American Dollar Saver May 30th

Page 1

tRaileR FoR sale, 336- 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) nap- 366-4370, 1112 January, Lawn Bellmead, TX. ning. tRaileR FoR sale. Mes- 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, Farm & Ranch 7 hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Shipping containSpanish s January, Bellmead, TX. eRS $2,000 and up. Wind

dryand built nty. ork, nes. 254) 254)


new new winch. 1112 TX. Bridormal 698-

sale, new (254) uary,

sale. tires, hitch, 1112 TX.

Red ture old, 664

ndly s for (254)


diSestán pleos eto y a: traza en áreas tir de favor ina al olicite nitori-

. Full ilable torial mple reas. hour. ce at apply itori-

. Full ilable torial mple reas. hour. ce at apply itori-

. Full

e M livestock p l e o S d i S - and water tight. See phoponibleS. ¡ Ya están tos www.steelcontainers. disponibles g e n t l e losMempleos i x e d net Will deliver. (254) 722B e d C ocompleto w s a n dy 4270, Burleson, TX. der etiempo Stocker medio! SeCalves. necesita:Call tra- gentle Mixed (254) 749-0909 (254) bajadores de limpieza en Breed Cows and 749-5637 Waco, Temple y las áreas Stocker Calves. Call circundantes. A partir de (254) 749-0909 (254) Real estate For $8 por hora. SalePor favor 749-5637 llame a nuestra oficina al Quality built homes (254) 776-7775 o solicite trailers on plans to enyour línealot. en Floor any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Featured ad 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new Credit repair program. new hitch, new want to buy of857-4663. the Week! tires, (254) trailer dolly, hand winch. looking hunting/ we buy &FoR Repair Un- Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 recreation property? We January, Bellmead, TX. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, have some of the best Motorcycles & Scooters. in Texas, from the hill tRaileR FoR sale, We Pick-Up (903)Texas. 336- 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new country to south 9086 acreage or small. hitch, new dolly. Call (254) Large 30 year fixed rateSnapowner 366-4370, 1112 January, wanted: financing. Only 5% Down. peR Riding Lawn Bellmead, TX. 800-876-9720 ranchenterMower, Not Running. tRaileR FoR sale. Please Leave Voice Mes- 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, Manufactured sage (254) 398-6947 hand winch, new hitch, housing Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 appliances 3 bedRooM, 2 bath January, Bellmead, TX.


on 5 acres. Bank repo MUST ASAP!dry254livestock niceSELL waSheRS, 933-3334. RBI 33073. ers, refrigerators, and bank Palm gentle Mixed cook Repo. stoves.2018 Rebuilt Harbor 2 bath, with 390bedroom, day warranty. $38,000. Priced to sell Breed Cows and Delivery,254-933-3334. service work, Stocker Calves. Call quickly! need non-working ones. (254) 749-0909 (254) RBI 33073. (254)one 799-6228, laSt leFt!(254) Coun- 749-5637 (254) 3 try214-5284. cabin, 4Temple: bedroom, 541-6023 bath, 2,600 square foot Real estate For Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free Sale delivery, setup and A/C in 50 Miscellaneous mile radius. 254-933Quality built homes 3334. RBI 33073.

10’x6’ tilt trailer, new on your lot. Floor plans to cars tires, new hitch, new fit any budget. No money trailer dolly, hand winch. two 2018 Hyun- down. 100% financing. Calldai (254) 366-4370, 1112 Credit repair program. Accent Automatic. January, Bellmead, TX. (254) 857-4663. AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500 each,Size Cash 14Only David (254) Brid- looking FoR hunting/ 698-1137 al Burgundy Formal recreation property? We Dress, boats $25. (254) 698- have some of the best 1137 1977 playcRaFt in Texas, from the hill sale,3 country to south Texas. tRaileR Pontoon BoatFoR 24’ with 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new batteries, trailernew and Large acreage or small. motor. $4,500 cash 30 year fixed rate owner hitch, new dolly.obo, Call (254) only (254) 698-1137 366-4370, 1112 January, financing. Only 5% Down. 800-876-9720 ranchenterBellmead, TX. Motorcycles tRaileR FoR sale. we buy & Repair Un10’x6’, 3’ sides, newATV’s, tires, Manufactured wanted/ Broken hand winch, &new hitch, Motorcycles Scooters. housing CallPick-Up (254) 366-4370, We (903) 1112 3369086 January, Bellmead, TX. 3 bedRooM, 2 bath on 5 acres. Bank repo dogs MUST SELL ASAP! 254933-3334. RBI 33073. ckc RegiSteRed Pomeranian Miniature bank Repo. 2018 Palm Puppies. 6 wks old, Harbor 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $550. (254) 371-0664 $38,000. Priced to sell quickly! 254-933-3334. Call for Pictures RBI 33073. SupeR FRiendly laSt one leFt! Coun-



wanted: Snap- 366-4370, 1112 January, buy peR Riding Lawn Bellmead, H Mower, Not Running. Please Leave Voice Message (254) 398-6947

appliances nice waSheRS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, Spanishones. need non-working (254) 799-6228, (254) e214-5284. M p l e Temple: oS d iS(254) ponibleS. ¡ Ya están 541-6023 disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y Miscellaneous medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new Waco, Temple y las áreas tires, new hitch, new circundantes. A partir de trailer dolly, hand winch. $8 por hora. Por favor Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 llame a nuestra oficina January, Bellmead, TX. al (254) 776-7775 o solicite Size 14 David Briden línea en www.janitorial Burgundy Formal Dress, $25. (254) 698want to buy 1137 tRaileR FoR sale, we buy Repairnew Un4’x8’, 2’ & sides, wanted/ hitch, newBroken dolly. CallATV’s, (254) Motorcycles & Scooters. 366-4370, 1112 January, We Pick-Up Bellmead, TX. (903) 3369086 tRaileR FoR sale. wanted: Snap10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, Riding handpeR winch, new Lawn hitch, Mower, Running. Call (254) Not 366-4370, 1112 Please Leave Voice TX. MesJanuary, Bellmead, sage (254) 398-6947




appliances WASH AND Clean Oil and Grease out of garagRegiSteRed esckc and waSheRS, driveways. Mow nice dryPomeranian Miniature grass, wash and polish ers, refrigerators, and Puppies. 6 wks old, cars. (254) 444cook Call stoves. Rebuilt $550. 371-0664 7052 or90(254) 254-899-5027. withfor day warranty. Call Pictures Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. SupeR FRiendly (254) 799-6228, (254) Yorkie Puppies for 214-5284. sale. Call Temple: or Text (254) (254) 541-6023 716-3952


employment Miscellaneous e M p ltilt e o Strailer, d new iS10’x6’ ponibleS. ¡ Ya están tires, new hitch, new disponibles empleos trailer dolly, los hand winch. de completo Calltiempo (254) 366-4370, 1112y medio! Se necesita: January, Bellmead, TX.trabajadores de limpieza en Size 14 David BridWaco, Temple y las áreas al Burgundy Formal circundantes. A partir de Dress, $25. (254) 698$8 por hora. Por favor 1137 llame a nuestra oficina al tRaileR FoR sale, (254) 776-7775 o solicite 4’x8’, sides, new en línea 2’ en www.janitorihitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, JobS aVailable. Full Bellmead, & part-timeTX. jobs available tRaileR FoR sale. now! Needed: Janitorial 10’x6’, 3’ in sides, new tires, workers Waco, Temple handsurrounding winch, new areas. hitch, and Call (254)at366-4370, 1112 Starting $8 per hour. January,call Bellmead, TX. at Please our office (254) 776-7775 dogs or apply online at ckc RegiSteRed JobS aVailable. Full Pomeranian Miniature &Puppies. part-time 6jobs available wks old, now! Janitorial $550.Needed: (254) 371-0664 workers in Waco, Call for Pictures Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. SupeR FRiendly Please call Puppies our officefor at Yorkie (254) or apply sale. 776-7775 Call or Text (254) online at www.janitori716-3952



tRaileR FoR sale. we buy & Repair Un10’x6’, 3’ sides, newATV’s, tires, wanted/ Broken hand winch, & new hitch, Motorcycles Scooters. Call 366-4370, We(254) Pick-Up (903) 1112 336January, 9086 Bellmead, TX. wanted: Snaplivestock H peR Riding Lawn Mower, Not Running.

gFarm e n tLeave l& e Ranch M i x eMesd Please Voice B r e e(254) d C398-6947 ow s a n d sage

Stocker Calves. Call Shipping containappliances (254) 749-0909 eRS $2,000 and up.(254) Wind 749-5637 and water tight. See phonice waSheRS, drytos www.steelcontainers. ers, refrigerators, and net Will deliver. (254) 722Real estate For cook stoves. Rebuilt 4270, Burleson, TX. with 90Sale day warranty.

Delivery, work, g e n t l service e M i homes x ed Quality built need non-working ones. B r e e d C ow s a n to d on(254) your lot. Floor plans 799-6228, (254) Calves. Call 214-5284. Temple: (254) fitStocker any budget. No money (254) 749-0909 (254) 541-6023 down. 100% financing.

749-5637 Credit repair program. Miscellaneous (254) 857-4663. trailers looking FoR hunting/ 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new recreation property? We tires, new hitch, new 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new have some of the best trailer new dolly, hitch, hand winch. tires, new inCall Texas, 366-4370, from the 1112 hill trailer(254) dolly, hand winch. country toBellmead, south Texas. January, TX. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 LargeSize acreage or small. 14 David BridJanuary, Bellmead, TX. 30 year fixed rate owner al Burgundy Formal tRaileR FoR sale, financing. Only 5% Down. Dress, $25. (254) 6984’x8’, new 800-876-9720 ranchenter1137 2’ sides, hitch, new dolly. Call (254) sale, tRaileR FoR 366-4370, January, 4’x8’, 2’ 1112 sides, new Manufactured Bellmead, TX. hitch, new dolly. Call (254) housing 366-4370, 1112 tRaileR FoRJanuary, sale. Bellmead, TX. new tires, 10’x6’, 3’ sides, 3 bedRooM, 2 bath sale. tRaileR hand winch, FoR new hitch, on 5 acres. Bank 10’x6’, 3’ sides, newrepo tires, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 MUST SELL ASAP! 254hand winch, new TX. hitch, January, Bellmead, 933-3334. RBI 33073. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 livestock January, Bellmead, bank Repo. 2018 TX. Palm Harbor 3 bedroom, dogs 2 bath, $38,000. toesell g e n t lPriced e Mix d quickly! 254-933-3334. Bckc r e e dRegiSteRed C ow s a n d RBI 33073. Stocker Calves. Call HELP US, OMiniature God our Pomeranian (254) 749-0909 (254) Savior, for leFt! glory laSt one CounPuppies. 6thewks old,of your name; deliver us 749-5637 $550. (254) 371-0664 try cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 and our sinsfoot for Callforgive for Pictures bath, 2,600 square your name’s sake. Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free Real estate For SupeR FRiendly Psalm 79:9 delivery, setup and A/C in Sale Yorkie Puppies for 50 mile radius. 254-933sale. Call or Text (254) 3334. RBI 33073. Quality built homes 716-3952 on your lot. Floor plans to carsNo money employment fit any budget. down. 100% financing. Hyune Mtwo pl e 2018 o Sprogram. diSCredit repair dai Accent Automatic. ponibleS. ¡ Ya están (254) 857-4663. disponibles los empleos AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500 looking de tiempo completo each, CashFoR Onlyhunting/ (254)y medio! Seproperty? necesita:We trarecreation 698-1137 bajadores en have somedeoflimpieza the best boats Temple inWaco, Texas, fromy las theáreas hill circundantes. A partir de country to south Texas. $8 poracreage hora. or Porsmall. favor 1977 playcRaFt Large llame a fixed nuestra Pontoon Boat rate 24’oficina with 3al 30 year776-7775 owner (254)batteries, o solicite new trailer and financing. Only 5% Down. en línea$4,500 en www.janitorimotor. obo, cash 800-876-9720 only (254) 698-1137 JobS aVailable. Full




10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

livestock gentle Mixed Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637

Real estate For Sale Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. looking FoR hunting/ recreation property? We have some of the best in Texas, from the hill country to south Texas. Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing. Only 5% Down. 800-876-9720

Manufactured housing 3 bedRooM, 2 bath on 5 acres. Bank repo MUST SELL ASAP! 254933-3334. RBI 33073. bank Repo. 2018 Palm Harbor 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $38,000. Priced to sell quickly! 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. laSt one leFt! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2,600 square foot Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free delivery, setup and A/C in 50 mile radius. 254-9333334. RBI 33073.

cars two 2018 Hyun4 dai Accent Automatic. AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500

each, Cash Only (254) 698-1137


1977 playcRaFt Pontoon Boat 24’ with 3 new batteries, trailer and motor. $4,500 obo, cash Motorcycles &Manufactured part-time jobs available only (254) 698-1137 now! housing Needed: Janitorial Motorcycles workers Temple we buyin &Waco, Repair Unsurrounding areas. wanted/ Broken 2ATV’s, 3and bedRooM, bath we buy & Repair UnStarting at $8 per repo hour. Motorcycles &Bank Scooters. on 5 acres. Please call our office at wanted/ Broken ATV’s, We Pick-Up (903) 336MUST SELL ASAP! 254- Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 776-7775 or apply 9086 933-3334. 33073. We Pick-Up (903) 336online at RBI bank Repo. 2018 Palm 9086

Harbor bedroom, 2 bath, Full JobS3aVailable. $38,000. Priced to sell & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial quickly! 254-933-3334. workers in Waco, Temple RBI 33073. and surrounding areas. laSt one Starting at leFt! $8 perCounhour. try cabin, bedroom, Please call4 our office 3 at bath, square foot (254) 2,600 776-7775 or apply Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free online at www.janitori-

Vol. 1 • No. 35 May 30, 2019

9086 hitch, new dolly. Call (254) llame a nuestra al 1112 oficina January, wanted: Snap- 366-4370, (254) 776-7775 o solicite TX. peR Riding Lawn Bellmead, en línea en www.janitoriMower, Not Running. tRaileR sale. American DollarFoR Saver: Please Leave Voice Mes- 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, (254) 771-2777 want to buy sage (254) 398-6947 hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 appliances we buy & Repair January, Bellmead, TX.Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, & Scooters. livestock nice waSheRS, dry- Motorcycles ers, refrigerators, and We Pick-Up (903) 336cook stoves. Rebuilt 9086 gentle Mixed with 90 day warranty. B r ewanted: e d C o w sSnapand peR Calves. Riding Lawn Delivery, service work, Stocker Call Not Running. need non-working ones. Mower, (254) 749-0909 (254) Leave Voice Mes(254) 799-6228, (254) Please 749-5637 214-5284. Temple: (254) sage (254) 398-6947 541-6023 appliances Real estate For


H Page 2 • May 30, 2019




ADS Miscellaneous

Farm Sale & Ranch

nice waSheRS, dryQuality built homes ers, refrigerators, and contain10’x6’ tilt trailer, new Shipping Spanish on your lot. Floor plans to cook stoves. Rebuilt $2,000 and up. Wind tires, new hitch, new eRS fitwith any budget. No money 90 & dayRanch warranty. Farm and water tight. See photrailer dolly, hand winch. eADS M p Miscellaneous l e o S d i S - down. 100% financing. Delivery, service work, ADS Miscellaneous www.steelcontainers. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 tos ponibleS. ¡ Ya están Credit repair program. need non-working ones. Shipping containSpanish net Will deliver. (254) 722January, Bellmead, TX. (254) 799-6228, (254) 857-4663. disponibles los empleos eRS $2,000 and up.(254) Wind 4270, Burleson, TX. 214-5284. Temple: (254) Size 14 David Bridde tiempo completo y and water tight. See pholooking FoR hunting/ e M p l e o S d i S - 541-6023 al Burgundy medio! Se necesita: tra- tos www.steelcontainers. recreation ge n t l eproperty? M i x eWe d ponibleS. ¡ YaFormal están Dress, $25. (254) 698bajadores delos limpieza en net Will deliver. have some of(254) the best disponibles empleos B r e e d C ow s a722nd 1137 Miscellaneous 4270, Burleson, TX. in Texas, from the hill Waco, Temple y las áreas de tiempo completo y Stocker Calves. Call to south (254) Texas. tRaileR FoR circundantes. A partirsale, de country medio! Se necesita: tra(254) g e nacreage t749-0909 l e trailer, Mori xsmall. enew d 10’x6’ tilt 4’x8’, 2’desides, new $8 por hora. Por favor bajadores limpieza en Large 749-5637 B ryear e e dnew C ohitch, w s owner anew nd tires, fixed rate hitch,anew dolly. Calláreas (254) llame nuestra al 30 Waco, Temple y oficina las trailer dolly, hand winch. Stocker Only Calves. Call 5% Down. 366-4370, 1112 January, circundantes. A opartir de financing. (254) 776-7775 solicite Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 (254) 749-0909 (254) trailers ranchenterBellmead, $8 por hora. Por favor 800-876-9720 en línea en TX. www.janitoriJanuary, Bellmead, TX. 749-5637 llame a nuestra oficina al tRaileR FoR sale. Size 14trailer, David new Bridtilt (254) solicite 10’x6’,776-7775 3’ sides, onew tires, 10’x6’ Manufactured al trailers Burgundy new hitch,Formal new want tonew buy en líneawinch, en www.janitorihand hitch, tires, housing Dress,dolly, $25.hand (254) 698winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 trailer 1137 tilt trailer, new Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 we buyBellmead, & RepairTX. Un- 10’x6’ January, 3 bedRooM, 2 bath new hitch, new sale, tRaileR FoR TX. wantBroken to buy January, Bellmead, wanted/ ATV’s, tires, on 5 dolly, acres. Bankwinch. repo trailer hand 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new dogs Motorcycles & Scooters. MUST SELL ASAP! 254tRaileR FoR sale, hitch, new366-4370, dolly. Call 1112 (254) (254) we buy & Repair Un- Call We Pick-Up (903) 336933-3334. RBI 33073. 4’x8’, 2’Bellmead, sides, new 366-4370, 1112 January, January, TX. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ckc RegiSteRed hitch, 9086 Bellmead, TX. new dolly. Call sale, (254) Motorcycles Scooters. tRaileR bank Repo. 2018 Palm FoR Pomeranian& Miniature 1112 January, We Pick-Up6(903) 336Harbor 32’bedroom, 2 new bath, wanted: Snapsale. tRaileR FoR 4’x8’, sides, Puppies. wks old, 366-4370, 9086 $38,000. Priced sell TX. 10’x6’,new 3’ sides, new tires, peR(254) Riding Lawn Bellmead, hitch, dolly. Callto(254) Farm & Ranch $550. 371-0664 quickly! 254-933-3334. hand winch, new hitch, Mower, Not Running. 1112 January, wanted: Snap- 366-4370, tRaileR FoR sale. Call for Pictures Call 33073. (254) 366-4370, 1112 RBI Please Leave VoiceLawn Mes- Bellmead, TX. peR Riding Shipping contain10’x6’, 3’ sides, new TX. tires, January, Bellmead, Mower, Running. laSt one leFt! Counsage (254)Not 398-6947 eRS $2,000 and up. Wind hand SupeR FRiendly tRaileR FoR sale. winch, new hitch, Please Leave Voice try (254) cabin, 4 bedroom, and water tight. See MesphoYorkie Puppies for Call dogs 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, 366-4370, 11123 appliances sage (254) bath, winch, 2,600 square foot tos www.steelcontainers. sale. Call 398-6947 or Text (254) January, hand new hitch, Bellmead, TX. Solitaire, $15,000 off!1112 Free net Will deliver. (254) 722- Call 716-3952 (254)RegiSteRed 366-4370, ckc appliances delivery, setupMiniature and TX. A/C in 4270, Burleson, TX. dry- January, livestock nice waSheRS, Bellmead, Pomeranian employment 50 mile radius. 254-933ers, Puppies. 6 wks old, g e nrefrigerators, twaSheRS, l e M i x eand d 3334. livestock nice dryRBI 33073. cook $550. 371-0664 e n t(254) le M ixed e l eCo S sRebuilt d B rM e ep dstoves. ow aand nidS - g ers, refrigerators, with 90 day warranty. ponibleS. ¡Rebuilt Ya Call están BCall cars reen efor dt lPictures C ow s a n d Stocker Calves. cook stoves. e Mixed Delivery, service work, g disponibles los empleos (254) 749-0909 (254) Stocker Calves. with 90 day warranty. SupeR B r e e d C oFRiendly w s HyunaCall nd need non-working ones. y (254) two 2018 de tiempo completo 749-5637 749-0909 (254) Delivery, service work, Yorkie Puppies Stocker Calves. Callfor dai Accent Automatic. medio! Se necesita: tra- sale. (254) 799-6228, (254) 749-5637 need non-working ones. Call or Text(254) (254) (254) 749-0909 60,000 miles, $8,500 bajadores de limpieza 214-5284. Temple: (254)en AC, (254)trailers 799-6228, (254) 716-3952 749-5637 Cash Only (254) Waco, Temple y las(254) áreas each, 541-6023 214-5284. Temple: Real estate For employment circundantes. A partir 10’x6’ tilt trailer, newde 698-1137 541-6023 Sale For $8 por hora. Por new favor Real estate tires, new hitch, Miscellaneous Sale eoS diSllame a nuestra oficina al e M p lboats trailer dolly, hand winch. Miscellaneous Quality built ponibleS. ¡ Yahomes están (254) 776-7775 o solicite Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 1977 playcRaFt 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new on Quality built homes disponibles los empleos your lot. Floor plans to en línea en www.janitoriJanuary, Bellmead, TX. 10’x6’new tilthitch, trailer, new fit Pontoon Boat 24’plans withto3y tires, deany tiempo completo on your lot. Floor budget. No money tires, dolly, new FoR hitch,winch. new fit new trailer and tRaileR sale, medio! Se necesita: traanybatteries, budget. No money trailer hand 100% financing. JobSdolly, aVailable. Full down. trailer hand winch. motor. $4,500 obo, cash 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new bajadores de limpieza en down. 100% financing. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Credit repair program. & part-time jobs available Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Credit only (254) 698-1137 hitch, newBellmead, dolly. Call TX. (254) Waco, Temple yprogram. las áreas repair January, (254) 857-4663. now! Needed: Janitorial January, Bellmead, TX. (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, circundantes. 857-4663.A partir de Sizein 14 DavidTemple Brid- $8 Motorcycles workers Waco, FoRPor hunting/ por hora. favor Bellmead, Size TX. 14 David Brid- looking looking FoR hunting/ andal surrounding areas. Burgundy Formal llame a nuestra oficina al recreation property? We al Burgundy Formal tRaileR FoR sale. recreation property? We we buy & Repair UnStarting at $8 per hour. Dress, $25. (254) 698(254) some 776-7775 o solicite of the best Dress,3’ $25. (254) 698- have 10’x6’, sides, new tires, have some of the best wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Please call our office at 1137 enTexas, línea en www.janitorithe 1137 winch, new hitch, in hand Texas, from from the hill hill Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 776-7775 or apply in to tRaileR FoR Call (254)at366-4370, 1112 country country to south south Texas. tRaileR FoR sale, sale, We Pick-Up (903)Texas. 336online www.janitoriFull JobS aVailable. Large acreage or small. January, Bellmead, TX. 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new Large 9086 acreage or small. & part-time year fixedjobs rateavailable owner hitch,livestock new dolly. Call (254) 30 now! Needed: JobS aVailable. Full financing. Only 5%Janitorial Down. 366-4370, 1112 January, workers in Waco, Temple & part-time jobs available 800-876-9720 ranchenterBellmead, TX. and surrounding areas. now! g e n tNeeded: l e M iJanitorial x e d tRaileR Bworkers r e e d in C Waco, oFoR w s Temple asale. n d Starting at $8 per hour. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, Please call our office and surrounding areas. Manufactured at Stocker Calves. Call hand winch, new hitch, 776-7775 or apply hand winch, new hitch, Starting at $8 per hour. (254) housing (254) 749-0909 (254) Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Please our office Call (254)call 366-4370, 1112at online at www.janitori749-5637 January, Bellmead, bedRooM, 2 2 bath bath (254) 776-7775 or TX. apply 3 January, Bellmead, TX. bedRooM, Full JobS aVailable. on 5 acres. Bank repo online at www.janitoridogs Real estate For on 5 acres. Bank repo dogs & part-time available MUST SELLjobs ASAP! Sale MUST SELL ASAP! 254now! Needed: Janitorial RBI 33073. JobS Full 933-3334. 933-3334. 33073. ckc aVailable. RegiSteRed workers inRBI Waco, Temple Repo. 2018 Palm & part-time jobs available ckc RegiSteRed Quality built homes bank Pomeranian Miniature and surrounding bank Repo. 2018areas. Palm



We Buy Wrecked & Junk Cars We Pay the Most & We Haul!



Spanish eMpleoS diSponibleS. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en

want to buy we buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086 wanted: SnappeR Riding Lawn Mower, Not Running. Please Leave Voice Message (254) 398-6947


appliances nice waSheRS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023


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a 4


10’x tires traile Call ( Janu tRa 4’x8 hitch, 366-4 Bellm tRa 10’x6 hand Call ( Janu

ge Bre Sto (254 749-


Qua on yo fit an down Cred (254) loo recre have in Te coun Large 30 ye finan 800-8 prise


3 be on 5 MUS 933-3 ban Harbo $38, quick RBI 3 laSt try c bath, Solita delive 50 m 3334

t 4 d AC, 6

each 698-1

197 Ponto new moto only


we want Moto We 9086

medio! Se necesita: tra- tRaileR g ewanted: n t l e FoR M iSnapxsale, ed sides, bajadores de limpieza en 4’x8’, Riding B r epeR e d2’ C ow s Lawn anew nd hitch, newNot dolly.Running. Call Call (254) Waco, Temple y las áreas Mower, Stocker Calves. Please Leave Voice Mes366-4370, 1112 January, circundantes. A partir de Temple: (254) 778-4444 (254)(254) 749-0909 (254) 398-6947 Bellmead, TX. $8 por hora. Por favor sage 749-5637 Killeen: (254) 634-4615 FoR sale. llame a nuestra oficina al tRaileR appliances (254) 776-7775 o solicite 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, trailers new hitch, en línea en www.janitori- hand nicewinch, waSheRS, dryCall 366-4370, and 1112 ers,(254) refrigerators, 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new cook stoves. Rebuilt January, Bellmead, TX. newdayhitch, new with 90 warranty. want to buy tires, dogs Delivery, service work, trailer dolly, hand winch. need non-working (254) 366-4370,ones. 1112 we buy & Repair Un- Call (254) (254) ckc 799-6228, RegiSteRed Bellmead, TX. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, January, 214-5284. Temple: (254) Pomeranian Miniature Motorcycles & Scooters. tRaileR 541-6023 FoR sale, Puppies. 6 wks old, We Pick-Up (903) 336- 4’x8’, sides, new $550. 2’ (254) 371-0664 9086 Miscellaneous hitch, new dolly. Call (254) Call for Pictures wanted: Snap- 366-4370, 1112 January, 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new TX.FRiendly peR Riding Lawn Bellmead, SupeR tires, new hitch, new Mower, Not Running. tRaileR Yorkie for FoR sale. trailer dolly, Puppies hand winch. sale.(254) Call or Text Please Leave Voice Mes- 10’x6’, Call 366-4370, 1112 3’ sides, new (254) tires, 716-3952 January, Bellmead, TX. sage (254) 398-6947 hand winch, new hitch, Size366-4370, 14 David 1112 BridCall (254) employment Appliances Employment appliances al Burgundy January, Bellmead,Formal TX.



nice waSheRS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023

Miscellaneous 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Size 14 David Bridal Burgundy Formal Dress, $25. (254) 6981137 tRaileR FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Spanish tRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, sides, e M p 3’ le o S newdtires, iSponibleS. ¡Buy Ya hitch, están hand winch,tonew Want disponibles los empleos Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 de tiempo completo January, Bellmead, TX. y


medio! Se necesita: trabajadoresdogs de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de ckc RegiSteRed $8 por hora. Miniature Por favor Pomeranian llame a nuestra oficina Puppies. 6 wks old,al (254) 776-7775 o solicite $550. (254) 371-0664 en línea en www.janitoriCall for Pictures

want buy SupeRto FRiendly Yorkie Puppies for a we buy & Repair Unsale. Call or Text (254)

wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 716-3952 Motorcycles & Scooters. Weemployment Pick-Up (903) 3369086 e Mwanted: p l e o S SnapdiSponibleS. ¡ Ya Lawn están peR Riding disponibles losRunning. empleos Mower, Not Please Leavecompleto Voice Mes-y de tiempo sage (254) medio! Se398-6947 necesita: tra-


bajadores de limpieza en appliances Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de nice dry$8 por waSheRS, hora. Por favor ers, refrigerators, and llame a nuestra oficina cook stoves. Rebuiltal (254) o solicite with 776-7775 90 day warranty. en línea enservice www.janitoriDelivery, work, need non-working ones. (254) aVailable. 799-6228, (254) Full JobS (254) &214-5284. part-timeTemple: jobs available


H Dress, $25. (254) 698-

eMpleoS diS1137 livestock ponibleS. ¡ Ya están tRaileR FoR sale, disponibles los empleos 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new de completo g etiempo nnew t l edolly. MCall i x e(254) dy hitch, medio! Se necesita: B r e e d C ow s a ntrad 366-4370, 1112 January, bajadores de Bellmead, TX.limpieza Stocker Calves. Callen Waco, y las(254) áreas tRaileR FoR sale. (254) Temple 749-0909 circundantes. partir de 10’x6’, 3’ sides,Anew tires, 749-5637 $8 porwinch, hora. new Por hitch, favor hand llame(254) a nuestra oficina al Call 366-4370, 1112 Real776-7775 estate For January, Bellmead, TX. (254) o solicite

Sale en línea en www.janitoridogs Quality built homes Full JobS ckc aVailable. RegiSteRed on your lot. Floor plans to &Pomeranian part-time jobs available Miniature fit any budget. No money now! Needed: Janitorial Puppies. 6 wks old, down. financing. $550. 100% (254) 371-0664 workers in Waco, Temple Call for Pictures Credit repair program. and surrounding areas. (254) 857-4663. Starting at $8 per hour. SupeR FRiendly Please call Puppies our office at looking hunting/ Yorkie FoR for (254) Call 776-7775 or (254) apply recreation property? We sale. or Text onlinesome at www.janitori716-3952 have of the best in Texas, from the hill employment Full JobS aVailable. country to south Texas. &M part-time e pacreage l e ojobs S oravailable d iSLarge small. now! ponibleS. ¡ Janitorial Yaowner están 30 yearNeeded: fixed rate Farm Ranch workers in& Waco, Temple disponibles los empleos financing. Only 5% Down. de completo andtiempo surrounding areas.y 800-876-9720 ranchenterShipping containmedio! traStarting Se at necesita: $8 per hour. eRS $2,000 up. Wind bajadores limpieza en Please calldeand our office at Waco, Temple y las áreas and water tight. See pho(254) 776-7775 or apply Manufactured circundantes. A partir de tos www.steelcontainers. online at www.janitorihousing $8 Will por hora. (254) Por favor net deliver. llame a nuestra oficina al 4270, Burleson, TX. JobS aVailable. Full 776-7775 o 2solicite 3(254) bedRooM, bath en línea &gpart-time jobs e ten l ewww.janitoriMavailable i xrepo ed on 5 nacres. Bank now! B r e eNeeded: d C oASAP! w sJanitorial a254nd MUST SELL workers inRBI Waco, Temple Full JobS aVailable. Stocker Calves. Call 933-3334. 33073. & part-time jobs available and surrounding areas. (254) 749-0909 (254) bank Repo. 2018 Palm now! Needed: Janitorial Starting 749-5637at $8 per hour. workers in Waco, Temple Harbor bedroom, 2 bath, Please3call our office at and $38,000. Pricedortoareas. sell (254)surrounding 776-7775 apply trailers Starting at $8 per hour. quickly! 254-933-3334. online at Please callwww.janitoriour office at RBI 33073. 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www.janitoritires, new hitch, Counnew laSt one leFt! co2 deliVeRy driver trailer dolly,4HAZMET hand winch. try cabin, bedroom, needed. and3 Call (254) 366-4370, Full JobS aVailable. bath, 2,600 square 1112 foot CDL Required. Full & part-time jobs available January, Bellmead, TX. Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free Time. Apply at 431 Lanow! Needed: Janitorial tRaileR FoR sale, Salle. (254) 754-2601 delivery, setup and A/C in workers in Waco, Temple 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new 50 mile radius. 254-933and surrounding areas. hitch, new Call (254) 3334. RBIatdolly. 33073. Starting $8 per hour. 366-4370, Please call1112 our January, office at cars Bellmead, TX. or apply (254) 776-7775 online at www.janitoritRaileR FoR sale. two 2018 10’x6’, 3’ sides, newHyuntires, daiwinch, Accentnew Automatic. Full JobS aVailable. hand hitch, & part-time jobs available AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500 Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 now! Cash Needed: Janitorial each, Only (254) January, Bellmead, TX.



workers in Waco, Temple 698-1137 and surrounding areas.


Startingboats at $8 per hour. Please call our office at g e n t l e M iorx apply ed (254) 776-7775 1977 playcRaFt B r e e dat Cwww.janitoriows and online Pontoon 24’ with StockerBoat Calves. Call3

(254) 749-0909 (254) new batteries, trailer and co2 deliVeRy driver 749-5637 motor. $4,500 obo, cash needed. HAZMET and

country to 1112 southJanuary, Texas. 214-5284. Temple: (254) 366-4370, tires, new new Large acreage or small. 541-6023 Bellmead, TX.hitch, trailer dolly, hand winch. 30 year fixedFoR rate owner tRaileR sale. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 financing. Only 5% 10’x6’, 3’ sides, newDown. tires, Miscellaneous January, Bellmead, TX. 800-876-9720 ranchenterhand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, Size 14 trailer, David 1112 Brid10’x6’ tilt new January, Bellmead, TX. al new Burgundy tires, hitch,Formal new

H Manufactured

Dress, $25.hand (254)winch. 698trailer dolly, livestock housing 1137(254) 366-4370, 1112 Call sale, tRaileR gbedRooM, e n t lBellmead, e FoR Mi2 xTX. e d 3January, bath 4’x8’, sides, new B r5eSize eacres. d 2’C oBank w s arepo nd 14 David Bridon Stocker Calves. Call hitch, dolly. Call (254) al new Burgundy Formal MUST SELL ASAP! 254(254) 749-0909 (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Dress, $25. (254) 698933-3334. RBI 33073. 749-5637 Bellmead, TX. 2018 Palm 1137 bank Repo. sale. tRaileR FoR2For sale, Harbor bedroom, bath, Real3 estate 10’x6’, 3’2’Sale sides, new tires, 4’x8’, sides, $38,000. Priced to new sell hand new winch, new hitch, dolly. Callhitch, (254) quickly! 254-933-3334. Call33073. (254) 366-4370, 1112 366-4370, 1112 January, RBI Quality built homes January, Bellmead, on yourone lot. Floor plans Bellmead, TX. laSt leFt! Counfit any budget. No money tRaileR FoR sale. try cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 dogs down. 100% financing. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, bath, 2,600 square foot Credit repair program. hand 857-4663. winch, new Solitaire, $15,000 off!hitch, Free (254) ckc RegiSteRed Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 delivery, setup and A/C in looking FoR hunting/ Pomeranian Miniature ADS Employment January, Bellmead, TX. 50 mile radius. 254-933recreation property? We Puppies. 6 wks old, 3334. some RBI 33073. have of371-0664 the best $550. (254) dogs inCall Texas, from the hill for cars Pictures country to south Texas. ckcacreage RegiSteRed Large or small. SupeR FRiendly two 2018 Hyun30Pomeranian year fixed rate owner Miniature Yorkie Puppies for dai Accent Automatic. financing. Only 5% Puppies. 6 wksDown. old, sale. Call or ranchenterText$8,500 (254) AC, 60,000 miles, 800-876-9720 $550. (254) 371-0664 716-3952 each, Cash Only (254) Call for Pictures 698-1137 employment Manufactured SupeR FRiendly housing boats e MYorkie p l e oPuppies S d i for S3 bedRooM, bath sale. Call or Text ponibleS. ¡ Ya2 (254) están 1977 playcRaFt on 5 acres. Bank repo 716-3952 disponibles Pontoon Boatlos 24’empleos with 3 MUST SELL completo ASAP! 254-y de employment tiempo new batteries, 933-3334. RBI trailer 33073.and medio!$4,500 Se necesita: tramotor. obo, cash bank Repo. 2018 Palm bajadores de only e M(254) p3lbedroom, e698-1137 o Slimpieza dbath, i SenHarbor 2 Waco, Temple y¡ Ya las áreas ponibleS. $38,000. Priced toestán sell Motorcycles circundantes. partir de quickly! 254-933-3334. disponibles losA empleos $8 por hora. Por favor RBI 33073. de tiempo y we &completo Repair Un-al llamebuy a nuestra oficina medio! Se necesita: tralaSt one leFt! Counwanted/ Broken ATV’s, (254) 776-7775 o solicite try cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bajadores de&limpieza en Motorcycles Scooters. en línea en www.janitoribath, 2,600 square foot Waco, Temple y las áreas We Pick-Up (903) Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free circundantes. A partir de 9086 delivery, setup and in Full JobS $8 poraVailable. hora. PorA/C favor 50 mile radius. & part-time jobs254-933available llame a nuestra oficina al 3334. RBI 33073. now! 776-7775 Needed: oJanitorial (254) solicite workers in Waco, Temple cars en línea en www.janitoriand surrounding areas. twoat2018 Starting $8 perHyunhour. Full JobS dai aVailable. Accent Automatic. Please call jobs our office at & part-time available AC, 60,000 miles,or$8,500 (254) 776-7775 apply now! Cash Needed: Janitorial each, Only (254) online atin www.janitoriworkers Waco, Temple 698-1137 and surrounding areas. boats Full JobS aVailable. Starting at $8 per hour. & part-time jobs available Please our office at 19 7 7 call p l ayc RaFt now! 776-7775 Needed: (254) orwith apply Pontoon Boat 24’Janitorial 3 workers Waco, Temple online atinwww.janitorinew batteries, trailer and and surrounding motor. $4,500 obo,areas. cash Starting at698-1137 $8 per hour. only (254) JobS aVailable. Full Please call jobs our office at & part-time available Motorcycles (254) 776-7775 or apply now! Needed: Janitorial online atin www.janitoriwe buy & Repair Unworkers Waco, Temple wanted/ Broken ATV’s, and surrounding areas. Motorcycles & Scooters. JobS aVailable. Full Starting at $8 per hour. We Pick-Up (903) 336& part-time jobs available Please call our office at 9086 now! 776-7775 Needed: Janitorial (254) or apply workers in Waco, Temple online at www.janitoriand surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. JobS aVailable. Full Please call jobs our office at & part-time available (254) 776-7775 or apply now! Needed: Janitorial online atin www.janitoriworkers Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per driver hour. co2 deliVeRy Please callHAZMET our office at needed. and (254) or apply CDL776-7775 Required. Full online www.janitoriTime. at Apply at 431 Salle. (254) 754-2601 co2 deliVeRy driver needed. HAZMET and CDL Required. Full Time. Apply at 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601


a 4 a


on your lot.366-4370, Floor plans1112 to Call (254) fit any budget. No money January, Bellmead, TX. Real estate For down. 100% financing. Size 14 David BridSale Credit repair program. al Burgundy Formal (254) 857-4663. Dress, $25. (254) 698Quality built homes 1137 looking FoR plans hunting/ on your lot. Floor to sale, tRaileR FoR recreation property? We fit any budget. No money 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new have some of the best down. 100% financing. new dolly.program. Call inhitch, Texas, from the(254) hill Credit repair 366-4370, country to 1112 southJanuary, Texas. (254) 857-4663. Bellmead, TX. or small. Large acreage looking FoR hunting/ sale. tRaileR FoR 30 year fixed rate owner recreation property? We 10’x6’, 3’ Only sides,5% new tires, financing. Down. have some of the best hand winch, ranchenternew hitch, 800-876-9720 inCall Texas, from the 1112 hill (254) 366-4370, country south Texas. January,toBellmead, TX. Large acreage or small. Manufactured dogs 30 yearhousing fixed rate owner financing. Only 5% Down. RegiSteRed 800-876-9720 ranchenter3 ckc bedRooM, 2 bath Miniature onPomeranian 5 acres. Bank repo Puppies. 6 wks old, MUST 254$550.SELL (254)ASAP! 371-0664 Manufactured 933-3334. RBI 33073. Call for Pictures housing bank Repo. 2018 Palm ADS SupeR FRiendly Harbor 3Employment bedroom, bath, 3 bedRooM, 22 bath Puppies for $38,000. Priced sell on 5Yorkie acres. Banktorepo sale. Call or Text quickly! 254-933-3334. MUST SELL ASAP! (254) 254716-3952 RBI 33073.RBI 33073. 933-3334. employment laSt one leFt! bank Repo. 2018CounPalm try cabin, 4 bedroom, Harbor 3 bedroom, 2 bath,3 e M p l e o S d iSbath, 2,600 square foot $38,000. Priced toestán sell ponibleS. ¡ off! Ya Solitaire, $15,000 Free quickly! 254-933-3334. disponibles los empleos delivery, setupcompleto and A/C iny RBI de 33073. tiempo 50 mileone radius. 254-933medio! Se leFt! necesita: tralaSt Coun3334. RBI 433073. bajadores debedroom, limpieza en try cabin, 3 Waco,2,600 Temple y las áreas bath, square foot cars circundantes. A off! partir de Solitaire, $15,000 Free $8 por setup hora. and PorA/C favor delivery, in two 2018 Hyunllame a radius. nuestra254-933oficina al 50 mile dai776-7775 Accent Automatic. (254) o solicite 3334. RBIen33073. AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500 en línea www.janitorieach, Cash Only (254) cars 698-1137 JobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available two 2018 Hyunboats now! Janitorial dai Needed: Accent Automatic. workers in miles, Waco,$8,500 Temple AC, 60,000 1977 playcRaFt and surrounding areas. each, Cash (254)3 Pontoon BoatOnly 24’ with Starting at $8 per hour. 698-1137 new batteries, trailer and Please call our office at motor. $4,500 obo, cash (254) 776-7775 or apply boats only (254) online at 698-1137 1977 playcRaFt Motorcycles Pontoon Boat 24’ withFull 3 JobS aVailable. & part-time available new trailer and we batteries, buy &jobs Repair Unnow! Needed: Janitorial motor. $4,500 obo,ATV’s, cash wanted/ Broken workers Waco, Temple only (254)in698-1137 Motorcycles & Scooters. and surrounding areas. We Pick-Up (903) 336Motorcycles Starting at $8 per hour. 9086 Please call our office at (254)buy 776-7775 or apply we & Repair Unonline atBroken www.janitoriwanted/ ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. JobS aVailable. Full We Pick-Up (903) 336& part-time jobs available 9086





now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at co2 deliVeRy driver needed. HAZMET and CDL Required. Full Time. Apply at 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601

Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. looking FoR hunting/ recreation property? We have some of the best in Texas, from the hill country to south Texas. Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing. Only 5% Down. 800-876-9720

Manufactured housing 3 bedRooM, 2 bath on 5 acres. Bank repo MUST SELL ASAP! 254933-3334. RBI 33073. bank Repo. 2018 Palm Harbor 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $38,000. Priced to sell quickly! 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. ADS one Employment laSt leFt! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2,600 square foot Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free delivery, setup and A/C in 50 mile radius. 254-9333334. RBI 33073.

cars two 2018 Hyundai Accent Automatic. AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500 each, Cash Only (254) 698-1137


boats 19 7 7 p l ayc R a F t Pontoon Boat 24’ with 3 new batteries, trailer and motor. $4,500 obo, cash only (254) 698-1137

Motorcycles we buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

May 30, 2019 • Page 3

want to buy

Page 4 • May 30, 2019

we buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086 wanted: SnappeR Riding Lawn Mower, Not Running. Please Leave Voice Message (254) 398-6947


appliances nice waSheRS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023

Miscellaneous 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Size 14 David Bridal Burgundy Formal Dress, $25. (254) 6981137 tRaileR FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.


dogs ckc RegiSteRed Pomeranian Miniature Puppies. 6 wks old, $550. (254) 371-0664 Call for Pictures SupeR FRiendly a Yorkie Puppies for sale. Call or Text (254) 716-3952

employment eMpleoS diSponibleS. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en JobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at JobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.

hitch, new dolly. Call (254) wanted: Snap- 366-4370, 1112 January, peR Riding Lawn Bellmead, TX. Mower, Not Running. tRaileR FoR sale. American Dollar Saver: Please Leave Voice Mes- 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, (254) 771-2777 sage (254) 398-6947 hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 appliances January, Bellmead, TX.

tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.


nice waSheRS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023

livestock gentle Mixed Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637

Real Estate Real estate For Sale for Sale


ADS Apartments for Rent


Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. looking FoR hunting/ recreation property? We have some of the best in Texas, from the hill country to south Texas. Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing. Only 5% Down. 800-876-9720

dogs Commercial ckc RegiSteRed Real Estate Pomeranian Miniature

Manufactured housing 3 bedRooM, 2 bath on 5 acres. Bank repo MUST SELL ASAP! 254933-3334. RBI 33073. We Buy Wrecked JunkPalm Cars bank Repo.&2018 Harbor bedroom, bath, We Pay3the Most & We2Haul! $38,000. Priced to sell quickly! 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. laSt one leFt! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2,600 square foot (254)-831-4920 Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free delivery, setup and A/C in 50 mile radius. 254-933Apartments for 3334. RBI 33073.

Puppies. 6 wks old, $550. (254) 371-0664 Call for Pictures

SupeR FRiendly a Yorkie Puppies for sale. Call or Text (254) 716-3952


Houses for Rent

Rent cars

two 2018 Hyun4 dai Accent Automatic. AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500

each, Cash Only (254) 698-1137

boats 1977 playcRaFt Pontoon Boat 24’ with 3 new batteries, trailer and motor. $4,500 obo, cash only (254) 698-1137

Motorcycles we buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Business Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. Opportunities Size 14 David Bridal Burgundy Formal Dress, $25. (254) 6981137 tRaileR FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

Duplexes/ Townhomes

eMpleoS diSponibleS. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al Spanish (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en MpleoS diSponibleS. ¡ Ya están JobS aVailable. Full disponibles los empleos & part-time available de tiempo jobs completo y now! Needed: Janitorial medio! Se necesita: traworkers in Waco, Temple bajadores de limpieza en and surrounding Waco, Temple y lasareas. áreas Starting at $8Aper hour. circundantes. partir de Please call our office at $8 por hora. Por favor (254) 776-7775 or apply llame a nuestra oficina al online776-7775 at www.janitori(254) o solicite en línea en www.janitoriJobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available want to buy now! Needed: Janitorial Mobile Homes/ workers in Waco, Temple we buy & Repair Unand Lots/Land surrounding areas. wanted/ Broken Starting at $8 perATV’s, hour. Motorcycles & Scooters. Please call our office at We (903) 336(254)Pick-Up 776-7775 or apply 9086 online at wanted: SnappeR Riding Lawn JobS aVailable. Full Mower, Not & part-time jobsRunning. available Please Leave Voice Mesnow! Needed: Janitorial


livestock gentle Mixed Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637

Real estate For Sale Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair Homes/ program. ADS Mobile Lots/Land (254) 857-4663. looking FoR hunting/ recreation property? We have some of the best in Texas, from the hill country to south Texas. Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing. Only 5% Down. 800-876-9720

Manufactured housing 3 bedRooM, 2 bath on 5 acres. Bank repo MUST SELL ASAP! 254933-3334. RBI 33073. bank Repo. 2018 Palm Harbor 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $38,000. Priced to sell quickly! 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. laSt one leFt! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2,600 square foot Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free delivery, setup and A/C in 50 mile radius. 254-9333334. RBI 33073.

cars two 2018 Hyundai Accent Automatic. 4 AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500

each, Cash Only (254) 698-1137

Farm Farm & & Ranch Ranch boats

Shipping containeRS $2,000 and up. Wind 1977 playcRaFt and waterBoat tight.24’ Seewith pho-3 Pontoon tos newwww.steelcontainers. batteries, trailer and net Will $4,500 deliver. (254) 722motor. obo, cash 4270, Burleson, TX. only (254) 698-1137 g Motorcycles entle Mixed Breed Cows and we buy Calves. & RepairCall UnStocker wanted/ Broken ATV’s, (254) 749-0909 (254) Motorcycles 749-5637 & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086 trailers 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires,

iSestán pleos to y : traza en áreas ir de favor na al licite nitori-


UnTV’s, ters. 336-

napawn ning. Mes7


dryand uilt nty. ork, nes. 254) 254)


new new inch. 1112 TX. Bridrmal


wanted: Snap- 366-4370, 1112 January, TX. H peR Riding Lawn Bellmead, nice waSheRS, dryMower, Not Running.

tRaileR FoR sale. ers, refrigerators, and 10’x6’, sides, new tires, cook3’ stoves. Rebuilt hand hitch, withwinch, 90 daynew warranty. CallDelivery, (254) 366-4370, 1112 service work, January, Bellmead, TX. need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) livestock nice waSheRS, dry214-5284. Temple: (254) ers, refrigerators, and 541-6023 cook stoves. Rebuilt g e n t l e M i x e d with 90 day warranty. B r e e d C o w s a n d Miscellaneous Delivery, service work, Stocker Calves. Call need non-working ones. (254) 749-0909 (254) 10’x6’ (254) 799-6228, (254) 749-5637tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new 214-5284. Temple: (254) trailer dolly, hand winch. 541-6023 Real estate For Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January,Sale Bellmead, TX. Miscellaneous Spanish Size built 14 David BridQuality homes al Burgundy Formal 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new one your M p lot. l eFloor o S plans d ito SDress, $25. No (254) 698tires, new hitch, new fitponibleS. ¡ Ya están any budget. money 1137 trailer dolly, hand winch. down. disponibles empleos 100% los financing. sale,y tRaileR FoR Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Credit de tiempo repaircompleto program. 4’x8’, 2’ January, Bellmead, TX. (254) medio! Se sides, necesita:new tra857-4663. hitch, new FoR dolly. Call (254) bajadores de limpieza en Size 14 David Brid- looking hunting/ 366-4370, 1112y las January, Waco, Temple áreas al Burgundy Formal recreation property? We Bellmead, circundantes. partir Dress, $25. (254) 698- have someTX. of Athe bestde por hora. Por favor tRaileR FoR 1137 in$8 Texas, from the sale. hill llame nuestra oficina al 10’x6’,a3’to sides, tires, southnew Texas. tRaileR FoR sale, country (254) 776-7775 o solicite hand winch, new hitch, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new Large acreage or small. línea en366-4370, www.janitoriCall (254) 1112 year fixed rate owner hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 30en January,Only Bellmead, TX. 5% Down. 366-4370, 1112 January, financing. 800-876-9720 ranchenterBellmead, TX. want to buy dogs tRaileR FoR sale. buy & Repair Un10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, we Manufactured ckc RegiSteRed Broken ATV’s, hand winch, new hitch, wanted/ housing Pomeranian &Miniature Scooters. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Motorcycles Puppies. 6 (903) wks old, Pick-Up 336January, Bellmead, TX. 3We bedRooM, 2 bath Farm & Ranch $550. (254) 371-0664 on9086 5 acres. Bank repo Call for Cats Pictures Dogs dogs wanted: SnapMUST SELL ASAP! 254Shipping containSpanish peR Riding Lawn 933-3334. RBI 33073. eRS SupeR $2,000 and up. Wind FRiendly ckc RegiSteRed and Mower, Not Running. water tight. SeePalm phoYorkie Puppies for Repo. 2018 ePomeranian M p l e o SMiniature d i S - bank Please Leave Mestos www.steelcontainers. sale. or Voice Text (254) 3Call bedroom, 2 bath, ponibleS. ¡ Ya old, están Harbor Puppies. 6 wks sage (254) 398-6947 net Will deliver. (254) 716-3952 Priced to 722sell disponibles empleos $38,000. $550. (254)los 371-0664 4270,appliances Burleson, TX. 254-933-3334. de completo y quickly! employment Calltiempo for Pictures Birds/Fish/Misc. 33073. medio! Se necesita: tra- RBI ge ntle Mixed bajadores deFRiendly limpieza en laSt leFt! eBnice M eCo d SupeR r ep eone dlwaSheRS, oS w s Couna dryni dS Waco, Temple y las áreas cabin, 4Calves. bedroom, 3 ponibleS. ¡ Ya Call están Yorkie Puppies for try Stocker ers, refrigerators, and circundantes. A partir de 2,600 square foot disponibles los empleos sale. Call or Text (254) bath, (254) 749-0909 (254) cook stoves. Rebuilt $8 por hora. Por favor Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free y de tiempo 716-3952 749-5637 with 90 daycompleto warranty. llame a nuestra oficina al delivery, setup and A/C in medio! Seservice necesita: traDelivery, work, employment (254) 776-7775 o solicite 50bajadores miletrailers radius. 254-933de limpieza en need non-working ones. Trailers en línea en www.janitori- 3334. RBI 33073. Waco, Temple y las(254) áreas (254) 799-6228, M p l e o S d i S - circundantes. A partir de 214-5284. Temple: (254) tilt trailer, new ponibleS. ¡ Ya están 10’x6’ cars $8 pornew hora. Por new favor 541-6023 hitch, want los to empleos buy tires, disponibles llame a nuestra dolly, handoficina two 2018 Hyunde tiempo completo y trailer (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 366-4370, 1112 we buy Repair traUn- Call Miscellaneous dai Accent Automatic. medio! Se & necesita: en 60,000 línea Bellmead, enmiles, www.janitoriJanuary, TX. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, $8,500 bajadores de limpieza en AC, Motorcycles 10’x6’ tiltOnly trailer, new Cash (254) tRaileR FoR sale, Waco, Temple&y Scooters. las áreas each, JobS aVailable. Full We Pick-Up A (903) tires, newsides, hitch, new new 4’x8’, 2’ circundantes. partir336de 698-1137 & part-time jobs available 9086 trailer dolly, hand winch. new dolly. Call (254) $8 por hora. Por favor hitch, boats now!(254) Needed: Janitorial Call 366-4370, 1112 1112 January, llamewanted: a nuestra oficina al 366-4370, Snapworkers in Waco, Temple January, Bellmead, TX. Bellmead, TX. (254)peR 776-7775 o solicite Riding Lawn 1977 playcRaFt and Size surrounding areas. en línea enNot www.janitoriMower, Running. Pontoon 14FoR David BridtRaileR sale. Boat 24’ with 3 Starting at $8 per hour. Please Leave Voice Mes- new Front-End al Burgundy Formal 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, $ batteries, trailer andat Please call our office sage (254) 398-6947 Dress, $25. (254) 698hand winch, new hitch, JobS aVailable. Full rEplacEmEnts starting at $4,500 Installed motor. obo, cash (254) 776-7775 or apply 1137 Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 & part-time jobs available only Over (254)atTurn 698-1137 appliances online www.janitoriBellmead, TX. now! Needed: Janitorial January, tRaileR FoR sale, Gooseneck Motorcycles workers in Waco, Temple 4’x8’, Hitch 2’Ball sides, new livestock nice waSheRS, dry- hitch, JobS aVailable. Full Installed at and surrounding areas. new dolly.Starting Call (254) ers, refrigerators, and we & part-time jobs available buy & Repair UnStarting at $8 per hour. $ 366-4370, 1112 January, 600 cook call stoves. Rebuilt now! Needed: ATV’s, gent lBroken eTX.M iJanitorial xed Please our office at wanted/ Bellmead, with 776-7775 90 day warranty. workers inCWaco, Scooters. B r e e dGrill o&FoR wGuards s Temple asale. nd (254) or apply Motorcycles tRaileR Installed Starting at Delivery, service work, We and surrounding Pick-Up (903) areas. 336Stocker Calves. Call online at www.janitori10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, need non-working ones. Starting at $8 per hour. $ 9086 (254) 749-0909 (254) 525 SK Truck Bed winch, new hitch, (254) 799-6228, (254) hand Please call our office at 749-5637 $ JobS aVailable. Full w/4 Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Short BedTemple: Single Wheel Boxes ............... 4,450 214-5284. (254) (254) 776-7775 or apply $ &Long part-time jobs available January, Bellmead, TX. Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ................. 4,650 541-6023 online www.janitoriReal at estate For $ now! Janitorial DuallyNeeded: w/4 Boxes ..................................................... 4,900 dogs Sale $ workers in Waco, Temple 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 BoxesJobS ............................. 4,950 Miscellaneous aVailable. Full and 84" surrounding Cab Axle C&Careas. w/4 Boxes .............................. $5,375 &ckc part-time jobs available Quality built homes $500 For Standard Installation RegiSteRed StartingCarry at Out $8Prices. per Add hour. 10’x6’call tilt now! Janitorial yourNeeded: lot. Floor plans to Pomeranian Miniature Please ourtrailer, officenew at on tires,776-7775 new hitch, new fitworkers in Waco, Temple any budget. money Puppies. 6 No wks old, (254) or apply trailer dolly, hand winch. and surrounding areas. down. 100% financing. $550. (254) 371-0664 online at www.janitori800-932-2461 • 2403 E. Hwy. 190 Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 Starting at $8 per hour. repair program. 8.7 Miles West of "Old Location" or .5Credit miles of Lampasas Wal-Mart CallEastfor Pictures January, Bellmead, TX. (254) Please call our office at 857-4663. www.kEmpnErEquip .com JobS aVailable. Full (254) 776-7775 or apply Size 14 David Brid- looking SupeR FRiendly FoR hunting/ & part-time jobs available online at property? www.janitoriBurgundyJanitorial Formal recreation Yorkie PuppiesWe for now!al Needed:

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Please Leave Voice Message (254) 398-6947 Killeen: (254) 634-4615 appliances



Farm & Ranch Livestock

Shipping containeRS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX. gentle Mixed Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637

trailers 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new tires, new hitch, new trailer dolly, hand winch. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale, 4’x8’, 2’ sides, new hitch, new dolly. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

livestock Sporting gentle Mixed B r e e dGoods Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637

Real estate For Sale Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. looking FoR hunting/

H a






kEmpnEr EquipmEnt



January, Bellmead, TX.

livestock gentle Mixed Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637

Real estate For Sale Quality built homes on your lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Farm & Ranch Credit repair program. (254) 857-4663. Shipping containeRS $2,000FoR and up. Wind looking hunting/ and water tight. See phorecreation property? We tos www.steelcontainers. have some of the best net Will deliver. in Texas, from(254) the722hill 4270, Burleson, TX.Texas. country to south Large small. g e nacreage t l e Mori x ed 30B ryear e e dfixed C orate w s owner and financing. Only 5% Down. Stocker Calves. Call 800-876-9720 ranchenter(254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637

Manufactured housing trailers

3 bedRooM, 2 bath 10’x6’ tilt trailer, new on 5 acres. Bank repo tires, new hitch, new MUST dolly, SELL hand ASAP! 254trailer winch. 933-3334. RBI 33073. Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, bank Repo. 2018TX. Palm Harbor 3 bedroom, bath, tRaileR FoR 2sale, $38,000. sell 4’x8’, 2’ Priced sides,tonew quickly! hitch, new254-933-3334. dolly. Call (254) ADS33073.Trailers RBI 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX. laSt one leFt! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 tRaileR FoR sale. bath, 2,600 square foot 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, Solitaire, $15,000 off!hitch, Free hand winch, new delivery, and A/C in Call (254)setup 366-4370, 1112 50 mile radius. 254-933January, Bellmead, TX. 3334. RBI 33073.

livestock Cars cars

gentle Mixed

B r etwo e d C2018 o w s Hyunand 4 dai Accent Automatic. Stocker Calves. Call AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500

(254) 749-0909 (254) each, Cash Only (254) 749-5637 698-1137

Real boats estate For Sale

1977 playcRaFt Pontoon Boat 24’ homes with 3 Quality built new batteries, trailer on your lot. Floor plansand to motor. $4,500 No obo, cash fit any budget. money only (254) 698-1137 down. 100% financing. Credit repair program. Motorcycles (254) 857-4663. looking hunting/ we buy &FoR Repair Unrecreation property? We wanted/ Broken ATV’s, have some of the best Motorcycles & Scooters. in from the336hill WeTexas, Pick-Up (903) country to south Texas. 9086 Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing. Only 5% Down. 800-876-9720

Manufactured housing 3 bedRooM, 2 bath on 5 acres. Bank repo MUST SELL ASAP! 254933-3334. RBI 33073. bank Repo. 2018 Palm Harbor 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $38,000. Priced to sell quickly! 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. laSt one leFt! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, 3

Bellmead, TX. tRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, hand winch, new hitch, Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 January, Bellmead, TX.

dogs ckc RegiSteRed Pomeranian Miniature Puppies. 6 wks old, $550. (254) 371-0664 Call for Pictures

800-876-9720 ranchentertRaileR FoR sale. 10’x6’, 3’ sides, new tires, Manufactured hand winch, new hitch, housing Manufactured Call (254) 366-4370, 1112 May 30, 2019 • Page 5 housing January, Bellmead, TX. 3 bedRooM, 2 bath 3 bedRooM, dogs 2 bath on 5 acres. Bank repo on 5 acres. Bank repo MUST SELL ASAP! 254MUST SELL ASAP! 254- 933-3334. RBI 33073. ckc RegiSteRed 933-3334. RBI 33073. Pomeranian Miniature bank Repo. 2018 Palm bank Repo. 2018 Palm Puppies. 6 wks old, Harbor 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Harbor bedroom, 2 bath, $38,000. Priced to sell $550.3 (254) 371-0664 $38,000. Priced to sell quickly! 254-933-3334. Call for Pictures quickly! 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. RBI 33073. SupeR FRiendly laSt one leFt! CounlaSt one leFt! CounYorkie Puppies for try cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 try cabin, 3 bath, 2,600 square foot sale. Call4orbedroom, Text (254) bath, 2,600 square foot Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free 716-3952 Solitaire, $15,000 off! Free delivery, setup and A/C in employment delivery, setup and A/C in 50 mile radius. 254-93350 mile radius. 254-933- 3334. RBI 33073. e M p l oS diS3334. RBIe33073. ponibleS. ¡ Ya están cars disponibles los empleos cars Trucks/Vans/ Boats two 2018 Hyunde tiempo completo y dai Accent Automatic. two Hyunmedio! Se2018 necesita: traSUVs dai Accent Automatic. bajadores de limpieza en AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500 AC, 60,000 miles, $8,500 Waco, Temple y las áreas each, Cash Only (254) each, Cash Only (254) circundantes. A partir de 698-1137 698-1137 $8 por hora. Por favor boats llame a nuestra oficina al boatso solicite (254) 776-7775 1977 playcRaFt en línea en www.janitori- Pontoon Boat 24’ with 3 1977 playcRaFt Pontoon Boat 24’ with 3 new batteries, trailer and JobS aVailable. Full motor. $4,500 obo, cash new batteries, trailer and & part-time jobs available motor. $4,500 obo, cash only (254) 698-1137 now!(254) Needed: Janitorial only 698-1137 Motorcycles workers in Waco, Temple Motorcycles andMotorcycles surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. we buy & Repair Unwe buy Repair UnPlease call&our office at wanted/ Broken ATV’s, wanted/ BrokenorATV’s, (254) 776-7775 apply Motorcycles & Scooters. Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336online at www.janitoriWe Pick-Up (903) 336- 9086 9086 JobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at JobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www.janitoriTake Hwy. 6 North, 6.4 miles from the Lake Waco Bridge, on the right.

SupeR FRiendly a a Yorkie Puppies for sale. Call or Text (254) 716-3952

employment eMpleoS diSponibleS. ¡ Ya están disponibles Cars los empleos ADS de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: traWe Buy Wrecked & Junk Cars bajadores de limpieza en We Pay the Most & We Haul! Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254)-831-4920 en línea en JobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at JobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at JobS aVailable. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at co2 deliVeRy driver needed. HAZMET and CDL Required. Full Time. Apply at 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601



fArm/rAnCh heAvy equipment AuCtion Saturday, June 1 • 9:30am 8896 N. Hwy. 6, Crawford, TX 76638

co2 deliVeRy driver needed. HAZMET and trailers, UTVs, skid steers, plows, Tractors, trucks, CDL planters, Required. Full shredders, rakes, balers, seeders, Time. Apply at 431 Lasprayers, augers, straight blades, cattle feeders, Salle. (254) 754-2601

welders, generators, mowers, grapples, industrial tools, fuel tanks, campers and MORE! will be Back Room Full of NEW Tools, Bidding e event th in e Hydraulic Oils & Welding Supplies! insidf bad weather. o

For more information, visit:

cac Clark Auction Company, LLC

Robert W. Clark #12497 (254) 848-2333

Accepting payments of Cash, Debit/ Credit, & Local Check. 5% BP per item for ONSITE bidders. 10% BP for Proxibid Bidders. Vehicles/Trailers are subject to TT&L fees. CAC reserves the right to withhold items until checks have cleared.

Page 6 • May 30, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 634-4615

Brick/ Concrete

Building/ Remodeling

May 30, 2019 • Page 7

Building/ Remodeling

Building/ Remodeling

Building/ Remodeling

Concrete Services

Foundation Repairs

Miscellaneous Services

Tree Service


Crafts & Gifts

chimney cleaned, child care, mobile home repair, party supplies, security systems, trees trimmed, or something welded? It’s all in the Marketplace!

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Page 8 • May 30, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

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