uy built &comercial part-time jobs available Appliances class A,
rnty. Unork, TV’s, nes. oters. 254) 336254)
s us
dryand tA built ncia nty. A, ork, cia. nes. 254) 254)
us Ana-
Born hots, tA with ncia s(254) A, cia. ahua $300, ents 9377 AnaBorn ABLE hots, & with oldsale. (254) 3952 DGEahua Full $300, site, ents 254) 9377
ABLE rED & oldture sale. old, 3952 664 DGE. Full site, CKC 254) wks, 217rED ture PIES old, ppies 0664 ures 196 CKC For 8wks, 217omes ns to PIES ppies oney ures cing. 9196 ram.
wards suromes s, live ns to edar oney Aous,cing. Turdram. rate cing, wards 9720. yntersurs, live edar Aous, Turd rate cing, 9720. nter-
HAZMET and CDL ReApply at 431 now! Needed: Janitorial quired. 3 años experiencia. Spanish LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 workers in Waco, Temple (254) 495-5595 NIcE WAShErS, dryand areas. ers,surrounding refrigerators, and JOBS Full S E AVAILABLE. N E c E S I tA Starting at $8 per hour. PArt tImE Co2 de- &chofer cook stoves. Rebuilt part-time jobslicencia available con Please call our office at livery driver needed. now! with 90 day warranty. Needed:class Janitorial comercial A, (254) 776-7775 or work, apply HAZMET and CDL Re- workers Delivery, service Waco, Temple 3 añosinexperiencia. online at www.janitoriquired. Apply at ones. 431 and need non-working surrounding (254) 495-5595areas. LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 (254) 799-6228, (254) Starting at $8 per hour. E m P Lcall E Oour S office D I SatSErVIcE tEchNIcIAN 214-5284. Temple: (254) JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Please PONIBLES. Needed. Ice Machine Re776-7775¡ Ya or están apply & 541-6023 part-time jobs available (254) disponibles los empleos pair Apply Waco online at www.janitorinow!Helpful. Needed: Janitorial de tiempo completo y Carbonics 431 LaSalle. miscellaneous workers in Waco, Temple medio! Technician Se necesita: tra(254) 754-2601 areas.Service and surrounding SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN bajadores de limpieza en Needed. train, ReE mEP L E S ItA S - Helper Starting atO per Needed. Ice Will Machine Waco, Temple yApply las áreas S N E$8 cE SDIhour. experience helpful. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Please call our office at Helpful. Apply Waco circundantes. A partir de chofer con licencia at pair Spanish Waco 431favor (254) 776-7775 or apply disponibles losclass empleos 431Por LaSalle. $8 porCarbonics hora. comercial A, Carbonics LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 online at www.janitoride3 tiempo completo y (254) llame 754-2601 a nuestra oficina al años experiencia. S e Se n enecesita: c e S i Tatra- E medio! (254) solicite (254) 495-5595 m P776-7775 L E OCo2 S odeDISParT Time en línea en www.janitoribajadores de limpieza chofer con licenciaen PONIBLES. SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN ¡ Ya están livery driver needed. Waco, Temple y las áreas Needed. Ice Machine comercial class a,Re- disponibles los empleos Dogs and CDL Re- y circundantes. A partir de HAZMET pair Helpful. Apply Waco 3 años experiencia. de Want tiempo to completo Buy Carbonics 431 LaSalle. quired. Apply at 431 $8 por hora. Por favor (254) 495-5595& Ana- medio! Se necesita: tra11 PyrENEES (254) 754-2601 llame a nuestra oficina al LaSalle. (254)de 754-2601 WE BUy & Repair Unlimpieza en tolian cross pups. Born bajadores Featured (254) o ad solicite Employment EJanuary m P776-7775 L E8th, O S1st Dshots, I S - Waco, wanted/ Broken Temple y lasATV’s, áreas Want To Buy of the Week! en línea en www.janitoriPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Service Technician Motorcycles &AScooters. partir de working parents, live with circundantes. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full disponibles los empleos We por Pick-Up (903) 336Needed. Icehora. Machine $8 PorRe-favor Spanish goats, $125 each. (254) Wetiempo Buy &completo Repair Un-ypair de 9086 & part-time jobs available Helpful. Apply Waco llame a nuestra oficina al 216-3585 cO2 DELIVEry driver wanted/ ATV’s, medio! SeBroken necesita: tra-Carbonics now! Needed: Janitorial 431 LaSalle. (254)Appliances 776-7775 o solicite needed. HAZMET and S E N E c E S I tA tINy tOy Chihuahua bajadores de limpieza en Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) workers inenWaco, Temple en línea www.janitori754-2601 CDLPick-Up Required. Full and chofer con licencia Puppies. Females $300, Waco, Temple y las 336áreas surrounding areas. We (903) Time. Apply at 431 LaNIcE WAShErS, drycomercial class A, Males $250. Parents circundantes. A partir de at $8 per 9086 (254) 754-2601 Starting co2 delivery driverhour. ers, refrigerators, and 3Salle. años experiencia. $8 por Por favor Please on sitehora. (903) 780-9377 cO2 DELIVEry driver Employment call our office needed. HAZMET Rebuilt and at cook stoves. llame a 495-5595 nuestra oficina al (254) (254) (Waco) appliances needed. HAZMET and 776-7775 orFull apply CDL Required. with 90 day warranty. (254) 776-7775 o solicite Farm &ADOrABLE ranch online JOBS AVAILABLE. Full CDLApply Full SUPEr atRequired. www.janitoriSpanish Delivery, service work, Time. at 431 Laen línea en www.janitoriEmP L E OPuppies S D&I Sold- & Time. part-time jobsatavailable Apply 431 LaYorkie nice WaSherS, dryneed non-working ones. Salle. (254) 754-2601 PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están now! Needed: Janitorial Salle.AVAILABLE. (254) 754-2601 er Shih-Tzu for sale. G E Nrefrigerators, tNL E Emales m Ix E D JOBS (254) 799-6228, (254) Full S E c E S I tA ers, and disponibles los empleos workers in Waco, Temple Call cO2 DELIVEry driver B r eore Text dstoves. C(254) owlicencia s716-3952 a n d Full 214-5284. Temple: (254) part-time chofer con cook Rebuilt and jobs part available time de tiempo completo y &and surrounding areas. needed. HAZMET and Stocker Calves. Call 541-6023 Farm & ranch rhODESIAN rIDGEnow! Needed: Janitorial comercial class A, with 90 day warranty. Starting at $8 per hour. jobs available now! Needmedio! Se necesita: traRequired. Full (254) 749-0909 (254) BAckS 6wks old. Fulled: 3CDL años experiencia. workers in workers. Waco, Temple Please call our office bajadores de limpieza en Delivery, service work, Janitorial Sal- at Time. Apply at 431 La749-5637 (254) 495-5595 miscellaneous blood, parents on site, and surrounding areas. G EN t L EhourmDOE. ED (254) 776-7775 orI xapply Waco, Temple y lasones. áreas ary needshots, non-working $8.00 per Salle. (254) $150. 754-2601 1st (254) Starting atwww.janitori$8ow per online Bme r e at eat d254-776-7775. C s hour. and circundantes. de- Call (254) (254) ShIPPING E744-6380 m P L799-6228, E O cONtAINSA partir DIS Please our office at S E call NE cE S I Call tA Stocker Calves. $8 por hora. favor 214-5284. Temple: PONIBLES. ¡Por Ya están ErS $2,000 and up.(254) Wind www.janitorialservicecom/ Farm & ranch (254) 776-7775 or apply chofer con licencia (254) 749-0909 (254) JOBS AVAILABLE. Full llame a nuestra al apply ckc rEGIStErED disponibles los oficina empleos 541-6023 and water tight. See phocomercial A, at www.janitori& 749-5637 part-time jobsclass available (254) 776-7775 o solicitey online de tiempo completo Miniature tos www.steelcontainers. 3 años experiencia. GPomeranian E N ten L Ewww.janitorim I x E D now! Needed: Janitorial en línea Business opmedio! Se necesita: traPuppies. 6 wks old, net Will deliver. (254) 722(254) 495-5595 B miscellaneous r e e d C o w s a n d workers cONtAINTemple bajadores de limpieza en ShIPPING $800. (254) 371-0664 4270, Burleson, TX. Call Sportunities E surrounding NinEWaco, cand E Sup. I tA Stocker Calves. ErS $2,000 Wind and areas. Waco, Temple y las áreas Call for Pictures chofer con licencia (254) 749-0909 (254) Dogs Want to Buy and water tight. See phoStarting at $8 per hour. tools & Equipcircundantes. A partir de S e n e c e S i Ta Full and part timeA,at comercial class 749-5637 Please call our office tos www.steelcontainers. ment $8 por hora. Por favor BOxEr PUPS CKC chofer con licencia 3 available años experiencia. now! (254) Need11 PyrENEES AnaWE BUy & Repair Un- jobs (254) 776-7775 or &apply net Will deliver. 722llame a nuestra oficina Registered Fawns, 8wks, ShIPPING cONtAINtolian cross pups. (254) 495-5595 comercial class a, al ed: Janitorial workers. Sal-Born wanted/ Broken ATV’s, online at www.janitori4270, Burleson, TX. BUy Or SELL! For Wood (254) 776-7775 o solicite shots, $500 (254) 217ErS $2,000 and up. Windary January 8th, 1st shots, 3 años experiencia. $8.00 per hour DOE. Motorcycles & Scooters. Workers: Bandsaws, planen línea en www.janitori2880 and water tight. See336pho- working parents, livedewith tools & EquipWe Pick-Up (903) (254) 254-776-7775. www. PArt tImE Co2 ers, Drill495-5595 presses, table Callgoats, tos www.steelcontainers. S E $125 Nment E ceach. E S I tA (254) mALtIPOO PUPPIES 9086 livery driver needed. janitorialservicecom/apply saws, jointers, vises, minet Will Chi-Poo deliver. 722- 216-3585 chofer con licencia Want to(254) Buy $500. Puppies HAZMET andclass CDL Reter saws, lathes, TX. shapers, dogs 4270, Burleson, comercial A, Appliances BUy Or SELL! For431 Wood tINy tOy Chihuahua $200. Shots, Pictures Financial quired. Apply at grinders, scroll saws, ra3 años experiencia. WE BUy & Repair UnPuppies. Females $300, Workers: Bandsaws, planavailable (254) 217-9196 tools & EquipLaSalle. (254) 754-2601 dial arm saws, and air (254) 495-5595 11 PyreneeS Anawanted/ Broken &ATV’s, Males $250. Parents ers, Drill presses, table ment NIcE WAShErS, dry- Full and part time compressor.1209 Washreal Estate For on site (903) 780-9377 Motorcycles & Scooters. tolian cross pups. Born saws, jointers, vises,Full miers, refrigerators, and JOBS AVAILABLE. jobs available now! Needington, Waco. Sale (Waco) We Pick-Up (903) 336- ter PArt Co2 deJanuary 8th, 1stRebuilt saws,tImE lathes, shapers, BUy Or SELL! Forshots, Wood cook stoves. & part-time jobs available ed: Janitorial workers. Sal9086 livery driver needed. SUPEr ADOrABLE grinders, saws, raWorkers: Bandsaws, plan- now! working live with Livestock with 90parents, day warranty. Needed: Janitorial $8.00 perscroll hour DOE. QUALIty BUILt homes HAZMET and CDL Yorkie Puppies &Reolders, Drill$125 presses, tableary dial arm saws, and air goats, each. (254) Delivery, service work, Appliances workers in Waco, Temple Call me at 254-776-7775. on your lot. Floor plans to quired. Apply 431 er Shih-Tzu malesatareas. for sale. saws, jointers, vises, mi- and compressor.1209 Wash216-3585 need non-working ones. surrounding G E N t L E m I x E D fit any budget. No money www.janitorialservicecom/ LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 Call or Text (254) 716-3952 ter saws, lathes, shapers, ington, Waco. (254) Starting at $8 per hour. B r e e d799-6228, C ow s (254) adryn rad apply NIcE WAShErS, Tiny Toy Chihuahua down. 100% financing. grinders, scroll saws, rhODESIAN rIDGE214-5284. Temple: (254) Please call our office at ers, refrigerators, and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Stocker Calves. Call Livestock Credit repair program. Puppies. Females $300, dial arm saws, and air BAckS 6wksorold. Full 541-6023 (254) 776-7775 cook stoves. Rebuilt & part-time jobs available cars (254) 749-0909 (254) (254) 857-4663. compressor.1209 Wash- blood, parents onapply Males $250. Parents site, at www.janitoriwith 90 day warranty. online now! Janitorial 749-5637 ington, 1st on siteWaco. (903) 780-9377 G Eshots, NNeeded: tinLWaco, E $150. m I x(254) ED 65.45 Ac SW Edwards Delivery, service work, check workers Temple miscellaneous engine Light 744-6380 B r e e d C ow s areas. and County. Nice valley sur(Waco) needLivestock non-working ones. and surrounding cUt FErtILIZEr cost, On? We willtEchNIcIAN check it forCall Stocker rounded bysoil, highN-TEXX hills, live SErVIcE (254) 799-6228, (254) Starting at Calves. $8 per hour. ckc Ice rEGIStErED SuPer adoraBle improves Needed. Machine ReAAMCO Total Car S E pinon N ETemple: cpine, E S I(254) tA Free! (254) 749-0909 (254) oak, cedar 214-5284. Please call our office Pomeranian Miniature 15—5-5 with microbacteYorkie Puppies & oldG E NWhitetail, t Lcon E m I x EAouD Care. pair Helpful. Apply Wacoat 1328 S. Valley Mills chofer licencia 749-5637 cover. Axis, 541-6023 Puppies. 6 wks old, (254) 776-7775 or apply ria, increases germination, B e e d Cmales oclass w sfor asale. n d Carbonics 431 LaSalle. errShih-Tzu comercial A, dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur-254-754-0388 $ 371-0664 online www.janitoriStocker Calves. Call growth and production, Callaños or Text (254) 716-3952 cUt FErtILIZEr 3(254) experiencia. key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate (254) Call754-2601 for Pictures cost, miscellaneous 749-0909 $23/acre applied. (254) Dealvans improves soil, (254) 30 yr. 495-5595 owner financing, m P L E tEchNIcIAN O S N-TEXX DIS749-5637 ckc regiSTered ers needed. Damon Berry ESErVIcE 15—5-5 with microbacteBOxEr CKC 5% down. 800-876-9720. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Needed. IcePUPS Machine Re254-793-2318, 254-702Pomeranian Miniature S E N E c E S I tA Registered Fawns, 8wks, ria, increases germination, http://www.ranchenterempleos cUt FErtILIZEr cost, disponibles Dogs inTerSTaTe moBilpair Helpful.los Apply Waco 3797. chofer con licencia Puppies. 6 wks old, shots, $500 (254) 217growth and production, de tiempo completo y improves soil, N-TEXX Carbonics 431trade, LaSalle. comercial class A, iTy. $800. (254)microbacte371-0664 2880Buy,Sesell, $23/acre applied. Dealnecesita: tramotorcycles 15—5-5 with 11 PyrENEES & Ana- medio! (254) 754-2601 repair, upgrade handi3Call años experiencia. for Pictures ers needed. Damon Berry mALtIPOO PUPPIES ria, increases germination, tolian cross pups. Born bajadores (254) 495-5595 E254-793-2318, m P Lmobility Ede O limpieza S vans. D I en Scapped $500. Chi-Poo Puppies 254-702growth and WE BUy & production, Repair Un- Waco, Temple y¡las áreas January 8th, 1st shots, PONIBLES. Ya están Best prices and service. $200. Shots, Pictures 3797. $23/acre applied. Dealwanted/ Broken ATV’s, A partir de working with circundantes. realparents, estateliveFor disponibles los empleos Dogs 30 yearshora. certified ex-favor available (254) 217-9196 ers needed. Damon Berry $8 Motorcycles & Scooters. Por goats, $125 each. (254) Sale de por tiempo completo y motorcycles perienced technician 254-793-2318, 254-702We Pick-Up (903)& 336a nuestra oficina al 216-3585 medio! Se necesita: trareal Estate For 11 PyrENEES Ana- llame 3797. on site. Waco, Texas. 9086 o solicite bajadores de&limpieza en tolian pups. Born (254) 22.32cross remoTe hunting/ WE 776-7775 BUySale Repair UntINy tOy Chihuahua 254-235-9935, líneaTemple enBroken www.janitoriWaco, y 254las ATV’s, áreas January 8th, 1st shots, motorcycles wanted/ recreation property in$300, Du- en Puppies. Females
QUALIty BUILt homes 744-2122. http://www.
JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at S E N E c E S I tA chofer con licencia comercial class A, 3 años experiencia. (254) 495-5595 PArt tImE Co2 delivery driver needed. HAZMET and CDL Required. Apply at 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN Needed. Ice Machine Repair Helpful. Apply Waco Carbonics 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 EmPLEOS DISPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en cO2 DELIVEry driver needed. HAZMET and CDL Required. Full Time. Apply at 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601
Farm & ranch GENtLE mIxED Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 ShIPPING cONtAINErS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX.
tools & Equipment BUy Or SELL! For Wood Workers: Bandsaws, planers, Drill presses, table saws, jointers, vises, miter saws, lathes, shapers, grinders, scroll saws, ra-
(254) 776-7775 o solicite online at www.janitorien línea en www.janitori- S E N E c E S I tA chofer con licencia Want to Buy comercial class A, WE BUy & Repair Un- 3 años experiencia. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, (254) 495-5595 Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336- PArt tImE Co2 de9086 livery driver needed. HAZMET and CDL ReAppliances quired. Apply at 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 NIcE WAShErS, dryers, refrigerators, and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cook stoves. Rebuilt & part-time jobs available with 90 day warranty. now! Needed: Janitorial Delivery, service work, workers in Waco, Temple need non-working ones. and surrounding areas. (254) 799-6228, (254) Starting at $8 per hour. 214-5284. Temple: (254) Please call our office at 541-6023 (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www.janitorimiscellaneous SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN S E N E c E S I tA Needed. Ice Machine Rechofer con licencia pair Helpful. Apply Waco comercial class A, Carbonics 431 LaSalle. 3 años experiencia. (254) 754-2601 (254) 495-5595 EmPLEOS DISPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos Dogs de tiempo completo y 11 PyrENEES & Ana- medio! Se necesita: tratolian cross pups. Born bajadores de limpieza en January 8th, 1st shots, Waco, Temple y las áreas working parents, live with circundantes. A partir de goats, $125 each. (254) $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al 216-3585 tINy tOy Chihuahua (254) 776-7775 o solicite Puppies. Females $300, en línea en www.janitoriMales $250. Parents on site (903) 780-9377 cO2 DELIVEry driver (Waco) needed. HAZMET and SUPEr ADOrABLE CDL Required. Full Yorkie Puppies & old- Time. Apply at 431 Laer Shih-Tzu males for sale. Salle. (254) 754-2601 Call or Text (254) 716-3952 rhODESIAN SO THEN, justrIDGEas you Farm & ranch BAckS 6wks Full received Christold.Jesus blood, ontosite, as Lord,parents continue live G E N t L E m I x E D 1sthim, shots, $150. (254) Breed Cows and in rooted and built 744-6380 up in him, strengthened Stocker Calves. Call inckc the faith as you were (254) 749-0909 (254) rEGIStErED Pomeranian Miniature 749-5637 taught, and overflowing Puppies. 6 wks - old, ShIPPING cONtAINwith thankfulness. $800. (254) Colossians 2:6371-0664 ErS $2,000 and up. Wind Call for Pictures and water tight. See phoBOxEr PUPS CKC tos www.steelcontainers. Registered Fawns, 8wks, net Will deliver. (254) 722shots, $500 (254) 217- 4270, Burleson, TX. 2880 tools & Equipment mALtIPOO PUPPIES $500. Chi-Poo Puppies $200. Shots, Pictures BUy Or SELL! For Wood available (254) 217-9196 Workers: Bandsaws, planers, Drill presses, table real Estate For saws, jointers, vises, miSale ter saws, lathes, shapers, grinders, scroll saws, raQUALIty BUILt homes dial arm saws, and air on your lot. Floor plans to compressor.1209 Washfit any budget. No money ington, Waco. down. 100% financing. Livestock Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. 65.45 Ac SW Edwards G E N t L E m I x E D County. Nice valley sur- B r e e d C o w s a n d rounded by high hills, live Stocker Calves. Call oak, pinon pine, cedar (254) 749-0909 (254) cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aou- 749-5637 dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Turkey. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate cUt FErtILIZEr cost, 30 yr. owner financing, improves soil, N-TEXX 5% down. 800-876-9720. 15—5-5 with microbactehttp://www.ranchenter- ria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry 254-793-2318, 254-7023797.
motorcycles WE BUy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters.
Vol. 1 • No. 28 April 11, 2019
Page 2 • April 11, 2019
NIcE WAShErS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023
miscellaneous S E N E c E S I tA chofer con licencia comercial class A, 3 años experiencia. (254) 495-5595
Dogs 11 PyrENEES & Anatolian cross pups. Born January 8th, 1st shots, working parents, live with goats, $125 each. (254) 216-3585 tINy tOy Chihuahua Puppies. Females $300, Males $250. Parents on site (903) 780-9377 (Waco) SUPEr ADOrABLE Yorkie Puppies & older Shih-Tzu males for sale. Call or Text (254) 716-3952 rhODESIAN rIDGEBAckS 6wks old. Full blood, parents on site, 1st shots, $150. (254) 744-6380
ckc rEGIStErED Pomeranian Miniature Puppies. 6 wks old, $800. (254) 371-0664 Call for Pictures BOxEr PUPS CKC Registered Fawns, 8wks, shots, $500 (254) 2172880 mALtIPOO PUPPIES $500. Chi-Poo Puppies $200. Shots, Pictures available (254) 217-9196
real Estate For Sale QUALIty BUILt homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. 65.45 Ac SW Edwards County. Nice valley surrounded by high hills, live oak, pinon pine, cedar cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aoudad, Sika, Feral Hots, Turkey. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate 30 yr. owner financing, 5% down. 800-876-9720.
now! Needed: Janitorial 744-6380 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 de Stockerin Waco, Calves. Call S Etiempo N(254) E completo c E754-2601 S I tAy workers LaSalle. Temple Se necesita: tra- (254) 749-0909 11 PyrENEES & dryAna- medio! NIcE WAShErS, (254) chofer con licencia and surrounding areas. ckc rEGIStErED JOBS AVAILABLE. Full bajadores de limpieza en tolian cross pups. Born ers, refrigerators, and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 749-5637 comercial class A, Pomeranian hour. &January part-time jobs1st available Temple yMiniature las áreas Starting at $8 per 8th, shots, Waco, American Dollar Saver: cook stoves. Rebuilt &3Puppies. part-time jobs available años experiencia. 6 wks old, call our office at now! Needed: Janitorial circundantes. A partir de Please working live with now! ShIPPING cONtAINwith 90parents, day warranty. Needed: Janitorial (254) 771-2777 (254) 495-5595 $800. (254) 371-0664 (254) 776-7775 or apply workers in Waco, Temple por hora. PorTemple favor ErS $2,000 and up. Wind goats, $125, (254) $8 Delivery, service workers inPictures Waco, Call for online at www.janitoriand surrounding areas. llame aLnuestra 216-3585 and water tight. See phoneed non-working EmP E O S oficina D I Sal- surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per ones. hour. and (254) 776-7775 oYasolicite tos www.steelcontainers. (254) call 799-6228, (254) PONIBLES. están at PUPS $8 ¡per hour. tINy tOy BOxEr CKC Please ourChihuahua office at Starting líneacall en www.janitoriFull net WillAVAILABLE. deliver. (254) 722214-5284. Temple: (254) disponibles los empleos Please our office at JOBS Puppies. Females $300, en Registered Fawns, 8wks, (254) 776-7775 or apply part-time jobs available Burleson, TX. 541-6023 de tiempo y &4270, (254) 776-7775 or apply Males Parents shots, $500completo (254) 217online at$250. www.janitoriNeeded: Janitorial medio! necesita: tra- now! atSewww.janitorion site (903) 780-9377 online 2880 cO2 DELIVEry driver tools & Equipworkers in Waco, bajadores de limpieza en (Waco) miscellaneous ment Temple needed. HAZMET and SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN mALtIPOO PUPPIES and surrounding areas. Waco, y las áreas CDL Temple Required. Full Starting at $8 per hour. tEchNIcIAN SUPEr ADOrABLE $500. Chi-Poo Puppies Needed. Ice Machine Re- SErVIcE circundantes. A partir de BUy Or SELL! For Wood Time. Apply at Pictures 431 LaIce Machine Re$200. Shots, Yorkie old- Needed. pair S EHelpful. N Puppies E Apply c E S Waco I&tA callBandsaws, our officeplanat $8 por hora. Por favor Please Workers: available (254) 217-9196 Salle. (254) 754-2601 Helpful. Apply Waco erchofer Shih-Tzucon males for sale. pair Carbonics 431 LaSalle. licencia (254) 776-7775 or apply llame a nuestra oficina al ers, Drill presses, table (254) 431 LaSalle. online at www.janitoriCall or754-2601 Text (254) 716-3952 comercial class A, Carbonics real Estate For saws, jointers, vises, mi(254) 776-7775 o solicite 754-2601 ErhODESIAN P L Eexperiencia. O S rIDGED I S - (254) Farm &www.janitoriranch 3maños Sale en línea en saws, lathes, shapers, PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están (254) 495-5595 m P L E O S D I S - ter BAckS 6wks old. Full E grinders, S E Nscroll E c Esaws, S I tAradisponibles los empleos ¡ Ya están blood, parents on site, PONIBLES. QUALIty G E N t L EBUILt m I xhomes E D dial arm con saws, and air chofer licencia de completo y disponibles los empleos 1sttiempo shots, $150. (254) Want Buy on your lot.Cto Floor plans to compressor.1209 Dogs B r e e d ow s a n d Washmedio! comercial class A, tiempo completo y ington, 744-6380Se necesita: tra- de fit any budget. No money Stocker Calves. Call Waco. bajadores de limpieza en medio! WE BUy Repair UnSe &necesita: tra- 3 años experiencia. down. 100% financing. 11 PyrENEES & Ana(254) 749-0909 (254) Employment ADS ADS Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ckcTemple rEGIStErED Waco, y las áreas Miscellaneous (254) 495-5595 Livestock wanted/ Broken ATV’s, de limpieza en ADS Credit repair program. tolian cross pups. Born bajadores 749-5637 Employment circundantes. AMiniature partir de Waco, Pomeranian Motorcycles & Scooters. Temple y las áreas (254) 857-4663. Spanish January 8th, 1st shots, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full $8Puppies. porSpanish hora.6 wks Por favor We Pick-Up (903) 336circundantes. Aavailable partir de PArt tImE Co2 deworking parents,oficina liveold, with ShIPPING cONtAING E N t L E m I x E D 65.45 Ac SW Edwards & part-time jobs JOBS AVAILABLE. Full llame a nuestra al $800. (254)each. 371-0664 Spanish 9086 $8 por hora. Por favor goats, $125 (254) & ErS $2,000 andvalley up. Wind B r e e ddriver C o wneeded. s and County. Nice sur- livery now! Needed: Janitorial part-time jobs available S E N E c E S I tA (254) forNPictures SCall E 776-7775 E c EoSsolicite I tA now! llame a nuestra oficina al HAZMET and CDL Call Re216-3585 and water tight. See phoStocker Calves. rounded by high hills, live workers in Waco, Temple Needed: Janitorial chofer con licencia en línea en www.janitoriAppliances chofer con licencia S E N E c E S I tA (254) 776-7775 o solicite Apply at(254) 431 tos www.steelcontainers. (254) 749-0909 oak, pinon pine, cedar quired. and surrounding areas. workers in Waco, Temple tINy tOy Chihuahua comercial class A, BOxEr PUPS CKC comercial class A, and chofer con licencia en línea en $8 www.janitori(254) 754-2601 749-5637 cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aou- LaSalle. net Will deliver. (254) 722Starting at per hour. surrounding areas. Puppies. Females $300, 3 años experiencia. Registered Fawns, 8wks, 3cO2 años experiencia. comercial class A, NIcE WAShErS, dryDELIVEry driver Starting Please call our per office at dad, Sika, Hots, Turat Feral $8 hour. 4270, Burleson, TX. Males $250. Parents (254) 495-5595 shots, $500 (254) 217(254) 495-5595 3 años experiencia. ers, $1,650/ac. refrigerators, and needed. HAZMET and Please AVAILABLE. cost, Full cUt FErtILIZEr (254) 776-7775 or apply call our office at JOBS key. Fixed rate on site495-5595 (903) 780-9377 2880 cO2 DELIVEry driver &improves (254) tools & EquipCDL Required. Full (254) cook stoves. Rebuilt part-time jobs available soil, N-TEXX online at www.janitori776-7775 or apply 30 yr. owner financing, EmPLEOS DISE(Waco) m P LApply E O SatPUPPIES D ILaS - online needed. HAZMET and now! mALtIPOO Time. 431 with 90 day warranty. 15—5-5 with microbacteNeeded: Janitorial PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están atment www.janitori5% down. 800-876-9720. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya E m SUPEr P L(254) E O ADOrABLE S Destán I S - Employment CDL Required. Full workers Salle. 754-2601 $500. Chi-Poo Puppies ria, increases germination, Delivery, service work, in Waco, Temple disponibles http://www.ranchenterJOBS AVAILABLE. Full los empleos disponibles los¡ empleos PONIBLES. Ya están Time. Apply atFor 431 La- and Yorkie Puppies & old- JOBS BUy Or SELL! Wood $200. Shots, Pictures growth and production, need non-working ones. surrounding areas. de tiempo completo y & part-time jobs available AVAILABLE. Full de tiempo completo y Workers: disponibles los empleos AVAILABLE. Full Salle. (254) 754-2601 erFarm Shih-Tzu males for sale. Bandsaws, plan- Starting available (254) 217-9196 $23/acre applied. Deal- JOBS Spanish (254) 799-6228, (254) & ranch at $8 per hour. now! Needed: Janitorial & part-time jobs available Sejobs necesita: tramedio! Se (254) necesita: tra-y ers, Drill presses, table ers needed. Damon Berry &medio! de completo part-time available Calltiempo or Text 716-3952 214-5284. Temple: (254) Please call our office at bajadores workers in Waco, Temple Needed: Janitorial de limpieza en bajadores denecesita: limpieza en now! medio! trareal Se Estate For now! Needed: Janitorial saws, jointers, vises, mi254-793-2318, 254-702Farm & ranch 541-6023 rhODESIAN rIDGE(254) 776-7775 or apply and surrounding areas. workers in Waco, Temple G E NTemple t LSale E limpieza I xáreas ED S E N E c E S I tA workers Waco, ymlas Waco, Temple y las áreas bajadores de en ter saws, lathes, shapers, 3797. in Waco, Temple BAckS 6wks old. Full online at www.janitoriStarting at $8 per hour. and surrounding areas. B r e eTemple d Cow spartir a nde d chofer con licencia and circundantes. A Waco, y las áreas circundantes. A partir de surrounding areas. grinders, saws, ra- Please ourm office at blood, parents onhomes site, per Stocker Calves. Call comercial class A, Starting Gmiscellaneous E Ncall tatLscroll E$8 I xhour. ED $8 por hora. favor circundantes. APor partir de Starting $8 por hora. Por hour. favor motorcycles QUALIty BUILt at $8 per dial arm saws, and air (254) 776-7775 or apply Please call our office at 1st shots, $150. (254) (254) (254) 3 años experiencia. llame a 749-0909 nuestra oficina alto B r e e d C ow s a n d SErVIcE $8 por hora. Por favor tEchNIcIAN Please llame acall nuestra oficinaatal on your lot. Floor plans our office compressor.1209 online at www.janitori776-7775 or Washapply Needed. 744-6380 749-5637 (254) 495-5595 (254) ooficina solicite llame a budget. nuestraNo al (254) Stocker Calves. Ice&Machine BUy Repair ReUn- (254) (254) 776-7775 776-7775 or o solicite apply fit any776-7775 money S E atWaco. Nwww.janitoriE c E S I Call tA WE ington, online en línea en www.janitori(254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 749-0909 (254) pair wanted/ Broken Helpful. Apply ATV’s, Waco online en líneaatenwww.janitoriwww.janitoridown. 100% financing. chofer con licencia ckc rEGIStErED ShIPPING cONtAINE m P L E O S D I S en línea en www.janitoriMotorcycles & Scooters. 749-5637 Carbonics 431 LaSalle. Credit repair program. E Livestock N E c class E S I tA A, PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Pomeranian ErS $2,000 andMiniature up. Wind Scomercial We Pick-Up 754-2601(903) 336- JOBS chofer S E c licencia E S I tA (254) (254) 857-4663. 3 EañosNcon experiencia. Want To AVAILABLE. Puppies. 6 wks old, ShIPPING Want to Buyphoand water tight. See disponibles los empleos Want to Buy BuyFull cONtAIN9086 comercial class chofer licencia (254) P L E O completo S D I S -y & part-time jobs available Want to Buy $800. (254) G EN t495-5595 Lcon E and mup. I xWind EA, D Edemtiempo 65.45 Ac SW371-0664 Edwards ErS tos www.steelcontainers. $2,000 3B años comercial class A, WE BUy & Repair Un¡ Ya están Needed: Janitorial WE & UnCall fordeliver. Pictures net Will (254) 722r ewater e d experiencia. C ow s aphon d PONIBLES. County. Nice valley sur- and medio! Se necesita: tra- now! WE BUY BUy & Repair Repair Untight. See (254) 495-5595 3 años experiencia. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, WE BUy &high Repair Unworkers inBroken Waco, Temple disponibles loslimpieza empleos 4270, Burleson, TX. wanted/ ATV’s, Stocker Calves. Call rounded by hills, live tos Dogs bajadores de en wanted/ Broken ATV’s, www.steelcontainers. 495-5595(254) de tiempo completo y and Motorcycles & Scooters. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, surrounding areas. BOxEr PUPS CKC (254) (254) & oak, pinon pine, cedar Waco, Temple y las áreas Motorcycles Motorcycles & Scooters. Scooters. net Will 749-0909 deliver. (254)de722- medio! tools &Fawns, EquipWe Pick-Up 336Motorcycles &(903) Scooters. PArt tImE Co2 Starting at $8(903) per hour. Registered 8wks, Se necesita: tra11 PyrENEES & Ana749-5637 cover. Whitetail, Axis, AouWe Pick-Up 336circundantes. A partir de We Pick-Up (903) ment 4270, TX. de- bajadores de limpieza en Please call our office3369086 We Pick-Up (903) 336liveryBurleson, driver needed. PArt tImEpups. Co2 at shots, $500 (254) 217cross Born $8 por hora. Por favor 9086 dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur- tolian 9086 9086 HAZMET and CDL Relivery driver needed. (254) 776-7775 or apply 2880 Waco, Temple y las áreas cUt FErtILIZEr cost, January 8th, 1st shots, key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate tools & Equipllame a nuestra oficina al Appliances BUy Or SELL! For Wood HAZMET quired. parents, Apply at and Reat www.janitoriAppliances A opartir de online soil,CDL N-TEXX working live431 with circundantes. 30 yr. owner financing, (254) 776-7775 solicite ment mALtIPOO PUPPIES Appliances Workers: Bandsaws, plan- improves LaSalle.$125 (254) 754-2601 quired. Apply at 431 $8 por hora. Por favor 15—5-5 with microbactegoats, each. (254) 5% down. 800-876-9720. en línea en www.janitori$500. Chi-Poo Puppies ers, Drill presses, table NIcE WAShErS, dryLaSalle. (254) 754-2601 llame a nuestra oficina al S ria, increases germination, 216-3585 BUy Or SELL! For Wood http://www.ranchenter$200. Shots,vises, Pictures saws, jointers, mi- JOBS niCE NIcE WAShErS, dryE WAsHERs, N E c E S I tA ers, refrigerators, and NIcE WAShErS, dryAVAILABLE. Full (254) 776-7775 o solicite chofer and production, Workers: Bandsaws, ter saws, lathes, shapers, available (254) 217-9196 ers, refrigerators, and ers, tINy tOy Chihuahua con licencia cook stoves. Rebuilt ers, refrigerators, and JOBS &growth part-time jobs available AVAILABLE. Full Want to Buy en línea en www.janitori$23/acre applied. Dealers, Drill presses, table grinders, scroll saws, ra- & cook stoves. cook Rebuilt Puppies. Females $300, with 90 day warranty. comercial class A, cook stoves. Rebuilt now! Needed: part-time jobs Janitorial available real Estate For ers needed. Damon Berry saws, jointers, vises, mi- dial arm saws, and air now! with Delivery, service work, with 90 day warranty. años workers in Waco, Temple Males $250. Parents Needed: Janitorial with 90 experiencia. day warranty. WE BUy & Repair Un- 3 Sale 254-793-2318, 254-702compressor.1209 Wash- workers ter lathes, shapers, Delivery, need non-working ones. Delivery, service work, and surrounding areas. wanted/ (254) 495-5595 in(903) Waco, Temple on saws, site 780-9377 Delivery, service work, Broken ATV’s, cO2 DELIVEry driver 3797. ington, Waco. grinders, saws, ra- Motorcycles (254) non-working 799-6228, (254) and need ones. Starting atscroll $8 per hour. need non-working ones. surrounding areas. (Waco) need & Scooters. needed. HAZMET and QUALIty BUILt homes dialmotorcycles arm and air We Pick-Up (903) 336- PArt 214-5284. Temple: (254) (254) Starting (254) 799-6228, Please call our office at atsaws, $8 per hour. (254) 799-6228, 799-6228, (254) (254) tImE Co2(254) deLivestock CDL Required. Full SUPEr ADOrABLE on your lot.Temple: Floor plans compressor.1209 541-6023 214-5284. (254)to Please (254) 776-7775 or Washapply call Puppies our office at 9086 214-5284. Temple: (254) livery driver needed. 214-5284. Time. Apply at 431 LaYorkie & oldfit any budget. No money ington, Waco. 541-6023 online at www.janitori(254) 776-7775 or apply 541-6023 HAZMET and CDL ReWE BUy males & Repair Un- Salle. (254) 754-2601 er Shih-Tzu for sale. down. financing. G E N t100% LE m I x E D online Appliances at www.janitoriquired. dogs Apply at 431 wanted/ ATV’s, Call orLivestock TextBroken (254) 716-3952 Bmiscellaneous r e e drepair C o wprogram. s a n d Credit miscellaneous tEchNIcIAN LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 miscellaneous Motorcycles & Scooters. Stocker Calves. Call SErVIcE (254) 857-4663. Farm & ranch rhODESIAN rIDGENeeded. Ice Machine Re- NIcE WAShErS, drytEchNIcIAN S E 749-0909 N E c E S (254) I tA SErVIcE We Pick-Up (903) 336(254) sUpER FRiEndLY Full ChiBAckS Full G EHelpful. N tIce L6wks EMachine mold. Ix E D 65.45 Ac SW Edwards pair Apply Waco Reers, refrigerators, and JOBS AVAILABLE. chofer con licencia S E N Ec ES I tA Needed. 9086 749-5637 Spart-time E Yorkies, N Ejobs c Eavailable S I tA blood, parents on site, PomeraB r e e d C ow s a nd G County. Nice valley surE N tstoves. L E mRebuilt I x E D &Poos, Carbonics LaSalle. Helpful.431 Apply Waco cook comercial A, pair chofer conclass licencia chofer con licencia 1st shots, $150. (254) nians & Shih-tzus. Call for Stocker Calves. Call Bwith rounded by high hills, live Carbonics (254) 754-2601 431 LaSalle. r e e 90 d day C owwarranty. s a n d now! Needed: Janitorial 3 años experiencia. comercial class A, cUt FErtILIZEr cost, comercial class A, more information (254) (254) oak, pinon pine, cedar (254) Call workers Delivery, Calves. service work, in Waco, Temple (254) 495-5595 3 años experiencia. E744-6380 m P754-2601 L749-0909 E O S D(254) I S - Stocker improves soil, N-TEXX 3 años experiencia. 749-5637 853-2235 cover. Axis, Aou- E need non-working ones. (254) 749-0909 (254) and surrounding areas. (254)Whitetail, 495-5595 PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están m P L E O S D I S 15—5-5 with microbacteckc rEGIStErED (254) 495-5595 dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur- PONIBLES. (254) 799-6228, (254) Starting at $8 per pOM hour. disponibles los¡Miniature empleos Ya están 749-5637 ria, increases germination, REGisTEREd Dogs Pomeranian cUt FErtILIZEr cost, key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate 214-5284. Temple: (254) Please call&our office at de tiempo completo y disponibles los empleos growth and production, Puppies Registered Dogs Puppies. 6 wks old, improves soil, N-TEXX Dogs 30 PyrENEES yr. owner financing, 541-6023 cONtAIN- (254) 776-7775 or apply medio! Se necesita: tra-y ShIPPING tiempo completo $23/acre applied. 11 & DealAna- de Miniature Schnauzer Pup$800. (254) 371-0664 15—5-5 with microbacte5%needed. down. at www.janitoribajadores denecesita: limpieza en ErS $2,000 and up. Wind online Se traers Damon tolian cross800-876-9720. pups.& Berry Born 11 PyrENEES Ana- medio! pies. Also, 1 Pom-Poodle. Call for Pictures ria, increases germination, 11 PyrENEES & Anahttp://www.ranchenterwater tight. See pho- Waco, Temple y las áreas de limpieza en and 254-793-2318, 254-702January 8th,pups. 1st shots, tolian cross Born bajadores miscellaneous Call/ (254)pups. 366-6503 growth and production, tolianText cross Born circundantes. A partir de tos www.steelcontainers. SErVIcE Temple y las áreas 3797. working parents, with Waco, January 8th, 1stlive shots, tEchNIcIAN BOxEr PUPS CKC or (254) 744-9245 $23/acre applied. DealJanuary 8th, 1st shots, $8 por hora. Por favor circundantes. A partir de net Will deliver. (254) 722goats, $125 each. (254) working parents, live with Needed. Ice Machine ReRegistered Fawns, 8wks, S E N E c E S I tA motorcycles erspor needed. Berry llame a nuestra oficina al 4270, Burleson, TX. hora.Damon Por favor working parents, with 216-3585 goats, $125 each. (254) $8 Helpful. Applylive Waco shots, $500 (254) 217chofer con licencia pairEmployment (254) 776-7775 o solicite 254-793-2318, 254-702llame a nuestra oficina al goats, $125 each. (254) 216-3585 tINy tOy& Chihuahua WE BUy Repair Un- (254) 2880 class A, Carbonics 431 LaSalle. tools & Equiplínea en www.janitori776-7775 o solicite comercial 3797. 216-3585 754-2601 Puppies. Females $300, en FULL And part time tINy tOy Chihuahua wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 3 añosment experiencia. (254) mALtIPOO PUPPIES en línea en www.janitoriMales $250. Parents Puppies. Females $300, tINy Chihuahua jobs available Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 495-5595 E mP LtOy E O Snow! DNeedISmotorcycles $500. Chi-Poo Puppies on (903)(903) 780-9377 Males $250. Parents Puppies. Females $300, Wesite Pick-Up 336- $200. ed: Janitorial workers. SalcO2 DELIVEry driver BUy Or SELL! For Wood PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Shots, Pictures (Waco) on site (903) 780-9377 WE Males Parents 9086 needed. HAZMET and ary $8.50$250. per DOE. cO2 DELIVEry driver disponibles loshour empleos BUy & Repair Un- Workers: Dogs Bandsaws, planavailable (254) 217-9196 (Waco) on tiempo site 780-9377 CDL Required. Full needed. HAZMET and ers, Drill presses, table de SUPEr ADOrABLE wanted/ completo y Call me at(903) 254-776-7775. Broken ATV’s, (Waco) Se necesita: traTime. Apply at Scooters. 431For La- saws, CDL Full Yorkie Puppies & old- Motorcycles SUPEr ADOrABLE realRequired. Estate www.janitorialservicecom/ & 11 PyrENEES & Anajointers, vises, mi- medio! Salle. (254) 754-2601 Time. Apply at 431 Laer Shih-Tzu males for sale. Yorkie Puppies & old- We Pick-Up de limpieza en Sale (903) 336- tolian cross pups. Born bajadores apply
a a
JOB & pa now! work and Start Pleas (254) onlin alser JOB & pa now! work and Start Pleas (254) onlin alser To
SE ch BUY com Work 3a ers, (25 saws ter s PA grind live dial HAZ com qui ingto LaS
JOB & pa GE now! Bre work Sto and (25 Start 749 Pleas (254) onlin An alser Fed SErV Pur Need 14 m pair AlsH Carb $1,8 (254) ECH m PON Reg dispo Gen deFant medi (25 bajad 747 Waco circu $8 p llame (254) en lín alser
cO nee
ina al (254) 776-7775 or apply ers, refrigerators, and olicite online at www.janitori- cook stoves. Rebuilt nitori- with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, SE NEc E S I tA Temple: (254) 778-4444 chofer con licencia need non-working ones. uy Killeen: comercial(254) class 634-4615 A, (254) 799-6228, (254) r Un- 3 años experiencia. 214-5284. TV’s, (254) 495-5595 oters. dogs 336- PArt tImE Co2 delivery driver needed. HAZMET and CDL Re- sUpER FRiEndLY Chis quired. Apply at 431 Poos, Yorkies, PomeraLaSalle. (254) 754-2601 nians & Shih-tzus. Call for drymore information (254) and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 853-2235 built & part-time jobs available nty. now! Needed: Janitorial REGisTEREd pOM ork, workers in Waco, Temple Puppies & Registered nes. and surrounding areas. Miniature Schnauzer Pup254) Starting at $8 per hour. pies. Also, 1 Pom-Poodle. 254) Please call our office at Call/ Text (254) 366-6503 (254) 776-7775 or apply or (254) 744-9245 online at www.janitorius Employment Employment SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN And part time tA Needed. Ice Machine Re- FULL JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Employment Apply Waco jobs Spanish ncia pair Helpful. availablejobs now! Need& part-time available Carbonics 431 LaSalle. s A, ed: Janitorial workers. Salnow! AVAILABLE. Needed: Janitorial JOBS Full 754-2601 cia. (254) S E Spanish N E c E S I tA &ary $8.50inper DOE. part-time jobshour available workers Waco, Temple E chofer m P L Econ O S licencia D I S - Call at 254-776-7775. now! Needed: Janitorial and me surrounding areas. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya Scomercial E N E c class E S Iestán tA A, www.janitorialservicecom/ Temple StartinginatWaco, $8 per hour. disponibles loslicencia empleos workers chofer con años experiencia. apply surrounding Please call our office de3 tiempo completo y and comercial class A, (254) 495-5595 at $8 part per (254) 776-7775 or hour. apply Se necesita: tra- Starting Ana- medio! time And 3 años experiencia. FULL call our office at online at www.janitoriBorn bajadores de limpieza en Please jobs available now! Need(254) 495-5595 E m P L E O S D I S 776-7775 or apply hots, Waco, Temple y las áreas (254) ed: Janitorial workers. SalPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están at www.janitoriwith circundantes. A partir de online JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ary $8.50 per hour DOE. mpor P Lhora. E O los S Por Dfavor I S - disponibles empleos $8 (254) E & part-time jobs available Call me at 254-776-7775. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están de tiempo completo llame a nuestra oficina aly JOBS AVAILABLE. Full now! Needed: Janitorial Employment disponibles medio! Se los necesita: tra- &www.janitorialservicecom/ (254) 776-7775 oempleos solicite ahua de part-time jobs available workers in Waco, Temple tiempo completo y apply línea ende www.janitoribajadores limpieza en $300, en now! Needed: Janitorial and surrounding areas. and part time Se necesita: tra- Full Waco, Temple y las áreas Front Page part time FULL And ents medio! workers inatWaco, Temple Starting $8 per hour. de limpieza en jobs available now! Needcircundantes. A partir de 9377 bajadores jobs available now! NeedcO2 Temple DELIVEry driver and surrounding areas. Please call our office at Waco, y las áreas ed: Janitorial workers. Sal$8 por nissan hora. PorTitan favor 2018 ed: Janitorial workers. Salneeded. HAZMET and Starting at $8 per hour. (254) 776-7775 orDOE. apply circundantes. A partir deal ary $8.50 per hour llame aRequired. nuestra oficina CDL Full Platinum Reserve, Black, ABLE $8 ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Please call our office at online at 254-776-7775. www.janitoripor Apply hora. Por favor me at (254) o431 solicite Time.776-7775 La- Call & old- 16,000 miles. atKelly Blue (254) 776-7775 or apply Call 254-776-7775. www. a (254) nuestra oficina al www.janitorialservicecom/ en línea en www.janitoriSalle. 754-2601 sale. llame at www.janitoriBook value $42,000. Ask- online janitorialservicecom/apply 776-7775 o solicite 3952 (254) apply S E And N E c part E S I time tA inglínea $39,995. Call or text en en www.janitoriFULL Farm &to ranch DGE- chofer conpart licencia and time Ken (254) 749-6352 Want Buy Full jobs NeedScomercial Eavailable N E cnow! E S I tA . Full class A, jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salchofer licencia site, GWant Tom Buy Employment EN t L Eto IxED 3Janitorial años con experiencia. workers. SalBUy & Repair Un- ed: ary $8.50 per hour DOE. comercial class A, 254) WE B r e e d Broken C o w s ATV’s, a n d ary(254) 495-5595 wanted/ $8.50 per hour DOE. 3 años me atexperiencia. 254-776-7775. WE BUy && Repair Un- Call JOBS Full Stocker Calves. Call Buy Spanish Motorcycles Scooters. meAVAILABLE. at 254-776-7775. 495-5595 www.janitorialservicecom/ Broken ATV’s, (254) 749-0909 (254) Call &(254) part-time jobsCo2 available wanted/ Broken ATV’s, rED wanted/ We Pick-Up (903) 336PArt tImE dewww.janitorialservicecom/ 749-5637 & apply now! Janitorial Motorcycles & Scooters. Scooters. ture Motorcycles 9086 liveryNeeded: driver Co2 needed. S EPick-Up N E c(903) E S I336tA apply PArt tImE deworkers in Waco, Temple old, We part time FULL And We Pick-Up (903) 336HAZMET and CDL ReShIPPING cONtAINchofer con licencia Full livery drivernow! needed. and part time and surrounding areas. Appliances 0664 9086 jobs available Need9086 quired. Apply at Re431 ErS $2,000 and up. Wind comercial class A, jobs HAZMET and CDL Starting at $8 perNeedhour. available now! Janitorial workers. SalAppliances and water experiencia. tight. See pho- ed: LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 3 años quired. Apply at 431 appliances Please call ourhour office ed: Janitorial workers. Sal-at ary $8.50 per DOE. NIcE WAShErS, www.steelcontainers. (254) 495-5595 dry- ary CKC tos LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 (254) orDOE. apply $8.50 hour Willrefrigerators, deliver. (254)dry722ers, and Call JOBS AVAILABLE. Full me776-7775 atper 254-776-7775. 8wks, net NIcE WAShErS, online www.janitorime at 254-776-7775. Burleson, cook Rebuilt & part-time jobs available www.janitorialservicecom/ nicE WashErs, dryEers, m Prefrigerators, Lstoves. E O S TX. Dand I S - Call 217- 4270, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full
PIES ppies ures 9196
omes ns to oney cing. ram.
wards y surs, live edar Aous, Turd rate cing, 9720. nter-
withrefrigerators, 90 dayEquipwarranty. now! Needed: Janitorial ers, and www.janitorialservicecom/ PONIBLES. ¡Rebuilt Ya están cook stoves. &apply part-time jobs available tools & JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Delivery, service work, apply workers in Waco, Temple cook stoves. Rebuilt disponibles los empleos ment with 90 day warranty. now! Needed: Janitorial Trucks & part-time jobs available need non-working ones.y Full and surrounding areas. de tiempo completo with 90 day warranty. and part time Delivery, service work, workers in Waco, Temple now! Needed: Janitorial (254)Or 799-6228, (254) Starting at $8 per hour. BUy SELL! Forwork, Wood medio! Se necesita: tra- jobs need non-working ones. and surrounding areas. Delivery, service available now! Need2011 dOdGE 5500 workers in Waco, Temple 214-5284. Temple: (254) Workers: Bandsaws, planPlease call ourper office (254) 799-6228, (254) bajadores de limpieza en ed: Starting at $8 hour. need non-working ones. Janitorial workers. Sal-at Crew Cab Flat Bed Diesel. and surrounding ers, Drill presses, table 541-6023 (254) 776-7775 orareas. apply 214-5284. Temple: (254) Waco, Temple y las(254) áreas ary Please callper ourhour office at (254) 799-6228, $8.50 DOE. saws, jointers, vises, miAlso, 2016 30K Tilt Bed Starting $8 per hour. online atatwww.janitori541-6023 (254) 776-7775 or www. apply circundantes. A partir de Call 214-5284. 254-776-7775. ter saws, lathes, shapers, Please our 379-0599 office at Trailer. Call (254) atcallwww.janitori$8miscellaneous por hora. Por favor online grinders, scroll saws, ra- janitorialservicecom/apply Spanish (254) 776-7775 or apply llame a nuestra Titan 2018 nissAn SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN miscellaneous dial arm saws, oficina and airal Full dogs and part Black, time online atIce www.janitori(254) Needed. Machine RePlatinum Reserve, SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN S E 776-7775 N E c EoSsolicite I tA jobs compressor.1209 now! S available EHelpful. N EMachine cKelly E SNeedI Blue tA en líneaWaco. encon www.janitoripair Apply Waco 16,000 miles. Needed. Ice Reington, chofer licencia S E N E c E S I tA ValEnTinE yorkiEs ed: Janitorial workers. Salchofer con Carbonics 431 LaSalle. Book value AskHelpful. Apply comercial class A, pair S E Nper E$42,000. chour Elicencia SWaco I tA con Absolutely licencia &chofer Shih-Tzus. Livestock ary $8.50 DOE. comercial class A, (254) 754-2601 Carbonics 431 LaSalle. ing $39,995. Call or text 3 años experiencia. chofer con licencia comercial class A, WantCallto Adorable! for Buy more in- Call me at 254-776-7775. 3 años experiencia. (254) 754-2601 Ken (254) 749-6352 (254) 495-5595 E m P L E O S D I Scomercial class A, 3 años experiencia. formation G E N t L(254) E m853-2235 I x E D www.janitorialservicecom/ (254) 3(254) años experiencia. EPONIBLES. m P L E495-5595 O S ¡ YaDestán ISWE Repair B r e BUy e d495-5595 C&o w s a nUnd apply Motorcycles disponibles los¡ Ya empleos (254) 495-5595 están real Estate Dogs wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Stocker Calves. For Call PONIBLES. E mtiempo PLEO Sempleos D I Syde completo los Dogs sale Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 749-0909 (254) disponibles Motorcycles PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están WE BUY & Repair Unde tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: tra11 PyrENEES & 336Ana- disponibles We Pick-Up (903) 749-5637 PArt tImE Co2 delos empleos wanted/ Broken ATV’s, medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en 11 PyrENEES & Anatolian cross pups. Born WE 9086 19.5 ac Menard County. livery driver needed. Buy & Repair Unde tiempo completo Motorcycles &yScooters. de limpieza en y cUt FErtILIZEr cost, bajadores Waco, Temple las áreas tolian cross Born January 8th,pups. 1st beautishots, HAZMET CDL ReGently rolling with wanted/ Broken ATV’s, medio! Seand necesita: traWe Pick-Up (903) 336Appliances improves soil, N-TEXX Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de January 8th,cover. 1stlive shots, working parents, with Motorcycles quired. Apply at 431 ful oak tree White& Scooters. bajadores de limpieza en 9086 15—5-5 with microbactecircundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor working parents, livehogs with LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 goats, $125 each. (254) tail, blackbuck, asic, Waco, Temple y las áreas We Pick-Up (903) 336ria, increases germination, $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al goats, $125 each.down, (254) NIcE WAShErS, dry- 9086 Real Estate Foralde &216-3585 turkey. $3,363 circundantes. Aoficina growth and production, llame a776-7775 nuestra 216-3585 (254) opartir solicite ers, refrigerators, and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full tINy tOy Chihuahua sale $8línea por hora. Por favor $557 month. Several $23/acre applied. Deal- (254) 776-7775 solicite en en www.janitoricook stoves. Rebuilt & part-time jobso available tINy tOy Chihuahua Puppies. Females $300, en llame aen nuestra oficina al ers needed. Damon Berry tracts to choose from. líneaNeeded: with 90 day warranty. now! Janitorial Puppies. Females $300, Males $250. Parents 254-793-2318, 254-702(254)AC 776-7775 solicite 19.5 MenardoCounty. 800-876-9720. http:// Delivery, service work, workers in Males Parents on site (903) 780-9377 3797 . $250. en línea enWaco, www.janitoriGently rolling withTemple beauticO2 DELIVEry driver www.ranchenterprisesltd. need non-working ones. and surrounding areas. on site (903) 780-9377 (Waco) cO2 ful oakDELIVEry treeHAZMET cover. driver Whiteneeded. and com motorcycles (254) 799-6228, (254) Starting (Waco) at $8 per hour. needed. HAZMET CDL Required. Full SUPErBuilT ADOrABLE blackbuck, asic, and hogs homes tail, QualiTy
Spanish GSEEn T LNEE cMEiS xIEtA d Bchofer reed C owlicencia s and con Stocker Calves. Call comercial class A, (254) 749-0909 (254) 3 años experiencia. 749-5637 (254) 495-5595 EmPLEOS
A n G U s G¡RYa As s PONIBLES. están Fed bulls and disponibles losheifers. empleos Purebred 12- y de tiempogentle, completo 14 months $1,300. medio! Seold, necesita: trabajadores de limpieza Also, 1 22mo. bull,en Waco, Temple y las áreas $1,800. (254) 899-2558
circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor
& part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple Spanish and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. S E call N Eour c Eoffice S I tAat Please (254) 776-7775 or apply chofer con licencia online at www.janitoricomercial class A, 3 años experiencia. JOBS (254)AVAILABLE. 495-5595 Full & part-time jobs available now! E m PNeeded: L E O S Janitorial DISworkers in Waco, PONIBLES. ¡ YaTemple están and surrounding areas. disponibles los empleos Starting at $8 per hour. de tiempo completo Please call our office aty medio! Se necesita: tra(254) 776-7775 or apply bajadores de limpieza en online at www.janitoriWaco, Temple y las áreas
Employment JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at
CHAROLAis llame a nuestraBULLs oficina al Registered, Top Quality, (254) 776-7775 o solicite Gentle, Tested. en línea Polled, en www.janitoriA partir de Fancy Charolais Heifers. circundantes. S Epor hora. N E c EPor S I favor tA $8 (254) 729-8644 (254) chofer con licencia Want to Buy llame a nuestra oficina 747-2701 comercial class A,al (254) 776-7775 o solicite WE BUy & Repair Un- 3 años experiencia. líneaEmployment en www.janitori- ADS Employment (254) 495-5595 ADS ADS Employment wanted/ Broken ATV’s, en Motorcycles & Scooters. S E N E c E S I tA We Pick-Up (903) 336- PArt tImE Co2 dechofer con licencia Want to Buy 9086 livery driver needed. comercial class A, HAZMET and CDL ReWE BUyApply & Repair Un- 3 años experiencia. Appliances quired. at 431 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, (254) 495-5595 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 NIcE WAShErS, dry- Motorcycles & Scooters. ers, refrigerators, and JOBS We Pick-Up (903) 336AVAILABLE. Full PArt tImE Co2 decook stoves. Rebuilt & part-time jobs available livery driver needed. 9086 with 90 day warranty. now! Needed: Janitorial HAZMET and CDL ReAppliances Delivery, service work, workers in Waco, Temple quired. Apply at 431 need non-working ones. and surrounding areas. LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 (254) 799-6228, (254) Starting at $8 per hour. NIcE WAShErS, dry214-5284. Temple: (254) Please call our office at ers, 776-7775 refrigerators, and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 541-6023 (254) or apply cook at stoves. Rebuilt & part-time jobs available online www.janitoriwith 90 day warranty. now! Needed: Janitorial miscellaneous Delivery, tEchNIcIAN service work, workers in Waco, Temple SErVIcE need non-working ones. S E N E c E S I tA Needed. Ice Machine Re- and surrounding areas. (254) 799-6228, Helpful. Apply (254) Waco Starting at $8 per hour. chofer con licencia pair 214-5284. Temple: (254) Please call our office at 431 LaSalle. comercial class A, Carbonics 754-2601 541-6023 (254) 776-7775 or apply 3 años experiencia. (254) (254) 495-5595 E m P L E O S D I S - online at www.janitoriPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están miscellaneous disponibles los empleos SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN Dogs de tiempo completo y SE N c E S I tA SeEnecesita: tra- Needed. Ice Machine Re11 PyrENEES & Ana- medio! chofer con licencia de limpieza en pair Helpful. Apply Waco tolian cross pups. Born bajadores Temple class y las áreas comercial A, Carbonics 431 LaSalle. January 8th, 1st shots, Waco, A partir de (254) 754-2601 working parents, live with circundantes. 3 años experiencia. por hora. Por favor E m P L E O S D I S goats, $125 each. (254) $8(254) 495-5595 llame a nuestra oficina al PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 216-3585 o solicite tINy tOy Chihuahua (254) 776-7775 disponibles los empleos Dogs Puppies. Females $300, en línea en www.janitori- de tiempo completo y Males $250. Parents 11 PyrENEES & Ana- medio! Se necesita: traon site (903) 780-9377 cO2 DELIVEry driver bajadores de limpieza en tolian cross pups. Born (Waco) needed.8th, HAZMET and Waco, Temple y las áreas January 1st shots, SUPEr ADOrABLE CDL Required. Full circundantes. A partir de working parents, live LaYorkie Puppies & old- Time. Apply at 431 with $125 754-2601 each. (254) $8 por hora. Por favor Salle. (254) er Shih-Tzu males for sale. goats, llame a nuestra oficina al Call or Text (254) 716-3952 216-3585 (254) 776-7775 o solicite Chihuahua tINy tOy Farm & ranch rhODESIAN rIDGEBAckS 6wks old. Full Puppies. Females $300, en línea en blood, parents on site, Males Employment G E N t$250. L E mParents IxED 1st shots, $150. (254) on site Bre e d (903) C o w780-9377 s and cO2 DELIVEry driver 744-6380 Stocker Calves. Call JOBS AVAILABLE. Full (Waco) needed. HAZMET and 749-0909 (254) & part-time jobs available (254) ckc rEGIStErED CDL Required. Full SUPEr ADOrABLE now! Needed: Miniature Janitorial 749-5637 Pomeranian Yorkie Puppies & old- Time. Apply at 431 Laworkers in Waco, Temple Puppies. 6 wks old, ShIPPING er Shih-Tzu males for sale. Salle. (254) 754-2601 cONtAINand surrounding areas. $800. (254) 371-0664 Call or$2,000 Text (254) and 716-3952 up. Wind Starting $8 per hour. ErS Call foratPictures water tight. See pho- Farm & ranch rhODESIAN rIDGEPlease call our office at and Employment www.steelcontainers. BOxEr PUPS CKC tos BAckS 6wks old. Full (254) 776-7775 or apply net Will deliver. (254) 722Registered Fawns, 8wks, blood, parents on site, G E NWanted online at www.janitoritLE mIxED Burleson, TX. shots, $500 (254) 217- 4270, 1st shots, $150. (254) B r e e d C ow s a n d 2880 tools & Equip- Stocker Calves. Call JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 744-6380 ment PUPPIES &mALtIPOO part-time jobs available $500. Chi-Poo Puppies ckc rEGIStErED (254) 749-0909 (254) now! Needed: Janitorial BUy Or SELL!Miniature For Wood 749-5637 $200. Shots, Pictures Pomeranian workers Waco, Temple Workers: Bandsaws, planavailablein(254) 217-9196 Puppies. 6 wks old, ShIPPING cONtAINand surrounding areas. ers, Drill presses, table $800. (254) 371-0664 ErS $2,000 and up. Wind real atEstate For saws, Starting $8 per hour. jointers, vises, mifor Pictures Please callSale our office at terCall saws, lathes, shapers, and water tight. See pho(254) 776-7775 or apply grinders, scroll saws, ra- tos www.steelcontainers. BOxEr PUPS QUALIty BUILt homes andCKC air online at www.janitori- dial arm saws, on your lot. Floor plans to compressor.1209 Registered Fawns,Wash8wks, net Will deliver. (254) fit any budget. No money ington, shots, Waco. $500 (254) 217- 4270, Burleson, TX. down. 100% SE N E c Efinancing. S I tA 2880 tools & EquipLivestock Credit program. choferrepair con licencia
April 11, 2019 • Page 3
Yorkie Puppies & olda er Shih-Tzu males for sale.
Page 4 • April 11, 2019
Time. Apply at 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601
Call or Text (254) 716-3952 rhODESIAN rIDGE- Farm & ranch BAckS 6wks old. Full blood, parents on site, G E N t L E m I x E D 1st shots, $150. (254) B r e e d C o w s a n d 744-6380 Stocker Calves. Call ckc rEGIStErED (254) 749-0909 (254) Pomeranian Miniature 749-5637 Puppies. 6 wks old, ShIPPING cONtAIN$800. (254) 371-0664 ErS $2,000 and up. Wind Call for Pictures and water tight. See phoBOxEr PUPS CKC tos www.steelcontainers. Registered Fawns, 8wks, net Will deliver. (254) 722shots, $500 (254) 217- 4270, Burleson, TX. 2880 tools & Equipment mALtIPOO PUPPIES $500. Chi-Poo Puppies $200. Shots, Pictures BUy Or SELL! For Wood available (254) 217-9196 Workers: Bandsaws, planers, Drill presses, table Real Estate Apartments for real Estate For saws, jointers, vises, miSale for Sale Rentshapers, ter saws, lathes, grinders, scroll saws, raQUALIty BUILt homes dial arm saws, and air on your lot. Floor plans to compressor.1209 Washfit any budget. No money ington, Waco. down. 100% financing. Livestock Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. 65.45 Ac SW Edwards G E N t L E m I x E D County. Nice valley sur- B r e e d C o w s a n d rounded by high hills, live Stocker Calves. Call oak, pinon pine, cedar (254) 749-0909 (254) cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aou- 749-5637 dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Turkey. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate cUt FErtILIZEr cost, 30 yr. owner financing, improves soil, N-TEXX 5% down. 800-876-9720. 15—5-5 with microbactehttp://www.ranchenter- ria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry 254-793-2318, 254-7023797.
American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777
Houses for Rent
Duplexes/ Townhomes
Commercial Real Estate
motorcycles WE BUy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086
Manufactured Housing
Farm & Ranch
nty. 254) ork, 254) nes. us 254) 254) us tA ncia stA A, us ncia cia. s A, tA cia. ncia s A, cia. AnaBorn Anahots, Born with hots, (254) Anawith Born (254) ahua hots, $300, with ahua ents (254) $300, 9377 ents ahua 9377 ABLE $300, & oldents ABLE sale. 9377 &-3952 oldsale. DGEABLE .3952 Full &site, oldDGEsale. . Full (254) 3952 site, DGE254) rED . Full ture site, rED old, 254) ture 0664 old, rED 0664 ture CKC old, 8wks, CKC 0664 2178wks, 217PIES CKC ppies 8wks, PIES ures 217ppies 9196 ures For PIES 9196 ppies For ures omes 9196 ns to omes For money ns to cing. oney ram. omes cing. ns to ram. wards yoney surcing. wards s, live yram. surcedar s,Aoulive wards s,edar TurydAousurrate s,cing, live Turedar d9720. rate Aoucing, nters, Tur9720. dnterrate cing, 9720. nter-
now! Needed: Janitorial Starting at per hour. (254) 776-7775 or apply en línea en $8 www.janitoriworkers in www.janitoriWaco, Temple Please call our office at online at and surrounding (254) 776-7775 orareas. apply S E N E c E S I tA chofer con licencia Starting $8 per hour. online atattEchNIcIAN www.janitoriTemple: (254) 778-4444 Want to Buy SErVIcE Please call our officeReat comercial class A, Needed. Ice Machine Killeen: 634-4615 (254) 776-7775 or Waco apply WEHelpful. BUy &(254) Repair Un- 3 años experiencia. SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN pair Apply online atIce www.janitoriwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Needed. Machine Re- (254) 495-5595 Carbonics 431 LaSalle. Motorcycles & Scooters. pair Helpful. Apply Waco (254) 754-2601 We Pick-Up (903) 336- PArt tImE Co2 deSErVIcE Carbonics E9086 m P L EtEchNIcIAN O431 S LaSalle. D I S - livery driver needed. Needed. Ice Machine Re(254) 754-2601 PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están pair Apply E m Helpful. P L E Olos S empleos DWaco I S - HAZMET and CDL ReAppliances disponibles Carbonics LaSalle. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya estány quired. Apply at 431 de tiempo 431 completo LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 (254) 754-2601 disponibles los empleos medio! Se necesita: traNIcE WAShErS, dryE m P L E O S D I S de tiempo completo y bajadores de limpieza en ers, refrigerators, and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full PONIBLES. están medio! Se necesita: tra- & part-time jobs available Waco, y¡ Ya las áreas cookTemple stoves. Rebuilt disponibles los empleos bajadores limpieza circundantes. Awarranty. partir en de now! Needed: Janitorial with 90 de day de tiempo completo Waco, Temple yPor las work, áreas $8Delivery, por hora. favory workers in Waco, Temple service medio! Se necesita: tracircundantes. A oficina partir de llame nuestra al and surrounding areas. needanon-working ones. bajadores de limpieza en Starting at $8 per hour. $8 por776-7775 hora. Por favor (254) o solicite (254) 799-6228, (254) Waco, y oficina las áreas llame aTemple nuestra al Please call our office at en214-5284. línea en www.janitoriTemple: (254) circundantes. de (254) 776-7775 or apply (254) 776-7775A opartir solicite 541-6023 $8 por hora. Por favor online at www.janitorien línea en www.janitoricO2aDELIVEry driveral llame nuestra oficina miscellaneous needed. HAZMET and (254) 776-7775 o solicite driver CDL Required. Full SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN encO2 líneaDELIVEry en www.janitorineeded. Time. La- Needed. Ice Machine ReS E Apply NHAZMET E catE431 S Iand tA CDL Required. Full pair Helpful. Apply Waco Salle. (254) 754-2601 chofer con licencia cO2 DELIVEry driver Time. Apply atclass 431 Lacomercial A, Carbonics 431 LaSalle. needed. HAZMET and (254) 754-2601 Salle. (254) 754-2601 3 años experiencia. Farm & ranch CDL (254)Required. 495-5595Full E m P L E O S D I S Time. Apply at 431 La- PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Farm ranch G E N t L& E 754-2601 mIxED Salle. (254) B r e e d Dogs C o w s a n d disponibles los empleos ADS ADStiempo &mRanch Farmcompleto & Ranch y G E NFarm tLE I xCall E D de Stocker Calves. Farm & 11 &a nAnaB r ePyrENEES e d749-0909 C o ranch w s (254) d medio! Se necesita: tra(254) tolian cross pups.Call Born bajadores de limpieza en Stocker Calves. 749-5637 January 1st shots, G E N t749-0909 L8th, E m Ix E D Waco, Temple y las áreas (254) (254) working B r e e d parents, C ocONtAINw s live a nwith d circundantes. A partir de ShIPPING 749-5637 goats, $125 each. (254) $8 por hora. Por favor Stocker Calves. ErS $2,000 and up. Call Wind 216-3585 ShIPPING cONtAIN(254) 749-0909 (254) and water tight. See pho- llame a nuestra oficina al ErS $2,000 up. Wind (254) 776-7775 o solicite 749-5637 tos www.steelcontainers. tINy tOyand Chihuahua and water tight. See $300, phonet Will deliver. (254) 722- en línea en www.janitoriPuppies. Females ShIPPING cONtAINtos www.steelcontainers. 4270, Burleson, TX. Males $250. Parents ErS $2,000 and(254) up. Wind net Will deliver. 722on site (903) 780-9377 tools & Equipand water tight. See 4270, Burleson, TX. pho- cO2 DELIVEry driver (Waco) needed. HAZMET and ment tos www.steelcontainers. SUPEr tools &ADOrABLE Equipnet Will deliver. (254) 722- CDL Required. Full Puppies & old- Time. Apply at 431 Lament BUyYorkie Or SELL! For 4270, Burleson, TX.Wood er Shih-Tzu males forplansale. Salle. (254) 754-2601 Workers: Bandsaws, Call or Text 716-3952 BUy Or SELL! For Wood tools &(254) Equipers, Drill presses, table Livestock Workers: Bandsaws, planment saws, jointers, vises, miFarm & ranch rhODESIAN rIDGEers, Drill lathes, presses, table ter saws, BAckS 6wks shapers, old. Full BUy Or SELL! For saws, jointers, migrinders, scroll vises, saws, ra- G E N t L E m I x E D blood, parents onWood site, Workers: Bandsaws, ter lathes, shapers, dial arm saws, andplanair B r e e d C o w s a n d 1stsaws, shots, $150. (254) ers, Drill scroll presses, table grinders, saws, racompressor.1209 Wash744-6380 saws, jointers, dial arm saws,vises, and miair Stocker Calves. Call ington, Waco. ckc ter saws,rEGIStErED lathes, shapers, compressor.1209 Wash- (254) 749-0909 (254) Livestock Pomeranian grinders, scroll Miniature saws, ra- 749-5637 ington, Waco. Puppies. 6 wks dial arm saws, andold, air ShIPPING cONtAINLivestock 371-0664 compressor.1209 WashG$800. EN t L(254) E m Ix E D ErS $2,000 and up. Wind Pictures ington, BCall r e efor dWaco. C o w s a n d and water tight. See phoG ENtLE m I xCall E D tos www.steelcontainers. Stocker Calves. Livestock BOxEr B r e e d749-0909 CPUPS o w s (254) a nCKC d (254) Registered Fawns, Call 8wks, net Will deliver. (254) 722Stocker 749-5637 Calves. shots, $500 (254) G E N t749-0909 LE m Ix E217D 4270, Burleson, TX. (254) (254) 2880 B r e eFErtILIZEr d C o w s acost, nd cUt 749-5637 tools & EquipStocker Calves. Call improves soil,PUPPIES N-TEXX ment mALtIPOO cUt cost, (254)FErtILIZEr 749-0909 (254) 15—5-5 with microbacte$500. Chi-Poo Puppies improves soil, N-TEXX 749-5637 ria, increases germination, $200. Shots, Pictures BUy Or SELL! For Wood 15—5-5 microbactegrowth and production, availablewith (254) 217-9196 Workers: Bandsaws, plancUt FErtILIZEr cost, ers, Drill presses, table ria, increases germination, $23/acre applied. DealEstate For saws, jointers, vises, miimproves soil, N-TEXX growth and production, ersreal needed. Damon Berry Sale 15—5-5 with microbacte$23/acre applied. Deal- ter saws, lathes, shapers, 254-793-2318, 254-702ria, increases germination, ers needed. Damon Berry grinders, scroll saws, ra3797. QUALIty homes dial arm saws, and air growth andBUILt production, 254-793-2318, 254-702onmotorcycles your lot. Floor plans $23/acre applied. Deal-to compressor.1209 Wash3797. fit any budget. No money ers needed. Damon Berry ington, Waco. motorcycles WE BUy & Repair Undown. 100% financing. 254-793-2318, 254-702wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Livestock Credit repair program. 3797. WE & &Repair UnMotorcycles Scooters. (254)BUy 857-4663. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, motorcycles We Pick-Up (903) 336- G E N t L E m I x E D 65.45 Ac SW Edwards Motorcycles & Scooters. 9086 County. Nice valley sur- B r e e d C o w s a n d WE BUy & (903) Repair336UnWe Pick-Up rounded Broken by high hills, live Stocker Calves. Call wanted/ ATV’s, 9086 oak, pinon &pine, cedar (254) 749-0909 (254) Motorcycles Scooters. cover. Whitetail, Axis,336Aou- 749-5637 We Pick-Up (903) dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur9086 key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate cUt FErtILIZEr cost, 30 yr. owner financing, improves soil, N-TEXX 5% down. 800-876-9720. 15—5-5 with microbactehttp://www.ranchenter- ria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Deal-
Dogs¡ Ya están PONIBLES. disponibles los empleos 11 tiempo PyrENEES & Ana-y de completo tolian cross pups. Born medio! Se necesita: traJanuary 8th, 1st shots, bajadores de limpieza en workingTemple parents, liveáreas with Waco, y las goats, $125 each. (254) circundantes. A partir de 216-3585 $8 por hora. Por favor Chihuahua tINyatOy llame nuestra oficina al Puppies. Females $300, (254) 776-7775 o solicite Males Parents en línea $250. en www.janitorion site (903) 780-9377 (Waco) Want to Buy SUPEr ADOrABLE WE Yorkie BUy Puppies & Repair& oldUner Shih-TzuBroken males for sale. wanted/ ATV’s, Call or Text (254) 716-3952 Motorcycles & Scooters. rhODESIAN rIDGEWe Pick-Up (903) 336BAckS 6wks old. Full 9086 blood, parents on site, 1st Appliances shots, $150. (254) Dogs 744-6380 NIcE WAShErS, dryckcrefrigerators, rEGIStErED ers, and Pomeranian cook stoves.Miniature Rebuilt Puppies. 6 warranty. wks old, with 90 day $800. (254) 371-0664 Delivery, service work, Call for Pictures ones. need non-working (254) 799-6228, (254) BOxEr PUPS (254) CKC 214-5284. Temple: Registered 541-6023 Fawns, 8wks, shots, $500 (254) 2172880 miscellaneous mALtIPOO PUPPIES $500. Chi-Poo Puppies S E Shots, N E c EPictures S I tA $200. chofer(254) con licencia available 217-9196 comercial class A, real Estate For GERMAN 3 años experiencia. Sale PUPS, SHEPHERD (254) 495-5595
AKC, black and bi-color. ParentsDogs on site. $500. QUALIty BUILt homes onText your254-493-7717 lot. Floor plans to
fit any budget. No &money 11 PyrENEES Anadown. cross 100%pups. financing. tolian Born Credit repair program. January 8th, 1st shots, (254) 857-4663. working parents, live with Edwards 65.45 $125 Ac SW goats, each. (254) County. Nice valley sur216-3585 roundedtOy by high hills, live Chihuahua tINy oak, pinon pine, cedar Puppies. Females $300, cover. Whitetail, AouMales $250. Axis, Parents dad,site Sika,(903) Feral780-9377 Hots, Turon key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate (Waco) 30 yr. owner financing, ADOrABLE 5% SUPEr down. 800-876-9720. Yorkie Puppies & oldhttp://www.ranchenterer Shih-Tzu males for sale. Call or Text (254) 716-3952 rhODESIAN rIDGEBAckS 6wks old. Full blood, parents on site, 1st shots, $150. (254) 744-6380
ckc rEGIStErED Pomeranian Miniature Puppies. 6 wks old, $800. (254) 371-0664 Call for Pictures
541-6023 los empleos (254) disponibles (254) 776-7775 754-2601 or apply 3 años experiencia. online www.janitoride (254) tiempo completoFully E m P at JOBS AVAILABLE. 495-5595 LEOS DISmiscellaneous medio! Se jobs necesita: tra- PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están & part-time available disponibles los empleos bajadores de limpieza en SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN Dogs now! Needed: Janitorial de tiempo completo Waco, Ice Machine Re-y workers in S E Temple NWaco, E cyElasTemple S áreas I tA Needed. medio! Se necesita: tra11 surrounding PyrENEES & Anacircundantes. Alicencia partir de pair Helpful. Apply Waco and areas. chofer con bajadores de limpieza en cross pups. Born Carbonics $8tolian por hora. Por favor 431 LaSalle. Starting at $8 per hour. comercial class A, January 8th, 1st shots, Waco, Temple y las áreas llame a call nuestra al (254) 754-2601 A partir de Please our oficina office at circundantes. 3 años experiencia. working parents, live with 776-7775 oorsolicite (254) 776-7775 apply goats, $125 each. (254) E$8 (254) 495-5595 m por P L Ehora. O S PorD favor ISllame a nuestra oficina en216-3585 líneaatenwww.janitoriwww.janitori- PONIBLES. online ¡ Ya estánal (254) 776-7775 o solicite tINy tOy Chihuahua disponibles los empleos Dogs en línea en www.janitoriPuppies. Females $300, de tiempo completo y cO2 DELIVEry driver SMales E N$250. E c E SParents I tA 11 &and Ana- medio! Se necesita: traneeded. HAZMET chofer licencia on PyrENEES site con (903) 780-9377 cO2 DELIVEry driver de limpieza en tolian cross pups. Born (Waco) CDL Required. comercial classFull A, bajadores needed. HAZMET and Waco, Temple y las áreas January 8th,ADOrABLE Time. Apply at1st 431shots, LaCDL Required. Full SUPEr 3 años experiencia. de working parents, live&with Time. ApplyAatpartir 431 LaPuppies old- circundantes. Salle.Yorkie (254) 754-2601 (254) 495-5595 por hora. Por favor (254) 754-2601 goats, $125males each.for(254) er Shih-Tzu sale. $8Salle. Call or Text (254) 716-3952 llame a nuestra oficina al 216-3585 FarmtImE & ranch PArt Co2 de- (254) 776-7775 o solicite Farm & ranch rhODESIAN rIDGEChihuahua tINy tOy livery driver needed. BAckS 6wks old. Full en línea en www.janitoriPuppies. Females $300, HAZMET andmIxED CDL blood, parents onResite, GENtLE GENtLE mIxED Males $250. Parents 1st shots, $150. (254) quired. Apply at 431 B r e eTractors d Cows and B r e e d C ow s a n d ADS Dogs on site (903) 780-9377 744-6380 cO2 DELIVEry LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 Stocker Calves.driver Call Stocker Calves. Call (Waco) (254) 749-0909 needed. HAZMET(254) and (254) (254) ckc749-0909 rEGIStErED 749-5637 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full CDL Required. Full SUPEr ADOrABLE Pomeranian Miniature 749-5637 & part-time jobs available Time. Apply cONtAINat 431 LaYorkie Puppies & old, old- ShIPPING Puppies. 6 wks (254) 371-0664 now! Needed: Janitorial Salle.$2,000 (254) 754-2601 er $800. Shih-Tzu males for sale. ErS ShIPPING cONtAINand up. Wind for workers in Pictures Waco, Temple CallCall or Text (254) 716-3952 ErS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See phoand surrounding areas. www.steelcontainers. water See phoFarm & ranch rhODESIAN rIDGEBOxErtight. PUPS CKC tos Will deliver. (254) 722Starting at6wks $8 per tos www.steelcontainers. Registered Fawns, 8wks, BAckS old.hour. Full net Please our(254) office at 4270, Burleson, TX. shots, $500 (254) 217net Will call deliver. blood, parents on 722site, GENtLE mIxED Tools & 2880 (254) 776-7775 or apply 4270, Burleson, TX. 1st shots, $150. (254) Btools r e Equipment e d ment C&owEquips and online at www.janitorimALtIPOO PUPPIES 744-6380 tools & Equip$500. Chi-Poo Puppies Stocker Calves. Call (254)Or 749-0909 (254) SELL! For Wood ment $200. Shots, Pictures BUy ckc rEGIStErED SErVIcE tEchNIcIAN 749-5637Bandsaws, planavailable (254)Miniature 217-9196 Workers: Pomeranian Needed. Ice Machine Reers, Drill presses, table BUy Or SELL! For Wood Puppies. 6 wks old, ShIPPING real Estate For pair Helpful. Apply Waco saws, jointers, vises, micONtAINWorkers: Bandsaws, planSale $800. (254) ter saws, shapers, Carbonics 431371-0664 LaSalle. ErS $2,000lathes, and up. Wind ers, CallDrill for presses, Pictures table and grinders, scroll saws, ra(254) 754-2601 water tight. See phoQUALIty BUILt homes saws, jointers, vises, mi- dial arm saws, and air on your lot. Floor www.steelcontainers. E msaws, P L Elathes, OPUPS S Dplans ICKC S -to tos ter shapers, compressor.1209 WashBOxEr fit any budget. No money Will deliver. PONIBLES. ¡saws, Ya están ington, Waco. (254) 722grinders, scroll ra- net Registered Fawns, 8wks, down. 100% financing. Burleson, TX. disponibles los(254) empleos dial arm$500 saws, and 217air 4270, Livestock shots, Credit repair program. de tiempo completo compressor.1209 Wash-y tools & Equip2880 (254) 857-4663. medio! Se necesita: traington, Waco. LE mIxED 65.45 Ac SW Edwards G E N tment mALtIPOO PUPPIES bajadores de limpieza en County. Nice valley sur- B r e e d C o w s a n d $500. Chi-Poo Puppies Livestock Waco, Temple y lashills, áreas Stocker Calves. Call rounded by high live BUy Or SELL! For Wood $200. Shots,Apine, Pictures (254) 749-0909 (254) circundantes. partir de Workers: oak, pinon cedar Bandsaws, planavailable (254) Por 217-9196 cover. Axis, Aou- 749-5637 $8 por Whitetail, hora. favor GENtLE mIxED Tur- ers, Drill presses, table llame Bdad, r e eaSika, dnuestra CFeral ow oficina s Hots, aFor n dal real Estate vises,cost, micUt jointers, FErtILIZEr key. 776-7775 $1,650/ac.oFixed rate saws, (254) solicite Stocker Calves. Call Sale improves soil, shapers, N-TEXX saws, lathes, 30 yr. owner financing, ter en línea en www.janitori(254) 749-0909 (254) 15—5-5 with 5% down. 800-876-9720. grinders, scrollmicrobactesaws, ria, increases germination, 749-5637 QUALIty BUILt homes dial http://www.ranchenterarm saws, and air growth and production, on your lot. Floor plans to compressor.1209 cO2 DELIVEry $23/acre applied.WashDealcUt cost, ington, fit anyFErtILIZEr budget. No driver money Waco.Damon Berry needed.100% HAZMET and ers needed. improves soil,financing. N-TEXX down. 254-793-2318, 254-702CDL Required. Full 15—5-5 with microbacteLivestock Credit repair program. Time. Applygermination, at 431 La- 3797. ria, increases (254) 857-4663. Salle. (254) 754-2601 motorcycles growth production, Edwards GENtLE mIxED 65.45 and Ac SW $23/acre applied. DealB r e eBUy d C&owRepair s a nUnd County. Nice valley sur- WE Farm & ranch ers needed. Damon Berry Broken ATV’s, Stocker Calves. Call rounded by high hills, live wanted/ 254-793-2318, 254-702& Scooters. (254) 749-0909 (254) oak, pinon pine, cedar Motorcycles 3797. Pick-Up (903) 336GENtLE mIxED 749-5637 cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aou- We 9086 B rmotorcycles e eSika, d CFeral ow sHots, a n Turd dad, Stocker Calves. Call key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate cUt FErtILIZEr cost, (254) 749-0909 (254) 30 yr. owner financing, WE BUy & Repair Un- improves soil, N-TEXX 749-5637 5% down.Broken 800-876-9720. wanted/ ATV’s, 15—5-5 with microbactehttp://www.ranchenterMotorcycles & Scooters. ria, increases germination, ShIPPING We Pick-Up cONtAIN(903) 336- growth and production, ErS 9086$2,000 and up. Wind $23/acre applied. Dealand water tight. See pho- ers needed. Damon Berry tos www.steelcontainers. 254-793-2318, 254-702net Will deliver. (254) 722- 3797. 4270, Burleson, TX.
April 11, 2019 • Page 5
E Spanish S E N E c E S I tA chofer con licencia comercial class A, 3 años experiencia. (254) 495-5595
Tools & Equipment
BOxEr PUPS CKC Registered Fawns, 8wks, shots, $500 (254) 2172880 tools & Equipment mALtIPOO PUPPIES $500. Chi-Poo Puppies $200. Shots, Pictures BUy Or SELL! For Wood available (254) 217-9196 Workers: Bandsaws, planers, Drill presses, table real Estate For saws, jointers, vises, miSale ter saws, lathes, shapers,
WE BUy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086
Trucks/Vans/ SUVs
EmPLEOS DISPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Motorcycles Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en
Want to Buy WE BUy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086
Appliances Cars
NIcE WAShErS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023
miscellaneous S E N E c E S I tA chofer con licencia comercial class A, 3 años experiencia. (254) 495-5595
JOBS & par now! work and Start Pleas (254) onlin alser JOBS & par now! work and Start Pleas (254) onlin alser
SE cho com 3a (25
PA live HAZ quir LaS
JOBS & par now! work and Start Pleas (254) onlin alser SErV Need pair H Carb (254) Em PON dispo de ti medi bajad Waco circu $8 p llame (254) en lín alser
11 PyrENEES & Anatolian cross pups. Born January 8th, 1st shots, working parents, live with goats, $125 each. (254) 216-3585 tINy tOy Chihuahua Puppies. Females $300, Males $250. Parents on site (903) 780-9377 cO (Waco) nee SUPEr ADOrABLE CD Yorkie Puppies & old- Tim er Shih-Tzu males for sale. Sall Call or Text (254) 716-3952 rhODESIAN rIDGE- Fa BAckS 6wks old. Full blood, parents on site, G E 1st shots, $150. (254) B r e 744-6380 Sto ckc rEGIStErED (254 Pomeranian Miniature 749Puppies. 6 wks old, ShIP $800. (254) 371-0664 ErS Call for Pictures and w BOxEr PUPS CKC tos w Registered Fawns, 8wks, net W shots, $500 (254) 217- 4270
Page 6 • April 11, 2019
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