-760-3031 Call6,450 254-774-5204 residential (2Bracelet 54) 778-44at444Scott & ice,AMERICA Open top 11amto bot778-4444 White Hospital parking lot, tom, Doors Lawncare, Private Fence, VFW Post #4008 BATHTUB REFINISHING make ready, referREMODELING Session Starts 12:30pm Temple, mid-January. 5 production area PINA in home.wash Repairsand on porcefree estimates. power conTree Trimming, ences,FRI. AFTERNOONS

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY BINGO Great space. Great location. Great space. GreatBINGO location. 2547745204 FOR LEASE 2547745204



CharmSession Bracelet at Scott & ice, NON-SMOKING residential topROOM to botStarts 5:30pm • Convenient off-street Whitecustomer Hospital parking lot, tom, Hot LARGE Food Available make ready, referNON-SMOKING ROOM Temple, mid-January.Rentals 5 ences, Maximum Out free Pay estimates. parking Food Available charms,Hot 1 charm Maximum Pay Outis an 254-231-2334 FIND IT “A”. Please identify other • High visibility location downtown charmsinand text this infor- Read the Classified section to find OFFICE RESULTS... mation toE254-258-3682. R S U LSPACE TS... thatPROPERTY COMMERCIAL just right item you’re looking for. Temple with access from Central FOR LEASE Call today, is looking for you getsomeone when you advertise What you get when you advertise What Recently refurbished 3,500 Avenue and 7th Street in the Classified pages of the FOR LEASE have to pages sell!Landscaping. Find it fast? inwhat theyou Classified of the SHORTY’S



WED. AFTERNOONS DOLLAR SAVER. Make your ad stand out Doors the Openrest! 11am from Session Starts 12:30pm ASK FOR FRI. AFTERNOONS BOLDING Doors Open 5pm Call Classified Session Starts 6:30pm 778-4444 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS

(254) 778-4444 778-4444 (254)


Waco 254-757-1625 ASK FOR Doors Open 5pm ................................188 Financial space. Dollar Saver Classified work. Free Esti-Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors Trucks, Located on Fence, corner crete Lawncare, Private Get Results! Call Today! BINGO Great space. Great location. Session Starts 6:30pm Killeen 254-213-7623 BOLDING • Loading dock lot in downtown Temple. mates. BINGO Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 power wash and con-..........................190 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Building Materials Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Toll Free 800-523-7284 Call Classified James Avery ANGIE’S CLEANING ServOff-street parking. 778-4444 (254) 778-44444 crete(254) work. Doors OpenFree 4pm Esti- FOUND: 771-2191, 718-9765 2547745204 Charm Bracelet at Scott & ice, residential top to bot778-4444 Call 254-774-5204 • Large garage doorsNOW Session LEASING BINGO White Hospital parking lot, FOUND: James Avery mates. Starts 5:30pm

furnished 1BR, Bath foot warehouse/ mple, live? fully and 6,450 square yard. Services ........................51 Work ..................82 sitting room withLandscaping-Yard TV. VERY sq.ft. office warehouse udent, TOWNHOMES priv. and NICEand3BR, 2BA, Make your ad standAT out 00.00 Access to kitchenarea use, garage, ment, production ors ..................................52 fenced..................83 yard, nice tions, space. Located on corner Painting & Wallpapering Troy. from the rest! Bath washerRIVER 2BA, FAIR & dryer. Take care neighborhood, rent $1100, Northfor -1157 TV. ASK FOR lot in downtown Temple. of the rooms that you ocnice deposit $1,000. 254-421-0187, • Loading dock miles use, BELTON smoking, drink- 832-662-0913. Off-street parking. ber- cupy. NoBOLDING $1100, care Classified orCalldrugs. No parties. •3bed/2.5bath/2gar u-0187, oc- ing, icted. ments, • Large garage doors Call 254-774-5204 drink778-4444 Utilities paid. Only $600 per paint, 6154 WHEATON LOOP $2,000 arties. month. RENT-Located in 2bth new home for Small • Convenient -street3bd customer 0 per DianaPoint White off Resort. lease. Call for details 700 in Morgan’s 713.859.2952 E Contact Jean 254-624-1733. 254-913-8989 parking esort. $550, Hunt with your dog or P Belton 607 OLAF DRIVE guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 Chappell Hill $1050/ Reality rment 3bd 2bth duplex mo. mple miles 1Ba. northeast of Austin. •Call High visibility location in downtown 2Br, W/D connections. for details 254-913-8989 Group Belton Training Detached area. Quail for garage. Temple with accessFenced. from Central sale. 920 North 12th, Temple. EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. $675/$400. 512-856-2200 Avenue and 7th Street 254-913-8808 with Furnished. TROY-Very nice Ramona 3/2 with tions. fur- all kitchen appliances furMake your ad stand out near VA. rage. yard. Courtyard, from the rest! AT VERY NICE 3BR, yard. 2BA, nished and large 500.00 From ASK FOR mple. $495. 254-778-1374. garage, month fenced plus yard,$500.00 nice Troy. $950.00 BOLDING neighborhood, Free 1-1157 Eat dep. 163 Nearby. Hillsiderent Dr., $1100, Troy. Classified A PLACE to live? deposit Sherry $1,000. (254)771-1157 254-421-0187, NEED Call Call 778-4444 college student, 832-662-0913. 2ext BR/1.5 BA, $665/$600, Female 101. Christian environment,

BATHTUB REFINISHING BATHTUB BATHTUB REFINISHING REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcein in home. Repairs Repairs on onOver porceporcelainhome. and fiberglass. 30 lain lain and fiberglass. Over OverDale 30 30 yearsand in fiberglass. business. Call years years in in business. business. Call Call Dale Dale 721-3658. 721-3658. 721-3658.

AMERICA ROOFING & AMERICA ROOFING & REMODELING REMODELING *FREE ESTIMATES* *FREE TempleESTIMATES* 254-773-7111 Temple 254-773-7111 Waco 254-757-1625 Waco 254-757-1625 Killeen 254-213-7623 Killeen Toll Free254-213-7623 800-523-7284 Toll Free 800-523-7284

I WILL MOW small lawns for $35.00; medium lawns

Lic #1-74-6066507-2 for $45.00. In Temple & WED. AFTERNOONS 778-4444 Belton only. Call Bo live? 254-913-7758. Doors Open 11am you getRepairs when youonadvertise Machinery, Misc. &you Heavy..............196 inWhat home. porce- Call today, ....................296 from the rest! Recently refurbished Insulation 3,500 ..........................................80 Lawncare, Call today, someone is looking for Private Fence, dent, ences, free estimates. r Cemeteries & Monuments................49 someone is looking for What you get when you advertise ........................15 Security Services..............................58 Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 Recreational Musical Goods................................186 Killeen 254-213-7623 Session Starts allMake kitchen fur- sq.ft. office and warehouse TROY-Very What get when youof advertise CIES. Flat appliances Screen TVs, nice12:30pm 3/2 with charms, 1 ..................................135 charm is an 254-231-2334 inMake theand Classified pages theout30 Vehicles your ad stand Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, what you have to sell! Find it fast? lain fiberglass. Over Jobs Wanted ment, DOLLAR SAVER. ent & Recreation ............32 your ad stand out TROY-Very nice 3/2 with power wash and conin the Classified pages of the 6154 WHEATON LOOP FRI. AFTERNOONS what you have to sell! Find it fast? all kitchen nice appliances fur- “A”. Please ASK FOR TROY-Very TROY-Very nice 3/2 3/2 with with Flooring ............................................81 in the Classified pages of the identify other Toll Free 800-523-7284 Health Care & Related Services ......50 Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, what you have to sell! Find it fast? &Bath Acreage........16 from the rest! space. Located on corner nished and large yard. years in business. Call Dale DOLLAR SAVER. Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Feed & Pasturing ..........................172 from the rest! Office, Records Storage ..................59 Bills Paid. No 2BA, Internet. all 3bd kitchen appliances Doors 5pm yard. Dollar Saver Classified 2bth new home for furnished andOpen large all kitchen kitchen appliances appliances furfur- crete DOLLAR SAVER. ........................................37 Free charms and text this EstiinforASK FOR Getwork. Results! Call Today! in downtown Temple. all SAVER. 721-3658. TV. ASK FOR nice Lease/ GetDOLLAR Results! Call Today! Internet. Bills Paid.$500.00 No lot........................51 Dollar Saver Classified nished and large yard. BOLDING $950.00 month plus Equipment Services Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 Dollar Saver Classified $950.00 month plus $500.00 Session Starts 6:30pm Property............17 No Deposit. lease. Call for details nished nished and and large large yard. yard. Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 BOLDING FOUND: James Avery mation 254-258-3682. GettoResults! Call Today!Serv$1100, Schools &Hillside Instructions....................120 use, ANGIE’S CLEANING Get Results! Call Today! BOLDING $950.00 month plus $500.00 Off-street parking. rcare Transportation ..............38 dep. 163Bracelet Troy.& mates. Classified $950.00 month month plus plus $500.00 $500.00 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Lease/ No Deposit. 254-913-8989 Charm atDr.,Scott 1-0187, dep. Ranch 163Call Hillside Dr., Troy...................................52 House Inn Troy. Call 254-774-5204Painting &$950.00 ice, residential topFarm to Equipment botNotes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Exterminators Call Classified ........................18 Wallpapering ..................83 dep. 163 Hillside Dr., Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 Wanted, ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 778-4444 Call Classified Call Sherry (254)771-1157 White Hospital parking lot, tom, dep. dep. 163 163 Hillside Hillside Dr., Dr., Troy. Troy. Doors Open 4pm REFINISHING 771-2191, Music, Drama ................................123 make 718-9765 ready, refer- BATHTUB House Inn tyoc- Call Sherry (254)771-1157 773-0114 Temple, mid-January. Call Ranch Sherry (254)771-1157 ext 101. Call Sherry Sherry (254)771-1157 (254)771-11575 ences, in home. Repairs on porce778-4444 Air Conditioning & Heating ..............74 Call Session Starts 5:30pm free estimates. SHORTY’S 778-4444 Livestock Landscaping. rink- ext 2Br,101.1Ba.773-0114 W/D connections. charms, 1 charm is an 254-231-2334 lain and fiberglass. Over 30 ........................................232 ext ext 101. 101. LARGE P ext 101. Detached garage. Mowing, edging, “A”. Please identify other rties. Fenced. years in weedeating, business. Call Dale Storage Buildings ............................75 NON-SMOKING ROOM r charms and text this infors,s per Childcare......................44 721-3658. service, flower beds, ..................179 920 North 12th, Temple. Available to Food 254-258-3682. HelpHot Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 Furniture, New & Usedtree Paid. Cleaning Services ............................76 mation mulching, and in ................................45 $675/$400. 254-913-8808 oning Maximum Pay Out AMERICA ROOFING & Miscellaneous Items ......................180 Automore. Repairs ..................................290 254-760-3031 sort. Help Wanted Medical ....................131 mona Training area. Quail for sale. 512-856-2200

I WILL MOW small lawns IIforWILL WILL MOW MOWmedium small small lawns lawns $35.00; lawns for for $35.00; medium lawns lawns& for $35.00; $45.00. medium In Temple for for $45.00. $45.00. In In Temple Temple && Belton only. Call Bo Belton Belton only. Call Call Bo Bo 254-913-7758.only. 254-913-7758. 254-913-7758.

AMERICA ROOFING & REMODELING *FREE ESTIMATES* Temple 254-773-7111 Waco 254-757-1625 Killeen 254-213-7623 Toll Free 800-523-7284

Make your ad stand out Make Make from your your the ad ad stand stand out rest! out from from the theFOR rest! rest! ASK ASK ASK FOR FOR BOLDING BOLDING BOLDING Call Classified Call Call778-4444 Classified Classified 778-4444 778-4444

Page 10 • February 12, 2020



Temple Daily Telegram Opportunities

•3bed/2.5bath/2gar RENT- $2,000 Diana White 713.859.2952 Chappell Hill Reality Group

Patio Covers, Decks, Metal Roofing, Remodeling, General Repairs. 20 years local. John 254-421-8400, call anytime

Classified Inside Sales – Full Time

BINGO The classified inside sales representative will be customerEFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. #4008 VFW focused and Ramona goal-oriented withPost excellent math, grammar, spelling, Furnished. Belton typing and skills. They will have a professional Courtyard, nearcomputer VA. From $495. 254-778-1374. appearance, positive Eat Free Nearby.


Lic #1-74-6066507-2

WED. and AFTERNOONS attitude pleasant personality that comes Read the Classified section to find Doors Open 11am through on the phone andSession in person. Previous sales experience is Starts 12:30pm that just right item you’re looking for. FRI. AFTERNOONS preferred. Doors Open 5pm Call today, someone is looking for Session Starts 6:30pm This is an hourly position with commissions and benefi what you have tots. sell!Please Find it fast? SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm send2Bed/2Bath a cover letter and resume. Dollar Saver Classified Salado Duplex $800Month/$800Deposit (includes water and lawn care), small pets allowed. 254-718-4439

Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available Maximum Pay Out

(254) 778-4444 Circulation Delivery Assistant – Part Time BINGO


The circulation delivery assistant works with the district managers to assure excellent, on-time delivery of the newspaper For toRent: 4006 Trailwood subscribers. The position includes delivering papers on open Dr, Temple, 5BR, fenced backroutes, yard, Ch&A, 2 living as needed, and other duties as assigned. Late night, early areas. 254-598-8179. morning and weekend hours. Candidates must have reliable 3BR,transportation, 2BA, extra room,valid $980 driver’s license, clean driving record and auto month, $900 deposit. 2405 liability in their name. Apply in person or email cover Hancock Dr, insurance Temple, 76504 • 1,250 square feet of office space No smoking, no pets. letter and resume. 254-541-3235



Hunt with your dog or guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 miles northeast of Austin. Training area. Quail for sale. 512-856-2200


Recently refurbished 3,500 sq.ft. office and warehouse space. Located on corner lot in downtown Temple. Off-street parking. Call 254-774-5204

and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ production area •Human Loading dock Resources 10 S. 3rd St. doors • Large garage Temple, Texas 76501 • Convenient off-street customer parking • High visibility location in downtown Temple with access from Central Avenue and 7th Street

PINA Tree Trimming, MowMetal building manufacing, Edging, Cleaning, turer is accepting appliRake Leaves, Lawncare, cations for loader and light manufacturing. Private Fence, power wash Metal building and concrete work. experiFree ence preferred. 771-2191, Pay deEstimates. pending on experience. 718-9765 Apply in person M-F at Elite Steel & Supply, SERVICE 8216SLY’S N.LAWN I-35, Temple, REASONABLE PRICES 254-773-4300 254-931-5635

IMMEDIATE OPENING: Janitorial company now hiring days and evenings. Apply online at BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business.Position Call Dale Maintenance 721-3658. Central Counties Services (CCS) is seeking qualified Handyman forSmall applicants a fullRepair time Work, all around maintenance workermainteto nance, make readies. Resiperform construction, resdential/ Commercial. toration, renovation, Reaand sonable rates. 254-791-3238 maintenance work. The assigned shift is normally Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM, but may vary. CCS offers an excellent benefits package. A detailed position description is availaAMERICA ROOFING & ble on REMODELING the Center’s website. Must have and maintain a *FREE ESTIMATES* valid driver’s license with an Temple acceptable driving rec254-773-7111 ord. CCS is an Equal OpWaco 254-757-1625 portunity Employer. All applicants can apply Killeen 254-213-7623 on-line at Toll Free 800-523-7284 www.centralcounties Call 254-298-7129 for more information.

COUNTER PERSON NOW HIRING! Temps locaneededTemple at Belton 315 W. Ave M tion, afternoons and one weekend per month. Must beSONIC neat in appearance, reliable and enerNOW HIRING getic. Apply in person Positions.CleanONLY, All Johnnie’s or night shift. ers,Day 116 South Main, Apply person Downtown, in Temple. 814 East Central, Belton. Experienced Refrigeration Technician needed. Ice machine repair helpful. Apply: Waco Carbonic, 431 LaSalle Ave, Waco, TX. 254-754-2601.


NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED FINISH BLADE OPERATOR MUST be experienced & knowledgeable with the Topcon Pay NEED Someone cut down approx. 30 an trees of starts out at $25 hour. misc. diameter. Also have We offer splitter, PTO, vacation, 3pt wood like new, $500. 254-721-5651 good wages & benefits. Accepting applications at Lone Star Grading & Materials Please call Fertilizer Application, in(254) 947-0149 for info. crease growth and production for your pasture and MAINTENANCE PERSON needed for Property/MHP crops. N-TEXX stimulates in Belton, minimum 2 soil, microorganisms that years experience. Call 254-939-1599 provide essential nutrients for plants through their Blackland Implement Co. productive biological prochas an immediate openesses. 15-5-5 applied at ing for person in parts $23.00 per acre. department. Must have Contact Carlos Morris valid driver’s license with 254-421-1276 for fertilizer no restrictions. Apply in application and sales. person at 2700 E. FM 93, Temple, TX.


ASSOCIATE MUSICIAN who plays *organ or piano. Send resume to:

NEEDeighthstreetbaptist TRUCK DRIVER end dump experience. Must be dependable and have good references. 254-301-5255

Dump Truck Driver Must have Class (B) CDL and a good driving record plus 2 years experience. Application and resumes will be accepted at 8001 Witter Lane, Temple weekdays from 8 am – 3 pm

Great space. Great location. - Temple, Texas 2547745204

JOB FAIR Employment

Thursday, February 13 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Performance Foodservice DC Profi tableTemple, Routes 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Texas, 76504


UBORA SALON Station Rental Avail or Private Room Avail 254-718-8764 CORPORATE TRAVEL AGENT WOOD customer BUILDINGS Excellent serv10x16 $2000 ice, computer, and com12x24 $2700 munication skills reCallSabre (512) 748-4003 quired. GDS reservation preKenmore knowledge washer & dryer set, less 1 year old, ferred butthan not required. asking $400 pair; Complete Send resumes to queen bed ensemble $100. Call 254-217-6436

B&W 778-4721 Wigs- Wig Service 55 year old woman looking Headwear for Productsprivate caregiving posi-

tion. Experienced with Alzheimer’s, Dementia & COPD. Willing to do housekeeping & cooking as well! Please call Loraine Jones @ RETIRING: Selling Bass 254-541-0588. Thanks for your Boat (Hawk/Legend) 21 ft., interest.

200 horse Yamaha, $5,500 OBO. Also 1994 Chevrolet 1/2 ton Pickup, V8, automatic, $2,500 OBO. 254-721-9186

RESULTS... What you get when you advertise

Fertilizer Application, in the Classified pages of the increase DOLLAR growth SAVER. and productionGet forResults! your Call pasture Today!and crops. N-TEXX stimulates soil, microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological processes. 15-5-5 applied at $23.00 per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer application and sales.

(254) 778-44444

Daily Telegram Licensed Assistant Make your ad stand out RESUTemple LTS... UBORA SALON

Needed Opportunities

What you get when you advertise in the Classified pages of the DOLLAR SAVER. Get Results! Call Today!

(2Classifi 54) 778-44444 ed

for large beauty salon. Three days per week. Income negotiable. 254-718-8764

from the rest! ASK FOR BOLDING '1 Call Classified 778-4444

Inside Sales – Full Time

The classified inside sales representative will be customerfocused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grammar, spelling, typing and computer skills. They will have a professional appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is preferred. This is an hourly position with commissions and benefits. Please send a cover letter and resume.

WOOD BUILDINGS FREE Display Cabinets 10x16 $2000 Must empty Huge Storage 12x24 $2700 Unit, Reasonable Donations Call (512) 748-4003 Appointment Only! Call 254-721-4294

Blue American Pit Bull

Puppies, 6 weeks, Starting Reconditioned Used Appliat $500.00. 405-301-6598 ances. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, freezers. Repairs also. Can deliver. 254-628-1512 Refrigerator, 18 cu.ft., 4 years old, $200.00. Maytag dryer $50.00. 254-780-9137


LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East Central, Belton 939-1110 Yorkshire Terriers: Registered Yorkie Pups. Chocolates, Parti, KB black, Golddust, boys & girls. 254-931-7143, Freightliner Columbia Hood 120, $795.00 OBO. 254-541-4203 GRANDCH sired AKC yw Labradors, health clearances, available to approved pet homes. 817-307-8921

ENGLISH BULLDOG 10 month old female, $500. 254-229-4891 Miniature Dachshund Pups, 2 males, 8 weeks old For info. call 254-773-7157 Yorkshire Terriers: '1 Registered Yorkie Pups. Outdoor Aviary Powder Chocolates, Parti,9KBParaCoated, 5x7 with, black, boys & keets, 7 Golddust, Cockatiels, Nests girls. 254-931-7143, covers etc. Will sell birds separately $975 Call 254-295-0837

CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) '1 778-4444


Now Class AAvailable CDL Drivers

21 yearsDaily of age Telegram ● High School Diploma/GED or equivalent Valid Class A CDL The Temple is accepting applications for● independent contract ● 3 Years Clean MVR ● Ability to lift 90 lbs ● 6 Months CDL Driving Experience carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and ● Must Pass Physical, Drug Screen, and Background auto liability insurance in their name.

$10,000 Driver Sign-On Bonus

These PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day:

Night Warehouse Selectors Bi-Weekly

6 – 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Experience ● Must Be Able to Work the Area Gross Income (est.) Scheduled, Assigned Times and Required Overtime ● Able to Stand, Walk, Reach and Lift North Belton Repeatedly throughout shift ● Able to Lift and Stack Product$475.00 between 10 to 35 pounds and up to 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shift ● Able to Work in$575.00 Multi-Temperature Environments Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell ● Pass Pre-Employment Drug Test ● Pay $17.35 (Dry) / $17.85 (Cooler/Freezer)

No collecting. every two weeks. Qualified candidates can apply atPaid search by Temple. thesubmitted Circulation Department at at job fair. ApplicationContact must be prior to arriving

254-778-4444 EEO Statement

Cattle Specialist BUSHealth DRIVERS

Schwertner Farms, Inc. d/b/a Capitol Land & Livestock seeks Cattle Health Specialist for Schwertner, salary/ TX Competitive location (Williamson County). Employee benefits. Applywill at be responsible for researching, developing and managing practices employed Contact Jason Beard for for health, nutrition, and questions at herd. development of cattle Specific duties include: 1. Review and study effects of DRIVER-MONITOR health maintenance processes, environmental conditions NEEDED and feed on catCen-Tex tle health. Alcoholic 2. Advise Rehab on and manage use of Full-time improved Center seeking products and techniques to and Part-time Driverenhance animal production. 3. Develop and manMonitors. Transport cliage improved practices ents in 7 or 15 passenger with respect to housing and vans and oversee disease control. Willclient’s supervise the workPass of up backto 20 activities. employees. Will be engroundin weekly check,travel drug gaged to company’s ranches. All screen, driver’s license ranches are within 45 miles and high school diploma of each other. Travel will or GED. starting be limited Good to Williamson County, and pay and Bell meritCounty increases. Milam County. No overApply at required. 2410 East Adnight travel Requirements: ams, Temple. EOE Bachelor’s or foreign equivalent in veterinary medicine, animal science or closely related field and 4 years of experience working as Cattle Health Specialist or in a position involving similar duties and technical capabilities. Experience must include: (i) Research and management of optimum cattle herd feed practices, including You can of catchoptimum the eye of those selection feed prospective content buyers by and advertising quantity, comin the Classifieds a display ad. binations; andwith(ii) Development and management a Classified Representative of Calldisease control proToday for all the details grams which include processes for medicine inven778-4444proper tory (254) management, vaccination administration protocols, tissue sampling, and postmortem inspection of animals. To apply, send resume to: c/o Jimmy Schwertner Schwertner Farms P. O. Box 1 Schwertner, Texas 76573

or stop byitsthe office at(individually 10 Southor Th ird St., the Temple Performance Food Group and/or subsidiaries collectively, “Company”) provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all applicants and employees, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, and any other characteristic protected by applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.

Profitable Routes Now Available

WANT TO BUY TRAVEL TRAILER even if repairs are needed. Trailer must have title. 346-244-8907

Circulation Delivery Assistant – for independent contract The Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications '1 FARM TRUCK, Ford ‘96, carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license andtrans350 diesel, standard Part Time mission, flat bed, $3,500. auto insurance in their name. Ask for Dennis 713-539-2544. Theliability circulation delivery assistant works with the district

managers to assure excellent, delivery of the newspaper These PROFITABLE routeson-time take just a few hours each day: 2012 DODGE 1500 HEMI, 5.7 Liter, new tires, new to subscribers. The position includes delivering papers on open cam shaft, lifters, timing Bi-Weekly routes, as needed, and other duties as assigned. Late night, early chain. Runs great. 212,000 miles, $4,600. 254-742-0422. Area (est.) morning and weekend hours. Candidates must have Gross reliable Income transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto North Belton $475.00 1986 Chevy C10 Long Wheel Base 350 Engine Needs liability insurance in their name. Apply in person or email cover Work 361-207-0036 Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 letter and resume.

No collecting. Paid every two weeks.

Contact the Circulation Department at 2009 FORD ESCAPE, V6, Human Resources XLT. 170,000 miles. Grey, 254-778-4444 looks good inside and out. 10 the S. 3rd $5000.00. 254-913-5474 or stop by offiSt. ce at 10 South Third St., Temple Temple, Texas 76501 INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar for ANY vehicle running or not, with or 254-624-1729



February 12, 2020• Page 11

Page 12 • February 12, 2020

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