American Dollar Saver, May 9th

Page 1

DiSestán pleos eto y a: traza en áreas tir de favor ina al olicite nitori-


r UnTV’s, oters. 336DiSestán spleos eto y a:drytraza en and áreas built tir de anty. favor work, ina olicite 254) nitori254)

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r Unnew TV’s, new oters. winch. 3361112 sTX. sale, new dry(254) and nuary, built anty. sale. work, tires, nes. hitch,

$1,650/ac. rate en líneastoves. en www.janitoriERS $2,000soil, andFixed up. Wind 9086 cook Rebuilt key. improves N-TEXX yr. owner financing, and water tight. See phowith 90 day warranty. 30 15—5-5 with microbacteappliances 5% down. 800-876-9720. tos www.steelcontainers. Delivery, work, http://www.ranchenterWantservice to buy ria, increases germination, net Will deliver. (254) 722need non-working ones. growth and production, niCE WaShERS, dryBurleson, TX.DealWE buy & Repair Un- 4270, (254) 799-6228, (254) $23/acre applied. ers, refrigerators, and Cut wanted/ Broken Farm &Damon Ranch 214-5284. Temple:ATV’s, (254) FERtiliZER cost, ers needed. Berry Motorcycles & Scooters. cook stoves. Rebuilt 254-793-2318, 541-6023 improves soil, 254-702N-TEXX Spanish ContainWe 336- Shipping withPick-Up 90 day (903) warranty. 15—5-5 with microbacte3797. $2,000 and up. Wind 9086 Delivery, service work, ERS ria, increases Miscellaneous EM p l Etight. ogermination, S SeeDphoiSand water need non-working ones. trailers growth and production, appliances poniblES. ¡ Ya están tos www.steelcontainers. (254) 799-6228, (254) $23/acre applied. Dealdisponibles los(254) empleos 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new net Will deliver. 722214-5284. Temple: 10’x6’ tiltDamon trailer,Berry new de needed. tiempo completo ers tires, hitch,(254) new 4270, niCE new WaShERS, dryBurleson, TX. newy 541-6023 tires, new hitch, medio! Se necesita: tra254-793-2318, 254-702trailer dolly, hand winch. ers, refrigerators, and Cut FERtiliZER cost, trailer dolly,dehand winch. bajadores limpieza en 3797. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 improves cook stoves. Rebuilt soil,y N-TEXX Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Waco, Temple las áreas Miscellaneous with 90 Bellmead, day warranty. January, TX. 15—5-5 with microbactetrailers circundantes. A partir de January, Bellmead, TX. Delivery, service germination, sale, ria, tRailER FoRwork, $8increases por hora. Por sale, favor 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new need non-working ones. tRailER FoR growth and production, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new 10’x6’ tilt trailer, newal llame a2’ nuestra oficina (254) new 799-6228, tires, hitch, new $23/acre 4’x8’, sides, new applied. Dealhitch, new dolly. Call(254) (254) (254) 776-7775 o solicite tires, new hitch, new 214-5284. Temple: (254) trailer dolly, hand winch. hitch, new dolly. Call (254) ers needed. Damon Berry 366-4370, 1112 January, trailer en línea en www.janitoridolly, hand winch. 541-6023 Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 254-793-2318, 254-702366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Real Estate For Call (254)Estate 366-4370, 1112 Real For January, Bellmead, TX. 3797. Bellmead, TX. Sale

Featured ad of the Week!

Real Estate For Sale Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. 65.45 aC SW Edwards County. Nice valley surrounded by high hills, live oak, pinon pine, cedar cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aoudad, Sika, Feral Hots, Turkey. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate 30 yr. owner financing, 5% down. 800-876-9720. http://www.ranchenterReal Estate For

Sale Farm & Ranch

Quality built homes Shipping Containon your lot. Floor plans to ERS andNoup. Wind fit any$2,000 budget. money and water tight.financing. See phodown. 100% tos www.steelcontainers. Credit repair program. net Will deliver. (254) 722(254) 857-4663. 4270, Burleson, TX. 65.45 aC SW Edwards Cut FERtiliZER County. Nice valleycost, surimproves N-TEXX rounded bysoil, high hills, live 15—5-5 with microbacteoak, pinon pine, cedar ria, increases germination, cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aougrowth and production, dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur$23/acre applied. key. $1,650/ac. FixedDealrate ers needed. Damon Berry 30 yr. owner financing, 254-793-2318, 254-7025% down. 800-876-9720. 3797. trailers

Farm & Ranch

10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new Containhitch, new Shipping trailer$2,000 dolly, and handup.winch. ERS Wind Call water (254) 366-4370, and tight. See 1112 phoJanuary, Bellmead, TX. tos www.steelcontainers. tRailER FoR net Will deliver. (254)sale, 7224’x8’,Burleson, 2’ sides, 4270, TX. new hitch, new dolly. Call cost, (254) Cut FERtiliZER 366-4370, soil, 1112 January, improves N-TEXX Bellmead, TX.microbacte15—5-5 with tRailER FoR sale. ria, increases germination, 10’x6’, 3’and sides, new tires, growth production,

Real Estate For Sale

Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. 65.45 aC SW Edwards County. Nice valley surrounded by high hills, live oak, pinon pine, cedar cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aoudad, Sika, Feral Hots, Turkey. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate 30 yr. owner financing, 5% down. 800-876-9720. Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. January, Sale Miscellaneous Want to buy sale, tRailER FoR FoR sale. http://www.ranchentertrailers 10’x6’, Spanish 3’Spanish sides, new tires, tRailER tRailER FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new Quality built homes 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, built homes hand winch, new hitch, 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new Quality WE buy &Floor Repair Un4’x8’, 2’ sides, new onyour your lot.Floor plans hitch, new dolly. tilt trailer, new hand winch, new hitch, on lot. plans toto Farm & Ranch EMM(254) p lEE ohitch, S Call D(254) iSS- - 10’x6’ tires, new new Call 366-4370, 1112 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, E p l o S D i hitch, new dolly. Call (254) fit any budget. No money 366-4370, 1112 January, new hitch, new Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 fit any budget. money poniblES. están tires, trailer dolly, hand winch. Motorcycles &No Scooters. January, Bellmead, TX. poniblES. ¡ ¡YaYa están 366-4370, 1112 January, down.dolly, 100% financing. hand winch. Bellmead, TX. January, Bellmead, TX. down. 100% financing. disponibles losempleos empleos Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 trailer We Pick-Up (903) 336- Shipping Containdisponibles los Bellmead, TX. Credit repair program. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Dogs Credit repair program. ERS $2,000 and up. Wind detiempo tiempo completo January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. 9086 de completo yy January, Motorcycles (254) 857-4663. Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. and water tight. See pho857-4663. medio! Senecesita: necesita: tra- (254) 10’x6’, 3’Se sides, newsale, tires, medio! tratRailER FoR appliances 65.45 aC SW Edwards 10’x6’, 3’aC sides, new tires, tos www.steelcontainers. bajadores de limpieza en tRailER FoR sale, 65.45 SW Edwards bajadores de limpieza en hand new hitch, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new CKCwinch, REgiStERED WE buy & Repair UnCounty. Nice valley sur- net Will deliver. (254) 722Waco, Temple lasáreas áreas hand winch, new hitch, 2’Nice sides, new County. valley surWaco, Temple yyCall las hitch, new dolly.Miniature (254) Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 4’x8’, Pomeranian wanted/ Broken ATV’s, rounded by high hills, live 4270, Burleson, TX. circundantes. A partir de new dolly. Call (254) 1112 niCE WaShERS, dryrounded by366-4370, highCall hills,(254) live circundantes. A partir de hitch, 366-4370, 1112 January, January, Bellmead, TX. Puppies. 6 wks old, Motorcycles &pine, Scooters. oak, pinon cedar $8por porhora. hora. Porfavor favor 366-4370, 1112 January, ers,pinon refrigerators, and Cut FERtiliZER cost, January, Bellmead, TX. oak, pine, cedar $8 Por Bellmead, TX. $550.a(254) 371-0664 cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aou- improves soil, N-TEXX We Pick-Up 336llame nuestra oficinaalal Bellmead, TX. (903) cook stoves. Rebuilt Dogs Whitetail, Axis, Aoullame a nuestra oficina sale. cover. tRailER FoR Call for Pictures Motorcycles dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur- 15—5-5 with microbacte(254) 776-7775 solicite 9086 with 90 Feral day warranty. dad, Sika, Hots, Tur(254) 776-7775 oosolicite tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate ria, increases germination, enlínea líneaen enwww.janitoriwww.janitori- 10’x6’, Delivery, service work, key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate en 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, CKC REgiStERED pug puppliES, $600. 30 yr. owner financing, WE buy & new Repair Un- growth and production, need non-working ones. 30 yr. owner financing, winch, hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Pomeranian Miniature Registered Boston Ter- hand 5% down. 800-876-9720. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, (254) 799-6228, (254) 5% down. 800-876-9720. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 $23/acre applied. DealWant to buy January, Bellmead, TX. Puppies. 6 wks old, rier puppies, $600. Shots. Want to buy January, http://www.ranchenterMotorcycles & Scooters. 214-5284. Temple: (254) ers needed. Damon Berry http://www.ranchenterBellmead, TX. $550.217-2880 (254) 371-0664 (254) 541-6023 Pick-Up (903) 336- 254-793-2318, 254-702Dogs WE buy RepairUnUn- We WE buy &&Repair Motorcycles CallbEautiFul for Pictures poowanted/Broken BrokenATV’s, ATV’s, 9086 Farm&&Ranch Ranch 3797. wanted/ Farm Miscellaneous DlES && Yorkies Pup- WE Motorcycles &Scooters. Scooters. CKC REgiStERED Motorcycles buy & Repair Unpug puppliES, $600. trailers pies for sale. (903) Call or336Text Shipping ContainWe Pick-Up (903) 336Pomeranian Miniature Shipping ContainWe Pick-Up Broken ATV’s, Registered Boston Ter- wanted/ 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new ERS $2,000 and up. Wind (254) 716-3952 9086 Puppies. 6 wks old, ERS $2,000 and up. Wind 9086 &hitch, Scooters. 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new rier puppies, Shots. Motorcycles tires, newtight. new andwater water See336pho- tires, new hitch, new $550. (254)$600. 371-0664 and tight. See phoAkbash We 11 pyREnEES, Pick-Up (903) appliances (254) 217-2880 trailer dolly, hand winch. appliances tos www.steelcontainers. Call for Pictures tos www.steelcontainers. & Anatolian cross pups. 9086 trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 netWill Will deliver. (254)722722- Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 bEautiFul poodeliver. (254) Born January 8th, 1st net January, Bellmead, niCE WaShERS, drypug puppliES, $600. 4270,Burleson, Burleson, TX.TX. January, Bellmead, TX. DlES & Yorkies PupniCE WaShERS, dry4270, TX. shots, working parents, ers,for refrigerators, and Registered Ter- tRailER FoR sale, pies sale.Boston Call oreach. Text CutFERtiliZER FERtiliZER cost, ers, refrigerators, and cost, live with goats, $125 cook stoves. Rebuilt rier puppies, $600. Shots. Cut 4’x8’, 2’ soil, sides, new tRailER FoR sale, (254) 716-3952 improves N-TEXX cook stoves. Rebuilt improves soil, N-TEXX (254) 216-3585 2’ sides, new with 90 day warranty. (254) 217-2880 hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 4’x8’, 15—5-5 with microbactewith 90 day warranty. PRAISE LORD, with microbacteAkbash 11 pyREnEES, new THE dolly. Call (254)O Delivery, service work, 15—5-5 366-4370, 1112 January, hitch, tiny toy Chihuahua bEautiFul pooria, increases germination, Delivery, service work, my soul, and forget not ria, increases germination, & Anatolian cross pups. 366-4370, 1112 January, need non-working ones. Bellmead, TX. Puppies. Females $300, DlES & Yorkies Pup- growth growthand andproduction, production, Bellmead, need non-working ones. all his benefits — who Born January 8th, 1st TX. (254) 799-6228, (254) Males $250.CallParents pies for799-6228, sale. or Text tRailER $23/acreapplied. applied. Deal- forgives all our sins and (254) (254) FoR Dealsale. shots, working parents, 214-5284. Temple: (254) $23/acre sale. (254) 716-3952 ersneeded. needed. Damon Berry 214-5284. Temple: (254) on site (903) 780-9377 10’x6’, 3’ sides, newBerry tires, tRailER heals all our FoR diseases... ers Damon live with goats, $125 each. 541-6023 3’ sides, new tires, 254-793-2318, 254-702541-6023 hand winch, new hitch, 10’x6’, (Waco) Akbash 11 pyREnEES, Psalm 103:2-3 254-793-2318, 254-702(254) 216-3585 3797.(254) 366-4370, 1112 hand winch, new hitch, Call & Anatolian cross pups. 3797. Employment Miscellaneous tiny toy Chihuahua Bellmead, TX. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Miscellaneous Born January 8th, 1st January, trailers January, Bellmead, TX. trailers Puppies. Females $300, shots, working parents, Dogs tilt trailer, E10’x6’ Mwith p ltilt E oS Deach. inew S10’x6’ trailer, new Males $250. Parents live goats, $125 Motorcycles 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new poniblES. ¡780-9377 Ya están tires, new new (254) 216-3585 on site (903)hitch, tires, new hitch, new new hitch, trailerdolly, dolly,los hand winch. tires, CKCnew REgiStERED disponibles empleos trailer hand winch. WE buy & Repair Un(Waco) tiny toy Chihuahua trailer dolly,hand hand winch. dolly, winch. Calltiempo (254) 366-4370, 1112 Pomeranian Miniature de completo y trailer Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Puppies. Females $300, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Puppies. 6 wks old, Motorcycles & Scooters. Employment medio! Se necesita: January, Bellmead, TX.tra- January, Males $250. Parents Bellmead, TX. Bellmead, TX. $550. (254) 371-0664 sale, tRailER FoR bajadores deFoR limpieza en January, We Pick-Up (903) 336sale, tRailER on site (903) 780-9377 tRailER FoR sale, sale, 9086 Call for Pictures E M p Temple l2’2’ Eo Sy lasDáreas inew S - tRailER FoR 4’x8’, sides, Waco, 4’x8’, sides, new (Waco) 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new 2’ sides, new hitch,new newdolly. dolly. Callestán (254) poniblES. Ya circundantes. A¡Call partir de 4’x8’, hitch, (254) hitch,new new dolly.Call Call(254) (254) pug puppliES, $600. Employment dolly. 366-4370, 1112 January, disponibles los Por empleos 366-4370, 1112 January, $8 por hora. favor hitch, 366-4370,1112 1112 January, Registered Boston Ter366-4370, January, Bellmead, TX. de tiempo Bellmead, TX.completo llame a nuestra oficina aly rier Bellmead, TX. puppies, $600. Shots. E M p l Se E onecesita: SFoRD isale. S - Bellmead, TX. medio! tratRailER (254) 776-7775 o solicite tRailER FoR sale. (254) 217-2880 poniblES. ¡ Ya están tRailER FoR sale. sale. FoR 10’x6’, sides, new tires, bajadores de limpieza en tRailER en línea www.janitori10’x6’, 3’3’en sides, new tires, disponibles losynew empleos 10’x6’, sides,new newpootires, bEautiFul 3’3’sides, tires, handwinch, winch, hitch, 10’x6’, Waco, Temple las áreas hand new hitch, de completo1112 y hand hand winch, newhitch, hitch, DlES & Yorkies Pupwinch, new Calltiempo (254)366-4370, 366-4370, circundantes. A partir de Call (254) 1112 medio! SeBellmead, necesita:TX. traCall(254) (254) 366-4370, 1112 Full Call JobS aVailablE. pies for sale. Call or1112 Text 366-4370, January, $8 por hora. Por favor January, Bellmead, TX. bajadores limpieza en January, January, Bellmead,TX. TX. (254) 716-3952 & part-timedejobs available Bellmead, llame a nuestra oficina al Dogs Waco, Temple y las áreas 11 pyREnEES, Akbash now! Needed: Janitorial Dogs Motorcycles (254) 776-7775 solicite circundantes. A opartir de & Motorcycles workers in Waco, Temple Anatolian cross pups. en línea en www.janitori$8 por hora. Por favor Born January 8th, 1st CKC REgiStERED and surrounding areas. WE buy&&Repair RepairUnUnCKC REgiStERED buy llame a nuestra oficina al WE Pomeranian Miniature shots, working Starting at $8Miniature per hour. wanted/ Brokenparents, ATV’s, Pomeranian wanted/ Broken ATV’s, (254) 776-7775 o solicite JobS aVailablE. Full Puppies. 6 wks wks old, live with goats,&$125 each. Please call 6our office at Motorcycles Motorcycles Scooters. Puppies. old, & Scooters. en línea en www.janitori$550. (254) 371-0664 & part-time jobs available (254) 216-3585 (254) 776-7775 or apply We WePick-Up Pick-Up (903)336336$550. (254) 371-0664 (903) Call for Pictures now! Needed: Janitorial 9086 9086 toy Chihuahua Call for online atPictures www.janitoritiny JobS aVailablE. Full workers in Waco, Temple Puppies. Females $300, pug puppliES, $600. Males $250. Parents & part-time jobs available pug puppliES, $600. and surrounding areas. Full JobS aVailablE. Registered Boston Ter- on site (903) 780-9377 now! Needed: Janitorial Registered Boston TerStarting at $8 per hour. &rier part-time jobs available puppies, $600. Shots. (Waco) workers in Waco, Temple rier puppies, $600. Shots. Please call our office at (254) 217-2880 Janitorial now! Needed: and surrounding areas. (254) 217-2880 (254) 776-7775 orTemple apply workers in Waco, Employment Starting at $8 per hour. bEautiFul poobEautiFul pooonline at Please callwww.janitoriour office at andDlES surrounding areas. DlES Yorkies Pup&& Yorkies (254) 776-7775 ororor apply Starting at $8Call per hour. piesfor for sale. Call Text E M p l E o S D i S pies sale. Text JobS aVailablE. online at (254)716-3952 716-3952 Please callwww.janitoriour officeFull at poniblES. ¡ Ya están (254) disponibles los empleos & part-time jobs or available (254) 776-7775 apply Akbash 11 pyREnEES, 11 pyREnEES, Akbash de tiempo completo y now! Needed: Janitorial JobS aVailablE. Full online at www.janitori& Anatolian cross pups. & Anatolian crossTemple pups. medio! Se necesita: traworkers in Waco, & part-time jobs 8th, available Born January 8th, 1st 1st Born January and surrounding areas. bajadores de limpieza en now! Needed: shots, workingJanitorial parents,

a a



a a

Vol. 1 • No. 32 May 9, 2019

Page 2 • May 9, 2019

down. 100% financing. ERS $2,000 and up. Wind Real Estate For Credit repair and water tight.program. See phoSale (254) 857-4663. tos www.steelcontainers. Spanish net Will aC deliver. 722- Quality built homes 65.45 SW(254) Edwards American Dollar Saver: 4270, TX. County. valley lot. Floor plans to E M pBurleson, lNice EoS Dsuri S - on your (254) 771-2777 rounded by high hills, live fit any budget. No money Cut FERtiliZER cost, poniblES. ¡ Ya están oak, pinonsoil, pine, cedar down. 100% financing. improves disponibles los N-TEXX empleos cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aou-y Credit program. 15—5-5 with microbacteReal Estate For de tiempo completo Realrepair Estate For dad, Sika,Se Feral Hots, Turria, increases germination, Sale medio! necesita: tra- (254) 857-4663. Sale key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate growth and production, 65.45 aC SW Edwards bajadores de limpieza en Spanish Spanish 30 yr. owner financing, built homes $23/acre applied. County. Nice valley surWaco, Temple y lasDealáreas Quality Quality built homes 5% down. 800-876-9720. plans toto rounded by high live ers needed. Damon Berry circundantes. A partir onyour yourlot. lot.Floor Floorhills, plans E M p l D E M p lEEo oSS Di iSde S- - on http://www.ranchenterbudget. No oak, pinon pine, cedar 254-793-2318, $8 por hora. ¡254-702Por favor fitany any budget. Nomoney money poniblES. poniblES. ¡YaYaestán están fit 100% cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aoullame a nuestra oficina al down. down. 100%financing. financing. disponibles los disponibles losempleos empleos WE buy & Repair Un- 3797. repair Miscellaneous dad, Sika, Feralprogram. Hots, Tur(254) 776-7775 o solicite Spanish Credit repair program. completo yy Credit detiempo tiempo completo wanted/ Broken ATV’s, de Farm & Ranch trailers (254) 857-4663. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate en línea Se en (254) 857-4663. medio! necesita: medio! Sewww.janitorinecesita:tratra- key. Motorcycles &trailer, Scooters. Real tilt Estate For 10’x6’ new Shipping 30 yr. owner financing, E M paC laC E SW oSW S Edwards bajadores de limpieza en 65.45 Edwards bajadores de limpieza en 65.45 ContainWe (903) 336Sale tilt trailer, new tires,Pick-Up new hitch, new 10’x6’ 5% down. 800-876-9720. poniblES. ¡ Ya están Nice valley surWaco, Temple yup. áreas Spanish County. Nice valley surWaco, Temple ylas lasWind áreas County. ERS $2,000 and 9086 Want to buy tires, new hitch, new Spanish trailer dolly, hand winch. http://www.ranchenterdisponibles los empleos Real Estate circundantes. ASee de roundedby byhigh highhills, hills,live live circundantes. Apartir partir de rounded Quality built For homes and water tight. photrailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 de tiempo completo appliances E M pinon ppinon l E opine, S cedar Dcedar i S ySale $8 por hora. Por favor oak, pine, $8www.steelcontainers. por hora. Por1112 favor on your lot. Floor plans to Call tos WE buy & Repair Un- oak, (254) 366-4370, E M p l E o S D i S - January, Bellmead, TX. medio! Se necesita: traponiblES. ¡ Ya están cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aoullame oficina Whitetail, Axis, Aoullame anuestra nuestra oficina fit any budget. No money January, net Willadeliver. (254) 722-alal cover. Spanish wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Farm & Ranch Bellmead, TX. poniblES. ¡ Ya están Quality bajadores delos limpieza en built homes disponibles empleos Hots, Tur(254) 776-7775 oosolicite sale, tRailER FoR dad,Sika, Sika,Feral Feral Hots, Tur(254)Burleson, 776-7775 solicite dad, niCE WaShERS, dry- 4270, down. 100% financing. Motorcycles & TX. Scooters. disponibles los empleos on tRailER FoR sale, Waco, Temple y las áreas your lot. Floor plans to de tiempo completo y key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate en línea en www.janitori4’x8’, 2’ sides, new key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate en línea en www.janitoriEde Mp lEoS D i S -y Credit ers, refrigerators, and Cut repair program. Shipping ContainWe Pick-Up (903) 336FERtiliZER cost, tiempo completo sides, For new 30 circundantes. Afinancing, partirtrade fithitch, any budget. NoCall money medio! Se and necesita: owner financing, Real2’Estate new dolly. (254) 4’x8’, 30yr. yr. owner poniblES. ¡ Ya están cook stoves. Rebuilt (254) 857-4663. ERS $2,000 up. Wind 9086 improves soil, N-TEXX medio! Se necesita: tra- down. $8 por hora. Por favor new dolly. Call (254) 5% 100% financing. bajadores de limpieza en down. 800-876-9720. ADS ADS ADS Sale Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 5% down. 800-876-9720. 366-4370, 1112 January, hitch, Miscellaneous disponibles loslimpieza empleos with 90 day and water tight. See pho65.45 aC SWwarranty. Edwards 15—5-5 with microbacteWant to buy bajadores de en Credit Want toJanuary, buy http://www.ranchenterllame aTemple nuestra oficina al 366-4370, 1112 repair appliances Waco, y las áreas http://www.ranchenterTX. program. de tiempo completo y Bellmead, tos www.steelcontainers. Delivery, service work, Spanish County. Nice valley surria, increases germination, Waco, Temple y las áreas (254) 776-7775A opartir solicite Bellmead, (254) circundantes. de QualityTX. built homes medio! Se necesita: net Will deliver. (254) 722need857-4663. non-working ones. sale. FoR WE buy & Repair Unrounded by high hills, live growth and production, circundantes. A partirtrade tRailER WE buy & Repair Unen línea en www.janitori$8 por hora. Por on yourWaShERS, lot. Floor FoRplans sale. bajadores de limpieza en 65.45 niCE dry-to 4270, Burleson, TX. favor E M pinon paC lsides, ESW opine, SEdwards D i S - tRailER (254) 799-6228, 10’x6’, 3’ new(254) tires, wanted/ Broken Farm &&Ranch oak, cedar $23/acre applied. Deal$8 por hora. Por favor Broken ATV’s, Farm Ranch llame a nuestra oficina al fitwanted/ any3’ budget. No ATV’s, money 10’x6’, sides, new tires, Nice valley surWaco, y las áreasal County. ers, refrigerators, and Cut poniblES. ¡ Ya(254) están 214-5284. Temple: hand winch, new hitch, Motorcycles & Scooters. FERtiliZER cost, cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aou- ers needed. Damon Berry llame Temple a nuestra oficina Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 776-7775 obuy solicite down. 100%new financing. hand winch, hitch, by high live Real Estate For circundantes. A partir de rounded cook stoves. Rebuilt disponibles loshills, empleos 541-6023 Want to Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Shipping ContainWe Pick-Up (903) 336improves soil, N-TEXX Shipping Containdad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur- 254-793-2318, 254-702We Pick-Up (903) 336(254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en www.janitoriCredit repair program. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 pinon pine, cedar $8 por hora. Por favor oak, Sale with 90 day warranty. de tiempo completo y ERS $2,000 and up. Wind January, Bellmead, TX. 9086 15—5-5 with and microbacteERS $2,000 up. Wind key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate 3797. 9086857-4663. en línea en (254) Whitetail, Axis, AouBellmead, TX. llame a Spanish nuestra oficina al cover. Delivery, service work, WE buytight. &germination, Repair Unmedio! Se necesita: tra- January, and water See ria, Miscellaneous andincreases water tight. Seephopho30 yr. owner financing, Dogs appliances Sika, Feral Hots, Tur-en 65.45 Quality built homes (254) 776-7775 o solicite dad, need non-working ones. aC SW Edwards appliances wanted/ Broken ATV’s, bajadores de limpieza trailers tos www.steelcontainers. Want to buy growth and production, tos www.steelcontainers. 5% down. 800-876-9720. Motorcycles $1,650/ac. Fixed rate on your lot. Floor plans to County. en línea (254) 799-6228, (254) Nice valley sur- net Motorcycles &(254) Scooters. Waco, Temple y las áreas Want 722EM p lenE www.janitorioto S buy D i S - key. $23/acre applied. Deal10’x6’ tilt trailer, new netWill Willdeliver. deliver. (254) 722http://www.ranchenteryr. financing, fit anyowner budget. No money 214-5284. (254) rounded byTemple: high hills, live 4270, tilt trailer, new We Pick-Up (903) 336circundantes. A partir de 10’x6’ niCE WaShERS, dryCKC REgiStERED WE buy & Repair UnBurleson, TX. ers needed. Damon poniblES. ¡ Ya están 30 niCE WaShERS, drytires, new hitch, new 4270, Burleson, TX.Berry WE buy & Repair Un5% down. 800-876-9720. 541-6023 down. 100% financing. oak, pine, cedar new hitch, new 9086FERtiliZER $8 por hora. Por favor tires, WE buy to &los Repair Un- trailer ers, refrigerators, and wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Pomeranian Miniature 254-793-2318, 254-702disponibles empleos ers,pinon refrigerators, and Cut dolly, hand winch. cost, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Want buy Cut FERtiliZER cost, http://www.ranchentercover. Whitetail, Axis, AouCredit repair program. llame a nuestra oficina trailer dolly, hand winch. improves wanted/ Broken ATV’s,y Call Farm &6 Ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt Motorcycles & Scooters. Puppies. wks old, 3797. de tiempo completo cook stoves. Rebuilt (254) 366-4370, 1112al Motorcycles soil, N-TEXX & Scooters. appliances improves soil, N-TEXX dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur- 15—5-5 (254) (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 1112 Motorcycles & Scooters. with 90 day warranty. Miscellaneous We Pick-Up (903) 336$550.857-4663. (254) 371-0664 with 90366-4370, day warranty. medio! tra- January, Bellmead, TX. Call with WE buySe&necesita: Repair UnWe Pick-Up (903) 33615—5-5 withmicrobactemicrobactetrailers key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate en línea en www.janitoriShipping ContainJanuary, Bellmead, TX. We Pick-Up (903) 336Delivery, service work, 9086 Call foraC Pictures 65.45 SW Edwards Delivery, service work, bajadoresBroken de limpieza en tRailER ria, increases germination, wanted/ ATV’s, Farm & Ranch 9086 ria, increases germination, FoR niCE WaShERS, dry30 yr. non-working owner financing, ERS $2,000 and, Wind 10’x6’ tiltFoR trailer, new growth 9086 need ones. Real Estate For County. valley sur- tRailER need non-working ones. Waco, Temple y las áreas 4’x8’, sale, and Motorcycles & Scooters. growth andproduction, production, 2’Nice sides, new 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new ers,appliances refrigerators, and 5% down. 800-876-9720. and water tight. See photires, new hitch,(254) new $23/acre (254) 799-6228, pug puppliES, $600. Sale (254) 799-6228, (254) rounded by high hills, live circundantes. A partir de 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new Shipping Containapplied. DealWe Pick-Up (903) 336Want to buy $23/acre applied. Dealhitch, new dolly. Call (254) appliances tires, hitch, new cooknew stoves. Rebuilt http://www.ranchentertos trailer dolly, hand 214-5284. Temple: (254) Registered Boston Ter- hitch, 214-5284. Temple: (254) ers oak,www.steelcontainers. pinon1112 pine, cedar $8 por hora. Por favor ERS new dolly. Callwinch. (254) $2,000 and up. Wind needed. Damon Berry 9086 Spanish ers needed. Damon Berry 366-4370, January, trailer dolly, hand winch. with 90 day warranty. niCE WaShERS, dryCall (254) 366-4370, 1112 Quality net Will deliver. (254) 722541-6023 rier puppies, $600. Shots. built homes 541-6023 cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aoullame a nuestra oficina al and 1112 January, water tight. See pho254-793-2318, 254-702WE buy & Repair Un- 366-4370, 254-793-2318, 254-702Bellmead, TX. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Delivery, service work, appliances ers, refrigerators, and niCE WaShERS, dryJanuary, Bellmead, TX. 4270, Burleson, TX. (254) 217-2880 on your lot. Floor plans to dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Tur- Bellmead, www.steelcontainers. (254) 776-7775 o solicite tos TX. 3797. E M p l E o S D i S wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Farm & Ranch 3797. January, Bellmead, TX. need non-working ones. sale. tRailER stoves. ers, refrigerators, and net any budget. NoRebuilt money Miscellaneous sale, fitcook tRailER FoR key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate tRailER Will deliver.FoR (254) 722Cut FERtiliZER cost, en línea en www.janitoribEautiFul pooMiscellaneous poniblES. ¡ Ya están Motorcycles & Scooters. FoR sale. (254) 799-6228, (254) 10’x6’, 3’owner sides, new tires, tRailER sale, with trailers 90 dayFoR warranty. cookWaShERS, stoves. Rebuilt trailers 100% financing. 4’x8’, sides, new down. niCE dry- 4270, 30 financing, Burleson, TX. improves soil, N-TEXX Shipping ContainDlES & Yorkies Pupdisponibles los empleos Weyr. Pick-Up (903) 336- 10’x6’, 3’ 2’ sides, new tires, 214-5284. Temple: (254) hand winch, new hitch, 4’x8’, 2’ service sides, new Delivery, work, withrefrigerators, 90 day warranty. repair program. 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) ers, and Cut 5% down. 800-876-9720. 15—5-5 with microbacte10’x6’ tilt trailer, new ERS $2,000 and up. Wind de tiempo completo y Credit pies for sale. Call orcost, Text hand 9086 FERtiliZER winch, new hitch, 541-6023 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new hitch, new dolly.trailer, Callones. (254) Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 medio! Want toRebuilt buy need857-4663. non-working 10’x6’ tilt new Delivery, service work, (254) (254) tires, new hitch, new 366-4370, 1112 January, cook stoves. http://www.ranchentertires, new hitch, new ria, increases germination, and water tight. See phoSe necesita: tra716-3952 improves soil, N-TEXX Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 tires, new hitch, new 366-4370, 1112 January, January, Bellmead, TX. (254) 799-6228, (254) appliances tires, aC newSW hitch, new need90 non-working ones. 15—5-5 trailer dolly, hand winch. Bellmead, TX. with day warranty. trailer dolly, hand winch. 65.45 Edwards growth and production, tos www.steelcontainers. bajadores de limpieza en with microbacteJanuary, Bellmead, TX. Akbash 11 pyREnEES, trailer dolly, hand winch. WE buy & Repair UnBellmead, TX. 214-5284. Temple: (254) Miscellaneous trailer dolly, hand We Buy Wrecked & Junk Cars (254) 799-6228, (254) Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Delivery, service work, CallWill (254) 366-4370, 1112 County. Nice valleywinch. surnet deliver. 722$23/acre applied. Deal- Waco, Temple y(254) las áreas tRailER FoR sale. ria, increases Dogs & Anatolian cross pups. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, &germination, Ranch 541-6023 We Paynon-working the Most & Weones. Haul! Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 214-5284. Temple: (254) growth January, tRailER FoR sale. need Motorcycles January, Bellmead, TX. niCE WaShERS, dryby high hills, live 4270, Burleson, TX.TX. ersFarm needed. Damon Berry circundantes. Anew partir de rounded 10’x6’, 3’ Bellmead, sides, tires, and production, Born January 8th, 1st January, Bellmead, TX. Motorcycles & Scooters. 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new January, Bellmead, TX. 541-6023 10’x6’,pinon 3’ sides, newcedar tires, (254) 799-6228, (254) $23/acre ers, refrigerators, and oak, pine, $8 por hora. Por favor 254-793-2318, 254-702tRailER FoR sale, hand winch, new hitch, applied. Dealsale, tRailER FoR Cut FERtiliZER cost, shots, working parents, Shipping ContainCKC REgiStERED tires, new hitch, new We Pick-Up (903) 336tRailER FoR sale, Miscellaneous hand winch, new 214-5284. Temple: (254) ers WE buy &soil, Repair UntRailER FoR sale, cook stoves. Rebuilt Whitetail, Axis,hitch, Aoullame a nuestra oficina al cover. 3797. 4’x8’, 2’2’366-4370, sides, new Call (254) 1112 needed. Damon 4’x8’, sides, new improves N-TEXX live with goats, $125 each. ERS $2,000 and up.Berry Wind wanted/ trailer dolly, hand winch. Pomeranian Miniature 9086 2’2’366-4370, sides, new Call (254) 1112 541-6023 Broken ATV’s, 4’x8’, sides, new with 90 day warranty. dad, Sika, Feral Hots, TurMiscellaneous 254-793-2318, (254) 776-7775 oCall solicite hitch, dolly. (254) January, Bellmead, TX. 254-702hitch,new new dolly. Call (254) 4’x8’, 15—5-5 with microbacte(254) 216-3585 Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 and water tight. See phoPuppies. 6 wks old, trailers 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) January, Bellmead, TX. & Scooters. hitch, new dolly. Call rate (254) Delivery, service work, Motorcycles $1,650/ac. Fixed en línea en 1112 www.janitori366-4370, January, 366-4370, 1112 January, key. appliances 3797. ria, increases germination, January, Bellmead, TX. tos www.steelcontainers. $550. (254) 371-0664 Chihuahua tiny toy Dogs tires, new hitch, new 366-4370, 1112 January, 366-4370, 1112 January, We Pick-Up (903) 33610’x6’ tilt trailer, new need non-working ones. 30 Motorcycles yr. owner financing, (254)-831-4920 Bellmead, TX. Miscellaneous Bellmead, TX. growth and production, net Will deliver. (254)$300, 722- 9086 Call for Pictures 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new Females trailer dolly, hand Bellmead, TX. trailers tRailER FoRwinch. sale, Bellmead, TX. (254) 799-6228, (254) tires, new hitch, new Puppies. 5% down. 800-876-9720. $23/acre applied. DealFoR sale. tRailER FoR sale. http://www.ranchenterniCEdolly, WaShERS, dry- Males Want to buy 4270, Burleson, TX. (254) tires, new hitch, new tRailER Call (254)2’366-4370, 1112 $250. Parents 4’x8’, sides, new 214-5284. Temple: trailer hand tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’ tilt trailer,winch. new CKC REgiStERED tRailER FoR sale. ers needed. Damon Berry 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, WE buy & Repair Un10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, pug puppliES, $600. ers,(254) refrigerators, and trailer dolly, winch. tilt trailer, new January, Bellmead, TX. on site (903)hand 780-9377 hitch, new dolly. Calltires, (254) Cut FERtiliZER cost, hand 541-6023 10’x6’, new Call 366-4370, 1112 10’x6’ tires, new hitch, new Pomeranian Miniature 10’x6’,3’ 3’sides, sides, new tires, 254-793-2318, 254-702winch, new hitch, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, hand winch, new hitch, WE buy & Repair UnRegistered Boston Tercook stoves. Rebuilt Call (254) 1112 Puppies. 6 wks old, hand new366-4370, hitch,N-TEXX new (Waco) 366-4370, 1112 January, improves soil, sale, tRailER FoR winch, new hitch, trailer dolly, hand winch. January, Bellmead, TX. tires, hand winch, new hitch, 3797. Call 366-4370, 1112 &Ranch Scooters. Call(254) (254)Broken 366-4370, 1112 Motorcycles wanted/ ATV’s, Farm & rier puppies, $600. Shots. with 90366-4370, day warranty. trailer dolly, hand winch. January, Bellmead, TX. Bellmead, TX. 15—5-5 with microbacte4’x8’, 2’366-4370, sides, new 1112 Call (254) 1112 $550. (254) 371-0664 Miscellaneous Call(254) (254) 366-4370, 1112 sale, Call tRailER FoRwork, January, Bellmead, TX. We Pick-Up (903) 336Employment January, Bellmead, TX. Call Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 217-2880 Delivery, service (254) 366-4370, 1112 trailers ria, increases germination, hitch, new dolly. Call (254) January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale, January, Bellmead, TX. Call for Pictures tRailER FoR sale. January, Bellmead, TX. 4’x8’, 2’ sides,ones. new January, Bellmead, TX. 9086 Shipping ContainWe Pick-Up (903) 336need non-working pooDogs growth and production, 366-4370, 1112new January, 4’x8’, new Dogs 10’x6’, 3’ sides, tires, 10’x6’ trailer, tRailER FoR hitch, dolly. Callsale, (254) E MbEautiFul p l2’ Etilt osides, S D i new S - 9086 $2,000 and up. Wind Motorcycles (254)new 799-6228, (254) Motorcycles 10’x6’ tilt trailer,$600. new ERS DlES &FoR Yorkies PuppuppliES, Bellmead, TX. $23/acre applied. Dealhitch, new dolly. (254) hand winch, new hitch, tires, new hitch, new pug 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new tRailER 366-4370, 1112 January, poniblES. ¡ Call Ya sale, están and water tight. See pho214-5284. Temple: (254) tires, new hitch, new pies for2’ sale. Call ornew Text Registered Boston Ter- tRailER sides, ers needed. Damon Berry 366-4370, 1112 January, Callwww.steelcontainers. (254) 366-4370, 1112 trailer dolly, hand winch. appliances CKC REgiStERED sale. hitch, new dolly. Bellmead, TX. Call (254) 4’x8’, CKC REgiStERED disponibles los empleos tos &&FoR Repair UnWE buy buy RepairTX. Un541-6023 trailer dolly, hand winch. puppies, $600. Shots. WE (254) 716-3952 hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 254-793-2318, 254-702Bellmead, TX. January, Bellmead, Calltiempo (254) 366-4370, 1112 Pomeranian Miniature 10’x6’, sides, new tires, 366-4370, 1112 January, Pomeranian Miniature de completo y rier net Will 3’ deliver. (254) 722wanted/ Broken ATV’s, sale. 366-4370, tRailER FoR wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 (254) 217-2880 1112 January, 3797. January, Bellmead, TX. Akbash 11 pyREnEES, Puppies. 6 wks old, hand winch, new hitch, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. Puppies. 6 wks old, medio! Se necesita: traniCE WaShERS, dry4270, Burleson, TX. &&Scooters. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, Bellmead, TX. Dogs Motorcycles Scooters. January, Bellmead,pooTX. Motorcycles Miscellaneous bEautiFul $550. (254) & Anatolian Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 tRailER FoR sale, 10’x6’, 3’ sides, newpups. tires, $550. (254)371-0664 371-0664 decross limpieza en ers, refrigerators, and We (903) 336tRailER trailers WePick-Up Pick-Up (903)cost, 336hand winch,FoR new sale. hitch, bajadores FERtiliZER tRailER FoR sale, DlES & Yorkies Pup- Cut Call for Pictures tRailER FoR sale. January, Bellmead, TX. Born January 8th, 1st 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hand winch, new hitch, Call for Pictures cook stoves. Rebuilt Waco, Temple y las áreas 9086 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, 9086 Call (254)tilt 366-4370, improves soil, N-TEXX 10’x6’ trailer, 1112 new 10’x6’, CKC REgiStERED 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new or Text 3’new sides, new tires, shots, working parents, hitch, dolly. Call (254) Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 withfor 90sale. day Call warranty. A partir de pies hand new 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new January, Bellmead, TX. 15—5-5 with microbacteDogs tires,winch, new hitch,hitch, new circundantes. Miniature hitch, new dolly. Call (254) pug puppliES, $600. (254) 716-3952 winch, new hitch, pug puppliES, $600. ria,Pomeranian live with goats, $125 each. 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Delivery, service work, $8 por hora. PorJanuary, favor Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 hand tires, new hitch, new Registered increases 6germination, trailer dolly, hand winch. Puppies. wks old, 366-4370, 1112 January, Boston TerCall (254) 366-4370, 1112 Registered Boston Ter- growth (254) 216-3585 Dogs TX. llame Bellmead, TX. Akbash 11 pyREnEES, need non-working ones. a nuestra oficina al January, Bellmead, trailer dolly, hand winch. and production, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, $550. REgiStERED (254) 371-0664 Bellmead, TX. Motorcycles rier puppies, $600. Shots. CKC Bellmead, TX.1112 rier puppies, $600.(254) Shots. $23/acre & Anatolian cross pups. (254) 799-6228, (254) 776-7775 o solicite Chihuahua tiny toy tRailER FoR sale. Call (254) 366-4370, applied. DealCall for Pictures January,Dogs Bellmead, TX. (254) 217-2880 Miniature (254) 217-2880 tRailER FoR sale. Born January 8th, 1st ersPomeranian 214-5284. Temple: (254) línea en www.janitoriPuppies. Females $300, 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, January, Bellmead, TX. CKC REgiStERED en needed. Damon Berry Motorcycles WE buy & Repair Un- shots, Puppies. 6 wks old, sale, tRailER FoR 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, bEautiFul pooworking parents, bEautiFul poo- 254-793-2318, hand winch, new hitch, 541-6023 Males $250. Parents Pomeranian Miniature 254-702pug puppliES, $600. tRailER FoR sale, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, $550. (254) 371-0664 hand winch, new hitch, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new DlES & Yorkies Puplive with goats, $125 each. CKC REgiStERED DlES & Yorkies PupCall (254) 366-4370, 1112 on site (903) 780-9377 Puppies. 6 wks old, WE 3797. buy & Repair UnFull JobS aVailablE. Registered Boston Ter4’x8’, 2’ sides, new pies Motorcycles & Scooters. Call for Pictures Call (254) 366-4370, hitch, dolly. Call (254) wanted/ for Call Text (254) 216-3585 Pomeranian Miniature pies forsale. sale. Calloror1112 Text rier January, Bellmead, TX. (Waco) Miscellaneous Broken ATV’s, $ (254) 371-0664 & part-time jobs available puppies, $600. Shots. hitch, new dolly. Call (254) We Pick-Up (903) 336- (254) January, Bellmead, TX. 366-4370, 1112 January, trailers 716-3952 Puppies. 6 wks old, (254) 716-3952 Motorcycles & Scooters. Call for Pictures (254) 217-2880 now! Needed: Janitorial 366-4370, 1112 January, tiny toy Chihuahua pug puppliES, $600. 9086 Dogs Employment Bellmead, TX.371-0664 We $550. (254) tilt trailer, new Registered Boston TerAkbash 11 pyREnEES, Puppies. Females $300, Pick-Up (903)Temple 336- 10’x6’ Akbash 11Motorcycles pyREnEES, workers in TX. Waco, Bellmead, bEautiFul 10’x6’ tilt trailer,poonew Call for Pictures tires, new hitch, new & Anatolian cross pups. sale. 9086 tRailER FoR $600. pug puppliES, Males $250.cross Parents & Anatolian pups. tires, and surrounding areas. rier puppies, $600. Shots. DlES Yorkies PupM p lE o FoR S D i S - trailer new &hitch, new tRailER sale. CKC REgiStERED dolly, hand winch. Born January 8th, 1st 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, on site (903) 780-9377 Registered Boston Ter- E Born January 8th, 1st WE buy & Repair UnStarting at $8 per hour. (254) 217-2880 pies for sale. Call or Text Ya están trailer dolly, hand winch. pug puppliES, 10’x6’, 3’ sides,¡Miniature new tires, Call Pomeranian (254) 366-4370, 1112 shots, working parents, hand winch,$600. new$600. hitch, poniblES. (Waco) rier puppies, Shots. shots, working Broken parents, ATV’s, Call Please call our office at wanted/ (254) 716-3952 los empleos (254) 366-4370,poo1112 bEautiFul Registered Boston Terhand winch, new hitch, Puppies. 6 wks old, January, Bellmead, TX. live with goats, $125 each. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 disponibles (254) 217-2880 live with goats, $125 each. January, Bellmead, TX. Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 776-7775 or apply tiempo completo y (254) Employment DlES & Yorkies Puprier puppies, $600. Shots. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 11 pyREnEES, Akbash $550. (254) 371-0664 216-3585 January, Bellmead, TX. de (254) 216-3585 We Pick-Up (903) sale, 336- pies FoR online atSe www.janitoripoofor sale.FoR Call or Text medio! necesita: tra- tRailER (254)bEautiFul 217-2880 January, Bellmead, TX. & Anatolian cross pups. Call for Pictures tRailER sale, 9086 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new tiny toy Chihuahua DlES & Yorkies Pup- M p ltoy E o SChihuahua D i S - 4’x8’, (254) bajadores de limpieza en Etiny Dogs Born 716-3952 January 8th, 1st 2’ sides, new bEautiFul poohitch, new dolly. Call (254) Puppies. Females $300, Motorcycles pies for sale. Call or Text JobS Puppies. Females $300, hitch, ¡ Ya están Full poniblES. aVailablE. Waco, Temple y las áreas shots, working parents, pug puppliES, $600. new dolly. Call (254) 11 pyREnEES, Akbash DlES & Yorkies Pup366-4370, 1112 January, Males $250. Parents Males $250. Parents 366-4370, (254) 716-3952 los empleos part-time jobs available circundantes. A partir de disponibles liveAnatolian with goats, $125 each. Registered Boston Ter1112 January, & cross pups. pies for sale. Call or Text & CKC REgiStERED TX.completo on 780-9377 WE buy & $600. Repair Un- Bellmead, onsite site(903) (903) 780-9377 de tiempo y Bellmead, Needed: Janitorial Akbash now! 11 pyREnEES, $8 hora. Por favor (254) 216-3585 rierpor puppies, Shots. TX. 8th, 1st Born January (254) 716-3952 Miniature Pomeranian (Waco) wanted/ Broken ATV’s, (Waco) FoR sale. medio! Se necesita: tra- shots, in Waco,oficina Temple &Puppies. Anatolian6cross pups. llame nuestra al tRailER (254)a217-2880 parents, tiny working toyFoR Chihuahua wks old, workers sale. 11 pyREnEES, Akbash Motorcycles & Scooters. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, bajadores de limpieza en tRailER surrounding areas. January 8th, 1st and (254) 776-7775 o solicite Employment live with goats, $125tires, each. Employment Puppies. Females $300, bEautiFul poo$550. (254) 371-0664 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new &Born Anatolian cross pups. We Pick-Up (903) 336hand winch, new hitch, Waco, Temple y las áreas (254) Starting at $8 per hour. shots, working parents, en línea en www.janitori216-3585 Males $250. Parents DlES & Yorkies PupCall January for Pictures hand winch, new hitch, Born 8th, 1st 9086 Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 circundantes. A partir de ourCall office at EEMMppllEEooSS DDi iSS- - Call live with goats, $125 each. Please on (254) sitetoy (903) 780-9377 pies forcall sale. or Text 366-4370, 1112 Chihuahua tiny shots, working parents, January, Bellmead, TX. $8 por hora. favor ¡Por (254) poniblES. ¡YaYaestán están January, (Waco) Bellmead, (254)776-7775 716-3952 or apply pug puppliES, $600. (254) Full poniblES. JobS aVailablE. Puppies. Females TX. $300, live with216-3585 goats, $125 each. llame a nuestra oficina al at www.janitoridisponibles los empleos disponibles los empleos Registered Ter- online Dogs Chihuahua tiny toy Boston &11 part-time jobs available Males $250. Parents (254) 216-3585 pyREnEES, Akbash 9086 disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y appliances medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en niCETemple WaShERS, dryWaco, y las áreas ers, refrigerators, and circundantes. A partir de cook Rebuilt $8 por stoves. hora. Por favor with a90nuestra day warranty. llame oficina al Delivery, service work, (254) 776-7775 o solicite need non-working ones. en línea en www.janitori(254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple: (254) Want to buy 541-6023




a a

a a

a a



Qua Rea on yo fit an down Qua Cred on yo (254) fit any down 65.4 Cred Coun (254) round oak, 65.4 cover Coun dad, round key. $ oak, 30 y cover 5% dS dad, http:$ key. prise 30 yr 5% d Fa http: prises Ship ERS Fa and w tos w Ship net W ERS 4270w and tos w Cut net W impr 4270 15—5 ria, in Cut grow impr $23/a 15—5 ers in n ria, 254-7 grow 3797. $23/a ers ne 254-7 3797. 10’x tires traile Call ( 10’x Janu tires trailer tRa Call 4’x8(2 Janua hitch, 366-4 tRa Bellm 4’x8 hitch, tRa 366-4 10’x6 Bellm hand Call ( tRa Janu 10’x6 hand M Call (2 Janua WE want M Moto We P WE 9086 want Moto We P 9086

(254) 799-6228, (254) Real Estate For Pomeranian Miniature 214-5284. Temple: Sale Puppies. 6 wks (254) old,

541-6023 $550. (254) 371-0664 Spanish Quality built homes Call for Pictures Temple: (254) 778-4444 on your lot. Floor plans to Miscellaneous EMplEoS DiSfitpug any budget. No money puppliES, $600. poniblES. ¡ Ya están Killeen: (254) 634-4615 100% financing. 10’x6’ tiltBoston trailer, new Registered Terdisponibles los empleos down. repair program. tires, new $600. hitch, new rier puppies, Shots. de tiempo completo y Credit trailer dolly, hand winch. (254)857-4663. 217-2880 medio! Se necesita: tra- (254) Call bEautiFul (254) 1112 aC366-4370, SW Edwards bajadores de limpieza en 65.45 pooJanuary, Bellmead, Nice valleyTX. surWaco, Temple y las áreas County. DlES & Yorkies Puphigh hills, live circundantes. A partir de rounded tRailER FoR pies for by sale. Call orsale, Text pine, cedar $8 por hora. Por favor oak, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new (254)pinon 716-3952 Whitetail, Aoullame a nuestra oficina al cover. hitch, new dolly.Axis, Call (254) 11 pyREnEES, Akbash Sika, Feral Hots, Tur(254) 776-7775 o solicite dad, 366-4370, 1112 January, & Anatolian cross pups. key. $1,650/ac. Fixed en línea en www.janitori- Born Bellmead, TX. 8th,rate January 1st 30 yr. owner financing, tRailER FoR sale. shots, working parents, 5% down. 800-876-9720. 10’x6’, sides,$125 new each. tires, live with3’goats, Want to buy http://www.ranchenterhand winch, new hitch, (254) 216-3585 (254) 366-4370, 1112 WE buy & Repair Un- Call Chihuahua tiny toy TX. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, January, Farm Bellmead, & Ranch Puppies. Females $300, Motorcycles & Scooters. Males $250. Parents Dogs ContainWe Pick-Up (903) 336- Shipping on site (903) 780-9377 ERS $2,000 and up. Wind 9086 (Waco) CKC REgiStERED and water tight. See phoappliances Employment Pomeranian Miniature tos www.steelcontainers. Puppies. 6 wks old, net Will deliver. (254) 722E$550. M pBurleson, l(254) E o S371-0664 niCE WaShERS, dry- 4270, TX.D i S poniblES. ¡ Ya cost, están Call FERtiliZER for Pictures ers, refrigerators, and Cut disponiblessoil, los N-TEXX empleos cook stoves. Rebuilt improves pug puppliES, $600.y de tiempo completo with 90 day warranty. 15—5-5 with microbacteRegistered Boston Termedio! Se necesita: traDelivery, service work, ria, increases germination, rier puppies, $600. Shots. bajadores de limpieza en need non-working ones. growth and production, (254) 217-2880 Waco, Temple y las áreas (254) 799-6228, (254) $23/acre applied. Dealcircundantes. A partir de 214-5284. Temple: (254) ers bEautiFul pooneeded. Damon Berry $8 por hora. Por favor 541-6023 DlES & Yorkies Pup254-793-2318, 254-702llamefor a nuestra oficina al pies sale. Call or Text 3797. (254) 716-3952 776-7775 o solicite Miscellaneous (254) en en www.janitoritrailers Akbash 11 línea pyREnEES, 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new & Anatolian cross pups. tilt trailer, JobS aVailablE. Full tires, new hitch, new 10’x6’ Born January 8th,new 1st new hitch, new & part-time jobs available trailer dolly, hand winch. tires, shots, working parents, trailer dolly, hand winch. now! Needed: Janitorial Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 live with goats, $125 each. (254) 366-4370, 1112 workers in Waco, Temple January, Bellmead, TX. Call (254) 216-3585 January, Bellmead, TX. surrounding areas. tRailER FoR sale, and tiny toy Chihuahua Starting $8 persale, hour. FoR 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new tRailER Puppies. at Females $300, Please 2’ call our Parents office sides, newat hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 4’x8’, Males $250. (254) 776-7775 or apply hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, on site (903) 780-9377 online www.janitori366-4370, January, Bellmead, TX. (Waco) at 1112 Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. Employment JobS aVailablE. Full FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, tRailER & part-time jobs available 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, 10’x6’, E Mp l E o new S Janitorial D iSnow! Needed: hand winch, hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 poniblES. ¡ Ya están workers Waco, Temple (254) in 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Call disponibles los empleos and surrounding areas. January, Bellmead, TX. de tiempo completo Dogs Starting at $8 per hour.y Motorcycles medio! Se necesita: Please call our officetraat bajadores de limpieza en (254) 776-7775 orFor apply CKC REgiStERED WE Real Estate buy & Repair UnWaco, Temple y las áreas online atSale www.janitoriPomeranian Miniature wanted/ Broken ATV’s, circundantes. A partir de Puppies. 6 wks old, Motorcycles & Scooters. $8 por hora. Por favor Spanish $550. (254) 371-0664 We JobS aVailablE. Full Quality built homes Pick-Up (903) 336-al llame a nuestra oficina Call for Pictures & part-time jobsoplans available on your lot. Floor to E M p l E o S D i S - 9086 (254) 776-7775 solicite now! Needed: Janitorial fit any budget. No money poniblES. ¡ Ya están en línea en www.janitoripug puppliES, $600. down. workers in Waco, Temple 100% financing. disponibles los empleos Registered Boston Ter- Credit and surrounding areas. repair program. de puppies, tiempo completo JobS aVailablE. Full rier $600. Shots.y (254) at $8 per hour. 857-4663. medio! Se necesita: tra- Starting & part-time jobs available (254) 217-2880 PleaseaC callSW ourEdwards office at bajadores de limpieza en 65.45 now! 776-7775 Needed: Janitorial (254) or apply bEautiFul Nice valley surWaco, Temple y laspooáreas County. workers in www.janitoriWaco, Temple online at DlES & Yorkies by high hills, live circundantes. A partirPupde rounded and surrounding areas. pies for hora. sale. Call Text oak, pinon pine, cedar $8 por Pororfavor Starting at $8 per hour. (254) 716-3952 Whitetail, Aou-at llame a nuestra oficina al cover. Please call ourAxis, office 11 pyREnEES, Feral Hots, Tur(254) 776-7775 o Akbash solicite dad, (254)Sika, 776-7775 or apply & cross pups. key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate enAnatolian línea en www.janitorionline at www.janitoriBorn January 8th, 1st 30 yr. owner financing, shots, working parents, 5% down. 800-876-9720. JobS aVailablE. Full to$125 buy liveWant with goats, each. http://www.ranchenter& part-time jobs available (254) 216-3585 WE buy & Repair Un- now! Needed: Janitorial Chihuahua tiny toy wanted/ Broken ATV’s, workers Temple Farm in&Waco, Ranch Puppies. Females $300, and surrounding areas. Motorcycles & Scooters. Males $250.(903) Parents ContainWe Pick-Up 336- Shipping Starting at $8 per hour. on site (903) 780-9377 ERS $2,000 Windat 9086 Please call and our up. office (Waco) and water tight. See pho(254) 776-7775 or apply appliances www.steelcontainers. online at www.janitoriEmployment tos net Will deliver. (254) TX. Full EniCE M p lWaShERS, E o S Ddryi S - 4270, JobSBurleson, aVailablE. ers, refrigerators, and poniblES. ¡ Ya están Cut FERtiliZER cost, & part-time jobs available cook stoves. Rebuilt disponibles los empleos improves soil, N-TEXX now! Needed: Janitorial with 90 day warranty. de tiempo completo y 15—5-5 microbacteworkerswith in Waco, Temple Delivery, work, medio! Seservice necesita: tra- ria, increases germination, and surrounding areas. need non-working ones. bajadores de limpieza en growth production, Startingand at $8 per hour. (254) Temple 799-6228, Waco, y las(254) áreas $23/acre applied. Deal-at Please call our office 214-5284. Temple: (254) circundantes. A partir de ers needed. Damon (254) 776-7775 or Berry apply 541-6023 $8 por hora. Por favor 254-793-2318, 254-702online at www.janitorillame a nuestra oficina al 3797. Miscellaneous (254) 776-7775 o solicite





Want to Buy


$23/acre applied.ATV’s, Dealwanted/ Broken ers needed. Damon Berry Motorcycles & Scooters. 254-793-2318, 254-702We Pick-Up (903) 3363797. 9086


10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

Motorcycles WE & Repair UnADSbuy Employment wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

11 pyREnEES, Akbash & Anatolian cross pups. CKCJanuary REgiStERED Born 8th, 1st Pomeranian Miniature shots, working parents, Puppies. 6 wks live with goats, $125 old, each. $550. (254) 371-0664 (254) 216-3585 Call for Pictures tiny toy Chihuahua Puppies. Females $300, pug puppliES, $600. Males $250. Parents Registered Boston Teron site (903) 780-9377 rier puppies, $600. Shots. (Waco) (254) 217-2880 Employment bEautiFul pooDlES & Yorkies PupEMp E o SCall or D iText Spies forl sale. poniblES. (254) 716-3952¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos 11 pyREnEES, Akbash de tiempo completo & Anatolian cross pups.y medio! Se necesita: traBorn January 8th, 1st bajadores de limpieza en shots, working parents, Waco, Temple las áreas live with goats, y$125 each. circundantes. (254) 216-3585A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor tiny Chihuahua llame atoy nuestra oficina al Puppies. Females $300, (254) 776-7775 o solicite Males $250. Parents ADS en líneaEmployment en www.janitorion site (903) 780-9377 (Waco) JobS aVailablE. Full & part-time jobs available Employment now! Needed: Janitorial workers Waco, E M p l in Eo S Temple DiSand surrounding poniblES. ¡ Yaareas. están Starting at $8 hour. disponibles los per empleos Please call our office aty de tiempo completo (254) 776-7775 or apply medio! Se necesita: traonline at de www.janitoribajadores limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partirFull de JobS aVailablE. $8 por hora. favor & part-time jobsPor available llame nuestra oficina al now! aNeeded: Janitorial (254) 776-7775 o Temple solicite workers in Waco, en línea en www.janitoriand surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. PleaseaVailablE. call our officeFull at JobS (254) 776-7775 apply & part-time jobs or available onlineNeeded: at www.janitorinow! Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Full JobS aVailablE. Starting at jobs $8 per hour. & part-time available Please call our office at now! Needed: Janitorial (254) 776-7775 apply workers in Waco,orTemple online at www.janitoriand surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. PleaseaVailablE. call our officeFull at JobS (254) 776-7775 apply & part-time jobs or available onlineNeeded: at www.janitorinow! Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at JobS aVailablE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at


Motorcycles WE buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

May 9, 2019 • Page 3

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

Page 4 • May 9, 2019

Real Estate for Sale

Spanish EMplEoS DiSponiblES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en

Want to buy WE buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

appliances niCE WaShERS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023

Miscellaneous 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

Dogs CKC REgiStERED Pomeranian Miniature Puppies. 6 wks old, $550. (254) 371-0664 Call for Pictures

Apartments for Rent

Houses for Rent

Duplexes/ Townhomes

Real Estate For Sale Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. 65.45 aC SW Edwards County. Nice valley surrounded by high hills, live oak, pinon pine, cedar cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aoudad, Sika, Feral Hots, Turkey. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate 30 yr. owner financing, 5% down. 800-876-9720.

Farm & Ranch We Buy Wrecked & Junk Cars We Pay the Most & We Haul!

Shipping ContainERS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX. (254)-831-4920 Cut FERtiliZER cost, improves soil, N-TEXX 15—5-5 with microbacteria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry 254-793-2318, 254-7023797.

trailers 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

Motorcycles WE buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

Commercial Real Estate

DiSestán pleos eto y a: traza en áreas tir de favor ina al olicite nitori-


r UnTV’s, oters. 336-


dryand built anty. work, nes. 254) 254)


new new winch. 1112 TX. sale, new (254) nuary,

sale. tires, hitch, 1112 TX.

RED ture old, 664

$600. n TerShots.

pooPupr Text

kbash pups.

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 634-4615

Spanish EMplEoS DiSponiblES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, y lasFor áreas RealTemple Estate circundantes. SaleA partir de $8 por hora. Por favor Manufactured llame a nuestra Quality builtoficina homesal (254) 776-7775 solicite on your lot. Flooroplans to Housing enany línea en www.janitorifit budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair Want toprogram. buy (254) 857-4663. 65.45 aC SW Edwards WE buy & Repair UnCounty. valley surwanted/Nice Broken ATV’s, rounded by high hills, live Motorcycles & Scooters. oak, pinon pine, We Pick-Up (903)cedar 336cover. 9086 Whitetail, Axis, Aoudad, Sika, Feral Hots, Turappliances key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate 30 yr. owner financing, Farm & Ranch 5% down. 800-876-9720. niCE WaShERS, dryhttp://www.ranchenterers, refrigerators, and We Buy Wrecked & Junk Cars cook stoves. Rebuilt We Pay 90 the Most We Haul! with day &warranty. Farm & Ranch Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. Shipping Contain(254) 799-6228, ERS $2,000 and up.(254) Wind 214-5284. Temple: and water tight. See(254) pho541-6023 tos www.steelcontainers. (254)-831-4920 net Will deliver. (254) 722Miscellaneous 4270, Burleson, TX. Cut FERtiliZER 10’x6’ tilt trailer,cost, new improves N-TEXX tires, newsoil, hitch, new 15—5-5 with microbactetrailer dolly, hand winch. ria, germination, Callincreases (254) 366-4370, 1112 growth production, January,and Bellmead, TX. $23/acre applied. Dealsale, tRailER FoR Berry ers needed. Damon 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new 254-793-2318, 254-702hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 3797. 366-4370, 1112 January, trailers Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’ trailer, 10’x6’, 3’tilt sides, new new tires, tires, new hitch, new hand winch, new hitch, trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Call (254) Bellmead, 366-4370,TX. 1112 January, January, Bellmead, TX. Dogs tRailER FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) CKC REgiStERED 366-4370, 1112Miniature January, Pomeranian Bellmead, Puppies.TX. 6 wks old, $550. (254)FoR 371-0664 tRailER sale. Call for Pictures 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, pug puppliES, Call (254) 366-4370,$600. 1112 Registered Boston January, Bellmead, TX.Terrier puppies, $600. Shots. Motorcycles (254) 217-2880 bEautiFul pooWE DlES buy & Repair PupUn& Yorkies wanted/ Broken pies for sale. Call ATV’s, or Text Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 716-3952 We Pick-Up (903) 33611 pyREnEES, Akbash 9086 & Anatolian cross pups. Born January 8th, 1st shots, working parents, live with goats, $125 each. (254) 216-3585 tiny toy Chihuahua Puppies. Females $300, Males $250. Parents on site (903) 780-9377 (Waco)



Real Estate For Sale Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. 65.45 aC SW Edwards County. Nice valley surrounded by high hills, live oak, pinon pine, cedar cover. AouADS Whitetail, Farm &Axis, Ranch dad, Sika, Feral Hots, Turkey. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate 30 yr. owner financing, 5% down. 800-876-9720.

Farm & Ranch Shipping ContainERS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX. Cut FERtiliZER cost, improves soil, N-TEXX 15—5-5 with microbacteria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry Dogs254-702254-793-2318, 3797.

trailers 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

Motorcycles WE buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

program. de tiempo completo wanted/ Broken ATV’s,y Credit Farmrepair & Ranch medio! Se necesita: tra- (254) 857-4663. Motorcycles & Scooters. 65.45 aC SW Edwards bajadores de(903) limpieza en Shipping ContainWe Pick-Up 336County. Nice surWaco, Temple y las áreas ERS $2,000 andvalley up. Wind 9086 rounded highSee hills, live circundantes. A partir de and waterby tight. phoappliances oak, pinon pine, cedar $8 por hora. Por favor tos www.steelcontainers. cover. Whitetail, Axis, Aoullame a nuestra oficina al net Will deliver. (254) 722dad, Sika, Feral TX. Hots, Tur(254) o solicite niCE776-7775 WaShERS, dry- 4270, Burleson, key. $1,650/ac. Fixed rate en en www.janitoriers,línea refrigerators, and Cut cost, 30 yr.FERtiliZER owner financing, cook stoves. Rebuilt improves N-TEXX 5% down.soil, 800-876-9720. with 90 dayto warranty. Want buy 15—5-5 with microbactehttp://www.ranchenterDelivery, service work, ria, increases germination, needbuy non-working ones. WE & Repair Un- growth and production, (254) 799-6228, wanted/ Broken (254) ATV’s, $23/acre Farmapplied. & Ranch DealMotorcycles & Scooters. 214-5284. Temple: (254) ers needed. Damon Berry Shipping ContainWe Pick-Up (903) 336- 254-793-2318, 541-6023 254-702ERS $2,000 and up. Wind 9086 3797. and water tight. See phoMiscellaneous appliances tos www.steelcontainers. trailers 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new net Will deliver. (254) 722niCE WaShERS, dry- 10’x6’ 4270, Burleson, tilt trailer, tires, new hitch, new ers, refrigerators, and tires, new hitch, new Cut FERtiliZER cost, trailer dolly, hand winch. cook stoves. Rebuilt trailer dolly, soil, hand N-TEXX winch. Call (254) 1112 improves with 90366-4370, day warranty. 15—5-5 with microbacteCall (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Trailers Delivery, service work, ria, increases germination, January, Bellmead, TX. ADS Dogs need non-working sale, growth and production, tRailER FoR ones. tRailER FoR (254) 799-6228, (254) 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new $23/acre applied. sale, Deal2’ sides, new 214-5284. Temple: hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 4’x8’, ers needed. Damon Berry hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 541-6023 366-4370, 1112 January, 254-793-2318, 254-702366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. 3797. Bellmead, TX. Miscellaneous tRailER FoR sale. trailers 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’ tiltnew trailer, new 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, hitch, 10’x6’ tiltnew trailer, new tires, new hitch, 1112 new hand winch, hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.1112 trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, January, Bellmead, TX. January,Dogs Bellmead, TX. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale, Motorcycles tRailER FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new CKC REgiStERED WE buy Repair new Un4’x8’, 2’ &sides, hitch, new dolly. Call (254) Pomeranian Miniature wanted/ hitch, new dolly. Call (254) Broken ATV’s, 366-4370, 1112 January, Puppies. 6 wks old, Motorcycles January, & Scooters. Bellmead, TX.371-0664 366-4370, 1112 $550. (254) Bellmead, TX.(903) 336We Pick-Up tRailER FoR sale. Call for Pictures tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, 9086 hand puppliES, winch, new $600. hitch, 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, pug Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 hand winch, new hitch, Registered Boston TerJanuary, Bellmead, TX. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 rier puppies, $600. Shots. January, Bellmead, TX. (254) 217-2880 Dogs Motorcycles bEautiFul pooCars DlES & Yorkies Pup- WE buy & Repair UnCKC REgiStERED pies for sale. Call or Text wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Pomeranian Miniature (254) 716-3952 Puppies. 6 wks old, Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 371-0664 Akbash We Pick-Up (903) 33611$550. pyREnEES, for Pictures & Call Anatolian cross pups. 9086 Born January 8th, 1st pug puppliES, $600. shots, working parents, Registered Boston Terlive with goats, $125 each. rier puppies, $600. Shots. (254) (254)216-3585 217-2880 tiny toy Chihuahua bEautiFul pooPuppies. Females $300, DlES & Yorkies PupMales Parents pies for$250. sale. Call or Text on site716-3952 (903) 780-9377 (254) (Waco) 11 pyREnEES, Akbash & Employment Anatolian cross pups. Born January 8th, 1st shots, E M p lworking E o S parents, DiSlive with goats,¡$125 each. poniblES. Ya están (254) 216-3585 disponibles los empleos Chihuahua tiny toycompleto de tiempo y Puppies.SeFemales medio! necesita:$300, traMales $250. Parents bajadores de limpieza en on site (903)y 780-9377 Waco, Temple las áreas (Waco) circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor Employment llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 EMp l E o So solicite DiSen línea en www.janitoriponiblES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo Fully JobS aVailablE. Sejobs necesita: tra&medio! part-time available bajadores de limpieza en now! Needed: Janitorial Waco, Temple y las áreas workers in Waco, Temple circundantes. A partir de and surrounding areas. $8 por hora. Por favor Starting at $8 per hour. llame a nuestra oficina al Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 776-7775 or apply en línea en www.janitorionline at JobS aVailablE. Full JobS aVailablE. Full & part-time jobs available &now! part-time jobs available Needed: Janitorial now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple



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EMplEoS DiSponiblES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en

Motorcycles Want to buy

Qua on yo fit any down Cred (254) 65.4 Coun round oak, cover dad, S key. $ 30 yr 5% d http: prises

WE buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Fa Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336- Ship ERS 9086 and w appliances tos w net W niCE WaShERS, dry- 4270 ers, refrigerators, and Cut cook stoves. Rebuilt impr with 90 day warranty. 15—5 Delivery, service work, ria, in need non-working ones. grow (254) 799-6228, (254) $23/a 214-5284. Temple: (254) ers ne 541-6023 254-7 3797.


10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRailER FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

Dogs CKC REgiStERED Pomeranian Miniature Puppies. 6 wks old, $550. (254) 371-0664 Call for Pictures pug puppliES, $600. Registered Boston Terrier puppies, $600. Shots. (254) 217-2880 bEautiFul pooDlES & Yorkies Puppies for sale. Call or Text (254) 716-3952 11 pyREnEES, Akbash & Anatolian cross pups. Born January 8th, 1st shots, working parents, live with goats, $125 each. (254) 216-3585 tiny toy Chihuahua Puppies. Females $300, Males $250. Parents on site (903) 780-9377 (Waco)


Employment EMplEoS DiSponiblES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos

10’x tires trailer Call (2 Janua tRa 4’x8 hitch, 366-4 Bellm tRa 10’x6 hand Call (2 Janua


WE want Moto We P 9086

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