American Dollar Saver September 4th

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      

 

        2  Dollar Saver Sunday, September 8, 2019                E  M P L E O S D I S -    PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están MuST SELL! Country   E M P L E O S D I S  disponibles los empleos cabin style home with   PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están MuST SELL! Country accents, 2x6 de tiempo completo y barn wood   EM P L E Onecesita: S empleos D ItraS - walls, disponibles los cabin real style home with  medio! Se wood cabinets,   PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están MuST SELL! Country barn wood accents, de tiempo completo y  bajadores de limpieza en plywood floors, low2x6 E  disponibles losy las empleos cabinwindows. style home with  medio! Se necesita: tra- tilt-in walls, real wood cabinets, Waco, Temple áreas 254-933  barn wood accents, 2x6 de tiempo completo y bajadores de limpieza en plywood floors, low E   RBI 33073. circundantes. A partir de 3334.  medio! Se necesita: tra- tilt-in walls, real wood 254-933cabinets,  Waco, Temple yPor las favor áreas windows.  $8 por hora. LArGEST DEALEr of   bajadores de limpieza plywood circundantes. Aoficina partir en de RBI floors, 33073. low E llame a nuestra al 3334.  foreclosures has   tilt-in windows. 254-933Waco, Temple áreas $8 por hora. yPor favor bank  LArGEST DEALEr of (254) 776-7775 olas solicite   permission to liquidate circundantes. A partir de 3334. RBI 33073.  llame a nuestra oficina al  bank foreclosures has en línea en www.janitori- inventory  fast! 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RBI    WE Buy & Repair Un$0 DOWN on a NEW    to see what we have for 33073.        wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Solitaire home when you   you. 254-933-3334. RBI  WE Buy & Repair Un$0 DOWN on a NEW   is accepting applications for Motorcycles & Scooters. use your land as down   33073.   wanted/ Broken Solitaire home when you  We Pick-Up (903)ATV’s, 336- payment. 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SOLITAIrE  ers, refrigerators, and wood cabinets, with non-working 90 day warranty. 3334. RBI 33073. 2 tape  need ones. real Apply in person:   Home, 2 bedroom, cook stoves. Rebuilt textured walls, bath, plyDelivery, service work,   (254) 799-6228, (254) and WOW! SOLITAIrE real wood cabinets, tape   with non-working 90 day warranty. wood floors, built like a  need ones. 214-5284. Temple: (254) Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath,  and textured walls, ply Delivery, service work,  - must sell. 254 (254) 799-6228, (254) HOUSE 541-6023   real wood cabinets, tape wood floors, built like  need non-working  RBI 33073. a 214-5284. Temple:ones. (254) 933-3334.  and textured ply - mustwalls, sell. 254 (254) HOUSE (254)  799-6228, 541-6023  wood floors, like a RBIbuilt 33073.   214-5284. Temple: (254) 933-3334.    HOUSE - must sell. 254541-6023   JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cuT FErTILIZEr cost, 933-3334. RBI 33073.      & part-time jobs available improves soil, N-TEXX  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cuT FErTILIZEr cost,   now! Needed: Janitorial 15—5-5 with microbacte & part-time jobs available improves N-TEXX workers in Waco, Temple ria, increasessoil, germination,  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full growth cuT FErTILIZEr cost, now! Needed: Janitorial 15—5-5 with production, microbacte  and surrounding areas. and & part-time jobsper available improves soil, N-TEXX  workers in Waco, Temple ria, increases germination, Starting at $8 hour. $23/acre applied. Deal  now! Needed: Janitorial 15—5-5 with microbacteand surrounding areas. growth andDamon production,  Please call our office at ers needed. Berry  workers in Temple ria, increases germination,  Starting atWaco, $8 per hour. 254-793-2318, $23/acre applied. Deal (254) 776-7775 or apply 254-702  and surrounding areas. growth and production,  Please call our office at ers needed. Damon Berry   online at www.janitori3797.   Starting at $8 per hour. $23/acre applied. Deal(254) 776-7775 or apply 254-793-2318, 254-702  cONTAINPlease callwww.janitoriour office at ShIPPING ers needed. Damon Berry online at 3797.  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ErS $2,000 and 254-702up. Wind (254) 776-7775 or apply 254-793-2318,  ShIPPING cONTAIN& part-time jobs available and water tight. See pho online at www.janitori3797. JOBSNeeded: AVAILABLE. Full tos ErS $2,000 and up. Wind  now! Janitorial www.steelcontainers. ShIPPING cONTAIN& part-time jobs available and water tight. See 722pho workers in Waco, Temple net Will deliver. (254)   JOBS Needed: AVAILABLE. Full tos ErSwww.steelcontainers. $2,000 and up. Wind now! Janitorial

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 and surrounding areas. & part-time jobsper available workers in Temple  Starting at Waco, $8 hour. now! Needed: Janitorial  and surrounding areas. Please call our office at  workers in Waco, Temple Starting at $8 per hour. (254) 776-7775 or apply  and surrounding areas. Please call our office   at online at www.janitori Starting at $8 per hour. (254) 776-7775 or apply  Please callwww.janitoriour office at online at  M P776-7775 L E O S orDapply IS(254)  PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están  online atE www.janitoriE M P L O S D IS disponibles los empleos  PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están de tiempo completo y  E M P LSe E Onecesita: S empleos D ItraSdisponibles los medio! PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están  de tiempo completo bajadores de limpieza eny  disponibles losy las empleos medio! Se necesita: traWaco, Temple áreas de tiempodecompleto bajadores limpieza eny circundantes. A partir de medio! Se necesita: traWaco, yPor las favor áreas $8 porTemple hora. bajadores de limpieza circundantes. Aoficina partir en de llame a nuestra al Waco, Temple áreas $8 por hora. yPor favor (254) 776-7775 olas solicite circundantes. A partir de llame a nuestra oficina al en línea en www.janitori$8 por776-7775 hora. Por favor (254) o solicite llame a nuestra oficina al en línea en www.janitoriJOBS AVAILABLE. Full (254) 776-7775 o solicite & part-time jobs available en línea en www.janitoriJOBS AVAILABLE. Full

Farm & ranch Farm & ranch Farm & ranch

4270, Burleson, TX. andWill water tight.(254) See phonet deliver. 722tos G Ewww.steelcontainers. NBurleson, T L E MTX. IxED 4270, net B rWill e e ddeliver. C o w(254) s a722nd G E NBurleson, T LCalves. E MTX. I xCall ED 4270, Stocker B r e e d749-0909 C o w s (254) and (254) G E N T L Calves. E M I xCall ED Stocker 749-5637 B r e e d C o w s and (254) 749-0909 (254) Stocker 749-5637 Calves. Call Livestock (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 Livestock G ENTLE MIxED  B r e eLivestock d Cows and GEN T LCalves. E M I xCall ED Stocker  B r e e C o w s (254) and (254) d749-0909 G E N T L Calves. E M I xCall ED Stocker 749-5637 B r e e d749-0909 C o w s (254) and (254) Stocker Calves. Call 749-5637 Motorcycles (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 WEMotorcycles Buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, WEMotorcycles Buy &&Repair UnMotorcycles Scooters. wanted/ Broken ATV’s,

     

 

  

Vol. 1 • No. 48 September 4, 2019      

 

  

LoanS up to




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Starter LoanS needed)

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VehicLe titLe LoanS  phone appLicationS tax preparation appLy onLine:

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! ! AVAILABLE ! ! offic e, retail, w arehouse & m ore for lease Dav id Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277

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2512 W. Waco dr.


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Page 2 • September 4, 2019


ADS Miscellaneous

254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 9086 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cuT FErTILIZEr cost, 2018 PALM Harbor Appliances & part-time jobs available improves soil, N-TEXX 3 bedroom, 2 bath, now! Needed: Janitorial 15—5-5 with microbacte$39,900. PricedSaver: for IMDollar workers in Waco,American Temple increases germination, NIcE WAShErS, dry- ria, MEDIATE SELL! 254-933and and production, ers,surrounding refrigerators,areas. and growth (254) 501-7530 3334. RBI 33073. Starting at $8 per hour. $23/acre applied. Dealcook stoves. Rebuilt WOW! with 90 Please callday ourwarranty. office at ers needed.SOLITAIrE Damon Berry Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Delivery, serviceorwork, (254) 776-7775 apply 254-793-2318, 254-702real wood cabinets, tape need non-working ones. 3797. online at www.janitoriand textured walls, ply(254) 799-6228, (254) ShIPPING cONTAIN214-5284. Temple: (254) wood floors, built like a JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ErS $2,000 andsell. up. Wind HOUSE - must 254541-6023 & part-time jobs available and water tight. See pho933-3334. RBI 33073. now! Needed: Janitorial tos www.steelcontainers. Employment & ranch workers in Waco, Temple netFarm Will deliver. (254) 722and surrounding areas. 4270, Burleson, 2 Dollar SaverTX. cost, Sunday, Sept JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cuT FErTILIZEr Starting at jobs $8 per hour. improves soil, N-TEXX & part-time available G E N T L E M I x E D Please call our Janitorial office at 15—5-5 with microbactenow! Needed: B r e e d C ow s a n d (254) 776-7775 apply ria, workers in Waco,orTemple increases germination, Stocker Calves. Call online at www.janitoriand surrounding areas. growth and production, (254) 749-0909 (254) Starting at $8 per hour. $23/acre applied. Deal749-5637 Please E M P Lcall E Oour S office D I Sat- ers needed. Damon Berry (254) 776-7775¡ Ya or están apply 254-793-2318, 254-702PONIBLES. ADS Miscellaneous ADSLivestock Miscellaneous online at www.janitoridisponibles los empleos 3797. de tiempo completo y ShIPPING cONTAINJOBS AVAILABLE. Full ErS $2,000 G E N T L E and Mup. I xWind ED medio! Se necesita: tra& part-timedejobs available tight. B r ewater e d  C ow See s aphond bajadores limpieza en and  now! Needed: Janitorial tos www.steelcontainers. Calves. Call Waco, Temple y las áreas Stocker   workers in Waco, Temple net Will deliver. (254) 722749-0909 (254) circundantes. A partir de (254)   andpor surrounding Burleson, TX.   749-5637 $8 hora. Porareas. favor 4270,  Starting at $8 per hour. llame a nuestra oficina al  TLE MIxED Please776-7775 call our ooffice at G E N  (254) solicite  Motorcycles Cows and (254) 776-7775 or apply B r e e d  en línea en www.janitoriCalves. Call online at www.janitori- Stocker   WE Buy & Repair Un(254) 749-0909 (254)  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 749-5637   JOBS E M P AVAILABLE. L E O S D I Full S - Motorcycles   & Scooters. & part-time jobs¡ Ya available  PONIBLES. están We  Pick-Up (903) 336Livestock now! Needed:  disponibles los Janitorial empleos   9086  workers in Waco, Temple  de tiempo completo y   and surrounding areas. LE MIxED medio! Se necesita: tra- G E N T  Starting per hour. reed Cows and bajadoresatde$8limpieza en B    Please call our office at Stocker Calves. Call Waco, Temple y las áreas  (254) 749-0909 (254) (254) 776-7775 or apply circundantes. A partir de    online www.janitori$8 por at hora. Por favor 749-5637  llame a nuestra oficina al   (254) 776-7775 o solicite Motorcycles  real Estate For en línea en www.janitori Sale WE Buy & Repair Un Broken ATV’s, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full wanted/ huNTING/ INVEST & Scooters. & part-time jobs available Motorcycles  MENT/ RECREATIONAL (903) 336now! Needed: Janitorial We Pick-Up  PROPERTY, Texas Hill 9086 workers in Waco, Temple  Country (Edwards,areas. Me and surrounding nard, Coke County, free  Starting at $8 per hour.  ranging exotics) - South Please call our office at  Texas Duval, Live  (254) (Kinney, 776-7775 or apply   Oak whitetail, onlineCounty, at www.janitori  hogs). Large acreage or   small. 30 year fixed rate realfinancing. EstateOnly For  owner 5%   Sale Down. ranchenterpris-  800-876-9720 huNTING/ INVEST QuALITy BuILT homes MENT/ RECREATIONAL  PROPERTY, Texas on your lot. Floor plansHill to   Country (Edwards, Mefit any budget. No money  nard, Coke County, free down. 100% financing.  ranging exotics) South  Credit repair program.  Texas 857-4663. (Kinney, Duval, Live (254) Oak County, whitetail, Lots/Land/ hogs). Large acreage or small. Acreage 30 year fixed rate   owner financing. Only 5%   Down. ranchenterprisWEST TExAS Trans  800-876-9720 Pecos area, near Lake  Amistad. - 450 homes acres. QuALITy60BuILT  Electricity, water, easy on your lot. Floor plans to  access, whitetail, ja-  fit any budget. Nodove, money velina, cover, views,  down. thick 100% financing.  Credit repair program. canyons. Starting at $650/  (254)979-575-3939 857-4663. west AC.   Lots/Land/


WEST TExAS Trans Pecos area, near Lake Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. Electricity, water, easy access, whitetail, dove, javelina, thick cover, views, canyons. Starting at $650/ AC. 979-575-3939 west-

     

  

 


    

LArGEST DEALEr of $8 por hora. Por favor bank hasal llameforeclosures a nuestra oficina permission to liquidate (254) 776-7775 o solicite inventory fast! Call today en línea en www.janitoriTemple: (254) see what we have for 254-933-3334. RBI Want To Buy you.Want Killeen: (254) 501-7530 To Buy 33073. WE Buy & Repair Un- $0 DOWN on a NEW WE Buy & Repairyou Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Solitaire home when wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. use your land as down Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336- payment. Call for details, We Pick-Up RBI (903) 336Spanish Manufactured 9086 254-933-3334. 33073. Dollar Saver Sunday, September 8, 2019 1 9086 housing 2018 PALM Harbor Appliances Appliances bedroom, 2 bath, E M P L E O S D I S - 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, 3September 8, 2019for IM$39,900. Priced Country PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están MuST NIcE SELL! WAShErS, dry- MEDIATE SELL! 254-933NIcE WAShErS, dryhome with disponibles los empleos cabin ers, style refrigerators, and 3334. RBI 33073. ers, refrigerators, wood accents, 2x6 September de tiempo completo y barn 2 cook Dollar Saver Sunday, 8, 2019 and stoves. Rebuilt cook! stoves. Rebuilt S O L I TA IrE withreal 90wood day warranty. cabinets, WOW medio! Se necesita: tra- walls, with 290 day warranty. Home, bedroom, 2 bath, Delivery,floors, servicelow work, E realDelivery, bajadores de limpieza en plywood service work, wood cabinets, tape need non-working ones. windows. 254-933Waco, Temple y las áreas tilt-in need non-working textured walls,ones. ply(254) 799-6228, (254) and 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, September 8, 2019 (254) 799-6228, (254) RBI 33073. circundantes. A partir de 3334. 214-5284. Temple: (254) wood floors, built like a 214-5284. Temple: (254) HOUSE must sell. 254$8 por hora. Por favor LArGEST 541-6023 DEALEr of 541-6023RBI 33073. 933-3334. llame a nuestra oficina al bank foreclosures has September 8, 2019 2  Dollar Saver Sunday, llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en 778-4444

Spanish Spanish (254) 776-7775 o solicite Spanish en líneaSpanish en www.janitoriE MPLEOS E MPLEOS DIS-

PONIBLES. YaDestán E M P L E Olos S¡¡ empleos ISPONIBLES. Ya están disponibles Want To Buy PONIBLES. ¡ Ya estány disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo medio! Se &necesita: tra-y WEtiempo Buy Repair Unde completo medio! Sedenecesita: trabajadores limpieza eny wanted/ Broken ATV’s, medio! Se trabajadores denecesita: limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas bajadores de &limpieza en Motorcycles Waco, Temple las áreas circundantes. AyScooters. partir de Waco, Temple las áreas circundantes. AyPor partir de Wepor Pick-Up 336$8 hora. (903) favor circundantes. partir de $8 hora. APor favor 9086pora nuestra llame oficina al $8 por776-7775 hora. Por favor llame a nuestra al (254) ooficina solicite llame a nuestra oficina al Appliances (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en www.janitori(254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en en línea en NIcE WAShErS, dryWant To Buy

Want To Buy Buy ers, refrigerators, and Want to

Want BuyUnWE Buy &To Repair cook stoves. Rebuilt WE Buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, with 90 day warranty. WE BuyBroken &&Repair Unwanted/ ATV’s, Motorcycles Scooters. Delivery,Broken service work, wanted/ ATV’s, Motorcycles &(903) Scooters. We Pick-Up 336needPick-Up non-working ones. Motorcycles &(903) Scooters. We 3369086 (254) 799-6228, We Pick-Up (903)(254) 3369086 Appliances 214-5284. Temple: (254) 9086 Appliances 541-6023 Appliances

NIcE WAShErS, dryNIcErefrigerators, WAShErS, and dryers, Employment NIcE WAShErS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt ers, and cookrefrigerators, stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, &need part-time jobs available with 90 day warranty. non-working ones. Delivery, service work, Delivery, service work, now! Needed: Janitorial (254) 799-6228, (254) need non-working ones.  need non-working ones. 214-5284. (254) (254) 799-6228, (254) workers in Temple: Waco, Temple  (254) 799-6228, (254) 541-6023 214-5284. Temple:areas. (254)  and surrounding 214-5284. Temple: (254)  541-6023 Starting at $8 per hour.  541-6023 Employment

Please call our office at  Employment  (254) 776-7775 or apply JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Employment  online at www.janitori& part-time jobs available JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  now! Needed: JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  & part-time jobs Janitorial available


workers in Waco, Temple & part-time jobs Janitorial available now! Needed: JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  and surrounding areas. now! Needed: workers in Waco, Temple & part-time jobs Janitorial available  Starting at $8 per hour. workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas.   now! Needed: Janitorial Please call our per office at and surrounding areas. Starting atWaco, $8 hour.  workers in Temple (254) 776-7775 or apply Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at and online at Please callwww.janitoriour office at (254)surrounding 776-7775 orareas. apply Starting at $8 per hour. (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www.janitoriPlease callwww.janitoriour officeFull at online at JOBS AVAILABLE. (254) 776-7775 or apply  & part-time jobs available JOBS AVAILABLE. Full now! Needed: online at www.janitoriJOBS AVAILABLE. Full & part-time jobs Janitorial available   workers in Waco, Temple & part-time jobs Janitorial available now! Needed:  and surrounding areas. now! Janitorial workers Waco, Temple E M PNeeded: L in EatO Dhour. ISStarting $8S perTemple workers in Waco, and surrounding areas. PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Please call our office at and surrounding Starting at $8 perareas. hour. disponibles los per empleos (254) or apply Starting at $8 hour. Please776-7775 call our office at online at de tiempo completo Please callwww.janitoriour office aty (254) 776-7775 or apply  medio! necesita: tra(254) 776-7775 or apply  online atSewww.janitori E M P LatEde OS D I Senbajadores limpieza online PONIBLES. Waco, lasDestán áreas E M P Temple L E O Sy¡ Ya ISdisponibles circundantes. partir E M P L E Olos SA¡ empleos Destán I SdePONIBLES. Ya de tiempo completo PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están $8 por hora.los Por favory disponibles empleos medio! Se necesita: tra-y disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo llame a nuestra oficina al bajadores denecesita: limpieza en de tiempo completo y medio! Se tra(254) 776-7775 o solicite  Waco, Temple y las áreas medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en  en línea en www.janitoricircundantes. A partir de bajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple las áreas  $8 por hora. yyPor favor  Waco, Temple las áreas circundantes. A partir de llame aAVAILABLE. nuestraA oficina al  JOBS Full circundantes. partir de $8 por hora. Por favor (254) 776-7775 o solicite $8 por hora. Por favor & part-time jobs available llame a nuestra oficina al en línea en www.janitori-

LArGEST DEALEr of bank foreclosures has permission to liquidate inventory fast! Call today to see what we have for you. 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. $0 DOWN on a NEW Solitaire home when you use your land as down payment. Call for details, 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. 2018 PALM Harbor 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $39,900. Priced for IMMEDIATE SELL! 254-9333334. RBI 33073. WOW ! S O L I TA I r E Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, real wood cabinets, tape and textured walls, plywood floors, built like a HOUSE - must sell. 254 933-3334. RBI 33073.

  ADS ADS Employment Employment Employment Farm & ranch Manufactured permission to liquidate  Employment Farm & ranch   Manufactured housing   inventory fast! Call today Manufactured housing  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cuT FErTILIZEr cost,     Dollar Saver Sunday, September 8, 2019 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full cuT FErTILIZEr cost, housing  to2 what we have for   &see part-time jobsCountry available soil, N-TEXX   improves MuST SELL!  & part-time jobs available improves soil, N-TEXX    MuST SELL! Country  now! Needed: Janitorial 15—5-5 with microbacteyou. 254-933-3334. RBI cabin style home with    now! Needed: Janitorial 15—5-5 with microbacteMuST SELL! Country  cabin style home with workers inaccents, Waco, Temple increases germination, 33073.    barn wood 2x6 ria,  workers in Waco, Temple ria, increases germination,  cabin style home with barn accents, 2x6 and wood surrounding areas. and production,    growth   walls, real wood and surrounding areas. growth and production,    $0 DOWN oncabinets, a NEW  barn wood 2x6  Starting ataccents, $8 per hour. $23/acre applied. Dealwalls, real wood cabinets,   plywood floors, low E  Starting at $8 per hour. $23/acre applied. Deal  Solitaire home when you walls, real wood cabinets,  Please call our office at ers needed. Damon Berry plywood floors, low E     tilt-in windows. 254-933 Please call our office at ers needed. Damon Berry    (254) 776-7775 or apply 254-793-2318, 254-702plywood floors, low E use your land as down   tilt-in windows. 254-933   3334. RBIat33073.   (254) 776-7775 or apply 254-793-2318, 254-702    online www.janitori3797.  tilt-in windows. 254-9333334. RBI 33073.  payment. Call for details,   online at www.janitori- 3797.      LArGEST DEALEr of ShIPPING       3334. RBI 33073.  cONTAIN 254-933-3334. RBI 33073.  LArGEST DEALEr of   cONTAINbank foreclosures has     JOBS AVAILABLE. Full ErS $2,000 and up. 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RBI 33073.      2018 PALM Harbor  wood floors, built like a PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están Livestock      RBI 33073.  disponibles los empleos  Livestock   2018 PALM  3254-933-3334. bedroom, 2 Harbor bath, los empleos   HOUSE - mustcompleto sell. 254- y disponibles    de tiempo    2018 PALM Harbor  3933-3334. bedroom, 2 bath,   $39,900. Priced for IM de tiempo completo y    RBI 33073. G E N T L E M I x E D  medio! 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A254-933partir de (254)        circundantes. A partir de (254) 749-0909 (254) 3334. RBI 33073.Por    WOW! SOLITAIrE Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, $8 por hora. favor 749-5637  cuT FErTILIZEr cost,        por hora. Por favor 749-5637    WOW! SOLITAIrE   llame nuestra oficina Home, 2a bedroom, 2 bath, real wood cabinets, tapeal $8   improves soil, N-TEXX   llame a nuestra oficina al    Home, 2776-7775 bedroom, bath, (254) o2solicite  and textured walls, plyreal wood cabinets, tape Motorcycles     15—5-5 with microbacte(254) 776-7775 o solicite   Motorcycles   en línea en www.janitorireal wood cabinets, tape  wood floors, a and textured walls, ply  built  like  en línea en www.janitori ria, increases germination,     WE Buy & Repair Unand textured walls, ply HOUSE must sell. 254wood floors, built like a   WE Buy & Repair Ungrowth and   Broken ATV’s, wood floors, built a wanted/  933-3334. RBIproduction, 33073. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  HOUSE - must 254    JOBS AVAILABLE. Full wanted/ Broken ATV’s,   $23/acre applied. Deal  Motorcycles & Scooters.  HOUSE must sell. 254& part-time jobs available 933-3334. RBI 33073.     & part-time jobs available  Farm & ranch Pick-Up (903) 336- Motorcycles & Scooters.  ers needed. Damon Berry We now! Needed: Janitorial 933-3334. RBI 33073.       now! Needed: Janitorial We Pick-Up (903) 336Farm & ranch 9086     workers in Waco, Temple  254-793-2318, 254-702   in Waco, Temple 9086  cuT FErTILIZEr cost,  Farm & ranch    and surrounding areas. workers  3797.     and surrounding areas.   improves soil, N-TEXX  cuT FErTILIZEr cost, Starting at $8 per hour.         at $8 per hour.  15—5-5 with microbactecuT FErTILIZEr cost,at Starting  ShIPPING cONTAINimproves soil, Please call ourN-TEXX office       call our office at  ria, increases germination,  improves soil, N-TEXX  15—5-5 with microbacte(254) 776-7775 orWind apply Please ErS $2,000 and up.     (254) 776-7775 or apply    growth and production,  15—5-5 with microbacteonline attight. www.janitoriria, increases germination,   and water See pho- online     at www.janitori  $23/acre applied. Dealria, increases germination,  growth and production,    tos www.steelcontainers.    ers needed. Damon Berry growth and production,  $23/acre applied. Deal    real Estate For net Will deliver. (254) 722  254-793-2318, 254-702 $23/acre applied. Dealreal Estate For  ers needed. Damon    Sale  4270, Burleson, TX. Berry  3797. Sale  ers needed. Damon Berry 254-793-2318, 254-702       254-793-2318, 254-702  3797. 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G E  N TL E Mfinancing. IxED Livestock fit any budget. No money       down. 100%   B rEe e dT L CEo wMsprogram. d  down. 100% financing.   Credit repair G N I xaEnD      Motorcycles Credit repair program. Stocker  (254) 857-4663. G Ee N T LCalves. Eow MsI xCall EnDd B r e d C a    (254) 857-4663. (254)   B r e eLots/Land/ d749-0909 C o w s (254) aCall nd Stocker Calves.     749-5637 WE Buy & Repair Un Stocker Calves. Call Lots/Land/   (254) 749-0909 (254)  Acreage  wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  Acreage (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637   Motorcycles Motorcycles & Scooters. 749-5637 WEST TExAS Trans   WEST TExAS Trans 

September 4, 2019 • Page 3

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Page 4 • September 4, 2019

Farm & ranch G EEmployment NTLE MIxED Breed Cows and JOBS AVAILABLE. Stocker Calves. CallFull cuT FErTILIZEr cost, & part-time jobs available soil, Saver: N-TEXX (254) 749-0909 (254) improves American Dollar Dollar Saver Sunday, S now! Needed: Janitorial 15—5-5 with microbacte749-5637 (254) 501-7530 workers in Waco, Temple ria, increases germination, and Livestock surrounding areas. growth and production, Starting at $8 per hour. $23/acre applied. DealPlease call our office at ers needed. Damon Berry G E N T776-7775 L E M I or x Eapply D 254-793-2318, 254-702(254) Bonline r e e d atCwww.janitorio w s a n d 3797. Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) ShIPPING cONTAINJOBS AVAILABLE. Full ErS $2,000 and up. Wind 749-5637 & part-time jobs available and water tight. See phonow! Needed: Janitorial tos www.steelcontainers. Motorcycles workers in Waco, Temple net Will deliver. (254) 722and surrounding areas. 4270, Burleson, TX. WE Buy Repair UnStarting at& $8 per hour. wanted/ Broken ATV’s,at G E N T L E M I x E D Please call our office Motorcycles & Scooters. (254) 776-7775 or apply B r e e d C o w s a n d We Pick-Up (903) 336Stocker Calves. Call online at www.janitori9086 (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 EMPLEOS DISHouses Mobile Homes/ PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están ADS ADSLivestock Lots/Land disponiblesfor losRent empleos de tiempo completo y T LE MIxED medio! Se necesita: tra- G E N    r e e d Cows and  bajadores de limpieza en B         Calves. Call  Temple y las áreas Stocker  real Estate For Waco,       749-0909 (254) circundantes. A partir de (254)  Sale      749-5637 $8 por hora. Por favor      huNTING/ INVEST-  llame a nuestra oficina al     MENT/ RECREATIONAL (254)  776-7775 o solicite  Motorcycles  Easy commute to Cove,      PROPERTY, Texas Hill en línea en www.janitori    Killeen or Gatesville.   ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! Me!! 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Priced for IM-     NIcE WAShErS, dry- MEDIATE    SELL! 254-933 WEST TExAS Trans  ers, refrigerators, and 3334.    RBI 33073.   Pecos area, nearRebuilt Lake     cook stoves.       WOW! SOLITAIrE Amistad. - 450 acres.    with 9060day warranty.         Electricity, water, easy Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath,      Delivery, service work,      access, whitetail, dove, ja- real wood cabinets, tape    need non-working ones.        velina, thick cover, views, textured walls, ply-    (254) 799-6228, (254) and    Starting at $650/  canyons. floors, built like a    214-5284. Temple: (254) wood  west- HOUSE 979-575-3939 must sell. 254 AC.  541-6023  933-3334. RBI 33073.

Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al    (254) 776-7775 o solicite      en línea en www.janitori        JOBS AVAILABLE. Full     & part-time jobs available      now! Needed: Janitorial      workers in Waco, Temple   ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !  and surrounding areas.   Land, Investm ent    Starting at Estate $8 per hour. P roperties, and Real   Business P roperties.   Please call our office at  David Barr P roperties    for Sale (254) 776-7775 or apply ( 254) 526-2277 ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !    www.davidbarrproper Land, Investm ent online at www.janitori  ties.c om   P roperties, and      Business P roperties.     David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper  ties.c om 

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! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277

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olicite permission to liquidate nitori- inventory fast! Call today to see what we have for Temple: (254) RBI 778-4444   you. 254-933-3334. uy  33073. Killeen: (254) 501-7530    rUn- $0 DOWN on a NEW   TV’s, Solitaire home when you    oters.    use your land as down  336- payment. Call for details,  254-933-3334. RBI 33073.  2018 PALM Harbor s  3 bedroom, 2 bath,  $39,900. Priced for IM dry- MEDIATE SELL! 254-933 and 3334. RBI 33073.  built  WOW!  SOLITAIrE anty.   2 bedroom, 2 bath, ork, Home,  wood cabinets, tape nes. real   textured walls, ply254) and  wood floors, built like a  254)   HOUSE - must sell. 254  933-3334. RBIRanch 33073.  Farm & Farm & Ranch


nt 

 Farm & ranch 

. Full cuT FErTILIZEr cost,  ilable improves soil, N-TEXX

torial mple reas. hour. ce at apply  itori-


15—5-5 with microbacteria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry 254-793-2318, 254-702 3797.  ShIPPING cONTAINErS  $2,000 and up. Wind  and water tight. See pho tos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 722 4270, Burleson, TX.

. Full ilable  torial mple reas. hour.   MIxED ce  at GENTLE  apply B r e e d C ow s a n d  itori- Stocker Calves. Call  (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637  DI S están  Livestock pleos   y eto MIxED  a: tra- GENTLE C ow s a n d za en B r e e d   Calves. Call áreas Stocker  (254) tir de (254) 749-0909  favor 749-5637  ina al  olicite Motorcycles  nitori WE Buy & Repair Un. Full wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ilable Motorcycles & Scooters. torial We Pick-Up (903) 336  mple 9086 reas.  hour. ce at  apply Transportation itori-


For 

   

ESTONAL  Hill  Me-  free   South    , Live etail, ge or  d rate

Front-End rEplacEmEnts

September 4, 2019 • Page 5

 

  

Farm & Ranch $

starting at



Turn Over Gooseneck Ball Hitch

Installed Starting at


Grill Guards

Installed Starting at

SK Truck Bed


Short Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ............... $4,450 Long Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes................. $4,650 Dually w/4 Boxes ..................................................... $4,900 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................. $4,950 84" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes .............................. $5,375 Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation

kEmpnEr EquipmEnt

800-932-2461 • 2403 E. Hwy. 190 8.7 Miles West of "Old Location" or .5 miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart



Huge FALL equIPmenT cOnSIgnmenT AucTIOn

sat., september 14 • 10:00am





YOU MAY BRING A UTV/GOLF CART TO RIDE AROUND DURING ThE AUCTION. 

TERMS & CONDITIONS:  10% BP • CASH • NO CHECKS OVER $1500 W/O BANK LETTER • VISA/MC (+4%) 

CONCESSIONS & LOADER AVAILABLE  BRING YOUR TRAILERS  TO THE SALE. H PREVIEW: THURSDAY & FRIDAY 8AM-6PM H  WE SELL RAIN OR SHINE! Go to to view Video, Photos and List

Professionally Managed & Auctioneered by:

Bill Hall Auctioneer, Inc.

P.O, Box 339, Salado, Texas LIC & BONDED SINCE 1981

254-760-1156 TXS 6949

Page 6 • September 4, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 501-7530

Brick/ Concrete

Building/ Remodeling

September 4, 2019 • Page 7

Business Opportunity

Building/ Remodeling

Concrete Services

Crafts & Gifts

Dollar Saver Sunday, Tree September 8, 2019 3 Tree Service Service


Yardwork/ Landscaping


 Fireplace Svc.

                


  

Massage/ Health/ Fit.

Scrap Metal Clean-Up

Tree Service


      Foundation 


Concrete Services

 

     


  

Yardwork/ Landscaping

Page 8 • September 4, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

Pets(254)931-1650. & Livestock ....79 appraisal .....................134 Approx. 4plug). miles south of Feed &Realtors Pasturing ..........................172 arm with....................294 NORTHSIDE. Cute 2BR, For $151,031. Price on Food Products................................184 Motorcycles Sale Pam LaShelle sq.ft. sq.ft. office office and and warehouse warehouse Salesperson Wanted........................134 Quiet neighborhood. Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical TOWNHOMES AT 1BA. $125,000, $8,000 Goods................................186 down,

dvertising FIND IT

FURNISHED EFFICIEN512-217-2070 offHold StateHarmless Hwy 95. Must sign space. space.w/garage, Located Located on on corner corner Holland Pets ................................................230 ....80 ....................135 yard, appliMusical Goods................................186 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 ...................120 W/D3/2connections. $750/$600 254-228-6473.Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 CIES.RIVER Flat Screen TVs, Jobs Wanted ..................................135 lot lotances, in in Mayborn, downtown downtown Temple. Temple. 120 Acres with 2 springs, Agreement before huntyard service. AlFAIR Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 406 Temple. Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 ....81 Sporting Goods ..............................187 SporttakeUtility ....................................297 ..................123 most new. 626B Kacie, Off-street Off-street parking. parking. Free: Cable, 4BR, 2BA, metal roof, 4 ac- Full Kitchen. 254-913-8808 creek and lots of trees ing. ial BELTON 5thCall to Canyon Creek to Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Motors ................................188 Financial Livestock ........................................232 Call 254-774-5204 254-774-5204 off 190 and 1670 ....82 res fenced, Boats, Trucks, Vanswith &Patio Pickups..................298 Merchandise Internet. Boats, BillsMotors Paid.................................188 No TEMPLE70 Covers, acres corn field Patio Covers, Decks, Decks, Metal Metal and of Hold HarmHartrick to Kacie. 1407 N. Ignore 15th St. License in Belton, 76513. Best offer! ment •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Roofing, Roofing, Remodeling, Remodeling, GenGen....................146 Google $995/mo, $800 Automobiles For Salemaps. ....................299 Building ..........................190 Lease/ No Deposit. Notes, Stocks, BondsMaterials ....................146 adjoining 50 acres of Agreement must be Beautiful, remodeled 3/2/2, less or 760-8847 ....83 254-760-8942 Building Materials ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Automotive eral eral Repairs. Repairs. 20 20 years years local. local. RENT$2,000 deposit. Call Mickey @ vers ............130 Furniture, New & Used ..................179 Ch&A, hardwood floors, Ranch House Inn JUST JUST BUILT BUILT OUT OUT cover. checked before any huntJohn John 254-598-8303, 254-598-8303, call call anyanyBluebonnet Properties $1100 rent plus deposit. Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items ......................180 Diana White OFFICE OFFICE SPACE! SPACE! time time 773-0114 ..................131 $55.00 per day per person ing begins. 254-776-3090 Read the Classified section to find ......................181 Available now! 730 Two Two spaces: spaces: 730254-721-1784 sq. sq. ftft ofof713.859.2952 Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances Agent. (2 hunts...amparking and pm. Designated only. fice; fice; $1,100; $1,100; all all bills bills paid paid ..................132 Chappell Hill Reality that just rightMerchandise itempond, you’re water looking for. ....................183 and and ........................292 570 570 sq. sq. ftft office; office; $875; $875; Heavy Duty Trucks Wanted RULES: have valid For info Must & bookings call 30 ACRES, nal..............133 Group all all bills bills paid. paid. Both Both brand brand Make your ad stand out Larry meter. Owner Finance hunting license (withRSVP fire254-644-5978. Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Call today, someone is looking for new new build build outs: outs: Ag exempt. Owner/ agent ....................134 arm with plug). PINA PINA Tree TreeSEASON Trimming, Trimming, 3320 3320 Pecan Pecan Valley, Valley,2BA, NORTHSIDE. Cute 2BR, ONLY from the3BR, rest! 2019 DOVE RENOVATED LaShelle Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 OAKS APTS. OFFICE SPACE whatPam you have to sell! Realtors Find it fast? HOLLY Temple. Temple. 254-760-2995 254-760-2995 DOVE SEASON RENOVATED 3BR, 2BA, ch&a, 1BA.2019 Quiet neighborhood. TOWNHOMES AT ...................135 512-217-2070 Must sign Hold Harmless Mowing, Mowing, Edging, Edging, CleanCleanw&d connections, BOOK NOW! ASK FOR W/D connections. $750/$600 1BR/1BA & stove, Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 ch&a,RIVER w&d upstairs connections, BOOK NOW! refrigerator, dish- Opening LEASE Agreement before hunting, ing, FOR Rake Rake Leaves, Leaves, FAIR Weekend is 406 Mayborn, Temple. Dollar Saver Classified al downstairs. Washer and stove, refrigerator, dishBOLDING fenced yard. offices, Oneis ing. Trucks, Vanswasher, & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Lovely Lovely furnished furnished offices, 254-913-8808 Recently refurbished 3,500 Opening Weekend Lawncare, Lawncare, Private Private Fence, Fence, Day” weekend BELTON dryer. parking. car garage, fireplace.starting No “Labor executive executive suites, suites, starting washer,Covered fenced yard. One sq.ft. office and warehouse ..................146 Building Materials ..........................190 Call Classified License and Hold Taking Harmand and 1stconcrete concrete work. work. Automobiles For ....................299 “Labor Day” & 2nd). $195 $195Sale month, month, flexible lease, lease, TEMPLE1407 flexible N. weekend 15th St. (Sept. allowed. 2309A car •3bed/2.5bath/2gar garage, No pets Water paid.fireplace. Appointspace. Located on corner less must be Beautiful, remodeled 3/2/2, bookings includes includes1st utilities. utilities. Free FreeAgreement Estimates. Estimates. now for “Day 778-4444 Hill Drive. $800 (Sept. & 254-935-2392 2nd). Taking lot in downtown Temple. $2,000 2309A Bunker pets RENTallowed. ments 773-4787. Ch&A, RealStar hardwood floors, RealStar 254-935-2392

averFIND IT • 778-4444 (254) 778-4444 PHONE



(254) 771-3516

deposit. bookings now “Day BunkerDiana Hill White Drive. $800 month, $1100 rent$800 plus for deposit. Available Availablepaid. now! 254-721-1784 month, 713.859.2952 $800 deposit. Water Hunts”. This includes August 15th. Call Satur-a Agent. Water paid.Hill Reality Available day Chappell anytime 12:00, morning huntafter and evening dition. August 15th. after 1:00, weekGroup Call Satur- Sunday Make your ad stand outLohunt for RSVP ONLY. Owner Finance. Lovely 3/2, 2019 DOVE SEASON RENOVATED 3BR, 2BA, Call today, someone is looking for day anytime after 12:00, days after 4pm brick, workshop, 1/2 acre, ch&a, w&d connections, catedfrom on Pecan School the rest! BOOK NOW! (254)931-1650. Sunday after 1:00,APTS. weekappraisal $151,031. Price HOLLY OAKS what you have to$8,000 sell! Find it down, fast? stove, ly 3/2, $125,000, refrigerator, dishRoad around Holland, Tx. Opening Weekend is days after 4pm FURNISHED EFFICIENASK FOR 1BR/1BAfenced upstairs & acre, 254-228-6473. washer, yard. One 3/2 w/garage, yard, appli(254)931-1650. Day” weekend Maint. Financial Cont’d. Merchandise Cont’d. Approx. 4 miles south CIES. Flat Screen ances, BOLDING yard service. Al- of PriceCont’d Dollar Saver Classified car garage, fireplace. No “Labor downstairs. Washer TVs, and most new. 626B Kacie,Hwy take 95. (Sept. 1stoff & State 2nd). Taking down, 4BR, Kitchen. Free:Trees, Cable, 2BA, Loans..............................................147 metal roof, 4 ac- Full FURNISHED EFFICIENpets allowed. 2309A Holland ....................84 Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 dryer. Covered parking. 3/2 w/garage, yard, appli5th Call to Canyon Creek to“Day Classified res fenced, off 190 and 1670 Internet. forsprings, Bunker Hill Drive. $800 bookings Billsservice. Paid. Screen TVs,Investments 120 Acrestonow with Water paid. AppointHartrick Kacie.2 Ignore ances,....148 yard Al-No Software......................192 ....................85 Real Estate Computers, inCIES. Belton,Flat 76513. BestLoans, offer! month, $800 deposit. Hunts”. This includes a 778-4444 Google maps. $995/mo, Lease/ No Deposit. ny4 lomost new. 626B Kacie, take 254-760-8942 or 760-8847 ments 773-4787. Free: Cable, ac- Full Kitchen. creek andCalllots of $800 trees ...................86 Water Available New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business ......................193 deposit. Mickey @ morning hunt and evening 5th topaid. Canyon Creek to Equipment Ranch House InnSaturndition. 1670 Internet. Bills Paid. No August 15th. Call Bluebonnet Properties with 70 acres of corn field Hartrick to Kacie.Auctions, Ignore All Types ....................87 ........................194 hunt for RSVP ONLY. Looffer! 773-0114 Farm & Ranch dayGoogle anytime after 12:00, 254-776-3090 BINGO maps. $995/mo, $800 Lease/ No Deposit. adjoining 50 acres of cated on Pecan School ....................88 Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 Sunday after 1:00, weekdeposit. Call Mickey @ VFW Post #4008 Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 y 3/2, Ranch House Inn cover.around Road Holland, Tx. days Bluebonnet afterProperties 4pm Misc. ....................89 30 ACRES, pond, water Machinery, & Heavy..............196 acre, Products ....................171 (254)931-1650. 773-0114 $55.00 per day per person meter. Dairy, OwnerFarm Finance Approx. 4Belton miles south of 254-776-3090 Price Lic Licoff #1-74-6066507-2 #1-74-6066507-2 Ag exempt. agent ..........................172 PetsNORTHSIDE. Livestock FeedOwner/ & EFFICIENPasturing Holland State 95. ondown, FURNISHED (2& and pm.2BR, CuteHwy 3/2 w/garage, yard, appliWED. WED. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS Pam LaShelle Realtors CIES. Flat TVs, ....................174 1BA. Quiet neighborhood. TOWNHOMES 120 Acres with 211am springs, ances, yard service. AlDoors Doors Open Open 11am PetsAT ................................................230 FieldScreen Seeds, Fertilizer 512-217-2070 RULES: Must have valid ter .................120 W/D connections. $750/$600 new. 626B Kacie, take Session Session Starts Starts 12:30pm 12:30pm 4 ac- Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, creek and lots of trees ce RIVER Poultry Farm Equipmentmost ..............175 hunting license (with fire406FRI. Mayborn, Temple. 5th to CanyonFAIR Creek to ............................................231 FRI. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS .................123 dgent 1670 Internet. Wanted, Bills Paid. No with 70Doors acres of corn 254-913-8808 Hartrick to Kacie. Ignore2BR,........................................232 Doors Open Open 5pm 5pm field offer! arm with plug). Livestock NORTHSIDE. Cute BELTON ors Merchandise Google maps. $995/mo, $800 Session Session Starts Starts 6:30pm 6:30pm of No Deposit. adjoining 50 acres ent Lease/ Quiet neighborhood. TOWNHOMES AT 1BA. TEMPLEN. Harmless 15th St. Must sign1407 Hold deposit. Call Mickey @ SUNDAY SUNDAY AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Ranch HouseNew Inn & Used ..................179 Automotive cover. Furniture, W/DBluebonnet connections.Properties $750/$600 Beautiful, remodeled 3/2/2, Doors Doors Open Open 4pm 4pm hunters ............130 RIVER RENT$2,000 Agreement before FAIR Ch&A, hardwood floors, 773-0114 406 Mayborn, Temple. $55.00 per day per person 254-776-3090 Session Session Starts Starts 5:30pm 5:30pm Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items ......................180 $1100 rent plus deposit. Diana White 254-913-8808 .................131 LARGE LARGE ing. (2 and pm. BELTON Read the Classified to find ......................181 Available now! 254-721-1784 Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goodssection & Appliances NON-SMOKING NON-SMOKING ROOM ROOM 713.859.2952 License and Hold .................132•3bed/2.5bath/2gar RULES: have Harmvalid Agent. er Hot HotMust Food Food Available Available TEMPLE1407 N. 15th St. Chappell Hill Reality Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Merchandise Wanted ....................183 ce that just right item you’re looking for. Maximum Maximum Pay Pay Out Outfirehunting license (with be Beautiful, remodeled 3/2/2, less Agreement must nal..............133 gent RENT$2,000 Group Motorcycles Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Ch&A, hardwood floors, Make your ad stand arm with plug). Cute 2BR, For checked before any out huntrs CallTOWNHOMES today,Diana someone is lookingATfor NORTHSIDE. ..................134 $1100 rent plus deposit. White 1BA. Quiet neighborhood. sign Hold Harmless Recreational Must Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 from the rest! ing begins. to find what youRIVER W/D connections. Available now!$750/$600 254-721-1784 ..................135 HOLLY OAKS APTS. Agreement have to sell!FAIR Find it fast?..............................187 713.859.2952 before hunt406 Mayborn, Temple. Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods Agent. Designated parking only. ASK FOR 1BR/1BA upstairs & 254-913-8808 Reality alking for. Chappell DollarBELTON SaverHill Classified Trucks, Vansing. &For Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 infoBOLDING & bookings call downstairs. Washer and License and Hold HarmGroup TEMPLE1407adN. 15thout St. MakeCovered your stand •3bed/2.5bath/2gar .................146 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 Larry 254-644-5978. RSVP dryer. parking. king for Agreement must be Beautiful, remodeled 3/2/2, less Call Classified RENT- $2,000 Water paid. AppointCh&A, from hardwood floors, checked ONLY before any huntthe rest! 778-4444 $1100 773-4787. rent plus deposit. HOLLYDiana OAKS White APTS. ments ttofast? find 1BR/1BA now!FOR 254-721-1784 ing begins. ASK 713.859.2952 upstairs & Available Agent. Designated parking only. ding for. downstairs. Chappell Hill Reality Washer and BOLDING For info & bookings call Group MakeCall yourClassified ad stand out Larry 254-644-5978. RSVP ng for dryer. Covered parking. RENOVATED 2019 DOVE SEASON 3BR, Water paid. Appointfrom theconnections, rest! 2BA, ONLY ** AVON AVON ** Buy Buy or or Sell Sell ** OAKS APTS. ch&a, w&d BOOK NOW! fast? HOLLY 778-4444 ments 773-4787. stove, refrigerator, dishASK FOR 1BR/1BA upstairs &

Cash for Houses. Any loRead the Classified section to find Any lo- cated or any condition. 325-650-5900 that just right item you’re looking for.

254) 778-4444

Ask For Classified


(254) 778-4444


(254) 778-4444



yard. One downstairs. Washer and washer, fenced BOLDING car garage, fireplace. No dryer. Covered parking. pets Call allowed. Classified2309A Water paid. Appoint- Bunker Hill Drive. $800 778-4444 month, $800 deposit. ments 773-4787. ny loWater paid. Available ition. August 15th. Call Saturday anytime after 12:00, Sunday after 1:00, weeky 3/2, days after 4pm acre, (254)931-1650. Price down, FURNISHED EFFICIEN3/2 w/garage, yard, appliCIES. Flat Screen TVs, ances, yard service. Almost new. 626B Kacie, take 4 ac- Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, 5th to Canyon Creek to 1670 Internet. Bills Paid. No Hartrick to Kacie. Ignore offer! Google maps. $995/mo, $800 Lease/ No Deposit. deposit. Call Mickey @ Ranch House Inn Bluebonnet Properties 773-0114 254-776-3090

er e ent rs

o find ng for. ng for ast?

TOWNHOMES AT RIVER FAIR BELTON •3bed/2.5bath/2gar RENT- $2,000 Diana White 713.859.2952 Chappell Hill Reality Group HOLLY



NORTHSIDE. Cute 2BR, 1BA. Quiet neighborhood. W/D connections. $750/$600 406 Mayborn, Temple. 254-913-8808 TEMPLE- 1407 N. 15th St. Beautiful, remodeled 3/2/2, Ch&A, hardwood floors, $1100 rent plus deposit. Available now! 254-721-1784 Agent.

Make your ad stand out from the rest!

(254) 778-4444 CALL DOLLAR SAVER

(254) 778-4444

checked before any hunt771-2191, 771-2191, 718-9765 718-9765 Off-street parking. Hunts”. This includes a ing begins. Call 254-774-5204 morning hunt and evening Designated parking hunt for RSVP ONLY.only. LoFor info &Pecan bookings call cated on School JUST BUILT OUT OFFICEHolland, SPACE! Larry 254-644-5978. RSVP BATHTUB BATHTUB REFINISHING REFINISHING Road around Tx. spaces: 730 sq. ofin in Two home. home. Repairs Repairs on onftporceporceONLY Approx. miles of 30 $1,100; all south billsOver paid lain lainfice; and and4 fiberglass. fiberglass. Over 30 OFFICE SPACE and 570 sq. ft office; $875; Holland offbusiness. State Hwy 95. years years in in business. Call Call Dale Dale all bills paid. Both brand FOR LEASE 721-3658. 721-3658. 120 Acres springs, newwith build2outs: Recently refurbished 3,500 3320 Pecan creek and lots Valley, ofwarehouse trees sq.ft.Temple. office and 254-760-2995 with 70 acres of corn space. Located on field corner lot in downtown adjoining 50 acresTemple. of Off-street furnished parking. Lovely offices, cover. Call 254-774-5204 executive suites, starting $55.00 day flexible per person $195 per month, lease, utilities. (2includes and pm. JUST BUILT OUT RealStar 254-935-2392 SPACE! RULES:OFFICE Must have valid Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofhunting (with firefice;license $1,100; all bills paid sq. ft office; $875; arm and with570 plug). all bills paid. Both brand Must sign Hold new buildHarmless outs: 3320 Pecan Valley, Agreement before CL&L CL&LTemple. Trucks Trucks is is hunthiring hiring 254-760-2995 ing. CDL CDL drivers. drivers. Home Home every every License and Hold Harm36 36 hours. hours. Competitive Competitive Lovely furnished offices, executive suites, starting less Agreement mustHealth be package package includes: includes: Health $195 month, flexible lease, checked before any huntinsurance, insurance, paid paid vacation, vacation, includes utilities. RealStar 254-935-2392 ing begins. company company 401k. 401k. Bi-annual Bi-annual Designated only. raises, raises, parking guaranteed guaranteed For info &week bookings $700.00 $700.00 week min. min. call Must Must BINGO Larry 254-644-5978. RSVP be be 25 25 years years of of age, age, with with aa VFW Post #4008 ONLY minimum minimum of of 22 years years exp. exp. Beltonask 254-527-3342, 254-527-3342, ask for for LicLacey. #1-74-6066507-2 Rob Rob or or Lacey.

CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444


WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm 6:30pm What WhatSession you you get getStarts when when you you advertise advertise SUNDAY AFTERNOONS BINGO in in the the Classified Classified pages pages4pm of of the the Doors Open VFW Post #4008 DOLLAR DOLLAR SAVER. SAVER. Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE Belton Get Get Results! Results! Call Call Today! Today! NON-SMOKING ROOM Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Hot Food Available WED. AFTERNOONS Maximum Pay Out Doors Open 11am

(254) 778-4444 RESULTS... (254) 778-4444

Session Starts 12:30pm and 570 sq. ft office; $875; Apply Apply direct: Session Starts 12:30pm and 570 sq. ftdirect: office; $875; FRI. AFTERNOONS all bills paid. Both brand allFRI. bills paid. Both AFTERNOONS Age Age Industries Industries Doors Open 5pmbrand new outs: new build build outs: Doors Open 5pm Starts 6:30pm 3320 Pecan Valley, 801 801Session Industrial Industrial Park Park Rd, Rd, 3320 Pecan Valley, Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Temple. 254-760-2995 Temple. 254-760-2995 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Belton. Belton. EOE Doors OpenEOE 4pm DoorsStarts Open 5:30pm 4pm Session Session Starts 5:30pm Lovely furnished offices, LARGE Lovely furnished offices, LARGE executive suites, starting NON-SMOKING ROOM executive suites, starting NON-SMOKING ROOM $195 month, flexible lease, Food Available $195 Hot month, flexible lease, Hot Food Available includes utilities. Maximum Pay Out includes utilities. Maximum Pay Out RealStar 254-935-2392 RealStar 254-935-2392

quired. quired. For For more more info info call call CL&L is hiring or or come come Trucks by by 4651 4651 E. E. FM 487, 487, CL&L Trucks is FM hiring Schwertner, Schwertner, 254-527-3342. 254-527-3342. CDL drivers. Home every CDL drivers. Home every PINA Tree Trimming, 36 PINAhours. Tree Competitive Trimming, 36 hours. Competitive Mowing, Edging, CleanMowing, Edging, Cleanpackage includes: Health Aries Aries Building Building Systems Systems package includes: Health ing, Rake Leaves, ing, Rake Leaves, insurance, paid vacation, insurance, paid vacation, Modular Modular Building Building Lawncare,401k. Private Fence, Lawncare, Private Fence, company Bi-annual company 401k. Bi-annual NOW NOWconcrete HIRING HIRING for for the the and concrete work. and work. raises, guaranteed raises, guaranteed Free Estimates. following following positions: positions: Free Estimates. $700.00 week min. Must $700.00 week min. Must 771-2191, 718-9765 771-2191, 718-9765 •Engineer •Engineer Manager be 25 years ofManager age, with a be •Purchase 25 years of age, with a •Purchase Manager minimum of 2Manager years exp. minimum of 2 years exp. 254-527-3342, ask for •Electrician •Electrician 254-527-3342, ask for Rob or Lacey. •Plumber •Plumber

OPERATOR OPERATOR 439 439 Water Water Supply Supply CorpoCorporation ration has has aa full full time time poposition sition available available for for TCEQ TCEQ Rob or Lacey.REFINISHING BATHTUB REFINISHING BATHTUB •Carpenter Class Class C C License License distribudistribu- in inCLASS-A home.•Carpenter Repairs on porceporceCDL DRIVER home. Repairs on OFFICE SPACE OFFICE SPACE lain and fiberglass. Over lain and fiberglass. Over 30 30 •Buyer •Buyer tion tion operator. operator. AND BOBTAIL years in in business. business.DRIVER Call Dale Dale years Call FOR LEASE LEASE •Welder •Welder This This FOR position’s position’s primary primary 721-3658. NEEDED. Recently is refurbished 3,500 What you Recently refurbished 3,500 get when you advertise •Painter •Painter Apply direct: function function is the the operation operation get when youofadvertise sq.ft. office office and and warehouse warehouse What in the you Classified pages the sq.ft. Age Industries •Forklift •Forklift Driver Driver and and maintenance of of aa in the Classified pages of the DOLLAR SAVER. space.maintenance Located on on corner corner space. Located DOLLAR SAVER. 801 Industrial Park Rd, Get Results! Call Today! •Material •Material Handler Handler purchased purchased water water Temple. distridistrilot in in downtown downtown Temple. lot Get Results! Call Today! Belton. EOE Off-street parking. * AVONparking. * Buy or Selllines, * •Siding •Siding Installer Installer bution bution system system lines, Off-street (254) 778-4444 * AVON * meters. Buy or Sell Metal * BINGO Call 254-774-5204 Call 254-774-5204 Patio Covers, Decks, (254) Apply Apply in in778-4444 person person atMetal valves, valves, and and meters. Patio Covers, Decks,at Metal Patio Covers, Decks, busybees 254-654-1621 Roofing, Remodeling, Gen- Roofing, VFW Postresume #4008 Remodeling, GenRemodeling, busybees 254-654-1621 1919 1919 Mueller Mueller Road RoadGenPlease Please send send resume to to Roofing, eral Repairs. 20 years local. eral Repairs. Repairs. 20 20 years years local. local. eral Belton Troy, Troy, Texas Texas 76579 76579 John 254-598-8303, call anyJUST BUILT BUILT OUT OUT JUST John 254-598-8303, call anyJohn 254-598-8303, call anyLic #1-74-6066507-2 time OFFICE SPACE! OFFICE SPACE! timeor or email: email: aharris@ aharris@ or or WED. contact contact 439 439 Water Water time OPERATOR AFTERNOONS Two spaces: spaces: 730 sq. sq. ftft ofofTwo 730 Doors Open 11am Supply Supply Corporation Corporation at 439 Water Supply Corpofice; $1,100; all12:30pm bills paid paidat CLASS-A CDL DRIVER fice; $1,100; all bills Session Starts CL&L Trucks hiring and 570AFTERNOONS sq. ftft office; office; $875;at Full Fullhas time timea positions, positions, 254-933-2133 254-933-2133 or or visit visit at ration and 570 sq. $875; AND BOBTAIL DRIVER FRI. full is time poall bills bills paid. Both brand Doors Open 5pm CDL drivers. Home every all paid. Both brand NEEDED. great great benefits, benefits, backlog backlog 6202 6202 Sparta Sparta Rd Rd Belton, Belton, sition available for TCEQ new Starts build outs: Session 6:30pm new build outs: 36 hours. Competitive PINA Tree Trimming, Apply direct: AFTERNOONS of of work. work. TX TX SUNDAY 76513. 76513. PINA C Tree Trimming, 3320 Pecan Valley, Class License distribuPINA Tree Trimming, 3320 Pecan Valley, package Health Doors Open 4pmCleanMowing, Edging, Ageincludes: Industries Temple. 254-760-2995 Temple. 254-760-2995 Mowing, Edging, Cleantion operator. Mowing, Edging, CleanSession Starts 5:30pm insurance, paid vacation, 801 Industrial Park Rd, ing, Rake LARGE Leaves, This position’s primary ing, Rake Leaves, 401k. Bi-annual ing, Rake Leaves, • 1,250 square feet ofcompany off ice space Belton. EOE NON-SMOKING American American Spincast Spincast Lawncare, PrivateROOM Fence, Lovely furnished offices, function isspace theguaranteed operation Lawncare, Private Fence, raises, Lovely furnished offices, Hot Food Available • 1,250 square feet of off ice Lawncare, Private Fence, Patio Covers, Decks, Metal foot is is looking looking to to hire hire full full and 6,450 warehouse/ executive suites, starting and concrete work. Maximum Paysquare Out executive suites, starting of a and maintenance concrete work. Roofing, Remodeling, Gen- and $700.00 week min. work. Must and concrete $195and month, flexible lease, $195 month, flexible lease, 6,450 square time time experienced experienced Saw Saw Free Estimates. eral Repairs. 20 years local. foot be 25warehouse/ years of age, with a production area purchased water distriincludes utilities. Free Estimates. includes utilities. Free Estimates. John 254-598-8303, call anyCutter. Cutter. Must Must be be able able to to 771-2191, 718-9765 minimum of 2 years exp. RealStar 254-935-2392 Read the Classified section to find area bution system timeproduction RealStar 254-935-2392 771-2191, 718-9765 lines, 771-2191, 718-9765 • Loading dock read readOPERATOR tape tape measure; measure; 254-527-3342, ask for and meters. that just right item you’re looking for. valves, 439 Water Supply CorpoRob or Lacey. • Loading dock ability ability to to lift lift and and carry carry Rob or Lacey. Please send resume to ration has a full time po• Large garage Call today, someone is lookingdoors for 50 50 lbs.; lbs.; outstanding outstanding atatsition available for TCEQ • Large garage doors PINA Tree Trimming, BATHTUB REFINISHING tendance tendance record. record. Must Must what you have to sell! Find itoff fast?-street or contact 439distribuWater • Convenient customer Class C License BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs porce- BATHTUB REFINISHING Mowing, Edging,on Cleanbe able ableCorporation to to pass pass drug drug tion operator. at in be home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 Supply • Convenient off-street customer DollarRake Saver Classified in home. Repairs on porceparking What you get when you advertise ing, Leaves, What you get when you advertise lain and fiberglass. Over at 30 test. test.and Benefits Benefits available. available. This position’s primary years in business. Call Dale 254-933-2133 or visit lain fiberglass. Over 30 in pages the in the the Classified Classified pages of ofCall the Dale Lawncare, Private Fence, function years in business. parking 721-3658. is in the Apply in person person yearsApply in business. Call Dale DOLLAR SAVER. 6202 Sparta Rdoperation Belton, • High visibilitywork. location in downtown DOLLAR SAVER. 721-3658. and concrete 721-3658. and maintenance of Get Results! Today! 2505 2505 Taylors Taylors Valley Valley Rd, Rd, a Get Results! Call Call Today! TX 76513. Free Estimates. • High visibility location in downtown Temple with access from Central purchased water distri** AVON ** Buy Belton Belton AVON718-9765 Buy or or Sell Sell ** (254) 778-4444 771-2191, (254) 778-4444


Rentals Rentals




(254) 778-4444

PART PART TIME TIME POSITIONS POSITIONS 439 Water Corpowhat have toSupply sell! Find itit fast? ration full powhat you you has have Findtime fast?and available available at attoa growing growing and ration has aaasell! full time poestablished established business. business. Must Must sition available for TCEQ Dollar Saver Classified sitionDollar available for record; TCEQ Saver Classified have have clean clean driving driving record; Class C C License License distribudistribuClass held held aa valid valid Texas Texas drivers drivers tion operator. operator. tion license license for for at at least least 33 years. years. This position’s primary Great Great part time time income income for for This part position’s primary teachers teachers or or bus bus drivers. drivers. function is the operation function is the operation Stop Stop by by any any Frost Frost Driving Driving and maintenance of and maintenance of a a School School location location to to complete complete purchased water between distripurchased water distrian an application, application, between bution system system lines, lines, 3pm-7pm. 3pm-7pm. bution valves, and and meters. meters. valves, Please send resume WATER WATER OPERATOR OPERATOR Please send resume to to Dog Dog Ridge Ridge WSC WSC has has aa or contact 439 Water orCLASS-A contact 439 Water YARD HANDS NEEDED full-time full-time position position availaavailaCLASS-A CDL DRIVER CDL DRIVER Supply Corporation at at busy cattle company in ble ble for forBOBTAIL water water operator. operator. AND BOBTAIL DRIVER AND DRIVER Schwertner, Experi254-933-2133TX. or visit at TCEQ TCEQ class class C C license license ence a plus but not reNEEDED. NEEDED. 6202 Sparta Rd info Belton, quired. For but more call preferred preferred but not not rereApply direct: Apply direct: TXcome 76513. or by 4651 E. FM 487, quired, quired, willing willing to to train train Age Industries Schwertner, 254-527-3342. Age Industries

(254) (254) 778-4444 778-4444

•Purchase Manager tendance record. Must Truck Truck Driver Driver tendance record. Must •Electrician •Electrician be able to pass drug (Service (Service Technician) Technician) be able to pass drug •Plumber •Plumber test. Benefits available. test. Benefits available. •Carpenter •Carpenter Apply in person Must Must have have Class Class BB •Buyer Apply in person •Buyer 2505 Taylors Valley Rd, CDL CDL with with Tanker Tanker and and •Welder 2505 Taylors Valley Rd, •Welder Haz-Mat Haz-Mat•Painter Endorsements. Endorsements. Belton Belton •Painter •Forklift Driver •Forklift Driver Duties Duties will will include: include: •Material Handler Handler •Fuel •Fuel •Material and and Service Service Heavy Heavy •Siding Installer Construction Construction Equipment Equipment •Siding Installer •Minor •Minor Equipment Equipment Repairs Repairs Apply in person person at Apply in at •Assist •Assist Mechanics Mechanics 1919 Mueller Road Road Mueller •Work •Work1919 in in Shop Shop and and Troy, Texas 76579 Troy, Yard Texas 76579 Equipment Equipment Yard as as needed needed or email: aharris@ or Call email: aharris@ Call 254-760-1855 254-760-1855 NOW HIRING! YARD HANDS NEEDED YARD HANDS NEEDED at busyTemple cattleTemps company in in at busy cattle company W. positions, Ave Schwertner, TX.M ExperiExperiSchwertner, TX. Full 315 time ence a plus but not reence plus butbacklog not reHVAC HVAC CONTROLS TECH, TECH, greataCONTROLS benefits, PART TIME POSITIONS quired. For For more more info call call quired. info entry entry level level position, position, one of 4651 work. available at a4651 growing and or come come by E. FM FMone 487, or by E. 487, established business. preMust year year experience experience preSchwertner, 254-527-3342. Schwertner, 254-527-3342.

September 4, 2019 • Page 9


Skiles sales sales a ful W a ful W the part part Dog the Dogin Corye ply ply i Corye full-t is $15SS ams, ams, full-t is $15 exper ble exper ble fered. fered. TCEQ career TCEQ career qualifi prefe prefe qualifi quire quire the Journe Journ the rr needed neede fer fer c c tric. tric. 2 gene gene ple. ple. Ca C Ridg Ridg alcoh alcoh Must Must ing, Con chec 55 55 ye ye Exp clean for for pp PART PART tion. tion. may avail availa Alzhei Alzhei lafond (S estab estab COPD COPD 7480 have have keepin keepin held ton, held Please Please licens CD @ @licens 25 25 Grea Great your your i CDL Hain teachf and teach Stop Salad Stop Duties leave Schoo Schoo •Fuel back an an Constr 3pm-7 3pm-7 •Minor Skiles •Assis a ful Con W •Work the W Corye Exp Equipm Dog

Employm Employm


have clean driving record; the the right right person. person. We WeRd, ofof- ferred. 801 Industrial Park Rd, 801 Industrial Park ferred. Travel Travel required. required. Spincast held American a valid Texas drivers fer fer competitive competitive pay pay and and Call Belton. EOE EOE Belton. Call 254-913-9496 254-913-9496 Aries Building Systems license for at least 3 years. is looking to hire full Aries Building Building Systems Systems Aries part time income generous generous benefits. Dog Great time experienced Sawfor Modularbenefits. BuildingDog Modular Building Modular Building teachers or bus drivers. Ridge Ridge WSC is is aasection drug drug and Cutter. Must be for able to Read theWSC Classified toand find Stop NOW HIRING for the by any Frost NOW HIRING the NOW HIRING forDriving the SPJST SPJST readlocation tape measure; alcohol-free alcohol-free workplace. workplace. to complete thatfollowing just right itempositions: you’re looking for. School following positions: following positions: Insuring Insuring and and Enriching Enriching application, to lift and between carry Must Must pass pass drug drug screenscreen- an ability Manager •Engineer Manager OPERATOR Call•Engineer today, someone is looking for 3pm-7pm. Manager OPERATOR 50•Engineer lbs.; outstanding Lives Lives Since Since 1897 1897 ating, ing, criminal criminal background background NOW HIRING! YARD HANDS NEEDED •Purchase Manager •Purchase Manager 439 Water Supply Corpotendance record. Must •Purchase Manager 439 Water Supply CorpoTemple Temps BUILDING BUILDING JANITOR JANITOR whatbusy you have to must sell! Findhave it fast? in at cattle company check, check, and and must have aa WATER OPERATOR 315 Ave M druglife Schwertner, Experi•Electrician ration •Electrician has aa TX. full time time po- SPJST be able to pass SPJST aa W. fraternal fraternal life •Electrician ration has full poSaver Classified clean clean driving record. record. You You ence Dollar adriving plus but not reDog Ridge WSC has •Plumberfor TCEQ insurance insurance company company seeks seeks a aa test. Benefits available. •Plumber sition available available Dog •Plumber sition quired. For more for infoTCEQ call qualified PART TIME POSITIONS $15 qualified individual individual for for the the is may may submit submit resume resume to: to: position availa•Carpenter Apply in or comeC 4651 E. distribuFM 487, full-time available at a person growing and exper full-t •Carpenter Class License full-t •Carpenter Class CbyLicense distribuposition position of of part part time time night night Schwertner, 254-527-3342. (S established business. Must fered. or or ble forTaylors water operator. •Buyer 2505 Valley Rd, janitor. janitor. Duties Duties and and qualifiqualifiNight Warehouse ble •Buyer tion operator. have clean•Buyer driving record; caree ble tion operator. Belton 7480 7480 FM FM 2410, 2410,primary BelBel- cation TCEQ class CWarehouse license •Welder cation include: include: ability ability to to HVAC held a Night valid Texas drivers qualif TCE •Welder This 6position’s position’s – 12 Months Warehouse Ex TCE This primary maintain maintain aa•Welder cleaning cleaning schedAries Building license forand/or atbut leastDistribution 3 schedyears. preferred not re- entry •PainterSystems ton, ton, TX TX 76513. 76513. C pref •Painter function is the operation Great manage partand/or timeinventory income for 6 – is 12the Months Warehouse Distribution Ex ule, ule, manage inventory of of prefe Scheduled Assigned Times including Weekends and •Painter function operation Modular Building Ha quired, willing to drivers. train •Forklift Driver teachers or bus year all all supplies, supplies, work work indeindequir •Forklift Driver and maintenance of aTimes Scheduled Assigned including Weekends and to Stand, Walk, Reach and Lift Repeatedly through NOW HIRING for the quire •Forklift Driver and maintenance of a Red Red Stop by any Frost Driving CDL CDL Drivers Drivers Wanted, Wanted, Part Part pendently, pendently, follow follow all allWe safety safety the right person. of- ferre •Material Handler Duties School location to the verado verad •Material Handler purchased water distriand and full full time, time, positions: 2459 2459toFM FM 2268 2268 following to Stand, Walk, Reach and Lift Repeatedly through between 10 35 pounds and up toHandler 80complete pounds occa the regulations. regulations. Some Some experiexperi•Material purchased water distrifer and •Siding Installer •Fuel an competitive application, pay between 4WD 4WD Call Salado, Salado, TX TX 254-657-0043 254-657-0043 ence ence preferred, preferred, but but not not Pre-E •Engineer Manager fer 2c •Siding Installer bution system lines, Constr 3pm-7pm. between 10 to 35 pounds and up to 80 pounds occa fer in Multi-Temperature Environments ● Pass •Siding Installer bution system lines, Great Great generous benefits. Dog leave leaveApply message message for for at call call necessary in person necessary for for the the right right •Mino •Purchase Manager gene Apply in person at valves, and meters. 254-984 254-984 back back gene Apply in person at valves, and meters. in Multi-Temperature Environments candidate. candidate. Must be● Pass organorgan•Assis Ridge WSCMust is a be drug and Pre-E 1919 Mueller Road WATER OPERATOR Ridg 1919have Mueller Road to Please•Electrician send resume resume to to ized ized and and have the the ability ability to •Work Ridg 1919 Mueller Road Please send alcohol-free workplace. Troy, Texas 76579 Dog Ridge WSC has a •Plumber Equip DryGroup Selector is $17.35 Cooler / set priorities priorities and and meet meet Skiles Skiles Group is is looking lookingPay for for set alco Troy, Texas 76579 Insu Troy, Texas Must pass drug76579 screenor email: aharris@ full-time position availa•Carpenter deadlines. Submit Submit resume resume alco full-time full-time Laborer Laborer to to join join deadlines. Dry Selector Pay is $17.35 /L Mus or email: aharris@ or contact 439team Water and application application to tooperator. PO POCooler Box Box Must the the construction construction teamWater at at and aharris@ or contact 439 ble or foremail: water •Buyer ing, criminal background Qualifi edPay Candidates can apply at 100, Temple, Temple, TX, TX, license 76503, 76503, Coryell Coryell Health. Health. Pay range range ing,B Supply Corporation at 100, TCEQ classmust C •Welder ing, WANT WANT Supply Corporation at check, and have a Full time positions, HVAC Attn:Full Human Human Resources. Resources. is is254-933-2133 $15-$20 $15-$20 per per hour hour based based on on SPJST chec Qualifi ed Candidates can at timeapply positions, and apply prior to orbacklog visit at Attn: for for ctc preferred but not re•Painter chec entry Full time positions, 254-933-2133 or visit at clean driving record. You great benefits, Applications Applications may may be be comcomexperience. experience. Benefits Benefits are are ofofinsura impro impro cleat great benefits, backlog 6202 •Forklift Sparta Rd Belton, Belton, quired, willing to train Driver pleted on on apply line line at at availa fered. fered. Please email email pleted and prior to year qualifi may submit resume to: clean ofPlease work. great benefits, backlog 6202 Sparta Rd availa EEO Stateme Application Application the right of person. We of•Material Handler ifif may work. TX 76513. 76513. ferre or positio may of work. TX deadline deadline 09/13/2019. 09/13/2019. qualified qualified and and interested. interested. janitor Performance Food Group and/or its subsidiaries (in2 fer competitive pay and •Siding Installer EEOBelStateme Call lafon 7480 FM 2410, cation lafond generous benefits. Dog Apply in person at provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all American Spincast Performance Food Group and/or its subsidiaries (in 7480 maint ton, TX 76513. 7480 Ridge WSC is Spincast a drug and pregn American Mueller Road ule, race, color, sex, marital status, is 1919 looking to national hire full origin, American Spincast provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all ton, ton, all alcohol-free Troy, Texas 76579 is looking looking toworkplace. hire full full Fertil Fertil time experienced Saw origin, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran is to hire CDL Drivers Wanted, Part race, color, national sex, marital status, pregn Insu pende Must pass drug screenor email: aharris@ time experienced Saw and full time, 2459 FM 2268 creas creas CDL Cutter. Must be able to by applicable tected local, state and feL regula time experienced Saw veteran religion, age, disability, genetic information, CDL ing, criminal background TX 254-657-0043 and f ence Cutter. Must be able to to tion tion read tape measure; Read thetime Classified section findbySalado, B and Cutter. Must be able leave message for call check, and must have a and Full positions, tected applicable local, state fe Salad Read the Classified section toto find necess SPJST read tape measure; Salad crops crops ability to item lift you’re and carryfor. back leave clean driving record. You candid read tape measure; great benefits, backlog that justright right looking insura leave that just item you’re looking for. ability to lift and carry back ized a soil, 50 lbs.; outstanding atqualif may submit resume to: soil, of work. ability to lift carry back set Group is and looking for provi Call today, someone someone looking for Skiles positio 50 lbs.; outstanding atprovi tendance record. Mustfor or deadli Call today, isis looking 50 lbs.; outstanding full-time Laborer to join janito Night Warehouse Skile Night Warehouse tendance Must 7480 FM record. 2410, Belbeyou able pass Skiles for pa cation what havetototo sell! sell! Finddrug fast? the and construction team at for a fup tendance record. Must American Spincast what youBenefits have Find itit fast? 6 – 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution maint atheEx ful 100, Coryell Health. Pay range produ ton,be TXable 76513. to pass drug test. available. produ 6 – 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Ex ule, is looking toClassified hire full Times be including able pass drug on Attn: Dollar Saver the is $15-$20 perto hour based Scheduled Assigned Weekends and Corye Dollar Saver Classified test.including Benefits available. all Apply in person esse Scheduled Assigned Weekends and Applic experience. Benefits are Part of- esses Corye time experienced Saw Times CDL Wanted, test.Drivers Benefits available. is $1 pende to Walk, Reach and Lift Repeatedly through pleted fered. Please is $15 Apply in2459 person 2505 Taylors Valley and full time, FMemail 2268 $23.0 $23.0 to Stand, Stand, Reach and Lift Repeatedly through Cutter. Must Walk, be ableRd, to exper regula Apply into person if www.s exper between 10 to 35 pounds and up 80 pounds occ Salado, TX 254-657-0043 ence fered Belton 2505 Taylors Valley Rd, read tape measure; Con Co between 10 to 35 pounds and up toValley 80 occ qualified and interested. leave message forpounds call deadli fered 2505 Taylors Rd, necess caree in Multi-Temperature Environments ● Pass Pre-E ability to lift and carry back Belton 254-4 254-4 caree in Multi-Temperature Environments candid quali Belton ● Pass Pre-E ized 50 lbs.; outstanding atqualif appa Skiles Group is looking for setapp


Wednesday, September 4 f Wednesday, September 4 f Thursday, September 5 fr Thursday, September 5 fr Performance Food Performance Food 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Te (254)4141 778-4444Lucius McCelvey, Te



bution system lines, Temple access from Central Avenue with and 7th Street valves, and meters. Avenue and 7th Street Wednesday, Please send Employment resume to busybees 254-654-1621 busybees 254-654-1621


Great space. Great location. Rentals BINGO BINGO or contact 439 Water Great space. Great Read the location. Classified section to findat VFW Post Post2547745204 #4008 Supply Corporation VFW #4008 254-933-2133 or looking visit for. at 2547745204 thatPROPERTY just right item you’re Belton COMMERCIAL Belton

BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.

September 4 Thursday, September Thursday, September 5 5 fr fr Performance Food Performance Food 4141 4141 Lucius Lucius McCelvey, McCelvey, Te Te


6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Call 76513. today, someone is looking for Lic #1-74-6066507-2 TX WED. AFTERNOONS WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open is 11am what you have to sell! Find it fast? CL&L Doors Trucks hiring Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm Session Starts 12:30pm CL&L Trucks is hiring CDL drivers. Home every 1,250 square feet of ofCL&L offDollar ice space Saver Classified FRI. AFTERNOONS Trucks is hiring •• 1,250 square feet off ice space FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm CDL warehouse/ drivers. Home every 36 and hours. Competitive 6,450 square foot Doors Open 5pm CDL drivers. Home every Session Starts 6:30pm and 6,450 square warehouse/ 36 hours. Competitive package includes: Health foot Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 36 hours. Competitive production area AFTERNOONS SUNDAY package includes: Read the Classified section Health to find insurance, production Doorspaid Open vacation, 4pmarea package includes: Health DoorsStarts Open 4pm Session 5:30pm company Bi-annual insurance, paid vacation, that just right itempaid you’revacation, looking for. • Loading Loading dock Session401k. Startsdock 5:30pm insurance, LARGE • raises, guaranteed company 401k. Bi-annual LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Call today, someone looking for 401k.isBi-annual NON-SMOKING ROOM Large garage doorscompany $700.00 min. Must Hotweek Food Available raises, guaranteed tendance record. Must •• Large garage doors Hot Food Available what you have to sell! Find it fast? raises, Maximum Pay Out Laborer toCooler join deadli CL&L Trucks is hiring Dry Selector Pay athe isfull-time $17.35 / be 25 Maximum years of Pay age,Out with a $700.00 weekguaranteed min. Must Dry be able to pass drug Selector Pay is $17.35 Cooler construction team at and / • Convenient Convenient off -street customer $700.00 week min. Must CDL drivers. every Dollar SaverofClassified minimum of 2Home years exp. Coryell Health. Pay range 100, • off -street customer be 25 years age, with a test. Benefits available. 36 parking hours. Competitive be 25 years of age, with a is $15-$20 per hour based on Attn: Qualifi Candidates can Benefits apply at www.p 254-527-3342, ask for minimum of 2 years exp. Apply ined person experience. of- Applic parking Qualifi ed Candidates can applyare at www.p package includes: Health minimum of 2 years exp. 2505 fered. and Please Rob or Lacey. Taylors Valley Rd, apply email prior pleted to t 254-527-3342, ask for insurance, paid vacation, •• High High visibility location in downtown and apply prior to t if www.s 254-527-3342, ask for Belton visibility location in downtown Rob or Lacey. qualified and interested. deadli company 401k. Bi-annual EEO Stateme Rob or Lacey. Temple with access from Central raises, guaranteed EEO Stateme Temple with access from Central Performance Food Group and/or its subsidiaries (in Avenue $700.00 week and min. 7th MustStreet Performance Food Group and/or its subsidiaries (in Avenue and 7th Street provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all be 25 years of age, with a provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all What you get when you advertise race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, pregn minimum of pages 2 years in the Classified of the exp. race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, pregn Night Selectors What you get whenWarehouse you advertise religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran 254-527-3342, ask for DOLLAR SAVER. What you get when youofadvertise religion, age, disability, genetic information, in the Classified pages the RobGet or Lacey. 6Results! – 12 Call Months and/or Distribution Experience ● tected Must Be to Work the stateveteran by Able applicable local, and fe Today! Warehouse in the Classified of the DOLLARpages SAVER. tected by applicable local, state and Two Two fe Scheduled Assigned Times including Weekends and Holidays and Required Overtime ● Able DOLLAR SAVER. Get Results! Call Today! (254) 778-4444 brown brown Get Results! Call Today! size size to* Stand, Walk, and Lift Repeatedly throughout shift ● Able to Lift and Stack Product AVON * Buy or SellReach * recline reclin * AVON * Buy or Sell * between 10you to advertise 35 pounds and up to 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shift ● Able to Work classic classi What you get when 254-654-1621 busybees estal estal in the Classified pages of the in Multi-Temperature Environments ● Pass Pre-Employment Drug Test and Background busybees 254-654-1621 chairs chairs DOLLAR SAVER. ble. ble. 25 25 Get Results! Call Today!


- Temple, Texas

FIND IT (254) 778-4444


(254) 778-4444 778-4444 (254) Employment Employm Wednesday, September 4 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Employm Thursday, September (254) 778-4444 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Performance Foodservice DC RESULTS... Employment 4141 Lucius RESULTS... McCelvey, Temple, Texas, 76504- Temple

Opening is busybees busybees Weekend 254-654-1621 254-654-1621 Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS “Labor Day” weekend Doors Open 5pm (Sept. 1st & 2nd). Taking Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS bookings now for “Day Doors Open 4pm Hunts”. This includes a Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE morning hunt and evening NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available hunt for RSVP ONLY. LoMaximum Pay Out cated on Pecan School Road around Holland, Tx. Approx. 4 miles south of Holland off State Hwy feet 95. of office space • 1,250 square 120 Acres with 2 springs, AVON * Buy or Sell * and 6,450 square warehouse/ creek and lots of trees foot* with production 70 acres of cornarea field busybees 254-654-1621 (254) 778-4444 (254) 778-4444 adjoining 50 acres of • Loading dock cover. $55.00 per day per person Large garage (2 • and pm. doors * AVON * Buy or Sell * 778-4444 Pay is $17.35 Dry(254) Selector Cooler / Freezer Selector Pay is $17.85 RULES: Must have valid • Convenient off -street customer busybees 254-654-1621 hunting license (with firearm parking with plug). Qualified Candidates can apply at search by Temple Washe Washe Must sign Hold Harmless TV, TV, c and apply prior to the job fair 254.314 254.314 Night Warehouse Selectors Agreement before hunt• High visibility location in downtown •from 1,250Central square feet of office space ing. 6 – 12 Months ● Must Be Able EEO Warehouse Statement and/or Distribution Experience Temple with access Night Warehouse License and Hold HarmNight Warehouse Times including or Weekends andthe Holidays and Required and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ •Performance 1,250 square feet ofScheduled off ice space Food Group and/or itsAssigned subsidiaries (individually collectively, “Company”) 6 – 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution E less Avenue Agreementand must7th be Street • 1,250 square feet of offStand, ice space to Walk,(EEO) Reachtoand Lift throughout regardless shift ● Able and 6 – Repeatedly 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution E production area provides equalsquare employment opportunity all applicants and employees, ofto Lift5-ton, Scheduled Assigned Times including Weekends an and 6,450 foot warehouse/ checked before any hunt5-ton, between 10 tostatus, 35 pounds and up sexual to Assigned 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shif Night Warehouse Selectors Scheduled Times including Weekends and pump pump and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ race, color, national origin, sex, marital pregnancy, orientation, gender identity, ing begins. to Stand, Walk, Reach and Lift Repeatedly through production area includ includ •• Loading dockfeet of religion, in6Multi-Temperature Environments ● Pass Pre-Employment Drug Test an 1,250 square off ice space – information, 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Experience Must Beone Able to status, Stand, Walk, Reach and Liftup Repeatedly through Designated parking only. age, disability, veteran and other characteristic one production area genetic between 10 toany 35 pounds and to ● 80propounds occ GREA GREA Scheduled Assigned Times including Weekends and Holidays and Required and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ For info & bookings call 10 to 35regulations. pounds and up to 80●pounds occ tected by applicable local, state and between federal laws and • Loading dock • Large garage doors in Multi-Temperature Environments Pass Pre-E text text (2 (2 to Stand, Walk, Reach andinLift Repeatedly throughout shift ● Able to Lift an Larry 254-644-5978. RSVP production area • Loading dock Multi-Temperature ● Pass Pre-E Dry Selector Pay is $17.35 CoolerEnvironments / Freezer Selector P ONLY garage doors between 10 to 35 pounds and up to 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shif • Convenient off-street• Large customer • Loading dock • Large garage doors in Multi-Temperature Environments ● Pass Pre-Employment Drug Test an



RESULTS... Great Great space. space. Great Great location. location. 2547745204 2547745204 RESULTS...


Wednesday, September 4 from 1- Temple p.m. to Wednesday, September 5 from 9 a.m. to Wednesday, September 44 Rentals Thursday, September Rentals Thursday, SeptemberDC fr Performance Foodservice Thursday, September 55 fr COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Performance Foo Wednesday, 4 from 1Texas, p.m. to COMMERCIAL PROPERTY PROPERTY 4141 LuciusSeptember McCelvey, Temple, 7 Performance Foo FOR LEASE Rentals COMMERCIAL Thursday, September 5 from 9 a.m. to 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Te FOR LEASE LEASE 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Te FOR


COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE Great space. Great location. 2547745204


Performance Foodservice DC 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Temple, Texas, 7

RealStar 254-935-2392 includes utilities. RealStar 254-935-2392

Page 10 • September 4, 2019

BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton


Recently Recently refurbished refurbished 3,500 3,500 sq.ft. sq.ft. office office and and warehouse warehouse space. space. Located Located on on corner corner lot lot in in downtown downtown Temple. Temple. Off-street Off-street parking. parking. Call Call 254-774-5204 254-774-5204 JUST JUST BUILT BUILT OUT OUT OFFICE SPACE OFFICE OFFICE SPACE! SPACE! Two Two spaces: spaces: 730 730 sq. sq. ft ft ofofFOR LEASE fice; fice; $1,100; $1,100; all all bills bills paid paid

and and 570 570 refurbished sq. sq. ft ft office; office; $875; $875; Recently 3,500 all all bills bills paid. paid. Both Both brand brand sq.ft. office and outs: warehouse new new build build outs: 3320 3320 Pecan Pecan Valley, Valley, space. Located on corner Temple. 254-760-2995 254-760-2995 lot inTemple. downtown Temple. Off-street parking. Lovely LovelyCall furnished furnished offices, offices, 254-774-5204 OFFICE SPACE executive executive suites, suites, starting starting


$195 $195 month, month, flexible flexible lease, lease, includes includes utilities. utilities. RealStar RealStar 254-935-2392 254-935-2392 JUSTrefurbished BUILT OUT 3,500 Recently

OFFICEand SPACE! sq.ft. office warehouse Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofspace. Located on paid corner fice; $1,100; all bills lotandin 570downtown sq. ft office;Temple. $875; all bills parking. paid. Both brand Off-street new254-774-5204 build outs: Call

3320 Pecan Valley, Temple. 254-760-2995 JUST BUILT OUT SPACE!offices, Lovely OFFICE furnished Two spaces: 730 sq. starting ft ofexecutive suites, $1,100; flexible all bills paid $195fice; month, lease, and 570 sq. ft office; $875; includes utilities. allRealStar bills paid.254-935-2392 Both brand BINGO BINGO new build outs: VFW VFW Post PostValley, #4008 #4008 3320 Pecan Temple. 254-760-2995 Belton Belton Lic Lic #1-74-6066507-2 #1-74-6066507-2 WED. WED. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS

Doors Open Open 11am 11amoffices, Lovely Doors furnished Session Session Starts Starts 12:30pm executive suites,12:30pm starting FRI. FRI. AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS $195 month, flexible Doors Doors Open Open 5pm 5pm lease, includes utilities. Session Session Starts Starts 6:30pm 6:30pm RealStarAFTERNOONS 254-935-2392 SUNDAY SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Doors Open Open 4pm 4pm Session Session Starts Starts 5:30pm 5:30pm LARGE LARGE NON-SMOKING NON-SMOKING ROOM ROOM Hot Hot Food Food Available Available Maximum Maximum Pay Pay Out Out

BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton

Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm OFFICE SPACE FRI. AFTERNOONS FOR Doors LEASE Open 5pm Sessionrefurbished Starts 6:30pm3,500 Recently SUNDAY AFTERNOONS sq.ft. office and warehouse Doors Open 4pm space.Session Located on corner Starts 5:30pm Licdowntown #1-74-6066507-2 lot in Temple. LARGE WED. AFTERNOONS Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Patio Patio Covers, Covers, Decks, Decks, Metal Metal Off-street parking. NON-SMOKING ROOMGenRoofing, Roofing, Remodeling, Remodeling, GenDoorsAFTERNOONS Open 11am WED. Hot Food Available eral eralSession Repairs. Repairs. 20 20 12:30pm years years local. local. Call 254-774-5204 Starts Doors Open 11am John John Maximum 254-598-8303, 254-598-8303, call call anyPay Out FRI. AFTERNOONS Starts 12:30pm anytime timeSession Doors Open 5pm FRI. AFTERNOONS JUST OUT Session Starts DoorsBUILT Open6:30pm 5pm OFFICE SPACE! SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Session Starts 6:30pm Two spaces: 730 4pm sq. ft ofDoors Open SUNDAY AFTERNOONS fice; $1,100; all bills Session Starts 5:30pm Doors Open 4pmpaid PINA PINA Tree Tree Trimming, Trimming, andSession 570 sq. ft office; $875; LARGE Starts 5:30pm Mowing, Mowing, Edging, Edging, CleanCleanall bills paid. Both brand NON-SMOKING ROOM LARGE ing, ing,NON-SMOKING Rake Rake Leaves, Leaves, new build outs: Hot Food Available ROOM Lawncare, Lawncare, Private Private Fence, 3320 Pecan Valley, Pay OutFence, Hot Food Available Patio Maximum Covers, Decks, Metal 254-760-2995 Maximum Pay Outwork. and andTemple. concrete concrete work. Roofing, Remodeling, GenFree Free Estimates. Estimates. eral Repairs. 20 years local. 771-2191, 771-2191, 718-9765 718-9765 John 254-598-8303, call anyLovely furnished offices, time executive suites, starting $195 month, flexible lease, includes utilities. *RealStar AVON * Buy or Sell * 254-935-2392 BATHTUB BATHTUB REFINISHING REFINISHING in in home. home. Repairs Repairs on on porceporcePatio Covers, Decks, Metal busybees 254-654-1621 lain lain and and fiberglass. fiberglass. Over Over 30 30 PINA Tree Trimming, years years in in business. business. Call Call GenDale Dale Roofing, Remodeling, Mowing, Edging, Clean721-3658. 721-3658. eral Repairs. 20 years local. John 254-598-8303, call anying, Rake Leaves, time Lawncare, Private Fence,









BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton


OFFICE AND AND BOBTAIL BOBTAIL DRIVER DRIVER CL&L TrucksSPACE is hiring NEEDED. NEEDED. BINGO LEASE CDL FOR drivers. Home every Apply Apply direct: direct: BINGO Recently 3,500 VFW Post #4008 36 hours. Competitive Age Agerefurbished Industries Industries VFWBelton Post #4008 sq.ft. and Park warehouse package includes: Health 801 801 office Industrial Industrial Park Rd, Rd, space. Belton. Located EOE on corner Belton Belton. insurance, paidEOE vacation, lot in downtown Temple. companyparking. 401k. Bi-annual Off-street raises, guaranteed Call 254-774-5204 Patio Covers, Decks, Metal CLASS-A CDL DRIVER CL&L Trucks is hiring $700.00 week min. Must Roofing, Remodeling, GenCL&L Trucks is hiring OPERATOR OPERATOR AND BOBTAIL DRIVER CDL drivers. Home every eral Repairs. 20 years local.a be 25drivers. years ofHome age, with JUST BUILT OUT CDL every 439 439 hours. Water Water Supply Supply CorpoCorpoJohn 254-598-8303, call anyNEEDED. 36 Competitive minimum 2SPACE! years OFFICE time ration ration has hasofaadirect: full full time timeexp. popo36 hours. Competitive Apply package includes: Health Two spaces: 730 sq. ft of-for 254-527-3342, ask sition sition available available for for TCEQ TCEQ package includes: Health fice; $1,100; all bills paid Age Industries insurance, paid vacation, Rob or Class Class C CLacey. License License distribudistribuand 570 sq. ft office; $875; insurance, paidPark vacation, 801 Industrial Rd, company 401k. Bi-annual tion tion operator. all operator. bills paid. Both brand company 401k. Bi-annual Belton. EOE new buildguaranteed outs: raises, This This position’s position’s primary primary CLASS-A DRIVER PINA Tree Trimming, 3320 Pecan Valley, raises, guaranteed function function is isCDL the the operation operation $700.00 week min. Must Temple. 254-760-2995 AND BOBTAIL DRIVER Mowing, Edging, Cleanand and maintenance maintenance of of aaa $700.00 week min. Must be 25 years of age, with NEEDED. purchased purchased water water distridistriing, Rake Leaves, What you get when you advertise be 25 years of age, with minimum of 2 years exp.a bution bution system system lines, lines, Lovely furnished offices, in the Classified pages of Fence, the Apply direct: Lawncare, Private minimum of 2 years exp. 254-527-3342, ask for executive suites, starting valves, valves, and and meters. meters. OPERATOR DOLLAR SAVER. work. Age Industries and concrete 254-527-3342, ask lease, for $195 month, flexible Rob or Lacey. Please Please send send resume resume to to Get Results! Call Today! 439 Water Supply Corpo801 Industrial Park Rd, includes utilities. Free Estimates. Rob or Lacey. ration has a full time poRealStar 254-935-2392 (254) 778-4444 Belton. EOE 771-2191, 718-9765 or or contact contact 439 439 Water Water sition available for TCEQ Supply Supply Corporation Corporation at at Class C License 254-933-2133 254-933-2133 or ordistribuvisit visit at at tion 6202 6202operator. Sparta Rd Belton, Belton, What youSparta get whenRd you advertise What you get when you advertise TX TX 76513. in the76513. Classified pages ofprimary the This position’s BATHTUB REFINISHING in the Classified pages of the DOLLAR SAVER. OPERATOR function is the operation in home. Repairs on porceDOLLAR SAVER. Get Results! Call Today! and concrete work. lain 439 and Water Supply Over Corpofiberglass. and of 30a Getmaintenance Results! Call Today! years business. Dale Free* AVON * BuyEstimates. or Sell * rationin(254) has a778-4444 full Call time popurchased water distri721-3658. * AVON * Buy or Sell * 771-2191, 718-9765 (254)system 778-4444 sition available for TCEQ bution lines, busybees 254-654-1621 PINA Tree 254-654-1621 Trimming, Class Read Read the theCand Classified Classified section section toto find find busybees License distribuvalves, meters. Mowing, Edging, Clean- tion that thatjust just right right item itemyou’re you’re looking lookingfor. for. operator. Please send resume to ing, Rake Leaves, This position’s primary Call Call today, today, someone someone isis looking looking for for • 1,250 square feet of off ice space Lawncare, Private Fence, BATHTUB REFINISHING function istotothe operation or contact 439 what what you you have have sell! sell! Find Find ititWater fast? fast? CL&L CL&L Trucks Trucks is hiring in home. Repairs is on hiring porceand concrete work. BINGO BINGO and 6,450 square and warehouse/ maintenance Supply CDL CDL drivers. drivers. Home Home every every lain and fiberglass. Over 30 foot Dollar DollarCorporation Saver SaverClassified Classifiedof ata Free Estimates. PostCompetitive VFW Post #4008 years in business. Call Dale 254-933-2133 or#4008 visit at purchased water distri36 36VFW hours. hours. Competitive production area 721-3658. 771-2191, 718-9765 package packageBelton includes: includes: Health Health 6202 Rd Belton, butionSparta system lines, Belton insurance, insurance, paid paid vacation, vacation, TX 76513. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Licand #1-74-6066507-2 valves, meters. • Loading dock company company 401k. 401k. Bi-annual Bi-annual WED. AFTERNOONS WED.send AFTERNOONS Please resume to raises, raises, guaranteed Doors Openguaranteed 11am Doors Open 11am Large garage doors Sessionweek Starts 12:30pm Session Starts 12:30pm • 1,250 square feet ofCL&L off ice space $700.00 $700.00 week min. min. Must Must Trucks is hiring BATHTUB REFINISHING FRI. AFTERNOONS FRI. AFTERNOONS • 1,250 square feet of off ice space be be 25 25 years years of of age, age, with with aa or contact 439 Water in and home. Repairs on porce- foot Doors Open 5pm Doors Open 5pm every 6,450 square warehouse/ CDL drivers. Home minimum minimum of of 22 years years exp. • Convenient offexp. -street customer Supply Corporation at lain and fiberglass. Over 30 foot Session Starts 6:30pm Session Starts 6:30pm and 6,450 square warehouse/ hours. Competitive 254-527-3342, 254-527-3342, ask ask for for 36 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS SUNDAY AFTERNOONS years in business. Call Dale production area 254-933-2133 or visit at parking includes: Rob Rob or or Lacey. Lacey. Read the Classified to find Doors Open 4pmarea package Doors Opensection 4pmHealth 721-3658. production 6202Session Sparta Rd Belton, Session Starts 5:30pm Starts insurance, paid 5:30pm •• Loading dock location that 76513. justin rightdowntown item you’revacation, looking for. LARGE LARGE TX High visibility • Loading dock company 401k. NON-SMOKING ROOM NON-SMOKINGBi-annual ROOM Call today, someone is looking Hot Food Available Hot Food Available raises, guaranteed Temple with access from Central •What Large garage doors Maximum Pay Out for Maximum Pay Out What you you get get when when you you advertise advertise • Large garage doors $700.00 week Must what you have to sell!min. Find it fast? CL&L Trucks isofof the hiring in in the the Classified Classified pages pages the Avenue and 7th Street be 25customer years ofClassified age, with a • Convenient off -street DOLLAR DOLLARHome SAVER. SAVER. CDL drivers. every Dollar Saver • Convenient off-street customer Get Get Results! Results! Call Call Today! Today! 36 parking hours. Competitive minimum of 2 years exp. ask for (254) (254) 778-4444 778-4444Health 254-527-3342, parking package includes: Read the Classified section to find Rob orinLacey. insurance, paid vacation, • High visibility location downtown

Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY ** AVON AVON AFTERNOONS ** Buy Buy or or Sell Sell ** Doors Open 4pm busybees busybees 254-654-1621 Session Starts254-654-1621 5:30pm LARGE Lic #1-74-6066507-2 company 401k. Bi-annual NON-SMOKING ROOM WED. AFTERNOONS Hot Food Available raises, guaranteed Doors Open 11am Maximum Out Session StartsPay 12:30pm $700.00 week min. Must CL&L Trucks is hiring FRI. AFTERNOONS be 25 years of age, with a Doors Open 5pm CDL drivers. Home every minimum of 2 years exp. Session Starts 6:30pm 36 hours. Competitive SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 254-527-3342, ask for package includes: Health Doors Open 4pm Rob or Lacey. Session Starts 5:30pm insurance, * AVON * paid Buy orvacation, Sell * LARGE •• 1,250 1,250 square square feet feet of of off off ice ice401k. space space company Bi-annual NON-SMOKING ROOM busybees 254-654-1621 and and 6,450 6,450 square square foot foot warehouse/ warehouse/ Hot Food Available

check, and must have a ferred. Travel required. Full time positions, the competitive right person. Weand of•Material Handler SPJST a fraternal life ferred. Travel required. pay •Siding Installer Call 254-913-9496 clean driving record. You great benefits, backlog fer insurance company seeks a fer competitive pay and •Siding Installer Call 254-913-9496 generous benefits. Dog Applyof in work. person at qualified individual for the may submit resume to: generous Apply in person at of part time night Ridge WSCbenefits. is a drug Dog and 1919 Mueller Road or position janitor. Duties Ridge WSC is workplace. a drug and SPJSTand qualifi1919Texas Mueller76579 Road alcohol-free Troy, 7480 FM 2410, Bel- cation include: ability to SPJST alcohol-free workplace. Insuring and Enriching Troy, Texas 76579 American Spincast Must pass drug screenor email: aharris@ maintain a cleaning schedton, TXpass 76513. Insuring and Enriching Must screen- ule, Lives Since 1897 of orlooking email: to aharris@ manage inventory is hire full ing, criminaldrug background Lives Since 1897 indeall BUILDING supplies, work JANITOR ing, criminal background time Saw check, and must havePart a pendently, follow all safety Full experienced time positions, CDL Drivers Wanted, BUILDING JANITOR life a fraternal check, and have a SPJST Fullbenefits, time and full time,must 2459 FM 2268 Cutter. Mustpositions, bebacklog able to regulations. Some seeks expericlean driving record. You great insurance a SPJST acompany fraternal life Salado, TX 254-657-0043 ence preferred, but nota cleansubmit driving resume record. You great backlog may readbenefits, tape measure; qualified individual for the insurance company to: of work. leave message for call necessary for theseeks right part timefornight qualified ofindividual the may oflift work. ability to and carry back submit resume to: or position candidate.Duties be qualifiorganposition of Must part and time night Call today, HANDS someone is looking for or janitor. ized andinclude: have the ability to WATER WATER TREE TREE TEMPLE TEMPLE NOW NOW HIRING! HIRING! at50 lbs.; outstanding YARD YARD HANDS NEEDED NEEDED 7480 FM HIRING! 2410, Belcation ability to janitor. Duties and qualifiLocal Civil/Site Civil/Site NOW NOW HIRING! (Temple’s (Temple’s only onlyand alkaline alkaline Temple Temple Temps Temps HANDS NEEDED YARD HANDS NEEDED set priorities meet Skiles Local Group is2410, looking for maintain American Spincast at at busy busy cattle cattle company in YARD CLASS-A CDLcompany DRIVER in CLASS-A CDL DRIVER 7480 FM BelLocal Civil/Site a cleaning schedcation include: ability to tendance record. Must TXTemple 76513. and and hydrogen hydrogen water water resume store) store) what you have to sell! Find itExperifast? at busy Temps Temple Temps Contractor Contractor Looking Looking for for 315 315 W. W. Ave Ave M M Schwertner, Schwertner, TX. TX. Expericattle company in ton, at busy cattle company in ule, deadlines. Submit a full-time Laborer to join American Spincast manage inventory of maintain cleaning is hire full AND aaBOBTAIL DRIVER AND BOBTAIL DRIVER is isContractor looking looking for aa health conconton, TX 76513. Looking for 315 W. Ave Mteam 315afor W. Ave M POschedence ence plus plus but but not not rere- Schwertner, belooking able to to pass drug TX. ExperiTX. ExperiExperienced Experienced Fuel/Lube Fuel/Lube and application tohealth Box the construction at all supplies, work ule, manage inventory of scientious scientious individual individual to toindefill fill is looking hire fullre- Schwertner, Dollar Savermore Classified quired. quired. For For more info info call call ence PART PART TIME TIMEto POSITIONS POSITIONS time experienced Saw NEEDED. NEEDED. aBenefits plus but not ence a Truck plus Driver butPaynotrange re- pendently, 100, Temple, TX, 76503, CoryellDrivers Health. CDL Wanted, Part Driver Experienced sales sales assistant assistant position, test. available. followFuel/Lube all position, safety all supplies, work indeor or come come by by 4651 4651 E. E. FM FM 487, 487, available available at at more aa growing growing and and quired. Truck time experienced Saw quired. For info call For more info call Attn: Human Resources. is $15-$20 per hour based on PART TIME POSITIONS PART TIME and full time,Technician) 2459 FM Part 2268 regulations. CDL(Service Drivers Wanted, part part time time to to Some full fullPOSITIONS time. time. ApApCutter. Must be able to direct: Apply direct: Schwertner, Schwertner, 254-527-3342. 254-527-3342. (Service Technician) experipendently, follow all safety established business. business. Must Must Read theApply Classified section to find orestablished Truck Driver Apply in person come by 4651 E. able FM 487, Salado, or come 4651 E. FM 487, ply ply in in preferred, person, person, 7425 7425 W. AdAdApplications beW. comexperience. Benefits are and of- ence available atTX a 2459 growing available at amay growing and 254-657-0043 and full by time, FM 2268 have have clean clean driving driving record; record; Cutter. Must be to but not regulations. Some experiRead the Classified section to find Schwertner, read tape measure; Industries Industries ams, ams, Suite Suite 150. 150. 254-527-3342. Schwertner, 254-527-3342. (Service Technician) pleted onfor line at fered. Please business. Must established business. Must held aAge aTaylors valid valid Texas Texas drivers leave message for B call necessary Salado,Must TX 254-657-0043 2505 Valleydrivers Rd, established Must have have Class Class Bemail the ence preferred, but right not that justAge right item you’reSystems looking for. held read tape Aries Aries Building Building Systems license license for for at at measure; least least 33 Rd, years. years. back Application if have clean driving record; have clean driving record; ability to lift and carry leave message for call 801 Industrial Park Rd, 801 Industrial Park CDL CDL with with Tanker Tanker and and candidate. necessary Must for be the organright that just right item you’re looking for. Great Belton Great part part time time income income for for deadline 09/13/2019. qualified and interested. held a valid Texas drivers held a valid Texas drivers ability to lift bus and carry back Modular Modular Building Call today, someoneBuilding is looking for teachers Musthave have Class BorganHaz-Mat Haz-Mat Endorsements. Endorsements. ized and the ability to candidate. Must be 50 lbs.; outstanding atBelton. EOE Belton. EOE teachers or or bus drivers. drivers. Aries Building Systems AriesGroup Building Systems for at isleast 3 years. license for at Tanker least 3and years. CallNOW today, HIRING someone looking NOW HIRINGisfor for the thefor priorities meet Skiles looking for set izedCDL and have theandability to with 50 lbs.; outstanding at- license Stop by by any any Frost Frost Must Driving Driving tendance record. WATER TEMPLE NOW HIRING! Patio Decks, Metal Stop part time income for Great partTREE time and income for whatfollowing youCovers, have to sell! FindNEEDED it fast? YARD HANDS Duties Duties will will include: include: School School location location to to complete complete Great Submit resume aSkiles full-time Laborer to join set priorities meet Group is looking for deadlines. Modular Building Modular Building following positions: positions: Local Civil/Site Haz-Mat Endorsements. Journeyman Journeyman electrician electrician Must (Temple’s only alkaline Temple Tempsdrug Roofing, Remodeling, Genteachers or Laborer bus team drivers. teachers orSubmit bus drivers. whatbusy you have to sell!Manager Find it fast? •Fuel and and Service Service Heavy Heavy at cattle company in an antendance application, application, between between the be able torecord. pass application to PO Box construction at and deadlines. resume a•Fuel full-time to join needed needed at atanyBluebonnet Bluebonnet ElecElec•Engineer •Engineer Manager NOW HIRING for the NOW HIRING for the and hydrogen water store) Dollar Saver Classified Contractor Looking for Construction Construction Equipment Equipment 315 W. Ave M eral Repairs. 20 years local. Stop by any Frost Driving Stop by Frost Driving 3pm-7pm. 3pm-7pm. Schwertner, TX. Experibe able to pass drug Temple, TX, Coryell Health. Pay and application to K., PO76503, Box the construction teamrange at 100, tric. tric. 2908 2908 W. W. Ave. Ave. K., TemTemtest. Benefits available. •Minor •Minor Equipment Equipment Repairs •Purchase Manager Manager is looking for a to health conDuties will include: Dollar Saver Classified John•Purchase 254-598-8303, call School location toRepairs complete School location complete ence a plus but not anyrefollowing positions: following ple. ple. Call Call 254-771-0801 254-771-0801 Experienced Fuel/Lube Human Resources. is $15-$20 per positions: hour based on Attn: 100, Temple, TX, 76503, Coryell Health. Pay range •Assist •Assist Mechanics Mechanics test. Benefits available. scientious individual to fill •Fuel and Service Heavy time application, between an application, between WATER WATER OPERATOR OPERATOR •Electrician •Electrician Apply in person quired. For more info call PART TIME POSITIONS an Applications may be comexperience. Benefits are ofAttn: Human Resources. is $15-$20 per hour based on •Work •Work in in Shop Shop and and •Engineer Manager •Engineer Manager OPERATOR OPERATOR Truck Driver sales assistant position, Construction Equipment 3pm-7pm. 3pm-7pm. Apply person or come by 4651 E. FM 487, available at in a WSC growing andaa fered. Dog Dog Ridge Ridge WSC has has •Plumber •Plumber Equipment Equipment Yard Yard as as needed needed on at Please email Applications may line be comexperience. Benefits are of- pleted 2505 Taylors Valley Rd, part time to full time. Ap•Minor Equipment Repairs •Purchase Manager •Purchase Manager 439 Water Supply Corpo439 Water Supply CorpoSchwertner, 254-527-3342. (Service Technician) Call Call Please 254-760-1855 254-760-1855 established business. Must Application if pleted on line at fered. email full-time full-time position position availa•Carpenter •Carpenter 2505 Taylors ValleyavailaRd, Belton ply in Mechanics person, 7425 W. Ad•Assist have clean driving record; deadline 09/13/2019. qualified and interested. Application if WATER OPERATOR WATER OPERATOR •Electrician •Electrician ration has•Buyer a full time po- ration has a full operator. time poble ble for for water water operator. •Buyer Belton ams, Suite 150. •Work in 09/13/2019. Shop held a valid Texas drivers qualified 55 55 year year old old and woman woman looking looking deadline and interested. Must have Class B Ridge WSC has a Equipment Dog Ridge WSC hasposia TCEQ TCEQavailable class class C Cfor3license license •Welder •Welder •Plumber •Plumber sition for TCEQ sition TCEQ Yard as needed HVAC HVAC CONTROLS TECH, TECH, WATER TREE TEMPLE for for private private caregiving caregiving posiAriesavailable Building Systems for atHIRING! least years. Dog YARD HANDS Trimming, NEEDED license NOW CDLCONTROLS withCivil/Site Tanker and PINA 254-760-1855 preferred preferred but but not not rere- full-time tion. tion. Call Experienced Experienced with with •Painter •Painter only alkaline Temps position availafull-time position availapart time income for •Carpenter •Carpenter Class C Tree License distribuClass CTemple License distribuentry entryLocal level level position, position, one one (Temple’s at busy cattle company in Great Modular Building Haz-Mat Endorsements. Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer’s, Dementia Dementia & & Mowing, Edging, Cleanand hydrogen water store) quired, quired, willing willing to to train train •Forklift •Forklift Driver Driver Contractor Looking for 315 W. Ave M teachers or bus drivers. Schwertner, TX. Experiyear yearfor experience experience prepre- ble ble water forWilling water •Buyer •Buyeroperator. tionNOW operator. tion operator. COPD. COPD. Willing tooperator. do do househouseHIRING for the re- Stop is looking ato health conby any Frost We Driving the the right right person. person. We ofof- ferred. •Material Handler Handler ence a Rake plus but not ing, •Material Leaves, keeping keeping & & for cooking cooking as as well! well! ferred. Travel TravelFuel/Lube required. required. Experienced TCEQ class C license TCEQ class C license •Welder •Welder This position’s primary This position’s primary Duties will include: scientious individual to fill School location to complete HVAC CONTROLS TECH, Please Please call call Loraine Loraine Jones Jones following positions: quired. For Private more info call PART TIME POSITIONS fer fer competitive competitive pay pay and and Call •Siding •Siding Installer Installer Journeyman electrician Call 254-913-9496 254-913-9496 Lawncare, Fence, Truck Driver •Fuel and•Painter Service sales assistant position, an application, between @ @ 254-541-0588. 254-541-0588. Thanks Thanks for for but notHeavy re- entry preferred but not re•Painter function isin the operation function is benefits. the operation or come by 4651 E. FM available at a growing and preferred level position, one generous generous benefits. Dog Dog needed at toBluebonnet ElecApply Apply in person person at at 487, 3pm-7pm. Manager your your interest. interest. Construction Equipment part time full time. Apand•Engineer concrete work. Schwertner, 254-527-3342. (Service Technician) established business. Must tric. 2908 W. Ave. K., preTemquired, willing to train quired, willing •Forklift Driver •Forklift Driver and maintenance of a and maintenance of a Ridge Ridge WSC WSC is is a a drug drug and and 1919 1919 Mueller Mueller Road Road year experience Repairs •Purchase Manager ply Call in person, 7425toW.train Adhave clean driving record; •Minor Equipment Free Estimates. ple. 254-771-0801 SPJST SPJST alcohol-free alcohol-free workplace. workplace. •Assist Mechanics Troy, Troy, Texas Texas 76579 76579 right person. We of- ferred. the right person. We of•Material Handler •Material Handler purchased water distri- held purchased water distriams, SuiteTravel 150. required. WATER a validOPERATOR Texas drivers the •Electrician Must have B Insuring Insuring and and Enriching Enriching •Work in Shop andClass 771-2191, 718-9765 Must Must•Siding pass pass drug drug screenor or email: email: aharris@ aharris@ fer competitive pay and Call fer competitive Aries Building Systems •Siding Installer license for system at Installer least 3screenyears. bution system lines, Dog bution lines, 254-913-9496pay and Ridge WSC has a •Plumber CDL with Tanker and Equipment Yard as needed Lives Lives Since Since 1897 1897 ing, ing, criminal criminal background background Great part income benefits. Apply intime person at for generous Apply person atDog generous benefits. Dog valves, and meters. valves, and meters. Modular Building Call in 254-760-1855 Haz-Mat Endorsements. BUILDING BUILDING JANITOR JANITOR full-time position availateachers or bus have drivers. check, check, and and must must have aa Full Full•Carpenter time time positions, positions, SPJST SPJST aaMueller fraternal life life Ridge WSC is a drug and WSC isfraternal a drug 1919 Mueller Road 1919 Roadand Please send resume Please send resume to Ridge NOWbenefits, HIRING for the to ble Stop bydriving any Frost Driving for water operator. •Buyer clean clean driving record. record. You You great great benefits, backlog backlog insurance insurance company company seeks seeks aa SPJST year old woman looking Duties will include: School location to76579 complete workplace. alcohol-free workplace. Troy, Texasresume Troy, Texas 76579 following positions: qualified qualified individual individual for for the the 55 may may submit submit resume to: to: alcohol-free of of work. work. TCEQ class C license •Welder Journeyman electrician HVAC CONTROLS TECH, private and caregiving posi•Fuel and Service Heavy an application, between position position of of part part time time night night for Insuring Enriching BATHTUB REFINISHING drug screenMust pass drug screenorcontact email:but aharris@ or pass email: aharris@ or contact 439 Water preferred or 439not Water or or Must needed at Bluebonnet Elec•Engineer Manager retion. Experienced with •Painter Construction Equipment janitor. janitor. Duties Duties and and qualifiqualifi3pm-7pm. in home. Repairs on porceentry level position, one tric. Lives Since 1897 2908 W. Ave. K., Tem7480 7480 FM FM 2410, 2410, BelBelcation cation include: include: ability ability to to Alzheimer’s, Dementia & criminal background ing, criminal background Supply Corporation Supply Corporation at ing, •Minor Equipment Repairs Manager lain•Purchase and fiberglass. Over at 30 quired, willing to train •Forklift Driver American American Spincast Spincast year experience pre- COPD. ple. Call 254-771-0801 maintain maintain aa cleaning cleaning schedschedWilling to do houseBUILDING JANITOR ton, ton, TX TX 76513. 76513. •Assist Mechanics years in•Electrician business. Call Dale and have aof check, and must have a Full time positions, time must positions, 254-933-2133 orhire visit at the 254-933-2133 or visit at check, WATER OPERATOR ule, ule,Full manage manage inventory inventory of keeping is is•Material looking looking to to hire full full right person. We ofHandler as well! ferred. Travel required. SPJST &a cooking fraternal life •Work in Shop and work 721-3658. all all supplies, supplies, work indeinderecord. You Please clean record. You great benefits, greatdriving benefits, backlog 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, 6202 Sparta Rdbacklog Belton, time time experienced experienced Saw Saw Red Red driving 2011 2011 Chevrolet Chevrolet SilSilcall Loraine Jones Dog Ridge WSC hasand a clean •Plumber CDL CDL Drivers Drivers Wanted, Wanted, Part Part company seeks a Equipment Yard as needed fer competitive pay •Siding Installer pendently, pendently, follow follow all all safety safety insurance Call 254-913-9496 verado verado 2500 2500 Crew Crew Cab Cab to: LT. LT. and and76513. full full time, time, 2459 2459 FM FM 2268 2268 regulations. @ 254-541-0588. Thanks for Cutter. Must Must be be able able to individual for the regulations. Some Some experiCallof254-760-1855 submit resumeexperito: qualified may submit resume of work. work. TXCutter. 76513. TX full-time position availa•Carpenter benefits. Dog may Apply in person at to generous 4WD 4WDinterest. Duramax, Duramax, 156K. 156K. Salado, Salado, TX TX 254-657-0043 254-657-0043 your ence ence preferred, preferred, but but not not position of part time night read read tape tape measure; measure; Great Great truck. truck. $20,500. $20,500. or janitor. or leave leavefor message message for for and call call necessary necessary for for the the right right ble water •Buyer Ridge WSC is a operator. drug 1919to Mueller Road Duties and qualifi254-984-2348 254-984-2348 ability ability to lift lift and and carry carry back back Night Warehouse Selectors 55 old woman looking candidate. candidate. Must Must be be organorganFM 2410, Bel-to 7480year include: FM 2410, BelSPJST cation ability to TCEQ class Spincast C license 7480 alcohol-free workplace. Texas 76579 atized izedAmerican and and have have Spincast the the ability ability to for private caregiving posiHVAC CONTROLS TECH, 50 50Troy, lbs.; lbs.;•Welder outstanding outstanding atAmerican aWork cleaning set set priorities priorities and and meet meet Skiles Skiles pass Group Group is is looking looking for for ton, TX 76513. ton, TXtoExperienced 76513. Insuring and Enriching –•Painter 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Experience ● Must Bemaintain Able the schedpreferred but not retion. with Must drug screenor 6 email: aharris@ tendance tendance record. record. Must Must entry level position, one ule, manage inventory of is looking to hire full is looking to hire full deadlines. Submit Submit resume resume aa full-time full-time Laborer Laborer to to join join deadlines. Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Lives Since 1897 be be able able to to pass pass drug drug Times supplies, work indeand and application application to to PO POpreBox Box all the the criminal construction team team at at year Scheduled Assigned including Weekends and Holidays and Required Overtime ●doAble quired, willing to train ing, background •Forklift Driver experience timeconstruction experienced time experienced COPD. Willing to all houseDrivers Wanted, Part pendently, CDL Drivers Wanted, Part 100, 100, Temple, Temple, TX, TX, Saw 76503, 76503, Coryell Coryell Health. Health. Pay PaySaw range range CDL follow safety BUILDING JANITOR test. test. Benefits Benefits available. available. WANT WANT TO TO LEASE LEASE LAND LAND check, and must have a the right person. We ofFull time positions, •Material Handler to Stand, Walk, Reach Lift Repeatedly throughout shift ● Able to Lift and Stack Product Attn: Attn: Human Human Resources. Resources. is isand $15-$20 $15-$20 per per hour hour based based on on keeping & cooking as well! and full time, 2459 FM 2268 and full time, 2459 FM 2268 ferred. Travel required. Cutter. Must be ableto to Cutter. aMustfraternal be able to Some will experifor for cattle cattle grazing, grazing, will do do Read the Classified section to find experience. Read the Classified section findofSPJST life regulations. Apply Apply in in person person Applications Applications may254-657-0043 be be comcomexperience. Benefits Benefits are areYou of- Salado, Please call TX may Salado, TX Loraine clean driving record. great benefits, backlog fer competitive paypounds and improvements. improvements. References References •Siding Installer preferred, but Jones not insurance company seeks at aat ence between 10Valley to 35Rd, pounds and up to 80 occasionally throughout Shift ●message Able to254-657-0043 Work Call 254-913-9496 read tape measure; read tape pleted pleted on on measure; line line fered. fered. Please Please email email leave 2505 2505 Taylors Taylors Valley Rd, message forfor call leave for right call @ 254-541-0588. for available. available. 254-865-3546 254-865-3546 necessary for Thanks the that just right item you’re looking for. that just right item you’re looking for. individual the Application Application if if qualified may submit resume to: of work. generous benefits. Dog Apply in person at Belton Belton ability and to lift and●carry ability09/13/2019. lift and carry back back your interest. in Multi-Temperature Environments Pass Pre-Employment Drug and Background candidate. Must be organdeadline deadline 09/13/2019. qualified qualified and interested. interested. ofto part time nightTest Ridge WSC is aWarehouse and 1919someone Mueller Road for Call today, is looking Call someone isdrug lookingatforor position Night Selectors ized and have the ability to 50 today, lbs.; outstanding 50 lbs.; outstanding atjanitor. Duties and qualifiSPJST Night Warehouse Selectors set priorities Skiles Group is looking for Skiles Group is and lookingmeet for 7480 FM 2410, Belinclude: to alcohol-free Troy, 76579 tendance Must tendance record. Must whatAmerican you6have to sell! Find fast?Warehouse what you have torecord. sell!workplace. Find it fast? acation –Texas 12 Months and/or Distribution Experience ●ability Must to Work theto Spincast Submit resume full-timea and Laborer toschedjoinBedeadlines. aAble full-time Laborer join CL&L Trucks is ithiring maintain cleaning Insuring Enriching ton, TX 76513. Must pass drug screenor 6email: aharris@ Fertilizer Fertilizer Application, Application, inin– 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Experience ● Must Be Able to Work the Dry Selector Pay is $17.35 Cooler / Freezer Selector Pay is $17.85 be able to pass drug be able to pass drug and application to PO Box the construction team at the construction team at ule, manage inventory of is looking hire full Scheduled Assigned including WeekendsCoryell andLives Holidays andrange Required Overtime ● Able CDL drivers. everyTimes Dollar Dollar SavertoHome Classified Saver Classified Since 1897 crease crease growth growth and producproduc100, Temple, TX, 76503, Health. Pay Coryell Health. and Pay range ing, alltest. supplies, work indetest.criminal Benefitsbackground available. Benefits available. Scheduled Assigned Times including Weekends and Holidays and Required Overtime ●based Able experienced Saw Red 2011 Chevrolet Sil36time hours. Competitive CDL Drivers Wanted, Part to Stand, Walk, Reach and Lift Repeatedly throughout shift ● Able to Lift and Stack Product Attn: Human Resources. is $15-$20 per hour based on is $15-$20 per hour on BUILDING JANITOR tion tion for for your your pasture pasture and and pendently, follow all safety check, and must have a experience. Full time positions, Apply in person Apply infraternal person verado 2500 Crew Cab LT. and full time, 2459 FM to Stand, Walk, Reach and Lift Repeatedly throughout ●throughout Able to Lift and●Stack Product Qualifi ed can apply at2268 by Temple Applications may be Benefits are of-search experience. Benefits arecomofCutter. Must betoCandidates able to regulations. Some experiSPJST ashift life package includes: Health crops. crops. N-TEXX N-TEXX stimulates between 10 35 pounds and up 80 pounds occasionally Shift Able tostimulates Work 4WD Duramax, 156K. Salado, TX torecord. 254-657-0043 clean driving You fered. great backlog on line at Please email fered. Please email 2505 Taylors Valley Rd, 2505 preferred, Taylors Valley Rd, ence but nota pleted insurance company seeks soil, soil, microorganisms microorganisms that that readbenefits, tape measure; between 10 to 35 pounds and up to 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shift ● Able to Work insurance, paid vacation, and apply prior to the job fair Great truck. $20,500. leave messageresume for call Application if if in Multi-Temperature Environments ● Pass Pre-Employment and Background necessary for theDrug qualified individual for right the may submit to: of work. Belton Belton provide provide09/13/2019. essential essential nutrients nutrients 254-984-2348 ability to lift and carry back deadline qualified and interested. qualified and interested. company 401k. Bi-annual candidate. beDrug organin Environments ● Pass Pre-Employment position of Must part time nightTest and Background for plants plants through through their their ized and Duties have the to for 50 lbs.; outstanding atjanitor. andability qualifiEEO or Statement raises, guaranteed productive biological biological procprocSkiles looking Belfor set 7480 Group FM is2410, cation priorities include: and abilitymeet to productive tendance record. Must $700.00 week min.Food Must Performance Group and/or its subsidiaries (individually orSelector collectively, the15-5-5 “Company”) American Spincast Dry Selector Pay is $17.35 / Freezer Pay is $17.85 resume aton, full-time Laborer toCooler join deadlines. esses. 15-5-5 applied applied at at maintain a Submit cleaning sched- esses. TX 76513. be able to pass drug and application to PO Box the construction team at Dry Selector Pay is $17.35 Cooler / Freezer Selector Pay is $17.85 beprovides years of with ule,all manage inventory of $23.00 $23.00 per per acre. acre. is25looking toage, hireemployment full a equal opportunity (EEO) to applicants and employees, regardless of 100, Temple, TX, 76503, Coryell Health. Pay range all supplies, work indetest. Benefits available. Contact Contact Carlos Morris Morris minimum of 2 years exp.origin, WANT TO Carlos LEASE LAND time experienced Saw Red 2011 Chevrolet SilCDL Drivers Wanted, Attn: Resources. is $15-$20 hour based on pregnancy, race, color, national sex, status, sexual orientation, gender identity, Qualifi Candidates canpermarital apply atPart search by Temple pendently,Human follow all safety for cattle grazing, will LT. do 254-421-1276 254-421-1276 for for fertilizer fertilizer Apply ined person 254-527-3342, for experience. verado 2500 Crew Cab and full time, 2459 FM may be expericom-search Benefits are of- Applications Cutter. Must beask able to Qualifi ed Candidates can apply at2268 by Temple regulations. Some improvements. References religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, and any other characteristic proapplication application and and sales. sales. 4WD Duramax, 156K. and apply prior to the job fair Salado, TX 254-657-0043 pleted on line at fered. Please email 2505 Valley Rd, Rob orTaylors Lacey. ence preferred, but not available. 254-865-3546 read tape measure; Great truck. $20,500. and apply prior tofederal the job fair Application if and leave message for state call tected applicable local, laws andright regulations. necessary for the 254-984-2348 deadline 09/13/2019. qualified and interested. ability toBelton lift and carry back

years Call Dale 254-933-2133 or visit at Free in business. Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765 purchased water distri721-3658. bution system lines, 6202 Rd Belton, 771-2191, 718-9765 butionSparta system valves, and meters. lines, TX 76513. valves, and meters. Please send resume to Please send resume to BATHTUB REFINISHING or contact 439 Water in home. Repairs on porce- or contact 439 Water BATHTUB REFINISHING lain and fiberglass. 30 Supply Corporation at in home. Repairs onOver porceSupply Corporation at years in business. Dale lain and fiberglass.Call Over 30 254-933-2133 or visit at 721-3658. years in business. Call Dale 254-933-2133 or visit at 6202 Read theSparta ClassifiedRd sectionBelton, to find 721-3658. 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, TX that76513. just right item you’re looking for. TX 76513.



(254) 778-4444


(254) (254) 778-4444 778-4444

Employment Employment - Temple, Texas


Texas Wednesday, September 4 from 1-- Temple, p.m. to 5 p.m. Temple, Texas Thursday, September 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Performance Foodservice DC 4141 Lucius McCelvey, 4Temple, Texas,to76504 Wednesday, Wednesday, September September 4 from from 11 p.m. p.m. to 55 p.m. p.m. Thursday, September 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, September 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. FIND IT Performance FIND IT Foodservice Performance Foodservice DC DC 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Temple, Texas, 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Temple, Texas, 76504 76504 Employment

(254) 778-4444

(254) 778-4444

- Temple, Texas

Employment Employment


Great space. Great(254) location. 778-4444 2547745204 that justWednesday, rightdowntown item you’re looking for. • High visibility location in September 4 from 1 p.m.candidate. to 5Must p.m. be organ-

with access from RentalsTemple today, Central someone is looking for Temple with accessCallfrom Central

EEO Statement ized and have EEO Statement

keeping & cooking as housewell! COPD. Willing to do Please Loraineas Jones keeping call & cooking well! @Please 254-541-0588. Thanks Jones for call Loraine your interest. @ 254-541-0588. Thanks for your interest.

Red 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Crew Cab LT. 4WD Duramax, 156K. Great truck. $20,500. 254-984-2348 FRESH FRESH FARM FARM EGGS: EGGS:

WATER 11 Dozen TREE$2.50, TEMPLE Dozen $2.50, Local Civil/Site (Temple’s only Buy Buy 22 Dozen Dozen get get one onealkaline free. free. 254-534-9047, 254-534-9047, Troy Troy store) and hydrogen water Contractor Looking for is Experienced looking forChevrolet aFuel/Lube health conRed 2011 SilWANT TOindividual LEASE toLAND scientious fill verado 2500 Crew Cab Red 2011 Chevrolet Silfor cattle grazing, will LT. do Truck DriverCab sales assistant position, 4WD Duramax, 156K. verado 2500 Crew LT. improvements. part time Duramax, to Technician) full References time. Ap(Service Great truck. $20,500. 4WD 156K. available. 254-865-3546 GOLF GOLF CART CART FOR FOR SALE SALE ply in person, 7425 W. Ad254-984-2348 Great truck.street $20,500. Club ClubSuite Cart, Cart, legal, legal, ams, 150. street 254-984-2348

Must have Class Bsignals, seatbelts, seatbelts, turn turn signals, roll-bars, roll-bars, lights, lights, one one year CDL with Tanker andyear FARM EGGS: old old FRESH batteries. batteries. Excellent Excellent Haz-Mat Endorsements. condition. condition. $3,750.00 1 Dozen $2.50, $3,750.00 956-424-2300 956-424-2300 Buy 2 Dozen get one free.

Fertilizer Application, in-

WANT TOinclude: LEASE Duties will 254-534-9047, Troy LAND Journeyman crease growth andelectrician producfor cattle will do WANT TO grazing, LEASE LAND •Fuel and Service Heavy needed at Bluebonnet improvements. References for cattle grazing, willElecdo Construction Equipment tion for your pasture and tric. 2908 W. Ave.Repairs K., Temavailable. 254-865-3546 improvements. References •Minor Equipment crops. N-TEXX stimulates ple. 254-771-0801 2007 2007CallMechanics Beachcomber Beachcomber tritoon tritoon available. 254-865-3546 •Assist boat, boat, 150 horse horse Yamaha Yamaha soil, microorganisms that •Work in 150 Shop and fourstroke fourstroke motor, motor, Bear Bear GOLF CART SALE Equipment Yard asFOR needed trailer, trailer, trolling trolling motor, motor, FRESH FARM EGGS: provide essential nutrients Club Cart, street legal, 254-760-1855 $11,500. $11,500. Call Call Call 254-493-5350 254-493-5350 1 Dozen $2.50, for plants through their seatbelts, turn signals, Buy 2 Dozen get one free. Fertilizer Application, inroll-bars, lights, one procyear productive biological Troy 55 year254-534-9047, oldApplication, woman looking Fertilizer inold batteries. Excellent crease growth and producHVAC CONTROLS TECH, for private caregiving posiesses. growth 15-5-5 and applied at condition. $3,750.00 crease production. Experienced with tion for your pasture and entry level position, one 956-424-2300 $23.00 per acre. Alzheimer’s, Dementia & tion forN-TEXX your pasture and crops. stimulates year experience preContact Carlos Morris COPD. Willing tostimulates do housecrops. N-TEXX soil, microorganisms that keeping & cooking as well! ferred. Travelforrequired. 254-421-1276 fertilizer GOLF CART FOR SALE soil, microorganisms that Please call Loraine Jones provide essential nutrients Call 254-913-9496 application and sales. Club Cart, street legal, @ 254-541-0588. Thanks for provide essential nutrients for plants through their seatbelts, turn signals, your interest. 2007 Beachcomber tritoon for plants through their roll-bars, lights, one year productive procboat, 150 biological horse Yamaha old batteries. Excellent SPJST productive biological procfourstroke motor, Bear esses. 15-5-5 applied at condition. $3,750.00 trailer, trolling motor, Cockatiels Cockatiels $35.00. $35.00. Yearling Yearling Insuring and Enriching esses. 15-5-5 applied at $23.00 per254-493-5350 acre. 956-424-2300 $11,500. Call and and Lives weanling weanling horses horses $250 $250 Since 1897 $23.00 per acre. Contact Carlos Morris or and and up. up. 254-780-5149 254-780-5149 or BUILDING JANITOR Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer 254-383-4303 254-383-4303 SPJST a fraternal life 254-421-1276 for fertilizer application and sales. insurance company seeks a Yorkshire Yorkshire Terriers: Terriers: application and sales. qualified individual for the Registered Registered Yorkie Yorkie Pups. Pups. 2007 Beachcomber tritoon position of part time Chocolates, Chocolates, Parti, Parti,Yamaha KB KBnight boat, 150 horse janitor. Duties andboys qualifiblack, black, Golddust, Golddust, boys & & fourstroke motor, girls. 254-931-7143, 254-931-7143, cation girls. include: abilityBear to trailer, maintain atrolling cleaning motor, sched$11,500. Call 254-493-5350 ule, manage inventory of TwoOlde matching Olde English English Bulldogges Bulldogges all supplies, workchocolate indebrown recliners; floral full 99 weeks weeks old. old. Registered Registered Red 2011 Chevrolet Silpendently, follow all safety IOEBA. IOEBA.hide-a-bed; Lilac-Tri, Lilac-Tri, Lilac Lilac SaSasize loveseat verado 2500 Crew Cab LT. regulations. Some experible. ble. 4 4 females, females, 1 1 male. male. Call Call recliners; two high-back 4WD Duramax, 156K. ence preferred, but not 254-488-8633 254-488-8633 classic chairs; round pedGreat truck. $20,500. necessary for the right estal table Must with leaf &organfour 254-984-2348 candidate. beYearling Cockatiels $35.00. chairs; taized and one haveoak the coffee ability to and weanling horses $250 ble. 254-231-3482 set priorities and meet and up. 254-780-5149 or deadlines. Submit horses, resume WANTED WANTED Donkeys, Donkeys, horses, sheep, goats goats or orto any any other other Two matching chocolate and sheep, application PO Box 254-383-4303 farm animals. animals. 254-865-3546 254-865-3546 brown recliners; floral full Twofarm matching chocolate 100, Temple, TX, 76503, WANT TO LEASE LAND size loveseat brown hide-a-bed; recliners; floral full Attn: Human Resources. for cattle grazing, will hauldo CATTLE CATTLE WORKING, WORKING, haulYorkshire Terriers: recliners; high-back size hide-a-bed; Applications may beloveseat comWasher and two Dryer, printer, ing, ing,Registered penning, penning, problem problem catcatimprovements. References Yorkie Pups.pedclassic chairs; round recliners; two high-back pleted on line at tle. tle. Chocolates, Also Also will willtable, haul haul any any liveliveTV, coffee loveseat, available. 254-865-3546 Parti, KB estal with leaf & four classic chairs; round Application stock. stock.table Call Call 254-865-3546 254-865-3546 254.314.5610, Temple. Golddust, boys&& four chairs; one oak leaf coffee taestalblack, table with deadline 09/13/2019. Cockatiels $35.00. Yearling girls. ble. 254-231-3482 chairs; one254-931-7143, oak coffee taand weanling horses $250 ble. 254-231-3482

and up. 254-780-5149 or Olde English Bulldogges inFertilizer Application, 9254-383-4303 weeks old. Trane Registered 5-ton, 15-SEER, heat crease andsystem producIOEBA. Lilac-Tri, Lilac Sa-pump growth (complete Washer and Dryer, printer, ble. 4 females, 1 male. Call Yorkshire Terriers: includes thermostat). Only tion for your pasture and TV, coffee loveseat, Washer and table, Dryer, printer, 254-488-8633 Registered Yorkie Pups. one year old. Works crops. N-TEXX stimulates 254.314.5610, Temple. TV, coffee table, Chocolates, Parti, KB GREAT! $2,000 — loveseat, Call or 254.314.5610, Temple. boys &that soil, microorganisms Golddust, text black, (254) 721-8104. girls. 254-931-7143, provide essential nutrients for through their 2004 2004 plants Artic Artic Cat Cat 500 500 TRV TRV 4x4, 4x4, one one owner, owner, 640 640 horses, miles, miles, WANTED Donkeys, productive biological procOlde English 5-ton, 15-SEER, Trane winch, winch, runs runs great, great, $3,850. $3,850. sheep, goats orBulldogges any otherheat 95-ton, weeks old. Registered 2004 2004 Polaris Polaris Sportsmen Sportsmen 500 500 pump (complete systemheat 15-SEER, Trane esses. 15-5-5 applied at farm animals. 254-865-3546 4x4, 4x4, winch, winch, 225 225 miles, miles, runs runs IOEBA. Lilac-Tri, Lilac Only Sa-includes thermostat). pump (complete system $23.00 per acre. great, great, $3,850. $3,850. OR OR $7,000 $7,000 for for ble. 4 year females, 1 male. Call one old. Works includes thermostat). Only CATTLE WORKING, haulboth! both! 214-789-3227, 214-789-3227, located located Carlos 254-488-8633 GREAT! $2,000 — Morris Call or one year old. Works in inContact Temple. Temple. ing, penning, problem cattext (254) GREAT! $2,000haul Callliveor 254-421-1276 for—fertilizer tle. Also 721-8104. will any text (254) 721-8104. stock. Call 254-865-3546 application and sales.

Performance Food Group and/or (individually or collectively, the “Company”) Thursday, tendance September 5Skiles from a.m. to 1 p.m. priorities and meet Group its is9subsidiaries looking for set RESULTS... RESULTS... Avenue and 7th Street record. Must Group what you have to sell! Find it fast? Employment Performance Food and/or its subsidiaries (individually orand collectively, theTexas “Company”) deadlines. Submitresume a full-time Laborer to join to Temple, - Temple, Avenue and 7th Street provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) all applicants employees, regardless of beyou able pass What you get when you advertise What get to when you drug advertise the construction team at and application to PO Box Fertilizer Application, in50 lbs.; outstanding at-

the ability to

Foodservice DC provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all applicants and employees, regardless of Dollar Saver Classified Performance COMMERCIAL PROPERTY race, color, national origin, sex, marital gender identity, 100, Temple,sexual TX, orientation, 76503, crease Coryell Health. Paystatus, range pregnancy, in the Classified pages of the intest. the Classified pages of the growth and producBenefits available. WANT gender TO LEASE LAND Great space. Great location. race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, orientation, identity, Attn: Humansexual Resources. is $15-$20 per hour based on pregnancy, DOLLAR SAVER. DOLLAR SAVER. for characteristic cattle grazing, willand do religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, and any other pro4141 Lucius McCelvey, Temple, Texas, 76504 Great space. Great location. tion for your pasture Apply in person Applications may beany comexperience. Benefits are ofFOR LEASE 2547745204 Get Results! Call Today! Get Results!age, Call Today! improvements. References religion, disability, genetic Please information, veteran status, andand other characteristic pro(254) 778-4444 pleted onlawsline at crops. email and N-TEXX stimulates tected applicable local, state federal regulations. 2505 Taylors Valley Rd, by fered. available. 254-865-3546 Night Night Warehouse Warehouse Selectors Selectors * AVON *778-4444 Buy or Sell * tected applicable local, stateif and federal lawsApplication and regulations. 2547745204 (254) (254)and/or 778-4444 soil, microorganisms that Belton 09/13/2019. qualified and interested. 6 6– – 12 12 Months Months Warehouse Warehouse and/or Distribution Distribution Experience Experience ● ● Must Must Be Bedeadline Able Able to to Work Work the the


raises, guaranteed Maximum Pay Out production production area area $700.00 week min. Must What get when you advertise be 25you years of age, with a in the Classified pages of the •• Loading Loading dock dock minimum of 2 years exp. DOLLAR SAVER. 254-527-3342, •• Large Large garage garage doors doors Get Results! Call ask Today! for Rob or Lacey. * AVON * Buy or Sell *


busybees Scheduled Scheduled254-654-1621 Assigned Assigned Times Times including including Weekends Weekends and and Holidays Holidays and and Required Required Overtime Overtime ● ● Able Able to to Stand, Stand, Walk, Walk, Reach Reach and and Lift Lift Repeatedly Repeatedly throughout throughout shift shift ● ● Able Able to to Lift Lift and and Stack Stack Product Product between between 10 10 to to 35 35 pounds pounds and and up up to to 80 80 pounds pounds occasionally occasionally throughout throughout Shift Shift ● ● Able Able to to Work Work in in Multi-Temperature Multi-Temperature Environments Environments ● ● Pass Pass Pre-Employment Pre-Employment Drug Drug Test Test and and Background Background

provide essential nutrients Two Two matching matching chocolate chocolate


through their Wednesday, September Wednesday, 4 September from 1 p.m.for 4toplants from 5 p.m. 1 p.m. WANTED to 5Donkeys, p.m. - Temple, Texas Employment horses, productive biological procRentals Rentals Fertilizer Application, insheep, goats or any other esses. 15-5-5 applied at farm 254-865-3546 Thursday, September Thursday,5 September from 9 a.m. 5to from 1growth p.m. 9anda.m. 1animals. p.m. crease produc- to $23.00 per acre. tion for your pasture and CATTLE WORKING, haulContact Carlos Morris Performance Performance Foodservice Foodservice DC crops. N-TEXXfor stimulates Dry Dry Selector Selector Pay Pay is isPROPERTY $17.35 $17.35 Cooler Cooler // Freezer Freezer Selector Selector Pay Pay is is $17.85 $17.85DC COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 254-421-1276 fertilizer ing, penning, problem cat(254) 778-4444 •• Convenient Convenient off off-street -street customer customer AlsoWinnebago will haul anyBrave live2001 2001 Winnebago Brave soil, microorganisms that tle. application and sales. stock. Call 254-865-3546 busybees 35C, 35C, 54,336 54,336 miles, miles, Ford Ford 4141 McCelvey, 4141 Lucius Temple, McCelvey, Texas, Temple, 76504 Texas, 76504 parking parking 254-654-1621 Qualifi Qualified ed Candidates Candidates can can apply apply Lucius at at search search by by Temple Temple provide essential nutrients FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Tritron Tritron V10 V10 6.8 6.8 liter, liter, 11 for plants through their slide Wednesday, September from 1- Temple, p.m. toSelectors 5Texas p.m. and and apply apply prior prior 4 to to the the job job fair fair slide (living (living and and dining dining Night Warehouse Night Warehouse Selectors •• High High visibility visibilityRentals location locationRESULTS... in in downtown downtown productive biological procroom). room). 254-760-1876 254-760-1876 What you get when you advertise 1,250Central square feet of•off 1,250 ice space square feet of off ice space EEO EEO Statement Statement Temple Temple with with access accessin•from from Central 6 – 12 Months Warehouse 6 – and/or 12 Months Distribution Warehouse Experience and/or ● Distribution Must Be Able Experience to Work the ● Must Be Able to Work the Thursday, September 5 from 9 orora.m. to 1the p.m. esses. 15-5-5 applied at 2004 Artic Cat 500 TRV 4x4, the Classified pages of the Two matching chocolate Performance Performance Food Food Group Group and/or and/or its its subsidiaries subsidiaries (individually (individually collectively, collectively, the “Company”) “Company”) Scheduled Assigned Times Scheduled includingAssigned Weekends Times andincluding Holidays Weekends and Required andOvertime Holidays Able Required Able and 6,450 square foot and warehouse/ 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Avenue Avenue and and 7th 7th Street Street one Overtime owner, miles, DOLLAR SAVER. $23.00 per acre. ●and brown recliners; 640● floral full provides provides equal equal employment employment opportunity opportunity (EEO) (EEO) to to all all applicants applicants and and employees, employees, regardless regardless of of winch, runs great,Product $3,850. Get Results! Call Today! size hide-a-bed; loveseat to Stand, Walk, Reach and to Stand, Lift Repeatedly Walk, Reach throughout and Lift shift Repeatedly ● Able to throughout Lift and Stack shift Product ● Able to Lift and Stack Performance Foodservice DC Contact Carlos Morris production area production area origin, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2004 Polaris two Sportsmen 500 race, race, color, color, national national origin, sex, sex, marital marital status, status, pregnancy, pregnancy, sexual sexual orientation, orientation, gender gender identity, identity, recliners; high-back Great space. Great(254) location. * AVON * Buy or Sell * 254-421-1276 fertilizer classic 4x4, 225 to miles, between 10 to 35 pounds between and up to 10 80 to pounds 35 occasionally and up to throughout 80 propounds Shift occasionally ● Able for tothroughout Work Shiftwinch, ●chairs; Able Workruns round ped778-4444 religion, religion, age, age, disability, disability, genetic genetic information, information, veteran veteran status, status, and and any anypounds other other characteristic characteristic great, $3,850. OR $7,000 for 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Temple, Texas, 76504 estal table with leaf & four application and sales. • Loading dock • Loading dock in Multi-Temperature Environments in Multi-Temperature Pass Pre-Employment Environments ●Drug PassTest Pre-Employment and Background Drug Test and Background tected tected by by applicable applicable local, local, state state and and federal federal laws laws●and and regulations. regulations. 2547745204 busybees 254-654-1621 FOR LEASE both! 214-789-3227, located chairs; one oak coffee tain Temple. ble. 254-231-3482 Night Warehouse Selectors Wednesday, 4 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. • Large garage doors • Large garage doors September • 1,250 square feet of office space




brown brown recliners; recliners; floral floral full full size size hide-a-bed; hide-a-bed; loveseat loveseat recliners; recliners; two two high-back high-back classic classic chairs; chairs; round round pedpedestal estal table table with with leaf leaf & & four four chairs; chairs; one one oak oak coffee coffee tatable. ble. 254-231-3482 254-231-3482

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Cock bl Cockw and and WATE F and w (Temp andOl 254-3 andBuy 254-3 9 loo w is

IOEB scient ble.Re4 sales 254-48 part C Re ply blin C ams,blS GOLF Club seatbe Ol WA roll-ba 9 sh w Ol old IOEBA 9 far w Journ condit ble. IOEB4 neede 956-424 254-488 ble. 4 tric. CATT 254-48 ple. ing, Ca tle. A stock.

2007 WAN boat, she WA 55 farm ye fourst sh for farp trailer tion. $11,500 CATTL Alzhei ing, CATT COPD tle. ing, A keepin stock. tle. A Please stock. @ 25 your i

2004 one winch 2004 4x4, great, Cock both! in Tem and w

and 2004 A 254-3 one 2004

winch, one Red 2004 winch verad RV 4x4, 2004 Rew 4WD $25,00 great, 4x4, Great V-10,C both! great, 254-984 2013bl in Tem both! ready in Tem info 254-71 Ol 9 w 2001 WANT IOEBA RV for 35C,4c& ble. $25,000 RV impro 254-488 Tritro V-10, $25,00 availa 2013 V-10, slide ready 2013 room info ready 254-718 info 254-71 WAN Fertil she 2001 farm 2001 creas 35C, INSTA 35C, tion Tritro CATTL lar f Tritro crops ing, slide ing o tle. slide title.A2 soil, room stock. room

provi for p produ esse INSTA $23.0 lar fo INSTA ing larCoof title. ing 2o 254-4 title. 2 app

RV RV & & Tow Tow Car Car for for sale sale $25,000. $25,000. 29’ 29’ Trail Trail Star, Star, Ford Ford V-10, V-10, 1998, 1998, 80,000 80,000 miles. miles. 2013 2013 Chev. Chev. Equinox, Equinox, all all ready ready to to travel. travel. Call Call for for 2004 A info info and and pictures. pictures. one winch, 254-718-9400. 254-718-9400.

Washer Washer and and Dryer, Dryer, printer, printer, TV, TV, coffee coffee table, table, loveseat, loveseat, 254.314.5610, 254.314.5610, Temple. Temple.

5-ton, 5-ton, 15-SEER, 15-SEER, Trane Trane heat heat pump pump (complete (complete system system -includes includes thermostat). thermostat). Only Only one one year year old. old. Works Works GREAT! GREAT! $2,000 $2,000 — — Call Call or or text text (254) (254) 721-8104. 721-8104.

Cock and w and 254-3

2004 4x4, w great, both! in Tem

Two brown size & RV reclin INSTANT INSTANT CASH! CASH! Top Top DolDol- $25,000 classi lar lar for for ANY ANY vehicle vehicle runnrunn- V-10, estal ing ing or or not, not, with with or or without without 2013 title. title. 254-624-1729 254-624-1729 chairs ready ble. 25 info 254-718

6 – 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Experience ● Must Beis Able to Work the Dry Selector Pay isDry $17.35 Selector Cooler Pay /$17.35 Freezer Selector Cooler Pay / Freezer is $17.85 Selector

Pay is $17.85

September 4, 2019 • Page 11

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