American Dollar Saver July 31st

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K illeen Constr uction         &  R epair s General        Hom e R epair/Maint.    ! ! K illeen Constr uction       Int/E xt-R oom Addi-   & R epair s General        tions, Tiling, Doors,  Hom e R epair/Maint.         Dollar Saver Monday, August 5, 2019 1 Int/E x t-R oom Addi P ainting, Drywall,         tions, Tiling , Doors,   Garage Conv., Trim        P ainting , Dry wall,            & More. F ree E st.  Garag e Conv ., Trim             & More. F ree E st.  338-1337 or 466-7650             338-1337 or 466-7650    Vol. 1 • No.                           JOBS AVAILABLE. 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August 5, www.davidbarrproper        Int/E x t-R oom AddiHigties.c hestom Offer        2  (254) 776-7775 or apply      bajadores de limpieza en  tions, Tiling , Doors,   Contac t 2545775841           German Shepherd  P a inting , Dry wall,    at www.janitori    Waco, Temple y las áreas online      Garag e Conv ., Trim              & More. 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Call   m ales, 1 fem ale, $500. house  Farm &oreranch  &m for lease         ( 254) 760-9615.    ( 254) 423-4714.  OLD R E $550. 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Call ( 254)  Washer D ry er, $350.  FOr SALE Well ales, 1 fem a le, Fertil$500. ad j ustible fram e. $350. m  ore antiques to Rm   eg istered. $1000 eac h.       OLD R E COR DS, 45' s,   Troy bilt 32" Cut R id down. 100% financing.  444-7052.  ( 254)  hoose . s, with Cash Call 421-8606. 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Call only  picked ware officbale e, retail,   per if up.    444-7052.  lbiding s. c apac ity , ow rea   R Lawnm er,l       (254) 857-4663.  ( 254) 423-4714.     g ood, c lea n, $300. ood house & m ore for lease 16" c ut, $300. VicG trola     Delivery available. Call         lov e sea t, $50; a nd all   c rank rec ord play er, David Barr P roperties    LOOkINg hunting/ kinds of FOr furniture.     ov er 100 y ears w ith      Johnny Teague   ( 254) 526-2277(281)    Kenm ore property? 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44 July 31, 2019

gust 8 @10am. Tow King QuALITy BuILT homes housing  WE Buy & Repair Un- $8 por hora. Por favor medio! Se necesita: traP a inting , Dry wall,  2 Dollar Monday, August 5, 2019 7271 Saver Bagby Ave. Waco, Burleson, TX. on  your lot. Floor plans to 4270, Garag e Conv ., Trim   wanted/ Broken ATV’s, bajadores de limpieza en 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 5, 2019 & More. F reeCountry E st. llame a nuestra oficina al Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 MuST SELL! Want To Buy  fit any budget. No money  Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 776-7775 o solicite 338-1337 or 466-7650 Waco, Temple y las áreas FOr SALE Well Fertil  Auctioneer TXS 12497 cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, down. 100% financing. We Pick-Up (903) 336- en línea en www.janitoripartir de Dollar Saver Monday, August 5, 2019 3 circundantes.  American Dollar ASaver: ized Coastal Hay. $65 barn WE Buy & Repair Unwood accents with P u B L I c Auc T I O N Credit repair program.  9086  $8 por hora. Por favor Page 2 • July 31, per 2019 bale if picked up. JOBS wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup  AVAILABLE. Full ! ! K illeen Constr uction   Abandoned, wrecked & (254) 857-4663. (254) 501-7530 Spanish  llame a nuestra oficina al  !! & R epair s&General    unclaimed Delivery available. Call &  Appliances   Motorcycles Scooters. (254) and dual A/C  JOBS AVAILABLE. part-time jobsincluded. available Dollar Saver FullMonday, August 5, 2019 vehicles. Over HomAugust e R epair/Maint.   776-7775 o solicite Dollar Saver 1Monday, 5, 2019 3361   LOOkINg FOr hunting/ Johnny    Teague (281) H  We Pick-Up (903) 254-933-3334. 33073. Int/E x t-R oom Addi& part-time jobs available  now! Needed:RBI Janitorial 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au E M P L E O S D I S    en línea en www.janitori  recreation property? We 924-4460 tions, Tiling , Doors,    or email: 9086  Needed: Janitorial  in Waco,     8 WAShErS, @10am. Tow dryKing now! NIcE DO yOu ownTemple land? gust PONIBLES. ¡ Ya johnestán P a inting , Dry wall,  AVAILABLE. Full workers   have Spanish some of the best JOBS           Garag e Conv ., Trim nyteague@sbcglobal. workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas.  7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, ers, refrigerators, and  you like a new  disponibles los empleos  part-time jobs available Would  G  &Appliances More. F ree E st.   JOBS AVAILABLE. Full in Texas, from the hill &   3 338-1337 Dollar Saver August 5,  2019  surrounding areas. Monday, per hour. nettiempo  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 cook stoves. Rebuilt and home? at $0 $8 down with or 466-7650 de completo  Needed: Janitorialy Starting    Ecountry M P L EtoOsouth S D I S - now! & part-time jobs available Dollar Saver Monday, August 5, 2019 1    Texas.  Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at Auctioneer TXS 12497      medio! Se necesita: tra- your land equity. Call me with 90 day warranty.  in Waco, Temple   PONIBLES. Large acreage¡ Ya or están small. workers NIcE WAShErS, drycall our office at 776-7775 or apply   now! Needed: Janitorial   Delivery, service work, Please for details, 254-933-3334.  bajadores de en (254)   Feed &limpieza Supsurrounding areas.  losrate empleos Dollar Saverand Monday, August 5, 2019 1 workers in Waco, Temple  cars ones. (254)   disponibles ers, refrigerators, 30 year fixed owner and 776-7775 or apply online at www.janitori    need non-working RBI 33073. Waco, Temple y las áreas 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 5, 2019 at $8 per hour. plies     de tiempo completo y Starting  onday, August 5, 2019 cook stoves. Rebuilt   and surrounding areas. financing. Only 5% Down.   online at (254) 799-6228, (254)  circundantes. A partir de     PleaseAugust call our office at PALM Harbor 3 P u B L I c Auc T I O N Dollar Saver tra-Monday, 5, 2019 1 2018  medio! Se necesita:   with 90 day warranty. Starting at $8 per hour.  800-876-9720 ranchenter     214-5284. Temple: (254) $8 por hora. Por favor E M P L E O S D I S  (254) 776-7775 or apply bedroom, 2 bath, LIKE    bajadores de limpieza en Please call our office at Abandoned, wrecked &   Delivery, service work,  FOr SALE Well Fertil    541-6023 llame a at nuestra oficina al PONIBLES. ¡Priced Ya están   (254) 776-7775  www.janitori NEW,Saver $39,000. for   Temple y las áreas online  Waco, or apply unclaimed vehicles. Over Farm & ranch   need non-working ones. 2 Dollar Monday, August 5, 2019 ized Coastal Hay. $65     (254) 776-7775 o solicite disponibles los empleos  K  IMMEDIATE SELL! 254- 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au    circundantes. A partir de at www.janitori- ! ! & Lots/Land/  ! ! K illeen Constr uction  (254) online  (254) 799-6228,    per bale ifwww.janitoripicked up. de   en línea en completo y gust     Miscellaneous &tiempo R epair s General 933-3334. RBI 33073. cuT FErTILIZEr cost,    $8 por hora. Por favor E M P L E O S D I S 8 @10am. Tow King H  Acreage 214-5284. Temple: (254) Hom e R epair/Maint.  Delivery available. Call      Semnecesita: In    !Int/E ! ! Com erc ial ! ! tra! soil, N-TEXX     x t-R oom Addillame a nuestra oficina al PONIBLES. ¡ Ya(281) están medio! 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, improves     541-6023      ti Employment Land, Inv ent en Johnny Teague   tions, Tiling , Doors, bajadores de estm limpieza Farm & ranch    P u B L I c(254) Auc T I O N 15—5-5   with microbacte   (254)  776-7775 o solicite los empleos   Tx 76712. 666-5484 P roperties,       WEST TExAS Trans disponibles Want To Buy PP a inting , Dryand wall,      ! ! 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Thursday, AuAC. 866-286-0199 west- (254) (254) 776-7775 or apply    Land, Inv estm ent      Appliances  bajadores de limpieza en  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full    776-7775 o solicite Land, Inv estm ent  Abandoned, wrecked &   $2,000 and up. Wind ErS         PPick-Up roperties, and 336real Estate 7271 Bagby Ave. (254) 776-7775 or apply gust        We (903)  254-793-2318, 254-7028 @10am. 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Temple: (254) Dollar Saver Monday, August 2019 1  Motorcycles & Scooters.   and surrounding areas.      Please call our office at   www.davidbarrproper    disponibles los empleos       Delivery, service work, unclaimed FOr SALE Well Fertil   LOOkINg FOr hunting/           and dual A/C included.    Johnny Teague (281)    vehicles. Over  circundantes. A partir de     down. 100% financing. ties.c    541-6023 We  Pick-Up (903) 336Starting at per hour.              776-7775 or apply      tiempo completo y WE  Buy &$8Repair Un- $8   need non-working ized Coastal Hay. $65 Farm & om ranch recreation property? 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Thursday, Au   kinds of furniture.     RBI 33073.   (254) 776-7775 o solicite disponibles los empleos  $23/acre applied. 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Thursday, Damon Berry  SHE IMMEDIATE SELL! 254- ers      FOr SALE Well Fertil40 vehicles!    P HE R D puppies,   Please call office  bla c k our and tan, 3at   c rank rec ord play er,   Delivery, service work, Johnny Teague (281)  Aucircundantes. A partir de         Wheelc hair.   7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,    ErS $2,000 and up. Wind    bla c k and tan, 3 ! ! 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Dresser, $1000 ov er 100 3797 Wheelc hair.  at  www.janitori7271 Ave. Waco,     (254) 799-6228, (254)450  nyteague@sbcglobal.     llame aAcreage nuestra oficina al online 600; R efrig erator, 33 1/3s, a nd 78' s, ov er      Employment  Auctioneer TXS 12497lots  Dav id Ba rr & P roperties    tos www.steelcontainers. y ears old; and           One of a kind  Great c ondtion.   Motorcycles Scooters. 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No money    Auctions Land, Inv estm ent  available. Call ! !  AVAILABLE !Over !  16" c ut, $300. 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Vic trola house & m ore for lease       KING SIZE Johnny Teague (281)       SHE P HE R D puppies,  unclaimed vehicles. Over  40 vehicles! Thursday, AuBusiness P roperties. Contac  t Ba 2545775841     house &ord m oreplay for lease Manufactured  and areas. ov ersurrounding 100 y ears w ithgrowth and production,     canyons. Starting $650/  ized Coastal Hay. $65  cook stoves. Rebuilt  Dav id rr P roperties  c rank rec er, Tem purpedic Bed w ith Please call ourprogram. office at recreation     at  property? We     bla c k and tan, 3   Dav id Ba rr P roperties repair  40 vehicles! Thursday, AuP u B L I c Auc T I O N    Dav id Ba rr P roperties   Credit rec ords; Vic torian   924-4460 or email: john       40 vehicles! Thursday, Au( 254) 526-2277 gust 8 @10am. Tow King ov er 100 y ears w ith ad j ustible fram e. $350.    housing Starting at $8ovper hour. applied. Dealm ales, 1 fem a le, $500. AC.   per bale if of picked up.  ( 254) 526-2277     866-286-0199    with 90 day warranty.   ( 254) 526-2277 AK C GE R MAN   Dresser, er west100$23/acre  OLD R776-7775 E COR DS, 45' s,  (254) or apply have the King best   www.davidbarrproper   (254) 857-4663. Abandoned, wrecked & Dining R oom Set,  rec 7271 ords; Vic torian  gust @10am. Tow   (8some 254) 421-8606. nyteague@sbcglobal. www.davidbarrproper   www.davidbarrproper 8 @10am. King   Bagby Ave. Waco,    SHE P HE RDamon D puppies,   y ears old; and lots        33 41/3s, 78' s,Call ov er   Please call our Tow office at ers needed. Berry  ties.c om Delivery available. Call  Chairs, $250.  Delivery, service work, gust  Dresser, ov er 100     ties.c om  Texas, from the hill    online ata nd www.janitori ties.c om   bla c k and tan, 3  vehicles. Over  m ore antiques to unclaimed 600; R efrig erator, 450 in    7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,    net        LOOkINg FOr hunting/ ( 254) 423-4714.   7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 y ears old; and lots   MuST SELL! Country   ! ! 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G ood only . a Call 254) 3797  Auctioneer TXS 12497    cabin, 4&bedroom, bath,   online atnd www.janitori .( 254) 924-4460 or email: john-        c hoose from . Cash 1/3s, 78' 666-5484 s, ov( er house m ore for3lease  (254) 799-6228, (254) 33Tx           Large acreage or small.   lov e sea t, $50; a nd all  have 444-7052.    gust 8 @10am. 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Call Susan,     Lots/Land/   c rank rec ord5% play er, ing Lawnm ower     7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,    Would you like a new per bale if picked up.   4270, Burleson, TX.   P u B L I c Auc T I O N on your lot. Floor plans to  Tem purpedic Bed w ith lov e sea t, $50; a nd all          ( 254) 760-9615.  15—5-5 with microbacte Great c ondtion. Motorcycles & Scooters. and dual A/C included.  ov er 100 y ears w ith  bagad g er, $550. Murray  kinds 800-876-9720 ranchenterunclaimed vehicles. Over     KING SIZE Acreage  j ustible fram e. $350. of furniture.      Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484     home? $0 down with     Delivery available. Call   rec ords; Vic torian     $1000 Abandoned, wrecked & R iding Lawnm ow er,  fit any budget. No money    ria, increases germination, Tem purpedic Bed w ith 254-933-3334. 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Washer D ry er, $350.     y ears  old; and lots 9086   growth and production, ized Coastal Hay.Trans $65    c rank ord play er,       gust 8P @10am. TowSet King   eg istered. $1000 eac h.  land?  DO yOu own 130 iec e Dish R oom Set,   WEST TExAS ized Coastal Hay. $65 (rec 254) 423-4714. Troy bilt 32" 254-933-3334. 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Cash 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,  Would you like a new per bale if picked up.  Pecos area, near Lake nyteague@sbcglobal.    ords; Vic torian     ( 254)423-4714. 760-9615.     33073. (  254)    bagRBI g er, $550. Murray  only . Acreage Call ( 254) gust 8 @10am. Tow Kingrec  (254) 857-4663. Contac t 2545775841    ers needed. Damon Berry   Delivery available. Call  Dresser, er 100     Tx 76712. 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Call me Auctioneer Electricity, water, easy m ore antiques to Johnny Teague (281)           c rank rec ord play er, WEST TExAS Trans  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484  bedroom, 2 bath, LIKE   3797 .  c hoose from . Cash  924-4460 or email: john-ja-   recreation property? We Abandoned, wrecked &   for details, 254-933-3334.   access, whitetail, dove,  924-4460 or email: johnov er 100 y ears w ith        . Call Pecos area, near Lake nyteague@sbcglobal. Auctioneer TXS 12497 only cars  Auctions rec ords; NEW, $39,000. Priced for unclaimed Vic torian  have some of the( 254) best nyteague@sbcglobal. vehicles. Over    ShIPPINg cONTAINRBI 33073.  444-7052.   velina, thick cover, views,        Dresser, ov er 100 Amistad. 60 - 450 acres.     IMMEDIATE SELL! 254-    net in Texas, from theWind hill  40 vehicles! Thursday, Au-     ErS $2,000 and up.    y ears old; and lots  canyons. Starting at $650/  net  real Estate For    2018 PALM Harbor 3  country   Electricity, water, easy   u B L I c Auc T I O N uB L I c Auc T I Om Nore  933-3334. RBI 33073. antiques to  totight. south Texas. gust 8 @10am. Tow King       and water See pho- P  west- P Sale   KING SIZE bedroom, 2 bath, LIKE hoose from . Cash   access, whitetail, dove, ja- AC. 866-286-0199 Abandoned, wrecked &  Abandoned, wrecked conly &     Large acreage or small. 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,   Tem purpedic Bed w ith    tos www.steelcontainers. Auctions . Employment Call ( 254)   NEW, $39,000. Priced for Feed & Sup   OLD R E COR DS, 45' s,   velina, thick cover, views, unclaimed vehicles. Over  ad j ustible fram e. $350. unclaimed vehicles. Over  444-7052.  year fixed rate owner  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 QuALITy   net Will deliver. (254) 722- 33  1/3s, plies a nd 78' s, ov er BuILT homes 30     Dining R oom at Set,   IMMEDIATE SELL! 254  GreyHoparound canyons. Starting $650/  40 vehicles! Thursday, Au40 vehicles! Thursday, Au 600; R efrig erator, 450 Manufactured   4 Chairs, $250. Call financing. Only 5% Down. Auctioneer TXS 12497      P u B L I c Auc T I O N 4270, Burleson, TX.   on your lot. Floor plans to     lb s. 8 @10am. c apac ityTow , rea l 933-3334. RBI 33073.  Wheelc hair. ( 254) 423-4714.westAC. 866-286-0199 gust King KING SIZE  gust 8  @10am. Tow King JOBS AVAILABLE. Full   housing  800-876-9720 ranchenter  g ood, c lea n, $300. G ood Abandoned, fit any budget. No moneyTem  purpedic Bed w ith jobs available  wrecked  &     Great c ondtion. Trucks Bagby Ave.aFertilWaco, lov e sea t, $50; nd all   7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, & part-time SALE Well Fertil- 7271 FOr SALE Well  ad jFOr ustible fram e. $350.  Employment unclaimed vehicles. Over     down. 100% financing.   kinds of furniture. now! Needed: Janitorial      $1000 Dining R oomHay. Set,$65 Tx 76712. 666-5484 Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484  MuST SELL! Country ized Coastal ized Coastal $65 Kenm ore (254) Ov Hay. er Under     40 vehicles! Thursday, Au-    Credit repair program. Manufactured  4 Chairs, $250. Call workers in Waco, Temple   One of a kind P u B L I c Auc T I O N Washer D ry er, $350. Lots/Land/ TXS 12497    Auctioneer TXS 12497 cabin,84@10am. bedroom, 3 bath, per bale if picked up.  per bale if picked up.  ( 254) 423-4714.  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Auctioneer gust Tow King Troy bilt 32" Cut R id   857-4663. housing  KING SIZE and surrounding areas. Abandoned,   130 P iec e Dish Set  wrecked & (254)  Acreage Lawnm ower Call with barn wood with available. Call ing Delivery available. purpedic Bed w ith P u B L I c Auc T I OTem N Starting &Delivery part-time jobs available  7271 Bagbyaccents Ave. Waco,   Trucks  at $8 per hour. bag g er, $550. Murray Highest Offer  LOOkINg FOr hunting/  unclaimed vehicles. Over ad j ustible fram e. $350. 2x676712. walls. (254) Delivery, setup  Johnny Teague (281) RJohnny   Abandoned, wrecked & Dining iding Teague Lawnm(281) ow er, now! Needed: Janitorial Tx 666-5484  MuST SELL! Country  oom Please R call ourSet, office at Contac t 2545775841  property? We WEST TExAS Trans 40  vehicles! Thursday, Au- recreation  16" c ut, $300. Vicjohntrola  and dual A/C 924-4460 email: john- P 924-4460 email: Chairs, $250. Call unclaimed vehicles. Over4 (254) workers in or Waco, Temple Auctioneer TXSincluded. 12497 cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath,  u B L I rec corord Auc T I Oer, N c rank play ! ! AVAILABLE !best !    have some of the Pecos area, near Lake gust 8 @10am. Tow King ( 254)776-7775 423-4714.or apply  254-933-3334. RBI 33073. nyteague@sbcglobal. nyteague@sbcglobal. ov er 100 y ears w ith  offic e, retail, w are40 vehicles! Thursday, Auand surrounding areas.  barn wood accents with  Abandoned, wrecked & online at www.janitoriP u B L I c Auc T I O N  rec ords; Vic torian in Texas, the hill Amistad. 60 450 acres.  7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, house & mfrom ore for lease  net net  Starting at $8 per easy hour. unclaimed DO yOu own land? Dresser, ov er 100  Dav id Ba rrsouth P roperties 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup Abandoned, vehicles. Over  wrecked & gust 8 @10am. Tow King  country to Texas. Electricity, water, Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484   y ears old; and lots ( 254) 526-2277 Please whitetail, call our office at 40  Would youvehicles. like a Over new 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, and dual A/C included. unclaimed vehicles! Thursday, Aum ore antiques to www.davidbarrproper Large acreage or small. access, dove, ja Auctioneer TXS 12497 c hoose from Tow . Cash Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 (254) 776-7775 orviews, apply gust Feed Suphome? $0 Thursday, down with 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 40 8Auctions @10am. King  vehicles! Au-  30 year ties.c fixed om rate owner velina, thick& cover,  only . Call ( 254)  Auctioneer TXS 12497 online at www.janitoriplies your land equity. Call me Motorcycles  444-7052.  7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,  AKC GE R MAN DO yOu own land? gust 8 @10am. Tow King financing. Only 5% Down. canyons. Starting at$650/     P u76712. B L I c (254) Auc TION for details, 254-933-3334. SHE P HE R D puppies, Tx 666-5484  7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Would you like a new  800-876-9720 ranchenter- AC. 866-286-0199 west- Abandoned, cars    blac k and tan, 3 wrecked  RBI 33073. WE Buy & Repair UnAuctioneer TXS 12497 &  FOr SALE Well Fertil home? $0 down with Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484  m ales, 1 fem ale, $500. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, unclaimed vehicles. Over

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F ree E st.  Temple: (254) 778-4444   surrounding areas.  Rebuilt and cook stoves.     338-1337 orR466-7650   AKC GE MAN   at $8 per hour.   with 90 day warranty. Starting    Killeen: (254) 501-7530 SHE P HE R D puppies,    Please call our office at     service work,   blac kDollar and tan, 3 Monday,  Saver August 5, 2019 11 Delivery,  Dollar Saver Monday, August 5, 2019   (254) 776-7775 or apply    m ales, 1 fem ale, $500.  need non-working ones.     OLD R E COR DS, 45' s,      ( 254) 421-8606.  at www.janitori   799-6228, (254) online  (254) 33 1/3s, and 78' s, over         600; R efrigerator, 450    214-5284. Temple: (254)          lbs. c apac ity, real        541-6023   Farm & ranch good, c lean, $300. Good          AVAILABLE. 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Au7271 Bagby completo Ave. Waco, itori- de tiempo y 254-793-2318,      Manufactured     KING SIZE          m ore antiques to   offic e, retail, 254-702w are                   00.       Tem purpedic with  gust 8 @10am. 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Call  AK R tan, MAN  bla cCk GE and 3  soil, N-TEXX     wanted/ ATV’s, llame     SHE P HE R D apuppies,    m ales, 1 fem le,Temple $500.   ON 15—5-5   a nuestra oficina al OLD  workers inGE Waco,   Johnny Teague (281)    RE COR DS, 45' s,   AK Ck R tan, MAN P u B L I c Auc T I O N    with microbactebla c and 3  ( 254) 421-8606.    Motorcycles & Scooters.      1/3s,  a nd 78' s, ov er and SHE P HE R D apuppies, WEST TExAS Trans (254)      m ales, 1 fem le, areas. $500.   surrounding 776-7775 o solicite  & 924-4460 or email: john- 33   ed & ria,    Abandoned, wrecked  OLD R efrig E COR DS, 45'450 s,   600; R erator, increases germination,  bla c k and tan, 3   ( 254) 421-8606.     We Pick-Up (903) 336   Pecos area, near Lake     33 1/3s, a nd 78' s, ov er   lb s. c apac ity , rea l Starting at $8 per hour. m ales, 1 fem a le, $500.   nyteague@sbcglobal.  en línea en www.janitori- g600; unclaimed vehicles. 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Thursday, Au   y, Au- $23/acre      applied.  600; R efrig 450      g ood, c lea $300. G ood   kinds ofn,erator, furniture.     Electricity, water, Dealeasy     (254) 776-7775 or apply      gust 8 @10am. Tow King lb s. c apac ity , rea l    King lov e sea t, Ov $50; nd all   ith  ore er aUnder     Appliances ers needed. Damon Berry    AVAILABLE. 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Vic trola ergcer, 100 y ears w ith cook stoves.  Over ov 33 1/3s, andand 78'Rebuilt s, Wind over unclaimed  house & mvehicles. ore for areas. lease One of a kind  R iding ow er, er,     c rank recLawnm ordVic play  rec ords; torian Dav id Ba rr P roperties  and water tight. See pho   Starting at $8 per hour. 600; R90 efrigerator, 450 40 16" c ut, $300. Vic trola 130 P iec e Dish Set vehicles! Thursday, Auwith day warranty.  ov er 100 y ears w ith    Manufactured Dresser, ov er 100   ( 254) 526-2277  WE Buy & Repair Un    c rank rec play er,   Hig hest Offer ords; Vic torian lbs. c apac ity, work, real gust  ears old;ordand lots tos www.steelcontainers.   www.davidbarrproper  Please call our Tow office at yrec    8  @10am. 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P E R SIAN K ITTE NS. R eg istered. $1000 eac h. Call Susan, ( 254) 760-9615.

! ! K illeen Constr uction  & R epair s General Hom e R epair/Maint.  Int/E x t-R oom Addi tions, Tiling , Doors, P a inting , Dry wall, Garag e Conv ., Trim & More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650


                     

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Hom e R epair/Maint. Int/E x t-R oom Additions, Tiling , Doors, P a inting , Dry wall, Garag e Conv ., Trim & More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650

  

July 31, 2019 • Page 3

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Page 4 • July 31, 2019

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de tiempo completo  (254) 776-7775 or applyy  medio! necesita: traonline atSewww.janitori bajadores de limpieza en   Waco, Temple y las áreas   Farm & ranch circundantes. A partir de     $8 por hora. Por favor    cuT FErTILIZEr cost,  llame a nuestra oficina al   improves soil, N-TEXX  (254) 776-7775 o solicite    15—5-5 microbacte en línea with en www.janitori  ria, increases germination, growth and production,  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full   $23/acre Deal& part-timeapplied. jobs available  ers needed. Damon Berry  Janitorial now! Needed:  254-793-2318, 254-702  workers in Waco, Temple  3797.  and surrounding areas.  ShIPPINg cONTAIN Starting at $8 per hour. ErS $2,000 and up. Wind  Please call our office at  and water tight. See pho(254) 776-7775 or apply  tos www.steelcontainers.  online at www.janitori   net Will deliver. (254)    4270, Burleson, TX.   Farm & ranch 

  FOr SALE Well Fertil Apartments  cuT FErTILIZEr ized Coastal Hay. cost, $65    for Rent improves N-TEXX per bale ifsoil, picked up.   15—5-5 with microbacteDelivery available. Call     ria, increases germination, Johnny Teague (281)        growth and production, 924-4460 or email: john     $23/acre applied. Dealnyteague@sbcglobal.         ers needed. Damon Berry net       254-793-2318, 254-702       3797.    Feed & Sup ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !  plies ShIPPINg  Land, InvcONTAINestm ent   P roperties, and     ErS $2,000 up. Wind Business Pand roperties.     Dav id Ba rr P roperties and water tight. See pho  ( 254) 526-2277  FOr SALE Well Fertil  www.davidbarrproper  tos www.steelcontainers. ized Coastal Hay. $65 ties.c om    net deliver. (254) up. 722 perWill bale if picked    4270, Burleson, TX. Call   Delivery available.    Johnny Teague   FOr SALE Well (281) Fertil   924-4460 or email:  ized Coastal Hay.john$65    nyteague@sbcglobal.   per bale if picked up.    net   Delivery available. Call    Johnny Teague (281)     Auctions  924-4460 or email: john   nyteague@sbcglobal.   PuBLIc AucTION net    Abandoned, wrecked &    unclaimed vehicles. Over Feed & Sup 40 vehicles! Thursday, Auplies  gust 8 @10am. Tow King 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,  SALE Well FertilTxFOr 76712. (254) 666-5484  ized Coastal $65  Auctioneer TXSHay. 12497  per bale if picked up.  PuBLIc AucTION Delivery available. Call Abandoned, wrecked Johnny Teague (281)& unclaimed vehicles. Over 924-4460 or email: john40nyteague@sbcglobal. vehicles! Thursday, August net 8 @10am. Tow King 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 Auctions Auctioneer TXS 12497

cars PuBLIc AucTION Abandoned, wrecked & PuBLIc AucTION unclaimed vehicles. Over Abandoned, wreckedAu& 40 vehicles! Thursday, unclaimed vehicles. gust 8 @10am. Tow Over King 40 vehicles! Au7271 BagbyThursday, Ave. Waco, gust 8 @10am. King Tx 76712. (254) Tow 666-5484 7271 BagbyTXS Ave. Waco, Auctioneer 12497 Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 PuBLIc AucTION Auctioneer TXS 12497 & Abandoned, wrecked unclaimed vehicles. Trucks Over 40 vehicles! Thursday, August 8 @10am. Tow King PuBLIc AucTION 7271 Bagby wrecked Ave. Waco, Abandoned, & Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 unclaimed vehicles. Over Auctioneer 12497Au40 vehicles!TXS Thursday, gust 8 @10am. Tow King cars 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 PuBLIc AucTION Auctioneer TXS 12497 & Abandoned, wrecked unclaimed vehicles. Over Motorcycles 40 vehicles! Thursday, August Buy 8 @10am. Tow King WE & Repair Un7271 Bagby Ave. ATV’s, Waco, wanted/ Broken

Abandoned, wrecked  NIcE dryE M P LWAShErS, EOS D I S&- ria, in onlin  (254) 799-6228, (254)  work  unclaimed vehicles. Over grow ers, refrigerators, and PONIBLES. ¡ Ya (254) están alser 214-5284. Temple:    and  40 vehicles! Thursday, Aucook stoves. Rebuilt disponibles los empleos $23/  541-6023   Start Fa  gust 8 90 @10am. Tow King with daycompleto warranty.  en línea en www.janitori- de tiempo y ers n        American Dollar Saver:    Plea 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Delivery, service work, medio! Se necesita: tra- 254       Miscellaneous   cuT   (254 Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 need non-working ones.   bajadores de limpieza en 3797    (254) 501-7530     Want To Buy Waco,     onlin  Auctioneer TXSy 12497  (254) 799-6228, Temple las(254) áreas impr  ShIP     P u B L I c Temple: Auc T(254) I Ode N 15—   alser   214-5284. circundantes. A partir    Dollar Saver Monday      ErS  real Estate For Abandoned, wrecked & WE Buy & Repair Un   ria, in Dollar Saver Monday   541-6023    $8 por hora. Por favor and     w Fa Sale unclaimed vehicles. Over wanted/ Broken ATV’s, llame   grow     a nuestra oficina al tos     w  40 vehicles! Thursday, Au- $23/ & Scooters. (254)  Motorcycles        776-7775 o solicite Miscellaneous cuT  W QuALITy BuILT homes gust 8  @10am. Tow King net  We Pick-Up (903) 336- en ers n    Saver toMonday línea enDollar www.janitori   impr on your lot. Floor  7271 Bagby Ave.plans Waco, 4270 9086  254    P u B L I c Auc T I O N 15— fit any budget. No money  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484   3797   FO   Abandoned, wrecked & ria, Appliances    JOBS AVAILABLE. Full in  down. 100% financing.  Auctioneer TXS 12497  ized   unclaimed vehicles. Over ShIP   & part-time jobsprogram. available grow Credit repair     per    40 vehicles! Thursday, Au- ErS real Estate For Needed: Janitorial $23/ (254) 857-4663.  NIcE WAShErS, dry- now!       De gust 8 @10am. Tow King and Sale   in Waco, Temple ers nw  ers, refrigerators, and workers    LOOkINg FOr hunting/    tos w Joh  7271 Bagby Ave. areas. Waco, 254  and surrounding  cook stoves. Rebuilt   recreation property? We net    W  924  QuALITy BuILT homes Tx 76712. 666-5484  at(254) $8 hour. 3797  with 90 day warranty. Starting  have some of per the best   nyt on your lot. Floor plans to  Auctioneer TXS Please call our 12497 office at 4270 Delivery, service work,  ShIP  in Texas, from the hill   net  fit any776-7775 budget. Noormoney  apply ErS need non-working ones. (254)  FO country to south Texas. real Estate For     down. 100% financing.   online at www.janitori    (254) 799-6228, (254)    and w ized Large acreage or small. Sale    Credit repair program.     F   214-5284. Temple: (254)   w per   30 year fixed rate owner tos      (254) 857-4663.    ! ! AVAILABLE ! !     541-6023 net W  De  QuALITy BuILT homes  financing. Only 5% Down.   Farm & ranch offic e, retail, ware      LOOkINg FOr hunting/       4270  Joh on your lot. Floor plans to 800-876-9720 ranchenter house & m ore for lease         recreation property? 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AVAILABLE !!          De Large acreage or small.   Joh      unclaimed vehicles. Over growth   offic e, retail, ware   and production, F LOOkINg FOr hunting/         Joh WEST TExAS Trans 30 year fixed         house & mapplied. orerate for owner lease  40 vehicles! Thursday, Au- $23/acre    Deal   recreation property? 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Damon Berry        have of theacres. best nyt     Amistad. 60526-2277 - ranchenter450  (some 254) 800-876-9720   FOR  net    7271 BagbySALE Ave. Waco, 254-793-2318,         254-702  in Texas, from the hill      FO  www.davidbarrproper net  Electricity, water, easy          Tx 76712. 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Call   nyt barn wood accents with   Land, Inv estm ent  AC. 866-286-0199     P u B          Manufactured     Aban  as as $208 a and month.  FOr hunting/ Amistad.  Plow roperties, 60 - 450 (281) acres.  Houses for Rent LOOkINg       Johnny Teague net  2x6 walls. Delivery, setup          Aban  Business P roperties.       uncla    Beautiful trees,    recreation property? We Electricity, water, easy          Dav id Ba rr P roperties   924-4460 or email: john- uncla  and dual A/C included. Housing             (creeks 254) 526-2277 ve    and   ja- 40 have some of more. the best access,   whitetail, Manufactured          nyteague@sbcglobal. 254-933-3334. 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Needed: Janitorial Tx cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, Auctioneer  933-3334. RBI  gust    Auct      workers in Waco, Temple barn wood accents with P u  u  B B L I cFor Auc TION P 7271  Call Free  Employment       and surrounding areas. 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup Abandoned,  M  wrecked & Aban Tx 76     and  Plan Booklet!   Starting at $8 per hour. dual A/C included.   uncla  unclaimed vehicles. Over Auct   JOBS AVAILABLE. Full      Please call our officeAuat 40  254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 40 WE ve vehicles! Thursday,    & part-time jobs available    (254) or apply “C.J. Cade” wan 8776-7775 @10am. Tow King gust  DO  yOu own land? gust   now! Needed: Janitorial online at www.janitori Moto Bagby Ave.Temple Waco, 7271  4 BR • 3 BA • Walk-InWould Closets you like a new 7271  workers in Waco, P u B  ! ! AVAILABLE ! !  We 76 76712. (254) 666-5484 $0 down with Tx Living .................. 2100 sq. ft. home?  offic e, retail, w areand surrounding areas. Tx   Aban Building  9086  house m ore for 78 lease Auct TXS 12497 land equity. Call me Auctioneer Porch& ...................... sq. ft. your  Starting at $8 per hour. uncla Dav id Ba rr P roperties   Throughout   details, 254-933-3334. Please Patio ...................... 104 sq. ft. for ( 254) 526-2277 call our office at 40 ve   M cars www.davidbarrproper Central TX. 33073.  Total ....................  (254) 776-7775 or apply ties.c om 2282 sq. ft. RBI gust    2018 PALM Harbor 3 P online   u B L Iatc www.janitoriAuc T I O N WE 7271  Base Price ....$   bedroom, 2 bath, LIKE Abandoned,  wrecked & wan Tx 76    NEW, $39,000. Priced for unclaimed vehicles. Over Moto Auct   IMMEDIATE SELL! 254- 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au- We (4663)   933-3334. RBI 33073. M  gust 8 @10am. Tow King 9086     7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,  Employment Attention Lot Owners! (254) 666-5484 WE  Tx 76712.  wan • No Money Down!  Auctioneer TXS 12497  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Moto  • 100% Financing!  & part-time jobs available  We Trucks   now! Needed: Janitorial 9086   workers in Waco, Templeto change P u Bwithout L I cnotice. Auc TION Base price-subject Base Price   andFivesurrounding closing not areas. included. Financing-wac some conditions apply &  The Trusted Name In Homebuilding!For Over Twenty Years! Abandoned, wrecked   Starting at $8 per hour. unclaimed vehicles. Over Please call our office at 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au(254) 776-7775 or apply gust 8 @10am. Tow King $8 por hora. 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A partir de and surrounding areas.  P a inting , Dry wall,      en línea en www.janitori- WE Buy  Wheelc  Waco, Templehair. y las áreas  (254) o solicite Auctioneer 12497 los empleos Want TXS To Buy bajad cabin,776-7775 4 bedroom, 3 bath, disponibles    & Repair Un- $8 GreyHoparound Garag e Conv ., Trim  9086  Wac      Starting at $8 per hour. circundantes.   por hora. Por favor    & More. F ree E st. Great c ondtion.   barn wood accents with A partir en línea en www.janitoride tiempo completo y circu       de P u B L I c Auc TION  Wheelc hair. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 338-1337 or 466-7650   Please call &our officeUnat  WE Buy Repair   llame a nuestra oficina al medio!    WE Buy & Repair Un$1000 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup  Appliances  $8 por hora. Por favor Se necesita: tra   Abandoned, wrecked & JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  Great c ondtion. $8 p Motorcycles & Scooters. 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K illeen Constr uction Waco,  Temple y las áreas Rebuilt  214-5284. Temple:areas. (254)   kinds of dayfurniture.    at 2$8bath, per hour.  & R epair s General   Appliances with 90 warranty. Starting  AK C GE R MAN bedroom, LIKE JOBS surrounding AVAILABLE. Full Abandoned, & Start    cook stoves. circundantes. A Rebuilt partir de and with 90 day wrecked warranty. AKC GE R MAN   GreyHoparound Hom e R epair/Maint. 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P E R SIAN KITTE NS. & bla c k 3 atand $8 tan, per hour. part-timeservice jobs available  $8 por Por favor Starting Delivery, work,       with 90hora. day warranty.   Wheelc hair.   AKC GE R MAN  tions, Tiling , Doors, m ales, 1 fem a le, $500.   wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  IMMEDIATE SELL! 254(254) 776-7775 or apply R egistered. $1000 eac h.  black and tan, 3   OLD R E COR DS, 45' s,    40 vehicles! Thursday, Au needPnon-working ones.  Troybilt 32"R DCut R idllame a nuestra oficina al Please need Needed: non-working ones. (254  call our office at Janitorial  P ainting Dry wall, ( 254) 421-8606.  Great c, ondtion.  Delivery, NIcECall WAShErS, dry- now! SHE HE puppies,    33 1/3s, aservice nd 78' s,work, ov er  Motorcycles & Scooters.    Susan,   m ales, 1 fem ale, $500.    933-3334. RBI 33073.  Garag e Conv ., Trim Miscellaneous online at www.janitoriLawnm ower with  gust @10am. 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Temple: (254) alser soil, N-TEXX   bagger,  338-1337 m214-5284. ales, 1 fem ale, $500.   One ofora466-7650 kind   Temple: (254)    Employment online at www.janitori and surrounding g ood, n, $300. G ood (254) 799-6228, (254) 9086 cook stoves. Rebuilt OLD R E COR DS, 45' s, R iding Lawnmower,    600; R efrigerator, 450 15—5-5  $50;   PuBLIc AucTION Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484   lov e seat, a nd all  ( 254) 421-8606.   541-6023  with microbacte130 P iec e Dish Set   541-6023    1/3s, and 78' s, over 16" at TXS $8 per hour. Fa c ut, $300. Vic trola   kinds ofTemple: furniture.    214-5284. (254)  with 90 day warranty. Starting   lbs. c apac ity, real&33ria,   Farm & ranch   Auctioneer 12497 JOBS AVAILABLE. Trucks/Vans/ Abandoned, wrecked General  Highest Offer Full JOBS General  Appliances  Kenm ore Ov er Under increases germination,     JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Please AVAILABLE. Full  600; R efrigerator, 450 c rank rec ord player,        call our office at good, c lean, $300. Good P E R SIAN K ITTE NS. ADS Cars Automobiles 541-6023 ADS Delivery, service work, Washer D ry er, $350. unclaimed  Farm & Ranch Cats        & part-time jobs available vehicles. Over Contac t 2545775841  lbs. c apac ity, real   over 100 years with Miscellaneous R eg istered. $1000 eac h. & part-time jobs available Farm & ranch   growth and production, & part-time jobs available   Merchandise Troy bilt 32" Cut R id- love seat, $50; and all  Trucksor apply cuT SUVs ones.  Merchandise        Miscellaneous Call Susan, need non-working  FErTILIZEr cost, (254) 776-7775 c lean, $300. Good ing Lawnm ower with   ords; Vic torian cuT 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au-good,  now! Needed: Janitorial now! Needed: Janitorial Needed: Janitorial  kinds of 760-9615. furniture.  $23/acre applied. Deal-rec  impr   NIcE WAShErS, dry- now! ( 254)    bag g er,  $550. Murray   online at www.janitoriGrey Hoparound love seat, $50; and all Dresser,  over 100 improves Grey Hoparound  (254) 799-6228, (254) soil, N-TEXX   P u B L I  Kenm ore Over Under  gust 8 @10am. Tow King workers in Waco, Temple  workers in Waco, Temple R iding Lawnm ow er, Miscellaneous workers in Waco, Temple  cuT FErTILIZErcost, P u B L Ic c Auc AucT TIIO ON N 15— ers needed. Berry  ers, refrigerators,   Wheelc hair. and   of Damon furniture.    hair. PE R SIAN KITTE NS. years old; AucTION and lots 15—5-5    kinds 16" cWheelc ut, $300. Vic trola   PuBLIc Washer Dryer, $350.  Abandoned, wrecked & 214-5284. Temple: (254)  with microbacteand surrounding areas. and surrounding areas.  7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,  ria, in  Great c ondtion.    Abandoned, wrecked & cook stoves. Rebuilt and surrounding areas.   c rank reccord play er, improves 254-793-2318, 254-702Great ondtion. soil,Cut N-TEXX   ore Over Under R egistered. $1000 eac h.m Abandoned, ore antiques to        Troybilt 32" R id-Kenm     wrecked ov er 100 y ears w ith  vehicles. Over $1000   Starting at $8 per hour. unclaimed P E R SIAN KITTE NS.& ria, Starting at $8 pertorian hour.  541-6023 $1000 increases germination,   Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 unclaimed vehicles. Over grow with 90 daya warranty.  AucTION Washer Dryer, Call Susan, $350. c hoose from . Cash  3797. Starting per hour. PuBLIc 15—5-5 with microbacte rec ords; Vic Farm & ranch  ing Lawnm ower with   Oneat of$8 kind        One of a kind   Runclaimed egistered. $1000( 254) eac h. growth  Please call office at 40 vehicles. Over Please call our office100 at  Dresser, ov er Troybilt 32"760-9615. Cut R id- only. ( 254) Call 40 vehicles! vehicles!Thursday, Thursday, AuAu- $23/ Delivery, service work, Auctioneer TXS 12497 and our production,     wrecked & bagger,  $550.   Murray 130  P call iec eour Dish Setat Abandoned,  Please office   increases germination, P iec e Dish Set   ShIPPINg cONTAINy 130 ears old; lots ria, Call Susan,   AKC GE Rand MAN   (254) 776-7775 or Dealapply gust ing Lawnm ower with 444-7052.  (254) 776-7775 or apply   40 vehicles! Thursday, Au- $23/acre  gust 88 @10am. @10am. Tow Tow King King ers n need non-working Hig hest Offer   iding Lawnmower, Hig hest Offer m ore antiques to R applied.  vehicles. Over   Miscellaneous SHE P HE R D puppies, ( 254) 760-9615. (254) 776-7775 orones. apply unclaimed    growth and production, cuT FErTILIZEr cost,  ErS $2,000 and up. Wind  bagger, $550. Murray  7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, real Estate For c hoose from . Cash Contac t 2545775841  online at www.janitori online at twww.janitori Contac 2545775841 c ut, $300. Vic trola  (254) 799-6228, (254) 40 gust 8 @10am. Tow King ers needed. Damon Berry 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, 254 black and tan, (3254) only . Call vehicles! Thursday, Au- 16"    online at www.janitoriapplied. Deal-R iding improves soil, 666-5484 N-TEXX 3797 and waterLawnmower, tight. See phoHoparound Tx   Sale  c rank rec ord player, Household mGrey ales, 1 fem ale, $500. $23/acre Tx 76712. 76712. (254) (254) 666-5484 214-5284. Temple: 444-7052.     OLD R E COR DS,(254) 45' s, gust  16"tosc ut, $300. Vic trola 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, 254-793-2318, 254-702- 15—5-5 Wheelc hair.   8 @10am. Tow King PuBLIc AucTION over 100 years with Auctioneer TXS 12497 ers needed. Damon Berry  ( 254) 421-8606. www.steelcontainers. with microbacte  Auctioneer TXS 12497 541-6023   Feed & Supply      Great c ondtion. 33 1/3s, and 78's, over c rank rec ord player,  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484  Farm & ranch Goods  3797. rec ords; BuILT Vic torian Bagby Ave. Waco, 254-793-2318, Abandoned, wrecked & ria, increases germination, ShIP     net Will deliver. (254)with 722254-702$1000 QuALITy homes RLefrigerator,  100 years E600; M P E O S D I 450 S - 7271   real Estate For ErS   Auctioneer TXS 12497 Dresser, over 100over    Motorcycles  One of a kind  Motorcycles  lbs. c apac ity, real Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 unclaimed vehicles. Over growth  4270, Burleson, TX. ShIPPINg cONTAIN3797. on your lot. Floor plans to rec ords; Vic torian and production, and w        Miscellaneous    PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Sale years old;  130 PC iec e Dish Set cuT FErTILIZEr cost,    AK GE R MAN good, c lean, $300. Good Auctioneer AK C GE Rand MANlotsDresser,      over 100 TXS 12497 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au  SHE P HE R D puppies,  Hig hest Offer fit any budget. No money ErS $2,000 and up. Wind   $23/acre applied. Deal mSHE ore antiques to  P HE R cONTAIND puppies, real Estate For   soil, N-TEXX love seat, $50; and all improves  disponibles los empleos ShIPPINg   WE Buy & Repair Un- tos w   bla c k and tan, 3   FOr SALE Well Fertilyears old; and lots  Contac t 2545775841 bla c k from and tan, 3    gust 8 @10am. cdown. hoose .le, $500. Cash KINGSale SIZE kinds furniture. P u B LRIEcof Auc T45' I Os,N   KING SIZE net W 100% financing.  and water tight. Tow See King pho- ers  QuALITy BuILT homes  needed. Damon Berry m ales, 1 fem a le, $500. ErS   15—5-5 with microbacte m ales, 1 fem a   wanted/ Broken ATV’s, $2,000 and up. Wind de tiempo completo y  OLD COR DS, m ore antiques to Dogs real Estate For OLD R E COR DS, 45' s, Tem purpedic Bed w ith ized Coastal Hay. $65 Tem     ( 254) 421-8606. Kenm ore Over only. Call ( 254)  purpedic Bed with tos ( 254) 421-8606.   Abandoned, wrecked & ria,  7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, 254-793-2318,   33 1/3s, a nd 78' s,Under ov er on your lot. Floor plans to 4270  Credit repair program.   germination,  www.steelcontainers. 33 1/3s, a nd 78' e. s, $350. ov er and ad jincreases ustible fram 254-702 P E R SIAN KITTE NS. c hoose from . Cash Motorcycles & Scooters.      water tight. See phomedio! Se necesita: traWasher Dryer, $350. 444-7052. Sale ad j ustible fram e. $350. 600; R efrig erator, 450 per bale if picked up.   600; R efrig erator, 450 Dining R oom Set,   unclaimed vehicles. Over    fit any budget.(903) No money R egistered. $1000 eac h.l (254)  Tx 76712. (254) (254) 666-5484  857-4663.  only. production, Call ( 254)    lb s. c apac ity , rea Will deliver. 722- 3797. We Pick-Up 336Troybilt 32" Cut R idBuILT homes net lb s. cand apac ity , Call rea 4 Chairs, $250. Dining R oom Set,  tos www.steelcontainers. bajadores limpieza enl growth    Delivery available. Call QuALITy    Call Susan, g ood, c leade n, $300. G ood   40 vehicles! Thursday, Au  g ood, c leaapplied. n, $300. G ood  444-7052. down. financing. FO 254) 423-4714. ing Lawnm ower with  $23/acre Deal((sea  Auctioneer TXS 12497 AKC REGISTERED 9086 100%cONTAIN 4 Chairs, $250. Call 4270, Burleson, TX. on your lot. Floor plans to lov e sea t, $50; a nd all QuALITy  LOOkINg FOr hunting/  ized    lov e t, $50; a nd all  254) 760-9615. net Will deliver. (254) 722ShIPPINg Waco, Temple y las áreas BuILT homes Johnny Teague (281)  bagger, $550. furniture. Murray gust 8 @10am. Tow King  Credit repair program. AK C GE R MAN kinds of     ers needed. Damon Berry   ( 254) 423-4714. kinds of furniture.     German Shepherd recreation property? We    SHE P HE R D puppies, R iding Kenm ore Lawnmower, Ov erpartir Under   4270, Burleson, TX. 3NS. Kenm ore Ov er Under ErS $2,000 and up. Wind per  circundantes. A de 924-4460 or email: john- fit any budget. No money real 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, on your lot. Floor plans to (254) 857-4663. Estate For  254-793-2318, 254-702P E R SIAN K ITTE NS.  bla c k and tan, FOr SALE Well FertilP E R SIAN K ITTE Washer D ry er, $350. Farm & Ranch 16" c ut, $300. Vic trola Washer  D ry er, eac $350.    have some of the best down. 100% financing. R eg $1000 h.  Puppies, $600 each. m ales, 1 fem a le, $500. R eg istered. $1000 eac h.  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 Troy bilt 32" Cut R id- fit nyteague@sbcglobal. and water tight. pho- De $8 por hora. Por favor any budget. No Troy bilt 32" Cutmoney R id3797 .istered. OLD R E COR DS, 45' s, Sale  c rank rec ord player, LOOkINg FOrSee hunting/  Call Susan,   ( 254) 421-8606. Call Susan,  ing Lawnm ower with ing Joh  Credit SALE Wellthe Fertilower with 33 1/3s, a nd 78' s, ov er inFOr Texas, from hill  repair program. ized Coastal Hay. $65 tos Auctioneer TXS 12497  (Lawnm 254) 760-9615. over 100 years with net www.steelcontainers. ( (254) 254) 760-9615. llame a nuestra oficina al down. 100% financing. bag g er, $550. Murray  recreation property? We 924 Call 258-5626. 600; R efrig erator, 450 bag g er, $550. Murray ShIPPINg cONTAINper bale if picked up.     R iding Lawnm ow er, R to south rec ords; Vic torian ized Coastal Hay.Texas. $65  lbiding s. c apac ity , ow rea Lawnm er,l country   (254) 857-4663. net Will deliver. (254) 722have some of the best (254) 776-7775 o solicite Credit repair program. QuALITy BuILT homes  ErS $2,000 and up. Wind 16" c ut, $300. Vic trola  g ood, c lea n, $300. G ood real Estate For 16" c ut, $300. Vic trola nyt Dresser, over 100 Delivery available. Call  KING  acreage or small. per bale if SIZE picked up.    c rank rec ord play er, c lov ewater searec t, ord $50; See a ndphoall Large   rank play er, in Texas, from TX. the hill net and Burleson, LOOkINg FOr hunting/ onJohnny years old; and wlots   857-4663. en línea en www.janitoriFeed Supyour lot.Teague Floor plans to 4270, Sale  ov er 100 y ears ith (254) kinds oftight. furniture.  &  purpedic Bedowner with (281)  ov er  100 y ears w ith Tem   30 year fixed rate Delivery available. Call m ore antiques to KING SIZE Kenm ore Ov er rec ords; Vic torian tos country to south Texas. www.steelcontainers.   rec ords; VicUnder torian   recreation property? We fit924-4460 plies  ad j ustible e. $350. any budget. No money P E R SIANfram K ITTE NS.   Washer DFOr ry $350. or email: john- FOr acreage Dresser, ov er 100 LOOkINg   c hoose from . Cash Dresser, over, erhunting/ 100 R financing. Only 5% Down.  purpedic Bed with   Johnny Teague (281)  SALE Well or Fertilsmall. eg istered. $1000 eac h.Tem   Will deliver. (254) 722 QuALITy BuILT Dining R oom Set, Troy bilt 32" and Cut R idy ears old; andhomes lots net   y ears old; lots  have some of the best down. 100% financing. Large only. Call ( 254) F    Call Susan,   recreation property? We nyteague@sbcglobal. ad j ustible fram e. $350. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  ing Lawnm ower with m ore antiques to 800-876-9720 ranchenterm ore antiques to 30 yearCoastal fixed rate  4 Chairs, $250. Call  924-4460 or email: john ized Hay.owner $65 4270, Burleson, TX.    on your lot.from Floor. plans to cbag ( 254) 760-9615. 444-7052.  g er, $550. Murray  c hoose Cash in Texas, from the hill  Credit repair program. Dining R oom Set, hoose from . Cash  FOr SALE Well Fertil  some of the best net  & part-time jobsNoavailable  ( 254) 423-4714. R iding Lawnm ow er, financing. Only 5% Down.  only .  Call ( 254) have fit any budget. money nyteague@sbcglobal.  per bale if picked up. only . ut, $300. Call Vic(trola 254) 4ized Chairs, $250. Call 16"  to south Texas. (254) 857-4663.  444-7052. FOr SALE Wellplay FertilFront-End  444-7052. Coastal Hay. $65 country in Texas, from hill  800-876-9720 ranchenternow! Needed: Janitorial $c c rank rec ord the er, down. 100% financing.     net Lots/Land/ Delivery available. Call FO ( 254) 423-4714. ov er Coastal 100 y ears w ith ized Hay. $65  per bale if picked up. Large acreage or small. LOOkINg   country to south Texas. FOr hunting/ workers in Waco, Temple Credit repair program. rEplacEmEnts starting at Installed rec ords; Vic torian Feed & SupJohnny Teague (281) ized   per bale if picked up. Acreage  30 year fixed rate owner Dresser, ov er 100 Delivery available. Call  (254) 857-4663. Turn Over Large acreage or small. recreation property? We and surrounding areas.   plies yDelivery ears old; and Call lots  Lots/Land/ or email: john- per   available.  Feed & Sup  m ore antiques to Johnny Teague (281) financing. Only 5% Down. have some of the best 924-4460 Gooseneck    year fixed rate owner  LOOkINg hunting/ Starting at FOr $8 per hour. 30  Acreage c Johnny hoose from . Cash WEST  nyteague@sbcglobal. Teague (281) Del TExAS Trans 924-4460  plies    RD 800-876-9720 ranchenterBall Hitch or email: john  only . Call ( 254)    recreation property? We financing. Only 5% Down. in Texas, from the hill  Please call our officeuction at 444-7052.   924-4460 or SIZE email: johnJoh net KING SIZE Pecos area, near Lake nyteague@sbcglobal. Installed Starting at KING    FOr SALE Well Fertil! !K illeenof Constr    have some the best Tem purpedic Bed w ith WEST TExAS Trans  800-876-9720 ranchenterTem purpedic Bed w ith  country to south Texas.  Tem Bed with (254) or apply nyteague@sbcglobal.   924 &purpedic R epair s General  776-7775   Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. net  ad j ustible fram e. $350. $fram ized Coastal Hay. $65 ad j ustible e. $350.   600 in Texas, from the hill  ad j ustible fram e. $350.  Pecos area, near Lake FOr SALE Well Fertil Hom e R epair/Maint.  Dining R oom Set, net Large acreage or small. nyt Dining R oom Set,  online at xt-R www.janitori  Lots/Land/ Electricity, water, easy    Rsouth oom Set, 4Dining Chairs, $250. Call Feed & Supper bale if picked up. Int/E oom Addi-  country to Texas. 4 Chairs, $250. Call Amistad. 60 450 acres.   ized Coastal Hay. $65  net   30 year fixed rate owner  Grill Guards access, ( 254) Tiling, 423-4714.   4 tions, Chairs, $250. Call ( 254) 423-4714. Doors,  whitetail, dove, ja-  Acreage Large acreage or small. plies Delivery available. Call Electricity, water, easy Lots/Land/   Installed Starting at Auctions   per bale if picked up. 423-4714. P( 254) ainting, Drywall, Feed & Supfinancing. Only 5% Down. access, whitetail, dove, ja  velina, thick cover, views,  30Farm year fixed rate owner Johnny Teague (281) Garage Conv., Trim Acreage KING SIZE & ranch   plies Delivery available. Call $550 800-876-9720 ranchenter- velina, thick cover, views, canyons. Starting at $650/ &  More. F ree EBed st. Tem purpedic Bed w ith financing. Only 5% Down. SK Truck  924-4460 or email: john- FOr SALE Well FertilPuBLIc AucTION WEST TExAS Trans   Johnny Teague (281) 338-1337 ranchenteror 466-7650 ad j ustible fram e. $350. AC.   866-286-0199 west- Abandoned, 800-876-9720 Takearea, Hwy.near 6 North, 6.4 miles from the Lake Wacocanyons. Bridge, on the right. Starting at $650/ P u B Pecos Lake Dining R oom4,450 Set,  WEST TExAS Trans  nyteague@sbcglobal. ShortFErTILIZEr Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ...............  wrecked &  cuT cost, 4 Chairs, $250. Call 924-4460 or email: johnized866-286-0199 Coastal Hay. west$65 FOr SALE Well  AC.  Amistad. 60 450 acres.     unclaimed ( 254) 423-4714. Long Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ................. 4,650 Pecos area, near Lake net vehicles. Over Lots/Land/ improves soil, N-TEXX ized Coastal Hay. $65 nyteague@sbcglobal. per bale planters, if picked up. Aban   Electricity, water, easy Tractors, trucks, trailers, UTVs, skid steers, plows, Dually w/4 Boxes ..................................................... 4,900 Lots/Land/ 40 vehicles! Thursday, AuAmistad. 60 450 acres. Acreage Manufactured   15—5-5 with microbacte- per bale if picked up. net  available. Call uncla whitetail, dove, ja- balers, seeders, sprayers,Delivery 40 ve Acreage  60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................. 4,950 Manufactured gust 8 @10am. Tow King access, Electricity, water, easy shredders, rakes, augers, straight Delivery available. Call housing   ria, increases germination, Auctions Johnny Teague (281) gust  thick cover, views, housing 84" Caband Axleproduction, C&C w/4 Boxes .............................. 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, velina, Johnny Teague5,375 (281)ja access, whitetail, dove, WEST TExAS Trans growth blades, cattle feeders, welders, generators, mowers, grapples,  924-4460 or email: johnCarry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation WEST TExAS Trans 924-4460 or email: john- MuST Auctions 7271 at $650/ PuBLIc  SELL! Country Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 canyons. Starting thick cover, views, Pecos near Lake MuST AucTION $23/acre applied. nyteague@sbcglobal. industrial tools, fuelarea, tanks, campers and MORE! Pecos area, near DealLake velina,  SELL! Country Tx 76 nyteague@sbcglobal. AC. 866-286-0199 westcabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, Auctioneer TXS 12497 kEmpnEr canyons. Starting at $650/ PuBLIc Amistad. 60 450 acres. Abandoned, wrecked & ers needed. BerryEquipmEnt  Amistad. 60Damon - 450 acres. net cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, Auct net 866-286-0199 west- barn wood AucTION Back Room Fullunclaimed of NEWvehicles. Tools,easy accents with PuBLIc AucTION AC.  Electricity, water, Over barnNwood Electricity, water, easy 800-932-2461 • 2403 E. Hwy. 190 Abandoned, 254-793-2318, 254-702accents with P u B wrecked & OW TA 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup Abandoned, wrecked & kiNg setup Aban 8.7 Miles West of "Olddove, Location"jaor miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart access, whitetail, dove,Auja- 2x6 walls. access, whitetail, Delivery, Hydraulic Oils & Welding Supplies! 40 vehicles! Thursday, 3797. Manufactured unclaimed vehicles. Over  Auctions Auctions c O N SigA/C and dual A/C included. unclaimed vehicles. Over NMEN velina, thick cover, views, velina,8 thick cover, dual included. www.kEmpnErEquip .com 40 TS gust @10am. Towviews, King and (u uncla  housing vehicles! Thursday, AuShIPPINg cONTAINnt Manufactured Il July 31 Auction held inside our airBagby conditioned facility! canyons. Starting at $650/ P u B L I c Auc T I O N 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au 254-933-3334. RBI ) 33073. 40 ve canyons. Starting $650/ PuBLIc 7271 Ave.atWaco, gust 8 @10am. Tow King AucTION ErS $2,000 and up. Wind housing AC. 866-286-0199 west- Abandoned, wrecked & DO yOu own land? gust 8 @10am. Tow King Items will be sold live our (254) media666-5484 screens. gust AC.via 866-286-0199 west- Abandoned, DO yOu own land? 76712. MuST SELL! Country Tx Bagby wrecked & and water tight. See pho- unclaimed vehicles. Over 7271 Would you Ave. like aWaco, new 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, cabin, Accepting Payments of3Cash, Debit/Credit & Local Check. Onsite SP 5%, Proxibid BP 10% Would youVehicles/trailers like a new 7271  Auctioneer TXS 12497 4 bedroom, bath, Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 unclaimed vehicles. Over tosManufactured www.steelcontainers. MuST SELL! Country are subject to TT&L fees. CAC reserves the right to withhold merchandise until checks cleared. with Tx 76 home? $0havedown 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au- home? $0 down with Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 barn wood accents with PuBLIc AucTION 40 TXS 12497 vehicles! Thursday, bedroom, 3 bath, net Willhousing deliver. (254) 722- cabin, Manufactured your land equity. Call Aume Auct  gust 84@10am. Tow King Auctioneer your land equity. Call me Auctioneer TXS 12497 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup  Abandoned, wrecked & gust 8 @10am. Tow King barn with PuBLIc 4270, Burleson, TX.  for details, 254-933-3334. housing 7271 wood Bagbyaccents Ave. Waco, AucTION for details, 254-933-3334.  and dual A/C included. cars  unclaimed vehicles. Over 7271 RBI 33073. Bagby Ave. Waco, walls. (254) Delivery, setup Abandoned, Tx 76712. 666-5484 MuST SELL! Country 2x6 RBI 33073. wrecked &  FOr Well 3Fertilvehicles! Thursday, Au- Tx Auctioneer TXSincluded. 12497 76712. (254) Harbor 666-54843 P u B cabin, 4SALE bedroom, bath, and dual A/C MuST SELL! Country 2018 PALM unclaimed vehicles. Over3 PuBLIc AucTION 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 40  2018 PALM Harbor ized Coastal Hay. $65 barn wood accents with 254-933-3334. Tow King Auctioneer bedroom, TXS 2 bath, LIKE Aban 12497 RBI T 33073. cabin,84@10am. bedroom, 3 bath, P u B L I c Auc I O N 40 vehicles!2Thursday, Au- Abandoned, wrecked & DO yOu own land? gust bedroom, bath, LIKE per bale if picked up. 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup Abandoned, wrecked & NEW, $39,000. Priced for uncla Bagbyaccents Ave. Waco, Would you like a new 7271 barn wood with PuBLIc  gust 8 $39,000. @10am. Tow King AucTION DO yOu own land? NEW, Priced for unclaimed vehicles. Over and dual A/C included. Delivery available. Call unclaimed vehicles. Over 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, IMMEDIATE SELL! 254- 40 ve 666-5484 home? $0 down with Tx 2x676712. walls. (254) Delivery, setup Abandoned, youThursday, like a new 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 933-3334. RBIwrecked 33073. & 40 vehicles! Au- IMMEDIATE SELL! 254- 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au- your land equity. Call me Auctioneer Johnny Teague (281) Would TXSincluded. 12497 and dual A/C  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 unclaimed vehicles. Over gust 933-3334. RBI 33073. home? $0 down with gust 8 @10am. Tow King gust 8 @10am. Tow King DO yOuorown 7271 924-4460 email:land? johnfor details, 254-933-3334. Employment 254-933-3334. RBI 33073.  40 vehicles! Thursday, Au- Tx 76 equity. me Auctioneer TXS 12497 Bagby Ave. Waco, 7271land Bagby Ave.Call Waco, cars Would you like a new your nyteague@sbcglobal. Employment 7271  RBI 33073. Clark Auction Company, LLC gust 8 @10am. Tow King for details, 254-933-3334. DO yOu own land? Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484 home? $0 down with JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Auct net cars BAGBY Bagbyjobs Ave.available Waco, Auctioneer TXS Ave. 12497 2018 PALM Harbor 3 PuBLIc RBI 33073. Would you AucTION like a new 7271 your land equity. Call me7271 Auctioneer TXS 12497  & part-time JOBS AVAILABLE. Full WAco, TeXAs 76712 for details, 254-933-3334. 76712. (254) 666-5484 bedroom, 2 bath, LIKE Abandoned, home? $0 down with  wrecked & Tx now! Needed: Janitorial 2018 PALM Harbor 3 & part-time jobs available cars PuBLIc AucTION Trucks & Sup- 254-666-5484 RBIFeed 33073.  TXS 12497 NEW, $39,000. Priced your land equity. Call(254) me Auctioneer Robert W. for Clark #12497 848-2333 workers in Waco, Temple P u B unclaimed vehicles. Over bedroom, TXS 2 bath, LIKE Abandoned, now! Needed: Janitorial wrecked & 12497 pliesHarbor 3 AUCTIONEER 2018 PALM IMMEDIATE SELL! 254- 40 areas. Aban for vehicles! details, 254-933-3334. P u B L$39,000. I c Auc T I Ofor N unclaimed Thursday, Au- and surrounding workers invehicles. Waco, Temple NEW, Priced PuBLIc AucTION Over cars bedroom, 2 bath, LIKE Abandoned, wrecked & and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. uncla 933-3334. RBI 33073. RBI 33073. gust 8 @10am. Tow King IMMEDIATE SELL! 254Abandoned, wrecked & NEW, Priced for unclaimed vehicles. Over 40 vehicles! Thursday, AuFOr $39,000. SALE Well Fertil7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Please call our office at 40 ve Starting at $8 per hour.

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Want To Buy

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214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023

AK C GE R MAN  SHE P HE R D puppies,   blac k and tan, 3  m ales, 1 fem ale, $500. ( 254) 421-8606.  

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SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 , 2019 • • Bidding Begins at 9:30AM • •

8896 N. Hwy. 6, Crawford, TX 76638



PuBLIc AucTION Abandoned, P E R SIAN Kwrecked ITTE NS.& R eg istered. $1000 eac h. unclaimed vehicles. Call Susan, Over  ( 254) 760-9615. 40 vehicles! Thursday, Au gust 8 @10am. Tow King  7271 Bagby Ave. Waco,  Tx 76712. (254) 666-5484   Auctioneer TXS 12497      

real Estate For

Sale    QuALITy BuILT homes on  your  lot. Floor plans to fit any budget. No money    down. 100% financing.   Credit repair program.   (254) 857-4663.    LOOkINg FOr hunting/  recreation property? We  have some of the best  in Texas, from the hill   country to south Texas.  Large acreage or small.  30 year fixed rate owner  financing. Only 5% Down.  800-876-9720 ranchenter 





Abandoned, Wrecked and Unclaimed Vehicles over 40 vehicles

THURSDAY August 8 • 10 AM

Tow King of Waco

For more information, visit:


Page 6 • July 31, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

      Temple: (254) 778-4444    Killeen: (254) 501-7530 

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Brick/ Concrete

P E R SIAN KITTE NS. R egistered. $1000 eac h. Call Susan, ( 254) 760-9615.

onday, July 15, 2019


F ull Blood, R egistered onday, July 15, 2019 ABGA, BOE R Goats 



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  

NS. ac h.

  red ats  s. red  . 


 

 NS.  ach. 

Billie' s & Nannie' s.  Traditional w/ Colored  Gen. Killeen, TX .  ( 254) 526-7101  


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 Building/   Remodeling

 ! ! K illeen Constr uction &R epair s General  Hom e R epair/Maint.  Int/E xt-R oom Addi tions, Tiling, Doors,  P ainting, Drywall,  Garage Conv., Trim & More. F ree E st.  338-1337 or 466-7650   

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  

 red   ats

 

  

     

Building/ Remodeling


  

( 254) 760-9615.   


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      F ull Blood, R egistered    ABGA, BOE R Goats   Billie' s & Nannie' s.  Traditional w/ Colored  Gen. Killeen, TX .  ( 254) 526-7101

 

  ! ! K illeen Constr uction & R epair s General Hom e R epair/Maint. Int/E xt-R oom Addi-

        

         

  tions, Tiling, Doors,   P ainting, Drywall,    Garage Conv., Trim    & More. F ree E st.      338-1337 or 466-7650                        R SIAN KITTE NS.  P E   $1000 eac h. E R SIAN KITTE NS.   RPegistered. Call Susan,  R egistered. $1000 eac h.  ( 254) 760-9615. Call Susan,   ( 254) 760-9615.

Building/ Remodeling    


Cleaning/ Janitorial


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July 31, 2019 • Page 7

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Tree Service

     


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Scrap Metal Clean-Up

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Yardwork/ Landscaping

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Page 8 • July 31, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

Electrical Services ............................79 Electrical Services ............................79 Electrical Services ............................79 nsulation ..........................................80 nsulation ..........................................80 nsulation ..........................................80 nsulation ..........................................80 looring ............................................81 looring Flooring ............................................81 looring ............................................81 ............................................81 andscaping-Yard Work ..................82 andscaping-Yard Work ..................82 Landscaping-Yard Work ..................82 Work ..................82 sandscaping-Yard is PINA NOW Tree Trimming, HIRING! Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 asing ring & Painting Wallpapering ..................83 Mowing, Edging, Temple Temps CleanPainting & Wallpapering ..................83 Painting & Wallpapering ..................83 per-

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315 W. Ave MLeaves, Rake

ing, Lawncare, Private Fence, and concrete Immanuel Baptist work. Child Free Development Estimates. Center is 771-2191, 718-9765 Floathiring Teachers,

New ton gasPlease electricap-3 ersSLY’S &3 Aides. LAWN SERVICE phase package AC UNIT plyREASONABLE in ft.person at 1402 with 60 of 12” PRICES spiral duct 254-931-5635 and duct taps. $1800. West15Ave. A, Temple. 254-498-1485 VETERAN YARD CARE Tree/Hedge Skeeter Bass Trimming, Boat SX185 Weed Control, David L.Eating/ King Construcw/ Yamaha VMAX150. Landscaping, Mow, Edge,has tion, a local company, 254-317-3538 Blow, Cleanup. immediate positions avail254-743-9444 able for skilled concrete John Randy Deere Lawn Mower Cash for Houses. Any loCash for for Houses. Any loloform setters and Any concrete Cash Houses. 15 HP, 42” cut, zero turn Small Lawn Care Business Cash for Houses. Any lofinishers with minimum of cated or any condition. cated or any condition. Mow, trimcondition. trees and cated or any $500.00. 254-697-6383 1cated yearweed, experience. Hourly or any condition. 325-650-5900 325-650-5900 landscaping. pay rate 254-760-3031 will be deter325-650-5900 325-650-5900 mined upon experience and knowledge of position apREDUCED! For Sale Sale by by REDUCED! For plied for. Please apply in REDUCED! For Sale by person L. King owner, atas asDavid is. $199,000, owner, is. REDUCED! For$199,000, Sale by owner, as is. $199,000, GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR Concrete as Construction, 1629 owner, is. $199,000, BATHTUB REFINISHING or best offer. 3/2, w/b or best offer. 3/2, w/b SURPLUS East orLJZ best offer. 3/2, w/b owner, as is. 603-C $199,000, S. Fort Hood Street, Kilin home. Repairs on porceor best offer. 3/2, w/b Central, Belton 939-1110 fireplace, nice neighborleen. of office operfireplace, nice neighborfireplace, nice neighboror best offer. 3/2, w/b lain andHours fiberglass. Over 30 ations are Monday thru fireplace, nice neighborhood, furniture included years in business. Call Dale hood, furniture included hood, 8:00am furniture included fireplace, nice neighborFriday to 4:00pm. 721-3658. (negotiable). hood, furniture included (negotiable). All of our job sites are in (negotiable). hood, furniture included Temple,972-392-2334 Belton, and Kil972-392-2334 (negotiable). 972-392-2334 (negotiable). leen areas. Travel to and 972-392-2334 from sites will be provided 972-392-2334 by company vehi3Bd/ D.L.K. 2Ba House House in Rogers. Rogers. 3Bd/ 2Ba in 3Bd/ 2Ba House in Rogers. cles to travel exFor Sale Saleeliminate by Owner, Owner, $130K. For by $130K. For Sale by Owner, $130K. pense for yard, employees. 3Bd/ 2Ba House in Rogers. Fenced yard, storage shed. Fenced storage shed. Fenced storage shed. 3Bd/ 2Bayard, House in Rogers. For Sale by Owner, $130K. 254-423-2109 254-423-2109 254-423-2109 For Sale by Owner, $130K.

Merchandise Wanted ....................183 Motorcycles Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Food Motorcycles Sale Motorcycles For For Sale ....................294 ....................294 Food Products................................184 Products................................184 Food Products................................184 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 Musical Goods................................186 Recreational Vehicles Recreational Vehicles ....................296 ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 Goods................................186 Musical Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Sporting Sport Utility Utility ....................................297 ....................................297 Sporting Goods Goods ..............................187 ..............................187 Sport Sporting Goods ..............................187 Sport Utility ....................................297 Financial Trucks, Vans && Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Financial Boats, Trucks, Financial Trucks, Vans Vans Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 CATTLE haul- Skiles Group is Motors looking................................188 for Bill’s Skiles Group looking for Bill’s GrillWORKING, #3 experienced Grill #3 experienced The Oaks Apartments is PINA Tree is Trimming, Boats, Motors ................................188 Trucks, Vans && Pickups..................298 Pickups..................298 NOW HIRING! Notes, Stocks, ....................146 Automobiles Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 ing, penning, problem cat- a full-time Carpenter to aFor full-time Carpenter to cooks and Bonds waitresses cooks looking foranda newwaitresses Leasing Mowing, Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 CL&L Trucks is hiring Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Building Materials ..........................190 Automobiles For ....................299 Edging, CleanTemple Temps Notes, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Automobiles For Sale Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 Building Materials ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale tle. Also 1906 will S. haul live- join the construction team needed. the ....................299 construction team needed. 1st any Temple, 1906 S.apply 1st Temple, Agent. Please in per- join

Help Wanted WantedWanted........................134 Professional..............133 Help Professional..............133 Salesperson Salesperson Wanted........................134 Salesperson Wanted........................134 Salesperson Wanted........................134 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 Jobs Jobs Wanted Wanted ..................................135 ..................................135 Jobs Wanted ..................................135

CDL drivers. Home every stock. Call(254)-721-2998 254-865-3546 TX. Call 36 hours. Competitive NOW HIRING Wait Staff at package includes: Health Saigon Cafe. Apply in person insurance, vacation, 220 SW HKpaid Dodgen Loop, Temple, across Cactus company 401k.from Bi-annual Jacks. 254-773-4263 raises, guaranteed Wanted used doublewide Wanted used doublewide Wanted used doublewide Wanted home. used doublewide mobile Reasonable $700.00 week min. Must mobile home. home. Reasonable Automotive Parts Delivery mobile home. Reasonable mobile Reasonable price. Driver Needed. Goodwith drivprice. 254-421-3536 price. 254-421-3536 be 25 254-421-3536 years of age, a price. 254-421-3536 ing record a must. Apply minimum 2 years in person: ofThe Parts exp. Depot, 5301 Loop 205, Temple. 254-527-3342, ask for Rob or Lacey. Needed experienced

WE BUY HOUSES! ForeWE residential BUY HOUSES! HOUSES! ForeWE BUY Foreconstruction WE BUY HOUSES! closures, Divorce, Unclosures, Divorce, ForeUnclosures, Divorce, Unsupervisor. 2001 Brave wanted Winnebago Tenants, WE’RE closures, Divorce, Unwanted Tenants, WE’RE wanted Tenants, WE’RE Carpentry a must. wanted Tenants, WE’RE HERE TO HELP YOU! 35C, 54,336 miles, Ford HERE TO HELP YOU! Centex Construction HERE TO FOR HELPA YOU! CALL US CONHERE TO HELPAA1 YOU! CALL US US FOR CON254-217-2600 Tritron V10 6800, slide CALL FOR CONSULT WITHIN AA SULT &&USCLOSE CLOSE WITHIN CALL FOR WITHIN A CONSULT &OPERATOR CLOSE A (living and dining room). MONTH! 254-541-8885 MONTH! 254-541-8885 MONTH! 254-541-8885 SULT & CLOSE WITHIN Now Hiring, landscape and A MONTH! 254-541-8885 254-760-1876 MONTH! 254-541-8885 439 Water Supply Corpoirrigation, please call and

ration leave has aa message. full time po(254)657-0043, sition available for FM TCEQ Office location: 2459 Class2268 C Salado,TX License 76571 distribution operator. 2008 FORD F350 Diesel, 5th Maintenance person for moThis position’s primary wheel, towing package, bile home park and apart$5,000 OBO. 202-713-6209 ment complex. Full time. function is the operation Pay based on experience. and maintenance a Electrical, and of some 2018 GMC A/CCanyon VE backhoe skills helpful.distriNo purchased water Pickup, Extended Cab. criminal or substance abuse. bution systemLess lines, Running boards. than Call 254-773-7686 or email: 4,000 miles. valves, and meters. $24,000. 254-534-4560 Please send resume to Fenced yard, storage shed. Fenced yard, storage shed. 254-423-2109 254-423-2109 or contact 439 Water Supply Corporation at WANTED Donkeys, horses, 2001 Ford Expedition, FURNISHED EFFICIENFURNISHED EFFICIEN254-933-2133 or visit A/C at FURNISHED EFFICIENsheep, FOR goats SALE or any other works. Needs mechanical FOR CIES. Sparta Flat Screen TVs, CIES. Flat Screen TVs, 6202 Rd Belton, FOR SALE SALE farm animals. 254-865-3546 CIES. Flat Screen TVs, work. Asking $1000. FURNISHED EFFICIENCommercial Building Building 201 201 FURNISHED Commercial Full76513. Kitchen. Free: Free: Cable, TX Full Kitchen. Cable, 254-773-3304 EFFICIENCommercial Building 201 Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Flat Screen S. 25th 25thFOR St. SALE 5,000 sq.ft. sq.ft. CIES. S. St. 5,000 Internet. Bills Paid.TVs, No Internet. Paid. No FOR SALE S. 25th St. 5,000 sq.ft. CIES. FlatBills Screen TVs, Internet. Bills Paid. No Commercial Building 201 Good Location. Kitchen. Free: Cable, Good 2010 Ford Escape, excelLease/ No Deposit. Deposit. Lease/ No Commercial Building 201 Full Good Location. Location. Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Lease/ No Deposit. BELTON ISD is seeking Full & part-time openings S. 25th St. 5,000 sq.ft. Call James 254-778-4083 lent Ranch condition. New Call James Ranch House Inntires Bills Paid. No House Inn Call James 254-778-4083 S. 25th St.254-778-4083 5,000 sq.ft. Internet. Ranch House Inn Internet. Bills Paid. No Groundskeepers. Comandarea. engine. $5500 OBO Good 773-0114 in the Temple/Belton Lease/ No Deposit. 773-0114 Good Location. Location. 773-0114 Lease/ No Deposit. plete an online applicaGood buy for a new driver Call James 254-778-4083 Ranch House Inn Health insurance Read the Classified section to find provided Call James 254-778-4083 House Innout Make your ad stand out tion at your and ad stand orMake a Ranch college student. Make your ad stand out 773-0114 afterlooking 90for. days. 773-0114 from the rest! apply from for therest! posting. the that just right item you’re 254-774-1261 from the rest! OWNER FINANCE Belton ISD not out disASKdoes FOR OWNER FINANCE ASK FOR can catch the eye of those OWNER FINANCE Make ad stand ASK FOR CallYou today, someone is meter. looking for criminate 12.5 Acres. Water meter. 12.5 Acres. Water Make your your stand outof prospective buyers by advertising Apply in person: onadthe basis BOLDING 12.5 Acres. Water meter. BOLDING INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar Ag exempt. Beautiful. BOLDING from the rest! exempt. Beautiful. in theAg Classifieds with a display ad. Ag exempt. Beautiful. for ANY vehicle running or from the rest! color, national oriCall Classified whatValvoline you have to FINANCE sell! Find it fast? Oilrace, Owner/ agent Call Classified Owner/ agent Instant Change OWNER Call Classified ASK Owner/ agent not, with or FOR without title. Pam LaShelle Realtors Call a Classified Representative OWNER FINANCE Pam LaShelle Realtors FOR gin, sex,ASK religion, disabil778-4444 778-4444 12.5 Acres. Water meter. 254-624-1729 Pam LaShelle Realtors 778-4444 Dollar Saver Classified 512-217-2070 Today for all the details 4304 W. Adams 512-217-2070 12.5 Water meter. ity, or BOLDING age in its pro512-217-2070 Ag Acres. exempt. Beautiful. BOLDING Ag exempt. Beautiful. Call Classified Owner/ agent Temple grams, activities or em2012 Black Camaro Call Classified Owner/ agent (254) 778-4444 Pam LaShelle Realtors 778-4444 for sale. 111K miles, Pam LaShelle Realtors ployment practices. 778-4444 512-217-2070




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V6, $10,000 OBO. Call or text 254-624-4607

315 W. Ave M at Coryell Health. Pay range is $18-$23 per hour based on experience. Benefits are offered. Immanuel Baptist Child Please email Development Center is hiring Teachers, Floatif qualified and interested.

ers & Aides. PleaseAT apTOWNHOMES TOWNHOMES AT TOWNHOMES AT Texas TOWNHOMES ply inCentral person at AT 1402 Excavating & Civil/ RIVER FAIR RIVER FAIR WestRIVER Ave. A, Temple. FAIR Site Work Contractor BELTON BELTON isBELTON Seeking an •3bed/2.5bath/2gar •3bed/2.5bath/2gar David L. KingOperator ConstrucExperienced •3bed/2.5bath/2gar RENT$2,000 tion, aRENTlocal $2,000 company, has RENT$2,000 immediate positions availDiana White Diana White The Successful Applicant Diana White able skilled concrete Diana White mustfor have good experience 713.859.2952 713.859.2952 form setters andof heavy concrete 713.859.2952 in various types 713.859.2952 finishers withHill minimum Chappell Reality Chappell Hill Reality of equipment Chappell Hill 1 year experience. Hourly Chappell Hill Reality Reality Group Group pay Call rate254-778-5244 will be ordeterGroup Group mined upon experience and EmailOAKS Resume to HOLLY APTS. knowledge of position apHOLLY OAKS APTS. HOLLY APTS. plied for. OAKS Please apply in 1BR/1BA upstairs & 1BR/1BA upstairs & HOLLY OAKS APTS. 1BR/1BA upstairs & person at David L. King 1BR/1BA upstairs & downstairs. Washer and Competitive pay & benefits downstairs. Washer and Concrete Construction, 1629 1BR/1BA upstairs & downstairs. Washer and Offering Group Health downstairs. Washer and S. Fort Hood Street, Kildryer. Covered parking. dryer. Covered parking. dryer. Covered parking. downstairs. Washer and Insurance, Dental & 7 paid leen. Hours of office operdryer. parking. Water Covered paid. AppointWater paid. AppointHolidays Water paid. Appointations are Monday thru dryer. Covered parking. Friday to 4:00pm. Water paid. Appointments8:00am 773-4787. ments 773-4787. ments 773-4787. Water AppointAll of Local ourpaid. job sites are in Civil/Site ments 773-4787. Temple, Belton, and Paid. Kilments 773-4787. EFFICIENCIES Bills EFFICIENCIES Bills Contractor Looking for EFFICIENCIES BillstoPaid. Paid. leen areas. Travel and Furnished. Ramona CourtFurnished. Ramona CourtExperienced Fuel/Lube EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. from sites will be provided Furnished. Ramona CourtEFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. by D.L.K. company vehiyard, near VA. From $495. Truck Driver yard, near VA. From $495. Furnished. Courtyard, near Ramona VA. From $495. cles to eliminate travel exFurnished. Ramona Court254-778-1374. Eat Free (Service Technician) 254-778-1374. Eat Free 254-778-1374. Eat Free pense for employees. yard, near VA. yard, near VA. From From $495. $495. Nearby. Nearby. Nearby. 254-778-1374. Eat Must have Class 254-778-1374. Eat BFree Free Nearby. CDL Tanker and 2BR/ with 1.5BA, $665/$600, 2BR/ 1.5BA, $665/$600, 2BR/ 1.5BA, $665/$600, Nearby. townhouse style (stairs), 904 townhouse style (stairs), Haz-Mat style Endorsements. townhouse (stairs), 904 904

TX. (254)-721-2998 son Call at 3401 Camellia Drive, Temple or fax resume to 254-773-7797. NOW HIRING Wait Staff at Saigon Cafe. Apply in person 220 SW HK Dodgen Loop, Temple, across from Cactus Jacks. 254-773-4263 ON ON IVANHOE IVANHOE Large Large 2BR, 2BR, ON IVANHOE Large 2BR, ON IVANHOE Large 2BR, electricians 1.5BA, carpet, new paint, 1.5BA,Licensed carpet, newDelivery paint, Automotive Parts 1.5BA, carpet, new paint, 1.5BA, carpet, new paint, needed atgarage, Bluebonnet tile tile floors, floors, garage, fenced, Driver Needed. Goodfenced, drivtile floors, garage, fenced, tile floors, garage, fenced, Electrical Services. $725 month, deposit. $725 record month,a $250 $250 deposit. ing must. Apply $725 month, deposit. Located in$250 Temple. in person: The Parts DeNo 254-295-6537 No pets. pets. 254-295-6537 No pets. 254-295-6537 254-771-0801. pot, 5301Call Loop 205, Temple.

Needed experienced residential construction supervisor. 12101 Moffat Moffat Road. 2/1/1, 2/1/1, 12101 Road. 12101 Carpentry Moffat Road. a must. 2/1/1, 12101 Moffat Road. Ch&A, $700 rent, $500 deCh&A,Centex $700 Construction rent, $500 2/1/1, deCh&A, $700 rent, $500 deposit. Spivey Real Estate Ch&A, $700 rent, $500 deposit. Spivey Real Estate 254-217-2600 posit. Spivey Real Estate 254-753-5341 254-753-5341 posit. Spivey Real Estate 254-753-5341 254-753-5341 Now Hiring, landscape BELTON. Pretty 3/2. 3/2.and BELTON. Pretty BELTON. Pretty 3/2. irrigation, please BELTON. Prettycall 3/2.and Quiet neighborhood. neighborhood. Quiet Quiet neighborhood. BELTON. Pretty 3/2. leave a message. Quiet neighborhood. New carpet, paint. New carpet, paint. New carpet, paint. Quiet neighborhood. (254)657-0043, Covered patio. New carpet, paint. Covered patio. Covered patio. New carpet, paint. Office location: 2459 FM 1141 Lindsay Circle. Covered patio. 1141 Lindsay Circle. 1141 Lindsay Circle. 2268 Salado,TX 76571 Covered patio. $1095/$900, 254-913-8808 $1095/$900, 254-913-8808 1141 Lindsay Circle. $1095/$900, 254-913-8808 1141 Lindsay Circle. Kubota 6100 254-913-8808 Echo with $1095/$900, Maintenance mo$1095/$900, person 254-913-8808 equipment. $2650. for Like bile park and apartnew. home 254-289-1031 ment complex. Full time. Pay based on experience. Electrical, A/CSPACE and some OFFICE SPACE OFFICE OFFICE SPACE backhoe skills helpful. No FOR LEASEabuse. criminal or substance FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Call 254-773-7686 email: WANT TO refurbished LEASE or LAND for Recently refurbished 3,500 Recently 3,500 Recently refurbished 3,500 cattle office grazing, do imsq.ft. andwill warehouse sq.ft. office and warehouse sq.ft. office and warehouse provements. References Recently refurbished 3,500 space. Located on corner space. Located on corner Recently refurbished 3,500 space. Located on corner available. 254-865-3546 sq.ft. office and warehouse


lot in inoffice downtown Temple. lot downtown Temple. Employment sq.ft. and warehouse lot in downtown Temple. space. Off-streetLocated parking. on corner Off-street parking.

space. Off-streetLocated parking. on corner

Ticonderoga Temple, TX. lot downtown Temple. Ticonderoga TX. 2BR/ 1.5BA,Temple, $665/$600, Contact Randy Randy Ticonderoga Temple, TX. Contact Randy lot in in Contact downtown Temple. 2BR/ patio, 1.5BA, $665/$600, Large patio, priv. fence; Large fence; townhouse stylepriv. (stairs), 904 Off-street parking. 254-774-5204 Large priv. fence; Duties willpatio, include: 254-774-5204 townhouse style (stairs), 904 Off-street254-774-5204 parking. W/D connections, connections, CallTX. for W/D Call for Ticonderoga Temple, W/D connections, Call for •Fuel and Service Heavy Contact Randy Ticonderoga Temple, TX. Fertilizer Application, inshowing 254-760-0170 showing 254-760-0170 Contact Randy Large patio, priv. fence; Construction Equipment showing 254-760-0170 JUST BUILT OUT OUT JUST BUILT 254-774-5204 BUILT OUT Large patio, priv. fence; creaseJUST growth and produc•Minor Equipment Repairs 254-774-5204 W/D connections, Call for OFFICE SPACE! OFFICE SPACE! OFFICE SPACE! W/D connections, Call for •Assist Mechanics Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofshowing 254-760-0170 Two spaces: 730 sq. tion for your pasture and Two spaces: 730 sq. ftft ofofJUST BUILT OUT •Workshowing in Shop 254-760-0170 and fice; $1,100; all bills bills paid fice; $1,100; all JUST BUILT OUTpaid fice; $1,100; all bills paid crops. N-TEXX stimulates Equipment Yard as needed and OFFICE 570 sq. ftftSPACE! office; $875; and 570 sq. office; $875; OFFICE SPACE! and 570 sq. ft office; $875; Full254-760-1855 & part-time openings Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofCall soil, all microorganisms bills paid. 730 Both brand all paid. Both Two spaces: sq.brand ft of-that all bills bills paid. brand fice; $1,100; allBoth bills paid new build outs: new build outs: essential nutrients fice; $1,100; bills paid area. new build outs: and 570 sq. ftall office; $875; IMMEDIATE OPENING What youinget getthe whenTemple/Belton you advertise advertise provide 3320 Pecan Valley, What you when you 3320 Pecan Valley, and 570 sq. ft office; $875; What you get when you advertise 3320 Pecan Valley, for plants through their Temple. 254-760-2995 allTemple. bills paid.254-760-2995 Both brand assistant –insurance Vet tech Health provided 254-760-2995 all Temple. bills Both in the theLab Classified pages of the the inin Classified pages ofof newpaid. build outs:brand productive biological procSchwertner Texas the Classified pages the new build outs: after 90Predays. What get you 3320 Pecan Make your ad Valley, stand out Prioryou Lab Assistance Make your ad stand out DOLLAR SAVER. esses. 15-5-5 applied SAVER. What youDOLLAR get when when you advertise advertise 3320 Pecan Make your ad Valley, stand outat DOLLAR SAVER. Temple. 254-760-2995 Pay depends on exfrom the the rest! from rest! Temple. 254-760-2995 per acre. from the rest! ininferred. the Classified pages ofof the Get Results! Call Today! Today! perience. Benefits include: $23.00 Get Results! Call ASK FOR FOR the Classified pages the ASK Get Results! Call Today! ASK FOR Morris Health, dental and 401k Contact Carlos Make your ad stand out BOLDING BOLDING DOLLAR SAVER. Send Resume to: Make your ad stand out BOLDING DOLLAR SAVER. 254-421-1276 fertilizer Call Classified fromClassified thefor rest! Call Fax: 254-527-4400 or Call Classified from the rest! Get Results! 778-4444 application and sales. 778-4444 ASK FOR Results! Call Call Today! Today! 778-4444 ASK FOR BOLDING BOLDING Call Classified Call Classified 778-4444 778-4444




Apply in person: Valvoline Instant Oil Change (254) 778-4444 (254) 778-4444 4304 W. Adams (254) 778-4444Temple

(254) 778-4444Employment



Commissioned by order of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas All equipment from Greystone Development Services Complete Concrete Finishing Company

FACULTY all 2019

is seeking help for the following:

•Maintenance Supervisor Must have Hospital/LTC experience and knowledge of life safety code regulations

ADJUNCT FACULTY •RN Supervisor Weekend Doubles •C.N.A. FT Fall 2019 •Dietary Aide FT

Saturday August 10, 2019 edu/careers Visitfor details. for details. •Laundry Aide FT 10:00 AM

Baylor seeks qualified The Mary adjunct Hardin-Baylor seeks qualified Christian adjunct Onsite in University YardChristian 2500ofNE Inter Loop We offer outstanding benefits! ter. Classroom faculty teaching for the opportunities FallTexas 2019 semester. Classroom teaching opportunities Georgetown, • Competitive Compensation Selling (2) (4) Cargo arePickups, available in: Trailers, (3) Utility • Bonus Plan Trailers,


Equipment Trailer,



• PTO Daewoo Forklift, (3) Troweling Machines, Concrete Nursing Nursing Bucket, Handtools, (4) Generators, (3) Light Towers, • Tuition Reimbursement Forms.prepared) Alot of Small Hand and Power Tools, Office ctorally (MSN or doctorally prepared) • Matching 401(K) Computers and Furniture, Power Washer on Trailer, and Much More.

• Health & Dental Available

• Life & Supplemental Insurances in Information Master Systems of Science in Information Systems John Fisher • Team Member Chaplain Services Sales Manger, Auctioneer ormation Systems) (Ph.D. in Information Systems) All applicants can apply in person

7249 • 254-290-7305

or online at 18 graduate hours Master’s in the specific degree field with is at least 18 hours in the specific field is Details next week Or send resumes to noted. Doctoral degree required preferred. unless Visitotherwise noted. Doctoral degree preferred. Visit details and to Please submit a cover for more details and to apply. Please submit a cover 4% feeCV for card le Luther King Jr. Lane, Temple anscripts withconvienence your onlineletter, application. & credit copies of transcripts1424 withMartin your online application.


Equal Opportunity Employer

ing, Rake Health. Leaves, at Coryell Pay range is $18-$23 hour Lawncare, Privateper Fence, based on experience. Beneand concrete work. fits are offered. Please email Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765 if qualified and interested.

CATTLE The Oaks WORKING, Apartmentshaulis

ing, penning, catlooking for a problem new CL&L Trucks is Leasing hiring tle. AlsoPlease will haul Agent. applyany in liveperCDL Home every stock.atdrivers. Call 254-865-3546 son 3401 Camellia Drive, Temple or fax resume to 36 hours. Competitive 254-773-7797. package includes: Health insurance, paid vacation, company 401k. Bi-annual raises, guaranteed PINA Tree Trimming, Licensed electricians $700.00 week min. Must needed at Bluebonnet Mowing, Edging, be 25Electrical years ofServices. age, Cleanwith a ing, Rake Leaves, Located minimum ofin2Temple. years exp. Call 254-771-0801. Lawncare, Private Fence, 254-527-3342, ask for Rob or concrete Lacey. and work.

New 3 ton gas electric 3 SLY’Spackage LAWN SERVICE phase AC UNIT Central Texas withREASONABLE 60 ft. of 12” PRICES spiral duct & Civil/ and Excavating 15 254-931-5635 duct taps. $1800. 254-498-1485 Site Work Contractor VETERAN YARD CARE is Seeking an Tree/Hedge Trimming, Skeeter Bass Boat SX185 Weed Eating/ Control, Experienced Operator w/ Yamaha VMAX150. Landscaping, Mow, Edge, 254-317-3538 Free Estimates. Blow, Cleanup. The Randy Successful Applicant 254-743-9444 2001 Winnebago Brave 771-2191, 718-9765 John Lawn Mower PINA must Deere have good experience Tree Trimming, various of heavy 35C, 54,336 miles, Ford 15inHP, 42” types cut, turn Mowing, Small Lawn Carezero Business Edging, Cleanequipment SLY’S LAWN SERVICE Mow, weed, 254-697-6383 trim trees and Tritron V10 6800, 1 slide $500.00. ing,REASONABLE Rake Leaves, PRICES landscaping. 254-760-3031 (living OPERATOR and dining room). Call 254-778-5244 or 254-931-5635

BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO VFW Post #4008 #4008 VFW Post #4008 VFW Post VFW Post #4008 Email Resume to Belton Belton Lic Belton #1-74-6066507-2 Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Belton Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Lic #1-74-6066507-2

WED. AFTERNOONS WED. AFTERNOONS Lic #1-74-6066507-2 GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR Competitive pay 11am & benefits Doors Open 11am WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open Doors Open 11am BATHTUB REFINISHING WED. AFTERNOONS LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East Offering Group Health Session Starts 12:30pm Session Starts 12:30pm Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm in Insurance, home. Repairs on7 paid porceDoors Open 11am Central, Belton 939-1110 Dental & FRI. AFTERNOONS FRI. AFTERNOONS Starts 12:30pm FRI. fiberglass. AFTERNOONS lain Session and Over 30 Session Starts Holidays Doors Open12:30pm 5pm Doors Open 5pm Doors Open 5pm AFTERNOONS yearsFRI. in business. Call Dale FRI. AFTERNOONS Session Starts 6:30pm Session Starts Session Starts 6:30pm 721-3658. Doors Open 6:30pm 5pm DoorsStarts Open 5pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Local Civil/Site AFTERNOONS SUNDAY AFTERNOONS SUNDAY Session 6:30pm DoorsStarts Open 4pm for Session 6:30pm Doors Open 4pm Doors Open 4pm Contractor Looking SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Session Starts Starts 5:30pm 5:30pm Session AFTERNOONS SUNDAY Session Starts 5:30pm Doors OpenFuel/Lube 4pm Experienced LARGE LARGE Doors Open 4pm LARGE Session Starts 5:30pm NON-SMOKING ROOM NON-SMOKING ROOM Truck Driver Session Starts 5:30pm NON-SMOKING ROOM LARGE Hot Food Food Available Hot Available LARGE Hot Food Available (Service Technician) NON-SMOKING Maximum PayROOM Out Maximum Pay Out Maximum Pay Out NON-SMOKING ROOM

Hot Food Available

Hot Food Available Must have Class Maximum Pay OutB Maximum Pay Outand CDL with Tanker Haz-Mat Endorsements.

WANTED Donkeys, horses, Duties will include: sheep, goatsService or any other •Fuel and Heavy farm animals. 254-865-3546 Construction Equipment •Minor Equipment Repairs •Assist Mechanics •Work in Shop and Equipment Yard as needed Call 254-760-1855

WE CAUGHT FINDOPENING IT IMMEDIATE YOUR Read theCONCRETE Classified sectionCONto find PINA CONCRETE CONPINA PINA CONCRETE CONEYE that just right item you’re looking for. TRACTOR. Trim trees, TRACTOR. Trim trees, TRACTOR. Trim trees,

Lab assistant – Vet tech Schwertner Texas Prior Lab Assistance Preferred. Pay depends on exlandscaping, mowing, You can catch the mowing, of those landscaping, perience. Benefits include: PINA CONCRETE CONlandscaping, mowing, Call today, someone iseye looking for prospective buyers advertising PINA CONCRETE CONpainting, fencing, house Health, dental andby 401k painting, fencing, house painting, fencing, house TRACTOR. Trim trees, in the Classifieds with a display ad. Send Resume to: TRACTOR. Trim trees, what you have to sell! Find it fast? leveling. Free Estimate. leveling. Free Estimate. 254-527-4400 or leveling. Free Estimate. landscaping, mowing, Call Fax: a Classified Representative landscaping, mowing, 254-780-7670 254-780-7670 Dollar Saver Classified Today for all the details 254-780-7670

Lawncare, Private Fence, 254-760-1876 439 Water Supply Corpoand concrete work. VETERAN CAREporation has aYARD full time Free Estimates. Tree/Hedge Trimming, PINA Tree Trimming, sition available for TCEQ Weed Eating/ Control, 771-2191, 718-9765 Mowing, CleanLandscaping, Mow,distribuEdge, Class C Edging, License ing, Rake Leaves, SLY’S LAWN SERVICE Blow, Kubota 6100Cleanup. Echo with tion operator. 2008 FORD F350 Diesel, Like 5th REASONABLE PRICES Randy 254-743-9444 equipment. $2650. Lawncare, Private Fence, This position’s primary wheel,254-289-1031 towing package, 254-931-5635 new. and concrete work. $5,000 OBO. 202-713-6209 function is the Small Lawn Careoperation Business VETERAN CARE and Free Estimates. Mow, weed, YARD trim trees andTree/Hedge maintenance Trimming,of a landscaping. 254-760-3031 2018Weed GMC Canyon VE 771-2191, 718-9765 Eating/ Control, purchased water distriPickup, Extended Landscaping, Mow, Edge,Cab. bution system Running boards. Lesslines, than Blow, Cleanup. SLY’S LAWN SERVICE WANT TO miles. LEASE LAND for 4,000 Randy $24,000. valves, and254-743-9444 meters. REASONABLE PRICES cattle grazing, will do im254-534-4560 254-931-5635 provements. References Please sendCare resume to Small Lawn Business available. 254-865-3546 BATHTUB REFINISHING Mow, weed, YARD trim trees and VETERAN CARE in Repairs porcelandscaping. 254-760-3031 or home. contact 439on Water Trimming, lainTree/Hedge and Eating/ fiberglass. Over 30 Weed Control, Supply Corporation at years in business. Call Dale Landscaping, Mow, Edge, 2001 Ford Expedition, 254-933-2133 or visit A/C at 721-3658. Blow,Needs Cleanup. works. mechanical Fertilizer Application, in6202 Sparta Rd Belton, 254-743-9444 work.Randy Asking $1000. BATHTUB REFINISHING crease growth and producTX 76513. 254-773-3304 in home. Repairs porceSmall Lawn Care on Business tionand for your and lain fiberglass. Overand 30 Mow, weed, trimpasture trees years business. CallexcelDale crops. N-TEXX stimulates 2010 inFord Escape, landscaping. 254-760-3031 721-3658. BELTON ISD is seeking soil, that lent microorganisms condition. New tires Groundskeepers. Comprovide essential nutrients and engine. $5500 OBO plete an online applicafor plants through their Good buy for a new driver tion and productive biological or a at college student. procBATHTUB REFINISHING for theapplied esses. 15-5-5 inapply home.254-774-1261 Repairs onposting. porce-at lain and per fiberglass. 30 Belton ISD acre. does Over not dis$23.00 years in business. Daleof criminate on theCall basis INSTANT Top Dollar ContactCASH! Carlos Morris 721-3658. for ANY vehicle running or race, color, national ori254-421-1276 for fertilizer not, with or without title. gin, sex, religion, disabilapplication and sales. 254-624-1729 ity, or age in its programs, or em2012activities Black Camaro for sale. 111K miles, ployment practices.

WE Employment CAUGHT (254) 778-4444 WE YOUR CAUGHT Merchandise EYE YOUR

painting, painting, fencing, fencing, house house leveling. Estimate. leveling. Free Estimate. (254)Free 778-4444 254-780-7670 254-780-7670

insurance, paid vacation, purchased water distriOPERATOR company 401k. Bi-annual bution system lines, 439 Water Corporaises, guaranteed valves, and Supply meters. ration has a full time po$700.00 week min. Must Please send resume to sition available forwith TCEQ be 25 years of age, a CATTLE haulBill’s GrillWORKING, #3 experienced minimum of 2problem years exp. Class C License distribuor contact 439 Water ing, penning, catcooks and waitresses tle. will any liveneeded. 1906 S.haul 1st Temple, 254-527-3342, ask for Supply Corporation at tionAlso operator. stock.Call Call(254)-721-2998 254-865-3546 TX. Rob Lacey. or visit 254-933-2133 at Thisorposition’s primary 6202 Sparta Rdoperation Belton, NOW HIRING Wait Staff at function is the Saigon Cafe. Apply in person TX 76513. and maintenance of a

landscaping. 254-760-3031 Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765

V6, $10,000 OBO. Call or text 254-624-4607

SLY’S LAWN SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES 254-931-5635 BATHTUB REFINISHING NOW HIRING! in VETERAN home.Temple Repairs on porceYARD CARE Temps lain Tree/Hedge and 315 fiberglass. W. Trimming, Ave M Over 30 years in Eating/ business. Call Dale Weed Control, Landscaping, Mow, Edge, 721-3658. Blow, Cleanup. Immanuel Baptist Child Randy 254-743-9444

July 31, 2019 • Page 9

from pay Dev by min hiri cles know pense ers


ply pers Con Wes Skile

aS. f leen join atio at Davi Frid rang tion, based All imm fits a Tem able leen form ca from finish 1byif ye pay cles Bill mine pens coo know neeE plied TX. Si perso Conc S.NO ExF leen. Saig ation 220 T Frida Tem mu Bill’ All Jac in cook Temp need leen Aut TX. from byDri ing cles NOW in pense Saig mt pot, 220 Bill’s Tem Co cooks Jack need TX.In Auto Driv NOW ing Saigo in 220 Co pot, Temp Ex JackN

WE P purchased water distribution ISD system lines, CAUGHT BELTON is seeking NOW HIRING! Comvalves,OPERATOR and meters. Groundskeepers. 439 Water Supply CorpoTemple Temps YOUR plete online applicaPleasean315 send resume to Ave M ration has aW.full time potion at and available for TCEQ 36 hours. Competitive sition EYE apply for the439posting. or contact Water package includes: Health Class C License distribu-

Development Center is

Small Lawn Care Business hiring Teachers, FloatMow, weed, trim trees and New ton254-760-3031 gasPlease electric landscaping. ers &3 Aides. ap-3 phase package AC UNIT ply in person at 1402 with 60 ft. of 12” spiral duct CL&L Trucks is hiring and taps. $1800. West 15 Ave.duct A, Temple. CDL drivers. Home every 254-498-1485

BATHTUB Skeeter BassREFINISHING Boat SX185 inDavid home. onConstrucporceL.Repairs King w/can Yamaha VMAX150. You catch the eyeOver of those lain and fiberglass. 30 tion, a local company, has 254-317-3538 insurance, paid vacation, prospective buyers by Call advertising years in business. Dale immediate positions availin the Classifieds with a Bi-annual display ad. 721-3658. able for skilled concrete company 401k. John Deere Lawn Mower form setters Representative and concrete CallHP, a Classified raises, guaranteed 15 42” cut, zerohiring turnof CL&L Trucks is finishers with minimum Today for all the details $500.00. 254-697-6383 1 year experience. $700.00 week min. Hourly Must CDL drivers. Home every pay rate will be deterbe 25 years of age, with 36 hours. Competitive (254) mined upon778-4444 experience anda knowledge of 2position appackage Health minimumincludes: of years exp. plied for. Please apply in insurance, paid vacation, 254-527-3342, for person at David ask L. King GUNS &Construction, AMMO-REPAIR company 401k. Bi-annual Concrete 1629 Rob or Lacey. CL&L Trucks is SURPLUS 603-Chiring East S. LJZ Fort Hood guaranteed Street, Kilraises, 939-1110 CDL drivers. Home every leen.Central, HoursBelton of office oper$700.00 weekMonday min. Must ations are thru 36 hours. Competitive Friday 8:00am of to 4:00pm. be 25 years age, with a package includes: Health All You of can our job2the sites are in minimum of years exp. catch eye of those Temple, Belton, and Kilinsurance, paidbyvacation, prospective buyers advertising 254-527-3342, ask for leen areas. Travel to and in the Classifieds withbe a display ad. company 401k. Bi-annual from sites will provided Rob or Lacey. OPERATOR by CallD.L.K. company vehiraises, guaranteed a Classified Representative 439 to Water Supply Corpocles eliminate travel exToday for all the detailsMust $700.00 week min. pense forhas employees. ration a full time po-


220 SW HK Dodgen Loop, Temple, across from Cactus Jacks. 254-773-4263 Automotive Parts Delivery Driver Needed. Good driving record a must. Apply in person: The Parts Depot, 5301 Loop 205, Temple.

Belton ISD does not Child disImmanuel Baptist Needed experienced Supply Corporation at tion operator. residential criminate on construction theCenter basis ofis Development 254-933-2133 or visit at This position’s primary supervisor. 2001 color, Winnebago Brave race, national orihiring Teachers, FloatCarpentry aRd must. function is HIRING! the operation 6202 Sparta Belton, NOW 35C, 54,336 miles, Ford gin, sex, religion, disabilCentex Construction Temps ers76513. & Temple Aides. Please and maintenance of apa TX 254-217-2600 Tritron V10 ity, or 315 age in M its1 slide proW.6800, Ave purchased water distriply inand person atroom). 1402 (living dining grams, activities or emNow Hiring, landscape and bution system lines, West Ave. A, Temple. 254-760-1876 ployment practices. irrigation, please call and valves, andISD BELTON is seeking Immanuel Baptist Child leave ameters. message. Please send resume to (254)657-0043, Development Center is Groundskeepers. ComNOW HIRING! Office location: 2459ConstrucFM David L. King hiring FloatTemple Temps plete anTeachers, online applica2268 Salado,TX 76571 tion, a local company, has or contact 439 W. Ave M Water ers & Aides. Please aption at 315 and immediate positions availSupply Corporation at 2008 F350 Diesel, 5th Maintenance person for moply infor person at 1402 able FORD skilled concrete apply for the and posting. wheel, towing package, bile home park apart254-933-2133 or visit at form OBO. setters and concrete West Ave. A, Temple. $5,000 202-713-6209 ment complex. Full time. Belton ISD does not dis-of Immanuel Baptist Child finishers with minimum 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Pay based on experience. 1 year experience. Hourly criminate on the basis Development Center isof Electrical, and some TX 201876513. GMC A/C Canyon VE


pay rate will beFloatdeterWE race, color, national orihiring Teachers, P mined upon experience and ers &sex, Aides. ap-apgin, religion, disabilknowledge of Please position (S CAUGHT BELTON ISD is seeking pliedin apply ply person 1402 ity, orfor. agePlease in atits pro-in person at A,David L.ComKing FA be 25 years of age, with a Groundskeepers. ADJUNCT West Ave. Temple. grams, activities or emsition(254) available for TCEQ Concrete Construction, 1629 YOUR minimum of778-4444 2 years exp. plete an online applicaC S. Fort Hood Street, Kilpractices. Class C LicenseEmployment distribu- ployment 254-527-3342, ask for tion H Hours of office and operOPERATOR tion operator. Fall 201 EYE apply for the posting. Ma ations are Monday thru Rob or Lacey. 439 Supply primary CorpoThisWater position’s bile Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. ISD does not disration has a full time po- Belton All of ouronjob areofin me function is LUBE the operation criminate thesites basis TECH Visit sition available for TCEQ Temple, Belton, and Kil- Pay and maintenance of a race, color, national leen areas. Travel tooriand Ele

backhoe skills helpful. No David King ConstrucPickup, L. Extended Cab. criminal or substance tion, a local company, has Running boards. Less abuse. than Call 254-773-7686 or $24,000. email: immediate positions avail4,000 miles. able for skilled concrete Auto 254-534-4560 form setters and concrete Drive finishers with minimum of ing 1 year experience. Hourly in p pay rate will be deter- pot, 5 N mined upon experience and David L. King Construcir knowledge position has aption, localof company, WANTED Donkeys, horses, Dutie 2001 aFord Expedition, A/C plied for. Please apply in You can catch the eye of those sheep, goats or any other immediate positions works. at Needs person Davidmechanical L. availKing •Fue prospective buyers by advertising farm animals. 254-865-3546 able for skilled concrete work. Asking $1000. Concrete Construction, 1629 Const in the Classifieds with a display ad. setters concrete 254-773-3304 S. Fort HoodandStreet, Kil- •Min Class C License distribu- form with of •Assi Call a Classified Representative bac fromMary sites will be disabilprovided gin, sex, religion, purchased water distri- finishers leen. Hours ofminimum office operThe University of Hardin-Baylor se tion operator. •Wor 1ations yearD.L.K. experience. Hourly Today for all the details are Monday thru Mai crim by company vehiity, age in be its excelpro- Equip 2010or Ford Escape, bution systemprimary lines, pay rate will deterThis position’s bileC Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. cles to eliminate travel ex-Clas faculty for themined Fall 2019 semester. OPERATOR No grams, activities orare emlent New tires upon experience andin men All ofcondition. our job sites valves, and meters. (254) 778-4444 mid pense for employees. function isSupply the operation 439 Water Corpo- in: ir knowledge of $5500 position apTemple, Belton, and Kil- Pay are available ployment practices. and engine. OBO Please send resume to and maintenance of a IM for. Please apply in Elec leen areas. Travel to and ration has a full time po- plied Good sites buy driver person at for David King from willa new be L.provided back purchased water L Read the Classified section to find sition available for TCEQ Concrete O by company crim or a D.L.K. college student. vehiConstruction, 1629 bution system lines, or contact 439 Water S.cles to 254-774-1261 eliminate travel Kilex- Prior Ca Fort Hood Street, Class Cright License distributhat just item you’re looking for. valves, and meters. pense for employees. midw Hours of office oper- ferre Supply Corporation at leen. tion are Monday thru Main perie Please send to Call operator. today, someoneresume is primary looking 254-933-2133 or visit for at ations This position’s INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar Healt bile Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. for ANY vehicle running or 6202 Sparta Rd of our job sites are in ment have sell!439 Find Belton, it Water fast? All function is tothe operation orwhat you contact not, withBelton, or without Temple, and title. Kil- Pay TX 76513. and maintenance a leen 254-624-1729 areas. Travel to and Elect Supply DollarCorporation Saver Classifiedof at purchased water distri254-933-2133 or visit at from sites will be provided back company 2012 Black Camaro vehi- crim bution system lines, by D.L.K. 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, travel exCal sale. 111K miles, BELTON is seeking cles tofor eliminate valves, andISD meters. TX 76513. pense forV6, employees. midw $10,000 OBO. Groundskeepers. Call or text 254-624-4607 Please send resumeComto



Full & part-time openings in the Temple/Belton area. Health insurance provided after 90 days.

Employm Nursin

ADJUNCT FA (MSN or doctoral

Apply in person: Employm TECH Valvoline Instant Oil Change LUBE Master of Science Inf 4304 W. AdamsPOSITIONSin AVAIL Temple(Ph.D. in Informat

Fall 20

TECH (254) Visit 778-4444 Full LUBE & part-time open

POSITIONS AVAIL in the Temple/Belton ADJUNCT FA Employme Merchandise Fall 201

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor s plete an The online Master’s degree with at least 18 gradua Health insurance pro BELTON ISD is seeking Full &semester. part-time open tioncontact at and faculty for the Fall 2019 Clas or 439 Water required unless otherwise noted. D Groundskeepers. Comafter 90 days. apply for the posting. in the Temple/Belton a Supply Corporation at are available in: for more details an plete online applicaBeltonanISD does not disor visit at You can catch the eye of those 254-933-2133 Health insurance prov is seeking help forprospective the following: tion at and letter, CV & copies of transcripts buyers by advertising 6202 Apply in person criminate on Rd the Belton, basis of Sparta after 90 days. apply for the posting. the Classifieds with a display ad. race, color, national oriTX 76513. •Maintenancein Supervisor Valvoline Instant OilseC Belton ISD does not disYou can catch the eye of those Commissioned by order of the United Commissioned by order of the United The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Call a Classified Representative gin, sex, religion, disabilprospective buyers by advertising Apply in criminate on the basis of Must Bankruptcy have Hospital/LTC experience and M Today all the details 4304 W.person Adams States Court for for the Western States Bankruptcy Court for the Western in the Classifieds with a display ad. ity, or age in its profaculty for the Fall 2019 semester. Clas race, color, national oriValvoline Instant Oil kC knowledge of life safety code regulations BELTON ISD is District seeking Full & part-time openi Temple District ofCall Texas of Texas grams, activities or ema Classified Representative gin, sex, religion, disabil- in: are available (254) 778-4444 ComToday for all the details W. Adams in the4304 Temple/Belton a ployment practices. ity, or age inAll itsequipment proAll equipment from Doubles Groundskeepers. from •RN Supervisor Weekend •R plete an online applicaTempleprov grams, activities orDevelopment emHealth insurance (254) 778-4444 Greystone Development Services Greystone Services tion at •C.N.A. FT ployment practices. and after 90 days. for the Concrete posting. Finishing Company Complete Concrete Finishing Company apply Complete •Dietary Aide FT Belton ISDSaturday does not disYou can the eye of those Saturday August 10,catch 2019 August 10, 2019 prospective Apply in person: of •Laundry Aidebuyers FT by advertising criminate on the basis 10:00in AM 10:00 AM the Classifieds with a display ad. race, color, national oriValvoline Instant Oil W Ch Master’s degree with at least 18 gradu The University ofbenefits! Hardin-Baylor qualified Christian adjunct Onsite in Yard 2500Call NE Inter Loop gin,seeks Onsite in Yard 2500 NE Inter Loop We offer outstanding aMary Classified Representative sex, religion, disabilToday for all the details 4304 W. Adams required unless otherwise noted. D faculty forCompensation the FallTexas 2019 semester. Classroom opportunities ity, or age teaching in its proGeorgetown, Georgetown, Texas • Competitive • Temple grams, activities or for more details a Selling (2) Pickups, (4) Cargo Trailers, (3) Utility Selling (2) Pickups, (4) Cargo Trailers, (3) Utility are available in: (254) 778-4444 • Bonus Plan • Trailers, (1) Equipment Trailer, (3) Conexes, ployment Trailers,practices. (1) Equipment Trailer, (3) Conexes, letter, CV & copies of transcripts• • PTOForklift, (3) Troweling Machines, Concrete Daewoo Daewoo Forklift, (3) Troweling Machines, Concrete Master’s degree with at least 18 gradua Bucket, Handtools, (4) Generators, (3) Light Towers, Bucket, Handtools, (4) Generators, (3) Light Towers, • Tuition Reimbursement • required unless otherwise D Forms. Alot of Small Hand and Power Tools, Office Forms. Alot of Small Hand and Power Tools, Offinoted. ce • Matching 401(K) • Computers and Furniture, Power Washer on Trailer, Computers and Furniture, Power Washer on Trailer, for more details an • Much Health & Dental Available • and More. and Much More.

Visit LUBENursin TECH EYE ONSITE AUCTION ONSITE AUCTION WE POSITIONS AVAIL (MSN or doctoral CAUGHT ADJUNCT FACULTY YOUR Master of Science in Inf Nursin Fall 2019 EYE (Ph.D. in Informat (MSN or doctoral Visit for details.

Master of Science in Inf (Ph.D. in Informat

Nursing ADJUNCT FACULTY (MSN or doctorally prepared) FACULTY ADJUNCT

Fall 2019

FallSystems 2019 Master of Science in Information Visit for de de Visit for (Ph.D. in Information Systems)

letter, CV & copies of transcripts • Life & Supplemental Insurances • John Fisher John Fisher • Team Member Chaplain Services • Sales Manger, Auctioneer Sales Manger, Auctioneer All applicants can apply in person 7249 • 254-290-7305 7249 • 254-290-7305 TheUniversity Universityof ofMary MaryHardin-Baylor Hardin-Baylor seeksqualified qualifiedChristian Christia seeks or online at The faculty for the Fall 2019 semester. Classroom teaching oppo faculty for the Fall 2019 semester. Classroom teaching oppor Master’s degree with at least 18 graduate hours in the specific field is Details next week Details next week Or send resumes required unlesstoare otherwise noted. Doctoral degree preferred. Visit are available in: available in: for more details and to apply. Please submit a cover 4%Martin convienence fee for credit card 4% fee for credit card 1424 Luther King Jr. Lane, Temple 14 letter, CV & copies of transcripts withconvienence your online application.

ADJUNCT FACULTY Fall 2019 Nursing Nursing

BUYERS PREM. (MSN prepared) Visit for de (MSN or orNOdoctorally doctorally prepared)

Equal Opportunity PREM. Employer NO BUYERS

The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor seeks qualified Christian

ing, eanves, nce, ork. tes.




iness and

HING orcer 30 Dale

lain andBlow, fiberglass. Cleanup.Over 30 years in business. Call Dale Randy 254-743-9444 721-3658.

Small Lawn Care Business Mow, weed, trim trees and landscaping. 254-760-3031

Page 10 • July 31,CL&L 2019Trucks

PINA Tree Trimming, Mowing, Edging, Cleaning, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Private Fence, and concrete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765

tion operator. This position’s primary function is the operation and maintenance of a purchased water distribution OPERATOR system lines, NOWSupply HIRING!Corpo439 Water valves, and meters. Temple Temps ration a Ave full time po315 W. M Pleasehas send resume to sition available for TCEQ or contact 439distribuWater Class C License Immanuel Baptist Child Supply Corporation at tion operator. Development Center is 254-933-2133 or primary visit at This hiringposition’s Teachers, FloatPINA Tree Rd Trimming, 6202 Sparta Belton, function is thePlease operation ers & Aides. apMowing, Edging, CL&L Trucks is Cleanhiring TX 76513. and maintenance of a ply in person at 1402 ing, Rake Home Leaves, CDL drivers. every West Ave. A,water Temple. purchased distriLawncare, Fence, 36 hours.Private Competitive BELTON ISD is seeking bution system lines, and concrete work. package includes: Health NOW HIRING! Groundskeepers. Comvalves, and King meters. Free Temple Estimates. David L. ConstrucTemps insurance, paid vacation, plete online tion, aan local company, has 771-2191, 718-9765 315 W. Ave MapplicaPlease send resume to immediate positions availcompany 401k. Bi-annual tion at and able SLY’S for LAWN skilled concrete SERVICE raises, guaranteed apply for the posting. form setters and concrete REASONABLE PRICES or contact 439 Water Immanuel Baptist finishers with minimum of Belton ISD does notChild dis$700.00 week min. Must 254-931-5635 Supply Corporation at 1criminate year experience. Hourly Development Center is on the basis ofa be VETERAN 25rate years of age, with pay will be deterYARD CARE 254-933-2133 or visit at hiring Teachers, Floatrace, color, national orimined uponofexperience and Tree/Hedge minimum 2Trimming, years exp. ers Weed &Sparta Aides. Please ap6202 Belton, knowledge of Rd position apEating/ Control, gin, sex, religion, disabil254-527-3342, ask for plied Please apply in Mow, Edge, plyLandscaping, infor.age person at 1402 TX 76513. ity, or in its properson at David Blow, Cleanup.L. King Rob or Lacey. West Ave. A,254-743-9444 Temple. Concrete Construction, 1629 grams, activities or emRandy

residentialperson construction immediate ations are positions Monday availthru Maintenance for moable concrete bile homesupervisor. Friday for 8:00amskilled to 4:00pm. park and apartAll of setters our job and sites concrete are in ment Carpentry complex. a must. Full time. form Temple, with Belton,minimum and Kilbased Construction on experience. finishers of Pay Centex areas. Travel to and Electrical,254-217-2600 A/C and some 1leenyear experience. Hourly from sites will be provided backhoe skills helpful. No pay rate will be deterby D.L.K. company vehi- criminal or substance abuse. Now Hiring, andfor mined upon experience Group landscape is looking Bill’s to Grill #3 experienced cles eliminate travel and ex- Skiles Call 254-773-7686 or email: call and to knowledge of position ap- a irrigation, full-time please Carpenter cooks for employees. and waitresses pense leaveconstruction a message. team needed.for.1906Please S. 1st apply Temple, plied in join the Coryell Health. Pay TX. Call at (254)-721-2998 (254)657-0043, person David L. King at is location: $18-$23 2459 perFMhour Office Concrete Construction, 1629 range onSalado,TX experience. NOWFort HIRING StaffKilat based2268 76571 BeneS. Hood Wait Street, Saigon Cafe. in person leen. Hours Apply of office oper- fits are offered. Please email 220 SW are HK Monday Dodgen Loop, ations thru Maintenance person for Temple, across from Cactus Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. bileif qualified home park and apartand Jacks. 254-773-4263 Bill’s complex. Grill #3 interested. experienced NOW HIRING! All of our sites are in ment Full time. NOWjob HIRING! cooks based andonTemps waitresses CL&L Temple Trucks isandhiring Temple Temple, Belton, Kil- Pay experience. Temps Central Texas Automotive Parts Delivery needed. 1906 S. 1st 315 W. Ave M Temple, leen areas. Travel to and Electrical, A/C and CDL drivers. Home every 315 W. AveGood M Driver Needed. driv- TX. Excavating & Civil/some Call (254)-721-2998 from sites will be provided No ing a must. Apply backhoe skills helpful. 36 record hours. Competitive Site Work Contractor by D.L.K. company criminal or substance abuse. in person: The Parts vehiDe- openings Full & part-time package includes: Health NOW at Group isWait looking for Bill’s #3 Temple. experienced pot, 5301 Loop 205, Immanuel Baptist Child is Seeking anStaff cles to Grill eliminate travel ex- Skiles Call HIRING 254-773-7686 or email: Immanuel Baptist Child Cafe. Apply in person aSaigon full-time Carpenter to insurance, vacation, cooks and waitresses pense forinemployees. thepaid Temple/Belton area. Development Center is Experienced Operator join the HK construction team needed. 1906401k. S. 1st Temple, 220 SW Dodgen Loop, Needed experienced company Bi-annual Development Center is hiring Teachers, at Coryell Pay TX. residential CallHealth (254)-721-2998 insurance provided construction Temple, acrossHealth. from FloatCactus raises, guaranteed The Applicant isAides. $18-$23Please per hour hiring Teachers, Float- range supervisor. ers & Successful apJacks. must254-773-4263 have good experience

Holidays The Successful Applicant must have good experience Local Civil/Site in various types of heavy Contractor Looking for equipment

Experienced Fuel/Lube CallTruck 254-778-5244 Driver or

The Email Oaks Resume Apartments is to (Service looking for Technician) a new Leasing Agent. Please apply in person at 3401have Camellia Must Class BDrive, Temple Competitive pay &resume benefits CDL or withfax Tanker and to 254-773-7797. OfferingEndorsements. Group Health Haz-Mat

Kubota 6100 Echo equipment. $2650. new. 254-289-1031

with Like


John Deere Lawn Mower 15 HP, 42” cut, zero turn $500.00. 254-697-6383 CATTLE




whee 2001 $5,000 35C, Tritr 2018 Picku (livin Runn 2544,000

ing, penning, problem catis hiring cattle grazing, will do im- tle. Also will haul any live- 254-53 provements. References stock. Call 254-865-3546 CDL drivers. Home every available. 254-865-3546 GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR 36 hours. REFINISHING Competitive BATHTUB LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East package in home. includes: Repairs on Health porceCentral, Belton 939-1110 Insurance, Dental & 7 paid Kubota 6100 Echo with lain and fiberglass. Over 30 insurance, paid vacation, Holidays 2008 WANTED Donkeys, horses, Duties will include: equipment. $2650. Like 2001 years in business. Call Dale company 401k. Bi-annual whee sheep, goats or any other •Fuel and Service Heavy work 721-3658. Skiles Group is looking infor Bill’s Grill #3is experienced ThefarmOaks Apartments is $5,000 CATT Skiles Local Group looking for new. Fertilizer Application, The 254-289-1031 Oaks Apartments is PINA Tree guaranteed Trimming, animals. 254-865-3546 raises, Civil/Site Construction Equipment New 3 ton gas electric 3 a full-time Carpenter to looking for a new Leasing work cooks and Carpenter waitresses ing, a full-time to looking for a new Leasing SLY’S LAWN SERVICE crease growth and •Minor Equipment Repairs phase package ACproducUNIT 254-77 Licensed electricians Mowing, Edging, Clean$700.00 week min. Must join the construction team needed. 1906 S. 1st Temple, Agent. Please apply in perContractor Looking for tle. join needed the construction team with REASONABLE PRICES Agent. Please apply in per•Assist Mechanics 60 ft. of 12” spiral duct at Bluebonnet tion for your pasture at Coryell Health. and Pay son at 3401 Camellia Drive, 2018 TX. Call (254)-721-2998 be of age,Leaves, with a 254-931-5635 ing,25 years Rake stock at Coryell Health. Pay son at 3401 Camellia Drive, •Work in Shop and and duct Experienced Fuel/Lube Electrical Services. range 15is $18-$23taps. per $1800. hour Temple or fax resume to Picku N-TEXX stimulates 2010 range Located is Yard $18-$23 per hour crops. Equipment as needed Temple or fax resume to 254-498-1485 in Temple. minimum of 2 years exp. Lawncare, Private Fence, based on experience. Bene254-773-7797. NOW HIRING Wait Staff at Truck Driver VETERAN YARD CARE Runn Call 254-760-1855 based on experience. BeneCall 254-771-0801. soil, microorganisms that lent 254-773-7797. CATTLE WORKING, haulfits are TO offered. The Apartments is WANT PINA Tree Trimming, Trimming, 254-527-3342, for Saigon Oaks Cafe. Apply in person Tree/Hedge LEASE and concreteaskwork. Skeeter Bass BoatLAND SX185 for ing, penning, problem cat- 4,000 fits(Service are Please email looking for a Dodgen new Leasing provide essential and 220 SWoffered. HKTechnician) Loop, cattle Weed Eating/ Control, Trucks is hiring willnutrients do im- tle. Also will haul any live- 254-53 Mowing, Edging, Clean- CL&L Rob w/ grazing, Yamaha VMAX150. IMMEDIATE OPENING Please email Freeor Lacey. Estimates. Agent. Please per- provements. Temple, across apply from inCactus Landscaping, Mow, Edge, References for plants through their Goo 254-317-3538 ing, Blow, Rake Leaves, CDL drivers. Home every stock. CallClassified 254-865-3546 if qualified and interested. son at 3401have Camellia Drive, Lab assistant – Vet tech Jacks. 254-773-4263 Read the section to find Cleanup. Must Class B 771-2191, 718-9765 254-865-3546 New productive biological proc- 2001 Winnebago Brave or a Temple or fax resume to available. Schwertner Texas ifCDL qualified and interested. RandyPrivate 254-743-9444 Lawncare, Fence, 36 hours. Competitive John Deere Lawn Mower with Tanker and Licensed 90 days. 254-773-7797. Lab Assistance Pre- esses.Central NOW HIRING Wait Staff at based on experience. Bene- Prior Carpentry aPlease must. $700.00 weekafter min. Must New 3right tonitemelectricians gas electric that just you’re looking for.3 phas Automotive Parts Delivery 15-5-5 Texas applied at 35C, ers & Aides. apincludes: Health plyin inoffered. person 1402 ferred. and concrete work. package types ofat heavy 54,336 miles, Ford with Haz-Mat Endorsements. SLY’S LAWN SERVICE needed at Bluebonnet fits arevarious 15 HP, 42” cut, zero turn Pay depends on exSaigon Cafe. Apply in person Centex Construction Small Lawn Care Business Driver Needed. Good drivphase package AC UNIT Licensed electricians Excavating & Civil/ Central Texasinclude: $23.00 be of age, a West Ave. Delivery perience. You can catch the PRICES eye of those per acre. equipment and Electrical Services. Please email paid vacation, REASONABLE A,Parts Temple. Free ply25 inyears person at with 1402 220 SW HK Dodgen Loop, Automotive 254-217-2600 Tritron V10 6800, 1 slide Mow, weed, trimEstimates. trees and insurance, ing record Benefits a must. Apply Call today, someone isspiral looking for INST with 60 ft. of in 12” duct $500.00. 254-697-6383 needed at Bluebonnet prospective buyers by advertising Apply in person: Driver Needed. Good driv- Health, 254-49 Site Work Contractor Located Temple. minimum of 2 from years exp. dental and 401k Excavating &Parts Civil/ DeContact Carlos Morris Temple, across Cactus 254-931-5635 landscaping. 254-760-3031 in person: The WANTED Donkeys, company 401k. Bi-annual 771-2191, 718-9765 Duties will include: and 15Call duct taps.horses, $1800. 2001 Electrical Services. (living and dining room). West Ave. A, Temple. Call 254-778-5244 or in the Classifieds with a display ad. OPERATOR ing record a must. Apply 254-771-0801. if qualified and interested. for A Send Resume to: Jacks. 254-773-4263 pot,Site 5301and Loop 205, Temple. Now Hiring, landscape iston Seeking an whatsheep, you have to sell! Findother it fast? work 254-527-3342, ask andforOil Change goats or any 254-421-1276 fertilizer Service 254-498-1485 Valvoline Instant Work Contractor infor Temple. raises, guaranteed New 3Located gas electric 3 254-760-1876 Email Resume to De- •Fuel in person: The Parts not, S Fax: 254-527-4400 orHeavy Fertilizer Application, in439 Water Supply Corpoirrigation, please call and VETERAN YARD CARE Call a Classified Representative farm animals. 254-865-3546 SLY’S LAWN SERVICE David L. King Construc- Construction Equipment Experienced Operator Rob orleave Lacey. Call 254-771-0801. work phase package AC UNIT application and sales. Licensed electricians 254-62 Central Texas pot, 5301 Loop 205, Temple. $700.00 week min. Must is Seeking an Automotive Parts Delivery a message. Dollar Bass Saver Classified Needed experienced Tree/Hedge Trimming, Today the details 4304 W.drivAdams REASONABLE PRICES ration hasforaallfull time potion, a local company, has •Minor crease andspiral producSkeeter Boat SX185 Equipment Repairs with 60 growth ft. of 12” duct 254-77 needed at Bluebonnet Driver Needed. (254)657-0043, residential construction Excavating & Civil/avail- •Assist Weed Eating/ Control, be 25 years of age, a 254-931-5635 immediate positions David L.location: King Good ConstrucExperienced Operator is tion w/ Yamaha VMAX150.haulandGUNS 15Successful duct taps. $1800. Mechanics Services. The Applicant available for with TCEQ & AMMO-REPAIR Competitive pay benefits ing record a #3must. Apply able WORKING, Office 2459 FM for your pasture and CATTLE Temple Skiles Groupskilled is &looking for The Electrical Bill’s Grill experienced Oaks Apartments supervisor. PINA Tree REFINISHING Trimming, sition Needed experienced Landscaping, Mow, Edge, for concrete BATHTUB NOW HIRING! tion, a local company, has Joh (254) 778-4444 254-498-1485 Site Work Contractor Located in Temple. minimum of 2 years exp. 254-317-3538 must have good experience •Work in Shop and LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East Offering Group Health in person: The Parts Deing, penning, problem cat76571 a full-time Carpenter to lookingCarpentry and waitresses form for a anew must.Leasing crops. N-TEXX stimulates Hood Street, Kil- cooks2268 Salado,TX License VETERAN YARDon CARE residential setters construction and concrete CL&L CBlow, Trucks isdistribuhiring S. Fort Temple in home. Repairs porce- Class Cleanup. Mowing, Edging, CleanTemps practices. Call 254-771-0801. immediate avail- join in variousBelton types 939-1110 of heavy Equipment Yard as needed Central, Insurance, Dental & 5301 Loop 205, tle. Also will haul any live- 2010 15 H the construction team needed. 1906 positions S. Temple. 1st Temple, is Seeking an7 paid TheCentex Successful Applicant 254-527-3342, ask for ployment Agent. Please apply in with perleen. office oper- pot, Small Hours Lawn Care Business Tree/Hedge Trimming, finishers with minimum of Kubota 6100Construction Echo supervisor. lain and Rake fiberglass. Over 30 tion 315ISD W. of Ave Mseeking Skeeterequipment Bass Boat SX185 operator. Randy 254-743-9444 2001 able for skilled concrete BELTON is CDL drivers. Home every Full & part-time openings ing, Leaves, Holidays stock. Call 254-865-3546 Call 254-760-1855 John Deere Lawn Mower at Coryell Health. Pay TX. Call (254)-721-2998 2008 FORD F350 Diesel, 5th son at 3401 Camellia Drive, soil, microorganisms that lent 254-217-2600 ations are Monday thru Maintenance person for moMow, weed, trim trees and must have good experience Eating/ Control, $5C 1 Experienced yearCarpentry experience. Hourly David L. King Construcequipment. $2650. Like Rob orposition’s Lacey. yearsWeed in Tree business. Call Dale This w/ Yamaha VMAX150. must. CATTLE WORKING,package, haul- 35C Group is aOperator looking for The Bill’s Grill #3 and experienced form home setters Oaks Apartments is primary Groundskeepers. PINA Trimming, range rate is $18-$23 per deterhour wheel, towing Temple or types fax resume to Needed experienced Friday 8:00am tocompany, 4:00pm.Combile park andconcrete apart- Skiles landscaping. 254-760-3031 36 hours. Competitive Landscaping, Mow, Edge, in various of heavy Lawncare, Private Fence, Small NOW HIRING! pay will be tion, a local has new. 254-289-1031 721-3658. 254-317-3538 15 HP, 42” cut, zero turn provide nutrients Centex Construction Callessential 254-778-5244 or Lawn Careis Business ing, problem cat- and full-time CarpenterBeneto 254-773-7797. inOPERATOR theconstruction Temple/Belton area. and waitresses for alandscape new Leasing based on experience. finishers with minimum of amined $5,000 penning, OBO. 202-713-6209 of our job sites are in cooks ment complex. Full time. Local Civil/Site NOWresidential HIRING Wait Staff at Blow, Cleanup. Clean- function Now Hiring, and CL&L Trucks hiring All is the operation Mowing, Edging, Temple Temps upon experience and looking IMMEDIATE OPENING immediate positions availequipment package includes: Health and Randy concrete work. The Successful Applicant 254-217-2600 tle. Also will haul any livejoin the construction team Tritr Mow, weed, trim trees and needed. 1906 S. 1st Temple, Email Resume to plete an online applicaAgent. Please apply in perfits are offered. Immanuel Baptist Child $500.00. 254-697-6383 supervisor. Temple, Kil- Pay based on experience. 1Saigon year experience. Hourly Cafe. Apply inCorpoperson knowledge for plants their stock. Goo 254-743-9444 439 Water Supply irrigation, please call and 2001 Winnebago W. Ave Mand of Looking position apfor315Belton, skilled concrete for John Deerethrough Lawn Mower CDL drivers. Home every must have good experience maintenance of a able ing, Rake Leaves, and Call 254-865-3546 Lableave assistant – Vet tech atContractor Coryell Health. Pay TX. (254)-721-2998 Health provided Read the Classified sectionBrave to find 3401 aCamellia Drive, landscaping. 254-760-3031 Please email insurance, paid vacation, Carpentry ainsurance must. leen areas. Travel to and and and some Free Estimates. 220 Call SW HKA/C Dodgen Loop, pay rate will be message. plied for. Please apply in son at form setters and concrete (livin tion at Development Center is Electrical, 2018 54,336 GMC Canyon Ford VE or Call(254)657-0043, 254-778-5244 or to productive ration has a full timedeterpoOPERATOR in various types ofper heavy miles, a is $18-$23 hour or fax Texas resume Experienced Fuel/Lube 15 HP, 42”biological cut, zero procturn 35C, 36 hours.401k. Competitive Centex Construction sites will minimum be provided skills helpful. No range Small Lawn718-9765 Care Business water distri- from Lawncare, Private Fence, purchased Temple, across from Cactus Now Hiring, landscape mined upon experience and person atequipment David L. and King TempleSchwertner finishers with of backhoe company Bi-annual 771-2191, Pickup, Extended Cab. based on experience. Benehiring Teachers, FloatEmail Resume to 254-773-7797. after 90 days. 254if qualified and interested. apply for the posting. Wait at Concrete sition available forStaff TCEQ PriorOffice Lablocation: Assistance Pre- esses. 254-217-2600 by D.L.K. company vehi- NOW criminal or substance abuse. G V10 6800, 1 slide Mow, weed, trim trees and bution Jacks. HIRING 254-773-4263 that just right item you’re looking for. Competitive payapplied & benefitsat Tritron 2459 FM 439 Water Supply Corpoirrigation, please call and 15-5-5 Truck Driver $500.00. 254-697-6383 Construction, 1629 1 year experience. Hourly package includes: Health knowledge of position apsystem lines, and concrete work. Running boards. Less than BATHTUB REFINISHING raises, guaranteed pay fits are offered. Immanuel Baptist Child New 3 ton gas electric 3 is seeking help for the following: Saigon Cafe. Apply in person cles to eliminate travel exCall 254-773-7686 or email: LJ ferred. Pay depends on exlandscaping. 254-760-3031 Offering Group Health 2268 Salado,TX 76571 ers & Aides. Please apWANT TO LEASE LAND for S. Fort Hood Street, Kilrate will be deterleave aTechnician) message. Class C HK License distribuand dining room). Belton ISD notporcedispliedSWfor. Please apply in 4,000 miles. $24,000. Call 254-778-5244 in home. Repairs on (Service Please email or OPERATOR insurance, paid vacation, You can catch the eye of Must those ration has adoes full time poper acre. phase package UNIT (living and meters. FreeSLY’S LAWN SERVICE Estimates. valves, electricians 220 Dodgen Loop, pense forupon employees. C Central $700.00 week min. Insurance, DentalAC & 7 paid Now Hiring, landscape and Benefits Automotive Parts Delivery cattle Licensed grazing, will include: do im- $23.00 Development Center is leen. Hours ofTexas office oper- perience. mined experience and Call today, someone is looking for (254)657-0043, 254-534-4560 REASONABLE PRICES Kubota 6100 Echo with person at David L. King ply in person at 1402 lain and fiberglass. Over 30 tion operator. Email Resume to thru Health, 60 ft. Holidays of 12” spiral duct 254-760-1876 needed Bluebonnet prospective buyers byBi-annual advertising across from Cactus Apply person: on basis of Temple, 439 Water Supply Corpocompany 401k. irrigation, please callin and Driver Needed. Good drivprovements. INST Please send 771-2191,254-931-5635 718-9765 dentalatand 401k are Monday Maintenance person for mo- with knowledge of the position apContact Carlos Morris sition available for TCEQ GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR Excavating &2459 Civil/ be 25 years of resume age, withtoa criminate Competitive pay &References benefits location: $2650. Like hiring Teachers, Floatyears in business. Call Dale Concrete Construction, 1629 ations ifOffice qualified and interested. and 15 duct taps. $1800. equipment. Electrical Services. 254-773-4263 Must have BFM West for. Ave. A,national Temple. in the Classifieds with a display ad. Commissioned by order BATHTUB REFINISHING This position’s leave aa message. ing record must.primary Apply Friday available. 254-865-3546 8:00am to Class 4:00pm. bile Offering home park and plied Please applyoriin Jacks. for A Send Resume to: apart- New ration has of a full time exp. po- race, raises, guaranteed LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East color, new. 254-289-1031 721-3658. Group Health 2268 Salado,TX 76571 what you have to sell! Find it fast? 3 ton gas electric 3 S. Fort Hood Street, Kil254-498-1485 254-421-1276 for fertilizer Site Work Contractor Class C License distribuLocated in Temple. minimum 2 years Instant ers & Aides. Please ap- function Must have Hospital/LTC and CDL withjob Tanker (254)657-0043, in Valvoline person: The Parts De-Oil in home. Repairs on porce- person AllChange of our sites and are in ment complex. Full time. phaseexperience at David L. King Local Civil/Site SLY’S LAWN SERVICE not, VETERAN YARD CARE Fax: is Parts the operation Central,Bankruptcy Belton 939-1110 Court AC UNIT Licensed electricians States Insurance, Dental & or 7 paid Callcontact a available Classified Representative Call254-527-4400 254-771-0801. Central Texas leen. of Temple. office sition for TCEQ $700.00 week min. Must GUNSpackage & AMMO-REPAIR or 439 Water religion, Competitive pay & benefits location: 2459Delivery FMoper- Temple, pot,Office 5301Hours Loop 205, Haz-Mat Endorsements. Kubota Echo with is Seeking an Belton, and Kil- Pay needed based experience. with Concrete Construction, 1629 Automotive 254-527-3342, ask for lain and fiberglass. Over 30 gin, REASONABLE PRICES application and sales. ply sex, in person atdisabil1402 tion operator. Tree/Hedge REFINISHING Trimming, 254-62 BATHTUB 60SURPLUS ft.6100 of 12” spiral duct Contractor Looking for at on Bluebonnet Skeeter Bass Boat SX185 Holidays knowledge of safety code regulations and maintenance of a leen Dollar Saver Classified 2008 for all details 4304 W. Adams Needed. Good drivMaintenance person for ations2268 are Monday thru LJZ 603-C East Offering Health Salado,TX 76571 areas. Group Travel to moand Electrical, A/CServices. andlife some S. Fort Hood Street, Kil- Driver Excavating & Civil/ CLacey. License distribube 25Today years oftheage, with a ity, equipment. $2650. Like District of Te years in business. Call Dale Supply Corporation at Weed254-931-5635 Eating/ David L. King Construcin home. RepairsControl, on porce- Class or age in its proExperienced Operator and 15 duct taps. $1800. Rob or Electrical w/ Yamaha VMAX150. West Ave. A, Temple. This position’s primary ing record aexperienced must. Apply from Central, Belton 939-1110 whee Experienced Fuel/Lube Insurance, Dental & provided 7 paid bile home park and apartFriday 8:00am to 4:00pm. sites will backhoe skills helpful. No leen. office operpurchased water distriNeeded Mow, Edge, 30 tion WANTED Donkeys, horses, new. 254-289-1031 721-3658. Kubota 6100in Echo with Duties will include: CATTLE tion, aHours local ofcompany, has Bill’s lainLandscaping, and Tree fiberglass. Over Skiles Group is be looking for The 2001 Ford WORKING, Expedition, haulA/C 254-498-1485 Grill #3 experienced Site Work Contractor Located Temple. operator. Oaks Apartments is minimum of 2 years exp. 254-317-3538 PINA Trimming, 254-933-2133 or visit at in person: The Parts DeTemple Holidays $5,000 2008 FORD F350 Diesel, 5th grams, activities or emNOW HIRING! All equipment mentfull-time complex. Full Heavy time. All of ourand job sites in a•Fuel by D.L.K. company vehicriminal or254-771-0801. substance abuse. ations areis positions Monday thru cooks Maintenance person forare moVETERAN YARD Call CARE Local Civil/Site residential construction Cleanup. sheep,Truck goats or any other Driver function the operation equipment. $2650. Like and Service immediate availyears inBlow, business. Dale This (254) works. Needs mechanical ing, penning, problem cat778-4444 Call bution system lines, Carpenter to waitresses looking for a new Leasing The Successful Applicant pot, 5301 Loop 205, Temple. iseliminate Seeking an Fertilizer Application, inposition’s primary 254-527-3342, ask for Friday CL&L TrucksRdis hiring wheel, towing package, Sparta Belton, cles travel ex- new. Call254-289-1031 254-773-7686 or email: 8:00am toTemps 4:00pm. bile home park and Tree/Hedge Trimming, Mowing, Edging, Clean- 6202 Temple supervisor. Pay to based on experience. Temple, Belton, and apartKil- join Randy 254-743-9444 farm animals. 254-865-3546 WANT TO LEASE for 2001 Winnebago Brave Construction Equipment Skeeter Bass Boat SX185 able maintenance for skilled concrete 721-3658. work. Asking $1000. ployment practices. Also will haul LAND any liveJohn Deere Lawn Mower tle. the construction team Agent. Contractor 1906 S. a1st (Service Technician) Please Looking apply in for permust have good experience Greystone Developm and of ina needed. valves, and meters. $5,000 202-713-6209 pense for employees. All our job sites are ment complex. FullTemple, Weed Eating/ Control, Local Civil/Site Carpentry must. 315 W. Ave MConstrucL. King cattle OBO. grazing, will do imElectrical, A/C andheavy some leen Call areas. Travel totime. and at Experienced Operator crease and producfunction is the operation Rob76513. or Lacey. •Minor Equipment Repairs w/ Yamaha VMAX150. formof setters and concrete TX 254-773-3304 CDL drivers. Home every David ing, Rake Mow,Leaves, 254-865-3546 Health. Pay son inCoryell various types of TX. (254)-721-2998 35C, Call 54,336 miles, Ford 2018 at growth 3401 Camellia Drive, Needed experienced 15 HP, 42” cut, zero turn stock. Temple, Belton, anddistriKilPay based on resume experience. Landscaping, Edge, Centex Construction Small Lawn Care Business Experienced Fuel/Lube tion, a local company, has provements. References Please send to •Assist Mechanics 254-317-3538 backhoe skills helpful. No from sites will be provided finishers with minimum of purchased water Contractor Looking for Complete Concrete Finis tion for or your maintenance of a immediate range is equipment $18-$23 per hour Temple faxpasture resumeand to PickC construction Must have Class B 36 hours. Competitive leen areas. Travel toHourly and Electrical, A/C and some Blow,Private Cleanup. 254-217-2600 Tritron V10 6800, Mow, weed, trim trees and and Lawncare, Fence, positions availavailable. 254-865-3546 •Work Shop and Applicant $500.00. 254-697-6383 1 year experience. criminal orexperience. substance abuse. by residential D.L.K. company vehi2018 GMC Canyon1 slide VE Theinon Successful Truck Driver Experienced Fuel/Lube based Benesupervisor. 254-773-7797. bution system lines, Runn from sites will be provided backhoe skills helpful. No Randy 254-743-9444 crops. N-TEXX stimulates 2010 Ford Escape, excelNOW HIRING Wait Staff at purchased water distriCDL with Lawn TankerMower and landscaping. 254-760-3031 2001 Winnebago Brave able for skilled concrete Equipment Yard as needed pay rate will be deterJohn Deere Saturday August Pickup, Extended Cab. (living and dining room). includes: Health must have good experience Call 254-773-7686 or email: cles to eliminate travel exand concrete work. package Call 254-778-5244 or WANT TO LEASE LAND for OPERATOR Carpentry a439 must. fits are offered. by D.L.K. company vehicriminal or substance abuse. or Nowcontact Water Immanuel Child Saigon Cafe. Apply in person BELTON ISD is seeking setters and concrete Full & part-time Hiring, landscape and Truck Driver Haz-Mat Endorsements. (Service Technician) Call 254-760-1855 mined upon experience andopenings soil, microorganisms that cattle lent condition. New tires bution system lines, form Running boards. Less Ford than 4,000 valves, andBaptist meters. in various types of heavy 35C, 54,336 miles, pense for employees. 15 HP, 42” cut, zero turn Email Resume to Centex Construction grazing, will do im254-760-1876 Small Lawn Care Business insurance, cles to eliminate travel exCall 254-773-7686 or email: Please email paid vacation, finishers with minimum of 439 Water Supply CorpoFree Estimates. WANT TO LEASE LAND for irrigation, please call and 254-53 220 SW HK Dodgen Loop, Bill’s Grill #3 experienced Skiles Group is looking for 4,000 10:00 The Oaksmiles. Apartments is AM knowledgeTree of position apPINA Trimming, Supply Corporation at $24,000. equipment Groundskeepers. Development Center is (Service Technician) NOW HIRING! provide essential and engine. $5500 and meters. Com- 1pense 254-217-2600 Tritron V10 slide Mow, weed, trim trees and valves, for employees. inexperience. the Temple/Belton area. provements. References Please send resume to $500.00. 254-697-6383 year Hourly cattle do im- a leave a message. full-time Carpenter to CATTLE cooks grazing, and willnutrients waitresses looking forWORKING, a6800, new 1OBO Leasing plied for. Please apply in Bill’s Temple, across Cactus WA 254-534-4560 IMMEDIATE OPENING Duties will include: ration an has401k. a full time po- Mowing, company Bi-annual CL&L Trucks is visit hiring haulGroup isTemps looking for The Grill #3 from 771-2191, 718-9765 Edging, CleanTemple Oaks Apartments is join Must have Class B PINA Tree Trimming, Please 254-933-2133 orexperienced at Skiles The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor seeks qualified Christian adjunct landscaping. 254-760-3031 plete online applicaOnsite in Yard 2500 N available. 254-865-3546 hiring Teachers, Floatpay rate will be deterWe offer outstanding benefits! provements. References (254)657-0043, for plants through their Good buy for a new driver the construction team send resume to if qualified and interested. needed. 1906 S. 1st Temple, NOW HIRING! Agent. Please apply in perperson at David L. King (living and dining room). Jacks. 254-773-4263 sh Call 254-778-5244 or to looking for a new Leasing •Fuel and Service OPERATOR 315 Ave Lab assistant – Vet tech penning, problemDrive, cata Competitive full-time Carpenter Health insurance ReadGUNS the section toHeavy find cooks andlandscape waitresses Must have Class B sition for hiring TCEQ Now Hiring, and CDL drivers. Home every Fertilizer in& AMMO-REPAIR with Tanker and raises, guaranteed ing, Rake Leaves, mined upon experience and &Mbenefits available. 254-865-3546 Office location: FM at Coryell Health. Pay 6202 Sparta Rd2459 Belton, TX. CDL Call (254)-721-2998 New 3 Classified ton gas electric 3 ing, son at 3401Application, Camellia CL&L Trucks is Concrete Construction, 1629 provided tion at available and fa Mowing, Edging, CleanTemple Temps Construction Equipment productive biological procor a college student. ers & Aides. Please apEmail Resume to BATHTUB REFINISHING 254-760-1876 Schwertner Texas faculty for theknowledge FallFort 2019 semester. Classroom teaching is seeking help for the following: Georgetown, tle. Alsogrowth will fax haul any livejoin CDL the with construction team Agent. 439 Water SupplydistribuCorponeeded. 1906 S. 1st Temple, irrigation, please call and opportunities SLY’S LAWN SERVICE Tanker and Please apply in perLJZ SURPLUS 603-C East • Competitive Compensation of position apOffering Group Health or contact 439 Water 2268 Salado,TX 76571 range is $18-$23 per hour Temple or resume to S. Hood Street, Kilphase package AC UNIT Class C License Haz-Mat Endorsements. Licensed electricians 36 hours. Competitive crease and producLawncare, Private Fence, •Minor Equipment Repairs 315 W. Ave Mapply TX 76513. Central Texas $700.00 week min. Must plied after 90 days. in REASONABLE home.Rake RepairsPRICES on porce- or applycontact for the posting. Automotive Parts Delivery Prior Lab Endorsements. Assistance CDL drivers. Home every that just right item you’re looking for. esses. 15-5-5 applied at 254-774-1261 leave a message. 439 Water ing, Leaves, Central, Belton 939-1110 stock. Call 254-865-3546 at Coryell Health. Pay for. Please in Insurance, Dental & 7 paid TX. Call (254)-721-2998 ply in person at 1402 based on experience. Beneson at 3401 Camellia Drive, Haz-Mat leen. Hours of office operHIRING Wait at with hasare a full time po- in: 60 Mechanics ft. of 12” spiral duct 254-773-7797. at Bluebonnet •Assist Selling your (2) Pickups, (4) Cargo Kubota 6100 EchoStaffwith lain and fiberglass. Over 30 ration Supply Corporation at package tion operator. ferred. depends on ex- NOW available includes: Health Needed. Goodfor drivtion pasture and concrete •needed Bonus Plan (254)657-0043, Belton ISD does not disat David L. work. King Excavating & Civil/ be 25hours. years ofCompetitive age, with a person fits are15 2008 for FORD F350 Diesel,and 5th range isPayHolidays $18-$23 per hour Temple Immanuel Baptist Child ations Ave. are A, Monday thru Driver Maintenance person mo- perience. or acre. fax resume to and Saigon Cafe. Apply in person You in can254-931-5635 catch the eye of those $23.00 per Supply Corporation at 36 duct $1800. •Work inoffered. Shop andtaps. equipment. $2650. Like Electrical Services. Lawncare, Private Fence, years business. Call Dale sition West Temple. Benefits include: available forprimary TCEQ WANTED Donkeys, horses, GUNS &someone AMMO-REPAIR Trailers, (1) stimulates Equipment Tra ing record apark must. Apply CallWANTED today, isneeded looking for 2001 Competitive pay & benefits Duties will HK include: location: 2459 FM 2001 Concrete Construction, 1629 This position’s Please email insurance, paid vacation, wheel, towing package, crops. N-TEXX 254-933-2133 or visit at NOW Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. bileOffice home and apartFree Estimates. Commissioned by 220 SW Dodgen Loop, 254-498-1485 based on experience. BeneDonkeys, horses, prospective buyers by advertising Apply in person: BATHTUB REFINISHING 254-773-7797. criminate on the basis of Equipment Yard as603-C Duties will include: new. 254-289-1031 HIRING Wait Staff at Ford Expedition, A/C order 721-3658. Site Work Contractor Development Center is Located in Temple. INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar minimum of 2 years exp. Health, dental and 401k • PTO Contact Carlos Morris 254-933-2133 or visit at LJZ SURPLUS East sheep, goats or any other Offering Group Health 2268 Salado,TX 76571 in person: The Parts De•Fuel and Service Heavy package includes: Health S. Fort Hood Street, Kilwork Class C License distribu- 771-2191, $5,000 OBO.vehicle 202-713-6209 Daewoo Forklift, (3) Troweling and concrete work. All of our 718-9765 job sites Child are in Saigon ment complex. Full time. fits Local Civil/Site VETERAN YARD CARE Temple, across from Cactus Fertilizer BELTON ISD is seeking Full & part-time openings sheep, goats or any other in the Classifieds with a on display ad. Must have Hospital/LTC experience and in home. Repairs porceCall 254-760-1855 function is the operation •Fuel and Service Heavy are offered. company 401k. Bi-annual works. Needs mechanical soil, microorganisms that Application, inImmanuel Baptist for ANY running orCourt Send Resume to: Cafe. Apply in person Call 254-771-0801. 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Belton 939-1110 race, color, national oriInsurance, Dental & 7 Floatpaid you have to sell! Find it fast? Fertilizer Application, in- what farm animals. 254-865-3546 hiring Teachers, leen. Hours of office operpot, 5301 Loop 205, Temple. 254-421-1276 for fertilizer ifCentral, qualified and interested. States Bankruptcy 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, is Seeking an Construction Equipment 254-527-3342, ask for Temple, Belton, and KilPay based on experience. work Valvoline Instant Oil Change Jacks. 254-773-4263 farm animals. 254-865-3546 Tree/Hedge Trimming, Kubota 6100 Echo with lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Construction Equipment Bucket, Handtools, (4) Generato tion operator. • Tuition Reimbursement work. Asking $1000. not, withessential orF350 without title. Please email Contractor insurance, paid vacation, Fax: 254-527-4400 or for Skeeter Bass Boat Groundskeepers. ComFree Estimates. SW HKA/C Dodgen and sex, maintenance of a ations Holidays raises, guaranteed FORD Diesel, 5th New provide nutrients Call ainClassified Representative are Monday Maintenance person mo- •Minor crease growth and SX185 produc- 2008 in theLooking Temple/Belton area. leen76513. areas. Travel to thru and Electrical, andforLoop, some Development Center is 220 gin, religion, disabil•Minor Equipment Repairs TX 254-77 crease growth$2650. and producyears Call Dale This ers & Aides. Please knowledge ofsales. lifeLike safety code regulations Weed business. Eating/ Control, Equipment Repairs ap- equipment. application and TX 76513. 254-773-3304 L.LAWN King Construc254-624-1729 IMMEDIATE OPENING Experienced Operator 2018 GMC Canyon VE of Rob orposition’s Lacey. SERVICE w/Dollar Yamaha Forms. Alot of Small Hand and primary David District Te wheel, towing package, SaverVMAX150. Classified Temple, from Cactus Experienced Fuel/Lube Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. bile home park and apartToday for all the details 4304 W. Adams phas plete anacross online applicaLicensed electricians fromSLY’S will be provided backhoe skills helpful. No •Assist company 401k. purchased water Central Texas $700.00 week min. Must new. 254-289-1031 •for Matching 401(K) •Assist Mechanics for plants through their 771-2191, 718-9765 721-3658. Needed experienced Automotive Delivery Mechanics Landscaping, Mow, Edge, ity, or age in Bi-annual its distripro- tion, Pickup, Extended Cab. Powe asites local company, has for your pasture REASONABLE PRICES tion yourParts pasture and tionLab ply in person at 1402 provided hiring Teachers, Float254-317-3538 assistant – Vet techand $5,000 if qualified and interested. OBO. 202-713-6209 Health insurance Read All ofD.L.K. our job sites arevehiin Jacks. ment complex. Full time. with Local Civil/Site needed at Bluebonnet 254-773-4263 Computers and Furniture, by company criminal or substance abuse. function is the operation Driver Needed. Good drivDriver •Work inTruck Shop and •Work in Shop and tion25 at and residential construction Blow, Cleanup. bution activities system lines, Running boards. Less than Excavating & Civil/ be years of age, with a 254-931-5635 productive biological procimmediate positions availraises, guaranteed Temple Schwertner Texas All equipment grams, or emNew 3 ton gas electric 3 Temple, Belton, and KilPay based on experience. and Electrical Services. Black Camaroexcel- 2010 crops. N-TEXX stimulates 2010 Ford Escape, •record Health & Dental The Ave. Successful Applicant West A,Looking Temple. cles & to Aides. eliminate travel apexCall 254-773-7686 or email: Equipment crops. N-TEXX stimulates 2001 WANT TO LEASE LAND for Available ing a must. Apply ers Please Yard as needed Contractor fordays. (254) 778-4444 and 2012 Much More. Equipment Yard as needed supervisor. 4,000 miles. $24,000. and maintenance of a able Randy 254-743-9444 SLY’S LAWN SERVICE after 90 (Service Technician) Winnebago Brave apply for the posting. for skilled concrete Prior Lab Assistance Pre- esses. leen Travel to and openings Electrical, A/C and some valves, and meters. that j SiteDeere Work Contractor Located in Canyon Temple. minimum of 2 part-time years exp. openings John Lawn for sale. 111K miles, 15-5-5 applied at 254-49 package ACMower UNIT penseareas. for employees. Licensed electricians must have good experience BELTON ISD is seeking Full &YARD part-time cattle grazing, will do that im- phase in The Parts Deployment practices. Central Texas Call 254-760-1855 $700.00 week min. Must form 2018 GMC VE BELTON ISD is seeking Full & soil, microorganisms lent condition. New tires Delivery CARE 254-534-4560 Carpentry a must. Call 254-760-1855 soil, 60 microorganisms lent Experienced Fuel/Lube ferred. Pay depends on that ex- 35C, REASONABLE PRICES setters and concrete •person: Life Supplemental Insurances Greystone Developm sites will be at provided backhoe skillsParts helpful. No plyVETERAN in person 1402 Automotive purchased water distriCall 254-771-0801. V6, $10,000 OBO.John Belton ISD does not drivdisft. ofcut, 12” zero spiral duct in various types of heavy needed at& Bluebonnet provements. References with 54,336 miles, Ford pot, 5301 Loop 205, Temple. Please send resume to from is Seeking an 254-527-3342, ask for Pickup, Extended Cab. Fishe You can catch Trimming, the eye of those $23.00 per acre. 15 HP, 42” turn Tree/Hedge Groundskeepers. ComDriver Needed. Good Centex Construction Small Lawn Care Business perience. Benefits include: provide essential nutrients and engine. $5500 OBO by D.L.K. company vehicriminal or substance abuse. Excavating & Civil/ Groundskeepers. Combe 25 years of age, with a finishers with minimum of Must have Class B person: 254-931-5635 CallS in the Temple/Belton area. Call orboards. text 254-624-4607 Truck Driver provide essential nutrients and available. 254-865-3546 and 15 duct taps. $1800. equipment bution system lines, Running Less than Electrical Services. in the Temple/Belton area. prospective buyers by advertising IMMEDIATE OPENING Apply in West Ave. A, Temple. Weed Eating/ Control, criminate on the basis of L.withKing Construc•plants Team Member Chaplain Services Experienced 254-217-2600 a must.or email: Apply David Rob or254-773-7686 Lacey. Health, dental and Operator 401k Tritron V10 6800, 1$24,000. slide Finis Mow, weed, trim trees and plete Contact Carlos Morris to experience. eliminate travel ex- ing Callrecord Complete an online applica- 1cles OPENING $500.00. 254-697-6383 year Hourly TO LEASE LAND for CDL Tanker and has WANT forIMMEDIATE through their Good buy for a Concrete new driver 4,000 miles. Needed experienced 254-498-1485 in the Classifieds with a display ad. provided plete an online applicaLandscaping, Mow, Edge, (Service Technician) Site Work Contractor Located in Temple. minimum of 2 years exp. Sales Manger, Au tion, a local company, valves, and meters. Send Resume to: Lab assistant – Vet tech for plants through their Goo Health insurance Read the Classified section to find pense for employees. landscaping. 254-760-3031 in person: The Parts Derace, color, national oricattle grazing, will do imor at contact 439 Water be deterVETERAN YARD CARE 254-421-1276 for fertilizer Haz-Mat Endorsements. Valvoline Instant Change (living dining room). tion and pay rate 254-534-4560 residential construction Lab assistant – Vet tech Health insurance provided Read theand Classified section to August find orwhata Call 254-778-5244 oravail- Oil Blow,will Cleanup. productive biological procor a college student. OPERATOR immediate positions Call 254-771-0801. 254-527-4400 or Schwertner Texas Saturday TheFax: Successful Applicant tion and pot, 5301 Loop 205, Temple. provements. References Now Hiring, landscape and Callat aRandy Classified Representative is Seeking anto Please send resume for to 254-527-3342, upon experience and gin, sex, religion, disabilTree/Hedge Trimming, productive biological procAll applicants can apply inBass person supervisor. Supplyfor Corporation at mined 254-743-9444 Schwertner Texas application and sales. after 90 days. 7249 • 254-290 able Must for skilled concrete Skeeter Boat SX185 apply the ask posting. Prior Lab have Assistance PreEmail Resume Class B 254-760-1876 Joh that just right item you’re looking for. esses. 15-5-5 applied at 254-774-1261 must have good experience available. 254-865-3546 Today for all the details 4304 W. Adams 439 Water Supply Corpoirrigation, please call and knowledge ap- ity, or age in a must. PreWeed Eating/ Control, WANTED Donkeys, horses,at 2001 after days. apply L. for ofKing theposition posting. Duties will include: Lab Assistance form setters and concrete ConstrucExpedition, A/C its 90 proExperienced Operator ferred. Pay depends on ex- Prior Carpentry Rob or Lacey. that justFord right item you’re looking for. AM w/various Yamaha VMAX150. 254-933-2133 or not visitdisat David esses. 15-5-5 applied CDL with Tanker and 10:00 in types of heavy or online at Belton ISD adoes 15 H leave aexperienced message. Centex Construction You can catch Mow, the eyeEdge, of those per acre. plied Please apply in Small afor. Lawn Care Business goats or is any otherfor Needed •Fuel and Service Heavy Landscaping, finishers with minimum of $23.00 works. Needs mechanical ration has full time po- tion, ferred. PayApplication, depends on inex- Callsheep, Benefits include: local company, has or contact 439 Water today,per someone looking Temple 254-317-3538 equipment grams, activities or em- perience. Haz-Mat Endorsements. Fertilizer Belton ISD does not dis6202 Rd Belton, (254)657-0043, 254-217-2600 prospective buyers by advertising Mow, weed, trimleast trees and You Sparta can catch the eye of those $23.00 acre. Apply person: farm animals. 254-865-3546 person at David L.inavailKing criminate on the basis ofdegree (254) 778-4444 Equipment $5 residential construction 1Construction year experience. Hourlyfor work. Asking $1000. is seeking help the following: INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar Health, dental and 401k The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor seeks qualified Christian adjunct Blow, Cleanup. Contact Carlos Morris perience. Benefits include: Master’s with at 18 graduate hours in the specific field is immediate positions Onsite in Yard 2500 N We offer outstanding benefits! Call today, someone is looking for sition available for TCEQ Supply Corporation at Concrete GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR The Successful Applicant Details next landscaping. 254-760-3031 Competitive pay & benefits Office location: 2459 FM in the Classifieds with a display ad. ployment practices. crease growth and producprospective buyers by advertising Construction, 1629 •Minor Equipment Repairs pay rate will be deterApply in person: TX 76513. 254-773-3304 for ANY vehicle running or criminate on the basis of Send Resume to: supervisor. INSTw Randy 254-743-9444 Health, dental and 401k Call 254-778-5244 BATHTUB REFINISHING race, color, national ori- able Valvoline what have to sell! FindMorris itor fast? 2001 Contact Carlos Winnebago Brave OPERATOR for otherwise skilledInstant concrete Oil Change 254-421-1276 for fertilizer WANTED Donkeys, horses, Or send resumes to John Deere Lawn Mower LJZyou SURPLUS 603-C East Duties will include: Nowfor Hiring, landscape and 2001 Ford A/C must have good experience Offering Group Health 2268 Salado,TX 76571 preferred. •Assist Mechanics mined upon experience required unless Doctoral degree Visit not, with orExpedition, without title. S.Fall Fort Hoodsemester. Street, noted. Kil- Classroom 254-933-2133 oradistribuvisit at Fax: 254-527-4400 or and tion in the Classifieds with display ad. C License faculty for the 2019 teaching opportunities your pasture and Carpentry a must. Georgetown, for Send Resume to: a Classified Representative in Call home. Repairs on porce- Class Email Resume to • Competitive Compensation race, color, national oriform setters and concrete gin, sex, religion, disabil- leen. Hours of office oper- 439 Valvoline sheep, goats orfor any other what you54,336 to sell! Find it fast? •Fuel Service Heavy Water Supply Corpo- Oil irrigation, please call andinworks. Needs mechanical @www.Auctioneer Central, Belton 939-1110 254-421-1276 fertilizer application and sales. •Work inand Shopof andposition Insurance, Dental 7 paid knowledge ap- Kubota in various types of&heavy 35C, miles, Ford not, Instant Change 254-624-1729 Commissioned by order ofhave the United 15 HP, 42” cut, zero turn Fertilizer Application, Dollar Saver Classified Construction 6202 Sparta Representative Rd Belton, finishers with 6100 Echo Today for allCare the details 4304 W.details Adams Small Lawn Business lain and fiberglass. Over 30 tion Fax: 254-527-4400 or with farm animals. 254-865-3546 N-TEXX stimulates 2010 Ford Escape, excelminimum of Maintenance for more andCentex to apply. a Construction Equipment leave a message. work. Asking $1000. a Classified Equipment Yard asHospital/LTC needed plied for.cover Please apply in crops. ity,Calloperator. or age inavailable its pro- in: Holidays 2008 FORD Diesel, 5th Cargo gin, sex, disabilequipment Selling (2)F350 Pickups, (4) Must have and ration has aperson full Please time arereligion, Monday thru for pomo-submit are application and sales. Court $2650. Like 254-62 254-217-2600 •experience Bonus Plan years weed, in business. Call Dale Tritron V10 6800, 1 slide Mow, trim trees and This crease growth and produc•Minor BELTON ISD isdetails seeking 1ations Full & part-time (254)657-0043, TX 76513. 254-773-3304 States Bankruptcy for the Western $500.00. 254-697-6383 year8:00am experience. Hourly openings Call 4% convienence fo person Equipment at 254-760-1855 DavidRepairs L. King equipment. Dollar Saver Classified 1424 Martin Luther King Jr. Lane, Temple soil, microorganisms that lent condition. New tiresfee Today for all the 4304 W. Adams position’s primary wheel, towing package, Temple Friday to 4:00pm. bile home park and apartgrams, activities or emletter,pay CV or & copies of transcripts with your online application. 2012 Black Camaro sition available for TCEQ new. 254-289-1031 Trailers, (1) Equipment Tra ity, age in its pro721-3658. G •Assist Mechanics landscaping. CATTLE WORKING, haul- (living Competitive pay & benefits Office location: 2459 FM Skiles Group is looking for Bill’s Grill #3 experienced (254) 254-760-3031 778-4444 The Oaks Apartments is Concrete Construction, 1629 knowledge of life safety code regulations rate will be detertion for your pasture and Groundskeepers. Comand dining room). BATHTUB $5,000 OBO. 202-713-6209 NOW HIRING! All of our jobREFINISHING sites are in ment complex. Carpenter Full time. Call 254-778-5244 or provide essential nutrients Local Civil/Site and engine. $5500 OBO District of Texas for sale. 111K miles, OPERATOR • PTO in the Temple/Belton area. function is the operation LJP •Work in Shop and ing, penning, problem catOffering Group Health 2268 Salado,TX 76571 ployment practices. a full-time to cooks and waitresses looking for a new Leasing S. IMMEDIATE Fort Hood OPENING Street, KilEqual Opportunity Employer Class C License distribuNowbased Hiring, landscape and NO BUYERS Temple Daewoo Forklift, (3) Troweling mined upon experience and CL&L Trucks is hiring plete (254) grams, activities or emin home. Repairs on porceTemple Temps crops. N-TEXX stimulates 2010 Ford Escape, excelTemple, Belton, and KilPay on experience. V6, $10,000 OBO. an online applicaC 778-4444 Yard as office needed Email Resume to Also willDental haul &any live- 254-760-1876 7 paid joinirrigation, the construction team Equipment Good buy for a new driver needed. 1906 S. position 1st Over Temple, Agent. Please apply in for per- for plants through their tle.Insurance, leen. Hours of operContractor Looking 439 Water Supply Corpoplease call and and maintenance of a Kubota 6100 Echo with lain and fiberglass. 30 All equipment from knowledge of ap315 W. Ave M Lab assistant – Vet tech tion operator. Health insurance provided Read Call theisClassified section to find 2018 Call or Handtools, text 254-624-4607 ISD is seeking leen areas. to and openings Electrical, and some Bucket, Generato Full &Travel part-time CDL drivers. Home every BELTON •microorganisms Tuition Reimbursement Call 254-865-3546 Holidays ployment practices. at Coryell A/CHealth. Pay son TX. Call that lent New (4) tires at Schwertner 3401 Camellia ations are254-760-1855 Monday thru soil, Maintenance person forprocmo- stock. tion at and plied GMC Canyon VE productive biological orthe a condition. college student. equipment. $2650. Like seeking help for following: years in (254)-721-2998 business. Dale a message. Texas Drive, for. Please apply in backhoe Experienced sites will be Call provided helpful. No Temple purchased water distrifull time po- from This leave position’s primary range is skills $18-$23 per hour or fax resume Preto provide Friday 8:00am to Fuel/Lube 4:00pm. bile home park and apartGroundskeepers. Com36 hours. Competitive ration Forms. Alot of Small Hand and Greystone Development Services Pickup, Extended Cab. new. 254-289-1031 essential nutrients and engine. $5500 OBO after 90 days. 721-3658. apply has for a the posting. Prior Lab Assistance in the Temple/Belton area. (254)657-0043, that just right item you’re looking for. esses. 15-5-5 applied at 254-774-1261 person at David King • Matching 401(K) C by company vehisubstance abuse. based onoris experience. Bene- 254-773-7797. IMMEDIATE OPENING All of Truck our sites on are exin ment complex. Full time. Local Civil/Site NOWD.L.K. HIRING Wait L.Staff at criminal Driver function the 2459 operation bution system lines, Running Less than Powe plete an online applicaferred. Pay job depends available TCEQ package includes: Health sition GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR Computers and Furniture, Competitive pay & benefits Office location: for plants through their Good buyboards. for a new driver Belton ISD doesfor not dis- Concrete Construction, 1629 fits are 254-773-7686 offered. cles eliminate travel ex- provided Call or FM email: Temple, Immanuel Baptist Child Belton, and Kil- WANT Pay on experience. Saigonto Cafe. Apply in person Complete Concrete Company You can catchREFINISHING the eye of those $23.00 perLEASE acre. TO LAND for BATHTUB Lab assistant – Vet tech Health insurance Read theSURPLUS Classified section tofor find Contractor Looking perience. Benefits include: 4,000 miles. $24,000. C (Service Technician) Call someone is looking for Finishing and 2268 maintenance LJZtoday, 603-C East • based Health &and Dental Offering Group Health Salado,TX 76571of a leen tion atCand and Please email insurance, paidbyvacation, valves, meters. areas. Travel to and cattle Electrical, A/C will some Hood Street,inLoop, Kil220 Fort SW HK Dodgen pense for employees. License distribuand Much More. prospective buyers advertising productive biological or a college student. Apply person: criminate on the basis of S. grazing, doprocim- Available Schwertner Texas Development Center is INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar in home. Repairs on porce- Class Health, dental and 401k Contact Carlos Morris Must have Hospital/LTC experience and 254-534-4560 Experienced Fuel/Lube Central, Belton 939-1110 Saturday August 10, 2019 Insurance, Dental 7 paid from sites will be&to: provided backhoe skills helpful. No Temple,Hours acrossofafter from Cactus purchased water distri- Prior in the Classifieds with Bi-annual a display ad. St office90 operdays. apply for posting. company 401k. Lab Assistance Pre- Kubota provements. References for ANY vehicle running or Please sendthe resume to leen. just right you’re looking Send Resume 6100substance Echo with esses. 15-5-5 applied at that 254-774-1261 lain and fiberglass. Over 30 tion race, color, national orioperator. what you haveitem to sell! Find it fast? hiring Teachers, Float• Life Supplemental Insurances if qualified and interested. 254-421-1276 for fertilizer Valvoline Instant Change by D.L.K. company criminal or & abuse. Jacks. 254-773-4263 Holidays Must have Class or B 2008 FORD F350without Diesel, 5th Fishe Truck Driver Pay depends on vehiex-for ations are Monday thru Oil Maintenance person forlines, mo- ferred. is seeking help the following: knowledge of life not, code with regulations or title. John Fax: 254-527-4400 bution system available. 254-865-3546 Belton ISD does not disequipment. $2650.electric Like3 raises, guaranteed years incan business. Callof those Dale This 10:00 AM Call Classified New 3 254-773-7686 ton gas Youa catch Representative the eye $23.00 per acre. cles to eliminate travel exCall or email: gin, sex, religion, disabilers & Aides. Please ap- Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. WANT TO LEASE LAND for application and sales. perience. Benefits include: position’s primary wheel, towing package, 254-624-1729 CDL with electricians Tanker and bile home and apart- pense Call(Service today, someone is looking for INSTANT Technician) DollarServices Saver new. phase packageMember AC UNIT •254-289-1031 Team Chaplain Today for all the 4304 W. Adams valves, andpark meters. Licensed 721-3658. prospective buyers by details advertising for employees. Apply in person: criminate on the basis of All Central Texas $700.00 week Must or Automotive Parts cattle grazing, will imCASH! Top do Dollar dental and 401k Contact Carlos Morris Themin. University of Mary seeks Christian ity, or age in its Water procontact 439 $5,000 OBO. 202-713-6209 Onsite inClassified Yard 2500 NE Inter Loop ply in person at 1402 of ourqualified job sites Delivery are in ment adjunct complex. Full time. Health, We offer outstanding benefits! Local Civil/Site Haz-Mat Endorsements. Sales Manger, Au with 60 is ft. seeking of 12” spiral duct for the needed at Bluebonnet is Hardin-Baylor the operation in the Classifieds with a display ad. Driver Needed. Good driv- Please provements. References for ANY vehicle running or send Send Resume to: help following: race, color, national ori- Temple, Excavating &experience. Civil/ to be 25 years of age, with a function of 254-865-3546 the United whatCommissioned you havehave to sell!Class Find itBfast?by order Temple 254-421-1276 fertilizer Belton, and KilPay based on resume grams, activities or emand 15 duct for taps. $1800. Valvoline Instant Oil Change Electrical Services. Must 2012 Black Camaro title. West Ave. A, Temple. Supply Corporation at ing record a must. Apply available. not, with or without (254) 778-4444 Contractor Looking for Fax: 254-527-4400 or faculty for the Fall 2019 semester. Classroom teaching opportunities Georgetown, Texas Must have Hospital/LTC experience and maintenance of a leen • Competitive Compensation Call a Classified All applicants can apply in person 254-498-1485 gin, sex, religion, disabilSite Work Contractor Located in Temple. minimum of 2Representative years exp. and areas. Travel to and Electrical, A/C and some for sale. 111K miles, CDL Tanker and Court application and sales. 7249 • 254-290 WANTED Donkeys, horses, States Bankruptcy for the Western in person: The Parts Deployment practices. 254-624-1729 Duties will include: 2001 Ford Expedition, A/C 2018 GMC Canyon VE 254-933-2133 or visit at from Dollarwith Saver Classified Today for all the details 4304 W. Adams Call 254-771-0801. Experienced Fuel/Lube V6, $10,000 OBO. or contact 439an Water Selling (2) Pickups, Trailers, (3) Utility sites provided backhoe helpful. No •Fuel purchased Loopwill 205, be Temple. sheep, or any other(4) Cargo ity, or age water in itsdistripro- pot, 5301 is skills Seeking Haz-Mat Endorsements. are available 254-527-3342, ask for in: C knowledge of life safety code Bass regulations and Service Heavy • Bonus Plan works. mechanical Extended Cab. or online at goats Skeeter Boat SX185 Commissioned by orde District ofPickup, Texas Call or Needs text 254-624-4607 Fertilizer Application, in6202 Sparta Rd ConstrucBelton, by D.L.K. company vehi- criminal orCorporation substance abuse. farm animals. 254-865-3546 Trailers, (1) Equipment Trailer, (3) Conexes, Supply at Construction Equipment Truck Driver Temple work. Asking $1000. David L. King grams, activities or emExperienced Operator Rob or Lacey. bution system lines, w/ Yamaha VMAX150. Running boards. Less than 2012 Black Camaro Must have Hospital/LTC experience and (254) 778-4444 • PTO Needed experienced cles to eliminate travel exCall 254-773-7686 or email: WA crease growth and produc•Minor Equipment Repairs Duties will include: tion, a local company, has WANT TO LEASE LAND for TX 76513. All equipment from 254-773-3304 States Bankruptcy Court Master’s degree with at least 18 graduate hours or in the field is Technician) Daewoo Forklift, (3) Troweling Machines, 254-317-3538 for sale. 111KConcrete miles, 254-933-2133 visitspecific at 4,000 miles. $24, ployment practices. (Service construction Details w valves, and meters. sh for employees. •Fuel andHandtools, Service (4) Heavy immediate positions avail- penseresidential •Assist Mechanics Reimbursement cattle will do and imV6, $10,000 The Sparta SuccessfulRd Applicant knowledge ofMower life safety code tion forgrazing, your pasture Bucket, Generators, (3) LightOBO. Towers, 254-534-4560 • Tuition Fertilizer Application, in- of Te Belton, supervisor. Or send resumes toregulations fa Greystone Development District 2001 Winnebago Construction Equipment Brave able forsend skilled concrete required unless otherwise noted.6202 Doctoral degree preferred. Visit Call orServices text 254-624-4607 •Work in Shop and John Deere Lawn provements. References must have good experience Please resume to Carpentry a must. Forms. Alot of Small Hand and Power Tools, Offi ce crease growth and produccrops. N-TEXX stimulates 2010 Ford Escape, excel•Minor Equipment RepairsFord form setters and concrete The UniversityTX ofin76513. Mary types Hardin-Baylor seeks qualified adjunct @www.Auctioneer haveas Class B Christian O Equipment Yard needed We offer miles, outstanding benefits! •Must Matching 401(K) heavy 54,336 available. 254-865-3546 15 HP, 42” cut, zero turn 35C, Centexfor Construction Complete Concrete Company All equipment •Assist Mechanics finishers with of more details andvarious toequipment apply.ofPlease submit aCall cover Computers and Furniture, Finishing Power Washer on Trailer, BELTON ISD minimum seeking Full & part-time openings tion condition. for your pasture and 254-760-1855 CDL Tanker and soil, that Tritron lent New tires 254-217-2600 V10 6800, 1 slide faculty for the Fall 2019 semester. Classroom teaching $500.00. 254-697-6383 •Work in Shop More. and 1 year experience. Hourly iswith seeking helpopportunities for themicroorganisms following: • Health & Dental Available •Jr.Much Competitive Compensation 4% convienence fee fo 1424 Martin Luther King Lane, Temple and Saturday August 10, 2019 or contact 439 Water crops. N-TEXX stimulates Groundskeepers. ComHaz-Mat Endorsements. Equipment Yard as needed pay rate will be deterGreystone Developm provide essential nutrients (living $5500 OBO letter, CV &incopies of transcripts with your online and dining room). and engine. the Temple/Belton area. Call 254-778-5244 or application. OPERATOR Se IMMEDIATE BELTON ISD is seeking Now Hiring, landscape and Full& & OPENING part-time openings are available in: • Life Supplemental Insurances Call 254-760-1855 mined an upon experience and • Bonus PlanJohn soil, microorganisms that Supply Corporation at online applica10:00Fisher AM Email Resume to for plants through their 254-760-1876 Good buy forNO a Concrete newBUYERS driver Equal Opportunity Employer P 439 Water Supply Corpo- plete irrigation, please call and knowledge of position apTra Complete Labwill assistant – Vet tech Groundskeepers. ComCommissioned by order of the United Health insurance provided Read the Classified section to find WANTED Donkeys, horses, provide essential nutrients Duties include: 2001 Ford Expedition, A/C Fini in the Temple/Belton area. tion • Team Member Services or apply visitand at leavequalified a message. Christian adjunct is seeking helpChaplain forproductive the following: • PTO plied Please in of Mary Hardin-Baylor seeks biological procor a college student. IMMEDIATE OPENING Onsite in Yard 2500 NE Inter Loop ration hasThe a fullUniversity time po- 254-933-2133 Must have Hospital/LTC experience and Schwertner Texas We offer outstanding benefits! Da sheep, goats or any Manger, other Court plete an online applica- •Fuel and Service Heavy Sales Auctioneer works. Needs mechanical (254)657-0043, States Bankruptcy for the Western for plants through their person at David L. King Saturday August after 90 days. Fertilizer apply for the Prior Lab Assistance Pre- provided Sparta Rd posting. Belton, Lab assistant – Reimbursement Vetlooking tech for. Health insurance justTuition right item you’re Read sition available for for TCEQ esses. 15-5-5 applied inat thatfarm 254-774-1261 animals. 254-865-3546 Bu • GUNS & Application, AMMO-REPAIR Construction Equipment Competitive pay & benefits Office location: 2459 FM opportunities work. Asking $1000. faculty the6202 Fall 2019 semester. teaching Concrete Construction, 1629 Classroom tion at and ferred. Georgetown, Texas knowledge of life safety code regulations • Competitive productive biological procSchwertner Texas Pay depends onCompensation exapplicants can apply in person District of Texas LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East 7249 • Pre254-290-7305 Offering Group Health 2268 Salado,TX 76571 Belton does not discrease growth and produc•MinorAll Equipment Repairs S. 76513. Fort ISD Hood Street, KilClass C License distribuTX Foj Commissioned by order of15-5-5 the United 254-773-3304 10:00 AM You can catch the eye of those $23.00 per Belton acre. after 90 days. apply for Dental the &posting. Prior Labsomeone Assistance • Matching 401(K) perience. Benefits include: that esses. applied at Selling (2) Pickups, (4) Cargo Trailers, (3) Utility Central, 939-1110 Call today, is looking for Insurance, 7 paid are available in: leen. Hours of office operMust have Hospital/LTC experience and • Bonus Plan •Assist online atfor your Kubota Mechanics 6100and Echo prospective buyers by advertising Apply in person: Co All equipment from criminate on Monday theUniversity basisthru of Maintenance tion operator. ferred. Pay depends on 5th extion pasture and 2008 INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar dental 401k orwith Contact Carlos Morris States Bankruptcy Court for the Western ISD does not Christian dis- Health, Holidays FORD F350 Diesel, of Mary Hardin-Baylor seeks qualified adjunct ations are The person mo- Belton Trailers, (1) & Equipment Trailer, (3) Conexes, You can catch the eyefor of those $23.00 per acre. Onsite in Yard 2500 N equipment. $2650. Like We offer outstanding benefits! •Work in Shop and • Health Dental Available in the Classifieds with a display ad. perience. Benefits include: Call and for ANY running or Send Resume to:life This position’s primarydegree package, knowledge of safety code regulations •254-289-1031 PTO race, color, ori-graduate Friday 8:00am tonational 4:00pm. bile home park in and Master’s with at least 18 hours theapartspecific field ison the basis of Equipment what you havetowing toand sell!Details Find itDevelopment fast? crops. N-TEXX stimulates 2010 Fordvehicle Escape, excelprospective buyers byInstant advertising Apply in person: criminate Greystone Services 254-421-1276 for fertilizer wheel, new. Valvoline Oil Change Daewoo Forklift, (3) Troweling Machines, Concrete District of Texas Yard as needed Health, dental 401k Contact Carlos Morris next week not, with or without title. Fax: 254-527-4400 or $5,000 OBO. 202-713-6209 All of our job sites are in ment complex. Full time. Local Civil/Site faculty for the Fall 2019 semester. teaching opportunities in the Classifieds with a display ad. Classroom function is the operation • Life & Supplemental Insurances Georgetown, Call a Classified Representative BELTON ISD is seeking • Competitive Compensation Send Resume to: Or send resumes to gin, sex, religion, disabilCall 254-760-1855 race, color, national oriwhat Bucket, Handtools, (4) Generators, (3) Light Towers, soil, microorganisms that lent condition. New tires •Valvoline Tuition Reimbursement required unlessBelton, otherwise Doctoral degree Visit 254-421-1276 for fertilizer 254-624-1729 and noted. Kil- Pay based 4304 on experience. Instant Oil application Change and sales. Complete Concrete Finishing All equipment from Company Dollar Saverof Classified for all the details of a Temple, W.preferred. Adams Contractor Looking for 254-527-4400 or and Today maintenance Call a Classified leen or areas. Travel and in: Electrical, A/CRepresentative and some gin, sex, religion, disabilGroundskeepers. ity, age inavailable itstoComproForms. Alot Member Small Hand and Power Offi ce •Fax: Team Chaplain Services Selling (2)Tools, Pickups, (4) Cargo application and sales. are provide essential nutrients 2018 and engine. $5500 OBO GMC Canyon VE • Bonus Plan • Matching 401(K) details andToday toskills apply. PleaseNosubmit a coverFuel/Lube Experienced for all the details 4304 W. Adams Saturday August 10, 2019 from sites for will more be provided backhoe helpful. purchased water distri- grams, Greystone Development Services IMMEDIATE OPENING Computers and Furniture, Power Washer on Trailer, Temple ity, or age in its proPickup, Extended Cab. activities or emTrailers, (1) Equipment Tra plete an online applica2012 Black Camaro 4% convienence fee for credit card 1424 Martin Luther King Jr. Lane, Temple for plants through their Good buy for a new driver by D.L.K. company vehicriminal or substance abuse. (254) 778-4444 Truck Driver letter,ployment CV & eliminate copies oftravel transcripts with your online application. • Dental Available bution system lines, Running boards. Less10:00 than • PTO LabHealth assistant –& Vet tech Temple Read theMuch Classified section to can find Finishing and More. AM All applicants apply inForklift, person for sale. 111K miles, Complete Concrete Company cles to exCall (254) 254-773-7686 or email: grams, activities or em- WANT Daewoo (3) Troweling practices. TO LEASE LAND for productive biological proc- 4,000 tion at and 778-4444 miles. $24,000. or a college student. (Service Technician) Schwertner Texas Equal valves, andThe meters. NOYard BUYERS PREM. V6, $10,000 OBO. for employees. cattle grazing, will Opportunity do imployment practices. • Life & Supplemental Insurances Universitypense of Mary seeks qualified Christian adjunct orAugust online at10, 254-534-4560 Saturday 2500 NE Loop Bucket, Handtools, (4) Generat •Employer Tuition Reimbursement We offer outstanding benefits! 2019 John Fisher Prior Lab Assistance Pre- esses. Call orInter text 254-624-4607 just right itemin you’re looking for. provements. References 15-5-5 applied at thatOnsite 254-774-1261 Please send resume to apply for the posting. Must have Class B 18 graduate Forms. Alot of Small Hand and ferred. Pay depends on Compensation • Team Member Chaplain Services available. 254-865-3546 Master’s degree with at least hours in the specific field is faculty for the Fall 2019 semester. Classroom teaching opportunities Georgetown, Texas Belton ISD does not dis10:00 AM • Competitive • Matching 401(K) You can catch the eye of those Sales Manger, Auctioneer CDL with Tanker and perience. Benefits include: $23.00 per acre. Call today, someone Or is looking for resumes Computers send to and Furniture, Pow









(254) 778-4444







Visit for details.

•Maintenance Supervisor

•RN Supervisor Weekend Doubles Employment •C.N.A. FT Employment •Dietary Aide FT •Laundry Aide FT


(254) 778-4444


Employment LUBE TECH Employment WE POSITIONS AVAILABLE •Maintenance Supervisor CAUGHT Nursing LUBE TECH LUBE TECH YOUR (MSN or doctorally prepared) POSITIONS POSITIONS AVAILABLE ADJUNCT FACULTY AVAILABLE •RN Supervisor Weekend Doubles EYE Employment (254) FIND778-4444 IT

WE CAUGHT Master of Science in2019 Information Systems Fall Employment Systems) YOUR (Ph.D. in Information Visit for details. EYE Employment





•C.N.A. FT •Dietary Aide FT •Laundry Aide FT Merchandise

Employment ONSITE AUCTION WE POSITIONS AVAILABLE •Maintenance Supervisor LUBE TECH CAUGHT FIND IT WE POSITIONS AVAILABLE Employment (254) 778-4444 Nursing YOUR ADJUNCT FACULTY EmploymentFIND IT •RN Supervisor Weekend Doubles CAUGHT (254) 778-4444 EYE •C.N.A. FT (MSN or doctorally prepared) Fall 2019 YOUR •Maintenance Supervisor Merchandise •Dietary Aide FT EYE Visit for details. Merchand Master of Science in Information Systems •Laundry Aide FT Employment ONSITE AUCTION ADJUNCT FACULTY Supervisor •RN Supervisor Weekend Doubles (Ph.D. in Information Systems) •Maintenance Employment ONSITE AU •C.N.A. FT (254) 778-4444 Fall 2019 Employment•Maintenance Supervisor •Dietary Aide FT LUBE TECH ADJUNCT FACULTY Employment •RN Supervisor Weekend Doubles (254) 778-4444 Nursing Visit for details. •Laundry Aide FT WE POSITIONS AVAILABLE LUBE TECHFT Merchandise •C.N.A. Fall 2019 FACULTY prepared) •RNFT Supervisor Weekend Doubles WE Employment CAUGHT (MSN or doctorallyADJUNCT POSITIONS AVAILABLE •Dietary Aide Merchandise Visit for details. ONSITE AUCTION •Laundry Aide FT •C.N.A. FT CAUGHT FallSystems 2019 YOUR •Maintenance Supervisor Master of Science in Information •Dietary Aide FT YOUR Nursing EYE ONSITE AUCTION (Ph.D. in Information Systems) LUBE TECH Visit for details. •Maintenance Supervisor •Laundry Aide FT EYE ADJUNCT FACULTY (MSN or doctorally prepared) WE •RN Supervisor Weekend Doubles POSITIONS AVAILABLE


Nursing •C.N.A. FT Fall 2019 ADJUNCT FACULTY CAUGHT Full & part-time openings Master of Science in Information Systems •RN Supervisor Weekend •Dietary Aide FTDoubles (MSN or doctorally inprepared) the Temple/Belton area. •C.N.A. FT FT YOUR in Information Systems) Visit for(Ph.D. details. Fall 2019 •Laundry Aide Employment Health insurance provided Nursing •Dietary Aide FT EYE after for 90 Systems days. Master of Science in Information Visit details. •Laundry Aide FT

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(254) 778-4444 Employment

July 31, 2019 • Page 11

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Page 12 • July 31, 2019 Roofing


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