American Dollar Saver Feb. 21st

Page 1

Farm & Ranch Shipping containeRS $2,000 and up. Wind 2018 niSSan Titan and water tight. See phoPlatinum Reserve, Black, tos www.steelcontainers. Will deliver. (254) 72216,000 miles. Kelly Blue net Farm & Ranch Book value $42,000. Ask- 4270, Burleson, TX. containcUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, ing $39,995. Call or text Shipping Front page eRS $2,000soil, and up. Wind improves N-TEXX Ken (254) 749-6352 waterwith tight. See pho2018 niSSan Titan and 15—5-5 microbactewww.steelcontainers. WantReserve, to Buy Platinum Black, tos ria, increases germination, Will deliver. (254) 72216,000 miles. Kelly Blue net growth and production, Burleson, TX. BookBUY value $42,000. We & RepairAskUn- 4270, $23/acre applied. cost, Dealing $39,995. Call or text cUt FeRtiLiZeR wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ers needed.soil, Damon Berry N-TEXX Ken (254) 749-6352 Motorcycles & Scooters. improves 254-793-2318, 254-70215—5-5 with microbacteWeWant Pick-Upto(903) Buy336- ria, increases germination, 3797. 9086 growth and production, We BUY & Repair Un- $23/acre gentLe Mixed applied. Dealappliances wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ers needed. Damon Berry B r e e d C ow s and Motorcycles & Scooters. 254-793-2318, 254-702Stocker Calves. Call We Pick-Up (903) 336- 3797. nice WaSheRS, dry- (254) 749-0909 (254) 9086 ers, refrigerators, and g749-5637 entLe Mixed appliances cook stoves. Rebuilt B r e e d C o w s a n d Calves. Call with 90 day warranty. Stocker tools & equipnice WaSheRS, dry(254) 749-0909 (254) Delivery, service work, ment ers, refrigerators, and 749-5637 need non-working ones. cook stoves. Rebuilt (254) 799-6228, (254) BUY oR SELL! For Wood with 90 day warranty. tools & equip214-5284. Delivery, service work, Workers:ment Bandsaws, planneed non-working ones. ers, Drill presses, table (254) 799-6228, SELL! For Wood dogs (254) BUY saws,oR jointers, vises, mi214-5284. Workers: Bandsaws, planter saws, lathes, shapers, ers, Drill presses, table WoRking dogS Cata- saws, grinders, scrollvises, saws,miradogs jointers, houla x Blue Lacy. 8wks ter dialsaws, armlathes, saws,shapers, and air old, 1st shots, ready to grinders, WoRking dogS Catacompressor.1209 Washscroll saws, rahoulaSee x Blue 8wks dial go! picsLacy. at www. armWaco. saws, and air ington, old, 1st shots, Call ready to compressor.1209 Wynn go! See pics Buckholts, at www. ington, Livestock Waco. (512) 633-9886 LEARN TO do right! Call Wynn Seek justice, encourage Tx Livestock (512) 633-9886 Buckholts, the oppressed. - Isaiah gentLe Mixed Tx oLdeR Shih-tZU 1:17 B er enetdL eC ow nd M isx ea d males Text o L d efor R sale. S hCall i h -or tZ U g r e e d CCalves. o w s aCall nd males716-3952 for sale. Call or Text BStocker (254) Stocker Calves. (254) Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 716-3952 (254) 749-0909 (254) employment 749-5637 employment

Front page

Farm & Ranch

Shipping containeRS $2,000 and up. Wind Titan and water tight. See phoBlack, tos www.steelcontainers. Will deliver. (254) 722y Blue netFeatured ad 0. Ask- 4270, Burleson, TX. of the Week! or text cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, improves soil, N-TEXX 2 15—5-5 with microbacteuy ria, increases germination, growth and production, ir Un- $23/acre applied. Deal- Farm & Ranch ATV’s, ers needed. Damon Berry oters. 254-793-2318, 254-702- Shipping containFront page 336- 3797. eRS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See pho2018 niSSan Titan g e n t L e M i x e d tos www.steelcontainers. s Platinum Reserve, Black, B r e e d C ow s a n d net Will deliver. (254) 72216,000 miles. Kelly Blue Stocker Calves. Call Book value $42,000.(254) Ask- 4270, Burleson, TX. , dry- (254) 749-0909 FeRtiLiZeR cost, $39,995. Call or text cUt Farm & Ranch and ing749-5637 improves soil, N-TEXX built Ken (254) 749-6352 15—5-5 with microbacteShipping containanty. tools Front& page Want to Buy ria, equipincreases eRS $2,000 germination, and up. Wind work, ment and water See phogrowth andtight. production, niSSan ones. 2018 We BUY & RepairTitan Un- $23/acre tos www.steelcontainers. applied. DealBlack, 254) Platinum wanted/ Broken BUY oRReserve, SELL! ForATV’s, Wood ers netneeded. Will deliver. (254) 722Damon Berry 16,000 miles. Blue Motorcycles & Kelly Scooters. Workers: Bandsaws, plan- 4270, Burleson,254-702TX. Book value $42,000. Ask- 254-793-2318, We Pick-Up (903) 336ers, Drill presses, table cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, ing $39,995. Call or text 3797. 9086 saws, jointers, vises, mi- improves soil, N-TEXX Ken (254) 749-6352 ter saws, lathes, shapers, 15—5-5 g e n twith L e microbacteMixed appliances S Cata- grinders, Want to saws, Buy ra- ria, scroll B rincreases e e d C ow s and germination, 8wks dial arm saws, and air growth Stockerand Calves. Call production, BUY & Repair Un- $23/acre ady to We nice WaSheRS, drycompressor.1209 Wash(254) 749-0909 applied.(254) DealBroken ATV’s, www. wanted/ ers, refrigerators, and ers ington, Waco. 749-5637 needed. Damon Berry & Scooters. Wynn Motorcycles cook stoves. Rebuilt 254-793-2318, 254-702Livestock 336- 3797. kholts, We withPick-Up 90 day (903) warranty. tools & equip9086 Delivery, service work, g e n tment Le Mixed need non-working ones. g e n t L e M i x e d appliances tZU Breed Cows and (254) 799-6228, (254) or Text B r e e d C ow s a n d BUY oR SELL! For Wood Stocker Calves. Call 214-5284. Stocker Calves. dryCall Workers: Bandsaws,(254) plannice WaSheRS, (254) 749-0909 (254)refrigerators, 749-0909 (254) Drill presses, table ers, and ers, 749-5637 nt cook 749-5637 dogs Rebuilt saws, jointers, vises, mistoves. with 90 day warranty. tertools saws, lathes, shapers, & equiptime WoRking dogS Cata- grinders, ment Delivery, service work, chaRoLaiS BULLS scroll saws, raNeed- houla need non-working ones. x Blue Lacy. 8wks Registered, Top Quality, dial arm saws, and air s. Sal- old, (254) (254) 1st799-6228, shots, to compressor.1209 Gentle, Polled,ready Tested. WashBUY oR SELL! For Wood DOE. go! 214-5284. SeeCharolais pics atHeifers. www. ington, Fancy Bandsaws, planWaco. 7775. Call Wynn Workers: (254) 729-8644 (254) ers, Drill presses, table ecom/ (512) Farm & Ranch Livestock dogs 633-9886 Buckholts, saws, jointers, vises, mi747-2701 ter saws, lathes, shapers, Tx dogS Cata- Shipping time WoRking grinders, g e n t Lscroll e containMsaws, i x e draFront page oLdeR an g U SShih-tZU g R aS S eRS and sup.and x Blue Lacy. 8wks dial arm saws, Need- houla B r e$2,000 ed C ow aWind n dair males for sale. Call or Text Fed bulls and heifers. 1stniSSan shots, ready to and water Calves. tight. SeeWashphocompressor.1209 s. Sal- old, Stocker Call 2018 Titan (254) 716-3952 Purebred gentle, 12See pics at www. tos ington, Waco. www.steelcontainers. DOE. go! (254) 749-0909 (254) Platinum Reserve, Black, 14employment months old,Call $1,300. Wynn net Will deliver. (254) 722www. 749-5637 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue Livestock Also, 1 22mo. bull, 633-9886 Buckholts, 4270, Burleson, TX. /apply (512) Book value(254) $42,000. Ask$1,800. 899-2558 Tx and Call part time time FULL cUt FeRtiLiZeR ingL d $39,995. or text BULLS gen tLe M i xcost, ed o e R S h i h t Z U chaRoLaiS jobs available now! NeedNeed- males improves soil, N-TEXX KenMotorcycles (254) 749-6352 Registered, Top Quality, B r e e d C o w s and for sale. Call or Text ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- 15—5-5 with microbactes. Sal- (254) Tested. StockerPolled, Calves. Call 716-3952 $8.50 per DOE. Gentle, Want tohour Buy DOE. ary increases germination, (254) 749-0909 (254) Fancy Charolais Heifers. Weme BUY & Repair Un- ria, Call at 254-776-7775. employment 7775. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, growth 749-5637 and production, (254) 729-8644 (254) We BUY & Repair Un- $23/acre ecom/ www.janitorialservicecom/ 747-2701 applied. DealMotorcycles &part Scooters. apply FULL and time ers needed. Damon Berry wanted/ Broken ATV’s, We available Pick-Up&now! (903) 336- chaRoLaiS BULLS jobs NeedMotorcycles Scooters. FULL and part time 254-793-2318, Registered, time ed: 9086 n g U S Top g 254-702RQuality, aS S Janitorial workers. Sal- a We available Pick-Up now! (903)Need336jobs Gentle, Polled, Tested. Need- ary 3797. Fed bulls and heifers. $8.50 per hour DOE. 9086 ed: Janitorial workers. SalFancy Charolais Heifers. s. Sal- Call me at 254-776-7775. Purebred gentle, 12ary $8.50 per hour DOE. gentLe (254) 729-8644 (254) DOE. www.janitorialservicecom/ 14 months old,Mixed $1,300. appliances 747-2701 r e e d C ow s a n d 7775. Call 254-776-7775. www. B



FULL and part part time time FULL and chaRoLaiSBULLS BULLS jobs now! NeedNeed- chaRoLaiS jobs available available now! Registered,Top TopQuality, Quality, ed: Janitorial workers. workers. SalSal- Registered, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Gentle, Polled, Tested. ary $8.50 per hour hour DOE. DOE. Fancy Charolais Heifers. Fancy Charolais Heifers. Call me me at Call at 254-776-7775. 254-776-7775. (254) 729-8644 (254) (254) www.janitorialservicecom/ (254) 729-8644 www.janitorialservicecom/ 747-2701 apply 747-2701 apply FULL and part time partNeedtime a n g U S g R aS S FULL andnow! jobs available a n g U S g R aS S jobs availableworkers. now! Needed: Janitorial Sal- Fed bulls and heifers. Purebred 12Fed bulls gentle, and heifers. ary Janitorial $8.50 perworkers. hour DOE. ed: Sal- 14 months old, $1,300. Purebred gentle, 12Call 254-776-7775. www. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Also, 1 22mo. bull, 14 months old, $1,300. janitorialservicecom/apply Call 254-776-7775. www. $1,800. (254) 899-2558 FULL and part time Also, 1 22mo. bull, janitorialservicecom/apply (254) 899-2558 jobs available now! Need- $1,800. Motorcycles part time FULL andworkers. ed: Janitorial Salary $8.50 pernow! hour NeedDOE. We BUY & Repair Unjobs available Motorcycles CallJanitorial me at 254-776-7775. ed: workers. Sal- wanted/ Broken ATV’s, www.janitorialservicecom/ ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Motorcycles Scooters. We BUY &&Repair Unapplyme at 254-776-7775. We Pick-Up (903) 336Call wanted/ Broken ATV’s, part time FULL and 9086 www.janitorialservicecom/ Motorcycles & Scooters. jobs available now! Needapply ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- We Pick-Up (903) 336ary $8.50 per hour part DOE. time 9086 FULL and Call me at 254-776-7775. jobs available now! Needwww.janitorialservicecom/ ed: Janitorial workers. Salapply ary $8.50 per hour DOE. part time FULL Call meand at 254-776-7775. jobs available now! Needwww.janitorialservicecom/ ed: Janitorial workers. Sal-

Vol. 1 • No. 21 February 21, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

Page 2 • February 21, 2019

Front page

Farm & Ranch Shipping containeRS $2,000 and up. Wind 2018 niSSan Titan and water tight. See phoPlatinum Reserve, Black, tos www.steelcontainers. 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue net Will deliver. (254) 722Book value & $42,000. Ask- 4270, Burleson, TX. Farm Ranch ing $39,995. Call or text cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, Shipping contain- improves soil, N-TEXX (254) 749-6352 Front page Ken Miscellaneous eRS $2,000 and up. Wind 15—5-5 microbacteADS ADS with Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Want to Buy 2018 niSSan Titan and water tight. See pho- ria, increases germination, tos www.steelcontainers. growth and production, Platinum Reserve, Black, We BUY & Repair Un- $23/acre applied. Dealnet Will deliver. (254) 72216,000 miles. Kelly Blue wanted/ BrokenTX. ATV’s, ers needed. Damon Berry 4270, Burleson, Book value $42,000. Ask- Motorcycles & Scooters. cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, 254-793-2318, 254-702ing $39,995. Call or text We Pick-Upsoil, (903) 336- 3797. improves N-TEXX Ken (254) 749-6352 9086 15—5-5 with microbacteWant to Buy ria, increases germination, gentLe Mixed appliances growth and production, B r e e d C ow s a n d We BUY & Repair Un- $23/acre applied. Deal- Stocker Calves. Call wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ers nice WaSheRS, needed. Damon dryBerry (254) 749-0909 (254) Motorcycles & Scooters. 254-793-2318, ers, refrigerators, and 749-5637 254-702We Pick-Up (903) 336- 3797. cook stoves. Rebuilt 9086 with 90 day warranty. tools & equipgentLe Mixed Delivery, service work, ment appliances B r e non-working e d C ow s ones. and need Stocker Calves.(254) Call BUY oR SELL! For Wood (254) 799-6228, nice WaSheRS, dry- 214-5284. (254) 749-0909 (254) Workers: Bandsaws, planers, refrigerators, and 749-5637 Farm & Ranch ers, Drill presses, table cook stoves. Rebuilt dogs saws, jointers, vises, miwith 90 day warranty. tools & equip- ter saws, lathes, shapers, containFront service pagework, Shipping Delivery, ment $2,000 and up. Wind WoRking dogS Cata- grinders, scroll saws, raneed non-working ones. eRS water tight.Lacy. See phohoula x Blue 8wks dial arm saws, and air 2018 (254)niSSan 799-6228,Titan (254) and BUY oR SELL! For Wood www.steelcontainers. old, 1st shots, ready to compressor.1209 WashPlatinum Reserve, Black, tos 214-5284. Workers: Bandsaws, planWillSee deliver. 722go! pics(254) at www. ington, Waco. 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue net ers, Drill presses, table 4270, Burleson, TX. Call Wynn Book valuedogs $42,000. Ask- saws, jointers, vises, miLivestock (512) 633-9886 Buckholts, FeRtiLiZeR cost, ing $39,995. Call or text cUt ter saws, lathes, shapers, Tx improves soil, N-TEXX Ken (254) 749-6352 WoRking dogS Cata- grinders, scroll saws, ra15—5-5 withsaws, microbactehoula x Blue Shih-tZU dial arm and air gentLe Mixed Want to Lacy. Buy8wks oLdeR increases germination, old, 1st shots, ready toria,males for sale. Call or Text B r e e d C ow s a n d compressor.1209 Washgrowth and production, Stocker Calves. Call go!BUY See &pics at www. (254) 716-3952 ington, Waco. We Repair Un- $23/acre applied. Deal- (254) 749-0909 (254) Wynn wanted/ Broken Call ATV’s, Damon Berry 749-5637 Livestock employment (512) 633-9886 Buckholts,ers needed. Motorcycles & Scooters. Tx Pick-Up (903) 336- 254-793-2318, 254-702We 3797. FULL and part time oLdeR Shih-tZU gentLe Mixed chaRoLaiS BULLS 9086 jobs now! B r eavailable e d C ow s Needa n d Registered, Top Quality, males for sale. Call or Text gentLe Mixed ed: Janitorial workers. Salappliances Stocker Calves. (254) 716-3952 B r e e d C ow s a nCall d Gentle, Polled, Tested. ary $8.50749-0909 per hourCall DOE. (254) (254) Stocker Calves. Fancy Charolais Heifers. employment Call me at 254-776-7775. 749-5637 nice WaSheRS, dry- (254) 749-0909 (254) (254) 729-8644 (254) www.janitorialservicecom/ ers, refrigerators, and 749-5637 747-2701 FULL and part time apply cook stoves. Rebuilt chaRoLaiS BULLS jobs available now! Needwith 90 day warranty. FULL and part time Registered, Top Quality, tools & equiped: Janitorial workers. a n g U S g R aS S Delivery, service work,Sal- jobs available now! NeedGentle, Polled, Tested. ment ary $8.50 per hour DOE. need non-working ones. Charolais Heifers. ed:Fancy Janitorial workers. Sal- Fed bulls and heifers. Call me at 254-776-7775. Purebred gentle, 12(254) 799-6228, (254) BUY (254) 729-8644 (254) ary $8.50 per hour DOE. oR SELL! For Wood www.janitorialservicecom/ 14 months old, $1,300. 214-5284. 747-2701 Call 254-776-7775. www. Workers: Bandsaws, planapply Also, 1 22mo. bull, janitorialservicecom/apply ers, Drill presses, table FULL dogs and part timesaws, jointers, vises, mi- $1,800. (254) 899-2558 a n gand US g R aS S part time jobs available now! Need-terFULL saws, lathes, shapers, Fed bulls and heifers. jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. SalMotorcycles WoRking dogS Cata- grinders, scrollworkers. saws, ragentle, 12ed:Purebred Janitorial Salary $8.50 hour DOE.dial houla x Blueper Lacy. 8wks arm saws, and air 14 months old, $1,300. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. We BUY & Repair UnCall1st 254-776-7775. old, shots, readywww. to compressor.1209 Also, 22mo.Washbull, Call me at1 254-776-7775. janitorialservicecom/apply go! See pics at www. ington, Waco. $1,800. (254) 899-2558 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, www.janitorialservicecom/ FULL andCall part time Motorcycles & Scooters. Wynn Livestock jobs633-9886 availableBuckholts, now! Need- apply (512) We Pick-Up (903) 336Motorcycles Txed: Janitorial workers. Sal- FULL and part time 9086 jobs now! Needary $8.50Shih-tZU per hour DOE. gentLe oLdeR We available BUY &Mixed Repair UnCall me at 254-776-7775. workers. r eJanitorial e d CBroken ow s aATV’s, n dSalmales for sale. Call or Text Bed: wanted/ www.janitorialservicecom/ ary $8.50Calves. per&hour DOE. Stocker Call (254) 716-3952 Motorcycles Scooters. apply Call me at 254-776-7775. (254) 749-0909 (254) We Pick-Up (903) 336employment www.janitorialservicecom/ FULL and part time 749-5637 9086 jobs available now! Need- apply

Front page

2018 niSSan Titan Platinum Reserve, Black, 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue Book value $42,000. Asking $39,995. Call or text Ken (254) 749-6352

Want to Buy


Ship eRS and w tos w net W 4270 cUt impr 15— ria, in grow $23/ ers n 2543797

We BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086 ge ADSappliances Miscellaneous Bre Sto nice WaSheRS, dry- (25 ers, refrigerators, and 749 cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. to Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) BUY 214-5284. Work ers, dogs saws ter sa WoRking dogS Cata- grind houla x Blue Lacy. 8wks dial old, 1st shots, ready to comp To go! See pics at www. ingto Call Wynn Want ToBuckholts, Buy BUY (512) 633-9886 Tx Fa WE BUY & Repair Un- Work g eD oLdeR Shih-tZU ers, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, B r e Ship males for sale.&page Call or Text saws Front Motorcycles Scooters. Sto eRS (254) 716-3952 sa We Pick-Up (903) 336- ter (254 grind and w 9086 2018 niSSan Titan employment dial 749wa tos Platinum Reserve, Black, Appliances net W 16,000 and miles. part Kelly time Blue comp FULL ingto ch jobs now! NeedBookavailable value $42,000. Ask- 4270 Reg niCE WAsHERs, dryed: Janitorial workers. SalcUt ing $39,995. Call or text Gen ers, refrigerators, and ary hour DOE. impr Ken$8.50 (254) per 749-6352 Fanc cook Rebuilt 15— Call mestoves. at 254-776-7775. GE (254 with 90 day Want towarranty. Buy ria, www.janitorialservicecom/ r ein Delivery, service work, B747apply grow Stoc needBUY non-working ones. We & Repair Un- $23/ FULL and part(254) time (254 (254) 799-6228, an wanted/ Broken ATV’s, jobs available now! Need749ers 214-5284. Fedn Motorcycles & Scooters. ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- 254Pur We $8.50 Pick-Up 336- 3797 ary per (903) hour DOE. A 14nm dogs 9086 Call 254-776-7775. www. Fed Als janitorialservicecom/apply Pure ge sUpER FRiEndLY Chi- $1,8 appliances B rme FULL and part time 14 Poos, Yorkies, PomeraSto jobs now!Call Needniansavailable & Shih-tzus. for Also M nice WaSheRS, dry(25 ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- $1,8 more information (254) ers, refrigerators, and ary $8.50 per hour DOE. 749 853-2235 cook Rebuilt We Call mestoves. at 254-776-7775. CHA REGisTEREd pOM want with 90 &dayRegistered warranty. www.janitorialservicecom/ Regi to Moto Puppies apply Delivery,Schnauzer service work, Gen Miniature Pup- We needAlso, non-working FULL and partones. time 9086 Fanc pies. 1 Pom-Poodle. (254) 799-6228, (254) jobs available Need- BUY (254 Call/ Text (254)now! 366-6503 ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- Work 747or214-5284. (254) 744-9245 ary $8.50 per hour DOE. ers, CallEmployment me atdogs 254-776-7775. saws www.janitorialservicecom/ ter sa FULL And part time apply WoRking Cata- grind jobs availabledogS now! NeedFULL part 8wks time houla x and Blueworkers. Lacy. ed: Janitorial Sal- dial jobs available Needold, 1st shots, ready to com ary $8.50 pernow! hour DOE. ed: workers. Sal- ingto go! Seeat pics at www. CallJanitorial me 254-776-7775. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call Wynn www.janitorialservicecom/ Call at 254-776-7775. (512) 633-9886 Buckholts, applyme www.janitorialservicecom/ Tx FULL And part time apply jobs availableShih-tZU now! Need- ge oLdeR Real For ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- B r e males forestate sale. Call or Text

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 634-4615 Farm & Ranch Shipping containeRS $2,000 and up. Wind 2018 niSSan Titan and water tight. See phowww.steelcontainers. Platinum Reserve, Black, tos Employment 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue net Will deliver. (254) 722Tools & Equip4270, Burleson, TX. time and part BookFront value $42,000. PageAsk- Full ment FeRtiLiZeR cost, jobs available now! Needing $39,995. Call or text cUt N-TEXX ed: Janitorialsoil, workers. SalWant To Buy Ken (254) 749-6352 2018 nissan Titan improves BUY ORwith SELL! For Wood 15—5-5 ary $8.50 permicrobactehour DOE. Platinum Reserve, Black, BuyUn- ria, Workers: planincreases germination, WEWant BUY &toRepair Call me atBandsaws, 254-776-7775. 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue ers, Drilland presses, table growth production, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, www.janitorialservicecom/ BookBUY value & $42,000. AskWe Repair Un- saws, jointers, vises, miapplied. DealMotorcycles &Call Scooters. apply ing $39,995. or text $23/acre wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ter saws, lathes, shapers, ers needed. Damon Berry We Pick-Up (903) 336Full time Ken (254) 749-6352 Motorcycles & Scooters. 254-793-2318, grinders,and scrollpart saws, ra254-7029086 jobs now! NeedWeWant Pick-UpTo (903) 336- 3797. dial available arm saws, and air Buy ed: Janitorial workers. SalADS Employment 9086Appliances compressor.1209 Washary g e$8.50 nt Lper e hour M i xDOE. ed ington, Waco. WE appliances Buy & Repair Un- Call me at 254-776-7775. B r e e d C ow s and niCE WAsHERs, drywanted/ Broken ATV’s, Livestock Stocker&Calves. Call Farm Ranch ers, refrigerators, and www.janitorialservicecom/ Motorcycles & Scooters. nice WaSheRS, dry- apply (254) 749-0909 (254) cook stoves. Rebuilt We Pick-Up (903) 336ers, refrigerators, and Shipping 749-5637 G E n Tand L EcontainM i x time Ed Full part with 90 daypage warranty. Front 9086 cook stoves. Rebuilt eRS B r e$2,000 e d Cand ow s Wind and up. jobs available now! NeedDelivery, service work, Farm & Ranch withappliances 90 day warranty. and Stocker Calves. Call water tight. See phoJanitorial workers. Saltools & equipneed non-working ones. 2018 niSSan Titan ed: Delivery, service work, (254) 749-0909 www.steelcontainers. ment ary $8.50 percontainhour(254) DOE. (254) 799-6228, (254) tos Shipping Platinum Reserve, Black, need non-working ones. Front page 749-5637 Call me at 254-776-7775. Will deliver. (254) 214-5284. nicE WashErs, dry- net eRS $2,000 and up. 722Wind 16,000 miles. Kelly(254) Blue (254) 799-6228, BUY oR SELL! For Wood www.janitorialservicecom/ 4270, Burleson, TX. ers, refrigerators, and and water tight. See phoBook value $42,000. Ask2018 niSSan Titan 214-5284. Workers: Bandsaws, planapply A www.steelcontainers. nFeRtiLiZeR G U s G R As s tos cook stoves. dogs cost, ing $39,995. CallRebuilt orBlack, text cUt Platinum Reserve, ers, Drill presses, table Fed andpart heifers. net Willbulls deliver. (254) 722with(254) 90 day warranty. Full and time soil, N-TEXX Ken 749-6352 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue improves dogs saws, jointers, vises, miPurebred gentle, 124270, Burleson, TX.NeedDelivery, service work, sUpER FRiEndLY Chi- 15—5-5 jobs available now! with microbacteBook value $42,000. Askter saws, lathes, shapers, 14increases months old, $1,300. Want to need non-working ones. Poos, Yorkies, Pomeraed: Janitorial workers. SalcUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, germination, ing $39,995. CallBuy or text ria, WoRking dogS Catagrinders, saws, raAlso, 1scroll 22mo. bull, (254) 799-6228, (254) nians & Shih-tzus. Call for growth ary $8.50 per hour DOE. improves soil, N-TEXX Ken (254) 749-6352 and production, Front page houla x Blue Lacy. 8wks dial arm (254) saws, and air $1,800. 899-2558 We BUY & Repair(254) Un- $23/acre 214-5284. more information Call 254-776-7775. www. 15—5-5 with microbacteapplied. Dealold,Want 1st shots, to compressor.1209 Washto ready Buy wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 853-2235 janitorialservicecom/apply ria, increases germination, 2018 niSSan Titan needed. Damon Berry go! See pics at www. ers ington, Waco. Motorcycles & Scooters. CHAROLAis BULLs growth and production, Platinum Reserve, Black, dogs REGisTEREd Full and part time 254-793-2318, Call pOM Wynn We BUY & Repair UnWe Pick-Up (903) 336- $23/acre Registered, Top Quality, 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue Livestock applied. DealPuppies & Registered jobs available now! Need(512) 633-9886 Buckholts, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 3797. 9086 Book value $42,000. AskGentle, Polled, Tested. ers needed. Damon Berry ValEnTinE yorkiEs Miniature Schnauzer Puped: Janitorial workers. SalTx Motorcycles & Scooters. 254-793-2318, ing $39,995. Call or text Fancy Charolais Heifers. gentLe Mixed 254-702& Shih-Tzus. Absolutely pies. Also, 1 Pom-Poodle. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. g e n t L e M i x e d oLdeR appliances We Pick-UpShih-tZU (903) 336- 3797. Ken (254) 749-6352 (254) 729-8644 (254) B r e e d C ow s a n d Adorable! Call for more inCall/ Text (254) 366-6503 Call me at 254-776-7775. B r e e d C ow s a n d males for sale. Call or Text 747-2701 9086 Stocker Calves. Call formation (254) 853-2235 www.janitorialservicecom/ or (254) 744-9245 Stocker Calves. Call Want to Buy (254) 716-3952 g e n t L e M i x e d nice WaSheRS, dry- apply (254) 749-0909 (254) appliances (254) B r e e d749-0909 C ow s (254) and real Estate For Employment ers, refrigerators, and 749-5637 employment We BUYCalves. & RepairCall Un749-5637 Stocker saleRebuilt wanted/ Motorcycles cook stoves. Broken ATV’s, nice WaSheRS, dry(254) 749-0909 (254) FULL And part time time Motorcycles FULL part & BULLS Scooters. with 90and day warranty. tools &&equipers,available refrigerators, and WE chaRoLaiS 749-5637 jobs now!County. Need19.5 ac Menard Buy Repair Unjobs available now! NeedWe Pick-Up (903) 336Delivery, service work, cook stoves. Rebuilt ment Registered, Top Quality, ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- wanted/ Gently rollingworkers. with ones. beautiBroken ATV’s, 9086 ed: Janitorial Salneed non-working with 90 day warranty. Gentle, Tested. ary $8.50 per hour(254) DOE. Motorcycles ful oak tree cover. WhitetoolsPolled, & &equipScooters. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. (254) 799-6228, Delivery, work, appliances Fancy Charolais Heifers. oR SELL!(903) For Wood Call me at atservice 254-776-7775. tail, blackbuck, asic, hogs BUY ment We Pick-Up 336Call me 254-776-7775. 214-5284. need non-working (254) 729-8644 Bandsaws,(254) planwww.janitorialservicecom/ & turkey. $3,363 ones. down, Workers: 9086 www.janitorialservicecom/ (254) 799-6228, (254) 747-2701 ers, Drill presses, table nice WaSheRS, dryapply month. Several BUY oR SELL! For Wood $557 apply 214-5284. dogs ers,jointers, refrigerators, and saws, vises, planmiWorkers: Bandsaws, tracts to choose from. part time FULL And FULL and part time ter stoves. saws, lathes, presses, table acook nDrill gU S gshapers, RRebuilt aS S 800-876-9720. jobs available available now! now!http:// Need- ers, jobs Needwithbulls 90scroll day warranty. WoRking dogS Catadogs saws, jointers, vises, miFed and heifers. grinders, saws, rawww.ranchenterprisesltd. ed: Janitorial workers. Saled: Janitorial workers. SalDelivery, service work, houla x Blue ter saws, lathes, shapers, Purebred gentle, 12arm saws, and air com ary $8.50 $8.50 perLacy. hour8wks DOE. dial ary per hour DOE. need non-working ones. WoRking dogS Cataold, 1st at shots, ready to compressor.1209 grinders, scroll ra14 months old,saws, $1,300. WashCall 254-776-7775. me 254-776-7775. homes QualiTy BuilT Call www. (254) 799-6228, (254) houla x Blue Lacy. 8wks ington, dial arm air go! See pics at plans www. Also, 1 saws, 22mo.and bull, Waco. www.janitorialservicecom/ on your lot. Floor to janitorialservicecom/apply 214-5284. old, 1st shots,Call ready to compressor.1209 Wash$1,800. (254) 899-2558 Wynn apply fit any budget. No part time ington, FULL and Livestock go! See pics Buckholts, at money www. Waco. (512) 633-9886 down. 100% financing. part time FULL Andnow! dogs jobs available Call NeedWynn Tx Motorcycles Credit repair program. Livestock jobsJanitorial available now! Needed: workers. Sal(512) 633-9886 Buckholts, gentLe Mixed oLdeR Shih-tZU (254) 857-4663. Cataed: $8.50 Janitorial workers. Sal- WoRking dogS ary per hour DOE. Tx UnBhoula r e eBUY dx Blue C&owRepair s a n8wks d Lacy. males foratsale. Call orDOE. Text We ary $8.50 per hour Call me 254-776-7775. g e n t L e M i x e oLdeR Shih-tZU Farm & ranch wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Stocker Calves. Calldto old, 1st shots, ready (254) 716-3952 Call 254-776-7775. www. www.janitorialservicecom/ B r e e d C ow s and males for sale. Call or Text Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 749-0909 go! See pics at(254) www. janitorialservicecom/apply apply Stocker Calves. Call (254) 716-3952 shiPPing conTain- We Pick-Up (903) 336employment Call Wynn 749-5637 (254) 749-0909 (254) part time FULL And part time FULL and Ers $2,000 and up. Wind 9086 (512) 633-9886 Buckholts, 749-5637 jobsemployment available now! Needjobs available now! and water tight. SeeNeedpho- Tx FULL and part time ed: Janitorial Janitorial workers. Sal- chaRoLaiS BULLS ed: workers. Saltos www.steelcontainers. jobs available now! Needo L d e R Top S hQuality, ih-tZU FULL and part DOE. time Registered, aryJanitorial $8.50 per hour DOE. ary $8.50 per hour chaRoLaiS BULLS net Will deliver. (254)Need722ed: workers. Sal- males for sale. Call or Text jobs available now! Gentle, Polled, Tested. Call me at 254-776-7775. Call me at 254-776-7775. Registered, Top 4270, Burleson, TX. (254) 716-3952 Quality, ary $8.50 perworkers. hour DOE. ed: Janitorial Sal- Fancy www.janitorialservicecom/ Charolais Heifers. www.janitorialservicecom/ Gentle, Polled, Tested. Call me 254-776-7775. ary $8.50 gE n Tatlper E hour M i xDOE. E d (254) employment apply apply 729-8644 (254) Fancy Charolais Heifers. www.janitorialservicecom/ Call me at 254-776-7775. B r e e d C ow s atime n d 747-2701 (254) 729-8644 (254) part time FULL and And part FULL apply www.janitorialservicecom/ and part time Stocker Calves. Call FULL 747-2701 jobs available now! NeedNeedjobs available now! apply jobs available now! NeedFULL and part (254) time (254) 749-0909 ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- a ed: Janitorial workers. Saln g U S g R aS SSalworkers. partNeedtime ed: Janitorial FULL and jobs available 749-5637 ary $8.50 pernow! hour DOE. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. a n$8.50 g U Sand ghour R aS S Fed bulls ary per DOE. jobs available now! Needed: workers. Sal- Fed bulls andheifers. CallJanitorial me at at 254-776-7775. 254-776-7775. Call me heifers. Purebred gentle, 12Call me at 254-776-7775. ed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per DOE. www.janitorialservicecom/ Tools & hour Equipwww.janitorialservicecom/ www.janitorialservicecom/ Purebred gentle, 12months old, $1,300. ary $8.50 per hourwww. DOE. 14 Call 254-776-7775. ment apply apply 14 months old, $1,300. apply 1 22mo. bull, Call 254-776-7775. www. Also, janitorialservicecom/apply Also, 1(254) 22mo. $1,800. 899-2558 FULL and partbull, time Real estate Trucks janitorialservicecom/apply Buy or SELL! ForFor Wood $1,800. (254) now! 899-2558 FULL and available NeedSalepart time jobs

Front page

nice WaSheRS, dry- (254) 749-0909 (254) ers, refrigerators, and 749-5637 cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. tools & equipDelivery, service work, ment need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) BUY oR SELL! For Wood 214-5284. Workers: Bandsaws, planers, Drill presses, table Farm & Ranch dogs saws, jointers, vises, miter saws, lathes, shapers, Shipping containWoRking FrontdogS pageCata- grinders, scroll saws, raeRS arm $2,000 and up. Wind houla x Blue Lacy. 8wks dial saws, and air and water tight. See phoold, 1stniSSan shots, ready to compressor.1209 2018 Titan Washtos www.steelcontainers. go! See Reserve, pics at www. Platinum Black, ington, Waco. Call Wynn 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue net Will deliver. (254) 722Burleson, TX. (512) Buckholts, Book 633-9886 value $42,000. Ask- 4270,Livestock Tx ing $39,995. Call or text cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, Ken (254) 749-6352 g e n t L esoil,MN-TEXX ixed oLdeR Shih-tZU improves 15—5-5 microbacteB r e e dwith C ow s and males for sale. Call or Text Want to Buy ria, increases germination, Stocker Calves. Call (254) 716-3952 growth and production, (254) 749-0909 (254) We BUY & Repair Un- $23/acre ADS ADS Employment Employment employment 749-5637applied. Dealwanted/ Broken ATV’s, ers needed. Damon Berry Motorcycles & Scooters. FULL and part time 254-793-2318, 254-702chaRoLaiS BULLS We available Pick-Up now! (903)Need336- 3797. jobs 9086 ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- Registered, Top Quality, g e n t Polled, L e MTested. ixed ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Gentle, appliances B r e e Charolais d C ow Heifers. s and Call me at 254-776-7775. Fancy (254) 729-8644 Call www.janitorialservicecom/ Stocker Calves.(254) nice WaSheRS, dry- 747-2701 (254) 749-0909 (254) apply ers, refrigerators, and 749-5637 time FULL and part cook stoves. Rebuilt jobs Need- a n g U S g R aS S withavailable 90 daynow! warranty. bulls& andequipheifers. tools ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- Fed Delivery, service work, Purebred gentle, 12ment ary $8.50 per hour DOE. need non-working ones. 14 months old, $1,300. Call 254-776-7775. www. (254) 799-6228, (254) Also,oR1 SELL! 22mo. Farm & Ranch BUY For bull, Wood janitorialservicecom/apply 214-5284. $1,800. (254) 899-2558 Front page Workers: Bandsaws, planpart time FULL and Shipping contain- ers, Drill presses, table jobs available now! NeedeRS $2,000 and up. Wind saws, 2018 niSSan dogs Motorcycles jointers, vises,Titan mied: water Janitorial workers. Sal- ter and tight. See phoPlatinum Reserve, Black, saws, lathes, shapers, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. tos www.steelcontainers. 16,000 miles. Kelly WoRking dogS Cata- We BUY & Repair Ungrinders, scroll saws,Blue raCall mexdeliver. at 254-776-7775. net Will (254) 8wks 722- wanted/ Bookarm value $42,000. Askhoula Blue Lacy. Broken ATV’s, dial saws, and air 4270, Burleson, www.janitorialservicecom/ ing $39,995.&Call or text old, 1st shots,TX. ready to Motorcycles Scooters. compressor.1209 Washapply KenPick-Up (254) 749-6352 cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, We go! See pics at www. (903) 336ington, Waco. improves soil, part N-TEXX time 9086Want to Buy FULL and Call Wynn Livestock 15—5-5 with microbactejobs now! Need(512)available 633-9886 Buckholts, ria, increases germination, ed: Tx Janitorial workers. Sal- We BUY & Repair Ungrowth andper production, ary $8.50 hour DOE. wanted/ gentLe M i xATV’s, ed Broken oLdeR Shih-tZU $23/acre applied. Deal- B r e e d C Call me at 254-776-7775. and & sScooters. males for sale. Call or Text Motorcyclesow ers needed. Damon Berry www.janitorialservicecom/ Stocker Calves. Pick-Up (903)Call 336(254) 716-3952254-702- We 254-793-2318, apply (254) 749-0909 (254) 9086 3797.employment FULL and part time 749-5637 appliances gen t L e now! M i xNeeded jobs available FULL B r eJanitorial e dand C oworkers. wpart s atime nSald ed: chaRoLaiS BULLS jobs available Stocker Calves. Call nice WaSheRS, dryary $8.50 pernow! hour NeedDOE. Registered, Top Quality, ed: Janitorial workers. Sal(254) (254) ers, refrigerators, and Call me749-0909 at 254-776-7775. Gentle, Polled, Tested. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. cook stoves. Rebuilt 749-5637 www.janitorialservicecom/ Charolais Heifers. Call me at 254-776-7775. Fancy with 90 day warranty. apply (254) 729-8644 (254) www.janitorialservicecom/ Delivery, service work, tools & equip747-2701 Realment estate For need non-working ones. apply Salepart time (254) 799-6228, (254) FULL and n g U S g R aS S BUY oR SELL!now! For Wood jobs available Need- a214-5284. Workers: Bandsaws, planQUaLitY BUiLt homes ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- Fed bulls and heifers. gentle, 12ers, Drilllot. presses, table on Floor plans to Purebred dogs aryyour $8.50 per hour DOE. saws, jointers, mi- 14 months old, $1,300. fit budget. vises, No money Callany 254-776-7775. www. Also, 1 22mo. ter saws,100% lathes,financing. shapers, WoRking down. dogSbull, Catajanitorialservicecom/apply grinders, scroll saws, ra- houla $1,800. (254) 899-2558 Credit repair program. x Blue Lacy. 8wks part time FULL and dial arm saws, and air (254) 857-4663. 1st shots, ready to jobs available now!WashNeed- old, compressor.1209 Motorcycles Coun24.53 ac Duval ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- go! See pics at www. ington, Waco. ty. thick Call Wynn aryWell, $8.50electricity, per hour DOE. & Repair Un(512)BUY 633-9886 Buckholts, Livestock mesquite brush cover. We Call me at &254-776-7775. Broken ATV’s, Tx Deer, feral hogs, javelina, wanted/ www.janitorialservicecom/ & Scooters. turkey, doves. Ad- Motorcycles oLdeR Shih-tZU g e n tquail, Le M ixed apply Pick-Up 336ditional males for sale.(903) Call or Text B r e e d tracts C o w savailable. a n d We partfinanctime 9086 FULL (254) 716-3952 $4,250/AC. Owner Stockerand Calves. Call jobs available now! Needing for 30 years, 5% down (254) 749-0909 (254) employment ed: Janitorial866-286-0199. workers. Sal749-5637 payments. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. http://www.ranchenterCall me at 254-776-7775. FULL and part time chaRoLaiS BULLS jobs available now! Needwww.janitorialservicecom/ Registered, Top Quality, ed: Janitorial workers. Salapply Gentle, Polled, Tested. time ary $8.50 per hour DOE. FULL and part Fancy Charolais Heifers. me at 254-776-7775. jobs now!(254) Need- Call (254)available 729-8644 www.janitorialservicecom/ ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- apply 747-2701 ary $8.50 per hour DOE. FULL and part time Call a nme g UatS254-776-7775. g R aS S jobs available now! Need-

February 21, 2019 • Page 3

Farm & Ranch Shipping containeRS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX. cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, improves soil, N-TEXX 15—5-5 with microbacteria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry 254-793-2318, 254-7023797. gentLe Mixed B r e e d C ow s a n d Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637

tools & equipment BUY oR SELL! For Wood Workers: Bandsaws, planers, Drill presses, table saws, jointers, vises, miter saws, lathes, shapers, grinders, scroll saws, radial arm saws, and air compressor.1209 Washington, Waco.

Livestock gentLe Mixed B r e e d C ow s a n d Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 chaRoLaiS BULLS Registered, Top Quality, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Fancy Charolais Heifers. (254) 729-8644 (254) 747-2701 a n g U S g R aS S

Purebred gentle, 12ary $8.50 per hour DOE. NICE WASHERS, dry- 14 months old, $1,300. Tools & EquipCall ers,254-776-7775. refrigerators,www. and Also, 1 ment 22mo. bull, janitorialservicecom/apply cook stoves. Rebuilt $1,800. (254) 899-2558 FULL and part time with 90 day warranty. Page 4 • February 21, 2019 BUY OR SELL! For Wood jobs available now! work, NeedDelivery, service Motorcycles ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- Workers: Bandsaws, planneed non-working ones. ers, BUY Drill presses, table ary $8.50 per hour (254) DOE. We & Repair Un(254) 799-6228, Call me at 254-776-7775. wanted/ saws, jointers, miBrokenvises, ATV’s, 214-5284. www.janitorialservicecom/ Motorcycles ter saws, lathes, shapers, & Scooters. apply grinders, scroll(903) saws,336radial Pick-Up Dogspart time We arm saws, and air comFULL and 9086 jobs available now! Need- pressor.1209 Washington, SUPER FRIENDLY ed: Janitorial workers. ChiSal- Waco. Poos, Yorkies, Pomeraary $8.50 per hour DOE. Livestock nians & Shih-tzus. Call for Call me at 254-776-7775. more information (254) www.janitorialservicecom/ apply 853-2235 GENTLE MIXED Breed FULL and part Pup- Cows and Stocker REGISTERED POMtime jobs&available now! Need- Calves. Call (254) 749pies Registered Miniature ed: JanitorialPuppies. workers.Also, Sal- 0909 (254) 749-5637 Schnauzer $8.50 per hour 1ary Pom-Poodle. Call/DOE. Text Call me at 254-776-7775. (254) 366-6503 or (254) www.janitorialservicecom/ 744-9245 ANGUS GRASS Fed apply

Real estate Estate For Real Sale For Sale

REAL ESTATE QUaLitY BUiLtAuction, homes January on your 5, lot.2019, Floor11:00am, plans to 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX fit any budget. No money down. Julius 100%& financing. 76574. Helen PavCredit repair program. las Estate. REAL ESTATE (254) 857-4663. (selling subject to owner confirmation) 2,084 SF 24.53 ac Duval County. Well, electricity, brick home, 3 BR, 2thick BA mesquite & brush cover. with fireplace and outbuildDeer,sitting feral on hogs, javelina, ings, approx. 15+ turkey, Appliances, quail, doves.home Adacres. ditional tracts available.+ furnishings, collectibles $4,250/AC. Owner much more! See financwww. ing for 30 years, 5% fordown phopayments. 866-286-0199. tographs, auction and real http://www.ranchenterestate terms and tions, + broker participation requirements. Garner & Associates Auctioneers, Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Waco Auction Group, Waco, TX. Randy Solberg TX 12677, 254-709-6338 20.79 AC. with Creek Frontage Near Robert Lee and Lake E. V. Spence. Beautiful Views, Mesquite & Cedar Cover. Whitetail, Hogs, Turkey, Quail & Dove. Locked Gate Privacy. $3,650/AC. Owner Financing for 30 Years, 5% Down. 800-876-9720. QUALITY BUILT homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663.

bulls and heifers. PureReal Estate bred gentle, 12-14 ADS for Sale months old, $1,300. Also, 1 22mo. bull, $1,800. (254) 899-2558


Farm & Ranch

Apartments for Rent

ADS Apartments for Rent

Duplexes/ Townhomes

Front page Commercial ADS 2018 Real niSSan EstateTitan

Platinum Reserve, Black, 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue Book value $42,000. Asking $39,995. Call or text Ken (254) 749-6352

Want to Buy We BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086


WE BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

Shipping containeRS $2,000 and up. Wind 2018 niSSan Titan and water tight. See phoFarm & Ranch Platinum Reserve, Black, tos www.steelcontainers. 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue net Will deliver. (254) 722Shipping Burleson,containTX. Farm & Ranch Front page Book value $42,000. Ask- 4270, eRS $2,000 and up. Wind cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, ing $39,995. Call or text and water tight. See phoShipping contain2018 niSSan Titanimproves soil, N-TEXX Ken (254) 749-6352 eRS $2,000 and up. Wind Platinum Reserve, Black, tos www.steelcontainers. 15—5-5 with microbactenet Will deliver. (254) 722ADS ADS Farm & Ranch Dogs and watermiles. tight. Kelly See pho16,000 Blue Want to Buy Burleson, TX. increases germination, tos www.steelcontainers. Book value $42,000. Ask-ria,4270, net deliver.Call (254)or722and production, cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, ingWill $39,995. textgrowth We &749-6352 Repair 4270, Burleson, TX. Un- $23/acre improves soil, N-TEXX KenBUY (254) applied. Dealwanted/ Broken ATV’s, 15—5-5 with microbactecUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, ers needed. Damon Berry Wantsoil, Buy ria, increases germination, Motorcycles &to Scooters. improves N-TEXX 254-793-2318, 254-702growth and production, 15—5-5 with microbacteWe Pick-Up (903) 336We BUY & Repair Un-3797. ria, increases germination, $23/acre applied. Deal9086 wanted/and Broken ATV’s, ers needed. Damon Berry growth production, gentLe Mixed Motorcycles & Scooters. $23/acre applied. Deal- 254-793-2318, 254-702appliances Weneeded. Pick-Up (903)Berry 336- B3797. r e e d C ow s a n d ers Damon 9086 254-793-2318, 254-702- Stocker Calves. Call gen t L e M(254) ixed nice WaSheRS, dry- (254) 3797 .appliances 749-0909 Breed Cows and ers, refrigerators, and 749-5637 gentLe Mixed Stocker Calves. Call cook Bnice r e estoves. dWaSheRS, C o wRebuilt s a drynd (254) 749-0909 (254) with day warranty. Stocker Calves. Call ers, 90 refrigerators, and tools 749-5637 & equip(254) (254) Delivery, service Rebuilt work, cook 749-0909 stoves. ment 749-5637 Tools & withnon-working 90 day warranty. need ones. tools & equipDelivery, service(254) work, (254) 799-6228, ment Equipment BUY oR SELL! For Wood need non-working ones. tools & equip214-5284. Bandsaws, (254) 799-6228, ment (254) Workers: BUY oR SELL! ForplanWood 214-5284. ers, Drill presses, table Workers: Bandsaws, planBUY oRdogs SELL! For Wood saws, vises, miers, jointers, Drill presses, table Workers: Bandsaws, dogs plan- tersaws, vises, misaws,jointers, lathes, shapers, Farm & Ranch ers, Drill presses, table ter saws, lathes, shapers, WoRking dogS Catagrinders, scroll saws, rasaws, jointers, vises, miWoRking dogS Cata- grinders, scroll saws, rahoula x Blue Lacy. 8wks dial arm saws, and air ter saws, lathes, shapers, Shipping containhoula x Bluepage Lacy. 8wks dial arm saws, and air Front old, Washgrinders, scroll saws, ra-tocompressor.1209 eRS $2,000 and up. Wind old,1st 1stshots, shots,ready readyto compressor.1209 Washgo! See pics atatand www. dial arm saws, air ington, Waco. and water tight. See phogo! See pics www. ington, Waco. 2018 niSSan Titan compressor.1209 Call Wynn Call Wynn tos www.steelcontainers. Platinum Reserve, Black, Livestock Livestock ington, Waco. (512)633-9886 633-9886 Buckholts, (512) deliver. (254) 72216,000 miles. Buckholts, Kelly Blue net WillSporting TxTx Livestock Livestock Book value $42,000. Ask- 4270, Burleson, TX. Goods g eFeRtiLiZeR nt L e Mixed M i xcost, ed o L$39,995. d e R Shih-tZU SCall hih Z U cUt gentLe ing or- ttext oLdeR C o wN-TEXX s and males forL749-6352 sale. or Text Ken BB rStocker ereede d Csoil, ow s a n d g e(254) nfor t e Call MCall ix e d improves males sale. or Text Calves. Call (254) with microbacteB r e 716-3952 e716-3952 d C o w s a n d 15—5-5 Stocker Calves. Call (254) (254) 749-0909 (254) Want to Buy Stocker Calves. Call ria, increases germination, employment (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 (254) 749-0909 (254) growth and production, employment We BUY & Repair Un- 749-5637 749-5637

Front page

CHAROLAIS BULLS Registered, Top Quality, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Fancy Charolais Heifers. (254) 729-8644 (254) 747-2701

FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/apply FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ apply FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ apply FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ apply FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Farm & Ranch Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. GENTLE MIXED Breed Call me at 254-776-7775. Cows and Stocker www.janitorialservicecom/ Calves. Call (254) 749- apply 0909 (254) 749-5637 Motorcycles

SHIPPING CONTAINERS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX.

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777


Commercial Real Estate

nice WaSheRS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) Lots/Land/ 214-5284.

Acreage dogs

Houses for Rent

Front page 2018 niSSan Titan Front page Platinum Reserve, Black, 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue 2018 niSSan Book value $42,000.Titan AskPlatinum Reserve, Black, ing $39,995. Call or text 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue Ken (254) 749-6352 Book value $42,000. AskingWant $39, CallBuy or text Ken (254) 749-6352 We BUY & Repair UnWantBroken to Buy wanted/ ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We BUY & (903) Repair336UnWe Pick-Up wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 9086 Motorcycles & Scooters. We appliances Pick-Up (903) 3369086 nice WaSheRS, dryappliances ers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt nice WaSheRS, drywith 90 day warranty. ers, refrigerators, and Delivery, service work, cook stoves. Rebuilt need non-working ones. with day warranty. (254) 90 799-6228, (254) Delivery, 214-5284.service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) dogs 214-5284. WoRking dogS Catadogs houla x Blue Lacy. 8wks old, 1st shots, ready to WoRking dogS Catago! See pics at www. houla x Blue Lacy. 8wks Call Wynn old, 1st shots, ready to (512) 633-9886 Buckholts, go! Tx See pics at www. Call Wynn

WoRking dogS Catahoula x Blue Lacy. 8wks old, 1st shots, ready to go! See pics at www. Call Wynn (512) 633-9886 Buckholts, Farm & Ranch Tx oLdeR Shih-tZU Shipping containFarm Ranch males for & sale. Call or Text Farm & Ranch eRS and up. Wind (254)$2,000 716-3952 and water tight. See phoShipping containemployment tos www.steelcontainers. eRS $2,000 and(254) up. Wind net Will deliver. 722and water tight. See FULLBurleson, and part time 4270, TX. photos www.steelcontainers. jobs available now! NeedcUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, net Will deliver. (254) 722ed: Janitorial workers. Salimproves soil, N-TEXX 4270, Burleson, TX. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. 15—5-5 with microbacteCall me at 254-776-7775. cUt FeRtiLiZeR cost, ria, increases germination, www.janitorialservicecom/ improves N-TEXX growth andsoil, production, apply with 15—5-5 microbacte$23/acre applied. Dealria, increases germination, FULL and partBerry time ers needed. Damon growth and production, jobs available now! Need254-793-2318, 254-702$23/acre applied. Dealed: Janitorial workers. Sal3797 . ers Damon aryneeded. $8.50 per hourBerry DOE. g e n t L e M i x e d 254-793-2318, 254-702Call 254-776-7775. www. B r e. e d C o w s a n d 3797 janitorialservicecom/apply Stocker Calves. Call FULL and part g e n t749-0909 Le M ix etime d (254) (254) jobs now! B r eavailable ed Cow s aNeednd 749-5637 ed: Janitorial workers. SalStocker Calves. Call ary $8.50 per hour(254) DOE. (254) 749-0909 tools & equipCall me at 254-776-7775. 749-5637 ment www.janitorialservicecom/ apply tools & equipBUY oR SELL! For Wood FULL ment and part plantime Workers: Bandsaws, jobsDrill available now! table Needers, presses, ed: Janitorial workers. SalBUY oR SELL! For Wood saws, jointers, vises, miarysaws, $8.50 per hour DOE. Workers: Bandsaws, planter lathes, shapers, Call Drill me at 254-776-7775. ers, presses, table grinders, scroll saws, rawww.janitorialservicecom/ saws, jointers, dial arm saws,vises, and miair apply ter saws, lathes, shapers, compressor.1209 Washgrinders, scroll part saws,time raFULLWaco. and ington, dial saws, and air jobsarm available now! NeedLivestock compressor.1209 Washed: Janitorial workers. Salington, Waco. ary $8.50 per hour DOE.

FULL and part time $23/acre applied. Dealwanted/ Broken ATV’s, BULLS needed. Damon Berry jobs available now! Need- erschaRoLaiS FULL and&part time Registered, Top Quality, Motorcycles Scooters. chaRoLaiS BULLS chaRoLaiS BULLS 254-793-2318, 254-702ed: Janitorial workers. Saljobs available now! NeedGentle, Polled, Tested. We Pick-Up (903) 336Registered, Tophour Quality, ary $8.50 per DOE. 3797. Top Quality, Fancy Charolais Heifers. ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- Registered, 9086 Gentle, Polled, Tested. Call me at 254-776-7775. Gentle, Polled, Tested. (254) 729-8644 g e n t L e M i x(254) ed ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Fancy Charolais Heifers. www.janitorialservicecom/ appliances Fancy Charolais Heifers. 747-2701 (254) (254) B r e e d C o w s a n d Call me 729-8644 at 254-776-7775. apply (254) 729-8644 (254) 747-2701 Stocker Calves. Call www.janitorialservicecom/ FULL and part time 747-2701 a n g749-0909 U S g R(254) aSS nice WaSheRS, jobs available now! dryNeed- (254) apply Fed bulls and heifers. ers, refrigerators, a nJanitorial g U S workers. g R aand SS ed: Sal- 749-5637 FULL and time gentle, 12cook stoves. Rebuilt Fed$8.50 bulls andpart heifers. ary per hour DOE. aPurebred ng US g R aS S 14 months old, $1,300. jobs available now! Needwith 90 daygentle, warranty. Purebred 12- Fed Call 254-776-7775. www. tools & equipbulls and heifers. Also, 1 22mo. bull, Delivery, service work, 14Janitorial months old, $1,300. ed: workers. Saljanitorialservicecom/apply Purebred gentle, 12$1,800.ment (254) 899-2558 Also, 1and 22mo. bull, need non-working ones. ary $8.50 per hour DOE. FULL part time 14 months old, $1,300. $1,800. (254) 899-2558 (254) 799-6228, (254) BUY oR SELL! For Wood Call 254-776-7775. www. jobs available now! NeedMotorcycles Also, 1 Bandsaws, 22mo. bull, 214-5284. planed: Janitorial workers. Sal- Workers: janitorialservicecom/apply $1,800. (254) 899-2558 presses, table aryMotorcycles $8.50 per hour DOE. ers, WeDrill BUY & Repair UnDogs FULL and part time Call medogs at 254-776-7775. saws, jointers, vises, miWe BUY &now! Repair Un- wanted/ Broken ATV’s, jobs available Needwww.janitorialservicecom/ ter saws, lathes, shapers, Motorcycles Motorcycles & Scooters. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ed: Janitorial workers. Sal- grinders, apply WoRking dogS Catascroll(903) saws,336raWe Pick-Up Motorcycles &hour Scooters. ary $8.50 per DOE. houla x Blue Lacy. 8wks dial arm saws, andUnair part 336timeWe FULL and(903) 9086 BUY & Repair We Pick-Up old, 1st ready to compressor.1209 WashCall atshots, 254-776-7775. jobsme available now! Need9086 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, go! picsworkers. at www. ed: See Janitorial Sal- ington, Waco. www.janitorialservicecom/ Motorcycles & Scooters. Call Wynn ary $8.50 per hour DOE. apply Livestock (903) 336(512) Buckholts, We Pick-Up Call 633-9886 me at 254-776-7775. FULL and part time 9086 www.janitorialservicecom/ Tx jobs apply o L davailable e R Snow! h i h -NeedtZU gentLe Mixed ed: Janitorial workers. Salpart time B r e e d C o w s a n d FULL males forand sale. Call or Text ary $8.50 per hour jobs available now!DOE. Need- Stocker Calves. Call (254) 716-3952 ed:me Janitorial workers. Sal- (254) 749-0909 (254) Call at 254-776-7775. employment ary $8.50 per hour DOE. 749-5637 www.janitorialservicecom/ Call me at 254-776-7775. apply

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 634-4615

February 21, 2019 • Page 5

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

Page 6 • February 21, 2019

Far Cars

Recreational Front page Vehicles

2018 niSSan Titan Platinum Reserve, Black, 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue Book value $42,000. Asking $39,995. Call or text Ken (254) 749-6352

Want to Buy We BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

appliances Front pagedrynice WaSheRS, ers, refrigerators, and 2018 niSSan Titan cook stoves. Rebuilt Platinum Black, with 90 Reserve, day warranty. 16,000 miles. Kellywork, Blue Delivery, service Book $42,000. Askneedvalue non-working ones. ing $39,995. Call or text (254) 799-6228, (254) Ken (254) 749-6352 214-5284. Motorcycles Want to Buy dogs

Trucks/Vans/ SUVs Front page 2018 niSSan Titan Platinum Reserve, Black, 16,000 miles. Kelly Blue Book value $42,000. Asking $39,995. Call or text Ken (254) 749-6352

Want to Buy We BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

appliances nice WaSheRS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284.

dogs WoRking dogS Catahoula x Blue Lacy. 8wks old, 1st shots, ready to go! See pics at www. Call Wynn (512) 633-9886 Buckholts,

We BUY&& Ranch Repair UnFarm WoRking dogSATV’s, Catawanted/ Broken Shipping houla x Bluecontain8wks Motorcycles &Lacy. Scooters. eRS $2,000 and up. Wind old, 1st shots, ready to Wewater Pick-Up (903) 336and tight. See phogo! See pics at www. 9086 tos www.steelcontainers. Call Wynn net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX. (512)appliances 633-9886 Buckholts, Auto Parts cUt Tx FeRtiLiZeR cost, improves soil, N-TEXX nice WaSheRS, dryoLdeR 15—5-5 withShih-tZU microbacteers, refrigerators, males for sale. Call orand Text ria, increases germination, growth and production, cook716-3952 stoves. Rebuilt (254) $23/acre Dealwith 90 applied. day warranty. ers needed. Damon Berry employment Delivery, service work, 254-793-2318, 254-702need 3797 . non-working ones. FULL and part(254) time (254) 799-6228, g e n t L e now! M i xNeeded jobs available 214-5284. B r Janitorial e e d C oworkers. w s a nSald ed: Stocker Calves. Call ary $8.50 per hour DOE. (254) 749-0909 (254) Call me atdogs 254-776-7775. 749-5637 www.janitorialservicecom/ WoRking Catatools &dogS equipapply houla x ment Blue Lacy. 8wks time FULL old, 1stand shots,part ready to BUY oR SELL! Forwww. Wood jobs available now! Needgo! See pics at Workers: Bandsaws, planed: Janitorial workers. Call Wynn ers, Drill presses, table ary per hour DOE. (512)$8.50 633-9886 Buckholts, saws, jointers, vises, miCall 254-776-7775. www. ter lathes, shapers, Tx saws, grinders, scroll saws, rajanitorialservicecom/apply oLdeR Shih-tZU dial arm saws, and air FULL partWashmales forand sale. Call ortime Text compressor.1209 jobs available now! ington, Waco. (254) 716-3952 Needed: Janitorial workers. SalLivestock

Ship eRS $ and w tos ww net W 4270, cUt impro 15—5 ria, inc growt $23/a ers ne 254-7 3797.

gen Far Bre Stoc Ship (254$ eRS 749-5 and w tos ww too net W 4270, cUt o BUY impro Worke 15—5D ers, ria, inc saws, growt ter saw $23/a grinde ers nea dial 254-7 comp 3797. ington gen L Bre Stoc gen (254 B749-5 ree Stoc (254 too 749-5

chao BUY Regis Worke GentD ers, Fancy saws, (254 ter saw 747-2 grinde dial a comp ang ington Fed PureL 14 m Also gen $1,80 Bree Stoc M (254

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 634-4615

February 21, 2019 • Page 7

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Building/ Remodeling

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