nday, August 12, 2019
! ! AVAILABLE ! ! offic e, retail, ware-
2house Dollar & mSaver ore for Monday, lease August 12, 2019
David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ties.c om
AKC REGISTERED German Shepherd Puppies, $600 each. Call (254) 258-5626.
$195 or best offer. 541-6023 254-278-8364. R E TAINING WALL STONE S, 12x 4" . Call Employment ( 254) 526-7310. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at
(254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 FOr SALE Well Fertil ized Coastal Hay. $65 per bale if picked up. Delivery available. Call Johnny Teague (281) 2000 JE E P Cherokee, 924-4460 email: john$1200 ororbest offer. ( 254) 278-8364. nyteague@sbcglobal.
Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019
ase Featured ad 2000 JE E P Cherokee, ies $1200 or best offer. of the Week! ( 254) 278-8364. er ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! offic e, retail, ware house & m ore for lease David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ties.c om onday, August 12, 2019 2000 JE E P Cherokee, $1200 or best offer. ( 254) 278-8364. OLD RECORDS, COMP LE TE TWIN BE D, with extra linen. 45’s, 33 1/3s, and Call ( 254) 526-7310. 2000 JE E P Cherokee, 78’s, over 600; $1200 or best offer. ( 254) 278-8364. Refrig- Whirlpool ! ! K illeen Constr uction & R epair s General erator, side-by-side, Hom e R epair/Maint. Int/E xt-R oom Addieverything clean, tions, Tiling, Doors, P ainting, Drywall, works, $350. Good COMP LE TE TWIN Garage Conv., Trim BE D, w ith extra linen. ! Spanish Manufactured & More. F ree E st. love seat, $50; and Call ( 254) 526-7310. e 338-1337 or 466-7650 housing ase all kinds of furniture. ties LAR GE TR UCKE M PJE LE OS DIS 2000 E P Cherokee, LOAD,PALM good flea m ar per Kenmore Over Under PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 2018 Harbor $1200 or best offer. ! !ket/ K uction ! !illeen ! y Com m erc stuff. ial !!! ardConstr sale ( 254) 278-8364. & R epair s General Land, Inv estm ent disponibles los empleos 3 bedroom, 2 bath, COMP LE TE TWIN $195 or best offer. Washer Dryer, $350. Hom e R epair/Maint. P roperties, and BE D, with extra linen. 254-278-8364. de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for IM- Int/E xt-R oom AddiBusiness P526-7310. roperties. Call ( 254) Dav id Ba rr P roperties tions, Tiling, Doors, Troybilt 32” Cut Rid medio! Se necesita: tra- MEDIATE SELL! 254-933RPEainting, TAINING WALL ( 254) 526-2277 Drywall, STONE S, 12x4" .Trim Call www.davidbarrproper bajadores de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. Garage Conv., ing Lawnmower with ties.c om E st. 254) 526-7310. & (More. F ree Waco, Temple y las áreas WOW! 2016 Solitaire ! 338-1337 or 466-7650 ! K illeen Constr uction bagger, $550. Murray circundantes. A UCKpartir de Home, & R epair s General 2 bedroom, 2 bath, LAR GE TR Hom e R epair/Maint. LOAD, good flea m ar- real $8 por hora. Por favor Riding Lawnmower, wood cabinets, tape Int/E xt-R oom Addi ket/ y ard sale stuff. 2000 JE E P Cherokee, llame a nuestra oficina al tions, Tiling, Doors, $195 or best offer. and textured walls, ply $1200 or best offer. 22” cut, $300. Victro- (254) P ainting, Drywall, 254-278-8364. 776-7775 o solicite wood (floors, 254) 278-8364. built like a Garage Conv., Trim la crank record play- enR E TAINING WALL línea en www.janitori & More. F ree E st. HOUSE - must sell. 254COMP LE TE TWIN STONE S, 12x4" . Call 338-1337 or 466-7650 BE D, w ith ex tra linen. 933-3334. RBI 33073. ( 254) 526-7310. er, over 100 years old alservice.com/apply Call ( 254) 526-7310. onday, August 12, 2019 LAR GE TR UCK LOAD, good flea m arDOWN on NEW Want To Buy $0 records; Vic- with ket/ y ard sale stuff. home. Use your offer. land as $195 or best torian Dresser, over Buy Constr & Repair Un- down 254-278-8364. payment. Call for !WE ! K illeen uction & R epair s General Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI 100 years old; and wanted/ RE TAINING WALL Hom e R epair/Maint. STONE S, 12x4" . Call Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. Int/E x t-R oom Addi ( 254) 526-7310. lots more antiques to We tions, Tiling(903) , Doors, Pick-Up 336- MuST SELL! Country P ainting , Dry wall, COMP TE.,TWIN choose from. Cash Garag e LE Conv Trim cabin, 9086 4 bedroom, 3 bath, BE D, w ith ex tra linen. & More. F ree E st. Call ( 254) 444-7052. 338-1337 or 526-7310. 466-7650 barn wood accents with only. (254) Appliances LAR GE TR UCK 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup LOAD, g ood flea m ar and dual A/C included. y ard sale stuff. ket/ ! ! K illeen Constr uction NIcE WAShErS, dry $195 or best offer. 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. & R epair s General 254-278-8364. ers, refrigerators, and Hom e R epair/Maint. Int/E x t-R Addi Farm & oom ranch R E TAINING WALL cook stoves. Rebuilt tions, Tiling , Doors, STONE S, 12x 4" . Call P ainting , Dry wall, with 90 day warranty. ( 254) 526-7310. Garag e Conv ., Trim ! g Delivery, service work, & More. F ree E st. e E N T L E M I x E D 338-1337 or 466-7650 ase need non-working ones. B r eed Cows and ies LAR GE TR UCK (254) 799-6228, (254) Stocker Calves. Call LOAD, g ood flea m ar per ket/ y ard sale stuff. 214-5284. Temple: (254)
Vol. 1 • No. 44 August 7, 2019
Farm work, Delivery, service cook stoves. Rebuilt •Purchase Manager as $199,000, as&is.ranch $199,000, B cation, sickis.leave and 11 owner, For Sale eby Owner, $130K. r e e dHugs C oLearning w s awork. nCenter. d and David L. construction King Construc•Material Handler g E N T Lrefurbished E M I x E3,500 D Eating/ Control, LandscapBear David Barr roperties Free Estimates. join Pthe team owner, Hom R epair/Maint. plied for.$695 Pleasedeposit, apply in and concrete $695 mo., 254-624-2779 alservice.com/apply Temple, Temple, $695 deposit, Now Hiring, landscape and Fenced yard, storage shed. Recently tion, a local company, has or (254) (254) Se necesita: tratos www.steelcontainers. LAR GE TR UCK need non-working ing,J•Electrician Mow, Blow, ( 254) Must be SELL! 18 or 254-933older, with 90 day warranty. best offer. 3/2, w/b medio! or best799-6228, offer. 3/2, holidays. Medical-Dental at526-2277 Coryell Health. Pay Int/E xt-R oomones. Addi Stocker Calves. Callhave Fre 2000 E E PEdge, Cherokee, person at David L. w/b KingMEDIATE •Siding Installer B r e eoffice d Cplease o w warehouse scall aand n d 771-2191, 718-9765 Free Estimates. irrigation, sq.ft. and ! ! K illeen Constr uction 254-423-2109 immediate positions avail LOAD, good flea m arCleanup. high school diploma or GED, $695 mo., 254-624-2779 $695 mo., 254-624-2779 $1200 or best offer. range is $18-$23 per hour tions, Tiling, Doors, www.davidbarrproper 214-5284. Temple: (254) Concrete Construction, 1629 bajadores de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. N E M P L E O S D I S net Will deliver. (254) 722 •Plumber fireplace, nice neighbor(254) 799-6228, (254) space. Delivery, service work, nice neighborInsurance available. Ap- fireplace, (254) 749-0909 (254) leave a message. Apply in person at able for skilled concrete Stocker Calves. Call & R epair s General ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! g E N T L E M I x E D Located on corner ( 254) 278-8364. Randy 254-743-9444 ket/ y ard sale stuff. background and finger print. 771-2191, 718-9765 771 P ainting, Drywall, basedom on experience. Bene ties.c pups 2 smooth ir S. Dachshund Fort Hood Street, Kil Small Lawn Care Business (254)657-0043, 541-6023 form setters and concrete Waco, Temple y las áreas PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. hood, furniture included •Carpenter offic e,1919 retail, ware214-5284. Temple: (254) furniture included ply atnon-working 2410 East Adams, hood, need ones. Hom e R epair/Maint. Experience a plus. Apply in $195 or best offer. lot in downtown Temple. 749-5637 WOW! 2016 Solitaire Mueller Road Garage Conv., Trim fits are offered. (254) 749-0909 (254) females, 2 smooth males, B r e e d C o w s a n d leen. Hours of office oper Mow, weed, trim trees and Office location: 2459 FM finishers with minimum of (negotiable). house &254-278-8364. m ore for lease Int/E xt-R oom Addiperson: Small Lawn Care Business Sma & More. F ree E st. Please email AMonday partir de disponibles los empleos (negotiable). Temple. EOE Off-street parking. 76571 1 longhair male, shots, 541-6023 ations are thruHome, (254) 799-6228, (254) circundantes. landscaping. 254-760-3031 Troy, Texas 76579 2500bedroom, 2 bath, 2268 Salado,TX 749-5637 •Welder 1 year experience. Stocker Calves. Call David Barr P roperties S. IH-35, trees Belton Mow, weed, trim and MowO tions, Tiling, Hourly Doors, Livestock 338-1337 or 466-7650 careers@skilesgroup.com dewormed, create trained, Friday 8:00am to Por 4:00pm. Contact RandyMonday, August 972-392-2334 2 Dollar Saver 12, 2019 •Painter $8 por hora. favor 972-392-2334 de tiempo completo payif P rate will be deter- R OFFICE SPACE y 214-5284. Temple: (254) TAINING WALL (E254) 526-2277 Employment or email: aharris@ real wood cabinets, tape landscaping. 254-760-3031 254-933-2803 ainting, Drywall, land (254) 749-0909 (254) qualified and interested. house broke. 350.00 very 12101 Moffat Road.Fertil2/1/1, PINA All of our job sites are in Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 1 FOr SALE Well VETERAN YARD CARE TEACHING POSITION Skiles Group is looking for 254-774-5204 mined upon experience and LAR GE TR UCK www.davidbarrproper STONE S, 12x4" . Call •Forklift Driver llame a nuestra oficina al medio! Se necesita: tra gers. ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! and Kil-and Garage Conv., Trim sweet) 531-218-7303 541-6023 OFFICE SPACE Ch&A, $700 rent, $500 plyde- TRA Temple, Belton, ariesbuildings.com Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed AVAILABLE OFFICE SPACE textured walls, Employment FOR LEASE a full-time Carpenter to OWNER FINANCE BATHTUB REFINISHING 749-5637 knowledge of position ap LOAD, good flea m ar ties.c om ized Coastal Hay. $65 ( 254) 526-7310. VETERAN YARD CARE FOr SALE Well Fertil Skile V 30K. NOW HIRING fast paced CA & More. F ree E st. •Material Handler posit. Spivey Real Estate leen areas. Travel to and Land, Investm ent Eating/ Control, LandscapBear Hugs Learning Center. g E N T L E M I x E D (254) 776-7775 o solicite join the construction team bajadores de limpieza en 12.5 Acres. Water meter. in home. Repairs on porce- plied for.DOLLAR Please SAVER apply in 3Bd/ Full 2Ba Housepositions, in Rogers. JOBS ket/ y ard sale stuff. AVAILABLE. Full wood time 3Bd/ 2Ba House inbe Rogers. Tree/Hedge Weed floors, built like CALL refurbished 3,500 FOR LEASE a Tre JUST BUILT OUT $65 FOR LEASE in per bale ifTrimming, picked up.a land 254-753-5341 from sites will provided 338-1337 or L. 466-7650 Must be by18 or older, have ized Coastal Hay. P roperties, hed. Recently at Coryell Health. Pay exempt. Beautiful. customer service/cashier lain and fiberglass. Over 30 person Sale Owner, $130K. at David King For •Siding $195 or and best offer. Installer For Sale by and Owner, $130K. B r ing, eAgeAVAILABLE. dMow, CEdge, oagent w sBlow,a nFull d Eating/ -Control, Landscapen línea en www.janitoriWaco, Temple ywarehouse las áreas JOBS join E sq.ft. office OFFICE SPACE! & part-time jobs available great benefits, backlog ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! 1629 Fenced tle Cleanup. HOUSE must sell. 254by D.L.K. company vehihigh school diploma or GED, Recently refurbished 3,500 Employment pain range is $18-$23 per hour Owner/ yard, storage shed. Concrete Construction, years in business. Call Dale Recently refurbished 3,500 Business P roperties. 254-278-8364. Delivery available. Call 778-4444 Fenced yard, storage shed. Mow, Edge, Blow, per if picked up. FOr SALE Well FertilLAR GEinTR UCK at ing, Kolache Kitchen, 30 at offic e,(254) retail, w areApply person at Twobale spaces: 730 sq. ft Beneof- space. LocatedAon corner sto Calves. Call Randy 254-743-9444 background finger print. alservice.com/apply cles office to eliminate travel ex- sq.ft. circundantes. partir de based on experience. sq.ft. and warehouse Pam LaShelle 254-423-2109 ofand work. now! Needed: Janitorial S. Fort Street, Kil 721-3658. 1111 S. 5th St., 33073. Temple &Stocker part-time jobsRealtors available RBI David Barr P roperties office and warehouse Cleanup. 254-423-2109 house & mHood ore lease rang flea m ar Johnny Teague (281) fice; $1,100; NOW H Rall NGbills paid Ma n nan p for noffice m good Delivery available. Call LOAD, Experience a plus.TOR Apply in space. ized Hay. $65 933-3334. DR VER MON penseCoastal for employees. RE WALL lot inMTAINING downtown Temple. P NA CONCRETE hours plus. Apply in per- leve 1919 Mueller Road a R adPor fits are offered. 512-217-2070 CON leen. Hours operMMED ATE OPEN NG 3.5BR, 1BA, $700 month Located onTemple corner Dav id Ba rr Pof roperties (254) 749-0909 (254) Randy 254-743-9444 $8 por hora. Spanish Manufactured ( 254) 526-2277 base space. Located on corner workers in Waco, Ch&A ket/ y ard sale stuff. WANTED Donkeys, horses, now! Needed: Janitorial and 570 sq. Tft email office; $875; T mp mp b h m pa k and apa JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 2 person: STONE S,n12x4" . favor Call Please d Off-street parking. ( 254) 526-2277 ations are Monday thru 924-4460 or email: john$0 DOWN on NEW $650 254-598-8179 Want Johnny Teague (281) per bale ifTo picked up. de lotson NEEDED Troy, Tuesday-Saturday lot in downtown Temple. TRACTOR T m ees a Lab a orTexas an V 76579 h www.davidbarrproper in deposit. downtown Temple.at fits sheep, goats or Buy any other all bills W paid. Both brand 749-5637 $195 best offer. AvTE M TWIN mFriday n mp x to 4:00pm. Fu m & avnuestra 500 S. IH-35, housing Preparadores de formas ( Contact 254) www.davidbarrproper careers@skilesgroup.com and surrounding areas. y 526-7310. RRandy a oficina E a al workers 8:00am COMP LE in Waco, Temple part-time jobss Belton available R p llameSp S254-278-8364. hw n aharris@ T xa parking. nyteague@sbcglobal. home. Use your land as 2000 JE EP farm animals. 254-865-3546 924-4460 or email: john or email: new build outs: ties.c om Delivery available. Call Cen Tex ARC seek ng Off-street 23108 S.E. HKCherokee, Dodgen Off-street parking. andscap ng mow ng ties.c Pay ba d job nomsites xp are n 254-933-2803 hormigón y terminadores if qualified and interested. BE D, w ith ex tra linen. All of our in ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! E M P776-7775 L E O S D I S (254) o solicite 254-774-5204 c Starting at $8 per hour. ! ! ! Com ial VERY$1200 NICE orRandy 3/2/2. AppliP m erc Lab A! ! ! an P and surrounding areas. Contact Randy now! Needed: Janitorial best offer. 3320 Pecan Valley, E a A C and m Call ( 254) 526-7310. de hormigón David L. King Contact net WE Buy & Repair Undown payment. Call for Temple, Belton, and Kil- Fu ariesbuildings.com nyteague@sbcglobal. Cash for Houses. Any lo- ances. Loop. offic e, retail, me and Pa me Johnny Teague (281) mmanue Bap s Land, Ch d Investm pa n ng enc REFINISHING ngwarehouse BATHTUB if Garden Pay ent d p nd WALL n x R Ed TAINING PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 2018 PALM Harbor en línea enS www.janitoriTemple. (Fireplace. 254)MON 278-8364. 254-774-5204 baleen kh k H hR p u to N Please call our office at tub. Construcción, empresa Feed & SupNOW HIRING fast paced NOW NG Ma n nan p una n m CATTLE WORKING, haulStarting at $8 per hour. areas. Travel and workers DR VER inATE Waco, 254-774-5204 P NA CONCRETE M DOLLAR a 254-760-2995 R adSAVER house & mFore for lease k . ng MMED NG in home. Repairs porce S hBUILT T mp wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 254-933-3334. RBI BAT time positions, Patio. 5407 TOR Don’s Dollar Saver Monday, 12, 2019 cated or any nFull BS,n 12x4" n.CON ud net ve Mon o OPEN s Temple T ans CALL 924-4460 or email: johnDeve opmen Cen e P roperties, s pSTONE OWNER FINANCE eve ng ee Es2on ma e Call and BATHTUB REFINISHING JUST OUT m naAugust abu 1 D customer local, tiene puestos T mpub Tan mp bing, h776-7775 m pa kcondition. and apacat-details, Spanish Manufactured penning, problem OWNER FINANCE from sites will be provided disponibles los 3 bedroom, bath, David Barr Pour roperties Ch&A n d service/cashier lain and fiberglass. Over 30 (254) or apply plies BROFFICE BA SPACE! m empleos nh Please call office at NEEDED Trail, Temple. BISD. TRACTOR T m ees and surrounding areas. H a h d n a and k me alservice.com/apply Lab a an V h 12.5 Acres. Water meter. in home. Repairs on porcecuT FErTILIZEr cost, ( 254) 526-7310. PINA Business P roperties. great benefits, backlog Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. 2 hpDollar Saver 2019 Ca inmediatos disponibles W company Av M mavehi- po c en mtle. n mpwill x haul Fu Also any m live325-650-5900 Wanted used doublewide 12.5 Acres. Water meter. CA by D.L.K. s nnBeautiful. 7T passen in h nyteague@sbcglobal. ng (254) Teache oa 254 780 7670 ( 254) 526-2277 20 Sp v y778-4444 RsMonday, a FE a August S12, JUST BUILT OUT years in business. Call Dale housing d spaces: p deTwo tiempo completo y (254) $39,900. PricedReasonable forapply IM$1195/$900. JUST BUILT s OUT nd RngConstr um mow Sexempt. hw xa hour. at Ag Kolache 30 lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Mow � ����G ����I�A����S �OR !!K illeen uction online at www.janitori 730 sq. ft of-Full David Barr P roperties Cen Tex254-913-8808. ARC seek ng 776-7775 or para stock. Call 254-865-3546 andscap ng m dwaymhp @gma m Pay ba dpreparadores n xp 336n deimproves Starting at $8Kitchen, per JOBS AVAILABLE. Ag exempt. Beautiful. mobile home. cles to eliminate travel ex- lain ans www.davidbarrproper $ soil, N-TEXX OFFICE SPACE! 721-3658. FErTILIZEr cost, Pick-Up (903) ge o 15 passenge vans net ecuT s & A des P ease ap OFFICE SPACE! Owner/ &Fax RL epair s General 254-933Phours Lab A agent an in Pper- We years in business. Call Dale year E M Png Eofenc Owork. Sng D I S - MuST SELL! Country fice; $1,100; all bills paid desq. Eencofrados a A 730 C andftconcreto medio! Se jobs necesita: tra- online MEDIATE SELL! Owner/ agent ( 254) 526-2277 pense for employees. price. ties.c 254-421-3536 plus. Apply om Two spaces: of- m alservice.com/apply Fu me and Pa me mmanue Bap s Ch d pa n house at www.janitoriPlease call our office at & part-time available Hom e R epair/Maint. sen VERY Pam LaShelle Realtors Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofing, 15—5-5 with microbacte721-3658. d Pay d p nd n x u ym@ n m FOr SALE Well Fertil improves soil, N-TEXX 9086 and N 570CE sq. ft office; App $875; WATER• Transporta� TREE TEMPLE and ove see cDriver en s ac at REDUCED! calificados y hRealtors terminadores 1BR, 1BA Cottage on 1 721-3 p y n pe son www.davidbarrproper amp 1402 ba kh $1,100; k For p upaidby N cabin, Pam LaShelle Licensed electricians on(254) CNA/Van fice; PONIBLES. ¡Es YaAddiestán PALM Harbor bedroom, Sale Int/E x t-R oom bajadores limpieza 3334. RBI 33073. son Tuesday-Saturday om annow! S hS T 512-217-2070 fice; $1,100; bills Onde ym n 512-217-2070 M all nconbills Au aFull an p n 776-7775 B n napply ud JOBS D increases ve4 Monatall oBluebonnet s 3paid Tbath, ans Deve opmen e andsde eve ng F ee ma e 2018 allDR bills paid. Both brand FNeeded: p de aMON Ga d n en alservice.com/apply or Janitorial mp n y de a Cen kaformas concreto un$875; mínimo na an abu VER TOR vans AVAILABLE. ria, needed and 570 sq. ftub office; ized ties.c om 15—5-5 with microbactetions, Tiling ,empleos Doors, Coastal Hay. $65 cuT FErTILIZEr cost, acre country setting, v23108 ound Wes Ave A BR BA Temp menCON h andwood 570 sq. accents ftgermination, office; $875; disponibles los 3ThPreparadores bedroom, 2 nbath, with Law Puppy k$199,000, H a dPass nS.E. a and as is.aBoth build outs: Spanish Manufactured NOW H NG Ma nes nan pbackg m owner, HKn k Dodgen pa Waco, Temple y las Panew D áreas n nac ubworkers $2000 SIGN ON BONUS hyd g n Teache wa DRIVER-MONITOR hormigón y OPEN terminadores de 1bills año deB experiencia. Ca ma Labarn CONCRETE M 2016 a R adSolitaire P NA P a inting ,RDry wall, Electrical Services. all paid. brand Appliances po c en s n 7 passen h ng s F oa 254 780 7670 MMED ATE NG WOW! online at www.janitoriin Waco, Temple NEEDED and & part-time jobs available growth and production, d p all bills paid. Both brand per bale if picked up. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, ma Pa n n S nd R um soil, N-TEXX A Garag es Bu d Conv ng Temple, $695 deposit, T mp T Sys mp., ems bLoop. h d m ugpa k een and dapav improves check sc m T acircundantes. 2000 JLocated EE P Cherokee, e Trimy $39,900. mpM n Valley, B SD de hormigón David L. King tarifa de pago por hora se k ng a h a h n m dwaymhp @gma m Ch&A nT mm ngd de tiempo completo Priced for IM2x6 walls. Delivery, setup new build outs: in Temple. On y 3320 nT Pecan Au a de an or best offer. 3/2, w/b P NA T ee housing A partir NEEDED TRACTOR m h ge$1200 o new 15 passenge vans Free build outs: suLab & aAhours des PVease ap alservice.com/apply Home, 2v bedroom, 2E Call bath, Faxthrough p m Ca microbacteor best offer. & More. F ree E st. Temple. 254-760-2995 and surrounding areas. Cen Tex ARC seek ng 40 a week Mon. Av M ng m n mp x and Fu Fri. m now! n !N ! AVAILABLE !! ound d dand xpTproduction, n d ees una empresa Needed: Janitorial applied. Deal determinará según la expe-$23/acre neConstrucción, nd van dua Delivery 3320 Pecan Valley, p& Sp yavailable. R a available a part-time jobs growth Call 254-771-0801. 15—5-5 with Modu a W necesita: Bu d Puppy Berc a sk ial $695 mo., 254-624-2779 e s cense h gh ! ! ! Com m ! ! ! medio! Se traMEDIATE SELL! 254-933and dual A/C included. S hw n T xa 3320 Pecan Valley, fireplace, nice neighbor ( 254) 278-8364. Mow ng Edg ng C ean 338-1337 or 466-7650 E M P L E O S D I S u ym@ n m $8 por hora. Por favor Cen-Tex ARC is seeking andscap ng mow ng offic e, retail, warePay ba d n xp n VERY N CE App WATER TEMPLE ers d n a n u n and ove see c en Berry s ac 771 y pe son a n puestos 1402 riencia el conocimiento Temple. 254-760-2995 anLab antiene pa CL&L hiring aPplocal, real wood cabinets, tape Fu me at and men maLand, Starting $8PaPa pern hour. 20 dm workers inyTREE Waco, Temple needed. Investm ent NIcE WAShErS, Johnny Teague (281) Cash oNeeded: Houses Any o now! Janitorial $23/acre applied. DealTemple. Damon 254-760-2995 A p an P JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases NOW HTrucks Rde NGlimpieza ois he On schoo o GED house m for E ad p oma A C and m an F pvore aTR Ga Nv PONIBLES. GE UCK inmediatos disponibles T mp puesto nand ygermination, a included ka ndryand up bajadores en 3334. RBI 254-933-3334. 33073. wide hood, furniture del solicitado. Por Rake Leaves 2018 PALM Harbor m u 33073. n llame aMon nuestra oficina al ng Full-time Part-time ! !nLAR ! Com m erc ial !lease ! !d n mmanue Bap s Ch d pa ng& enc ng house p ve m Caour Tr v es Pass RBI backg ound Pup Wes Ave ACNA’s • - ny$1000 SIGN 1BA Co on 1 at P roperties, and CDL drivers. Home every d2/10 Pay dmTemp p ndAppe x and textured walls, plyD oage s¡ Ya Testán ans Please call office � ����G ����I�A����S �OR David P roperties LOAD, g ood flea m by hable gh1BR and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702ba kh kON hBONUS p u and N ub Pa D arn bu ca ed oeS in any cond on para preparadores ers, and en hyd grefrigerators, nand wa production, 924-4460 or email: johnworkers Waco, Temple ers needed. Berry Ca pBarr n y Damon aestm mu favor solicite en persona part-time jobs available growth o ow ng pos onseáreas Land, Inv ent p nn W n Adam n Suud de & Good sBu aused ng pay Wanted doublewide an Smal h S T mp (negotiable). Waco, Temple y las Lawnca P va e Fence disponibles los empleos 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Business P roperties. p B ket/ y ard sale stuff. Driver-Monitors. Transma Deve opmen Cen s (254) 776-7775 o solicite eve ng F ee Es ma e A es d ng Sys ems ( 254) 526-2277 Wanted used check d& ug sc een d v Mow WOW! e c coun yn 7seor ng m na home. ub Reasonable an abu T a P TCmp B SD ma encofrados2016 de Solitaire concreto mobile roperties, and k ng a$8 h per adoublewide h Concrete n 36 hours. Competitive � David L. King wood floors, built like a C n x n u n po en s passen (254) 776-7775 apply P NA T ee T mm ng 0 ac GED Farm ranch Starting at hour. 3797. 325 650 5900 cook stoves. Rebuilt nyteague@sbcglobal. BR BA m n h and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702 $195 or b est offer. Eng nee now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. DealDollar Saver Monday, August 2019 1 Hcalificados a hN n da and meCa Modu nc eases d ma va David Barr P roperties www.davidbarrproper ptio mobile home. Reasonable Business P roperties. 972-392-2334 nk 2for dbath, circundantes. Aspartir yxp terminadores conc e12, e sell. wo kIMde tiempo completo $39,900. Priced for 254n u nd v in dua on •Sdd2dnd RN/LVN Weekend Licensed electricians port clients 7 passenConstruction, 1629 S. Fort • Transporta� CNA/Van Driver h ng Teache FHealth oade 254 780 7670 en línea en www.janitori aDoubles Bu Pa d ng price. 254-421-3536 e s cense and h gh lands Home, bedroom, Ca $695 depos package includes: d p-atmust ge oe( 254) 15 passenge vansyand HOUSE Mow ng Edg ng C ean online at www.janitoriR um ties.c Dav id 254-278-8364. Ba rr Pom roperties 526-2277 b Temp and Please call our office at price. 254-421-3536 with 90 day warranty. net n a n u n Starting $8 per hour. 3797. de concreto con un mínimo m dwaymhp @gma m Pu chase Manage workers Waco, Temple needed. Berry aHood aMiscellaneous anDamon p Killeen. n pa needed ateave Bluebonnet ca on s in ckR and 11 ers Street, ElShIPPINg Dav d Fax L K ng C n u cONTAIN ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous $8 por hora. Por favor F ee Es ma es medio! Se necesita: tra MEDIATE SELL! 254-933ger or 15 passenger vans e s & A des P ease ap ( 254) 526-2277 NOW H NG o he alservice.com/apply schoo d p oma o GED OFFICE SPACE real cabinets, tape www.davidbarrproper COMP LE TE TWIN mo 254 2779 insurance, paid vacation, SIGN ON BONUS and ove see624 c en s ac Please de 1wood año de La 2 933-3334. RBI 33073. ng Rake Leaves Dollar SaverServices. Monday, August 12, 2019 m u m 254-702App y n Electrical alservice.com/apply JEup E Pvexperiencia. Cherokee, horario de atención es de NRwEHTAINING ng $2000 and age apWALL and n2000 a aPart ha Ac� oPLE (254) 776-7775 or apply va $695 Delivery, service work, 1BR 1BA Co on 1 at www.davidbarrproper V ec c anoficina and areas. 254-793-2318, ho days Med ca TEMPLE Den a BE On y RBI ncall Mour n office Au App ErS $2,000 u• ym@ nampany mhora STONE S, Call Time vity Assistant g E N TsLa E and Mup. Ipay xWind ED REDUCED Fo Sa e abyan ShIPPINg cONTAINVERY N CE33073. llame nuestra al and ties.c om ound D, with extra linen. WATER TREE 2191 718 9765 and bajadores de backg limpieza 3334. client’s actarifa pago por se pcompany y naE pe a Fence 1402 np ybest mu osurrounding ow ng pos ons pand noversee W Adam Su Located in Temple. $1200 Good ng and lunes aHouse viernes de 8:00 ga( nBINGO p 526-7310. a12x a4" .and 3Bd/ 2Ba in Rogers. walls, plymm dtextured aCadep or n offer. ava 401k. ties.c om v es Pass Tre Lawnca e Pson va eBi-annual o Houses Any oen771 254) FOR Only one LEASE Mini Australian Puppy k orGaNEW ed www.janitorid 11 Cash 40 hours week Mon. through Fri. need non-working ones. eVFW coun y aga se ng an Fas p B a a $199 d n ac $0 DOWN on (254) 776-7775 apply P umbe T mp n254-771-0801. y aab kaenhour. and online at $8 per 3797. determinará según Want To Buy Call (at 254) 526-7310. C( 254) n x kC278-8364. n d u lann expe- Starting nsu ance ava Ap Call and water tight. See phoMotorcycles a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Todos B r e e d C o w s a n d For Sale by Owner, $130K. av a m owne s 000 ErS $2,000 and up. Wind ab (254) 776-7775 o solicite Post #4008 tivities. Pass background Wes Ave A Temp e Waco, Temple y las áreas real Estate For Eng nee Ea me nc eases Pa d va Puppy left. Black tri-color, ma Pais n hiring n floors, built like a Please raises,conc e guaranteed WOW! 2016 Solitaire check een donv Sma Da h 799-6228, hund pup m(254) hWing Recently ub PaTrucks D 4 and e wo k wood ed o d ug anysccond hyd g n waour office at alservice.com/apply riencia y eland conocimiento n a ca refurbished 3,500 COMP LE TE TWIN CL&L Cayour Bu n n as nuestros sitios de trabajo 2007 Honda Gold en Fenced yard, storage shed. e $695 depos (254) home. Use at www.janitorim pen e call Lawn tos www.steelcontainers. male $300. Parents on bes em 3 2land wSDb Temp Stocker Calves. Call pw m Ca A es Bu d ng sell. Sysnems and water tight. pho en líneaCa en www.janitoriShIPPINg check, drug screen, drivcircundantes. Aand partir deMoTonline chase Sale a mp Band ma h ma Por p y kaPu ng 2410 aEas hManage a Adams h n ca on s ck eave and 11 Dav d L KcONTAINng Clasntagged u BE D, with extra linen. w $700.00 week min. Must P NA T Belton T See mm ng HOUSE - must se encuentran en áreas Trike, 12,000m miles, eWE s650 cense h Ungh sq.ft. office and warehouse CL&L Trucks is254-654-4833 hiring 254-423-2109 Home, 2d Tobedroom, bath, O aee n 624 FM F ee Es ma es 5900 • 2/10 CNA’s - $1000 SIGN ON ndelh puesto w h solicitado. m n mum254 CDL drivers. Home 2every 20 premises. Call mo 254 2779 Ap 325 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 214-5284. Temple: (254) Buy & Repair down payment. Call for2 $695 alservice.com/apply deBONUS (254) or apply N dWe d xp n d CL& Temp EOE ngha ma hD favor solicite en persona en n u e776-7775 nd v dua WE Buy & Repair UnN aModu wH ng and ap and pa nP ainspected, a and mpany ha E M L E O S I S net Will deliver. (254) 722Call ( 254) 526-7310. ep ace n ce ne ghbo (254) 749-0909 (254) a Bu d ng and ap ng tos www.steelcontainers. and great condier’s license and high de Temple, Belton y Kil alservice.com/apply ErS $2,000 up. Wind E ec c an $8 por hora. Por favor Sa ad TX ho days Med ca Den a y xp n H u y space. Located on corner Lic #1-74-6066507-2 • Spanish Manufactured Da h hund pup m h be 25 years of age, with a Mow ng Edg ng C ean CDL drivers. Home every 933-3334. RBI d pBroken oma o ATV’s, GED or 254-493-4537. real wood cabinets, tape 771 2191 718 Concrete 36 hours. Competitive d nPa a n e9765 n u n Davidga d wd a mEl d$23,000 a TWIN ahacia n ava d a a at an p n pa nw p King a 33073. y n schoo 35 mm pTE nnegotiable. ams 541-6023 tion. leen. viaje y4270, wanted/ details, 254-933-3334. RBI CDL online www.janitori COMP LE wanted/ Broken ATV’s, WED. AFTERNOONS pay a L. b oa S. dand OFF CE SPACE hood u n u e nc uded PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Burleson, TX. NOW H R NG he 749-5637 lot in downtown Temple. ma m h ma E M P L E O S D I S net Will deliver. (254) 722school diploma or GED. and water tight. See phoQuALITy BuILT homes P umbe llame a nuestra oficina al nsu ance ava ab e Ap up v • RN/LVN for Weekend Doubles Construction, 1629 Fort minimum of 2 years exp. ng Rake Leaves 36 hours. Competitive ! ! K illeen Constr uction m u m App y n h u b k v y housing av a m ag Su Tr Good s a ng pay and ab k d será n proand textured walls, VETERAN YARD CARE Call John 254-760-7852 TEACH NG POS T ON BE D, wlos ith ex tra linen. desde sitios package includes: Health G up Open k ng 1BR 1BA Co&age onply1 Sk Doors 11am $0 DOWN on NEW m n d up nngN. xp nons and Want To Buy ngha ma h e byto Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. 36 Fo Da mu ve REDUCED Fo Sa alservice.com/apply Off-street parking. 407 C���e�� S�., Ro���u� Sma Lawn Bu n Motorcycles Scooters. nego ab e Ca pkEn O yCa Hood Street, Killeen. El o ow pos disponibles los empleos p n W Adam Su w Call ( 254) 526-7310. Good starting pay and PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. & R epair s General m and n Ca pen e tos www.steelcontainers. on your lot. Floor plans T H dg T mm ng W d (254) 776-7775 o solicite ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! p y a 2410 Eas Adams AVA LABLE porcionado por D.L.K. FOR LEASE package includes: Health a u m Ca p n E M P L S D I S 254-527-3342, ask for Lawnca e P va e Fence Session Starts 12:30pm me nc Paa d kn w dg p n esap wood floors, built like aoffic insurance, paid vacation, d wPick-Up maseases d s a(903) n000 dva ac coun yLand seap ng Livestock sl M w Ma horario de de B home. Use your land Cwn C Hand nm u e n and Contact K owne a atención n FM as nEmployment h increases. w de hcompleto m mum We 336 $199 edxa Hom e RRandy epair/Maint. WANT TO LEASE LAND for pac retail, Eae ng C nSELL! a Hug LOaS n ng D C In S - de vehículos lanPaid empresa 972 392los 2334 We Pick-Up (903) 336 Eng n e,hFRI. n euwaren woam tiempo y merit vaAFTERNOONS • Part Ac� vity MuST Country disponibles empleos p2018 dO anee n de E M P L EWe net Will deliver. (254) 722money Temp e254-774-5204 EOE en línea ! ! K insurance, paid vacation, h u budget. ben v y 11 Rob orAssistant Lacey. and conc eTime k WE PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Harbor nany u kbwww.janitorihNo d and FOr SALE Well Fertil254-583-7904 and ap ng ca on sBINGO ck eave lunes aPALM dey for 8:00 ON du R fit company 401k. SaPviernes ad TX app 2000 HOUSE must sell. y a eliminar xp nlos gastos H u y eM w- $695 depos cattle grazing, will im- insu house & m ore for Int/E xt-R oom Adding Edg BBi-annual w 254 ro para de Mu b JE E P Cherokee, d hav Buy Repair Un- Livestock a C yDoors H a lease h Pay Open 5pm pdown n aachase Dav d p.m. LCallKTodos ng odown. bes oPost e wa 3 2houw b Temp BINGO 9086 do S d ng&ns a e d & w100% 9086 Pupayment. Manage medio! Se necesita: tra cation, sick leave and 11 a.m. 4:00 Pa n e David L. King Construccabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, ha q de tiempo completo y $1200 or best offer. o and PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. financing. VFW #4008 OWNER FINANCE company 401k. Bi-annual alservice.com/apply pay a w b d BATH OFF CE SPACE provements. References F ee Es ma es David Barr P roperties disponibles los empleos 3 bedroom, 2 bath, viaje de los empleados C anup ized Coastal Hay. $65 ho days Med ca Den a h gh h d p ma GED tions, Tiling, Doors, BINGO raises, guaranteed ang h u Session Starts p6:30pm 933-3334. RBI 33073. $695 mo 254 624 2779 C n C n u n H wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI VETERAN YARD CARE TEACH NG POS T ON com nuestros sitios de trabajo N w H ng and ap and NEED TRUCK DRIVER ( 254) 278-8364. tion, a local company, has ! ! K illeen Constr uction ep ace n ce ne ghbo va Sk G up k ng n App y n pe son a 12.5 Acres. Water meter. VFW m n d AVAILABLE. up Post n Medical-Dental xp#4008 n Full and raises, h g EN T LAVA E M IDrywall, x Eup. D in 20 E ec c JOBS available. 254-865-3546 pa Lo a ava d onprogram. H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� ( 254) holidays. bajadores de limpieza en FURNISHED EFFICIENRandy ba kg und ng p n Fo Saver kandlos D ve P ainting, barn wood accents Se tra- guaranteed ba dSUNDAY n 526-2277 xp n B n disponibles empleos AFTERNOONS Credit repair Bd Ba H u necesita: n R Must gwith S$39,900. F H d Ca Senan K 771 2191 718 9765 In JUST BUILT OUT de tiempo Priced IM-2 Belton nsu ance ab o e n Ap medio! per bale if spicked Dollar Monday, August 12, 2019 $700.00 week min. & R epair General T Hend dgn Tp completo mm ng encuentran las áreas LABLE Appliances ga a Scooters. a W and d y VFW Post #4008 with dump experience. immediate positions avail FOR LEASE ase u m p for n hav ohood Ag exempt. Beautiful. kn w dg p n ap lain rais Motorcycles & 33073. 2001 Winnebago Brave www.davidbarrproper $0 DOWN on NEW Livestock Exp n a p u App y n u n u e nc uded Want To Buy n down own T mp Garage Conv., Trim 1919 Mue e Road Doors Open 4pm a d Da h Flat hund pup m setup hK umbe Fbajadores Sa byde Own BBHom rae eOFFICE d w nnd year & part-time available nn e week RC epair/Maint. available. CIES. Screen TVs, Belton Waco, Temple áreas g Eties.c N T Lom E M Idx E D R�h�� Ma e skilled acompleto Hand e min. Must xti Ea ngav na dependable aptrade Temple, Kil- 2x6 walls. Delivery, limpieza en Hug LoSPACE! a nsng aCall C m Land ag de tiempo y Must beC and MEDIATE 857-4663. for concrete hH u PSELL! n Belton u 254-933n y p am #1-74-6066507-2 GED (254) Owner/ agent !WANTED ! erc ial ! !y!App y a Lic 2410 pInsurance d! Com Pjobs aymiles, n $700.00 medio! Se necesita: be years age, with a Delivery available. Dm nk y las happ pable n �n� R nSession uCa b h5:30pm Starts Dachshund pups smooth Int/E t-R oom P a m h ma & More. F2 dAddiree E st.$70 Belton Fhome. n 25 dma ya d of ag h das pa k ngEas Adams 35C, 54,336 Ford n aEl MHnday u y We Pick-Up (903) Two spaces: 730age, sq. ftwith of-hav Sma Lawn Use your land ab e viaje fuP ng MTexas w Edg B w336- aMuST Mu bx T oy 76579 have good references. Land, Inv estm ent form setters and concrete m pen aleen. C yCa aeCountry hhaciahPay WED. AFTERNOONS Stocker Calves. Call SELL! now! Needed: Pam at 2410 East Adams, p n Onego Full Kitchen. pply nLic a dJanitorial L Kde ng be 25 years a 721-3 SS d ng ns circundantes. ARealtors partir e d@dkLARGE Cand oma s Bum a nn d h p LaShelle g#1-74-6066507-2 a Dav any h and dual A/C included. Waco, Temple yyears las áreas tions, Tiling ,or Doors, medio! Se necesita: H B a ne tra- females, 2dof smooth males, Temp e EOE Rand 11am nghaof ma hCable, minimum 2Free: exp. M ar eow gmwup bajadores de RBI 33073. qB wa hou 338-1337 466-7650 Johnny Teague (281) F3334. day am fice; $1,100; all bills paidGED beG w and 9086 FOr hunting/ desde los sitios pm será h proCon a392 P roperties, and ai2 Ca anup h gh h #1-74-6066507-2 pDry mawall, Lic O ema nlimpieza FM en 830-220-7830. finishers with minimum of Tritron V10 6.8 liter, 1 Doors Open ang p u WED. AFTERNOONS 512-217-2070 C n C n u n yu yn LOOkINg 972 2334 P a inting , WE Buy & Repair Undown payment. Call for NIcE WAShErS, dry a m an ma o aha s@ 407 N. C���e�� S�., Ro���u� We de (254) 749-0909 (254) Temple. EOE NON-SMOKING cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, in Waco, Temple 1570 longhair male, shots, minimum of 2office; years exp. Internet. Paid. No d w m dBillsaA a33073. n dfor App yde n pe son a en workers qua d and n onROOM dCall $8 por hora. Por favor Stocker Calves. Business P roperties. g E N T L E M I x E D and sq. ft $875; A u b a n 254-933-3334. RBI circundantes. partir de and ap ng pa Lo a d o n porcionado por D.L.K. bajadores limpieza co& Randy WED. AFTERNOONS ba kg und and ng p n COMP LE TE TWIN Sa ad TX 254-527-3342, ask 1 year experience. Hourly Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm WANTED D nk y h ba d n xp n B n Waco, Temple y las áreas Garag e Conv ., Trim 924-4460 or email: john SLAR F HrrTR dP roperties SUCKK recreation property? We details, GE 4 slide (living and dining WOW! Solitaire Hot Food Available Dav idBa dewormed, create trained, h u No b Deposit. kREF v NG yRBI 3 254-933-3334. ers, refrigerators, and WANT TOMue LEASE LAND for and all bills Both brand TEACH ON Tbarn mp B2016 nn elaand K aD, esbu ngs com vehículos de empresa Pa In Doors Open Exp n paid. aApplication, p u11am App n min 254-527-3342, ask forin& More. F ree E st.y BE withd extra linen. Fertilizer o(254) n down own T mp Lease/ 749-5637 wood with surrounding areas. Session Starts 12:30pm w 1919 Road pay rate wille be deterand wanted/ a daccents OFF CE SPACE BATHTUB N SH hFRI. p AFTERNOONS g Broken aNG POS any TATV’s, h llame a nuestra oficina al 749-0909 (254) B r e e d C o s a n d n H u p $8 por hora. Por favor Waco, Temple y las áreas LOAD, good flea m arRob or Lacey. 254-583-7904 ( 254) 526-2277 Appliances circundantes. A partir de nyteague@sbcglobal. Maximum Pay Out house broke. 350.00 very Spanish Manufactured w Hupon R NGexperience as have some of the best n cattle grazing, will paced do and im- CATTLE WORK NG hauh u p LAR VETERAN YARD CARE new build outs: TEACHING POSITION 338-1337 or 466-7650 AVA LABLE room). 254-760-1876 para los gastos de NOW n a eliminar a2Pbedroom, T av and 254 Session Starts 12:30pm 25 Home, 2 bath, Sk G up k ng n Call ( 254) 526-7310. FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm mined ap a ma Farm & ranch h m R pa n p W a m an ma Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. O pa k ng cook stoves. Rebuilt GE TR UCKa n a M nday Fu me pos ons Fo k D ve www.davidbarrproper Rob or Lacey. crease growth and produc Ranch House Inn al CALL DOLLAR SAVER ket/ yDoors ard sale stuff. T oy TexasA 76579 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup Starting at $8 per hour. Bd Ba H Starts uLT nngR Cg n (254) 776-7775 o solicite 749-5637 sweet) 531-218-7303 Stocker Calves. Call JUST BU OUT llame a nuestra oficina provements. References circundantes. partir de T H dg T mm ng W d ng p nn ng p b m a 3320 Pecan Valley, AVAILABLE B a Hug L a n viaje de los empleados m w b p v d d FRI. AFTERNOONS FOR LEASE a u m Ca p n Manufactured S H B n Open 5pm $8 por hora. Por favor net Session 6:30pm housing knowledge of position apLAR GE TR UCKy n Fin awood @ cabinets, k g up tape m cus ome 254-865-3546 se v ce cash e ties.c om n and bTRUCK ga Ov Texas, from the336hill a NEED LOAD, good flea m ar- Rob F$195 day am pm Con real DRIVER or best offer. Sa byAFTERNOONS Own K Pick-Up (903) with day warranty. OFF CE SPACE Ma edA/C a mpany Hand ev dh g nea ogam available. Ea ng C a n Rand Land ap Temple. 254-760-2995 Bear Hugs Learning Center. A wood hau any vatn ket/ tion for your pasture and Mu b 90 d hav EN ema aha s@ Dqua L K Doors Open 5pm and dual included. Please call our office LOAD, m hbene n s uback n Da Session Starts 6:30pm MuST SELL! SUNDAY línea en www.janitori ! por ! oAVAILABLE ! ! in plied for. Please apply (254) 749-0909 (254) K ng FWe and n (254) 776-7775 oCountry y ard sale stuff. yR a bu773-0114 nu b h Ca $8 hora. Por favor Feed & Sup A ug b flea a ar 2013 MXT Toy Hauler. 18ft NEED nnend dsolicite 254 4444 TRUCK DRIVER E Mng P L Ew778 O S aWAShErS, nuestra oficina al by with dump experience. ngh d pa ya dWORK ag hhau d aced a Ko ache K EFFICIENchen 30 en 254-278-8364. country to NG Texas. Tw q4pm FURNISHED ket/ sale stuff.have M Edg B D w I S - llame Must beard 18 orn older, and textured walls, hCATTLE hhousing dservice psouth ma GED k Cay NIcE Session Starts 6:30pm m ng na av33073. x AFTERNOONS a C yOPERATOR Hk a h dryPay 254-933-3334. offic e,atretail, ware Doors Open 9086 Delivery, work, person David L. King (254) Sd ns a e ply o woREF $195 or best offer. TVs, crops. N-TEXX stimulates T mp B and K cuT a esbu d ngs com NEE x SUNDAY 8ft wide, electric jacks, with end dump experience. RBI 776-7775 or apply Must beT dependable and cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, alservice.com/apply g E N L E M I x E D OWNER Fwww.janitoriNANCE 749-5637 q o and wa hou BATHTUB N SH NG en línea en $195 or b est offer. llame a nuestra oficina al ng p nn ng p b m a plies FURNISHED EFFICIEN FErTILIZEr cost, I S a b pa d Feed & SupC anup high school diploma or GED, ba kg und and ng p n PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 2018 PALM Harbor (254) 776-7775 o solicite SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm house & m ore for lease p n mp y ang p h u Session Starts 5:30pm sh hou s pFlat usConstruction, App y n TVs, pe1629 Wanted acreage orany small. used&T av doublewide Water Supplyn CorpoConcrete K e Large CIES. Screen NOW H R dependable NG as paced 254-278-8364. CAT wood floors, built like n a254-278-8364. and& Must ers, refrigerators, full kitchen bath, heat be and R E TAINING WALL have references. o A Wa m need ones. y nConstr pe son a a ! ! KApp illeen uction n439 hd m R xp pa pand ble, soil, microorganisms that with Fu me ons Kil- online A w paB aC d n and qPALM Randy ataS, www.janitori background and finger print. Exp nnon-working a phau u App y v n CALL DOLLAR SAVER Doors Open 4pm David Barr P roperties Starts 5:30pm barn accents rAg ewood exLo dgood won s oawith n d disponibles ba n en n B n LARGE alservice.com/apply mobile home. Reasonable JUST BU los LT OUT CIES. Flat Screen TVs, (254) 776-7775 ou solicite S. Fort Hoodpos Street, p 30 ng soil, N-TEXX stán 2018 Harbor plies mSession w b .p v d d improves JOBS AVAILABLE. Full air, powered awning, have good references. empleos 3en bath, línea e Mus Appliances son Tuesday Sa day a STONE Call Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, mpD own B au 30 year fixed owner has ag full time po- PHOUSE cus ome se v5:30pm ce cash aration nbedroom, and b d www.janitoria 2 Ov & R epair Farm &epair/Maint. WANTED nk y Thu mp -Mue must sell. k cook stoves. Rebuilt b pa d B rate hb and R E TAINING WALL ( 254) 526-2277 Experience a12x4" plus. Apply in 830-220-7830. LARGE n Ca Session Starts o830-220-7830. nwalls. down R E TAINING WALL 1919 eGeneral Road NON-SMOKING ROOM (254) 799-6228, (254) a No pa ad d sranch ma 254d provide essential nutrients price. 254-421-3536 OFF CE SPACE g ea bene back operog leen. Hours ofs office h u pa alservice.com/apply by D L bed, KS, mpany couch, radio, andv h TV. have 2x6 Delivery, setup Stocker Calves. Call Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Own ag n en línea en www.janitoriHom e R ( 254) 526-7310. y a n bu n Ca Da 15—5-5 with microbactepleos 3 bedroom, 2 bath, WANTED Donkeys, horses, h p g a any h Feed & Sup& part-time jobs available de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for IM254 778 4444 STONE 12x 4" . Call alservice.com/apply www.davidbarrproper STONE S, 12x4" . Call NON-SMOKING ROOM person: n w bu d u Internet. Bills Paid. No LARGE JOBS AVAILABLE. Full S Only H Available B Down. n 23108 S EE HK Dodgen sition available for TCEQ h933-3334. pe financing. 5% Hot Food aforKo ache Well K chen 30 830-2 P day a ma FOr SALE Fertilm g oy n xt-R yLE m nad COMP TE TWIN O pa k ng Tw pa q ations are Monday thru RBI 33073. with 90 warranty. In good shape. $12000 Call m na av x 2000 JE P Cherokee, T Texas 76579 Fertilizer Application, in 214-5284. Temple: (254) plants through their Pam LaSh R a o wo k Int/E oom Addi ( 254) 526-7310. sheep, or any other a dual m an ma ties.c om pm and included. (254) 749-0909 (254) Food Available ( 254)goats NON-SMOKING ROOM 500 S. IH-35, Belton Full Internet. Bills Paid. No ria, P Priced an Va yOut Maximum Pay alservice.com/apply a C@ k g up m BE D, d h m g with n Davextra d Doors, L linen. K ng JOBS AVAILABLE. increases germination, to $39,900. fordryIM- & a Well b pa d tra- MEDIATE Friday 8:00am plies now! Needed: Janitorial medio! Se necesita: SELL! 254-933Lease/ No Deposit. Con aA/C Rand or 210-867-0579 p254-228-6109 n Hot mp yPay part-time jobs available $1200 or t best Class License distribuLoop hou sCoastal panimals. us526-7310. App y $65 n procpe y any 800-876-9720 ranchenter ized Hay. tions, FOr SALE FertilDelivery, work, farm 254-865-3546 NIcE WAShErS, growth and offer. produco ema aha s@ Maximum Out Hot Food Available 541-6023 254-933-2803 productive biological T mp Call (Tiling, 254) 526-7310. DOWN on NEW qua dservice and d g E T nL E M Ix E Da Want Ton Buy C$0 n una mp and q Acrease u House b n & 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 749-5637 Lease/ No (AVAILABLE. 254) 278-8364. TOWNHOMES AT part-time jobs available growth and production, PuN ainting, Drywall, tra- prisesltd.com MEDIATE Ranch Inna Full workers inDeposit. Waco, Temple bajadores limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. : K tion operator. now! Needed: Janitorial son Tuesday Saapplied u day aat JOBS Maximum Pay Out dgen per bale if picked up. NOW H R SELL! NG as254-933paced ized Hay. $65 need non-working ones. CATTLE WORK NG hau BATHTUB a n pu a b Coastal pa de d REF B h Nb SH and tion for your pasture and T mp B n and K and ers, refrigerators, and a esbu d ngs com esses. 15-5-5 P pa ad d ma d OWNER F NANCE NG home. Use your land as B r e e d C o w s a n d Garage Conv., Trim 2010 Jayco Jay Flight Ranch House Inn OPERATOR now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. Deal33073. HIRING fast paced CATTLE WORKING, haul and surrounding areas. Waco, yu las ng pRIVER nnin ng& pFAIR b Temple m a nTemple wRbuif This position’s primary nm d& a More. d pons n st. b n a 773-0114 aN-TEXX T avstimulates and pos v d 3334. 23108 Sper E HK Dodgen Waco, dad en & part-time jobs available hNOW m n Travel y Well m nad Fertil available. Call ARBI Wav ce m cus ome se cash e workers n!per mbale padpicked n páreas up. WOW! 2016 Solitaire crops. F ree E (254) 799-6228, (254) !h AVAILABLE ! ! Farm ranch FOr SALE Fu me 19’gBH Trailer, new ! ! Delivery cook stoves. Rebuilt $23.00 acre. AVAILABLE CALL DOLLAR SAVER OPERATOR WE Buy &the Repair Un- down payment. Call for Stocker Calves. Call JUST LT OUT � �OR Employment ing, penning, problem cat- CL& A wBU hau any v Lots/Land/ Pb an y m w b p v d!d!workers pa a 338-1337 p pa ad 466-7650 d bv h dcustomer h m773-0114 g nWaco, Dav dTemple Lhour. K ng ers 439 Water Supply Corpo Ag xache mp BKCherokee, auchen u in needed. Damon Berry service/cashier áreas aoffic n����G ande, g aVa Ov or Starting at $8 per FOr SALE Well Fertilcircundantes. A����I�A����S partir de function isTemple: operation tires, $6,500. 254-721-0104 Loop and surrounding areas. retail, warenow! Needed: Janitorial Johnny Teague (281) WOW! 2016 Solitaire 2000 E P a KoJE 30 soil, microorganisms that Delivery available. Call Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 214-5284. (254) OFF CE SPACE ized Coastal Hay. $65 g ea bene s back og offic e, retail, w are with 90 day warranty. September 14 @ 10am tle. Also will haul any live k Ca Contact Carlos Morris BELTON 439 Water Supply CorpoT mp by D L K mpany v h x n ad d n ir de wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI C n u n una mp a ! ! K illeen Constr uction (254) 749-0909 (254) Own ag n offer. y a n&bu n Ca lease Da Acreage CDL 254 778 4444 ration hasata $8 fullHay. po-house at Kolache Kitchen, 30 254-793-2318, $1200 or best surrounding areas. 254-702m ore for and maintenance of a a Please callifore our office at ized Coastal $65 $8 hora. Por favor Tw pa qtimehour. LAR GE TR UCK Starting per stock. Call 254-865-3546 workers Temple na s General avhouse x and ad o y wo km nad 924-4460 ora email: john 439 hou s pLaSh us App pe Home, 2AVAILABLE. bedroom, 2n bath, provide essential nutrients R epair m for a& npicked pu Johnny Teague (281) real wood cabinets, tape L& n in dmWaco, an Pam R ay work, •por Transporta�on CNA/Van Dr ver 541-6023 per bale up.lease Delivery, service ration has fullfor time po- 36 254-421-1276 fertilizer •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Motorcycles &flea Scooters. 33073. 749-5637 JOBS Full Wan ( 254) 278-8364. g E N T L E I x E D a picked bM pa dup. LOAD, good m arDavid Barr P roperties WILdFIrE ArENA COMPLEx sition available for TCEQ p n mp y ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! hours plus. Apply in perHom e R epair/Maint. d n n un m n m Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. avor nm d a d p n b purchased water distri n d d a B u b nn (254) 776-7775 or apply per bale if d u d d ub w d llame a nuestra oficina al call office at and surrounding areas. Dav Ba rr P roperties ratio for plants through their id son Tuesday Sa u day a Please nyteague@sbcglobal. Spanish Manufactured wood cabinets, tape d real 924-4460 or email: johnand textured walls, ply- d available and for sales. TCEQ pack Calld sition application non-working ones. Olga’s Cleaning Services ket/ y ard sale stuff. and q Cour RENToffic e, retail, ware� ����G Int/E xt-R Addi- Delivery We Pick-Up (903) 336( 254) 526-2277 $2000 GN ON BONUS añ d xp ����I�A����S n a La &need part-time jobs available B e e776-7775 o$2,000 wR sdistribuaCall n d (254) pa a p available. pa adoffice WEST TExAS Trans mClass b r hdm a nab E a S oom v�OR C License SELL! Country son Tuesday-Saturday call our atat ShIPPINg bution lines, online at www.janitoriDelivery available. 776-7775 o Ssolicite 14343 S. IH-35 • Salado, TX (n 254) 526-2277 Residential/ Commerical apply $195 or system best offer. a b pa d B h or b and biological procStarting atdore $8 per hour. 23108 S E HK Dodgen net house lease housing tions, Tiling, Doors, cONTAINtextured walls, ply- Pproductive pa adam ma d Please dna al and Class C License distribu- sitio nyteague@sbcglobal. wood floors, built like a MuST a a d pag p h a Johnny (281) ad Teague d n www.davidbarrproper (254) 799-6228, (254) p(254) L& n dTfor mp Diana White Employment AT 9086 now! Needed: Janitorial Stocker Calves. Call area, near Lake insu tion operator. 30 years experience. Free 254-278-8364. n w bu d u cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen FOr SALE Well FertilP ainting, Drywall, David Barr P roperties 40 hours a week Mon through Fr (254) 776-7775 or apply valves, and meters. licite h m g n y m nad K ng Pecos www.davidbarrproper alservice.com/apply Johnny Teague (281) en línea en www.janitori d m na á gún a xp TOWNHOMES AT a ad y m nad ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Clas esses. 15-5-5 at www.janitoriCacall Please our office Loop M L E O S D I S - L BINGO n dand up.an 2015 Ford F-150 XL, •P Transporta�on CNA/Van Drapplied ver Katngat 924-4460 ties.c om ErS $2,000 Wind com wood floors, like a online tion operator. 2 ExitEstimate 283 IH-35 &Monday, FM net HOUSE - 2019 must sell. 254- E or email: john214-5284. Temple: (254) 713.859.2952 Bonded & 2268 InP an Va y(254) Conv., ( 254) 2 Dollar Saver August 12, workers in60 Waco, d Garage h m g 526-2277 n Dav d L Trim (254) 749-0909 pitoria Amistad. Land, Inv estm ent This position’s primary - built 450Temple acres. n a y n m n d n n un m n m Loop. barn wood accents with CL&L T ucks s h ng Charcoal Gray, Super Cab, n d d a B u b nn ized Coastal Hay. $65 ties.c om TOWNHOMES AT Please send resume to online at www.janitoriH nda G d W ng R E TAINING WALL 924-4460 or email: johnalservice.com/apply tion $23.00 per acre. (254) 776-7775 orHarbor apply ¡ ad Ya Sestán 2018 PALM This position’s primary Appliances & More. F ree E st.a nyteague@sbcglobal. sured. 254-295-3578 and water tight. See pho- rais T mp HOUSE - must sell.areas. 254- alservice.com/apply P roperties, and FAIR 933-3334. RBI 33073. C n RIVER u n una mp 541-6023 VFW Chappell Hill operation Reality Motorcycles $2000 GNwww.davidbarrproper ON BONUS d k añ d mxp6 1/2’ nFor a La pu P JOBS AVAILABLE. Full dPONIBLES. S, 103k miles, bed E Post a S#4008 v Estate function is the and surrounding STONE 12x4" . Call 749-5637 Treal agg d Electricity, water, easy • 2/10 CNA s $1000 S GN ON BONUS 338-1337 or 466-7650 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup CDL d ve s Home eve y Selling 2 CrewS per bale if picked up. Business Pwith roperties. olgalidia629@gmail.com ties.c om erron@439watersupply.com alservice.com/apply Contact Carlos Morris nyteague@sbcglobal. Thi b a n pu function RIVER FAIR at www.janitoridisponibles los 3 bedroom, 2 bath, a a dp pag pV6, h and tos av n p empleos na n online www.steelcontainers. 933-3334. RBI 33073. w/liner, 3.5L cloth L ais dthe n Toperation mp ( 254) 526-7310. net and n d g a Group Dav id Ba rr P roperties & part-time jobs available BELTON Motorcycles $0 DOWN on NEW Belton and maintenance of a Sale Want To Buy $700 Starting at $8 per hour. d Wan access, whitetail, dove, jareal Estate For 40 hours a week Mon Fr nm d athrough d fertilizer p nb d u d d ub w d LAR GE TR UCK and dual A/C included. 36 hou s Compe ve • Construction d m na á gún a xp Delivery available. Call or contact 439 Water Dav d L K ng C n seats, new larger tires and Ca 254-421-1276 for func net and maintenance of a ( 254) 526-2277 n n g ab H nda G d W ng m$0 alservice.com/apply denLOAD, tiempo completo yHigh $39,900. for or IM Diploma E Mn sporty Pa LBELTON E O S DmI Sn- net Will deliver. (254) 722 � ����G �OR WE Buy & Repair Un- be pa aSchool p Priced pa ad dGED good flea m arhthick m a views, nab now! Needed: Janitorial DOWN onoffice NEW NIcE WAShErS, Lic #1-74-6066507-2 •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Hea y purchased water distrihome. Use yours����I�A����S as • RN/LVN for Weekend Doub esland C254-933-3334. u n Teague S F 2 Please call cover, our CL&L T ucks h dryng velina, Sale • Farm & Shop Equipment Ca J hn y rims, newnbrakes, Tb Olga’s kEmployment mRServices agg at dpackage nc udes h www.davidbarrproper RBI 33073. Supply Corporation at Johnny (281) Fo FOr SALE Well Fertil sales. and SELL! d and purchased water distri- n application ad n ket/ ySe ard sale stuff. COMP LE TE TWIN d medio! necesita: traMEDIATE 254-933 phome. WED. AFTERNOONS PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. L nCleaning d d your an nd d pu ad P ties.c om recent inspection/tags, H d S K n E wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Olga’s Cleaning Services •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Two (2) years of relevant work experience. Tta RENT$2,000 workers in Waco, Temple Use land as ers, refrigerators, and bution system lines, and n p g a • 2/10 CNA s $1000 S GN ON BONUS Motorcycles QuALITy BuILT homes WE Buy & Repair Undown payment. Call for • Vehicles CDL d Transporta� ve s Home eveon yat Residential/ Commerical (254) apply nsu canyons. at $650/ real Estate $195 best 254-933-2133 or visit a ad y m For nad ance pa d vaca on BE with linen. nm 924-4460 or email: johnpur Doors Open 11am lines, min Spanish Manufactured cuT FErTILIZEr cost, ized Coastal Hay.APTS. $65 Licensed electricians n 776-7775 d dStarting a B u bnor nn • CNA/Van Driver system avResidential/ n Ranch p na color-matched Si- n bution HOLLY OAKS NOW HIRING! hbajadores aD, d or a extra nlimpieza n offer. den 12101 Commerical and de 3334. RBI 33073. PINA CONCRETE CON Moffat Road. 2/1/1, disponibles los empleos n gFreeab tio IM Olga’s Cleaning Services 30 years experience. R Motorcycles & Scooters. RENT$2,000 Diana White • Part T me Ac�v ty Ass stant Farm & ranch 254-278-8364. BINGO valves, and meters. • Boats and surrounding areas. Undown payment. Call for cook stoves. Rebuilt d n n un m n m Call ( 254) 526-7310. La AC. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 254on your lot. Floor plans to wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI 36 hou s Compe ve Session Starts 12:30pm needed atKBluebonnet online Ehn at www.janitoria S v erra incl! QuALITy homes Dav d Lcamper ngshellC n !un ! ! Com mnerc driver’s and must have a clean driving record west-company Temple Temps a v Valid dial ! ! !license 30 years experience. Free Sale 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Livestock 401k B annua n but nyteague@sbcglobal. Ch&A, $700 $500 valves, and meters. housing improves soil, N-TEXX per bale ifBuILT picked up. 1BR/1BA upstairs & sm Ca J866-286-0199 Residential/ Commerical Estimate Bonded & In Trim trees, áreas de completo $2000 SIGN ON BONUS d añ d rent, xp Solitaire n adeLa TRACTOR. a FRI. AFTERNOONS Electrical Services. $17,599 Michael: L a d254-295-3578 n #4008 T mp • RN/LVN for Doub es C ntiempo u n& SIn- UnF y We • Trailers Diana White Pick-Up (903) 336713.859.2952 315 W. Ave M Free Estimate Bonded &money WOW! 2016 Please send resume to aWaco, m a Temple pymlas T d Weekend Land, Investm ent $8 perHea hour. TV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI with 90at day warranty. WE Buy Repair Rob CaL & part-time jobs available RE TAINING WALL fit any budget. No & Scooters. Starting 33073. package nc udes h VFW Pos posit. Spivey Real Estate alservice.com/apply lot. Floor plans to Motorcycles 30 years experience. sured. TX 76513. valv aon ses gua an Please send resume to E M P L E O S D I S net 15—5-5 with microbacteykxpng ernttexasland.com a a d pag p h a downstairs. Washer Delivery available. Strong knowledge of diesel engine repair ! !your ! Com m erc ial !eed !Call !and Doors Open 5pm 254-598-9358; Located in Temple. Ca H d S K n E sured. 254-295-3578 landscaping, mowing, circundantes. A de nu d partir STONE S, 12x4" .aba Call medio! Se necesita: tra• Portable Buildings P roperties, and 254-753-5341 713.859.2952 Chappell Hill Reality Estimate Bonded & Inolgalidia629@gmail.com 9086 erron@439watersupply.com OLD RECORDS, Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Please call our office at ters. 33073. Delivery, service work, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 40 hours a week Mon. through Fri. Land, Inv estm ent now! Needed: Janitorial nsu ance pa d vaca on down. 100% financing. We Pick-Up (903) 336Prior d m na á BuILT gún homes a xp PONIBLES. n fit any budget. No QuALITy 6:30pm Call 254-771-0801. h a liskamo@yahoo.com dfencing, a n¡ Yanhouse gE T L xáfavor E D Be on olgalidia629@gmail.com Plea erron@439watersupply.com 00 week mgermination, nand Mus H nda G d money W ng MuST SELL! Country están PALM (• nN u n254) anEP526-7310. nM aIme aAc�v dryer. Covered parking. AVAILABLE. Full$700 ria, increases Johnny Teague (281) NEE Business roperties. sured. 254-295-3578 Immanuel painting, NPme JOBS P roperties, g ESession N T LStarts EBaptist M IHarbor xChild ED Part TPor ty stant $8 por hora. 2001 W nnebago B ave BINGO bajadores de end 2018 FURNISHED Chappell Reality n a Ass yGroup n m n or contact Water Call in Your AFTERNOONS SUNDAY CL&L T ucks s h ngHigh real wood cabinets, tape un arepair v Hill nEFFICIEN (254) 776-7775 apply 336- workers need Motorcycles &limpieza Scooters. 2007 Honda Gold Wing ferre TBusiness m439 agg d company 401k Borannua in Waco, Templebedown. d Credit program. 9086 dcuT mp ns y acost, School Diploma or GED 100% financing. lot. Floor plans with P roperties. L or contact 439 Water olgalidia629@gmail.com erro ! !your K illeen Constr uction MuST SELL! B rT e eFErTILIZEr dnuestra CBoP wroperties nK dal on 45’s, 33 1/3s, and David Barr 25k yea spaid. oor age w h a 4non-working bedroom, 3ones. bath, disponibles los empleos bedroom, 2s bath, Water 1111 S.Benefi 5th St., Temple & part-time jobs Country available growth production, 924-4460 email: perie d pu adOpportunities Pto leveling. eve y cabin, aen. Center is Free Estimate. Doors Open 4pm Competitive Pay, Great ts & for Growth! ansn a m a plas m áreas T Bobdd 3Development B r e e d C o w a n d 35C 54 336 m es Fo llame a oficina Trike, 12,000 miles, tagged Waco, Temple y and p and g Appointa johnnd Consignments now! Group CIES. Flat Screen TVs, VFW Pos #4008 Dav idn Ba rrd P roperties Supply Corporation at n E v a ha a y • 2/10 CNA’s $1000 SIGN ON BONUS For sale 2006 Chevy CDL d ve s Home Must and textured walls, ply WED AFTERNOONS Collection of old 45s & LPs, & R epair s General online at www.janitori(254) 799-6228, (254) We Pick-Up (903) 336a ses gua an eed . and surrounding areas. (254) 857-4663. 3.5BR, 1BA, $700 month ( 254) 526-2277 Credit repair program. Supply Corporation at Healt fit any budget. or av nNo p money naE P n de improves soil, N-TEXX cabin, 4Needed: bedroom, 3 bath,m Stocker Calves. REGISTERED Session Starts 5:30pm n o applied. 2 yea nu barn wood accents with 2000 JE Cherokee, tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for IMments 773-4787. years of relevant work experience. ( 254) 526-2277 Two (2) and great condinow! $23/acre Deal200 nmum nsvisit gexp ab nyteague@sbcglobal. tail Truck, in condi dAKC d á Call p hiring Float254-780-7670 sen Stocker Calves. Call 50¢ inspected, & Teachers, up. Varied artists & have T on V10 6An8dgood e aba 1 D W Op n amJanitorial (254) 776-7775 o solicite Hom e R epair/Maint. Appliances 19 n circundantes. partir de Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, 78’s, over 600; 254-933-2133 or at $650 deposit. 254-598-8179 36 hou s Compe ve 2001 nnebago B ave TS. www.davidbarrproper Dav d L K ng C wood floors, built like a 407 N C���e�� S� , Ro���u� Be on F www.davidbarrproper $700 00 week m n Mus alservice.com/apply LARGE 214-5284. Temple: (254) 9086 n u n an a á a Starting at $8 per hour. $1 For updates & info go to: tion. $23,000 negotiable. Ca J 857-4663. hn3342 Damon 254-933-2133 or visit at 830-2 (254) $1200 or best offer. Sup tion. Will sell orhunting/ trade forMEDIATE down. 100% financing. p15—5-5 nad pmicrobacteD L K HOLLY OAKS APTS. with barn wood accents with (254) 749-0909 (254) 20 254 527 ask o LOOkINg FOr 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup genre. 254-778-5076, Temple Int/E xt-R oom Addimedio! Se necesita: traSELL! 254-933 S n S a pm 4s German Shepherd workers in Waco, Temple ers needed. Berry net vans ers & Aides. Please apties.c om s Valid driver’s license and must have a clean driving record •you RN/LVN for Weekend C n uTO - LEASE n S 254F E (254) 749-0909 (254) s de v ng Band ng línea en www.janitorities.c om NON-SMOKING Internet. Bills Paid. What gets when you advertise 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, $8 por hora. Por dsmall T camper. mp n dfavor ynNo K Call John 254-760-7852 package nc udes Hea h & Please 254-541-1420 WANT LAND L 35C 54 336 m es Fo at dRob HOUSE must sell. h u dDoubles a mp a be 25 yea o age w h a ven (Doors, 254) 541-6023 tions, Tiling, call our office HD 6202 Sparta RdROOM Belton, 254 FRwalls. AFTERNOONS COMP LE TE Whirlpool Refrig Credit program. 1BR/1BA upstairs &E278-8364. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, 2x6 Delivery, setup 749-5637 HOLLY OAKS APTS. ac 35C H d Srepair K n m o76513. Lacey FOr d recreation property? and dual A/C included. 254-583-7904 bajadores de en RBI 33073. Hot Food Available 3/2/2. and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702LOOkINg hunting/ n E v alimpieza ha aWe ply in person atTWIN 1402 WED AFTERNOONS a gNICE a ng wDrywall, dApplithe Classified ofstheengine 749-5637 oom 254 760 1876 pa a for mHouses. na $600 ga d VERY alservice.com/apply Puppies, each. TX Lease/ Deposit. EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. nsu Careers.wm.com llame aNo nuestra oficina aly 3334. BE D, with extra linen. 620 pa OpMnn6pm and (254) ance pa d vaca on knowledge Strong diesel repair Cash Any lo On n V10 Au apply T! Ky D on 8 or ea an 1 933-3334. minpart-time n mum o of 2pages yea exp NIcE h aPmainting, d RBI aWasher n33073. nGarden d TX 76513. 776-7775 Maximum Pay Out ances. Fireplace. d d ábest p& West downstairs. and (254) 857-4663. 1BR/1BA upstairs & jobs available growth and production, T and dual A/C included. D WAShErS, Op n am dry- !Starting illeen Constr uction p v n R n cuT FErTILIZEr cost, have some of the 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Waco, Temple y las áreas v a d mp ad ound Call ( 254) 526-7310. • Part Time Ac� vity Assistant at $8 per hour. 3797. recreation property? We BINGO Garage Conv., Trim Ave. A, Temple. DOLLAR SAVER. S n S a pm 407 N C���e�� S� , Ro���u� Puppy B a k erator, side-by-side, 2016 Solitaire TX Furnished. un ab a v 5407 n d Don’s T d (254) 776-7775 solicite ing. tub. Patio. company 401k B annua TRUCK DR CourtVER or any 258-5626. condition. p Ranch nad House p o Inn L K WOW! D s deR epair vAFTERNOONS ng d n ngnNEED dry254 527 3342 ask o cated EVA’S Clean- S nResidential S a pm Bill Hall Auctioneer, Inc. & s and General ers, refrigerators, and ava Call (254) at www.janitori Ramona N dryer. Covered parking. & More. Fon ree ETst. D downstairs. Washer and $0 DOWN NEW SUNDAY Employment ma Pa n33073. s Want To Buy now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. Deal254-933-3334. RBI improves soil, N-TEXX dintv online in Texas, from the hill Ari circundantes. A partir de Get Results! Call Today! a m a p m d Please call our office at have some of the best aba IN MXT T y Hau WANT TO LEASE LAND LOOkINg FOr hunting/ Trail, Temple. BISD. w h nd dump xp n v h u d a mp a VFW Pos #4008 FOr SALE Well Fertil 2 bedroom, 2 bath, ing ServiceFrom to Great 773-0114 yard, near VA.cONTAINFrom $495. PINA Tree Trimming, Home, FR AFTERNOONS ShIPPINg R epair/Maint. aba en línea en www.janitori acook ses guaRebuilt antopeed 325-650-5900 338-1337 or 466-7650 m alservice.com/apply & Sup Rob o Lacey pHom mD e254 oom 760 1876 OpCa n pm 254-583-7904 Farm Competitive Pay, Benefi tsranch & Temple Opportunities for Growth! 254-760-1156 stoves. Equal Opportunity Employer: Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran clean, everything Water paid. nu áand a fo dryer. Covered parking. aFeed g a&experienced ng w d m Needed xpa por w dtonasouth a kd $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. home. Use your land as oo a m ga b Wwith d from p ndab workers in& Waco, ers needed. Damon Berry Collection ofproperty? old dAppoint45s & We LPs, hsngh 15—5-5 microbactebottom. Free Estimates! GUNS AMMO-REPAIR country Texas. $8 hora. Por favor D Op n pm 2001 nnebago Band ave Int/E (254) 776-7775 orAddiapplyMu in Texas, the hill $700 recreation ized Coastal Hay. $65 cabinets, tape 254-778-1374. Eat Free Edging, CleanS nxt-R S a&oom pm ErS $2,000 and up. alservice.com/apply 00 m n pmMus n u up. n an n aartists á a & Mowing, no p2001 vwood m Winnebago nplies R Brave n residential construction Farm ranch u k h npaid. &mp ba h h a140hp, & real LAR GE&TR UCK uilt v1961 a d Corvair adAppoint (254) 778-4444DR hav g Be d on nWind 50¢ &773-4787. Varied TXaprices. TXS6949 ments Wagon, with 90week warranty. Reasonable Highly LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East SSalado n Sday eK tions, Tiling, Doors, Water JOBS AVAILABLE. Full WE Buy Repair Undown payment. Call for 439 GED and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702 N! AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, Large acreage or small. LARGE llame a nuestra oficina al NEED TRUCK VER 35C 54 336 m es Fo d online at www.janitori!25 country to south Texas. works, $350. Good have some of the best d T mp B n y K y JOBS per bale if picked up. ava ab supervisor. LOAD, good flea m ar a p w d awn ng Nearby. ing, Rake Leaves, walls, ply FURN EFF C EN LSHED Spanish Manufactured genre. 254-778-5076, Temple 4sp, 3.89gears, 14in Full tires,and textured and water tight. See pho recommended. Central, Belton 939-1110 be 25 yea sAFTERNOONS o254-316-1108. age! !work, w h a MXT TNG y Drywall, Hau SUNDAY ! ! AVAILABLE P ainting, 1BR, 1BA Cottage on 1 nty. Delivery, service JOBS AVAILABLE. What you get when you advertise 35C, 54,336 miles, Ford w h nd dump xp n NON SMOK ROOM ments 773-4787. No REDUCED! For Sale by & part-time jobs available and ratio n E va ha aRBI y (254) wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. p Carpentry a must. g E N T L E M I x E D Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. ket/ y ard sale stuff. Ma n nan p n m fo u h b d ad and TV What you get when you advertise & part-time jobs available growth and production, 30 year fixed rate owner WED AFTERNOONS T on V10 6 8 e 1 776-7775 o solicite HD susp, many spare DR VER MON TOR alservice.com/apply Large acreage or small. D Op n pm in Texas, from the hill x w d a k offic e, retail, wareGarage Conv., Trim Delivery available. Call MMED ATE OPEN NG Lawncare, Private Fence, C ES F a paSc een TVs wood floors, built like a housing x H tos www.steelcontainers. mneed n mum oCareers.wm.com 2 yea sones. exp Mu b d p ndab 1.844.969.6754 and H F d Ava ab acre country setting, love seat, $50; and in the Classified pages of the d d á p Lva K ork, Centex Construction $195 or best offer. aid. b h m k and apa non-working & part-time jobs available Careers.wm.com n g d hap Ca Tritron V10 6.8 liter, 1 D Op n am parts, $15,000, 254-583-0406. Fe ze App ca on n as is.&$199,000, Sm ore n S afor lease pm sitio now! Janitorial in the Classified pages of Fertilthe FOr SALE Well EkMore. N T E M ug& hmum nLLEASE &Pay ba hI x aD& 30 house & Motorcycles Scooters. 33073. F ree EhhE st. EFFICIENCIES Paid. B r407 e eNeeded: dcall C o wC���e�� soffice ann dat owner, Please our N. S�., Ro���u� now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. s de vEng dDealfinancing. Only 5% Down. en línea en www.janitoriNEEDED u Wha fixed rate owner g d Lab aTO an VOu country south Texas. Max ShIPPINg cONTAINJohnny Teague (281) Temple, WANT LAND concrete work. HOUSE E P Lndeliver. OFSAVER. Sand D In722Seng - Fu K chen ee Cab p nad to p Bills D L K and purt-a must sell. 254 254-217-2600 254-278-8364. m nM mp Fu m 254 527 3342 ask(254) o hav E M P L E O S D I S net Will (254) Syear S ax pm DOLLAR $695 deposit, LARGE David Barr P roperties aaB338-1337 p w d awn ng or 466-7650 nes. (254) 799-6228, now! Needed: Janitorial slide (living and dining DOLLAR SAVER. ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! d d11 EVA’S c ease g ow h and p oduc a or best offer. 3/2, w/b Seghw n workers in Calves. Waco,orTemple Hay. $65 Clas r e dResidential C oadTw aestán nm d Pay Furnished. Ramona CourtPick-Up (903) 336- Large WANT TO LEASE LAND for ized Coastal • ainng w xa dCleanStocker Call We 776-7775 apply all in th v hkinds u dof furniture. aor mp a Free oom 254 760 1876 workers Waco, Temple ers needed. Damon Berry Cen TexLacey ARCNGsROOM seek ng (254) 800-876-9720 ranchenter alservice.com/apply baResults! dBOnly ns xp nNo 2018 EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. financing. FR AFTERNOONS EVA’S Residential Clean acreage small. MuST SELL! Country ErS $2,000 and up. Wind 924-4460 or email: johnEstimates. NON SMOK n e Get ne dDown. PONIBLES. ¡Pa Ya están PALM Harbor ( 254) 526-2277 933-3334. RBI 33073. uv hServiceand Call5% Today! Rob o INSTANT CASH! Top ¡RsYa 4270, Burleson, TX. 254-583-7904 Land, Investm ent u $695 254-624-2779 R E TAINING WALL an Pn TV From top to E Get Results! Call Today! 495. 54) cattle grazing, will doDollar impPONIBLES. mLab nb d A TOWNHOMES AT room). 254-760-1876 pa amo., m na 214-5284. (254) in vehicle Waco, Temple Now Hiring, landscape and en a Ping on onear you uga3 e$495. andd workers nice neighborA and m ing ServiceFrom top toor per Da OpC nranchenterpm yard, VA.pas From and surrounding areas. fireplace, bale ifApp picked up. n tion Stocker Calves. Call 9086 Opportunity Employer: Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran HmeF Equal dTemple: Ava2Pa abbath, (254) 749-0909 (254) online at www.janitori Fu and me and areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702h dn www.davidbarrproper Furnished. Ramona Courtprisesltd.com for ANY running n gdabsurrounding dPayhap Jay Jay FReferences gh P roperties, and 800-876-9720 year fixed rate owner cabin, bedroom, bath, nG 771-2191, 718-9765 STONE S, 12x4" . Call and water tight. See pho- 30 Fe zeResidential ca on nyteague@sbcglobal. Lease Nonk Depos GUNS & mp AMMO-REPAIR bottom. Free d plos ndEstimates! n Ca x disponibles los bedroom, EVA’S Cleanprovements. ava OPERATOR arv a d 4 ad Under disponibles empleos Kenmore Over irrigation, pleaseon call and ba kh h Hau pempleos upm N 3 bottom. Free Estimates! S S a ree $0 DOWN NEW 254) Max mum Pay Ou Ap Want To Buy 541-6023 and surrounding areas. not, with or without title. hood, furniture included ties.c om c ops N TEXX s mu a es MXT T y This 254-778-1374. Eat Free Business P roperties. BH T254-865-3546 av T a n$495. w NEED TRUCK DR VER (254) 778-4444 Starting at $8 per hour. Delivery available. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) RIVER FAIR ( 254) 526-7310. LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East Highly pReasonable n SHED B nprices. n udh 749-5637 alservice.com/apply ing ServiceFrom top to Livestock D ve Mon o s T ans yard, near VA. From s FURN available. Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. (254) 778-4444 f. leave a message. EFF C EN prisesltd.com duc m na ub an abu financing. Only 5% Down. Reasonable prices. Highly barn wood accents with Da h hund pup m c ease g ow h and p oduc Ranch House nn AFTERNOONS SUNDAY tos www.steelcontainers. net de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for IM Wa ew dSupp y Co po de tiempo completo y439 254-624-1729 COMP LE TE Hauler. TWIN 2013 MXT Toy 18ft func x a k Barr P roperties Appliances w h nd dump xp n ams home. Use your land as Central, Belton 939-1110 254-316-1108. Lots/Land/ Hrecommended. a h d n a and bottom. Free Estimates! Small Lawn Care Business Starting at526-2277 $8 per hour. (negotiable). Nearby. so m c oo gan sms ha David (254)657-0043, Washer Dryer, $350. recommended. 254-316-1108. Please m een hkoffice maTVs at uCa Johnny Teague (281) 749-5637 D nbapm 2po Dollar Monday, August 12, 2019 254-778-1374. Eat Free c b enSELL! sdSaver 7254-933passen a call our ES ma aJay BE D, with extra linen. x on 8ft wide, electric BELTON ranchenterkhas h773 na Op &0114 h hma atra& 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup ( 254) o you pas u ejacks, and Mu pnndab and E M P Lcall E Oour S office D I Sat- net Will deliver. (254) 722- 800-876-9720 medio! Se MEDIATE ShIPPINg Reasonable prices. Highly SFnd R Sc um on ucONTAINme po LAR GE TR UCK Mow, weed, trim trees and medio! Se necesita: and CPlease Jay F hgh tra- am Office 2459 FM ngha ma m WE Buy & Repair Unpayment. Call for S S@gma anecesita: pm Acreage 972-392-2334 Please call254-760-3031 our office at down Lots/Land/ p ov de essen a nu en s www.davidbarrproper OPERATOR Call (location: 254) 526-7310. full kitchen &254-316-1108. bath, heat & and (254) 776-7775 or apply a dwaymhp pn w d awn ng 924-4460 or email: johnEmployment Nearby. hav g passenge d n ge o 15 vans ap LOAD, good flea m ar(254) 776-7775 or apply recommended. Fax Fu K chen F ee Cab e landscaping. cuT FErTILIZEr cost, a es prisesltd.com c ops N TEXX s mu a es and dual A/C included. 2268 Salado,TX 76571 BH T av T a n w d w m d a a n d FOr SALE Well FertilPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Troybilt 32” Cut Rid bajadores de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. ErS $2,000 and up. Wind Ehava NAcreage L Eead oM ITCEQ x E D on ab or po bajadores den limpieza ens g air,ket/254-933-3334. awning, ties.c om u bTLARGE dTREE and TV wanted/ Broken ATV’s, RBI LEdry L ypowered ard sale stuff. 776-7775 apply details, COMP TE TWIN purc ym@ m o OFFICE p an s hSPACE ough he (254) 439 Wa e Supp yCo NIcE WAShErS, t online at www.janitorinyteague@sbcglobal. WATER TEMPLE hneuu SALE bB www.janitorik s Well v No y and ove see c en s ac 402 NON SMOK NG ROOM online at ON n e Pa d Olga’s Cleaning Services improves soil, N-TEXX so m c oo gan sms ha ha FOr Fertil254-933-3334. RBI 33073. RENT$2,000 ized Coastal Hay. $65 disponibles los empleos couch, bed, radio, and TV. n g d hap Ca Waco, Temple y las áreas and water tight. See phoBmp r eHC eLdFcense oawdkaab ss n abunand d WOW! Fe App ca onáreas n C Tass $195 or is best offer. On y n all Waco,ze y las VETERAN YARD CARE BE D, withand extra linen. Skiles Group looking for buti 2016backg Solitaire wTemple WEST TExAS Trans ndC yAva Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. ing Lawnmower with 2000 JE E P Cherokee, at www.janitoria on has aMBnua k Au me apoan 3Bd/ p oduc ve b o og ca p oc online Lots/Land/ Commerical ers, refrigerators, Livestock JOBS AVAILABLE. Full alservice.com/apply net v es Pass ound InResidential/ good shape. $12000 Call 2Ba House in Rogers. 254-278-8364. Fertilizer Application, inLease No Depos alservice.com/apply Puppy p ov de essen a nu en s Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed 15—5-5 with microbacte en s ized Coastal Hay. $65 Diana White FOR LEASE per bale if picked up. de tiempo completo y a full-time Carpenter to circundantes. A partir de hyd g n wa tos www.steelcontainers. c ease g ow h and p oduc Stocker Call ( 254) ope o Calves. n A partir $1200 or best offer.de on Maxamum Pay Ou Trans 30 years experience. Free Home, 2dbedroom, 2 bath, Pecos area, near Lake We Pick-Up 336- MuST 254-228-6109 or 210-867-0579 Sale stoves. byCall Owner, $130K.526-7310. WEST TExAS valv sma on ava ab ePa o n TCEQn Forcook esses 15 5& 5 ranch app ed a alservice.com/apply Acreage Farm Full circundantes. Aper es Bu d ngpicked Sysnnems F d F(903) XL Rebuilt Eating/ Control, Landscap & part-time available SELL! Country check ug jobs sc een d v medio! ! ! K join the construction team crease growth and producRanch House k ng a h a h n hav bagger, $550. Murray R E TAINING WALL o p an s h ough he ( 254) 278-8364. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, bale if up. he 713.859.2952 Estimate Bonded & InRecently refurbished 3,500 Delivery available. Call Se necesita: traon o you pas u e and $8 por hora. Por favor E M P L E O S D I S net Will deliver. (254) 722(254) 749-0909 (254) s uposarea, s pF ma y yard, storage shed. $8 por hora. favorThPecos p ass m Ca Call ing, Mow, Blow, Cha a 60 G Edge, ay- 450 Sup Cab real cabinets, tape & GED Amistad. acres. 9086 Jay Jay gh at Coryell Health. Pay Plea near Lake n ndon v dua C C L cense d s bu Fenced $23 00 pe ac S, Modu a available. Bu Por d ng Call lable with 90 warranty. e swood cense and h gh now! Needed: Janitorial 4is bedroom, 3.bath, sured. 254-295-3578 tion for your pasture and cabin, 0114 office ande warehouse Ma 254-423-2109 p STONE oduc ve b526-7310. o12x4" ogper ca p oc Ho Motorcycles & part-time jobs available growth and Chappell Hill Reality g E NNOW T Lday E Rproduction, M I x E D sq.ft. Delivery pp oc Cleanup. Johnny Teague (281) bajadores de limpieza en km deasy cllame ops aN773 TEXX s¡ Ya muestán a esal unc llame aBurleson, nuestra 2010 Jayco Jay Flight PONIBLES. 4270, TX. real Estate 749-5637 av aoficina non w al range $18-$23 hour on sT an he-pTope aTOWNHOMES aBH naacres. pa nuestra oficina H NG n nan pwater, n b For m n ( VER 254) DR MON TOR AT Riding Lawnmower, P NA CONCRETE CON OPERATOR and textured walls, plyM a R ad Electricity, olgalidia629@gmail.com erro Amistad. 60 450 on ope a o MMED ATE OPEN NG WEST TExAS Trans Con ac Ca os Mo s NOW H R NG o he torial Delivery, service schoo din p Waco, oma oTemple GED now! workers onI x corner barn accents with In 254-743-9444 stimulates w nN-TEXX Lk V and hapa 19’wood BH 15 Travel new a based on experience. esses 5 5 Trailer, app Beneed m ma m oApp y a n g E N Located TLE M E D mps work, b crops. hRandy m pa Group Needed: Janitorial $23/acre B r e eTdmpapplied. C To w aDealn d space. Johnny Teague (281) dy an so Appliances m776-7775 c Foo sms ha (254) 924-4460 oron johnWaco, Temple y las dgan F o XL Ch&A nbuilt dpo 776-7775 los Sale nu enance o easy (254) NEEDED 439 Wa e Supp y Co T email: m ees wood floors, like a TRACTOR access, whitetail, dove, ja- WE s ortio a an o V Victroh ze WANTED Dpos nk y empleos hsoliciteand Th pos s p áreas ma y need nmp w a and in downtown Temple. tires, $6,500. 254-721-0104 1 Pecos Lake fits are offered. 254 1276 e a o ow ons VER FA Rsolicite pElectricity, nR W water, Adam Su mple disponibles Good and WCalves. Av M ones. msoil, n a x g Fu m C non-working and surrounding areas. 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup Livestock microorganisms that 22” cut, $300. Cha agng G Cab Spsv ay ng R a pay E a $23 00 pe e Buy &acemail Repair UnKs illeen uction B rLab e421 darea, C o!near w n d Constr workers ins Waco, Temple needed. Damon Berry Stocker Call lot 924-4460 email: pen ov aSup nu johnnyteague@sbcglobal. circundantes. Amow partir de ers 2000 JE P Cherokee, P línea enwa www.janitoride tiempo completo hdep essen aoray any hen sypuen Se hw n!E T xa chased e Supd s ja- pHOUSE p y dm n w bxpak línea en www.janitori Please Off-street parking. Cen Tex ARC s seek ng a on has a u me po andscap ng ng Feed & Pay ba n n must sell. 254Sup velina, thick cover, views, unc on he ope a on access, whitetail, dove, T k m b d Amistad. 60 450 acres. Eng nee app ca on and sa es O ga C an ng S v me nc eases Pa d va eas. (254) 799-6228, (254) PStocker Starting at $8 per hour. and dual A/C included. & R epair sQuALITy General provide essential nutrients Ga $1200 or best offer. apman anSe ma necesita: Con ac Ca os Mo s BELTON Lab A an P wanted/ Broken ATV’s, n n p n ag Calves. Call careers@skilesgroup.com and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702 (254) 749-0909 (254) nyteague@sbcglobal. o s h ough he s net $8 por hora. Por favor BuILT homes E a A C and m alservice.com/apply medio! traContact Randy bu on sys em nes la crank record playalservice.com/apply w nchase n a C mm L V R Pu d ah s on abour e33073. ooffice TCEQ Fuif qualified me and Pa me 254 Bap s Ch d Electricity, pa n ng ng house NIcE WAShErS, plies 933-3334. RBI canyons. Starting ath$650/ and ma nenc enance o a mmanue & o velina, thick ( 254) 278-8364. Manage Rxepair/Maint. HOLLY d Pay d water, pHom nd eneasy ca on ava scall ck eave and 11 hour. h through dhRan Sdryd3bed L K cover, C views, n u and&RBI interested. 214-5284. Temple: (254) Please at plants their 254-933-3334. ma bafor kh kOAKS p uAPTS. N 254 421 1276 o 33073. e ze Motorcycles Scooters. (254) 749-0909 5ba h Starting $8 eper hour. 3797. wde and 749-5637 pnet oduc baonglimpieza og ca oc y aa nve xp F p g T2Starting Lame E ngempany M Iatx Eha D llame oficina on your lot. Floor to 33 bajadores envaDav ves and s2ga S L hcense S T mp n 254-774-5204 B n Int/E n(254) ud dze C C dors bua eve D ve Mon o s T ans 6202 xt-R oom Addin EaN opmen Cen e s paccess, a amp han plans nwestnga nuestra Fatee ma ers, refrigerators, and aced pu chased waEs d s e al Deve AC. 866-286-0199 CATTLE NG hau a JOBS Full ec c an canyons. $650/ m na ub abu 1BR/1BA upstairs & whitetail, dove, ja- hoass days Med ca Den OWNER FINANCE er, over 100 years old ce BATHTUB REFINISHING 541-6023 $0 DOWN on NEW productive biological procyAVAILABLE. m ndapp w& b nak (254) 776-7775 apply E pmaE BWORK nd Want To Buy app ca on and sa es O ga C an ng S v at Waco, BR BA m n h We Pick-Up (903) 336RENT $2 000 749-5637 cuT FErTILIZEr cost, Please call our office at esses 15 5 5 ed a d H a h d n a and k mm d a p n ava F d F XL es B r e e d C o w s a n d M ha (254) 776-7775 o solicite fit any budget. No money ng p nn ng p b m a TOWNHOMES AT LAR GE TR UCKTemple y las áreas tions, Tiling, Doors, PAC. ease866-286-0199 send esumewesto Ca ma ShIPPINg cONTAINon 12.5 Water Farm & po c2015 enFord s nranch 7 passen sh e ngAcres. Teache smeter. F oa TX F7 in home. Repairs on porce254 7670 cook stoves. Rebuilt bu on780sys em nes h n pjobsnavailable ag ernttexasland.com u dnPwumbe downstairs. Washer andat 9086 & part-time R ope na aowww.janitoriC mm velina, views, nsu ance ava ab e a Ap CALL DOLLAR SAVER ddUse pat apply esses. 15-5-5 applied your land as en FOr Well online S thick nd R cover, umP JUST BUILT OUT XL, kay dSup nCab Cha aana GCalves. A FErTILIZEr hau any v LOAD, good F-150 flea m ar DSALE Wh e yFertilcuT m dwaymhp @gma m $23 00 pe ac ainting, Drywall, improves N-TEXX (254) Ag exempt. Beautiful. with records; Viclain and90 fiberglass. Over 30 Stocker Call home. línea en soil, www.janitoridown. 100% financing. h776-7775 hund pup e or h ma @gma h FA deA Ran partir deeab ga d VER aCa on@439wa supp a2410 xpon Fma y Feed and up. Wind Th sn pAdams 30 circundantes. ge o y 15 passenge vans eErS s &$2,000 A des& PSupease ap with day warranty. Rmnh Scost, va Da ves and me sm apply OFFICE SPACE! Fax Charcoal Gray, Cab, gre m and nd$65 km e b com kR Ca pen e Janitorial dryer. Covered parking. ket/ ard saleSuper stuff. kam @yah m Dale now! Needed: ernttexasland.com p ysEay pos Eas canyons. Starting at $650/ tori$23.00 per acre. WE Buy & Repair Undown payment. Call for ized Coastal Hay. Owner/ agent alservice.com/apply years in business. Call Garage Conv., Trim ma m h ma aac amp hPor 713 859 2952 (254) 778-4444 Employment improves soil, N-TEXX ma B nd d & n Con Ca os Mo s 15—5-5 with microbacte online at www.janitori (254) 749-0909 (254) alservice.com/apply Credit repair program. Two spaces: 730 sq. ft of103k miles, 6 1/2’ bed n h w h m n mum u ym@ n m w n L V h $8 por hora. favor $195 or best offer. o con ac 439 Wa e VERY FOr SALE Well Fertil plies pe unc on s he opeApp a on N EOE CE and water tight. See phoWATER TREE TEMPLE and ove see c en s ac p y n pe son a 1402 P ease send esume o Delivery, service work, Pam LaShelle Realtors We de Water paid. Appoint721-3658. torian Dresser, over H gh Schoo D p oma o GED workers in Waco, Temple Temp e ngha ma h AC. 866-286-0199 west M ha & More. F ree E st. u d Contact Carlos Morris BELTON g E N T L E M I x E D wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI per if picked up. Cash obale Houses Any o y an On y fice; $1,100; all bills paid 254-278-8364. w/liner, 3.5L V6, cloth y a xp n H u a n w a g and Chappe H Rea y 15—5-5 with microbacte254 421 1276 o e ze F p a Ga d n JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, alservice.com/apply T mp n y a ka n and 749-5637 (254) 857-4663. 512-217-2070 llame a nuestra oficina al Supp y Comwpon awb bon a a and Fneed a773-4787. Ch vy B b and gamad an enance o a ized Coastal Hay.$875; $65 orments m d e asuppa y dFull tos www.steelcontainers. @gma m vrseats, e on@439wa Wes Ave A Temp e JOBS ones. 338-1337 466-7650 Pa5ba n eh 2gaareas.ca surrounding and 570 sq. ft office; new tires pay p oa y any akdon yFull BR ees e dPass Clarger obackg w sWALL aound nand d Pupp ub Pa D n2 Motorcycles &cond Scooters. 33073. ed Delivery Call 3bed 2 hyd g non-working n k wa n for Two yea sdh owPu AVAILABLE. eband evan wovDnkcom ence G available. oup JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ernttexasland.com 100 years old; and LOOkINg ca on andosa a254-421-1276 T u g dfertilizer nd ria,app increases germination, kO production, yexpe E TAINING & part-time jobs growth kam @yah mes NG POS Td ON dgen (254) 776-7775 solicite 254 2133 o vn nsag a wa e available ma per bale picked up. all bills paid. Both brand sporty rims, new brakes, ! chased ! TEACH AVAILABLE !s ! m n933 d up and Tpu n n n pxp A es Bu dif ng Sys ems E M L E S I S net Will deliver. (254) 722 S o con ac 439 Wa e check d ug sc een d v & part-time jobs available FOr hunting/ (254) 799-6228, (254) a T mp B SD Fo k D ve k ng a h a h n Starting at $8 per hour. Nlable FOr SALE Well FertilP NA T ee T mm ng application and sales. O ga C an ng S v n W ad H gh Schoo D p oma o GED LAR GE TR UCKw STONE S, 12x4" . Call Stocker Calves. Call We 336- bu RENT $2production, 000 325 650Pick-Up Johnny (281) AVA What part-time jobs available offic e, retail, waregrowth and new build outs: recent inspection/tags, p m kn w dg5900 maaTeague hRd dp(903) Ran SELL! now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. DealVa dLABLE dn Country ve snes cense and mus have aestán c ean& d v ng d nTX. N dLOAD, deco xp d n u amp nd Temple: v dua en línea ena www.janitori6202 Spa BehnaSonap MuST sys Delivery Modu aavailable. Bu d ngCall PONIBLES. YaCon 4270, Burleson, en. Supp y Co po R da n amp aP & Ca mm ( 254) 526-7310. F lots more antiques to e(254) s color-matched cense and hSi-gh in ma & now! Needed: recreation property? We 214-5284. (254) Ma ecall Hand e B at good flea m arB a on Hug aem ng Clease n Please our am house & mLore for ized $65 Mow ng Edg ng¡aJanitorial eana now! 3320 Pecan Valley, Ranch dFeed app y n cabin, hSupn john749-0909 (254) D Wh the 924-4460 or email: F a ana Cheoffice vy b p9086 EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. dCoastal n a n Hay. uTwo n 2 yea Needed: Janitorial a a an p n pa s o e evan wo k expe ence torial $23/acre applied. Deal 4 bedroom, 3 bath, workers in Waco, Temple ers needed. Damon Berry y a xp n F a Mu b d hav va ves and me e s alservice.com/apply TX 76513 Barr P roperties Johnny (281) Pay ket/ y ard up. sale stuff. NOW H Teague R254-760-2995 NG o he disponibles empleos 254 933Rake 2133 o vTemple s ane nd p oma o incl! GED Temple. S on ong know edge dlos ese eng epa bale erradcamper shell p n a plies Dav K ng David M dha LAPTS workers inoWaco, have some of best 541-6023 a TS udkng nns g aor de apply nd HOLLY up v picked (254) 776-7775 Leaves per m u m the App y n schoo 749-5637 713 859 2952 ma COAKS B ndu d &n n n choose from. Cash Furnished. Court 1BR 1BA Co 1o ng inn if Waco, Temple h gh daccents p age ma GED Livestock (h254) 526-2277 mple ers needed. Damon Berry h barn wood with and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, Residential Michael: C nyteague@sbcglobal. n E nFo $195 best offer. Sa e by P ease send esume d or ve s cense and mus have a c ean ng Ramona eco d the n App W Ca p Va yd a mu 924-4460 orpos email: john6202 Spa Rde254-702Be ony workers o ow ng ons de tiempo completo Appliances p d nv W Adam Su gnu Good s$17,599 a ng payCleany pe son ad ay FullREDUCED and surrounding areas. in Texas, from hill EVA’S 1BR ups u kam dH @yah ma JOBS AVAILABLE. G and online at nwww.janitoriwww.davidbarrproper ba kg coun und and ng p n Lawnca e Pa va Fence Delivery available. Call Chappe $495. ing ServiceFrom top to 254-598-9358; yard, near VA. From S net F1BA d S a sm K& ac eon@439wa y se ng and surrounding areas. 254-278-8364. Wanted used doublewide ma amp H Rea eas. 254-793-2318, 254-702C n x C n u n 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. owne as s $199 000 ga d a @gma m e e supp y com only. (254) 444-7052. ties.c TX 76513 nyteague@sbcglobal. Engo nee Exp nCompe a p om u ve AppPay y nG medio! Se necesita: tran me nc eases Pa d va 1919 Mue e Road downs a s Washe and Starting at $8 per hour. country to south Texas. S ong know edge d ese eng ne epa bottom. Free Estimates! � ����G ����I�A liskamo@yahoo.com & part-time jobs available n H u p alservice.com/apply ea Benefi s & Oppo un es o G ow h and conc e e wo k Johnny Teague (281) mobile home. Reasonable Employment G oup FOr SALE Well Fertil Eat Free 254-778-1374. Temp e call $695 depos WANTED D nk y h Starting at $8 per hour. C n d & LP hour. 3797. FOr SALE Well Fertil p n and dual A/C included. Please our office at o con ac 439 Wa e o bes o e 3 2 w b Reasonable prices. Highly COMP LE TE TWIN a n a M nday h u gSchool E254-421-3536 NTR Lor E M I xjohnE DGED Eemail: TAINING WALL net Pu chase Manage ShIPPINg cONTAIN! KTilleen Constr uction dFized bajadores limpieza price. oyNeeded: Texas 76579 ca on s ck eave and 11 ye a Cove ed Hay. pavykdryng Dav d Lva K Wag ng ornC small. n u call our office atHigh acreage Diploma or Ch B b Janitorial p g ade any FPlease ee h Es ma esen 924-4460 & up Va d a & Large at !now! NIcE WAShErS, C hp recommended. Coastal $65 S254 H 624 B 2779 n h Nearby. m 254-316-1108. $695 mo BE Fep am pm call our ce ized Coastal Hay. $65 Motorcycles RBI 33073. (254) &o Rema epair scONTAINGeneral ng STONE S,and .n Call •days Transporta� on Supp y776-7775 Co po aor onapply a (254) a fixed mpany ha For sale 2006 Chevy Bobn ce ghbo a day T u pa k gAppo d real Estate For Wa ShIPPINg BN rwD, e H e dwith Cand oextra w ap soffice alinen. n12x4" dat g a m an ma and E ec c Tanmp ErS $2,000 up. Wind Please Waco, Temple y las áreas aha s@ ho Med ca Den a CNA eace d n ne nnd 254-933-3334. pn g aa rate nowner 776-7775 or apply 30 year
Page 2 • August 7, 2019
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530
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Manufactured housing ETemple: M P L E O (254) S D I778-4444 S PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Killeen: (254) 501-7530 disponibles los empleos 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2www.davidbarrproper Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019
David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! ties.c om offic e, retail, ware house & m ore for lease David Barr P roperties 2018( PALM Harbor 254)Saver 526-2277 2 Dollar Monday, August 12, 2019
ties.c om for IM 2de Dollar Saver Monday, August 12,Priced 2019 tiempo completo y $39,900. medio! Se necesita: tra- MEDIATE SELL! 254-933 bajadores de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. 2000 JE E P Cherokee, Waco, Temple y las áreas WOW! $1200 2016 or bestSolitaire offer. circundantes. A partir de Home, ( 254) 278-8364. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, $8 por hora. Por favor real wood cabinets, tape llame a nuestra oficina al and textured walls, ply (254) 776-7775 o solicite wood floors, built like a en línea en www.janitori- HOUSE - must sell. 254 alservice.com/apply 933-3334. RBI 33073. $0 DOWN on NEW home. Use your land as WE Buy & Repair Un- down payment. Call for
Want To Buy
wanted/ Broken ATV’s, COMP LE TE TWIN ! ! D, AVAILABLE !! BE with extra linen. Motorcycles & Scooters. offic retail, wareCalle,( 254) 526-7310. house & m ore(903) for lease We Pick-Up 336David Barr P roperties 9086 ( 254) 526-2277
www.davidbarrproper ties.c om Appliances NIcE WAShErS, dry ers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. LAR GE TR UCK-
details, 254-933-3334. ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! RBI offic e, retail, ware33073. ! ! AVAILABLE !! house &m ore for lease offic e, retail, wareMuST&Barr SELL! Country David P roperties house m ore for lease 526-2277 David P roperties cabin,( 254) 4Barr bedroom, 3 bath,
Employment www.davidbarrproper
www.davidbarrproper (wood 254) 526-2277 ties.c om uction barn accents with ! ! K illeen Constr &walls. R epair s General 2x6 Delivery, setup ties.c om Hom e R epair/Maint. and dual A/C included. Int/E xt-R oom Addi tions, Tiling, 254-933-3334. RBIDoors, 33073. P ainting, Drywall, Garage Conv., Trim Farm &Franch & More. ree E st.
338-1337 or 466-7650 g E N T L E MIx ED B r e e d Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 ( 254) 526-7310. Employment FOr SALE Well Fertil ized Coastal Hay. $65 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full per bale if picked up. & part-time jobs available Delivery available. Call now! Needed: Janitorial Johnny Teague (281) workers in Waco, Temple 924-4460 or email: john and surrounding areas. nyteague@sbcglobal. Starting at $8 per hour. net Spanish Manufactured Please call our office at housing Spanish Manufactured (254) FErTILIZEr cost, E M P776-7775 L E O S orDapply I S - cuT housing online at www.janitori improves soil, N-TEXX Harbor PONIBLES. ¡ YaDestán 2018 PALM E M P L E O S I S alservice.com/apply with microbactedisponibles los¡ empleos 315—5-5 bedroom, 2Harbor bath, PONIBLES. Ya están 2018 PALM ria,bedroom, increases germination, AVAILABLE. Full de tiempo completo y 3 $39,900. Priced IM JOBS disponibles los empleos 2 for bath, growth and production, & part-time jobs available medio! Se necesita: tra-y $39,900. MEDIATE SELL! 254-933 de tiempo completo Priced for IM $23/acre applied. now! Needed: Janitorial Deal bajadores limpieza en MEDIATE 3334. RBI 33073. medio! Sedenecesita: traSELL! 254-933 ers needed. Damon Berry workers inde Waco, Waco, Temple y lasTemple áreas WOW! 2016 Solitaire bajadores limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. 254-793-2318, 254-702and surrounding areas. circundantes. partir de Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Waco, Temple Ay las áreas WOW! 2016 Solitaire 3797. Starting at $8APor per hour. $8 por hora. favor wood cabinets, tape circundantes. partir de real Please 2 bedroom, 2 bath, office at Home, llame nuestra oficina al ShIPPINg cONTAIN and textured walls, tape ply $8 pora call hora.ourPor favor real wood cabinets, 776-7775 orsolicite apply (254) 776-7775 2(254) Dollar Saver ooficina Monday, August 12, 2019 ErS $2,000 and up.like Wind floors, built llame a nuestra al wood and textured walls, ply-a online atenwww.janitorien línea www.janitori sell. and water tight. See pho - must 254 (254) 776-7775 o solicite HOUSE wood floors, built like a alservice.com/apply alservice.com/apply tos www.steelcontainers. RBI 33073. en línea en www.janitori- 933-3334. HOUSE must sell. 254 D Ealservice.com/apply MWant P L E OTo S Buy I S - 933-3334. net Will deliver. (254) 722 $0 DOWN on NEW RBI 33073. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están home. 4270, Burleson, TX. Use your as $0 DOWN onland NEW Want To Buy disponibles los empleos WE Buy & Repair Undown payment. Call Livestock home. Use your land for as de tiempo completo y wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. WE Buy &necesita: Repair Unpayment. Call RBI for medio! Se2019 tra- down onday, August 12, Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, RBI g E N254-933-3334. TLE MIx E D bajadores de limpieza en details, We Pick-Up (903) 336 Motorcycles 33073. B r e e dSELL! C o wCountry s and Waco, Temple&yScooters. las áreas MuST 9086 cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, We Pick-Up (903) 336 Stocker Calves. Call circundantes. A partir de MuST SELL! Country wood accents with 9086 (254) 749-0909 Appliances $8 por hora. Por favor barn cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 (254) bath, 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup 749-5637 llame a nuestra wood accents with Appliances oficina al barn and dual A/C included. (254) o solicite walls. Delivery, setup NIcE776-7775 WAShErS, dry- 2x6 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. en en www.janitoriand dual A/C Feed & included. Sup ! !línea AVAILABLE !and ! ers, refrigerators, NIcE dry offic e,WAShErS, retail, ware alservice.com/apply 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. plies Farm & ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt house & m ore for lease ers, refrigerators, and 2 Dollar Saver Monday, 12, 2019 David Barr with 90 dayP roperties warranty. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full August Farm & ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt ( 254) 526-2277 Delivery, service work, &with part-time jobs available FOr SALE Well www.davidbarrproper g E N T LE M I xFertilED 90 day warranty. ties.c om need non-working ones. B now! Needed: ized Hay. rEe eCoastal dT C o w sI xaEn$65 Delivery, serviceJanitorial work, g N L E M Dd (254) 799-6228, (254) Stocker workers in Waco, Temple per bale ifo w picked up. Calves. Call need non-working ones. B r e e d C s a n d 214-5284. Temple: (254) (254) (254) and surrounding areas. Delivery available. Call 749-0909 (254) (254) 799-6228, Stocker Calves. Call 541-6023 Starting at $8 per hour. ! Johnny Teague (281) 749-5637 214-5284. Temple: (254) 749-0909 (254) e Please call our office at (254) 924-4460 or email: john ase 541-6023 749-5637 (254) 776-7775 or apply ies nyteague@sbcglobal. Employment FOr SALE Well Fertil online at www.janitori- net per $65 ized CoastalWell Hay.FertilEmployment alservice.com/apply SALE JOBS AVAILABLE. Full FOr per bale if picked up. ized Coastal Hay. $65 & part-time jobs available Motorcycles Delivery available. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full per real Estate For bale if picked Call up. now! Needed: Janitorial Johnny Teague & part-time jobs available Delivery (281) Sale available. CallUn workers in Waco, Temple WE Buy & Repair 924-4460 or email:(281) johnnow! Needed: Janitorial Johnny Teague and surrounding areas. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, nyteague@sbcglobal. QuALITy BuILTTemple homes workers in Waco, 924-4460 or email: john! ! AVAILABLE !hour. ! Starting at $8 per Motorcycles & Scooters. net on your Floorwareplans to nyteague@sbcglobal. and surrounding areas. offic e, lot. retail, Please call our office at house & m ore for lease We Pick-Up (903) 336 fit any Barr budget. No Starting at $8 permoney hour. net David P roperties (254) 776-7775 or apply 9086 FErTILIZEr cost, down. 100% Please call526-2277 ourfinancing. office at cuT ( 254) online at www.janitoriwww.davidbarrproper improves soil, N-TEXX Credit repair (254) 776-7775 or apply cuT FErTILIZEr cost, ties.c omprogram. alservice.com/apply 15—5-5 with microbacte(254) 857-4663. online at www.janitoriimproves soil, N-TEXX JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, alservice.com/apply
Delivery, service work, LOAD, good flea m arneed ones. ket/ non-working y ard sale stuff. $195 or best offer. (254) 799-6228, (254) 254-278-8364. 214-5284. Temple: (254) RE TAINING WALL 541-6023 STONE S, 12x4" . Call
Want to Buy
COMP LE TE TWIN BE D, with extra linen. Call ( 254) 526-7310. ADS Employment COMP LE TE TWIN BE D, with extra linen. Call ( 254) 526-7310. Spanish Manufactured housing E M P LE O S D I S - PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 2018 PALM Harbor LAR GE TR UCK 2000 JEgood E P Cherokee, LOAD, flea m ar disponibles los empleos bedroom, 2 bath, 3 $1200 or best ket/ y ard sale offer. stuff. ( 254) 278-8364. de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for IM $195 or best offer. 254-933 254-278-8364. medio! Se necesita: tra- MEDIATE SELL! RE TAINING WALL bajadores de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. LAR GE TR UCK STONEgood S, 12x4" LOAD, flea. Call m arWaco, Temple y las áreas WOW! Solitaire ( 254) 526-7310. ket/ y2016 ard sale stuff. circundantes. A partir de $195 or best offer. Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 254-278-8364. $8 por hora. Por favor wood cabinets, tape real R E TAINING WALL llame a nuestra oficina al and textured walls,. Call ply STONE S, 12x4" (254) 776-7775 o solicite wood (floors, 254) 526-7310. built like a en línea en www.janitori- HOUSE - must sell. 254 alservice.com/apply RBI 33073. 933-3334. COMP LE TE TWIN COMP LE TE TWIN BE D, with extra linen. BE D, with extra linen. $0 DOWN on NEW Want To Buy POST YOUR JOB Call ( 254) 526-7310. Call ( 254) 526-7310. home. Use your land as Call (254) 501-7530 WE Buy & Repair Un- down payment. Call for COMP LE TE TWIN BE D, 254-933-3334. with extra linen. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, RBI ! !Call K illeen Constr uction ( 254) 526-7310. 33073. & R epair s General Motorcycles & Scooters. Hom e R epair/Maint. We Pick-Up (903) 336- MuST Int/E xt-R oom AddiSELL! Country tions, Tiling, Doors, 9086 cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, P ainting, Drywall, Garage Conv., barn wood accentsTrim with Appliances & More. F ree E st. 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup 338-1337 or 466-7650 and dual A/C included. LAR GE TR UCKLAR GE TR UCK NIcE WAShErS, dryLOAD, good flea m ar- 254-933-3334. LOAD, good RBI flea33073. m ar ket/ y ard sale stuff. ket/ y ard sale stuff. ers, refrigerators, and $195 or best offer. $195 or best offer. Farm & ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt 254-278-8364. 254-278-8364. with 90 day warranty. R E TAINING WALL R E TAINING WALL STONE S, 12x4" . Call LAR GE TR UCKSTONE S, 12x4" . Call Delivery, service work, g E N T L E M I x E D ( 254) 526-7310. ( 254) 526-7310. LOAD, good flea m ar need non-working ones. B r e e dy ard C osale w s stuff. and ket/ (254) 799-6228, (254) $195 orCalves. best offer. Stocker Call 254-278-8364. 214-5284. Temple: (254) (254) 749-0909 (254) 541-6023 R E TAINING WALL 749-5637 STONE S, 12x4" . Call ( 254) 526-7310. Employment
JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www.janitori alservice.com/apply JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www.janitori alservice.com/apply E MP L E O S D I S PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos JE E Pcompleto Cherokee,y de2000 tiempo $1200 or best offer. medio! Se necesita: tra ( 254) 278-8364. bajadores de limpieza en
FOr SALE Well Fertil ized Coastal Hay. $65 per bale if picked up. Delivery available. Call Johnny Teague (281) 924-4460 or email: john nyteague@sbcglobal. net
2000 JE E P Cherokee, $1200 or best offer. ( 254) 278-8364. 2000 JE E P Cherokee, $1200 or best offer. ( 254) 278-8364.
! ! K illeen Constr uction & R epair s General Hom e Repair/Maint. Int/E xt-R oom Addi tions, Tiling, Doors, P ainting, Drywall, !Garage ! K illeenConv., ConstrTrim uction & More. R epairFsree General & E st. Hom e R epair/Maint. 338-1337 or 466-7650 Int/E xt-R oom Addi2000 JE E P Cherokee, tions, Tiling, Doors, $1200 or best offer. P ainting, Drywall, ( 254) 278-8364. Garage Conv., Trim 2000 EP F Cherokee, & JE More. ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650 $1200 or best offer.
( 254) 278-8364.
! ! K illeen Constr uction & R epair s General Hom e R epair/Maint. Int/E xt-R oom Addi tions, Tiling, Doors, P ainting, Drywall, ! !Garage K illeen Constr Trim uction Conv., & R epair s ree General & More. F E st. Hom e R epair/Maint. 338-1337 or 466-7650
Int/E xt-R oom Addi tions, Tiling, Doors, P ainting, Drywall, Garage Conv., Trim & More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650
cuT FErTILIZEr cost, improves soil, N-TEXX 15—5-5 with microbacte- ria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Deal ers needed. Damon Berry 254-702254-793-2318, 3797. 2000 JE E PcONTAINCherokee, ShIPPINg $1200 or best offer. ErS $2,000 and up. Wind ( 254) 278-8364. and water tight. See pho tos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 722
4270, Burleson, TX.
g ENTLE MIxED Breed Cows and
August 7, 2019 • Page 3
Page 4 • August 7, 2019
soil, N-TEXX ed C w sial a!n! d! Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. Waco, Temple y las áreas improves !B!r!e Com moerc alservice.com/apply microbacteLand,with Investm ent Stocker Calves. Call Please call our office at ShIPPINg cONTAINcircundantes. A partir de 15—5-5 Dollar Saver 12, 2019 P roperties, and JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, 776-7775 or apply1 ErS $2,000 and up. Wind ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! (254) 749-0909 (254)Monday, $8 por hora. Por favor Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 1 (254) August Business P roperties. Land, Investm ent & part-time jobs oficina available growth and production, online at www.janitoriand water tight.Saver: See pho749-5637 llame a nuestra al David American Dollar Barr P roperties P roperties, and now! Needed: oJanitorial ( 254)applied. 526-2277Deal- alservice.com/apply tos www.steelcontainers. Business P roperties. (254) 776-7775 solicite $23/acre 501-7530 workers in Waco, Temple www.davidbarrproper ers needed. Damon Berry E M P L E O S D I S - net(254) David Barr P roperties Will deliver. (254) 722en línea en www.janitoriFeed &om Supties.c ( 254) 526-2277 and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702- PONIBLES. Spanish Manufactured ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. alservice.com/apply plies www.davidbarrproper Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. ties.c om housing disponibles los empleos JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Livestock Please callial our! office at ShIPPINg cONTAIN- de ! ! ! Com m erc !! E Mtiempo P L E Ocompleto S D I S y& part-time jobs available FOr SALE Well Fertil Land, Investm ent (254) 776-7775 or apply ErS $2,000 and up. Wind medio! PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Harbor Se necesita: tra- 2018 PALM now! P roperties, andJanitorial ized Coastal Hay. $65 onlineNeeded: at www.janitoriE N T L E M2I xbath, ED disponibles empleos and water tight. See pho- bajadores delos limpieza en 3gbedroom, Business P roperties. workers in Waco, Temple per bale if picked up. alservice.com/apply B r e e d Priced C o w s fora nIMd de tiempo completo tos www.steelcontainers. Waco, Temple y las áreasy $39,900. David Barr P roperties and surrounding areas. Delivery available. Call ( 254) 526-2277 Stocker SELL! Calves. Call medio! Se necesita: 254-933Will deliver. (254) 722- circundantes. E P Lial E O I S - net ! ! A partirtrade MEDIATE ! Com mM erc !$8 !S ! perDhour. Starting at Johnny Teague (281) Land, Investm ent ¡ Ya están 4270, www.davidbarrproper (254)RBI 749-0909 bajadores de limpieza en 3334. 33073. (254) Burleson, TX. PONIBLES. $8 por hora. Por favor Please call office at 924-4460 ties.c om or email: john- llame P roperties, andour 749-5637 Waco, las áreas disponibles los empleos aTemple nuestray oficina al WOW! 2016 Solitaire Business P roperties. (254) 776-7775 or apply Livestock nyteague@sbcglobal. circundantes. de Home, de tiempo completo y (254) 776-7775A opartir solicite David Barr P roperties 2 bedroom, 2 bath, online at www.janitori net ( 254) 526-2277 $8 por hora. Por favor medio! Se necesita: traen línea en www.janitori & Sup-tape realFeed wood cabinets, alservice.com/apply www.davidbarrproper gE N T L E M I x E D alservice.com/apply llame a nuestra oficina al and textured bajadores de limpieza en plies walls, ply ties.c om 2 Dollar Saver Monda B rMotorcycles e e d C o w s a n d JOBS (254) 776-7775 o solicite Waco, y lasFor áreas realTemple Estate built like a AVAILABLE. Full wood floors, 2 Dollar Saver Monday, Aug Stocker Calves. Call & enpart-time línea en www.janitoricircundantes. SaleA partir de HOUSE must sell. 254 jobs available FOr SALE Well Fertil Buy & Repair Un- alservice.com/apply (254) 749-0909 (254) $8 por hora. Por favor WE 933-3334. RBI 33073. now! Needed: Janitorial ized Coastal Hay. $65 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 749-5637 QuALITy BuILT homes llame a nuestra oficina al in Waco, Temple $0 per bale if picked up. DOWN on NEW Want To Buy Motorcycles & Scooters. workers on your lot. Flooroplans to (254) 776-7775 solicite and surrounding areas. Delivery available. Callas home. Use your land WeFeed Pick-Up (903) 336 fit any budget. No money en línea en www.janitori & Sup- Starting atHouses per hour. Johnny Teague (281) Real Estate WE Buy &$8 Repair Un- down payment. Call for Apartments 9086 Mobile Homes/ down. 100% financing. alservice.com/apply plies ADS ADS ADS Please call ourRent office at 924-4460 or email: johnwanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI Lots/Land for Rent for Credit repair program. for Sale JOBS AVAILABLE. Full (254) 776-7775 or apply Spanish Manufactured nyteague@sbcglobal. Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! (254) 857-4663. & part-time jobs available Land, Inv estm ent at www.janitorihousing FOr SALE Well Fertil- online net We Pick-Up (903) 336- MuST SELL! Country P roperties, and LOOkINg FOrJanitorial hunting/ now! Needed: alservice.com/apply E M P LEOS DIS - cabin, ized Coastal Hay. $65 Business P roperties. 9086 4 bedroom, 3 bath, Dav id Ba rr P roperties recreation property? We workers in Waco, Temple PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 2018 PALM Harbor per bale if picked up. ( 254) 526-2277 Motorcycles wood accents with real Estate For barn Appliances have some of theareas. best and surrounding www.davidbarrproper disponibles los empleos 3 2 bath, Delivery available. Call 2x6bedroom, walls. Delivery, setup ties.c om Sale in Texas,atfrom thehour. hill Starting $8 per de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for IM Johnny Teague (281) WE BuyA/C & Repair Unand dual included. country to south Texas. Please call our office at medio! Se necesita: tra- wanted/ MEDIATE SELL! 254-933NIcE WAShErS, dry924-4460 or email: john- QuALITy Broken ATV’s, 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. BuILT homes Large acreage or small. (254) 776-7775 or apply bajadores de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. ers, refrigerators, and nyteague@sbcglobal. & Scooters. on yourTemple lot. Floorlas plans to Motorcycles 30 yearat fixed rate owner online www.janitori! ! AVAILABLE !! Waco, áreas Farm & (903) ranch cook stoves.yNo Rebuilt net WOW! Solitaire We Pick-Up 336 fit any budget. money offic e, 2016 retail, ware financing. Only 5% Down. alservice.com/apply circundantes. A partir de with 90 day warranty. house & m ore for2lease Home, 2 bedroom, bath, 9086 down. 100% financing. 800-876-9720 ranchenter David Barr P roperties $8 por hora. Por favor Delivery, service work, real cabinets, Motorcycles g Ewood N TLE M I x Etape D real Estate For Credit repair program. ( 254) 526-2277 prisesltd.com llame anon-working nuestra need ! ! ! Com m ercoficina ialones. ! ! ! al and www.davidbarrproper walls, B r etextured e d C o w s a nplyd Sale (254) 857-4663. Mobile Homes/ Land, Investm ent ! ! AVAILABLE ties.c om (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 799-6228, (254) Spanish Manufactured WE Buy & Repair Unwood floors, built like Stocker Calves. Calla! ! Lots/Land/ P roperties, and LOOkINg FOr hunting/ offic e, retail, w areen línea en www.janitori 214-5284. Temple: (254) Business P roperties. housing wanted/ Broken ATV’s, HOUSE - must sell. 254 Lots/Land (254) 749-0909 (254) QuALITy BuILT homes Acreage recreation property? We 2933-3334. house & m Saver ore33073. for lease Barr P roperties Dollar Monday, Aug alservice.com/apply 541-6023 M P LEO& S Scooters. D I S - David Motorcycles RBI 749-5637 on your lot. Floor plans to E ( some 254) 526-2277 Dav id Ba rr P roperties have of the best ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 2018 PALM Harbor We Pick-Up (903) 336- www.davidbarrproper WEST TExAS Trans fit any budget. No money $0 DOWN on NEW Land, Inv estm ent Want To Buy ( 254) 526-2277 in Texas, from the hill ties.c om Commercial P roperties, and disponibles los empleos 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Employment Pecos area, near Lake 9086 down. 100% financing. home. Use your www.davidbarrproper Houses FOr SALE Wellland Fertil-as Business P roperties. toPriced southfor Texas. ! ! ! Com m -erc ial ! ! ! de tiempo completo y country $39,900. IM- down Dav id Ba rr P roperties Amistad. 60 450 acres. Credit program. ties.c om WE Buy & Repair Unpayment. Call$65 for ized Coastal Hay. Real Estate Large acreage or small. Land,repair Investm ent medio! ( 254) 526-2277 for Rent Se necesita: traMEDIATE SELL! 254-933JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Electricity, water, easy (254) 857-4663. www.davidbarrproper wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 254-933-3334. RBI P roperties, and per bale if picked up. 30 yearRBI fixed rateavailable owner details, ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! ties.c om bajadores de limpieza en 3334. 33073. & part-time jobs Business P roperties. access, whitetail, dove, ja- financing. Motorcycles Scooters. Land, Inv estm ent Delivery available. Call ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! LOOkINg FOr hunting/ Only&5% Down. 33073. P roperties, and David Barr P roperties Waco, Temple y las áreas now! Land, Inv estm ent Needed: Janitorial velina, thickproperty? cover, views, WOW! 2016 Solitaire Spanish Manufactured We Pick-Up (903) 336 Johnny Teague (281) recreation We circundantes. Business P roperties. 800-876-9720 ranchenter MuST SELL! Country P roperties, and ( 254) 526-2277 Apartments A partir de workers in Waco, Temple Dav id Ba rr P roperties canyons. Starting at $650/ Business P roperties. Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, housing 9086 924-4460 or email: john have some of the best www.davidbarrproper prisesltd.com cabin, bedroom, 3 bath, (4 254) 526-2277 Dav id Ba rr P roperties $8 por hora. PorDfavor and surrounding areas. AC. 866-286-0199 westE M P L E O S I S real wood cabinets, tape www.davidbarrproper ties.c om ( 254) 526-2277 nyteague@sbcglobal. for Rent in Texas, from the hill barn wood accents with ties.c om Appliances www.davidbarrproper llame a nuestra¡ oficina al Starting at $8walls, per hour. Lots/Land/ ernttexasland.com PONIBLES. Ya están 2018 PALM Harbor and textured ply net country to south Texas. ties.c om 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup (254) 776-7775 solicite Please call our Acreage los oempleos 3 bedroom, 2office bath, wood floors, built like ata Large acreage or small. disponibles and dual A/C included. en línea en www.janitori(254) 776-7775 orforapply ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced IMHOUSE must sell. 254NIcE WAShErS, drycuT FErTILIZEr cost, 30 year fixed rate owner 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. alservice.com/apply 2 Dollar Saver Monday, Aug Land, Investm ent online atTExAS www.janitoriTrans Se necesita: tra- WEST MEDIATE SELL! 254-933933-3334. RBI 33073. ers, refrigerators, and improves soil, N-TEXX financing. Only 5% Down. medio! P roperties, and alservice.com/apply Pecos area, near Lake bajadores Farm & ranch Business P roperties. de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. cook stoves. Rebuilt 15—5-5 with microbacte 800-876-9720 ranchenter$0 DOWN on NEW Want To Buy Amistad. ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! David Barr P roperties 60 - 450 acres. ! increases ! AVAILABLE !! Temple y las áreas JOBS with 90 dayyour warranty. AVAILABLE. Full germination, Land, Investm ent prisesltd.com WOW! 2016 Solitaire home. Use land as ria, ( 254) 526-2277 Waco, offic e, retail, ware Electricity, water, easy P roperties, and circundantes. A partir de Delivery, service work, www.davidbarrproper & part-time jobs available growth production, Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, WE Buy & Repair Undown payment. Call for g E N Tand LmEore Mfor I xlease E D house & Business P roperties. ties.c om Lots/Land/ access, whitetail, dove, ja- $23/acre David Barr Pw roperties $8 por hora. Por favor need non-working ones. now! Needed: Janitorial applied. Deal real wood cabinets, tape wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI B r e e d C o s a n d David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 Acreage thick cover, views, ( 254) 526-2277 llame a nuestra oficina al velina, (254) 799-6228, (254) workers in Waco, Temple ers needed. Damon Berry www.davidbarrproper and textured walls, ply- & Scooters. 33073. Stocker Calves. Call Motorcycles www.davidbarrproper Starting atareas. $650/ ties.c om254-702 (254) 776-7775 o solicite 214-5284. Temple: (254) and surrounding wood floors, built like a 254-793-2318, We (903) 336- canyons. (254) 749-0909 (254) ties.c om MuST SELL! Country Pick-Up WEST TExAS Trans en 866-286-0199 west línea en www.janitori- AC. 541-6023 Starting $8 per hour. HOUSE -atmust sell. 254- 3797. 9086 749-5637 cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, Pecos area, near Lake alservice.com/apply ernttexasland.com Please call our office at 933-3334. RBI 33073. cONTAIN Amistad. barn wood accents with ShIPPINg 60 - 450 acres. Appliances (254) 776-7775 or apply Employment ErS $2,000 and up. Wind $0 DOWN on NEW 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup FOr SALE Well Fertil Want To Buy Electricity, water, easy online at www.janitori 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 water tight.Hay. See$65 pho home. UseA/C your land as and and dual included. ized Coastal access, whitetail, dove, ja- NIcE alservice.com/apply JOBS AVAILABLE. Full WAShErS, dry www.steelcontainers. payment. for tos Buy & Repair Un- down 254-933-3334. RBICall 33073. per bale if picked up. velina, thick cover, views, WE part-time available ers, refrigerators, and & E M P L254-933-3334. E Ojobs S D IRBI S - net Will deliver. (254)Call 722- Broken ATV’s, details, Delivery available. canyons. Starting at $650/ wanted/ Farm & ranch now! Needed: Janitorial cook stoves. Rebuilt ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, & Scooters. PONIBLES. 33073. Johnny TeagueTX.(281) west- Motorcycles AC. 866-286-0199 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! in Waco, Temple with 90 day (903) warranty. disponibles los empleos We Pick-Up 336- workers 924-4460 or email: johnoffic e, retail, ware ernttexasland.com MuST SELL! Country Livestock and surrounding areas. Delivery, service work, house & m ore for lease de tiempo completo y g E N T L E M I x E D 9086 nyteague@sbcglobal. cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 hour. bath, David need non-working Barr P roperties atC $8 per ones. Starting medio! Se necesita: traB r e e d o w s a n d net ( 254) 526-2277 barn wood accents with Appliances Please callde our office at www.davidbarrproper (254) 799-6228, (254) g E N T L E M IxED bajadores limpieza en Stocker Calves. Call 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup ties.c 776-7775 or(254) apply 214-5284. Temple: (254) (254) B r e eFErTILIZEr d C oom w s acost, nd Waco, Temple y las áreas cuT (254) 749-0909 and dual A/C included. online at www.janitori541-6023 Stocker Calves. Call A partir de improves soil, N-TEXX NIcE WAShErS, dry- circundantes. 749-5637 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. alservice.com/apply (254) 749-0909 (254) 15—5-5 with microbacte- ers, refrigerators, and $8 por hora. Por favor 749-5637 llame aSALE nuestra oficina al Farm & ranch Employment JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, cook stoves. Rebuilt FOr Well Fertil 776-7775 oavailable solicite &ized part-time jobs growth and production, with 90 day warranty. (254) Coastal Hay. $65 línea en www.janitoriJOBS AVAILABLE. Full en now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. DealDelivery, service work, Feed & Sup g E N T L E M I x E D per bale if picked up. & part-time jobs available workers Waco, needed. Damon Berry need non-working ones. alservice.com/apply plies B r e e d inavailable. C o w s Temple aCall n d ers Delivery now! Needed: Janitorial and surrounding areas. 254-702- (254) 799-6228, (254) JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 254-793-2318, Stocker Calves.(281) Call Johnny Teague workers in Temple: Waco, Temple Starting atorjobs $8 per hour. 3797. 214-5284. (254) & part-time available (254) 749-0909 (254) 924-4460 email: johnFOr SALE Well Fertil and surrounding areas. now! Please call our Janitorial office at ShIPPINg 541-6023 Needed: nyteague@sbcglobal. ized CoastalcONTAINHay. $65 !749-5637 ! AVAILABLE !! Starting at $8 per hour. workers (254) 776-7775 or apply in Waco, Temple ErS $2,000 and up. Wind net per bale if picked up. offic e, retail, ware- Please call our office athouse online atmwww.janitori and areas. Employment & ore forFertilleaseand water available. tight. See Call phoDelivery FOrsurrounding SALE Well (254) 776-7775 or applyDavid alservice.com/apply Barr P roperties Starting at $8 per hour. cuT FErTILIZEr cost, (281) tos www.steelcontainers. Johnny Teague ized Coastal Hay. $65 254) 526-2277 online AVAILABLE. at www.janitori our JOBS Full Please improves soil, N-TEXX E M(Pbale Lcall E if O S office D up. I Sat- net Will deliver. (254)john722- 924-4460 or email: per picked alservice.com/apply (254) 776-7775 or están apply & part-time jobs availablewww.davidbarrproper 15—5-5 with microbactePONIBLES. ¡ Ya Burleson, TX. nyteague@sbcglobal. ties.c om Delivery available. Call 4270, at Teague www.janitorinow! Janitorial JOBS Needed: AVAILABLE. Full online ria, increases germination, disponibles los empleos net Johnny (281) Livestock workers in Waco, Temple alservice.com/apply & part-time jobs available growth and production, de tiempo 924-4460 orcompleto email: john-y and areas. now!surrounding Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. Deal medio! Se necesita: tra nyteague@sbcglobal. Motorcycles real Estate For Starting atWaco, $8 per hour. bajadores workers in Temple ers needed. Berry E N T L E MIxED deDamon limpieza en g net Sale Please call our office at Waco, and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, B r eBuy e d C&o Repair w s a nUnd Temple y 254-702las áreas WE (254) 776-7775 or apply Starting at $8 per hour. circundantes. 3797. Stocker Calves.ATV’s, Call A partir de wanted/ cuT FErTILIZEr cost, Broken QuALITy BuILT homes online Please at callwww.janitoriour office at $8 (254) 749-0909 (254) por hora. Por favor improves soil, N-TEXX ShIPPINg cONTAINMotorcycles & Scooters.
BE D, with extra linen.
circundantes. A partir de Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath,
Call ( 254) 526-7310. $8Manufactured por hora. Por favor real 2000 JE E P Cherokee, Spanish wood cabinets, tape or best offer. ! ! K illeen Constr uction llame a nuestra oficina al and$1200 housing textured walls, ply( 254) 278-8364. & R epair s General (254) 776-7775 o solicite E M P L E O S D I S wood floors, built like a Temple: (254) 778-4444 Hom e R epair/Maint. ! ! K illeen Constr uction en línea en www.janitoriAugust Int/E xt-R Addi ¡ oom Ya están 2018 PALM Harbor HOUSE - must sell. 254-7, 2019 • Page 5 PONIBLES. www.davidbarrproper & R epair s General Killeen: (254) 501-7530 tions, Tiling, Doors,
! ! AVAILABLE ! ! offic e, retail, ware- house & m ore for lease David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277
disponibles los empleos 3alservice.com/apply bedroom, 2 bath, 933-3334. RBI 33073. Hom e R epair/Maint. P ainting, Drywall, Int/E xt-R oom Addi de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for IM- $0 DOWN on NEW 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 Garage Conv., Trim Want To Buy tions, Tiling, Doors, & More. F ree traE st. medio! Se necesita: MEDIATE SELL! 254-933- home. P ainting, Drywall, Spanish Manufactured Use your land as 338-1337 or 466-7650 Garage Trim bajadores deConv., limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. Call for Spanish Manufactured housing WE Buy & Repair Undown payment. & More. Fyree E st. LAR GE TR UCK Waco, Temple las áreas housing EMP L E O S Solitaire D I S - details, 2016 338-1337 or 466-7650 WOW! wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 254-933-3334. RBI LOAD, good flea m ar- circundantes. A partir de E M P L E O S D I S PONIBLES. Ya2están 2018 PALM Harbor Home, 2 bedroom, bath, 33073. ket/ y ard stuff. LAR GE sale TR UCKMotorcycles & ¡Scooters. COMP LE TE empleos TWIN por hora. ¡Por favor 2018 $195 or best offer. PONIBLES. Ya están PALM Harbor LOAD, good flea m ar- $8 disponibles los 3 bedroom, 2 bath, real wood cabinets, tape We Pick-Up (903) 336 BE D, w ith ex tra linen. MuST SELL! Country 254-278-8364. ket/ y12, ard2019 sale stuff. 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August llame a nuestra al 3 disponibles los oficina empleos bedroom, 2 bath, ! ! AVAILABLE !! ( 254) 526-7310. deCall tiempo completo $39,900. Priced for IM and textured walls, ply-y cabin, 9086 ! ! AVAILABLE ! !ware$195 or best offer. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, offic e, retail, 776-7775 o solicite 2WALL Dollar(254) Monday, August 12, 2019 R E TAINING deSaver tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced forlike IM offichouse e, retail, ware 254-278-8364. medio! Se necesita: traMEDIATE SELL! 254-933 wood floors, built a & m ore for lease barn wood accents with 2000 JE E P Cherokee, 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 STONE S, 12x4" . Call house & m ore for lease Appliances en línea en www.janitori medio! Se necesita: traMEDIATE SELL! 254-933 David Barr P roperties bajadores de limpieza en 2x6 3334. RBI 33073. setup HOUSE - must sell. 254 R E($1200 TAINING WALL or best offer. 254) 526-7310. David Barr P roperties walls. !!K illeenDelivery, Constr uction ( 254) 526-2277 STONE S, 12x4" . Call alservice.com/apply bajadores de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. ( 254) 278-8364. Waco, Temple las áreas 933-3334. RBI y33073. ( 254) 526-2277 and & dual R epair WOW! 2016 Solitaire www.davidbarrproper 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 A/Cs General included. ( 254) 526-7310. Waco, Temple y las áreas Hom e R epair/Maint. circundantes. A partir de ties.c om NIcE WAShErS, dryWOW! 2016 Solitaire www.davidbarrproper Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, $0 DOWN on NEW Want To Buy Int/E x t-R oom Addi254-933-3334. RBI 33073. ties.c om circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Porland favor tions, Tiling , Doors, ers, refrigerators, and Home, 2Use bedroom, 2 bath, real wood cabinets, tape home. your as P a inting , Dry wall, $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al and Farm ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt real wood cabinets, Garag e& Conv ., Trim textured walls, ply down payment. Calltape for WE Buy & Repair Un & More. F ree E st. llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite with 90 day walls, warranty. and textured ply wood floors,orbuilt like a 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 details, 254-933-3334. RBI wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 338-1337 466-7650 (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en www.janitori Delivery, service work, wood floors, built like a HOUSE must sell. 254 LAR GE TR UCK 33073. Motorcycles & Scooters. g E N T L E M I x E D Spanish Manufactured en línea en www.janitori LOAD, gmust ood flea m254ar- alservice.com/apply ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! need non-working ones. HOUSE sell. 933-3334. RBI 33073. We Pick-Up (903) 336B r e e d C o w s a n d ket/ y ard sale Country stuff. MuST SELL! housing offic e, retail, ware alservice.com/apply $195 or RBI b est33073. offer. (254) 799-6228, (254) 933-3334. 9086 Stocker Calves. Call house & m ore for lease $0 DOWN on NEW E M P L E O S D I S Want To Buy cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 254-278-8364. 214-5284. Temple: (254) David Barr P roperties Household General (254) 749-0909 (254) $0 DOWN NEW Want To Buy home. Use your land as 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 PONIBLES. ¡on Ya están PALM Harbor barn wood accents with 2018 R E TAINING WALL ( 254) 526-2277 ADS ADS Cars Farm & Ranch Auctions Appliances ADS Garage Sales 541-6023 STONE S,&your 12x 4"land . Call 2000 JE E P Cherokee, 749-5637 home. Use as Merchandise www.davidbarrproper WE Buy Repair Undown payment. Call for disponibles los empleos 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! Goods ( 254) 526-7310. $1200 or best offer. ties.c om offic e, retail, w are down payment. Call for WE Buy &278-8364. Un- wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for RBI IM2000 JE ERepair P Cherokee, and dual A/C included. ( 254) COMP LE TE house &m ore forTWIN lease Spanish Manufactured NIcE WAShErS, dryOLD RECORDS, $1200 or best offer. Employment details, 254-933-3334. RBI wanted/ Broken ATV’s, BE D, with extra linen. Dav id Ba rr P roperties Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. medio! Se necesita: traMEDIATE SELL! 254-933 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. FOr SALE Well Fertil ( 254) 526-2277 ( 254)& 278-8364. Call ( 254) 526-7310. housing ers, refrigerators, and 33073. Motorcycles Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336bajadores delimpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. www.davidbarrproper ized Coastal Hay. $65 33 MuST SELL! Country 2 E M P L E Monday, O 1/3s, S(903) DAugust Iand S - ties.c om Farm & ranch Dollar45’s, Saver 12, 2019 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cook stoves. Rebuilt We Pick-Up 336 9086 Waco, Temple y las áreas ! ! per bale if picked up. MuST SELL! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, bath, WOW! 2016 Solitaire ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! ! ! AVAILABLE 3 PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 2018 PALM Harbor 78’s, over 600; & part-time jobs available with 90 day warranty. 9086 offic e, retail, warecircundantes. A partir de offic e, retail, ware Delivery available. Call cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, barn wood accents with Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, disponibles los !empleos 3now! bedroom, 2Janitorial Appliances house & m ore for lease Needed: Delivery, service house & m ore for lease ! ! K illeen Constr uction Refrigg Epor N Thora. L Eaccents M I xbath, Ewith D ! ! Whirlpool AVAILABLE ! work, barn $8 Por favor Johnny (281) wood 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup real woodTeague cabinets, tape David Barr P roperties Appliances David Barr P roperties de tiempo completo y $39,900. Priced for IM & R epair s General offic e, retail, ware workers in Waco, Temple need non-working ones. B r ewalls. ea dnuestra C o w oficina s setup a n dal llame 924-4460 or email: john( 254) 526-2277 Delivery, ( 254) 526-2277 dual A/C included. and textured walls, ply Hom e R epair/Maint. house & m ore for lease erator, side-by-side, medio! Se necesita: tra- 2x6 MEDIATE SELL! and surrounding areas. (254) 799-6228, (254) www.davidbarrproper NIcE WAShErS, dry- wood www.davidbarrproper Stocker Calves. Call (254) 776-7775 o254-933solicite David Barr P roperties Int/E xt-R oom Addinyteague@sbcglobal. and dual A/C included. 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. floors, built like a September 14 @ 10am ties.c om bajadores de limpieza en 3334. RBI 33073. ties.c om Starting at $8 per hour. 214-5284. Temple: (254) ( 254) 526-2277 NIcE WAShErS, dry tions, Tiling, Doors, clean, everything 2000 JE E P Cherokee, ers, refrigerators, and (254) 749-0909 (254) en línea en www.janitori net 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Drywall, HOUSE - must sell. 254- www.davidbarrproper P ainting, ! ! AVAILABLE !! Waco, Temple y las áreas $1200 or best offer. Please call our office at 541-6023 ers, refrigerators, and WOW! 2016 Solitaire WILdFIrE ArENA COMPLEx Farm & ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt 749-5637 alservice.com/apply ties.c om offic e, retail, ware Garage Conv., Trim works, $350. Good ( 254) 278-8364. 933-3334. RBI 33073. circundantes. A partir de 2000 J E E P Cherokee, Farm & ranch (254) 776-7775 or apply cook stoves. Rebuilt Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, General house &S.m ore •for lease with 90 day & More. F ree EAugust st. cuT FErTILIZEr cost, warranty. 14343 IH-35 Salado, 2 TXDollar Saver Monday, 12, 2019 $1200 best offer. COMP LE TE $8 por hora. Por favor David Barr P roperties $0 DOWN on NEW Want To Buy 338-1337 or TWIN 466-7650 love seat, and online ator www.janitori with 90 day $50; warranty. real wood cabinets, tape ( 254) 278-8364. Delivery, service Employment improves BE D, with extra linen. Dogs g E NT L Esoil, MN-TEXX Iland x E Das ( 254) 526-2277 FOr SALE Well work, Fertil Merchandise Exit 283 IH-35 & FM 2268 llame a nuestra oficina al home. Use your Call ( 254) 526-7310. alservice.com/apply LAR GE TR UCK Delivery, service work, and textured walls, ply www.davidbarrproper need non-working ones. 15—5-5 with g E NCoastal T LE M Ix E D all kinds of furniture. B r e epayment. d C omicrobactew sCall a nfor d ized Hay. $65 LOAD, good m ar- COMP (254) 776-7775 o solicite down WE & Repair ties.c omflea LE TE TWIN need non-working ones. wood floors, built like JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Selling with 2 CrewS (254) JOBS AVAILABLE. Full increases germination, B r eBuy e d799-6228, C w s (254) aup. nUnda ria, Stocker Calves. Call ket/ y ard sale stuff. BE per bale if opicked D, with extra linen. Kenmore Over Under en línea en www.janitori details, 254-933-3334. RBI wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Trucks/Vans/ AKC REGISTERED ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! (254) 799-6228, (254) HOUSE must sell. 254 & part-time jobs available •$195 Construction 214-5284. Temple: (254) or best offer. & part-time jobs available growth and production, Stocker Calves. Call Call ( 254) 526-7310. (254) 749-0909 (254) Delivery available. Call offic e, retail, ware alservice.com/apply 33073. Motorcycles Scooters. 254-278-8364. German 214-5284. Temple: (254) • Farm & Shop Equipment 933-3334. RBI 33073. ! ! K illeen Constr uction now! Needed: Janitorial & 541-6023 Washer Dryer, $350. now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. Deal- (254) 749-0909 (254) Shepherd house & m ore for lease SUVs 749-5637 Johnny Teague (281) We Pick-Up (903) 336& R epair s General • Vehicles 541-6023 2000 JE E P Cherokee, David Barr P roperties MuST SELL! Country RE TAINING WALL workers Waco, Temple workers in or Waco, Temple ers needed. $600 Damon Berry Puppies, each. 749-5637 $0 DOWN on NEW Want To Buy Hom ein R epair/Maint. 924-4460 email: john Troybilt 32” Cut Rid 2000 JE E P Cherokee, $1200 or best offer. • Boats ( 254) 526-2277 STONE S, 12x4" . Call 9086 cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, and surrounding areas. 2 Int/E xt-R oom Addi August and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702 Dollar Saver Monday, 12, 2019your land home. Use as $1200 offer. Employment ( illeen 254) 278-8364. www.davidbarrproper nyteague@sbcglobal. ( 254) 526-7310. 2000 JEor E Pbest Cherokee, Call (254) 258-5626. • Trailers FOr SALE Well Fertil ! ! K Constr uction tions, Tiling, Doors, ing Lawnmower with ( 254) 278-8364. barn wood accents with Starting at $8 per hour. ties.c om Employment Farm & Ranch Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. $1200 or best offer. WE Buy & Repair Undown payment. Call for Appliances net & R epair s General • Portable Buildings FOr SALE Well Fertil P ainting, Drywall, ized Coastal Hay. $65 ( 254) 278-8364. ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup Please call our office at Please call ourHay. office at Garage Trim Hom e Conv., R epair/Maint. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full wanted/ Broken ATV’s, details, 254-933-3334. RBI bagger, $550. Murray ShIPPINg cONTAIN ized Coastal $65 Call in Your per dual bale A/C if picked up. 2006 offic e, retail, wareCOMP LE TE TWIN COMP LE TE TWIN Chevrolet Silverado &Int/E More. F ree E st. xt-R oom Addi and or linen. apply JOBS AVAILABLE. Full (254) 776-7775 or apply & part-time available Motorcycles & Scooters. 33073. BE D,776-7775 w ithlease ex tra cuT FErTILIZEr cost, BE D, with extra linen. house & (254) m ore for ErS $2,000 andincluded. up. Wind Consignments now! per bale ifPjobs picked up. 338-1337 or 466-7650 Cats Delivery available. Call NIcE WAShErS, drytions, Tiling, Doors, 2000 JE E Cherokee, Riding Lawnmower, Call ( 254) 526-7310. 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Call ( 254) 526-7310. online at www.janitori LT, 98,000 miles, dual & part-time jobs available David Barr P roperties online at www.janitori now! Needed: Janitorial We Pick-Up (903) 336improves soil, N-TEXX P ainting, Drywall, $1200 or best offer. and water tight. See pho Delivery available. Call MuST SELL! Country LAR GE TR UCK- ( 254) ers, refrigerators, and Johnny Teague (281) For updates & info go to: 526-2277 alservice.com/apply now! Needed: Janitorial ( 254) 278-8364. Garage Conv., Trim alservice.com/apply 22” cut, $300. Victro workers inTeague Waco, Temple 9086 LOAD, good flea m ar 15—5-5 with microbactecab, 5.3 vortek engine, tos www.steelcontainers. Johnny (281) cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, www.davidbarrproper Farm & ranch 924-4460 or email: johncook stoves. Rebuilt & More. F ree E st. ket/ y ard sale stuff. workers in Waco, Temple www.billhallauctioneer.com and surrounding areas. ties.c om JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, Sell Your E M P L Eday O Swarranty. D I S - net Will deliver. (254) 722- or email: john barn wood accents with tow package, excel!924-4460 !K illeen Constr uction nyteague@sbcglobal. la crank record play338-1337 or 466-7650 $195 or bestStuff. offer. with 90 Appliances and surrounding areas. growth !part-time !K illeen Constr uction &walls. R epair s General Starting atDelivery, $8 hour. & jobs available and production, 254-278-8364. PONIBLES. ¡per Yawork, están 4270, Burleson, TX. nyteague@sbcglobal. 2x6 setup net Make a Dollar. Delivery, service Bill Hall Auctioneer, Inc. LAR GE TR UCK Hom e R epair/Maint. lent cond. Must see! & R epair s General g E N T L E M I x E D old $23/acre er, over 100 Starting at $8years per hour. LOAD, Please call our office at now! Needed: Janitorial applied. DealInt/E x t-R oom Addi disponibles los empleos net R E TAINING WALL good flea m ar and dual A/C included. Hom e R epair/Maint. need non-working ones. 254-760-1156 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! Call the Dollar Saver B r e e d C o w s a n d tions, Tiling , Doors, Livestock Call, don’t text Please call our office NIcE WAShErS, dry-at STONE S,ware12x4" . Call (254) 776-7775 apply ket/ y ard sale stuff. Int/E xt-R Addi workers in Waco, Temple ers needed. Damon Berry de tiempo y with records; ViccuT FErTILIZEr cost, $13,500. 254-933-3334. RBIorwall, 33073. e, retail, P a inting ,completo Dry 2000 JE Eoom P Cherokee, (254) 799-6228, (254) Salado TX TXS6949 offic ( 254) 526-7310. Stocker Calves. Call tions, Tiling, Doors, $195 orfor best offer. (254) 776-7775 or apply August 12, 2019 Garag e www.janitoriConv ., Trim (254) 501-7530 ers, refrigerators, and online at house & m ore lease and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702(512) 461-6022. $1200 or best offer. cuT FErTILIZEr cost, medio! Se necesita: tra improves N-TEXX P ainting, Drywall, 214-5284. Temple: (254) COMP LE TE TWIN & More. F ree E st. David 254-278-8364. torian over (254) (254) Barr P roperties Feed &Esoil, Supply (Dresser, 254) online at www.janitoriFarm & ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt alservice.com/apply 338-1337 orlimpieza 466-7650 at $8 278-8364. per hour. 3797. Garage Conv., Trim g EN T749-0909 LTE MIx E D improves soil, N-TEXX D, with extra linen. Starting bajadores de enCOMP 15—5-5 with microbacte 541-6023 ( BE 254) 526-2277 LE TWIN 749-5637 R E TAINING WALL & More. Fold; ree Eand st.at alservice.com/apply Call ( 254) 526-7310. COMP LE TE TWIN with 90 day warranty. LAR GE TR UCK Please call our office 100 years B r e e d C o w s a n d 15—5-5 with microbactewww.davidbarrproper Waco, Temple y las áreas Garage Sales JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, BE D,D, with linen. ShIPPINg cONTAIN 338-1337 orflea 466-7650 STONE S, 12x4" . Call LOAD, g ood m ar- BE withextra extra linen. Automobiles ties.c om Delivery, service work, Call ( 254) 526-7310. (254) 776-7775 apply Stocker Calves. Call JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases ket/ y ard saleor stuff. circundantes. A partir de E N T L Ejobs Mup. I xWind ED Call ( 254) 526-7310. ( 254) germination, &g part-time available growth and production, ErS $2,000 and lots more to LAR GE526-7310. TR UCK Employment $195 or bantiques est offer. need non-working ones. FOr SALE Well Fertil online at www.janitori(254) 749-0909 (254) & part-time jobs available growth and production, $8 por hora. Por favor B r e e d C o w s a n d LOAD, good flea m ar now!water Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. Deal- 2000 254-278-8364. and tight. See pho JE E P Cherokee, LE TE TWIN ket/ y ard sale stuff. (254) 799-6228, choose from. Cash ized Coastal Hay. Berry $65 !COMP !E K illeen Constr uction 749-5637 now! Needed: $23/acre Deal! ! alservice.com/apply AVAILABLE !Janitorial ! (254) llame a nuestra al Stocker Calves. Call workers inapplied. Waco,oficina Temple ers needed. Damon R TAINING WALL tos www.steelcontainers. $1200 or best offer. BE D, with extra linen. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full $195 or best offer. &retail, R epair s 4" General offic e, ware STONE S, 12x . (254) Call 214-5284. Temple: per bale if picked up. workers in Waco, Temple ers needed. Damon Berry Call ( 254) 526-7310. (254) 776-7775 o solicite ( 254) Constr 278-8364. (254) 749-0909 (254) 254-278-8364. and surrounding areas. only. (254) 444-7052. E M P LeERO S lease D I S - net Will deliver. 722- 254-793-2318, 254-702- !!!! K uction Killeen illeen Constr uction ( 254) 526-7310. Hom epair/Maint. house & m ore for & part-time jobs(254) available 541-6023 Delivery available. Call & R epair s General and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702 & R epair General Int/E xt-R oom Addi David Barr P roperties en línea en www.janitori749-5637 Starting at $8 per Feed & Sup PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. hour. 3797. R E TAINING WALL now! Needed: Janitorial Hom eR R epair/Maint. epair/Maint. tions, Tiling, Doors, Hom e ( 254) 526-2277 Johnny Teague (281) STONE S, 12x4" . Call Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. Motorcycles alservice.com/apply Please call our office at ShIPPINg plies disponibles losDrywall, empleos Int/Ext-R xt-R oom P ainting, www.davidbarrproper workers in Waco, Temple Int/E oom AddiAddi ( 254) 526-7310. Livestock 924-4460 or cONTAINemail: john- tions, Please call office aty Employment tions, Tiling, Tiling, Doors, Garage Conv., Trim ties.c omour (254) 776-7775 orFertilapply !FOr !K illeen Constr uction Doors, de tiempo completo ShIPPINg cONTAIN JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ErS SALE Well $2,000 and up. Wind and surrounding areas. ree Painting, ainting, Drywall, & More. F E st. nyteague@sbcglobal. & R epair s General P Drywall, (254) 776-7775 or apply online atR medio! Se necesita: tra- ErS $2,000 and up. Wind & part-time jobs available ized Coastal Hay. $65 and water tight. See pho- Garage Garage Conv., Trim Starting atwww.janitori$8 per hour. Hom e epair/Maint. 338-1337 or 466-7650 FOr SALE Well Fertil Conv., Trim net JOBS AVAILABLE. Full online at www.janitori 2000 JE E P Cherokee, & More. More. F gInt/E E T Ltight. E MSee I Addix Eup. D alservice.com/apply xt-R oom bajadores de limpieza en and water phoCOMP LETR TEUCKTWIN now! Needed: Janitorial per bale ifour picked & F ree ree E Est. st. tos www.steelcontainers. Please call office at N ized Coastal Hay. $65 LAR GE 338-1337 or 466-7650 $1200 or best offer. tions, Tiling, Doors, & part-time jobs available BE D, with extra linen. alservice.com/apply 338-1337 or 466-7650 BM rPwww.steelcontainers. eainting, e d in C oS w sorTemple aCall nSd - net Waco, Temple y las áreas tos LOAD, good flea m ar- workers Waco, Delivery available. E P L E O D I Will deliver. (254) 722(254) 776-7775 apply ( 254) 278-8364. Drywall, per bale if picked up. Call ( 254) 526-7310. cuT FErTILIZEr LAR GE TR UCK-cost, now! Needed: ket/ y ard sale stuff. Stocker Calves. Call Garage Conv., Trim LAR GE TR UCK circundantes. partir de E M P L E O SA Janitorial DIS - net Will deliver. 722-LOAD, and surrounding areas. Johnny Teague PONIBLES. ¡(254) Ya(281) están 4270, Burleson, TX. online at www.janitori good flea m arDelivery available. Call $195 or best offer. improves soil, N-TEXX & More. F ree E st. LOAD, good flea m arFarm & Ranch Farm & Ranch workers in Waco, Temple (254) 749-0909 (254) ket/ y ardTeague sale stuff. $8 por hora. Por favor PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. Starting at $8 per hour. 924-4460 or email: john 254-278-8364. disponibles los empleos alservice.com/apply Johnny (281) 338-1337 or 466-7650 ket/ y ard sale stuff. 15—5-5 $195 orwith bestmicrobacteoffer. and surrounding areas. Livestock 749-5637 llame a nuestra oficina al disponibles los empleos Please call our office at nyteague@sbcglobal. $195 or best offer. de tiempo completo y R E TAINING WALL 924-4460 or email: johnLAR GE TR UCK 254-278-8364. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria,254-278-8364. increases germination, Livestock or Starting at $8 per hour. !tiempo !K illeen Constr uction STONE S, 12x4" . Call (254) LOAD, good flea m ar776-7775 o General solicite de completo y (254) 776-7775 apply net Front-End medio! Se jobs necesita: tra-COMP nyteague@sbcglobal. $ part-time &ycall R epair & available growth R E TAINING WALL LEand TE production, TWIN ket/ ard salesoffice stuff. ( 254) 526-7310. Please our at en línea en www.janitori medio! Se necesita: tra 2000 JE E P Cherokee, online at www.janitorig E N T L E M I x E D R E TAINING WALL Feed & Sup bajadores de limpieza en Hom e R epair/Maint. STONE S, 12x4" . Call net $195 or best offer. BE D, with extra linen. rEplacEmEnts starting at Installed now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre applied. Deal (254) 776-7775 or apply $1200 or best offer. 12x4" 526-7310. Int/E xt-R oom Addi g E NFErTILIZEr T plies LE M I xáreas E DSTONE alservice.com/apply cuT cost, 254-278-8364. bajadores de limpieza en alservice.com/apply B( 254) r(needed. e(254) eS, d C o w.sCall aBerry n d Call 254) 526-7310. Waco, Temple y las Over ( 254)Turn 278-8364. workers in CWaco, Temple ers Damon 526-7310. tions, Tiling, Doors, online at www.janitori B r e e d o w s a n d improves soil, N-TEXX Waco, Temple y las áreas Stocker Calves. Call R E TAINING WALL circundantes. A partir de Gooseneck JOBS AVAILABLE. Full P ainting, Drywall, and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702Motorcycles real Estate For alservice.com/apply STONE S, 12x4" . Call Stocker Calves. Call 15—5-5 with microbactecircundantes. A partir de Garage Conv., Trim Ball Hitch (254) 749-0909 (254) $8 por hora. Por favor & part-time jobs available FOr SALE Well Fertil( 254) 526-7310. Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. Sale & More. F ree E st. Installed Starting at (254) 749-0909 (254) JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases germination, $8 por hora. Por favor 749-5637 llame a nuestra oficina al now! Needed: Janitorial WE Buy & Repair Unized Coastal Hay. $65 338-1337 or 466-7650 ! ! K illeen Constr uction Please call our office at ShIPPINg cONTAIN $600 749-5637 & part-time jobs available growth and production, llame a nuestra al (254) 776-7775 oorsolicite & R epair s General workers in Waco, Temple oficina wanted/ Broken per bale ifBuILT picked up. (254) 776-7775 apply LAR GE TR UCK QuALITy homes COMP LE TE TWIN ErS $2,000 and up.ATV’s, Wind Hom e R epair/Maint. now! Needed: oJanitorial $23/acre applied. Deal(254) 776-7775 solicite en línea en www.janitori LOAD, good flea m arand surrounding areas. Feed & Sup BE D, with extra linen. Motorcycles & Scooters. Delivery available. Callto online at www.janitoriGrill Guards on your lot. Floor plans Int/E xt-R oom Addi and water tight. See pho ket/ y ard sale stuff. workers in ers needed. Damon Berry en línea en www.janitori Call ( 254) 526-7310. Feed & Sup alservice.com/apply at Starting atWaco, $8 perTemple hour. plies tions, Installed Tiling,Starting Doors, We Pick-Up (903) 336- Johnny Teague (281) alservice.com/apply fit any budget. No money $195 or best offer. tos www.steelcontainers. and surrounding areas. 254-793-2318, 254-702 alservice.com/apply P ainting, Drywall, plies Please call our office at 254-278-8364. $ 9086 924-4460 or email: johnJOBS AVAILABLE. Full 550 down. 100% financing. SK Truck Bed E M P L E O S D I S net Will deliver. (254) 722 Garage Conv., Trim Starting at $8 per hour. 3797. (254) 776-7775 or apply JOBS AVAILABLE. Full &nyteague@sbcglobal. part-time jobs¡program. available R E TAINING WALL & More. F ree E st. Credit repair FOr SALE Well $ PONIBLES. Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX.Fertil Please call our office at Short BedConstr Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ............... 4,450 online at www.janitoriShIPPINg cONTAINSTONE S, 12x4" . Call & part-time jobs available 338-1337 or 466-7650 ! ! K illeen uction net now! Needed: Janitorial FOr SALElos Well Fertil- (254) 857-4663. ized Coastal Hay.Wheel $65 w/4 disponibles empleos 2000 JE E P Cherokee, Long Bed Single Boxes ................. $4,650 (254) 776-7775 or apply ( 254) 526-7310. & R epair s General alservice.com/apply ErS $2,000 and up. Wind now! Needed: Janitorial Livestock LAR GE TR UCK workers in Waco, Temple ized Coastal Hay. $65 $ per bale if picked up. $1200 or best offer. COMP LE TE TWIN de tiempo completo y Hom e R epair/Maint. LOOkINg FOrSee hunting/ Dually w/4 flea Boxesm ..................................................... 4,900 online at www.janitori in LOAD, good ar and water phoworkers Waco, Temple ( 254) 278-8364. BE D, with extra linen. and surrounding per baleSetight. ifproperty? pickedareas. up. Int/E xt-R oom Addi $ Delivery available. CallBoxes Motorcycles medio! necesita: tra-ket/ real Estate For y ard sale stuff. 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 ............................. 4,950 recreation We alservice.com/apply Call ( 254) 526-7310. tions, Tiling, Doors, tos www.steelcontainers. and surrounding areas. Sale Starting at per Delivery available. Call $ $195 or offer. Johnny Teague (281) g Eainting, N Tbest LAxle E Drywall, M Ix E DBoxes bajadores de$8 limpieza en 84" Cab C&C w/4 .............................. 5,375 have some of the hour. best P E MPLE I S - WE net Will deliver. 722 Starting atO $8S perDhour. 254-278-8364. Prices. Add For Standard Installation Please call office at Johnny Teague (281) Buy &our Repair Un Garage 924-4460 or johnB r e e dCarryConv., COut oemail: w s Trim a n$500 d Waco, Temple y(254) las áreas in Texas, from the hill PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están 4270, Burleson, TX. Please call our office at & More. F ree E st. (254) 776-7775 orATV’s, apply 924-4460 orsouth email: johnEStocker TAINING WALL wanted/ nyteague@sbcglobal. Calves. Call circundantes. A partir deR QuALITy BuILT country toBroken Texas. 338-1337 or 466-7650 !!K illeen Constr uction disponibles los empleos STONE S, 12x4" . Call (254) 776-7775 orhomes apply online at www.janitorinyteague@sbcglobal. Motorcycles & Scooters. net (254) 749-0909 (254) $8 por hora. Por favor on your lot. Floor plans to Livestock Large acreage or small. 800-932-2461 & RE. epair s General ( 254) 526-7310. LAR GE TR UCK de tiempo completo y 190 online at www.janitori alservice.com/apply netyear We Pick-Up (903) 336 • 2403 Hom e RHwy. epair/Maint. 749-5637 llame agood nuestra oficina al fit any budget. No money LOAD, m ar 30 fixedflea rate owner 8.7 Miles West of "Old Location" or .5 miles East xt-R of Lampasas Wal-Mart medio! Se necesita: tra alservice.com/apply Int/E oom Addi ket/ y ard sale stuff. 9086 (254) 776-7775 o solicite down. 100% financing. Motorcycles financing. 5%I x Down. tions, Tiling, Doors, real For www.kEmpnErEquip .com g E Nor TEstate LOnly E offer. M $195 best bajadores de limpieza en E D P ainting, Drywall, Motorcycles en Credit repair Feed & Sup- real Estate 800-876-9720 ranchenter 254-278-8364. Sale B rlínea e e den Cwww.janitoriow s a n d Waco, Temple yprogram. lasFor áreas Garage Conv., Trim alservice.com/apply (254) 857-4663. WE Buy & Repair Un plies Sale prisesltd.com & More. F ree E st. R E TAINING WALL Stocker Calves. Call circundantes. A partir de Un- WE Buy & Repair ties.c om
kEmpnEr EquipmEnt
Page 6 • August 7, 2019
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530
Temple: (254) 778-4444 www.davidbarrproper ties.c om
! ! AVAILABLE ! ! offic e, retail, w are house & m ore for lease Dav id Ba rr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277
se es
Killeen: (254) 501-7530
onday, July 15, 2019
NS. ac h.
Building/ Remodeling
! ! K illeen Constr uction red & R epair s General Hom e R epair/Maint. ats Int/E xt-R oom Addi s. red tions, Tiling, Doors, . Painting, Drywall, Garage Conv., Trim
& More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650
NS. ach.
red ats
August 7, 2019 • Page 7
! ! K illeen Constr uction 2000 E E PsCherokee, & RJepair General $1200 best offer. Hom e or R epair/Maint. ( 254) 278-8364. Int/E xt-R oom Addi tions, Tiling, Doors, P ainting, Drywall, Garage Conv., Trim & More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650
2000 JE E P Cherokee, $1200 or best offer. COMP LE TE TWIN BE D,( w ith 278-8364. ex tra linen. 254) Call ( 254) 526-7310. PE R SIAN KITTE NS. P E R SIAN KITTE NS. R egistered. $1000 eac h. R egistered. $1000 eac h. 2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12, 2019 Call Susan, Call Susan, ( 254) 760-9615. ( 254) 760-9615. ! ! K illeen Constr uction & R epair s General Brick/ Building/ Building/ Hom Cleaning/ Foundation e R epair/Maint. Int/E x t-R oom Addi tions, Tiling , Doors, Concrete Remodeling Remodeling Janitorial Repairs P a inting , Dry wall, Garag e Conv ., Trim & More. F ree E st. onday, July 15, 2019 338-1337 or 466-7650 Blood, R egistered LAR GE TR UCK F ull Full Blood, R egistered LOAD, g ood flea m arABGA, BOE R Goats ABGA, BOE R Goats ket/ y ard sale stuff. Billie' s & Nannie' s. $195 or b est offer. Billie' s & Nannie' s. Traditional w/ Colored COMP LE TE TWIN 254-278-8364. w/ Colored BE Gen. Killeen, TX . Traditional D, with extra linen. R E TAINING WALL ( 254) 526-7101 Call ( 254) 526-7310. Gen. Killeen, TX . STONE S, 12x 4" . Call ( 254) 526-7310. ( 254) 526-7101 Concrete ! ! AVAILABLE !! offic e, retail, w are ! ! K illeen Constr uction house Services & m ore for lease & R epair s General Dav id Ba rr P roperties Hom e R epair/Maint. ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper Int/E xt-R oom Addi ties.c om tions, Tiling, Doors, P ainting, Drywall, Garage Conv., Trim & More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650 WHEN YOU WANT to P E R SIAN KITTE NS. R egistered. $1000 eac h. LAR GE TR UCK reach as many people as Call Susan, LOAD, good flea m ar you can and spend the least ( 254) 760-9615. ket/ y ard sale stuff. amount of money doing it, $195 or best offer. 2000 JE E P Cherokee, 254-278-8364. American Dollar Saver is $1200 or best offer. ( answer! 254) 278-8364. your Whether you R E TAINING WALL STONE S, 12x4" . Call or check American list an ad ( 254) 526-7310. Dollar Saver for the unique something you’ve been F ull Blood, R egistered N I SSAN buyers F R ON T I EsellR ABGA, BOE R Goats looking 2011, for, SV Cr ew and Cab, Billie' s & Nannie' s. autom atic, newAmerican tir es. ers both agree, Traditional w/ Colored 133kSaver m iles, mbargain! acu Dollar is aim real Gen. Killeen, TX . late cond. One owner . $7999. Call ( 254) 526-7101 Call 254-771-2777 254-319-1306.
Crafts & Gifts
Monday, July 8, 2019
Tree Service
COMP LE TE TWIN BE D, w ith ex tra linen. Call ( 254) 526-7310.
Scrap Metal Clean-Up
Yardwork/ Landscaping
CALL TO GET STARTED TODAY! 254-771-2777 • 254-634-4615
Dollar Saver
Tree Service
! ! K illeen Constr uction & R epair s General Hom e R epair/Maint. Int/E x t-R oom Addi tions, Tiling , Doors, P a inting , Dry wall, Garag e Conv ., Trim & More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650 LAR GE TR UCK LOAD, g ood flea m ar ket/ y ard sale stuff. $195 or b est offer. 254-278-8364. R E TAINING WALL CHECK US OUT! STONE S, 12x 4" . Call ( 254) 526-7310. Our classifieds have everything you need! N I SSAN F R ON T I E R 2011, SV Cr ew Cab, autom atic, new tir es. 133k m iles, im m aculate cond. One owner . $7999. Call 254-319-1306.
Seamless Gutters
PRICE WITHOUT RESULTS isn’t a bargain. Call American Dollar Saver at 254-501-7530.
Page 8 • August 7, 2019
American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777
ing, Owner/ Rakeagent Leaves, Diana White Doors Open 5pm Doors Open 30 years experience. Two spaces: 730 11am sq. ftFree ofby p 1BR, 1BA Cottage on 1 Pam LaShelle Realtors Carpentry must. Session Starts 6:30pm Session Starts 12:30pm 713.859.2952 Estimate Bonded &paid Infice; $1,100; allabills Lawncare, Private Fence, EFFICIEN512-217-2070 AFTERNOONS SUNDAY FRI. AFTERNOONS Centex Construction sured. 254-295-3578 000, acre country setting, FURNISHED and 570 sq. ft office; $875; Chappell Hill Reality Doors Open 4pm Doors Open 5pm and concrete CIES. Flat Screen work. TVs, 254-217-2600 allolgalidia629@gmail.com bills paid. Both brand Session Starts 5:30pm Session Starts 6:30pm Group w/b Temple, $695 deposit, Full Kitchen. new build outs: Free: Cable, NOW H R NG EFFICIENFree Estimates. LARGE P FURNISHED NA CONCRETE CON AFTERNOONS SUNDAY M a 254-624-2779 R ad $695 mo., 3320 Pecan Valley, Now and bor- Ch&A THiring, mp Tlandscape mp4pm Doors Open NON-SMOKING ROOM Internet. Bills Paid. No n d BINGO CIES. Flat Screen TVs, TRACTOR T m ees CL&L Temple. 254-760-2995 771-2191, 718-9765 T ucks sM5:30pm h and ng WStarts AvAvailable irrigation, please call Session Hot Food Sp v y R a E a Lease/ No Deposit. ded p Full Kitchen. Free: VFW Post #4008 andscap HOLLY ngOAKS mowCable, APTS. ng LARGE Maximum Pay Out leave a message.
407CNA’s N. C���e�� S�., ON Ro���u� • 2/10 - $1000 SIGN BONUS • Transporta�on CNA/Van Dr254-583-7904 ver REQUIREMENTS $2000 S GN ON BONUS • RN/LVN for Weekend Doubles Employment 40 hours a week Mon through Fr • Part Time Ac�vity Assistant August 7, 2019 • Page 9 • 2/10 CNA s - $1000 S GN ON BONUS H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� �����G ����I�A����S �OR • RN/LVN for Weekend Doub es �n�onR�h�� • Transporta� CNA/Van Driver N. C���e�� S�., Ro���u� • Part T me Ac�v ty407 Ass $2000 stant SIGN ON BONUS RESULTS... 254-583-7904 40 hours a week Mon. through Fri. H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� • 2/10 CNA’s - $1000 SIGN ON BONUS Careers.wm.com Careers.wm.com 1.844.969.6754 �n� R�h�� 407 N C���e�� S� ,• Ro���u� RN/LVN for Weekend Doubles (19010958) (254)254-583-7904 778-4444 • Part Time Ac�vity Assistant
time (254) to full778-4444 time. Apply in n years in business. Call Dale desde los sitios será pro- at Kolache Kitchen, 30 Tr ad d n del solicitado. Por stoc valves, and meters. cles tode eliminate exprovements. References Tri viajepuesto los empleados ofy work. 721-3658. porcionado por travel D.L.K. following positions: CDL drivers. Home every 254-527-3342, ask for person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite a Good ad starting mpay nad and favor NEED TRUCK DRIVER solicite en hours sl L for n employees. d de en lapersona an empresa pense available. plus. ApplyLAND in perWANT TO254-865-3546 LEASE for and vehículos Please send resume to 150. 20 withhours. end dump experience. Rob or Lacey. d merit n increases. n un Paid m n mva- David 36 Competitive L. King Concrete n d d a B u b nn •Engineer cattleTuesday-Saturday grazing, will do imro para eliminar los gastos de son at tion x erron@439watersupply.com Must beincludes: dependable and d añ d xp n a La Construction, 1629 S. Fort a Sde v formas Preparadores de provements. References Cal viajeEde los empleados package Health fu •Purchase Manager have good references. NEED TRUCK DRIVER sickMON leave 11 Hood S.E. HK Dodgen a cation, aDR d VER pag p TOR h and a Killeen. El 23108 David L. p Kingn Construchormigón L Street, a d yn T terminadores mp available. 254-865-3546 or contact 439 Water Ma n nan m MMED OPEN NG High School Diploma or GED insurance, paid vacation, ai 201 830-220-7830. with endATE dump experience. horario de atención es de d m na á gún a xp David L. King Loop. Ca a local pa k company, and apa has holidays. Medical-Dental de hormigón •Electrician Supply Corporation at b tion,h m xFo co NEEDEDn m n Must Lab a be andependable VBi-annual h and lunes a viernes de 8:00 n a y Construcción, una empresa company 401k. mimmediate n mp x positions Fu Two m H nda G d W ng avail(2)dCen years of relevant work experience. ta ful In have references. Fertilizer Application, inS hwgood n Tor xa a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Todos 254-933-2133 visit at pu ad P local, tiene puestos •Plumber Tex ARCavailable. s seek ng Pay n xp concrete n Insurance ApT k m agg d able ba ford skilled CDL d ve s Home eve y Praises, tio air 25 830-220-7830. Lab A guaranteed an Belton, P nuestros sitios dedisponibles trabajo andcrease inmediatos av n pPa na me nclean Wanted used doublewide Dachshund pups 2 smooth E a A C and m growth and producRanch House Inn Valid driver’s license and must have a driving record NON-SMOKING ROOM Internet. Bills Paid. No n p d g a nd 6202 Sparta Rd Small Lawn Care Business Fu me and mmanue Bap s Chve d pa 1BR/1BA n ng encupstairs ngReasonable house & 36 co sm (254)657-0043, form setters and concrete •Carpenter $700.00 week plyd atL 2410 EastC Adams, d Pay d p min. nd nMust x se en las áreas hou s Compe paraencuentran preparadores de Dav K ng n mobile home. ba kh k h p u N Hot Food Available 20 ntion for your n g ab and females, 2 smooth males, In pasture 773-0114 Mow, weed, trim trees and Fertilizer Application, inLease/ No Deposit. S h S T mp TX 76513. Office location: 2459 FM p n B n n ud de Temple, Belton y Kilfinishers with minimum of D ve Mon o s T ans Deve opmen Cen e s eve downstairs. ng F ee Washer Es ma and e Strong of diesel repair encofrados de concreto Ca J hn price. 254-421-3536 Cknowledge n u nEOE S Fengine Lic #1-74-6066507-2 m na ub an abu Maximum Pay Hea Out h be 25 years of age, with a package nc udes 254 Temple. 1 longhair shots, BR BA m nh landscaping. 254-760-3031 H a h d nOPERATOR a•Welder and k leen. El viaje hacia y crops. N-TEXX stimulates crease growth and produc- 35C Ranch Houseparking. Inn calificados y male, terminadores 2268 Salado,TX 76571 1 year experience. Hourly WED. AFTERNOONS H d c S en s nK7 passen n E Licensed electricians Ca ma po h ng Teache s F oa 254 780 7670 dryer. Covered minimum ofSupply 2 yearsCorpoexp. m dwaymhp @gma d p create trained, 439 SWater nd R um nsu ance d vaca desde los sitios será prode dewormed, concreto con un mínimo •Painter Doorspa Open 11am on at Bluebonnet d a n n d m deter- h a pay rate will be tion for your pasture and 773-0114 soil,needed microorganisms that Tri ge o aTEACHING 15 vans e Skiles s & AGroup des P ease ap for 254-527-3342, Water paid. Fax has porcionado por D.L.K. 350.00 very de 1house año de experiencia. La ask Competitive Great Benefi &d Opportunities forbroke. Growth! Session Starts VETERAN YARDAppointCARE company Electrical Services. OPERATOR vpassenge n tsPOSITION ration a full time for po- mined upon 401k annua isB12:30pm looking experience Pay, and un Collection of old 45s & LPs, crops. N-TEXX stimulates •Forklift Driver provide essential nutrients WANT TO LEASE LAND for sli u ym@ n m vehículos de la empresa tarifa de pago por hora se App gers. VERY N CE WATER TREE TEMPLE FRI. AFTERNOONS and ove see c en s ac sweet) 531-218-7303 p y n pe son a 1402 Located in Temple. ments 773-4787. a m a p m T d Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed aasesfull-time gua AVAILABLE or Lacey. Carpenter 439 Water Supply 50¢ &microorganisms up. Varied 19 sition available forCorpoTCEQ Tknowledge o an ap- nu an eed to Rob Only one Mini an grazing, will artists do their im-& roo para eliminar los Au gastos de cattle determinará según la aexpeF pa Ga d n soil, that mp n yof a position ka n and Doors Open 5pm Call 254-771-0801. for plants through 30K. d aba NOW HIRING! Maintenance person for mo•Material Handler DRIVER-MONITOR PINA CONCRETE CONEating/ Control, Landscapv es Pass backg ound Wes Ave A Temp e 12101 Moffat Road. 2/1/1, Bear Hugs Learning Center. genre. 254-778-5076, Temple 4s NOW H R NG Ma n nan p n m IMMEDIATE OPENING join 00 the construction team CL&L Puppy B a conocimiento k DR VER MON provements. References 200 P NA CONCRETE CON M arefurbished R ad D2/1/1, plied Please apply ration has a OPENING full viaje de los NOW HIRING! Maintenance for mo- in Maintenance riencia y empleados el MMED ATE OPEN NG po- hyd ub Pa n NOW HIRING! person for moClass C License distribun g nfor.waperson Session Starts 6:30pm What you get when youtime advertise DRIVER-MONITOR Trucks is hiring PINA CONCRETE CONDRIVER-MONITOR Moffat Road. week mmp n Mus Recently 3,500 PINA CONCRETE CON12101 Moffat Road.Blow, 2/1/1,de-$700 n u home n an n older, aTOR á aparta Temple Temps bile park and IMMEDIATE provide essential nutrients IMMEDIATE OPENING hed. 12101 Ch&A, $700 Edge, rent, $500 NEED TRUCK DRIVER productive biological proc- HD T mp T b h m at pa k and apa 2001 W nnebago B ave ing, Mow, Must be 18 or have ma Pa n n available. 254-865-3546 A es Bu d ng Sys ems Ch&A n d NEEDED TRACTOR. Trim trees, at Coryell Health. Pay check d ug sc een d v FURNISHED EFFICIENTemple Temps bile home park and apartLab assistant – Vet tech del puesto solicitado. Por T a T mp B SD Temple Temps bile home park and apartperson David L. King k ng a h a h n •Siding Installer AFTERNOONS SUNDAY NEEDED T ees TOWNHOMES AT Ch&A, $700 rent, $500 de- TRACTOR sition available for TCEQ P NA TSpivey ee rent, Tm mm ng Lab a anW.pages V h Ch&A, $500 de- be Tri 315 Ave M d ment T mpcomplex. B n Full y K time. p m in the Classified of the tion operator. 201 NEEDED posit. Real Estate EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. L $700 with end dump experience. CDL drivers. Home every TRACTOR. Trim trees, W Av M m n mp x Fu m NEEDED sq.ft. office and warehouse pa TRACTOR. Trim trees, 25 yea s o age w h a Lab assistant – Vet tech Lab assistant – Vet tech for plants through their Ca p Sp v y R a E a Cleanup. high school orahtime. GED, 315 Ave M ment complex. Full Schwertner Texastime. esses. 15-5-5 applied N Doors dis dW.$18-$23 xp n per d favor soliciteARC en persona en 35C 315aW. Ave M complex. nConcrete u ba nd v dua range hour Must Open 4pm 54 336 m es Fo d at xand posit. Spivey Real Estate Mow Cen-Tex is seeking Modu d distribung atand Pay S hw n Bu T xa landscaping, mowing, based on experience. posit. Spivey Real ement s Tex cense and gh CIES. Flat Screen TVs, nPay E v adiploma ha y Cen ARC s Full seek ng 254-753-5341 andscap ng Ramona mow ng d Construction, nAssistance xp n 1629 be dependable WED AFTERNOONS Class C License ngRIVER Edg ng C Estate ean Schwertner Texas DOLLAR SAVER. Texas Apply inCompetitive person Thishours. position’s primary ARC is seeking Furnished. Court36 Lab Pre-dCen-Tex mowing, Pay based on experience. d on no aStarts u s exp nCleanFAIR space. Located on corner landscaping, David L.ARC King Concrete is seeking mowing, Pay on experience. aS.Prior aSchwertner an n pa mlandscaping, n mum 2 nyea Randy 254-743-9444 Session 5:30pm productive procbackground and finger print. 254-753-5341 P Lab A an P Electrical, A/C and some Cen-Tex EVA’S Residential tion based experience. Bene254-753-5341 d based á GED pme $23.00 per biological acre. full Fort Hood Street, E aLabPay A Cp and mKilhave good references. T on V10 6 8 e 1 D Op n am Full-time and Part-time Immanuel Baptist Child NOW H R NG o he painting, fencing, house Prior Lab Assistance PreTOWNHOMES AT schoo d p oma o Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Prior Assistance PreFu me and Pa mmanue Bap s Ch d pa n ng enc ng house ferred. depends on extion operator. Get Results! Call Today! Electrical, A/C and some up v IN Construction,and 1629Part-time S. Fort ng Rake Leaves m kh uk m App y Nn pFull-time Electrical, A/C andApply LARGE d Payincludes: p nd operation n x function isdBaptist the backhoe skills helpful. ing527 ServiceFrom topo to ferred. Cal and Part-time yard, near VA.St., From $495. 254 Experience ap plus. in Full-time Immanuel Baptist Child package Health fencing, house lot in downtown nad D Lsome K No 1BA Co age Temple. on 1 painting, Mueller Road hof poffice u on esses.v 15-5-5 Immanuel Child fits are offered. painting, house 830-220-7830. 3342 ask S 1111 n BELTON SS. a5th pm leen. Hours Payng ex- is ba Temple Carlos Equal Opportunity Employer: by 1BR ferred. depends ex- D perience. Benefits include: backhoe skills helpful. No Driver-Monitors. TransCa p nfencing, y a Cen mu fo S h S T mp Development Hood Killeen. El s deContact leveling. Free Estimate. andapplied dMorris n ngat air, on1919 ow ons p nna Pay W Adam SuoperNON-SMOKING ROOM Good s skills ador Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran ng and backhoe helpful. No Internet. Bills Paid. No B depends npos Center non ud ve osubstance T Deve opmen e is s pperience. criminal abuse. eve ng F ee Es maFree e bottom. Free Estimates! GUNS ng & AMMO-REPAIR This position’s primary WANTED Donkeys, horses, TOStreet, LEASE LAND cou vDriver-Monitors. hperson: u Mon as pay mpans a WANT m ub and an 401k abu RIVER FAIR Lawnca e P va$700 e Fence 1111 S. 5th St., Temple and maintenance of a FR AFTERNOONS Benefits include: 1111 S. 5th St., Temple Please email Trans254-778-1374. Eat Development Center insurance, paid vacation, 3.5BR, 1BA, month leveling. Free Estimate. Off-street parking. ac e coun y se ng $23.00 per acre. perience. Benefits include: ations are Monday thru Driver-Monitors. TransHealth, dental Development Center is leveling. Free Estimate. BR BA m n h criminal or substance abuse. C n x C n u n Rob o Lacey horario de atención es de Hot Food Available H a h d n a and k Troy, Texas 76579 criminal or substance abuse. 254-421-1276 for fertilizer 254-773-7686 ord email: 0 Reasonable prices. Highly Health, LJZ254 SURPLUS 603-C East •3bed/2.5bath/2gar in any 7dpassenhiring Teachers, Float- Health, a port g clients a goats ng w m 254-780-7670 Ca ma Eng nee oom 760 1876 m na d sheep, or other 3.5BR, $700 month Application, in- Inno mea Call eases Pa va Lease/ No Deposit. po c nc en n 7 7 ga passen h ng Teache s F oa 254 7670 function is the operation and 401k D 780 Op n e254-598-8179 pm 3.5BR, 1BA, month 500 S.s IH-35, Belton $650 deposit. dental and 401k and conc e$700 wo k careers@skilesgroup.com Send Resume d Contact p1BA, Call 254-773-7686 ormto: email: pa 25 lunes a viernes de n 8:00 Fertilizer purchased water distriFriday 8:00am to 4:00pm. Sdental nd R um Maximum Pay Out port clients in passenNearby. hiring Teachers, Floatcompany 401k. Bi-annual 254-780-7670 Call 254-773-7686 or email: Randy Contact Carlos Morris midwaymhpr@gmail.com. BELTON Temp e $695 depos Central, Belton 939-1110 recommended. 254-316-1108. port clients in 7 passenhiring Teachers, Float254-780-7670 m dwaymhp @gma p v m n R 254v a d mp ad $650 deposit. 254-598-8179 application and sales. Olga’s Cleaning Services b Send Resume to: of apfarm 254-865-3546 S Ranch n S aHouse pm $650 deposit. 254-598-8179 ger or 15 passenger vans crease growth and producRENT$2,000 ers & Aides. Please or email: aharris@ Pu chase Manage Fax: 254-527-4400 to:n or 254-933-2803 ge o 15 passenge vans ca on s ck eave and 11 Inn es NEED e s if& ATRUCK des P ease ap midwaymhpr@gmail.com. LourResume K ng sites C and maintenance a Dav a.m. a animals. 4:00 p.m. Todos Fax qualified and interested. DR VER midwaymhpr@gmail.com. Alld ofSend job areu in ger F ee Es ma bution system lines, ab or 15 passenger vans ava ers & Please ap254-421-1276 for fertilizer raises, guaranteed FURN SHED EFF2779 CApp EN 254-774-5204 Residential/ Commerical $695 mo 254 624 Fax: 254-527-4400 or •3bed/2.5bath/2gar ger or oversee 15 sitios passenger vans AFTERNOONS SUNDAY ers &uin Aides. Please apsuzym@cllnet.com 254-527-4400 or ha N HAides. ng and ap 1402 and n aFax: aBelton, mpany VERY NICE 3/2/2. Appli-wp o nuestros de trabajo ym@ nwater m WATER TREE TEMPLE MXT T y pasture Hau and client’s ac- tion plyariesbuildings.com person atdistri1402 WATER Diana White VERY N CEHouses. Any hy w nd dump xp n E ec c an TREE TEMPLE and ove see c en s ac n pe son a for your and ho days Med ca Den a 773-0114 purchased Temple, and Kil30 years experience. Free Cash for lo771 2191 718 9765 suzym@cllnet.com BATHTUB REFINISHING D RENTOp n$2,000 pm Applio C VERY Applivalves, and meters. y encuentran n M n en Au an x Only application and Australian sales. and oversee client’s ac-and On ga nCleaning p p andab a and Services ply Olga’s in at 1402 $700.00 week Must WATER ances. Fireplace. GardenMu mm a TREE n TEMPLE ES FNICE a pSc een Ga TVs setivities. las aáreas (Temple’s only alkaline VERY NICE 3/2/2. w done Mini a k an a 3/2/2. d n TREE TEMPLE and oversee client’s acTleen mpd suzym@cllnet.com npy Travel a ka n ava and ply in OPERATOR person at 1402 b person dA and 201 ed oHIRING fast paced West Ave. A, min. Temple. CATTLE WORKING, 713.859.2952 Only one Pass Mini Australian Estimate Bonded areas. and WATER vNOW es Pass backg ound P umbe WesResidential/ Ave Temp bution system lines, ab Cash forF Houses. Any lo- ances. crops. N-TEXX stimulates nsu ance ava ab estore) Ap Puppy Black Shome. nPatio. SRepairs a pm ances. Fireplace. Garden BBelton a kbackground .n Fu (Temple’s Commerical av ag e& nInintub. onGarden porce5407 Don’shav d ntoand or any de Temple, y haulKil- uOnly hydrogen water Fireplace. ubcated D ne Full time positions, k hone nleft. &Mini ba hAustralian h tri-color, a & (Temple’s only alkaline and is Puppy g n only wak alkaline Lic Please send resume g #1-74-6066507-2 da m tivities. Pass background West Ave. A, Temple. be 25 years ofTemple. age, with ato hyd Diana White K Pa chen F 5407 ee condition. Cab Da hpenning, hund pup m h drivPuppy left. Black tri-color, 439 Water Supply JUST BUILT OUT tivities. Pass background sured. 254-295-3578 West Ave. malemicroorganisms $300.Black Parents on 35C ing, problem catSma Lawn Ca BuOver nBISD. Building Systems from sites will be provided Patio. Don’s Pa n ny aPuppy LARGE n. tub. left. tri-color, 30WED. years experience. Free check, drug screen, A es Bu dA, ng Sys ems hydrogen water store) is check Chappell Hill Reality Trail, Temple. d ug sc een dconscivis ma mAries and n n moleen. El viaje hacia looking for a health Ca pen e CorpoTcated a325-650-5900 T any mp B SD valves, and meters. tub. Patio. 5407 Don’s soil, that p y a 2410 Eas Adams customer service/cashier k ng a h a h or condition. lain and fiberglass. 30 hydrogen water store) p w d awn ng PINA Tree Trimming, AFTERNOONS P NA T ee T mm ng NOW HIRING! Maintenance person for DRIVER-MONITOR ma m h ma male $300. Parents on PINA CONCRETE CONolgalidia629@gmail.com Aries Building Systems Road. 2/1/1, erron@439watersupply.com premises. Call 254-654-4833 drug drivminimum 2full years M wNON w SMOK d Temple. mTrimming, and 713.859.2952 IMMEDIATE OPENING OFFICE m Also Ca great benefits, Trail, Temple. Estimate Bonded NG ROOM for health conscin12101 e ne Moffat B s SPACE! Pa d BISD. No PINA Needed experienced tle. will hauland anydrivlive- male ON nTemps FM Aries Building Systems $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. has time pohu home w h mBuilding n mum dCONCRETE da Open xp n & d Inentious individual fill pcheck, D.L.K. company vehi- check, desde los sitios será prodrug screen, Tree nnby nd apark v dua Trail, BISD. Modular looking for a screen, health Doors 11am uorh 254-493-4537. b $300. dessential ad Parents and TVon Tri Modu aofa HIRING! Bu dbacklog ng exp. er’s license high NOW Maintenance person for moe s Kolache and conscihto gh years business. Call Dale Group Tree Trimming, Temple bile and apartDRIVER-MONITOR Please send resume to looking We de PINA CON- ration 12101 Moffat 2/1/1, PINA provide nutrients Temp ecense EOE ngha ma h D.L.K. Mowing, Edging, Cleanpremises. Call 254-654-4833 325-650-5900 Ch&A, $700 rent, $500 ngin Edg ngRoad. Ctrees, ean and ap ng Needed experienced 254-295-3578 at Kitchen, 30 $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. individual to residential construction H F d Ava ab Sa ad TX NEEDED dsured. n a n 12:30pm u n TwoNo spaces: 730 sq. ft of-de- Mow sales assistant position, part y IMMEDIATE aModular xp nBuilding u fill yex-High TRACTOR. Trim porcionado por Modular Building or contact 439 Water acles ato an p OPENING nH time. pa stock. Call 254-865-3546 Needed experienced Lab assistant –Temps Vet tech er’s license and high Chappell Hill Reality 254-527-3342, for entious $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. eliminate travel Session Starts entious toGED fill npremises. g d hapCall 254-654-4833 Ca Temple bile home park apartFe on n Lease Depos available for TCEQ 315 W.construction Ave M ment complex. Full Edging, Cleaner’s license and School Diploma or GED of work. Ch&A, $700 rent,Ou $500 de- Mowing, NOW HIRING for the 721-3658. d wze m App ddiploma aca aor n high dGED. 254-493-4537. NOW H R NG oask he school posit. Spivey Real Estate Mowing, schoo dindividual pfull oma oand olgalidia629@gmail.com residential erron@439watersupply.com Edging, NEEDED Pa n e TRACTOR. trees, sition supervisor. sales assistant position, part or 254-493-4537. WANT TO LEASE LAND for sli for plants through their up v Trim CleanMaxRake mum Pay ing, Rake Leaves, Lab assistant –bexperience. Vet tech time assistant to time. Apply in orvehículos pay a w d ng Leaves de la empresa m u m App y n OFF CE SPACE residential construction Schwertner Texas fice; $1,100; all bills paid FRI. AFTERNOONS sales position, part 315 W. Ave M ment complex. Full time. 1BR, 1BA Cottage on 1 1BR 1BA Co age on 1 Cen-Tex ARC is seeking pense for employees. NOW HIRING for the Supply Corporation at landscaping, mowing, Pay based on Fo hours plus. Apply in perGroup posit. Spivey Real school diploma orT GED. h ueliminar kh and v y and Rob orCCarpentry Lacey. 254-753-5341 REDUCED! FornnSale VETERAN YARD CAREEstate Sk TEACH NG POS ON by 1BR, Class License distribusupervisor. HIRING for the cschool ease g bow p oduc Ranch House Rake Leaves, ave must. GDoors up k ngFence, Prior time full time. Apply in diploma GED. following positions: Ca p n Open yPrivate a mu grazing, will doprocim- roo ng pos onsWater Schwertner Texas person, W. Adams, Suite Good starting pay m n NOW dnto up n W xpAdam n Two and Su para los isor gastos de cattle Good s a7425 ng and or o ow contact supervisor. Lab Pre- p Cen-Tex ARC seeking 5pm 1BA Cottage on 1by ing, Fo k Assistance D 439 ing, Rake Leaves, landscaping, mowing, time toof full time. Apply in Pay based on pay experience. (2) years relevant work experience. Lawncare, productive biological Lawnca ecountry PCottage va e Fence and 570 sq. fty office; $875; ta Electrical, A/C and some 254-753-5341 w High School Diploma or GED 1BR, 1BA on 1 by acre setting, T H dg T mm ng W d ac e coun se ng AVA LABLE Carpentry a must. following positions: Full-time and Part-time 254-933-2133 or visit at Centex Construction FOR LEASE Immanuel Baptist Child painting, fencing, house a u m Ca p n C n x C n u n person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite starting pay and provements. References 150. Tuesday-Saturday TOWNHOMES AT Lawncare, Prior Assistance Pre- Good REDUCED! For Sale by Lawncare, kn wfollowing dg Lab phelpful. n ap viaje de starting los empleados HOLLY OAKS Fence, APTS. owner, as is. $199,000, 0 acre son at Carpentry a must. ferred. Pay depends on extion operator. positions: Session Starts 6:30pm on o you pas u e and 773paid. 0114 Private Electrical, A/C and some •Engineer person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite Eng nee Good pay and merit increases. Paid vame nc eases Pa d va tio K backhoe skills No Supply Corporation at Fo all bills Both brand Full-time and Part-time country setting, Ma e a Hand e Immanuel Baptist Child Preparadores NEED TRUCK DRIVER painting, fencing, house Private concrete work. Ea ngconc C n $695 Land ap k ee wo B a Hug L a n ng C na clean driving record esses. 15-5-5 at Jay Jay applied F gh Centex Construction de driver’s formas de 254-217-2600 nand hOPERATOR nAFTERNOONS u Center nFence, am available. 254-865-3546 ferred. Pay adepends d app yon (2) nex0, acre country setting, 5th St., FURNISHED EFFICIENTemple, deposit, license and must have Temp e S.as $695 depos Centex Construction Benefits include: SUNDAY •Engineer 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, p150. Driver-Monitors. Transbackhoe skills helpful. No cmerit is perience. ubuild b hTemple d3/2, w/b and leveling. Free Estimate. 150. Two years ofs S.E. relevant work experience. merit increases. Paid vaowner, is. $199,000, 1BR/1BA upstairs & aDevelopment orn1111 best offer. sm db R tai criminal orPValid substance abuse. 201 This position’s primary •Engineer with end dump experience. •Purchase Manager Pu chase Manage and concrete work. ops N TEXX s mu a es ng M w Edg B w Mu b d hav RIVER FAIR increases. Paid vacation, sick leave and 11 ca on ck eave and 11 new outs: BH T av T a n w 254-217-2600 1111 S. 5th St., Temple 23108 HK Dodgen David L. King ConstrucDav d L K ng C n u C 254-933-2133 or visit at C y H a h Pay perience. Benefits include: hormigón y terminadores p n a Dav d L K ng Driver-Monitors. TransTemple, $695 deposit, S d ng ns a e Development Center is HOLLY OAKS APTS. leveling. Free Estimate. 3.5BR, 1BA, $700 month FTemple, ee Es deposit, ma TVs, es 439 Free Estimates. and concrete work. $23.00 per acre. 254-217-2600 Health, dental and 401k Doors Open 4pm criminal or substance abuse. /b $695 mo 254 624 2779 $695 mo., 254-624-2779 CIES. Flat Screen q o and wa hou tio $695 Call 254-773-7686 or email: x Wa e Supp y Co po •Purchase Manager TX 76513. Must be dependable and port clients in 7 passenhiring Teachers, FloatC anup N w H ng and ap and 254-780-7670 cation, sick leave and 11 h gh h d p ma GED Now Hiring, landscape and n •Purchase a L.dental aValid ha David Construc3.5BR, 1BA,Estimates. $700 monthand ang Session Starts 5:30pm tion, aL. local company, hasso o nice neighbordownstairs. Washer orfireplace, best offer. 3/2, w/b 771 p h u knowledge of diesel repair 3320 Pecan Valley, Health, and 401k function isResume operation C n C nKing umpany n Strong EyTeachers, ec c Rd an •Electrician driver’s license and must have aengine driving Free Manager $650 deposit. ho days Med ca Den aclean mc oorecord gan ha11 holidays. Medical-Dental de hormigón David L.ava King cation, sick leave 6202 Sparta Belton, Send to: David King ConstrucCall 254-773-7686 or email: 1BR/1BA upstairs & ba port clients in sms 7 and passen$695 mo., 254-624-2779 sm App n the pe son aFloat2191 718 9765 hiring 254-780-7670 771-2191, 718-9765 Loop. Free Estimates. Contact Carlos Morris BELTON full midwaymhpr@gmail.com. pahood, Lo a 254-760-2995 d254-598-8179 on included on have good references. ga n a p landscape a Please ame and Randy irrigation, please call and S Now Hiring, and ba kg und and ng p n mm d a p n immediate positions availtion, a local company, has $650 deposit. 254-598-8179 orFull Kitchen. Free: Cable, d n xp n B n $695 mo., 254-624-2779 Send Resume to: a on has u po F H d S K •Electrician ger or 15 passenger vans holidays. Medical-Dental ers & Aides. apTemple. ed fireplace, Now Hiring, landscape and furniture dryer. Covered parking. Fax: or of a midwaymhpr@gmail.com. tion, an for local company, has nice Construcción, empresa P254-527-4400 umbe and maintenance •Plumber 771-2191, 718-9765 nsu abApp e concrete Ap •Electrician Insurance available. TX 76513. ov de essen a nu envans sAp- 254-421-1276 for fertilizer air,s 830-220-7830. av LARGE adplease m ag leave a emessage. irrigation, call and k una d nor Exp aava pskilled udiesel yengine n pholidays. downstairs. Washer and 771-2191, ableance Strong knowledge of repair n down ownneighborT mp immediate positions availger 15 Medical-Dental passenger 1919 Mue Road ers & Aides. Please a NON-SMOKING 718-9765 Fax: 254-527-4400 n H u TREE p •3bed/2.5bath/2gar ed o irrigation, please call and ap- ab Internet. Bills Da horhund pup h suzym@cllnet.com positions availDachshund pups 2 smooth •Plumber VERY NICE 3/2/2. Appli- Sma on ava ema oROOM Lawnpaid. Ca Paid. Bu n No s ply WATER TEMPLE available. ApSmall Care Business and client’s ac- oInsurance cou WANTED D nk East y hm Adams, local, tiene in person atTCEQ 1402 purchased (negotiable). Water Appoint(254)657-0043, mn for and npuestos furniture leave a message. pen e pimmediate form setters and concrete water •Carpenter skilled p y an oversee 2410 Eas PLawn aab ply at pa k ng included Competitive Great Benefi ts &Adams Opportunities for Growth! suzym@cllnet.com a •Plumber M ndayconcrete hPay, u Insurance p an s2410 h he available. Aplo- Ohood, VERY Applidryer. Covered parking. WATER TREE TEMPLE Only Australian and oversee client’s ac- Fertilizer Hot Food m ough ma T Office oy Texas 76579 leave a message. inCa person atdistri1402 aable females, smooth males, able for skilled concrete application and sales. Dachshund pups 2h smooth Cleaning Services MLease/ w wLawn dNICE m 3/2/2. and C ass Collection of2pups old & LPs, ances. Fireplace. Garden RENT$2,000 Mow, weed, trim trees and ply (Temple’s only alkaline and ply hmapone g a Mini any h Small Care Business OaOlga’s akA, nAvailable FM in- In No Deposit. n h w h m n mum location: 2459 FM (254)657-0043, S H B n finishers with minimum of CashCon for Houses. Any loinmediatos disponibles form setters and concrete •Carpenter wide (negotiable). Dachshund 2 45s smooth Only oneApplication, Mini Australian @ g up m C L cense d s bu at 2410 East Adams, 972-392-2334 tivities. Pass background West Ave. Temple. F day am pm ments 773-4787. We de Small Lawn Care Business bution (254)657-0043, ances. Garden a Rand •Welder Temp esetters EOE (Temple’s onlyandalkaline and pply system lines, hydrogen ngha ma hAdams, Maximum Pay Out Puppy left. Black tri-color, Temple. EOE 1 longhair male, shots, & 254form concrete females, 2Growth! smooth males, •Carpenter Residential/ Commerical and ap ng Fireplace. 50¢ & up. Varied artists at 2410 East oduc ve b o og ca p oc Water paid. Appointtub. Patio. 5407 Don’s Mow, 19 landscaping. 254-760-3031 on. water store) is a m an ma Sa ad TX weed, trim trees and tivities. Pass background y a xp n H u y o ema aha s@ West Ave. A, Temple. 2268 Salado,TX 76571 Office location: 2459 FM 1 year experience. Hourly Competitive Pay, Great Benefi ts & Opportunities for finishers with minimum of Puppy left. Black tri-color, and d and females, 2ofsmooth males, Diana White A para u preparadores b a nde Temple. able Trail, growth and producHouse TOWNHOMES AT tub. Ranch Patio. 5407Inn Don’s Mow, weed, trimn trees cated or any condition. d 1wlonghair m$300. d male, aParents a n d on crease hydrogen water store) ofis male •Welder Collection old 45s & LPs, dewormed, create trained, OfficeBuilding location: FM Aries Systems EOE on30qua ope a do shots, finishers with minimum years experience. check, drug screen, Pa n e 2459 genre. 254-778-5076, Temple 4s Temple. BISD. landscaping. •Painter for consci254-760-3031 972-392-2334 valves, meters. a experience. wa nhealth d K OFF CE SPACE pay rate be drivdeter-esses 2268 Salado,TX 76571Free PINA Tree Trimming, OFFICE SPACE 1looking year Hourly ments 773-4787. male Parents on Temple. 1& longhair shots, 15 5kCall 5 app a Aries Building Systems What youand getdwhen you advertise pay T mp B•Welder F$300. d Varied Fmale, XL check, drug screen, a 2268 esbu ngs com Trail, Temple. h u TEACHING bEOE vedy drivlandscaping. 254-760-3031 encofrados de band concreto looking forNG awill health consci50¢ up. artists & 196 house broke. 350.00 very premises. 254-654-4833 VETERAN YARD CARE BATHTUB REF N SH BISD. NG Th Salado,TX 76571 713.859.2952 TEACH POS T Hourly ON dewormed, create trained, PINA Tree Trimming, Estimate Bonded In- y 1er’s year experience. VETERAN YARD CARE POSITION Sk G up k&ng tion for your pasture and 773-0114 Needed experienced HD $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. 325-650-5900 Skiles Group is looking for m n d up n xp n and entious individual to fill •Painter mined upon experience and Modular Building s pos on s p ma Fo k D ve pay rate will be deterlicense and high OFFICE SPACE NOW H R NG as paced premises. Call 254-654-4833 •Forklift Driver dewormed, create trained, CATTLE WORK NG hau R VER FA R Please send resume toto kncalificados n aModular a •Painter T av and Cha 254-778-5076, asweet) G ay 531-218-7303 SupTemple Cab Needed experienced w $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. 3Bd/FOR 2Ba LEASE House in Rogers. nMowing, Edging, Cleanentious individual to fill genre. 4sp TEFFICIENCIES H dg T mm ng W d in the Classified pages of the AVA LABLE or 254-493-4537. OPERATOR hOFFICE m R pa n p Building y terminadores house broke. 350.00 very $23 00 pe ac e sured. 254-295-3578 Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed pay rate will be deterBills Paid. a u m Ca p n AVAILABLE er’s license and high Fu me pos ons SPACE pa1 residential construction Licensed electricians VETERAN YARD CARE FOR LEASE TEACHING POSITION w dg p n ap a full-time Carpenter sales assistant position, part Skiles Group is looking for knowledge of arposition ap- ng pTEACHING Chappell Hill Reality What you e getawhen you Mowing, Edging, Clean- Skiles upon w experience and OUT $130K. a n crops. stimulates Make adiploma Do nC GED. he or house 254-493-4537. nn ng531-218-7303 p POSITION b m Center. a K m bHandler p v d d •Forklift Driver residential construction k N-TEXX mbroke. 350.00 b very d YARD CARE For JUST Sale BU byLTOwner, Ma Hand eadvertise NOW HIRING forCorpothe team sales assistant position, HD Eaand ng CRake ap unc on s Control, Bmined a Hug LatPlease avBluebonnet nce ngor n and school rs. cus ome se cash epart Group is looking for mined bnTrimming, g a Land Ov •Material olgalidia629@gmail.com Eating/ Landscapn VETERAN h supervisor. nhe u ope n a on am erron@439watersupply.com Bearsweet) Hugs Learning upon experience p d NOW P acon app ythe n Tree/Hedge Weed AVAILABLE join the construction de concreto un mínimo DOLLAR SAVER. ing, Leaves, time to full time. Apply in FOR LEASE •Forklift Driver plied for. apply in a full-time Carpenter to 439 Water Supply needed HIRING for R n u b h d Furnished. Ramona Courtknowledge of position apCon ac Ca os Mo s BELTON school diploma or GED. OFF CE SPACE g ea bene s back og 3Bd/ 2Ba House in Rogers. A w hau any v Recently refurbished 3,500 in the Classified pages of the d 1BR, 1BA Cottage on 1 sweet) 531-218-7303 by D L K mpany v h EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. supervisor. Group w microorganisms n LV h that Fenced yard, storage shed. y 1BR, Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed ing, Rake AVAILABLE EVA’S Residential Cleanpa time to at full time. Apply in ngFOR Edg B w Da Mu b ache dpay hav K. aEating/ nM buw nLEASE Ca aoratfollowing full-time Carpenter to plied a Cthe y nconstruction HEdge, amust. h Leaves, Pay ing, Mow, Blow, by For Must be 18 or older, have soil, •Material Handler knowledge of position app n a Dav d L K ng 254 778 4444 S d ng ns a e Control, LandscapCoryell Health. Pay 1BA Cottage on 1 Bear Hugs Learning Center. Carpentry a positions: DOLLAR SAVER person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite person David L. King join team a Ko K chen 30 and ma enance o a •Siding Installer Good starting and de 1 año de experiencia. La contact 439 Water for. Please apply in Tw pa q Get Results! Call Today! IN Electrical Services. For Sale qREDUCED! o country and wa hou Sale Owner, $130K. k421 Ca na Handler av x High Fence, •Material refurbished 3,500by Lawncare, ration has a full time posq.ft. office andFrom warehouse 254-423-2109 positions: a n essential w a g and Eating/ Control, LandscapC Private anup ing ServiceFrom top h gh hfor. p GED Bear Hugs Learning Center. person, 7425 Adams, Suite DOLLAR SAVER. yard, VA. $495. atang School Diploma or GED Good starting and provide o wo ka must. 1276 o epay ed. Recently p h u to join theCarpentry Cleanup. high school diploma orzeGED, acre setting, 3bed 2by5ba h 2ga Furnished. Ramona Courtn following Cmpago nEqual u por n hora plied apply in 254 range isconstruction per hour C ing, near Mow, Edge, Blow, Must 18dPlease orW.ma have Lawncare, Private Centex Construction Concrete Construction, 1629 nutrients 150. Coryell Health. Pay Opportunity Employer: Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran Recently refurbished 3,500 EVA’S Residential Clean00, sq.ft. at David L. King ad bwarehouse paodshed. •Siding Installer App y n$18-$23 pe son a team fo acre country setting, tarifa demp Fenced yard, storage n F Apply •Engineer pa Lo aand on$199,000, n at se hou sbe p us App yStreet, n pGED, pe Centex Construction Located in older, Temple. merit increases. Paid vachased wa en per d Fence, shour Randy ba kgOr und and ng n Kil- Must GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR bottom. Free Estimates! Edge, Blow, y m n w b ak 150. Supply Corporation at pperson be 18 or have For space. Located corner office ba ding, xp B n to at owner, as is. pos your ob Randy 254-743-9444 Coryell Health. Pay background and finger print. S H dyinInstaller Sperson1629 K Get Results! Callfor Today! and concrete IN person at David L. King based on experience. Benesition available TCEQ •Siding •Engineer high school diploma or 254-217-2600 254-778-1374. Eat Free pu S. Fort Hood merit Paid va- forpLJZ range isnMow, $18-$23 app caincreases. on andolder, saor esGED, O gaoffice C Cleanup. anVA. ng SFrom vonwork. ing ServiceFrom top yard, near $495. Concrete Construction, Temple, deposit, andnRENT q$695 $2 000 no sq.ft. and warehouse 254-423-2109 and concrete work. Two (2) years of relevant work experience. plants through their tail 254-217-2600 determinará según la expeExp n Call aand pleave ufinger App y 1629 n SURPLUS 603-C East Reasonable prices. Highly o down own T mp Cleanup. n n p n ag 1919 Mue e Road high school diploma w/b space. Apply in person at a d Equal Opportunity Employer: Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran 254-771-0801. Temple, $695 deposit, Experience a plus. Apply in range is $18-$23 per hour n H u p lot in downtown Temple. Located on corner for 1919 Mueller Road •Purchase Manager fits are offered. son Tuesday Sa u day a Concrete Construction, Randy 254-743-9444 background print. cation, sick and 11 bu on sys em nes 254-933-2133 or visit at leen. Hours of office operDavid L. King Construcbased on experience. Beneor offer. Free254-316-1108. Estimates! Class C License distribu- P GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR R d nLocated aOAKS C mm a Free bottom. HOLLY APTS. S. pa Fort Hood Street, Kila bbest pa254-624-2779 dk B heb3/2, and w/b space. 25 Free Estimates. WANTED Dand nk leave yfinger h and •Purchase Manager Apply in person at Nearby. ad d ma d cation, sick 11 open ng by ca ng p n David L. King Construcon corner 254-778-1374. Eat WANTED Donkeys, horses, recommended. Central, Belton 939-1110 tion P a ma Randy 254-743-9444 background print. ma h d Ran h S $695 mo., O pa ng riencia y el conocimiento D ana Wh person: a n a M nday h u Free Estimates. based on experience. Beneno productive biological procPlease email CL&L Trucks isF hiring S. Fort Hood Street, KilExperience aMedical-Dental plus. Apply in Off-street parking. Now Hiring, landscape and T oy Texas 76579 ations are Monday thru 2007 in ndowntown Temple. 1919 Mueller Road Honda Gold Wing tion, aHours local company, has or- lotfireplace, fits are offered. Reasonable prices. Highly 6202 LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East $695 mo., 254-624-2779 y a xp n leen. of office operTroy, Texas 76579 Valid driver’s license and must have a clean driving record w bunice d u neighbor•Electrician 23108 S E HK Dodgen h p g a any h holidays. Sparta Rd Belton, h m g n y m nad va ves and me e s Now Hiring, landscape and S H B n TOWNHOMES AT tion, a local company, has sheep, goats or any other a @ k please g up m 1BR/1BA upstairs & sma a Medical-Dental plus. Belton Apply in a amp Belton h 939-1110 n tionare operator. 500 Donkeys, S. IH-35, 771-2191, 718-9765 Fimmediate day am pm lot downtown •Electrician WANTED horses, 1919 Mueller Road fits offered. holidays. Con careers@skilesgroup.com Nearby. del puesto solicitado. Por person: leen. Hours ofto4444 office Friday 8:00am 4:00pm.oper- Experience irrigation, call and 254-316-1108. Central, Please email Contact Randy parking. 713 2952 254 778 771-2191, 718-9765 Monday Ein ma B ndHome d & Temple. n every recommended. Trike, miles, tagged esses. Pa859 anRand Va y 15-5-5 applied at 254 a m an12,000 ma o ema aha s@and ations d h or mare gemail: n positions Dav d L a availKthru ng irrigation, please call Troy, Texas 76579 ed Off-street immediate positions availWANTED Donkeys, horses, farm animals. 254-865-3546 CDL drivers. qua d and n d aharris@ Loop A u b n person: 254-933-2803 •Plumber M ha sheep, goats or any other TX 76513. Insurance available. Apif qualified and interested. Please email P ease send esume o Off-street parking. hood, furniture included 500 S. IH-35, Belton All of our job sites are in ations are Monday thru downstairs. Washer and leave a message. Strong ofskilled dieselconcrete engine repair careers@skilesgroup.com able for skilled concreteenknowledge This position’s primary T favor solicite en 76579 persona •Plumber Friday tonuna 4:00pm. Insurance available. Ap- $23.00 T Contact mp uRIVER d254-774-5204 FAIR C C n Troy, u8:00am leavedaaharris@ message. and inspected, great condiable for sheep,per goats or any other Chappe H Randy Rea y Dachshund pups 2 smooth acre. mp BnTexas andmp K a a ngs com 500 S. IH-35, Belton animals. 254-865-3546 or esbu email: careers@skilesgroup.com Small Lawn Care Business BATHTUB REF N SH 254-933-2803 Temple, Belton, and Kil- farm ariesbuildings.com Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. (254)657-0043, Dachshund pups 2 smooth if qualified and interested. form setters and Contact Randy •Carpenter OWNER FINANCE All job sites concrete are in NOW 36h ga hours. Competitive BATHTUB REFINISHING ply atH 2410 East Lawn Care dCovered a @gma m NG e Small David Concrete on@439wa e supp yBusiness com (negotiable). dryer. parking. a of nTKing pu (254)657-0043, R NG as paced 254-774-5204 form setters and Adams, concrete function is and theinterested. operation •Carpenter farm animals. 254-865-3546 WORK NG hau tion. $23,000 negotiable. n a our a L. av and or email: aharris@ ply at 2410 East Adams, females, 2HIRING! smooth males, 254-933-2803 kam @yah mmales, NOW HIRING fast paced IMMEDIATE CATTLE WORKING, haul-Main ifFu qualified Mow, trim trees NOW n mweed, R pa n p and leen areas. to in and CATTLE All of CONCRETE our job Travel sites are me pos onsFM females, 2 smooth location: 2459trees FMporceGBU oup Contact Carlos Morris BELTON CONfinishers with minimum of PINA 12101 Moffat Road. 2/1/1, 12.5 Acres. Water inOffice home. Repairs on Temple, Belton, and Kilariesbuildings.com Mow, weed, trim and OPENING 254-774-5204 Full time positions, JUST LT OUTmeter. nm d a d p n b Office location: 2459 d Construction, 1629 S. Fort BATHTUB REFINISHING finishers with minimum of ng p nn ng p b m a NOW HIRING! Maintenance person for mo•Welder m w b p v d d Temple. EOE 1 longhair male, shots, DRIVER-MONITOR 972-392-2334 JUST BUILT OUT PINA CONCRETE CONo con ac 439 Wa e 12101 Moffat Road. 2/1/1, Water paid. AppointCall John 254-760-7852 ing, penning, problem catcus ome sewill v ce cash e a n and bincludes: ga OvHealth BATHTUB package Temple Temps bile of landscaping. 254-760-3031 from sites be provided IMMEDIATE OPENING Temple, Belton, and KilTemple. EOE 1 longhair male, shots, ariesbuildings.com 76571Over 30 and NOW HIRING paced Competitive Great Benefi tsfast &and Opportunities Growth! Ag exempt. Beautiful. Ch&A, rent, $500 deCATTLE WORKING, haul1 Schoo year experience. customer service/cashier lain2268 andSalado,TX fiberglass. D•Welder pTravel oma oHourly GED leen to and OWNER landscaping. 254-760-3031 REFINISHING OFF CE FINANCE SPACE g Full ea maintenance bene sTemps back og Ha gh pa a p pa ad 2268 Salado,TX 76571 254-421-1276 Trim trees, b A for haufast anypaced v in Repairs on porce1byyear experience. Hourly Temple bile home park by Dareas. L$700 K mpany vPay, hd El TRACTOR. Lab assistant –for Vet tech Collection of old 45sfertilizer & haulLPs, mens •3bed/2.5bath/2gar time positions, Hood Street, Killeen. dewormed, OFFICE SPACE! great benefits, backlog Ch&A, $700 tle. Also will haul any yments a home. n 773-4787. bu n rent, Ca$500 Dade- Supp 315wNEEDED W. create Ave Mtrained, D.L.K. company vehi- ing, NOW HIRING WORKING, •Painter 778 4444 JUST BUILT OUT dewormed, create trained, leen Travel toapartand agent Spivey Real Estate penning, problem cat-30FCATTLE TRACTOR. Trim trees, pay rate will beav years inCo business. Call y254 po a onon aDale purchased a Koareas. ache K chen 30 from sites be provided OFFICE SPACE aSchwertner Ch vy B bliveLab assistant – Vet tech 12.5 Acres. Water water •Painter in home. Repairs porceTw pa Owner/ qmeter. (254) 778-4444 nhorario ad dpositions, n deterCa customer service/cashier Full time lain and fiberglass. Over 30 pay rateeliminate will be determwill na x atkhouse Kolache Kitchen, OFFICE SPACE 315 Ave M distri- posit. ment complex. Full insurance, paid vacation, Texas 50¢ & up. broke. Varied artists & Pay 196 NOW HIRING! Maintenance person fortime. moTwo spaces: 730 sq. ft 2/1/1, ofbroke.haul 350.00 very o W. wo k backlog posit. Spivey Real Estate stock. Call 254-865-3546 DRIVER-MONITOR application and sales. PINA CONCRETE CONclesTEACHING to travel ex- tle. de atención esexpe mowing, JUST BUILT OUT VETERAN YARD CARE Olga’s Cleaning Services POSITION 12101 Moffat Road. ing, penning, problem catRENT$2,000 OFFICE great benefits, house 350.00 very Skiles Group isYARD looking for Two 2 yea s o e evan wo k ence from sites will be provided IMMEDIATE OPENING Pam LaShelle of work. 254-753-5341 Also will any live- Prior 721-3658. mined upon experience andde landscaping, VETERAN CARE by D.L.K. company vehiTEACHING POSITION Schwertner Texas a T u k n g d nd Ag exempt. Beautiful. aSPACE! b Realtors pa d customer service/cashier lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Skiles Group is looking for a ad y m nad •Forklift Driver p n mp y years in business. Call Dale mined upon experience and Cen-Tex ARC is seeking landscaping, mowing, L n d an Pay based on experience. hou s p us App y n pe Lab Assistance Pregenre. 254-778-5076, Temple 4sp 254 933 2133 o v s a ers. HOLLY Temple Temps bile home park and apart(254) 778-4444 fice; $1,100; all bills paid bution system lines, •Forklift Driver sweet) 531-218-7303 OAKS pense forAVAILABLE employees. at Kolache Kitchen, 30 stock. Residential/ Commerical Ch&A, $700Trimming, rent, $500 OFFICE SPACE! Tree/Hedge Weedde- years great benefits, backlog hours plus. ApplyChild in per- tle. 3Bd/ 2Ba House Rogers. 254-753-5341 will 531-218-7303 haul any live- Elec TwoFOR spaces: 730 sq.inAPTS ft ofsweet) LEASE aTRACTOR. full-time Carpenter to lunes a of viernes de 8:00 painting, by D.L.K. company vehiCall 254-865-3546 What you get when youMadvertiseto d knowledge apNEEDED Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed cles to eliminate travel exAVAILABLE company 401k. Bi-annual Trim trees, Prior Assistance Baptist fencing, house and q512-217-2070 n Also WPay Owner/ agent Lab assistant –un Vetm tech FOR LEASE a •Material full-time Carpenter in business. Call Dale Diana White n Lab n position n Prem of work. 721-3658. knowledge ofSa ap- Immanuel nTuesday d deco a Learning B ud bposition nnday Electrical, A/C and some (254) 778-4444 ferred. depends ad on ex- back HD 315 W. Ave ment complex. Full time. andspaces: 570 sq. ft Real office; $875; 6202 0K. at Kolache Kitchen, 30 Handler posit. Spivey Estate 30 years experience. Free Full-time and Part-time son u a Two 730 sq. ft ofVa d d ve s cense and mus have a c ean d v ng Eating/ Control, LandscapImmanuel Baptist Child painting, fencing, house Bear Hugs Center. For Sale by Owner, $130K. fice; $1,100; all bills paid stock. Call 254-865-3546 join the construction team Spa a Rd Be on valves, and meters. cles to eliminate travel ex•Material Handler Eating/ Control, Landscappense for plied for. Please apply in leveling. Bear Hugs Learning Center. ferred. Pay depends onTodos exa Pam b LaShelle pa dups B Realtors a.m. aemployees. 4:00 p.m. hours plus. Apply in person Tuesday-Saturday atperience. 1BA ah bsand & Schwertner Texas ma amp Benefits include: of work. join the construction team P 721-3658. d añ d xp n a La in the Classified pages of the 1111 S. 5th St., Temple pa ad d ma d plied for. Please apply in Recently refurbished 3,500 EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. E a S v backhoe skills helpful. No Cen-Tex ARC is seeking landscaping, mowing, Pay based on experience. par all bills paid. Both brand Development Center is Free Estimate. ed. 1BR Recently refurbished 3,500 713.859.2952 Preparadores de formas de 254-753-5341 Estimate Bonded &Blow, In- Pay crim fice; all bills paid ing, Mow, Blow, Must for beSemployees. 18 or have hours Fenced yard, storage and 570 sq. $875;shed. raises, 1111$1,100; S. 5thEdge, St.,guaranteed Temple at Coryell Health. pense plus. in pering, Mow, Edge, n w buftand doffice; u warehouse Must be S.E. 18 Apply orHK older, have Health, dental and 401k at1BA, David Benefits include: 23108 E HK older, Dodgen •Siding Installer Driver-Monitors. TransPrior Assistance PreDevelopment Center is leveling. Free Estimate. at Coryell Health. Pay hperson m g dnLab y m aperience. aedge pag pese hnad aKing 3.5BR, $700 month nuestros sitios deL. trabajo person at L.abuse. King Please send resume toknow •Siding Installer 76513 L a or ddiploma nDavid criminal substance Electrical, A/C and some new build outs: son Tuesday-Saturday at hiring 23108 Dodgen DOLLAR SAVER. sq.ft. office downs a 512-217-2070 s Washe S ong o d eng ne epa hormigón y T mp terminadores sured. 254-295-3578 Ca Full-time and Part-time Furnished. Ramona Court- TX sq.ft. office and warehouse and 570 sq. ft office; $875; Cleanup. 254-423-2109 Immanuel Baptist Child high school or GED, painting, fencing, house all bills paid. Both Teachers, Float254-780-7670 3.5BR, 1BA, $700 month range is $18-$23 per hour P an Va brand y and Cleanup. Preparadores de formas de Chappell Hill Reality high school diploma or GED, Health, dental and 401k Concrete Construction, 1629 ferred. Pay depends on exEVA’S Residential Clean- hiring range is $18-$23 per hour d se$650 hm m g án Dav d L ng Loop na gún alas Kxp deposit. 254-598-8179 Concrete Construction, 1629 Ca Call 254-773-7686 or email: $700.00 week min. Must Send Resume to: backhoe skills helpful. No 3320 Pecan Valley, son Tuesday-Saturday at encuentran en áreas Apply in person at port clients in 7 passenTeachers, Float254-780-7670 de hormigón David L. King olgalidia629@gmail.com midw space. Located on corner erron@439watersupply.com Apply in person at Get Results! Call Today! all bills paid. Both brand Randy 254-743-9444 background and print. INS new build Loop. S.E. HK Dodgen $650 254-598-8179 1111 S. 5th space. Located onh $495. corner 2001 Winnebago Brave on experience. BenePreparadores de finger formas de d ye T mp Cove edouts: pa k ng Randy 254-743-9444 hormigón yBenefits terminadores background and print. Send Resume to: perience. include: S. Street, ing ServiceFrom top to Driver-Monitors. Transnn Fort una mp a 23108 Development CenterBeneis C yard, near VA.St., From leveling. Free Estimate. based on experience. auTemple, y nHood nOpportunity m nKil& HAides. Please apS. Fort Street, Kil- ers CL&L Tdeposit. ucks sTemple ng based midwaymhpr@gmail.com. criminal orHood substance abuse. Fax: 254-527-4400 or Temple. 254-760-2995 Group nda G finger dDodgen W ng Construcción, una empresa Equal Employer: Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran de Belton yKing Kilnew build outs: for 3320 Pecan Valley, Experience a plus. Apply in 23108 S.E. HK lot in downtown Temple. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 3.5BR, 1BA, $700 month ger or 15 passenger vans ers & Aides. Please ap1919 Mueller Road fits are offered. hormigón y terminadores de hormigón David L. Experience a plus. Apply in be 25 years of age, with a Health, dental and 401k Fax: 254-527-4400 or lot in downtown Temple. or contact 439 Water a n pu leen. Hours of office operbottom. Free Estimates! GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR 1919 Mueller Road fits are offered. d pu ad P Loop. leen. Hours of office operCall or or email: suzym@cllnet.com Wa eTemple. pa d254-760-2995 Appo n T kWANTED m agg d port inmiles, 7 passenhiring Compe Teachers,veFloatVERY NICE 3/2/2. to: Appli-un High School Diploma GED 254-780-7670 254-778-1374. Eat eve Free local, tiene 35C, 54,336 Ford WAT ply inclients person athorses, 1402 Donkeys, CDL d3320 ve s Home y ea Benefi suna es o 254-773-7686 G ow hMonday not Pecan Valley, leen. El viaje person: WANTED Donkeys, $650 deposit. 254-598-8179 Pleaseprices. email Highly Cash hormigón David L. puestos King Construcción, empresa Send Resume person: nm d Troy, asuzym@cllnet.com phacia n bthru Off-street WED.parking. AFTERNOONS Reasonable LJZ SURPLUS 603-Chorses, East ations are Texas Monday d Please email for Houses. AnyPay lo-at Gances. VERY NICE av n &pdOppo na n y de Off-street parking. WATER TREE TEMPLE np goats LP Loop. ations are thru Cand and acmidwaymhpr@gmail.com. ply in Aides. person at 1402 Texas 76579 noversee d dorgclient’s a &other nd Supply Corporation For 76579 Fireplace. Garden inmediatos disponibles (Tem Wanted used doublewide sheep, any minimum 23/2/2. yearsAppliexp. 254Cash for Houses. Any lo- Nearby. Temple. 254-760-2995 sheep, goats or 939-1110 other ger 15V10 passenger vans 500 relevant S.only IH-35, Belton men s 773 4787 ersTroy, & Please ap- Dav OnlyCentral, one Mini Australian careers@skilesgroup.com 254-527-4400 or local, puestos Construcción, una empresa 500 S. IH-35, desde será pa a d Fax: p tiene pa ad4:00pm. dpro-years Ave. A, Temple. b recommended. 254-316-1108. Belton Friday 8:00am tong hou s of Compe ve careers@skilesgroup.com ances. Fireplace. Llos Ksitios C nDon’s Randy (Temple’s and Tritron 6.8 Doors Open 11am Friday toalkaline 4:00pm. & or up Va d254-865-3546 Two (2) work experience. C vaanimals. Wag nany hp Contact RandyGarden nfarm naBelton g liter, ab & 1 Puppy tail paraof8:00am preparadores de West tub. Patio. 5407 cated or any condition. mobileContact home. Reasonable 36 hydr animals. tivities. Pass background West Ave. A, Temple. or email: aharris@ farm 254-865-3546 254-933-2803 254-933-2133 or visit at or email: aharris@ left. Black tri-color, suzym@cllnet.com n ad d n inmediatos disponibles if qualified and interested. 254-933-2803 local, tiene puestos de HOLLY OAKS APTS. VERY NICE 3/2/2. ApplisitesS BISD. are and interested. WATER TEMPLE tub. Patio. 5407 Don’s CAll n ofu our n job por F in hydrogen porcionado D.L.K. oversee Tclient’s ac- Aries cated or any plyif qualified in person at 1402 Trail, water store) All of Tree ourTREE jobTrimming, sites are isin gCaand n J hn mp Building Systems p g a n 254-527-3342, ask for 254-774-5204 Session Startscondition. 12:30pm encofrados de concreto Temple. package nc udes Hea h price. 254-421-3536 254-774-5204 looki Cash for Houses. Any loPINA Only one Mini Australian WPINA Tree w slide (living and dining male $300. Parents on tion 325-650-5900 avehículos ad yde Kdriver’s mand nad Aries Building Systems para preparadores de inmediatos disponibles ble check, drug screen, drivL n d an ances. Fireplace. Garden Valid license and must have a clean driving record Wanted used doublewide (Temple’s only alkaline and Temple, Belton, KilTrail, Temple. BISD. ariesbuildings.com H d S n E looking for a health consciTemple, Belton, and Kil6202 Sparta Rd Belton, WANT TO LEASE LAND for ariesbuildings.com HD u p many pa la empresa Trimming, BATHTUB REFINISHING calificados y terminadores Needed experienced 1BR/1BA upstairs & OWNER FINANCE sma $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. BATHTUB REFINISHING West Ave. A, Temple. entio tivities. Pass background Licensed electricians 325-650-5900 FRI. AFTERNOONS Modular Building Puppy left. Black tri-color, d n n un m n m nsu ance pa d vaca on premises. Call 254-654-4833 encofrados de concreto Rob or Lacey. NOW HIRING fast paced n d d a B u b nn para preparadores de tub. Patio. 5407 Don’s CATTLE WORKING, haulcated or any condition. mobile home. Reasonable hydrogen water store) is Needed experienced NOW HIRING fast paced Mowing, Edging, Clean$1195/$900. 254-913-8808. leen areas. Travel to and C h a d a n n d CATTLE WORKING, haulentious individual fill leen areas. Travel to and EFF C12.5 ENC ESOpen B 5pm smeter. Pa d Modular Building pamale de concreto con untodo mínimo in home. Repairs on porceresidential construction license and high cattle grazing, will im- er’s Acres. Water in home. Edging, Repairs on porce- TX Full room). 254-760-1876 para eliminar losSystems gastos needed atscreen, Bluebonnet time positions, 76513. Full positions, $300. Parents on sales CleanDoors Aries downstairs. Washer and Mowing, d añ dtime a Ladeknowledge Strong of engine repair 254-493-4537. check, drug drivcalificados terminadores JUST BUILT OUT E aelectricians Sdiesel vbe concreto Trail,andJUST Temple. BISD. encofrados de BUILT OUT NOW HIRING for the looking for service/cashier awill health consciing, penning, problem cat- or Licensed residential construction price. 254-421-3536 un a Building vy nxp ing, penning, problem catfrom sites will be dnprovided sales assistant position, part from sites provided PINA Tree Trimming, company 401k B annua de 1 año de experiencia. La customer supervisor. 325-650-5900 Ag exempt. Beautiful. lain fiberglass. Over 30 DOLLAR AVER customer service/cashier ing, Rake Leaves, lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Electrical Services. time provements. References Fu n shed Ramona Cou NOW HIRING the viaje de los empleados premises. Callhaul254-654-4833 am a D.L.K. d pag pp un hmínimo school diploma or 1BA Cottage on Lto ade d pago ntime. Tterminadores mp de concreto con Needed experienced Session Starts 6:30pm $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. OFFICE SPACE! great benefits, backlog OFFICE entious individual to fill calificados yBluebonnet great benefits, backlog needed at supervisor. will electricians haul anyGED. liveEVA S in R dCottage n SPACE! a Call C on an 1 ing, a a mfor Tavehid1 tle. Also will any live- perso Leaves, by company Modular Building time full inse tle. Licensed by D.L.K. company vehidryer. Covered parking. For Sale by 1BR, er’sAlso license and high tarifa porApply hora Carpentry ainKitchen, must. Owner/ agent years business. Dale positions: NEED TRUCK DRIVER Located Temple. years inRake business. Dale REDUCED! 1BR, 1BA Mowing, Edging, Clean(254) 778-4444 a ses an (254) 778-4444 orfollowing 254-493-4537. d maño áde experiencia. gún a aba xpLa G R C T Call CASH T p D a available. 254-865-3546 at Kolache Kitchen, 30 at needed Kolache 30 NSTANT Lawncare, Private Fence, Ca For Sale residential construction de EN- yaREDUCED! spaces: 730 sq. ft of- by ng sales assistant position, part 730 sq. ofElectrical Services. de concreto con un travel mínimo Carpentry must. Call 254-865-3546 STwov spaces: Fgua m Appointpfteed positions: nu d travel Call 254-865-3546 dTwo nea VAAFTERNOONS F om $495 SUNDAY cles1following tona eliminate experson, 7425 W. Adams, atToy Bluebonnet cles to eliminate ex- stock. Good starting pay GED. and acre country setting, determinará según la Suite expeCentex Construction of work. Pam LaShelle Realtors ofno work. 721-3658. Call 254-771-0801. 721-3658. Rake 150. HIRING 2013 MXT Hauler. 18ft stock. PrivateLeaves, Fence, owner,Centex Water paid. as is. aOppo $199,000, diploma Equa un y Emp oye M ynfor Fema e Dand sab yto Ve e in an with end dump experience. n NOW afor yemployees. mthe na ANY •Engineer v h unn ng CL&L Tcountry ucks hMus ng 1 Lawncare, supervisor. acre setting, tarifa den pago por hora se Competitive Pay, Great Benefi ts & Opportunities for Growth! ing, H nda GREPA dor in W perng time full time. Apply in school fice; $1,100; all bills paid fice; $1,100; allEsn bills paid Located Temple. $700 00 week m Construction de 1 año de experiencia. La n u an n a á b m F ma GUNS & AMMO R 150. pense pense for employees. Electrical Services. hours plus. Apply in perhours plus. Apply concrete work. owner, as is. $199,000, 1BR, 1BA Cottage on riencia y el conocimiento Doors Open 4pm 254-217-2600 Collection of old 45s 512-217-2070 CL&L Trucks is hiring 2001 W nnebago Bagg ave 7785701374 Ea Sale F eeby Rments 2007 Wing TVs, 254 merit increases. Paid va$695 deposit, d pump •Engineer P REDUCED! For xLJZ wide, jacks, Must be ssq. and w h Hondaw hGold u & LPs, Carpentry must. w/b Temple, determinará según lay expeand concrete work. or best k 8ft d n 50¢ person, 7425 W.solicitado. Adams, starting pay and 773-4787. and 570 ftage office; $875; and sq.Starts ft office; $875; offer. a 3/2, Call 254-771-0801. 254-217-2600 tarifa de pago por horaSuite se d Tfollowing B positions: nad K SURPLUS C Ea a 25 nab podependable H gh yy CDL dyea ve Home eve Located inmelectric Temple. •Purchase Manager del Tuesday-Saturday puesto Por T Good Temple, $695 deposit, L Lawncare, Private Fence, Davi & up. Varied artists & be s w h a 196 Session 5:30pm Trike, 12,000 miles, tagged av n p na n son Tuesday-Saturday at Free Estimates. son at acre country setting, or best offer. 3/2, w/b CDL drivers. Home every Centex Construction Manager riencia conocimiento and pincreases. dlandscape g bath, a Paid ndva54 336 m es Fo d & genre. 254-778-5076, Temple full &leave heat 150. cation, and 11 all bills paid. Both brand bybills AFTERNOONS $695 mo., 254-624-2779 all paid. Both$199,000, brand CL&L Trucks is references. hiring have owner, as is. David L. según King Construcdeterminará la expe-de n d•Purchase ELy •Engineer velKade ha a de y 2007 Honda Wing C nnkitchen a sick B254-771-0801. nGold mm nd Preparadores de Preparadores Call ble, Nea favor solicite en formas persona en 35C WED Now Hiring, and Free Estimates. merit nice neighbor4sp and •Electrician inspected, great condi-tion, 36 hou sdgood ve Dav ng formas C n Por and concrete work. fireplace, mo., LARGE 254-217-2600 m$695 n mum o254-624-2779 2Compe yea s exp nirrigation, n gDodgen ab 1 del puesto solicitado. What you get when you advertise Now Hiring, landscape and new build outs: Temple, $695 deposit, 23108 S.E. HK 771-2191, 718-9765 tion, a S.E. company, has T fireplace, nice neighbor23108 Dodgen air, powered d p riencia ylocal ely HK conocimiento Trike, 12,000 miles, tagged 36 hours. Competitive hormigón terminadores 830-220-7830. hormigón terminadores CL&L Trucks is hiring David L. King Concrete •Electrician on V10 6 8call eawning, D new build Op n outs: am please and 2007 Goldnegotiable. Wing imm holidays. Medical-Dental or best offer. 3/2, w/b package CDL drivers. Home every HD tion. Honda $23,000 C nd •Purchase usolicite n y en Manager Sá F 771-2191, 718-9765 cation, sick leave and 11 David L. King Construchood, furniture included Ca J hn nc udes Hea h favor persona en NON-SMOKING ROOM No hood, irrigation, please call and 3320 Pecan Valley, •Plumber Free Estimates. immediate 3320 Pecan Valley, pde dhormigón nad pK D LKing K del puesto positions solicitado. Por and inspected, great and condide hormigón David King in the Classified pages of theand Construction, 1629 L. S.availFort s 254 527 3342 ask o David L. couch, bed, radio, TV. S n S a pm leave a message. EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. able $695 mo., 254-624-2779 Trike, 12,000 miles, tagged par Loop. furniture included Call John 254-760-7852 Loop. H S n E package includes: Health CDL drivers. Home every •Plumber de v ng and d n ng Now Hiring, landscape tion, aforStreet, local has Insurance available. Apfireplace, nice neighbor- 36 hours. Competitive David King Concrete leave a message. •Electrician Temple. 254-760-2995 WANT TO LEASE LAND able skilled concrete Temple. 254-760-2995 HotAFTERNOONS Food Available holidays. Medical-Dental v ha u L. mp da Small favor encompany, persona en Lawn Care Business $23,000 negotiable. Construcción, una empresa (negotiable). Hoodsolicite Killeen. El tion. nsu pa d vacaCourton una FR •Carpenter 771-2191, 718-9765 inspected, great condi- form In good(254)657-0043, shape. $12000 Call andDachshund DOLLAR SAVER. hConstrucción, d d a 1629 n a nS.empresa Fertilizer Application, inpups 2 smooth Rob oance Lacey irrigation, please call and Furnished. Ramona immediate positions availSmall Lawn Care Business (negotiable). Construction, Fort insurance, paid vacation, (254)657-0043, a g a ng w d m form setters and concrete •Carpenter oom 254 760 1876 pa a m na ga d 36 hours. Competitive EVA’S Residential CleanMow, weed, trim trees and hood,DMaximum furniture included Call John 254-760-7852 David L. King Concrete local, at 2410 East horario detiene atención puestos es de ply package includes: Health local, a •Plumber Op nPay pmOut Office location: 2459 Adams, FM Ap- tion.females, finis $23,000 negotiable. un vtiene n Killeen. d puestos Insurance available. company 401k B annua 2 smooth males, 972-392-2334 leave a message. 254-228-6109 or 210-867-0579 able for skilled concrete Get Results! Call Today! INS •Welder Mow, weed, trim trees and Hood Street, El Office location: 2459 FM pConstruction, v m n growth R disponibles finishers minimum of vinmediatos a da mp ad ing ServiceFrom top to yard, near paid VA. From $495. package 254-760-3031 lunes a with viernes denFort 8:00 inmediatos 1629 S.producWanted doublewide crease and Dachshund pups smooth S 972-392-2334 n Sused a pm disponibles company 401k. 2268 Salado,TX 76571 ide 1 for ye a m DR pm T dde landscaping. John 254-760-7852 Small Lawn Care Bi-annual Business •Welder includes: Health (negotiable). Temple. EOE East 1 longhair male,2 shots, vacation, Equal Opportunity Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran form concrete NEED TRUCK DR •Carpenter HR NG nan(254)657-0043, p n 76571 m landscaping. 254-760-3031 at 2410 Adams, CallGUNS horario de atención es VER MON TOR NA CONCRETE CON insurance, a ses NOW gua an VER eed 2268 Salado,TX ab setters 1Employer: year Hourly & AMMO-REPAIR bottom. Free Estimates! Nble P mobile MMED ATE OPEN NGand Ma nOffice a.m. aexperience. 4:00and p.m. Todos para preparadores de ply MXT Hood Street, Killeen. Elof •Painter females, 2 create smoothtrained, males, home. Reasonable AFTERNOONS SUNDAY para preparadores pay nu d aba de ava OFFICE SPACE Mow, weed, trim trees Eat Free dewormed, location: 2459 FM T y Hau raises, guaranteed finishers with minimum w254-778-1374. h OFFICE ndT mp dump xp n T mp b h m pa k and apa not •Painter lunes a viernes de 8:00 972-392-2334 tion for your pasture and insurance, paid vacation, d company 401k. Bi-annual pay rate will deterVETERAN YARD CARE LJZ1 longhair SURPLUS 603-C East Reasonable prices. Highly SPACE •Welder nuestros sitios de concreto trabajo encofrados de be Temple. EOE male, shots, horario de atención es de Skiles price.D254-421-3536 Group is Jay looking for OpTn m pm ees $700 00b week m n Mus NEEDED encofrados de concreto n u n an n a á a TRACTOR mine landscaping. 254-760-3031 Lab a an V h 2010 Jayco Flight s 2268 Salado,TX 76571 house broke. 350.00 very •Forklift Driver x w d a k 1 year experience. Hourly Mu d p ndab and 2001 W nnebago B ave VETERAN YARD CAREMust3Bd/ TEACHING POSITIONto W Av M m n 2BaGroup mp x is inlooking FuRogers. mfor a.m. FOR 254House a•Forklift 4:00 p.m. Skiles Nearby. OPERATOR a mined experience and a full-time $700.00 week min. Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed recommended. Central, Belton se Licensed encuentran las áreas calificados y en terminadores dewormed, create939-1110 trained, LEASE aupon viernes de 8:00 SL SHouse a pm Licensed electricians TTex mp y Todos Kng lunes calificados yB Driver terminadores guaranteed •Painter S hw 401k. n254-316-1108. TBi-annual xa Weed electricians 2001 Winnebago Braveknow 3Bd/ 2Ban ng in Rogers. sweet) 531-218-7303 crops. N-TEXX stimulates u 19’ k 54 h n336 & Carpenter ba h h Fo anewd & pay rate will be be yea age w n h a company OFFICE SPACE BH Travel Trailer, hav 25 g sd o Cen ARC snha seek Tree/Hedge Trimming, AVAILABLE andscap mow ng raises, Pay ba by d Owner, nCarpenter xp $130K. n to d For nuestros de trabajo FOR LEASE e a Sale full-time •Material knowledge position apEating/ Control, Landscap35C es de needed Temple, Belton ydeterKil-join de concreto con un mínimo house broke.Handler 350.00 very team a.m. a upon 4:00 p.m. Todos LARGE E sitios v con a Handler a y Lic #1-74-6066507-2 needed atdm Bluebonnet VETERAN CARE TEACHING POSITION denencuentran concreto un mínimo 25Lab years of age, with aFenced Skilesthe Group is and looking P be A YARD an P atofBluebonnet For WED Sale AFTERNOONS by Owner, $130K. $700.00 439 Water Supply CorpoaBearthe p construction w awn ng mined experience and refurbished •Material Eating/ Control, LandscapHugs Learning Center. guaranteed week Must Ejoin ayard, A Cstorage mfor Recently •Forklift shed. se enDriver lasá 3,500 áreas tires, $6,500. 254-721-0104 35C,•Siding 54,336 miles, Fordplied construction team mmmanue n mum o 2 min. yea exp plied for. Please apply in 3Bd/ 2Ba House in house Rogers. ing, Mow, Edge, Blow, leen. El viaje hacia sweet) 531-218-7303 de 1 Electrical año de experiencia. Layat me and Pa Bap s sCh d raises, n ng enc ng Coryell Health. Pay soil, microorganisms that dFu d 1 año pme 2001 Winnebago Brave nuestros sitios de trabajo WED. AFTERNOONS NON SMOK NG ROOM Electrical Services. No pa Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed refurbished 3,500 AVAILABLE pers de de experiencia. La Installer FOR LEASE T on V10 6 8 e 1 D Op nstorage am a full-time Carpenter to Fenced yard, shed. Recently d Pay d p nd n x Services. knowledge of position apu h be b d 18 ad and have TV ing, Mow, Edge, Blow, Must or older, minimum of 2 Landscapyears exp.254-423-2109 office and warehouse ba k h pu N sq.ft. de Temple, Belton yD LKilat kh Coryell Health. Pay person at David L. King ForS HLic SaleF by Owner, $130K. be desde los sitios será pro•Siding Cleanup. tarifa de pago por hora se range 25 years of age, with a •Material Handler week min. p p K is $18-$23 per Ford Tritron V10 6.8 Brave liter, 1Conc Doors 11am ration has aOpen full time daee Ava ab pm Eating/ Control, se encuentran en las áreas Located in Temple. Bear Hugs Learning Center. 527 3342 ask opotarifa de pago por hora se n#1-74-6066507-2 SF join team sq.ft. office and warehouse 254-423-2109 Maintenance person forans mon NOW B nHIRING! n Must ud Located in Temple. plied for. Please apply D venad Mon oInstaller s hacia T nhigh g school d54,336 Ca Deve opmen Cen eCONs p$700.00 eve ngMoffat Es ma e 254 35C, miles, DRIVER-MONITOR Winnebago Fe ze App ca on n in PINA CONCRETE Cleanup. 12101 Road. 2/1/1, diploma or GED, s de vhap ng and d Benenhour ng 2001 Apply in person at m nathe ub OPENING an perabu Recently refurbished 3,500 leen. El y range is construction $18-$23 hour space. IMMEDIATE provide essential nutrients Located corner Fenced yard, storage Concrete Construction, 1629 porcionado por WED. AFTERNOONS Randy 254-743-9444 TO LAND determinará según la expeask h uApply dviaje a on a WANT based on experience. 12:30pm Edge, Max$700 mum Pay Ou$500shed. Must beCall 18and or older, have 254-771-0801. de Temple, Belton y D.L.K. KilS. FR AFTERNOONS at Coryell Health. ma Pay v determinará según lamp expein person at Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Temple Temps bile home park and apartperson atLEASE David L. King H a 25 hing, dRandy nMow, a and kBlow, Call 254-771-0801. •Siding Installer minimum of Starts 2 Trim years exp. slide (livingmiles, and dining be254-527-3342, years of age, with for a based space. Located on corner oSession Lacey 254-743-9444 Ch&A, rent, de- Rob background finger print. desde los sitios será proCa Lab on experience. Benesition available for TCEQ WANT TO 760 LEASE LAND for 35C, sq.ft. office and warehouse 254-423-2109 po c en s n 7 passen vehículos de lahacia empresa S. Fort Hood Street, Kilh ng Teache s F oa 254 780Open 7670 Tritron V10 6.8 liter, 1 a g a ng w d m Doors 11am NEEDED c ease g ow h and p oduc TRACTOR. trees, 54,336 Ford oom 254 1876 lot in downtown Temple. pa a m na ga d riencia y el conocimiento 1919 Mueller Road assistant – Vet tech FRI. AFTERNOONS fits are offered. Cleanup. high school diploma or GED, CL&L Trucks is hiring leen. El viaje y D Op n pm range is $18-$23 per hour 2007 Honda Gold Wing leen. riencia y el conocimiento 315 Ave M ment complex. FullD.L.K. time. Concrete Construction, 1629de 2007 WED. AFTERNOONS Rob Sornd Lacey. R CL&L isonTemple. hiring for plants through their Gold Wing posit. Spivey Real Estate 254-527-3342, Experience aand plus. Apply in lot in Trucks downtown 1919 Mueller Road porcionado por dwaymhp m Bene- Off-street are Schwertner offered. cattle Honda grazing, will do im- room). 254-760-1876 Apply insolicitado. person at ask for minimum para los gastos leen. Hours of office v m neliminar R noperSession ofW.254-743-9444 2um years exp. mfits v a o dpuesto mp ad experience. space. Located corner del puesto solicitado. Por slide Doors Open 5pm Texas Randy Please email background finger print. S n Starts S a 12:30pm pm parking. desde los sitios será proation based on @gma experience. Trike, 12,000 miles, tagged ge 15 passenge vans del Por p (living and dining e s & A des P ease ap Cen-Tex ARC is seeking on o you pas u e and S. Fort Hood Street, Killandscaping, mowing, Pay based on Tritron V10 6.8 liter, 1 Doors Open 11am WANTED Donkeys, horses, Fax Troy, Texas 76579 Class C License distribuCDL drivers. Home every NEED TRUCK DR VER Trike, 12,000 miles, tagged 254-753-5341 person: WANT TO LEASE LAND for vehículos de la empresa Please email provements. Jay a Jay F References gh Off-street parking. viaje los empleados ab de CDL drivers. Home every 254-527-3342, ask for fits ations are Monday thru FRI. AFTERNOONS N favor solicite persona en Experience Session Starts 6:30pm Prior Lab Assistance Pre- favor Apply in careers@skilesgroup.com productive biological procTroy, Texas 76579 loth Session in downtown Temple. AFTERNOONS SUNDAY 1919 Mueller Road OPERATOR are offered. porcionado por D.L.K. Rob Lacey. and inspected, great condi- Frid Contact Randy solicite en en ava leen. ofen Electrical, A/C and Starts 12:30pm sheep, goats or any other MXT T y Tplus. Hau u ym@ nCompetitive m DRIVER NEED TRUCK nd dump xp n and inspected, great 500 IH-35, p cattle will do imTREE TEMPLE and 254-760-1876 eliminar los gastos de Full-time and Part-time ove see c persona en s some ac available. 254-865-3546 c ops grazing, NHours TEXX s office mu a operes room). careers@skilesgroup.com Immanuel Baptist Child WATER pOff-street y or n pe son a house 1402 painting, fencing, slide (living and dining BH T S. av aBelton n condiw or email: aharris@ FURNISHED EFFICIEN- w36 WANTED Donkeys, horses, Friday toKing 4:00pm. Doors Op Open 36 hours. Contact Randy David L.de Concrete SUNDAY AFTERNOONS person: ferred. Pay depends if qualified and interested. D n 5pm pm tion operator. TO LEASE LAND Please email on ex- para vehículos la parking. tion. $23,000 negotiable. hours. Competitive ations are 2013 MXT Toy254-865-3546 Hauler. 18ftAll David L.skills King Concrete backhoe helpful. No provements. On y of 8:00am nour M nMonday Auempresa a thru an xWANT w d254-933-2803 a kfor farm animals. FRI. AFTERNOONS with end dump experience. 254-774-5204 or email: aharris@ Mu b d p ndab and Troy, Texas 76579 439 Wa e Supp y Co po References tion. $23,000 negotiable. dsn T mp n y a ka n and viaje de los empleados if qualified and interested. Rob or Lacey. esses. 15-5-5 applied at sheep, goats or any other All job sites are in 2015 Ford F-150 XL, 1111 S. 5th Temple Session Starts 6:30pm Construction, S. Doors Open 4pm 500 S.&IH-35, Belton S nFlat S a St., pm TVs, hav perience. Benefits include: Construction, Driver-Monitors. Transso meliminar c254-865-3546 oo B gan haFort Development Center is v es Pass backg grazing, will leveling. Estimate. 254-774-5204 careers@skilesgroup.com Wes Ave A Temp eHealth CIES. Screen room). 254-760-1876 para gastos de cattle Call John 254-760-7852 Friday 8:00am tolos 4:00pm. xariesbuildings.com 8ft wide, electric jacks,Tem package Health NEED TRUCK DRIVER 1629 S. ound Fort BATHTUB criminal or substance abuse. u kJohn h n ba h hdoa im& Puppy a1629 ksms Contact OWNER Must be includes: dependable and hyd Doors 5pm g dFree n REFINISHING available. CallCharcoal 254-760-7852 ne package includes: ndental waFINANCE Nposition’s primary farm animals. Temple, Belton, and areKilariesbuildings.com 3.5BR, 1BA, $700 month or Street, email: aharris@ SUNDAY AFTERNOONS aThis on has aOpen uRandy me po Session Starts 5:30pm Hood Street, Killeen. El 2013 254-933-2803 LARGE Health, and interested. 401k OWNER FINANCE Gray, Super Cab, if gqualified and BATHTUB REFINISHING References leen MXT Toy 18ft viaje declients los empleados All of our job full & 254-865-3546 bath, heat with end dump experience. aprovements. p w d Hauler. awn ng Call 254-773-7686 or d email: Hood have good references. 12.5 Water Pa $23.00 per acre. A es BuTeachers, d ng Sys ems Session Starts 6:30pm home. Repairs onnpassenporceport in 7nu pma ov de essen a sites snin hiring Float254-774-5204 254-780-7670 check d ug scKilleen. een vEl in Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Fullkitchen time positions, SD insurance, paid vacation, k ngAcres. h a meter. hto: n NOW HIRING fast paced CATTLE WORKING, haul- & leen areas. Travel toen $650 deposit. 254-598-8179 Doors Open 4pm NA T ee T mm ng s NEED DRIVER LARGE NON SMOK NG ROOM horario de atención esand de xavailable. No JUST BUILT OUT Send aResume 12.5 Acres. Water meter. s, P insurance, paid vacation, in home. TRUCK Repairs on porcewide, electric jacks, Temple, Belton, and Kilariesbuildings.com miles, 6 1/2’ bed air, powered awning,from Full time positions, FURNISHED EFFICIENu8ft h 103k b d254-865-3546 ad and TV Must bed dis dependable and midwaymhpr@gmail.com. on ava ab e o TCEQ 830-220-7830. horario de atención es de Ag exempt. Beautiful. p m Ca function the operation OWNER FINANCE lain and fiberglass. Over 30 AFTERNOONS SUNDAY BATHTUB REFINISHING N xp n d JUST BUILT OUT n u nd v dua ing, penning, problem cat2013 MXT Toy radio, Hauler. 18ft from sites will be on provided Modu a BuPlease dBi-annual ng Session Starts 5:30pm ger or 15 passenger vans o p an s h ough he with endAides. dump experience. ers & apNON-SMOKING ROOM HngAcres. F Edg dBills Ava abPaid. Internet. No lunes a viernes de 8:00 e s cense and h gh OFFICE SPACE! great benefits, backlog Fax: 254-527-4400 or Ag exempt. Beautiful. NOW HIRING fast paced Contact Carlos Morris company 401k. customer service/cashier CATTLE WORKING, haullain and fiberglass. Over 30 by leen areas. Travel to and full kitchen & bath, heat & couch, bed, and TV. n g d hap Ca Mow ng C ean have good references. Fe ze App ca n Owner/ agent lunes a viernes de 8:00 12.5 Water meter. w/liner, 3.5L V6, cloth years in business. Call Dale in home. Repairs on porceDoors Open 4pm e, CIES.MaxFlat company 401k. Bi-annual Full time 730 positions, dmaintenance aBUILT nAvailable u s nof (254) 778-4444 OFFICE SPACE! great benefits, backlog Screen a a suzym@cllnet.com an p n pa ass C Ln cense dOUT bu a Must tle. will haul anyjacks, livewide, electric D.L.K. company LARGE mum Pay Ou TVs, Hot Food beHbusiness. and a.m. a b4:00 p.m. Todos Two spaces: sq. ofJUST Owner/ agent and ing, penning, problem catyears in Dale VERY NICE 3/2/2. Appli- C from sites will be provided air, powered awning, In8ftAlso good shape. $12000 Callcles WATER TEMPLE and oversee client’s acNOW Rdependable NGguaranteed oCall he pby oduc ve og ca p vehioc ply in person atOver 1402 830-220-7830. Fertilizer Application, in- xfull Lease/ No Deposit. LaShelle Ag exempt. Beautiful. pTREE oma o ft GED work. a.m. a d 4:00 p.m. Todos 721-3658. customer lain and fiberglass. 30 raises, Session Starts 5:30pm at Kolache Kitchen, 30 seats, newservice/cashier larger tires and Two spaces: sq. Out ft ofupo v 730 c ease owsitios hocompany and pfertilizer oduc ng Rake Leaves 254-421-1276 for stock. Callof254-865-3546 m Pam(254) u 778-4444 mRealtors App y n schoo lokitchen &or 210-867-0579 bath,any heatlive& pens cles tog eliminate travel ex- couch, NON-SMOKING ROOM Maximum Pay No Only one Mini Australian have good references. guaranteed nuestros de trabajo OFFICE SPACE! fice; all bills paid great$1,100; benefits, backlog Pam LaShelle Realtors of work. tle. Also will haul 1 Full 721-3658. Kitchen. Free: Cable, on ope a by D.L.K. vehiances. Fireplace. Garden raises, bed, radio, and TV. 254-228-6109 (Temple’s only alkaline and Owner/ agent 512-217-2070 nuestros sitios de trabajo years in business. Call Dale LARGE fice; $1,100; bills Caspaces: p n yall a730 mu tivities. Pass background crease and producRanch House Inn 5 5pas app edand aex- Inhours West Ave. A,pos Temple. o ow ng ons Must p purchased water n (254)W778-4444 Adam Su Fgrowth dF XL at Kolache Kitchen, 30 air, Good aofwater ng pay and esses sporty rims, new brakes, pense for15 employees. powered Hot Food $700.00 week min. plus. Apply in perPuppy left. Black tri-color, Two sq. paid ftdistriof830-220-7830. seapplication encuentran en u las áreas and 570s sq. ftwork. office; $875; on oto you e 512-217-2070 stock. 254-865-3546 awning, cles eliminate travel eLaShelle P Available va5407 eServices Fence tub. Olga’s Patio. Don’s good shape. $12000 Call on. Lawnca hydrogen store) Application, inPam Realtors 2001Call Winnebago Brave $700.00 week Must 721-3658. and sales. se encuentran en las áreasis Fertilizer Cleaning Jay F gh ng NON-SMOKING ROOM sfice; smin. p $875; ma y Internet. Bills No Th and 570 ftnall office; Cpos nLic xsq. Con u npaid Cha aplus. Gyour ayJay Sup Cab 2001 Winnebago Brave OPERATOR Maximum PayPaid. Out BISD. male $300. Parents on couch, bed, radio, and TV. Prep $1,100; bills de Belton ydrivKil- 254-228-6109 all Temple, bills paid. Both brand recent inspection/tags, tion for and 773-0114 check, $23 00Temple, pedrug ac escreen, pense for employees. Eng nee #1-74-6066507-2 Trail, Temple. hours Apply in or 210-867-0579 looking aBelton health ncfor eases Pa va be 25 years of age, with a Aries Building Systems me son Tuesday-Saturday at 512-217-2070 ops N TEXX s formas mu a es PINA Tree Trimming, bution system lines, de ydconsciKil- c BH T apasture wperJayco$12000 Jay FlightFord Hot Food and conc eCommerical e wo k Residential/ all bills Both brand Lic #1-74-6066507-2 and produc54,336 miles, k Tmav b dn Ford be 25 years of age, with Preparadores de In35C, good2010 shape. Call OPERATOR and 570 sq. ftAvailable office; $875; premises. Call 254-654-4833 unc on spaid. he ope a ona s leen. growth El viaje hacia dey Fertilizer Application, inLease/ No Deposit. new individual build outs: to fill crease Needed experienced WED. AFTERNOONS $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. color-matched Ranch Si439 Wa e Supp y Co po entious 35C, 54,336 miles, Modular Building crops. N-TEXX stimulates er’s license and high leen.on El viaje hacia y so Conmac Ca os Mo s pro19’ BH or Travel Trailer, new horm son Tuesday-Saturday at 254-228-6109 Pu chase Manage Maximum Pay Out new build outs: ca s ck eave and 11 AFTERNOONS minimum of 2 years exp. 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen Dav d L K ng C n u c oo gan sms ha w n L V h Mowing, Edging, Cleanhormigón y terminadores years experience. Free all bills paid. Both brand 210-867-0579 or 254-493-4537. desde los sitios será 3320 Pecan Valley, F ee30WED. Es ma es Preparadores de formas de tion for your pasture and valves, and meters. residential construction Tritron V10 6.8 liter, Doors Open 11am minimum of 2u years exp. sales assistant position, part 439 Water Supply Corpo- n NOW and nng erra camper shell incl! crease and producRanch House Inn tires, $6,500. 254-721-0104 1 de h desde los sitios será proa Non has aenance meoand poa Jayco Flight 3320 Pecan Valley, wma H and ap Tritron V10 6.8 liter, 1 Doors Open 11am a a mpany HIRING for theha a2010 ngrowth w a Jay g HK and that soil, microorganisms de hormigón King new build outs: school diploma GED. 254 421 1276 o eorL. en ze 23108 S.E. Dodgen OPERATOR porcionado por D.L.K. Temple. 254-760-2995 Esupervisor. ec c anask for Estimate Bonded & Inhormigón y David terminadores 254-527-3342, Loop. ho days Med ca Den a p ov de essen a nu s Session Starts 12:30pm Cons ing, Rake Leaves, time to full time. Apply in 771 2191 718 9765 crops. N-TEXX stimulates porcionado por D.L.K. slide (living and dining 1BR, 1BA Cottage on 1 19’ BH Travel Trailer, new $17,599 Michael: has a afull time po- mm following Temple. 254-760-2995 254-527-3342, ga pwa ae e ad and Session Starts 12:30pm pu chased s forto ration Please resume da p positions: n ava p for y TO m npasture w b ak Construcción, unalapay tion your andfor 3320nsend Pecan Valley, WANT LEASE LAND s on ava ab oask TCEQ vehículos de empresa de David L. King and dining Carpentry FRI. AFTERNOONS local provide essential nutrients sured. person, 7425de W. la Adams, Suite WANT Good starting and Loop. app ca saempresa es O ga C773-0114 an254-295-3578 ng S v 2010 Jayco Jay Flight 439 Water Supply CorpoP umbemust. TO LEASE LAND forde slide o phormigón an son hand ough he Rob or Lacey. nsu ance ava ab empresa e Ap vehículos tires,(living $6,500. Lawncare, Fence, yby acre OPERATOR av a Private m FRI.country AFTERNOONS 254-598-9358; nN-TEXX n p 254-721-0104 nwill ag do im- room). ab k ddoublewide n Temple. 254-760-2995 local, tiene puestos cattle grazing, microorganisms that 254-760-1876 para eliminar los m gastos setting, Construcción, una empresa sition available for TCEQWanted Rob or Lacey. Centex Construction bu on sys emag nes Doors Open 5pm inme used 150. eliminar los gastos de soil, crops. stimulates C ass C L cense d s bu R olgalidia629@gmail.com dDoors n a Open CCamm a 19’ BH Travel Trailer, new Da h hund pup h 000, Sma erron@439watersupply.com cattle grazing, will do imroom). 254-760-1876 para for plants through their •Engineer Lawn Bu n merit increases. Paid varation has a full time po5pm ma h d Ran References hS p oducdeve o og nutrients ca p oc m and n inmediatos disponibles Ca pen e Corpoprovements. Wanted used doublewide p y a 2410 Eas Adams viaje losbtiene empleados liskamo@yahoo.com local, puestos and concrete work. 439 Water Supply 254-217-2600 Session Starts 6:30pm para mobile home. Reasonable provide essential y a xp n F tires, $6,500. 254-721-0104 Temple, $695 deposit, ma m h ma Class C License distribuprovements. References and s FMWater NEED viaje de los empleados TRUCK DRIVER n h•Purchase w Session w home. d used m 6:30pm and va on ao microorganisms w/b M Oope ame n e439 Starts a amp h XL n that para preparadores w h m n mum available. mobile Reasonable productive biological proc- 2013 MXT Toy Hauler. 18ft enco inmediatos disponibles Manager FURNISHED Wanted doublewide cation,ngha sick leave andade 11 soil, orves contact available forDRIVER TCEQ ration David e L. King Construc- esses AFTERNOONS SUNDAY 15 5through 5ma app ed price. 254-421-3536 NEED TRUCK F 254-865-3546 dF We de E ma B nd dEFFICIEN& n AT sition Temp EOE hconcreto Free Estimates. available. 254-865-3546 TOWNHOMES has a full time powith end dump experience. and ap ng ENfor plants their $695 mo., 254-624-2779 tion operator. Sa ad TX M ha AFTERNOONS SUNDAY encofrados de y a xp n H u y price. 254-421-3536 Pwith ease send para preparadores de provide Th s end pos on sesume p y Reasonable Now Hiring, landscape and essential nutrients tion, a local company, has $23 2013 MXT Toy Hauler. 18ftat x 8ft 2015 Doors Open 4pmma o bor- mobile calif Cha a G ay Sup Cab dump experience. esses. 15-5-5 applied u home. d •Electrician CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Ford F-150 XL, d w m d a a n d holidays. Medical-Dental wide, electric jacks, 00 pe ac e Class C License distribuMust be dependable and Paplease n e for Supply at sition 771-2191, 718-9765 sale Chevy BobDoors 4pm m calificados y determinadores pay a w b d encofrados biological Licensed electricians available TCEQ 254-421-3536 Vs, irrigation, call and procimmediate positions avail- productive This position’s primary Session Starts 5:30pm xFor 8ftplants electric kwide, m 2006 b d jacks, Must dependable and RIVER FAIR gaKitchen. d a Open @gma unc on sCorporation he ope acom on on@439wa e supp Superheat Cab, & de c hconcreto u acb Ca k yavailable. vconcreto ysAp- for fullCharcoal kitchen Gray, & bath, through their ded price. have good references. VETERAN YARD CARE TEACH NG POS T ON $23.00 per acre. Sk Gbe up ky ng Full Free: Cable, e kam @yah mheat de con un mínimo Session Starts 5:30pm Con osterminadores Mo Insurance m n d up •Plumber n xp n and calificados tion operator. needed at Bluebonnet tail Truck, in good Licensed electricians leave a message. Fo k D ve able for skilled concrete esses. LARGE de 1 w n Ford Vbath, h condifull kitchen &LF-150 & have good references. 103k miles, 6 1/2’ bed Class C License distribu254-933-2133 or visit at w le, 15-5-5 applied at air, powered awning, function is the operation 2015 XL, 830-220-7830. T H dgBELTON T mm ng W d AVA LABLE Dachshund pups 2 smooth and ma n enance o a TS. o con ac 439 Wa e aSmall uNON-SMOKING m Ca p nROOM de año2410 de con experiencia. LARGE Paid. No This de concreto mínimo Lawn Care Business kn School w dg •Carpenter p nor GED ap Electrical Services. biological procneeded at (254)657-0043, Carlos Morris aContact nWill wGray, a gBluebonnet and form setters and concrete 254 Diploma Internet. tion. sell or males, trade for couch,w/liner, air, powered awning, 1276 o un e Adams, zeLa productive ply1421 at East 830-220-7830. position’s primary V6, cloth bed, 3.5L radio, and TV. tarif Mamaintenance elocation: a Hand e ofHigh Charcoal Super Cab, AT EaNON-SMOKING ng C n BillsLand ap a Hug with L a nminimum ng C n of $23.00 smooth nchased hHot nwa uRd non tarifa de por hora La se Fcouch, operator. de 1 año de experiencia. perpago acre. ROOM and ap d Mow, weed, trim No& TOWNHOMES P a app y n Bfinishers in Temple. Electrical Services. pu ea trees dBelton, s am Office 2459 FM pfemales, ybed, m2Application, n254-541-1420 w b vy ak 6202 Sparta Supp y Co po aand tion Food Available dete aLocated Ch B TV. bat radio, and seats, new larger tires and small camper. esses. 15-5-5 applied 254-421-1276 for fertilizer In good shape. $12000 Call 2015 Ford F-150 XL, •Welder Fertilizer inLease/ app ca on and sa es 103k miles, 6 1/2’ bed •3bed/2.5bath/2gar O ga ng S Bv w ng MCNo wanDeposit. Edg Temple. EOE Mu b d hav 1 longhair male, shots, function operation alandscaping. C Maximum y is the H Pay a h Out Pay This determinará según la expetarifa de pago por hora se Hot Food Available 254-760-3031 p nof a Dav d work L Kexperience. ng Two (2) years relevant S dSalado,TX ng ns aprimary e distrink n254-771-0801. pnin$12000 n dag nd 2268 76571 1 year experience. Hourly CL&L rienc a good T Located uCall gTemple. shape. Call position’s purchased water Contact Carlos Trucks isMorris hiring Fertilizer in- In sporty Gray, rims, new brakes, bu sys em uS FAIR 254-228-6109 or 210-867-0579 Charcoal Super Cab, 254 933 2133 o pvServices s nes R RIVER d n C mm a w/liner, 3.5L V6, cloth Ca anup dewormed, create trained, hpay gh h d will p ma be GED TXon 76513. application and sales. determinará la expe- $23.00 per acre. riencia y Application, elsegún conocimiento ang h aua Olga’s Cleaning Maximum Pay Out CL&L Trucks is hiring Call 254-771-0801. •Painter crease growth producRanch House Inn C n C n u n RENT$2,000 ma h d Ran h S and 2007 Honda Gold Wing and maintenance of rate deterdel n W ad OFFICE SPACE 254-228-6109 or 210-867-0579 recent inspection/tags, AppGroup yis nsystem pe son alines, 103k miles, 6 1/2’ bed y Randy a xp n F seats, new larger tires and n& bution 254-421-1276 for fertilizer house broke. function the operation drivers. Home every ba kg und andexperience ng p nand CDL va and en sBe crease growth and producValid driver’s license and•Forklift must a clean driving record riencia y elsolicitado. conocimiento del puesto Por ma Commerical VETERAN YARD CARE ba ves d Residential/ n xp Bon n TEACHING POSITION 6202 Spa ame Rd CL&L Trucks is hiring H d have S K afor amp h350.00 n very Skiles is looking for S F 2007 w/liner, Honda Gold Wing Trike, 12,000 miles, tagged mined upon favo amp Contact Carlos Morris BELTON color-matched Ranch SiCDL drivers. Home every Diana Driver tion your pasture and 773-0114 E FOR ma B LEASE ndWhite d& n purchased water distri3.5L V6, cloth sporty rims, new brakes, ers. sweet) 531-218-7303 ing. Exp n a p u App y n del puesto solicitado. Por Free favor solicite en persona en Tree/Hedge Trimming, Weed 1919 Mue e Road 2010 Jayco miles, Jay Flight AVAILABLE a 30 years dexperience. M ha avalves, full-time Carpenter to n H u p and meters. Trike, 12,000 tagged application and sales. 36 hours. Competitive and inspected, great condiP ease send esume o Olga’s Cleaning Services and maintenance of a knowledge of position apDavi tion for your pasture and OPERATOR erra camper shell incl! CDL drivers. Home every TX 76513 u d nd Strong knowledge diesel WANTED nkeny persona hConcrete seats, new largerTrailer, tires and recent inspection/tags, 30K. forstimulates fertilizer tion. 2010 Jayco Jay Flight 713.859.2952 36 Competitive favor solicite en 254-421-1276 •Material Handler crops. N-TEXX Estimate & InDavid L. D Learning King Eating/ Control, •3bed/2.5bath/2gar 19’inspected, BH Travel new Cons Bear Hugs Center. P system a Bonded maLandscapbution lines, join the Texas construction team and great condia of M nday engine h u prepair OPERATOR $23,000 negotiable. Residential/ Commerical pliedn for. Please apply in package $17,599 Michael: T hours. oy 76579 int- Recently Please send resume to a n ga d a refurbished @gma m 3,500 e on@439wa e supp y com includes: Health purchased water districolor-matched Ranch Sih p g a any h sporty rims, new brakes, hed. crops. N-TEXX stimulates 439 Water Supply Corpo36 hours. Competitive 19’ BH Travel Trailer, new David L. King Concrete S H B n sured. 254-295-3578 Construction, 1629 S. Fort ing, Mow, Edge, Blow, tires, $6,500. 254-721-0104 Must be 18 or older, have kam @yah m a @ k g up m g at Coryell Health.Health Pay F day •Siding tion.John 254-760-7852 $23,000 negotiable. Hood am pm Call 30 years experience. Free application and sales. Chappell Hillwarehouse Reality person at David L. King Collection Olga’s Cleaning Services package includes: Installer soil, microorganisms that 254-598-9358; RENT$2,000 valves, and meters. of old 45s & LPs, 439 Water Supply Corpoerra camper shell incl! sq.ft. office and a m an ma recent inspection/tags, o ema s@ tires, $6,500. 254-721-0104 Construction, 1629 S. that Fort olgalidia629@gmail.com erron@439watersupply.com o Residential/ con acdCleanup. 439 Wa Hood Street, Killeen. El high microorganisms school diploma or GED, paid vacation, qua and n de bution system lines, John 254-760-7852 range ishas $18-$23 per hour ration aaha fullvacation, time posoil, package includes: Health A Schoo u Din bpperson a n Estimate Bonded & InConcrete Construction, 1629 insurance, hora Commerical liskamo@yahoo.com H gh oma o atGED n Group 50¢ & Street, up. Varied artists insurance, paid Apply provide essential nutrients Corvair Wagon, 140hp, Callcolor-matched $17,599 Michael: Ranch SiCompetitive Pay, Opportunities for Growth! Diana White Hood Killeen. El& 1961 send resume to space. Located on corner Please horario de401k. atención de Randy 254-743-9444 background and finger print. ration apo full based on experience. BeneT mp Benefi B ts n & and K High sured. 254-295-3578 dmeters. ngs comTCEQ S. Fort Hood Street, orKilCprovide n essential d Bi-annual & esLP lunes ora esbu contact 439 WaterGreat y has Co a time on a 30 years experience. FreepoF a 254-598-9358; Ch vy B b company BATHTUB REF N SH NG Supp valves, and sition available for insurance, paid vacation, nutrients School Diploma GED erra camper shell incl! horario es de genre. 254-778-5076, Temple 3.89gears, 14in tires, lunes a deWORK viernes de 8:00 Experience aatención plus. Apply in a4sp, lotholgalidia629@gmail.com in 713.859.2952 downtown Temple. company 401k. Bi-annual 1919 Mueller Road for plants through their Two 2 yea s o e evan wo k expe ence NOW H R NG as paced fits are offered. CATTLE NG hau n a a T av and erron@439watersupply.com leen. Hours of office oper& up Va d a & T u k n g d nd C va Wag n hp Estimate Bonded & Insition available for TCEQ What you get when you advertise n m R pa n p 254 933 2133 o v s a Supply Corporation Fu Csend me pos ons sale 2006 Chevy Bob-a.m. liskamo@yahoo.com lunes a ng viernes 8:00 $17,599 Michael: horses, raises, guaranteed S company 401k. Bi-annual Class License distribua.m. 4:00 Todos Please resume toat m Troy, Texas person: through HD many spare For Please email ng p ann p Tp.m. bmpde m their a n WANTED Wsusp, ations are Monday thru w b 76579 pTwo v d (2) d cus gfor n plants nues pproductive g a Donkeys, n ad sured.w254-295-3578 years of relevant work experience. raises, guaranteed biological procome se v ce cash e aOff-street nChappell and parking. b Hill g a Reality Ov or contact 439 Water tail Truck, in good condia.m. a 4:00 p.m. Todos W sheep, goats or any other 254-598-9358; Va d d ve s cense and mus have a c ean d v ng eco d Class C License distribunuestros sitios de trabajo 500 S. IH-35, Belton 6202 Spa a Rd Be on in the Classified pages of the 254-933-2133 or visit at AT g ea bene sguaranteed back og High careers@skilesgroup.com aid. & y HOLLY A week w biological hau v $700.00 min.anyMust ma amp OAKS Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. by School D L K Diploma mpany orv GED h parts, 254-583-0406. raises, HD u$15,000, p many pa tion operator. olgalidia629@gmail.com Randy productive proca TOWNHOMES nContact bu n Ca APTS. Da tion.liskamo@yahoo.com Will sellF-150 or XL, trade forse e nuestros sitios en delas trabajo 254Corporation 778 4444 at erron@439watersupply.com farm animals. 254-865-3546 $700.00 week min. Must or email: aharris@ esses. 15-5-5 applied at 2001 se encuentran áreas pa a Ko ache K chen 30 254-933-2803 2015 Ford Supply T For sale 2006 Chevy BobC Group if qualified and interested. d k Ca Valid driver’s license and must have a clean driving record All of our job sites are in de m na av x tion operator. Winnebago Brave TX 76513 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Lic #1-74-6066507-2 oweek wo 439 kmin. DOLLAR SAVER. 254-774-5204 nd Sprimary ong edge o d ese eng ne epa be years ofBelton age, with aat tail Truck, 1BR/1BA upstairs small camper. 254-541-1420 $700.00 Must se25encuentran en las This position’s or contact Water urt- EVA’S 15-5-5 applied Two (2)aknow years of relevant work experience. RIVER FAIRClean-&254-933-2133 de Temple, y áreas Kil2015 per Ford F-150 Charcoal Gray, SuperBrave Cab, leen. inacre. goodXL,condi2001 Winnebago Lic #1-74-6066507-2 High School Diploma Temple, Belton, Kil- esses. Residential be years of age, with $23.00 p n ariesbuildings.com mp y DOLLAR AVER hou s p us App yand nor peGED or visit at WED. AFTERNOONS BATHTUB REFINISHING S. de Temple, yexp. KilThis position’s primary 35C, sale 54,336 miles, Ford TX25 76513. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 g EVA leen. El viaje hacia y tion. S ServiceR d nFrom a Ctopan downstairs. Washer and 103k miles, 6 1/2’ bed Charcoal Super Cab, minimum ofacre. 2Belton years Strong knowledge of diesel engine repair be 25 years of age, withata Get Results! CallT Today! Will Gray, sell or trade for INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar NOW HIRING fast paced function is the operation WED. AFTERNOONS CATTLE WORKING, haulSupply Corporation leen areas. Travel to and For 2006 Chevy Bobdesd $23.00 per ing to Doors Open 11am 35C, 54,336 miles, Ford 495. in home. Repairs on porceG R C NSTANT CASH T pbed D a license and have a clean driving record minimumValid of 2driver’s years exp. leen. los El sitios viaje será haciapro-y small Full must time positions, Contact Carlos Morris son Tuesday u day a 6202 Sparta Rd11am Belton, WED. AFTERNOONS desde S JUST v BELTON F m OUT p w/liner, 3.5L V6, liter, cloth 103k miles, 6problem 1/2’ camper. 254-541-1420 BUILT Two years of relevant experience. Equal Opportunity Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran Tritron V10in 6.8 Doors Open function is the operation ing, penning, from willSa provided n5& ngbottom. Truck, good condi-1 porc forANY ANY running or tail P Employer: pa Benefi ad Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran ds & Oppo ma (2) d un dryer. Covered parking. minimum of 2or years exp. 254-527-3342, ask for 12:30pm Equal Opportunity customer service/cashier and maintenance of lain and fiberglass. Over 30 254-933-2133 Compe ve Pay ea esSession osites GStarts ow hbework Free GUNS AMMO-REPAIR visit at aGEmployer: desde sitios será v vehicle h3.5L V6, unn ng catContact Carlos Morris Tritron V10 6.8 liter, Doors Open12:30pm 11am APTS. TX m•3bed/2.5bath/2gar FOAKS E Estimates! ma GUNS && AMMO R seats, new larger and w/liner, cloth nlos dporREPA & D.L.K. LPpro- tle. OFFICE SPACE! 254-527-3342, ask for great benefits, backlog 254-421-1276 for fertilizer Session Starts ree bHOLLY Also will haul any live- tion. 23108 SAFTERNOONS E company HK Dodgen 76513. by FRI. D.L.K. vehi- Cporcionado Will sell or tires trade for1 vehíc h m g n y m nad ee nd Strong knowledge of diesel engine repair not, with or without title. slide (living and dining years in business. Call Dale and maintenance of a porcionado por D.L.K. n w h w h u (254) 778-4444 Water paid. Appoint254-527-3342, ask for Rob or Lacey. Session Starts 12:30pm prices. LJZ SURPLUS TO LEASE license and must have a clean driving record at Kitchen, 30 WANT purchased distri- d h m g Valid vehículos de for R Reasonable a Two nabspaces: pupstairs gh LJZ SURPLUS C empresa EaEast& sporty rims, new &Kolache up Va dla603-C afertilizer C Call va Wag nLAND hpfor small Competitive Great Benefi &travel Opportunities for Growth! seats, new254-865-3546 larger tires and 730 sq. H ftHighly of- y 6202 Rd Belton, FRI. AFTERNOONS stock. slide (living andbrakes, dining para cles to eliminate ex- 254-421-1276 & 721-3658. camper. 254-541-1420 n work. Davdriver’s d L K Pay, ng Rob orSparta Lacey.water Doors Opents 5pm of application and sales. Olga’s Cleaning Services WANT TO for room). of old 45s LPs, vehículos la mp empresa RENT$2,000 Loop 254-624-1729 FRI. AFTERNOONS g. 1BR/1BA grazing, will do& im254-760-1876 los gastos de cattle mm d neliminar aplus. Bde nT gpara n C Central, recent inspection/tags, pCollection grims, aLEASE nLAND purchased water recommended. 254-316-1108. Belton 939-1110 fice;nd $1,100; all bills paid sporty new brakes, ments 773-4787. Doors 5pmdistri- TX Rob or Lacey. pense for employees. hours Apply in perbution system lines, C n u n una Strong mp a knowledge Session Starts 6:30pmengineNEED w Open Commerical 76513. cattle will dopa im-& room). 50¢ &ugrazing, Varied artists 1961color-matched Corvair Wagon, 140hp,viaje application and sales. 254-760-1876 para los DRIVER gastos de HD Olga’s Cleaning Services Washer and W Residential/ of diesel repair Doors Open 5pm provements. References TRUCK viaje deeliminar los empleados pup. many Ranch SiDiana White and 570 sq. ft office; $875; recent inspection/tags, Session Starts 6:30pm nt- downstairs. FURNISHED EFFICIENa n pu bution system lines, AFTERNOONS SUNDAY provements. References genre. 254-778-5076, Temple 30 years experience. Free 4sp, 3.89gears, 14in Competitive Pay, Great Benefi ts & Opportunities for Growth! NEED TRUCK DRIVER viaje de los empleados Residential/ Commerical sonend Tuesday-Saturday CSession AFTERNOONS valves, meters. Starts 6:30pm available. 254-865-3546 d dump experience. FURNISHED EFFICIENerra camper shell incl!tires, What youand get when youDRIVER advertise nm d a Collection of old 45s & LPs,at pa all bills paid. Both brand color-matched Ranch SiSUNDAY dryer. Covered parking. NEED Preparadores de4pm formas de with 713.859.2952 d p TVs, nb 2013 Toy many Hauler. 18ft available. 254-865-3546 Doors Open Estimate Bonded & InHD MXT susp, spare with end TRUCK dump experience. FURNISHED EFFICIEN30 years experience. Free CIES. Flat Screen AFTERNOONS SUNDAY valves, and meters. Must be dependable and DOLLAR AVER $17,599 Michael: 50¢ & up. Varied artists & new build outs: 2013 MXT Toy Hauler. 18ft 1961 Corvair Wagon, 140hp, Please send resume erra camper shell incl! Doors Open 4pm with dump experience. hormigón y terminadores 23108 S.E. HK Dodgen in theend Classified pages of the to CIES. Flat Screen EFFICIENCIES BillsTVs, Paid.
BINGO VFW Pos #4008 Be on
BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton
HIRING TODAY! TODAY! HIRING Diesel Technician $2,000 Special
Diesel Technician $2,000inSpecial Bonus Bonus (19010958) Temple, TX in
HIRING TODAY! Diesel Technician $2,000 Special Employment Bonus in HIRING TODAY! RESULTS... Temple, TX H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� Temple, TX �n� R�h�� REQUIREMENTS
407 N. C���e�� S�., Ro���u� REQUIREMENTS 254-583-7904
(254) 778-4444
�����G ����I�A����S �OR RESULTS...
Diesel TechnicianCareers.wm.com $2,000 Special 1.844.969.6754 Careers.wm.com REQUIREMENTS Careers.wm.com Careers.wm.com 1.844.969.6754 in $2000 SIGN ON BONUS Bonus (19010958)
Transporta� CALL• DOLLAR SAVER on CNA/Van Driver
40 hours a week Mon. through (254) 778-4444Fri. Temple, TX (254) 778-4444 Employment Diesel Technician $2,000 Special • 2/10 CNA’s - $1000 SIGN ON BONUS REQU REMENTS CALL•DOLLAR SAVER RN/LVN for Weekend Doubles CALL DOLLAR SAVER Bonus (19010958) in � ����G ����I�A����S �OR CALL DOLLAR SAVER RESULTS... CALL DOLLAR SAVER • Part Timeon Ac� vity Assistant • Transporta� CNA/Van Driver Temple, TX
BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton
$2000 SIGN ON BONUS Careers.wm.com 1.844.969.6754 Employment Employment Careers.wm.com H�u�� N�r��n� 40H��ita�� hours a week Mon. through Fri. REQUIREMENTS Employment Employment • 2/10 CNA’s �n� - $1000R�h�� SIGN(254) ON778-4444 BONUS �����G ����I�A����S �OR � ����G ����I�A����S �OR 407 N. C���e�� S�., Doubles Ro���u� • RN/LVN for Weekend �����G ����I�A����S �OR • Transporta�on CNA/Van Dr ver • Transporta� on CNA/Van Driver �����G ����I�A����S �OR 254-583-7904 Careers wm com Careers wm com 1 844 969 6754 •DOLLAR Part Time Ac� vity Assistant CALL SAVER CALL DOLLAR SAVER $2000 S GN BONUS • Transporta� on ON CNA/Van Driver $2000 SIGN ON BONUS • Transporta� on CNA/Van Driver 40 hours a week Mon through Fr $2000 SIGN ON BONUS hours a week Mon. through Fri. H��ita�� H�u�� 40 N�r��n� $2000Fri. SIGN ON BONUS hours as week Mon. through RESULTS... 254 778 4444 •40 2/10 CNA - $1000 S GN ONCNA’s BONUS �n� R�h�� • 2/10 - $1000 SIGN ON BONUS 40 hours a week Mon. through Fri. Employment Employment •407 2/10 CNA’s -for $1000 SIGN ON BONUS • RN/LVN Weekend Doub es N. C���e�� S�., •Ro���u� for Weekend Doubles Careers.wm.com Careers.wm.com 1.844.969.6754 • 2/10RN/LVN CNA’s - $1000 SIGN ON BONUS 254-583-7904 • •RN/LVN for Ac�v Weekend Doubles Part T me ty Ass stantTime Ac�vity Assistant • Part RN/LVN����I�A����S for Weekend Doubles �•����G �OR �����G ����I�A����S �OR • Part Time Ac�vity Assistant H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� (254) 778-4444 H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� • Part Time Ac� vity Assistant • Transporta� on CNA/Van Driver • Transporta� on CNA/Van Driver �n� R�h�� H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� R�h�� $2000�n� SIGN ON N�r��n� BONUS SIGN ON BONUS H��ita�� H�u�� 407 $2000 N C���e�� S� , Ro���u� �n� R�h�� 407 N. C���e�� S�.,through Ro���u� 40 hours a week Mon. Fri. 40 hours a week Mon. through�n� Fri. R�h�� 254-583-7904 407 N. C���e�� S�., Ro���u� 254-583-7904 •407 2/10 CNA’s - $1000S�., SIGNRo���u� ON BONUS • 2/10 CNA’s - $1000 SIGN ON BONUS N. C���e�� 254-583-7904 254-583-7904 • RN/LVN • RN/LVN for Weekend Doublesfor Weekend Doubles CALL DOLLAR SAVER CALL DOLLAR SAVER Ac�vity Assistant • Part Time • Part Time Ac�vity Assistant
BINGO VFW Pos #4008 Be on BINGO VFW Pos #4008 BINGO Be on VFW Post #4008 Belton
BINGO VFW Post #4008 BINGO Belton VFW Post #4008 Belton
BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton
BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton
VFW VFW Post Post #4008 #4008 Belton Belton
HIRING TODAY! Diesel Technician $2,000 Special Temple,Employment TX Bonus in Employment HIRING TODAY! HIRING TODAY! Temple, TX HIRING TODAY! Diesel Technician $2,000 Special$2,000 Special Diesel Technician HIRING TODAY! Bonus in Diesel Technician $2,000 Special Bonus in Diesel Technician $2,000 Special CALL DOLLAR SAVER Bonus (19010958) in H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n�
H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� �n� R�h�� �n� R�h��
(19010958) 407 N. C���e�� S�., Ro���u� 407 N. C���e�� S�., Ro���u� 254-583-7904 254-583-7904 REQUIREMENTS �����G ����I�A����S �OR High�School Diploma or GED ����G ����I�A����S �OR on CNA/Van Driver Two (2) REQUIREMENTS years••ofTransporta� relevant work experience. Transporta� on ON CNA/Van Driver (19010958) $2000 SIGN BONUS (19010958) $2000 SIGN ON BONUS Valid driver’s license40 and must have a clean driving record Fri. hours a week Mon. through Temple, 40 (19010958) hours aTX week Mon. through Fri. Strong knowledge of diesel engine repair Temple, TX • 2/10 CNA’s - $1000 SIGN ON BONUS (19010958) • 2/10 CNA’s $1000 SIGN ON BONUS Temple, TX REMENTS Competitive Pay,REQU Great• Benefi ts & Opportunities for Doubles Growth! RN/LVN for Weekend REQUIREMENTS • RN/LVN for Weekend Doubles BINGO •• Part Assistant REQUIREMENTS Part Time Time Ac� Ac�vity vity VFWAssistant Post #4008 Belton Careers.wm.comH��ita�� 1.844.969.6754 REQUIREMENTS Careers.wm.com H�u�� N�r��n� H�u�� N�r��n� Careers.wm.com H��ita��1.844.969.6754 Careers.wm.com
$2,000 Special BonusDiesel Technician in Bonus in
Temple,TODAY! TX HIRING HIRING TODAY! Diesel Technician $2,000 Special
Diesel Technician $2,000 Special �n� �n� R�h�� R�h�� CALL DOLLAR SAVER Bonus (19010958) in 407 N. S�., 407 N. C���e�� C���e�� in S�., Ro���u� Ro���u� Bonus (19010958) RESULTS (254)778778-4444 254 4444Employment 254-583-7904 RESULTS...
Temple, TX
Temple, TX Careers wm Careers wmcom com 1 844 969 6754 RESULTS... Employment �����G ����I�A����S �OR Careers.wm.com
�����G ����I�A����S �OR • Transporta�on CNA/Van Driver $2000 SIGN ON BONUS 40 hours a week Mon. through Fri.
• 2/10 CNA’s - $1000 SIGN ON BONUS • RN/LVN for Weekend Doubles • Part Time Ac�vity Assistant
H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� �n� R�h��
407 N. C���e�� S�., Ro���u� 254-583-7904
Page 10 • August 7, 2019
posit. Spivey 254-753-5341
1111 S. 5th St., Temple 3.5BR, 1BA, $700 month $650 deposit. 254-598-8179
Cash for Houses. Any located or any condition. 325-650-5900
VERY NICE 3/2/2. Appliances. Fireplace. Garden tub. Patio. 5407 Don’s Trail, Temple. BISD. $1195/$900. 254-913-8808.
landscaping, mowing, painting, fencing, house leveling. Free Estimate. 254-780-7670
315 W. Ave M
Immanuel Baptist Child Development Center is hiring Teachers, Floaters & Aides. Please apply in person at 1402 West Ave. A, Temple.
Schwertner Texas Prior Lab Assistance Preferred. Pay depends on experience. Benefits include: Health, dental and 401k Send Resume to: Fax: 254-527-4400 or suzym@cllnet.com
ment complex. Full time. Pay based on experience. Electrical, A/C and some backhoe skills helpful. No criminal or substance abuse. Call 254-773-7686 or email: midwaymhpr@gmail.com.
August 7, 2019 • Page 11
WATER TREE TEMPLE (Temple’s only alkaline and hydrogen water store) is looking for a health conscientious individual to fill sales assistant position, part time to full time. Apply in person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite 150.
Cen Ful Driv por ger and tivit che er’s sch Goo mer cati hol Insu ply Tem
Aries Building Systems Modular Building NOW HIRING for the REDUCED! For Sale by 1BR, 1BA Cottage on 1 following positions: owner, as is. $199,000, acre country setting, •Engineer or best offer. 3/2, w/b Temple, $695 deposit, •Purchase Manager David L. King ConstrucNow Hiring, landscape and tion, a local company, has fireplace, nice neighbor- $695 mo., 254-624-2779 •Electrician irrigation, please call and immediate positions availhood, furniture included •Plumber leave a message. able for skilled concrete Roofing (Cont.) Safety Bars Small Lawn Care Business (negotiable). (254)657-0043, form Sandblasting setters and concrete •Carpenter Mow, weed, trim trees and Office location: 2459 FM finishers with minimum of 972-392-2334 •Welder landscaping. 254-760-3031 2268 Salado,TX 76571 1 year experience. Hourly •Painter pay rate will be deterOFFICE SPACE VETERAN YARD CARE Skiles Group is looking for mined upon experience and perso •Forklift Driver 3Bd/ 2Ba House in Rogers. Maintenance PINA Weed CONCRETE CON- CarpenterNOW Tree/Hedge Trimming, 12101 Moffat Road. 2/1/1, FOR LEASE a full-time to HIRING! IMMEDIATEknowledge OPENING of position Sale by Owner, $130K. Temple Temps•Material Handler bile homeap-park a LandscapCh&A,Safety $700Bars rent,Eating/ $500 Control, de- Sandblasting Roofing (Cont.) For join the construction team for. Please apply in Bea TRACTOR. Trim trees, Lab assistantplied – Vet tech 3,500 Fenced yard, storage shed. Recently refurbished 315 W. Ave M ment complex. ing, Estate Mow, Edge, Blow, posit. Spivey Real at Coryell Eliminate Health. Pay person King onMuse Installer Schwertner Texas at David your fear•Siding of falling sq.ft. office and254-753-5341 warehouse 254-423-2109 landscaping,rangemowing, Pay L. based Cleanup. high is $18-$23 per hour Concrete Construction, 1629 & "# Prior at Lab Assistance Pre- Electrical, A/C a Apply in space. Located on corner Randy 254-743-9444 back (Let Immanuel us install ourBaptist Safety Bars forperson your Child based house on experience. Benepainting, fencing, S. Forton & ! e Hood Street, Kilferred. Pay depends ex- backhoe skills Exp hel lot in downtown Temple. 1919 Mueller Road Benefits fits Estimate. are offered. leen. include: Hours of criminal office oper1111 S. 5th St., Temple tubs,Development showers and commode areas) Center is perience. leveling. Free or substa Please email & # Off-street parking. 3.5BR, 1BA, $700 month ations are Monday thru pers Health, dental and 401k Troy, Texas 76579 Call 254-773-7686 hiring Teachers, Float254-780-7670careers@skilesgroup.com Friday to small, 4:00pm. $650 254-598-8179 Big or Contact Randy Send Resume to:8:00am Eliminate your deposit. fear of falling midwaymhpr@gmail or email: aharris@ Options if qualified and interested. All ofjust job us sites are in Advertise ers & Aides. Please ap-Color a call! & "# Fax: 254-527-4400 orourgive 254-774-5204 (Let us install our Safety Bars for your Temple, Belton,WATER and Kilariesbuildings.com Available suzym@cllnet.com OWNER FINANCE VERY NICE BATHTUB 3/2/2. Appli- REFINISHING & ! e TREE ply in person at 1402 ! "# # NO in Cash themeter. Telegram’s tubs, showers and commode areas) for Houses. Any loleen areas. Travel to 12.5 Acres. Water in home. Repairs on porceances. Fireplace. Garden (Temple’sand only alk Full time positions, Call our CALL DOLLAR SAVER & # Insured $ JUST BUILT OUT West Ave. A, Temple. ADA COMPLIANT from sites will hydrogen be provided Ag exempt. Beautiful. cus lain and Don’s fiberglass. Over 30 tub. Patio. 5407 cated or any condition. water Big or small, OFFICE SPACE! &ODVVLÂżHG 'HSDUWPHQW 7RGD\ great benefits, Aries backlog " by D.L.K. company vehiBuilding Systems Color Options Owner/ agent years in business. Call Dale Trail, Temple. BISD. looking for a at hea (254) Call 778-4444 just give us a call! Professional PINA Tree Trimming, Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofto eliminate travel exPam LaShelle325-650-5900 Realtors 721-3658. Needed experienced of work. Modular cles $1195/$900. 254-913-8808. Celebrating 30 Years in Business Available entious individual Building fice; $1,100; all bills paid ! "# # for pense for employees. Mowing, Edging, Clean512-217-2070 Call our residential construction sales assistant hou pos Serving Temple, Belton, Salado Installation and 570 sq. ft office; $875; 254-778-8096 Insured ADA COMPLIANT $ NOW HIRING for the Over 17 Years supervisor. ing, Rake Leaves, and surrounding time to full time. son 1BR, 1BA Cottage on 1 " areas bills paid. brand # % "# # % "# Preparadores deperson, formas7425 de W. Ad &ODVVLÂżHG 'HSDUWPHQW 7RGD\ REDUCED! ForallSale by Both Carpentry a must. following positions: Professional Lawncare, new Call build acre outs: 231 hormigĂłn y terminadores Celebrating 30 Years in Business Private Fence, country setting, Centex Construction 150. owner, as is. $199,000, Installation for •Engineer 3320 Pecan Valley, de hormigĂłn David L. King Loo Serving Temple, Belton, Salado and concrete work. 254-217-2600 254-778-8096 Temple, $695 Over 17deposit, Years Temple. or best offer. 3/2, w/b254-760-2995 ConstrucciĂłn, una empresa Tree Service Self Storage Septic Systems Windows •Purchase Manager and surrounding areas # % "# # % "# David L. King Free Estimates. local, tiene tion, puestos Now Hiring, landscape and a local com fireplace, nice neighbor- $695 mo., 254-624-2779 •Electrician 771-2191, 718-9765 inmediatos disponibles positio Wanted used doublewide irrigation, please call and immediate furniture included ďż˝OR•Plumber YOSEF �����G ����Iďż˝A����S para preparadores Tree Service home. hood, Reasonable Self Storage Septic Systems Windows leave a message. J Lmobile Backhoe able for deskilled encofrados de concreto price. 254-421-3536 (negotiable). Small Lawn Care Business (254)657-0043, form setters and TREE SERVICE & TREE SERVICE• Transportaďż˝ calificados y terminadores Mow, weed, trim trees and & Pumping 972-392-2334 on CNA/Van Driver •Carpenter Office location: 2459 FM finishers with mi YOSEF •Welder J L Backhoe LANDSCAPING de concreto con 1 unyear mĂnimo 254-760-3031 2268 Salado,TX 76571 &landscaping. LANDSCAPING experience Service Co. TREE SERVICE & TREE SERVICE $2000 SIGN ON BONUS de 1 aĂąo de experiencia. •Painter TRIMMING BRUSH REMOVAL pay rate La will OFFICE SPACE & Pumping LANDSCAPING " emoval tarifa de pago por hora se exper VETERAN YARD CARE Skiles Group is looking for mined upon & LANDSCAPING LOTCLEARING •ForkliftdeterminarĂĄ Driver in Rogers. Installation & 3Bd/ 2Ba House 40 hours a week Mon. through Fri. " segĂşn la expeTree/Hedge Trimming, Weed Service Co. TRIMMING BRUSHREMOVAL FOR LEASE a full-time Carpenter to knowledge of po For Sale" emoval by Owner, $130K. STUMPGRINDING •Materialriencia Handlery el plied conocimiento Eating/ Control, LandscapPumping of all CL&L Trucks is hiring join the construction team : /%& .317 .,7 / 0&. #3& " for. Please LOTCLEARING Installation & Fenced yard, storageBEDS shed. Recently refurbished 3,500 " puesto solicitado. Por David ing, Mow, Edge, Blow, CNA’s FLOWER at -Coryell Pay BONUS person at •Siding del Installer aerobic and regular • 2/10 $1000Health. SIGN ON : 1&& /6&2 : ,, &*,*.(2 .24,#3&% STUMPGRINDING CDL drivers. Home every " s sq.ft. office and warehouse Pumping of all 254-423-2109 : /%& .317 .,7 / 0&. #3& " favor solicite enConcrete persona en Cleanup. range is $18-$23 per hour Construc MULCH PATIOS FLOWERBEDS septic systems. : /$+ 1/5*%&% : &.$&% #.% !&,, *()3&% Apply in person at KingS. Fort " aerobic and regular space. Located corner Competitive 36 onhours. : 1&& /6&2 : ,, &*,*.(2 .24,#3&% David L. Concrete Randy 254-743-9444 " s based on experience. BeneHood St RETAININGWALLS MULCH PATIOS :
/41 *%&/ 415&*,,#.$& &$/1%*.( Specialize in regular for Weekend Doubles Construction, 1629 Fort of o septic systems. : /$+ 1/5*%&% : &.$&% #.% !&,, *()3&% lot in downtown Temple. 1919 Mueller Road fits are offered. " " leen.S. Hours package includes: Health • RN/LVN RETAININGWALLS TRACTORWORK Hood Street, ations Killeen. are El Mon :
/41 *%&/ 415&*,,#.$& &$/1%*.( Specialize in regular Please email : *8&2 1/- 6 3/ 6 Off-street parking. septic tank repairs. " " et Wall Troy, Texas 76579 insurance, paid vacation, horario de atención de to 4:0 TRACTORWORK careers@skilesgroup.com : *8&2 1/- 6 3/ 6 septic tank repairs. Friday es 8:00am Randy : ;9 9 $&*,*.(2 " et Wall • Part Time Ac�vity Assistantor email: aharris@ � BINGO� Contact company INSURED " lunes a viernes 8:00job sit Free Estimates 401k. Bi-annual if qualified and interested. : ;9 9 $&*,*.(2 All de of our INSURED " 254-774-5204 Free Estimates a.m. a 4:00 Temple, p.m. Todos (254) 742-2288 ! "# # " % "$! VFW Post #4008 FREE ESTIMATES Belton, ariesbuildings.com FINANCE raises, guaranteed BATHTUB REFINISHING (254) 742-2288 ! "# # " % "$! FREE ESTIMATES nuestros sitios leen de areas. trabajo Trav Jerry McClung 12.5OWNER 3&5& 4-2,&7 &2*%&.3 (1 H��ita�� N�r��n� Acres. Water meter.Belton www.254treeservice.net Jerry McClung www.254treeservice.net in home. Repairs on porce 3&5& 4-2,&7 &2*%&.3 (1 Full time positions, CALLH�u�� DOLLAR SAVER $700.00 min. Must se encuentran en las sites åreaswill be JUST BUILT OUT week (254) from
! %#-2 &-0,& " Ag exempt. Beautiful. (254) 563-3535 lain and563-3535 fiberglass. Over 30
! %#-2 &-0,& " de Temple, Belton y Kil- comp 254-760-6460 OFFICE SPACE! great benefits, backlog Lic #1-74-6066507-2 $1/22 '1/- #--/.2 /,' /412& 254-760-6460 by D.L.K. be 25 years of yoseftreeservice.com age, with a JR (254) 541-9452 $1/22 '1/- #--/.2 /,' /412& Owner/ agent ďż˝nďż˝ years in business. Call Dale JR (254) 541-9452 yoseftreeservice.com (254)Rďż˝h�� 778-4444 leen. El viajecleshacia y Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofWED. AFTERNOONS to eliminate Pam LaShelle Realtors of work. 721-3658. minimum of 2 years exp. desde los sitiospense serĂĄfor profice; $1,100; all bills paid employees. 512-217-2070 Doors Open 11am 407 N. C���e�� Sďż˝., Ro���uďż˝ porcionado por D.L.K. and 570 sq. ft office; $875; 254-527-3342, ask for Session Starts 12:30pm WAN vehĂculos de la empresa de all bills paid. Rob Both or brand FRI. AFTERNOONS Preparadores Lacey. 254-583-7904 para eliminar los gastos de catt PINA Tree Trimming, Mowing, Edging, Cleaning, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Private Fence, and concrete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765
Needed experienced residential construction supervisor. Carpentry a must. Centex Construction 254-217-2600
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Are You A Are ServiceYou Provider? A Service Provider?Employment FURNISHED EFFICIENCIES. Flat Screen TVs, Wanted used Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, mobile home. Internet. Bills price. Paid.254-421-3536 No Lease/ No Deposit. Ranch House Inn 773-0114
Doors Open 5pm new build outs: 3320 Pecan Valley, Session Starts 6:30pm NEED TRUCK DRIVER Temple. 254-760-2995 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS with end dump experience. Doors Open 4pm Must be dependable and Session Starts 5:30pm doublewide have good references. LARGE Reasonable 830-220-7830. NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available Maximum Pay Out
hormigĂłn y ter prov viaje de los empleados de hormigĂłn Davi ConstrucciĂłn, avai una local, tiene inmediatos para preparado encofrados de calificados y Fer ter de concreto con u crea de 1 aĂąo de exper tarifa de pagotion po determinarĂĄ segĂşn riencia y el cro co soil del puesto solici favor solicite en prop David L. King for Construction, 1629 Hood Street, pro Ki horario de atenci ess lunes a viernes a.m. a 4:00 $23 p. nuestros sitios C d se encuentran en 254 de Temple, Belto leen. El viaje a desde los sitios porcionado por vehĂculos de la para eliminar los viaje de los emplead
Advertise in the Telegram’s Advertise in the Telegram’s �����G ����I�A����S �OR
• Transporta�on CNA/Van Driver $2000 SIGN ON BONUS 40 hours a week Mon. through Fri. • 2/10 CNA’s - $1000 SIGN ON BONUS • RN/LVN for Weekend Doubles • Part Time Ac�vity Assistant
CL&L Trucks is hiring 439 Water Supply Corpo&DOO RXU &ODVVLÂżHG 'HSDUWPHQW 7RGD\ CDL drivers. ration has a full time po- Home every
254.778.4444 Â? BINGOÂ?
sition available36for hours. TCEQ Competitive package includes: Health Class C License distribuTOWNHOMES AT tion operator. insurance, paid vacation, company This position’s primary401k. Bi-annual RIVER FAIR VFW Post #4008is theraises, function operation guaranteed BELTON H��ita�� H�u�� N�r��n� Belton $700.00 min. Must and maintenance of week a •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Lic #1-74-6066507-2 be 25distriyears of age, with a purchased water �n� R�h�� Olga’s Cleaning Services WED. AFTERNOONS RENT- $2,000 minimum bution system lines,of 2 years exp. Residential/ Commerical Doors Open 11am 407 N. C���e�� S�., Ro���u� Diana White 254-527-3342, ask for 30 years experience.Session Free Starts 12:30pm valves, and meters. 713.859.2952 Estimate Bonded & FRI. In- AFTERNOONS Rob or Lacey. 254-583-7904 Please send resume to sured. 254-295-3578 Doors Open 5pm Chappell Hill Reality olgalidia629@gmail.com erron@439watersupply.com Session Starts 6:30pm NEED TRUCK DRIVER Group FURNISHED EFFICIENSUNDAY AFTERNOONS or contact 439 Waterdump experience. with end High School Diploma or GED Doors Open 4pm CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Must be at dependable and Supply Session Starts 5:30pm Corporation have good references. Two (2) years of relevant work experience. Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, LARGE 254-933-2133 or visit at HOLLY OAKS APTS. 830-220-7830. NON-SMOKING ROOM Internet. Bills Paid. No Valid driver’s license and must have a clean driving record 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, 1BR/1BA upstairs & Hot Food Available Lease/ No Deposit. MaximumTX Pay76513. Out downstairs. Washer and Strong knowledge of diesel engine repair Ranch House Inn dryer. Covered parking. 773-0114 Water paid. AppointOPERATOR Competitive Pay, Great Benefits & Opportunities for Growth! ments 773-4787. 439 Water Supply Corpohas a full time poWhat you get when ration you advertise sition in the Classified pages of theavailable for TCEQ EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Careers.wm.com Careers.wm.com 1.844.969.6754 Class C License distribuDOLLAR SAVER. Furnished. Ramona Court- EVA’S Residential CleanTOWNHOMES AT tion operator. Get Results! Call Today! yard, near VA. From $495. ing Service- From top to Equal Opportunity Employer: Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran This position’s primary FAIR Free Estimates! 254-778-1374. Eat RIVER Free bottom. (254) 778-4444 Reasonable prices. Highly function is the operation Nearby. BELTON recommended. 254-316-1108. and maintenance of a •3bed/2.5bath/2gar purchased water distriOlga’s Cleaning Services RENT- $2,000 bution system lines, Residential/ Commerical Diana White 30 years experience. Free valves, and meters. 713.859.2952 Estimate Bonded & InPlease send resume to sured. 254-295-3578 Chappell Hill Reality olgalidia629@gmail.com erron@439watersupply.com Group or contact 439 Water High School Diploma or GED
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Page 12 • August 7, 2019
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