American Dollar Saver Sept. 18th

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Dollar Saver

! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! Land, Investment Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper

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Now ac   bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, ja- cepting consignments.      thick cover, views, Call 254-718-5120 Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, or visit     Starting at $650/ centraltexasauctionsercircundantes. A partir de canyons.       979-575-3939 west- $8  por hora. Por favor AC. for information,     llame a nuestra oficina al buyer’s premium,    terms   (254) 776-7775 o solicite & conditions. Photos and   Manufactured more  en línea en www.janitori-  upcoming actions. T Spanish Lots/Land/ Auctions housing     Gallaway TX LIC#12798.     Acreage    Brokers Lic# 9003373    DOWN on a NEW cENTrAL     E Want M P L E To O S Buy D I S -$0 TExAS  Lots/Land/ Auctions  TExAS Auc Solitaire home when you cENTrAL         PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están WEST TExAS Trans Auction Services. EquipAcreage tion Services. Real Estate as down WE Buy & Repair Un- use your land     disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lakeand ment &  Consignment Contents Auction.  TExAS  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, cENTrAL payment. Call for details,      October 5, 2019, 11:00am.  de tiempo y Auction, September 21, Amistad. 60 450 acres. Motorcycles &completo Scooters. 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Auction Services. EquipWEST TExAS Trans   4006    Sand Dollar, Now Killeen, We Pick-Up (903)Lake 336medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy 2019, 9:00am. acment & Consignment Pecos area, near  LArGEST DEALEr of       TX 76549. Call 254-7189086  bank foreclosures hasja-5120  bajadores limpieza access, whitetail, dove, cepting consignments.  September 21, Amistad. 60 de - 450 acres.enAuction,   or visit centraltex permission to liquidate   Waco, Temple y laseasy áreas2019, velina, thick cover, views, Call 254-718-5120 or visit Appliances 9:00am. Now ac- Electricity, water,     inventory fast! 2-5atBed  circundantes. A partir de canyons. 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EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES. ¡ Ya están unday, September disponibles22,los2019 empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: tra  bajadores de limpieza en  Waco, Temple y las áreas  circundantes. A partir de  David Barr Properties way TX $8 por hora. Por favor AC. for information, 979-575-3939 west-  WOW! SOLITAIrE LIC#12798. Broker  apartment, bdrm, with 90 day 2warranty.  Manufactured  ( 2premium, 254) 526-2277  en línea en www.janitorimore upcoming actions. T Home, bedroom, 2 bath Lice   llame a nuestra oficina al terms #9003373  Delivery, service work, buyer’s unfurnished, good  www.davidbarrproper housing  Spanish Lots/Land/ Auctions cabin style home, real    TX LIC#12798. (254) 776-7775 o solicite parking, Photos and Gallaway  need non-working ones. pets, $525 per & conditions.   Motorcycles Acreage  wood cabinets, tape and Brokers Manufactured    (254) 214-5284, (254) more Lic# 9003373  en upcoming actions. T  month. Call ( 254)    E Mlínea P Len E Owww.janitoriS D I S -  c E N T r A L T E x AS   textured walls, plywood $0 DOWN on a NEW Want To Buy housing  799-6228    699-3011.  TXhome LIC#12798. Buy &TExAS Repair Un PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están WEST TExAS Trans Gallaway Auction Services. EquipcENTrAL Auc  floors, built like awhen HOUSE  Solitaire youWE        wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake ment & Consignment Brokers Lic# 9003373 must sell. 254-933-3334.  tion Services. Real Estate    WE Buy & Repair Unuse your land as down   $0  DOWN NEW Auction, Dogs  Buy y Amistad. & Scooters.  de Want tiempo To completo 60 -on 450a acres. September 21, Motorcycles   RBI 33073.  andPick-Up Contents Auction. TExAS Auc  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, payment. Call Now for details,  (903) 336 Solitaire home wheneasy you cENTrAL  medio! Se necesita: tra- Electricity, water, 2019, 9:00am. ac- We      MuST SELL! MAS October 5, 2019, 11:00am.  1 yOrkIE Male   tion Services. Real Estate  9086  bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, jacepting consignments.  Motorcycles & Scooters. 254-933-3334. RBI 33073.  WE Buy & Repair Unuse your land as down  SIVE Solitaire Home,   Puppy For Sale. Very Call  ! ! Sand AVAILABLE !!  Dollar, Killeen,   Waco, Temple y lasATV’s, áreas velina, thick cover, views, 254-718-5120 or visit 4006  Contents Auction.   We Pick-Up (903) 336-and wanted/ Broken payment. Call details, model 486SC which 2,624of   LArGEST DEALEr   office, retail, ware cute! Call orfor text (254) circundantes. A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ centraltexasauctionser TX 76549. Call 254-718  October 5, 2019, 11:00am.    9086 square feet, 4 bedrooms, Motorcycles & Scooters. 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. house & more for lease  716-3952 License west#144 VEforeclosures Rfor Y information, LAR GE has bank $8  por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939     or Barr visit centraltexSand Dollar, 2 baths, ready imme- 5120 David Properties  4006 We Pick-Up (903) apartment, 2Killeen, bdrm,  336 al llame a nuestra oficina buyer’s premium, terms permission tofor liquidate   LArGEST DEALEr of  Employment ( 254) 526-2277  Appliances   diate delivery. Pre-fab  TX 76549. Call 254-718! ! AVAILABLE ! !  (254) 776-7775 o solicite & conditions. Photos and  unfurnished, good 9086  inventory fast! 2-5 Bed- forwww.davidbarrproper   bank foreclosures has more  quality and construction Manufactured  offic e, retail, ware information, or  visit centraltexen línea en www.janitori- house upcoming actions. T  pets, $525 per ties.combuyer’s  & m ore for lease  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 5120 VE R Y LAR GE rooms ready for delivery atparking, affordable prices! 254housing permission to liquidate    Gallaway TX LIC#12798. David Barr P roperties Appliances premium, terms & condi   month. Call ( 254) NIcE WAShErS, dryapartm ent, 2 bdrm , & part-time jobs available 933-3334. RBI 33073.  ( 254)fast! 526-2277 with financing available. tions. Photos inventory 2-5 Bed- Brokers Lic# 9003373  unfurnished, good  and more 699-3011. www.davidbarrproper for information, buyer’s  now! Needed: ers, refrigerators, and $0 DOWN on Janitorial a NEW Want To Buy  cLEArANcE! cOuN254-933-3334. RBI 33073.  parking, pets, $525 per rooms ready for ties.c omdelivery  cENTrAL TExAS Auc- upcoming  workers in Waco, Temple actions. T GallaSolitaire home when you premium, terms & condi cook stoves. Rebuilt NIcE WAShErS,   Try cabin style home m onth. Call ( 254)dry Services. Real Estate way with financing available.   and surrounding areas. tion WOW! SOLITAIrE WE Buy & Repair Un- use your land down  TX LIC#12798. Broker  699-3011. tions. Photos and more  with barn wood accents, with 90at dayforas warranty. ers, refrigerators, and payment.   Contents Auction. Starting per hour. and  254-933-3334. 33073. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Call$8RBI details,  Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath  2x6 walls, real wood cabiLice #9003373   upcoming actions. T GallaDelivery, work, 5, 2019, 11:00am. cook stoves. Rebuilt 254-933-3334.   Please call service our at October Motorcycles & Scooters. RBIoffice 33073.    cabin style home, real nets, plywood floors, tilt-in SOLITAIrE   4006 Dollar, Killeen, TXSand LIC#12798. Broker need non-working ones. (254) 776-7775 or apply We Pick-Up 336- WOW! with 90 day (903) warranty.     LArGEST DEALEr of way Motorcycles windows. 254-933-3334.  wood cabinets, tape and TX 76549. Call 254-718Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath  9086 Lice #9003373 online at www.janitori(254) 214-5284, (254) Delivery, service work, bank foreclosures has 5120      33073.  or visit centraltextextured walls, plywood  style to home, real RBI  permission liquidate   799-6228   WE need non-working ones. cabin Appliances Buy & Repair UnMotorcycles  floors, built like a HOUSE Farm & ranch    cabinets, tapeBedand inventory fast! 2-5 JOBS AVAILABLE. Full for information,   (254) 214-5284, (254) wood buyer’s wanted/   Broken ATV’s,    rooms ready forplywood delivery must sell. 254-933-3334. & part-time jobs available premium, textured walls,    terms & condi   799-6228 NIcE WAShErS, dry- with  Dogs cuT FErTILIZEr cost, & Scooters. financing WE Buy & Repair Un- Motorcycles now! Needed: Janitorial   RBI 33073. built likeRBI aavailable. HOUSE tions. Photos andN-TEXX more      ers, refrigerators, and floors, improves soil, 254-933-3334. 33073. workers in Waco, Temple We Pick-Up (903) 336wanted/ Broken ATV’s, upcoming actions. T GallaRebuilt - must sell. 254-933-3334. cook stoves.  MuST SELL! MAS15—5-5 with microbacteand surrounding 1 yOrkIEareas. Maleway TX LIC#12798.  with Broker 9086 & Scooters. 90Dogs day warranty. WOW! RBI 33073.SOLITAIrE Motorcycles ria, increases germination, SIVE Solitaire Home,


Sunday, September 22, 2019

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Vol. 1 • No. 50 September 18, 2019

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American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

Page 2 • September 18, 2019


! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! Land, Investment Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper

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Dollar Saver

Sunday, September 22, 2019

 



Dollar Saver Sunday, Septe 

           ADS Miscellaneous Miscellaneous   Spanish Lots/Land/ Auctions  2 Dollar Saver Sunday, September 22, 2019   Acreage       E MPLEOS DIScENTrAL TExAS         2PONIBLES. Dollar Saver¡ YaSunday, 22, 2019 Trans Auction  están September Services. 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Por favor AC. for information, 979-575-3939 west-    2  Dollar  Saver Sunday, September 22, 2019     llame a nuestra oficina al buyer’s premium, terms               (254) 776-7775 Photos and  & conditions.   o solicite        Manufactured      more   en línea en www.janitoriupcoming actions. 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RBI 33073.         4006 Sand Dollar, Killeen,  DEALEr      We Pick-Up (903) 336- LArGEST   of        TX 76549. Call 254-718    9086       bank foreclosures has 5120         or visit centraltex        to liquidate   Appliances permission              inventory fast! 2-5 Bed- for         information, buyer’s           rooms ready for delivery             premium, terms & condi    NIcE WAShErS, dry     available. with financing         tions. Photos and more     ers, refrigerators, and 254-933-3334.    RBI 33073.          upcoming actions. T Galla   cook stoves. Rebuilt       WOW! SOLITAIrE way    TX LIC#12798. Broker   with 90 day warranty.      2 bedroom, 2 bath Lice #9003373    Home,  Delivery, service work,      style home, real Going Out of Business     need non-working ones. cabin 19th Hole P a wn   Motorcycles   wood cabinets, tape and 1520 S. F t. Hood St.      (254) 214-5284, (254) Kileen Tx      textured walls, plywood    799-6228      WE Buy & ofRepair Un! ! AVAILABLE !! Going Out Business    floors, built like a HOUSE   19th Hole P a wn   office, retail, ware  1520 S.Broken F t. Hood St.   wanted/ ATV’s,    must sell. 254-933-3334.   Kileen Tx     house & more for lease   Dogs  Motorcycles & Scooters.      33073.   David Barr Properties RBI        We Pick-Up (903) 336  ( 254) 526-2277      MuST SELL! 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Want To Buy $0 DOWN on a NEW  need non-working ones.    Motorcycles TExAS Auc cabinets, tape and Solitaire home22, when you 1cENTrAL  (254) 214-5284, (254) wood  Dollar Saver Sunday, September 2019  tion Services. Real Estate  & Repair Un- use your land as down textured walls, plywood WE Buy  799-6228    and Contents Auction. WE Buy & Repair Un payment. Call for details, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, floors, built like a HOUSE   Temple: (254) 778-4444  Dollar Saver September 22, 2019 11October  Dollar Saver Sunday, September 22, 2019 5, 2019, 11:00am.  wanted/ Broken ATV’s,Sunday, 254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Motorcycles & Scooters.   - must sell. 254-933-3334.   Motorcycles 4006  Sand Dollar, Killeen, Killeen: (254) 501-7530 Dogs  We Pick-Up (903) 336- LArGEST & Scooters.  DEALEr of TX 76549. RBI 33073. Call 254-718  9086   We Pick-Up (903) 336bank foreclosures has 5120 or visit  MuST   MASSELL! centraltex  1 yOrkIE Male  to liquidate  SIVE Solitaire Appliances  permission Home, 9086    Puppy For Sale. Very inventory fast! 2-5 Bed- for information, buyer’s     cute! model 486SC which 2,624  Call or text (254) rooms ready for delivery premium, terms & condi     NIcE WAShErS, dry- with feet, 4 bedrooms, financing available. tions. Photos and more  716-3952 License #144 square   ers, refrigerators, and 2 baths, ready for imme 254-933-3334. RBI 33073.     cook stoves. Rebuilt  upcoming actions. T GallaEmployment diate delivery.   Pre-fab WOW! SOLITAIrE way TX LIC#12798. Broker   with 90 day warranty. and construction  quality   2 bedroom, 2 bath Lice #9003373    Delivery, service work, Home, JOBS AVAILABLE. Full at  affordable prices! 254  cabin style home, real  need non-working ones. & part-time jobs available 933-3334. Motorcycles  RBI 33073.   cabinets, tape and  (254) 214-5284, (254) wood  Spanish Lots/Land/ Auctions now! Needed: Janitorial cLEArANcE! Dollar Saver Sunday, textured September 22, 2019   walls, plywood cOuN- 2 799-6228  WE Buy & Repair Un workers in Waco, Temple Try Acreage  floors, built like a HOUSE  cabin style home Broken ATV’s,  - must  sell. 254-933-3334. wanted/ E M P L E O S D I S - and surrounding areas.cENTrAL TExAS  with barn wood accents, Dogs Motorcycles & Scooters. ! ! AVAILABLE ! !   RBI 33073.   Starting at $8 per hour.  Trans Auction PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están WEST Services. Equip2x6 walls, real wood cabioffic e,TExAS retail, wareWe Pick-Up (903) 336   Please call our office at MuST SELL! MAShouse area, & m ore for Lake lease ment 1 yOrkIE Male Pecos near disponibles los empleos & Consignment VE R Y LAR GE nets, plywood floors, tilt-in 9086 David Barr Properties SIVE Solitaire Home, (254) 776-7775 applyAuction,  Puppy For Sale. Very apartm ent,completo 2 bdrm , y Amistad. windows. 254-933-3334. 60526-2277 - 450oracres. de tiempo September 21, ( 254) which 2,624 online at www.janitoriADSLots/Land/ ADS ADS  ADS 486SC Spanish Employment Employment Employment Employment cute! Call or text (254) model Auctions unfurnished, good www.davidbarrproper RBI 33073. Electricity, water, easy medio! Se necesita: tra2019, 9:00am. Now acSpanish Lots/Land/ Auctions  716-3952 License #144 square feet, 4 bedrooms, parking, pets, $525 per Acreage ready for imme-  whitetail, dove, ja- cepting bajadores de limpieza en access,  2 baths,  m onth. ( 254)I S Farmconsignments. & ranch JOBSAcreage AVAILABLE. FullcENTrAL EWaco, P LL EE Call O S -- velina, TExAS Employment    diate delivery. Pre-fab   thick cover, views, Call Temple y lasD áreas 254-718-5120 or visit EE M M P O S D II S cENTrAL TExAS  699-3011. M P L E O S D S cENTrAL TExAS   & part-time jobs available     PONIBLES. están Services. TExAS Trans quality  and construction   cuT FErTILIZEr cost, JOBS canyons. Starting atJanitorial $650/ Auction circundantes. partir de WEST centraltexasauctionserPONIBLES. A¡¡¡ Ya Ya están WEST TExAS Trans Auction Services. EquipEquip   PONIBLES. Ya están Auction Services. EquipWEST TExAS Trans  now! Needed: AVAILABLE. Full at affordable prices! 254 disponibles los empleos ment & Consignment Pecos area, near Lake     improves soil, N-TEXX   AC. 979-575-3939 west$8 por hora. Por favor for information, disponibles los empleos Pecos area, near Lake ment & Consignment & part-time jobs available workers in Waco, 933-3334. RBI 33073. disponibles los empleos Pecos & September Consignment area, near Temple Lake ment         de completo Auction, 21, 60  15—5-5 with microbacte now! Needed: Janitorial cLEArANcE!     llame a nuestra oficina alyyy Amistad. premium, terms Amistad. 60 --- 450 450 acres. acres. de tiempo tiempo completo Auction, September 21, and surrounding areas.buyer’s   de tiempo completo Auction, September 21, Amistad. 60 450 acres. cOuN    medio! Se necesita: tra2019, 9:00am. Now acElectricity, water, easy ria, increases germination, workers in Waco, Temple Try  Starting at water, $8 pereasy hour.&     (254) 776-7775 o solicite conditions. Photos and Electricity, medio! Se necesita: tra2019, 9:00am. Now accabin style home   medio! Se necesita: tra2019, 9:00am. Now acElectricity, water, easy   Dollar Saver areas. Sunday,with September 22, 2019 surrounding  bajadores limpieza consignments. whitetail,  growth and production, 2and Manufactured     Please call our dove, officeja  barn wood accents,   en línea ende more upcoming actions. T access, whitetail, dove, ja-atcepting bajadores dewww.janitorilimpieza en en access, cepting consignments.    bajadores de limpieza en cepting consignments. access, whitetail, dove, jaStarting at $8 per hour. $23/acre applied. Deal Waco, Temple y las áreas Call 254-718-5120 or visit velina, thick cover, views,  housing      2x6 walls, real wood cabi(254) thick 776-7775 orviews, applyGallaway TX LIC#12798. Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, cover, Call 254-718-5120 or visit  Please call our office at nets,     Waco, Temple Ay las áreas Call 254-718-5120 or Berry visit velina, thick cover,atviews, ers needed. Damon      plywood floors, tilt-in circundantes. de centraltexasauctionsercanyons. Starting $650/ online at www.janitori     776-7775 or apply windows. Brokers Lic# 9003373 Starting at $650/ circundantes. AA partir partir de centraltexasauctionser    254-793-2318, 254-702- (254) circundantes. partir de canyons. centraltexasauctionsercanyons. Starting at $650/    254-933-3334.   $8 por hora. Por favor for information, AC. 979-575-3939 west  $0 DOWN on a NEW  Want To Buy 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, September 22, 2019 online at www.janitori        AC. 979-575-3939 west$8 por hora. Por favor for information,   RBI 33073. 3797.     $8 pora nuestra hora. Por favor forTExAS information, AC. 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Call for details, wanted/ Broken ATV’s,        for information, buyer’s and Contents Auction.  for   Contents Auction.  Call details, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, llame a nuestra oficina  254-793-2318, 254-702      payment. Call fordelivery details,aland wanted/ Broken ATV’s, payment. October 5, 2019, 11:00am. rooms ready for  Stocker Calves. Call      Motorcycles & RBI    terms & condiOctober 5, 2019, 11:00am.      3797. (254) 776-7775 o33073. solicitepremium, NIcE WAShErS, dry- 254-933-3334.    October 5, 2019, 11:00am.   254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Motorcycles & Scooters. Scooters.     254-933-3334. RBI 33073. Motorcycles & Scooters. 4006 Sand Dollar, Killeen, (254) 749-0909 (254) with financing available.  E M P L E O S D I S      We Pick-Up (903) 336       tions. Photos and more 4006 Sand Dollar, Killeen,  LArGEST DEALEr of en línea en www.janitori ers, refrigerators, and ShIPPING cONTAIN4006 Sand Dollar, Killeen, We Pick-Up (903) 336      749-5637 PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están  We Pick-Up (903) 336- 254-933-3334. 76549. Call 254-718  RBI 33073. 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Home, bedroom, 2 bath bath 749-5637   Lice #9003373  Home, 2  bedroom,  MIxED   online at www.janitoriDelivery, service service work, work, RBI  Lice #9003373 cabin style home, real     Delivery, service work,  WeGENTLE Pick-Up (903) 336  need non-working ones.      cabin style home, real  BMotorcycles r e e d C ow s a n d  cabin style real  MuST SELL! MAS  home,   need non-working ones.  wood cabinets, tape and 1 yOrkIE Male  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  need non-working ones.   9086  Motorcycles Livestock (254) 214-5284, (254)    wood cabinets, tape and Stocker Calves. Call    cabinets, tape and SIVE Solitaire Home,  jobs available   & part-time (254) 214-5284, (254)    textured walls, plywood Puppy For Sale.(254) Very wood (254) 214-5284, real Estate For     799-6228  (254) 749-0909 (254)   textured walls,  which plywood    now! Needed: Janitorial BLAck textured walls, plywood WE Buy & Repair Un model 486SC 2,624 799-6228 ANGuS  built like a HOUSE  cute! Call or text (254) Sale   799-6228  Grass  WE Buy & Repair Un   floors,    749-5637  WE Buy & Repair Unworkers in Waco, Temple floors, built like a HOUSE     Fed bulls and heifers. floors, built like a HOUSE wanted/ Broken ATV’s, square feet, 4 bedrooms,         must sell. 254-933-3334.  716-3952 License #144    wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ATV’s,  and surrounding  areas. Purebred   wanted/ Broken   -2- must sell. 254-933-3334. gentle, 11-18    Dogs   must sell. 254-933-3334. Motorcycles & Scooters.  baths, ready for imme huNTING/ INVEST   RBI 33073.    Dogs  Starting at $8 per hour.  Motorcycles & Scooters. old, $1,300. (254)       months  Motorcycles &(903) Scooters.  RBI 33073.   Employment MENT/ RECREATIONAL  RBI 33073. We Pick-Up 336 diate delivery. Pre-fab  Employment    Please call our office at      899-2558     We  Pick-Up (903) 336336 MuST SELL! MAS    Pick-Up (903) 11 yOrkIE Male  PROPERTY, Texas HillWe   (254) 776-7775 or apply  9086 quality and construction MuST SELL! MAS      MuST SELL! 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Farm & ranch Oak County, whitetail, and surrounding areas. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full with    Kileen Tx    with barn wood accents, Starting at $8 per hour.      with barn wood accents, fit any budget. No money    hogs). Large acreage or  2x6 walls, real wood cabi Starting at $8 per hour.     Starting at jobs $8 per hour. 2x6 & part-time available     walls, real wood cabi Please call office down. 100% financing.  walls, real floors, wood cabismall. 30 year fixed rate      nets, plywood tilt-in    cuT FErTILIZEr cost, Please call our our Janitorial office at at 2x6     Please call our office at now! Needed:   nets, plywood floors, tilt-in  (254) 776-7775 or apply  Credit repair program. owner financing. Only 5%    nets, plywood floors, tilt-in       windows. 254-933-3334. improves soil, N-TEXX  (254) 776-7775 or apply   ! ! 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September 18, 2019 • Page 3


Going Out of Business 19th Hole P awn 1520 S. F t. Hood St. Kileen Tx


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RBI 33073. germination,   ria, increases  Farm & ranch   growth and Farm & production, ranch Please call our office at JOBS AVAILABLE. Full 

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Page 4 • September 18, 2019

! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277


! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277

de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  & part-time jobs available  now! Needed: Janitorial  workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply  online at www.janitori    real Estate For Real Estate Sale

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We Pick-Up 336- LArGEST    DEALEr of TX    4006  We Pick-Up (903) 336   9086  LArGEST DEALErhas of TX 76   bank foreclosures   76     5120  9086  bank  foreclosures has 5120   permission to liquidate    Appliances  asauc   permission to liquidate    inventory fast! 2-5 Bed- for Appliances    asau in      inventory fast! Bed- for  rooms ready for2-5 delivery  in     prem  NIcE WAShErS, dry rooms ready for delivery  with financing available. Houses    prem   tions. NIcE WAShErS, dryers, refrigerators, and with financing available.    RBI 33073. tions       ers, refrigerators, and 254-933-3334. for RentRebuilt cook stoves.    254-933-3334. RBI 33073. upcom     WOW! SOLITAIrE upcom  way T cook 90 stoves. Rebuilt     with day warranty.       WOW! SOLITAIrE   Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath way T     Lice with 90 day warranty. #    Delivery, service work, Home,    2 bedroom, bath     style home,2 real Lice#    Delivery, service work,   need non-working ones. cabin          M cabin style home, real    cabinets, tape and     need non-working ones. wood (254) 214-5284, (254)      M     wood cabinets, tape and  textured walls, plywood   (254) 214-5284, (254)     799-6228      B textured walls,   floors, built like aplywood HOUSE WE  799-6228     WE     built254-933-3334. like a HOUSE want  -floors, must sell.          Duplexes/ want Dogs  Moto   -  must sell. 254-933-3334.   RBI 33073.       P  Dogs   Moto    We  33073.  Townhomes   RBI     SELL! MAS- 9086    1  yOrkIE Male MuST WeP      MuST SELL! MAS- 9086  Solitaire  Home, 1 yOrkIE  Puppy For Sale.Male Very SIVE        SIVE Solitaire  486SC whichHome, 2,624  Sale.(254) Very model  cute!Puppy Call For or text      model 486SC which 2,624     square feet, 4 bedrooms,  cute! CallLicense or text#144  716-3952  (254)        square feet, 4 bedrooms,    ready for imme716-3952 License #144 2 baths,       2  baths, ready forPre-fab immeEmployment diate delivery.    Employment  quality  diate delivery. Pre-fab    and construction         Mobile Homes/Full atquality JOBS AVAILABLE. and construction    affordable prices! 254-        JOBS AVAILABLE. 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Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath for information,  buyer’s  medio! Se necesita: tra- Electricity, water, easy 2019, 9:00am. Now acLice #9003373   rooms ready for delivery       cabin style home, real premium, terms & ycondivelina, thick cover, Waco, Temple lasáreas Call 254-718-5120 or visit Going Out of Business whitetail, dove,views, ja- cepting bajadores de limpieza en access, consignments.     with financing available.    Motorcycles 19th Hole P awn wood cabinets, tape and tions. Photos and more   Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, Call 254-718-5120 or visit     canyons. Starting at $650/ circundantes. A partir de centraltexasauctionser  1520 S. F t. Hood St. 254-933-3334. RBIplywood 33073. upcoming  partir  textured walls, actions. T Galla    2Temple: Dollar Saver Sunday, September 22, 2019    Kileen Tx  canyons. Starting at $650/ circundantes. A de centraltexasauctionser (254) 778-4444  979-575-3939 west- for information, $8 por Por favor AC. WE Buy &hora. Repair UnWOW! SOLITAIrE     floors, built like a HOUSE way TX LIC#12798. Broker $8 por hora. Por favor west- for information,   AC. 979-575-3939    wanted/ Broken ATV’s,   Home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath  llame a nuestra oficina al buyer’s premium, terms   (254) 501-7530 -Killeen: must sell. 254-933-3334. Lice #9003373  llame a nuestra oficina al buyer’s premium, terms       Motorcycles & Scooters.  cabin style home, real RBI 33073. !  ! !  Com m ercial !solicite !! (254) 776-7775 o336& conditions. 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Broker RBI  33073.  rooms ready    with 90 day warranty.     en línea en www.janitori  reas. with for2delivery  y  premium, terms & condi    Home, 2 bedroom, bath   barn wood accents,   NIcE WAShErS, dryhousing  Lice #9003373    Delivery, service work,   Motorcycles Farm & Auctions with financing available.   hour. Spanish Lots/Land/ Dogs Sporting Goods      Farm & Ranch ranch    cabin style home, real   E. Full 2x6 walls, real wood cabi-     tions. Photos and more    need non-working ones. ers, refrigerators, and    ce at  Acreage    Motorcycles  254-933-3334. 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Deal  itorial Kileen       apply cuT  9086 thick cover, views, Call   SIVE Solitaire   bank foreclosures has    Puppy For Sale. textured walls,Home, velina, Waco, Temple yplywood las áreas 254-718-5120 or visit soil, N-TEXX mple improves   Very   Damon    ers needed. Berry     nitori799-6228     486SC whichA2,624   permission to liquidate   WE Buy & Repair Uncute! Call or text (254) model 15—5-5 with microbactecanyons. Starting at $650/ circundantes. partir de centraltexasauctionserreas.   Appliances   254-793-2318, 254-702floors, built like a HOUSE     y    716-3952   feet, 4 bedrooms, Hunting &  inventory 2-5 Bed   License #144 square  ria, increases germination, AC. 979-575-3939 west- $8 por hora. Por favor wanted/ forfast! information,   3797. 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Hood St. financing available. itorial BLAck workers Waco, Temple     unfurnished, good   ANGuS Grass    tions. Photos and more 2 baths, ready for immewww.davidbarrproper improves soil, N-TEXX nitoriers, refrigerators, and Try cabin style home Kileen Tx  in Waco, Temple    749-5637  254-933-3334. RBI 33073. upcoming  emple    parking, pets, per workers  ties.c om  bulls and $525 heifers. surrounding areas.15—5-5 Employment actions. TPre-fab Galla diate delivery. with microbacte cook stoves. 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DealRBI 33073.    need non-working ones.   776-7775 or apply   itorial    apply  Motorcycles   BLAck ANGuS (254) 776-7775 or apply     cabinets, and now! Needed:tape Janitorial     Grass online needed. Damon Berry     (254) 214-5284, (254) wood   254-933-3334. at www.janitori- erswindows. cLEArANcE! cOuNmple Fed   G E N T L EandMheifers. 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Call E  wanted/ ATV’s, M P L E O S D I S     old, $1,300. (254)     must sell. 254-933-3334. Starting at $8 per hour.          For ShIPPING cONTAIN-   2x6 walls, real wood cabi ce at 899-2558   Dogs (254) 749-0909 (254) PONIBLES. & Scooters. ¡ Ya estánFull       RBI 33073. 212 eastand loop 121 Please call our office atMotorcycles JOBS AVAILABLE.           ErS $2,000 up. Wind nets, plywood(903) floors,336tilt-in apply  749-5637   We Pick-Up disponibles los empleos            (254) 776-7775 or apply Belton, tx 76513       SELL! MAS- 9086 & part-time jobs available  water See phoG E N T L E M I x E D de windows. 254-933-3334.  1 tight. yOrkIE Male MuST nitori    tiempo completo y and  online at www.janitori    cuT FErTILIZEr cost, EST- B SIVE Solitaire Home, RBI 33073.     www.steelcontainers. r e e d C ow s a n d medio! Puppy For Sale. Very    now! Needed: Janitorial September 21,  Se necesita: tra- tos        Going Out of Business net ONAL model 486SC which 2,624 Will deliver. (254) 722Stocker Calves. improves N-TEXX cute! Callsoil, or text (254)     Call bajadores de limpieza en       workers in Waco, Temple  19th Hole P awn  2019 For s Hill (254) 749-0909 (254) Waco, 4 bedrooms, JOBSfeet, AVAILABLE. Full Farm & ranch  4270, Burleson, TX. #144 square  716-3952    1520 S. F t. 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Porper favor   N-TEXX Bgrowth r  e eaccepting d C ow s and South  quality and construction workers in Waco, Temple improves and production, EST-  STORAGE CONTAINERS IN 2soil, DAYS!  Please call our office at llame a nuestra oficina al   Going Out of Business   ONAL  Stocker Calves. Call Full atand JOBS AVAILABLE.  l, Live Front-End affordable prices!areas. 254- 15—5-5 with microbactesurrounding  $   $23/acre applied. Deal19th Hole P awn (254) 776-7775 o solicite    (254) 776-7775 orSt.apply(254) s Hill ria, increases germination, 749-0909 & part-time jobs(254) available 933-3334. etail, RBI$833073. at per hour.  starting t. HoodInstalled rEplacEmEnts atlíneaS.enF www.janitoriSELLING OVER  en1520  ers needed. Damon Berry Starting   Me749-5637 now! Needed: Janitorial Kileen Tx   ge or  online at www.janitoriPlease call our cOuNoffice at growth and production, Turn Over cLEArANcE!  free    STORAGE CONTAINERS EACH DAY! applied. Dealworkers in Waco, Temple Try  254-793-2318, 254-702d rate  (254)cabin 776-7775 apply $23/acre Gooseneck styleorhome      JOBS AVAILABLE. South ers needed. Damon Berry and surrounding areas. with ly 5%   Livestock Ball HitchFull online atWILL www.janitori 3797.  barn wood accents,    WE HAVE FORK LIFTS TO BRING   part-time , Live  254-793-2318, 254-702Starting at $8 per hour. 2x6  & E M PInstalled L Ejobs O Starting Savailable DatI S - 4006  rpris sand dollar walls, real wood   CONTAINERS TO cabiYOUR TRAILERS TO LOAD now! Needed: Janitorial   etail,  ShIPPING 3797. Please calltxcONTAINour office at  $600  BLAck ANGuS Grass 9720 PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están killeen, 76549 nets, plywood floors, tilt-in E M P L E O S D I S        workers in Waco, Temple FedErS ge or (254) 776-7775 orWind apply windows. bulls andand heifers. TERMS: 10% BP.¡ CASH • NO CHECKS • VISA/MC (+4%)  $2,000 up. ShIPPING cONTAINomes   254-933-3334.  PONIBLES. Ya están   disponibles los empleos  Grill Guards   and surrounding areas. Purebred OctOber 5,pho- RBI dans  rate online attight. www.janitori gentle, 11-18  ErS $2,000 and up. Wind  to  Installed Starting at  33073.   and water See disponibles los empleos  CONCESSIONS & FORK LIFTS AVAILABLE Starting at $8 completo per hour. months de tiempo y  y 5%  old, $1,300. (254)  water tight. See pho    money 2019  de tiempo completo y andTO $our   tos www.steelcontainers. Please call office attraBRING YOUR TRAILERS THE SALE!     rprisSK Truck Bed Farm & necesita: ranch   899-2558  medio! Se550 necesita: JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  ncing. medio! Se tra- tos www.steelcontainers.      (254) 776-7775 or apply 11:00am 9720  net Will deliver. (254) 722  PURCHASED ITEMS MUST BE REMOVED BY OCTOBER(254) 5TH. 722net Will deliver. & part-time jobs available Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ............... 4,450 gram. Short  bajadores de limpieza en  bajadores de limpieza en   ENTLE MIxED online at www.janitori- G   cuT FErTILIZEr cost,  omes  Go to 4270, Burleson, TX. Long Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ................. 4,650  now! Needed: Janitorial 4270, Burleson, TX.     Waco, Temple yN-TEXX las áreas Waco, Temple y las áreas  B r e e d C ow s a n d     improves soil,  ns to Dually  w/4 Boxes 4,900 Stocker   workersCalves. in Waco,Call Temple  circundantes. A partir de G E N T L E M I x E D  .....................................................   4,950 circundantes. A For partir de  with microbacte   money 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................. and surrounding areas. 15—5-5 real Estate GENTLE MIxED $8increases por hora. PorVideo, favorPhotos and List  (254) 749-0909 (254) to view    ria, germination, cing. 84" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes .............................. $8 porSale hora. 5,375 Por favor749-5637 Starting atCows $8 perand hour. llame a nuestra oficina al B r e e d C ow s a n d Visit:   Breed Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation  Call and production, ram.   Professionally Managed & Stocker AuctioneeredCalves. by: Please call our office at growth llame a nuestra oficina al for (254) 776-7775 o solicite  information, Calves. buyer’s premium, (254) 749-0909 (254)  Stocker Call $23/acre applied. Deal   (254) 776-7775 or apply huNTING/ INVESTenneeded. línea enHall www.janitori & conditions, photos, and Bill Auctioneer, (254) RECREATIONAL 776-7775 o solicite terms  749-5637 Inc.   Damon Berry (254) 749-0909 (254) ers online at www.janitoriMENT/ more upcoming auctions.   800-932-2461 E. Hwy. 190 • 2403  P.O, Box 339, Salado, Texas 254-760-1156 254-793-2318, 254-702en línea en www.janitori254-718-5120  PROPERTY, Texas Hill 8.7  Miles West of "Old Location" or .5 miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart 749-5637   JOBS AVAILABLE. Full T. Gallaway TX LIC#12798 3797.  LIC & BONDED SINCE 1981 Livestock TXS 6949 Country (Edwards,  Broker 9003373 EM P LLic# EO S D I S - & part-time  www.kEmpnErEquip .com jobs available  nard, Coke County, free ShIPPING cONTAIN PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están  now! Needed: Janitorial   JOBSexotics) AVAILABLE. ranging - SouthFull disponibles los empleos ErS $2,000 and up. Wind BLAck ANGuS Grass     workers in Waco, Temple

work, dryones. and 254) built anty. work, nes. 254) Male . Very (254) #144

Manufactured housing

Want To Buy






Auctions c E N T r A L T E x AS Auction Services. Equipment & Consignment Auction, September 21, 2019, 9:00am. Now accepting consignments. Call 254-718-5120 or visit for information, buyer’s premium, terms & conditions. Photos and more upcoming actions. T ADS TX Auctions Gallaway LIC#12798. Brokers Lic# 9003373 cENTrAL TExAS Auction Services. Real Estate and Contents Auction. October 5, 2019, 11:00am. 4006 Sand Dollar, Killeen, TX 76549. Call 254-7185120 or visit for information, buyer’s premium, terms & conditions. Photos and more upcoming actions. T Gallaway TX LIC#12798. Broker Lice #9003373

Huge FARM LIQUIDATION OF DON L. wILkINsON ABSOluTe 2-dAy th a saturday, september 28 STOrAge cOnTAIner • • Bidding Begins at 10:00AM • • AucTIOn 651 CR 457, Coleman, TX 76834


equipment & SAT., SePT 28 @ 10Am consignment auction 2305 S. Ft. Hood St. • Killeen, TX Farm & ranch


Sun., SePT 29 @ 10Am 1204 Industrial • Temple TX



September 18, 2019 • Page 5

real estate & contents auction






kEmpnEr EquipmEnt




WE Buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086

tAking ConsignMents sePteMBer 18-19, 9AM-5PM This will be one of The besT aucTions of The year! Don’T miss ouT! over 500+ loTs of qualiTy equipmenT To be solD. (2) John Deere 9300 Tractors, (2) John Deere 4020 Tractors (bought new @ coleman John Deere), John Deere 4440, 4840, 6300, 2350 Tractors, entire contents of shop, John Deere 566 baler & hay equipment, (2) matching 1995 freightliner Grain Trucks, cattle equipment, 41’ John Deere 680 chisel plow, 39’ John Deere 610 chisel plow, 32’ summers Disc plow, 33’ landoll Disc plow, augers, 7’, 8’, 10’, & 15’ shredders, round bale Trailers, flatbed Trailers, 30+ Guns, stainless steel Kitchen equipment, bbq Trailer, John Deere Track skid steer w/attachments, case 750 Dozer, fuel Tanks, mounted fuel Tank Trailers, 8300 Grain Drill, 650 bushel Grain buggy, John Deere Zero Turn, John Deere Gator, Travel Trailer, Dump Truck, Galion 850 road Grader, storage containers, John Deere pTo mixer/Grinder, shaffer post Driver, feed Trucks, portable welders, scrap metal & pipe & much more! Concessions will be available on Auction Day

H PrevieW: FridAy, sePteMBer 27, 9:00AM-5:00PM H

For more information, visit:

cac Clark Auction Company, LLC

Robert W. Clark #12497 (254) 848-2333

All equipment must be paid on day of auction. Everything must be picked up no later than 5pm on Tuesday, October 1st. All items sold “AS IS”. Any printed material is superseded by Opening Announcements. A buyers premium of 5% will be added to every purchase with no more than $1000 per item to be charged. Day of auction phone (254) 715-5646.

Page 6 • September 18, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

  

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 501-7530

September 18, 2019 • Page 7

 

     

Building/ Remodeling

          

     


Brick/ Concrete

Building/ Remodeling

Building/ Remodeling

! ! K illeen Constr uction & R epair s General Hom e R epair/Maint. Int/E x t-R oom Additions, Tiling , Doors, P a inting , Dry wall, Garag e Conv ., Trim & More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650

        

          

Concrete Services

Foundation Repairs

Tree Service

     

  

Crafts & Gifts

CHECK US OUT! Our classifieds have everything you need!

     

Roofing Massage/ Health/ Fit.



254-778-4444 254-501-7530



Call (254) 501-7530

Yardwork/ Landscaping  



Chimney/ Fireplace Svc.

Tree Service  

! ! K illeen Constr uction & R epair s General Hom e R epair/Maint. Int/E x t-R oom Additions, Tiling , Doors, P a inting , Dry wall, Garag e Conv ., Trim & More. F ree E st. 338-1337 or 466-7650

   Business   Opportunity    

Scrap Metal Clean-Up

              

     


           

Page 8 • September 18, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777

dvertising Help Wanted Professional..............133


Motorcycles For Salew&d ....................294 Products................................184 Lease/ No Deposit. Livestock ........................................232 Chappell Hill Reality ....79 ch&a, connections, 39 Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 ...................134 Food Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 ..................123 RanchGroup HouseRecreational Inn Salesperson Wanted........................134 .....75 stove, refrigerator, dishVehicles ....................296 Musical 15 Acres, ShovelGoods................................186 Ready ....80 Livestock ........................................232 Furniture, New & Used ..................179 ..................135 tunity. Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Musical Goods................................186 773-0114 washer, fenced yard. One Lt Ind Near I-35 North ROOM AVAILABLE Help Wanted Truck Drivers ............130 Wanted ..................................135 .....76 Sport ..............................187 Utility......................180 ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 erties. JobsBelow Mkt @ 85¢ Sq Ft ....81 car No ....................................297 Auto Utility Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Sport Sporting Goods Items for garage, lease in fireplace. established ndivid- FURNISHED Furniture, New & Used ..................179 EFFICIENHelp Wanted Medical ....................131 .....77 Vans......................181 & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 Lovely, furnishedTrucks, effipets allowed. Auto 2309A ers ailable ...82............130 Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances U.Bora Salon at $800 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 254-780-1090 CIES. Flat Screen TVs, ciency apartment, Historic Auto Repairs ..................................290 Miscellaneous Items ......................180 Bunker Hill Drive. Help Wanted General ....................132 ..................146 Automobiles For4224 SaleS.....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 .....78 ..................131 District, Building $595 month in5th in Temple. Notes,Kitchen. Stocks, Bonds ....................146 Free: Cable, ......................181 Heavy Duty For Trucks Merchandise Wanted ....................183 ...83 Full month, $800 deposit. Automobiles Sale........................292 ....................299 Materials ..........................190 Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 Goods & Appliances Help Wanted Professional..............133 cludes utilities, $300 de..................132 Call paid. Linda Murphy Water Available .....79 Internet. Bills Paid. No posit. 1305 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 N.Heavy 5th. RENOVATED 3BR, 2BA, Duty Trucks Wanted ....................183 Salesperson Wanted........................134 August........................292 15th. Call Satur254-718-8764 254-228-6473 NoMerchandise Deposit. nal..............133 .....80 Lease/ ch&a, w&d connections, Recreational Musical Goods................................186 day anytime after 12:00, Vehicles ....................296 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Food Products................................184 Jobs Wanted ..................................135 LOOKING for a lot set up Ranch House Inn stove, refrigerator, dish- Sunday after 1:00, week...................134 dy .....81 for a773-0114 mobile home. Sport Utility ....................................297 Sporting Goods ..............................187 washer, fenced yard. One Vehicles ....................296 Goods................................186 Recreationaldays th after 4pm 254-421-3932 ..................135 MaryMusical .....82 Ft car garage, fireplace. No ....................................297 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, Motors ................................188 (254)931-1650. Sport Utility Sporting Goods ..............................187 HILLTOP VILLAGE MHP OAKS APTS. Lovely, furnished effi- HOLLY pets allowed. 2309A..........................190 Make your adBonds stand out Make your ad stand out Notes, Stocks, ....................146 .....83 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials HILLTOP VILLAGE MHP OAKS APTS. Belton efficiency, $500$800 a HOLLY COME HOME TO OFFICE SPACE 1090 2 & 3BR Available, Belton COME HOME TOAA ciency apartment, Historic Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Boats, ................................188 Bunker Hill Drive. 1BR/1BA upstairs & from the Motors rest! from the rest! OFFICE SPACE 2 & 3BR$200 Available, Belton deposit, pay CLEAN HOUSE! District,Move-In $595Special. month in- month, 1BR/1BA upstairs & CLEAN HOUSE! month, $800 deposit. ..................146 FOR LEASE ASK FOR ASK FOR Move-In Special. half electric, free cleaning downstairs. Washer and Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Building Materials ..........................190 Casa Clean! Homes, Please call for info. 1BR Partly Furnished. Bills cludes utilities, $300 deCasaFOR Clean! Homes, ofofLEASE Washer 3,500 anda fices, WaterPlease paid. Available call for info. once aCovered month. Fenced downstairs. BOLDING BOLDING apartments. Call 254-939-1599 paid. $660 refurbished month or $165 Recently posit. 1305 N. 5th. dryer. parking. fices, and and apartments. Call 254-939-1599 August 15th. Call Saturbackyard, washer & dryer, Recently refurbished dryer. Covered parking. Ann 480-490-5705 week. 913 E. Adams. Call Classified Call Classified 3,500 254-228-6473 sq.ft. office and warehouse Ann 480-490-5705 Water paid. Appointheat & air. No no 254-231-9610 day anytime afterpets, 12:00, and warehouse 778-4444 778-4444 Water paid. Appointspace. Located on corner sq.ft. office t up smoking. Call 254-444-0061 ments EXTRA CLEAN: ResidenLocated corner Sunday773-4787. after 1:00, week- lot in Lic downtown Temple. space. #1-74-6066507-2 EXTRA CLEAN:onTemple. Residenments 773-4787. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 lot in downtown days after 4pm tial and light Commercial WED.parking. AFTERNOONS ny loOff-street tial andparking. light Commercial HILLTOP VILLAGE MHP HOLLY OAKS APTS. Off-street WED. AFTERNOONS Cash for Houses. Any lo- (254)931-1650. Cleaning. Free Estimates. Doors Open 11am Call 254-774-5204 OFFICE SPACE 2 & 3BR Available, Belton Cleaning. Free Estimates. Doors Open 11am out& Call dition. out cated or any condition. Make your ad stand 1BR/1BA upstairs Call 254-774-5204 254-421-0099. Session Starts 12:30pm Belton efficiency, Move-In Special.APTS. HILLTOP VILLAGE $500 MHP a HOLLY OAKS Session Starts 12:30pmand Call 254-421-0099. TOWNHOMES AT from the rest! FOR LEASE FRI. AFTERNOONS month, deposit, downstairs. Washer Please call for info. 325-650-5900 OFFICE SPACE TOWNHOMES AT 2 & 3BR$200 Available, Beltonpay 1BR/1BA FRI. AFTERNOONS upstairs & Doors Open 5pm ASK FOR half electric, Special. free cleaning 1BR Partly 254-939-1599 Furnished. RIVER FAIR Bills dryer. Covered parking. Recently refurbished 3,500 JUST BUILT OUT 4 ac- once Move-In Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm a metal month. RIVER FAIR FOR LEASE JUST BOLDING Washer anda paid. $660 month or $165 2BA, 4 ac- downstairs. Please call forroof, info.Fenced officeBUILT and OUT warehouse OFFICE SPACE! er, off 4BR, Session Starts 6:30pm Water paid. Appoint- sq.ft. OFFICE SUNDAY AFTERNOONS backyard, washer & dryer, SPACE! BELTON week. Covered 913 E. parking. Adams. Recently fenced, 3674 Pointer, off dryer. Call Classified 254-939-1599 Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofrefurbished 3,500 space. Located onft corner 76513. res BELTON AFTERNOONS SUNDAY Doors Open 4pm heat& & air. No pets, no 254-231-9610 Two spaces: 730 sq. ofments 773-4787. 190 1670 in Belton, 76513. fice;office $1,100; all bills paid 778-4444 sq.ft. and warehouse 0-8942, smoking. Call 254-444-0061 •3bed/2.5bath/2gar lot in $1,100; downtown Temple. PINA Treeall bills Trimming, Doors Open 4pm Session Starts 5:30pm fice; paid Best offer! 254-760-8942, Water paid. Appoint- space. •3bed/2.5bath/2gar and 570 sq. ft office; $875; Located on corner Off-street Cash for Houses. Any lo- mentsRENTparking. PINA Tree Trimming, LARGE Session Starts 5:30pm and 570 sq. ft office; $875; $2,000 760-8847 Mowing, Edging, Clean773-4787. paid.$2,000 Both brand COME HOME A RENTlot all inbills downtown Temple. NON-SMOKING ROOM all bills paid. BothTO brand Call 254-774-5204 LARGE cated orLoans..............................................147 any condition. ....................84 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 new build outs: Diana White Mowing, Edging, CleanDrive, CLEAN ing, Rake ny lonew buildHOUSE! outs:Leaves, Hot Food Available Off-street parking. Diana White Meadow Oaks Drive, NON-SMOKING ROOM 3320 Pecan Valley, Sun- 3206 325-650-5900 TOWNHOMES AT Casa Clean! Homes, of713.859.2952 ....................85 ing, Rake Leaves, 3320 Pecan Valley, Real Estate Computers, Software......................192 Maximum Pay Out 3/2/2.Loans, Sun- Investments ....148 Lawncare, Private Fence, Call 254-774-5204 Hot Food Available Temple. 254-760-2995 ition. 713.859.2952 ed w/ Temple. Large fices, and apartments. Call Temple. 254-760-2995 room. Corner lot. Shed w/ Chappell Hill Reality Maximum Pay Out RIVER FAIR JUST BUILT OUTFence, Lawncare, Private 9 and concrete work. Ann 480-490-5705 4BR, 2BA, metal roof, 4 ac....................86 TOWNHOMES AT New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193 Chappell Hill Reality electric. $150K. 254-541-0239 OFFICE SPACE! Group res fenced, 3674 Pointer, off and concrete Free BELTON Group ....................87 tunity. Two spaces: 730Estimates. sq. ft work. ofAuctions, All Types ........................194 RIVER FAIR JUST BUILT OUT 190 & 1670 in Belton, 76513. EXTRA CLEAN: Residen4 ac- Investment ROOM AVAILABLE Opportunity. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 erties. fice; $1,100; all bills paid Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765 ROOM AVAILABLE OFFICE SPACE! Best offer! 254-760-8942, •3bed/2.5bath/2gar er, off Temple tial and light Commercial Rental Properties. ....................88 Antiques, Collectibles ....................195 BELTON WED. AFTERNOONS for lease in established ndividand 570 sq. ft office; $875; FURNISHED EFFICIENTwo spaces: 730 sq. ft of760-8847 cash Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 76513. Positive for in established 771-2191, 718-9765 flow. Individ- FURNISHED EFFICIENRENT$2,000 Cleaning. Free Estimates. Doors Open 11am ailable alllease bills paid. Both brand fice; $1,100; all bills paid Small Lawn Care Business Salon at 0-8942, ual ....................89 •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Machinery, Misc.and &U.Bora Heavy..............196 CIES.residences. Flat Screen TVs, Available U.Bora Salon at and Call Session Starts 12:30pm new build outs: Diana Dairy, Farm CIES. Flat Screen TVs, 3206 Meadow Oaks Products Drive, ....................171 570 sq. ft White office; $875; Mow,254-421-0099. weed, trim trees immediately. 254-541-2206 4224 S. 5th in Temple. RENT- $2,000 Full Kitchen. Small Lawn Care Business 3320 Pecan Valley, FRI. AFTERNOONS Temple. LargeFree: 3/2/2.Cable, Sun- Full Kitchen. all bills paid. Both brand 4224 S.OPERATOR 5th inAlso, Temple. landscaping. painting 713.859.2952 Free: Cable, COME HOME TO A Feed & Pasturing ..........................172 Temple. Mow, weed, 254-760-2995 trim trees and Doors Open 5pm Call Linda Murphy room. Corner Shed No w/ new build outs: Diana White Billslot.Paid. Drive, Internet. and remodeling. 254-760-3031 Call Linda Murphy CLEAN HOUSE! ...................................147 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 Chappell Hill Reality Internet. Bills Paid. No RENOVATED 3BR, 2BA, landscaping. Also, painting Session Starts 6:30pm 439 Water Supply Corpoelectric. $150K. 254-541-0239 3320 Pecan3BR, Valley, 2BA, Sun- Lease/ NoField 254-718-8764 Seeds, Fertilizer Lease/ ....................174 Pets ................................................230 RENOVATED 713.859.2952 Deposit. Casa Clean! Homes, of- and remodeling. ..................120 254-718-8764 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 254-760-3031 ch&a, w&d connections, ch&a, Temple. 254-760-2995 Group No Deposit. ed w/ Investments ....148 VETERAN YARD CAREpooans, Computers, Software......................192 ration has a full time w&d connections, fices, and apartments. Call Chappell Hill Reality Investment Opportunity. Ranch House Inn Doors Open 4pm Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 ............................................231 9.................123 stove, refrigerator, Tree/Hedge Trimming, dy ROOM AVAILABLE Ranch House Poultry Inndishstove, refrigerator, AnnSession 480-490-5705 Temple Rental Properties. Tree Trimming, 15 Acres, Shovel Ready sition available forCARE TCEQ Starts 5:30pmdish- PINA uto Business Equipment VETERAN YARD Groupyard. 773-0114 washer, ......................193 fenced One ........................................232 Weed Eating, Mow, Edge, h Loans....................149 Livestock for lease inCleanup, established 773-0114 washer, fenced flow. Individ- FURNISHED Lt Ind cash Near I-35 North EFFICIENLARGEyard. One Mowing, tunity. Positive Tree/Hedge Trimming, Edging, CleanBlow, Ft car garage, fireplace. No Class C License distribuROOM AVAILABLE Auctions, AllCIES. Types ........................194 residences. Available Mkt @ 85¢ Sq Ft car garage, fireplace. No NON-SMOKING ROOM erties. ual Below EXTRA CLEAN: ResidenU.Bora Salon at Weed Eating, Mow, Edge, Mulch Installation Flat Screen2309A TVs, Lovely, furnished pets allowed. Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Rake Leaves, immediately. 254-541-2206 tion operator. for in established ndividHot Food Available Furniture, New &effiUsedLovely, ..................179 furnished effi- pets 2309A ing, FURNISHED EFFICIEN1090 Blow, Cleanup, Antiques, ....................195 tial lease andallowed. light Commercial ciency apartment, Historic Collectibles 4224Randy S. 5th254-743-9444 in Temple. ers ............130 WED. Bunker HillAFTERNOONS Drive.Historic $800 Bunker Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, 254-780-1090 Miscellaneous ............170 ailable Maximum Pay Out ciency apartment, Private Fence, Hill Free Drive. $800 Lawncare, U.Bora Salon at Mulch Installation This position’s primary CIES. TVs, District, Flat $595Screen month inCleaning. Estimates. Miscellaneous Items ......................180 Auto Repairs ..................................290 Doors Open 11am month, $800 deposit. CallRandy Linda254-743-9444 Murphy Machinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196 $595 inInternet. Bills month Paid. No month, $800in3BR, deposit. .................131 cludes utilities, $300 de- District, Products ....................171 concrete work. 4224 S. 5th Temple. RENOVATED 2BA, and Call 254-421-0099. Session Starts 12:30pm Full Kitchen. Cable, function is the operation Water paid. Available cludes utilities, $300 de- Insurance, GoodsFree: &N.Appliances AutoSaturParts, Etc. ............291 Lease/FRI. No Deposit. posit. 1305 5th. ......................181 Water paid. Available Free 254-718-8764 AFTERNOONS ch&a, w&d connections, Estimates. posit. 1305 N. 5th. Call Linda Murphy ..................132 August 15th. Call uring ..........................172 Internet. Bills Paid. No and maintenance of a 254-228-6473 August 15th. Call SaturRanch House Inn RENOVATED 3BR, 2BA, Doors Open 5pm 254-228-6473 stove,........................292 refrigerator, dish- 771-2191, 718-9765 Wanted ....................183 Duty day Trucks day anytime afterHeavy 12:00, 15 Acres, Shovel Ready 254-718-8764 Lease/ NoMerchandise Deposit. up nal..............133 anytime Fertilizer ....................174 Pets purchased water distriStarts 6:30pm ch&a, w&d connections, REFINISHING 773-0114 washer, fencedafter yard.12:00, One BATHTUB Lt Ind Near LOOKING for aI-35 lot North set up................................................230 SundaySession after 1:00, week- Sunday Food Products................................184 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 after 1:00, weekRanch House Inn AFTERNOONS SUNDAY inbution home. Repairs on lines, porcestove, refrigerator, dishfor a mobile home. Below Mkt @ 85¢ Sq Ft ............................................231 car garage, fireplace. No Small system ...................134 mdy Equipment ..............175 Poultry days after 4pm days Lawn Care Business after 4pm Mow, lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Openyard. 4pm One Mary 254-421-3932 773-0114 washer, fenced h BATHTUB REFINISHING Lovely, Doors furnished effi- pets allowed. 2309A Musical Goods................................186 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 weed, trim trees and (254)931-1650. valves, meters. years in and business. Call Dale PINA Tree Trimming, Livestock ........................................232 ..................135 Session Starts 5:30pm (254)931-1650. 254-780-1090 Ft ciency apartment, Historic car garage, fireplace. No in home. Repairs on porceAlso, painting Bunker HilladDrive. $800 landscaping. out Make your stand out 721-3658. Make your ad stand out Make your ad254-760-3031 stand out to Belton efficiency, $500 a Belton Sporting Goods ..............................187 Sport Utility LARGE Please send resume District, efficiency, $595 month inlainremodeling. and fiberglass. Over 30 Lovely, furnished effiMowing, Edging, Cleanpets allowed. 2309A and $500 a ....................................297 month, $800 deposit. from the rest! $200thedeposit, pay month, ROOM from rest!Historic the rest!Call Dale 1090 w & Usedmonth, ..................179 cludesNON-SMOKING utilities, $300 deciency apartment, yearsfrom in business. $200 pay Bunker Hill deposit, Drive. $800 paid. Boats, Motors ................................188 Trucks, VansWater &ing, Pickups..................298 ASK FOR Available Rake Leaves, JJ’S half electric, free cleaning REMODELING FOR Hot1305 Food Available posit.electric, N. 5th. 1BR Partly Furnished. Bills ASK FOR ASK FOR District, $595 month inhalf free cleaning VETERAN YARD CARE 721-3658. 1BR Partly Furnished. Bills month, $800 deposit. Auto Repairs ..................................290 s.................146 Items ......................180 August 15th. Call Fence, Saturonce month. $300 Fenced HIRE. Free estimates. No BOLDING or contact 439 Water 254-228-6473 paid. $660 month or $165 a paid. Out cludes aBOLDING utilities, deonce aMaximum month.Pay Fenced Lawncare, Private Building ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Trimming, BOLDING $20 Per Hour month or $165 a Water paid. backyard, washer Materials dryer, job Tree/Hedge too small. Call day $660 anytime after 12:00, week. 913 E. Available Call Classified posit. 1305 N.&Auto 5th. backyard, washer & Adams. dryer, week. Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 liances ......................181 Weed Eating, Mow, Edge,FOR LOOKING forNo a lot set up Supply Corporation at JJ’S REMODELING 913 E. Adams. Call Classified Call Classified heat & air. pets, no and concrete work. Boxing Fitness 254-316-0179 ask for Floyd. August 15th. Call Satur254-231-9610 Sunday after 1:00, week254-228-6473 heat & air. No pets, no 254-231-9610778-4444 forCall a mobile home. HIRE. Blow, FreeCleanup, estimates. No 778-4444 778-4444 smoking. 254-444-0061 or visit at Heavy Dutysmoking. Trucksanytime ........................292 Wanted ....................183 day after 12:00, days after/ Cardio 4pm 254-933-2133 Call 254-444-0061 $20 Per Hour FreeKettlebells Estimates. Mary 254-421-3932 Mulch Installation up job too small. Call Weights / Tabatas OPERATOR Sunday afterHOME 1:00,TOweekCOME A (254)931-1650. Randy 254-743-9444 Immanuel Baptist Child 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Boxing Fitness Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 ts................................184 254-316-0179 ask for Floyd. 771-2191, 718-9765 CLEAN Make your ad stand out Make your ad stand out days afterHOUSE! 439254-541-7710 Water Supply Corpo- TX Kettlebells / Cardio Belton $5004pmofa Development Center is 76513. Casa efficiency, Clean! Homes, Recreational(254)931-1650. Vehicles ....................296 ds................................186 from the rest! from the rest! Semi-Private month, $200 deposit, pay Weights /Care Tabatas ration has a full time poSmall Lawn Business fices, and apartments. Call hiring ASK Teachers, Floatout Make Circuit your ad stand out ASK FOR FOR Training half electric, free cleaning Belton efficiency, $500 a ds ..............................187 Sport Utility ....................................297 1BR Partly Furnished. Bills Mow, weed, trim trees and ers & Aides. Please apAnn 480-490-5705 sition available for TCEQ from the rest! once a OAKS month. APTS. Fenced paid. HILLTOP VILLAGE MHPpay HOLLY BOLDING BOLDING month, $200 deposit, $660 month or painting $165 a landscaping. Also, Class C License distribuOFFICE SPACE Vans1BR/1BA &EXTRA Pickups..................298 s ................................188 backyard, washer &Residendryer, Semi-Private 3BR Belton ASK FOR half2 &electric, free Trucks, cleaning ply Call in person at 1402 week. 913 E. Adams. BATHTUB CallAvailable, Classified Classified REFINISHING 1BR PartlyCLEAN: Furnished. Bills upstairs & and remodeling. 254-760-3031 & air. No orpets, no #1-74-6066507-2 Special. Fenced paid. Circuit Training once Move-In aLic month. BOLDING tionFOR operator. $660 month $165 a 254-231-9610 inWest home. Repairs on porce778-4444 778-4444 Ave. A, Temple. Automobilesheat For ....................299 erials ..........................190 tialSale andCall light Commercial LEASE Washer and smoking. 254-444-0061 WED.washer AFTERNOONS What you get when you advertise Please call for info. backyard, & dryer, downstairs. week. 913 Free E. Estimates. Adams. Call Classified lain and fiberglass. Over 30 This position’s VETERAN YARD primary CARE Cleaning. 254-939-1599 in the Classified pages Call of the Dale heat & Doors air. Open No 11am pets, no dryer. refurbished 3,500 years Covered parking. Recently 254-231-9610 in business. 778-4444 Tree/Hedge Trimming, Call 254-421-0099. Session Starts 12:30pm Skiles Group is looking for function is the operation smoking. Call 254-444-0061 DOLLAR SAVER. sq.ft.Weed office and warehouse 721-3658. Water paid. AppointEating, Mow, Edge, FRI. AFTERNOONS Laborer to join Get Results! Call Today! and maintenance of a athe full-time space. Located on corner Blow, Cleanup, Doors Open 5pm construction team at ments 773-4787. FOR lotpurchased in Mulch downtown Temple. water distri- JJ’S Session Starts 6:30pm Installation CoryellREMODELING Health. Pay range (254) 778-4444 Free No ny loOff-street parking. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS is $15-$20 per estimates. hour based on Randy 254-743-9444 $20 Per Hour lines, HIRE. bution system CL&L Trucks is hiring job too small. Doors Open 4pm experience. Benefits areCall ofCall 254-774-5204 ition. Boxing Fitness and meters. 254-316-0179 ask for Floyd.every CDL Home PINA Tree Trimming, valves, Session Starts 5:30pm MHP fered.drivers. Please email HOLLY OAKS APTS. Kettlebells TOWNHOMES AT OFFICE SPACE LARGE lton send/ Cardio resume to 36 hours. Competitiveif Mowing, Edging, Clean- Please 1BR/1BA upstairs & Weights / Tabatas NON-SMOKING ROOM qualified and interested. CL&L Trucks is hiring RIVER FAIR FOR LEASE JUST BUILT OUT ing, Rake Leaves, package includes: Health Hot FoodWasher Availableand .4 ac- downstairs. 254-541-7710 CDL drivers. Home every OFFICE SPACE! or contact 439 Water r, off dryer. Maximum Pay Out Recently refurbished 3,500 Lawncare, Private Fence, BATHTUB insurance, paid vacation, REFINISHING Covered parking. BELTON Semi-Private Two spaces: 730 sq. ft of76513. 36 hours. Competitive sq.ft. office and warehouse Supply Corporation at company home. Repairs and concrete work. in 401k. Bi-annual Circuit Training fice; $1,100; all billson paidporce0-8942, Water paid. Appoint- space. •3bed/2.5bath/2gar and fiberglass. Over at 30 package includes: Health on corner lain 254-933-2133 or $875; visit and 570 sq. ft office; Free Located Estimates. ments 773-4787. guaranteed $2,000 years in paid. business. brand Call Dale raises, lot inRENTdowntown Temple. all bills 6202 SpartaBoth Rd Belton, $700.00 insurance, paid vacation, 771-2191, 718-9765 week min. Must 721-3658. Off-street parking. new build outs: Diana White Drive, DIVINE CLEANING Read Classified section to finda TX 76513. company 401k. Bi-annual 3320 Pecancommercial, Valley, Call 254-774-5204 be 25the years of age, with Sun713.859.2952 Residential, Small Lawn Care Business JJ’S REMODELING FOR Temple. 254-760-2995 d w/ that just right item you’re looking for. raises, guaranteed weekly, TOWNHOMES AT Mow, weed,Hill trim trees and Chappell Reality Free bi-weekly, estimates. No minimum of 2 years exp. 9 move-outs. Supplies fur- Call 254-527-3342, $20 PerAlso, Hourpainting HIRE. landscaping. $700.00 week min. Must ask for Call today, someone is looking for jobnished. too small. Group RIVER FAIR JUST BUILT OUT Reasonable rates. and remodeling. 254-760-3031 DIVINE BoxingSPACE! Fitness 254-316-0179 askCLEANING for Floyd. unity. be of age, Rob or Lacey. OFFICE Call Meagan 254-239-7047 ROOM AVAILABLE what25 youyears have to sell! Find itwith fast? a Residential, commercial, What you get when you advertise erties. Kettlebells / Cardio BELTON Two spaces: 730 sq. ft ofVETERAN YARD CARE weekly, bi-weekly, minimum of 2Classified years exp. in the Classified pages of the for lease in established divid- FURNISHED EFFICIENCL&L Trucks is hiring Weights / Trimming, Tabatas Dollar Saver fice; $1,100; all bills paid Tree/Hedge •3bed/2.5bath/2gar move-outs. DOLLARSupplies SAVER. furilable 254-527-3342, askevery for and 570 Eating, sq. ft office; U.Bora Salon atrates. Weed Mow, $875; Edge, CDL drivers. Home CIES. RENTFlat Screen nished. Reasonable Get Results! Call Today! $2,000 TVs, all billsBlow, paid. Cleanup, Both brand Rob or Lacey. 4224 S. 5th in Temple. Call Meagan 254-239-7047 36 hours. Competitive Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, OPERATOR Semi-Private COME HOME TO A new build outs: Diana White Immanuel Baptist Child Mulch Installation 778-4444 Circuit Training CLEAN HOUSE! Call (254) LindaSupply Murphy 3320 Pecan Valley, includes: Health Internet.713.859.2952 Bills Paid. No Randy 254-743-9444 Corpo- package Development Center is RENOVATED 3BR, 2BA,of- 439 Water Temple. 254-760-2995 Clean! Homes, 254-718-8764

Employment Merchandise Financial

ment al




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• 778-4444 FAX

Financial Cont’d.

BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton

emailFarm & Ranch


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Merchandise Cont’d.

Pets & Livestock

BINGO VFW Post #4008 Merchandise Belton


Pets & Livestock

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-2 ONS nup m 0pm

Merchandise Cont’d.

(254) 771-3516


CIEN 090 TVs, 4008 Cable, d. No



Ask For Classified

Maint. Cont’d

BINGO BINGO VFW VFW Post Post #4008 #4008 Belton Belton

(254) 771-3516

254) 778-4444

dy h Ft

September 18, 2019 • Page 9




BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton








Lease/ No BINGO Deposit. Chappell Hill Reality VFWGroup Post #4008 Ranch House Inn 773-0114 Belton COME HOME TO A

ch&a, connections, fices, w&d and apartments. Call Ann 480-490-5705 stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, fenced yard. One ROOM AVAILABLE OPERATOR EXTRA CLEAN: Residencarfor fireplace. No CLEAN HOUSE! BATHTUB REFINISHING lease in Supply established 439garage, Water CorpoLic #1-74-6066507-2 CasaWED. Clean! Homes, oftial and light Commercial Lovely, furnished effipets allowed. in home. Repairs on2309A porceAFTERNOONS U.Bora Salon at ration has a full time pofices, apartment, and apartments. Call Bunker ciency Historic lain andHill fiberglass. Over 30 Drive. $800 Cleaning. Free Estimates. Doors Open 11am Ann 480-490-5705 4224 S. 5th in Temple. sition for District, $595Starts month in- month, years inavailable business. CallTCEQ Dale $800 deposit. Call 254-421-0099. Session 12:30pm 721-3658. cludes PERSONAL utilities, $300 deCall Linda Murphy Class C License distribuAvailable FRI. AFTERNOONS EXTRA CLEAN: posit. 1305 N. Residen5th. Water paid. RENOVATED 3BR, Doors Open 5pm 2BA, August 15th. Call Satur254-718-8764 tion operator. TRAINING JJ’S REMODELING FOR 254-228-6473 tial and Commercial ch&a, w&dlight connections, Session Starts 6:30pm day anytime after 12:00,No HIRE. Free estimates. This position’s primary Cleaning. Free Estimates. stove, refrigerator, dish- Sunday $20 Per Hour SUNDAY AFTERNOONS job too small. Call after 1:00, weekCall 254-421-0099. function is operation washer, fenced yard. Doors 4pm One days BoxingOpen Fitness 254-316-0179 askthe for Floyd. after 4pm


(254) 778-4444


OPERATOR OPERATOR 439 439 Water Water Supply Supply CorpoCorporation ration has has aa full full time time poposition available for sition available for TCEQ TCEQ Class Class CC License License distribudistribution tionoperator. operator. This position’s primary This position’s primary function is the operation function is the operation and maintenance of a and maintenance of a purchased water distripurchased water lines, distribution system bution andsystem valves, meters. lines, valves, send and meters. Please resume to OPERATOR Please send resume to 439 Water Supply or contact 439timeWater ration has a full poor contact 439 Water Supply Corporation at sition available for TCEQ Supply Corporation at 254-933-2133 or distribuvisit at Class C License 254-933-2133 or Belton, visit at 6202 Sparta Rd tion operator. TX 76513. 6202 Sparta Rdprimary Belton, This position’s

TX 76513. function is the operation and maintenance of a Immanuel Baptist Child purchased water distriDevelopment Center is What you get when you advertise bution system lines, in the Classified pages of the hiring Teachers, FloatWhat you get when you advertise valves,DOLLAR and meters. SAVER. ers & Results! Aides.pages Please in the of the apGetClassified Today! Please send Call resume to SAVER. ply inDOLLAR person at 1402 778-4444 Get(254) Results! Call Today! West Ave. A, Temple. or contact 439 Water (254) 778-4444 Supply Corporation at Skiles Group is looking for 254-933-2133 or visit at a full-time Laborer to join the construction at 6202 Sparta Rd team Belton, Coryell Health. Pay range TX 76513. is $15-$20 per hour based on



experience. Benefits are offered. Please email if qualified and interested.


What you get when you advertise in the Classified pages of the DOLLAR SAVER. Get Results! Call Today!


(254) 778-4444

Immanuel NOW Immanuel Baptist Baptist Child Child NOWHIRING! HIRING! Temple TempleTemps Temps Development Development Center Center isis 315 W. Ave 315 W. AveMM hiring hiring Teachers, Teachers, FloatFloaters ers && Aides. Aides. Please Please apap- HVAC CONTROLS TECH, ply HVAC CONTROLS TECH, ply in in person person at at 1402 1402 entry West Ave. A, Temple. entry level level position, position, one one West Ave. A, Temple. year experience preyear experience preSkiles Group is looking for ferred. Travel required. GroupLaborer is looking for ferred. Travel required. aSkiles full-time to join a full-time Laborer to join Call 254-913-9496

the construction team at the construction Coryell Health. Payteam rangeat isCoryell $15-$20 Health. per hourPay basedrange on is $15-$20 per hour based on experience. Benefits are ofexperience. Please Benefits are offered. email if fered. Please email Immanuel Baptist Child if qualified and interested.

qualified and interested. Development Center is hiring Teachers, Floaters & Aides. Please apply in person at 1402 West Ave. A, Temple.


Read the Classified section to find

Readjustthe section to for. find that rightClassified itemisyou’re looking Skiles Group looking for a full-time Laborer to join that just right item you’re looking for. Call today, someone is looking NOW HIRING! the construction team for at Coryell Health. Pay range Temple Temps Call today, someone is looking for what you have to sell! Find it fast? is $15-$20315per hourMbased on W. Ave experience. Benefits Dollar Classified what you haveSaver to sell! Findare it fast?offered. Please email Saver Classified HVAC Dollar CONTROLS TECH,if qualified and interested.

(254) 778-4444

entry level position, one year experience preferred. Travel required. Call 254-913-9496

(254) 778-4444

FIND IT Employment


Read the Classified section to find

WATER TREE TEMPLE that just right itemonly you’re looking for. (Temple’s alkaline and hydrogen store) Call today, someonewater is looking for is looking for a health conwhat you haveindividual to sell! Find ittofast?fill scientious sales Dollar assistant position, Saver Classified part time to full time. Apply in person, 7425 W. Adams, Suite 150.

(254) 778-4444

Employment Subway location and just put S&W at top of application or apply online at Janitorial company Needed, now Property Manager Hourlydays payand plushave bonuses. hiring evenings. Belton. Must good communication skills, Apply online at computer skills and collect rents. 512-750-0750

(254) 778-4444

Employment Advertising Sales Representative

Advertising Sales Representative

ple Subway location and help grow their businesses alcohol-free solutions that will and thrive. workplace. WANTED: CAREGIVER just put S&W at top of appass drug screening, Accepting for Must for elderly applications couple in their plication or apply online at Property Manager Needed, NOW HIRING! EXPERIENCED This position includes Store servicing and selling an established customer home, 12 hour shifts, Clerk, full timesome or criminal background Belton. MustATTENDANT have good NURSERY Temple Temps nights required. Hourly315 pay bonuses. Sunday $10/hour. Email communication skills, compart time.254-760-5805 No Sundays. Ap- check, Ave M as developing base, as well and maintaining relationships with and must have a resume: ccb@crosschurch puter skills and collect ply in The person at Green’saccount new and future customers. successful executive willYou clean driving record. rents. 512-750-0750 Sausage House, only 10 area’sCross WATER OPERATOR The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton No. 1 source Church Fertilizer Application, inmay submit resume to: Accepting applications for and HVAC CONTROLS TECH, be customer-focused goal-oriented. They will have excellent Property Manager Needed, minutes from Temple. 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple Dog WSC has a crease for local news and an opening forskills. agrowth business-toStore Clerk, position, full time orinformation, Belton.Ridge Musthas have good and or entry level one 254-985-2331 math, grammar, communication and presentation They will MANUAL MACHINIST – full-time position available communication skills, com- tion for your pasture and partbusiness time. No marketing Sundays. Ap-consultant to join our team. 7480 FM 2410, Belyear experience preputerwater skills and collect MECHANIC organized and for able to meet the demands of multiple projects plybeinwell person at Green’s operator. TCEQ crops. N-TEXX stimulates 512-750-0750PERSON ton, TX 76513. ferred. Sausage Travel House, required. only 10 rents. CLEANING

customer service skills and the drive to succeed. They work with local businesses, offering leading print and digital marketing solutions that will help grow their businesses and thrive.

Advertising Sales Representative

paid vacation, ration has a full time po- insurance, hiring Teachers, Float401k. Bi-annual sition available for TCEQ company ers & Aides. Please apguaranteed This position includes servicing and selling an established customer Class C License distribuImmanuel Baptist Child raises, HIRING! ply inNOW person at 1402 week Temps min. Must Temple base, as well as developing and maintaining relationships with tion operator. Development Center is $700.00 DIVINE CLEANING West Ave. A, Temple. 315 W. Ave M Residential, commercial, hiring Teachers, Float- be 25 years of age, with a This position’s primary new and future customers. The successful account executive will weekly, bi-weekly, minimum of 2 years exp. •function 1,250 square feet of off ice space ers & Aides. ap- Skiles Group is looking for is Supplies thePlease operation for job shop/ class C license move-outs. furbe customer-focused andare goal-oriented. TheyNeeded willmicroorganisms have excellent and daily deadlines. They will have preferred aprofessionals professional appearance andmaOur account executives sales with excellent HVAC CONTROLS TECH, 254-527-3342, ask for soil, that a full-time Laborer to join Call minutes from Temple. but not required, ply in person is at 1402a foot nished. Reasonable rates. and 6,450 square warehouse/ 254-913-9496 CL&L Trucks hiring and maintenance of WANTED willing to chine shop. MUST have 5 the team one at 254-985-2331 entry level positive attitude. Previous media sales is a plus. provide essential nutrients Rob orconstruction Lacey.position, customer service communication skills MANUAL andsales the drive to succeed. They work with math, grammar, and presentation skills. They ELDERLY CARE inwill your Career opening for Local Call Meagan 254-239-7047 MACHINIST – experience West Ave. A, Temple. CDL drivers.water Homearea every Coryell purchased distriOffice & Home train the right person. We Delivery Health. Pay range yrs. experience on manhome. 20 driver, plusthrough years experiApply at production year experience preforof plants their MECHANIC local businesses, offering leading print and digital marketing be well organized and able to meet the demands multiple projects ence and with is off $15-$20 per hour based on competitive pay and McGregor Welding Supply 36 hours. Competitive The position includes offer a1 base salary, competitive bution system lines, weekday + Satcommissions or Sun • 1,250 square feet space ual lathes & references. manual TREEPERSON TEMPLE Travel required. WATER Skiles Group is looking for of productive biological procCLEANING


Benefits are of-

Proper Prope Belton Belton comm comm puter puter rents. rents.



CLEANING PERSON CLEANING PERSON WANTED WANTED Office & Home Office+&Sat Home 1 weekday or Sun 1$15 weekday Sat or Sun per/hr.+16hrs/wk. $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. Ref, background, Accepting applications for Ref, background, Drug Test required. Store Clerk, full time or Test required.Appart Drug time. No Sundays. Jchupik@chupik ply person at Green’s Jchupik@chupik Sausage House, only 10 minutes from Temple. Janitorial company now 254-985-2331 hiring days and evenings.

Need Need chine Call 254-913-9496 chine yrs. e yrs. ual WATER TREE TEMPLE ual WATER TREE TEMPLE (Temple’s only alkaline mills. (Temple’s and hydrogen only water alkaline store) mills read isandlooking a water health store) conhydrogen Proper NOWfor HIRING! read scientious individual to confill drawi is looking for Temps a health Belton. Temple sales assistant scientious individual to fill commu draw 315 W. Ave M position, utilize part time to full time. Apsales assistant position, puter utiliz5 fixtur ply person, 7425time. W. Adrents. partintime to full Apams, 150. fixtu 8am ply Suite in CONTROLS person, 7425 TECH, W. AdHVAC ams, Suite 8am forms entry level150.position, one MAN Janitorial company now insur form year preApply online at experience SUBWAY hiring days and evenings. 90 da insur ferred. Travel required. CLEANING PERSON Located in the McLane Apply online at Neede SUBWAY dining room inside S&W on riod. Call 254-913-9496 90 d Accepting applications for Property chine inhiring the McLane HIRING WANTED for part time CSR. Fertiliz Manager Needed, 31stLocated St. Now smiling PERS dining room insidetime S&W ison PleaseOffice apply Toledo Store Clerk, full or Belton. riod.e Must &atHome have goodFi- crease yrs. faces for all shifts. This HIRING1408-A for part CSR. 31st St. Now hiring smiling nance, S. time 31stSun St., chani compart No Sundays. Ap- communication atime. non-smoking complex. 1 weekday + skills, Sat or PER ual tion fo WATER TREE TEMPLE Please apply at Toledo FiTemple. faces for all shifts. This is puter skills and collect Please apply atatanyGreen’s Temply in person Road (Temple’s only alkaline nance, 1408-A 16hrs/wk. S. 31st St., crops. $15 per/hr. mills. chan a non-smoking complex. rents. 512-750-0750 Subway location and Sausage House, only 10 and ple hydrogen water store) Temple. WANTED:background, CAREGIVER soil, Please anyofTemjust put apply S&W atathealth top apread Road mc is looking for alocation con- for Ref, minutes from Temple. elderly in their ple Subway and plication or apply online Drug Testcouple required. scientious individual to atfill home, drawi provide WANTED: CAREGIVER 12 hour shifts, some 254-985-2331 just put S&W at top of apMANUAL MACHINIST – NU sales assistant position, nights for Jchupik@chupik elderly required.couple in their for utilize or plus apply online Apat Hourly pla Su partplication time pay to full bonuses. time. MECHANIC home, 12254-760-5805 hour shifts, some fixture resu NU plyCLEANING person, PERSON 7425 W. Ad- Needed produc for job shop/ manights required. pay plus bonuses. ams,Hourly Suite 150. 8am St 254-760-5805 WATER OPERATOR esses. WANTED chine shop. MUST have res Janitorial company now 5 forms 2202 Dog Ridge WSC Office & Home hiring days and evenings. yrs. experience on has man- a $23.00 WATER OPERATOR insura Apply online at full-time position available Cont SUBWAY 1 weekday + Sat or Sun ual lathes &WSC manual Dogwater Ridge has a 90 220 da Located in the McLane for operator. TCEQ $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. mills. MUST be able to 254-42 dining room inside S&W on full-time position available riod. class C license preferred HIRING for part time CSR. appli Ref, background, 31st St. Now hiring smiling read calipers, blue prints/ for not water operator. TCEQ Please apply at Toledo Fibut required, willing to PERS faces all shifts. This is DrugforTest required. ELDE drawings and be able nance, 1408-A S. preferred 31st to St., chani a non-smoking complex. classthe C license train right person. We home. Temple.a variety of jigs & Jchupik@chupik Please apply at any Temutilize but not required, willing to Road ence offer competitive pay and

Accepting applications for Clerk, full time or Read to find Store part time.SUBWAY No Sundays. Apin person Green’s that just right item you’re looking for. ply Located in the at McLane Sausage House, onlyon10 dining room inside S&W HVAC TECH, Call today,CONTROLS someone is looking for minutes HIRING for part time CSR. from Temple. 31st St. Now hiring smiling Please applyMACHINIST at Toledo – Fientry one 254-985-2331 faces for all shifts. This is MANUAL what youlevel have to position, sell! Find it fast? nance, 1408-A S. 31st St., a non-smoking complex. year experience preMECHANIC Temple. DollarTravel Saver Classified Please apply atPERSON any Temferred. required. CLEANING Needed for job shop/ maple Subway location and Call 254-913-9496 WANTED: CAREGIVER chine shop. MUST have 5 just putWANTED S&W at top of apfor couple onin mantheir plication or apply online at Office & Home yrs. elderly experience home, 12 hour shifts, some 1 weekday + Sat or Sun nights ual lathes & manual WATER TREE TEMPLE required. Hourly pay plus bonuses. (Temple’s only alkaline $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. mills. MUST be able to 254-760-5805 and hydrogen water store) Ref, background, read calipers, blue prints/ is looking for a health conWATERand OPERATOR Drug Test required. scientious individual to fill drawings be able to sales assistant position, Dog WSCof has a Jchupik@chupik utilizeRidge a variety jigs & part time to full time. full-time available fixtures. position Work hours are ply in person, 7425 W. Adams, SuiteTemple 150. The Daily Telegram, the Temple-Beltonfor area’s No. 1 source 8am to 4:30pm M-F.TCEQ Uniwater operator. Janitorial company now forms, & dental class license preferred for local news and information, hasevenings. an opening forCamedical business-tohiring days and insurance offered after toa not required, willing Apply SUBWAY business marketing consultant toonline joinatour team.but The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton No. person. 1 sourceWe 90 area’s day peLocated in the McLane train the probationary right dining inside S&W on information, riod. competitive MUST APPLY IN Our account executives areforsales professionals with excellent for room local news and hastime an opening a business-topay and HIRING part CSR. offerfor 31st St. Now hiring smiling PERSON @ Astro MePlease apply at Toledo Ficustomer service and the drive to succeed. They work with faces for all shifts. This is skills generous benefits. Dog business marketing consultant to join our team. nance, 1408-A S. 31st St., chanics 1411 Sam Bass a non-smoking complex. WSCmarketing is a drug and local businesses, digital Temple. leading print andRidge Please at any Tem- offering Road inwith Round Rock. Our apply account executives are sales professionals excellent NOW HIRING! the Temple ClassifiedTemps section 315 W. Ave M

Accepting Accepting applications applications for for Store Store Clerk, Clerk, full full time time oror part part time. time. No No Sundays. Sundays. ApApply ply inin person person atat Green’s Green’s Sausage House, only Sausage House, only 10 10 minutes minutes from from Temple. Temple. 254-985-2331 254-985-2331

Needed for jobbusinesses shop/ ma- 110 254-421-1197 Rd, Belton. and solutions will help grow their andS. Wheat thrive. and dailythat deadlines. They will have a professional appearance

fixtures. hours are WANTED: CAREGIVER train theWork right person. We generous benefits. Dog for elderly couple in Unitheir 8am tocompetitive 4:30pm M-F. offer pay and Ridge WSC is a drug and home, 12 hour shifts, some Fertilizermedical Application, informs, & dental nights required. alcohol-free workplace. generous Dog crease growthbenefits. and produc254-760-5805 insurance offered after and a Must drug Ridge WSC is ascreening, drug tion forpass your pasture and 90 dayN-TEXX probationary pecriminal background alcohol-free workplace. crops. stimulates WATER OPERATOR riod. MUST APPLY IN a check, anddrug must have soil, microorganisms that Must pass screening, Dog Ridge WSC has a PERSON @ Astro Meclean driving record. You provide essential nutrients criminal background full-time position available chanics 1411 Sam Bass may submit resume to:a for plants through their check, and must have for water operator. TCEQ Road Round Rock. or productive biological procclass license preferred cleaninCdriving record. You 7480 FM 2410, esses. 15-5-5 applied atto but notsubmit required, willingBelmay resume to: ton, TX 76513. $23.00 per acre.person. We EXPERIENCED train the right or NURSERY ATTENDANT Contact Carlos Morris offer competitive pay Local and 7480 FM 2410, BelCareer opening for Sunday $10/hour. Email 254-421-1276 for fertilizer generous benefits. Delivery driver, ApplyDog at resume: ccb@crosschurch ton, TX 76513. application sales. McGregor Supply Ridge WSCWelding isand a drug and 110 S. Wheat Rd, Belton. Cross Church Career openingworkplace. for Local alcohol-free 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple Delivery Apply at Must pass driver, drug screening, McGregor Welding Supply criminal background 110 S. Wheat Rd, Belton. check, and must have a clean driving record. You may submit resume to: ELDERLY CARE in your home. 20 plus years experi-or ence references. 7480 with FM 2410, Bel254-421-1197 ton, TX 76513.

ELDE 254-421

home ence NUR 254-42 Su resu



ELDER home. Buy 2 ence WANT2 254-421cattle provem availab

WANT cattle prove availa GUN LJZ S Cen



is seeking help for the

Career opening for Local Delivery driver, Apply at FRESH FARM EGGS:Supply McGregor Welding Fertilizer Application, in1 is Dozen $2.50, seeking help 110Buy S. Wheat Rd, Belton. 2growth Dozen get oneproducfree. crease and 254-534-9047, Troy


•ADONcattle -R provem for th availab •Maintenance Su tion for your pasture and •Cook- R •ADON Employme crops. N-TEXX stimulates •CNASu •Maintenance soil, microorganisms that

•Cook •CNA

provide essential nutrients We offer outstanding be Yo & AMMO-REPAIR forGUNS plants through their Regi • Competitive LJZ SURPLUS 603-C EastCompens Cho productive biological procCentral, Belton 939-1110 blac • Bonus Plan esses. 15-5-5 applied at g We offer outstanding be WANT• TO LEASE LAND for PTO w $23.00grazing, per acre.will dohelp is seeking cattle im- for the Competitive provements. Contact CarlosReferences MorrisCompen •• Tuition Reimbursemen available. 254-865-3546

ur experience prefor plants through theirat Cleaning. Home everyyear position’s primary position’s primary dining room inside S&W on withdriver, references. mates. Free will Estimates. riod. MUST APPLY IN ence ple Subway location and job Weed too Call Call CDL MECHANIC offer competitive pay and inting This Doors Open 11am Eating,small. Mow, Edge, Delivery Apply cattle grazing, doprocim- This today, for forTravel partat time Get someone Results! Calllooking Today! Call 254-421-0099. :30pm ferred. required. 254-421-1197 Skiles Group is required. looking for HIRING productive biological function isisthe operation CLEANING PERSON 254-316-0179 foroperation Floyd. 31st St. Now hiring smiling WANTED: CAREGIVER Needed for jobresume shop/procma31 just apply put S&W top of CSR. apmay submit to: Call 254-421-0099. Session Starts 12:30pm Travel generous benefits. Dog FRESH FARM EGGS: Skiles looking for ferred. productive biological function is ask theCleanup, CLEANING Blow, McGregor Welding Supply provements. References function is the operation Skiles Astro MeNeeded for@ job shop/ ma36 Group hours. Competitive Please atPERSON Toledo Fi- PERSON dio ONS a full-time Laborer to join faces for all shifts. This is for elderly couple in their plication or apply online at what you have to sell! Find it fast? FRI. AFTERNOONS Call 254-913-9496 a full-time Laborer to join esses. 15-5-5 applied at 1 Dozen $2.50, maintenance of a Call WANTED Mulch Installation Ridge shop. WSC is a drug and5 esses. What get when you advertise chine shop. MUST 5 available. as (254)includes: 778-4444 110 S. EXPERIENCED Wheat Rd, Belton.haveator 254-865-3546 254-913-9496 1408-A S. 31st St., chanics 15-5-5 applied and you maintenance of a theand and maintenance of a athe ful WANTED Sam Bass pm chine MUST have the construction team at nance, a non-smoking complex. home, 121411 hour shifts, some package RE Doors Open 5pm construction team Health at Yorkshire Terriers: Buy 2 per Dozenacre. get one free. Randy 254-743-9444 NURSERY ATTENDANT in the Classified pages of the alcohol-free workplace. Temple.Office & Home 10 $23.00 purchased water distriOffice & Home 30pm Dollar Saver Classified Please apply at any TemCoryell Health. Pay range yrs. experience on man$23.00 per acre. purchased water distripurchased distri- Corye 7480 FM 2410, Belnights required. g, Session Starts 6:30pm Coryell Health. paid Pay vacation, range Road in Round yrs. on manHourly pay plus bonuses. Registered water Yorkie Pups. 254-534-9047, Troy DOLLAR SAVER. Sunday $10/hour. Email insurance, Mustexperience pass drug Rock. screening, Subwayper location NOONS isple$15-$20 hour and based on Accepting ge, 254-760-5805 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Contact Carlos Morris is $15-$20 per hour based on bution system lines, 1 weekday + Sat or Sun Fertilizer Application, inOPERATOR applications for A Chocolates, Parti, KB ual lathes & manual Contact Carlos Morris bution system lines, bution system lines, is $15 1 weekday + Sat or Sun Get Results! Call Today! Manager Needed, WATER TREE TEMPLE Property ton, TX 76513. Immanuel Baptist Child WATER resume: ccb@crosschurch ual lathes & manual NOW HIRING! g TREE TEMPLE WANTED: CAREGIVER criminal background just put S&W at top of appm experience. Benefits are ofFRESH FARM EGGS: Doors Open 4pm Benefits are ofexper !.com company 401k. Bi-annual Store Clerk,couple full time or Belton. Must have good crease black,and Golddust, boys & growth and produc439 Water Supply Corpo- experience. Temple Temps (Temple’s only 254-421-1276 for fertilizer valves, valves, and meters. $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. only alkaline Development Center is (Temple’s elderly in alkaline their 254-421-1276 for fertilizer valves, and meters. meters. $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. mills. MUST be able to plication orW. apply online atemail for PINA Tree Trimming, mills. MUST be able to 30pm check, and must have a 1 Dozen $2.50, es, offered. Please ming, PINA Tree Trimming, Session Starts 5:30pm CL&L Trucks is hiring EXPERIENCED fered. Please email communication skills, com(254) 778-4444 part time. No Sundays. ApFertilizer Application, in315 Ave M Registered Aberdeen OPERATOR Accepting applications for Property A 254-931-7143, Angus fered. WATER OPERATOR The the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source Manager Needed, tion Baptist Child and and 12 hydrogen water some store) for2 your pasture and ration has a full time po- Immanuel Cross Church NOWTemple HIRING! hydrogen water Daily store) Telegram, hour shifts, raises, guaranteed Call Please Career opening for Local WANT TO LEASE LAND for Pleasegirls. hiring Teachers, FloatBuy Dozen get one free. puter skills and collect if home, application and sales. LARGE Please send resume Ref, background, NURSERY ATTENDANT clean driving record. You crease if to caree application and sales. !s. send resume to send resume to Ref, background, Store Clerk, full time or ply in person at Green’s read calipers, blue prints/ Belton. Must have good read calipers, blue prints/ growth and producMowing, Edging, Clean439 Water Supply CorpoTemple Temps leanMowing, Edging, Cleancattle for sale. Need to sell CDL drivers. Home every is looking for a health con- communication Development Center apis is Hourly lookingpay forplus a health con- nights 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple required. N-TEXX stimulates sition available for TCEQ qualified 512-750-0750 Dog Ridge WSC has a crops. es, Delivery driver, Apply at cattle grazing, will do im254-534-9047, Troy ROOMof- NON-SMOKING ROOM ers & and Aides. Please skills, comqualified Sunday $10/hour. Email interested. qualif part time. No Sundays. W. interested. Avebonuses. M Sausage House, only 10fill rents. may submit resume to: BATHTUB REFINISHING $700.00 week min. Mustscientious for315and local news has antoApopening for accb@crosschurch business-tofor yourand pasture andto ing, hasRake a full time po- hiring Drug Test required. Drug Test required. my entire herd of 17 head. individual to and fill information, scientious individual s. Call ration 254-760-5805 Teachers, Floatdrawings and be able to tion drawings be able aves, Rake Leaves, ing, Leaves, puter skills and collect HVAC CONTROLS TECH, McGregor Welding Supply provements. References soil, microorganisms that Class CDIVINE License distribu36 hours. Competitive ply in person at Temple. Green’s Hot Food Available able resume: minutes from CLEANING ply in person at 1402 in home. Repairs on porcefull-time position available or esidencrops. N-TEXX stimulates sition available for Water TCEQ ers rents. 512-750-0750 sales assistant position, Sausage sales assistant position, A 2015 WW stock trailer goes & Aides. Please apor contact 439 or contact 439 Water Jchupik@chupik House, only 10 Yorkshire Terriers: be 25 years of age, with a 110 S. Wheat Rd, Belton. available. 254-865-3546 or contact 439 Water Jchupik@chupik Maximum Pay Out utilize a variety of jigs & entry level position, one Out provide essential tion operator. ence, Class Private Fence, utilize a varietynutrients of jigs 254-985-2331 business to full joinTemple. our Apteam. Lawncare, Private Fence, MANUAL – GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR Residential, commercial, lain and fiberglass. Over 30 ply West Ave. A, Temple. package includes: Healthpart mercial HVAC CONTROLS TECH, 7480 FMMACHINIST 2410, TCEQ Belsoil, microorganisms that & Lawncare, C License distributime to fullmarketing time. Ap- consultant part time from to time. Registered Yorkie Pups. with them. (281) 733-3240 minutes for water operator. in person at 1402 WATER OPERATOR esidenCross Church Corporation at year experience plants through their This position’s primary LJZ SURPLUS 603-CKBEast years inweekly, business. Callwork. Dale West Supply Corporation at ply imates. Supply Work hours –are for bi-weekly, MECHANIC minimum 2 years exp. work. concrete work. Supply Corporation at in level person, 7425 W. preAd- 254-985-2331 Chocolates, Parti, entry position, one fixtures. Work hours are and provide essential nutrients ton, 76513. andoperator. concrete ply in person, 7425 W. Ad- fixtures. MANUAL MACHINIST insurance, paid vacation, Ave. A,of Temple. mercial tion 2202TX Birdcreek Dr, preferred Temple class C license Dog Ridge WSC has a AL black, Golddust, boys & Central, Belton 939-1110 721-3658. ferred. Travel required. Skiles Group is looking for productive biological procfunction is the operation CLEANING PERSON ams, Suite 150. move-outs. Supplies furor Estimates. visit at 254-933-2133 or visit at HING year Our experience preNeeded for jobexcellent shop/ mafor plants through their This position’s primary ams, Suite 150. imates. 8am to 4:30pm M-F. Uniaccount executives are sales professionals with MECHANIC 254-933-2133 or visit at ates. 254-933-2133 Free Estimates. CL&L Trucks is hiring 8am to 4:30pm M-F. Uni254-527-3342, ask for Free girls. 254-931-7143, 401k. Bi-annual a company full-time Laborer to join Application, inOPERATOR OPERATOR Career opening for Local WANT TO LEASE LAND for Fertilizer Application, in- Fertilizer Application, inAccepting applications for Needed Accepting applications for A COME HOME TO Aof porce254-913-9496 position available esses. 15-5-5 applied at OPERATOR and maintenance WANTED ferred. Travel required. nished. rates.a Skiles but not required, willing Group is looking for Call productive biological procAccepting applications for function is Reasonable the operation CLEANING PERSON COME HOME TO A Property Manager Needed, Property Manager Needed, Immanuel Baptist Child Immanuel Baptist Child full-time Janitorial company now chine shop. MUST have 5to Fertilizer for job shop/ maNOW HIRING! NOW HIRING! Property Manager Needed, Immanuel Baptist Child 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, 6202 Sparta Rd horses, Belton, NOW HIRING! CDL drivers. Home every Janitorial company now the construction team at WANTED Donkeys, forms, medical & dental 771-2191, 718-9765 6202 Sparta Rd Registered Aberdeen Angus Delivery driver, Apply at Store cattle grazing, will imELDERLY CARE indodental your full-time Laborer toBelton, join forms, medical & The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1person. source JJ’S REMODELING !G CLEAN HOUSE! 771-2191, 718-9765 GUNS &Must AMMO-REPAIR er 30 CLEAN HOU E CorpoRob orHealth. Lacey. customer service and the drive to succeed. They work with Store Clerk, full time or Store Clerk, full time or raises, guaranteed Call 254-913-9496 Belton. Must have good Belton. have good Clerk, full time or Belton. esses. 15-5-5 applied at and maintenance of FOR a a hiring days and evenings. WANTED growth and produccrease growth Must and haveproducgood crease growth and producCall Meagan 254-239-7047 439 Water Supply Corpo439 Water Supply $23.00 per acre. purchased water distriOffice & Home Temple Temps Temple Temps 439 Water Supply CorpoTemple Temps shop. MUST have 5 crease Coryell Pay range yrs. experience on manfor water operator. TCEQ Development Center is Development Center isskills hiring days and evenings. train the right We McGregor Welding Supply provements. References Development Center is chine 36 hours. Competitive the construction team at sheep, any other cattle for goats sale.orNeed to sell Read Read the Classified section to find 76513. TX 76513. home. 20 plus years experi es, Casa Clean! Homes, of C C H m BINGO insurance offered after a LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East HIRE. Free estimates. No Daleof- TX communication skills, com- tion communication skills, comcommunication skills, comRead the Classified section to find TX 76513. part time. No Sundays. Ap- a for Apply online at part time. Sundays. AppartS.for time. No Sundays. Ap- tion 315 W. Ave Mmanual 315 W.a Ave Mtime 315No W.& Ave M is seeking help the following: is $15-$20has perweek hour based on $23.00 per acre. purchased water distriOffice Home insurance offered after SUBWAY 110 Wheat Rd, Belton. available. 254-865-3546 Coryell Health. Pay range yrs. experience on manContact Carlos Morris bution system lines, 1 weekday + Sat or Sun for your pasture and ration has full pofor your pasture and tion for your pasture and ration has a full time poration a full time poApply online at ur $700.00 min. Must ual lathes & for local news and information, has an opening a business-toWATER TREE TEMPLE package includes: Health my entire herd of 17 head. SUBWAY usiness Small Lawn Care Business m based Cofclass C person license hiring Teachers, Float- and farm animals. 254-865-3546 ence with references. s. Call bution fices, and apartments. Call hiring Floathiring Teachers, Float- offering local businesses, leading print digital marketing Central, Belton job too small. Call experience. offer competitive pay and puter skills and collect puter and collect puter skills and collect Benefits are is $15-$20 per hour on (Temple’s ply in skills person at939-1110 Green’s Small Lawn Care Business 90 day probationary peVFW Pos #4008 ply atpreferred Green’s ply inlathes person at able Green’s Contact Carlos Morris system lines, 1 $15 weekday + 16hrs/wk. Sat or Sun DIVINE CLEANING just rightTeachers, item you’re looking for. 4008 ual & manual only alkaline TREE TEMPLE Located initem the you’re McLane 254-421-1276 for fertilizer valves, and meters. per/hr. A stimulates sition available for TCEQ ss Aand Mow,512-750-0750 weed, trim trees and crops. 90 day probationary pe- rents. mills. MUST be to crops. A 2015N-TEXX WW stock trailer goes that ju Ann 480-490-5705 mming, 254-421-1197 insurance, paid vacation, N-TEXX stimulates crops. N-TEXX stimulates that just right looking for. but sition available for TCEQand that sition TCEQ experience. Benefits are of- aWATER fered. Please email Fertilizer Application, OPERATOR rents. 512-750-0750 rents. 512-750-0750 be&25available years of for age, with ers &Located Aides. Please 254-316-0179 ask forcommercial, Floyd. in16hrs/wk. the McLane Accepting applications for O not required, willing to Sausage House, only in10 ers Aides. Please apers & Aides. Please Mow, weed, trim trees business marketing consultant to join ourapteam. Oainting A Property Manager Needed, (Temple’s only alkaline Immanuel Baptist Child hydrogen water store) 254-421-1276 for fertilizer valves, and meters. $15 per/hr. Residential, Sausage House, only 10 Sausage House, only 10 NOW HIRING! generous benefits. Dog Property Manager Needed, mills. MUST be able to dining room inside S&W onap- help mming, NOW HIRING! riod. MUST APPLY IN soil, fered. Please email landscaping. Also, painting soil, solutions that will grow their businesses and thrive. Be on if and application and sales. Please send resume to Call ELDERLY CARE inprints/ your Ref, background, with them. (281) 733-3240 that HVAC CONTROLS TECH, microorganisms read calipers, blue FOR Class C License distribucompany 401k. Bi-annual Cleandio and hydrogen water store) dining room inside S&W on today, someone is looking for Call t E! HVAC CONTROLS TECH, HVAC CONTROLS TECH, riod. MUST APPLY IN is looking for a health conmicroorganisms that soil, microorganisms that minutes from Temple. Store Clerk, full time or Class C License distribuClass C License distribuHIRING for part time CSR. ply in person at 1402 landscaping. Also, painting E! Belton. Must have good crease growth and produc439 Water Supply CorpoTemple Temps if weekly, bi-weekly, application and sales. Please send resume to qualified Ref, background, minimum of 2 years exp. EXTRA CLEAN Res den Belton. Must have good 31st St. Now hiring smiling minutes from Temple. minutes from Temple. ply in person at 1402 ply in person at 1402 train the right person. We read calipers, blue prints/ and interested. Temple Temps CleanCall today, someone is looking for 031 and remodeling. 254-760-3031 Development Center is home. 20 plus years experiRegistered Aberdeen Angus esidenEXTRA CLEAN: ResidenHIRING for part time CSR. is looking for a health conRidge WSC is a drug and L .as No ofThe Temple Daily the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1Temple. source Drug Test required. PERSON @position, Astro Mescientious individual to fill Please es, 31st St.Test Now hiring smiling entry level one drawings and be ablecomto Accep raises, guaranteed provide tion operator. qualified and interested. CATTLE WORKING, eaves, Fe zeessential App canutrients on hauln apply at Toledo FiOPERATOR 254-985-2331 andoperator. remodeling. 254-760-3031 ng app ca ons and o P es, of- -2 communication skills, COME HOME TO A c Telegram, MANUAL MACHINIST – part time. No Sundays. Ap315 W. Ave M move-outs. Supplies furWest Ave. A, a254-527-3342, and gh Comme aforentry faces for shifts. is M Nto sell level position, one entry level position, one communication skills, Drug required. mmanue Bap spay Ch d drawings essential nutrients provide nutrients tion tion operator. scientious individual to executives fill offer cattle foressential sale. Need NOW H Rexcellent NG 315all W. Ave MThis PERSON @ Astro Me254-985-2331 254-985-2331 and be ablecomtoFi- provide Our account are sales professionals with eaves, MANUAL MACHINIST – MANUAL MACHINIST – ence with references. tion for your pasture what you have to sell! Find it fast? ration has a full time poWED AFTERNOON Please apply at Toledo West Ave. A, Temple. West Ave. A, Temple. sales assistant position, ask mercial tial and light Commercial Call competitive and What you get when you advertise What you get when you advertise ts. Call hiring Teachers, Floatfaces for all shifts. This is or contact 439 Water Jchupik@chupik S. selling 31st St.,anutilize CLEAN HOU ONS $700.00 week min.m Water Must C What forng local news and an opening for a1408-A business-tots. aTexperience variety of jigs jigs & So e Ce k u puter skills and collect me o B ing,plants penning, problem cattle. what y This position includes servicing and established year presales assistant alcohol-free workplace. Fence, M ofYARD forease their chanics 1411Tcustomer Sam Bass This pos on s time. pposition, y nance, my entire herd 17 head. what you tohas sell! itma fast? c g ow through h and p horses, oduc 439 Wa ehave Supp yFind Co po a non-smoking complex. m m 10 Call inor nished. Reasonable rates. puter skills and collect ean F when ee EsEprimary ma es information, MECHANIC contact Jchupik@chupik RE VETERAN CARE D BINGO O 439 a variety & you get time to ApDeve Cen e pres utilize 254-421-1197 ply in person atcomplex. Green’s Fence, year experience preyear experience nance, 1408-A S.of 31st St., for plants through formm plants through WANTED Donkeys, This position’s primary This position’s NG imates. Cleaning. Free Estimates. the 25 Classified pages of theCARE in the Classified pages oflivestock. the C C Saver H you m advertise part chanics 1411 Samtheir Bass MECHANIC MECHANIC part time to full full time. Ap- skills a opmen non-smoking crops. N-TEXX stimulates Temple. sition available for TCEQ m A 2015 WW stock trailer their goes m rents. 512-750-0750 benefits. Supply Corporation ata Ca me No Sundays Ap Needed Rob or Lacey. W work A hours M with customer service and the toDog succeed. They VETERAN be years ofYARD age, with Also will haul any Dollar Classified Please apply at any Temfixtures. Work hours are pa rents. 512-750-0750 Call Meagan 254-239-7047 ers &Classified Aides. Please ap254 421 0099 work. Supply m at ferred. Travel required. ply in person, 7425 W. AdSkiles Group isdrive looking for productive biological procunc on stoa he ope a po on generous CLEANING PERSON business marketing consultant join our team. Corporation Tree/Hedge Trimming, on o you pas u e and a on has u me Sausage House, only 10 rcial, Road in Round Rock. in the pages of the fixtures. Work are for job shop/ maMust pass drug screening, work. ply in person, 7425 W. AdTemple. sheep, goats or any other m C h ng Teache s F oa eg, DOLLAR SAVER. DOLLAR SAVER. with them. (281) 733-3240 Call 254-421-0099. 0pm ferred. Travel required. Travel Dollar Saver base, as well asfordeveloping and maintaining relationships Please apply at required. anytoTemGroup is looking for ams, Skiles Group is Classified looking biological productive biological procfunction operation function is the operation CLEANING CLEANING pNeeded y nmicroorganisms pe son G proceen Tree/Hedge Trimming, Suite 150. Needed for jobPERSON shop/ ma- productive for job ashop/ ma-s for FR AFTERNOON ple Subway location isRound seeking help the following: VFW Pos #4008 aferred. full-time Laborer join 8am 254-933-2133 visitexp. at Skiles HVAC CONTROLS TECH, Road in Rock. y, Call 254-865-3546 soil, that minimum ofthe 2or years Class C is License distribudge, Weed Eating, Mow,have Edge, ams, Suite 150. 8am to 4:30pm 4:30pm M-F.with Uni254-933-2133 visit at WSC is PERSON alocation and mates. Call 254-913-9496 SAVER. Aply esses. applied at to M-F. Uniand ma n ab enance o a Ridge WANTED ops TEXX Call s254-865-3546 mu a es minutes from Temple. s on ava e o and TCEQ mates. in DOLLAR person atto 1402 farm animals. MUST 5 c gfurGet Results! Callor Today! GetN15-5-5 Results! Today! local businesses, leading print digital marketing full-time Laborer a just full-time Laborer Residene sJanitorial & A des P drug ease ap and ple Subway and WANTED: CAREGIVER criminal background D Eating, m Edge, the construction team sNS Sausage House onhave y at 105 chine put S&W at topprofessionals oftoap-join offering Mow, Our account executives are sales with excellent 254-913-9496 Call 254-913-9496 FRESH FARM EGGS: company now 15-5-5 applied 15-5-5 applied at and maintenance of for a athe and maintenance ofjoin a Call WANTED WANTED Blow, Cleanup, Janitorial company now at forms, 254-527-3342, ask chine shop. MUST 5 esses. chine shop. MUST 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, Get Results! Callteam Today! medical & have dental BeO Cleanup, on entry level position, provide essential nutrients tionWeed operator. new and customers. The successful account executive will $23.00 per 254-985-2331 HVAC CONTROLS TECH pu chased wa future e sone Office & Home m workplace. WANTED: CAREGIVER so m c ooacre. gan sms ha ass C L cense dteam sd at bu construction at C the construction at alcohol-free rates. MANUAL MACHINIST – m Coryell Health. Pay range yrs. experience on manfor elderly couple in their just put S&W at top of apWest Ave. A, Temple. mmercial plication or apply online m nu es om Temp e FRESH FARM EGGS: hiring days and evenings. p y n pe son a 1402 Blow, WANTED Donkeys, horses, 1 Dozen $2.50, Mulch Installation EXPERIENCED EXTRA CLEAN Res den check, and must have a solutions that will help grow their businesses and thrive. (254) 778-4444 (254) 778-4444 Read the Classified section torange find TX 76513. Rob or Lacey. customer service skills and the drive to succeed. They work with $23.00 per acre. $23.00 per acre. purchased water distri- Coryell purchased water distriOffice & Home Office & Home insurance offered after a 9-7047 0pm AFTERNOON UNDAY Health. Pay Coryell Health. Pay range is $15-$20 per hour based on L yrs. experience on manyrs. experience on manfor elderly couple in their Apply online at home, 12 hour shifts, Carlos Morris en NURSERY y eve pos on one for plication or apply online at WATER on nes 1the weekday + get Satone orfree. Sun sheep, goats or&$2.50, anyN other p Contact ov de essen a nu en s on opeSUBWAY asys o em 254 985 1 Dozen lathes manual pass drug screening, Buy 22331 Dozen MANUAL MACH ST – timates. ThisWED year experience pre- Must EXPERIENCED 4OONS Randy 254-743-9444 TREE TEMPLE MECHANIC for plants through their ual position’s primary isthat ATTENDANT Business Wes Ave A Temp e some a$15-$20 and gh778-4444 Comme con a bu (254) is seeking help following: beleading customer-focused goal-oriented. will have excellent DMulch OInstallation m experience. Benefits are of- 90 AFTERNOON day probationary per hour based is Hourly $15-$20 per hour based on just right item you’re looking for. farm animals. 254-865-3546 12 hour shifts, some clean driving record. You nights required. local businesses, offering print and digital marketing 90 day probationary peContact Carlos Morris Contact Carlos Morris Located in plus the McLane system lines, C bution system lines, 1and weekday + Sat or SunThey 1home, weekday +& Sat oralkaline Sun that just right you’re looking for. pay bonuses. es (Temple’s only ual lathes manual lathes & Troy manual Located in the BuyMUST 2 Dozen get 254-421-1276 254-534-9047, fertilizer yea expe ence ppee ual 254-743-9444 va ves and me erequired. s $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. TREE TEMPLE WATER TREE TEMPLE oCATTLE p an s WORKING, h for ough hehaulTh s pos on sMcLane p are ma y criminal NURSERY ATTENDANT Sunday Email es and and bution ean ng FBenefits ee Es ma es be able MECHAN Cone P NA T item ee mm ng Skiles Group is Tlooking looking for WATER fered. Please emailanriod. D Randy mm background ferred. Travel m Skiles Group is for Needed for$10/hour. job shop/ maproductive biological proc- mills. function isOthe operation experience. are ofexperience. Benefits CLEANING PERSON dining room inside S&W on MUST APPLY IN ing, penning, problem cattle. This position includes servicing and selling established customer painting 254-760-5805 nights required. dining room inside S&W on of- HIRING and hydrogen water store) Hourly pay plus bonuses. riod. MUST APPLY IN Call today, someone is looking for painting 254-534-9047, Troy (Temple’s only alkaline (Temple’s only alkaline solutions that will help grow their businesses and thrive. for part time CSR. resume: ccb@crosschurch 254-421-1276 for fertilizer 254-421-1276 for fertilizer valves, and meters. valves, and meters. $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. Sunday $10/hour. Email may submit resume to: We offer outstanding benefits! LARGE RESULTS... Ca 254 421 0099 if m sales. e looking edskills. T254-760-5805 aveThey equ ed math, grammar, communication and presentation will P ease send o check, Ref, background, •ADON RN aa full-time Laborer to join Call today, is looking for 31st St. Now hiring smiling p application oducwill ve b oand ogany ca p oc mills. MUST be able to mills. MUST be able to unc onNow sPlease he esume ope aemail on CLEAN NG PERSON mming, PINA Tree Trimming, HIRINGG for part time CSR. 0pm 3031 read calipers, blue prints/ fered. Please fered. Needed o ob shop ma full-time Laborer toemail join and Mow ng someone Edg ng C ean Call 254-913-9496 31st St. hiring smiling Also haul livestock. PERSON @ Astro Meesses. 15-5-5 applied at is for a health conandNON maintenance of a WANTED and must have a 3031 Please apply at Toledo Fichine shop. 5 application hydrogen water and hydrogen water store) faces for all as shifts. Thisstore) is MOK NG ROOM to @ MUST Astrohave Mequalified and interested. CATTLE WORKING, haulFR send AFTERNOON m L resume: ccb@crosschurch Please apply atS. Toledo Fi- PERSON what you have to Find itit fast? the team base, well as and maintaining relationships with ifat and sales. application and Please send to Ref, background, Ref, background, Ca 254 913 9496 What you get when resume you advertise the construction team at ise on@439wa supp com faces for n allenance shifts. Thisyois Drug Test required. 15 5 5 app ed a and ma aifdeveloping WANTED scientious individual to fill nance, 1408-A 31st conSt., or read read calipers, blue prints/ blue prints/ ch drawings be sales. able to Call 254-865-3546 shopand MUST have 5 esses Clean- Please Mowing, CleanngThis Rake Leaves what youconstruction have to sell! sell! resume Find fast? 1411 Sam Bass a non-smoking complex. WATER OPERATOR ing,ne penning, problem cattle. looking for aeorganized health conis able looking for aS.Home health HDget F Edging, A youofm position servicing and selling an established customer ARE What when advertise Opages •Maintenance Supervisor mYou Cross per acre. nance, 1408-A 31stdemands St., chanics purchased water distri- qualified be well and toHTest meet the ofDrug multiple projects Office &record. clean driving in the you Classified the chanics 1411Church Sam Bass Coryell Health. Payincludes range Yorkshire Terriers: yrs. experience onposition, man- $23.00 OOM a non-smoking complex. •calipers, Compensation and interested. qualified and interested. sales assistant Coryell Health. range scientious ARE Dollar Classified Please apply at439 any o con ac e Temple. ng, Jchupik@chupik Also will haul anyof livestock. pu chased wa e TemdWa s fill O Competitive ce & Church Home Drug required. Test required. Road in Round Rock. M m m P ofO in the Classified pages the m utilize a variety jigs individual to scientious individual to fill C P with y s Registered expe ence on man& $23 00 pe ac e Temple. Lawnca eSaver P hour vaPay ebased Fence drawings and be able to drawings and be able to 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple DOLLAR SAVER. WATER OPERATOR new and future customers. The successful account executive will eaves, ing, Rake Leaves, 7480 FM 2410, BelDollar Saver Classified Please apply at any TemCross Dog Ridge WSC has a is $15-$20 per on base, as well as developing and maintaining relationships ble part time to full time. ApYorkie Pups. ple Subway location and ng, Road in Round&Rock. Edge, is $15-$20 per hour based on sales may submit resume to: Call 254-865-3546 REFINISHING SHING BATHTUB DOLLAR SAVER. ual lathes manual Contact Carlos Morris bution system lines, 1 weekday + Sat or Sun •Cook AFTERNOON UNDAY Get Results! Call Today! WATER TREE TEMPLE assistant position, sales assistant position, Supp y Co po a on a and daily deadlines. They will have a professional appearance and Con ac Ca os Mo s WANTED: CAREGIVER bu on sys em nes 1 weekday + Sa o Sun WATER TREE TEMPLE ple put Subway just S&Wlocation at top ofand apfixtures. Work hours are or contact 439Today! Water and or contact 439 Water Jchupik@chupik Jchupik@chupik a hes & manua conc efuture e are wo k FRESH FARM EGGS: Edge, ply in person, 7425 W.has Adut WATER TREEWSC 2202 Dr, Benefits ofutilize aRidge variety ofTEMPLE jigs & a utilize aBirdcreek variety of Temple jigs & ua Chocolates, Parti, Fence, Lawncare, •pe Bonus Plan experience. Benefits are ofDog ton, TX 76513. Get Results! Call porcein home. Repairs onKBporceD andPrivate Ometers. mFence, experience. full-time position available new and customers. The successful account executive willtheir (254) 778-4444 for elderly couple in WANTED: CAREGIVER be customer-focused and goal-oriented. They have part time to apply full time. part time toB full time. Ap(Temple’s only alkaline plication or atApjust put S&W atotop BATHTUB REFINISHING 254-421-1276 forEGGS: fertilizer or valves, $15 per/hr. 16hrs/wk. 1 Dozen $2.50, FRESH FARM n (Temple’s only EXPERIENCED ams, 150. excellent mills. MUST be able•CNA to fixtures. T will m Suite (254) 778-4444 254 933 2133 sapa mming, va ves and me eonline svofalkaline $15 h get 16h sfree. wkare m fered. Please 8am to 4:30pm sblack, MUST beM-F. abOver eUniF ee Es maemail es Golddust, boys & o30 254 421 1276 o e ze NA T Corporation ee T mm ng Supply Corporation at P Supply at fered. Please email m home, 12sales hour shifts, some Pcouple mAd- experience GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR Yorkshire Terriers: ver 30 lain and fiberglass. for elderly in their fixtures. Work hours are Work hours Buy 2 Dozen one plication or apply online at and concrete work. 44work. ply in person, 7425 W. Adply in person, 7425 W. NURSERY ATTENDANT and hydrogen water store) positive attitude. Previous media sales is a plus. 1 Dozen $2.50, n in home. Repairs on porceEXPERIENCED full-time position available be customer-focused and goal-oriented. They will have excellent for water operator. TCEQ w and hydrogen water 778-4444 CL&L(254) Trucks is hiring Janitorial company now nights required. if Bel- read application and sales. Please send resume to 771 LARGE Hourly pay bonuses. We offer outstanding benefits! 6202 Spa aplus Bestore) on @FMbackground, app ca on and sa es home, 12 hour 2410, shifts,m some P ease send esume o 7480 Re backg ound 254-931-7143, math, grammar, communication and presentation skills. They will 254-534-9047, Troy if ams, calipers, blue •to PTO LJZ 603-C East Registered Yorkie Pups. Dale years inmedical & Call Sunday $10/hour. Email Cleanead cagirls. pe s b ue pdental n Dale s 2191 718 9765 ng Edg ng C eanat Buy 2SURPLUS Dozen get one free. Suite 150. ams, Ref, Suite 150. 44 NURSERY ATTENDANT is looking for aaRd health con254-933-2133 or visit 254-933-2133 or visit GUNS &business. AMMO-REPAIR Career opening forprints/ Local 8am WANT TO LEASE LAND for forms, lainNON and MOK fiberglass. Overat 30 Mow 8am to 4:30pm M-F. Uni4:30pm M-F. Uni254-760-5805 is Hourly looking forplus health con- nights mates. Free Estimates. hiring days and evenings. NG ROOM We offer outstanding benefits! required. qualified and interested. math, grammar, communication and presentation skills. They will resume: ccb@crosschurch class C76513. license preferred for water operator. TCEQ PERSONAL bonuses. qualified and interested. Belton 939-1110 254-534-9047, Troy Chocolates, Parti, KB CDL drivers. Home R able C254-760-5805 TX 76513pay Sunday $10/hour. Email e on@439wa eorganized supp y DCentral, ug Tes equ ton, TX Drug Test required. insurance offered after a scientious individual tocom filland d721-3658. aw ngs and be603-C ab e o ng Sparta Rake Leaves drawings and be able to LJZ SURPLUS East Delivery driver, Apply at cattle grazing, will do imyearsHSparta inF business. Callevery Dale 6202 Leaves, 6202 Apply online at ed Janitorial company now Janitorial company now scientious individual to fill ARd Belton, be well to meet the demands of multiple projects SUBWAY Rd Belton, forms, medical & dental forms, medical & dental • Competitive Compensation 771-2191, 718-9765 The position includes a base salary, commissions and competitive resume: black, Golddust, boys m be well L w organized C B Tuition Reimbursement and oable to assistant meet ofhiring multiple WATER not required, willing to McGregor sales position, class C ccb@crosschurch license preferred Cross Church • Competitive Compensation AL con ac the 439 demands Wa e but Jchup k@chup k& daysOPERATOR evenings. hiring and evenings. Central, M mP Welding Supply provements. References 90 day probationary 721-3658. sales assistant position, 36 hours. Competitive u va Belton e y o939-1110 gspe& mandprojects or contact 439O Water Lawnca eiring feet of off icemspace e P va e Fence Jchupik@chupik Located inCARE the McLane ELDERLY injigs your TRAINING M Read thew Classified section to find They Read the Classified section to find TX 76513. TXw76513. FOR JJ’Sze aREMODELING FOR mappearance m Aa& insurance girls. 254-931-7143, utilize adays variety of Fence, 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple offered after offered after a riod. Dog Ridge WSC has a insurance part time to full and daily deadlines. They will have professional and Apply online ataand Apply online at Career opening for Local WANT TO LEASE LAND dailyeAmdeadlines. will have aatime. professional appearance WATER OPERATOR part time to full time. Ap110 S.not Wheat Rd, Belton. 254-865-3546 ISHING SUBWAY train the right person. We y SUBWAY Co po on Apa company-paid counse ng Plan com dining room inside S&W onAforto available. Cross Church APPLY benefi ts including health insurance. but required, willing x u esMUST Wo kestimates. hou s aIN eNo • Bonus home. 20 plus years andand conc e wo k Supp • Bonus Plan Wexperis. No HIRE. Free package includes: Health Business Small Lawn Care Business every C m • Matching 401(K) fixtures. Work hours are Supply Corporation at HIRING for part time CSR. quare foot warehouse/ work. ply in person, 7425 W. Adporcefull-time position available ELDERLY CARE in your NG Delivery driver, Apply at cattle grazing, will do im31st St. probationary Now hiring smiling Birdcreek Dr, references. Temple 90 day pe- 90GUNS day$20 probationary pe- 8am ply in person, 7425 W. AdPer Hour JJ’S weed, REMODELING FOR F thatee just thatLocated just right item you’re looking mright item you’re Dog Ridge has a experience m2202 inmedia the McLane Located in WSC the McLane ence with 933 2133 o vsales s for. aPrevious positive attitude. Previous sales experience is amedia plus. esCall and Mow, trim trees and @ small. Astro Mejob o too Call offerwater competitive pay and 4 30pm M F Un ISHING positive attitude. sales sales is a plus. & AMMO-REPAIR Eslooking ma for. es 254 Over 30 Please apply at years ToledoexperiFi- PERSON train the right person. We ams, Suite 150. • PTO faces for all shifts. This is for operator. TCEQ McGregor Welding Supply provements. References insurance, paid vacation, home. 20 plus titive ams, Suite 150. 8am to 4:30pm M-F. Uniw F HIRE. Free estimates. No 254-933-2133 or visit at • PTO mates. inside S&W onon full-time dining room insideavailable S&W on 254-421-1197 LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East all Dale porceriod. MUST APPLY IN nance, riod. MUST APPLY IN chanics WdiningSpa wa position area landscaping. Also, painting 771 BoxingmFitness w St., .painting 254-316-0179 askcafor Floyd. 1408-A S. 31st Rd Be 1411 Sam Bass •Kettlebells Health &references. Dental Available oImmanuel ms med & den a our a non-smoking OPERATOR today, someone is looking for 6202 today, someone iscommissions looking fordrive 2191position 718 9765 Accep generous benefits. HOME TO and A CSR. If room you have the toand goals, aDog professional 110 S. Wheat Rd, Belton. available. 254-865-3546 HIRING for part time CSR. HIRING forattitude partcomplex. time YARD CARE class Cmeet license preferred ence with Baptist Child Central, Belton /939-1110 NOW HIRING! jobremodeling. too 401k. small. Call Call VETERAN Janitorial company now offer competitive and Temple. GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR Over 31st hiring smiling 31st Now hiring smiling The includes aCall base salary, competitive CSt. Now 6202 Sparta Rd Belton, • COME Tuition Reimbursement ealth 3031 30 and 254-760-3031 Janitorial company now Cardio company Bi-annual for water operator. TCEQ 5all DSt. Please apply atAstro any Tem@ Me@ Astro Me- Road CLEAN HOUSE! forms, medical & pay dental R afaces Cdays TXfaces 76513 T H T mm Store Please apply atCa evenings. Toledo Please apply at Toledo Fi- PERSON in Round Rock. The position includes base salary, commissions and competitive 439 Supply Corponsu ance oAberdeen e ed a Angus e is a Temple Temps LJZ Water SURPLUS 603-C East 254-421-1197 Dale but not required, willing to PERSON • Reimbursement DOLLAR AVER for all shifts. This is for all shifts. This isFiss FOR hiring and ATuition 254-316-0179 ask for Floyd. Ridge WSC is drug and Development Center SUBWAY hiring days and evenings. Weights / Tabatas Registered what you have to sell! Find it fast? what you have to sell! Find it fast? ple Subway location and ck ELDERLY CARE in your Casa Clean! Homes, ofBINGO benefi ts including company-paid health insurance. RV & Tow Car for sale generous benefits. Dog The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source W E M w E What you get when you advertise What you get when you advertise m L w C B Read the Classified section to find TX 76513. appearance, skills we need, please a Matching cover letter and ation, C1408-A license preferred • has Life Supplemental Insurances part tim 315 W. Ave M nance, S.complex. 31st St., send nance, 1408-A S. 31st St., • 401(K) Central, Belton 939-1110 raises, guaranteed insurance offered after a chanics chanics 1411 Sam Bass 1411 Sam RSUBWAY C complex. T and theclass m mBass aGnon-smoking a the non-smoking train right person. ration a& full time po- 90 Apply online at dayfor p oba Need ona y rdio CAREGIVER home. plus years m ARE VETERAN YARD fices, and apartments. Apply online at We just put S&W at topLofexperiap-Call WANTED: hiring Teachers, Floates. No L 20 M cattle sale. to pe sell FRESH29’ FARM EGGS: M w Classified wB w Cpages m of the alcohol-free workplace. benefi ts including company-paid health insurance. in the Classified pages ofCARE the in the 254-541-7710 $25,000. Trail Star, Ford ply in Business Temple. Temple. VFW Post #4008 but not required, willing to • Matching 401(K) Business ence with Ridge WSC is& areferences. drug and Available Dollar Saver Classified Dollar Saver Please apply atClassified anyan TemPlease apply at any Temfor elderly couple in TCEQ their nnual Call offer competitive pay and Road Ann 480-490-5705 tas plication or apply online atpeng,doors Tree/Hedge Trimming, sition for m &W your 90 day probationary week min. Must thatIf for local news and has for aright business-to• Health Dental 1 Dozen $2.50, in Round Rock. Road inavailable Round Rock. odentire MUST N M just right item you’re looking for. information, ELDERLY CARE in A you have theChild drive to meet goals, a opening professional attitude and my herd ofAPPLY 17 head. apers &EXPERIENCED Aides. Please 254 778 4444 resume today. Located in the McLane DOLLAR SAVER. DOLLAR SAVER. ge Fertilizer Application, inOPERATOR Sausag ees and $700.00 Accepting applications for C m Located in the McLane 254-421-1197 Oees V-10, 1998, 80,000 miles. • Team Member Chaplain Services H R NG m C R d. AFOR Must pass drug screening, and home, 12 hour shifts, some ple Subway location and ple Subway location and Property Manager Needed, Immanuel Baptist Registered Aberdeen Angus train the person. We ING Semi-Private NOW HIRING! N w m Edge, Weed Eating, Mow, Edge, Buy 2 Dozen get one free. generous benefits. Dog Belton The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source home. 20MUST plus years experimR NURSERY ATTENDANT HVAC CONTROLS TECH, minute es. No Class CHealth LicenseT& distribualcohol-free workplace. nteed A 2015 WW stock trailer goes dining room inside S&W on Get Results! Call Today! Get Results! Call Today! 710 PERSON @ As o Me RV & Tow Car for sale riod. APPLY IN ply in person at 1402 painting be 25 years of age, with a P F dining room inside S&W on appearance, and the skills we need, please send a cover letter and WANTED: CAREGIVER WANTED: CAREGIVER • Life & Supplemental Insurances E! nights required. • Dental Available EXTRA CLEAN: 2013 Chev. Equinox, all painting justIf putTemple S&W at top of ap- team. just put S&W ata of apClerk, full time or ence Hourlywith pay plus references. bonuses. you have the drive to meet goals, atheir professional attitude and business to join our TResidenfor sale. Need to sell $25,000. Belton. Must have good cattle Circuit Training FRESH FARM EGGS: FRESH FARM EGGS: Troy crease growth and productoday, someonemarketing isCenter looking foris consultant ercial, 439 Water Blow, Supply Cleanup, Corpo- Call Temps Sunday $10/hour. EmailFord offer competitive pay and wStore Ftop HIRING for part time CSR. Ridge WSC is drug criminal background Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Development HIRING for part time CSR. 29’1411 Trail Star, Wfor w hiring with them. (281) 733-3240 entry 254-534-9047, level position, one 254-98 31st St. Now smiling tion operator. A of$2.50, 254-760-5805 -3031 offCall -street customer for elderly couple in for elderly couple in their 31st St. Now hiring smiling chan cs Sam Bass mes, of- minimum for local news and information, has an opening a business-toWest Ave. A, Temple. m m tial and light Commercial plication or apply online at plication or apply online at Must pass drug screening, -3031 254-421-1197 my entire herd 17 head. 1 Dozen 1 Dozen $2.50, ready to travel. Call for VETERAN YARD CARE resume: ccb@crosschurch PERSON @ Astro Mecommunication skills, comely, d. nMust Mulch Installation resume today. EXPERIENCED part WED. time. No Sundays. ApAFTERNOONS ofa 2fullyears exp. 315 W.shifts. Ave M and (254) 778-4444 (254) 778-4444 Please apply at Toledo FiV-10, 1998, 80,000 miles. • EXPERIENCED Team Member Chaplain Services alcohol-free C benefits. Dog Please apply atCworkplace. Toledo FiTThis m • RV & experience Tow Car forpresale faces for tion for your and ration has time po- what check, and must have a send appearance, skills we need, please letter home, hour shifts, some home, 12skills hour shifts, some Life &pasture Supplemental Insurances D12Doors position’s primary P a cover T and m faces for all all shifts. This This is is thegenerous applicants canRoad Cleaning. Free Estimates. nts. hiring Tyou have HTeachers, T Find mm Buy 2All Dozen get one free.goes 2n Dozen get one free. all year A 2015 WW stock trailer Open 11am 44 Randy 254-743-9444 tojoin sell! fast? Round Rock NURSERY ATTENDANT NURSERY ATTENDANT 2013Buy Chev. Equinox, ng puter and collect you get you advertise info pictures. s fur-aCall What with nance, 1408-A 31st St., DOLLAR AVER What you get when when youask advertise criminal background plyHourly inWSC person at Green’s Must pass drug account are sales professionals with excellent nance, 1408-A S.screening, 31st St., nights chanics 1411 Sam Bass business marketing consultant our team. Hourly aa non-smoking complex. $25,000. Travel 29’and Trail required. Star, Ford Ridge isplus aS. drug and w 254-527-3342, for WATER OPERATOR nights required. required. CARE non-smoking complex. WOurEto M w E executives Cross Church bonuses. pay bonuses. Call 254-421-0099. Session Starts 12:30pm Skiles 254-534-9047, Group is Troy looking for ferred. to travel. Call for function is the operation 254-534-9047, Troy CLE CARE with them. (281) 733-3240 crops. N-TEXX stimulates sition available clean driving record. You Sunday $10/hour. Email can apply Sunday $10/hour. EmailVER ready in the Classified Classified pages for of the theTCEQ ers rents. 512-750-0750 G resume R pay plus Ctoday. T rates. Temple. 254-718-9400. in the pages of WANTED CAREG & Aides. Please apcriminal background All applicants in person Temple. &W Dollar Saver Classified Please apply at any TemSausage House, only 10 V-10, 1998, 80,000 miles. • Team Member Chaplain Services 254-760-5805 exp. H FARM EGG WANTED Donkeys, horses, B w C service skills Please or atBirdcreek Dr, Temple FRI. AFTERNOONS and pictures. a 2202 full-time Laborer to join CallFRE ming, applydrive at any to Temalcohol-free workplace. check, and must have a Dog Road in 254-760-5805 Round Rock. Ridge WSC has aonline ming, resume: ccb@crosschurch resume: ccb@crosschurch 254-913-9496 and maintenance of a info Rob or Lacey. customer and the succeed. They work with DOLLAR SAVER. BATHTUB REF N H NG 9-7047 DOLLAR SAVER. may submit resume to: HVAC CONTROLS TECH, soil, microorganisms that Class C License distribuD ty location in downtown check, and must have a Doors Open 5pm M 254-718-9400. ple Subway location and the construction team at EXPER ENCED 2013 Chev. Equinox, all sheep, goats or any other 254 778 4444 Edge, ple Subway location and Our account executives are sales professionals with excellent minutes from Temple. or online at ply in person at 1402 Edge, Must pass drug screening, for mR R Residenfull-time position available mthe m Get iswseeking help following: clean driving record. Youfor M m purchased water distriO Session Starts 6:30pmYou B D Get Results! Results! Call Call Today! Today! WANTED: CAREGIVER Coryell Health. Pay range NUR ERY ATTENDANT just S&W at of driving record. Human Resources WANTED: CAREGIVER ready travel. Call for FRESH FARM EGGS: farm animals. 254-865-3546 WATER OPERATOR WATER just put put S&W at top topprint of apap-one or local businesses, offering leading andclean digital marketing entry level position, FRESH FARM EGGS: CrossOPERATOR Church Cross Church provide essential nutrients GUNS &toAMMO-REPAIR operator. O WANTED Donkeys, horses, 254-985-2331 H MANUAL MACHINIST –to: for hon accesstion from Central criminal background AFTERNOONS $15-$20 in per person hourEm based on T West A, Temple. mmercial water operator. TCEQ All applicants can isexperience. apply customer service skills and the to They work with for elderly couple in their Yorkshire Terriers: bution system lines, plication or apply online for SUNDAY elderly couple in their may submit resume to: may submit resume 11 goats Dozen $2.50, WATER TREE TEMPLE info and 603-C pictures. 1 wee plication or apply6114 online at at LJZ SURPLUS East EXPERIENCED C succeed. D 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple Dozen $2.50, (254) 778-4444 sheep, or any other on EXPERIENCED Doors Open 4pm Benefits are ofP.O. Box Dog Ridge WSC has a Dog Ridge WSC has a 7480 FM 2410, Belm @ year experience precheck, and must have a for plants through their Registered Yorkie Pups. ThisPERSONAL position’s primary home, 12 hour shifts, some Orfree. sendonline resumes toPlease is help the following: ISHING Street BATHTUB REFINISHING only 939-1110 alkaline helpdigital grow their andSession thrive. Or send resumes to C license preferred MECHANIC valves, and meters. home, 12 seeking hour $15 Central, Belton Buy 22animals. Dozen get one or forPINA 254-718-9400. 444 dstimates. NURSERY TreeATTENDANT Trimming, Startsshifts, 5:30pmsome Buy Dozen get one free. email (Temple’s farm 254-865-3546 4447th NURSERY ATTENDANT local offeringsolutions leading that printwill and marketing or class Yorkshire Terriers: Chocolates, Parti, KBorto nights required. porce- infunction home. businesses, Repairs on porcefull-time position available full-time available ton, TX 76513. driving record. You Hourly plus Texas 76503 clean nights required. 254-534-9047, Troy LARGE if and hydrogen water store) Hourly pay pay plus bonuses. bonuses. but not required, willing Please send resume to ferred. Travel required. 7480 FM 2410, BelR Yorkshire Sundayposition $10/hour. Email Skiles Group is looking for Temple, WATER OPERATOR productive biological is N theNG operation CLEANING PERSON CATTLE WORKING, haul254-534-9047, Troy Registered Yorkie Pups.procC Terriers: Mowing, Edging, CleanSunday $10/hour. Email Needed for job2410, shop/ maHuman Resources is looking for a health ELDERLY CARE in your GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR GUNSCand & AMMO-REPAIR TRA black, Golddust, boys & Over 30 lain and fiberglass. Overhelp 30 growREMODEL 254-760-5805 NG to FOR NON-SMOKING ROOM 7480 FM Belqualified interested. 254-760-5805 solutions that will their businesses and thrive. may submit resume to: Chocolates, Parti, KB for water operator. TCEQ for water operator. TCEQ resume: ccb@crosschurch Registered Yorkie Pups. ton, TX 76513. B D T m a full-time Laborer join ing, penning, problem cattle. ThisF position servicing selling an established customer Dru 2011 F150 Super Cab, train the right person. We resume: ccb@crosschurch hiring CL&L is experihiring scientious individual to fill Dog Rgirls. dge WSC has a or byand email ing, Rake Leaves, 20 Trucks plus years Call 254-913-9496 1424 Martin Luther Jr. Lane, Temple esses. 15-5-5 applied at home. LJZ SURPLUS 603-C LJZFord SURPLUS 603-C East and $20 maintenance WANTED all Dale years in business. Call of Dalea BATHTUB 254-931-7143, H RE m Nincludes N REF H NG Hot Food Available black, Golddust, boysEast & chine shop. MUST havefor5King Career opening for Local WANT TO LEASE LAND 2011 Ford F150 Super Cab, 5.0 V8, 50,000 miles, Chocolates, Parti, KB Pe Hou sales assistant position, or the construction team at CATTLE WORKING, haulP.O. Box 6114 Also will haul any livestock. ton, TX 76513. hiring ence with references. class C license preferred class C license preferred or contact 439 Water Jc AL 1424 Martin Luther King Jr. Lane, Temple Maximum Pay OutLocal WANT offer competitive pay and Central, Belton Central, Belton 939-1110 m Ras m girls. 254-931-7143, 721-3658. u me pos on939-1110 ava ab e resumes Lawncare, Private Fence, every CDL drivers. Home every Yorkshire Terriers: Or send to Career opening for TO LEASE LAND for liner and chrome toolbox, WATER OPERATOR base, well asCandeveloping and maintaining7480 relationships with part to fullREPA time.R ApDelivery driver, Apply at cattle grazing, will do im- ing, $23.00 per acre. purchased water distri- servicing Office &2410, Home Cross Church Equal Opportunity Employer black, Golddust, boys & 5.0 time V8,& AMMO 50,000 miles, bedpenning, problem cattle. Coryell Health. This position includes and selling established customer yrs.not experience on manCall 254-865-3546 Cross Church FM BelB F every FPay O range Yorkie Supply Corporation at 254-421-1197 c Delivery driver, Apply at cattle grazing, willReferences dowork. im$16,500. 254-718-6709Competitive plyGUN but not required, willing to but required, willing to Also generous benefits. Dog o Registered wa e haul ope a oPups. TCEQ and concrete in person, 7425 W. AdCL&L Trucks is hiring McGregor Welding Supply provements. titive 36 hours. 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple Temple, Texas 76503 will any livestock. girls. 254-931-7143, K C L Z URPLU C E is $15-$20 per hour based on C D 2202 Birdcreek Dr, Temple liner and chrome toolbox, Dog Ridge WSC has a ELDERLY CARE in your ELDERLY CARE in your G McGregor Welding Supply provements. References Chocolates, Parti, KB etitive Contact Carlos Morris FOR JJ’S REMODELING FOR bution Sat or Sun ton, TX 76513. newand and futurearecustomers. successful account will ams, Suite 150. Career openingperson. for Local WANT TOcense LEASE LAND for ual lathes &Estimates. manual NISHING Equal Opportunity Employer 254-933-2133 at WATERThe TREE TEMPLE base, assystem well as lines, developing maintaining relationships with NISHING Ridge WSC aorboys drug and Free 1101S. S.weekday Wheat Rd,+Belton. Belton. available. 254-865-3546 chome. ass C p evisit e& ed PERSONAL train theexecutive right person. We available. train the right We Call Wdrivers. T Home C B 110 Wheat Rd, 254-865-3546 254-865-3546 black, Golddust, home. 20 plus years experi20 plus years experiexperience. Benefits ofCDL every Health package includes: Health es. No HIRE. Free estimates. No $16,500. 254-718-6709 Health nnhiring porceDeliveryMUST driver, Apply at 6202 cattlegirls. grazing, willfertilizer do imfull-time position available ence Jan (Temple’s only alkaline 2011 Ford F150 Super Cab, porceSparta Rd Belton, 254-421-1276 for valves, and meters. $15 per/hr. or by 16hrs/wk. email ur 254-931-7143, 771-2191, 718-9765 mills. be able workplace. mming, bu no equ ed wReferences ng o King Jr. Lane, Temple references. ence with references. 1424 Martin Luther 541 7710 Please email beThe customer-focused and goal-oriented. Theyoffer will have Call job too Call fered. competitive payLocal and WANT offer competitive pay and Career openingexcellent for TOwith LEASE LAND forto alcohol-free new and future customers. successful account executive will cation, hirin GUNS & Over McGregor Welding Supply provements. ELDERLY CARE 36 254 hours. Competitive ation, insurance, paid vacation, TRA Nsmall. NG GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR AMMO-REPAIR Over 30 254-316-0179 REMODEL NG FOR 5.0 V8, 50,000 miles, every30 Read the Classified section to find TX for water operator. TCEQ 254-421-1197 Delivery Apply at 254-421-1197 cattle grazing, will doprints/ imd. ask Floyd. if and hydrogen water store) generous application sales. Must pass drugand screening, Please send to Ref,driver, background, aLJZ n76513. he gh pe son We m Pfor resume SUBWAY read calipers, blue annual m SURPLUS 603-C East Cleanall Dale benefits. Dog generous benefits. Dog 110 S. Wheat Rd, Belton. available. 254-865-3546 RE F m N LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East all Dale is looking for a health conliner and chrome toolbox, Small Lawn Care Business We offer outstanding benefits! math, grammar, communication and presentation skills. They will be customer-focused and goal-oriented. They will have excellent nnual company 401k. McGregor Weldingpreferred Supply provements. References Registered Aberdeen etitive package includes: Health dio ex Equal Opportunity $20 Pe Angus qualifiedthe andTemple-Belton interested. CTemple T Hou The Daily Telegram, area’s No. 1 source that justEmployer right you’reBi-annual looking for. classWheat C license w item criminal background Located in the McLane Belton m C o eCentral, compe ve939-1110 pay and anteed Mow, weed, trim trees and Central, Belton 939-1110 Test scientious individual to fill Ridge $16,500. 254-718-6709 110 S.Drug Rd, 254-865-3546 drawings and able to cattle WSC isBelton. arequired. drug and available. Ridge WSC is abe drug and Registered Aberdeen for sale. Need to Angus sell Leaves, as The Daily 1 source Theroom Temple Daily wwwTemple m Telegram, the Temple-Belton Health dining inside S&W on Telegram nteed raises, B grammar, F F landscaping. Also, painting We offer outstanding benefits! insurance, paid vacation, math, communication presentation skills. They Must for local news and information, has an opening for a No. business-tobe welland organized and area’s able to meet thewill demands of not multiple projects check, and must a my entire herd of 17Need head. gene ous bene shave but required, willing to alcohol-free Call today, someoneguaranteed is looking for sales assistant position, alcohol-free • Competitive Compensation cattle for sale. toDog sell HIRING 31st St. Now hiring smiling or contact 439 Water Jchupik@chupik K C workplace. workplace. and remodeling. 254-760-3031 utilize a variety of jigs & 10 ELDERLY CARE in your cation, Fence, 2015 WW stock trailer goes G FOR ELDERLY CARE in your AR with a $700.00 Must for local news andand information, an opening for a business-toforforlocal news inform Please GMust FOR business marketing consultant tohas join our team.They time to full atime. Ap- train the my entire herd sof clean driving record. You company 401k. dge WSC a17you dhead. ug and faces all shifts. Thisand is W organized T Bi-annual right person. We Must be well able to thedeadlines. demands ofpart multiple projects what you haveweek to sell! min. Find it fast? them. (281) 733-3240 andmeet daily will have professional appearance and home. 20 years experi• pass Competitive Compensation you get when advertise DIVINE CLEANING tes. annual nance, home. 20 plus plus years experidrug1 screening, drug screening, s work. exp. tes. No Supply Corporation at •pass Bonus Plan fixtures. Work hours are with a non-smoking complex. AWhat 2015 WWeestock goes ply in person, 7425 W. Ad- Must Registered Aberdeen Angusa VETERAN YARD CARE with aNo be 25Dollar years ofClassified age, with may submit resume to: The Temple Daily Telegram, theexcellent Temple-Belton area’s No. source a wotrailer kp ace 254 541 7710 incoho the Classified pages of the business marketing consultant to join our team. business marketing consul Registered Aberdeen Angus ence with references. raises, guaranteed Temple Residential, commercial, Call The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source offer competitive pay and ence with references. Our account executives are sales professionals with Saver Please apply at any Temgk for Call 254-933-2133 anteed and daily deadlines. They will have a professional appearance and Tree/Hedge Trimming, with them. (281) 733-3240 criminal background criminal background ams, Suite 150. cattle for sale. Need to sell positive attitude. Previous sales media sales experience is a plus. or visit at DOLLAR SAVER. cattle for sale. Need to sell • Bonus Plan 8am to 4:30pm M-F. Uniimates. or 254-421-1197 Mus pass d ug sc een ng weekly, bi-weekly, exp. minimum of 2 years exp. ple Subway location and WANTED Donkeys, horses, yd. m P 254-421-1197 Weed Eating, Mow, Edge, .com • PTO /yd. $700.00 week min.and Must forthe local and information, has an opening for a business-tocustomer service skills and drive toopening succeed. They work with Yorkshire Terriers: Must for local news information, hasnews an for a business-togenerous benefits. Dog my entire herd of 17 head. Get Results! Call Today! entire herd of 17any head. WANTE check, and must have aforcheck, and must&have a my sheep, goats or other just put S&W at top of executives apJanitorial company now move-outs. Supplies furCSparta T Rd executives positive attitude. Previous sales media sales experience is a plus. Blow, Cleanup, Belton, 7480 FM 2410, BelOur account are sales professionals with excellent Our account NING c m na backg ound is seeking help the following: forms, medical dental 5with Registered Yorkie Pups. fora 6202 254-527-3342, ask for A 2015 WW stock254-865-3546 trailer goes A 2015 WW stock trailer goes for eld farm animals. •hiring PTO local businesses, leading print andconsultant marketing plication or apply online at be 25 years of age, m withoffering a www Mulch Installation business marketing consultant to join our team. Ridge WSC isand a evenings. drugYou and clean nished. Reasonable rates. a days The position includes adigital base salary, commissions and competitive (254) 778-4444 business marketing to join our team. • Tuition Reimbursement clean driving record. driving record. You mercial, Chocolates, Parti, KB with them. (281) 733-3240 WANTED Donkeys, horses, ton, TX 76513. check and mus have home, Read the Classified section to find TX 76513. with them. (281) 733-3240 Randyoffered 254-743-9444 insurance after a Rob or Lacey. customer skills and the drive to succeed. They work with customer service skills an s exp. solutions that will help grow their businesses andand thrive. Call Meagan Apply online at •ADON -the RN black, boys & SUBWAY kly, nights r The position aCL&L base salary, commissions competitive minimum ofservice 2 includes years exp. alcohol-free workplace. sheep, goats or254-239-7047 any dother HourlyGolddust, pay plus bonuses. • Tuition Reimbursement may submit resume to: may submit resume to: Business c ean d v ng eco You benefi ts including company-paid health insurance. T ucks s h ng is seeking help for following: Our account executives are sales professionals with excellent CATTLE WORKING, haulgirls. 254-931-7143, • Matching 401(K) k for 90 day probationary pees furfarm animals. 254-865-3546 that just right item you’re looking for. Career opening for Local WANT TO LEASE LAND for local businesses, offering leading print and digital marketing local businesses, offering Located in the McLane Our account executives are sales professionals with excellent rees and benefi ing, penning, problem cattle. This position includes servicing and selling an established customer Must pass drug screening, •Maintenance Supervisor 254-527-3342, ask for or or WANTED Donkeys, horses, may subm esume o ts including company-paid health insurance. CDL d ve s Home eve y • Matching 401(K) riod.• Health customer service skills and the drive to succeed. dining Theyroom work Delivery driver, Apply at cattle Yorkshire grazing, Terriers: will do ime painting rates. will haul any Yorkshire Terriers: insidewith S&W on MUST APPLY IN Also sheep, goats or anylivestock. other WANTED Donkeys, horses, base, as that wellwill as developing and maintaining relationships with & Dental Available solutions help grow their businesses and thrive. solutions that will help WA gr CallIfcustomer today, isprint looking forskills a onda@dog dgewsc com o provements. you have the drive to31st meet goals, a professional attitude and isFMfor seeking help for7480 the following: criminal background McGregor Welding Supply References 36 hou ssomeone Compe ve Rob or Lacey. Call 254-865-3546 service and drive to succeed. They work with 7480 2410,time BelFM 2410, BelHIRING part CSR. •Cook 39-7047 Registered Yorkie Pups. Registered Yorkie Pups. St.the Now hiring smiling farm animals. 254-865-3546 businesses, offering leading and digital marketing Y T 0-3031 sheep,254-865-3546 goats or any other 110 S. Wheat Rd,Parti, Belton. •TX Health & Toledo Dental Available PERSON @ REFINISHING Astrohelp Me- for Dog R new future customers. The successful account executive will Iflocal youand have the drive to meet goals, a professional attitude and CATTLE WORKING, haul- available. is seeking the following: Please apply at Fi7480 FM 2410 Be Chocolates, KB Chocolates, Parti, KB package nc udes Hea h BATHTUB check, and must have a ton, 76513. ton, TX 76513. R Y P faces for all shifts. This is RV & Tow Car for sale farm animals. 254-865-3546 appearance, and the skills we need, please send a cover letter and • Life & Supplemental Insurances what you have to sell! Find it fast? local businesses, offering leading print and digital marketing •CNA solutions that will help grow their businesses and thrive. What you get when you advertise •ADON RN ing, penning, problem cattle. This position includes servicing and selling an established customer This position includes serv in home. Repairs on porcefull-tim nance, 1408-A S. 31st St., black, Golddust, boys & black, Golddust, boys & C P KB be customer-focused and goal-oriented. excellent on TX chanics 1411 Sam Bass RV nsuwe ance pa dplease vacaThey on a have non-smoking complex. & 76513 Tow Car for haulsale $25,000. 29’ Trail Star, Ford appearance, and the skills need, sendwill a cover letter and CARE • Life & Supplemental Insurances clean driving record. You lain hiring CL&L Trucks isof the hiring WORKING, fiberglass. Over 30 CATTLE Also will haul anyStar, livestock. in the Classified pages G girls. 254-931-7143, Temple. for wa resume today. solutions that growapply their and thrive. We offer benefits! Dollar Saver Classified Please at businesses any Tem$25,000. 29’Services Trail Ford math, communication and skills. They will Career openingoutstanding for Local WANT Career TO LEASE for LAND forChaplain WANT TO LEASE LAND for V-10, girls. 1998,254-931-7143, 80,000 miles. •and Team Member company 401k Bspresentation annua ming, base, asgrammar, well asevery developing maintaining relationships with base, as well &as develop CL&L Tand ucks hwill ng ing, problem cattle. years in business. CallLocal Dale This position includes servicing and selling anhelp established customer Road inopening Round Rock. •Maintenance Supervisor Call penning, 254-865-3546 DOLLAR SAVER. may submit resume to: every CDL drivers. Home resume today. C L WANT TO LEA E LAND class V-10, 1998, 80,000 miles. • Team Member Chaplain Services Registered Aberdeen PERSONAL Delivery driver, Apply at cattle Delivery grazing, driver, will Apply do imat cattle grazing, will do imple Subway location and Also will haul any livestock. 721-3658. 2013 Chev. Equinox, all The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton area’s No. 1 source CATTLE WORKING, haulEdge, beGetwell organized and able to meet demands multiple projects www m Angus a ses gua aneve eed CDL dThe ve s the Home y of • Competitive Compensation Results! Call Today! base, as well as developing and maintaining relationships with D A w m new and future customers. successful account executive will new and future customers WANTED: Welding CAREGIVER 254-865-3546 Supply McGregor Welding References Supply Call provements. References 2013 Chev. FARM Equinox, etitive 36and hours. Competitive or provements. just put S&W at top of ap- anMcGregor •Cook to travel. Callcattle. for cattle for sale. Need to sell but no EGGS: all ready ing, mpenning, problem , position includes servicing and selling established customer daily deadlines. They will appearance and $700This 00 week manprofessional Mus for local news and information, has an opening for a business-toM G FRESH Wperson R 36 hou shave Compe ve TRAINING Yorkshire Terriers: my entire herd of 17 head. JJ’S REMODELING FOR • Bonus Plan All applicants can apply in Yorkshire Terriers: 110 S. Wheat Rd, Belton. available. 110 S. Wheat 254-865-3546 Rd, Belton. available. 254-865-3546 for elderly couple in their ready to travel. Call for new and future customers. The successful account executive will apply online at info e/ Dcustomer-focused V(254) NE CLEAN NG Also will and haul any pictures. livestock. A 2015beWW on train Health package includes: Health EXPERIENCED be and goal-oriented. willplication haveisorand excellent customer-focused andt 7480 FMhour2410, Bel- apply 778-4444 W 1 Dozen R Yorkie B$2.50,Pups. stock trailer goes All can in Freeperson estimates. No info Registered positive attitude. Previous sales amarketing plus. be 25 yea nc smedia age wThey package Hea Registered Yorkie Pups. •CNA and pictures. base, asoudes wellsales ash haexperience developing maintaining relationships with home, 12applicants shifts, some business consultant toPer join our team. HIRE. $20 Hour R customer-focused mm • PTO 254-718-9400. Buy 2 Dozen get one free. Call 254-865-3546 9444 ATTENDANT be and goal-oriented. They will haveThey excellent job NURSERY too small. orCall offer c with them. (281) 733-3240 online at cation, insurance, paid Chocolates, Parti, KB ton, TXrequired. 76513.outstanding wn Chocolates, Parti, KB 254-718-9400. We offer benefits! math, communication presentation skills. will math, grammar, communi nights w grammar, w vacation, m n mum oand s exp nsu ance pa2 dyea vaca on Hourly pay plus bonuses. or online at Boxing Fitness 254-316-0179 ask for Floyd. 254-534-9047, Troy Sunday $10/hour. Email The position includes a base salary, commissions and competitive Human Resources • are Tuition Reimbursement gener new and customers. The successful account executive will black, We offer outstanding benefits! math, grammar, communication andfuture presentation skills. They will m black, Golddust, Golddust, boys boys & & annual 401k. Bi-annual 254-760-5805 Our account executives sales professionals with excellent Kettlebells / Cardio Human Resources 254 to 527 3342 o of multiple company 401k Bask annua hiring company resume: ccb@crosschurch be well organized able the demands be well organized andRidge able girls. 254-931-7143, benefi including company-paid health insurance. Rts • Competitive Compensation girls. Aberdeen 254-931-7143, Angus Registered Aberdeen Angus R WANTED Weights Tabatas • Matching 401(K) The Temple Dailyand Telegram, The the Temple Temple-Belton Daily Telegram, area’s the No. Temple-Belton 1projects source area’s 1/excellent source Donkeys, horses, Career opening for Local TO LEASE LAND A A • 1,250 square feet of offforicesale. space be organized and able tomeet meet the demands of multiple projects The Temp e6114 Da yThey Te eg am he Temp e Be onWANT a ea No 1 sou ce for Career opening for Local WANT TO LEASE LAND for Registered anteed guaranteed be customer-focused and goal-oriented. will have • Competitive Compensation P.O. Box Rob o Lacey customer service skills and the to succeed. They work with aP.O. ses gua an eed C well M e every raises, cattle for sale. Need to sell cattle Need to sell alcoh sheep, goats or any other Box 6114 N Or send resumes to 254-541-7710 Delivery driver, Apply at cattle grazing, will do imand daily deadlines. They will have a professional appearance and and daily deadlines. They Delivery driver, Apply at cattle grazing, will do imWATER OPERATOR • Health & Dental Available is seeking help for the following: If you have theand drive to meet goals, a professional attitude and Cross Church Or send resumes to and daily deadlines. They will have a professional appearance • Bonus Plan Must $700.00 week min. Must for local news information, for local has news an opening and information, for a business-tohas an opening for a business-to$700math, 00 week m n Mus o oca news and offering n McGregor o ma on has an open ng o aoffer bus ness o my entire herd of 17 head. my entire herd of 17 head. m farm animals. 254-865-3546 local businesses, leading print and digital marketing • Bonus Plan We outstanding benefits! grammar, communication andand presentation skills. They will /NG and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Welding Supply provements. Must p petitive Semi-Private McGregor Welding Supply provements. References Temple, Texas 76503 e/ D V NE attitude. CLEAN NG Previous 2202 Birdcreek Dr,References Temple RV2015 & WW Towstock Cartrailer for goes sale appearance, and the skills we need, please abus cover WW A A 2015 WW stock trailer goes A • Life & Supplemental Insurances Temple, 76503 Dog Ridge a and sales sales experience is aajoin plus. positive attitude. Previous positive Previous sales sales is plus. be 25 yeaTexas smedia o age w team. h send aexperience with a bepositive of age, with aconsultant Circuit 110 Wheat Belton. available. 254-865-3546 NISHING ness ma ke ng consu an oRd, oWSC n ouhaseam business marketing business tomedia join marketing our consultant toletter our team. R25 years attitude. mm crimin 110of Wheat Rd,Training Belton. available. 254-865-3546 rcial, solutions that will help grow their businesses thrive. $25,000. 29’(281) Trail Star, Ford • PTO • PTO Health •ADON RN w m with them. 733-3240 with them. (281) 733-3240 be well organized and able to meet the demands multiple projects • Competitive Compensation resume today. production area 2011 Ford F150 Super Cab, V-10, 1998, 80,000 miles. w w • Team Member Chaplain Services m n mum o 2 yea s exp ns exp. porce- minimum of 2 years exp. orcompetitive by email full-time positionLuther availableKing1424 y, check Martin Luther King Jr. Lane, Temple 2011 Ford F150 Super Cab, CATTLE WORKING, haulor by email 1424 Martin Jr.wLane, Temple The position includes a254 base salary, commissions 2013 GUNS Chev. Equinox, all acation, m position • aTuition Reimbursement The includes a base salary, commissions and The position includes a ba 5.0 V8, 50,000 miles, bedOu accoun execu ves e sa es p o ess ona s h exce en Tuition Reimbursement & AMMO-REPAIR skOver fur-for30 254-527-3342, ing, penning, problem cattle. This position includes servicing and selling an established customer 527 3342 ask o and daily deadlines. They will have a professional appearance and •Maintenance Supervisor Our account executives Our are account sales professionals executives are with sales excellent professionals with excellent 5.0 V8, 50,000 miles, bedclean ask for ready to travel. Call for for All water operator. TCEQ • Bonus Plan Rts including liner and Donkeys, chrome horses, toolbox, Also applicants can apply in person rates.Dale benefi will haul livestock. WANTED Dts any LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East Call benefi company-paid health insurance. -annual info and pictures. liner and chrome toolbox, Equal Opportunity Employer • Matching 401(K) WANTED Donkeys, horses, WANTED • Loading dock Rob o Lacey cus ome se v ce sk s and he d ve o succeed They wo k w h ts including company-paid health insurance. benefi including compan TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM C orMLacey. Equal Opportunityrelationships Employer may s base, as well as developing and maintaining with • Matching 401(K) Rob customer service skills and customer the drive service to succeed. skills and They the work drive with to succeed. They work with Call 254-865-3546 positive attitude. Previous sales media sales experience is a plus. own class C license preferred 9-7047 254-718-9400. $16,500. 254-718-6709 •Cook Central, Belton 939-1110 Registered Aberdeen Angus or online at• PTO The Temple Daily Telegram, theResources Temple-Belton area’s No. 1future source Registered Aberdeen Angus sheep,254-718-6709 or any any other sgoats seek ngother he p or sheep, he ogoats owor ng anteed lafonda m m is seeking help the is help for$16,500. the following: ocaleading bus nesses o ebut ngnot ead ng& pwilling n and d g following: a seeking ma ke will ng • Health Available Human new and The successful account executive If youbusinesses, have the drive tolocal meet goals,print a professional attitude andcustomers. cattle sale. Need farm for animals. farm animals. 254-865-3546 cattle for sale. 254-865-3546 Need to to sell sell local offering leading businesses, and offering digital marketing print and digital marketing required, tofor • Health & Dental Dental Available youlocal have the drive to meet goals, professional and If you have the drive to 7480 .G Must for news and information, has6114 anaincludes opening for aattitude business-to• Large garage doors ELDERLY CARE in your RV my entire herd of 17 head. FOR Ifappearance, The position a base salary, commissions and competitive my entire herd of 17 head. so u ons ha w he p g ow he bus nesses and h ve & Tow Car for •CNA sale P.O. Box and the skills we need, please send a cover letter and • Tuition Reimbursement • Life & Supplemental Insurances be customer-focused and goal-oriented. They will have excellent •ADON RN Or sendWe resumes train the right person. solutions that grow solutions their that businesses willteam. help and grow thrive. their businesses and thrive. home.Insurances 20to plus years experi- $25,000. A stock trailer goes ton, T 29’Tow Trail CarStar, for Ford sale ates. ARV2015 2015& WW WW stock trailer goes , with No a appearance, andwill thehelp skills we need, please send a cover letter and appearance, • Life & Supplemental CATTLE WORK NG and the skills business marketing consultant to join our Temple, Texas 76503 resume today. We offer outstanding benefits! math, grammar, communication and presentation skills. They will benefits including company-paid V-10, 1998, 80,000 miles. •v Team Member Chaplain Services with them. (281) 733-3240 ence withcus ome references. haulCATTLE WORKING, haul$25,000. 29’WORKING, Trail Star,off Ford .rs exp. Call with them. (281) 733-3240 m offer Matching 401(K) Th s pos health on nc insurance. udes se ccompetitive and se pay ngand an esCL&L ab•shed Trucks is hiring CATTLE •Maintenance Supervisor • Convenient -street customer 2013 Chev. Equinox, all resume today. includes servicing resume today. Career 2011 Ford F150 Super cattle. Cab, ing, penning, problem ing, penning, problem cattle. A or by email This position This position and selling includes an established servicing customer an established customer 254-421-1197 V-10, 1998, 80,000 miles. • to Team Member Services w 1424 Martin Luther King Jr. Lane, Temple oyd. bewith wellasand organized and able meet the demands of projects n. CDL Home every •V8, Competitive Compensation ready to 50,000 travel. Call for generous benefits. Dog base weselling as deve op ng and ma nand acan nChaplain ng emultiple adrivers. onsh ps w Dental h 5.0 miles, bed1Our 250 squareexecutives feet off ce space Deliver account are sales professionals excellent C Also will haul any livestock. Also will haul any livestock. sk for 2013 Chev. Equinox, all • Health & Available •Cook All applicants apply in person If you have the drive to meet goals, a professional attitude info liner parking and and chrome pictures. toolbox, McGreg 36 hours. Competitive base, as well as developing base, and as well maintaining as developing relationships and maintaining with relationships with and daily deadlines. They will have a professional appearance and Equal Opportunity Employer Call 254-865-3546 Call 254-865-3546 WANTED horses, ready to Donkeys, travel. Call for • Bonus Plan new and u uwith e cus ome sAllThe success ucan accoun ve w Ridge WSC is a drug and WANTED Donkeys, horses, $16,500. 254-718-6709 own 254-718-9400. 110 S. W customer service skills and the drive to succeed. They work and 6 450 square foot warehouse/ or online at•execu applicants apply in person package includes: Health infosheep, RV & Tow Car for sale appearance, and the skills we need, please send a cover letter and •CNA and pictures. sheep, goats or any other Life & Supplemental Insurances positive attitude. Previous sales media sales experience is a plus. new and future customers. new The and successful future customers. account executive The successful will account executive will goats or any other Human Resources is seeking help for the following: be cus ome ocused and goa o en ed They w have exce en alcohol-free workplace. • PTO $25,000.in29’downtown Trail Star, Ford wn • High visibility location insurance, paid vacation, 254-718-9400. farm animals. 254-865-3546 local businesses, offering leading print and digital marketing farm animals. 254-865-3546 product on area or online at today. be customer-focused and beresume goal-oriented. customer-focused willma goal-oriented. have They excellent • Team Member Chaplain P.O. Box 6114They and We o Services er ou s and ngV-10, bene1998,s 80,000 miles. hposition g excellent ammaincludes commun cahave ondrug and psend esen resumes a on sk They w Must pass screening, company 401k. Bi-annual awill base salary, commissions and Human Resources Hu •Temple Tuition Reimbursement Or toscompetitive solutions that will help grow their businesses andThe thrive. with access from Central 2013 Chev. Equinox, all area’s No. 1 source The Temple Daily Telegram, the Temple-Belton We outstanding benefits! We benefits! raises, guaranteed math, communication math, grammar, and6114 presentation communication skills. will They will be we tsThey oand ganpresentation zed and ab eskills. ooffer mee he demands o muoffer p e poutstanding o ec s Temple, Texas 76503 criminal background Load ng dockfeet benefi including company-paid health insurance. • Compe ve Compensa Matching 401(K) 1 250grammar, square of P.O. off ceBox space ready toontravel. Call for P CATTLE WORKING, haulCATTLE WORKING, haul$700.00 week min. Must for local news and information, has an opening for a business-toOr send resumes to All applicants can 2011 apply in person Avenue and 7th ycustomer dead nes They w have aLuther phave o essaKing ona•Jr. appea ance andCompensation Ford F150 Super Cab, Street be well organized and able beto well meet organized theselling demands and able of and multiple to da meet projects the demands of multiple projects check, and must info and pictures. or byand email ing, penning, problem cattle. This includes servicing an established DIVINE CLEANING Competitive Competitive Martin Lane, ing,• penning, problem cattle. Bonus P& an e feet of off iceposition Dental If you have the drive 1424 to• meet goals, a Compensation professional attitude and be 25 years ofTemple age, with a 5.0 and 6space 450 square foot warehouse/ V8,Health 50,000 miles, bed- Available


(254) 778-4444

Page 10 • September(254) 18,778-4444 2019




Advertising Sales Representative


Advertising Sales Representative FIND IT



Sales Representative RentalsAdvertising RESULTS...

FIND IT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY (254) Rentals 778-4444 FOR LEASE RentalsRESULTS... PROPERTY •COMMERCIAL 1,250 square feet ofEmployment off ice space

RCIAL PROPERTY and 6,450FOR squareLEASE foot(254) warehouse/ 778-4444 OR LEASE FIND IT production area

(254) 778-4444





•ADON - RN •Maintenance Supervisor •Cook •ADON •CNA- RN •Maintenance Supervisor •Cook •CNA

• 1,250 square feet ofEmployment office space Employment • Loading and 6,450dock square foot warehouse/ RESULTS Advertising Sales Representative production • RESULTS... Large garagearea doors RESULTS... Employment Advertising Sales Representative •• Convenient Loading dock 254 778 4444 off-street customer Employment RESULTS • Large garage doors (254) 778-4444 parking RESULTS... (254) 778-4444 apply in person TEMPLEEmployment DAILY TELEGRAM • Convenient off -street customer High visibility location in TEMPLE downtown DAILY TELEGRAM 254 778 4444 Human Resources parkingwith accessEmployment Temple from Employment (254) Central 778-4444 P.O. Box 6114 TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM •ADON - RN Rentals• High visibility location Avenue and 7th Street in downtown Temple, Texas 76503 Employment with access from Central •ADON - RN •Maintenance Supervisor ace. GreatTemple location. or by email Great space. Great location. Employment Avenue and 7th Street •Maintenance Supervisor •Cook 47745204 RCIAL PROPERTY FIND IT •Cook 2547745204 •CNA TY Great space. Great location. Advertising Sales Representative Advertising Sales Representative OR LEASE •CNA Employment Employment 2547745204 Advertising Sales Representative RESULTS... re feet of off ice space Advertising Sales Representative Employment Employment square foot warehouse/ n area (254) 778-4444 ck RentalsEmployment •ADON - RN ge TYdoors RESULTS... •Maintenance Supervisor Advertising Sales Representative t offRentals -street customer Employment •ADON - RN •Cook TY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY •Maintenance Supervisor TY •CNA (254) TEMPLE 778-4444 DAILY TELEGRAM ity locationAdvertising inTEMPLE downtown DAILY FOR LEASE TELEGRAM •Cook Sales Advertising Representative Sales Representative RCIAL PROPERTY Advertising Sales Representative Employment Employment h access from Central Employment •CNA FOR LEASE d 7th Street Employment





Advertising S


re feetGreat of off ice space RentalsSales Representative ace. location. n. Advertising square foot warehouse/ 547745204 n area COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Rentals FOR LEASE ockRentals


•ADON - RN •ADON - RN •Maintenance Supervisor •Maintenance Supervisor ge doorsCOMMERCIAL PROPERTY TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM •Cook •Cook RCIAL TY PROPERTY TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM TEMPLE D •CNA •CNA Advertising Sales Representative t off-street customer FOR LEASE OR LEASE •ADON - RN •Maintenance Supervisor n. location TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM Large garage doors Temple, Texas Tem marketing consultant Residential, commercial, lity in downtown Also will haul any livestock. join our team. Alsobusiness will haul any livestock. pos a aude P ev ous sa med aOpportunity sa es s a2Plan pyears us or online at clean driving record. Youexpe and daily deadlines. They and willdaily havedeadlines. a 76503 professional They appearance willve have and professional appearance and and chrome toolbox, base, as well as developing and maintaining relationships with weekly, bi-weekly, minimum of •254-865-3546 PTO Equal • Bonus Plan •ence Bonus RV & Tow Car for sale Call appearance, and the skills we need, please send aEmployer cover letter andexp. liner Life & Supplemental Insurances Call 254-865-3546 •Cook Human Resources e/ quare foot warehouse/ product on area $16,500. 254-718-6709 2011 Ford F150 Super Cab, or by email move-outs. Supplies furOur account executives arelocation. sales professionals excellent RTY $25,000. with 29’ Trail Star, Ford 1424 Martin Luther Jr. Lane, Temple submit to:King 254-527-3342, ask th accesspositive from Central attitude. Previous sales attitude. salesPrevious experience sales ismedia a plus. sales experience isaayresume plus. Conven ent offcustomers. streetpositive customer n. space. Great The pos on will nc udes amay base saReasonable comm and compe ve for 5.0 •Great new and future Themedia successful account executive Tu on Re mbursemen rates. ss ons• V8, 50,000 miles, bedresume today. •nished. PTO PTO V-10, 1998, 80,000 miles. Team Member Chaplain Services Rob or Lacey. service skills and the drive to succeed. with P.O. 6114 Call Meagan 254-239-7047 orance •CNA hr linercustomer and tochrome toolbox, 2013 They Chev. work Equinox, all Load benefi sBox nc commissions ud ng company pa d hea h nsu Equal Opportunity Employer Or send resumes park ng dock Yorkshire Terriers: be customer-focused goal-oriented. They awill have excellent • Ma ch ng 401(K) darea 7th Street The position includes and a base The salary, positioncommissions includes base and salary, competitive and competitive • Tuition Reimbursement • Tuition Reimbursement $16,500. 254-718-6709 ready to travel. Call for

local businesses, leading print and digital marketing 2547745204 7480 FM 2410, BelRegistered Pups. All applicants canoffering apply person Temple, Texas 76503 and pictures. We offer outstanding math, communication and presentation skills. They will Hea hYorkie & Den ahelp Avagrow abinetheir ck you TEMPLE have heinsurance. d ve ton, oDAILY goa sTELEGRAM a Rentals p o ess benefits! ona a ude and benefi including company-paid benefi ts health including insurance. company-paid health that willonline businessesinfo and thrive. Large garage Chocolates, Parti, KB H gh tsvgrammar, s b tydoors ocat on n downtown • mee Matching 401(K) • Matching 401(K) •solutions 254-718-9400. TX 76513. or at 2011 Ford F150 Super Cab, RV & T w C or by email black, Golddust, boys & appea ance and he sk s we need p ease send a cove e e and 1424 Martin Luther King Jr. Lane, Temple • L e & Supp emen a nsurances be well organized and able to meet the demands of multiple projects Human Resources Competitive ace. Great hiring This position includes servicing and selling an establishedT customer Temp ew access from •• Health & Dental Available • Health & Dental Available 5.0 V8, 50,000 miles, F If youlocation. have the drive to Ifcustomer meet youCentra goals, have the a professional drive to meet attitude goals,and a professional attitude andCompensation girls. 254-931-7143, Conven entth off street ge doors

September 18, 2019 • Page 11 Air Conditioning

Auto Service


Church Furniture / School Furniture




Cabinets/Remodeling Construction



Home Repair



Auto Repair

Carpet Cleaning


Dozer Service

Glass Repair


House Leveling

Lawn Service

Page 12 • September 18, 2019

Packing / Shipping

Lawn Service (Cont.)

Remodeling (Cont.)




Roofing (Cont.)

Tree Service (Cont.)



Septic Systems

Tree Service

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