AKC black & red ( 254) 258-5626. Temple and surrounding German Shepherd areas. Puppies for sale. Starting at $8 per ( 254) 258-5626. ! hour. Please call our of spanish Lots/Land/ fice at (254) 776-7775 Acreage s. e M p L e o s d i s - or apply online at www. ies poniBLes. West texAs Trans janitorialservice.com/apply ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! ¡ Ya están office, retail, ware- area, near Lake disponibles los empleos Pecos house er & more for lease 60 - 450 acres. e M p L e o s d i s - de tiempo completo y Amistad. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 Electricity, water, easy poniBLes. medio! Se necesita: tra- ¡ Ya están www.davidbarrproper bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, ja- disponibles los empleos ties.com ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! velina, thick cover, views, Waco, Temple y las áreas de tiempo completo y Investment ay, MarchLand, 8, 2020 canyons. Starting at $650/ circundantes. A partir de Se necesita: tra- Properties, and 979-575-3939 Lang- medio! $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 ! ! AVAILABLE !! bajadores de limpieza en Business Properties. tryWestRanch.com llame a nuestra oficina al ware office, retail, o solicite Waco, Temple y las áreas (254) 776-7775 David Barr Properties house & more for lease Farm & Ranch en línea en www.janitori- David spanish Lots/Land/ circundantes. A partir de 4, ( 254) 526-2277 BarrVol. Properties 3 • No. 9 March 2020 Acreage alservice.com/apply ( 254) 526-2277 Por favor www.davidbarrproper contAin- $8 por hora. e M p L e o s d i s -shipping www.davidbarrproper poniBLes. ¡ Ya estáneRs West texAs Trans llame $2,000 and up. Wind a nuestra oficina al ties.com Appliances FEATURED AD ties.com disponibles los empleosand Pecos area, near Lake water tight. See pho (254) 776-7775 o solicite de tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. OF THE WEEK! tos www.steelcontainers. spanish Lots/Land/ medio! Se necesita: Electricity, water, easy en línea en nice WAsheRs, dry-tra- www.janitori- bajadores de limpieza ennet access, whitetail, dove, ja- Will deliver. (254) 722 Acreage ers, refrigerators, Waco, Temple y lasand áreas velina, thick cover, Burleson, TX. views, alservice.com/apply e M p Lstoves. e o s ARebuilt d i sde - 4270, cook circundantes. partir canyons. Starting at $650/ $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang with 90 day warranty. estate For poniBLes. ¡ Yaoficina estánalWest texAs Trans Real The Buffalo Lions Club gentLe Mixed Full llame a nuestra tryWestRanch.com Free Delivery, service work, AKC black & red B r e e d C ow s a n d sale disponibles los empleos area,&near Lake (254) 776-7775 o solicitePecos COnCeSSiOn German Shepherd Farm Ranch need non-working ones. en línea en completo www.janitori Stocker Call PArking ! ! ! Puppies for sale. de(254) tiempo 60Calves. - 450 acres. ! ! ! Commercial alservice.com/apply 214-5284, (254)y Amistad. StAnd (254) 749-0909 (254) QuALity ( 254) 258-5626. shipping contAin Land, Investment BuiLt homes medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! 799-6228 eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Appliances 749-5637 Properties, and office, retail, ware- your lot! Floor plans to bajadores and water tight. dove, See phode limpieza whitetail, ja- on s en access, Business Properties. & more for lease tos www.steelcontainers. David Barr Properties nice WAsheRs, dryr house fit any budget. No money Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, Miscellaneous David Barr Properties Livestock net Will deliver. (254) 722- ( 254) 526-2277 ers, refrigerators, and spanish Lots/Land/ ( 254) 526-2277 down. 100% financing. 4270, Burleson, TX. circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ www.davidbarrproper cook stoves. Rebuilt www.davidbarrproper $81with Acreage 90 day Por warranty. ties.com repair program g en t L e Mixed M i Langx e d Credit ceMeteRy Lotfavor at AC. por hora. 979-575-3939 gentLe ties.com Delivery, service work, e M p L e o s d i s B r e e d C o w s an d (254) 857-4663. Waco Memorial, Veter llame a nuestra oficina al tryWestRanch.com B r e e d C ow s a n d need non-working ones. Stocker Calves. Call poniBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans ans Section. $700. (254) (254) 214-5284, (254) Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) hunting/ inVest 776-7775 o solicite los empleos (254) Pecos area, near Lake 799-6228 disponibles 662-3082 749-5637 Farm & Ranch (254) 749-0909 (254) en línea en www.janitori de tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 450 acres. Ment/ RECREATION 749-5637 Miscellaneous Livestock medio! Se necesita: tra- alservice.com/apply Electricity, water, easy We have dogs shipping contAin- AL PROPERTY. bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, ja some of the best in Texas 1 ceMeteRy Lot at Auctions g e n t L e M i x e d eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Appliances Waco, Temple y las áreas poMeRiAn velina, cover, Wacothick Memorial, VeterAndviews, Yorkie B r e e d C o w s a n d from the Hill Country (Ed and water tight. See Aucpho ans Section. $700. (254) circundantes. A partir de Puppies, canyons. Starting ator$650/ Stocker Calves. Call small. Call text centRAL texAs wards, Menard, Coke, 662-3082 (254) 749-0909 (254) $8 por hora. Por favor (254) AC. 979-575-3939 Lang tos www.steelcontainers. 716-3952 License tion Services. Real Estate nice WAsheRs, dry 749-5637 Verde County, free a nuestra oficina al tryWestRanch.com #144 Will deliver.Auction, (254) 722-3 Val dogs and net and Contents ers, refrigerators, llame th ranging exotics), to South (254) 776-7775 o solicite 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 arch Auctions BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square 4270, Burleson, TX. Saturday, march 14 , 2020 Farm & Ranch employment poMeRiAn And Yorkie cook stoves. Rebuilt en línea en www.janitori- Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live house, 2• carBidding garage, Puppies, small. Call or textfoot • Begins at 10:00AM •• centRAL texAs Auc with 90716-3952 day warranty. alservice.com/apply County, whitetail, gentLe shop, pool.Mixed Contents (254) License tion Services. Real Estate Oak JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full large shipping contAin #144 Delivery, service work, ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! and Contents Auction, 3 hogs). Mower, clocks, 432 LCR • Hubbard, Large acreage or TX 76648 Breed Cows and176 and part-time eRs $2,000 andjobs up. availWind include: Appliances BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square firearms, Knives, com ware- employment need non-working ones. office, retail, able now! Needed: Jani small. 30 year fixed hAs rate seen Stocker Calves. Call and water tight. See pho Best Auction centrAl texAs in yeArs! foot house, 2 car garage, pressor, furniture, jewelry, house & more for lease (254) 214-5284, (254) torial workers in Waco, large shop, pool. Contents tos www.steelcontainers. JoBs AVAiLABLe. financing. Only 5%Kenworth), Short List: Tractors (Johnowner Deere, Massey Ferguson, Dozers, Manlift, (254) 749-0909 (254) AKC black & redFullcrystal, Guns •Properties Ammo • Knives nice WAsheRs, dry- Temple quilts and more! Mower, clocks, Track Loaders, Maintainer, Trailers, Trucks, Skid Steers, Fertilizer Sprayers, and surrounding andWill part-time jobs 722avail- include: David Barr 799-6228 German Shepherd net deliver. (254) Down. Call toll free or 749-5637 firearms, Knives, com ers, refrigerators, and Entire Shop full of Tools, Welders, Air Compressors; Large Quantity of Building Call 254-718-5120 or visit able now! Needed: Jani areas. Starting at $8 per Puppies for sale. ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! 4270, Burleson, TX. ( 254) 526-2277 pressor, furniture, jewelry, Materials, Side by Sides, Flatbeds, Drills, prices No-Till Drill, Shipping Containers, torial in Waco,centraltexasauctionser !cook ! AVAILABLE !! email forGrain individual stoves. Rebuilt Accessories • Coins (workers 254) 258-5626. office, retail, warehour. Please our of- crystal, quilts and more! Fencing Galore, Squeeze Chute, Round Bale Feeders, Panels, Cuber, Materials Temple and call surrounding office, retail, ware www.davidbarrproper vices.com for information, with 90 day warranty. house & more for lease Miscellaneous and terms. ranchenterpris254-718-5120 visit Hydraulic Bale Spike, Seeders, Shredders, Tree Troughs, Loading or Chute, Grinder, at Starting (254) 776-7775 gentLe Mixed David areas. at $8 per Call Livestock house & more for lease fice Barr Properties Tree premium, Shears, Boxterms Blades, Land Levelers, Hay Haulers, Batwing Shredders, Round centraltexasauctionserties.com buyer’s Delivery, service work, hour. Please call our of or apply online at www. Military Collectibles esltd.com 800-876-9720 David Barr Properties Breed Cows and & Square Balers, Hay Cutters, Chisel Plows, Drag Harrow, Overhead Bins, Grain vices.com for information, ( 254) 526-2277 fice at (254) 776-7775& conditions. and ( 254) 526-2277ones. janitorialservice.com/apply need non-working www.davidbarrproper Augers, FuelPhotos Tanks,terms 5th Wheel Camper, 1979 & 1995 Jeeps, Mobile Cattle Corral, Stocker Calves. Call buyer’s premium, www.davidbarrproper or apply online at www. ! ! ! Commercial !!! 1 ceMeteRy Lot at more upcoming actions. T New Tires, Field Cultivators, Pasture Renovator and MUCH, MUCH MORE (254) 214-5284, (254) noW Mixed & conditions. Photos and ties.com janitorialservice.com/apply (254) 749-0909 (254) gentLe Land, Investment Open to the Public hiRing 2 Service ties.com Gallaway TX LIC#12798. more upcoming actions. T Waco Memorial, Veter 799-6228 Properties, and Breed Cows and 2 Service noW hiRing 749-5637 Technicians. Preferred Re Gallaway TX LIC#12798. Business Properties. Lic#9003373 9:00am-5:00pm Technicians. Preferred Re-Broker Saturday ans Section. $700. (254) frigeration Experience but Broker Lic#9003373 Stocker Calves. Call Barr Properties David frigeration Experience butFiReARMs, AMMuni ( 254) 526-2277 662-3082 FiReARMs, AMMuniwill train ififapplicant has Miscellaneous will train applicant has (254) 749-0909 (254) Livestock Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm tion tion&&Military MilitaryMemoMemo www.davidbarrproper past mechanical experipast mechanical experi ties.com 749-5637 rabilia Auction, March Auction, March 7,7, ence, $18-$21p/h. Applyrabilia Preview FridAy, MArch 13th • 9AM-5PM ence, $18-$21p/h. Apply 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die 1 ceMeteRy Lot at Admission $5.00 per day at Waco Carbonics 431 dogs 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die gentLe Mixed at Waco Carbonics 431 cast airplanes, helmets, LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 Waco Memorial, Veter- airplanes, helmets, Breed Cows andFullcast ammo boxes and More! LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 Auctions For more information, visit: JoBs AVAiLABLe. ans Section. $700. (254) Central Texas Auction Buffalo Civic Center • Buffalo, TX ammo boxes and More! Stocker Calves. Call And and part-time jobsYorkie avail poMeRiAn JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full Central Services.! Call 254-718 662-3082 Texas Auction able now! Needed: Jani- 5120 (254) 749-0909 (254) www.cacwaco.com Puppies, small. Call or text or visit centraltex and part-time jobs avail centRAL texAs Auc I-45 Feeder Road East Side able torial workers in Waco,Services.! Call 254-718 asauctionservices.com 749-5637 now! Needed: Jani- tion (254) 716-3952 License Temple and surrounding Services. Real Estate for information, buyer’s 5120 or visit centraltex dogs areas.workers StartinginatWaco, $8 per premium, torial terms & condi #144 asauctionservices.com and Contents Auction, 3 hour. Please call our of Photos and more Temple and surrounding tions. Auctions Accepting payments of Cash, Debit/Credit, fice at (254) 776-7775for information, buyer’s poMeRiAn And Yorkie upcoming actions. T GalBR/2BA, 1855(+-) square & Local Check. 5% BP per item for ONSITE areas. Starting per premium, employment or apply onlineatat$8www. clark auction LLc &garage, condi-company, laway TX terms LIC#12798. bidders, 10% BP for Proxibid Bidders. Puppies, small. Call or text janitorialservice.com/apply foot house, 2 car hour. Please call our ofcentRAL texAs Auc (254) tions. Photos and more CAC reserves the right to withhold items AKC black & red 716-3952 License Full JoBs AVAiLABLe. fice atAVAiLABLe. (254) Real 776-7775 tion Services. Estate shop, actions. pool. Contents until checks have cleared. Vehicles/ German Shepherd upcoming T GalJoBs Full large and part-time jobs avail #144 Robert W. Clarkclocks, #12497 (254) 848-2333 or apply online at www. Trailers are subject TT&L fees. Puppies for sale. and Contents Auction, 3 include: Mower, AKCtoblack & red AKC black & red able now! Needed: Janilaway TX LIC#12798. part-time jobs avail- and ( 254) 258-5626. janitorialservice.com/apply German Shepherd BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square torial workers in Waco, German Shepherd employment firearms, Knives, com able now! Needed: Jani Puppies for sale. Temple and2for surrounding Puppies foot house, carsale. garage, JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full furniture, jewelry, areas. Starting at $8 perpressor, ( 254) 258-5626.
torialPuppies workersforinsale. Waco,
DiSperSaL of roger mimS ranch equipment
gun show M
7 & 8, 2020
Buffalo Civic Center
Bre e d C o w s a n d at Waco Carbonics 431 asauctionservices.com ans Section. $700. (254) Temple and surrounding Acreage poniBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans cast airplanes, helmets, 749-5637 Stocker Calves. Call LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 for information, buyer’s dogs 662-3082 e M p L e o s d i s areas. Starting at $8 per disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake ammo boxes and More! (254) 749-0909 (254) premium, terms & condiJoBs AVAiLABLe. Full poniBLes. ¡ Yaour están West texAs Trans hour. Pleasecompleto call of-y Amistad. 749-5637 de tiempo 60 - 450 acres. Central Texas Auction Auctions tions. Photos and and part-time jobsmore avail dogs poMeRiAn And Yorkie American Dollar Saver: Pecos area, near disponibles los776-7775 empleos fice at (254) medio! Se necesita: tra- Electricity, water, easy Call 254-718 Services.! upcoming actions. TLake Gal Page 2 • March 4, 2020 able now! Needed: Jani Puppies, small. Call or text Amistad. 60 450 acres. de apply tiempo or online at www. whitetail, dove, jabajadores decompleto limpieza eny access, Auctions 5120 or visit centraltex centRAL texAs Auclaway TX LIC#12798. (254) 501-7530 poMeRiAn And Yorkie torial workers in views, Waco, Electricity, water, easy asauctionservices.com medio! Se necesita: tra- velina, janitorialservice.com/apply (254) 716-3952 License tion Services. thick cover, Waco, Temple y las áreas Real Estate Puppies, small. Call or text centRAL Temple and surrounding texAs Auc whitetail, dove, ja- for bajadores de limpieza en canyons. Starting at $650/ circundantes. A partirFull de access, #144 information, buyer’s and JoBs AVAiLABLe. Contents Auction, 3 (254) 716-3952 License tion Services. Real Estate areas. Starting at $8 per velina, thick cover, views, Waco, Temple y las áreas 979-575-3939 Lang- premium, $8 por hora. jobs Por favor and part-time avail- AC. and terms & condi- BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square #144 ! ! ! Commercial !!! Contents Auction, 3 employment hour. Please callat our of- tions. canyons. Starting $650/ circundantes. A oficina partirJanide llame a nuestra al tryWestRanch.com able now! Needed: Photos and more Land, Investment foot house, 2 car garage, BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square fice at (254) 776-7775 employment and 979-575-3939 Lang- upcoming actions. T Gal$8 por hora. Por favor AC. (254) 776-7775 o solicite torial workers in Waco, ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Properties, house, 2 car garage, shop, pool. Contents & Ranch JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full large orFarm apply online at ent www. laway Business llame a nuestra oficina al tryWestRanch.com foot en línea en www.janitoriLand, Investm Temple and surrounding Properties. TX LIC#12798. spanish Lots/Land/ large shop, pool. Contents include: Mower, clocks, JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full P roperties, and and part-time jobs avail(254) 776-7775 o solicite janitorialservice.com/apply alservice.com/apply Now accepting applica- firearms, W areas. Starting at $8 per shipping David Barr Properties Mower, NOW HIRING! Dishwasher Business roperties. Acreage FOR LEASE: 2BA, March Beautiful 30+ jobs acre availfarm,2 include: Dollar Saver 1BR,clocks, Sunday, 8, 2020 TOBACCO JUNCTION/ Farm &PcontAinRanch and part-time Knives, com en línea en www.janitoriable now! Needed: JaniDavid Barr P roperties hour. Please our of- eRs ( 254) 526-2277 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full tions PINA Tree call Trimming, firearms, Knives, come M8,p 2020 L e o s d i s - for Housekeepers. pressor, at a busy family owned bak carport, close toSunday, TempleMarch nice area, pond, waterJanimeable now! Needed: $2,000 andLOUNGE up. Wind Appliances furniture, jewelry, 2 Dollar Saver ( 254) 526-2277 alservice.com/apply TJ’S CIGAR torial workers in Waco, FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Beautiful 30+ acre farm, www.davidbarrproper pressor, furniture, jewelry, fice at texAs (254) 776-7775 and part-time jobs availponiBLes. ¡ Ya están West Trans torial workers Waco, www.davidbarrproper ery, The Kolache shipping contAin See phoLake Park. $750 month. ter, trees, owner inagent/ fi- Competitive pay. in crystal, Mowing, Edging, Clean- and quilts andKitchen, more!30 PIN carport, close toApply Temple nicewater area, tight. pond, water me- Temple info. Call and surrounding crystal, and more! ties.c om ties.com or apply online at www. able now! Needed: Jani Temple surrounding disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake tos Park. $750 month. Call hours ter, trees, owner agent/ fi- Lake eRs $2,000 and up. Wind plus. Apply inor person Appliances www.steelcontainers. Bill forquilts 254-721-7193, nanced, lowand price. person: LaQuinta Inn, 1604 Call 254-718-5120 visit Mow nice WAsheRs, dry Call 254-718-5120 or visit 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 Bill for info. 254-721-7193, nanced, low price. areas. Starting at $8 per ing, Rake Leaves, janitorialservice.com/apply areas. Starting at $8 per de tiempo completo 60 - 450 acres. net torial workers in Waco, y Amistad. and water tight.(254) See phoWill deliver. 722- West Tuesday-Saturday at 23108 ing, Lake Belton Realty. Pam LaShelle Realtors, Lake Belton Realty.No phone centraltexasauctionserPam LaShelle Realtors, ers, refrigerators, and Two positions at centraltexasauctionser Barton. hour. Please call our ofhour. Please call our of medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy Temple and surrounding Law 512-217-2070 tos www.steelcontainers. e M p L e o s d i s 4270, Burleson, TX. S.E. HK Dodgen Loop. Lawncare, Private Fence, 512-217-2070 nice WAsheRs, dryfor information, cook stoves. dove, Rebuilt vices.com for information, fice at (254) 776-7775 vices.com pow calls please. at WHEATON (254) 776-7775 two stores, bajadores de limpieza whitetail, ja- net areas. Starting at $8722per fice 6154 LOOP Will deliver. (254) poniBLes. ¡ Ya están en access, buyer’s premium, terms ers, refrigerators, and with 90wash day warranty. Reco buyer’s premium, terms or apply online at www. power and con3bd 2bth new home for g e n t L e M i x e d cret 6154 WHEATON LOOP or apply online at www. Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, 4270, Burleson, TX.our ofhour. Please call disponibles los empleos & conditions. Photos and lease. Call for details Temple and McGregor cook stoves. Rebuilt de canyons. Delivery, service work, janitorialservice.com/apply & conditions. Photos and B r e e d C o w s a n d ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! mat 3bd 2bth new home for janitorialservice.com/apply circundantes. A partir Starting at $650/ ance 254-913-8989 HAIR DRESSER de tiempo fice at (254) 776-7775 crete work. Freeones. Esti-y more upcoming actions. T with 90 daycompleto warranty. need non-working offic retail, ware ge n t Lonline e Mat i xwww. ed 7 noW hiRing 2 Service more upcoming actions. RHINO JUNK HAUL T Stocker Calves. Call lease. TX Call LIC#12798. for details $8 pore, hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang NEEDED / BOOTH Seservice necesita: tra- or Gallaway apply noW hiRing 2 Service Gallaway Family Owned & Delivery, work, house & m ore for lease medio! refri (254) 214-5284, (254) mates. Technicians. Preferred Re- B r e e d C o w s a n d (254) 749-0909 (254) TX LIC#12798. llame a nuestra oficina al tryWestRanch.com 254-913-8989 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 Broker Lic#9003373 Operated full service bajadores de limpieza en RENTAL janitorialservice.com/apply Barr Properties We are a professional Technicians. Preferred Re need non-working ones. 799-6228 frigeration Experience but David Stocker Calves. Call junk removal. 749-5637 VE Lic#9003373 freez 776-7775 solicite Waco, 771-2191, 718-9765 Temple y las(254) áreas JUNK oHAUL (RHINO 254) 526-2277 Apply Majestic Salon but Broker AMMuni- (254) For aCARE FREE Estimate (254) 214-5284, Experience will train if applicant has FiReARMs, e M p L749-0909 e o s not dai s - frigeration Farm & AGAPE is looking (254) (254) Tobacconist, Ranch en línea en www.janitori CALL and/or TEXT: circundantes. A partir de poniBLes. Singlewide Mobile Home in FiReARMs, Family Owned & 1904 W. Ave M, Temple AMMuni deliv past mechanical experi- tion & Military Memo- www.davidbarrproper 799-6228 will train if applicant has ¡ Ya están for reliable & caring T 749-5637 Miscellaneous 254-275-2750 Rogers. 2BR, 2BA, newly ties.cfull omservice Livestock rabilia Auction, March 7, alservice.com/apply $8 por hora. Por favor Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Operated 254-774-8889 head shop! & Military Memoence, $18-$21p/h. Apply remodeled. $800 experimonth, tion shipping contAinpast mechanical disponibles los empleos We caregivers to work with 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die llame a nuestra oficina al $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 at Waco Carbonics 431 junk removal. Auction,Please March call 7, VETERAN YARD CARE eRs $2,000 and up. Wind tiempo completo y ence, Appliances $18-$21p/h. Miscellaneous Apply rabilia Fo our agency. airplanes, helmets, Livestock 1 ceMeteRy Lot at de (254) 776-7775 o solicite LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 cast g e n t LSe e necesita: Mixed For a FREE Estimate Part Time Janitorial, 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! and water tight. See pho medio! tra at Waco Carbonics 431 TR 713-680-2273 for details. We ammo boxes and More! HELPING HANDS Waco Memorial, Veter en línea en www.janitori Now accepting applica We encourage VeterWOOD BUILDINGS B r e e d C o w s a n d NOW HIRING! Dishwasher AVAiLABLe. Full ! Central CALL and/or TEXT: FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Beautiful 30+ acre farm, JoBs !Singlewide !Land, Commercial !red ! Mobile Auction in nice TOBACCO JUNCTION/ cast airplanes, helmets, (254) AKCInvestment black &!Home tosans www.steelcontainers. bajadores deHousekeepers. limpieza en LaSalle. Texas 754-2601 service client’s in the Monday through Friday WAsheRs, dry1 ceMeteRy Lot at PINA Tree Trimming, Section. $700. (254) alservice.com/apply tions for at a busy family owned bak carport, close jobs to Temple nice area, pond, water me- and g e n t L e M i x e d part-time availStocker Calves. Call 10x16 $2000 Tree-Hedge trimming, Land, Investment 254-275-2750 and Rogers. 2BA, S boxes and More! TJ’S CIGAR LOUNGE German Shepherd net Will deliver. (254)Veter722- Waco, ans todTemple apply and those Services.! Call 254-718 yslas áreas 2ter, Dollar Saver agent/ Sunday, March 8, 2020 ! !Properties, ! Com2BR, m ercial ! !newly ! Hearne, Temple & sur ery, TheAVAiLABLe. Kolache Kitchen, 30 ammo ers, refrigerators, and Waco Memorial, Lake Park. $750 month.JaniCall trees, owner fi- 662-3082 Competitive pay. Apply in JoBs Full Mowing, Edging, Cleanable now! Needed: R B r e e C o w a n d Properties, and 4-6:30pm, $12 an hour. (254) 749-0909 (254) Business Properties. OFFICE SPACE 12x24 remodeled. $800 month, 4270, Burleson, TX.Edge, 5120 or visit centraltexTexas$2700 Auction Puppies for sale. Real estate For hours plus. Apply in person Central Land, Investm ent Abepartir de and Bill for info. 254-721-7193, Weedeating, Mow, nanced, low price. rounding areas. ans Section. $700. (254) circundantes. person: LaQuinta Inn, 1604 cook stoves. Rebuilt torial workers in Waco,Business Need your lawn mainwho wish to a part part-time jobs avail Properties. Stocker Calves. Call ing, Rake Leaves, 749-5637 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! David Barr Properties asauctionservices.com Tuesday-Saturday at 23108 Call at (512) $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 Lake Belton Realty. FOR LEASE Pam LaShelle Realtors, Properties, and Call 254-718sale ( 254)Properties 258-5626. Experience preferred but Services.! tained a748-4003 reasonable $8 porBarton. hora. Por(254) favor able Two positions West No phone 662-3082 with 90 day warranty. offic e, retail, wareTemple and surrounding David (254) 749-0909 now! Needed: Janidogs g e n t L eInstallation M i xate d Mulch (Barr 254) 526-2277 S.E. HK Dodgen Loop. FURNISHED EFFICIENLawncare, Private Fence, 512-217-2070 price? Call centraltexA&R Lawn for information, buyer’s Business Properties. Recently 3,500 5120 of a great team! house & refurbished m ore for lease or visit calls please. llame aFlat nuestra oficina al torial twoCstores, Starting at $8 per www.davidbarrproper Delivery, service work, ( 254)Barr 526-2277 Care and we will takeApplicare SHOR areas. will train the right per749-5637 B r e e d o w s a n d CIES. Screen TVs, workers in Waco, sq.ft. office and warehouse David Properties premium, terms & condiDavid Barr P roperties Reconditioned Used power wash and con Auctions QuALity BuiLt homes WHEATON Randy 254-743-9444 of you. $30 half acre or Mow asauctionservices.com hour.6154Please callLOOP our of (254) 776-7775 o solicite www.davidbarrproper need non-working ones. Temple and McGregor 526-2277 space. ( 254) Located on corner less, ties.com dogs poMeRiAn And Yorkie Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, ( 254) 526-2277 Stocker Calves. Call tions. Photos and more Temple and surrounding free estimates, in- tree 3bd 2bth new home for ances. Washers, dryers, HAIR DRESSER crete work. Free Estion your lot! Floor plans to son. Call 254-495-5637 www.davidbarrproper fice at (254) 776-7775 for information, buyer’s lot in downtown Temple. ties.com en línea en www.janitori (254) 214-5284, (254) cludes mowing, trimming mulc www.davidbarrproper Internet. Paid. No areas. Puppies, small. Call(254) or text centRAL upcoming actions. T lease. Call for details (254) 749-0909 ties.com Gal- NEEDED / BOOTH stop Starting at $8 per premium, ties.c om Auctions texAs Auc Give us aBills try and fit any budget. No money refrigerators, stoves, Off-street parking. or apply online at www. laway mates. and blowing it &off. (254) 254-7 G terms condi alservice.com/apply 799-6228 254-913-8989 Lease/ NoRENTAL Deposit. poMeRiAn And Yorkie TX LIC#12798. (254) 716-3952 License 749-5637 We are a professional 598-0402 Call 254-774-5204 tion Services. Real Estate hour. Please call our of down. 100% financing. janitorialservice.com/apply freezers. Repairs also. Can LJ 771-2191, 718-9765 RHINO JUNK HAUL Apply Majestic Salon SLY’S LAWN SERVICE by to fill out an applica Ranch House Inn GORILLA LUBE tions. Photos and more Puppies, small. Call or text #144 AGAPE CARE 776-7775 is looking centRAL texAs Auc Tobacconist, not a VE and Contents Auction, 3 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! fice at (254) Credit repair program Real estate For Family Owned & 1904 W.773-0114 Ave M, Temple for JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full C deliver. 254-628-1512 REASONABLE PRICES actions. T Gal reliable & caring upcoming 716-3952 License (254) Miscellaneous OFFICE SPACE tion Services. Real Estate tion. Be 254-774-8889 sure to put any is hiring forto experienced BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square office, retail, ware Operated full service Livestock head shop! (254) 857-4663. or apply online at www. sale and part-time jobs avail employment caregivers work with laway 254-931-5635 TX LIC#12798. T !#144 ! ! Commercial !!! junk removal. and Contents Auction, 3 house & more for lease VETERAN YARD CARE foot house, 2 car garage, Need your lawn main Fooseball Table $100 OBO. able now! Needed: Jani our agency. Please call janitorialservice.com/apply cigar, TABC, Health inVest- Technician & experi- LVN / RNtorialBarr hunting/ For a FREE Estimate Part Time Janitorial, We FOR LEASE Lube Land, Investment Properties BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square Two decorative artificial shop, pool. Contents 713-680-2273 details. We tained at a HANDS reasonable HELPING workers in Waco, 1 ceMeteRy Lot at JoBs FREE for STANDING QuALity BuiLt homes AVAiLABLe. Full large We encourage David g eemployment n t LRECREATIONe M i xVetered Ment/ CALL and/or TEXT: Singlewide Mobile Home in JoBs AVAiLABLe. trees, $45.00 each. service client’s in Full the Monday through Friday DENTAL OFFICE SPACE ( 254) and 526-2277 Card experience, retail enced Detailer. Drivers li foot house, 2 car garage, FURNISHED EFFICIENProperties, and include: Mower, clocks, Temple surrounding price? Call A&R Lawn and Waco Memorial, Veter3pm 11pm Tree-Hedge trimming, on your lot! Floor plans to 254-275-2750 part-time jobs availRecently refurbished 3,500 Rogers. 2BR, 2BA, newly ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! B r ePROPERTY. e d apply C o wLandscaping. sWeathose nhave d AKC black & red AL ans to and located atTemple corner ofavail31st 254-534-4560 Hearne, & surR and part-time jobs SHORTY’S www.davidbarrproper large shop, pool. Contents 4-6:30pm, $12No andetails hour. areas. Starting per Knives, com Properties. Land, Investm ent TOWNHOMES AT remodeled. $800at $8 month, ans Section. $700. (254) Care and we will care Business Street and Forest Trail, JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full firearms, German Shepherd able now! Needed: Janifit any budget. money Weedeating, Mow,take Edge, or personal cense required. Stocker Calves. CIES. Flat Screen TVs, rounding areas. some of the best inaCall Texas sq.ft. office and warehouse who wish to be part Mowing, weedeating, edging, able now! Needed: Janities.com Temple. Approx. 1500 sq.ft. P roperties, and hour. Please call our of $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 include: Mower, clocks, pressor, furniture, jewelry, Experience preferred but David Barr Properties Puppies for sale. 662-3082 of you. $30 half acre or and part-time jobs avail torial workers in Waco, RIVER FAIR down. 100% financing. 20 (254) 749-0909 (254) from the Hill Country (EdMulch Installation Private parking. inGreat lo- Business P roperties. fice of great team! Located on corner tree service, flower Janibeds, firearms, torial workers Waco, at (254)Free: 776-7775 down soKnives, stand 254-771-2811, Full Kitchen. Cable, space. com( 254) 258-5626. crystal, quilts and more! cation for start-up or speci in- wards, (a254) 526-2277 will train theyou right perable now! Needed: less, free 254-743-9444 estimates, Temple and surrounding David Barr P roperties Credit repair program 749-5637 Menard, Coke, BELTON Randy or apply online at www. mulching, andat more. ality practice. 254-760-5982. Boa and surrounding pressor, furniture, jewelry, lot in downtown Temple. Call 254-718-5120 or visit Temple ( 254) 526-2277 torial workers in Waco, www.davidbarrproper areas. Starting $8 per 1601 E. Main St. • GatESvillE, tx • 254-248-1771 apart! cludes mowing, trimming see the store. son. Call 254-495-5637 Internet. Bills Paid. No dogs (254) 857-4663. Val Verde County, free •3bed/2.5bath/2gar www.davidbarrproper janitorialservice.com/apply 254-760-3031 Starting at $8 per crystal, quilts and more! areas. Give us a try andourstop centraltexasauctionser BATH GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR Off-street parking. Temple and surrounding tor hour. Please call ofties.com and blowing it off. (254) ranging exotics), to South RENT$2,000 ties.c om hunting/ inVest in h Lease/ Noe Deposit. e MpL os d i s - Call 254-718-5120 or visit hour. LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East Please call our of vices.com for information, SLY’S LAWNAnd SERVICE by toAuctions fill out an applicaGORILLA LUBE areas. Starting at $8 per fice at (254) 776-7775 poMeRiAn Yorkie 598-0402 Call 254-774-5204 Diana White lain Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Carpet Cleaning Helper EXTRA CLEAN: Residen 9 WEST Temple extr PRICES poniBLes. ¡ Ya están Central, ZENITH, Belton 939-1110 Ment/ RECREATION Puppies, REASONABLE centraltexasauctionser premium, terms fice at (254) 776-7775 year OFFICE SPACE tion. Be sure to any is hiring for experienced TJ’s Cigar Lounge hour. Please call our of- buyer’s Ranch House Inn or apply online atput www. 713.859.2952 tial and Central light Commercial small. Call or text centRAL Oak County, whitetail, needed. Bilingual pre- texAs Aucdisponibles los empleos 254-931-5635 3br/2ba, H/A, $975 721-3 AL PROPERTY. We have vices.com for information, Need your lawn main& conditions. Photos and VETERAN YARD CARE or apply online at www. Cleaning. Free Estimates. $10, fice at Large (254) 776-7775 Chappell Hill Reality janitorialservice.com/apply cigar, TABC, Health Lube Technician &St. experi- ferred. tion (254) 716-3952 License hogs). acreage or de tiempo completo y FOR LEASE Will start part time rent. Services. Real Estate 322 S. Main Charles Spivey Real 773-0114 tained at a reasonable some ofpremium, the best interms Texas Call 254-421-0099. buyer’s more upcoming actions. Tli- janitorialservice.com/apply Group or apply online atService www. and #144 Card experience, retail small. 30 year fixed rate enced Detailer. Drivers WEED CONTROL FURNISHED EFFICIENmedio! Se necesita: tra noW hiRing 2 ASK ABOUT price? Call A&R Lawn then upon trainingfull Contents Auction, 3 Belt Nick’s Recently refurbished 3,500 Estate. 254-753-5341 from the TX HillTexas Country (Ed & conditions. Photos and bajadores Gallaway LIC#12798. SHORTY’S Landscaping. janitorialservice.com/apply McGregor, 76657 Care and we will take care limpieza en owner financing. Only 5% etime. M p L s - Technicians. Preferred Re- or personal details cense required. CIES. Flat EXTENDED Screen TVs, sq.ft. officede Over 1855(+-) square and warehouse Upe oto s $400d iweek. Mowing, weedeating, edging, BR/2BA, NEW wards, Menard, Coke, SMALL MIRACLES Tree-Hedge trimming, more upcoming actions. T employment painti Broker Lic#9003373 of you. $30 half acre or EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. 20 CLEANING ft. Star Craft Deck home Waco, las corner áreas Down. Call toll free or noW hiRing 2 Service frigeration Experience but poniBLes. ¡ Ya están SERVICE. space. Temple Locatedy on tree service, flower beds, foot house, 2 car garage, down so you stand 254-771-2811, 254-718-0150 leave message Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, free estimates, in- mulching, Gallaway TXCounty, LIC#12798. Val Verde free less, Furnished. Ramona WARRANTy! circundantes. Locally owned/operated A partir de FiReARMs, AMMuni Weedeating, Mow, Edge, and more. email Boat 140 HP 4 stroke mo- 254-5 for individual prices Technicians. Preferred Re- lot in downtown Temple. will train ifpool. applicant has los empleos shop, Contents apart! cludes FREE mowing, trimming JoBs see the store. Internet. Bills Paid. No $8 since 1994. Bonded/Insured. AVAiLABLe. Full large Broker ranging exotics), to South STANDING Tobacco Junction #14VA. disponibles Courtyard, near por hora. 254-760-3031 tion &Lic#9003373 Military Memo and terms. ranchenterpris estimate Off-street parking.Por favor frigeration Experience but past mechanical experitor with Magnum trailer, Call for free and blowing it off. (254) include: Mower, clocks, de tiempo completo y Mulch Installation jobs avail and part-time Make your ad stand out Lease/ No Deposit. From $495. 254-778-1374. Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live DENTAL OFFICE SPACE llame Call a nuestra oficina al FiReARMs, AMMuni254-265-6820 rabilia Auction, March 7, 598-0402 esltd.com 800-876-9720 will train ifKnives, applicant has Carpet Cleaning Helper medio! 414 W.Nearby. Adams Ave ence, $18-$21p/h. Apply 9 WEST SeZENITH, firearms, comextra nice, lots of extras, 254-774-5204 necesita: tra- now! Needed: !JaniEat Free (254) 776-7775 o solicite TJ’s Cigar Lounge Oak County, whitetail, Ranch House Inn located at corner of 31st able Temple BINGO tion & Military Memo 9:00 am Knives, die needed. Bilingual pre- 3br/2ba, Randy 254-743-9444 Central H/A, $975 $10,500. !!AVAILABLE ! AVAILABLE past mechanical experi at Waco Carbonics 431 2020. from the rest! !VETERAN AVAILABLE ! !! YARD CARE pressor, furniture, jewelry, ! ! ! ! 254-913-1300, bajadores de limpieza en en línea en www.janitoritorial workers in Waco, Temple, Texas 76501time ferred. Will start part TOWNHOMES AT hogs). Large acreage or rent. Street and Forest Trail, office, 322 S. Main St.Apply cast CLEANING Serv #4008Real ANGIE’S VFW PostSpivey Charles Auction, March 7, 773-0114 airplanes, helmets, offic e, retail, ware- crystal, ence, $18-$21p/h. office, retail, ware LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 retail, ware quilts and more! rabilia 2 BR/1.5 BA, $665/$600, WEED ice, residential top to bot alservice.com/apply Temple y las áreas Belton. then upon trainingfull Waco, Temple and surrounding Estate. 254-753-5341 NOW ASK FOR small. 30 LEASING year fixed rate house & m CONTROL ore for lease atMcGregor, Temple. Approx. 1500 sq.ft.house 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die ammo boxes and More! Texasor 76657 Belton townhouse style (stairs), house & more for lease Waco Carbonics 431 tom, make ready, refer & more for lease Call 254-718-5120 visit time. Up to $400 week. JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full Tree-Hedge trimming, circundantes. A partir de areas. Starting at $8 per RIVER FAIR David Barr Properties LaSalle. 904 Ticonderoga, Temple, ences, free estimates. owner financing. Only 5% Lic #1-74-6066507-2 cast airplanes, helmets, Private parking. Great lo-David Central Texas Auction Real estate For David Barr Properties (254) 754-2601 Barr Properties 254-718-0150 leave patio, message BOLDING TX. Large priv. $8 and part-time jobs avail- Services.! 254-231-2334 WED. AFTERNOONS (254) 254) 526-2277 FOR 30+ acre farm, Por favor Beautiful hour. Please call our of- centraltexasauctionser por hora. Weedeating, Mow, Edge, or speci- ammo and More! Down. Call free or sale Calltoll 254-718 cation for start-up ( 526-2277 fence; boxes W/D connections, ( 254) 526-2277 FREE STANDING carpo nice area, pond, water meDoors Open 11am Tobacco Junction #14 vices.com for information, JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full www.davidbarrproper able now! Needed: Jani BELTON spanish Lots/Land/ fice at (254) 776-7775 ask about pets. Call for llame a nuestra oficina al Lake ter, trees, owner agent/ fi Mulch Installation Session Starts 12:30pm Central Texas Auction Make your ad stand out 5120 or visit centraltexemail for individual prices www.davidbarrproper DENTAL OFFICE SPACE Call Classified ality practice. 254-760-5982. www.davidbarrproper QuALity W. Adams ties.com Bill low price. premium, terms showing 254-760-0170 and 414 part-time jobs avail- Services.! torial workers in Ave Waco, FRI. AFTERNOONS AKC black & red or apply online at www. buyer’s Acreage located at BuiLt corner homes of 31st 776-7775 o solicite nanced, Call 254-718ties.com Lake Pam LaShelle Realtors, Randy 254-743-9444 ties.com asauctionservices.com and terms. ranchenterpris from the rest! (254) •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Doors Open 5pm &Temple conditions. Photos and able now! Needed: Jani- Temple, 76501 andTexas surrounding 512-217-2070 TOWNHOMES AT 2010janitorialservice.com/apply German Shepherd Street Forestplans Trail, 778-4444 on your and lot! Floor to e M p L e o s d i s Session Starts 6:30pm 5120 or visit centraltexen línea en www.janitori1999 FORD F-150 2002 TOyOTA TACOmA FORD FOCUS SE for information, buyer’s esltd.com 800-876-9720 BATHTUB REFINISHING 6 ASK FOR Temple. Approx. 1500 sq.ft. more upcoming actions. T asauctionservices.com torial workers in $8 Waco, areas. Starting at per SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Puppies for sale. fit any budget. No money RENT$2,000 MASONRY WORKBrick, premium, terms & condi- alservice.com/apply Service noW hiRing ! ! AVAILABLE ! !lo RIVER poniBLes. Ya están West texAs Trans CA 3 Auto, 2 FAIR Dr., CD PlAyer 4Great Cyl., Auto, 2 Dr. 2.0l 4 Cyl., Auto, 4 2Dr. in home.Please Repairs onour porce Doors Open ¡4pm Private parking.financing. Gallaway TX LIC#12798. Temple and surrounding ( 254) 258-5626. hour. call ofdown. 100% block, stone. Residential and BOLDING offic e, retail, wareSession Starts 5:30pm for information, buyer’s Photos and more Technicians. Preferred Re- cation for start-up or speciDiana White CALL DOLLAR lain and fiberglass. Over 30 tions. disponibles los empleos Pecos area,Small near jobs Lake& commercial. EXTRA CLEAN: Residen Credit repair program Broker areas. Starting atSAVER $8 per BELTON house & m254-760-5982. ore for lease fice atLic#9003373 (254) 776-7775 COUNTRY LOCATION. LARGE Real estate For Call Classified ality practice. repairs welcome. 254-760-6063 premium, terms & condi upcoming actions. T Galfrigeration Experience but 1BR furnished Trailer, NON-SMOKING ROOM years inPlease business. Dale David Barr P roperties de tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. (254) 857-4663. hour. call our of- tions. or apply online atCall www. tial and light Commercial •3bed/2.5bath/2gar AMMuni sale Academy. Also and RV more lot for Hot Food Available Photos ( 713.859.2952 254) 526-2277 laway TX LIC#12798. will train if applicant has FiReARMs, Kitch 778-4444 (254) 778-4444 721-3658. BATHTUB REFINISHING fice at (254) 776-7775 rent. 512-695-6632 Maximum Pay Out tra- janitorialservice.com/apply medio! Se necesita: Electricity, water, easy hunting/ inVest- 30ft Sunflower Field culti www.davidbarrproper tion & Military Memo RENT$2,000 Cleaning. Free Estimates. upcoming actions. T Gal past mechanical experi Chappell Hill Reality Fram in home. Repairs on porce- or apply om online March at www. Ment/ ties.c RECREATION vator $16,000. access, whitetail, dove, ja- Single bajadores de limpieza en Auction, 7, laway JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full QuALity BuiLt homes TX LIC#12798. Diana White lain and fiberglass. Over 30 rabilia $18-$21p/h. Apply Call 254-421-0099. EXTRA CLEAN: Residen- ence, Kids AL PROPERTY. janitorialservice.com/apply Group We have Rentals 29ft Krause 4990 Discviews, Plow Roger 9:00 am Knives, die years in business. Call 431 Dale 2020. and part-time jobs avail velina, thick cover, Waco, Temple y las áreas on your lot! Floor plans to remo at Waco Carbonics 713.859.2952 tial and light Commercial 3210 O Nick’sairplanes, Handyman Services: 30ft some of the best in Texas Kitchen items, Clothes, $500 d 721-3658. JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full $15,000 helmets, able now! Needed: Jani Sunflower Field culti fitcircundantes. any budget. No money Starting A partir de canyons. Free Estimates. (254) 754-2601 cast Chappell Hill Reality LaSalle. from the Hill Country (Ed- Cleaning. Framed art, Books,at $650/ Chairs, Over 10workers years and experience in ! ! AVAILABLE vator $16,000. FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Brent Beautiful 30+ acre ! !farm, down. and part-time jobs avail ammo boxes More! 774 Grain Cart torial in Waco, Call 254-421-0099. 100% financing. Kids stuff, misc. items. wards, Menard, Coke, AC. 979-575-3939 Lang$8 por hora. Por favor SMALL MIRACLES Full Central Group JoBs AVAiLABLe. painting (indoor/outdoor), PIN 29ft Krause 4990 toDiscTemple Plow retail, carport, close nice area, pond, warewater me- Credit able now! Jani- office, Texas Auction EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Temple andNeeded: surrounding COMMERCIAL PROPERTY $20,000 3210 Oakdale Dr. 9AM-1PM Nick’s Handyman Val Verde County, free program $15,000 2013 TOyOTA COROllA 2013 KIA FORTE EX 2014 CHEvy lTavail-in Services.! and part-time jobsServices: CLEANING tryWestRanch.com llame arepair nuestra oficinaCallal home repair, fencing. Th e Temple Daily Tel Lake Park. $750 month. ter, trees, owner & more foragent/ leasefi- (254) Over 10 ImpAlA years SERVICE. experience torial workers in $8 Waco, Mow Calland 254-718areas. Starting at per house 1972 Ford Grain Truck with ranging exotics), to South Brent 774 Grain Cart 857-4663. Furnished. Ramona able now! Needed: Jani- 5120 O Locally owned/operated SMALL MIRACLES 254-598-0034 4 Cyl, Auto, 4Bills Dr.,Paid. bACkuP CAm 2.0l 4 Cyl., HAmI, Auto, 4 Dr. lImIteD, Auto, 4 Dr. painting (indoor/outdoor), Bill for info. 254-721-7193, nanced, low price. (254) 776-7775 o solicite David Barr Properties Temple and surrounding carriers. Applicants m hour. Please call our ofor visit centraltexFOR LEASE EFFICIENCIES $20,000 Dump $3,500 Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Farm & Ranch ing, CLEANING SERVICE. home repair,Bonded/Insured. and fencing. torial workers in Waco, since 1994. Lake Belton Realty. Pam LaShelle Realtors, hunting/ inVest 1972 Ford Grain Truck with FURNISHED en línea en www.janitoriCourtyard, VA. areas. at $8 per ( 254) 526-2277 fice atStarting (254) 776-7775 asauctionservices.com Oak County, near whitetail, Furnished. Ramona 24ft Gooseneck Flatbed EFFICIENLocally owned/operated auto liability insurance 254-598-0034 Rece Temple andfreesurrounding Law 512-217-2070 Dump $3,500 Call for estimate Ment/ RECREATION hour. Please call our of hogs). Large acreage or or apply online at www. for information, buyer’s • 1,250 square feet of off ice space www.davidbarrproper since 1994. Bonded/Insured. alservice.com/apply CIES. Flat Screen with 1600 gal tank $5,500 TVs, sq.ft. 24ft Courtyard, near VA. From $495. 254-778-1374. Gooseneck Flatbed areas. Starting at $8 per premium, shipping contAin254-265-6820 space AL PROPERTY. We have Call for free estimate Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, small. 30 year fixed rate pow fice at (254) 776-7775 Th ese PROFITABLE janitorialservice.com/apply terms & condi6154 WHEATON LOOP ties.com r 4960 JohnBills DeerePaid. Tractor with 1600 gal tank $5,500 and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ From $495. 254-778-1374. owner hour. Please call our of- 254-265-6820 Internet. No lot i financing. Eat Free Nearby. Only 5% eRs $2,000 and up. some of thenew best in Texas Appliances or apply online at d www. 2bth home for tions. Photos and more 4960 3bd John Deere Tractor o BINGO AKC black &Wind red Off-s cret e M p L e s i s MFD $30,000 Has openings for the following: Lease/ No Deposit. Eat Free Nearby. fice at (254) 776-7775 production area Down. toll free Call or BINGO MFD $30,000 lease. CallCountry for details(Ed- and janitorialservice.com/apply from the Hill water tight. See Has openings the following: upcoming actions. Gal-for German Shepherd apply online at: www.barronsautoent.com or apply poniBLes. ¡ YaTestán Ranch House Innpho254-913-7988 mat online at www. email for individual prices ANGIE’S 254-913-7988 ANGIE’S CLEANING Serv- laway #4008 VFW Post 254-913-8989 Puppies for sale. AKC black & red CLEANING Servwards, Menard, Coke, #4008 VFW Post TX LIC#12798. Area 773-0114 tos www.steelcontainers. e M p L e o s d i s disponibles los empleos AKC black & red • Loading dock and terms. ranchenterprisjanitorialservice.com/apply nice WAsheRs, dry 2 BR/1.5 BA, to $665/$600, 2 BR/1.5 BA, $665/$600, ( 254) 258-5626. ice, residential top to bot-you! ice, residential top to bot- de Shepherd RHINO JUNK HAUL722- 7 8 loCations bEttEr sErvE Val Verde County, free NOW LEASING poniBLes. ¡ Ya estány tiempo completo NOW LEASING German Shepherd netGerman Will deliver. (254) Belton townhouse style (stairs), esltd.com 800-876-9720 Belton tom, make ready, / refer townhouse style (stairs), Puppies for sale. ers, refrigerators, and FamilyNorth Owned & Belton tom, make ready, referFull JoBs AVAiLABLe. LVN RN • Large garage doors ranging exotics), to South disponibles los empleos Puppies for sale. medio! Se necesita: tra904 Ticonderoga, Temple, free estimates. Lic #1-74-6066507-2Temple, ences, 4270, Burleson, TX. AKC blac k & red (Operated 254) 258-5626. Ticonderoga, full service ClEburnE gatEsvillE brownwood ClEburnE and part-time jobs avail- bajadores ences, free estimates. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 cook stoves. Rebuilt TX. Large patio, priv. 904 DE 254-231-2334 de tiempo completo y Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live ( 254) 258-5626. WED. AFTERNOONS de limpieza en Bartlett/Gran Germ an Shepherd 3pm 11pm able locate junk removal. Large Openpatio, VE • Convenient off -street customer now! Needed: Jani- fence; W/D connections, TX. Doors 254-231-2334 WED. AFTERNOONS 11am priv. P uppies for sale. with 90 day warranty. medio! Se necesita: tra TOWNHOMES AT Waco, Temple y las áreas Oak County, whitetail, Stree 817-558-2277 254-248-1771 gentLe Mixed 817-556-0506 Fertilizer Application, inFor a FREE Estimate ask 325-641-2771 about pets. Call for Yorkshire Terriers: ( 254) 258-5626. fence; W/D connections, Session Starts 12:30pm Temple Temp torial workers in Waco, Doors Open 11am parking bajadores de limpieza en circundantes. A partir de Delivery, service work, RIVER FAIR hogs). Large acreage or Priva showing 254-760-0170 and/or 1603 n. Main 1601 E. Main st. B rRegistered eCALL e d Application, CYorkie owTEXT: s Pups. a nind cation 415 E. Commerce ask 1004 Henderson FRI. AFTERNOONS Singlewide Mobile in Fertilizer crease growth and Home produc aboutE. pets. Call for Temple and surrounding Session Starts 12:30pm Waco, Temple las áreas $8 por hora. yPor favor No BELTON Chocolates, Parti, KB small. 30 yearpasture fixedones. rate Doors Open 5pm need non-working 254-275-2750 Rogers. 2BR, 2BA, newly alityTc Stocker Calves. Call showing tion for your and crease Compe� �ve Pay DOE & Excellent Benefitslocation areas. Starting at $8 per • High visibility in downtown 254-760-0170 Rp FRI. AFTERNOONS black, Golddust, boys & circundantes. A partir de growth and producSession Starts 6:30pm •3bed/2.5bath/2gar llame a nuestra oficina al owner financing. Only 5% remodeled. $800 month, (254) 214-5284, (254) We granbury C Hillsboro stEpHEnvillE wHitnEy hour. Please call our of (254) 749-0909 (254) crops. N-TEXX stimulates girls. 254-931-7143, SUNDAY AFTERNOONS RENT- $2,000 Doors Open 5pm $8 por hora. Por favor Temple with access from Central (254) 776-7775 o solicite $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 MASONRY WORKBrick, For More Informa� on or To Apply Visit Down. Call toll free or for yourWhite pasture and Compe� �ve Pay DOE &soil, Excellent Benefitsthat tion www.pjyorkies.com 799-6228 CALL SAVER llame Doors Open 4pm Diana fice at DOLLAR (254) 776-7775 microorganisms 749-5637 b a nuestra oficina al Session Starts 6:30pm and línea en www.janitoriblock, stone. Residential 817-573-2828 254-582-2771 254-965-2488 en 254-694-1771 Avenue email for individual prices and 7th Street Session Starts 5:30pm 713.859.2952 apply online at www. www.�sd.org commercial. Small jobs & or N-TEXX stimulates (254) 776-7775 o solicite provide essential nutrients crops. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS alservice.com/apply (254) 778-4444 R COUNTRY LOCATION. LARGE Chappell Hill Reality or stop 2003 E. Hwy. 377 219 s. waco st. 400 E. south loop and terms. ranchenterpris1016 E. Jefferson. MASONRY WORKBrick, For More Informa� on or To Apply Visit repairs welcome. 254-760-6063 janitorialservice.com/apply línea en www.janitori 1BR furnished Trailer, NON-SMOKING ROOM enCALL DOLLAR Doors Open 4pm for plants through their soil, Group Miscellaneous microorganisms that Livestock esltd.com 800-876-9720 Great space. Great location. Real estateSAVER For and- alservice.com/apply Academy. Also RV lot for Hot Food Available eblock, M pstone. L e oResidential s dis Session Starts 5:30pm productive biological proc www.� sd.org rent. 512-695-6632 Maximum Pay Out sale commercial. Small jobs & provide essential nutrients EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. poniBLes. ¡ Ya están (254) 778-4444 COUNTRY LOCATION. LARGE 2547745204 esses. 15-5-5 applied at Furnished. S Real estate For repairs welcome. 254-760-6063 Ramona
apply online at: www.barronsautoent.com
9AM - 5:30PM Mon-Fri • 9AM-5PM Sat.
larGe inVentory!
low payments!
(254) 778-4444 BINGO
• Painter • Painter • Groundskeeper • Groundskeeper
mple Call -7193,
P r
e in newly onth,
3,500 ouse
orner mple.
CE 31st Trail, sq.ft. lospeci-
m mainnable Lawn NS care e or inming M (254)
ers, refrigerators, and www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 722- house &Barr more for lease alservice.com/apply house & more for lease 4270, Burleson, TX. nice WAsheRs, dry- tos Properties ers, refrigerators, and 4270, TX. cook stoves. Rebuilt shipping contAinDollar Saver Sunday, March 2020Properties David ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! 2 cook stoves. Rebuilt David Barr526-2277 Properties net WillBurleson, deliver. (254) David8,Barr 4270, Burleson, TX. 722 ( 254) ers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Land, Investment eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Appliances ( 254) 526-2277 ( 254) 526-2277 gentLe Mixed with 90 day warranty. 4270, Burleson, TX. www.davidbarrproper gentLe Mixed with 90 day warranty. cook stoves. Rebuilt Properties, and and water tight. See phowww.davidbarrproper gentLe Mixed Delivery, service work, www.davidbarrproper Temple: (254) 778-4444 B rr ee ee dd C ow ss aa nn dd Delivery, service work, Business ties.com AKC black & red Properties. B C Delivery, service work, with 90 day warranty. March 4, 2020 • Page 3 ties.com tos ties.com B rwww.steelcontainers. e e d Calves. C ow ow s aCall n d David need non-working ones. gentLe Mixed need non-working ones. nice WAsheRs, dryStocker Barr Properties German Shepherd Killeen: (254) 501-7530 Stocker Calves. Call need non-working ones. Delivery, service work, net Will deliver. (254) 722 Stocker Calves. Call (254) 214-5284, (254) B r e e d C ow s a n d ( 254) 526-2277 ers, refrigerators, and (254) 214-5284, (254) (254) 749-0909 749-0909 (254) (254) Puppies for sale. (254) (254) 214-5284, ones. (254) 4270, need non-working Burleson, TX.(254) (254) 749-0909 www.davidbarrproper Stocker Calves. Call 799-6228 cook stoves. Rebuilt 799-6228 ( 254) 258-5626. 749-5637 749-5637 799-6228 ties.com (254) 214-5284, (254) 749-5637 (254) 749-0909 (254) with 90 day warranty. gentLe Mixed 799-6228 Delivery, service work, 749-5637 Miscellaneous B r eLivestock e d C ow s a n d Miscellaneous Livestock need non-working ones. Stocker Calves. Call !! !! !! Commercial !! !! !! Miscellaneous (254) 214-5284, (254) Commercial Livestock (254) 749-0909 (254) Lot Land, Investment 1 1 ceMeteRy ceMeteRy Lot at at gentLe Land, Investment Mixed 799-6228 gentLe Mixed Properties, and Properties, and Waco Memorial, Veter- B749-5637 r e e d C ow s a n d Business Properties. 1 ceMeteRy Lot at Business Properties. gentLe Mixed ans Section. $700. (254) David Barr Properties Stocker Calves. Call Miscellaneous David Barr Properties Waco Memorial, Veter Livestock B r e e d C ow s a n d ( 254) 526-2277 662-3082 ( 254) 526-2277 (254) 749-0909 (254) ans Section. $700. (254) Stocker Calves. Call www.davidbarrproper www.davidbarrproper ties.com 662-3082 1 ceMeteRy Lot at 749-5637 ties.com gentLe Mixed (254) 749-0909 (254) ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! dogs Waco Memorial, Veter- B r e e d C ow s a n d 749-5637 Land, Investment ans Section. $700. (254) Auctions Stocker Calves. Call dogs Properties, and poMeRiAn And Yorkie poMeRiAn And Yorkie 662-3082 (254) 749-0909 (254) Business Properties. Puppies, small. Call Call or or text text centRAL Auctions Puppies, small. texAs Auc Properties 749-5637 Real Estate Barr poMeRiAn And Yorkie tion David (254) 716-3952 License (254) 716-3952 License tion Services. Services. Real Real Estate Estate tion Services. AKC black & red dogs ( 254) 526-2277 Puppies, small. Call or text #144 Industrial/ Industrial/ Industrial/ #144 centRAL texAs AucAKC black & red and Contents Auction, 3 #144 and Contents Auction, 3 German Shepherd ADS ADS www.davidbarrproper Contents Auction, 3 General General Employment (254) 716-3952 License and Auctions German Trades Trades BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square tion Services. Realsquare Estate Trades Puppies Shepherd for sale. BR/2BA, 1855(+-) employment ties.com poMeRiAn And Yorkie BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square employment Puppies for sale. #144 employment foot house, 22 car garage, Contents Auction, 3 ( 254) 258-5626. foot house, car garage, Puppies, small. Call or text and ( 254) 258-5626. foot house, 2 car garage, centRAL texAs Auc large shop, pool. Contents Now accepting applica- NOW WOOD BUILDINGS 1855(+-) square HIRING! Dishwasher TOBACCO JUNCTION/ JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full large shop, pool. Contents employment (254) 716-3952 License JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full BR/2BA, PINA Tree Trimming, large shop, pool. Contents tions for Housekeepers. at a busy family owned baktion Services. Real Estate 10x16 $2000 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full include: Mower, clocks, TJ’S CIGAR LOUNGE foot house, 2 car garage, and part-time jobs availery, The Kolache Kitchen, 30 Competitive pay. Apply in include: Mower, clocks, Mowing, Edging, Clean #144 and part-time jobs 12x24 $2700 include: Mower, clocks, and Contents 3 ! ! AVAILABLE !! hours plus. Apply in person firearms, Knives, com and part-time jobs availavailperson: LaQuinta Inn, 1604 pool.Auction, Contents ing, shop, Rake Leaves, able now! Needed: Jani firearms, Knives, com- at 23108 Call (512) 748-4003 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full large Two positions at office, retail, ware able now! Needed: JaniWest Barton. No phone Tuesday-Saturday BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square firearms, Knives, com pressor, furniture, jewelry, S.E. HK Dodgen Loop. Lawncare, Private Fence, employment able now! Needed: Jani include: Mower, clocks, torial workers in Waco, calls please. furniture, jewelry, two stores, house & more for lease and part-time jobs avail- pressor, torial workers in Waco, foot house, 2 car garage, Reconditioned Used Appli power wash and con pressor, furniture, jewelry, crystal, quilts and more! torial workers in Waco, Temple and McGregor Temple and surrounding David Barr Properties firearms, Knives, com crystal, quilts and more! ances. Washers, dryers, HAIR DRESSER able now! Needed: Janicrete work. Free Esti Temple and surrounding large shop, pool.and Contents quilts more! Call 254-718-5120 or visit JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full crystal, ( 254) 526-2277 NEEDED / BOOTH Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per pressor, furniture, jewelry, refrigerators, stoves, mates. Call 254-718-5120 or visit torial workers in Waco, RENTAL include: Mower, clocks, areas. Starting at $8 per We are a professional www.davidbarrproper centraltexasauctionserCall 254-718-5120 or visit and part-time jobs 2 Dollar Saver not Sunday, March 8, 2020 also. Can freezers. Repairs hour. Please call our of- crystal, 771-2191, 718-9765 areas. Starting atHAUL $8availper RHINO Apply Majestic Salon quilts and more! centraltexasauctionserAGAPE CARE is looking Tobacconist, a Temple andJUNK surrounding ties.com Knives, com- hour. Please call ourJaniof- firearms, Family Owned & 1904 W. Ave M, Temple vices.com for information, 254-628-1512 able now! Needed: centraltexasauctionserfor reliable & caring deliver. fice at (254) 776-7775 hour. Please our of Call 254-718-5120 or visit Operated fullcall service 254-774-8889 head shop! vices.com for information, caregivers to work with areas. Starting at $8 per pressor, furniture, jewelry, ficeapply atworkers (254) 776-7775 buyer’s premium, terms junk removal. torial in VETERAN CARE forYARD information, or online at Waco, www. vices.com Fooseball Table $100 OBO. our agency. Please call fice atPlease 776-7775 buyer’s premium, terms For a(254) FREEcall Estimate Part Time Janitorial, Monday crystal, quilts and more! hour. of- centraltexasauctionser Two decorative artificial 713-680-2273 for details. We or apply online at our www. HELPING HANDS & conditions. Photos and Temple and surrounding We encourage Veter CALL and/or TEXT: buyer’s premium, terms janitorialservice.com/apply trees, $45.00 each. service client’s in the through Friday or apply online at www. vices.com for information, & conditions. Photos andT Tree-Hedge trimming, 254-275-2750 Call 254-718-5120 or visit fice atStarting (254) 776-7775 ans to apply and those janitorialservice.com/apply ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! more upcoming actions. 254-534-4560 Hearne, Temple & sur areas. at $8 per 4-6:30pm, $12 an hour. & conditions. Photos and ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! 2 Service noW hiRing Weedeating, Mow, Edge, janitorialservice.com/apply rounding areas. buyer’s premium, terms more upcoming actions. T who wish to be a part office, ware or apply onlinecall www. Gallaway TXInstallation LIC#12798. office, retail, retail, warehour. Please our of- centraltexasauctionserExperience preferred but 2atService noW hiRing more upcoming actions. T Mulch of a great team! Technicians. Preferred Rehouse & more for lease & conditions. Photos and Gallaway TX LIC#12798. vices.com for information, house & more for lease will train the right per 2 Service noW janitorialservice.com/apply Broker Lic#9003373 fice athiRing (254) 776-7775 Randy 254-743-9444 Technicians. Preferred Re David Barr Properties Gallaway TX LIC#12798. frigeration Experience but more David Barr254-495-5637 Properties son. Call upcoming actions. Broker Lic#9003373 buyer’s premium, termsT Technicians. Preferred Reor online atService www. (( 254) 526-2277 Give us a try and stop FiReARMs, AMMuni2 noW hiRing GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR frigeration Experience but 254) 526-2277 Broker Lic#9003373 willapply train if applicant has Gallaway TX LIC#12798. & conditions. Photos and LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East www.davidbarrproper by to fill out an applicaSLY’S LAWN SERVICE GORILLA LUBE frigeration Experience but FiReARMs, AMMunijanitorialservice.com/apply www.davidbarrproper & MilitaryPRICES Memo- tion. Technicians. Preferred Re- tion will train if applicant has Central, Belton 939-1110 REASONABLE past mechanical experi ties.com Be sure to put any is hiring for experienced Broker Lic#9003373 more upcoming actions. T FiReARMs, AMMuni ties.com will ifExperience applicant has tion Auction, & 254-931-5635 MilitaryMarch Memo-7, Needtrain your lawn main2 Service noW hiRing frigeration but rabilia past mechanical experi ence, $18-$21p/h. Apply cigar, TABC, Health Lube Technician & experi- Gallaway TX & Military Memo tained mechanical at a reasonable rabilia Auction, March 7, FiReARMs, AMMuni past experi 2020. 9:00 amLIC#12798. Knives, die Card experience, retail enced Technicians. Preferred Re- tion Detailer. Drivers li ence, $18-$21p/h. will train if applicant has price? Call A&R Apply Lawn at Waco Carbonics 431 SHORTY’S Landscaping. Broker Lic#9003373 rabilia Auction, March 7, Care and we will take care tion or personal details 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die cense required. & Military Memo ence, $18-$21p/h. Apply cast airplanes, helmets, frigeration Experience but at Carbonics past mechanical experi LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 of Waco you. $30 half acre431 or Mowing, weedeating, edging, 20 ft. Star Craft Deck tree airplanes, service, flower beds, down so you stand 254-771-2811, 2020. 9:00 amAMMuniKnives, die7, $18-$21p/h. Apply less, free estimates, in- FiReARMs, cast helmets, ammo boxes and More! rabilia Auction, March at Waco Carbonics 431 will train if applicant has LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 mulching, and more. Boat 140 HP 4 stroke moence, apart! JoBs Full tion cludes AVAiLABLe. mowing, trimming see the store. ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! airplanes, helmets, 254-760-3031 &boxes Military Memo Central Texas Auction ammo More! 9:00 am and Knives, die tor with Magnum trailer, andWaco blowing it754-2601 off. (254) cast LaSalle. (254) past mechanical experi at Carbonics 431 and part-time jobs availLand, Investment Full 2020. JoBs AVAiLABLe. 598-0402 Carpet Cleaning Helper 9 WEST ZENITH, Temple extra rabilia Auction, March nice, lots of extras, ammo boxes More!7, Services.! Calland 254-718Central Texas Auction airplanes, helmets, ence, $18-$21p/h. TJ’s Cigar Lounge Spanish Properties, and needed. Bilingual pre- LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 3br/2ba, Central H/A, $975 $10,500. Full cast JoBs AVAiLABLe. able now! Needed: Jani and part-time jobs Apply availVETERAN YARD CARE 254-913-1300, 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die ferred. Will start part time ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! 322 S. Main St. Central Texas Auction rent. Charles Spivey Real spanish Lots/Land/ 5120 or visit centraltex Services.! Call 254-718 Business Properties. at Carbonics 431 ammo boxesCONTROL and More! WEED ware then upon trainingfull Estate. Belton. torial workers in Waco, and part-time jobs avail254-753-5341 ableWaco now! Needed: Jani Full JoBs AVAiLABLe. McGregor, Texas 76657 cast airplanes, helmets, office, retail, Acreage David Barr Properties asauctionservices.com Services.! Call 254-718 time. Up to $400 week. 5120 or Texas visit centraltex LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 Auction Tree-Hedge trimming, Temple and surrounding able now! Needed: Jani- Central 254-718-0150 leave message torial workers in Waco, ( 254) 526-2277 e M p L e o s fordlease i s - and part-time jobs availhouse & more ammo and More! forWeedeating, information, buyer’s Edge, 5120 orboxes visit centraltex asauctionservices.com CallMow, 254-718 Tobacco Junction #14 Full Services.! JoBs AVAiLABLe. www.davidbarrproper areas. Starting at per poniBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans torial workers in $8 Waco, Temple andNeeded: surrounding David Barr Properties able now! JaniMulch Installation Make your ad stand out Central Texas Auction premium, terms &buyer’s condi- asauctionservices.com for information, 414 W. Adams Ave ties.com 5120 or visit centraltex and part-time jobs avail hour. Please call our of disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake Randy 254-743-9444 ( 254) 526-2277 Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per from the rest! torial workers in Waco, Services.! Calland 254-718 Temple, Texas 76501 tions. Photos more premium, terms &buyer’s condifor information, able now! Needed: de tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. fice atPlease (254) 776-7775 ASK FOR www.davidbarrproper hour. call of- asauctionservices.com areas. Starting at our $8Janiper 5120 or visit centraltex Temple and surrounding upcoming actions. T Gal tions. Photos and more Now premium, terms &buyer’s condi medio! Se necesita: tra- Electricity, water, easy information, torial workers in Waco, accepting applica- NOW BOLDING or apply onlinecall at our www. WOOD BUILDINGS ties.com HIRING! Dishwasher TOBACCO JUNCTION/ fice (254) 776-7775 hour. of- for CALL DOLLAR SAVER at asauctionservices.com areas. Starting at $8 per laway TX LIC#12798. PINA atPlease Tree Trimming, tions for Housekeepers. a busy owned bak bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, jaupcoming actions. Tmore Gal- March tions. Photos and 10x16 $2000 Callfamily Classified Temple and surrounding premium, terms & condi 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, 8, 2020 janitorialservice.com/apply TJ’S CIGAR LOUNGE ery, The Kolache Kitchen, 30 or apply online at www. for information, buyer’s Competitive pay. Apply in fice at (254) 776-7775 Mowing, Edging, Clean hour. Please call our of Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, 12x24 $2700 778-4444 laway TX LIC#12798. (254) 778-4444 actions. Tmore Gal- plus. Apply in person areas. Starting atLeaves, $8 per tions. Photos and BATHTUB REFINISHING person: LaQuinta Inn, 1604 hours Full upcoming JoBs AVAiLABLe. ing,apply Rake janitorialservice.com/apply premium, terms &oncondi or onlinecall at our www. at 23108 Call (512) fice atPlease (254) 776-7775 circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ in home. Repairs 748-4003 Two positions atporce West Barton. No phone Tuesday-Saturday hour. of- laway TX LIC#12798. upcoming actions. TOver Gal-30 S.E. HK Dodgen Loop. Lawncare, Private Fence, lain and fiberglass. and part-time jobs availEXTRA CLEAN: Residen tions. Photos and more $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang calls please. janitorialservice.com/apply two stores, or apply online at www. Full laway JoBs AVAiLABLe. years in business. Call Dale AKC black Reconditioned Used Appli- Kitchen fice at (254) 776-7775 tial and light Commercial power wash and con TX LIC#12798. AKC black & & red red items, oficina Clothes, able now! Needed: Jani 721-3658. llame a nuestra al tryWestRanch.com upcoming actions. T GalTemple and McGregor Employment 30ft Sunflower Field culti German Shepherd Cleaning. Free Free Estimates. janitorialservice.com/apply and part-time jobs avail ances. Washers, dryers, Framed HAIR DRESSER art, Books, Chairs, crete work. Esti Full laway TX LIC#12798. JoBs AVAiLABLe. German Shepherd or apply online at Waco, www. vator $16,000. (254) 776-7775 o solicite torial workers in Call 254-421-0099. NEEDED / BOOTH Kids stuff, misc. items. Puppies for sale. refrigerators, stoves, 29ft Krause 4990 Disc Plow mates. Puppies for sale. able now! Needed: Jani Farm &Ranch janitorialservice.com/apply 3210 Oakdale Dr. 9AM-1PM and part-time jobs availRENTAL Services: Full Nick’s JoBs AVAiLABLe. We areHandyman a professional en línea en www.janitori( 254) 258-5626. $15,000 Temple and surrounding freezers. Repairs also. Can ( 254) 258-5626. 771-2191, 718-9765 Over 10 years experience in Apply Majestic Salon torial workers in $8 Waco, Brent 774 Grain Cart alservice.com/apply AGAPE CARE is looking Tobacconist, not a able now! Needed: Jani and part-time jobs avail SMALL MIRACLES painting (indoor/outdoor), 1904 W. Ave M, Temple Full JoBs AVAiLABLe. areas. Starting at per 254-628-1512 $20,000 for reliable & caring deliver. shipping contAin CLEANING SERVICE. home repair, and fencing. 254-774-8889 head shop! Temple and surrounding 1972 Ford Grain Truck with caregivers to work with able now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Locally owned/operated and part-time jobsCARE avail hour. Please call our of- 254-598-0034 VETERAN YARD eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Appliances Dump $3,500 Fooseball Table $100 OBO. our agency. Please call since 1994. areas. Starting at per Part Time Janitorial, Office/ 24ftTwo Gooseneckartificial Flatbed torial in $8 Waco, Temple andBonded/Insured. surrounding decorative 713-680-2273 for details. We able now! Needed: Jani fice atworkers (254) 776-7775 HELPING HANDS and water tight. See phoCall for free estimate We encourage Veter with 1600 gal $45.00 tank $5,500 trees, each. service client’s in the Monday through Friday hour. Please call our of 254-265-6820 Tree-Hedge trimming, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at per ans torial workers in Waco, 4960 John Deere Tractor or apply online at $8 www. tos www.steelcontainers. to apply and those 254-534-4560 Hearne, Temple & surClerical nice WAsheRs, dry 4-6:30pm, $12 an hour. MFD $30,000 fice atPlease (254) 776-7775 Has openings forrounding the following: Weedeating, Mow, Edge, areas. Will deliver. (254) 722 areas. Starting at our $8 per Temple and surrounding janitorialservice.com/apply hour. call of- who wish to be a part Experience 254-913-7988 ers, refrigerators, and net preferred but ANGIE’S CLEANING Serv- Mulchonline Installation or at our www. of a great team! 4270, Burleson, TX. ice,apply residential top to per bot areas. Starting at $8 hour. Please call office at (254) 776-7775 will train the right per cook stoves. Rebuilt e M p L e o s d i s Randy 254-743-9444 tom, make ready, refer janitorialservice.com/apply son. Call 254-495-5637 hour. our of- with 90 day warranty. fice atPlease (254) ences, free call estimates. or apply online at www. poniBLes. ¡776-7775 Ya están g en tLe Mixed Give us a try and stop GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR 254-231-2334 Delivery, service work, fice at (254) 776-7775 e M p L e o s d i s or apply online at www. LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East B r e e d C o w s a n d janitorialservice.com/apply SLY’S LAWN disponibles losSERVICE empleos by to fill out an applica- GORILLA LUBE Fertilizer Application, Central, Belton 939-1110 in Terriers: REASONABLE needYorkshire non-working ones. or apply online¡PRICES at www.y tion. poniBLes. Be sure to put any is hiring for experienced Stocker Calves. Call ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! janitorialservice.com/apply deM tiempo Registered Yorkie Pups. crease growth and produc- (254) e p L254-931-5635 e ocompleto s Yadestán i s - cigar, 214-5284, (254) TABC, Health Lube Technician & experiChocolates, Parti, KB Land, Investment janitorialservice.com/apply (254) 749-0909 (254) disponibles los medio! tion for your pasture and Compe��ve Pay DOE & ! !Excellent AVAILABLE Benefi! !ts e M p L Se e onecesita: s¡ empleos i tras - Card black, Golddust, boys & poniBLes. Yadestán 799-6228 experience, enced Detailer. Drivers liProperties, andretail 749-5637 crops. N-TEXX stimulates girls. 254-931-7143, de completo office, SHORTY’S Landscaping. bajadores e Mtiempo p L ede oWORKslimpieza destán i seny- Business MASONRY Brick, For More Informa�on or Toretail, Apply wareVisit poniBLes. ¡ Ya or personal details cense required. www.pjyorkies.com disponibles los empleos CALL DOLLAR SAVER Properties. Mowing, weedeating, edging, soil,ft. microorganisms that house & more for lease 20 block, stone. Residential and medio! Se necesita: traStar Craft Deck Waco, Temple y¡ empleos las áreas poniBLes. Ya están tree service, flower beds, down so you stand 254-771-2811, www.� sd.org Medical disponibles los commercial. Small jobs & David Barr Properties Miscellaneous provide essential nutrients David Barr Properties Boat de tiempo completo y (254) 778-4444 Livestock mulching, and more. 140 HP 4 stroke mo bajadores delos limpieza repairs welcome. 254-760-6063 circundantes. A empleos partir en de disponibles see the store. for plants through their ( 254) 526-2277 ( 254) 526-2277 254-760-3031 de tiempo completo medio! Se necesita: tra-yy apart! tor with Magnum trailer, Waco, Temple yPor las áreas $8 por hora. favor de tiempo completo productive biological proc www.davidbarrproper Carpet Cleaning Helper www.davidbarrproper 9 WEST ZENITH, Temple extra medio! Sedenecesita: tranice, lots of extras, 1 ceMeteRy Lot at bajadores limpieza en TJ’s Cigar Lounge g e ntLe Mixed ties.com esses. 15-5-5 applied at needed. Bilingual pre- 3br/2ba, llame a nuestra al Central H/A, $975 $10,500. circundantes. A oficina partir de ties.com medio! SedeYARD necesita: tra VETERAN CARE 254-913-1300, Waco Memorial, Veter- B r bajadores limpieza en ferred. Will start part time rent. Charles 322 S. Main St. Spivey Real '1 e e d C '1 ows and $23.00 per acre. Waco, Temple yPor áreas (254) 776-7775 olassolicite WEED CONTROL bajadores de limpieza en McGregor, $8 por hora. favor then upon trainingfull Estate. Belton. 254-753-5341 ans Section. $700. (254) Texas 76657 Contact Carlos Morris Waco, Temple y las áreas Stocker Calves. Call time. Up to $400 week. circundantes. A partir de Tree-Hedge trimming, en línea en www.janitori Waco, las áreas llame aTemple nuestraAy oficina al 662-3082 254-421-1276 for fertilizer 254-718-0150 leave message (254) 749-0909 circundantes. partir de (254) Weedeating, Edge, $8 por776-7775 hora.Mow, favor alservice.com/apply circundantes. APor de Tobacco Junction #14 application and sales. (254) opartir solicite 749-5637 Mulch Installation Make your ad stand out $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al 414 W. Adams Ave $8 por hora. Por favor en línea en www.janitori dogs Randy 254-743-9444 from the rest! Th e Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract Real estate For llame a nuestra oficina al Temple, Texas 76501 (254) 776-7775 solicite llame a nuestra ooficina al alservice.com/apply Auctions ASK FOR 2008 HD Sportster Custom sale carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and (254) 776-7775 solicite poMeRiAn And Yorkie en línea en www.janitori (254) 776-7775 oo solicite 1200 Screaming Eagle. BOLDING $5,000 SERIOUS INQUIR CALL DOLLAR SAVER en línea en www.janitoriauto liability insurance in their name. Real estate For Puppies, small. Call or text en línea en BuiLt www.janitorialservice.com/apply texAs IES ONLY Text centRAL Call Classified '1 '1Auc '1 QuALity homes (254) 716-3952 License alservice.com/apply 254-654-3546 for information sale Services. Real Estate alservice.com/apply 778-4444 These routes take just a few hours each day: (254) 778-4444 BATHTUB REFINISHING on your lot! PROFITABLE Floor plans to tion #144 and Contents Auction, 3 inReal home. estate Repairs on For porce fit any budget. No money Real estate For lain and fiberglass. Over 30 1855(+-) square sale QuALity BuiLt homes Bi-Weekly employment BR/2BA, years in business. Call Dale
• Painter • Groundskeeper
Profitable Routes Now Available
Page 4 • March 4, 2020
RN pm
VETERAN YARD CARE able Needed: Jani(now! 254) 526-2277 janitorialservice.com/apply Land, Investment For a FREE Estimate www.davidbarrproper HELPING HANDS We Properties, and torial workers Waco, CALL and/or TEXT: Singlewide MobileinHome in JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full ties.c om Tree-Hedge trimming, 254-275-2750 Rogers. 2BR, 2BA, newly ans Business Properties. Temple and $800 surrounding remodeled. and part-time jobs month, avail Weedeating, Mow, Edge, who $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 David Barr Properties areas. Starting at $8 per Mulch Installation able now! Needed: JaniAmerican Dollar Saver: of a ( 254) 526-2277 Randy 254-743-9444 torial workers in our Waco, hour. Please call of- (254) 501-7530 www.davidbarrproper Give Temple and surrounding fice at (254) 776-7775 Now !! LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Beautiful 30+ acre farm, FOR! ! AVAILABLE TOBACCO JUNCTION/ SLY’S LAWN SERVICE by t ties.com PINA Tree Trimming, tions offic e, retail, warecarport, close to Temple nice area, pond, water me areas. Starting at per or apply online at $8 www. REASONABLE PRICES TJ’S CIGAR LOUNGE OFFICE SPACE tion house &m oremonth. for lease Park. $750 Call ter, trees, owner agent/ fi- Lake Com Mowing, Edging, Clean 254-931-5635 Please call our ofNeed your lawn mainDavid roperties hour. Bill for Barr info. P254-721-7193, nanced, low price. janitorialservice.com/apply ciga perso FOR LEASE ing, Rakea Leaves, tained at reasonable Lake Belton Realty. Pam LaShelle Realtors, ( 254) 526-2277 Two positions at at (254) 776-7775 West Card FURNISHED EFFICIEN- fice CallPrivate A&R Fence, Lawn Recently refurbished 3,500 Lawncare, 512-217-2070 www.davidbarrproper Landscaping. M poffice L eonline oand s at d i s - price? calls Care and we will take care SHORTY’S two stores, or CIES. Flat Screen TVs, e or apply www. sq.ft. warehouse Mowing, weedeating, edging, ties.c om power wash and con 6154 WHEATON LOOP of you. $30 half acre or space. Located on corner tree service, flower beds, poniBLes. ¡ Ya están Temple and McGregor 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 dow Full 3bd Kitchen. Free: Cable, 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 Esti less, free estimates, in2bth new home for crete work. Free 2Internet. Dollar Saver Sunday, janitorialservice.com/apply March 8, 2020 Temple. and more. lot in downtown cludes mowing, trimming Bills Paid. No disponibles mulching, lease. Call for details apar mates. blowing it off. (254) 254-760-3031 254-913-8989 eOff-street M p L parking. e254-774-5204 olos s empleos d i s - and Lease/ No Deposit. We are a professional 598-0402 Call de tiempo completo 771-2191, 718-9765 RHINO JUNK T Ranch House Inn poniBLes. ¡ HAUL Ya& estány Tobacconist, a Family Owned 1 VETERAN YARDnot CARE medio! Se necesita: tra 773-0114 Operated full head shop! disponibles los service empleos WEED CONTROL junk removal. Mc VETERAN YARD CARE bajadores de limpieza en de tiempo completo Tree-Hedge trimming, For Estimate a FREE y HELPING HANDS P We encourage VeterCALL Singlewide Mobile Home in Waco, Temple yTEXT: las áreas Weedeating, Mow, Edge, medio! Seand/or necesita: tra- Mo FREE STANDING To Tree-Hedge trimming, 254-275-2750 Rogers. 2BR, 2BA, newly ans to apply and those Mulch Installation DENTAL OFFICE SPACE circundantes. A partir de Weedeating, 4-64 bajadores de limpieza en remodeled. $800 month, Mow, Edge, located at corner of 31st who wish254-743-9444 to be a part Randy $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 Exp Te TOWNHOMES AT Waco, yPor las áreas Street and Trail, $8 porTemple hora.Forest favor Mulch Installation of a great team! Temple. Approx. 1500 sq.ft. wi Randy 254-743-9444 circundantes. partir RIVER FAIR llame a nuestra al Private parking.A oficina Great de lo son cation for start-up or speciCA BELTON $8 por hora. Por favor Give us a try and stop (254) 776-7775 o solicite ality practice. 254-760-5982. by to fill out an applica- SLY’S LAWN SERVICE llame a nuestra oficina al •3bed/2.5bath/2gar en línea en www.janitori BATHTUB REASONABLE PRICES SPACE tion. Be sureREFINISHING to put any is h RENT (254) 776-7775 o solicite ! !OFFICE ! Com m$2,000 erc ial ! ! ! in home. Repairs on porce 254-931-5635 alservice.com/apply Need your lawn main- cigar, TABC, Health Diana White ! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! Lube lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Land, Investm ent EXTRA CLEAN: Residen FOR LEASE en línea en www.janitori tained at a reasonable 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 inexperience, business. Callretail P roperties, and3,500 price? Land, InvestmEFFICIENent 713.859.2952 and light Commercial years Card FURNISHED Call Estate A&R Lawn tial Recently refurbished Real Duplexes/ General Dale ence SHORTY’S alservice.com/apply Real estate For Business P roperties. P roperties, and TVs, Free Landscaping. Estimates. 721-3658. and we will take care Cleaning. Chappell Hill Reality or personal details cens ADS CIES. Flat Screen Apartments sq.ft. office and warehouse Care Houses Mowing, weedeating, edging, David Barr P roperties 254-421-0099. of you. $30 half acre or Call Business P roperties. Merchandise for Sale Townhouses Group sale space. Located on corner service, flower beds, down Handyman so you Services: stand Full Barr Kitchen. Free: Cable, ( 254) 526-2277 less, free estimates, in- tree Nick’s Real estate For David P roperties mulching, and in downtown Temple. cludes more. Over www.davidbarrproper apart! mowing, trimming 10 years experience in Internet. Bills Paid. No lot ! ! ! Commercial !!! ( 254)8,526-2277 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 2020 sale Off-street parking. SMALL MIRACLES painting and blowing it off. (254) 254-760-3031 ties.c om (indoor/outdoor), fencing. Carp EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. QuALity Lease/ No Deposit. www.davidbarrproper Land, Investment BuiLt homes CLEANING SERVICE. home repair, and 598-0402 Call 254-774-5204 Furnished. Ramona Locally owned/operated TJ’s Cigar Lounge neede ties.c om 254-598-0034 Ranch House Inn Properties, on your lot!BuiLt Floorand plans to VETERAN YARD CARE since 1994. Bonded/Insured. homes Courtyard, near VA. QuALity ferre 322 S. Main St. 773-0114 Call for free estimate Business Properties. WEED CONTROL then fit any budget. No money From $495. 254-778-1374. on your lot! Floor plans to McGregor, Texas 76657 254-265-6820 David Properties Tree-Hedge trimming, ! ! AVAILABLE !! time. Eat Free Nearby. Barr BINGO down. 100% financing. fit any budget. No money 254-71 Weedeating, Mow, Edge, ( 254) 526-2277 office, retail, ware FREE STANDING Tobacco Junction #14 ANGIE’S CLEANING Serv#4008 VFW Post down. 100% financing. Credit repair program Mulch Installation 2 DENTAL BR/1.5 BA, forSPACE $665/$600, Ma house ice, residential top to botOFFICE www.davidbarrproper spanish Lots/Land/ & more lease NOW LEASING 414 W. Adams Ave Belton townhouse style (stairs), Credit repair program tom, make ready, refer located at corner of 31st (254) 857-4663. ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Randy 254-743-9444 ties.com 904 Ticonderoga, Barr Properties Temple, Texas 76501 ences, free estimates. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Land, Inv estm ent TOWNHOMES AT David Street and Forest Temple, Trail, Acreage 857-4663. TX. Large patio, priv. (254) 254-231-2334 P roperties, and WED. AFTERNOONS Temple. Approx. 1500 sq.ft. hunting/ inVest( 254) 526-2277 fence; W/D connections, RIVER FAIR Business P roperties. Doors Open 11am Private parking. Great lo e M p L e o s d i s - CALL ask about pets. Call for hunting/ Dav id Ba rr P roperties www.davidbarrproper Session Starts 12:30pm inVest cation for start-up or speciMent/ RECREATION DOLLAR SAVER showing 254-760-0170 BELTON 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 ( 254) 526-2277 FRI. AFTERNOONS ality practice. 254-760-5982. Ment/ RECREATIONponiBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! www.davidbarrproper Doors Open 5pm AL PROPERTY. We have 2March Dollar SaveromSunday, March 8, ties.com 2020 •3bed/2.5bath/2gar C Land, Saver Inv estm ent 2 Dollar Sunday, 8,RENT2020 ties.c Session Starts 6:30pm (254) 778-4444 AL PROPERTY. We have disponibles BATHTUB REFINISHING P roperties, and los empleos Pecos area, near Lake $2,000 some of the best in Texas SUNDAY AFTERNOONS in home. Repairs porce MASONRY WORK-on Brick, Business P roperties. some of the best in Texas CALL DOLLAR SAVER Doors Open 4pm Diana White lain and fiberglass. Overand 30 block, stone. Residential Dav id Ba rr P roperties EXTRA CLEAN: Residenfrom the Country (Ed Session Starts 5:30pm tiempo completo y& Amistad. 60778-4444 - 450 acres. years in business. Call commercial. Small jobsDale from the Hill Hill Country (Ed- de ( 254) 526-2277 (254) 713.859.2952 tial and light Commercial COUNTRY LOCATION. LARGE repairs welcome. 254-760-6063 www.davidbarrproper 721-3658. wards, Menard, Coke, Employme 1BR furnished Trailer, NON-SMOKING ROOM Cleaning. Free Estimates. wards, Menard, Coke, medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy Chappell Hill Reality ties.c om Academy. Also RV lot for Hot Food Available free Call 254-421-0099. Val Verde County, Group Val Verde County, rent. 512-695-6632 Maximum Pay Out free bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, ja Nick’s Handyman Services: ranging exotics), to South ranging exotics), to South Over 10 years experience in SMALL MIRACLES painting (indoor/outdoor), Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Rentals CLEANING SERVICE.! ! home repair, and fencing. ! ! AVAILABLE Furnished. Ramona Locally 254-598-0034 Oak County, whitetail, circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ offic e, owned/operated retail, ware- since 1994. Bonded/Insured. Courtyard, near VA. house & m ore for lease hogs). Large acreage or $8 Call for free estimate 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020 Por favor AC. por hora. 979-575-3939 Lang David Barr P roperties From $495. 254-778-1374. 254-265-6820 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY small. year fixed rate ! ! AVAILABLE !! (30 254) 526-2277 Th enuestra Temple Daily Telegram is accepting ap Eat Free Nearby. BINGO llame a oficina al tryWestRanch.com Has openings for the www.davidbarrproper offic e, retail, ware owner financing. Only 5% 5% owner financing. Only ! ! VFW ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! LEASE ties.c om carriers. Applicants must have reliable ANGIE’S CLEANING Serv #4008 Post house & m ore forFOR lease name. trans (254) 776-7775 o solicite Down. Call toll free or 2 BR/1.5 BA, $665/$600,David Land, Investm ent ice, residential top free to bot Down. Call toll or Barr P roperties Belton auto liability insurance in their style Farm & Ranch !townhouse ! !NOW Com mLEASING ercial !(stairs), !! tom, make ready, refer P roperties, and email for individual prices ( 254) 526-2277 en línea en www.janitori • 1,250 square feet of off ice space 904 Ticonderoga, Temple, email for individual prices ences, free estimates. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Land, Investm ent Business P roperties. Household TX. Large patio, priv.www.davidbarrproper and terms. ranchenterpris254-231-2334 WED. AFTERNOONS Th ese PROFITABLE routes take just a few ho David Barr P roperties P roperties, and and terms. ranchenterpris- alservice.com/apply 6,450 square foot warehouse/ fence; W/D connections, om !and ! ties.c AVAILABLE !! Doors Open 11am (Session 254) 526-2277 Business P roperties. esltd.com 800-876-9720 Goods ask about pets. Call for offic e, retail, w are shipping contAinStarts 12:30pm esltd.com 800-876-9720 production area Houses www.davidbarrproper David Barr P roperties house & m ore for lease showing 254-760-0170 eRs FRI. AFTERNOONS Dav id Ba Open rrom P5pm roperties ties.c ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! ( 254) 526-2277 Doors $2,000 and Wind Pay Appliances Compe� �veup. E ( 254) 526-2277 Area for Rent Session Starts 6:30pm • Loading dock www.davidbarrproper DOE & Land, Investment Business/ www.davidbarrproper SUNDAY AFTERNOONS and water tight. See pho- on ! ! AVAILABLE !! ties.c om ties.c om MASONRY WORKFor More Informa� o Brick, Properties, and North Belton CALL DOLLAR SAVER Doors Open 4pm offic e, retail, w areCommerical • Large garage block, stone. and spanish Lots/Land/ tos Session Starts 5:30pmdoors house & m ore for lease www.steelcontainers. Residential www.� sd.o Business Properties. commercial. Small jobs & (254) 778-4444 COUNTRY LOCATION. LARGE nice WAsheRs, dry Dav id Ba rr P roperties Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell repairs welcome. 254-760-6063 Acreage • Convenient off -street customer 1BR furnished Trailer, NON-SMOKING ROOM David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! Now net Will deliver. (254) 722Now FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Beautiful 30+ acre farm, TOBACCO JUNCTION/ FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Beautiful 30+ acre lotfarm, TOBACCO JUNCTION/ www.davidbarrproper Academy. Also RV for Hot Food Available ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! ers, refrigerators, and PINA Tree tions close to nice area, pond, water Temple PINA Tree Trimming, ( 254) 526-2277 tions office, waree M p L eretail, o s Trimming, dCleani s- 4270, carport, close Pay to OutTemple Temple nice area, pond,om water meme- carport, TJ’S CIGAR LOUNGE ties.c parking rent. 512-695-6632 Maximum TJ’S CIGAR LOUNGE Land, Investm ent Lake Park. $750 month. month. Call ter, trees, owner agent/ agent/ fifi Com Mowing, Edging, CleanBurleson, TX. Lake Park. $750 Call ter, trees, owner Com Mowing, Edging, Garage Sales www.davidbarrproper house & more for lease Bill for info. 254-721-7193, nanced, low price. cook stoves. Rebuilt perso P roperties, and No collecting. Paid ev Bill for info. 254-721-7193, ing, Rake Leaves, nanced, low price. poniBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans perso Lake Belton visibility Realty. Pam LaShelle Realtors, Now accepting applica ing, Rake Leaves, Two positions at • High location in downtown West NOW FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Beautiful 30+ acre farm, Business P roperties. David TOBACCO JUNCTION/ ties.com Belton Saver Realty. Pam LaShelle Realtors, Barr Properties Lawncare, Private Fence, tions Two positions at 512-217-2070 2 Lake Dollar Sunday, 8,Barr 2020 West /Estate Sales Rentals March PINA Tree Trimming, with 90 day warranty. for Housekeepers. at a calls carport, close to Temple nice area, pond, water me- two stores, Contact the Circulation Lawncare, Private Fence, David P roperties 512-217-2070 disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake gentLe Mixed TJ’S CIGAR LOUNGE power wash and con- Competitive calls Temple with access from Central ( 254) 526-2277 two stores, 6154 WHEATON LOOP ery, Park. $750 month. Call ter, trees, owner agent/ fi- Lake pay. Apply in Mowing, Edging, Clean ( 254) 526-2277 Temple and McGregor power wash andwork, con 6154 WHEATON LOOP 3bd 2bth new for hours Delivery, service crete work. Free Esti Bill for info. 254-721-7193, home nanced, low price. 254-778-4 person: LaQuinta Inn, 1604 Temple and McGregor de tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. www.davidbarrproper Breed Cows and ing, Rake Leaves, www.davidbarrproper Avenue and 7th Street lease. Call for details 3bd 2bth new home for Tuesd crete work. FreeatEstiLake Belton Realty. Pam LaShelle Realtors, Two positions West Barton. Nocephone ties.c om Fence, mates. lease.254-913-8989 Call for details ties.com We are a professional or stop by the offi at 10 Sou S.E. Lawncare, Private 512-217-2070 need non-working ones. mates. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 771-2191, 718-9765 RHINO JUNK HAUL medio! two calls please. Se stores, necesita: tra- Electricity, water,not easy Stocker Call 254-913-8989 We are aCalves. professional Tobacconist, power wash and con- Telegram Family Owned & Daily 1 6154 WHEATON LOOP Th elocation. Temple accepting applications fora indepen 771-2191, 718-9765 Great space. Great RHINO JUNK HAUL Temple andis McGregor (254) 214-5284, (254) Operated full Free serviceEsti- head shop! Tobacconist, not a 3bd 2bth new home for HAIR DRESSER bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, ja (254) 749-0909 (254) crete work. Family Owned & 1 junkremoval. VETERAN YARD CARE transportation, carriers. Applicants must have reliable valid driver LEASE lease. Call for FOR details NEEDED / BOOTH Estimate Operated full service head shop! For a FREE mates. P 2547745204 799-6228 254-913-8989 HELPING HANDS RENTAL Waco, Temple yname. lasCARE áreas velina, thick cover, views, junk removal. 749-5637 We are a professional We encourage VeterVETERAN YARD CALL and/or TEXT: Singlewide Mobile Home in auto liability insurance in their Mo 771-2191, 718-9765 those AGA RHINO JUNK HAULnewly Apply Majestic Salon A For a254-275-2750 FREE Estimate P Tree-Hedge trimming, Rogers. 2BR, 2BA, ans to apply and Tobacconist, not a HELPING HANDS • 1,250 square feet of off ice space Family Owned & We encourage Veter1904 W. Ave M, Temple 4-6 CALL and/or TEXT: G Singlewide Mobile in circundantes. Atrimming, partir de canyons. Starting at a$650/ remodeled. $800 Home month, for Weedeating, Mow, Edge, Mo wish to be part Operated full2BA, servicenewly 254-774-8889 head shop! Tree-Hedge 254-275-2750 $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 Rogers. 2BR, Th ese PROFITABLE routes take just a fewwho hours each day: Exp ans to apply and those careg P Mulch Installation and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ junk removal. 4-6 of a great team! VETERAN YARD CARE Apartments remodeled. $800 month, Miscellaneous $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939 Langour Weedeating, Mow, Edge, wi who wish to be a part Livestock For a FREE Estimate Randy 254-743-9444 Part Time Janitorial, $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 Exp 713-68 HELPING HANDS We encourage Veter son production area Mulch Installation CALL and/or TEXT: Singlewide Mobile Home in Bi-Weekly of a great team! AK C bla cand k Friday & stop red servi Monday through llame a nuestra oficina al tryWestRanch.com Give us a try
General Merchandise
• Paint • Groundsk
Profitable R Now Avai
Profitable Routes Now Available
wi Tree-Hedge trimming, 254-275-2750 Rogers. 2BR, 2BA, newly ans to apply and those Germ a n Shepherd Randy 254-743-9444 ! ! AVAILABLE !! Hear SLY’S LAWN SERVICE by to P fill out anfor applica4-6:30pm, $12 an hour. remodeled. $800 month, Area Gross Incom uppies sale. son Weedeating, Mow, Edge, round • Loading dock offic e, retail, ware (254) 776-7775 o solicite who wish to be a part REASONABLE PRICES Give us a try and stop OFFICE SPACE $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 tion. Be sure to put any is h Lots/Land/ ( 254) 258-5626. 1 ceMeteRy Lot at Experience preferred but 254-931-5635 house & m ore for lease ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Mulch Installation gentLe Mixed Need your lawn main of aSLY’S great team! cigar, TABC, Health Lube by to fill out an applicaLAWN SERVICE North Belton $475.00 will train the right perFOR LEASE en línea en www.janitori David Barr Land, Investm ent tained at254-743-9444 aP roperties reasonable Acreage ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! • Large garage doors Randy Waco Memorial, Veter REASONABLE PRICES Card experience, retail FURNISHED EFFICIEN- OFFICE SPACE Call526-2277 A&R Lawn tion. Be sure to put any ence is h Breed Cows and Recently refurbished ( 254) P roperties, and 3,500 price? son. Call 254-495-5637 SHORTY’S Landscaping. offic e, retail, ware Care and weBartlett/Granger/Jarrell will care alservice.com/apply Need your lawntake main Give us254-931-5635 a try and(254) stop or personal details $575.00 CIES. Flat Screen TVs, sq.ft. office and warehouse www.davidbarrproper Business PLEASE roperties. Mowing, weedeating, edging, cigar, TABC, Health cens Lube ans Section. $700. house & m ore for lease FOR of you. $30 half acre or • Convenient off -street customer tained at a reasonable contAinStocker Calves. Call space. Located on corner tree service, beds, shipping down so you stand Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, David by to fill out flower an applicaSLY’S LAWN SERVICE GORILLA LUBE ties.c om David Barr Properties roperties Lawn FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, Beautiful 30+P acre farm, less, free estimates, in TO Card experience, retail ence FURNISHED EFFICIENBarr price? CallTemple A&R Recently refurbished 3,500 mulching, and more. lot in downtown Temple. $360.00 REASONABLE PRICES PINA Tree Trimming, Landscaping. apart! cludes mowing, trimming 254) 526-2277 Internet. Bills Paid. No 662-3082 carport, close to Temple nice area, pond, water me- OFFICE SPACE tion. Be sure to put any (254) is hiring forand experienced parking Care and we will take care SHORTY’S 254-760-3031 (( 254) 526-2277 or personal details cens TJ $2,000 up. Wind CIES. Flat Screen TVs, www.davidbarrproper 749-0909 (254) sq.ft. office and warehouse Off-street parking. 254-931-5635 and blowing it month. off. (254) Mowing, weedeating, edging, eRs Lake Park. $750 Call ter, trees, owner agent/ fiNeed your lawn main Lease/ No Deposit. Mowing, Edging, Clean of you. $30 half acre or cigar, TABC, Health Lube Technician &weeks. experiwww.davidbarrproper 598-0402 Call 254-774-5204 Carp space. Located on corner tree service, flower beds, FOR LEASE down so you stand Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, No collecting. Paid every two Bill for info. 254-721-7193, nanced, low price. tained at a reasonable ties.c om less, free estimates, in TJ’s Cigar Lounge Ranchvisibility House Inn location water tight. See pho-li- neede 749-5637 ing, Rake Leaves, ties.c om • High in downtown and CARE more. and Card experience, enced Detailer. Drivers lot in downtown Temple. FURNISHED EFFICIEN- retail VETERAN YARD price? Call A&R Lawn Lake Belton Realty. Pam LaShelle Realtors, apart! Recently refurbished cludes mowing, trimming mulching, Internet. Bills Paid.3,500 No spanish Lots/Land/ SHORTY’S Landscaping. 322 S.Private Main St. 773-0114 at ferre 254-760-3031 Care and 512-217-2070 we will take care Off-street parking. Contact the Circulation Department Lawncare, Fence, and blowing it off. (254) or personal details cense required. WEED CONTROL CIES. Flat Screen TVs, sq.ft. office and warehouse then Mowing, weedeating, edging, tos www.steelcontainers. Lease/ No Deposit. Temple with accessof from Central McGregor, Texas 76657 you. $30 half acre or 598-0402 Acreage Call 254-774-5204 Carp nice WAsheRs, dry Located onInn corner Tree-Hedge trimming, power wash and con- time. tree service, flower down so you stand 254-771-2811, Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, space. 6154 WHEATON LOOPbeds, TJ’s Cigar Lounge less, free estimates, in Ranch House 254-778-4444 Te neede 254-71 mulching, and more. e M L773-0114 e oand s Temple. d i sStreet - cludes lot in pdowntown Avenue 7th net Will deliver. (254) 722VETERAN YARD 3bd 2bth new homefor Weedeating, Mow,CARE Edge, apart! mowing, trimming crete work. Free Estisee the store. Internet. Bills Paid. No ! ! AVAILABLE !! FREE STANDING Tobacco Junction 322 S. Main St. #14 254-760-3031 ers, refrigerators, and lease. Call for details or stop Off-street parking. ¡ Ya están ferre and blowing it off. (254) by offi ce at 104270, South Th ird St., Temple Mulch Installation Ma WEED CONTROL DENTAL OFFICE SPACE TX. offic e,the retail, wareponiBLes. West texAs Trans then Lease/ No Deposit. mates. 414 W. Adams Ave poMeRiAn And Yorkie McGregor, Texas 76657 Burleson, 254-913-8989 598-0402 Call 254-774-5204 located at corner of 31st Carpet Cleaning Helper 9 We W time. Randy 254-743-9444 house & m ore for lease Tree-Hedge trimming, cook stoves. Rebuilt TJ’s Cigar Lounge Temple, Texas 76501 Ranch House Inn disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake 771-2191, 718-9765 TOWNHOMES AT RHINO JUNK HAUL Street and Forest Trail, Great space. Great location. needed. Bilingual pre- 254-71 3br/2 T VETERAN YARD CARE David Barr PCall roperties Puppies, small. or text centRAL Approx. 1500 sq.ft. Weedeating, Mow, Family Owned &Edge, ferred. Will texAs start partAuctime rent. 322 S. Main St. 773-0114 FREE STANDING Tobacco Junction #14 tiempo completo y Temple. Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. RIVER FAIR! ! (90 254) 526-2277 with day warranty. Private parking. Great lo WEED CONTROL !de ! AVAILABLE Operated full service then upon trainingfull Estat gentLe Mixed Mulch Installation Ma DENTAL OFFICE SPACE McGregor, Texas 76657 2547745204 cation for start-up or speci CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 716-3952 License www.davidbarrproper 414 W. Adams Ave time. Up to $400 week. junk removal. BELTON medio! Se necesita: Electricity, water,of easy VETERAN YARD CARE Tree-Hedge trimming, tion Services. Real Estate located at corner 31st office, retail, ware- tra- ality practice. 254-760-5982. Randy 254-743-9444 Delivery, service work, om 254-718-0150 leave message For a ties.c FREE Estimate Temple, Texas 76501 Breed Cows and TOWNHOMES AT Street and Forest Trail, •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Weedeating, Mow, Edge, HELPING HANDS access, whitetail, dove, ja- bajadores de for limpieza (254) 778-4444 & more leaseen Temple. CALL and/or TEXT:#14 Mobile Home in #144 FREE STANDING BATHTUB REFINISHING Tobacco Junction Approx. 1500 sq.ft. Singlewide and Contents Auction, 3 We house RENT$2,000 need non-working Mulch Installation Tree-Hedge Make your adtrimming, standCall out in home. Repairs onones. porceRIVER FAIR 254-275-2750 DENTAL OFFICE SPACE 2BR, 2BA, newly velina, thick cover, views, Waco, Temple y las áreas Stocker Calves. Private parking. Great lo- Rogers. ans David Barr Properties 414 Adams Ave Diana White lain and W. fiberglass. Over 30 located at corner of 31st cation EXTRA CLEAN: Residen remodeled. $800 month, for start-up or speci Randy 254-743-9444 BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square CALL DOLLAR SAVER Weedeating, Mow, Edge, from the rest! (254) (254) in214-5284, business. Dale BELTON canyons. Starting at $650/ circundantes. A partir de Temple, Texas Call 76501 ( 254) TOWNHOMES AT who Street and526-2277 Forest Trail, 713.859.2952 tial and light Commercial years $500 deposit. 254-760-1292 ality practice. 254-760-5982. (254) 749-0909 (254) 721-3658. Mulch Installation Employme ASK FOR Temple. Approx. 1500 sq.ft. Cleaning. Free Estimates. a •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Chappell Hill Reality foot house, 2778-4444 car garage, of www.davidbarrproper 979-575-3939 Lang- $8 porparking. hora. Por favor AC. RIVER FAIR (254) 799-6228 Private Great lo BATHTUB REFINISHING Call 254-421-0099. Randy 254-743-9444 749-5637 BOLDING Group RENT$2,000 Contents Nick’s ties.com cation for start-up or speci-al tryWestRanch.com llame a nuestra oficina in CALL home. Repairs SAVER onServices: porce- large DOLLAR Handyman shop, pool. BELTON Call Classified ality practice. 254-760-5982. JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full Give Diana White Over 10 years experience in lain and fiberglass. Over 30 EXTRA CLEAN: Residen- (254) 776-7775 o solicite t SMALL MIRACLES painting (indoor/outdoor), •3bed/2.5bath/2gar years in business. Call Dale include: EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. 713.859.2952 tial and light Commercial 778-4444 SLY’S LAWN SERVICE by Mower, clocks, (254) 778-4444 Farm & Ranch CLEANING SERVICE. home repair, and fencing. BATHTUB REFINISHING 721-3658. and part-time jobs avail en línea en www.janitori RENT- $2,000 REASONABLE PRICES Furnished. Ramona Cleaning. Free Estimates. Locally owned/operated 254-598-0034 Chappell Hill Reality
Mobile Homes/Lots
Farm & Ranch
(254) 776-7775 o solicite 254-265-6820 4960 John Deere oficina Tractoral tryWestRanch.com Farm & Ranch alservice.com/apply llame a nuestra en línea en www.janitori- shipping MFD $30,000 contAin Has openings for the following: (254) 776-7775 o solicite 254-913-7988 alservice.com/apply Farm & Ranch eRs $2,000 and up. Wind ANGIE’S CLEANING Serv- Appliances shipping contAinen línea en www.janitori- ice, residential top to bot and water tight. See pho- eRs $2,000 and up. Wind alservice.com/apply Appliances March 4, 2020 • contAinPage 5 tom, make ready, refer shipping tos www.steelcontainers. and water tight. See pho- ences, estimates. nicefreeWAsheRs, dry- eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Appliances net Will deliver. (254) 722- 254-231-2334 www.steelcontainers. ers, refrigerators, nice WAsheRs, and dry- tos and water tight. See pho fence; W/D connections, Doors Open 11am 4270, Burleson, TX. net Will deliver. (254) 722 cook stoves. Rebuilt Fertilizer Application, inask about pets. Call for Yorkshire Terriers: www.steelcontainers. refrigerators, Session Starts 12:30pm AKC black & red ! ! ers, AVAILABLE ! ! and nice WAsheRs, dry- tosGerman 4270, Burleson,Mixed TX. showing 254-760-0170 crease Yorkie Pups. Shepherd with 90 daywarewarranty. FRI. AFTERNOONS ! ! cook AVAILABLE !! growth and producnet Registered Will deliver. (254) 722 offic e, retail, stoves. Rebuilt gentLe ers, refrigerators, and P uppies for sale. offic e, retail, wareChocolates, Parti, KB Doors Open 5pm house &m ore for lease Delivery, service work, Burleson, TX. tion for your pasture and 4270, Compe� � ve Pay DOE & Excellent Benefi ts with 90 day warranty. B r e e d C ow s a n d ( 254) 258-5626. house & m ore for lease cook stoves. Rebuilt black, Golddust, boys & gentLe Mixed Session Starts 6:30pm David Barr P roperties need non-working ones. Lots/Land/ David Barr P roperties crops. N-TEXX girls. 254-931-7143, Delivery, service work, Stocker Calves. Call SUNDAY AFTERNOONS ( 254) 526-2277 with 90 day stimulates warranty. B r e e d C ow s a n d g e n t L e M i x e d MASONRY WORKBrick, For More Informa� on or To Apply Visit ( 254) 526-2277 SAVER (254)non-working 214-5284, ones. (254) www.pjyorkies.com www.davidbarrproper CALL DOLLAR Doors Open 4pm p Acreage L e o s !d! ! i s - need Delivery, service work, (254) 749-0909 soil, microorganisms that B www.davidbarrproper block, stone. Residential and r e e d C ow s a n d !e! !MCommercial Stocker Calves.(254) Call ties.c om Session Starts 5:30pm 799-6228 i s - poniBLes. www.� sd.org ties.c om need non-working ones. (254) 214-5284, (254) commercial. Small jobs & 749-5637 ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans Land, Investment provide essential nutrients Stocker Calves. Call (254) 778-4444 (254) (254) 749-0909 LARGE COUNTRY LOCATION. for(254) welcome. 254-760-6063 están West texAs Trans 214-5284, Properties, 799-6228 NON-SMOKING 1BR disponibles furnished Trailer, plants through (254) their (254) 749-0909 (254) losand empleos Pecos area, ROOM near Lakerepairs 749-5637 Business Properties. 799-6228biological proc- 749-5637 Academy. Alsoarea, RV near lot forLake Hot Food Available pleos Pecos Miscellaneous Livestock productive Amistad. 60 450 acres. de tiempo completo y David Barr Properties Maximum Pay Out rent. 512-695-6632 60 - 450 acres. eto y Amistad. Miscellaneous esses. 15-5-5 applied at ( 254) Se 526-2277 Livestock Electricity, water,! !easy medio! necesita: tra- ! ! AVAILABLE Miscellaneous a: tra- Electricity, water, easy Livestock www.davidbarrproper 1 ceMeteRy Lot at $23.00 per acre. office, retail, waregentLe Mixed access, whitetail, dove, jabajadores de limpieza en za en access, whitetail, dove, ja-house ties.com & more for lease Waco Memorial, Lot VeterContact Carlos Morris 1 ceMeteRy at B r e e d C ow s a n d gentLe Mixed y lasviews, áreasDavid velina, thickProperties cover, views, ans 254-421-1276 áreas Waco, velina,Temple thick cover, 1 ceMeteRy Lot at g Barr entLe Mixed Section. $700.Veter(254) for fertilizer Waco Memorial, Stocker B r e e d Calves. C ow s aCall n d ( 254) Starting 526-2277at $650/ Waco Memorial, Veter- B r tir de circundantes. canyons. Starting at $650/ canyons. A partir de e e d C ow s a n d 662-3082 ans Section. $700. (254) (254) 749-0909 (254) application and sales. Stocker Calves. Call ans Section. $700. (254) Stocker favor $8 AC. 979-575-3939 Calves. Call AC. 979-575-3939 Lang- por hora. Por Langfavorwww.davidbarrproper ties.com 662-3082 749-5637 662-3082 (254) 749-0909 (254) (254) 749-0909 (254) na al llame tryWestRanch.com Sporting tryWestRanch.com a nuestra oficina al dogs Th e Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract 749-5637 749-5637 Dogs Farm & Ranch ADS Auctions Auctions Auctions licite (254) 776-7775 o solicite Goods/Guns Farm & Ranch dogs Auctions 2008 HD Sportster Custom reliable transportation, dogs carriers. Applicants must have valid driver’s license and nitori- poMeRiAn And Yorkie 1200 Screaming Eagle. en línea en www.janitori- Auctions Auctions $5,000 SERIOUS INQUIR Puppies, small.And Call or text centRAL auto liability insurance in their name. Auc- spanish Lots/Land/ poMeRiAn And Yorkie shipping contAin- poMeRiAn Yorkie texAs alservice.com/apply IES ONLY Text Real Estate '1 1,250 square of off ice space (254) 716-3952 shipping contAin- Puppies, small. Call or text centRAL Acreage Puppies, small. CallLicense or text tion Services. eRs $2,000 andfeet up. Wind s • AKC black & red Auc254-654-3546 fortexAs information centRAL texAs Auc #144 Th ese PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day: (254) 716-3952 License e M p L e o s d i s German Shepherd (254) 716-3952 License and Contents Auction, 3 eRs $2,000 and up. Wind and and 6,450 water tight. See photion Services. Real Estate square foot warehouse/ tion Services. Real Estate P uppies for sale. poniBLes. ¡ Yasquare están West texAs Trans #144 and Contents Auction, 3 #144 BR/2BA, 1855(+-) tos www.steelcontainers. and water tight. See pho- ( 254) 258-5626. and Contents Auction, 3 employment dry- production area Pecos area, near Lake disponibles los empleos BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square foot house, 2 car garage, Will deliver. (254) 722- tos employment BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square www.steelcontainers. and net employment 60 - 450 acres. de tiempo completo y Amistad. nice WAsheRs, foot house, 2 car garage, large shop, pool. Contents 4270, Burleson, TX. dry- foot house, 2 car garage, JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full • Loading built 2009 26’ Taser 5th Wheel with net Will deliver. (254) 722 Electricity, water, easy medio! Se necesita: tra- pool. Contents ers, include: Mower, clocks, JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full large shop, e M prefrigerators, L edock o s dand i s - large shop, pool. Contents large slide out, and part-time jobs avail JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full nty. 4270, Burleson, TX. include: Mower, clocks, bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, ja gentLe Mixed and part-time jobs availfirearms, Knives,clocks, com$8,000 OBO. 254-231-2850 cook garage stoves.¡ Rebuilt poniBLes. Ya están West texAs Trans include: Mower, able now! Needed: Jani- and part-time jobs avail ork,• Large Kids swingJaniset firearms, Knives, comdoors Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, B r e e90d day C ow s a n d able Playhouse, now! Needed: pressor, furniture, jewelry, firearms, Knives, comtorial workers in Waco, with warranty. Pecos area, near Lake disponibles los empleos able now! Needed: Jani pressor, furniture, jewelry, nes. gentLe Mixed and dog crate. circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ Pets Wanted torial workers in Waco, Stocker Calves. Call crystal, quilts and more! pressor, furniture, jewelry, Temple and surrounding service work, quilts and more! torial workers in Waco, 60Cows - 450 acres. deDelivery, tiempo completo 254)• Lang- $8 por hora. Por favor 979-575-3939 Convenient off-street customer 254-598-3029 and surrounding crystal, Breed and (254) 749-0909 (254)y Amistad. Temple Call 254-718-5120 or visit AC. crystal, quilts and more! areas. Starting at $8 per Call 254-718-5120 or visit Temple and surrounding need non-working ones. llame a nuestra oficina al tryWestRanch.com areas. Starting at $8 per Electricity, water, easy medio! Se necesita: tra 749-5637 Stocker Calves. Call centraltexasauctionser parking Call 254-718-5120 or visit hour. Please of- 2009 DODGE CALIPER areas. Startingcall at our $8 per hour. Please callmattress our of- centraltexasauctionser (254) 776-7775 o solicite Extra Clean King (254) 214-5284, (254)en access, bajadores de limpieza whitetail, !(254) ! AVAILABLE ! ! ja- vices.com for information, SUV, high formileage, good 749-0909dove, (254) Farm & Ranch vices.com information, centraltexasauctionserfice at (254) 776-7775 AKC black & red set with frame, comforter fice at (254) 776-7775 hour. Please call our of en línea en www.janitori office,thick retail, warework, school car. terms Serious us• High 799-6228 buyer’s premium, terms Waco, Temple y laslocation áreas house velina, cover, views, German Shepherd buyer’s premium, Livestock visibility in downtown set, 2 setsonline sheets,at $225.00. vices.com for information, or apply online at www. 749-5637 or apply www. fice at (254) 776-7775 & more for lease alservice.com/apply inquiries only. $1500.00. Puppies for sale. & conditions. and shipping Text for picture & conditions. Photos and contAin thePhotos Circulation Department at circundantes. partir defrom canyons. Starting at $650/ buyer’s premium, terms janitorialservice.com/apply janitorialservice.com/apply David Barr Properties 254-624-5976 or apply online at www. Contact Temple withAPor access Central ( 254) 258-5626. 254-931-1585 more upcoming actions. T more upcoming actions. T eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Appliances ( 254) 526-2277 & conditions. Photos and ot at $8gentLe por hora. favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang noW hiRing 2 Service noW hiRing Mixed www.davidbarrproper janitorialservice.com/apply 2 Service Gallaway TX LIC#12798. and water tight. See pho- Technicians. Preferred Re- Gallaway TX LIC#12798. a Avenue and 7th Street more upcoming actions. T eter- Technicians. Preferred Rellame a nuestra oficina al tryWestRanch.com B r e e d C ow s n d 2013 Toy Hauler Camp noW hiRing 2 Service ties.com Broker Lic#9003373 Broker Lic#9003373 tos www.steelcontainers. Gallaway TX or but stop by the offiLIC#12798. ce at dry10 South Third St., Temple Trailer! 254) frigeration but Full 18ftExperience X 8ft wide, nice WAsheRs, frigeration Experience Stocker Calves. Call (254) 776-7775 o solicite Technicians. Preferred Re Free net Will deliver. (254) 722FiReARMs, AMMuni Electric hitch jack, Broker Lic#9003373 FiReARMs, AMMuni1(254) ceMeteRy Lot at will train if applicant has ers, refrigerators, and will train if applicant has gentLe Mixed 749-0909 (254) COnCeSSiOn 2009 Ford Escape XLT. frigeration Experience but en línea en www.janitori Kitchen/Bathroom/Sleeping & Military Memo 4270, Burleson, TX. PArking past mechanical experi- tion tion Military Memo- cook &stoves. Rebuilt Waco Memorial, Veter 170,000 miles. '1 Nice and FiReARMs, AMMunipast mechanical experi 749-5637 area power awnings Heat/AC rabilia Breed Cows and will train if applicant has StAnd Auction, March 7, alservice.com/apply ence, $18-$21p/h. Apply clean, good shape. $4250. rabilia Auction, March 7, with & 90 day warranty. TX area Call tion Military Memo- ence, $18-$21p/h.experiApply ans Section. $700. (254) gentLe Mixed shipping contAin Troy mechanical 9:00 am Knives, die Stocker Calves. Call past 254-913-5474 at Waco Carbonics 431 2020. 210-867-0579 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die Delivery, service work, rabilia Auction, March 7, at Waco Carbonics 431 B r e e d C ow s a n d LaSalle. 662-3082 ence, $18-$21p/h. Apply eRs $2,000 and up.(254) Wind Auctions (254) 754-2601 cast airplanes, helmets, (254) 749-0909 cast helmets, needairplanes, non-working ones. 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 Stocker Calves. Call Yorkie ammo boxes and More! at Waco Carbonics 431 and water tight. See pho JoBs AVAiLABLe. ammo boxes and More! 749-5637 (254) 214-5284, (254) Full Central Texas Auction airplanes, helmets, (254) 749-0909 (254) r text LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full cast centRAL texAs Auc and part-time jobs availtos www.steelcontainers. Central Texas Auction 799-6228 ammo boxes and More! Services.! Call 254-718 749-5637 nice WAsheRs, dry- ense tion and part-time jobs avail Services. Real Estate JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full now! Needed: Jani- 5120 or visit centraltex Services.! Call 254-718 (254) 722- able net Will deliver. Central Texas Auction able now! Needed: Janiers, refrigerators, and 3 torial workers in Waco, and Contents Auction, and part-time jobs avail 5120 or visit asauctionservices.com Miscellaneous Services.! Callcentraltex254-718- 4270, Burleson, TX. poMeRiAn And Yorkie Livestock torial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding for information, buyer’s cook stoves. Rebuilt BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square able now! Needed: Jani- 5120 asauctionservices.com nt or visit centraltex Temple and surrounding Puppies, small. Call or text areas. Starting at $8 per premium, terms & condi foot garage, torial workers in Waco, centRAL texAs Aucwithhouse, 90 day2 car warranty. for information, buyer’s hour. gentLe Mixed Please call our of- tions. Photos and more 1 ceMeteRy at areas. Starting at $8 per asauctionservices.com (254) 716-3952 License gentLe Mixed . Full Temple and surrounding large shop, pool. Contents premium, terms &Lot condition Services. Real Estate Delivery, service work, for information, Breed Cows and fice at (254) 776-7775 Waco Memorial,buyer’s Veter hour. Please call our of-
Eat Free Nearby.
BINGO #4008 VFW Post 2 BR/1.5 BA, $665/$600, Temple: (254) 778-4444 NOW LEASING Belton townhouse style (stairs), Killeen: 904 Ticonderoga, (254) Temple, 501-7530 Lic #1-74-6066507-2 TX. Large patio, priv. WED. AFTERNOONS
Lots/Land/ Acreage
Bi-Weekly Gross Income (est.)
& Ranch Great space. GreatFarm location. 2547745204 dogs
North Belton $475.00 Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 Temple $360.00 No collecting. Paid every two weeks.
Profitable Routes Now Available
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
• Groundskeeper
Appliances spanish
• Painter
The Buffalo Lions Club
gun show
d C ow s a n d areas. Starting at $8 per premium, include: Mower, clocks, upcoming actions. T Gal#144 tions. Photos and more B r e e availContents Auction, need non-working ones. and terms & condi ans Section. $700. (254) fice atPlease (254) call 776-7775 Stocker Calves. Call3 hour. or apply online at www. laway TX LIC#12798. Stocker Calves. Call our of- tions. firearms, Knives, com- upcoming actions. T Gal Jani- Photos and more (254) 1855(+-) square (254) 214-5284, (254) BR/2BA, 662-3082 776-7775 or apply online at www. (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-0909 (254) janitorialservice.com/apply employment fice at (254) pressor, furniture, jewelry, laway TX LIC#12798. Waco, upcoming actions. T Gal- 749-5637 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full janitorialservice.com/apply foot house, 2 car garage, 799-6228 or apply online at www. 749-5637 crystal, quilts and more! AKC black & red nding laway TX dogs LIC#12798. Full and part-time jobs avail large shop, pool. Contents janitorialservice.com/apply JoBs AVAiLABLe. German Shepherd Call 254-718-5120 or visit JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full 8 per able now! Needed: Jani Puppies for sale. and part-time jobs avail Auctions include: Mower, clocks, JoBs centraltexasauctionserFull poMeRiAn AVAiLABLe. Miscellaneous and part-time jobs availur of- torial workers in Waco, Trucks Trucks Livestock And Yorkie ( 254) 258-5626. able now! Needed: Jani- vices.com information, Knives, com- and part-time jobs avail Jani- firearms, Temple and surrounding 7775 able now! for Needed: Puppies, small. Call or text centRAL texAs Auctorial workers in Waco, buyer’s premium, terms pressor, areas. Starting at $8 per able now! Needed: Jani- (254) 716-3952 License furniture, jewelry, www. torial workers in Waco, Front-End tion Services. Real Estate Temple and surrounding $ 1 ceMeteRy Lot at hour. Please call our of& conditions. Photos and workers in Waco, #144 gentLe Mixed crystal, quilts and more! torial apply Temple and surrounding Installed andat Contents Auction, 3 areas. Starting at $8 per rEplacEmEnts fice at (254) 776-7775 starting Wacoupcoming Memorial, Veter- T Call Temple and surrounding more actions. Breed Cows and Turn Over 254-718-5120 or visit rvice BR/2BA, 1855(+-) square hour. Please of- areas. Starting at $8 per or apply online at www. areas. Startingcall at our $8 per employment Gallaway TX $700. LIC#12798. ans Section. (254) Gooseneck Stocker Calves. Call d Re- hour. foot house, 2 carHitch garage, fice atPlease (254) call 776-7775 janitorialservice.com/apply Ball Please call our of- centraltexasauctionserhour. our of- Broker Lic#9003373 662-3082 Installed at e but (254) 749-0909 (254) fice large shop, pool.Starting Contents or apply online776-7775 at www. vices.com for information, JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full eMpLeos dis at (254) fice at (254) 776-7775 AMMuni- 749-5637 $600 clocks, poniBLes. ¡ Ya están t has FiReARMs, janitorialservice.com/apply and part-time jobs avail- include: Mower, apply online at www. buyer’s premium, terms or or apply online at www. tion & Military Memofirearms, Knives, comxperi disponibles los empleos now! Needed: Janidogs March 7, Grill Guards e M p L e o s d i s - able & conditions. Photos and janitorialservice.com/apply rabilia Auction, janitorialservice.com/apply at furniture,Starting jewelry, Apply de tiempo completo y torial workers in Waco, pressor, Installed poniBLes. ¡ Ya están e M p L e o s d i s more upcoming actions. T Auctions 2020. 9:00 am Knives, die crystal, quilts and more! Open $550 medio!to Sethe necesita: tra431 poMeRiAn Temple and surrounding SK Truck Bed Public 2 Service noW hiRing disponibles los empleos And Yorkie poniBLes. ¡ Ya están cast airplanes, helmets, Gallaway TX LIC#12798. areas. Starting at $8 per Call 254-718-5120 or visit bajadores de limpieza en 601 Technicians. $3,950 Short Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes .............. de tiempo completo y Preferred Redisponibles los empleos Puppies, small. and Call or text centRAL ammo boxes More! Waco, Temple y las áreas Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm centraltexasauctionsertexAs Auc- Broker Lic#9003373 Please call Wheel our of-w/4 Long Bed Single Boxes ................. $4,150 . Full medio! Se necesita: de tiempo completotra-y hour. frigeration Experience but tion circundantes. A partir de $4,400 Central Texas Auction vices.com for information, (254) 716-3952 License Dually w/4 Boxes ................................................... fice at (254) 776-7775 Services. Real Estate bajadoresSedenecesita: limpiezatraen 60" availSunday AMMuni- medio! $4,450 $8 por9:00am-3:00pm hora. Por favor will train if applicant has FiReARMs, Cab Axle w/4 Boxes ............................ buyer’s premium, terms Services.! Call 254-718apply onlineC&C at www. Waco, Temple y las áreas and Auction, Jani- #144 $4,875 bajadores de limpieza en or llame a nuestra oficina al 84" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ tionContents & Military Memo-3 & conditions. Photos and 5120 or visit centraltexpast mechanical experijanitorialservice.com/apply Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation Admission $5.00 per day circundantes. partir de Waco, BR/2BA, 1855(+-)March square7, (254) 776-7775 o solicite Waco, Temple Ay las áreas more upcoming actions. T Auction, employment asauctionservices.com ence, $18-$21p/h. Apply rabilia noW hiRing 2 ServiceEquipmEnt $8 por hora. APor favor en línea en www.janitorinding circundantes. partir de kEmpnEr foot house, 2 car garage, Gallaway TX LIC#12798. information, buyer’s 9:00 am Knives, die Buffalo Civic Center • Buffalo, TX Preferred • Re-2403 llame oficina al Technicians. atforWaco Carbonics 431 2020. alservice.com/apply 8 per pora nuestra hora. Por favor 800-932-2461 Hwy. 190 BrokerE. Lic#9003373 shop, pool. helmets, Contents $8 premium, terms & condi JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full large cast airplanes, frigeration Experience but 8.7 Miles West of "Old Location" or .5 miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart (254) 776-7775 o solicite LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 ur of- llame a nuestra oficina al I-45 Feeder Road For East Side Real estate tions.part-time Photos jobs and more Mower, will train if applicant has FiReARMs, AMMuniwww.kEmpnErEquip .com en línea en www.janitoriand avail- include: ammo boxes and clocks, More! 7775 (254) 776-7775 o solicite sale JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full tion & Military Memoupcoming actions. T Gal firearms, Knives, com past mechanical experialservice.com/apply able now! Needed: Jani- Central Texas Auction en línea en www.janitori www. laway TX LIC#12798. and part-time jobs $18-$21p/h. Apply rabilia Auction, March 7, ence, furniture, jewelry, avail- pressor,
March 7 & 8, 2020
Buffalo Civic Center Guns • Ammo • Knives Accessories • Coins Military Collectibles
Page 6 • March 4, 2020
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530
Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 501-7530
Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8, 2020
Buidling/ Remodeling
Buidling/ Remodeling
Concrete Services
March 4, 2020 • Page 7 Dollar Saver Sunday, March 8,8, 2020 11 Dollar Saver Sunday, March Dollar Saver March 8, 2020 Dollar SaverSunday, Sunday, March 8, 2020 20201 1
Dollar Saver
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Dollar Saver Dollar Saver
Sunday, March 8, 2020 Sunday, March 8, 2020
1 1
Dollar Saver
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Moving? Find a new, loving family for your pet!
Place an ad Findinathe new,
loving family Daily Herald for your pet!
Classifieds Place an ad
in the
254.501.7500 Daily Herald
Misc. Services CODE 020620
254.501.7500 Moving? CODE 020620
Cleaning/ Janitorial
Foundation Repair
Find a new, loving family for your pet! Roofing
Place an ad in the
Saver Tree Dollar Service Dollar Saver Dollar Saver
Dollar Saver
Sunday, 23, 2020 1 TreeFebruary Service Sunday, March 8, 2020 Sunday, March 8, 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020
CODE 020620
Tree Service 10% Senior Discount 24 hr Em ergency Service. 20 yrs exp. 254-493-3874.
Yardwork/ Landscaping
10% Senior Discount 24 hr Em ergency Service. 20 yrs exp. 254-493-3874.
Daily Herald Classifieds
1 1
Page 8 • March 4, 2020
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530
orcycles For Sale ....................294 reational Vehicles ....................296 rt Utility ....................................297 cks, Vans & Pickups..................298 omobiles For Sale ....................299
FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom 2 Bath home in West Temple. BISD 254-760-9733
10 ACRES on Hwy 438 Northeast of Temple, 1.5 miles outside of Loop. All in bermuda grass. Restricted. Owner/agent 325-668-6465
WE CAUGHT YOUR EYE You can catch the eye of those prospective buyers by advertising in the Classifieds with a display ad. Call a Classified Representative Today for all the details
(254) 778-4444
March 4, 2020• Page 9
Page 10 • March 4, 2020 Beautiful 30+ acre farm, nice area, pond, water meter, trees, owner agent/ financed, low price. Pam LaShelle Realtors, 512-217-2070
FOR LEASE: 1BR, 2BA, carport, close to Temple Lake Park. $750 month. Call Bill for info. 254-721-7193, Lake Belton Realty. 6154 WHEATON LOOP 3bd 2bth new home for lease. Call for details 254-913-8989
Singlewide Mobile Home in Rogers. 2BR, 2BA, newly remodeled. $800 month, $500 deposit. 254-760-1292
FURNISHED EFFICIENCIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Internet. Bills Paid. No Lease/ No Deposit. Ranch House Inn 773-0114
TOWNHOMES AT RIVER FAIR BELTON •3bed/2.5bath/2gar RENT- $2,000 Diana White 713.859.2952 Chappell Hill Reality Group EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Furnished. Ramona Courtyard, near VA. From $495. 254-778-1374. Eat Free Nearby.
2 BR/1.5 BA, $665/$600, townhouse style (stairs), 904 Ticonderoga, Temple, TX. Large patio, priv. fence; W/D connections, ask about pets. Call for showing 254-760-0170
COUNTRY LOCATION. 1BR furnished Trailer, Academy. Also RV lot for rent. 512-695-6632
PINA Tree Trimming, Mowing, Edging, Cleaning, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Private Fence, power wash and concrete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765
RHINO JUNK HAUL Family Owned & Operated full service junk removal. For a FREE Estimate CALL and/or TEXT: 254-275-2750
VETERAN YARD CARE HELPING HANDS Tree-Hedge trimming, Weedeating, Mow, Edge, Mulch Installation Randy 254-743-9444
Recently refurbished 3,500 sq.ft. office and warehouse space. Located on corner lot in downtown Temple. Off-street parking. Call 254-774-5204
Need your lawn maintained at a reasonable price? Call A&R Lawn Care and we will take care of you. $30 half acre or less, free estimates, includes mowing, trimming and blowing it off. (254) 598-0402
SMALL MIRACLES CLEANING SERVICE. Locally owned/operated since 1994. Bonded/Insured. Call for free estimate 254-265-6820
MASONRY WORKBrick, block, stone. Residential and commercial. Small jobs & repairs welcome. 254-760-6063
Great space. Great location. 2547745204
Now accepting applications for Housekeepers. Competitive pay. Apply in person: LaQuinta Inn, 1604 West Barton. No phone calls please. HAIR DRESSER NEEDED / BOOTH RENTAL Apply Majestic Salon 1904 W. Ave M, Temple 254-774-8889
We are a professional Tobacconist, not a head shop! We encourage Veterans to apply and those who wish to be a part of a great team! Give us a try and stop by to fill out an application. Be sure to put any cigar, TABC, Health Card experience, retail or personal details down so you stand apart!
TJ’s Cigar Lounge 322 S. Main St. McGregor, Texas 76657 Tobacco Junction #14 414 W. Adams Ave Temple, Texas 76501
(254) 778-4444
Part Time Janitorial, Monday through Friday 4-6:30pm, $12 an hour. Experience preferred but will train the right person. Call 254-495-5637
Carpet Cleaning Helper needed. Bilingual preferred. Will start part time then upon trainingfull time. Up to $400 week. 254-718-0150 leave message
(254) 778-4444
AGAPE CARE is looking for reliable & caring caregivers to work with our agency. Please call 713-680-2273 for details. We service client’s in the Hearne, Temple & surrounding areas.
• Painter • Groundskeeper
Compe��ve Pay DOE & Excellent Benefits For More Informa�on or To Apply Visit www.�sd.org
Profitable Routes Now Available
9 WEST ZENITH, Temple 3br/2ba, Central H/A, $975 rent. Charles Spivey Real Estate. 254-753-5341
or stop by the office at 10 South Third St., Temple
20 ft. Star Craft Deck Boat 140 HP 4 stroke motor with Magnum trailer, extra nice, lots of extras, $10,500. 254-913-1300, Belton.
30ft Sunflower Field cultivator $16,000. 29ft Krause 4990 Disc Plow $15,000 Brent 774 Grain Cart $20,000 1972 Ford Grain Truck with Dump $3,500 24ft Gooseneck Flatbed with 1600 gal tank $5,500 4960 John Deere Tractor MFD $30,000 254-913-7988
Kitchen items, Clothes, Framed art, Books, Chairs, Kids stuff, misc. items. 3210 Oakdale Dr. 9AM-1PM
Fertilizer Application, increase growth and production for your pasture and crops. N-TEXX stimulates soil, microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological processes. 15-5-5 applied at $23.00 per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer application and sales.
Yorkshire Terriers: Registered Yorkie Pups. Chocolates, Parti, KB black, Golddust, boys & girls. 254-931-7143, www.pjyorkies.com
2008 HD Sportster Custom 1200 Screaming Eagle. $5,000 SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY '1Text 254-654-3546 for information
Bi-Weekly Gross Income (est.)
Contact the Circulation Department at
Fooseball Table $100 OBO. Two decorative artificial trees, $45.00 each. 254-534-4560
These PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day:
North Belton $475.00 Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 Temple $360.00 No collecting. Paid every two weeks.
Reconditioned Used Appliances. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, freezers. Repairs also. Can deliver. 254-628-1512
The Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and auto liability insurance in their name.
WOOD BUILDINGS 10x16 $2000 12x24 $2700 Call (512) 748-4003
Central, Belton 939-1110
Make your ad stand out from the rest! ASK FOR BOLDING Call Classified 778-4444
Has openings for the following:
NOW HIRING! Dishwasher at a busy family owned bakery, The Kolache Kitchen, 30 hours plus. Apply in person Tuesday-Saturday at 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Loop.
GORILLA LUBE is hiring for experienced Lube Technician & experienced Detailer. Drivers license required. 254-771-2811, see the store.
Nick’s Handyman Services: Over 10 years experience in painting (indoor/outdoor), home repair, and fencing. 254-598-0034
• 1,250 square feet of office space and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ production area • Loading dock • Large garage doors • Convenient off-street customer parking • High visibility location in downtown Temple with access from Central Avenue and 7th Street
BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.
ANGIE’S CLEANING Service, residential top to bottom, make ready, references, free estimates. 254-231-2334
Two positions at two stores, Temple and McGregor
CALL DOLLAR SAVER EXTRA CLEAN: Residential and light Commercial Cleaning. Free Estimates. Call 254-421-0099.
Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available Maximum Pay Out
SHORTY’S Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, tree service, flower beds, mulching, and more. 254-760-3031
VETERAN YARD CARE WEED CONTROL Tree-Hedge trimming, Weedeating, Mow, Edge, Mulch Installation Randy 254-743-9444
FREE STANDING DENTAL OFFICE SPACE located at corner of 31st Street and Forest Trail, Temple. Approx. 1500 sq.ft. Private parking. Great location for start-up or speciality practice. 254-760-5982.
BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton
Kids Playhouse, swing set and dog crate. 254-598-3029
2009 26’ Taser 5th Wheel with large slide out, $8,000 OBO. 254-231-2850
Extra Clean King mattress set with frame, comforter set, 2 sets sheets, $225.00. Text for picture 254-931-1585
2009 DODGE CALIPER SUV, high mileage, good work, school car. Serious inquiries only. $1500.00. 254-624-5976
2013 Toy Hauler Camp Trailer! 18ft X 8ft wide, Electric hitch jack, Kitchen/Bathroom/Sleeping area power awnings Heat/AC Troy TX area Call 210-867-0579
2009 Ford Escape XLT. 170,000 miles. '1 Nice and clean, good shape. $4250. 254-913-5474
March 4, 2020• Page 11
Page 12 • March 4, 2020