American Dollar Saver August 21st

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disponibles E M P L E Olos S empleos DISde tiempo completo PONIBLES. ¡ Ya estány medio! Se necesita: tradisponibles los empleos bajadores limpieza eny de tiempodecompleto  Waco, Temple y las áreas medio! Se necesita: tracircundantes. A partir en de  bajadores de limpieza $8 porTemple hora. yPor favor Waco, las áreas  llame a nuestraA oficina al circundantes. partir de (254) o solicite $8 por776-7775 hora. Por favor   en línea en www.janitorillame a nuestra oficina al  (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en www.janitoriWant To Buy    WE &To Repair Buy ! !Want ! Buy Commercial ! !Un!  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Land, Investment   Properties, and UnMotorcycles & Scooters. WE Buy & Repair   Business Properties. We Pick-Up (903)ATV’s, 336wanted/ Broken  David Barr & Properties  9086 Motorcycles Scooters.  ( 254) 526-2277 We Pick-Up (903) !336 ! ! !Appliances Commercial !! www.davidbarrproper 9086  Land, Investment Properties, and  Business Properties.  NIcE WAShErS, dryDavid Barr Properties  ! ! ! Com m ercial !and !! ers, refrigerators, ( 254)Investm 526-2277  Land, ent cook stoves. Rebuilt NIcE WAShErS, drywww.davidbarrproper Properties, and 


Featured adand with day warranty. ers, refrigerators, Business Properties. of the Week! David Barr Properties Delivery, service work, cook stoves. Rebuilt 526-2277 need( 254) non-working ones. with 90 day warranty. www.davidbarrproper (254) 799-6228, (254) Delivery, service work,   214-5284. Temple:ones. (254) need non-working  541-6023 (254) 799-6228,  (254)  214-5284. Temple: (254)  541-6023 Dogs   

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   

     

 9086 & m ore for lease  Livestock  gEN T L E M I x E D house ers, refrigerators, and   Barr Properties B r e e d C ow s a n d David Appliances cook stoves. Rebuilt  ( 254) 526-2277  Stocker g E N T L Calves. E M I xCall ED www.davidbarrproper  with 90 day warranty. (254) B r e e d749-0909 C ow s (254) and  Delivery, service work, NIcE WAShErS, dry749-5637 Calves. Call Stocker  (254) 749-0909 (254) ers, refrigerators, and  need non-working ones.  F749-5637 oton Trac tor, 90 h.p.,  cook stoves. Rebuilt Motorcycles (254) 799-6228, (254) 4x4 diesel, c abin air,   front loader. Brand with 90 day warranty. 214-5284. Temple: (254) new! $35K. Will take   WE Buy & Repair Untravel trailer as part Motorcycles Delivery, 541-6023service work, trade. Call ( 512)  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 556-9112 or 512-734-0477. need non-working ones.  Motorcycles Scooters. WE Buy & &Repair Un(254) 799-6228, (254)  We Pick-Up (903)ATV’s, 336wanted/ Broken 214-5284.Dogs Temple: (254)  9086 Motorcycles & Scooters.

We Pick-Up (903) 336 9086

                  

 2018 PALM Harbor 3  bedroom, 2 bath, Farm & ranch  $39,900. Priced for IM MEDIATE SELL! 254-933 gENTLE MIxED 3334. RBI 33073.  Breed Cows and  Farm &Calves. ranch  Stocker Call  (254) 749-0909 (254) gENTLE 749-5637 MIxED B r e e d C ow s a n d Stocker Calves. Call

ShIPPINg cONTAIN(254) 749-0909 (254) ErS $2,000 and up. Wind 541-6023 749-5637 1 yOrkIE Male pup- and water tight. See phopy &Dogs 1 male Poodle ShIPPINg tos www.steelcontainers. cONTAIN$2,000 and(254) up. Wind puppy for sale. Very cute! ErS net Will deliver. 722pup- and water tight. See Call1oryOrkIE text (254)Male 716-3952 4270, Burleson, TX. phopy & #144 1 male Poodle tos www.steelcontainers. License cuT cost, puppy for sale. Very cute! net WillFErTILIZEr deliver. (254) 722improves soil,TX. N-TEXX Call Employment or text (254) 716-3952 4270, Burleson, 15—5-5 with microbacteLicense #144 cuT FErTILIZEr cost, ria, increases germination, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full improves N-TEXX Employment growth andsoil,production, & part-time jobs available 15—5-5 with microbacte$23/acre applied. Dealincreases germination, now! AVAILABLE. Needed: Janitorial JOBS Full ria, and Damon production, ers needed. Berry &workers part-time jobs available in Waco, Temple growth applied. Deal254-793-2318, 254-702now! Needed: Janitorial and surrounding areas. $23/acre needed. Damon Berry 3797. workers Temple StartinginatWaco, $8 per hour. ers and surrounding 254-793-2318, 254-702Please call our office 3797. Livestock Starting at $8 per (254) 776-7775 or hour. apply Please call our office at Livestock online776-7775 at www.janitori(254) or apply gENTLE MIxED online at www.janitori- Breed Cows and MIxED JOBS AVAILABLE. Full gENTLE BStocker r e e d CCalves. ow s aCall nd & part-time jobs available



Vol. 1 • No. 46 August 21, 2019

medio! Se necesita: tra bajadores de limpieza en   Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor  llame a nuestra oficina al  (254) 776-7775 o solicite  en línea en JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & Manufactured part-time jobs available Spanish now! housing Needed: Janitorial ! ! AVAILABLE !! in Waco, Temple E M P L E O S D I S - workers office, retail, wareand surrounding areas.  $0 DOWN on NEW PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están house & more for lease at $8 perland hour.  home. Barr Use your as disponibles los empleos Starting David Properties call 526-2277 our office at  down( 254) payment. Call for de tiempo completo y Please www.davidbarrproper 776-7775 or apply details, 254-933-3334. RBI medio! Se necesita: tra- (254) 33073. at www.janitoribajadores de limpieza en online  Waco, Temple y las áreas  2016 Solitaire  WOW! circundantes. A partir de Home,  2 Estate bedroom, 2For bath,  real  $8 por hora. Por favor ADS Miscellaneous  real wood cabinets, tape Miscellaneous Spanish Manufactured Sale  llame a nuestra oficina al and textured  walls, plyhousing (254) wood floors, builthomes like a E M P 776-7775 L E O S o Dsolicite I S - QuALITy BuILT en línea en www.janitori HOUSE - must 254PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están $0 DOWN onsell. NEW on your lot. Floor plans to  933-3334. RBI 33073. disponibles los empleos home. yourNo land as fit any Use budget. money  de tiempo completo payment. Call for down. 100% MuST SELL!financing. Country Want To Buy y down medio! Se necesita: tra- details, RBI Credit program. cabin, 254-933-3334. 4repair bedroom, 3 bath,  bajadores (254) 857-4663. WE Buyde&limpieza Repair en Un- 33073. barn wood accents with  Waco, Temple y las ATV’s, áreas WOW! wanted/ Broken 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup 2016 Solitaire LOOkINg FOr hunting/  circundantes. A Scooters. partir de Home, Motorcycles & and dual A/C included. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, recreation property? We  $8 por hora. Por favor We Pick-Up (903) 336- real 254-933-3334. wood cabinets, tape have some ofRBI the33073. best llame 9086a nuestra oficina al and textured walls, plyin Texas, from the hill 2018 PALM Harbor (254) 776-7775 o solicite wood floors, built2 like a country to south Texas. 3 bedroom, bath, Appliances en línea en www.janitori- HOUSE - must sell. 254Large acreage orfor small. $39,900. Priced IMSpanish Manufactured 933-3334. RBI 33073. 30 year fixed rate owner MEDIATE SELL! 254-933housing NIcE WAShErS, dry- MuST financing. Only 5% Down. 3334. RBI 33073. SELL! Country Want To Buy E  M P L E O S D I S  ers, refrigerators, and cabin, 800-876-9720 ranchenter 4 bedroom, 3 bath, PONIBLES. ¡ YaRebuilt están $0Farm DOWN on NEW   & ranch cook stoves. WE Buy &losRepair Un- barn wood accents with disponibles empleos home. Use your land as     with 90Broken day warranty. wanted/ ATV’s,y down 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup  de tiempo completo payment. Call for  Lots/Land/  Delivery, service work, gENTLE MIxED Motorcycles & Scooters. and dual A/C included. medio! Se necesita: tra- details, RBI  254-933-3334.   Acreage need non-working  B r e  e d C ow and We Pick-Up (903) ones. 336254-933-3334. RBIs33073. bajadores de limpieza en 33073.  (254) 799-6228, (254)  Stocker Calves. Call  9086 Waco, Temple y las áreas  2018 PALM Harbor WEST TExAS Trans 2016 Solitaire  Temple: (254) WOW!  (254) 749-0909 (254)  2 214-5284. Dollar Saver Sunday, August 25, 2019 circundantes. A partir de  3 bedroom, 2 bath, Pecos area, near Lake Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath,  Appliances 541-6023   749-5637  $8 hora. Por favor $39,900. foracres. IMAmistad. 602019 - 450 real wood cabinets, tape    2 por Dollar Saveroficina Sunday, August 25,Priced  llame a nuestra al MEDIATE SELL! 254-933Electricity, water, easy    and textured walls, ply  ShIPPINg cONTAINDogso solicite NIcE776-7775 WAShErS, dry- 3334. (254) RBI 33073.  access, whitetail, dove, jafloors, builtup. like a  ErS $2,000 and Wind ers, refrigerators, and wood en línea en www.janitorivelina, thick cover, views, HOUSE must sell. 254 and water tight. See pho1 yOrkIE Male pupFarm & ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt canyons.  Starting at $650/  RBI 33073. tos www.steelcontainers. 1 male Poodle 933-3334. withpy 90&day warranty. westAC. 979-575-3939   Country net Will SELL! deliver.MIxED (254) 722puppy forservice sale. cute! MuST Want To Very Buy  Delivery, work, gENTLE bedroom, 3 abath, 4270, Call ornon-working text (254) 716-3952  need ones. cabin, B r e e4dBurleson, C ow sTX. nd WE Buy & Repair Un- barn wood accents Call with License #144  (254) 799-6228, (254)  cuT FErTILIZEr cost, Stocker Calves. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup  214-5284. Temple: (254)  improves soil, N-TEXX (254) 749-0909 (254) Employment  Motorcycles & Scooters. and dual A/C included. 541-6023  15—5-5 with microbacte749-5637  We Pick-Up (903) 336- 254-933-3334. RBI 33073.   ria, increases germination,    JOBS AVAILABLE. Full    9086  2018 PALM Harbor growth and production, ShIPPINg cONTAIN  Dogs  & part-time jobs available     bedroom, $23/acre Deal $2,000applied. and 2up.bath, Wind   now! Needed: Janitorial 3ErS Appliances     Priced for phoIMers needed. Damon Berry 1 yOrkIE MaleTemple pup- $39,900. and water tight. See workers in Waco,   MEDIATE SELL! 254-933254-793-2318, 254-702pysurrounding & 1 male Poodle tos www.steelcontainers.    and areas. NIcE WAShErS, dry- 3334.  33073.  3797. puppy for sale. WillRBI deliver. (254) 722 Starting at $8Very percute! hour. net ers, refrigerators, and   Call or textcall (254) 4270, Burleson, TX.  Please our716-3952 office & ranch cook stoves. Livestock   at Farm License #144 Rebuilt   (254) 776-7775 or apply cuT FErTILIZEr cost,  with 90 day warranty.    ! ! AVAILABLE ! !  online atservice www.janitorisoil, N-TEXX   Delivery, work, improves Employment office, retail,  gENTLE MIxED gENTLE MIxED  ware  15—5-5 with microbacte house & more for lease need non-working ones.  B r e e d C ow ss aanndd B r e e d C ow   ria, increases germination, David Barr Properties  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Stocker JOBS AVAILABLE. Full (254) 799-6228, (254)   Calves. Call  Stocker Calves. 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David Barr Properties   ShIPPINg cONTAINDogs   Motorcycles  3797.  ( 254) 526-2277  Starting at $8 per hour. Starting at $8 per hour.   ErS $2,000 and up. Wind   www.davidbarrproper   Please call office Please call our office atat and  our  1 yOrkIE Male pupwater tight. See pho   Livestock WE Buy & Repair Un    (254) 776-7775 apply tos (254) apply  py776-7775 & 1 maleoror Poodle www.steelcontainers.  wanted/ Broken ATV’s,     online www.janitorionline atat www.janitori  puppy for sale. Very cute! net Will deliver. 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Needed: with microbacte  749-5637  de tiempo completo workers in Waco, Temple  germination,   JOBS AVAILABLE. Fully ria, increases Sejobs necesita: tra- growth  and surrounding areas.   and production, &medio! part-time available Motorcycles  bajadores en $23/acre  Starting at de $8 limpieza per hour.  applied. Dealnow! Needed: Janitorial

Page 2 • August 21, 2019

          ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! Land, Investment Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! www.davidbarrproper Land, Investment Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper



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    American  Dollar DollarSaver: Saver Sunday   (254) 501-7530  

2 Dollar Saver Sunday,

  

   Dollar Saver    August 25, 2019        


Sunday 

    2  Dollar Saver Sunday, August 25, 2019  ADS Miscellaneous ADS Miscellaneous 

     2 Dollar Saver Sunday, August 25, 2019                                                         Sunday,  Dollar Saver August 25, 2019 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                            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Want BuyUnwww.davidbarrproper WE Buy &To Repair WE Buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, BuyBroken & &Repair Un WE wanted/ ATV’s, Motorcycles Scooters.  Broken ATV’s,  wanted/ Motorcycles &(903) Scooters. We  Pick-Up 336 Motorcycles Scooters. We  Pick-Up &(903) 336 9086 We Pick-Up (903) 3369086   9086Appliances

  

 



      


   

Appliances Appliances Appliances

NIcE WAShErS, dryNIcE WAShErS, and dryers, refrigerators, NIcE WAShErS, dryers, and cookrefrigerators, stoves. Rebuilt ers, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with refrigerators, 90 day warranty. cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. Delivery, service work, need ones. (254) non-working 799-6228, (254) need non-working (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. Temple:ones. (254) (254) 799-6228, 214-5284. Temple: (254) (254) 541-6023 214-5284. Temple: (254) 541-6023 541-6023

Dogs Dogs DogsMale pup1 yOrkIE Employment

1 Male pupa pyyOrkIE & 1 male Poodle 1 Male pupa pyyOrkIE & sale. 1 male Poodle puppy for Very cute! a py & sale. 1(254) male Poodle puppy for Very cute! Call or text 716-3952 puppy for sale. Very cute! Call or text (254) 716-3952 License #144 Call or text (254) 716-3952  License #144 License #144 Employment  

Employment 

Employment  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  & part-time jobs Janitorial available now! Needed:  & part-time jobs Janitorial available now! Needed: workers in Waco, Temple  now! Needed: workers in Waco,Janitorial Temple and surrounding areas. workers in and surrounding areas. Starting atWaco, $8 perTemple hour. and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 hour. Please call our per office at Starting at $8 hour. Please call our per office at (254) 776-7775 or apply Please callwww.janitoriour office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at  (254) 776-7775 or apply online at  online at JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full &  part-time jobs available JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs Janitorial available now! Needed:    & part-time jobs Janitorial available now! Needed: workers in Waco, Temple now! Needed: workers in Waco,Janitorial Temple and surrounding areas. workers in and surrounding areas. Starting atWaco, $8 perTemple hour. and surrounding areas.


  Dogs WAShErS,  dryNIcE ers,1 refrigerators, yOrkIE Maleand pup cook py stoves. & 1 maleRebuilt Poodle  with  90 day warranty. puppy for sale. Very cute! Delivery, work,  Call or text service (254) 716-3952


need non-working ones. License #144 (254) 799-6228, (254) Employment ADS Employment Manufactured 214-5284. Temple: (254)  Manufactured housing 541-6023 Manufactured JOBS AVAILABLE. Full housing  housing & part-time jobs $0 DOWN onavailable NEW Dogs $0 DOWN onJanitorial NEW home. Use your land as now! Needed:  $0 DOWN on NEW home. Use your Call land as down payment. for  workers in Waco, Temple 1 yOrkIE puphome. Use yourMale landRBI as down payment. Call for   details, 254-933-3334. and surrounding areas. down for pypayment. & 1 maleCall Poodle details, 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Starting at $8 per hour. details, RBI puppy 254-933-3334. for sale. Very cute! 33073. Please call ourSolitaire office at WOW! 2016 33073. Call or text (254) 716-3952 WOW! 2016 Solitaire Home, bedroom, (254) 2776-7775 or2 bath, apply License #144 WOW! 2016 Solitaire Home, 2 at bedroom, 2 bath, real wood cabinets, tape online www.janitoriHome, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, real wood cabinets, and textured walls, tape Employment real cabinets, tape and textured walls,like ply-a woodwood floors, built JOBS AVAILABLE. Full and textured walls, plywood floors, a HOUSE - mustbuilt 254 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs available wood floors, built like a HOUSE must sell. 254933-3334. RBI 33073. & part-time jobssell. available  HOUSE must 254now! Needed: Janitorial 933-3334. RBI 33073. MuST SELL! Country now! Needed: Janitorial 933-3334. 33073. workers inRBI Waco, Temple  MuST SELL! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, 3Temple bath, workers in Waco, and surrounding areas.  MuST SELL! Country cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, barn wood accents with and surrounding areas.  Starting at $8 per hour. cabin, 4 bedroom, 3setup bath, barn wood accents with 2x6 walls. Delivery,  Starting at $8 per hour. barn wood accents with Please call ourincluded. office at 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup and dual A/C  Please call our office at 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup (254) 776-7775 or33073. apply and dual A/C included.  254-933-3334. RBI (254) 776-7775 or apply and dual included. online atA/C www.janitori 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 2018 PALM online at www.janitori254-933-3334. RBIHarbor 33073.  2018 PALM 2Harbor bedroom, bath, 2018 E bedroom, M P LPALM EPriced O S2Harbor D IMIS3$39,900. forbath, 3$39,900. bedroom, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full PONIBLES. Ya están Priced¡2254-933forbath, IMMEDIATE SELL! $39,900. Priced for IM& part-time jobs available disponibles los 254-933empleos MEDIATE 3334. RBISELL! 33073. MEDIATE SELL! 254-933now! Needed: Janitorialy 3334. RBI 33073. de tiempo completo 3334. RBISe 33073. Farm ranch workers in& Waco, Temple medio! necesita: traFarm & and surrounding areas. bajadores limpieza en Farm &deranch ranch Starting at $8MIxED hour. gENTLE Waco, Temple yper las áreas gENTLE MIxED B r e e d call C ow a n dde Please our at circundantes. Asoffice partir gENTLE MIxED B r epor e d776-7775 C ow sPor nd Stocker Calves. (254) oraaCall apply $8 hora. favor B r e e d C ow s n d Stocker Calves. Call al (254) a749-0909 (254) online at www.janitorillame nuestra oficina Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 (254) 776-7775 solicite (254) 749-0909o (254) 749-5637 Een Mlínea P Len E Owww.janitoriS DIS749-5637 ShIPPINg cONTAINPONIBLES. ¡up. Ya Wind están ShIPPINg cONTAINErS $2,000 and ShIPPINg cONTAINdisponibles losSee empleos ErS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. phoJOBS AVAILABLE. Full ErS $2,000tight. and up. Wind de tiempo completo and water See pho-y tos www.steelcontainers. & part-time jobs available and water tight. See phomedio! Se necesita: tratos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 722now! Needed: Janitorial tos www.steelcontainers. bajadores de limpieza en net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX.Temple workers in Waco, net WillBurleson, deliver. (254) 7224270, Waco, Temple yTX. lasareas. áreas cuT cost, and FErTILIZEr surrounding 4270, Burleson, TX. circundantes. partir de cuT FErTILIZEr cost, improves N-TEXX Starting atsoil, $8Aper hour. cuT FErTILIZEr cost, $8 por hora. Por favor improves soil, N-TEXX 15—5-5 with microbactePlease call our office at improves soil, N-TEXX llame a776-7775 nuestra oficina al 15—5-5 with microbacteria, increases germination, (254) or apply 15—5-5 with microbacteria, increases germination, (254) 776-7775 o solicite growth and production, online at www.janitoriria, increases germination, growth production, $23/acre applied. Dealen líneaand en growth and production, $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry 254-793-2318, 254-702real Estate For JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ers needed.Sale Damon Berry 254-793-2318, 254-7023797. & part-time jobs available 254-793-2318, 254-7023797. now!Livestock Needed: Janitorial 3797. QuALITy BuILTTemple homes Livestock workers in Waco, Livestock on your lot. Floor plans to and surrounding areas. gENTLE MIxED fit any budget. No money Starting at $8 per hour. gENTLE MIxED B r e e d 100% C ow s and down. financing. gENTLE MIxED Please our B r e e d call C ow soffice aCall n d at Stocker Calves. Credit repair program. B r e e d C ow s or(254) aCall nd (254) 776-7775 apply Stocker Calves. (254) 857-4663. 749-0909 (254) Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) online at www.janitori749-5637 (254) 749-0909 (254) LOOkINg FOr hunting/ 749-5637 749-5637 property? We recreation Motorcycles real Estate have some of theFor best Motorcycles


wood builtlaslike a   Waco,floors, Temple áreas $39,900. Pricedysell. for254IM- WOW! 2016 Solitaire   HOUSE - must circundantes. A254-933partir de Home, MEDIATE SELL!   2 bedroom, 2 bath, 933-3334. RBI 33073.  $8 por  cabinets, tape 3334. RBIhora. 33073.Por favor real wood   llame a SELL! nuestra Country oficina al and textured MuST walls, ply   Farm & ranch (254) o3solicite cabin, 4776-7775 bedroom, bath, wood floors, built like a  en línea www.janitoribarn woodenaccents with HOUSE - must sell. 254  2x6 walls. Delivery, setup 933-3334. gENTLE MIxED  2 dual Dollar Saverincluded. Sunday, August 25,RBI 201933073. and  B r Want e e d A/C C ow a n d MuST SELL! Country TosBuy  254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, Stocker Calves. Call cabin,   WE & Repair wood accents with (254)Buy 749-0909 (254)Un- barn 2018 PALM Harbor  2749-5637 DollarBroken Saver2 bath, Sunday, 2x6 August 25,Delivery, 2019 setup ATV’s, walls. 3wanted/ bedroom,  Motorcycles & Scooters. dual A/C included. $39,900. Priced for IM- and We Pick-Up (903) 336- 254-933-3334. RBI 33073.  ShIPPINg cONTAINMEDIATE SELL! 254-933 9086 ErS $2,000 and up. Wind 2018 PALM Harbor 3334. RBI 33073.    bedroom, 2 bath, and water tight. See pho- 3  Appliances  & ranch $39,900. Priced for IMtosFarm www.steelcontainers.    MEDIATE SELL! 254-933  netNIcE Will deliver. (254) 722WAShErS, dry- 3334.   RBI 33073. 4270, Burleson, TX. gENTLE MIxED  ers, refrigerators, and    Bcook r e eFErTILIZEr d C ow sRebuilt acost, nd  cuT Farm & ranch stoves.      Stocker Calves. Call improves soil,warranty. N-TEXX with 90 day  ADS ADS Employment Employment    (254) 749-0909 (254)  Delivery, work, gENTLE 15—5-5 withservice microbacte MIxED    749-5637 need non-working ones. ria, increases germination, B r e e d C ow s a n d     (254) 799-6228, (254) Stocker growth and production,   Calves. Call   ShIPPINg cONTAIN214-5284. Temple: (254) (254)   $23/acre applied. Deal749-0909 (254)    ErS $2,000 and up. Berry Wind    749-5637 ers541-6023 needed. Damon   and water tight. 254-702See pho-     254-793-2318,     tos www.steelcontainers. ShIPPINg cONTAINDogs  3797.  Dollar(254) Saver August 25,up. 2019    ErS $2,000 and Wind 1 net Will deliver. 722- Sunday,     Livestock 1 yOrkIE Male pupand water tight. See  4270, Burleson, TX.    pho    py & 1 male Poodle tos www.steelcontainers. 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, August 25, 2019    cuT FErTILIZEr cost,  puppy for sale. Very cute! net Will deliver. (254) 722MIxED   gENTLE improves soil, N-TEXX   2 Dollar Saver Sunday, August 25, 2019    Call or text (254) 716-3952 4270,  Burleson, TX.  B r e e d C ow s a n d  15—5-5 with microbacte  License #144 2  Dollar Saver Sunday,cuT August 25, 2019 cost,  FErTILIZEr    Stocker Calves. Call ria, increases germination,    soil, N-TEXX   Employment  (254) 749-0909 (254) improves  growth and production,     15—5-5 with microbacte  749-5637 $23/acre applied. Deal    germination,  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, increases    ers needed. Damon Berry   growth and production,  & part-time jobs available     254-793-2318, 254-702 Motorcycles  applied. Dealnow! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre       3797.   ers needed. 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Full        & part-time jobs available         now! Needed: Janitorial          workers in Waco, Temple         and surrounding areas.         Starting at $8 per hour.          Please call our office at           (254) 776-7775 or apply            online at www.janitori                       real Estate  For        

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August 21, 2019 • Page 3

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     

   

Foton Tractor, 90 h.p., 4x4 diesel, cabin air, front loader. Brand new! $35K. Will take  travel trailer as part   trade. Call ( 512)    556-9112 or 512-734-0477.    Foton Tractor, 90 h.p.,    F oton Trac tor, 90air, h.p.,  4x4 diesel, cabin   4x4 diesel, c abin air,  front   frontloader. loader. Brand Brand   new! $35K. Will take  new! $35K. Will take    travel trailer as part  travel trailer part   trade. Call as ( 512)

F oton Trac tor, 90 h.p., 4x4 diesel, c abin air, front loader. Brand F oton $35K. Trac tor, h.p., new! Will90take 4x4 diesel, c abin air, travel trailer as part front loader. trade. CallWill (Brand 512) new! $35K. take 556-9112 or 512-734-0477. travel trailer as part

trade. Call ( 512) 556-9112 or 512-734-0477.


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Page 4 • August 21, 2019

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  gENTLE MIxED  B r e e d C ow s a n d  Stocker Calves. Call  (254) 749-0909 (254)  749-5637

    ShIPPINg cONTAIN-

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  

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 License #144 2 bath, cuT FErTILIZEr cost, circundantes. A partir de Home,   2 bedroom,   $8 por hora. Por favor   real wood cabinets, tape improves soil, N-TEXX  Employment  llame a nuestra oficina al and  Temple: (254) 778-4444 textured walls, ply- 15—5-5 with microbacte   (254) 776-7775 o solicite wood floors, built likeFull a ria, increases germination, JOBS AVAILABLE. Killeen: (254) 501-7530 en línea en www.janitori- HOUSE growth and production,  must sell. 254& part-time jobs available    applied. Deal 933-3334. RBI 33073. now! Needed: Janitorial $23/acre    ers needed. Damon Berry  workers in Waco,Country Temple  SELL!  Want To Buy MuST   254-793-2318, 254-702 and surrounding areas.    cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath,    3797. Starting ataccents $8 per with hour.   WE Buy & Repair Un- barn wood       Please call our office wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 2x6 walls. Delivery, setup  Livestock  at   (254) 776-7775 or apply  Motorcycles & Scooters. and dual A/C included.      online at www.janitori   We Pick-Up (903) 336- 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Foton Tractor, 90 h.p.,   gENTLE MIxED   4x4 diesel, cabin air, 9086   2018 PALM Harbor Breed Cows and front loader. Brand    AVAILABLE. Full Stocker  3JOBS bedroom, 2 bath, new! $35K. Will take Calves. Call   Appliances  & part-time jobs for available travel749-0909 trailer as(254) part  $39,900. Priced IM- (254)    trade. Call ( 512) now! Needed: Janitorial 749-5637   MEDIATE SELL! 254-933NIcE WAShErS, dry- 3334.  workers Waco, Temple 556-9112 or 512-734-0477.   RBIin33073. ers, refrigerators, surrounding areas.   and and Auctions Farm & Ranch Farm & ranch cook stoves. Rebuilt Starting at $8 per hour. Motorcycles    with 90 day warranty. Please call our office at    HUGEservice FALL Delivery, work, (254)  776-7775 or apply WE Buy & Repair Un  gENTLE MIxED wanted/ Broken ATV’s,    need non-working ones. online EQUIPMENT  atCows www.janitori Breed and Motorcycles & Scooters. Spanish Manufactured     (254) 799-6228, (254) CONSIGNMENT Stocker Calves. Call We Pick-Up (903) 336housing    Temple: 749-0909 AUCTION E214-5284. M PLEO S D(254) I S - E(254)  M P L E O S (254) D I S - 9086 541-6023  749-5637 PONIBLES. están $0 DOWN on PONIBLES. ¡ YaNEW están September 14 ¡@Ya10am     disponibles losCOMPLEx empleos home. Use your land as disponibles los empleos WILdFIrE ArENA    cONTAINDogs de tiempo completo down payment. Call fory Automobiles de tiempo completo 14343 S. IH-35 • Salado, TXy ShIPPINg   ErS $2,000 and up. Wind Exit 283 IH-35 & FM 2268tra- details, medio! Se necesita: 254-933-3334. RBI medio! Se necesita: tra    AKC REGISTERED 1 yOrkIE Male pupand water tight. See pho-en    bajadores de limpieza en 33073. bajadores de limpieza  Selling with 2 CrewS   German Shepherd  py Temple & 1 male www.steelcontainers. • Construction  Waco, y lasPoodle áreas tos Waco, Temple ySolitaire las áreas Manufactured  WOW! 2016  Spanish Puppies, $500 each.   • Farm & Shop Equipment puppy for sale.AVery cute! Will (254) 722-de  circundantes. partir de net circundantes. A partir  housing  Call (bedroom, 254) 258-5626. • Vehicles Home, 2deliver. 2 bath,   Call or text (254)Por 716-3952 • Boats $8 por hora. favor 4270, E$8Mwood PBurleson, L hora. Ecabinets, O S TX. ISpor PorDtape favor  real • Trailers #144  License  PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están llame a nuestra llame a nuestra oficina FErTILIZEr cost, • Portable Buildingsoficina al cuT and textured walls, ply-al $0 DOWN on NEW  Use your land as disponibles los empleos (254) 776-7775 o solicite (254) 776-7775 o solicite improves soil, N-TEXX Call in Your wood floors, built like ay home. Employment de tiempo completo down payment. Call for now!  enConsignments línea en www.janitorien línea en www.janitori15—5-5 with microbacteHOUSE must sell. 254 medio! -Se necesita: tra- details, 254-933-3334. RBI For updates & info go to:  ria, increases germination, 933-3334. RBI 33073. en 33073. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full bajadores de limpieza  growth and production,  JOBSTemple AVAILABLE. Full WOW! 2016 Solitaire & part-time jobs available MuST Waco, y las áreas SELL! Country To Buy  BillWant Hall Auctioneer, Inc. $23/acre  applied. Dealcircundantes. A partir de Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, & part-time jobs available  now! Needed: Janitorial cabin, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 254-760-1156   ers needed. Damon Berry $8 por hora. Por favor now! Needed: Janitorial workers inTXWaco, Temple real wood cabinets, tape Salado TXS6949  WE Buy & Repair Unbarn wood accents with  254-793-2318,  llame a nuestra oficina al and textured walls, ply254-702workers inDelivery, Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. 2x6 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, walls. setup  (254) 776-7775 o solicite General 3797. anddual surrounding areas. wood floors, built like a Starting at $8& Scooters. per hour. and Motorcycles included.   en línea enA/C www.janitoriMerchandise Starting at $8 per hour. HOUSE - must sell. 254Please call our(903) office at 254-933-3334.  We Pick-Up 336RBI 33073.  Foton Tractor, 90 h.p., Livestock  933-3334. RBI 33073. Foton Tractor, 90 h.p.,  4x4 diesel, cabin air, Please call our office (254) 776-7775 or apply 9086  2018 PALM Harborat MuST 4x4 diesel, cabin air, front loader. Brand  SELL! Country Want To Buy 776-7775 or apply online at www.janitori- 3(254)  front4 bedroom, loader. Brand  new! $35K. Will take cabin, bedroom, 2 bath,  gENTLE MIxED 3 bath, Appliances  online at new! $35K. Will take  travel trailer asforpart  $39,900. Priced IMwood accents with WE Buy & Repair Un- barn Breed Cows and  travel trailer as part trade. Call ( 512)    JOBS AVAILABLE. Full MEDIATE  2x6 trade. walls. Delivery, setup wanted/ Broken ATV’s, SELL! 254-933Call ( 512) 556-9112 or 512-734-0477. Stocker Calves. Call  WAShErS, dry- 3334. 556-9112 512-734-0477.  &NIcE part-time jobs available dualorA/C included. Motorcycles & Scooters. RBI 33073. real Estate For and  (254) 749-0909 (254)  ers, refrigerators, and We 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Pick-Up (903) 336now! Needed: Janitorial Sale 749-5637 Livestock  Farm & ranch 2018 PALM Harbor cook stoves. workers in Waco,Rebuilt Temple 9086   with 90 day warranty. and surrounding areas. QuALITy BuILT homes 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Appliances   Motorcycles Delivery, Starting atservice $8 perwork, hour. on gENTLE MIxED your lot. Floor plans to $39,900. Priced for IM  MEDIATE SELL! 254-933need non-working fit Please call our office Breed Cows and any budget. No money NIcE WAShErS, dry WE Buy & Repair Un 3334. RBI 33073. (254) 799-6228, (254) (254) 776-7775 or apply down. Stocker Calves. Call 100% financing. ers, refrigerators, and  wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  214-5284. Temple: (254) online at www.janitori(254) 749-0909 (254) cook stoves. Rebuilt Farm & ranch  Credit repair program. Motorcycles & warranty. Scooters. 541-6023 with 90 day  749-5637 (254) 857-4663.  We Pick-Up (903)work, 336Delivery, service gENTLE MIxED E M P L E O S D I S - 9086 Foton Tractor, 90hunting/ h.p., LOOkINg FOr needdiesel, non-working ones.  ShIPPINg cONTAIN4x4 cabin air, Dogs B r e e d C ow s a n d PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Dogs recreation property? We front loader. Brand  (254) 799-6228, (254) Stocker Calves. Call ErS $2,000 and up. Wind disponibles los empleos new! $35K. Will take  have some ofas the best (254) 749-0909 (254)  AKC REGISTERED 214-5284. Temple: (254) travel trailer part 1 yOrkIE Male pupand water tight. See pho  AKC REGISTERED deGerman tiempo completo y  Shepherd in541-6023 Texas,Call from( 512) the hill 749-5637 trade.  py &Se1 $500 maleeach. Poodle tos www.steelcontainers.  German Shepherd medio! necesita: tra- 556-9112 orto512-734-0477.  Puppies, country south Texas.  Puppies, $500 each. puppy sale. Very cute! Will deliver. (254) 722 bajadores de 258-5626. limpieza en net Call for ( 254) cONTAINDogs Large or small. ShIPPINg  CallBurleson, (acreage 254) 258-5626. Call or text (254)y 716-3952 TX. Waco, Temple las áreas 4270, ErS $2,000 and up. Wind 30 year fixed rate owner POST YOUR License #144 1FErTILIZEr yOrkIE pup- and water tight. See phocost, circundantes. A partir de cuT financing. Only Male 5% Down. py & 1soil, male Poodle tos www.steelcontainers. N-TEXX $8 Employment por hora. Por favor improves 800-876-9720 ranchenterpuppy forwith sale. Very cute! net Will deliver. (254) 722microbactellame a nuestra oficina al 15—5-5 Call or text (254) 716-3952 4270, Burleson, TX. Call (254) 501-7530 increases germination, (254) 776-7775 o solicite JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ria, License #144 cuT FErTILIZEr cost, Lots/Land/ growth and production, en línea en www.janitori& part-time jobs available improves soil, N-TEXX Acreage Employment $23/acre applied. now! Needed: Janitorial





August 21, 2019 • Page 5

Farm & Ranch

Front-End rEplacEmEnts

Farm & Ranch

$ starting at



Turn Over Gooseneck Ball Hitch

Installed Starting at


Grill Guards

Installed Starting at

SK Truck Bed


Short Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ............... $4,450 Long Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes................. $4,650 Dually w/4 Boxes ..................................................... $4,900 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................. $4,950 84" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes .............................. $5,375 Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation

kEmpnEr EquipmEnt

800-932-2461 • 2403 E. Hwy. 190 8.7 Miles West of "Old Location" or .5 miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart

Page 6 • August 21, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

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 

 

  2 Dollar Saver Monday, July 15, 2019       778-4444  Temple: (254)   2000 JE E P Cherokee,  Killeen: (254) 501-7530  $1200 or best offer.  ( 254) 278-8364.                                    2 Dollar Saver Monday, August 12,LE 2019 COMP TE TWIN ! ! K illeen Constr uction BE D, with extra linen. ! ! K illeen Constr uction & ss General Call ( 254) 526-7310. &R R epair General  Hom eepair R Hom ext-R R epair/Maint. epair/Maint.  Int/E oom Addi Int/E xt-R oom Addi   tions, Tiling, Doors,   tions, Tiling, Doors,    Painting, Drywall,   !  Painting, Drywall, !Garage K illeenConv., Constr uction    Trim       & R epair s General Garage Conv., Trim   & More. F ree E st.  Hom e R epair/Maint.  & More. F ree E st.      338-1337 466-7650 Int/E xt-Ror oom Addi338-1337 or 466-7650       tions, Tiling, Doors,    Chimney/ P ainting, Drywall,   Building/ Building/ Brick/   Garage Conv., Trim         Fireplace Svc. & More. F ree E st.  Remodeling Remodeling   Concrete     338-1337 or 466-7650           LAR GE TR UCK   ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! 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Dollar Saver Sunday, August 25, 2019

 

     

Crafts & Gifts


      

P ainting, Drywall, ( 254) 278-8364.   Opportunity Garage Conv., Trim 

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Foundation Repairs   


Monday, July 8, 2019

Tree Service

            

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Yardwork/ Landscaping

     

Scrap Metal Clean-Up

   

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Tree Service

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       

Dollar Saver


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Tiling, Doors, ties.c om CHECK US OUT! tions, Painting, Drywall,  Our classifieds have Garage Conv., Trim   & More. F ree E st.  everything you need!  338-1337 or 466-7650 

August 21, 2019 • Page 7


  


  

  

Yardwork/ Landscaping

         

CALL TO GET   STARTED 

TODAY! 

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Page 8 • August 21, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

512-217-2070 Hartrick to Kacie. Ignore Group Antiques, ....................195 Hartrick&Food to water, Kacie. Ignore electric Cameron,Collectibles RIVER FAIR Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Products................................184 scellaneous ............170 Auto Parts, Etc. ............291 iances ......................181 Google maps. $995/mo, $800 ..................134 Google maps. $800 Texas, 2521 $995/mo, CR 145. Insurance, Machinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196 deposit. Call Mickey @ Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 BELTON deposit. Call Mickey @ 254-534-0176 oducts ....................171 HOLLY OAKS APTS. Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Wanted ....................183 .................135 Bluebonnet Properties Bluebonnet Properties •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 Beautiful 3/2/2 Canyon Pets & Livestock 254-776-3090 1BR/1BA upstairs & 254-776-3090 ing ..........................172 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Creek area home. All apals................................184 RENT- Washer $2,000 12.5 ACRES downstairs. and Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 EVA’S Residential Cleanertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 EVA’S Residential Cleanpliances plus washer & Recreational Vehicles ....................296 s................................186 Owner Wanted used Finance single or douDiana White ny loing ServiceFrom to Trucks is top hiring dryer. Covered parking. .................146 ing ServiceFrom top to CL&L dryer. Vaulted ceiling. No Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building ..........................190 Water meter. Ag Materials exempt. blewide mobile home. Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 bottom. Free Estimates! Sport Utility ....................................297 ds ..............................187 713.859.2952 bottom. Free Estimates! ition. carpet.drivers. $1250Home rent, every $1250 Beautiful. Owner/ agent Water paid. Appoint- CDL Reasonable price. prices. Highly Reasonable prices. Highly Reasonable Livestock ........................................232 Pam LaShelle Realtors Hill Reality deposit. Call 254-295-3550. 254-421-3536 Trucks, Vans & Chappell Pickups..................298 ................................188 36 hours. Competitive rchandise ments 773-4787. recommended. 254-316-1108. recommended. 254-316-1108. 3/2/2 Canyon package includes: Health Beautiful 512-217-2070 3/2/2 Canyon Beautiful Group For Salearea ....................299 ..........................190 Creek home. All apwrials & Used ..................179 Creek area home. Automobiles All ap- Automotive pliances plus washer & pliances plus washer & insurance, paid vacation, Auto Repairs ..................................290 Items ......................180 HOLLY OAKSceiling. APTS. No company 401k. Bi-annual dryer. Vaulted ceiling. No dryer. Vaulted carpet. Etc. $1250 rent, $1250 carpet. $1250 rent, $1250 1BR/1BA upstairs & raises, Auto Parts, Insurance, ............291 ances ......................181 guaranteed PINA CONCRETE CONdeposit. CONCRETE Call 254-295-3550. RENOVATED 3BR, 2BA, PINA CONdeposit. Call 254-295-3550. For Sale By Owner: ac- $700.00 downstairs. Washer 4 and TOWNHOMES AT weekTrim min.appliMust 3/2 w/garage, yard, Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Wanted ....................183 ch&a,withw&d connections, TRACTOR. trees, OFFICE SPACE Wanted used single or douTRACTOR. Trim trees, res pond, access to dryer. Covered parking. ances, yard service. Al- a be 25 years of age, with stove, refrigerator, dishblewide mobile home. electric &....................294 water, mowing, Cameron, landscaping, RIVER FAIR mowing, Motorcycles For Sale s................................184 landscaping, You can catch the eye of those mostFOR new. of 626B take LEASE Water paid. CR AppointReasonable price. Texas, 2521 145. minimum washer, fenced yard. One 2 Kacie, years exp. painting, fencing, painting, fencing, house BELTON 5th to Canyon Creekhouse to3,500 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 s................................186 For Sale 254-421-3536 By Owner: 4 ac- 254-534-0176 car garage, fireplace. ments 773-4787. TOWNHOMES ATNo 254-527-3342, Recently refurbished prospective buyers by advertising ask leveling. Free Hartrick to Kacie.Estimate. Ignorefor res with pond, access to leveling. Free Estimate. •3bed/2.5bath/2gar pets allowed. sq.ft. warehouse Sport Utility ....................................297 s ..............................187 oroffice Lacey. electric & water, Cameron, RIVER FAIR2309A Google maps.and $995/mo, $800ad. OFFICE SPACE 254-780-7670 OFFICE SPACE 254-780-7670 Bunker HillACRES Drive. $800 Rob in the Classifieds with a display RENT$2,000 space. Located on 12.5 Texas, 2521 CR 145. deposit. Call Mickeycorner @ & Pickups..................298 ................................188 3/2 w/garage, yard,Trucks, appli- Vansmonth, $800 BELTON Owner Financedeposit. lot Bluebonnet FOR LEASE 254-534-0176 in Diana downtown Temple. FOR LEASE White ances, yard service. Al- loCash for Houses. Any Properties most new. 626B Kacie, take Water paid. Available meter. Ag exempt. those..........................190 Automobiles ForWater Sale ....................299 ials NEED TRUCK DRIVER •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Off-street parking. Recently refurbished 3,500 5th or to Canyon Creek to 254-776-3090 Recently refurbished 3,500 RENOVATED 713.859.2952 cated any condition. a Classified Beautiful. Owner/ agent August 15th. Call SaturdumpRepresentative experience. 3BR, 2BA, withCallend Hartrick to Kacie. Ignore sq.ft. office and warehouse Call office warehouse RENT$2,000 Google maps. $995/mo, $800 Pam LaShelle Realtors 12.5 and ACRES Chappell Hill Reality and be 254-774-5204 dependable rtising sq.ft. 325-650-5900 day after 12:00, Must ch&a, w&d connections, deposit. Call Mickey @ space.anytime Located on corner Located on corner for all theTrimming, details 512-217-2070 Owner Finance have good references. PINA Today Tree Diana White Properties PINA Tree Trimming, ny lo- space.Bluebonnet Group Sunday after 1:00, weekstove, refrigerator, dishlot in downtown Temple. 830-220-7830. 254-776-3090 meter. Ag exempt. in downtown Temple. washer, ay ad. lot Water days 713.859.2952 after yard. 4pm fenced One Mowing, Edging, CleanMowing, Edging, Cleanition.






those rtising ay ad.

Beautiful. Owner/ agent Off-street parking. Pam Realtors CallLaShelle 254-774-5204 512-217-2070



For Salearea By Owner: Creek home. All4 acapJUST BUILT OUT CIES. Flat Screen pliances plus washer res with pond, accessTVs, to& dryer. OFFICE VaultedSPACE! ceiling. No electric & $1250 water, Cameron, Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, carpet. rent, $1250 Two spaces: 730 CR sq. ft of-145. deposit. Call 254-295-3550. Texas, 2521 Internet. Bills Paid. fice; $1,100; all bills paid No 254-534-0176 and 570No sq.Deposit. ftsingle office;or$875; Wanted used douLease/ all blewide bills paid. Bothhome. brand mobile Ranch House Inn new build outs: Reasonable price. 12.5 ACRES OFFICE SPACE 3320 Pecan Valley, 773-0114 254-421-3536 Owner Finance Temple. 254-760-2995 FOR LEASE Water meter. Ag exempt. Recently refurbished FURNISHED EFFICIENBeautiful. Owner/ agent3,500 sq.ft. office and warehouse Pam Flat LaShelle Realtors space. Located on corner CIES. Screen TVs, lot in downtown 512-217-2070 Temple.

Off-streetResidential parking. EVA’S Clean(254)931-1650. car garage, fireplace. ing ServiceFrom top No to Chappell Hill Reality ing, Rake Leaves, 254-774-5204 bottom.Call Free Estimates! pets allowed. 2309A Reasonable prices. Fence, Highly Lawncare, Private Group recommended. 254-316-1108. Bunker Hill adDrive. $800 Make your standwork. out and concrete TOWNHOMES AT month, $800 JUST BUILT OUT Wanted used single ordeposit. doufrom the rest! HOLLY OAKS APTS. Free Estimates. OFFICE SPACE! Water paid. Available blewide mobile home. RIVER FAIR ASK FOR Two spaces: 730 sq. ftCONof- & 1BR/1BA upstairs 771-2191, 718-9765 August 15th. Call SaturPINA CONCRETE Reasonable price. fice; BELTON $1,100; all bills paid TRACTOR. Trim trees, 254-421-3536 downstairs. Washer and dayand anytime after 12:00, BOLDING 570 sq. ft office; $875; landscaping, mowing, Small Lawn Care Business Sunday after 1:00, weekdryer. Covered parking. all bills paid. Both brand •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Call Classified painting, fencing, house Mow, weed, trim trees and days after 4pm new build outs: leveling. Free Estimate. WaterRENTpaid. Appointlandscaping. 254-760-3031 $2,000 3320778-4444 Pecan Valley, (254)931-1650. 254-780-7670 ments 773-4787. Diana White Temple. 254-760-2995 SLY’S LAWN SERVICE 713.859.2952 REASONABLE PRICES 3/2 w/garage, appliMake your adyard, stand out ances,254-931-5635 yardHill service. AlChappell Reality PINA Tree Trimming, the Kacie, rest! most from new. 626B take Mowing, Edging, CleanGroup 5th toASK Canyon Creek to FOR ing, Rake Leaves, Hartrick to Kacie. RENOVATED 3BR,Ignore 2BA, Lawncare, Private Fence, BOLDING Google maps. $995/mo, $800 HOLLY OAKS APTS. ch&a, w&dCall connections, and concrete work. deposit. Mickey @ Call Classified Free Estimates. BATHTUB REFINISHING stove, refrigerator, dish1BR/1BA upstairs Bluebonnet Properties & 771-2191, 718-9765 in home. 254-776-3090 Repairs on porcewasher, fenced yard. One 778-4444 downstairs. Washer and lain andLawn fiberglass. Over 30 Small Care Business car garage, fireplace. No years business. Call Dale Mow, in weed, trim parking. trees and dryer. Covered landscaping. 254-760-3031 2309A pets allowed. 721-3658. Water paid. AppointBunker Hill Drive. $800 SLY’S LAWN SERVICE REASONABLE ments 773-4787. month, $800 PRICES deposit. 254-931-5635 Water paid. Available Beautiful 15th. 3/2/2 Call Canyon August SaturCreek area home. All apday anytime after 12:00, BINGO pliances plus REFINISHING washer & BATHTUB in home. Repairs on porceSunday after 1:00, weekdryer.andVaulted ceiling. No Post #4008 lainVFW fiberglass. Over 30 FURNISHED EFFICIENRENOVATED 3BR, 2BA, carpet. $1250 rent, $1250 days after 4pm years in business. Call Dale 721-3658. CIES. Screen deposit. Call 254-295-3550. ch&a, w&d connections, Read theFlat Classified section toTVs, find Belton (254)931-1650. stove, dishFull Kitchen. Free: Cable, Licrefrigerator, #1-74-6066507-2 that just right item you’re looking for. washer, fenced yard. One WED. AFTERNOONS Make your ad stand Internet. Bills Paid. out No Doors Open 11am No car garage, fireplace. Lease/ No Deposit. from the rest! Session Starts 12:30pm Call today,allowed. someone is looking for pets 2309A FRI.ASK AFTERNOONS House Inn$800 FOR Bunker Hill Drive. ReadRanch theDoors Classified section find Open 5pmit to what you have to sell! Find fast? OFFICE SPACE 773-0114 month, $800 deposit. BOLDING Session Starts 6:30pm that just right item you’re looking for. Water paid.AFTERNOONS Available SUNDAY FOR LEASE Call Classified Dollar Saver Classified Call today, someone is4pm looking for Doors Open August 15th. Call SaturRecently refurbished 3,500 Session Starts 5:30pm 778-4444 what you have to sell! Find it12:00, fast? day anytime after sq.ft. office and warehouse LARGE Sunday after 1:00, weekDollar Saver Classified NON-SMOKING ROOM space. Located on corner days after 4pm Food Available lot inHotdowntown Temple. (254)931-1650. Maximum Pay Out Off-street parking. Call 254-774-5204


CL&L Trucks isLeaves, hiring ing, OFFICE Rake HOLLY OAKS APTS. SPACE! CDL drivers. Home every Lawncare, Private Two spaces: 730 sq. Fence, ft of- & 1BR/1BA upstairs 36 hours. Competitive Beautiful 3/2/2 Canyon fice; $1,100; all billsHealth paid package includes: and concrete work. downstairs. Washer and Creek area home. All insurance, vacation, and 570 sq.paid ft office; $875;apFree Estimates. dryer. Covered parking. pliances plus washer company 401k.Both Bi-annual OPERATOR all bills paid. brand & raises, guaranteed 771-2191, 718-9765 dryer.Water Vaulted ceiling. No Water paid. Appointnew build outs: 439 Supply Corpo$700.00 week carpet.3320 $1250 min. rent, Must $1250 Pecan Valley, ments 773-4787. be 25 years of age, with a ration has a full time poSmall Lawn Care Business deposit. Call 254-295-3550. Temple. 254-760-2995 minimum oftrim 2 years exp. Mow, weed, trees and sition available for TCEQ 254-527-3342, ask for landscaping. 254-760-3031 Rob ClassorCLacey. License distribuLAWN SERVICE tionSLY’S operator. NEED TRUCK PRICES DRIVER REASONABLE with dump3BR, experience. RENOVATED 2BA, This end position’s primary Must be 254-931-5635 dependable and ch&a, w&d connections, have good references. function is the operation 830-220-7830. stove, refrigerator, dishSPACE andOFFICE maintenance of a washer, fenced yard. One purchased water districar garage, fireplace. No FORsystem LEASE bution lines, pets allowed. 2309A BATHTUB REFINISHING Recently refurbished 3,500 OPERATOR valves, and meters. in home. Repairs on porceBunker Hill Drive. $800 439 Supply Corposq.ft.Water office andresume warehouse lain and fiberglass. Overpo30 month, $800 deposit. ration has a full time Please send to years business.for CallTCEQ Dale space.inavailable Located on corner sition Water paid. Available EVA’S Residential 721-3658. Class C License distribulot in downtown ing Servicetop to August 15th. From CallTemple. Saturor contact 439 Water tion operator. bottom. Free after Estimates! Off-street parking. day anytime 12:00, This position’s primary Reasonable prices. Highly Supply Corporation at Sunday after 1:00, weekCallis254-774-5204 function the operation recommended. 254-316-1108. 254-933-2133 and maintenance of a days after or visit 4pmat BINGO purchased water distri(254)931-1650. 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, bution system lines, VFW Post #4008 JUST OUT TX 76513. valves, andBUILT meters. Make OFFICE your adSPACE! stand outto Please send resume Belton Two spaces: 730 sq. ftCONRead contact thefrom Classified sectionConstructoof-find PINA CONCRETE the rest! Lic or 439 Water David L.#1-74-6066507-2 King fice; $1,100; all bills paid TRACTOR. Trim trees, WED. AFTERNOONS Supply Corporation at tion, a local company, has ASK FOR 570 sq. ftyou’re office; $875; thatand just Doors right itemOpen looking for. 254-933-2133 or11am visit at immediate positions availlandscaping, mowing, bills paid. Both brand 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Starts 12:30pm ableallSession forBOLDING skilled concrete painting, fencing, house TX 76513. Call today, someone is looking for new build outs: form FRI. setters and concrete AFTERNOONS Call Classified 3320 Pecan Valley, leveling. Free Estimate. finishers with minimum of Doors Open 5pm 778-4444 David L. King Construcyou have toStarts sell! Find it Hourly fast?has 1what year experience. Temple. 254-760-2995 Session 6:30pm tion,254-780-7670 a local company,

(254) 778-4444

Centex Construction ingGoogle ServiceFrom Wanted used single ortop doumaps. $995/mo, $800 to 254-217-2600 blewide mobileEstimates! home. bottom. Free deposit. Call Mickey @ Reasonable price.Highly Reasonable prices. Bluebonnet Properties WATER TREE TEMPLE 254-421-3536 recommended. 254-316-1108. (Temple’s 254-776-3090 only alkaline and

hydrogen water store) is looking for a health conscientious Trucks individual to fill CL&L is hiring sales assistant position, part CDL HomeApply everyin time drivers. to full time. PINA CONCRETE person, 7425 W.Competitive Adams,CONSuite 36 hours. 150. Beautiful includes: 3/2/2 Canyon TRACTOR. Trim Health trees, package

Creek area paid home.vacation, All apinsurance, landscaping, mowing, pliances plus washer & company 401k. Bi-annual painting, fencing, house dryer. Vaulted ceiling. No carpet. $1250 rent, $1250 raises, guaranteed leveling. Free Estimate. deposit. Call 254-295-3550. $700.00 week min. Must 254-780-7670 be 25 years of age, with a minimum of 2 years exp. 254-527-3342, ask for Rob or Lacey.


Needed experienced PINA Tree Trimming, OFFICE SPACE You can catch the eye of those residential construction prospectivesupervisor. buyers by advertising Mowing, Edging, CleanNEED TRUCK DRIVER Carpentry a must. FOR LEASE in the Classifieds with a display ad. Centex Construction with end Rake dump experience. ing, Leaves, 254-217-2600 FURNISHED EFFICIENMust dependable and Recently refurbished 3,500 Call abe Classified Representative EVA’S Residential CleanWATER TREE TEMPLE Lawncare, Fence, have good forPrivate all the references. details CIES.Today Flat Screen TVs, sq.ft. office warehouse (Temple’s onlyand alkaline ing ServiceFrom top and to 830-220-7830. hydrogen water store) is and concrete work. Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, space. Located on conscicorner looking for Free a health bottom. Estimates! (254) 778-4444 entious individual to fill lot in downtown Temple. Internet. Bills Paid. No Free Estimates. Reasonable prices. Highly sales assistant position, part time to full time. Apply in Off-street parking. recommended. Lease/ No Deposit. 771-2191, 718-9765 person, 7425 W.254-316-1108. Adams, Suite 150. Call 254-774-5204 Ranch House Inn

Small Lawn Care Business 773-0114 OPERATOR Mow, weed, trim trees and JUSTWE BUILT OUT 439 Water Supply Corpolandscaping. 254-760-3031 OFFICE SPACE! CAUGHT ration has a full time poPINA CONCRETE Two spaces: 730 sq. ftCONofSLY’S LAWN SERVICE YOUR sition available for paid TCEQ fice; $1,100; all bills REASONABLE PRICES TRACTOR. Trim trees, and C 570254-931-5635 sq. ft office; $875; Class License distribuEYE landscaping, mowing, alloperator. bills paid. the Both You can catch eye brand of those tion prospective buyers by advertising newfencing, build outs: house painting, in the Classifieds with a display ad. This position’s primary 3320 Pecan Valley, Call a Classified Representative leveling. Free Estimate. Today for all the details function is the operation Temple. 254-760-2995

CL&L Trucks hiring& pliances plus is washer communicate well. dryer. Covered parking. 254-217-2600 dryer.drivers. Vaulted ceiling. No To applyHome email CDL every Water paid. Appointcarpet. $1250 rent, $1250 windowwashingwonders WATER TREE TEMPLE 36 hours. Competitive deposit. Call 254-295-3550. ments 773-4787. (Temple’s only alkaline and package includes: Health hydrogen water store) is looking for apaid health consciYARD HANDS NEEDED EVA’S Residential Cleaninsurance, vacation, entious individual totop fill at busy cattleFrom company ing Servicetoin company 401k. Bi-annual sales assistant position, part Schwertner, TX. Experibottom. Free Estimates! time in ence toa full plustime. but Apply not reReasonable prices. Highly raises, guaranteed RENOVATED 3BR,infoSuite 2BA, person, 7425 Adams, quired. For W.more call OFFICE SPACE recommended. 254-316-1108. ch&a, connections, 150. or come w&d by 4651 E. FM 487, $700.00 week min. Must Schwertner, 254-527-3342. stove, refrigerator, dishbe 25 FOR years LEASE of age, with a washer, fenced yard. One Recently refurbished 3,500 minimum of 2fireplace. years exp. car No Accepting for sq.ft. garage, office applications and warehouse morning allowed. and ask afternoon pets 2309A 254-527-3342, for space. Located on corner cleaning positions Mon-Fri. PINA CONCRETE CONBunker Hill Drive.Temple. $800 Rob or be Lacey. lot in downtown Must dependable with month, $800 deposit. TRACTOR. Trimand trees, Off-street parking. some experience have Water paid. Available own transportation. Apply at Call 254-774-5204 landscaping, mowing, August 15th. H, Call Satur1605 W TRUCK Ave Suite 400, NEED DRIVER painting, fencing, house Temple, fromafter 8am-noon day anytime 12:00, with end dump experience. Mon-Fri. Sunday after 1:00, weekMust be Free dependable leveling. Estimate. JUST BUILT OUT and OFFICE SPACE! days after 4pm have good references. Dependable window 254-780-7670 You catch the eye of those cleaner needed730 with Twocan spaces: sq.own ft of830-220-7830.


communicate well.

positions: salesfollowing assistant part To apply position, email timewindowwashingwonders to full time. Apply in •Engineer Manager person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite PINA CONCRETE CON•Purchase Manager 150.

TRACTOR. Trim trees, •Electrician

YARD HANDS NEEDED landscaping, mowing, •Plumber at busy Trucks cattle company in CL&L is hiring painting, fencing, house •Carpenter Schwertner, TX. ExperiCDL drivers. Home ence a plus butEstimate. notevery releveling. Free •Buyer quired. For more info call 36 254-780-7670 hours. Competitive or come by•Welder 4651 E. FM 487, package includes: Schwertner, 254-527-3342. •Painter Health

WE CAUGHT insurance, paidDriver vacation, •Forklift YOUR company 401k.Handler Bi-annual •Material •Siding Installer raises, guaranteed PINANeeded Tree Trimming, experienced EYE Apply inconstruction person at residential $700.00 week min. CleanMust Mowing, Edging,

Accepting applications for morning and afternoon cleaning positions Mon-Fri. Must be dependable with some experience and have 1919 Mueller Road You cansupervisor. catch eye of those ing, Rake Leaves, be 25 years oftheage, with own transportation. Apply ata prospective buyers advertising 1605 WCarpentry Ave H,abymust. Suite 400, Troy, Texas 76579 Lawncare, Private Fence, minimum ofConstruction 2 years exp. in the Classifieds with a display ad. Centexfrom Temple, 8am-noon aharris@ and or email: concrete 254-217-2600 Mon-Fri. 254-527-3342, askwork. for Call a Classified Representative Today for all theEstimates. details Rob or Lacey. Aries Building Systems WATER TREE TEMPLE Full time positions, 771-2191, 718-9765 Modular Building Immanuel Baptist Child (Temple’s only alkaline and great benefits, backlog NOW HIRING for the (254) 778-4444 Development Center isis hydrogen water Small Lawn Carestore) Business following positions: NEED TRUCK DRIVER of work. looking for a health conscihiring Teachers, Float•Engineer Manager Mow, end weed,dump trim experience. trees and with •Purchase Manager entious individual to apfill landscaping. 254-760-3031 Must be dependable and ers & •Electrician Aides. Please CALL DOLLAR SAVER sales assistant position, part have good references. ply in person at 1402 •Plumber SLY’S LAWN SERVICE time to •Carpenter full time. Apply in 830-220-7830. (254) REASONABLE PRICES West Ave. A, Temple. person, 7425•Buyer W.778-4444 Adams, Suite 254-931-5635 quired. For more info call 150. •Welder Call Classified ing, Rake 439 Water Supply Corpoor come by 4651 E. Leaves, FM 487, package includes: Health (254)931-1650. Development Center well.$875; is andcommunicate 570 sq. ft office; Make your stand out To apply email Call Classified Representative all abills Both brand hiring Teachers, Floatwindowwashingwonders CHECK US OUT! Today forbuild all theouts: details new from the rest! CL&L Trucks is hiring ers & Aides. Please ap3320 Pecan Valley, Our classifieds have YARD NEEDED ASK FOR PINA Tree Trimming, (254) 778-4444 Temple. 254-760-2995 plybusy in HANDS person at every 1402 CDL drivers. Home at cattle company in everything you need! Schwertner, TX. ExperiBOLDING Mowing, Edging, CleanOPERATOR West Temple. ence aAve. plusA,Competitive but not re36 hours. prospective buyers by advertising Immanuel Baptist Child transportation. pay fice; $1,100; allMust billsand paid towith detail in theattention Classifieds a display ad.


Schwertner, 254-527-3342.

Lawncare, Fence, 778-4444 ration has aPrivate full vacation, time poinsurance, paid and available concretefor TCEQ work. sition company 401k. Bi-annual Free C License Estimates. Class distriburaises, guaranteed 771-2191, 718-9765 tion operator. $700.00 week min. Must This position’s primary Small Lawn of Care be 25 years age,Business with a function is the Mow, weed, trim operation trees and Immanuel Baptist minimum 2 yearsChild Neededof experienced landscaping. 254-760-3031 and maintenance ofexp. Development Center isa residential construction 254-527-3342, ask for hiring Teachers, Floatsupervisor. purchased water distriLAWN SERVICE ers SLY’S &Carpentry Aides. Please apa must. RobREASONABLE or Lacey. PRICES ply in person at lines, 1402 bution system Centex Construction West Ave. A, Temple. 254-931-5635 254-217-2600 and BINGO valves, meters. VFWsend Postresume #4008 NEED TRUCK DRIVER Please to WATER TREE TEMPLE Employment with end Belton dumpalkaline experience. (Temple’s only and hydrogen store) and is Must be water dependable Lic #1-74-6066507-2 or contact 439references. Water looking for a health conscihave good WED. AFTERNOONS BATHTUB REFINISHING entious individual to fill 830-220-7830. Supply Corporation at Doors Open 11am in home. Repairs on porcesales assistant position, part Starts lain Session and fiberglass. Over at 30 time to full time. Apply in 254-933-2133 or12:30pm visit FRI. AFTERNOONS person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite years in business. Call Dale 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, 150. 721-3658.Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm TX 76513.

Accepting applications for morning and afternoon cleaning positions Mon-Fri. Must be dependable with some experience and have own transportation. Apply at 1605 W Ave H, Suite 400, Temple, from 8am-noon Mon-Fri.


•Painter •Forklift Driver •Material Handler •Siding Installer Apply in person at BATHTUB REFINISHING 1919 Mueller in home. Repairs Road on porceTroy, Texas 76579 lain and fiberglass. Over 30 or email: aharris@ years in business. Call Dale 721-3658. Full time positions, great benefits,window backlog Dependable work. cleaner of needed with own


OPERATOR 439 Water Supply Corporation has a full time position available for TCEQ Class C License distributransportation. Must pay tion operator. CALL DOLLAR SAVER attention to detail and This communicate position’s primary well. (254) 778-4444 You can catch the eye of those To apply email function is the operation prospective buyers by advertising windowwashingwonders and maintenance ofad.a in the Classifieds with a display Read the Classified sectiondistrito find purchased water Call a Classified Representative YARD HANDS NEEDED bution system lines, for the details justToday right itemall you’re looking atthatbusy cattle company valves, and meters. Schwertner, TX. ExperiCall today, someone is looking forto (254) 778-4444 ence a send plus but not rePlease resume quired. For more info call orwhat come by to 4651 you have sell!E.FindFM it fast?487, Schwertner, 254-527-3342. or contact 439 Water Dollar Saver Classified Supply Corporation at Accepting applications for 254-933-2133 visit at morning and or afternoon cleaning positions 6202 Sparta Rd Mon-Fri. Belton, Must be dependable with TX 76513. some experience and have

254-217-2600 HIRING: BARTENDER following positions: Schwertner, TX. ExperiBeer Bars. company 401k. ence a plus butBi-annual not re•Engineer 254-654-2090 or Manager 254-493-6636 WATER TREE TEMPLE raises, guaranteed quired. Foronly more info call (Temple’s alkaline and •Purchase Manager or come by 4651 min. FMMust 487, $700.00 week hydrogen water is •Electrician Schwertner, 254-527-3342. looking for a ofhealth consci-a be 25 years age, with •Plumber Join the World’s #1 Franentious individual to fill minimum of 2 years exp. •Carpenter chise!assistant Now Hiring part sales position, Accepting applications forAll 254-527-3342, Shifts! in ask person time to Apply full time. Apply for inor •Buyer morning and afternoon online at person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite Rob or Lacey. cleaningWages positions Mon-Fri. •Welder + Bonuses 150. Must be dependable Career Opportunity!with •Painter some experience and have NEED TRUCK DRIVER •Forklift Driver own transportation. Apply at HELPend WANTEDCeramic with experience. 1605 W Helper. Avedump H, Suite 400, •Material Handler Tile Must have Must be dependable and Temple, from Work 8am-noon transportation. •Siding have goodInstaller Temple/ Beltonwindow area. Call Mon-Fri. Dependable 830-220-7830. Apply in person at 254-760-6857 cleaner needed with own 1919 MuellerMust Road transportation. pay Custom Floors and More Immanuel Baptist Child is Troy, Texas 76579 attention detail and looking for toexperienced help well. Development Center is email: aharris@ in orcommunicate remodeling residential ToTeachers, apply homes. Call emailorFloattext hiring 254-760-6539 windowwashingwonders OPERATOR HIRING! time positions, ersFull & NOW Aides. Please apTemple Temps 315 W.Supply Ave M Corpo439 Water

HIRING: BARTENDER •Carpenter To apply email Beer Bars. windowwashingwonders 254-654-2090 •Buyer or 254-493-6636


•E Accep Shifts! morni WE online •P cleani •Welder Must CAUGHT SUBWAY YARDSUBWAY •Painter NEEDED someC HANDS Join the World’s #1 Franown t atWANT busy cattle company in WANT •Forklift Driver TO LEASE LAND for HELP August 21, 2019 •TX. Page 9im- cattle YOUR chise! Now Hiring 1605 Schwertner, cattle grazing, will Experido All Tile •Material Handler Shifts! Apply in person or Templ provem ence a plus but not reprovements. References transp online at Mon-F •Siding Installer quired. ForEYE more info call availab available. 254-865-3546 Templ Wages + Bonuses or come by 4651 E. FM 487,


You catch thebacklog eye of those great benefits, Wolff Construction is ply incan person at 1402 prospective buyers by advertising HIRING: BARTENDER ration has athe full time poof work. hiring for following Beer Bars. West Ave. A, Temple. in the Classifieds with a display ad. YARD HANDS NEEDED 254-654-2090 or 254-493-6636 sitionpositions available forour TCEQ for at Call busy cattle Representative company in aC Classified Class License distribuCALL DOLLAR SAVER SUBWAY sitework department: Schwertner, TX. ExperiToday for all the details tion the operator. Join World’s #1not Franence a plus but reequipment chise! heavy Now778-4444 Hiring All (254) quired. For 778-4444 more info call Shifts! Apply in person or This position’s primary (254) operator, crew foreman, online at or come byis+ 4651 E.operation FM 487, Wages Bonuses function the superintendent, project Career 254-527-3342. Opportunity! Schwertner, and maintenance of a manager and estimator. HELP WANTEDCeramic Tile Helper. water Must distrihave purchased Send resume transportation. Workto: in Accepting Belton applications for Temple/ area. lines, Call bution system lane@wolff 254-760-6857 morning and afternoon valves, and meters. cleaning positions Mon-Fri. Custom Floors and More is looking for experienced help Must be send dependable with Please resume or apply in person atto in remodeling residential homes. Call or text some and Rd havein 8631experience Amity School 254-760-6539 own transportation. Apply at or contact 439Suite Water Wolff Construction is400, Aries 1605 W Building AveBelton. H, Systems hiring forCorporation the following at Supply Temple, fromfor our 8am-noon Modular positionsBuilding 254-933-2133 orforvisit American Spincast Mon-Fri. sitework department: NOW HIRING the at heavy equipment is looking to full 6202 Spartapositions: Rdhire Belton, following operator, crew foreman, time experienced Saw TX 76513. superintendent, project •Engineer Manager Immanuel Baptist Child manager and estimator. Cutter. Must be able to •Purchase Manager Development Center is Send resume to: read measure; lane@wolff David L. tape King Construc•Electrician hiring ability to lift and carry tion, a Teachers, local company, has •Plumber or & in person at immediate positions availers Aides. Please ap50apply lbs.; outstanding at8631 School concrete Rd in •Carpenter able Amity for skilled Belton. tendance record. Must ply in person at 1402 form setters and concrete •Buyer finishers with minimum beAve. able pass drug of West A,toSpincast Temple. American •Welder 1 is year experience. Hourly looking to hire full test. Benefits available. •Painter pay rate will be detertime experienced Saw Apply inDriver person mined upon Cutter. Mustexperience be able toand •Forklift knowledge of position ap2505 Valley Rd, read Taylors tape measure; •Material Handler plied lift Please ability and apply carry in Belton person at David L. King 50 lbs.; outstanding at•Siding Installer


Apply in person at 254-760 Imm 1919 Mueller Road Custom Deve Troy, Texas 76579have Tile Helper. Must Accepting applications for looking• Call a Classified Representative hirinr transportation. Work inin- Fertili morning and afternoon or email: aharris@ in Fertilizer Application, Today for all the details Temple/ Belton area. Call ers & cleaning positionsand Mon-Fri. homes Aries Systems creaseBuilding growth produc- crease 254-760-6857 be dependable with 254-760 plyAf (254) 778-4444 Modular Building tion for your pasture and tion Full time positions, some experience and have Custom Floors and More is crops 1 own transportation. Apply crops. N-TEXX stimulates NOW HIRING for thehelpat West Wo great benefits, backlog looking for experienced Tm 1605 Wmicroorganisms Ave H, residential Suite 400, soil,HI soil, that in remodeling following positions: hirin work.or8am-noon Temple, of from homes. Call text provid o provide essential nutrients Mon-Fri. •Engineer Manager 254-65p 254-760-6539 p for plants through their for ar •Purchase Manager site CALL DOLLAR SAVER Fu Wolff Construction productive biologicalisproc- produ Immanuel Baptist Child •Electrician h hiring for the following esses. 15-5-5 applied at esses (254) 778-4444 grea Development Center oper •Plumber positions for our is $23.00 $23.00 per acre. Join hiring Teachers, Float- chise! supe Con •Carpenter sitework department: Contact Carlos Morris Shifts! 254-4 WANT LEASE LAND for ers &TOAides. Please apman heavy equipment 254-421-1276 for fertilizer •Buyer CAL cattle grazing, will do imonline provements. References appS operator, crew and foreman, application ply in person at sales. 1402 •Welder available. 254-865-3546 superintendent, project West Ave. A, Temple. C •Painter manager and estimator. con •Forklift Driver HELP Send resume to: Fertilizer Application, inTileor •Material Handler lane@wolff crease growth and productransp 8631 tion for your Installer pasture and •Siding Career Opportunity! You can catch the eye of those Schwertner, 254-527-3342.

prospective buyers by advertising HELP WANTEDCeramic in the Classifieds with a display ad.




crops. N-TEXX stimulates or microorganisms apply in person at soil, that provide essential nutrients 8631 Amity School Rd in for plants through their Belton. NOW HIRING! procproductive biological esses. Temple 15-5-5Temps applied at $23.00 per acre. 315 W. Ave M American Spincast Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer is looking to hire full HIRING: BARTENDER application and sales. Beer Bars.


Apply in person at 254-760 1919 Mueller Road y loAm Custom tive Troy, Texas 76579 tion. looking is l or email: aharris@ in r time homes and254-780-7670 maintenance Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, (254) 778-4444 of a Off-street parking. Cutt 254-760 BATHTUB REFINISHING Call 254-774-5204 purchased wateron distriInternet. Bills Paid. No Full time positions, I BUY experienced Saw Itime BUY OLD RECORDS! in home. Repairs porcerea 254-654-2090 or 254-493-6636 bution system Over lines, Lease/JUST No BUILT Deposit. lain and fiberglass. 30 OUT 45’s Woa greatand benefits, backlog Cutter. Must able blues, to 45’s LP’ Rock, abil OFFICE SPACE! years in and business. Call Dale valves, meters. Ranch House Two spaces: 730 sq.Inn ft ofs readsoul, tape measure; jazz, etc. Call Jason jazz, hirin of work. fice; $1,100; all bills paid 50 lb 721-3658. send resume to Please and 570773-0114 sq. ft office; $875; 512-7p ability to lift and carry 512-785-8714 Wanted single douall billsused paid. Bothor brand tend Merchandise Cont’d. PINA Tree Trimming, Join the World’s #1 FranYou can catch the eye of those WANT new mobile build outs: blewide home. 50 lbs.;DOLLAR outstanding at-All CL&L Trucks is hiring 3320 Pecan Valley, chise! Now Hiring site CALL SAVER cattle Reasonable price. be or contact 439 CleanWater Mowing, Edging, Temple. 254-760-2995 es, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 tendance Mustor provem Shifts! Applyrecord. in person prospective buyers by advertising CDL drivers. Home every 254-421-3536 test.h Supply Corporation at online at availab ing, Rake Leaves, (254) 778-4444 be able to pass drug mputers, Software......................192 36 hours. Competitive Wages + Bonuses those in the Classifieds with a display ad. operA 254-933-2133 or visit at test. Benefits available. The Temple Daily Telegram Lawncare,includes: Private Fence, Career Opportunity! package Health iness Equipment ......................193 FRE FRESH FARM EGGS For I BUY OLD RECORDS! 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, supe 2505 Apply in person rtising SUNDAY AFTERNOONS S for local news and inform and concrete work. insurance, paid vacation, Sale: 1 Dozen $2.50, 45’s and LP’s. Rock, blues, BINGO tions, All Types ........................194 HELP WANTEDCeramic TX 76513. Doors Open 4pm Buy 2505 Taylors Valley Rd, man Call a Classified Representative Buy 2 Dozen get one free. jazz, soul, etc. Call Jason company 401k.Estimates. Bi-annual Free marketing Tile business Helper. Must have consul VFW....................195 Post #4008 ay ad. Collectibles Read the Classified section to find Session Starts 5:30pm OPERATOR 254-534-9047 512-785-8714 ques, BeltonWork King Constructransportation. in FertiliS raises, guaranteed David L. LARGE for all the details 771-2191, 718-9765 Belton Temple/ area.executives Call 439 NON-SMOKING Water Corpotion, a localSupply company, has David L.week Kingmin. Construcchinery, Misc. &Today Heavy..............196 ROOM Our Belton account LEA Concrete tendanceConstruction, record. Must $700.00 Must crease that just right item you’re looking for. Apply in person at 1629 254-760-6857 immediate positions availtion, a local company, has BINGO Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Hot Food Available be able to pass drug S. Fort Hood Street, KilLEAD MAINTENANCE tive FURNISHED LEAD MAINTENANCE ration for has skilled a full time poMust be 25 years ofCare age,Business with a able Small Lawn positions customer service skills anf tion immediate availcon concrete own transportation. Apply at leen. AFTERNOONS EFFICIEN1919 Mueller Roadopertest. Benefits available. Pets &WED. Livestock Maximum Pay Out Hours of office FRESH FARM EGGS For Post Must have oneand yearMore expeMust have year expeFloors is crops Mow, weed, trim trees and able for skilled concrete CallVFW today, someone is#4008 looking for form sition setters available TCEQ 1605 W Ave H, Suite 400, ations Doors Open 11am TVs, Apply inone person andforconcrete minimum of 2 years exp. are Monday thru Custom Sale: 1 businesses, Dozen $2.50, rienc BINGO Troy, Texas 76579 CIES. Flat Screen local offering or looking for experienced help Buy 2 Dozen get one free. form setters254-760-3031 and concrete finishers 2505 Taylors Rd, Session Post Starts 12:30pm landscaping. rience 254-534-9047 in apartment s ................................................230 rience intoValley apartment with minimum Read theCClassified section to findof Temple, Friday 8:00am 4:00pm. VFW #4008 Belton 254-527-3342, ask for License distribusoil, Au maint aharris@ in solutions remodeling that residential Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, August Online David L. from King 8am-noon Construc- All or finishers with Belton FRI. AFTERNOONS will help grm 8631 of email: our job sites in maintenance. year experience. Hourly Mon-Fri. whatSLY’S you have to sell!minimum Find itHourly fast? of 1Class Must Belton maintenance. Mustarehave The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. ltry ............................................231 homes. Call 1 source or have text provid 1 year experience. #1-74-6066507-2 Rob orLic Lacey. tion, a the local company, has Doors Open 5pm tion operator. LAWN SERVICE The Temple Daily Telegram, Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source Temple, Belton, and KilInternet. Bills Paid. No HVAC The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source pay rate will be deterLic #1-74-6066507-2 that just right item you’re looking for. LEAD MAINTENANCE HVAC/ EPA certification, 254-760-6539 AUCTION pay REASONABLE rate AFTERNOONS will PRICES be deterHVAC/ EPA certification, Session Starts 6:30pm WED. pay rate will be deterimmediate positions availWED. AFTERNOONS immediate positions availleenFull areas. Travel to and SUNDAY skilled AFTERNOONS for stock This position includes servpA for localskilled news and information, has an expeopening for a maintenance business-tomined upon experience andinformation, positions, You position’s can catch the eye ofand those Must one year Lease/ No AFTERNOONS Deposit. This primary Doors Open 11am Dollar Saver Classified those ........................................232 gener able concrete for local news has an Child opening forhave atime business-toupon experience and information, SUNDAY for local news has an opening mined for uponSaver experience and mined Doors Open 11am and ableforfora business-toClassified exClos from sites will apartment be provided general maintenance ex- general Closing Thurs., Aug. 29 produ Immanuel Baptist concrete Session Starts 12:30pm Advertising Sales 254-931-5635 form Dollar setters and concrete Doors Open 4pm prospective buyers byRepresentative advertising knowledge of position aprience in knowledge of position apWolff Construction is Doors Open 4pmInn great benefits, backlog NEED TRUCK DRIVER knowledge of position apCall today, someone is looking for August Online Ranch House base, as well as developi Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS finishers with minimum of form setters and our concreteconsultant by company vehibusiness marketing join our team.perience 6:00pm function isto the in the Classifieds with aoperation display business marketing to join have to include perie Session Starts 5:30pm business marketing join our ad. team. plied for. Please apply inconsultant perience toMust include Am Doors Open5:30pm 5pm Development Center team. isof maintenance. 1plied year experience. Hourly plied for.Temple Please apply Telegram, in consultant tising Automotive Session Starts end dump experience. for. Please apply in with The Daily the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source esses FRI. AFTERNOONS cles to eliminate travel exfinishers with minimum hiring for the following of work. AUCTION HVAC/ EPA certification, 773-0114 Session Starts 6:30pm pay will be person at David L. opening newHeidenheimer, and future person at dependable David L. and King sheet LARGE TX customers sheetrock repair, plumbCall amaintenance Classified Representative Must andinformation, and ofKinga hiring personrate at LARGE David L. deterKing sheetrock repair, plumbSUNDAY AFTERNOONS for be local news has an for a Teachers, business-tomined upon experience and Floatpense for Temple employees. Doors Open 5pm 1 year experience. Hourly is l general maintenance exoyRepairs ..................................290 what you have to sell! Find it fast? Closing Thurs., Aug. 29 $23.00 positions for our The Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area Our account executives are sales professionals with excellent NON-SMOKING ROOM Now Our account executives are sales professionals with excellent Doors Open 4pm Concrete Construction, 1629consultant Concrete Construction, 1629 knowledge of position apToday all the details NON-SMOKING ROOM Our account executives are for sales with excellent Now Taking Consignments have good references. ad. Concrete Construction, 1629 PINA Tree Trimming, business marketing to join professionals our team. electrical. Must have ing, to include 6:00pm Session Starts 6:30pm eC customer-focused and pay &rate will be detering, electrical. Must have ing,be Session Starts 5:30pm plied for. Please apply in purchased ers Aides. Please ap- perience S. Fort Hood Street, Kil- S. HotatFood Available Hot Food Available Contact Eddy TX Lange Fort Hoodwater Street,distriKilCon S. Fort Hood Street, Kil- 830-220-7830. time sitework department: CALL DOLLAR SAVER o Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 LARGE Heidenheimer, person David L. King sheetrock repair, plumbPreparadores de formas deinformation, customer service skills and the drive to succeed. They work with SUNDAY AFTERNOONS for local news and has an opening fo mined upon experience and customer service skills and the drive to succeed. They work with Mowing, Edging, Cleancustomer service skills and the drive to succeed. They work with reliable transportation leen. of office oper- leen. (254) 778-4444 NON-SMOKING OurHours account executives are sales professionals with excellent Now Taking Consignments Dollar Saver reliable Concrete Construction, 1629 Maximum PayROOM Out 254-760-2937 reliab leen. Maximum Hours ofPay office Out operperson at 1402 ing, Hours ofClassified office oper- ply in (254) 778-4444 math, grammar, communi bution system lines, electrical. Must have hormigón ytransportation terminadores 254-4 heavy Food Available Contact equipment Eddy Lange Doors Open 4pm thru S. Fort Hood Street, KilCutt knowledge of position apare businesses, Monday vy Duty TrucksHot ........................292 BATHTUB REFINISHING TX Lic 7100 ations are thru ations customer service skills and the drive to succeed. They work with ing, Hours RakeofMonday Leaves, (254) 778-4444 local businesses, offering leading print and digital marketing and valid254-760-2937 drivers license. ations are Monday thru reliable transportation Maximum Pay Out local offering leading print andWest digital marketing leen. office operive and valid drivers license. business marketing consultant tomarketing join our de hormigón David L. King Ave. A, Temple. local offering leading print and digital v Session Starts 5:30pm plied for. businesses, Please apply in app valves, and meters. ww be well organized Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. TX crew Lic 7100 operator, foreman,and and ations are Monday thru Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. FURNISHED EFFICIENin home. Repairs on porceMake your ad stand out local businesses, offering leading print and digital marketing and valid drivers license. rea Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. • 1,250 square feet of off ice space Construcción, una empresa Lawncare, Private Fence, A criminal history check A cri orcycles For Sale ....................294 Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. A criminal history check solutions that will help grow their businesses and thrive. LARGE person at David L. King All of our job sites are in solutions that will help grow their businesses and thrive. All of our job sites are in A criminal history check lainsolutions and fiberglass. that Over will 30 help grow their businesses andsolutions thrive. that will help grow their businesses and thrive. All of our job sites are in superintendent, project All of our job sites are in Please send resume to local, tiene puestos CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Rentals from the rest! and daily deadlines. They and concrete work. abil Belton, and KilNON-SMOKING ROOM Our accountPosition executives are sales professionals Concrete Construction, 1629 will will be required. Position Temple, Temple, Belton, Belton, and and KilKil- Temple, be will berequired. required. Position reationalFull Vehicles ....................296 years in business. Call Dale andposition 6,450 square foot warehouse/ inmediatos disponibles Temple, Belton, and KilJUST BUILT OUT will b leen Travel to manager andattitude. estimator. This includes and selling an customer areas. to and servicing Kitchen. Free: Cable, Hotposition FoodTravel Available leen areas. Travel to and and leen S. Fort Hood Street, requires physical activity This includes servicing and selling an established customer positive Previous ASK FOR This position includes servicing and selling anestablished established customer Free areas. from sites will Estimates. be provided requires physical activity 50 T lb para preparadores de established 721-3658. OFFICE SPACE! requires physical activity leen areas.and Travel to and OPERATOR customer service skills and the drive to succeed. This position includes servicing and selling an customer from sites willwell be Out provided base, as as developing maintaining relationships with to include walking and from D.L.K. sites will be provided rt Utility Internet. ....................................297 by company vehiMaximum Pay leen. Hours of office operSend resume to: requi Bills Paid. No production area encofrados de concreto Two spaces: 730 sq. ft of771-2191, 718-9765 or base, contact 439 Water COMMERCIAL PROPERTY from sites will be provided well as developing andMonday maintaining relationships with and to include walking and tend cles to eliminate travel vehiexBOLDING base, as wellCorpoas developing and maintaining relationships withthru climbing by new D.L.K. company vehito include walking stairs. by D.L.K. company 439 Water Supply and future customers. Theas successful account executive will ations are pense for employees. local businesses, offering leading print and dig calificados y terminadores fice; $1,100; all bills paid The position includes a ba lane@wolff base, as well as developing and maintaining relationships with No Deposit. to in cks, VansLease/ & Pickups..................298 by D.L.K. company vehiclesbeto customer-focused eliminate travel ex- and Call for appointment cles to eliminate travel ex- ration goal-oriented. They excellent stairs. Supply Corporation at will Fridayhave 8:00am to 4:00pm. climbing stairs. Classified and future customers. The successful executive a full time customers. po- cles new and future successful executive will account de concreto con unwill mínimo climbing and Call 570 sq. ft office; $875; be FOR LEASE Small forLawn Careformas Business Preparadores de de 254-773-6652 pense forhas employees. to The eliminate travel ex-account pense employees. • new Loading dock House Inn benefi ts including thatortowill grow businesses and climb math, grammar, communication and skills. They will All new of ourand job future sites are in de solutions hormigón terminadores customers. The successful account executive will compan omobiles For Ranch Sale ....................299 all bills778-4444 paid. Both brand 1Call año deresume experiencia. La Call fortheir appointment Mow, weed, y trim trees and sition for appointment email available for TCEQ 254-933-2133 or presentation visitThey at and be customer-focused goal-oriented. They will have excellent pense for employees. de hormigón David L. King be customer-focused and goal-oriented. will have excellent test. or apply in person at be well organized and able to meet the demands of multiple projects Temple, Belton, and Kilnew space build outs: tarifa de pago por hora se 773-0114 landscaping. 254-760-3031 • 1,250 square feet of office Construcción, una formas empresa Ca Preparadores de formas de 254-773-6652 or Preparadores de de 254-773-6652 or Class Cdaily License distribubeappearance customer-focused goal-oriented. willIf Amity have excellent 6202 Sparta Rda professional Belton, local, tiene puestos and They will have and 3320 Pecan Valley, you and have the to areas. Travel to and and determinará según will la They expe- 8631 grammar, communication and presentation skills. They School Rd drive inan establ This position includes servicing selling • math, Large garage doorsleen math, grammar, communication and presentation skills. They will hormigón y deadlines. terminadores A hormigón y terminadores and 6,450 square foot Temple. warehouse/ inmediatos disponibles Preparadores de formas HOUSEKEEPER position 2 email resume to preparadores BINGO 254-760-2995 resume to rienciaemail y eland conocimiento tion operator.David attitude. Previous sales media salesdeexperience a plus. from sites is will be provided SLY’S LAWN SERVICE para de de positive hormigón L. King de hormigón David L. King TX 76513. math, grammar, communication presentation skills. They will Belton. appearance, and the skills Background be to well and able to meetcompany the demandsopen. of multiple projects yorganized terminadores beposition’s well organized and hormigón able meet the demands multiple projects 2505 production encofrados de PRICES concreto base, assolicitado. well check as Por developing and maintaining relae del puesto REASONABLE byofand D.L.K. 1,250 square feet of off ice254-931-5635 space Construcción, una primary empresa German Shepherd • 1,250 squarearea feet of•off ice space Construcción, empresa This calificados y una terminadores The position includes a •base salary, commissions competitivevehi- required. Need valid driv- Akita VFW Post #4008 de hormigón David L. King Convenient off -street customer 2 females left. 17 favorappearance en persona en Puppies. clesbewill toappearance eliminate ex- ers local, tiene puestos de concretotiene con un mínimo well organized able tosolicite meet thetranspordemands of resume multiple projects today. andwill daily deadlines. They have atravel professional and local, puestos function andice daily deadlines. They have professional andand license and weeks old. Price droppedaccount • Loading dock benefi ts including health insurance. new future customers. The successful oak is the operation 1,250 feet space Construcción, una a empresa de• 1 año de square experiencia. La of David L.and King Concrete American Spincast 6,450 square foot warehouse/ inmediatos disponibles to $250. 254-718-9740 pense for employees. Readoff the Classified section to findcompany-paid and 6,450 square footand warehouse/ inmediatos disponibles HOUSEKEEPER position

4 acs to meron, 145.

pt. nt s



(254) 778-4444





Advertising S

Employment WE (254) 778-4444 CAUGHT Advertising Sales Representative YOURRepresentative Advertising Sales Representative Advertising Sales EYE Rentals


(254) 778-4444

(254) 778-4444

(254) 778-4444






(254) 778-4444


Advertising Sales Represe




tation. Apply in person: Belton HOUSEKEEPER position parking attitude. Previous sales media sales experience is aApartments, plus. David L. tiene King ConstrucConstruction, 1629 S. Fort and appearance and daily They will have a professional positive attitude. Previous sales media sales experience is adeadlines. plus. and maintenance a local, paraIf preparadores de you have theofdrive topositive meet goals, apuestos professional attitude and Thebe Oaks customer-focused goal-oriented. is looking to hireand fullThey will Background check open. Background check Hood Street, Killeen. El open. and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ inmediatos disponibles tion, we a local company, has encofrados de FOR concreto appearance, and the skills need, please send a cover letter and de 3401 Camellia Dr, Temple LEASE Preparadores de formas LEA purchased water distrithat just right item you’re looking for. positive attitude. Previous sales media sales experience is a plus. Akita German Shepherd IHOUS BUY time experienced Saw TEMPLE D horario de atención es de para preparadores de a calificados ytoday. terminadores The position includes base salary, commissions and competitive required. Need valid driv- Akita immediate positions availmath, grammar, communication and presentation s TX 76504 The position includes a base salary, commissions and competitive required. Need valid drivresume • High visibility location in downtown hormigón y terminadores lunes a viernes de 8:00 Puppies.Must 2 females left. 17 Puppie open. lines, encofrados Musta de concretosystem con un mínimo production area bution 45’s de concreto Cutter. be able to ablebenefi for tsskilled concrete de hormigón David L. King ers license and transporweeks ers license and transporHu weeks old. Price dropped of m including company-paid health insurance. including company-paid health insurance. a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Todos be well organized and able to meet the demands de 1benefi añoand detsmeters. experiencia. La valves, calificados y terminadores Call today, someone is looking for The position includes a base salary, commissions and competitive requi Temple with accessConstrucción, from Central form setters and concrete rienc • 1,250 square feet off ice space una empresa nuestros to $250.s tape measure; toread $250. Apply 254-718-9740 TEMPLE DAILY in person: jazz, sitios in de person: trabajo tation. tation. Apply tarifa de pago por hora se of de concreto conminimum unTELEGRAM mínimo finishers with of local, Pli Please send resume to puestos and daily deadlines. will a professional ers 512-7 se encuentran en las áreas They ability tohave liftApartments, and carry • Loading dock If you have the drive tobenefi meetattitude goals, aand professional attitude and determinará según la expeHuman tstiene including company-paid health insurance. maint If you have the drive to meet goals, aHourly professional The Oaks and 7th de 1Avenue año deResources experiencia. LaStreet The Oaks Apartments, 1 year experience. and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ inmediatos disponibles what you have to sell! Find it fast? de Temple, Belton y riencia y el conocimiento tarifa The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source P.O. Box 6114 tation 50 lbs.; outstanding atTem positive attitude. Previous sales media sales experie de pago por hora se appearance, and the skills we need, please send a cover letter and 3401 Camellia Dr, Temple HVAC paraa cover preparadores and the Temple, skills we Texas need, please letter and de leen. 3401 Camellia pay rate will be deter-send El viaje Dr,hacia y del appearance, puesto Por contact solicitado. 439 area Water 76503 If have drive to meet goals, aTemple professional según la expetendance record.and Must • Large garage doorsor The production de concreto foryou local newsthe and information, has an opening for a attitude business-todesde los sitios será pro- TX mined upon today. experience and encofrados favor solicite enClassified persona en determinará 76504 TX 76504 resume Dollar SaverKing gener resume today. elemail conocimiento or ybyof Supply at riencia Great space. location. calificados y terminadores porcionado por D.L.K. David L.Corporation Concrete The position includes a base salary, commissions a knowledge position ap-Great be able to pass drug appearance, and the skills we need, please send aWANTED cover letter WAN del puesto solicitado. Por Donkeys,and horses, 3401 marketing team. perie vehículos to de join la our empresa Construction, 1629 S. Fort de business concreto con un mínimoconsultant hr@ 254-933-2133 or visit at plied for. Please apply in test. Benefits available. she • Loading dock • Convenient off-street customer benefi ts including company-paid health insurance. sheep, goats or any other solicite en persona en TX 76 Hood Street, Killeen. El favor para eliminar los gastos de de 1 año de experiencia. La resume today. FRE 2547745204 person at TEMPLE David L. King sheet 6202 Rd Belton, farm farm animals. 254-865-3546 Apply inexcellent person DAILY horario Sparta de TEMPLE atención es de David L. Construction, King TELEGRAM Concrete de los sales empleados DAILY S pago porTELEGRAM hora se viaje are Ourde account executives professionals with Concrete 1629 tarifa parking TX lunes76513. a viernes de 8:00 Construction, 1629 S. Fort determinará según la expeing, e Buy If you have the drive to meet goals, profession 2505 Taylors ValleyaRd, • Large garage doors S. Fort Hood Street, KilHuman Resources Licensed electricians Human Resources a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Todos Hood Street, Killeen. El riencia Licensed electricians CATTL CATTLE WORKING, haulcustomer service skills and the drive to succeed. They work with y el conocimiento Belton reliab leen. Hours of officeesoperat Bluebonnet nuestros sitios de trabajo horario needed at Bluebonnet appearance, and the skills we need, pleasecattle. send a pc ing, TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM de Box atención de del P.O. ing,needed penning, problem puestoBox solicitado. 6114 Poroffering 6114 • High visibility location inL. downtown Electrical Services. ationsP.O. Monday se• encuentran en las áreas David King ConstrucElectrical Services. local businesses, leading print and Also digital marketing will haul any livestock. Also and wv Convenient off -street customer lunes a areviernes de thru 8:00 favor solicite en persona en resume today. Located in Temple. de Temple, y Kiltion, a local Belton company, has a.m. Located in Temple. Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. Call 25 Human Resources Call 254-865-3546 LEAD MAINTENANCE a 4:00 p.m. 76503 Todos Temple, Texas David L. Texas King Concrete Call 254-771-0801. A crinL leen. El Central viaje Temple with access from immediate positionshacia avail-y Temple, 254-771-0801. solutions that76503 will help growCalltheir businesses Must and thrive. All of oursitios job sites are in Construction, Rentals parking de trabajo 1629 S. Fort have one year expedesde los sitios pro- nuestros able for skilled será concrete or by email P.O. Box 6114 Temple,or Belton, and áreas Kil- Hood Street, Killeen. El by email will b en las Great space. Great location. Getting too toelectrician take care Getting Great space. Great location. Journeyman porcionado D.L.K. se encuentran Advertising Sales Representative form setters por and concrete Journeyman electrician rience in old apartment Avenue and 7th Street leen Temple, areas. Belton Travel yto Kiland horario my This position servicing and selling an established customer ofDAILY my atcows. HaveTELEGR 17Elecregis- of TEMPLE Au de atenciónincludes es de Temple, needed Bluebonnet vehículos de la empresa finishers with minimum of de needed atTexas Bluebonnet Elecrequi 76503 • High visibility location in downtown maintenance. Must have tered from sites will be provided tered Aberdeen Angus for leen. El viaje hacia y los gastos de lunes atheviernes de 8:00 area’s 1para yeareliminar experience. Hourly tric. 2908 W. 1Ave. K., Tem- tric. 2908 W. Ave. K., TemTemple Daily Telegram, No. source 2547745204 2547745204 sale. (2 asTemple-Belton well asTodos developing and maintaining relationships with to in sale. (281) 733-3240 by The D.L.K. company Human Resources A ple. Call 254-771-0801 viaje derate los empleados HVAC/ EPA certification, los sitios será vehipro- a.m.base, pay will be deter- desde a 4:00 p.m. ple. Call 254-771-0801 by email Temple with access from Central Great location. cles eliminate travel ex-information, SUNDAY AFTERNOONS forto local news and has opening foror aThe business-tomined upon experience and porcionado por D.L.K. nuestros sitios dean trabajo climb Dollar Saverspace. Classified Great general maintenance ex- Journe Clos new and future customers. successful account executive will P.O. Box 6114 Doors Open 4pm knowledge of position ap- vehículos pense for employees. needed de la empresa se encuentran en las business marketing consultant to join ouráreas team. perience to include and 7thinStreet Ca Session Starts 5:30pm pliedAvenue for. Please apply tarifa






determinará según la expepara preparadores de • Large garage doors el Licy #1-74-6066507-2 production area riencia production area encofrados deconocimiento concreto del puesto solicitado. Por AT-street customer •TOWNHOMES Convenient off WED. AFTERNOONS favor solicite persona en calificados y en terminadores David L. King Concrete de concreto con unS. mínimo Doors Open 11am parking BATHTUB REFINISHING Construction, 1629 Fort • Loading dock RIVER FAIR • Loading dock Hood Street, Killeen. El de 1Session año de experiencia. La Starts 12:30pm in home. Repairs on es porcehorario de atención de • High visibility location in downtown tarifa de pago por de hora8:00 se lain and Over 30 FRI. AFTERNOONS BELTON lunes a fiberglass. viernes a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Todos determinará según la expe• Large garage doors • Large garage doors from Central years inDoors business. Call Dale Temple with access Opende5pm nuestros trabajo •3bed/2.5bath/2gar riencia ysitios el enconocimiento 721-3658. se encuentran las áreas Session 6:30pm Avenue and 7th Street del Temple, puesto Starts solicitado. Por de Belton y KilRENT- $2,000off-street • Convenient customer leen. El viaje hacia y SUNDAY AFTERNOONS • Convenient customer off-street favor solicite en persona en desde los sitios será proDiana White Great space. Great location. David Doors L. Open King Concrete porcionado por 4pm D.L.K. parking vehículos de la empresa parking Construction, 16295:30pm S. Fort Session Starts 713.859.2952 para eliminar los gastos de 2547745204 Hood de los Street, Killeen. El viaje empleados LARGE Chappell Hill Reality horario dedowntown atención es de BINGO • High visibility location in NON-SMOKING ROOM • High visibility location in downtown Group lunes Hot a Food viernes de 8:00 Available VFW Postwith #4008 a Central 4:00 p.m. Todos Temple accessa.m. from Temple with access from Central nuestros sitios Pay de Outtrabajo Read theMaximum Classified section to find Belton HOLLY OAKS APTS. se encuentran en las áreas Avenue and 7th Street Avenueupstairs and 7th&Street Lic #1-74-6066507-2 1BR/1BA de Temple, Belton y Kilthat just right item you’re looking WED. AFTERNOONS leen. El viaje hacia for.y downstairs. Washer and Doors Open 11am desde los sitios será proCall today, someoneporis looking for dryer. Covered parking. Session Starts 12:30pm porcionado D.L.K. FRI. AFTERNOONS vehículos de la empresa Water paid. AppointDoors Open 5pm para what youeliminar have to sell!losFindgastos it fast? de ments 773-4787. Session Starts 6:30pm viaje de los empleados


Advertising Sales Representative

WANTED Donkeys, horses, sheep, goats or any other farm animals. 254-865-3546

(254) 778-4444


Licensed electricians needed at Bluebonnet Electrical Services. Located in Temple. Call 254-771-0801.

CATTLE WORKING, hauling, penning, problem cattle. Also will haul any livestock. Call 254-865-3546

Journeyman electrician needed at Bluebonnet Electric. 2908 W. Ave. K., Temple. Call 254-771-0801

Getting too old to take care of my cows. Have 17 registered Aberdeen Angus for sale. (281) 733-3240

Page 10 • August 21, 2019

3/2 3/2 w/garage, w/garage, yard, yard, appliappliances, ances, yard yard service. service. AlAlmost most new. new. 626B 626B Kacie, Kacie, take take 5th 5th to to Canyon Canyon Creek Creek to to Hartrick Hartrick to to Kacie. Kacie. Ignore Ignore Google Google maps. maps. $995/mo, $995/mo, $800 $800 deposit. deposit. Call Call Mickey Mickey @ @ Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Properties Properties 254-776-3090 254-776-3090

Beautiful Beautiful 3/2/2 3/2/2 Canyon Canyon Creek Creek area area home. home. All All apappliances pliances plus plus washer washer & & dryer. dryer. Vaulted Vaulted ceiling. ceiling. No No carpet. carpet. $1250 $1250 rent, rent, $1250 $1250 deposit. deposit. Call Call 254-295-3550. 254-295-3550.


Recently Recently refurbished refurbished 3,500 3,500 sq.ft. sq.ft. office office and and warehouse warehouse space. space. Located Located on on corner corner lot lot in in downtown downtown Temple. Temple. Off-street Off-street parking. parking. Call Call 254-774-5204 254-774-5204 JUST JUST BUILT BUILT OUT OUT OFFICE OFFICE SPACE! SPACE! Two Two spaces: spaces: 730 730 sq. sq. ft ft ofoffice; fice; $1,100; $1,100; all all bills bills paid paid and and 570 570 sq. sq. ft ft office; office; $875; $875; all all bills bills paid. paid. Both Both brand brand new new build build outs: outs: 3320 3320 Pecan Pecan Valley, Valley, Temple. Temple. 254-760-2995 254-760-2995

EVA’S EVA’S Residential Residential CleanCleaning ing ServiceService- From From top top to to bottom. bottom. Free Free Estimates! Estimates! Reasonable Reasonable prices. prices. Highly Highly recommended. recommended. 254-316-1108. 254-316-1108.

PINA PINA CONCRETE CONCRETE CONCONTRACTOR. TRACTOR. Trim Trim trees, trees, landscaping, landscaping, mowing, mowing, painting, painting, fencing, fencing, house house leveling. leveling. Free Free Estimate. Estimate. 3/2 w/garage, yard, appli254-780-7670 254-780-7670 ances, yard service. Almost new. 626B Kacie, take 5th to Canyon Creek to Hartrick to Kacie. Ignore PINA PINA Tree Tree $995/mo, Trimming, Trimming, Google maps. $800 deposit. Edging, Call MickeyClean@ Mowing, Mowing, Edging, CleanBluebonnet Properties ing, ing, Rake Rake Leaves, Leaves, 254-776-3090 Lawncare, Lawncare, Private Private Fence, Fence, and and concrete concrete work. work. Free Free Estimates. Estimates. 771-2191, 771-2191, 718-9765 718-9765 Small Small Lawn Lawn Care Care Business Business

Mow, Mow, weed, weed, 3/2/2 trim trim trees trees and and Beautiful Canyon landscaping. landscaping. 254-760-3031 Creek area 254-760-3031 home. All appliances plus SERVICE washer & SLY’S SLY’S LAWN LAWN SERVICE dryer. Vaulted ceiling. REASONABLE REASONABLE PRICES PRICES No carpet. 254-931-5635 $1250 rent, $1250 254-931-5635 deposit. Call 254-295-3550.

BATHTUB BATHTUB REFINISHING REFINISHING in in home. home. Repairs Repairs on on porceporcelain lain and and fiberglass. fiberglass. Over Over 30 30 years years in in business. business. Call Call Dale Dale 721-3658. 721-3658.


BINGO BINGO VFW VFW Post Post #4008 #4008 Belton Belton

Lic Lic #1-74-6066507-2 #1-74-6066507-2 WED. WED. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS Doors Doors Open Open 11am 11am Session Session Starts Starts 12:30pm 12:30pm FRI. FRI. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS Doors Doors Open Open 5pm 5pm Session Session Starts Starts 6:30pm 6:30pm SUNDAY SUNDAY AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS Doors Doors Open Open 4pm 4pm Session Starts Starts 5:30pm 5:30pm 3/2Session w/garage, yard, appliLARGE LARGE ances, yard service. AlNON-SMOKING NON-SMOKING ROOM ROOM most new. 626B Kacie, take Hot Hot Food Food Available Available 5thMaximum to CanyonPay Creek Maximum Pay Out Outto

Hartrick to Kacie. Ignore Google maps. $995/mo, $800 deposit. Call Mickey @ Bluebonnet Properties 254-776-3090


Recently refurbished 3,500 sq.ft. office and warehouse space. Located on corner lot in downtown Temple. Read Read the the Classified Classified section toto find find Off-street parking.section that thatjust justCall right right254-774-5204 item itemyou’re you’relooking lookingfor. for.

Call Call today, today, someone someone isis looking looking for for JUST BUILT OUT what whatyou youOFFICE have havetotosell! sell! Find Findititfast? fast? SPACE! Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofDollar Saver SaverallClassified Classified fice;Dollar $1,100; bills paid and 570 sq. ft office; $875; all bills paid. Both brand new build outs: 3320 Pecan Valley, Temple. 254-760-2995

(254) 778-4444



(254) 778-4444

parking parking

Lic #1-74-6066507-2 leveling. Free Estimate.

WED. AFTERNOONS OFFICE SPACE 254-780-7670 Doors Open 11am •• High High visibility visibility location location in in downtown downtown Session Starts 12:30pm FOR LEASE FRI. AFTERNOONS Temple Temple with with access access from from Central Central

Recently refurbished 3,500 Doors Open 5pm Avenue and 7th 7th Street Street Session Starts 6:30pm sq.ft.Avenue office andand warehouse SUNDAY AFTERNOONS space. Located on corner PINA TreeOpenTrimming, Doors 4pm space. location. lot Great in downtown Temple.Great SessionEdging, Starts 5:30pm Mowing, CleanOff-street parking. LARGE 2547745204 ing,NON-SMOKING Rake ROOM Leaves, Call 254-774-5204 Hot Food Available Lawncare, Private Fence, Pay Out and Maximum concrete work. JUST BUILT OUT









Advertising Sales Representative



Advertising Sales Represe



Employment Advertising Sales Representative

Great space. Great location. (254) 778-4444 2547745204 (254) 778-4444


BINGO TRACTOR. Trim trees, •• Large Large garage garage doors doors VFW Post #4008 landscaping, mowing, •• Convenient Convenient off off-street -street customer customer painting, fencing, house Belton



COMMERCIALEVA’S PROPERTY Residential CleanCOMMERCIAL PROPERTY ing Service- From top to COMMERCIAL PROPERTY bottom. Free Estimates! FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Reasonable prices. Highly

recommended. 254-316-1108. •• 1,250 1,250 square square feet feet of of off office ice space space Beautiful 3/2/2 Canyon Creek area6,450 home. square All ap- foot and and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ warehouse/ pliances plus washer & production production area area dryer. Vaulted ceiling. No carpet. $1250 rent, $1250 •• Loading Loading dock dock PINA CONCRETE CONdeposit. Call 254-295-3550.


Free Estimates. OPERATOR 771-2191, 718-9765 439 Water Supply CorpoSmall Lawn Care Business ration has a full time poMow, weed, trim trees and sition available for TCEQ landscaping. 254-760-3031 Class C License distribution operator. SLY’S LAWN SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES This position’s primary 254-931-5635 function is the operation and maintenance of a purchased water distriNeeded Needed experienced experienced NOW NOW HIRING! HIRING! bution system lines, Dependable Dependable window window Aries Aries Building Building Systems Systems Needed experienced BATHTUB REFINISHING residential residential construction construction Dependable window Temple Temple Temps Temps Aries Building Systems cleaner cleaner needed needed with with own own 3/2 w/garage, yard, appliModular Modular Building Building valves, and meters. residential construction supervisor. supervisor. 315 W. W. Ave Ave M M own in home. Repairs Must on pay porcecleaner315 needed with transportation. transportation. Must pay ances, yard service. AlModular Building Carpentry Carpentry aa must. must. supervisor. NOW NOW HIRING HIRING for for the the lain and fiberglass. Over 30 attention attention to to detail detail and and transportation. Must pay Please send resume to most new. 626B Kacie, take Centex Centex Construction Construction HIRING: HIRING: BARTENDER BARTENDER Carpentrypositions: a must. communicate well. Dale years communicate in business. well. Call NOW HIRING for the attention to Bars. detail and following following positions: 5th to Canyon Creek to 254-217-2600 254-217-2600 Beer Beer Bars. To To apply apply email email Centex Construction HI 721-3658. communicate well. •Engineer •Engineer Manager Manager 254-654-2090 254-654-2090 or or 254-493-6636 254-493-6636 Hartrick to Kacie. Ignore following positions: windowwashingwonders windowwashingwonders 254-217-2600 or •Purchase contact 439 Water WATER WATER TREE TREE TEMPLE TEMPLE To apply email Google maps. $995/mo, $800 •Purchase Manager Manager •Engineer Manager (Temple’s (Temple’s only only alkaline alkaline and and 254-65 windowwashingwonders Supply Corporation at deposit. Call Mickey @ •Electrician hydrogen hydrogen water water store) store) is is WATER •Electrician TREE TEMPLE •Purchase Manager Bluebonnet Properties YARD HANDS HANDS NEEDED NEEDED 254-933-2133 looking looking for for aa health health consciconsci- YARD (Temple’s only alkaline •Plumber •Plumber or visit and at Join Needed experienced Join Dependable the the World’s World’s #1 #1 FranFran- WANT window WANT TO LEASE LEASESystems LAND LAND for for Aries TO Building at at busy busy cattle cattle company company in in 3/2 w/garage, yard, applientious entious individual individual to to fill fill 254-776-3090 residential construction •Electrician Needed experienced CL&L CL&L Trucks Trucks is is hiring hiring hydrogen water store) is chise! cleaner neededwindow with own All chise! Now Now Hiring Hiring All cattle Dependable •Carpenter •Carpenter cattle grazing, grazing, will will do do imimAries Building Systems ances, yard service. AlSchwertner, TX. TX. ExperiExperi- 6202 3/2 w/garage, yard, applisales sales assistant assistant position, position, part part Schwertner, Sparta Rd Belton, Modular Building supervisor. residential transportation. Must pay or cleaner needed own YARD HANDS NEEDED Shifts! Shifts! Apply Apply in inwith person person or provements. for a construction health provements. References References most new. 626B Kacie, Altake CDL CDL drivers. drivers. Home Home every every EVA’S ances, yard service. ence aa plus plus but but not not rere- lookingCarpentry time time to to BINGO full full time. time. Apply Apply in in ence Modular Building •Plumber •Buyer •Buyer a must.conscisupervisor. Residential CleanNOW HIRING for the Join attention to detail and transportation. Must pay online online at at 5th new. to Canyon Creek take to most 626B Kacie, TX 76513. available. available. 254-865-3546 254-865-3546 cattle detail company in quired. quired. Trucks For For more more info info call call entiousCentex individual to fill at busy person, person, 7425 7425 W. W. Adams, Adams, Suite Carpentry a must. Construction HI 36 36Hartrick hours. hours. Competitive Competitive NOW HIRING for the attention and communicate well. is hiring •Welder •Welder ing ServiceFrom top Suite to CL&L 5th to Canyon Creek to Wages Wages to + +TX. Bonuses Bonuses to Kacie. Ignore chise! following positions: •Carpenter or or come come by by 4651 4651 E. E. FM FM 487, 487, sales Centex Construction 254-217-2600 VFW Post #4008 150. 150. HI assistant position, part Schwertner, communicate well.ExperiTo apply email Hartrick to Kacie. Ignore following positions: Google maps. $995/mo, $800 Career Career Opportunity! Opportunity! package package includes: includes: Health Health bottom. Free Estimates! CDL Shifts! 254-217-2600 Schwertner, Schwertner, 254-527-3342. 254-527-3342. •Painter •Painter •Engineer Manager 254-65 drivers. Home every To apply email a plus but not retime to full time. TEMPLE Apply in encewindowwashingwonders Google maps. •Buyer deposit. Call$995/mo, Mickey $800 @ •Engineer Manager Read the Classified section to find WATER TREE 254-65 ReasonableBelton prices. Highly windowwashingwonders insurance, insurance, paid paid vacation, vacation, online •Purchase Manager deposit. Call Mickey @ •Forklift •Forklift Driver Driver Bluebonnet Properties quired. For more info call David L. King Construcperson, 7425 W. Adams, Suite WATER TREE TEMPLE HELP HELP WANTEDWANTEDCeramic Ceramic (Temple’s only alkaline and 36 hours. applications Competitive •Purchase Manager •Welder Bluebonnet Properties 254-316-1108. 254-776-3090 company company 401k. 401k. Bi-annual Bi-annual recommended. (Temple’s only alkaline Accepting Accepting applications for tion, •Electrician S hydrogen water store) and is or comeHelper. by 4651 Must E. FM have 487, Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Tile Tile Helper. Must have a•Material local company, has Handler Handler 150. •Material Beautiful 254-776-3090 3/2/2 Canyon •Electrician S hydrogen store) is YARD HANDS NEEDED morning morning and and afternoon afternoon that just rightincludes: item you’re looking for.for package Health looking for water a health conscitransportation. transportation. Work Work in in Fertilizer •Plumber Schwertner, 254-527-3342. •Painter raises, raises,area home. guaranteed guaranteed WED.Residential AFTERNOONS immediate positions availFertilizer Application, Application, inin- Join CleanYARD NEEDED •Siding Installer Installer looking for a health toconsciCreek All ap- EVA’S at busy HANDS cattle company in entious•Siding individual fill cleaning cleaning positions positions Mon-Fri. Mon-Fri. •Plumber EVA’S Residential CleanTemple/ Temple/ Belton Belton area. area. Call Call Join CL&L Trucks is hiring ing ServiceFrom top to chise! at busy cattleTX. company in Doors Open 11amtop •Carpenter entious toat fill able for individual skilled concrete insurance, paid vacation, $700.00 $700.00 week week min. Must Schwertner, ExperisalesApply assistant position, part crease crease growth growth and and producproducCL&L Trucks is hiring Must Must be be dependable dependable with with pliances plus min. washerMust & ing •Forklift Driver Apply in in person person at ServiceFrom to chise! 254-760-6857 254-760-6857 •Carpenter bottom. Free Estimates! Shifts! Schwertner, ExperiHELP sales assistant position, part CDL drivers. Home every Call today, someone is looking for ence a plus TX. but not reSession Starts 12:30pm time to full time. Apply in form setters and concrete •Buyer bottom. Free Estimates! some some experience experience and and have have be be 25 25 years years of age, age, with with dryer. Vaultedof ceiling. Noaa Reasonable prices. Highly CDL drivers. Home every time tion •Material for for your your pasture pasture and and Shifts! ence a For plus but info not call reonline company 401k. Bi-annual Accepting applications for tion to 7425 full time. Apply in 1919 1919 Mueller Mueller Road Road •Buyer more Tile person, W. Adams, Suite Handler Reasonable prices. Highly 36 hours. Competitive online own own hours. transportation. transportation. Apply Apply at at finishers FRI. AFTERNOONS with of quired. •Welder 254-316-1108. quired. more call Custom Custom Floors Floors and and More More is is crops. person, 7425 W. minimum Adams, Suite carpet. rent, $1250 36 Competitive or come For by 4651 E. info FM 487, minimum minimum$1250 of of 22 years years exp. exp. recommended. morning and afternoon 150. Troy, crops. N-TEXX N-TEXX stimulates stimulates transpC •Welder recommended. 254-316-1108. Troy, Texas Texas 76579 76579 Beautiful 3/2/2 Canyon 1605 1605 you W Whave Ave Ave H, H, Suite Suite 400, 400, 1150. raises, guaranteed come for by254-527-3342. 4651 E. FM help 487, includes: Health Open 5pm CON- package year experience. Hourly or looking looking for experienced experienced help what to sell! Find it fast? Beautiful 3/2/2 Canyon •Siding Installer that Schwertner, •Painter PINA Doors CONCRETE deposit. Call 254-295-3550. The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton areaC package includes: Health Creek area home.ask All apcleaning positions Mon-Fri. Schwertner, 254-527-3342. 254-527-3342, 254-527-3342, ask for for •Painter Temple, Temple, from from 8am-noon 8am-noon Templ soil, soil, microorganisms microorganisms that or email: email: aharris@ in in remodeling remodeling residential residential Creek All apSession Starts 6:30pm insurance, paid vacation, rate willaharris@ be deter- Must pliancesareaplushome. washer & •Forklift Driver $700.00 week min. Must pay or paid vacation, Mon-Fri. Mon-Fri. Needed experienced be dependable with HELP NOW Apply inHIRING! person at pliances plus washer No & •Forklift Driver homes. homes. Call Call or or and text text TRACTOR. Trim trees, insurance, 254-760 Dependable window and Accepting Rob Rob or orVaulted Lacey. Lacey. provide provide essential essential nutrients nutrients Aries Building Systems HELP SUNDAY AFTERNOONS dryer. ceiling. for local news has an opening upon experience company 401k. Bi-annual mined applications forinformation, Tilefo •Material Handler Dollar Saver Classified dryer. Vaulted ceiling. No company 401k. Bi-annual Accepting applications for residential construction some experience and have Temple Temps 254-760-6539 254-760-6539 Tile be 25 years of age, with a •Material Handler carpet. $1250 rent, rent, $1250 $1250 cleaner needed with own ap- morning morning and afternoon WE Mueller Roadtheir transp Open 4pm of positions, position for for 1919 plants plants through carpet. $1250 landscaping, mowing, raises, guaranteed knowledge Full Full time time positions, and afternoon You YouDoors can can catch catch the the eye eye of of those those WE Modular Building •Siding Installer ownbusiness transportation. Apply atconsultant raises, supervisor. PINA CONCRETE CONdeposit. Call Call 254-295-3550. 254-295-3550. 315to W.through Ave Mourtheir cleaning positions Mon-Fri. marketing join team.transp •Siding Installer transportation. pay in cleaning Custom PINA CONCRETE CONdeposit. Immanuel Immanuel Baptist Child Child positions Mon-Fri. Session Startsby 5:30pm prospective prospective buyers buyers by advertising advertising for. PleaseMust apply minimum ofBaptist 2guaranteed years exp. plied Templ $700.00 week min. Must productive biological biological procproc- Templ Wolff Construction Construction is is great great benefits, benefits, backlog backlog NEED NEED TRUCK TRUCK DRIVER DRIVER TRACTOR. Troy, Texas 76579 Must be Ave dependable with Apply in at Carpentry amin. must. Must 1605Wolff Wbe H, for Suite 400, productive painting, fencing, house $700.00 week Trim trees, 254-760 dependable with NOW HIRING the Apply in person person at attention to detail andKing Must lookin in in the the Classifieds Classifieds with with aa display display ad. ad. Trim trees, 254-760 LARGE person at David L. CAUGHT Development Development Center Center is is some experience and have with with end end dump dump experience. experience. TRACTOR. be 25 years of age, with a esses. esses. 15-5-5 15-5-5 applied applied at in some experience and have 254-527-3342, ask for Temple, from 8am-noon hiring hiring for for the the following following 1919 Mueller Road at of of work. work. be 25Centex yearsConstruction of age, with a HIRING: BARTENDER landscaping, mowing, communicate well. or email: aharris@ 1919 Mueller Road r landscaping, mowing, own transportation. Apply at leveling. Free Estimate. NON-SMOKING ROOM Our account executives are sales professionals Call Call aa Classified Classified Representative Representative Must Must be be dependable dependable and and Construction, 1629 own following positions: Custom transportation. Apply at hiring hiring Teachers, Teachers, Floatminimum of 2 2 years yearsFloatexp. ConcreteTo Custom 254-217-2600 Mon-Fri. $23.00 $23.00 per per acre. acre. of exp. Troy, Texas 76579 Beer Bars. YOUR positions for our our 400, 1605 W Ave Suite painting, fencing, house minimum apply email homes Troy, Texas 76579 Today Today for for all all the the details details have have good good SPACE references. references. painting, Rob or Lacey. 1605 positions W Ave H, H,for Suite 400, lookin fencing, house Hot Food Available S. Fort Hood Street, Killookin OFFICE 254-780-7670 ers ers & & Aides. Aides. Please Please ap254-527-3342, ask apfor Temple, fromManager 8am-noon •Engineer 254-654-2090 or 254-493-6636 254-527-3342, ask for Temple, from 8am-noon customer service skills and the drive to succeed. T or email: aharris@ in r 830-220-7830. 830-220-7830. Contact Contact Carlos Carlos Morris Morris leveling. Free Estimate. windowwashingwonders 254-760 sitework sitework department: department: or email: aharris@ CALL CALL DOLLAR DOLLAR SAVER SAVER in r leveling. Free Estimate. Maximum Pay Out leen. Hours of office oper- Mon-Fri. Mon-Fri. homes WATER TREE at TEMPLE Rob Full time positions, ply ply or in inLacey. person person at 1402 1402 You can catch the eye of those EYE Rob or Lacey. (254) (254) 778-4444 778-4444 254-780-7670 254-421-1276 254-421-1276 for forprint fertilizer fertilizer •Purchase Manager OFFICE SPACE 254-780-7670 heavy heavybusinesses, equipment equipment are Monday thru Immanuel FOR LEASE 254-760 local leading andhomes dig 254-760 (254) (254) 778-4444 778-4444 (Temple’s only alkaline and ations Baptist Childoffering prospective byeye advertising West West Ave. Ave. A, A, Temple. Temple. You 8:00am can buyers catch the eye of those those Full benefits, time positions, You can catch the of Wo great backlog NEED DRIVER application application and and sales. sales. towith 4:00pm. operator, operator, crew crew foreman, foreman, FOR LEASE 3,500 •Electrician hydrogen TRUCK water store) is Friday in the Classifieds display ad. Recently refurbished prospective buyers bya advertising Immanuel Baptist Child Development Center is Wo great benefits, backlog NEED TRUCK DRIVER solutions that will help grow their businesses and with end dump experience. All of our job sites are in in the Classifieds with a display ad. Recently refurbished 3,500 HANDS NEEDED Development superintendent, superintendent, project project hiri of work. work. lookingendfor dump a health consci- YARD Center is with experience. sq.ft. office and warehouse •Plumber hirin EVA’S office Residential CleanCall a Classified Representative Must be dependable dependable and Join the of World’s #1 Fran- WANT Temple, Belton, and Kilsq.ft. and warehouse hiring Teachers, Floatat Call busy cattle company in hiring a Classified Representative Must be individual and entious to fill manager manager and and estimator. estimator. Teachers, Floatp CL&L Trucks is hiring have space. Located on top corner Today for for all allTravel the details details ing ServiceFrom to PINA have good position, references. chise! NowandHiring space. Located on corner areas. to and Today the •Carpenter good references. cattlep OPERATOR OPERATOR PINA Tree Trimming, Trimming, position includes servicing selling All an establ Schwertner, TX. ExperiTree sales assistant part leen ers & Aides. Please Send resume resume to: to: apersThis &Send Aides. Please ap- Shifts! lot in downtown Temple. bottom. Free Estimates! site 830-220-7830. in person lot downtown Temple. CALL Apply DOLLAR SAVER or provem sites will but be provided site CDL drivers. HomeCleanevery 830-220-7830. ence (254) a plus not re- ply in person Edging, 439 439in Water Water Supply Supply CorpoCorpo- Mowing, time to full time. Apply in from •Buyer Mowing, Edging, Cleanat 1402 Off-street 778-4444 lane@wolff lane@wolff base, as well as developing and maintaining rela Reasonableparking. prices. Highly ing, online at h by D.L.K. company vehiply in person at 1402 (254) 778-4444 availa Off-street parking. RakeCompetitive Leaves, person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite quired. For more info call West Ave. A, Temple. (254) 778-4444 ration ration has has aa254-316-1108. full full time time popo- ing, h Call 254-774-5204 36 hours. •Welder recommended. Wages + Bonuses Rake (254) 778-4444 cles to eliminate ex- West oper or come by 4651 FM 487, 254-774-5204 PrivateLeaves, Fence, 150. Ave. A, Temple. new and future customers. TheOpportunity! successful account sition sitionCall available available for for TCEQ TCEQ Lawncare, oper Career packageconcrete includes: Health pense for employees. sup or or apply apply in in person person at at Schwertner, 254-527-3342. •Painter Lawncare, Private Fence, and work. Class ClassJUST C C License License distribudistribuBUILT JUST BUILT OUT OUT man be customer-focused man 8631 8631 Amity Amity School School Rd in in and goal-oriented. They will sup Employment insurance, paidEstimates. vacation, Free Free Estimates. OFFICE •Forklift DriverRd OPERATOR and concrete work. OFFICE SPACE! SPACE! OPERATOR tion tion operator. operator. Preparadores de formas de HELP WANTED- Ceramic Two spaces: 730 Belton. Belton. 771-2191, BUILT OUTft TwoJUST spaces: 730 sq. sq. ft ofof771-2191, 718-9765 man company 718-9765 401k.Estimates. Bi-annual 439 Accepting yapplications for math, grammar, communication and presentation sSS 439 Water Water Supply Supply CorpoCorpo- hormigón terminadores Tile Helper. Must have •Material Handler fice; $1,100; bills paid This This position’s position’s primary primary Free fice;OFFICE $1,100; all all bills paid SPACE! OPERATOR ration a morning and office; $875; Small Lawn Care Business hormigónand David afternoon L. King transportation. Work in Fertil ration has has a full full time time popo- de and 570 570 sq. sq. ft office; $875; S con raises, guaranteed Small Lawn Care Business function function is is ft the the operation operation con be well organized and able to meet the demands of m •Siding Installer Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofall bills paid. Both brand 771-2191, 718-9765 American American Spincast Spincast PINA CONCRETE CONMow, weed, trim and cleaning positions sition available for TCEQ all bills paid. Both brand 439 Supply • 1,250 offWater ice space una Mon-Fri. empresa weed, square trim trees treesfeet and of Temple/ Belton area. Call sition available forCorpoTCEQ Construcción, or new build landscaping. 254-760-3031 and and maintenance of of aa Mow, fice;maintenance $1,100; allouts: bills paid or $700.00 week min. Must new build outs: creas is is looking looking to to hire hire at full full They Must be tiene dependablepuestos with Class C License distribuApply in person local, TRACTOR. Trim 254-760-6857 3320 Pecan Pecan Valley,trees, landscaping. 254-760-3031 and daily deadlines. will have a professional Class C License distribu8631 3320 Valley, ration has a full time poandTemple. 570 sq. ft office; $875; 8631 purchased purchased water water distridistriSmall Lawn Care Business 254-760-2995 some experience disponibles and have tion operator. SLY’S LAWN SERVICE II BUY BUY OLD OLD RECORDS! RECORDS! tion conf time time experienced experienced Saw Saw be and 25 years of age, with a foot 6,450 square warehouse/ inmediatos 254-760-2995 operator. SLY’S LAWN SERVICE 1919 Mueller Road landscaping, allTemple. bills paid. Bothmowing, brand REASONABLE PRICES weed, trim trees and tion positive attitude. sales media sales Apply de at sition available for TCEQ own transportation. bution bution system system lines, lines, Mow, REASONABLE PRICES preparadores 45’s 45’s and and LP’s. LP’s. Rock, Rock, blues, blues, Custom Floors and More isexperie Cutter. Cutter. Must be be able able Previous to to This position’s position’s primary primary para or 254-931-5635 minimum of254-760-3031 2 years exp. This build outs: house landscaping. crops Troy, Must Texas 76579 254-931-5635 1605 W Ave de H, Suite 400, painting, fencing, function is the operation valves, valves,new and and meters. meters. production area encofrados concreto looking for experienced help A Class C License distribujazz, jazz, soul, soul, etc. etc. Call Call Jason Jason read read tape tape measure; measure; function is the operation Temple, 3320 Pecan Valley, Aa 8631 8am-noon maintenance of a calificados from y terminadores The position includes a base salary, commissions or email: aharris@ in remodeling residential soil, Please Please send send resume resume to to 254-527-3342, ask for and is leveling. Free Estimate. 512-785-8714 512-785-8714 and maintenance of a ability ability to to lift lift and and carry carry Temple. 254-760-2995 tion operator.water distri- de SLY’S LAWN SERVICE is Mon-Fri. purchased concreto con un mínimo homes. Call or text Rob or Lacey. tim provi purchased water distri50 50 lbs.; lbs.; outstanding outstanding atat• Loading REASONABLEdock PRICES 254-780-7670 benefi ts including company-paid health insurance. tim This position’s bution system primary lines, de 1 año de experiencia. La 254-760-6539 Cut or or contact contact 439 439 Water Water BATHTUB254-931-5635 REFINISHING bution system lines, for tendance tendance record. Must Must Cutp Full timerecord. positions, You can catch the eye of those BATHTUB REFINISHING tarifa de pago por hora se valves, and meters. home. Repairs on porcere function is the operation Supply Supply Corporation Corporation at at in valves, and meters. Immanuel Baptist in home. Repairs onOver porceA prospective buyers by advertising re be be you able able to to pass pass drug drug lain and fiberglass. 30 If have the drive to meet goals, a profession según la Child expePlease send resume to determinará produ • Large garage doors Wolff Construction is great benefits, backlog NEED TRUCK DRIVER abi lain and fiberglass.Call Over 30 in business. Dale Please sendwith resume to 254-933-2133 254-933-2133 or or visit visit at at years and maintenance of a in the Classifieds a display ad. abi riencia y el conocimiento test. test. Benefits Benefits available. available. Development Center is islc with end dump experience. years in business. Call Dale 50 721-3658. esses FRESH FRESH FARM FARM EGGS EGGS For For appearance, and the skills we need, please send a hiring for the following of work. 6202 6202 Sparta Sparta Rd Rd Belton, Belton, 721-3658. 50 439 distriWater del puesto solicitado. Por purchased Apply Apply in in person person Callcontact a Classifiedwater Representative Must be dependable and or tend Sale: Sale: 11 Dozen Dozen $2.50, $2.50, hiring Teachers, Floattiml or contact 439 Water • Convenient off-street customer $23.0 positions forone our tend TX TX 76513. 76513. Supply at favor solicite en persona en Today Corporation for all the details good references. resume today. Buy Buy 22 Dozen Dozen get get one free. free. 2505 2505 Taylors Taylors Valley Valley Rd, Rd, be PINA Tree Trimming, have bution system lines, Supply Corporation ers & Aides. Please apCut L. King Concrete 254-534-9047 254-534-9047 be or visit at at David BATHTUB REFINISHING 254-933-2133 830-220-7830. Con sitework department: test CALL DOLLAR Belton Belton SAVER Mowing, Edging, Clean- in parking or visit at Construction, valves, and778-4444 meters. 1629 atS. 1402 Fort home. Repairs on porce- 254-933-2133 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, test ply in person re (254) David David L. L. King King ConstrucConstruc254-4 BINGO heavy equipment 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Hood Street, Killeen. El lain and fiberglass. Over 30 TX 76513. ing, Rake Leaves, (254) 778-4444 Please send resume to 2505 tion, tion, aa BINGO local local company, company, has has West Ave. de abi LEAD LEAD MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE VFW Post #4008 horario de A, atención TX 76513. app in business. Call Dale operator, crew foreman, immediate immediate positions positions availavail- years 2505 • High visibility location in downtown Lawncare, Private Fence, lunes a viernes de 8:00 Must VFW Post #4008 Must have have one one year year expeexpeRead the Classified section to find David able able for forBelton skilled skilled concrete concrete 721-3658. 50 l L. King Construcsuperintendent, project Resources the Classifiedwith section toaccess find David form form Lic setters setters and and concrete concrete a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Todos rience rience in in apartment apartment Human and concrete work. ReadTemple Belton orfrom contact 439 ConstrucWater #1-74-6066507-2 a L. local company, has King Central LEA ten August Online looking for. tion, finishers finishers with with minimum minimum of of that just right item you’re WED. AFTERNOONS immediate positions availnuestros sitios de trabajo maintenance. manager and estimator. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 tion, a local company, has maintenance. Must Must have have LEA Free Must Supply Corporation at searea’s P.O. Box 6114 11 year year experience. experience. Hourly that The just right item you’reDaily looking for.Telegram, Doors OpenEstimates. 11am Hourly able forthe skilled concrete WED. AFTERNOONS OPERATOR The Temple Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton Temple-Belton area’s No. No. 11 source immediate positions availbe encuentran ensource las áreas HVAC/ AUCTION Call today, someone is looking for HVAC/ EPA EPA certification, certification, Starts 12:30pm Send resume to: Avenue and 7th Street form setters and concrete pay paySession rate rate will will be be deterdeterMust rienc Doors718-9765 Open 11am able for skilled concrete 771-2191, 254-933-2133 or an visit at de for Temple, Belton y KilFRI. AFTERNOONS finishers with has minimum of for for local local news news and and information, information, has an opening opening for aa business-tobusiness-tomined mined upon upon experience experience and 439 Water Supply CorpoCall today, someone is looking for test Session Starts 12:30pm and Temple, Texas 76503 form setters and concrete rienc main general general maintenance maintenance exexClosing Closing Thurs., Thurs., Aug. Aug. 29 29 lane@wolff Doors Open 5pm 1 year experience. Hourly have toexperienced sell! Find it fast? leen.TheElTemple viaje Daily hacia Telegram, y knowledge knowledge of of position position apap- what you FRI. AFTERNOONS the HIRING! Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source finishers with Rd minimum of Needed 6202 Dependable Sparta Belton, NOW HVAC main Session Starts pay rate will beour deterbusiness marketing marketing consultant to to join join our team. team. window full time perience perience to to include include 6:00pm 6:00pm Aries Building Systems Doors Open 5pm plied plied for. for. Please Please apply apply in in ration 1 year experience. Hourly desde sitios seráand proSmall Lawn Care6:30pm Business whatbusiness you has haveSaver toasell! Find it fast?po- consultant The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton 1 source BINGO by email SUNDAY AFTERNOONS for los local news information, has anplumbopeningarea’s foror a No. business-tomined upon experience and residential construction Temple Temps Classified gene HVAC Session needed with pay rate will be own deterHeidenheimer, Heidenheimer, TX TX TX cleaner 76513. person person at at Starts David David L. L. King King sheetrock sheetrock repair, repair, plumbporcionado por D.L.K. Mow, weed, trim 6:30pm trees and sitionDollar Doors Open 4pm available for TCEQ knowledge of position ap250 Modular Building supervisor. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS for local news and information, has an opening for a business-tomined upon experience and 315 W. Ave M Our Our account executives are are salesMust professionals professionals with with excellent excellent Now Now Taking Taking Consignments business marketing consultant to join ourhave team. Concrete Concrete Construction, Construction, 1629 1629 or apply inConsignments person at perie Dollaraccount Saver Classifiedexecutives gene transportation. pay SessionPost Starts 5:30pm VFW #4008 plied for. sales Please apply in vehículos de la empresa landscaping. 254-760-3031 ing, ing, electrical. electrical. Must Must have Doors Open 4pm knowledge of position apContact Contact Eddy Eddy Lange Lange S. S. Fort Fort Hood Hood Street, Street, KilKil- ClassCarpentry a must. C License distribuLARGE person at David L. King sheet NOW HIRING for the business marketing consultant to join our team. attention to detail and perie customer service service skills skills and and the the drive drive to to succeed. succeed. They They work work with with Session Starts paraOur eliminar los gastos de reliable plied for. Please apply in 8631 Amity School Rd in reliable transportation transportation 254-760-2937 254-760-2937 the Classified section to find NON-SMOKING ROOMoperleen. leen. Hours Hours of of 5:30pm office office oper- Readcustomer account executives are sales professionals with excellent Concrete Construction, 1629 Belton Centex Construction HIRING: BARTENDER ing, e LARGE person atHood David L. King communicate well. sheet David L. KingStreet, Construcoperator. SLY’S LAWN SERVICE thru de los empleados Hot are Food Available S. Fort KilTX TX Lic Lic 7100 7100 ations ations are Monday Monday thru tionlocal following positions: local businesses, businesses, offering offering leading leading print print and andviaje digital digital marketing marketing and valid valid drivers drivers license. license. Belton. NON-SMOKING ROOM Our account executives are sales with excellent customer service skillsand and the drive to succeed. They work with Concrete Construction, 1629 254-217-2600 Beer Bars.professionals reliab Maximum Pay Out leen. of office operLic #1-74-6066507-2 Tolocal apply email tion,Fort a Hours company, has ing, e REASONABLE PRICES Friday Friday 8:00am 8:00am to 4:00pm. 4:00pm. LEA Hot Food to Available S. HoodMonday Street, thru KilThisjust position’s primary right item you’re looking ations are A Aand criminal criminal history history check check •Engineer Manager solutions that that will will help grow grow their their businesses businesses and and thrive. thrive. local businesses, offering leading print and digital marketing 254-654-2090 or 254-493-6636 customer service skills the drive to succeed. They work with and v All All WED. of of our our job jobPay sites sites are in in that solutions AFTERNOONS immediate positions availwindowwashingwonders 254-931-5635 reliab Maximum Outare leen. Hours of office oper8:00am to 4:00pm. TREE TEMPLE Friday Temple, Temple, Belton, Belton, and and KilKil- WATER Must will be beleading required. required. Position Position function is the operation A criv ations are Monday Doors Open 11am able of for skilled solutions that will offering helpwill grow their businesses thrive. All our job sites concrete arethru in local businesses, print andand digital marketing and American Spincast •Purchase Manager Rentals leen leenSession areas. areas.Starts Travel Travel to to and and Friday 8:00am toand 4:00pm. This This position position includes includes servicing servicing and and selling selling an an established established customer customer (Temple’s only alkaline and Temple, Belton, and KilCall today, someone is looking for will b 12:30pm requires requires physical physical activity activity form setters concrete rienc A cri solutions thatincludes will help grow their businesses and from from sites sites will will be be provided provided and maintenance of a leen ofareas. our jobTravel sites to areand in is thrive. lookingcustomer to hire full •Electrician This position servicing sellingand an established store) is All AFTERNOONS requi finishers with of base, base, water as aswater well well as as developing developing and and maintaining maintaining relationships relationships with with to to include includeand walking walking and by by FRI. D.L.K. D.L.K. company company vehivehi- hydrogen Temple, and Kilwill b from sitesBelton, will minimum be provided main purchased distriHANDS for toa sell! health consciI BU base, as well as developing and maintaining relationships with Open 5pm leen areas. TravelNEEDED to and to in time experienced Saw 1YARD year experience. Hourly cles cles to toDoors eliminate eliminate travel travel exex- looking by D.L.K. company vehiwhat you have Find it fast? This position includes servicing and selling an established customer •Plumber climbing climbing stairs. stairs. The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source requi new new and and future future customers. customers. The The successful successful account account executive executive will will Join the World’s #1 FranWANT TO LEASE LAND for from sites will be provided at busy cattle company in cles to eliminate travel expense pense for for employees. employees. entious fill pay rate will be deterHVAC Session Starts 6:30pm climb bution individual system tolines, new and future customers. The successful account executive will CL&L Trucks is hiring 45’s a base, as well as developing and maintaining relationships with Cutter. Must be able to to in Call Call for for appointment appointment by D.L.K. company vehichise! Now Hiring All employees. •Carpenter BATHTUB REFINISHING salesbe cattle grazing, will do imSchwertner, TX. travel ExperibeDollar customer-focused customer-focused and andtofor goal-oriented. goal-oriented. They They will will have excellent excellent assistant position, part pense SUNDAY AFTERNOONS forhave local news and information, has anor opening forhave a business-tomined upon experience and Ca cles eliminate exSaver Classified gene be customer-focused and will and meters. climb Preparadores Preparadores de de formas formas de de valves, Shifts!goal-oriented. Applysuccessful in person or 254-773-6652 254-773-6652 or They new and future customers. The account executive will in home. Repairs on every porceprovements. References jazz, CDL drivers. Home read tapeexcellent measure; ence for a employees. plus but not apreDoors Open 4pm timemath, to fullgrammar, time. Applycommunication in Preparadores de formas de knowledge of and position pense •Buyer math, grammar, communication and presentation presentation skills. skills. They They will will hormigón hormigón y y terminadores terminadores Ca math, grammar, communication and skills. They will onlinegoal-oriented. at lain Session and fiberglass. Over 30 person, business marketing consultant toresume joinpresentation our team.available. perie y more terminadores 254-865-3546 email email resume to toThey send resumeSuite to hormigón be customer-focused and will have excellent quired.for. For Please info call Starts 5:30pm plied apply in 7425 W. Adams, 512-7 de de hormigón hormigón David David L. L. King King Please ability to lift and carry 36 hours. Competitive hormigón David L. Preparadores dethe formas de •Welder be be well well organized organized and andde able able to toatmeet meet the demands demands of ofbe multiple multiple projects projects Wages +and Bonuses years in business. Dale well organized and able to meet thepresentation demands of multiple projects or come by 4651 E. FM King 487, LARGE person L. King Construcción, Construcción, una una Call empresa empresa 150. shee math, grammar, communication They willatoak • 1,250 square feet of off ice space Construcción, una empresa hormigón yDavid terminadores 50 skills. lbs.; outstanding 721-3658. Career Opportunity! package includes: Health local, local, tiene tiene ROOM puestos puestos and and daily daily deadlines. deadlines. They They will willConstruction, have have a professional professional appearance appearance and and local, tiene puestos NON-SMOKING Our account executives are sales professionals with excellent Schwertner, 254-527-3342. and daily deadlines. They will have a professional appearance and •Painter Concrete 1629 de hormigón Davida L. King be well organized and able to meet the position demands of multiple projects ing, e or offcontact 439 Water inmediatos and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ disponibles inmediatos inmediatos disponibles disponibles oak • 1,250 square feet of ice space Construcción, una empresa HOUS HOUSEKEEPER HOUSEKEEPER position Hot Food Available tendanceisrecord. Must S. Fort Hood Street, Kilinsurance, paid vacation, positive sales media sales experience a plus. positive positive attitude. attitude. Previous Previous sales media media sales sales experience is isattitude. aaDriver plus. plus. Previous para sales preparadores deexperience •Forklift para para preparadores preparadores de de tiene puestos customer service skills and the drivea professional to succeed. They work with and daily deadlines. They will have appearance and HELP WANTEDCeramic open reliab Maximum Paysquare Out leen. Hours of office operSupply Corporation at local, open. open. Background Background check check production area encofrados de concreto and 6,450 warehouse/ inmediatos disponibles encofrados encofrados de de concreto concreto foot be able to pass drug HOUS company 401k. Bi-annual Accepting applications for Akita Akita German Shepherd Shepherd requi Tile Helper. Must have calificados y Monday terminadores positive attitude. Previous sales media sales experience is a plus. The includes a base salary, commissions and German competitive •Material Handler ations are thru preparadores de calificados calificados yy terminadores terminadores 254-933-2133 The The position position includes includes aa base base salary, salary, commissions commissions and andposition competitive competitive required. required. Need Need valid valid drivdrivlocal businesses, offering leading print and digital and v or visit at para open Puppies. Puppies. 22 marketing females females left. left. 17 de concreto and con unafternoon mínimo morning test. Benefits available. production encofrados de4:00pm. concreto transportation. Work in Fertilizer li de de concreto concreto con con un un area mínimo mínimo Friday 8:00am • Loading dock raises, guaranteed benefi ts including company-paid health insurance. Application, in-17 ers de 1 año de y to experiencia. La ers ers license license and and transportranspor•Siding Installer weeks weeks old. old. Price Price dropped dropped benefi benefi ts ts including including company-paid company-paid health health insurance. insurance. calificados terminadores The position includes a base salary, commissions and competitive requi cleaning positions Mon-Fri. A FR cri de de 11 año año de de experiencia. experiencia. La La 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, solutions that will help grow their businesses and thrive. Temple/ Belton area. Call tation All of our job sites are in tarifa de pago por hora se Apply in person to to $250. $250. 254-718-9740 254-718-9740 de concreto con un mínimo $700.00 min. Must tation. tation. Apply Apply in in person: person: tarifa tarifa de deweek pago pago por por hora hora se se crease growth and producers Must be dependable with If you have the drive to meet goals, a professional attitude and determinará según la expeLoading dock Apply in person at benefi ts including company-paid health insurance. • Large garage doors The 254-760-6857 Temple, Belton, andaa professional KilwillBulib de 1 año de goals, experiencia. La 76513. If you you have have the the drive driveriencia to to meet meet professional attitude attitudeand and andthe skills determinará determinará según según la la expeexpe- TX If y pago elgoals, conocimiento 2505 Valley Rd, The The we Oaks Oaks Apartments, Apartments, tation some experience and tarifa de por hora se be 25 years of age, with a leen areas. Travel to have and appearance, need, please an send a cover letter and tion forTaylors your pasture and 3401 This position includes servicing and selling established customer del puesto solicitado. Por 1919 Mueller Road riencia riencia yy el el conocimiento conocimiento requi If you have the drive to meet goals, a professional attitude and determinará según la expeLarge garage doors own transportation. Apply at The appearance, appearance, and and the the skills skills we we need, need, please please send send a a cover cover letter letter and and 3401 3401 Camellia Camellia Dr, Dr, Temple Temple • Convenient off -street customer Beltonstimulates TX from sites provided favor solicitewill en be persona en 76 Custom Floors and More is crops. N-TEXX del del puesto solicitado. Por Por resume riencia y elKing minimum of solicitado. 2en years Read thepuesto Classified toexp. find David Concrete Troy, Texas 76579 base, astoday. well asthe developing maintaining with 1605 D.L.K. W L. Ave solicitado. H,conocimiento Suite 400, appearance, and skills we need, please send relationships a cover letter and 3401 to in favor favor solicite solicite ensection persona persona en en David by company vehiTX TX 76504 76504 puesto Por looking forand experienced help resume resume today. today. L. King Construc- del parking Construction, 1629 S. Fort • Convenient off -street customer David David L. L. King King Concrete Concrete 254-527-3342, ask for tion, a local company, has Hood Temple, from 8am-noon favor en Killeen. persona en TX 76 cles tosolicite eliminate travel exsoil, microorganisms that resume today. Street, El or email: aharris@ in remodeling residential climb WANTED WANTED Donkeys, Donkeys, horses, horses, new and future customers. The successful account executive will Construction, Construction, 1629 1629 looking S. S. Fort Fort LEAD MAINTENANCE David King Concrete TEMPLEhomes. DAILY TELEGRAM de atención es de that justorright item you’re for.ElEl immediate Mon-Fri. pense for L. employees. sheep, sheep,essential goats goats or or any any other other Call or text provide • High visibility in downtown parking positions avail- horario Rob Lacey. Construction, 1629 de S. Fort Hood Hood Street, Street, Killeen. Killeen. location nutrients lunes a viernes 8:00 Ca farm farm animals. animals. 254-865-3546 254-865-3546 Must have one year expebe customer-focused and goal-oriented. They will have excellent Hood aStreet, Killeen. El Human Resources horario horario de de atención atención es es de de able 254-760-6539 for skilled concrete L a.m. 4:00 p.m. Todos Temple with from Central TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM for plantsinthrough their horario desitios atención es de Preparadores de deformas de n lunes lunes viernes viernes de deaccess 8:00 8:00 Full time positions, nuestros trabajo Youin can downtown catch and the eyeconcrete of those Call today,aaaa someone isp.m. looking for form • High visibility location setters rience apartment P.O. Box 6114 lunes a viernes de Child 8:00 Human Human Resources Resources math, grammar, communication and presentation skills. They will se encuentran en las áreas Licensed Licensed electricians electricians a.m. a.m. 4:00 4:00 and p.m. Todos Todos hormigón y terminadores Immanuel Baptist CATTLE CATTLE WORKING, WORKING, haulhaulprospective with buyers minimum by advertising Avenue 7th Street Human Resources finishers of productive biological procL a.m. Temple, a 4:00Belton p.m. y Todos Wolff Construction is great benefits, backlog Temple, NEED de Kilneeded needed at at Bluebonnet Bluebonnet nuestros nuestros sitios sitioswith de de DRIVER trabajo infrom Temple access Central maintenance. Must cattle. have ing, ing, penning, penning, problem problem cattle. Texas 76503 de hormigón David L.trabajo King Classifieds with a display ad. n nuestros sitios de P.O. P.O. Box Box 6114 6114 1 the year experience. Hourly leen. ElTemple viaje hacia y what youendhaveTRUCK tosquare sell!enenFind ittrabajo fast? be well organized and able to meet demands of Development Center is Electrical Electrical Services. Services. se se encuentran encuentran las las áreas áreas of with dump experience. The Daily Telegram, the area’s No. 1the source P.O. Box 6114 Also Alsomultiple will will15-5-5 haul haul projects any any livestock. livestock. esses. applied at oak • 1,250 feet off ice space Construcción, una empresa se encuentran en será las áreas hiring for the following of Temple-Belton work. desde los sitios proHVAC/ EPA certification, or by email pay rate will be deterAvenue and 7th Street Located Located in in Temple. Temple. de de Temple, Temple, Belton Belton y y KilKilCall Call 254-865-3546 254-865-3546 Great space. location. Call a Classified Representative Must be dependable andGreat de Temple, Belton y KilTemple, Temple, Texas Texas 76503 76503 porcionado por D.L.K. hiring Teachers, Floatlocal, tiene puestos and daily deadlines. They will have professional appearance Temple, Texas 76503 $23.00 Call 254-771-0801. 254-771-0801. leen. leen. Dollar El Saver viaje viaje hacia hacia yy minedToday for local news and forpositions aCallbusiness-toupon experience per acre. and ex- Journe fora our leen. El viaje yinformation, has an de la hacia empresa needed Classified general maintenance for all the details and vehículos Clos have good andEl 6,450 square warehouse/ inmediatos disponibles desde desde los los sitios sitios references. será será propro- foot HOUS desde los sitios será prolos gastosapde or or by by email email knowledge of position ap- para ersbusiness &eliminar Aides. Please or bymedia email 2547745204 Getting Getting too toois old old to to Morris take take care care tric. positive attitude. Previous sales sales experience a plus. 830-220-7830. Contact Carlos Great space. Great location. porcionado porcionado por por D.L.K. D.L.K. Journeyman Journeyman electrician electrician sitework department: CALL DOLLAR SAVER marketing consultant to join our team. para preparadores de viaje de los empleados ple. Ca Journe porcionado por D.L.K. perience to include plied for. Please apply in of of my my cows. cows. Have Have 17 17 regisregisopen vehículos vehículos de de la la empresa empresa needed needed at at Bluebonnet Bluebonnet ElecElecneeded vehículos de dela atempresa ply in person 1402 (254) 778-4444 production area encofrados concreto 254-421-1276 forAngus fertilizer tered tered Aberdeen Aberdeen Angus for for tric. equipment repair, plumbeliminar los gastos de para para eliminar eliminar los los gastos gastos de de person at David L. King para tric. tric. heavy 2908 2908 W. W. Ave. Ave. K., K., TemTem- sheetrock 2547745204 (254) 778-4444 calificados y terminadores includes ple. aple.base salary, commissions requi sale. sale.and (281) (281) competitive 733-3240 733-3240 Our executivesThe areposition sales professionals with excellent Ca deAve. losaccount empleados Concrete Construction, 1629 viaje West A, Temple. viaje viaje de de los los empleados empleados Call Call 254-771-0801 254-771-0801 application sales. electrical.and Must have ple.Now operator, crew foreman, ing, S. Fort Hood Street, Kil- de concreto con un mínimo ers li • Loading dock benefi including company-paid health insurance. service skills and thetsdrive to succeed. They work with 1 año de experiencia. La superintendent, project reliable transportation tation leen. Hours of office oper- de customer ations are Monday thru tarifa de pago por hora se OFFICE SPACE! Two spaces: 730 sq. ft office; $1,100; all bills paid and 570 sq. ft office; $875; all bills paid. Both brand new build outs: 3320 Pecan Valley, Temple. 254-760-2995

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August 21, 2019 • Page 11

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