American Dollar Saver Dec. 4th

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Abandoned,  circundantes.   Appliances  nIcE WAShERS, dry-   A partir de             9086  Wrecked and Unclaimed     $8 por hora. Por favor puB    Auctions ers, refrigerators,      and           llame a nuestra oficina Vehicles. Thursday, De   cook      ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! Appliances   nIcE WAShERS, dry-al 60 Ve    stoves. Rebuilt      (254)  776-7775 o solicite Wrec        cember 12th @10am. Tow       office, retail, ware     puBLIc AuctIOn Over ers, refrigerators, and   with 90 day warranty.    en línea en www.janitori- Vehi                 King of Waco 7271 Bagby house & more for lease   60 Vehicles! Abandoned, cook stoves. Rebuilt   nIcE  Delivery, service work,    WAShERS, dry- David             Barrand Properties    Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254-  Unclaimed with 90 tEchnIcIAn day warranty. cem         SERVIcE    need non-working ones. ers, refrigerators, and Wrecked          King  ( 254) 526-2277       Delivery, service work, Vehicles. Thursday, De666-5484 Auctioneer TXS     Needed. Ice Machine Re       (254)  www.davidbarrproper   cook stoves.  (254) 214-5284,Rebuilt         pair Helpful. Apply ones. Waco Ave.  need non-working cember 12th @10am. Tow     12497         with 90 day warranty. 799-6228      Carbonics 431 LaSalle.       (254) 214-5284, (254) 666-     King of Waco 7271 Bagby         Delivery, service work, 1249   (254) 754-2601        cars    799-6228     Waco, Tx 76712 254    need non-working ones. Ave.            JOBS AVAILABLE. Full    Miscellaneous       Auctioneer TXS      (254) 214-5284, (254) 666-5484 part-time jobs avail-           JOBS Full and   Vol. 1 • No. 60AVAILABLE. December 4, 2019 puBLIc AuctIOn Over    12497  Miscellaneous  Spanish     able now! Needed: Jani-     799-6228       and part-time jobs avail   60 Vehicles! Abandoned,     in Waco, puB torial workers  JOBS     2 cEMEtERy Lots Full at      cars  AVAILABLE. now! Needed: Jani- Temple      60 Ve E M p L E O S dI S - able and surrounding Wrecked and Unclaimed Spanish    FEATURED AD      2 cEMEtERy Lots at   Waco Memorial, Veter  Miscellaneous and part-time jobs avail- Vehicles. Thursday, De torial workers in Waco, areas. Starting at $8 per Wrec       pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya están       Waco Memorial, Veter OF THE WEEK!     ans Section. $1,000Janifor  now! Needed: puBLIc AuctIOn Over   and surrounding hour. Please call our of- Vehi    E M p L E O S d I S - able    disponibles los empleos Temple     cember 12th @10am. Tow      ans Section. for       torial workers in Waco,  at (254) $1,000 776-7775   both (254) 662-3082 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, areas. Starting at $8 per fice  pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya están      de tiempo completo y cem    2 cEMEtERy Lots at         King of Waco 7271 Bagby   (254) 662-3082   orboth apply online at www.   and surrounding       hour. Please call our ofWrecked and Unclaimed disponibles los empleos Temple       medio! Se necesita: King   WacoStarting Memorial,       tra-  Ave. Waco,Thursday, Tx 76712 254 at Veter$8Over per      at (254) 776-7775    puBLIc AuctIOn de tiempo completo y areas. Vehicles. De-       bajadores de limpieza en fice Ave.     ans Section. $1,000 for   puBLIc AuctIOn Over  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full hour. Please call our of   666-5484 Auctioneer TXS    medio! Se necesita: tra- 60 Vehicles!  or apply online at www.    Waco, cember 12th @10am. Tow   Abandoned,     Temple y las áreas 666   both (254) 662-3082   and part-time jobs avail60 Vehicles! Abandoned,   at  (254) 776-7775      12497 de limpieza en fice     bajadores  King of Waco 7271 Bagby Wrecked and Unclaimed circundantes. A partir de     able now! Needed: Jani- 1249 Wrecked and Unclaimed  or apply online at www.      Waco, Temple y las áreas Vehicles.   Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254-    $8  por hora. Por favor  workers in Waco,  Thursday, De-   puBLIc AuctIOn Over Vehicles. Thursday, DeFarm & Ranch torial     trucks   circundantes. A partir de      Temple and surrounding   666-5484 Auctioneer TXS llame a nuestra oficina al    cember 12th @10am. Tow  60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Abandoned, Wrecked and cember 12th @10am. Tow     $8 por hora. Por favor   areas. Starting at $8 per  (254)    Farm & 7271 Ranch  776-7775 o solicite    and Unclaimed King of Waco Bagby 12497 King ofPlease Waco 7271 Bagby     Vehicles llame a nuestraUnclaimed oficina al Wrecked call our of- puB puBLIc AuctIOn Over    GEntLE MIxEd hour.       en línea en www.janitori   Vehicles. Thursday, DeAve. Waco, Tx 76712 254- 60 Ve   Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254fice at (254) 776-7775 (254) 776-7775 o solicite     Breed Cows and trucks    60 Vehicles! Abandoned,    GEntLE MIxEd     apply online at www. 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS 12th @10am. Tow  línea en www.janitori666-5484 Auctioneer TXS    Stocker Calves. Call or    Overcember 60  en  Wrec B r eofe dWaco CvehIcles ow s Bagby a n d Wrecked and Unclaimed    12497  King 7271   public notices 12497 (254) 749-0909 (254)   puBLIc AuctIOn Over    Vehicles. Thursday, De-   Stocker Calves. Call    749-5637  Vehi    Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254! ! ! Commercial ! ! !   cem  2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019     60 Vehicles! Abandoned,  public notices  (254) 749-0909 (254) cember 12th @10am. Tow  dogs       THURSDAY   dogs  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS Wrecked  puBLIc AuctIOn Over  Land, Investment   King and7271 Unclaimed    749-5637           King of Waco Bagby      Properties, and 12497 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, ShIppInG cOntAIn   Ave.    December 12 • 10 AM puBLIc AuctIOn Over Vehicles. Thursday, De  yORkIE puppIES,        Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254-      Business Properties. Wrecked and Unclaimed ERS $2,000 and up. Wind yORkIE puppIES,   60 Vehicles! Abandoned, ShIppInG cOntAIn  cember 12th @10am. Tow   Shih-Tzu Puppies & 666    dogs ! ! AVAILABLE   666-5484 Auctioneer TXS   Vehicles. David Barr Properties Thursday,! !De- and water tight. See pho- Morkie   Shih-Tzu Puppies & 1249 Wrecked and Unclaimed ERS $2,000 and up. Wind  King of Waco 7271 Bagby Puppies. Call or      ! !  ! Com m ercial ! ! !  office, retail, ware     ( 254) 526-2277    cember 12th @10am. Tow tos www.steelcontainers.  Thursday, De- and water tight. See   Vehicles.  Land, Investm entphoMorkie Puppies. Call or 12497        Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254- text (254) 716-3952 Li- M    house &Waco more7271 for Bagby lease net Will yORkIE puppIES,     Properties, and www.davidbarrproper   King of deliver. (254) 722- cense #144 12th @10am.Tow tos www.steelcontainers.   cember         text (254) 716-3952 Li David Barr Properties 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS    Business Properties. Motorcycles Shih-Tzu Puppies &     Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254- 4270, Burleson, TX.  of7271 Waco 7271 Bagby David net Will deliver. (254) 722-TEXAS       King   Barr Properties  BAGBY AVE. • WACO, 76712 ( 254) 526-2277    cense #144    Morkie Puppies. 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Call  office, retail, ware    749-0909 (254)    Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, Tur-       wanted/ Broken ATV’s,    We Pick-Up (903) 336  house & more for lease Motorcycles    & Scooters. 749-5637  14.25 AcRES, Menard (254) 749-0909 (254)  Native Brush. Blackbuck,        key. Locked Gate Secu-    David Barr Properties Motorcycles & Scooters. County.      9086     We Pick-Up (903) 336749-5637  Mesquite and   Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, Tur ( 254) 526-2277     rity. $2,316 Down, $383    We    Pick-Up (903) 336        9086  www.davidbarrproper  Native Brush. Blackbuck,       key. 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Locked Gate Secu-                     puBLIc AuctIOn Month. 800-876-9720     Over QuALIty    BuILt homes     puBLIc  AuctIOn Over       rity. $2,316 Down,  $383    60              Vehicles! Abandoned,            on your lot. Floor plans to  nIcE WAShERS, dry 60 Vehicles! Abandoned,       800-876-9720 WAShERS, dry- Month.         and Unclaimed        nIcE   fit any budget. Nomoney   and Unclaimed ers, refrigerators, and Wrecked     homes QuALIty BuILt    ers, refrigerators, and Wrecked          Vehicles. Thursday, De-         down. 100% financing.    Vehicles. Thursday, Decook stoves. Rebuilt       your lot. Floor plans to  cook stoves. Rebuilt on         12th @10am. Tow    QuALIty homes     cember 12thBuILt @10am. Tow  Credit repair program.  with 90 day warranty. cember        with 90 day warranty.   fit any budget. Noplans money      King of Waco 7271 Bagby (254)       on your lot. Floor to   King of Waco 7271 Bagby  857-4663.  Delivery, service work,       service work, down.  Delivery,   Ave.     100% financing.   Waco, Tx 76712 254-     Waco, Tx 76712 254-  fit any budget. No money  need non-working ones.    need non-working ones. Ave.           Lots/Land/ Credit repair program. 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS      666-5484 Auctioneer TXS   down. 100% financing.    (254) 214-5284, (254)   (254) 214-5284, (254)       12497  Acreage  12497      (254) 857-4663.     Credit repair program.  799-6228 799-6228                   (254) 857-4663.     cars  cars    Lots/Land/          WESt tExAS Trans    ! !    Miscellaneous Miscellaneous   ! ! AVAILABLE     Pecos area, near Lake Acreage Lots/Land/         retail, ware-! ! puBLIc ! ! office, AVAILABLE AuctIOn Over  puBLIc AuctIOn Over Amistad. 60 - 450 acres.           Acreage   offic  house more forwarelease 60 Vehicles! e,&retail,    Abandoned,  Vehicles! Abandoned, Electricity,  2   2 cEMEtERy Lotslease at WESt    David Properties water, easy  cEMEtERy Lots at 60   & Barr m ore for  house    tExAS Trans  and Unclaimed  Wrecked and Unclaimed access, (Barr 254) 526-2277     David P roperties Waco Memorial, Veter- Wrecked    whitetail, dove, jaWaco Memorial, Veter    WESt tExAS Trans    Pecos area, near Lake www.davidbarrproper  Thursday, De-  526-2277  Thursday, De- velina, ! ! 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King of Waco Bagby     Electricity, easy      King of Waco 7271 Bagby AC. 979-575-3939 Lang    David Barr Properties  Electricity, easy Waco, Txwater, 76712 254      puBLIc AuctIOn Over Ave.   Waco, Tx 76712 254- access, whitetail, dove, ja-       ( 254) 526-2277   puBLIc AuctIOn Over Ave.    60 Auctioneer TXS  access, whitetail, dove, ja   Vehicles! 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Starting $650/ Wrecked and Unclaimed          Starting at $650/   Thursday, De- canyons.     Vehicles. trucks Vehicles. Thursday, DeAC. 979-575-3939 Lang         trucks    cember 12th @10am. Tow AC. 979-575-3939 Lang-   pLEOS dIS       cember 12th @10am. Tow  E M      King of Waco 7271 Bagby puBLIc     pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya están AuctIOn Over

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Want to Buy


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PUBLIC AUCTION 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019





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of Waco


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Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254- 4270, and part-time Burleson,jobs TX. availAuctIOn Over     Auctioneer TXS       666-5484 666-5484 TXS puBLIc Shih-Tzu Puppies & 666-5484  Wrecked andAbandoned, Unclaimed Ave. Waco,Auctioneer Tx 76712Jani254  Auctioneer TXS 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS  60 Vehicles! able now! Needed:   12497  12497 E M p L E O S d I S Morkie Puppies. Call or Livestock      Livestock Vehicles. Thursday, De 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS ! !  ! Com m ercial ! ! !     12497    Wrecked and Unclaimed   12497   workers in Waco,  ent Land,  Investm text  (254) 716-3952 Li-  pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya están torial cember 12th @10am. Tow  12497        Motorcycles  dogs Vehicles. Thursday, De  P roperties, and   American  Dollar Saver:    Temple and surrounding Want to Buy cense #144     King of Waco 7271 Bagby disponibles los empleos  G E n t L E M I x E d   Business P•roperties.   Page 2 December 4, 2019 cember 12th @10am. Tow   Want Buy de   David      Starting ats $8a nper Barrto P roperties Ave. Waco, Tx7271 76712Bagby 254(254) 501-7530 GEntLE MIxEd areas.   Buy & Repair UnB r eyORkIE e d dogs C ow d King tiempo puppIES, of Waco    Real Estate For WE    ( 254) 526-2277   WE Buy &completo Repair Un-y hour.      666-5484 Auctioneer TXS   Please call our of Stocker Calves. Call  wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  Shih-Tzu Puppies & Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254www.davidbarrproper  Breed Cows and medio! Se necesita: traSale    yORkIE puppIES, wanted/ Broken ATV’s,    WE  12497   (254) 749-0909 (254) ties.c Motorcycles & Scooters.  Buy & om Repair Un- Motorcycles Morkie Puppies. Call or at (254) 776-7775     Shih-Tzu Puppies & 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS bajadores de&limpieza   Scooters. Stocker Calves. 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Blackbuck, ! ! ! Commercial ! ! !   WE Buy & Repair Uncense #144 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019       Real Estate For     por hora. Por favor     Pick-Up (903) 336- $8 Appliances   We    Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, Tur-  Farm & Ranch wanted/ Broken ATV’s,   Land, Investment  Sale WE Buy & Repair Un   Real Estate For     AuctIOn   a nuestra oficina al puBLIc     key. Locked Gate Secu  9086  & Scooters.  and   wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  2 llame Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, Abandoned, 2019 Over Motorcycles Properties,    Sale 60 Vehicles!  rity. $2,316   Auctions  (254) 776-7775 o solicite Down, $383 We Pick-Up (903) 336   nIcE WAShERS, dry      14.25 AcRES, Menard Motorcycles & Scooters.  JOBS AVAILABLE. 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Delivery, service work,de David  Barr Properties     medio! Se necesita:Detra-puBLIc Lots/Land/ QuALIty BuILt homes Vehicles. Thursday, and water See phoMiscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS      AuctIOn Over Miscellaneous   Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254  pornon-working hora. Porones. favor bajadores fitfice any budget. No money at (254) 776-7775 www.davidbarrproper ( 254)12th 526-2277     $8     Farm &de@10am. Ranch limpieza en60 Acreage on your lot. 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(254) 722- December (254)776-7775 214-5284, (254) 666-5484   Waco Memorial, Veter-de2 Wrecked  o solicite     Credit repair program.    Dollar100% Saver Sunday, 8, 2019 WESt tExAS Trans circundantes. A Ipartir down. financing.  (254)       Vehicles. Thursday, De 12497 G E n t L E M x E d         Pecos   Waco, Tx$1,000 76712 Burleson, TX. ans Section. for 4270,   en799-6228 línea en www.janitori- Ave. (254) 857-4663.       $8 por hora. Pora254favor  area, near Lake   Credit repair program.   cember 12th @10am. Tow   B r e e d C o w s n d Farm & Ranch       both (254) 662-3082      666-5484 Auctioneer TXS (254)     llame a cars nuestra oficina 60 - 450 acres.   Amistad. 857-4663.    of Waco 7271 Bagby Stocker Calves. 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Abandoned,     e Acreage e dInvestm owial sent   Want to Buy 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8,cover, 2019 views,        velina, thick puBLIc AuctIOn Over 12497 Land,  AuctIOn Over  GEntLE MIxEd      puBLIc    WESt tExAS Trans      Wrecked and Unclaimed   Stocker Calves.   canyons.   P roperties, and Call        Starting at $650/  60 Vehicles! 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Wind          Amistad. 60 450 acres.  cember 12th @10am. Tow   Stocker Calves. Call 749-5637   Pecos area, near Lake Wrecked and Unclaimed   Vehicles.    ( 254) 526-2277        Thursday, De-    and water tight. See pho  Waco Memorial, Veter wanted/ Broken ATV’s,   Electricity, water, easy        puBLIc AuctIOn Over King of Waco 7271 Bagby www.davidbarrproper    Over ja-   Amistad. 60 - 450(254) acres.  (254) 749-0909 AuctIOn      cember   Vehicles. De- puBLIc 12th @10am. tos www.steelcontainers.     ties.c om  access, whitetail, dove,  Motorcycles Scooters. 60 Vehicles! 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Wind 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS      We Pick-Up (903) 336access, whitetail, dove, ja  Wrecked and Unclaimed      both (254) 662-3082    Waco, Tx 76712 254- 4270, Burleson, TX. De- canyons.    Ave.   Starting atviews, $650/ Vehicles. Thursday, and water tight. See pho-  12497          E M p L E O S d I S velina, thick cover,  Vehicles. Thursday, De  King of Waco 7271 Bagby 9086             666-5484 Auctioneer TXS cember ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya están      AC. 979-575-3939  12th @10am. Towcember tos www.steelcontainers.   Auctions    Livestock canyons. Starting at Lang$650/  12th @10am. Tow    12497        dogs    Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254Land, Investment         King of Waco 7271 Bagby net Will deliver. (254) 722-  AuctIOn Over      Appliances  puBLIc disponibles los empleos      AC. 979-575-3939 LangKing of Waco 7271 Bagby                    Properties, and Ave. Waco, Tx 76712TXS 254-Ave. 4270, Burleson, TX.Over Auctioneer   60   666-5484 76712   completo   Want to Buy de tiempo y  Waco, Tx    puBLIc AuctIOn Vehicles! Abandoned,      yORkIE puppIES, Employment   G E n t L E M I x E d                666-5484 Auctioneer TXS     Business Properties.          medio! Se necesita: tra666-5484 Auctioneer TXS     12497    Vehicles! 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Thursday, De   ers, refrigerators, and wanted/ Broken ATV’s,     Waco, Temple y las áreas    ( 254) 526-2277       trucks pOnIBLES. ¡MYaId están text (254) 716-3952 Li- Vehicles. (254) 749-0909 (254)  Want to Buy       E M p L E O S I S  Motorcycles  Thursday, DeG E n t L E x E d       Motorcycles & Scooters.      circundantes. 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Se necesita: tra-y      Delivery, service   Auctions Broken   (254) 749-0909 (254) de tiempo completo        Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254Sale    (254) 776-7775 o solicite     Ave. Waco, Txnecesita: 76712 25460Motorcycles Vehicles! Abandoned, & Scooters.   bajadores en    Appliances  &limpieza Scooters.  need non-working ones. Motorcycles 749-5637 medio! 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A partir de     60 Vehicles! Abandoned,   12497 9086  12497  Waco, Temple y las áreas         County. Mesquite nIcE WAShERS, dry- Vehicles.  Auctions Thursday, and De-   799-6228          $8 por hora. APor favor  SERVIcE tEchnIcIAn Wrecked and Unclaimed        circundantes. partir de   Native Brush. Blackbuck, refrigerators, and Appliances   ers,          cember 12th @10am. Tow  llame oficina al    cars Vehicles. Thursday, De-   Needed. 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Apply Waco       Miscellaneous King of Waco 7271 Bagby   llame a  nuestra oficina al    60 Vehicles! Abandoned,   key. Locked Gate Secu90 day warranty.   office, retail, ware     nIcE WAShERS, dry-      en línea en www.janitori King of Waco 7271 Bagby  Carbonics 431 LaSalle.          (254) 776-7775 o solicite  puBLIc AuctIOn Over  Wrecked and Unclaimed rity. $2,316 Down, $383 Delivery, service work,        Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254house & more for lease        ers, refrigerators, and  (254)    yORkIE puppIES, Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254 754-2601       need      en línea en www.janitoriVehicles. Thursday, Denon-working ones. Month. 800-876-9720    60 Vehicles! Abandoned,       David Barr Properties       stoves. Rebuilt   666-5484 Auctioneer TXS 2cook cEMEtERy Lots at   Full   666-5484 Auctioneer TXS       SERVIcE tEchnIcIAn Shih-Tzu Puppies   !!  cember 12th @10am. Tow    JOBS AVAILABLE. (254) 214-5284, (254)&         Wrecked and Unclaimed   with 90 day warranty.  ( 254) 526-2277       12497     Waco Memorial, Veter     12497 Needed. Ice Machine Rere- Morkie   King of Waco 7271 Bagby  799-6228 and part-time jobs avail    SERVIcE tEchnIcIAn Puppies. Call or QuALIty   BuILt   Delivery, servicehomes work, Vehicles.  Thursday, Dewww.davidbarrproper               lease pair Helpful. Apply Waco ans Section. $1,000 for Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254able now! Needed: Jani      cars Needed.12th Ice @10am. MachineTow Re-  on your lot. Floor plans to  need non-working ones.      (254) 716-3952 Li  cember   rties text Carbonics 431 LaSalle.    666-5484 Auctioneer TXS   Motorcycles torial workers in Waco,   both (254) 662-3082    Miscellaneous  pair  Helpful. Apply Waco  fit (254) any budget. No money  214-5284, (254)        of754-2601 Waco 7271LaSalle. 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Thursday, DeAcreage       rEplacEmEnts starting at Installed    King of Waco 7271Lots Bagby       Temple and trucks         Wrecked andsurrounding Unclaimed torial workers in Waco,    We Pick-Up (903) 336  Waco Memorial, Veter  cember 12th @10am. Tow Turn Over 14.25 AcRES, Menard    Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254  puBLIc  areas. Starting at $8 per      AuctIOn !Over  Full JOBS AVAILABLE. Vehicles. Thursday, De  Temple and surrounding  ! ! AVAILABLE !    WESt tExAS Trans  ans Section. $1,000 for hour.   Gooseneck  9086  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS        King of Waco 7271 Bagby Please call our of-    offic e, retail, wareCounty. Mesquite and 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, and part-time jobs avail cember 12th @10am. Tow    puBLIc AuctIOn Over     areas. Starting at $8 per   Pecos area, near Lake fice   both (254) 662-3082 Ball Hitch         house & m oreUnclaimed for lease 12497       at (254)Abandoned, 776-7775    Wrecked and Ave. Waco, 76712 254 able now! Needed: JaniKing of Waco 7271 Bagby     hour. Please call our ofInstalled Starting at 60   Vehicles! 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Starting at $8 per  King of Waco 7271 Bagby 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS 12497         and Wrecked andsurrounding Unclaimed   QuALIty    homes   $4,400 Morkie Puppies. Call254or Temple  Dually w/4 BuILt Boxes ...................................................   Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 hour. Please call our of  12497    yORkIE puppIES,   Vehicles. Thursday, De-  areas. Starting at $8 per      Etext M p(254) L EAuctioneer O716-3952 S $4,450 d ITXS SLi--        60" Cablot. Axle C&Cplans w/4 Boxes ............................ on your Floor to& 666-5484  fice atPlease (254) 776-7775       Motorcycles Shih-Tzu Puppies  cember 12th @10am. Tow hour. call our of     $ dogs pOnIBLES. están        Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ 4,875     12497 cense #144 ¡ Ya   or apply online7271 at www.      fit84" any budget. No Call money Morkie Puppies. or For King of Waco Bagby fice at (254) 776-7775   Carry Out Prices. 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2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019


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Starting atd$650/   access, dove,  ( 254) 526-2277           house &thick more for lease   pOnIBLES. ¡ Yaviews, están  AC. 979-575-3939 Lang velina, cover, www.davidbarrproper             David Barr Properties      disponibles los empleos Food Service/ Industrial / QuALIty BuILt homes    canyons. Starting at $650/        ( 254) 526-2277    General   Employment   Employment  Medical  de tiempo completo y  on your lot. Floor plans to Employment    AC.Employment 979-575-3939 Lang    www.davidbarrproper   Delivery Trades     medio! Se necesita: tra fit any budget. 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Se necesita: tra Acreage   disponibles  nday,www.davidbarrproper December 8, los 2019   (254) 776-7775 oempleos solicite              bajadores limpieza eny      de línea tiempo completo  en ende www.janitori         WESt tExAS Trans Waco, Temple y las áreas    medio! 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Please call our of             (254) 754-2601 s.s. disponibles     losjobs empleos and part-time avail-      fice at (254) 776-7775         Professional Employment  ies de tiempo completo y able now! Needed: Jani JOBS AVAILABLE. Full         ies or   apply online at www.              medio! Se necesita: tra-  torial workers in Waco,      and part-time jobs avail                       er bajadores de limpieza en Temple and surrounding    able now! Needed: Jani  per            JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  Waco, Temple y las áreas  areas. Starting at $8 per   torial workers in Waco,           and part-time avail    .       circundantes. Ajobs partir de hour. Please call our of  Temple and surrounding       able now! Needed: Jani   es $8 por hora. Por fice at (254) 776-7775    areas. Starting at $8favor per           torial in Waco,     llame aworkers nuestra oficina al  or apply onlinecall at www.    hour. Please our of          Temple and surrounding       (254) 776-7775 o solicite  Industrial / fice at (254) 776-7775 er         areas. Starting at per        Employment   en línea en www.janitori    or apply online at $8 www.   JOBS AVAILABLE. 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Please of-       and part-time jobs avail          house & more for lease         fice now! at (254) 776-7775 and part-time jobs available Needed: Jani-            inat Waco,  David     Barr Properties    or apply online www.      workers       Needed: Jani    torial      EM p L E O S d I S - able now!  Temple and surrounding     (254) 526-2277            areas.           torial workers in Waco, Starting at $8 per      pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya están         www.davidbarrproper        hour. 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Starting at $8 Janiper  I S - able                    $8 por hora. 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Call  ! ! AVAILABLE ! !                    avor        office, retail, ware Farm & Ranch    na (254) 749-0909 (254)         al   

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Employment Transportation

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2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019


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public notices

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Page 4 • December 4, 2019

60 Vehicles! Abandoned,     Thursday, DeWant to Rebuilt Buy Vehicles. Thursday, De-     Business Properties.  nIcE WAShERS, dry-  cook stoves. Rebuilt Vehicles. GEntLE MIxEd cook stoves.    12th @10am. Tow  Wrecked and@10am. Unclaimed   David Barr Properties  cember 12th Tow     with 90 day warranty. cember ers, refrigerators, and   with 90 day warranty.   Breed Cows and  of Waco Bagby Vehicles.   ( 254) 526-2277 Thursday, De  &7271  Delivery, service work, King King of Waco 7271 Bagby    cook stoves. Rebuilt  WE Buy Repair Un Delivery, service work,  Waco, Tx 76712 254- cember www.davidbarrproper  Stocker Calves. Call  need non-working  12th Tow  American Dollar Saver: ones. Ave. Ave. Waco, Tx@10am. 76712 254  with 90 day warranty.  Auctioneer TXS   wanted/ Broken ATV’s,    need non-working ones.  (254) 214-5284, (254) 666-5484   (254) 749-0909 (254) King of Waco 7271 Bagby   ! ! ! Commercial ! ! !   666-5484 Auctioneer TXS     12497    (254) 501-7530 Delivery, service work,     (254) 214-5284, (254)  799-6228  Motorcycles & Scooters.    Land, Investment  Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254 749-5637    12497        need non-working      799-6228  cars   Properties, and   We Pick-Up (903)ones. 336-    666-5484 Auctioneer TXS         (254) 214-5284, (254)    Miscellaneous Business Properties.         cars    9086 12497  puBLIc      David Barr Properties AuctIOn Over        799-6228      Auctions     ( 254) 526-2277    60 Miscellaneous Vehicles! Abandoned,        2 cEMEtERy Lots at    cars    puBLIc AuctIOn Over Appliances www.davidbarrproper    and Unclaimed    Waco Memorial, Veter- Wrecked         Miscellaneous   2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Vehicles. Thursday, De-at    puBLIc AuctIOn Over  ans Section. $1,000 for   2 cEMEtERy Lots            AuctIOn Over   cember 12th @10am. Tow puBLIc  Wrecked andAbandoned, Unclaimed   both (254) 662-3082  60 Vehicles! Vehicles! Waco Memorial, Veter      King of Waco 7271 Bagby nIcE WAShERS, dry     60 Abandoned,    Vehicles. Thursday, De-   2 cEMEtERy Lots at ans Section. $1,000 for Wrecked and Unclaimed Unclaimed   puBLIc  Waco, Tx 76712 254       AuctIOn Over Ave.    and ers, refrigerators, and Wrecked   cember 12th @10am. Tow  Waco Memorial, Veter 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS   both (254) 662-3082    Vehicles. Thursday, De-  60 Vehicles! Abandoned,         12497  Vehicles. Thursday, De cook stoves.$1,000 Rebuilt   King of Waco 7271 Bagby ans Section. for    ! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! !   Wrecked and Unclaimed          cember 12thTx@10am. @10am. Tow       12th Tow   Ave. Waco, 76712 254Land, Investm ent  with 90 day warranty. both (254) 662-3082   Vehicles. Thursday,De- puBLIc AuctIOn Over cember          trucks        Properties, and  King of Waco 7271 Bagby    666-5484 Auctioneer TXS cember 12th @10am. Tow        Delivery, service work,   60 Vehicles! Abandoned,      Business Properties.           Waco, Tx 76712 254-  King of Waco 7271 Bagby puBLIc      12497 puBLIc AuctIOn Over Ave. David Barr Properties  AuctIOn Over     Wrecked and Unclaimed   need non-working ones.         Waco, Tx 76712 254- 60   ( 254) 526-2277 Auctioneer  Ave.     Vehicles! Abandoned,   60 Vehicles! Abandoned, 666-5484 AuctioneerTXS TXS     Vehicles. Thursday, De- 666-5484   ! !  AVAILABLE ! !   www.davidbarrproper   (254) 214-5284, (254) 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS Wrecked  trucks     and Unclaimed  12497    ! ! AVAILABLE !!  Wrecked and Unclaimed   office, retail, ware  12497    cember 12th @10am. Tow 12497    Vehicles. Thursday, De 799-6228       office, retail,for warehouse & more lease     Vehicles. Thursday, De- puBLIc    King of Waco 7271 Bagby  trucks cember 12th @10am. Tow  AuctIOn Over    house & more for lease   dogs   David Barr Properties      cars Commercial cember 12thTx @10am. Tow 60 Real Estate   King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, 76712 254  David Barr Properties     ( Commercial 254) 526-2277 Vehicles! Abandoned,     Houses   Apartments www.davidbarrproper Transportation  Miscellaneous    King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254 Miscellaneous ( 254) 526-2277 Real Estate 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS yORkIE puppIES, Properties  puBLIc AuctIOn Over    for     Wrecked andSale Unclaimed  666-5484        Auctioneer  www.davidbarrproper Waco, Tx 76712TXS 254-  Shih-Tzu Puppies & Ave.   puBLIc AuctIOn Over  12497 60 Vehicles! Abandoned,       Vehicles. Thursday, De       Morkie Puppies. Call or 12497    666-5484 Auctioneer TXS Wrecked        and@10am. Unclaimed  60 Vehicles! Abandoned,    cember 12th Tow        text (254) 716-3952 Li 2 cEMEtERy Lots at  dogs     12497 Motorcycles       Vehicles. Thursday, De-         Wrecked and Unclaimed King of Waco 7271 Bagby   cense #144              Waco Memorial, Veter- cember        12th Tow     Ave. Waco, Tx@10am. 76712 254   Vehicles. Thursday, De  dogs Buy & Repair Un      yORkIE puppIES,   Real Estate For WEans  Section. $1,000 for      King of Waco 7271 Bagby         wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS  Full   JOBS AVAILABLE.        cember 12th @10am. Tow Sale Shih-Tzu Puppies &  Spanish       both (254)    Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254 &662-3082 Scooters.  Motorcycles      and part-time jobs avail-   12497 yORkIE puppIES,    Morkie Puppies.   King of Waco 7271 Bagby         We Pick-Up (903) Call 336-or 666-5484   Auctioneer TXS able now! 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Tow We Pick-Up (903) 336  Sale     14.25 AcRES, Menard     circundantes. A partir de     & Scooters.     King of Waco 7271 Bagby 9086   QuALIty BuILt homes County.  Mesquite and Motorcycles   puBLIc AuctIOn Over $8 por hora. Por favor Farm     & Ranch    We Pick-Up (903) 336 on your lot. Floor plans to  14.25 AcRES, Menard     Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254 Native Brush. Blackbuck,   llame a nuestra oficina al   60 Vehicles! Abandoned,       9086 fit any budget. No money Axis,   County. Mesquite and   (254) 776-7775 o solicite  Whitetail, Hogs,TXS Tur- Wrecked 666-5484 Auctioneer     and Unclaimed down. 100% financing. 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Call     Lots/Land Lots/Land Lots/Land   E M p L E O S d I S     wanted/ Broken ATV’s, (254)   9086  Pecos area, near Lake 749-0909 (254)  County. Mesquite and          pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya están    Motorcycles & Scooters. 749-5637  WESt tExAS Trans  Amistad. 60 450 acres.      disponibles los empleos Native Brush. Blackbuck,    We Pick-Up (903) 336  area, near Lake  Electricity, water, easy   de Building tiempo completo Throughout y Pecos     Central TX. Appliances 9086  Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, Tur  Transportation  Amistad. 60 450 acres.   Auctions medio! Se necesita: tra- access, whitetail, dove, ja    Quality On Your Lot.  bajadores key. Locked Gate Secu Appliances  water, easy Built de limpieza en Electricity,   velina, thick cover, views,      puBLIc AuctIOn Over Waco, Temple y las áreas access,     rity. $2,316 Down, $383   whitetail, dove, ja  canyons. Starting at $650/    Abandoned, circundantes. A partir de velina,  Call For Free    nIcE WAShERS, dry- 60 Vehicles! thick cover, views, Month. 800-876-9720  979-575-3939 Lang    Wrecked and Unclaimed $8 por hora. Por favor AC.  ers, refrigerators, and  Plan Booklet! canyons. Starting at $650/  Vehicles. Thursday, De- llame    a nuestra oficina al   cook stoves. Rebuilt    o solicite AC. 979-575-3939 Lang  776-7775  12th @10am. Tow (254)   with 90 day warranty. cember  QuALIty BuILt homes  Employment “C.J. Cade”    en www.janitori7271 Bagby en línea     Delivery, service work, King of Waco   4 BR • 3 BA • Walk-In on Closets your lot. 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Apply104 Waco  disponibles   Central    cars Total .................... 2282 sq. ft. Credit   repair program.  Carbonics 431 LaSalle. pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya estány de tiempo completo  Miscellaneous     (254) 754-2601 (254) 857-4663.  disponibles los empleos medio! Se necesita: tra-  puBLIc AuctIOn Over   Base Price ....$154,900    JOBS AVAILABLE. Full   de tiempo completo y Vehicles! Abandoned, de limpieza en    2 cEMEtERy Lots at 60  and part-time jobs avail- bajadores  Lots/Land/   and Unclaimed medio! Se necesita: tra254-857-HOME (4663)  Temple y las áreas ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! able  Waco  Memorial, Veter- Wrecked now! Needed: Jani- Waco,     Acreage De- torial workers in Waco, bajadores de limpieza en office,Thursday, retail, ware ans Section. $1,000 for Vehicles. circundantes. A partir de     cember @10am. 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Abandoned, fice at (254) 776-7775    llame a nuestra oficina al  David Barr 12497  en línea en60www.janitoriAmistad. - 450 acres. or apply online at www.  Wrecked andProperties Unclaimed ! ! AVAILABLE !!   ( 254) 526-2277 (254) 776-7775 o solicite  offic e, retail, Vehicles. Thursday, DeBase price-subject without notice. Base Price Electricity, water, easyto change  trucks www.davidbarrproper    house &12th m ore for lease closing not included. Financing-wac some conditions apply The Trusted Name In Homebuilding!For Over Twenty Five Years!en www.janitorilínea  cember @10am. Tow JOBS AVAILABLE. 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EMpLEOS dIS   workers in Waco,  circundantes. A partir de pOnIBLES.   ¡ Ya están torial    Temple and surrounding  $8 por hora. Por favor disponibles   los empleos Farm & Ranch    puBLIc AuctIOn Over  Starting at $8 per llame a nuestra oficina al de tiempo  completo y areas.   (254)  778-4444 (254) 776-7775 o solicite medio! Please call our ofJOBS AVAILABLE. Full hour.   Temple: 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Se necesita: traSpanish  G Epart-time ntLE M I xavailE d fice at (254) 776-7775  en línea en www.janitori- bajadores  and jobs (254) 501-7530   Killeen: B r enow! e d de CNeeded: olimpieza w s aJanin en d orWrecked  and atUnclaimed  able apply online www.   E M p L E O S d I S - Waco, Temple y las áreas   Stocker Calves. Call   torial workers in Waco, Sunday, December 8, 2019  Vehicles. Thursday, DepOnIBLES. ¡ Ya están   circundantes. A partir de public notices (254) 749-0909 (254)  Temple and surrounding  disponibles los empleos $8 por hora. Por favor cember    749-5637 Farm & Ranch 12th @10am. Tow  areas. Starting at $8 per Spanish  de tiempo completo  a nuestra oficina al puBLIc AuctIOn Overy llame   hour. PleasecOntAIncall our of- King of Waco 7271 Bagby   medio! Se necesita: tra- (254)  776-7775 o solicite 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, ShIppInG   fice at (254) 776-7775  E nptLLEEO M I xd Ed  bajadores de limpieza en en Wrecked and Unclaimed ERS $2,000 and up. Wind EGAve. línea en www.janitoriM ISat www. TxS76712  or B r e eWaco, d C ow s a n d254Waco, Temple y las áreas    Vehicles. Thursday, De- andapply wateronline tight. See pho- pOnIBLES.  ¡ Ya están  Stocker Calves. Call circundantes. A partir de 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS ! !! cember 12th @10am. Tow tos www.steelcontainers.        public los empleos (254) 749-0909 (254)Full $8 por hora.7271 Por Bagby favor net  King of Waco WillSpanish deliver. (254) 722- disponibles JOBS AVAILABLE. Farm &notices Ranch  12497      nt  llameWaco, a nuestra oficina al 4270, Burleson, TX. 749-5637 d Ave. Tx 76712 254 de tiempo completo JOBS AVAILABLE. Fully and part-time jobs avail Spanish      AuctIOn Over able (254) 776-7775 o solicite  ties. 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS EpuBLIc and part-time jobs availnow! Needed: Jani medio! Se necesita: traG E n t L E M I x E d M p L E O S d I S Livestock   dogs Abandoned, ShIppInG cOntAInen línea en www.janitori- 60 Vehicles!   rties 12497  able now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco,  B e epdLand ow nIdS -ERS ErM ECO S¡ sYa ad pOnIBLES. están bajadores de limpieza en  Wrecked Unclaimed $2,000 and up. Wind   7    torial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding  Stocker Calves. pOnIBLES.  Want to Buy disponibles Vehicles. Dewater tight.surrounding See phoG E n t LThursday, E losM¡empleos IYa xCall Eestán d and  oper  Waco, Temple y las áreas   Temple and areas. Starting at $8 per public notices (254) 749-0909 (254) disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y  yORkIE   cember www.steelcontainers. B r e e d12th C o@10am. w s a Tow n d tos areas. Startingcall atpartir $8 circundantes. ApuppIES, de hour. Please ourper of 749-5637 WE Buy & Repair Un- medio! de of tiempo completo SeCalves. necesita: tra-ynet   Stocker Call King Waco 7271 Bagby Will deliver. (254) 722-of-& Shih-Tzu puBLIc AuctIOn Over bajadores hour. Please call fice at (254) 776-7775   wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  medio! Se necesita: tra-4270, $8 por hora. Puppies Porourfavor de limpieza en (254) 749-0909 (254) Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254Burleson, TX.  60 Vehicles! Abandoned, ShIppInG cOntAInfice at (254) or apply online776-7775 at Call www. Motorcycles & Scooters. Waco,  bajadores de  Temple ylimpieza las áreas Morkie Puppies. or  749-5637 a nuestra oficina 666-5484 Auctioneer TXSen llame Wrecked and (903) Unclaimed ERS $2,000 and or apply online at We Pick-Up 336- circundantes. Livestock Waco, Temple lasWind áreas Ayup. partir de     12497  text (254) 716-3952 Li(254) 776-7775 o solicite Vehicles. Thursday, De- $8 and water tight. See phoAuctions Transportation Auction Auction 9086 Farm & Ranch Transportation circundantes. A partir de Farm & Ranch  porAuctions hora. Por favor      cember 12th @10am. Tow llame tos www.steelcontainers. línea www.janitori to(254) Buy $8Want por hora. Por favor a nuestra oficina al en  Gcense E n t#144 Len E& M IxEd Farm Ranch Appliances   of Waco 7271 Bagby net Will deliver. 722 King  llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite  puBLIc AuctIOn Over B r e e d C ow s Ix a nEdd   Ave. Tx 76712 254- WE 4270, Burleson, TX.   Waco,  G E n t L E M    Buy Repair Un- Stocker (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en & www.janitori60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Calves. Call Real Estate For  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS  nIcE WAShERS, dry G E n t L E M I x B r e e d C o w s aEndd   wanted/ Broken ATV’s,    (254) en línea en www.janitoriLivestock public notices  Wrecked and Unclaimed 12497  ers, refrigerators, and Motorcycles B r e e749-0909 d Sale C ow s(254) aCall nd Stocker Calves.    & Scooters.     Vehicles. Thursday, De749-5637 cook stoves. Rebuilt  public notices Stocker Calves. (254) Call (254) 749-0909  We Pick-Up (903) 336 Want to Buy  cember 12th @10am. Tow     Gpublic E n t L E notices M I x E d puBLIc with 90 day warranty. 9086 AuctIOn(254) Over (254) 749-0909 749-5637     King B r eof e dWaco C o7271 w s Bagby aOver nd    Delivery, service work,   WE Auctions puBLIc AuctIOn 14.25 AcRES, Menard 749-5637 Buy & Repair Un60 Vehicles! Abandoned,  Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254  Stocker Calves. Call need non-working ones.    Appliances puBLIc AuctIOn Over ShIppInG  2wanted/ Dollar Saver Sunday,60 December 8, Abandoned, 2019 (254) Vehicles! cOntAIn   Broken 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS County. Mesquite and Wrecked and Unclaimed (254) 749-0909  Abandoned, Wrecked andATV’s,   (254) 214-5284, (254) Wrecked AuctIOn 60 Vehicles! ShIppInG cOntAInand Abandoned, Unclaimed puBLIc ERS $2,000 and up.Over Wind    Motorcycles & Scooters.   12497 749-5637    799-6228 Vehicles. Thursday, De60 Vehicles! Abandoned,   Wrecked and Unclaimed Native Brush. Blackbuck, ERS $2,000 and up. Wind Vehicles. Thursday, Deand water tight. See phoUnclaimed Vehicles We Pick-Up (903) 336   nIcE WAShERS, dry    and Unclaimed  cars Vehicles. Thursday, De-Wrecked and water tight. See phocember 12th @10am.and Tow tos www.steelcontainers. cember 12th @10am. Tow  ers, refrigerators,    Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, Tur  9086 Miscellaneous Thursday, December 12th7271 @10am. TowVehicles. tosWill www.steelcontainers.   King ofAuctions Waco Bagby net deliver. (254) 722 cook stoves. Rebuilt    King of Waco 7271 Bagby    Automobiles Transportation Appliances   puBLIc AuctIOn Over cember 12th @10am. Tow key. Locked Gate SecuOver 60 vehIcles King of Waco 7271 Bagby net Will deliver. (254) 722Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 2544270, Burleson, TX.   with 90 day warranty.   puBLIc AuctIOn Over Ave. Waco, Tx7271 76712 254  60Ave. Vehicles! Abandoned,  of Waco Bagby  ! Commercial ! ! at ! 666-5484 Waco, Tx 76712 254-King 4270, Burleson, TX. Auctioneer TXS   2! !cEMEtERy  Lots  Delivery, service work, rity.Waco, $2,316 Down, $383  60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Livestock Wrecked and Unclaimed   Land, Investment 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS Ave. Tx 76712 254nIcE WAShERS, dry666-5484 Auctioneer TXS 12497   Waco Memorial, Veter      need non-working ones.   Wrecked and Unclaimed Livestock THURSDAY Thursday, De- 666-5484  Properties, andand Month. 800-876-9720 ers, refrigerators, Auctioneer TXS  12497 ans Section. $1,000 for Vehicles.  12497   (254) 214-5284, (254)     Vehicles. Thursday, De   Want to Buy cember 12th @10am. Tow Business Properties. cook stoves. Rebuilt 2 Dollar Saver Sunday,cember December 8, to 2019 Tow 12497  G E nGeneral tLE MIxEd  both (254) 662-3082 799-6228   12th @10am.  12 10 AM    Want King of Waco 7271Buy Bagby B David Barr   December with •90 dayProperties warranty. GWant Eto MsBuy I xaEndd rEe n e dt L C ow  King of Waco 7271 Bagby   WE Buy & Repair UnAve. Waco, Tx 76712 254( 254) 526-2277    Delivery, service work,  puBLIc AuctIOn Over    BMerchandise r e  e dcars CBuILt ow s homes aCall nd Stocker Calves. QuALIty   Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254Miscellaneous www.davidbarrproper WE Buy & Repair Un666-5484 Auctioneer TXS wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  need non-working ones.   60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Stocker Calves. (254) Call (254) 749-0909     666-5484 Auctioneer TXS puBLIc AuctIOn Over 12497  wanted/ Broken ATV’s, & Scooters. WE on(254) your lot.&Floor plans to Buy Repair Un(254) 214-5284, (254) Motorcycles Wrecked and Unclaimed 749-0909 (254)  749-5637      12497   Vehicles! Abandoned, Motorcycles & Scooters. Pick-Up (903) 799-6228Thursday, De- We  Vehicles. 2Transportation cEMEtERy Lots336at 60 of Waco 749-5637 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, trucks fit any budget. No money   Cars  Wrecked and Unclaimed    We Pick-Up 336-   cember 12th @10am.! Tow ! ! ! Commercial ! ! 9086 cars(903) Waco Memorial, Veter   Auctions Motorcycles & Scooters.    Thursday, DeBAGBY AVE. • WACO, 76712 9086 down. 100% financing.  King ofTEXAS Waco 7271 Bagby puBLIc   7271  Land, Investment Miscellaneous ans Section. $1,000Over for Vehicles. AuctIOn     336  Auctions Appliances We Pick-Up (903) cember 12th @10am. Tow   Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254Properties, and  puBLIc AuctIOn Over both (254) 662-3082  60 Vehicles! Abandoned, puBLIc  254-666-5484 Credit repair program. AuctIOn Over Appliances      King of Waco 7271 Bagby 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS Business Properties.  60 Vehicles! Abandoned,  9086  and Unclaimed 60  2 cEMEtERy Lots at Wrecked AUCTIONEER  TXS 12497 puBLIc AuctIOn Over Vehicles!       (254) 857-4663. Waco, Tx Abandoned, 76712 254nIcE WAShERS, dry David Barr Properties 12497 Wrecked and Unclaimed ! ! AVAILABLE !! puBLIc AuctIOn Over Vehicles. Thursday, De- Ave.   Waco Memorial, Veter 60 Vehicles! Wrecked andAbandoned, Unclaimed       nIcE WAShERS, dry( 254) 526-2277  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS ers, refrigerators, and   Vehicles. Thursday, Deoffice, retail, ware 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Appliances 12th @10am. Tow Vehicles. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  ans Section. $1,000 for cember   Wrecked and Unclaimed dogs Thursday, De Spanish  www.davidbarrproper ers, refrigerators, and 12497 cook Rebuilt      cember 12th Tow  house & more for lease Wrecked  and@10am. Unclaimed King of stoves. Waco 7271 Bagby Lots/Land/ both Trucks (254) 662-3082 and part-time jobs availTrucks Vehicles. Thursday, December 12th @10am. Tow    cook stoves. Rebuilt  with 90 day warranty. King of Waco 7271 Bagby   David Barr Properties    Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254 Thursday, now! Needed: JaniyORkIE puppIES, EVehicles. cember 12th @10am. Tow  King oftrucks Waco 7271 Bagby M p L90 EAuctioneer O S76712 d254IDeS - able Acreage  puBLIc  with day warranty. Delivery, service work, Ave. Waco, Tx ( 254)AuctIOn 526-2277  666-5484 TXS nIcE WAShERS, dry Over cember 12th @10am. Tow     Shih-Tzu Puppies & pOnIBLES. torial in Waco, King ofworkers Waco Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx7271 76712 254Front-End !! ¡ Ya están Delivery, service work, 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS $ need non-working ones.    www.davidbarrproper  12497 Vehicles! Abandoned, King of Wacolos 7271 Bagby  Morkie Puppies. Call or disponibles Temple and  ers, refrigerators, and  ones.  puBLIc AuctIOn Ave. Waco, Txsurrounding 76712Over 254re- rEplacEmEnts starting60  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS empleos 12497 need non-working (254) 214-5284, (254) at Installed  Wrecked and Unclaimed  Ave.Motorcycles Waco, Txcompleto 76712 254-y 60 text (254) 716-3952 Li- de   areas. Starting at $8 per   Vehicles! Abandoned, lease 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS WESt tExAS Trans 12497  tiempo cook stoves. Rebuilt   Turn Over (254) 214-5284, (254) 799-6228 Thursday, De- 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS  cense #144  Vehicles. hour. Please call our oftrucks rties Wrecked and Unclaimed    12497  medio! Se necesita: tra  Gooseneck 799-6228  with 90 day warranty. Pecos area, Lake cember 12th @10am. Tow 12497  carsnear 7 fice at (254) 776-7775  Thursday, DeWE Buy & limpieza Repair Un  Ball Hitch  bajadores de en Vehicles.   Real Estate For   Dogs  King of Waco 7271 Bagby  cars  Miscellaneous service  puBLIc AuctIOn Over cember oper Installed Starting at Waco,  orDelivery, apply online at work, www. Transportation Amistad. 60 450 acres. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 12th @10am. Tow  Temple y las áreas      Sale  dogs   Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254- 60  puBLIc AuctIOn Over Miscellaneous Vehicles! Abandoned, Motorcycles &AScooters.  $600 of Waco 7271 Bagby need non-working ones.  partir de King       Electricity, water, easy  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS circundantes.  puBLIc AuctIOn Over  60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Wrecked and (903) Unclaimed  We Pick-Up 336 2 cEMEtERy Lots at Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 25414.25 AcRES, Menard $8 por hora. Por favor   yORkIE puppIES, (254) 214-5284, (254) Livestock  12497   Farm &Abandoned, Ranch  Grill Guards Vehicles. 60 Vehicles! Wrecked and Unclaimed  Thursday, De 9086 access, whitetail, dove, 2 cEMEtERy Lots at Waco Memorial, Veter 666-5484 Auctioneer TXSjaCounty. Mesquite   a nuestra oficina al  Shih-Tzu Puppies & Installed Starting and at llame 799-6228  Wrecked and Unclaimed  Vehicles. Thursday, December 12th @10am. Tow        Waco Memorial, Veterdogs ans Section. $1,000 for Native Brush. Blackbuck, (254) 776-7775 o Call solicite Morkie Puppies. or 12497      velina, thick cover, views,  $550 Vehicles. Thursday, DeKing of Waco 7271 Bagby cember 12th @10am. Tow   G E n t L E M I x E d    SK Truck Bed ans Section. $1,000 for both (254) 662-3082  Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, Tur  en línea en www.janitori text (254) Tx 716-3952 Li- King     Ave. Waco, 76712 254cember 12th Tow Motorcycles of 7271   canyons. Starting B r e e dWaco C o@10am. w s atBagby a$650/ nd yORkIE puppIES, $3,950 both (254) 662-3082   Locked Gate Secu-  Short Bed Single Wheel w/4key. Boxes .............. cense #144     Miscellaneous 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254      Shih-Tzu Puppies & puBLIc Calves. LangCall $4,150 AuctIOn Over Stocker  $2,316 Down, $383   Long Bed Single Wheel w/4rity. Boxes .................   AC. 979-575-3939   12497   Buy &TxRepair UnAve. Waco, 76712 254666-5484 Auctioneer TXS Morkie Puppies. Call or 60 public notices  (254) 749-0909 (254) $4,400 puBLIc AuctIOn OverWE Real Estate For Vehicles! Abandoned,    Month. 800-876-9720   w/4 Boxes ...................................................    Dually   wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS  12497   text (254) 716-3952 $ 749-5637 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Sale Wrecked and Unclaimed  60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ 4,450 Motorcycles    2 cEMEtERy Lots at     84"    & Scooters. 12497  #144BuILt AuctIOn Over $4,875 puBLIc   Wrecked and Unclaimed Thursday, De- Motorcycles Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxescense ............................  homes Vehicles. QuALIty trucks       We Pick-Up (903) 336Waco Memorial, Veter   Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation  60 Vehicles! Abandoned, ShIppInG cOntAIn 14.25 AcRES, Menard Vehicles. Thursday, December 12th @10am. Tow WE Buy & Repair Un  Employment on your lot. Floor plans trucks Real Estate Forto County.    and Unclaimed ERS $2,000 and up. Wind  EquipmEnt   Mesquite and  ans Section. $1,000 for cember 12th @10am. Tow9086 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, King of Waco 7271 Bagby fit any budget. No money Wrecked   puBLIc AuctIOn Over Sale kEmpnEr  Miscellaneous  down. Vehicles. Thursday, De- and water tight. SeeOver pho  Native Brush. Blackbuck, Motorcycles Scooters. King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx&76712 254  100% financing. both (254) 662-3082 puBLIc AuctIOn 60 Vehicles! Abandoned,   E. repair Hwy.program. 190  12th @10am. Tow www.steelcontainers. • 2403 We Pick-Up (903) Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, TurAve. Waco, Tx 76712336254- tos  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS E MVehicles! p L EandOAbandoned, SUnclaimed dISCredit  14.25 Menard cember   60 Wrecked  800-932-2461 8.7 Miles West of "Old Location" or .5 miles East of AcRES, Lampasas Wal-Mart  King of Waco 7271 SecuBagby Will deliver. (254) 7229086 key. Locked Gate 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS net 12497  (254) 857-4663.  County. Mesquite and Wrecked and Unclaimed Vehicles. Thursday, De   pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya www.kEmpnErEquip .com rity.  AuctIOn Over   Waco, Tx 76712$383 254- puBLIc 4270, Burleson, TX. están $2,316 Down, 12497 Native Brush. Blackbuck, Ave.  Vehicles. Thursday, De cember 12th @10am. Tow    dogs Lots/Land/  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS  60 Vehicles! Abandoned, disponibles los empleos 800-876-9720 King Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, Tur- Month. cember 12th @10am. Tow of Waco 7271 Bagby   Livestock  Acreage dogs      key. Locked Gate Secu- 12497 Wrecked and Unclaimed King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Txcompleto 76712 254-y de tiempo     yORkIE puppIES,    rity. $2,316 Down,Trans $383 QuALIty    BuILt homes& Vehicles. Ave. Waco,Auctioneer Tx 76712 254666-5484 TXS Thursday, DeWant to Buy WESt tExAS yORkIE puppIES, Shih-Tzu Puppies   G E n t L E M I x E d  medio! Se necesita:TXS tra  Month. 800-876-9720  on your lot. FloorPuppies plans to 666-5484 Auctioneer 12497   Pecos area, near Lake Morkie Shih-Tzu & Puppies. Call or cember 12th @10am. Tow B r e e d C o w s a nd       fit any budget. No money 12497 bajadores de limpieza en Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. WE Buy & Repair Un Morkie Puppies. Call or text (254) 716-3952 Li Stocker Calves. Call Motorcycles   King of Waco 7271 Bagby  QuALIty BuILt down. 100% financing.   Electricity, water,homes easy wanted/ Broken ATV’s,  text (254) 716-3952 Li- (254) cense #144  749-0909 (254)  Waco, Temple y las áreas Motorcycles    on your lot. Floor plans to  Waco, Tx 76712 254Credit whitetail, dove, ja- Motorcycles Scooters. Ave.  cense repair #144 & program.  access,  749-5637 WE Buy & Repair Un fit any budget. No money Real Estate    (254) 857-4663. velina, thick cover, views, We circundantes. A partir de  Pick-Up (903)For 336- 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS   WE Buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s,   down. 100% financing. Real Estate For Sale  canyons. Starting at $650/ 9086    $8 por hora. Por favor  12497 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. Lots/Land/  Auctions Credit repair program. Sale AC. 979-575-3939 Lang   Motorcycles &(903) Scooters. Pick-Up 336Acreage  (254) 857-4663. Appliances 14.25 AcRES, Menard We    llame a dogs nuestra oficina al  We Pick-Up (903) 3369086 AuctIOn Over  14.25 AcRES, Menard Mesquite and puBLIc   County.










Livestock King of Waco 7271 Bagby 12497 Appliances  Ave. Waco, Txto76712 puBLIc AuctIOn Over  Want Buy254666-5484 Auctioneer TXS GEntLE MIxEd 60 Vehicles!  Abandoned,4, 2019 • Page 5 December nIcE WAShERS, dryBreed Cows and 12497 Wrecked and Unclaimed WE Buy & Repair Un- Stocker ers, refrigerators, and Calves. Call

Vehicles. Thursday, Decook 749-0909 stoves. Rebuilt (254) (254) cember 12th @10am. Tow with 90 day warranty. 749-5637 Delivery, service work, King of Waco 7271 Bagby need non-working ones. Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 25460 Vehicles! Abandoned, torial workers in Waco, (254)Auctions 214-5284, (254) 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS  Appliances Wrecked andsurrounding Unclaimed Temple and 12497 799-6228  puBLIc AuctIOn Over areas. Starting at $8Deper Vehicles. Thursday, cars hour. call ourdryof- 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, cember 12th @10am. Tow nIcEPlease WAShERS, Miscellaneous Wrecked and Unclaimed fice at (254) 776-7775 King Waco 7271 Bagby ers,ofrefrigerators, and or apply online atRebuilt www. Vehicles. Thursday, De- puBLIc AuctIOn Over cook stoves. Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 12th @10am. 2 cEMEtERy LotsTow at 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, with 90 Auctioneer day warranty. 666-5484 TXS cember Wrecked and Unclaimed King of Waco 7271 Bagby  Delivery, service work, Waco Memorial, Veter- Vehicles. Thursday, DeFarm & Ranch 12497 Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254   need non-working ones. ans Section. $1,000 for cember 12th @10am. Tow Auctioneer  Motorcycles Trucks both (254) 662-3082TXS Motorcycles (254) 214-5284, (254) 666-5484 GEntLE MIxEd King of Waco 7271 Bagby  12497 799-6228 Breed Cows and  AuctIOn Over Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254WE Buy Calves. & RepairCall Un- puBLIccars Stocker  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS (254) 749-0909 (254) 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, 12497 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Miscellaneous Wrecked and Unclaimed 749-5637 & Scooters. puBLIc AuctIOn Over Motorcycles Vehicles. Detrucks Vehicles!Thursday, Abandoned, We Pick-Up cOntAIn(903)Lots3362 cEMEtERy at 60 ShIppInG cember 12th @10am. Tow Wrecked and Unclaimed 9086 Waco Memorial, ERS $2,000 and up.VeterWind King of Waco 7271 Bagby puBLIc AuctIOn Over Thursday, Deans Section. $1,000 for Vehicles. and water tight. See phoAve. Waco, Tx@10am. 76712 Tow 254- 60 Vehicles! Abandoned,  cember 12th both (254) 662-3082 tos www.steelcontainers.  Public Notice King 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS net  Will deliver. (254) 722- 12497of Waco 7271 Bagby Wrecked and Unclaimed puBLIc AuctIOn 4270, Burleson, TX. Over Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254- Vehicles. Thursday, De   12th Tow Farm Auctioneer TXS cember dogs Farm & Ranch Farm & @10am. Ranch & Ranch Transportation Transportation Transportation 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, 666-5484   Livestock King of Waco 7271 Bagby 12497 Wrecked and Unclaimed  JOBS AVAILABLE. Full  Spanish yORkIE puppIES, part-time jobs avail- Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254Vehicles. Thursday, De- and trucks GEntLE MIxEd Needed: Jani-& 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS Shih-Tzu Puppies  cember E M p L12th E O @10am. S d ITow S - able now! 12497 Breed Cows and torial workers in Waco,  Morkie Puppies. Call pOnIBLES. ¡ Ya Bagby están puBLIc King of Waco 7271 AuctIOn Overor Stocker Calves. Call Temple and surrounding  disponibles los empleos textVehicles! (254) 716-3952 Li- Motorcycles  Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254- 60 Abandoned, Starting at $8 per (254) 749-0909 (254)y areas. de tiempo completo cense #144  666-5484 Auctioneer TXS   Wrecked andcall Unclaimed  Please our of749-5637 medio! Se necesita: tra- hour.   12497  at (254) 776-7775 Vehicles. Thursday, De- WE Buy & Repair Un bajadores de limpieza en fice Real Estate For   or apply online at www.   wanted/ Broken ATV’s, cember 12th @10am. Tow Waco, Temple y las áreas Sale Auctions dogs    Sporting Goods/ circundantes. A partir de King  of Waco 7271 Bagby Motorcycles & Scooters. $8  por hora. Por favor  Waco, 76712 254- We Pick-Up (903) 336- th puBLIc AuctIOn Over Ave.  Farm &TxRanch 14.25 AcRES, Menard yORkIE puppIES,  Guns llame a nuestra oficina al   60 Vehicles! Abandoned, 666-5484 Auctioneer Mesquite TXS and 9086 Shih-Tzu Puppies  (254) 776-7775 o solicite& County.  • • Bidding Wrecked and Unclaimed 12497 GEntLE  Brush.MIxEd Blackbuck, Begins at 9:30AM • • Morkie Call or Native en  línea Puppies. en www.janitori Vehicles. Thursday, De Breed Cows andTurWhitetail, Hogs, text (254) 716-3952 Li- Axis,  Motorcycles cember 12th @10am. Tow  Stocker Calves. Call key. Locked Gate Secu cense #144    public notices Take Hwy. 6 North, 6.4 miles from the Lake Waco Bridge, on the right. King of Waco 7271 Bagby rity. (254) 749-0909 (254)  $2,316 Down, $383   WE Buy & Repair Un 749-5637 Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254Real Estate For AccepTINg coNsIgNMeNTs uNTIL WedNesdAy, deceMBer 4    Month. 800-876-9720 puBLIc AuctIOn Over  Broken ATV’s, 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS wanted/ Sale      Tractors, trucks, trailers, UTVs, skid steers, plows, planters, 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, ShIppInG cOntAIn Motorcycles & Scooters. 12497    shredders, rakes, balers, seeders, sprayers, augers, straight Wrecked and Unclaimed ERS $2,000 and up. Wind  QuALIty BuILt homes We Pick-Up (903) 336  14.25 AcRES, Menard blades, cattle feeders, welders, generators, mowers, grapples, Vehicles. Thursday, De- and water tight. See phocars  on your lot. industrial Floor plans tools, to fuel tanks, campers and MORE!  9086  County. Mesquite and tos cember 12th @10am. Tow www.steelcontainers.    fit any budget. NoFull money Room(254) of NEW Tools, Hydraulic Oils & Welding Supplies! King of Waco 7271 Bagby Will deliver. 722Native Brush. Blackbuck, puBLIc AuctIOn Over net Back     down. 100% financing. Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 2544270, Burleson, TX.  Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, Tur60 Vehicles! Abandoned,  prevIeW: frIdAy,  repair program. deceMBer 6TH • 9:00AM-6:00pM 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS Credit  Wrecked and Unclaimed key. Locked Gate Secu Livestock Auction will take place inside our air conditioned & heated facility. 12497 857-4663.  Vehicles. Thursday, De- (254)  rity. $2,316 Down, $383 Items will be sold live via our media screens.   Want to Buy cember 12th @10am. Want to BuyTow GEntLE Month. 800-876-9720 Lots/Land/ MIxEd  King of Waco 7271 Bagby Breed For moreandinformation, visit: Cows  Acreage  Ave. Waco, 76712 254WE Buy Tx & Repair Un- Stocker Calves. Call  QuALIty BuILt ATV’s, homes  wanted/ Broken 666-5484 Auctioneer TXS (254)   749-0909 (254) WESt tExAS Trans on your lot. Floor plans to Motorcycles & Scooters. 749-5637 12497  Pecos area, near Lake fit budget. No money WeanyPick-Up (903) 336 trucks 60 - 450 acres. 9086  down. 100% financing. Amistad. Accepting payments of Cash, Debit/Credit, Auctions easycompany, LLc & Local Check. 5% BP per item for ONSITE Credit repair program. Electricity,  clarkwater, auction Appliances bidders, 10% BP for Proxibid Bidders. puBLIc AuctIOn Over access, whitetail, dove, ja(254)  857-4663. AuctIOn Over CAC reserves the right to withhold items  60 Vehicles! Abandoned, puBLIc velina, thick Abandoned, cover, views, until checks have cleared. Vehicles/ nIcE WAShERS, dry- 60 Vehicles!  RobertStarting W. Clarkat#12497 (254) 848-2333 Wrecked and Unclaimed  Lots/Land/ Trailers are subject to TT&L fees. canyons. $650/ Wrecked and Unclaimed  ers, refrigerators, Vehicles. Thursday,and De- Vehicles. Acreage Thursday, LangDeAC. 979-575-3939 cook stoves. Rebuilt cember 12th @10am. Tow 12th @10am. Tow with 90 day warranty. cember wanted/trucks Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. JOBS AVAILABLE. Full and jobs availWe part-time Pick-Up (903) 336puBLIc able now!AuctIOn Needed: Over Jani9086 

Farm/ranch heavy equipment auction



Saturday, December 7 , 2019 8896 n. hwy. 6, crawford, tX 76638


Page 6 • December 4, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

                    

 


      

     


Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 501-7530 Dollar Saver


 

Sunday, December 8, 2019


     

                    

Brick/ Concrete Concrete

Dollar Saver

Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8,8,2019 Dollar Saver Sunday, Sunday, December 2019 11 1 Dollar Saver December 8, 2019

Building/ Remodeling

Tree Service/ Roofing Landscaping

Business Fences Opportunity

Roofing Tree Service

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Furniture/ Upholstery



Roofing Registered Child Care

! ! ! Commercial ! ! !  Land, Investment  Properties, and  Business Properties.  David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277  www.davidbarrproper 


   

     

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2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019

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Business Commercial ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! Land, Investment Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper

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Sunday, December 8, 2019


Sunday, December 8, 2019


2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019

                                           Dollar Saver     Dollar Saver Sunday, December 8, 2019            


December 4, 2019 • Page 7

        


      

Yardwork/  Landscaping   Landscaping                    Massage/ Massage/      Health/ Fit. Health                    Concrete       Services                                  

Dollar Saver

              Dollar Saver                                 

       

 Dollar Saver Sunday    Sunday, December 8, 2019 Sunday 1 Dollar Saver               


       

             

     

  

   

Page 8 • December 4, 2019

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 501-7530

December 4, 2019 • Page 9

December 4, 2019 • Page 9

Construction Glass Glass

Gutters Gutters

Home Home Repair Repair

e ?



to Service

GG \ \


Cabinets/Remodeling Construction Cabinets/Remodeling Cabinets/Remodeling Construction Construction


Cleaning Service Construction Construction

Cleaning CleaningService Service

Construction Landscaping Landscaping

Locksmith Locksmith

Are You A Service Provider?

Home Repair

Advertise Advertise in in the the Telegram’s Telegram’s



Fireplace Fireplace Home Repair Are Are You You

A A Service Service Provider? Provider?

Advertise Advertisein in the theTelegram’s Telegram’s

Service Service Finder Finder Locksmith &DOO RXU &ODVVLÂżHG &DOO RXU &ODVVLÂżHG

e RepairAre (Cont.)You


LOCKED OUT? 254.778.4444 254.778.4444

Glass Glass Are You A Service Provider?

Advertise in the Telegram’s

Are You the Telegram’s A Service Provider?

& " & " # # ! !% ! !% & " ! & " ! & & ! & & ! & & & ! & ! Advertise in & ! & ! the Telegram’s ! $!" ! $!" & !! & !! &DOO RXU &ODVVL¿HG

Service Finder

Service Finder (Reasonable (ReasonablePrices) Prices)

'HSDUWPHQW 7RGD\ 40 40Years YearsExperience Experience


254-718-6383 254-718-6383 &DOO RXU &ODVVLÂżHG 512-921-6970 512-921-6970 'HSDUWPHQW 7RGD\

254.778.4444 Rentals

254-771-3377 Remodeling Remodeling

• Painting • Drywall & Repair • RooďŹ ng • Windows s&&Patios Patios • •Drywall Drywall&&Repair Repair • Bathroom & Kitchen Remodels s • •RooďŹ RooďŹ ng ng Commercial & Residential eLeveling Leveling Credit • •Windows Windows com Bathroom athroom &&Kitchen Kitchen Remodels Cards Remodels Commercial Commercial &&Residential Residential Accepted 9550

Improvement experience Needs • Decks & Patios me me Improvement Needs

our Free s- -Hardwood • •Painting Painting• Doors Estimates � Hardwood • House Leveling

Cell - 254-624-9149 Insured ll -- 254-624-9149 254-624-9149 Insured Insured

Rentals Rentals



Landscaping Landscaping

Advertise in the Telegram’s

Service Service Finder Finder




LOCKED OUT? Locksmith Locksmith Are You A Service LOCKED LOCKED OUT? OUT? Provider?

Are Are You You A A Service Service Provider? Provider?

Advertise Advertisein in the theTelegram’s Telegram’s

(Reasonable Prices) Full-Service Auto Home 40 Yearsâ—? Experience Locksmith â—? Business 254-718-6383 Need Keys? 512-921-6970

Home Home Repair Repair

254-771-3377 254-771-3377


Full-Service Locksmith Need Keys?

& & Remodeling Remodeling Over 20 years • Floors - Hardwood



! !% LOCKED OUT? & " ! & & ! & & ! & ! ! $!" & !!

Auto â—? Home 254-771-3377 â—? Business

Home Repair

&DOO RXU &ODVVLÂżHG &DOO RXU &ODVVLÂżHG â—? â—? Business Business 'HSDUWPHQW 7RGD\ 'HSDUWPHQW 7RGD\ Gutters Gutters

House Leveling

Gil’s Payless Rentals Repair & Remodeling Payless Payless For all your Home Improvement Needs


Full-Service Full-Service Locksmith Locksmith Need Need Keys? Keys? Gutters Auto Auto â—? â—? Home Home

Service Finder

A Service House House Leveling Leveling M& " ENDOZA’S Provider? # Locksmith


Service Finder Glass


254.778.4444 254.778.4444 Rentals Rentals

Service Full-Service Full-Service Finder Locksmith Locksmith Auto Autoâ—?â—?Home Home

Full-Service Locksmith Need Keys? Auto â—? Home â—? Business

â—?â—?Business Business 254.778.4444 254-771-3377

254-771-3377 254-771-3377 Rentals

American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

Page 10 • December 4, 2019

Page 10 • December 4, 2019

BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.

TOWNHOMES AT RIVER FAIR BELTON WE BUY HOUSES! CALL US! ANY CONDITION, Repossessions, Fixer-Uppers, Inheritance, Fast Cash! 1-512-626-0194. Call anytime

26.26 Acres for sale by owner. 15 miles East of Temple. Trees, large tank, deer, dove, and other wildlife. Has water meter. $1,500 down $1,445 per month. 713-875-2310 or 254-721-1377.

•3bed/2.5bath/2gar RENT- $2,000 Diana White 713.859.2952 Chappell Hill Reality Group

Neat, Clean 2BR / 1BA, appliances, hardwood floors, Tile, CH&A, 1014 N. 7th $875/$495 254-760-5253 905 North 8th St, Temple 3 bedroom 1 bath Central air & heat Fenced yard $800 monthly $500 deposit Call Billy 254-760-2957

Hunt with your dog or guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 miles northeast of Austin. Training area. Quail for sale. 512-856-2200

FURNISHED EFFICIENCIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full Kitchen. Free: Cable, Internet. Bills Paid. No Lease/ No Deposit. Ranch House Inn 773-0114

WE CAUGHT YOUR EYE You can catch the eye of those prospective buyers by advertising in the Classifieds with a display ad. Call a Classified Representative Today for all the details


Recently refurbished 3,500 sq.ft. office and warehouse space. Located on corner lot in downtown Temple. Off-street parking. Call 254-774-5204

NEWLY REMODELED 4000 Sq Ft, office building in Cameron for lease $1800/mo, large fenced rear parking area with covered loading dock, wired for LAN, fiber internet, Additional lot across street available for lease, as well as cubicles & desks. 254.455.2262

(254) 778-4444

• 1,250 square feet of office space and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ production area • Loading dock • Large garage doors • Convenient off-street customer parking • High visibility location in downtown Temple with access from Central Avenue and 7th Street

Great space. Great location. 2547745204

Shorty’s Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, tree service, flower beds, mulching, and more. 254-760-3031 TRIM HEDGES, clean out flower beds. Charge by the job. Free estimates. Bobby 254-421-0477.

Immanuel Baptist Child Development Center is hiring Floaters & Aides. Please apply in person at 1402 West Ave. A, Temple. HOUSEKEEPER/FRONT DESK needed for Motel. Hotel Experience Preferred. Apply at 1610 W Nugent Ave, Temple.

$NOW HIRING$ Experienced irrigation technicians and landscapers. Pay DOE. 254-774-9586

22 Ton Husky Log Splitter Very good, $600.00. (512) 234-2327

Reconditioned Used Appliances. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, freezers. Repairs also. Can deliver. 254-628-1512

PECANS FOR SALE $3.50 per pound not cracked, $4.00 per pound cracked. Call Bud Adams Ranch (512) 446-3847

Fertilizer Application, increase growth and production for your pasture and crops. N-TEXX stimulates soil, microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological processes. 15-5-5 applied at $23.00 per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer application and sales.

7 PC PEARL DRUM SET $300.00 254-534-0176

3 Person Seadoo Jet Ski & Trailer, needs battery and tuneup, $950.00 as is. Cash or money order 605-360-0188

Make your ad stand out from the rest! ASK FOR BOLDING Call Classified 778-4444


- Temple, Texas


Thursday, December 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Performance Foodservice DC 4141 Lucius McCelvey, Temple, Texas, 76504



HIRING Class A CDL DRIVERS and Lease Operators. Runs dedicated loads each week. Call 254-721-9181.

Beautician Apply Majestic Salon 1904 W Ave M Temple, TX 76504 Voted #1 Salon 4 yrs in a row 254-774-8889

NOW HIRING! Temple Temps 315 W. Ave M

PINA Tree Trimming, Mowing, Edging, Cleaning, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Private Fence, power wash and concrete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765

SAT., DEC. 7 10:00AM 11300 N FM 148 Terrell, Tx 75160

DOUBLE S PLUMBING is looking for Tradesman/ Journeyman Plumber, $18-$28 per hour. Licensed. 254-865-6625. 448 Cattleman Drive, Gatesville, Tx 76528

EVA’S Residential Cleaning Service- From top to bottom. Free Estimates! Reasonable prices. Highly recommended. 254-316-1108.

PINA CONCRETE CONTRACTOR. Trim trees, landscaping, mowing, painting, fencing, house leveling. Free Estimate. 254-780-7670


Workers wanted, landscaping installation, Call or come by (254)-657-0043 2459 FM 2268 Salado, TX 76571

From I-20 & FM 148 in Terrell, go South on FM 148 for ½ mile to auction site. Selling Tractors: (2) JD 7800; Case-IH 125 Maxxum; 8920; STX 275, MXU 130, MXU 115, 140 Puma, DX 48; Kubota M105, B7500; NH T4.75, most MFWD & some w/loaders; JD 4440; IHC 886. Collector Tractors: JD Model D & R; Ford 8N; Farmall Super C. Implements: JD drills; field cultivators; McFarlane 60 harrow; Aerway aerator; JD 230, 235, IHC disks; shredders, sprayers & more. Spreaders: Kuhn Knight 1159 & SLC 132, like new, & NI 213. Ag Rain LG hose reel w/big gun; portable Cat 3024 diesel w/Berkley pump. JD 568 round baler, (2) JD 700 twin rakes; (2) 8-bale grapples; 8-bale accumulator; Case-IH 8312 & JD 1600 GN MoCo’s. Trans Corral tub w/alley; WW & Powder River squeeze chutes; Priefert panels; For-Most calf chute; overhead 15-ton bin: (2) JD 1812C, Reynolds 5yd scrapers; JD 250 skid steer loader; Cat 941B track loader. 05 GMC 3500 FB dually; 05 Chev 2500, 02 Ford F350, 03 Chev 2500, all 4wd; Classic 1972Chev 10. 2000 Peterbilt w/20ft. roll back bed; 98 IHC 4700 dump truck; 93 IHC conventional. Etnyre 48ft. detachable double drop & 95 Wilson hopper bottom trailers. Lincoln 225 welder on trailer; Honda 300 4-wheeler; Ingersol Rand air compressors; Neco seed cleaner; 19” band saw; Westfield 80-26 portable grain auger, much more! Conducted by Bob Mitchell Auctioneers, Inc. PO Box 897, Terrell, Texas 75160. For more info call office 972-563-1651 or Kyle Mitchell Lic. #8472 Cell 214-908-0894 or website: On-line bidding powered by Proxibid, must register to bid on-line prior to auction date at

Class A CDL Drivers

LOST: Vicinity 9082 S. Whitehall Rd, since Tues, Nov. 26th. 72lb., solid black Pit Sharpei mix. Older pet, can’t hear, poor vision. Call Rick 254-541-0913

BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available Maximum Pay Out

21 years of age ● High School Diploma/GED or equivalent ● Valid Class A CDL ● 3 Years Clean MVR ● Ability to lift 90 lbs ● 6 Months CDL Driving Experience ● Must Pass Physical, Drug Screen, and Background

Night Warehouse Selectors

6 – 12 Months Warehouse and/or Distribution Experience ● Must Be Able to Work the Scheduled, Assigned Times and Required Overtime ● Able to Stand, Walk, Reach and Lift Repeatedly throughout shift ● Able to Lift and Stack Product between 10 to 35 pounds and up to 80 pounds occasionally throughout Shift ● Able to Work in Multi-Temperature Environments ● Pass Pre-Employment Drug Test ● Pay $17.35 (Dry) / $17.85 (Cooler/Freezer)

Yorkshire Terriers: Registered Yorkie Pups. Chocolates, Parti, KB black, Golddust, boys & girls. 254-931-7143,

Qualified Candidates can apply at search by Temple and apply prior to the job fair EEO Statement Performance Food Group and/or its subsidiaries (individually or collectively, the “Company”) provides equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all applicants and employees, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, and any other characteristic protected by applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.

$10,000 Driver Sign-On Bonus

INSTANT CASH! Top Dollar for ANY vehicle running or not, with or without title. 254-624-1729

Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 501-7530

December 4, 2019 • Page 11

December 4, 2019 • Page 11

Auto Service


Cabinets/Remodeling Construction




Cleaning Service



Home Repair

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254.778.4444 Home Repair (Cont.)

House Leveling


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254-718-6383 512-921-6970


Gil’s Payless

For all your Home Improvement Needs Over 20 years experience Free Estimates


254-760-9334 Fax: 254-933-9550

254.778.4444 Remodeling

Repair & Remodeling M-36617

Credit Cards Accepted


& " # ! !% & " ! & & ! & & ! & ! ! $!" & !! (Reasonable Prices) 40 Years Experience

“Serving All Of Your Plumbing Needs�


• Floors - Hardwood • Painting • Decks & Patios • Drywall & Repair • Doors • RooďŹ ng • House Leveling • Windows • Bathroom & Kitchen Remodels Commercial & Residential

Cell - 254-624-9149




Full-Service Locksmith Need Keys? Auto â—? Home â—? Business


American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530

Page 12 • December 4, 2019

Page 12 • December 4, 2019



Mark Gillmeister RooďŹ ng

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Over 40 Years Experience

Big or small, just give us a call!

3 Generations of Family Roofing Free Roof Inspections & Estimates

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(254) 771-3600



Self Storage

Biggie-Mini Self Storage

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(254) 742-2288

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Septic Systems

J L Backhoe & Pumping Service Co. Installation & Pumping of all aerobic and regular septic systems. Specialize in regular septic tank repairs.

Free Estimates Jerry McClung

$1/22 '1/- #--/.2 /,' /412&


Tree Service (Cont.)


Tree Service

Small Engine Repair

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JR (254) 541-9452


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(254) 563-3535

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